Hearing Examiner Decision APP-01-10 TUP 01-10 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY HEARING EXAMINER RE: Appeal of Notices and Orders issued by City ) Community Development Department; ) FINDINGS OF FACT, ) CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, Appellant: Farm Fresh Fruit/Richard W. Phillips ) AND DECISION File No. APP-02-10/TUP-01-10 ) ) I. SUMMARY OF DECISION Hearing Matter: Appeal of Notices and Orders issued by the City Community Development Department, imposing civil penalties of $1,000 and $5,000 for violations of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). Summary of Decision: Deny appeal, and affirm the imposition of civil penalties of$1,000 and $5,000. II. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. On September 3, 2010, the City Community Development Department ("Department") issued a Notice and Order to Richard W. Phillips ("Rick Phillips"), regarding the Fresh Farm Fruit produce stand operated by Phillips at 20 S. Argonne Road, Spokane Valley, Washington. 2. The Notice and Order described the violation as operating a business with an expired temporary use permit (TUP), in violation of SVMC 7.05.040 (Nuisances Prohibited) and SVMC 19.160.030 (Temporary Uses); advised Rick Phillips that this was a 4th offense, a civil penalty of $1,000 was being assessed, and any costs of enforcement incurred by the City would also be assessed; directed Phillips to cease all business activity until a new TUP was granted; and contained the other information required by SVMC 17.100.150. 3. On September 13, 2010, the Department issued a second Notice and Order to Rick Phillips, regarding the same business. The Notice and Order described the violation as operating a business with an expired temporary use permit (TUP); advised Phillips that a civil penalty of$5,000 was being assessed, and any costs of enforcement incurred by the City would also be assessed; directed Phillips to cease all business activity on the site until a TUP was granted; and contained the other information required by SVMC 17.100.150. 4. On September 16, 2010, the Notices and Orders were timely appealed by Farm Fresh Fruit through Rick Phillips, and his attorney Kyle Nolte. The appeal form listed the mailing address for Farm Fresh Fruit as 20 S. Argonne Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99206; and the mailing address for Rick Phillips as 1302 S. Herald, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. 5. Notice of a public hearing to be held on the appeal on February 17, 2011 was properly provided by the Department to the appellant and other necessary persons. HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision APP-02-10/TUP-01-10 Page 1 6. On February 17, 2011, the 1-tearing Examiner conducted a hearing on the appeal. The following persons testified at the hearing: Kathy McClung, Director Rick Phillips City Community Development Department 1302 S, I Icrald 11 '107 E. Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Dan I°larter Sarina I larter 9020 E. Sprague 3124 S. Barmen Ct, Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane Valley, WA 99037 7. The Hearing Examiner initially took testimony from the above persons without oath or affirmation. Shortly after the hearing concluded, the Examiner realized such omission, reopened the record with all parties present, asked each party to swear or affirm that the testimony the party had given was true and accurate to the best of their knowledge, and gave each party an opportunity to correct any statements they had testified to. Each party was then sworn in, verified that the statements that they had made were true and accurate to the best of their knowledge, and advised that they did not wish to repeat the hearing process. 8. The appeal hearing was conducted in the manner set forth in SVMC 17.90.060, and Appendix 13 of the SVMC. 9. The Hearing Examiner takes notice of the SVMC, the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan(SARP) in effect at the time of the alleged violations, and the Hearing Examiner's decision dated April 23, 2010 in File No. APP-01-10/TUP-01-10. 10. The following exhibits were submitted and entered into the record at the appeal hearing: Staff Report and Recommendation to the Hearing Examiner, including attached Exhibits 1-13 Exhibit 14 Hearing Examiner decision in File No. APP-01-10/TUP-01-10 Exhibit 15 Photo of vehicles parked at Farm Fresh Fruit Exhibit 16 12 photos of operations at Farm Fresh Fruit 11. The Department submitted the Staff Report and Recommendation to the Hearing Examiner ("Staff Report"), including Exhibits 1-13. Exhibit 14 was submitted by the Hearing Examiner. Exhibits 15 and 16 were submitted by Dan Harter. 12. On March 7-8, 2011, the Hearing Examiner reopened the record to include copies of page 2 of the Notice and Order issued on September 3, 2010, page 2 of the Notice and Order issued on September 13, 2010, pages 1 and 3 of the TUP application submitted by Rick Phillips on February 18, 2010, and the site plan and written narrative attached to the TUP application; all of which documents had been inadvertently omitted from the Staff Report. 13. The copies of the missing pages were supplied by the Department, at the Hearing Examiner's request. The appellant, Rick Phillips, advised that he did not object to inclusion of the documents in HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision APP-02-10/TUP-01-10 Page 2 the record; but asked that photos of his apricot crop from 2010, attached to his email, be included in the record. The Examiner responded that he would include all the omitted pages in the record, but would not include the apricot crop photos in the record. 14. The record includes the electronic recording of the hearing, the documents and exhibits submitted at the hearing, the pages omitted from the TOP application and the Notices and Orders made part of the record after the hearing, the correspondence between the I tearing Examiner and the parties on March 7-8, 2011 regarding including the missing pages in the record, and the items taken notice of by the Hearing Examiner. 15. The site is approximately 15,000 square feet in size, irregular in shape and relatively flat in topography. The site is improved with a 1,600-square foot building used for indoor storage, paved parking and driveway areas, and driveway approaches to Argonne Road. A tent structure, mounted on poles, is seasonally located on the site, to accommodate an 800-square foot produce stand. 16. The site is bordered on the east by Argonne Road, the railroad tracks for Union Pacific Railway Company on the west, vacant land on the south, and a used car business on the north. See photos of site and adjacent land in Exhibit 16. 17. The site consists of portions of County Assessor tax parcel nos. 45191.9183, 45187.001 and 45207.0002 leased by Rick Phillips from Union Pacific Railway Company, the owner of such parcels. See Exhibits 1, and 6-8. 18. The site is zoned Gateway Commercial Avenue (GCA), under the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan (SARP). The SARP is a special overlay zone that governs land use applications defined in the SVMC; and supersedes various development standards set forth in the SVMC, except those specifically incorporated by the SARP. See SVMC 19.110.020 19. The GCA zoning district of the SARP does not expressly permit produce stands, whether permanent or temporary. The SARP does not directly address temporary use permits; but specifies outside storage and display requirements for seasonal products and retail products that are normally displayed outside due to size, weight, or nature of the product. See p. 13-14, 24, and 28-30 of SARP. 20. The intent of SVMC Chapter 19.160 is to regulate certain temporary uses of property not otherwise regulated by other City ordinances or regulations. See SVMC 19.160.010. 21. SVMC 19.160.030.B authorizes the Department to issue a temporary and revocable permit for the sale of seasonal goods in any nonresidential zone, for a period not to exceed six (6) months in any 12-month period. The Department may impose conditions on issuance of the permit that are deemed necessary to reasonably mitigate any adverse impacts anticipated from the temporary use. See SVMC 19.160.040. 22. A temporary seasonal use is not required to comply with the standards normally associated with a permanent use. However, the use must be consistent with the permitted uses in the zone; be an appropriate use of the property pending the permanent long term use; not result in significant traffic, HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision APP-02-10/TUP-01-10 Page 3 puking, drainage, fire protection or other adverse impacts that cannot be appropriately mitigated; and provide any necessary sanitary facilities. See SVMC 19.160,030. 3, 23 . SVMC 17.100.030 authorizes various enforcement actions by the Department to discourage public nuisances, and otherwise promote compliance with applicable provisions of the SVMC, including Title 19. This includes issuing notice and orders, assessing civil penalties, and recovering costs; abatement by judicial order; entry into voluntary compliance agreements, and assessing civil penalties through a notice and order if the agreement is breached; issuance of a stop work order, and assessing civil penalties if the order is not complied with; and permit denial. 24_ SVMC 17.100.250 provides for the assessment of civil penalties for code violations, and establishes an assessment schedule for initial violations and repeat violations. The basic initial penalty per violation is set at $500, an additional penalty of$500 may be added for a history of 1-2 similar violations, an additional penalty of $2,500 may be added for a history of three (3) or more similar violations, and a penalty of$5,000 may be added for "economic benefit to person responsible for violation"; in pertinent part. 25. SVMC Chapter 7.05 addresses nuisance conditions on public and private property, defines a "nuisance", includes the unlawful use of real or personal property as a type of nuisance, contains a list of prohibited "public nuisances" that is not intended to be exhaustive, and vests the Department with the enforcement mechanisms set forth in SVMC Chapter 17.100 to abate public nuisances that come to its attention. 26. On February 18, 2010, Rick Phillips dba Farm Fresh Fruit submitted an application for a temporary use permit (TUP) to allow use of the 800-square area on the site for "outdoor fruit sales"; which business would have paved parking, and meet all fire and health codes. See TUP application in Exhibit 6, as supplemented by omitted pages. 27. The TUP application listed the time period for the temporary use as "March thru...", stated that "Plans of metal roof to replaced tent will be submitted before 6 month T u.p. expires...", and advised that "tent to be used to sell seasonal fruit". The site plan attached to the application showed sales areas for potatoes, melons, veggie rack, fruit display, a pop cooler, and a check-out counter. See p. 2, and attached site plan and narrative, of TUP application. 28. On February 18, 2010, Rick Phillips submitted a revised site plan for the TUP application. See Exhibit 6. The revised site plan advised that the applicant would be "selling produce direct to public", and"selling fruit grown by owner". 29. On March 2, 2010, the Department approved the TUP application, subject to various conditions; for a 6-month period extending between March 2, 2010 and September 2, 2010. The approval is indicated on page 5 of the TUP application, and in an attached letter dated March 2, 2010 from Director Kathy McClung to Rick Phillips. 30. The letter dated March 2, 2010 from Director McClung made clear that the TUP is limited to the 6-month period ending on September 2, 2010; and the City expected the business to be closed on September 3, 2010, unless Phillips made "other permanent arrangements". The letter referenced HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision APP-02-10/TUP-01-10 Page 4 Phillips' mention to the Department of the possibility of receiving approval for a permanent structure ort the site; and advised Phillips to allow adequate time to pursue the City's approval process for such concept, so he could make business decisions dependent on what conditions may be placed on such approval. 31 . On August 19, 2010, Rick Phillips applied to the Department for a commercial pre-application meeting, for the proposed permanent structure. Phillips attended a pre-application meeting with the City on September 7, 2010, and applied for a building permit to develop the site on October 1, 2010. This included the submittal of blue prints for the proposed building and the payment of fees. See p. 2 of Staff Report, and testimony of Rick Phillips. 32_ After filing the appeal of the Notices and Orders on September 16, 2010, Rick Phillips and his legal counsel worked with Department staff and acting City Attorney Cary Driskell to stay the appeal while Phillips pursued approval for a permanent structure on the site. On November 12, 2010, Driskell sent a letter to Phillips advising that he had been informed by Director McClung that Phillips was discontinuing his pursuit of a permanent structure on the site, and that based on such information the Department would be arranging a hearing date for the appeal. See Exhibits 9 and 10. 33. Farm Fresh Fruit, in its written appeal, advised that in February of 2010 it had requested a TUP for a longer period than six (6) months from the Department, because the growing and harvesting season for its produce is longer than six (6) months; prior to expiration of the TUP on September 2, 2010, it had requested an extension of the TUP beyond such date from the Department, which denied the extension; and it had completed a pre-application meeting with the Department on September 7, B 2010 to obtain approval for a permanent structure, which approval would alleviate the need for a TUP in the future. 34. Farm Fresh Farm Fresh Fruit contended in its written appeal that it was selling apples, peaches and pears it produced, as defined in RCW 36.71.090, which were not ready for harvest or sale prior to September 2, 2010; and the Notices and Orders issued by the Department attempted to penalize it for selling produce it was legally entitled to sell pursuant to RCW 36.71.090. 35. Rick Phillips raised similar contentions at the appeal hearing. Phillips testified that he started the pre-application process for approval of a permanent structure in August of 2010; thought he would be approved for a permanent structure by the time the TUP expired in September of 2010; he had submitted blueprints and paid fees to the City for the permanent structure, and is currently in the process of trying to get approval for a permanent structure; and approval of the permanent structure has been delayed by the need to obtain a parcel line adjustment and have associated survey work done,to accommodate the parking and permanent structure on a single parcel as required by code. G 36. Rick Phillips testified that he has a special license from the State Department of Agriculture to Il go to several different farms and "gather" (i.e. select) produce to sell on the site; he has obligations to growers to sell certain produce at certain times of the month; the growing and harvesting season for certain produce, such as asparagus and apples, fluctuates with the weather; he has been in the produce business in Spokane County since 1977, and at one time used to assist supermarket personnel who would come to the warehouse that he worked at and "gather" various types of produce for the supermarket. HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision APP-02-10/TUP-01-10 Page 5 37. Rick Phillips testified that he has sold produce in the Spokane Valley for the past 10 years; his span currently oversees the selling of produce on the site, which allows Phillips to raise and harvest produce for sale; he raises apples, pears, peaches and apricots on 10 acres of land that he leases m Orondo, Washington, which is situated in central Washington; the City had told him that he could not sell apples that he had personally raised and gathered after expiration of the °l"UP, which violated his rights under RCW 36.71.090; he had gone to the City Council and tried to get the regulations changed to allow a 1-month extension to a 6-month TUP; and Spokane County makes much greater allowances for produce stands under its regulations than the City. 38. The Department, in the Staff Report and at the public hearing, advised that Rick Phillips had told Department staff that he raises apples, pears and peaches. Photos of the produce stand taken by the Department between September 3-14, 2010 show such produce; but also illustrate bananas, oranges, melons, corn, peppers, honey, onions, signs for the sale of huckleberries, and other unidentified products for sale. 39. The Department advised that it understands the railway owner of the site is not receptive to some of the changes that Phillips would need to make to the property for a permanent building on the site;including the addition of restrooms, parking and lot line adjustments. The Department did not explain how it obtained this information. See page 3 of Staff Report, Exhibits 7-8; and testimony of Kathy McClung. 40. Rick Phillips did not dispute that he had sold various types of produce at the fruit stand after the TUP expired on September 2, 2010 that he did not personally raise or harvest; but contended that his efforts in personally selecting and purchasing such produce from the grower before transporting it to his produce stand for sale met the definition of "gathered" under RCW 36.71.090(1). Phillips contended that the civil penalties assessed against him were excessive, illegally based and should not be imposed. 41. On February 25, 2010, the Department issued a Notice and Order to Rick Phillips/Farm Fresh Fruit for operating his fruit stand business on the current site before the TUP issued for the business was granted on March 2, 2010. The Notice and Order assessed a civil penalty of$1,000, based on an initial penalty of$500, and an additional $500 for having a history of two (2) similar violations for the business. 42. Farm Fresh Fruit appealed the February 25, 2010 Notice and Order to the Hearing Examiner. On April 23, 2010, the Hearing Examiner affirmed the $500 initial penalty; found that only one (1) previous similar violation had occurred on the site, for selling seasonal produce not raised or gathered by Rick Phillips after the 2009 TUP expired on September 12, 2009; and reduced the $500 additional penalty assessed under SVMC 17.100.250 to $250. 43. The Hearing Examiner's reduction of the civil penalty from $1,000 to $750 was based on good faith efforts by Rick Phillips to remedy other problems associated with the 2009 permit, including adding more parking and paving required by the Department. See Hearing Examiner's decision dated April 23, 2010 in File No. APP-01-10/TUP-01-10. HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision APP-02-10/TUP-01-10 Page 6 44, Dan Harter and Sarina Harter, the operators of the used car lot that abuts the site on the south., testified in support of the Department's position at the hearing. The Hailers contended that flick Phillips had opened his business early and closed it late in each of the last seven (7) years, in violation or the 6-month TUP issued each year for the produce stand; the first Notice and Order issued to Phillips on September 3, 2010 should have assessed a penalty of$2,500, since the Notice and Order stated this was the fourth (4111) similar violation on the site; the leaseholder of the 10 acres that Phil lips claimed he raised fruit on in Orondo had advised Dan Harter that Phillips made no lease payments in 2010, and there were no apples, pears, peaches or apricot trees on such land; Phillips had numerous code violations on the site in 2010, including unscreened garbage and junk, and failing to remove and block access to three (3) parking spaces on the site as requested by City Engineering; and the railroad would not allow a permanent building within its right of way as proposed by Phillips. See photos in Exhibit 16. 45. Rick Phillips disputed and objected to the portion of the testimony by the Harter's relating to other alleged violations of the SVMC and TUP not charged by the City in any Notices and Orders; contended that the Harters had blocked access to his property, and were biased because they wanted to expand their business to the current site; and reaffirmed that he made lease payments, and had raised and harvested apples, pears, peaches and apricots on the 10-acres he leased in Orondo, Washington in 2010. 46. The Hearing Examiner allowed into evidence the testimony by the Harters regarding the other types of alleged code violations on the property; but only for the limited purpose of helping determine the intent of Rick Phillips in continuing to operate the produce stand after the TUP expired on September 2, 2010, and the amount of the civil penalty that should be assessed for the Notices and Orders by the Department to Phillips. 47. The record preponderates that Rick Phillips raised and/or harvested apples, pears, peaches and apricots that he sold on the site during the 6-month term of the 2010 TUP; and was still selling such produce on the site after the TUP expired on September 2, 2010, including the dates when the two (2) Notices and Orders were issued. The record also preponderates that Phillips was selling bananas, oranges, melons, corn, honey, onions, huckleberries and other unidentified produce from the site that he did not raise or harvest, at the time the Notices and Orders were issued. 48. The above findings consider that any information the leaseholder provided to Dan Harter regarding Phillip's lack of contacts with the 10-acre property in Orondo was hearsay; the opposing testimony that was offered by Rick Phillips regarding such property was taken under oath, unequivocal and appeared credible; Rick Phillips had previously told the Department that he personally raised apples, pears and peaches on the Orondo property; and the photos in Exhibits 7-8 that were taken by the Department, which provide clear evidence of the various items of produce that were being sold on the site after the TUP expired in September of 2010. 49. The record establishes two (2) previous, similar violations that were committed by Rick Phillips and documented by the Department prior to issuance of the September 3, 2010 Notice and Order. Exhibit 13 submitted by the Department summarizes the various contacts and problems that the Department experienced with Rick Phillips and the Farm Fresh Fruit business in 2009 and 2010. HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision APP-02-10/TUP-01-10 Page 7 50, The record establishes that Rick Phillips sold farm products and edibles that he did not raise, pick, harvest, produce or manufacture after the TUP expired on September 2, 2010, for a continuous period between September 3-14, 2010, and for his own economic benefit; and knew, or reasonably should have known, that such actions constituted a code violation. 51 . The Department did not calculate or request reimbursement fear its administrative cost in bringing the current enforcement actions. III, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. RCW 36.71.090(1) authorizes a farmer, gardener or other person, without license, to sell, deliver, or peddle any fruits, vegetables, berries, eggs, or any farm produce or edibles, that are raised, gathered, produced or manufactured by such person; and prohibits any city or town from passing an ordinance prohibiting the sale by, or requiring a license from the producers and manufacturers of such farm produce and edibles. 2. The legal opinion issued by former City Attorney Mike Connelly correctly interprets RCW 36.71.090, as it applies to the requirement in SVMC 19.60.030.E that a TUP be obtained from the City Community Development Department ("Department") to sell seasonal goods in a nonresidential zone. See Exhibit 11. 3. The Washington State Supreme Court interpreted certain language in RCW 36.71.090(1), in. Hastings v. City of Bremerton, 159 Wash. 621 (1930). The Court found that the words "or other person" in the statute refers to classes of people similar to "farmers or gardeners", and does not include a "manufacturer" who converts or processes farm produce or edibles produced by another person into another product for the market; and found that the word "manufactured" used in the statute refers to the process by which a person turns their own farm products or edibles into some other form, such as turning cream into butter or cheese, apples into cider, or pork into sausage. 4. The statute on its face, and the Hastings v. City of Bremerton decision by analogy, clearly establish that the City is authorized by RCW 36.71.090(1) to require Farm Fresh Produce and Rick Phillips to obtain a TUP to sell produce that Phillips did not raise, gather, produce or manufacturer. 5. The Merriam Webster Online Dictionary defines the word "gather", in pertinent part, as "to bring together: collect <tried to gather a crowd> <gathered firewood>"; or "pick, harvest<gather flowers>". Such dictionary defines "harvest", in pertinent part, as "the act or process of gathering in a crop". 6. Construing the context of the term "gather" in relation to the other language in RCW 36.71.090(1), and the overall legislative intent of such statute, the reasonable and logical construction of the term "gather" in RCW 36.71.090(1) is the dictionary definition "pick, harvest"; and not the more broad dictionary definition of"to bring together, collect" 7. If a person personally picks or harvests apples, strawberries or corn from a farm; or huckleberries from the forest; the person can be said to "gather" such produce; and RCW 36.71.090(1) allows such person to sell, deliver or peddle such produce without having to obtain a HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision APP-02-10/TUP-01-10 Page 8 license from a city or town. The actions of Rick Phillips in selectively picking out and purchasing certain types of produce from growers that Phillips did not raise, pick or harvest does not meet the definition of"gather" in RCW 36.71.090(1). 8. Between September 3-14, 2010, Rick Phillips sold or authorized the sale of seasonal goods from his Farm Fresh Fruit business that he did not raise, gather (i.e. pick or harvest), produce or manufacturer; i.e. bananas, oranges, melons, corn, peppers, honey, onions, huckleberries and other unidentified products or edibles; in the City of Spokane Valley; without a temporary use permit (TUP) in a nonresidential zone; in violation of SVMC and SVMC Chapter 17.100. 9. The Notices and Orders were properly issued by the Department, and contained the required contents. The Department was authorized to impose civil penalties in the Notices and Orders. See SVMC 17.100.130 and SVMC 17.100.150. 10. The Department properly imposed a civil penalty of$1,000 in the September 3, 2010 Notice and Order, including $500 as the basic initial penalty for the violation, and an additional $500 penalty for a history of two (2) similar violations. See SVMC 17.100.250(4). 11. The Department properly imposed a civil penalty of$5,000 in the September 13, 2010 Notice and Order, including a $5,000 additional penalty for "economic benefit to person responsible for violation"; even though it should have assessed a total of$5,500, which includes the initial penalty of $500 added to the $5,000 additional penalty. See SVMC 17.100.250(5). 12. In the September 13, 2010 Notice and Order, the Department could alternatively have assessed an additional penalty of$2,500 for a history of three (3) violations, including the violation cited in the September 3, 2010 Notice and Order; plus the initial penalty of $500, for a total civil penalty of $3,000; but was not required to do so under SVMC 17.100.250 13. The Department followed the procedures set forth in SVMC 17.100.050 for the investigation of probable violations of the SVMC by Rick Phillips that occurred after the TUP expired. 14. The Department was not required to give Farm Fresh Produce or Phillips a warning, or attempt to enter into a voluntary compliance agreement with Phillips, before issuing the Notices and Orders. This is because the continued sale of produce from the produce stand that Phillips did not raise, gather, produce or manufacture after the TUP expired represented repeat violations; and/or because Phillips knew, or reasonably should have known, that the sale of such produce from the site without a i3 new TUP constituted a code violation. See SVMC 17.100.050.C. iF IV. DECISION Based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law stated above, the civil penalties of $1,000 and $5,000 imposed by the City Community Development Department against Richard W. Phillips in the September 3, 2010 Notice and Order and the September 13, 2010 Notice and Order, respectively, are hereby affirmed. HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision APP-02-10/TUP-01-10 Page 9 DATED this 10th day of March, 2011 a CITY HEARING EXAMINER PRO TEM k ` " / Mich °el C. Dempsey, W BA###8235 NOTICE OF FINAL DECISION AND NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Pursuant to Section 17.90.010 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC), and RCW Chapter 36.70C, the decision of the Hearing Examiner on the appeal of a Notice and Order of Violation imposed by the City Community Development Department is final and conclusive unless within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of issuance of the Examiner's decision, a party with standing files a land use petition in Superior Court pursuant to RCW Chapter 36.70C. Pursuant to RCW Chapter 36.70C, the date of issuance of the Hearing Examiner's decision is three (3) days after it is mailed. This decision was mailed by regular mail to the Applicant, and to the City Community Development Department, on March 10,2011. The date of issuance of the Hearing Examiner's decision is therefore March 14,2011, counting to the next business day when the last day for mailing falls on a weekend. THE APPEAL CLOSING DATE IS APRIL 4, 2011.. The complete record in this matter, including this decision, is on file during the appeal period with the Office of the Hearing Examiner, Third Floor, Public Works Building, 1026 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane,Washington, 99260-0245; and may be inspected by contacting Kristine Chase at(509) 477-7490. The file may be inspected during normal working hours, listed as Monday-Friday of each week, except holidays, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. After the appeal period, the file may be inspected at the City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development-Code Enforcement, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA, 99206; by contacting Chris Berg at(509) 921-1000. Copies of the documents in the record will be made available at the cost set by the City of Spokane Valley. HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision APP-02-1 0/TUP-0 1-1 0 Page 10