2013 Business Plan 2013 BUS/NESS PLAN Appleway Preservation Project 2/19/2013 k Contents 1 Business Plan Vol. 5 Executive Summary. . 5 Business Plan Process . . 19 Strategic Service Delivery Areas . . . 21 Understanding the Departmental Business Plan . 23 General Government Budget Impact Summary . 25 Department Business Plans: Legislative—City Council . . . 27 Executive/Legislative Support—City Manager/City Clerk 31 Executive/Legislative Support—City Attorney . 39 Operations & Administrative Services 45 Finance and Information Technology Services 57 Community Development 63 Parks & Recreation . 79 Public Works 89 ADDENDUM A: Economic Development 99 ADDENDUM B: Spokane Valley Police Department (Contract Services) 105 ADDENDUM C: Foundation of the City of Spokane Valley. 123 City of Spokane Valley Values 124 Core Beliefs . 125 Customer Service Program 126 Customer Service Definition 127 Information Input . 128 Council Goals . 130 Summary - Citywide Business Plan 131 3 2/19/2013 W Executive Summary - City Manager's Message Vol. 5 Each year the City of Spokane Valley prepares a business plan to guide the preparation of the annual budget. The 2013 Business Plan links together community priorities, the Financial Forecast, Council goals, and the proposed 2013 Budget. Each department with- in the City of Spokane Valley participates in the business plan process, developing new objectives guided by Council goals, and by strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Departments also refine existing goals based upon new information and the updat- ed financial forecast. Strategies accompany each goal in order to illustrate and define how departments will accomplish these goals. City Council reviews the Business Plan as part of the annual budget process. The Business Plan is integrated with the Budget to create a plan of action to meet the essential needs of our citizens while maintaining a strong financial foundation for our City. To meet this objective, each department prepares a theoretical set of 3%, 6%, and 9% budg- et reductions. These reductions are not budget proposals but are intended to test the base level of services provided by the City and anticipate potential future revenue shortfalls. The City experienced a significant decline in revenue sources such as sales tax from 2007 to present (table 1.1, pg. 15) The Financial Forecast (table 1.2, pg. 16) reflects a re-calibration of revenues based on a projected flat economy through 2014. This 2013 Business Plan has been created during a time of economic uncertainty. Within this document, each department has defined its programs and has identified the services each program provides. With projected economic constraints, the ability to sustain pro- grams for 2013 at the 2012 levels may be feasible with future allowances for inflationary costs combined with judicious use of reserves. Theoretically, In order to account for inflation, while maintaining existing service levels, the City would have to draw from reserves in 2013. Spokane Valley's long-standing fiscally conservative management has allowed us to be better positioned than many other cities and reserve funds are available. Nonetheless, in order to sustain reserves, the City has imposed a maximum 1% increase in spending over 2012 budgeted amounts. This can result in a reduction in services as denoted in each departments' Impact Summary state- ments. The challenge we face is to achieve quality service delivery while limiting future cost increases. Since 2008, the business plan has included performance measures to determine the amount of and the effectiveness and efficiency in which work is performed through each of the City's programs. As we continue to monitor these key measures over time, we will have a good indicator of the progress the City is making to provide high quality services in a cost-effective way. Looking forward, in order to meet the City's budget objectives, departmental goals and strategies have been adjusted from the 2012 plan. This Business Plan is the tool we use to guide the City forward to accomplish the Council's goals while remaining squarely within the current budget and the forecasted projections. (continued) 5 2/19/2013 City Manager's Message, continued Based on the Financial Forecast, department budgets have been thoroughly reviewed to keep 2013 expenditures in line with declining revenues. In the future years, the City may utilize some General Fund Carry Over in order to maintain the services needed by our citi- zens. In spite of the financial downtrend, the City views the changes in economy as an opportunity to reevaluate our goals and strategies in order to meet the challenges set before us. As an open collaborative government, we continue to encourage our citizens to provide the necessary feedback we need as we endeavor to plan our City's future together. Although the Business Plan is based on a 6 year cycle, the Financial Forecast is limited to 5 years including the current (2013) year. The reason for this discrepancy is that it becomes increasingly difficult to forecast economic indicators beyond 2017. It is important to note that the Business Plan and Forecast are imperfect tools and that is precisely why both documents are updated on an ongoing basis. FISCAL POLICIES Financial Management - The City proposes to: 1. Maintain basic service levels with reduced resources 2. Minimize personnel costs/overhead by continuing to contract for many services 3. Continue the 6-year Business Plan process 4. Leverage City funds with grant opportunities 5. Minimize City debt with a pay as you go philosophy • The State of Washington sets the maximum level of allowable debt for cities based on as- sessed value of property. The City of Spokane Valley currently utilizes only 1.52% of its total allowable debt capacity, and more importantly, only 7.61% of non-voted bond capacity. This is extremely low debt. (continued) 6 2/19/2013 City Manager's Message, continued Financial Objectives* - The City's financial objectives through 2015 are: 1 Maintain a minimum General Fund Ending Balance of 50% of revenues. • The City can meet this objective and transfer funds to Capital Reserves as follows: $7,826,207 to Fund #312 Capital Reserve Fund. 2. If necessary, utilize the Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund ($5.4 million) to maintain ending fund balance minimum. 3. Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund will not reduce below $3.24 million (60% of$5.4 million). 4. Property tax assessment will remain the same as 2012. *This may change depending on projects such as Sullivan Bridge, amount of transfers from ending fund balance for street preservation, etc. Commitment — By committing to these objectives, the City will ensure General Fund financial sustainability through 2015 and into the future. The City can achieve this by: 1. Holding 2013 recurring expenses to a maximum 1% increase over 2012. Challenges - Beyond the General Fund, the City of Spokane Valley has three primary financial concerns: 1. Funding the Street Preservation Plan to maintain City streets 2. Funding Street Capital projects 3. Funding Parks Capital projects 7 2/19/2013 F Executive Summary - Program Descriptions GENERAL GOVERNEMENT 1 General Government • This budget accounts for those activities that are not specific to the functions of any particular General Fund department or operation. Expenditures recorded here are composed of election costs and voter registration fees paid to Spokane County; the cost of the City's annual audit paid to the State of Washington; City Hall rent; most information technology expenses in- cluding annual computer leases, annual repair and maintenance contracts for servers and copiers, monthly telephone and internet charges, and computer and copier purchases. Also charged to this area are payments to outside agencies for eco- nomic development and social service purposes; annual property and liability insurance premiums; and transfers to other funds representing General Fund investments or grant matches in a variety of capital projects. LEGISLATIVE& EXECUTIVE/LEGISLATIVE City Council • The council is the community's legislative and policymaking body. The council focuses on the community's goals, major pro- jects, and such long-term considerations as community growth, land use development, capital improvement and financing, and strategic planning. The council hires a professional manager to implement the administrative responsibilities related to these goals and supervises the manager's performance. City Manager • Per the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (2.15.020), the City Manager, as the chief executive and administrative officer of the City, supervises, administers and coordinates the activities and functions of the City departments as established by the City's ordinances and the policies of the City Council. All city employees report directly or indirectly to the City Manager. The program ensures development and execution of the City's strategic plans and budget, and assists staff in support of the City's mission, operating plans and objectives. The program consists of three full-time employees, which includes an assistant to the Councilmembers. City Clerk City Attorney • Per the Revised Code of Washington (RCW 35A.13.090), one of the appointed offices for the city includes a city clerk. This program keeps a full and true record of every act and proceeding of the City council and keeps such books, accounts and makes such reports as may be required by the state auditor; processes all ordinances and resolutions; prepares all agendas and packets for council meetings; publishes all legal notices and manages record archival and public disclosure requests; and handles, or supervises the handling of, city license registrations. The program has two full-time employees; with Cen- tral Reception assisting in the license registrations. OPERATIONS &ADMINISTRATION Deputy City Manager (vacant position) • Provides timely advice to the City Council and staff on a full range of municipal issues, including assisting the Council in achieving its annual legislative goals. This advice allows the Council to reasonably consider among available policy choic- es. Draft or review all contracts, ordinances and resolutions. Assists City departments in reviewing and amending relevant City Code provisions. The Office is staffed by the City Attorney, Deputy City Attorney, Legal Administrative Assistant, and two Legal Interns. The Office occasionally utilizes the services of private counsel to address areas of specialty, or due to unusual workload demand issues. i • Oversees the daily operations and administrative services for the City and specifically provides oversight for the Community Development, Public Works, and Parks and Recreation departments. This position interacts with citizens and staff to en- sure quality customer service, as well as confers with the city, county, state and federal agencies regarding the City's exist- ing and planned programs. 9 2/19/2013 F Executive Summary - Program Descriptions OPERATIONS &ADMINISTRATION, continued Public Information Contract Administration and Analysis Human Resources • Supports government transparency and generates community interest and involvement through development and dissemi- nation of timely, accurate and complete information on city programs, projects, activities and issues using a variety of channels. Provides emergency information and instructions for the safety and well-being of citizens, Council & staff(i.e., Valley View Fire, Snow Emergencies, and Declaration of Pandemic Influenza). Primary contact for media and for general information about the City. Program has one full-time employee and one part-time intern. Central Reception LFinance • A priority of the City is to use taxpayer funds the most efficiently and effectively as possible. This program employs two full-time employees who work with the City Manager and City Attorney to administer the City's 16 contracted services. It is an essential priority for the City to provide citizens with the highest quality of services at the best value, while accounting for the services provided. For 2011,this meant more than $20 million dollars, or 55% of the General Fund budget, was administered, evaluated and accounted for by this program. • HR provides the labor related services for the City to include recruitment, appointment, compensation, union bargaining, wellness, and employment law compliance. The Human Resources Office also manages the Risk Management and Americans with Disability Act (ADA) programs within the City. These essential services help to minimize employment and claims costs to the City and help to provide reasonable access to the City's Services when special accommodations are requested by its citizens. The HR Division is responsible for the development and maintenance of the City's Website. Through this function HR staff consult with various departments to relay information concerning City services to the public. HR also provides research and analysis of both human resource and non-human resource related subjects for the City Manager's Office. This program consists of two full-time employees. • Supervised by the Human Resources Department, Central Reception has two full-time employees who are the first-touch between the citizens and the City, Central Reception is the citizen's directory to all of the City's departments and services. Customer service is the key priority for this program as it provides assistance to the citizens, clients, and staff in the daily operations of the City. • Finance is charged with the responsibility of administration, coordination, supervision and control of financial activities en- gaged in by the City. These functions are performed through a combination of interrelated activities including financial management, general accounting and information technology. • Financial management responsibilities include activities such as budget development and monitoring,treasury control and management of the City's cash and investment portfolio, debt financing and management, and work- ing with public works staff on financing options for capital projects. • General accounting responsibilities include activities such as internal and external financial reporting, general ledger accounting, audit coordination, cash receipting, processing of payroll and accounts payable, grant ac- counting and reimbursements, as well as project accounting and reimbursements. • Information technology responsibilities include the design, maintenance and support of the City's data network. They also order, deliver, repair and maintain all desktop, notebook, and peripheral equipment. Primary computer applications, such as the financial management and permitting systems are also maintained by this group. 10 2/19/2013 F Executive Summary - Program Descriptions COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Administration • Director-Oversees the daily operations of the Community Development Department, prepares the budget and yearly work program. The Director supervises the three division managers: Building Official, Planning Manager, and Development Services Manager, and the Administrative Assistant. The Director monitors the Planning Commission assignments and provides training programs for the department and the Planning Commission. • Administrative Assistance-One administrative assistant assists in preparation of the budget, administrative support to the Planning Commission, provides first review of floodplain development permits, finalizes all correspondence and staff re- ports, prepares mailings, maintains the department file system, responds to public record requests, processes the bills, orders and maintains office supplies for the department, prepares the departmental monthly report, prepares monthly and weekly calendars, maintains the CD web pages, and provides back-up to the front desk reception and permit center, phone and counter. Development Engineering Planning • The Development Engineering division is under the direction of the Development Services Senior Engineer. Development Engineering reviews private development plans for compliance to the Storm Water Manual and Street Standards, assists customers with engineering requirements, coordinates the Floodplain Management Program for the City, inspects develop- ment construction,writes and updates corresponding regulations, works with the Traffic Engineer on development traffic mitigation and works on special projects (i.e. Hanson Agreement). • Staff is 1 Development Services Manager, 1.5 engineers, 1 Assistant Engineer, 1.5 engineering technicians, and 1 con- struction inspector, 1 Right-of-Way Inspector, 1 Office Assistant. • Right-of-Way Inspections-One Right-of-Way Inspector reviews all private construction occurring in public right-of-way in- cluding pavement patches, curb cuts, etc., responds to complaints about work occurring in the right-of-way and inspects warranty work. During construction season,there is a peak of activity which requires that we supplement the inspector with help from other inspectors in the department. • Planning-Reviews private development projects for compliance with regulations contained within the Spokane Valley Mu- nicipal Code, including zoning, fencing, landscaping, parking, signs, critical areas, subdivisions, wireless communication facilities and street vacations. Coordinates project review with outside agencies and internal departments. Planners pre- pare staff reports and present land use cases to the Hearing Examiner for subdivisions, zone changes, variances, condi- tional use permits and appeals. Other duties include processing and analyzing SEPA Checklists and Substantial Shore- line Development permits. Planners assigned to the Permit Center counter assist citizens and development profession- als with zoning questions, review and process applications, review business licenses and process adult entertainment ap- plications. Planners also process updates to the Comprehensive Plan on an annual basis, as required by RCW 36.70A, including both private and City initiated amendments. Coordinate and update capital facilities plan as part of annual com- prehensive plan update process as required by RCW 36.70A. (continued) 11 2/19/2013 ETr xecutive Summary - Program Descriptions — — COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, continued J Planning (continued) Prepare annual Comprehensive Plan Updates. Staff prepares development regulation text amendments for Planning Commission and City Council review and adoption, reviews zoning code to identify, vagueness and consistency and pro- poses text amendments to address problem areas. Directs city initiated planning projects, such as the Shoreline Manage- ment Program Update. Participates in regional planning processes, including Urban Growth Area Update, coordinates, reviews and comments on land use proposals from adjacent jurisdictions. This effort requires participation on the Planning Advisory Technical Committee, attending Steering Committee of Elected Officials meetings. Collect, analyze and interpret data on local economic, population and Land Use trends. Coordinate with Spokane Regional Transportation Council to ensure land use, population and job projections data are properly represented in regional transportation models. Develop annexation processes, including financial feasibility assessment and timeline for annexations. Long Range staff also par- ticipates on the Regional Site Selector committee. • Code Enforcement-There are two Code Enforcement Officers which investigate all code compliance complaints, prepare paper work, testify in hearings, and court if needed, and prepare the documentation and staff reports and appeals. • Planning staff includes 1 Planning Manager, 2 Senior Planners, 2 Planners, 2 Code Enforcement Officers and 1 Office As- sistant. Building Division • Permit Center-These team members staff the front counter for technical assistance and plan intake, review all building permit plans, process applications and distribute to other internal divisions and outside agencies. Inspect all development projects; participate in regional building official group, Homebuilders Association, follow state legislation on building codes and provide input on how new regulations impact Spokane Valley, work with Fire District on mutual projects, prepare local amendments to the State Building Codes. • Staff includes 1 Building Official, 1.50 Building Plans Examiners, 3 Building Inspectors and 1 Development Services Coor- dinator, 2 Planners, 2 Permit Facilitators and 1 Office Assistant/Cashier. 12 2/19/2013 Executive Summary - Program Descriptions dal PARKS & RECREATION J Park Administration Park Maintenance Recreation Aquatics Senior Center • 2 FTEs include the Director of Parks & Recreation and 1 Administrative Assistant • This Division provides direction and leadership for the Department with its 172 total developed acres which include 12 de- veloped parks and three outdoor pools and approximately 7 miles of the Centennial Trail. It also manages and oversees private contracts for park maintenance, aquatics, CenterPlace janitorial services, CenterPlace Food and Beverage, Splash Down lease and the Police Precinct facility. Additional duties include: administering the City's special use permits, devel- oping policies and procedures, scheduling all park facility reservations and managing various construction projects. • This division is responsible for the maintenance of all of our developed parks and open park land including the Centennial Trail. This maintenance work is contracted out to a private contractor whose contract is managed by the Administration Division • 1 FTE- Recreation Coordinator • This Division develops, coordinates and facilitates the delivery of recreation programs, services and events throughout the City. This includes: over 21 different recreation programs year round and partnering with the YMCA, East Valley School District, Liberty Lake, Spokane Valley Partners, City of Spokane and Spokane County on a variety of programs • This Division includes three outdoor swimming pools-Valley Mission, Park Road and Terrace View • It provides open swim opportunities, swim lessons, swim teams and facility rentals. The operation and maintenance of these pools is contracted out to a private contractor • 1 FTE-Senior Center Specialist • This Division coordinates the use of the Spokane Valley Senior Center and assists in the planning, organizing, coordination and administration of leisure and human services programs for senior citizens, including cultural arts, physical activities, special interest classes and programs. There are over 950 members of the Senior Center Association that are under the direction of the Spokane Valley Senior Center Association Board CenterPlace • 5 FTEs include 1 Customer Relations/Facilities Coordinator; 2 Maintenance Workers; 1 Administrative Assistant; and 1 Of- fice Worker 1 • This Division oversees the scheduling and room setups for CenterPlace Regional Event Center which is a gathering place for the community to enjoy public and private events while showcasing the City's state of the art venue. It is also home to the Spokane Valley Senior Center. CenterPlace hosts hundreds of events each year and promotes regional tourism expos- ing guests to the benefits of our community 13 2/19/2013 F Executive Summary - Program Descriptions LPUBLIC WORKS 1 Administration & Capital Improvements Street Maintenance Fund • The Public Works Department oversees the City's transportation system, which includes construction and maintenance of streets, stormwater systems, operations and maintenance of traffic signs and signals and transportation planning. The De- partment provides coordination with other City departments on the planning, design and construction of City parks and civic facilities, along with participation in regional public works issues such as solid waste, wastewater, and high-capacity trans- portation. The Department plans, designs and constructs new facilities owned by the City of Spokane Valley. These pro- jects include roads, bridges, park facilities, civic and community buildings. This requires long-range planning, acquisition and management of state and federal grant funding, coordination with stakeholder groups, and project management. The Public Works Director oversees all divisions. This division staffs 1 Senior Engineer-Capital Improvement Program, 2 Sen- ior Engineers-Project Managers, 1 Assistant Engineer, 1 Engineering Tech 2, 2 Engineering Tech 1, 2 Administrative As- sistants, and 1 Limited Term Construction Inspector • Provides responsive and effective management and maintenance of City streets, snow and ice control, and debris removal, allowing for safe transportation throughout the community. Many different types of services are required to maintain the entire infrastructure. Provides traffic engineering for safe and efficient multi-faceted transportation systems throughout the City. Oversees the operation of traffic signals and the installation and maintenance of signing and striping. Responsible for transportation planning and design support to the capital improvement program. This division staffs 1 Stree Maintenance Superintendent, 1 Senior Engineer-Traffic, 1 Assistant Engineer-Traffic, and 1.5 Maintenance/Construction Inspectors. Stormwater Fund • The Stormwater Utility oversees storm water in the City to effectively collect,treat, store, and discharge stormwater, man- aging the risks to public safety, health, and property from flooding, erosion, ponding, and degradation. The Utility provides development and oversight to individual stormwater system projects and improvements in conjunction with projects led by others including County Sewer and City Street projects. The Utility develops a Six Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP)to assist in prioritization of projects to improve stormwater collection,treatment, storage, and discharge. The Utility oversees the requirements of the Clean Water Act for stormwater discharges including implementation of the City's Nation- al Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, Underground Injection Control (UIC) rules, and monitoring reg- ulations for discharges to Aquifer Protection Areas and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements for the Spokane River. The Utility provides required annual reporting to the Washington State Department of Ecology. The Utility oversees street sweeping, inspects and prioritizes stormwater structure cleaning and maintenance and oversees landscape mainte- nance of swales and landscaped areas. The Utility reviews and updates all commercial and residential parcels and pro- vides certification to the County Assessor for the storm and surface water utility charge on all City parcels. This division staffs 1 Engineer-Stormwater; 1 Assistant Engineer, 1 Engineering Tech 1, and 1.5 Maintenance/Construction Inspectors. 14 2/19/2013 F Executive Summary Table 1.1* $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 37,112,349 33,804,854 33,942,295 36,777,598 35,196,075 35,883,904 35,974,204 35,752,665 29,643,527 16,868,850 8,9837 8,042,872 9,509,339 35,124,700 17,437,732 16,050,284 �� 16,317,067 16,841,447 1/,130,000 10,741,306 10,799,123 9,836,088 _ 10,475,751 10,681,620 10,943,700 9,522,358 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 *2012 Figures are preliminary and unaudited. 2013 Figures reflect the adopted budget estimates. 1 General Fund Revenue Sales Tax Revenue Property Tax Revenue 15 2/19/2013 M o N CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 1 2/712013 General Fund Budget Projection 2013 Adopted 2014 2015 2016 2017 Budget Projection Projection Projection Projection (RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax 1 10,843,700 11,068,700 11,193,700 11,318,700 11,443,700 Sales Tax 2 15,100,000 15,553,000 16,019,600 16,500,200 16,995,200 Sales Tax-Public Safety 2 1,280,000 1,318,400 1,358,000 1,398,700 1,440,700 Sales Tax-Criminal Justice 2 750,000 772,500 795,700 819,600 844,200 Gambling Tax 3 612,500 612,500 624,800 643,500 652,800 Franchise Fees/Business Registration 4 1,135,000 1,135,000 1,157,700 1,192,400 1,228,200 Service Revenues 5 1,584,600 1,684,500 1,718,300 1,759,800 1,822.900 State Shared Revenues 6 1,304,000 1,304,000 1,330,100 1,370,000 1,411,100 Fines and Forfeitures 7 1,502,300 1,502,300 1,532,300 1,578,300 1,625,600 Recreation Program Fees 6 571,500 571,500 582,900 600,400 618.400 Miscellaneous&Investment Interest 9 158,000 158,000 161,200 156,000 171,000 Transfer-in -#101(streetadmin) 10 39,700 39,700 40,500 41,700 43,000 Transfer-in -#105(him tax-CP advertfsing) 11 30,000 30,000 30,600 31,500 32,400 Transfer-in -#402(storm admin) 12 13,400 13,400 13,700 14,100 14,500 Total Recurring Revenues 35,124,700 35,763,600 36,559,100 37,444,900 38,353,700 Expenditures Legislative Branch 13 390,111 401,800 413,900 426,300 439,100 City Manager 14 635,984 655,100 674,800 695,000 715,900 Legal 15 411,171 423,500 438,200 449,300 462,800 Public Safety 16 22,139,200 22,803,400 23,487,500 24,192,100 24,917,900 Deputy City Manager 17 809,706 828,000 648,800 688,200 886,200 Finance 16 1,089,633 1,122,300 1,156,000 1,190,700 1,226,400 Human Resources 19 228,041 234,900 241,900 249,200 256,700 Public Works 20 876,443 902,700 929,800 957,700 986,400 Community Development-Administration 21 257,175 264,900 272,800 281,000 289,400 Community Development-Engineering 22 850,845 876,400 902,700 929,800 957,700 Community Development-Planning 23 869,743 895,800 922,700 950,400 878,900 Community Development-Building 24 1,162,582 1,197,500 1,233,400 1,270,400 1,308,500 Parks&Rec-Administration 25 270,717 278,800 287,200 295,800 304.700 Parks&Rec-Maintenance 26 789,000 812,700 837,100 862,200 888,100 Parks&Rec-Recreation 27 224,999 231,700 238,700 245,900 253,300 Parks&Rec-Aquatics 28 485,600 500,200 515,200 530,700 546,600 Parks&Rec-Senior Center 29 88,143 90,800 93,500 96,300 99,200 Parks&Rec-CenterPlace 30 796,884 820,800 845,400 870,800 896,900 Pavement Preservation 31 855,857 855,900 855,900 855,900 855.900 General Government 32 1,740,700 1,792,900 1,846,700 1,902,100 1,959,200 Transfers out-#502(insurance premium) 33 319,000 328,600 338,500 348,700 359,200 Total Recurring Expenditures 35,091,534 36,118,700 37,178,700 38,266,500 39,389,000 Recurring Revenues Over(Under) Recurring Expenditures 33,166 (355,100) (617,600) (821,600) (1,035,300) NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues ??? 0 0 0 0 0 Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 Expenditures Transfers out-#309(park grant match) 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Transfers out-#312(Capital Reserve Fund) 7,826,207 0 0 0 0 ??? 0 0 0 0 0 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 7,876,207 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (7,876,207) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) EXCESS(DEFICIT)OF TOTAL REVENUES OVER(UNDER)TOTAL EXPENDITURES (7,843,041) (455,100) (717,600) (921,600) (1,135.300) ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 25,530,608 17,787,567 17,332,467 16,614,867 15,693.267 ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE 17,787,567 17,332,467 16,614,867 15,693,267 14,557,967 Ending fund balance as a%or recurring expenditures f 50.69%1 47.99%] 44.69%1 41.01%I 36,96%I 16 o N Projection Assumptions 1 Projection assumes 0.00%I#747 increase plus new construction of $125,000 per year through 2016. 2 Projection assumes increases of 3.00%in 2014, 3,00%in 2015, 310%in 2016,and 3.00°4 in 2017 2 Projection assumes increases of 3.00%in 2014. 3,0D%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00%in 2017 2 Projection assumes increases of 3.00%In 2014. 3,07%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00%in 2017 3 Projection assumes an increase of 0.00%in 2014. 2,0D%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00%in 2017 4 Projection assumes an increase of 0.00%in 2014, 2.00%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00°4 in 2017 5 Projection assumes an increase of 0.00%'in 2014. 2,0D%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00%in 2017 6 Projection assumes an increase of 0.00%in 2014. 2,0D%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00%in 2017 7 Projection assumes an increase of 0.00%in 2014. 2.00%In 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00°4 In 2017 8 Projection assumes an increase of 0.00%in 2014, 2,00%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.0D%in 2017 9 Projection assumes an increase of 0.00%In 2014. 2.00%In 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00°4 in 2017 10 Projection assumes an increase of 0.00%in 2014. 2,00%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.074 in 2017 11 Projection assumes an increase of 0.00%in 2014, 2 0D%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00°4 in 2017 12 Projection assumes an increase of 0.00%in 2014, 2,30%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.074 in 2017 13 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%in 2014, 3,OD%in 2015, 3,00%in 2016,and 3.074 in 2017 14 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%in 2014, 3,00%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00°4 in 2017 15 Projection assumes an increase of 3.0D%in 2014, 3,0016 in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.074 in 2017 16 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%in 2014, 3.00%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.074 in 2017 17 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%In 2014, 3,00%In 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00°4 in 2017 18 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%in 2014, 3.0D%in 2015, 3.0016 in 2016,and 3.074 in 2017 19 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%in 2014. 3.0D%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00%in 2017 20 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%in 2014, 3.0D%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.074 in 2017 21 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%in 2014, 3,0D%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.0D%in 2017 22 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%in 2014, 3,00%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.074 in 2017 23 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%In 2014, 3,00%In 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00%In 2017 24 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%in 2014, 3,00%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00%in 2017 25 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%in 2014. 3,0D%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.074 in 2017 26 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%in 2014, 310%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.074 in 2017 27 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%in 2014, 3,00%In 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.074 in 2017 28 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%In 2014, 100%In 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00°4 In 2017 29 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%in 2014, 3,00%In 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.074.1n 2017 30 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%In 2014, 3,00%In 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00°4 In 2017 31 Projection assumes an increase of 0.00%in 2014. 0.00%in 2015, 0.00%in 2016,and 0.074 in 2017 32 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%In 2014, 3,00%In 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00°4 in 2017 33 Projection assumes an increase of 3.00%in 2014, 3,00%in 2015, 3.00%in 2016,and 3.00°4 in 2017 Table 1.2 Financial Forecast and Pro0ram Impact Summary This General Fund forecast for the years 2014 through 2017 uses the adopted 2013 Budget as a beginning point. Rather than a hard-and-fast prediction of the City's future finances it is a planning tool that allows as to determine how best to match existing and proposed programs and levels of service with anticipated financial resources,and make adjustments if necessary. 17 1 Business Plan Process This proposed six-year Business Plan for 2013-2018 is based on the fulfillment of the City's Vision Statement: "A community of opportunity where individuals and families can grow and play and businesses will flourish and prosper." In order to execute the Vision, the City Council, with public par- ticipation, established core beliefs, values, and annual budget goals, all of which provide direction for the City's six-year busi- ness plan. The Appendix includes a comprehensive discussion of the Foundation on which Spokane Valley was built, which includes Core Beliefs, our Vision Statement, our Values, our commitment to Customer Service, a summary of Internal and External Input Methodology, and the Council's Goals for 2013. The City Foundation, as established by City Council Goals and influenced by formal employee input, city planning process, analysis and other forms of Internal Input, along with citizen surveys, comment cards, focus groups and other External In- put, is the foundation of the six-year business plan. Each of the Strategic Service Delivery Areas is supported by a Depart- mental Business Plan. The initial Departmental Business Plans were developed through participatory meetings open to all City employees. A SWOT analysis identifying the strengths, weak- nesses, opportunities and threats for each department was conducted. Mission statements and goals were established by employees. City Foundation Core Beliefs, Vision Statement, Values, Customer Service Standards Internal Input Comprehensive Plan 6-Year Financial Forecast CenterPlace Marketing Plan Parks Master Plan 6-Year Transportation Improvement Plan Street Master Plan- Pavement Management Program SARP Performance Analysis Employee Focus Groups Commute Trip Reduction Survey Resource Analysis Audits 1 City Council Budget Goals Strategic Service- Delivery Areas 1 Departmental Business Plans Mission Statement Goals Strategies *Workload Statistics *Performance Results Citywide Business Plan Encompasses All Items Above External Input Citizen Service Request System Citizen Survey Comment Cards Focus Groups Customer Correspondence Lunch w/the City *Information is added as it becomes available 19 2/19/2013 F Strategic Service Delivery Areas The City of Spokane Valley is classified by five strategic service-delivery areas of one or more departments, as seen below. The five strategic service areas have mission statements that guide the departments within the strategic area. Additionally, in two of the strategic service areas, divisions were further defined. First, the Office of the City Attorney is a division within the Executive & Legislative Support Department which provides City-wide legal services such as litigation, legislation, contracts, and code enforcement. The second is the Finance & Information Technology Division within the Operations and Administrative Services Department. Strategic Service-Delivery Areas and Respective Departments Executive& Legislative Support Operations& Administrative Services Office of the City Attorney Community Development Finance& Information Technology Parks Recreation Public Works 21 2/19/2013 Goals and Strategies in the Business Plan provide direction for the future; Workload Statistics and Performance Results help ensure desired results are achieved and that citizens are re- ceiving the value they expect. • F Understanding the Departmental Business Plan The 2013 Business Plan provides a detailed description of each department's programs which define the Strategic Service-Delivery Areas discussed on the previous page. Along with a description of each program, goals and strategies necessary to implement the plan to de- liver services effectively and efficiently are also provided. These goals encompass a six-year period and are intended to make departments responsive to the community. How does each department know if they are providing services effectively and efficiently? As with previous plans, the 2013 plan continues to provide Workload Statistics and Performance Results. This data is the measure to evaluate the service the City provides so we can make the appropriate adjustments to the plans in order meet the objective of providing our citizens with the highest level of service possible. This data will continue to be updated as the information becomes available. Further definition follows: Workload Statistics are data compiled to demonstrate the amount of work performed, services received, and/or resources consumed. This type of information will be collected annually to identify trends that are occurring in our city that affect the government organization. Such infor- mation can be utilized to make staffing decisions, prioritize purchases to best meet the needs of our customers, and forecast budgetary needs for the future. Examples of workload statistics are the number of road miles cleaned and the number of permits issued. • Performance Results are necessary to determine whether services are delivered effec- tively and efficiently. Although most basic city services provided are consistent across jurisdictions, the City of Spokane Valley has great discretion in deciding how to provide those services. Each task performed by a city employee has a desired effect attached to it. If we do not take steps to determine whether the desired effect is being accom- plished, we do not know if we are effectively meeting the needs of our citizens and cus- tomers. For example, a survey of citizens will tell us if we are providing the safe com- munity they desire, and an assessment of the condition of our streets will tell us if we are maintaining our streets to a sufficient degree. The counterpart of the effectiveness measure is the efficiency measure. We must also determine whether the cost to pro- vide each service is a good value to our customers. These efficiency measures will let us know whether we need to improve the workflow process or provide better resources to accommodate the customer in a timelier manner. Examples of efficiency results are the cost per capita of delivering a service or the number of days to issue a permit. The Target is the desired end result which, when met, confirms the effectiveness and efficiency of the service provided. When the target is not met, ad- justments in strategies and staffing most likely will be necessary to meet the intended target. Several factors can determine whether or not the depart- ment can meet their desired target, two of which are: 1) funding sources available to provide a quali- ty service; and 2) number of employees needed to provide the highest level of service. 23 2/19/2013 Im General Government— 2013 Budget Impact Summary This budget accounts for those activities that are not specific to the functions of any particular General Fund department or operation. Expenditures recorded here are composed of election costs and voter registration fees paid to Spokane County; the cost of the City's annual audit paid to the State of Washington; City Hall rent; most information technology expenses including annual computer leases, annual repair and maintenance contracts for servers and copiers, monthly telephone and internet charges, and computer and copier purchases. Also charged to this area are payments to out- side agencies for economic development and social service purposes; annual property and liability insurance premiums; and transfers to other funds representing General Fund investments or grant matches in a variety of capital projects. 25 2/19/2013 Legislative — City Council Vol. 5 Our Mission is to be responsive, focused on customer service, open to the public, progressive, efficient, lean, fair, and committed to providing a high quality of life. Overview The City of Spokane Valley incorporated March 31, 2003, is a non-charter code city and operates under a Council-Manager plan of government. It is governed under the optional municipal code of RCW Chapter 35A. Under this form of government, leg- islative authority is concentrated in the elected City Council, which hires a professional administrator to implement its poli- cies. There are seven positions on the City Council, and all council positions are at-large positions. At-large means all Coun- cilmembers represent all of the citizens of Spokane Valley ver- sus each Councilmember representing a specified area within the city. Councilmembers are generally elected to four-year terms, with elections held every two years. For continuity, posi- tion terms are staggered by two years so that all positions are not open for election at the same time. Pursuant to RCW 35A.13.030, biennially the members choose a chair of the council. This chair position holds the title of Mayor. The Mayor presides all meetings and is recognized as the head of the city for ceremonial purposes. In addition to the position of Mayor, pursuant to RCW 35A.13.035, a Mayor pro tempore or Deputy Mayor is chosen by the council. This position runs in concert with the position of Mayor and fulfills the duties of the Mayor during any absence or disability. Rod Higgins 2013 Interim Arne Woodard 2012-2015 Chuck Hafner 2012-2013 Tom Towey, Mayor 2010-2013 2013 Councilmembers Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 Position 5 Position 6 Position 7 Dean Grafos 2012-2015 Gary Schimmels, Deputy Mayor 2010-2013 Ben Wick 2012-2015 27 2/19/2013 F r Legislative — City Council L 2013 Council Goals Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, and pursuit of the most efficient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharge licenses. Pursue the topic of Solid Waste, to include identifying the issues and obtaining alternatives of joining the con- sortium or handling it ourselves and the consequences of each alternative. Develop a Shoreline Master Program to appropriate regulatory protection for waters of statewide significance as required by state statute. Pursue a legislative capital budget request for possible financial assistance in the restoration of the Sullivan Bridge; purchase of a Transfer Station; and the assistance with creating the Appleway Trail Project. Create an Economic Development Plan including review and evaluation of Spokane Valley's development regulations and how they compare with other jurisdictions; and keeping options open for an alternative city hall. 28 2/19/2013 I Legislative — 2013 Budget Impact Summary* kCity Council REDUCTION 2013 Budget +1% 3% ($14,000+ $10,791) 6% ($14,000+ $20,740) 9% ($14,000+ $31,788) • The City Council budget does not achieve the maximum 1% increase over the 2012 adopted budget without making the fol- lowing reductions: o Professional Services—Lobbyist is reduced by ($6,000). Reduction of this line item does not impair the services provid- ed. The reduction more closely reflects the actual costs for Lobbyist representation in Olympia. Professional Services—Broadcasting of council meetings is reduced by . After providing this service for one year, we now have accurate costs to identify budgetary needs for this service. Reduction of this line item does not im- pair the services provided. The reduced line item more closely reflects the actual costs to broadcast council meetings. • In addition to the reductions noted above, to meet a 3% reduction, the following line items have been reduced: o Postage has been reduced by 70%. This reduction will affect the mailing of"New Business Welcome" letters. o Travel/Mileage has been reduced by 20%. This reduction affects the Councilmembers ability to attend conferences and meetings. o Registrations have been reduced by 33% affecting the Councilmembers ability to attend conferences and meetings. • In addition the reductions noted above, to meet a 6% reduction, the following line items have been reduced further: o Travel/Mileage has been reduced by 40%. Only local meetings can be attended. o Registrations have been reduced by 74%. Meeting attendance will be extremely limited. • In addition to the reductions noted above, to meet a 9% reduction, the following line items have been reduced further: o Travel/Mileage has been reduced by 76%. This reduction limits the amount of mileage the Councilmembers will be able to travel. Attending local meetings will also be impaired. o Registrations have been reduced by 70%. Meeting attendance will be extremely limited. *Budget Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 29 2/19/2013 Executive & Legislative Support— City Manager/City Clerk Vol. 5 Our Mission is to provide the City Council and employees with leadership, useful advice, and implementation of best practices to achieve adopted goals and deliver quality services to the community Overview The Executive & Legislative Support Department is accountable to the City Council for the operational results of the organiza- tion, effective support of elected officials in achieving their goals, fulfillment of the statutory requirements of the City Man- ager, implementation of City Council policies, and provision of a communication linkage among citizens, the City Council, City departments, and other government agencies. Executive and Legislative Support includes the City Clerk as well as oversight of the Police Services Contract for the City. While the Office of the City Attorney is included in the Executive and Legislative Support Department, it works directly with all other departments and has its own Mission Statement and Goals following this section. City Manager Deputy City Manager Administrative Assistant-City Manager City.Attorney i Deputy City Attorney Administrative Assistant Rule 9 Legal Interns{4} City Clerk Administrative Assistant- Executive City Council GeputyCityClerc Police Chief `Contract Services) 31 2/19/2013 ir 1 Executive & Legislative Support— City Manager Program Description City Manager- As the City's chief executive officer, the City Manager has overall responsibility for policy development, program planning, fiscal man- agement, administration, and operation of all City functions, programs and activities. The City Manager's administrative direction is provided by the City Council. The City Manager assesses community and citizen needs and ensures objectives and priorities are fo- cused on meeting those needs in an effective, cost-efficient manner; directs development and implementation of initiatives for service quality improvement; provides day-to-day leadership and works with the City's management team to ensure a high-performance, ser- vice-oriented work environment consistent with sound management principles. All City employees report directly or indirectly to the City Manager. The City Manager performs the following essential services: • Directs the implementation of the City Council's annual goals • Develops and directs the implementation of policies, procedures, and work standards for the City • Prepares and recommends long-range plans for City services and programs • Monitors status of contracts • Develops and recommends adoption of the annual budget • Coordinates the preparation of reports or presentations to the City Council or outside agencies • Develops specific proposals for action on current and future City needs • Acts as the Emergency Management Coordinator for the City • Monitors staff performance on qualitative and quantitative measures • Participates with local, regional, state and national jurisdictions to represent Spokane Valley's interests • Maintains good working relationships with community constituents Police Services Police services are contracted through the Spokane County Sheriff's Department. The City of Spokane Valley Police Chief reports to the City Manager. 32 2/19/2013 Im F I. Executive & Legislative Support— City Clerk Program Description City Clerk- The Clerk's Office, which consists of the City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk, manages the city's official records and public disclosure, supports the City Council, including agenda development and preparation of the official minutes, provides legal notices to the public regarding city business; supports all City departments and provides initial customer contact at City Hall. As the custodian of all City records, the Clerk's Office oversees record archival and all document imaging for state compliance. Two full-time employees have archived an additional 109 boxes of documents in 2013. There are now 29,681 documents scanned into Laserfiche. The City Clerk's office provides the following services: • Prepares City Council Agendas and Packets • Certifies official City Documents • Is Custodian of City Seal • Supervises City's official file record maintenance • Administers insurance claims • Administers the City's Municipal Code • Is the Public Records officer and handles public record requests • Ensures proper format for and processes resolutions and ordinances • Is responsible for business registrations • Administers oath of office for City Council • Monitors contracts and other documents for signature, recording and posting • Coordinates Volunteer Opportunities for City boards, committees and commissions • Responsible for set-up and clean-up of Council meetings • Attends all Council meetings and transcribes minutes • Presides at bid openings • Is responsible for publication of all legal notices • Serves as City's Election Official • Communicates with and provides citizens information • Administers Consultant, Small Works and Vendor rosters • Processes requests for use of City Logo • Serves as official Parliamentarian at Council meetings 33 2/19/2013 F Executive & Legislative Support— Goals and Strategies Goals Strategies G-1 Facilitate the achievement of annually established Council Goals (all years). 2013-2018 • Annually develop objectives and strategies to accomplish Council Goals • Report goal attainment progress to the community in the City Manager's Budget Message G-2 Update the Financial Forecast. The Financial Forecast's expected revenues and expenses, incorporates the fiscal elements of departmental business plans, identifies fiscal constraints and proposes formulas for Council consider- ation in composing a budget-balancing approach that itemizes necessary ser- vice reductions or increased revenues, or a combination thereof. G-3 (Council Goal) Prepare Legislative Agenda for Council consideration. 2013-2018 • Update the Financial Forecast on an ongoing basis • Update departmental business plans • Calculate the fiscal impacts identified in business plans • Assess revenue and expenditure trends • Merge trend data with business plan cost data • Determine the financial delta • Develop best case and worst case scenarios • Formulate revenue and expenditure options • Determine affordable service levels • Select budget-balancing options to implement • Obtain Council authorization to proceed with selected option(s) 2013 • Present to Council a draft Legislative Agenda to consider what matters the City Council wishes to promote on behalf of the City for the potential inclusion in the Governor's Budget 34 2/19/2013 Executive & Legislative Support— Workload Statistics Goal Workload 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target G-1 Weekly Meetings w/Department Heads to attain Council Goals 53 52 52 52 51 Goal Attainment Progress(Business Plan)posted to website by February 15 annually Number of established Council Goals 6 7 6 6 6 Number of annual Council meetings 55 59 52 51 49 G-2 Draft of Departmental Business Plans completed annually by June 30 Financial Forecast reviewed and updated annually Balanced budget presented to City Council annually CC* Number of boxes archived 181 195 82 91 109 Number of public record requests processed 347 324 333 310 352 Number of contracts processed 166 216 171 192 206 Prepare analysis of electronic filing annually \i *CC = City Clerk workload statistics 35 2/19/2013 F Executive & Legislative Support— Performance Results "The Citizen Survey was first performed in 2009, again in 2011; but, was eliminated in the 2013 budget due to limited funding. Goal Performance 2008 2009" 2010 2011" 2012 Target G-1 Percent of citizens satisfied with Council Goals and City's direction — 82% — 85% — (citizen survey) Average percent of citizens who attend Council meetings(citizen survey) — 21% — 15% — Percent of citizens who rated the services provided by the City with a positive rating (citizen survey) — 91% — 94% — Pertaining to living in Spokane Valley, percent of citizens who gave a positive rating (citizen survey) — 98% — 98% — Pertaining to the City listening to its citizen's, percent of citizens who gave a positive rating (citizen survey) — 75% — Question not in survey — Pertaining to the City welcoming citizen involvement, percent of citizens who gave a positive rating (citizen survey) — 85% — 79% — G-2 Pertaining to the overall value of services received for City tax dollars paid, percent of citizens who gave a positive rating (citizen survey) — 83% — 83% — **Dollars spent City-wide per capita (all accounts year-end figure) $58,936,857 $67,574,808 $49,530,368 $53,932,134 $56,882,448 pending year-end adjustments =88,920 =89,440 =90,210 =89,755* =90,110*** $663/capita $756/capita $549/capita $601/capita $631/capita CC Percent of response per public record requests completed in 5 days 99% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Percent of all documents and forms indexed on City's website by year end 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Percent of prompt indexing of Council documents within 5 working days 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% *This number is based on the 2010 Census. **Includes local revenue as well as grant funds and other external revenues. ***Per the Washington State Office of Financial Management 36 2/19/2013 F Executive & Legislative Support - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* City Manager & City Clerk REDUCTION 2013 Budget +1% ($22,136) 3% ($22,136 + $19,168) 6% ($22,136 + $35,289) 9% ($22,136 + $57,434) The Executive & Legislative Support budget for 2013, 1% over 2012 budget, is met by reducing the Professional Services line item by 50% ($19,636). The impact of this reduction potentially affects the City's ability to hire a consultant for the replacement of retiring Di- rectors, reduces the funding for title searches, such as Balfour Park, and impacts bond counsel who provide the City legal opinion con- cerning the issue of municipal bonds. In addition, Printing and Binding has been reduced by 50% potentially impacting the purchase of letterhead, business cards, envelopes and city-related brochures. Professional Services begins the 3% reduction already with a 50% reduction (as noted above). In order to meet a 3% objective, Pro- fessional Services has been reduced by 92%,to $1,500. This reduction impacts the hiring of bond counsel, eliminates the ability to purchase title searches, when necessary, and the search for other vacated management-level positions would be performed in-house rather than through a consultant. Printing and binding (50% reduction noted above) has been reduced another 25% impacting replace- ment of letterhead, business cards and city-related brochures. All other line items have been reduced by 3%, which is functional. In addition to the $22,136, at the 6% reduction, Professional Services has been eliminated,with impacts noted above; Postage is reduced by 50% affecting "New Business Welcome Letters;" Travel/Mileage is reduced to the City Manager's contracted auto allow- ance only; Subscriptions are eliminated affecting receipt of government-related information; Memberships are reduced by 50% limiting professional association for both City Manager and City Clerk; Printing and Binding have been reduced by 66% limiting replacement of letterhead, business cards and envelopes; Registrations have been reduced by 50% impacting conference training and attendance at community meetings; Filing and Recording fees (unknown costs but budgeted for the potential need) have been reduced by 95%; and, Miscellaneous Services has been eliminated. In addition to the , at the 9% reduction, the following line items have been eliminated from the Budget: Office and Operating Supplies Publications Meeting Supplies Small Tools and Minor Equipment Professional Services Postage Cell Phones Travel/Mileage (this line no longer includes the contracted City Manager Car Allowance) Advertising (necessary to post legal publications) Registrations Subscriptions Memberships Printing & binding Filing and Recording, and Copier Maintenance has been reduced below the actual cost in 2011. Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 37 2/19/2013 Executive & Legislative Support— Office of the City Attorney Vol. 5 Our Mission is to implement Council policy by providing clear direction and meaningful assistance to employees administering city government and citizens who use city government. Ensure that all City actions are consistent, timely and helpful. Maintain a positive and creative workplace. Overview The Office of the City Attorney represents City's legal interests including oversight of claims and litigation. The division manages the City's legal service agreements such as courts, prosecutors, and probation. The City Attorney drafts ordinances and resolu- tions, negotiates contracts, leases, and agreements and sup- ports departments in enforcing associated laws. The Office of the City Attorney also provides specialized employee training regard- ing existing law. The City Attorney supervises and directs the work of Rule 9 Legal Interns. City Attorney Administrative Assistant Deputy City Attorney Rule 9 Interns 39 2/19/2013 Im F Executive & Legislative Support— Office of the City Attorney Program Description Office of the City Attorney - Overview of operations of Office of the City Attorney - The Office of the City Attorney is responsible for providing legal advice and sup- port to the City Council and City employees, as well as to prosecute and defend all civil matters not assigned to outside counsel. This office works extensively with all City departments. The Office of the City Attorney provides the following services: • Negotiate and draft and/or review all contracts • Negotiate and draft franchise agreements with utility providers • Meet and negotiate with Spokane County on service contracts • Meet and negotiate with other jurisdictions on a variety of matters, including interlocal agreements • Defend City in litigation and administrative hearings • Represent City in code compliance litigation and collections • Maintain office and document organization necessary to successfully complete all tasks • Advise on labor relations and employment law • Advise on Community Development issues, including reviewing Planning staff reports • Advise on numerous miscellaneous issues on general governance on a daily basis • Draft, or review and revise, ordinances, resolutions and policies • Draft legal memoranda on a full range of municipal issues • Review and compile responses to public record requests when necessary • Provide training to staff on legal issues with broad application, such as public records, the Open Public Meeting Act, public disclosure rules, ethics, administrative and land-use regulations, and contracts and purchasing The Office of the City Attorney has been staffed with two attorneys, one administrative assistant, and from one to three legal interns for the past seven years. Our daily work largely consists of providing timely advice on a full range of municipal issues to City staff and the City Council. The most common examples involve reviewing public record request responses to determine compliance with disclosure and privacy laws; drafting and reviewing contracts for all departments; advising or drafting legal memoranda on a wide range of munici- pal issues; reviewing and advising Community Development on proposed developments in order to proactively identify and avoid po- tential legal difficulties; and represent the City in litigation. 40 2/19/2013 F 1- Executive & Legislative Support— Office of the City Attorney Goals and Strategies LGoals Strategies G-1 To have a fully operational City Attorney's Office that proactively assists in pro- gram development, advises all departments on legal issues in a timely matter, and manages all potential and existing litigation. 2013-2017 • Review programs • Monitor workload &workload changes • Track response times • Identify deficient areas G-2 To assist other departments in analyzing and mapping existing processes to determine compliance with the law and whether higher levels of customer ser- vice can be achieved. 2013-2018 • Maintain and update all form contracts used by all departments • Attend internal planning meetings to identify and resolve potential issues G-3 In support of Council Goal to identify long term solid waste options: Analyze governance of solid waste facilities, and pursuit of efficient and economical methods of solid waste disposal. Review and potentially negotiate terms of a solid waste interlocal agreement with Spokane County, City of Spokane, and other regional jurisdictions. 2013-2016 • • Identify long term Council priorities Work with Public Works to identify options, providers and costs for dis- posal Review/revise Interlocal Agreements Options analysis G-4 Determine most efficient and effective way to provide prosecutorial services. Review prior alternatives analysis for provision of prosecutorial services, make recommendations on options to staff and Council. 2013-2014 • Identify timelines • Work with Spokane County to understand potential consequences of ter- mination/continuing prosecutorial contract • Identify and draft City goals in provision of prosecutorial services • Negotiate any necessary amended contracts or new contracts • Review/revise Interlocal Agreements G-5 Draft and complete Contract and Purchasing Guidelines. Provide staff training in contract and purchasing procedures. 2013-2014 • Research alternatives • Draft and finalize summary of contract and purchasing procedures • Advise client • Assist in finalizing purchasing guidelines, necessary code changes, and policy revisions/additions. 41 2/19/2013 F Executive & Legislative Support— Office of the City Attorney Goals and Strategies, continued Goals Strategies G-6 Identify a way to retain e-mails that complies with applicable state laws, and pro- vides for a more manageable system for staff 2013-2014 • Organize and update all rules regarding vesting and imposition of condi- tions on development • Provide training/presentations • Update through WSAMA • Present to other jurisdictions G-7 Draft standardized franchise agreement and negotiate with utility service provid- ers to update and renew franchise agreements 2013-2015 • Prepare draft franchise agreement • Work with various utility providers and compile list of comments and areas of concern • Identify various options • Finalize and begin negotiations to update franchise agreements G-8 Assist Community Development to identify options for economic development 2013-2015 • Flexible zoning techniques 42 2/19/2013 Executive & Legislative Support— Office of the City Attorney Workload Statistics and Performance Results Goal Workload 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target Dept. related Work order requests processed Legal memoranda 388 252 283 259 249 90 114 83 111 50 Public record requests processed (does not include day-to-day file re- view in response to public record requests processed by City Clerk) 29 Litigation matters including enforcement matters. Enforcement—Opened Closed Training classes taught Average number of days for completion of tasks Ordinances and resolutions drafted Contracts reviewed 105 94 71 8 40 166 29 68 21 58 11 15 6 9 70 7 67 61 9 39 32 17 21 3 4 12 24 22 59 39 34 43 75 93 125 190 Goal Performance 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target Dept. related Legal service cost per hour compared to outside counsel $73 vs$250 $74 vs $250 $65 vs$250 $79 vs$250 $79 vs$250 Percent of internal clients reporting legal advice was timely 91% 63% 82% 84% 80% 95% Percentage of internal clients reporting that legal advice was clear and relevant 95% 94% 74% 87% 77% 43 2/19/2013 I Executive & Legislative Support - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* kLegal Department REDUCTION 2013 Budget +1% 3% ($13,184) 6% ($26,334) 9% ($39,514) The Legal Department was able to keep the same level of service and meet the directive to produce an initial 2013 Budget at less than the targeted 1% increase over the 2012 Budget as a result of carefully examining the expenditure history in all ac- counts and reducing the budget requests in a variety of line items to more closely reflect previous spending. • Office supplies-reduced by$200 (17%) 0 Every effort will be made to reuse items that can be reused and go without wherever possible • Small tools and minor equipment-reduced by$1,000 (50%) 0 Can realistically be accomplished • Outside legal counsel -reduced by$10,000 (22%) 0 This will increase workload for in-house attorneys, slowing response times • Professional services-reduced by$750 (31%) 0 Can realistically be accomplished • Filing/recording fees-reduced by$100 (4%) 0 Will need to prioritize documents to be recorded if possible • Training for administrative assistant-reduce by$100 (25%) 0 Can realistically be accomplished In addition to the 3% cuts mentioned above: • Eliminate one of two legal interns-reduced by$12,990 (50%) 0 This would have a substantial impact on the workload for the two attorneys and remaining intern, significantly reducing efficiency, total work product completed, as well as timeliness of completed work • Outside legal counsel -reduced by$11,244 (23%) 0 This will increase workload for in-house attorneys, slowing response times. In combination with elimination of one intern,the office will be significantly impacted in its ability to provide timely advice In addition to the 3% and 6% cuts mentioned above: • Eliminate both legal interns-reduced by$25,980 (100%) 0 This would have a substantial impact on the workload for the two attorneys, significantly reducing efficiency, reducing total work product completed, as well as timeliness of completed work • Outside legal counsel -reduced by$11,434 (23%) 0 This will substantially increase workload for in-house attorneys, slowing response times. In combination with elimination of both interns, the office will be significantly impacted in its ability to provide timely advice Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 44 2/19/2013 Operations and Administrative Services al Vol. 5 Our Mission is to support the organization and provide exceptional customer service by assessing and addressing the needs of customers and employees, emphasizing public accountability, fostering community involvement, and managing the delivery of services to the citizenry. Overview The Operations & Administrative Services Depart- ment includes the human resources, central re- ception, public information, contract administra- tion, and finance functions of the City. This section of the Business Plan reflects the operations over- sight division of the department. Administrative Analyst Deputy City Manager Senior Administrative Analyst Public Information Officer Human Resources Manager Human Resources Technician Office Assistant 1 Office Assistant I I 45 2/19/2013 F I. Operations and Administrative Services Deputy City Manager Program Description Deputy City Manager- Oversees the Operations and Administrative Services Department for the City. The Deputy City Manager works under the gen- eral direction of the City Manager and works with the City's management team to coordinate their efforts toward the achievement of their departmental objectives and the objectives of the City government as a whole. The Deputy City Manager participates in and makes suggestions to the City Manager in the formulation of strategy and city policy involving organization, procedures, and services. Duties also include advising the City Manager in the determination of program needs, the preparation and presentation of programs for approval by the City Manager and City Council, and the coordination of the implementation of approved pro- grams. The Deputy City Manager performs operations oversight for the Community Development, Public Works, and Parks and Recreation departments. The Deputy City Manager performs the following essential services: • Works with the City Manager and department heads in planning, organizing, coordinating and implementing programs affecting assigned areas of responsibility • Coordinates with other managers of City services on matters affecting their areas of responsibility • Briefs the City Manager on issues of concern in the departments and functions in assigned area of responsibility to as- sure proper action • Meets and corresponds with various citizens, professional, business and other groups to answer questions and secure their help in carrying out various programs • Coordinates the preparation of annual budget for departments within assigned area • Reviews results of major studies and coordinates the preparation of reports and recommendations • Confers with employees and employee group leaders on Human Resource issues • Attends Council meetings and makes reports concerning activities for which responsible as requested by the City Manag- er; Confers with officials of city, county, state and federal agencies regarding plans and priorities for existing and planned programs • Demonstrates continuous effort to improve operations, decrease turnaround times, streamline work processes, and work cooperatively and jointly to provide quality seamless customer service 46 2/19/2013 Pr 1 Operations and Administrative Services— Public Information Program Description Public Information - The Public Information Office provides professional communications services that result in the distribution of complete, accurate and timely information on City programs, projects and activities using a variety of communication tools and channels to create public aware- ness, understanding, interest, input and involvement in City government. Essential services: • Help ensure government transparency through development and dissemination of timely, accurate and complete information on city programs, projects, activities and issues. • Provide emergency information and instructions for the safety and well-being of citizens, City Council, City staff in the event of emer- gencies (i.e., Valley View Fire, Snow Emergencies, and Declaration of Pandemic Influenza) • Provide winter snow plowing notifications and information on road construction impacts to police, fire, emergency responders, public transit, school transportation offices and the community through emailed updates as well as through media releases and website postings. • Identify and develop informational materials on road construction projects and impacts for affected businesses and residents and distribute via direct mail, email, website postings, RSS feeds, and through the media. • Primary contact and coordination for interaction with media. • Primary contact for general information about the City of Spokane Valley • Provide a conduit for two-way communications between Council, staff, businesses and citizens to facilitate representative govern- ment. • Coordinate bi-annual citizen satisfaction survey to help guide Council and staff efforts and improve city services. • Utilize a variety of channels and resources for dissemination of city information including printed brochures, newsletters, media re- leases, feature stories, website postings, RSS feeds, and email notification lists, as well as telephone and personal contact. • Coordinate public works projects community information meetings, special events such as the State of the City address, and partici- pation in a variety of community events Key Results for 2012 include: • Media contacts — 151 • Media releases — 206 • Earned media stories — 154 • Total Media stories — 507 • Newsletter distribution: Email — 542/issue; Print—19,000 /issue Spokesman Review Valley Voice distribution - 15,000-18,000 per story* • Direct citizen contacts — 311 plus about 350 • at community events • Spokesman Review general distribution — 69,500-95,200 per story • Valley News Herald distribution — 5,500 per story* *print circulation only—not entire readership, which is greater. Also does not include online readers 47 2/19/2013 W Operations and Administrative Services— Contract Administration and Analysis ILProgram Descriptions Contract Administration - Negotiates and administers all public safety contracts, including law enforcement, jail, and the district court, which total more than $20 million and comprise of 59% of the general fund budget. Ensures contract services are delivered to citizens and businesses at a high level for a good value and that all locally generated revenue goes toward serving City of Spokane Valley customers. Interacts with customers to answer questions and provide information on services such as Animal Control and Cable Television. Analysis - Evaluates current service delivery based upon current and anticipated demand while employing the best business practices and sound fiscal policy to ensure that staffing levels match demand and all efficiencies are incorporated. 48 2/19/2013 Pr 1 Operations and Administrative Services— Human Resources Program Description Human Resources - The Human Resources Office is responsible for providing personnel consultation and employee services to City of Spokane Valley management and its 89 regular (including Council) and 30 seasonal employees, supporting a workforce that is motivated to deliver quality services to the community. This is accomplished through the following responsibilities: • Employee Recruitment • Compliance w/Employment Law • Wellness • Performance Management • Labor Relations • Compensation Administra- tion • Health Care and other Bene- fits Administration • Training • Policy Development and Administration • Orientation Human Resources conducted 75 interviews, filling 12 positions in 2012. The office maintains a greater than 95% satisfaction rate with the services provided to City employees and managers. Human Resources also worked with the Database Administrator to develop an online employment application system that will improve the applicant's experience and response time while improving efficiency for HR Staff. The Office, along with the newly-formed Wellness Committee, achieved the WellCity Award by developing a qualified Wellness Program which is anticipated to reduce employee health care expense by more than $8,000/year. The HR office provides Risk Management services to the City in the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortu- nate events. Further, the Human Resources Manager functions as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) coordinator guiding the City's efforts to promote access to its citizens. As the City's designated contact for persons requesting accommodation, the HR Manager works with the public to provide reasonable access to City's services. HR prepares the City for the many changes in the external business environment including increased governmental mandates and legislation, recruitment needs as the pool of skilled workers decreases, the increasing cost of labor, and changing workforce de- mographics. 49 2/19/2013 F Operations and Administrative Services— Central Reception Program Description Central Reception - Central Reception consists of two full-time employees who serve as the primary point of contact for the City while providing the highest level of customer service for citizens, clients and staff. Central Reception greets and assists all visitors, provides information, assists in business license applications, makes community referrals, answers incoming telephone calls, takes messages, and directs calls to staff members. During 2012, two full-time employees assisted with 1,851 new business li- cense applications, 5,862 annual business license renewals, answered and directed 7,082 phone calls to staff, greeted 2,265 visitors, and reported 1131 Citizen Action Requests. Additional services include: • Route Calls and Provide In- formation for City Services • Home Occupation Applica- tions • Street Maintenance Re- quests • Snow Plow/Street Sweeping Information • Maintain Literature for City Services • Business Licensing & Wel- come letters to new busi- nesses • Post Regular and Certified Out-going Mail • Public Record Requests • Non-Domestic Animal Issues • Order Business Cards/Name Plates • Database Maintenance for Public Works • Citizen Service Requests • Schedule Conference Rooms and Vehicle Usage • Traffic Related Requests • Maintain City Directories on website • Database Maintenance for Business Licensing • Abandoned Vehicles • Mail Distribution 50 2/19/2013 F Operations and Administrative Services— Goals and Strategies [Goals Strategies G-1 Respond to internal and external impacts on the City's human resources func- tion in order to recruit and retain a well-qualified workforce. G-2 Enhance community interest and involvement in City government. 2013-2016 • Evaluate City's work environment to encourage retention of existing staff • Expand New Employee Orientation and ongoing training • Develop processes that improve employee access to information, and make the best use of technology in order to administer cost effectively • Evaluation of employment costs to identify opportunities to reduce those costs G-3 Formalize public accountability in City operations through incorporating the Business Plan into decision making, conducting a periodic community survey, and establishing a toolbox for evaluating the City's contract services. An open, collaborative government is the third Core Value adopted by City Council. 2013-2018 • Involve all departments in finalizing and implementing citywide strategic communications plan supporting Council goals & enhancing community interest& involvement in City government • Identify and provide media training for authorized spokespersons. • Promote Spokane Valley's unique identity, especially for the 2013 cele- bration of the City's ten-year anniversary • Develop reports on Spokane Valley demographics and economics based on 2010 decennial census. 2013-2018 • Incorporate the Business Plan in the City's decision-making process to enhance accountability through implementation of performance results • Implement a periodic community survey to objectively monitor customer satisfaction • Evaluate City's contract services • Implement contract audit program • Finalize a managed competition process G-4 2013-2017 Audit of existing risk management practices and further development of the • Risk Management Program for the City • Assess whether City property is properly insured Develop procedures for minimizing claims costs Provide recommendations to the City Manager for program development 51 2/19/2013 F Operations and Administrative Services— Workload Statistics Goal Workload 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target G-1 Number of City employees 89 88 79 84 Personnel action forms processed 148 168 260 118 Number of training classes facilitated or coordinated 9 11 12 6 Interviews conducted 154 66 73 101 Employees hired (*regular employees—permanent FT/PT employees; limited term;does not include temporary/seasonal employees) 15 9 6 16 Average number of applications received per recruitment cycle 94.8 77.8 41.5 67 G-2 Media releases issued 203 201 167 219 206 185 Total Media stories 673 556 855 723 507* 680 Public Information contacts with the media 273 201 193 219 151** 200 Community newsletters produced 3 regular 11 special 3 regular 3 regular 2 regular*** 2 regular 2 *Police stories no longer included ** Media now contacts many departments directly ***Reduced to 2 due to reduction in budget 52 2/19/2013 F Operations and Administrative Services— Performance Results Goal Performance 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target G-1 Percentage rating for employee satisfaction with Human Resources 97.6% 98% 97.8% 96.6% 95% Percentage rate of employee turnover 9% 6.2% 8.2% 4.74% Human Resource full-time employees(FTE)per 100 employees 2 2 2 2 Percentage of annual non-manager performance reviews completed within 30 days of anniversary date 53.42% 37% 39.7% 21.54% Average number of days to complete recruitment 130 55.8 50.54 67 G-2& G-3 Customer satisfaction re:contact with City Hall as it pertains to a positive impression of employees(citizen survey): Knowledge Responsiveness Courtesy Overall impression — — — — 88% 90% 89% 86% — — — — 94% 87% 88% 86% — — — — 92% 94% 93% 90% Customer use of website(citizen survey): — 26% — 35% — 36% Customer satisfaction with Public Information services(citizen survey): — 92% — 91% — 97% Earned media stories per FTE in Public Information Office 162 96 166 115 154 180 Community Newsletter distribution per capita .0031% 22.76% 22.6% 22.6% 21.6 24% Read community newsletter(citizen survey) — 23% — 71% — 24% Watched Council meetings on cable or web-streaming (citizen survey) — — — 28% — 30% 53 2/19/2013 I Operations and Administrative Services - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact kSummary* — Deputy City Manager, Central Reception, Public Information, Contract Administration REDUCTION 2013 Budget +1% ($20,000 + $16,500) 3% ($20,000+ $19,380) 6% ($20,000+ $38,730) 9% ($20,000+ $58,130) • The Operations and Administrative Services department is unable to provide the services within the 2013 budget at 1% in- crease over the 2012 Budget without reducing our budget to meet the objectives. o The Citizen Survey has been eliminated ($20,000) which impacts the City's ability to receive citizen input on areas of improvement and citizen satisfaction on our services. Removing the survey impacts our ability to report some of our performance measures within the Business Plan. The vacant Administrative Assistant position has been reduced by 37.5% ($16,500) which impacts the ability to fill this as a full-time position when the Deputy City Manager position is filled. • All items have been reduced by 3% except the Web Site Support, which is a fixed cost of$16,000 • In addition to the elimination of the Citizen Survey ($20,000) and to meet the 3% overall operating cost objective: o The vacant Administrative Assistant position has been reduced by 44% which creates only a half-time position, poten- tially affecting future workload effectiveness and efficiency. • All items have been reduced by 6% except the Web Site Support, which is a fixed cost of$16,000 • In addition to the elimination of the Citizen Survey ($20,000) and to meet the 6% overall operating cost objective: o The vacant Administrative Assistant position has been reduced by 88% which impacts filling the position to assist the Deputy City Manager in daily operations. • All items have been reduced by 9% except the Web Site Support, which is a fixed cost of$16,000 • In addition to the elimination of the Citizen Survey ($20,000) and to meet the 9% overall operating cost objective: o The vacant Administrative Assistant position has been reduced by 100%. o The vacant Deputy City Manager position has been reduced by 11% . • The impact of reducing/not filling these positions creates less efficient daily operations within the City as the City Manager/Administrative staff work to pick up the additional duties. Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 54 2/19/2013 I Operations and Administrative Services - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact kSummary* — Human Resources REDUCTION +1% ($17,265) 3% ($17,265+ $ 6,973) 6% ($17,265+ $13,953) 9% ($17,265+ $20,762) The Human Resources department is unable to provide the services within the 2013 budget at 1% increase over the 2012 Budg- et without reducing our budget to meet the objectives. The following reductions in the amount of$17,265 are: • Office supplies 44% • Publications 100% • Legal 75% - impacting counsel on employee-related issues • Professional Services 2% • Travel/Mileage 64% - impacting potential opportunities for employee skill advancement • Advertising 2% • Copier Maintenance 45% - impacting the ability to make copies and purchase toner • Training 60% - potential impact to safety training and employee skill advancement The 3% overall operating cost objective includes the above-noted reductions of$17,265, and: • Reduction in legal services, impacting counsel on employee-related issues. • Eliminate the practice of requiring pre-employment physicals except for specifically identified positions. • Selective use of print media for recruitment advertising limiting recruitment efforts. • Limit training to one major event for staff. The 6% overall operating cost objective includes the above-noted $17,265, and: • Print media will be used as an exception only reducing recruitment efforts further. • Elimination of the Society for Human Resources Management membership, impacting the City's access to resources relating to people management. • Eliminates City-wide training from Human Resource budget. The 9% overall operating cost objective includes the above-noted $17,265, and: • Elimination of the City Wellness Program, impacting insurance reductions for participation in the program. • Reduction of wages by $7,096, impacting response times to employee-related issues. Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 55 2/19/2013 F Operations and Administrative Services Finance & Information Technology Vol. 5 Our Mission is commitment to excellence in customer service by providing quality financial information to Council, citizens and City de- partments. The Information Technology Group (IT) seeks to understand technology and how it can best serve internal and external IT users. Overview The Finance and Information Technology Division pro- vides financial management and technology services for all City departments. Programs include accounting and reporting, payroll, accounts payable, budgeting, financial planning, treasury and information technology. This Division exists within the Operations and Adminis- trative Services Department. Finance Director Database Administrator IT Specalist (2.0) Accountant/Bu dget Analyst(4.0) ALLuunLing lvlanage r ALLuunLing Technician(2 0). 57 2/19/2013 Operations and Administrative Services— Finance & Information Technology Program Descriptions Finance & Information Technology - Finance is charged with the responsibility of administration, coordination, supervision and control of financial activities engaged in by the City. These functions are performed through a combination of interrelated activities including financial management, general accounting and information technology. • Financial management responsibilities include: o budget development and monitoring, preparation of periodic budget amendments, treasury control and management of the City's cash and investment portfolio, o debt financing and management, working with public works staff on financing options for capital projects • General accounting responsibilities include: o internal and external financial reporting including preparation of the Annual Financial Report, o coordinating with the Washington State Auditor's Office for the City's annual audit which on average represents approximately 800 au- ditor hours each year, o general ledger accounting, o audit coordination, o cash receipting including preparation of daily deposits for City departments, o tracking and receipting telephone utility tax payments, o tracking and receipting quarterly gambling tax payments, o processing of payroll for 87 full-time equivalent employees as well as seasonal and temporary employees, o process approximately 3,000 accounts payable checks, o grant accounting and reimbursements, o project accounting and reimbursements, o advertise and call for applications for Outside Agency grants for both social service and economic development agencies, o advertise and call for applications for Lodging Tax grants • Information technology responsibilities include: o the design, maintenance and support of the City's data network, o researching, ordering, delivering, repairing and maintenance of all desktop, notebook, and peripheral equipment, o maintenance of all primary computer applications including the financial management and permitting systems, o broadcasting of City Council meetings which entails the ongoing maintenance and support of the necessary hardware and software as well as working with the vendor involved with actual recording of the meetings 58 2/19/2013 Operations and Administrative Services Finance & Information Technology Goals and Strategies Goals Strategies G-1 Maintain a consistent level of service in payroll, accounts payable, budget de- velopment, periodic and annual financial report preparation and information technology services. 2013-2018 • Work with Finance staff to cross-train position responsibilities and knowledge base where possible. • Provide adequate training opportunities to allow staff members to remain current with changes in pronouncements by the Governmental Account- ing Standards Board (GASB), changes in the Eden financial manage- ment system, and changes in the electronic technology that allows all City employees to be more efficient and effective. G-2 Complete the 2012 Annual Financial Report by May 30, 2013, and receive a "clean audit opinion"from the Washington State Auditors Office. G-3 Improve information technology service and response times with no added cost to City. 2013 • This can be accomplished through a combination of cross-training re- sponsibilities between the Accounting Manager and Staff Accountants as well as remaining current on GASB pronouncements. 2013-2014 • Consider adding a new position titled "Help Desk Technician"who would deal with many routine day to day calls for assistance from computer us- ers. 59 2/19/2013 Operations and Administrative Services— Finance & Information Technology Workload Statistics & Performance Results Goal Workload 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target Dept. #of accounts payable checks (Includes wires&payroll benefit checks) related Total City expenditures Number of phone lines Number of computer workstations 2833 3073 2910 3312 $58,936,857 $67,574,808 $49,530,368 28 35 36 140 Number of servers&appliances supported Number of PC's installed or replaced 33 145 148 37 39 $53,932,134 3486 $56,882,448 39 41 150 152 40 40 20 40 4 63 36 Goal Performance 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target Dept. related Finance Department operating expenditures/Total City expenditures .0111 .0120 .0175 .0190 .0162 Dollar value of accounts payable checks processed $48,558,039 $59,319,241 $41,250,522 $44.981,566 $48,167,392 Dollar value of wages paid including OT and seasonal help $4,181,645 $5,227,397 $5,849,255 $5,487,766 $5,624,006 Help desk requests per IT FTE per month 55 75 80 48 55 IT FTE per number of workstations 70 72.5 74 75 76 Network availability% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 60 2/19/2013 Operations and Administrative Services - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Finance & Information Technology Impact Summary REDUCTION 2013 Budget +1% 3% ($10,471 + ($33,660) 6% ($10,471 + ($63,454) (Continued) Finance was unable to meet the objective to produce a 2013 Budget with an increase of no greater than 1% without immediate reductions in staff. This is because the largest portion of the Finance Department budget is payroll related and after factoring in a COLA, step increases and an estimated health insurance premium increase of 10%, the Finance Department budget increased by 6.15% • The 2013 Proposed Budget reflects an increase over 2012 of 4.06% or $42,526. In order to arrive at this point we cut back a vacant Accountant/Budget Analyst position for 1.00 FTE to .75 FTE. o Because we cut the hours of a vacant position, this has no impact on existing Finance Department operations. We believe hiring a .75 FTE Accountant/Budget Analyst will still allow Finance to address a number of existing needs in- cluding assistance with the timely development of a number of policies and backup/cross training for other staff members. In addition to the previously mentioned reduction, in order to meet the directive to reduce the budget by 3%: • Reduce the vacant Accountant/Budget Analyst position from .75 FTE to .35 FTE. 0 Because we cut the hours of a vacant position, this has no impact on existing Finance Department operations. It is possible with a .35 FTE position we could have a 2 day per week employee that may allow Finance to address a number of existing needs including assistance with the timely development of a number of policies. Due to the lim- ited number of hours of a .35 FTE position, the potential for backup/cross training opportunities is likely not possible. In addition to the 3% reduction: • Reduce the vacant Accountant/Budget Analyst position from .35 FTE to 0.0 FTE. • Reduce the Professional Services line item by $2,000 from $7,800 to $5,800. o Because we eliminate entirely an already vacant position, this has no impact on existing Finance Department opera- tions. We would however lose the opportunity to address a number of existing needs including assistance with the timely development of a number of policies and backup/cross training for other staff members. The Professional Services line item provides funding for a temporary help desk contractor who assists in the deploy- ment and return of leased computers each summer. Reducing the budget by $2,000 means we would reduce the number of hours we would hope to have for this assistance which may slow the deployment of the updated comput- ers. Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 61 2/19/2013 Operations and Administrative Services - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Finance & Information Technology Impact Summary REDUCTION 9% ($10,471 + ($92,205) In addition to the 6% reduction: • Reduce one existing employee position from 1.0 FTE to .50 FTE. • Finance will not respond to the voluntary surveys and questionnaires from: 0 AWC 0 National League of Cities 0 Federal Department of Commerce • No immediate check requests will be processed which will have the greatest impact on City construction projects. • City payments to vendors will be much slower. • Ability to accommodate the outside agency granting process and lodging tax granting process will be slowed. • Segregation of duties required by State Auditor's Office may be compromised. • Ability to produce an error free annual financial report receiving a "clean audit opinion"from the State Auditor's Office may be compromised. Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 62 2/19/2013 ir Community Development Vol. 5 The Mission of the Community Development Department is to provide planning, permitting and code enforcement services in a re- sponsive and efficient manner to ensure the safety, health and welfare of our citizens, and to encourage orderly development and economic sustainability. Overview The Community Development Depart- ment maintains the City's Comprehen- sive Plan, administers the Development Standards in the Municipal Code and adopted Building Codes, and assists citi- zens and business owners with develop- ment code-related issues. Director 1 FTE Administrative Assistant 1 FTE PIarinuig Manager 1 FTE office Assistant 1 FTE Code Enforcement 2 FTE Senior Planner 2 FTE Planner 2 FTE Development Engineering Manager Engineer 1 5 FTE Assistant Engineer 1 FTE Construction Inspector 1FTE Moe Assistant 1 1 FTE Engineering Technician 1.5 FTE ROW Inspector 1 FTE l uildwg Official 1 FTE Sr Plans Examiner 1 FTE Plans Examiner 059 FTE Building Inspector 3 FTE Development 5ervice5 Coordinator 1 FTE Penn t Facilitator 2 FTE Planner 2FTE Cashier/OA 1 1FTE 63 2/19/2013 Im F Community Development— Administrative Division Program Description Administrative Division - The Administrative Division provides overall management and oversight of the Community Development Department including the permitting operations, planning, development engineering, and code enforcement and provides staff support through administration of the department budget, provides administrative support and department training. • Budget • Staff maintenance • Work program • Monthly reports, weekly calendars • Document Management • Planning Commission support • Format correspondence, public notices, staff reports • Back up coordination for both front reception and permit center phone and counter coverage • Public record requests • Website maintenance The administrative division prepares the department budget, monitors expenditures and authorizes payments. A department work program is developed every year based on the goals of the council, state mandates, developer forums, and staff recommended improvements. The work program progress is monitored and revised as goals change or new priorities are acknowl- edged. Staff development is maintained through performance evaluations, measurement and creation of personal and department goals, department-wide training, recognition and team building. Administrative support is provided to the Planning Commission; preparation of monthly reports and weekly calendars; formatting correspondence, staff reports, public notices, and documents for 29.5 FTE; providing website maintenance, coordinating backup phone and counter coverage for the front reception area and permit center cashier. The division is responsible for maintaining and preserving the department files, and preparing record requests for the department. 64 2/19/2013 Community Development— Building Division Program Description Building Division - The Building Division is responsible for implementing the State building code as required by state law. • Construction plan review • Construction inspection • Permit intake & issuance • Permit Coordination • Commercial permit plan review • Fire District Coordination • Monitor building code legislation Building Code The purpose of the building code is to promote the health, safety and welfare of the occupants or users of the buildings and structures and the general public by requiring minimum performance standards for structural strength, exit systems, stability, sanitation, light and ventilation, energy conservation and fire safety. Implementation of these regulations through plan review and inspection of construction projects assures that citizens can correctly assume that buildings and structures in which they spend more than eighty percent of their time are safe. The Building Division's Permit Center has issued just over 17,000 permits over the last five years for a broad range of projects from home additions for do-it-yourselfers to multi-story office buildings for professional developers. This volume of projects represents countless hours of support to applicants and ultimately has contributed to the economic development of the community in ways that are not necessarily reflected in permit revenues. Inspectors in the building division have performed over 63,000 inspections in the same time frame as they assist builders through the completion of their projects. Planning staff attends commercial pre-application meetings and reviews all commercial building and residential permits to ensure compliance with applicable development regulations including off-street parking, landscaping, height, setbacks, etc. Planning staff also review sign permit applications to verify compliance with the City's sign code. Building Official The Building Official oversees the operations of all Building Division Programs and supervises the Permit Center staff. The Building Official monitors bills before the state legislature and provides technical testimony and/or input about the impacts of the legislation to our community. Development Service Coordinator-This new classification will supervise the Permit Facilitators, Planners and Permit Center Cashier, including deter- mining project assignments, provide a resource for ensuring progress is maintained on projects, and provide trouble shooting of internal and external process issues. This individual would also be responsible for managing the City's permit issuance and tracking software. This is a new in-house re- sponsibility since the implementation of the Paladin SMARTGov software to replace the County permitting software which was discontinued. 65 2/19/2013 Im F Community Development— Planning Program Division Description Planning Division Planning staff is cross-trained and work on different kinds of planning projects. This provides the organization greater flexibility in com- pleting the Division's work program by having planning staff that understand the processes and procedures. The planning function is responsible for ensuring the City's plans are consistent with applicable state laws, primarily the Growth Man- agement Act (RCW 36.70A) and the Shoreline Management Act (RCW 90.58) and reflect the community's vision; process appropriate changes to regulations consistent with adopted plans and participate in regional planning efforts. The Planning Program's current primary responsibilities include reviewing land use applications to ensure compliance with adopted development regulations, compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)(RCW 43.21C) and the state subdivision law (RCW 58.17). • Regional planning efforts • Shoreline management • Environmental review • Code Amendments • Subdivisions/short subdivisions/binding site plans • Comprehensive Plan • Special Projects • Rezones/Variances • State & Federal Reporting • Planning Counter • Business licenses • Entertainer licenses Growth Management Act (GMA) The State mandates the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A) (GMA) and the Shoreline Management Act (SMA - RCW 90.58). Un- der GMA, the City is required to prepare a comprehensive plan that reflects the community's 20-year vision. The Plan has a number of required elements including a Capital Facilities Element that contains a list of capital projects that the City (cont.) 66 2/19/2013 Community Development— Planning Program Division Description, continued continued... intends to undertake during the ensuing 6 year time frame. Several funding sources require projects to be included in the City's Capital Facilities Element for them to be eligible for funding and utilize the City's real estate excise tax (REET). To accomplish the maintenance of the Plan, state law provides for an annual update process. This allows the City to make necessary updates and also provides prop- erty owners the ability to propose amendments to the Plan. The City has adopted an annual update process that begins in November and is typically concluded in April/May timeframe of the following year. Shoreline Management Act (SMA) The SMA requires all jurisdictions that include "shorelines of the state" as defined by SMA to prepare a Shoreline Master Program (SMP). The SMP is required to include a number of elements, goals, policies and regulations related to any shoreline of the state. When Spokane Valley incorporated the existing Spokane County SMP (adopted in 1974) was adopted as an interim program. The SMP is a long range vision for the City's shoreline areas; includes goals and policies for the shoreline area and regulations that imple- ment the policy direction of the SMP. The adoption of SMP is currently undergoing and extensive update that must be completed by the end of 2013. Code Amendments Amendments to the City's development codes are often necessary to correct errors and omissions, stay current with new laws or to en- sure consistency between the City's adopted plans and implementing regulations. This process includes research/preparation of the staff report; study session and public hearing before the planning commission; and review and adoption by city council. Regional Planning Efforts City staff supports regional planning efforts by participating on the Planning Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC) and providing staff support to the Steering Committee of Elected Officials (SCEO). The SCEO was formed in response to the requirements of GMA that call for regional planning and coordination on issues such as establishing urban growth area (UGA) boundaries and developing county- wide planning policies. The PTAC is comprised of planning department staff from various jurisdictions throughout the county as was formed by the SCEO to advise on issues related to the requirements of the GMA. Planning staff supports other regional planning efforts including regional transportation planning through the Spokane Regional Trans- portation Council (SRTC). As the regional planning organization, SRTC encourages coordination and collaboration between planning and transportation departments throughout the region including the Washington State Department of Transportation. As a significant player in the region, Spokane Valley planning staff works extensively with SRTC staff on a wide range of issues from certifying the city's Transportation Element of the comprehensive plan to assistance with providing land use information for use in the regional transporta- tion model. 67 2/19/2013 Community Development— Planning Program Division Description, continued Spokane Transit Authority (STA) is the regional provider of mass transit. Planning staff coordinated the city's Transportation Element with service provided by STA. Planning staff participate in an ongoing STA planning process as a member of the Interagency Technical Group (ITG) looking at developing a high performance transit network (HPTN) for the Spokane region. Planning staff is the primary support for a number of land use applications that include short subdivisions (up to 9 lots), long subdivisions (10 or more lots), binding site plans, rezones, temporary use permits and variances. Planning staff routes applications to various review- ing departments and agencies; coordinates comments received and processes the application to its conclusion. In the case of long sub- divisions, rezones and variances this includes a public hearing before the City's hearing examiner. Planning staff also reviews all Washington State business license applications to ensure proposed uses are consistent with City zoning. Staff also is responsible for processing home occupation licenses, and entertainer licenses. Planning staff provides coverage in the permit center from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. responding to walk-in customers as well as answering phone calls to the planning counter. This coverage is in concert with building and development engineering staff. The State of Washington requires certain reports prepared on an annual basis to provide information about growth, housing and employ- ment. Planning Staff provides this information on behalf of the city. Staff also provides information to the Census Bureau on an as needed basis. Code Enforcement Over the last three years, Code Enforcement has responded to just under 2,000 citizen initiated reports regarding junk vehicles, garbage, unsafe structures, various zoning violations and traffic safety hazards while conducting pro-active enforcement of sign code violations as directed by administration. Their work with neighborhoods helps to maintain both residential and commercial properties in a safe and clean condition. They regularly coordinate with police and fire to mitigate life and fire safety hazards as well as working with the Health Department and Department of Social and Health Services on issues related to seniors and families in distress. In addition, Code En- forcement acts as a community resource directing citizens to other agencies for help as appropriate. 68 2/19/2013 Im F Community Development— Development Engineering Division Program Description Development Engineering Division - Development Engineering (DE) ensures that land actions and commercial building permits comply with the adopted codes for private infrastructure development through plan review and construction inspection. DE also provides floodplain management to enforce FE- MA requirements. DE periodically updates the City's development code pertaining to construction activities to ensure adherence to federal and state requirements and the adopted comprehensive plan. • Engineering plan review • Code amendments • Construction oversight • Permit counter • Contract management • Floodplain management • Right-of-way Permits • Right-of-Way Inspections DE implements the City's infrastructure construction related development codes for land actions and commercial building permits, and provides assistance to the development community by answering questions, reviewing plans, providing construction and inspection oversight, reviewing required easement and right-of-way dedications, and reviewing preliminary and final plats. These requirements are based on the scope of the project, the impact of the project to City infrastructure, the Street Standards, Spokane Regional Storm- water Manual, floodplain regulations, and other applicable state or federal requirements. When the application is deemed technically complete and the applicant obtains a permit, the engineers review the civil plans, erosion and sediment control plans, and drainage report for conformance with the City's development code and the preliminary comments. Projects with private streets are required to submit an Operation and Maintenance plan to ensure property owners know how to main- tain their private streets and drainage facilities. Once the construction starts DE has oversight of the improvements. DE adopted the inspection procedures put in place by Spokane County in which the project is inspected by private inspectors. The development inspector coordinates with private inspectors, an- swers questions, and reviews inspection documentation to ensure projects are constructed per the City's code. DE makes periodic updates to the City's development code related to engineering. DE goes through the public adoption process by holding public meetings, presenting changes to Planning Commission and City Council, and preparing ordinances. Through work done by DE, the City adopted the City Street Standards in 2009. The Street Standards establish minimum (continued) 69 2/19/2013 I 1 Community Development— Development Engineering Division Program Description, continued requirements for land actions and commercial projects, establish engineering design criteria, and incorporate local, state and federal requirements such as the Regional Pavement Cut Policy and the American with Disabilities Act. In 2008, the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, and the City of Spokane adopted the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual (SRSM). DE played a key role through the adoption process and meeting requirements and obtaining approval from the Washing- ton Department of Ecology (DOE) and the Environmental Protection Agency. The SRSM provides flow and water quality criteria for new development and capital projects to protect private property, City infrastructure, waters of the state, and the Spokane Valley- Rathdrum Prairie sole source aquifer. The SRSM incorporates state and federal requirements, such as Clean Water Act, Washing- ton Department of Ecology's (DOE) Underground Injection Control program, Construction Stormwater permit, and the Eastern WA Municipal Stormwater National Pollution Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II permit. The Development Engineering Manager is the City's Floodplain Administrator. The City is required by the Federal Emergency Man- agement Agency to administer the Flood Plain Management Program to correct and prevent flood damage. These include require- ments for zoning, subdivision or building, and special-purpose floodplain ordinances. DE enforces the City local floodplain manage- ment ordinance that provides flood loss reduction building standards for new and existing development. The DE staff also participate on a regional committee on watershed planning, wellhead protection and the site selector committee. DE administers a contract for surveying oversight. The City does not have surveyors on staff. The surveying consultant reviews the surveying information provided in plats, binding site plans (BSPs), easements and right-of-way dedications to ensure accuracy and compliance with state law. 70 2/19/2013 F Im Community Development— Goals and Strategies Goals Strategies G-1 Implement the Roadmap for Enhanced Permitting (Council Goal) 2013 • Staffing Changes to Improve Customer Service and Efficiency — Evaluate options for improving permit center functions/COMPLETED in 2012. • Organize Forms and Procedures — Finish Planning procedures/COMPLETED in 2012 — Complete Building Division processes, forms and procedures. — Develop Engineering website changes • Improve Communication with the Development Community — Will be an ongoing effort • Expand Express Permitting • Implement Counter Review — Continue to test process • Review and Revise Development Code—compare with surrounding cities — Ongoing effort to ensure code is meeting the community's needs • Implement Performance Measures — Project Survey implemented in SMARTGov update — Investigate procedures from other jurisdictions/COMPLETED in 2012 — Discuss with Development Community • Continue Staff Coaching and Training — Will be an ongoing process — Working one-on-one as needed G-2 (Council Goal) Economic Development 2013 • Continue meetings with Regional Partners/COMPLETED in 2012 • Continue work on Code Amendments and other Road Map items • Add Economic Development to the City's Business Plan/COMPLETED in 2012 for 2013 • Update City webpage, provide information, brochures • Investigate options for a new City Hall 71 2/19/2013 F Community Development— Goals and Strategies, continued • Goals Strategies G-3 (Council Goal) Complete Shoreline Master Plan G-4 Annual update of Comprehensive Plan 2013 • Shoreline Inventory-Completed in 2010 • Complete Shoreline Master Program Update • Develop program to appropriate regulatory protection for waters of statewide significance • Conduct public outreach • Conduct public hearing at Planning Commission in draft document • Council adoption of Plan • Washington State mandates adoption of an update Shoreline Master Program by 2013 2013 In addition to any public initiated Comprehensive Plan change requests, update the Capital Facilities Plan, incorporate the 6-year Transportation Improvement Plan and make any oth- er required annual required changes Process through Planning Commission and City Council G-5 Forker Draw Floodplain Revision Complete the 2010 FEMA restudy by developing Base Flood Elevations and a new map of this floodplain. 2013 • Develop Hydrology data/COMPLETED in 2012 • Develop Hydraulic data/COMPLETED in 2012 • Perform floodplain mapping • Develop preliminary map products G-6 Review Development Codes for regulations concerning infill development G-8 Update Engineering Standard Plans 2013 • Review development regulations and proposed changes to address vagueness and/or in- consistencies with regard to developing infill lots. Issues may include paving and access requirements to new lots within existing neighborhoods, lot and building design to ensure new development is compatible with existing neighborhoods. Process changes through Planning Commission and City Council. 2013 • Coordinate needed updates with the Design Community and the Public Works Department • Make changes to AutoCAD drawings • Post the draft revised standard plans and solicit comments from the Design Community • Follow the appropriate process to adopt the revised standard plans 72 2/19/2013 F Community Development— Goals and Strategies, continued Goals Strategies G-9 Update UGA boundaries through regional process G- 10 Implementation of Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 2013 • Identify possible Joint Planning Areas in 2010 City update • Work though regional process to have UGA's/Joint Planning Area as- signed • Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County adopting standards for devel- opment in UGAs 2013-2015 • Coordinate with Public Works for street improvements • Update Comprehensive Plan for additions to the TIP G-11 Initiate state required updates of the Comprehensive Plan G-12 Emergency Management G-13 Add Annexation municipal code section to SVMC G-14 Develop GIS content standards and workflows 2013 • State mandate requires a thorough update of the Comprehensive Plan every 7 years. RCW 36.70A0130 • Notify utility districts, school districts and other outside agencies regarding the need for updated levels of service and other required information • Incorporate any new state mandated information • Process through Planning Commission and City Council 2013 • Work with Spokane County Department of Emergency Management to improve emergency response in the City as directed by the City Manager. 2013-2014 • Coordinate with Public Works for street improvements • Update Comprehensive Plan for additions to the TIP 2013 • Establish consistent standards between City Departments for GIS file naming conventions and data storage. G-15 Explore opportunities for regional partnering with Spokane County and the City of Spokane with regard to permit and inspection processes and code admin- istration. 2013-2014 • Work with regional Building department staffs to identify partnering oppor- tunities. • Develop coordinated approach to permit process to eliminate jurisdictional differences where practical. Continued..... 73 2/19/2013 F Community Development— Goals and Strategies, continued iP Goals Strategies G-15, (continued) Explore opportunities for regional partnering with Spokane County and the City of Spokane with regard to permit and inspection processes and code admin- istration. G-16 Wellhead Protection Committee • Promote regionally consistent enforcement of regulation through ordinance de- velopment and regularly scheduled coordination meetings • Develop and implement a regional web permitting portal as resources become available. • Host bi-annual multi-jurisdictional developer's forums to share new regional ef- forts with developers and to generate developer involvement in regional process improvement efforts • Work on other projects aimed at improving regional permitting and inspection processes as directed by Council 2013-2016 • Continue participation on the wellhead protection committee. Potential outcomes include proposed ordinance changes related to high intensity uses over the aqui- fer designed to protect drinking water; changes to the Regional Stormwater Man- ual addressing drywells in wellhead capture zones. Process proposed changes through Planning Commission and City Council. 74 2/19/2013 F 1- Community Development Workload Statistics s JA Goal Workload 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target Dept. related Permit Center counter walk-ins 3143* 3971* 3921* 4545 4812 Permit Center phone calls 4472 4945 4890 4919 5021 5 work days Construction permits issued 3535 2993 3340 3454 4010 25 work days Building inspections performed- Residential 4480 5241 5610 5701 4039 25 work days Building inspections performed- Commercial 2177 2504 2324 2287 1571 95% Code compliance complaints investigated 931 840 617 532 397 Right-of-Way inspections performed 5183 7379 6708 7777 3858 Service population 88,920 89,440 90,210 89,755** 90.550 Number of Planning Commission meetings 24 13 14 15 23 Number of code amendments 7 7 12 6 8 Goal Performance 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target Dept. related Number of permits issued/processed/reviewed per FTE(Plan Exam-2; Build. Insp-3; Permit Spec-3) 392.78 332.55 417.50 431.75 668.30*** Residential building permit issuance(April &July) — 65% 68% 60% 91% 5 work days Average tenant improvement permit issuance (May&August) — 100% 77% 100% 97% 25 work days Average response time for first review — 99% 100% 100% 100% 25 work days Percent of Citizens who gave the City a positive rating as it pertains to satisfaction with services regarding Land use, planning and zoning — 83% — 75% — 95% • *An error was found in the Permit Center walk-in numbers,a set of numbers had been duplicated. These numbers have now been corrected to reflect an accurate count. • **This number is based on the 2010 Census. • ***2012 Changed to Plan Exam—1;Build. Insp-3;Permit Spec-2=6 total FTE's 75 2/19/2013 Im Community Development - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Administrative, Planning, Development Engineering, Building REDUCTION 2013 Budget +1% Department is able to maintain the 2013 budget at the 2012 levels due to revisions to the organization and the reduction of a per- mitting and software service agreement (PLUS) with Spokane County. Personnel have been reassigned within the Department to improve customer service and efficiency. This resulted in budget changes within the divisions that do not directly correlate to previ- ous budget years. In 2012, the Department implemented the SMARTGov permitting software to replace a system created and maintain by Spokane County. The new software significantly reduces our maintenance costs as indicated below. Administration: Reassigned the Office Assistant to the Planning Division to dedicate services to the staff of this division. Reduced County contract due to the purchase of the SMARTGov permitting system. Development Engineering: Reassigned the Right-of-Way inspector to the DE to improve supervision and co-locate similar job classifications. Reinstate Assistant Engineer position to improve response time for plan review Reduced County contract for software maintenance Planning: Reassigned Office Assistant and Code Enforcement Officers to Planning Added code enforcement abatement fund to Planning Consolidated planning staff to one job description for flexibility and efficiency Reassigned two Planners to Building Reduced Spokane County contract for software maintenance Building: Reassigned Right-of-Way Inspector to Development Engineering and the Code Enforcement officers to Planning. Reclassification of Sr. Permit Specialist to Development Services Coordinator to improve customer service Reclassification of Permit Specialists to Permit Facilitators to improve customer service and expand Express Permitting Reassigned two Planners to Building to improve Commercial plan review Reduced Spokane County contract for software maintenance. Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 76 2/19/2013 Im Community Development - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Administrative, Planning, Development Engineering, Building REDUCTION 3% ($66,580) Continued... 3% reductions were taken from each division to meet the objective. These reductions will limit customer service as described be- low: Administration: • Reduces the ability to respond to department and customer needs by limiting staff training, needed equipment, software, and publications. Development Engineering: • Limit professional certifications and training which will reduce our ability to provide technical assistance to our customers. Planning: • Reduce one half time assistant planner position. This reduces our ability to process land actions in a timely manner, and inhibits our capacity for processing code amendments that improve our competiveness with neighboring jurisdictions. • Reduces our ability to staff the planning counter in the permit center. • Limit professional certifications and training which will reduce our ability to provide technical assistance to our customers. • Eliminate the Code Enforcement Abatement Fund. Staff will need council approval to amend budget prior to moving for- ward with any potential abatements. Building: • Limit professional certifications and training which will reduce our ability to provide technical assistance to our customers. • Eliminate the public portal on the SMARTGov system. Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 77 2/19/2013 Im Community Development - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Administrative, Planning, Development Engineering, Building REDUCTION 6% ($202,337) 9% ($265,233) This reduction maintains all of the 3% reductions in addition to the following: • Includes additional operation and maintenance general cuts at 6% • Reduce one associate planner position. This would eliminate processing of Home Occupation permits (this will lead to a greater need for code enforcement), reduces our ability to process land actions in a timely manner, and inhibits our capac- ity for processing code amendments that improve our competiveness with neighboring jurisdictions. • Reduces our ability to staff the planning counter in the permit center. • Significant reductions in customer service. This reduction maintains all of the 3% and 6% reductions and includes the following: • Includes additional operation and maintenance general cuts at 9% • Further reduces staff by (2) half time assistant planners • Eliminates staff's ability to process code amendments. • Eliminates our ability to staff the planning counter in the permit center • Eliminates our ability to provide planners for pre-application meetings. • Increases code enforcement complaints and results in increased processing times. • Eliminates timely responses for planning related inquiries. • Increases permit processing, and land use action turn-around times. Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 78 2/19/2013 w Parks and Recreation Vol. 5 Overview With offices located in the CenterPlace Regional Events Center, the Parks and Recreation Depart- ment consists of six divisions: Parks Administra- tion; Parks Maintenance; Recreation; Aquatics; Senior Center; and CenterPlace. The Department is comprised of nine FTEs. Parks Maintenance and Aquatics services are contracted with external businesses/agencies. The Parks & Recreation De- partment also maintains a database of local recrea- tion programs and services to help match citizens with existing services. Parks&Recreation Director Park Operations& Maintenance (Contract Svcs) Aquatics Operations& Maintenance (Contract Svcs) Administrative Assistant CenterPlace Jantorial Services (Contract Svcs) Precinct Maintenance (Contract Svcs) Senior Center Specialist Recreation Coordinator CenterPlace Customer Relations/ Facilities Coorinator CenterPlace Administrative Assistant Maintenance Worker Facilities(2.0 FTE) CenterPlace Office Assistant I 79 2/19/2013 Pr Parks and Recreation— Parks Administration / Parks Maintenance, Recreation and Aquatics Program Descriptions Parks Administration / Parks Maintenance - The Administration Division provides direction and leadership for the Parks and Recreation Department which includes: • implements the goals and objectives of the City Council • develops policies and procedures • facilitates the upkeep & use of parks and public areas including the Centennial Trail • manages the private park maintenance, aquatic operation and janitorial contracts • works to acquire and develop new park facilities • provides facility maintenance at the Police Precinct • administers City Special Event permits Recreation - The Recreation Division develops, coordinates and facilitates the delivery of recreation programs, services and events throughout the City which includes: • summer day camp, Kindercamp, summer park program & outdoor movies • designs and publishes the Recreation Program brochure twice a year • coordinates and offers over 21 different recreation programs year round • partnerships with YMCA, East Valley School District, Liberty Lake, Spokane Valley Partners, City of Spokane & Spo- kane County • maintains database of local recreation programs & services to help match citizens with existing services Aquatics - The City of Spokane Valley owns three outdoor swimming pools which provide: • open swim opportunities • swim lessons, swim team, and facility rentals • the City leases a portion of Valley Mission Park for Splash Down — a privately operated water park 80 2/19/2013 F Parks and Recreation— CenterPlace and Senior Center Program Descriptions CenterPlace Regional Event Center - This facility is a regional focal point for NE Washington, Northern Idaho and Western Montana. Located in Mirabeau Point Park, CenterPlace is a 54,000 square foot facility, open seven days a week, that is home to the Valley Senior Center and the Parks and Recreation Department. Additionally, it has a great room, commercial kitchen, fireside lounge, numerous meeting rooms, multi-purpose rooms, and a high tech lecture hall/auditorium. Activities at CenterPlace include: • reserves and rents to over 950 educational, corporate and social events annually • provides set up and take downs for all activities • manages long-term leases of space • manages food services & marketing contract • partnerships with Spokane Community College and Central Valley School District Senior Center - The Senior Center promotes fellowship, health, recreation, social and educational opportunities for persons fifty years and older. The Valley Senior Center occupies the east wing at CenterPlace from 8-4 Monday through Friday. The Spokane Valley Senior Citizens Association in coordination with City staff: • manages the Senior & Wellness Center • coordinates all activities and programming - over 35 different programs • utilizes over 75 volunteers • facilitates Meals on Wheels program • maintains a membership of over 1000 81 2/19/2013 F Parks and Recreation— Goals and Strategies Goals Strategies G-1 2013-2018 Implement recommendations of the newly updated Parks and Recreation Mas- • ter Plan, including the continued development of aquatic and recreation pro- • grams that serve the needs of our citizens. • • • Develop & implement six-year capital improvement program Pursue park acquisitions and development Explore adding additional recreation programs to meet customer need Continue to contract for park maintenance & aquatic operation services Partner with local jurisdictions for joint use agreements G-2 Implement the updated CenterPlace Regional Marketing and Communications Plan G-3 Make facility improvements to CenterPlace. 2013-2018 • Increase seasonal staffing to accommodate a higher level of service for events • Develop "CenterPlace's Partner Services"with local event planners • Contract marketing services to help implement marketing plan • Expand website to include more links & interactive pricing guide • Expand Red Rock involvement in events as our"in-house" caterer G- -4 Expand senior services to serve changing needs and expectations of the sen- ior population G-5 Work with Centennial Trail Partners to develop 20 Year Plan. 2013-2018 • Expand meeting spaces as necessary • Schedule preventative maintenance and facility updates to maintain Cen- terPlace in new condition • Explore opportunities to provide additional services • Explore updating sound systems in the Great Room & Lounge • Consider adding outdoor storage facility 2013-2018 • Challenge to serve current age demographics and to attract new partici- pants • Add new, active programming • Increase involvement with neighboring retirement communities • Educate the community at-large about the purpose and potential of the Senior Center 2013-2018 • Seek grant opportunities for capital repairs • Develop a long range maintenance plan 82 2/19/2013 F Parks jad Recreation Workload Statistics Goal Workload 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target G-1 Acres maintained Trees Planted Overall number of park facility reservations per year Number of recreation classes offered Spokane Valley population 126 126 126 126 126 5 11 25 10 17 222 258 252 308 4071 77 75 90 100 100 10 new per year +10 per year +10 per year Number of open swim hours available/season Number of swim lesson/team registrations G-2 88,920 89,440 90,210 90,110 90,550 980 Number of area businesses/hotels contacted for use of CenterPlace Number of reservations per year Number of operating hours per year Number of room use hours booked per year G-4 Number of participants in Senior programs or workshops per year Average age of Seniors participating in programs Number of Senior programs offered per year G-5 Miles of Centennial Trail 1,220 24,400 721 1,200 1,430 1,326 1,326 1,326 Maintain 2008 hours 24,400 815 1365 24,400 823 1,244 21,649 816 1,351 21,650 950 Contact all in region +10%per year 4,633 4,633 4,780 5,514 4,633 5,441 4,633 4,633 5,379 6,119 36,840 38,001 34,624 34,442 35,678 +10%per year 74.85 50 75.70 50 74.90 75.70 74.50 50 50 50 60 per year (ultimate) 6.78 6.78 6.78 6.78 6.78 Number of grants applied for (Applied for by Trails Partners) 0 0 0 0 0 1 per year Labor hours to maintain Centennial Trail 900 900 900 900 900 Maintain 2008 level revised tracking of reservations due to new software. Population based on Association of Washington Cities data. 83 2/19/2013 F Parks and Recreation— Performance Results Goal Performance 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target G-1 Developed park acres per 1000 population 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 Recreation program recovery vs direct cost 167% 105% 110% 92.44% 92% Maintain 2008 recovery Parks& Recreation budget per capita $29.74 $31.44 $32.43 $31.22 $32.59 Percentage of citizens who participated in a recreation program or activity(citizen survey) — 45% — 46% — Percentage of citizens who have visited a City of Spokane Valley park(citizen survey) — 84% — 82% — Percentage of citizens rating recreation programs or classes with a positive rating (citizen survey) — 95% — 92% — Percentage of citizens rating recreation centers or facilities with a positive rating (citizen survey) — 93% — 93% — Percentage of citizens rating quality of parks with a positive rating (citizen survey) — 98% — 98% — G-2 Percentage of facility capacity per Great Room reserved 26% 21% 19% 20.2% 21.7% Percentage cost recovery per CenterPlace (CenterPlace revenues covered %of the expenses. Expenditures do not include building replacement funds) 68% 63% 61% 51% 53% Percentage of area businesses utilizing CenterPlace' .0067% .0079% .0075% .0095% .0215 Reach for 25% Percentage of facility capacity per Lounge reserved 15.7% 11% 23% 19% 23% Percentage of regional use of facility 18% 24% 16% 14% 18% 30% (ultimate) 1 Registered businesses with the City of Spokane Valley 84 2/19/2013 F Parks and Recreation— Performance Results, continued Goal Performance G-4* Level of satisfaction (a positive rating)for quality of Senior servi (citizen survey) Percentage of Seniors over 60 in Spokane Valley per capita (Census data is not current)' G-5 What percentage of City of Spokane Valley Seniors who participate in programs attend Health &Wellness Programs?2 (age 50 and up) Cost to maintain per capita per trail mile Percentage of successful grant applications (Applied for by Trails Partners) Miles of Trail per 1000 households 'Senior numbers will vary because different ages are used. Some use age 50, others age 60 2Question reworded for clarity and adjustments made to measures to reflect change in wording 85 2/19/2013 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target :es — 91% — 92% — 14.5% 15.76% 17.01% 19.71% 19.71% 14% 24% 34% 40% 40% $.04 $.04 $.04 $.05 $.05 0 0 0 0 0 .076 .076 .076 .076 .076 'Senior numbers will vary because different ages are used. Some use age 50, others age 60 2Question reworded for clarity and adjustments made to measures to reflect change in wording 85 2/19/2013 Parks and Recreation - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Parks Administration / Parks Maintenance, Recreation and Aquatics, Senior Center & CenterPlace REDUCTION 2013 Budget +1% ($42, 053) 3% ($89,422) In order to meet the directive to produce an initial 2013 Budget that is no greater than 1% over the 2012 Adopted Budget it was actually necessary that the Parks & Recreation Department begin with budget cuts. • Reductions were taken in Park Administration, Park Maintenance, CenterPlace, Recreation, Aquatics and the Senior Center. Significant Impacts include: • $10,000 for the Master Plan for a skate park was removed. $10,000 in Temporary Seasonal staffing with both Recreation and CenterPlace has been removed. Our ability to provide outstanding customer service and sufficient staffing will be reduced. • $5,000 for repairs in Park Maintenance. • $5,625 for replacement chairs at CenterPlace. • $11,000 worth of reductions in various line items over the entire Department. In addition to the above, to achieve a 3% reduction in the proposed 2013 budget the following reductions are offered for consid- eration: • $10,000- Reduction in Administration Professional Services. This will eliminate the Master Plan for a Dog Park. There will be no planning dollars for 2013. • $6,600- Reduction in Recreation Professional Services. This will eliminate the two summer in the park movies for 2013. These movies were attended by over 1000 people last year. • $3,500- Reduction in Recreation Miscellaneous Services. This will eliminate the Haunted Pool Event at Valley Mission Park that has been offered for the past three years. • $10,000- Reduction in CenterPlace Advertising. This will reduce our marketing efforts by 20% impacting our ability to gain necessary exposure for our Regional Event Center. • $15,000- Reduction in Maintenance Repair and Maintenance Supplies. This will eliminate all funding for the replace- ment of park signs with our new City sign standard. • $3,000- Reduction in Aquatics Water Usage. This will reduce the expenditure for water at our pools. • $38,500- Reduction in Aquatics Professional Services. This will reduce the current summer swim season by one week at all three pools. Continued..... Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 86 2/19/2013 Parks and Recreation - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Parks Administration / Parks Maintenance, Recreation and Aquatics, Senior Center & CenterPlace REDUCTION continued... 3%' ($89,422) 6% ($178,843) 9% ($268,265) **The Aquatics budget includes $35,000 to repaint Terrace View Pool. All three pools will need to be repainted in the next few years. If the swimming season is to be shortened, then I would recommend eliminating the $35,000 for pool painting and restoring the following proposed reductions: • $6,600 for Recreation summer movies program • $3,500 for Recreation Haunted Pool program • $10,000 for CenterPlace Advertising • $10,000 for Administration Dog Park Master Plan In addition to the reductions above add the following for consideration: • $89,421 — Reduction in CenterPlace building replacement fund payment. This will reduce the annual payment from $317,000 to $227,579. In addition to the reductions above add the following for consideration: • $89,422 — Reduction in CenterPlace building replacement fund payment. This will reduce the annual payment from $317,000 to $138,157. 6 —Year Budget and Staffing Impact Summary As long as the revenue continues to shrink so will our programs and services. At the same time, we are adding additional park facilities to our inventory. Therefore, we will need to continue to reduce the length of services we currently provide or, in some cases, eliminate them. However, reduction or elimination creates increased costs to bring a park back online or to re-institute a program or service that was lost. The public has a basic expectation of having safe and well-maintained facilities and services available when they want to use them. We have the ability to increase revenues for certain programs and services but that is not the complete solution. Additional sources of income need to be explored and developed. If Parks and Recreation is important to our citizens then that needs to be reflected in our budgetary process. *Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 87 2/19/2013 Public Works Vol. 5 The Mission of the Public Works Department for the City of Spokane Valley is to provide overall planning, construction, operations and maintenance of the city's public works infrastructure and facilities. Overview The Public Works Department oversees the City's transportation system, which includes construction and maintenance of streets, stormwater systems, operations and maintenance of traffic signs and signals and transportation planning. The Depart- ment also provides coordination with other City departments on the planning, design and construction of City parks and civic fa- cilities, along with participation in regional public works issues such as solid waste, wastewater, and high-capacity transporta- tion. Public Works Director Administrative Assistant Public Works Maintenance Superintendent ain enance Construction Inspector(1.5 FTE) Senior Engineer Traffic Assistant Engineer Traffic Engineer Stormwater Assistant Engineer Stormwater Engineering Technician Stormwater Maintenance Construction Inspector(1.5 FTE) Senior Engineer CIP Senior Engineer Project Manager 2.0 FTE) Assistant Engineer Administrative Assistant Engineering Technician II Engineering Technician I (2.0 FTE) 89 2/19/2013 Pr Public Works— Administration and Capital Improvement Program Descriptions Administration - Provides direction, support, and coordination to Public Works staff facilitating the delivery of services throughout the community. Develops, oversees and implements the expenditures of all Public Works budgets. Responsible for coordination with providers of solid waste, wastewater and other regional public organizations such as Spokane Regional Transportation Council. Capital Improvement Program - Plan, design and construct new facilities owned by the City of Spokane Valley. These projects include roads, bridges, park facili- ties, civic and community buildings. This requires careful prioritized long-range planning, acquisition and management of state and federal grant funding, coordination with stakeholder groups, and proficient project management. Tasks include: • Development of annual 6-year Transportation Plan (TIP) • Prioritization, development and submittal of grant requests for: o Washington State - Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) o Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) o Washington State - Highway Bridge Program (HBP) o Washington State - Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) o Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) o And other State and Federal Funding Sources • Implementation of Capital Projects o Oversees Project Budgets o Project Design o Survey o Purchasing Right of Way o Bidding o Construction o Warranty/Closeout o Compliance with Granting Agencies • Coordinate with Spokane County on Full-Width Paving on STEP projects • Coordinate with SRTC and other jurisdictions on regional transportation policies and projects 90 2/19/2013 F Public Works— Street Fund Program Description Maintenance Division - Provides responsive and effective management and maintenance of City streets, snow and ice control, and debris removal, allowing for safe transportation throughout the community. Many different types of services are required to maintain the entire infrastructure. They are as follows: • Maintain 460 Center Line Miles of City Streets • Pavement Management Plan. • Asphalt Paving (Summer Season). • Cold Mix Patching (Winter Season). • Crack Seal Program (Summer Season). • Gravel Shouldering Edge Roadway Maintenance. • Spring/Summer/Fall Sweeping. • City Sidewalks Cleaning in the spring. • Storm Water Structure Cleaning. • Winter Snow Maintenance. • Fleet Maintenance. • Materials Handling & Storage. • Concrete Curb and Sidewalk Repair. • Vegetation Control/Weed Abatement. • Litter/Trash Control. • Responded to all Citizen Action Requests Forms. • Provide Emergency Response 24/7 - 365 Days per Year. • Oversee Spokane County Striping, Crosswalks and Legends Painting Program. • Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Program. • Guardrail and Fence Repairs. • Gravel Road Grading. • Employee Safety Training. • Monitor Contractor Performance in all contracted programs. 91 2/19/2013 F Public Works— Street Fund Program Description, continued Traffic Division - Provides traffic engineering for safe and efficient multi-faceted transportation systems throughout the City. Oversees the operation of traffic signals and the installation and maintenance of signing and striping. Responsible for transportation planning and design support to the capital improvement program. • Optimizes and coordinates traffic signals. • Prepares traffic control, signal, signing, and striping plans and specifications in cooperation with the capital improvement program. • Reviews traffic studies for all development projects within and outside of city limits. • Applies for funding, installs and maintains school zone flashing beacons. • Assists in the preparation of grant applications for capital project funding. • Analyzes collision reports forwarded from Spokane Valley Precinct. • Develops clear view triangle standards and coordinates with code enforcement to correct safety problems. • Oversees and monitors traffic level of service for all signalized and stop controlled arterial intersections • Reviews traffic control plans for oversize loads, special events, and some right-of-way permits. • Works with Community Development on bicycle and pedestrian planning. • Coordinates with SRTC on regional traffic modeling. • Organizes the collection of annual traffic counts on arterial streets. The traffic division contracts with Spokane County and WSDOT for maintenance of our 86 traffic signals, 20 flashing school beacons, 3 traffic cameras, 14,000+ traffic signs, and all roadway striping. Collectively the City staff and contract employees eval- uate and respond to over 400 traffic-related citizen requests per year. While some of the citizen requests are maintenance related and get forwarded directly to our contractors, the Traffic Division directly handles concerns regarding traffic signal timing, stop or yield signs, changes to speed limits, school zone modifications, crosswalks, illumination, and many others. Is a member of the Spokane Regional Transportation Management Center (SRTMC) which is a multi-jurisdictional control facility developed to enhance and support advanced transportation management capabilities throughout the Spokane Area. 92 2/19/2013 II lir Public Works— Stormwater Utility Program Description Stormwater Utility - The Stormwater Utility (SW) oversees storm water in the City to effectively collect, treat, store, and discharge stormwater, managing the risks to public safety, health, and property from flooding, erosion, ponding, and degradation. This is accomplished through the following responsibilities: • SW System Inventory and Investigation • Graphic Information System (GIS) Mapping • Compliance with Environmental Law • SW Capital Improvement Program Development • Street Sweeping Operations • Drainage Structure Cleaning Operations • Engineering Design • SW Maintenance Projects • Swale and Landscape Area Maintenance • SW Public Education & Outreach • Response to Public Service Requests • City Parcel Certification and Fee Administration The Utility provides development and oversight to individual stormwater system projects and improvements in conjunction with pro- jects led by others including County Sewer and City Street projects. The Utility develops a Six Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to assist in prioritization of projects to improve stormwater collection, treatment, storage, and discharge. The Utility oversees the requirements of the Clean Water Act for stormwater discharges including implementation of the City's Nation- al Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, Underground Injection Control (UIC) rules, and monitoring regulations for discharges to Aquifer Protection Areas and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements for the Spokane River. The Utility pro- vides required annual reporting to the Washington State Department of Ecology. The Utility oversees street sweeping, inspects and prioritizes stormwater structure cleaning and maintenance and oversees landscape maintenance of swales and landscaped areas. The Utility reviews and updates all commercial and residential parcels and provides certification to the County Assessor for the storm and surface water utility charge on all City parcels. 93 2/19/2013 F Public Works Goals and Strategies Goals Strategies (Council Goal) Continue monitoring wastewater issues (Council Goal) Pursue the topic of Solid Waste 2012-2017 • Including governance of wastewater facilities, and pursuit of the most effi- cient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharges licenses. G-1 Implement the Street Master Plan Phase I (when adopted by Council). G-2 Continue optimization of the City's traffic signal system G-3 Continue implementation of the Stormwater program 2012-2017 • To include indentifying the issues and obtaining alternatives of joining the consortium or handling it ourselves and the consequences of each alterna- tive. 2012-2017 • Implement Pavement Management Program and Transportation Improve- ment Plan (TIP) as approved by Council 2012-2017 • Update and revise signal timing plans for the city's major intersections • Coordinate the design of the funded ITS projects • Continue providing traffic related services on new development proposals 2012-2017 • Develop plan for storm drain maintenance & operations • Develop street sweeping plan • Develop a six-year capital program for stormwater facilities • Develop a six-year plan for compliance with the Underground Injection Con- trol (UIC) program • Continue to assist in meeting the City's National Pollution Discharge Elimi- nation System (NPDES) Phase II permit requirements • Purchase a site and construct a City street waste decant facility G-4 Implement Capital Improvement Projects as approved by Council 2012-2017 • Continue to monitor, update, and implement the Transportation Improve- ment Plan (TIP) • Pursue additional funding opportunities for capital projects • Continue coordination with other departments on non-transportation capital projects 94 2/19/2013 F Public Works— Workload Statistics Goal Workload 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target G-1 Centerline lane miles of street maintained 438 460 460 461 461 Number of citizen action requests for street maintenance 1875 1078 1166 1066 1027 Street sweeping (in tons) 545.4 472.92 796.5 695.25 894 G-2 Traffic signals maintained 84 86 86 85 86 Traffic counts performed 159 158 133 135 202 School beacons maintained 16 20 20 26 32 Traffic signs maintained 14,000 14,000 14,000 21,0001 21,000 G-3 Number of drywells 7,300 7,330 7343 7376 7,416 Number of drywells cleaned 267 245 167 175 206 New drywells registered 30 33 10 14 10 G-4 Dollars of Capital Improvements(actual dollars spent) $17,475,243 $21,482,584 $7,008,066 $5,882,924 $9,086,820 Number of construction projects managed 18 28 30 32 44 Full-time employees for Capital Improvement Projects(CIP) 9 9 9 9 8 1 Spokane County revised the database regarding traffic signs in 2011 to obtain a more accurate number of street signs 95 2/19/2013 F Public Works— Performance Results Goal Performance 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target G-1 Percent of citizens who rated snow removal as positive(citizen survey) — 73% — 80% — Ton of cold patch for potholes 27 17.55 8.10 36.10 77.36 Percent of citizens who rated street repairs as positive(citizen survey) — 73% — 68% — Percent of citizens who rated clean streets as positive(citizen survey) — 88% — 87% — Street maintenance cost per capita $44.83 $49.67 $42.88 $58.00 $41.19 Lane miles maintained per 1000 population 4.926 5.14 5.10 5.12 5.12 Street sweeping expenditures per capita $5.24 $3.83 4.86 4.92 5.77 Street condition based on the Overall Condition Index 70 70 70 — — G-3 Percent of citizens who rated quality of storm drainage as positive(citizen survey) — 92% — 91% — Cost per ERU (Equivalent Residential Unit) $21.00 $21.00 $21.00 $21.00 21.00 Cubic yards of new drywells constructed 1,200 cy 1,320 cy 400cy 560cy 400cy G-4 Dollars of Capital Improvement Projects managed per FTE $1,941,694 $2,386,954 $778,674 $653,658 $1,135,852 Percent of grant funds vs. City funds 73%grant 27%City 72%grant 28%City 64%grant 36%City 76%grant 24%City 71%grant 29%City 96 2/19/2013 Im Public Works - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Administration and Capital Improvement, Street Maintenance, and Stormwater REDUCTION 2013 Budget +1% 9% ($42,000) The proposed 2013 PW General Fund budget is 3.73% less than the targeted 1% increase above the 2012 budget. • The PW General Fund was able to keep the same level of service and meet the directive to produce an initial 2013 Budget at the 3.73% less than the targeted 1% increase as a result of carefully examining the expenditure history in all accounts and reducing the budget requests in a variety of line items to more closely reflect previous spending. No additional reductions would be required: • The proposed 2013 budget already has a 3.73% reduction. To meet a 6% reduction: • Reduce Engineering &Architectural line item by $21,000, leaving $27,000. 0 The reduction of Engineering &Architectural funding will impact staff's ability to hire consultants to assist in the development of state/federal grant applications, development of the Six Year TIP, and to support other miscel- laneous projects that come up throughout the year. This will result in a reduced level of service by not being able to complete some normal, annual tasks as well as other miscellaneous projects. In addition to the 6% reduction: • Reduce Engineering &Architectural line item to $6,000; this would be a total reduction of$42,000 for this line item. 0 The reduction of Engineering &Architectural to $6,000 would provide little outside consultants for projects. This would increase the strain on the current staff level that currently relies on consultants to get projects com- pleted. 0 Without utilizing consultant contracts, the city would be unable to complete projects in a timely manner and would reduce levels of service to citizens. 0 The further reduction of Engineering &Architectural funding will impact staff's ability to hire consultants to as- sist in the development of state/federal grant applications, development of the Six Year TIP, and to support oth- er miscellaneous projects that come up throughout the year. This will result in a reduced level of service by not being able to complete normal, annual tasks as well as other miscellaneous projects. Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 97 2/19/2013 Er ADDENDUM A: Economic Development Vol. 5 Mission to be defined Overview The Economic Development Program was initiat- ed in 2011. The program currently focuses on providing a favorable climate for business and de- velopment, through reasonable city zoning and development rejuvenation, provide excellent cus- tomer service through permitting and building pro- grams and ensure adequate infrastructure throughout the city. Council Economic Development Existing Agencies City Manager 99 2/19/2013 I■ I. Economic Development Goals and Strategies Goals Strategies G-1 Identify steps to assist in Economic Development 2012-2017 Improve permit process • Make a decision on moving the permit center to City Hall • Continue to look for process improvements at permit center • Review development regulations Partner Association • Devote staff resources to work more actively with partner agencies that provide ED for Spokane Valley • Create web links to partners • Send a welcome letter to all new businesses when they register Resources • Expand our inventory of resources and make them available to the public • Staff to move forward to develop information and brochures and initiate more of a direct economic development presence for the City Infrastructure • Add Sprague stormwater improvement to the 2012 Budget G-2 Support legislation that promotes Economic Development 2012-2017 • SEPA legislation to modernize statewide Environmental Protection Act re- quirements 101 2/19/2013 F Economic Development Workload Statistics Goal Workload 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Target G-1 102 2/19/2013 I■ I. Economic Development Performance Results Goal Performance 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Target G-1 103 2/19/2013 lEir ADDENDUM B: Spokane Valley Police Department Contract Services Vol. 5 Introduction The Spokane Valley Police Department (SVPD) is included as an Addendum to the plan because their services are provided by con- tract with the Spokane County Sheriff's Office. The Spokane Valley Police Chief, Rick Van Leuven, reports to the City Manager and to the Spokane County Sheriff. The SVPD information in the Business Plan is important to: • Provide information as to the police department's structure and how that translates into services to the city's citizens. • Gain an understanding of the costs involved in providing these services. In reviewing the police department Business Plan, it is important to note that the Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Services specifies the type and timing of budgetary changes that the city can make to law enforcement. Spokane Valley Police Department Administration Administrative Staffing Level: Chief-1 Precinct Commander-1 Administrative Sergeant-1 This addendum includes changes that have not yet been adopted by Council. 105 2/19/2013 I Spokane Valley Police Department— Patrol Division The Spokane Valley Police Department consistently invests available resources toward community-wide safety and security, eco- nomic viability and the positive reputation of our city. We do so by providing a highly-trained, dedicated team of professionals, working in partnership with our community, through utilizing their unique talents and skills in conjunction with new technology and research-based criminal justice training. Patrol Division Our patrol division operates under a broad philosophy that embraces a whole-hearted determination to protect and support individual rights, while at all times providing for the security of persons and property within the community. This division is the backbone of an organization whose very existence is justified solely on the basis of community service. In general, patrol's function is to respond to calls for assistance, act as a deterrent to crime, enforce state and local laws and re- spond to emergencies 24 hours per day seven days per week. Specifically, this division provides the following services within the lim- its of available resources: • Monitor, report, and investigate suspicious persons and situations, safety hazards, and unusual or illegal activity in the patrol area, to include vigilant observations of suspicious activity that may be tied to domestic or international terrorism; • Use Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP) methods, working in concert with Investigations and Crime Analysis, to implement an operational strategy to reduce crime through the combined use of analysis and criminal intelligence, focusing on active and recidivist offenders. The goal with an ILP is to identify crime patterns, groups, and linked crimes to anticipate the crime in an effort to reduce criminal opportunities through directed patrolling; • Maintain order, respond to emergencies, and conduct criminal investigations in an effort to identify, pursue, and arrest sus- pects and perpetrators of criminal acts; this also includes the collection of evidence, complete written reports, issue citations or warnings, and testify in court, when applicable; • Build relationships between patrol, SCOPE members, and neighborhood citizens in an effort to provide a safe living envi- ronment for the community and increase citizen awareness and involvement in community-oriented services; and, • Inspect public establishments to ensure compliance with state law and jurisdictional ordinances. 106 2/19/2013 F Spokane Valley Police Department— Patrol Division, continued Patrol Staffing Levels 2012 Lieutenants-2 Sergeants-6 Corporals-6 Deputies-44 Canine-2 Marine Deputies-2 Of the 44 deputies, one of those positions is used to staff the front desk Monday through Friday from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. The two depu- ties assigned to the Marine Unit are a shared resource. Impact of Staffing: Patrol deputies are the primary responders with respect to calls for service, and are the backbone of the agency. It is imperative that response times be as short as possible, as increased response times only cause more risk to both the public as well as officer safety. Staffing levels have a severe impact on response times and the ability to answer lower priority calls. There are often delays in re- sponse with current staffing levels that cause concern amongst citizens. Specialty units such as SWAT and EDU (Bomb Squad) are made up of officers assigned to patrol as well as detectives assigned to the Investigative Unit. Many hours are invested in the training of these individuals in specialty fields. Any reduction in personnel from either patrol or investigations would impact the sustainability of these special response units. Insufficient patrol staffing could have a negative effect on our local economy. Experience has shown that when law enforcement is not adequately able to respond to citizens' calls for service, the citizens are frustrated and dissatisfied, crime rates increase, and citizens do not feel safe within the community. Ultimately, this could impact a city's ability to attract and hold businesses. Staffing levels must also be maintained to a sufficient level to adequately respond to crimes in progress or to more than one critical incident at the same time, thus avoiding the possible loss of human life, and/or jeopardizing officer and public safety. 107 2/19/2013 F Spokane Valley Police Department— Traffic Division The function of the Traffic Division is to: • Promote safe and efficient movement of vehicles and pedestrians through Education, Enforcement, and Engineering • Monitor traffic flow to ensure public safety and enforce motor vehicle and criminal law through the issuance of citations and/or warnings to those persons not adhering to the law; • Investigate motor vehicle crash scenes as well as provide expertise to other investigators, including but not limited to major crimes scenes for Total Station services; • Direct traffic flow, reroute traffic, and evaluate in case of emergencies; • Assist local agencies in emergency situations by providing traffic control; and, • Reduce serious injuries and fatalities by using increased traffic enforcement; statistics show that increased citations in high-travel areas throughout the city reduce serious collisions/fatalities. Traffic Staffing Level: 1 Sergeant 1 Corporal 5 Deputies. Impact of Staffing: A tremendous amount of specialized training is invested in the officers assigned to the Traffic Division. With that training, they are able to effectively investigate a variety of collisions to include fatal, pedestrian, and motorcycle, often taking days and weeks to work up the collision and complete a thorough investigation. The loss of a trained collision investigator would not easily be replaced by any other officer or investi- gator who would have none of the specialized training held by a traffic officer. Washington State Traffic Commission grants pay for extra traffic enforcement in the Spokane Valley for Seat Belts, DUI, and Child restraint viola- tions. Although grant funds pay for these emphasis patrols, a portion of the revenue generated comes back to the City of Spokane Valley. Most importantly, without deputies on the streets writing tickets for collision violations and putting emphasis on safety, our fatalities may increase. Traffic school for drivers cited in the Spokane Valley will begin in 2012. The primary goal is to reduce collisions through education and is an example of how law enforcement can work with the public toward a safer community. Education and interaction with the citizens is one of the best ways for this to happen. What seems to be commonly noted from people who have gone through Spokane County's Traffic School is they don't mind spending their time and money when they get more out of the experience than paying a fine. This type of program not only educates, it builds trust, changes perceptions and provides an invaluable service to the community. 108 2/19/2013 F Spokane Valley Police Department— Crime Prevention The Spokane Valley Crime Prevention program is a proactive effort to educate the public and provide material and training that will reduce opportunities for crime in our city. One deputy is assigned to the Spokane Valley Police Department and provides: • Security surveys on request for commercial, residential and multi-family housing sites; • Training to the public on a wide variety of topics including: personal safety, internet safety, drug awareness, fraud and identity theft, terrorism awareness, workplace violence prevention, and crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED); • Information to citizens of community services and recommends options to facilitate long-term problem resolution; • Supports Neighborhood Watch; and, • Resource to City Department Heads Other Education Programs: • Child-Stranger Danger and Safety/ McGruff Program • Residential and Commercial Security • Robbery Prevention and Procedures • Crime Free Multi-housing • Nuisance/Safe Streets • Firearms Safety • Disaster Preparedness/Emergency Response • Rural Crime Prevention • Bicycle Safety/Safety on the Centennial Trail • DUI aggressive driving • SARA problem solving Impact of Staffing: This is one of the most important pro-active, crime-fighting assets provided to the community by the Spokane Valley Police Depart- ment. The performance of these functions requires a level of expertise that could not easily be replaced. Other positions within the Spokane Valley Police Department do not have the time to adequately address these issues. 109 2/19/2013 F Spokane Valley Police Department— School Resource Deputies School Resource Officers (SRO's) are an invaluable resource to Spokane Valley school districts by providing a uniformed presence within the schools, responding to crimes and other non-criminal related situations within the district, and providing assistance to include, but not limited to, criminal arrests, notice of infractions, informational reports, assisting with trespass order service, student education and awareness, and answering all other crime or non-crime related questions asked by district employees. SRO's often attend district meetings at various schools and buildings to provide expert advice on security and safety, give presen- tations to staff and students covering various subjects related to law enforcement, and act as a liaison and a source of information for the patrol division or any other law enforcement agency and the schools. One of the school administrator's goals in handling situations at each school is to return to a normal atmosphere as soon as possi- ble to minimize the distraction to the educational environment. Because the SRO is at the school, there is no waiting on a response from an officer, and the issue can be dealt with immediately. SRO Staffing Level: 4 Deputies Impact of Staffing: Early intervention benefits younger students who engage in activity that doesn't amount to criminal activity. The SRO's are often called to speak with students at the middle and elementary schools for this purpose, which is key to preventing potential criminal activity. This creates a "feeling of security" in the school that comes from having a marked patrol car at the various locations within the district, and a police presence with the contract based school and alternative school in the district. SRO's provide input to the safety and security policies and practices that are discussed and developed at monthly security meetings within the school districts. This helps keep school policies on safety and security in line with law enforcement and helps aid with emergency response to situations affecting the schools. The SRO's are working with the schools to develop a school discipline policy and a set of standards for the students to assist them with handling issues ranging from drug and gang intervention, criminal activity at school, and welfare checks at home. These efforts by the SRO's provide the tools for this unique group of students to become successful adults and not fall prey to criminal activities. The proactive efforts of our SRO's to deter such incidents as the "Columbine shooting" is a critical function for the safety of our children, citizens, and officers. 110 2/19/2013 F Spokane Valley Police Department— Training Impact of Staffing — TRAINING PROVIDED & FUNDED BY SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT The economic impact of bringing training to the Regional Training Center has brought in outside dollars that are spent supporting the local Spokane Valley business community. It is estimated by members of the Spokane Regional Convention and Visitors Bureau that in one year, the regional training program contributed $1.5 million dollars to the local economy. Total Students Trained Total Hotel Rooms Booked* 2006 118 84 2007 2008 1074 2516 1254 3252 2009 2010 2011 2012 2521 3096 3220 3163 2911 4084 3217 3065 *Total number of hotel rooms booked(i.e. students attends a three day class, counts as three hotel rooms booked).Numbers were figured conservatively, assum- ing that the student leaves Spokane the day of the last class. However, some students may elect to stay another night and travel back the next day. The Regional Training Center has spent the last few years establishing itself as a law enforcement training establishment, building itself up to the level where students travel from around the world to attend classes here. There were a total of 99 classes held at the Training Center in 2012. Students attending were not only from local law enforcement, but also included students from all over the United States as well as foreign countries. The Training Center has hosted students last year as well as previous years from the countries of Canada, Australia, Israel, Micronesia, Guam, Japan, and most recently China. Often times, if there are enough attendees paying for attendance at a scheduled training class, our officers are provided the oppor- tunity to attend at no cost. Investment in the Training Unit results in a win-win situation for the citizens and law enforcement of Spokane County and surrounding areas. In addition, the Sheriff's Office has realized significant savings by providing training locally for its officers instead of sending them out of town. It is extremely likely that our officers would not have been afforded the opportunity to attend the same amount of training, due to the cost of travel, lodging, and food, if the training was not provided locally. 111 2/19/2013 W- Spokane Valley Police Department— Investigative Division The Investigative Division serving the City of Spokane Valley consists of a Crimes against Property Unit dedicated to the City of Spokane Valley and several other units which are shared with the Spokane County Sheriff's Office. Their primary function is to provide investigative services and support that cannot be wholly accomplished by the Patrol Division because of Patrol's role as our primary emergency responders. The Investigative Unit is comprised of the following Units: Major Crimes Unit-SHARED • Responsible for crimes against persons investigations to include homicides and officer- involved fatal or near fatal incidents. • This unit is comprised of 1 Captain, 1 Lieutenant, 1 Sergeant, 6 Detectives, and 1 Domestic Violence Deputy. These po- sitions are shared between the City of Spokane Valley and the Spokane County Sheriff's Office. Sexual Assault/Sex Offender Registration Unit - SHARED • Responsible for investigating assaults that are sexual in nature, crimes against young children and the registration of sex offenders as well as insuring the sex offender's compliance with registration requirements. • This unit is comprised of 1 Sergeant, 6 Detectives and 1 Deputy; 3 Detectives are primarily responsible for investiga- tions, 2 Detectives are primarily responsible for registering of sex offenders, and 1 Detective and the Deputy are primarily responsible for the verification of the residence location of those registered. The Sergeant and 5 Detectives are shared be- tween the City of Spokane Valley and the Spokane County Sheriff's Office. • Partnerships supported in this unit are the Child Sexual Predator Task Force and the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. 112 2/19/2013 P 1 Spokane Valley Police Department— Investigative Division, continued Property Crimes Unit - DEDICATED • Responsible for crimes against property investigations. Using Intelligence-Led Policing (I LP) concepts, which focus on working groups of people committing a majority of the crime and use intelligence gathered from multiple sources, the Property Crimes Unit works to identify the suspects for investigation and successful prosecution. Goals are fo- cused on arriving at investigative priorities based on law enforcements' collective knowledge of who, where and what our problems are in addition to information received relative to individual incidents. This allows us to use our limited resources to more effectively and effi- ciently deploy personnel. • From 2010 forward, the Property Crimes Unit has successfully implemented the Intelligence Led Policing principles recognizing a sub- stantial increase in solvability over the years. Detectives have forwarded numerous cases to the Prosecutor's Office where they have been able to connect a suspect to as many as 100 incidents, in some cases more, and often charge them with leading organized crime, trafficking in stolen property, etc. The pawn database has also been an invaluable tool to detectives as they track down items of stolen property being pawned and connect the suspects to the crime. In addition, SVPD's use of Facebook has been a benefit as a way of com- municating with the community to identify the owners of recovered stolen property. • This unit is comprised of 1 Sergeant and 6 Detectives fully funded by the City of Spokane Valley. Investigative Task Force (ITF) - SHARED SO/VPD Personnel Funded: • 1 Lieutenant (*supervisory for ITF/SVGET/ISU/SRDTF) • 1 Sergeant • 5 Detectives • Primary focus on property crimes with emphasis on targeting Identity Theft, Trafficking in Stolen Property, Leading Organized Crime cases. Undercover support to other units, such as surveillance, purchase of stolen property, tracking down fugitives. • Partnered with Secret Service, U.S. Postal Inspection Service, Social Security Administration, and U.S. Marshal Service working joint cas- es. Participate in two State grant funded task forces: Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority (WATPA) and the Financial Fraud Identi- ty Theft (FFIT) task forces. • One detective is assigned to the Criminal Intelligence Unit which is a joint effort with the Spokane Police Department and pri- marily responsible for matters relating to Domestic Terrorism, funded by the Spokane County Sheriff's Office; and 1 Detective is as- signed to the Joint Terrorism Task Force, a collection of Federal, State and Local Officers primarily responsible for matters relating to Domestic and International Terrorism, with funding shared between Spokane County Sheriff's Office and the City of Spokane Valley. 113 2/19/2013 1 Spokane Valley Police Department— Investigative Division, continued Spokane Violent Crime/Gang Enforcement Team (SVGET)/Investigative Support Unit(ISU) - SHARED SO/VPD Personnel Funded: • 1 Sergeant • 5 Detectives (2 detectives assigned to Gangs; 3 assigned to ISU as primary narcotics investigators) Primary focus on gangs and drug crimes. Most gangs are financially supported by distributing illegal narcotics. Partner with FBI, SPD, WSP, DOC, and ATF working joint investigations. Those sworn in as Federal Task Force Officers are provided a vehicle, cell phone, fuel and overtime funded by the FBI. Spokane Regional Drug Task Force - SHARED SO/VPD Personnel Funded: • 2 Detectives (75% funded by grant and seizure funds) • 1 Deputy (75% funded by grant and seizure funds) • 1 Support Staff (100% funded by grant and seizure funds) Primary focus is on mid to upper-level Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs). Attempt to work narcotic investigations up to the highest source to disrupt narcotics flowing into Spokane County. Cases with ties to other states or foreign countries are adopted federally and worked with a Federal Agency; usually the DEA. Partnered with WSP, SPD, DEA, ATF, and National Guard Counterdrug. Funded completely with grant and seizure funds other than the 25% of officers salaries. Spokane Crime Analysts Team - SHARED • Responsible for providing research and analytical support to all of our investigative functions and are a critical component to ILP efforts. • Operates our Regional Intelligence Group where information sharing occurs with other law enforcement agencies and with the Washington State Fusion Center. • Produces most of the statistical data for the Sheriff's Office and the Spokane Valley Police Department. 114 2/19/2013 W- Spokane Valley Police Department— Investigative Division, continued Spokane Crime Analysts Team, cont. • This unit is comprised of 1 Supervisor/Analyst, 2 Civilian Analysts, and 1 Commissioned Analyst. • Partnerships supported by this unit intimately are the Financial Fraud/Identity Theft Task Force and the Washington Auto Theft Pre- vention Authority. • The impact of insufficient staffing on this team deprives patrol and investigative units dependent on that intelligence in identifying sus- pects and solving crimes. Impact of Staffing: While the Investigative Division continues to look for opportunities to improve efficiencies, they are, for all practical purposes, operating at capacity. 115 2/19/2013 I■ ` Public Safety— Goals and Strategies Goals Strategies G-1 To provide a professional and trustworthy police department 2013-2018 • Maintain professionalism in Spokane Valley Police Department's interac- tions with our citizens • Track data to determine the effectiveness in meeting this goal G-2 To respond to citizen calls for service as promptly as call volume and staffing levels permit G-3 To control crime rates within the City of Spokane Valley 2013-2018 • Collect and examine data to determine the effectiveness of Spokane Valley Police Department's response times 2013-2018 • Promptly recognize anomalous increases in crime • Identify and eliminate causes within Spokane Valley Police Department's control • Track data to determine the effectiveness in meeting this goal G-4 To investigate and work traffic related issues and respond to citizen traffic re- quests as call load and staffing levels permit to minimize traffic collisions within our City 2013-2018 • Work to reduce traffic collisions by identifying areas within our control through the use of statistical analysis, enforcement, education, and collabo- ration with City of Spokane Valley traffic engineers • Track data to determine the effectives in meeting this goal 116 2/19/2013 F Public Safety— Workload Statistics Goal Workload 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target G-1 Average number of incidents per officer 1 1,394 1,427 1,354 1,283 1,320 G-2 Number of citizen initiated calls for service 30,238 30,142 31,841 31,408 34,026 Number of officer-initiated incidents 29,693 31,199 26.377 23,782 22,716 Number of patrol officers 43 43 43 43 43 Incidents requiring written documentation 17,614 16,382 Total calls per patrol officer — — — — — Number of reports per patrol officer — — — — — G-3 Number of property crimes 2 - - - - 9,483 Number of crimes against persons 3 - - - - 1,168 Number of arrests 4 - - - - 3,206 Number of cases inactivated due to lack of evidence or leads — — — 42 58 G-4 Total number of traffic enforcement infractions and citations — — — 14,680 13,768 Number of traffic enforcement infractions and citations from citi- zen complaints — — — — 184 1 Since most incidents require multiple deputy response, this number is significantly underreported. 2 Includes: burglary, forgery, theft, vehicle theft, vehicle prowling, malicious mischief. 3 Includes: assault, kidnap, robbery, rape, child abuse, stalking. 4 This figure includes the number of incidents including arrests and/or citations; it does not include the total number of charges. 117 2/19/2013 F Public Safety— Performance Results Goal Performance 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Target G-1 Rate of citizen complaints per the number of officer incidents Outcome of complaint investigations: % Sustained % Not Sustained % Exonerated % Unfounded % Investigation Pending %Forms Not Returned Use of force incidents per 1,000 officer incidents Outcome of use of force investigations 0.217 0.194 11.1 11.1 55.6 0 11.1 11.1 1.286 1.392 % Justified % Excessive G-2 Average response times for priority 1 calls for service 1 G-3 Property Crimes—Assigned &Worked Clearance Rate (disposition—eg: settled w/arrest, inactivated, cleared for referral to prosecutors office) % solved % inactivated for lack of leads % solved by arrest G-4 429 88% 12% 75.5% Collisions per capita Percentage of traffic complaints worked 2 500 91.6% 8.5% 84% 0.022 100 0 87.90% 0.024 100 1 The current CAD system does not facilitate extracting an accurate number. The 3-5 minute range was determined by spot check evaluation. (See Performance and Workload Report 2012, page 20-21). 2 This number includes only those traffic complaints worked by the Traffic Unit. Patrol deputies frequently work traffic requests; however,their efforts are not recorded here. 118 2/19/2013 PI Public Safety - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact Summary's Submitted by Chief Rick VanLeuven Spokane Valley Police Department/Spokane County Sheriffs Office Impact of Potential Budget Decrease "The ultimate priority for the Spokane Valley Police Department is Public Safety" At the request of the Spokane Valley, SVPD has been asked to evaluate the impact of a 3%, 6% & 9% budget cuts for F.Y. 2013. Prior to assessing the impact of these cuts, it is appropriate to review the status of the current budget and the level of service provided in exchange for those funds. Currently, a Spokane Valley Police officer responds to over 1400 calls per year. The accepted norm is between 750 to 800 calls per officer per year. De- spite the shortage of personnel, the Spokane Valley Police Department maintains a positive rating with the citizens surveyed in Spokane Valley. Assessing the impact of a 3% budget reduction intuitively leads one to assume that it would result in a 3% reduction in police services. This, however, is not the reality. Effective law enforcement is synergistic in nature. In other words, the loss of any part reduces the overall effectiveness of the whole by an amount greater than the loss. A 3% cut equates to the loss of approximately four (4) full time employees. These employees could be removed from any one of a number of functional units, each with its own negative outcome. The following is a summary of the expected impact of the loss of the contributions of these employees based, on the proposed budget reductions. Impact of 3% Budget Cut: • Minimum staffing levels would be much more difficult to meet. As a result, overtime expenditures can be expected to rise. • Overall staffing levels would be consistently lower, resulting in: • Longer response times • Reduction in services provided • Police service becomes more reactive rather than proactive resulting in increased crime • Insufficient personnel to safely and effectively handle more than one major incident at a time, which increases the possibility of serious injuries or fatalities • Decreased citizen satisfaction with police services • Officers are reduced to documenting crime rather than solving crime and arresting the perpetrators • Call load per officer per year would increase from approx. 1,435 calls per officer to approx. 1,550 calls per officer (optimum call load being be- tween 750 and 800 calls per officer) *Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 119 2/19/2013 Public Safety - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Impact of 3%Cut, continued... • Reduction of community oriented policing • The loss of a single traffic officer results in • Significant reduction (8.25%) in traffic enforcement and subsequent revenue • Increase in the number of collisions, with a decrease in the ability to investigate them • Increased insurance premiums in the region • Loss of specific traffic investigation expertise that is expensive to replace • Decreased DUI emphasis resulting in additional DUI-related collisions • There currently are insufficient traffic personnel to handle the volume of traffic complaints; any reduction would exacerbate this problem. • We will lose valuable intelligence that will inhibit the success of the ILP program and other proactive projects; • Specialty units such as SWAT and EDU (Bomb Squad) are made up of officers assigned to patrol as well as detectives assigned to the In- vestigative Unit. Many hours are invested in the training of these individuals in specialty fields. Any reduction in personnel would impact the sustainability of specialty units; • Currently, about 35% of the property crimes cases with potential solvability are not investigated due to a lack of investigators. This problem be- comes significantly worse with the reduction of just one detective; • Should the Crime Prevention officer position be eliminated, the majority, if not all, of the crime prevention programs would be lost, reducing the overall safety of our community and resulting in increased crime • Any reduction of School Resource Deputies (SRD's) would: • Further increase the call load for patrol • Decrease the level of safety in Spokane Valley schools • Increase the crime in Spokane Valley schools • Reduce valuable intelligence that is currently gathered by the SRD's • The SRD's proactive efforts to deter such incidents as the "Columbine shooting" is a critical function that, if reduced, would jeopardize the safety of our children, citizens, and officers • In working with the contract school, the last-ditch efforts made by the SRD to provide tools for this unique group of students to become successful adults and not fall prey to criminal activities would be lost. *Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 120 2/19/2013 Public Safety - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* Impact of 6% Budget Cut: It will no longer be possible to consistently meet current minimum staffing levels (six deputies) necessitating redistricting the Spokane Valley into five rather than six patrol districts. Minimum staffing would drop to five. Officer and public safety will be critically reduced. Calls for service per officer would increase to over 1,687 The elimination of entire units such as Traffic, Crime Prevention, or SRD's will be necessary to maintain basic police functions. Expectation levels would be diminished to such an extent that certain investigations and types of calls for service will not be pursued; Would not have sufficient personnel to respond to low-priority crimes. Impact of 9% Budget Cut: • A reduction of nearly 15% of the personnel would create a catastrophic impairment in the ability of SVPD to provide basic law enforcement services. The resulting increase in crime will jeopardize public and officer safety and decrease the quality of life for all Spokane Valley residents. • Under these conditions it becomes extremely difficult to attract quality applicants to the police department. This results i n a reduction in the quality and professionalism of the personnel and creates a police department with a mercenary attitude lacking dedication to the community. In addition, high turnover rates will result as officers leave to work for other departments. • Anticipate significant officer-safety complaints from the Deputy Sheriff's Association and other labor unions. • This would inhibit the ability to work WA Traffic Safety Commission Emphasis Grants that will result in more serious and fatal collisions. The economic impact on our city will suffer due to the overall impact of reduced services. Continued next page *Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 121 2/19/2013 F Public Safety - 2013 Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* SUMMARY The Spokane Valley Police Department continues to seek out ways of reducing costs to their overall budget. The implementation of the False Alarm Re- duction program generated additional revenue for the City of Spokane Valley through the collection of registration fees. The revenue realized in 2011 to- taled $159,876, with a net of$119,907 to The City of Spokane Valley. While we will continue our efforts to find ways of cutting costs, any reduction in the law enforcement services provided by the Spokane Valley Police will not only have a financial and operational impact, but will also have a political impact upon our community as the economic development of ser- vices are directly related to the overall safety of our community. There will be potential catastrophic consequences directly related to the cause and effect of reducing services in our community, which threaten the safety of our citizens and officers. The reduction of service in one division will direct- ly impact the level of investigative service on another. Public safety must be moved to the top of our community's dedicated funding. Failure to adequately fund current law enforcement services will produce unacceptable low levels of public support, putting Homeland Security and public safety at risk. *Department Budget Staffing and Impact Summaries are drafted in coordination with original projections to develop the annual budget. These summaries may or may not be implemented in the approved, final budget. 122 2/19/2013 F ADDENDUM C: Foundation of the City of Spokane Valley Vol. 5 The City of Spokane Valley evolved from a mixture of neighborhoods that incorporated as a city on March 31, 2003. The new City gov- ernment was charged with providing services to 82,000 people. City leaders knew that a clear direction with a consistent message was needed to be successful in this endeavor. This new government had a different mentality than the other governments in the area and Spokane Valley leaders understood how important it was to solidify that different way of thinking from the very beginning. This City was to be responsive, focused on customer service, open to the public, progressive, efficient, lean, fair, and committed to providing a high quality of life. Vision Statement The first step was to establish a vision statement. That sets the City in motion on a course of success. Our Council believes that all people in Spokane Valley should have an opportunity to succeed, both in work and in personal lives. A well-balanced community ensures that a strong economy will exist to allow residents to enjoy life. The following vision statement was adopted to signify this belief. �A community of opportunity where individuals and families can grow and play and businesses will flourish and prosper. " Next, the City founders and leaders felt it was important to provide direction to the new City government organization and ensure that this community is unique. Developing the following values for the City accomplished these goals. 123 2/19/2013 City of Spokane Valley Values Community Identity and Pride. Spokane Valley promotes an environment that supports the home and family, and job and education op- portunities. Highlight areas: • A friendly, wholesome, safe place to live and raise a family • A City Center and economically healthy, diverse downtown area • Preservation of neighborhoods Focus on the Future. Spokane Valley is a visionary city encouraging its citizens and their government to look to the future beyond the present generation, and to bring such ideas to public discussion, enhancing a sense of community identity. Highlight areas: • A balanced approach to growth and development • Stewardship of land and resources, such as parks, recreation and natural areas • Preservation and growth of the economic and commercial job base of the community Open, Collaborative Government. Spokane Valley values a "user-friendly" government, in which governance practices and general op- erations consider how citizens will be served in the most responsive, effective and courteous manner. Highlight areas: • Citizen participation in the decision-making process • Strategic use of public/private and other partnerships • A "can-do" attitude on the part of City employees, and fair and consistent interpretation and implementation of regulations With these values, the City's foundation begins to take shape. The City now knows how it will operate. This will be a government that encourages participation, promotes a collaborative approach to problem-solving, inspires creativity, cultivating respect, and providing the highest level of services without over-burdening its citizens or businesses. 124 2/19/2013 1 Core Beliefs i i I SeC[lon 1. We believe that Spokane Valley should be a visionary city encouraging its citizens and their government to look to the future beyond the present generation and to bring such ideas to public discussion and to enhance a sense of community identity. Section 2. We believe that elected body decision-making is the only lawful and effective way to conduct the public's legislative busi- ness and that careful observance of a clear set of Governance Coordination Rules of Procedure can best enhance pub- lic participation and decision making. Section 3. We believe in the City Council as policy leaders of the City. One or more City Councilmembers are encouraged to take 1 the lead, where practical, in sponsoring Ordinances or Resolutions excepting quasi-judicial or other public hearings and the statutory duties of the City Manager as set forth in RCW 35A.13.020. 1 Section 4. We believe in hearing the public view. We affirm that members of the public should be encouraged to speak and be heard through reasonable rules of procedure when the public business is being considered, thus giving elected officials the broadest perspectives from which to make decisions. Section 5. We believe that the City of Spokane Valley's governance should be known as "user friendly," and that governance pracT) tices and general operations should consider how citizens will be served in the most responsive, effective and courteous manner. Section 6. We believe that the economic and commercial job base of the community should be preserved and encouraged to grow as an alternative to increasing property taxes. We believe it imperative to have an expanded and diverse economic base. Section 7. We believe that Councilmembers set the tone for civic discussion and should set an example by: (a) Setting high standards of decorum and civility. (b) Encouraging open and productive conversation amongst themselves and with the community about legislative matters. (c) Demonstrating respect for divergent points of view expressed by citizens, fellow Councilmembers and the staff. (d) Honoring each other and the public by debating issues within City Hall and the community without casting aspersions on members of Council, the staff, or the public. (e) Accepting the principle of majority rule and working to advance the success of"corporate" decisions. 125 2/19/2013 w I. Customer Service Program The City of Spokane Valley established a level of commitment to customer service that will help the City achieve all future goals. Our goal is to deliver service that is complete, consistent, and equitable to all our customers, and is based on the principles of integrity, re- spect, and responsiveness. Regardless of the reason for, or the method or frequency of contact, our customers will be treated with courtesy, Assessment & Improvement Customer Service Program 3. Communicate Our Goals & Standards 2. Define Customer Service 126 2/19/2013 I LCustomer Service Definition Customer Service Key Statement The CIO,of Spokane Va//eystrives to provide service in a respectful, knowledgeable, and welcoming manner. Respectful • Demonstrating courtesy and pro- fessionalism • Listening effectively • Responding in a timely manner • Exemplifying a no-surprised at- mosphere Knowledgeable • Fostering a team-oriented ap- proach • Providing alternatives • Anticipating questions • Having/knowing your resources • Being organized Welcoming • Acknowledging customers when they enter • Steering customers in the right direction • Promoting an enjoyable work en- vironment • Maintaining a clean and unclut- tered work environment • Treating people as individuals The foundation is now set. The City staff, management, and Council now have a clear understanding of what is expected of them and they have a solid support structure to give them confidence in the performance of their duties. 127 2/19/2013 Pr II Information Input Information will come from inside the organization, from staff and management, as well as from outside the organization from citizens, business -owners and others who frequent our community (workers, tourists, etc.). Employee Feedback Internal Input Council utilizes information from employees in a number of ways. Employees are often the information conduit from the customers to the Council, relaying de- mands or changing trends and they can often bring forward innovative way of providing effi- cient service-delivery. Information from employ- ees can be received in a variety of ways. Fol- lowing is a list of employee feedback tools, some that are currently utilized and some that may be used in the future. • Employee Survey • Internal Customer Survey • Commute Trip Reduction Survey Staff Analysis The City of Spokane Valley government is com- prised of knowledgeable professionals. Staff is charged with providing the specialized knowledge that allows the Council to make in- formed decisions. From demand analysis, which determines when the workload is heaviest and how to best accommodate it, to staff reports that consider alternative methods of service delivery or other cost-saving measures, employees are invaluable in providing complex information. An audit program can be utilized to ensure efficien- cy of service delivery for both in-house services and contracted services. In addition, perfor- mance measure results will be analyzed, looking at multi-year and performance and comparing to targets as well as making comparisons to other entities. • Demand Analysis • Staff Reports • Audits (future) • Performance Analysis Strategic Planning Several long-range plans that look at current trends to make future forecasts are continually updated. While much public input goes into these documents, the forecasting and planning is done by skilled staffers who must create inno- vative ways of achieving our future vision while meeting current needs, complying with the law, and operating within financial constraints. • Comprehensive Plan • 6-Year Transportation Improvement Plan • 6-Year Financial Forecast • Business Plan • CenterPlace Marketing Plan • Parks Master Plan • Street Master Plan—Pavement Manage- ment Program • Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan 128 2/19/2013 F Information Input As representatives of the citizens of Spokane Valley, the City Council must form policy that fairly represents all segments of our community, including residents, businesses, and those visiting our City. To maintain balance in serving the different needs that exist in Spokane Valley, it is necessary to receive feedback from customers and constituents. The City has already utilized citizen surveys to gain feedback while developing the Comprehensive Plan and for the needs assessment of the cable franchising process. In the future, citizen surveys can be utilized in an ongoing basis as part of strategic planning and performance measurement that are integral components of the Business Plan. Customer surveys can also play an important role in obtaining feedback by polling individuals and businesses that have had a recent interaction with the City. Comment cards and correspondence through phone calls and e-mails provide easy ways for customers to relay their experiences to Council and management. These unfiltered accounts of interaction with City staff allow those in charge of keeping the City on course to react immedi- ately if necessary or to further cultivate and reward improvement if a process is working well. The public can also choose to take a more active role in participation through public forums such as public hearings and open house functions as well as through service on advisory committees. In the future, focus groups may be utilized to allow for more focused feedback on a particu- lar subject so Council and staff can get a better feel for how a particular subject is received in the community and allow customers to play active roles in guiding the way services are delivered. • Customer Survey • Citizen Survey • Customer Service Request System • Comment Cards • Conversations with the Community • Lunch with the City Manager • Public Forums • Advisory Committees • Focus Groups • Customer Correspondence 129 2/19/2013 Council Goals Once the information has been gathered it can be included in the policy-making process. The City Council first looks at where we need to go based on the feedback from the community. Then they must determine the best way to get there based on input from employees and customers. The most challenging phase for the Council is to then allocate available resources in a way that ensures that all components are well-maintained and stay in good-working order so goals are reached as quickly and efficiently as possible while still adhering to the high-standards set by the over-arching principles of the City. New goals will be set by Council annually while progress toward previous years' goals will be measured. Though goals are set by Coun- cil they represent the goals of the citizens of the community. Major Goal Statements for 2012 (see page 26 for 2013 Major Goal Statements) The 2012 budget reflects the distribution of resources consistent with the Council's determination of core services priorities. The follow- ing goals represent just the very broad areas of concentration important to the well being of the community. • Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, and pursuit of the most efficient and eco- nomical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharge licenses. • Pursue the topic of Solid Waste, to include identifying the issue and research alternatives of joining the consortium or handling it ourselves and examining the consequences of each alternative. • Review and Evaluate development regulations and compare with surrounding cities. • Develop a Shoreline Master Program to provide appropriate regulatory protection for waters of statewide significance as required by state statute. • Pursue a legislative capital budget request for 1) funding for Sullivan Bridge replacement, and 2) funding for the acquisition of park land adjacent to the Park Road Pool. • Create an Economic Development Plan including options for a new City Hall. 130 2/19/2013 ■ I Summary: Citywide Business Plan The Departmental Business Plans for 2012-2017 have been completed and compiled in the Citywide Business Plan. The Citywide Business Plan pulls all the functions of the City to- gether into one common purpose - to achieve service delivery goals. The Citywide Business Plan allows decision makers to understand the interrelationship between and impacts of all departments and programs. Planning is the strength of government and is vital to ensure future community needs are met. Planning is continuous with- in the City organization in areas such as transportation im- provement, finance, parks and recreation, and the ongoing Comprehensive Plan. These plans flow into strategic goals of departmental plans. Now that plans are in place and steps have been taken to im- plement them, Performance Results have been included to assess the City's performance in achieving strategic goals. Progress toward achieving strategic goals is assessed through electronic data gathering or through report cards collected via citizen surveys. Some Performance Measurement results in- cluded in the 2012 business plan are based on information collected in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011, which provide bench- marks for 2012-2017. Other measurements not currently dis- played will continue to be collected to establish the basis for benchmarking in subsequent years' plans. Therefore, the business plan is not a once-a-year process; ra- ther it is one that is continually monitored and refined. Depart- ments meet on a regular basis to assess measurements and maintain focus on their goals. Employees let the City Manager know how things are going at the customer interaction level while citizens let the Council and Mayor know how they per- ceive the strategies are working. PLAN Comprehensive Plan Business Plan Budget Process 6-Year Transportation Plan 6-Financial Forecast Parks Master Plan CenterPlace Regional Marketing Plan Focus Groups Quarterly Reports Lunch w/City Manager Conversations with the Community Customer Comments MONITOR Performance Measures Customer Satisfaction Survey MEASURE 131 2/19/2013