13-136.00 WSDOE: Regional Decant FacilityA+i DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY state of Washington Amendment Agreement Number: G1200607 Suspension ofPerfoi•ntance and Resumption o Per ormance. In the event of a disruption in fitndingfroin state, federal, or other- sources dttring the terns of this contract, grant, loan, or interlocal agreement (hereafter referred to as "agreement'), the Department of Ecology may elect to suspend performance of the agreement until such time as the -Department of Ecology deter -mines that the funding inst ff ciency is resolved in lieu of terminating the agi eement. During the period of the. suspension of petfornnance, each party shall inform the other of any conditions that may reasonably affect the potential for• resumption ofpetformance. When the Department of Ecology determines that the funding insufficiency is resolved it may give written notice to resume petfoi•tttance. Upon receipt of notice to resume petfortnance, recipientivendor will provide written notice to the Departritent of Ecology as to the date upon which it agrees to t•esume performance. The Depar•tinent of Ecology has identified a possibility that state fiinds will become unavailable beginningAly 1, 2413, if a state operating budget is not enacted prior to that tinge. Yfunds do become unavailable on July 1, 2413, this agreement is .suspended effective at that time pia srtant to this provision for• Suspension of Performance and Resumption of Per formmnce. Approved Approved Recipient/Vendor: State of Washington Department of Ecology SPOKANE VALLEY CITY OF (Signature) ( ate) ig trl (Date) A, (Print Name) (Title) Kelly Susewind (Print Name) Program Manager Water Quality (Title) CC) 13- l3(