11-199.00 Granicus, Inc.GRANICUS, INC. SERVICE AGREEMENT THIS SERVICE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement "), dated as of January 13, 2011 (the "Effective Date "), is entered into between Granicus, Inc. ( "Granicus "), a California Corporation, and the City of Spokane Valley _ (the "Client "). A. WHEREAS, Granicus is in the business of developing, licensing, and offering for sale various streaming media solutions specializing in Internet broadcasting, and related support services; and B. WHEREAS, Granicus desires to provide and Client desires to (i) purchase the Granicus Solution as set forth in the Proposal, which is attached as Exhibit A, and incorporated herein, to facilitate streaming and distribution of live and archived digital media content, (ii) engage Granicus to integrate its Granicus SofEvare onto the Client Websitc, (iii) use the Granicus Software subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, and (iv) contract with Granicus to administer the Granicus Solution through the Managed Services set forth in Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual agreements, covenants, representations and warranties herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: I . GRANICUS SOFTWARE AND MANAGED SERVICES. 1.1 Softivare and Services. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Granicus will provide Client with the Granicus Software, Professional Services, and Managed Services that comprise the Granicus Solution as outlined in Exhibit A. 2. GRANT OF LICENSE. 2.1 Ownership. Granicus, and/or its third party supplier, owns the copyright and/or certain proprietary information protectable by laNv in the Granicus Software. 2.2 Use. Granicus agrees to provide Client with a revocable, non - transferable and non- exclusive account to access the Granicus Softvare listed in the Solution Description and a revocable, non- sublicensabie, non - transferable and non- exclusive right to use the Granicus Software. All Granicus Softvare is proprietary to Granicus and protected by intellectual property laws and international intellectual property treaties. Pursuant to this Agreement, Client may use the Granicus Software to perform its own work and work of its customers /constituents. Cancellation of the Client's Managed Services will also result in the immediate termination of the Client's Software license as described in Section 2.2 hereof 2.3 Limited Wanan1y, Exclusive Remedies. Subject to Sections 6.1 and 6.2 of this Agreement, Granicus warrants that the Granicus Software, as provided by Granicus, will substantially perform in accordance with its applicable written specifications for as long as the Client pays for and receives Managed Services. Client's sole and exclusive remedy for any breach by Granicus of this warranty is to notify Granicus, with sufficient detail of the nonconformance, and provide Granicus with a reasonable opportunity to correct or replace the defective Granicus Software. Client agrees to comply with Granicus' reasonable instructions with respect to the alleged defective Granicus Software. Page 1 CD((- i°9 2.4 Limitations. Except for the license in Section 2.2, Granicus retains all ownership and proprietary rights in and to the Granicus Software, and Client is not permitted, and will not assist or permit a third party, to: (a) utilize the Granicus Sofrivare in the capacity of a service bureau or on a time share basis; (b) reverse engineer, decompile or otheulvise attempt to derive source code from the Granicus Software; (c) provide, disclose, or otherwise make available the Granicus Software, or copies thereof, to any third party; or (d) share, loan, or otherwise allow another Meeting Body, in or outside its jurisdiction, to use the Granicus Software, or copies thereof, except as expressly outlined in the Proposal. PAYMENT OF FEES 3.1 Client agrees to pay all costs as outlined in Exhibit A. 3.2 Monthly billing for Managed Services shall begin forty -five (45) days after the receipt of a fully executed Agreement or the receipt of a purchase order for the up -front costs, whichever occurs first, as agreed upon in Exhibit A. 3.3 Client agrees to pay all invoices from Granicus within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice, provided that Client agrees to pay the Managed Services Fee to Granicus on a monthly basis, no later than the first day of each month in advance of services. Granicus, Inc. shall send all invoices to: Name: Melissa Aotlen Title: Accounting Technician Address: 11707 E Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 3.4 Upon renewal of this Agreement, Granicus may include (in which case Client agrees to pay) a maximum increase of the current CPI percentage rate (as found at The Bureau of Labor and Statistics website I i :.i >i ., ,,;'C 'l!) or three (3) percent a year on Client's Managed Services Fee, whichever is larger. 3.5 Training Cancellation Policies. Granicus' policies on Client cancellation of scheduled trainings are as follows: (a) On site Training. For any cancellations within foie -eight (48) hours of the scheduled onsite training, Granicus, at its sole discretion, may invoice the Client for one hundred (100) percent of the purchased training costs and all travel expenses, including any incurred third party cancellation fees. Subsequent training will need to be purchased and scheduled at the previously quoted pricing. (b) Online Training. For any cancellations within twenty -four (24) hours of the scheduled online training, Granicus, at its sole discretion, may invoice the Client for ZD fifty (50) percent of the purchased training costs, ineluditig any incurred third party cancellation fees. Subsequent training will need to be purchased and scheduled at the previously quoted pricing. 3.6 Additions. Granicus, at its' sole discretion, may add features or functionality to existing product suite bundles for various reasons, including to enhance Granicus' offerings, or improve user satisfaction. During the initial period of this Agreement, the customer understands that the use of these additional products is included in the originally agreed upon monthly managed services fees. - — - Page 2 -- - -- - -- .. At contract renewal, the customer acknowledges that this added functionality may have additional monthly managed service charges associated with it and that monthly managed services rates on renewals may have a higher rate than preceding years. CONTENT PROVIDED TO GRANICUS 4.1 Responsibility for Content. The Client shall have sole control and responsibility over the determination of which data and information shall be included in the Content that is to be transmitted, including, if applicable, the determination of which cameras and microphones shall be operational at any particular time and at any particular location. However, Granicus has the right (but not the obligation) to remove any Content that Granicus believes violates any applicable law or this Agreement. 4.2 Restrictions. Client shall not provide Granicus with any Content that: (i) infringes any third party's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights; (ii) violates any law, statute, ordinance or regulation, including without limitation the laws and regulations governing export control and e- maiUspam; (iii) is defamatory or trade libelous; (iv) is pornographic or obscene, or promotes, solicits or comprises inappropriate, harassing, abusive, profane, defamatory, libelous, threatening, indecent, vulgar, or otherwise objectionable or constitutes unlawful content or activity; (v) contains any viruses, or any other similar sofr<vare, data, or programs that may damage, detrimentally interfere with, intercept, or expropriate any system, data, information, or property of another. 5. TRADEMARK OWNERSW. Granicus and Client's Trademarks are listed in the Trademark Information exhibit attached as Exhibit D. 5.1 Each Party shall retain all right, title and interest in and to their own Trademarks, including any goodwill associated therewith, subject to the limited license granted to the Client pursuant to Section 6 hereof. Upon any termination of this Agreement, each Party's right to use the other Party's Trademarks pursuant to this Section 5 terminates. 5.2 Each party grants to the other a non - exclusive, non - transferable (other than as provided in Section 5 hereof), limited license to use the other party's Trademarks as is reasonably necessary to perform its obligations cinder this Agreement, provided that any promotional materials containing the other party's trademarks shall be subject to the prior written approval of such other party, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 6.1 Warranty Disclaimer. Except as expressly provided herein, Granicus' services, software and deliverables are provided "as is" and Granicus expressly disclaims any and all express or implied warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, non - infi•ingement of third party rights, and fitness for a particular purpose. Granicus does not warrant that access to or use of its software or services will be uninterrupted or error free. In the event of any interruption, Granicus' sole obligation shall be to use commercially reasonable efforts to restore access. 6.2 Limitation of Liabilities. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Granicus and its suppliers and licensors shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, whether foreseeable or not, including but not limited to: those arising out of access to or inability to access the services, software, content, or related technical Page 3 support; damages or costs relating to the loss o£ profits or revenues, goodwill, data (including loss of use or of data, loss or inaccuracy or corruption of data); or cost of procurement of substitute goods, services or technology, even if advised of the possibility of such damages and even in the event of the failure of any exclusive remedy. In no event Avill Granicus' and its suppliers' and licensors' liability exceed the amounts paid by client under this agreement regardless of the form of the claim (including without limitation, any contract, product liability, or tort claim (including negligence, statutory or otherwise). 7. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION & OWNERSHIP. 7.1 Confidentiality Obligations. Confidential Information shall mean all proprietary or confidential information disclosed or made available by the other party pursuant to this Agreement that is identified as confidential or proprietary at the time of disclosure or is of a nature that should reasonably be considered to be confidential, and includes but is not limited to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and all business, technical and other information (including without limitation, all product, services, financial, marketing, engineering, research and development information, product specifications, technical data, data sheets, software, inventions, processes, training manuals, know -how and any other information or material), disclosed from time to time by the disclosing party to the receiving party, directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever (including without limitation, in writing, orally, electronically, or by inspection); provided, however, that Confidential Information shall not include the Content that is to be published on the website(s) of Client. 7.2 Each party agrees to keep confidential and not disclose to any third party, and to use only for purposes of performing or as otherwise permitted under this Agreement, any Confidential Information. The receiving party shall protect the Confidential Information using measures similar to those it takes to protect its own confidential and proprietary information of a similar nature but not less than reasonable measures. Each party agrees not to disclose the Confidential Information to any of its Representatives except those who are required to have the Confidential Information in connection with this Agreement and then only if such Representative is either subject to a written confidentiality agreement or otherwise subject to fiduciary obligations of confidentiality that cover the confidential treatment of the Confidential Information. 7.3 Exceptions. The obligations of this Section 7 shall not apply if receiving party can prove by appropriate documentation that such Confidential Information (i) was known to the receiving party as shown by the receiving party's files at the time of disclosure thereof, (ii) was already in the public domain at the time of the disclosure thereof, (iii) entered the public domain through no action of the receiving party subsequent to the time of the disclosure thereof, or (iv) is required by law or government order to be disclosed by the receiving party, provided that the receiving party shall (i) notify the disclosing party in writing of such required disclosure as soon as reasonably possible prior to such disclosure, (ii) use its commercially reasonable efforts at its expense to cause such disclosed Confidential Information to be treated by such governmental authority as trade secrets and as confidential. TERM 8.1 The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date hereof and shall continue in full force and effect for twelve (12) months after the date hereof. This Agreement shall automatically renew for an additional two (2) terms of one (1) year each, unless either party notifies the other in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to such automatic renewal that the party does not wish to renew this Agreement. Page 4 8.2 Rights Upon Termination. Upon any expiration or termination of this Agreement, and unless otherwise expressly provided in an exhibit to this Agreement: (a) Client's right to access or use the Granicus Solution, including Granicus Software, terminates and Granicus has no further obligation to provide any services; (b) Client has the right to keep any purchased hardware, provided that Client removes and/or uninstalls any Granicus Software on such hardware. However, if Client has received hardware as part of a Granicus Open Platform Suite solution ( "Open Platform Hardware "), Client understands that they are leasing the Open Platform Hardware. Upon termination of this Agreement, Client shall immediately return the Open Platform Hardware to Granicus, Inc. The Open Platform Hardware must be returned within fifteen (15) days of termination, and must be in substantially the same condition as when originally shipped, subject only to normal wear and tear; and (c) Client shall immediately return the Granicus Software and all copies thereof to Granicus, and within thirty (30) days of termination, Client shall deliver a written certification to Granicus certifying that it no longer has custody of any copies of the Granicus Sof%vare. 8.3 Obligations Upon Termination. Upon any termination of this Agreement, (a) the parties shall remain responsible for any payments that have become due and owing up to the effective date of termination; (b) the provisions of 2.1, 2.4, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 8.3, and 10 of the agreement, and applicable provisions of the Exhibits intended to survive, shall survive termination of this Agreement and continue in full force and effect; (c) pursuant to the Termination or Expiration Options Regarding Content, Granicus shall allow the Client limited access to the Client's Content, including, but riot limited to, all video recordings, timestamps, indices, and cross - referenced documentation. The Client shall also have the option to order hard copies of the Content in the form of compact discs or other equivalent format; and (d) Granicus has the right to delete Content within sixty (60) days of the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 9. PATENT COPYRIGHT AND TRADE SECRET INFRINGEMENT. 9.1 Granicus' Options. If the Granicus Software becomes, or in Granicus' opinion is likely to become, the subject of an infringement claim, Granicus may, at its option and sole discretion, (i) obtain for Client the right to continue to use the Granicus Software as provided in this Agreement; (ii) replace the Granicus Software with another software product that provides similar ftinctionality; or (iii) if Granicus determines that neither of the foregoing options are reasonably available, Granicus may cease providing the applicable services or require that Client cease use of and destroy the Granicus Software. In that event, and provided that Client returns or destroys (and certify to such destruction of) all copies of the Granicus Software in Client's possession or control, if any, Granicus will reftrnd to Client all license fees paid by Client under the current Agreement. Page 5 10. MISCELLANEOUS. 10.1 Amendment and Waiver. This Agreement may be amended, modified, waived or canceled only in writing signed by each of the parties hereto or, in the case of a waiver, by the party waiving compliance. Any failure by either party to strictly enforce any provision of this Agreement will not be a waiver of that provision or any further default. 10.2 Governing Law. The laws of the State of California shall govern the validity, construction, and performance of this Agreement, without regard to its conflict of law principles. 10.3 Construction and Severabilily. Wherever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted so that it is valid under applicable law. If any provision of this Agreement is held illegal or unenforceable, that provision will be reformed only to the extent necessary to make the provision legal and enforceable; all remaining provisions continue in full force and effect. 10.4 Independent Contractors. The parties are independent contractors, and no other relationship is intended by this Agreement. 10.5 Force Majeure. Other than payment obligations, neither party is responsible for any delay or failure in performance if caused by any event outside the reasonable control of the party, including without limitation acts of God, government regulations, shortage of supplies, act of war, act of terrorism, earthquake, or electrical, internet or telecommunications outage. 11.6 Closed Captioning Services. Client and Granicus may agree that closed captioning or transcription services will be provided by a third party under this agreement. In such case, Client expressly understands that the third party is an independent contractor and not an agent or employee of Granicus. Granicus is not liable for acts performed by such independent third party. [The remainder of this page left blank intentionally] Page 6 This Agreement consists of this Service Agreement as well as the following exhibits, which are incorporated herein by reference as indicated: Exhibit A: Proposal Exhibit B: Support Information Exhibit C: Hardware Exhibit Exhibit D: Trademark Information Exhibit E: Termination or Expiration Options Regarding Content IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives, GRANICUS, INC. By: ..Tl-�vsits�r- Tom Its: �r,'of n � -_ _ ,.rr T ii e �Xec� �,'v e OM-6z,— Address: 568 Howard Street, Suite 300 San Francisco, CA 94105 [INSERT CLIENT NAME] Name: Gr?,g Bincaman Its: IT Specialist Address: 1.1.707 E Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Page 7 EXHIBIT A PROPOSAL [The remainder of this page is left blank intentionally.] Page 8 ra n i cu S® Proposal connecting government Granicus Proposal to the City of Spokane Valley 10 -22 -2010 Dear Bing, Thank you for considering Granicus. It has been a pleasure to learn about the unique needs of the City of Spokane Valley. We look forward to establishing a rewarding, long -term relationship with you. On the following few pages, you will find a breakdown of our proposed solutions, some of our key differentiators, detailed pricing, and a checklist that outlines our next steps. Over 700 jurisdictions have selected Granicus as a partner to help them build trust with citizens, reduce staff time spent on processing meetings, and engage citizens in new ways. We hope that you enjoy being part of the Granicus client family. If I or any other member of the Granicus team can be of further assistance, please contact me at 206 - 859 -0525. Most Sincerely, Kelly Barlow Software Sales Executive Granicus, Inc. ranic�s® con,iecting Bove- ifnent Proposed Solution Proposal Granicus@ Open Platform The Granicus® Open Platform allows you to stream an unlimited number of meetings and events online. Publish all your content online with indefinite retention schedules. Rely on the Open Platform's Unified Encoder to give you unlimited bandwidth, storage, and intelligent routing. You can also access a library of community content and start publishing videos immediately. Finally, leverage an open architecture and connect in -house or third -party solutions to Granicus. • Stream unlimited meeting bodies and events • Indefinite retention schedules • Intelligent media routing • Open architecture and SDK • Community content library Government Transparency Suite The Government Transparency Suite gives your citizens access to public meetings and records online. Take the next step towards greater transparency and link related documents to your video, offer your full agenda packet, and provide keyword searching of archives. Reach a broader audience through downloadable formats (MP3, MP4) compatible with mobile devices. Granicus' reporting toots give you a detailed analysis of visitor statistics to help you better understand viewership trends. • Publish agenda packets with video • Link relevant materials Index videos live • Offer downtoadable formats (MP3 Et MP4) • Custom player and view page Meeting Efficiency Suite The Meeting Efficiency Suite is an automated solution that combines minutes with a meeting's recording. Capture and publish minutes, saving staff time and cutting administrative costs. Record roll -call, agenda items, speakers, motions, votes, and notes through a simple interface. After the meeting, finalize minutes quickly and easily in Microsoft Word". • Meeting preparation tools • Live minutes automation • Quick notes and text expansion • Minutes editing and publishing • Generate Linked Minutes Page 2 www.granicus.com • 568 Howard Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94105 • (415) 357 -3618 ranicus® connecting government Pricing Proposal roduct Name nit rice { p- Front) Unit Price (Monthly ••- • . • �� $280.00 Government Transparency Suite Meeting Efficiency Suite j Shipping Total L *Promotion Free Managed Services until July 1st, 2011* $2,012.50 $220.00 $1,550.00 $140.00 $125.00 $0.00 $3,687.50 $640.00 *This promotion does not alter or delay the date on which your upfront payments will be due as defined in the Granicus Service Agreement. Offer valid until 1213112010. Free services are active upon receipt of a signed purchase order or contract agreement. As part of this promotion, the Client will receive Monthly Managed Services at no cost to Client until July 1, 2011. The billing for Monthly Managed Services occurring after July 1, 2011 will begin on June 15, 2011. Up- front costs are not affected by this promotion. • All suites require the Granicus Open Platform • The Meeting Efficiency Suite requires the Government Transparency Suite and includes one meeting body • All Suites include hardware and software • Sales tax may apply depending on your organization's tax status and the tax laws unique to your state, county and /or municipality. • This proposal expires on 1 -31 -2011 (promotion ends 12 -31 -2010) * ** NOTE: The pricing in this preliminary proposal is SUBJECT -TO- CHANGE. While this preliminary proposal will provide you with our best possible estimate of what your solution will look like, it is not considered complete until a network assessment has been completed. Our goal here at Granicus is to make sure that every new client has a successful deployment and to make sure that our products exceed your expectations. We believe that spending the time to accurately conduct an assessment of your network and documents will help us meet our goals and will ensure that you have the best experience possible. * ** Page 3 www.granicus.com • 568 Howard Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94105 • (415) 357 -3618 j9ranicus, connecting government Granicus Differentiators Proposal • World's most experienced provider of government transparency, citizen participation, meeting efficiency, legislative management, and training management solutions with: • Over 700 clients in all 50 states, at every level of government • Over 24,000,000 webcasts viewed • More than 190,000 government meetings online • Open API architecture and SDK allow for seamless integrations with systems already in place • Certified Integrations provide flexibility and choice of best -of -breed solutions • Only government webcasting service to provide encoding, minutes annotation, transcription, and closed captioning services • Truly unlimited storage and distribution for all meeting bodies and non - meeting content • Indefinite retention schedules for all archived meeting and non - meeting content • Only provider of both government webcasting and Citizen Participation services • Only provider of both government webcasting and Training Management services • Access a library of peer- created government media content from over 700 Granicus users • 97% customer satisfaction rating, 99% client retention rating • Ranked 185 on Deloitte 500 fastest growing companies • Ranked 419 on Inc 500 fastest growing companies • Client Success stories are available here: http: / /www.Qranicus.com /Clients /Case- Studies.aspx Next Steps • Network Assessment • Document Assessment ® Collaborate on Contract Terms Page 4 www.granicus.com • 568 Howard Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94105 • (415) 357 -3618 EXHIBIT B SUPPORT INFORMATION 1. Contact Information. The support staff at Granicus may be contacted by the Client at its mailing address, general and support -only telephone numbers, and via e -mail or the Internet. (a) Mailing Address. Mail may be sent to the support staff at Granicus headquarters, located at 568 Howard Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105. (b) Telephone Numbers. Office staff may be reached from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Pacific time at (415) 357 -3618 or toll -free at (877) 889 -5495. The technical support staff may be reached at (415) 655 -2400 from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Pacific time. After hours or in case of a technical support emergency, the support staff may be reached at (41 7) 6561-2/1,14, twenty -four (24) hour; a (lay, ;ioven (I) (lays za weol:. (c) Intem t. and _E-mail -- Contact Information, The web,,;ite for Grrnnirus i!:; h. -mail may be sE;nt to thF: support staff �rl �lll�j)d f(U7(ll"lrlftli._CC)111. 2. Recognized Client Representatives. Granicus strives to provide unparalleled support to its Clients by ensuring that Client staff is properly educated and is prepared to maximize its Granicus Solution. Any Client Representative who wishes to participate and receive Granicus customer advocacy services shall participate in and complete the training program that is suited for the Granicus Solution. Once a Client Representative completes the training, that Representative will be recognized in Granicus' internal system as qualified to .receive support and ongoing education services. All Client Representatives are eligible to receive technical support services, regardless of participation in the training program. 3. Support Policy. When Granicus received notification of an issue from Client, a Granicus account manager or technical support engineer will respond directly to the Client via phone or e-mail with (a) an assessment of the issue, (b) an estimated time for resolution, and (c) will be actively working to resolve the issue as appropriate for the type of issue. Notification shall be the documented time that Granicus receives the Client's call or e-mail notifying Granicus of an .issue or the documented time that Granicus notifies Client there is an issue. Granicus reserves the right to modify its support and maintenance policies, as applicable to its customers and licensees generally, from time to time, upon reasonable notice. 4. Scheduled Maintenance. Scheduled maintenance of the Granicus Solution will not be counted as downtime. Granicus will clearly post that the site is down for maintenance and the expected duration of the maintenance. Granicus will provide the Client with at least two (2) days prior notice for any scheduled maintenance. All system maintenance will only be performed during these times, except in the case of an emergency. In the case that emergency maintenance is required, the Client will be provided as much advance notice, if any, as possible under the circumstances. 5. Software Enhancements or Modifications. The Client may, from time to time, request that Granicus incorporate certain features, enhancements or modifications into the licensed Granicus Software. Subject to the terms and conditions to this exhibit and the Service Agreement, Granicus and Client will use commercially reasonable efforts to perform all tasks in the Statement of Work ( "SOW "). Upon the Client's request for such enlrancemetrts/modifications, the Client shall prepare a SOW for the specific project that shall define in detail the Services to be performed. Each such SOW signed by both Page 9 parties is deemed incorporated in this exhibit by reference. Granicus shall submit a cost proposal including all costs pertaining to furnishing the Client with the enhancements /modifications. 5.1 Documentation. After the SOW has been executed by each party, a detailed requirements and detailed design document shall be submitted illustrating the complete financial terms that govern the SOW, proposed project staffing, anticipated project schedule, and other information relevant to the project. Such enhancements or modifications shall become part of the licensed Granicus Software. 5.2 Acceptance. Client understands that all work contemplated by this exhibit is on a "time - and- materials" basis unless otherwise stated in the SOW. Within ten (10) business days of Granicus' completion of the milestones specified in the SOW and delivery of the applicable enhancement/modification to Client, Client will provide Granicus with written notice of its acceptance or rejection of the enhancement/modification, based on the acceptance criteria set forth in the SOW. Client agrees that it will not reject any enhancement/modification so long as it substantially complies with the acceptance criteria. 5.3 Title to Modifications. All such modifications or enhancements shall be the sole property of the Granicus. 6. Limitation of Liability; Exclusive Remedy. IN THE EVENT OF ANY INTERRUPTION, GRANICUS' SOLE OBLIGATION, AND CLIENT'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY, SHALL BE FOR GRANICUS TO USE COMMERCIALLY REASONABLE EFFORTS TO RESTORE ACCESS AS SOON AS REASONABLY POSSIBLE. [End o f Support Information] Page 10 EXHIBIT C GRANICUS, INC. HARDWARE EXHIBIT THIS HARDWARE EXHIBIT is entcred.into by Granicus and Client, as an attachment to the Service Agreement between Granicus and CIient, for the sale of the hardware components of the Granicus Solution (the "Hardware ") by Granicus to Client. This exhibit is an additional part of the Service Agreement and is incorporated therein by reference. This exhibit does not change any term of the Service Agreement except to the extent it is contrary to the Service Agreement. Capitalized terms used but not defined in this exhibit have the meanings given in the Service Agreement, 1. Purchase Price. The purchase price for the Hardware shall be the price specified in the Proposal. 2. Title and Delivery. Any scheduled ship date quoted is approximate and not the essence of this exhibit. Delivery is F.O.B. Granicus' point of shipment. Granicus will select the shipment method unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing. The risk of loss passes to Client upon delivery to the carrier at Granicus' point of shipment. Granicus retains title to the Hardware until Granicus has received payment in full of all sums due pursuant to this exhibit. Granicus retains title to and ownership of all Granicus Software installed by Granicus on the Hardware, notwithstanding the use of the term "sale" or "purchase." 3. Acceptance. Use of the Hardware by Client, its agents, employees or licensees, or the failure by Client to reject the Hardware within fifteen (15) days following delivery of the Hardware, constitutes Client's acceptance. Client may only reject the Hardware if the Hardware does not conform to the applicable written specifications. 4. Hardware Warranty. Granicus will provide to Client any warranty provided by the manufacturer with respect to the Hardware. Granicus shall repair or replace any Hardware provided directly from Granicus that fails to function properly due to normal wear and tear, defective workmanship, or defective materials as long as such Hardware is then under the manufacturer's warranty. 5. Service Response Time. For hardware issues requiring replacement, Granicus shall respond (via written or verbal acknowledgment) to the request made by the Client within twenty -four (24) hours. Hardware service repair or replacement will occur within seventy-two (72) hours of the request by the Client, not including the time it takes for the part to ship and travel to the Client. The Client shall grant Granicus or its Representatives access to the Hardware for the purpose of repair or replacement at reasonable times. Granicus will keep the Client informed regarding the time frame and progress of the repairs or replacements. 6. Use of von- Approved Hardware. The Granicus platform is designed and rigorously tested based on Granicus- approved hardware. In order to provide the highest level of support, we recommend including Granicus- approved hardware in your solution. However, Granicus does afford clients with the option of utilizing their own hardware, providing that there is successful validation by Granicus technical staff. While it is Granicus' intention to provide clients that use their own hardware with the same level of customer care and continuous soffivare upgrades, this level of service is not guaranteed. 7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. NOTWITHSTANDING THE MAINTENANCE PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 4 ABOVE, THE SOLE WARRANTY ON THE HARDWARE IS ANY MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 1 ABOVE, AND GRANICUS DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OF Page 11 MERCHANTABILITY AND AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, WITH RESPECT TO THE HARDWARE. NO PERSON IS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE ANY WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION ON BEHALF OF GRANICUS. 8. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. GRANICUS SHALT. NOT BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS EXHIBIT INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOSS OF PROFIT, WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY ARISES UNDER CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT PRODUCT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF GRANICUS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR IF SUCH DAMAGE COULD HAVE BEEN REASONABLY FORESEEN. IN NO EVENT WILL GRANICUS' LIABILITY TO CLIENT ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS EXHIBIT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID TO GRANICUS BY CLIENT FOR THE HARDWARE. [end of Hardware Exhibit] Page 12 EXHIBIT D TRADEMARK INFORMATION Granicus Reszistered Trademarks 0 }y granicus{ ol % Granicus logo as a mark Granicus' MediaVaule Mobile Encoder' Outcast Encoder StreaniReplicator- Granicus Trademark Names"' Integrated Public Record" Intelligent Routing I LinkedMinutes T., LiveManager t11 MediaCenter Tai MediaManager T" MeetingMemberr Meeting Server T f Simulcast EncoderT�` VoteCast" VoteCast" Classic VoteCast " Touch Client Trademarks Page 13 EXHIBIT E TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION OPTIONS REGARDING CONTENT In case of termination by Client or expiration of the Service Agreement, Granicuus and the Client shall work together to provide the Client with a copy of its Content. The Client shall have the option to choose one (1) of the following methods to obtain a copy of its Content: • Option 1: Video files on DVR and a compact disc (CD) that contains the index and clip name data in CSV or XML format will be created and sent to the Client. This option may result in an additional charge to Client. • Option 2: Provide the Content via download from MediaManager or from a special site created by Granicus. This option shall be provided free of charge. • Option 3: Granicus shall provide the means to pull the content from the MediaVault in CSV or XML format. This option shall be provided free of charge. The Client and Granicus shall work together and make their best efforts to transfer the Content within the sixty (60) day termination period. Granicus has the right to delete Content fi•om its services after sixty (60) days. Page 14