Ordinance 07-010 Adopting UDC Title 24 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO.07-010 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON,ESTABLISHING TITLE 24 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE AS THE UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE RELATING TO BUILDING CODES; REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; ESTABLISHING ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES INCLUDING PENALTIES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Revised Code of Washington (RCW ) section 19.27.031 requires all jurisdictions in the state to adopt by reference and enforce the State Building Code as constituted in the Washington Administrative Code Title 51;and WHEREAS, the Washington State legislature, by action of the State Building Code Council established the 2006 International Codes and the 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code, both as amended by the State,as the new State Building Code effective July 1,2007; and WHEREAS,the City Council finds that the establishment of these codes as the building code of the City of Spokane Valley promotes the health, safety and welfare of the occupants or users of buildings and structures and the general public as enumerated in RCW 19.27.020; and WHEREAS,the City Council further finds that adoption of the State Building Code with as few local amendments as possible promotes economic development and provides the best possible level of consistency for design professionals and developers;and WHEREAS, the City Council sees the need to provide a means of effectively gaining compliance with both state and local development regulations through the establishment of code compliance procedures; NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Spokane Valley, Washington City Council do ordain as follows: Section 1. Title 24 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code is hereby established to read as follows: Title 24 Building Codes 24.10 Authority 24.10.010 The City of Spokane Valley (hereafter referred to as the "City") adopts the State Building Code pursuant to RCW 19.27.031, and additional codes enumerated herein as allowed pursuant to RCW 19.27.040. 24.20 Purpose 24.20.010 These regulations have been established in compliance with the State Building Code Act to promote the health, safety and welfare of the occupants or users of buildings and structures and the general public as enumerated in RCW 19.27.020. Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 1 of 19 24.30 Appeals The appeal of any decision, order or determination of the Building Official shall be made in conformance with SVMC 17.50. 24.40 Codes Adopted 24.40.010 General 1. These regulations apply to any structure, equipment,or activity regulated by the herein adopted codes. All referenced codes are available for viewing at the City Permit Center. 2. All codes adopted under the former Title 10 (Ordinance 04-010) shall be in effect and acceptable for application to projects submitted for review and approval prior to July 1, 2007. Nothing in this section would prevent submission of projects for review and approval under the current codes adopted pursuant to Title 24. After July 1, 2007, projects submitted for review and approval must conform to the requirements of this title. 24.40.020 Specific The following codes, as presently constituted or subsequently amended by the State of Washington, all as amended, added to, or excluded in this chapter,together with all amendments and additions provided in this title,are adopted and shall be applicable within the City: 1. Chapter 51-11 WAC—Washington State Energy Code 2. Chapter 51-13 WAC—Washington State Ventilation and indoor air quality 3. Chapter 51-19 WAC—Washington State Historic Building Code 4. Chapter 51-50 WAC — State Building Code Adoption and Amendment of the 2006 edition of the International Building Code; including Appendix chapters F, G,I,and J 5. Chapter 51-51 WAC — State Building Code Adoption and Amendment of the 2006 edition of the International Residential Code; including Appendix chapters G,H,and J 6. Chapter 51-52 WAC — State Building Code Adoption and Amendment of the 2006 edition of the International Mechanical Code and of the 2006 edition of the International Fuel Gas Code . 7. Chapter 51-54 WAC — State Building Code Adoption and Amendment of the 2006 edition of the International Fire Code 8. Chapter 51-56 WAC — State Building Code Adoption and Amendment of the 2006 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code 9. Chapter 51-57 WAC— State Building Code Adoption and Amendment of Appendix A, B and Appendix I of the 2006 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code 10. The 2006 International Plumbing Code as presently constituted or as may be subsequently amended;provided, that in the event of conflicts with the State Plumbing Code adoption of the Uniform Plumbing Code, the state code will prevail. Such conflicts will be reviewed and a determination issued by the Building Official or their designee 11. 2006 edition of the International Existing Building Code 12. 2006 edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, except Sections 106, 111, 302.3- .4, 302.8, 303, 304.2, 304.8, 304.13-.18, 305.3, 305.6, 307, 308.2-.5, 404.1, 507, and 606 are not adopted. Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 2 of 19 24.40.030 Local Amendments to the Adopted Codes 1. 2006 International Building Code a.Amend section 105 Permits as follows: i. Alter the square feet in section 105.2 Work exempt from permit.Building: 1. to read as follows: One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses provided the floor area does not exceed 200 square feet(11.15 m2) ii. Delete text of section 105.5 Expiration in its entirety and replace with the following: 105.5 Expiration of permits. All permits shall expire by limitation and be declared void if: 1. Work is not started within 180 days of obtaining a permit or; 2. Work is abandoned for 180 days or more after beginning work or; 3. Two years from the date of permit issuance. 105.5.1 Completion of work. If a permit expires subject to this section, and the work authorized. under the expired permit is not complete, a new permit may be obtained for 1/2 the permit fee. The permit fee shall be based on the value of the remainder of the work not completed under the original permit or the actual cost to the jurisdiction to complete the permit process,whichever is greater. 105.5.2 Compliance actions. If a permit issued to resolve a code violation expires subject to this section, the property owner may be subject to the immediate imposition of remedies authorized by the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. iii. Add subsection 105.8 Permit ownership to read as follows: The ownership of a permit issued pursuant to this title inures to the property owner. The permit applicant if not the property owner shall be held to be an agent of,and acting on behalf of,the property owner. b. Amend section 108 Fees as follows: i. Delete the text of section 108.4 Work commencing before permit issuance in its entirety and replace with the following: Any person who commences any work on a building structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system before obtaining necessary permits shall be subject to an investigation fee in accordance with the schedule established by the governing authority or such work. The investigation fee shall be equal and additional to the permit fee that would have been required had a permit been issued and is owed whether or not a permit is subsequently issued. Payment of the investigation fee does not vest illegal work or establish any right to a permit. ii. Delete the text of section 108.6 Refunds in its entirety and replace with the following: The Building Official may authorize the refunding of fees as follows: Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 3 of 19 1. The full amount of any fee paid hereunder that was erroneously paid or collected. 2. Up to 80%of the permit fee paid when no work has been done under a permit issued in accordance with this chapter. 3. Up to 80%of the plan review fee paid when an application for a permit for which a plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or canceled before any plan reviewing is done. The Building Official shall not authorize refunding of any fee paid except on written request filed by the original permittee not later than 180 days after the date of fee payment. 2. 2006 International Residential Code a. Amend section R105 Permits as follows: i. Delete text of section 105.5 Expiration in its entirety and replace with the following: R105.5 Expiration of permits. All permits shall expire by limitation and be declared void if: 1. Work is not started within 180 days of obtaining a permit or; 2. Work is abandoned for 180 days or more after beginning work or; 3. Two years from the date of permit issuance. R105.5.1 Completion of work. If a permit expires subject to this section, and the work authorized under the expired permit is not complete, a new permit may be obtained for '/2 the permit fee. The permit fee shall be based on the value of the remainder of the work not completed under the original permit or the actual cost to the jurisdiction to complete the permit process,whichever is greater. R105.5.2 Compliance actions. If a permit issued to resolve a code violation expires subject to this section, the property owner may be subject to the immediate imposition of remedies authorized by the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. ii. Add subsection R105.8 Permit ownership to read as follows: The ownership of a permit issued pursuant to this title inures to the property owner. The permit applicant if not the property owner shall be held to be an agent of,and acting on behalf of,the property owner. b. Amend section R108 Fees as follows: i. Delete the text in section R108.4 Work commencing before permit issuance in its entirety and replace with the following: Any person who commences any work on a building structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system before obtaining necessary permits shall be subject to an investigation fee in accordance with the schedule established by the governing authority for such work. Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 4 of 19 The investigation fee shall be equal and additional to the permit fee that would have been required had a permit been issued and is owed whether or not a permit is subsequently issued. Payment of the investigation fee does not vest illegal work or establish any right to a permit. ii. Delete the text in section R108.6 Refunds in its entirety and replace with the following: The Building Official may authorize the refunding of fees as follows: 1. The full amount of any fee paid hereunder that was erroneously paid or collected. 2. Up to 80%of the permit fee paid when no work has been done under a permit issued in accordance with this chapter. 3. Up to 80%of the plan review fee paid when an application for a permit for which a plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or canceled before any plan reviewing is done. The Building Official shall not authorize refunding of any fee paid except on written request filed by the original permittee not later than 180 days after the date of fee payment. c. Replace Table R301.2(1) CLIMACTIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA with the following: Wind Seismic SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM Winter Ice Barrier Air Mean Ground Snow Flood Load* Speed Design Design Underlayment Hazards Freezing Annual (Gust) Category Weathering Frost line Termites Decay Tempe Required Index Temp' depth 39 lbs/ft2 85 C Severe 24" Slight to None 10°F Yes 1992 1232 47.2°F mph Moderate slight FIRM *Minimum roof snow load:30 Ibs/ft` d. Add a subsection to section R310 Emergency escape and rescue openings as follow: R310.6 Replacement of emergency escape and rescue openings except for replacement of glazing only in such windows shall be of the size required by this section. e.Amend section R324 Flood-resistant construction as follows: i. Modify R324.1 General to add municipal code reference and read as follows: All development in whole or in part within a designated floodplain shall comply with SVMC 21.30 and be designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions contained in this section. ii. Add a sentence to sub-section R324.1.3 - Establishing the design flood elevation such that the section reads as follows: The design flood elevation is equal to base flood elevation plus one (1) foot. The design flood elevation shall be used to define areas prone to flooding, and shall describe, at a minimum, the base flood elevation at the depth of peak elevation of flooding (including wave height) which has a 1 percent (100-year flood)or greater chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. iii. Delete item 1. in sub-section 11324.2.1 Elevation requirements and replace with a new Item 1.to read as follows: Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 5 of 19 1. Buildings and structures shall have the lowest floors elevated to or above base flood elevation plus one foot. iv. Delete item 3. in sub-section 11324.2.1 Elevation requirements and replace with a new Item 3.to read as follows: 3. Basement floors that are below grade on all sides shall be elevated to or above base flood elevation plus one foot. v. Add a second paragraph to 11324.3.6 Construction documents to read as follows: The documents shall include a verification of foundation elevation prior to footing inspection approval and a verification of lowest floor elevation to be base flood elevation plus one foot prior to framing inspection approval. 3. 2006 International Mechanical Code and 2006 International Fuel Gas Code a. Amend section 106.5 Fees as follows: i. Delete the text of 106.5.1 Work commencing before permit issuance in its entirety and replace with the following: Any person who commences any work on a building structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system before obtaining necessary permits shall be subject to an investigation fee in accordance with the schedule established by the governing authority for such work. The investigation fee shall be equal and additional to the permit fee that would have been required had a permit been issued and.is owed whether or not a permit is subsequently issued. Payment of the investigation fee does not vest illegal work or establish any right to a permit. ii. In section 106.5.2 Fee Schedule insert the following the language where indicated: Spokane Valley Master Fee Schedule iii. Delete the text of 106.5.3 Fee Refunds in its entirety and replace with the following: The Building Official may authorize the refunding of fees as follows: 1. The full amount of any fee paid hereunder that was erroneously paid or collected. 2. Up to 80%of the permit fee paid when no work has been done under a permit issued in accordance with this chapter. 3. Up to 80%of the plan review fee paid when an application for a permit for which a plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or canceled before any plan reviewing is done. The Building Official shall not authorize refunding of any fee paid except on written request filed by the original permittee not later than 180 days after the date of fee payment. Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 6 of 19 b. Amend Appendix C to add an exception after the last paragraph in C105.1 Hydrant spacing as follows: Exception: The fire chief is authorized to reduce the number of required hydrants by up to 50% when the building is equipped with an approved, automatic fire sprinkler system and the fire chief has approved the location of those required fire hydrants." c. Amend Appendix D Section D101.1 to read as follows: D101.1 Scope. Fire apparatus access roads shall be in accordance with this appendix and all other applicable requirements of the International Fire Code including the provisions of Section 503 Fire Apparatus Access Roads. 4. 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code a.Amend section 103.4.5 Fee Refunds as follows: i. Delete the text of section 104.5.1 in its entirety and replace with the following: The Building Official may authorize the refunding of the full amount of any fee paid hereunder that was erroneously paid or collected. ii. Delete the text of section 104.5.2 in its entirety and replace with the following: The Building Official may authorize the refunding of up to 80% of the permit fee paid when no work has been done under a permit issued in accordance with this chapter. iii. Delete the text of section 104.5.3 in its entirety and replace with the following: The Building Official may authorize the refunding of up to 80% of the plan review fee paid when an application for a permit for which a plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or canceled before any plan reviewing is done. The Building Official shall not authorize refunding of any fee paid except on written request filed by the original permittee not later than 180 days after the date of fee payment. 5. 2006 International Plumbing Code a.Amend section 106.5 Fees as follows: i. Delete the text of 106.5.1 Work commencing before permit issuance in its entirety and replace with the following:. Any person who commences any work on a building structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system before obtaining necessary permits shall be subject to an investigation fee in accordance with the schedule established by the governing authority for such work. The investigation fee shall be equal and additional to the permit fee that would have been required had a permit been issued and is owed whether or not a permit is subsequently issued. Payment of the investigation fee does not vest illegal work or establish any right to a permit. ii. n section 106.5.2 Fee Schedule insert the following the language where indicated: Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 7 of 19 Spokane Valley Master Fee Schedule iii. Delete the text of 106.5.3 Fee Refunds in its entirety and replace with the following: The Building Official may authorize the refunding of fees as follows: 1. The full amount of any fee paid hereunder that was.erroneously paid or collected. 2. Up to 80%of the permit fee paid when no work has been done under a permit issued in accordance with this chapter. 3. Up to 80%of the plan review fee paid when an application for a permit for which a plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or canceled before any plan reviewing is done. The Building Official shall not authorize refunding of any fee paid except on written request filed by the original permittee not later than 180 days after the date of fee payment. 6. 2006 International Existing Building Code-Reserved • 7. 2006 International Property Maintenance Code a. Amend section 202 General Definitions by adding the following definitions: i. Drug properties and structures. Any building, structure and/or associated property, identified by the Chief of Police, wherein or upon which the manufacture, distribution, production or storage of illegal drugs or the precursors to create illegal drugs has taken place in a manner which could endanger the public. ii. Blighted property. A property, dwelling, building, or structure which constitutes blight on the surrounding neighborhood. "Blight on the surrounding neighborhood" is any property, dwelling, building, or structure that meets any two of the following factors: 1. A dwelling, building, or structure exists on the property that has not been lawfully occupied for a period of one year or more; 2. The property, dwelling, building, or structure constitutes a threat to the public health, safety, or welfare as determined by the executive authority of the City or designee; 3. The property, dwelling, building, or structure is or has been associated with illegal drug activity during the previous twelve months. b. Amend section 202 General Definitions by deleting the following definitions: i. Garbage ii. Housekeeping unit iii. Inoperable Motor Vehicle Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 8 of 19 c. Amend section 108 Unsafe structures and equipment as follows: i. Add a new sub-section 108.6 Drug properties and structures. to read as follows: Drug properties and/or structures are declared to be unsafe properties or structures and are a classification of property subject to the special procedures set forth in section 108.6. The Building Official is authorized to abate such unsafe buildings, structures,and/or associated properties in accordance with the procedures set forth in this code and Washington statute, RCW 64.44.010,with the following additional actions: 1. Due to public safety hazard in drug production facilities, all public and private utilities shall be disconnected. 2. Building(s) and structures shall be inspected to determine compliance with all City ordinances and codes. 3. Building(s)and any entry gates to the property shall be secured against entry in the manner set forth in this code; 4. Reconnection of utilities or occupancy of the building(s), structures or property shall not be allowed until all violations have been addressed, all dangerous conditions abated and. a notice of release for re- occupancy has been received from the health department and sheriff's office. 5. If dangerous conditions cannot be abated, occupancy shall be prohibited and the structure and/or property may be subject to condemnation pursuant to RCW 35.80A.010, Condemnation of blighted property. ii. Add a new sub-section 108.7 Blighted properties.to read as follows: In conformance with RCW 35.80A.010, the City may acquire by condemnation, in accordance with the notice requirements and other procedures for condemnation provided in Title 8 RCW, any property,dwelling, building, or structure which constitutes a blight on the surrounding neighborhood. Prior to such condemnation,the City Council shall adopt a resolution declaring that the acquisition of the real property described therein is necessary to eliminate neighborhood blight. Condemnation of property, dwellings, buildings, and structures for the purposes described in this chapter is declared to be for a public use. d. Replace the code reference, International Plumbing Code, in section 505.1 General with the following: The State adoption of the Uniform Plumbing Code. e. Delete the text of section 602.2 Residential occupancies and replace with the following: Dwellings shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 68° F (20° C) in all habitable rooms, bathrooms, and toilet rooms. Cooking appliances shall not be used to provide space heating to meet the requirements of this section. Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 9 of 19 f. Delete the text of section 602.3 Heat supply and replace with the following: Every owner and operator of any building who rents, leases or lets one or more dwelling units or sleeping units on terms, either expressed or implied,to supply heat to occupants thereof shall provide heat to maintain a temperature of 68° F(20° C) in all habitable rooms, bathrooms,and toilet rooms. g. Replace paragraph one of section 602.4 Occupiable work spaces with the following: Indoor occupiable work spaces shall be supplied with heat to maintain a temperature of 65°F(18°C)during the period the spaces are occupied. h.Replace the code reference, ICC Electrical Code, in section 604.2 Service with the following:the State adoption of the NEC. 24.50 Excavation,Fill and Grading 24.50.010 Purpose This chapter safeguards the public health, safety and welfare by regulating grading and excavation, including fills and embankments, on public and private property located within the City and establishes procedures for the issuance of permits;approval of plans and inspection of grading construction. 24.50.020 Permit Required Except as specified in SVMC 24.50.030, all excavation, fill, grading and leveling of land requires a Spokane Valley Grading Permit. All grading within the City shall comply with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act. 24.50.030 Exempted Work A Grading Permit shall not be required for the following: 1. Grading in an isolated, self-contained area if there is no danger to private or public property, provided however, that any grading in any critical area, floodplain or floodway shall not be exempt from a Grading Permit. 2. Work located within a dedicated public right-of-way. 3. Landscape ponds,or water features that do not exceed 500 sq feet water surface area or three feet in depth and are fully lined with an approved synthetic pond liner. 4. Excavation below finished grade for basements and footings of a building, retaining wall or other structure less than four (4) feet in depth or authorized by a valid building permit. This shall not exempt any fill made with the material from such excavation or exempt any excavation having an unsupported height greater than five (5) feet (1524 mm) after the completion of such structure. 5. Cemetery graves. 6. Refuse disposal sites controlled by other regulations. 7. Excavations for wells, tunnels or utilities. This includes any grading required for equipment staging, not including roads, facilitating the excavation. This also includes excavation work done to facilitate the Septic Tank Elimination Program. 8. Mining, quarrying, excavating, processing or stockpiling of rock, sand, gravel, aggregate or clay where established and provided for by law, provided such operations do not affect the lateral support or increase the stresses in or pressure upon any adjacent or contiguous property. Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 10 of 19 9. Exploratory excavations under the direction of a professional engineer or professional geologists. 10. An excavation that a.is less than two(2)feet in depth or; b.does not create a cut slope greater than five(5)feet in height and steeper than one(1)unit vertical and one and one half(1 '/2)units horizontal(66.7% slope). 11. A fill less than one (1) foot in depth and placed on natural terrain with a slope flatter than one (1)unit vertical in five(5)units horizontal(20%slope). 12. Fill less than three(3)feet in depth that a. Is not intended to support structures; b. Does not exceed 50 cubic yards on any one(1)lot; or c. Does not obstruct a drainage course. This exemption includes landscape berms if no slope is created greater than one(1)unit vertical in one and one half(1 '/2 ) units horizontal (66.7% slope); is not more than five feet (5') in height; creates no danger to private or public property, and is otherwise permitted. Exemption from the permit requirements of this chapter shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this chapter or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction,the state of Washington or the.United States of America. 24.50.040 Testing The standards listed below are,for the purpose of this Code,recognized standards: 1. ASTM D 1557, Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort 2. ASTM D 1556, Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil In Place by the Sand-Cone Method 3. ASTM D 2167, Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil In Place by the Rubber Balloon Method 4. ASTM D 2937,Test Method for Density of Soil In Place by the Drive-Cylinder Method 5. ASTM D 2922, Test Methods for Density of Soil and. Soil-Aggregate In Place by Nuclear Methods(Shallow Depth) 6. ASTM D 3017, Test Method for Water Content of Soil and Rock in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) 7. ASTM D 698,Moisture-density Relations of Soils and Soil Aggregate Mixtures. 8. ASTM D 2488,Practice for Description and Identification of Soils(Visual-Manual Procedure). 9. ASTM D 2487, Test Method for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) 24.50.050 Hazards 1. Whenever any existing excavation, embankment or fill on public or private property has become a hazard to persons or property, or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of a public way or drainage channel, the owner, owner's agent or other person in control of the Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 11 of 19 property, shall repair or eliminate the excavation or embankment, within the period of time specified on the written notice. 2. Unless exempt, any excavation, grading or fill performed without a permit, shall be considered hazardous and a public nuisance, subject to all enforcement actions and penalties as found in SVMC 17.60. 24.50.060 Permit Requirements 1. Grading Permit Requirements: a. A separate permit shall be obtained for each site, and may cover both excavations and fills. b. Grading commenced without first obtaining a grading permit from the City, unless pursuant to SVMC 24.50.030 is subject to all penalties described in SVMC 17.60, including the assessment of an investigative fee for the portion of the work accomplished without a permit pursuant to International Building Code section 108.4 Work commencing before permit issuance based on the value of the work accomplished illegally. The fee is payable prior to the acceptance of a grading permit application. Payment of the investigative fee does not vest the illegal work with any legitimacy, nor does it establish any right to any permit for continued development of the project. Excavation or fill work that remains illegal for 90 days after service of a stop work order shall be deemed hazardous. c. The provisions of Section 106.1.1 Information on Construction Documents apply to application for a Grading Permit Applicant shall note the estimated quantities of materials involved on the Spokane Valley Grading Permit Application. d. Grading involving less than 500 cubic yards shall be designated "regular grading" unless the permittee elects"engineered grading,"or the submitted plans are prepared by a Washington-licensed design professional, or the Building Official determines that special conditions or unusual hazards exist, in which case grading shall conform to the requirements for engineered grading. . 2. Engineered Grading Grading, fill or excavation in excess of 500 cubic yards or located in critical areas or floodplains, require construction plans/specifications prepared by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the state of Washington,and shall be designated as "engineered grading." a. Application for a grading permit shall be made on a form prepared by the City and accompanied by two sets of plans and specifications,and supporting data. b. Supporting data includes but is not limited to soils engineering report and/or an engineering geology report, prepared, signed and sealed by Washington-licensed professionals. That individual shall be considered the registered design professional in responsible charge c. Plans shall be drawn to scale sufficient to illustrate the nature and extent of the proposed work, signed and sealed by the design professional and shall include the following: i. Vicinity map of the proposed site. ii. Property limits and accurate contours of existing ground and details of terrain and area drainage. Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 12 of 19 iii. Limiting dimensions, elevations or finish contours to be achieved by the grading,and proposed drainage channels and related construction. iv. Detailed plans of all surface and subsurface drainage devices, walls, cribbing, dams and other protective devices to be constructed with, or as a part of, the proposed work, together with a map showing the drainage area and the estimated runoff of the area served by any drains. v. Designated 100-year floodplains. vi. Recommendations included in the soils engineering report and the engineering geology report shall be incorporated in the grading plans or specifications. When approved by the Building Official, specific recommendations contained in the soils engineering reports and the engineering geology reports, which are applicable to grading,may be included by reference. vii. Location of any buildings or structures on the property where the work is proposed and the location of any buildings or structures on land of adjacent owners that are within fifteen (15) feet of the property or that may be affected by the proposed grading operations. viii. A SEPA checklist shall be submitted, along with all other plans to complete an application. ix. The dates of the soils engineering and engineering geology reports together with the names, addresses and phone number of the firms or individuals who prepared the reports and their professional stamp and/or seal. 3. Residential subdivision grading plans shall also include the following: Grading associated with residential subdivision development shall be engineered grading. Plans for residential subdivision grading shall contain the following details in addition to the general information required under SVMC 24.50.060(2) a. Details of subdivision construction to mitigate the effects of storm water and irrigation run off for all lots and areas of the subdivision. Specific site construction requirements to mitigate collection of water in crawlspaces and basements shall be provided. b. Final location of all grading construction spoils. If spoils are placed on building lots, the surface overburden, i.e. topsoil and any underlying soils not conforming to the project requirements of the lots shall be removed prior to the placement of any other fill. If lots are comprised of fill materials more than two feet in depth, the compacted fill materials below two feet.in depth from finished grade shall have a minimum allowable bearing capacity of 1500 pounds per square foot. In addition, if the foundation is placed on fill materials, a foundation analysis and design, prepared by a licensed Washington engineer, shall be required to be submitted with any subsequent Spokane Valley Building Permit Application. c. Maximum and minimum elevations for all basement and crawl space floors. Maximum and minimum elevations for the top of foundation walls. Maximum elevation for lot/ property boundary lines to provide positive drainage from building sites. d. Requirements for swales or drainage devices to manage storm water and landscape irrigation runoff. 4. All ponds, water features and man-made lakes greater than 500 sq. ft. in surface area shall be engineered grading. Plans and specifications for ponds, water features and man-made lakes Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 13 of 19 greater than 500 sq. ft. in surface area shall contain the following details in addition to the information required under SVMC 24.50.060(1&2): . a. Plot plan showing the location of all proposed pond construction relative to any lot line, utility easement, septic system or replacement area for septic systems. b. Details of pond construction including section views, soil materials, lining material, special inspection/observation program and spoils disposal. Provide proposed final water surface elevation. c. Details of any water retention device or dam along with provisions for overflow. d. Written approval of a water source required to maintain the pond demonstrated by water rights, well permit or other documentation provided by state of Washington Department of Ecology (DOE). Indicate classification and status with respect to DOE dam safety regulations (Chapter 173-175) if exempt; justification of exempt status is required. e. Proof of notification of the proposed construction submitted to the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. f. If fish are proposed to be stocked in the pond, proof of Washington Fish and Game approval is required. 5. Private Driveways in excess of 150 feet in length measured from the intersection of the public way to the building the driveway serves shall be considered engineered grading regardless of the amount of excavation or fill required for construction. Specifications for these private driveways shall contain the following details in addition to the information required under SVMC 24.50.060(1&2): a. Dimensions. Unobstructed width of twenty (20) feet and an unobstructed height of thirteen feet six inches(13' 6"). b. Surface. The surface of a private driveway shall be designed and maintained to support a 75,000 pound fire truck. The road shall be surfaced so as to provide all- weather driving capabilities. c. Turn radii. Turn radii of 28.5 feet minimum are required. Smaller radii may be used if a design is submitted that will allow a 75,000 pound fire truck to drive over the curb or road shoulder. d. Turnaround. For private driveways over 150 feet in length, a 120 foot hammerhead, 60 foot"Y"or a 96 foot diameter cul-de-sac is required. e. Grade. Private driveways shall be paved with a hard, non slip, water repellant surface, such as asphalt or Portland cement concrete, Grasscrete, grassblock paver blocks or other or equivalent hard surface material 6. The soils engineering report shall include data regarding the nature, distribution and strength of existing soils. Conclusions and recommendations for grading procedures and design criteria for corrective measures, including buttress fills, when necessary, and an opinion on adequacy for the intended use of sites to be developed by the proposed grading as affected by soils engineering factors, including the stability of slopes shall be included. 7. The engineering geology report shall include an adequate description of the geology of the site, conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of geologic conditions on the proposed development, and opinion on the adequacy for the intended use of sites to be developed by the proposed grading,as affected by geologic factors. Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 14 of 19 8. Regular Grading Requirements. Each application for a grading permit shall be accompanied by a plan in sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work. The plans shall give the location of the work, the name of the owner and the name of the person who prepared the plan. The plan shall include the following information: a. General vicinity of the proposed site. b. Limiting dimensions and depth of cut and/or fill. Total volume of cut or fill. c. Location of any buildings or structures where work is to be performed and the location of any buildings or structures within fifteen(15)feet of the proposed grading. 24.50.070 Excavation and Fill 1. All excavation or fill within Pipeline Hazard areas identified in SVMC19.120.040 shall meet the standards and notification requirements of that section. 2. Unless otherwise recommended in the approved soils engineering or engineering geology report,the slope of cut surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for the intended use and shall be no steeper than one(1)unit vertical in two(2) units horizontal (50% slope). Cut slopes steeper than 50%shall require an Engineered Grading Permit. 3. Fill slopes shall not be constructed on natural slopes steeper than one(1)unit vertical in two(2) units horizontal (50% slope). The ground surface shall be prepared to receive fill by removing vegetation, non-complying fill,topsoil and other unsuitable materials and scarifying to provide a bond with the new fill. Where slopes are steeper than one (1) unit vertical in five (5) units horizontal (20% slope) and the height is greater than five (5) feet, an Engineered Grading shall be required. 4. Detrimental amounts of organic material shall not be permitted in fill. Except as permitted by the Building Official, no rock or similar irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than twelve(12)inches shall be buried or placed in fill. 5. Prior to issuance of the grading permit, potential rock disposal areas shall be delineated on the grading plan. Rock sizes greater than twelve (12) inches in maximum dimension shall be ten (10) feet or more below grade, measured vertically. Rocks shall be placed so as to assure filling of all voids with well-graded soil. 6. All fills shall be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum density. 24.50.080 Setbacks 1. The top of cut slopes shall not be made nearer to a site boundary line than one fifth(1/5)of the vertical height of cut with a minimum of two(2)feet. 2. The toe of fill slope shall be made not nearer to the site boundary line than one half(1/2) the height of the slope with a minimum of two(2)feet with no required set back from the boundary greater than twenty (20) feet. Where a fill slope is to be located near the site boundary and the adjacent off-site property is developed, special precautions shall be incorporated in the work as the Building Official deems necessary to protect the adjoining property from damage as a result of such grading. These precautions include but are not limited to: a. Additional setbacks. b. Provision for retaining or slough walls. c. Mechanical or chemical treatment of the fill slope surface to minimize erosion. d. Provisions for the control of surface waters. Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 15 of 19 e. Consultation with a professional engineer. 3. The Building Official may approve alternate setbacks. The Building Official may require an investigation and recommendation by a qualified professional engineer or professional geologist to demonstrate that the intent of this section has been satisfied. 24.50.090. Drainage and Terracing 1. Unless otherwise indicated on the approved soils engineering report, drainage facilities and terracing shall conform to the provisions of this section for cut or fill slopes steeper than 1 unit vertical in three(3)units horizontal(36.3% slope). 2. Terraces at least eight (8) feet in width shall be established at not more than thirty (30)-foot vertical intervals on all cut or fill slopes to control surface drainage and debris. Where only one terrace is required, it shall be at mid-height. Cut or fill slopes greater than sixty (60) feet in height shall be designed by a professional engineer and shall be considered Engineered Grading. 3. Swales or ditches on terraces shall have a minimum gradient of five (5) percent and must be paved with reinforced concrete or gunite not less than three (3) inches in thickness or an approved equal paving. They shall have a minimum depth at the deepest point of one (1) foot and a minimum paved width of five(5)feet. A single run of swale or ditch shall not collect runoff from a tributary area exceeding 13,500 square feet(projected)without discharging into a down drain. 4. Cut and fill slopes shall be provided with subsurface drainage as necessary for stability. 5. Paved interceptor drains shall be installed along the top of all cut slopes where the tributary drainage area above slopes toward the cut and has a drainage path greater than forty (40) feet measured horizontally. Interceptor drains shall be paved with a minimum of three (3) inches of reinforced concrete or gunite, or an approved equivalent. Drains shall have a minimum depth of twelve (12) inches and a minimum paved width of thirty (30) inches measured horizontally across the drain. The slope of drain shall be approved by the Building Official. 6. All drainage facilities shall be designed to carry 100 year event waters to the nearest practicable drainage way or other discharge point approved by the Building Official. Erosion of ground in the area of discharge shall be controlled by installation of down drains or other devices. 7. Surface drainage shall be diverted to a storm sewer conveyance or other approved point of collection so as to not create a hazard. Lots shall be graded so as to drain surface water away from foundation walls. The grade away from foundation walls shall fall a minimum of six(6) inches within the first ten(10)feet. 8. Exception: Where lot lines, walls, slopes or other physical barriers prohibit six (6) inches of fall within ten (10) feet, drains or swales shall be provided to ensure drainage away from the structure. 24.50.100 Erosion Control 1. The faces of cut and fill slopes shall be prepared and maintained to control erosion. The protection for the slopes shall be installed as soon as practicable and prior to calling for final approval. An Erosion Control Plan shall be submitted for approval in conjunction with 2. Where necessary, check dams, cribbing, riprap or other devices or methods shall be employed to control erosion and provide safety. Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 16 of 19 3. Seeding and planting of erosion control vegetation may be delayed until the next planting season,provided that a bond or surety is executed in favor of the City to assure performance. 4. The City may require professional inspection and testing by a soil engineer. When the Building Official has cause to believe that geologic factors may be involved,the grading will be required to conform to Engineered Grading requirements. 24.50.110 Fees 1. Fees, including Plan Review shall be assessed in accordance with the Spokane Valley Master Fee Schedule. 2. When a plan or other data is required to be submitted,a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review. 3. For excavation and fill on the same site, the fee will be based on the volume of excavation or fill,whichever is greater. 4. Separate permits and fees shall apply to retaining walls or major drainage structures as otherwise required. There shall be no separate charge for standard terrace drains and similar facilities. 24.50.120 Inspections and Final Report 1. Professional observation and testing to determine conformance with project plans and specifications of grading operations shall be provided by professional engineer and/or the professional geologist retained to provide such services. That individual shall be the registered design professional in responsible charge. 2. The professional geologist shall provide professional observation and testing to determine conformance with project plans and specifications within such engineer's area of technical specialty,which shall include professional observation and testing of the bedrock excavation to determine if conditions encountered are in conformance with the approved report. Revised recommendations relating to conditions differing from the approved engineering geology report shall be submitted to the soils engineer. 3. The professional engineer shall provide professional observation and testing to determine conformance with project plans and specifications within such engineer's area of competence, which shall include observation and review during preparation of the natural ground, site grading, placement of fill, testing for compaction as well as establishment of line, grade and surface drainage of the development area. If actual work will differ from the approved plans and reports and revised plans are required during the course of the work,they shall be prepared under the direct supervision of the professional engineer and submitted to the building department for review and approval prior to any revised work commencing. 4. The permittee shall be responsible for work to be performed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and in conformance with the provision of this article, and the permittee shall engage consultants, if required,to provide professional inspections on a timely basis. The Permittee shall act as a coordinator between the consultants, the contractor and the building department. 5. Revised plans, if any, shall be submitted for approval prior to any changes. 6. The Building Official or their designee shall inspect the project and/or the inspection documents at the various states of work requiring approval to determine that the project is • within the requirements of this article. Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 17 of 19 7. Permittee shall request a final inspection upon completion of the project, following installation of all approved drainage facilities and erosion-control measures. 8. If, in the course of fulfilling their respective duties under this article, the design professional in responsible charge finds that the work is not in conformance with this article or the approved grading plans,the discrepancies shall be reported immediately in writing to the permittee and to the Building Official. 9. If the registered design professional in responsible charge is changed during the execution of the Spokane Valley grading permit, the work shall be stopped until the replacement has been named and been approved by the Building Official. Further, that replacement shall agree in writing to accept their responsibility within the area of technical competence. It shall be the duty of the permittee to notify the Building Official in writing of such change prior to the recommencement of such grading. 10. Upon completion of the rough grading work and at the final completion of the work,the design professional in responsible charge for engineered grading or when professional observation and testing to determine conformance with project plans and specifications is performed for regular grading, as applicable, shall submit record plans and final report. Those plans and reports shall indicate: a. All grading work was done in conformance with the approved plans. b. All discrepancies encountered with the approved plans and resolutions of those discrepancies. c. All plans and reports shall bear the stamp or seal of the licensed professional preparing the report. 11. The permittee shall notify the Building Official when the grading operations read for final inspection. Final approval shall not be given until all the work, including installation of all drainage facilities and their protective devices, and all erosion-control measures have been completed in accordance with the final approved grading plan, and the required final reports have been submitted to the City. 24.50.130 Enforcement Work done in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter is declared to be a public nuisance and subject to enforcement pursuant to SVMC 17.60. Section 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity of constitutionality of any other section,sentence,clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City. Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 18 of 19 PASSED by the City Council this 5th day of June, 2007. ATTEST: (jsJ Diana Wilhite,Mayor (v.:, A Christine Bainbridg-, City Clerk Approved as to Form: 14/1vauAfi - 406, Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: June 15,2007 Effective Date: July 15, 2007 Ordinance 07-010,UDC TITLE 24 Page 19 of 19 • APPENDIX G SWIMMING POOLS, SPAS AND HOT TUBS . • . SECTION AG104 SECTION AG101 SPAS AND HOT TUBS GENERAL AG104.1 Permanently installed spas and hot tubs.Perma- AG101.1 General.The provisions of this appendix shall con- nently installed spas and hot tubs shall be designed and con- trol the design and construction of swimming pools,spas and structed in conformance with ANSI/NSPI-3 as listed in hot tubs installed in or on the lot of a one-or two-family dwell- Section AG108. . ing. AG104.2 Portable spas and hot tubs.Portable spas and hot • • tubs shall be designed and constructed in conformance with • SECTION'AG102 ANSI/NSPI-6 as listed in Section AG108. DEFINITIONS AG102.1 General.For the purposes of these requirements,the SECTION AG105 terms used shall be defined as follows and as set forth in Chap- BARRIER REQUIREMENTS ter2. AG105.1 Application. The provisions of this chapter shall ABOVE-GROUND/ON-GROUND POOL. See "Swim- control the design of barriers for residential swimming pools, ming pool." spas and hot tubs. These design controls are intended to pro- BARRIER. Afence; wall, building wall or combination vide protection against potential drownings and near- thereof which completely surrounds the swimming pool and drownings by restricting access to swimming pools, spas and obstructs access to the.swimming pool. hot tubs: • HOT TUB.See"Swimming pool:'. AG105.2 Outdoor swimming pool. An outdoor swimming pool, including an in-ground, above-ground or on-ground IN-GROUND POOL.See"Swimming pool." pool,hot tub or spa shall be surrounded by a barrier which shall RESIDENTIAL.That which is situated on the premises of a comply with the following: detached one- or two-family dwelling or a one-family town- 1. The top of the barrier shall be at least 48 inches (1219 house not more than three stories in height. mm) above grade measured on the side of the barrier which faces away from the swimming pool. The maxi- . SPA,NONPORTABLE.See"Swimming pool." mum vertical clearance between grade and the bottom of SPA, PORTABLE. A nonpermanent structure intended for the barrier shall be;2 inches (51 mm)measured on the recreational bathing,in which all controls, water-heating and side of the barrier which faces away from the swimming • water-circulating equipment ate an integral part of the product. pool.Where the top of the pool structure is above grade, such as an above-ground pool, the barrier may be at SWIMMING POOL.Any structure intended for swimming ground level,such as the pool structure,or mounted on or recreational bathing that contains water over 24 inches(610 top of the pool structure:Where the barrier is mounted on mm) deep. This includes in-ground, above-ground and . top of the pool structure,the Maximum vertical clearance on-ground swimming pools,hot tubs and spas. between the top of the pool structure and the bottom of SWINlNIING POOL,:INDOOR.A swimming pool which is the barrier shall be 4 inches(102 mm). totally contained within a structure and surrounded on all four 2. Openings in the barrier shall not allow passage of a sides by the walls of the enclosing structure. 4-inch-diameter(102 mm)sphere. SWIMMING POOL, OUTDOOR. Any swimming pool 3. Solid barriers which do not have openings, such as a which is not an indoor pool. masonry or stone wall,shall not contain indentations or protrusions except for normal construction tolerances . and tooled masonry joints. • • SECTION AG103 4. Where the barrier is composed of horizontal and vertical SWIMMING POOLS members and the distance between the tops of the hori- AG103.1 In-ground pools.In-ground pools shall be designed zontal members is less than 45 inches (1143 mm), the and constructed in conformance with ANSI/NSPI-5 as listed in horizontal members shall be located on the swimming • Section AG108. pool side of the fence. Spacing between vertical mem- bers shall not exceed 13/4.inches (44 mm) in width. AG103.2 Above-ground and on-ground pools. Above- Where there are decorative cutouts within vertical mem- ground and on-ground pools shall be designed and constructed bers, spacing within the cutouts shall not.exceed 13/4 in conformance with ANSI/NSPI-4 as listed in Section AG108. inches(44 mm)in width. 2006 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE° 609 APPENDIX G 5. Where the barrier is composed of horizontal and vertical is not less than the protection afforded by Item ( members and the distance between the tops of the hori- 9.1 or 9.2 described above. zontal members is 45 inches(1143 mm)or more,spacing 10. Where an above-ground pool structure is used as a bar- . between vertical members shall not exceed 4 inches(102 rier or where the barrier is mounted on top of the pool • mm).Where there are decorative cutouts within vertical structure,and the means of access is a ladder or steps: members,spacing within the cutouts shall not exceed 13/4 inches(44 nun)in width. 10.1. The ladder or steps shall be capable of being 6. Maximum mesh size for chain link fences shall be a secured,locked or removed to prevent access;or 21/4-inch(57 mm)square unless the fence has slats fas- 10.2. The ladder or steps shall be surrounded by a tened at the top or the bottom which reduce the openings barrier which meets the requirements of Sec- to not more than 13/4 inches(44 mm). tion AG105.2,Items 1 through 9.When the lad- der of diagonal members, der or steps are secured,locked or removed,any 7. Where the barrier is composed g opening created shall not allow the passage of a such as a lattice fence,the maximum opening formed by 4-inch-diameter(102 mm)sphere. the diagonal members shall not be more than 13/4 inches . (44 mm). AG105.3 Indoor swimming pool. Walls surrounding an indoor swimming pool shall comply with Section AG105.2, • 8. Access gates shall comply with the requirements of Sec- tion AG105.2,Items 1 through 7,and shall be equipped to accommodate a locking device. Pedestrian access . AG105.4 Prohibited locations. Barriers shall be located to gates shall open outward away from the pool and shall be prohibit permanent structures, equipment or similar objects self-closing and have a self-latching device.Gates other from being used to climb them. than pedestrian access gates shall have a self-latching AG105.5 Barrier exceptions:Spas or hot tubs with a safety device.Where the release mechanism of the self-latch- cover which complies with ASTM F 1346,as listed in Section ing device is located less than 54 inches(1372 mm)from AG 107,shall be exempt from the provisions of this appendix. the bottom of the gate,the release mechanism and open- ings shall comply with the following: . 8.1. The release mechanism shall be located on the SECTION AG106 pool side of the gate at least 3 inches (76 mm) ENTRAPMENT PROTECTION FOR SWIMMING below the top of the gate;and POOL AND SPA SUCTION OUTLETS t. 8.2. The gate and barrier shall have no opening larger AG106.1 General. Suction outlets shall be designed to pro- than 1/2 inch(13 mm)within 18 inches(457 nun) duce circulation'throughout the pool or spa.Single-outlet sys- of the release mechanism. terns, such as automatic vacuum cleaner systems,or multiple suction outlets,whether isolated by valves or otherwise, shall 9. Where a wall of a dwelling serves as part of the barrier, be protected against user entrapment. one of the following conditions shall be met: AG106.2 Suction fittings.Pool and spa suction outlets shall • 9.1. The pool shall be equipped with a powered safety have a cover that conforms to ANSI/ASME Al 12.19.8M,or an • cover in compliance with ASTM F 1346;or 18 inch x 23 inch(457 mm by 584 mm)drain grate or larger,or 9.2. Doors with direct access to the pool through that _ an approved channel drain system. wall shall be equipped with an alarm which pro- Exception: Surface skimmers . duces an audible warning when the door and/or its screen,if present,are opened.The alarm shall be AG106.3 Atmospheric vacuum relief system required.Pool listed in accordance with UL 2017. The audible and spa single-or multiple-outlet circulation systems shall be alarm shall activate within 7 seconds and sound equipped with atmospheric vacuum relief should grate covers continuously for a minimum of 30 seconds after located therein become missing or broken.This vacuum relief the door and/or its screen,if present, are opened system' shall include at least one approved or engineered and be capable of being heard throughout the method of the type specified herein,as follows: house during normal household activities. The 1. Safety vacuum release system conforming to ASME alarm shall automatically reset under all condi- A112.19.17;or lions.The alarm system shall be equipped with a manual means, such as touch pad or switch, to 2. An approved gravity drainage system. temporarily deactivate the alarm for a single open- . AG106.4 Dual drain separation.Single or multiple pump cir- ing.Deactivation shall last for not more than 15 culation systems have a minimum of two suction outlets of the seconds. The deactivation switch(es) shall be approved type.A minimum horizontal or vertical distance of 3 located at least 54 inches (1372 mm) above the feet(914 mm)shall separate the outlets.These suction outlets threshold of the door;or shall be piped so that water is drawn through them simulta- neously through a vacuum-relief-protected line to the pump or 9.3. Other means of protection, such as self-closing pumps. i doors with self-latching devices, which are . approved by the governing body,shall be accept- AG106.5 Pool cleaner fittings.Where provided, vacuum or able so long as the degree of protection afforded pressure cleaner fitting(s)shall be located in an accessible posi- 610 2006 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE® APPENDIX G tion(s)at least 6 inches(152 mm)and not more than 12 inches UL (305 mm)below the minimum operational water level or as an UL2017-2000 Standard for General-purpose attachment to the skimmer(s). Signaling Devices and Systems—with Revisions through June 2004 AG105.2 SECTION AG107 ABBREVIATIONS AG107.1 General. ANSI—American National Standards Institute 11 West 42nd Street,New York,NY 10036 ASME—American Society of Mechanical Engineers Three Park Avenue . . New York,NY 10016-5990 ASTM—ASTM International 100 Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428 NSPI—National Spa and Pool Institute • 2111 Eisenhower Avenue,Alexandria,VA 22314 • UL—Underwriters Laboratories,Inc. 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook,Illinois 60062-2096 • SECTION AG108 STANDARDS AG108.1 General. ANSI/NSPI ANSI/NSPI-3-99 Standard for Permanently Installed Residential Spas AG 104.1 • ANSI/NSPI-4-99 Standard for Above-ground/On-ground Residential Swimming Pools AG 103.2 ANSI/NSPI-5-99 Standard for Residential In-ground • Swimming Pools AG103.1 ANSI/NSPI-6-99 Standard for Residential Portable Spas , AG 104.2 . I ANSI/NSPI-5-2003 Standard for Residential • In-ground Swimming Pools AG103.1 • ANSI/ASME A112.19.8M-1987(R1996)Suction Fittings for Use in Swimming Pools, Wading Pools,Spas,Hot Tubs and Whirlpool Bathing Appliances AG106.2 • • ASTM ASTM F 1346-91 (2003)Performance Specification for Safety Covers and Labeling Requirements for All Covers•for Swimming Pools,Spas and Hot Tubs AG105.2,AG105.5 ASME ASME A112.19.17 Manufacturers Safety Vacuum Release Systems(SVRS)for Residential and Commercial Swimming Pool,Spa,Hot Tub and Wading Pool AG 106.3 2006 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE® 611