PC APPROVED Minutes 05-09-13 Spokane Valley Planning Commission APPROVED Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. May 9, 2013 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bates called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff, and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance III. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS Present Absent CITY STAFF Bill Bates-Chair Scott Kuhta, Planning Manager Joe Stoy—Vice Chair r Mike Basinger, Senior Planner Steven Neill r r Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Kevin Anderson Mike Phillips Robert McCaslin l - Christina Carlsen I - Carl Hinshaw, secretary IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Stay made a motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded and this motion was passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Neill made a motion to approve the April 25, 2013 minutes as presented, seconded and this motion was passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS There was no public comment. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Planning Manager Scott Kuhta reported that there would be two upcoming community meetings. On May 20°' at 6:00 PM at the Spokane Valley Library 12004 E. Main, there is an Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 6 open house on the park and library conceptual plan for the property adjacent to Balfour Park. On May 22nd at 4:00 PM, there is a follow up meeting on the Appleway Trail planning process. The trail planning is from University to Evergreen for the Appleway section for a multi-use path. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS The Public Hearing opened at 6:08 PM A. New Business: Senior Planner Mike Basinger provided an overview of the amendments for the 2013 Comprehensive Plan. Public Comment: CPA-01--13 I. Linda Stack, 14106 E. Springfield, Spokane Valley: Ms. Stack had concerns on the building height. Planning Manager Kuhta stated that the maximum building height for that zone is 45ft. Ms. Stack stated she would not like it if there were apartments Iooking in her yard. Mr. Kuhta clarified that the property that is to the east will remain in the low-density residential category, which is single-family zoning. 2. Linda Lafser, 14010 E. Alki, Spokane Valley: Ms. Lafser had concerns about where the business and parking were going to be located and if they plan is to extend the road. Senior Planner Basinger responded that access to that development would come off Evergreen. Future development of the back parcel may be accessed from Alki, but will be in the low-density residential category. 3. Applicant Gene Arger with Arger Company, 300 N. Mullen, Spokane Valley: Provided an overview of developments in the valley including one on Evergreen. Mr. Arger stated that they are looking to add some consistency by moving the zoning line to the east to line up with the property to the south. He stated what makes this different from the property to the south is it is next to a community commercial zone to the north which makes it a good candidate for garden office. CPA-02-13 1. Applicant Todd Whipple, 2528 N. Sullivan Rd., Spokane Valley: Mr. Whipple provided the plan for CPA-02-13. He stated that changing this from low density residential to high density residential would have little impact to the overall neighborhood, given the fact that the City has standards and requirements in the code that will guide them in the process. 2. Jay Shuman, 18414 E. Sinto, Spokane Valley: Mr. Shuman believes there is a lot of impact in regards to this change. He stated that the view to Holiday Hills is blocked with apartments from where he lives and the view to Mica Peak will be blocked if more apartments are put in. Mr. Shuman also stated the traffic flow and congestion is going to change. 3. Ben Thompson, 18511 E. Sharp, Spokane Valley: Wanted to know where the access is going to be to the apartments. Planning Manager Kuhta stated that it is not determined Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 6 yet. Mr. Thompson stated that he lives on Sharp and its tough living there already due to heavy traffic, no more scenic view. 4. Talena Thompson, 18511 E. Sharp, Spokane Valley: Ms. Thompson stated that the people that live in the apartments already throw cigarette butts and garbage over the fence line. People are inconsiderate. She said as a homeowner she takes good card of her property and would like this to stay how it is. 5. Dennis Crapo, Diamond Rock Construction, and subject property owner, 2602 N. Sullivan, Spokane Valley: Mr. Crapo expressed some insight on the application. From Barker to Boone there is a short distance that is accessed by the residents of the apartments. He stated that the residents to the apartments generally pass Wendy's and then they drive into the parking lot. Mr. Crapo stated that he has never had any calls from the neighborhood reflecting any issues with trash or cigarette butts. Commissioner Carlsen asked if there is trouble-finding parking. Mr. Crapo responded that they had done a traffic study and that in addition the existing apartments have adequate parking, which was required to be able to build the apartments. Commissioner Carlsen asked Mr. Crapo if he had plans for a specific building where he is proposing his change and what could fit there. Mr. Crapo stated that they would have to look at the zoning. He said eighteen units would fit there. Senior Planner Basinger explained what was before them was the change to MF-2 and there is a variety of uses that are allowed with an MF-2. Mr. Basinger discussed that the Planning Commission needs to look at it to see if it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and regulations, and make sure the regulations protect the neighborhood character. He stated that there is a relational set back that was adopted; it transitions the height to any adjacent single-family use or zone. The two single-family uses to the west would require the relational setback for any development on this property. 6. Jay Shuman, 18414 E. Sinto, Spokane Valley: Mr. Shuman discussed that due to all the growth, during rush hour traffic Barker and Boone are being backed up. It is causing traffic to go up to Sharp and Sinto and zipping thru those neighborhoods to get back to Boone to get back into the apartments. Commissioner McCaslin commended the public for coming in early on the process before it goes to Council. He also recommended that if they have complaints about the neighboring property or traffic problems they need to file those complaints as soon as possible. That would help their case. Commissioner Neil asked what it would take to have a light installed. Mr. Basinger stated that this is a non-project action. At the time of development, the applicant would have to meet transportation concurrency. City's traffic engineer would require a traffic study and if there are concerns then the applicant will have to participate in improving the traffic system. CPA-03-13, CPA-05-13, CPA-06-13, CPA-07-13, CPA-08-13, CPA-09-13, CPA-10-13 No comments A comment letter from Kristi Wheeldon for CPA-01-13 is incorporated into the record. A comment letter was received from Harlan Douglass for CPA-03-13 is incorporated into record. Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 6 Public Hearing was closed at 7:02 pm. CPA-01-13 Motion: Commissioner Neill made a motion to approve and forward to the City Council CPA-01-13 as presented, seconded and this motion was passed unanimously, Discussion: Commissioner Carlsen stated that the amendment was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the development regulations. Commissioner Stoy stated that the proposed amendment would make a nice clears line with the adjacent Garden Office classification. CPA-02-13 Motion: Commissioner Stoy made a motion to approve and forward to the City Council CPA-02-13 as presented,five yes, one no and one recessed (Commissioner Anderson) due to having a family member affected by the proposed change. Discussion: Commissioner Carlsen stated that the amendment was not consistent with goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan and would affect the character of the adjacent single-family development. Commissioner Bates stated that the amendment was a natural progression of the existing multifamily development to the east. Commissioner Phillips stated that the site was an appropriate place for multifamily development, Commissioner Stoy stated that this was a great place for a small continuation of multifamily development. Stopped for a ten-minute break at 7:15 pm. Resumed at 7:25 pm. CPA-03-13 Motion: Commissioner Stoy made a motion to approve and forward to the City Council CPA-03-13 as presented, seconded and this motion was passed unanimously. Discussion: Commissioner Bates stated that they had received a letter from Harlan Douglass asking for his property to remain in the Office designation. Commissioner Stoy stated the amendment is appropriate considering it would make the parcels conforming uses. Commissioner Stoy asked Legal if there were any issues with changing the property to conform without the property owners consent. Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney, stated that the Commission should base their decision on the consistency with the GMA, the Comprehensive Plan, and the Development Regulations. He further stated that the courts have found that the policy behind legislative zoning is to eliminate non-conforming uses. Commissioner Neill asked Mr. Lamb if by changing the zone it would affect Mr. Douglass in any way. Mr. Lamb stated that with discussion with Mr. Basinger and Mr. Kuhta that they had not identified any negative impacts associated with the amendment. As Mr. Basinger stated, the zoning would allow all of the same uses as Office and the County Assessor stated that the taxes would not change. Commissioner Bates stated that he felt that the letter did not provide enough information on why the property owner did not want the amendment and thought that they should have provided a representative at the public hearing to express their interests. Commissioner Carlsen stated that the amendment should be approved as recommended by staff including all the properties. Commissioner McCaslin stated that the property owner should have sent a representative if they had concerns regarding the amendment. Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 6 CPA-05-13 Motion: Commissioner Carlsen made a motion to approve and forward to the City Council CPA-05-13 as presented, seconded and this motion was passed unanimously. Discussion: Commissioner Bates asked why the vacant and partially used land went up and why the net developable acres went down in Table 2.1 Land Capacity Analysis. Mr. Basinger, Senior Planner, stated that there are many variables that go into the City's land capacity analysis. Mr. Basinger further stated that he would be happy to provide the Commission with a detailed report on land quantity analysis at a future date. CPA-06-13 Motion: Commissioner Carlsen made a motion to approve and forward to the City Council CPA-06-13 as presented, seconded and this motion was passed unanimously. Discussion: None CPA-07-13 Motion: Commissioner Neill made a motion to approve and forward to the City Council CPA-07-13 as presented, seconded and this motion was passed unanimously. Discussion:None CPA-08-13 Commissioner Carlsen made a motion to approve and forward to the City Council CPA- 08-13 as presented, seconded and this motion lvas passed unanimously. Discussion: None CPA-09-13 Commissioner Carlsen made a motion to approve and forward to the City Council CPA- 09-13 as presented. Discussion: Commissioner Anderson stated that he thought some of the wording could not be defined and should be removed. The Commission determined that some of the language should be modified (see below). A motion on the table discussion was to make some changes to the motion as follows: 1. NP-2.5 remove (grocery stores and). 2. NP-2.3 remove (social capital and replace with community interaction). 3. NP-2.6 remove (and recognize). Commissioner Carlsen made a motion to amend the original motion CPA-09-13 to incorporate the changes NP-2.5 remove (grocery stores and), NP-2.3 remove (social capital and replace with community interaction), and NP-2.6 remove (and recognize), seconded and this motion was passed unanimously. Main motion as amended: Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 6 Commissioner Carlsen made a motion to approve and forward CPA-09-13 with the changes incorporated and to forward to the City Council as presented, seconded and this motion was passed unanimously. CPA-10-13 Commissioner Stoy made a motion to approve and forward to the City Council CPA-10-13 as presented, seconded and this motion was passed unanimously. Discussion: Commissioner Stoy and Commissioner Bates congratulated Mr. Basinger on the development of the Bike and Pedestrian program. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER There was nothing for the good of the order. XI. ADJOURNMENT The being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m. Bill Bates, Chairperson Carl Hinshaw, PC Secretary Date signed .-47/,7 Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 6