2013, 07-09 Regular Meeting Minutes MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday,July 9,2013 Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: City Staff: Tom Towey, Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Gary Schimmels,Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Dean Grafos, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks&Rec Director Rod Higgins,Councilmember John Holtman, Community Dev Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Eric Guth,Public Works Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember Mike Basinger, Senior Planner Chris Bainbridge,City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Matthew Larson of the Advent Lutheran Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Boy Scouts from Troop 426 led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: nla COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Woodard: said the attended the Council/staff budget workshop June 18, as well as the Council/PIanning Commission joint meeting where the Shoreline Master Program was discussed; said he went to the AWC Conference (Association of Washington Cities) in Tri-Cities and attended several sessions, including a session on civic engagement and recruiting volunteers, and said he would like to see more volunteerism in our city and have future discussion on that topic. Councilmember Wick: reported that he also attended the AWC conference, and some of the sessions he attended included Tapping the Fountain of Youth, where they spoke of the idea of creating a youth position on planning commissions; said several "tech-savvy" cities got together and analyzed how to get more fiber optic networks in the communities; also went to a main street session where they discussed getting a refund on the B&O taxes (business and occupation); and said he made some connections with the Union Pacific Railroad and encouraged more bridging the valley discussions. Councihnember Grafos: said he also attended the budget workshop and evening joint meeting; and participated in the July 4`11 celebration at Greenacres Park. Deputy Mayor Schirnmels: reported that he also attended several committee meetings as well as the AWC conference; said that last Saturday the went to Ron's Drive-in to witness the hamburger eating contest where the winners. Councilmember Higgins: said he attended the AWC Conference as well as the Council budget workshop and the joint Council/Planning Commission meeting focusing on the Shoreline Master Program; and said that last Saturday he attended the Spokane Valley Night at the Spokane Indians game and witnessed Mayor Towey throw out the first pitch. Council Regular Meeting 07-09-2013 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council:07-23-2013 Councilmember Hafner: said that he attended the June 18 meetings;went to Health Board meeting and an STA (Spokane Transit Authority) meeting; and at the AWC Conference picked up some statistics of municipalities and compared them with our City, such as cutting employees, wages, or public safety spending, all of which our City has not done; and also remarked about a workshop discussing the various different generations, such as Baby Boomers, and Generation X or Y that make up a community; and attended another session dealing with being ready if the "Good Times" arrive, such as making sure that what community services are provided,will be sustainable over time. MAYOR'S REPORT: Proclamations:Parks and Recreation Month; Valleyfest Cycle Celebration Mayor Towey reported that he also attended the two meetings on June 18th; and said he had the pleasure to welcome 39 treasurers to Spokane Valley at their conference at the Mirabeau Park Hotel; had breakfast with. Mayor Truelove and other officials for an informal get-together; reminded everything that the Cheney Rodeo celebration is this weekend; said the 4th of July event at Greenacres was terrific and included such things as a petting zoo and kids' parade; said the went to the event at Ron's Hamburgers and noted that all the proceed were donated to Meals on Wheels; and said there was a lot of pressure on the mound at the Indians Baseball game as he threw out that first pitch, which incidentally, he said was a strike. Mayor Towey then read the two proclamations, one for Parks and Recreation Month accepted with thanks by Parks and Recreation Director Mike Stone; and the other proclamation was for the Valleyfest Cycle Celebration,also accepted with thanks from Bill Gothmann. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited public comments; no comments were offered, 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of the following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST VOUCHER NUMBERS TOTAL AMOUNT 06/06/2013 29345-29397; 606130013 $429,643.42 06/12/2013 4333,4351-4354; 4371; 29398-29402 $260,042.96 06/13/2013 29403-29424 $84,445.72 06/14/2013 29425-29476 $855,276.20 06/19/2013 4373-4374;4376-4377;29477 $66,899.71 06/20/2013 5582-5589 $2,308.00 06/20/2013 29478-29495 $38,504.94 06/21/2013 29496—29518 $74,799.58 6/28/2013 29519—29576; 62713032; 627130040 $2,116,074.46 07/02/2013 29577-29578 $4,460.00 GRAND TOTAL $3,932,454,99 b.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending June 15,2013: $289,097.27 c.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending June 30,2013: $403,696.06 d. Approval of June 11,2013 Council Meeting Minutes,Formal Format e. Approval of June 18,2013 Joint Council/Planning Commission Special Meeting Minutes It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 13-008, Comprehensive Plan Mike Basinger After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to approve Ordinance 13-008, Comprehensive Plan Amendments, as drafted. Senior Planner Basinger explained that there have been no changes to the ordinance since the first reading. Mayor Council Regular Meeting 07-09-2013 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council:07-23-2013 Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation to approve the ordinance:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 13-009,Zoning Map,Comprehensive Plan—Mike Basinger After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to approve Ordinance 13-009. Senior PIanner Basinger explained that there have been no changes to the ordinance since the first reading, and that this is the accompanying ordinance which amends the official zoning map. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation to approve the ordinance:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. 4.Motion Consideration: Sullivan Rd.Bridge Overlay Project Steve Worley It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to award the bid for the Sullivan Road Bridge Southbound(#4507) Over UPRR Tracks Overlay Project #0175 to MI Hughes Construction, Inc., in the amount of$148,873.00 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. Speaking for Mr. Worley, Public Works Director Guth said this is a request to approve a bid to put in a new surface on the southbound bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad on Sullivan; that the bid opening was held June 28 and we received three bids, with MJ Hughes coming in as the low bidder. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried 5. Motion Consideration:Intergovernmental Purchasing Contract with Washington State—Cary Driskell It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Master Contract Usage Agreement with the State of Washington. City Attorney Driskell explained that he came before Council last March asking for a six-month agreement with the understanding the State was re-vamping their interlocal purchasing program; and said this new contract is more simplified. Mr.Driskell also explained that the State formerly charged a$2,000 annual fee for these contracts, but they eliminated that and instead have rolled that cost into each contract, so the percentage is .74%, which saves us money as if we calculated the new rate compared with the $2,000 old rate, we would have to spend about$270,000 in contracts, and said he is not aware we have spent that in the past. Mr. Driskell said we use this contract to purchase such things as school beacons, or IT equipment. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS; Mayor Towey invited public comments. Mr.Lynn Plaggemeier, 11708 E 19th, 927-8388, made the following comments: (1)concerning the paving on Pines Highway 27, said when you get to 16th there are two triangle pieces of ground that always look ratty; said it is not a good presentation of the city and he would like the engineering staff to talk to the state and the county and before the paving gets up that far, to drive a couple conduits under the pavement for future landscaping, and suggested having volunteers like scouts, seniors, or schools take part in developing those islands. (2)He explained that he took his car into a garage on Sprague and left it to get it fixed and got a call that the car was vandalized; he asked the owners if they reported it to the police and was told no because the police won't do anything anyway and they don't respond. He said he didn't like that answer so he called the police and they did come; he said he spoke to a different car garage across the street and they had some vandalism too, and he asked if they reported it and was told no because that it would have been a waste of time; he recommended that the city start doing some PR work to get information to citizens to report these things, and said it appears there is some disconnect between what we are doing and what Spokane does. (3) He said that three or four months ago he asked about getting contract deficiencies on Sprague between Evergreen and Sullivan repaired and was eventually called back by city staff who said they were working on it; said he called back a few months later and was told they didn't have any dates to fix the problem; said he'd like Council to ask staff for a date when those deficiencies will get fixed. (4) He mentioned some photos he gave the Clerk to distribute to Council; Council Regular Meeting 07-09-2013 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council:07-23-2013 said the corner of Pines and Sprague where Denny's is located, that the cold mix asphalt is up the sidewalk about 250' and is a slipping hazard; said he called on this about three or four weeks ago and tried to find answers, and sometimes he was told it was a state problem and other times was told it was a city problem; said he if you drive north on Pines on the right lane you'd go through this, and said this is an extreme hazard. He said there needs to be better coordination on these issues. (5)He mentioned two steel plates on Mission which he said he discovered were put in by a job by the city; and (6) said that Pvo or three months he ago asked to get paragraph #30 or 32 of the Sheriff's Office contract modified to eliminate the portion where our chief had to get authorization for press releases. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 6. Sign Code Revisions--John Hohman Via his PowerPoint presentation, Community Development Director Hohman went through the proposed changes for the sign regulations, and showed and explained the proposed changes in the text: page 1 includes "reader boards" as an exception to prohibited portable signs; section D on pages 2 and 3 discusses engineer requirements for any sign over 30'; and he noted the last newly added sentence of "Where special conditions exist for any type of sign, the Building Official is authorized to require additional construction documents . . if deemed necessary." Mr. Hohman said this suggests some discretion is permitted,but not in all cases. Page 4 includes some minor edits changing"must"to"shaIl." Mr. Hohman said that 22.110.050 Temporary Signs's existing language included many restrictions, but he said staff didn't have the ability to enforce it all so some of the restrictive language was omitted and the section streamlined. Mr. Hohman said the Planning Commission had a lot of discussion with this section and how many signs would be considered too many; he said the heart of the issue is that most businesses are allowed a free-standing sign, and the intent of the changes shown on page 5 is to provide flexibility; that businesses will be allowed not more than two of the types of signs listed under new 22.110.050 A(1, 2, and 3). Mr. Holtman recommended Council consider this issue, adding that citizens have not voiced concerning regarding this issue. After Mr. Hohman went over the remainder of the proposed changes, there was some discussion about adding language to further clarify each hyperlinked code section; and on page 8, it was suggested to add the word "landscaping" to 22.110.090F, at the end of the sentence, immediately after 22.070.030(J). There was also discussion concerning the number of permitted temporary signs, with the majority of Council agreeing with the change to allow up to two instead of just one, temporary sign as noted in 22.110.050 new section A. Mayor Towey asked if there were any objections to staff bringing this to Council for a first reading July 23, and no objections were raised. At 7:37 p.m. Mayor Towey called for a short recess;he reconvened the meeting at 7:49 p.m. 7.Residential Land Inventory Analysis—Mike Basinger Senior Planner Basinger explained the methodology developed by the Washington State Department of Commerce as a basis to determine developable land in the low-density residential category; he went over the figures contained in his Request for Council Action form, and he discussed the vacant parcels and partially used parcels as shown on the accompanying map. After several Council questions concerning the number of developments and demand per year, Mr. Basinger said with the recent past dissolution of the Boundary Review Board, staff has been thinking about and researching how to promote in-fill development including examining our annexation policies and processes. The question arose about how many severed residential properties we have and Mr.Basinger said he will research that information. 8. Industrial Land Inventory Analysis--Mike Basinger Concerning the industrial land inventory, Mr. Basinger explained about the process used here as well as the number of vacant areas; he said he intends to bring Council further analysis at the July 30 Council meeting. Mr. Basinger noted that as on the previous agenda item map, wetlands and critical areas were not included in the analysis. Mr. Basinger also noted staff is coordinating and collaborating on this issue with Spokane County. Council Regular Meeting 07-09-2013 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council:07-23-2013 9.Appleway Trail Project- Steve Worley Speaking for Mr. Worley; as noted in the Request for Council Action form, Public Works Director Guth explained the possible federal funding from SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) for the Appleway Trail Project; said our grant application requested $2.2 million to construct the two-mile trail from University to Evergreen; and that we have the opportunity to receive $642,852 in TA (Transportation Alternatives) funds; he said we could modify the project or do the project in phases; he said University to Evergreen is the entire project, and the logical midpoint would be to Pines Road. Mr. Guth said they asked the consultant to estimate the cost for that portion, and the figure given was $941,000; and said we would also need matching funds or other grant funds of about $340,000. Another option, Mr. Guth said would be for us to help support that difference. Mr. Guth said the issue is whether to accept the $642,000 in TA funds offered and commit to funding the remaining match; and said the decision on whether to accept those funds for the Appleway Trail is necessary for the SRTC Board to make their final project selection at their meeting in two days. Mr. Jackson said this comes down to a matter of choice, build the projects already discussed and scheduled such as the volleyball courts or development of the new Balfour park, or take this $642,000 at the cost of some other project. Mr. Guth said he recommends accepting the $642,000 and allow staff to look for other fimding going forward; and said the timeline we face is 2017, and that the project could be amended. Mr. Jackson said the worst case scenario is we would have to come up with $340,000; he said he feels there is an excellent opportunity between now and 2017 to raise some additional funds, or use this as leverage to complete the entire project, adding that we would have to look at the capital reserve fund if that were the case and there is already a large demand on those funds. Mayor Towey asked if there were objections to proceed as Mr. Guth suggested and no objections were raised. 10.Advance Agenda—Mayor Towey There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda. INFORMATION ONLY Item #11, TIB Grant Requests, and item #12, Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of June 13, 2013,were for information only and were not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Jackson had no comments. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m. AT Th. nas E. To ey,Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Regular Meeting 07-09-2013 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council:07-23-2013 GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 9, 2013 GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTE: Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOUR COMPLETE TELEPHONE PLEASE PRINT YOU WILL SPEAK ADDRESS ABOUT Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure.