Agenda 08/22/2013 sijokane Valle Spokane Valley Planning Commission Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. August 22, 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: No minutes this week VI. COMMISSION REPORTS VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject that is not on the agenda. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS: FINDING OF FACT: CTA-2013-0006—PRIVATELY INITIATED CODE TEXT AMENDMENT, SVMC CHAPTER 19.120, TO ALLOW SPECIALIZED TRAINING/LEARNING STUDIOS AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE I-1 ZONE AND A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE I-2 ZONE. NEW BUSINESS: STUDY SESSION: STREET VACATION- STV-2013-0001 X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS CITY STAFF BILL BATES -CHAIR SCOTT KUHTA,PLANNING MANAGER KEVIN ANDERSON MARTY PALANIUK,PLANNER CHRISTINA CARLSEN ERIK LAMB,DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY ROBERT MCCASLIN STEVEN NEILL JOE STOY-VICE CHAIR CART HINSHAW,SECRETARY MIKE PHILLIPS WWW.SPOKANEVALLEY.ORG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: August 22, 2013 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ® old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin.report ® pending legislation FILE NUMBER: CTA-2013-0006 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Findings and Recommendation — Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: A privately initiated text amendment to amend Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 19.120, Permitted and Accessory Uses- to allow specialized training/learning schools or studios in the Light Industrial (I-1) district as a Permitted Use and as a Conditional Use in the Heavy Industrial(I-2)district. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.106; SVMC 17.80.150 and 19.30.040 PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: The Planning Commission conducted a study session July 25,2013 and a public hearing on August 8,2013 to consider the amendment. Following public testimony and deliberations,the Planning Commission voted 5-2 to approve the proposed code text amendment. BACKGROUND: The proposed amendment seeks amend SVMC 19.120,Permitted and Accessory Use matrix to allow specialized training/learning schools or studios in the Light Industrial(I-1)district as a permitted us and as a conditional use in the Heavy Industrial (I-2)district. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Planning Commission Findings and Recommendation to City Council. STAFF CONTACT: Christina Janssen,Planner ATTACHMENTS: A. Planning Commission's Findings and Recommendations B. Proposed Permitted and Accessory Uses matrix CTA-2013-0005 RPCA(Findings and Recommendation) Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT A FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION August 22,2013 The following findings are consistent with the Planning Commission's decision to recommend approval. Background: 1. Spokane Valley development regulations were adopted in September 2007 and became effective on October 28,2007. 2. This is a citizen-initiated text amendment to amend Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 19.120 Permitted and Accessory Uses matrix- to allow specialized training/learning schools or studios in the Light Industrial (I-1) district as a Permitted Use and as a conditional use in the Heavy Industrial (I-2) district. 3. The Planning Commission held a public hearing and conducted deliberations on August 8, 2013. The Planning Commission voted 5-2 to recommend approval of the amendment to the City Council. Planning Commission Findings and Conclusions: 1. Compliance with SVMC 17.80.150(F)Approval Criteria a. The proposed citizen-initiated code text amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; Finding(s): i. Land Use Policy, LUP-11.1 - Commercial, residential and recreational uses should be limited or not allowed in areas designated for industry, except for small-scale ancillary commercial and recreational uses intended to primarily serve the industrial area. ii. Land Use Goal,LUG-14 -Improve the appearance and function of the built environment. iii. Economic Development Goal, EDG-1 — Encourage diverse and mutually supportive business development and the expansion and retention of existing businesses within the City for the purpose of emphasizing economic vitality, stability and sustainability. iv. Economic Development Goal, EDG-2 — Encourage redevelopment of commercial/industrial properties within the City. v. Economic Development Goal, EDG-4 — Encourage regional tourism as a sustainable provider of jobs and markets. b. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. Utilizing existing facilities in a re-use fashion reduces the need for expansion of the built environment, allows for the adaptive re-use of existing building that matches the scale of the surroundings and again facilitates the economic vitality of the surrounding area. Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT A Finding(s): i. Allowing specialized training/learning schools or studios in the Light Industrial (I-1) district as a Permitted Use and as a Conditional Use in the Heavy Industrial (I-2) district is consistent with uses already allowed in these zones including, but not limited to entertainment/recreational facilities and golf driving ranges. ii. Specialized training/learning schools or studios do not present a safety concern in the industrial zones for either the participants or the surrounding uses. iii. The public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment are furthered by ensuring that the City's development regulations are consistent with goals and policies in the adopted Comprehensive Plan. 2. Conclusion(s): a. The proposed citizen-initiated code text amendment is consistent with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan and the approval criteria contained in SVMC 17.80.150(F). b. The Growth Management Act stipulates that the comprehensive land use plan and development regulations shall be subject to continuing review and evaluation by the City. Recommendations: The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends City Council adopt the proposed citizen-initiated code text amendment to SVMC 19.120,Permitted and Accessory Uses matrix. Approved this 22nd day of August,2013. Bill Bates,Chairman ATTEST: Can Hinshaw,Planning Commission Secretary Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission Page 2 of 2 R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions 711 Adult entertainment establishment S S Chapter 19.80 SVMC 453 Adult retail use establishment S S Chapter 19.80 SVMC 311 Agricultural processing plant, warehouse P P 481219 Airstrip,private P P 62191 Ambulance service P P P P P P P 54194 Animal clinic/veterinary P S P P P SVMC 19.60.040(B)(1) 311613 Animal processing facility P S S S S S S 112 Animal raising and/or keeping S S Excluding NAICS 1122, Swine.SVMC 19.40.150. 81291 Animal shelter S P P SVMC 19.60.080(B)(6) 31161 Animal slaughtering and processing P 45392 Antique store P P P P P 448 Apparel/tailor shop P P P P P P P 443111 Appliance sales/service P P P P A A Only if manufactured/ assembled on premises. 45392 Art gallery/studio P P P P P P P 333 Assembly—heavy p 334 Assembly—light P P P P P P R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions P P P 623312 Assisted living facility P P P P 4533 Auction house P P P P 4533 Auction yard(excluding livestock) P P 1152 Auction yard,livestock P 3361 Automobile assembly plant p 922 Automobile impound yard P P 441 Automobile/light truck sales and service P P P P 4853 Automobile/taxi rental P P P P P P P 811121 Automobile/truck/RV/motorcycle painting, repair,body and fender works S S P P P Enclosed structure only. SVMC 19.60.050(B)(3). 4413 Automotive parts,accessories and tires P P P P P P 445291 Bakery, retail P P S S P P P A A Floor area limited to 10% of Gross Leasable Floor Area(GLFA)not to exceed 1,000 sf. 52211 Bank,savings/loan and other financial institutions P P P P P P P p p R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions 8121 Barber/beauty shop P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 721191 Bed and breakfast P P P 11291 Beekeeping,commercial P S S S 11291 Beekeeping,hobby SVMC 19.40.150(C) 4511 Bicycle sales/service P P P P P P P P P 336611 Boat building, repair and maintenance P P 441222 Boat sales/service P P P P 4512 Book/stationery store P P P P P P P 3121 Bottling plant P P 71395 Bowling alley P P P P 722 Brewery,micro P P P P P P P P P 3121 Brewery,winery and/or distillery P P P P P P 4441 Building supply and home improvement P S P P P Floor area limited to 50,000 sq.ft.or less 445292 Candy and confectionery P P P P P P P P P 71399 Carnival,circus T T T T T T 3219 Carpenter shop P P P P 561740 Carpet and rug cleaning plants P P R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions 811192 Carwash P P S P P P P SVMC 19.60.040(B) 7132 Casino P P P P 454113 Catalog and mail order houses P P P P P P P 72232 Catering services P P P P P P P P P P 8122 Cemetery P 451112 Ceramics shop P P P P P P P P P P P P 813 Church,temple,mosque,synagogue and parsonage P P P P P P P 4481 Clothes,retail sales P P P P P 49312 Cold storage/food locker P P 6113 College or university P P P P P P 517 Communication service/sales P P P P P P P S S S S S S 921 — 922 Community facilities S S S S S S S S S S See zoning districts for conditions. P P P 8134 Community hall,club,or lodge P P P P P P P P P P 6232 Community residential facility(6 or less residents) P P P 6232 Community residential facility(greater than 6 residents,no more than 25) R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions 56173 Composting storage/processing, commercial P 54151 Computer services P P P P P P P P P 2373— 238 Contractor's yard P P P P P 623 Convalescent home, nursing home P P 44512 Convenience store P P A A P P P P P Crematories P P P P P P P P P P P 6233 Day care,adult P P A P P P A A C C C C P P 624410 Day care,child(13 children or more) P P A A P A A P P P P P P 624410 Day care,child(12 children or fewer) P P A A P P P A A 4521 Department/variety store P P P P 8123 Dry cleaners P P A P P P P 812332 Dry cleaning,laundry, linen supply plant,commercial P P 3211114 Dry kiln P S S S 814 Dwelling,accessory apartments SVMC 19.40.100 814 Dwelling,caretaker's residence S S S S S S SVMC 19.60.060(B)(1) P P 7213 Dwelling,congregate P P P R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF-MF- 1 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions P P P P 814 Dwelling,duplex P P P P P 814 Dwelling,multifamily P P S S SVMC 19.60.020(B) P P P P P P 814 Dwelling,single-family P P S S SVMC 19.60.020(B) P P P 814 Dwelling,townhouse P P P 334— 335 Electrical/electronic/computer component and system manufacturing/assembly P P P P P P P 713 Entertainment/recreation facilities, indoor P P P P P P C 7139 Entertainment/recreation facilities, outdoor P P P P P P 5323 Equipment rental shop P P P P P 8113 Equipment sales,repair,and maintenance P P P P P 7222 Espresso/latte retail service P P P P P P P P P R R R R R R 92 Essential public facilities R R R R R R R Chapter 19.90 SVMC A A 71394 Exercise facility/gym/athletic club P P A P P P P A A 493190 Explosive storage P P P P P P P P 814 Family home,adult P P P P R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions P P P P P P 814 Family home,child P P P P 441222 Farm machinery sales and repair P P P 112112 Feed lot P 311211 Feed/cereal/flour mill P P 81292 Film developing P P A A P P P 44313 Film/camera sales/service P P A A P P P 4531 Florist shop P P A A P P P P 44521 Food sales,specialty/butcher shop/meat market/specialty foods P P S P P SVMC 19.60.040(B)(3) 484 Freight forwarding P P 447 Fueling station P P P A P P P P 81221 Funeral home P P P 453 Gift shop P P A A P P P A S S S S S S 71391 Golf course P S P P Chapter 22.60 SVMC C C C C C C 71391 Golf driving range/training center P C S P P Chapter 22.60 SVMC 49313 Grain elevator P P 44422 Greenhouse,nursery,garden center, retail P P P P P P R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions 1114 Greenhouse,nursery,commercial S S P P SVMC 19.60.050(B)(3) 4451 Grocery store P P S P P SVMC 19.60.040(B)(3) 44413 Hardware store P P S P P SVMC 19.60.040(B)(3) 562211 Hazardous waste treatment and storage S S SVMC 21.40.060 4812 Heliport P P 4812 Helistop C C C C P 45112 Hobby shop P P P P P P P 442 Home furnishings, retail sale P P P P P 6221 Hospital P P P P P R R R R R R 622210 Hospital,psychiatric and substance abuse R R R R R R R R 622310 Hospital,specialty P P P P P A A 7211 Hotel/motel P P P P P P 312113 Ice plant P P 45322 Jewelry,clock,musical instrument assembly,sales/service P P A P P P P P 81291 Kennel,indoor kennel,doggie day care facility S S S S P P See zoning districts for conditions. R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions 54138 Laboratories(Bio Safety Level 2) P P P 54138 Laboratories(Bio Safety Level 3) P P P 54138 Laboratories(Bio Safety Level 4) P P 62151 Laboratories,medical and diagnostic P P P P P 44419 Landscape materials sales P P P p p A A A 812310 Laundromat P P A P P P P 4453 Liquor store P P A A P P 561622 Locksmith P P A A P P P 3211 Lumbermill,sawmill,shingle mill, plywood mill P 33271 Machine shop P P P 236115 Manufactured home fabrication P P S S S S S 814 Manufactured home park SVMC 19.40.130 45393 Manufactured home sales P P P Manufacturing 336411 Aircraft manufacturing p 33522 Appliances manufacturing P P 32412 Asphalt plant/manufacturing P R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions 31181 Bakery products manufacturing P P 33591 Battery rebuilding/manufacturing P P 339994 Broom manufacturing P P 325 Chemical manufacturing P 3342 Communications equipment manufacturing P P P P 339 Cosmetic and miscellaneous manufacturing P P 322226 Emery cloth and sandpaper manufacturing P P 32592 Explosive manufacturing P 3253 Fertilizer manufacturing P 311 Food product manufacturing/storage P 337 Furniture manufacturing P P 315 Garment manufacturing P P 32591 Ink manufacturing P 333 Machine/machinery manufacturing P P 3391 Medical and laboratory instrument/apparatus manufacturing P P P R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions 327 Nonmetallic metal products manufacturing P P Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing P 32411 Petroleum and coal products manufacturing P 32511 Plastic and rubber products manufacturing P 314991 Rope manufacturing P P 325212 Rubber reclamation, manufacturing/fabrication P 33995 Sign manufacturing/repair P P 32561 Soap and cleaning compound manufacturing P 31411 Textile manufacturing P P 56292 Tire, recap and retread manufacturing P 321 Wood product manufacturing P P 453998 Market,outdoor P P P P P P 621498 Massage therapy P P P P P P P 3116— Meat/fish canning,cutting,curing and P P R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions 3117 smoking 42345 Medical,dental,and hospital equipment supply/sales P P P P P 6214 Medical/dental clinic P P P P P P P 621 Medical/dental office P P P P P P P 332 Metal fabrication P P 332 Metal plating P 332 Metal processes,hot P 212 Mining P 722330 Mobile food vendors S S S S S S S S S S SVMC 19.60.010(H) T T T T T T 236115 Model home units 71211 Museum P P P P P P 45114 Music store P P A A P P P A A 561 Office P P P P P P P P P 45321 Office and computer supplies P P A P P P P P 999 Off-road recreational vehicle use P P 1113 Orchard,tree farming,commercial P P 32211 Paper/pulp mills P R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions 4859 Park-and-ride facility P P P P P P P 522298 Pawnshop P P P P 812 Personal service P P P P P P P 45391 Pet shop P P A P P P 44611 Pharmacy P P A P P P P P 54192 Photographic studio P P P P P P 326199 Plastic injection molding,thermoset P 326199 Plastic injection molding, thermoplastic P P P P P P 326199 Plastic injection solvent molding P 491 Post office,postal center P P P P P P P P P 221 Power plant(excluding public utility facilities) P 56143 Print shop P P A P P P P P P 323 Printing, reprographics,bookbinding services,commercial P P 48849 Public pay parking garage/lot P P P P P S S S S S S 221 Public utility distribution facility S S P P P P P P P P See zoning districts for conditions. R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions S S S S S S 237 Public utility transmission facility S S S S S S S S S S See zoning districts for conditions. 71399 Racecourse P P P P 711212 Racetrack P P 5151 Radio/TV broadcasting studio P P P P P P 4821 Railroad yard, repair shop and roundhouse P 7212 Recreational vehicle park/campground C S SVMC 19.60.060 44121 Recreational vehicle sales and service P P P P 56292 Recycling facility S S S P P P P P P P P 51511 Repeater facility P P P P P P 7222 Restaurant,drive-in P P P P P P 7222 Restaurant,drive-through P P A C P P P P 722 Restaurant,full service P P A P P P P P P 452— 453 Retail sales P P A P P P A A Limited to items manufactured on the premises. 71399 Riding stable C P P R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions 33122 Rolling mill P P P P P P P 6111 Schools,public and private,K through 12 P P P P P P 6114 Schools,professional,vocational and trade schools P P P P P P P P 4533 Secondhand store,consignment sales P P P P P S SVMC 19.70.010(B)(9) Showroom P P P P P P 33995 Sign painting shop P P P P P 56292 Solid waste recycling/transfer site S S S SVMC 19.60.060(B) 6116 Specialized training/learning schools or studios P P P P S P P F C Adaptive reuse of existing structures only.No expansion allowed. P P 49319 Storage,self-service facility P P P P P P 493 Storage,general—outdoors S S S S P See zoning districts for conditions. Tank storage,LPG above ground S S S S S S S SVMC 21.40.060 213112 Tank storage,critical material above ground S S SVMC 21.40.060 213112 Tank storage,critical material below ground S S S S SVMC 21.40.060 R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions 3161 Tanning,curing of hides and skins P 7224 Tavern P P P P P Taxidermy P P P S S S S S S 5172 Telecommunication wireless antenna array S S C S S S S S Chapter 22..,2C SVMC C C C C C C 5172 Telecommunication wireless support tower S S C S S S S S Chapter 22120 SVMC 711 Theater, indoor P P P P P 711 Theater,outdoor P P P P S S S S S S 5179 Tower, ham operator S S C S S S S SVMC 19.40.110(A) 221119 Tower,wind turbine support C S S S S S SVMC 19.40.110(B) 4851 Transit center P P P P P P P C 7213 Transitional housing 441222 Truck sales, rental,repair and maintenance P P 445— 447 Truck stop P P 81142 Upholstery shop P P P P P 49311 Warehousing A S P A P P Adaptive reuse of existing R- 1 R- 2 R- 3 R- 4 MF- 1 MF- 2 NAICS Schedule of Permitted Uses Appendix 19-A Mixed Use Center Corridor Mixed Use Garden Office Office Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Regional Commercial Parks/Open Space I-1 Light Ind. 1-2 Heavy Ind. Reference Conditions structures. No expansion allowed. 56292 Wrecking,recycling,junk and salvage yards C S SVMC 19.60.060(B) P Permitted Use A Accessory Only R Regional Siting T Temporary Permit S Conditions Apply C Conditional Use Permit (Ord. 13-003§3(Exh.A),2013;Ord. 12-022§3(Att.A),2012;Ord. 12-021 §4,2012;Ord. 11-021 §1,2011;Ord. 10-005§1 (Exh.A),2010;Ord.09-036§6,2009;Ord.09-017§1,2009; Ord.09-010§1,2009;Ord.09-006§5,2009;Ord.08-026§1,2008;Ord.08-002§1,2008;Ord.07-015§4,2007). CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: August 22, 2013 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin.report ❑ pending legislation FILE NUMBER: STV-2013-0001 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study session—Street Vacation DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, Mike Silvey, on behalf of Evergreen & Valleyway, LLC,requests the vacation of an unimproved,half-width,right-of-way section of Alki Avenue (81 feet in length by 19 feet wide with 50' radius cul-de-sac at the terminus). The vacated cul-de-sac will be replaced through the dedication of an emergency access turn-around. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.79, SVMC 17.80.120 and 22.140 PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: The area to be vacated is located approximately 500 feet west of the intersection of Alki Avenue and Bannen Road and further located between the southern boundary of Parcel 45143.1328 and the northern boundary of parcels 45143.1572 and 45143.1573. The following drawing depicts the proposal. TRAC` 85 Cl- VERA — — — N89'58'24"4/ 461.O0 — — — W '24"W — —1:)e.21 00 — — t 6ii1.5D Y}n 11 D,7 E — � 7 I Area to be vacated I ALKI AVE. 7 . / , 7-- -Th‘, E . ..-} ,,, _,..,,t, ill YfY Gr_ i[y ,' I -.� / L I, 1 ``--- _ � 2 '''4 -P){7 -4,L'ihr7-rj / r\.1 II R t—co J ju Area to be dedicated e ' 9 2 E1. 0 I C'. !'I 65 1 - \ 4.0> m I ' - ISTIN G 2 / I FACT "D' CTA-04-12 RPCA for Study Session RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: No action recommended at this time. The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing and consider the street vacation on September 12,2013. STAFF CONTACT: Martin Palaniuk,Planner ATTACHMENTS: None CTA-04-12 RPCA for Study Session