13-162.00 Orbitcom, Inc.ORBITC0 M INC. Customer Order Form Yolce, Data and Internet Services PHONE: (509) 688 -8180 CUSTOMER SERVICE: 1-866- 834 -7837 Name or Company City of Spokane Valley Rate Service Address- 2426 N Discovery Place x City, State, ZIP: SPOKANE VALLEY, WA, 99216 Service /Site Contact & Title: Greg "Bing" Bingaman, Information Technology Specialist 5 Email: bing @s okanevalle .or Phone: 509- 720 -5050 Billing Address if different) 11707 East Sprague Ave. , Suite 1061 FAX: 509 - 921 -1008 City, State, ZIP: Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Voice Mail x = Billing Contact & Title: Greg "Bing" Bin amah, Information Technology Specialist TAX ID /EXEMPT /SS# /ACCT NO Omnia # 22694 Inactive account Monthly 8XX x 1 0 _ Email: Phone: 509 Per Minute Rate Tax Exem t # ** SEE ABOVE E -Rate Customer O YES NO Term of Agreement: O 2.4mth O 36mth O 60mth 3 -Year Contract Pac Codes use form Customer Agreement Date: Verified? Y N Customer Listing Information Line Count Agent Name: Jim Prussack Dir. Asst. Listing Info: Published? 10Y i—Oe -N ' Number of local lines 5 Does the listin remain the same? O Y _ -�O N ' And all other found in CSR? OO Y N Listed Telephone Number: 509 -688 -0300 Please use the space below if there are listing changes: Number of LD Lines 0 No Changes Number of 800 Lines 0 I OrbitCom does not have its own directory and cannot be held liable for incorrect directory listings. Phone numbers are sent to the Qwest database, from which directory companies acquire their numbers. The customer is responsible to check with directories to make sure that listing are correct. This information accurately represents current listing Information Orbitcom Inc Products Service Descriotion I Price Local Service -No Features LD Intral-ATA 0.05 LD Intert-ATA 0.05 X Orbitdom 01 21.95 OrbitCom 02 Install # of Lines X J 48.00 All rates, terms and credit are subject to OrbitCom's review and approval. By signing below you are authorizing OrbitCom to provide your telecommunications services listed above, and any multi- locations included. This Agreement us subject to the Terms And Conditibns on reverse side. Orbitcom Inc Products Service Description Rate Features: x NO WIRE MAINTENANCE 5 Business lines 21.95 Voice Mail x = Monthly 8XX x 1 0 _ Per Minute Rate Pac Codes use form Verified? Y N Travel Cards Agent Name: Jim Prussack Agent ID: 708 Manager Approval: Signature: Print Name: tA%t �cu- VVN Date: Z 3'Z13 Print Title: _Cil _ _ fitly 11c, TERMS AND CONDITIONS The aloe Y%Ig wyiskrs;the'lens and Ca tlttra`) she! to appoltald! !u Cu :icnher Order Foals a CoSM. Rene+ -a! Frnms (Ile- Agee -t,j axes red by isp Ac•+rr.:as ,Cwrpanyy any Custaile,, and U'est le,me and Ccrv!,hos shah be nuv wafel into each Ag,oemtnt DEFINITIONS Cninfi lwi tMla ahlrl. LosWii slid at sure cpdc, loarac, doeumemata., iwirmia s. Anew -huw, end .de.S, updat°.5 and a-y datamcnlab.n and a.foto minas faiM,ey to +a Lice::eed SofMaT and any 1,a: fr.b!ic mforma•im •aga•ding the bur,'n -1 of the 0ta tc'ry P —lined tc eiher party by !be otter par.7wAhara sud! —lied cr olhE,visv rommuni well as beirg'prcpridat -Y" or 'c4 ,f.d�r;:ai v Iris :Ao Customer TTe Ie:son, r tx cc:pbnfwn which ades Skiice and 6- far ne esyr kvtt of 112,9e,. ad con i0ore Nn i h -,e Terms erd -d'r.Bons End User. Apvzon, Tvm scoip;aador anud, :s c-qn -reed by the Cushohrc -r and aPcmved ty Cempa:y is a user M Caripanys Sentce (1-1l ad U C V.-af FLCM ^der 1-toer6eb Sof,,we Carpole, a holiT .,, oti e7.1. I.-W tan 1, Ira 483 .1f ahl:h is!ieined far fie of Se,NCRa Mderad ty Gr,ianw harr!nder PremJmC3 i he tp3ce ec[up ell ty a Cus!emrr cr End Use! •n a bud ,1,q m bmi!drnas a conli3uws pr_+pe:ty (eu<!o; o :Rna7 rrg!ds r,, way, Me I rice seperalod by a h uhway Se -ace. M.y oo, mr:.tiCns seer'..,r eff-I by C-Pony w,rsuaa to a Sera, Order Savior, Ordc. ire ,aq..ss! L- C.anipany 5arvwxs ;urn Wad by (re fuslumw vi tie term al Ag•aernent dxvired by COTr,panY The sobolros- or a service Order try the C'at_nhar and acceptance plaeof tY Canpany, in:lotes the rasPrcilly, W;gali- e' the pares as se! 16,111 therein and put #Irani to TeSe Terns anal c0fro v, SECTION 1. SERVICE ORDERS I t Sot .riss:ar .1 Sarvice Cnierc. C ast,,,nliyz iha; <uymA W C :r!p 3ny Sn,,e cmnit la iha w-,w!a= of $arnES des.red to be adctei N Cust.111 Eacn Se,v'ce Ordei ffius be aatmiried c1, a farm 114 210.6 by Clivivany A : it t al. ed serer.- :s In rocz. ham date a! egnat!sa. but Lam does lid a lanni t laid the ,fate tt.e order is 0010-11 SECTION 2. TERMINATION AND TERMINATION LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 21 CaoreRd +an Of SeMZ Iran Pnw!o In! :der. b! Sert'ice. Cvstnmtr nay rancd u Serolce Or!Er pr w :n mdagco dt Servi:'e, vow7ed, tweyar. drat Custm![v may to rssdl_vbrebv A,e UOJID ?TED DA?k%GES in fgrm,n these Terms and Cmdi;nrs (a In azy irpGCst fe 6e.isr Chas') 22 C.,, . ;l0n of Eert,o Lydv Mu la".oy dy Sa xe Sutlac. to LIOUrO.AT£O DAMAGES r¢.rn zr.Bed rerun C:sbame, mey have SirNz davuy distt !need raron thi•ty (3Si daYS rvr!1 :.n rotk -e to Con,yanr Custa'ner shall hE tiatia fa taymarl Cl e:l .mikes fa Seniors fumshad urth ft (40,ilVt date for rvwe93tion 2 3 TerrdndP•an LIOUi0ATE0 DAMAGFS in le went Thal G6°a+; eh ciscund,!te5 Str:ice pior to the erd w an agrxed lamb wash rsspeer to %4x,? a Sznuz O,da, has bean s +r'rad a in the eva,rt tnat Company tarm "le, daf „z,y of such Sernoe due to faihre by cvs'n +.er se cu .p!/ wool the Ifni horsed (a of mi, $mire Dien) CVildri er shell pay UOUIDATED DAMAGES m the amaurtt of ii)%cd't dra^ ;ere non:tly rho Nes f Custcvrer's!ocd! erd Ion] dls%r cel bimngs eve-f the term W l- ].fie of dill cmanuontr w te' ilhiti'A mti!iplied Ly dx rahamrg nQmLhdr a rr inths of iha tenor Cuctemer ac4ncv!atlg¢s that.',n ;he ei.w; of tutach by C:ctome, and either, such dscen!inuanca d. tear :not on, Conipan)'s acuat damages -id be imp,:LUczb:e w er:rnmety daTrctdt to G= still that the a-•0unl hvis agreed as LIOUIDA'C-D DAT.IAGES eezn a ieaso,,A* ielal to iha Canpmy's H,Labia •]amager and a net d.sp .^no. -inria many s• der. :ales real :n,t'ay t,l ho xr' ^prod. SECTION 3. BILLING AND PAYMENT 3 1 Pa;rrie,x and Rd•eca. :rg of S'IS Ca ^parry shai bri aUV a,q$s ra;!rrd 1,y Pita vtdl!a der, fa Customer on a month) bas s (utlless oiTravi,r- agraad ty Campaly and Cusfanerj Com,.aoy s' a5 LIP in adv. +lice charter, far a!! 3-tell ba+ pro'afied d,r!rg the arts -uirg month eatepl I e LFarges whir 1 as d>•panda:! talxin usage ri 5eNire (%hIrn r!la:ge - -; s},al bE N'isd n anearej 32Payne,;IaSX, Jul 14,yr. duetmy t3T days hail iha dale c. ssuanre of the bill. If any purr ✓o M (pa pn/rnev s recermd by Company after rte pay^ev Cue Cat: as sal !ortfr 'rcva. y it any ptrban of die p.rimrnt is recelyred by Crmpar y.l funs 'wf+,ch are rat nr!med they dull ratle to Company, Ills, •ratan_,! on lhn hnpxid raun,x tfai be duE ;d a rare nil 1 5i: per m:Ytth (0.M931Sk u¢+dav;. e, :hr Mghesl tale a7rn rd by Iaw, ah:rhevn IS Bess 3.3 Ta +es and Faes C.:;!_.m.v ahaY be respaAS,b'r fcr pay -.ert et Poll sales, asset pmss rtccip!s, txdse, a:tesl, Maass tram Case a ph,C, FAai, sting, and Feceral hates tees charges ,r y,rrn ;tgm !iONatr: dec_knated. ar,•osed an a based nz <h Ire o'�tf ;ign, sale err use of the Seances delivered by Cx-p ?1,y 34 D,sp,wd Br7s, in +.[ e': r. Last ,;us!.,mer C,spuL °e zry Pc!i .^n of tors cJh pgpa [�rita,nrM to a till, u _t;,nYr m!,st Gay the u ^d sPuted perG:,n d T[ I—ce, !At ell s inma a dixtamen ;td Ilan M Me disPtded ampdnl A5 ct ym+ nnlsl fie sutmin,$d In Conp:rny %ilhn 50 days W r!ce:pt of biNrq fa these 5trvke5. It Cntrrt.�r [txs apt mrbmh a cLa:m :v!nm cud! ptdnf aryl :n the manner sahed z ^_are, Custcnrna wanes 0 agh!s to dispr,!e sa,h charges Urdtss dl!pursd l6e r.rosa shai! he deeoa J to be M'reet and I ayxtls is fill try NSTemef 3 6 Deposits Cnntrunty, may. in oiler Ib $alit d6 r:nests r-io a 3.1y CUS;Omer to ral,e a aepbs I as a vndiLc•1-. to Campanili acceptance of any Sernce 01Jer subretted ty Cv,rtray, which dei l shall he held by Canpany as a guarantee of the payment of'a as and chi yes At rush time as the it wson of SwVoi to Gmltrner are lenmiaed :he,: amol W Ste Onpns I will be cao.red to C.etomar'e a- or,, I w! or j credI baanc,, whi,h may remain wA be va,'uraC,ed. in cite of a east- deport. for the perrd!he d¢pos:! re lisle by Company slmit w.,eji im?rel a;Tl br oplefu:m to Lie dsrask for the n� ;mbe•t of day: from Re .late the deposd s'ecei red b; Cahlpany to a.td incl,dne Tr, ]ate such rlspcsn Is r»edaed to ; starers aeceunt o, the dalitl deptsn k •e!utMed tY ConGany Cennsr.s rrld N aat!!e Weotsl an the greater rate of 3, per Ri,a —o, the, ate m3nJ: -,•ell by 4pp4;ab:n law 3 5 Frawuieat USE at Serials Claillm e! 51,10 be sale!) ,p -srbId for ad ctc,rges mans; w4 el U e Serra es. -.ern d su, h the rgm pens rrcuned 11 r0Lgh or ea a mv,4 of fra:.d.Amr or urau t-tiz d bse or Iha 5-Des, SECTION 4 CANCELLATION OF SERVICE ORDERS A I C ancetate'm o! 8e+nre C,aar ty Con!ba, y A For ncrpaime,!I Coripvy may L't -i!1, ill (3) day, wncen l ot,.:a Ctriome, mtho:A rnsrrg o!.y t °btny 0,1 It- k an unpaid ca'amx Br Sery re 7:11 lc oVEMUP 6 Far rn.-d ticcFs: A Col onors vkwlse check of dra�. s 1n,iled ! l"4 fd• arty fe3spn 10`,14 be ItIeLl lt dKcMhai- cg, If 5s.vru'immeGa :Ny x:d 01hattl advaate Will rpfllE k bit Cl-, any C For an; ttilatlan 4 caw a rd say of the p0v34 aces gt foi.rq [.e 1wr:l3r tlg of Servica Any Servx:e Order shag be W lest to ea,:callati,i. welK l' mb,. to Ary ,YLat— f any law Ilpf, .tgvamir , poky of any government amhofty hal•reg lured'; titre aver Server or fa 'cpamnrng "r1, virr.10,11 x GCnpanyY !zen- ,`TCeftl p ho is�a by reastn u any wrier or lidli,n M a court or Rher ga;eiw en' amlvi:ay harm; )udsdrvI,,, vrtigt r^L,bie Co,olpy from finishing suer Slot D yn alhnoG,,, -t AG!6i'Xnrr.' :al fir. 611tr•e<t I00'S :r*!tr.tl3rme'IS +rYiLe art!1a:L'h��a,!n!tiEahM Vf]mEadt .lb Service Grow t•,.ttie led braid [r 1f:e, tf an% S,Iirtl:is: ri if ir•firmeticn er]sluxra h a Se,v'ra Ord =_for an} Pete m!nminUdn sobmiUCd to Carp «•y E Fa an; C! iwier fa3rg of bankcapac% at remgan2shwi o, laring I.:. +6,9e en m'..4mra y flit lhas4m INn. 1,'rhime yen i'lled by la+. Ccr.!par; may aim °- dlate!y dreln t1,' :e or suspend cleGsry of 5uvka %nrput irenn-.g any IWAll) 41 FHrd ill Cancw3aiion. Up,n Cm-!pany'c dsdrnlinua,Y.r Orr Strd:a b C'ashr,mts urdm any c! i a fa ?gpr a st :bl :ara,rs, hs. Company lisp, 'n ¢Cdbal to a1 sine! remeSes!h :A may ba ¢va!la0!e!c Ccm);my st'aw a k: equity a .M_er airy oY ±r pro.t stern of a Sense L•lrr, as.eel and cd:ed 1, an Co,u ms, 6q;,id:'nd damegrr for the Se: is es wh;t have bean aneeeed w Ciued i 3 3 Res RCeamplrC% Cr SEM1WE It Gtr, llt Rae been 1J1iCSri,n` +E: h. "_vide:, ¢lid Cus:c :ur r[QJC515 '!'R $ " -nl,[ to ra51 -11. Cornoely shai! have the ez a and aLs.a',rs dscaficn 10 iee-1: sucfh Serkes only a".er r_i s!ec!iat of =-,itch ca-d•i M<_ as Coin tiry ;e:em•nes W be reT i:ed k: Rs votic!Ion Nw-emmrg cha,ces api ly to rtes! ee P.enkes SECTION S. DELIVERY OF SERVICES 51 CoT:pany Sen'sr CdigabD! AL Service mo,g the faGN C! h[:vrwn the poert :du :d :n ;! en Ca*:pa,p's w q!na'�ur !ar! Pell the 001,1 idsn•.idd a5 CrmrarN's tertn+ma:!an pan! art H furisnad ey Coy, Pry, i.s agen'e x ce nbacau, 52 Ctn,pa'!y A:-css! tp Preaches Cusmmrr sno!1 a!'oa �mpacy wNimara$ ono reaxnaNe ;szss and, c:'t -o! -airy In d!e Prerisrs to the er_er» revmlaNy dtlernh!ed L'y Crn^Py y !a be approGr:a•¢ ie rFr Pro:rtibn d £eMces, x the imin:enem:e d egii pyrenL f¢aldits and systems re'a5ny !s rht See :rrs 53 Serv.ce Cxrane- semen! Dater, Cangnary may urdtnaie :n z:,y u'srv4:a Ctr•1v W use yeas :nahlt ¢ "ono ;.^ make Ssices o:adsNe to a C,,I.- in or befcaa a pima 4d, dohs, suhjer3 to the p,o%is or a o! and cmnpi,an ti by Cust— with trs6e Term: aPd Conduons CwaWry apes asd gca•an!ee ,rvapatdiiy ty any w:h date ;rd shai 1,0! ba 5abie trrany aeiar$ In can•nancno Say.ce :G any Cysti+ CLnsary Faaill,is. CooT.- s,'.y v drdakes tp tree yeas-' -Ue_ of arts t, -W.m only the fxd,tee and eT, prow,'egw,ud w dafver Se71losS 1T CLS Tyner Cr.,t;rCe,s and End Ltsas bill•)1,Y,, nrr •fiat Ivey permit p'✓srs!a, resn� ,te, t'6r�n,ed. remc• :s, attempt tG mar, or cthe:%rse tamper With any :d!ie'actauss or of pmrmt, ireuned Ly Car•pany, e.ectpl upm the ayit- con. sera of Cartyary EquipmeN pov :dell a naiallyd al the Premi;as by Comp an! f-.r a :,r in w rrne.,:lxm kit* the roes 4aa4 nut ee tiered fra any psrpesr Omer man that ky wfi!rh Company pgv:dad it In addifw to a'ry bite, remedies of Ctmpa ry is a h'aach Ly Cus!ara of Cull am^ 's olb%ati; s hs,evndef costan,a star pay coal for any damage to C- v.,y -i,wr hd emu Mill ceased thereby Company !hall, in the event dial s -,& damages a -e iie rfed, dewei to Customer a %often i-iw btere!pre In no e.rrt s=at Catlpany be Pave In CVatoma 0r any ot% , re-ri fa irternrl of Service or is any ahar %ass tail v damage Caa3ed [x related to imprcpe ise or rni!,r- En ^a.'.Ge of Lw.d3 /-O ned eaJ:p!rert. 5 S Trte And P-w fir to ail faic!tlies (except I.ch ,equipmea! ve,or iaa!rl:es as wit soldW z Cus'cmer), a :clvarg viol eSva pored, $hat remain,citlr cumpany, The olecaic pewar Ping!„ - =_d cry sur't, Ktli of an Ire Prrrksac of Caitorme, shall to provided by sod mnntarnsd at the expense of Cusfomw 5 6 Custarrer P! Vdsc E,gApment Company staff not be rasprns+hos for the operator a maniters,l-e at Pry Cta amn per wded cemmuniesuins c- quirrsrl! Cishrrre, trail be - ioc-is bie "ar ma 41a,o!g ei ip,nant req.:irri tb prrn+de answer st.t :.•r- vre:,o in Acm,dance w th 4aopar 0 at Fan 63 d'ke reutzi f mn:.mrabens CorimssAns R -des and Rernat :.ens Ceforany may xu,a!I ca air, O stoner p' -dsif cV-anrokat.ona egOpmeal it,or, Instal arias of Ssvioe, Ales$ dill agefid by in %h-a- mg Cccpany srml fill ii.naa`er be r¢s,- •tx:dW; for the opal.stion a mamtenflooe o, ssuh earl e:t! Nfir snal. Canpany be reg'ponssbie it A Tl+rs .smis ;ion bf,.grwiS by CLeaare! Pre +:dad eryipmenf M. fm the trlekly of, a defects n wd! lranvnusrr,; or 0 Tie rtttymn tf sgnars by Cus.pma vatlded eauiPrrem `.7 Service Chagas Cuspgrer shay be fespons;6e fcr the paynera d serice crangts "or visds tY Ca-.panye agm's or ewplo;CS r. pr. Prerdees %iheq are So ..it d,ihcuky w caobhi reper ,estd!, im 2 t use U r�u�pmert or faciuias oy C(I i m41 w End Usar, 5 8 Remv"a d Eq,ep -rdt CeW mer oiniti to apcw Cc , party to eor a tit Certpany - agreed a•,,knnii't It.- the Fre!sars A After tetmP.atian. Interrupt on fir s: -yP1 -. a at trw Serve Older ,n canrel!oft unlh "b -ch the ege?". o, iias used and B Fa rcpau, repaixr,ienl Or wteawist z3 Corq: ny may detr• rmn•; is necessay of dksl,ade. At the tame of V d rurov,l wth egipnert Shat be in the sacs �4rrdAix as Men lobvtord to Cdctor..er or Iost34ed in CUstonar s Premises normal was• end tear ar;y acoep "-vl C•usiccn shall reimburse Cemperny for the raplaos,mra rota & any a;trPmtrt x *,!dt is fie' in 9`1 Sam=- can - deion as when de:ive!red to Castorre, 5 9 Sences Suhje*.t to AvadFrIA-,y The!u *rtrShiF.g d Se"'ce unde, theca Tems Byrd C.n4tknfi is subjocf to !-he - .!cab :hry M. 8, tr,, ranrq tae's M aI: the riecesialy td:Ai6Ls ale ,s Blasted I, the :apod) of Compays fadi :lies, as well as facaflea Canpany may apt air Iron, ether carriers to furnish. Senior, hem time In @re ac ni ed it the c )ie istrej. at Company !:Whmg m ihece Tcfm and Cord bons cha!l be consuued le ap'igate C&OTv to r :tyn:i or Canpany to accEpl, SerNre tade,s. SECTION 6. OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITY LIMITATION 61 0-b4geLOns of the Customs'. Clostomef shelf he reepersiae fit. A -is payiren; e: all charges vpp:ieoi to the :rmces (irul ;,ding d!a -yr-k olo- ore9 ae a ryl of Irud ur urea aria -zed use of it Se,v vs; B Darrye v ices at Compdny'S facd]ies or eq k- „lint Caused by ere a_is or amiasfors of CAsh me, w E:td Lee or be non ca *, vance by Castaata or End lied, wash re provo i0rs of !near, Termer and Crndi!ions v by firs w thc4 0, Dist casualty on the pence! d C05101'v or Fnd Use III less ea.Jie,^, lit pre regligor a car , ifol n,isenndu^ of til -al-vets a agnrct of Canpan;). C Prodd•ng the te.el or power heating a.-d A, r_vttf! :ur,V rspevar} to maim.,, the t"t. ernnroomok ,i en the Prloo stn. C Rounding a s,:fe pare to work and camping..tti ai, lairs aid leg!iatiane legaC•ng the :v7ki - j caui,mns on Lhr- P, eMe'. E I„ak'a:g CIrmt any facial and "won em ahtatabia pedhx!ice7Fy fw mair!enarice PusPescs at a I me agrexetre to C—f—y and C'mornet F Keyrng Ccntpanys s wj fie it And (alleges do,!ed an P,em!ses flea and dear of any Gan=_ or encumb —oes, & 2 Ltab6dy, cl roolvany Tye ha it ty ol Company fa d_xaues arisiog oul of ill. famishing a Serricei, Mdudin9 VA rM Tail- .0 la m staitss, lnlraslcru !file- rr.IpSons, de;ays tdLS,u. m j,,a or errors, on othal defer-::, represq'!ncros, used SerAcei of arcing out cf the TaiUnt to firths}: Services, atad:v cawed by tx!s of commiss,on a cmi son, shall be frilled to Iha ex ecsx:r: of o :d? all rman :es a rehxds uf sans pal; under with, eppgwble Sarwa Cher TFe r:ior lien at such credit 811,15n,e or re'urds shin de tho We tvredy at Cistlmer or any Ed Use, and the sole i:andi:y et Comtan'y, Clxrpany shit in ro e'.ertt be bath fa 3::y inCirtd. Ir ddtntai special. oo,seas.eotat, e+anp!ary OrpunMve damages ni .du3rg but rot knifed to da-ces for lots pea. rds u ly-t revenues) a Cuslnr,er, ay safer 51'6 or not reused by fire atixLOra! cis v raniseldns c, roiV jencs of Cem r-any's - proyees or agrrls and wgar]less of whether C1,•hpany has tin ;nlnnneJ of tht poislitil a 490'acd of sud' damages 0? tl :sd. =.cnar ,r W=_rt3nbe:. CarKa ^y MAKES NJ:Ydi244Nrli:.i OR kEPRESEh tAT:v145, EAPRESS OR IMP.iEL'EI TH�R IN FACT OR BY OFERA.TION OF LA'N, ST4TItTCRY O.°, OTHEP,lASE, INCIi }DING ViARR.VITIES OF MERCHA:NTADt!TY AND FITNESS FOR A PAFiMCULAR USE EXr.EPT T1+0SE Etf'FESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN SECTIO?I 7. SOFTWARE TERMS 7f L.rnse If and to the iidrnl llC ;IQI!,mrer reli vet lhaitn of Licenser So ?wm•; in Oder to ux leis Sanecae suPrAred tndo' ant Service Gros. ;htn C+uxanen sNal! have a rnaexeusive rent: a,•sfenV`e homer is use stark Liu. sod Sodwbre any ,lid solely to its exlent'etwired to Gemrs deivery M are Serest. Cuslpmer sl!pt in is want be entdtid to c'a'm i tie to w any owc- rreh p mtvesf o ally, Licensed So'l -re (w any d- diners g* xrpOtvmeras Iheetoi, and Croton el shalt sxe.ute a,y d,,U- menlld— reseena'dy legtnrni by Canpany to .F[mAnakre Compiloy's eotdng a, d co, fr,;ed .- ersl:Ip 0'60 -see W..na -t 7.2 RT-rnd :bins CLSWTCr agrees th al it sM,O net A Copy G ^e t: rrrard Sot!n.rz trap st fw ---d Ord pr,i,!ied by the exorss v Then cl C"W a!ty; B 1 IIECwtpia M SeassemWe the LMsn;a] SCfI44,e C 5.11. feria, f!cerse w "wicerba ttm _ censad SaP:va,fs rr C Geate. ante x ee.elcp aM dxvauts sctware ,r a:y Ohre soeuan, png,am btu!d m tho Lvsol, a Sof-mare a any COpfdm50f IribrmaWn M C-Many SECTION 8 CONFIDENTIAL ItIFORMATION 8 ! Oi ;dcsu-z and Usr The Cenfdertaf InF rmiIlan des ;khsed by e!ncr pz'y ccrstil: -'ice ill =cy!6der, ;rat and p"cCialery.rtn- mattoa of the disclosing pan) and };e recefrry cat) shai) re'slr r slut cw;f ileme a ^d not drsde'se W ally th,h part (t+cePl as au0•mzcd by !hear Temrs and Cco r:U0ns: pibout I. dudosing Party's express %eaten M-Sent to any -I it sbrn uifa maacn E3d!pary egres3lm tree! eP proabeimry nlmnnatm a U'a otnarn t-e same ma'na asd _,zas its avn prcprietay!n!ix- euiicn, tru! ai!y: :xa alt IF:a U °glee cf gore be less than rnssnnabla ram 62 Restricted Use. Each parry agTe <_ iA} to use Gx:fdaaa! I:ifm„iatetn w.ty ip U -e purposes of mace Temrs arc Cana ^,Ins or as Iris-ft exr.,-!y perm l.1 by tt.e6e Toms and Cmd9im,' t6) not to, make col.tas elate Cenpder,rhl In!0rma!;on or asp pal t,heaf Eacept fu purtzies of J,ese Tents led Cnn!ttlrr`s or n 34,evise P,Prrsvly peml h,d by !hash Tears area Cnnd:,as, and iC; iO Tpnduce and mar.,sio on any cepies of ay Conridoilb! lrfrarmation such proprie!ay .ogends a n0!:cee ( %haLhar A dijoi i g par) or a tied nary) 3s are;: n6a -read in or on the fmgrnat y as the iiaadosino parry may pl'iftwse raa- sonatsy reviest it 3 Cxregl•nhs. Noo fthvan3iag the fottl tads party's mn6',u Alf, CAN gallons be:eonder 5I-al not apoly to rnforna: rx'• wliiuh' {ai :s a!resdy kraan u 4`r, r2re!ving party (b; oscm.e: p,Aic'y aishia a whi cot IRai: of the iecelsny filly (c) n ngnt fusty, pblaio.-d by tilt recewng p3ry from a third party w :ttcA i ,stiiYia 1,S be disrloati,f, u Is arpaleet',r r Wif !:y wroa,'il xuthO•+zalipa q( the nsdpatrg roily, f;;. r5 sha,,. by Wide,. remd to ba dexJlineJ Iixltptrdx!ly' by either pslty winced ..se of die el easy'$ Contdennal Heil!- (o) ,s sl, P by +,'iaen (hull; to hie Dee. , kr,ev.n or, a'vai abio Ib eiain party mfirwr +ti. as!o Clsdoairr at tie L'ma M cl _e- fice:pt of such Infateaticn; or t is req,amed h: tie cisclosed by law e.s•P,e -Ne ;, ih,par!trs 3grcr l'iat,nmw:t *N- ;,`d's9 an}cthet src0.vt of Neer Terms a„•: COnd:tiars, d•e 1,v!- traaJ�kil pa,ry shall be tra.C•ed to seek egwtaglr iel,ef 10 poltoi's intefeks, hi3w4rg bill! nal um,bid la Iuellfwary end Permar[nt tYV+n;.6vr m_arf NTtw:g sta'c-0 Asrcin iha{ tx uir� 3rdm ling any o!nn remai.es av, at4a to lie pan es 8 S 1-1, a' Tta ehi+}51nr8 C a 41ei— ira.ly tad Wo'lla5cn of V5e Shat iurvhe the 2fiAral! :en V nl,se -gems and Cw•ti }h Y SECTION 9. GENERAL TERMS 9 1 Fcfca tizievro. Company shall aA ce isHs la ,:err siaf try cramt atams- ro axlenotr mr any, fa!'ure of pe'hrnan el or eCuivrovi: d,:e• S Conroe bW+d'!s :Mtlol ine,)zF g u!-t roll fmiied to aci? rf Gad f;1,? feed or Al,fr catasV,p -Fas, arytii R orlo,, ia,' Iatioa d +erncn, action, a regfesf d Ila Uri =_d Swo,, Go, ernreoi or of any o'l if grvrrner5, ladu(rg !tail 3ro hxai rcvemmm!a tawny w va3mng ru lislivio.,,over Company a of any dnarbnert agenq cd-ks rn, burtau corpe'ate!i. a od3e! i-.sS:nMlaii'y all ay me o, !ma C these fede,-f', Sate. or I,arA ga✓emmem, v arty r ill c-m )!ter) st,thiniv i atcr, Z:' emarga,:v:IES, nsumtct Ox's A-.!c wars, unzw3•'abn!y 0 ngils -or -way or mncoais. v smites. 41: l9. %,art sloppawS n other tabor d.TC Wes 9 2 .Aaslgrr eni cr irx,srsr Cve!.ania nay ncl !2'istst a asr.gn fhs'_so d S ^r z, w,tt :wt (,,a eap2ss a6, wd "en t0rsent I Company. and on0. when srai Y,ns!e, at assgnmelt s. be a :comid'sCxd -:tho i1 it linayrp, at the rise 01 kr alirr of 5enw These L -r <s Pied CaoA as sbai: appl oa au such pertr4ue! aans!erdrs u t <_9yrMS. Cgstrmar shat. upfasS a46,- "a expr:,,Sty agreed by CCmpany in -Lnb tram a:1, tail, fa the parent of all Lbs'ges due gndE" ead• SefVii it :pdrr 9 3 Navin, Any neF-r C(unp my may qi ;e to a Loetaner shoe be deemed V.,If ; ,a, when os5uered if Joh ---' yr ' .son, eir ar!en sent.ia Iacsim0a, overnight sx'in e!ec.;rarr. mail w %then de0nated.vrr dhe U S Fcs'al Ser,oe. to (I'D 5 ?lfess bile[ - eau Serv+ce Cider 9.4 Tde! ., hoanar. Cmsome, shai) lrommr.:fy „yet ;rd and lid C otnp¢a} ham9ess Iron. dame loss, di'lage e4mnsr, tinau.•- f ig afore) s fees and rco t, :Deist, or 4aa!dy imdud :1,3 Rehitity, kf yeronUnfi+:q^^.rni) arssrg from (r rely clams mare aga•nS[ Cerncary by any End Ise, in ¢nrtd.tn aim the drisery ,i cur•mam'ion of Snvi;:ss, (2; :rte of fa.-iYtr' Fmisre.. by Cvmpany I, a manner .,in he ia,m., hereof ur in a!rarner mat Col any WS rill =Ktial dates art we! wt:irt: Crwa!,y rxs sec 1,a -td and (S) an otner ialny less. damage, experae ('-c ,nsng attorney; fee= era nun cussi. a 4ab,lay -1-tie ca of any —:m%, eq c+ emissgn by Cu- o-,er ar:g End User m mnrnllwu v: th U e S-M- "5 Apphcav ya 01 Tanas 0wp3ny ma; el_ r or tre rzq.ir rf ty t:ra w 5e w %N, ,a wPror,,ate w lino r aganoy iarnf resrw ,g the deriver) of certain Sanh.es In the evert and to die ewer' that sucn lanfft have txen n ve fried resp•tclmg Seri -cs cvderted by Customer. then 'die lens she rcrh r, the 'Pilk ale tad3:haa govern Ca Ply's de'veri of and Cys.arr. a <o^. sv'hppmn 3,1:sst c”. s:a: •• S2MGes 96 Ccxaens M Ccn:m,ml.at as Cpmpary s!ta¢ ra. ^ 1,c Uab try a rea•msia'rry kart.he aa!at,-n of any carvuuivrntkms t_oE mnL-o via the StlWieS by CtsVimrr a any "T... Ucef ani C. ?Derr,, shai; -lo d Cw^Pany ham-•;et, fr,m any and a i daims rust- ed to s-h 'situ t 9? Ldgaeah S,Dudw,gotr.r arse belvieen tee pared, wadi regard 1u1le.AT—olir4 01 piri agree 1-1 ',he la% of the Six, of Spath D :L -nia staff aT.dy AgtcW regi'd fm its p„•iri eS rd uor'i.,is of •a'N, a]d ,,got as 9VLI1 kl'gabM Shall be the Seocno d,rl:oal c "U1, Cur, flmner a.. Carly Sutth Dotuia it iha Ne!•warks pe-is in sv1: htt_atici% Cus•0mer ,;grew to Pay 180 Nei:.. s' video ys' fees. satas tax, I-a 3rsd fisb ne —,,rIs lncl,niniy :nose at. folatife to appe;!a!e precen3ngs It e Enllie Undiasandind TrS )"drri man! (and say laid app! cable It, t-ie 00,riry at Services;. eon,1411 d Ilia ertAe umaer- stantnq rf t;e pErLes retaeC >U ire s,:[�ec: ma9rr haebf The Agrcrmert sha4 b= N ^Jig upo- and P,u.M M the bensfi! atauc erssa? we.. as ios of the pa -leg These Te -1. %d C.61jora may be ameneed by c.mparry' at a,ry trine and Customer Agrees .0 to bound by Fh. Fame / lejf 1-0 ORBITCOM INC. lure alfa and Internet Sen4reS Letter of Agency TO: All concerned Local Exchange Telephone Companies, Other Common Carriers (OCC's or SCC's), Resellers, Consultants and Joint User Member -Owned and Maintained (COAM) Equipment Vendors. Nanie as it appears on local telephone bill: City of Spokane Valley Customer Name: Greg 'Bing" Bingamah Billing Address: 11707 East Sprague Ave. , Suite 106, SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216 Name and address of customer (here -in -after referred to as "client) hereby authorizes OrbitCom Inc. to act as the Client's Agent in all dealings with: Local Exchange telephone Companies, Other (or specialized) Common Carriers (OCC's or SCOs) Rosellers, Joint User Member -Owned and Maintained Equipment Vendors, Consultants; as required to implement private tele- communications services ordered by OrbitCom Inc. This Letter of Agency also authorizes OrbitCom Inc. to act_ as Client's agent for ordering and coordinating any changes of service of facilities provided by the above included companies as required to implement the ordered services. Iii consideration of services rendered, I hereby authorize OrbitCom Inc., to act on my behalf as my primary .long distance service provider both in intralata and interlata, and authorize OrbitCom, to transfer and provide long distance services for the locations and numbers in this agreement. Q Local Service 0 Local Freeze (I understand I am required to notify OrbitCom Inc. of my request to lift or change this freeze) Q Long Distance E Inter [] Intea 0 LD Pic Freeze *(I understand I am required to notify OrbitCom Inc. of my request to lift or change Phone Numbers: 509 - 232 -3991 509- 232 -1371 509 - 232 -3992 509 - 232 -0561 509 - 232 -1370 Q Remove Current Carrier PIC Freeze * ** This authorization shall remain in effect until further written notice provided by either party. X Nl�l C-V)Qq - Le�� 0 t— Clients Aut zed Signature Title 1W, X0, Z Z Printed Name Date