PC APPROVED Minutes 07-25-13 Spokane Valley Planning Commission APPROVED Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. July 25, 2013 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bates called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance III. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS Present Absent CITY STAFF Bill Bates-Chair x Scott Kuhta,Planning Manager Joe Stoy--Vice Chair x - Christina Janssen,Planner Steven Neill x Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Kevin Anderson x Mike Phillips x r Robert McCaslin x Christina Carlsen x Mary Swank, secretary IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Stoy made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. This motion was passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Neill made a notion to approve the July 11, 2013 minutes as presented. This motion was passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. There was no commission reports. Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of3 IX. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Scott Kuhta, Planning Manager, reported he just got back from Olympia, participating in the Department of Ecology's SEPA reform committee. Mr. Kuhta stated they updated categorical exemptions last year and are continuing to do work under the direction from the legislature. The committee will continue looking at the SEPA regulations and by the end of this year we will have more reform. Mr. Kuhta informed Commissioners that next week will be a public hearing on the text amendment being presented today and following that we will continue with the Shoreline Regulations. X. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Unfinished Business: No unfinished Business B. New Business: CTA-2013-0006 Christina Janssen, PIanner, started her presentation on CTA-2013-0006, a privately initiated Code Text Amendment, SVMC Chapter 19.120, to allow specialized training/learning studios as permitted use in the I-1 zone and a conditional use in the 1-2 zone. Ms. Janssen informed Commissioners how the City Council allowed indoor recreational and entertainment facilities in the Light and Heavy Industrial zones as a permitted use. Ms. Janssen explained the difference between this use and the entertainment recreation facility. The recreational and entertainment uses would be a bowling alley or indoor soccer center, where individuals would go to recreate at their own leisure. Specialized training and learning schools deal with instruction have a teaching staff and participate in classes. Ms. Janssen explained that Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Section 17.80. 150(f) outlines two criteria that must be met in order to approve the amendment: 1. The proposed amendment needs to be consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive plan. 1 2 The amendment must bear a substantial relationship with the public health safety and welfare. Ms. Janssen went over the approval criteria, Chapter 2-Land use, Light and Heavy Industry, application materials, the classifications from the City of Spokane, Spokane County, and City of Liberty Lake. All three cities allow this type of use in their industrial zones. Ms. Janssen explained the conditional use permit process: the Hearing Examiner process and the recommendations. Questions: Commissioner Anderson asked why we deny anyone in the heavy industrial area from renting, leasing or buying. Mr. Kuhta responded that some jurisdictions take the approach of each successive intensive zone would allow everything that is less intensive. Other jurisdictions take the approach that industrial areas are intended just for industry. Industrial areas are available for high employment and high paying wage jobs. Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 Commissioner Stay asked if there is any vacant ground available for a brand new facility or is this going to be leasable spaces that this is going to effect. Ms. Janssen responded that she did not know. However, the interaction with this applicant and others interested in this type of use is that they looking for large open span buildings without the support poles which are typically found in industrial areas. Further, rent in the industrial areas is more reasonable. Commission Neill asked how many applicants we have spoken with. Ms. Janssen responded that there have been a number of inquiries of uses of this kind, Commissioner Bates asked about the availability of land in 1-1 and I-2 zones. Mr. Kuhta responded that the City has a lot of vacant industrial land, but a lot of it is un-sewered. Mike Basinger recently presented a study of industrial lands to the City Council. . The report will be submitted into the next Planning Commission packet. Commissioner Bates asked if Barker Road was sewered yet. Mr. Kuhta responded that east of the industrial park is not sewered, The Department is putting together a study right now to see how much it would cost to put sewer out there. Commissioner Bates asked if along Trent was sewered. Mr. Kuhta responded yes, it is mostly sewered and all the Yardley areas have sewer and water. XI. GOOD OF THE ORDER There was nothing for the good of the order. XII. ADJOURNMENT The being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 6:32 p.m. g/,Z‘s ,? ,6„.„---&-----,.. Bill Bates, Chairperson Cap �_,v'.: j s Mary Swank,PC ecretary Date signed g - 8 - V)) Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3