2007, 11-07 Special Regular Meeting , . I Ai'VIk,ND.En AGEnrDA SYOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECiAL MEE11NG Council Meeting #127 Wednesciay, Novcrnber 7, 2007 6:00 p.m. Spakane Valley City Hall Council Cliambers 11707 E Sprague Avenur. Cauncil 12eyuests All Electronic Devices be Turned Off During Council Meeting CALL TU URDER: • nvvocaTroN: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCI;: ROLL CALL: APPROVAI, nF AGEdVDA: INTIZODUCTIOlY OF SPECTAI., GUESTS AND PIZESENTATiONS: COMiVCITTFE, IiOARU, LTAiSON SUWiARY 1tEPORTS: MAYUR'S REPORT: .Praclamatiorl: Flanrger Homeless A►varei7ess Week F'UBI..1C CO11ME\'T'S: This is an opporttmity for the nublic to speak on any topic. VJhen you eome to tlie podium, please state youe name and adciress for the recnrd and limit remarks to three minutes. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items eonsidered routine which are approved as a group. A Cotuncilmember may remove an item frorn the Consent Agenda to bc considered separately. a. Claim Vottchers: Voucher List Dsted 10/22/2007, vouchers as shown 12714 through 13114, for total amount nf $1,172,289.29 b. Pay Period rnding Octobcr 31, 2007: $273,322.50 c. Minutes fi•om October 23, 2007 Regular Council vleeting d. Mernoranciurn of Understanding betweeri City of Spokvie Valley and Spokane Caunty Library Distriet to share cost of City Center Master Planning Services NFW BUSINESS: 2. Second lteading Proposed Ordinance 07-022, Sunshine Disposal Franahise - Caly Driskell (public eommcnt] 3. Second Reading Proposed Qrdinance 07-023, Waste Management Hranchise - Cary T)riskell (public eornmcntJ 4. First Reading Proposed Qrdinance 07-024, Street Vaeation STV 04-07 - Karen Kendall [puHlic coniment] 5. Proposed Resolution 07-018, Collins Road Ptirking-Neil Kerslen (public eomment) 6. Motion Consideration: C,odging Tax Grant Allocations - Deputy Mayor Taylor [public caminentJ 7. Motion Consideration: Approval of JUB Change Order - Nleil Kersten ipublic eommcntJ 8. Motion Consideration: Barker Road Bridge Aesthetics - Neil Kersten [public tommentl 9. Motion Consideration: CTEQ Regional Collaboration Grant- Scott Kuhta (public comment] ] 0. Motion Consideration: Notification to 1,Vashington Utilities and Transportation Cornmission - Cary Uriskell (puFilic comment) Council Agenda I 1-07-07 Special Mcetinr Pfige l of 2 i 11. Mayortil Appointment: Cable Advisory Board - Mayor Wilhite [public cnmmentJ ~a. Proposcd i:mergency Interim Orciinance 07•025 A mending Speeifi e Sections of UDC Titles 19,22 and Appendis A DeFnitions - vlike Connelli, ~ 1 U. Motion Consideration: Appellant's Mation to Continue Date fnr A}ipeal;Hcaring - Mike Corinelly PUBLIC COlVaVIENTS T'his is an nppoirtunity f'or the public to speak on any topic. 1'Vhen you come to the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minuces. AUM1NiST12ATNE REPORTS: 12. Proposed County Animal CAntrol Ordinance-Nancy Hill 13. Community ke-liccnsing (Driver's Lic:ense) - Cary DriskelUf-[owttrd Dclancy 14. Aviation Ordinance DiSCUSSion - Mike Connelly 15. Billbnard I.ease - Cary Driskell '~l 5a,_City_ Vtanagcr Comments - Uave vlercier,, i1°FORivIA°i'IOnt 0N1,Y: 16. Greater Spokane, Incnrporated Third Quarcer 2007 Report 17. Spokane ftegional Site Selectqr Activity Report FXECUTIVE SESSION:.n/a 6*W-A-e . . ; . ~ . ADJQURNiVIENT I'UTURF SCIII:DULT Regulrir Cnutrci( Meetings are geiiernl!}, lrel(l 2nd and 4~h Tue.sdays, brginning al G: DU p.m. Couircil Study Sessir»rc are genera![y held ly; 3'd nrrd St/i Tuesdnvs, begitlning a1 h:OD p.nr. Teritntive Unco»ri►r,e Meeti►rus/F.ve►its: November 13, 2007: NO ►VIEh;1`ING - Council attends National League of Cities Conference November 20, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Special Joint v[eeting: Council and Planning Cornmission. Topic: Michael r'reedman Presentation on SpragueJAppleway Sub-area Plan NQ'f]GE: Individuals Pllnning to anend the mceting who require special assistnnce to accommodate physicF+l, hearirig; or o[her irnpaimients, plcase contact the Ciry Clerk at (569) 921-1000 as soon tys pussible so th;it arrangements ma}, be made. Council Agenda 1 I-A7-07 Special Meetino V7ge 2 0!'2 AC,FNDA ~ SPOIUINE VALLCY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL !11EF.TIIY(; Couacil M1ieeting #127 Vti'rdnraday. Novembcr 7,2007 6:00 p.m. Spnkane VaUcy City HaU Council ChsmbersR 11707 F Spraguc Avenur Cnuncil Reqncsts A!1 Flectmpic beviccs be Turnerl Off During CUnncil Mceting CALL 70 ORDFR: QYVOCATION: Pt,EDGF UF ALLEGIANCE: ROLI. CA1.I.: APPROVAL OF AC;FNDA: INTRODLJC'TIUN OF SPEC lAl. GitFSfS Ah D PI2FSENTA'I'IONS: CUllLMITtEE. B(?ARD. L1IVSON SUMMARY ltEP()R'TS: !NAVQR'5 RFPUR'f: Pnx:lanu.uion: Hrmger & tlameless Awmrnexs R'eek PI1i31.IC CnM1ti'fFN'I's: "this i.S nn opportunitv for thc public to spcnk on am• tnpic. When you corttc to thc padium, plrase state your name nnd addr+.,ss for lhC rccord rind (intit rcmarl►s to three minutes. 1. CUN5F.'NT AGE;:VnA: Cansistg of items conxidcmd routinc which arc epprovod ns agraup. A Courtcilmrnsber mny removc an item Fmm tbe Consent Agcnda to be cansicicrul srparatrly. a. Ciaim Vouchem: Vouchcr List nNr.ci 1012212007. voucftrrs as showri 12714 thmugh 13114. for tawl nmount of S1.1 T2.'8929 b. Fsy Pericxf E:nding Cctobcr 31. 2007; $273,322.50 r. Minutes t'rom (1c:tobcr,"3, 21047 Regular Council Meeting d. Mcmuraiidum af l fndemanding between C.ity ef Spukanc Vallay and Spnknne Count), [.ibrnry District ro sharc ctest of City Ccnter Mastcr Planning Srrvi+rxx NEW BUStNEtiS: 2. Scs;onJ Krading Propnard Ordinancc 07-022. Simshine Disposal Franchisc - Cary Driakrll Ipubllc camnicatj 3. Srccmd Rcadiag F'roposec! Chdinancc 07-023, Wastr Manctgemcnt Franchisc - C'ary Chiskell Ipublic commcntj 4. Firb~t Keuding Proposcd t)rdincuacr 07-024, Strort Vacutinn S'I'V 04- -07 - Karon Kendull ipnbik comtnrnti 5.1'ruposrd Rcsalutian 07-01 8, Cullin.s Rand f'urlting - Neii Kcrsten (puhlic coaiment{ 6. Motion Cmsideratinn. L,adging Tax tarnnt A14acatirxie - Dcputy Maynr '{'Aylor ipQblic commenti 7. M+.nian Canaidcrat+on: Approval vf J[JB Cttange C7tdcr Ncil Kerstcn ipablic commcnt) 8. Motio►ti Ccxssidcratiun: Backcr Road Hridge Acstfidics - Neil Kessten ipuhlic commeatl g. Motiaa Cnnsideration: ("11:1) liegional Colistboration Grnrit - Scutt Kutttn (pubtir cammeati lU. Mation CQnsidrratioa: Notification to Waxhiabnon tJtilitics and '1'ranspartation Commissi<,n - Cary Dnskcll Ipnhlic commcnt) l'aurtid AZcn3a 11-tf7-01 Spc6.il .%1ccUifg S'a};c f:ti! 2 11. Mityoral AppointmrnG Cable Advisary Bnand - Mayar R'ilhitc (pubUr cammcatl YCTBLIC CUAL1iEh7'S This is en npponuniry fQr thc public to sprak an nny tc►pic. Whtm you comc cn the padium, pfeasc state your namo and addtcss for thc nccofd and limit rcmarks to three minutL.q. ADMTNTSIRATIYF: REPORTS: 12. Fmpo.sei Cininry Animal Coritro{ (3rdinuncc -Nnncy Hill 13. Cornmunit), R£-IIC@t1StIIg (DftYCT's Liccoso) - Cary Uri!;kelU} loward Uctaney 14. Avietian Qrdinawc Dixussion - Mikc Connclly 15. Biltbaard [.ensc - Cary Driskcli lNFUI2MATlON ONLY: 16. Grenter Spr►kanc. Incc7rporatrd T'hirri Qwutrr 2(ro7 Repart 17_ Spokanr Ragiutwl Siic 5clrctar Activity Hrport EXF.CUTIN'E SF S.SION: Land Acyuisition: l'cnding [.itigntiun ADJOURNM:ENT f'Ul(!RE SCNFfDLTI~ Regular Cuunci! Meetlregs an geaPrrrltjo held 2nc/ anJ I1°' Twrsclays, beginnlng at 6: 00 p,ne, CaunrllSturty Seziions are gencrally /reld 1t r anJ.flh Tucsaupx, btRlnniag at & 00 p.nr. Trnralivr UpconeinQ.4leetinzs/EvenLs: N()\`CRiE1CC 13, 2007: NO MLF`ITNG - Cuuncil aitends lvatianal Lcaguc of Citics Conference Yovcrnber '10, 2007, 6:p0 p.m. 3pecini Jaint Mecung: Cuuncil and Flanning Commission. 'f'opic: A+lichr3cl krccdman ('rescatation on SpragurlApplcway Sub-arra Ptan N07'li:l:: tndividunls plannmg la al2end ihe meetiiip Mio require sprclal Lsfwinnrr tn acrnmmrnlnte nhyf:cat, hcnrinr, ur othcr stnps~i.[mClyts, ~IL'Z.til l'11111dC1 LtkC C'ity ('lCr1 u! ti`4rl} s): l-ICMKI jius-613Ic .n 'h,it mntit . ('mmeii Agmd,i 1 I i~7-il' >F,L.i.,; `,!c_AuiF oane . . SOoK Va.ll ey° ; Nationrtwunger andiComeCessn.essAzvareness 7Neek ~ , City of Spokane vaey, WasFington ~ ~ WFIEKF.A.S, For the past several yeurs the iV4tioncrl Coalitiun.for 1he Hoineless and Nalional { Student Campaign aguinst Hunger clnd Homelessness have sPonsored Natinnal ~ ; 1-Iunger and I-Ionzclessness AwarEness GYeek.; arrcl • ; ' WHE, ItEA.S, It is impvrlunt to eclucute the public aboul the varinus reasons people are I hungry and homeless in Spokcrne Yulley und tv encvurage .suJapurt,jor humeless ussistance service provider,s as well crs communrty service oppar•tunities for studenrs and school service organizutions; and ' I W_IIEREAS, There are muny I.ncal organizcrtiorts committed 1o shelterinj; und providing : supportive service.s as well crs meals and foad supplies lo the homeless in , Spokune Valley; and WtIENEAS, 7'he national theme uf 1lratiorral Ihunger and Homele.ssness Awureness Week 2007 Ls "Bringing America HvmE and WHFREA3; The Ciry of Spokune Vulley recagnrzes that hunger and homelessness continues to be a seriou,c prohl.em for many individuals und familie.s irt SPokune Valley. 11'UW, T'KEREF'ORF, I, Diuna Wilhite, Mu}%ar of the City uf SPok4ne Valley, nn beha~rof the Spvkune Valley City Council and Ihe cztizens r,f the Gity of Spokane Valley, do hereby proclairn November .11 through tVovember 17, 2007, as , Natio"nal Hur:ger and Humelessness Awareness Week and I urge citizens to recognize lhe facl that murry people du nvt have hvusing and ure in need of.support from uur citizens unrl privule and public non prafil service Entilies. Duted this ?th dcry tif tVovemher 2007. , Diuna Wilhile ~ Muyor CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 11-07-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: N consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation • AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vnuchers: VOUCIFI.EK L1S`I' DATr ~ VOUCHrR 4s ~'1"OTAL VOUCI-MR AMOUNT 10-1 ]-2007 12714 -13114 as indicated on voucher 1,172,2$9.29 1 ist r ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for-vouchers as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Lisa Combs, Accounting Technician ATTACHMENTS Voucher List r~. ~ wu~-W-r5 ~«H~.i, iaw5a, (a4s5-ia9-dR, la~~"604-1 ='S44,c~So.c~ we~e c~~,,ed cx~ ro~~T~rr . vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 1012212007 4:47:24PM . Spokano Vailey Bank codc : apbank Voucher Date Vcndor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12714 911012007 000120 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUS7 915 Benefits ADDITIONAL SEP 07 BENEFtTS 2,943.66 Total : 2,943.66 12940 9/2812007 000266 JAMES, GAY LYNN 9f3Q INV 9116-9f30 PAYROLL 1,687.53 ' Total : 1,687.53 •4294". 18i2fZ6W-8967-24-FA661~-;1AS(W Rayfc"~ ~OGE~4iW' 3"00 Total : 300.00 4-2852 ~88~6,39-9EVN€-AWEE °.3ft►RE' REl;WN04)ANIA690-PASLT 4r;105:84-- Total : 1,105.00 12953 101412007 aa0120 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFI7S TRUST 9130 py • AWC ADDITIONAL PNfi' 1,434.45 , • Total: 1,434.45 12954 1014I2007 001540 AMRNOLD, nAF2LA 9130 PY REF AUG DED FOR HEALTH INS 84.33 . Total : 84.33 +295v '}&/91266~-0A6358-F~Ef,AR;-FdaF',1 ' 4ilseg~ r 41SE-MW6AG€ 3-4-84 Total : 31.04 ~9~C ".8r8l,299~69~6&2-AhA~P~-~B'. ~icpe~sse-F~^„ E-NE6:-MA4P' ' Total : 226.10 1 Lw, iUI 7 V7Gell 7 V V VG7J ..w 1`I~TKi~ri~ Y'rrTf[V7`f~`~ 'T1C"P'tlNl[ys7 1&.26440- Total : 18,251.50 4295E ~~9~66@599-AflGC AA£E-Repewe: Total : 200.00 , ~ , ;".1 =vefle: s ' ~6~J6~EPEPlSES 29:55- Total : 29.55 12960 10110/2097 000165 DEPT OF RE7IREMEM" SYSTEMS 014 PERS pAYMENTS OF 1015 PAY PEF 311.63 ' Total : 311.63 1-29&1 +9l49F2697-6664@9-Ak-F3EPT-6F-REVEN4zr- 3fd-(9r-28E.' 3R9-QTR-286:A-6EASEHA6B-EC6lV. 472":54- . Page: 1 . . . 0 vchlist Voucher List Pago: 2 1012212007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Qescription/Account Amount -1-296`'~' 1449i2ai)7-~e W840 E.NuC {~OtIZ1AU~ril Tnta) ' fjy264.$4 a~ssr '~OMe&Ios;7--eee084-S--PPrE-0F-INASHINGT.Qind-otr-Saies_r.w. ^_rvo.QT-R-saLEs-Tar .,?93a2- Total : 1,393.42 128&c' ".09,WO07-=0928-FAEiM€RS4-MF-RC44AN-TS-BAAIK 4587 CC::GE2W-UT-L' Total : 2,737.16 42$W '.-Oi-1512097-900686-0 ER7-OF-L-lCE NSlNr_ 446~~ 7€N E LZAL-L~-06EkZ-R FC9 IP-T 28A9- Total: 28.00 -}29Fr~ '9f-~b620G7-98068Ci-DEP-T- 0 F - L-ICrm AlSM4.^_ 446310 rGNERALLEDGER_REGEIP ?8= Total : 28.00 429R :ag&Q897-O99028-FAFME41S-&-MER6MANT-S43AW 482P +g~a 2,392.27- • Total : 2,392.27 42967 1A45f2097-G84244-PHAYrJEAN4VC 94042G27 RE-FUNB-R€QiaW 7i-A0 ' Total : 71.00 4296E IGAf)/208;L-008648-ABAGAN-REPROGRAP441Cs-&-EMACING-R4934& RF-6EWAXAVE ".77.12- R106968 APPLEWAY PLANS 419.52 Total : 846.64 1.gggc }gMJWgg7-ggp~p,}R-0~i, 6~5^ 00E.EM2LO.XMEQI.T-SCREENINI= 7.aM FC 341 FINANCE CFIARGE• 2.26 Total : 77.26 -420Q -~-~~6-F4RE-&-6~61-1f~~/ ~':E39a282 SE12W6E-GREL-C~ . Total : 111.00 42-9V 49~1~2{~8~681942-PrS ~ 992':" -AtBAR-C-N-R€EiNNT-GT-R-E9PFE-€ '79-23 68786A. BOND ROLL PAPER 108.98 Total : 238.21 1-2E72 18/'F5R067-6@@63fl-fl 5 8988944947 6ML-44r-E: 2426-N-GSGAVERY 8;427-70- 410089444 MAS'fER BILLING 24,9$3.75 • Total: 31,411.45 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 10122/2007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley Bank codc : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount QW? 4A6ia-6f2897 8d4417-BASFNGER-,"HAEL-L. s[pepms AM1€AL-kZEIMBNqISEMENT .60 11Aileage MILEAGE: POSTING CPAS , 16.49 Total : 40.09 a-22971! '9~1!'aR2g0~~ ~-F-~OF-AI~I~-Sl~'' 453449942007 AIJZOMA~.TJG~OS~IAIC Total : 20.40 '~}l~~7-(390~-BMIGAlV4AAi~GR~2 'Ak30.4TR-CELL-ALL.O1AlAA1CF '1.~05:()0 Total : 105.00 -'k29~7fi ~-0f4-5f^z8(~~-aflU998-8L-HE-RFBB6N-~h~E4~F-S{3P~Y-~i~~. 385E"~ 8857126 LINEN SERVICE: CP 389.18 Total : 768.64 -JW7 16J9•5f~6t?7-Q6~3`~@'s-~~C `'~lC~:~ZP - _.'s,~88C 1? -GrAR-TR#DSE 8826 GWW4274 PLANTRONICS CS 55- HEADSET W 370.60 41811 GXQ8934 41818 HP SDLT STORAGE TAPE MEDIA 1,374.88 ' Total : 1,813.74 4-287E ''.096/2487-88=9--GW2MkNLWN C. ^~62A54~ "'187,5 ^A0343A EBGC 18;769:88- Total : 10,750.88 12W5 'rBM,i~ 07-09-1448-61 EAfZPA:FH;~~-r' 24.? fP4-GXR-PPORE4R-F(-NEG4WAATIE 1A8(a3:43 , Total : 40,803.43 1-298E "ogV2987--a094 A8-G9F-FF~E-SYSTEMS-!NC r3W: ^AF-F--&5E&A1G9=Efiv4-99- 54014 COFFEE SERVICE: CITY HALL 235.80 Total : 467.70 -429&". ".6H61~8A7-89Af6E+-GAL-l-JAA~IA-~~C-R-~06~'GIOAI~ '~98? 9ARKFlBER.LFJdSF ~?8.05- Total : 228.06 •.4-29821 'flf-'F5i209~-A095(a8-6F3PI(a 5~8~~i.r'?~ SFP-T-F-LEE-T-F-11Q -B1L-1_ 2,308:85 • Total : 2,308.85 ~298~ i@l~~28E}7-@@93~6-69(d89~E8A~EB-4R~~CA-TI9~I-DIS~ fl~G9~ UT4I,4-'FIfiS:-Dlv£',(31FERY-PL -167-.64-- 06377,0 UTILITIES: DISCOVERY PL 109.40 Page: 3 . . _ vchllst Voucher List Page: 4 10122/2007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount ~98? ".9f46/2887-AA9326-EANSON04TE-D4RRIGA-'FION4BlSx ,'4[;(mtiflued) 08377_2 UTILITIES: CP 962.24 11534.2 UTILITIES: DISCOVERY PL 40_14 • Total: 1,369.32 •92984 90f9-5I2907-A60035-GORR8RRTE-EXRREB'q 82938W5 ~3 A/JJSC-OF~1G~E1RFl-I~~ ti9:94 Total : 50.94 1-2-98€ '~8/~51~08~-88A860-DEN~tJNY;-RaGMARD 3rd-Qir-Ce!! 3RD-QTR-GE L 6 - AN=4WAN GE '95:QU- , Totai : 105.00 ~-298F, 10/15/2007-000693-DEPT OF-INFORMATION-SERVIGES 2007-093201 MASTER-LICENSE SYST-EM 34-15- Total : 31.15 129E' j@k'F5F200-7-UQQ4•52-DEP7-OF-TRANSRORxA-TION RE-313-ATB70918038 SULL-NAN.RD-P-CG-REklAB ?5,474.83 • RE-313-ATB70918089 PINESlMANSFIELl7 136.36 Tota I : 35,611.18 ~98E '?9f'Faf2{~07 FJUQ~59-DEVEEAA{N6-fiAIGHA~L 3Fd-4tr-Gel! 13 Ra7-QTR-CEL-I.-A66GWAN6E ".-0rr.80 Total : 105.00 -9 ~98£ 49g5l-288~ OA~2~8-BR~}SI(EL~6ARa.' Tr~a+re6~e~se ~ D' n ft-AAGT-GOIaIFEF~~~ '~,A2-4~?- Total : 1,021.10 -~299E ".~€f2A6~~-8~36°'~'~ k~-G9RR0&A~Or'' °~t-~t' ~102F rJQQ T 1.0,.Q0 • _ Total : 10,804.00 429fk ".~0A~-090~8C r_en~ ~ Z$8-08~? , ~KP~ES$-$kl~f~~?lAfr Total : 109.69 982 '59~1-br280~-00~'1447-~E-P-R6~S-~~JCd64~kllAlG-lNr ?O4A7 ' =~ALiA~Ct~Y-CLE~~ pQ ~ 29498 LEGAL AD: C17Y CLERK 26.25 29499 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 55.50 29500 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 25.00 29501 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 78.00 ' 29520 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 25.00 29521 LECAL AD: CITY CLERK 60J5 29545 LEGAL AD: FINANCE 36.40 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 1012212007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount -42982 10l46128a7-884447-F-RE9PREss-RWB6kSkuAiG4NC f4&eeA9nded'y 29W LEGAL AD: PLANIdING 25.20 29547 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 124.60 29548 LEGAL AD: Pl.iANNING . 65.25 29549 LEGAL AD' PLAfdNING 295.50 29550 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 162.75 Total : 1,005.20 +299v "r61=F5f2$87-001,465-G~F4f4589GFA~E6 506Aq-#2 9C-S16N:1EALLE*4%SS40N,-PARN. ?;253-~ 7 . , Total : 1,253.17 ~~3B~~S~-S€R~F6ES 84:56- -42994 ~61~-08~-9 ~9NlAS-~l9TtEY.~J.ILEL' Q047 Total : 2,184.56 3 CAR$QNMONAXa 143~82- ~-299:: 4H@N451269I 69969~-f~A1~fF'. 946~$a~&' 44 9468722674 41812 CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS FOR 103.96 Total : 217.88 9-2993 '49/'t5/2967-8869-1q-6RA*6AR 928~96'a r'BER-lPISULL cU ?2g=gg_ 928944184 CABLES: BING 232.91 929077190 BING 97.14 929110883 CABLING: BING 20.44 Totai : 578.55 4-2W*7 'r$/445E2-007-09444q-ldO8A.or `NARRAWIPA -GP--K= HffA1-E-W P ^;84~3:87 • . Total : 2,943.07 ' I6l3§ ME-9EPAT-£MBW-aEPA4GEco 304647-1 SL4°°~,~1--6p '63.e6- • 8060175 SUPPLIES: CP 126.99 9061885 SUPPLIES: CP • 18.97 9073379 SUPPLIES: CP 77.56 Total : 376.58 -4288E 4A}/4612A0.7-0 ~66~•2--14+~6AN9-B6tS4NG9S-RRADUGTS41a1C. 5541e .12kiOT-O49-GAF'.^ 2?-.89- . 55458 PHOTO ID CARD . 23.89 Total : 47.78 1300E V'F5f2007-04(3288-4Pd.T-L-GODE-GOUfdGIL 043427&IN PER9v11-T TEGM-BOOKS ~5~~--• p•~9E: ' J i . vchlist Voucher List . Page: 6 10I22/2007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount -43A6C ~0/~51~88~ 089288-14~4FL-~AD~~A11N6~~. ,6onfiwied)--- 0436890-IN BLDG OFFICIAL MAMUAL 56.59 Total : 122.31 1-1 ~~3{?9-~ ".$HbF2AA~08838S-I#2~F{Pl-U~A~-R~91~#f 250O.Q UZILLL.ES_1354d_E M~RARFALLpV 7.I,.88- Total : 2,398.88 .a30Q3 '4Al~a ~ ':ravel-F~Rse^ , "Fb41EC-IJAAILE16E Total : 1,051.26 aa}Q? 4,Qgr4A87--AOA494-6A84R-&.4A1DUSTR1E~ 1[1-Q1LlRSUCanc;" nUD_Q1EUD1D11STR1AL-1b1$URAAICF U.67- Total : 87.67 S~Fi7.4^ ' ~FRV1CE,r328.10L? ^35:34 ' Total : 435.34 4388f ".-0~O(~~-A8~A58-ME€~AB~i~-T-~-CAF29~lA1~ '~caue!-€x~te~ses ^911.€AGE _ Total : 21.87 4360C 4.~0i45/2 - IiiRrDAa<!^ ?ad-Qtr-CeP ?N9-QT~2-6[-61.-AL-60WANGE 9L2:b0- ' 3rd Qtr Cell 3RD QTR CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Total : 157.50 -~-388~~ 1(~6J2-08~88~}2b~-{1+4EGF~~~6~. 4~A~~.~nw Tn.X~'~}B~C`-SA~-YVRF~E'R~}•T~ ?.~-.95- Total : 341.95 "rA/4612Aa7-A80Af2-M6PIS9PI-i446HRRt' 10"0 Total : 105.00 •~3~E}e t8/451~a8B7 684035--NE~N9RK-9ES~fid-Bk-AM1Ai~EftkC--~d-'.' n,193-7-5 Total : 2,193.75 4394-0 "•0{-i•5/2897-A6B243-NORT14WEBT-vIGN-SUPR6Y4~c,. STER-Sk1PPUES 166-59- Total : 166.59 ZJ7T'OPLCJ 1T0it1'1L~ITICQIQtITL71t7~OA.~. 7JL 1 A rl. CC-L99T VT~.~ .~7.W - 71 • A500163 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL 130.00 Total : 209.00 . Page: 6 vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 1012212007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 43fN-2 '#4b12097 996~2--9F~4GE-DEPA~-IPJG. 1.56434424-99? 9Ffi46&SUl-1E~ ".84- 400841134-001 41802 OFFICE SUPPLIES 88.18 402826760-001 41814 OFFICE SUPPLIES 169.64 402827508-001 41814 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9.25 403616728-001 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 103.36 41823 . Total : 374.27 a~3 ".-0AFF28A7-684A84-RAPE6H-,4EFdNW-ER EicpenseW FUEL-R-EIAA$44flSEB Z+9q1- Total : 29.87 439~F~' EANS-W. 75K ",W? i3RAl61~F4AT€F-OR-R€AEE-R04=5 Total : 20.00 '4'30+v wi 3ra o7- o0+e 'a P FL4EaE R-- c H A~' -{r c ipeRfi94-=6FFF E-XG ~~FiL-A .~~FW EGE'R 24-7-.0a- Total : 247.01 -4394f 'K}fll-5/~08~-$6Q449-PIP-PR~tdGIAi~: 'S33A9389~' NQTIG&9F-M{SRE6TI8N-L!$EL8 399-73- 1330039155 TARGE7 DAl'E FORMS 496.35 _ Total : 1,397.08 --i-E34' :-0H-512667-808494-PRO-PE9P,6E-S'FAFfINGSERVIF,€E 26462 C T,.rLF-11V6-SF_RWGE:-6P 1426:80- 25.616 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 1,120.80 25.780 STAFFING SERVICE 1,064.00 Total: _ 3,305.60 -36+E ".~91-1~29&7-69U944-PRAT-4MAPd-f,BMP~AN~' ''89~833 R€GR-d4~4i+FG-0EPII~Y-6AJ~ '}~394:38- ~ 2007-1377 RECRUI7 FEE 1: DEPUTY CM 6,666.68 2007-1402 RECRUITING: COAfI DEV DIR 444.00 ' 2007-1403 RECRUIT: DEPUTY CM 987.65 Total : 9,492.69 -93(34'F RRFEGT-1_969S;-4P1^. L060SklIR]'-5:-r_P S9.65 • ' Total : • 89.65 9Q/a6E28~-6AA32~E`'T ~ 49-824-4~(37~4A~ '~IONES~P6A~ ~'F4 43020 Total : 97.14 7 ' ` ' \ . / t 0, vchlist Voucher List Page: 8 1012212007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount -U824 S-4="f~ST4tJLVERS,9-v ".-A98M433-AC'! L11EGISTR=M-PJ{MF.! ',99:Qo-- Total: 199.00 4=2 4445a0=OOO445-ROSAUERS-U-C1=lDiC SNA G G- Total : 37.15 93922' '1 6fW28{}7-9BA864-SGHMM-S-6AR-Y ~r~-Qtr-Cel' '.F.tD$T.lR-CELL.b1lLOLalAt+1!' r- ' 45.D0. Total : 105.00 43024 '~~1~AA~-899~08-~€~.~-6P.1Ar~+{-8a"~€F~GA~F.-lAl~. 1•9-i4~3~ ~VlA~RU~NA~1G€-~€PF~EfVN#Al~: '.;838:61-- 1914742 L/aWN MAINTENANCE: CP _ 49,799.38 2889339 WEEDIFEED: CP 43.39 Total: 51,781.28 C6Z6.' _ CARPEI.CI.F.~I~lIAIG:-Gp ??F- OD 67039 JANITORIAL SERVICES: CP 268.00 Total : 503.00 1302-e ~i~~~0~8QQdt►-c7~ - 4~0~~-T C-iG1A$-~6u r~'~iNG-~- CcEY".-BRE1'. 2eB:e& ' Total : 200.00 .13027 POKAN E-C O..A UDI-XQFtS-OEF~GE.-REC1-54^C R€60RDIN64&-R64NG-FEES 39:69- 541292 RECORDING 8 FILING FEES 562.00 541688 RECORDING & FILING FEES 359.00 . 541829 • RECORDING & FILING FEES 57.00 . 541829 E RECORDING & FILING FEES 53.00 541984 RECORDING & FILING FEES 421.00 542116 RECORDING & FILING FEES 143.00 542564 RECORDING & FILING FEES 180.00 543035 RECORDING & FILING FEES 408.00 543191 RECORDING 8 FILING FEES 135.00 543648 RECORDING & FILING FEES 230.00 Total : 2,657.00 -14AH I•Q/-'I6RA0-80 04 72-SPAiCAN F-GG4-E-A1CWEEF'. VL-XO7-A,' '4093' RPIES/MAN~'~-.~9-°RAdE4&T 594~24:6E Vl.Y0707 ENGINEERINC SERVICES 156,504.83 Total : 215,629.43 Page: 8 vchlist Voucher List Page: 9 10122/2007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley Bank codc : 8pbank Voucher Datc Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 4-3e2E 14D/-1&2007- AsLLR€P 503011595 ^711-Ix-LiGE-as=_ 260:ee-- . Total : 260.00 -13OW 4~~007-0042-1-1--SP-OKAAIR-GO-TE2EASURER ~13i? =XTRA-Bk~~MRLAaA4l~P~T . ' Total: 399.60 +3W ~~I'LOU7-VQV.7L~ V7~~vC7~9'7TL~~~r tYY~c7ll'fltld~(i". UT4CytEO.)2~-24Yft7SV'C 4 OT'77 016631l066631 UTILITIES: 1901 N SULLIVAN RD 27.68 017022/067022 UTILITIES: 105 N BALFOUR RD 78.80 0244331074433 UTILITIES: 906 N PARK RD 78.80 • 0370591109325 UTILITIES: 13504 MIRABEAU PKWY 62.68 0429031115953 UTIUTIES: 2426 N DISCOVERY PL 781.95 , Total : 1,197.68 ~4g_942007 9M'1''" e90KANE-C~.-~lS~..#.' 1.7-Os(lD4f?•^~ '1~1N71€£ 247--•9- ' 475-1495-00 1508 S WOODRUFF RD 206.40 ' Total : 453.59 430az "QA6kN997-8A0898-SRAKAN€-PROGAR!i 1-7.829a5 ~1~93 b4N9SGAP4NG-SERV4GCE 85-16 179541 41593 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 65.16 180666 41593 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 65.16 • 181744 41593 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 65.16 163304 41593 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 78.19 183305 ,41593 LANDSCAPtNG SERVICES 77.11 183692 41593 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 65.16 Total : 481.10 13= '-0/4: =7-000862~-Q KANGR'BCK-P #iO MG•GT~-4NC- .R{~pNcaE►eR~ "A26E 3939-8&8W-RR6ANPFE418A9-9ifC 5;7$4.94 Total : 5,784.94 43935 '}F}{46f2697-966583-6PG KFMIF--V0AlC-2*-ASSGC 30=9UA1L'? Total : 1,288.00 1303I0/45f2OtY7-VtlG Vc7I1'fE-c7V-ADVAFY-IAvG '2094400245 JiG-uFLL?FVwW1Y '+~Y7 3091480246 OFFICE SUPPLIES 650.46 3091480247 • OFFICE SUPf'LIES 6.78 3091734366 OFFICE SUPPLIES 142.36 3091734367 41810 item Plo. 481964 - Mandset Lifter 145.29 Page: 9 ' ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 10 1012212007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley . Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice ' PO it DescripGonlAccount Amount -40GW fc,en:ifaed? 3091734368 41810 Item No. 613413 - Wineless Headset 564.62 Total : 1,503.44 'f36v7 7$145/29 , P}~: "26~ ' ES ;-585:00 Total : 1,595.00 4483E V"2$47-8AO063--TAYWR;SFE-VE 3RD-OTR-EEL-L-ALkOWAN6E: ;95::00 Total : 105.00 aaw "~h'ISF~A87-0Ui54'i ~E~(~G-ANP' Refund REf4N9-BAMil6E-9EPASF 56-.50- Total : 56.50 -'f3w l8g.6E2=-094-2=1-7-T.MOMAS; DFJaN-&-H0.SKl1JS-INC. 4976? "1490 PROFESSIONAL-SERVlGES 2;870-56 Total : 2,970.56 43(34-4 ^.~0 9=3674A tn'-mR 89&24-- Toral : 895.21 a3eQ r~~oa~s~a~war~a~a~eo~ot~R - uMuTiFSrs;w_s--~aGR€E-N-PJ I..97 0008-033021.00 UTILITIES: EVERGREEN16TH 21.81 0007-017753.01 UTILfTIES: 2ND/BEST 5.38 0008-010790.01 UTILITIES: 8TH/SULLIVAN 55.34 0011-010828.01 U7ILITIES: 39.95 0012-004137.02 UTILITIES: 59.73 0030-031942.01 U7IUTIES: 50.66 ' Total: 243.84 ~L~ V!-IJ7ZV~7-UU~C77 R7TTYQE-AC7'ffl~GRT'1Z. '`tlWW ~'TRrVt7R:IL 97-0.VI'7- " Total: • 970.00 -~3A4~: ',8f4f~96~668938-W 2(3?4. ^ R-EGY-E6FN6-SVG=Gti 124.41 " 2005388-2681-5 WEEKLY TRASM SVC: CP 313.33 2005389-2881-3 WEEKLY TRASH SVC: PRECINCT 260_17 2007044-2681-1 CODE: 12518 E 26TH AVE 12427 Total : 822.18 -936+45 48t'F5f2t38,7-89@4't-7-l/kiESTERPd-BFtPdC-E-ASS9S RefttRd .^.~FkJPJB-BAMA6E-BEABfT' ~5fl:00 Page: 10 vchlist - Voucher List Page: 11 10/2212007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apb2nk Voucher Date Vendor Invoice . PO # Description/Account Amount -1`384~ ~14'5f26@7-00@d'I-: 86849~ WE`S-'FERPf-@/1PtEE ASS6 ; ~C-or~t'tntTe~'~ TttaS : co~:00- 4-3W- ".aWI2AA~L-9~X(}-EEOMAAIINIGATI9PJ£4P1C. NEF Total : 1,589.06 -1-3047 4,QA&20 C'lA"g~W6ANB'NOR-P4w'&S'T -Qklg-2807 28G7-YMG"ANA9rr'Mrtiti-r-i 0NTf'v rJ~465.~O' Total : 51,465.00 13048 10115/2007 001100 SPOKANE COUNI`( 101507, PURCHASE OF PRCCINCT BLDC 873,477.00 Total : 873,477.00 13055 10/17/2007 000418 CLARK-PARSON, KAREN Parking AIRPORT PARKING 8.50 Total : 8.50 13456 10117/2007 000069 N4ERCIER, DAV1D Expenses ICMA ANNUAL MTG: PIITSBURG 921.84 Total : 921.84 13057 10117/2007 000347 WORLEY, STEVE Expenses APWA CONFERENCE: PARKING 12.00 Total: ' 12.00 13058 10l1712007 001543 GIL6ERT, JOE Expenses MISC ITEMS FOR OFFICE 27.14 . Total : 27.14 13459 10/17P2007 000904 BRANCH, CAROLBELLE Mileage MILEAGE f2EIMBUl2SEMEtdT 2328 Total : 23.28 13060 10117/2007 aa0487 SPOKANE VALLE1' YMCA 1-151412-043 41682 SUMMER DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP 160.00 Total : 160.00 13061 10118/2007 000779 SOUTHARD, BRAD 301315 41495 QUOTE NO. 0003.07 DEAD ANIMAL 625.00 Total : 625.00 13062 10r12i2007 000257 STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE L67200 AUDfTORS 471.60 Total : 471.60 13063 10I22/2007 000958 AAA 5WEEPItdG, LLC 38955-A 41579 CITY CONTRACT N0. 07-001 SWEE' 2,572.05 - 38970-A 41797 CONTRACT NO. 07-021-VACTORIN( 37,182.47 Total : 39,754.52 Page: 11 • ~_,i . ~ , ; vchlist VOUCher List Page: 12 1012212007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley . Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13064 10/22I2007 001181 ACOSTA, CARRIE Reimbursed PURCHASED GIFT CARD 150.00 Total : 150.00 13065 10122/2007 000197 AIR INC. 9540 PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENING 100.00 Total : 100.00 13066 10122l2007 000150 ALLIED FIRE & SECURITY ivc20075083 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 26.07 Total : 26.07 13067 1012212007 001081 ALSCO LSP0200940-CRD MATS: CITY HALL -22.96 . LSP0283978 MATS: PRECINCT 11.06 LSP0291801 MATS: PRECINCT 10.74 LSP0295769 MATS: CITY HALL 64.20 LSP0299641 MATS: PRECINCT 11.22 Total : 74.26 13068 10/22/2007 000335 ALTON'S TIRE INC. . 6-28501 OIL CHANGE: 35517D 37.22 Total : 37.22 13089 10/22/2007 000334 ARCUS JANITORIAL SERVICE, INC. INVO00603 JANITORIAL SVC: PRECINCT 2,082.17 Total : 2,082.17 13070 10122/2007 001012 ASSOCIATED BUSINESS SYSI'EAAS 169224 MAILROOM COPIES 2,456.98 - Total : 2,456.98 13071 10/22/2007 000918 f3LUE RIBBON UNEN SUPPLY, INC. 8857841 LINEN SERVICE: CP 379.46 Total : 379.46 13072 10/22/2007 001022 CARR SALES CO. s1Q01728.003 41789 MAIIdTENANCE SUPPLIES 147.67 Total : 147.67 13073 10122/2007 000101 CDVJ-G GzD8749 41820 LINKSYS WPC54G WIRELESS ADA 75.84 Total : 75.84 13074 10/22/2007 000143 CITY OF SPOKANE 00104058 VALLEY 7RANSFER 241.28 Total : 241.28 13075 10/22/2007 000326 CONSOUDATED IRRIGATION DIST 11982.2 BARKER RD 37.28 Page: 12 vchiist Voucher List Page: 13 1012212007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 13075 10/22/2007 000326 CONSOLIDAT[D IRRIGA710N DIST (Continued) 11983.2 BARKER RD • 57.96 11984.2 13ARKER RD 59.84 Total : 155.08 13076 10/22/2007 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 170144374-001 41836 KI7CHEN SUPPLIES - CORPORATE 165.11 Totat : 165.11 13077 10122l2007 001415 DALE S DECKEI2, LLC 334 41751 ARGONNE ROAD PAVEMEN7 EVAL 3060.22 . Total : 3,160.22 13078 10l2212007 400683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 232963 PROJECT: SPKV0000-001 4,550.00 Total : 4,550.00 13079 10/22%2007 000152 DEPT OF TRANSPOR7ATION RE-313-AT670918062 SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 2,056.02 - RE-313-AT670918063 STATE ROUI`E ROAD MAINT 14,726.83 Total: 16,782.85 13080 10122/2007 001544 EUREKA GROUP 843 WA RETAIL SURVEY 2407 166.00 Total : 166.00 13081 1012212007 000858 FOOD EQUIPAAENT INTL, INC. 5635 41791 KITCHEN SUPPLIES 2,635.97 . Total : 2,635.97 13482 1012212007 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLlSHING INC 29568 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 25.00 29569 LECAL AD: PLANNING 48.00 29570 LEGAL AD: PLANNIfdG 79.50 Total : 152.50 13083 1Q/22/2007 000007 GRAINGER 9464203810 41461 GRAINGER BLANKET PURCHASE C 927 Total: 9.27 13084 10122I2007 000011 GREATER SPOKANE VALLEI' Lodging T2x Grant LODGIPIG 7AX GRANT 50,000.00 Total : 50,000.00 13085 1012212007 000009 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 43075154 41819 HP R30Q0 UPS FOR NEW HARDWA 1,409.63 Total : 1,409.63 . ?qge: 13 _ _ - J ~ vchlist Voucher List PagQ: 14 10122l2007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley Bank code:' apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice • PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 13086 10/22/2007 000003 I►UTAGISTICS, IhC. 30927A TONER 224.05 Total : 224.05 13087 10/22/2007 000070 INI.AND POWER & UGHT CO 94242-002 SIGNAL: FLORAJTRENT 40.14 94202-003 TRAIN SICNAL DISHMAN MICA/BO' 65.55 94202-005 SIGNAL: DISHMAN-MICA/SCHAFER 132.63 94202-006 STREET LIGHTING 201.60 . Total : 439.92 13088 10122l2007 001264 JIFFY LUBE 780053 OIL SERVICE: 32809D 29.31 879678 OIL CHANGE: 32810D 29.31 - 879790 OIL CHA.NGE: 38904D 62.98 Total : 121.58 13089 10/22f2007 000864• JUB ENGINEERS, INC. 0048502 41409 CONTRACT NO 08-001, ST MASTEF 3,653.55 Tota 1 : 3,653.55 13090 10/22/2007 001277 L& L CARGILE PMT #3 41581 CONTRACT NO 07-002 BEVERLY H 17,277.41 Total : 17,277.41 13091 10J22/2007 001002 M& L SUPPLY CO., INC. 856829.1 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PRECINCT 219.24 Total : 219.24 13092 10/22/2007 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER COMPANY 04500-01 COMM LIGHT: PINESIBROADWAY 86.70 04515-02 COMM LIGHT: BROADWAY111ACDON 53.97 ' 04553-01 COPJliJI LIGHT: 16TH/PINES 84.44 . 04556-01 COMM LICHT: PINES/MISSION 93.64 04559-01 U7ILITIES: 11123 E MISSION 1,629.22 04562-11 UTILI71E5' 11423 E MISSION 75.49 04605-02 COMM L1GHT: 9118 E MISSION 53.64 04639-02 COMAA LIGHT: 9122 E BROADWAY 62.95 04669-02 COMM LIGHT: 800 N UNIVERSfTY 64.49 04691-02 COMM UGHT: 800 N BOWDISH 61.19 04732-01 . UTILITIES: 100 N BALFOUR 299.28 04745-02 • COMM LIGH7S: SPRAGUE/FARR 70.44 04792702 COMM LIGHT: 11600 E SPRAGUE 72.70 04836-02 UTILITIES: SPRAGUE/MULLAN 81.74 04886-02 STREEf LIGMTS: SPRAGUE 6,036.90 Page: 14 vchlist Voucher List Page: 15 1012212007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank - Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescnptionlAccount Amount 13092 10122I2007 0fl0132 MODERPI ELEC7RIC WATER COMPANY. (Continued) 04971-01 COA4M LIGHT: SPRAGUE/PINES 153.92 06811-02 COMM LIGHT: ARGONNFJMONTGO 71.60 07099-02 UTILITIES: 10701 E SPRAGUE 71.76 07247-02 TRAFFIC UGhITS: MOIdTGOMERY 70.11 07750-02 ' UTILITIES: 12910 E SPt2AGUE 34.85 07850-02 UTILITIES: 10920 E SPRAGUE 63.44 • 07861-02 COMM LIGHT: 1600 Pl MULLAN 63.00 0$297-02 UTILITIES: 13001 E SPRAGUE 70.39 08343-02 TRAFFIC LIGHTS 91.77 09779-01 STREE7 LIGMTS SR27 244.40 09784-02 . U7ILITIES: 12710 E SPRAGUE 1,337.12 09909-2 COMM LIGHTS 85.54 09910-02 COMM LIGHTS 28.13 09911-02 COMM UGWTS 81.57 09963-02 X-WAUC SIGNALS 36.11 10038-01 UTILITIES: HERALD/SPRAGUE 48.00 10039-01 UTIL(TIES: WILLOW/SPRAGUE 29.80 10040-01 UTIUTIES: FAF2R/SPRAGUE 29.80 10041-01 UTII_fTIES: DARTP/IOUTH/SPRAGUE 29.80 10046-02 UTILfTIES: MISSIONIMCDONALD 52.75 10049-02 XWAIK: 6ROADWAY SCHOOL 40.06 Total : 11,560.31 13093 10/2212007 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATEF2 COMPANY 10031-02 SECURfTY LIGHT: APPLEWAY/WIL.I 12.20 10042-01 UTILITIES: 16TH/SALTESE 22.60 10176-41 UTILITIES: 1607 S PINES 22.60 • Total : 57.40 13094 10122/2007 000662 NATL BARRICADE & SIGN CO 57591 41462 NATIONAL BARRICADE BIANKET F 302.18 57609 41462 NATIONAL BARRICADE BLANKET F 58.59 Total : 360.77 13095 10122/2007 001035 NEfWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMEN7 15525 hIARDWARE UPGRADE 343.42 Total : 343.42 13096 10122/'2007 000243 NORTHWEST SIGN SUPPLY INC. 811295 f'LANNING SUPPLIES 166.59 . ?age: 15 . ~ . 0 0 ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 16 10/2212007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley Bank code : 3pbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionJAccount Amount _ 13098 10/22/2007 000243 006243 NORTHWEST SICN SUPPLY ING (Continued) Total : 166.59 13097 10I22I2007 000911 NOTE, INGA Registration REGISTRATION: NOTE 250.40 . Total : 250.00 13098 10/22/ZQ07 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 404148060-001 COPY PAPER 1,306.36 Total : 1,306.36 13099 10/2212007 000119 PIP PRIfdT1iJG INC. 1330039022 PRINTED FORMS: BLDG 939.01 . Total : 939.01 13100 10/22/2007 001089 POE ASPHALT PAVItJG, INC. 42451 41677 ST & SW MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 4,956.12 42452 41677 S7 & SV4/ MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 11,537.04 42453 41677 ' ST 8 SW MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 19,765.89 42454 41677 ST & SW MAIN7ENANCE & REPAIR 2,276.93 42455 41677 ST & SW MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 66,841.B7 42456. 41677 ST & SW MAIM'ENANCE & REPAIR 57,410.64 - 42457 ' 41677 ST & SW MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 23,857.10 42458 41677 ST & SW MAINTENAPVCE & REPAIR 195,467.14 Total : 382,112.53 13101 10/22I2007 000935 SERVICE PAPER COPAPANY 3Q408372 41788 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 273.37 30408609 41786 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 35.44 30410215 41816 CENTERPLACE CLEANING SUPPLI 207.63 30410217 41816 CENTERPLACE CLEANING SUPPLI 62.18 30410218 41816 CENTERPLACE CLEANING SUPPLI 339.15 30410541 41816 CENTERPIACE CLEANING SUPPLI 184.29 30410707 41816 CENTERPUACE CLF_ANING SUPPLI 25.46 " Total : 1,127.52 13102 10/22/2007 001140 SPECIAL ASPHALT nRODUCTS INVC039158 41739 SPECIAL ASPHALT COLD MIX 703.73 Total : 703.73 13103 10/22J2007 000172 SPOKANE CO. ENGINEER VLY0708 ENGINEERING SERVICES 75,563.92 _ VLY0708 ENGINEERING SERVICES 4,525.07 v1y0709 40937 ' PINES/i1AANSFIELD AAOU WITH COl 13,944.37 VLY0708 40937 PINESlMANSFIELD MOU WfTH COl 44,090.29 VLY0709 ENGINEERING SERVICES 93,754.29 Page: 16 vchlist Voucher List Page: 17 1012212007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valiey Bank code : apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Accourtt Amount 13103 10122/2007 000172 000172 SPOKANE CO. ENGIPJEER (Continued) Total : 231,877.94 13104 10/2212007 000001 SPOKANE C0. TREASURER 41500415 . GEIGER WORK CREW: 9107 458.75 50301530 NEW CITRIX LICENSES 520.00 l'otal : . 978.75 13105 10122/2007 000323 SPOKANE CO. UTILITIES 0271291077129 ' UTILITIES: PRECINCI' 42.58 - 031608F081608 UTILITIES: 11423 E MISSION 255.19 0343541106428 U7ILITIES: 606 S PARK RD 62.68 Total : 360.45 13106 10/2212007 000898 SpOKANE PROCARE 179201 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-403 LAMDSCAPI 54.30 179917 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-403 LANDSCAPI 65.16 180278 41575 CON7RAC7 NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 54.30 181275 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 54.30 181662 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 61.90 183289 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-043 LANDSCAPI 54.30 Interest 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 3.55 Total : 347.81 13107 10122./2007 000391 SPOI(t1NE VALLt_Y FIRE DIST. 91 2ndf3rd Qtr Fire Fee 2ND13RD Q7R FIRE PLAN FEES 11,610.61 Total : 11,610.61 13108 10/22/2407 000202 SRCAA 4346 4TH QTR ASSESSMENT FEE 29,548.75 Total : 29,546.75 13109 10122/2007 001083 STANDAI2D PLBG MEATING CONTROLS 23951 SEPT MONTHLY MAINT 477.10 ' Total : 477.10 13110 10122/2007 000257 STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE BARS Manual BARS MA.NUAL 40.00 Total : 40.00 13111 14122/2007 000419 SUMMIT L.AW GROUP 35369 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 368.00 . Total: 368.00 13112 10122f2007 000676 THOMSON VWEST 529720 WA COURT RUL.ES MANUALS 171.59 - 814597937 LEGAL SUBSCRIPTION 494.64 17 0 vchlist , Voucher List Page: 18 10122/2007 4:47:24PM Spokane Valley Bank codc: apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 13112 10/22/2007 000676 000676 THOMSON WEST (Gont'tnued) Total : 666.23 13113 10122/2007 000295 VALLEYFEST Unfimited ROUND 2: UNLIMfTED MARKETING 1,135.00 , Total : 1,135.00 13114 10122/'L007 000167 VERA WAl'ER & POWER 0001-032805.00 UTILITIES: 15008 E MISSION 183.99 0002-001425.01 WALMART SIGNALS 179.20 0004-000755.01 TRAFFIC LIGHTS 158.36 QD05-016348.01 TRAFFIC SIGNALS 53.12 0008-033021.00 EVERGREEN/67H ' 101.59 0010-003488.01 SPRAGUE/SUI.LIVAN SIGNALS 134.99 0013-032589.01 8THlEVERGREEN 65.31 0014004275.01 SALTESE/M C DONALD 25.29 0014032971.00 167H/EVERGREEN 42.59 0016r007780.00 UTIUTIES: TERRACE VIEW POOL 149.07 0018-031941.01 SIGNAL LIGHTS 5423 ' 0018-032752.00 1604 S ST CHARLES 20.71 0099-000005.00 U71LIT1ES: STREEf LIGHTS 1,714.40 Total : 2,892.85 13115 10/22/2007 000038 WASTE NiAP1AGE►VIENTOF SPOKANE 0038968-1518-4 AAA SV+/EEPING 4,224.35 Total : 4,224.35 161 Bank total : 2,25fi,939.38 I, the undersigned, do certify undcr penalty of Perjury, 161 that the materials htave been fuznisbed, the services • Total vouchers: 2,256,939.38 rend.cred, or the labvr performed as describEd herein Co50,0~~ and that the claim is ju-qt, due and an unPsid ~d tbat b~ 1. obligation against the City of Spolcane Vallcy, th Iam authoriz to authenticate and cerLify said claim• Z gq re al ~ ac F'inance Director n Date ai D~~ f J.~ j~ 23--~7 _ Yoiol r ~ \ ~ ouncil Ivlember Page: 18 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 11-07-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: [XJ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for'Period Ending October 31, 2007 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: ~ OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $178,929.74 Benefts: $ 94,392.76 TOTAL PAYROLL: $273,322.50 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS ~ DI7AFT AHT1VU7rES iCity of Spokane Valley City Counci112egular Mceting Tuesdsy, October 23, 2007 Mayor Wilhite called thc meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 126,' meeting. Atlertdance: Citv Staff: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Dave Mercier, City vlanager Sleve Taylor, DePuty Ivlayor Mike Connelly, City Attorney Dick Denenny, Councilmember , Ken 1`hompson, T'inance Director Bill Gothmann, Councilmeinber Greg McConnick, Pliinning Manager Mike l7eVleming, Councilmember Mike 13asinger, Associate Planner Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Cammunity 17evelopment Dir Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Absent: Mike Jackson, Parks & I2ecreation Dir Rieh yfunson, Cquacilmember Cary Driskell, Deputy Cily Attorney Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner . Carolbelle 13ranch, Public Information Offcer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk M.10CATi0N: Pastor Darrell Cole of the Spokanc Valley Wesleyan Church, gave t}te invocation. PLEDGE OF AT.,T:EGIANCE: Mayor Wilhite led the pledge of allegiance. ~ ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bairibridge called rvll; all councilmembers were present cxcept ~ Councilmember Munsan. It was n:oved by Deputy Mrryor Tu}+lor, seeondeel and aarcrninaously agreecl tn exctrse Councilnrenrher Murrsorr from tonighl's meeting. APPIZOVAL OY AGENllA: It %vas aioved by Depufy Mtryor Tcryloj•, secorrded ancl arnaiiiii7ously agreed to crpprove tfee agenda crs submitted. - INT120nUCTIOIV OF SPECIAL GiJIESTS ANll PFtFSENTATIONS: N/A COlvf1'li 'ITT'LF, BQARD, LiA1SQN SUMMARY RFYORTS: . Councilmembcr Ueneniiy stated that he attended the Spoksne Transil Authority Boarci meeting last week but there were no major issues cliscussed; anci Councilmember Gotlimann mentioned he attended the Weed and Seed meeting wbere it Nvfls nientioned they anticipate receiving a contract soon from School Diserict 81 officials. There were no othcr council reporis. . ' MAYQR'S EtEPORT: Mayor Wilhile mentioned she atiended the Greater Spoktuie, Inc. Board mceting; and met with the Cily's labbyist to discuss upcoming activities. PUBLiC COMA'1LNT'S: iMayor Wilhite invited public cotnment; no comments were offerecl. 1. COnSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine'which are approved as agroup. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to bc considered separately. a. .C'ollowing Claim Vouchers: Voucher List Dated 10-15-2007; Voucher #s 12941, 12952, 12955-13047; 'Cotal $544,650.09 ~ b. .Payroll for Period Ending October 15, 2007: $194,846.56 . c. Minutes from October 2, 2007 Special CnunciVLibrary Meeting Council Regu]ar Meeting: 10-23-07 Fage 1 of 5 Anproved: , DRAFT d. NTinutes from 4ctober 2, 2007 Council Study Ses_sion Meeting e. Minutes fmm October 9, 2007 iZegular Council Mceting f Vlinutes frorn Oetober 16, 2007 C,ouncil Sriidy Sessioii Nleeting It was m.nved by 17eputy Mayar Taylor, seconded rnicl wiaiirinozesly agreed 1o approt"e 16ie Consent Agencla as s[ated. NE'N B(JSINESS: 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-018, Adoatine $udLyet - Ken Thomnson After City Clerk ]3ainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by DeputyMcryvr 7aylor and seconded to apprvve ordirrarice 07-0.I8, atloPting the budget for yenr 2008. Finance Director Thompson explained that several public hearings were held nn the proposed 2008 budaet, and saicl tliat he addcd an addilional "whereas" clause in the ordinance which addresses the property tax lcvry for 2007 which will be collected in 2008, and that once adopted, this will adopC die city's balanced 2005 budSet. Mayor Wilhite inviCed publie. comments; no eomments were offered. Vole hy Acclarnutiott: Ifi Favor: Unaniniorrs. Opposed., Ncute. A6stentions: Nnne. Motion carrierl. 3. Second Reading Propose.d Ordinancc 07-019. Levvine 1'ronertv TaY - Ken Thomnson Afl:er City Clerk Bainbridge reaci the ordinanee title, it was moved by.T)enuly Uavor Taylor arul seconded !o approve ordiyiance 07-019 levying praperty 1ecYes for the 2008 Gzidget. FinFUice Iairector Thompson etplained that aIthough the $1.60 per t.housand dollars of assessed value rate was considereci, the City Icvy will be closer to $1.55 per thousand dollars, ancl diat tJie aetual' ratc f'or die City will not be kno«m unCil ranuaiy 2008 when final assessed value calculations are available. Mayor Wilh.ite invited public comment; no cotnments were offered. Yote by Acclrrriurliott: In Fcrvor: Ununimous. Opposed: None. Abstenlions: Xone. Afotivn car•ried. 4. Second Rcucline Proposed Orainaoce 07-020, Confirming Fxcess PropertvTax - Ken Thompson Afi:er City Clerk Bainbridge reaci the orclinance title, it was moved by Ueputy Aluyor Tuylor rutd seconded . to adopt urditiaTtce 07-020 confirntitig the increase in properly tax for collection in 2008. 1"inance Director Thompson explained that we are required by state law to pass an ortlinance confirming the desire to leNry the annual 1% allowable increase in property tar, which is already includcd in the budget documents. Mayor Wilhite invitcd public comment; no cornments were offered. vote byAcclamution: In Fmor: Unanimoiw. Qpposed: iVoyie. Abslentiatis,- None. Afution currred. 5. Second Readine 1'rocosed Ordinance 07-021. Auolewav Auto Street Vac3t.ion - Gree McCormick/A'like F3asinQer After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was ntoved by Depu1J+ Mcryor Taylor and secorrded ' tu approve Ordiriarice 07-021 with slated fiadings of fact Q72CI COl1CIlflOl'7S of vacation. Mr. Basirlger explained dhat staff mct wit.h the applicant's representative October 16, and that staff has now distributed fu1 updated assessed value analysis, which superseded Ihat which Council originally had in their packet as wcll as that which was placecl on 1.6e dais tonight; and that the newest lnalysis is the shorter analysis dated Uctober 23, 2007, showing the asscssed value of Sipple Street as $57,493.72, and $163,300,56 for First Avenue; and mentioned that in acldition to the other couneil packet materials, brought attention to the summary of the Octobcr 16 meeting. Mr. Basinger also mentioned thac the resolution setting the policy fnr compcnsation was mailed to the applicant last tlugust, and stated that the applicalit infonns stat`f t11e applic:ant is not interested in extending Sipple. In reference to the Uniforni DeveloptnenE Code 'Citle 20, mentioning lhat block length not exceed 800 feet, Council askcd when that might have been enacted, and Nir. Connelly said he would have to research that questian. Coimcilmember Schimmcls asked if ,ve know who the previous owner was, and Mr. Basinger said we do not. vlayor Wilhite invited publie commcnt; no comments wcre offered. ' Council Pe;ulxr Nleeting: 10-23-07 Page 2 of 5 Approved: DRAFT Discussion ensued regarding the UDC 800 foot ivle, the proposecl site plitn layout, the use and width of Sipple and whether to put t}hat street all the way dirough, the history of the cwo company's use, Chc appraise_d value and the City's ability to cliarge, whether to assess for rirst Avenue, anci the generation of property taxes. 1t «<as also confirmed tllat Mr. Taylor's motion does not inrlucle the sentence in brackets on the orclinance, e.g. "In addition, the applicant shall pay fiity percent (50%) nf the appraised value of the vacated property received. Other payment options.]." Vlayor Wilhite said in lool:ing at this from a business standpoint, she has concems with the vacation of First Avenue without any payment consideration; that she would nnt ask for SO%, but feels a small portion Nvould be acc;eptable. Yate by Acclantation: hT favor: Depuly jWayor Taylor, m2d Counczbnembers Sclrimmels, Denenny, Goll7mrntn, and DeVlerning. Opposed.' Mu}%or WilhitE. .Abstetttiorrs.• Norre. Motion carried. 6. Fiest lZeadins Prnnosed Orclinance 07-022. Simshine Disoosal Franchise - Ctirv Jariskell After City Clerk BainUridge read the ordinance title, it tivas movecl by Depury Mcryor Taylor cnzd seconded tv udvance Ordinance 07-022 to n seconcl reading. Deputy City Attorney Driskell explained dhat this is the fnurth or fifth report on dhis subject as per the dates contained in the October 23, 2007 Requcst for Council Action form; and that a copy of the drai`t franchise was sent to Sunshine Disposal. Nlayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. After brief discussion, it was nlentioned that this begins the seven-year status quo franchise process, which will allow negotiation options further in the ftilure, and Councilmember Sebimmels added thal once this process is complete, Council may want to explore solid wasste options for the 1andfilL vote by acclaniution: Lt Fuvor: Unanimous. Oppo.red: iVone. Abstentioris: tN'otre. etlalion carriecl. 7. First R.eadina Pronoseci Ordinaice 07-023. \'Vaste Manap-ement Franchise - Carv Driskell ~ After City Clerk I3ainbridgc read the ordinanee title, it wus moYed by Deptrty Mrryor Taylor cnul secortded to uctvance Ordbtarice 07-023 to cr secarrd reading. Mr. Driskell e.cplained that this is sirnilar to that which was just discussed for Sunshine, but that Sunshine is for the commercial dumpster, while Waste Management is commercial and residential. 7'he question canie up cpncemino the current rate for a resicicntial customer, and wfiile it appears to be includcd on page 21; Mr. Ariskell said that the Utilities Transporiacion Commission determines the rate, and he will research that figure behveen now and the seconci reading. Liayor Wilhite invited public cornment; no comments were offered. Vote by aeelanratiair: Ir2 T'avor: Tlnunintous~. Upposecl.• Alone. Abstentions: r\lone. Afotion cdrried. 8. Proooseci Resolurion 07-017. Amendi.ne F'ee Resolution-Ken `1'homoson It was moved hy Deputy Muyor Tcrylor arrd secoirded to al)pravE Resolcrtion 07-017 unrending the fee resolutiorr effective Jmtuary l, 2008. Finanec X7irector 'I"hompson gave an overview of the proposecl ohatiges, which inclucied preliminary aiicl Fnal subdivision approvsl, bi.nding site plan spproval, zoning lettcrs for citizens, quick turn-around perinit, and die delelion of various miscellaneous insqectio❑ fees, as lhose inspections cauld result in added Iiability for the City. Mayor 1'Jilhite inviteci public comment. Dick ]3ehm, 3626 S Ridt_,eview Drive: said he Nvanted lo speak to the administrative appeal fEe and mentioned he sent an e-cnail abuut that $1,000 cost; hc said he spol:e -with members of the City's legal depiirl.ment who told him those feeS are an effort to recover eosts, and t:hat it discourage_s frivolous appeals; but Mr. 13ehm said he fecls tlle appeal fee of $1,000 is way too higli for many people and that Spokane County and the City of Spokane's fees are not diat high, and he asked Council to eonsider those . fgures. iVfayor Wilhite said that the legal deptirtment is conducting research on that fec for futtire diseussion. Counc•il/staff discussion ensued including mention of ttie cost to the City of the Hearing Examiner's time, and the in-house cnst ot provicling copies f.'or appeals, which prompted public comment response fram Tamara Murock, of 13xltins & Murock, Attornevs at Law, who stated Chat the appeal Council is Council Regiilar Meetalg: 10-23-07 Page 3 of S . Approved: . llRAFT referring to and the appeal Mr. Behm referenccd are not the same; as titr. Behm referenced the $1,000 - appeal fee far "Appeal of Adminisixative Decision," and die Hearing Eswiiiner appeal and Appeal of Ueterminalion made pursuant to SVMC 10.30.150-660 are not the sarne. There were no other public comments. Yofe by acclamatron:.Tir hmor: Uiumimous. Uppvsed: Arone. Abstentions: None. jLlotion carried . 9. MaCion Consideration: 2008 Commuriitv Development Block Gr~uit (CD}3G) Proiects - Grep, Mc:Corm i ck It was moved by Deputy liqayor Tuylor und secondecl to authvrize staff to prepare CDBC applications jor the selected projects at the 100% futrding level unless directed othenvise by council following our briefuag. Planning Ivla.nager MeCorniick explained the proposal and the various street projects whic.h staff identifed as eligible; and stated that he consulted with I'ublic Works Di.rector Kerstert who said that w}ien the Gotmty goes t.hrouah and perfornis the sew•er projects, we do noL have the opportunity to phase in pave-back prajects. There was further discussion on scveral funding ontions for these ]isted pmjeets, from 100%, to 80%, to 50%;-the need to present concentrated proposals; the uncertainty of prescnting an "either or" proposal; the evaluatian process and HGllAC (HousinD Community Development Advisory - Comrnitrtee) recommendations; and mention that sidewall:s need to be brought to A.DA compliance. Il was then moved by Deputy lticryar 7'ayJor arrd .secanded to a»rend his motion to reeltcest fisndirig for 100% of the ADA side►valk projects, and SO%.for Roclnvell and Suiitmerfield Acres full-witllh pcrvitig projecls. tilayor Wilhite imfitett public comment; no cornment$ were offiered. Cvuncil zrnurrimously voted to ameild the motion. Vute by Acclamution orr the arirentled nrolian to • uuthorize stc~ff to preprcre the CDBC . applicutiaris for selected projects, vf 100% for the ADA sitlewalk projects; urtd SO% for Rock►vell critd Sun:merfieltl Acres full-►vidth paving project: h: Favor: Urrunimoars. Opposed: IVone. AhslEntioris: IVone. Matzon cru•ried. 10. ►V'Intion Consideration: Set Public Hearine for the Ponclerosa Estates North Anoeal - Mike Connellv . Depury City Attorney Driskell explained that stafF seeks a motion which would set the closed record hearitib date for Nov 27, 2007, Por council to consider the Ponderosa Fstates Narth appeal. In order to have all councilincmbers present, Vlayor Wilhite sugsested having the hearing set f'or Monday, November 19, and explained that the rnatter is time-serisiCive and Therefore would prevent settinct the matier at a date later than Novcmber 27. 1t -vvas moved by Corincilrnember Uenenny and seconded to se11\Tovenrber 19 as the date far tyie closed recvrd laearirig in this niatler. Mayor Williite invited public commenC. Qick Behm, 3626 S Ridacview Drive spoke concerning the fees associated with the hearing. IvIT. Driskell stressed that this is a closed record IZeau-ing and that Council nlay npt consider an}'thinb outsicie that issue. t[ tvas also clarified that such Novcmher 19 heariniz would be set for 6:00 a.m, in Council Chvnbers. Vote by Acclmncition: Itr Favor: UnanimQUS. Oppvsed.• Norie. Abslentions: 1Vone. Motion carried. 11. vlotion ConsideraCion: Shellev Lake Develonment Am-eement - Mike Connellv Tl was moved hy Deputy 111r.ryor Tu~~lor atr~l secon~lcd to upprove the ~Shelley Lake 5'I'f1~ldiliGn ~'olunlrny tl~lllgUIIDIl A,~,reement. Deputy City Attoniey Tariskell briefly went ovcr the conditions nf the abreement as listed on the boitom of page one and continued on the top of page 2. vlayor Wilhite invitetl publie comment; no comments were offered. The issuc of traffie lights w35 Cj1SCUSSGfI and the backups anc3 de.lays mentioned, and 1'ublie Works Director Kersten said that the intersection fails when die clelay is greater than 120 seconds, and said that most vehicles should be able to get through in nne light sequence, which is normally less than dq seconds. Vote by Acclamation: Irt Favor: Ununimous. Opposeci.• Nur2e. Abstentiars: None. Motron ccrrrieci. FiJ}3LIC COr'IMF,\'TS Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; nn comments were offered. Cotmcif Re_gtilar Meetuig: 10-23-07 Psge 4 of 5 Approved: DRAFT ' • ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT'S: 12. Street Vacation Prooosal. STV 04-07 - Karen Kendttll Assistant planner Kenclall Nvent throus* her PowerPoint presentation conccming this vacation proposal for a porcion of Evergreen R.oad, and of die recommendatioiis of the Pltinning Commission t0 approve the attacliecf findings and recommended conditional approval. Council had no objection tn move this mattcr forward for an ordinvice first reacling. INFORMA'f'IUN ONLY: 13. Spflkane County Library I7istrict 2007 3"d Quarter R.eport 14. I.,odging Tax Allocations - Ken 'fltompsnn 15, Depiutrnent Reporls , 16. City Hall Facilities Plaiining - Neil Kersten Although lhese agenda iCe►ns are for infornlatinn only, L7eputy iUlayor Taylor spoke conccrning 414 above, and said Lhat the initial report of the Lodging Tax Committee brought die recommendations as shown in the attachment, but tllat Chere was sorne diseiissiou concerning the Valley Chamber's requcst for marketing funds, vid he believes ttiis one item should return tn the fijll conimittee for fiulher ' consideration, as when the Committee previously met, there were hvn committee members absent. It was . Council consensus to move fonward with the allocatinn recommenciations as showm for the November ? mecting, with the crception of the ChamUer's proposal, which will be considered at a later date. Conccrning- other uticoming issues, Vtayor 1,Vilhite meiitioned titere would Uc no Council meeting October 30 so tliat Cowicilmembers can atCend the Govemor's Town Hall Mceting at University Gymiiasium; anci that Cauncil will also not meet November 6, but will meet instead November 7; and will not meet November 13 as Counc:il attencls the Natianal l.eague of Cities conference. City v[anaoer . vlercier asked Councilmembcrs to let him know of any issues they wish to have added to the January 12 Council retreat agenda; and he rnentioned that we were asked yesterday if Spokane Valley would become the fscal agent for a grant thru CTED's sceond phase collaboration eff'ort on joint planning initiatives, and he sibmalcd our willingn-rss to do so, and added that if a a-ant is awarded, Council will be asked to takc partieular action for that award. EXECUIIVE SFSSION: Land Aequisilion; Pending I itigaCion. 7'here was no exeeutive session. There being no fiurther business, it was ninvEd hy Depuly Mayor Tcrylor-, secorrded, urad unanimously ugreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m. AT-rEST: Diana Wilhile, viayor Christine $ainbridge, City Clerk _ Cotmcil Regular Meeting: 10-23-07 Page 5 of 5 Approved: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action ; Meeting Date: November 7, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: Z consent ❑ Old business ❑ New business 0 Public Hearing ❑ Information ❑ Admin. Report ❑ Pending Legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Memorandum of Understanding (iViOU) between City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County Library District to shar.e the cost of City Center Master Planning services. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 39.34 Interlocal Cooperation Act PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council has authorized the City Manager to approve contracts for consultant services related to the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan and City Genter,project to address urgent and unanticipated needs without p(or approval of Council, up to the $200,000 maximum specified in the SVMC. BACKGROUND: On October 2, 2007, Michael Freedman presented a preliminary conceptual master plan for the City Center at a joint City Council/Library District meeting. Freedman is integrating feedback from the meeting into a final conceptual plan. The Library District verbally agreed to share the consultant costs related to the master plan with the City and this MOU formalizes the agreement. . OPTIONS: 1) Authorize City Manger to sign MOU; 2) Provide direction to Staff RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize the City Manager to sign the Memorandum of Understanding wherein the Spokane County Library District agrees to pay for 50% of c4nsultant costs related to incorporating a new library into the City Center Master Plan. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City share of the consuftant expenses will be drawn from ' current budget resources. STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner ~ in!IORANDUM Ok' ITiNI)ERSTAiNDTNG This Vlemorandum of Understanding (MOI.3) is entered into by and betwcen the City oF Spokane Valley (hereinaft-er Spokane Va11ey), aiid the Spakanc County Library laistrict (hereinafter SCI:.D), jointly referred to as "Partics". This Memorandum of Understanding will summarize the terms and conditions upon which the Partics agree to jointly utilize the services of Freetiman, Tung & Bottoniley (FTB) as set forth ul the Scope of Services dated September 10, 2007, attached as Exhibit 1 to this IvTOU. Spokane Va11ey is currently utilizing the seivices of. FTB to develop a city center master plan; which will includc a new city hall. The SCLD also anticipates constructing a nEw library facility within the area coverccl by the city center master plan. The Parties recognize thcrc are mutual benefits in having FTB include the planning for the location of the SCLD library facility i.n conjunction Arith Planning the location for tlie new eity hall. Parties. 'lfie Parties to this agreement are the City of Spokanc Valley and the Spokane County Library llistrict, sometimes jointly rEfErrcd to as "Farties"_ 2. ~ose: The purpose of this menioranduin is to establish the tenns by which the SCL1a will reimblirse Spokane Valley for costs dircctly relaled to the I.,ibrary and Cit}, Center Master Flan, as sEt forth in the Scope of Services datcd September 10, 2007, attachcd hereto as E'x_hibit 1. . 3. Ter.ms of the Memoranduiu of Understandine. Thc SCL17 agrees to reimburse Spokane Valley $19,961.00 ofthe total of $39,922.00 in expenses incurred by Spokaue Valley £rom Freedman, 1ung & Bottomley far creating the Library atici City Center Master Plan. ln the event additional expenses from FI l3 a.re incuned i.n developing the Nlaster Plan, the Parties.agree to tncet _ and discuss in good faith allocation of payment for the addilional expenses. rn the event the expenses are less than $39,922.00, the Parties will split the costs evenly. Executed this 9R4%~ day ofOctober, 2007. Spokane County L,ibrary District S w , By✓ Date: , City of Spokane Valley B y: . Date: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 7, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent X old business new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation • AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second reading proposed Ordinance 07-022, Sunshine Disposal franchise GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.02.160, RCW 81.77 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Study session April 17, 2007, motion on May 22, 2007, administrative report August 14, 2007, first reading October 22, 2007. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Council direction on May 22, 2007, staff drafted proposed seven- year status quo franchise for Sunshine Disposal. - A copy of the draft franchise was sent to Sunshine Disposal with a request to contact me if they had questions or comments. Sunshine has not contacted me as of the date this RCA 'was ~ drafted. ~ Following adoption of this franchise, staff will present a motion authorizing staff to send notice of termination of the existing Tariff, under which the WUTC would continue to exercise exclusive regulatory authority and control. Once this process is completed, the Council may want to consider authorizing the staff to open negotiations with Sunshine for a replacement franchise containing other or additional terms, and under which the City would assume regulatory authority and control over garbage collection. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move that we approve Ordinance 07-022. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None in the short term, unknown long term. STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Draft franchise for Sunshine Disposal. . CiTX OF SPQKANE VAI.LEY ~ SPpKANE CQUiNTY, WASHINCTQN . ORD11`A~\ CE NQ. 07-022 AV` ORDTNANCE OF THE CIrrY QF SPUKAtNE VALLEY, Sl'UKAiNE COiJNTY, WASHTNGTON, GRANTING A SEVEN YEAR, NON-FXCLUSIVE FFtA\iCHISE TO SUVSHINE DISPOSAL, WC., TO P170V1AE GARI3AGE A\D - REFUSE C()LLECTION SERVICE Wl'I7111T THE CITY OF SPQK,ANE VAi.,LEY WHEREAS, the City ef Spokane Valley incorporated on March 31, 2003, at which time Sunsh.ine Qisposal, Inc., was providing garbage and refuse collection services in the geographic area comprising the new city; WI-(FREAS. RCW 35.02.160 provides that when a new city incorporates, a company providing solid waste and refuse eollection scrvices within the new city shall be allowed to conlinue providing said scrvices for at ]east seven years following the exercise of eertain steps lo terniinate those statutory rights; 4VI-IER.F,AS, the City Council has given preliminvy approval to give notice of termination through the Washington Utililies and Transportation Commission; ind NVI-iE17.EAS, the City desires to grant a suitus quo firanchise to Sunshine Disposal, [nc., whereby Sunshine Disposal, 1ne., shall be allowed to continue providing garbage and refuse eollection services within the City of Spokane Valley under the same terms and conditions as has bcen previousty allowed by the Washington Utilities "1`ransportation Commissioii, and under which the Washington Utilities ~ Transportation Commission would continue to have administrative oversight and control qver the provision of dhesc services. N01V, TWLREFORE, the City Counci.l of the City of Spokane Vallcy, Spokane Cnunty, Mashington, does ordain as follows: ' Section 1. Grant o£ Franchise. The City of Spokane Valley, a Washington municipal enrporation (hereinafter the "City"), hereby grants to Sunshine Disposal, Inc., D/B/A Sunshine Taisposal & Rec:ycling, (hereinafter "Sunshine"), a non-exclusive franchise for a period of sevcn (7) years, beginning on the effective cfate of this Ord'ulance, to prnvide ?arbage and refiase collection services in the City of Spokane Valley on iclentical terrns and cottditions as is set forth in Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) Certifcate G-199, and Tariff\To. 7gi-anted to Sunshine by WUTC, effective September 1, 2006, copies o£ which are attached to this &anchise orclinance, and incoryporated herein by reference. The VViJTC will continue to provide administrative oversight and conti•ql over this f'ranchise until this franchise expires or is superseded by a subsequent franchise. • Section 2. Notice. t1.ny notice or informatiqn required or pemiitted to be given by or to the partie.s under this Franehise may bc sent to the follnwing addresses unlcss otherwise specified, in «ziting: The City: City of Spokane Valley Atin: Ciry Clerk 11707 East Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 -.1 . Oedinance 07-022 Sunshine Disposal Frxnchise Page 1 of 2 Grantce: Sunshine 13isposal, Inc. Attn: lblarc B. Torre, V ice President 2405 North University Road i Spokane Valley, V1'A 99206 Plione: (509) 924-5678 Fax:(509)924-7448 Section 3. ' Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect fve days after publication of the ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by Iaw. PASSEL7 by the City Council this day of NOVember, 2007. Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTEST: ' Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney . ' Date of Publicatinn: Effective Date: Accepted by Sunshine Disposal, Inc., By: Vlarc B. Torre, V ice-Presidenf Sunshine Jaisposai: Inc., for itscif, and far its successors and ass+gns, daes accept all of the reTms and conditions of the foregding franchise. IN WITNESS VVHEREOr; has signed this day of , 2007. Subscribed and sworn before me this _ day of , 2007. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington; residing in My commission expires Ordinance 07-022 Sunshiue Disposal Pranchise Page 2 of2 ; . Si3vSHIlNTE DISPOSAL, INC. - Cert, 'No. IJ/l3lA SUNSflh\'L- DISPOSAL & RECYCLING G-] 99 2405 N. UNTIVERSITY ROAD ' - SPOKAT'E V.ALLEX, WA 99206 GAR.BAGE ANsD REFUSE COLLE.CTIOl~T SERVICB, limiter.i to service in eontainers o£iwenty (20) etzbic yard capacity nr over i.n that portion of Spokane County dESCribed as fallows: Tite territory bounded • on the west by Havatia Street (tIie casterly city limif.s of the City of Spokaiie); on thc narth by Rowan Avenue extended; on the e3st by the Idaha-tVashingtori State tine and an the soutJt by 40th Avenue . 'extended. Also, Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, T. 26 N., R. 45 E., ancl Sections 30 and 31, T. 26 N., R. 45 E.; and within the corporate city litnits of Spakane as of September.1, 1962, PROVI.nFD: Service percnitted in Spokane docs not authorize ehe duplir.ation of or any encroachment on services rendered by the Gity of Spokana or contracted for by it. - TG-040612 44-02-04 ,~7 R-RCEWED SUL 7.2, 2006 R'A. YTT. & TR.A.NS. COiIIl. OR_T.Gl1~AY1 TG-061142 Original Tide Page rTariff No. 7 . Cancels Tariff No. 6 , of Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B (hamelCertificate Number of So[id 1Naste CollecttDn Company) . dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling (Regutemd trade name of Sofid Vti'asID ColEatdon Company) NAI1rIhG RATES FOR THE COLLECTION, TRANSPOR7ATION, AND DISPOSAL OF , SOUD WASTE, AND IF NOTED, RECYCLING AR1D YARDINASTE Ih THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED'f"F-RRITiORY: • {N,ilQ: !P this tarff3 appfdss in ortly e perlian oi a cotnper,)'s cei-tirrcate authorify, a map accurafcfy dapldfrr$ the area Jn wtiah tho taritf a,ppfies mus.f b~- atlached to Fhis fsriti.) See Appendix A- Permit Copy and Map . ; 'arne of person Issuing tariff: MGrc S. 7orre Official U7C rgquests Tor inPornatlon regatding consumer quesEions andlor R4ailing address af issuer: 2405 N. Univerify Road complaints should be referred to thR • follrnving campany represerittive: . Ciiy, Statefzip Code Spokane, WA 9920S . Name: Marc B. 7orre Telephone Number(irtoui:,65,eao_,ac) (509)924-5678 i"itle: Vfoe ?fesident Phone: (508)925-5676 ' FAX number, if any (509)924-7448 E-maiL• mforree.sunshinedisoosal,cam Fax: (509)924-7448 E-mail address, if any: mtorreCa?sunshinedisoosal.oam . Issued by: f1larc B. Torre ' 13sue date: July 13, 2006 _ Effecfive Date: September 1, 2005 (For 0'mdsl Use Oruy) DocnEt No. Date: By: , FOR OFFICL4 L USPF Cinti~r' . Docket:.7."G-061141 Agenda laate: 08-30-06 • Lffective Date: 09-01-06 .1~. ORIC:Cn7AL TG=061142 RE, :IEIVED.lUY,12. 2006 WA. UT. & TR.ANS.* CO~'. Tariff No. 7 Original PagA No. 2 Company NamelPermit Number. Sunshine Disposal, lnc. - G000i99 B ' Regist?red Tradz Nacne(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recyclinq CNECK SHEET All paoes contained in this #ariff are listsd below in consecu5ve order. The ~~ges in nhw- teriff andlor any supplements to the fartu listed on tnis p3aP have issue dates that zre 'the same as, or are before, thQ issue date of fiis pegs. in the revision column . indicates an original page. PaSe CurTent Page. Curent Page Curtent - Number Revision ' Number Revislon h'umber Rev(sion Ti#Js Page ~ O ~ 27 ~ O I I 2 ~ O 28 ~ 0 ~ 3 O ~ 29 ~ O ! . . . 4 ~ 0 30' O ~ 5 ~ O 31 O 6 ~ O 32 ~ O I 7 ~ .O 33 O 8 I" O ~ 34 0 I ' e ~ O 35 I O 10 ~ O 36 ~ O . ~ 11 ~ O J 37 ~ O. 12 ~ O 38 ~ O 13 ~ O ~ 39 I' O I ~ 14 0 1 40 I o I I I ~ 15 O ~ 41 ~ O ~ 16 O ~ 42 ~ O ~ 17 O 43 O I I I I 18 ~ a ~ 19 O ' I I • . 20 O ~ • 21 O I • . 22 O 23 ~ O ~ ~ I I 24 O ~ . ~ . 25 O ' I . ~ 2s O I I ' , Staoglements in Efiect . . Issued By: iOarc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 Effecfire Date: September 1, 2006 (For Officia! Use Onfy) ~ . ~ . . Docket No. TG- Date: By: URZl.h!*I (,:1./~- ~Sy: ONL.Y . vocxet.• i cs-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 -R-]F- 1ErVE:D JT~-L 12, 2006 WA. UT. &TRA,rijS. COIVL►l~. ORIGUNTAT, TG_061142 Tariil No. 7 Odginal Page No. 3 • Cornpany Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Regisfieied Trade Name(s) dba Sunshina pisposal and RecyGfng . r~ Indcx of Iteris fn This Tatiff - see next Item far list ov taoic Ifem 5 Taxes Item 10 AppllcGtion of Ra-tzs Gzrieral Rem 15 Holidey Pickup Item 'iS Change In Pickup Schedule . Item 17 Refuntis Item 18 , Biliing, Advance SiHing, Paymen# Delinquency patzs, L2te Charges Item 20 Definltions Item 30 Limifation of Setrfce • I#ern 40 hria~erial Requiring SpECial Equipmsnt, Precaubons, or Disposal Item 45 Material Reqjiring Speciaf i esUng andlor Analysls Item 50 Retvmed Check Charges Item 51 Rest2rf Fees - Item 52 'Retfelivery Fees Item 60 Overtime • Item 70 Return Trips Item 80 Carryout Service, Drive-Ins • Item 80 Can Carriage, Overhead Obstruc4ons, 5unken or Elevated canslunits Item 100 CGn1Unit Service, Residentia! - Residential Curbsicte Recyciing - ResPdenbal Ya;dwaste Serv6ae Item 120 Drums . I~em 9 30 Litter Receptacles - Litter Toters Item 150 Loose and/or Buiiry Material Item 1160 TEme Rates Item 202. Appiication of Containei~ and/or Drop Box Rates - General Item 205 ftoll-0ut Cnarges - Containers, AUkoma#ed Carts, and Toliers " Item 207 Excess Vlfeight - REjection of Load, Charges to Transport . item 210 Washing and Sanitizing Cor►tainers and Drop Boxes - Item 220 Gompacsor Rental . , Item 230 Disposal Fess Item 240 Container Service -Nan-compacted - CornpGny-owned Containzr Item 245 Container Servicp - Nan-compacted - customsr-owned Gontalner Item 250' Cflniainer Service - Compacfed - Corr,pany-owned Container Item 255 Container Service - Compacted - Gustomet-ovrned Container Item 260 Dtop Sox 5ervice - hbn*Compacted - Company-owneii drap box IEem 265 Drop Box Szervice - Non-Compdcted - Customer-ovmed drop box Item 270 - Drop Sox Servica - Gorripac:ed - Company-owned drop nox • . Item 275 Drop Bax Service - CampacLed - Customer-o:arned drop box Item 300 List af AbbrEViadons and Symbols Used in Tarift (ssued By: fviatc B. Torre Issue Dafe: July 13, 2005 EfFectlve Date: September 1, 2006 (For Officral Use Orly) ~ Doc:<2t No. TG- ~ Date: g - y: - L.'oclret: 1 cr-'Obl 142 ' Agentla Date.• 08-30-06 • EfJ'ectiveDaie: 09-01-06 "KRUEd cEINED rcrL lz. 2 0 0 6 wA. uT. & Txjs. cQMAI. ORIGINAL 'I`G061.1.42 Tsrifr Ro. 7 Original Page No. 4 ~ . , Company Nams/Permit ti'umber. Sunshine Disposal, lnc. - G000199 B - Reqistered Trads Name(s) dba Sunshi~tie Disposa) ar,d Recycling ~ - index bv topic item No l;bbreviations used in t2riff 300 . kdvance billing S8 Animals.................................. 30 140 Bales Billing periods authorized 18 Carryout service . 80 ComrneTC9alcansen+ice............ 245 Compacdor renfal 220 Container service, compacted, company owned 250 ConEainer service, cbmpacted, customer-owned 255 ~ Contaitier servfce, non-cor~pacfc-d, company-owned 240 Container senrice, non-compac#ed, customer-owned 245 " Gontalners andlor drop boxes, availabifity 202 ~ Containei's andlordtop bexes, generaJ ru(es '200 Con#ainers andlor drop baxes, waslting and sanitizing 210 Credit due the customer ~ 17 : 17amage to customer property..,. 30 ~ 20 DefniUons Delir~quency dates 18 Disposal fees drive-in service 90 Drop-box servi-ce, compacted, company-0vrned 270 Drop-box service, compacted, cUStomer-ovrned 275 g Drop-bDx senice, r~on-compar-ted, company-0wned....... 260 Drop-box service, non-compac?ed, custom°r-owned 265 Exoess vreighL rejectton of load, charges to transpart 207 . Flat monthly charges 75 No(idays observed 60 Late charges 16 Limita5ons of servfce 30 ~ Litfer receptacles 130 Material requiring spscial dispasal 40 Ma#erial rec{uiting 5peciai equipment 40 ' hraterial requiring speciGl precauHons 40 . 45 Material requiring special testinglanalysis...... Car~tinusd on next page Issued By: h4arc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 20D6 ~ Effecdve Date: September'i, 2006 (For Offitcia1 Use Only) ~ ~ `f Docket No. TG- Date: BY: N u=Mumj, uW o~vLY vactt,er: .t tr'0611 42 . Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 lRECEINED XTT'L 12. 2006 WA. U-T. &TRA.1VS. CON11. ORIG1ITA.L TG-061142 Ti driff No. 7 Original Page Na. b Company NamelPemiit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GOD0198 B ~ Registered Trads hame(s) dba 5unshine DisoOsai and Recycling . ~ Index bv toDIc. con#inued ~ • ltem h'o Missed pickups, weether or roasi cond3tions 30 Retumeti r-hecks 54 OVer'nead obstructions............................................. 90 50- Over-sized units s Overtirne . . . . . ~ Ouer-vreightur~its 55 Redelivery fees 52 1 • Refur►dofovercharges Refund of prepµyments 17 17 Refunds 34 Reilus31 to make pic:{up 100 Resider~tial recycling Residential senrice 100 0 Residential yardwas#e ' 70 Return Wps ' ~ Roll-outcharges 205 so Stalrsorsteps ~ Sunken or elevated canslunifs 90 JOO Sy.mbols used in tarfff Taxes i ime rates . . . 184 f. ~ . ConSnued on nex# page Issued By: . Krarc B. Torre Issue Date: Juiy 13, 2006 Effecdve Date: September 1, 2006 (For Otricial Use Only) - Docket No. TG- Date: ~ By: ` . ) .r urt urrl c~r.~Z US~ : G~YL:~ ~ • uocket: 1 v-061192 .4.gef?da Uate: 0$-30-06 Effective. Date: 09-01-06 R-ECENED JUL 12, 2006_YVA. UT. &TIR.ANS. CON.IAI. OPJGTVAL TG-061142 i'ariff No. 7 Original Page ~'o. 6 C'' Company N-r-me/Permft Number. Sunshire D9sposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Name{s} dba Sunshirte Disposal and Recycling • (Eem 5- Ai)bfication Qf Rates - 7axes . Entity imposfng tac: Ordinance number. ~ A+nount of fax: ~ kppiication (Commodiues and terriltory) . ~ . . " . . ~ . _ . . • - . I I • . . I ~ I . ~ . . ~ . : lssued By: PAarc B. i orre Issue Date: Juty 13, 2006 " • Effecti%,s Date_ Seofember 1, 2006 ~ (For Offiaia! Use On1y) Doc:<et No. TG- D3te: 6y- . i,OS. v n~~L ~'3 ~Ti rGl~~ 0jVf1Y Docker: TG-061142 Agerada Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 ~~EIVED JUL 12, _2006 V1'A. UYT. & TR.AN'S. COiNM. ORIGI11AL TG-061I42 ' This page has fC] added worcSing Tarifi No. 7 ariM1inal Paae No. 7 Company A"ame/Permit N' umber: Sunshine Dbsposal, Inc, - G000199 B Reqis#eTed Trade Narne(s) dha SUnshine Disposal and Recyciing ' RegistPred Traae Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recyciing J Item 'I O- AoniicaUon of Rates General - R3fes named in this tariff coover the collectian, transportation, and disposal of so1id v;aste. Vdhen specific211y , referred to, ra#es also covef the coltection and L-anspactation of recycla5le maieiais and(or yardwaste, , Ti.fe 8 1.77 of the Rsvised Code of Washington (RCIr~O and Chapter 460-70 of the Washington Adrninistratsvve Code (WAC) govem operedans of solid waste collecfion companfes and the'tsriffs aampanies must file with the WashEngton Utilities and Transporiation Commission (WUTC). Unless sxceptior.s are shown, ail materials must be placed on 'the same ievel as the streets or allPys: l'he company mayr charge addilional arnoun#s for disposal fees only whsn specirically s:ated in the fariif and seuarately shrn:m on customer biils. - Itern 15 Holidav Pic;cuo ~ Reaul4rlv Scheduled Service • When a pic;up is missed due to the comcany's observance of a holkfay, the cornpany wifl provide service, at no additional oost to the cus{omer, on an alternate day. • A tist of the hotidays the company observes is shativn in Ite,°w 64. For appiica' fion of rates in this tariff, the oompany ciafines alternste day to rriean the collmving: The folfrntiing business dey [Cl . y ' Itern 16 - Chanoe in Pickuo Schedule When a company changes the pick-up date far its certincate area, or a portion of its certin"cate area, the comoany must notify all cus4omers in the aiiecied area of that change. h'otice must be mada at IeasE seven days before implement.altion af a ne,v pickup sGhadUle 2I1t3 tii8;r be made via m3il, personal contaet, or by a noltice being affixed to the cus`:omer's solici waste recentacla IssLIed By: h4arc B. Torre . • . issue Date: July 13, 2006 EfrECtive Date:. SaqEember 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) . Docket No. TG- Date: sY: -FDtc cJ72-~w.,u: U SE 0~, .uocx'et.• 1 cT-06.1142 . Agen.da Date: 08-30-06 Bffective Date: 09-0.1-06 RECENE~'3 JiJL 12,2006 WA. U~.,. & TRANS. C011',TM. ORIGLNA.L T'G-061142 Tariff No. 7 - Original Pag? ND. 8 Company Narr,elPermit Number: Sunshine Disi>osal, Inc. - G4D0139 B ' Registered Traoe Name(s) dba Sunshine Dispcsal and Recyclina . Item 17 - Refunds Credit due the customer. Vdhen tfiere has been a Jansacbon that results fn a crzditdue the dustomer, the follaviing apply: (a) If the amount due is five daHar or less, an adjusfinent will be made to the custOmer's account The adjustment must be shovvn on the n2xt regular bfll. (b) lf the amaunt due is mare Ehan tive dollars, the customer may accept ari account adjustment or may r~quest a refund, - (1) If ifie customet ele~-.ts to have an aocount adjustment tnade, the adjus#m2nt must show on the next regvlar biliing. (2) If the cttstomer elects to receive a refund, the company must issue a check %4rihin thirfy days ol' the ,request. . Overcharges. Once a company becornes Cware Eh'Gt it has overcharged a customer, it must prevlde a rerund or an sccount adjustment credit tfl the custamer. The custorner must be given a choice as to which option is preferred. fhe refund or credit must be the amount overcharaed in the Lhree years before the date of disccvery. (a) ff the customer elects to have an account adjustnent made, the adjusbnent must shotv on the next rzgular billing. - (b) If the customer elscTs fo receiva a refund, the cornpany must issue a check vAi,hin thir-ty days of the • request - ~ Prepayments. If a customer has paid service ;ees 1n adv2nce, servioe is discontfnued during the pre-bilied periosl, and the customer is due a refund, the following appfy: • ; (a) A company m~JSt honor all requestt for Cefunds of the unused pc~.ion ofi orepayments. (b) If the clistomer pro%rides afcrwarding address to the cornpany or one can be obtained from the Post Oificp, the cornpany mttst issue a refund check no rnore than thiriy cfays folloving the custorr+ers request. (c) ff the customer cannot be loczted ar d►d not provide a fonvarding address and tha U.S. Post Office cannot furnish a fcrwarding address, the amount may bs presumed to be abandoned and is subjec# to the Uniform Unclaimsd Property Act a'l'ter one year. ' Issued By`. Marc S. Torre lssue Date: July 13, 2005 . Eifieciive Date: Septembyr'1, 2006 (For Oi'ficia! Use Only) • DackEf No. TG- Dat$: BY . -FT1( Ui{r f Cllb Usi: 01lTLY ~ocicet: 1 cJ-061142 . Agenda Dute: 08-30-06 . Effectiue ,Date: 09-01-06 JZE:MVEla JYJ:L 1.2.2006 WA. YJT. & 7`RANS. COMM. ORTGINAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 . Originat Paga No. 9 Gompany Nam;JPermit Numher: Sunshine Disposal, inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Name(s) dbe 5unshine DispQSal and RecyGing . ~ itern 1$ - Billine. Advance Billina. and Pavrnent Delinouzncv Da#es ' BiUing period. A company may bi}I its customers for one, Nvo, or three months of service. Advance bifling and Rayment de{inquency dates. The tollowing chart. defines the maximum period allowed ro; {,Deli[iqUency:datetiJ? One month's service rvo advance billing a!lotived May noi be ►ess then (monthly) - 21 days aRer the . • date the bill is mailed Two montns' sefvIce One month's advance billing allowed h4ay not be un51 the , . fast day af the second manth Three months' Two month's advance billing allowetl May not be until the service (ast day af the tfiird month The billing period chosen by the company operating under this tariff fior its residential solie was4e accounts is: R,onthly Issued By: Niarc B. Torre • fssue D2te: July 13, 2006 , Effoective Date: Septeniber i, 2006 . , (For Official Use Only) . Docket No. TG- Date: . By; FQSl Ol'Fll.-I.A.L VcJE lJ1Y.6`l• Doclcpt.~ TG-061142 , Agenda Date: 08-30-06 E, f'eclive Date: 09-01-06 . REGEI`VED J-UL 12, 2006 `'VA. UT. & TR.A..i.\TS. COMIYL ORTGINA_la TG-061142 P Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. i0 ComPsny,Narr~elPermit Numbe: Sunshins Disposal, Inc. - G000199 8 Reoisfered Trads Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal anQ.Reeycling Item 20 - QefiniEions N07"EE, T`re definitions showrt on ttr3 frrst Ghr=s pages of ihfs flem are stp-ndsrsi, in mcst c?se,s prascvtbzsi by ru1e. C,fl,nperries may not arriend ihese dennlticns, except to filt in blanks for naxirrrum weights of variuus rocep€aclss. Cflmpenies ►vish+ng fo add dennff;ons specifre to tlrelr company's opersbflns must indude Etose deffniaons on z sepsr€te paga, en&ed "Company- spgcific'de4orh'ons." A blank &yeetfs provided forfhat purpQSe. ' - Ba1e: Miaferial comprzsseS by rnachine and securely terped or bandPd. • Bulky tnaterials: Empty c?Riers, ceitons, boxss, crates, etc., or rriGterials olliered fer disposal, 311 of which may be teadily handled without sheveling.: • Chargs: A set flat fee ior performfng a service. Or, the result of multiplying a rafe ior a unit firnes the numberaf uni#s transporteri. Comriercief billing: Sen4rp billed to a commerLial cusfomer or bifled ao, anci paid for, by a property . . manager or rnwner rather than a residentia) tenant. Cornpaclor disconnecU . , reconnect charge: A flat sae estaolished by the solid %ras:e collection company for the seroice of disoor~necting-a compactor from a drop, box orcoritalnet before taking ii . #o be dumped, and then reconnecfing the compactor when the drop box or contain?r is rzfumed fo the cusFomers site. Gafe charoe: A 1`13t fee charged for open(ng, unlocl:ing, or closing gates in order to pick up solid waste, Loose material: Material not set out in bags or contafners, including materiafs that mu5t be snovtled. Mulil-€a~T~ily residence: Any strucfiare housing iwo ot more dtivelling units. PBCkEf: - A fjc^ViC° Qr vehicle spec(alty desioRed 4o pac}c loose materials. Pass through fee: A fee coliectzd by a solid waste collection company on behaif of a third parfy when the 'ree is billed directly lo the customer without markup or mar?tdotron. ' Permanent senlice: Container and drop-box service provided at the custamers rPquest #or mote than 90 days. Ra`e: A price per unit or per seivice. A ra4e is rnultiplied Umes the number ol' units transpor#ed ' or the nurnber af Urnes a service is perforrrtied to determine a charge. Solid wasfe ' - . receptacfe: IncJudes the foliowing ifems, with the follovring meanings: Automated cart means a cert deslgned to be piaed up and emptsd by rnecharfcal means. The speciiic type and sfze are to be ctefined in ra#e items. Coniinued on next page Issued By: Miarc B. Torre . Issue Dafe: July 13, 2006 Effective Da#e: September 1, 2006 (For Oifrcia! Use OnJy) Docket No. TG- Dafe: B;" , 770K U77,- I(:IAL (I5 E 01lTLY , Locxez: 1 (.T-06114-) Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Dat.e: 09-01-06 IZECEM D JU.L 1_2, 2006 WA. U'I'. & TR.ANS. COAB.T.. ORTGINAL TC-061142 " This paae has [C] addzd wording In two places . Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 11 Corinpany NamarPsrmit Nurnber. Sunsh+ns Disposal, Inc. - GOOQ199 B Registered Tade Mame{s) tlba Sunshine Disfxisal and Recyc(inq Item 20 - Definitions.,continued Solid waste receptacle, confd: Can means a raczptacle mad-3 ot durable, oorrosion-resistant,'npnabsorbent mateial th,at fs watarItight, and has a c(ose-fit#ing cover and h:ro hanales. A can hofds rnore [C] than :wenty gallons, but not more than thirty-tvvo gallons. A can rsey noi weigh t'nora ' than 65 poui-ids when filled nor mora than 12 pounds when elnpty. Cart means awhleeel?d plashc con€ainer_ A cart may afso be raferresi to as s toter: If suppfied by a customer, a cart must be compatibie wiL°t the company's equipmenR. ' The size Gnd fype of car# that is compaUble will be established in each company's tarisf. . Corstainer meaRS a det2chable receptacle (normally designed tfl hofd ak feast a cubic yard of solid waste) from which materials are collrcted by mechanicaAy liiHng the recep'acla and ernptying the contents into the company's vehiGe. Drop box means a de4achable receptacle used to provide solid wasfe Qollecuon ' service by the receptavle betng placed on the company's vehicle by rnechanical • means and trznsparied to a disposal site. Drum means a'metal or plastic rontainer of epproximately ;i%,-five gallon capacity, • generalfy used.far oils or solvends. A drtim mey not weigh more ihan pounds when filfed. ' - ° . 1) Litter receptacle means a container nat aver sixty-gallan cepacl#y, genaraily pleced . • in shflpping centers and afong strsets or hightivays for 1itter. A litter receptacle rnay not vraigh more than pounds vrhen ziiled. ' Micro-mini can means a can made of durable, corrosion-rasistant, ncnabsorbent maserizl tha# is wetertight ond has a close-fitfing aover. A micro-mini can may not hofd more than ten gallans. A micro-mini can may not v,reigh more than pounds when fi!{ed. Mini-can means a can made of dureble, corrosion-;esistant, n4nabsorfzent maferial [C] . tnat is watertight and 'nas a clflsey9 tting cavsr. A mini-can rnay not hold more _ thai hventy gallons., A minf-csn may not wreigh more ttaan 20 pounds when filled, nor weight to exceed 35. pounds. . ' Recycling bin or container means a bin or container designed or designa'ted for the _ . colleciion of recycIables. The s'rze and type ail rccycling bin or contafner wiJl be es#ablished in each company's tarifi. • • C4ntinued an nex# page Issued By: Afiarc B. Torre . 1-sue Date: Jufy 13, 2006 . Eftective Da!e: Sentember 1, 2046 ~ (For Offlicia! Use Only) ' . DOCnEi No. l'G- pafe: BY: orFrcr4 L USE c -Nf.rDocket: TG-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEYVED ,TfTL 12, 2006 WA. UT. & `I`RAiNS. COIVfJVZ. ORIGLNA_Ta TG-061142 ' This page has [C] added wording in two placas. Tarhf No. 7 Original Page No. 112 Company 'ameJPermit Number. SUnshin- Disposal, Inc. - GOfl01S9 3 Repisterea Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 2D Definitions, continuei Solid waste • receptacle, confi d: Toter means a wheeled plastic coiitainer. A tater may elso be referred (D Rs a cart !t sUpplied by cusiom°r, a tater musi be compatible v.ith the campany's equipmen't. Tfyz size and eype of fofer that is'compa4'b(e will ba estabfished in each company's tariti. Unit rneans a receptacle made of durable, corrosion-resis#anf, nonabsorben4 material, that is vraEer'tig;~t, and has a close-fitting covet and tivo handlss. A unit hofds more fhan hventy gallons, but not more ihan Ehirey-#wo gallans or four cubic izet. A unit . . may not weigh morz than 65 pounds when filled, nor more than 12 pounds when empty. [C] Where agrsrcl upon baNveen the company and ihe customer, end wherz allowabla Linder focal orainance, a bcx, carton, cardboard bartel, or other suifsble confainer may Ese substituted for a solid waste can, far a single pick-up that includes removal of the container,.K ii mEe`s Ehe size End weight limits established in the comoony's Eariff, as describad in ihs preceding paragiaph. [c] Yardwaste bin or container rneans a bin or container specifically designed or designated fot ths collect(on of yatdwaste. Each company's fetiff will ref0 to a specific type of yardwaste bin or container to be use6 in a service sraa. The type, . . size, v;eight, etc„ of this type of bin or contalner AN oflen be set by.local Qoverr,ment p!ans or ordinances. I Special pick-up: A pfck-up requesteri by the cusiomer at a fime oEhz.r than the rsgularfy scheduled ~ Pick-up tim?, that requires the special dispatch oi e`xuck. If a soacial dispafch is rzc;uired, the company v:ill assess 'tIme rates established in the aarripany's fariii, as - shawn in Item 160, Supplernent A page added to the beginning of a tariff, norrnalfy to cover emerg?ncy, temporery, or special situations. An exampie is a page issued 'to shaw a special s!.rrchar5e imposed by a city. Temporry senvice: Temporar-y service neans providing confainer oi drap-box setvic~e at the cusFomer'5 request iar a period oF t-iinety days or less. UnI_'ching: AROther tem, ior a gaie charge. A flat iee impossci by a solid waste co!lectlon comQany when +he companys personnel must unlafch a gate or cfaDr to perilorm ' pickup sorvice. Unlockfng: A flat fee iriposed by a solid wasfe collection company when the compa`~y's parsonnel must unlock padlocks or ofher locking devices to perform pie:fup serveces. Issued 8y: k4arc B. Torre , - lssue !]E's: July 13, 2a06 EfiecUve Dp-ie: Sentember 'i, 2006 (For af~~cia! Use Onty) ~ Docket No. TG Date: 6y. 1, Ue. Ui, RE1'~L USE C~NL Y U o c ke t: :L 'Cr'- U 61142 . ' Ageitda Date: 08-30-06 . Effective Date: 09-01-06 R.ECErVE:D M~ 1212006 VVA. U'X`. & TR-tkNS. CONEq. OPJGL.~A.L TG-061142 This page has [Cj added wording for one company-specific definition. • Taritfi R'o. 7. Original Page No. 13 Company N3rr~elFermii Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GOO0199 B • Reeistered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Dispasal ar,d Recyclinq ltsm 20 - De,irfbons. aontinued CompaRy-spacinc de;mibons: Compacted Material: . h4aterial that has been compressed by any mechanicGf cevice [Cj _ efther before or after it is placed in the receptacle by the yolid A2ste company. , . . lssued By: Marc B. Torre fssue Date: Juiy 13, 2006 Effective QGte: Sepdeinber 1, 2006 ' . (For Omcia! Use Only) / ' DQCkeE No. TG Date: gy; .FOR OF,FIML US1' G~' 1>ocket: 1 'Cr-061142 _ • Agert.da Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECETVED JTJL 12, 2006 W.A.. UT. & T.k,ANS. COi-VLM. ORIG1A'.AL 'x`G061.].42 Tarin No. 7 Original Page No. 14 Campany NamelPermit Number Sunshine Dlsposal, fnc. - GOQOi99 B n~ Registered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recyclinq - Item 30 - Limifations of Service Refusal of service. A solid wasip- collectifln company may refiuse to; (a) Plck up matPrials from Foin'Es where it is hazardous, unsafe, or dangerous ta persons, property, or eeuipmen# to operate vehic(es due to U-ie conditions of streets, alleys, or roads. (b) Drive into private property whee, fn tha companys judgment, driveways or roads are imptoperty . constructed or maintained, do nof have adequate fiurn-arounds, or havn odher unsafe conditians. (c) Enter private properPy to pick up mat'erial whife an animal ccnsidered or feared to be vicbus is loose. Tne customerwill be reqljired fo confine the animal on pickup da,s. Schedules. A compeny's schedula will meet reasonable requlrements and will comply wi}h local service level ordinances. Missed pickups due to weather or road conditions. Pickup of material5 may be missed due to weather or road coviditons. If the aacumulated materi2l(solid v:aste andlor recyclables, andlor y2rdvvas4Q) is collected on tfie next scheduled or availabfe pickup date, Uie company i5 not obligated to extend credit for the missed pickup. The customer ke711 not be charged for ovsrfilled recep€acles, or for materials set ou# in-bags on top of or next 'to the customers normal recep#acles is the amaunt of extra material does not exceed the amoUnt that tvould have reasanably been expected to sccumuiate due to missed pickups. Due care. Othet then to offer taasonabie care, fhe com;nany assumes no responsibflity ior articles left on or near sofid wasts tec,ept3cles. , Lfability for damage. UJhen a custanner requests thalt a company pravide sewice and damags accurs Eo the cUStomers drlveway due to reasons not in the car~trol of the company, tho oompany will assume no responsibility for the damage. ' Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 - Effective Date: Seatember 1, 2006 (For Ot~icra! flse Ort1y) M1'.. J • Dflcket No, TG- bate: Bf TDn uFric.:At, v`~'.~' ONLY Lockec: ,i ir-761142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Fffecidve Dat.e: 09-0.7-06 RECExVED J-Li;.. 12, 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. COWL ORIGlNAI. °I'G-061142. ttem 50 has (N) one new charge. Tatiff No. 7 Ooiginal Page No. 15 Campany h'amefPermii Number: Sunsh+ne Disposal, Inc. - G000199 8 Registered Trade Name(s) dha Sunsh9ne Dispcs31 and Recyciing Item 4Q - N+aterial Reauidna Sflecial EoUioment. Precautions, or DisDosal, Transportation af solid waste requiring special squiprnent or precau'lions in handling ot dispDSal vrdl be sub5ec: to time ra#es named ;n Item 160, or tfl other speciflc ra`es contained ln th[s tanff. Cornpanies rnust make every effor€ to be amsre of the commodities ti-,ai require speciai handling at the disposal sltes named in the companyfs tar -11s. The cDmpany shall maintain a list of #hose comrtodities and maka i# svailoble for public inspection a# tiie company's office. Item 45 - Material RAauiein4 Soscial Testina andJor Anaivsis ' When a sofid %esste aoUect9on company or disposal faralihy deterrnines that testing and/or analysis of solid was4e is rea,uired to deiermfne v✓iisther dangerous or prohibited substances are przsent, the acrual cost for • ' such testing andlor analysis will be paid by 4he customer. Ttie compariy must provide khe customei ta%Ith a coQy of any bill or involce for costs fncurred for testing and/or analysis and also must retain a copy in the company"s file for Gt least three years. Those cflsts shall be passed through to the customer %0thout marlcup, i ha company must maint3in records Df tinie spen4 to accompfish the special testing andloranafysis, and rnay bill the customer sor that time under the provisions of liem 160 (Time 4ates). , ' . Item 50 RetGrned Check Charoes Returned Check Charge. (f acusfomer pays wiih a check, and the customers bank re;uses to honor that eheck, the customer wfll be assessed a retum check charge in the amount ot $25.00. [N] lssued By: Mlarc B. Torre . . IssLe Ddte: July 13, 2006 Efiective Date: September 1, 2006 ' (For O'm"cial Use OnJy) . Dacket Nlo. TG- Date: By: ITix urri c.L4l, wE GI'vL.~ LOCICLI: 1 CT-06I142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 .Fffiective Date: 09-01-06 R1.i.'CE1WD JUL 12, 2006 WA. U7'. &'TRANS. COMM. OR]:GLNAX., TG-061142 ~ Tariff Nb. 7 Original Page No. 16 Company Name!Permit Numbpr. Sttnshins pisposal, Inc. - G004199 B . Regtstered Trada N-n-me(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recyclir,q Item 51 - RestarE Pees iransportatiQn of solid was°,e requiring special equipmEnt or precautrons in handling or Qisposal wiil be sub;ect to tima rates naned in Item 160, or fo v'Jhsr specific r-ates conta(neti in this fariff. Coi-npanies must make every erort to he awarn of ihP commodibes that require special handling a' tihe disposal sitas namp-d in the comnany's tarifts: The company.shall mai,ntaln a list of ihose commoditias and makP it available far public inspecaon at #lie company's office. , When a solid vraste collec#ion company or dispasal facflfty defermines that tesring and/or anafysis of solid vraste is required to determine whether ctangcrous or prnhibited substances are present the cictuaf cost for . such #esting ancUor zn ' alysis wifl be psid by Ehe customer. The company must provids the customer tivith a cotioy . of any bilf or imroice for costs incurred for testing and/or F-rialysis ancf also rreust retain a copy in the oomp?ny's file for at least three years. Tho;e costs shall be passecf through to the cUStomer withou# rnarfcup. The company musf mainlain records af tims spent to accomplish the special testing ancilor analysis, and may bill the customar for that tirne under tr,e provisions of Ifem i 6O (Time Ra!es). . Item 52 - Redeliverv Fees . Companies essQSSing redelivery fees must describe when the fees apply, and must etate the amoun# of the fzes in this item. Issued By: PAarc B. Totre . fssua CJa#e: Jufy 13, 2006 Effective Da;e: Septarnber 1, 20G6 ~ (For O(rrcfa! Use pnly} ~n Docket h'a. TG- . Date; By; Fox a.FFrML v: W oArLY Docket: TG-061142 AgerZda 17ate: 08-30-06 ~'f~'ective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JZJL 12; 2006 WA. UT. TRANS. CO~I.. Vl:. O:RIGINAL TG061142 I:sm 60 has [C] added wording in two piaczs and [A] one incr2ase in charge. TariF No. 7 . Origir~Gi Pags No. 17 Comoany NamelPerinit Number. Sunshine Disposal, inc. - GG40'Sgo g Registered Treda Name(s) dba Sunshine DisDosal and Recycfing Ifem 55 - Qver-sized or Over-waiah# Cans or Units. . The compary reservas t~~e right to reiecf Fitkup of any resfdential receptacle (can, unit, bag; mini-can, or or micra-rrlni-can) tifiir.h, upon reasonabl-a inspecilon ex66eds the size and weighi limits shown in Itern 20. I1 the receptacie exceeds he size 2ndlor lirriits siafed in It9m 20, is overilled, ' or the top is unable to be closed, but the compGmy transports the materials, the foliowing addllonal charges will apply.. S • per . IVOTE: Forcharges apnlying on ovetweighf tofers, carfs, eonfainer, ar drop boxes see item 207. Item 60 - Ovsrtime Pedods . Companies taIll assess additional charges when providing services, at custoiner request, duriizg averiime periods. Overtime periods incluGe Saturdays, Svndays, and the following holidzys: ' New Year's Day (January 1) Labof Day . [CJ , A4emoriGi Day Tfianksgiving Day lndependsnca Day (July 4) ChrisUmas Day ( December 26) . . When a haliday listed above fa6fs on Sunday, the followine FJionday vrill be observed: VVhen a hoiiday listed [C] - ebovs falls on Saturday, the preeedilg Friday shall be the legal hoiiday. . Tims is to be reLOrded to the neares# incrernenf ol' 15 minutes from the time the company`s vehicle 1eaves the termina{ unbl the time ii retums to the terminal. No ado+fional chargs will be e6sessed to customers for overtime or hofiday wor'.{ peiformed solely ior the companys oonvenience. Charge per hour. $ 65.00 Truck and one driver [A] Ninimum chGrge: $ Issued By: Marc B. Torre issue Date: July 13, 2006 • Eifeciive Da¢e: S2ptember i, 2006 ' . (For Official Use Only) • Docket No. TG- ppte: BY' .FOR OFF`ICIAL US'E GNl:~'" . Docket.: 7G-06.1142 ' Agenda .Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 REC'EIV:ED JUL 12, 2006 WA. UT. & TRF1NS. COM1V.[. ORIGINAL TCY--061142 item 70 has [A] one increase in chacge Tariff No. 7 adginai Page No. 18 Company NetnelPermit Number: 5unshine Disposal, Inc. - GOflO i99 8 - RegisteredTrade tJame(s) dba Sunshirre Disposal and Recycling l.sm 70 - Re►urn Triks When a company is reauifed io ma'ce aretum irip, tna# does Rot require che spzcial afspatch otatruck, to pick up material dnat was unavailabfe for colle+ctio;n for rp-asons under the aont-af of the cusfomer, the - oollrnving addidonal charges, per pickup, will appfy: fvDe of receofacle Rate for Return Ti rio Can, unrt, mini-can, or inlcro-minf-can S Drum $ Bafe $ Litter Recepfacle $ . Drop Box $ 45.00 [A] ' Container S ' Toter, gallons To4ei, nGllons $ . Recycling contafners $ Othet $ ~ . Otier $ . • NOTE: Retum tr(ps rEquiring the sPecial dispatch of a truck are considered special pic,ups and are charged for under the orovis(flns af Item 160 (Time Rates). Issued By: 1-Iarc B. Torre Issue Da,e: July 13, 2005 • Effective Date: Seatember 4, 2006 (For Oirrcial Usg Only) • aocke# No. TC_ Qate: By: - Fox oFrxCL4L Us]; o~vL Y Docket: TG-0611 42 Agerzda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIIVED JUL 12, 2006 ~~'VA. UT. & TR.A_NS. CONLK ORf,GE14AI,TG-061142 fQriff No• 7 Original Fage No. 19 Company NarnelPermPiNumfler. Sunshin= Disposal, Inc. - G0001 a9 8 Reqfstered Trade Namz(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 75 Flat Monthiv Charoes ' This rufe appEies En cor,necton witn ltems 120, 130, 240, 245, 250, 255, 260, 265, 270, and 275. A fiat monthly r,harge may be assessed if computed as ;ollows: " i. If weekly senrlce is prowided:tvfultiply tne raie times 4.33 Qnd then mulbiply that figure times th-a number of uni~s picked up. ' • . 2. tf every other tiveek setvice is provideo: lV#ultiply tne rate times 2.17 and then mulLiply tiat flgure times tne number ofi units picked up. • . 3. For Items 240, 250, 260, and 270: For pernanent, regularfly scheduled pickGps, a 9at rnon~hly 6h4rge may bo assessed if computed as fodlows: ' a. For week(y ;e;vice, each conEainet provided: ' , i. If manthfy rent is shan,a,n: monthly rert plus (4,33 times pickup rete fimes number af p4ckups per wzek) ii. li rr,onthiy tent is not sho.m: 1st pickup ra#e plus (3.33 Umes addi7onal pickup.rate) pius (4.33 gmes additional pickup rate times additional wec-khy pickups). b. Far every-other week service, each container provided: i. If roonthty rent is symvn: monhfy renf p(us (2.17 times pic;cup ra-'te times number of pickups per wesk) . . ii. ff ronthly rznt is not shcwn: tist pic,cup ra#e p)us (1.17 times addifional pic;{up rat2) plus (2.17 fimes additional pickup ra,e times additional weekly pickups). . . -II . lssued 13y: Marc B. 7orre- ►ssue Qate: July 13, 2008 Effective Dafe: Sspteinber ti, 2006 . (Fror Official Use Only) - I Docket No. TG- pa#e; gy. I-vRZ~i,r' r1 c,l2' 1' Glv:c~ ~ Docket: 1 cr-061142 . Agen.cla Dade: 08-30-06 E ffeclive Date: 09-01-06 RECE:1:VED JYJL 12, 2006 WA. UT. & TR.A11TS. COn'SM. ORIGI~i AL ':l: C',-0611.42 . i ariff No. 7 Original Paga No. 20 ~ Company NamelPermit Number. Sunshine Dlsposai, Inc. - Gfl00'199 B ' ftegistereri Trade Name(s) dba 5unshine Dispessl and Recycfing Item 80 - Carrv-out Service, Drive-Ins . . Companies wili assess fhe follawing additionaf chatges when customers request tha# company personnel provide ~ ftate - Residen6al Cammercial Cnarge for Carry-outs Pet Unit, Per Pickup. Per Unit, Per Pickup Cans, units, mini-cans, ormlcro=minl cans that mus4 be carrizd out aver 5%et, but , nct cver 25 fset For each additional 25 fe-at, or frac~~,'on ol 25 feet, add • : NOTE: The cempany may elsct to drive in at the rates shovrn above, except the charge will be limifed to one can, unit, mini-can, or micro-mini can. If cans, units, mini-cans, or micrQ-mini-cans are carried ovcr 125 feet, but Gre safely aMPZsible to the company's vehicl?, the drive-in chatges shrn-m below must be assessed instead. ~ Rate ~ . Res►dential Commerciai I Charge for Drive-ins (per pickup) Per Utiit, Per Pickup Per Unit, Pcr Pickua Drivein on drivehvays af over 125 iset, but less than 254 feet Drive-9ns on driveways of over 250 feet, . but less thpn 1l10 mife For each S/'f0 mfle aver 1110 mile I I ~ NOTE: For the purpose ar assessing drive-in fe.ss, a dr'rreviay is defined zs proviaing ' acxess to a single residence. If a driveway provides aweess to mulbple residences oi accounts, no drive-in fees vnli be assessed. Issued 8y; Mi arc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 . Effective Data: SePfembzr 1, 2006 (For Offic1a! Use Only) Docket No. TG- ~ FaR oFFxML vsE, oAILY Docket: TG-061142 A.gend.a Uate: 03-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 -RECE.IVED JLFL 7 2, 2006 W.A. U'T. & TRAJ.~jS. COAIM. O.hIGINAL TG-061142 fariff No. 7 Odginal Page No. 2"r Compary Nams/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G0D0 i99 B Registsred Trade Nlame(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Ifem 90 - Can Carriaoe - Soecial 5ervice$ ' Rate ~ . . Reslden5al Gorr,mercial • Serviee PeP Unit, Per Pickup Per Uni~ Per Pickup , 5tairs or steps - for each sfep up or down ~ Overhead obst-uc4ons - for each averhead obstructlan less #tian 8 feet from Ghz ground • Suraken or elevated cansJunifs for cans, ur,its, minf-cans, or micro-mini-cans fu(ry or p-artially undErground or over 4 feet above ground, but not involving staits ar steps . . 's ~ . Issued By: Narc B. Torre Issue Date: Ju1y 13, 2006 Eiffectiv2 Date: Sep'tember 1, 2005 • (For Ofircial Use Only) . BY: ; Docket R'o. TG- bate: • r S~; .L'ocicei: T~r-06.1142 Age?7da Date : 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 ..RECEIVED J[1L 12, 2006 WA.. UT. & TRANS. COM1I. ORIG:fNA.L. TG-061142. Tariffi ho. 7 Original Page No. 22 ' Campany NamelPermit Numbar. Sunsnine Qisposal, Inc. -Gfl00199 B _ Regis#ered Trada JJame(s) dba Sunshine Dispasal 2nd Recycfinq ltem 100 - Residential Service IJlonthlv Rates fcor,tinued on next oaqel Rafes in 'Lhis itern apply: (1) To solid v.asie collaciion, curbsida recycfing (where nDt--d) and .yardtivasts services (where noted) for residendal property. i his includss single famity dweifings, duplexes, aparLments, mobile homes, condorniniums, etc., M, ere serviee is billed directiy to, the occupenf of each residential unit, andlor (2) When required by a focal sovemmznt service level ardinance, solid evasEs coflectson, curbside recycling, and yardwaste servk-,e 'must be provideti for sinGle-famity d;vellings, duplexes, mobile homes, condominiums, and apartnent'buildinas of less tian residential uni#s, where service is billed to the properfy owner or m3nager. ReltQs below apply in fhe fallowing seNice ai-aa: N'umber of Frequ.ency Garbage Re~.~ycle Yardwasle Numb~.°t of Fraquenry Garbago Rety-cle Yardv;as:a UNis or Type ot Service Service Service Unl,s or Typ€ of ' Servico Service Ssnim ofCoMainers Service Rate Rate Ro'.e o; Contzirrers SPtV'i((x l^~DjO RataN Rate f ~ ~ ~ ~ lI I ' 1 I ~ YI • ~ I ~ ~ I• ~ ~ I I f I I ! I I I i ~ i I I' ~ I I ' I I I, I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I t I Frequency of Service Codes:lNG=Wzekly Gaibage; EOtNG-Evsry O:hof Week GaTbage; MG=Monthly Gmr4age;1`JR=Weekly Recyciing EOVJP.=Every Other YJask Rocyding; A4R=NonLhly RscydiN; Llsl oth;.rs used by aompiiny: • • Note 1: Descripbonlrules related fo rzcycling program are shown on page . Note 2: DescriptioNnules rela'ed to yarclwasfe program are shawrs on page Noie 3: In adtiiuon io the recycling rfes shown ab8ve, a recycling deLitlcredi#•of-S appfies. Recycling service rates on thEs page expire on: Issued By: I-/aic B. Torre , IsSug Date: Jtrly 13, 2005 . . Eitective Dete: Se-otember 1, 2006 _ (For Ofrrcta! Use Only) ~ Doc:{et No. 7G- Date: By: fn.~ ~J FOR 4FFICI.A.I~ USE ONLY Dacket: I'G-061142 Aget7da Date: 08-30-06 Effectivve Date: 09-0I -05 P.E.CEWED JIJ.L 12, 2006 WA. UT. &'1,RA-NS. C01M. ORIGINAL TG-061142 i"ariff Nlo. 7 . Original Page No. 23 Company NarnelPermi! NUmber. Sunshine Disposal, (nc. - G000i'?9 B ~ j Regis#ered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Dispasal and Recyciing. . Item 100 - Residentia0 Senrice - FAonthlu Rates (continued from previ4us aaae) Note 4: Customers will bs c,5arged for sefvice requesfed even ifi fewer units acp piciced up on a p2rticular . trip. No credit wili be given 7or partiaity filied cans. No credit wiil be givzn if cusfomeer'lails to sef receptacias out for collection. Na!e 5: For customers on automated service roufns: The company ~a~ill asseSS FaII-0Ut Ch1igB5 Wh0T£e . due to circumstances outside the control of the drivef, the drive;r is required tn rnove an automated cart or tofer more #han feQt in orcJer fa reach ihe truck. Tns charge for ihis ro(but service is: ~ per cart or tot2r, per pickup. Nota 6: The charge for an oocasional ex-tra resideniial bag,,can, unit, toter, mini-can, or micro-mini-can on a regular pickuo is: . Rate per reLeFtade . Type of receptacle per pickup - 32-qaIlon can or unit $ ' Mini-can $ _ h4icro-minScan $ 60-galfon toter $ • 90-q2IlOf1 tGtBf 1$ • . Bag • ' I,v~ . Other Is • Omer I$ . r'.~ Note 7: Customers may requsst no more 4.han one pickup Qer monih, on an "on cafl" basis, at $ per canlunit. SetviDe vAll be rendered on the normal scheduled pickup day for tfia area in whicfi the cuStomer resides. No'le: If customer requires serviae to b¢ proviaed on ather than n4rmal scF~eduled pickup day, rafes for special pickups will apply. fssued ey: PJ(are B. Torre Issue Dafe: July 13, 2006 . Effective Dafe: September 1, 20D6 (FotOrrcral Use Only) Docket No. TG- Dafe: By: . • FOR O.FFIC~ U~ O.ivL.z' .laocket: TU-0611 42 Agen.da Date: 08-30-06 E~'"~j`ective Date: 09-01-06 REcEWEu J-UL iZ, 2006 wA. UT. & TRANTs. coiMM. oRJGrn7A.L TG-061142 Tari ff, No. 7 Original Page No. 24 CQmpany Name/t ermit Number. . Sunshine Disposaf, Inc. - G000599 B Registered Tradz Name(s) dba Sunshine Dfsposal and Recti~ciEng Item 100 - R?sidential Seatice - fJ~onthlv Rates (conbnuea) Curbside recycling provisFons shovrn on this pagA aopiy only in the follotiving service area: F=ollowring is a descrpiion o1 the recycling ptogram (#ype af containers, frequency, edc.), program provided in accordance v,rith Ordinance Nfl. of (name or Caur~ty ot City). Special rules related ior recycling program: issued By:. Ararc B. i orre , ' . Issue DGte: Jufy 13, 2005 . Effecftve date: Sepfember 1, 2006 ~ (For O,YrciaJ Use Only) Docket No.,TG- 17ate: BY' - - - - - - - - Sl 0. IV LY D,;,:;.:~-: i O-D61142 A.gen.da 17ate: 08-30-06 Ejy'ectiveDate.• 09-01-06 ~ RE-CEIVED J1JL 12, 2006 WA. UT. &TRA.~.~S. CO~~. 0R1GXN.A:L TG-067.142 i arift No. 7 • Origina! Page. No. 25 Company RamelPermit Number: Sunshine QisQosal, Inc. - G000199 8 . Registered Trade Name(;) • dba Sunshine Disposal and Recyclina ~ ltem 100 Res(dential Servics~ - Ationthfv Rates luartinuedt Yardwasfe provisions sho•,r,n on this page app1y only in the follrnving service area: . Foifowing is a description of the Yardwaste program (type of container, frequency, elc.). Pragram provided - in accordance wiifn Ordi"nance Nn: of (narne of Gounty ar Cfty). • Special rufes related (4r yardwaste program: . Issued By: . Marc B. 7orre . Issue DGtP: July 13, 2006 . . Efiecttve Da#e: Septerber 1,'2006 (For Officia! Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: SY' 1..)V Lf G d. 1 lf' l/ 61 142 Aggnda Dare: 08-30-06 L-ffectrve Date: 09-01-06 REcExVEb .r~z 123 2006 wA. uT. &TRANs. comVYr. oRzGLvAL TG-061142 Tarfff No. 7 Original Page No. 26 ~ Coinpany NamElPem'►ii NUmber. Sunshine DisposGi, inc. - GOGQI99 B Reais#ered Trade Name(s) dDa Sunshine Disoosal and Recycling Item 105 - Mufti-farnifv Servi,.e - PJionthtv Rates Servlce Area: • '~a gallans gslions 1_ gallons I_ g3(lons I_ G31Hb'IS I_other I-other I_cther _other tJumberof . ' . Receptacies Frequency ' of SBNice lnJtial Deiivery Chut$e Rer,t Per Day ' Rent per 1.4onth Pickup Chargs . (Ses Notes 1,283) 5pedal r idKUp Charge ~ Note 1: Tha ctiarge incfuded in this rete for recycliiig is S. Descriptionlrules rslated to recycling proaram sre shown on page Note 2: The charge included in fihis rate for yardwzste is ~ . Descrip:ionfrvies reIGted 'to yardwaste pTogram are shovm on page . Note 3: Recycling creditlcebit (a applicable) inc(uded in this rate is: $ , Note 4: Customers will be charged fior sen+ice requestecf even ii fewer units arz picked up on a parttc!uiar trip. No credit will be glven for partially filled cans. No crdi}s viill be glivsn if customer fails to set recepEacles out ior oolfection. Note 5: The charge for an eccasionai extra residential can, ~!nit, toter, mini-can, ot t~ic~a-mini-can on a reoular pfckup fs: Rafie per receptacle Rate per receptacle . Typ@ of receptacle Per pickup Type of receptacfe Per pickup 32-.qalion can or unit 90-galloh tofer IMini-can ~ I • ~Other. I A+licro-mini-can' I 10ther: I 164-qalion toter I ~ ~0 th E+- . I vote 6: Customers tnay request no mare than one pickup per monzh, on an "on cali" basis, at $ per canlunit Serjice wiif be reRda-red on khe normal schedufed pickup day for the area in which the customer tesides. No?e: If cusfomer requires senrice ta be provided oii other th4n tiormal scheduled pFCkup day, ra#es fior special plckups wiEl apply. Recycling rates on this page expiro: Issusd 3y: hrarc B. 7orre . ~ Issue Date: Ju(y 13, 2006 . Effective Date: -September 1, 2006 (Far Officia! Usz Dnry) . , _F Or-F n Tr''-v'~.E 0j VL .Y Docket No. TG- Dat°: . gY' -'.,p TO-061142 . . Agenda Date: 08-30-06 . . Effectivel7ute:09-01-06 R.-F-CEIVLD J-U-L 123 2006 WA. UT. &'~RAN5. C01'.TM. 0R1GPqA_L.TCY-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 27 Company NamelPermit Number. Sunshine DisposaJ, Inc. - G040189 B Reo9stered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal 2nd Recycling ' Item 105- Niulti-familv Ssrvica - Monthiv Rates fcontinuedl Curbside racycling pravisions shown on this page applyonly in tne tolfowfng servlce arza: Follawing is a descripfion of tne recyciing pfograrn (type ot containers, frequency, etc.)., Program provided In _;tccordance vrit.h Ordinance No. ' af •(n3me of Coun#y or City). Special rules relatei9 for rscycling p;ogram: Y.f lssued By: hJarc B. 7arre • Issue.Date: July 13, 2006 . Effective Date: September'i, 2006 (Far Omcral Use Or,ly) . Docket ti'a. l'G- date: 6y: . . -P9R $i7(a~~4~tW) - rl%3.:' : TC 961142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 . Ef{ective Date: 09-0I -06 JINLIKCEYVED JUTa 12, 2006 WA. UT. & TRAINS: COlV.C1YC. ORICY]N.AL `I`G-061.142 Tari;i No. 7 Origiiial Page No, 28 ~ Company NamelFerrn)t Number. Sunshfne Disposal, fnc, - G000.999 B Registered Traa? Name(s) dba Sunshine Dispasal znd Recycfing ' ltem 905 Mtrlti-{amilv Service - R9onthlv Rates fcon5nuedl Yardwaste pretiisions shown on thfs page apply oniy in the following service area: Follo-,vi,ng is a cfescription of Ehe Yarr.vras;e piogram (ype cf containers, ireouency, etc.). Frogram provided (n acwrdance wiffi Orclinance No. af (name of County flr Gity). Special rules ielated tor yardwaste pragram: lssued By: Nraro B. Torre Issue Daie: Juty 13, 2006 . Effective Date: SeptEmber 1, 2006 ~ (Fcr dfficial Use Only) • DocEcet No, TC- Date: Sy: r,,,, ~ r~-Tnr .r r r r~~ • OlZY 1 vn. 0611-42 • ' , Agenda Date: 0$-30-06 Effective 1.7ate: 09-01-05 RlEIcEMD JUL 123 2006 WA. UT. & T1Z.ANS. CQWMI. ORIGLNAL ':I,G-061142 Ti ariff No. 7 Original Page No. 2Q Co!npany h'ame/Fermit Number. Sunshine Dispcsal, Inc. - GODOi98 B ~ ' Reg9stered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disnosa{ and Recyciina Item 120 - Drutns - ~ Type ofi Service Rate Per Drum, Rer Piekuo ~Reqular Route Servioe $ j Special Pickup ltem 130 - Litter Receatacles and Litter i oter • . lCustomer-awned Receptacle I Rate Qer f2eceptacle, Per Pickup ~ Size or i ype: IS ~ .S+zeor7ype; . I$ . ~Company-owned Receptacle: I Rate Per-Receptacle, Per Pickup~ Size or Type: is ~ Size ar Type: la . I#em 150 - Loose and Sulkv Mstzrial Special Trips: Time rztes in Item 104 apply. ' l Regular Route: The Ecilowing rates appiy. - Adclifional cubic Carry Chargs - 1 to 4 cubic yards yaras- ttilnimum Charge Per each 5 fL over - , Rate per yard Rpte per yarci Per Pickup 8 feet . Bulky h4ateriafs . ~ Loose ma4erial , (customer (oad) Loose material . (company load) - Issued 8y: Marc B. Torre Issue dGte: ,luiy i3, 2006 Effectivs Date: September 1, 2006 (For Oificisl Use Only) Docket No. TG- ' Dafe: BY: ~ .F'OR 4FFICL4L r1SE r Dockef.• TG-061142 A. geada Date: 08-30-06 gffective Data: 09-0.1-06 .RECEYVED JT.JL 121200G VVA. UT. & TRAMS. COMM.. O:RZIGLNAY, TG061142- ftem 160 has [A] faur increases in charges - Tariff No. 7 Oriainal Page No. 30 Company NarnelPermit Numbar. Sunshine Dispasal, 1r~c. - GODG199 B Registered Tratfa Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recyclinq . . Item 180 Time ftates . When time rates apply. Time ralQS named in this ltem apply: - (a) VJhen ma+erial must be ~aken fo'a special si}e ~for tlisposal; (b) When a company's ea,uipment must wait at, or retum to, a cusQomees site 'to provide scheduled ' ser,tice dua to no d€sability, fautt, or negligenn on the part af the company. Actual waitirtg time or fime taken - in relumin~g to the site will be charged for; or (c) litifien a wsiDrnet arders a single, special, or emergency pic%up, or when otner items in this tariri refer to fhis Item. How rates are recorded and changed. Tima must be recorded snd enarged for to the nearest incrernent af 15 minutas.'Time ra(es appfy sor tha period from the timL the company's vehicle leaves the company's lec,°nlnal until it retums to the tenminal, exclu~ing interroptions. An irrterrupEion is a situaiion causing sfoppaae of service thet is fn the control ef tho company and no# in rhe control of the customer. Exernpies in~c(uc~e: coff~ breaks, lunch breaks, breakdc~vn of equipmer~i, anc! sirnilar oecurrences. Disposal fees in acidition to time rates. ltem 230 disposal fees for fhe speciflc dispossl si:e or facility used will appty in addition to time rafes. . Rares per haur. ' . 'Rate Per Hour ' Each ExEra Pti4inimlrn fype of Equiptinent order2d Truck and Driver Person Charqe Sinafe rear arive axle; . Non-packer trUCk ~ $ s Packertruck ~ $ ~ Drop-box L-uck $ 65.00 [A] S42.50 [A] S Tdndem rear drive axie: . Nlon-packer truck $ $ S Packer truek $ $ $ . Ciop-box Ervck $ 85.00' [A] $ 42.50 [A] $ Issued By: Marc B. Torre , . ' S~ tssue Dafe: July 13, 2006 Eiffective Date: Ssutember 1, 2006 (Far Offici2! Use Only) S~ . DOC,IC°f NlO. TC^+- DaIG. $Y; G, , j oNLY y _ _ 7_ _ T!-' Ob1142 L.. , a L ' . .4genda Date: 08-30-06 I;fj°ective Dctte: 09-0.1-06 . REc~~~D JTJL 12, 2006 NVA. um. & Tr.~s. coIVLM. ORIGU'4A.L TG-061142 Tat-iff No. 7 Qriginal Page No. 31 Company NamelPermii Numbet: Sunshlns Dlsposal, inc. - G000199 B Reqistered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine DispQSal and Racyclinq ~ . , I'lem 200 - Containers andlor Dron 6oxes - General RuEes Avaifability. A comoany must maintain 3 supply of 2U sizes af cor,tainers and drop boxes for which rates ara (isted in this tariffi. If a customar requests a con'tair,er or drop box of a size , listed in the company's tariilf, and the company is ur~abie to p,-ovide the requesteti size witiiin 7 days oi the customsr rec}u2s% the customer must bA notified in writing or by ielephone. . Aitemate-sized containers andlor drop boxes. 1T the campany cannot proviCe the requesfed-sized cflntair,2r or drop bax (and that size is listed in the company"s tGrfft), the comp,any must pi-ovide aftemate-sized eonta[ners or drop boxes, suisicient to meet the capacilty origina{ly requested by the customer, ai the saine tQtes 2s wQU1d itave applieti fiar the reque5ted cantainer or drop bax. Disposal fees ciue on altemate-s[zed drop boxes. If the company provides alternate-sized orop boxes, the customer is responsible for all Iavarfully appiicable disposal fees rESuiting from the use of tiie aiEernafe drop boxes. ~ Rates an partialfy-fit(ed containers andlor drop boxes. Full pickup and rzntal rates apply regardfess ai the amount of tivaste mater,'al in the container or drop box at pickup time. Rates for compacted materials. Ra:es far compacted material apply only vrhen ibe material has be?n compacted betorE its pickup by the company. Rates for loose ma4erial. Loose ma;erial dumped lnto the company's packer #nac:{ is subjecf to the rates for non-compacfed material even though the, mate rial may he compectei later in kf'ie packer fruck. ' ?ermartent and temporary servfce. Ths ffllfowing rules apply: . . (a) li a customer requests a container or drop box for less than 90 days, the cut-tomer vAIl-be bflled at ' temporary service ratES, . (b) If a fernporari service cusiomer no5iles the company tha` it has decided to reEain the confainei or drop box for inQre th3n 90 days, permansn# service rafe, will be assessed nom the 91st day untii the end of the pariod the customer retains the container or drop box_ (c) If a Gustomer rPquests a conLainer or drop box ior more thin 90 days, the eustomer tivill be billed under permanent rates. If that cus"omer cancels service before the end oi khe 90-day period, the company may not rebill the cus€omer a# ternptirary sen+ice rates. The inter,t Qf the customer a# the time service was requested appiies. IssuEd By: Marc S. Torre • . , lsSUe Dc^ta: ,Jufy 13, 2006 Effective Date: Septembet 1, 2006 ' (CarOf"t►cla! Use Orrly) • . . Docket No. -f'G- Date: B : ~n . y -~vr~vi n~~ VTSF' G1Pz;:i' n~~'~.:~• TE 361142 Agenda Date : 08-30-06 .C„ fective Daae: 09-01-06 ~.~CUrvEp JUz. 12, 2006 NvA. ITF. & T~Ts. ca7vnvl. aPiGINAz. TCY-061142 Tariff N0. 7 Original Page No. 32 ~ Gompany A'arrtelPermit Number. Sunshiitie Disposal, inc. - GOGOi 99 B Registered Trde Name(;) dbe Sunshine Disposal and Recyding - , (tem 205 - Rall-0ut'Ghai-oes Cont-ain°rs. A4tor-nated Catts. and Totefs Charges for contaienrs. The compaiiy will assess rolJ-out charges where, due to circurnstanc:zs outside the contral ol the ciifter, the driver is requiEed to move a confainer more ttian five feK bu't less ihan 25 feet, in order to reach the trvck. The charge -iDr thfs rflll-eut servfce is: $ p& container; per pickup • Over 25 fee~ the charge wifl be the charge for 25 faet, plus $ per increment oil 5 feeL Charges for automated carts or toters. The compar+y will assess roll-out charges where, due to circumsLrinces outsids the contol of tne dm+er, fhe cidvEr is reauiretl #o mave an au#omated cart or toter more'than feet in order tn reach the truck. The charge for ihis roll-out service is: $ per cart or fater, per pickup, Issued By: Marc B. Torrz . . IssuB Date: JuIy 13, 2006 . Efiec►ivF Daie: September 'f, 2006 (For Officia! Use Only) a „ Doc; et Na. TG- Date: By: r~. ~~Ly Agenda Date: 08-30-06 . Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED J-CT.L 12, 2006 WA. TJ"1,. & TRANS. COI!D2. C1RTGINAL TG061142 ' Itern 207 has [C] added wording in une Qlace. Tatiff No. 7 Originai Page No. 33 Comparry NamJFermit Number: Sunshin? Dispesal, inc. - GOQ0199 B RegistPred Trade Name(s) . dha Sunshine Disoasa{ and Re-ycling . ~ Itzm 207 -Excess Welaht - Re'lection af Load. Charfles to i ransoort The corSpany resenres the right tfl reject pickup o1' any contalner, s:abonary paeker, or drop bax whlch, tipon . reasonebls 9nsoeection: . ' (1) fippeers to be overiaaded. . (2) Would cause applicable vehicle load li,nitaOons to be exc,eeded; (3) <<dould cause the cflinpany `a violate load Iimftations or result in unsafe vehicle oper2tion; and/or (4) Wouid iieaabvely impact or othermise damaoe road surrarz int?grity. FQr the purposes af this tarii'l, the folfmving maxinnium welghfs apply: tJ{aximum gross vehicle weight of 48,000 pounds. , [C] TypelSize of A4aximum Welght iypei5lzz of tviaxlmut-n Weight Cantaiher, Urop Box, AiloKance per Container, 'Drop Bflx, Allm.var,ce per 7atet, or Cart Receptacle (in pounds) Toler, or Cart Retepfacle (m potcnds) Ai! Drop Boxes ~ 20,000 pounds ~ j I t I ~ I I ~ I I ~ . . ,_,.1 Overfilled or overw2ight, ctiarges if transpDrted. If the cflntainer, drop bax, ioter, oF cart exceeds the . iimlis stated above, Is fiHed beyond the marked 511 line, or the top is unable to be closed, but tha compzny fransports 'hs ms`erials, the folfoMng addidonel cherges wi11 appty: • TypelSize of lypelSize of , Containpr, Qrop 6ox, ' Contallt$r, Drop Box, ' Tofer, or Catt Ch-irge i cter, or Cart Charge 1S Per • I Is Per , IS Per I S Per Is Per I $ Per ' Is I'er . I I,s • Per I$ ?er I IS Per . I~ i'er J Is Per Issued By: N~arc B. Torre • Issue Date: July 13, 2b06 Effec#ive Da,e: Sepiemb°r 1, 2006 (For Offfcis! Llse Only) DOCkci N0. TG- D2fe: ' $y: r. n n n r. ~ rr+r e r J . L--,:fIGL. A s-061142 . Agendn Date: 0$-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-QS :'RIECEIVED JUL 12, 2006 WA. M. & 7'R'S. CONLM. UFJGZNAL TG--061142 This page contains jCJ addeti wording and fAJ two amounts with increases. Tariff No. 7 . Original Fayz No. 34 ~ Gompany hemeJRermit Number: Sunshine Disposal, inc. - G000189 B . Registered 7rade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and RecycJing . Ifzm 2 10 - Washino and Sanitizinn Cori;ainers andlor proD Baxes ' Upon cus:omer request, ihe campaRy :vill provide washing and sanitizing service at tt-ie iO11mvlitg r31es' 5rze or Type of . , Container or Drop Box Rate . IAll Orflp Boxzs ~ Per Yd Ninimum Charge [C) . ~ Washnq . 1.15 ~ 23.15 ~ (ql . ~ ' Sfeam Claaninq S 3.00 $ 30.38 [C) ' Sanitizing 1.00. $ - j [q) . . I I'ickup 3nd Defivary Charge: -1 ' (7vet B Yards I S 42.45 [Cj Service to be pravlded as required by local or stale health or solid vdaste rules, cclstomer • [C] mquest , or 2t Uie disora#ion of the ca;rier if in tha carrler's judgenient the confeiner or drop box is in suc}i a condition as to violate said law-st. - Item 220 Gomoacfor Rental J Customers musi pa.-y the follovAng additional charues ;or comPactors {umished by the tomoany. C~2rges ~ named are for compaears onty and ao not include tirop box or coniainer charges. See Items 250 and 270 for conieiner charges. Custoners mus# pay the cosEs oF instaliation. Size or 7ype of Container or drop Box Rafe . I ~ ' I ~ I . i Issued By: Aiarc 8.1'orre . Issue Dafa: Juh, 13, 2006 . Efieclive 17ate: Sep-tember 1, 2006 ~ (Far OrTicia! Use Only) " Docket No. 'tG- Date: gy; 1''U12 U.1*'tYiC,'1.Aj, CI iE ONLY Uocket: 1 'U-061 1q2 .4ger7da Date: 08-30-06 Effective laate: 09-01-06 RECEINTED JTTL 125 2006 WA. YJT. & TRANS. CQiNnl. ORIGINvAL TCV--061142 This paga has (A] four increases in Aass :hru dump fass. Tariff N0. 7 Original Page No. 35 Company NpmelPermit Number: Sunshine Disposaf, Inc. - G000'iS9 B Registered Trade h'ame(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling - Item 234 - DisDasal FeeS Chat-ges in 'this iter apply when other items in the tariif specifically rel'er 'to this item. pisposal site (name or loca'lion) I Tiypz of A4aterial ~ Fee for Dispwal . IS pet Sullivan Road Transfei* StalUon . NrSW Refuse i $'f 03.00 per Ton [AJ ~ 1 1$ per (City of Spokane Waste ko Energy Plant IU1SW Refuse 1 $ 98.00 per Ton [A] , is per Sunshine Recyclers Transfer Station INiSVV Rpfuse ~ $ 98,40 per Ton [A] r ~ IS per Sunshine Recyclers Tr2ns;2r Station iCDLI 1 $ 59.50 per Tort [A] Is per I I ~ per per I - . . ~ $ per $ per . Is per I$ per " I 1$ per ~ iS per - ~ is per - , ~ ~ . ~ I S • per • Is per I IS per por . IS per I$ per I - • 1$ . per is per per • per . S'laie whether fees Ure peryard, per ton, etc. Include charges pssessed for special commodities (tires, appliances, as5estos, erc.) or special oonditions at each specific disposal sife. Attach addibonal sfneets 2s necessary. fssusd By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 . Effective I}ate: SenItember 1, 2006 (For Of rc1al Uso OR1y) ' Dockef No. 7G- Date: By: L„ -*ei-7T-G=0611 42 . Agend.a Daie: 08-30-06 Effective Dat.e: 09-01-06 i%.~CElVEL J-UL 125 2006 WA. U,k. [X' TRANS. CON1r`_l. QR.1.C:i'.l.1\TAL .[.'`i'-061142 Taritt No. 7 . Original Pa3e No. 36 ~ Cc>mpany NamJPermPt hurnber; SunshEne D(sposal, inc. - G000199 8 Re;qistered Trads Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposai ana Recycling Item 245 - Containc-r Seivice - DumDed fn Comoanv's Vehicle Non-compac'L?d Material (Gusbmer-owned confainef) (r3CbudeS COrili7lerCial Cp-t1 S?IVICa Rates stafed per container, per pic;tup Setvfce Area: . • ~ Size orType of Cont~i iner Permanent Service ~32 ra1 can oal. 7ofel Yard I _ Yarcf _ YatdYard I Yard Each Scheduled Pickup 15 IS Is $ {S Sp"ecial Pickups $ I$ IS I$ IS (S is TemPorary Service ~~':~~`-''~.`t'~*?'~:s=.~_- . `r: f:~%t;;;~~;~'ti-~,;:a;:.;cs•;.~ rs•-i_,d ,M IS I$ . • 1$ I•~ Pickup Rate I$ . IS Nfllte1: Permanent Service: Service is defined as no less than scheduled, every cther tiveeK pickup, unless IDcal govemment re-quires more frequent service or uniess putrescibles are Involveci. Cus'Lomer will be charged fot sefvice requested, evzn is fewer can!ainers are seRiced on a particular Wp. No credit v,711 be g+ven ror partfaAy-filleci containers. ~ I . ~ Accessorial charges assessed (lids, unlocking, unlabching, e:c.) . issijed By: hlarc B. 7orre Issue Date: July 13, 2008 . E"Iecdve date: September i, 2006 (For Officia! Uss Only) packet No. 7G- ba1e: By; " ' . . ~ . .FOR OFFTC.IA.T., tISL OMLY Docket: T`G-061142 A geizdn L7ate: 08-30-06 Effeclive Date: 09-01-06 R~CEIVED r1J.L 1.2r Za06 WA. U~'r. &~`RA~'S. CO~. O~GTN.AL 'xGOG1142 Tariff No. 7 Origlnal Page No. 37 Comorny hamelPzrmit humber. Sunshine DfSpQSaI, fnc. -G000i99 8 ccegis#ered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycfing Ifem 250 Container Servica - Dumoed in Cornoanv's Vehicle • Compected Rraterial (Comgany-owned container) Rates stated per container, per pickup Servfce P.rea: ~ Size or Type of ConFainef Permanent Service ~ Yard I_ ^ Yerd I Yard I Yard I_ Yard I Yard i__ Yard h4ont~ly Rent (if applicable) W- is ' is i$ I$ $ I$ Firsi Plckup . $ is is Is ' • I$ - $ IS Eadt Acfditonal Pickuo . S is I$ 15 $ IS $ Special Pickups y$ Is I$ . 1$ $ I$ 7emp&ary Servics ~x~:4'~`:':3~''i ~ ~".:~T:~ ,~,~.r~..,,.. .sa.t~~-,•- .,;•i.;r~ ~r• y . , V`;~ .r .:ir~:;~.~'y• • ~~,r.- . da•`~~Lr initial Delivery IS IS IS IS$ IS IS 'Pickup RatL I$ is $ is $ la I$ Fent Per Calendar Day is is $ . lu I$ i$ . Is Rent Per Month . IS IS IS IS is I$ IS Note1: Perrnanent Service: Sen+ice is defined as no less than scheduled, every atfier vresk p6ckup, unless focal government realjires rrtore frequent servica or Gm{ess putrescfbles are involved. . CustUmer will be charged for serv9ce requested, even if fe+erer containers are serviced on a particulac trip. No credit%riII be given ior partiall,-filled cantainers. _ r Note 2: Perrnanent Sesrvice: if rer~t is showm, the rate `or t'ne 7rst pickup and zach additional pickup must . be t'he same. !f rent is not shown, it is to be in-Juded in the rafe for the first pickup. Accessorial charges assessed (lids, unlockina, unlatching, etc.) . • Issued By: Marc B. Torre • • . Issue Date: July 13, 2Q06 . Efiective Date: Seolte(nber 1, 2006 (For Ofitcial Use ORly) Docket No. TG- Dafe: gY: nn r'° ~z ~ - ~~~t 9~E,~£-~, ' G~Lr )61142 . Agerxda Date: 08-30-06 .Effective Date: 09-01-06 IREcErvEn rrL 123 Z006W-A. uT. & TRAvs. CaINUM. vxYGEvAL °rG-061142. Tarifc No. 7 Originai Page No. 38 , Company NamelPermit Nunjbvr. 'Sunshine Disposal, lnc. - GOa0199 B Regisliared Trade Name(s) aba Sunshine Disposal and Recycfing IErm 255 - Container Service - DuMDed in ComDanv's Vehicle 'Compac#ed Meterial (Customet-ovened container) Rates stated per conrGinei, per pickup Sen7ce Area: ~ Size or Type flf Gontainer Permanent Service I32 gal can 1, uaI. To€el Yard Yard Yard I Yard I _ Yard Each Schedulsd Pickua I$ i$ ~ $ $ 1$ I$ Special Pickups 1$ S IS IS IS Is Temporary Service : Y.' aR~~~+w-Pij~.~f-t. _ }.-,~;r. ~ . . ti _ . ,t:..rr',-"•~'r9 ~•;i:l,¢,... .:s '~-..~G ~V=i~'~~]E?:~ ry;~".e M~-ra PiCkup Rate I~ I$ I$ I$ I* I$ ti'otei: Perrnanent Servlce: Service is defined as no Iess than scheduied, every otiher week plckup, unless local gavemmen't_requires,more trequent service ar uniess putrescibles are involved. Custome~ will be charged for service rBquested, Even if Fewer containers are serviced on a , • particular #rip. No credif will be given for }iartlally-filled conEainers. ' ktr.,essorial cfiarges, Gssessed (Ilds, unlocking, unlatGhino, etc.) lssued By: t:4arc B. Torre fssue Date: July 13, 2006 . Efiec5ve Dat2; Septsmber 1, 2000 (Fcr O ;7cral Use Only) Docket No. i'G- Date: By: - .F'0R D~'~'.ICL4L USE ONLY Iaoc,ket.• 7"G-061142 . . nget?da laate: 03-30-06 Effective Da.te: 09-01-06 RECEY~D JrL 123,20Q6 WA. UT. & TRA.vs. coAM.. ORIGINA.L TG-461142 . This page has [A] six lines with incrzases in each frlled-tn column, plus (A) an {ncrease in Note 2, and the fnsertion of Notes 4, 5 and 6 wi'Lh [NJ nsw rates in each. Tariff No. 7 . Original Paga No. 39 . ~ Company NamelPernit Number. Sunshine DispQSal, inc. - G(30D 599 8 Reaiste;ed i rade Name(s) dba SunshinA Disposal and Recycling . . Item 260 RtaD Box Service - To Disoosal Site and Return Non-Cornpacted Material (Gompany-awned rontainer) . Ra'tes stated per drop box, per pickup Service Area: See Apppenc€fx A- Permit copy & mep , ~ Size or Type of Container Permanent Service 1 20 Yardi 25 Yard I 30 Yard l 40 Yard l h4onthly Rent (if applicable) S 55.00 57.90 I $ 60.30 74.00 1$ I$ [A] Fitst Pickup $ 65.00 1$ 65.00 65.00 $ 75.00 ~5 _ $ ~ [A, Each Additional Pic:{up I$ 65.00 65.00 1.$ 65.00 $ 75.00 $ _ $ [A] Speclal f'iekups 1$ is I$ I$ I$ I$ ~ . Temporary Service . ~ y -t~. ~y~, °~.;:~a. 'x i fi.._ .e.~ , r~,`'1"'.:{:i~ ~ •~'~T?;-'c'•f~~.1.- ty.,~ .:,,.y..r-~':f':''IZ~ i- .p ' Initial Delivery I$ 40.00 I$ - $ 40.00 $ 40.00'1S IS I [A) Pickup Rafz ! $ 85.001$ - $ 95.08 $ 95.08 I$ $ I [A] ReTit Per Calendar Day S 4.00 I S - S 4.50 I $ 5.00 I$ $ I CAl Rent Per Ntonth s I$ lS IS Is Is I Note i: Rates in this ifem are subJect #o disposal fees named in ltem 230. No#e 2: Rates named in ihis item apply for all hau(s not exceedfr~g 5 m"tles ;rom tt~e poln# oT pickup to the disposal site_ Eccess mlles will b2 charged for at $4A0 per mile or fraction cf a [A] . miie. Mileage charge is in addition to all regt!lar chargas. Note 3: Pern'tansr~t Serdice_ (1) Service is defined as no Irss than scheduled, once a rr,onth pic:<up, unless local aovemi-li°nt reguires more frequent service, or unless putrescibles are involved. (2) If a etrop box is retained by a custorner fior a 7ull montli and no pickups are ordered, ft monthly rent shall be chargeo, but no charges v.ri(I be assessecf ;or pickups. Nror,thly rcntal charges wi71 be prorated v:hen a drop box is re`,ainad sor only a portion af a mon'th. (3) !f rent is shoven, ihe ra'Le for 4he rrst piGtup and ?ach additional pic:{t!p must be Uie same. li rent is not s;otsm, it is fo be included in the rate for Ehe first pickup. Accesso6al charges 3ssessnd (lids, iarping, unlockina, unlatchina, etc.): • Note 4: A gate or obstruction charge of 510.0D (N) will be assessgd for opening , unlocking or (~J] clasing gates, or moving obstruciinns in order to pic:< up solid wasfe. Note 5: A fes of $17.85 (N) per montii will be added to rent w 'l len a lid is reqUired on a ctrop box. [h!] Note 6: A fee of $10.00 (N) will be assessed wihen a custamer requires Qhe solld waste company jNj fo position lids epen after pickup. - • , Issued By: Marc B. Torrz Isst!e Date: July 13, 2006 cnsctive Dafe: Sepiember 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) ~ Doc:<et No. YG- date: Dy: r7n n n~C' rl~ rXT Y~ $(Jl yL~: T- 061142 Agendu Date: 08-30-06 Ef °ective Date: 09-01-06 RECEWEb JLTL 12, 2006 ~~A. TJT. & TRAiNS. COtIBI. ORICYINAL. 'Y'G-061.142 i Tariii No: 7 Or+gir,al Page No. 44 Company HanefPermit Numbsr. Suinshine Disposal, Inc. - GQ00199 B Recistered Trade Nai-iie(s) dha Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 265 Drop 8ox Service - 70 Disoosal Siie and Retun Non-Gompacted Matariai (Customer-DUmed cantainer) Rates stated per drop box, per PickIJp . Service Araa: J " . Size br 7ype of Container ~Permanent Service pYard J Yard I Yard Yard I Yatd I Yard Yard %I-ach Scheduled Pickun I~ $ IS : $ NS $ . Special Pickups I$ $ I$ ,-I$ Is 1$ (s ' Temporary Servlco ;,_,soY-:-:~:~`j=":a~}`,c.`:~::.t%:.:~:~`r~.`~~i,'~i',~`~,r~:r=_,~~~~.?~i,~+.a±~~;s~t'~?~:~~r.~;':!•. Pfckup Rate IS ~ IS I$ ~ I$ 1$ 15 Note1: R3€as in this item ar2 subject to disposal faes named in ftei-n 230. , - Notz 2: Rates named in this itsm appJy for all hauls not sxceeding 5 miles ftom the point of.pfckufl to Fhe aisposal site. Excess miles vriil be charged for at $ per mile or facqon of a . mile. Atoileage harge is in addition to all regular charges. Nofe 3: Pe~anent Service is defined as no less thaii schedsiled, once a month pickup, unle>s local govemment crdinances requii-e more frequent senrice ar unles putrescibles are irnrolved, . Accessarial charges assessed (lids, unlflcking, unlGtching, eEc.) Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: JG~Iy 13, 2005 . EffecUve Date: Septembar 1, 2006 (For Or,rcia! Use Only) bockit fVo. 7G- Date: . BY: FOR 0FF7CL4L USE O~VLY • Docket: TG-061142 Ageradu Date: 08-30-06 - E-ffective Da,te: 09-01-06 RECEIVED J`UL 12, 2006 ~~A. UT. &TRANS. COMM. ORTGmTAL TG-061142 TaWl No. 7 Original Page No. 41 Company NamelPemiit Ir'umber. 5unshine DlspQSal, Inc. - G000199 B ~--~1 Registered Trade f~oame(s) dba Sunshina Disposal and Recycfing J' Item 270 - Drou BoxService - To Disoosal Si#e and Re`uni Compccted Naterial (Camgany-owned drop box) Rates stated per_drop aox, per pickup Service Area: ~ Size or Type of Condainer . Permanent Service 1 Yard Yard ~ Yard I Yard IYard I _ Yai-d I_ Y2;t1 Montnly Rent (if appficable) $ $ IS Is I$ . • Is Eirst Pickup $ IS I$ . S IS $ I$ , Each Additional Pickup . IS I$ I$ s I$ s IS Spzcial Pfccups I$ I$ 15 I$ Is Temporary Service I~n°- ~-°;e:.z~y,'s?*~~:;=-: q~l~:~ -'.~:t;;~~;~~.~.-~:~,::.~,FRi;~,• gt ~a. ~p.~.,,~~. , ••E~' ~iPcS.~?~f;t. I Initial Delivery 15 }I~ I~ S S ~ I~ ('ickup Rate I$ IS $ $ a ~S Rent Per Calenear Day 1$ Is ~ Is - Is $ Is Rent Per PJlonth IS 15 • IS • I~ .IS I$ Nb-'e1: RG#es in this itern are subJecfi to cisposal fees nar'ned in ffem 230, Nb#e 2: Rates named in this i'tem apply sor all hauls not exceeding 5 mi{es frorn the point of p9ckup fo QI-,e disposal site. Excess miles vAl he chargsd ior at $ p?r mile or fracton of a mife. Miieage harge is in addibon !o all regular charges. ' Note 3: Permanent Service: ' (1) Service is defir~ed as no less than scheculed, once a month pickup, unlnss local gavernment requires morz frequen# serv(ce, or unless putrescibles are involved. (2) If a drop box Is retained by a customer for a fvll +nontt► and no pickups are ordered, the monthly rent sha11 be charged, but no charges will be assessed for pickups. Aiontinly rentGl charges vrill be prorated when a drop box is re4ained for anly a portion ofi a month. (3) If rant is shovm, the rate ior thE firt pic",cup and each additional pickup must be the same. I if rent is not shovrn, it is so be included In t.he rate zor tiie first pickup. Accessorial charges assessed (lids, tarping, unlocking, unlatching, etc,): Issued By: MGrc B. Torre • . Issue Date: July 13, 20D6 . Effiective Date: Seotember 1, 2006 (For On~cla! Use Or,ly) . Docket No. fG- Date: By: Tr- 061142 ,4genda Date: 08-30-06 Efjective Date: 09-01-06 11-1`CE.TVED JUL 123 2006WA. UT. & TRANS. C4A'.fiNf. ORIG:f~TAL.TGOC1.142 ThIs page has [AJ fncreaszs to Permanent Servfce for 20 yard and 30 yarci confafners with no changes to rates for the 30 yard and 40 yard containers. This page also has jA] an increasa to the mlleage rate in Note 2, insertion of Note 4 with [N] one new rzte, and insertion of Note 5 with [C] changes in wording only with no change to thaf rate. Tariff No. 7Otigir~al Pzge No. 42 Company NamelPErmit Number. Sunshine Disposal, lnc. - G00O599 B . RegisEered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Dispose) and Reaycling Item 275 - Dtaq r3ox Servlce - To DisDosal Site and Return Compac#ed h4aieri2l (Customer-owned container) ' Rates sfated per drop box, per pickup - Setvice P.rea: See Appondix A- Permit copy and map ' . [A] [A] ' ~ Size or Type oi Cantainer ' . Permanant Service ~ 20 Yard 25 Yard I 30 Yard 1 40 Yard I I I Each Scheduled Pic4:up ~ S 112.D0 $ 112.00 ~S 112.00 135A5 $ J$ I$ Special Pickups I I I 1 ~ I~ ~S - - Temporary Service ;a~.~=;='.~'.~' Picktip RaEe $ ~ I$ 1$ 1$ I$ 1$ 1$ Note 1:. Rates in this itetn are subject to disposal fees nemed (n Item 230. Note 2: Rates named fn 4his item 3ppPy for all hauls not exceeaing 5 miles frcm the polnt of pickup to dhe disposal =ite. Excess miJes will he charged for at $4.00 pet mile ar fracJon ai a (Aj mile. Mileage eiargp is in addition 4o zll regular charges. Note 3: Permanent Service is defined as no less 'than schedulsd, once a monL'h rickup, unless local ' governm?n# ordinanaes require inors frequent service or unles putresclbles are iiivolved. AccessaHai charges assessed (lids, unlocking, uniatching, etc.) Note 4: A ga;e or obstruction charge of $'f 0.00 (N) will be assessed for operdrig , unlocking or [Nj cfosing gates, or moving obstrucEions in crder to pick up solid vaste. Note 5: A coir~pactar"disconr~ecJrecennsct charge of Y25A0 will be assessed. ' [Cj . Issued By: Marc B. Tofre . . . - fssue Date: July'i3, 2006 Effecdive Dafe: Septerttber 1, 2006 (Fot Offtcia! Usa Only) t7ocket No. TG- Date: By: ONLY 2"0 061142 - Agen,da Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 R-IF-CENEDAUL 12, 2006 ~VA. YJT. &TRA_.I~~S. COMM. ORIG.l1'M, TG-061142 . i ariff No. 7 . Original Page PSo. 43 . Cflrnpany Name/Permii Nurnber Sunshfne Disposal, inc. - G000199 B ' Regisfered Trade Name(s) dba 5unsnine Disposal and Recycling • r' Item 300 - List of Abbreviatlons snd Svmbofs.Used In This Tdrin JA] denotzs increases . . (Rj denotes decreases [C] denotes changes in wording, resul'ing in neither increases or decreasPs - (Nj deno'Les new rates, services, or rules ' (""J dsnotea fhat matedal previously sho•wn has been defeteti Yd. Or yd. Are abbreviations ioc yard Cu. Or cu. Ara abbrzviations fDr cubic • . Issued By: htiarc B. lbrre ' • Issue Date Jufy 13, 2Q06 F_ffecEive Date: Sepiember 1, 2046 • (For Official Use Only) Dacket No. 1"G- Date: BY: Top ,(7 ,FF&' Olr•i:j' Tr` .761142 - Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effect.ive Dcite: 09-0I -OG A~ i~z ` 1' ' ' ~ ~ r`; 'M"M • ~ Ly?;j~ V WASI4INGTGN UTfLITIES MYb TRANSPORTATd{3N COfriMISSlON. ~ . . ' ~ . ; For the Qperation af Alofar Propelled Vehicies . ' ~ pursuant to the gro.islons of ChapEer 61 RCW . n~ . . . TH1S IS 'FO CERTIFY that authority is granted to operaie as aMOTOR CARRIER in the lransportation 4€ the comrriodities and in the territory descrl'oed hQrein to . . _ , . ~ . b~ • . • . . ' . . . 5unsl1i ne llisposal, Inc. • • CEk'r. 0.' • 1415 F:'d Ballard Way Sea t tiE, WA 93107 • _ ~ i"GAlcH11G8 11hn REF►.?SE C4LLECTtON SEqVICB, J.icnited to servxce i.n - ~ containers of t~+~enty (20) eubic yaed capacity or over iz that ports.o.n . ~ • '~~j ~ oY Spokane Cvunty described as follaws: The territory hcunded ott the - wast by Ne.vana Streot (tha easteely ci ty Iimi-ts oC the Cf ty oL• ~ f Spakane); on the narth by Rowan Avenue extendvd; on the oast .by the I= Idaho-Washington State Iine and on the svuth by 40th Avenue exteneed. A? so, Sect f ons 25, Zb, 35 and 36, T. 26 N. , R. 45 B. , and Sectf ons 30 and 31, T. 26 N., R. 46 E.; and Nithin the corporatie city 1lrnits of ~ Spakane as of September 1, .1962, °ROVIDfiD: 5ervice parml.tted in Spokane does not authorize the ciuplication of oi arcy encroachisient on services z-enQered -by'the City of,Spokane oF contracted for by i-t.: . bf. V. G. No. 1147 8-24-83 ~ I~ . : . . i~ . . • , . . . . . ' . . . - . . , i , . ' • . . . ~ ~ - . " . ' WASFfiNGTON UTILImIES AND TRAN5POF.TATjON ' s~-5T A~,o~ - COMMISSION , . ~ BY ~_~1~`ry+~t,,,, ~ .s.¢. . • ' QY~ • ' . , J9i ~'~,ise9'~ ' • - • • ti~i ~v'LY ~:061.1.42 %j f p E N ~e~fdu ~e: 08-30-06 . . . v~-01-06 . . . . . . . . ~ - ~ . . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~..1. . fr ' yl t. ~a~~ ' - '~v 1~`•`~,^ ~ r - R42E ~ ' . R43C ~ R44E ( R45E 4 iE ° _ . ~ ~~~•Y`'.~" `~f~ ~ . ~ ~ ,'I~i ~ rtrmu J ~ ~ . ~~~»q ~'~'7i. ~ ~sK...:~'+~ ^i : ' ~ ' ' . . ~ . I.. J. ~w* ~ ~ ~ ' ~r~ ~S • 1.'c~•~ "1 ~ .D ~1~~ ~ry i 'I ~ ~ ~A~ \ • ~ ' - . • 1 •a.~? t.. 1• p__• c__-.._:t_:~~*r f~; ~°~S ~ i i C`,, r/. ~ i . ~ ~ ~ ~,y'ST ~ l~~~ ~ y ~ ..'.7 . " ~ r~ ~ ~~r.• ~ ; A~n~.i;.;- t , ~ : ~H,,-~J - . ~ . - ' ; . .1~-: T:3 5 .i-'' I, ' I.. ` ~ - - c -4~ - ~ ~ a ~ "I~ " - ~ . ~ ~~/7, _ ? ~ ~ 7.' ~ - a - ~a i~~' k.' .1 r . r _ ~ ~'~i- ~ f.•' • ~ ~ ' , . 1 1 . • ~ ` y1 r ~ ~ , 't - • , 1•y y _ ^ ~ ~ , e', . , : ; r • 4 r \ J . . . N • t ~ ~ ~ _ _ ' ~ ' , _ _ ° - ' ' ~ 1 , „r'~v _ ` • 1 ~ ^ L~ T ~ y' ~ 'S • ~ ~ I " F p f ~ + f Y ' ~ ri. ~ . r -1 N . r ' - - 'r~' ,A• _ -F: , . 'q _ I _ ~ ' t~* • _ ` ` • ' ' I a f ; R~ ~i n` ~ Nola: 7hit afca ~ . ~ l ~ r~ - • + . ti~ Kilhin Sga.kene CL 4s ot • pk ~~ate~ ~crvi~e permilled in 5po,taiie do~s .1~ 9-I-6z is liniled lo Ixenty 'i.• ~ a' ~ nol4uihorizntht'dvplicAl'~Anot " ~ ~ I'L{1}cubicpaFdcop.aravnr. ~ t . or any eqcr~ac1un~~1 on ~ervices , - ~ ~ ~ / . IAO CII}'QI Sp9.k4ne ~ ~ • - , ' ~ _~Q 9 Of CGItIfOCied IUf IIy !I. - ~ : ` ~ _ '3 •~j•.~toi,lo ' t~~' • . ~ } • ~ ~ • t j ~ f _ , . ~ - _ ~'l ~ ' ~:..n~l n ~y.,~' 1„~ ~i~, 5. ' ~ , ~ 4 ~ , h•. i' ` ~ ~ , ~ ~ n - ~ ~ :•y ' rpt ~y' ~ r• .(I i: y I . . ~1 ~ ` t, ~r.~ ~t^~~~)y~, ' .y i 1.-._e~.. ~t . ~ ~ f^~~ 4'~~•• I ~ ` iu ' C ~ - i ' ~ r ~ . , . ~X " . 1 • .C~ , , u . . , ,.t. { k _ . • h ' ~ _ ~ ;f• . ~ ,~:J,~/f - ~r.... ;•s•. . , ~ ' _ ~ •.1 I ~ v,,'tiS~ l~.emeet: ~l i i(.~ , • . _ ; - ~ M T . ~ ' ~ ~ ' ;..--'iur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • f~e sf~~ ',J : :i ~ "fi~; -;:;~r,^,, ~.-••~y•- . v= r { ~ , . Y ~ ./`•yl`~ , te~mlan . . N ~ ~ ~ ' `t . t..1 - 1- ~ • - ~ f• ( ~ ' ~ ~'x iy'" -~C.,'iia . ~ ~ ' ~ - s ~ ,~i~,_:,.. . y:~,l;E~: - • ~ , •9t~,.,~~ /I ~l~ 1 •~1~' ~ r• ~~~.:1 . ' 'a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~t ~f ~,L...,. T.~2~!; • ~o%(P • G , ~ ~Sc~~ •.i:~ : , ! ~R jy . ~ ,rJ` z!' : ' , , • • ' r i .~°o~°~a~ ~ , , ~ - ~ . ~ ~ . ' ~ N 00C-'N 0 . • • , . • - . • . . , ~ ~ , , . . . ~ f . . ~ °r-~N K) CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 7, 2007 • • City Manager Sign-off: • Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent X old business new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second reading proposed Ordinance 07-023, Waste Management franchise GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.02.160, RCW 81.77 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: -Study session April 17, 2007, motion on May 22, 2007, administrative report August 14, 2007, first reading October 22, 2007. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Council direction on May 22, 2007, staff drafted proposed seven year status quo franchise for Waste Management. A copy of the draft franchise was sent to Waste Management with a request to contact me if they had questions or comments. Waste Management has not contacted me as of the date this RCA was drafted. Following adoption of this franchise, staff will present a motion authorizing staff to send notice of termination of the existing Tariff, under which the WUTC would continue to exercise exclusive regulatory authority and control. Once this process is completed, the Council may want to consider authorizing the staff to open . negotiations with Waste Management for a replacement franchise containing other or additional terms, and under which the City would assume regulatory authority and control over garbage collection. ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move that we approve Ordinance 07-023. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None in the short term, unknown long term. STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Draft franchise for Waste Management. - CITY OF SPQKANTE VA]11;EY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASiili\GTON URDINA.NCE NO. 07-023 A~\T ORUINA~YCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SYOKANE COUNTX, VVAS)3INGTON, GRri►ITING ASEVLN YEAR, NO\°-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHIS+ T() WASTE MA.NAGFMEN'I' OF VVASHINGTON, INC., DB/A WAS7'E MANAGEMENT OF SPOIGiNE, TC) PRpVIDE GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTIQN SFRVICE W:[TH[~1~ THE C11'Y OF SYOKANE VALLEY WT-TJ:REAS, the City of Spokane Valley incorporated on MFUrch 31, 2003, at whieh time Waste Management of 1Vashington, Inc., d/b/a Waste Manabcment of Spokane (hereafter "lvaste Management") was providing ga.rbage aild refuse collection services in the geoo aphic area eomprising the new city; WHEREAS, ItCW 35.02.160 pravides that when a new city ineorporates, a company providing solid waste anc) rePuse collcction services within the new city shall be allowcd to aontinue providing said services for at 1QasC seven }'ears following the exercise of cert.ain steps to tcrminate those statutory rights; WHEREAS, the City Council has given preliminary approval ta bive notice of termination tllrough the Wa.shington U[ilitics and Transpdrtation Commission; and WH.E~.RFAS, Ihe City clesires to grant a status quo franchise to Wastc Management whereby Waste Vlanagement shall Ue allowed ta continuc providing garbage and refiise collection service•s within . dhe City of Spokane Valley under the same terms and conditions as has been previously allowed by the Washington Utilities Transportation Commission, and under which the Wa,shington Utilities Transportation Cammission would continue to have administrative oversight and control ovee the provision of these services, NOW, THEIZEFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, does orclain as follows: Section 1.. Grant of Franchise. The City of Spokanc Valle;y, aWashington municipal c.arporatinn (hereinafter the "City"), hereby grants to Waste Management of Washington, Tne., dlbla Waste Management of Spokane, a non-exclusive f'ranchise for a period of seven (7) years, beginning on [he effective date of this Ordinance, to provide garbage and refuse enllection seivices LIl 1i1C Clty 6C Spnkane Valley on icienrical terms and conditions as is sct forth in 1Vashington UtiJities ancl Transportation Commission (WUTC) Certificate G-237, and TariffNo. 15 granted to Wab-te Managerr►ent by WU'C'C, eftective May 1, 2007, copies of which are athached to this franchisa ordinance, and incorporated tlerein by ret'erence. The WUTC will continue to provide administrative oversight and control over lhis franchise until this franchise expires or is supersecled by a subsequent franchisc. Section 2. Notice. Any notice or informatiAn required or perntitted to be given hy or to lhe parties under this franchise may Ue sent to the followina addresses unless othenvise specified, in writing: . `I'he City: CiCy of Spnkane Valley t1tTn: City Clerk 11707 East Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley; WA 99206 Ordinance 07-023 1Vaste Mandgcment Franchise Page 1 of 2 Grantee: Waste Mana,;ement of Spokane Attn: Ken Gimpe1, Municipal Itelations Manager ~ 12122 Fast lu Avenue Spokane Valley, NTJA 99206 1'hnne: (509) 344-8232 rax: (509) 467-7931 Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and cffect five days after publieation of the ordinance or a summary therenf occurs in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. ' PASSEll by the City Council this day of November, 2007. Mayor, ]aiana Wilhite AiTEST: Christine ]3ainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney " Datc of PuUlicarion: Effective Date: Acccptcd by: Waste Management of Spokane By: • Sunshine Disposal, lnc., for itseif, and fnr its success4rs and assigns, does accept all of the terms ancl conditions of the foregoing franchise. ' TN WITNESS WI-IER.EON, has signed this day of , 2007. Subscribed arid sworn before me this _ day of , 2007. Nntary Fublic in ancl for the State of Washington, residing in My commission expires ; Ordinance 07-023 Waste Management Nranchise F'aae 2 of 2 ~ . . wAs'IE NIANAGaVFN'T QF WASH1NGTON, TNC. dlb)a WASjjF4GT0N Tv1F= HAL]'LTNG &"i~~CYCL NG, INC_, G-OG237 RECYC-LE AvfETtJCA, RCTRA,L SKAGTI" SANITATTOIN, FEDE RAL WA,Y I]TSPOSAL, NIC-`T{ RAFFO GA.RBAGE, . - R_S.T_ D35T'OSA'L, 7"m-sTAIZ, DISPp5AL,AV135'I'ERN IZEFUSP-, - - NDRTH CASCADES MI?OSAL-, ST'ANWDOD CAM-ANO . DISPO SAL, iVAST-E NTA-NAG-.F-Nf ENT; WASTE MANA_~~AMEiNT - . 1 YQhi 11 1 f T'NS1 f M~STEM11 Y.1 ? GEMy T WASI1 4' " . MAiVAGtM~NT OF ET.L??N3URG, WASTE'i,C.A.NArEh?-ENT OF-' ' - ' - . GREAT'ER _"r7:14kCH_EE, WASTE MANAGEMBNI' OF KLNNEWT&, VJAST`E MAh?_A~]ENM~+~1 DFSRA7"1"LE, . . WASTE IvTA-N AG E.IVMNT OF SKAG11" C QUNTk', WASTE ' ' . i,iAIhz~,GENEN'F'"O~ .SI'OKA'NE,''WASTE MANAGF.MTE~T OF . YA.K1'k WAST'E M-ANAGENMINT. OF SNTO-KJNG, VALLEY GARBAGE, OLSOM'S S.ANTTA'l ION SERVICE, ' . WASTE MANAGEn-ENT o~ ~~DY, ~~~EM-AIR Dr.sPosAL, . `GVAS~ IviA~TA~EME~]'1 ^ S~TJ,IT~ ~~L1~ . . . . ' ' ~ 13225 N'E 126TH PLACE . - - . . - • . ~ KMKL.ANM, WA 98034 ' . . . • 'iZ US CE1ZTUICAr[`E DOES NO'~ ~~ORIZE REFUSE -C.OTXECn0Ns SERvrcE RESM1C'rED TD FXTRENkBL)C R &ZARD OUS S ,PIvf.[-S0Lll7 WASTE, L\TCLUb]NG ACIDS, -C~-MMICAL5, .AND YzEsrDijAr_s iN PmcE, KLNG, sNoAo,wsH ~~A14D VV_HkT~~~- MUl\MES AND 'INTERCOL1NTY ANDIOR HAZARDOUS IIVDUS',CRIAL `LIQUID, T~iIC-LTJ-DING ACIDS, GHEaffC:ALSA.i\fD kF_SIDTJAIsS'(N0'Z"IO E XCFED 6,500 C, . ALLONS 24 B ULKl'ER SIIIl'M71N7 IN WilAT~ORM,..S1CAGIT, SN0H0l\iMH, KNG, K[TSAP ANI) PMRCE ~(D-0 iN'1'JES .AND II,]'FERCOUNTY. , - - Cnntipue ~ ("PID277} SoLID WAS7`F, COLLECTION SERVICE irL Sectiar+s 6, 7,18, the z+orth lh of 19 axtid those partiaris oi Secdozi 4 and 5 situated 'ut King ~~ounty, all in T. 22.N., R. I I Fs_; and Seci3ox7s 28, 29, 30, 3:I, 32 and the West lh o# Sec, 33f a11 ]n T. L}J LY .f R.1i E., zn King C our~#y, (i'TD295) ALS0 In that portion o~ Kazlg C Gvnty, desc-ribed as foU.ows: Co-mane-nang at the norrheast C;ty Limits of Auburn, a-nd the. GFeert Rivex B a.rks wiy,hu-t Secti.on 5, T. 21 N_,R. 5 E.; thmce eastezZp a1ong the G xem Riyer Ba,aks to ;he nozth-west corner alE Section 20, T. 21 N., R. 7 U., W.7v2.; ttence north to the northwest cozner of SeciioR 2D, 2-2 N,, R, 7 E_, W.M.; thence d,ve ea.st to the northeast coulez of Section 24, T- 22 N',,R. i E..; thtnce south ta fihe southerly boundary uf Ka.ng County; tlnencc.cveste.zTy along.the sov,thesly bound~axy of Kirig:couitty to the s outhwest corruer o€ Section 32, 'T`, 21, .N_, R. 5 E,, W. M_; thence- north e-zly along the west Ur~e 9f said S ectian 32, 29, 20, 17 and S o€ T. 21 i'F.,R. 5 E. to tb~ Crer,-n River Eanlcs ti) ;he poznt 6f be 'g ~=g• " (PID297) ALSO irL that poLtion of KiD g County descriUed as follaws: - Commenazng af the rLozthwes# City T-izrits of kert'toxt and the shoxe of Lake VJashingtoz~ dz!ince riorr'itai3.y along i:he shoie of Uke Washington to th(~ City Lirctits of Beli.4~vue {ai'af Septl~mber 1, ,k. 20[K); the7nce east alorLg the sauth City Urxut, of Bellevue (as of Septen-iber 1, 2004) t7o t~ei~ i'` a.ntersection w-ith the City Lixriis ol Issaquah (as af SepteaLbi~i 1, 2004); tl-ience north aYong the east City ] irrr.i,#s of Bellevu e(as of Septennber 1, 2004) to t1ne intrnsectioxt af the most noxttwesterly point of the City liinzts of rssaquaki. (as. of SepteDiber-1, 2004); thence east along tbe.adjomirtg nortli City .limits of Tssaquah (as of SepteYnbex 1, 2004) to it-s iiiteTse-ttiori withlxkterstafe 90; the~lce east alarg Lnterstate 90 until.the inft~section wzthRerti-onRoad(RentonRoad-Issaqua-tRoad}alsoZiighway .~~d thence 9 00; 'thEp~ice south aJ.ong sdid ioad {o a lilzE canunon to T_ 23 N,, md T. 24_ i., K 5B_, a. ~ ity im.its of Renton, (M.-V.G. No. 220, july westerly atong said line to fihe easteAy b oun dary of the C'T~ 7, 1964); thence alvng s~dd Cit•y L-inufs irt a rEorthwestezly dixection fo t-ie s}~oi:es of Lalce Wasl,.ingbozt to the point of begirir►irLg. Also includirLg Maple Valley Gol# Cqursc. (T'11D32 0) SOLDD WASTE ~~~~EC-TIOiN SERVICE in that porhion of King Cov.n#y de4Wbed as foEows: Cantinue I b • Comnlenong at the intersection of the south city ]i~.nits of the City of Seattle nid fi11e intersection of said city ].iznit.s with TsakE Washingfion; therice southerly along the shores of Lake Washington fio tlze City o£ Renton Ci.ty li.mii~; ~ienoe along-tfie ivesterly bouz~dary o# the city limi~ af the City of . Renton to Renton Avenue; fihence noxtlzweste-rly along the. northerly sicie of R6-iton Avei►ue to 761~' Adenue South to Soui]11251~1 Sireet, thence east to 77'h Avenue South; thence narth alang the east sicie of 77~ Avenize*86uth to Soutli 120'h Street; therice a7.aaig the north side of South 1200' Stietf to 76'b 1lventie Soutli; therice north 4n 761~1 Avenue Soutl-. (east side o:nty) to 11b~ Streefi South; thence west on 1166 Street Soutl-i (no s ervice betv.*e'en 11611' Street South and ComellAvenue); thertce noa-th along the eastside of Cornell Avenu,e to Seattle*City Lamits; tEence easterly along said city limits•to the east Uoundary theaEOf, adjacent to Lake IZadge Additioxl; thence no.rtherly along said city liimits to South 112ffi Sizeet extended; thence westerly along saaa aity limits fio 68'h Avenu.e South extended.; thence no.r.therly along said city lim.its to Rya:n Street exdended; thenee eastezly alang said. ci.fy lizxiits to t11e point of beginning, fsom the desrrabed terrifory to dunlps in Kmg Counfy. (P1U373) SOi.,l.17 WASTE COLL-ECTTON SERVICE in ijiak portion of K.ing County d.esui.bed as• follows: StartiZg at the intersection of N'F 199', Street and 84th Ave. iNE; ther► east on NE 1991~' Streei: to its intersection -vvith 90~1' Ave'. NE; t'lZes► north oz14011' Ave.'\TE to its intersection with NL 200''' ' Street; fhei-i west an \TE 200'al Street to its inte.rsection with 88- Ave, NE; t-hen narth on 886, .Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 20211a 5iaeet; i:hen east on NF 202"d Street fio its intersection wifih 9011, Ave. NE; theti nori:h on 9011, Ave. NE to its zntersection vaith NE 2051-11 Stzeet (also tl-ie King-Snahomish County Jine); then west on NE 205'' Street to zis intersection ivith 84"- A.ve. NE (also the west range 7ane-6f T26N, R5E); then sautll ori 841~, Ave. NE to its intersection w-ii-h NE 1019* Sizeet~ the point of • begiru~ng.. A1so: `Starting at the intersection of MlhAve. iNF and NC 180e, Street; then east on NL 1$011, Str,eet tQ its interseclaozi with 8811' tA.ve_ MB; then norEh on 88t' 1L.ve. i\fE to its:intexsecrion wifih NTl? 181-st Street; then east on NE 1.810 Street to its intersection w-ith 90th Pl. NE; then north an 90th Pl_ NE to its "intersecliozt'with `fE X85''' Street; then v.*est on NE 185'h Street to its intersection with 88t~h Ave. NE; then north on 88tb Ave. IVF to its interse ction with 192°" Pl. NE; tl1en west oii 192A1 Pl. NTr•to its intersection with 84th Ave. \TE (alsa the west range ]ine of T26N, R,15E); then sotrtn on $41h Ave. NE to its intersection wi1h'NB 180-'~ Sbxeet, the poa.nt oE begiiuiing. • Continue . ' AJ.so: Starring at the i.ntersection of I~fE Bothel.l Wy. and 84th. Ave; NTE; then east on NE Bothell%ly. to its intersection with 91,,t Ave. NE; then north.on 91s' Ave. NE to its intersectioinv.zth NE 172na Street; then easfi on NTE 172"d Street to ats intersection with 42"d Ave. NE; theri north on 92nd AVE. NE t0 zt5 ' intersecfiaon,-vith NE 173-d Stxeet; then,east on NE 173rd Streetto its insersection with 951~ Ave. iNE.; then north on 551h Ave NE to 173~-d Pl. NE; then west on 1731,d PJ. NE to its intezsecti4n vvi.di. 93'd PI. NTE; then nortll on 93--d Pl. NE to its intexsectian -vvi.th N. 175'' Stseet; then west on_NE 175L~' Stze2t to its intersection. tivith 93rd Ave. NL; tki.en north on 93rd Ave. \fE to iis intersection with ~~TE 176th Street; then east on NE 176'-1 Street to it-s izitersect7.on ivih 95lh Ave. NE; then z-►oafih on 950, Av.e. NE to its . intersection with 1\TE 17811, Street; then wesfi on N-E.1789, Street to its infiersection with 8P Ave. NE; then north on 881", Ave. iNE to i ts intersection with NE 1$0-11, Street; then west on iNP, 184ffi Street to it5 intersectioai ivith 84'-,.Ave. NE (al.so.thE,west range line of T26N;1Z5L); then soutii on 84*-" Ave. NTE to its intersection wz.th NE Bothel.l Wy., the point of beginnfng. (Y'TD374)~ REFLTSE COLLECTYON SFRVTCE from conunercial accounts or establishments i.n that poziion of King Couaity desc~cibed as,follows: Starting at the intersection oF 92na Ave. iNF and 1861~, p],. NE.; then east oaz 180:1 1'1. NE to its intea-section with 43rd PI. \TE; i:hen north on 93rd Pl.. NE to its i.ntersection vrith NE 187'h Street; then easfi on NE 187'h Street to its ir►tersection vaith 95t' Ave. NE; . then south.oTi 9511" Ave. NE to its intersECiion iaith. 1$66 1'1. NB; then east on 186th PI., NE to a.ts ~ izltersectiozi with 96*~, Ave. NE; then north oxi 961h. Ave. NE to its intea-section cvith NTE 18811' Street; , then west on 14E 1$$6. Street to its. intersection with 45t' Ave. NL; thezi north on 9511` Ave. NE.to its " intersection ivith ~jE 189th Street; then west on NE 1$9th Street to its intersection with 93"' T'l. NE; then nor`Lh on 931d Pl. 'NTE. to its intersection wi.th NE 19011, Street; then tivest on I~1B 190-` Street fio its izltersection tivith 92fl1 Ave. NE; then south on. 921a Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 189'h Street; then east on. NE 18911, Street to its intersection tivifih 93~ Ave. NE; then south on 93-~d Ave. NE to itS interse ctiol, with NTE 1871hStreet; then. w est on NTE 1_87t~, Sixeet to its intersectian with 9211d.A.ve. iNE; then soixt}.z on 92nd Atre. iV73 to its i:ntersecti.on with 186d, Pl. \jE, tize pl.ace of beguiiung. (PID433) SO'L17D WA,,STE COLLECTY0N SF..RVICE nz that.portion of ICing and Pierce Counties described as fallows: -Starting at the point wnerejst Avenue Soutil inte'rsecLs w-ith the shore line af Pu.get Soun.d; thence south on 1&t Avenue Sauth to South 292°d Sixeet projected; thence east on Sou.ttl 292nG Street projected to 8l' Aven.ue South projected; thence north on 8ffi Avenue South projecfiPd to South 2881h Street projected; fihence east on South 28811' Srreet projected fio 121h Avenue South; thence _ ' Continue `.1 . ~ . north on 121,', Avenue South pxoJectEd to South 282,10 Street pxojECted; thence easfi on South 282na Street prajected M its ixite.isection tvith fihe east ciry LimLits of Des Moines; thenc'e northerly, alomg said city liu-t.its to its intersection wa.tlz S. 272nd Sizeet; thence easfi a.iorig said street to the east city ' .]a.mifis of Federat jtiTay; tkience south aleng sa.id aty litnuts to S. 3041b 5treet; thenee east on the Suuth side of So. 30-ilh Street exCended ;to the centealir►e of Sec. 11T. -21N„ R. 4 E.; tnenae sotith on a. center]ine of Sectior~ 11 anci'14,'T. 21 K., 1Z ~4 F., to Peasley Canyon,Rodd; tNeiice'"eastezly'on Peasley Canyon Road to the infiersection wit.i. W. Valley H`wy S.; d-ience norl•h a.iong said Avenue to the intersection 'v,tith Maa.n Street West; fihence easc along said street to "A" Street S.F. ( Aubunl-Su=er HighNvay), thenc'e.sauth'on said ha ghway to the Z<S.ng-Pieic6 .Caunty T.,i-ne; thence west alon ; an said cqunty line ~nd, nartherly to its intersecf~on with the ~east quaxter section line of See. 25,T. 2l N., R 3E.; thence south on said quarter sECtioii line fio south qu~rter section ].ine of Sec. 25;.fihencc west on sauth qti.ai. ter scctioii lixi.e'tci th'6 west quartei secizo'n l.ine of Sec_ 26, T. 21 ?`i., R. 3 E.; thence north on said quartex section e to'the % section l.zne of Sec. 26, T. 21 N., :C{. 3 E.;"thence west on s aid !z sectian line to intcarsection tivitli the wesfi line of Sec 26, T. 21 itf., R 3 E.; thence noxth .,along sa.id secfion lane to northw- est comer of Sec. 23, T. 21 N., ].Z,.•3 E.; therice easi: alongnozt.h liric of Sec. 23 to in}Ersection with Kuzg-Pierce County Line; thence zioithwesterly aJ.ong saidcaunty line to 0ze shQreline of Puget Souxic3; thehce n.ortheasterly along said sho,r,e line to intcrsectiori with Ist Avernie South,.'the place oi beguizi.ing. - ' - (PID435) SOT TD j1TASTE COL.LEC'1'.CON SERVICF not reqturirig the use o# a dwnp truck and exciu.d,uZg biomedical waste, in thafi portion bf ZCing Cou-nty describecl as €oll.ows: Commencing at the inter'section'of 'NTE 108'h Street and 132n11 Ave. NE; thence easterly on NE 10811, Stxeet -to the :l7.edmond City limtits, thence folla~Arin& the Redmond city limits in a southerly, southeasterly and westerly clock~vise direction ta 132nd. Ave. NE; thence narth a.long 132a6 r'~v~e. NE to its intersection with NE 108'-, Sizeet, the pozizt of be;innulg. Also, comznencing at tlie intErsection of NE 97h Street and 132~6 Ave. NE; thence followi.ng the xZedznond city Liznits in a southeasterly and *esterly cloekivise clirecti.on'to 132-nd Arc.•NE, thezice no:cdl along 132Fd Ave. N-E to iis i,nterseciion tivith NE }iI' Sixeet, the point o£ begIinrUng: Alsa, conmencang at the intersectiori of NB 78ffi Str.ePt extentled east and 132nd AVE.'. NF; thenc:e following the ~'Zedinorid city Iimit; in an easterly, souil-ierly arcd tvesterIy'clockwise cii.rection i:o ' Continue 132pa Ave. NE, tbence north along 132n4 Ave. NE to its intersection vvi.th NE 78L St:eet extended east, the patnt o# be~Ung. . . ~ Also, conime-nring at the intersection..of NlE 701~1 Street and 1321a Ave. NE; fih~nice follosNinb the Redmond ci.ty liIItiits in a easterly, southerly and wesfierly'clockcvise d.imctionto 132nd Ave. 1VE thencc north aloxlg 132nd Ave. NE to its intersection wi.th \jE 70m Street, the point of beginriuig. _ on of (1?,117 .4.36) REFLTSE CO~LECTION_SrRVICE not requiring the use of a dwnp truck in thaafi pozti K,izig Cou-nty.descxS.beci as follows: Starting at the infiexsectiozi,of S.W. 152Dd Street extended and Puget Sound; thence easfi along S.W._ 152nd Street to iis ir►terseciion ,,vitkAmb aunz Rlvd. S.S''V.; thence southerly a.long Annbatun Blvd., S.W. to its i.ntersection with 'S. 156~1 Sfireet; tYience east to Des ~Ioines; thence,south a.long Des Ivlaines Way to.5W,1b0'h Stzeet; fh,e~ncc south,~atesterly along S.W. . 160~ Street and SylvestEr l~.d to i~s intersection with the zzorth city ].iinits of \TOZrnandy 1'azk; thehce westerly azld norttierly a.long said north city l.imits to its intersection with 7.s' Ave. S.; thence south along 16; Ave. S. _to iis intcrsecti.oan •wii:h S. 192nd Street; fillence east along S. 192rd Siseet to its antersection with Paca.fa.c Highcvay S. (riiteznational. Blvd.); thence north to.S.188'1, Strret; thence east along S. 188'h' Street to its intersection Nvith the city limifis of the.City o# Sea-Tac and the City of Tuk-wila; fihence southerly azld easterly along the south dfy L.'un.its 'af T~kw. i.la to ais interseciion witti the city li.mits of the City of Kent as of janu.ary 1, 1987; thence southerly aind easterly in a' cou.ntercl.ockwise d,irection along.the city li.mits of the City of Kenf as of January_7., 1987 to its -;ntersection with State Highway 516 and S.E. Kent Kangley Road; thence southeastezly along State , Hi.ghway 516/Kent Kangley, Road to 116th Ave. S,E.; thence south along'116b. Ave. S.E. to its izltersect-i.on with S. 277'h St-reet extended; thence west along S. 277t' Sfxeet Pxtended to West Valley Highway;. thencE south along said -Hightivay to S. Peasley Canyon Road; thence west along S. Pea.sley Canyon Road; t0 59th Ave. S. thence north a.l.ong 59h Ave. S. to the poiilt where it ir►tersects . zvith 30Atb Street extended; ihence west along 30413~ Stzeet extended whexe i.t i:n,ersects with . Intersrate Hwy I-5; thence nortll alor~g sa.id Intezstakc Haghway to its ir►tersecfi_on with S. 272- a Street; thence wPst un S. 272n11 S{rP_Ft t0 the Clfy Ili11.115 Of DeS MOIiIeS; i:hence sou.th along said ci.ty li.u-.its to t.ie :point where it interseeis wifih S. 282nd Street ectended; dlence west on S. 282na extendcd to 121h 11ve. S. extended; thence south on 1213, Ave. S. to the point where it intex.sects with S. 2$8ffi . Street; thence west on S. 288'b Streetto its intersection wifih 8Ih A.ve_ S.; thence soutti on 8ffi .4.vE. S. to . SW. 292n° Street extended; thence west on S.W. 292nd Street extended to 11, Ave. S.; t.i.en.ce nor`~h on . CantinuE ~ , ~ . 1s' Ave. S.; to the snoreline of Puget Sflu.nd; thence northerly along the shoreline of Puget Sound to its i-ntersection tvitti. S.W.152n'1 Str.eet extend.ed, the paint o# begirululg. - • - . (P1D437)SOLID . tNASTB COL.LECTIONT SER«CE in that poz°tiQn of Ki:ng Caunty asbounded'ori . the West by 1'uget SQUnd; on the East' by L-alce Washington; onn, thp Noith'by as''.f.bllows: , . . . . . . . Cog,~r►enri~ng at thc interseci~on.~f x~k5~`St~eet a.zii~. the shores of L-ake Wa~gtoii, th-erice west anthe soufih~ sicle of E. 145th Street fio 5,b Ave. N. E.; thence zlorth on the west side'af 5t~,•Ave. N.-E. to E. 1751h Street, i-hence ezst.on i:l.i.e narth side of E. :175'~ StrEet to 8`11- Ave. N. E., tMrice norfil.z on 8'b Ave: N. E. (but not inrluding Sth Ave. N. E.) to 190t'~Street, therice noi-th onhoih sidess of 81'' Ave. N. E. extended to*E. 20101 Street, 'thence east onbofil-i sides of E. 2015'.5treet extdnded to the west sid.e of I1!h Ave. N. E. exter.ided, filze-nce north :on th.e vtiest side~ *of 11m Ave. Nj. E. extendEd to Kirig-Sriohomish County 1irie, t'nence west bn the sou:tl:i side oY said-l,izie to'the §hore af Pugefi Sound; ar►d on the Sauth, by as follows: Cnminencing at tYie intersectior► offfie soutl-i city limits of Seattle and L.ake Washangtor11- then fcillocving fihe city limits of Seattle.i,n a dorlcwise'clirection to ifis intersectson with 1161h Streefi South; thencE cast ozi 1166 Street South to 76'h Ave. South; thence soukh on centexJ.ine of 761h Avenue S8ut1 to South 12011, Street cen.terline; thence eFst on cmterline o€ Svuth 120'h Strcet to 771~1 Avenue South centerLine;'thLnce Soia.ttii ari centerIine of 771h Averiue Soui:h to South 125*, Stxeet centerlule; thence west on centexla.ne of So-L.ith 1251h Street fo 7611, A.venue Sauth centerline; thezice saui11 on centerline oE 76'h Av enuc South. to Renion Avenue Snutli centerline; 'thence eastezly on. centeriine oflZentonAvetiue South to RentonWest city ]irnits (as of J-cuze 1,19(1); tl,ence southezly along said.city luiiits to the ce.nterlinL of Haxdie Street; tlience south along the centezline of said. stzeet to Sou.tl-i 154ffi Streefi'centerline; khence westezly 4n CeriteTllile Of SOU.th 1341b ,StrEet'to $7.-t Avenue Soi.ith centerli:n~; thertce souEh on cei-iterline of 81st Avenue -South to SW 5unsefi Boii.levard (MLK Junio.r V1Y) celilte:c.l.ine; thence easkezly.follow-izig said road t6I7ainaer Ave. (PSI-1-5); ti-Lezice followTixig Rainier A.ve. iri a soutllerly direction to south bne of Section 19, T. 23 N., R. 5 E. (S.E. 1601 11 Street); thence east along south line oC said-Secti.onn ta the Rertton City Liznits; thence follotuing the Ciry L.imits of Rcanton i:n a counter-docl<wise dizeciion td fihe point ivheze it intersects Nvitti Map1e Valley Highway; thenee southeasterJ,yalong saidhaghway tp thc intersecti.on of the east line *of the west half 'a€ Secta.on 24, T. 23 N., R. 5 E. (172nd Ave. S.E. extended north); f.hence south along said l.in.e extended to the soutll-lane of Section 1, T. 22 N.; R. 5 E., W.M:; (or Southeasfi 208th Streeti) thence west alang said, south line to 148t" Ave. S.E.; thenee north along 19:$1h Av. e S.E to S.E 192n11 Sfxeet; ther►ce zvest tv 140'', Ave. S.l?.; riozth to Peixovai;sky Roaci (S.E.1.7611'); , Con#inue . . 1 thence west alon- Petrovitsky Road to a.ts intersection with. Cazr Road a.nd 108~, Ave. S.E.; thence west alon.g Carr Road to State H.vy 167; thence south along State Hwy 167. to the south line of Section 6, T.22N., R, 5E.; W.M, (or Southeast 208tb Street extended); thence following said aty limits in a cloclcwi;se directi.on to the northwest corner of saad city, lunits, extended to.the west bank of the 17uwami.sh River; thence nor.therly, aiong the west bdnk of sa.id Riyex to the riorth line of the soufihWest 1/a of Section 25, T.-231V.,1Z 4 E. thence east on said northwest 1i.ne to its intersettionvriLSn . West Valley Rd (StateH-vvy,.181); the:rice,northerl.y.along jNest Va]ley R.d (5tate Hwy. 181) tp the saufh line, of Section 24, T..23 N., R. 4 E.. (South 16011, Street.extend.ed); thence tvest on south li.ne of said sectiozi to the easterly.bank of the ]auwauvsh R.it-er; thence northerly a]ong the west bank of said River to tj1e poir►t or izltersection wi;h:the south line of the northivest (continued) quarter of , Sectian 24, T. 23 1'~T., R. 4 E., 4V.M.; thence east along the south ]ine of said north.vaest quarter to the we.st side of that portion of thc city o£ Renton as annexedby city ordina.nc!e Nla.1764Iyingwesterly . of the east margin of B\TIZR Coxnpany (N.P.RR) main ixack righi: o£ way a11 being located in the sauth Ffs o€ the NW o E Section 24, Townshzp 23 Norlh., Range 4 East, thence east fzom the east si.de ,ok said poztion of City of Renton aloazg the sou.th line of the. nor'~tnv.Test (cnntinued) quazter of Section 24, T. 23 N.,1Z 4 F., W.M. to the east sa.de of the Ckzarles Mo:nster Raad; then.ce northerly alpng the along the ea.:terly side of said road to the Beacon Caal Mine zoad; ther►ee northerly along . the a.long the eastezly side ot sa.id roaci to the South 7.296' Street extended; ti-tence eastErly on South ~ 129th Street to State High-way 900 (?vlartin Luiher Kjng Jx.. Way) cexi.fierliaae; therice northtivesterly alang said Uouleva.rd to South. 120th Stieet; thenee West along South 12011, Sireet extFnded to 516! Ayenue South; thence NTOrth along exfiension of 57 bt Avenue South to Empize Way South Centezline; ;hence northwesterly on intersectior► of Empize. Way South to Ryan Street centezline. extended • ihence West alon- Ryan.StYeet extertision to extensa.on of 33rd Avenue South; thence Nori:h along extensian of 33~ Aventte South to. extensian of Sauth Trenton Sizeet; theilce West along extensiozi of SouthTrenton Street to Fast Iviargind Way;.thence Nortnwesteziy along East Marginal V1jay to extension o£ South Kenyon Stre.et; tlience tiVest alonb extens?an of Sou.i:h Kenyon Street to exteiision of 12h Avenue SaLith; :Uzencc Sou_th alang extension of_12'h Avenue Sout31 fio the West bank of Duwamisll Watez-w, ay thence south alozig the Westbanlc o.f tlie DuwauUSh Waterway to a po.infi A¢ . intexsection. ovith T'a ci.fic Highwa.y South (Internationa.l Blvd).; thence in a sott,herly.di.rection along Pacific Highway South ([nternational Blvd) to, i.ts intersection with S. 128 StrEet exte7nded; thence wesfi of S. 7.28 Street extended to its inte.r.ser.tion with Iv.f.ilitary Road also the nartheast poirit cify li.u,.its af the City of Sea-"1 ac; thence sauth along iY~li.tary Roacl and said city ]imits to its intersecta.on ' Cantinue . ~ wi.th Paciiic FU;hivay soutlz (Iriten-iatiArtal Blvd); tki.ence sou.therly along T'ac+bc Highway S. to the inteisecizon af Pacific Highway S. and 260~11 Street; thence in an. ea"stefly and southerly direct-ion . aioxig the city_]irn~ of the City of Sea-Ta c to a pointwhere the Cify Liimit intexsects for the secoitd ti.me the 'W. R/W ]ine of Intersta'te Hwy #5; thence south on said W. -MV line to S. 17611, Street; thenre • west on S. 17&`' Street (north side only) fio Militaxy Road; thence south oii Mi]sta.ry Road _ . . . . . . . . . , (west.side on,Iy) to S. 18$~ Sizeet; ~ience ;~vesfi on S. 1881, "Street (riortYi sidt orily) tti•PSH-a.; thence south ori PSH-1(west side only) to .5.192R4 Street; thence west on S.'192nd Stzeet (norfh side only) to J.g Ave, S.; thence north on 1=1 Ave. South to a point cvheie it ir►tea-sects viath the riortherly city Iaznits of NTOrmandy Parlc at a poinfi whcre1s1 Ave. S. in.tersects tvith S.W.162th Sireet; t-hence in a wesfierly disectiazY a.long L~e norkh city lim.ifi line o€ ~Tprn►andy Pa:rk tb a jioazit u*he.xe said city laznit iine infexsects with Sylvester Tld.; thi~nce in a no.z-theaster,ly d.irectiori on Sylvester IZaad servi.ng thc southeasteriy. side thereo.f to S. W. 160'h Stzeet; thence east on S. W. 160'h and Sa. 160'h Streei:s serving ti,e south side thereo£ to Des Moines Way; thezlce no.rth on Des vLaines Wap serv5.ng the .east side thereof to 5.156ffi Street; thence wiest on S. 1561h a:nd. S. W. 1561h Sfreet seruing the north sid.e thereof ta Ambauum F31vd.; fhencc nozth bri Ambauul Blvd. serving ttie east sid.e thereof to S. W. 152nd Stre-et; ti-ience vTest'on 5.W.152"d Street to Puget Sound. - E7ECEPTTOIV: The.followaz►g paragxaph is exd;ided froiri fihe above SOL1D S-VASTE COLLECflOI`T SERVICE. In tbat porlion o€ King Cotmty de,scxibed'as follows: Cainmencang at tiie intersection o€ Mi]i~ Roa.d S. arzd Highway 516 (Kcnt-Des yioines Road); ther►cefollowing the dty liuti.i.ts of Kent i.n a ciockwisc direction easterly, southerly, wesi-ezly, and. northexly ta its interscction vjit11 Nlilitaxy Road S. at. S. 2406 Sf:ceet; thenee noith alcing salitary XZoaci S. to its intersECtiar► with Hightvay 516 (Kent-]7es ivloines Road), the poi.nt of beginting. ' ..(P:CD438) SOtiTD ~,VASTE COLLEC`ITOiN SERNrTCE in that port7iion of King County described as follows: Sta.rtir►b at the i.ntersection of the Everett-Bot11e11 Cou*~,ty Mgliway and the Snoho.m,ish-King Counfy 7inc; tliencc east on Snohomish-:Kizig Cotuzty line fio its iutterser.tiqn with eask Iine of T. 26 N., R. 7 r.; thence south ori said lirie to its i.ntersectia~i with the south I.i.ne of T. 25N., R. 7E.; thence west on sa.id ]ine to the ea. tline of T. 25N., R. 6E.; thence nor.th on said J.ine to the S.E. comer of the NT.E. 3/4 of ille N.E. 1/~ a.£ Seciion 36, T. Z N.,'R. 6 E.; then.ce vaest on a lane projected..£rom sa,id corLzer tothe east uhore of Lake Svaimamish, thence following said Lake shore genexaJly in z1orLhwester:I.y and southeriy (countez-clockivi,se) dixection to tlze point where the southeasterrc city lim.its of :[tedmond inter.sect the westem shore of Lake Sammamis:h; thence . Continue / \ I ~ followin.g tJ.1e dfy.l.uxi.its of Redmond as of januaxy 3, 1978, in a cl.ockwise direction to the point ' where the Samni.amish River (vvatErway) intersects with the nortlz city lirnits of Redmond; thence followi.ng the east bank of said river in a generally northerly direc#on to its intersection tivith N.E. 1451h Streef extended (mt thas point a short section of 1'SH-2 as one and the same as NT.B.145~ St'reet); . thence•Nvest on N:E. 145'b Street extended (no service to_be rendered on ei'rher.s"ide of NT.E. 145th Street) to 3t5-iziterSeCfion with 104'3' A.ver►ue I\T.E.; thence northerly or.i 104t' N.B. (rendering sez~rice on both sides of 104th A.venue NT.E.) fio its intersectiozi 'wit-h 10511, Ave. I&Z; thence nortlierly to the nox-th aazle af the south west qu.azter of Sectian 8, 'Z'26N, R5E; thence we.st a.lang said noa: hli line to the west line -o€ ~said section; thence souih a]ong the west line of 'said sectioz-ito the s*auth city liiii.it-sof Bothell; thence following the csty ]im.its, of $oth.e].l, dockwise, tn its intersection v4th the Evezett-Bothel.l. County Hijiway; thence a,ozth to place of begi.iu,utg. - . - . . quiring the u5e Ai a dump tru.c.k-, in that pOrtion (T'll]439) REFUSE COLLECTIOv SETZVICE, not re_ : of Kimg County deseribec~ as follows: Starting at the nort•heast comer of T26N, RBE; thn~ce south alang the east line o.f R8E to the soui:h,line Af TU 1\i; tli.en.ce west -alon- said south. line to the ztiTest Iine of R. 8 E.; thence north along said tivest line to the sautheast corrzer of Section 12 T221V, R7E.; thence zvest along thc sauth Jisie of said section extended to *tlie northeast carner ofSeckian 19, T221\T, R7.E; i:ti,ence south aJong the east aiz►e of said section to its intersectioii v,Fith the Greeiz TZiver; ~ thence. `vesterly along theDanks o£ said river to the northeast City ]b-iits of Auburrt within Section : . 8, T21N, R5E; thence south along the west li-ne of said Section 8 exter►ded to the southeast. coiner of -Section 31, `Z'21v, R5E, also the south boundary of KingCounty; thence west a.long the south hrie o.£ said section 31 to its i.ntersection with 11 Street SE; thezice,north along said strcet to its intexsection wi.th. West Main Street; thence west along said stzeet to West Va.Uey Hi;htiv'ay; thence nozkh along , VVest Valley. Highway to South 277'' Street; t1nence east along said street exfiended to 1161h Ave. SE; thence norfih al:ong 116=Ave. SE. to SE. 2581h Street extended; thence- east on saa.d sfxeet extended to 1171~i_PL SB extended; thencE north along 1171hPL. SE. extended to SE 256th Street SE; thence west along said street to 11V'' Ave. SE; thextce north along sa.id stxeet to Slf 208t' Street. SE; fihence cast alang sai.d sizeet ta the poi.nt of its i.ntersection with 172na .A.ve. SE extended; ttnence north along said ' Aveziue to Renton. iVlaple Vall.ey Road; thence westerly along saa.d zoad.to its intersection -%-vith the Cify ].im.i.is of Renton Gs o# Septembea: 7.,1959; therice s oui:iz along said Cit-y li:izz.i ts +to the north line of Section 20, '1`231N, R5E, also city ]imits of Renton as of February 28, 1961; thence in a clockivise direction along said aty linli.ts to the soutli ]ine af Section 20, T23N, TZSE; thence :vest along said Confinue , i . souih line to its intersection wzth State Highway*167; thence nozth along'said Stafie Highway to SW Sunset Boulevard; thence west along said boulevard to 81=1 (Oakdale) Ace. Sjti; tlience north. fio'the City liazlits o€1Zenton as'of A.ugu.st 4,1931; thence in a, counser-clockwise direction along said City I,izrit,s of TZenton to TZeziton Aveniae South; thence westerly along Rent.hti Avenue S. to 7611, Ave. ' South; thence nortli fo S.12511 Street extended; theriee east on'S.1251`1 Sireet exteizded to 7711, Ave. S_ exte-nded therice1 north I along t1ve.' S. fio S. 120*i Street; tiience west `cin'shia. street to 76Ih Ave. South; thence north along said Avenue to S. 1~.6~' Street;'~ience wesY a.I.ong S. 115'h Siseet fio afs . intersection with.the,City ]iniiis ot Seattle; ffiencc in a doc.'kwise directi.on alOnb said city liaa.i.ifis to itS intersection Nvith the west shozeliie of Lal<e Waslvngton;'the.nce u1 a craunter-eloclcwise da.rection 'alozig the shoreline of Lake Washirtgton to the point v,There it intersects w.ith 131e riorthwest ci.#y l.imits of Re.nton; ther~ce east a.nd southe-r.ly along'the city ]i~uts bf Renton (IV.I.V.G. No220, 7-7-6?) to a l.i.ne common t o i 7 2 3 I ti T, and T24N. R5E; then.ce easterly along said line fio Rentori Road (Renfion- Issaqual- t Road); tti~ce norfh a . l o r i g said zoad ta the north line of Section 29, T24IV, *126E; thence east along said sPCtion line extended to NiViT GiJ.ulan Boialeva.z-d; therice easterly aiohg NVJ Gi.ln-ian Boulevaxd to 15' A.ve. ~RIV; thence north atang said avenue to E. T akc SaYnutarush FKVV1'; thence northe:rly alang sa.id PICL'VY to the poicat where it intersccis iti-ith the nori-h line of SW ;/6 of Section lb, T241V, TZ6E;.thence west to the shoreline of T_ake Sauvnar.i.ish; theiice in a.dockwise clirection a.long the shareline o# Lake Sammamdish fio the point where it intersects with NW 4th Skrtet extend.ed; thence east alang said street to the easi Iane of Section 36;'T25I`j, TZ6E;tlaenice south along said east line to the northwESt corner o£ Scction 6 T24N;R7E;'thence east alang the north line of said section extended ta the southwest corner of SECtion 31, T25N, R813; thence north along tl~e west line o.E said section 31 exteilded'to the northv,,est comer oi Section 6, 726N, RSE-also th.e Ki.ng and Snohomish County l.ine; &ence cast alozzg saidcountyline fo thenortheastcomezof T26N, R813-, the . poant af begin.ning. ' • . (I'M440) A.LSO in thatportion of Ki.ng caunty dP.scribed as folloivs: Staxtang afithe pointwhere East Ma,r, ginal Way S. interseets w-ith the south line of Ser.Eian 28T2NJ, R4E; thence sou therly along East . Margina.Y Way S. to S. Trenton Street extendcd, also tl-ie czty liratits of Tukwila}; i:hence East and south along the d€y lin.zits of Tujcvila to the point where it intersecCs with S. Ryan Street ex#ended; ' thence east an said sireet to hnipire Wa.y S(State f-bghway 900); thence souther.ly al.ong said high.way to South 129ffi Strect; thezlce! Gve~stea:l.y along sa.id street to i~~e east side city ]units af TukviZa; thenee southerly eong said city Lunits to tl-ie poittt wZ-Lere it cbnnneets tivzth Beacon-Coa1 " Continue • . . ; v1'ine Road;.thence southerly along the ea.st side of said road to 0i.azles Monster Raad; thence continu3ng southe.r.ly along Chazles Manster Road projected to the south line of the northNvest quarter of Section 24, 1'23\i, R4E, W.iVI.; tllence soutYierl.y alorig the easterly bazilc of DuNva.iziish River to the south line of. Section 24, T231\1, R4E. (South.160th Stceet extQnd.ed); thFince easfi on south line of said section to West Valley H;ighway ($tate Highcvay 181); thence south alorig said highway .tp the north line of the southwest 1/4 of Secdon 25, T23N, R4E; tllence west on said north line to the . west bank of the Duwamish ~Z.ii~er; ther►ce southexly along said River to South 180~' Street (SW 43rd Street);1JZence east alorti~ said street to tY~e east side o~ c~rrEnt city limi.ts of Tukwiia; therice in a clockwise direction a.long said city limiis to the point v.~here a.t intersects vrith the 1'a8.fic Higliway South (]'iltemational 131vd.); thence nortfierly along said Highway to the point where-it intersecfis with the.Duwa,mish Watenvay;*thence noxd-ierly along the westbank of the 1?uwanvsh Waterway to the poi.nt where a.t intersects with 126, Avenue,S. extended; thence noithon extended 121~1 Avenue S. to the south_ line of Sectian 29 T241N, T1.4.E; thence eas.t along said sectioa.z line' exfend.ed to its intersection with Last Mazginal S., the'place of beginni.ng. . . (PLD441) ALSO in that portzon of King Counfy describeci as follows: Startirig at the point were SE. 20$ffi Street intersects with 1166 Ave. SE.; thence.south along 1161h Ave. 5L to its izitersecliort ~'vith SE. . 22P PL also fihe city liuzits of the City of Kent as of January 1,1987; ttlence titiTesterly, southerly and nortlieTly (clockwise d;xection) to its intersection with SE. 20811' Street; % thenee east along said street to the-point were it intersects with 116ffi Ave. SB., the point of beginxu.ng, . (I'ID442) ALSO in:tkat portiion of King Caunty described as follows: Startiig af the point -~vere 7.7.6'b Street SE. intersPCt with SB. 2401h Sizeet, also the city liznits of the City qf Kent as ofjanuary 1, 1987; thence south along 116th Street SE•. to its i.ntersection wich the dty l.iini.ts ot theCity of ZCent as of ]'anuary 1, 1987; thence westerly,,southerly, northezly and easterly (cloc.kwise) direction to its intersecfion with 116'h StrePt SE, the point df begulning. , . . . (l.'ID443) TZEFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not xequirung the use of a d-ump ti-uc1c,(loca.l caxtage} in Vashon and Iv.Cauzy Llaxids. - . _ . ' (PID451) SOLT17 Wr'1S'T'ECOLLLC.['ZOiN5'E-1ZVICE consisting o.f reclaimed ltunber, brack and oi:l.zer cast o€f materia]s, from pzemises wliere canstruction or zepair job aze being or have been condu.cted, Continue - . . or where structuses are bein; zazed in the €ollawing: Maury, Mercer, and Vashon Islands; and in , that portion of King cou-ni.y des.cribed as follotivs: Starbng at t11e riorthwest corner of T26N, TZ.8F; the_nce east alon; the nbrth li.ne oi said 1'26NT, aLso the King and Snohomish County Li,ne to'its intersection w-ith King and Chelan Covnty line; thence south 'along sa.id, counf}. line i-o its intersection with King a.r►d Kittitas County Line; tliencE southcti esterly a.lon- the King anci Kittitas County line to ;Y►e south line of Sectzon 33, T231`T, R11E;' th'erice wesfi fio the iti est lirie of the East Ih-of SECtian 33, 723\T,. RIlE; fhence north along said wes4 ],iz1e to the north line of said SFCtion 33, the.n.ce east on sa.ad nosth line fio.t.ie southeast'co=ner of Section 28, T2.3'_NJ, TZ11E; thenee riorth aiongthe east line o.f sa.id section to tl-ie north east comer of said section; tl-ience west along the north line of said section to the northwest comP.s of Section 34, T23I`z, RI1E; therice soutli alongthe west Iine of said section extended to the sautliTATest comer of tli.e MV ~/4 of Section 19, MN, R11E; thenee Vvest along the south line o# said iNW 1/4 to the southeast cornex of tlae NTEa./4 of said Seciiozz 19; thence' north aIortg the eastline of sai.d section extended to the z-iorthwest r.orner of Sectzon S, MN,'Rllr; thence , easfi along the nozth line of saad section fo ils intersection'ivith Kin g Courify line; theTCe 50uffeIly azid westexly alorig said counfy line fio its intersectiari with the wesY line of T19iV, RBE; thence north along sai.d.'west line extendeci to the sautheast comer o# Section 13, T221N, R7E; thence wesfi a.long • the south line o€ saad section to fitze'nartheasfi c:orner of Section 19, T22N, R7E; thEnce south along the east line of 'said sectioxi to its interseciian with the Green Rzver banks; thP_71CP_ V4 esterly along the Green R.iver banks fio the northeast City ]iini ts of Auburn wittun Section 8, 721N, TZ.SE; thenoe sauth along the west ]ane of saidSectian 8, extended to the bouiYdary iine of TCing'Couzq; thence west aiong saad boundaiy lane to it, intersection vadi the sou.thwest corner af Se'cticin 31, T21N, R5E; thence nozth along the west Linc of said section' ta its interser_tion with. NZaaxi Stxcet West, then,ce west a.l.ong said steeet to the infiezsection -,~tidtii West VaJ.1.ey FT~ti~y N. ; thence Sau.t.~ a.long sa.id . hi,ghwa}~ to Sou.tl-v Peasley Canyon Road; tlle"nce`west along szid road to its izztersection wit,h the centerlir►e of Section 14, T27.N, R4E; thence north along sai.d centerlin.e ok said section exfiended to the north line o£ Section 11, ".C'21\j, R42; thence wcst along th6 rror.th ].ii1e o€ said section extPS~cied to the rity limits af Federal W1y; thence. north ip. a counter-clor`lccvise db:ection along said ci.ty l.i.mat,s to its inte.rsection with Soui:h 282nd Sfreet projer.ted east; thence west al.ong said Stre~,t to 12th A.venue Sauth projected nart.h; thP_TtCe SOUiF'1. 2IOI1g 1Z'h A.VP11L1C SOUth t0 It5 LtltP.r5~ct10;L ZN7ith SOtEt'l ZHS'h Street projected; thei-tce west alvng said street to 8'h Avernae South p.r.ojected; thence sot;th alozlg sai.d 8t' Aventie to South 292°1 Street projected; thence west alozig said 292na Street l0 7.6L Avenue • Soui:h; t:hence riorth o'n 16, 1lvenu.e Sauth exi.p.~ded to the shareline of Puget Sourfd; thenee narthcriy - Continue . - along said shoreline to S.W. 152'1 Street extend.ed; khence east along said street to Ambaum Blvd. : S.W. ; theen.ce south along Ambatu.n Blvd. to S. 15611' StrEet; thence ea.st along said street to Des Moines Way; thence south along the Des. iVloines Way to S.160"' Strect; thenoe west on said sizeet to Sylvester Road S_ W.; thence sou.th along Syh,ester Road to the ci.ty 1'uniis o# Norriiandy Pazk; thence east irt a dockNyise direction along the ci.ty lunit,s of Norma.ndy Park to i.ts intersection tivith 5.192nd Street; thertce east alang S. 142ad Sfreet to 1'ac7fi.c Highway S. also 131e Intemational Boulevard; thence north on said boulevard to S. 3.88ffi Street; tlzence east along S. 188t} Street to dvlilitary Road; • thence frozn Viilitary to the point v,~here it intersects wa.th the ciry linuts of Tu..kwila; therrce n.oztherly aloxlg the rity ]ixnits of Tukwila. to the poa-nt Nvhere i.t intersecfis witn S. 72$'h $treet; thence east along saad street to Pacffic HighvtiTay Sou,`.h (Tntemational Blvd.); thence noath along said. highway ro the banks of Duwamish Watenvay; the.nce noxtilerly along the ban,~ af said watenvay to 12a Avenue South extend.ed; thence north, along said 12'h A.ve.; to S. Kenyori Sia:eet exteitded; thonee east on _ . extended S. Kenyon Street to East Marginal. Way; thence south.- a.Inng Last U.f.arginal Way to its i~ntersecta.on ivith the extension of South Tren.ton Street; thence east on said sireet1o t-he exteilsion oil ' 33,,1 Avenue South; thence soutlz alang saa.d a~venue fio the exte.zzsiQn of Ryan Siieet; thence east on Ryan street to.Empix.e Way South; thence soufih on Empixe Way Soutli to the extension of 51s' Avenue South; thence souih on said avenue to South 120ffi Street; 'th.ence ea.st on said st'reet to SW Sunsefi Boulevaxd (Ncti.K Junior WX); thence soLth along said boulevard• to afis intersection with S. . 129th Streei:; thence west an South 129t' Street to the city limits of'CukCVila; thence southerly alang said city iimits i:o the poizlt where it intersects i.vithBeacon-Coal Mumc Raad; thencc sottttezly along sa.id xoad to Charles Monster Road; thence south along Charles tilonster Road to the point where ifi intersects -Mth the south ]ine of the Northwest quarter of Section 24, T23N, R4E; thencewest along ~hat gorti.on of rity ]irni#s as annnexed hy City of Renton, city ordinaazcc No.1764to the bari.ks o# the Duwamish RivPr; thenee soutilerly along the banks of said river to the poini: ivhere it irifexsecis with the south Iine o.f Section 24, I`23,N,R4E; thence east to the St'ate HW1' 181; ehercce south along said highway to rhe norhh line of. the Sou.thwESt 1/t ok Section 25, T23\T,124E; thence west on*the noxth. . ]ine of said Section to tlze west bank o£ the.Duwa.xnish River; thence southexly along the banks of said z-iver I(o S. 130d, Stzeet; thence easf along sa.id strect to the city limats o€ Kent as of ranuary 1, 1987; thence soui:herly in a counter-ciock-,vise dizection along the city limits o# TCent to the north line o# Section 7, T22i\z, R5E; thence west along the nozth line ot said sectson e.ctended to the Woutheast comer of. the wesfi haif of Sectiori 1, T22N, 5E; thcnce north along the east line of the west ha1.E af said sec#ion ko the Iviaple Va.lley Highway; thence northwesterly along the Tv.taple Val.ley Highway Conlinue . ; i . to the city lirr~.ts of Renton; thence south in a clocktivise dixectian along sa.id city li.mits to the . sautheastcomer of Section 20, T23I\T ~E. (S.E. 1601h Street); thence east along the south line of said sectian to th~ State Highway 1b7. (~inier Ave.); thence north along said highway to its intersection wifih. Southwest Sunset Boulevard; 'thence wcs.ex]y along said boulevard to 81s1 Avenue South; then.ce 'north to.134-th Street; thence 'east 'on 134L" Streei to Hard.ie Street; thence riarth to ihe city ]unFts of Renton (as ok June t~ieiice'nozth'alortg said ci~y'l.units'to Rentari Avenu.e Soiith; thence north;~,~ester.ly along 12enton lavenue Sourh to 76th '1Lvenue Sciuth; thence north on 761~1 Ave. S. to S. 125?b Sireet; thence east to 77~ Ave. S.; thence nortil along 77t1, A.ve. S. ta S. 120th Street; i:hence west on said st=eet to 76'h Ave. S.; i:heztcc north ozi sa.id str.Pet to 11611, Street S.; thence vvest on said street to.its intersection ivitki thc south City limits of Scattle; thence noxth in a counter-clockwise direction aIong the ci.ty li3nits of' Seatfile fo zts intersectaan Witih L-a-ke Washington; ffiemcc in a cou3.lfiex-clockwise d.irecti.o?z along the shorrline of I..ake Washington to thc riorthtivest city liini.t of Renton; thencc southeasteiiy along the City 1i.rxiits af Renton to tIze poin.t i,,rherc the- aity ]inaits af Renton i.ntersects with the sou.th Iine of Section 33, T24N, iZ.SE; thence east atong the south l.ine of said section extended to its intersection with Ruzton Eload (TZezzfion Road-Tssaquah'Road) also Highway 900; thence north along said Road to its intersection jvith Interskate 90(Sumef YT~~~); thence noxthw.esteriy along said Interstate to the shoreline of Lake Vlzaslungton; thence northerly in ; a counter-clocktivise direction along tF-ie shorelizle of Lake Wa..chixlgton to its a.ntersection i~d.th 145th Street; thence west alan g said street to its i.ntersection with 5h Ave: N.R.; thcnce north along on Y', Ave. N.E. to N.E.175,~, St:ceet; thence east or► said street to 8ffi Ave. N.E. thence north on said. sixeEt . extendeci fio I`T.E. 201s Sticet extendeci; t'rtertce east on said street fio 1P- Ave. N.E. extiended; i-hence north_to the King-Snohozn.ish Boundaa.y (N.E. 2051h Street); the'nce east along sai.d boundary to tne north east comer of Section I, n6N, R4L; thence sotrth along tiie east line of said section to NTE 199f*, Street; fihence ea-rt on said sfxeet to its inte.r.section wi.th 90'-" Ace INFE; thence north o:n 901h Ave. \rF ta iis azltersecti.on with NE 200'h Street; th~.nce west on NTE 200'h 5treet ta its in.tersection 88'-'i Avc.NTE; . fhence ztorth on 88th Ave. NLx to i.tsintersectiozt Mth Nfi 202nd StL2P.i,- thence east on NF 202~1 St-keet tp its interSeci7OT1 with 90t" Ave. NE; t-hence 3iorth on 90'-~ Ave. \rE to its intezsect•ion with iNTE 2051h Strcet {a.lso ilie K.ing-Siiohomi&h County ]i.nethEnce east vn said county line to State Highway 527 (Ecesett-Bothell Coun.ty Flighvaa.y); tlzence southerly i.n a -aunter-clQCktivise direction said h:ighway fo its intersection with the city limi.fs of Bqthell as of Januazy 3,197$; thence fo]lovring the city ]inriits of Bofhel.i in a counter-clockwisc direction ko fihe soufihwest comer of Section 17, T26\T, RSE; fhencc north alozlg the west line of said section to fihe nort:l1 line of the south~~-est quarte.z of SECtion 8, Continue ( . . ~ T26'i',F,125F; fihence east along the nort1.1 line of saa.d section to 102n8 Ave. NE; thence south a,long I0211d Ave. NE to its intersection wi.th 10511, Ave. 'NE; ihence souti aJong 1056 Ave. NTE to its intersection with 104th Ave. NB; tYtP11Ce, SOut1 tO NE 1456, SfzEEt; tizeiice East on said street tp its .;ntersection with the eastbank of Sain.ma.md-ch River(watezway); thmce south along said Riverso its ' interseetion with the city ].imits of Redmond; thence in a count-er-clockvv.*ise direc[ion along the csty • limits of Pedmond as of.january 3, 197$ fio its inter.section vh.th the west shoreline of Lake Saaz~.mamish; thence northerly and southerly in a clockwise direction along the s.iore line o€ Lake Sammamvsh to the point S,There the east shorel.i.ne of Lake Sar.naiam.ish antersects with ihe south line of NE V4 of NW 1/4 of Section 32, T251Nv,1Z.6F; thenee east along sa.id south line extended ta the east l.i.ne_ of Section 36, T25N, R6E; thence south to the southiNest coaner of Secttion 31,''25N,127E; thence east.on along the south ]ane of said section extErided to the southeast comer of T`?SN, R7E; thence north along the.east line of sazd tow'.nship to the Snohomish-King Caunty .line; thence east ~Jong said couaity line to its intersectionwi.tl.1 Kirtg-C.1Zelan County- line the pl.ace ofbEguuvrig. EXCEPTrON: THE rOLLOti1r1NG PARA.GR.APH TS EXCLUDED FROM THL ABOVE GARBAGE A,ND REFiJSE COLLE_CTrON SERVTCE. , Staxisng at the intersection af \TE Bothell Way. and 84", Ave. NE; thP east on NE Bothell N^Ty. to • its interjectian with 91st Ave. NE; then north on 41st Ave. \tE ta its intersecti.on with 1i`E 172nd Street; tl-ien east on NE 172nz Street to its infiersectian with 92"d Ave. 'NTE;'theri north on 92nd Ave. NE,to its intea:section witlz NE 173rd Street; tben east on I\'E 173,-d Street to its inLersectiozi ivi;.h 9511' Ave. NE; tlien n.orth on 5511, Ave N-E fio 173-d I'1,. NE; then ~~.iest on 173r4 P1. NE to its . intersection with 93rd Pl. NF; tl-ien nortlh on 93rd P].. iNE to its i.ntersection 'iaTio1:NE 175`r" Stzeefi; . then west on NE 175*~ Street to its iiltezsecttion with 93rd Ave. NE; theal nozfih on 93,-,' Ave. NE ta its intersection with NE 176--" StYeet; then east on NE 1761" Street to its i.ntersection ti,.7it3195ffi Ave. iNfi; then, north on. 95th Ave. NE to its intersection wi.th i\TE 178"', Stzeet; tilen wesfi on 1~~E.1i8th . Street to its intersecEion with 8$t' AvE.'NE; tlten norEh on 88th Ave_ NE tp its intersecti.on with NTE 180th Street; then west an iVE 180th Street to its intersPction with 84th Ave. NE (also the west range luie of T26N, R5L); fihen south on 841~ Ave. NE to its uztersectian wi_th NE Bothell Wy., the point of beginriulg. ' (PII7452) 1ZEFUSE COLLECTION SfiRVTCE, not requiring the use of a dump truck,(local cartage) in Continue ~ ` • - . that poa-tion of King Cou.nty described as follows: Beginning at the izlteis~c~on of King S~ohomiYh County line and 1511, Ave. NE; thence sou.th a]ong 1511, Ave. NE ta its interse&on wiili NE 17511, Street; thence w est along \1L 17513, Stceefi t0 86 Ave. Nj.E.~t11ence north aloi); said Av . enue extended to E. 201-" Streef; thence east on E. 201s' Street exfiended to the West sade of il~ Ave. NT.E. eXtended; thence nori-h on the cvest sidc o£ 1111, Ave..i~l.E. vctendecl to Ki.ng-Snohoini:sh Coia.nty Iine; thence east on the saici Couz~ty ]~iEto 1~~ Ave. i4.F: tR e'point a.f beguunirig: ' . ' . ' . ' . . . . . ,(P177453) ALSO: Begixtnang at the inteisection of iNE BothP11. Wy. tlnd 91=t Ave: NE; therice north on . 91&t Ave. b it~ i,ntersertion with~1.72sd Stieet; ~~~en`east on NE 172n~ Sireefi to its int~ersectian v,?ii:k~ 92na . . . . . Ave.1TE; t~icn north on 92fla Ave. \~E ~o its intersECtion with NT 1731,- Street; ther~ east on \fE 173ra S#reet to i t~ i.ntersection -with 951~1 Ave'. NB; then z~oztlz Qn 95th A.ve 1~TE ta ~jE 175th Sixeet; t12IlCP_ -WL'St . _ . . • , on NE 775'h St-ceet to its intersecfion ivitti 93ra Pl: IVC (also"city lin-its' of F3otlieJ]}; then narth on93~ , . , PI. NE to ifis zntersectionwith NE 17611, Street; thence easf aii iNf, :176'b'Stieet'to its'uitei-secfioa.z -,Mth 95'h . .A.ve. thence noz°th on 95t~ Ave.1Vh to its intersection wi.th iNE 178'-' Streefi; then iti-est on NE. 17$th Sfreet to its intersection,wi.th 8811' Avc. tisE;'tNen iioztri on 88'-" Ave. NE to its intersection with the city ]inlits of Bothell (aLso Daivson' Street extended); thence i.n a caunter-cloclcwise -dax,ection along the cit), . limits of $otheJl to its iriterseciio~ ~,,ith NE 190'h A:ve.;"tInence Lst on NE 1901h Ave. to ' 92nd Ave.. NE; i~ence noithi along sa.id avenue to NE 1.92nd PL; thence west on I\TE I92^d PL.; to 8$", Ave.NTE; tt3r-nce north on 88'h Ave. P4.E, to ifis intersection ivi.th thc csty lirruts of Bothel.l; ihence east on said city l.i~aafis to 92n~ Ave. I~TE extesided,• theiice north an 92n3 A~Ve. NF extenntied to 200~ Sfreet extende-d; thence eaLfi on said exteinded street to'N73 }3otheil Wy.; th~-~ce i.n a. clock. ivise d.i.rection along tlie NE BotFieLl TATy. fio ifs intersection: with 91rz Ave, t1B, the point of begi.nii.ing. (Z']-17454) ALSO: T.z1 that porti on af Kang County descxi.bed as-follows: Stariing at the southwest corner o.f Section 8, T26NT,R5F; thence east ozi the sauth luie of said section to 10P'AvP: NE; thence narth alang 104'h Ave. NE to its inte.r.section with 105'h .Ave. NE; thence northezly along 105L Av e. 1VE to ti1e norfih Rne o£ s4uth west quaxter o£ Section 8, T261K, R5E; thence west a-Jong said north Iine . to t:he ivESt line o.E Sectaon 8, T26N, P..593; thence sout-h along said west lirce to the soufih wes t corner of sazd seclsan the point of,beginrzing - 'j r (Z'ZD456) 50L1"Ca jVASTE COLr ECTIQN SERVICF in that portion of Snohanlish County described 3S fOI.IOWS: COT7lL1tP.XlClI1g c1t 3p01i1f where a north-south line tangent to the west shareline of . Continue . ; ~ Bal.linger La._ke intersects vvith the Snohomish-Kzng County line; thence north on said li.ne to its intersection with,(Bradley Road) 23611, Street S.W. extended; thence west on (Bradley Raad) 236'11 Street S.W. to 76th Ave. W.; thence nozth on 7611' Ave. W. (but not including stnichares thereori);to U. S. Highway 919;.thence north on U. S. Higl~.cvay 99 (but not including stiuchu-es thekeon) to 200 Street S. W.; thence north-on the east side of U.S. HigYiway99 to a point 100 feet iiorth of 148 St=eet S.VV.; thence wPSt on tltiis line to Puget Sound; Follo-Mng T'uget Saund noxfiheilyto the poultwhexe the north cify lumits of Afukilfiea Fneefis Possessa.on Sound; thence easterly and southexly following . Muki;lteo, Caty ]iFnits as of July 1, 1961,,So the sout-h boundary of Secaon 3, T. 2$ N., R. 4 E. W. M.; thence east to 40 Are. W. extended; thence soufi.li to boi.uzdary of 1'a.u-ie Field; €olloiving thE 'north boundary of Paine Field to the east boundary~of Paune Field; thence south #o a poink IOQfeet nozth of °fl Street S. W.; thence east on thi.s line to 12 Ave_ W. extezndecl (westboiinda=y of Section 13,'I. 28 .N., R. 4 E.):.thence south on. 12 Ave. W. extertded ta 100 Street S. W.; thence east on 7.00 Street S. W. :(botl-i sides) to Hoily 17rive; thence'south on 9 tlve. W. (but nof ixtcludii7g 9 Ave. ~~T.) to intersectioil ~ of TJ.S., T-fighvaay 99 and Broadway Cutoff; thence east on Broad-vay Cutoff ta 8'Ave, W. (ziqrth-south Iine bxsecting the wp'stern'h of Secdoa.z 24,'1. 2$.N., R: 4 B.); ther►cc south ori said line to . Stocksho,vv Road (112 Sireet S. W.); thence east an the south side of.Stockshow Road to Padfic NOrthwest Traction right-af-way;,thencenorth on the east side o.f the right-of-tivay 'tA Broadway . Cutoff; fihence nozth on the Bxoadway Cutoff and Broadvaay to the south Everett City Ia.zn.its (as ol _ .july 1,1961); thence foUowing tlie east and ziortin ciiy,~l.iFnits of Everett (as of july 1, 1951) to 1'u.get . Sound; thence northerly along Puget Sound to the point where it intezsects with the Snohoznish - Tsland County ]ane; thence norther.ly along sa.id cvunty l.ine to the shoreline of Skagifi Bay; thence nozth along said shorel.i..ne to the Snohomash-Skaggit County line; theatce east a.iong said coiirity ].in.e to the east iine boundary of Snohom.ish Coiinty; thence south elong tlie east boundary of- Srtohoznish County.ta the King-Snohozni.sh Cau.nty line; i:hence west ozi said county line to 1-.he paint . . of beginning. : . . . _ . . . . . .(PXl7457) GAR3AGE COLLECTION SERVICE on Camana Lsla.nd, Island Coiinty. (PID458) REFUSE COLLECT.[ON SERVICE, not xequiring -the use o€ a. d.iunp i=uck; (local ca.rtagc) inlliat partion o.f Snohomish County described as foll.otvs: Starting at the norffieast corner of Section 28, T28N,R8E; thence.west alozig the nori:h line o€ sa.i.d section extended to a point 500 feet west of ffie.\T. B. mrner of Sec. 25, T28 N., R. 6 E.; thence south to the south'line of ' Conti.nue . ~ said section; thence west to the N. W. comer nf Sec 35, T. 2$ N., R. 6 E.; then.ce south on the west line of said section extended to 164 Str&et; thence eastta'High.way 202; tlience soiithtivesterly along said highway to the Snohom.ish Rit~er, i:hence southeasterly along said river `and fih.e*' ' SnoquaL.ni.e Ra.ver extended to the poin.t 100 fEet narth of 228 Stzeet; thence easfi to the e3st line of Section 28, T27N.,178E; fihence norEh a.lon; said west line extended to the northeast corner of 5ection 28., 72$N, R8B, the point af begi.nning. . , . , . . (PID459) RE FCJSE COL.LECT'ION SERV.~CI~, nat requixing the use o€ a d=p txuck, (Iocal e3rtabe) i.n that portion . aF Sn6homaski. Counfy describe:d. a.s .f;ollows: Commlenring at a point zvhere a north-south Line tangent to the -,vesfi shoreLir►e of Ballingez Lake intersecL-s wi.th fihe _ Snohomish-King County line; therice north on said ]irie to its inteYSecLio31 jvith (Bradley xZoad) 236th Street S.W. ezt-ended;'thence w`est on (Bradley Road) 23611' Stceet S.jN. to 766 Ave. W.; . thence no.rth on 76t'' Ave. W. (but not iziclucling-st-ructures thexean), to-U. S.-Highway 99; tlnezzce north on U. S. I-ii;hway 99 (but nofi incluel.ing stiuctures tk►ereon) to 200 Street S. W.; theiice . north on the easfi side of U.S. High~lay 99 to a point 100 feet north of 148 St'reet S.jV.; thence west on tllis lin.e to Puget Sound; thence southerly a.iong the shoreline of Puget Sound to the . Snohom.ish-K.ing Counfyline';'the-nice easi along said county liiie to the point of beguiru.ng. (I'TL7460) REFLiSL COLLEMON SERN4CE, not requiriiag the use of a dump truck, (local cartage) in that poition of Snohomish County descr.i.bed as follows: Starti.ng a.fi the point wherP the north dty linliisof Mu.kilteo mEets Pos_essi.on Sound.; thence easter.ly and soutli.exly ° following Mukilteo'City liinits as of Juiy ~.,1961, to tt-ie soutYi boundary o€ Secti.on 3, T. 28 N., R.. 4 E. W. Iv.f.;'i:hence east to 40 Ave. W. extended; thence sauth to bouiidazy oE Paane'Tield; follov,Ti.ng the north boundary of Pa.ine Field to the east.boisndary of. Paine I'ield; thence south ta a poant 100 feet riozth of 90 Sti:eet S. W.; t.i.ence east on tlzis line to 12 Ave. W. extended (we;si: boiindary'oi: SecEion 13, T. 28 N.,12. 4 F.); thence soutti on 12 A.ve• W. exteid.ed to 100'Street S. W.; thence easfi on 100 Slxeet S. W. (botl1 sides) to 14olly Drive; thencE sou.th on 9 Ave. W. (but not includa.ng 9 Ave. VV.) to intersecLi.on ot U.S. Z-iiglliaTay 99 and. Bzoadway Cutof.£; thence east ' on Broadway Cutoff to 8 Ave. W. (no.cth-sauth l.une biLECting the westem a of SecdAn 24, T. -2$ N., TZ_ 4 E.); thence south o:n. said line to Storlcshaw Road (112 Street S. W,); thence•east on the socitih sid.e of Stockshotiv Road to Pad£ie Northwest Traction right-of-waY; ther►ce noz-di on the east side of the right-of-way to Broadjvay Ctatoff; ther►ce north on the Baoadv,►ay Cutoff and Continue . / J . . , ; Broadway to the south.Evezett City lin-.its (as of July 1,1961); thence following the east and north city lim.its of Everett (as o# july 1,19b1) to Z'uget Sound; ffieaice south along !he shoreli.ne of Puget Souzid to the poi-nt of begin,ning. . (PTll461) ALSO, in ti-ie Jetty Tsland and (PID462)AL,SO, in Hat Tsland (Gedriey Tslana) PID463 SOLIU WASn COUEC1 TON SERVTCE consisting of reclaimed lumber, brick and _ other cast off, materials, NvhEre consfiruction ox repair jobs ar:e b.eing ar have been conducted, ox -where structures are being razed from premases in tha.t portiori of Snohomish County described as follows: Staztang at the northeast comer of Seci:iion 25, T28 NT, RS E; thence west on the narth line of said sECtion extended to a point 5Q0 feet tivest of,the N. E._comer of Se~. 25, T28 I`i., R. 6 E.; thence,south to fbe.soufih line.o£ said section; thence west tp the N. W. coiner of Sec,35,T. 28 IV., R 6 E.;. thence sauth on the west line o.E said section extended to 164 Street; thence east.to Highway 202; thence southwesterly along saici Yi.ighwdy to the Snohomish Ri.ver, thence southeasterly albng s3id river -and the Snoqua.lzi,ie P.iver extended to the poirit 100 teet north of 22$ Street, thence east to the west line bf T27N., R9E; thence north a.long said west ]irte exfiezzded to the noxtheast corne.x of Section 25, T28N, R8E, the poir►t of beginnmg. (P1D464) ALSO: Tn d-.at portion of Snohomish County descrived as follows: Commenc3ng at a point where a north-soutlz lir►e tian.gent to the west shoreline of Ballinger Lalce intersecLs 'with the Snohomish-Ka,ng Caunty Li.ne; thence north on said Iaane to its intea:section ivith (Bradley . Road) -236'h St-reet S.W. exiended; thence west on (}3radley Roaci) 236th Street SM. fio 76'h .t1ve. W.; thence north on 76"h Ave., W.,to U. S. Kighway 99; tb ence north on U. S. High~a-ay 99 ta 200 . Street S. W.; thence north on the easi si.de of U.S. Highway 49 to a point 100 feet north of 148 Street S.W.; tl,ience tivest on this line to Puget Sound; thence•southerly al.ong the shoreline of . PugeE Sound. to itS in, ersecti.o.n cvith the SnohbrnisI2-Kin ; County .line; fhence ea:st a1ang sa.i.d couilty line-ta tne point of begi.nning. • - (P1D465) A.LSO: In itlose Tsland.s adjacent to the sk,.oTFs withi.n. Snohomish.County and in that portion of Snehom.ish Cotu-Lty described as fallaivs: Starting at the poant where the noxfill caty limits of 1qu..iciateo meets J'ossession Sou.nd; thence easterly and southerly followi.ng Muki.ltca. City lirriits as of J'uly 1, 1961, to the south boundary of Seciion 3, T. 28 N., R. 4 F. W. M.; thence Cantinue ~ . east to.40 Ave. W. extended; tnence south to the boundary ot Paine Fiel.a; fil-LezzcE follawing the north boundary of Paine Fie1d to the east boundary of Paine field.; thencei south'to a point 100 feetnortl-i of 1,10 Stxeet S. W.; thence east on this line It-0 12 A.ve_ W. extended (westbound.azy of Seciion 13, T. 28 N., RA E.); ffience soulh on 12 Are. W. ext~nded to 100 Stre-et S: *W.; thercce east on 100 Street S. W. (both sides) fio Hally Dric?e; thence souttl on 9 Ave. W. (but not ulclu.ding 9 Ave. W.) to inte.rsection of U.S. Haghway 99 and Broadway Cu.tokf; thence east on Bxoadway Cu.to.tf to 8 Ave. W: (north-south line,bisectiixig tiie westem'A of Section 29:, T. 28 N_,•R 4 E.); thence south on sai.d ]ine fio Stockshow Rpad (112 Street S. W.); thence east ori tlie sou.tli side o.E Stockshotiv Road to4Paafic N"ai-thwesf Tracfioit raglzt-of-way; thence nozth on the e'ast.sidebf the right of-jvay to Broadv,Tay Cu~okf; fihenc~ north on the Broadway Cutaff . aiid Broa&aay to t.i.e south Everett City limits (as of juJy 1, 1.961), thence fo]lo:virig the east and north city lij.i.lits of E verett (as of July 1, 1961) to Puget Soia.'rici; thexice soutl-i alang fihe"shozelizlevf Puget Sound to the point af beginxling. - (I:'II74:66) REFUSE COLLECTIONT SRRVZCB, nat reqtvring the use of a dump tnxck; (local- cartabe) in that porLlon o# Nh'Iudbey Island, in Isla:nd County described as foJ.lows: Staztuig at tl1e nortffi,,vest cor.iexof Section'19, T. 30 N.,'YZ. 2 E.; thence east'alongnorth line bf'said Section19 . extended to the shoreline of Holmes Harbor; thence southerly and northerly along sa.id . shoreline to fi+he norrh line of Section 23, T30N, R2E; thrnce east io the eastem sharelirte of Whidbey L..~l.and; thence soutliezl.y, t,~-esterly ar►d northerly along the southern shorelane of said isla.nd to its znfiersectipn wifh the east line of RI8; thP-nce north on saad east Izne to the shoreline of said'island thence northezly al.ong the shoreline to it,s intezsection wAthe weft]in~e af Secti.on 15, 'I'30-IN, R2E; thence north ori said. west line to the northivest 60-tnex a€ Section 19, T30i,J, R2E, the .poirtt o.f. begi.n~iii.z~g. • . . . . - , ' ' (MID467) REFliSE COLLECTIO\T SERV.f.CE, not requiiiing the uLe o€ a dump t-ruck, (local caxtage) ozi Bainbridge Tsland, a.nd in those poztion of Kifisap County descrined as follows: (PID468) Iri the City oI Brenlerton, (I'rD469) In, the City af PauLsbo, and (PID470) on Blake Island. ' CPM471) sOLED wASTE CoLLECTTOIV SERVICE, eonsisting of rerlai.med Iumber, brick and • Cantir,ue othex cact ofi materials, ,from p.r.emises on Bai.nbridge Islattd whese construction or repaax jobs a.re being or have been. co.nducted, or where siiuctures aze beuig razed. (Z'ID472)ALS0, in the City of Bremerton, (P1D4i3) ALSO in Paiiisbo, and (PID474) ATASO on Blake Island. . . , . , - , _ (7?ID475) REFUSE COLLECEOl\T SERVICE, not requuang the use ofa dump triick, (local cartage) in that pozlion oE r-on caunry aesuibea as.€ouows:_ Be 'gi.nr►ulg at the northeasfi . comer of Section 4, ~23N,121.jV; thence south along the east line of said secti on also tne Mason- Kitsap County li.ne to the south line of T22N, ].21VV; tlzer►ce Nvest along said south la.ne.to the southivest comer of Section 31, T22v, R1W; thence north on t}ze tivest line of.'f22N, -R.IW to the southeast comer o£ Section 36, T23P4, R*2W; thence weston the south line o# said cozr►er extended to the sauthivest cozner o€ Section 34, T23N, R2W; 'thence norfih along the west Line o# said sectzon extended to the ivlason-Kitsa.p Cou:nty line; thence east along said county lin~_, to'the point of beginning. , - _ (PID476) SULID WASTE COLLECTIpN SERVICE In a11 Skagit County (Excludi:ng: Serv-ice in the Citaes af lvfount Vernon,.Busl.i,r►g-ton,Sedro WooLley and AnAcortes is ].i.mited to "drop-off box" . service only; exclu.dzng GueFnes and Sinelair Tsland; and excluding the Towz1 of Conczete' Skagit Cou:clty, Washington, using.as a bound.azy the corpo.rate limits as of March7.5,1965). (PID477) TZEFUSE COLLECT'TON SEIZVa:CE, not requb.-i.ng the use of a dump truc'k, Oocal cartage) in that portion of Pierce County described as follows:Begznrung a.t the point wnere the southwest camez of 5ection 32, T21N, R4E ineets tl-ie Pierce-ICing Caunty line; thence east and southerly along the Piezce-King, Couhty lule to ifis i.ntersection wrihli the south line of Section 36, `I`201\T, iZ6E; thence west on the south line of said section ta the_ west ]ane R6E; thence south along said line te the.southea.st corner o.f Sectio:n 12, T19\f, R5E; thence west a.long south line of said Section 12 extended 't-o the west line of R3E; thence north along, saa.d line to the no rlh Iine of T19V; thence west along said Iinc to the west line of R2E; thence north along said Une to, the southeast cozner o.f. Seciion 13, T201N, Tla.E; thence west along the south line of said Section 13 extended to the west line of 1Z1E; thence norfih along said lule to fhe south line of 1'21N; theiz.ce west along saici line to tlie souhhwest cozT►er of Section 34, T21V, R.1.W; thei-ice north a.long the Continue • . , i west lazte of said Section 34 extend.ed to tl,c- north lb,e of T'21N; thP-nc[~ v,rest on said noirffi ]axze to , ihe PFerce-Masozi County Line;'theTLQ(~ "north alcttg on said cou,nty ]irie 'Lo the'poirEt ',vb ere it intF-rs(~cts w3.th, the nor,Iiwest come-r of Secti.oan 15, 'I22N, MW ancl Paexce-ICitsap'County line; thextce eF-st along oxx said county Iine to Fri~rce-T{ing County 3h-Le; tl1i,-nce south and eastexly . . along.Said'county lT.ne to its interse~.~tion with the sou6 ii~e of SecEon14, InXN, R:3E; ffiez`Lce • w e s t ozl sou th Iirie af sa3cl' $eciion t6'6ie 'north~~ esi cc')'r-n e r of 8 eciio ri 23, 'M xhT, R3r-,;thi~T.i ce so-tith an th~ vaest* ],ine ~f said seciaon ext~nded ta d-ie soul,iL li'~ie vf NW ~l~ of Sf~ction 26, 721N, R3E; the~nce east on sajd sautZ, 3ineto.6ie sOuth east col.-I.-If-r of SV17o€ NW Y,. of .5 aid sec~i,ozti; thence _ soutl~ along ~,,e 'east IiYte of ~TVW'/h ~f SW'1~ alE s'asci s~ct~oix to th~'soutleast corxtex af ~T lf~ of sw 1/4 tb ezice east o?:-L th e south line o.f said IV~1F Vi extende d fo the wi~st 1u-re of E 'h of ~E V4~ - ~ericc-norkki on the vaest 1b-Le of said E3A to PiercL~--King Courity 1ine; thcnce soutl~~astezly along said cou~t~ l.ine to ti-i e soutliv,fest cozner of Section 32,12 1NT, R4E, the poan.t of begixmu7g, (PID478) S.OLID WASM CQ.LLLCT1ON SERVI'CE, cozlsisfing o.{ Leclaimed. Il3nibei, brick azkd other cast off xnaterials; - ixairL prenirses iz~i, Pierce' Coitnty where coxxs#uctil) 'n oi: Tepair jobs aze being or have been condur.ted, or wk~ere :irdctuies are bei-ng Faz.ed., ITE FOLLOWING ATn"Ho= VJAiS bETAh-,,mD By m,,,hTSr'E~ c)F- .~ExaTTC11TE NO, G135 FROM 1~CH.A.I~D D. HARR.T.S, (PM324) SOLID WAS7T COLLEC']'XON SERVTCE aan the T'ow-Iz'of Cortiaete, Skad t Countv, W ash.uagtorl, usizig a.s a boLSnd,aiy the coiporate"l.in-.iti~ as of Marrh15, 1965, ' . THT. POL'LOWING AUTHOI2IT'i' WA,S DBTA]hTED BY TTjUNSFER Oly CERTIFICA_TE NO. C-91 FROIur 5TANWOOD'CAA!LAJ1,f 0 DISPOSA,]d, u?C, {PID45 r} GAR13.A,C, E COLT1E CTrON SERV[CE o~~ Camar4o. Tzland, fs1arLd County, (I'ID334) SOLIC] WA,.STS COLLEC']"ION SBRVICE on Guernes lsland in SYcagit CouxYty, - Con#nue r . ~ I 7HE F.DLL0WTNG ALJTHoRITy -~vA5 .TRANSFF_RR-ED TQ G-41; CERTMCATE C-237 N~ L~)~r-ER A[FTHOR= SOL~ ~~AS~ COLLE~OI~ SLI~Vf CE IN 'r~T.I'DP~TTOi 0~ . KIN G ~OUNTY.DESCRIBTD.ASFOLL0WS;. . _ ~ _ . (PID372) Sf.ardng at the irEteisec{zon vf Ea-st Lake Sa=,marndsb Parkway and. NW GilEnasBIvd,; even northwest alarlg NW ~jL-Man.~jxrd. to iis znkersecdar~with hFW MAl. StreetF,extended,(also the sauth 1ane of 5i~c. 21, T24IV, R6E); then west alon;NW MaII Street,, extende d, fo iis u-ttersec-tion with 11 ' Ave..NTV (*o IZe_ptari-4saquF-h R.d_); then n orfih along 17dAvi~. NTVW ~o iis iz-itersection wiffi 1-90; tk;en west adong 1-90 to the i,nters ectioxx of 7886, Ave. SE, exfended;north along 18P Ave_ SE extended to th P:- shorelin e- vf Lake S axrmamish; tJlen east alon g the shorelixte of La-ke SaF,-, m ~h #o iis intersectiarl with the rior#h boundary af L ake S a~nma~x ush $tafe P ar~_; dzen east along iiie zLofth bOiLYiCT.a-~y Df Lake Sama1amL5_h State YDarlc to itS iTttevSeCti.on with E.F-s t L~1[e Sarnm~h P2_Ck-,,; ay; tkxen southerYy a1ong the East Lake Samma~~h Parkv,7ay to its inter5"on with NW GUmanBlvd.,- the po3nt of beginning, . THE FDLLADIvVIlLzG AUTfrTOTLrk` HAS ]3FFN REVISE17 TO REFLEC!' A_ l'OR'RON TRANSly ER T'O C-14 AND TO DELETF, I]UPLTC.k710XJ IN THFs REMAII~ING AUTHORTly. _ (PID325) SOLLD WAS1E COL-L~CTIOiN SERVICE anthatporeion of Whatcorn County desc! ed as _ follows: Starting at the northwe-st cor~ies' of Secti.ozi 4,.T4DI\s, RI~EWM; thence soutb aTi the wi~st _ ].ine of sazd sectiort to the northea.st coiner of Section 20, T39N, It10RI-VIA ihe.~i ce west on the norrh line of sai.d secl:imtito thenorthwest caxner of.Se ction 22,U 9N,129EWM;thmce soti2th on the west Un« of said seciion to the rLaKtk+east coxner of Section 33, T39N,R9]~W_M; thEnce west oi-t the P.ozth Lin(~ of said se ction to the nvrthwest comer of Secti_on 36, T-39N, R8E-1-1M; thEl-Lce south+on tb e west lin e of sai,d se cEon to the southw est corner o# Sectiort 3T37N, RSEvVm {also. the,VlWhatcoin-Skagit Co=ty ~.;,ne}r -d-ience ea ~t alonb the south towns~.xp line af T'3 7N (aIs.p.the Whatcam-Ska~t Co-unty - line) to its imtersecaon with fhe W-iatcorn-Okanogan County line (neax the saud-L line of Si~ craorL 33, 'F37N, PJ,7EWIVI); theTicE~t nort~LexXy alorg said. covnty I3rLe to zts int~~~ec~on ivztb the north ltne of Section 10 T40N, RMEW~,~; therkce west along said townol-Lip ].ine to the nortiiwest corn er, ok ~ec~Eon 4, T40N, R10F-WK the parxxt of~ bi~,,irming_ ' . THF FOLLiDWING A=0T= HA,S B EEN REVLSEL} '1 O RESMOVE DLYFLICATfON ~ontittU ~ ~ RESULTINIG FROIv,[ THE TTLANSFER OF AUTHORTII' FROM G38 BI2EIV[-AIlZ DTSPOSAL, Ii\f C. .(PID376) SOLID WA.STE COLLECTIO\f SFRV?CE in Kitsap Covnty FXCLUDTNG the fallowing areas: BlakP Islarid; tlze City of Bainbri.dge. Lsland a$ o£ February 1, 2002; and the City af Pou]sbo as , of Geptembez 12,1461; EXCLUDING: The City of Rxemerton as die poirif of odgin and destinalion _for the samP shipment usinb as a voiz~d.ary~iie'cozporate 1u~iitsJas~of'Sepfieixib~Y 6,1960:' . (PID429) SOLID INASTE COLLECTION SERVxCE in that portion of Benton County desrxibed as follows: Begir►7tiing at the soutl-ieast corner of Section 9, TBN, R26E; ti►enoe west along the south line o[ said Section 9 projected to the southwest comer of Section 7, TSI\T, R24S; thence north along the west line of said Section 7 and_ the Ya.?ciina-B enton Cotui.ty I.ixie ta the noki:hjvest comer of SECtion 6, T9N, P.24E; tl-i~ence east along the 'n.ozth linc of sa.id Section 6 extended to the xlortheast corner of Section 1, T9N, R25F; thence south along the easfi Ianc of said Section 1 extended to the southeast comer of Section 24, T9IV,A25E; thencie east alozig the south ]ine of sa.id Section24 projected to the noztheast coiner o€ Section 28, T91\1, Z1.26E; thehce south along the east line of said Sectaon 28 extended to the soui:heast corner of Section 9, T8Ni, R26B, tY►e pl.ace of beginzzu.ng: (1?10428) SOLID WAS7'F CQLL.EC1'IO\T SLRVTCE a.n tlat'poriion af Benton County desczibed a.s follows: Starting at the point where the west Iizle of Sechion 2, TSN, R28B intcrseci:s ivith the north bank of the Columhia River (Wallula Take); thence north on th'e wi~st ]uze of said section- pzojected to the izorthwest cornet of Section 26, T6N, R28E; thence west on the north line of said section pxojected io the south`vest coxner. 'of Sectioil 24, T6N, 1227E; thence noxth on the west line of said section projected to the southeasf mrner af Sectson 26,'I'7T~j, R2713; thcnce ivest bn the south'line of said sec~ion projected to the southwest con-ier of Section 29, T70,1727E; tli.enee north on the west Une of said section prajected_ to the.southem botu-Ldax.y of the'US Depar€ment of E-nergy Han.£ord Site (iv-ithin Seckion 8, TX.ON, R27E); therice west alorng the' soufh.ern boundary of the Han.ford Site boundary to a.ts intersect~.ion Naith the east line of Sectaon 23, T11N, k724fi, thence soui3l alang the east Iine oF said section to its soutlleast come_r; ihence west ?]ong the sou.th line of sa.id seclian extended tn the southwest cotner of Seciaon 19, T11N, R24E; thence north along the west ]ine o`f said secti.ozz •(also the Benton-Yakima County LinP) to its intersection with the norffiwest carner of Seciaon 18, Coniinu.P • I T13N, 1224E; thence east along the riorth line of said section exter►ded to ats anteisection with the Hanford Site boundary (aLso the east line of Section 17, T13N, R.24E); thence north along said bQurid31'y t0 itS iZttPSSeC'tiA-ii W1tFt, the centerline of the Columbia Rivez (aiso the Benfion-Grant County Line); thence easterly and southerly along -said centerline to its inteisectiori, wit11 the Hariford Site boluadary (in, Section 23, T12\j, R2$E); thence -west along said boundary to its ' intexsection tivith the westerly shoreline of the Colu3nbia River (aJso in Section 23, T12N, R28E); thence southerly, easterly, and wesfierly alorig the shoxeline of the ColLmbia Rivez to the west line bf Section 2,'T5Ni, ].2.28E,.the point of begizu-dng. . (PID420) SOLID '"'ASTF, COLLECTION SERVICE In ihat por.tion of Chelan Cou.nty described as folloivs: Begirul.uig at the intersection a€ the centerl.ine o€ the Cqluinbia ZLiver (The Chelan-Douglas Cotui.ty. ]a.ne) apd the sou;h lizle.Af Section 21, T21N, R22E; thenee west on the south Jine of said seciion extended to the poixlt where it intersects wi€-h the Chelan-Kjitita.s Couniy Line; (south~line of Sectian 22, 'Z'21N, .1219E); thence following said county line in northtivestezly direction to ifis intersecti.on with the west line of Section 18, T221V, R17E; thence noafih on the west line of sa.id section extend.ed ta the noxth Ene of Seetion G, T25N,.TZ17B; ther►ce west on the north. l.ixte of said section exfiendcd to tl-ie sAUthwest comer of Section 31, T26N, TZ15E; thence noxth on the west line o.f ' sai.d sectiori (including se.zv-ice.along State Highway 2 to its intessecton wi;h the Ki.ng-Ghelan ~ Counfy Line) to the northwESt corner o£ Section 6, T26N, R15E; thence east on the'nortli ].ine'of sa.id section extended to the southwest cozner of Section 31, T27N,1Z16E; thence north on the wcst line of said secti,on extended to its intersectiori with the nozthwest comer q€ Sectio.n 6, T27N, R16E; thence east on the north Jane of said section extended to the nox°theast comez of Section 1, T27I\i, ZtX$B; thence south on the east line oF said seci.ion extended to ilie southea3t comEr of Secfion*36, T26N, R.a.8E;,thence east 4n the south line o.f said section exfeilded to th.e southivest corriex o.f Secfion 36, T26N, R19E; thertce nor.th on ti1e west line of said secti.on extended to.the nozthwest corner of Section 13, T`26N, R19E;, t-hence east on the narth lzne of sa.id section extendedto its infiersectaon.with . . the Ckaelan-Douglas CaLUZfy Line (also the centerline of the Colvinbia 12iver); the1ce south along the . ' centerline of the Columbia Rive:c to its inte.r.section with the sou.th l.mE of Seetion 21., 7; 21N, R22E, the poizlt of bega.nzting. - - (PID42a.) SOLTD 4VAS'IE COLLECTTON SERVICE zn Douglas County EXCC..UDzG the follow-ing territory: Beain:na.ng at the noxtheast cor..nez of Section 1, 'T29N, R26E; thence west along the north. Continue . ...1 I line of said Seetion 1 extended to the centei-Iane of the Coltinlbi.a Z2.iver (aLso tl-de Okariogan-Douglas County ]ine); thertce southerly, wes i-erly; nozfiherly, +.hen southerly aga.in along the ceiitexline of the Colu.mbi.a River to ifis anter:ection wifi11 the south line of Section 13, T28s, TZ23E; thence east alonb the south Lizze of said Section Z3 exterided to'the southe~ast coiner o# Sectaon 13, T28N, R26E; thence narth along the east line of sa.id Section 13 extP.nded to the narthPast corner of Seciion 1, 729IV, R-26E, the point of begimung. . , . . . . . . (PID421) SOUD WASTE COL,LECTIOv SERVTCE i.n ihose porti ox-►s of Grant Coiantp descs-ibed as , . . follows: }3ega.nnin . g at. the intersection of the centezl.irte of the Colujnbia River and the north lifie of Section 6, T19N, IL23E extP_nded; thence ea.st a.long said extended north line to the nartheast cflmer of sa.id Section 6; VTence south on the east line of sbid section to the sou.theast coxr►er af said section; thence east an the soufih lzne af .said seckion extendL:-d to the noxtheast corrier of Sectioxi 12, T191N, R23E; kiz~nce sou.th on. the east lirte o.£ said section extezlded to"the soutYiea.st comex of Section 24, T19iV, R23F; thFnce w*est on tli.e south line of saidsection extended to the nartheast corner of Section 29, T14N, R23E; thence south on the cast lane of said seciiori e.xtended to the northeasf .comero€ Section32, 7'18\T, R23B; thence east on the nortYi line of said se*ction exterided to the _ northeast comer of Section 36, T18N,1223E; tze'nce soizth al.oz-ig the east line of said secta.on extertded fio the n4rthv.Test camer o€ Section 1$, T16N, R24E; tbes►ce east along the north line af said section extended to the northeast comer of Sectian 13, T16N, R.25E; tlience south along the east 1i11e a£ said section exte'nded to the centerline of the Colu.mbia lUve'r (also the Grant-Benton CourLty lii~e); tiience westeirly an.o. northerly along said cent6rline to its iaitersection with the narth lzne 'of Sertion . • . 6, T19N.,1.Z23E eztcnded, the po;nt of begirin.i.ttg. (PID423) Also, Sections 28, 29, 32 and 33, T19N, • IZ24E, and Sections 5 and 5, T18I`T, R24E. (PID424) A.Iso that portion of Gm1t County knov,,m as Crescent Bar in Sections 19 and 30, T20\f, a223E. (PID425) Also, ihat portion o€ Grari.t County tdfl-dn . T2$N ar►d 1730E. " - . . .(P.].70426) SOLTD WAST'E COLT,E-CTZON SERVl'CE in those portions of Okanogan and Lincoln . CQUnties d.esrsibed as fo].loivs: Begin.ning a.f the southeast eome'K of Section 36, T28V; R311331; thence . west along tie sou th ]ine of sai.d. section ta its intexsectzon vvith the sa-utllu*P--t comer of Sectian 31, t-28N, R31E; thence.nozth along the west ].ine o€ said section extended to its ixitex.section ~nj ith the cer►tcrline o.f fi.h~e Columbia RN er; thence northexl.y alqng said cetLter.lane to its intersection witl-i the noi.th line of Section 2, T'29N, :f.2.30E; thence east along the narth Li-ne of said section exte-nded fo the Canttnue . . . . , no rtheast comez of Section: 1,'1,29I\T, R31E; thence south aloz►g the east line o,f said section extended ' to the souiheast comer of Section 36, T28N, R31E, the poi:nt of begirulirl;. .(PID427) SOLID WASTE COLL.EC170N SERVICE in Kittiias Caiuity• (T'117410) SOT 1D WAS'Z`E CO LT ECTION SERVICR in that portion of Spokane County described. ~as foll.ows: Beginning. at the sauthwest comer of Section 31, T21N,1Z40E; thence noz-th along the west Iine of sa.id.section extended. (also the Spokane-Lincoln,County Lizie) to its izLtersection tivieh the . cer►terbiie of.the 5pokazze River; fihence ea,sterly a]ong said eentezline (also the7 Spaka,ne-Stevens County Line) to its interseci:ion with the Spokane-Stevens Couniy Line (jvithin Section 32, 727N, R42E); thence nox:thh alon; said caunty line ib the no.rkh line of Sectioz~ 5, T2$I\T, R42E; thence east along the north line of said section exten.ded to tlze rity limits o.f Deer Park (in Secia(i zi 34, T291N, 1Z42E); thence nori:herl}►,and easterly in. a dockv,Tise clirectian alorig said rity limits fio its inter$ection with the south line of Sectian 32, T29'-k\J,, R43E; thence east'alorig the exien.dFCi sou.th Jaaze A€ sa'id Section 32 to the southwest corner.of Section 34, T29N, R43E; thence noxth along the west ]ine o£ sa.id. .Spcdon 34 to the nQrthwest cornex of said Section 34; thence east along saici Section 34 to the northeast comer o# said Section 34; thence south along ffie east line ot said. Sertion 34 to the southv.jPst. corner of Section.35, T29\7, RUF; thence east alang the south Line of saa_d Secdon 35 exten.ded to the nortl-ieast corner of Sectioii 1, `rzBN, T:44E; tl-tence sauth aaong the e'ast line of said secti.on extendcd to the southeast comez of Section 12, T28N, TZ44E; tnence ea,st al.ongthe south line af said section extended.to the nox,theast comer of Sec9ion 16, T28I\T, R45E; thence south P-long the east lir►e of said sect1on to the southeast mmer o€ Section 33, T28N, R9:5E; thenoe West along tlle _couth Ik-ie of sai_d section fio the sautlleast cozner of Section 31,.T28N, R45E; thence south along-the east lizle af said section to the southeast coa:zler of Section 7, T261\z, R45E; theiice east atang the soufh Line of said section extended to the northeast comex af Sectian 17, T26N, l.Z45E; thence sauth along the ea-qt line of said section the soui:heast comer af said section; thence east along the south J.ine of said section extended to the nozilieast comer df Section 22, T26N, R45F_; thence south al.ong the ea.st aAne of said secti.on to the northwest comer of the southwest quarter of Secti.ori 35, T26\f, )R45E; thencc easi along Oie north b.ne of said quartez secti.o:n ta the ziortheasfi comez of the aflLatheast quarfier o€ Section 36, T26`j, R45E; thence south alozig tlie east line of said quarter section eXtended fo the southeast cox2zer of Seciaon 25, T25N,1Z45E; thence west'along the south line of said seciion extcnded to the northeast comer of Section 36, T25N, R44E; thezlce sout11 along the east lineof sazd Continue - . ` section to the northwest corner of the southcvest quarter of Section 31, T25I`T,1Z45E.; thence east along the noxth line of said quartez section extended do the northeast comer of tt-ie southeaz~t quarter of Section 31, T25N, R45E; thence south a.Iong the east line of said quarter section extended-to the southeast cor..nez of Section 7, T241\; R45E; fhence west along the south Iine of said section extended to the southeast cornex o.£ Sec;ion 11, T24IV, R444E; thence nozfih along the east line oi said sec,kion to . the northeast camer of said secti.an; thence west along tlae nortn.l.uie ofs~id section the ~oith~vest comer of said section;'thencesouth a].ong thc wesfil.ine of s9d, section fio the soutb~west`corr►er of said section; tIT'L11CE west along ttte south ]ine of said section edcfiended (inclia.ding service on ]7ashman-Mica Road tp its in.iersection sviih, ti7:adison Road) to the sout'rdv.iest camer of Section 7, T24N, R44E; -thezlce soudz on the ivest line of said section extencied to the sau.theast romer of Section 13, T24N,1ME; thence west along d1e south l.ine 4€ said section to the southtivP,~t comex of said sPCiion; thence soutiz along the west line of said secti.an extend.ed to the southeast comer of Sectinn 35, T24N, I243F; thence wP.st on the. south Iine of said section extended to the southwest comer of Section 33, T24N, R43E; thence south along thc west Iazte of sazd section extended to the southeast cornez of Section 20, T22iV, R43E; thence west a.T.ong the soutilline of said secfio:n to the nartheast cor.nez of Section 30, T221N, R43E; ilzencc south along ffie Fast line oi said sectiozi to the souki-ieast comer of said section; thence west algng the south li.tte of said section to ti-ie zzartheasfi corner af Section 34, T22N, P42L; thence south along the east line of said section to the soui-Jzeast corrder of said sectian; thence west a.Iong• the south ].ia.1e of said ser.iion extejided the norl-heast cornex of Sectian 1, 121N, R41E; tllerice south an the east line of said section cxtended tn the southeast co.r_ner of Seciaon 36, T21N, R42E; thence west along the soufih line of said section (also ttie Spokane- Whit-cn.a.n Courity Line) to the south-~,.,est coxner of Section 31, T21Nt, R40E, the poznt of begi.zuEing. (T'ZD411) SOLID WASTS COLLECTTON SERVTCE excluding serviee in containers oftwenty (20) cubic yard capacity or ovex in that pozti'on of Spokane Couzzty desca.-zbed as follow s: Begina:iing at the northeast comer ai Secti.an 30, T26N, R46E; thence south al.o.ng tlze east l.i.ne Qf said section (also the'Washzngfion-Idaha State line) to•tlie southcast conler of SectiQn30, T25N, TZ46E; the-nce west aioag the sou.th line of said section to the southwest co:rner of sa.id section; the1cE norch aiang che west iizle of said section to the sou.theast corrt.ez of the northeast quarter of Section 35, T25tiT, R45E; thence west along the sou.th Iine o.f said quartea, section exfiended to the wesi: Ii.ne o# Secfion 3,5, T26N, R45E; thenoe north a[ong the wesfi line of sa.ad section to thE nozthwest eorner oi Section 26, T26N, R45E; thence east along ikle north :lane of said section to fihe norcheast comer of Section 30, Contanue ~ - T26N, R46E, the point of beginning. (Plq412) Also, the north hal# of Section 31, T25IV, R45E. • . TO TI3E EXTEI\vI` TT-IAT THE AU-I'I T0121TY GRANTED lNT T'HIS ORDER DT.Jl'TjICATES ANX AUTHORU'Y PRLVrOUSLY GRANTE17 OR NOW HEL:D SHA.LL NOT BE COl\iSTIZUFD AS CO\IFERRitisG MORE THAN ONE OPFR.ATNG RTGHT \TOR7SKALL ANT1' DUPLICA'IbNG ,RIGHT'S BE AVAILABLE FOR PURP05ES OF T12.ANSFBR.. _ : • Note: PID re€erence numbers are used by fihe Corrunussi.on for mapping puzposes only. TG-041942 01-01-05 . . . , . . Contir~ue . ' . \.,1 • , . ; Qrip-inal Tjtle Page l ariff No. 15 Cancels Tariff No. 14 . of , Waste Manneme-iit of -1~~Vashington. Lnc. (Nsame of Solid Waste ColJecuon Company) Waste Ma.Dager.nent of Spokane, Val,ley 'Garrbage Service Co. and Western'k2efuse Co. (Registered trade narnc of Solid Waste Collection Company) Certif cate \rEUnbcr G- 237 NAMING RA.TFS FOR T:I16 COLLECTION, T.E2.ANSPORTATTON, AND DISPOSAT, OF S4IlID R'ASTE, t1Nl`)1F NOTEA, REC'YCLING ~.1.Nir1) XARDWASTE N TfiE FOLLOGVTNG DESGRIBED l71tRTI'ORY: As ciescn"bed in Append:x A • . . • (N0'1S: Tf this tariff appses in onty a portioa of a compa.ny's cer~'~'icatE authority, a map awirately depicring ths ara.a in which the tariff applies mus[ be aitaacbed to the tariff) . Offieia] LJTC reauests for inform4on N?.me Of pe.7sou i5spiite tariff: M3chael A. Weinstein regarding consumer quv5tions an[Jor complaints shojsId be referred fo the Mailing adciress of usuin3 agent: 13225 N.E_ 1261~ Plac° following campany represeiit2tive: Ciiy, S4xielZip Codc: Kirklatad, Wasbjnaton'. 98034 Name: Steve Wulf Telephane nurnber, inciadine, area code: (425) 8I4- i 840 ritle: llis~ct ~~Ianaeer ' Phone: f50914G8-8220 • 1=AX nureba;, if alay: (425) 814-7866 E-Mail: SwUff(2Ztvrn.co!n. Fax: f5091924-0~9~ F-ma.ii address, if cny: . mweinstaui(~hhvm.com Issucd by: Machae! A. Weinstcin, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific \orthwesfi vtarket A.rea Issue date: - Effective daie: FOR OFFICIA. L USE O1VLY Docket: TG=070410 Efjecrtve Date: May 1, 2007 TariffNo. 1.5 . Ori6nal Page No. 2 Company NameJPermit NTUmber: VJaste IVlanagement of VJashington, LncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste 1Vlanagernent of Spol:ane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westem Refusp- Co. . _ ; CHECKSHEET All pages contained in this tariff are listed below in consecutive order. The pages in the tariff andlor any . supplements to the tariff listeci on this.page have issue dates that are the same as, or are before, the issue date of ' th.is page. "O" in the revision column indicates an arigina] page. C urrent C urrent C urrent Page Number Revision Page Number Revision Page Number ge«sinn . TiCle Page ~ O 21 - O Cbeck sheet/2 O22 O ~ ~ • ~ • Xtem Index/3 . O 23 ~ O SubjecC Index/4 . O. . I ~ 24 ~ O ~ 25 O . ~ ~ . IS ubj ect [nd ex/5 0. ITaxes Sheetl6 ~ O 26 ~ . O I 7 ~ O ~ . 27 ( 0 ~ g O ~ 28 ~ o 9 O 29 ~ 4 10 ~ O -30 ~ O . ~ ~ Il.. .-O ~ 31 ~ O 12 O' ~ 32 . O 13 ~ -O 33 0 l14 • O 34 ~ O ~ 35 .O 35 ~ 0 I I ~ . ~ lb ~ 0 36 ~ p..~ , 17 ~ 0 37 O - - 18 ~ O ~ 38 O ~ ..19 ~ O ~ 39 ~ O . 20 ~ O 40 ~ O , r Supplements in Effect ` ]:ssued by: M.ichael A_ Weinstein, Senior Pricing Ivlanager, Pacific North«rest lvfarket Area zssue cate: . Bf2E~RQGM1_CL4.L USE C7Ar.Z,Y ' . Docket: ?'G-070410 . . Effective Date: M'cry 1, 2007 Tari.ffNo. XS Orieinal Fage No. 3 Company Name%Perznit Number: Waste Mana„ement of. Washington, r.nc.lG-237 Registered Trade zame: ATaste Management o£ Spok~ne, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. . Indez of Y'tems in This Tariff - see next uage for list bv tonic . I'iem S - Taxes • ' . r~.~m 10 - Applicztion of Rates - General -Item 15 - Holiday Pickup Item 16 - Cllange in Pickup Schedule Item 17 - Refuncis Item 29 - Billing; Advance B illing, PaycnenY Deiinquency Dates, La.te Cbarges Tten1 20 Dcfinitions ' Item 30 - Lirraitation of Service Ttern 40 - Material Requaririg Special 'Equipment, Precautians, or Disposal , Ttem 45 -IvJ'aterial Requiring Special Testirag and/or Analysis Ttem 50-ReMrned Cbeck Cha..rges ' Item 52 -Re-delivery Charges ' Item. 55 - Over-sized or Over-weight Units " - Ttem 60 Oveitime Item 70 Return Trips ' . Item 75 - Flat Monthly Cliarges • • Item $0 - Carryout Sarvic.a; Drive-Tns Ttem SO - Can Carr'iage, Overhead Obstri!ctions, Sunken or elevated ca.nslunits Item 100 - CanILTnit Se.rvice, Residential - Residential Cw-bside Recycli.ng - Residential Yardwaste service Item 105 -1~Iulti- fam,ily ratcs T?em 120 -~Jar.ums Item 130 -~L'attcr Receptac!es T.tem 150 -J..,oose and/or Buiky Material . Itern 160 - Tirne Rates . Item 200 -Application of'Cantainer aildlor Drop Box lZates - Genezal Item 205 - Roll-Out Charges - Cont:ainers, A=1lom.atcd Carts, and Toters Item 207 - Exccss NTJeight - Rcjection of Load, Chaxges to Transpart IteTn 210 - Wasfung anci Sanitizi.ng Containers and Drop Boxes Item 220 - Compactor Rentat • . Item 230 - Uisposal Fees Item 240 - Containcr Service -iNon-compacted - Co;npa.ny-owned container , Item 245 - Gontainer Scrvice -iNon-compacted - CusYomer-owned container Item 250 - Container Service - Cornpacteci - Company-ov,iled contai.ner Zten1255 - Container Secvice - C;ompaeteti -Customer-owned coiifainer Icem 260 -Drop Box Service -Nan-Compacted - Coiiipany-owned dxop box Item 275 - Drop F3ox Service - Cqmpacted - Customer-owned drop box Item 3 00 - List of A.bbreviations and Symbols Used ?n Tariff Issuei by: iVlichael A. Weanstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Paciic N'orthwESt Mat'!cet Area Issue date: E-*7QAe0M_rCL4L USE 4NLY Docket: TG-070410 . Effective Daie: May 1, 2007 T'ariff Nlo. 15 Orisinal Pa;e ~to. 4 Company ITametPerm.it Numbea: Waste ?vlana;emcnt of Washington, inc:lG-237 Registered Trade.Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valiey Garbagc Service Co. and Wesiern Refuse Co, ~ Index bv tonic Item I~TO. Abbreviations used in tp-riff ..................................................................................................................300. Advance billing :..........................................18 Animals .........................................................................................................................................30 Billingperiocis avthorized ........................................................................................................................18 Ca.r.rryout service :...............................80 - Comunercial can service ........................................................................................................................245 Comp actor rental . ...................................................224 ~ Container serviae, non-eomPacte.d, co►npany-avvned ...........................................................................240 Contauier service, non-cAEnpacted, eustomer-owned 24$ Contai.ners andtor drop boxes, availability ..200 Contai.ners and/or drop boxes, geuerd rules :200 Cantainers andlor drop boxes, washing and sanitizing 210 - Credit due the customar 17 Damage to customer property 30 De£'uutions 20 . Taelincpuency dates ...................................................................................................................................18 Disposal t'ees 230 • Drive-in service .....................................................................................................................,.................90 . Drop-box service, eompacted, custamer-owned ...................................................................................275 ~ - Drop-box service, non-compacted, com owned p^any- 260 Excess weight, rejection o.f, load, charges to trannsport ~ 207 Flat monthly charges ...............................................................................................................................75 . ; Holidays ohsm-ed ..........................................................................................................................:........60 Late charbes ............................................................................................................................:............50 Linzitations df service ............30 . Liiter receptacles ................................................................................................:.....:.............................130 Z.oose anci/or bi-ilky materi3l .................................................................................................................150 Material requiring spECia1 dispasal 40 ' Material requiring special equipment 40 ..........................................................40 Material requiring special precautians Maieridl requiring special te5ting/analysis .............................................................................................45 . . Continued on next page Issued by: Michacl A. Wei.nstei.n, Senior Pricijig Manager, Pacific NTOrthwest Market Area Issue darE: EfF4ROW-rC.ZA_L US.E O1VLY . . Docket.: TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 r. ariff rrQ.1s ~ - - ~066nal pagz r~jo. s Cflmpany "N7ame/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washi.ugton, IncJG-237 . ! Registered Trrade Name:.Waste Managecnent of Spakane, Valley Crarbage Ser vice Go. and Western,Refuse Co. Index bF tonic. 'continued ~ Item N1O. iVli.ssed pickups, wea#her or raad caEiditioFVS ~ ........................................................................30 i1lulti-family ra#es....................... I05 MuIti-family residen.tial.recycling far garbage customers usij~g Crop box service ::...:l OS . Multi-falliily residential yard waste eallection 105 ~ NSF cbecks .:.50 . . Overllead obstructions 90 Over-sized Units .....................................................................................................................................55 Overtirne .........................................................................................................................................60 Over-weiglrit units 55 Refiund of overcha.rges .....................................................................................17 Refund of prepayrnents ...........................................................................................................................17 1.2.e£urids .................................................................:................................17 Refiisal to make pickup ...............................................................................................:...........................30 Resideneial_recycling .100 Residential sez-vicc ................................................................................................................................100 ~ Re5idential yardwasie ...........................................................................................................................100 Re-delivery- charges ................................................................................................................................S2 Reiurned cheek charges ..........................................................................................................................50 . Retum trips ..70 . .Roll-out chargcs 205 Sta.irs or steps .........................................................................................................................................90 . Sunken or elevoted cansJLnits .............................................................................4Q . Symbols used in tariff ...........:...............................................................................................................300 Taxes ...........................................................................................................................................5 ~ Ti.me rates ?.GO Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Seniar Pricir►g Manager, Pacific rTOY-Ehwest Iv1arket A.rea Issue date: EfQF02deQR1UCL4_L IISE 0AT1..Y _ . ' Docket.• TG-070410 Effective Date: Mcry 1, 2007 TFriff. No. 15 Orie-inal Page Nlo. 6 Conngan y LNaanelPerrnit Number: wa-ste Managemant of Wasliingtori, L-icJG-237 Registered Trade.Name: `Vaste Ivianagement of Spokane, Valley G~-bage Service Co. and ~Vesteni ~.sftse Co. ~ . Xtem 5-knDlication of Rates - Taxes In addition to the rates shown in the remai.nder of Lhe tariLf, the following taxes apply: Entity Ordinance Aznount APPlic.aiori imposing tax: number: of tax: .(Commodities'anci terrtary) City of Snokane C-33117 20.48% Utility tax on all services within the City I . " ~ . . . _ ~ . . Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricin; Manager, Pacif c vorthwest Mar!cet A.rea \ i Issue date: - F-ftiFOWeOWICIAL USE OAEY . Docket:..I'G-0704.10 Effective Date: Iv,t'rry 1, 2007 TariffNO. 15 • Ori einal Page No. 7 Company NTarne/Permit Number: Waste iManagement af Washington, IneJG-237 Registeaed Trade Name: Wassfe Ivlanagerrtent of Spokane, Valley Crarbage Service Co. and Rlestern Refiase Co. Item 10 - A.nalication of Rates - GeneraI Rates named in this tari.ffcover the collection, transportaiion, and disposal of solid,~vast_e. ~V~hen specificaily reff,-rred to, rates also cover ihe callactioD and transportation of recycJable rnaterals anci/or yardwaste. Title 81.77 of tiie IZ.evised Cade of Washirigton (E2.CI~'►D and Chapter 4$0-70 of the 1`'Jashington Adaninistrative Code (WAC) govem operatioais of solid waste colIection companies and the ia.ri.f.£s companies must iile with the WashiDgton Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC). . Unless exceptious are shown, all materials must be placed on the same level as the streeis or alleys. The cornpany may charge additianal amounts for disposal fees only `vhen specifically stated i,n the tariff atad separately shown on custonier bills. ' • IYem 15 - Yf0lidav Fickun - Re<zularlv Schecluled Service • When a pickup is missed due to the company's observarice of a holiday, the eompa.ny will provide cervice, af no additeonal cost to the cuslomer, on ai-i alternate eZay. " A Iist of tl-ie holidays the e.ompany observES is shown in Item 60. For application oFrates in this fiariff, the companp defizies altemate day to rne.an the following: Pick up days are NConday fihrough Friday including ail holiciays except Thaalcsgiving day, Christmas day, and New Year's day. If'the pick-up day falls on or after any of those three holidays, the al#.emate day will be one day late ffiat week, for the balanm, of the week through 'Satlirday. • Ttem 16 -Chnnee in Pickvr) Schedu1e When a company changes the pick-up da.te foc its ecrtificaie F-eea, or a portion of its certificate area, #li e coFr►pany must notify al] custiomers in the aff'ccted area of ttjat; ehange. hTOticc raust be made at teast seven days before implenienfation of the new pickup scheciule and may be rnade , via mail, pcrsonal contact, or by a notice being affixed to the customer's sol.id waste recepracle. Tssued by: Michael A. ti'►'einstein, Sen[ox Pricing Managec, PaciCc Norttiwest Market Area Issue date: E~dWQO1ffFrCIA.L rJSI: ONLY . Docket: TG-070410 L:ective Date: ,lv.~'r.zy 1, 2007 TatifflNTO. 15 OriRinal Page No. 8 Compa:ny Vame.JPennit Nwnber: Waste Management of Washi.ngwn, TaacJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Ivianagernent of Spok.ane, Valley Garbage Service Go. and Western I2.eFuse Co. . Xtem 17 - Refun ds . Credit dve the.customer. When there ha.s been a tzansaction that results in a credit due the cusiomer, the £oilowi.ng apply: A. If the.annount due is five dallars or less, an adjustment will be made to the custome►'s aecount. The adjushnent must be shov,n on thc next regular bill. • ' B. If the ainoi:nt due is more than five dollars, the customez anay ar,cep't. an account adjiistrnent or mxy request a'refund. . ' a. If the custamer elects to bave an account adjusfiment rnade, the adjustment must show on , the next regu!ar billi.ng. _ • b. If the customer elects to receive a refund, the coinpar,y must issue, a check wit~in t.~vriy d-ays of the raquest. Overcharges. Oz►ce a cornpany becomes aware that it E►as overcharged a customer, it must provide a refund or an accaunt adjustment czedit to't}.ie customer. The cus'tomer must be given a choice as to whieh optioiz is • preferred. The re£und or credit must be the amount overcharged 'ui the three years before the date of discover . c. Lf the cus-omer elects to have an account adjustmeut made, the adjustment must show on , the next regular bil.ling. ' d. If the customer elects to receive a refund, the company maist issue a cbeck witlain tiriy _ days of the reqLest. Prepayments. If a customer has paid service fces ui advance, service is discontinued during the pre-hilleci period, a,nd the,custoxner i:s due a refiand, the following apply: A. A company mast honor.all requests for refunds of the ienused portion of prepayments. . B. If the customer providcs a f.orvvarding address to the company or one can,be obtained from the Post Office, the company must issue a refuncl check no mor.e than th.irty days following the _ custorner's request. . C. If the customer cannot be toea.ted or did not provide a fonvarcling address and the U.S. Post C?ffice cannot fiirnish a forwarding address, the an-tount may be presumed ta be abandoned and is • subject to the Uniform Unclaimed Proper'ty Act after vne year. Issued by: Michael A.Weinstein, Senior Pricing Ivianager, Paci.fic vortllwesc Market Axea Zssue date: F~0RC0ZuCI4L USE OAJLY Dacket: TG-070410 Effective Date: M.ay 1, 2007 TariffNo. 15 Orivinal Page No. 9 Company ?TamelPel-znit Number: Weste Management of Washi.ngton; IncJG•237 , . Rcgistered Trade Nlame: WF-ste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and jVestem Refuse Co. Item 18 - Bil.ting. Advarice Billin6, and Pavment :f)elinquencY Dates Billing period. A company may bill ats- eustomers f.or one, two, or tku-ce znQnths of servfce. . Advance billing anci payment delinquency dates. The fojloating chart defines the ma,r-imurn period alIowed for ac{vance billing and the date when a bit] may be considezed delEnquent: _ Billing period Ivfaximum advanc,e'billin.g Delinquency date . period allowed . One month's sen~ice No advance billing May not be le-ss than (inonthly) allowed ' iwendy-one days 3fter the date the bill is ' mailed • Two montlis' service One months' advancecl M:ay-iiot be until rhe last billing allowed day of the secand month . Threc months' service Two nionths' advance May not be until the lF-st _ lailling allowed day of t.he xtiird rnonth. The billing period cbosen by the company operati.no under this tariff for residential solid was*e accvunis is: Three mQnths' service. Late charges. Customers with past due accounts after the: 'delinquency dates spacified in t.he chart abave Nvill be chargud a]ate fee of 1% per nionth on Qutstanding balances. The i-ninimum charge per xnonth is $1.00. Issued by: Tvlichael A. NVeinstein, Senjor. k'ricin,; Manager, Pacific Not-tttwest Mazket Area - ' .T.ssue d3te: :F-QF0RQ0-1",9fCI".~.L UsE O1VL..Y Docket: TG-070410 ~'ffective Date: lt~ I, 2007 TariffNo. 15 4rigina1 I'age 1Vo. 10 Company NamelPermit Nwnber: Waste Management of Washingaton, Inc./G-237 , Registered Trade iName: Waste Management of SpokGne, Valley Garba.ge Service Go. Gnd l~Jestern lZefuse Co. ' . . Xtem 20 - Definitions NOTE: 77.e defuailiorks shOwri or, che fvst three poges nf fhds item are starzckv'd • ut most cases prescribea by iule. Com,pr►ries n:4ry rrod am.ena'thase defunitiflns. CompGndes wishv4g tv add c~firtEtionsspecif~.c to tlzsir corrprn:y's o~araFiDns nzust vxclude thnse deftnitzor,s on a seprratspRbe, entitled "Compffny-,specific fl'eftr.zriAns. " A bla►ik sheet i.s providedfor thcrtpzoPose. Bale: MaEerial compressed hy machine and securely tarped or banded. - . Bulky Matenals: Empry carricrs, cartons; boxes, crates, evc., or maierials offered far disrosai, all of which may be readily handled without sho<<eling. . Charge: Aset t]at fee for performang a service. Or, the resuit of multiplyi.ng a raxe for a unit times . the number of units tzansported. Comznercizl . Billing: • Service billed to a commercial custonier or billed to, and paid for, by a property manager or owner rather thain 3 residential tenant. Compacted . . Maferial: Material that has been conlpressed by any mechanical device either before or afcer it is ,placed in the receptacle handled by 6e eompany. Compactor Discon.nect/. . Reconnect . Charge: A flat fee established by the solid waste collection company for the service of ' I . disconneetin; a compactor from a drop box ox con~iner befoze talting it to be dumped, . and then recvnnecti.ng the compactor «fien the cirop box or container as retumeci to the customer's site. CiatE; cbarge: A€lat fee cbarged for openinb, unlocking, or closing gates in order to pick up snlid waste. r.oose rnaterial: Matarial noL set out in bags or containers, including materials that must be shoveled. Multi-famaly . residence: Any structure housvlg t`wo or more dwejl,ing un.iL. Packer: A device or vehicle speeially designed to pack loose materiais. Pass throu;h fee: A. fee collected by asolid wastc coIlection company on behalf of a third party when ttie fee is billed di.rectly fo the customer without markup or markdown. • • Tssued by: Michael A. Weinsteu-i, Senior Pricing Manager, Paca#ic NorEhwest Market Area Issuc dare: ElEOReCRIUML USE QNLY Docksi: T. G-070410 . Effective Date: ?vlay 1, 2 007 Tariff No. 15 Ori-einal Page No. 11 Company I~TamelPermat Nurnber: Wasie 2\lazsagecnent vf Wasb.ington, J.nc.1G237 Registered Tracie Name: Waste Maaagement of Spakane, Va11ey.Crarbage Service Co, and Western Re_fuse'Co. Item 20 - Definifions. conttnued , Permanent service: Conr.hiner and drop=box service prov;ded at ihe custornez's r.~uest for riore than flineiy . days. . ~ . ' . . . . . Rate: . A pric.o per unit or per scrvice: A rate is muliiplied times the number of Lniis trmsportcd or the number of ti;nes a service is perforfned to det,6rmine a charge. Solid waste . . . recepfiacle: . includes the t'oilowing items, with the following mcznings: Automated i:art means a cart desi~ned to be picked up and emptied by mechanical means. The speciflic type and size, are ta be def,~,ned i,ri tate itetris. . Can means a receptacle made of durable; corrosion-resis#ant nonabsorbent material t.hat ~ is watertight,'and has a close-f itirig covex and hvo handles. A c~au holds more than twenty gallons; but not more than thlrty-twa-ga11_6ns. A can rnay not weigh morc than 65 pounds when filled. ~ . Cart means a wheeled plastic contai.nez. A cart ruay also be referred to as a toter. If supplied by a customer, a cart must be car~patible witk► the company's equipment. The - si•r_,e and type of cart that~ is compatible will be est:blisheci an each company's tariff. Contaiuer means a detachabte receptacle (nozmally desiped to hold at ieast a eubic yard . " of snlid waste) from-which materials are GolIected hy'raechazzicalJy l.ifting the reccptacle . and emp-tying the content.s into the company`s vetlicle. , Drop bnx means a detachable receptacle used to provide solid waste col?ection service - by the receptacle beuig placed on the campavy's vehicIe by mechanical means and tn~sparted to a disposal site. . llrum means a metal or pIastic containar of approximaiely fifty-gallan capacity, generaIly used fflr oils ar salvents. t1 d.ruin may not weigh mQre than _when filled. '.J..ittet- receptacle means a container not over sikty-gallon cap3city, generally placeci in sYtopping centers and along streets or highways far. l.itter. A litter receptacle may npt weigh more than 65 pounds rrhen filleci. IssuEd by: Michael A. Weinstcin, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific NorthNvest Marlcet Area ' Tssue date: E~~04TjCIAL tTSE ONLY DocTzel: TG-070410 Effeciive.C7atP: lVfay .I, 2007 Tariff I,,Io. 15 Orivinal Page NO. 12 Comp:ny NFamelPerxnit Number: Waste, Nlanagement of Was'nington, T.nc.IG-237 Registered Trade \Tame: Waste Mana.gement of Spokana, Valley Garbage Serv~ice Co. a.ud Westem RefLise Co. - . ~ Ttem 20 - Definitions, continued ' . Micro-mini ean means a can made of durable, carrosion-resisWIt, nonabsorbent material that is watertight and has a elose-fttiDg cover. A inicro-inini can mey not hold -tnore than ten gallpns. Ari~iicro-mini can may not wei;h anore than 20~ounds wlien filled. . iMini-can means a can madc of durable, corrosion resistarit, nonabsorbent material diat is watertight and has a clase-fitting cover. A mini-can naaynot 6oId more than tvventy gallons. A mini-cp-n may not weight more tlian 35 pounds a=hen, filled. Recycling bi.n or container naeans a bin ot c:ontainer desigtted dr designated for ihe _collectaon of recyciables. Tf~e si~.e a.nd type of recycling bin or coz~fainer ~vi~i be . _ estabIisbed in eact~ compan}fs tariff. • Toter means a wheeled plastic container. r•L toter may also be referred to as a cart. If supplied by ctistomer; a tater must be cornpatible with the campany's equipment. The . , size and type of toter that is cornpatible wil l be established in each conapany's tariff. Y:Tnit means a rcceptacle made of durable; corrasion-resistant, jzanabsorbent materia], that is. watertight, hnd bas a close-ftting cover ancl two handles. - A unit hold.s more tban twenty gallons, but nnt more than thiriy-two gallons or four cubic feet. A unit r,aay noi weigh more thara 65 poiancis when fillecl.. Where a~-eecl on bzmTeen ilne aflmpa~-iy and the - custoIIier, and where allowable uzadcr lacal ordinance, a box, carton, cardboard harrel or otbez- suitablE containez may be substitu#ed for a solid waste can, for a single pic?c-up that . . includes.removal of the cantainer, if it meets the size aFid weigkit limits es`lablisbed in the r-ompan. y°S tar;ff. . . . . , . -Xardwasfe bin or container means a bisi or r.9nULLrier speaifically clesigned or . dcsignated.£or the collection o£~iardwaste. Each compauy'starifr will refer to a spacific type of, yard«aste bin or container to be useti by cusiomers in a service area. The type, si.ze, wejght, etc., of fihis type of bin or cont.ai.rEer will often be 'set by local governmene plans or ordinances. SpeciaUOn c<aJ1 pick-up:A pick-up reGues#ed by the custiomer at a ti.me other thaal tEye reguIGrly scheduled gick-up time or that requzres the special dispatcli af a iz-ic?c. Tf a speciaI dispatch is zequirefd,*the cou}gany tivill assess tune rates estabiished in the company's tariff. Issueti by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior S'ricing Manager, Pscifia Northwest Marlcet A.rea . Issue date: 7=~MCCIAIc~ICIAL T1,SE ONLY Docket: TG-070 ;~10 Effective Date: .May 1, 2007 Tariff NO. 15 ' Orip-inal Page No. 13 Gflmpany ivame/Qe•rmit NunL ber: Waste N'ianagement of Washingten, Inc./G-237 17egistered Trade Name: «aste Menagament of Spokane, Valley Garbage Servicti Co. a.nd Westen Refuse Co. Item 20 - Definitions. eonfinued . Supplement: _ .A page added to the begitmaF7g af a tariff;-normally co cnver emergency, temporary, or . special sibuatioris. An example is a page issued to show a special surcharge imposed by a cify. . . Temporacy sezvice.: Teinporaxy service mea.ns providing container or'drop-box serviee at rhe customer's request; f.or aper.iod o.f, ni.net'y days ar less. • • Unlatching: Anoiher term for a gate chargc. A flat fee irnposed by a solid waste collection company when ttie company's personnel znust unlatch a gate or door-to perform pickup service. U,~Iocking: A f.Iat.fee imposed by a solid waste collection company when t3'ie company's personnel musfi unlock padlocks or other loekinb deviees to perform pic}ccip services. = ~ , _ . . . ~ Issued 'chaeI A. V ~ 'eu~' ~ . by: Mustein, Sen.tor Pricung ~~tanager, Pacific Northwest Masket Area . Issue clate:. EQF5ORq9MUC.T.4L USE ONLY Docket: TG-070410 Eeetive Dale: May 1, 2 OG7 TariffiNo. 15 Orizinal Page No. 14 Company INTauieJPermit Numbtr: Waste.Ivia.nagement af Washinb on,lncJG-237 ReD stered Trade'NaPne: Waste Management of Spokane, Vailey Crarbage Service Co. and NVe3tern Refuse Co. ~ Item 30 -Limitations of Service J Refusal of serv-ice. A solid waste collection conigany may "refi.ise to: , (a) Pick up materi2ls £roM points where it_f s bazardot:s, un'safe, or dangerous to persons, p_oper[y, or equipnent to operate vehicles due to the canditions of sirzets, alIeys; or roads. (b) Pick up materials chat are not accepted by the disposal siie nar.ned in rhe company's tariffs, or maLerials that, in the company's judgnent, are hazardous, unsafe, or pose a ddnger to pe•rsons, . ptopety, or equipment. (C) (c) Drive into private properfy wben, in the company's judernent; driveways ar mads are inproperly constructed•or znaintained, do not have adequate tum-azounds, or have other unsafe condations. (d) 'Entcr Frivate property to pick up maYerial ~4rhile s,n anj.riial considered or feared to be viciaiFS is toose. The customer will be required to canf-ine the animal 0n pseh."up days. . Scheduies. A company's schedule will tneet reisonable requirements and will comply with lacal service level ordinances. . htissed pickups due to weather oY road eonditions. Pic!cup of rnaterials may be missed duE to weather or road conc3itions. Zf the accumuIated material (solid waste a,nd/or recyclables, andlor yardwaste) is collected on the next scheduled or available pickup date, ttse company is not obligrated to extend credit for the missed piekup` .,The custarner will not be charged for overfilled recccptacles, or £or materials set out i.n bags on top of or next to the customer's nortnal receptacles i.f the amaunt of exta matezial does n.ot ex.ceed #he amount that would have reasonably been cxpected to accuinulate due to missed pickups. ' Due care. Other than to o£fer rzasonable care, the company assumes no respansibiliYy for articles left on or near solid waste receptxcles. 'Liability for damage. NVhen a eustomer requests that a cozripany provide service and da.mage occurs to the . cusfiomer's driveway due ia reasons not in the control of the company, the company will assume no responsibilily £or the damage. Issued by: hlicbael.A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Ma,rket Area rssue date: E~FojReM TP--jCl'Al rISE ONLY ' Docket: TG-070410 , Effective Date: M'ay 1, 2007 'T'ariff-.bjo. -1s Orip-inal Page No. 15 Company T~Tarne/Pernait Number: Waste Mtanagement of Wash,ington; IncJG-237 ReListered Trade Name: W4ste Managernent flf Spokane; VaLey Garbage Service Co. and Westcm Refuse Co. Item 40 - Material Reauirinu Snecial Eaninment. Precautions. or Disvosal Transpoz-tation of sotid waste requiri,ng special equipment or precautions in hartciling or disposal will be subject t.o ti.me rates naincd in Item. 160. or Co other specif c rafies conEaf.ncd in this tariff: . Companies must make every effort :o be aware of the commodities that rec{uire special handling at the disposal sites named in the companv's t3riffs. Tl-,e coanpany shall maintai.n a list of those coiiimoclities and make it available for public inspxtion zt the corrnpany's office. .Companies must make every effort to be aware ef.the comnodities that are not a.ccepted at the disposal sites nametl in the company.'s tariffs, and provide the pu.blle with aceess to such lists, as published and updated by disposa] sites. Additionally, compan.ie.s must maintain a list o£ any srecif c commodities which are considered hazardous, unsafe,; or pose a danger to persons, pro.pet-ry, or coqiupment. Ttem 45 - r7aterial RequirinLy Special'festinLi, and/or Analvsis W:en a salid waste callection company ar disposal facility deiermints that testing andlor analysis of solad waste is requirM to determine whether dangerous or prohibiteci substances are prestnt, the a.ctual cost for such testing and/or analysis will be paid bp the cus`wmer. The company must provide the custoniez with a copy oi ~ any bi11 or invoice for• costs incuzred f.or testi.ng and/or analysis and also ?nust reCain a copy in the coi-opany's fiIe for at least th.ree years. T'hose costs shall be passed ihrough to the customer wit.hout marlcup. The company mtlst maintain records of time spent to, accomplish the special testing andfor analysis, and rnay bi11 Lhe custoffier £ot that ti.me under the pr.ovisions of l'terrs 164 *(Time Ra_es). - " T.terzi 50 -R.et~arner.i Cbeck CharEe,e Returned check charge. Xf a customer pays with a check; aaid the customer's bank refi3ses to honor tE-iat check, . the customer will be assessed a reiurned cbeck chai-ge in the aniount of S 25.00.. Item 52 = I2L-dcliverv Chari2es A Fe-delivery fee of S15.00 will be assessed to cKxt customErs whose service is discontinued £or non- payment or cart custamers who requcst re-delivery for services previotLsly ci:nceilcd. Please sec Item 100. . A pickup and re-delivezy fee of S 2S.00 will be assessed to customers who request that chcir container or Drop $ox be washed, steam claaned and sanatizeci. Ptease see Item 210. ~ Issued bY: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing 1VYanager, Pacific Northtvest Market Axe'a Issue cEate: EfMkcO_~FJCL1L USE 01VLY Docket: TG-07041 D . Effectil,e Date: May 1, 2007 TariffNo. 15 OriEinal Pa.ge No. 16 Company NamelPermit Number: Waste Management of WasLtingwn, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spo?:ane, Valiey Garba.ge Service Cfl. and Westem 7ZeFuse Co. Xtem SS - 4ver-sued or Over-FrciLyht Cans or. l:Tnits Tne company reserves the ri;ht to reject pickup af any residential receptaeie (c~in, unit, bag, mini-can, or micro mi.ni-can) wb.ich, upon reasonable inspection exceeds the size and weight linc-dts-slioAn ul IEem 20. • (a) If the receptac.le exceeds the s ize and/or 1imits stated in. Itcm 20, is overfilled, or the top is unable to be closed, but the comp6ny transports the materials, the following udditional eharges will4pply: S 3.30 oer unit 1ltoie: For claarges applying on overiveight totsrs, r..Qrts, containers, or.&•bp boxes see iteirt 207. Xtem 60 - (avertime ~.'eriods Conr,pan.ies will a.ssess additional charges when pravidinEr services, at customer zequest, cturing overti.me ' periods. Overtime periods include Saturdays, Sundays, and the following bolidays: - NTew Xear's Dav Labor. Dav DJashin-aton's Birtbdav Veteran's Dav Iv.Cemorial Dav ThankseivinQ Dav , Indenendence Dav Christrnas Dav VIartin Luther ICinq Dav , Time is to be recorded to the taeaf-est incttement of 15 minutes ~zom the tune the company's vehicIe leaves the tera-ii.ual until the time it retunis to the tern-iinal. . • . No additional charge v,,ill be assessed to cusCorners for overtime or holiday work perforlneci salely for the eompany's canvenience. • - Charge per hour S 60.40 • ' Miv imum Charge S 30.20 Issued by:- Ivlichae] A. Weinstei.n, Senior Prieing Manager, pacific NTOrGhwest iVlarket Area Issue date: ~~~qcMFICIAL U'SE OATLY Dockuet: 7'C-070410 Effectfve Date: Mrry 1, 2007 Tariff NTO. 15 Oriei.nal. Page 'No. 17 ~ Coinpany \7ameJPermit Number: Waste Management of Weshington, IncJG-237 'Rcgistered Trade Nasne: Waste 1Vlanagement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. nnd Wes..ern Reftse Co. Item 70 - Return Trips When a company is required to make a reLurn tiip, thai does not require the specia] d'espatch-of a truGk, to pick up material tbat was unavailable for colleciion for reasons under t11e control. af rbc cust6mer, the f6llov6ng additional charges, per pickup,~will apply. Can, uzut, mini-cazi, or micro-rnizaa caza ~ 7.4A Cart S 7.40 . . LittcrReceptacle ..............................................................................................................S 7.40 Drop Box .........................................................:................................................................5 30.20 ~ Contazner ..........................••-.............................................................................................$XX.70 ~ . NOTE: R.eturn ixips requirinb the special dispatch of a truck are considered speciai pic-ups and are charged ior under thc .provisions of Ztem 1.60 (Time Rates). . Tssucd by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager;~Paci£ic Northwest Market Area Issue date: • EQF~'.,RcO1AF_TCl4_E USE Ot'V.I.,.Y Docket: TC'r-0704I0 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tari.ff No. 15 Orie-iaia] Page I4o. 18 Cospany Na~-nelPezrnit NumbEr: Waste Mannagement of Washington, IncJG-237 - 1Zegistezed Trade Name: Waste Management of Srokane, Valley Crarbaje Service Co. anci Western l.tcfuse Co. . . . . . , 1~ Item 75 - Flat 11'Ionthlv CharLyes This rule applies in connection with Items 80, 90, 120,- I30, 240, 245, 250,-25 5, 260; 265, 270, and 275. A flat monthly charge may be assessed if computed as follows: ' (a) If weekly service is provided: iviultiply the rate times 4.33 and then rnultiply that fgure times the number of units picked up. . (b) Tf every odier week service is provided: Multiply tlie rate tiFnes 2.17 and then rnultiply that figure times tie nunber of uruts picked up. (e) For Items 244, 250, 260, a.nd 270: Fnr permanent, re;ularly sched=31ed pickups, a flat monthly cliarge may be assessed if comput..ed as foltows: a. For weekly serciice, each c„ontainer provided: i. TT monihlv rent is sliown: monthly rent plus (433 times pickup rate tixr,es iiumber of pickups per week) ii. If monthlv rent is not shawn: 1 st pickup rate pJu.s (33.33 tirnes additional picklup ratc) pius (4.33 tiTizes additional pickup rate times additional weekiy pic,kups). b. For. er•ery-other week service, each container provided: i. If monrhlv rent is shocvn: monthly rent plus (2.17 times pickup rat.e times nuxnoer af p=.c1_cups per wwk) ~ ii. If monthlv rent is not shown: I st pickup rate plus (1.17 tirnes additianal pickup rate) plus (2.17 times additional pickLip rate times additianal weekly pickups). Issued by: ilvfichael A. Weinstein; Seniar. Pricing Manager, Pacific Nardiwest Markct Area Issue date: - F-'M4AW1CIfLL USE DAT.LY Docket: 7,'G-0704I0 Effective Dnte: Mqy 1, 2007 TariffNo. JS • Ori6nal Pageltifo. 19 Coxvpeny \Tarne/Permit 14umber: Waste Managernent of ~~Vashingtan, IncJG-237 Registered Trade I~Tame: ~~aste Iv1anagenient ot Spokane, Valley Garbage Service.Co. aad Western Refuse Co. 1'tem SO - Carrv-out Service, 7)rive-Ins Coinpanies will assess the following additionat charges wken customers reyuest t:hat company personnel provide carrYyy-out service of ca-ns/units not placed at the curb, the alley, or other point where the company's veb.icle can be driven to Riithin five feet of tYte caAS/uu.its using ;mproved access mads commonly availaale for puhlic use. Driveways are not conside.red improved access roacis con-unonIy available i'or public use. . . Rate Char£;e fvr Carry--outs . " Residential Comrnercial . , Per LJnit, Per )?ickup Per Unit, Per Pickup Cans, units, mini-cans; 42' IRiCIb-if11I11 CaE1S ' - . that must be carried out over 5 feet, but • . not over 25 feet •$0.40 $ 0.40 T'or each additional 25 fcet, or.fraction of. • 25 feet;add $0.30 s 030 - NIOTE: The compatiy may elect Yo drive in at the rates shown above, except tne charge will be limiteci to one can, u.nit, mini-caas or micro-muu ca.n. Tf can.s, units, ma.ni-cans, or micro=mini cans are canied over 125 feet, hut are safely acccssible to the c.ompany`s vehicle, the drive-in charges shown below must be assessed instead. Rate Charge for Drive-ins (per pickup) l.Zesidential Commercial . Per Pickup, Per Pickup Drive-ius an driveways of over 125 feet, . but less than 250 feet .SI.50 S 1.50 Drive-ins on driveways of, over 250 feet, • but le.ss than 1/10 mile: S2.00 S2,00 For each 1/10 mile over 1/10 m.ile. $3.00 $3.00 I\iote: For the purptise of P-ssessin~ drive-in fees, a driveway is de,f.i.naci as providing access to a si.Eagle residence. if a driveway provfdcs access Lo multiple residences or account,s, no drive-in f.ees will be assessed. Issued by: Michael A. Weinsteiri, Senior. Pr.ici.ng Manager, Pacific Northwest lVlarkef Area Issue date: E~►';~eGqRP__1CIAL U,SF D.NLY Docket: ?'G-070410 ',~'eclive.Date: M. 'cry 1, 2007 'Cariff\o. ,l_5 • Orizinal Page 1,,To. 20 Company NamelPeFn►it Nunber: Waste Management of Washington, IneJG-237 ' Registered Trade Isjame: VJaste A7anaaement of Spol:.ane, Valley Garha.ge Seryice Co. and Westem Kefuse Co. . . _ . . . - ,i Iteut 90 = Can Carriage - Snecial SerFires . . Rate . Residential Cornmercial Per Unit; Pez Pickup• Per Unit, Pez Pickup Stai.rs or steps - for each step up or dawn' S0.06 ~ S0.06 ~ Overhead obsYructions - for each overhead obstruction less than 8 feet from - Lhe graund S 0.20 $0.20 - Sunke.n or elevated canslunits - for cans, units, mini-caais, or micro-mirs cans fUlly or partially under ground or over 4 feet . . a.bove groosnd, bufi not i.nvolving stairs or . steps ' $ 0.20 S 0.20 . . Issued by: N.l:ichael A. tjJei.nstein, Senior Yricizig Mxnager, Pacife 1l'orthwest Market Area , zssue a.ate:- . EfW9jRq%*_TCL4L usE OXLY Docket: T'G-0704I0 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 'Fariff Na IS ' Ori 6nal PageNo. 21 Company Naue/I'enuit NwnbeP: Waste Ma.nagement of Washi.ngton, 7ncJG-237 I7egistered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spoka.ne, Valley Garba;e Service Co. and Westeml2efvse Co. Xtem 100 -Residential Seivice iMouthltl Rates (Continued on nert 'Dage) Rfltes in this item apply: . . (1) To solid vq3ste collection, cubsids tecycling and yardwa-ste coll°-tion sei'vices for residenoa.l properly. 7"hv includes singie family clwellirigs, duplexes, aparxnents, mob:lc hotnes, oondorainiums. e%c., where service is biJled directly to the occupant of each residential uut; andlor (2) When required by a 1oca1 govci-Ament scrvicp- level ordinr.nce solid rvasta oolleetion, curbside recycling,and yxrdwaste service rzust be provid-ed for siDgle-fimily dwelliugs; duplexes, mcibile haFnes; condominiums aad aparlment buildijags - oglcss'tlian d res9dent[al units, where scrvice is billed Eo the property owner or managcr. Itates below a nnlv in the followina service aru►: The garbW senice rates apply to the service territory ori the aztached map desigiated as AppeaciiX S. Pursuant to the Spoka.r,e County "Recyclir,g Sesvice Level O:dinznce" as adopted aad cocified as Chapte; 8.58 ofithe Spokane County Code, the area dcscn- on the abtacbed map designated as Appendix la, is required to ;eceive recyc&g scrvice. , . . . 96 Cra-1]aaYardwaste Nurn)er o£1Jniis Or TyPe of Cra~oe Senricc - Rocyc,le Sevice Saa'voce Ra#e . Co~aines FY~~encY of ~xvice Ra1~ Ra~ (~o~ 4) (\ht;es 4, 5) , ~ 1 C<.n . wmR . I $6.10 S3.35 ~ $1125 Mni-Can(20 gallola) ~ . WGAXR I $925 . $335 I $12.25 . icail I tikGrwR $11.95 I $3_35 $iZZs 2 Caris I V4U/WR $18.45 ~ $335 $1225 _ 3 Cans •`VCvN'JR $24.95 ~ . S3.35 ~ $1225 q Cans VYCAVR I $31.45 I $3.35 1 $12-25 ~ cjm . • I. ~~r,'GVR - $37.45 ~ $335 I, $12.25 16 Cam, . ' ~ VJ~fiJR ~ 544.45 - ~ 5335 S12.25 ~ • . I 135 galloncart ~WJ'JR I $12.95 r $3.35 I S12.25 1164 zallan.caat ~ ~,~iZ I $5~.5 95 ~ 5335 ~ $12.25 1l_ 96 ;aileiz carl' FreqUency of Service Godes: WG=Weckly Crarhage; FQWG=Fvery Otber j4'eek Garbrge; MG='-%1onthly Garbage; VJR=Week.ly Recycling; EORa°Lvery Other Week Retycling;'A4R=Nsaridtiy Rec}'cling List atliers used: Recycling rates shown abova are subject to arecycling <credit>ldebit of <S0.46> per montli. Nates for this item are on page 25. Uescription/rules related to recycling program are shown on page 26. Descriptionlrules r.elated to yp-rdwaste program_ are shown on paae 26. Rec}'ctiu ;<credit>/debit adjustments above on this page expire: .Tulv 31, 2007 Issued by: Michael A. WeinstLin, Seniar. Pricing Manager., l'acif_ic Nortbwesfi Market ta.rea Issue tlate: LW'"=$OW1CIfLT., USE OAFLY Docket: TG-07041 U • Effective Date: lvfay 1, 2007 Tari.ffiNo. 15 . Or.i6nai Page I\io. 22 Company NlameJPerm;t Ntmber: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Na3ne: Waste 'Management of Spokane, V.aIley Garbage Sen~ice Co. and We~tem Refuse Co. , Xtem 100 - Residential Service 1VIontblv Rates (contiriued on next baae) Rates in this itcm appty: (1) To solid waste rAllecflon, curbside recycling (where noted) and yaxdwaste collection services (RAere note-d) for residential propercy. This includes single family dwell:ncs, dupiexes, apartnents, mabi3e hornes, condomi.niums,'etc., vrhere service is billed directly to the occu}3ant of each residential unit; and./or (2) When requircd by a local government service Icvel ordinance solicl waste caIlection, curbside reeycling, and yardwaste service must be provided for single-family dwetlings, duplexes, mobile hoznvs, condonziniums and apar(:nent buildings of Iess than S residential units, Nvhere service zs billed to the property owner or menager. lxatec below an»Iv in the TollofrinQ service area: Rur'c1 Spokan-e County as d.-scribed on the aitmcbed map-designzted as . Apneradix B. . . . . . Number of Units or Type of Confainer Frequency of Senrice Garbage Service Ra#e . 1 Can MG ~ $6.10 ~ Mini-Gan I - WG . ' $9.25 1 Can ~ VdG $11.95 . 2 Cans , . WG • N -$18.45 3 Cans . WG . ~ $24.95 , 4 Cans ~ WG ~ $31.45 5 Cans I• WG I $37.95 6 Cans ~ . WG • ~ $44.45 . 11 35 gallon cart - _ ~ • . • AQG $7.10 . I 11 35 gallon cart WG ~ $12.95 11 64'gallon cart WG $19.45 ~1 96 gallon cart ~ WG . ~ $25.95 ' Frequerlcy of 5crvice Gades: WG=Weekty Garisa,e; EOWG=Every diber Wee'tc G^arbage; MG=MonLily Ctarbage; ti«=Weejciy . Recycling; EOWR Every Other Week Recyciing; MK=Vfon.hly Recycling List others used; \TOtes £or this item are on page 25. Descripfion/rules re)ated to recyclirag program are shown on page nla. . Descripfionlr.vles related to yardwaste prQgratn are shown on page n/3. Issued by: MichaeI A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific NOrthwest IvZarket Area Issue date: E~~Rq" ICX4 L USE ONLY Docket: Z'G-070410 Effectzve Date: lVay 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Orieinal Page No. 23 Company ATamel.I'ermit Number: tiVasts 'Nfanagement of tVashingLorz, Inc./0-237 ~ Registeced Trade Name: V~Taste Mana.gement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service .Co.-and S'Jestem Refusz Co. Item 100 -12esidential Service Monthiv Rates (Con{inued on next aatye) Tt2tes in this itexn apply: . • ' • (1) To solid w2ste cpllection, curbside recycling and yzs~iwastc collection services for residential property. This ineludes s'ugle family dwellingi, duple.xes, apartm3ents, mobiie homes, caadominiuzris, etc., where scrvice is-bled directiy Uo the occupant of -ear,h residsntisl unifi ar-dFor . . (2) W'heo reqlairea by a local gove=_-nman4 scrvice ler•cl oreinance solid waste coileczaon, curbside recyclir:g, 2nd }srdwaste se*vice must be pravided for single-family dwellings, duplexes, raobile homes, condoiniaiums and anartlnent buildings of less than S res='denlial L.nits, wbere service is bil}ed Eo the property owaes or manapr. 2Zates beiow ann]v in the fol{owinA 5ervice .+rea: The garbage smicc rates a.pply bo ##ie service iGTFIOIy Oil YhC 3tIc1ChEd II58p desigaaied as Appeudix C. :l'ursuant to xhe Spokane County "Recycling'Service Level Ordinabce" as a.doptei3 and codified as CbapEer 8.58 of the Spoksnc Coubty Code, the area described on thc aitached map desi~paied as'!lppandix D, is requireri to receive;ecycliag smicc. , - . _ " - • 96 Gallon Ya:-dNvL4e NTiL~ of Units or T),p-- of CerhAge Seavice Recycle Servece - Sertice Ratv ' . Contaiiff Frequmcy Qf Service Rate Rate- (Note 4) (Notes 4: 5) L.Chn ~ WV%R. ~ $6.10 S3.35 ' $1225 Ivfini-Can(20 Won) $11.15 S335 $12.25 - - +1 Can , W&WR. ~ $14.10 ~ $335 $1125 12 Cans' ' ~ WCdN►'R ~ $20.60 ~ $335 S12.25 3 Chns ~ .Rffix~k'R ~ $27.10 S3.35 ~ S11b 4 Cans jt%CnR ~ $33.60 $335 $12.25 . 5 1~ ' WG+-WR . ~ . $40.10 ~ $335 S1225 " (6 Cam 'lWYVr'R. ~ $45.60 ~ S335 ~ $1225 , 1135 gallon cmt ~ A&WR $1.10. . ~ S3.35 ~ $12.25 - 1135 M.loncmt . . ( NVU4VR ~ $I5:10 ~ $335 512..25 164 gailon caA $21.6U ~ $3.35 - : $12.25 196 Wori cart ~ V~~~C,~~VI~ • SZ&.10 ~ S135 ~ $12.25 Frequcncy of Scrvice Car3cz: W~-N'Veef;3y GarUage; FQWG=Every O:her Week Gsrbage; VIG=Monthly Garbage; WR=Weeklg Recycling; EO';NR Every Orher WeEk Recyciiiig; NMR=Nanthl} Recyeliltp List others tised: Recycling rafes shown aYtovc are subject to a recycling <credit%/debit of <S0.46> per month. - IN'otes for this iteixi are on page 25. Descriptionlrtfles reIated to recycling program are sbown on page 26. DescriptionJrules related to yardwaste program are shown nn page 26. . ' Recycling <Grcdit>/debit adjustruents abovc on this page ezpire: Jiilv 31.2007 Issued by: Michael A. WeiListein, Senior Pricinb Nfanager, l?acific Nordi,,uest Market t1rea xssue date: .E~01JQW_T1W1C1AL USF OjVLY Docket: TG-0704I0 Effective Dare: lilay 1, 2007 TariffNo. IS . Orieinal Pa..ge No. 24 CompanyNanaeJPermitNwnber: Waste.Managemento£Washington, 1nc./G-237 12.egistered Trade Name: Waste Ivqanagement of. Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Wcstem Refuse Co. , xtem 100 - Residential Service Monfhlv Rates (ccantinued ott next page) R,ates a.n this ifi&m apply: - ' ' . . (1) 7'o solad waste collectiora, curbside recycli.Dg (wheie noted) and yardwaste r.ollectian services (Nvhere no`ved) for residential property. This includes single family_ dwellipgs, duplexes, apartments, mobile homes, condorni.i-dums; etc., where service is billeci directly to the occupant o£each residentia] unit; and/or (2) NY1hen required by a local governrnent service level ordina.nee sol.id waste collection; eurbside reeyclinQ, and, yardwaste service inust be provided for single-fa►-nily dwellings; duplexe;, mnbile homes, condominiu;ns and apartment buildings of less than 5 residential units, Nvheze ssrvice is biiled to the properly owner or manager. . , Rates Ueloiv anplv in the followina service area:, IZ.ural Spokane Cowaty as dcscribed on the atlached map . designated as A.ppezidix C. Number of Units or Type'of Con#ainer Frequency of Seivice - Garbage Service Rate 1 Can NiG • ~ $5.10 - Mini-Can I - WG • ~ • $11.15 . 1 Can ' - . I. WG - ~ $14.10 2 Cans ~ WG, ! $20.60 3 Cans . ~ - WG . ~ $27.10 . . 14 Cans WG . $33.60 15 Cans ' WG $40.10 T 16 Cans , WG . . ~ $46.60 1 35 g$Ilon cari MG I $7.10 1 35 gallon cart ' I VJG ' I $15.1D:.. 1 64 gaHvn cart • I VJG $21.60 1 96 gallon cart ~ WG $26:90 Fcequency of Scrvice CocTes: WG=V1'eckly Garbage; EOWG=Evecy Otficr 1Vicek Crubage; It4G=A•fonthly Garbage; WR=NVeekly . -Rccycliag; BOWR=Every Othcr Week Recycling; IVIR=Monthly Recycling . . List others used: ' I4otes £or th.is item aze on page 26. Descraption/rules related to recycling program aze shown on page n/a. 17escription/rules related to yazdwaste prograua are shown on page nla. Issued by: Michael A. Wei.nstein, Senior Priein; Manager, Pacifie iNorthwest Market A.rea J.ssue date: ~~M0A-R.fC.l'~L USE 01VLY . Docket: TG-070410 Effective Dute: !lg'ay 1, 2007 Tasiff No. I5 Origkal Page No. 25 Company NraznefPermjt Number: NVaste M:na.gepent of Wash.in~gtan, Inc.ICr-237 ' Registcred Trade Name: jt%aste IV.f.anagement of Spakane, Va11ey Crarbage Scrvice Co. a-nd Westem Refifse Co. xtem 100 - Residential Service - Rfonthtv Rates (continued) Voi.e 1: Customeis will be cha.t-gf:d f'oi service.requestetl even if fewer zuzits are pieked upon a particular trip. NTO credit will be given for paz-tiaily f lled cans. I`so credit will be gi~~en if customer fails to set receptacles out for cotlection. ~ . Note 2: For service more irequently tha.n weekly, inuttiply the above ratss by the number of tiraes per week service is requirecl. . NTote 3: A. re-delivc-y fee of S15.00will be assessedta cart customers wtiose service is diseantinued, foz non- pa}+ment or cart customers Nvha requesi re-delivery. See also Itcm 52. - Note 4: 1 or those customers who do not receive garbage service, add S1.00 to rhe raLes on pGge s 21 and 23 , for bot~ recycling ancl yard'waste services. -Note 5: The service rates apply only when ihe weekly colleetion of yard waste service is provided (Niarcll- NOVember). Customcrs will not be billeci for Yard Waste collection services -duriug tbe m.onths af December, Januai-y and February. ' • ' . . _ Note 6: Rcgu.larly scheduled yard waste customer wfio request an a.dditional 96 gallon cart will be assessed a monrliIy `ee of S, 5.95 for each additional cart requested. . Note 7: The charge for an occasional extra receptacle as described below on a re,gi:lar pickup is: , . . Rate per receptacle, per ' T}rpe of Service . Type of receptacle ` pic,kup • : ~ Gar~agc Collec:tiou + 32-ga11on can 'or uiiit ~ $ 3.25 I Yard Waste Couection . I 32-,al.iqn can or unit I $ 2.48 Issued by: iV~ichacl A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Paci€ic hTOrtEiwest Market flrea . Issue date: . . EBNM q%WjCL4_L USE O.t'~T, Y Docket: TG-070410 Effective 17ate: AAy 1, 2007 Tariff No. Or,'einal Page Nfo. 26 Comgany 'NTame/Penaiit 'Nlumber: Rtaste Management of WashF.ngton, IncaG-237 . Registerzd Trade iName: Vi'aste Management o£Spokane, Vailey Garhage Service Co. and Westem Refiise Co. . • - . . . Yfem 100 -Residential Service -1VIontLilv Rate,s (continvec3) , ' The curbsicie collectinn of rECyelable materials is provided to aU customers in the follovving service arrea: Pursuant to the Spokane County. "Recyclitig Sexvace LevelOtdi.nance" asadopred atid codified as Chapter 8.58 of the Spoksne Cow.riy Code, the are as contained in A.ppendix A a.nd as described on the attBChAd map ' designated as Appendix D, is required ta receive recycling service. • 'Z'be foIIowing is a description of the recyciinb progratn (type of containers, ~'rcquency, efe). The pro~~ram ' is provided in aceQrdance with the ordinances described above. The curbside collection of recyclable materials is prcivicied on a weekly basis to all cust..erners in the ahove service area. Fach customer is provided with one 14-gallon plastic'bin. The customer is reguested to place newspaper (inside paper bag) a:nd commingled adumi.num, tin, glass and plastic inside the bin at the curbside. Used household batficries are also ac.cepfed if they are placecl in a see-through plasiic bag with a seal and put on top of the bin so the driver can see chem. The sorCsng of the recyclable n~aterial is pei-£cii-med by the driver at the CUCb51dE: , SpECial rnles related to recycling programs: . Pick-up will be refuseri if cart andlor bi.n contiin trash, yard debris, oi other non-accepta.ble contaminants. Custorners.may obtain a current listang of acceptable recyclables and non-ace~ptable items upon reouest. Tbe folloiving is a description of the Yard Waste pi•ograin (type of containers, f.reque»cy, ete). The prograu7 is provided in accordaalce with.the ordinances described above. Yazd waste service is a sip-up progran that is provided on aweekly basis,•except during the rnonfhs o£ Dece, mber, January and kebruar.y when the service is provided on a monthly basis. Custonzers wh.o sign up f.or this program wf1l be provided with a 96-baLlon cart. ;L£additional 96-gallan carts are requested, an additional mflnthly fee will be;charged for eacb cart requested (See ~Tote 6 on page 25). Custorners wiill be bilded for Service 2t the applicabl.e rates only whei1 service is provided.on a weekly basis. (See Note 5 on gage 25) Special rules rclated fa Yard Waste pi•ng7am: . Yard waste minot be ui plactic bags. Pick-up will be refuseci if container eontai.ns any trash or o'Lher ' contaminants. Customers may obUtin a ciFrrent listing of acceptable yasd dehr.is upon request Tssued by: Michael A. Weinstein,'Senior Pricing Manager, Paci.fic \orthwest Market Area , Issue date: EfPFOj1Ze"i'CfA.L USE OArLy vocker: TG-070410 E.f ective Date: -Avlay 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Ori zinal Page i~TO. 27 . Company Name/I'ernut iNumber: Waste Management of Washiugtan; Inc./0-237 Registered Trade Naine: Waste NianaDeznent of Spo_karic, Valley Garbage Service Co: a.nd Westem Re'tdss Co. . Item 105 - Mulfi-familv Re.sidential Rates (comqanv-owned earbaoe container) - ner pick uT) RatQS in this item app1y: • (1) "Multi-Family Srrucrures°° es defaned in Spoi:ane Count-y Resolution \70. 920645 as follows "Any stnxcturt: housing 5ve or more units or zny p, emisss used for residcntial purposes not iaclud'-_ci elsewhere." (2) 'Ihe raAes and charges cantained in this iiem are to be added to mose rates charged in Itrza Nlos. 240, 245, 255, 260 snd 275 af this tariff. - Rates below :;nplv in t6e folloFVina scmice area: Puri,ant to the Spokane Cowty `'Rccycltng Scrv;ee Level Ordigarice" as adoptei and codffied as Cbapter 8.58 of rize Spokane County Code, the area contained in Appetdpc A and as de-scribed on the aitachsd rua~desi-aated as App°ndix 17, is required io recci~~e recycling servicc. . ~ Sizc or 1"ype ofContaiaer 64 GP-l 96 Ual , Service Typs Can Carc •Carc I Yard 1.5 Yatd 2 Yzrd 3 Yard 4 Yard , 6 Ya.rd K Ysrd Permanenf Service: Moath,ly Renr, if applicablc FirstPickup I S 0.09 50.18 ~ $0.27 ~ $0.63 S0.95 I $1.26 ( $1.89 I $2.52 I $3.78' I $5.04 • Each Additional Pickup $ 0.09 S 0.18 $ 0.27 $ 0.63 $ 0.95 $ 1.26 S 1.89 $ 2.52 $ 3.78 $ 5.04 Spacial Picki3ps S 0.09 $ 0.18 S 027 $ 0.63 $ 0.95I$ 1.261 $ 1.89 S 2.52 I$ 3.7$ $ 5.04 Termuorarv Service: Initial Delivery Charge _ Pic'icup Charge S 0.09 $ 0.18 S 0.27 $ 0.63 S 0.95 S 1.26 $ 1.59 $ 2.52 $ 3.78 $ 5.44 Net Commodi4y Price See I`TOte SceNote See \~ote See \'ote See Note 5ee Na`e See Note Sec NoEe Sec NloTe See Note • Adiustment per Pickiip 3 3 3 3 3 3 _ 3 3 3 ,3 Note I: Permanent Scivice: Se;vice is def'ined as po less xhan schedialed, every other wvak I>ickip, tanless Iocal gavernment . requires more ~Tequcnt sarvice or unless pulrescibles are invalved. Customer witl be chuged for service re~qucstal, even if fe~ver canfainrss ere serviced on a partictFlar irip. No credif well be givett for p2riially fiiled containers. Note 2: PermFnent Service: If rent is shown, tfie raie for thc first nickup and each addirion3l piclwp must be che same. Tf rent is not sho-vvn, it is to be 9ncludecl in the rate for ihc ftrst pFCkup. , Note 3: Nei Commodi3y Price Adjustment per Pickup will be a credit of 60.09> per yard. Customers whose service is less than one yard will rcccive a credit on a pro raf3 poriiea of ayard. . Customers w1ta have garhage eollecuon sedvices reflected in Itcros 255 and 275 will receive a crcdit o£<S0.27> per yarci par pickup. " • Note 4: Customers who h3ve garbagc colleetion services reflected in Ttems 240, 245 and 250 wi)1 bc chatged foa recycling serv=ces at the ra;e of 50.63 per y~cl per p;ckup. Cwtomers who have garbage collectian services reflected in Items 255 and 275 will be charged for recycling services 2Y thc rate of S1.89 per yard per pi-c}cuip. • Description/rules relaLed to recycling pragraat are sbovm on page Z$. " 12ecycling =credit>/debit adjnstments above on this page expire: Julv 31, 2007 Tssueci by: Mieha,el A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Nlarket Area . Xssuc date: E~~~eMWCI.QL USE ONLY Docket:..TG-070410 Effectzve Date: 11Iay .l, 2007 Tarifi No. 3_5 Original P2ge No. 28 Company \Tame/Petin.it I,,TUmber: N'Jaste Management of Washingfon, rncJG-237 Registereci Tra.de Name: Waste IManagement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westzrn Re_fuse Co. 1 ; Item 105 - Mu1ti-familv ResidEnfial Service (confinued) Tfie curbside collection of recyclabie materiais is provided to zll. customers in the following servlce drea: Pursuant to the Spokane Coianty `Recycling Service Level Ordir.ancc" as-adopted and codified as Chap.er 8:58 of the Spokane County Code, the areas contai.ned i~-~ Appendix A a.nd as described oii the attached map -.desigraa,.,zd as Appendix D, as required to.receive recycling service. Tlae following is a deseription of Yhe recycling program (tppe of containers, frequeney, etc). 'I'he program is p;ovided in accordance with the ordinances described above. The collecf-on of recyclable materials is provided on a weekly basis to all multi-faLnily customers who sign u.p for the service. Custorners wha sign up for the prog..rarn will subscribe for the number of 35 gallon carts desired and st,rategically placed within their complex. Tbe customer is requested to place newspaper, mixed waste paper, aud bottles aald cans separately into eacli designated cart provided. Special rule.s rclated to recvclin-a" proQram: ,:l'ick-up will be refused if recycli~-ig containers contains trash, yard debris, or otfier non-zcceptable contaminants. Customers may ob+.ain a current listirig of acceptable recyclables and non-acceptable items upon reqtaest . ' - - Snecial rules relatetl to recvclintz oroaram: . Pick-up will be reCused if cecycling eontainers contaizis trash, yard debris, or other non-acceptable eontaminants.. Customers may obtain a current listing oi 2cceptable recyclables and non-acceptable items upon rec;,uesr. , Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Mana;er, Pacitc Northwest Market Area Tssue dL-te: EfWAqYA1EICI4L US.E 01EY Docket: TG-070410 . . E'ffective Date: J167y 1, 2007 Tariffl`fo. 15 . Orizina] PageNo. 29 Cornpany Natr.e/Pernvt Num'uer: Waste lVianageinent of Waskiington, Inc./0-237 ' Registered Tra.de Name: Wa.Ste M2nage~i~ent of Spokane, Valley Garbage.Service Co. asad Western Refiise Co. Item 1211- Drums . 'rype,of Service ~ Rate Per Drum, Per I'iclcup ~ . Regular Route Servir,e I $ . . . Special Pickup. 1$ ttem 130 -Litter Receoraeles and Lit-ter x'oters Gusionaei-owried ReceDtacle R.ate Per Recewaclc, Per Pi.ck-up I Size or Type: Size or'l"Ype: ~ . . ' . Company-owmecl Recepfiaele ' • Sizz or Type: 64 Gal Toter I Size or T'yne: 96 Gal'l°ater Xtem 150 -.T.:oQSe and F3ulkv Material Speeial triw: Time rates in Ttem 160 apply. . - Re~-Yular Route: . . Additional cubic Carry Charge l. to 4 cubic yards yards M:nimum Charge Per eacl,i 5 feet ovec Rate per Yazd Rate per Yard Per Pickup 8 feet ~ Bulky materials ~S13.95 I $13.9-5) I S 13.95 ~S 6.40 Loose material (Customcr.load) s • ~ s ~ . Loose material (Company load) $ z(.$0 S i6.80 $ .1.6.80 $ 9.Q0 . Issuetl by: Michael A. Wei.nstein, Senior Pricing lvfanager, :l}acific I4octhwcst Iv.Xarker Area Lssue date: EQ-FqR°FjCIAL US.E 4NLY Docket: 1'G-07041D , .~',f'j'ectiveDate: May 1, 2007 Tariffl`'o. 1_5 Orip-inal Page Na. 30 Compaay iNamelPcrm.it?Juumber: Waste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 Registened Trade Name: Waste 1Vraaegement of. Spokane, Valley Crarbage Service Co. ancl Western Refuse C4. . , _ . , - • • , , Ttem 160 - Tim e :k2ates When.time rates apply. Time rates named in this Ztem apply: (a) `7Vhen material inust be 1'aken to a special site fo'r disFosal; (b) When a company's equipment must wait at, or rettim to, a customer's site to provide sehecluied servirP due 'Lo no disability, fGa,alt, or negligence on ihe part of the compa.hy. Actual waiting tima or tis-ne talcen in returrei.ng to the site will be charged for; or (c) When a customer orders a single, special, or emergency pic}cup, or when otner items in this tariff rzfer to this Item. , . l:l:ow rates arc recorded and charged. Time must be recorded and charged for to xhe nearest fncrebnent o£ 15 minutes. Ti.me rates apply foz ¢.he*periad from d1e time the corupany's vehicle leaves the coinpany-'s ternzinal until it rewrns to fhe term.inal, exctuding intemiptions. A.n interruptian is a situation causing stoppaje of service ihax is in the cor,trol of the compatiy and not in the control of the customer. Examples include: coffee ~ brealcs, tunch brealcs, breakdown of equipment, a:nd simil.ax occurrences. ~ Aisposal fees i.n adclition fo time rates.. Item 230 dFSposal fees for the specific disposal site oe f.acjlity u.sed wilI apply in 4dditaan to time rutes. Rates per hour: ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ • Rate Per Hour ~ Each Ectra Miriimum T}rpe of equipment ordemd Truck and driver person ' Char;e Sinale rear drive ax1e: Non-ppcker truck S 6G.40 S 26.50 . $ 66:40 ~ packer firuck 66.40 ~ 2_6.50 ~ $66.40 nrop-box truck $ 66.40 $26.50 $66.40 Tandem rea.r drive axle: Non-packer n-uck S 66.40 5 26.50 66.40 . Packer tzuck S 66.40 S26.50 -S.66.40 ~ Drop-boX truck $66.40 $ 26.50 ' $ 66:40 Issued by: Iviichael A. WEinstein, Senior Prieing Vlanager; Pacific NTort$west N'iarket Axea . ~ Issue date: EMMAC01-41welCm USB OIV.L.Y Docket: TG-070410 . Effective.laate: ?vlay 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Ori Lrinal Page No. 31 C:ompany Uame/PernSt Nunber.: Waste Management oF VJashingtorz, Ivc.lG:-2.37 Registered Tr~de iNamc: Wastf: Manageanent of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refiis~ Co. ften,i 200 Containers Zndlor Dran Boxes - General.Rvles Availabitity. A compa.ny must znaintain a supply 'of all sizes of conttiiers and drop baxes ior which rates are listed in this tariff. If a customer requests a confainer or drop box af a sizz listed in the coTnpany's tariff, and the company is unable to Provide the requested sizc within 7 ciays of the custozner requzst, the custorner must be notifed in u7iLing Qr by telephone. AlYernate-sized containers andJar drop baxes. Ifrhe company cannotprovide the requcsted-si-zed container or drop box (and that size is lisred in the company's ia.ri$), thc company must provide alternate-sized conta- izicrs or drop boxes, sufficient to mest the capacity ari,ginally requesteci by the customer, at the smme rates as would have applied for the requested confainer or drop box. Disposal fces dve on alternate-si7ed drop boxes. If the campany providcs alternate-sized drop boxes, the customer is responsible for all laH,fully applicable disposal #'ees zesuIting £rom the use of the altemate drop boxes. 12Afes on partially-filled confainers amd/or drop boxes. kull pic.kup" and rental rates apply'regardless of the aniount a£waste material in the coutaiuer or drop box at pickup time. Rates for eompacted materiais. Rates for compacted material apply anly when the material has been compa.cted before ib pickup by the eompany. Rates foi- loose material. Laose material durnped i.nto the coi-apany's packer truck is subject ta the rates for non-compaciad mGterial even though the material may be corr,pacted Jafer in the packer iruek. :f?ermanent and terraporary service. 'Z'he following ruIes appIy: (a) If a customer requcsts a cokt-iiner ar drop. bok for iess than 90 days, the cmtomer will he billed at temgorary service rates. (b) If a temporary service custamer natifies the campany that it bas decided ta retain the cnntainer ar drop boh for mare thQn 90 days, permanent service rates will-bc kssessed from the 91 " day until the end of the period the custoiner retaius the container or drop bdx. (c) JI a customer requests a container or cirop box for more tfYan 90 days, the customer will be billed . . under germanent rates. If that customer cancels ser,vice be.f.ore the end of thc 90-day period, the compaiiy rnay not rebill the customer at temparary service rates. The iaztent of the customer at the time service was requested applies. Issued by: Atichael A. Weiiistein, Senior 1'ricing Ivlanager, Pacific vorthwest M3rket Area Yssue date: J'-'fi9RQ0MICl4L USE OhEY - Docket: TG070410 Ef~''ective .Date: Ma.y 1, 2007 TariffNO. 15 Orip-iDal Page No. 32 Compaay Name.IF'ermit ~Iumbez: Wast.e 1Vl2.nageynantof Washington, IncJ0-237 . Registered Trade Name: Waste vlanagementof Spokane, Va11ey Cr2ruage Service Co. ancl VJestezu Refuse Co. . . _ , .T,tem 205 - Roll-Out Charaes - Containers, automateci cart's. and toters, Charges for containers. The compa.ny will assess roll-out charges tivlnere, due to circumstar.ces outside the control of the driver, the driver is required ;n move a container more than fve feet, but less than 25 £eet, in order to reacb ihe truck. 'I1ie charge for this roll-out"serviceis: S 2.10 per container, au?omaied cart or toter, per pickup Qver 25 feet, the charge will be,the charge for 25 feet, plus S 0.50 per 'iiicrement of 5 feet. ' Xtem 207 - F;xcess ti'Veieht- Reiection of T1nad. Cbarge,s to Transnort The cflrnpa.ny reserves the right to reject pickup of any container, stationary packer, or dzop box ~uhich, upon reasanable inspectioii: . (a) Appears to be overloaded; . (b) Would catLSe applica.ble vehicle load litnitations,to be exceeded; , (c) NVould cause the comgany to violate loaci lirnitations or safe vehicle opez°ation; andJor (d) W ould negatively irngact or otherwise damage road surface integrity. For the purposes of ttus rariff, the following maximum weights apply: _ Type/Size of lviax.imum Weight Type/Size of 'Maxin-lum Weight ` Cont,ainer, DrQp Box, A1lowance Container, Drop Box, A.llowance , Toter; or Cart (in pounds) Toter, orCart (in pounds) Carts-~A.11 Sizes I 200 lbs. ~ I . 1 to 6 yd. 1;200 lbs. ~ 17rop Boxes - All•Sizes . 20,000 lbs. ~ Cherfilled or avcryN,eight, charges if transported. If the container., drop bax, toter, or cart exceetls the limiL's staied above, is filled beyond fihe niarked fiIl line, or the top is unable tv be claseci, but the company h'ansports the materials, the following additional charges will apply: Type/Size of Charge Type/Size of Charge . CanLainer, Drop Box, - Container, ]7rop Box, Toter, or Cart 'Totex, or Cac-t I yard 75.00 per pickup ~ 3 yard compactor S 150.00 per pickup ~ 2 yards ~ $ 100.00 per pickup 4 yar.d compactor $ 200.00 per pickup ~ ~ 3-8 yards ~ S 200.00 per nickup ~ . Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior pricing iVlanager; Pzcific Northwest iYfarket Area l:ssue date: ~~~Re0W1CI4L tISE Ol~rLy Dacket: TG-070410 Effective Date: 11fay 1, 2007 Tariff\To. 15 Original Page No. 33 Compauy ItiTame/Perm.it \7umber: VJaste ManG.gement of LVashuia- ton, IncJG-23 ) 7 ' Registered Trade \7azne: Waste Tvlanagement of. Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westem Reru.se Co. Ifem 210 - Washing and Sartitizine Cnntainers and/or Dron }3oze5 Upon,customer request, the compat7y Fvill provide washing, steam cleani.ng anti saautizing serviea at ibv follawing rates: . . . Size or Type of . . . . . Container or Drop a3ax Rate Minimum Charge A.1] Sizes -Ste=m Cleaning $ 5.50 - per yard I 'S 1:1.00 f A11. Sizes -Sanitizing ~ S 3.10 per Yard I $ G.20 - . I ' Ttem 220 Comoactor ;l7ental Customers must pay the f.ollowin ; additional cha.rges for compactors furnishcd by the c.ompany. Ch,arges named are for compactors only and do not include drop box or contazner charges. See iteius 250 and 274 for container cha.rges. Customers must pay the costs o€ installation. Raterl cLPbac yard r Capacity Qf, cbarpe box Ivlonthly rcntal charge: - I cubic yard ~ $ • , 2 cubic yards ' 3 culiic yards ~ $ ~ 4 cubic yar.ds ~ Issued by: M.ichael A. Weinste;in, Senior Pricinb a Ivfanaper, Paci~ic NorthvvesC Vfar3cet Axea b . Issue date: Eff"eCWfCI.AJ.. USE O1VL1' . Docket: ?'G-070410 jUective Date: Mrry .l, 2007 TariffNo. 15 Orip-inal Pa.ge No. 34 Company NamefF'erm.ii I4wmber: Waste Vlanageanent of Washington, IncJG-237 ement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westem Refuse*Co. Registered Trade Name: Waste Manag Iter.n 230 - Disnosal Fees . Cha.rges in this item apply when other items in the tariff specifically refer to this item. Disposal site (name or locataon) Type of Material I Fees for dis-oosal Spokane 'Y`ransfer Sfiation MSw • . _ ~ S 103:00 per ton I . _ . . . _ , ~ ~ - • . ' . Spokaue Waste-to-Enexgy mSw ~ S 98.00 per ton I . ~ Sunshiaae Recyclers MSw $103.00 peer ton ~ ~ Graham Roa.d Laudf.tll CDL Waste I S 32.00 per ton • . ~ Tndustrial Processing V►raste $ 24.05 per ton ~ Foundry Casting Sla~ $17.00 per ton ~ I . ~ I ! I Sfate whether fees are per yzrd, per tan; etc. Include chargcs assessed for special cornmodities (tires, appliance5, asbestos, ete.) or special cond;tions at each specife disposal sitc. Attach additional sheets as necessv,ry. , Tssued by: Michael A. Weinstei,a; Sen.ior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Ivlarket A.rea Issue clate: . F-~1~@eOZUCIA1 USE O!'JLY ' Docket: Z-`G-070410 Eff'ective Date: May 1, 2007 Tarff'NTO. 15 Orieinal Page No. 35 Compapy NamelF'ei-rmit I~°umber: Waste Management of DJashington, IncJG-237 ~ Registered Trade Na:me: Waste 'Management oi Spokane; Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. f item 240 - Contai.ner Scrv-ice - Dvmued in ComDanv's Vehicle N16n-C,ompa.cted Material (Campany=owncd cont;iiner) •Rates stated pei contairier; per pickup Rates in this item appty: . (1) In the following servic° area: 1he service arza as described in Appe.ndix A. -Si•r,e or Type of Container . • Servicc 35 Gal 64 Gal 95 Ga! . Typc Cart Ca.rt Cart 1 Yerd 1.5 Yard 2 Yard 3 Yard 4 Yard b Ya.rd 8 Yaxd '~rmanent ' . . Sen-ice: ' Mont3ily Rcns i-f appPicable $6.00 $6.40 $7.30 • g8.40; S9.50 S12.50 S 15.60 Pict Up • - Cha,-g-- $3.40 S6.00 $8.65 $13.95 $19.95 $24.95 S34.45- $41.95 556.95 S68.45 5pscial Pic;cug Charge $6.40 $9.00 511.65 526.95 $22.55 527.95 S37.45 $44.95 S59.95 S71.45 T norarv Servicc: L:itieF Deliv:ay . . . . , Cargc • S'44.00 S40.00 540.00 $40.00 • S40.00 540.00 540.00 Pick Up Cha~,~ I ( • I 526.45 g?2.'95 537.95 S47.45 I $54.95 $69.95 $81.45 RentPcrDay Sl.(}0 S1.10 $1.20' Si.60 S1.90 g2.10 52.60 \7ote 1: Perroanent ServECe: Service is defmed as no less tfia.a scheduIed, evey otbar week pickup, vniess ]acc21 govertuncLt requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles sre involved. Customer wii] be cbarged for service rer{ueslec' even if feNver centainers are serviaezt an a part-cular trip. No creciit will be miven for partially .5l[ed containers. Note 2: Pennanent Se=vice: Tf rent ils shovra, the rate for the first p-tckun and each additional pickup musY be ihc same.* If rent is not shown, it is to be iacluaed in thc safe ior the first pickup. Accessurial charges assessecl (lids,.tarping, unloctdno, vnlAtclung, etc.): Note 3: A gate or obstruction charge of $10.60 will be as;essed for ogen.i_ng, unlocking oi closing gates, or mnving obslructions in ordei to pick up solid waste. No#e 4: In addiuon tn a.ll otaeF applicable Gharges, a•charge of S13.95 per yr..rd (assessed on a pro rata basis) wil.( be , assessed if cant.ainers aa-e filled past their visible full lizait, container lids v; lll ri0t c105C c#ue t0 OVBrfilli]]g, Or if aaiiitioztal materials aae placed on or near che contai.ners. Issi!ed. by: Richac111. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Paci.fic NOrthwest Market tLrea Tssue date: ~~gRq3~1F,[CI4L- USE O1JLY Daclcet: TU-070410 ~'ffective Date: A7rzy 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Orio-inal Pa~;e No. 36 Company NameJl'ermit ?\zumber: Waste Management of Washington, Lnc./G-23 7 ' , Registereci Tradc I~Tame: Wa.ste Ivfanagement of Spflkane, ValIey G-asbage Servyce'Co, and Western hZefuse Co. - Xtem'245 - Contai.ner Service -pumpeci in Companv`s Vehicle Non-Compacted Niaterial (Customer-owned container) Includes Commercia] Can Service R-ates stated pcr container, per pickup ua]ess otherwise noted Rafies in this item apply: ' , . .(1) l.n the foilowung service area: The service a=ea zs.described in Appendix A. . : ~.Permanent Service ~ 32-gallon can or uriit ~ . ~ Each Scbeduled Pickup S3.15 Ivlinimum Charge ger , montti . $18.90 ' • . ~ Ternporaiy Service . . . , _ . _ . . . , ~ Pickup Rate ~ S3.15 f . ' NTote 1: Permanent Service: Service is defined as no tess rha.n scheduled, every, other week pickup, unless loczl gavernment requires more frequent service or wiless putxescibles tire involved. Custamer wi11 b;. chn..rged for service requested, even if fewer cbntainers arE serviced on a particular trip. No credit wilU ~ be given for parEially filled containers. Issued by: Michae] A. Weinstei.n, Senior Pricing 1vianager, Pa.ci.fic INTOrthwest Iviarket Area :fssue date: . EfWO:~qMy&jCL4f USE 01VLY . Doekei: TG-070410 , Ff ective Date: lvfay 1, 2007 'C'ariffNo. 15 . . Ori.mnal Page No. 37 Company Nanie/Perrasit Niunber: NbTaste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 ' R.egis`tered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Sei-vice Co. and Western itefuse Co. Item 255 - Container Servi ce -17umped in Companv's Vehicle Compacteri tilateriel (Customer-owUed container) Ratcs stated per container,'per pick up Rates in this item appty: . (1) In ihe follow;.ng servyce area: 7be service area as described in ApFendix A. ~ Permanent Service I Size of Container. I ' 2 Yard .3 Yard 4 Yard I 5 Yard 6 Yard 'F,ach Scheduled :Pickup 1 S71.95 ~ S103.95 $134.45 S162.75 . $195.45 + Specizl Pickups ~ $74.95 S106.95 S137.45 $165.75 S19$.45 ~ •Nate 1: k'ermaneni Service: Service is defined as no less than* scheduled, cvery other waekpickup, unless lacal governnient requires inore f.requent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Customer wi1] be charged for service requested, even if fewer containers are serviced on a parlicular b°ip. I,TO credit will be given for partially filled containers. , Accessorial charges ttsse,.~sed (lids, taruinLy, nnloclting, unlatching. etc.): Note 2: A gate ar obsLrtzction chaFge of S10.60 will be assessed f.or opan.ing: unlocking ar ciosing gafes, or moving obstructions in order to pick up solid waste. • NTote 3: A fee of S16.40 pcr pick up will be assessed when containers with at~ched compactors require discotuiecting or reconnecting. ~ Issued by: MicIlael A. NVeinsteici, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific vorthwest ARarket'Axea Issue ctate: Efl)F&q' Te-ICLAL USE.ONLY .17ocket: TG-070410 E.ffectivp D ate: llftry .1, 2 G07 'Cariff NTO. la • Original Page No. 3$ Company Namel.Pei-mit Numbes: Waste Mana;eFnent o£ Washington, :Cnc./G-237 Registered Trade I~~ame: Waste Management of Spokanc, Valley C-arba.ge Service Co. and Westem Refuse Co. ~'-'-l • '~l ' 'Item 260 -Z7ron'Box Service-To Disnvsal Site and Refurn NTOn-Cumpactod Material (Company-owned drop box) TZates sta.ted per drop box, per pick up Rates in tbis itetn apply: (1) T.n the followang service az-ea: lbe service area as described in Appendix A. , Size or Tyge of Container 10 Yard ~ IS Yard I 20 Yard• ~ 25 Ysr+d 27 Xard ~ 30 Ya,-d I 40 Yaid Permanent Service: ' • • A2onthfy Rent, if'applicable $33.90 $37.50 $44.60 . $57.10 $58.90 . S60.$0 $74_30 Firs#Pick-up 1 • $65.10 $65.10 S65.I0 $65.10 S65.10 S65.10 $65.10 Fach Addirional Pickup . I $65.10 S65.10 $65.10 I S65.10 $65.10 I $6510 I 56510 . SpecialPiclcups $68.0 568.10 568.14 $68.10 • $68.10 $5$.10 S68.10 TMnurarv Servic;e_ 1'nitial Delivery $40.00 $40.00 S40.00 $40.00 $44.00 S40.00 $40.00 PickupRate S55.10 585.10 S85.10 $85,10 $85.10 S85.10 S85.10 RentPerCaletidarDaY $2.30 ' $2.5 0 $3.00 $3.80 $3.90 $4.10 55.00 _ Note 1: Rstes in this item are subjsct tv disposal fees named in Item 230. Note 2: Rates nazved in this item apgiy ior all hauls not exceed'usg 5 miles measwed fron the point of pickup to tme disposal site. Lxcrss m,iles sbali be cha.rgcd for at S 3.70 pEr rnile or fraction of amile. Niileage charge is in addition to all rcgiflas cbarges. Note 3: Permancnt Service: (a) Service is defined as no less :han scheduled, opcc a montb pickup, ualess local govenuneat reguires more frequenr sendce or unless putrescibles 2re involveci. (b) Tf a dsop box is retaiDeri hy a custoiner for a full rnonth and no gickups a; e ordcred, the monthly rent shail be chargtxi, but no cbarges will be assesscd ior pick-sips. Monvhly rcnial cbaFges wvi be prorated a°ben a irop box is re4ained for only a porcion af a month. (C) Ff rent is shovvn, the rate for ;hc E'ust pickup aad eac}a additional Pickup mtst be the szme. If rent is not showu, jt i's to be iucluded in the rate for iha first pickup. Accessori91 chxrpes assessr_d (lids. taroinr. nnlocking. unlatchin~*, etc.): Note 4: A gate er obstmcfion charge of S10.60 wijl be assessed for opening, u4lorking or clQSing gaies, or moving obstruciions in order #o pick up solid waste. . I`Tote 5: A iee of 521.00 per month will be added to rent when lid is reqLiired on containers over 15 yarcL. Note 6: A fee of 514.40 will be assessed wben customer rec{uires solid waste oollaction cornpany #o position lids opea a-fier returning empty contair,er to custorner sice. ' Tssued by: 1fichaei A. Weinstein, Seniar Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest vlasket Area Isgue date: . ~~~Re0]A71CIAL US.E ON'LY . Docker: TG-070¢I o . ' E. f 'ective L7ate: May 1, 2007. rariff'No. 15 . Ori6nal l'agelTO. 39 Coinpaay Na.me/Permit Number: Waste Mana.geanent of Washar,gtan, Inc.lG-237 ' Registered Trade-Name: Waste Mana.gement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and VJestern Refuse Co. Tfem 275 - Dron Box Service - To bisnosal Site and ReYurn Compacted Materia] (Customer-oamed drap box) Rates stated Per drop box, per pick up Rates in this item appl}: . (1) In the following szrvice arza.: The service area as de,cribecl in Appendix A. Size or Type of Coueaimer . 10 Yard 15 Yard . 20 Xard 25 Y~rd I 30 Yard I 40 Yard Perrnanent Service: Each Scr,eciuled PickLp S92.10 $92.10 $92.10 $92:I0 $92.10 • $92.10 Special l'ickups 592.10 $92.10 $92.10 .592.10 $92.1.0 . $92.10 Ternporary Service: ~ . Pickup Rate ~s Ns iS 1$ ~ Is"otc 1: Rates in this iteiu are subject to disposal fees named in Itexn 230. Note 2: FLates narnecl in tlus item apply f.or all ]Zauls r,ot exceeding 5 miles Yneasured fiom the point of pickup to rhe disposal site. Excess n-Liles shall be eharged for ai S 3.70 ver m.ile or £caction of a mile. IvYileage ' charge is in additioa to all ze;sIar charges. NQta 3: Per[17aFlent SErViCE js defined as na l.ess than scheduled, onee a monrh pickup, unless local government require5 more frequent servicc or unless putrescibles are involved. Accessorial cbarqes assessed flids, t3YD1Ilg, unlockini-,. Lznlatchina, ete.1: Note 4. A. fee o£S16.40 per month will be assessed wheii containers wirli attached campactors rNiaia'e disconnecti,ng, recflnnecting ar iuming arou.nd. iNote 5: A gate ar obsiruction charge o£ $10.60 will be assessed for opening, unloc!:ing or ciosing gates, or moving obsu-uctions in order to pick up solid waste. Tssued by: M:ichael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing iManager, Pacific Northwest Ivyarket Area CA!k[CXA.G r1sE ORE Y Jssue clate: . E~~qq Docrcet: TG-1170410 Effective D«te: May 1, 2007 Tariff 1TO• 15 . OriOnal Page NO. 40 Co;n.pany I~IamelPermit Number: Waste Ma..n3gement of,Washi.ngton, l:ncJG-237 Registered Trade ~lame: Waste Mariagement of Spakane, Vauey Giirbage Service Ca. and NVestefn R.efuse Co. . . . , . - ' ~ ~ • . , Item 300 -:List of Abbreviations and Svmbols Used in This'Z`arifr (A) Denotes increases. . . . (R) l7enoties decreases. - .(C) Denotes changes in warding, resulting in ueither i.ncreases noi decreases. •(iV} Denotes new rates, service.s, or nules • *"Denotes ihat material previously shown has been deleted.. Yd. or yd. are abbrcviations for yard Cu. or cu. are abbreviations for cvbic. Zssued by: M:ichaeI A. "4jeinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific NOrthwest Viarket Area • . ry} Xssue date. E~OWcOM[CLAI'.. ~'1.~E 0j`rLY Docket: T, G-0704.10 Fffective Date: ?llay 1, 2007 CI'TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planoing Commission Actioa MeeUng UAte: Navctnber 7, 2007 City Managcr Sign-otf: Item: Check All that appty: ❑ conscat ❑ old businwss 0 ncw business ❑ pwblic hearing ❑ infomiation ❑ udmin. rcport ❑ pending Icgislation AGENDA TTEM TI'I'LE: First Rcading Proposcd Ordinancc 07-024, proposed right-of-wsy vacation request (SN-04-07) tu vacate right-af-way 9 feet by 109 linear feet along Evergrecn Avenue abutting parccl 45143.9278 (parent parctl of Lot 3 of BSP-0 1-06). PREV10U5 ACTION TAKEN: City Council adopted Rcsolution No. 07-015 on August 28, 2007 setting the daUe for a public hearing. The Planning Commission votod 6-0 to approve thc aitached findings and recommend canditional approval of thc vac:ation. Prescnted administrutive report to City Council an Octuber 23, 2007. ~ • - ' - . . - - ~ ~ C!~ e' S~e►a.e Ys~~ • I I ~ I._ POtCl017 Of EYCfgft'Cn ROSd [iGqUC3tEd IO be VflCB[e(L ~ ~ - - • I r . BACKGRUITND: 'The aQplic:ant Bill Broaks of L' & S Development, LLC owncr of parrtl 45143.9278 cequesLS a vncation f'or a puttioa of Evergreen Avenua approximately 9 fcet by 109 lincar fod. The nbutting psrcel is newly created Lot 3 of 13SP-01-06 rccordcd on Mamh 27, 2007 with the Spakane Cuunry Auditor's Office. UY'TION: l. Advancc the ordinancc to n second reading at next City Council Meeting 1-27-07) 2. I3rny; or 3. 5chcdule a public hearing thai will be conducted 20 days after noticing in the mail, on-site and pasted threa canspicuous places in tho City. RECOMMENDATION: Move to advance ordinance 07-024 to a second reading SZ'Ak`F CONTACT: Kflren Kendall, Assis-tttnt Plarrnrr A'ITACnMEN'TS: Exhibit l : Staff Report F_uhibit Z: Findings and KecumnienJ;►[iuns Io theC5V Piannin:,,'t-N!nf>>i,,;i,n Exhtbit 3: Street Vacatiau Application with Written Narr.iti~,. I:xhibit 4: Comments from Staff and Agcncics ~ I C1't'Y OF SPOKA:tiE VALI.F.Y SPOKANF COUNTY. WASIIII`GTON I ORDINANCE NO. 07-024 AN ORDINAIYCE UF TRF CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WASHL'VGTOti, PROVID[NG FOR THE VACATlON OF APPROX1hfATLF,Y 9 FFET W1DF BY I09 L[NEA[t FEET OP' EVEKGREEN ROAD ABIITTING PARCEL NUMBER 45143.9278 AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY ItELATING THEItETU. W}iElZEAS, the City Council by Rcsolution 07-0I S initiatrd vsication pmceedinp for a portion of Evergrocn Ro:ui (S'N-0 i-07) by praviding that a hcaring on the proposnl wauld be held bcforo the Planning Cammission on the 28th day of August, 2007; nnd WHEREAS, the Planning Commissioa hcld a public hearing on August 28. 2007; and WfMREAS, follawing a henring, the Planning Commission found that the natice and ttearing requim-ncnts af Title 10 Articlc IX Sextion 10.09.04. 10 (receuily nv;odificd As Se+ction 22.140.03 0) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code have becn mct; WHERLAS, the Planninb Commissian findings and/or minutcs havo been filcd with the City Clerk as part of the publie record supporting the vacalian; and WHEREAS, none uF the proputy owners nbutting the propcrty to be vacatcd filed a written objeciion to the proposed vacation with the City Clerk; Snd WHCREAS, thrnugh adoptrd City Code provisions, the City shal) provide that the vacated prapetty be transferred to the abutting property owners, one-half to aac6, unles.s circumslances require a differont divisinn of propaty; that the zoning district dcsignatian of the propertits ac3joining each side of the street shall aunch ta the vacatocl property; diat a recond of survey shall be submittzd w the llirector of Cummunity Develnpmcnt; and that all di.reci and indirert casts of title bansfer to the vecated stmet be paid by the proponent or recipient of the transferred pmperty; and Wl-iEREAS, the City Council desires to vacate the abovc street pursuant ta Spokane Vallcy Municipal Codo Sections 10.05.220 -.380. NUW, TIIGREFORE, the C:ity C'ouru:il of the City of Spokane Valley, Slx,kane County, I Wushington, do oniain as followti: Section 1. Findiap of Fact. I he City Council mnkes the following findings of fact: ( 1) thc City Department af Public Works has rcviewai the rig,tit-of-wny to ttie vacated end dctcrmincd that tlic pmperty ttdjaceat tv Uie vucntcd prupcrty iy othcrwise ser<<c;d by public ur prnmW acx:cs.s; (2) n publi4 hcaring on the proposecl vacation has bcen hcld in accardancc with 5tate Law and City Codc befarc thc Planning Commission with the rscord of such hcuring and ptvccedings IileJ with the Ciry Clerk; (3) no ~vrittcn cotnmeats wet+o received by abutting pmperties; anJ the {'Innning Co►nrnission made the following rxommertdations: I l. "I'he vacttian of thc streetialley will pc:rmit full develupmcnt uC the pr«pnrty t+ln ceiieficial use. und perrnit appropriata levels of maintcnance. 2. 'Ihe Public Works Departmrnt submitted comments which unalyud the portions of Evergrceri I Road for need and future use and responded by sp@cifying ao abjection to the proposed stms:t vacation. 3_ Givcn the prasent nge and condition af adjacent development, it is unlikely tbat ccmditions will chnnge in the future to provide a greater use ar need thnn presently existv. 4. No abjections have been received to the proposed vacntion fivm the notius of public hraring anci'or ruuting to slatT~id agrncics. Qrdinance 07-024 5trect Vacation S t'V-0-3•07 l'a-C l uf J - , sect-ho". Pmperty tn be Vacnted. Basecl upon the abavc findings and in accordance witb this Ordinence, the City Council docs hereby vacato the sirect or alley described on the anru;hcd Exhibit "A" which is incorporated hcrein by mftrcnce, and defined as follows: Commencing at the Seclion C. vrner camman lo Sectivns 15,14,22,23 as nored on the ,Cpokune I'rrial Blnding Sile Plan DSP-Ol -06, Incated in Book 2 ojBlndulg Site Plans, I Pcrges 94 and 95, laraled in a partion ojlhe SW'!14 oJthe SR' Seulon 14, 775N, R44F.', W.M.; lhencr Ndrth 00 °16'0l "East along the section line comman !o S'ection 15 und Secdon 14. a distance of 200.1 S jee1, to rrn ungle point, west of the enenstvn ojrlw sawh property line of Lvt 3; thence South 89 56'47 "East a disrance oJ4S.0(I feet to 1lte soulhwesJ corner oJLot 3 as noted on the ajorerrrcntiorred Binding Site PJan; suid pnint heing the southwest corner oj Lot 3, 13SP Ol -06 and TRI/F.1'ONT OF BE'C►I.NWJNC;: thence North 00 1116'01 " Eas1, along the west prvperry lint oJsaid IAu 3 a distance oJ I Q9.12 feet, to mi angle poinl; thence continuing along said property line. North 90° UD'UO" Wecs1 a dislcaice oJ9.00 jee1; thence leaving svid property line, South 00 °l6'01 " West a di.rlcmce oJlnv. t2fe~et; thence North 890 5647" East a distmtce af 9. DO Jeet, to the TRUF_' PnIN7' OF BEGBYeVING. ('orrtaining 982 Squcae Feet. more or less, all accanling to the refPrenced plur. Scetion . Divisian of Prupgrty tu bc Vncated, Pursuant to RCW 35.70.040 and SVMC 10.09.04. (O.l 1, fACiual circumstances dic:tatc a diCfcrent division and distribution of the streei or alley to be vacated than onc-half each to abutting pmperty owners, thus the Rroperty to be vacated stiall t-e divided as recardcd in the record of survey w6ich shall be created and racorded with the Counry a, ~ required undcr SVMC 5ccuon 4. 'Laning. The Zoning dcsignation for the vacated pcoperty shall bc thc designation atiached to the adjoining prnperties as set t'ori6 within the c+espective property or !ot lines. Communiry Development is autharizcd ta rnake this notation on thc otTicia! Zoning Map of the C'i Ir,. &Ct10n,y. COII(11! It`1'.ti ~'I `';'.c'Il. IIIc: + ,,~l,~\l lil,r .•P..i!L'.'i`; -.~1~1~~ }IC ~ll~~'.' ::J;1=.T~i_~l ~~Clt~ 1 thC trantifer of titlo by the Cir. fl) A rCI:Otd Of 5U1'. C: ~.~1 i:~~ .1i~ I'~ , _:~.:t: .i. ~~r,:€'-~:. ~1 ft4 ;i r~•` ; .i;r,_~ iit ~ [ti of Washington and including an cx"t cuctcs und twunds, Icgal dcscription, und specifying i t' applicable any And all etisctnents for canstruction, n:pair and mauitennnce of existing and futurC utililics and services, shall be submiued by the proponcnt to the Director. The record uf survey shall cuntnin the professiunal stnmp and signature of the rcgisterW survcyar and filed upon completion with the Spokane Caunty Auditor. '["he surveyor shall provide the City of Spuknno Valley with a mylar capy af the rocotded survcy and the Auditot's Documcnt Number and date of recordation. b) ihc surveyur sliall lacatc at least twu monUments on the east sidc of vacated right-of-way with each munument located at either end of the 109 feet in accordAnce with the standarcis cstablished by the Spokmre Corrnty Srcmdards for Rval arrd Sewer CvnstrucNon. c) Payment of all direct and indirec;t costs of title trnnsfer of the vaeated street or altey fmm pubtic to private awnership including but nut limited to title company charges, cupying fccs, and recarding fces ar8 ta hc bomc try the propuncnt. 1'bo City will not assumc nrry Gnancial responsibility for any dircrt or indirect cosis for the transfer of title. d) '1'he zoning district designation uf the propercies adjoining each side of the streci ac alley to he vac»ted shal) be automatically exiended ta the ccnter of such vacatinn, and all area shsll included in the vacaiian shnll then and hcnceforih be subjoct to all reguietiuns of the OidIRffi1CC 07•Cf24 Street Vaculion STV-04-07 Pa_,e' ut 4 ~ cxtrndcd districts. Thc adopting orciinance shall specify this zoning dititrirt rxtensiun inclusive of the applicabic aaning district dcsignatians. e) A ccrtifiCd capy of the acdinance vac:ating a strvet or alley or part thereaf shatt be record@d by the city cleric in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. All canditians of city cnuncil authorir,ition shull hc f►illy tiwistied prior t(i unv lr,:nsfer ut- tit(e by the City. ~~tioq 6. Closing. f:u!l0nSilix 111 stactiun tif the alhivc comditiuns, the l'ity l lcrk shall .:crtified copy of this (hdinance in the office uf the County Auditor, and [he Cfty Mtutager is .iucharized to execute all necessary documents, inctuding a Quit Ciaim Decd, in order to complete the rr.,w~T'cr or'the property identifivd herein. Sectioa 7. verabilitv. 1f any section, sent+ence, clause or phrasc af this Ordinance sha)) he hcls tu ix invalid or uncvastitutiongl by a coutt of compctcnt jurisdictipn, such invnlidity or unconstitutionality shali not affeci the validity ar censtitutianality of any other section, sentenee, clause k-ir phrase oftitis ordinance. ticct a S. Effective 1?ate. 'I'6is Ordinanee shnll be in Cnl1 faru; 1nd effect five (S) cfays atficr }}uhlie:ation of thi5 Otdinwice ur a tiummary thercof iii the t,ilicial ticu,.paprr ,t ihc: ('it~ iif' SEic,ksne Vallcv A, provided by law. !':1tiSF U l,ti• thC ('itv !',_,iu<<i) tfu; _il:ii ,,f A l'C(~s 1 : ~1,~~~r. I~ia►i.~ 1~Vil(lit~ l'ity Chnstine l3ainf,rid;w Aliprn%c•d As Tu F'oriii: ( )tlicc uf the City Atb,mcv [)atc of Publicaciu!,: l:tt~~ci•.e t~.,c~: 17.!ihe 3 Ut4 FxhiUit "A" I'roperty DescripNon l_at 2 of ~ E3SP-0 l -06 . r [.ot 1 of • BSP-U l -06 ~ , 9' (wide) ~ Lut ~ uf I3C(' ~31-I)(, I (19' 1 Icngch i ' I_ut a of , ~ J~ R4P-f)l-()6 i:vergricn FZ spraguoAvenue - - QrdiiiattcC 117.023 tilnct 4'acutiun S CV-04-0 1 E'nbr -1 of 4 . _ ~ ~ Department uf Communily Developmen- ~ /~<<31k~ Planning Di-t►ision STV-04-07 Street Vacation Request ~ ~ , - ~ ► y 1 ~ Area ut' right-of- L-fl ~ , - _ ,~,I . ~~,i ► ~ ~ ~ t~~ ~ I,~ i ~l:an''~` DePartment of Community Ucvclopmcnt - Planning Division Facing SOUTH onto Evergreen Road ~ ~ ~ r . _ ~ ' . . ~ ~~~~~E' • 6 . ` . - ^ 1'.1id U1 I-ltillt-Ilf- I . ~ ~rr ~.Il:tt:~:' • • ~ T-~-{~ ~ i'T ~ . ~ " '.~i _ ► - ' ;y ~ 1 , _ W ~ ~ • 'ft~ . 1~~'- IF r ' ' y1• ~ I 1 J . . +w.~''~~ ♦ . ~ ~ N ~ll'.i~lSlil E:v~Dcparimcnt of Community DcvclupmcaPlunning Division t acing NORTH onto Evergreen Road , , _ . _:.ll 1A ~ _ ` • /p +i ~ i - ' . ~y~ -r' ~'C+ ~ _ t _ ~ s ae Y~.~-`: t ► ~ : . r ~ ♦ ~M~~'~i.~ r.'~ ~ ~3 _'~r~' ' ' A4 ~ • . ~ . • ' , • • : .4'= , ~ ' •,e. . ~ ~ q\!.114;~.~~'j~~ '1i;~,~`r ~n ~ ~ ' . . • • }~4f~' -"'~,i; ~ r~jti~ r~j~~'~'. ; ' .'►u 1~.. t1: ~ i;ry~:. ~~~y~4~~`~~~~,.,. ~ ~ . ,a i s. ~ 1, - ` M . . , . . . . . ~i~J•_ `G'._ i. . _ • ",i•. . _ ♦ Dcpartmcnt of Community Devclopmcnt ' ""'kanc Planning Divisiun Facing EAST across Evergreen Road ~ - w~~~ , .t~+'~';~; . ~~^'j~.Y~i••"r..L~ s. ti-..- i•~«~~t1 fI H.. 1 ~+~.osJ"~~.`-~ . . . ~4n' .d4•~~~t/'w' 1 r • . - ' - . .l. . - ~ ' - f~.~ -.t• Arc:+ udt•ight- ~,f~-~~ a~ <<o~ a t i~►u E!~111 . llepartment of Community I)cvclupmcnl l~~ „ I'lannin~; Divisiun Planning Commission 6-0 recommends a~roval su b j ect to conditions for STV-04-07. , ~ ._~j1~~ k,,~ • . ' - , - ' t~ '1. ~ i ♦ ~ f I ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ 'I i .t• _ `-~~~s - ~ n ~ c , ' ~ : r = y ~ ~ ~'1 .l~~~ `t'l'l I ' ~ _ ~ ` • •S~ ~ i: '.t .'~i , f ^ '1~7 ' .r ".Ts • ~.w~ ~ :7 . ~ ~ . . ~J ~,1 e 7 w ~ - fr . .:i.k=~. ~~..i 1} 4?fi,~.~-r y.~ ~,~i.~ •~`~rt~. I '~"'y ;k~ d9 , ~ . , _ : ~ • 'r' { I ; i t ~ ~ ;J s, • 14 ! ` ~ ~ i a° ~ - .:;e . . ~ y t ' • . ' ' Y . ~ - - • y: ~ t ~ ~ r • p,,,l~ v~ , ~ . . " ~ ~~rv ~ . _ ~ y 5i _ ~ r ~ ~7 1 1 I ~ ~ Exist• ~ng Conditions ~ ' • ~ 'y, ~ - ~ 03 ;04 ~ TI S~ `c~ane STAFF REPORT PROPOSED VACATIOIV OF A PORTION OF EVERGREEN ROhD Prepared byi Karon Kendall, Assistant Pianner, Depnrtmcnt of Community Utvclopmait Datc: Septcmber 20. 2007 nnd[ngs: 4buttiu$ Propertiea - Applicant's propeRy abuts the right•of-way on tha east (Asstssor Parce! 45143,9278 Lot 3 of BSP-0I-06 rccorded on Mnrch 27, 2007). No objection froan ebutting property otimers wns rccoived, 2. Ulilitles - Tlie epplicant aibmitted comments From Spokane Couiiry Dlvision of Utititim Comcast, Qwest and Vera Irrigation Dfstdet. Spokeno Couttty Divisioti ofUtilities comrneutod there may be alde aewer stubs located in the 9 foot by 109 foot erca, hoNvaver ;s resporuibility of the property owner. No cascmenis of rccord havo becn dIaelestd as being located withtn the propoacd vacrtion eren. 3. Access - Tlk locetion proposed vacitdai ebuts Evargreen Itond to the cest nnd will not prohibit itor change eccese co the property or Bvcrgre.en Road. 4. Zoutng • Zontng surrounding the proposed vacntion to lhc norili, souih, cast and tvast is Etogional Business (B-3). 5. TrnnsEtattatlon - Wiil not Interfero with current Accass. b. Canclltton -Tha proposrd nrra is lacated behind the existing side►valk encl currcntly undevelopcd. 7. Asslgnment of vacatrd portlons of rlglit-o[ ivay - Absent obja.lions from abutting properties owntrs, right-of-way ahould be assigned tv the petitiouers, inaunucti rescnrr-h indicatca that the arcn to bo vacatcd was pari oP the parout trnct. AbuttLig propcrty owncrs Iiava roccivrd aot'tce of tho proposed vacntion Concluslone: 1. Tha vecetlon of tho s(rccUnllay will pcrmit fLll developniait of the prepcity Cor benaficial uscs and pcrmit appropriate Icvels of maintcnancc. 2. The Puhlie Works Deparhnent inibmittod commrnts which anelyzed the portions of Evergreen Rond for eeed and futuro use tind respondcd by speclFying nu objection to the proposed strect vacation, 3. Given the prescnt ego and condition of adjaccat davclopinenl, it is unlikely tbat conditions will cbAngo in die fl)ture to provtde a gnatar use or need then presently cAsts. 4. No obJeations hme bee» received to thc proposed vacatien from the notlcc of publlc hcaring nnd/ar couting to stnffnnd agencies. FINDINGS AND RECOb'IDiENDATIONS OP THE SYOKANE VALLEY PLANNIlVG COMM.iSSION September 27, 2007 llte foltowing Qndings Itnva baen pnepand by Staff for tho Pinnning Commission in tltc cveat there !s concurceace wlth the recommended condJtions of epprovel. Finding:: 1. The Planning Comm[ssion held a publio bearitfg on Scpicmber 27, 2007 to receive Iestimony canceming the vacaHen ofa portion right-of-Nvay 9 faf by 109 linear fect elong Evergrecn Avenua abutting parcel 45143.9278 (parent paecel of Lvt 3 of BSP-01-46). Tha dete of the hearing tvas sct by City Cauncil an August 28, 2007 by Spokano Vallcy Rcsolution No. 07-415. Notico of tlie hcaring was pubtishcd on 3cpternbcr 7, 2007 fn the Vnllcy licreld, the otTiciel acwapajxr of the City, wes posted tn thrca conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioam aad abutiing pr+aperty ownm, and n sign wns pinccd on the property providing notlce oPthe headng nlso completed on Septrmber 7.2007. 2. The Planning CommiuFon rev(e`ved the report prcpnced by the Spokanc Vallcy Community Developmetil Depnrtayent Iu detnll. 3. The vscatIan of the strret/eUay will perniit full dcvcloptneni of the propcity for b°.i1tGC11I U5tS nnd pamtt appmprinte levols of ineintenance. 4. The Fublio Works Uepactmant submitted cocuments ivhich enalyrxd the portians uf Gvnrgrean Itoed for need Rnd future uso end responded by specifying no objcction to the propased atmet vacatian. 5. Oivan the presanc egc and conditlon of adjsmit devclopment, tt is uniikoly that canditions will chango 1n the future to provide a grtater tuc or nced than preaontly axists, 6. No objections havc been rcceivrd !o the proposed vecAtioii from the notico of publio hosring and/oc routing to steff nnd ageneles. Recommendnllnns: The Spokane Vallcy PlennGig Commtuion dierefore recauunends to the City Counatl tise poction of right-af-way 9 feei by 109 linear fect along Evergncen Avcnue abutting para145I43.9278 (parent parcei of Lot 3 af BSP-0 1-06) be vacated to tLe potitionors subJect to: I. Folb+ving the City Couneit's pnssage of tlto otdlnQnco approving the proposal to vacnte iltie strcct or aliey, a recocYf of survey of tlia erea to bc vacxtcd, preparcd by o rcgistered surveyar in the State of Washington and including nis exact motcs aud bounds Iegal desccjption, and specifying if appllcabla any and all eatert►erits for conatnictton, repnlr and maintenence of existing and futurc ufilitics end acrvices, sliaU be sutxnittod by tlio praponout to the Dtrertar. .The rccord of survcy shall conlai+t the professionnl stnmp snd signsturc of Usa registercd surveyor and filcd upon complctton with the Spokane Counry Audltor. Thc surveyor shall grovido the City of Spokane Valley ivlth a mylar copy of the recardsd survey and the Auditor's Documeiit Number end dato of recordntiou. 2. The surveyor shall focate at least tAvo monuments oti the ccn#erltno of the vacascd riglit•of-ivey with ona (aatod at tlis iatersextiou of the centerltvo of the vacotrd right-of-tivey tivith each streEt or right-of•ivny in accardanco wlth the stnndards cstnbiishcd by the Spwkrnie CotultyStanctaryrs jor Rvnrl aud Se~tir CoualrlMllan. 3. All necessary casements ahall 6e showu on the record of Burvey anct ivritten documentatian from all ueility companics !s rcqutred to bo submItted to ihe Community Dovelopment Uircctor, or destguec verifying all easements have txen jndIcated. A 4, All direct end indirect cosls of titlc transfer of thc vacated stneet or alley from publia to private rnviiorehlp Including but not limited to ticla campany chnrges, copying feas, and recarding fees are to be borne by the proponait. The Ciry will not aqsume dny financfel respon9Ibiliry foc Rn.y I direct or indirect costs for the trAnsfer of titk. S. The mning distriat designation of tlia propaties adjoining each side of tlto atrtet or at(ey to be vacated shell be automatlcaliy extended to tfie eenter of BueU vecadon, and sll ncza shall [neluded in the vacation ahall tlicn end henceforth bo subjcct to aU raguintions of tfio sxtsnded distrlcts. Tho adoptIng ardinance shsl) spccify ttiis zoning district extenaion inclusive of the appllcable zoning distriot designstions. 6. A certified copy of the ordinuice vocating a strcet or alley or part Iltcreof shaU be recoided by tho city elerk in the atfica of the Spokano County auditor. 7. All conditions of cIty cawicil authorizetion thn11 be fully satisfied pdor to eny trensfu of titk by Iho City. Approved t6te 27° day of September, 240" Gnil Kogle, Cheirmn,: arrLS~ CITY OR SPOKANL VALLEY I (For Staff Use Only) , ~okane Community oevefnnment Department ~~~y Current Piann(n9 ' slon DATe SusHirnt, (U~- RECezvEC ar: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Sulte 106 Frie N0./N~rte: `-Spokane Vdiley, WA 99206 Tel: (509) 421-1000 pY}LC~?_~C, Fax:(509)921-1008 Rlanning,d5spokanevallev.org CURNENT PLANNINO f=. I.: - Er1crNEenirrG Fe;: SI`1ZLF,T VA C;A]t0 ti ,1.l'I'LCC'A I'1ON PART 1- APPLICATION INFORMATION PRWLCT INFORMATiON: NAme ofPublic Strect Proposed for Vecatioa: ^r pv2tt ' 1RDak( J'C"1~1 -71; 3ecHon / Towoship / RRugo of Public Sfrest Propwed for VacaNon: S ' Z Arep (3quara Feat) of Publlc Strat to be VRcaledt Dlmensloes of Publfc 3UYet to be Yaceled:_ wtde Sti-eet Addresi / Tex Perce! No of Abulfiug Property Rl: A t212r +J 6,1,1 vF -4_43. 'CtZA- t' ZD N. E Ye r~~ r? p~ . Strcet Addreas / Tnx Parccl No of Abuttipg Proptrty N2: N 1#4 RFG, T'' Zoning Dasignntion a[Abutting Property N1: Zoo[ne DcsignnNon of AbuftlaK ProPerty.N2: NIA Prevlous I.Aad Use AcHoo, IF ApplleAble (state Projcct Fitc No. & Nnm,: '~j~(->.. d Q ~ ~ , , • , . _ , _ , . - t _ APPIdCAIY'I70VVNER 1^,1 (13 0I,1 1 1 U:\ pleaao note: - Subntlt on n sepnrnte aLeet of paper the requircd applirnutlutivacr Informii(iun xpecilic+l bolow i[ t6cro are more thnn nvo (Z) npplfcunls aubmitting for the Street Vacnl(on. AppUcnnts must br: t h i 4ame rs property owuert apecifled on the current Spolcane County Assrssm•'s OftTce pnrcel recordq. AUUTTINQ FRdUJ[TY OWNER NO• 1; ArpucANrMnze: MALUNC ADDRESS: -LDD [Q. W~+ s H ~ r9-~~ # 50~ . CITYi ~~-A 1- -e-, J STATB: Vl/A Z1P: -01I7-0L PHONE: (110111 ,Y,~O;fth ~I r•I l? fF1l1 ~_~'-f'.! I 1) I j (f'1't T,) PlC840 (:ti'i: i _ «PLEA3ENOTE: Pcr KLW 3~.79.4dU ( Citlu tu Vacat~:ei Strcc! or Alley) t};a praperty ~►•itltui a public strcet e~ alky vacated by thc City Council shal) belong to the nbutting proputy owners, ona-half to enah. Tliercfore, if lharo ie mora than one property owner abulting tho public atrcot or alley proposed for vaeetion, each proporty owner ahall bo requircd to s(gn the street vacatioti opplication. PART Il - LCGAL OWNER SIGNATURE Plcase nole: - Submil on e cryrartite slieet of pAper Ilso reyuired IcQal owncr s1Qnaturo ipecifird btlow If eherc aro aoro fhan hro (2) property onntn suhmltllng for the Strcet Vacrfian. AQUTTIIVC PROPRRTY OWNER NO. 1: ~ tz, c wows, rn9•vheIV% lae,- (print namo) 3VYEAR OR AFFIItM THAT THB ABOVE RESPONSES ARB MADB TR~ULLY AND TO THB BEST OP MY KNOWLEDOB. I FURTtff?R SWEAR OR AFFIJtM TNAT I AM TFIB OWNBR OF RECORD OF 7HIIi ARBA PROPOSSD FOR THE ABOVB IDENTIFIED LAND USfi ACTION, OR. tF NOT TEB OWNEit, ATTACHED HEREWITH LS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THB OWNER AUTHORI2lNG MY ACTIONS ON EIIS/fil?lt BEHALF. ADDItESS: 10 R h# • W45-N I M fi T GN 44 Sco PHONE: `16 Z• 9'.S I Z ~ _j,~Sd iA ZIP: CL9 ZD 1 • city) j (SIW) c 1~ Wkll .'Mri rL S ~_a~o ' (Si¢t+duro) (UA(O) ds ~ F JZ~c}~~ yYirz_.1~j L.L G NOTARY (I'ar Part 11 sbovo) STA'TE OF \VASIiINGTON ) s9: COUNTY OF SPOKANB ) 5U8SCItIAGD ANU SWORN to before mo this day of _tvlxt~- , 20 D~ _j Iv`OTARY 5EAL ' Nutnry piihllo C/ NOTARY SIGNATUItH Stnte of Wnstilugton JOANN R KIEWERT qatmY public ln md far tha Stnto of Washington MY COMMI391QN ExPtRE9 teslding at: S ff;?tj-L-r WA Apru 00. 2011 , My appoii►tmart oxpires: y• 9•~~ RevJsed 7R6/2005 1. Hotiv does a change ojuse or vacaJlon ojtlre slrecl/olley inrprove seivlce to ilre prib/tcT 'I7tc vecation of ttds 9' of Evcrgizca will line up the property lincs north and south allowing the pnrking driva aisles ead parking fields to tine up for easicr acccss bctween the psrcels for the publio. 2. Is the slreet ar a!!ey no longer requlrod jor public use or p«blJc accessl This portion of Evcrgrccn was dodicated to the County, prior to the widening of Cvergreen, to acc.ommodate the widcning. The County was unablc to obtain the neccssary ROW to the south so the alignment of the road was adjustod to the vs+est, ead this 9' was aot usod in the widoning and is now unnecessary for public use. 3. Wotr/d srrbs!!lutlon oja neiN amt/or deren! publfc rlght-uf-ivay betler serve lJre pirblicT N/A 4. Nmv ivlli the use or need jor thls rlght-oJ=way be c~''ectrd by fiorcire conditlons? Neil Kersten chceked the multi year road plan for me and fuund no edditional modiGcations to Evetgrcen in lhat plan. 5. W111 tasenrents be i•elabred jor a!1 rmderground and overlreud irN!lrfear? Euisiing ntilitics, yes, future utilitiu moved west to linc up Avith easemews ii:io~ c:i:ii south of the vacafed propetty. f. Yl:JIII(.'!1Cl:S Cf!fl!:I('Ii[!j(hr• fi11fU11'!?7~1(!/llli~'1,~(1F,`i'/te'd;`s 7VlI IJ II715 f'1''SC7l f(?! 111 i'11 (1!.'.'i::t'. Nonc 7. Daes r%;e , ir,<<- ircl;;~lc~ ~1",; rr, ,..,:r r ~ . i . ~ . . I tYm:'1~/7 fh16E ~ TITLS N01'ICE 9.509200318 _ . . _ , I FJLM OYi u, ot ~ ~••1 S,6Wcdtsiourdway rton~ 1QleA wd rimalns s^''`Zliu i~ntA. "arc, WA 49260 ' 15091 45e-22fts ' SPOKANE COUNTY HAS TAK171 T}iE FQt,L05VWa UND USE REOUCATIAN ACJ70N • iMPdslNa A VAR [ETY OF SPEC(AL DHVELOPhQ3.? CON D1710NS ON /1pRp, 29, 1497, t FiLB Nd.SP•717-91 1S AVAilr19L8 fQR UISTBCiiDl1 IN 7NESrUKAN& COUNIY Q1 VISION OF BLl1LDlNO AND PLANNlNG RSQNtDINa T?I E BEW W UBSCitlBED I'ROPFJt'IY: ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTiON: Truct A oI 5tart PW SP•717•91, n taardc0 !n Slan Phu Book 12. Pase 26-29. Sliuati ln tM S1V IN oi &aUoa 11, To+mslJp 25 North, Rar►`: MF.W.M.. spokue Cbunty. Wwhlnpon . NOT1C6 15 aIYEN TO ALL PART[f3 W17H iNiERFST QI THE /1bOVF AAUPERTY: , i ISv;Wtrtt and Plsna[nY WvFdon Fi:e No,: SP•717•91 fa rddifieatl rerulmilass cK!►er Ou tboss stntcd bclow. . nunloKm': spakaee comr shon Pla oednus« • 1. A► leaa J ten nf asame fuEnR uquisEdoe sna for toW rigM d vnq auf uiNUks. b odaillOP1 lOIAC td%Uaj m01bf Mtvly dWiCWd djhl0f way aloqj EvstpOtll RD00. 7. Futurc 6rlidmS ond other Wteacks rso4d tiy dis Spokux Gnunty Zonlag Code tW bt ' meuuced from ihe edte of Ur fiqare aoqoWt(oa aoa. ~ Nu requin~d lundnipint, parkir4, '2Of' ueu. dta1rt11eW at aHoaYd siaa> >hatl bC wWda ' ' QK (wute wquishion srea !or road riglw-of-Pn ud wiiltin. (f any of tbe abora r f mptaremcnts m madc wltAln IAh arei. tAey ! be tclocae4 d tlie appflcanPt espeme wMn roafwuy lrnprwemepu+ are made. 1. Thc futun: xquieltbn Qeti uni1! uquired, " be ptf.•rk uprny ur►0 may pe tmd an ~ nibwed Fn ihe sune au tm pt auy pro.emenu pueb u pmk rark3ns. ourfoce ~vin~e. dro(nticld~. fI~A{ Of 9llYfi) fAil~ DQ CONLIAlttd'}Menm v~ea. 5. Ttic proprny oweer ab3ll be eespauiDk fa ieloa6nj wch'1n"m' inipron-meats n iEc iime Spekuee Canty reaDttt roidwyr fmpepwueeti Jtcr acqnirinY PdW fwoue Kqutatfon arcu. - ~ THFi TERl+1S QP TH14 :VQfK& SHA11. A[!N WffH T}P L.WU A.vD APPi.Y 70 THE APPLICMIT. OWNERS, N@lit5, AS510N5 /WD SUCC6SSOIt3 IN 1%1 EREST. REl.EASL- OF TI(1S 7Cft.E NOTJC$ CAN AVLY 8H ACCOAU'LIS!{[D t1 Y THE AUTHORI7Y OF Tlifi SPDICANB WUNiY D(VI$tON OF DUILOIN(l AV D PLANKRNd OR SIICCF550R [1Y REC4R[NNG OF A'TIl1.E trQT1CE EXTlNfiUlSHAII 4T' BASED UPO.4 . A FINUIYO THAT (tEil:ASE SkOUlO OCCUR. ~ f!Y SPnAANH COVNTY DIVlS1l1N OF BUILDiN() AND Pi..1NNlNG: ' N•me. i. ToeiJ 1'6k:IM~ % - Dw- ~ 1 ~ ~ Narrative 1'his vacatian applicalian is lor 9' x 109'of ROW adjoining 20 N. Evergreen, Lot 3 BSP 0106. The property does not &ont on any othei- parcels. Thc reason for this vacation request is to retum the property to thc tax rolls and allow for better public access and traffic flow with the paccels to the notth andlor soulh by aligning the parking and drive aisles. This 9' of Evergreen was acquired by Spokane County in about 15 years ago (in a rezone action I think) for the widoning of Bvergreen Road. Ttie ariginal plan by Spokane County called for acquiring additional right of way south of this 9' to the intersection of Sprague and Evergreen. However, the Gounty was unable to acquire the sdditional property to the south and the alignment of Evergreen was adjusted to the west. The widening of Evergreen is now complete and this 9' x 104' is no longer necessary for future roed expansion. In fact, when the property to tlie north was recEntly the subject of a BSP there was no request by the City of Spokane Yalley to dedicate land to rnatch tlus 9. p5 ' "`S1~ i ~~`t ~L`~~ ,~i1i.}+i~~,~~ ~T~"'~y~~ilt ~r ~~i~.. ,-ri~t +,~.:f-\'•.✓ K~~tl ~t ~ 1 ~t~~-_~t'.elisf~ P~ ~!6:Y~yr xrF ~ . ~Y 'u ~ - 1 ~ , .J~ ~ }-•T;. r~ ,$-F'.:`; 11111111114 ~ .,~~~,'4 ,~i~~lE~~tf~r'iKCr~ foiD~h"c'J" ~.1sF• Y~.~~`~' v'? ~ ' StZ'tC~?~'.= ~k1 VIsTA ~-Y'~~~-. .na~ . - `1'S,•1{~~ ; . } 6 - . ~i' tcnr f~;•` ' ~.x;t~, s Uliliffes yPr~`i ~S 71• t> ~~f~ i~ A'r~s: ~~~ryr•:~{~±Ffr ~ t~~•} : t~~, ,?~~,ti='N►~i'5~.~~~a~?f nf q yt ' y • z~ Ff i rti -f ~~r E,.~ S• s.G;'. ~ ; rz~ G~;? ~ s .s. ,•.r i q: elepment LLC ~_.-.r 1••RT.7~:A~?.~r.,~,t:l~u~i~-,'~5sshing+an #500 V^wA. 99201 g Vtceden of r3s( 9 o(Ro3d ROW ror 1 Portion c-f E%,erge.l) l,y:r,r Adjr:ccnt ro : ;;~~-r < 20 N. $votgreen DenrMr. Brook: 1 hdvCie/ietved y0ur request to vSG3IC fI1C a}JOVd GapflqfiC~ It0)11nHi uftlic c•,is'ir:y n o; cunently uscd road right of way Ibr Evergroon RoaJ. A prcliminery raviow 1m auggastod that Avisia Utflltirs woul;l have rin concerns ith :ilo vacatlon of this atrip ofland. Until a formal requ«t iiom c_,c C:ty e`: cnkniic V.;(Icyis c ampleted %va raserve tlio rigftt to mvfao this anzvc r. :n aesnttnaty os ofAugust 6, 2007 tve beve ao cancerns wit) tlia vacntio)a of p:': of righf of way. 'lensophonc rnc wilh nny concerns or q«e•llons nl 495-4441 or 220-2491. ~I, fS 1'fUly, t`! aude Knler Rcal Fstate Repres-: r,c;o ivn Aviata Utilidcs E. 1411 Mission Avenuc P. 4. Aox 3727 Page l of 2 Karen Kendall - , From: Zspf, Ryen F(Ryan ZepfQceblo.oomcasLcom] 3snt: Tuesday, Auquat 07, 200710:36 AM To: 81N &coka 8ubJect: RE: Spokane VaNey Streei Vacadon Bill, All of our ►aciiiBes are on lhe wesl slde of Evergreen. Vaqtion approved. Ryan Zepl Constructlon Supervt6or Comcast - Spokene From: Bill erooks [maltto:bluooks@sdsrcalry.comj SenG Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:06 P.14 Tos Zapf, Ryan F Subject: RE: Spokane VaUey Street Vaca~~on Ryan, we're In our third weelc o( uylrig co get a hold vf kyari. I understand he was out o( ule u(i c ~ last week but we could noi get a return call fi'om him the week before eEther hence my emall to yo~) last week. Is he badt todayt Any idea wheri I ml?ht expect to Iiear from him, ihis has ronte co the polrtt that Comcast fs iiolcling up progrc~ -1 ! f3ill ~roc.°;s SDS Realty O(tice: 509•462-93 I 2 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email: bbrooksCcvsdsrnalty.com From: Zapf, Ryan F [mailto;RyarLZap(Qcable.comcast.com) Sentr Tuesday, Auflust 07, 2007 9;56 AM To: 8arnes, Rkfiard L- WA Cu BIII 8rooks SubJects FW: Spokane Vatieyr Street Vacdltion Rich, Please adviss Bill on tequsated street vacation. Thanks Fromc Bill Brooks [malito:bbroaksGsdsrealty.com] S/8/2Q07 Page 2 of 2 Sent: Fridrry, August 03, 2007 3:15 PM To: Zapf, Ryan F subject: FW: Spokane Valky Street Vacatlon See below. Bill Brooks SD5 Realry Offlcc 509-462-93 t 2 Fax; 509-624-1711 Emafl: bbrQOksQsdsreatry.com From: Bfll &ooks Sent: Frlday, August 03, 2007 3:07 PM To: 'richard_bamas@cable.camcast.cam' Cc: Sheidon Jackson SubJect: Spokane Vailay Street Vacation Rlch, I understand you are che one to taik tn regarding aveet vacatlons. Atcached is our appllcatlon co vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. Tliis land wis acquired by the County to be uaed tn che w(dening of Evargreen but the flnal alignment was changed and It dtd not use this 9' strip. Piease provlde me with your comments so that I may complete our appllcacion. Please call me If you hzve questions. Bill Brooks SDS Realty Otflce: 509-462-93 I 2 Fax: 509-624-I711 Emall: bhraokzQsdsrealry.com ~ I 8/8/2007 Message Page 1 of 2 ' I Karen Kendall From: Shekion Jaokson (ShsldanGBdsreafty,com) Sent: Friday, July 27, 20071:08 PM To: Big Brooks 3ubJeat: FW: Vacatlon of 9' on Eve(green 1 dawn 2 lo go on my end. Sholdon Jackeon 108 N Weahington 8utle 600 3pokane, WA 88201 Phone (609)482-9303 '^.X r5^n1g2,;.17~1 Fram: Ctark, David [malJto:Davld.Uark2*qwe5Gcoi Sent: Thutsday, ]uly 26, 2007 4:07 PM To: Sheldon )ackson SubJecti . . Ni Sheldci Looks prutty stralpht forwanf. When we re{ocated our cabtes and pedestels afnng N Evergteen a faw years sgo, wa would have malntelned a oonsistanl allgnment along the east sfde of Everpreen to tltia north end sauth of the proparty In questlon, Thereiere, I'm ptolty conrden! Qtivest dosEn't have anylhinq (n Ihat fl'x109' strip. I'm havirrg a(atter senl !o lhe Clty ot Spokane Valtey thal expiains lhal Qwesl doesn't have any concerns wiih the proposed vncallon. Thanks, Qave CI2rk ••---Orlginal Message----- From: Sheldan Jackson (matlto:5heldonGsdsrentty.com] Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 11t53 AM To: Clark, David SubJects FW: Vacadon of 9' on Evergreen Tiianks David. V1fien we provfded property far the wldening ot Evergreen the County did not utilize a11 of the property. We ere trying to devefop this parcel and woufd like to stralgliten out Ihe property Ilnes lar parking, landscaping etc. 8/ 8/ 2007 3 N Webh(ngton Sufta 600 3pokene, WA 69201 Phone (609)482-9303 fAX (509)624•1711 From: Eill Brc,oks Seft Tucsday, ]uly 24, 2007 10:35 Atl T0: daUde,kdlel'@dVlstacorp.tam; frelerr? ~spckarevaileyflte.corn; jredC~ SpoF:artie!--olinty.crg Subf ect: Vacatton ot 9' ot► Evergreen Claude Kaler, Avtsca Rlclc Frefer, Spakane VaNey Fire Jim Red, Spokane County UdNties Gentlemen, attached Is our appllcaclon ca vacate 9' of che east 51de Evergreen Road jusc norch af Sprague. This land waa acqulred by the Counry co be usad In the w(dening o! Evergreen buc che linal atEgnment was changed and It did not use thls 9' strip. Pfease provlde ma wlch yc_)r [OIT11t1C'!tCS S'J if13C I I113y COlIIpleLC' CUI' Pii:.isc Cdll Iiic' Il jOU flxvC fillE5t1mm Bill Braoks SDS Realcy O(Rce: 509•462-93 I Fax: 509•629-1711 1 l116 IVI:I(ill:fi:Cci:l,J Il i5 tl:c: }%CUEJeCty Of QF\'e5t tlll:l til.ly C011tdlil CUlltlt.luiltial or prlti'1:Cgrd itiEormation. Unauthorized uge of this communication is strictiy prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have recetveci thls cammunication in error, please immediately notlfy tLi~ 114' I'r;EIlY t?'1i1ciA ill:+.I l'l'.y a I I Cilp 7f':i oF jht: C(~I1'~II1?I:I~C;:(!l!Il :1R1~ :IIIV i~.itc~rhmc,r,t~;, R/8/2t);17 Page 1 of 2 Karsn Kendall From: Red, Jim PRedesspakanecounty.orgJ 8ant: Wednesday, Jury 25, 2007 9:05 AM To: BIA Brooka • 3ubJact:- RE Vacetlon of 9' on Evergnen Counry uttlltles does nol have an Issue with the vecetlon_ There are a;de sower stubs, but those are the respanslbiliry of the property owner. From: Biq Braolcs [mallto:bbrooks@sdsrealty.can] SanG Tuesday, ]uly 24, 200711:59 AM Tot ctaude.kakr0avlsiacorp.oom; frclerr2@spokanevatleyflra.com; Red, ]Im ~ Subject: RE: Vacatlan of 9' on Evergreen Gentlei»en, attached (s a m1p fram the county the shows che 9'very w, 'i Thanl- BI118roo<~ SDS Rtalt.- O«ICQ: 509- +b-1-y3 I Fax- 509-624-17': From: o:il Sentt Tuesday, 11: To:'ddude.kaler@a'J15ldtarp.com'; Yrelerr24spokatievalleyfire.com'; 'jred4SpokaneCounty.o, subject: Vacatlon of 9' on Evergreen Claude Kaler, Avlsta Rlck Frele►-, Spokane Valley Flre Jlm Red, Spokane County Utillttes Gentlemen, actached ls our applicatlon to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. Thls land was acqulred by the Counry to be used in the widening of Evergrean but the tinal allgnment vvas changed and (t d(d not use thls 9' strip. Please provlde me with your commencs so that I may complete our appitcaclon. Please call me If you have questlons. Bill 8rooks SDS Realry Offlce: 509-462•93 I i I'age2of2 Email: bbrnnktQstlsrealty.toin ~ I I ~ s/s/zclo7 ~ Page 1 of 1 Karen Kendall From: Freler, Rick (FrolerR2@SpokaneValleyFire.oomJ Sent: Tueaday, Juty 24, 20071:29 PM To: BIU Brooks 3ubJect: RE: Vecstlon of 9 on Evergreen Mr, Brooks, I have revlewed the inbrmaUon lhet you prov{ded on Uie vacatlon of 9 feet of unusad rbghl-ot-way on the east 51de ot Evergreen. The Spokene Velley Fire pepartmenl has no object(on to the requesl to vacate thts porlion of the rlghl-af-way. Rick Freler Flre Inspector SVFD 509-892-4128 From; Bill Brooks (maiito:bbroolcs@sdsteairy.comJ Sent: Tuesday, ]uly 24, 208710:35 To: claude.kaler@avistacorp.com; Frefer, Rkk; ired@SpokaneCounty.org Subjett: Vacatlan of 9' on Evergtcen Claude Keler, Avista I Rick Freler, Spokanc Valley F(re Jim Red, Spokana County Utllltles Gentlemen, attached It our application to vacate 9' of the east side Eve►•green Road just north of , Sprague. Thls land was acqulred by the Counry to be used In the widening of Evergreen but cfie flna) alignment was changed and (t dld not use thls 9' atrlp. Please provide me wlth your comments so chat I may complete our applicatian. Please call me f( you have questlons. 8ill Brooks SDS Realty Offlce: 509•462-93 I 2 Fau: 509-624•171I Emall: bbraoksQsdsrealry,totn 8/S/2007 Page 1 of 2 Karon Kendall From: She{don Jackaon (SheEdonCsdsrealty.com) 8ent: Thuradey, Augua! 02,2007 9:44 AM To: Bill Brooks SubJect: FW: Vacalbn of 9' on Evergroen Atteahments: ROW Abandonmenf et 114 N. Ev6rgrean.pdf 8heldon Jackson 108 N Washington Suite 600 Spokene, WA 99201 Phone (609)481•9303 FAX (609)824-1711 From: Brian Dlits [maiito:brianl@verawaterandpower.comJ Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:10 AM To: Sheldon lackson Subjects RE: Vacatlon of 9' on Evergreen Atln: Shelcbn Vera Water and Power does not hava any ulflffles locf3ted In the fl' slrlp of Road R!W conaidered for abandonment with Iha oxcspt;on of an exfsting water servlce Ihat crosses Uia 9' strip perpQndicuEarty, The water servico can Ue used fnr irr.getion 13rian K. DIlts Dislrrct Enyineer Vera 1Nater and Power P.O. 8ox 630 Spokene Valley, WA 99216 Phone 509-924•3800 Fex: 609-922-3929 ceil phone: 5094175-5130 email: brian W±aterandpower,c_~rt1 From: Sheldan ]eckson [malltu:5heldon@sdsreally.com] ~ Sent: 7hursday, )uly 26, 2007 12;31 PM To: brianOverawaterandpower.com 8/8/2007 . , Page 2 of 2 Subject: r"1'J: VacaUon of 9' t.n Evergreen Brlan Ihank yeu for taktng the tlme !0 look at thls for us Juat lrying to cleen up a praFserty the Ci~; Shaldan Jackson 108 N Washlnpton Sults 600 9pokens, WA 99201 Phona (609)482-9303 FAX (609)824-1711 Fromi Bill Brooks Sentt Tuesday, Juty 24, 200710;35 AM To: daude.ka(er0avlsta[orp.tom; fre{err2@5pekanevnllcy ire.com; jred@SpukaneCounty.org SubJech VacaUon of 9' on Evergreen Claude Kaler. Avl:ta Rlck Freler, Spokane Valley Fire Jtm Red, Spokane County Uc(1(cles Gendemen, attached (s our 2pplitatfon to vacate 9' o( the ezst s(de EvergrAen Road Just north of Sprague. This (and was acquired by che County to be used in the wldening o! Evergreen but che final alignment was changed and (t did not use th(s 9' strip. Please provide me wich your comments so chic 1 may complete our app(Ication. Please call me !f you have questions. Blll Brool<s SDS Realcy Offlce: 509-462-93 I 2 Fax: 509-624-17 I I Email: bbrooks @sdsrcalry.corn I ~ 8/8/2007 ~~I I I li;ll I~I~III Il{ I~llll 11111 IN 111111 ~/g~~/2~s~~g; ~ E t 8 ll: BlA f37.91 9~polu~►~ Co, NA I ( 20' ~ I N0018'3b`f N~o~a ~E ~JW oo-e 41.45-t_ K+ano•oo'E ieaoo 7 e h o „ 04 ►roo~oo'oo-c »e.se ~ ^ ~ ~ . ~ • w w ~ ~00 ~ I ` M~,Qp~qq~r k~proo~gp~E 1 ~fla6o SP 717- 91 I ~ $ I 1RICT I ~ "'Mr I b ~ Z I Noq~o'oo~E ! I ~ ~3a.C;o ~ ~ - - - -i SPRA G UE A VENtIE ~ ruuo%e.a 1944 EXISTING SITE PLAN 6~9 timpson Engineers, I1LC. F O R: 6 I LL B R O O K S CyViL E;iGlNEERS ac LANO SURVEYORS ~ 200 N. 909 ARGt]NNE RQAD, SPOKANE WA., 992I2-2789 ~ ~ PMOFtE (5M 926-1322 FAx (50w 926-132) 1 ~1` -.~rt^ ,~s~ST^ i v. i-.~~ ,'..T..~ i"~ J' ~R~•~ ,~~•~l` l: . T~ ~ r- 1 iS~►! . ~ .t~, . ~ - i~~ - • ~i ; I ~ U ~,~1.-._~-: _ ~r .r}r•~~v ~ , ~ ~ -~~t, ' ~ _ ~ - ~ + • AD ~ . _ - ' .~c. _ ~ ; T+1~, ~ c' s ~ i f I ~ : ' ~ Yir~' ~ ~ ..k .y. [ ~+`f'~"1 IL..y~ I I 1' ; ` ~.,y.t_ ~ti , i . ♦ . ~ ~ , t , i i ~ 'S- ~ ~r - ,•r.'-:v~,~`.•j p'~ ~ ~ ~ e_~ ~ ~,Y j.-~ ! 4~ - '~!~~',E+ 'Z~ ~ ~ ~ . , . ~ , a . . - ~ ~ .,~1..~~~ ti ~~i ♦ ..M~~►~~4 ; ~ ~ ' I ti. ' y r. • • ~ ,c~ a~ I Jw ,r?'' ' f ? ' I ~.~j~ _ t r: r t~ I~ - . ' t O'] , y il!~ ~,.w * ti~~ r ~ ~~r~ _b , , : ~ .~ts~ 'G~ ~I ' • _ , i . i , , r ~:w ..f~~~ ~ ~r~''~-~.~ E'~ ! ' I ~ ` • , ~1~i~ I ~ s-~~' 1 ~ - '~r~]-'XC C YCiTr' ~f ~~'t?~ ~ . ,r.; ' • ; , ~ L• ~::~.~11~F►~~ . , ,rl` .f'~7V, , . {']~r _ _ _ _ -at+~-------- _ _ . t R ~"?~"~T • ~ . ~~~~`s.~~ : - - -;,w".Sw _ ~ ~-~^.;'~!t..~ r. - ~ " r~ _ A' _ _ _ i ~ y ' -~''at+, „_.~•~y [7iin~ h R• ~Yrti •liaK.~s~.~_"s . • =e- . .l •~..,~~iYJ.1•'~ ~:"'.3r.~~ - c T.mo►• "d°1~ -x~ " •F 1.{ ~ ~ , ~ ,.~'yw-_ ~F l.~;~ _ L , ~ ~ - - • `F~ - . I.egend FI F"I',-r~~ . , i'~,'~.', t~ ' ~ ~ - _ aa _ , '~-'-~'~~tL r .I. s ~ _ ~ ~~,.,I~ • - . ~ i•- ~ •:~:E~~xFj''".~t.?.fi Fj'P,-'- r ~ , . ~i 5pk1:1,735 _ . LG.Y . • _ z-~., 1 in = 145 fi T I ~ • . . . . . - t - I ~ e)("isll To: Kerai Kendaq (City ot Spoksne Valley - Community DevalopmenU CC: From: Jlm Red (Spokane Caunty - Dlvlsbn of Ublidea) Date: Tuesday, &eptember 18, 2007 SubJsct: SN-0004-47 Stape: Prefiminary PhaBe: SV 20 N Evergreen Ava 3801A Thte proposal has rto Impacf on sewer /acilities and; lherafwe. Ihere are no recammendedons. ~ SPOKANE RE(}IONAL HEALTH DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DNISION INTEROFFICB MEMO UATE:: Septcmbcr 17,2007 TO: Kecen Kendall, Assistant Planncr, City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development FROM: Donald Copley - EHSI[, SRHD SUAJECT: STV4•07 (E & S Daveloprnent) Thc Health nistrict hss no eomment an thls atrtet vacatlon. I ~ , Page 1 of 1 Karen Kendall From: Anderson, Patti (PAnderson@spakaecounty.org) 8ent: Tuesday, 3sptember 18, 2007 9:69 AM To: Keren Kendall Subjsct: SN4-07(E & S Development) Attachments: STV4-07(E & 3 Osvebpmenl).doc 9/18/2007 soolane ,,;oOVaIIey 11707 E Spraguc Ave Suite 106 1 Spokana Valky WA 99206 509.9I1.1000 ~ Fax: 509.411. t00s 1 clryhaltOspokanevaUey.ars Memorandum To: Keron Kondait - Assfatant Plannor ,s From: Henry M. Allen - Dsveiopment Engtneer Oate: Soptember 7, 2007 j~ Rs: 3N-04-07 A portlon ot N Evergteen Rd - Stt'eet Vacsdon Comments Development Engineering has revieAved tlte applicatian to vacate a poilian of Fvcrgrcen Road right-of-way on the east sidc of t1iQ strecc just nortb of Sprague. C)evelopmeril Etigineeriug has na abjections tu the vecation. 08/11: 20U7 7'U6 12:10 FAS z ► 5Q° FIRE ALZF,- ~ DEPARTMENT 70319 EA!jUPRAC~t;E AVE. ~ SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9l206-3927 e(50!) i2h17QQj fAxj5MM-4125 wvrw.spokanevalieyf(re.com - - M1ko Thompson - Chtel Sqe(ember 11, ?CQ' City of Spokane Vr&ey- 11707 E. Spragve Av, t,t t,-3 Spokane VaOoy. ','1A RE: SN•04-r 20 N. E%., Dear Ms. Kend Tho 5pokane V__'' _y i~ "ir'- Sincerely, Rlck Fre(er F(re Inspeclor RFlpla I I 904 N. Cohimhus Spakane, WA 99202 i ; Qwest. Splrlt ol SsrvJce' September 7, 2007 City of Spokane Valley Department of Building and Plannfng 11707 S. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 5pokane Valley, WA 99206 Attn: Karen Kendall Re: STV-04-07 Dear Karen: I Qwest haa no objection to the above referenced vacation. If you have any questions ar concerns, please call me on (509) 455-2580. Sincerely, W)dn (-~A -d bave Clark Sr. Design Engineer , LW N. CalunDm Spokmt, tYA 99202 Qwest. Splrlf ol Serr)cs . v ~'"'•"ll% ' ~r'" ~ rY, I , r ut. ,7uly 27, 2007 City of SDokane Valley DeparCment of Building and Planning 11707 E. 9prague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 I Re: Proposed Vdcation of 9' of Evergreen Road Dear Sir: Qwest has no interest in the proposed vacation. If you have eny questionB or concerns, plecae call me on (509) 455-2580. Sincerely, ~%~~*n lA~d~ ~ Dave Clark Sr. Desiqn Engineer , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY • Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 7, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent old business 9 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolution 07-018, Expansion of Collins Road No Parking Zone GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Neighbors of University High School have requested an expansion of the existing na . parking zone on Collins Rd. The existing zone includes Collins Rd. from 32"d Avenue to 31" Avenue. It is signed with °Ido Parking, 7- 3, Schaol Days". Enforcement is done by the schooPs resource deputy. The neighbors have requested expansion of the zone to include the block from 316'to 301h Avenue. The attached pefition has been signed by a representative of each property fronting this block. According to the school's resource deputy, students are parking north of 32nd Avenue because it takes too long to exit the school parking lot in tfie afternoon. The school lot has adequate capaciry. There is no traffic safety reason for making this change. It is likely that student drivers will pack on 31b` Avenue or further north on Collins if the No Parking expansion is approved. According to the WAC 308-330-270, the Council has the following authority: 40 After an engineering and traffic investigation by the traffic engineer, the local authority may by resolution: (1) (?ecrease maximum speed limits pursuant to RCW 46.61.415; (2) Increase maacimum speed limits pursuant to RCW 46.61.415; (3) Determine and declare the maximum speed limits on arterial highways pursuant to RCW 46.61.415; (4) Determine and declare upon what highways angle parking shall be permitted pursuant to RCW 46.61.575(3); (5) Prohibik, regulate, or limit, stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles on any highway at all times or during such times as shall be indicated by official traffic control devices; (6) Determine and declare par9cing meter zones upon those highwvays or pacts thereof where the installation of parking meters will be necessary to regulate parking; (7) Close any highway or part thereof temporarily to any or all traffic; (8) Determine and declare one-way highways pursuant to RCW 46.61.135; (9) Determine and declare arterial highways pursuant to RCW 46.61.195 and 46.61.435. OPTIONS: Implement or deny the No Parking zone requested by the residents or provide staff with further direction. ' RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve resolution 07-018 prohibiting the parking of vehicles on Collins Road fram 31"d Avenue to 30'h Avenue from 7am to 3pm during School Days. BUDGETIFINANCIAL tMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten AT7ACHMENTS ~ l J 4le~e 28.,: ~0 Q7' .tl - 'To! Traifc Engineer.,`C. i#y 0 ~p,okane 11allpy; , - - - . . ~ V1+e, toe undersigned pf oper#y.:owners ara.,request-ing that..k. he 4hlo P.atking"-duririg scMol cl"'s wtiieh'_curfer'i#ly. eAsks:onZollins Ra,lrn:m 32r" Ave: #0 3'Ist, be . ~ ektendiiig n6r#h~16.8I"A+ve, The properly-o+rrnf~r,at80:1 5 S,:Collfns- woul'~ like-. lha no-:parkfrig -an the eas#.side.of:CqlW s to.extend'to #heir'prope rt.y. line.ori:the narth-, since; a& is nvt 8lhrou ghrskr.ee#_ IAIDDRESS S]~SNATI}FtE~ . 4461,~ ~ 'L~:s o. Tu-: aw ~e.x_ f:.Q u-t 0-6 ~ ~~•~,a~ a~~~• ~ t~~.S-~i~ a ~ Zf- l,;~e71f, ~*"k ntt~~r . C7"1'Y OF SPOKANN; VALLF;Y J SPCIICA,'VE ('()UNTY, WASHINCTI:)IY RESOLtiT10N NO. 07-018 A RF,SULLITIO,v OT '1'tIE Cl'I'Y OF SPOK:INE VALLCY, SPUKANE CflltiNTl', WASIITNG'TON, 1!:;PANllING TNN; COI:I,urs uu4n no rare.KIINc: roN'F TO INC I. L9D E'I' H F, BLQ(: K UP 31 `T TO 30nj A VEN UG. Wt[F.RF:AS, the City ol Spokanc Valley roocived a pctitiun Prom neighlwis of Unlversity liigh School ln cspiuid the nu pArking zonc on Cnllins Road ro includc the hlock Gom 31` tn 30'^ Avcaue. Thc petilinn 4as hccn signed by s represcntativc of eactt property fronting the block; 9ad WHP;RE AS, app:uently the school pxrking lot has adeyuatc capucit}•; and W1IERb:AS, Coancil h:is uuthority, ufter :ui rngineering and lruffic iuvastigatiun by the tmffic engincor, tu, nmong other nal'fic mcasures, proLibit, rogulutc, or limit stoppinl., srandine, or parking u[' vehicles on 9nv IUgI1WflY at nll times ar c[uruie such timca u,g shall 6c directcd by u!'linisl tratT"ic con[rul dcvices. INO\4 7'IiENNFORF., be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokanc Yallcy, Spukunc Cuunty, Washington, us fallows: Scclion l. Change in No-Ptuking %onr. Thc nu purkiug zcmc on Cullins Roxd shall bc cspandcJ tu includr the block af tu 10°i rlvrnuc. 77terctore_ parking will be pruhibiteA from 32n° Aveiiae to 3& Avcnue G(im 7:00 u.m. tp 3:00 p.nt. during scltuol d.qys. l ~ Cffcetive Date. Ttiis Resolutiun shall Ue in fiill forec and effect upon aduptiun. rldoptcd tFiis day of Yuvcmber, 2007. City of Spukanc V'ullcy A7TfiS'I'; Cily f:lcrk- Christiue Bainhridge M,ryer f)i:um \3'ilhite Appmced sts tn Form: Uffic:c of dle C:ih' ;1Qornc}' RcsidWinn 07-019 Collim Ittmd \o ["arking Zono Pepe I vf 1 . L r.rI'v or sPOxnnrN; VAI.LEY Reyuest for Council Actian Vieeting Ilnte: 11-07-0 i City A7anager 5igu-uff: Item: Check all that apply: U consont ❑ o0d business 19 new business I_I Rubldc hearing ❑ in(ortnation [I admin. reporl ❑ pending leglslation AGF.NUA ITEiYl TITIX: Violian (:onsideration: Lodb*ing '1'ax Advisury Committtc Gr.vit Kccommendatiuns DACKGRQU1Vll: Contained in lfie Octtib„r 23, 2007 Cuuncil packci materiuls, was u mcmoranduttt from Fiuance Dinector Kcn Thompson describinc the rxx:.nmmcuded gi•airi allncutions as follotvst Oraanaation Arnount Reauescc<f Amount Allocated Spo6rte Fair & Expo. $30,000 $30,900 Spokane Reg. Conv. & VisifoTS Bureau $325,000 5306,000 Spdqne F2cg. Spods Com. 5175,400 $145,000' Valleyfest $40,000 530,000 CenterPlaoo S90,000 590,000 Spokane Wlnery Assn. S8,300 $8.390 Va1lcyCham6er S155,000 ,825.000" Tota1 $823,300 $634,30U 120,000 to be held by city during 2aQ8 for SpoAs Comrn'ssion strategic rese.vo purposes. ~ "Appears an addiUonal $25,000 of this requost (Fall Shopping Geta-vmy) urs not in original app6cation, thus, did nat meet the Octobcr 2 deadline: During the Uctober 23, 200' Cuuncil meeting, lleputy Mnyur Ta,ylor spokc conceming this issuc and suid that the initial repor[ ol'ttie Ludging'I'ax Couuuitter. broubfit the rccottvnendutians us shrnvn above, hut Uwt thcrc was sucne dise:u.sion cnnccmine ffie Vulley Chambcr`s request lur mfulccting hmds, azid he bclieves this une itcro should rentrn W the full cammittee for lurlher cnnsidamtiun, as when the CumatiLLec prceirnnaly mot, diore werc iwo committee members abscnt, IY;tV'3i: Counctl''cbn4cnSa5 ~,tq , ni van"v;ttdeitlt Uie ~Iluculiun ncommeudatioti, u+ +ho~lp t0i tlii iNU4Cff1}1Li'i~incctmg}~~~4~Wi'lh"c r,--rP4• « i ,r, y, -r s7 a x ezceptluuiuGlh~4(?ha'm'her'S unqposvl; w6ich ~rill~he:consi~de-n4ixt.arl.ite.iG:YiUate! OPTIONS: Approve the alloGations as stated above; or make changes as Council deems appropriate. - RECOi19MENDED ACT'ION OR MOTION: Move to approve the following Lodging Tax Grartt Allocations: (1) Spokane Fair and Expo $30,000; (2) Spokane Regional Convention 8 Visitor's Bureau $306,000; (3) Spokane Regional Sports Commisslon $145,000 with $20,000 to be held during 2008 fer Sports Commission strategic reserve purposes; (A) Valleyfest 530,000; (5) CenterPlace 590,000: and (6) Spakane Winery AssoaaGon $8,300; for a total allocation of $609, 300. COUNCIL/STAFF CONTACT: Deputy Mayor TaylorlKen Thompson ~ r ~ ' ATTACHMENTS None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Dato: November 7, 2007 City Manager Slgn-off: Item: Check all that appty: Dconsant 0 old business ❑ new business Fj public h=_aring ❑ information ❑ admin, regorl ❑ pondiny legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideratlon: Appraval of JUB Change Order of Street Mastar Plan Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACT10N TAKEN: Adopted `lhe drafting of awell-defined Street Master Plan, with funding options°, as a prinapal 2006 budget goal. Reviewed a draft scope of work at the December 20, 2005 Council Study Session and authorized staff to issue an RFP for the selection of a consuttant. Revievred final scope and fee for J-U-B Engineers' at the May 2, 2006 _ Study Session and approved them on May 9, 2006. JUB Engineers presented a status of the project on December 19, 2006. The draft report was included as an Informational item in Council's July 10, 2007 packet. The recommended Pavement Management Progrem (Part One of the Street h9aster Plan) vras presented to Council ori Juty 17, 2007. Parf Tvro - Transportation Improvement Program tivas postponed and then presented to Council on Odober 16, 2007. , BACKGROUND: Gouncil expressed their desire to devclop a vrell-deEined Street Master Plan, with tunding options, that identifies the current Condition of the ci#y streets and recommends appropriate improvements and maintenanCe that preserve tho value and structural integrity of the local transportation system. J-U-B Engineers was selected as the most hlghly qualified consultant for ihis project. , J-U-B completed the Street Master Plan in June, 2007. In lhe presentations to CounCil J-U-B ouUined the cost to rnaintain the Pavement N4anagement Program and lhe Tr'ansportation Planning Section and 6-Year TlP updato. This Change Order will update the curcent strzet masfer plan for 2,108. See the attached change arder Eor a defai(ed descrlptfon ot the work. OPTIONS: Approve the Change Order or giva staff furEher diroction. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve ihe'Change Order to J-U-B in the amount of $196,000 for the ucdating of the 2007 Street Master Plan. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Funds aro available in the 2607 budget. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Nlorks Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer -Capifal Projecfs ATTACHMENTS Proposed Chang2 Order and Preseniation M71!:\ D.~l F: N' 1"l'1) AGI2EL'-NiF;NT FOlt YI20F'N:S8TONAT. SERVICFS ' .T-U_ii ENCINgCRS, hic. Strcct \4as!r.r Plun TFIiS r1ib1LNDA4L•NT No. 3 is til3de t0 thC llarccmcnt fnr Prnfcssinnnl Scrvice, datcd . N1av I S°i, 2(YO6 b;• and brtwr.en the City Ol' Spuk,w3 Valley, a codc Cin; of ncctiratc nf Nashinoan, hereinuilcr "Ciiy" und J-U-B Engineers, lnc., hercinahcr "ConsultanP` and jointly rcfcnrd to as "P:utins." Pursuant tn tiection; 1C aiid 18 of tlie A7ecmcni, thc partics hcrcby aurcc to antend lhc, Agruemcnl as set tiorth in Llie atLuhed Proposal and lletailed Scope ot Wurk. `Chese ser,,riccs will bc trackc:l and billcd on lime tui<l mtslcrials hrisis, ;md aro suhject tt, all oPdie conditions set fur[h in die orieinal :1grrcmcnt. Thc Citr' agccs to pa}• Considirml. up lu ,S178,000.00 fi-ir itie ulditionnl tiervices provided for in this Amendmeut to the Aerccmcnt. E:chibits to tltis Antendrnenl ,irc a,v li,lluws: 1. Professional Sciviccs Agrecment datcd T4ay 18, 2006; 2. F.xlfibit :1 Sureet N4aster Plan A4aintenaiue ajid Update Supplemental l6'ork 2007-2008 3. Cuiisultant Fec Estimate aitd Summin, . Qriyinsl Contract. AmounL , $ 435,470.00 Prior amcndmcMS $145,112.20 CurrencrLvcndmcntAmt?pnr $ I;X.1I1i0_00 oUnrndedCoutract:lutount $ The rcmainder ul ttie Agreament will retnaiii uncliatigeil bv dtis :lcnendnient. L' W7"CNESS WNk.REOF, thc parcia, liaec cxccutcA ihis ,Aguccmcnt this day of , 2007. CI71` OF SPOK:LyE VALLE1': C;ousult3nt: J-U-B ENGiNEE[tS, lnc, David Men icr, City M14anagrr Owuer . Tsix TD No. 32-4290774 ATTF.ST: APPROVGD AS TO PORM: Cluiscinc Bainbridgc, City Clcrk Officc of thc Ciry Attomcy Hdnger.•ispockoU IU?9?_R~B ¢meodeic~t Vo 3- Su~plam:rta??~dP 's TIP'Nerk.doc I _i S° ne StreBt Master Plan .0j%9ajky Pavcrncret 1lweayerricnt Proyrum Pi-o . . ' 1 I I , . r Ordy .111 //1 111 Consultant ea '1 '11II 111 Totals . 111 ' 1 3 111 . 111 . In-House Staffing Levels - 90D P• .o hours ~..i Street Masker Plan .,;,ON;4]],y Transpurluiiun Flcninirty - Su-Yeur 7TP ai g Requirements In4iouso b .intained In-House C*W $73.000 000 • i : 0i0 Total 111 L 111 ! ~ .r.nLn n ~.an 1 EXHIBIT - A City of Spokane Valley Street Master Plan Maintenance and Update Supplemental Work 2007 - 2008 ~ Scope of Work SECTION 1- BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE In 2006 The City of Spokane V2lley contractcd to have J-U=B ENGINEERS, Inc. provide consulting services l'o prepare a PavemenQ hWnagement Plan and database development to support annual development of the Transportation Improvement Program (T1P) [o preparc the first Street i~Aaster Plan aiid a Pavement Management Plan (PA'~P) for the City. 'f'Ihe intent of the eiforts described in the Scope of Work helov+ is "to provide the City aigoing suppa'C, data collection, and maintenance of lhe 1lP databasc and Pavement i'Aanagemenl' Progrzm. SECTION 2- ITEMS PROVIDED BY CLIENT TO J-U-B The following infor'mation, data, services andlor re5hnnsihilities will be provided by the Clienl', • without cost to J•U•f3. . Two trafflc count dcvices. • Intersection I.evel of Service for any applicable intersectlons, vrhic,h are calculated by the City staft, during the preparation of this updated hlaster Plan. • Any bid atntracts, City oi Spokane Valley or other public agencies, as desired to add to the Summary o(131d Tabulations by Bid Item created as part of the 2007 Street hlastcr Plan. SECTION 3- SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY J-U-B J-U-B shall furnish the services specifically l-amked to the following: Pavement Manaeement Plan Maintenance and Update Pavement Inspections and Quality Control: Consultant shall inspect pavement to assess the condition of CiCy sCreets in dCCOrdance with the current Pavement Surjace ConJitiorl Ffeld Ratlitg Monuaf used by the Northwest Pavement 1•1anagernent Association and consistent with the methodology usecl lo establish the pavement condition ratings for the Sireet hlaster Plan, Pavement condition surveys v+ill be conductecl (or a slandard 10a sample sizc of each roadvray section taking 9nto account the condition of the road in each direction of traveL The initial update recomrnendation is to inspect arterials and collectors every two years, and local streets every three years, fhus for the purposes of this 5cope of'A/ork it is assumed that one- half of arterial and collxtor roadways and one•third of local roadways will be inspected this update year. The local streets have been divided into six zones based on the approximate age. Two zones will be inspected each year. Data Input: Pavement condition data collected will be entered into the Pavement Manav,ernent System softwire for evaluatfon. Program Maintenance: Roadway netvlork changes due to nev+ road construction or annexations vrill be added to the Pavement Management System so(tware. Basic data such as slreet names, segmenl lengehs, road width, construction dale, etc. will be induded v+ith ' linkages to the GIS base map. Consideration shall be given to consolidating like segments to reduce the dal•abase. Scenario Runs: The information contained in the pavement management datahase updated . through previous tasks shall be used to prioritize thc maintenance and rehabili[ation necds of the Cil'y under reatfsl'ic cons[raints such as budgel limils. The (inal product of lhis lask shall inctude an annual update to the multi-year pavement rnainienance and rehabili#ation plan that is developed based on the parameters establishe<I in ttie pavement rnanage+nent program. Maps createcl as parL of Che SCreet Master Plan wSll be updal'ed to represent recommended treatments that show the proposed locations of work throughout 'the City. Close caordination with City staff vrill enable iterative buclget scenarios to be evaluat.ed. This effort also includes updating algorithms included in Che Cartegraph sofCware based on hislorical changes in pavement condition, C" Project Management: Key J-U-E3 sla(f will oversee ef(orts of this Pavement hlanagement Plan Update throughout the process. TransoortaNon Imorovement Program lTIPI Planninp Maintenance and Uodate Traffic Data Collection and GIS Updates: 7he consultant shall revievr vrith City staff traffic cowit data and detennine locations for new or updated all•day traffic counts. All•day traffic counts will be collected for 8 weeks v+ith 10 traffic couri[ers (2 provicled by the City), wiCh each counter being used twice eacfi week. Data collected, Indudin; Spokane CounCy and SRTC counts, shall be encered into the GIS database supporting the developmenl of the 7ransportation Improvemenl' Program (l1P) prepared as part of the Street Master Plan. Updates to the Intersection LOS iNap and the Volume/Capacity Map (V/C) incluGed in the Streel' Master Plan will be prepared, induding examination of V/C equations used, Consultant • shall abtain from the City intersection Level of Service analysis for any desired intersections. Prepare Traffic Volume maps for each year of count data for comparison and tracking of changrs. . Accident Data Summary: Consulliint shall obtain accident recorcls irom WSDOT for the period April 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 (or most recent available). Accident records for an anticipaQed 1950 accidents shall be reviewed and "deaned" in order to allovr geocoding. Manual review cf acaial accident records for approximately 150 "old" accidents and an antcipated 50 additional accidents will 6e performed to incorporate rccords that could not be geocoded and incorporated v+ilh the Slreet IAaster Plan database based on YJSOOT database 2 alone. Updates to the lhree Accident htaps inCluded in the Street Atiascer Plan vrill be prepared, inClUd"uig examining/updating equations used to calculate rates and ranges. Project Cost Estimates: The consultant shall aijgment ihe Summary of Bid Tabutalions by Bid Item with 8id AbsCracu from recent bids from the City or from other jurisdiCtions in the region as available. This databa5e will be used lo update project costs for projects currentty inctuded in the TIP database. IC is assumed thaC 5 additional projetts may be scoped dnd new project cast estimates will be preparetl. Six-Year TIP ReporC The consultanf shall assSst city staff in the developrnent, of the 2049- 2014 Six Year Transportation Improvement Proqram (TIP) using daca identified iri Tasks 1•3. Modi(iCations and improvemcnts to the TIP Report and other Supporting tables creatcd for the Street hlaster Plan are expeCted and wiU be prepared to the extend fcasible as request.ed by thc dient. SERVICES NOT TO BE PROVIDED BY J-U-B AS PART OF THIS AGREEMENT The Consultant will not provide Lhe specific services detailed belovr: • PubliC Invalvement • Comprehensive Craffic forecasting nor modelin, for futUre Conditions. SCHEDULE Pavement ManagemenC Plan . Data Collection - Fall 2007 • Data input and update - Winter 2007 • Updated Ph1P - Spring 2008 7rnsport,aticn Improvement Pragram • Oata CoUcction - Fall 2007 . Accident Dafd -Fdll 2007 . 8id 7ab database update - Fall 2007 • Projet[ Cost Estimates - Sprtrtg 2008 • TIP Report - Spring 2008 -3. ESTIAtATED FEES [XHIBIT CONSULTANT FEE DETERMINATION SUMMARY City of Spokane Valley Street Master Plan Maintenance and Updatc 200712008 Rates Estlmatcd Unssifiwtion Person-hours Ra;es of Pay Cos[s Pr irc:ipal . 4D $217.71 58, 100.52 ?rojec[ banager 26 5163.42 $3,268.19 Protm:l.Fai,irti^er 326 ;11f.i1 S47.,740.46 GISTe=hikian 249 S99,26 524.617.31 ER 450 581.29 535,767.12 Technidan 444 571,76 531,86i.a3 SrTranWmtnriwi %anner 64 $126.56 S11.099.44 .7: TnrsDettation Planixer 136 578.d7 $10,725.67 Clerlcal 68 563:95 51,348.87 1786 $170.139.12 RelmbursaDle.s: Travcl and Per Diem Pr,r Diem 76 J:iys T 530A0 $4 BO. W . Air'fravel 2 trip; P $700.00 S6t10.L0 aine.iuc 3WO mues(p 54,52 S1,768.00 Lod,in4 76 rii?hh~ $S(I.L+O $717R(1.00 tar Nenta! Z ds,s P S55.00 51lO.OD cftice ant] Equic.-nem 0 houra U 50,0a 50.40 • . 0 hour @ S7.CU SO.00 • r.raunrfmcti:,n EVerees 52.500.Da C,ommuni[aUorts SD.00 Rcimburxable Sub-TOUI $4,758.00 SubconsultantCosb: ' Tralfic Con:rol $1.50D.00 $0.00 Subconsultan[ Tatal 51,100.00 TOTALOASFAGREEMENT $177,997.12 INTAL{ROUhUkO $1061 $178,000 I ) ~ PreDaredbyt 5_A'antv_m;icq• Datc: l0/24!Z{7p7 Fiu: fpuin"e 1'yb, 2077 dqmcm:nl fwin!Ix~L~ 7?10N07.Ai Fnm bhhI Pf.'Rl CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 7, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appiy' ❑ consent Z old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA tTEM TiTLE: Motion Consideratton - Barker Road Bridge Aesthetica ~ GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: 1) Approval of 2007-2012 Six Year Transportation I Improvement Pian, which includes the Barker Road Bridge project, 2) Approval of a Local Agency Agreement and Project Prospectus with WSDOT, 3) Approval of Consultant Services Agreemertts for Type, Size and Location Study, and Final Design contract with CH2M HILL, 4) Informational Memo dated July 31, 2006 regarding recommended bridge closure w/ detour route. 5) Review of proposal for aesthetic treatments by local artist Sammy Perry during the public camment period on May 22, 2007 BACKGROUND: The design of the Barker Road Bridge project is dose to being completed. The final plans and specifications are being prepared so the project can be put out to bid. One element of the bridge project that has been mentioned to Council on a coup{e of occasions is the desire for aesthetic treatments on the new bridge that tie to the Spokane RiverlCentennial Trail activities. The design contract with CH2M HILL included the development of aesthetic treatments for the bridge. Preiiminary concepts have also been developed by local artist Sami Perry. Staff will present these two concepts and the costs assoaated with each approach, The Engineer's Estimate for the bridge project at the 90% design level is $9,985,161. Staff will discuss this estimate relative to tfie 100°rb federal funding level limit of $10 m{Ilion. OPTIONS: 1) Select an aesthetic treatment option and incorporate it into the bid documents and cost estimate, 2) forgo any aesthetic treatment options, 3) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOT10N: Move to proceed with a selected aesthetic treatrnerit option utilizing an additive bid schedule that allows Council to approve or deny this additional cost before awarding the consVuction contract BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACT3: Currently the projet;t is funded with a federal Bridge Replacement grant and no locaf match is required. However, if aesthetic treatment options are selected and/or the project bid exceeds the approved grant amount, local funding may be required. STAFF CONTACT: Steve Woriey, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS PowerPoint Presentation Bridge Barker Ro ad Replacement Aesthetic ~reatments Sp►okane Valky EXISTING BARKER BRIDGE .i. . . , - ^ •~ao _ _ , .~f ~ _ ~M . 't ! - « ~t_ ! T~ ! . 'Jt~ _ - _ - . _ -R•.- . , _ - ' - - - - - _ . . - - _ . -i.:l.~:~._ _.r~.,►.-_. A~'•:~? ~I`^_-_-_.K- - . ~ -'t`.~•;Y~.--- _ !'`.y7!~_- nt~.._ . • ~ . ~ , ~ , •t ~ ( . b 1 • ' , r ' ' : " . "Oo/ S 009pp `,alle3' EXISTING BARKER BRIDGE . a ; t ~ N „ , , , t'-' : _ ~ . . . 'e. Jit _ , • ~ ~j..,~ , ~r~ _ ~y~. ~ . ~ . . . ~~r _ . _ ~ 1 ~ a i~~ rt.; lZ~~ +^~~i'~ 1: . . ~ 1 ~ _ ~ ~ . ~ ~ • - . r ~ , ~ ~ti'~I~s. ' • ~ f ~ _ e'~ : ~ _ ~ . ~ , . '~i"'a'~~ i _ ~ ~ ~ • ,~Ly_j ' ""~4' `r` ~-f - _ ~t~_{ _..~J'.,' S~", ,~k~ane p° `,alky EXISTING BARKER BRIDGE . ~ ..i. , - . , . i~- _ . • 1 ~ ~ =~!ti 1~~ a.~..~_. , .i , • ~ : r ~ ~3~. ~r~ ~~i.,rr r i, h k:~ - ~r ` • ~ ~ _ ~ I 10 r ' 1 ~'e+ , • ~ . 'l'_ : _ \ ^ ~y ;1 ~ ~"r~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ - ol' ~ 1 ry~1 . ~ .L' { ` • • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I • ' ~ . t ~'9,- ~ , S t''t ' 0000/ R~pGE KER ~ G gp`R N IL ~C1 5T~ T _ - . ~ L T~` ro ~,NNI A ~EN , . ~ _ ~~„y,•,,., ` ~ .d s • • }•:`~yf!'~i. ' - ~ . • _..,.r . + . . • . r - : ~r:•t' I.. w ~ ~ ~ ! _ 'RKER RipGE , - ~ - 1N~ ~ apK~NG N s~aE . , ~ rt` "t` . , ~ . ~ . =7,.. . . w ~ ° s v ° r ,~y~--• ~ a " lt ~7f . . a/''- ' . - .~Y•.°L.s ^w ~ , ,.a.-+.• ~ . , . • ~ ~ i . ~ ~ , ► _ , • • <<. - - ~ . ! 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' ' Custom Inlay ~"okane TRI-CITIES BRIDGE LIGHT POLES & RAILINGS - _ y.. _ ; _ ~ ' y - _ ~ ~ ~ fi`,~•~r ~ . - ~ " ~ ~ ~ . . ~ -~V+ ~ wY 1.~ .~d~~ I A~~w r~ ~s,~ ~ r • w ,C~y~~ ~~~jx -y ~ ~ ~ -V,.xt.~%~ G. •;r . t . ~ . . . , . . . . _ . _ . . . . •C ' ~ i ' . . . . tn t,- • , . . - - . . , . . , _ _ f: l ~ ' i ' ~.J~ _ _ ~._''u ~ ~ ~y' i ♦~5 i~iUl~ 1 . - BRIpGE ~K e TR s & VtA►LjNG ~ LICHT POLE . : ~0a0 • i , . . ~ .•i'^~~ ' • f ~ ~ : , t~~* ~ L } . ~ ~M~~ 1 _ 1 ~ v„~•+~r . . ~ ~ , ~ . o~~~ ~ 'y' ~ , - ~t s, ~ Sp `o~~ane Valley AESTHETIC WORK COMPLETED ~ CH2M H L. deve oped pre iminary p ans - Sami Perry (oca artist) prepared a ternative sketches ■ CV42M-'11t'L & ~ BLpgT PR IN~ ~ S Ep SAN ppQ ~ _ " ~ o,~.v'~`~- `.--~t • _ A oN N 0 o~;j~i~~ ~.,~.u~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ' ' ~ t:..C~i,--c~3`• - _ ; ~kC„r['✓i"7 ` tA r---~ ~r"U • ~ ~ ~ Spokane CH2M-HILL 1e3' PROPOSED SAND BLASTING & STA1N ~'x~-~~ r~~1 ~ ~.i ~ ~ z~~-(~,~=.,- c..s.~- - _ ; ~ _ - _ _ _ ~ _ _ ~ ~ ► - ~ ~ ~ Si kane Valley CH2M-HILL PROPOSED SAND BLASTING & STAIN _J ~V~ • \ y• - _y_ ~,r~ ll i 1 - ~ ~-i r ~',r"~~ ~_N~ "'~Y~` E~7 ~ ~ 1~r 1 ~~-'~1 ' /Y/ 1 ~ V ~ \ i ~ - ~ - - - - _ _ --r_ ~~FZ4 '---J Vr-- IZ-_ - w - kwa- ne r Valley CH2M-HILL PROPOSED STANDARD/CUSTOM FORM LINERS ~ , r 7-17 - ~ _ : \ - . - ~ - -t , - I r i I Iil~- - - _ .~r ~ ---r - T ME I ~ I ~ 1 t ~ ~ t ! ~ ~r-~ ~~~a - ~~r~ - ~r~.a.-c~t~►v~. crr ► c~~~~ Valley CH2M-HILL PROPOSED CUSTOM INLAY • „ , ~CtT[N 1~C' - f~2tV~~ ~~itJG-r ; r , r ~ ~ - : . 1 - ~ ' Ae.-~NT - F-114F5P, FAC.iWC-r So"" e p CH2M-HILL Valley PROPOSED CUSTOM INLAY n ~ i • ' • . ' - - ~ ~ _ - , - - - - - - ~ - - 11 a C O 0 / O ~ S. I • t r M G ► O 4 a t y v w t r 9 • • . • • . ~ ~ i ~ ~ . w • • . ~ • I ~ r • 1 • ~ i • f C ba • O M'l ! 11 l Y w,• O w i 1 Y v N ~ • M f . _ . . . . . . . . . . . ~ • ' ~ , i . _ ( r ~ 1 ' . ~ -i - , - - - ,_..-r-"'i ' ~ I ~ - ' .~_•~T~-'T. 00, - - : . . J . . . _ i r . , . • 9 6 0 t • b w • J t L Y • ~ • c e a i . v w • ♦ • • • . • • r ~ . . ~ 0 ~ . , • r ~ ~ . ~ . . . . r ■ • ! S c e . ❑ w a ~ . ~ w w i. • ~ ~ . ~ v n r S`-'" kane ~ ~ ley CH2M-HILL ~~a1 PROPOSED CUSTOM INLAY i Z ~ ~ "1 " ii~` - ^ - • -t- ~ I ~ - • • • , I ~ _ - :po • , - i , , w • c o t r o M~t♦ r l Y w o I o w • r 4 • . 1 ■ 0. ~ ~ ► ~ 1~ • • ~ y ~ . 1 ~ . . ~ s _ ~ r • u n,~ ~l l r q O• MqMifi"D SO" 'M rnAP$ I ~ 61 1 ' __~J A • C D ! ► O 1. ! M~~IUA J L ~ ~t~ir it~ A1~ ~T }~a CA/ ~ ~ /Ow I Ra1! S"" ~ ne ,;,00Vajjey CHZM ESTIMATED COST Abutments and Pier Caps Two options: @ Sandblasting & Stain on smooth concrete, light acid wash, color stain, graffiti sealer. $43,000 ~ 1-1 /2n Styrofoam cut outs applied to the inside face of the form. $67,000 A&ne Valley CH2M ESTIMATED COST Traffic Barrier/Retaining Walls v Random-width vertical board pattern - outside face of traffic barrier, retaining walls and curtain walls. $55,000 ~ Add embossed shapes onto the retaining walls that go along with the trail-use and river-use themes. $14,000 Tota I s 0 Abutments/Pier Caps: $43,000 - $67,000 (not grant eligible) , * Traffic Barrier/Retaining Walls: $55,000 - $69,000 (partly grant eligible) e All Elements: $98,000 - $146,000 .0000) ~ S Pe SAM1 PERRY OVaUff Local Artist crn r~~~ Valley SAMI PERRY PROPOSED CUSTOM INLAYS , wI l1 i * ~ ~ ER'RY _ ~ra{f'ic Ba~T1e~ _ O-Iot SA'~A~ p ~N~-~►.'~~ v e ~ CSTOM ' OppsED ~ PR ~ ~ - . ~ .r..~-~ ► ~ V-3 ~ ~ ~r Sol~ane p SAMI PERRY ,;,oOValley PROPOSED CUSTOM INLAYS - Pier Caps j . '~!~lJ~"'s ~ ~ ~ . . ~ , a _ ; 6koome 00 SAMI PERRY Valky COST ESTIMATES Custom Forms @$9 per square foot (not grant eligible) ~ $249000 - Traffic Barrier $11,000 - Pier Caps $141000 - Retaining Walls $49,000 Total - Artist's fee: 20- 30% of costs to make forms (not grant eligible) e $1o-1s,ooo Total Estimate: $59,000 - $74,000 n.,, t~JllLfll~ Valle Summary y : Grant E igibe CH2M HILL Standard form liners for Traffic Barrier and Retaining Walls: $55,000 Non-Grant E igib e 0 CH2M HILL Sand Blasting/Stain or Custom Inlays on Pier Caps and Abutments: $43,000 - 67,000 " Sami Perry Custom Inlays on Traffic Barrier and Pier Caps (w/ Artist fee): $59,000 - 74,000 //0000 Barker Road Bridge Funding ll', Federal . . gineer"s Es1 Project • s Federal d • $ 9,985,161 $ 9,985,161 $ 9,985,161 $ - a 9,985,161 $ 10, 200, 000 $ 9,985,161 $ 214,839 $ 9, 985,161 $ 12, 500, 000 $ 9,985,161 $ 2, 514, 839 ~ ~ 0% Federal f f If bids come in signfficariUy • " • - • - d- - • d hlgher than the Ertglneer's $ 10, 200, 000 $ - $ - $ - Fstimate, we have the option $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ to cance/ bids and redesign $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ the bridge with fewer lanes. 80120 Funding : 0, , Federal, 0, . . . . Project . - . . $ 10,200,000 $ 9,985.000 $ 7,988,000 $ 1,997,000 $ 10,200,000 $ 10,000,000 $ 8,000,000 $ 2,000,000 a 900200,000 $ 13,500,000 $ 10,800,000 $ 2,700,000 S`~po~~ane Valley Questions? , - y;~ . • ' _ ~ . . . {~~'~~r=~•J-'-~~t..t,,,~ r..~~. _ t r r{~-w~~.w _~'~i'''. ~j► • y' 7 ~ :ti 1 ' ' " - -`c~ ~r~r C, ` . c:a a'y• . ~ ' - :Tc., - i:~ u':S'~ ( 4 ~ 7 ?:;;:c ~ ~.'~6. - _ r r,, z~•~' )~"xi'.~l~ ~ya~.: • Y v ~4~ ':`f(. ~etri~~~'fJ". _ I ~ . ~(7 +d,1. i~,~. ~G~ra~ r . _ ~ ~ j., V+.R.~ • i ";-.Y ~ , r a . . . ~ y TSt.~ ~ . . ~._r, ,'a: ~;~~r ~ti y?;,a'?d w''l~ • : ~ _ . ~ t . 'ti ~~ISr-f~~j~~J~~~~~{.r~~ • _ ' - - T~r ~j~< t• ,~•'c : ~s ~-_~I!~ , , - ` f ~•:a ~ ~ r` ~ ~l' ~ ~j iy+ ` D~5 . i. ti~' ~ ; ~ Z + p~ , `„7 . : ~ : ~ ~ ~~y .1 ~ ' • ~ ~r 7, ~a~~jM~b~~jy~; , ?✓E- • ~ i'+'~,s~... ""h J~W,- ; , ^,~„~.°~..t . -.~'',~,lr, i.1::,~` , z ~'tr~~ +~'Y~ r~,~,w . . '_iit: i ~Eh~_;,~~$=~'~ ~y>4..,~~~{~'~~f' 1r~~y/r~~ ~~l~~~~ ~ r~9r. ~~4'^r.+ ~ •S ~ ~ ~ i ~c ~ -~s ~ ~elf~ I.t. .1~!;.* ~.ji~~ ~ ~ ~ , : f~~,~+~,. K.dt•. ',UL~i •:a i p -i~,1~ 'ki~t ~l' a..~.~ T , ~ ~ ~ . ' 'l. 1' ~ 4,~ .7 . ~ - ~ei 4~,~ • ~ ~i~~•'~- - :3:::: _~►~~'s:~^s~~~'.~~~~~ ~ ~~S..:s•:~. 'T, *kane Valley CH2M ESTIMATED COST ~ Abutments and Pier Caps Option 1 ~ Stain on smooth concrete using a Mylar stencil for the artistic pattem. This option process would include aQplying a lig ht acid wash followed by a color stain, followed by a graffitt sealer. This application would be done by sprayer. Estimated cost range: $35,500 to $43,000. Option 2 ' 1-1 /2" Styrofoam cut outs of the artistic pattem applied to the inside face of the form. No stain or sealer. Estimated cost range: $26,700 to $32,300. Option 3 ~ Same as Option 2 but with a stain and sealer applied to the embossed pattern. Estimated cost range: $48,900 to $59,200. Option 4 ' Smooth concrete with no graphics. An acid wash and graffiti sealer would be applied only on the abutment walls. The wash and sealer isn't necessary on the pier cross beams because these surface will be inaccessible to the general public. Estimated cost range: $5,000 to $6,000. .000,0/ Cdy of Spokane Valley - Barker Road Bridga Replacement Aasthetic Treatment Options and Appronimata Costs Oubsids Facs of Traffic Barriets lvortlpl bwr+d patbm Formilner Tneatrnent ~dditional Conc (CY) ~ Tobi Lsngth Height /kee Unit Cost TreatrneM Conc Unlt Cost Concrete ~ Estimated Oescription (FT) (FT) (Sf) (Z/SF) cost (CY) (ifCY) cost Cost West Bridge 462 2.5 1,155 $ 7.30 $ 8,432 4.24 $ 600,00 i 2,544 $ 10,876 East Bridge 462 2.5 1,155 $ 7.30 $ 8.432 4.24 $ 600.00 $ 2,544 $ 10,976 SE Retaining Watl 24 2.5 60 $ 7.30 $ 438 0.22 $ 600.00 $ 132 $ 570 SVV Retaining Wall 38 2.5 90 $ 7.30 $ 657 0.33 $ 600.00 $ 198 $ 855 NE Retainirtg WaU 60 2.5 150 $ 7.30 $ 1,085 0.55 i 600.00 i 330 $ 1,425 NW Retaining WaA 28 2.5 70 x 7.30 $ 511 0.26 i 600.00 $ 154. $ 665 Subtotal 2,680 $ 7.30 $ 19,564 9.84 $ 600.00 $ 5,9021 $ 25,466 Cort6n9encY (1596) . ~ ; 3.820 Tatal j $ 29,286 Range (-5'rV+15%) $23,500 to $28,500 R.aeauq@ w.tls 4v.~tlcaf board ~.m.m1 ~ Fortnliner f reahment ~ Additlonal Conc (CY) Average Total Length Helght Area Unit Cost Treatment Conc Unit Cost ConcreUs Estimatod Desctfptbn (FT) (FT) (SF) (=!SF') cost (CY) ($ICln cost cost SE Releining Wall 37 7 259 $ 7.30 $ 1,891 0.81 $ 800.00 $ 488 $ 2,379 SW Retatning Wall 49 10_25 502 $ 7.30 a 3,688 2.79 $ 800.00 $ 1,878 $ 5,342 NE Retaining Walt 73 8.25 602 $ 7.30 $ 4,398 264 $ 800.00 $ 1,584 $ 5,980 NW RetaEning Wall 41 4.5 185 $ 7.34 $ 1,347 202 $ 600.00 $ 1.210 $ 2557 Subtotal 1,548 S 7_30 $ 11,~00 ~ 828 $ 800_00 $ 4,558 $ 16,Z58 Cantingency (1596) $ 2,439 Tate1 $ 18.897 Renge (-69G1♦16'X) $14,200 to i17.100 ■ ~ M"On=l ~Cm" "70on 2 Option 3 Option 4 I Mylu Stancll. Acid 3lyrolosm Cutouts, ( Acid Wssh 3 Graffitl ~ Descdption Ls~qlfi Helght Arva Un1t Cost~Troatrnent Un~4s Trs:tnnertt lMlt Cost rwraaeM Unlt Cost' Tnatrmset (FT) (FT) (SF~ (5f3F) Cost ItJSF) Cost (t/SF) Cos1 (t1SF) Ccst Soulh Atwtrner►t (Pier t) 78 10 760 $ 12.00 i 9,120 $ 9.00 $ 6,840 $ 18.50 i 12.540 $ 3.00 $ 2.280 North AbuUnent (Pier 4) 78 10 760 $ 12.00 i 9,120 E 9.00 $ 6,840 $ 18.50 $ 12,540 $ 3.00 S 2,280 South Face Pler 2 Bewm 74 8.75 500 $ 12.00 S 5,964 = 9.00 $ 4,4+96 $ 18.50 i 8,242 N/A i - NoAh Face Pbr 3 Beam 74 8 75 500 S 12.00 3 5.@9d S 9.00 $ 4,496 $ 16.50 = 8,242 N/A 3 - Eaai Feae Pler 2 Beam 9 6 48 $ 12.00 $ 578 $ 9.00 i 432 S 18.50 $ 792 N/A S - West Face Pbr 2 Beam 8 8 48 $ 12.00 i 578 $ 9_00 S 432 S 18.50 i 792 N/A i - East Fece Pier 3 Beam 8 8 48 ; 12.00 $ 578 $ 9.00 $ 432 $ 18.50 ; 792 nUA $ - West Face Pier 3 Bsam 8 8 48 $ 12.00 3 578 S 9.00 # 432 $ 1650 i 792 N/A $ - SubWWI 2.711 $ 1200 $ 32= $ 9.00 i 24,399 i 18.50 i M.732 1 $ 4,560 ~~cY (To a) $ 37,482 1 t 28~ ~ $ 5~ ~i $ 5~ RanQe (-6'X1+16'X.) :36.600 to $43.0001 S28.700 to f32.3001 f48.9M to $59,2001 $5,000 bo $6,000 I Sunnuiry Lcw ttpn Tratflc Barrora f 23.500 f 28.500 ReEsinlnp Welis i 14.200 S 17.100 $ 37,700 f 45,800 AbutmentelPier Cap9 i ~Q .20f] Tcxa! 4~U(~ 700 3 i OA.800 EXISTING BARKER BRIDGE APPR4A ~Ta11ey ~ . ~ I ~ ~ ^ D!- ~ 1 , ~ y~.1''~, "V~", ~ _ b ~ ~ ' - . • f cti-~:~ ~ ~ J. d~~,• ►~:,J i ^ ♦ " ' f ~a±.~7K` ' r v ~ ` ~ ^ ir_ . ~ _ y '~P~ r-1~~ C~ - ~i0~~`_-~~yM._ / ==i ~ t - ?~r.> . .i ~•.,`.V - . ~ - - I 1 Z •z~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ _ _ _ CH 0000/ ~ h~ r ~ r SooRane NEW BARKER BRIDGE APPRQACH ;,OOWley :.4: • r' r-_ ~r„J~`l~~ l~ . ~ .~"~`It .:.4.. . ~ ;;c,~ , - ' , ~ -y+-..',Gt ' ~es.•' • - . y a : . ' • ' f~f~~.~~. . ~ . . . . . ; • ~ . . . ~ " . ~ _ . . . . . ~ . . . . . . ^~l~' _ y'1 ' . t w . ~ l• , . .'r' .l" ' 1y+ .j ~~..P'f' ~~1 • . Ej a. ~ . _ . a • _ - . . . ' . . - , ;r, . . . . . 00000/ I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 7, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: CTED Regional Collaboration Grant GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: . BACKGROUIdD: see attached October 25, 2007 Memorandum from Scott Kuhta regarding the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane City, Liberty Lake, Airway Heights, Town of Millwood and Spokane County's submitting a collaborative grant proposal to CTED. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to accept the Competitive Growth Management Act Planning Grant in the amount of $150,000, which was submitted along with other cities and. municipalities as a collaborative grant proposal to CTED. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: , STAFF COPlTACT: Scott Kuhta ATTACHMENTS: ~rArg o~ 6` y . a y7 O tssq ~ STATE OF WASWINCTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY, TRADE AND ECONOMIC l7EVELOPMENT 128- 100Avenue SW • PO f3ox 42525 • Olympia, Washington 98504-2525 •(36l10725-4000 C7ctober 29, 2007 v L) 1= ~y • ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~;+~'i The Honorable I7iana Wilbite ' v• Mayor of Spokane Valley l 1707 E Sprague Avenue Suite 106 C1'3Y Q~ Sporiane Vajley Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 Dea.r Mayor Wilhite: ' I am plcased to inform you that the City of Spokanc Valley was seleeted by the Washington State Department of Cammunity, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) to reeeive a Gornpetitive Growth Management Act Plarining Grant. . '1'he grant is awarded chrough Growth Management Services (GMS) to facilitate negotiations for ~ interlocal agreements in the metro-urban growth area by cieveloping a pilot developrttent process. . The amount of'the grant is $150,000. FundinS will be a[located into both state fisc;al ycars of the 2007- 2009 biennium for this project. The Cily of'Spokane VaIley will have Lmtil June 30, 2008, to espencl $60,000. The remaincJer of the grant, $90,000, will be available in the next shtte 1"iscal year, which begins on July 1, 2008, and expire.s on Junc 30, 2009. , Plea.ce be aware that if funding to C1TD is reduced before the completion ofyour contracl' then thc grant award may bc reduced accarctingly. . The GMS planner assigned to work wiYh you on this grant is Dee Caputo. Shc will be contacting }rou " within the next Pew days to discuss thc scope of work and arrangements co moiiitor the grant. You can contact your assigned plariner at (360) 725-306$ or email DeeCa@cted.wa.gov. Congratulations on your successful proposFil. I think your project will becomE a good esample of , effective planning that other Washington Jurisdictians may use or emulate. Sincerely, .G 0 , Marijo Olson Acting Assistant Director ~ ~Local Government Division ~ . . Ttie FIonArable Diana Wilhite Oceober 29, 2007 ' Page 2 . . cc: SenatorCraig Pric{emore ' R.epresentative Bill Fromhold Represenlaiive Jim Mcacller Susan Winchell, Director, Spokane County Boundary Reuiew Board llee Caputo, AICP, CTED Growth Management Services $0iM)ne ;oOValley. 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ ciryhallpspokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager; City Council From: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner • CC: Kathy McClung, Community Development Director Date: October 25, 2007 Re: CTED Regional Collaboration Grant 2007 CTED Collaborative Planning Grant • In September 2007, the cities of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Liberty Lake, Airway Heights, the town of Millwoad, and Spokane County submitted a collaborative grant proposal to CTED. The grant request of $150,000 is intended to fund the second phase of a collaborative planning ~ process initiated in 2006 under a previous CTED grant. The second phase is intended to ~ facilitate negotiations for interlocal agreements in the metro urban growth area by developing a pilot development process; providing in-depth revenue and service delivery information; and developing a strategy for Spokane County and the participating jurisdictions to implement interlocal agreements. In the original proposal, the City of Spokane was designated as the lead agency and financial contact_ Because the City of Spokane also submitted a separate CTED grant proposal, CTED requested that the lead agency and financial contact for the collaborative planning grant be changed to another participating jurisdiction. (CTED did not want it to appear that one jurisdiction was receiving two grant awards.) The City of Spokane Valley has agreed to serve as the lead agency and financial contact for the grant. CTED was informed of the change and the application was revised. The responsibilities that the City of Spokane Valley will have if the grant is awarded include: • Contract with CTED to receive the grant funds and disperse them as the grant requires. • Contract with Eastern Washington University for two interns. • Designate Studio Cascade as the sole source consultant for phase II of the development process and report preparation and contract for services. . Designate Mike McCormick as the sole source for facilitation of interlocal agreements and contract for services. • Work with Grant Technical Committee to select financial analysis consultant and contract for services. • Pay invoices approved for payment and submit requests for funds as scheduled in ~ CTED contract. The project manager will submit all required quarterly repoRs and deliverables to CTED; review all consultant billings and relevant invoices items as approved in the CTED contract and forward to the City of Spokane Valley for payment. Each participating jurisdiction will be kept informed of all grant and contract transactions. Susan Winchell will serve as the project manager. The technical committee for the muiti-jurisdictional collaborative planning grant is composed of Steve Davenport, Spokane County; Ken Pelton, City of Spokane; Scott Kuhta, City of Spokane Valley; Doug Smith, City of Liberty Lake; Chip Pilialoha, City of Airway Heights; Heather Cannon, Town of Millwood; and Susan Winchell, Boundary Review Board. The technical committee will provide direction for the project and review and accept the overall work plan and consultant submittals. jo ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 7, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent X old business new business ❑ public heanng ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion re: WUTC notification on Sunshine and Waste Management. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.02.160, RCW 81.77 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Study session April 17, 2007, motion on May 22, 2007, administrative report August 14, 2007. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Council direction on Niay 22, 2007, staff drafted proposed seven year status quo franchise for Waste Management and Sunshine Disposal. The franchises were presented tonight for adoption. In order to start the clock on the seven year franchises, fhe City is also required to send a letter notifying the Washington Utilities and ~ Transportation Commission that the City is terminating the existing Tariffs, and granting the new status quo franchises with WUTC continuing to provide regulatory oversight until seven years expire, or the City and the haulers agree on a new franchise with different terms. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move that we authorize staff_ to send a letter to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission notifying them of the termination of the existing TarifFs for Waste Management and Sunshine Disposal, and the adoption of Ordinances 07-022 and 07-023. ' BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA ' STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attomey ATTACHMENTS: Draft letter to WUTC . OFFICE QF THE CITY ATTO1tNEY crry oKane MICI-IAEL COMNELLY, CTTY ATTOItNEY._ CARY P. D1ZISICELL, UEPLfTY CITY A7"fORNE)" ; Va11e Sp Y 11707 East Sprague Ave Suite 103 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 . 509.688.0231 ♦ Fax: 509.688.0299 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Novembcr 9, 2007 Penny Ingram Washington Utilities and Transpartation Commission P.O. Box 47250 Qlympia, WA 98504-7250 Re: iVotice nf cuncellatinn of WU7'C certificule for collection of commercial and residential solid waste in the City vf Spokane Valley for Wuste lwanugement, and of commercial solid wuste in 1he Ciry of Spokane Vulley fvr Sunshine Disposal. Dear Washington Ulililies and Transportation Commission: On November 8, 2007, the Spokane Valley City Couneil approveci a motion authorizing staff to notify the WU"I'C (pursuant la RC`V 35.02.160) of the termination of the existing tarif.fs under which Sunstune Disposal and Waste Managcment provide solid wastc hauling services in our city. (7itr Council also adopted replacement francliises ttiat will take effect on ivovember 16, 2007. Copies of the ncw franc:hi5es are included for your ~ records. Under thcse replacement franchises, Sunshine and Waste Management will continuc to have all the righls and obligations they currently llave under the WiJTC tariffs, for up to seven years. In consideration of thc above, please consider this Ictter a ndtice of termination of Ccrtificate G-237, and TariffNo. 15 granted lu Wastc Management by VVLITC, effectivc May l, 2007, and Certificate G-199, 3nd I'ariff No. 7 granted to Sunshinc I)ispnsal by WUTC, effective September l, 2006, to provide solid waste haulin5 within our city limits. The replacement status quo 1'ranchises shall be in e:ffect as of November 8, 2007, with the NV[JTC continuing to provide regulatory oversiglit over both Sunshine and Waste vianagemenl. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contacl me. Very truly yours, . Cary P. Driskell CPD/pd N: nc. c: City Council (w/out enc.) Marc I"orre, Siuishinc Disposal (w/enc.) Ken Gimpel, Waste Management (w/enc.) 1( CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 'Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 7, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Council Confirmation of Mayoral AppoinUnent of Douglas Wollan to the Cable Advisory Board GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: The current cable franchise with Comcast was inherited from Spokane County upon the City's incorporation. The City is currently negotiating a new franchise agreement with Comcast. The Council felt it was imperative that it participate and secure representation on the regional Cable Advisory Board. The City secured three positions on CAB. One of the positions is currently vacant. ~ Mr. Douglas Wollan has submitted an application to serve on the Cable Advisory Board. Staff has contacted Mr. Wollan and verified that he will be able to fulfill the commitment of this position. Mayor Wilhite recommends appointing Douglas Vllollan to the Spokane Regional Cable Advisory Board. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Douglas Wollan to the Spokane Regional Cable Advisory Board for a term beginning immediately and expiring December.31, 2009. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N!A COUNCIL/STAFF CONTACT: Mayor Wilhite/Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst ATTAC H M ENTS 1. Application ~ ~ . Application Form for ~~8~ ~h c1ivc)F CommitteeslBoards/Commissio~~asd "Ii:~ 1;!)pokane ; . . y oxa0 Va11e Retum oompleted form to: C;M Ot Sp Office of the Mayor, 11707 East Sprague Suite #lOb Spokane Valley, WA 99206 NOTE: All information on this form becomes PUBLIC INFORMATION when submitted to the Mayor's OfFice. Posidon applied for: ',-LWIE 7-2:EL~1DJ t~c~ ~ ✓ Applicant's name: QAi) (,,/-,q 5 Home address: -3(,7 f nl, sotL J/j,,..rC-- Zip code: ~j aC7~ 7 Nome Phone: Email: CLA (Li mcI'b~~ Aiiprl EMPLOYMENT HISTORY • Present or last . . employer: Position Held: Dates of 1 S I-/V CLt~VUzk-Employment _ . . . , , . r!_r i ~ Address: a*one: ~ i Previous employer: (f,S u S-~-E,~ L'._.n ~ • Address: Phone: EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Hfgh School ~ s~( f~ s Diploma College/University ~~64,d J-i~isaToE' 6~4r'f . pegree cC1) ~;~.J (~K ~.i ~C,~ CollegeJUniversity Degree COMMUNI7Y RELATED ACTNITIES - iA1F~ 5 iVss(~'fI it f/o'~ ~ VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES 5-Adut--0, Mr-LC-r 5C,de~, L A-5'70de-p a~~ ~e,,e7-6e-s /f L,s~~-~~~ C.l.~ IJ . ' SIQLLS/SPECIAL INTERESTS Current and past positions held on City Board, Committee, or Commission (circle one): IA From: To: W From: To: From: To: How long have you continuously lived within Spokane Valley city limits? iVOTE: YOU MUSf BE A RESIDEM' OFTHE CI7Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY. What do you feel you ran contribute to the community that may not be evident from informafiion already ~ furnished on this application? 0ji J / Z-1lfAS> l%CC , ~.t I~TJ,~I~ L-f'_ s~: L' I/1C~ ~X~-~~ ~ f~~~'.~ % a _T.uT~G~~i4~' Um.~&e-'r19,►1 f) A) --4 lP a 161,2S I-1nWhy do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission aAplied for? evv ND > L c✓ 4✓C.a ) K-,~~~!'~~-~..1C.~, ' t . a Would yaur appointment to this pasitian create a contlict af fnterest ar an appeararyce af a _ 1~ confiict of interest? 1v It is the poficy af the Gty of Spokane Valley to afilev2 aftural ancf ethnfc cfiversity on Committees, eoards, and Commissiaris. Information on this sectian will asdst in adueving this, goal and Is voluntary on your part. ❑ Aslan ❑ wispanic ❑ Afdcan Amer(can ❑ IVativc Amelican ~I bvhite ❑ Other ! Zl 40 ~ ~ Slgnaturo 1( ' Oaie U CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action , . ~ Meeting Date: November 7, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: - Item: Check all that apply: ❑ oonsent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pendng legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Proposed County Anirnal Control Ordinaoce GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane County Code 5.04 and 5.12 and SVMC 7.30 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Information Item presented to Council on September 18, 2007 BACKGROUND: The purpose of this agenda item is to present proposed amendments of the Spokane County animal code (Spokane County Code Chapter 5) to Council in order to allow comments to be made before the amendments are presented to the Board of County Commissioners. . According to SVMC Chapter 7.30.010, The City of Spokane Valley adopted Spokane County Code 5.04 and 5.12 except for items referring to appeals. This also applies to any subsequent ^ amendments to the Spokane County- Code. Excluding appeals, if the BOCC adopts the proposed changes, they will go into effect in Spokane Valley at the same time they go into effect in the unincorporated County, January 1, 2008. A prirnary component of this amended ordinance is an increase in fee amounts. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The net animal control cost (total expenditures,less total revenue) for the City of Spokane Valley in 2006 is $377,232. If the number of licenses stays the same with the increased fee amounts, the City portion of revenues will increase by approximately $100,000 STAFF CONTACT: Morgan Koudelka, Senior Administrative Analyst ATTAC H M E NTS • 1. Draft Spokane County Code Amendments 2. Summary of Changes to Animal Code r ; ANEVIAL ORDI:NANCE SPOKAiNE COUNT'Y A.NTVIAL COVT170L ' TITLE 5 ANIMALS Chapters: 5.04 Dogs and Cats 5.08 Range Areas 5.1.2 Inherently Dangerous Mammals and Reptiles Title 5 Ai1~IMALS Cliapter 5.04 DOGS AI~'D Ct1TS Sections 5.04.010 Purpvse. 5.04.020 Def nitinns. . 5.04.030 Dog and Cat license--Required. . 5:04:03-1 ~',*';^^r°^ l~nnr~:rn cccjc.rrcud; ccrr-rrc~ 5.04.0301 llog/Cat Rabies Vaccination Required. 5.04.032 Dangerous Dog--Hearing and Appeal. 5.04.033 Potcntially 1)angerous Dog--He3ring and Appeal. 5.04.035. 17egistrations of dangerous dags-Requirements and annual fee. 5.04.036 Dangeruus llogs--Ydentificatiou. 5.04.040 Unlawful use of tags. 5.04.042 Commercial kenncls. 5.04.043 Private kennels. 5.04.044 Yrohibited sales - Rules and Reeularions. 5.04.045 Designated nff-leash area(s) -.ftules and regulations. 5.04.050 Enforcement power. 5.04.060 Ympounding of dogs. 5.04.064 Release far adoption. . 5.04.065 Animal Adaptian--Agreement to spay/ileuter. 5.04.066 Impounding of cats. 5.04.067 Control of cats. 5.04.070 Cantrol of dobs. . 5.04.071. ViolaYions as infractions--Exceptions. 5.04.072 Notice af infracrion--lssuance. 5.04.073 Notice of infractions--Determination final unless contestecl--Form. . scc 5.04 1 i iilnoo7 5.04.474 .Response to notice of infraction--Contesting ~ determination--Hearing--failure to respond or appear. 5.04.075 Hearings--Rules of proceclure--Counsel. 5.04.076 Hear'►ngs--Contesting determination that in- fracrion committed--Appeal. 5.04.077 Hearings--Explanation of mitigating c.ircumstances. 5.04.078 Order of cvurt--Civil nature--Waiver, reduction, suspension of penalty-Community service in lieu of penalty. 5.04.079 ' s Failure to Sien - Failure to :l'av Persan receiving notice--Identificatinn and detention. 5.04.0792 Failure to Obey Instructions of an Officer 5.04.090 Animal Control Dircetor or his/her ciesignee--:lssuance of criminal citation. ' 5.04.110 17edemption procedures. _ 5.04.120 Removal Destruction of Aangerous and vVicious dngs. 5.04.130 Penalties. , 5.04.131 Violation as constituting a public nuisance. 5.04.140 I{'ee Setting Authority ~ 5.04150 Duty When Striking :I)omestic Animal `Vith Motor Vehicle 5.04.160 Animal T.iites To Be l.2eported 5.04.170 Spaying and \Teutering Services 5.04.900 Severability Effective date--Preservatiun of existing cases. ~ ~ J scc 5.04 2 i ifinoo7 5.04.010 Yurposc. . Tt .is the public policy ot' Spokane County to sccurE and maintain such levels of animal cantrol withi.n the unincorporated areas of Spokane County and incoroorated areas under contract thal have adobted nrovisions of this chapter, as will protect hunian the P-eneral nublics' health and saf'ety, and to thE greatest degree practicablE to prevent ~ damaec to property. 1`o this end, it is the purposc of this chapter to pravidc a mcans of licensing dogs/cats and controlling errant dog/cat behavior so that it shall not become a public nuisance. It is also the public policy of Spakane County to pr.event the inhumine treatment of animals. Therefore, it is also the purpose of this chaptex to provide for the humane use, care, and treaiment of animals to the cnd that cruelty to such aniiTlals will be reduced or el i minated. SCC 5.04 3 11/1/2007 f~ 5.04.020llefinitions. ~ In construing provisions of t}iis chapter, eacept where otherwisc plainly declared or clearly apparent f[om thc conteat, words used in this chapter shall be biven their common and ordinary meaning and in addition, the following definitions shall apply: (1) "Abatement" means the tcrmination oP aiy, violation by rEasonable and lawful means dctcrmincd by the animal control officer in order that a pcrson or persons presumed to be the owner or keeper shall comply with this cllapter. (2) "Animal" means any nonhuman macnmal, bird, reptile, or amphibian. (3) "Y•lnimal Contxol" or "Spokane County Animal Control" or "Spokane County R.egional Animal C~ ProtECtion Services" (hereinafter rcfcrred to as "SCRAPS'') all means that departmEnt established by the board of county commissioners by resolution to administer ald enForce the pxovisions of t,his chapter, chaptcr 5.12 of tlie Countv Code, and . chuters 16.08. 16.52, and 16.54 RCW. Its difeet-&F devartmenC head shall be rcferred to hereinaRer as the "animal control direetor", "animal nrotection director" or "dDirector." An "aniinal control officer" or "animal orotection o~ficer" is any person designated by ttic aAi--ldDirector with a limited law enCorcement com.mission and einployed or apnointed by the Baarci of County Commissioners of Spokanc County for the purpose of administering or aiding in the enForcement of this chapter, chapter 5.12 of thc Countv Codet and chnpters 16.08, 16.52, and 16.54 RCVV. • ~ (4) "Anim<<1 Shelter" mcans a facility which is used to house or contain stray, homelESS, abandoned, imnounded or unwanted animals, and which is owned, operateci ar maintained by a public body, an established humane society, ailimal welfare socicty, society for the prevention of cruelty to animals oc other nonprofit organization devotcd to the . welFare, protection, a.nd humane treahnent af aaimals. (5) "At large" means a dog which is physically off the premises of t}ic owner, handler. or keeper of the dog, and Nvhich is nat secured by a leash which is under the control of thE owner, hancller, or the keeper not cxceeding eight feet in length; pr.ovicled, "aC lau•ge" does not include. dogs ex-hibitecl in tio; sliaws, field trials, obeciience training or trials, or the training oFdogs theref'orc; or the use of a dog under the supcrvision ofa Person to hunt, to chase or tree predatory animals or game birds; or the u'se of a dog to control or protect livestock or property or in otlier agriculhiral activities; or a clog er-c-flt whcn otherwise safe.ly ancl securely confined or completely controlled within or upon any vehicle; or wider contr.ol in a desitrnated off-leash arca: or dogs used by law enf.orccmcnt agencies. (6) "Cat" mcans a domesticated Fclis catus, and includes Uoth male and female C1tS. (7) "Commercial kennel" means a place where five (5) or more dogs (over 6 . months ot' atze) and/or five (5) or more cats (aver 6 monttLS of age), irresnective of duration. are boarded; bred, bought, sold, exhibited or trauled for compensalian, but not including a pet shop, animal shelter or veterinary clinic/hospital where boarding is incidental to treatment. rf more than eiLyht (8) dogs (over 6 months of age) and/or ten (10) cats (aver f i~ months o[' age) ace kept then such establishment shall be dcEmed a"commercial k.ennel." , `J regardless of whether the owner or keeper receivES compcnsation. scc 5.04 4 i ii1rzoo7 (8) "l7angerous dog" means any dog that (a) inflicts severc injury on a human being without provocation on public or privatie praperYy, (b) inflicts severe injury on or kills an animal Nvithout provocation while the clog is off the owner's or keeper's propcrty, or (c) has previously been .found to be potcntially dangerous, the owner or keeper having receivcd notice ol such and the dog 1gain aggressivcly bitcs, attacks, or enciangers the sEifety of humans or animals. lf ttivo or more ciogs jointly engage in any conduct dcscribed in this subsectinn, thereby rendering proof of the individual dog that intlicted any parcicular injury difficult to ascertain, then regardless nf the degree of participation by the individual clog(s), all such dogs shall bc dEemcd dangerous dogs. A dog shall not be declared dangcr.ous if the threat, injtuy, or damage was sustained by a person who, at the.1'ime, was committing a willf.ul trespass or other tort upon the premises nccupied by thE owuer or keeper oEthe dog, or w1s tnrinenting, abusing or assaulting the dog; er has;-ifi-di")ast-,4,--zeH-ebsened-e~ d-,abase"r-_ssaulted the deg, or was committing oe attempting to commit a crime. (9) "L7a.v" means a calenciar dav unless othemvisc dESCribed. rn comnutina- 1nv qeriad a#'time nrESCCibed in this chat)ter, the dav of the aCt. event, or dcfault from which the desif-nated veriod of timc bep-ins to run shall nol be included. Thc last day of the period shall be included, unless it is a Satuxdav, Sundav or leeal holidav, in which evcnt thc pcriod runs until the end of the next dav that is clot a Saturdav. Sundav or leeal holidav. LcQal - holidavs are nrescribed in 1ZCW 1.13.050. (910 "Dqg" nieans a domcsticated Canis faniiliaris, bred in a grcat many varieties, including wolf hybrids. . (4_911) "Euthanasia" means the humane destruction of an animal accamplished by a method that involves insta.ntaneous uneonsciausness and immcdiate death; or by a methnd that cause-s painless loss of consciousness, ancl death during such loss of consciousness. (1112 "EYhibils vicious propensities" mEans: (a) The infliction of a bite, or biics; an a human being or auimzl; either on public or privzte property; or (b) Killing or severelv iniurinEz ar1 animal whilc eff the dog or cat is off the oNvnEr's or keeper.'s property; Providecl, the above defnition of vicious propensities shall not include those situations dcscribcd in RCW 16.08.100 (2) aiid (3). (1213 "License year" means license expires twelve (12) manths from month of purchase. (4- 14)"Mierachip implant" means a passivic electronic transponder that is injccted into an animal, subcut'anepusly, by mcans of a hypodermiC-type syringc dcvice. Each microchip shall cantain a unique and original number thaC is read by an clcctronic scanning dcvicc for purposes of animal identification and recovery by the animal's oNvncrs. The microchip implant shall be supplied with an ea~terior collar-type tag for purposcs of an eaternal means of noti fying others that the animal has been implanted witli a rnicrochip. (1415) "Off-TJeash A.rea" means an area speci •fically designatcd in section 5.04.045(1) in «-liich a oN«ier, ha.ndlEr. or keeper may allpw or peruiit their dog to run at large subject to thc rules and regulations in section 5.04.045(2). SCC: 5.04 5 I l/1/2007 (4-516) "Owncr, handler or keeper" means any person, f rm, corporation, organization or department possessing, harboring, kceping, having an inCerest in or having control or custody of an animal, regardless of whether the animal is licensed pursuant to the ordinance codified in this chapter. (4-617 "Pct shop=" means an leQallv nernlitted establishment where animals bred off tlle premises are offered for salc to thc public. (1718 "Poten[ially dangerpus dog" means any dog that when unprovoked: (a) inflicts bites on a hiunan or animal either on public or privatc property, or (b) chases or approaches a person upon the streets, sidewalks or wly puUlic brpunds in a rnenacing fashion or apparent attitudc of attack or (c) any dog with a l:nown propensity, tendency, or disposition to altack unprovoked, to causc injury, or otficnvise to threaten the safety of humans or animals. (191j9- "Premises" means the area of land surrpunding a liouse, or dwelling uiut or units, and actually or by legal constrriction forming an enclosure wiEh-it and to which the owne.r or kccpcr of a dog has legal and equitable right therein. "Prernise-s" does not extend into arcas of common ownership or use in the Gase oF easemenYs, trailers parks, apartment cnmplexes, private communities, etc. (4-9LO) "Private kennel" means aplace, other than an animal shelter, where five (5) to eight (8) dogs (over 6 months df atze) and/or five (5) tp ten (10) cats (ovcr six months of aLye eld) are kept for personal or noncommercial purpnses. If more than eight dogs (over 6 O mnnths of aRe) and/or ten (10) cats (ovcr six months of ase eld) are kept at a privafe kennel; then such establishment shall be deeined a"comrnercial kEnnel," rcgardless of NA-hether the owner or keeper receives compensation. (?$21 "1'roof of vaccination" means a health or rabies certificate issued by a licensed vetcrinarian. (?+22,) "Proper enclosurc of a dangerous dog" means, while on the oNvner's ar keeper's propcrty, a dangcrous dog shall be securely confined indoars or in a securely enclosed and locked pen or structurc, suitable to prevent the Entry of young children anci designed to prevent the animal frorn cscapiug. Such pen or structure shall have secure sides anci a secure top and bottoin enclosure; and shall also providc protection f.rom the elements for a dog. • (2?23) "Senior ;Rate" means the snecial ciiscounted rate anv cioecal owner 65 vears oPaae or older mav reauest for t11e license of one snavedlneutered animal. (21424 "Scvere injury" means any physical injury that which results in a broken bones, disf izurement, or lacerations requiring muNigle sutures or surgcry. (?425 "Spokane County" mewis the unincorporated area of Spokane County, . Washington. (26) ""1"rin Fee", means the resnonse fee an awner or keener of an Aiumal mav bc charsed bv SC.RAPS when an animal is impoundEd. Q SCC 5A4 6 11/1P2007 5.04.030 Dog and Cat License--l7equireci. - , (&1) All dogs six monttis of agc or older harborcd, kept or maintained in the unincoroorated areas of Spokaric County and incQrDorated areas under cpntract that have adonted t}tis chabter, shall be licensed. The annual license fee for each dog shall be ieeft nventv dollars ($4-020.00) far neutered/spayed dogs anc~ twenEy Frwe forlv dollars ($22-540.00) for nonspayedlnonneutered doos.A €ee- *"r°° four dollars ($34.00) of shaU be added-~e the above license fees shall be dedicatcd for the purpQSCS idcntificd in section 5.04.170. A. pcnalty of riventy dollars ($20.00) will be added to the above license fees for failure to timely obtain or renew a license as required by subscction (d) (5) 0f this sECtion. Senior rate, if annlicable will rcducc the abovc fee bv five dQllars (5.00) on Qne neuter.cd/snavcd license. License mav Ue abtained from and fees may be paid either lp "county" or "private" licensing outlets as designated by the Gentc-cal Director. A service charge of two dollars ($2.00) in adciition to the regularly set fees may be eollectecl and retainecl by all "private" licensing outlets appointed by the uY^',^n° G^,.^*„ nn;m^' G^n*r^' Director for each dog license issued. Upon payment of the license fee providcd above, the licEnsiug outlct shall dcliver to the ownEr or kceper of such dog, a license and inetallic tag for each dog licensed. er--k-ept. (2) All cats six months of aee or older harborcd. kent or maintainecl in the unincoroorated areas of Snokanc Countv and incornorated areas under contract that havc adapted this chapter, shall be licensed. The annual license fee for each cat shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) for sUavecUneutered cats and twenlv-five ciollars ($25.00) far nqn- sqaved/non-neutered cats. rour dollars (S4.00) of the above license fees shall be dedicated for the ptu-pnses identiFed in section 5.04.170. A penaltv of twentv dollars ($20.00) will be added Co the above license fees for failure to Yimelv obtain or renew a lic:ense as required bv subsection (d) of this section. Senior ratc. if avnlicahle will r.educe the above .f.ee bv .five dollars ($5.00) on onc neutered/snaved license. T.,icense fees iiiav be t)aid to cither "countv" or "private" licensine outlets as desienated bv the Director. A service charee of tNvo dollars ($2.00) in addician l0 11ie reaularlv set fec:s mav be collected anci recained bv all "private" licensin2 outlets annointed bv the ]airector f.or each cat license issued. Unon navrnent of the license fee nrovicled above, the licensina oiitlet shall deliver to the owner or keeper of such cat, a license and metallic taa f.or each cat licensed. er- kee~ . (k~3) A.11 liccnses issucd nursuant to this scction shall be datcd and numbcrcd, and shall bear the name nf Spokane County, the naine and address nf the o«jner arid keeper of the dog or cal license, and a description of the dog or cal', includinb its colar and sex. fihe metallic tag shall bear a serial number c4rresppnding with the number of the license, and the county oc part thEreof f.oz which it is issued. It shall be the duty of every owner or kEeper of a dog or cat to keep a substantial collar on the deg animal and to keep fircnly attachecl thereto the metallic tag for the currcnt licensing yEar. There shall be a fee of two dollars ($2.00) for replaceme.nt of any lost license Lag. (s4) Any person who shall for the reason of securing a dob ar cat license falsely represent wliether the dag ar cat is spayed/neulered or non-spayed/non-neutered shall be , guilty of a misdemeanqr. - SCC 5.04 7 l l/1/2407 Licenses must be rene-vved within twelve (12) rnonths of the date the previous L J license was issued. A new license must be purchased within th_i_rty (30) days after a dog or c<<l was firsl acquirea, harbored, kent, maintai.ned, or brouLyht into the countv by aperson residing in Spokanc County. er- breug.4-inte-th@-eeumy. . . (e6) All fee.s and f`ines collected uncler the provisions of this ch<<pter -other than criminal fines ancl Che portion of the license fees dedicated for the aumoses identi fied in section 5.04.170 shall be deposited in the county currcnt etpcnsc fund. (0) lhe county shall honor thc request by owner of a dop- Ruide or trained service animal a blind-p@r-sen-oFt-war4Rb4+npaafad-per-sen not ta be charbed a fee to license his or her guide dog fiuide or trained service animal. ,^r ° r°^„°°* b2I 1;^°11- A;° of !~e bn i.l+nf.~o.~ n Fon 4n lino,++ne~ hic. or hnr ne.f_trinn..e~on b 5' ( 8) 1 he owncr or k.ccpcr of such anv dog or cat shall provide Spek-an° Cquflty AA.maI-Gewtr-el SCRAPS uppn request with proof that che dog or cat is currently licEnscd as provided by this chapter. (h9) Any increase in current dog and cat licensing fees or penalties in this sectian shall become effective on Segte~er-2i,2993 @ 12.01 a.m.. ~ scc 5.04 8 i tiir2oo7 5.04.0391. 1)oglCat ta 6ave current vaccination against rabies. , . f111 dogs and cats six (6) months of age or older shall bc vaccinatEd against rabies. The owner or keeper of such dog/cat shall provide TS~el~a~~~-Go~~a~-~ra~raa-Gefl~Fe4 SCR.APS with proof tha.L such dog/cat has bccn vaccinated against rabies as well as. the expiration clale of such vacci.nation. An owner or keeper who refuses to prnvide proof of such vaccination upon request by t'he Anima4-GeDirector or his/her dESignee shall bE deemed to have failed to pr.ovide such proof. SCC 5.04 9 1 l/Ir2007 LOOUI/l l Oi b0'5 DOS ~ Z'-66Z 11-jsti9RV-u"m~9aB9 guue-38q iua . sp@:IqA . (Uv . pap!Ae-jd-s;,-pqsus , lueaaao • ' . . . . P~~i•S . I~I~L•tl•H9 . i~~-3flk~8-l . . . . . fu-5aaj--!tv--(Q~) 4junHo9aqi giu!-~W" i~lipFS . . Smj S'L7T t»n » rn'ITfI n AT pasuqa4fid q~5Rai-o 5~ . ~~7p7T1~1 '~t'7~ ~ sneIA- {itlo~a-(- I~~AIOMJ-U!qj!N'-PP~rr~ .:-j@[ivqtuqps!tu . ;3, le .4i{a410--@ P-3:19inqu g,4u ffou :10 P94ail4quir ds .juosa~alfn■ 4r..stnt nt~iranrt inn'a~'.~.-0q~~~'a~ , lgSklr?9~ iS6fiAm . {{tqs--a'.191K jV4~~Wsuoq}•l-}H~~4-Aft ~ aqj gai E)i't.t~jow otti olejetp pQqqp.jja,~j~M a ivftuujsq;is . a~ oj-}~~ ~ &ti . . . . ~jOqj-jnd 4e-44uno ` . F. ~ a"ds 1U.Qs- ~94-i-teqs ~~~~a~ • ~ as-~~~~ . . . . . . ` sM09!1--lUe-aqi puv-aau.~ ppe , ` puu Ipp.,.aq . ~ ~gya-a . snssE-sesuag!j i V Eqfi3 ,a~a~~-~, ` . ~ . . EFs ` p~tio3 . e~~ • tiodfl . . 9SU- . f~ . • ; . . . « jvA!:Id- ilu » . . . , "s G uo!i!ppu . . ~l '?~A}92~•Fa ealueD , :5~ 4 SEfJ P . . . . . . • • j-@-'pl-" . , St3 . , . ~a1u, . 2~~~E#99+f @A.e _ ue!jq9S . aT~oW S3S9d ;;d otp aE~-Sig . aj"-@ . wT je-~aag ti~ ~sip"a~az~1na -W t~@HffleAds-lGj • ' --"suqqj{-aq--t{;e.qs-.4juna5 eug-~eds . pau.:p-ju!pu4 - ` .w•'vS-SWs-tv-fR) 5.04.032 Declaration of llangerous Dog-Administrative Apneal Hearing and Appcal-Xmpounding of Dog. - ~ (1) When the Aimaa,aa-Gont" Tairector, oc his/hcr dcsignee, has •e Ee pr-obable suff cient infarmat;ion to detennine that a dog is a danjerous dog as de.fined by section 5.04.020(8), the A:nimal-C-ea~ Director, or his/her designee, shall declare the dog a dangerous dog and shall notify the owner pr keeper of the dog in writing, either in person or by reQular and certifiecl mail. Anv notice or determination mailed nursuant to ttiis section shall be deemed receivcd bv-thc nartv to which it is aclciressed an the third dav after it is plac;ed in the mail, as set iarth bv declaration of the scndcr. The notice shall contaui the following i.nformation: (a) That the person receiving the notice is the oNvner or keeper of a dangerpus dpg as defined iti sECtion 5.04.020(8); (b) The breed, colox, scx, and license number (if l:nown) of'the said dog; (c) A copy ox the records relicd unoti bv e€the A~itna' C^Director, or }lis/hcr designee, which foini the basis l~or declaring said dog to be a dangerous dog- these records may be supplemented with additional material as it becomes avai_lable; (d) That to contest the dcclar.ation of dangerous ciob the owner or kccper of the dog must requcst an administrative apneal hearing in writing on a forrn provided with the not.ice within €euFttett fifteen (d-4~ days of the receipt of the notice. For- pufpese-s-ok4is-s@s4eH_-, the nof:no to the e..rnar .af l.an..er--~1]~~viiiv~.c iv[~LiztQd_ nrid t{~n rnr.E.on1• F.~ ti.a_qi_`i~,]], ~~r✓ n bo dno.nnrl rnna:..o.1 t1.,n Fh:.-E l aay-Ae- 4 (e) lhat il t1n administrative aqpeal hcaring is reauestecl; a such hearing will bc convcncd pursuant to stibsection (2) af this section; that at the administrative appeal hcarutg, the recorcis of the Animm-GerK~-eI lair.ector, or his/her designee, and any supplemcntary material shall be admissible lo prove the dog is a dangerous dog; that the owner ar keeper of the dog may rcquirc the o£ficer compiling the record to be presEnt at the adnunistrative appeal hEaring; that the owner or keePer of the dog may present evidcnec and eaamine wvitnesses presenl; and that the burden shall bc on c^^'.aT° G^.ff ;AffiifrA Gont=el ttic :virector. or his/her desianee, to establish b}° aprepondcrance of the evidence that the clog is << dangeraus dog; . ( fl Any dog declared dangerous tmder chis section or anv comparable section Uv a dulv authorized aQVernmental animal control authority b)' °pek-axe-Gou4i~r ^nirrai r^^*r^! may shall be immediately impounded until the owner registers the dog as datigerous in. accordance with section 5.04.035. T-he c~wfler-er-keape~v==;~~ f^wfteftfl ( 140a.,.rs-ftQm t3i g w.-,n dnnlnrnd i1.9nhei•hiiar tie.:(dB,~t$r~}'t er }}in i-Iebrr .a~:ll l.o .,fl,...~;..drl .,o '7 o;~°^*:^^ ^f S„"''^~° Thc doe will be euthanized at the di.rectiott of the I7irector or his/her desiimee unless klle oNvner or keeper within fifteen (l 5) davs from the date the doiz was declarEd da.n2erous reaisters the doc-, or apUeals tllc dctermination. If the owner appeals the dangerous dog declau-ation the dog must eitkier be registered pravisionallv pursuant to section 5.04.035 or it will be held at the shelter at the ownex's eapense pend'uig the results of the appeal. , SCC 5.04 11 I I/1i2007 (2) Cf the owner or keeper of the dog requests wi administrative avpeal heariilg as providcd in secCian 5.04.032(1)(d) o:E this seccion the hearing shall be held before the F3oarci of Spokane Caunty Commissioners or its designee(s). 'l"he aclministritive apneal hcaring shall bc helcl within twenty (20) days after the receipt of the r.equests for an administrativc appeal hzaring, unless it is continued bv the }3oard or its desitz-nee based unon a showine of feF good cause 7'he A:nimal-C-eDircctor., or his/her designee, shall notify the owner or keeper of the datE, time, and place for the administrative apneal hearing. The administrative anneal hearing shall be in-f'aimal~4 opcn to the public. In those instances where the Board's designee acts as a hearing officer in conjunction tivith a dangerous dog administrative appcals hear.ing, the fnllowing proccdures shall apply: (a) All adtninistrative avpeal hearings bef.or.c the hereinabove desigmee shall bc rccor.dcd; all tesiimonv shall be tak.cn under oath and witnesses mav he subnoenaed bv the desianee; and (b) The hearing officer shatl render an aral recommendation at the conclusion UF the administrative appeal hearing or within five (5) business days. e-f "°°r;n^. Ihis Cime may be extended at the discrction of the hearing officer. i-n-e -s . . Tlie oral recomtnendation shall be rcduced to writing and made in accordance with subsection (4) of this section4,e-shall include f ndings of fact ancl conclusions of law, and shall be submirted 93r-war-d d to the Boitrd of County Comm.issioners of Spokane County for action: a conv will be fonN~arded to ~ the owmer or keeper and to the Dircctor °^d *h° ^w^°r ^..'.°ap°r ef+'+@-&g Upon rcceipt by the Clcrk of the 13oard of County Coinmissioners of the written recommendation of the hearing of.ficer, the Clerk shall place the matter on its nc.ct regular meecing agenda for actian. 'The owncr or keeper of the dog shall be adviscd by the Clerk of the Bqard that the IIoard will take fortnal action on the recommendation of the hearing off'icer at the time, datc aid place of the Board of County Commissioners' neat regular mecting.-; (c) At the timc, date and place that tlle Board of County Commissioners considers the -vvritten recnminendation of the hearing off cer no additiona( tEStimony or evidence will be considereci. The record before the }3oar.d o.f. County Cnmmissioners will inclucie the tape electronic recording of the hearing before the hcaring officer, any wrill:en doeume#~aon documenfs, bhotouanhs, and other eYhibits submittcd to the hearing aff cer for hWhex consideration at the time of the hearing or after the hcaring if requested by the hear.ing of(icer in pursuant to subsectiQn (2)(b) of this section, and the findings of fact/= conclusions of law anci recommendatian of the hear.i.ng officer. 1"he Boad of Countv Cominissioners mav ask aucstions of the hearinR officer for nurnoscs of clarification; and (d) The Boar.d of County Commissioners may acccpt, r.eject, or modify the recommendafion of the hear.ing officer. 1he Boarci shall render its dccision in writing. (3) At the conclusion of the administrative anneal hearing as provided in subsection U2 {4)-d) of this section, the hearing Ufficer shall havc the authority to mal:e a writtcn recommendation to either affrm, reverse or modify the declau-atian by Spe~:-a-He Gett*ty 1`ffiiwAd-~re4 the Director, or his/lier desienee, that the dog is dangerous. If the recommendation is fA modif.y the declaration, the hearing off cer may make a fittdirlg that the dog is potentially dangE.rous. If the hearing ofFic;er af~firms the declaration anci finds that scc 5.04 - 12 > >nr2oo7 the dog is petentiaUy dangerous, then the reatiirements undcr 5.04.035 shall bc imposed uvon the ov"ler or keeaer of the daneerous doe as a condition of continued owner.ship ar ` -f keening of Che animal. ~ b 'F~°i'rt~m~n~I «~.,F able r-equir-emeiats-W iaa-tpe -ee-a f-BQn*'R ad a~-I.,.~ ~Y k-ee.,;,,g ef clA-1-Inio; c.. 1.., r •o : ;t l:.~i•fte44@: [.~j~,~teil .~f na~~» or nsla'1•' 1 Fn.eint te l~onn 4L,o ~O7p-vT'-~rt~hlzz ~iv e~'~fflZS-vfr~c C~7 i a~. v 44..,:.. de . D "'eepin t4 ~og nr. :i- e.as.t,~YtC1~.2E~~~ntRC~CQ'G-RLTOI-kiw-'~r~ f ''J~eC7tiF4Y-~nc~icwcea+vu 4o-a .",(3,afe"objeet wY'IeCl-saYit i Riier. rs ,d0 n1~-e. Chi~iic`..vrfc'r cC i-~CC~I'Cr~~.` ~7. ~~'IC^"fYC?~~~ u'lX?SCTC'iiZIT~• If the hearine offcE.r modifies the declaration and finds that Che doa is notentiallv clanaerous, thcn the hearina Off Gcr mav recammEnd that reaspnable conditions be 4nposed upon the awner or keeper as a condition of continucd ownership or kceping of the animal. Reasonablc conditions inav inclucle but are not limited ta the followinL~: (a) Erection of new or additional fenciniz to keep the dog- within the confnes of the ownEr's or keeUer's propertv: (b) Conshliction of a run consistcnt with the size of the dc~i~ within «rhich the doe. . must bc kept: (c) Kceninp- the dosz on a leash adequate to control the do2 or securelv fastcned to a seeure obicct Nvhen left unatteucied; (d) Kccninp, the dop- indoors at all times. cxcent when an a leash aciequate to control the cioe and under the actual i)hvsical control of the owncr or keener or a comnetent person - at least 15 vcars of aize; (e) Keepine the doQ muzzled in a manncr that will not cause iniurv to the doR or interfere with its vision nr resoiration but shall prcvcnt it f'rom bitinR ar►v nerson or animal when outside a nroDer enclosure; . (fl Suavine/neutcrine of the doe: and (e) ivlicrocliio iniplantina the dnti for identiFicat:ion aurnoses.. The hearing officer(s) I111y, in his or her recomtnEndal'ion; dc~ktate deYermine te the ~e~a~fia4~~ Director or his/her designec is the aulhority to establish 4~if4wr t.he approUriate rcquirements fr4m thc nrecedinR list or to refine 1nd clarif~l the aforementioned requiremectts to effectuate thE purposes of tLttS orctinance. ~-o~~~=-of op_~ powtA• , i-A4isr::, s'ha1~b,L-b,,:lt~ mkd,e,meanor-. (4) 1he owner or keeper of ihe dog shall be notified in writing by the hearing . officer(s) within fe~r fifrteen (+415) days of the administrative anneal hearing of his/her recommendation unless this timc period has been Ex-tended pursuant to subsectioil (2)(b) of SCC 5.04 13 1 t/1/2007 ~ this sectinn. In no event shall this lime period be eYtendcd bcyonci thirty (30) days from thc date of the conclusion of the administrative aapcal hearing unless aood cause is shown. :If the hearing of.fice.r(s) issues a finding of dangcrous ciog that is upheld by the Board o.f. County CQmmissioners, the owner or keeper of the dog may appeal the Board's decision as . provided below. If the owner or kccper does noti timely appeal the T3oard's decision, he ar shc must either register the dog as a dangcrous dog in accordance with section 5.04.035 or . the dog shall bE confiscated as provided in RCW 16.08. 1 00(l). (5) An appeal of an order afCinning the hearing officer.(s) recommenciaCion may be macie in the inanner provided utidcr the general 1aws or tlie stxte. In the cvent the hear.ing officer(s) recommendation is itfFmled on appeal and no fi.irther appeal is made, the o-vvner or keeper of the dog must registEr the dog as a dangerous dog in accordance with section 5.04.035 within F^,.4°°n (14) fifteen (l 5) days of notification of the decision or the dog will bc cuthanized at the clirection oF Spekane-Geua!-Centr-el the Direclor, or his/her desienee. • .(6) A finding that a dog is not a dangerous dog sha.ll not prevenl the ~i-nmg Gentr-el .Tai_rector, or his/her designee, f7om seeking tQ havc the dog declarecl a dangerous dob as the result pf any subscqucnt aetion by the clog. (7) In the event the A-E+imal-Gentrol Director, or his/her desigiiee, has pr~~a,10e v sufFieienl infUrnlation to deterrnine a dog is dangerous anci may pose a threat of serious harm to human beings or animals, the A*iRad-Gentr-a! Director, or his/her O designee, fftay shall seize and impound the dog pending r-or-lccepeT-, notice, hearings, appeals and other determinations hcrcunder. - guoh t{annberoun dor., rr~n.r {~n l~.nli~ ...it~:l .•nn~~.ta:~d~~p~~d in Sei'tion 5.04.035. The owner or lcccpcr of thc dog shall be liable to SCR.APS for the costs and expcnscs of kecping such ciob; unless a fnding is made that the dog is neither a dangerous dog n4r a potentially dangcrous dog. (8) An aNvmer or keet)er ot' a danp-erous do2 «rho violates anv conditions imnosed undcr xhis section shall be euiltv of a--ross misdemeanor. A.n o«lner or keeper of a potentially danp-erous dor4 who violates any eonditions imposed under this section shall be euiltv of a misdemeanor. ~ scc 5.04 14 11i112007 5.04.033 Determination of Potentially Dangerous Dog--Notice, Administrative Review 14eiir-ing, and Appeal. - (1) Whcn the A.E~*vad-EeA#ot Director, or llislher designee, has suf.fcient infornnation tc~ determine that ~i dog is ti potentially dangerous dob as defined in secl'ipn 5.04.020(1671. a notice either in person or bv reeular mail, shall be pravideci to the owner or keeper Qf the dog. The notice shall contain the following information: (a) That the person rcceiving the notice is the owner or keeper of a potentially danQerous dog as defined in sectiAn 5.04.020(167); (b) I'he breed, color, sca, and license numbcr (if known) of said dog; (c) The fi:Icts upon which the determination of potentially dangeraus dog is based; (d) I`hat it therE are fiittue similar incidents with the dog, the dob could be declared a dangerous dog pursuant to section 5.04.032, and requirecl to be rcgistered as provided i.tt scctiozi 5.04.035; . (e) That the owner qr keeper must comply with restrictions sEt fort}i in the notice as a conciition of conl'inueti ownershiu or keepina of the doe and that restrictions mav include but are not limited to those which ^n.. ^f *h° P^m° r°^s^ftabl° ,.es'`+"•4iATh .,s may be irnposed on the owncr of kecpcr of a potcntiallv dangcrous dog pursuant to section 5.04.032(3); and . . ( fl °I"hat the noticE constitutcs a final determination that the dog is a potentially dangerous dog, unless the owner or keeper of the dog rcqucsts an administrative review meetin,_- tiear-ia~ in writing an a form provided with the notice within feur-teen-(14) fiftecn 0 5) days of the receipt of the natice. I'or purposes of this section, if the notice is mailcd. it wiff shall be deemecl received on the third day after the notice is placed in the mail: and (2) That nursua.nt to 5.04.033(3), a failure bv the dorz owner or keeper to request and attend an administrative review rneetinQ with the animal control di_rector or desitinee sha11 constitute a failure to exhausC all adminisiraCive remedies. and that such failure to ex.hausl all adniinislralive reinedies shall preclude anv appeal of the admiilistrative determ.ination to the l3oard of Countv Conunissioners or Court. (2) Tn the event the owner or keepcr of a dog rcqucsts an administrative review nneetina hear-ija- , as provided in subsection (1)(f) of this subsection, a the administrative revieNv ineetinQ fiear-iiig shall be held wiChin thirty (30) days of the receipt of the request. fcar- heafing. 1'he hear-ing meeting d3te may be continueti fer- upon a ShUwin14 df ff-ood cause. The :A*imal-EefftFO Dizcctor or his/hcr designee shall notify the owner or keeper of the date, time and place of the adminisirative review meetine l+&a~ing, as well as the r.ight to presenl' evidence as l'o why the dag should not be found potentially dangerous. Thc administrative review meetina baa-r7ia3g sliall be held before the Anim°' C^n*r^' llirector or his/licr dcsignce. T-he-hear-ing Administrative rcvicw meetinp-s shall be infornlal~a-nd open to the public.-T-he heafing and, at the option of the Director pr his/her desianee. may bc helci telephonically. (3) Following an adminisNative review tneetinQ. Tthe Anima!-GeDirector or his/her designee may affinli or revErsc the initial deterinination that a dog is potentially ~ dangerous. If a dctcrmination that a dog is potentially dangerous is upheld, the Afiimal SCC 5.04 15 11/1I2007 CefltfO} Directac or his/her designee may impose the same reasonable i:estrietieas J conditions as may be imposed on the owner or keeper of a potentially dangerous dog pursumlt to section 5.04.032(3). (4) "l:he "^iffia' C^n*r^4 Director nr his/her designEe shall noliPy, in wr.iting, the owncr or keeper of thE dog of hisJher decision within ten (10) days of the administrative review meetins #eafimi-ig. The tlecision of the T~~fn^' Director or hislher desi~nee may be appEaled in the same mannEr as prnvided in section 5.04.032. (5) The decision of thc fl-iiimalGe~ 17i.rcctor or his/her designce is final unless appealed. (6) An owner or keeper of a potentially clangerous dog who violates any of the conditions imposed under this section shall be guilty of, a misdemeanor. . ~e SCC 5.04 16 11/112007 5.04.035 Re;istratioa of Dangeraus Dogs--ltequirements--Annual Fec. ,-l (1) 'T'he otivner or keeper of a dangerous dog must obtain a certificate of regisiration for such anitnal &om -Sp. A-:~ SCRAPS within fr-fe(-~4} fifteen (15) days of cieclaration of dangerous ciog or if ap,nealed within - feuftfifteen (4-415) days of the appeal decision if-eppea}Ed as provided in section 5.04.032. No danaerous dog shall be returned by ~gel~a~~~et~i•~~^~~,-~~~~ SCRAF'S to anyonc prior to the issuance of die a ccrtificate of registr.ation undcr this secfion. The certi#icate of registratinn shall be issued only if the owncr or keeper of thc dangcr4us dog presents suf6cicnt proof of the tollowing: (a) A proper enclosure, aaproved bv SCRAIyS. to confine a dangcrous dog and posting of the premises with a clearly visible sign that therc is a tlangerous dog on the , propcrty. Tn addition, the owner shall conspicuously display a sign with a warning symbol that inForms children nf the presence of a dzngerous ciog; (b) A microcbin imqlant iniectcd for identifications purooscs pursuant to 5.04.036: (c) A muzzle and leash, apnrpved bv SCRA1'S as to strenLyih and f.it, for the danaerous doe: (~d) A surety bond issuEd by a surety insurEr qualified under chaptee 48.28 RCW in a tbrm aeccptable to the Spokai.G-~eti~~*~,~, SCRAPS in the sum of at least rivo hundred Cfty thpusand dollars ($250,000.00) Nvfiich provides fUr nr.ior writtcn natitication to SCRAPS of cancellation or material chan2e, payable tn any person if#Ur-@d . #'Qr nersonal iniuries or nronertv datiiaQe causcd by ihe dangerous dog regardless of whether the nersonal injuxy or nroaertv darnafie occurs on or off the owner or keeper's premises; or (e) A pelicy of liability insurancc, such as homeowner's insurance, issucd by an irisurer qua(ified under. RCW Title 48 in the anount of at lcast t«7o hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) wiCh a maximum five hundred dollar ($500.00) deductible and which Arovides i'ar brior rvritrtcn notiCcation to SCRA:PS of canceiiation or material chanize. insuring thE owner or keeper for any personal injuries anci nroperh, damap-e uiflictcd by the dangerous d4g regardless of whethcr the personal injury or proncrtv dama2c occurs on or oFf thc o,-vner or keeper's premisES; and ~ NJ. .11V tl{ATIbLIrp~Z'7~llyb. I-a-ad&Eien,-ta The owner ar keeper of a dangerous dog shall furnish to Spekent- Geuff"iii"^~G~~c~ SC:k7.l•A.PS a complete copy of thc surety bond or liabi14y4*5ufa~iGe peb&f-certificate of insurance specifiEd in this subsectiou (a)(b)-and-(-})(o,-and shall allow the County a reasonable time to review the bond or policy to delermine «rhether the Suretv, bond or certif.~cate of itisurance ~ab,~~e-is sufficient, prior to issuing the certificate of rcgislration; (-I-e) The Wanger.ous dogg must bc spayed/rleutered at the o«lncr's exqense =..i thin d4ty-F34)-days-ak' to comnlete t}ie registration. Tih, -c~~~ ~~~~-f~-;~-s~~y`a~~~:~~~~~44~--~o Ee~r-al. Anv imnounded danaerous doizs will be cransported bv SCRAPS to a vetErinarian ' for snavinp-/neuteriniz as nart of the reaistration process; and . SCC 5.04 17 111 l/?(l07 ~ 1 ~3-1(fl In addition to the regular dog licensing fees set forth in seetion 5.04.030, the owner or keeper of a dangerous dog shtxll pay an annual rebistratian fee in the amount of one hundred dpllars ($100.00). I"he registration will be valid for riwelve (12) rnonths. (2) Notwithstanding the rcauirements sct .forth in subscction (1) of this section. the Dir.ecto.r mav issue a nrovisional reizistratian certif cate where: (a) the daneerous dog declaralion has been appealcd, nrovided all conditions of'this seclion have beEn met witll the cxceDtion of subsection (1)(e) rcauirinq snav/ncuter; or (b) the oNvner is relocatinQ the danacrous doe outside of Spokane Countv and all conditions of this sECtion have been mct with the exccption of subsection (1)(d) reauirin2 a suretv bond or insiu•ancc policv. Anv nrovisional tierniit issued nursuant to (2)(a) af this subsection shall cxnire fifteen (l5) davs f'ollowine the apneal dccision as providcd in seclion 5.04.032: anv Uravisional Uermit issucd qursuant to (2)(b) of this subseclion shall be valid for the sole purnpse of immediate transDnrt and relocaiion of.'thc dog fi-om the shElter to a location outside Spakanc Countv. (43) Ttlis section shall not apply to pQlicc dogs as defined i.n RCW 4.24.410. (~4) The oNvner or keeper of a doa declared a dangerous dog must notify Spolc-atlc 6e SCRAPS in writing iF the dog is deceasedy .f*"Q ~~^Bb°r^us-&g is to bc relocated or if'thcrc is a change in oNvnership. In the cvent of a change of oNvnership and/or r.clocation af the dangerous dog, the mvner or keeper must provide Spek-ane-Getiitp AniFnal-Gentre4 SGRAFS with written notice ten (10) davs in advance of any chanoc th.at ineludes the complete adclress a»d phone nuinber of the neNv owner or keeper prior to the change of otivnership and/or relocation of, the dangerous dag. The o4vner qr kEepcr of the ~ dangerous dog must also notif.y any subsequent owner or keeper of the clog's designation as a dangerous dog. Tf c:hange of ownErshin and/or relocation of the daneczous aoa is within Snokane Countv. all conditions imposed under this section shall be in n1acE f.or the new owner and at the new location urior lo such chan2e. (6.~) Dog$ deemEd dangeraus by ottier jurisdictions in the State af Washington will be subject to the same r.Egulations a,s if ttiey have been decmed dangernus in Spokane County. Anv owner ar keencr of aDogs dop- dccmed dangerous by jurisdictions outside oF the State of tiVashington relocatine to Spokane County. WA, shall nresent the dop- to SCRAPS within 30 days of thcir arrival in Spokane Countv to ui-4 be evaluated atid ~'°^~a-daflgeretis by the ima' r^^*r^' laiT:ector or his/her dESignee on an individual. basis to determine whether they meet the requirements of a danberous dog, taking into account the c.riteria established by section 5.04.020(8). Dogs meeting the requirements of a danberous dog under this subsection must be registered as such, and are subject la all other r.cstrictions imppsed under this section. (6) !1n bwner or kccper of a doe previouslv cleemed daneerous bv SCR,APS or Snokane Countv anci subsequentlv relocated outside Sqokane Countv, must register the doe puesuantto subsection (l) of this section arior to brineina the danp-crous dofz into Spokane County; such dogs arc prohibited f.rom rc-enterinR Spokane Countv without nr.ior written • consent fi•om SCRAPS and/or full re-r.eaistration. (7) Dangerous ciog registration must be renewed cvery twelve (12) months. A re- ~ inspcction of the facility is required priar to reucwal. The ownEr or keeper shall also scc 5.04 18 > >nn_oo7 provide S„^t-a^c r^uiity "^:--,^l Ceit-ol SCRAPS nroof of suretv bond or proper 'insurance certifcate as spccified in subsectian (1) Uf this section prior to re-regisfration. 1`~ 1 (8) An owner or keener of a dop- deGlared a danaerous doa shall bc rESnonsible f.or meetin2 and maintaininf! the reauirements sct forth in this sec;tion at all timcs. A ' violation of conditions imnosed under tfiis section is a e:ross misdemeanor. scc 5.04 19 H/1r2007 ~ 5.04.036 Dangerous clogs--Ideutification. I°he owner or kccrcr of a dog dEtcrmined Yo be dangEZOUS, -pursuant to section 5.04.032 or scction 5.04.035(65), shall have the dog identified by a microchip iinplamt. The microchip implant shall be injected in accordaiice witti policy establishcd by Spekan~ r^"n*-f ^&'ff'a1-C-entrel SCRAPS. A fee of twenty-fivc dollars ($25.00) for the cost of microchipping shall be charged to the awner or keeper of a dajigerous dog. 5.04.040 Ualawful Use of License Tags 1,1 It is unlaw.ful for any owner to use a.ny license tag on any dog or cat othcr ihan the one for which il was issued. lf there is a changc of oivnership of a liccnsed dog or ca.t, the new awner must a:pply 1'ar and obtain a new license a.s rcquired in this ch~ipter. L21 It is unlawful for any person to usc the lieense tag for an urila«ful purpose or to conceal the ownership of the anifnal dog or cat or remove the licensc tag provided for in this chapter from any dog or cat. with the intent to dcprive the owner or kccper'thereof. (3) A wi11Fu1 violaticm of ttus section is a misdemeanor. ~ ~ SCC 5.04 20 t t/l/2007 5.04.042 Commercial Kennels ~ (1) Commerc;ial kemiels located in Spokane County shall be liccnscd as rcquired by this section. Coinrnercial lcennel licenses shall Ue for a hN~elve-month (12) period and shall be renewed on or taefQre the expiration of the ttivclve-month (12) period. The fee tor a commercial kennel license is one hundred-fif-tv dollars ($1 QU50.04), payablc to Spe-aae C-eufi"r~aa3t"onti-e! SCRnPS. h1.n additional fcc of riventy-f ve dellin-s ($25.00) shall be paid assessed and pavable if the license is not r-ea&wCd ~=t;*h;n d,;i,-., i20an.,s ^r the °i•^;r°*;^n ^f *h°';^°t~°. timelv renewed: and. all renewal rights to existinQ liccnse ccasc to eYist 90 davs after renewal date and continued apcration o.f the kennel shall be deemed oncration of an illeaal kennel. Fvtr-e} SCRAYS shall mail a notice of renc«ral of liccnsc not lcss than lhirty (30) diiys prior to the expirati4n of said license. Individual licenses are not rcqui.rcd for any a.nimals legally maintained within a com.merci_al kennel. (2) Applications for conimercial kennel licenses shall bc rnadE to Spekane EstHit-y -An4val-Gor~tFe4 SC.t2APS. Each application shall be in writing, and signcd and sNvorn to by the applicant. The applicatiort shall contain the following information: (a) °I"he name, horne adciress, iind telephnne number of the applicant; (b) The business narne, business address, anci telephone nuinber of tlle proposEd commercial kennel. ' (c) A diagram to scale or approYimately ko scale shawing the pmpcrty ancl slructures for which the liccnse is sought; (d) A diagrarn of the kcnnel facility; (e) A description of the prEmises where the kennel will be operated; a.s well as a description af the magnitudc and natur.e of the proposeci business; and (f) A vvriClen staCernent from the Spokane County Buildi.ne A.nci Planning Division that the contcmplatcd busi.ness complies with applicable zoning laws. (3) Anina.al fiti-el. SCFZAPS may rcfusc issuance or renewal of, a license, or revoke or suspend said liccnsc, upon finding after sttc~ investigatian or hearing as, it deems ncccssary t,hat: (a) The license fee has not becn paid; (b) T.'he application- does not satisfy the requirements of subsection (2); . (c) Upon the inspection by thc Animal Ce]7irector or hislher designee, the business does not meet the sttuidards for a commercial kennel set forth i.n subsection (5); (d) Such license was issued illegally, or by mistake or i.nadvErtence, or was procurzd by fi-1ud, misrepresenCation, false or , misleading statcments, evasions or suppression of material facts, ar that any of the material facts containeci in the tipplicatinn are false; (e) The licensee, or any agEnt of the liccnsee, in connection with the ppezation of the conuncrcial kennel, has, within a two-year peri4ci: . (il 1"200,~. f~,~.,,fl b.,;1~e~OC-G@R3~i3'~FZ.'t$cit~`v !-irl-"virr.,ra ~,;.,I.,t:..,,s .,F t~l,;s \ J fhapten; . SCC 5.04 21 1111/2007 Been found guilry or commit:led of a violation of any provisions of this chavter, ehapter 5.12 of the Snokane Countv Code, or chanters 16.08, er-~ptef 16.52, or 16.54 RCW; or. (iit) Been found guilt-y-e€ to have enizaizeci in aiy other misconduct, or improper; fraudulent, or wrongfiil behaviar relatirig to the operation of a commercial kcn.nel; (~r•iii Violatcd any of the stanclards imposed for operation of a cnmmercial kennel by subsection (5) of this scction. ( fl Any servant, a;ent; emplnyee or representativc of thc commercial kennel has been guilty of any act or omission while on the premises of the commercial kennel, where said act constitutes a criminal violation of this chapter, or chapler 5.12 of t'he Spokane Countv Code or cha_Dters 16.08, er-elaptex 16.52, or 1654 RCW; or has bcen guili3~e~ to havc cnzap-cd in any misconduct or improper, fraudulent or wronbful behavior relating to the operatian of the commcrcial kermel if: (i) the cir.cumstances surrouncling any of the foregoing acts or omissions are such as to establish that such act was knowingly allowed by any person sharing in prnf.its of said business, or, if a corporation, any officer or director thereof, or of any pcrson acti.ng as a propriEtor, manager, or person in charge of such business; or (ii) i.n any cvcnt, if riwo (2) or more such acts or omissions have occurred on the premises within a hwo-year pcriod. (g) Failure to observe any of the sCandards set farth in subsection (5) of this ~ section. (4) Any applicant who has duly madc application for a ne~v commercial kennel or renewal of itn existinR license under the provisi4ns of this section and has been clenied such license, ar aiy person holding a license which is revoked or suspended under the provisions of this secYion, may file a petition wi[h the Clerk of the Board of County Cominissioners deF~~.~ng for a administrative anneal hearing before-the-board-ev-eo-wt~ -s-t~e~2si-ca~; g sEieh , r-eveeation 0. providcd that such pctition must be filed within tm (10) fifteen '(15) days fallowing notification of such denial, revocation or suspension. Tf the annlicant's oetition is on a cur.rent leizallv issued license, &such denial, revoGation or suspension shall be stayed upon the filing of such petition for administrative appcal with thc C1Erk of the Board pending firia.l determination of the Boarci of County Commissioners as herein provided. In the event such petition is filed, the Board of Countv Commissioners mav elec;t lo use desifznee(s) as a hcari n9 off cer: in anv evcnt, n'~ ~~'~~l set a datE, no lcss than tcn (10) days following the mailinb of notice thereof shall bc sct f.or a administrativc anneal hcar.ing, of which all interested parties shall be npti{ied. All evidence bearing on the questions of whether such denial, revocatipn or suspension is nroper under the provisions of thi.s section may be reccived at that administrative aaacal hcaring conductEd bv the ]3oard of Countv. Corrunissioners or its desienec(s). If the Boa,rd of County Commissioners shall determine upon such-administrative apneal he3ring that such denial, suspension or revocation is not ~ proper under the provisions of this chaptex, they shall nol'ify Spekane-Gewity ",n4n-~.~ Gentrel SCR.APS, which shall causc thc liccnse to bE issucd or rcinstated forthwith. If thc SCC 5.04 22 11l1/2007 $oard of County Cnmmissioners determines up4n such administrative anneal hearing that such license should be denied, suspended or revoked under ttle provisions of chis section, they shall issue such order in writing. A.n appeal of such m1 order may be made in the superior court o.f. Spokane Cotmty in thc man-ner pravided unc3er the general laws of the state of Washingi:on. In thosc instances where the Board of Countv Commissioners' desiRnee acts as a hcarina officer in coniunction with this scction, the follawiniz orocedures Shall applV: (a) All hGarinas before the hereina.bove desiznec shall be recorded: all tesCimonv shall bE takEn under oiith anci witnesses mav be subnoenaed bv the desinee; and (b) The hearine ofFicer shall rencler an oral recommendation at the conclusion of ihe hearina or within five (5) business days. 1`his time mav bc eatended at the discretion of the heiirinp- officcr. The oral recpmmenciation shall bE rcduccd to Nvriti.n~ and shall inclucie findinizs of fact and conclusions of law, and shall be submittcd to t.hc Board af Countv Commissioners of Spokane CUUnIy for action: a cobv will be fonvarded to the applicant a.nd ttie Tai.rector. Upon receipt bv the Clerk of the I3oard o#' County Cammissioners of the «ritten recommendal'ion of the hearinp, officer. the Clerk shall place the matter on its next ' reaular meeCine aaenda for action. The applicant shall be advisecl bv the Clerk of the Board t'hal the l3oard wi11 take fnrtnal action on the recommcndation af the hearina- oliicer at the time, date and place oFttie 13oard of Countv Colnmissioners' next reiular meetinQ-; (c) At the time, datc and place that the 13oard of Countv Commissioners considers the writtcn r.ecoijunendation of the hearina officcr no additional testimony or evidence will bE considered. The recora before the Board of Countv Comnlissioners will include ttic ElECtconic recordine of the hearinLy bEforc th. e hear.ina officer, aiv written documents submitted to the hearina officer for considEration at the time of the hearinR or after the hcarinQ if.' renuested by lhe heariniz officer and thc f.ndin2s of fact conclusians'of la« and recommenda.tian of the hearin2 offcer. The Board Or Cotmtv Commissioners mav ask nuestians of lhe hearin officer for nurnoses of clarification; and (d) "1"he 13oard of Countv Commissioners mav accept, reiect, or modif'v the recommendtition of the hearinQ officer. The Board shall render its aecision in writiniz. (5) fhe follAwing aperation standards shall be observed in connectinn wilh a cornmercial kennel: (a) All animals must have an adequate supply of drinking water, sanitary sleeping quarters, aclequate shclter, medical atCention,_groomin2 and e;cer.eise areas appropri<<te to their size, breed chau•ticteristics and climatc; (b) All animals shall bc supplied with sufficient good and wholESOmc food as often as the feeding habits of the respectivE aiumals require, but nat less than, in the case of puppies or kittEns under fUUr months of age, tfiree timcs every nwenty-four hours; and in the case of adults, once every Nvent'y-four hours.-; (c) Food shall be stored in a.f.ashion which prevents contamination or in.festation; (d) The Facilities shall be maintaiiied and pperated in a healthfiil, sanitary maruier, fre.e from disea.se, infestation and foul odors; (e) A-ll anitnals anci aninial buildings or enclosures shall be maintainecl in a clean anci sanitary condition. Housing #'acilities shall be structurally sound and shall be scc 5.04 23 t v1i2oo7 ~ m<<intained in good repair, to protect the animals &om injury, ta contain thc animals, and to rcstrict the entry o.f other animals. All retisnnablc precautions shall be taken to protect the public from the animals and thc animals from thc public. (f) Sick animals shall bc isolated from hcalthy ones in quarters adequately ventilated to prevent contami.nation of'healthy animals; A_ritmnln c.hn~~ oeive . e"[eA~~' ~rf~.+t.... rlraL"VZrVGy.r1 -iihon-tEin fnn.i.ly ~R C f \J is not opEii--f6r- W&ffleSS ' (hg) Animals shall be immiulized .f_rom disease as is usual and customary for Che animals' age arid species. (ib) All animal rooms, cages, shipping containers, and runs sttall be oF sufficient sizc to provide adcquate and prppez accommodalions and protection f.rom the we<<ther for the animals kept therein. if inciividual runs are utilized, the sur.f.ace shall be cemcnt, gravel; or shavings. At a minimum, su.fficienC .space must be provided for every animal in an cnclosure to separately a.nd logether, stand up, lie down, and tuurn around in a natura] position. . nll ani.mals shall be maintained so 1s to comply with sectinn 5.04.070(7). (6) No commercial kcnnel license, or any renewal thereof, may be issued until the owner or operator thereof allows ttie Anim41-6entrel 17irector or his/her designee to inspcct the premises of the license applicant. Such inspcctions shall be made durinb regular business hours. The purpose of such inspection shall be to determine if the commercial ~ kennel does or can meet the standards set forth in subsection (5). The Aflifnal GeH4-01 . 17irector, or his/hcr designee, may inspect the premiscs at any time to insure compliance with the provisions of this ordinancc. (7) Any person owning or exercising control of an unlicensed commercial kennel is guilty of a misdememl4r. ~ scc 5.04 24 1 i/inoo7 \ 5.04.043 Frivate Kennels ; (1) Frivate kennels located in Spokane County shall be licensed as required by this section. 1'rivkile l:ennel licenses shall be far a twelve (12) month period and shall be renewed on or beforc the cxpiration of the rivelve (12) moni:h period. The fee for aprivate kenncl'license is s°v°^''" ane-hundred dollars ($74100.00), payable to Spekafle-Ceunt-Y nn• r'^SCR/1PS. An additional fee of ttivcnty-five dollars ($25.00) shatl bE paid assessed and oavable if, the License is nol feAewed-;Mf h°n *ill" of +k ti^ ~s,-,. timeltit renewed: and, all renewal rights to existinf4 license celse ta exist 90, dhvs after renezval date ancl Gontinued oneration of the kennel shall bE deEmed operatian of an illeM kennel. Spel:E -e~ SCRA}'S shall mail a notice of rcnew al nf license not less than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of said license. Individual licenses iire not requircd for any animals legally rnai.ntained within a privatc k-ennel. (2) llpplications for private kcnnel licenses shall be made to Spekafle-f6euffty Ai:titna4 ~ SCRAPS. Each application shall be in writing, and signed and swarn to by the applicant. The apnlication shall contain the following information: (a) lhe namc, home acldress, and telephone number ot the applicant; (b) A diagram to scale or approximatEly to scale showing thc property and structures f.or which the license is sought; (c) A iiiagram af the kennel facility; (d) A description of the premises wllerc the kennel will be opcrated, as well as a - description of the magilitude and nature of the peoposed private kennel, inciuding the number and brecd of dogs or cacs to be housed there; (e) A description of the uses to which the properties surrounding the prop4sed private kennel are devotcd; (f) A written statement from the Spokane County Divisian af Buildiniz anci Planninb that the proposed private kennel cotnplies with applicable zoning laws. (3) ~t~~-Gottiai~4-t}-Ee~~~ SCRA:~S ma~~ refiise issuance or rene~val of a license, or revoke or suspend said license, upon finding after suc-h invesligation or hearing as it deems necessary that: (a) The license f.ee has not been paid; , (b) 7 he applicatiQn doES not satisPy the requirements of subsection (2); (c) Such license w7s issued illcgally, ar by mistake or inaclvertence, or was nrocur.ed by frtiud, inisrepresEntation; i''alse or rnisicading statements, cvasions or suppression of material f'7cts, or that any_of the materia( f.acts cont~~ined_ in the application are falsc; . (d) Operacion of tt1E kennel constitutes a public nuisance; (e) The licensec; or any agenl of the liccnsee, in connection -Nvith the operatinn of the privatc lcennel, has, within a tNv-o-ycar perioti: (i) Becii found gtiilty or coltunitted af a violation of any of the provisions of this chanter. ctiapter 5.12 af the Countv Cade, or 6chaptcrs 16.082 ef 16.52, or 16.54 Reviscd Code of Washin,gton; (2) of -~nn Of th,n n~.nr.of~ % rM! , scc 5.04 25 > >/inoo7 (iiiii Violafied any of the standards imposcd for operation of private ken.nels ~ J by subsection (4) hereof; or . (iyiii Kcpt more tllan the number of dogs or cats allorved by subsecCion (5) hereof. (4) 1'he following operation standiirds shall be oUservcd in connection with a private kennEl: . (a) The animals must have an adequate supply of drinking water, sanitary sleeping quarters, dnd adcquate sheltcr, medical attention. L-rooming iuid exercise areas appropriate to their size, brced characteristics and clirnate; (b) All animals s}aall be supplied with sufficient good and «Tholesome food as often 7s the feEding habits of the respectivE animals requi_rc, but nat less than, in the casE of puppies or kittens urader four months of age, three times every riwenty-four (24) hours; wid in the case of adults, once every twenty-four (24) hours. (c) All animals and animal buildings or enclosures shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary - condition. Hou.sing facilities shall be structurally sound and shall be maintaincd in good repair, to protect the animals from injury, to contain the animals, and to restrict the cntry of oUler atumals. A11 r.casonable precautions shall be taken to protect the public from the animals and the animals from the public; ' (d) Sicl: ilnimals shall be isolatcd from healthv ones in auarters adequatclv ventilated to orcvent contamination of healthv animals: ~ (e) Animals shall be immunizecl from disease as is usual anci custoiiiarv for i:he animals' aee auld specics: (df) All animal rooms, cages; shipping containcrs, and runs shall be af sufficicnt size to pravide adcquate and pr.oper accommodations and protection hom the wcather for the a.ninlals kept therein. If individual runs are utilizeci, the sur.face shall be cemcnt, gravel, or shavinbs. At a minimum, sufficient space tnust be providcd for every an.imal in an cncl.osure tn separately and toget}ier, sl:and up, !iE down, and turn around in a natural position; and (eg) All animals shall be maintaincd so as to comply with section 5.44.070(7). (5) No private kcnnel shall have more t:hau eight (S) ciogs andlor tcn (10) cats over six months of aae without the consent of Spekane-Gnty Anifnal-Gontpol SC.RApS. (6) No private kennel license, or any renewal thereo£ may be issued until the owner or operalor allows, the Anima.]-~.~ Director, or his/her designee, to inspect the premises of the license applica.nt at a mutually convenient time. The purpose of such inspection shall be to deternline if the private kenncl does or can meet the standards set forYh in subsection (4). Any license or rcnewal thereof shall be conditioned on the owner/operator allowing the ^~~'~~^'-~atFel Director or 1_us/her designcc to inspect the premises at any time to insure compliance with the provisions of lhis ordinance. (7) Any person owning or exec•cis.ing control af an unlicensed private kennel is guilty of a misclemeanor. SCC 5.04 26 11/112007 5.04.044 Proliibited Sales =12ules and ReLyulations. (1) No nerson shall disnlav. sell. deliver. offer for sale, barter, auction. eivc awav. clisnose, or advertise the availability of an animal upon anv nublic nronertv or upAn nrivafC nCOUEI"ly ODeri t0 the Uub1iC. (2) For purooses of this scction, nublic pronertv shall include but not be limited to anv Countv-akvneci real proner[v, air snacc, or other interest in real esCate, includinEi streets, roads. allcvs or ot.her. nublic riaht-of wavs, owned bv or controllecl bv Sookane Countv ar anv eovernmental entitv within the unincorporated areas or incorporatcd arcas under contracl 111a1 have adopted this chanter. (3) For nurooses afthis section. "private nronertv anen to the nublic" shall include but not be limited to anv aarkin2 lot, sidewalk. and emntv lot. (4) lhis section shall not ant)lv to the sale of an animal that occurs: (a) On nrivate nrODertv not apen to the nublic: (b) At leeallv nermitted Pet Shops and Kennels: (c) At or thr.oueh anv humaie sncietv, animal welfaze socieiv, societv For the nrevention of crucltv to animals or other nonprafit orp-anization , devoted to the welf.a,re, nrotection, and humanE tr.Eatment of animals and anproved bv the laircctor. (5) Nothuia in ihis section shall nermit the stile or harborinQ of an inherentlv dangerous animal within the Countv nrohibited nursuant lo SCC 5.12. scc 5.04 27 1 ~ 5.04.045 Designated C)ff-r.:cash Area(s) - Rules and Regulations. Except as expressly allowcd in lhis section, it shall be unla~'vful for any person to allow or pcrmit their dog to run at large. (1) Dogs may be all4wed to run at large only in the following designatcd off- leash areas: a. Designated off-leash area within Gateway Park, located off Interstate 90 in Spokane County adjacent to the Idallo/Washington bordcr ; (2) An area clesignateci as off-leash area in subscetion (1) herein, is governed by the f.ollowing rulcs and regulations: a. A.riy person bringing a dog inta the aff.-leash arca rcmains liable for damage or injury inflicted by thc dog and is subjecr to all applicable Washington Statc and Spokane Coimty 1aws regulating dogs. b. A.ny Ddog deemed potentially dangerous or dangerous by any recognized animal control authority is npt allowed i.n an off-leash area. . C. Any person bri.nging a dog into an off-leash aren must maintain control of the dog(s) at all times. - ~ ci. No hauldler is allawed to havc more than three (3) dogs in an of-f leash area at any onc time. A ha.nciler nlust attend his/her dog within an off-leash arca at all times. e. Any dog exhibiti_tlg dangerous or aggressive behavior, including but not limitecl to biting and tighting is prohibited from an off-leash area. f. AFfemale dog in heat is not allowed in ar1 off-leash area. g. Any person bringing a dog to ail off lcasti area must leash the ciog when il is outside the off-leash area; and, must carry a leash for each dog while inside the oFF leash area. h. Pinch and choke collars are not allowed whcn a dog is off leash in the off- leash area. i. A Ddoe must bE vaccinated. j. Any person bringing a dog into an off-leash area must clean up feces after the do& deposit feces in the containers af the off-leash site, and visibly carry equipment for removing feces. k. Any children less than 16 years of age in the off-leash itrea must be accompa.nied by a parcnt or guardian. ~ 1. No glass containers or alcohol allowed in an off leash ar.ea. SCC 5.04 28 1 lll/2007 m. Bicycles, skateboards, and other wheeled iteins are prohibited in.side an oFf- leash azEa. J ` SCC 5.04 29 1111/2007 5.04.050 Enforcement Puwer (a-L) The AaiimM C-etrt~oI Dixector or his/her designee are authorized to ta,ke such lawf.ul action as may be r.equired to enforce the provisions nf this chapter and chapter 5.12 of the Spokanc County CUde and chapters 16.08, 16.52 and 16.54 of the Revised Code of VVashingt'on. (b2) '1"he Anifflal-C-ontFel 17irector or his/her ciesignee; unless authorized by the ownei• or pcrson entitled ta pnssessi.on thereof, shall not euter private dwellings which are nol licensed as eitEicr commercial or private kennels unless apr.opEr warrant has been issucd upon a showing that ttle Tair.ector or his/her designee has reasonable cause to believe that there is a violation af this chaptcr or chapter 5.12 nf the Spokane County Code or chapters 16.08, 16.52 or .16.54, Revised Codc of WashingCon. The Anvi-mal-6entre} Director or his/her tlesignee, whilc pursuing any dog obsErved by the oI'f cer to be i.n violation of this chantcr, or ciuring investigation for unlicensed dogs, tnay cnter upon any public or private property, etcept any private dwcllings which are not licenscd as either commcr.cial or private kennEls, for Che purpose of abating the dog violation being investigated. (e2) NTO person shall deny, prevent, obstruct oi• attertipt to cieny, prevent or obstr.uct l:he Director or. }iis/her desi~nee an~-offi-,aff from pursuing any anixnal observed to be in violiiCion of this chaptcr or chapter 5.12 of thc Spokane Cat,nly Cade and chapters 16.08, 16.52 or 16.54 of the RevisEd Code of Washington. iNo person shall 1'ail or neglcct, after a ~ propcr warrant has Ueen presEntcd, to properly perrnit the Amiffi^' G^Director or his/her designee to enter private propcrty or private dwelling homes to perform any duty imposed by this chapter or chapter 5.12 of thc Spokane County Code or chapters 16.08; 16.52 or 16.54 ofthE Rcvised Code of Washi.ngton. ~ SCC 5.04 30 11/1/2007 ' 5.04.060 Impounding of dogs-1Toticc of owner or keeper-Redemption- Fee. . (1) T11e °nifnal-Ge~el Iaircctor or his/her designee may imnound any dog(s) doing any of the acts prohibited by Spokane County Code, or determined tn be in dan-aer of being subjected to cruel treatrnent as defined by this chapter andlor chapter 16.52 RCW or when the dog is founci Yo be sick, injuccd or dead. (2) The A ^ifn^' G^DirECtor or his/her designee upon impounding of a dog shall record the breed, color, and sex of the deg and whether or not dw-~eg-it is wear.ing a cunent license tag. if currently licensed, the Afiifnal-Ge ati--eE Director or his/her designee sha11 also record eiitef the name and addr.ess of the otivner or keeper and the number of the license tag. 44-easc?riablPos ;blcoS *h6 ~ rrni ~ i n;,.erat,.,. ,,.-~,;~.r an r~$~-d ~ir~E~-~i,i~t~~?. ~ eis . !{t~t~e in t~nr~gr.or i...n ne. .~a~.. o~;F 5.04.020(g), e L'. `'~3 _ ~ . , An;.Y.nl ii ~itc~/}~c~r:n'ZILZ r f'1Gi~i ciCJT f - mla aI 1'rrr trLrv~arlintrrrccsIticculy .-ot...-n tl.o dog-t0.. the r-. If.'the doLy it is not r-easenakaiy-~os°ib'° ;-E-n°,';^,.d'y returncd the-dog to its owmer or keeper, A-nimal Gextre4 the Director or Iiis/hcr desibnee shall notif.y the dcag's oNv-ner or keeper either by mail or tElephone or personal notice that the dog has been impoundcd and where it may be redeErncd. Any currently licenscd ciog impounded pursuanfi to this chapter shall be held for the owner or keeper for at least one hundred twenty (120) hours from thc time of impoundment. A.nv Uunlicensed dags-shall be held for, the owncr or keeper aC least seventy-hvo (72) hours froin the timE of impoundment. (3) A.ny dog(s) not redeemed af.tEr the etpiration of the holding period as provided in subscction (2) of this sectipn may be adonted out or humanely cuthanized.-ef seW. A11 se-lss-e€-degs adootions shall be pursuant section 5.04.064. to Fules-~~ regt1l~~~s-cS~~S~rl hv C„oL.~„~ r~,,,.~~ L~j ze •,;R,at r i.,ravr ,.t J y sr .r.r.~.~ , ,.,.c,.ur-~vi. (41 ~~,;•Aed-bt t~~c A r~;r»nl f~~.:~f.•~.~'~'.F+CVI-CTr ! his4ier- nee-tc~-bc~tr . _ g . r-di5em witlieut -wai.ti•ng-t eriod- Notwithstandine the holdiniz oeciods refercncEd in sub-section (2) nf this scction, the Director or his/her dESianee mav, in the exercise at' cheir discretion and in accordance with nolicv established bv SGRAPS, . authorize anv unlicensed impounded doR be humanelv euthanized if it is determined the animal is: a) fer.al andlor daneerous to the safetv of hucnasis or other auiimals, or bl suffering from serious iniurv or disease. (5) Any dag(s) impoundcd, pursuant to this section rtaay be recleemed upon paytuctit of all redemption fees as provided in section 5.04.110. In addition, any unlicensed dogs must be licenscd at the time of redemption. (b) Any dog{s) running at largc during rabies quarantinE shall be immediately unpoundEd by Sp°t~^o ^otintaLGe~ra} SCRAl'S and kept at the animal sheller for the remaincier of.'the quarantuic at the owner's ar keeper's etpcnse. SCC 5.04 31 11/1l2007 5.04.064 Release lor Adoation (1) The Director mav, in his or her sole discretion, decline to release an animal for adontion.under anv circumstznces includine but not limited to: (a) The prosaECtive adoptive owner tlas a historv oi' violations of this cha.pter or has been convicted of an anima.l-related crinle: (b) 1"he nrosnective adontivc owner has inadeQUate or i.nannronriate facilicies ior coli.finine the animal and far pravidine nr.oner care to the animal as rEqui.red bv this chanter. chat)ter 5.12 of the Countv Cade, and the Revised Code of VJashington Titlc 16. (c) .T. hc etistence of other circumstances which, in the opinion of thc Director, would endanger the welfare of the animal or the health. safeYv and welfare of the nconle residina in the countv; or (d)°l`he aninlal is ch-Lssified as a dan2erous doR or a potentiallv daneerous cioa. (2) Anv adomion shall bc subiect la the fallawing: (a) The <<dot)tive owner shall aQree in wrifing to furnish nroncr care to the animal in accorda.nce wifh ehis chanter, chantcr 5.12 of the Counfv CodE, aud the Revised Cocie of WashingtonTitle 16: (b) .Pavincnt of required fees under this chapter; and . (c) A11 animals must be spaved/neutered as set forth in section 5.04.065 ~ (3) Notwithstantling the requircmcnts set forth in subsections (l) and (2) of this section, the :Director mav release an animal to an apDrUVed animal shclter or rescueladoption aQencv which has agreed in NwitinQ to abidc bv the constraints af chis seclion in the nlacenlent of rescue animals. - ~ SCC 5.04 32 11/1/2007 5.04.065 Adoption of Animal--Agreement to Spay or Neuter--Sterility Deposit k'ee--Forfeiture of Animal-- Animal Neutering Program Revolving Accnunt. , (1) Any '-na1-(dog or cat) adonted from Spet ^nAx4y T:n;ma'_r^n*Y^' SC:CZ.A.1'S shall, at the directipn of Aawifflah6entrel-SCI2.A_E'S and-under- polaci-os-udepte-d-b-y Spekane r„u.,t. A.,;,,,.,l r,,~ #ave-sa-id-a44naI bE spaycd or neutered prior to adontion wit},;t,_=,;na+y rom da,.s „f .,,a.,,,t:(,,, Ster-4,-_~~_ ef-all an.ir.A~ .y;>> ba ,.ar,,,iotod .,t ,.hd ,.;..,n ,.f.,a~ ~~en, ,,.,lass the n.,:.r„l r,.,,+,.,,l unless the Director or his/her designeE dEtermines in the exercise of his/Iler discretion that the sterilization procedure should be postponcd, f.or a maximiun of ninetv davs, duE to the atiiinal's age, health or oi:her appropriate f'actars-feY a .,,°i.;.,, ^f ^ d•,.._;,•. as-~e&m.Ef+$d-b~-die @S'~t'~~.eLLiri t4t.+ nvorn;no :.Fh;nhor d;ner T(,C11Y- (2) At the time of adoption of any anri+nal-(dog or cat} from ~ane C-it~ A*i%n+al-Gentr-el SCRAPS. a thiriy-f ve dollar ($35.00) sterility depesi fee For dogs and a hventy-five dollar. ($25.00) sterility degesiE fee for cats will be charged in addition to other fees enumerated in 5.04.030. (3) The sterility depesit fee collecCed by SpelEan&--Geu,t Ln „:m.,i r,,,,f.,,i SCRA:E'S from the side acioptinn of any dog or cat t~vill be deposited into the i•n-tlae LA-r44nal NeuicFing Pr-e~~~~ Nvi-Ehifi the P'Ot bie-enc^ Ou*re°^h Animal Care And Pratection, . Reserve Funds account of Spokane Countv and restricted for usc to reimburse veterinarians for the spav/neuter of adontEd does and cats: and. ii' excess funds are available. at the discretion of the Director, fnr treatment and care of injured or sick animals imnounded bv SCREiFS and proiects/proararns ttiat mav beneft the peoUle and animals in the communitv. 1:,.nd nn f-r 11 ~by-SpeLnnn (Y..»ni-), A..:w...l C".it-«ol (4) A11 par-elaasc-rs-e€ pcrsons adopting--animals f'rom Spel~°~~-Geuaiy ~'~A Gentfol SCRAPS which havc not heen 'sterilizeci will be providcd with a sterility depes-i~ ~ipt voucher whieh will ecmtain spa.ce for the signature of a licensed veCerinarian who pcz#'orms the spayinb Ur neutering af the ani.mal. In addition, the pu-fc-Etasef ncrson adontina will be provided a list of licEnsed veterinarians participating in the ~ff A-y-A-ixan,&l. SC:EZAE'S Neutering Frobrram. In order for the pufohaser- person adantin2 to havc his or her new pet spayed or neutered for no charge, the ~~Fohaser- person must have their pct sCerilized within ninety (90) days of, purchase by a participating vetcrinarian. The sterility r@eca_p voucher shall be presenled to the participating veterinarian, whn shall sign and date it and retiirn it to SCFLAI'S for reimbursemcnt. If the p„"e~ uerson adontina dccides to use a veterinarian who docs not participate in the A.4aW SCRt1PS Neuterulg Program; then the-pEffelifiser thev will be responsible for all fees charged by the nonparticipating veterinarian. `Vhethcr a participating or nonparticipating vetcrinarian is used, the pet must bc stcrilized within ninety (90) days of purchase. 2,1 ~_Tri~r-eturn of the r.i,rb~~..~,_°`.~a1•id-'dat@d-eter_i.lil-ct_~c.r~~ni* .-ono:..f l..r . l;ea.,$$d depesi. j~.~2•' qL~~- voterinar-ian , ~'~'i i i i"R 1' 'rPfiriTeY , Cii'~ •1~1 ~TGGo n 4•.~.L~71•-- 'OT ~ nTl7 1II I' . +~D'1'- 1'ITgr- _ i u~~ iee~ia _inn ±n nnn(rdnnn t~ r ~6S•F~6~-~~-«r-r~sai E~]~C~i ~A-~}E'r-t~~@c rrui 3 :::-~n-t c~ED-aC44ed4+h-~d , ~e~'t1i.gr nrtnrf. rnfra SCC 5.04 33 t 1/1/2007 The person adoptina ai animal shall be responsible for orovidinp- Pnroof that i -'thE a.ni.rnal has becn spayed or neutered c'~~'~a,l-ne-pr-ev-ided ta Eenb-el SCRAPS wittun n.inety (90) days of adoption. Proof shall cpnsist of the compleled sterility depesi voucher from a veterinarian participating in the . SCRAPS Neutering Frogram; or where the animal has been spayed or neutered by a nonpart:icipating veCerinarian, the proof shall consist of awrittEn statement from the veterinarian or clinic which spayed or neutered the aiiiclial, i.ndicating the date the animal was spayeci or neulered. . (6) Unon rcturn of thc siancd and dated sterilicv voucher bv a licensed particinatinQ veterinarian to SCRAPS. the Direetor or his/her desianee wil_l cause the issuailcc of a check or warrant to the veterinarian in accordance with thc then scheduled reimbursement rate. _ (7) Any person adobtine an animal who 44wliiig fails to provide proof that ihe ani.mal adopted b}4hem has been spEiyed or neutered shall surrender the animal to Spo~c-ane Geut~ty-M-i•ma1-Gent.uel SCRAPS. 18~ . inffaetiefl. (9~) SCRtIPS shall maintain aT4i~-encutering prograrn revolving account whicli will constitute a checking account set up under thE control of the Sp• GeRtFO' SC:RAPS 1Director to facilitate payment to participatitig vetexinarians after required prnof of spayineneutering or. othcr Qual_ifcd veterinarian services has been submitted. Veterinarians may also bc rcimburscd th.rough the caunty voucher payment system. (199) l'he neutering program revolving accaunt shall be balanced and reimburscd by county warrant at least inonth]y; reimbursemenC vouchers shall have sterility d"esA voucher or other auali .fied veterinarian serviee receipts attached. ThE rECCipts will be charged to the Spekara~-GetEttk Animal Care And Protection Reserve Funds account oFSi)okane Cotmtv. SCC 5.04 34 11/1l7007 5.04.066 impounding of Cats--NAtice to Owner or Keeper-Redemption. . (1) The A:aimal-Gontrel Director or h.is/hcr designee may impound any cat(s) doinb aiy of the acts prohibited by Spokane County Code, iF the cat is in danger of being suUjected to crucl treatment as defined by this chapter andlor chapter 16.52 RCW or when the cat is found to be sick, injured, or dEad. (2) The Amima4-Gentrs4 Direct.or or his/hcr designee upon the impounding of a cat shall reeorci the brecd, color and sex of the cat, and whether ar not the cat is wearing a current license tag. Tf currently licensecl, theA_-namal-Gextf~Director or tlis/her designee shall enter- atsca-r-eseM the na,me and address of the owner or kceper and number of the -11 trA~ nilerFn.~ r+r ~-..n%ar !~n[~fgiT.~{ 11Ven.se 14g. Tf r°nnoHn~ly rMllcJS'bi~L1T /\''•r•~n~ ~l~H J ,Hii•rera.nFol-er rnPjr_n_L}~,v ea4 Fo .ts linernod tiwHer-er- keepef. Ifit the cat is not r-easena-bi), p^s°.:bl° t^ :m*nndia*4y returned the o to its licensed owner or kccper., the "n;m^' r^ Director or his/her designee shall notify the cat's owner or keeper either by mail, or telephotle, or personal notice that the cat has been impounded and where it may be redeemcd. A,ny currently licenscd cat impoundeci pursuant to this chapter shall be held for the owncr or keeper for at lcast one hundreci twenty (120) hours from the time of impoundment. The length of time an unlicensed cat is to be held depends on the temperament of the animal, if the animal is sick or injured, af4-the space available in the • animal shciter, and whelher placement throuQh adoption is avai.lablc. (3) Any cat(s) not rcdeemed after the eapiration of the holding period may be adopted out ar humanely cuthanized er- sold. All sales-o€ cats adonted out shall be pursuant to 5.04.064. llatiett eW &-Gcatt}ity (4) Any eat(s)-as-F~ l,Va, C0,,14.,4J Y,:,.P,.*,,,. „r-dds dC3'IgnFre8~C1'~S~ir:..rr f n,n nc.rieun-u+J;ui'~j-e[ Cf -27'GCFJ~Gm~eetftt~ J witheut aitiiab The-reqtri~ed hel-ding-Per4od- Notwithsta.ndi.np- the holdini! periocls refercnced ui sub-seccion (2) of ttiis section, the Director or his/her desimiee mav, in the eYetciSe of their ciiscretion and in accardance with qolicv established bv SCRAPS, authorize anv imoounded cat be humanelv cuthanized if thev deterrnine the animal is: a) feral atidlor dangerous to the safetv of humans or other animals. bl sufferine from sErious iniurv or disease, or cl the desinated shelter ar.ca for cats is at caoacitv. (5) Any cat(=s) impounded pursuant to this section may be rcdccmed Uy the owner or keepcr up4n paymeiit of all redcmption fees as provicled in scetion 5.04.110. In addition, any unlicensed cats must be licensed at the tirne of redemption. (6) Ariy cat(f~ ruiining at larbe during rabies quarantine shall bc iinrnediately impounded by 8 p^k^n° G^u„ ~^na-imal-Gentr-e4 SCRA.PS and kept <<c the animal shelter f'or the remaindcr of the quarantine at the ownee's or keeper's expensc. , SCC S.W 35 11/1P2007 5.04.067 Control of cats. ~ 'The follo«jing cat cor.itrol rcgulations are police regulations designed to protect public health and safely. The owner or keepcr of a cat is strictly liable to control his/her cat . or cats as required hErein. °l'his means that the penalty for violation of these regulations is imposed without regard to any wrongful intention of the viol<<tor. It is unlawful for the owner or k.eEpcr of a cat or cats to violate any of the follawing regulatiotis. ThE owner or keeper of a cat or cats shall prcvcnt said cats from: (l) Bcing accESSible to other cats, while in ]leat, £or purposes other than controlleci or planned breedi.ng; (2) Running at large when the cat has not been neutered or spayed, anci the cat is six (6) months of age or older; ~P b . ttCsh-l3CeF+S&-&S ; • lTi NOt-be1.ng-Eslli-r-entl- b ' . ~3 inoeulation, , -mflwhS=0 , ; (=53) Being kepl, harbored or maintained and known to have a contagious disease unless under the treatment of a l.iceiised veterinarian, and appropriately isolated lo protect lhe public and other animals; (64) Beinb qn private property without thc pcrmission of the property owner or the ~ person entitled to possessipn pf the proper.ty. (5) Exhibit'ina vicious pi•opensities; and (6) Entcrin2 anv nlace where food is stored, preDared, setved or sQld to the t)uhlic or anv qublic buildinc-, ot• hall; provided, ttlat this section shall not apalv to anv trained service cat; tq veterinarian officcs or hosbitals; or to exhibitions or orQanized eat show.s. SCC 5.04 36 11/112007 5.04.070 Control of dogs. The following dog control regulations are police r.cgulations desigped to protect public health and safety. The owner or kccper of a clog is strictly liable to control his or cer dog or dogs as required herein. This means that the pcnalty for violation of these regulati0ns is imposed tivithout rcgard to any wrongFiil iniention of the violator. Tt is unlawful for ihe owner or keeper of a dog or dogs to violate any oP ihe follawing rcgulations. The owner or keeper of a dog or dogs shall prevent said dogs from: (1) Running a[ large in Sp4kane Gounty, whether licenseci or not; provided, that this subsection shall not: a) prohibit a persqn from waLki.ug or Excrcising a clog in public when such dog is on a leash, tether or chain nol t4 exceed eight fECt ui lcngth; and, b) prohibit a person f.rom tiaving a dog off-leash in an area desibnated pursuant to scction 5.04.045(1) as an ofF leash area provided that the requiretllcnts of section 5.04.045(2) are met; afid; c=} ffnV44@uFthnr,_ttin* *hin c.c.nt:on nhnll .-.oF n....ly to .7..g-ser_czinn the bl:nd .-.r danf-,• (2) rntEri.ng any place where food is slored, prepared, ser.vcd or sold to the public or any public building or hall; providcd, that this subsection shall not apply to any dog auide or trained service animal dog-s ; to veterinarian offces or hospitals; or to dog exhibitions or arga.nizcd dog training classes or to dogs used by arntored car services or law enforccincnt agencies; (3) Being accessible to other animals; while in heat, i:or purposcs othcr than controlled or planncd breeding; (4) Chasing, running after or jumping at vehicles using public streets and allcys; (5) Snap.ping, growling; snarling, barking in a threatening manner, jumpinb upon, chasing or otherwise threatening persons or animals; (6) Exhibiting vicious propensities; (7) Howling, yellulg, whiiung or barking or making olher oral noises in such a manner as to distur.b any person or g,roups of persons to an un.rcasonable degree; (8) Beuig kcpt, harbored or maintained and ]cuown to havc a coniagious disease unlcss under the treatment of a licensed veterinarian and appropriately isolated to protect ttie public and ol:her animals; (9) :Running in packs; provided, f'ar the purpose o.f tlus section "packs" means dpgs in groups of lhree or moce; (I n)_Not hnving n linohno nn r.ri.i..dod fnr- in f~ea ,.Ed•i*an6e_ol,difed in thin nhnphar' , (14)-NHt-b,6nfj-C-ruFr-eWd- -6N4&-PF00f-0f SUGh iirvzis'l-a-ti0 ,~`tn-E (~Of.~-Is-S-h' ~ d-4,Or-4 t' *h@ „rd;na.,..e GEldikd-pkA1+S-Ghapt$r-; (1-2LOJ Runiung at large when the dog has nat been neutered or spayed, and the dog is six months of age or older; (:I 1) A dog dcclarcd a ootcntiallv danuerous shall nol be at runnuip- at laree or off the owner or kcEncr's pronertv, unless it is on a leash and under phvsical restraint of a resuonsible nerson. . 0 2) A dog declarcd a danizerous doa shall not be runniniz at JarQe or outsidE a proper cnclosurc. unless the doR is muzzleci and reshained bv a substantial chain or leash and under SCC 5.04 37 l 1/1/2007 phvsica] restraint of a responsible Dersan. The muzzle shall be made in a manncr that will not cause iniurv to l'he doe or interfere Nvith its vision or resniration but shall brevent it from bitin ariy persOn Or 1nima1. SCC 5.04 38 ! 1/1/2007 5.04.071 Violations as Infractions--Exceptions. railure to perfonn any act required bv this chapter o~er-th . . fer-th in Seetio^ 5.5 or the perPoi-mance af any act pr4hibited by this chapter is designatecl as an infraction and may not be classiCed as a criminal off'ense, except the follotiving violations shall be classified'as xisdemeaner-s: (1) MTSDEMI?ANORS: (4-<< Sectinn-9 5.04.030(e4) etnd-5-44-A-3-1-~}; Fekatii+g4o f.alsEly rcprescnting dog or cat tis spayedlneucered ar nanspayecilnonneutered; (b) Scctions 5.04.032(3) and 5.04.033(7), failurc to abide bv conditions imuosed on potenliallv dtimzerous dafzs; (4c) Section 5.04.040, r-eEat-i4+g-te thcft oz misusc of liccnse tags. (d) Section 5.04.042(7), oaeratine an unliccnscd cornrnercial kennel; (e) Section 5.04.043(7), aperating an unlicensed private kenncl: (fl Section 5.04.045(2)(e), allowiniz a doe to exhibit danizErous or aeLyressive behavior in a desiQnated off-lea,sh area; (e) Section 5.04.045(2)(f), allowinfz a female doe in heat in a designated of.f leash area: (h) Section 5.04.067(5), cats exhibitine vicivus nr.onensities which constitute a danaer to nersons or deineslic animals: . (3J Section 5.04.070(6); r-elating dogs exhibiting vicious propensities which constitute a danger to persons or defnestts animals;, pe"'r-li-vesteelE; (i) Section 5.04.070(11), potentiallv da.neerous cioe at larae: (4j) Section 5.04.079(1),-reWiag-te failure to sign a promise la appear; (k) Section 5.04.0791. failur.c to idcntifv - ncrson r.eceivina natice: (11 Section 5.04.0792. failure to obcv an qfficcr: f ml Section 5.04.120(3). interferencc with lawful euthanasia. !nl Section 5.04.150. failure lo renort strikina domestic animal with motor vehiclc; (o) Section 5.04.160, failure to report anitnal bites; and W SQ,.t:o., 5.04.079(2), ..el„t;,,b t„ . .;lr•..i r.:l....e F,. .,a t,, .,nai„r-aj3p6Rr-caH-a notiee of iafraetien5 . (6m Thc tliird or subsequcnt violation of any provision constitLitiniz an infraction of this chapter within a hwelve-month period. N or purposes of this subseccion, a tfiird or subscquent viol3tion within a rivelve-month period is determined aecorciing lo che d<<le of lhe oEFense for which an inFrlCfiiAn, citalion or complaint has been issued, regardless of whether the courl has deemed the violation to have been cammitted, providecl, ttiat a finding by the court that the prior inf_raction was not committECi shall render the prior violation not cowitable taward the third or subsequent violation; ~l_qnnrntinn nn unlinc.wnc+d nr.rnmerninl kennal; _ /J ~J I_X_l ? [yy!!f1llY1 ti.0fl•/~ IIfI Z(l), ` ~ AY1QY ~]ffY1R ~]f'f 11MItf~eHnL~II v~ .ril'e !/GfTf24• ~LTf Ci _ V \I / S'`nV-I.ZCTITTV; .0791, fnifure Co •IC tlZ'1-.f r r.orc.en r~r.ca.. •.rh ..n1•.nc.; SCC 5.04 39 11/1/2007 Se6ti0~ C 5:94$32«~ a„a 3 . 04.-033,« - @Iaci+3g-tet--abatl&-by soadifions4rxpesed-e ~ ; ~ r.e,.+;,, 5.04.0792, r-el.,t;... r•.,:i. e a~. „t.o.. ,.~'f;,.e,-- ~ V b , fl~'i r~a,.r:,,,,c nn i 22n,,-at ~+;.,b f~;to r„ ~h;~~_t,~4tt~,p~~~t~S-~•f~t~0S6t~-Ot~6tei3~ ~r~ ~ "gS; . 5.04.150, r-elating . g~-dencst4c an.im~ot,;e.o.a . (14!) -&-EtlBn 5-044-6~F~` at4i3g4d-a-nima44)~51-+.H-'-G'-f@pHI-G(4 (2) GROSS NIISDEMEANORS: ' (a) Section 5.04.035, failure to comulv with danp-crous do.p- reRistration and ownershin reauirements; (b) Section 5.04.045(2)(b), prohiUited doia in cioe park; and (c) Seclian 5.04.070(12), dan2er.ous doF4 at larc~e. ~ . scc s.a~ 40 i ili/2oo7 5.44.072 Natice of infraction--Issuance. - (1) "rhe Tairector er-'~~ '~~~desrigaee and Anirnal Frotection O.f. icer shal] be specially commissioned by the County Sheriff to issue a notice of uifraction if comtnittcd in 4)7~-@sEe-k-'; their presence or i.f. r`~r.,~~ar-r~, ~s; designee-lias after investi2ation lhev have reasonable cause to belicve th3t the owner or keeper oPan attinial htis committed an infraction. (2) The court may issue a notice of infraction upon rcceipt oP awritten statement of Ihe AM••'CGOUR .re'r Director or hislhcr designee that therc is reasonable cause to helieve that an infractinn was commiited. . . SCC 5.44 41 i 1nn_oo7 5.04.073 Noticc of Infraction--Determination Final Unless Contested--~'orm. , ) A notiee nf infraction rcpresents a deterniination that an infraction has been committed. The deternunation will be final unless contesteci as provided in this chapter. (2) The noticc o.f uifraction shall include the followi.ng: (a) A statement that the notice represents << determination that arl infraction has been co«imittcd by the person niuned in the noticE and that the determin<<lion shall be final . unless contested as providcd in this chapter; (b) A stateinent that an infraction is a nonci•iminal affense for wYuch imprisor1mcnt may not be imposed as a sanction; (c) A statement of the specific infraction for which the notice was issued; (d) A statement of the monetary penalty established for the inf_r.action; (e) A statement of the options provided in l:his chapier for r.csnondi.ng to the noticc and the procedures neeessary to Exercise thcsc options; (f) A statement that at any hearing to contcst the determination, the counfy has the burden of. .proving, by a preponderlnce of the evidcncc, that the infraction was coinmitted; and that the pcrson may subpoena witnesses including the officer who issued the natice o£ infraction; _ (g) A statemEnt that at any hearing requested for the nurpose of eaplaining mitigating circurxistanccs surrounding the commission of'the infcaction, the person will be deemecl to have cpmmitted the in.f_raction and may noC subpoena witnesses; (h) A statement that the person must respond to the not.ice as provided in this chapter within fifteen (15) days; (i) A statement which the person shall sign that the perspn promiscs to respond to the notice of infraction in one of ttic ways provided in this chapter; and (j) . . A . &pwii5~wd b ; (ik) A staYement that failur.e to respond to the notice of infraclion or a failure to appear at a hearinb requested f'or tllc purposc of eantesting the delermination or for the pt.irpose of explaining mitigating circumstanccs will result in a deCault judgment against the person in the amount of the pcnalty. a;d~th-is mf-ur-° ^,a., b° r°f°-•-ed-te-therpFoseet-rr~~ag, -appear.- ; SC(; 5.04 42 1 1l1/2007 5.04.074 Responsc to Notice of Infraction--ContesNng Detcrmination-- Hearinb -Failure to Respond or Appear. - (1) Any person who receives a notice of infiraction shall respond to such notice as provided in th.is section withi.n fifteen (15) days of the date afthe notice. (2) I#'the person detcrrnined to have committed the infraction does not contest the determinafiion, the persan shall respond by cornplEting the appropriate portion of the noticc of infraction ana submitling it; either by mail or in pcrson, to the court specified on the notice. A check or rnoncy order in the atnount of the penalty prescr.ibcd.for the infraction must be submitted with the response. Whcn a response which does not contest the determination is receiveci, an appropriate order shall be entercd in the courC's records. (3) If the person dctcrmincd to have committed the infraction wishes to contest the cieterminiitian; the person shall responci by completing the portion of the notice of in.fraction requesting a hearing and subniitting it, eithcr by mail or in person; to the court spECi .ficd on the notice. I`he couri shall notify tic person in Nvritinb of the time, placc mid date of the hcaring, and that dale shall nat be svoner than seven (7) days from the date of the notice, except by agreement. (4) IF the person dEfcrmined to have commiCted the infraction does not contest the dctcrrrLi.nation but wishes ta explain mitigating circumst3nces surrounding the in_fraction, the person shall respond by completing the portion of the notice of infi•action requesting a hearing for tliat purposc and submitting it, either by mail or in pcrson, to the court specified - on the notice. Tfie court shall notify the pe.rson in writing af the ti.mc, place and dal'e of the hearing. (5) The coux-t shall cntcr a default judgrr►ent a.ssessing ttlc moneWry penalty prescribed for the infraction and - m.ay notify the prosecuting attorncy of the failure co ' respond to the notice of civil infraction or to appear at a requested hearing i_f any pcrson issucd a notice of infraction: (a) - Fails ro respond to the notice of in_fraction as provided in subsection LI) or (2) af lhis section; or (b) Fails to appear at a hear.ing requested pursuauit tO subsection (3) or (4) of this section. scc 5.04 43 i iiirzoo7 5.04.075 Hearings Tnfraction--Rules of Procedure--Counsel. ~ (1) Procedures for the conduct of all infraction hearings pravided Fnr in this chapter shall be in accordmice with the Infraction Rules for Courts of Limitcd Jurisdiciion. (2) Any person subjcct to proceedings under this chapter may be represented by counsel. 5.04.076 Wearings --Contesting Detcrmination that Infractinn Committed-- . Appeal. (1) A hearing held £or the purposc of contesting the determination that an in&action has been cammitied shall be without a jury. (2) 1 he court may consider the nolice of infraction and any ocher written report iiiade under oath subrliitted by the officcr who issued the notice or whose written statemenl was the basis f.or the issuance of the notice in licu of the officer's .personal appearance at the hearing. The person named in the notice rnay subpocna• witnesscs, including the officer, and has the right to present evidence and exarnine wittiesses nr.esent in court. (3) Tn the event t1le defen.dant contests any infraction, the burdcn of proof is upon the county to establish the commission of the inf.raction by a preponderanee of the evidence. (4) After consideration of the evidence and argument tlle court sllall detennine whcther the infraction was committed. Where it has not been established tliat the infraction was committed, an order dismissing the noticc shall bc enterEd in the court's records. Where it has been established that the inf,raction waS CotTltTlIttCCI, an appropriatc ordEr shall be entered in the court's records. ' (5) An appeal frUn1 the courl's determination or prder shall be to the superior caiu-t. The decision of the superior cpurt is subject anly ta discretionary review pursuant to Rule 2.3 of the Rules 4f Appellate Procedure. SCC 5.04 44 11/I/2007 5.Q4.077 Aearings-Infraction--Fxplanatinn of Mifigating Circumstances. ' (1) A hearing helcl for the purpose of allowing a person to explain mitigating . circumstarices surrounding ttlc cominission o.f an infraction shall be a,n informal proceeding. The person inay nat subpoena witnesses. The determination that an infraction has been committed may not be contested 3t a hearing held For the purpose of explaining mitigating circumstances. (2) After the court has hcard the eaplanation of the circumstances surrounding the commission of the infraction; an appropriatc order shall bc entered i.n the court's records. (3) There niay be no appeal fronl the court's delermination or order at a hearing on rnitigation. 5.04.078 Qrder of Court-l:nfraction--Civil rTahirc--Waiver, Reductiun Suspension of Penalty--Geea•~iiin3ty-Sef-,riee-in--!]6ieu-of--Pcnaa4y Rest'it'utinn. (1) An order entered after the receipt of a responsE which does not contest the deternlinarion or after il has been established at a hearing that thc in-£raction was committed, or after a hearing for the purpose of explaining mitigating circumstances is civil in nature. (2) Thc court may include ui the orcler the imposition of any penalty authorized by the pravisions ol'' Chis chapYer for lhe cammission pf an infi•actian. The court may, in its discretion, waive, reduce, or suspe.nd the rnonetary penalty prescribed fUr the infractian. A-t the ' , ' miamso-er-a-nu serv-iee in-li~"f-aenarky-at4e-r•ate,-o~ A-si-fe~lifjPleff 'leufL7 f31 Thc court mav order a ncrson found to have committed a civil infraction to make restitution. 5.04.079 Notiee e€ Failurc to sign, fionappearattee -Failure to satisfy penalty. • (.l) It is a misdemEanor for any person «ho has been personally served with a notice of crirninal citation or a civil infraction, as provided by Spo.ka.ne County 17istrict Court rule, as it presently exists or as may be hereinafter amended, to refusc to sign a written promise to respond to the notice. (2) 6.ng4i,~s-er-1~er-~4-ftta-afl4-s~~~ed pr-amiso to appear- _f i~~frnnti r~ _io muilf~e~ o~Tmm r~lons n ~f ai~ vr +1~0 if+-Geutt e~ r-~x~q ~ ~-e~ntiee e-~ _.,Y cni~3@~ ~gt`~res~r-- > > W, A person wh.o will.f.ully f'ails to pay a monetary pcnalty or to perform community service as required by a court under this chapter may be found in civil contempl . of court a,s provided for in chapter 7.21 TZCW. SCC 5.04 45 11/1/2007 5.04.0791 Yerson receiving nutice--:I:cientification and detention. (1) A person who is to receive a notice of infr.action una°r-S°efi^n { nn rn2(_t) or a criminal citation under diis chapCer or chantcr 5.12 of the Spokane County Code or ~ chapters 16.48, 16.52 or 16.54 is required to identify himsclf or herself to the ei68 Director., Animal Frotection Of..fcer, or a sheriffs denutv, by giving his or her name, address, and dale of birth and 141!pon the request ef44 , shall produce reasanable icientifcation, including a clriver's license or identicarci. (2) A pcrsan who is unable or unwilling to reasonably idcntify himself or hersclf - to an enferGemeat-affisef the 17irector., ilnimal Frotection OfficEr., or a sheriFt's depultv may be detaincd for a period of timc not longer lhan is reasonably necessary to idcntify the person for purposes of issuuig a notice of in.f.raction or citaCion. (3) Willfiil failure to identify, followine a lawful requesl uncier this section is a misdemeanor. R 4'~Q{a'f~~ /`r~~SLII"iTU'~1-~-vfttrvr JI1all adeFJt- s :dantifnnt+ot~--E~ fetent1on- fper-sans gG1v31-infr-aeti9n r. 5.04.0792 Failure to Obey Tnstructions of an Officer A ncrson is reauirecl to ston when reUuested or sianaled to do so bv th~ A-pefsen .nuomty1y v; ~t~-lhe-in-;tm-,,taews-ef "nim°' reittr-e4 Director. A.nimal Protection ~ Of_ficcr, or e€ a sheriff's dcputy in lhe enforcement of this chapter or chapter 5.12 of thc Spokane County Code ar chapters 16.08, ].6.52 or 16.54 RCW--Wca-per-se~y Wi11r1•~1;Y hinds*, delay-ot:--eo..t,...,,* a., n t,,m.a-~-C-eenF,.e, r,;,.e,.*op-Ew-hasA~ .,.1~~esign°~~~Qr--~ h-iWs- deput~,-'tn-tlae-~ f ..,.o.,-.eat „f *h.s-c~aarro.. o.. „ha„t,,,.-s- aat-yL-Cade er- eha„+ers_16,p$; ~r ,~T;{RGWL Any person who willfullv violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor. ~ ~J SCC 5.04 46 11/1/2007 5.04.090 Animal Control Director or hisA' i'""'b"^^ Animal Protection r, Officer--Issuance of Criminal Citation. ' - The A~~~-~~~tr-cjl Director or hislher designee shall be specially conunissioned by the caunry shcrif..f as a spe""''~~~-^o-oRai3aissiefied deputy f,or the purposc of enforcina issuHng sitaEic • : s),-er- keeper{s)-af animals .,,h:^" °r° fouiia ~n vi^'a*i^n-af any provision of this chapler or chaptEr 5.12 of the Spokane Counl'y Code or chanters 16.0$. 16.52 ar 16.54 RCW dcs3g•~~~ed ^s n min~~~er-, ..,,-tat~Q~, '~tho A.iimnl (tinr~trol_Llj.~rte- t~.-~+:c/Lior ttt Y' EeS}gne:'~ pf:65ei~~r$'b'~~47-hpbif~F"•-~ •c. -"S&-t*SIaflEf.`.i thC--r=nii'r'ciii ` VVnT7'VI~1 •vGeI'er nY h1P4lL1. . . GLl'1"`JI~A~~ilJ~l~r~I~ i71Y1t. the r...r..o,r or L:aepv.- '.f /ha an:rhnl in_i.n ~yt;t+nn .1.r•:bnnnt d n ~.ndnmonner i'nM p5.12 of thc. Sp~aF' -ode, . Aff1m&l-GUfleI Tl:,-o..te,• o- 1,:s,4~Kr-d@Str~~-ISS~i@-„ ,,.~.,a:,-,r, f.,.- ~~:~i V.j()~$~IHI~ • evetYaYCIug4+-s "L .S'no'r17f7ear i.. /~[~TLi:~'~a~-GCJni-.-v.l Tlirc.nter'n r+ r hi..f dos,r~.•eseF,eo. T'1mal,-6efitPfj1-B-kr-ec-tei'-er-1'l~0~CI' `ae`'s'~i-gnoo ~~~sntirzi°u"!~(~-~ ' S~@Gi~~•~ ~~CrGatii9ty Sh£Lr-i-ff tO-l?f-4$iet.~-thE,~-pr-oviSi$s~ ehaptet • s-4-6 na .,.,d 16.52 RrW-; and shall have the authority to issue infractions, and cr.irninal citations a.nd make arresls wherc the Director or his/her desiTnee has information to su.oport a rcasonable belief that tJhe owncr, handler, or keener of the animal is in violation of anv sections for--vaQlatiens 0"iaplL''.i- 1Qf thF--cSj3eli-a„ C,..,,,r), Go , . _constitutinb a misdetneanor er gross misdcmeanor. scc 5.04 47 1 >nn007 5.04 1.1U Redemption Procedures. (l) - Any dog impounded puxsuant to the provisions of this chanter or chapter 5.12 of the SnokanE Countv Code or chapters 16.0$. 16.52 or 16.54 RCW See#ion-5-94-058 thfeugh-5-84=1-39 inay, subseaucnt to the satisfaction of a11 conditions for release. be redeemed upon payment of tilw anv fccs and nenalties due and owina, anv recoverable - exnenses incurred bv SCRAPS r-edemptivn f"'@ ^rev;a°d ;n *";s s°^+;^n and proof of a current license; anci, proof of a current rabies vaccination or writtcn aer.ECmcnt to nrescnt such nroof within 30 clavs. The redemption fee far a dag shall be twenty-five dpllars ($25.00) for each dog plus an additional fee oP siix ten dollars ($6 10.00) for each twenty- four-hour period or portion thErcof during which such dog is retained by the impounding agency. e-ppek-ane- ~hall .,a,a•«:,,ri-to-the--abeve r b b / enumerated r-edemption fee, 5.04:030. Provided, that the redemption fee for a ciog redeemeci a seeond or a thirci time in any ttvclvc-montki ncriod shall be thirty-five ciollars ($35.00) and fifty-five clollars ($55.00) cesnectively, pllis an additianal fee o.f 4x ten dollars ($6 10.00) for cach tv"enty-four-hour _ period or portioii thcrcof during which such dog is retained by the impound'ulg agency. Pxovided further, the A+t+i1~a4-EenLreI Director or his/licr design.cc f.or good cause at his/tler disczetion may waive and/ox reduce the redcmption f.ee. ~ (2) Any cat impouncied pursuanl to the pravisions of this chapter or chanter 5.12 ~ of the Spokane Coumtv Code or chanters 16.08, 16.52 or 16.54 RCW aeetion 5.0 thfough 5.94--130 may, subsequent to the satisfaction of all conditions for release, be redcemcd upon payment of the anv fces and ncnaltics due and' owine, anv r.ecoverable cYpcnscs incurrcd bv SCRAPS red°.r„*;°n fe° as_^r^v;ded_:n_t',.° ;aefie and proof o£ current license and rabies vaccination presented. ThE rcdemption fcc for a cat shall be riwenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each cat, plus an additional fec of six tcn ciollars ($6 10.00) f.or cach twenty-f.our (24) hour period or portian thereof during which such cat is retained by the itnpoundi.ng agency. ~=k~e-FCd~pt-ic~E~-f6~s~~e~~-d]:-aE~Lmrty A4+iam. a•!-Ge~tr-el. ~e~!¢eii i+h-sensed-Ga~shat1-i-n-additte~~rte-~ abeve enumer-at@d-~dc~rp~~o~s~ay-~e-l~e~~s~se-~~d~o~gna~so-as-s~~~r-t~~-i~~ . ~eet:,,., 5.04.03 1. pravicleci, Chat the reciernption Bee for a cat recieemed a seconcl or thir.d time in any hvelve (12) month period shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00) wld fifty-five dollars ($55.00) respeclively; plus an additional fee of si.x ten ciollars ($6 10.00)) for each nwenty-four (24) hour .period or porkion thereof duruig which such cat is rctained by the impoundi.ng agency. Provided further, the A,A-ima•{-Gantre4 Director or llis/her desibnee for good cause at his/licr discrction may waivc and /or rcducc the redEmption .fcc. (3) .Recoverable exbenses incurred include but are not limited to Trip feES of twentv-five dollars ($25.00) for a rceula,r responsc a.ad fiftv-dollars ($50.00) #'or an emereencv response: and, reasonable veterinarv etvenscs.uicurrcd bv SC:RNPS. ~ (4) all Fees and exnenses pavable under this section shall be made aavablc to SCRAPS. SCC 5.04 48 >>itn_oo7 5.04.:1.20 .I)estruction of Vicious and Danuerovs Dogs. . (1) The owner or keEner of any clog having vicious propensities as defincd in this ch<<pCer may be ordered ta hirn@4 the doe ovcr to *h° .,f:„,^' e^Ft„e' 5'xA-e+ SCRAPS for disposal by means of euthanasia by a iudicial officer of the district court upan the owner's or keeper's conviction of any violation oFsecCion 5.04.070(6). (2) Anv dog declared a danizerous dog that has failed to receive a ccrtifcate of reeisCration shall be euthanized as prnvidcd for in section 5.04.032(f)-(4) aiid (5). ~ 'tT_d.nrinnnl b.r w.eans e~~uthan'asia-4$--noc-Vrdered, any D 4eh. :i- jr ~ 1in11 td~ .,4~d..l.ok~+...y~Lpn_a_Ic>onhtet~+n.~ n.-nl~...;,i ..H .,I1 t:. o~ ~~k~,~ ~ ~ gtL r-F~r~` me-, fenced in on the ewrief' ' ~ro~. (43) n.nv ownez or l;eener of a dotr to be destroyed-An-eM°Y Wf., ^,'^g ^v°- te :,n;."E., sh°,+er4or-d+spQ%,al- by means of eulhanasia under this chanter, chanter 5.12 of thE Countv Code, and chaUters ] 6.08, 16.52, and 16.54 RCW rrieans-4ia;~-z4o-e~er a keeper ^f +h° d^h has ftvent}°-four (24) hours from notiFcal'ion dio-isslan^a ^f ^^^r,- b er-der to 1urn the dog over to ttic A:nima4-GeSCRAPS shelter for disposal by means of euthanasia; willfiil interference with thE lawful disoosal of a dog pursuant to this section is a misderncanoz. ; Any-pers ,v~sia . of r.- scc 5.04 49 i u1n_oo7 5.04.130 Penalties (l.) The maximum penalty for the violation of any provisian of this chaptcr constituting an in$action other tlian scctione 5.04.030 aFA-5-a4-v-34 relating to fii.ilure to - obtain itnimal licenses shall bc thirt~, dellafs-(44U-98) thE amount established under the ' Tn.f.raction TZules for Courts of T.imited Jurisdictian section TRLJ 6.2(b) for unscheduled infractions as it now exists er is hercaftEr amended for tlie first infraction a.nd &~r the sane amiount nlus riwcntv-five tiallars for the second infraction committed within a riwclve-month period. In addition, the court may impose any applicable statutory asse$sments. (2) n.ny pcrson, in acidition to any othcr pcnalties provided by this chapter, f.ound in violatian of, any provisions or any amcndmcnts thereto which are desibnated as misdernea.nors shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonmcnt in the county jail Por not more than ninety (90) days or by botli such finc and imprisonment: or if desiQnated as a Qross misdemeanor shall bc tiunished bv a tine of not • more than fve thousand dollais ($5.000.00) or bv imnrisonment in the countv ia.il .f.or nol rnozE than 365 davs, or bv botli such fine and imbrisonment. (3) Thc penalties for violation o£ section 5.04.030 °rd S°^t:^f c nn n2a_OLl1eC tllatl section 5,04.030(g4) and Seetion-5.04.v4(e)-shall bc rivo hunclrecl ciollars per violation. Provided, hoNvever, the districl court judges by local court rule or general order may allow ~ for a reduction in siiid sum by way of rnitigation or where ti license is obtained or rcnewed within ten calend.~r days af the issuance of an in.fraction. 5.04.131 Vialatian as constituting a public nuisance. Irl addition to the foregoing remedies, the ccpeat violation of any pravisions of this chapter after official notice of the violarion shall constitute a nublic nuisance and may be abated in any manner authorizcd by RCW Chapters 7.48 and 9.66. scc 5.04 50 11i1r2007 5.04.140 Fee Setting Authority. . er„ka,,e rou.,t. A,,;m,,l r,,.,4.,.4 SCRAPS is uanted tias the authorit), to set aschedule of fcES not ottierwise established reasonably related to fulfulling fulfillinQ its responsibilities under this chaptcr. lhis shall be construed cansistently wit}i all local Spokane Coumty districl cotLrt rules and gcncral orders as on the subject involvinb the failure to licEnsc dogs or cats as set forlh in sections 5.04.030 a.nd 5.04.031 hereof Fee schedules shall be postcd at thc SCRA_PS shelter anci on the SCRAPS Sao.kane Countv web site. 5.04.150 Duty When Striking Domestic Animal witli Motor Vehicle. Any person who, whilc opurating a motor vehicle, strikcs a clomestic animal in Spokane County shall scop at once, rendEr rcasonablc assistance, and shall iriunediatcly report sucfl ilijury or death to the animal's owner. Tn the event the owner of.' said animal cannot be asccrtained and located, such person shall at once reporl the accidelit to the afi-iFaal-eeHtP°'_°„*"^r:t. SCRAFS or other law enforccmcnt ap-encv with authoritv i.n the iurisdiction. This scction shall in no way be construed as rcquiring ihe person striking the animal with a motor veh.icl.e to bE finaneially respansible foc atly injury or death of the animal. A persan who willfullv violates this secl'ion shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 5.04160 . Animal Bites to be Reported. Every animal which bitcs a person shall be prpmptly reported to Sp^t,^.,wffEy Y~nimal-EefitFal SCR.APS and shall thereuppn be securely quarantined at the directian of _ SpelcaneE~~~Ey-A~ai~~a•I-~et~tr-e~ SCKAPS for a period qf ten days. At the discrelion af !-Gei-ttr-aE SCRAYS, such quau-anline may be on the premises of the oNvner or keeper, at the Spokane County Animal Shelter, or at [lie owner's or keeper's option and expense, in a veterinary hospital of the owner's or keeper's choice. In the cases of animals whose ownership is not knawn; such quaranti.ne sliall bc at the Spokane County Animal Shelter or a veterinary hospita(. If the animal is uuaranlined at Snokanc Countv Animal Shelter the owner nr keener of the animal shall be charaed ~ki*- ten-dollars ($6 10.00) ~@r- day f.or each hvenlv-four (24) hour period or oortion thereof Any owner or. • keeper Af, an animal wh.o knowinglv violates t'his section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. scc 5.04 51 > i/in_oo7 5.04.170 Spaying and neutering Services. (1) T-hr-ee Fo«r ciollars ($94.00) oP every dog and cat license shall be set aside each year to be uscd solely f.or the pur.posc of implctnenting a spaying and neutering program oi licensed dogs and cats residing within the unincoroorated areas of ,Spokane Countv and anv iurisdictions under contract for SCRA.PS scrviccs that havc adouted this chanter bv refc.rcttce. The Spec-a.c-Eoutit-y -AfiaEma~-6oi+t" Director 5ha11 develop and maintain a spaying and neuterinb program which shall determine the requirements for eligibiliCy to participaCe in the program. - (2) Spayivg and neuteri.ng of licensed dogs and cats under this seclion shall be . voluntary with the animal's owner or keeper. 5.04.940 Severability. Tf any portion of thiS chapter is held invalid, it is 'the intent of the boarci of county cornmissioner.s thai such part shall be deemed severa'ble anci the invaliclity thcreof shall not affect che remaining parts of this chapter. Effective Date--Preservat'ion of Existing Cases. ~ :E7.csolution \To. shall take eFFect on at 12.01 a.m. A11 ca5es filed and offenses committed prior to I:he efCective date of this rESOlution are deemed preservec3 in accordance with section 10.01.040 RCW, and shall bE governed by chapter 5.04 as it exisleCl prior to (RES. , /lttacllment ) ~ scc 5.04 52 11 nn_oo7 SUMA'iA_RY OF PRQPOSEn CHAVGES ; . ANINIAI'~ C)RDINANCE . . % SPOKANE COUhTTY AiNIlMAL CONTROL TITLE 5 ANIViA-LS Chapters: 5.04 nogs and Cats GENERAL Cr1ANGES "PT.,TED THROUGHOUT Chapter 5.04 and not published in further detail include: a11 references to "Spol:ane County Animal Control" to "SCRAPS"; all ref'ercnces to "Animal Cnntrol Director" to "I7irector"; all references to the scope of atumal eontrol authority standarclired to inclucie "this chapter, chapter 5.12 of Spol:ane C;ounty Code, and cliapter 16.08, 16.52, and 16.54 RCW"; all references to "tape recordings" are now "electronic recordings"; all 14 day time limits are cxpanded to 15 days; the terms clog guides and trained service anunals are utilized; all non-material grammar, syntax, stylistic and punetuation edit~ and reorderinglrelocation of material reyuired tp improve clarity and comprehEnsion; and, all cross-referenccs have been updated. Tlte prcceding changcs iiiipacc every section of the Chap«r. THE REMAINDER OF THIS PUBLICA'1'ION SUMMARIZES changes not classified as general. Where appropriate, rathcr than a summarizalion the speci.f.ic languace change is den.oteci as additions and d°'°~s. , 5.04 .010 Yurpose Application cxpanded to include incorporated areas under contract. . 5.04.020 Definitipns Definitions have becn updated; new terms defined: Day, Senior Rale, and Trip Fee. Exhibits Vicious Propensities will cover severe uijuries. 5.0 4.030 Dog and Cat license requircd Dog and Cat licenses sections have been combined. Dog license fee will increase to $20.00 for spayccUneutered dogs and $40.00 for non-spayed/non-neutcred; cat license fces inerease to $15.00 for spayecUneutered ancl $25.00 for nan-spayed/non-neutered. "4.031 C-Mbicen&e Reqttiir-ed (has bcen merged into 5.04.030) 5.04.032 lleclarations of Dangerous Dog Adrninistrative Appeal Hearing and APPeal ' - -Ympounding Dog. Ttus section governs thc declara[ion of a dog as a dangerous and appeal proccdures oE such dcclaration. Chaiiges: Increases noticc requirements for relocation of dangerous . dogs; Recognize daugerous designations by other jurisciictions; Refine hearing prncedures; and, Makes violation of conditions unposed for continued ownership a gross- misdemeanor. - 5.44.033 Determination of Potentially llangcrous llog Notice, Administrativc Review vleetine, and Appeal. "1`his section govems the dcclaration of a dog as a potentially dangerous and appeal pracedures of such declaration. Changes: Clarifies that failtire to attend an administrative revicw hearing shall canstirirtc a failure to Exhaust all administrative remedies; Refines scc 5.04 AiNE-rrnMEiNT 1 SiMMARY 100102I2007 the hearing pr4eedures; and EYpands the cotiditions that may be i.tnposcd for continued ~ ownerslup of the dog to include muzzling, spaying/neutcring, anci microchip unplanting. 5.04.35 Registration of Uangerous Dogs Requirements Annuttl Fees. 1"his section governs continuecl oNvnership of a dog decldred a dangerous dog. Changes: Requires insurance policies have a maxiuium $500 deduc:tible, cover propcrty damage, anci nptify the County of any lapse or changc; Establishes a provisional registration duriog an appeal pcriod; and re6nes noticc and regiseration process for dogs declared dangerous cntcring the Couzity. Violation of this section is changcd From a misdemeanor to a gross-misdemeanor. 5.04.040 Unlawful Use of Licensc 7'ags This section regulates usc of tags - a,,vi1Lfu1 violation will be a misdememnor. 5.04.42 Commercial Kennels Changes: Tncrease anuual fee to $150; Refines appcal proceciure for den.ial or revocation of license; Ternuuates gracc period .forrenewal and rights after a 90 day lapse in liccnsc. 5.04.43 Private Kennels Changes: Incrcase annual fee tn $100; 'I crrninates g-ace periocl for rencwal and rights after a 90 day lapse in license; and Adds groaining to operational standards. 5.04.044 Prohibited Sales -.Rulcs anci 12eLyulations. (new section) (11 No ncrson shall disnlav, sell, dcliver, of-Ter tcar sale. barter. auction, eive awav. disDOSe, or advertise ttie availabililv of an aiumal uDou anv nublic nronertv or uUOn nrivate nroncrtv Aaen to the public. f2) For Mu-Dpses of th.is section, public nranertv shall include but not be limited to ~ anv Cauntv-oxNqled real Droncrtv, air sAac;e. or other urterest in real estate. ineludina streets. roads. atlevs or other nublic ritzht-of wavs. oxvned bv or controlled bv Snokane Countv or auv Qovcrnmental entitv ~~ittun the unincoroorated areas or incorvorated areas iuider conlract that hAVe adontcd this chapter. (3) ror nlu-noscs oFlhis section. "nrivatc aronertv open lo ehe nublic" shall include but not be limiYed to any parkinQ lot. sidewalk. emutv lot, azid vardleara2e sdles IUCation. (4) This section shall not anDlv to the salc of an animal that nccurs: (a) Qn nrivate pronertv not open to the nublic: (b) At legallv nerinitted Yet Shons and Kemiels; (c) At or throuv-h anv humaue societv. animal welfare societv, societv for the prevention of, crueltv to atumals or other nonnrofit organization devoted lo lhe wekfare, nrotection. and htunane treatment of animals alid approved bv the T)irector. (5) Nothine in this section shall nennit the sale or harborine of an inherentlv dangerous animal within the County orohibited nursuant to SCC 5.12. 5.04.060 Iinpounding of dogs-Notice of <nvner or izeeper-l7edemption-Fec. Changcs: Danger of cruelty is added as basis for impound; Refines and clarifies holdina, periods as they rclatc to liccnse, space availability, adoption out, and euthanasia. 5.04.064 Rclcasc for Adoption (nctiv section) . Codifics conditions which must be met to adopt a clog ar cal. 5.44.065 Adoption of Animal--Agreement to Spay or Neuter--Sterility Depes+t Fee --Forfeiture of Animal Animal Neutering Program Revolving Account. SCC 5.04 AIvIENDiNdENTT 2 SL;iNi IARY 10/02/2007 Changes: Refuies procedure f.or adopting a dog or cat; R.eimbursenient procedure for spayuig/neutering prograni; wid Deposit and use of steri.lity fees. 5.04.066 Impounding of Cats--Notice to Owner or Keeper-E7edemption. Chan;es:l2efines aud c.larifies holding periods as they relate to license, space availability, adoptioii out, and cuthanasia. 5.04.67 Cont'rol of cats. Chan;es: Adds LYhibiting Vicioiis Propensities and Lntering Certain Lstablishments to list of prohibitions. 5.04.070 Control of Dags. Changcs: Adds ncw subscctions spccifically prohibiting potcntially dangerous dogs and dangerous dogs from running at large or being off owners property absent specific • rEStraints. 5.04.071 Violation as Infractions - Txccptions. Changes: Reforniats section and createsJrecognizes the following (4) additional erceptions: ADDED MISDEMEANORS: . . . (f) Section 5.04_045(2)(e), allowinri a dosi to exhibit daneerous or aSeTessive behavipr in a desianated o.ff-le-sh area:. (iz) Section 5.04.045(2)(fl, allo-wine a femalc doc! in heat in a designated off= leash area: (li) Section 5.04.067(5). cats cxhibitine vicious nronensities whieh ccroseitute a clauLirer to nersons or domcstic animals: (il Scction 5.04.070(11). uotentiallv dangerous cioU al laree: A.D.nFn GROSS MIST)FMEANORS: (a) Sectiou 5.04.035, failure to complv with danQCrous doe retzistration and q,wmerShiA requiremenl5; (b) Section 5.04.045(2)(b). nrohibited dop- in doQ oark: and (e) Section 5.04.070(12), dan2erqus dqfz at ]arfze. 5.04.1173 Notice of InfracHon--Deterrnination Final Unless Contested--Form. Criminal sanctions deletecl. 5.04.074 Response to 1VoYicc of infraction--Conte.sting Determination--[-learing- -Failure to Respond or Appear. Change: Clarification that failure to respond is basis for a default judgmcnt. 5.04.078 Order of Courfi--Civil Nztrure--Waiver, Reductiic►n Suspensinn of Penalty. Change: 17eletes commlmit_y scrvice provisions; Allows Court to order restiCueian following a finding oFcommitted. 5.04.079 Failure to sign Failure to saYisfy penalty. (;larii:~es section applies to crimiual citalinn.s as well as uniiactions. 5.04.0791 Person receiving notice--IclentificaNUn .►nd detention. Clarifies section apPlies to criininal cilations. 5.04.0792 Failure to Qbey instructions of an Offccr Lim.its sec-tion to specifically address a person's willful failure to stop wheu requested or . signaled to do so. _ 5.04.110 Redemption Procedures. SCC 5.04 AIvrEhTll1,N 1 3 SITMMARY 10/0212007 Changes: Clarifies all fees, penalties, recoverable expcnses and licensing/vaccination issucs must be addrzssed prior to reclemptiqn; Tncreases boarding fees to $1 0 per day; and, lmposes a Trip Fee. 5.04.120 Destruct-ion of Vicious and Dvnecrous Dogs. Changes: Clarifies thal will_fu] interferencc with laNvi'ul disposal is a misdcmeanor. 5.04.130 Penalties Changes: Ties infraction penaltics to the amount established by lnfraction Rules af. Limiced Jurzsdictiou 6.2(b); and publishes penalties for gross-misdemeanors. 5.04.131 Violation as constituti.ng a public nuisance. Tn addition to the foregoing remedies, the repeat violation of any Provisions of ttus chapter after official natice oF th.e violatioii shall constitute a public nuisauce tuid may be abated in any manner aulhorized by 12CW Chapters 7.48 and 9.66. 5.04.140 Fce Setting Authority. Changes: Requires a fee schedule be postcd at the SCRAPS web site. 5.04.150 Duty When Striking Domcstic Aninial with 1Vlotor Vehicle. Clarifies: That nadce may be inade to any law en1'orcement agency w-ithin thc jurisdiction; and, That a violation requ.ires willfulness. Animal Bites to be Reportcd. Chaaiges: Adds luiowing rEquirement ev violation. Spa,ying and neutering Scrvices. Clariiies who qualifies for the services. 5.04.910 Fffectivc Date--Yreservation of Fxisting Cases. ~ Changes tA become effective on Tanuary 1, 2008 at ] 2:01 a.m. . SCC 5.04 AMENUMEN 1 4 SiNIlV1ARY 1. 0/0?/2007 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 7, 2007 City Manager Sign-aff: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent n old business ❑ netiv business ❑public hearing - ❑ information X admin. report ❑ pending legislaeion AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative Report - Grant application for Community Relicensing program. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 10.101.050 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The issue before the Council is whether to authorize staff to apply jointly for a grant from the Washington State Office of Public Defense (OPD). There is a total of $300,000 . available to up to six approved applications for new projects ($600,00 for all programs, including recurring programs). The statute authorizing the grant program (RCW 10.101.050) provides that funds are anticipafed to make "appreciable, demonstrable improvements in the delivery of ~ public defense services." We recenfly received fhe grant application, and it has a deadline of November 26, 2007. The only Council meeting before that time is November 7. Several times over the past ten years, the City of Spokane, usually in conjunction with Spokane County, has funded and operated a program called Community Relicensing. City Prosecuting Attorney Howard Delaney has been the driving force in the past (and present). It is directed toward people who have lost the legal right to drive because they failed to pay their traffic fines. As a result, the Department of Licensing enters a finding of the same, and they lose their license. The unpaid fines then get assigned to a collection agency, which adds collection fees, court costs and interest to the original fine. What may have started out as $300-500 in fines can quickly go to $600-1,000 for one event. If this happens several times, the amount a party has to pay back in order to get their license back is often insurmountable. Once their license is revoked, they inevitably stop paying their liability insurance and lose their insurance. This would be less of a problem if these folks stopped driving. The reality is they keep driving, without a license and without insurance, for the same reasons everybody drives - to get food, run errands, to get to and from work and to transport their children. If a police officer runs their license plate (which they do very frequently while driving around) and finds the owner of the vehicle has a suspended license, they will conduct a stop. Under these circumstances (assuming they don't have arrest warrants for any other charges), two things will very likely happen - the person is placed under arrest and their vehicle is impounded. Once arrested, they are taken to the jail and booked on the criminal charge of Driving While License Suspended in the Third Degree (DWLS 3), and then released without being put into a cell pursuant to local law ~ enforcement's "catch and release" policy. (A DWLS 3 is substantially different than a OWLS 1 or 2, which results from driving under the influence) They then have to arrange for a way to get home. Once impounded, the vehicle remains with the towing entity until the towing and storage bills are paid, which also can total in the several hundreds after several days. Many of these fees are not paid, and the vehicle becomes the property of the towing entity to sell. The loss of the vehicle can provide an impediment to holding a job, which has additionai downstream effects. . Once in a financial and legal hole of this size, it is difficult fo get out of. Community relicensing -provides an opportunity re-set. Under the program as it was previously constituted, a person whose license had been suspended for failure to pay fines (whether or not they currently had a criminal charge pending for DWLS 3) could pay an administrative fee of $50.00, fill out an application to get in the program, and agree to pay a monthly amount toward their fines. In exchange for stepping forward to take care of the problem, the collection costs, civil court costs arising from the collection action, and interest amount would be removed from the total owed, bringing it back down to the original fine. Using the example from above, if $300 was originally owed for the infractions, the, $25 monthly payments would be scheduled and made until the _ debt is paid off in one year. If such fines are owed to two jurisdictions, then each would be paid $25 per month, again. paying the debt off in one year. The most important factor for them however is that once successfully in the program, they are allowed to have their driver's license back if they provide proof of liability insurance. There are many people that previously entered the program that had multiple fines, and who are still making payments even though the program was #erminated due to lack of funding three years ago. iV1r. Delaney estimates that 40- 45% of the local people whose license were suspended participated in the program in the past. It is difficult to say with great clarity how much, if any, money this will save the City in the short term or long term. We can identify certain effects implementation of such a program would most likely have on the misdemeanor criminal justice system as a whole. For example, we are looking at the most effective way to implement this so that people can sign up before they get pulled over for DWLS 3, to avoid having their car taken, and to avoid a criminal charge ever being filed. This would save a jail booking fee (currently $110 that the City has to pay); it would avoid having a deputy take an hour-away from patrolling to take a person to jail for the booking - and release; it would avoid the filing of a new case by District Court, and the assignment of a _ new case to the Prosecutor's Office and the Public Defender's Office. INe average about 20-30 "catch and release" bookings per month related to DWLS 3 charges. It appears the jail has increased its booking staff due to the increased need for personnel because of the "catch and release" program. In theory, if there is a decreased need for booking staff, they could be re-assigned within the jail to offset other staffing needs recently identified by the Sheriff. Many DWLS 3 cases result in multiple "catch and release" bookings before they are ultimately resolved. Taking these types of cases out of the system has generally resulted in a substantial reduction of bookings and jail stays. It is impossible to exactly quantify how many less would occur if the program is implemented, but simple logic dictates that there would be a substantial reduction of jail bookings and stays because the number of suspended licenses would be reduced. People who are arrested for DWLS 3 will be encouraged strongly to participate in the program, and we will try to route them into the program before an arraignment, so files do not need to be opened by the Prosecutor or Public Defender. In essence, the cases would be side-tracked into the program rather than into the District Court system. If they fail to apply for the program, or fail to comply with the terms, they are returned to Court and go through the normal court process. The Prosecutor and Public Defender offices have case counfs that are well above the numbers that are nationally recognized as appropriate for being able to represent their clients adequately. This type of program appears to be directly in line with the goals of the grant program, which is why staff is requesting authorization to apply for the grant. If the grant request is not approved, Spokane County and the City of Spokane may request that Spokane Valley contribute financially to the program anyway as a way to improve the system. Spokane Valley has approximately 10% of the misdemeanor cases in District/Municipal court. The anticipated program cost of the program for 2008 is estimated between $183,000 and $225,000, which includes the costs for the prosecutor and defender programs for Spokane and Spokane County, as well as for District Court. Mr. Delaney states that the program registration fee of $50.00 per applicant has, in the past, rec4vered about one-half of the program costs, and that the payment of fines over time comes , close to paying for the rest. It takes some time to "fill the pipeline" with payments, and the • payment of the fines occurs over several years to recoup mosF of the program money. The attached financial sheets provided by Mr. Delaney do not reflect any cost for an additional clerk in District Court, so I added an additional $42,000 to Mr. Delaney's estimate. This additional amount has not been verified with the Court, and is only intended to reflect an approximation at this time. In the event the City is asked to provide a direct financial contributing to this program, I anticipate it would be in the $20,000 to $25,000 range as a proportionate share. If the Council authorizes staff to subrnit this grant application, we can prov'ide additional information to the Council prior to formally accepting the grant funds to give the Council more time to study the program and its potential benefits. The Spokesman-Review editorial board issued an editorial on November 1, 2007 regarding this program, which is attached. In summary, this might be best described as an opportunity to avoid higher costs for a while. OPTIONS: Request more information; authorize staff to submit a joint grant application as outlined with the City of Spokane ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move that we authorize staff to submit a joint grant application with the City of Spokane to the Washington State Office of Public Defense for funds to operate the Community Relicensing Program. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: As outlined above. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney; Howard Delaney, Spokane City Prosecutor. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Grant application . 2. Financial projections provided by Howard Delaney, City of Spokane 3. Spokesman-Review editorial, November 1, 2007 t , ~.__J Washiabton State (af'fice of 1'ublic Defense Application for Public Defense City Grants Pursuarit to Chapter 10.101 12CW TO: City Officials and Municipal Court Judges FROM: Joanne Nloore, Tairector DA'1 N;: October 12, 2007 KE,: . Pracediu-e for applyiug for 12CW 10,101 public clefcnsc city grants Pursuant to le;islative approprialion passed in 2006.and suppleme.nted in 2007, the Washington State Office of I'ublic DePense (OPD) is oFtcring gra.nts to cities, for t1ie purpose of improving the quality of public defense services. RCW 10.101.050 authorizes OPIa to aNvard grants to citics. This year the total ai-nount available is approximatcly S600,000. Applications far ciiy grants are clue on NOVember 26, 2007. Incorporatcd cities may apply for grants. OPD plans to disburse funds b}r laeceanber 17, 2007; for use by the.selected cities through the end of the 2008 calendar year. An applicatian form is cnclosed. A copy of this applic,ation forni may bc found at ww%v.ond.wa.izov. Applicacian matcrials may be subnutted in hard eapy or materials rnay be submitted as an email attachment to OP1300LAppcr,ond.~va.aov. (No faxes please.) ; Under tbe statute, funds must be used la make appreciable; dcuionstrable improveme.nts in the dclivery of public defense services. Some jurisdiceions have used thc fiuids to acld a.n attorney to represent indigent defendants at first appearwice/arraignment calendars, to provide additional attorneys to lower caseloads or to increase attorney compensation. It is anticipated that use of these fiuids will ordinarily be determuied in consultatinn %Nrith the courts and public defeuse attortieys. QPD will be oHcring free trainings and materials to public defenders contractecl io represent ciefcndants at tirst appearailce or arraignment calendars. The trainings will be open to all public def'enders, ChaptEr 10.101 RCW also identifies necessaty future improvemencs in public defense; including that cil'y eontracts provide ftinding for court-ordered expert and 'uivesliaator costs ancl for compensation as ordercd by the court for extraordinary cases; and that cities set up a valid methnd for appointi.ng conflict counseL See RCW 10.101.060. sViaxiny city public defense contracts already ineet these requi.rements. For unf'onnation rebar.ding the improvement of public defensc scrviccs or this application, CO11t1Ci ' ()P17 Yublic I7cfcnse Seivices Managers George Yeannakis, or CoUe,en 0'Connor at aearp-e.veannakis @.opcLwa.p-ov or collcen.ocoiuion(-}a,ood.wa.eov ; 360-386-3164 ext. 102 (George), or ex.t. 110 (Colle,en). We look forward to working Nvith you to improve public defense services in WashinEtoii State. 1 ~APPT.,TCATTQN FQ'R RCW CTTY CRAiN'TS City ConCact name/citle Mai 1 i ng address , Phone Email . NOTE: Flpplications are due Novcmber 26; 2007. lf for some reason the c•ity needs addilional time, please contact OPD to requcst an cYtEnsion. 1. .T.n 2006, the city paici indigen/ def-ense expenses as follows: I Total dollar arnount spent on indigent defense: ~ lA. Amount spent on attorney salarics and benetits, contr.ict attoriiey ainounts including conflict sttorncys, and investig:tt:ors: 1B. Amountspent on esperts and uther indigent defense cnsts: . 2. In 2006, attarneys providing inciigent defense representation had the following caseload.s: Number of cases filed Nuinber of cases Number ofi attqrneys as reporied Co the assigned to widi public defense Administrative qffice public defense conlrac[s nf the Courts actomeys (or on court's appointment list) Ivtisderrieanors and gross misdemeanoi5 3. "1'he city will use public defense city granl' f'undinD f'or lhe following purposc(s): 4. Tf the city has public defense contracts, f 11 out the Table of Publie DefEnsc Contracts (Table I), and provide a eopy of cach current contract in alphabetieal order by attorney na.riie. (If possible, please provide scanncd copies of contracts, by CD or email aitachmcnt. Hard copies are acceptable.) 5. lf the court appoints public defense artorneys fr6rn a list, providc the riame of each attoi-ney and the compensation paid per case or per hour in the Table of [.:ist-Appointed F'ublic L7efense , flteorneys (Table II). b. Prior to or upon reeEipt of Chapter 10.101 RCW public defense f'unds; Che city will require ehat all indigent defense attorneys attend OPD-approved trainina at least cmce per c.alEndar ycar. Yes( ) No( ) 7. Pripr to ar upon receipt of Chapter 10.101 RCVv public defense fiinds, tlie cit}, wrill reyuire that all private attoi-neys who eontract to provide public defense scrvices begui to report their "hours billed for nonpublic defense legal services including number and typES of private Ga.SES." (RCW 10.101.050) Yes ()N0 The city 11as adapted a public defense orciinance, which is attached, Yes ()iN0 9. Certification I declare iurder penulty nfiyerjrrry iulder the laws ojtlte Sta1e ojWashingtun 1/ra1 the foregoinb► infvrmutior: is true atid currect. SiSnature Date Printed ciarne, Title E'lace `Vashingtorl State Office of Public Defcnse Table I: Fiiblic Defense Contractis , . Number pf Method and Kate of Conflict cascs onl}rt MisdemeKnor/Gross Payrnent Yes/No Name of attorney/finn' a4isdcmcanor cascs (pcr cmelper hour, (iCves, lis[ payment) per comract etc.) I I ~ ti'Vashington State O:f.f ce of. Public Defense Table IL• List-Appoinfed Pub.lic .I7efense Attnrrieys : ~ . \iame of Attorney/Firm Method and Rate of Payinent (per caselper hour, etc.) I aucfqel Summnry ~ ~ City Prosecuting Attomey I Gross Ecoense I CiN Contributian I Counb ContribuUan ~ Personnol Expenses I I I I Cfty Preoecuror Stafi t£.ase Compensa!(an} ASSt WroscouEar- f2ange 1(Stap 1) 5 5~.658.37 S 51.658.37 S - Tatal CGy Pra-.eca2ar 8asa Campensa2lon S 51,558,37 $ 51,8"a6,37 S - CIN Prosecutor Ste1f (BeneQl Ccxnpensation) Asst Yrosecutor - Range 1(Step i) $ 23,870.51 $ 23,870.51 $ - Total City Prosccutar Employec 8cncfth $ 23,870.51 5 23,870.51 $ - Total CHy Proseeufor Employee Coskn 5 75,523_88 5 75,528.80 $ - Ciry Non-pcr,.onnCl ExpCnsCs Travcl S 2.000.00 S 2,000.00 S - =_qtdpmetst S 12,510.24 $ 12,590.24 5 - Supplies S 2,587.74 i 2.531.74 5 - Contracis S - i - 5 - Ottier (epsx) S 7.580.00 S 7.5e0,00 Total Non-pereonnel Ercper►eea $ 24,655_98 5 24,055.99 $ - Total Cibj ProSOUROrExponsos S 100,180.65 S 100,180.88 $ - Total Glty Expenacs S 100,960,86 $ 100,1E0.86 S - County Prosecuting Attorney Po"nnol Exqen::as I Gross EXoense I CiN Contribution j GounN Contribution i Catintv_Pra>ccu;or S;aff IEase Comoensatioati} i ~ LeQal O~ce Asst 2(Step 1) 3 11.498.50 3 ~ S 11,498.50 LegEil OfffCe A33t 2(Stcp 2) $ , 12.087.24 S S 12,0~97.aa Paralegal 2(5tep 1) $ 31,342.48 b S 31,342.48 Paralegal 2(Step 2) $ - $ - S - Cashier (5teps 1&2) S 1.513.29 $ $ 5,513_29 Total Counry Wosccutor Baso Canponsation S 56,441.52 S • $ 56,44 i.52 CourAv Prosccutor StaB (Beruart Compe,nsatdon) I,ega10ffice Asst 2(Step t) $ 6,815.20 $ - S 6,e15.20 Legal Office Asst 2(Step 2) $ 6,993.75 $ • $ 6,983,75 FaralOgal 2(Stop 3) $ 14,328.82 $ - $ 14,326.22 Paralegal 2(Step 2) S - $ - $ - Cashier (StopS i 82 - 5%) S 685.42 $ 685.42 TaGal County Prosecmor ErnpOayors fienc112s $ 29,313.19 $ • $ 29,313.19 Total Gounry Pmcctrtor EmploYOO COate S 85,754.71 S - S 85,754.79 CounN Non-ucrsonncl Exoenses Trnvcl 5 - $ - S - Equipmcnt $ - S - $ - Supplies S - S - $ - contreas s - s - $ - Total Non-pcrsonncl Facpensc. $ • $ - $ - Total Crncnty CRJC Expenaee $ 85,754.71 $ - $ 85,754.71 I Gross ExpenSO Citv ContriDuteon I Counry Conbibution ~ I 9. 2007 D4VLS 3~ I Gross Femdng RequiremeMS S 585,935.57 $ 100,180.88 $ 85,754.71 Prohor&Onnl 96 of Corttribufcon Bascd on'~~D07 DLYLS 3 Cherges Sb d ConGibufien 53.88% 46.12% Currori; : unding Comrri#ted S 133,103.60 S 26,246.88 $ 46,E56.71 % oE Currem Funcrinq Pledged 64.8a°6 35.200,5 Net Current Fundtng Requ(rements 5 62,831.97 5 13.933.98 S 16,897.99 ~ . ReiixnsEng Budget 2008 Re.7sa!_As SCHEDULE "A" BUDGET DETAIL WORKSHEET Community Relicensing Project Restart -12 Months A. Personnel Position Title Monthly Salary Cost Notes Positions by Organization Cify Prosecuting Attomey Asst Prosecutor - Range 1(Step 1) $ 4,304.86 $ 51,658.37 . Sub-Total $ 51,658.37 County Prosecutin,q Attomev Legal Office Asst 2(Step 1) S 1,916.42 $ 11,498.50 Legal Office Asst 2(Step 2) $ 2,014.54 $ 12,087.24 Paralegal 2(Step 1) $ 2,611.87 $ 31,342,48 Paralegal 2 (Step 2) $ - $ - Cashier $ 2,522.15 $ 1,513.29 s% of Salary Allocated Sub-Tofat $ 56,441.52 SECTION A TOTAL $ 108,099.89 Relicensing Budget 2008 ftevised.xls . 10l3112007 3:12 PM 0 BUDGET DETAIL WORKSHEET Community Relicensing Project Restart - 12 Months B. Fringe Benefits _ n Posilloo Til( 1 S YtcniLf 12 Month 12 Monlh 12 6loaih 12 YYnqi I I Idanth 12 Lbiilh /2 Mon:h 12 tRn~eh /161outl~ 1! Munth 91 MorAA Postlbmtri0ip.elzal6n ~ GomD-'atlun I Cnmp:~laffo~ Cortp~.vlen ~Cp~ihfbn ComD~a+ I [x..pudfbo I ComauWn I Cvmpufatbn I ponp-~ 6un I Conp.~ibn I Ca~CumWn Wc~uy»lon 4nroa LIFEINB FICNMEDIC h1EDICAL pENiAlING RETIAEt=NT MpU3TIN5. UNEGPLDI9 LTqINS REiIREEFUND CITYPA61146EfOTHER I BEJ.GFITTOYAL ~ OYl. Owt Gm~p/,~7f rvl . . ~ Rq~w.r C AasiFrcsce.i:ar-RS!fpo 1M;) 11 s - t zn.aa s s.asa.u $ u.au.on s 1.3e3.0a s 3.471.19 e 72.0 s • s 1 a.02 s . s . s 23.eTos1 , ~7cM S - f ZZ7.00 5 9,034,73 f 14,622.00 S 1,388.00 S 3,471.33 5 72011 S - $ 14A9 S • S • i 23,610S7 G~nn Ro~•wC-v 4T-R7 Lsgsf O2fcn A,sal 2 151cD 1) S 22.02 S 67864 $ 1,400,00 S 000.00 S 703,71 S iSZ.00 S E4.00 f 67.84 S S S 8,O15.251 lM41 OUcc Az.f 4 tElnp?J S 72.k2 ! 01207 $ 4,zao.oo s eee,co S 739.I4 S 7S3,OU S 16dA0 S 77,9: i • S • f 8,087.75 PoraYegnl2 [EInV I I 3 M,Q4 S 2,197,70 S L,4UO,U0 S I,12Q.00 f S,018,16 f 1i6.00 5 1¢.°.,UQ f 1M52 S S S i1.82DA2 P°ra7a0a ~ Z lSteP ZI i • S - f . S - f • S - f • S S • S • i Cac8i0t S 4I,0I S 2.361A5 S d,892,00 S • 5 L852S7 S 130,00 1 10.,00 S 17L57 S 6E5.42 S% '•,~ra+h S • 5 L:.CB 3 4,2G2,G1 3 1CtilUU,UO 3 2,640A0 3 3,981b1 S 742110 S 45J0.UQ f 324A8 5 - 3 - 3 29,7I7.19 Y07ALS i - S 311A3 t E,156.14 $ 11dI2.00 S IAGaAO S 0.032.68 f G54-00 S 4ZiT.00 t 42IA7 ! • f 67AE7.71) secnoN s YnrnL $ 53,183.70 Nelkonslnp Outlpcl 20D6 Ravtedab 1C71r2007 ]:{2 Ptd BUDGET DETAIL WORKSHEET • Community Relicensing Project Restart -12 Months C. Travel ~ Purpose of Travel ~ Location ~ People ~ Travel Each ~ Lodging ~ Subsistence ~ Cost ~ Regional Participation Various - $ 2,000 Section C Total $ 2,000.00 Relicensing Budget 2008 Revised.xis 10131I2007 3:12 PVI . _ BUDGET DETAIL WORKSHEET Community Relicensing Project Restart -12 Months D: Equipment ~ Equipment Items by Organization JUnit Price Ea.1 No. of Units ~ Extended Price ~ Computer Lease + MIS Maintenance $ 2,800.00 3 $8,400.00 Telephone Expenses $ 358.00 3 $1,074.00 Photo Duplication"" $ 2.53 1200 $3,036.24 Section D Total $12,510.24 Impression Cost Calculations (5338.04 copiar 115000 coples mo)+(.0959 per Pmage + .0053 paper)'75 per file Relicensing Budget 2008 Revised.xls ' 10/31/2007 3:12 PM BUDGET DETAIL WORKSHEET Community Relicensing Project , Restart - 12 Months _ E. Supplies ~ Supply Item I Cost Per Month ~ Cost . See Detail $ 174.45 $ 2,093.34 Postage $ 40.70 $ 488.40 ' SECTION E TOTAL $ 2,581.74 F. Construction ~ Purpose ~ CRJC ~ Cost ~ NOT APPLICABLE $ _ SECTION F TOTAL $ - ~ Relicensing Budget 2008 Revised.xls 10/31/2007 3:12 PM BUDGET DETAIL WORKSHEET Community Relicensing Project Restart - 12 Months G. Consultants J Contracts Consultant Fees ~ Name of Consultant ~ Service Provided ~ Rate Per Day ~ Days ~ Cost ~ NOT APPLICABLE Sub-Tota! $ - Consultant Expenses ~ Expense Item N Location ~ Cost Per Day ~ Days ~ Cost ~ NOl' APPLICABLE Sub-Total $ - Contracts ~ Contract Description ~ Contractor ~ Cost Per Month ~ Months ~ Cost ~Revenue Collection $ - 2 $ _ Sub-7'ota! $ - $ - SECTION G TOTAL $ - Relicensing Budget 2008 Revised.xls 1013112007 3:12 PM BUDGET DETAIL WORKSHEET Community Relicensing Project Restart -12 Months H. Other Costs ~ Description ~ Cost Per Unit I Units Per Month I Cost Per Month ~ Project Months ~ Project Cost ~ Office Space $ 14.00 540 $ '630.00 12 $ 7,560.00 SECTION H TOTAL $ 7,560.00 1. Indirect Costs ~ Description ~ Cost Per Unit I Units Per Month ~ Cost Per Month ~ Project Months ~ Project Cost ~ NOT APPLICABLE SECTION I TOTAL $ - , Relicensing Budget 2008 Revised.xls 10131/2007 3:12 PM . . , , . 0 BUDGET SUMMARY Community Relicensing Project Restart -12 Months Budget Category Amount , A. Personnel $ , 108,099.89 B. Fringe Benefits $ 53,183.70 C. Travel $ 2,000.00 D. Equipment $ 12,510.24 E. Supplies $ 2,58ti •74 F. Construction $ - G. Consultants I Contracts $ - H.Other $ 7,560.00 1. Indirect Costs $ - Project Costs $ 185,935.57 Relicensing Budget 2008 Revised.xls 'f 6f3112007 3:12 PM Office Supplies 531011 I I Item ~ Supplier ~ Item Number ~ Cost I Per Unit I Unit Measure ~ Quantity! Units ~ Extended 3 Ring Binders 3" Kershaw's Contract JAVE05740 $ 2.79 1 EA ~ 101 $ 27.90 Manila Envelopes KershavJs Contract IQUA41465 $ 22.50 Box I 250 ~ 15 $ 337.50 CD ROMs Kershaw's Contract ' IMAX648250 14.50 BoV50 ~ 1 $ 14.50 Copy Paper CenUal Store 17530-041-401 1 $ 24.40 Bou/10 reams ~221 $ 536.80 Dividers-Page Kershaw's Contract IAVE11468 0.26 ST 121 $ 3.12 Envelopes Central Store 17530-009-518 12.50 Box/500 41 $ 50.00 File Folders !KershavJ's Contract ISMD14537 I$ 11.10 Box150 ~ 401 $ 444.00 - File Folder Labels IKershaW's Contract I MAC ML3000 6.80 Box 31 $ 20.40 Highlighters Yellow IKershavJ's Contract JAVE07742 3.60 ~ Box/12 1 3.60 Highlighters Black iKershavds Contract jAVE08888 I$ 4.80 j BoxJ12 ~ 1 ~s 4.80 Legal Pads IKershaw's Contract IKERLP11W $ 4.14 I Pkq112 I 51 S 20J0 Mail Opener IKershaw's pg 454 I0IC94909 $ 1.37 I EA I 31 S 4.11 Markers Red I Kershaw's Contract SAN38012 0.15 ~ EA 121 S 1.80 Message Flags kershaw's Contract MMhA6809 I$ 1•24 I Pkg 101 s. 12.40 PaperClips IKershaw's Contract IKERPCG 0.25 1 8ox/100 I 101 $ 2.50 Pens 1/2 blue 1/2 black IKershaw's Contract i13ICGSP41iBK/BICGShh1165I $ 1.02 1 Boxl12 I 101 s 10.20 Rubber Bands I Kershaw's Contract 10IC86019 0.32 1 Bag 21 S 0.64 Security Pens Kershaw's pg 1044 iMMF256-0255-04 ~ S 3.50 1 EA 101 $35.00 Staples Kershaw's Contract ISWI35108 ~s 0.49 I Box/5000 ( 51 $ 2.45 Steno Pads !Kershaw's Confract ~KERSTENO Is 0.56 I EA ~ 251 $ 14.00 Sticky Notes IKershaw's Contract NMMM6549YW I $ 0.25 I Pkg/12 ~ 361 $ 9.00 Tape Kershaw's Contract IMMM620034X1296 I$ 0.64 I EA ~ 101 $ 6.40 Correction Tape IKershaw's Contract TOM68620 I S 1.78 EA ~ 10 $ 17.80 Yearly Calendars Kershaw's Contract 8RNC1731 ~ S 1.99 EA ~ 5 $ 9.95 Staplers ~ Kershaai s Contract SWI74701 ~ $ 8.34 I EA 5 $ 41.70 3 Hole Punch ~ Kershaw's pg 1135 SPR 01796 S 39.95 I EA 11 $ 39.95 Rulers I Kershav/s Contract OIC66004 $ 0.39 EA ~ 51 $ 1.95 Scissors ~Kershavis Contract 1CLA10420 0.88 EA I 5 $ 4.40 Misc $ 250.00 Offroe Steppflas Sublatal 1,927.57 Tax 8.6% 165.77 Olfece Supplies Tota! 2,093.34 }'hone Long Distance I Min 01 $ - Postage ~ 1$ 0.37 IEA I 2400 S 888.00 Interlund Totaf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S 888.00 Page l of 2 Cary Driskell . Frorn: Morgan Koudelka Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 11:43 AM To: Dave Mercier, Cary Driskell Subject: County PD, Prasecutor, Re-licensing - Article Edi[orial Our View: Lightening the load . ltediuing cascs hcst way to edse clefenders' work iVovember l, 2007 'bi the criminal justice systEm;" as evei-y Law R Order devo[ee knows; °ttiere a.re riwo separate yet equall}° importazit groups: the pcalice who invcstigate erime, a.tid the clislrict attorneys who prosecute the o ff5enders." ~ Not so fast. The Constitution and the Supreme Court insist that a third entity is required in the mia: the defcnsc. flnd since the Constitution doesn't promise due process only to ttiose who can afford it, the criminal justice systcm also includes the public defenders. In Spokane County, li.ke a lot aE'oiher places, public defenders are staggering under caseloads that strain their ability to represent all their clienes eF1'EClivcly. Un average, the lawye.rs who handlc fcloiues in Public Taef'ender John Rodgers' office carry 175 cases. The tamcrican [3ar Association says it's unelhical to havc more than 150. The ABA says 300 misdeineanor cases shoulcl be the limit for one public defender, yet laNvyers Nvho work for Rodgers have more than twice as many. Those palterns are unsustainable. In time, courts may arder corrective action or start overturning canvictions - or uoth. Spokaue County Commissioncrs are now considering an ordinanee that would limic easeloads of botli public dcfenders and the private-sector la,%;ryers who help lighten the load at public expense. Such an ordinance is the price Spokane County musi pay for Rodgers' office to rcceive nearly $390,000 from the statE Office o.CPublic pefense. ~ tikThile thE grant will defray the cost of lowering caseloads, it wi11 only forestall the implicit increascs - for more lawyers, more support staff, more o(f'ice space and supplies. 11/1/2007 . Page 2 oi 2 Another prpmising move is afoot; howEVer, one that would lower caselvads by reducing cases ttietnselves. The Proszcuting Attorney's Officc wacits to resume a"restorative justice" progrdm that was , shelvecl in 2004. By taking low-level tra,f6c cases out of the main eourt system; according to Rodgers, that strategy could reinove about a third of the public defenders' misciemeauor caseload. - \Vhat's more, il's a common-sense solution to a self-eompounding problem involving molori5ts wh4 are caught ciriving with a suspended license. Without a license; they ean't gct to work. lf they cion't work, they can'i pay their f•ines_ If they don't pay their fines they can't get their liceiise baek. And when and if thcy drive with a suspended license, the taxpayers incur the cosi of arresting and jailinb them. There's no way O ut. ]3ut between 1998 and 2003, the Community Re-Licensing 1'roY}nun, offered hope. Tt gave qfPenders an affordable payment plan to cover their nbligalions, courled with lraining in moncy managernent, car care and job hunting. City Frasecutor Howarci Delaneyo unce called it a"win-win," but city and county budget cuts doomed it, and htuidreds of cases reriirned to the public defenders' caseloads. R.esurreceing the program nUw appears to hinge on whether the Spokanc City Couucil will contribute its share of the cost next year. And perhaps the city of Spokaiie Valley. In fact, tllere's a fourth sepa.rate but equally important ;roup with a role tn play in the criminal justice systern - local elECted oflicials. , Morgan Koucielka Senior Admuiistrativc Analyst • Cit), of Spakane Valley _ 11707 E.. Sprague Ave., S/e. 106 Spokane Valley, 1VA 99206 (509) 64$-01 S6 11/U2007 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ J Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 7, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ~ admin. report 0 pending legislation AGENDA fTEM TITLE: Aviation Ordinance Discussion GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70.547, 14 CFR 77, Spokane Valley UDC 19.110.030 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council approved the airport overlay zone in March of 2006. Those code provisions have been incorporated in the new UDC adopted in September of 2007. . BACKGROUND: A number of citizen. questions have been raised concerning the density restriction set forth in the adopted airport over lay. The primary restriction of concern is the ' prohibition to create any new lot, regardless of the underlying zoning of less than 2.5 acres. Council has asked for additional information concerning the adoption of this ordinance, requirements imposed by state law and laws of both adjacent jurisdictions and other ~ jurisdictions within the State of Washington. . J OPTIONS: Take no action, provide further direction to staff or refer the matter to the planning commission for additional study and consideration. . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council direction BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly, City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: 1. Memorandum from City Attorney with Exhibits 2. RCA and minutes of previous consideration by Council on September 25, 2005, February 14, 2006, and February 28, 2006 3. Documents previously provided to Planning Commission Spo~a.ne - , ,;,oo*VaHey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallOspokanevalley.org . . . . , . _ . , . . , . „ , , . , . . . • . , . demorandum To: Mayor Diana Wilhite, incmbers of the City Council From: VIikE Con.nelly, City Attorney CC: Dave Vl:ercier, City Manager; Kathy McClung Director of Community Development Date: October 29, 2007 Re: Air-pprt Overlay Zones Questions Presented: • llo other Spokane Ceunty jurisdictions have sinular airport r.egulacions to those established in klie new Spokane Valley Uniforni Development Cade (UT)C)? • VJhat are thc state and federal requirements related to airport regulations? Short Auswers: • Uther Spokane Cou»ty jurisdictions have much less stringent airpnrt regulations lhan the newly adopted Spokane Valley UDC section 19.110.030. Hoxvever, other Washington jurisdictions outside of Spokaiie County do have similax provisions to those recently acioptcd by Spokane Valley. • RCW 35.70.547 requires cities to protect airports from incompatibl.e land uses while at the federal level, 14 CFR 77 requires that rio height hazards eYist which wuuld be an obstructioit to air travel. \jeither law mandates the adoption of a speci .fic vrdinance pr a specific provision wilhin an ordinancc. Analysis: 1. Airport Rcgulations of other jurisciictions City of Spokane Valley, under UDC section 19.110.030, now has the most stringent airport zoning regulations in Spokane County. I hc UDC establishes six AirpArt Land Use Compatibility Zones which set a ma,YVn.um number of dwelling Lwits for each zone in addition to establishing fve Air Hazard Height Restrictinns rones. Spokane Valley is the 'only jurisdiction within Spokane County to cstablish tltese compatibility zones and sct density requirements for each zone. Other Spokane County jurisdictions have establishcd four "airspace aud accident potential areas.° Thcsc areas do not appear ta correspond with Spokane Valley's Compatibility Zoues but _ 1 are uiore closely related to the Air IIazard Height Restrictions. Below is a summary of the other jurisdiction's airport rebulations: ' Spakane County: T.,ike Spokane Valley, Spnkane County has estAblished an airport overlay zone which is governed by scction 14.702 of its code. However, this averlay zone docs not implement the density requirements established by the Spokane Valley UDC. Spokanc County is also cunently revising its Airport Overlay Zone, however, the revisions havc not yet gone public. The current section does address the following: • Establishes four air space and land use safety arcas with the following building regulatians: o The conical area which is "all that land which lies dircctly under an imaginary conical surface extending ouovard from the primary surface at an elevation of 35 feet above the elevatian of the centerline of the runaway for a distance of 3,500 feet and dten upward and outward at the slope of one vertical foot for every 100 borizontal feet for a horizontal distanee of 30,000 feet;" ■ No struettires or vegetation tivith heights in excess nf 35 f'eet may be built in this zune. Structures iilcidenlal ro air travel are excepted. . o Tl1e Approach tlrea wluch is "all lhat land that lies directly under an imaginary approach surfiace longitudinally centered on the eYtended centerline aC each end of the runway." The Approach area is then subdividcd into Accident Potential 7ones A and B which list prnhibited uscs. o The Accidcnt 1'otential 7one A which is "all land in that portion of the approach area of the runway wluch extends aulward from the end of" the primary surface a , distance cqtial to one-thud of the run4vay. ■ No buildings or structures are allowcd to be built or altereci in this zone." The following uses are excepted: warehousing, outdoor storage of equipment, cemeterics, nurseries, agricultural uses except for feed lots and other agricultural uses that ariract substantial asnounts of birds, public utility transmission facilities, quarries, auto wrecking, rail or trucking terminals; o The Accident Potcntial "Lone Bwhich is "all land in the portion oF [11e approach area to the runway tivhich extends outiward from Zone A a distance of lwo-thirds of the run~N.-ay." ■ 7°he following use;s a.re prohibited in this zone: RV parks, churches, hospitals, manufactured home parks, motels and hotels, nursuig homes, schools, stadiums and thcaters, day care tacilities; as part of Spokune County Resalution 07-0221, residential suhdivisions and residential binding site pluns are also prohibited • Prohibits certain uses in areas whcre substantial noise impact exists including churches, clay care facilities, hospitals, libraries; inanufaclured homcs, nursing homes, and schools. • The ciensity requueinents for an airport overlay zone within the county are deterniined by the zone i;lassificatiori wluch the land in the zone falls inta. For example, the Airport Overlay Lone for the Spokane [nternational Airport falls urto Light Tndustrial and Rcgional Commercial zones. 'The Light Industrial density requirements arc 15 tuuts per acre. The Rcgional Cnmmercial zonc proluUits single family aiid two fa.mily duplexes, but does allow for multifanuly dwellings which must meet a 30 dwelling unit per acre density requirement. 2 • The recent news stories regarding tlie County's approval of a house and subdivision in the airport overlay zone stems froin a change to the Light hidustrial zone classiCcation in the Aceident Pntential Zone B. lhe County had adoptcd a special zoning ordinarice that did not allow for residential use in the light industrial zone aroiuid the airport. That ordinance was amended to reinove the ban on residential uses. However, thE County recently adoPted an interim zotvng resolution (Resolution 07-0221) that removes all such residential uses. 1t is also plaruiing on amending thc Zoning Code back to prohibiting these uscs as it led to "campatibility issues" and an encroachment on the land regulated by the airport and Fairchilci rlir Force Base. 1'hese changes were ciiscussed at a Planning Commission meeting held on dctober 29, 2007. Resolution 07-0221 is attached to this memo as Lxhibit B. City of Spolcane: The City of Sp4kane currently does not have airport regulations related to zoning. It:s Code does contain section 11.19.230 which allows the Placming Tairector to designate airport hai.:ard areas wichin wluch "various height, lighting, and other airport zorung requirements apply." However, accorciing to the City of Spokane Planning Department, this eode provision is obsolete. The City currently has a chapter in its UniEied I7evelopment (:ode reservecl for airport regulations, but has yet to begin drafting the regulations. The Planning Department anticipates the drafting proc;ess -will begin widun the next six months. City ot' Spokane will be using Spokane County's airport regulafions as its model (see above). City of Deer Psrk: Like Spnkane Valley, T)eer Park has eslablishecl an airport overlay zone which is governed by scetion 1$.72 of its code. This section acidresses the following: • Fstablishes the samc four airspace and land use safety areas as Spokane Caunty; • Height restrictions prohibiting structures which are not necessary or incidenlal to airport operations; • Protubits certain uses in arEas where substantial noise impact exist5 including churches, day care facilities, hospitals; libraries, manufactured homcs, nursi.ng homes, and schaols. ' City of Airwuy Heigfits: Airway I-Ieights also has an airport overlay zonc'which is governed by seetion 17.15 of its municipal code. This section addresses the folJowing: • Establishes the same four airspace ancl land use safety areas that Spokane County and City af Deer Paek established in their airport overlay zone; • • Height restrictions prohibiting structures wh.ic•Il are not necessary ar incidental tv airport operations; • Prolubits certain uses in areas where substantial noisc inipact exists including churches, hospitals, libraries, manufacturecl home parks, nursing homes; schools, and all residential uses. 1 own of 1VIilljvod: Miliwood currently does not havc any airport regulations. Although Spokane County jurisdictions dd not have similar provisions to the Spokane Valley U17C's Land Use ComPatibility Zones, other Washington jurisdictions do have similar provisions wtuch are listed below: ~ ~ Skagit County: Sectian 14.16 of the Skagit County Code establishes six land use "safety zones" ~ and maximtun clensities i"or each zone for the Skagit Cnunty A.irport. These zones have similar prohibited uses to the Spokanc Valley prohibited uses. As for Zone 6 of the Skagit County Code, the followulg regulations esist: • MaxUnum Density: one dwElling unit pcr 5 acres; this is more stringent thun the Spvkane Valley 1 dtivelling unit per 2.5 acres. • A.n open space requirement of 10 percent; •Existing residences and residential lots are allowcd to be replaced or built; • For churches and schools, the density of the facility shall not exceed 100 people/acre and the prQposed site shall include or abul a permanent open space area; • liidustrial development is allowed so long there are no enussions released that will create a safety hazard to aircraft. City of Tumwatcr: City of Tumwater Code section 18.32 establishes and ai.rport overlay zone for the Olympia R.egional Airnqrt. It is cvmprised of f ve compatible use zones. Wh.ile the code does not establish maximum density requirements, it does establish the fnllowing zones which regulate uses in additioi-i to height hazards: • Zone 1- Runway Projection zone: prohibitcd arc residcntial dNvellings, stormwater wet ponds, recrcational facilities, schools, day cares, ch«rchcs, hospitals, and uses that diminish lhe ability oLpilots to see or communieate between aircraf'ts; • Zone 2- 1nnEr Approach/Departure ZonE: protubited aze multi-family dwellings; recreational facilities, schools, day cares, churches, hospitals, and uses that diminish the ability of pilots to see or conunuiucate between aircrafts; • Zone 3- Tnner Tuming Zone: prolubiteci are multi-£amily dwellings, recreational f'acilities, schpols, day cares, cllurches, hospitals, and uses that diniuusti tlie ability of pilots to see or conuuunicate behween aircrafts; • Zone 4- Outcr Approach/Deparhirc Zonc: prohibited are multi-family ciwellings, schools; day cares, churches; hospitals, and uscs that diminish thc ability of pilots to see or communicate between aircrafts; • Zone 5- Sideline 7one: prolubited are multi-family dwellings, schools, day cares, churches, hospitals, and uses that dimiiush tlie ability of pilots to see or conunutucate behween aircrafts; • Residenfial land div-isions ui zones 3, 4& 5 require alustcring and open area,s for emergency landing. 2. Fcdcral and State Rcquirements fnr airport regulaNons There are both state and fecieral statutes relating to airport regulations. RCW 36.70.547 requires all counties, cities, anci tewns lhal include general aviation airports tn di5courage the siting of incompatible uses adjacent to the airport in their comprehensive plans and development regulations. The statute also requires formal consultation with thc Washington Statc Department of Transportation (NVSDO'1) and the filing of all plans with WSDOT. WSllQ'C' provides tecluucal assistance to local ;overmnents in addressing auport land use COII1pc1t1b1I1ty. Unfortunatcly therc is no case law or Wt1C's that interprct what an incompatible use is. However, after filing Proposed plans with «1SDOT, the departmenl will provide suggestions to the'city regard'uig coinpliance with this statute. Further, the `VSDOT's Aviation Division offers some guidance regarding the de_fuutiou of uicompatible land uses on their web page: 4 Depending on airport characteristics, locatinn, and amount of key open space : adjacent to ageneral aviation airport, incampdtible land uses may includc public assembly/large concentrations of people, residcntial density, intensity of nonresidential development, structure, height, hazardous/explosive matcrial, wildfire hazards, lightlglare, air quality and electrvnic signals. NVhile the use of airport ovcrlay zones appears to bc a comman technique emplnyed by many cities, RCW 36.70.547 does not specifically require this or any othcr particular land use approach. According to iV1RSC, since the statute is silent "ith respect to the precise method to be cmployed, it appears that cities are free to choose from among the siting reconuuendations oF the Aviation Taivision or any other locally determined method implemented thrvugh lheir comprehensive plan and cleveloPment regulations that accomplish the intent of discouraging aiijacent incompatible uses. Pursuaiit to this statute, Spokane Valley filed its Airport Harard Ovcrlay Zone draft ordinance witli WSDOT Aviation 17ivision. The Departmcnt inade several suggestions to the . draft which are reflected in the current ordinance. ('fo see the WSI70T reconunended changes, see Exhibit A). The federal statute pertaining to airport regulations is 14 CFR 77, e•ntitled Objects A_ffecting Navigable Airspac;e. Mhilc this statute does not usE the term "incomPatible uses," it does say that hcight hazards constitute an "obstruction" to air travel. The tiTJashington standard for heighl hazards eocnes from the national standard est.ablished in tlus statute. Ac;cording to this statute, any object, which penetrates "imaginary surfaces" are considered to he a heighl hazard obstruction and arc not allowed. Imaginary surfaces are defined in relation to the airrort and the - runway. The si•-r.,e of these surfaces is based on the category caf each runway according to the current approach, and to any future approach planned for the runway. 14 CRF 77.25. 5 EXHIBIT A WSDOT Aviation Airport Land Use Compatibility Program City of Spokane Valley - Draft Airport Hazards Overiay December 20, 2005 We have several suggestions noted below and on the draft ordinance (insertions and comments using track changes). • • Titles We recommend Chat you change the name of your ordi»ance to Airport Overlcry 'Lone becausc it now includes height and land use campatibility. In addition, we suggesl you chan~e tlie name of the accident safery zones to uirport comnatible atse zarzes or somet}iing similar. There are two . reasons for that change. First, the regulations address more than just safety in each zonc - they address other measures of compatihility as well. Second, your objective is more than safety. Thc objective of the state law is compatibilicy. . Applicability Section We suggest that you expand the applicability section. "1 he fnllowing cxample from the City of `1 umwater can be modified as appropriate: Prnvisions of this chapter shall apply Co all lands, buildings, structures, natural features ancl uses located within the Airport (AP) overlay zone distric:l as depicted on the maps, except that the provisions of dhis chapter shall nnt apply to any use that is de6.ncd as aii aviation use. All uses and activities are at all times . subject to the underlying znning disirict. VJhere the requirements anci restrictions J imposed by the Airport Overlay zone district eonflict with the requirements of the underlying zone district, the more restrictive eequirement shall be applied. . Avigation Easement/Disclosure Notice: Why are both an avigation easemenC and disclosure notice ineluc3ed in the ordinance? "fhere may be an opportunity to Nvork with the airport board to develop a netiv policy that is defensible and maintains protection for the airport. We would be happy to help }°ou with that. We recomrnend that ultimatcly you choose a single easement or notice that is filed with the county auditor. Waving both an easemen[ and a disclosure notice that apply in diff'erent areas may be very complicaled to administer. . Maps o A map showing existutg penetrations of the imaginaiy surfaces would be very helpful for adminislerino the regulations and help you idcntify areAS where penetration nf the surfaces is possible a• likely. Adding elcvation coiitours to your eYisting map would also help illustrate these issues and assist the city and applicants during the permitting process. o\'Je also rec:nmmend you also add a profile view map to illustrate actual heights in the various znnes. The additional view would be espccially helpful during implementation, to help . planners at the front counter describe the poliey to applicants. o As we diseussed during our visit, the CaliParn.ia guidelines have used updaCed acciclcnt data to modify the shape of the safe[y zones, eshecially zone 3. T have altached the infonnation fnr ~ your reference. EXHIBIT A WSDOT Aviation Airport Land Use Compatibility Program . ~ o Rather than i.ncluding only the reference diagrains for the safcty zones and FAR PFUrt 77 in your ordinance, we recommend that you include a safcty zone dia~,n-am, noise contour map, Height I-Iazard Part 77 map, and your compatibility zone map. I havc attached an example of a map that shows customi-r.ed comparibility zones and the safety zone diagram with relevant ciimcnsions. o You might also consider including thern in your comprehensive p(an. These maps, along with supporting information, will allow Spokane Valley to bcttcr implement airport land use compatibility. The airport t;ompatibility zone map and FAR Yart 77 should be shown on t}ie zoning map if possible or included as references in the zoning code. • Other Comments o You should include information about how height will be measured for the purpose of implementation. ror example, you might note that appliaants will be rcquired to include the ground elevation and ma.rimum stcucture elcvation in dieir application. The process you use for determining building heights may also be apprnpriate. The following is an exainple from DQUglas County that may be modified to fit your needs. It is probably neccssary to add language specifying u.nder which conditions measurements by a liccnsed surveyor woulcl bc . required. 18.65.070 SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS An application for a building, sVucture, use, subdivision, short subdivision, binding site plan or other development activity shall submit the following information in addition to application materials required as set forth in the DCC. A. The site plan shall clearly delineate the location of the project to the Runway Protection Zone 1, Inner Safety Zone 2, andlor Inner Turning Zone 3 as described in Section 18.65.080. B. The location and height of all proposed buildings, structures, and natural vegetation as measured from the airport surFace and when located within the following: 1) Runway Protection Zone 1; Inner Safety Zone 2, andlor Inner Turning Zone 3; 2) Horizontal and Conical Surfaces identified as a natural obstruction; and ORDINANCE TLS 00-05-38 9 3) Building or structures that exceed a height of thirty-five feet (35) when located in any other accident safety zone or FAR Parts 77 imaginary surfaces not described in subsection A and B. o We recommcnd that you not uiclude trees and vegetation in the height restrictioris because it is very difficult to enforce. o It is not necessary for you to list the Part 77 heliport zones. We checked with David Crowner about the heliport, and he told us that it uses the same traffic pa[lern as other aircrafl. That means that the imaginary surfaces Nvould also be the same, so there is no need to list the heliport zones separately. o Intensity limitations on commercial and industrial uscs should also be listed in the table. ~ . C EXATBTT 13~ . . , ~ '7 dZZI,° RaroRC 'i'MaoAkb.01?COUrrrlc:Cot~iNnSStONEtts ' • , :OI' SPOKlRECOUN7"Y, R'AW~'(iTC'i'1J' . , IN' TFk MATCER., 'OF REP:EAI:IIviG' :SPOR't1NE W1,INTY RESOLUTIOR r0. ,6-0838; 6-1052,4ll Nf~. 7;.Oi53; :ANU ADOPTINC3 AN 'IYfEltlM ) ZONING ~'ORUINANCE. :ItEI.c1TNE- 1-0 S O I, YJ;T-I`O N. • ItESID EYfIAC..IJSE iN :C13.E LIGMT LYDUS'I"WAI. ;Wn AND AIR}'0[t"[='OVERLAY ZOn'E AGCI[)EfIT TOT_L_~I`IAI.,. ZONE "13" tJ?~(DER TI3E ,.ZQN[??~`G .C f OllG Or SPOKANF3 COl3tfr17Y ) ~VFI~1iF1t1S,-.pu;suanri9 JOCW 36.32.1?D(ojhc flourd of Counry Gvmmissiontr!- of:Spc,k`nc• Ccunt~'(somctifincs bercinntler duileil,ttic uRowd° )bas t:~e'care,of eounry'praperty aa18.6i manag___ew~ . , •Qfcau~i}y fiuids=end business; and I SVIFREdS, p'v;suant ,to ttie,:~Myisions: of`c}iap1:rI6:70A RC:V„ $~c Roard, fis's a~+op€cd: ih~e. - .Zp.ping Cude of S~olcnna;C:n~nty fqr iit^,unincorporaf,ccl aresF'a# Spakane rounty;-anii NVHERFAS, ;J'~ienid' ;cuning, i,it3u~n,n~~;:c~e~ul ti~flc3=• RE;W` 3b:7D:795 ¢z 36: JOA.390 oi6 ~ ti~od~.by-which local govemmenta msy,~g~ilaic deve}opme4t tp piesecve the status quy.so 04i'1'Pw • :plaus.urid Tegul'atinn's wili aol be'rendeied inoot liy intcr%;cning;developrneht; cuid , W i1'F,ltt;_4 5,.itb'J•3fi;70;795;~q 0 'RCVd•36:ZUA:3~0 p:o, tid<flsrt;o.bo;rtl.ttv_at aaopls'an inferirn, ti"onirig;bdiaanee slial] hold:n~ pi1blic hcaifriB on.iaie inCerim aoning ordiii:u~*d~e:5'vlthir ai.leasE si9ty dsys of , itsadapEibn: I~'_ftyc ;li_c?~~d does,aot ndapf fm'i'ru~~qf Cuct justifying its~nciianliefqfe thi's Hearfiig; lha~ ifie: `bourd sFetill do ao immcciiattly. a[!er this public hcaruig;• An interun zbning oidinance adopted unttcr; ' RCVi '3G.70.795 0r,RC1V 36:70A:390 ~*y be_ effxtrvc 'f~r not lonQcr fhaii eix nionlhs; vuc'me f be: :c,ffceava•1'orup 1n ane year if a.K~ork plan is deye2.qped for relecqd stclies proyiding sua?~ a lonacr period. r+n interiin:zoniug, arrlinenbe'may. 6c rcrieive• for ane oi iixiro six-m"onth peria~a iP n subscqucM-puWie; , ' :Fcaiingis tield and find,icegs of-fuat atz.n"isdc prior eo e'acti ~eriewal",•and. ' W;H.YR9-e1S, 'ptusudnt Itd WAC 147=11-E60- pesttiiin nedon's: acc ~~xVmpt fnini 'tlie. :SEPA . • requi:eiiScnf;as~cificaliy'"Action,g tliet=must.be-und'erWkep immebiat~]y or'tinfhiri a fime tob'shdit w allcw Pitll,compliance wi!}i.tbis chapter; to.avoid an ~ri~r;incnt t}ircyd io publio bealtti oTSafety,.to premqt an'nn~r►irientdariger to publio'ar priva~e property, bo p~cveof' nn iitiniincnt thrcat of scri9us cnvironmeritn] 'dcgadation; sEuall be czcinpL- Agencits may spccify thcsc cencrgrncy actioais in theie prooedures"; ar,d tiV,t1.T:.RFAS; ihs,Ztrriins (;~~ic:bfSpo~anG Go'unt'y curreiitty permi4. resiacritiakuses withiit tho i{sdu§triol {t,I);7,nno.in the, uniiu~ofioratcd areas oi'Spokanc Cvunty ns sp~eci~ed by Chspter l4.Gi4 (Irtdust~~iu•Za:~s) 'mare spedi6cally'Sectiaa 14.61-4230 (4)'and 14:614.230~(I5); :nd :WHI'>RFA5; ihjc;`t.aaing 09dz of Spofterie:Cflunfyc:curteiit'iy P~rmi~:rcfidrn~al'-usc.9'wetitin khe •LootDi:iiyit}r,Res•'idcnt~s! (IdDR}7AIiZ.i'er the'uniricnt'~iqTptCtl o[cas ol`S~~o~ne Co'viifjr?Stirs~3snt to ChaF•Ui:r r 14.606'(I1jbsn.Rcsidenfiinl 7.pnes):anore'SPnci6GalayJsF,i1c.G0~-l; 8rtd , -WiT1:1tRA5; ti7'e. Zorierig:Coil'e of. S~i9lmnu Cbiincy CtitxeniEy ~iioes aot pix~Iu~c-br Protaibit~ , ; i~sideuiiul uses u~ a re,qidcnti,~l , ss~lxt[yrsion. wjt~tiR HtC ;~iport' :bver`lay, Zono, mo~e~ ~4uiGcallY,, ihc. Accid.ratt'Pofen'tioi.7.~re B(AP'l.J'B")p'urnnnt•hi tiebdan U402.270; and ' . AVHF`ti,h;A5; ;developmenf qf resid'eniial uses; in tk~ Liht:tInd~v~e1 (l.T) ?.aa~~ {~n' Ai~v~ ~OS~Erloy'Lone Accidciu.PofefiR.ial Gono "A" liot~c ~§l~ followink c[feck 6n 1`nnd' Ls.9c dc+;•cl6Pirioot and ' 6peeari6n of.Spok,~'nn [nt:mational AiiporE and,Fouc6ild Air Foic@.t3ase'withiii t}ie-West Pla'm.s/]~oTpe , (frban,G[ou~th i~scss,(UGA) - Joint Plartning Aira (.FPA) and thc West Plains IJGA-JPA:. 1. , ~ - . . I , i '7: 0223: . Reyidaiiiai.uspg in a ;~;h~ Iudustrial (Gl)znne may bc iacompaiiblc i{h cognq)ercial anQ, initusiial 'usa§ nllodred iri tlie samc zbnc. b): Rcsidenlial uses in.a Iaght Industrial (G.) znre are not campa6ble with thc puryase and iritcnt ' 'of ths Spo;ctne County Airport.Overlay Zanc Accidcnt Yotcnti;l Zane "}3" and may crcatc a . 'sa€ety:iuizarcl,iit these wies dSreatening the pnblid liealth, tatery, ;:r:d wclfsrc: c~ .Dc~,;lopment-nf.msideatiol usas in t};e Light Indushsal' (1:[) zonc has the impact Qfdccreasing . .:tlio.eivailable invcnEory of.I.iskit Intleistriei zonc propestiw. . ' cl); 'Residential usc's.'sit}ucent.to airports irc"uicampatiblc MEt► uirport opF?aPidns hnd tiie l'on&, ierm ywbiN4y of siiipaFt expansion. WHEREAS,,thw'a,q►Pzche.nsive'plun.dtfiius.res4~enliul uses.sg incoTnp.nhbie wittiin-thp L3ght: •IiidiesSrial desiguatiaa cxccpt foi inastCG'plnrined ind~istri'sl developments ltine p,bvidc resictcnr,a`uiicwded• . ,to-house.*ployecs fonttie planned.inditstrial use;;eni! • WHE12EAS,.iI.iE t}i~ ittitci~tofftie~Aoaiil (d'~~sAH~dn•elGpinenl''of faiY:anc1"rC~~~6n5fii8'PegulationS " YCIdt~dtO. EC7i1771ied• L158S. t[1 ~1~' Lt~t Tndvsxriel (LI) zottq .end :Airpqrl"Ovcilay ?..ci,ne,Acoidai.t:l'cit~ptial. . ti~at en.~; die'p}?ptecdon end qiability aP.nirpaii'apcrnUoas, ahile also emsu,ring.tlie Wcty'aicl lprutC"ctiori of itsiderit, "frbm aiipbrt relested iinp3et: ; gnd , ~1.HEEtisA~,•°parsvnriC ta'FtC9Djutioa -No.• 6-0$38,'~r,y;sed. and pda~fed;111e•;3a:Slgy bt Oc~ober,: • 2006-, 4il~Board adap*d n•rnniacoritnri ufi uccc{it'sricabf npplicanonv C'oc bnil'd'uig pcaeuts and Isnci'use epplicptions:fAr rcEidcntiel usea within the dsfinsdmarator(um ncca,-anJ: •N'mFREAS~ &Cbiitin.'t tci ItcsolWS3n N0; 6405 2; p4c«3:sn"i1 cdoptcd fhe-l2n day_=bf Deccriibcr,; 27506.,the Doard: ai~iimcii_the morutorium'c~opteA under RcsolutionNo. 6-0836 for six-etjonihsfrcim;4lic iut~ uf,aTtloption on pcrobec 3, 2006 tu 'March 3, 2007;.srid NUFIF'f,1;;A pvrsuorcit to:'itesoluq°on: f4o: 7'0153'~, pa:,scd re,nd, adnpfed on, ihq;'36th da. y of ,F.ekirdary, 24Di-, t14c ~3o~id rtieWe8 th'e cnoiatoriuro aiinp"ted.uril~i Resblu1ida:N'6 . 6-0$3&'eaid:aflimne8• - `'uiide,r,Rcsolution 6A152 ftir siiC addiif:ionPt inonttl; :fiaai'Mo;ch`3;'.2067 io Augiasi 3, 20fl7; eM " *HEREAS,. t3ie•flosrd dRi_gCdoPt:stY iirtcrim''ziiftsifg.oidinaitc~: to•.p2ovidc prdocc4iun.ro ~i~};oit.o}icrni3oris, and ~frit~¢e iirpart viuhafty.'tic}•ond;tl1c P,ptccl~5n c~uiCntly,piovitled tiy 2hc ccistmg ,ma.-ntorium as wcll aa- prcveni uddilionn! inccrmpatib3c,mAntipl deyelopment. ndjastnt tp aitparts thqt ' iy.cdi'itlict viitki•'ci:istirig inilustrial:asis ; mid ~ ni . 'N~'tiN.:Kt:AS; !llie IIoar~ desir~ ~is ~ii3opt' ¢n 'irite~iirr ~oning ariCvigitcC ;to qrCvent aililitionnl iricompatilile'residenriul deiclopiiient adjeepit to aiip":tliat,may'Ganfl3ct With-Cxisling indu9ti'ia) uses; <icti7 v~n -this »ti:it~'r. idrtfitr , 'NY.IiKLtEi1S; 'cfeis Bo'siii' ant.r:;666sideilifg; itie ~previous~ ircital"s'has ti apnsid.eration-an~,is dc$irous of cepcciling .saiil',mpror~um•es adoptcd.by ke~olulion-l~r083,8 and mnbvied Uyf l~t:sblution 7-0153 a~kd 5imultsncously replacin~ it 'uri?}i an intertim ~nning ;ortlinnnce. rc~ri~4ng ,ris'sidential use ii► th"e L9g}it (ndusbial.(I;q zoiie:e7id Air~iort Overlay Zene; Aecidnu Potcntial Lona "B"; oE the S bk~tns un _ p. ~p ~ty:`L,onin;r, Codc tn the~ V~'est.Plainsll'fror. UGA-7i'A end the-Wesi Plnins. UGA- . JPA;,.:utd . }j?HLItEA S. pte~i7ltciiiP-zoning.nrdinanct is•in the besf intere8[ of thG pub)io riealtti; safgEy ed cvelfarc unii rccogni~cs tEic olilieetian{s) oC~tha Counfy. to.•iliscouAagc the siting of ie~mg:~hbic u5:4 ~d;nde"nltL:affpect~ (RG%V35_70t1.510'ancl'R 2 , . . ; 10 ` ~ % '7 =02;Z1 , 1vOR', 7`Hk1tEl!pitE,._ft TT ItESbLVED'Iiycthe H'aard o'i Counfy Commissioness of Spol~,nc• -Goii4,cjpursdaht to the•nFoMivrts of RCW 36.70:795 end RCW36,.70A.390 ihst ibaIIoar41efeby`aclbo0t4. @n Intcrim zoqiing ot+d_inq❑u refatiag.to l:~ad usrs and cley,elopmcnt stnndards for ihc 4ip,hl Ind'usfrial xuau- ;aiid t}:c Airpor! Overlay Zo'Qe, Acdid'ent Potc[ttiul Zoiie "B" fQr ilio,VJesE Ylain;lfhorpc UGA-JPA and t}u ' Weet Ytnits. UGA-IYA, ifek' farth.in AtYsc}iinenC "A" os ntta+;hed hercto and iriornp,orited Fiereia by zfercnar, . , _ . 13F; Ix=I'URTHGR RESOX.YkD 6y. thc Board- of Cburity; Co~nmi;siqn7. otSpotcine Coimty° -th~i i}it.Board.ctc~ares an:emergcncX in ndopting the intersm mning tirdinsncc:tclaiin - to [and uses and . +development sfaadards f6'r"the isig{t; Ind~~striai none nnd• the-Ai~iart Qvi21ey %ime, ~ccidc,nt, Potee'stial•• ;Zone "B'.' as set fort)r in ihc imuucdiatcly preceding action lincl'in_sA do'ing does hcr~by cletermine that •compliancen tvith SPIPA is not reyu€roit urider;lVAC.l9'7-1 1-880: ft ffTtJtt'i'Ii.ER-BFF~6I;~'FA t~y;t~g~Board ot`Caunty 6omrris,5iqners:o#'•Spolcsno Counry diatth"e.IIoardof Lbunty Commissioner,t dai~irepdal IYi!~o}ution 5-0638`eiitl Rcsalution 7-0]53. ' p~.Pl' :FiTR'THER I RESOIiVLDby-illo. $aard• of County Co~ssiariers 'Ui• fri,ksn» Caunty that.',die rep~l of• RGSqluiiori .6-0836 and Rcsoti,iiaa'7-0153 kfid chc, aclopiian .cjf ~'ie, intcrim. wning .jr~i~panoc sh:~ll tnke pl9ce siiiyullunexwstygn thc hour and doee, itiis.Resolution is executed;, BE IT-P`ilR'1'HrER RLSOL'VED`b3i.l~;f,iparispf CoLiriry Comrtissionclro.of Spokudo Cpun,ix' S~~?~~e:Courtty'Division o£Builcl:nR snd Pl' rg sPu+ll schedule.aY"d praPqr notica qfAny ~hr,~inrY~fi and ticeticibb consistcrii with upplicabl'e izgulelibns with regaid to tfi~c~`satiirs providcd for . hesein.' ~ I3FTf-4URTEIER RFSOL.VE, D, by; ititi.Soaitt iif.'Cbunty`; Coniini's_sioners,o€ Spp,k~i:a Gbiinry:• i,F,iatjiurvuniit [a applicBble ststute(9),.thc.Boar~crf'~crw~ty:Cumniissianws sUe11°lioi~fi n pukslie~hea,~irg,~n •tl~e1ptqri.nt ttlning orci"nanae_within'si~y.'(60).day9:ofthc adoption of tltis itsolution. / - '.13E 1T FURTI3ER• R~OLVEI% thci 8oattt 06Q4mty Cpmmiss'iorta,s':of 5po~ane ~qun4Y: f ►Fiut'.in taki~►g •.the nb'tive actions tlii: E3~u=3ril 'does ecib{iG ~ach and "cvcry :ti:i:ital:~as a;'fn3in~ inLsappbri - 13F IT FURTMR RE..10LVED by tfie'Soaid of:Catinry Gomini~.ione'rs;of'S'p'olierie Couri►y itiul;lfie cffcctiJr data oEtkc irit,eri m waing ord.inance ia h9ereh.16, 267'gd3;,3zp.m: - 13UARD OF' COUNTY CONIIvIISSI0N13RF . . cw,yii , ' OF SPOICr1NB.C , WASHiNG`('ON ' :;.fSd. C~ ~"tOg , - ~ ~ . . \4ark Rzcham;. Chat , •.~5'•.~s.y;.•`'~~' - - . . • ~ cimr.V'~' Nonnic ~~agcr, Vicc:Ghair fA7?9rE~T: • ~ro,~~~~ . 17anicla Fric~on, Clcik ofU~aBoarfl T dd d7i4izlk~, Commissiaiic~ v - . _ _ . . . . . . , . . i ~ . 7°° 02;L1 Affiathmni.A• :Cn'teum.7oningOrdinaneG - Spoltarie Courity.7Qiiing Code .`NestPl.ainJ?Thorpo 1.7GA=7PA and the A'est PlainsUGA-JPA Tlie'rei,isidnsil.lQ;titriited tteluw stiall'up~il}? dri bo fhe-Ligiit-Inilusfrlel cairies.loqfed in tho Nist 'P1aEiilThorpe;i)C`v1-JFA uud tiie VVestPlaias UG.14f'A. Actditinns:ti're shocvn Crt liolif`unilerlin'e • ;i7eleuans are shown m sw4wthwgh , . Amend St00904.614`ns folloiv5: • 14.614.220 fnd'ostriel~7,aiie's~IvMatriz• -Tablc 61:1-1;lniius3ria] Zoaes \4strix . { ~'ociiiiiercial`.BusIness' . . ' ~ .J l.Igi3./ndu`s~i'ra!_,. ffi~ovy,Imdustrlal . I ,(;lcinr.-neFcia! u4er, g:ntisl~ ii6t_cfscwGcie ctisaified~ L .N 1A:61~:234' Uses~~vithSReoificSiaa'rlsr~i~ •4: ;Goia~~ei51'iisds, gcncrel,naf'cl'sc5~~icio class~fial-(LI i6rie) Eezmitia9: uscs ~in 4he I,ight'.IndutFrial Zirltt shiill :46, iri6~de, ail n5°~.a> pcrmlitpd in tlaa , ;o .orEr'rIer~cial ionc;wafna Com~~ciaial,io~ic'n6E- else~'itieie ~classircd; eza~t' r a~ult;rc~ejl ugC:SSte~i151tcr1G~t:an3 edult entertlittDtent CStablishmetst nnd exCept fnr sinvle .tumlN: Junlei. sinil 'tnnltlfnm{lv rectrtent3nl us6s. Pt+ovf4cd fitrthe, those uses l'at:ttd undtt • ' Regionnl Gommc:reial as nn;accc-~asory, or ca!qanal uso sha[I.:also't~c pcKm,iued as acces5o:ry oi:coni~liuoaaI ~sses-in:the Ligh Inc~nstrin,l zon~e: P.rovidcd.fiuthcr, Re~icmal Commercia! u= 'ul]oiJed in tlu Lit inidustn,nl zoac s]iall riiect~ all tlie Regional.Commerciol davclopmcnt • -sluridaras.as scc £mch in Seciian.4 t4.6 12.360_ 'Tablc 614-1,:iiiciualiial 7_om.s :IZCS'ldCllt{?j • ~ ~._L+'gN~;IrrAnsirtifuJ ~ IlcriujloCr.fLin1 ~ 9 i . 4' • • . _ . . ; - . ; - • • . . . . . . , ' 12 7 ozzi 14.614130 v.a .hh sPOcifx s+maAra, - tftOMw OkW TA* seduons iifastFated belox sLaU ippl? 4& M liw Aeddst Potsottrl7aem sssedaleJ wtW Ihs 9poWo 1ncrsationd Afrporf. Amsail Serfbn I4.703 u tellows: 14.702.270 Aioai5lqnt Pa4a* Zgq a (APZ.'B') 1ho follawtng mans oo spoaifidblWtbimd ia Accfdent PoUndal ?om "B". 1. An1d day-cm oar~t¢ 9. Manvficc4iced~bon+o Pwic 2. Chuish 10. MoW 1 C:nucmmitpmidcntiRJ faaMy 11. NucsEnghoma 3. (:ammunity trentment feuility 12 1'articiptnt rQottatmdtecmrfum S. raaaity dty-cate provida 13. RecsmtlQnal vehlde park 6. HcNpoctor helipsd 14. School 7. Hospifal 13. Speacatar voru ficilitp K. Hakl ib- 'Ihcatcr • ]imidratial suhdivtilon a~ 4criacd 1s CUUItf S9 17 RL-I' ac wdl a' 170 relklsntMl D~9~~pQ dic nlau u de1L■rd Lo tde Spwknn. cnantv .t !►d4tlsInp []U41M 5 13 r► ; .II - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - . IL 1%4 • ~ ~ l ~ R t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .m - r ~ . I ' ~ i • 1Y ! a ~ ( . i OA ~ ' ` ~ - } _ ~ ~ ~ , ~ l Q i ! ou ~ PU / 1 •`y ' ~ ~ ~ - ` = ' ~ ~ ~ M~~ • -_1 I \ ~ / 3d s I ~ ~ - ~ _ ► a ~ ~o s i ; loo x ~ , ~ ~ _ _ _ _ , 3 I n ~ ~ t 1, 1s ~ ~ " ~ j~~ j ~ . ~ ~l n~ . . . ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . ~•Request for City Council Action Meeting Date: Febnaary 28, 2006 _ Item: Check all that apply: ❑ conseni ❑ oEd busPnsss ❑ new business ❑ publ3c hearirig [l infarmation Q admin. repait 0 panding legisladon AGENDA I7EM TITLE: Second Reading: an ordinance amending SVMC 10.30.060 by . amending Chapter 14.702 Airport Overiay (AO) Zone in the , vicinity of Folts Fie(d. G01(ERNING LEG[SLATION: RGW 36.70, SVMC `10.309.06 - ,PREVIOUS COUNCIUCOMMISSfON • AC710N TAKEW City Council vras briefed on the inconsistencies bet+,:reen the interirii Airpart Overlay Zone regtalations, sta4e guidelines and federal reguiations on . Septernber 20, 2005. Planning Cammisslon, roceived a presentatfon by tha • . WSD47 Division af Avlatian on ihe requirements on December 8, 2005. . , Planning Camm(ssinn was bnefed on the proposed amendments on January • 12, 2006, . and -held a public hearing on February 9, 2008. Planning • Commissfon recommended' apnrovai wfth minor amendments. On Febfuary ' 14, 2606, City Council advanced•the proposed ordinance. as recommended by the Planning Commisslori to a second reading. - ' ' BACKGROUND: Fetts Fiead is located adjacent fo the City of Spokane Vallsy.. Approximately 10 acres of the airport is inciuded vrithin the- City's oarporate limits. Property, adjoining the airport is geneFally fufty developed and zoned low density residential and indusfrial. Felts Fisld is a public reliever airport primahly liandling generai aviation. As such, it is regulated pursuant to Chapter 77 of the Cade of Federal Regulations. Safety and height regulaEion is established by federai regulaVon , . based on tha length of ihe runway. - .,Federal requiremenEs are generally overseen by the WsDOT Divisian of AviaEion. Ttle proposed _ amendment brings the airspaco hazard planes into conformanae witYi federal requirements and . afso establishes land use compafibility zonos rostrictfrag certain land uses in proxirriity to Felts + FieEd. • • ' A Determination of hon-5ignfficance Gvas issued'on December 1, 2005 wiUi comments due nct - ' iater #iian January* 15,2006 and a draft propesal was submftted to C7ED and other agencies for their review on December 3, 2005. ' - . . Op7tONS: 1. Repea[ ChapEer 14.702 in ifs entirety.. , : Approve. - ' . . 3. Provide staff,wvith directlon conceming additional amendments. RECOEVtiEIfENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve ordfnance 0,6-002., ' BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTAGT: Marina Sukup, A1CP, Cammunity Development Directoc . - ATT'ACHMENTS: . , - DraftOrdinance,'Comment l.efferVllsDOT Division ofAviafion ~ ~l . I Philin Rudv. 5647 8 Fruitfniil; explained tiiat he has an offce at 720 N Argonncs, that someone recent{y I~ f drove into his building; diot fortunately no one was hurt, and he thenked thc Sheriff's Office, Police , Depattment, and State Patrol for their respnnse ta the incidcnt, that the perpetrator was Caken to jail but wESS iater relcased; thel ha feels the enfarcenncnt arm in the community is strong Uut the justice system . neads help as the man who was rele~sed had fow court dates for other og'enses, and that Dr. Rudy is , interested in tonight's court reparL . ~ James W Pnntaleo, E I0414•14ulman Road: regarding tha ncighborhood chapicr; s4id i£ :his cttaptar ~ • merges iato anather sesrion, there won't be a neighbarhood program at all as it will be lost. Mayor \'Wilhitc invited £urther publie comments; no further comments were off.erett, 1. CONSENT AGENMA Consisty of items coBSictered routine which are approved as a goup. A Councilmamber may remove an item from thc C.onsent Agendx to be considerecS separately. a. FollDwing claim vouchets: V()UCHFR LIS'1 AATE VDUCIMIt. #s TOTAL VOTJCHER AMOUN'r February 10, 2006 ~ 8575-8617 ~ $162,993.85 February•15, 20(}6 ~ 8618-8654 ~ • $609,354.31 . • GRATFI] TQTAL $772,348.16 b. Payroll far Psy Period Ending February 15, 2406: $146,775.99 • c. Approval of Minutrs of February 9, 2006 Specia! Council Metting • d. Approvai of Minutas ofFcbruAry 14, 2006 k2egular Council Mecting It was movett by Deputy Mrryor Taylor, seconded by Councilmember .DeVlemi►rg, mul unanimausty • agreed to approve tlre conrerzt agenda. NEw BUs:M.ss 2, Second Readine Pronoscd Otdinance 06-002. AmendingAiroart Overlav 7one - Vlarina Sukuo After City Cleric Bainbridge read tlie occiinance title, lt was nroved by Deputy Mcryor TayCor und secairdecl by C'vur.cilmentber DeYleming, to approve Oixliyicutce 06-002. Comatunity llevelopmLnt DirectUr Sukup mentioued th9t nothing in the ordinxnca has changcd since tl;o first roading, liawever, thc lower.shadoci portion of the ;nap wili be rc,moved, which is wned 3 in the land use compatibility, it showcc120a from the centcrluze o£ the nnnvay rflNier than 34, that will be temAVed; as that was the recommendation of tits Planaing Cominission. Council stated no objExtion. -Mayor Wilhit:e invited public: commcat; tio comments were o£fered. After councii commended sta$'s work, the vote was.taken hy acclamatioci: ln . Fcrvnr: Unmjimoi[s. Opposed.• None. Abslentions: h'one. Moliorr carried. 3. Tirst Readine Prorsosed Ordinancc 06-()03 Ameudine Certain Seetions Numberel la ofthc Inlerim 7-oning Reaulations - Larv Driskell Aftec City Clerk BaitiUridge rettd tho nrdinance ticle, it wus moved by Deputy Maycr 74ylor mid secarded by Councilm2ntber Munson, !o suspend the rrrles and approve ardinurpce 06-003. Deptrty City Attorney , Driske!l cxplaiRCd that this is a liousekeapiag issua and cleans up soma things tha City has alraady superseded, and the amending will mako the Code moro consistent. Mayor VElilhite invited public comxuent; tio commeuts were affered. Yote by Acclamation: In Fcrvar: Unanlmous. Opposed.• None. Ahsteruions: Nons. Motaon carrted. . Council Vicctina: 02-28-(}6 Page 3 of 6 ' Apprnved by Couacil: 03-21-06 ~ . . , . , . . ~ • ~,.,1 . ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ' - Request for City Counci! Action - PJleeting Date: Fabruery 14, 2006 . (tem: Check all that appfy: Ooonsent ❑ ald business ❑ nevr buslness t3 pubtic hearing . ' ❑ informaVon ❑ admin. report 0 pending Iegislatian AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading: an ordlnance amending SVMC 10.309.06 by . amending -Chaptec 14.702 Airpoct Overlay (AO) Zone In the . vlcinity of Faits Field.' GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70, SVTUC 10.309.08 PREViOUS COUNCiLlCOMMISS[ON ' - ACTION TAKEN: City CounciE was briefed on the inconsistendes betweEn the interfm - Alrport Overlay Zone regulations, state guidelines and federal ' regu(ations on September 20, 2005. Planning Commfssion received a presentafion by the WSDOT Division of Aviatfan on the requlretnents - on December 8, 2005. 1'lanning Commission was briefed on the proposed amendments on January 12, 2005, and held a public ' hearing on February 9, 2006. • BACKGROUND: - . • . Fefts Ficid is focated ad}acent to the City df Spokane Valley. ApproximakePy 10 acres of the alrport Is incfuded within the City's corpnrate limits. Property adjoining the airport is generally ' ~ fully.develaped and zoned low density residentlal arrd industrial. Felts Field fs a public reliever airpart prirnari(y handling gancral aviation. As such, it is regulated pursuant to Chaptsr 77 of the Code of Federal Regulafions. Safety and height regulatlon is established by,federal regulafion . based on the length of the runway. . Federal requfrements are generally oversesn by the WsDOT Division of Aviatlon. ThQ proposqd ' amendment brings the airspace hazard ptanes into conforrnance tvifh federal requirements and • aiso estabGshes•land use coi-npatibility zbnes restricxing certain iand uses in proxirriity #o Fe[ts Fleld. . , • . A Detsrminatlon of Non-Signif'tcance was issued on December 1, 2005 with comments due not later than January• 15, 2006 and a draft proposal tvas submitfed to CTEn and other agencies for their revtevi on December 3, 20(}5. • - OP710NS: 1. Repea) Chapter 14.702 in its entirety. • 2. Apprave amendments as submitted. 3. Provide staff with direcfion concerning additional arnendments. RECOMMENDED AC7lON OR MOTION: •°l recommend approval of Spokane Valley Ordfnanco No. 06- xxx amending SVMC 10.309.06 by amending Chapter 14.702 Afrpart Hazard Overlay (AO) Zona in the vicln(ry of Felts Field.': ' BUDGETlFINAPIClAL 1MPACTS: Non@. ' STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director - ' ATTACI-lIUIENTS: . ' Draft Ordinance, Comment Letter WsDOT Divislon of AviaEion, Sound Comparisons . . a ~ . ~ . . Gorhmann, seconded by Deputy Mayor Taylar, mrd unanirrrovsly agreed to approve the minutes as -'chmiged ' NEW.AUSIlVESS ' 2. Second Readine Pronnsed Ordinance 06-001. UR 1 interim Zc►pint! - Mfuina Sukun ~ Aftar City Clerk Bainbridgc read the ordinance title, it was moved by Aeputy Mayor Taylor ond seconded by Councilmember Munson, to approye Ordinatrca 06-001. Community laevelopment Direcbqr Suk-ttp . exptainai tliat other than the hvo previoasty noted corrections in the Findings of Fact, e.g. the correct district nvmber .fnr Vera, and the data, no clianges havo been made to the ardinance. Mayar Wilbite invibed public camment; no conunents were offerM. Yote by Acelrunation: In Favor: Unanimous. Oppased: N'one. Abatentio»s: Nnrre. Morion GarriecZ ~-a •'~=;~s~esed-l3~~a~aa.A6-~9~Ai~esd-in --T.te ' ec3tieff Previously removed fiom the agenda. 4. First ReadinL, Frooosedi Ordinance 06-003 Amendinst Aviation Area - M81'IIl1 SIIICUD After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinanee title, it was moved by Cowrcilmember Munson a,rcf .recondeg tn rra'vance the ordinmrce ta a second reau'irrg. Cammuniiy Development Diractor cxpiained that Council waq briefed last Fall on the incoitisistancies between che in.terim Airport Overlay zonu rogulations, stete guidelines ancl the fc.deral regulatinns; that the Planuiag Commission was bricfcd on the proposed ;imendmentsi to tbis ordinauca, they held a publia hear'sng February 9, 2006, and prior to that reccived a pre,sentution by WSDOT Aivision of Aviation on the requircments. Ms. Sulcup explaaied tliat the proposcd amendments will bring the airspace ha7nrd ordinance inco canformanr,e with federal . requirements, and establish land use campatibility zones restricting certain ]and uses in proximity ta Felts Field. Ms. Sukup added that the Pianning Commission afso recommended the deletion of "medical facilitias" as found on psga 6, subsection lo. Council concurred to dclete "mectical fac;lities" es , mentioned alinve, and on the "prohibiteci uses" tabla, to add a lino indicating ihat the "dot" indicated the use, is prohibited. Mayor Wilhibe invitc:d publio camment. Piclc 13eliin. 3626 S Rideeview Drive: !)9206 said he is impressed with cltFS ordinance; that although Felis Field only has a sinail portinn in Spoknne Valley, our City and the City of Spokane will benefit equally. Mayor Wil.hite invitccf further public comment; no furdier cornmedts were of~'~ered. It was moved by Councilnreniber Munson aiul secanded, to anrend tlte »rotion to inclzitle the removal oJ • the term "mNdical facililies " Yote by uedamation ta amend tlze motiq»: In havor: Unarrimvus; Opposed: None. A. bstentions: None. 'Motion cvrried. Yote by acclmnatlon to adya,ree the ordiremice ao a secarrd reading with the chcm,ge of deleting the wurds "medical faeilitres " as fottnd on puge G, subsectian le: 1►: Favar: Unanimous. Opposed: Nvtte. AFisteniions: Alone, .1-fotion carried. 5. Molion Con.sidcrataa»: Mcmorandum of Understnndine with. Spokaite Couiatv Rceardine 2006,9ewer Consisuctina Yraurram -\eil Kersten ft was moved by Catuicilmember Micnson and seconded by Deputy 1Vlayor Taylor to authorize the City Manager to eYecute the Adenrorunduni of A:stliorities with Spokane C'aunty for full-wldlh pavnig casts associuted wrtfi Spakrnae Caunty's 2006 Sewer Canstruction Program. Public Works Director Kerstan exptaincd the paveback program as per his accampanying nebruary B, 2006 memoranduui, mentioned that the atioption of chc 2006 budget includas funsls for full-widtlt strco# paving associated with the Couuly's Sewer Program; and explained t}ie projmis iavolved, cstimated road improvresnent eosts, and cst'vnated drainage improvement casts. Mayor Milhite iuvited public comment; no conunents were offered. Council discussion included mention that full-width paving wiII not be dane automaticAlly every year; • that the dollars arc weIl spent; contingency fiuids; not wanting to scnd the wrang messaga to the voters 'who votcd against such a policy; and reasonable bids. Yote by .4cclnnurtron: hr Favor: lvfayor Wtlhite, Couneil Meetfrng: 02-14-06 Page 3 of S , • Approved by Council: 02-28-06 , . . • i ~ ~ ' . . ' CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ' Request for Council Actioii . Meeting Date: September 20, 2005 Ifem: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ nerv busfress ❑ public hearing 0 information ER admEn. repart I] pendfng legisiatfon AGENDA ITEM TfTLE: Administrative Report: Airport Overlay Zoning GOVERNING LEGISiJATtON: RCW 36.70, Spokane Valley Ordinance 03-53 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Interim Devefopment Regulatfons Spokane County • Zoning Cade Section 14.702 BACKGROUND: . Ten acres af Felts Fiefd is located withEn the Spofcane Valfey limits. Felts Fie1d is owned jointiy . by the Cify af Spokane, Spokane Counfy and the Airport Board as tenants in common. . Spokane Valley executed an' agreement acknow{edging Ehe adopted Airport Master Plan in -2004. • . AirporE Overlay zoning is intended to proEeat publ(c airports from encroachment by-naturaf or man-made hazards which would creata unreasonable safety hazards for aircraft. The purRase af the repart is to explain the present airport oveday zoning and to seek Cauncil d[rection concerning possibin changes. OPTIONS: InformatiQn only. • RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOT[ON: lnformat(on onfy BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT; lVlarina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director ATTACHR9ENTS: f'resentation ' , i . ~ rclatian ta our possible futiure programs. Mr. Jacksan also reminded Council diat the plan is flexible, and `-"there wilt be future oppoftwitic:s for further public inpul~ , 6. Annicwav Rieht-of wav Transfer Discussion -Neil YCersten/Carv Driskcll • • Public 1Vorks Director Kersten stuted t#iat he reluycd to Spokxue County, the City's concerns abnut some of #tse issues invotved with taking over the Appleway right-of-wcty, which issues wcre coatxined in the ciraft quit claim deed. Dcputy City Attarncy 17riskell said that he has contacted tho County's lcgal dapantment on t6is issue, end whiie no resposse has been recc:ived yet, the County indicaied thay hope to huve svc6 by the jouit Secpte►nber 29 meeting, Mr. Kersteu mentionad that he and Ross Kelly havc discussed the property and the possibiljty of grants, and that thcy continue to worlc out tho details sa this can be discussed further at the upcoming joint Caunty/City mueting. 7. Aaniewav Simaee - Carv DriskellJiVeil Kersten , Publia Works Directnr Kersten gave a brief overvicw of whai was presk:nted previously canaernins signs nn Apploway, on what «re c,an and cannot do regarding the blue signs, and whmt might we do in terms of otlies fortns of commercial c►dverlising 9n the ri,6t-of-way if that is Council's pfeasura. Mr. 'Driskell meotioned his background information, and coreectc:d a mis-stxtement in the packet thgt• ttie sign codo adnpted by the City did not contain tlia defiuition of what an afticial sign is, but that is not the case as the defmikinn is included. Attnrnsy Driskell then want through his PowerPoint presantation. CounciUstaff . discussion ineluded thae Council could make the policy ehoica to. aliow commercial advertising iu the right-of-way; the sign eamniittco could ba ssked to explore ather options; the option o.f hiring a design consuitant; giftiug of public funcis; use of signs fbr directional purposc; makiug the sio 3 more readablo without necxssari(y advertising the busines,ses; hovr to determine who gets u sign and who does not; and the process of charging the cost of the sigo. It was detsrminecl that the Sign Committea will ba involved in bringing bxck n recoramendation to Couneil, and members bf that co .mmittee will be asked to cletermine n tirneline of when iltis issue r,an ba re-addressccl by CounciL MAyor W ilhita called for a recess at 7:33 p.m., and recanvenetl the meeting at 7:44 p,m. S. A iroort Overlav Zone - Marina Sukun - Comuxunity Development Directar Sulaip explained that the purpose of this discussion is to explain the present airport overlay zoning and to seek Council d'uection concerning pnssi6le changes. She axplained -that this issua cEUne up bawd oa a protest fi•om a groperty owner who tvanted tn 6uiltl a building and did . not wanf W give a navigatioii casemsrrt. N4s. Snkup, in gouag tbmngh hcr T'owerPoint presentation, explained tlist diffcrent nile9 spply for Fclts Fielci and Fairchild Air Fqrce Baso; and she added that at tlus point she has not been able to discuss thi.s issue with the airpart managcr, and needs to conFum the federal regulatians unless there are specific irregulariMes with Pelts Field. City Attorney Conuelty added that whilu he has not compared the ttvo rliffercnt types of airports, hu will research ta discover the minimutn standards. It was zisa rnentioned thr+t the Airport ]3oard, alongwith the airp9rt manager should be consulied. Ms. Suk+jp staful tliai if tUcre is a requiremenc fur'tiavigation for development, then thcrc may also be such for all developmene and not just commercial development. It was determined that sfaflf ' will conduct further research hy chec[ciiig with the nirport, the airport baard, and federaUregulations. 9. ('ommunication Tnfrastructure Ad'Hac Cammittcc-A!Iavor Willti;Le Mayor NVilhitea explaiaed ttiat at the August 30 council study session, she suggested forrning s citizen Ad Hoc Committee 4o address one of Council's goals, that of comniunication infrastructure; enci diat it was suggested Couetcil might want to consider writing a n;ission stet$ment for such enmmittee, Vfayor Wilhite expWued that she did nUt receivc uny suggestions from councilmcmbers, and thcrefare propasod the following mission and vision sEatements: Mission: tp map the eurrent telecomruunications enfrestructuro in Spekane Vallcy avd develop a plan on liow to provide botv wiro and wireless commun.ications wiihin our city limits; Visian: position Spokane Valley as the coromunity of ehoioc f'ar . • S'udy Smaon Mimutra; 04-2p-Q5 Pngc 3 of4 Approvcd hy Council: 10-1 L-tlS 1 ~ s - . . Washington State AviationD9vislon ' Department af Transporta#ion 3704 172na strcet s„tto K2. P.O. Booc 3367 Douglas B. MacDonald ArIingEnn, VJashSnglnn 98223-3367 Secrafary of 7ransportation 360-6 i 1-6300 / 1-600-552-0666 . ' Fax 360-851-8318 TTY: 1 -800,8333-0368 J8ri11aTy 31, 2006 ' . tiwr,v.tivsdoGtiva.gcv Mx. David Ccosby, Chair Planning Commissi.on , - City of Spokanc Va11cy . 11707 F. Spragus, Su.ite 106 ' Spokane Valley, VJA 99206 RE: Proposed A.irport Hazard Overlay Ordinaziee ' Dear Chaix.mau Crosby: ' . Thank you for the opporlunity to comment on the proposed AicporE Ha7ard Overlay Ordi.nance. The Washiogton State Department of Trausportation (WST?U':C) Aviation Division supports the proposctt amendment. We belicvc it is an impoziant step in . protecting Felts Field Airport from encroachment by i.ncompatible development, and will hclp presme the viability af the airporE in the fiiture. WSDOT Aviation works with local commuuities across Washuigton State to encourage a . balance bchveen preservation of transPortatiton infrastructure xnd qualiry of life. In 1996, the Waslvngton State Lcgi5la.lure amendcd the Crowth Mana;ement Act to require, ail cities and counties ta protect atrpnrts from iacompatible land uses througli comprehensive planuixzg acid development regulations. 'Z'hzough the Airport Land Use Compatibility Program, WSDOT Aviation prnvides technical assistance to help ' juuisdicti.ons compIy Nvith the law. The city's proposec4 Airport Iiazazd Overlay will help prptect the airport from encroacliment. The amendaient i.mposes height limits near the airport to improve safety, and limits ]and uses tha# may interfere with airport operations and contribufie to•health • an.d saCety cozicems for the eomrnunity. We recommend the city ivelude its land use compatiba.lity and ai.rport height hazards maps in the comprehensiva plan to r.einforce , their unportance. ':lo furthez eahance these protections; the city will be vvorking with the Spokane Ainport Board on the casement/cavenanUclisclosure notice in cnming montbs. . NVe support this collaaoration and lnok forwacd to ~vorldng wiffi both partties. ' TIIese pzotectin.ns are i.rxipartant fo'r 'the airport, whic;li, suppbrt's a'variety o~' activities and , is• ~a si.gni.ficaiit economic resouice for'tli'e'regian. I'or exa~i~ple; several busiiiesscs are located on airport property, proyiding aviatian services .including flight sc.hoolfilight ^ traiiiuig, a'i"rcraft rental and sales;; aviation accessory and pilot supply sales, sightseeing ' tours and c2iArter, and• aircraft maintenanee'and modificatian. tn adciition, Spokane • Community College operates its avaatian maintenance program at Felfs Field. Jax total, t . . ' f Mr. David Crosby . January 31, 2006 - • Page 2 ' . approximately 300 aircraft are based at the airport. A study conducted by WSDOT 'v:i 2001 estimated that the airport generates $ 2 6.5 -mill.ion in total anmd sales output. Thank you again for ttie opportunity to comment on the proposed amendment. Adoption • of the ••Elirport Hazard C?verIay will holp prevent future enczaachment of incompatible . Iand uses arad pratect the opecatian of Felts Field. .We offer our continued tec]mical assistance to add.ress aviation issues and Ioak forward to working witli the city i.n the fiihue. Sincerely, Keiri Wnehlet - Avi«dan Planner Cc: Vfari»a Sukup, Director of Comxnunity Dcvelopment/Plaatraing , , David Crowner, Spokane Auport Boazd . Dee Caputo, Wa.shington State Departmen4 of Community, Trade and Economic l7evelop~ment . • • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 7, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ cansent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing information X admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed lease to Lamar Outdoor GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Last touch was in August, 2003, at which time the Council took it off of the agenda. BACKGROUND: Spokane County constructed Appleway Boulevard around 1999-2000. As part of that project, Spokane County redesigned the intersection at Dishman-Mica and Sprague, adding in Appleway. Part of that reconfiguration included widening Mullan Road at its point of beginning at what is now Appleway Boulevard. In the process of widening Mullan Road, the County acquired land upon which a billboard was sited, owned by Lamar Outdaor. From what ~ staff can gather, the County agreed to allow Lamar to maintain its billboard on what was then County property. Attached is a map showing the location of the sign, along with several photos . of the sign, both from the north approach and south approach. At the time the City incorporated, we became the owner of the property. We were in contact with Lamar right after incorporation to discuss the terms of a potential lease, and a draft was circulated. When it came before the Council at a study session in August, 2003, the minutes indicated it was removed from the Agenda. It has not come back up since that time. Staff re-initiated discussions last year with Lamar to determine an appropriate course of action. Staff then tabled the discussions again because the City was beginning serious discussions on the Uniform Development Code, which includes billboard regulations. Staff wanted to let Council arrive at its collective policy determination with regard to how billboards would be treated generally in the context of the UDC, rather than the, policy discussion being driven by the fact the City owns property upon which a billboard sits and from which the City would derive some incorne. Staff understands that the granfing of a lease may not be the only option the Council wants to consider. As such, this RCA will outline various options for your consideration. 1. The Council could prant a lease. Staff recently sent a proposed lease agreement to Lamar. Lamar responded with several requested changes. If the Council wants to enter a lease agreement, there are several issues for you to consider. The first issue relates to the length of time for the lease. Staff proposed a ten year lease, with termination by either party on 180 days notice, with the ability to extend the lease for one additional ten year period. The termination on 180 days notice is consistent with most of the contracts the City enters into to maintain flexibility if the need arises_ The second issue is related to the first, and is the amount of the lease payment. Lamar has stated that the net result of having the 180 day termination is that they would only be able to enter into 180 day contracts for use by their clients because they cannot guarantee any period longer than that. As such, they proposed the yearly lease amount be set at $1,000 for the first year, and give a 10% increase every five years. Lamar also identified that the sign has a lower value than others because it is only the soufh-facing surface that has full exposure to traffic. The north-facing surface is briefly viewable from west-bound traffic on Sprague, and is viewable from south-bound traffic on Argonne, although at a poor angle. (See • , pictures) I discussed the potential for a longer termination notice, such as one year, with Public Works. Steve Vl/orley, Senior Engineer for Capital Projects, stated that they would strongly recommend ' keeping any termination notice at 180 days because in the event Appleway and Sprague east of Argonne Road are turned back to two-way, that intersection would be the most likely place the transition would occur and there could be street modifications in this area that may impact the existing billboard. Mr. Worley stated that a one year notice could potentially hold that project up. 2. Sale of ROW to Lamar - In the course of the lease discussions, Lamar indicated that it would be interested in purchasing the right-of-way upon which the sign sits. There were no discussions regarding price. If the Council chooses to do so, we would need to identify the size of the small parcel necessary to accommodate the sign. The dimensions of the existing sign are approximately 12 feet by 25 feet, and it appears that the sign hangs over the sidewalk and a very narrow portion of the roadway at a height of approximately 30 feet. Mr. Worley advised that he could not recommend the sale of the land to Lamar until the future transportation needs for that area have been decided. 3. Request removal of the billboard - The Council may decide that it does not want to have the . billboard on City right-of-way. The City has consistently taken the approach that private citizens are not authorized, either implicitly or explicitly, to use City right-of-way. If this were the choice of the Council, a reasonable amount of time would need to be allowed to remove the sign. Lamar would then have a certain amount of additional time to negotiate a deal with another land ov+iner in the City for placement of a similar-sized sign under the City's "cap and replace" policy . on billboards. OPTIONS: As outlined, above. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Aitorney ATTACHMENTS: 1. proposed lease 2. map 3. photos . ` J . ` LEASE AGREENIENT BETWEEiv C;1'TY OF SPOKA\'F VALLEY AND LAiYlAEZ OUT]a00R ADVF•RTISING FUR RTG1iT-ON,-VVAY BORnFRED BY AE'PL•-EWAY BOUI.EVARn, FTRST AVENUE, WILLOW 1ZOAD AND ARG()NNE RC7All NO:lt k'LACEM-TNT QF A BILLBOE11tD, SYVKAnTE VALLEY, tiVASTaTNGTQv , TFf[S AGI2EEVlE\jT is made by and between the City of Spol:ane Valley, a cocle City of the SCate of Washingtori, hereinafter "City" and Lamar Outdnor Advertisin~, hereinafter "Lamar," jointly referred to occasionally as "pariies." fN COiVS1DF.RAT1Q\i of the terms and conditions con[ained herein the parties agi-ee as f'ollows: l. Term. City grants to Lamar non-exclusive use of the premises, identifietl on . Exhibit l, for maintaining a single or clouble faced outdoor advertising slruchirc for a period of ten }'ettrs Crom ful) execution of diis •agreement. 'I he pareies, upori mutual agreement prior Ce expi.ration of this <<b eement; may cxtcnd this lease agreement for ane addilional ten year period on the same or rnutually agi-eeable terms. F_iltter party rnay terminate this agreement by 180 days written notice to the other pitriy. In tlle event of such terminarion, shall remove any skructure ajid any other personal property reliitecf in any way to the citing, ni.aintenance or operation of the striichire fmm the pi-emises by the expiration of the 180 days. The City ha,s inforrned Lamar, and LaIlla1' I11S SCIC(lOWletlged, that the Cit_y is highly likely to need the riglit-of-way upnn which t:he struc.ture is Iocated for transportation purposes wit:hin five years-of execution ofthis lease. 2. Use. City grants to Litmar aecess t:o and use of the premises as reasonably netesstuy lo repair anci maintain the stivcture; including changing advcrtisino copy on the struceure. `I'he terrn structLire as used here shall mean a structure for the purpose of IeASitig advertising space to promote an interest aGhcr Chan that of the individual, business, produeC Ur service available on the premises on which the struchire is Iocatecl. Scructure also means the posts or columns and the anchors and bolts that struccurally support the sign attached to il. 3. Lcase rlmount: 'l"he rent shall be $1,000.00 per year, payable in aclvance- by close Af business on December 1 of each year. 4. The City, including its agents and employees, shall not place any materials, equipment, supplies, vegetation, ar obstructions under or adjacent to tlle strueture or in the immediate vicinity of the structui-e which would interfere with or impede Lamar"s pain[ing, posting, or servicing the structure, or which would wholly or partially obstruct the view of the advertising copy on the structure. City shall rnove any such materials, equipment, supplies, vegetation, or obstructions wilhin 10 days of notice from Lamar. If City fails to do so, l,.amar rnay reduce the rent to hvelve dollars per year while such condition continues. City also agrees, that Lkimar may, upon ten clays written notice, trim or remdve trees or other ve~etation on die . premises immediately adjacent to the struc.ture as reasonably necessary to prevent obstructic,n of . the structYUe. 1f the City nbjecis to the trimming or rernoval of vegetation, the parlies will work in good faith to resalve the abjection to arrive at an agreed resolution. 5. Noticc. All rent payments and other official notices required uncler this ' lesse agreement shall be sent to the following addresses: City ofSpokanc Valley: F'inance Departrnent 11707 L-ast Sprague Avcriue, Suite 106 Spokane V311ey, Vl4'A 99206 Lamar Outdoor Adveitising: I.:amar Oudoor rldveitising 1015 &ise Cataldo Avenue Spokane, 1'VA 99202 b. lnsuraoce. i amar shall proeure and maintain for the duration of the agreement, insurance again5t claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise frorn or in connection «<ith this lease agrecment by Lamar, its agenls, representatives, or employees. Tdarnar's maintenance of insurance as required by the agreement shall not be constnied to limit the liability of I amfu- to the eoverage provided by such insurance, or othenvise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. A. Minimum Scooe of I.nsurance. Lamar shall obtain insurance of the types described bslow: I. Coninrerciul Getreral Ciability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence fornl CG 00 Ol and sliall cover liability aris'►ng from premises, operations, indepEnclent contrsctors ancl personal injury and advertisinb injury. The City shall be named as an insurecl under the Commercial General Liability irisurance policy. 2. l-Vor•kei-s' Compe►isation coveragc as required by the lnduitrial [risurf►nce laws of the State of VVashington. B. Minimum Amnunt:.ti oT insurance. Lamar shall rnairltain the following insurance limits: 1. Corrimercial Get7ertrl L.iaGility insurance shall be written wieh limiCS no less than $1,000,000 caeh occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate. C. Other Insuranec Prnvisions. I'he insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: l. Latnar.'s insurance covcragc shall be primary insurance as respect thc Cit}r. Any insurance, self.-insurance, ar insurance paol coverage maintainetl by the City shall be eYCess of the insurance held by Lamar, and shall not contribute widi it. 2. Lamar's insurlnce shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancellcd by eilher party, except after diirty (30) days pri~r written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested; has bccri given to the City. D. Accentabilitv of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with utsurers wieh a cureent A.M. Hest ratino of nol less than A: Vll. E. T'vidence of Coverne. As evidenee of the insuranee coverages required by this contract, LFUnar shall furnish acceptable insurancc certificates to the City at the time Lvnar returns the signed contract The certificate shall specify all of the parties who arc adclitional insurecls, and will include applicable policy endorsements, the thiity day cancellation clause, and t}le deduction or retention level. Insuring companies or entities a-e subject to Cit}, acceptance. If requested, complete copies of insurance policies shall be provided to die City. Lamar shall be financially responsible for all pertinent deduceibles, selF-insured retentions, and/or self-insurance. 7, indemnific:►tion snd Hold Marmless. L$rnar sllall defend, indemnif_y and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers ha-mless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attoniey fees, arising out of or in connection with the pertormance of this agreement, escept for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. SFiould a court of campetent jurisdiction deterniine that this acrreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liabiliry for damages arising out of bodily inju.ry ta persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from thc concurrent ncgligerice of i.,amar and lhe City, its officers, otEcials, employees, iuld volunteers, Larnar 's liability hereunder shall be only ta the extent of Lamar's negligence. It is fiirther spccifically and cspressly understooci that the inclemniFeation provided herein constitutes Lamar's waiver of IRIIT1Utlliy under lndustrial liisurance. '1"itle 51 RCW. solely for the purposes oFthis inclemni(ication. This waiver has been mutually negoCiatecf by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of t11e agreement. 8. Waiver. Nlo officer, employee, agent or other individual acting on behalf of either party has the power, right or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this agreemcnt. No waiver in one instance shall be held to be waiver of any other subsequent breach or nonperformance. All rernedies affordcd in this aareemenl or by law, shall be tal:en and construed as cumulative, and in addition to every other remedy provided herein or by law. Nailure of either party to enforce at any time any of the nrovisions of t:his agreement or to requi.re at any time performance by the otlier parCy of any provision hereof shall in no wxy be eonstrued to be a waiver of st,ch provisions nor shall it affect the validiry of this agreement or any part ' Chereaf 9. Records. The City or SutCe tluclitor or any of lheir representatives shall have fiill access to and tlle right to exAmine during normal busincss hours all of Latnar's rccords wiih respect to all matters covered in this contract. SucM representaiives shall bE pcrmitted to audit, examine and make excerpts or transcripts from such records and to make audits of all contracts, ~ invoices, rnaterials, payrolis and record of maeters covered by this contract for a period of three years from the date final psyment is rnadc hcreunder. 10. Assiizoment and DeleLadon. Ncikher party shall assign, transfer or clelEgate any or all of the responsibilit.ies of this agreement or the benefits received hereunder without first obtaining the writien consent of the other party. 11. Jurisclicrion anci N'enue. This agreement is entered inCO in Spokane County, • Washington. Venue shall be in SUokane Caimry, State of Washingion. 12. Cast and Attornev's Fees. 1n the event a lawsuit is brought with respect to this a.greement, the prevailing party shall be awarcled its costs and aetorne,y's fees in the amount to be deterniined by the Court as reasonable. Unle,ss provided oeherwise by statute, Lamax's attorney fees payablc hy the City shall not exceed the toui) surn amowlt paid untler this agreement. 13. Enlire Aereement. This written agreemenC constitutes the entire and complete agreement bettiveen the parties and supercedes any nrior oral or written agreements. This agreement may nal be ehanged, modifecl or altcred except in writino signed by the partics hereto. 14. Anti-k.iclchack. No officer or employee. of the Ci[y, having the power ar dury to perform an offic.ial act or action related t4 this agreemenC shall have or acquire any interest in this agreement, or have solicited, accepted or granted a present or fuCurc aift, favor, service or other thing of value frorn any persnn wilh an interest in this agreement. 15. Busincss R.eeistration. I'rior to commencement of work under dlis at~ eement, Lainar shall register with the City as a businc.ss. 16. Severabilio% [f any section, • sentence, clause or phrase of this agreemcnt should be helcl ko bc iiivalid for ttny reason by a court of eompetent jurisdiecion, sueh invalidity shall not afTect the validity nf any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of t}iis a~reement. 17. Eshibits. T:xhibits attached and incorpoeated into this agreement are: A. Insuraricc Certificates IN WI`I'NESS N'JETF'RLOF, the parties havic executed this agreernent this d:iy UF .2007. C1TY OF SPOK.ANT VALLEY: I.amar Outdoor Advertising: David Nlercier; Cify Manager .Authorized Representative 1'ax 117 No. ATTEST: f1PPROVGD AS "1'O FORM: ChrisCine Bainbridge, City Clerk Office of the City Artorney Spokane County Niaps Page 1 of 1 \ Spokane County Maps ~siz.: Todber use: (1) Clklc 1M appmpfaa zoom bon (in or Out) then leit Gkic on ths map bo drap a rectanpls dslinlny your zoom area, (2) ~ gmall Click the Sekct Icon from the lool bu and Iefl cAGc the mouse when ths cureor Is In yaur taryet percel (3) From the deta eearch tab you can flnd furiher Infoematfon sbout Uw selected pwoel. C) LleQium Tools: ~,x E~}~ SNect 0~ ~Om !n Koom o+~~ I ~ r ` ~ J45,b2.0 1 r . 'o3f ~ . . . . ~a2oQ.~a~ ~a2ar.0312 4aza¢.d~~ ~~SM~~~zoZ.wza ~ - +~.o~0 4 4 ~ 4428 \Y' ~ ~ ~ 4b292A499 li='031 ^ _ . ~ . • ~ . a 45202.0918 ~ ;~:~saoz.psle ~oz.a~a ~ ~ ~~-4AAI~~v M ~ 4b2o2. bop . / 45202.0133 4.5202 N 45202.0730 4a 2,0829 2.062~ http://usgs.spokancxounty.org/pubmaps/Defaultaspx 9l12/2007 I l ~ f ~ ~ f B . ~ . i . ~ A4*0 L ~00 A ; I .~Y , _ ~ ~ ~ ~ . r i ` - 3 I M _i _ i' ~ ti ~ - _ - ; ; ~ - ~ . . . , _ ~ _ E •a ¢ ~ _ ~ - . Y. ~~~1. ~ . , 't•'~~^ ~ ' . . _ - . . _ . ~ v,, ~..j... '.S . .L .'a..'£..1i1'+k~`.i ' . ~ r ~zi.k• . - - M~~ . _ . _ ' . •tLn ~ 'Y+ . - ~ . . . ' , - b~ . • ►'~w,x- ~~~w _ i~ - ;AA' _ _ - ~ ~ . ` ~ ~ 1 1~ y ~ V ~ `-As-F ~ ~ , ~ . I , rt _ I~ ~ > ~ - - - - ~ . . ~-:~..'-~'•~..':t~ _ - . ~1=~`s=~rs~,o-•'_.r E . M , lb^A ~ ~ y • ~~f ~ ' ' 4~u~, ~1~. ~t 1•~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~.b,1, _~w . - . - f ~ a. .w~. -`I~S~,_ ' "~'.1^~~ ~''0M►i' v i . r ~ .Jr,'~. _ ~-q..~ ~ . - . - A"A~'~...~111~'•'..~ ~.:~r+ ,-t~ _ ~,y 'y , ` ' . ' • r' " • c r:.~-.~. . ' _ - . . .~a' • • : - . . ' : ~ ¢'•..lA~I~1.nF1 ~ . ~ - ~ '"'~`'X'. •r ..7j" f ! ' y r .n . . _ ~ ~ . z:.a~.. . . . .~-~.~h.f~.~~-~4~4k Z-~S• .1 . _ ~ ..:.a:' --.~++xtir~ I . . ~ `r• --Q~i[~,-'~:.r`+ ~tl'°•'= ' ' ' . , _ ~ ~►n'` ` 4 w Greater 301 W. Riverside I Suite 100 Spokane Spokane, Washingfon 99201 P: 509.624.1393 ~ IC1CQ1'pOI"'dted F: 509.747.0077 1 ' ~ October 17, 2007 9reaterspakareeincorparated.org Honorable Diana Wilhite City nf Spokane Valley 11707 L. Sprague, #106 Spokanc Vallcy, WA 99206 • Mayor Wilhite: It's a pleasure to share witti you and ttie City Council the activity report from Greater Spnkane Incorporated for the third quarter of 2007. ln rccognition of providing as accurate a report as possible, we have organized it into the five focus areas of Economic Development, Workforce Development, Public Policy, F3usiness Resources, and Marketing and Commiuiications. I do want to call your attention to a few items. Lcononuc developinent is a long term process as evidenced by the ongoing worlc with a Frcnch-based cngiileeruig company we first met four years ago al the Faris t-1ir Show; as we participated in Governor Gregoire's lracie Nlission. Our discussions are now cencereci on the type of facility, how bcst to cngagc the Enginecring Departtnents and students at area colleges and universities, anci potential real estate. \Ve have featured property - land and buildings - located in the City of Spokane Valley 28 times in cittier site visits to tlus region or ui proposals to recruitment clienls. We appreciate the supPort denionstratcd by the City Manager and others who were uivolved in the disrussions vvith the Berg Company, which resiiltcd in a dccision to keep a 35 employee manufacturing operation in the City. Without sharing a specific narric, we are etu-rEntly working with aiiother company that is in the process of expanding their successiiil manufacturing operation in the City of Spokanc Valley. They have purchasecl a building and will be utili-r,ing the incentives of.fered through the Com.munity Fmpowerment 7one program for ertensive remodeling. During this last quarter, ihere were [lu-ee companies lhat decided not to locate in this region dRer considerable data collection and sitc visits. The reasons: lower cast oF clectrical pawer in centrFil Washington; access to a largc warkforce pool of bi-lingual speaking indiviciuals; and a demand for incciitivc dollars that this region can noc provide because of the limitaeions in aur State Constitution. Thank you for your rcgional economic development vision arid for your continued support. Let me know if questions develop or additional information is needed. i rely, _ \ ~Jiui Huttemnaier Regional Public tAffairs Director The Spokane EDC and Citamber - Iniegrated to acce/erate regional economic prosAerity Greater 8oi W. ltiverside, Suite ioo, Spokane, NVA 99201 ok5ne Phone: 509.6e4,1393 or i.8oo.SPOKAVr . Fax: 509.747.0077 Incorporated Tra ~~~~iv.R-reaterspokanFincorporated.oa^g i Greater Spukane Incurporated Quarter 3 Update Informarion as of October i, 2007 ECONOMIC I)FVELOPMENT Greater Spokane Incorporated worked v%rith the tollo%+*ing leads in Q3: • 30 ranked recruitment leads • 14 expansian/retention leads Lead Pipeline • 63 long term leads VVe had a total of 9 inhuutid aud ii outbound sitcvisitationsduringQ3 2007. - pFcedRacn6trr~rt Leatb 13usiness R.ecruitment Wins: p Expomia,IFeta,tim !eaC6 • ReEerencePro,anindustryleadcrin ~ 1¢ 13 Im9T«mFbcnidrent national and international Nvholesale ~ employment and educatiion ' verifications for the baekground screening industry, has chosen Spokane to open an office in support of its verificadon w-ork 1'he company is currendy uYilizing i;,3oo square feet of space in the Hutton Building in Downtowzi Spokane, and is anticipating the need to expand and hire additional people. The company currently employs eight -wit:h threc from California. Site Visits: • In parl'netship with the Tnland Northwest }3conomie Alliance, Stan Key tr.iveled to Califor.nia to ' pitch the Spokane region and met wzth ix manufacturing cumpanies. Companies included a busineSS tliat machines titanium <<11ves for both the auto racing indust .ry and commercial auYo industiy; a manufactui-er of aircr:ift parts primarily for C-130 transport (daors, hatches, body parts, etc.); and a company that eonverts Toyota Scions to eleCtrie cars poweretl by an array of lithium batteries similar Co those used in laptop computers. • In partnership witli Sirti, who has led this projsct, met several times Nvith an international engineering company who is considering establishing a presence in the Spolcane region. In September met with the company's Executive Vice President for Amcrican Operations, a represenvttive fi-om Governor's staff, and CTED officials to explore how to move the project fonvarcl. We are pleased %vith thE potenlial of this npportuuity and the reeent pcogiess. • Toured Spokane County Nvith intcrnationally-aw-ned, Kansas-based, bio-chemical company. Confirmatioil af second visit is pending. IC selected, Spokane ~srith be the single locarion for this company in the United SCaI'es. 1 • Niet h+rice with a A4idwest hospitality company. ThEy wei-e e-xtremely impressed vdth the Spokane area as a comulunity poiseci fur continued growt:h. Representatives have been in the market a 1 ' total of tluee times, and are exploring workforce housing ancl student housing opdons. • t1 contact center client made a second visit to Spokane. They have i-eac;hed capacity at their curreut location, and plan to move approximately 20o employees to the Spol:ane area. A decision is expected at the eud of October with the facility operational first quarter 2008. • Kobin Toth, Gary vlallon and Amy Johnson participated in the International Economic Development Council Annual Mecting in Phoenix, and mct with tlumerotas site locativn consultanLs anci learned the latest strategies for economic development professionals. Proj ects: • Worked %+ith City of Cheney to secui-e the fii-st ~%rin frorn this year's Comprehensive Economic Uevelopment Strategy (CEDS) process. This award exceeded $i.4M anci will be used for inFrastructure for a new rescarch and industrial park - a huge building Ulock For the City of Cheney. • Greater Spokane Incorparated worked witli community partners to oCfic:iti]ly launch the Spokane Etegional Gigapop. The Gigapop N%rill serv-e as an important catalyst for the development oE business, rP,sear.ch activity• and technology i.n our region. Pzo ~ler•t,i~es shOwn b}T cluster County Spokane =0:3 Libertw I,ake Gh~ney an L'.i5n srd Qt2oo7 F. ~ Q3 Q3 0 4~ i~ o ~ ~Manufacturing ~ 4 ~ I I 1 Technologv ~ o I o l 2 1 5 ~ e ~ LoQistics I o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ ~ HealthGare ~ 5 o~ o ~ o ~ 4 ~ Shared Senrices ~ i :;i 24 ~ 20 ~ o Total 1 io 31 28 ~ 26 ~ 4 • Business E~-pansic►n/tietention Activity • Since 2ooi, Greater Spokane Incarporateci (EllC) has assisted nearly 40 cqmpanies to benefit froin the Cpmmunity Empowerment 7one inr;entivP, ereating 1,221 new jobs and Uringing an average annual wage impact to the community of $43,783,8,,39. Together, thssP companies hiive savcd over $7 million. ~ Sipokane Communit1y Empt)werme.nt 7one .A < wv:° E New ' ' ` Applications CapitalF.~pansion CEZ ~-r: r ~Cotnpany _ ~~er.at~.,jIt *>q'.:5:• ~ t~ T V ..`~r PY'Q1ECt. : ~F;'~e JOI.J$.' i. .f Jn~S ~%11' ~ PP e _ , - . ~ ,2001 ~ 1 $2,152,941.18 I lz ~ 12 ~ S204,000 ~ 2002 ~ 11 ~ $1,204,553.82 117 ~ 112 ~ $223,000 2003 ~ 5 ~ $2O,964,705-24 683 ~ 3$7 $1,790,000 aooa I 2 I $780.'133.00 I 6 I a $64,200 ~ ` aoos I ii I $24,110,000.00 I 244 I 40 I$2,047,350 2ao6 I 7 ~ 529,750,000.00 I 153 44 ~ $2>492,53:3 1 2007 ~ 2 ~ S2t'i25,000.00 ~ 6 6 ~ S199,950 ~ Total I 40 I $81,487,533-24 I 1221 I 603 I 57,021,033 9 ~'ERUJAVL6080o&'tQi~2oo7 Q2 2oc~3 zo~L.. LYl'll EMI , yTD t ~ . ad Ceiieratio 12.ecruitment L.eadss 144 143 93 Expansion/Retention Lcads" ~ 9~ 17 14 ~ Project T.eads* 15 ~ iS 12 ~ Total R.anked Kecruitment Leads" 32 ~ 32 ~ 36 ~ Total Long Term Recruitment Leads" ~ 112 ~ xr't ~ 63 Total Leac3s i.n 1?ortfolio* 168 175 11 Recniitment `1'ins'°" 0 2 3 Recruitment Lasse..s ~ 1 2 1 h l::xpansian/Retcntion Wins 3 4 1 7 Expansion/Ketention Losses o ~ o1 o ~ Project Wins o ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ Opl.osses o 0 0 Pro~aals DevEloped 20 34 ~ Client Site Visirs (outbound) ~ io ~ io ~ 21 Client Site Visits (inbound) ~ 4 1 12 I zl ~ $2.3 C1.,G Ca ital Pro'ects m.il.lion $2.; inillion $2.3 million Prospecting Recruitment Direct Mail gi 106 162 Site Selector ConCacts 5,711 11,275 16,632 d }t:arned Media Hits 43 , 72 99 Advertising Equivalencv ~$85>034•93 $609.238•35 I $638,2:i8•35 ~ Circulation 816,$25 1,885,767 3,6o6,779 ~ FA.M 'l'c>urs 1 i t Local Client Meetings 45 gl 101 . Roundtable Meeting tg ~ 25 1 53 "Tatsl rankcd, InnK-Lenn, espausion/mtentinn, and project lesd cottnts vary from c[uarter to quaricr, and chereCare the totsl cwunts utily reflect t1tom. r.urrently in the pipeline. " One snnouncement pendiiig. PUBLIC POLICY Rcgional Waeer Managcmcnt Dialogue We contintied our focused efforts to facilitate a reginnal clialogue regarcling one ofour mast precious resourt:es water. In September, we lielped facilitate a Regional Water Managernent Dialogue that was co-hosl'etl hy the Cit}- of Spokane ancl the City of YasC F'alls. This event brotight public afficials, the WashinKl:on Depat-tniEnt of Ecolop,y, the Idaho Department of V1Tater Kesour.ces, and other key stakeholclers from bodi sides of ebe bocder together ta discuss issues an<I neCessac•y steps to ensure we presFrve this iniportant regional resuurce. 3 Inland Northwest Regional Transpartation Summit On September 19-2(), we partieil>ated wilh mulkiple stakehqlclec's representinS government, business, and communiey groups throushout thc region, i.ncluding \7orthern rdaho tind the Falouse, in the Inland ~-"NorthNaest Regional 'Cransportation Suntnut. This Summit set the stage for rural ancl urban ]eaders from the Inland \7orthwest to discuss transportarion-related needs / issues and how various parties can ivork collaboratively to itlentify and achieve transportation and economic devclopment gpals. WORKN"ORCE pEVE, LOPMENT °Ceaching the Tcachcrs Work.shops Greater Spokane Incorporatcd hcld three teaching the teachers workshops which provide practical hands on experience and expostum to careers and training programs in the Spokane Region. 3o high sehpol tear.hers and counselors fi-om school disG-icts in the region wete given tours and peesentations in tlie areas of manufacturing, aerospace, and health care. Lloyd Industries, Spoka.ne International Airporr, St. I,,uke's Rehabilitadon Hospiwl, and the Community Colleges af Spokane wer.e some of the partners in this project. Carccr A--vareness Campaign nistrit7uted iipproximately 300 packets of carecr awareness materials in the areas of manufactucing, aerospace, hettlth care, and construction to the K-i2 system. Grant Collaboration ~ Working closely and col]abocltively with the Spokane Are,;:i Worl,furce nevelopment Council, Creater Spokwe Incorporated applied far and received a grant extension of $zo,aaa for its Advanced ManuFacturinq I-Vorkforce Initiative from the Washington State V1'orkforce Training and l;cluca[ion Coordinating F3oard. Workforce Norum Approximately 8o pcople*attended the workforce forum i+ith keynotc speaker Karen Flzey of the US Cliainher and Patrickl Kempthorne of thc'Itviga Foundation. Topics covcred inclutled flexible wrorlcplaee initiarives, gener:itional worlcplace philosophies, aad industcy and academia collaboration iri developing eFfeeeive training programs for a tiighly skilled work-forcc. Gouzaga University and 4ltheatland Bank were awarded meritnrious aN.ards for workplace flc-dbility programs. N'Vhen Work Ntorks: Gi~eater Spokaiie Incorpoi-ated was awarded a$io,ooo grant from the Famil.ies and Work Institutc to implecnent an ecnployer educarian and recognition program focused on rvorkplace flexibility. - MARKE'I7NG • A tcatal of 5,357 contacts %.nth site cdnsultants were matle in Q3. Both elcctronic and direct mail pieces are sent to national and international site consultants monthly. • A Cot11 of 27 earned media hits were achieved in Q3, equaling o<<cr $29,noo in advertising equivalency, writh a total circtdatinn rate of 1,721,012. Ads Nvere placed in publications marketing %tii.%v:selectsvokane.com weU site, anci Spakane 4vas featured in several national publications includi.ng another mentinn in Forbes, and a feahirE article in 13usitless Facilities f ; magazine. 4 • Greater Spokane 7.neorporated is parricipating again this year writh the Spokane Kegional Convention and Visitors Bureau on a Grealer Spokane insert: in Alaska Airlines imagarine. Thc publication i+*ill be in-flight in Febniary 2008. • llie Ideation process was launched this month at the Aonual Meeting ivith the missinn to • • energi•r,e creative thinidng and ereai:e a fresh approach to capturing the amazing opportunities within this region, while addressing the persistent cliallenges. Ideas can be viewed at N,-rvw, n ew-id easinw.com . • A new t~vice-monthl}<<ridea -:Tlie Accelerutton Report, also launehetl at che Annual Meeting and «611 market the Spokane rcgion nn You7bbe. The second edition of The Acce(erntion Report is now available online at rNi.iv.ereatelsDOkane.org. - BL3SINESS RESOURCES Procuremcnt Tcchnicll Assislance Ccnter • rlssisted ten new r;lients tlais quarter for a total of 40 Y'1'D for Department of Defense (DoA) contract pet-iod of 12/i/o6-9/30/07, exceedi.ng the contract goal by 15. ContlucCed 46 counseling sessions with existing clienrs tliis quarter for a total of ioy YTn for. Do1) eontract pe►•iod 12/i/o6- . g/3o/o7, ea:ceeding the co►1timct goal by 59• • Held six government contracting workshops with total attentlince of 5t, including one in tlirway (-Ieights; $577,540 Awards rPpUr[ed by client5 fcar 17uD contract period 12/i/o6-9/30/07, exceeding contract goal by $277,$40. • Launchecl the "Contract BIZ"printeci newslctter distributed to PTAC clients and to other business peoplc iuterested in governrnent coutracting. BIGStreet IZesourcc Ccntcr • The new I-iotne-based Business Coniiection had 74 attendecs this quarter. The group meets monthly to nehvork, hear a preseritation on an issue of interest aind share experiences and best priictices. • Nehworking Worksliop brought 30 attsndecs together to learn abaut expanding their businesses through development of effective ne[worl:ing sl:ills. • A printed BI"LStreet ne%vsletter "HaiYl Copy" was launched and distributed primarily througti financial inGtittition5. It is taigeted to nUnmembers of Greater Spokar►e Lncorporated to better infnrm pwners of small businesses and hogefiil entrepreneuis of the services available througli BIZStrcet. Total distribution is i,5oo. • • As.4i.stetl3$o entreprenetirs by telephone and in person witli infortiiation and referrals to partner organi7ations. 5 Greater ao, w. Ri<<ers,dE I Suite,oo Spok5ne Spoka+te, Washington 99201 P: 509.624.1393 Incorporated rN F:5U9.747.Q077 October 17, 2007 greaterspokaneincorporated.org Honorable Diana Wilhite City of SPokane Valley 11707 F. Sprague, 9 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Mayor Wilhitc: It's a pleasure to share with you and the City Council the activity report from Creater Spokaiie incorporated for the third quarter of 2007, hi recogiution of providing as accuratc a report as possible, we have organized it into the five focus areas of Economic Development, Workforce IaeveloPmen[, Public Policy, Business Resourccs, and Ivlarketing and Conunuiucations. I do want to call youc attention to a Few items. Fconomic clevclopmcnt is a long term process as evidenced by the ongouig work witll a French-based engineering r,ompany we first met f-our years ago at the Paris Air Show, as wc participatcd in Governor Gregoire's Trade Mission. Our discussions are now centered on the type of facility, how best to engage the E-ngineering Departments anci stuclents at area colleges and universities, and potcutial real estate. ~ We have featured property - land and buildings - lacatecl in the City of Spokane Vallcy 28 times ui eikher site visits to tliis region or in Proposals lo recruitment clients. Wc appreciate the support demonstrated by the City IManager and others who were involved in the discussions with the Berg Company, wluch resulted in a decision to keep a 35 employee manufacturing operation in the City-. `Vithout sharuig a specific name, we are currently worki.ng N-Nrith another cnmpany that is in the process of expaiding their successfiil manufacturing operation ul the City of Spokane Vallcy. They have purchased a building ancl will be utilizine tie incentives offered throuSh the Community Empowerment Zone program for extensive remodeling. During this last quarter, there were three companies chat decidecl not to locate in this region a[l-er considerablc data collcction and site visics. The reasons: lower cost of electrical power in - central Washin;ton; access to a largc workforce pool of bi-lingual speaking individuals; and a demand for incentive dollars that this region can not provide because of the liinitations in our State Constitution. Thank you for your regional economic developnient vision and for your continued support. "Let me l:now if questions develop or additional information is needed. i rely, ~ . - ~Ji_m Hutteiunaier ( ; 12egional Public Affairs DirectQr The Spokane EDC and Chamber - lntegrated to accelerate regional ecanomic prosperity Greater 8o1 W. Kicersidc, Suitc ioo, Spokanr,1V.19q2ut k5ne Phont: 3og.624.1393 or i.Boo.SPOKANE F~: 509•747-0077 ~ Sw,_A)"'. ~:~•-~.gl'-:'~i!'FDoknnewwrno:ate+1 Greater Spokane Incorporated Quarter 3 Updsie Information a.s of October i, 2007 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Greater Spokane Incorporated warked with the follovr-ing leada in QX • 30 ranked recruitment leads • 14 expansion/retention leads Lead PipeUne • 63long tertn leads We had a tatal of 9 inbannd nnd i i autbound sitc visitations during Q3 2007. ■Rariaed PeoUtrr" - t.eeda Business Recruitment %Vins: - - 0 6~~tert~m _ teedo • ReferencePro, an industry leader in aLag Tiwm Pem*nwt national und international wholesale employmcnt und education vcrifcations for thc background screening industry, has chasen j Spokene ta open an office in suppori af its verification wortc. The company is curnendy utilizing 1,300 6quare feet of space in the Hutton Building in Downtown Spokane, and is anticipating the need to expand und hire udditional people. "Ihe company currendy employs cight - H-iih three from Califomi.i. Sitc Visits: • ln partncrship with the Inland Northw-e.5t Scunoinic Alliance, Stan Key tr.iveled w Caliturnix to pitch the Spokane resion aarl met with » manufacturiag companies. Companics included a husiness that mE►chines titanium valves fnr kxoth the auto raring industry and commercial auto industry; a tnanufacturer af aircraft parts pcimarily for C-i.3o transport (doors, hatches, body parta, etc.); and a company thnt con-mrts Toyata Se.ians to ele~.~trie cars pow-ered by an arcay o[ lithium batterie.g simiJar to those uscd in luptop rnmpciters. • [n partnership with Sirti, who has led this groject, mtt several times with an intemational cngineering company who is considering establishing a presenec in the Spokane rrgion. In Scptember met atitti the company'a Cxecutive Vice President for Amcrican Operations, a representativc fram Governor's staff, and CCED officials tn exglote baw to movc the pcnject farward. Wc are Qleased with the potential of this opportunity and the recent pmgress. • Tourecf Spakane Caunty Nvith internationally-owned, Kanaas-based, hio-chemiral eompany. (.'nnfirmntion of sernnd visit is pending. If sPlected, Spokane with be the single lncation for this CUIIIpi1IfY in the Gnited States. 1 • Met twice with aMidwest hospitality company. They were ertremely impressed N,itli the 5pokane area as a eouiinunity pc,ised for eontinued grow[h. Representatives have been in che market a toC-A of three times, and ace explAring workforce hausing antl student housing opdons. • A contact center client rnacle a secunc~ Nqsit to Spokane. "Chey hitve reached capacity at their turrent location, and plan to move approacimately 200 employees ta the Spokwe area. A decisiou is expected ak the end of October ieith the facility• operational first quarter apo$. • Robiti 'loth, Uiuy Mallon and Amy Johnson participated in the Inteniadona] ]:;conomie DevelopmenC CUUncil tlnnua1 tileeting in Phoenix, anci met «7th numerous site location consultants and learned [he latesl' strategies far econarnic development professionals. Project,ti: • Wprked %.rith City of Cheney to secure the first win from this year's ComprehPnsive Fconomic Development Strat•egy (CEnS) process. '1'his .iwarel exceeclPd $t.4M and -,tirill be used for infrastructure for a new research and industrial park - a huge building block for the City• of Chency. • Greater Spokane [ncorporatecl worl:ecl with communiLy partners to officially launch the Spol:ane Regional Gigapop. The Gigapop «U serve as an important catalyst for the development of business, research acti-6ty and technology in our region. Pro~ertie.~ ~'hown b.y cluster County Spokane P03 pol:ane Valley Liberly L.ak~ Lhe ey an iloean 3rQt~2.o_07 _ Q~ _ .Q3.. .Q3 Manufacturin,g 4 0 ~ 4 1 ~ 0 TeehnolnKy o 0 ~ 2 5 I o Logistics ~ o ~ o ~ o a ~ o Healtlicare ~ 5~ O ~ 0 0 ~ 4 Shared Secvices ~ 1 ~ 31 ~ 24 ~ 20 ~ o Total ~ to ~ 3x ~ 28 ~ 26 ~ 4 Business Expansion/Retention Activnty o Since 2001, Greater Spokane Incorporated (EDC) has assisted ncarly 4n companie.s to benefit from the Community Empowerment Zone incentive, creating 1,22i new jpbs and bringing an average annual wage impact: Co the community c►F $43,7$3,839• Together, these companies 1»ve saved over $7 inillion. Spoksne Gommunit,y Lmpowerment 7A)ne ~ a vew s , Applicatibns Capital , ~ Fxpa nsion ~ CEZ , .;;yCompany I ~Uy~ ~.,.~"rl- 7 r. y o~TobSaN , PProved Prc~lecth ~n~s . I aoai 1 L I. .~$2,352,941.18 12 iz I~ tiao4,oo0 ~ 2002 ~ ii I S1,204,553-82 117 112 ~ $223,000 2003 5 I $2o,964,705•24 ~ 68.'i ~ 387 ~ $1,790,000 2004 2 I $780,333.00 6 2 I S64,200 ~ ; 2005 Ix I 524,110,000.00 244 40 I, $2,047,350 1 2006 I 7 ~ $29,750,000.00 1,J3 I 44 I $2,492,533 ~ 2007 2 I $2,325,000.00 6 I, 6 I $199,950 ~ ~ Total 40 I$81,4$7,533•24 I 1221 ~ 603 1 $7,021,033 2 im l?fd_~ide]G.~~~~ k oQZ 2007 YTIa TD ~ Lead Generatio ~ Recruitment I.eads* 144 143 93 ~ F.acpansion/Retention I.eads* ~ 91 171 14 . Yroject Leads* ~ 15 ~ 151 12 Total Ftankecl Recruitinent I.eads°' ~ 32 ~ 32 ~ 30 Total Long Term Recruit:ment I.sads* ~ 112 ~ 1ii ~ 63 Total Leads in PortColio4 168 175 li9 Recruitment Wins" 0 2 3 ~ Recniitment Taosses i ~ 21 6 1 I Expansion/Retentinn Wins 3 ~ 4 ~ 7 I Expansion/Retention Losses o ~ 0 0 Project VJins ~ ol 2 3 F'ro'ect Losses o 0 0 Proposals Developed 20 34 5z ~ Clir:nk Site Visits (outboun(l) ~ io 101 21 Client Site Visits (iiibound) ~ 4 ~ 12 ~ 21 $2•3 CEZ Czt itil 1'i-o'ects million $2.3 million $z.;; million osp Recruihucnt Direct Mail 91 1o6 162 Sitc Seleetor Contacts 5,711 11,275 16,632 ; I Earned Media Hits 43 72 99 ~ AdvFrtisiiig Equivalency ~ S85,034-93 $6Q9>238•35 ~ $638,238•35 ~ Circulation ~ $16,825 ~ 1,885,767 ~ 3,606,779 FAM Tours 1 a. i ~ Local Client MeetinKs 45 9i lul ~ RoundtablE Mecting 19 ~ 25 5:3 • Total ranked, long-term, cxpansiUn/retention, and pwjeCt !e.`td counts v^ary [rum quarter to Rttnrter, Hnd thcrcfure tlie tota] counts orily retlec[ those cturently in the pipeline. One announcement pending. PiJI13X..IC POLICY Regional Water Management Dialc►gue `1re continued our focused efforts to facilital:e a regional dialogus regarding one of ouc most pi-ecious resources... water. In Septeniber, we helped facilitate a Kegional Water Management Dialogue that was co-hosted by the City of Spokane and the, City of Post Falls. This event brought publie officials, the Washington C7epartment of Ecology, the 7claho Departmer►t of VVater Resourc;es, and other key stakeholtlers fr.om both sides of the border tagether to discuss issues and necessary steps to ensure ive - preserve this important regional resource. . 3 inland Northwest R.egional Transportation Summit ~ On Septcmber 19-20, we participated N.ith muldple stakeHolder's representing government, business, LJ and community groups chroughout the region, incluciing NOrthern Idaho ani3 the Palousc, in tlie Inland Northwest Kegional Transportation Summit. 'This Summit set ehe skage for ntral and urban 12uclers from the lnland Aiorthwest to discuss transpnrtation-related needs / issues and liow various parties can work collaboracively to idenrify and achieve t'ransportation antl economic development goals. WORKTOTtCE IaFVELOPMENT Teaching the Teaclicrs Workshops Greater Spokane Tncorporated held three teaching the teachers Nvorlcshops whieh provide practical hands on experience and e.Kposure Yo careers and training Prngrlms in the Spol:ane Region. 3o high school teachers and Gounselors from school districts in tlie region were given cotirs and presentations in the areas of manufacturing, aerospace, iwd health care. Lloyd Industries, Spol:ane International Airport, St. Luke's Kehabilitation Hospital, and the Community Culleges uf Spokane were some of the partners in [his project. CareerAwareness Campaign Distributed approxamately 300 packets of careec• awareness materials in the areas of manufactaring, aeibspace, tiealth care, and coustruction to the K-12 systein. CTrant CollaborAtion Worl:ing closely ancl ebllaboratively ~sith the Spolcane Area Vdorkforce Development Council, Greater ~ Spokane Ineorporated applied for and receivecl a grant extension of $20,000 for its Advanced D4anufacturing Workforce Initiative fiom the INashington State Workforce'.Craining and Fducation Coordinating Board. Workforce Nucum Appro,rimately 8o peoPle ;.►ttsncletl Lhe workforce forum with l:eynote spcakcr Karen Elzey of the US Charnber and Patricia Kemiatliorne of khe'a'Nviga N'oundation. Topics covered included t7exible workplace initiadves, generational workplace philosophie.s, and induslry ancl academia collaboration in cieveloping effective training program. s for a highly skilled Nvorkforce. Gonzaga Univei'sityand Wheatland Bank Nverc awarded meritorious awards for workplace tlexibilil•y pcograms. When Work V1TOrks: Greater Spokane :f.ncorporatecl w1s awarded a$io,ooo grant from the.I'a.milies and Wurlc Institute to implement an employer educaeion and recognition program foc;usecl on workplace flexdbility. 1I.AR.KETING • q total of,5,357 contacts «fth site consultants werP made in Qg. Both elecfi-onic and direct mail pieceS are sent to nadonal and inteiliational site consulcants monthly. • A tatal of 17 carned media hits werP aehieved in Q3, equaling over $29,004 in acherCising equivitlency, iN1th a total circulation rate af 1,721,012. Ads were placed in publications marketing %oi+tir.selectsnokane.com iveb site, and Spokane wa,s [eatured in several national public;ations ineluding another cnention in ForbPS, ancl a feature article in Business Fac:iliCies magazine. 4 • Greater Spokane Int;urporated is participating agsin this year wit;h I:he Spokane Regional Convsntiqn and Visitors Aui-eau on a Greater Spokane insert in Alaska Airlines Magazine. The publication N+Rll be in-flight in Februaiy 2008. • The Tdeation process was launched this motith at the Annual Meeting with the mission to energize creative thinlang and create a fresh approach to capturing the amazing opportunities 'within this region, wliile addressing the persisten[ clialle.nges. Ideas c.in be .zewed at %.netiv.neNN-i de:tsinw.com. • A new rivzce-monthly vrideo - The Acceferation Report, also launched at the Annual Meeting and Nvill market lhe Spol:ane region on YouTube. The second edition of 17ze Acceleration Report is now available online at %,v%+,w.greatersaol:ane.om,. BUSINESS RESOURCES Procurement Tech.nical Assistance Centcr • Assisted ten new clients this quarcer for a total of 40 YTD for Department of Defensc (lloll) contract period of 12/i/o6-9/30/07, exceeding the contract goal by 15. ConducCetl 46 counseling sessions «Zth existing clients this quarter for a total pf io9 YTD for poD cnntritet period 12/i/o6- 9/30/07, excee<.jing the contrlct goal by.5g. • Held six government contracting workshops with tota.l attendance Of ga, inCluding one in Ainvay f-Ceights; $577,540 Awards reported by clients for poD contract period 12/i/o6-9/30f o7, exceeding eontract goal by $277,540. • Launchec.i the "Cantract BIZ°" printed neNvsletter distributed to t''1'AC clients and to other busi.ness people interested in government contracting. BIZStreet Retiaurce Centcr • The new Home-based Business Coiinection had 74 attendees this quarter. Tlie group meets monthly to network, hear apresentation on an issue of inCerest and share experiences and best practices. • Networking 4Vorkshop Urought 30 attendces together to learn abaut e-xpanding their businesses through clevelopment of effective nerivorking skills. • A prinCPa BIJStreet nervsletter "I-Iard Copy" was lauuched and distributed primarily through financial instihitions. It is targcted to nannlembers of Urester Spoka.ne Incorporated to better inform oumers of srnall businesses ancl hopefiil entrepreneurs of the serviees available through Iii%Street. Total distribution is 1,500. . • Assisted 38o entrepreneurs by telephone and in pecson %%Rth uiformation and referrals to partner orgilill'LFiC1UCiS. 5 l% Greater 8oi W. Kavcrside, Suite ino, Spokane, WA 99201 ok5ne phone: 509.624.1393 or i.Bpp.SPOK.AANE Sp Fax: 509•747.0077 Incorporatecl Rd Lvww.s•reatersnok:weincorooritcd.ore, rhe Spokane Regional Site Selector Consortiuin Activitv R.euoi-t The Consortiuin launchcd selectspokane.corn to malce access to available regional real estate sites and business uiformation research as easy as a mouse-click. National site sclectors, corporate real estate cxeculives and businesses uitcrested 'ui expansion into the region have immediate acccss to available land and buildings, as well a.s market charactcristies such as demagraphics; workforce, spending, ete. `1`he N-veb site has been up and operating since June 13 or a total of 135 days. In that time, 4,518 individual users (about 33 daily) have accessed the site. These individual users have looked as 61,700 pages df propcrty aiid data - whicll averagcs about 14 page views per session. Users are spendiug beri,veen 5 and 15 minutes on the sile per visit. . What are tfiEy looking at? These users have asked for both sales and lease information on office property behwcen 8,000 and 31,900 sq. ft.; on industrial property betwcen 14,800 and 19,800 sq. ft.; for retail property between 7,000 and 19,000 sq. ft.; and warehouse praPerty bchveen 34,500 and 82,400 sq. ft. In addition to land and build'uigs, users liave aceessed sgecific demographic information 1,990 times and business clata 2,240 times. Users of t.his specialty wcb site copied more than 1,000 pages a f clata in cither aprinted or excel formatteci report. Fven with all of tlus tracking data, we are still working on how to determ.inc the location of the land or builclings searched - as City of Spokane Valley, City of I.,iberty. Lal:e, etc. The Consortium is a group of public and private organiiations, which can bc expanded. Current Consortiiun members are: City af Spokane; Spokauc County; City of T.,iberty Lakc; City of Spokane Valley; Grealer Spokane Incorporatcd; and Avista Utilities, while staffing mid management is provided by Washington State University Spokanc. ` ;