ZE-46A-90 SUB-05-05 Corrections 7-1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY HEARING EXAMINER RE: Change of Conditions to a Prior Zone ) Reclassification, and Preliminary Plat of ) ORDER CORRECTING Inverary, in the UR-12 Zone; ) CLERICAL ERRORS Applicant: Whipple Consulting Eng., Inc. ) File No. ZE-46A-90/SUB-05-05 ) ) I. FINDINGS OF FACT On June 28, 2005, the Hearing Examiner entered written Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision("Decision") in the above-referenced file. On June 30, 2005, the City Department of Community Development notified the Examiner of clerical errors in the decision. Section 17 of the Hearing Examiner Rules of Procedure authorizes the Hearing Examiner to reconsider or clarify a final decision to correct a clerical error. Nearly all the clerical errors in the decision deal with stating the wrong zone or zoning code section, resulting from the borrowing of text from other decisions. Since the errors do not change the analysis, and would be reformed by a reviewing authority, there is no need to reissue the decision or extend the appeal period. H. ORDER It is hereby ORDERED that the Examiner's written decision dated June 28, 2005 be revised as follows: The reference to "UR-22" in Findings of Fact#s 13 and 93, and in Conclusions of Law#s 6 and 7, is changed to the "UR-12". The word"an" in the second line of the Decision, on page 15, is changed to "and". The reference to "June 28, 2005" in condition#2 on page 16 is changed to "June 28, 2010". The references to "UR-7" and"14.618" in condition#6 on page 16 are changed to "UR-12" and"14.620", respectively. The reference to "14.618.375" in condition#7 on page 16 is changed to "14.620.375". The reference to "14.618.365" in condition#1 on page 17 is changed to "14.620.365". The last day for appeal of the Examiner's decision, as revised, shall remain July 22, 2005. A copy of this Order was mailed to the applicant by certified mail, and by regular mail to other parties of record, on July 1, 2005. DATED this 1St day of July, 2005 SPOKANE COUNTY BEARING EXAMINER ;',/7/ of (7', le/10 Michael C. Dempsey, WSBA#8235 Order Correcting Clerical Error ZE-46A-90/SUB-05-05 Page 1