CUP-02-05 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY HEARING EXAMINER RE: Conditional Use Permit for a Wireless ) Communication Support Tower, in the ) FINDINGS OF FACT, Urban Residential-7* (UR-7*) Zone; ) CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, Applicant: Pro-Land Verizon Wireless ) AND DECISION File No. CUP-02-05 ) I. SUMMARY OF DECISION Hearing Matter: Application for a conditional use permit for a wireless communication support tower, in the UR-7* zone. Summary of Decision: Approve application, subject to revised conditions of approval, including a requirement that the antenna array for the proposed tower be designed using "stealth" technology. II. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The application requests a conditional use permit for a 60-foot tall wireless communication support tower, in the Urban Residential-7* (UR-7*) zone, on a 1,120-square foot portion of a 3.3-acre site. 2. The site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Sullivan Road and the westbound on-ramp for Trent Avenue (State Route No. 290); in the NE 1/4 of Section 2, Township 25 N, Range 45 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington. 3. The site is currently referenced as County Assessor's tax parcel no. 45021.6415, is legally described on the site plan of record, and is addressed at 4403 N. Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley. 4. The applicant for the proposal is ProLand-Verizon Wireless, do Julie Cope, 2715 E. 31st Avenue, Suite B, Spokane, Washington 99223. The site owner is Tom Anderson, 4622 N. Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley, Washington 99223. 5. On August 9, 2005, the applicant submitted a complete application for a conditional use permit in City Department of Community Development File No. CUP-02-05. 6. On October 14, 2005, the City Department of Community Development issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) for the conditional use permit. } 7. The Hearing Examiner conducted a site visit on November 15, 2005, and conducted a public hearing on the proposal on November 17, 2005. The requirements for notice of public hearing f. were met. HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUP-02-05 Page 1 8. The Hearing Examiner heard the proposal pursuant to the City Hearing Examiner Ordinance, and the City Hearing Examiner Rules of Procedure. 9. The following persons testified at the public hearing: Micki Harnois, Associate Planner Julie Cope Spokane Valley Community Development 2715 E. 31st Avenue#B 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane, WA 99223-4708 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 10. The Hearing Examiner takes notice of the City of Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code; other applicable development regulations; City Municipal Code; and prior land use decisions in the vicinity. 11. The record includes the documents in File No. CUP-02-05 at the time of the public hearing, the documents and testimony submitted at the public hearing, and the items taken notice of by the Hearing Examiner. The Examiner left the record open after the public hearing until November 21, 2005, to allow the applicant to submit additional information regarding radio frequency(RF) emissions. 12. The site is 3.3 acres in size and relatively flat in topography. A self-service storage building is located in the east end of the site, with the remainder of the site used for recreational vehicle storage. A 450-foot wide Bonneville Power Administration easement burdens all but the east 60 feet of the site, and contains overhead transmission lines that pass over the site. The easement lies immediately west of the storage building on the site. 13. A 6-foot high, chain-link fence, topped by three(3) strands of barbed wire, is located along the west, south and north borders of the site; and is attached to the north and south sides of the existing storage building on the site. A gated entrance to Sullivan Road is located in the northeast corner of the property. The site is landscaped with grass along Sullivan Road. 14. The site plan of record consists of a"site topo" sheet dated April 12, 2005; an architectural site plan tower elevation" sheet dated July 25, 2005; and a"title sheet" dated July 25, 2005. 15. The site plan of record illustrates a 1,169-square foot area in the southeast corner of the site to be leased for the proposed tower. The lease area extends between the existing building on the site and the south property line of the site, and lies immediately east of the BPA power line easement. The site plan illustrates a 20-foot wide access easement lying 10 feet west of the (' existing storage building on the site, connecting the lease area for the tower to the site access to Sullivan Road. 16. The site plan illustrates a 60-foot tall, monopole, wireless communication support tower within the proposed lease area; with an 8-pronged antenna array affixed near the top, and a lightning rod located atop. The proposed tower is shown approximately 15 feet from the south property line of the site, 20 feet from the east property line of the site, and 20 feet south of the HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUP-02-05 Page 2 existing building on the site. The site plan illustrates an 11-foot long storage unit in the lease area, immediately south and abutting the building on the site, which would be used to store equipment for the tower. 17. The City Comprehensive Plan designates the site and neighboring land to the west and northwest in the Low Density Residential category, designates the land lying south of the site in the Mixed Use category, designates the land lying north of the site in the Medium Density Residential category; and designates the land lying east of the site in the Light Industrial category. 18. The site is zoned Urban Residential-7* (UR-7*). The land lying north of the site is zoned Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) and is developed with apartments; and the land lying west and northwest of the site is zoned Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5) and UR-7, and is developed with single-family homes, some duplexes, and a portion of the BPA power line easement and overhead transmission lines. 19. The land lying south and southwest of the site, north of Trent Avenue, is zoned Community Business (B-2) and Regional Business (B-3), and includes some commercial uses. The land lying east of the site includes a UR-22 zone improved with an irrigation district office, and manufacturing uses on land zoned Light Industrial(I-2). The land lying south of Trent Avenue in the area is zoned Heavy Industrial(I-3), and is developed with a large industrial park and other industrial uses. 20. The City Arterial Road Plan designates Sullivan Road as an Urban Principal Arterial, and Wellesley Avenue to the north as an Urban Minor Arterial. SR-290 is a multi-lane state highway in the area. Sullivan Road is improved to 4-5 lanes in the area, and has curb and sidewalk adjacent to the site. 21. The only public comment submitted regarding the proposal was an e-mail memo received from John Farver, who resides a short distance west of the site along Sommer Street. Such resident objected to the visual impact of the proposed tower; questioned what impact the tower would have on television, Cingular cellphone and satellite service reception in the vicinity; and recommended that the tower be located in the industrially zoned area lying south of Trent Avenue in the area. 22. Policy CF.16.7 of the Comprehensive Plan encourages coordination with utility providers in the provision of telecommunication services. Policy CF.16.8 promotes long term planning for telecommunications systems. Policy 16.10 encourages telecommunication services as a means to mitigate the transportation impact of development and growth. 23. Policy CF.16.9 of the Comprehensive Plan recommends requiring the placement of cellular communication facilities in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts on adjacent land uses and utilizes existing structures where feasible. 24. Policy CF.16.15 of the Comprehensive Plan promotes the location of new utility transmission, distribution and communication facilities when doing so is consistent with utility HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUP-02-05 Page 3 industry practices, State Department of Transportation requirements, and national electrical and other codes. This includes such facilities as towers, antennas, poles, rights of ways and trenches. 25. Policy UL.5.2 of the Comprehensive Plan recommends that an aesthetic corridor be established along Trent Avenue (SR-290), visible from the roadway and not exceeding 500 feet on either side of the road, in order to provide a positive image of the Spokane area. Policy UL.5.3 recommends that specific regulations be adopted for designated aesthetic corridors. However, the City has not adopted specific regulations for Trent Avenue as an aesthetic corridor that would have direct application to the proposal. 26. The UR-7 zone is intended to add to the variety of housing types and densities, and to provide standards for the orderly development of residential property in a manner that provides a desirable living environment that is compatible with surrounding land uses and assures the protection of property values. The UR-7 zone permits the development of single-family homes, duplexes, multi-family dwellings, and certain other uses. 27. The City Phase I Development Regulations limit new residential development on land rezoned to the UR-7 under such regulations to a maximum density(net) of six(6) dwelling units per acre,with such zoning referred to as "UR-7*". The UR-7 zone otherwise permits a density (net) of seven(7) dwelling units per acre. 28. Wireless communication support towers are permitted through issuance of a conditional use permit in the UR-7* zone. This includes compliance with the special development standards of the UR-7 zone for such use, including the requirements of Sections 14.618.240.4 of the City Zoning Code applicable to wireless communication support towers, and the general criteria applicable to a conditional use permit application set forth in chapter 14.404 of the City Zoning Code. A conditional use permit may be denied if the use is not compatible with other permitted uses in the area, or will be materially detrimental to the public welfare. 29. A wireless communication antenna array is permitted in the UR-7* zone, provided it complies with the special requirements for such use set forth in Section 14.618.220.6 of the City Zoning Code. 30. Variances to the development standards of the City Zoning Code may be approved by the Hearing Examiner after a public hearing under Chapter 14.404 of the Zoning Code. 31. Zoning Code 14.618.240.4a requires the applicant for a conditional use permit for a wireless communication support tower to demonstrate compliance with the conditions and standards set forth in Zoning Code 14.618.240.4 (b-s) prior to issuance of a building permit. The Staff Report discusses the consistency of the application with such criteria. 32. The site plan of record illustrates a proposed 6-foot high chain link fence,with three (3) strands of barbed wire atop, located along the west border of the proposed lease area, and similar existing fencing along the south and west borders of the proposed lease area. HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUP-02-05 Page 4 33. Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.d requires a wireless communication support tower facility to be enclosed by a sight-obscuring, secured fence not less than six(6) feet in height with a locking gate; and prohibits the installation of barbed wire or razor wire. Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.e requires the support tower foundation, equipment shelters and other on-the-ground ancillary equipment to either be buried below ground, or screened with a minimum 6-foot high sight- obscuring secured fence. Zoning Code 14.810.020.1 generally prohibits a fence in a residential zone from exceeding six(6) feet in height. Zoning Code 14.810.020.5 prohibits barbed wire fences in the UR-7 zone. 34. The Staff Report states that the Director of the City Department of Community Development may "waive" the height and type of perimeter fencing required around the tower facility, "...as the barbed wire is not the total material of the fence and the site shall be secure for public safety." However, the Director does not have such waiver authority,Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.d clearly prohibits the installation of barbed wire, there is no evidence in the record that barbed wire must be affixed to the top of the fence to make the facility secure, and the applicant conceded at the public hearing that barbed wire did not need to be affixed to the proposed fence. 35. The existing 6-foot high, chain link fencing with barbed attached to the top located along the east and south borders of the proposed lease area can remain, but needs to be made sight- obscuring to comply with Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.d. The proposed 6-foot high chain link fencing proposed along the west boundary of the lease area needs to be made sight-obscuring and not have barbed wire attached, to comply with Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.d. 36. The applicant requested a"waiver" from the requirement of Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.o that the antenna array and supporting electrical and mechanical equipment shall be installed using "stealth"technology, to allow installation of a standard antenna array. The applicant stated that the rationale for such waiver was "...the industrial nature of this site and its neighbors, the nearby towers with standard antenna arrays, the distance of the site on the property from the adjoining properties, and the diminished capacity of stealth antennas". See letter dated 7-28-05 from Verizon Wireless to Spokane Valley Planning Department. 37. Zoning Code 14.300.100 defines "stealth" as any wireless communication antenna array that is designed to blend into the surrounding environment; including, in pertinent, part, support towers designed to look like trees, light poles, flag poles, etc. The applicant indicated at the public hearing that if stealth technology was used for the support tower and antenna arrays, the height of the tower including arrays would have to exceed the maximum structure height of 60 feet set forth in Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.f to accommodate antenna arrays for up to five (5) cellular carriers and provide adequate wireless reception for the facility. 38. The Staff Report indicated that the Director of the Department of Community Development may waive the "stealth" requirement of Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.o. However, the Director has no authority to grant such waiver, which must be done through the variance process set forth in Chapter 14.404 of the County Zoning Code. The applicant should be required to design the antenna array(s) using stealth technology, or obtain a variance from such requirement under HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUP-02-05 Page 5 Chapter 14.404 of the City Zoning Code. This would necessitate the submittal of a variance application and the scheduling of a public hearing before the Examiner. 39. The site plan of record appears to show the antenna array rising above the 60-foot tall wireless communication support tower by several inches. Since Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.f defines the height of the support tower to include any attached antenna arrays, the tower height may exceed the 60-foot maximum height specified for a wireless communication support tower under Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.f. The applicant should be required to design the tower to be no taller than 60 feet. 40. Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.j requires the applicant to provide a certified statement from a licensed radio frequency(RF) engineer demonstrating need within network build out and a report of RF emissions existing at occupancy, maximum future projected emission requirements, and cumulative emissions from multiple antenna arrays located on the same structure or wireless communication support tower are all within the standards required by the FCC. 41. The applicant provided a detailed explanation from its representative at the public hearing, Julie Cope, regarding the need for the proposed tower, and provided a brief statement from an RF engineer that a new cellular site is needed to resolve system call capacity and call quality issues before customers are adversely affected. See letter dated 7-28-05 from Verizon Wireless, and letter dated 7-14-05 from Scott Cashmore. 42. The applicant provided a statement from an RF engineer indicating the maximum RF emissions for the five (5) carriers planned on the single antenna array illustrated at the top of the proposed tower on the site plan, that future site configuration may add a"PCS" antenna array, the maximum RF emissions for PCS per carrier, and that the proposed site meets all applicable RF exposure levels adopted by the FCC. See letters dated 7-14-05 and 11-21-05 from Scott Cashmore. 43. The addition of the PCS antenna array is not addressed on the site plan of record, or in the application, and would have to comply with the stealth technology and the 60-foot maximum building height for a wireless communication tower required by Zoning Code 14.618.240.f. The statement from the RF engineer does not state the cumulative emissions from the currently proposed antenna array and the possible PCS antenna array, as required by Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.j. The statement otherwise appears to meet the requirements of Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.j. 44. The applicant provided a"visual simulation" of the site plan for the proposal, as required by Zoning Code 14.618.240.1, although not for a wireless communication support tower and array utilizing the "stealth" technology required by Zoning Code 14.618.240.o. 45. The proposed tower is located within .8 miles of three (3) existing wireless communication support towers, all in the same location. However, the record indicates that one of the towers is too light to support another cellular carrier, and the location of the towers is too close to the applicant's existing tower located 1.4 miles from the site for the purpose of dividing up "call HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUP-02-05 Page 6 traffic". See letter dated 7-28-05 from Verizon Wireless. These circumstances illustrate compliance with the co-location requirements of Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.n. 46. The only lighting on the top of the tower will be that required by the FAA. Any security lighting must be down-shielded and cannot extend beyond the property line, as required by Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.q and Zoning Code 14.810.180. 47. The applicant provided no documentation that all applicable requirements of the FAA have been satisfied, as required by Zoning Code 14.618.240.4.j; but such information can be supplied prior to issuance of a building permit. The Staff Report indicates that an avigation easement for the facility will not be necessary. 48. The proposal meets all other applicable standards specified in Zoning Code 14.618.240.4, as discussed in the Staff Report. 49. The DNS issued for the proposal was not appealed. Compliance with federal RF levels, as required by the County Zoning Code,will ensure that the proposal does not adversely impact human health. 50. As conditioned, the proposal will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment, and will be reasonably compatible with neighboring properties and uses. 51. The Examiner has added conditions of approval necessary to ensure that the proposal complies with the development standards of the Zoning Code for wireless communication support towers, prior to issuance of a building permit 52. The Staff Report recommended that the conditional use permit be authorized for a period of two (2) years only, subject to one (1)year extensions approved administratively by the City Department of Community Development. Zoning Code Chapter 14.618.240 does not authorize such limitation, and the Staff Report provides no justification for imposing such requirement under Section 14.404.102 of the City Zoning Code. 53. The Staff Report also recommended that the conditional use permit should be regarded as personal to the applicant and not run with the land. There is no basis for imposing such a restriction on the conditional use permit, and it should not be imposed. Based on the above findings of fact, the Hearing Examiner enters the following: IlI. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The application for a conditional use permit for a wireless communication support tower, as conditioned, in the UR-7* zone, conforms to the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposal, as conditioned, is consistent with the purpose and intent of the UR-7* zone, the standards of the UR-7* zone for a conditional use permit for a wireless communication HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUP-02-05 Page 7 support tower, the general development standards of the UR-7* zone, other provisions of the City Zoning Code, and other applicable development regulations. 3. The proposal, as conditioned, is compatible with other uses permitted in the UR-7* zone or located in the vicinity of the proposed use. 4. The proposal, as conditioned, reasonably mitigates any adverse impacts on adjacent properties by reason of use, extension, construction or alteration allowed with respect to the conditional use. 5. The proposal, as conditioned,will not have more than a moderate effect on the quality of the environment. The requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act and the County's Local Environmental Ordinance have been met. 6. The proposal, as conditioned, complies with the requirements for issuance of a conditional use permit under Chapter 14.404 and Section 14.618.240.4 of the City Zoning Code. 7. Approval of the land use applications, as conditioned, is appropriate under Section 11 of the County Hearing Examiner Ordinance, as adopted by County Resolution No. 96-0171. IV. DECISION Based on the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the application for a conditional use permit for a wireless communication support tower, in the Urban Residential-7* (UR-7*) zone, is hereby approved, subject to the conditions of approval specified below. Any public agency conditions that have been significantly altered or added to are italicized. This approval does not waive the applicant's obligation to comply with all other requirements of other agencies with jurisdiction over land development. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT—CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION: 1. The wireless communication support tower shall be developed substantially as indicated on the site plan of record dated April 12, 2005 and July 25, 2005, subject to compliance with the conditions of approval stated herein. 2. The antenna array and supporting electrical and mechanical equipment shall be installed using "stealth" technology, unless a variance is approved by the Hearing Examiner after a public hearing pursuant to Chapter 14.404 of the County Zoning Code. HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUP-02-05 Page 8 3. The support tower facility shall be enclosed by a 6-foot high sight-obscuring fence. No new barbed wire may be installed as part of such fencing. The barbed wire affixed to the top of the existing chain link fence located on the south and east sides of the proposed easement area may be retained, but such fencing shall be made sight-obscuring. 4. The conditional use permit approval shall only be applicable to the wireless communication support tower related uses illustrated or described on the site plan of record, subject to compliance with the conditions of approval stated herein. 5. The owner of the wireless communication support tower facility shall notify the Current Planning Division when the tower is no longer operating as a part of a wireless communication system authorized and licensed by the FCC. Within six(6) months of the date the facility ceases to operate as part of an authorized system, the facility shall either be removed from the site, or a building permit must be obtained to allow another permitted use of the facility. 6. The conditional use permit approval shall immediately expire if the applicant discontinues operation of the support tower facility. 7. Except as otherwise noted above, the proposal shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 14.618.240.4 (Conditional Use for a Wireless Communication Support Tower Standards), and Chapter 14.618 (Urban Residential-7 zone development standards), of the City Zoning Code. 8. All signage shall conform to the standards set forth in Section 14.618.240 4.d of the City Zoning Code. 9. The conditional use permit may be suspended or revoked, if, after a public hearing, the Hearing Examiner finds that the applicant failed to comply or ensure compliance with conditions of approval. 10. The Current Planning Division shall prepare and record a title notice with the Spokane County Auditor, stating that the subject property is subject to certain conditions of approval imposed as a result of a land use action. The title notice shall serve as a public notice that the property is subject to such conditions of approval. The title notice should generally state as follows: "The parcel property legally described as (insert legal descri ption) is the subject of a land use decision by the City of Spokane Valley Hearing Examiner on January 4, 2006, approving a Conditional Use Permit under the City Zoning Code, and imposing various conditions of approval affecting the property. File No. CUP-02-05, relating to such approval, is available for inspection and copying at the City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development." HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUP-02-05 Page 9 SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 8. The applicant shall submit a list of the amount of diesel that will be stored on site. DATED this 4th day of January, 2006 SPOKANE COUNTY HEARING EXAMINER Mi ael C. Dempsey, WSBA#823 r'. -- NOTICE OF FINAL DECISION AND NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Pursuant to Chapter 10.35 of the City Municipal Code, the decision of the Hearing Examiner on an application for a conditional use permit is final and conclusive unless within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the issuance of the Examiner's decision, a party with standing files a land use petition in superior court pursuant to chapter 36.70C RCW. Pursuant to RCW 36.70C.040, the date of issuance of the Hearing Examiner's decision is three (3) days after it is mailed. This Decision was mailed by Certified Mail to the Applicant, and by first class mail to other parties of record, on January 4, 2006. The date of issuance of the Hearing Examiner's decision is therefore January 9, 2006. THE LAST DAY FOR APPEAL OF THIS DECISION TO SUPERIOR COURT BY LAND USE PETITION IS JANUARY 30, 2006. The complete record in this matter, including this decision, is on file during the appeal period with the Office of the Hearing Examiner, Third Floor, Public Works Building, 1026 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, Washington, 99260-0245, (509) 477-7490. The file may be inspected during normal working hours, listed as Monday- Friday of each week, except holidays, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. After the appeal period, the file may be inspected at the City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development, Division of Current Planning, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA. Copies of the documents in the record will be made available at the cost set by City of Spokane Valley Ordinance. Pursuant to RCW 36.70B.130, affected property owners may request a change in valuation for property tax purposes notwithstanding any program of revaluation. HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision CUP-02-05 Page 10