2012 Accomplishments Presentation 2 0 1 2 •01°"4%..., SO" o„ikane jvalley "A community of opportunity where individuals and families can grow and play and businesses will flourish and prosper." km1121 IecompIisIliiienIs 2012 Budget Goals • Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, and pursuit of the most efficient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharge licenses. • Pursue the topic of Solid Waste, to include identifying the issues and obtaining alternatives of joining the consortium or handling it ourselves and the consequences of each alternative. • Review and Evaluate development regulations and compare with surrounding cities. • Develop a Shoreline Master Program to provide appropriate regulatory protection for waters of statewide significance as required by state statute. • Pursue a legislative capital budget request for: 1 ) funding for Sullivan Bridge replacement, and 2) funding for the acquisition of park land adjacent to the Park Road Pool. • Create an Economic Development Plan including options for a new City Hall. • •*"\ft, *Wane .00%Hey 111111.1.11 pm_ ■ C,.APLf�hr ACCOMPLISHMENTS by Department Ad.r.•r!ayw Awsurr. Ak.rnef Fic11966 a[F FTC 1 Snrox. 4. 1e' ReIatifm iferAg/s C1 latdOl11 W .exlvtiV[i lun+m Asaelrf. CO■• . I.NfiJ': im Milit Spokane jUalley Iag'isIaI!ve z Exaculivs/Iag'isIaIiv., Swvius City Council, City Manager and Support Staff IegioflaIIepreseflhaIioh, Estimated - 465 Total Councilmember Hours in 2012 • Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce • Spokane Regional Convention & Visitor Bureau Board of Directors • Emergency Communications Board 911 • Greater Spokane Incorporated • Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials • Spokane Regional Health District Board • Spokane County Housing & Community Development Advisory Committee • International Trade Alliance • Mayors' Association of Northeast Washington • Solid Waste Liaison Board • Northeast Housing Solutions • Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency • Spokane Regional Transportation Council • Spokane Solid Waste Advisory Board • Spokane Transit Authority • Tourism Promotion Area Tax Advisory Committee warectire/[egis/ate p S v po r t Prr vi d e d to C�an c i/ • Regular Council Meetings 21 • Study Sessions 20 • Special Meetings 8 • TOTAL MEETINGS 49 • Resolutions Enacted 14 • Ordinances Enacted 29 • Contracts Approved 21 • Bids Awarded 10 -13teatire/legislatire- CityClars Mee • Public Record Requests: — 352 Total Requests — .72 average days to respond — 2. 12 average days to completion — 103 electronic responses — 157 hard copy responses — 2,309 paper and 5 cd copies for $891 .50 total fees collected — 20 referred to outside agencies — 13 no records on file — 4 referred to the website as a response • Records Management: — 109 new boxes to storage — 39 boxes destroyed — 385 additional files and documents destroyed (records not previously stored) �e gis/s//�e& ExecuIive/leiisIMive- 2012 Budget Goal: Pursue a legislative capital budget request for 1 ) funding for Sullivan Bridge replacement, and 2) funding for the acquisition of park land adjacent to the Park Road Pool. • 2012 - We were unsuccessful in receiving funding for either project due to shortages in State funding ; '"41-11N-xleggilt • 2013 — Council approved placing Sullivan Bridge replacement funding before the legislature once again rs.v t e g i s la lire s Exeeulive/IegisIsIive- 2012 Budget Goal: Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, and pursuit of the most efficient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharge licenses. 2012 Budget Goal: Pursue the topic of Solid Waste, to include identifying the issues and obtaining alternatives of joining the consortium or handling it ourselves and the consequences of each alternative. 9 -legislative aEree /LetIslaI ire- 2012 Budget Goal: Create an Economic Development Plan including options for a new City Hall. City of Spokane Valley — Action To provide a favorable climate for business & development within our City Short-term Goals/Projects • Participate-Regional Tourism • Promote City as business friendly community • Promote access to river • Implement Certified Sites Program • Provide funding for partners • • • Ad Hoc Committee Long-Term Goals Planning—Vision for the City of Spokane Valley will provide direction and funding opportunities Enhance existing Sports/Sporting facilities Diversity—recognize balance between business &residential in economic development Council Input — Citizens, Business, Property Owners 1 Economic Development Plan DelIKOPItiOW 131.0,br e et hancieg dl ac ohne &At nswy Mr needs Y the caralw•thp&alit er sump.renal e.,ndc w+*w wurk kno n JNrrwt mMnwr iweln uareit nr Lotto rd udtmr ra araoemelae ternrss Am. MoinbAellsola sMlwy,am*et stansialleto s d Marin Or pwlpt too u mama*my mid oathsrrolola l srvkn. l�MwR .haatMalalel.Tar'tome Et amok rrMhrarr.wro sasSalsismisTOSTO log kr.Mw lmkay.riWrlfpw..olgtarwar. Arkin la bale art.iMkr Sr kreag.rkwna se..sy. t1lMrtollrrL Maxim ila/wrMrr//2.Othe maims Lti kl goilabraap.hWri R Midi atomism? a Executva/b,isIaI!va- In collaboration with all Departments: - Council & Staff explored opportunities for economic growth aided by City operations and infrastructure Scene Walley Two-Phase Plan Short Term - Add Economic Development to Business Plan - Expand our inventory of resources& make them available to the public - Devote staff resources to work more actively with partner agencies that provide economic development for Spokane Valley - Move forward to strengthen operational weaknesses - Add Sprague stormwater improvement to 2012 Budget - Make a decision on moving the permit center to City Hall - Continue to look for process improvements at permit center Sflokane'v"\'' Milky Two-Phase Plan, continued - Review Development Regulations - Send a welcome letter to all businesses when they register - Staff move forward to develop information. brochures, web links to partners and initiate more of a direct economic development presence for the City of Spokane Valley - Schedule future Council discussions • Review of Economic DeveIoprnenl Chapter of Comprehensive Plan ▪ Other Long Term - Complete an Economic Development plan for the City - incorporate Economic Development Plan In Comprehensive Plan Update for 2012 or future revision 11 Parks Some of the ways the City has provided a favorable climate Roads Partners Spokane Valley Business Assoc. Spokane Valley Arts Council Innovate Washington Spokane Regional Sports Commission Greater Spokane Inc. Spokane Site Selector International Trade Alliance Global Trade Services NW Business Development Assoc. Visit Spokane Spokane River Forum Greater SV Chamber of Commerce Permit Center Police mi B g%S/aMe& E r B Cffi r B/L BgiS/e bre- ..INOvruwrtM • Council approved funding for a new Gateway Access sign on Sprague/Appleway 43teatire/ • Entered into an Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County to develop a trail on the Old Milwaukee Right-of-Way / University to Corbin Interlocal Agreement on Milwaukee Railroad RAN YWIty.W.S:• m4 11K.,• Ysur..n.,n, SPOKAN VALLEY m LL 0 Al 4 1 A SPOKANE VALLEY TxP..Ieia tdf MY.,4, _44❑Ay 4731.6 72e41` e.279.E*e! — a nr«�..�.rfyw.wrw YwYresnns,W.W.I Wpww wrr.ri.ww.s-w itWwswr.=War dWivrrr-w.•wr.W,j 3 n2+,A. 14 -Bleatirei Purchased land for a park or other civic uses and entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the Spokane County Library District intended for a Joint Site Development Plan �e gis latre s Exaeulive/Iagisliutva- • Council reserved $75,000 for Economic Development • Staff implemented a media campaign to promote successful changes to our permitting process "Spokane Valley has been the best city when it comes to obtaining permits." West Spokane Valley Walmart Manager -Erin Mansfield %a1 ky CEO,:{ [�,..L.. �' 5pokarlevalley.ozrj �e gis latre s Exae,,Iive/IatiisI,,tve- • Media campaign included : — 200 T.V. spots - (KHQ, KREM, KXLY) — 542 Radio spots - (KDRK, KZBD, KXLY, KZZU, KISC, KKZX) — 26 Print ads - (S.R., LL Splash, Journal of Bus., Inlander, SV News Herald) — 15 Billboards & 4 Digital Billboards * a. The Friendliest Permitting Process In Washington... spokanevalley.org .000 Val ley CEDICOMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 17 finance IT Dpsiuuans itIIilhII!$IfDhIVD SefVlces HR Front Desk Reception Ops & Admin Deputy City Manager Contract Administration Public Information -OperaIonrszIdmiaisIa Ser►iees- Economic Development Support Ops/Admin & Executive/Legislative staff worked with Community Development to create software program to merge business registration information into "Welcome Letters" for all new businesses. dso•OUalley Congratulations! 960 letters mailed in 2012 On behalf of the City of Spokane Valley, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing Spokane Valley and welcome you as one of our newly registered businesses. We are thrilled to have you with us! The City Council and staff make it our priority to offer responsive, competent and excellent service. Our businesses are very important to us and we work to ensure your complete satisfaction in any way we might be able to help you succeed in your business ventures. Enclosed, please find two brochures which provide the City's points of contact should you need any help. We encourage you to call any of the Councilmembers or staff with your questions, comments or feedback. If you are not sure who to contact, please call either of us or our front desk reception at 921-1000 for help or, visit www.spokanevalley.org and select the Business link at the top of the home page. Again, welcome to the City of Spokane Valley. Sincerely, Thomas E. Towey, Mike Jackson, Mayor City Manager -Operations z 1iIiniflisIaIive Seviees- itizen Action Request online Entry System (Spokane Valley C.A.R.E.S.) • In collaboration with Public Works and Community Development, staff received 1 ,265 online requests • 1 ,020 of those requests were resolved with the citizens • 90 requests were dismissed (outside our City) • 155 requests are in process • Requests include: — General — Animal Control & dead animal removal — Bike & Motorcycle detection — Snow related issues — Street related issues — Traffic related issues — Signage — Graffiti -Speratiolis s Millitsratire$evices- Pubuuc Intormation Economic Development Tourism Support • Redeveloped Spokane Valley Passport — Printed professionally — Distributed to all Spokane Valley hotels/motels — Sent to visitor centers within 200 mile radius including keeping `Visit Spokane' Visitor Centers supplied SIINCNIENG 4,,r.., ow..•eft sy+Ml --..._.1.'.0.11.1.,.1,,....... • Reviewed Visit Spokane publications and website and proposed updates/improvements • Developed in-house Lodging Tax tourism promotions proposal • Reserved and created ad for Visit Spokane Visitor Guide 2013 -110eratioss 8 ilimiNstratire SevIces- PubHc Inlornietion Economic Development Marketing Support A FRIENDLY WAY OF DOING BUSINESS usta ewa t emany reasons you should bring your business to us... No City business and operations T.111 MD palatial income tax tow property tax rates Fifteen of the re ion's kargest industrial parks Fifteen of the region's leading office and business parks plenty of parking, It's ail free nd Retail Sales Tax-8.7 , including WA Combined Excise Tax of 2.2% Valley spokanevalley.org • Drafted marketing proposal • Drafted marketing RFP • Assisted in selection of marketing agency • Reviewed and provided input on ads • Reserved and created ad for Greater Spokane Relocation Guide Spokane Valley or, rrrur MNSarrFas Oft em. /a Lir libbibiblb n 1410.1/4 Mr:r e.....∎.r. r.`e.aa- n....+.._64.14r■•44.4 W1.bob wA F..rw Mambo.Irmo imbd%Aber 410emtioss 8 limisisfratftre SevIces- PubHc Inlornietion Collaborative Public Information Outreach Projects • First City Hall at the Mall • Coordinated four State of the City events • Public Works/Street Preservation projects • Parks & Recreation Parks and Programs • Community Development Shoreline, Comp Plan , & temporary sign brochure review • Finance - Lodging Tax and Outside funding State of the City at the Spokane Valley Mall �i�ra d o/S&MauiiisIfaIiva Saviees- Human Resources • Developed & negotiated a successor union contract for represented employees of the City. • Met the AWC requirements to achieve the WellCity Award at the "Excellence" level. • Transitioned Title VI reporting efforts to the HR Office with support from the Public Works Department. • Conducted and/or assisted in the recruitment and selection efforts to fill executive/staff vacancies. • In 2012, HR became responsible for the development and maintenance of the city's website we (city ' Con ratulations 2012 WelUCities! City of Spokane Valley "Openitom S Idalitsratire Sevices- Contract Administration Animal Control: • Evaluated animal control options through an RFP (request for proposal) process • With Finance Director and City Manager, negotiated a new interlocal agreement helping to create a regional system with a new 50-year animal shelter for no additional cost to the City Prosecution Services & Criminal Justice System: • Collaborated with the City Attorney's Office in evaluating & identifying preferred service options and areas of focus for improvement in service delivery and cost control Public Safety contracts: • Met with Spokane County representatives and agreed to create enhanced reporting for the Public Safety contracts, allowing greater analysis to quickly identify trends & develop appropriate responses *tb.V4, -11paratms Ilmliiistratirs Services- Finance & IT • Implemented State Auditor mandates & recommendations: Completed 2011 annual financial report and related audit process Reorganized & renumbered City account numbers per State Auditor's Office update of the BARS (budgeting, accounting & reporting systems) manual. To be implemented in 2013. • Expanded 2013 Budget document to include revenue, expense and fund balance information for each fund as well as expanded fund descriptions. • Expanded contents of Finance Activity Report: — Included revenue, expense and fund balance information for each fund, each month 2013 BUDGET GRI1%ACHIS PARK Lpt,F*14 2.k 26 -11a limiillisa; asServices- Finance & IT • Prepared an analysis that discussed the financial merits of acquiring/constructing a new City Hall building • In coordination with the City Manager's office: — Developed analysis of fund balance which established goal to maintain General Fund reserve of no less than 50% of recurring expenditures — Assisted in review of animal control services and negotiation of SCRAPS contract • In coordination with City Manager's Office and Public Works personnel: — Developed plan to provide pavement preservation financing at a level of $2.05 million per year for at least next 4-years (2013-2016) • In coordination with Human Resources department: — Created, tested & deployed on-line employment application system — Tested on-line time sheet feature that ties into payroll software — Revised the City website for more user-friendly navigation 4PtHIIIIODS MII!1IISIfIII1VS SeM finance & IT • Changed City Hall Internet service provider - Cost savings of $5,000 over 3-year period — Quadrupled speed (5MB to 20MB) • Changed telephone service provider - Cost savings of $4,800 over 3-year period • Converted all cell phones and mobile data cards to a different carrie — Allows for increased coverage • Replaced 36 leased computers — All of City is operating on Windows 7 • Added conference phone capabilities to City council chambers • City Wi-Fi access points added to cover Public Works and west end of first floor 28 4ianiIiois z iiIfluiiIsImIivs$eiv finance & IT • Worked with Public Works to review, acquire and ultimately deploy fleet maintenance software • Acquired equipment for hearing assistance for CenterPlace & off- site meetings and events • Installed wireless audio visual equipment in Opportunity conference room • Replaced 3 servers & updated/repurposed 1 • IT Staff closed an average of 110 support calls per month — Approximately 5 per day • No system-wide outages occurred during normal business hours in 2012 -Mee*Me City A 2012 Budget Goal: Develop a Shoreline Master Program to provide appropriate regulatory protection for waters of statewide significance as required by state statute (while recognizing the rights of private property owners). • With the assistance of outside council advised the Council and staff on identifying appropriate regulatory framework for regulations under the Washington State Shoreline Management Act, including scope of permissible City discretion. [2012 Budget Goal: Pursue the topic of Solid Waste. • Analyze governance of solid waste management, research issues in pursuit of efficient and economical methods of solid waste management. -Mee of Ifte city Werney- 2012 Budget Goal: Create an Economic Development Plan including options for a new City Hall. • Participated as members of the management team in discussing and formulating a City Economic Development Plan • Review current City Hall Lease and space design. • Assist Community Development in preparation of contract for consultant to conduct architectural services for space planning & design to develop options for a new City Hall. -Mee of me City Stormy- up ft ieeoIhphisIllileIlls >Continued the monitoring of all City franchises, contracts and interlocal agreements. Successfully negotiated, drafted and completed agreements with : • Spokane Valley Fire District (code compliance and plan review) • Spokane County Library District (acquisition of real estate) • Spokane County (purchasing, Appleway Trail, emergency management) • Geiger (work crews), addenda to various interlocal agreements relating to the criminal justice system • City of Millwood (Argonne Road safety project) • Renegotiated a contract amendment with Splashdown • Reviewed and approved approximately 190 contracts for the City -Mee tim s lecomplisimests As sisted in identification and implementation of code compliance revisions • Conducted meetings with Community Development and Code Compliance to: — identify potential revisions for improved efficiency. — researched and analyzed all potential code modifications. • Prepared proposed revisions for consideration by City Council and implementation by staff, including revising relevant code compliance documents and pleadings. -Mee oftIle c a iecoiiipIishhiiaflIs • Assisted all departments in analyzing and revising interagency guidelines, manuals and policies. — Reviewed, revised and adopted revisions to Governance Manual; drafted a comprehensive purchasing manual, which is nearly complete. — Drafted and adopted policies on donations, small and attractive assets, Planning Commission emails and Planning Commission Rules of Procedure. • Reviewed, negotiated and completed various land acquisitions and issues including Sprague Park purchase, Balfour Park re- acquisition, Brown Park re-acquisition and acquisition of the Gateway entry property. • Assisted in cost analysis, reviewed current contracts and evaluated the availability and effects of possibility of in-house prosecutor services. Pab/icSsfely- • Intelligence-Led Policing concepts continue to be improved and successfully utilized by Spokane Valley Deputies and Detectives • Utilizing evidence-based best practices to implement effective policing strategies • Enhancing communications between Patrol and Detectives • Utilizing resources and analyzing crime trends more efficiently • Because SVPD is having greater successes at solving crime trends due to that communication and analytical data, the benefits to the community include: • More arrests of individuals organizing the crime • Recovery of property • Reduced burglaries and vehicle prowls i • Burglary Task Force formed in Spring 2012 — From April to July 15th, the Spokane County Sheriff's Office and the Spokane Valley Police arrested 214 suspects on a total of 728 charges. — 27.3% decrease in residential burglaries in Spokane Valley from July 1 -July 13, 2012, compared to August 1 -August 13, 2012. -Pale Ssfely- • Vehicle Prowl Task Force — In the district 6 area, we reduced the number of vehicle prowlings 44% compared to the previous 4 weeks. — Vehicle prowlings in the entire Spokane Valley were reduced by 24% compared to the same time period in 2011 . ➢ Citizen involvement and reporting is a major key to the Sheriff's Office success in solving these crimes. Pab/icSsfely- • Implementation of the Lethality Assessment Program - Maryland Model (LAP) — Integrates an evidence—based screening tool with an accompanying protocol to: • identify at the scene those victims of intimate partner domestic violence who are at the greatest risk of being murdered, and • connect them immediately to the local domestic violence program. — Research shows that putting victims in touch with services as soon as possible can reduce domestic violence related homicides, serious assaults and repeat victimization. — Spokane Co. Sheriff's Office and national domestic violence statistics, to include a three-year study, has determined that 73% of our homicides are domestic violence-related. — The goal of the LAP is to prevent domestic violence homicides, serious injury, and re-assault by encouraging more victims to utilize the support and shelter services of domestic violence programs. Pab/icSsfely- • Implementation of Aggressive Driving Program - - This is a pro-active approach by Spokane Valley Police Department that focuses on the dangers of aggressive drivers in the City of Spokane Valley. — Statistics show that in 2012, there were 2,237 reckless driver calls and in 2011 there were 2, 198 reckless driver calls in the City of Spokane Valley. In an effort to reduce these numbers and ensure the safety of the motoring public in Spokane Valley, unmarked non- traditional law enforcement fleet vehicles are being used to focus on this type of driving behavior. — The program is intended to educate the public about the dangers of aggressive drivers. — It is the goal of the SVPD, through education and enforcement, to reduce the number of aggressive drivers in Spokane Valley and ensure the safety of the motoring public. Pab/icSsfely- • Implementation of Spokane Valley Traffic School — The Spokane Valley City Council passed an interlocal agreement, which enables most drivers issued traffic infractions by Spokane Valley Police to choose an educational class instead of paying a fine. — As of 1/12/12, citizens who are issued traffic infractions now have the option of attending traffic school and upon successful completion of the six-hour class, the traffic infraction will be dismissed and will not appear on the attendee's driving record. — Benefits of the Traffic School: • Public Education of traffic laws • Improve driving behavior to reduce serious injury collisions and fatalities • Improve communication and public relations with our citizens Pab/icSsfely- • False Alarm Program success: — As of 12/31/12, the number of open/active accounts with the City of Spokane Valley False Alarm Reduction Unit is up to 3,085 accounts over last year's total of 2,378 accounts. — As expected, due to the increase in the number of open/active accounts, the total false alarm calls have increased to 977 calls this year, up over last year's 867. — However, we have seen a decrease in the false alarm rate which has dropped to 316.7 false alarm calls per 1 ,000 accounts; previously, we were at 364.6 false alarm calls per 1 ,000 accounts in 2011 . -Pale SsfetlN • Spokane Valley Police continues to participate with State and Federal agencies utilizing strategic planning processes to focus on regional crime problems. • Crime prevention outreach with all Spokane Valley Mall businesses for potential critical incident planning . • New Patrol vehicle striping process is saving $700/vehicle. 4'uIIIic $afely- • Pro-active crime prevention bank visits by our officers to reduce robberies. • Participated in a Table Top Exercise with Spokane Valley Mall Security and Valley Fire reference a critical incident response. • The Sheriff's Training Unit held 99 classes providing instruction to approx. 3, 163 persons at the Training Center as of 12/31 /12. — Hotels booked by those attending training in Spokane Valley totaled over 3,000, with an economic impact of $702, 150. — Total training cost savings to SCSO is $521 ,488. ne �,, vaftey Pab/icSsfely- • IA Pro (professional standards software system) implementation • provides a means to catalog, store, and track incidents such as citizen complaints, internal investigations, use of force incidents, vehicle pursuits, injuries, and property damage. • provides a powerful data analysis capability and an "early warning" feature that is useful in the prompt detection of potential personnel issues and/or training deficiencies. • provides a web-based, paperless system that allows supervisors to electronically enter data into the system in a more timely manner. • Enhances mandatory accreditation reports. • Maintain Facebook site for the Spokane Valley Police Department. • Spokane Valley citizens are informed of current news and operational successes; • Photos of recovered stolen property are posted; many victims have located their items thru the photos and were able to get their property back; • The Chief's crime prevention and safety tips are posted. -C/�U�NAy D B re//p9/BO t Shh1Df2hDDP2fIDNDI iCCuIilPIiSIlhilWltS • Implemented the Roadmap to Enhanced Permitting • Implemented new Permitting software • Worked with the Economic Development Committee • Assisted in 2012 Marketing Program • Significantly Improved Customer Service 45 $180,000,000 $160,000,000 $140,000,000 $120,000,000 $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000 $- Department Valuations Valuation 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 mSmValuation $147,019,151 $166,863,584 $105,111,785 $86,403,059 $65,369,891 $107,492,110 46 Total Construction Permits 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 mSmTota Permits 3972 3585 2993 3340 3454 4010 47 Total Department Revenue IIIiIlIungDiVisidhiceIIInpIisIlIileIlIs • Completed a code amendment to extend timeframes for building permits and building applications • Continued interlocal agreement to provide building plan review to Airway Heights • Modified Permit Center to improve efficiency DDVDIOPIflDIIIIIIII1I100III1IIICCOD1PI1$IIIIIDI1IS • Completed draft revised Standard Plans in cooperation with Public Works • Completed Mapping and Hydrology Study of Forker Draw Floodplain re-Study • Review of the Saltese Flats Floodplain Re-Study • Participating in development of Regional Low Impact Development Manual • Participating in development of Regional Wellhead Protection regulation PIaflflhflgiecoiflpIIsIlmahIs 2012 Budget Goal: Develop a Shoreline Master Program to provide appropriate regulatory protection for waters of statewide significance as required by state statute. • Continued the update to the Shoreline Master Program • Participated in state-wide S E PA reform • Completed Annual Comprehensive Plan Update • Conducted Planning Commission Training DIftefFIanuuigiiccoI,pAisI,i,,ants • Worked with Spokane Region on Urban Growth Areas and Annexation Agreements 02012 Budget Goal: Review and evaluate development regulations and compare with surrounding cities. • Completed development code text amendments • Boundary Line Adjustments • Landscaping • Sign regulations • Multifamily setbacks adjacent to SFR • Use Matrix update • Animal shelters Iluile CuIDpIisnee • 386 Cases Investigated • 220 Cases Closed • One case abated by the City • Three cases sent to abatement but were cleaned by the property owners before the City had to proceed . Before After Cleanup Before After -Nits mil Beeman- 1 FsIksMIfliflisIfaIioDaIItMaiflhahlsflca • Installed new playground equipment and ADA accessibility at Terrace View. • Completed CenterPlace South Landscape project with two shelters, turf, and irrigation. • Administered West Entry Gateway Sign project with installation of welcome sign and landscaping. • Coordinated with hundreds of volunteers for the National Day of Service to complete improvements to Valley Mission and Appleway Trail. FsIksMIfliflisIrnIioDaIItMaiflhahlsflca • Began update of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. • Held Grand Opening of Greenacres Park with ribbon cutting ceremony and tree planting. • Coordinated with city staff and Spokane County Library District on acquisition for Sprague property for joint Library/Park. • Participated on Project Sports 2012 Vision Team to develop and expand our region's sports facilities and programs. • Partnered with WA State Parks, Dept. of Ecology, and city staff for Centennial Trail riverbank repair project. • Researched, developed, and distributed Mirabeau Point Park Walking Trails Map and Walk in the Wild Zoo historical brochure. Caiitefflace • Hosted our first annual Open House to showcase our venue to area businesses and brides/grooms. • Coordinated Valleyfest activities at CenterPlace, including the Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk, Babyfest, Taste of the Valley, Car Show, etc. • Renewed contracts for leased space with Community Colleges of Spokane, Central Valley School District, and Red Rock Catering. Caiiterflace • Purchased acoustical panels to improve sound in the Great Room. • Hosted 951 events, with a significant increase in business meetings. • Scheduled an additional 862 reservations for classes/training for Community Colleges of Spokane and Central Valley School District. • Revenues were up $120,839 from 2011 . • Staff remodeled two small classrooms into one large room to accommodate needs of customers. 62 �asdcrsMReciesUen • Held first annual "Paws in the Pool" dog swim event with 48 lucky dog participants. • Held the 4th annual Valley Mission Haunted Pool event, which continues to grow in popularity and spooked over 740 victims this year. • Offered Free Summer Park Program and served over 1 ,637 children. • Served 443 participants over the 10-week Summer Day Camp program. Sellitif C011ief • Continued to emphasize healthcare hosting seminars from Medicare to health issues. • Hosted and coordinated the 3rd annual Senior Empowerment Exposition Resource Fair which drew in 32 vendors. • The Senior Association completed a new makeover of the Senior Center lobby, providing a cozy and restful spot for folks to gather. • The Senior Center continues to be a place where seniors can go for help, friendship, fun, and sense of community. 65 P1111 I/o WorI?s Snow Removal • Upgraded priority map to reflect specific problem areas • Added a 9th Snow Plow • Received and responded to over 200 citizen requests • Used 126, 000 Gallons of deicer • Used 960 Tons of granular deicer SlreelMainlenanee Street and Stormwater Maintenance • Pavement Preservation — 5260 Tons • Asphalt patching — 2030 Tons • Sidewalk repair — 136 Yards • Crack sealing — 12 Tons • ADA Ramp Upgrades — 37 on University and Appleway • Curb and Gutter repair — 1 ,680 LF • Gravel road grading — 2 . 1 miles maintained • Shoulder repair • Drainage structure repair SlreelMainlenanee Pavement Preservation Projects • Appleway Blvd . Between University and Dishman Mica • University Rd . from Appleway to Sprague • Farr Rd . From Appleway to Sprague • Boone Ave. from Long to Greenacres 69 C SlreelMainlenanee Geiger Work Crew • Geiger Work Crew picked up 48,260 pounds of garbage • Approximately 11 ,200 man hours worked • Mowed 104 acres of dry land grass • DOC Work Crew and Geiger Work Crew cleaned up and mowed the Appleway Right-of-Way • Mowed Noxious Weeds in cooperation with the Spokane County Weed Board along our ROW's i Traffie Ilivision Low Cost Safety Improvements — 16th/Bowdish Reflective sheeting on posts to reduce running of stop signs. 1 71 Traffie Ilivision Low Cost Safety Improvements — 16th/Pines Delineators to block curb lane and reduce T-bone type collisions. Traffie Ilivision Citizen Request Examples • Responded to 162 C.A. R. E.S requests • At the request of the SVFD, changed Stop Control at Main and Raymond from east/west to north/south. — Modified signing and added striping to guide vehicles. • Citizen stated that the signals at 32nd/Bowdish and 32nd/S. Pines "jump around" too quickly during low traffic volumes. - Modified operation to be more efficient and "jump around" less. . _� �� - .r� - - - Traffie Ilivision New Flashing School Beacons • McDonald Elementary • Evergreen Middle • Bowdish Middle • East Valley Middle • $30,000 in Grant Funding • City paid for installation 74 Traffie Ilivision New Bike Lanes Installed I • Added approximately 4.75 miles of new bike lanes • University — 16th to 4th — Sprague to Main • Fancher — Sprague to Broadway • Evergreen - — 16th to 32nd • Appleway between University and Dishman Mica — Upgraded existing Bike Lane to a buffered bike lane Traffie Ilivision Signal Improvements • Sprague-Appleway — Installed evening coordination plan for couplet • West Sprague — Adjusted all timing plans from Fancher to City Limits to include new Wal-Mart signal • Sprague/Progress and Sprague/Adams — Installed accessibly push buttons with audible and vibratory notification and countdown heads E�a� STAR f�nrsfl Lrass,Ag If Started NTIME REMAINING To Iamb Cress rq Traffie Ilivision Capital Project Support • Designed/Reviewed Traffic Control Plans for 16 Projects — Detours — Signal Timing Adjustments — Regular field reviews to check traffic control & deal with signal orADA related concerns • Managed Design of Phase 1 Street Preservation • Provided Traffic Data for Project Designs 213 1 2 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS Broadway&Stanley Striping Millwood Appleway&Park Stnping McDonald&'Aeon Striping 8th&Park Stnping Traffic Improvements Signal Timing Work IIMD Bicycle Improvements • Safety I Operation Project New School Beacons • New Signal V 4. Bowdrsn M:54e leth 8.Bowdish Reflective Post McDonald Elementary East Valley 4th&Evergreen Stnong Accessible Push Buttons Sprague&Adams Accessible Push Buttons Sprague 8 Progress Evergreen Middle 15th 8.5 Pines Roadway Delineation L •- Date. 112912013 Slorinwaler 1111111; r 2012 System Improvements • Sprague UIC Retrofit • Sprague Reconstruction • Evergreen Road • Green Haven Sewer Project • Maintenance Projects at 12 locations • Sidewalk Projects at 2 locations 20 1 1 S T L RAI WA TER" IMPRRQVEMENTS I Faucher $aktxrn r L.r Dyer fi 1015 j [Dyer 8,Alkr j. 1 rte' Lore. Dow Then .a• J Park. IJu]3 f Dyer,N 1015 L Sullwan Rd, ir*dia+aa to Trent +Jn,,,Prspe 8.Mortgomery Sides_ lk I •• so j 1 • f • Silvan Bridge e Drain Retrofit . I Decant F ac.rsry i_.. Dyer N 1015] Etch 8.Coiernan Sprague Awe IJIC j ©�rrrination Protect 11 ( Appirway 5W Feasab+lty P+ri &Anti Doha-L Doha-Lan Mi Appityoay 14th Ave Custer to Carnahan Stormwater improvements 5tormwater CIP • Maintenance Division Design/Planning Phase Storrnwater Improvements ism on CIP Project S.1 nan Mica S 421 kwai rsh A,1 Ott 17 Prnl�S Stdevrslk A 1 44th E 11104 8th&V4,odlawn irk:harm E 1840 Date 1/16/2013 Slorinwaler 111!!!!; Sprague Avenue Swale Project (UIC Elimination) Before -IL Almost Done . . . J Slorinwaler 111!!!!; 2012 Operations • Responded to 41 Citizen Requests involving flooding or drainage problems • Bid Service Contracts for: — Roadway Landscape Services — Storm Drain Cleaning • 1 ,230 cubic yards of street debris swept • Structures Cleaned: — 206 drywells — 1 ,263 catchbasins — 195 sidewalk/curb inlets • Maintained over 11 acres of irrigated turf in roadside stormwater facilities 82 Slorinwaler 111!!!!; 2072 Funding • Received $667,000 in grants for the Sprague Swales Project • Awarded $885,000 for Regional Decant Facility • Reviewed 20% of commercial properties to confirm proper utility fee charges. • Stormwater Utility fee $21 per Residential Unit annually — among the lowest rate in the State - collects $1 .8M/year 190 190 E290 OFP mpervious Area Slorinwaler 1111111; Drainage Structure Inspections • Developed Inspection Tracking Tool/Database • Input inspection data into GIS • 231 "Debris Only" Inspections • 744 "Condition Assessment" Inspections 21012 STDRMWATER INSPECTIONS / RESPONSE �I . �. ... .. ws s w .L . ... •1 • • 1 ■ Ali 1 • • . ,▪ .. L_ ,,. �� .-.. 2012 Sto nwat4r Inspections r Response skctl Oi+ctrrye i Sprf lies .Hew SAM"Re7gxiu •Ory*NC•Commthrxl Assessalfat :ttiprolran C)O ywetts.D,Mls Only Infie edon • i •0 sI• �.J 1 • • • Dolt.tileeN13 84 0!F Ilivision Capital Improvement Projects • Completed Valley Corridor environmental assessment • Completed 2013-2018 Six Year TIP • Submitted 20 grant applications for Federal STP(U) funding • Received approximately $9,789,032 in grant funding ✓ C►P DIVISION 2012 Construction Projects I Fancher Rd- Sprague to Broadway ti fuganne Rd. Mullen to Montgomery Vista Rd: Mission to Knox Park Rd.- 8th to 12th y 4th Ave.- Dishrrran-F ica to Farr r••L. Legend - Reconstruction Projects - Sidewalk Projects - Preservation Projects f Montgomery Rd- University to Van Marter Sullivan Road West Bridge Temporary Repairs i University Rd.-� Sprague to Main J University Rd- 4th to 16t11 • :,. Sprague Ave.Recanstmctivn Evergreen to Sullivan Pines Rd.- 16th to 24th I [Evergreen Rd.Reconstruction)".„.., 16th to 32nd ...,„,:, .. ,.• ...t4...... 48th Ave.and Sundown CI_ 86 CIFDivision Construction Project Contractor Total Cost Sullivan Rd West Bridge Temporary Repairs N.A. Degerstrom $358k Sprague Avenue Reconstruction — Phase 2 Poe Asphalt $2.5m Evergreen Road — 16th to 32nd Reconstruction Shamrock Paving $1 .5m Sprague Ave Recon—Phase 2 Evergreen Rd—16th to 32nd Recon Sullivan Rd W Bridge Temp Repairs CIFDivision Construction Project Contractor Total Cost Sidewalk Infill Wm Winkler $477k Sidewalk & Transit Stop Accessibility Wm Winkler $174k 48th Ave & Sundown Ct pavement repairs Poe Asphalt $131k Sidewalk Infill Project—16th to 24th CIFDivision Construction Project Contractor Total Cost 2012 Street Preservation Projects $631k • Phase 1 -4th Ave — Dishman Mica to Farr Vista Rd — Mission to Knox Spokane Rock Dishman-Mica Rd — 16th to Schafer Products • Phase 2 -Fancher Rd — Sprague to Broadway $680k Mission Ave — Union to Pines University Rd — Sprague to Main Argonne Rd — MuIlan to Montgomery • University Overlay — 4th to 16th $226k Dishman-Mica —16th to Schafer Fancher Rd—Sprague to Broadway L•_ University-48o 16th 1 CIFDivision Design Project Designer Cost 24th Avenue Sidewalk—Adams to Sullivan Staff $281 k Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan concrete intersection Staff $2.4m Mansfield Avenue Connection Staff $1 .1m Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail Staff $5.1m Sullivan Rd W. Bridge 90 CIFDivision Design Project Designer Cost Sullivan Rd Bridge Drain Retrofit Staff $562k Sullivan/Euclid concrete intersection Staff $1 .5m Sullivan Rd W Bridge Replacement Consultant $19.7m Sullivan/Euclid concrete Intersection Sullivan Rd.West Bridge