Resolution 13-008 surplus property CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 13-008 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON,DECLARING CERTAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY OF THE CITY SURPLUS TO THE NEEDS OF THE CITY,AUTHORIZING DISPOSAL OF THE SAME,AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the City has accumulated various items of personal property necessary for operation of City Hall since the previous declaration of surplus items on July 14, 2009, such as office furniture and computer equipment,which are no longer useful or usable for their intended purpose; and WHEREAS, the City would like to dispose of these items that are unneeded or not useful to the City; and WHEREAS, the City adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 3.40.070, which prescribes a process for disposing of surplus City equipment; and WHEREAS, the City has followed the process set forth in SVMC 140.070 and now desires to formally declare the items surplus and dispose of them pursuant to City Code. NOW THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIFICALLY RESOLVES AS SET FORTH BELOW: Section One: Declaration of items of personal property surplus to the needs of the City. The City Council hereby declares that all remaining unclaimed items (See Exhibit 1 to this Resolution) are declared surplus to the need of the City, as they have no practical, efficient or appropriate use to the City, or is damaged, inoperable or obsolete, and the cost of repairing the same is uneconomical or impractical. Section Two: Authorization to dispose of surplus property. The Finance Director is authorized to dispose of the surplus personal property identified in Exhibit 1 to this Resolution as set forth in SVMC 3.40.070(C): Sale of Property.Following passage of a resolution by the city council declaring property surplus, the finance director is authorized to sell surplus property in the following manner: 1. Upon a finding by a department director that the property is surplus to City use, the finance director shall provide notice of potential disposition to other City departments. If any department director desires to acquire and use the proposed surplus property, the property may be transferred to the requesting department director, or other authorized representative. 2.If no request for use of proposed surplus property is received, the finance director may proceed to dispose of the same by public auction, bid, or other method of sale on terms deemed to be in the best interests of the City. 3. Surplus personal property which is unsellable because of obsolescence, wear and tear, or other reasons may be dismantled, if necessary, and sold as scrap. Surplus personal property which has no marketable value or use may be discarded as refuse. Resolution 13-008 Surplus Items Page 1 of 2 Section Three: Repeal. To the extent that previous Council motions or resolutions are inconsistent with those set forth herein,they are repealed. Section Four: Effective Date, This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Pass by the City Council this 27th day of August, 2013, CITY O• PO2KANE VAL 1 AL 4� f T comas E.Tow-y,Mayor A M " : Approved as to form: P*(7 "4 Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Office oUte City Zney Resolution 13-008 Surplus Items Page 2 of 2 \\SV-FS2\Users■mcalhoun\Cry Departments\Finance\Surplus\20i3\2033 08 27\Resoiution 13-008 Exhibit CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Resolution#13-030 ExFrait 1 List of Su pies Equ Amer t L elJ Laptop bag Office Chair Office Chair Office Chair Office Chair Office Chair Office Chair Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC HP Compaq Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC Compaq Eva PC Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC HP Compaq HP Compaq HP Compaq Compaq Evo PC Compaq Eva PC Compaq Eva PC HP Compaq HP Compaq HP Compaq H?Compaq Deli S00 SC HP Compaq HP Workstation 6400 HP none Grey chair Red chair Red chair tali Red chair short Light red chair bfue chair usnr32604r q 6x31-ImSz-60d0 w303knSza25S w303knsza2S3 6x31-kn8z-60tg uswa310Sb5 w233kn9zb305 usn32d04nm w302kn8ze5SS9 usw32004rnp w313kn8zcS14 w3 3in3zc79d 6x31-knSz-60d3 2ub5330d92 2ub520010rn 2ub5200jgh usw32004p3 usw32604rp w233kn9zb335 w233kn9zb264 w233kn9zb262 2ub53209fn mxIS4804f7 dc41x11-ALT ID 2ub53209f1 2ua745191<s mxi84804f6 Bag Chair Chair Chair Glair Clair Chair Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Page 1 of 7 131 129 130 131 132 133 134 2 3 4 S 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 Is 19 20 21 22 26 27 23 30 31 32 None None None None None None None 000061 2006 000035 2006 000056 2006 000039 2006 000037 2006 000112 2006 000011 2006 000069 2006 000036 2006 000024 2006 000026 2006 000023 2006 000057 2006 000139 2006 000145 2006 000131 2006 000023 2005 000027 2006 000017 2006 000031 2006 000018 2006 000143 2006 000266 2005 None 2006 000142 2006 000188 2006 000269 2006 I I COSY T`strated Date Gesiption Serial Number/Alt ID item Loy ft Asset Tagtt 1 of Acquis txon L elJ Laptop bag Office Chair Office Chair Office Chair Office Chair Office Chair Office Chair Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC HP Compaq Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC Compaq Eva PC Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC Compaq Evo PC HP Compaq HP Compaq HP Compaq Compaq Evo PC Compaq Eva PC Compaq Eva PC HP Compaq HP Compaq HP Compaq H?Compaq Deli S00 SC HP Compaq HP Workstation 6400 HP none Grey chair Red chair Red chair tali Red chair short Light red chair bfue chair usnr32604r q 6x31-ImSz-60d0 w303knSza25S w303knsza2S3 6x31-kn8z-60tg uswa310Sb5 w233kn9zb305 usn32d04nm w302kn8ze5SS9 usw32004rnp w313kn8zcS14 w3 3in3zc79d 6x31-knSz-60d3 2ub5330d92 2ub520010rn 2ub5200jgh usw32004p3 usw32604rp w233kn9zb335 w233kn9zb264 w233kn9zb262 2ub53209fn mxIS4804f7 dc41x11-ALT ID 2ub53209f1 2ua745191<s mxi84804f6 Bag Chair Chair Chair Glair Clair Chair Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Computer PC Page 1 of 7 131 129 130 131 132 133 134 2 3 4 S 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 Is 19 20 21 22 26 27 23 30 31 32 None None None None None None None 000061 2006 000035 2006 000056 2006 000039 2006 000037 2006 000112 2006 000011 2006 000069 2006 000036 2006 000024 2006 000026 2006 000023 2006 000057 2006 000139 2006 000145 2006 000131 2006 000023 2005 000027 2006 000017 2006 000031 2006 000018 2006 000143 2006 000266 2005 None 2006 000142 2006 000188 2006 000269 2006 \`SV-FS2\Users\mcaihoun\City Depar tmen s\Finance\Surptus\2013\2013 08 27\Resoiution 13-008 Exhibit 1 C y Of SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Resolution 423-0100 Exht it 1 List of Surplus Equipment Description HP Workstation 6400 HP Workstation 6400 HP Compaq HP Compaq HP Workstation 6400 HP HP Compaq HP Compaq HP Compaq HP Compaq HP Compaq HP Compaq HP Worksttion 6400 H?Compaq HP Compaq HP Workstation 6400 HP Compaq HP Workstation 6400 HP Compaq HP Workstation 3400 HP Workstation 6200 H?Workstation 6200 HP Workstation 6200 HP Workstation 6200 HP Workstation 6000 HP Workstation 6400 HP Workstation 6400 HP Workstation 6000 HP Workstation 6000 HP Compaq H?Compaq HP Workstation 6400 HP Workstation 6400 HP Workstation 6400 Serial Number/Alt-ID 2ua6190zy9 2ua5090Ic;15 xrnI6140h8q 2ub5200l0j 2ua6320I4z 2ua74519ks 2ub520030k 2ub5310c72 mxI54805zg mx184804f3 mxt7210If7 mxI607oc2w 2ua80717fh mxI6300jSs mx16140h23 2ua7070v5v mxI6130nhf 2ua7470186 mxI7210If5 2ua6430hxf 2ua5090km6 2ua525038d 2ua6201665 2ua50901um4 usv3410acr 2ua7070v5w 2ua7470cvr usv3410cct usv433S0cdq mxI7210If6 mxI7210n 2ua7470cvs 2ua8100216 2ua52000yf Item Lot Computer PC 33 Computer PC 34 Computer PC 35 Computer PC 36 Computer PC 37 Computer PC 38 Computer PC 39 Computer PC 40 Computer PC 41 Computer PC 42 Computer PC 43 Computer PC 44 Computer PC 45 Computer PC 46 Computer PC 47 Computer PC 48 Computer PC 49 Computer PC 50 Computer PC 51 Computer PC 52 Computer PC 53 Computer PC 54 Computer PC 55 Computer PC 56 Computer PC 57 Computer PC 5S Computer PC 59 Computer PC 60 Computer PC 61 Computer PC 62 Computer PC 63 Computer PC 64 Computer PC 67 Computer PC 68 Page 2 of 7 COSY AssetTagx 00053 000127 000151 000132 000160 000270 000136 000127 000146 000267 000171 000149 000195 000157 000150 000167 000154 000181 000173 000164 000126 0003.34 000156 000325 000042 000166 000183 000043 000113 000173 000174 000182 000191 000129 Estimated Date of Acquisit ion 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 \\SV F52\Users`rfmcalhoun\Clty Depamaents\Fnanee\Surplus\2013\2013 08 27\Resoludon 13-008 Exhibit 1 CITY OF SPOKANE E VALLEY,WA Resolution�L-000 Exhibit 1 List of Surplus Equipment Description Compaq Monitor 9500 HP Workstation 6400 Large cork board Large cork board Medium cork board 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer tiling cabinet 4 drawer filing•cabinet 4 drawer tiling cabinet 4 drawer`ling cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 5 drawer filing cabinet 6 drawer filing cabinet 4 drawer filing cabinet 7 drawer filing cabinet HP Keyboards USB-New H?Keyboards USB-Used HP Keyboards USB-Used Serial Number/Alt.ID cs245ym145 2x 30201 p5 none none none #2 #15 #21 n wJ #5 not able to see not able to see n #23 #26 ;MS n #28 #35 X34 429 432 #36 #'8 #16 x12 n13 #17 #20 #31 #27 #24 »33 lie#090714035569 bc2ab0fvbxklcx bc2ab0fvbxklcrt Cow !! Estimated Date Items Lot# Asset Tag# I of Acquisition Computer PC 73 None Computer PC 117 000187 Cork Board 193 None Cork Board 199 None Cork Board 203 None Filing Cabinet 66 None Filing Cabinet 70 None Filing Cabinet 71 None Filing Cabinet 72 None Filing Cabinet 75 None Filing Cabinet 77 None Filing Cabinet 78 None Filing Cabinet SO None Filing Cabinet 81. None Filing Cabinet 32 None Filing Cabinet 84 None Filing Cabinet 89 None Fling Cabinet 90 None Filing Cabinet 91 None Filing Cabinet 92 None Filing Cabinet 93 None Filing Cabinet 102 None Fling Cabinet 103 None Fling Cabinet 104 None Filing Cabinet 105 None Filing Cabinet 106 None Filing Cabinet 177 None Filing Cabinet 178 None Filing Cabinet 179 None Filing Cabinet 194 None Filing Cabinet 205 None Keyboards 25 None Keyboards 136 None 2007 Keyboards 137 None 2007 2006 2006 Page 3 of 7 \\SV-FS2\Users\mcaInoun\City r Departments\Finance\Surpfus`2013\2013 OS 27\Resolution 13-003 Exhibit CTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Reso?LrSon=3-000 .:xl::b 1 List of St.:p1cs Equiprne.nt COSVrrrated Date Item tot I Asset i ag I of Acquisition HP Keyboards USE-Used bauhpOgcpzuvb5 Keyboards 138 None 2007 HP Keyboards US6-Used bc2abOfvbxklcg Keyboards 139 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used b;2ab0rivbxk1d5 Keyboards 140 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used bc2ab0bluuefdc Keyboards 141 None 2007 HP Keyboards-Used b93abOalutaScl Keyboards 142 None 2007 HP Keyboards-Used b77420avb2tp81 Keyboards 143 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used bc2ab0bluuefdl Keyboards 144 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used bc2abofvbxklcp Keyboards 145 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used bc2abofvbxkld Keyboards 146 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used bc2abofcxklan Keyboards 147 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used bc2ab0frbxk1c1 Keyboards 148 None 2007 HP Keyboards-Used b77420aipgr3vz Keyboards 149 None 2007 HP Keyboards-Used bc2aa0dvbvrn95 Keyboards 150 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used bc2aa0dvbrn98 Keyboards 151 None 2007 HP Keyboards-Used b39aboavbj9xlt Keyboards 152 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used bauhp0iga0rbkc Keyboards 153 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used bauhp0ivbzrkl5 Keyboards 154 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used bc2ab0bluuefdl Keyboards 155 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used bc2ab0fvbxxicv Keyboards 256 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used bauhpogdpzwoy0 Keyboards 137 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used bcrab0fbxklcu Keyboards 158 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used b77420avbrg7e6 Keyboards 159 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used bc2ab0ffbxkicy Keyboards 160 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used b55680dganklpe Keyboards 161 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-Used b5568OfgaO3alp Keyboards 162 None 2007 HP Keyboards USG-Used bSS68Ofga03aks Keyboards 163 None 2007 HP Keyboards USE-New bauhpOlga0r5bd Keyboards 164 None HP Keyboards USE-New bauhpolgaorbje Keyboards 165 None HP Keyboards USE--New lice 090714035491 Keyboards 166 None HP Keyboards USE-New licr 090714035553 Keyboards 167 None HP Keyboards USE-New Ilan 090714035554 Keyboards 168 None HP Keyboards USE-New IiC 09071 4035481 Keyboards 169 None HP Keyboards USE-New kg 090714035496 Keyboards 170 None HP Keyboards USE-New lie,'090714035497 Keyboards 171 None 7esaiv on Serial Number/Alt.ID Page 4 of 7 \\S'FS2\[isers\mcalhoun`City Depac trnentsVinance\Surplus\2013j2013 08 27\Resoiution 13-008 Exhibit CiT'OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Resolution x13-000 Exhibit 1 List of Surplus Equipment Desfption HP Keyboards USB-New HP Keyboards USS-New HP Keyboards USE-New HP Keyboards USE-New HP Keyboards USE-New Monitor Compaq 5017 HP Monitor P930 Compaq Monitor 9500 Compaq Monitor 9300 Compaq Monitor 9500 Compaq Monitor 9500 Compaq Monitor 9500 Compaq Monitor 9500 Compaq Monitor 9500 HP Monitor P930 HP Monitor P930 HP P1230 Monitor Hp Monitor P950 Hp Monitor P950 HP Monitor P930 HP Monitor P930 HP Notebook Stand HP Notebook Stand Piano at CenterPiace-Gulbransen Piano at CenterPlace-Cable-Nelson Planner PI1910M Toshiba iba r ort Replicator Ill Plus Toshiba Port Replicator III Plus Toshiba Port Replicator III Plus Toshiba Port Replicator III Plus Toshiba Port Replicator III Plus Toshiba Port Replicator Ill Pius Panasonic CFNEE592 Port Replicator Toshiba Express Port Replicator ISerial Number/Alt-ID iic;:090714035495 lie,090714035499 lick 090714035500 090714035552 lid:.090714035492 221bn64yj499 248gr 3nb3S2 cn245ym167 cri245ym169 m303x1539 cn247yb210 Q t247yb214 nc247yb211 cn316xd686 cn314yull9 cn314yu116 cnv42SOObv 248gf23nb384 24$gf23nb391 24Sgf23nb390 248gr'2nb388 bfox0c051200gi bfOxOfO8230Or3 n/a n/a a1307f29754 16012735 65160304 85204056 64051186 65160297 74053/40 ab0123346ka3409r 66013071 Item I cosy Asset Tag Estimated Date of Acquisition Keyboards Keyboards Keyboards Keyboards Keyboards Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Notebook Stand Notebook Stand Piano Piano Planner Port Replicator Port Replicator Port Replicator Port Replicator Port Replicator Port Replicator Port Replicator Port Replicator Page 5 of 7 172 173 174 175 176 1 7$ 79 83 S5 86 87 88 94 95 96 97 98 99 69 74 126 127 n/a na 100 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Non None None None None None None 2006 2005 2005 \\SV-FS2\Useregnmihoun\City Depart:nents\l inance\Surpius\2013\2013 08 27\Resolution 13-008 Exhibit 1 ai'r©P SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Resolution 3-000 Exhibit I List of Surplus Equipment Desaiption Serial Number/Alt-ID Item Toshiba Express Port Replicator Power Cords to PC 19 HP 81SODN 3rother EM=C-88400 HP Laserjet 1300 HP Laserjet 1000 Series NEC Projector LT260 Sharp XE A101 Sharp X3-A101 Sharp XE-A103 HP Storage works NS5000 Series Toshiba Tablet PC-Tec.2 Toshiba Tablet PC-Teaa Toshiba Tablet PC-Tetra Toshiba Tablet PC Teu—a Toshiba Tablet PC-Portege Toshiba Tablet PC T ec a HP Compaq C8a000 Hp Compaq NC8230 x6026261 cords Associated Systems 21796 L:61036d503208 aibjf65098 cnbj213703 2x00S81ne 55032024 58073346 6801709; library 3g32Ibv3inyl 65109716h 65109767h 16014626h 86107168h 34054049pu z60952521Z cnu4190v3k cnu51707q3 Dell Inspiron 5150 w/bag and power cord 343394384737 Dell Inspiron 5100 w/bag and power cord 24253347929 Dell Inspiron 5100 w/bag and power cord 34632279401 Deli inspiron 5100 w/bag and power cord 264477/71 c3 Deli Inspiron 5100 w/bag and power cord 32917002985 HP Lap top bag/Panasonic CF-51 w/ power cord dfqx3993xa Toshiba Tetra 86107167h Toshiba Tetra x5056986h Port Replicator Power Cards Printer Printer Printer Printer Projector Register Register Register Series Library Tablet PC Tablet PC Tablet PC Tablet PC Tablet PC Tablet PC Tablet PC Tablet PC Tablet PC Tablet PC Tablet PC Tablet PC Tablet PC Tablet PC Tablet PC Tablet PC Page 6 of 7 C®SV Estimated Date Lot; Asset Tag I of Acquisition 1 6 None 135 None 29 000029 101 None 107 None 193 None 192 000141 23 None 24 None 65 None 1.30 None 7_13 TABLET4 119 TABLETS 120 000148 121 000159 122 000109 ?2s 000165 124 000106 125 000128 182 000321 183 000054 184 000067 135 000097 186 None 187 000170 1^88 000158 1889 None 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 VaSV-1=S2\Users\mcaihoun\Gty Departments\Finance\Surpius`2013\2013 08 27\Resolution 13-008 Exhibit 1 MT OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Resolution X00 Exhibit 1 List of Surplus Equipment Description General Dynamics GoBook VR-Z HP Compaq NC 8000 2003 Chevy S-10 Truck 2003 Chevy S-10 Truck IBM Wheel Writer 3 Large White Board Large White Board Large White Board Medizm white board Medium white board Medium white board Serial Number/Att.ID zzgeg73 ' 7175 a^u4190vc4 1GCC519H338170574 1 GCCS19HX38i5075^a 3.3567E-13 none none none none none none Item Lot w Tablet PC 190 Tablet PC 191 Vehicle 204 Vehicle 205 Wheel writer 128 Whiteboard 195 Whiteboard 195 Whiteboard 197 Whiteboard 200 Whiteboard 201 Whiteboard 202 COSY Asset Tag None 000087 None None None None None None None E tirnated Date of Acquisit on 2007 2007 2003 2003