CUE-03-03_VE-04-03_Response to Request for Clarification ord i.;: t s. , ., j 4 " rV 7_?{ .11 3ta S P O K A N E .p A _If-tc r 41,.. C O U N T Y , OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER MICHAEL C.DEMPSEY,CHIEF EXAMINER CERTIFIED MAIL August 6, 2003 John Montgomery Attorney at Law 2206 North Pines Road Spokane, WA 99206-4756 RE: File No. CUE-3-03/VE-4-03,Request for Clarification or Reconsideration of Hearing Examiner decision Dear Mr. Montgomery: My office received one response to my letter dated July 25,2003 regarding your request for clarification/reconsideration of my decision dated July 8, 2003 in the above matter. This was a short memorandum dated August 1, 2003 from John Todd, in which Mr. Todd indicated that a practice match between competing teams would be considered an acceptable use in the proposed new building,but a soccer match between competing teams would not. I conclude that the holding of league games or soccer matches between competing teams in the new facility falls outside the scope of the original application and of my approval. Practice matches are acceptable provided this does not increase the maximum parking needs for the uses on the combined site. This clarification does not rule out a later request by the applicant for a change of conditions to the current approval,which would require a separate application and new hearing. I have deleted the 13 days elapsing from the date of issuance of my decision(July 11, 2003) and the date of receipt of your request for clarification/reconsideration from the 21-day appeal period,to allow eight(8)days to appeal my decision as clarified. The 8-day period will run from August 11,2003,to allow for a 3-day mailing period(plus weekend) from the date of this letter. THIRD FLOOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE,SPOKANE,WASHINGTON 99260-0245 PHONE:(509)477-7490 • FAX:(509)477-7478 • TDD:(509)477-7133 CUE-3-03/VE-4-03 Request for Reconsideration August 6, 2003 Page 2 The last day for appeal of the Hearing Examiner's decision dated July 8, 2003 in the above matter, as clarified by this letter, is August 19, 2003. Sincerely, (Cia-te 673g' Michael C. Dempsey Hearing Examiner Pro Tern Enc. (Todd letter dated 8-1-03) c: John Todd,Department of Community Development Michael Amstadter Wayne Marquess Kent Gold Kieran Barton Cor van der Meer Jim Martinson