13-128.00 WSDOT: Wellesley & Adams Rd Sidewalk�Washington State AGENCY Supplement - Highways and Local Programs TI/ Department of Transportation State Funding Agreement Agency City of Spokane Valle S Supplement Number 2 Project Number HLP -SR12 002 Agreement Number LA- 7774Senior This supplemental agreement is made and entered into 9/12/2012 All provisions in the AGREEMENT identified above remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Project Description ® No Change Name Wellesley Avenue Sidewalk and Adams Road Sidewalk Location Adams Road from Trent to Wellesley and Wellesley Avenue from Sullivan to 150' East of Isenhart Description of Work ® No Change Construction of ADA Accessible Sidewalk at the project location Reason for Supplement Requesting Release of construction funds along with additional PE and Right of Way Funds. T f Wk Type o or Estimate of Fundin (1) Previous A reement/Su I 2 Supplement pp (3) Estimated Total Project Funds (4) Estimated Agency Funds (5) Estimated State Funds PE a. Agency 59 000.00 8,781.00 67 781.00 0.00 67 781.00 b. Other c. Other d. State 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 e. Total PE Cost Estimate(a +b +c +d) 60 000.00 8,781.00 68,78 .00 0.00 6-8,78-1-0-0 Right of Way f. Agency g. Other RW & Easement Pur. 15,818.00 3,532.00 19,350.00 19,350.00 h. Other Consultant, App. ect 27,435.00 27,435.00 27,43 .00 i. State 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 j. Total R/W Cost Estimate (f +g +h +i) 54 253.00 3,532.00 57 785.00 57 786.00 Construction k. Contract 494 543.00 494 543.00 494 543.00 I. Other Contract - COSV u 121,092.00 121,092.00 121,092.00 m. Other n. Other — CE FE4Abj9D ) D o. Agency _ CIF EI-1 G 48 885.00 p. State 1,000.00 1 000.00 1,000.00 q. Total CN Cost Estimate(k +I +m +n +o +p) 679 410.00 679 410.00 170 977.00 508 433.00 r. Total Project Cost Estimate (e +j +q) 114 253.00 691 723.00 805 976.00 170 977.00 AGE / By: "11 Title: Public Works Director /Z Date: DOT Form 140 -087A EF Revised 6/02 STA By: Date: TE G34tG9q Dire tor, Highways and Local Programs JUL 2 4 2013 0,10 13 -- IzS JUL 2 4 2013 0,10 13 -- IzS