2013, 09-06 Council of Gov'ts• MINUTES Special Regional Council of Governments Meeting Hosted by Spokane County Board of County Commissioners Friday, September 6,2013 10:00 a.m.—12:30 a.m. Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, Conference Facility 404 N Havana Street, Spokane Valley, Washington Attendance: Spokane Valley Council Staff Mayor Tom Towey Mike Jackson, City Manager Councilmember Chuck Haf ter any Driskell, City Attorney Cotmcilmember Rod Higgins Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Councilmember Arne Woodard Councilmember Ben Wick Absent Councilmembers: Deputy Mayor Schirmnels Councihnerrtber Dean Grafos Others in Attendance: Various elected officials and staff members 1. Welcome&Review of Meeting Agenda—Spokane Co. Commissioner Shelly O'Quinn Commission Chair O'Quinn welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave those in attendance the opportunity for self-introductions. 2. Relationship between Fairchild AFB and Spokane Regional Governments — 92°d ARW Commander Col.Brian Newberry Colonel Newberry explained that there is a strong relationship with Fairchild AFB and the community, and that his job over the next year is to work to deepen the relationship between Fairchild AFB and Spokane Regional Governments. Via his PowerPoint presentation, he discussed such issues as sequester, Shell 77 accident investigation, Fairchild 2020 which includes working with Spokane County for a possible small arms range; and the mentioned their motto of"Two Fold Security"which includes the 92nd Airborne survival teams. 3. Public Facilities District(PFD)Update—Mike McDowell, Spokane PFD Board Member Mr. McDowell said they have chosen the design-build team to add 100,000 square feet to the exhibit hall in the Spokane Convention Center and that the establishment Shenanigans is now completely gone; he said 90% of their Shoreline Master Plan and Centennial Plan approval process is complete; mentioned the upcoming new Walt Worthy hotel with 719 rooms and 900+ parking on the lot near the Convention Center,with an estimated completion date of spring 2015; and said with the completion of that hotel they anticipate eight to ten more major conventions than normal. 4. Transportation Update--Wayne Brokaw, Executive Director,Inland Northwest AGC Mr.Brokaw mentioned the receipt of two TIGER fund grants;mentioned our regional projects separate us from those in western Washington as ours create lasting jobs in manufacturing, trade, tourism, and are all key to the state's economic growth; he mentioned the"Informational Face Sheet"which discusses the gas tax, the North Spokane Corridor mega project,which has not been funded for completion in spite of being over 50% complete; and other regional economic development projects such as Bridging the Valley, that Regional Solid Waste Meeting 09-06-2013 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: 09-17-2013 will provide an economic return to the State. He said that October 2nd GSI will have its first open forum and they want to deliver a message to the legislators as they travel around the state, that we are the part of Washington that is growing jobs. 5. Economic Growth in Spokane---Rich Hadley, Greater Spokane Incorporated President&CEO Via his PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Hadley explained that we are a substantial region and have an important partnership in the region; mentioned our cost of living is 6% lower than the national average; said the median home price is $171,300; we have the 6th best commute time; are the 6th lowest for natural disasters, and we rank 149 out of 392 for metro areas for graduating over 70,000 students studying within a 75 mile radius; said we have a diverse economy and he listed some of the top private employers; said our region is a health care and research hub with the largest concentration of medical services between Seattle, Salt Lake City, Minneapolis and Calgary, Canada. In connection with heath issues, Mr. Hadley mentioned the various medical school facilities for nursing, pharmacy and other health care areas, and estimated by 2030 the region would employ about 9,000. He mentioned aerospace companies in the West Plains area; said he sees huge opportunities for our area to be a freight corridor from Canada to Mexico; and by spring they expect to have more information on the idea of Port Districts. 6. Fairchild AFB—Accident Potential Zone(APZ)Update--Spokane County Commissioner Al French Commissioner French talked about the "Accident Potential Zone" and encroachment issues concerning Fairchild Air Force Base; said the encroachment is expected to be used as a reason to recommend closure of the Base and the area of concern is about a ten-block section of mobile home parks and apartments in Airway Heights; said several hundred people live in that identified APZ or crash zone. Commissioner French said they are moving forward for a bond measure in November; and he showed a map of the overlay areas; said the land use is mostly light industrial, Commissioner French said the idea is to purchase mobile homes parks and individually owned mobile homes as that is a residential zone; said they will acquire these properties subject to the successful bond issue in November with the goal to retire the bond in nine or less years; said they are working with property owners of facilities to begin the purchase; said that the estimated cost to purchase is $6.4 million, then added to that is demolition costs, relocation costs, miscellaneous cost and a contingency for a total of$18.1 million. Commissioner French said to repay the debt would require a levy resulting in an estimated cost to the home owner of about$6.31; said they would put deed restrictions on the land to run with the land in perpetuity; said they would have to give twelve month's notice to purchase and would need to work with each resident; and said he will soon be asking for support of the initiative. 7.LEAN Concepts in Spokane County—John Dickson, Spokane Co. Chief Operations Officer Mr. Dickson said he looks at government systems which includes politics, policy, performance, and people; said the performance part has lots of twists and restrictions with the idea to streamline the operations concerning how quickly they do what citizens need, with the goal of reducing or eliminating the non-value wait activities; said the issue is there is not enough focus on the work time and the goal is improvement of the process, to actually slow down the wait activities; he discussed the lean leadership course and gave as an example the goal to have a more efficient criminal justice system and to reduce recidivism; and he again stressed the real process problems; and in summary said government leaders should work even closer together and leverage all the resources and talents available to increase the capacity to provide great services. 8.Regional Animal Control for Small Cities—County Commissioner Todd Mielke and SCRAPS Director Nancy Hill Commissioner Mielke and Ms. Hill gave a brief update on Regional Animal Control; said they are on target to open the new shelter spring 2014; mentioned some of the regional benefits such as all strays and lost animals housed at one location; and to have a full service animal shelter; said some of the services they provide include enforcing animal laws regarding nuisance complaints; helping injured and sick Regional Solid Waste Meeting 09-06-2013 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: 09-17-2013 animals, and investigating animal cruelty; and mentioned the assistance of law enforcement in emergency calls. 9. Roundtable Discussion of Topics of Regional Importance—Spokane Commissioner Shelly O'Quinn Some of the topics briefly discussed included the Sullivan Road Bridge and funding, the Bigelow Gulch Project and the rationale for moving traffic through the north Spokane corridor, and federal regulations and the documenting process as a function of funding; that the Veterans' Court is alive and well and is just one of the therapeutic courts that has substantially reduced recidivism; and there was very brief mention of the solid waste issue meeting with all the jurisdictions, and that the topic will continue to be discussed. Commission Chair O'Quinn adjourned the meeting at 12:15 p.m. t�Tl mas E. TON ey, yo A r ' /ter hristine Bainbridge, City Clerk '- Regional Solid Waste Meeting 09-06-2013 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: 09-17-2013