2007, 12-04 Study Session CITY ()F SPUkANE ``AI.LI:1" CCI"Y CO!?`(7L \4`UIttiSHEE'1' .STUnY SEssiON Tursday, Dcrrmbrr 4, 2007 6:00 p.m. CITY HAl..i. COCiNCIL CHAMBERS 11707 East tiprague Avenue, First Flnor (Ylease Turn (.)ff Att F..Iectr(inic Devices During !Lc Mceting) DISCUSSION I.FADTR SURlECt'/ACTI~ITY G()AL F.rnploirr fittriac.ftectir»►s: Aert Tlaomps•an intrcr.fucing Darr f)ujfi-; Afikz.hrcksan intrrrcfur. irig (~'Irns Thompson, .IoItn Nohmun Inlroduetng,41ary .ttqv, and Stciv ff•'orley iirtrodticrnb Kcrr kmitson 1. Dan Zimmcrcr.JuJy 1ourism Promotiou Arci TjnJinr M. .J;I Prcsentatinn/Uiscussion 1?0 minutesl ~11~ 'I•:CiC~ , 2. MO[gjlll KoUijCIk.1. I)f. l311 ,t~1 ~ ~t~ ~ }~T~: il'IIl:11iC>ll ~)ISL'll'~~IOII inn VonF_csen, nnd il<,bin 1o1h (20 minuk-~.► 3. 'MikclaCks.:ti. [')r. 19srkr--i f'rk,jr:t !'rr,rntati"' n,llisc 11 ;tiik %ri (!U minute>j i. ]uhn I-iohman. Olori,:Nlarit,•. tit~~crist~,ncr 'tt;~ni~al Pn~c;u.►ti~~~n~'L)i,cu~•nn ( I S tninutc,;) i. Crttg MCCttrmicG Nhn ;1mcntimcnts I~iS~_u~•:inn~ inir,nn;iti~fn (45 minutcs) Cottncilnlen;bcrs Denc>>rj: diid Out>idr ,1~:~r_~ !~~_i;titliu~~'i !~i't [':~is~~ !~)~>c.u,sil,n: f►titi~rmtiti;~i~ Gcrlhntnnn (10 minuk,) titsyror Wilhite Advance Agenda AddRions Uis,;ussioNlnf'onsiarinn S. :1,iati•ur Wilhitr l"iWl':11 (_11i'k !I1 ~~Iti~lltitil~!fl ~flt~~fTililt;~lfl L) . `filii: J2iCL~att1 f''ii~ r-fTiTRt nli DIsC1.L'-,5 1oR.-lr:tormatiOn :1 DJU li {t?Y Nuw: lln,lest olberwl►o notod aAovc, tfitrr N-iU bc no puhlir cammcntc At Cou»ci) Study Sessiuns. Howovcr, Couacil Wwtiys reservcs the rigbt to roqucst InformaNon from the publlr and saRRS oppropriate. Dunng mectingit hcid by Me City ef Spoknnc Valiev CAUMII, the Council resffva the cight ta ixkr "artiun" (m any itr.n listad ur suhsWuently ulded tr> the agtindx 'thc term "~rt~.nn" m: m1 to drllbrrnte, di-rCu-LS, fC%'ttW, mfl!7d[l. [4'SS19Lt, Qf !?1Ult Y (}fC1:ll+f ~!vt. .CTs- lnciividuale plxmiing to x=d rti: ircr;r ro r: :p:-.1.:I ~•.~.:,~a: a~.~.• :r~,; ,i~~:. ~c _I liraring, rir athcr ImfwIrmcRts G~Ic~~c co~~t3~i tF_!lhi'~:r1,s'iStlc.,u;i ii~:if~.• ,-i_ .~:i'•- . .n;,,n~crr.r, •,s•~'r.tnr,. 1 CI-TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: i=:~~.-_;~•~i;~:r -t :~:i;0;' City Managcr Siyn-off Item: Check ail that appiy ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new bus,ness j 1 pu~.!:c h•_ar~r~~ 1:niorm3tion M admin re;?ort I-! pending I?gis~at!r: n AGENDA ITEM TITLE' T-:-.ij;,7n A,La Funr,wj !,~cdel GOVERNING LEGISLATiON: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN BACKGROUND: A5 pe-r the attaci,eci 5epteilib2r 62001 Ietier srarn the TFA, tiie 1ur.cJin,a model is set to "sunset" at the end of 2008 Also attached is a copy of the page of rt,r ciocument outlining the sunset of the TPA agre",--~:,c ~ r,:- Ti~;~,. ~,ro~•:;~nc~ ~f)a* ~n ifle ~~1~ Ci_:fl~;_. ~f~~v'I?.IC'fl IS '~~'.7((:_'~ -';~fl~'f ~I~'F~~~r'~'~ ffl 'S - ~__;~Ifl~'/ ~~{J''Ufllc-ll•., ;u'fl!;_:f'. ~i :3'~O (1 BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT ATTACHMENTS: TPA September 6, 2007 letter Spokane Valiey document paye Spokane Counri document page ITIP.A ' _i _.~:•I::nTI,.L'..R.ta C:+'JI/TT' rnr h+f- _ft--_' M rrn DrL., Scptcniber d, 2007 RECE VED Spokane County Commissioners DCT - I 2QQ7 City of Spokane ~,,;>~:~~~_~-::~<<~ City of Spokane Valley 1)ear Cnmmissianets and City (;ouncil Members, many of }rou are aware, tltc Tourism Promotion An:a (TYA) funding modcl is set to "sunset" at the end of 2408. To date, the TPA has raised mare than $4,800,000 to help marlet S}x&inc County to the region, nation and to the worid. The Sgoknne Regional CVB, the Spoka,ie Regional Sports C-0mmissian and countless other funciing recipients such as yallcyf'est, Dixicland Jazz Fescival, Fair & Expo Center, Northwest Must-um of Arts & Culturz, Aluu►ij->sl:tv. Blucwaters Bluegrass resaval, Junior National Hadminton, Artfest and of course US Figurc Skating Ghampiontihips are just a few of the many orgffiuzations and events which ha% r t~cc,r positively affecied by the TPA. All of theso Qrganizations combined have successfullN- oenf:TBted illf,il~~?Ilik fif c:ilrjitilirt:!~ fii'rf1 il!t!~ltti !11 C~~[~~,.,Ifi~ ~~~~!11I'', i~1i°'.'C{\' ii;t5(~i t'1i• ;?-,'r~i~ WIISI (XG'atCd_ - i'a reviow tiie baCk~i;rOuuki Of 111C 1 PA; in 2003 tLc,pukaiic Luuuiy l1uteLNlutcl Associatio!1 +3etermined that Spokane County did not have mough money to cffcctively niarket the regi, ~ I I leiqure travel, spnrting events,And conventions. We needed to be more competitive and wer:, Io3ing ground. The assbciatian had_ hvo choiees; the first was to cncowage its msrketing 1)IiCtI1C7s, the Spokane Regional CVB and_the Spokune Regionnl Sports Cammission to ask f~ 1- more lodging tax money &om Sgokane County and the individual cities. 'Tho second ch, lo rreate a new funding model wtuch wou]d add additional revenues to lhe carrcnts f c0ming from the 2°% "Eiod Tax". Such a modcl was found in Secrwmcnto, CalifornLa. ;1fter thousagds of volunteer hours frcma individual hotelicrs, legal representatian frc~in associadon and the help of thca Senator Jim West, the TPA wa.s cnncted into Iaw i.n Was:::: titate. 'i'his new legislation cmated the oppvrtunity For Spokane Gounty hoteliers to assess a fez ou occupied hotel ruoms in ordcr to generate additionnl funding for tourism marketiing. Aficr rrleeting with each of the ciries and the county, intedocal agrcements were signc:d and the cuntrolling aulhority was desigutted to Spakane County. T'PA armmissioners were selected li-om liotels around the region (four from the City of Spokane, two fram the City of Spokane ~,'alley and two from Spokane Cnunty) and the first TPA collections began in July of 2004. -Since thcn, slmost evcry majur city in Washington Sta#e has enacted a TPA and just last month the Stnie of Monians ciid the very same thffig. It's a grcat model and we are pmud to have heen the first orgunilation to hrina it to the Northwe.t_ !:s letter is more than a history Icsson, it is a formal requGSt to renew the TPA now, and 'i _iunate the sunset clause. The primsry reason ac are addressing this now (instead of Julyl, ~03) is that both of our regional mariceting organizetions, the Spaknnc Regional CVB and the ilolcane Regional Sports Commission are bidding on groups which art far inta the fuhire. F,ach ofthese organixxtions needs the agsurance that apprapriate funds will be available in order for tl;em to bring homc the business. Bidding on large groups or team evenls often requires these ~,rganizaiions to "commit" funds to scrure the business (The CVB and the Sports Commissioii arc negotiating such events cuirently for 2014 and 2012 respectively). The return on this i ~ivestnient is dramatic campared to the funds committed, but neither of our organizations can COmmit fully to wotk on this future bu,incss wit3iout knovving for certain that our funding ilirough the rI'A will indeed contin{ic. Vie feel strongly that we hsive been dilige,}t in ilic pruper disu-ibut;oFi uf theSC lu,ids, bavi L;cFCd in aocordance with the law and therefore fcel ihere is no neod far the "suaset claus8". Ai the time this clause was requcsted, the TPA wa9 brand new, with no history and therefore so m) e 11•lc chat caution was nceded. There is plcnty of history now, and it's very good histoi-.. By camparisan, Spakanc Cuunty is the only Tf'A in the state to have a snnset clausc. In rc`riewing this rencwal, plcase remenber thnt the Spokane Counry Cammissioncrs ;t:l! l~<►vr the final oversight and can refuse to aocept the fimding recommendarions from the TP,A cpmmisslOIICf3. In Adciition, the simple majority of hotels in Spokane County can votc tu disestablish the TPA if they feel it is no longer heneficial in increa-qing rrxom nightg in Slx.~k:tnc f-'otlllt V. \V:; :irc askin4; tliat car.h (_'ity aloiig with tipuk-anc c'oursly Iitit ihc I'I'.1 on yo►ir agcnb5 to discuss and vote upon the renewul, withaut the sunsc;t clause as soon as passible. New huMl)el~s depencis on it! For your convenicuce, we h3ve attacheci lhe appr+,priate cl,>ctiments wiih tlie changes we are requesting laighlightc(f. We are very protui of the fsei thAt ow- iniiustry fuuttii a (:reutivc: %vay tu .iddrrss vur uwii fur;din ~ issues aatl did not rely on lucal govcmments to solve them. WC CfiIl10 tD aII Of yUli WIth H SoIUfit -11 und it Ias been an ext;taordinary succ:ess! 1hank you and we look fonvard to the eontinue:.l _growth oftoutri5m, CuDVentions snd sj)ortin.i, cvcr;ts in ti1iokdine ('uwnty 011;311 11 1;ic rruc%~;il vt- thcTouris-mProTnr,tioti 4Cc4! 11lll:i:Tl: l': . 'FPA GomniissiOnc rs 1Zo4~ crson Dean Peldmeier Rita SantiIlanes /V~ ~ , ~ ~ - (~i Wayne Paupst liz Bec Jo San f ~ r . SpnkHne '+'alle; dncumant I Of CQUlily C,Ullllll!»:0I1::C5 iV ;11:`•'.~ill:y'~_`f l~!ii~5:i!_1~(~~l 1il? 1 iJ:'~ :~:C pi::l1Cl[).i'.'.11L IOCaI LOt'CI1171W111i re:enre tha nght to withtiraw irnni ;iiiy aizrcc:lie:r.t tip(-An tllt'ec (3) ^7Unth5 rmtic~- to'fie othur pd;ticipating local govcrnments. C' . In thc event ehe resiAuti011 P101WIses discstuliiisji+nc:it uf tlie Spokanc (:oi►nty 'l'ourism Pramation Area, tlie Board af Coui7ty Cummissioners of Spokane Couniy shall Liisestablisli the Spokane County Tourisrn Pt'omotipn Area; unless az such public hearing, prctcs: against disestaUlishment is mada by the Operxtors of Lodgiuc, Businesses paying over fifty Percnt (50°•() tlf dle CC„'CI,0 Asticss[I:_IllS III (hC S}iek-;ii:t C17L'iily TOtICl5'T; PIUIIIn(IoT1 ACZS. 8, Ll15CtIIH-11201l5 i'[QVISIOIIiz' A. Duralion AndTcmunetion ot 'ii:s ivL:ccR1CilI. (1) 1Ii15 ACCL'CT[iZC:I5I1aI1 con[iW"It: in l'ull force and eftect uN.il such time as the Spokane County Tdurism Promotion E1rea is Liisestablished by action of the Board of Cotuity Commissioners of Spokane County as provided in Section 7 above. This agrczment stuall eYpirc Decembec 31, 2003, I'ROVmED, it may be rxtcncied in increments of thrm years by cunsent of Spokane County, City of Spukane, and City ni Spokane Valley, expressed cither by resalution of'thc Icgis{ative bady or written :spproval of its chief executivc ofGcer. The timing of si,ch consent should ue caardinnted wittt the needs uf :he Washington Statz nepartmeiit of Revrnue. (3) Following ternlination of chis Ayrecment, Spokane Count}, sl1all be responsible far utiliring flny remuiiiin$ unallocated rz<<enue fmm Speclal Assessments far use for tourisni prontotion in Spokane County. B. Waiver. No affctr, employcr, or Agent af Spokarie Counly, Spokane, or Spokane Vailey i»s the power, right, or authority to waive any ofthe condisions or provisions of this Aarccrncnt. Na wciivcr of any brEach af this Agreement by Spokane County, Spokane, or Spokane Va!ley sball be held to be a waiver of any othrr or subscquertt hrtach. Failure of Spokane County, Spokane, nr Spokane Valley to enforce any of the pmvisions ofthis Agremcat -)r to require pcrFormance of any oCthe provisions herein, sfiall in no waybe canstnied tobe a A aiver of such conditions, nor in any %ti-,ly Cffect the validity of Ihis Agreement ar eny part hcrcof, ar the right of Spokane County. Spokane or Spokane Valley to hereafter enforce each and ..V-rV "ich pcovision. C. - l2ecards. All rzcards prcparcd, owr.ed, usecl or retained by che TPA Mannger in conyui:e:toon with operating ar ndministering the activitics aud prograns af the Spokane Cour11; I-aurism Promatioii Area as provided for under the terms ot'this Agreement shall be desmed records of 5pokunt County, Spol:anc, aud Spokane Vallcy and shnll be modc available by thc: ; !'A i'vfanager tipun rztluest 'r. ~j,~'..n_• c:',.~,~, ~F:,~,, ';,~r!:,.,. ;1! . ~'.:t~~ A.,.iitor o; ;I:ell iu!honzrcl rzpresenlati•.:;. fa. Praoertv and EouiU;ut»t_ 5pol;.iiir C:uunty Slia,l 'uc ;lt~ ~«ner oi all property aid pitrcl?352L~ bv 1I1? TPA Nt:n-laqer from Spzcial Assessment Ke%enues. Provided, - - I:•,;:"~1~1~-11~~:_,1~IY~•{i r~-3~1:~i•4-3~1-~;c-ii~,\ I -._,i . _ I~ Spokane CounCv docurenc 4 0141 f nc. Pmvidcd, however, the penatty providcd for under the terms of this Section shall be in additian to any ottier pruvisians provided far by law. SEl'I'ION NO.11: MiSCELLANEUUS 'i'ho Board of Couaty Comcaissioners of Spokana County anticipate ndapting tmder Resolueion Na. 04- 0170, to be pa.ssed and adopted on March 2, 2004, a Uecision captioned: '7N THE MATI'ER OF ADOPTING A RESOLUTION OP IN'TIIMON TO fiSTABLLSH A TOLIRISM PROMOTInN ARFA IiAVING C'ERTAIN BpL1NDARIES" whercin the Board will approved a Resolativn of Intcation to Establish a Tourism Promotion Arca having crztain boundaries w inclvde tlwse of the City of Spokanc, ('ity of Spokanc Valley and unincorpocated areas of Spokinc Caunty. In anticipation of this acdoa, the Boud of Comnty Commissioners has sct Mar+ch 9,2004 at 2:00 p.m.. ar as sooa as poasible therafter, in the Pubtic Works Building, Commissioner's Assembly Room as the date and time for a I'obGc hearing on ;,n OrdinAnce ta formnIly cstablish a Toeaism Prnmution Area. SLCTION NO.12: EF'FF.C'fIVE UA'I'F. This Ordinance shall tnke effect as soon as the Nashingcon State Ikpartmcnt of Revenue is capable of aduunistering the Ortiiaance as sct forth in written docunr-ntation received fram the Depurtment, It is it anticipated thal the effwtiva date will be the enrlia of April 1. 2004, May 1, 2004, Jura 1. 2004, ar laly 1, ' 2004. S8C7'ION N0.13. 11KRMINATION This Ordinanee shall continue in full fore nnd cffect until Deccmbcr 31, 2008, at wluch timc it shull autamntically sunset, unless the Spokane County Tourisrn Promotion Arca is disestablished 'm whole ar part as provided for in Sectian No. 6 hereinabove prior to such daGe. Tbo On3innnco will automatically bc extcndcd in thrcc (3) yCar incremcnts beyond I3cccmbt;r 31, 2008 if all three kgislntive bodies evidence lhea joint iptention to have their baundarie,s, or in the case af Spokane County the unincorporated arca, retnain in the Spokane Connty Tovrism Promotion Area. Evidence Qf Such intcnt'son to rernain in the Spolcnnc County Tourism Prnmotion Arett and e:ttcnd the provision af this Oniinnnce sheU be in the fotin of a tesolmion sigaed by the logisletlve lxxiy/mayar or wriuan approval of its ctuef executive officer/Bduunistratodmnnnger seni by certificd m:iil lo the Claflc af tfie IIoard of SpukIIne County. Such reso[utian or wriucn approval must be received by the Clerk of the Board an ar before July l, 2008, fdr the inidal tercv, ot six (G) mooths priar tb the cxpiracion dnte of any three (3) yeu cxtctuiuu. Ip tltc cvent this Ordinance is extended as provided for herem it shnll not be necessary to eonduct nnother Notice of Intenticm Hearing ns provided for in RCW 35.101.030 or adnpt n aew Ordinancc as gravided for in RC:W 35.101.080. SE;C'I'IOh` NO. 13: SCVE RAI3ILITY II any part or provision of this Ordinance, (,t iLs applicatina tu ;uty pcrsun ur cin umsiancc is hcld inv-slid, it is the in[ent oF the Doard •of County Commissioners of Spokanc County dwt the rcnualnder of this Ordinance, or iLe applicatian of Qie provisions to altcrpetsons or circnrnstancrs is nat aft-cted. ...:s rlny persvci ma), ap[x:ar pt the timc, place and d. te sat forth herzinabove and present testimoay ut fa•rnt o1 or in oppasition to.t~ proposed Onlinance, 'Ihe g.oard of Counry Camrnissioners has cancludal }'agc - 7 - - I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 4, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information Z admin. report ❑ pending tegislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Site Selector Presentation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Administrative report made to Council on October 3, 2006 by the Spokane Area Economic Development Council (EDC); informational item presented to Councit on October 24, 2006; Demonstration to Council on May 8, 2007. BACKGROUND: The Spokane Area EDC previously asked the City to participate in the site- ~ ~ selector tool project for a period of three years. This tool was promoted as a way of enhancing _-economic development marketing effarts in the region, acc4rding to the EDC. Council agreed to fund the project for one year (2007-the second year of the project) and asked the EDC and project team to report back at the end of the year with the progress and success of the tool, before deciding on future funding. OPTIONS: Agree to participate in the site selector tool project for the period of 2008; Decide to discontinue participation. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: NA BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: $21,000 budgeted in 2008. STAFF CONTACT: Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst ATTACHMENTS: ' Amended site sElector agreernent . ~ .~...n~a «~*..~►uraJ ~t• . ~ ,'+p'~ ' ♦ ~ ~ i at WA ~ L s O R , . , o• e oo• A . . , . _ - ~ Spok.ine Regional Site Sclcctor Agenda for Spokanc Valley City Council . December 4, 2007 Jaitroduction- Dr. Kcriy 13rooks ~ R.egional Site Selector Upciate- Jar. Keny Broolcs - Greatec Spokane Inc -12obia Toth Direct Commercial l'3rokers Association Select Spokane vs Choose Wastungton Site Sclcctor Activity RepUr-i FuRirc Upgrades- Dr. Ket-ry Bi-aaks Enhanced Reporting Options , \ , Greater 8ot VV. I'Liverside, Suite too, Spokane, bVA 992oi 'i i kdne • Phune: 50 9.624.1393 or i.Boo,SPOKANB Spo Fax: 509•747.0077 Incorporated ,M u-ntiv.ereateisookancinrnroorated.orL The Spokarle R.egional Site Sclectar Consortium Activitv Report Thc CoitsortiLmi l~~unched ww%v.selectsnokane.com to makc access to available regional real estate sites anci business inforniatian rescarch as ea..~y as a mouse-click. National site . selectprs, corporate real estatc executives anci businesses interested in eYpansion into the region have immcdiate access to available land and buildings, as well as market characteristics sucli as dernUgraphics, workforce; spencling; etc. The web site has been up and operatin; since .iune 13 or a total of 135 days. In that time, 4,514 inciividual usecs (abaut 33 daily) have accessed the site. .These inciividual uscrs have lookcd as 61,700 pages of property and data - which aver:-iges abaut 14 page views per scssion. Use.rs are spending behveen S and 15 ininutes on the site per visit. . What arc they looking ai? `1"hese users have asked for both sales and lease information on ' office prpperty behveen 8,000 and 31;900 sq. ft.; nn inclustrial property behween 14,800 and 19,800 sq. ft.; for recail propcrty bet-,veen 7,000 ancl 19,000 5q. ft.; and warehouse properly berween 34,500 ancl 82,400 sq. ft. in addition to land aucl buildings, uscrs have accessed specific demographic in('ormation 1,990 tuiies and busincss data 2,240 times. Users of th.is specialty wcb site copied more thFUi 1,000 pages of data ui either a printed or excel formacted report. 13ven wilh all of This tracl:ing data, we are still warlcing on how to deteriuine the lacatiqn of the land or buildings searched - as City vf Spolcarle Valley, C;ity of.T.:iberly T_.alce; etc. The Cocisortiuni is agroup of public and private orgaiuzations, whic.h can be expanded. Current Consortium niembers are: City of Spnkane; Spokane County; Ci[y of I iberty Lake; City of Spokanc Valley; Greater Spokane Incotporatecl; and Avista Utilities, wlule stai'fing and management is provided by Washington State University Spokane. ~ . . ~ . v jo'7 0'75'7 r BHI'ORE TF-IE BdARD OF COWi 1'Y CONfvIISSIONERS or sFOKANE coiJNTY, \Va,sxrrrGToN IN THEj'AtTTER OF EXFCUI'ING AN ) • Ai\tENDMEiVT 7'O TII:E AGR,EE:IiENT FOR THL ) SPpKr1iNE RE GIONAL Sl fE .SFT.,ECTOR WITH tiVASH[NGTpN S'1'ATE W NERSITY,1'1-IE CITY ) R E S U L U T I ON OF SPOICEINE, A.VIS1'A CORPORATION, ) - GRF.ATFR SPOKANF INCORPORATEll AND ) TH.E Ci'fY OF SPOKA.NE VALLEY ) . WIIERFAS, pursuant ta the provisions of RCW 36.32.120(6), ihe i3oarcl of County C',orrunissioners of Spokane County (hereinaflcr sometimcs referreci to as die "i3oard") has the care of County pruperty and the mailagement of Couuty f.urxis and btuiness; and NVHEREAS, pursu.wt ta the above refercnced stafute, the Board executed Spokane County Resniution \TO. 06- 0467 uncier which the Coimty agreed to provide certain finaacial resources along w2th other public and Private entities (ttte Consortium) to fiznd the Spokane Regional Site Selector website -,vhich allows citizens aud businesses access to i.nformation on avuiJzble commercial properties, business locations, lanci based GiS informatiou, demograptuc and iriarket infommtion; and , WHE1tEAS, the City of Spokane Valley desires to becomc a meRiber of the Consortium and financially garticipate in the mnintenance of the Spai:ane Ttegional Site Selettor wfiich tivill ha<<e the eiTect of reducing the County's financial participation iu Year 2 anti Year 3. ~\TOR', TI-YN;1tE'FORE, BE TT fiERFBY FtLSOLVED Uy,thc Board of County Commissioners of Spokane Gounty, that cither the Chairinan of dis ]3oarci, ur a majority of the Buarcl, be and is tiereby authorized tn execute that dacuinent entided "Amendnient #1, 00RD# I06843 be and bettiveeri WASI-lLvGTON STATC UNIVEiLS1TY, SPOKANE COLNTY, C1TY OF SPOK,ANE, AVISTA CORPORAIZON, and the SPOKAI'G " AR-EA FCONOhIIC DEVELOPMEv'I' COUNTCIL (Grceter Spolcane Incorporated)" pursuant to which the City of Spok.ne Valley tiWill become a member of thc Consottiurn particiPating ui the maiutenance of the Spokane itegiona] Site Selector Nvhich will have the effect of reducing the County'S financial partieipativn in Year 2 and Year 3 in funding the Spokane Regional Site Selector. ' PASSFD AND ADOf''LE n this day of'i~~.~ ; 2007. OV Coty,y~ BOARI~ OF CdUI~dTY CObi fISSIONE1tS o~;g c~GS~'~a~ C~F SPOKANE CO 4SHINGTON . . ~fe.. •MrU2.K RICIiA12.D, Chau• A77E51': a,f„~ •'sra~.•'' ~;r • ~ ~ 130\NIE 14AGBK, Vice Ctiair Daniela Erickson Clcrk of the Board - TODD MlELKF, Coivmissioner , , . ~ Page 1 uf 1 - . Arnendment #1. - : ' OGRn# 106843 by and betwE;en «ASITN(:TON STATE iINIVERSj'TY, SPOKAl\TE COU"NT'Y, CiTX OF SPQKANE, AVISTA CORPOFtATI(7N, and the SPOICANF ..ARI:A r;CniNOviIC DEVELO:k'I1:LENT C4i11'CIL, (hereinafrer, "fyarties") W1iERE•1S: An Agreerncnt was entered into on the 14th day of July, 2006, Nvith a perfonnance period commencing, July 14, 200fr and terminatinb Decer»ber 3 I, 2005. NQW T'HF:RFFQRE: All parties desire td continue the collaboral:ion and anlend the Agreement as E'olloNvs: Due to integration with the SpC►karte Regional Chambcr of Commerce, the Spokane Area Economic DEVeloprnent Cotuleil is riow known as Greater Spokane Incorporated. As Permitted in Seccion 4(A) the Parties ap ee to add the City of Spokane Valley as a public sector Consoil:ium inernber. As an acided pariy to this A.greement, the City oPSpokane Valley sgrees to and will be held to all ternis ar►cl conditions of this Agreement The City of Spokane Valley will eontribute to the, costs of the Spokane Area Site Selector as set forih be(ow in the rcvised Table 1. 'l'hese adclitional funds shall not iticrease the project's budget, bul' instead will revisc the other puUlic sector commitments for years hvo ttncl three as folfnws: Ta.ble .Z. Fcsblic Sector SharQs Based on Wa OFM Poou.lation Estimatos Year Spokane City of City of City of Private Yearly Caunty Spokanc Liberty Spokane Sector Project Lake Val].ey Totals Year 1 $39,545.90 $58,053.27 $1,317.82 0 $10,000.00 $408,908.01 Yeas 2 $29,078.59 $39,333.88 $1,132.60 $20,305.98 $10,000.00 $94,051.00 • Year 3 $29,078.59 $39,333.88 $1,132.60 $20,305.98 $10,000.00 $99,851.00 Small City tiTeinbcrship. A.ll sma(1 ciey membcrs that join will be represented and managed (including annual billittg) through Greater Spokarie Inc. Appendix I3 has been rcvised to include the City of Spokane Valley as a public sector Consorl:iuin member and tn chanbe the name of tlle Spokane Area Econornic Development Council to Greater SUol:ane Incorporated. All other terms and conditions of the original agreement and any and all amendments. tllereto remain in full cffec.t. ' J TN WITNESS `VHIaRF0:F: DATF.Ia this day of 12007. C:iTY OF SPOItANE Vf1I.,i..FY David Mercicr, Cilty Vlanager ATTEST: Christine $ainbridge, city eie,-k . APPROVLl7 AS 1'O FORv10N'LY: C~ Office of the City Attorney l ' , . ~ No. , 6 0467 . $FFORE THE ROA.RD OF COUNrY COiMMISSIONERS OF SFOIC.ANE CQT.JNTY, `V 4SH",CN'GTpN ~ IN RE 'I'HF, APPROVAL AND EXECUTION OF AN AGEtELMENI' FOR '17-T.E SPOK.AINE REGTONAL SITE SELECTOR WITH R FSO LiI T I O N ' WASHINIGTON STATE UNIVEItSITY, THE CTTY OF SPOKt1NE, AVISTA CORPORe1TIOt-4, ANll THF SPOKA,NF AI2HA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL ' WHEREAS, pursuant to RC`%'V 36.32,120(6), the Bohrd of County Commissioners of Spok4ne County has the care of County property and rnanagement of County funds and business; and VVHEREAS, Washington State University, Spokane County, the City of Spokane, Avista Corporation, and the Spokane Area Economic Development Couhcil are desirous of establishin5 the Spolnne Regional Site 5elector Consortium, of which they shall be the constituent membcrs, fnr the piupose of developing and maintaining an economic developtnent web site, which will allow ciNzens . and businwses aeee,es lo information on availab[e commcrcial properties, business locatioils, land based GIS inforrnation, demographic and market information; and WMItEAS, in ortler to accamplish saitl purpms, Ian Von Essen, Manager of Spokane Counly's ' Geugraphie Infornation Systems Program ancl Spokane County's Economic Development Divisian has recommended that Spokane Counry enter into the attached AgTCCmcnt far the Spokane Regional Site Sclec:tor. - NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED that: ' 1. Spokane County shall enter into the attached Agreement for the Spokane Regional Site Sclector; and 2. A majority of the Board of County Commissioiiers, or the chairman of the Board acting on behalf of the Board, is hereby attthorized to execute said Agreement, and all amendments and change ' ordcrs thcrcto, at nther than a publie meeting. AnQ1?`['FD by the Baard of Counly Ctimm.issioncrs of Spokanc County, Washington fhis 6th day of Junc, 2006. - , a~ CoNO 1sslo O y . ' 67 . • odd Mielke, Chair . ~r,~' 5E1~i; • c~ . ATTES'I': Vlark Richard, Vicc-Chair Daniela Erickson . Harris, Commissioner Cleik of the goard . - , ~ Submtt to Clerk of the Board with accompanying paperwork (Resolution, Agreements, etc.) AGENDA SHEET ~ SUBMITTING DEPARTMENT: Economic Development Division & ISD-GIS Division ' CONTACT PERSON: Steve Harris, lan Von Essen, & Erik Skaggs PHONE NUMBER: Steve Harris 477-7103, lan Von Essen 477-6344 CHECK TYPE OF MEETING ITEM BELOW: BELOW FOR CLERK'S USE ONLY: 2:00 PM CpNSENTAGENDA: ❑ Clerk's Resolution No. BY LEAVE: ❑ ~-Q Approved: MajorftylUnanimous Denied: MajoritylUnanimous 5:90 PM LEGISLATIVE SESSION: ❑ RonewsJAmends No. BY LEAVE: ❑ Publlc Works No. . ' Purchasing Dept. No. SPECIAL SESSfON; ❑ , AGENDA T1TLE: The approval and execution of ai Agreement for the Spokane Regional Site Selector with Washington Staie University, the City of Spokane, Avista Corporadon, and the Spokane Area Economic Development Council. BACKGROUND (Attach separate sheet(s) if necessary): The Spokane Regional Site Seiector project establishes a Spokane Area GIS based Site Selector Website wtiickt allows ,citizens and businesses access to available commercial properties, business locations, land-based GIS information, and demographic and market information. Ths Spokane Regional Site Selector i vvebsite will be a resource to local and imported business and economic development. 7he project leverages fhe communities' existing fnvestments Pn GIS to foster economic development, empower developers and investors with informatron, and improvQ regional economic development capacity. ~ RECOMMENDATION: lan Von Essen, Managdr of Spokane Countys Geographic information Systems Program and Spokane County's Economic Development Division, highly recommends that Spokane County enter into the attached Agreement for the Spokane Regional Site Selector for fhe reasons cited above. FISCAL IMPACT: The initial fiscal impact to Spokane County for the first year of the Site Sefector Project is $39,545.90. Costs for year two are $33,922.00 and for year three are $33,922.00 with no additional agencylmunicipality participation. Spokane County is currenUy funding 36% of the total proJect costs which is based on the size of our unincarporafed population. As more participant municipalities Jnln in the effort Spokane County's portion of the total project costs will continue to drap tvith the amount of that drop dependant on the population of that municipality.' SfGNATURES: - ~ r - Depa►tment Head/Elticted CIf'f(cfal or Marshall Farnell Doslgnated AuthoNty (Requesting Agenda Item) Chfef Executlve Officor ' DISTRIBUTION AFTER COMMISSIONER ACTION: ❑ This item needs to be codified in the County Code Book. AGREEMENT FOR THE ; SPOKANE REGIONAL SITE SELECTOR - 'THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and among WASHINGTON STATE. UNIVERSITY, an institution of higher education and an agency of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at P.O. Box 643140, Pullman, WA 99202, hereinafter referred to as "University", SPOKANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 1116 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99260, hereinafter referred to as "County,G the CITY OF SROKANE, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices fvr the transaction of business at 808 West Spokane Falls Boulevard., S.pokane, Washington 99201, hereinafter referred to as "City" and AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 1411 East Mission . Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99220-3727, hereinafter referred to as "Avista", and the - SPOKANE AREA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CO.UNCIL, a federal 501 c(6) entity, ' defined as a business league as an association of persons having common business interest whase purposes is to prnmote the common business interest, having offices for the transaction of business at 801 West Riverside Avenue, Suite 302, Spokane, Washington 99201, hereinafter referred to as °SAEDC"; jointly hereinafter referred to as the "Parties.u ' WITNESSETH: . - WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisivns of RCW 36.32.120(6), the Spokane County Board of County Commissioners has the care of County property and the management of County funds and business; and WHEREAS, it is in the interests of the Parties to mutually participate in this project; NOW, THEREF4RE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises set forth hereinafter, the Parties do mutually agree as follows: ~ 1. ESTABLISHMENT OF SPOKANE REGtONAL SITE SELECTOR ' CONSORTIUM: . . The Parties hereby establish the Spokane Regional Site Selector Consortium . (hereinafter referred to as the "Consortium") as described on Appendix B. The purpose of the Consortium is to establish a comrnunity partnership that facilitates development of an economic development web site. The Consortium Oversight Committee (see (513) , below) establishes the responsibilities of each Consortium member with regards to the implementation and the maintenance of the Spokane Regional Site Selector application and associated data and establishes the financial commitment of each Consortium member to the Spokane Regional Site Selector. The Consvrtium's purpose is also to ~ ensure the products of the Consortium are effective and useful. 1 ~ 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF GIS WEB BASED SfTE SELECTOR: The. purpose of this Agreement is the establishment a GIS web enabled site selector tool for use in attracting and retaining companies in the region. In order fo meet grvwing demands for immediate access to data that site selectors require,-as well as to assist .the SAEDC in preparing proposals for prospective clients, it is propo'sed that the Consortium will purchase an off-the-shelf site selector application from GIS Planning Inc. For clarification purposes, this is NOT the State of Washington's limited version of a GIS Planning web-based site selection tool. This is expressly about the GIS Planning Inc. toof that has been under study by the Spokane Regional Site Selector Consortium. Support for this tool and its implementation and local maintenance will be provided by University, with Universiry faculty leading and supervising these efforts as further described in Section 5C. ' 3. OVERVIEW OF SPOKANE REGIONAL SITE SELECTOR: The Spokane Regional Site Selector project establishes a GIS based Site Selector website which allows citizens and businesses access to available commercial properties, business locations, land based GIS information, demographic and market information. The Spokane Regional Site Selector website will be a resource to local and imported businesses and regional economic development. The project leverages the communities' existing investments in GIS to foster economic development, empower developers and investors with information, and improve regional economic development capacity. The site selector data layers and functionality are identified in Appendix A. 4. CONSORTIUM MEMBER COMMITMENTS FOR THE SITE SELECTOR: A. The Consortium is an open group of public and private organizations committed to the creation and ongoing maintenance of the Spokane Regional Site Selector. As an open consortium, it can be expanded to include new members and will . actively solicit new members during its existence. There are twQ types of Consortium members, public sector organizations and private sector . organizations. New public sector members of the Consortium with populations . above 20,000 will be added by amendment to this agreement. All other public sector members will be categorized as small communities. New private sector members will be managed by SAEDC as further described in Section 46. To . host locally relevant infrastructure and land management information on the _ Spokane Regional Site Selector, an agency must be a member of the Consortium. Consonant with the membership types, there are finro models for the distribution of costs to support the Spokane Area Regional Site Selector, as described in Sections 4B and 4C. B. PUBLIC SECTOR FUNDING COMMITMENTS: The distribution of costs for Public Sector organizations wifl be based on the official annual population count as defined by the Washington State Office of Financial Management for the geagraphic area that public sector arganization • `serves; for instance, the City of Spokane's percentage share is based on its . . 2 . population share of the entire county's population. Spokane County's share is County population less that of the incorporated areas and so forth. This arrangement will be revisited annually through budgetary analysis and can be modified by an amendment to this agreement: The distribution of costs presented in Table 1.0 below details the existing ' consortium members' initial financial commitments to the Spokane Area Regional Site Selector for 1) software acquisition and online application maintenance and service, 2) data acquisition integration and maintenance, 3) real estate data managernent, and 4) fiscal management. . Table 1. Publlc Secror Shares Based on t Apr 2005 WA OFM Estimates Year Spokane City of City of Private Yearly County Spokane Liberty Sector Project ' Lake Totals Year 1 $39,545.90 ~$58,053.27 ~$1,317.82 $10,000.00 ~$108,908.01 Year 2 $33,922.00 ~$49,799.12 I$1,137.88 ~$10,000.00 ~$94,851.00 Year 3 $33,922.00 I$49,799.12 I$1,137.88 ~$10,000.00 ~$94,851.00 C. PRIVATE SECTOR FUNDING COMMITMENTS: At this time private sector organizations will not have a similar metric for their contribution. Instead, private sector contributions to the Consortium will be managed by,the SAEDC and its public and private member communiiy. Private sector funding commitments will be a minimum contribution of $5,000 annualfy. It is agreed that Avista Utilities will provide $5,000 per year for the first three , years, as a direct contribution to the Private Sector's portion of the site selectors costs outlined above. SAEDC will allocate $5,000 of its annual budget to the private sector portion along with Avista's $5,000 for a total commitinent of $10,000 qer year for the first 3 years. Additionai Private Sector funds to be applied to site-selector implementation and maintenance will be the responsibility of the SAEDC to solicit and obtain from other Private Sector sources in the . region. Table 1.1 Private Secfor Contributlons Avista Spokane ' Area Site Utilities EDC Private Total Private Sector Selector Private Sector Funds Committed . Project Sector Contribu#ion . ' Contribution . Year 1 J$5,000 J$5,000 J$10,000 Year 2 1 $5,000 J$5,000 J$10,000 Year 3 J$5,000 J$5,000 J$10,000 . 3 ~ . 5. CONSORTIUM MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY: A. The University will serve as the Manager for the Spokane Regionai Site Selector. . Dr. Kerry Brooks, Director of the GIS and Simulation Lab, or his successoe; will . oversee a staff member funded by the Consortium who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Spokane Area Regionaf Site Selector. B. CONSORTIUM OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE: - • A Consortium Oversight Committee is hereby established. The Oversight Committee is constituted by one official representative from each member public sector organization. In the future, as small communities join the Consortium, one _ member will be selected amongst the small communities. The Oversight committee will also constitute one member representing each original Private Sector Consortium member. The SAEDC will represent all future private sector Consortium members. The current official representatives and associated organizations on the Site Selector Consortium Oversight Committee are detailed in Appendix B. Meetings of the Committee are open to others, but only the official representative may vote on decisions of the Oversight Committee. The Oversight Committee shall convene at least once per calendar quarter by the . Director of the GIS and Simulation Laboratory rvithin University who may vote to break ties. All oversight Committee decisions shall be by majority vote of a ~ quorum, with the quorum being 60% or more of the Oversight Committee ' membership. The major business of the OvErsight Committee is to annually evaluate the status of the Site Selector and, by majority vote, agree that it shall . continue for the next year. Additional"roles of the Oversight Committee include the approval of new members, and advice and approval on the look, feel, and functionality of the Site Selector GIS web site. - C. UNIVERSITY CONSORTIUM MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES: University consoftium management responsibilities under this Agreement'aro as follows: 1. Manage the temporal accuracy of Commercial Real Estate Broker Data. 2. Provide training and technica) support to Commercial Real Estate Brokers in the entry of new and the removai of old Commercial Real Estate data. _ 3. Encourage new Commercial Real Estate Brokers to become participants in the regional site selector. 4. Provide written quarterly summaries of the project to Consortium members 5. Goordinate and manage the temporal accuracy of Public Sector GIS Data used with the regional site selector. - 6. Support the evaluation, standardization, and qual'rty control of any newly requested attribute or spatial data additions to the regional site selector. 4 7. Serve as primary fiscal agent for the Consortium, specifically including ! invoicing each member, as detailed in Section 11 below, as well as reimbursing GIS Planning for site selector web services and other fiscal ' duties as required. . 8. Act as Director of the Srte Selector Oversight Committee. 6. CONSORTIUM MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES: , It is agreed between University and Consortium members that members shall carry out the following responsibilities: A. AVISTA UTILITIES SHALL: 1. Provide and maintain the temporal accuracy of Avista owned data used for purposes related to the Spokane Regional Site Selector listed in Appendix A. 2. Provide read only access to copyrighted Avista Digital Orthophotography for the Spokane area at a maximum of tvvo (2) feet resolution. B. CITY OF SPOKANE SHALL: 1. Provide and maintain the temporal accuracy of City of Spokane owned data used for purposes related to fhe Spokane regional Site selector listed. in Appendix A. 2. Coordinate with University to integrate municipal data sources into contiguous data set. 3. In coordination with Spokane County, facilitate and promote the addition of new public sector members to Consortium. C. SPOKANE COUNTY SHALL: ' . 1. Provide and maintain the temporal accuracy of Spokane Gounty owned , data used far purposes related to the Spokane regional Site selector listed in Appendix A. 2. Coordinate with University to integrate municipal and regional data sources into a contiguous data set. 3.. In coordination with the City of Spokane, facilitate and promote the addition of new public sector members to Gonsortium. . _ . i .~t '5 i D. SPOKANE AREA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL: ' . 1. Provide and maintain the temporal accuracy of SAEDC owned data used for purposes related to the Spokane regional Site selector listed in Appendix A. . • 2. • Coordinate with University to integrate SAEDC regional data sources into - . a contiguous data set 3. Facilitate and promote the addition of new private sector members to the Consortium 7. AMENDMENT: ' This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual written consent of Consortium . members and University. 8. TERM: This Agreement will become effective upon signature by all Consortium members and University, and will expire on December 31, 2008. The Agreement can thereafter be renewed annually by Consortium members and University subject to the availability of 1 appropriated funds and administrative approvals. This Agreement is null and void in the ~J event project funding cannot be obtained from any of the previously defined Consortium - members, or if data provision commitments discussed in Sections 6A through D, are not met by any Consortium member. 9. TERMINATION: . A. Termination for Convenience. This Agreement may be terminated by any party . hereto upon written notice delivered to the other parties at Ieast thirty (30) days ' prior to the intended date of termination. By such termination, no party may nullify obligations already incurred prior to the date of termination. B. Termination for Cause. In the event any party sha(I commit any material breach of or default in any terms or conditions of this Agreement, and also shall fail to remedy such default or breach within sixty (60) days after receipt of written notice thereof, the non-breaching parties may, at their option and in addition ta any other remedies which they may have at law or in equity, terminate this Agreement by sending notice of termination in writing to the other party to tfiat effect. Termination shafl be effecti.ve as of the day of receipt of such notice. C. In the event of either •Termination for Convenience or Termination for Cause of this AgrEement University shall retain advanced payrnents made by Consortium members in an amount sufficient to pay for all costs-andlor liab-ilities incurred by Universfty in its performance of this Agreement. • 6 . -10. CONTRACT SUM: . ; - In consideration for performance of this Agreement, Consortium members shall pay . University as detailed in Table 1.0 or 1.1 for managing and compieting deliverables as specified in this document, and as detailed in Budget Attachment A. The payments shall be made in accordance with the provisions stated in Section 11 below. . 11. PAYMENTS: University shall submit annual advance invoices to Consortium members. Payment for . year one must be received by University no later than July 15th, 2006. In future years of this Agreement, Consortium members shall make full advance payment of the amount stated in any undisputed invoice no later than thirty (30) days after the date the invoice is received by Consortium members. 12. EQUIPMENT • Equipment Rurchased under this Agreement shall be used specifically for the life of the project covered herein, with ownership of the equipment remaining with University upon completion of this contract period and any subsequent contract periods. 13. INDEMNITY . • , . Each party to this Agreement shall be responsible for its own acts andlor omissions and those of its officers, employees and agents. The Consortium and each Consortium member shall fully indemnify and hold harmless University against all claims arising out of the Consortium's use, commercialization, or distribution of any intellectual property or products that result in wfiole or in part from this Agreement. 14. RIGHTS IN DATA Any data developed/delivered by Consortium Members for the Spokane Regional Site Selector Project is only for use within the Site Selector GIS web-based application. University licensing nofwithstanding, all data acquired 'from Consortium members or licensed from commercial entities shall retain its orjginal licensing status. Any GIS data requests initiated by users of the G(S web-based application to the University will be referred bacfc to the original Consortium Member who provided said data. . Any data developedldelivered by the* University under this Agreement shall ~ be transferred to Consortium with a nonexclusive, royalty-free, iRevocable license to . publish, translate, reproduce, deliver, perform, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so; provided; that such license shall be limited'to the extent which University has a right . to grant such a lice.nse. • The University shall exert all reasonable effort to advise Consortium, at the time of delivery of data fumished under this agreement, of all known or potential invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such document, which was not produced in the perfarmance of this agreement. Consortium shall receive prompt written notice of 7 ~ . each notice or claim or copyright infringernent received by University with respect to any data delivered under this Agreement. In making GIS data available to the web based Spokane Regional Site SElector, Consortium Members make no warranty of data accuracy. Consortium Members GIS data is created for informational purposes and as a general planning and management . tool. Care was used by Consortium Members during compilation of GIS data.and products to insure accuracy, but it may be subject to, in whole or in part, the qualify of the source data and outside sources of infoRnation. A given Consortium PNember may on occasion be shifting GIS data to improve the geographic' accuracy. Any data tfiat other Consortium Members build on top of the existing Gonsortium Member data may ' require adjustment. The Consortium assumes responsibility for aligning and registering data to the existing Site Selector data, if necessary. GIS data and products may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for, Iegal, engineering, or surveying purposes. The Consortium Members do not accept responsibility for errors and omissions, and therefore, there are no vraRanties that accompany this'Site Selector data., Users of this information should consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of this information. This information may be periodically updated. Consortium Members w+ll make every effort to ensure that the Spokane Regional Site Selector has the latest revision of its data. ~ 15. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. , ' This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date set forth herein by their duly authorized representatives. l\ ~ , 8 AGREEMENT FOR THE SPOKANE REGIONAL SITE SELECTOR (Signature Page) . For UNIVERSfTY Dan Nordauist Director (Print) (Signature) ~ Dated: . 9 -`1 • . --f AGREEMENT FOR.THE SPOKANE REGIONAL SITE SELECTOR (Signature Page) For Avista Utilities 9&-a VV1_ov,r►~ ~ . . (Print) (Signafure) ~ Dated: Lp- I~-D ~ ~ 10 AGREEMENT FOR THE SPOKANE REGIONAL SITE SELECTOR (Signature Page) l - ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ Clerk of the Board OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ir v By: l i TO~T'SMIELKE, PT9 DANIELA vICK . ~F CG,~ y ARK RICH D,. Vice-Chair . • ' ~EAL, ~ • ~ . • ~if i /=7k : l . • ' `'J~`_ I D. HARRIS, Commi~ ner APProv as to f Dated: . ~ ~ , Dsputy Civ' Prosecuting Attorney 1 ~ 11 ~ QNp,,L SITE S~~ECTQR R T HE Sp 41CANE R'E~`'t ENT FO AGREEM page? ts~g~ature CIT`t'4r SPOK.A E ~ . By= 10)Q ty to form~ . APPfOVed as PgeSt' Aito►~ey . ~6-7 . ated: Gity lC.~~• -f~ r - R~' ~ • . d~ . ~ . . 12 y . 00 - 1 ~ . ~ AGREEMENT FOR THE SPOKANE REGIONAL SITE SELECTOR ' (S(gnature Page} Spokane Area Econamic Development Councii (Print) - . Sign'Vumq'V- . _ Dated: I oZ OQ (0 . . . , .~13 ~ . ~ A.P.PEIVPIX A to AGREEMEN'T FOR REGIQNAL SITE SELECTOR PROJECT - Sitc Selector I..ayers and Functinnality 1. Specification of data and laycrs. It is acknowledged ihat the partncrs participating in the Spokane Regional Site Selector Project will contribute the data listed below, if tfie data is maintaine,ci and owned by the said psrticepant and uPon agreement with associated inteenal departcnents. Each pardcipant Nszll coordinate witli tiVSL7-DApC iegardmg which data will be'provided. All information is to be integrated into contiguous GIS layers prior to use ia t$e Regional Site Selector. GIS staff in primazy partncrs will bc available to assist WSU-DAOC wzth data iiitegcation. Decisions regarding data generalizatioia and data aciditions wil.l be rcvicwed and approvad Uy Consnrtium Oversight C;ornmittee. `I'he primary data layers 3re first priority data layers that are rcquired for implementation of thc Regional Sitc Selector projcct. • . Secondary data laycrs, not required for implementation, howcvcr are desirablc. The Primary data layers for use in the Regiona( Sitc 5elector proJect are as folluws: 1. GIS Data Rcyuirements: AZinimum Requirements • o Parcels (polygons) o, Hydrology , ' . o iN4unicipal Boundnries . . o Ortho Photography - ~ o Transportation • Ro.ids • Tcaffic Gounts, . ■ Airports O SpCClil bIStr1CfS - ■ Comntunity Empowcrment Zones • IIistoric Districts _ ■ City INteighhoriluod Couucil District ■ Community Dcvelopment Neishborhaocis . ■ Multi-Family Tax Incentive Areu ' o Regtilatory Layers: . . Zoning . ■ Comprehe.nsive Plan Land Use ■ 'I'axing districts o l;nfrnstructurc • `Vater Districts . . • • Fire Aistricts ~ . 2. Real Estate, Business and Uemographic Data Renuirement:ll•IInimum Requirements . ' . ~ o $ttsiness Aata • o Dcmographic: Census ■ Income • Age • Educa4on o Site Locator (Rcal Escate t)ata): Propertirs by typG, sq ii, location, function. ' ■ Listing firm contact inforrnation and LJRL E-MAIL1"O: fwiction for contact that automatically includes property IU and shov« the siie selector as thc souice of the contaek • (?ne photo of builcling fagade, or site i.f v3cant. • Printer friendly format button . o Searebiug by ciemographics or bu,Sine,s.slmarket duta (Phase One): • Search for businesses of a selected NAS/SIC code. The Second,iry dxfi.i luyers for tise jn the Regional S[te Sclector project are as follows: 3. G1S Data Requirecnents - Secandary Requirements GIS o Envirnnmenfal Layers ' ■ Wetlands • Shoreline Setbacks ■ Un-developable Slopes ■ E-nvironrneuiul Sensitivi; Areas (endangered spccics, gcncralireei). ■ Gas lines o R.ecreational Facilities: Parks,.Natural areas (Dishman Hills), Ski Areas, etc. ' a Special Districts ■ Paratransit Area ■ Public Transit Bcncfit Arca . . o Transportation ' ■ Bus Lines ■ Rail Linc o Infrastructure • Water Lines • Sewer Lines • ■ Sturm water facilities • • Gas and Blectric Lines o Ncighborhood Facilities o Points of Interest o Government Facilitics • o Education • Schools (Primary, Secondary, etc.) • School Attcndancc Arcas . . , ~ ~Appe«dix A, Page -2- 4. TZeal Estatc,l3usiness and Demographic Data Requimment • . ~ o Web Fage Portal to Site Selector that also supports links to public and private p3rtners' web sitcs • as wel] as additional features, such as virtual toius of special places (touzism, quality of lifc), viriual downtown, snd so on. Wc envision that thcsc additiansl features are not necessarily hosted by the samc entity that hasts the Site T.,ocator fiuiction. ~ C', ' Appendix A, Page -3- . + ~ . A:PFF.NDIX B to AGREF,AxY,NT FOI2 REGIbNAL SITE SELECTOIZ Y'1tO.1FCT I Spokane Regional Site Selector Consnrtium Site Selector Consortium Uversight Committec Memlaers Representing Cnasortinm iViemhers Agcncy/Urganization Representative . Avista Corporation ' Randi Rich City of Spokanc Craig Ferris Spokanc Area Economic I?evelopment Council Robin Toth . ~ Spokane County Ian Von Essen - Site Selector Oversdght Coin:znittee Director Agency!Organization Representative WSU ' Kerry Breoks ~ A.ppendix 13, Page-1- ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 4, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business (D new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Sculpture for Mirabeau Point Park GOVERNING LEGISLATION: The City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan recommends incorporation of art into public places. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None• BACKGROUND: The Spokane Valley Arts Council (SVAC) is proposing to raise funds to purchase and install a bronze sculpture in Mirabeau Point Park. They are recommending the sculpture "Walking the Line" by artist Jerry McKellar_ Jim Harlcin, SVAC President, would like to- discuss the design and the location of the sculpture with City Council. ~ OPTIONS: Discussion regarding sculpture and location. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to place this item on consent agenda for December 11, 2007 Regular Nieeting. BUDGETJFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The Arts Council is proposing to raise funds to purchase and install the sculpture. . STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson ATTACHMENTS PowerPoint, Letter from Spokane Valley Arts Council ~ Spokane Valley Arts CouncmilProj'ect December 4, 2007 . ~ Promoting Arts' in Spokane Valley ~ The ?o1cax~~ ~alle T A.~~~ ~ounci1 xs raisxn~ mor~~ ~o bu o1vi11e axtist err~ McKeller'S `'Wa1king the line'~ ~ ~cu1pt-ure, wh1ch t~ey ope wi11 be p1~~ed in Mx~~~eatx . Point I'ark. . ~ The a.ward-wirm~ng piece is a bronze 9-foot-ta,Xl • rendition of a mountain ma.n/t-rapper. The l1mited- edition collection is valued at aver $55,000. •Fund1ng for the sc~ t~xx~e~eg~ c~~.ring the Artis~k Showc~,se evex~t heX~at CenterPlace dur1ng Va,~~eyfest . 2007. SVAC hopes to ra.x~e ' the addxtionaX money needed f or the scu1pt-ure at x~ext year' s Val1eyfest. . . ~ ~ 1 .~y~r ` . ~ i - ~ f .t r. ~.'r • I' ; ' - , - , . ► ~ ~ ~ ; ~ , ~ . ~ •~Sl'y . ~ i ; - _ ' _ _ i ~ ~ _ . ' ~ + ! h f41 `.M l~~ ~ 1 . J + ~ ~ . ~~l \w .Lr ~t~~,: ~ ~ ~ " ~.r- I ~ - - - `r'~ ' ~ ~ ~ _ a . ~j ri _ ~ , _ ` _ ~ - - . ' ~ Y '~....r--- . _ - _r ' j. . . r N~:. ~ r - . . ~ ~ ,y~_. • i- , . ; ,.r 7P{;:~. . ~T,~.... - . I F~K-~ V,~~.rY . ' ~ - iy y " .y I . = ' . ~ ! ' r . i.- ,ssr • o'ovI ca ose top ~}'k ~ ` N' • ~ ~-~p'.+~ ~Li~.. ~ i ti ~ f t~ / ~ , 4 . . ~ w.i. ~ j-.'/!~++~- it~' ~ r. . ! ~ ,~4. (i r.~ ~ty/~~1~+! ^,~.y*• ' w~'~+~* y ~ i'•rr • ♦ 0~~1.:. . ~ •-i. ~ . ~ . . . 4 s" ~ a►` V,. a. ~il T~"IyS`t.,..~+' 1~ ~ 'V ✓,r~, _ . ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ t, ~ ~ ~ ~ re ~f F i _~X•. . ` ~r~ .l,'r-. .,,.sf. r , • .r.Z: . r~ , . -,R' • fi F ' ir~' ' r - i, ~ ~ ~tir ~x~ ' ' , ~ , • , - . ~ . ' ~~..,,,y,.C.~~,•~dpis!r~ +r.. t . ,r.l ~t. 1e • ~ ? ~ ~ ~ 1~~1• ' . .1'. E 6 e~ .e►~ f Y : f , a~~41 •t.=it -Ow r~'~ r - r'•. :j..,~, 4L , rr " ' 'i► . rr. - . ~ . ' r , h,,, ~ t `•'+1 s~,J , ~?!T.'. - _ • r •e,~ ~"t , ~ ' ' ~ ri " ♦ ~ I j ` n . . ~Oocabo , . ro osed a,~ «t ♦ ~ _1 ~ 1~~~~•,~ ~ i` ~ ~ " ^ • t. ~ ~ • 1 ( 1 1 3 1 ~r ~1 f "4 1 . . ~ ~ \ ~ ~ M , p•,Y , 1n~'~ i i ' } (4 T~l~}f }r • ~ i ` ; . ~ , ~ ~~f ~ - ~ - * , , `~-s •t .j j: . • ~ y ~ 1 ~ , . ~ ~ri~'~~r:n ~9r'_ _ " - ` , . ~ , ' ' ~ ' . _ ~ ~ , 1 ' ; . " . • ~`~i . -:'".`l~ ,1 ~ ' . 1' - _ ' ..r~~ ,~d'~.*► ,r, ~ •~'~M!- i. ~ • + • ~,~1`'I ~ ,r..t` y'",. 4Y, he 1} "t~j , ~ t - • '"~i ~ A, ~ ~ •.~~.s~:~ - _ .~r...,Ay . . V:~Vojposecl uocation << i ~ a `~r N ~ ! r - ~ , ~ •.~-,~'t i • . t _ ~ ' ~ N S L~ a s' ^ ~ . . 4er,~s .►^,'~stt . } ~ ~ , . . . ; • _ . _ : ,'ti- ;V , a ~ r . .r . . 1 . . , T7 - - - ~ M, _ t ~ _ ' ~I ~ ` ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ `'r,,/~.a.~r!.~ ~ ~~E.~~~ , ~ . .j~ ~ ~:t ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ . ~ ` * ~'~~~y' Y - . . S ; t y ~l~ ♦ ~ t 1.~ -v, ~ , 1 t ~ ~ ` Ve=- ~ . E . ~ . ~ ~r ' . - . ~ _ ~,.,y~ `t . • , " - , _ , ~ ; T 'S ~ ~ 1~~.: ~p' i . 4_ f i. ~ i~; I i' ,i,~M~. ~i . Z " ~'~a ~ • ' ~ 1, ~•y ~ ~ - . . ~ November 26, 2007 5roKANEvAu.t•r 15R'I ti CC'IUNLIL The Honorable Diana Wilhite Mayor of the City of Spokane Valley and Members of the Spokane Valley City Cauncil 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Dtar Mayor 4Vrltiite and Caunai Members 011 behalf of the Board of Directors of the Spokarie Valley Arts Council, I am writing to request formai approval by the City Council for SVAC to acquire and present to ihe C►ty of Spokane Valley a iarger than life bronze sculpture titled "Walking the Line" to be placed on the grounds at CenterPlace. Produced by Colville artist Jerry McKellar, 'V'Jalking the Line° is part of a limited edition of oniy ten scuiptures. Since its founding in 2004, the Spokane Valley Arts Council has been an active participant in the cuitura) Iffe of the Spokane Valley. It is our hope that this piece will bc just the first of many works of art that SVAC wilt bring to the City of Spokane VallEy. Since we must saon enter into a contractual arrangement with the artist, we wauld appreciate a response from the City Courtcil before the end of 2007_ If you have any questions or would like further information about the Spokane Valley Arts Council, please let me know. I can be reached at 924-5009 or 924-3494 Tliank you very much for your consideratiori. Sitlcerely, ~ Dr. Ja s rtcen, Pre ident SRIokar1e Valley Arts Cotlnco cc Direc?orc of tipokanr VaUev,'',,c l . . JERRY D. MCKELLAR, SCULPTOR , . . PO BOX. 70 : . . . COLVILLE, WA 99114 (509) 684-2148 . fax (509)685-9114 . email -jdmckellar@ultraplix.com . ' www. ienvrrickellat com EDUCATfON & BACKGROUND: • GRADUATE UtdIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, OpS OEGREE, JUNE 1969; PRIMA.RiLY A SELF-TAUGHT ARTIST, HIS VMD IMAGIPIATtON COMBINED WITH lNPUT FFtOM LlFE EXPERIENGES, TRAVEL, AND NATURE INFLUENCE HIS CREATIVE SPIR17. DrRCKELLAR'S EDttCATtON AT THE UNIVERStTY OF WASHlNGTON DENTAL SCHOOL PROVIDSO HIN1 WITH EJCTENSIVE STUDIES OF FACIAL AIdD HUMAN ANATOMY THAT NAS HELPED GREATLY IN SCULPTING.THE HUMAN BODY. HE BEGAN MAKING JEWELRY IN DENTAL SCHOOL, AND CONTINUED THROUGHOUT HIS DENTAi. CAREER TO fXPERiMENT WiTH DIFFERENT ART FORMS, INCLUDJNG PAIAITfNG, 3CRATCH90ARD DRAWING, AND SCULPI'ING. HE HAS BEEN SERIOtiSLY SCULPTING IAI BRONZE AND STEEL 31NCE 1987 AND RETiRED FROM DENTISTRY IN 1934 TO PURSUE H18 ART CAREER FULL 71ME. HE HAS TAKEN PATINA CLASSES AND CURRENTLY OOES MUCH OF HtS OWN PATINAWORK. CHARACTERiST{C OF MCKELLAR'S.WORK iS HtS REALESTIC'S7YLE, EMBODIED WITH 'POWER AkD MOVEMENT. HtS WORK VARIES FROM EXTREMELY FI~1E DETAlL 7U SMOOTii Ml13Cl.E STUDlES EMPHASlZIIdG-TNE HUMAN FORM. EACH YEAR TRAVEL3IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD DOIPdG PHOTOt3RAPHIC STUDIES INSPIRE FUTURE WORK. ' " • ' , . ' . • ' • A3 AN ACCOnIlPLSHED AND [NVENTIVE ARTiST, HE 18 CONSTANTLY Q(PAMDiNG HtS STYLE AND SUHJECT MATTER. SlNCE 1998 MANY NEONUMEN7AL AND LiFE-SIZE SCULPTURE3 HAVE BEEId (tr4.STALLED IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE COLLECTION3. . . • MU3EUMS! CORRORATE/ PUBLiC SCULPTURE 2007 - Monumerrtal "Dance of Sun 8 Moon - EI Monte Sagrado ResoK 8 Spa, Taos, NM 2007 - Monumentaf "Working the Line" - P[neda0e Visitor CeMer,.Pinedate, WY . 2006 - Steel Wall Scuipture- Colville Pubiic Library - CoWiEle, WA ~ 2005- Monumental "Dance of Sun 8 Moon" -Casa del Sol y Luna, Lake;Forest,.IL 2005- Lito-size "Flower Dancing in.the Wind" - Gity of Sheridan, WY , 2005- "Baw Stringer" Monurrreht - Beaver Creek Lodge, Beaver Creek, CO 2005 - Lifc-size "Hucklelxerry Daze"- Kessler Canyon Ranch, Grand Junctlon, CO . , 2004- Life-size "Huckleberry Daze" Beaver Creek Ladge, Beaver Greek, CO , 2004- "Challenger" -3tee1-10' H- Kessler Canyan Ranch, Grand Junction, CO . 2003 -"Working the Line" - Ciymer Museum, Eltensburg, llYA • 2007- L3fe-size "Ftower Dancfng in the Wind", Foantain Hills Civic AssQC., Fountain HNIs, AZ 2000 -"Bow Stringer Monument - Celebratbon Hotel, Celebration, FL . . 1999 -"Bow Stringer- Bennington Cerrter for the Atts, Bennfngton; VT 1999 -"Shawi Oancee - Bennington Center far the Arts, Bennirtgton, VT 1859 -"Challenger" - City of Eltensburg, WA . . 1998 -"Bow Stringer" - University af Mortt3na PermattentCallection,. Missoula, MT. ' 1388 -"First af Nee Seasan" - Nora Fccles Harrison Museum af Art, Lagan, U'1' 1597 -"Osage Silver" - Ctymer Museum, ERensburg. WA , HONORS 8 AWARDS . . 2006 CM Russell Museum CEO Award C.M. Russefl Museum, Great Falis, MT~ ' " 2006 People's ChoEce Best Sculpture Award C.M. Russe11 Show &'Auctlon, Great Falfs, MT 2005 Peopte's Choice 6est Sculpture Award C.M. Russetl Show 8 Auction; Great FalEs, BAT 2004 "Working the Line" presented "Award for Excellence" JH Urology corrference• 2003 Crymer Museum Purchase Awani NatEonal Art Show & Auction, Ellensburg, VYA 2403 Old West AAuseum GaItery Avrrard Wesiern Spirit Art Showr, Cheyenne, WY - - 2002 John Clymer Avwarti Nationa{ Art Show & Auction, E1lensburg, WA 2001 2nd Ptace Contemporary 3culpture Phippen Westem Art Shaw, Prescatt, AZ 1999 2nd Ptace Traditional Sculpture Phippen Westem Art Show, Prescott, AZ . 1999 Juried Anriual Exhibition NatEonal Sculpture Soclety, tdY, NY . 1998 Best oi ShowlBranze Nationai 1Nestem Art Shaw, Ellertsbung, Wd 1998 Ha»nra AwardlTraditional3cuipture Phi . ry ppen Westem Art Show, Prescott, AZ 1997 Artists' Choice Award C.IN Russetl Show 8 Auction, Great Fatis, MT • 1997 Bgst Scutpture C.M. Russeli Show & Auction, Great Falis, MT 1997 Purchase Award Clymer Museum, EIlensburg, WA 19971$` Piace/3 Dimensional Spakane Westem Art Show, Spflkane, WA 1996 Best of Showl Bronze National Western Art Show, EIlensburg, WA 1995 Best of Show! Bronze National Wastem Art Show, Eliensburg, WA 1994 ZND p{aC@ BfORZe SCI Art CompetFtton, Reno, NV 1993 Best of Shaw1 Bronze National Western Art Shaw, Ellensburg, WA J CONlMISS10NS: ZOOS- Caroline LambeR GrassQll Foundatlon - Commisslon monumernal "Woricing the Line" 2006- Private Commisstort- Lffe-size "Coup Ponies" (4 horsesN rider) 2005 -RMEF - Eik bust "The Chattenge" . . . 2044 -Spofcane Ronald McDonatd Hause - life-sixe bear prototype for Spokane Fundratser .2004- Private Commissiote-16' MonumeM, "Darice of Sun i AAoon" . . 1998- Privete Commission - 81/2' MonumeM, "Bow Stringer' . -1397- Prhrate CommEssion - Scuipture, "Last Load" 1995 Rotary InternaUonai - Or9glnal Sculpture for Rctary tnternatlonal Presiderrt - Calgary, A1berta EXHtBIT10N31 SHOWS . . Maryhpl RAuseum 20fl4 Outdoor Sculpture.invftational . Goldendale, WA 2004 JurCed Outdoor Sculpture Art on the Piaza Shetidan, WY . C.M. Russell Show - . . Great Falls, MT . Loveland Sculpture Invitational .-Loveland, CO National Scu(pture Socfety Annual Exhibition (1998) New,York, NY •Otd West R9useum 2603 & 2004 Westem Spirit Show Cheyenne, WY . Wili Rogers Masters Trappings Exhibitfon . Fort t4Yorth, TX O[d West Museum 2003 Gattery Awards Art Show Cheyenne, WY • Phippen Westem Art Show PrescoK, AZ Museum of Fine Arts, Unhrersity of Montana Mtssoula, MT . . . . Nationat Art Show EIlensburg, WA - ' Jagen Und Fischen Show (SCI Pavilton), Munich, Germany Shared Vislons ExhibittoNClymer Museum Ellensburg, WA Mountain Oyster Ctub Art Show Tucson, i4Z . Clyrner tY{useum "Dua{ Expressicns" ERen'sburg, WA'- - Art AsSOCiates ot the. Missouta ArtMuseum AAissflula, MT . Trails West Westem Art Shaw Vancouver, WA* • Spokane Western Art Show : . Spokane, WA " Artists for Open Space Bigfork, N[T . Fred Oldfieid Western Herttage Center Tacorrea, WA Thurtderbird Artists - Carefree, AZ - • Caswell Gallery Out of Africa Exhibition Troubdale, OR - " MEMBERSNIPS: . Natianai Sculpture Saciety - Cotteague Member -Westem Art Assocfation MembeP - - • Westem Art Associetion Artist Advisoryr BoaM , Colvllle Arts Foundation Member PUBLICATION3: • Cfleur d'Atene Magazirte - tMrtter 2005 • InformArt.MagaziRe- Winier lssue 2045A02 . ' Southwest Art Magazine - July.2001 . . , Art ot the West - NrnremberlQecemlser 2000, JulylAug 20D5 , irrformArt Magazine,- 3ummer Issue •1599 . , . , , Sculpture Forurn Magaz[ne = Summer 1998, . . ' . . tndulge Magazine - Art Revlew - Summer lssue 1998 . Washington State Dental Alumni Magazine - Fail 1997 . MCKELLAR'S WURKS RE5IDE IN PRIVATE AND CORPOItATE COLLECT[ONS THROUGHOU'T THE U.S., . CANADA, MEX[CO, AND EUROPF.. THE ARTIST'S W,ORIC IS REPRESENTED BY CALLERIES TIiRUUGHOUT . TRE U.S. . , . . . JERtY MCKELLAR, SCULPTOR . ,-M.TSEUM, CQRPORATE CULLECTIONS/ PUBLIC A.RT/ NIONUMENTS ~ i - 2007 PINEDALE VISITOR CENTER, PYNFDAI.E, WY - MONUMENTAL "WpRK1NG THE LINE" 2007 EL MONTE SAGTtADO RESORT, TAOS, NNd -"DANCE OF SUN & MOO1V" LIFE-SIZE 2406 COLVILLE PUBLi.C LIBRARY, COLVILLE, WA -ST'EEL WALL SCULPTURE 2005 CASA DEL SOL Y LUNA- PRIVATE MUSFU`M/COLLEC'I'ION - LAKE FUREST, IL LIFE-SIZE "DANCE OF SUN & MOUN" • 2005 CITY OF SHERIIDAN, R'Y - LLFT,..SIZE "FLOWEIt DANCING IN THE WINA" 2005 BEAVER CREEK LODGE, BEAVER CREEK, CO- "BOW STItINGER" MONIIMENT 2005 KESSLER RANCA, GRAND .TUNCTION, CU - LIFE-SIZE "HUCKLIEBEItRY DAZE" 2Q04 BEAVER CREEK LOnGE, BEAVER CREEK, CO - LIFE-SIZE "HUCKLEBERI2Y I)AZE" 2003 CLYMER MUSEUM PURHASE AWAtD -"WOI.tKi1VG TPE LINE" 01 FOUNTAIN HILLS CIVIC ASSOCIATION- L1FE-SIZE "FLOWER DANCING IN THE WIND" . 2000 CELEBRATION HOTEL, CELEBRATION, FL -"BOW STRINGFR" MONUMENT 1999 BENNINGTON CENTER FOR THE ARTS - "BOWSTRINGER" • 1999 BENNINGTON CFNTER FOR THE AItT5 -"SHAWL DANC'ER" 1999 UNNERSITY OF MT PERMANENT C()LLECTinN -"BOW S'1CRIlYGER" 1999 CITY OF EY.LENSBURG, WA - "CHALLENGEit"- 1999 9' MONUNIENT -PRTVATE DEVELOPiVIENT GROUP- "BOW STRINGER" 1998 NORA ECCLES HARRISUN MUSEUM -"FIRST OF TFIE SEASAN'• 1997 CLYMER MUSEiJM PURCHASE AWARD- "OSAGE SLLVER" AWARDS • 2046 C.M. RUSSELL MUSEUM CEO AWE11tD -"COUP PONIES" " 2006 PEOPLE'S CHO[CE BEST SCUI,P'TUR.E AWARD -"COUP PONTES" C.M. RUSSELL SHOW & AUCTION - GREAT FAL,LS, MT ~,~p05 PEOPLE'S CHOICE BEST SCULPTUItE AWARD -"OTTER WOMAN" C.M. RUSSELL SHOW & AUCTION - GREAT FALLS, MT 2004 "WORKING TAE L1NE" - PURCHASED FOR THE "AWARA FOR EXCELLENCE" . JH UROL4GJC CONFERENCE - DISPLAYED AT CURNELY., MEnICAL CENTER 2003 CLYYIZER MUSEUM PiTRCHASE AWARD -"WORKING THE LINE" 2003 GALLERY AWARD - OLD WEST MUSEUM- CHEYENN]C, WY 2002 JOHN CLY1tiiER AWARA -"IND4NIITABLE SPIRiT" NATIONAL ART SHOW & AUC'1'ION- ELLENSBURG, WA 2001 2ND PLACE CONTEMPORARY SCULP'TURE- "SER.ENITY" . PHIPPEN WESTERN ART SHOW- PRESCO'I"T, AZ 1999 2ND PLACE TRADI'170NAL SCULPTURE-"FIItST OF THE SEASON" PHIPPEN WESTERN ART SHOW - PRESCOTT, AZ 1998 BEST OF SHQWBR4NZE- "WQpPE'S GtFT" NATIONAL WESTERN ART SHOW - ELLENSBVRG, WA 1998 HONORARY AWARD/TRA.UITIONAL SCULP'TURE - "BOW STR[IYGER" PHIPPEN WESTERN :ART SHOW - PItESCOTT, AZ 1997 ARTISTS' CHOICE AWARD -"pSAGE SILVER" C.M. RUSSELL ART SHOW - GREAT FALLS, MT 1997 BEST SCULI''Y'UItE- "OSAGE SILVER" C.M. RUSSELL ART SHOW- CREAT FALLS, MT 1997 PURG'HASE AWARD - "OSAGE SILVER„ • - CLYMER MUSEUM - EI,LENSBURG, WA • 1997 1ST PLACE/3 DDMENSIONAL- "°1'IMC QF THE COLD MAKER" ' SPOKANE WES1'ERN ART SHOW - SFOKANE, WA 1996 BEST OF SAOWlBRONZE- "KIT FOX LANCE BEAELFit" NATIONAL V'VESTFRN ART SAOW -ELLENSBURG, WA 1995 BEST OF SHOWBRONZE- "BY.ACK RAVEN" NATIONAL WESTERN ART SHOW - ELLENSBURG, WA 1994 2ND PLACE BRON7.E-KKWOTTENAI KANYE" SCI ART COMPETITiON - ItENO, NV 1993 BEST OF SHOWBRONZE -"ON EAGLES' WINGS" , NATIONAL WESTERN ART SHOW - ELLENSBURG, WA . 1999, 2400, 2401, 2OQ3, 20i14 - RMEF BANQiTET PROGRAM A1tTIST J"C7RIEI) EXHIBITION5, SFECIAL SHO'WS 2004 MARYHILL MUSEUM, GOI.DENDALE, WA - 4UTDOOR SCUZP''URE INVYTATIONAL - "!MOMITABLE SPIRIT" 2004-05 ART ON 'I'HE PLAZA, SHERIDAN, WY- LIFE-SIZE "FLOVVER DANCING IN THE W1ND" 2003 CASWELL GALLERY - TROUTDALE, OR- "OUT OF AFRICA" EXHYBITION 2002 FRED OLDFIELD WES'I'E17N HERITAGE CENTER, TACUMA, WA- EXHIBITION 2000 CLYNiEIi NI[JSEUM -ELLENSBURG, WA -"DUAL EXPRESSIONS" - EXHIBITION WTTH PAINTER JIM NELSON (MAY - .TULY) 19g'9 NATIONA.I. SCULPTURE SUCIFTY ANNUAL EXHIBITION - NEW YORK, N.Y. -"BOW S'I'RIlVGER" 19991VIIJSEUM OF FIIYE ARTS, UN[VEILSITY OF IVdONTANA "MASTERS OF THE MEIDIUNP" CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ...Request for Council Action Meeting Date: Decembcr 4, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent [D old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing [D information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual GOVERNING LEGISLATION: C'astcrn Washington 1'hase 11 Municipal Stormwater Permit PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council Meetings 1/20104, 4127/04, 8124l04, 8/1l05 8 10126105 BACKGROUND: Staff wants to discuss the adoption process f'or thc Spokanc Regional Stormwater Nlanual (SRSM). Staff' proposes the following adoption process (The City of Spokane ancl Spokane County are expected to r 1 follow similar adoption schedulc \ 1. Obtain SEPA determinatinn with Spokane County vtd Cify of Spokane with Spnkane County as the lead ageney 2. f-lold a study session on January 10'h ancl a public hearing on Jantivy 24"', 2008 with Planning Commission . 3. I-[old a public hearing witM Cit:y Cotincil in N'ebruary 2008 4. Schedule a meeting with City Cauncil by March 2008 wich Staff recnmmending to motion ttle . adoption of the SRSM The attlchnients include a mcmo io City Council that provides background in thc development of the SRSM and a copy o.C the equivalency letter from Ecology datccl October 8, 2007. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Proceed witti thc adoption of the Spokane Kegional Stormwater Manual BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: John Hohman a.nd Gloria Manb,. ATTACHMENTS ~ Ecluivalency Letter iirom t'JA Stit1c Uepiirtment of }:cology dated October 8, 2007 Memo to City Council f:rom John Hoh.man and Gloria lVlantz, dated November 28, 2007 1 M..'s 4. ~ - ; W . o~ • ' STATE OF WASHlIVGTON DEF'ARTr'vlENT OF ECOLOGY PO BGx 47600 a Olympea, bYa 98504-7600 • 360-407-6000' 717 for Washington kefay Service ~ Persons with a speech disabili[y can call 877-833-6341 ' QCtpheY 8, ZQn7 ' M:;. Gloria Mant-r_ City of Spokane Valley • 11707 E. Sprague Avenue Sp4kanc Valley, WA 99206 Rc: Spokane :Regional Stor.cnwater Manual Lquivalency Dear Ufs.lVlantz.: . Thank you for yaur woperatian tmci respousiveness on behalf of the City of Spokane Valley. '173.e V✓ashiugtvn State Department of Fcoingy (Ecoiogy) completed its review of the Spvkane Regioncrl Stvrmivater 1Lianua1 and finds that it nleets the mini.mum pcrmit zequirements. According to Speaial ConditiQn SS o.f the T:;a.stern VVaShin,gtan Phase II viuuicipal Storznwater Permit, permiftces must require project aiid propeety ovoaers to adhere to the - m.inimtuxi technical requirement5 in Appendix 1. The minimtun technical requirements must includc Blvlt' selection, design, iastallation, operatzon; and naaintenance staudards . necesSary lo prot•ect water yuality, reduce clischflrge of pollutants to the imax.imum extent p.racticable, et1d satisfy a11known, available, and reasonable treatmcnt (AKAR'1) rc;quirements. Appendix 1 iucludes seven. core e.lements: • Core Element #1: Preparation of a Slormwater Site Plan • - Cor.E Fletnent #2: Con.struction Stormwater Pollution I'revention - CarL Elcrr►enfi#3: Source Con.trol o£Pollui:ian • • Care Elemcnt #N: Preservation of Natural D rainage Systein ' • Core Element #5: RunoiF Treatment • Core Blement #Ci: Flow Contrnl - Core E?ement #7: Opcration and Maintenance . . To fulfil'1 the .cequirement af Special Conclityon S5, the county developed the Spodurne xegional Stornswater Manual. Ecalogy used an iterative review/revision process to cletermine thar the Spukane Regiorrul Stnrnnvaler 1lgunuul adhcres to the minunum tecbn.ical requirements in Appendix 1 of the Ea.Siern Washington Yhase II Municipal Stormwater Permit thus meeting the m.inimum permit riTquiz•ements. . . . , , . ' . • 1 • • 141s. GloriaMant-i.. d~ . Page 2 of 2 If you liave any qucstions conceraing tlus approval, please contact Mieke T-Toppin by telephone at (364) 407-6435 or via email at mhon461.aecv.wa.eov. S in cet-e.ly, NancYr.. Winters, Manager ProgYam Development Service.s Water Quality Program Cc: Han-ielBeale - David lluncari ; • , Spokane ley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Council From: John Hohman and Gloria Mantz . Date: November 28, 2007 Re: Regional Stormwater Guidelines Previous Council Action Taken: Council Meetings 1120I04, 4/27104, & 81241U4, 811105 8 10/26/05 Wheri the Ciry of Spolcanc Vallcy (City) ineorporatecl, the Cily adopted the Spokane Count}, Stormwater Gtudclines for Stormwatcr Management (SGSM) by City Ordinajice 03-032 as interim guidelincs. 'The SGSvI was first adopted in 19$0 by Spokane County. 'f'he guidelines were then amended through a scries of revisions and addenduros in 1981, 1986, 1990, anci 1998. The result is a poorly organized clacumenc lhat is diFEicult to find information in. Revisions to the SGSM had bcen on hold since 2001 because Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) was in the process of draiting a Stormwater Manual for Eastern Wa.shinglcm. I.n September. 2004, Fcology final.ized tlie Storinwater Management Manual i'nr Eastem Washin,gton (SM413W). NPllES 1'hase Il permitted communities are required to have a stormwater manual tllat is techaical equivalent to ttic SMMEW. The Cily of Spokane Valley, Spokane County and the City of Spokane havc worked with the laepartment of Lcology and liave obtained a letter of equivalency for our Spokanc .Regional Stomiwater Manual (SRSM). The letter is attached for reference. The SRSM is tailored to our region and includes additional informalion nn canveyance sizing and other topics nAt covered by the SiMMEW. Alsa, we have includeci erample problems io help people using the manual see the technical reyuirements in context. The identical mazlual is being aclopted by all thrce .jurisdictiUns. This v%rill be advantageous to those using the iuanual since any project in the Spokane area will be designed to a consistent standard. Also, the jurisdictions will benefit &om the consistency of Stormwater desigti criteria. Besides being reviewcd and accepted as equivalenl to Fcology's SIVIIvI~EW, the manual has undergone a subslanlial public: parlicipation program. "1'he SRSM is a technical dacument usecl primarily by civil enguieers in the design of stormwater facilities to serve public and private projects. °1`he goal ofthe manual is protect our water resources by requiruig projects to implement appropriate stormwater facilities, also luiown as Best Management ('rac;tices (F3MP's). The BVIP's arc designed lo emulate thE way - the natural systems -vvould treat, detain, and infiltrate slornlwater runoff before the project was eonsiructed. Another goal of the SRSM is to protcct public and private property from flooding. ~ Adootion Yrocess , Staff proposes the following acloption process: 1. Obtain SEPA determination with Spokane County and City of Spokane with Spokane . County as lcad agenc;y 2. Hold a sludy session on January 10`h and a public hcaring An January 24`h, 2008 with Alanning Cominission 3. Hold a public hearing with City Couiicil in February 2008 4. Schedule a mceting with City Council by March 200$ with Staff recammending to motion the adoption of the SRSK The City of Spokane and Spokane County arc expected to follow similar adnption schcdule. 'Cimelinc and Public lnvolvement 'I'he regional group began discussing the Spnkaale Manual in September 2003. Spokane Counfy developed a draft manual far most of 2004. The regional group met weekly from October 2004 until June 2005 to create a draft manual. This deaft manual went out for public review on .Iuly 21, 2005. Comments were solieited by the three jurisclicuons from Ecology, the design community, citizen groups, a.ssociations, and the public. Public comment period ended September 2l , 2005. 1`hc drafl: manual was available at the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County website. In addition, harcl copies and CDs were available ta the public at each of the three jurisdictions. F-mail distributions were sent to engineers and developers and some . neighborhood representatives. Other forms of public outreach includeci media releases and `newspaper notices in the Spokesmau Review and Valley TTerald. Workshops were held on August 24 and Seplember 13, 2005 ai lhe City of Spokane Valley Council Chambers. hi addition, the City of Spokane and Spokane County helcl four additional workshops at different locations throughout the City ot Spokane and unineorpnrated areas of Spakane County in August and Septembcr, 2005. These workshops were targeted to answer questions from the general public. A technical worksllop was held an September 6th, 2005 with ACFC; a local engineering A.ssocialion. F1 meeting with Ccology scaff was held on September 13, 2005. Representative-s from cach of che local jurisdiction were present at these meetings. Conunents were received . &om a few citizens, neighhorhood groups, lacal engineers; and Ecology. 1'he comments were reviewetl and applicable comments were incorporated by the three jurisdictions by ear.ly 2006. "rom 2006 until the fall of 2007, the three jurisdictions have worked to address F_cology's comments and address adclitional concerns raised by lhe regional group. ~ . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Review Meeting Date: December 4, 2007 Cfty Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business []x new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Planning Commission Findings of Fact PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The Spokane Valley Cornprehensive Plan includes an annual amendment cycle that runs from November 2"d to November 15' of the following year. Applications received prior to November 15t are considered by the Planning Commission in late winter/early spring of the following year, with a decision by City Council in late spring/early summer. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment schedule is not in accord with the timeline noted . above due to the time demand involved in the adoption of the Unifiorm Development Code (UDC). ' All parts of the Comprehensive Plan (maps and text) can be amended during the annual cycle. The Community Development Department received 1 request from the public for a site-specific Comprehensive Plan amendment; city staff initiated 16 other amendments (one was subsequently withdrawn) for 2007. Sites that are approved for a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment automatically receive a zaning designation that consistent with the new Comprehensive Plan Map designation. ~ , Addi#ionally, staff initiated Comprehensive Plan text amendments to Chapter 3, Transportation and Chapter 4, Capital Facilities and Public Services, Proposed changes to Chapter 3 include minor formattinglhousekeeping -type amendments as well as updating information related to a number of.sections within the chapter. Chapter 4 amendments involved updating the 6-year transportation improvement program as well as including inforrnation on other potential city capital projects. . ~ PUBLIC NOTICE: Notice for the proposed amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on October 5, 2007 and each site was posted with a"Notice of Public Hearing" sign, with a description of the proposal, and a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) determination. Finally, individual notices of the proposed map amendments were.mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each amendment. SEPA REVIEW: Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA - RCW 43.21 C) environmental checklists were required for each proposed comprehensive plan map and text amendments. Under SEPA, amendments to the comprehensive plan are considered "non-project actions" which are defined as actions involving decisions on policies, plans, or programs that contain standards controlling use or modification of the environment. Additional environmental review may be required for the actual development of the subject properties. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each comprehensive ~-~plan amendment request. Determinations of Non-significance (DNS) were issued for the requested lcomprehensive plan amendments on October 5, 2007. The DNS's were published in the city's official "newspaper on October 5, 2007 consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance. 1 of 2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSALS: . Comprehensive plan map amendment proposals are organized into individual reports consisting of application materials, staff reports, comprehensive plan maps, zoning maps, aerial maps, vicinity maps, transportation maps, and letters submitted to date to assist the City Council's review. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on October 25, 2007, to consider the proposed map and text amendments. After hearing public testimony, the Commission made recommendations on CPA-01-07 through CPA-09-07. The Commission continued the public hearing for CPA-10-07 thru CPA- 17-07 and proposed text amendments to November 8, 2007. Further research was requested on CPA-10-07 to determine an appropriate boundary for the proposed Regional Commercial designation. On November 8, 2007, the Planning Commission deliberated on CPA-10-07 through CPA-17-07 and . proposed text amendments. The Planning Commission's recommendations on CPA-01-07 thru CPA-17-07 are summarized in the attached memorandum, The Commission's recommendations on Chapters 3 and 4 are contained in Exhibits 4 and 5. . OPTIONS: Move to 15'reading scheduled for December 11, 2007 STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP, Planning Division Manager; Mike Basinger, AICP, Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Findings and Recommendations . Exhibit 2: Individual Staff Reports and Related Maps , Exhibit 3: Comments Exhibit 4: Chapter 3, Transportation (amended pages only) , Exhibit 5: Chapter 4, Capital Facilities and Public Services (amendecJ pages only) 2 of 2 . S"p~o~l~ane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley W,A 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1003 ~ cityha(lpspokanevalley.org ~ - - - - - ~ Memorandum To: Mayor and City Councilors From: Gail Kogei, Chair - Spokane Valley Planning Commission Date: December 4, 2007 Re: Planning Commission Findings and Recommendation: CPA-01-07 through CPA-77-07; Chapter 3, Transportation and Chapter 4, Capital Facilities and Public Services Text Amendments BACKGROUND The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on October 25, 2007, to consider proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plari Land Use map and text. After hearing public testimony, - the Commission made recommendations on CPA-01-07 thru CPA-09-07. The Commission continued the public hearing for CPA-10-07 thru CPA-17-07 and text amendments to November 8, 2007. Further research was requested on CPA-10-07 to determine an appropriate boundary for the proposed Regional Commercial ~-Mesignation. On November 8, 2007, the Planning Commission deliberated on CPA-10-47 thru CPA-17-07 and ,1)roposed amendments to Chapters 3 and 4 of the Plan. The Planning Commission's findings and recommendation on CPA-01-07 thru CPA-17-07 and proposed text amendments to Chapters 3 and 4 are summarized below: FINDINGS • 1. Notice for the proposed map and text amendments was placed in the Spofcane Valley News Herald on October 5, 2007. Each map amendment site was posted with a"Notice of Public Hearingu sign, with a description of the proposal, and a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) determination. 2. Individual notice of the map amendment proposals was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each affected site. 3. Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA - RCW 43.21 C) environmental checklists were required for each proposed comprehensive plan map and text amendment. 4. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each comprehensive plan amendment request. Determinations of Non-significance (DNS) were issued for the requested comprehensive plan amendments on October 5, 2007. 5. The DNS's were published in the city's official newspaper on October 5, 2007 consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance. 6. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on October 25, 2007, to consider the proposed amendments. After hearing public testimony, the Commission made recommendations on CPA-01-07 thru CPA-09-07. 7. The Commission continued the public hearing for CPA-10-07 thru CPA-17-07 and proposed Plan text i~ . amendments to November 8, 2007. Further research was requested on CPA-10-07 to determine an appropriate boundary for the proposed Regional Commercial designation. 1 of 4 8. On November 8, 2007, the Planning Commission deliberated on map amendments CPA-10-07 thru CP°F.-. 17-07 and proposed text amendments. ' RECOMMENDATION Map Amendments File No. CPA-01-07 Location: South side of 16t' Avenue, west of its intersection with Sullivan; Parcel number 45261.0707 at 1607 S. Sullivan Rd Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial; corresponding zoning change from Single-family Residential Suburban District (R-2) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) PC Recommendation: No Recommendation to date File No. CPA-02-07: Withdrawn File No. CPA-03-07 Location: Northwest corner of Pines and 32"d; Parcel No. 45284.2030 and 45284.2013 at 3010 S Pines Road Request: Change Comprehensive Plan from Neighborhood Commercial to High Density Residential; corresponding zoning change from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) PC Recommendation: Change to High Density Residential and zone MF-2 File No. CPA-04-07 Location: East side of Pines, North of Mansfield Road.; Parcel No. 45103.0263, 45103.0262, 45103.0261, -45102.9074, and 45102.9057 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from High Density Residential to Office; corresponding zoning change from Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) to Office (O) PC Recommendation: Change to Office and zone O File No. CPA-05-07 Location: Located on the north side of Mission at its intersection with Barker Road; Parcel number 55083.6401 at 1612 N. Barker Road Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Law Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial and corresponding zoning change from Single-family Residential Urban District (R-4) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) ' PC Recommendation: Change to Neighborhood Commercial and zone NC File No. CPA-06-07 Location: East of McDonald Road, north of its intersection with Sprague; Parcel No. 45154.1717 at 102 N. McDonald Road Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed-Use and corresponding zoning change from Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Corridor Mixed Use District (CMU) PC Recommendation: Change to Corridor Mixed-Use and zone CMU File No. CPA-07-07 Location: West of Argonne on the south side of Broadway Avenue; parcel no. 45184.0116 and 45184.0101 at,' 8910 E. Broadway Ave and 711 N. Argonne Road 2of4 /"'-,,Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Office to High Density Residential; change ,e►oning classification from Garden Office (GO) to Mlulti-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) PC Recommendation: Change to High Density Residential and zone MF-2 File No. CPA-08-07 Location: North side of Cataldo, west of its intersection with Argonne; Parcel no. 45181.1224 at 9015 E Cataldo Ave. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Office to High Density Residential; change the zoning classification from Garden Office (GO) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) PC Recommendation: Change to High Density Residential and zone fVIF-2 File No. CPA-09-07 Location: East of Pines, north of its intersection with Olive; parcel no. 45153.1715 at 512 N Pines Road Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Office to High Density Residential; change zoning classification from Office (O) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) PC Recommendation: Change to High Density Residential and zone MF-2 File No: CPA-10-07 Location: The corridor is part of the Barker interchange and runs from east of Greenacres Road to Hodges Road and from south of I-90 to Alki Road; the southern border of the corridor extends along Alki from Greenacres to Michigan; there is a small portion included in the corridor that extends the border farther south from Alki to Appleway along Michigan, and then east to Hodges Road, the city boundary line. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Corridor Mixed-Use to Regional ~-~Commercial; corresponding zone change to from Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) and Community Cornmercial (C) to Regional Commercial (RC). ~~'PC Recommendation: Change to Regional Commercial and zone Regional Commercfal, except for a small rESidential tract located in the southwest portion of the proposed amendment. The Planning Commission recommends this resident➢al tract be designated Low Density Residential. File No. CPA-11-07 _ Location: West of Park Avenue and on the south side of Nora; parcel numbers 35124.2504 and 35124.2606 at 7320 E. Nora Ave. ' Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from PubliclQuasi-Public to Light Industrial; corresponding zone change from Community Facility (CF) to Light Industrial. PC Recommendation: Change to Light Industrial and zone I-1 File No. CPA-12-07 Location: South side of Broadway, west of Ella Road; parcel no. 45183.0405 at 7816 E. Broadway Avenue. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from High Density Residential to Office; corresponding zone change from Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) to Office. * PC Recommendation: Change to Office and zone Office . File No. CPA-13-07 Location: East of Pines, between Pinecroft and Trent; parcel no. 45033.9024 and 45033.9042. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Mixed Use; corresponding zone change from Community Facility (CF) to Mixed Use Center District. PC Recommendation: Change to Mixed Use and zone MUC . File No. CPA-14-07 3 of 4 Location: South side of AAission, west of its intersection with Pines; parcel No. 45161.0246 at 12006 E. Mission, Avenue. % Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation frorn Public/Quasi-Public to Office; corresponding `zone change from Community Facility (CF) to Garden Office. PC Recommendation: Change to Office and zone GO . File No. CPA-15-07 Location: South side of 12E" Ave, west of its intersection with McDonald; parcel No. 45223.9210 at 12912 E. 120' Avenue. . Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi-Public to High Density Residential; corresponding zone change from Community Facility District (CF) to Multi-family High Density Residential District. . PC Recommendation: Change to High Density Residential and zone MF-2 File No. CPA-16-07 Location: West of Long Road, south of its intersection with Maxwell; parcel no. 55182.0103 at 1409 N. Long Road. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Low Density Residential; corresponding zone change from Community Facility (CF) to Single-family Residential District (R- 3). PC Recommendation: Change to Low Oensity Residential and zone R-3 File No. CPA-17-07 Location: North side of 10'h Avenue, west of Pines road; parcel number 45214.2531 at 924 S. Pines Road. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed Use; corresponding zone change from Single-family Residential Suburban District (R-2) to Corridor Mixed Use. District (CMU). " PC Recommendation: Change to Corridor Mixed Use and zone CMU Text Amendments - As indicated in attachments. Approved this 26"' day of November, 2007 -1 GU-0 7 ~.~cJ~ Gail Kogle, Chair- ' City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission 4of4 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall, 1707 E. Sprague Ave. . October 25, 2007 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Kogle calied the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commissioners, StafF and Audience staod and recited the Pledge of Allegiance III. ROLL CALL • ,Commissioners Kogle, Blum, Beaulac, Carroll,,:::trosby, and were present. . Commissioner Sands was absent and excused. Staff attending the meeting: Katfiy McClung, Director of Community Development;~,Gr~egi NicCorm"ick;_:Planning Manager, Scoft Kuhta, Long Range Senior Planner, Mi~e Ra"singer, Assaclate Planner, Deanna, Griffith, Administrative Assistant ' - . - • . . . i IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA '`j' - - , • Commissioner Crosby moved the Ocfi. 25, 2007~; agendabe approved as presented. Secvnd by Commissioner Beaulac ; . Motion passed unanimousiy. , V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, - - Commissioner Crosby stated that,.the~ m(nutes for 8-23 07' inoorrectty stated he was ~ absenfi, not excused. Mr. CrosbY' . said he; Fiyad'~~,informed staff that he vrould not be present at that _rTieetjng. Commissivn~r Seaulac.riiade a motion to approve the , minutes from ;August 23, 2407, Septiember 27, ` 2007 and October 11, 2007 be approved asL;ainended. Commissioner Crosby seconded the motion ~vhich was passcd unanimousiy: _w'_ . = ~ '4' ~'r" _.t • VI. PUBLIC COMMENT. .,tt.. . a . . There was•`iio.public comment. ' • ~`-/..•L VII:';:COMMISSION REPORTS - - f A•: : . . ' Cornmissioner Blum: stated,,thati he attended the City. Counci) meeting on Oct. 23`d, 2007.- FIe reported:.on the'Council's decision rEgarding street vacation af Sipple and : Fii^st: All other Cai~I.rpissioners had nothing to report. . VIII. ADMINISfRATIVE REPORTS -a: There Svas rnothi'nig for the administrative report. . IX: COMMIS5ION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS: Public Hearing regarding Comprehensive Plan amendments. Beiaw is the list of the Comprehensive Plan Map arnendments. Two chapters of the Comprehensive Plan, Transportahion and Capital Facilities are being updahed. ' COMP PLAN 20NING ' FILE NO. PARCEL NO, LOCATION CHANGE CHANGE APPLICANT • Sullivan nnd • CPA-01-07 45261.0407 16fh Ave LQR !o NC R-2 fv NG NW Renova#ors ; Droadvray and - CPA-02-07 46151.9010 A4cDonald PQP to MDR CF fo fvfF-1 City of Spokane Valley . 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes ' Page 1 of 7 COMP PLAN ZONING FILE NO. PARCEL NO. LOCATION CHANGE CHANGE APPLIGANT , ( as, s,.so, z I i I I . Pines and CPA-03-07 45284.2030 32nd Ave NC to HDR NC to MF-2 City ofi Spolcane Vall2y ' 45284.2013 Pines and Mansfield . CPA-04-07 45103A261 Ro2d HDR to O MF-2 to O • C+ty of Spokane Valley 45143.0262 . 45103.0263 45102.9057 . , 45102.9074 Barker and . ~ CPA-05-07 55083.6401 ts7ission LDR to NC , Y R-4 to*NE , City of Spokane Valley ' Sprague and CPA-06-07 45154.1717 McDonald LDR ta CMU;; R-3 ia CNiU~ :.CitY of Spokane Valley I Broadtivay and • .t~:- . ~.i'•~ ' CPA-07-07 45184.0116 Argaine 0 to H00 GO to A4F-2 City af 5ppkaiie Valley 45184.0101 . • - . Yc : 1';.~ 's> Catalcloand ~ CPA-08-07 45181.1224 Arponne O to PIDR GO to M F-2 City of Spokane Valley ~i Pines and CPA-09-07 45153.1715 Olive O to HDR -:0 to MF-2 CitY of Spokano Valley Barker/1-90 CPA-10-07 - Interchange }"f'rTo RC. To'RC' City of Spolcaiie VaHey I <4 a'_~ ~ '`.~i.• The Commissoners discussed~andJ,agreed to proceed with one amendment at a : time and aliow.`Public comment.offeach item. separaYely. ' ' - CPA-01~=07 - 16~ and Sullivan.Amendment requesf by the owners, NW Renovators. Changg from Low Density; Residential to Neighborhood Commercial. Donna Duree: 1512,5 Centjjnv Rd.,,- Ms. Dupree stated that she is opposed to , -.a-r.-- -t.i+v . ~Is;change. ~-.SheFstated'sl~ie had`spoken to the otivner and consider they stated it . vdas not safe forW single (annily residence. Nis. Duree said she fett thata commercial'use tivould~destray her quality of life and my family life. She pointed :t:E:;• . . out that t~ie area is over.•:; saturated vrith traffic, kids, school buses and STA buses. _ ' , • F i. Ms. Duree is:asking fo'r'a use that tivill generate the least amount of traFFic. iUils Waaenhals: 2719 S. Chervl Court. - Mr. Wagenhals stated the area is very' . UusyAtvith traffic. He state~d a pers~on can't see up Sull'rvan with the fence. Mr. lNageiihajs;''stated he is against this change, he is afraid of having more comniercial on Sullivan. . ~r . Ro4er'Southrn. 1705 S Newer Lane, - Mr. Sotihern stated he is opposed to ihis change. He stated thereis too much -traffic and change. FEe pointed out that , people trying to access 4th and Sullivan an-d there are many children from middle • sthool and hlgh school in the area. He stated he would anticipate disastrous results. Nir. Southrn stated this corner does not fend itse(f to any commercial developmenY. . Michael Lee. PO box 885. Libertv Lake - Mr. Lee is a proponent for the change. Mr. Lee stated that approximately 430 vehicles per hour go by tfiis eorner on ' 16L6; there is three tirrties this amount, on Sullivan. He said he feefs it is not a • - s,afe place for a single family home. Mr. Lee said he is in favar of wanting to J 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 7 ~ - chang- for the safety aspect, wants it to be a better use. Ne said they want to put something on the properly to serve that neighborhoad. Mr. Lee said larger commercial is not needed there, but single family residential is not good there . either. Mr. Lee also stated that the surrounding property will be nothing but ' gravel, and transformers. ' Vicki Sienknecht. 15314 E. 22"d - Ms. Sienknecht stated that she daesn't have an answer for single family to be on diis fot, but daes not feel fihat commercial is right either. People wafk the neighborhood at both 16th and Sullivan. Ms. Sienknecht said it vaas hard, but there is a stop light now. Ms. Sienknecht has concems about fitting something that close to the corner, but doesn't feel commercial is a good ansrver. ..F-.•. ..;i..a_ . Doua Gore. PO Box 885. Libertv Lake -Mr. Gore is'an ovvner and proponent of .t~he change. Mr. Gore stated that they are laokirig~<at a low impact use or~ the • property. Mr. Gore said that they are aware. that ~this;. is on a school bus route, but that a single family residence is not .appropriate:,• Mr,. Gore said that Vera Water and Power own the land that surroun is property, and, he believes they are . going to put a power substation on Neii property. Mr. Gore'stated that he rvill . ,1:; do Nrhatever they'can to work with.:t e itieighbofs. ~ ~......~;.i ss. Bradv Peterson 15511 S: Z~.~ - P•ir._P~erson stated that he was an opponent to the change. Nir. Peterson pointed out*the; lot-size,~11654 sF, and that access is x , rk gong to be a problem. [Ar. Peterson'•-stated that he pulled out the . . ...-Comprehensive Plan rega~ding neighborhaoci-commercial. Mr. Peterson stated ~P = o . ~,:i. tti that business should be in~clustcrs, this propertj/:lWould be an island, by itself, vJhich is not what a Neighaorhaod'Cornmercial Is meant to be.. ~ E=.:•, ' ~ h , Alan Mevers, 2124 S Newer Ct., Mr, Meyers statied`that he had prepared a letter, - but othe~s~ have. ~ar~iculated his. saiiie thoughts in their testimony. Mr. Meyers feels that any Craffiic bus)ness creates would- be bad for the'neighborhood, fihere is no,_ Otential for.d"eyelopment on, this property. , ,7eremv bra.per, 20t1 S Ear1v Dawn. = Mr. Drager stated that he was a proponent forlthis ctiange;.,HeX"said;that Sullivan is a 4 lane road, there is too much traffiic : : _ r.=: • , ; •r . Mr: Drag~r stated that anything is going to make it busy for-i(to,be a residence : on tiiat;corner. Tiie :danger factor is high but single family is not the right thing to pufi th'ei&e., Mr. Drager) statecl he was in favor of the safesti, best use of the property -arid-.he believes owners are trying to work that. Patricia Price: .~~307 E 15th Ave. - Ms Price stated she was one of the neighbors ;tliat fought fo~ a street light. Ms. Price is opposed to t-his change. She afso sEatied. that shte has picketi un kids tiuha hit by cars. : Sonia~ BA'nvi. 1520 S Cenkurv Rd. - h9s. Bakonyi stated that she runs an in- . , . home4cla}~care. Ms. Bakonyi also stated that she had spoken with Vera ~11tater and Power who assured her that iP commercial goes on the property, they will put a substation there. Ms. Bakonyi also stated that Vera also said they would _ listen to the neighbors. Ms. Bakonyi stated that she runs a daycare in 4er home and that ifi is very busy for parents to get into her home and pick the kids up. Ms. Bakonyi stated that she has concerns about tihe increase in cars because she takes kids for walks and could not feel comfortable doing that if traffic increasetl. Doua Slato, 1.5311 15th Ave. - Mr. Slato said when thcre ivas-no light there, his wife ovas in an accident, naw there is a light tF►ere. He stated that he tums on 14th to avoid light. If you add a commercial use the kids will cut the corner. Mr. 5(ato stated he felt ihere was plenty of commercial if someone need@d it they 10=25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 7 could travel to 32nd and Pines or 4~' and Sullivan. Nir. Slato said he fe(t the Cily needed more homes not more commercial. ~ Michael Godek, 15121 E 15th -Mr. Godek stated he felt a SCOPE office would be great, but the neighborhoad already had lots of klds jumping fences, lots of speeding. Mr. Gadek said that he thought nothing too crazy shoufd be allowecl there. Mr. Godek said he is oppaszd to the changz. . . Commissianer Robertson made a motion to recommend denial of. CPA-01-07 to the City Council, second by Commissioner Blum. - Comrnissioners had an extensive discussion of the proposal. Concerns raised were if residential is not a - good designativn then what would be better considering what Vera 1+U&P are . going to do with the surrounding land. Comm issione rs:, felt it is not a good place for residential however, are rnncerned as to what designation 'would be appropriate on t}ie ground. Distussion tumed: to;what the allowed uses would ~ be, staff reminded the Commissioner that what the~ oiMners plan to do with the property is not part of the propasal, they need~to make a",-determination on what is the best use for the property based on_lai~d u`se designatlons. . . The vote an the motion is three to tfiree, motion fails. CAmmissioner Carrall - moveti to recommend approval of_tlie proposal to the City Cauncil._-After more ' discussion the vote on the motion isptli'ree to tii`ree, motion fails, ' for tie. At tilis tGne the Commission forwards amendment GPA-01-07 with no recomrr~endation. CPA-02-07 has been withdrawn. • CPA-03-07 - This pro perty. is • lacated at .ines:- and. 32nd. - It is currently ' apartments, the proposed change._ is ; from ideighborliood Commercial to High Density Residential. ~ Henrv BeNt:12009 E 30th - Mr., Sell stafieti'that he lives near this property and ~ there is;,`06dy'tioo much noise. Mr. Bell' wanted to know how many more . peoPle*U;auld be put;in on it. Staff;explained that fihere will be. no change on the . propeity,_1 _ Commissioiier_ Beaulac made- a. motion fio recommend approval of CPA-03-07 to , ~tlie Ciry Council"secondby Commissioner Blum, motion passes unanimously. CPA-04,-07 - These', properties are on the east side of Pines and north of " Mansfield The ProP~osaf~is to chan9e from Hi9h pensitY Residential to Office. r . After discussion Comitiissioner Czrroll made a motfon to recommend anproval of CPA-04-07 toAhe City Council. Motion is seconded by Commissioner Bium and 'appraved Unanimous. CPA-05-07 = This property is loc.ated ot the corner of Barker Rd. and Mission , Ave.; and: is pait of the Riveiwalk subdivision. Change is from R-4 Residential to Neighborhood Commercial. Commissioner Carroll asked for confirmation that this is a map mrrecction, for prior to incorparation, vJas zoned to B-1. Staff did confirm that the praperty had been B-1, and then it uvas change to residential, . Elaine Weese„ 18617 E. Montaon'ierv - Ms. %Neese' stated that the property tivas - originally oommercial, before the developmenti. P'is Weese siated that tfiere tvas ' . too mucfi traffic for anyfihing more than commercial. Anita Purdie, 18716 E BaldN;in Ct. - Ms Purdle stated that shE has been toid l'liat there have been several different designations oi) the property. Ms. Purdie stated she felt that a park of some kind would be better than something - , commercial. She said that there is a bus stop located In this area and houses • back onto this parcel. Ms. Purdie said she feit that the lotiv 'Lurn out of 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 7 neighborhood was c4ue to no notice, she also said it is too hard to stop and read _ sign. She stated she was troubled as to what will go there and what effect it wiil have on the children and the schofll. Ca.mmissioner 81um made a motion to recommend approval of CPA-05-07 to the • . City Council. Commissfoner 12obertson seoonded the mation which was passed unanimous. CPA-06-07 - This property is just off the corner of Sprague and McDonaid. • Change is from Low Deiisity Residential to Corridor Mixed Use. - StafF reminded . the Planning Commission during the Comprehensive Pfan deliberations this • property was discussed and voted to approve, however it did not get changed on r: the map. Lillian Enman. 101 N Clinton Rd. - iWs. Enman lives behind the property in this . ~ CPA. Ms. Enman stated she tivanted to know;,vAat'.is going to go there. Ms. • Enman stated that she had been told it.was,:offlces fiowever she was concerned ..4.~ ~ ia~. . alwut the amount of noise that would be.generated by the,:,change. Cammissioner Robertson maved to :r~rommend approvai of.;,CPA-a6-07 to the City Council. Commissioner Seau(ac setond~ the motion 4vtitch, was passed unanimous. - Broad~vay and Argonn~. CPA-07-07 - This property is located ~t~th~`corne~ of , - The proposal is tQ change from Office to Fiigh Density Residential, which is the • Vt.n - current use'on the prope : •_,r,-: Marie Fnain. 706 N Maraa`rite~''.'4-: - Ms. Fruln stated i the wanted to ask for . consideration as far as tl1e~'p~ropas~l:ovas.concemeo': ~ h~s. Fruin stated when she boughti property it had an eakement'on~_the-,back access. She stated she no • longer has access and would like. to have lief~access back or to have a fence put up to proEe~ct lier : from the surmunding property. . Staff`eXplained to'1~. Fruin that tl}e Gty canit require improuements as part of a Comprehensive Plan amendment. ' ' . . A•','`•sr~~.''.•,., .i . ' -Fd- Krienke. '9?Z`~~S Ntariam1-, Mi~~ ~Crienke stated that he believed what the Ci`y -d..".::~ : J, Yw ~`a~' ".C•.. , ' •'•~~lia's, dane;is target.~e,d apartments. The CPty is considering reverse spot zoning, whicli fie,feels is'against the grearer good as well as the Grovvth ManagemEnt Act. Mr. Kri6nke statM. tfiat if the properly were vacant, no vne would build an s~'l ' ~ i•'.''•:. • . r: • s k. apartrnent coniplex on it•. fle is against this change. ' `-.Commissiane; r~.__C~arrall made a molion to rernmmencl approval of CPA-07-07 to ~ . the,City Counc~il. Commissioner Robertson second, the vofie is all in favor. - . CPA=7,08.,07~- The property is located at Catalda and Argonne, the proposed .t~-: cF~ange. is from OffioG to High Density Resfdential. Ed Krienke, 922 S Nlariam - Mr. Krienke slated that it is unreasonable to say that , zoning should be different than tivhat.is already zoned up and do+vn Argonne. Mr. Krienke stated no 'one could give him a goad reason far the change. Mr. Krienke shated that this change would afFect his pocketbook. Eie also stated that if there was a fire no one would want to put apartmenfis back on the property. . h9r. Krienke stated that the Comprehensive Plan is about changing and makirig a - choice. Staff explained the change on the property. The City added Office and multi- . famity zoning which dicf not exist in the past. Commissianer l3eaulac made the --mofiion to recommencl approval to the City Council. Commissioner Carroll 10-25-47 Planning Comm+ssion Niinutes Page 5 of 7 seconded the motion. Commissioners had discussion regzrding the property, regarding t~ile non-conforniing use and if the owner was aware of the change. r Commissioner's vote on the motion is 3 to 3, motion fai{s. The suggestian ivas ' made to move it forward without a recommendation from the Commission. . There was more discussion of the consequences of the change and staff's comments regarding approval. CommiSSioner Crosby made a motion to recommend approval of CPA-08-07 to ttte Citiy Cbuncil, Cammissioner Robertson second the motion which was passed with a vote of four to hvo. CPA-09-07 - This property is locateii at Pines and Olive. Ttiese apartments are NUD housing for seniors. Staff pointed out that this is an example of where . funding wouid be a problem iF it is non-conforrning. , . Cammissianer Crosby moved to recammend appro4l of CPA-09-07 to the City Council. Commissioner Robertson seconded, the Vote is unanimous. , CPA-10-07 - StafF explained that this propo'sal is located off the Barker Rd. interchange. Most of this property, in this;area is currently:,zoned Corridor Mixed Use,. but that staff feels that with the-interchange there iX should be Regional , Commercial. . . • , Bonnie Owens. 421 N Greenacres""Rd.. - P1s. Owens stiated she was against this change. She stated no one notified 'lier;of tOange. Ms. owens stated the nEighbors don't want to be sandwiched 6etvi+een rnmmercial uses. ~isa Thomasan. S06 NCreenacres Rd. - Ms::Thompson siated that she is not opposed to the area on Br"oad~~ay being changed, ho~v_ever she feels staff is tao . greeciy with where they inrant, td p'ut,_the change:✓,.: Ms Thompson stated the change . is impacting the ~6sfdential~neighborhoods. She also stated that ' neighbors were concerned Huber,.Trailer`empPoyees are speeding through the neighborhood;_now along with``people tryipig " to avoid the Barker light. Ms.. . 7hamps n stared46e area around, Alki is mosfity rESidential, she vvanted to know if th6lC ~ty,yvanted "to buy them oW~ _ Sharon SfiaG4ot 1811z• E Alkf. - h9s: Shawo stated she was against this change. $ sfiated tli~t::the area tietwi~n Broadway and Alki is all residences. Ms. ~t;•;'°':-ri~- . . ' ShaWio'stated sli"e,felt the City v,ras destroying the neighborhood, there were new ~ i-•J,houses:?,~ Why zone~commercial when it has alvvays been residential? . . : • -G ' , ; j:. Nathan Smit~i.: 42Z Vt►'Riverside - Mr. Smith stated he tvas representing the . Corner Stane`:Churclr~ He stated that tlie church would IikE'to include the church. and adjacent'property on fihe Comprehensive Plan amendment. h9r. Smith stated that.~Regional;Commercial would be more appropriate Chan residzntial, which Yhe - 3~~J' . properry is.(urr2nrly classiRed, which would develop 8road4vay 17iane Savish. 511 N. Greenacres Rd. Ms. Savish stateci she woulcl trade P1r. Smith the church for thz residences. . Gred Nicks. 18511 E. AIkI. - Mr. Fiicks stated he was against the change. Mr. Hicks stated that he felt the only people in favor of this rezone don't live here. Wes Beck. 19105 E Alki - Mr. Beck stated he was against the change, Mr. Beck , Uvanted to knotiv what happens tb the houses when they are non-conforming? Earlier you safd things need to be conforrning. Eric Hattamer. 217 N Fiora 12d. - Mr. Hattamer stated this is long range plan. , Barker will be four lanes instead of two in the future, as the traffic has changed . so Far. He stated Chat you anticipate that as things So forward, people need to think fong range not short range. - 10-25-07 planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 7 . . Mark 7avlor. 18506 E klki - Mr. Taylor wanted to l:now what happens if tfie •properties are made non-conforming. He stated he had a concern if residences tiy to reFinance and they are non-conforming. Nir. Tayior stated he felt the I-90 corridor is Broadway not on Alki. At th[s time Comm[ssioner Crosby made a motion to extend the meeting to 9:15 . pm. Motion is seconded and passed to extend Lisa Thompson returned to the padium to ask the designation at the Valley Mall. . Tracv Garver, 18316 E. Broadwav - fNs. Carver stated she was against this change and thafi aii around there is residential in the area with exception of Huber Trailer Sales, please move the line back. . Gene Coibert. 19205 E 8roadwav - Mr. Colbert wiAnted to know what are the differenczs in the aliowed uses. Mr. Colbert alsd' wanted to know what is goilg x to happen with the Appletivay Co+~ridor. Mr. Co~~ert "s.Cated that the change does nofi a~fect his business but, but he said his, logic that there is plenty of . commercial along the Sprague Ave., so is'mor.~e needed? 1=: Commissioners and stafF diScuss vvhy; tf~e designation was chosen, how regional z ~ ~.:.t-. oammercial develops at interchangesh,. Commistisioner Carroll asked_ Wauld it be . apprapriate to extend the churctiproperly.; - , Commissioner Crosby made a motton to eztend the meeting to 9:30 pm. Motion ~.7 . . passes with a vote of S ta 1. Staff suggested they coufd look. at a series of alt~ma~yes For this area. Barker ti~rill be widened in the future~; staffydoesnt know'wli~at will be'ne~ed for rnore - than right-oF ~vay parcels. ~'St~~f sfated~thafi under Corridor Mixed Use High ~ Density Residential ~vould be allowed anifLtfii~; is not something the City would want at tt~e, iriterchange. Commissianer Carroll made a mofiion to continue the public hearing fio Nov. 8t' . tivirti' aiizinstructiori:- to staff tio researc.h including the church request and how . CPA-10-07:`could.,; tie- reworked. Staff stated tiiey,-could develop a wuple of altematives.' Commissioner Beaufffc seconded, mdtion passEd unanimously. .,s:` : ':;-:;;z...; s. • - OLD BUSINESSc There was no old business : : , - • ' X. FOR THE GOOU'OE. THE ORDER . There was nothing for the gooel of the order . XI. ADJOURN,MENT ,~:.s , There being nv,other business the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 pm. SUBMITTED: ' APPROVEp: DEanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Gail Kagle, Chairperson - ~ \ ' . . / ~ ~ 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes . Page 7 of 7 3 ~V • tl,~ ~j { STATE UF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CQMMUNITY, TRADE AND ECONQMIC DEVELOPMENT 128 • 900 Avetrue SYV • PU Bax 47525' • Olyrrrpia; Wasluirgtoi► 98504•2325 •(360) 725400 October 2, 2007 ' Mike Basinger, AICP Associate Planner City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206. Dear Mr. Basinger: Thank you for sending the Washington Staie Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) the following materials as required under RCW 36,70A.106. Please keep this letter as documentatfon that you have met this procedurai requirement. City of Spokane Va!!ey - Proposed annual 2007 Comprehensive Plan arnendment process, Including a total of 17 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments, and text amendments focused on updating Capital Facflit(es, Arterial Street Plan, and the Bike and Pedestrian Plan. These materials were received on 10I0212007 and processed with the Material Ib # 12181. . WVe have forwarded a copy of this notice to other state agencies. if this is a draft amendment, adop#ed arnendments should be sent to CTED within ten days of adoption and to any other state agendes who commented on the draft. , . If you have any questions, please call me at (360) 725-3068. Sincerely, . Tainmy Wright fpr Dee Caputo Growth Managerrent i'lanner Growth Management Services ' Enclosure ' ; ; . WIT1iEl.2aSP00N, KEL11EX, DAV:ENPORT & TOOLE A PROFESSIONAL gEFtViCE CORPORI+TION ATTORI.BYS ac COUN3ELORS 20ISLT L MAOML40M r.m14.e,cv Poa7LANvoFF1e I100U.S.BAN3CBtlFI.DFNG • CoEunWuE)a ovPtCH . Muu4 o.mc.ar. i scs sw f5n1 AvFWvE, sut7e avc itut SracF.str~.n rin~v!a' 0im.urt~Yi 0AejG: w,, 422 NEST RIV ERSIDE .4VEN11E c77AN~iCBKnnILT POC.'iL1h'R.00.F.I7~79i2t11 . f/7i\YpRTC0.'FSTEOCtiEVh:D.SUIFElDI n,D,,,,tz~„~„ Telemrn[:(YA)S4b-!59B • SPOKANE.VIASHINCTON~?OI-034D CbFJ.JND'ALEh=DAHO!>1H4►tS nu.xs µ sAwraK sax: (sm)s4a~3d119 Tcl!phoao: (509) 624•5265 sdCpts : CM604M 'zrxnffv i.~.n• Fax_ (509) 453•2128 ~ 60~~ 1iiS:l i r~Sw7LIJ1E45': • NIClIALIaI-QRL'V uAaV t. 11Y.OiK9• . [DY.LJ 1 4~•' IL u4X cr~ jR• Octoher 24, 2007 lO:.~4.F11LY111 DfJ~MO fl. OUILWfY.ll. , faIN= L ?D~?Y VJY ~.07.'l.`T7'1 . nuCMY H.I.a'N11A , WILLSAM IL fY4M81•j N~-~•. City of Spokane Valley Plann.i.ng CotrunissiAn lTMLLY 1t f.^!, frMTG• ~WD L LY'n~K " 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 NI~LL L W' R'j " um.MD L MSPokane Valley, Washinj on 99206 10i1.0.0A:LL• aam.rt r, e,Liy+~mz• .wr.ar~v a P-n.,r.imur• 614C11fY N, aIDCGY ""=M"°""'""°"I RE: Comprehensive 1'lan Map Ainendment CPA-1.0-07 AlM~A67 A I:wIIG.• iYAfl K CAUDOM• MAC/.t &'WlAVIL lAT:dA 1. L00.TVGN • t'T4 L d[Mt%OM'AY eLriwurNam6[►ttiv Dear Corninissioners: aTAn K CXIFN ' TRALY 1:. ~C»> M!L N. xkl. . cc.xw'+.v: 07ffiL "E"""`°"~ Thank you for the opporhuiity to provide comments regarding the Ciiy's proposal to M.mcow.anev 1FJNQLi 19YT5oK.. rezone agproximately 100 acres of land fronl Corridor Mixed Use to Regional 07 OoUN=.F1 Commcrcia.l. We represent Conierstone Pentecostal Church ("Conierstone"), wluch - ~T~~ ovms alaprorimately five (5) acres of prop£rty that is adjaceiit to the westeni boundary of , the proposeci rczone and is presently zoned Low I7ensity Residential. Cornerstone > Alm.dsin:l fe Memu ••~,.~.n~6respectfully requests that its property be included in the proposed rezone ~rea. ~ Alm 61W0e4 fn N- Ydt , »At.a.sci:.eo6af+.9 ' ~~itvf (a W]e w~ . The uiclusion of Comerstone's property is appropriate f.or the. following rcasons. First, the Comerstone property is locatecl in a"pocket" bchween tlie proposed rezonc and property that is dcsigpnated PublicJQuasi-1'ublic and zoned Community Facility. "1"he existing Low Density Residential designation is incotnpatible with the contempJated . coinmercial uses as well as the Community Pacility zoning to the west of Cornerstonc. Second, the existing Low Density R,esiciential zone is inappropriate for peoperty with CYQntage along Interstate-90, wluch is especial]y true considering the Conaerstone property's proximity to a freEway iiieerchange (Barkcr). Tlurd, the Cornersfnne property . will be developed as a cllureh xYnd will not be developed for single family residenees; . thercfore, a change to the existing zoning designacion is appropriate. As noted in the Staff Report, the intent of tlus rezone proposal is to provide for larger coriunercial uses iu the area. The property acljacent to Cornerstone is-designated as a Commiuut}= FacilitiesDistrict; wluch is a dcsignation "intended to. protect and preserve areas cievoted to civic, cultural, edticational and similar instiiutional facilities." SVCC 19.60.100. Under the Comprehensive 1'laii, the Public/Quasi-Public desicnation is designed to serve the needs of the community as related tio public services. City of Spakane Va11ey Camprehensive Plan, p..23, § 2.5.7. By extendinb the Rejional - Commercial desigilation to the east to include the Conierstone property, the "pocket" of ~ . . , City oi 5pttune Valley Pl~ulrjitig Cunjmiss+.on October 24, 2007 Page 2 resideniial zouing will be eliminated and a designation thAt is consistcat with both 1he proposed commercial zone and the Community Facilitics District will bc implemented. In summary, the present designarion of the Comerstane property as Low Density Residential is inappropriatc given its groximity to Intcrstate 90 and the Barker Road interchange. In the fuiure, CQmerstone intends to devzlop its praperty as a church. A church is consistent and campatible with the larger scale commereial development allowed in the Regional Commercial designation. B}i ercluding this property from tho rrzone area, the Comerstone property w111 be an "island" of low density residential betwetn large sc,ale commercial developmeni and s quasi-public use, both of which allow demnnstrably mnrc intense uses than the Low Dcnsity Residential designation. '1liank you for thc opportunity io provide comment on proposed amendment If you have any questions or require any additioaal in.formation, please contact me. Sincerely Yours, WTIIiERSPOON, KE1: LFY, DAVENPc.)Et't & 'I'OOLE, P.S. Ry: acv :'1.a'ordafil j L . ~ SAB/rab CC: PaStor RickN1ayo, Comerstone i'entecostal Church i~ il. . '.•.,."i 3-.J'.1."~1:~_4i1.r .1..::'t'. 'n.:~!:'.alLf..,.~'r,•,:'1:}. ':~i__ Exhibit 1: Cot»prehen5ive Plan MaP ~ ~ pli-'ion ~ Puhll'tlQual- Public Publirlflussi- 14 w Lkn~ir~ Fublic I f~"idcntial ~ . Ncdium T tif7 I ubliuju'~t►- Ucnsitj Rbidtenti~1 Low Dt iir~ ~oblic P Rnida~tul Hi~f - _ ` _ 7 T~y~ • G ~ , =Pu tir/Qua,i- ' Ijbb~~C ~Jr *-A. . I, 1•\ P11~ltild /rSA { „-fttl4';li'.: 1 ~ U I C~t ~ 0+c'F - "'_TYt ~ r . `~~'~t~ •lth:i~l'C . 'i'~..~4 ~~a~'~,~~~ 1/(` ~ i r ~ h . ~ ~ CR:i~` ti'. '1~ti ~ K~14~''~• ~ ti ' - Z~1G x~ 'H~ w ~'x n'y,• ~~•S•`~„f !d~"lV~~?•nr, ' ~`t~ - '1~~'~ • ~ ~ R.` ''.P~'j•:, <~1., a ~{''~.~5 },.^~r.4 fi " ~-~.~'~i.~'~• . •ti~ ti'~~ 1,` ' ~ y.t;,,,,,.` ~ .><_~:t r c.w..;~,,.: : ~ . . j ' , : : , ~ ~,_^2:. t ~f' `.fi ~ : x 'ti T'~ ,.II I ~ ~ 1~ T..f~ ~"k a^i." i xC. _jj•T~.~~a_. t~ tit ~,-~ti IR1 J- I _ ♦ t~•t ' ~ : ~ ~ ` I • ~ ~ S.(+~tiy ~ 'x , . t I ~ S << t~'~ N~ l1`~r~ `~1' ° 1 'i~nt"~w f~ K~ti.~• ]Z`.=11}a. 1~ ~j'la~~, y~~Jl ~~~~..h~+! ~1~ Z'~ rrs •T, t . . ~rtt.al J• - . ~ ~ T-I Is:Z ~ ~ i,,.,ity R . ~ . ti.;i~'~~" f'u:~ti i' ~,lllC-• . ` ~ ~iit\ ~ \ ~ ' - .r - - -.t. / ~ I \ ~ • ~ { ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ,uUhc ; ~ 1 , ti: [ i 1;;~ ~ { ' V.~l~s ~a ~ : i' ~t•I~`, ~ ~ ~ JI ~ j t nutv~, 1 r` -k'uUliulpuaV ♦twiiimS 1)ccsilr Lo~~ at i ~ Zr.id"s'ac:iil .,---r -.-:ti ~::r~~;; Rniarntia{ • .I .4lnuicatial idQovl- ; ~tit: •er ~ I ~ ~ Pubi{t~ i': • i ~,J P11biIGK~LL~f~ iM ium Public . ~ Dcnutr t - Rc~klcntial _ I ►uMii'~(luasi- PuDhc'.QuasE ' ir i ~,pA.1~ Request: Cheage the Canprcliensire Rag maQ Qty of Spol:ane Vollry dcsignaUon from Corridor Mixed l.►se aed Commuoity ikvelopment Ikpartment ("~mnnlty Commerdal to Regional C'ummercLt; chan e roain ft-om CMU nnd t` to itC. i i . r RECEIVED October 25, 2007 ~ = - acT z 5 2007 S oka.ne Valle Cit3 u ~ Council SzPOKANaVALLEY P Y PART ENT Of Re: File #~CPt~-O 1-O'~ COMM~NITY DEVELOPMENT Dear Sirs, I am a si.ngle mother, finishing raising the last of my fix<<e children at our home on S. Cenhuy Road. We have owned our honie for nearly 12 years, and the proposed change of zoning - directly across the street f.zom our housE is absolutely hor.rifying. It tivill create an extrtremely unsafe sifuation for the kids and families that live in our community. . We purchased aur liome when the area all around our neighborhofld was fields, ivith some homes witii horses and other rural kinds of acreage. One Qf the reasons we moved to our neighborhood Nuas the peace and quiet, yet reasonably near to schools and shopping. Over the pears that situation has changed dramatically, with houies and schools surroundi.ng us. We fbughk for and aot a traffie signal at the comer of 16' and Sullivan, as it was, and is even mare so 6ecoming a very dangerous intersectian. The traffic on both Sullivan and on 16' Street has so greatly increa.seti along with the growth of the area. Every morninn as people going to werk, the kids and parents from CVHS and both eity vuses and school buses crowd the streets tryiu; to get to their destinations on ti.me, the traffic floNv clo,,,c the intcrsection and accidents occur. If }rou allow a commercial enterprise, such as an Espresso stand proposed by the owner of the property, you urill be creating a traffic nightmare . fibat wiIl nofi only endanger our neighborhoods, but wi.ll also endanser tt2e geople (including school kids) wbo wa(k that area daiiy. Our street will become the favored short cut to the coffee stand and oux quality of life wi11 be destroyecl. Our property values will fa11, and people wbo have lived in this neighborhood for many years v<<ill sell their homes and the neighborhood will deteriozate as is seen in other areas where tlus kind of situation occurs. I am disabled, and afi home most of the time, and I can tell you that the traffic sounds already are i.ntrusive and constant. Please don't add to that and destray all that I have struggled so hard foz sa many years t4 build, and to leave to my kids. Pteasd- don't tum .my neighborhoad into a commErcial zone and ruin our community. Vfy home is ail I have, and I can't just sell aud move away, and I don't want to! We are not in need of any more commercial ventures intruding inta established neighborhoods. Our homes ranae from $175,000-over $300,000 in this cammunity. We have pride of ovvnership and don't want to Iose tha# to comrxiercial intrusion. Please help us and say vo to destroyiug our neiahborhood. Sincerely, . / onna DuRee 1512 S. Centuzy Road r RECEIVED OCT252001 of . Petition protest: $PO~NE VALLEY DEPARTMEN7 QF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT We, the undersigned citizens of the Spokane Valley announce . our united opposition for the proposed change of zoning to allow any commercial development of the area located on the SW co.rner of 16'hStreet azld E. Sullivan Road (File # CPA-41- 07) Spokane Valley, Washi.ngton. We strongly oppose the placement of any in.i.ni-m.art/gas station or ANY other commercial concern, related to the xesultant and completely Lulwanted increase in traffic, noise, intrusive lighti-ng, ci-ime (loxtering, pan-handling, vandalism, theft etc) and reduction in property values which would certainly occur. We located in our neighbo.rhoods to avoid such intrusion and desire to continue without fuz-t.her comjnercial invasion. ' . NA.ME: A.DDRESS PHONE NUM13ER P(1no.~ktCsm Iy°ll! F 21S'A}P S,cl.Vrl. r~`~fi~ 7 SD`!-cf2U-r ~ "A ~ ! \qU c V r~ l~ ~ °l. 3? S'~ t-`~ 2?- QZa. . ~ . . ~ . RECEIVED F. . OCT 2 5 M ~ • SPQKANE ILE October 25th, 2007 . ~ yq DEPARTMENT O~Y ~ TO WhofTl ft M8y COnG2P1'1: COMMUNITY'DEVELOPM ENT This is in regards to the•conceming proposition of building commercially on the corner of 16th and Sullivan. When we purchased our home three years ago on the corner of 16th and Century, we were told that there were no plans for any buiiding across from us. We bought our HOME for the simple reason that we can live in this home for the next 20-30 years and never have to move and so that I could run my'home based business of an.in home daycare successfully. Our property line is exactly 121ft. frorn the property in question. We did NOT receive any notification and anyone within 400ft of the proposed commercial zoning is to be notified of this change. We did not receive any certified notification as our neighborwho lives direcetty across from us did. The proposed commercial development would impact our community in a high fashion with the result of increased crime and vandalism, increased littering and Ioitering, and increased traffic. This would also personally impact my home business dus to increased noise levels which in turn vdill wake the children, decrease our ability to go for walks to the local parlc, and put parents at risk due to high traffic volumn. Northwest Renovators is being reckless and irresponsible to think that we as a community would welcome with open arms anything but a single residential home on . j--- this lot. We were given the excuse that a residential home would put that family at risk by backing into traffic. However, laoking at this with open eyes will clearly show that increasing traffic on this-corner due to a coffee stand or mini mart would highly increase anyone's chance of being in an accident. We have many young school children that - walk to the local high school and middle school's that would be directly affected and would increase their risk of just simply walking to and from school safely. There are several abandon buildings and lots up and down Sprague that are specifically zoned for commercial with one anticipation in'mind, that is a commercial area. A coffee stand and or mini mart or any other commercial building simply does not belong in a residential community. We are already infested with enough coffee stands/mini marts/gas stations that start 8 blocks from thi"s area. . Bottom Iine, a commercial property has no place in a residential family uased ' community. These are our homes, our investments, and our lifestyle and we simply do notwish for this proposed change Sincerely, Justin and Sonja Bakonyi 1520 S Century Rd 509-891-9313 ' ' - RECEiVED ' OCT 2 5 2001 T M o E Petition DE7 RqENT OF protest: ~MMUfdfTY DEVELOPMENT We, the undersigned citizens of-the Spokane Valley announce wd change of zon.irig to . our uni.ted_oppos.itiozi f.or-the propose allow any commercial development of the area located on the . SW cornerof 16`hStreet and E. Sullivan Road (File # CpA-01- . 07) Spokane Valley, Washington. We strongly oppose the placement of any min.i-martlgas station ox. ANX other cornm.ercial concern, related to the resulta.nt an.d ' completely unwanted increase in traf.f.~c, noise, intrusive lighting, crirne (loitering, pan=handling, vandalism, thef.t etc) and reductio'n a.n propezty values wluch would certaully occur. We located in our neighboxhoods to avoid such in.trusion and . desixe to. 'cantinue witliout fuxther cammercial invasion. _ NAME: ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER. '~ONtJ R0W3t-V'6 I $19 S -T1 m9 F.RL-PA • 9Zq 5003 /9I9 C\5- e 044` ~a~-~' . . - e s A s _ 4". . rvvP. ~ • C&H'Uf~ ~A Vd . gGij - i~< `149 , ~ . ~ f l l~s IU P 4 DY , - --~.1rl~bT~ - - ~ - ; :e lAtA 373~ ~ - aw E. I ~ Q a.Lo `Q ~ 5-7 . . 7 _ 44a27 57. Ll9"VY 4 9K ~ ~iid P O.NJfl/ 0-~~ ' qJ/ ; October 25, 2007 City of Spokane Valley Re•CPA-1-07 Att• Mike Basinger Opposition to reaoning to commercial/residential Please consider optimal residential living, ecological concerns and beauty of this area as your significant value when deciding on this rezoning• My deepest concern is that the current proposed rezoning opens the south valley above 4th avenue to development such as strip malls, convenience stores with gas service, taverns and espresso stands contributing to stalled traffic, idling cars, pollution and increased criminal activity• Just look at the congestion and problerns at the Sprague and Sullivan corridor• Problems with traffic and shoppers getting across • to different businesses or services whether on foot or in a car continue• This area includes the highest crime rate in vicinity• There is neither anything beautiful or attractive . to enhance the street or its buildings• Thus it provides an example of what we do not want to promote- It is not too late to take charge and promote a culture for ' optirnal residential living'and growth• The corner in - question does not lend itself to a neighborhood with small businesses and foot traffic• Speeds of 35mph on both streets and no parking make it prohibitive to invite such a culture• Please no further strip malls that now typify this valley• That is not the life style that promotes the integrity of this valley• Continue to develop the city center and work on the areas going North from Sprague on Sullivan• What I would like to see on the corner of 16th and Sullivan is a green area with a fountain, a couple of.benches for cyclists, as there is a bike path and walkers• lilhy would it not be possible for the City and Vera Power to partner and own that piece of property. Then dedicate it to velley citizens who live and *travel in the area surrounding 16th and South Sullivan• Zt would serve as a reminder that we care for our hornes, the roadways and want to keep the integrity of the valley as friendly and beautiful• Sullivan Road is nat going to decrease in use or as a major arterial• Its intersections will also continue to be an issue for use and safety• So please start to be-creative without just business as the focus because those of us living close by desire planning for optimal residential use. ~ % Dar e~n,e,,/~ ompt ► ' ~'u. ~"'~-ft L ~s-y z~+ Page 1 0f 1 Mike Basinger . From: dariccetti@comcast,net Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 12:16 PM . To: Mike Basinger . Subject: Sidewalk ins#allations on tfnis planning project on 12 th & McDonald? Mr. Mike Basinger, AICP My husband, Dale 12iccetti and Myself Iaebra R.iccei#i; were wondering on this plaiuunia project notice that you have sent to us concerning thc meeting tonight at 6:00prn, the mecting in which 1 can.not attend due to he•alth issues and disabilities. We wcre wrondering if in this plaiwi.ng of thc project if there will be sidewalks installed on our side of the 12th and McDonald? We live at 13021 F. 12th ave, just north of the posted site. I left you a short phone message also in concern NNztti this quEStion. Flease contact us by phonc( 509-891-9777) and or e-mail driccettiO.comcast.net Thank You for yow time, sorry for the inconvenience. Sincerely, Debra & Dale Riccefti i nns~~nn~ . Planning Commission Update/Report CPA-10-07 Objection to Current and Future Rezoning Facts Basis 1. Inadequate Natification - A Change to Multi-Use published in VaNey Herald ~ publication circulated to 55,000 1xMreekiy . ra#7er than The Spokesman Review Publication c+rculated to 355,000 Daily B. No House to House notification of pending change , 2. Misrepresentation by Mike Basinger A Twenty-three (23) homes oecupy the block bordered by the Freeway, Barker, Alki and Greenacres Road {Mr. Basinger had stated there were seven.} B. Picture shown was af a pasture for the horses owned by a resident of that b(ock. C. The one (1) business has been moved into the residentialfy zoned area slowly over the period of 10 years -over continued objections of the neighborhood. 3. Monetary (ssues A.Current homes will not be able to get financing for tha upkeep and /or _ improvements of their properties B. In a fluctuatang stock market, will not be able to refinance to a lower iMerest rate - a vital need for young families, as well as, older retired persons C. Property values go DOWN when business begin to go in (i.e. Evergreen Road) 4. Quafrty of L"rfe A.Tliis is a long standing Rei ~hborhood~that'is active and dosely knit. B.This is a thriving neighbor~ood (many new homes/remodefs over the past few years). C.This is a neighbofiood that knows,socializes and cares for each other. D.The rezoning change just made, and the one proposed, will destroy the quality life enjoyed by the residents of this neighborhood. Proposal: 1.Options to consider A.- Reverse the current clesignaton baGc to residential (or) B. Restri~ the mixed- use designation to the narrow corridor alang Barker, and resiore the remainder of the block to Residential • 1. Future businesses would be able, with a vote by ths residents, to apply for change of zoning, per individual case C. In anticipation of future growth of businessss, _W,iden ardpave BrQadway from , ' Long Road to Barker. ~ ; . CHAP-ER ~H REE ~RAZSPOR~A~ 0Z [ City ol Spokare vapey ComprMansJva Plan=-- ~O~D MIOH: .7 w'~. 1 ' Local Accesa Stroots: The lucal access srreet system includes au'adUaes not das;pnaied es either an artarfal or collectar. It prfinertly permlts dlrect eccesa to abut6ng lend9 end connectiona to higher ordw syetsms R affero the bwest levei of moblllty and usualyr contafnt no bus routes Servics !a tlvnuph= traff{c mavemert is wuaYy dNberatNy discoutaged. TsVe:-t F:+cc~~~~aar.„~~c►!-.~:.: ='y"+'• _ • Form.tte& cr+oerea formowe r.bl. . F«m„cnd: c~t-ta ' 'L-~+;rs~~u . - = - •*q ' 4'J~an Pr4±= Atlr.al iiq.g3 14T4% I~1Z I!M I~ I Za 17 U-W ccCEcwf 4391 ➢.iY6 ~ ~].Q1 : u can.dnra ~ I ~ 3l.@I 1M I`a M tYan t..ocai f+~s~3 I I ~ 28Q~3 ~as.IZ~ I 2a-as l~rt% I 20 M formatLeds Font 9 pt i ci- --~r: -T--- .--L--- The p+ocsdure4 for Classlfylnp aFl rosds and strreb Irsto tuncticnal sys?ems are :,aaed cn ;ne most• Formaaee: ),~5ttn-d, tn:vnc tr^. bgical use of ft exi36ng factikies to serve present trsvel. A"fulure year functJonal claislflcation 10.42° pian ls based on praJaeted'futLre year' poputation, Eand use and travel and vnll include, In addlUOn to exlsting facilltlea. such new facilities as wlll be needad to sorva "tuture ysar' fand uas and travei Some of this new mibeago wlll consist of new abeeta in expanding urban ereas. Additionai 'new fL-eats' may be Identified m cases whece adequate stsnderds cannot be pravidad on the onglnal locatlon, orwhare on sxlstFng rautinQ is exassshrely tirtuttou e ~ In devalopMg 8'futuro ysar" dessifiation, wn[iCwattan hae besn grven to tne irnpact of toreseesble developments In other mades of trsnsportstlon IrtUud'+np hlgh--speed rall servlce and improved air se~;lce. Populatlon e6ttma.es lor 2025 wera made using Me SRTC Yaum model. ~i Fw~ 1o pt ~ The Dase tor the Spokene Valtey 'Yuture yesr population is ttte 2000 Deaennlal Census Ponna!lads Pqqa tdwibu, fanC 10 I Pt • Formsttid: FenL IC pt 2007 Update fldopted Arril 25, 2005 732 ~ Ciry cd ct:okane Valtey r~ ~mprehe~s:LC ?lan On-SV98[ p8rkin4 3nd WIdB SidCW81kS. WiIh Sh@8f tt8@5 2nd OthQf pfd[5lfian aTEnIU65 9fb ►mportant essets m promotlny a pleasant ahopping experience. Landepped medisna should be inzorporaDed Into the roadwsys adjacent to tfie CRy Center to channeli2s and control trafic mavementa. 81odc tenptha wiMln the City Center shoufd ~ be rolativaty short. IrTtersectlons ahould De londscaped wift+ decoraWe pavemerit trsatment co uaste a sense ot ptaoe. ~ Special stteet deaign eiendarda ahould be developed for the o;, i' ~i- . Fennanae, tnda,c tgt o.5' ~ Ciry Center. Special sienderds for extra-wkJe s4ewalka (12 ta 20 feet In width), pedeshien-scab atraet IfghtlnQ, and + > addlbone4 ameni6es includlnp bencfi►es. trash receptarJes and ~r • tandaceped corner treatr»ent aro typlcatly tnGuded . Frelpht & aoods Roadwoys shoub De designed tor the type af treRk they serve_ Desfgnatlon of truck routes will expedite the flow oicommercMl trartc In oftr areaa of the City and Iimk adversa impacts on rasfderttlaf ne[ghborhoode. in order te prolong peverr+ent We, minlmizing the number at stops and amrts elong tlmsa routed end Interccnneding •ignats for prograsalve movement ahould be considered. An importent oonaideratlon In ihe estsbHahment ot Wck routes fs connectlvity with souraes of aupply snd disftution loceted outside the Cfiy, ae weU as major treight termlnils end intermodel connections. Map 3.3 k7erstifies trudc routes wrthin tha Ci.y of Spckane Valtey. The Wagh[ngton Depac4ment of Trar►aportation (WS00T) dasaifies atate hphways, county roads and ary slreeta acwrdinp to the tons of frelght that are trartsported eacfi year, Ttj$ h@~pht 6nd Ibrmseteds Forrt: (DelauR) Arlal g:qQs tI'd!140 pta1ior, &y,om (F~T51 identi~s 11.t MqhWBV6 @nr~ f0!~1W9Vs M~+y1 h+~9VIIY U~ I?V j~~ (DdwuinANa] ; GtCYt~85 f3i c!ual data to sup:-Vt f, nc,•ie f.-d D^_ti:~.-'3 1hb1 tfil=.r'v7B C. f`dit ~Clli f'N 1*8~Q?!: a„~rv 121 v-s anr ^v ^-mF~ - ~ formatbdsfonC(OdaulqArtal I trrRSOOrtatirn_jh nf af ~c2. r:-?uegted bv tne Em:t+E'_°i Fv►enattad: FIXR: (DlfiuR) ARW I The tonrtege dassificetions used for designaang the r«m.maa Forw (oet,dt) Aiial, ta ~ ,,FGTS; are as ioliavvs Pt f«,wacadz r-«t ic a ~ T• 1: More lhan 10 million tons per year • foRr►.cted= wM: (DdauR1 Arial, to ~ T•2 4 mltlton to 10 mlllion tone per year Pt - T-1 }OO,OQO to 4 milHon tona per yeer for+nsmees Rxc: io pe T-4 100,000 to 300,000 tons per year ;~,t„~j ~ y~ T-5~ ~4t least 20,000 tons In 80 daya - ~ Form,eba: lr+oeru: Lrrt: o.s, I For purposes of Mis enelysis, Vucics are defineC to mcluda all trucke t~h two (2) re (slx rabs: as', L,.c rab F 1_tiread) or IarQer. They sbo indude larper two_L2j r ar-axle (lovt4_U tiroa, dellvery vehicles ~ l fl~ I euch ae expreas padcaga delfvery vans, bresG trucks, or erry commerdal vehide, _Private ~ pickups, vens, or recreational vehicles are nol mduded. , I~++++~ ~e~ i.tr, uaab + To aid in calculating annusl tonnage, Wcks ere dlvidsd Nnt at 1 ~ Into C8tB90ff0S, a6 ahOWn b@lOw: FosrndLed1 Font.: 10 pt ~ 8ingb Unlb - e single vthicle Inct:jding dump truCas F°""'neds la pt - ~ and mixars. regardlesi of ttse numbmr oi axlea. !Form+tted: Fort 10 pt Doubte Units - A two„jZL unit vehicfe, normally s Wck FOMacteds PoM: 10 pt and trailer, generelty with four L~Lto slx (o) axles Th1a FonnatLnd: Fonc io pt category is basiaHy any truck up to 80,000 Ibs : otder ~ade& Inde,t, Ldt 0.+2. ~ doubla Vallen csn be Induded In thie catagory. Tralns - Nortnalty a tractor and two~ Valleri. Trueks - i~""~'~ 1o pt ~ ratad irom 80,000 Ibs. to 105,000 Ibs., excopt gesoUne , PW~ NtmiOer, r-onc ia tenkere. Wrma!led: Fanc; 10 pt ~ 2007 Update " Adoptefl Apni 25. 2006 , lpa z.15_;' 32 ~ar~ - ~ Cityal5pokanaValeyComprehenalvaP4an=,:L2ir ~_,r.~__:y__ -alczda`:1ng the approntmate frelght tonnege, the fotiowing average we9ghts were used FO^"'Kiee' F-aM' io pt y;es; 7 tors uktiet' 27 tc'is c17 .,,,•e!~i: • . . .i ,iI.-`ri :.r 5f~ fCc:....:r 1' _21 C-J"'h ,-uJ t nS IS ~l l ~J tllf~i~ 2vaMe~ts to arWriats j$aigned }or auch Gaffit and (C nmit t1e edvern imGad a's -:i;acent ',aniusss Res4enLe1 land usas are q+lticvigriv iensfive to neo.v tri or., usa4e ~~~.anavon ot fr~ -r~ hc co-rld~r~gerrr~i~ IRS~t~+;esLaffic 14ow and 4e4g~t mw-i r ; 3.3 Non-MoJQriM TransRQJUtfon The twp moot o uler modes of non-motoAaed Va rOfti~"~ lt tt P P nipoRaUon ate vraAting ond biCyGlng, Formattrd: ; r,r r VlatldnQ Conat►tutes the Qreatest peroentage of per,prtal travel. UrrMrtunebly, ahort trlpa (under ar.a i mile) are utwpy not counlied in urbean travel ssatlstkcs. Although Impon.ant cammunity ectNtUes recreatlanit walirinp and blktnQ do not play a majcx rab In aaWng urban traral needs st present :rJatldng and bicycle waye neverthelesa offer graot potentlal In providing ir►creaaed acceaaibilify for tno run range of Gtlzene. Safery Is one (;j, area o( cancam for pedesMans ar►d qcllats. The WSDG T raports thsi !he vaai msJarity of pedesUians klttad or tnjurad aro struck wfiik crossiny the roadway, riost oRen at inbersedions. Nearfy haff (t~Lot alI bicyclelautomoDila aa:idertta occur at Intersection* i ne ttnte Is mcrito^ng pedes+.ian ard blrycte ar_~:tdBitL3 fi5 ;.erforriaroe rnezisiarps '7Q sero-;, 0:1leCt)ves- 3.3.1 Pedestttan3 W81ldflg 6S ihe o air,d .ost Gas c fo-n ~1 ri,;r-,~~ Uar.Spu;;~t~U, It r,:q;;i•e.~ rL, 'are, nu ~juI F)c hcense, end no reg*traton. Wdh ttre excepton of Cevics.s to enhonce the moblfiSy ui the d+sabFea Na9klng demands no apeaal equtpmertt Thus, walking b tha moat effardab{e and acoessible c, 'mades. Af fh9 OWS !s fhi pod8308f1. PBC1eShJ8113 Bf@ i Form,ttc:t: . the catalyJt wtlkh mekes tha easerrtiel 0u8fitlea of co„munfts nmanrr,Qrur They asere rrre ptnce end o'rrre (w ces" encounfers end ft praet;cel brtsgrat/on of oNverse pfecea ar►d ;neople. WKhout ttra pedesMan, a cammunrty's sw_ .^ommorr praund !ta parka, sidewalks, sqveres arrd pJaraa, beoome trselsss obs~rctfa►s lo trte ~ Y~ :ti . r r r.ar Podesfians 8re the bst mesavre of o currrmunity, th*y set the scale lbr poth Mcentsr i u arrd edpe of our neVhbofiooa[a.' N G:odsstrian system which Indudea sldewaika. ;pathwaya, haita end Gros91ng3 should be safe, I - ` acCes6lble and provl0e dirett and Cortvanlertt connectlons beMrean hama, school, shoppinp. ~ervkes, recreelion erui trartsiL A psdestrian envlronment that includas open apaoea and I omenitiez includ{n9 benches, sheftera, erxl plmntlnga ~ creates a aense of place and stlmutatea wniking tar reeeaUDn as we(1 as transponston. ROrnnetb¢d: Aaye Peter Ca1lhpDe. ITe Nict Arrwkan MatrcpoRa: EwlOpy, Communlty end tAe Ame►fCan D►Mm. R. 17. PNnceton Pt ArchiEeMrnl Prsss. 1993. fa+namd: Fwt: 10 Pt 2007 Update Adopted ApH125. 2008, 18_..' 3?, r__: =-_-c. : : ~ Cty c,i Sprkang Vallny Cum.preLF::sivo Flan - Creadng a pedesirson environment re4uires the exi9tence ot the physlcal irttrabtructure. When sktewalks are misainq (or obahucied), or crassings aro diffiwl, theae tunctfonal det~ciencyes become an impedknent b walkinfl. The pedesVten netvvorlc must abo ba inteRwnnected and there must be destirtaborts wtthin walktng dtstance. FinaUy, the pedesttien anvironment must be comtortable and emactive Skkr+wafks aro watkways tisat parallel a sbeet ot hiDhway wfthin the roadwzy bordcr wldtlt. The term ganarafly Implk` s separoted (horimnfally endlor vertically) and paved surtace. Sidewsiks fn 0_- publfc ripht-of-way moat wmmonty bordar and take the slope ai edjecent roadways Sharod-use paths which permit bicycbs may alao eenre a pedestrian circutation! VenaportaGcr tunctlon. Where such e mute !s located in a publlc right-of-wey and provldea a direct pedestris-, connaclion behveen nelphbofiooda, residsntfal areas, schaoks, employmertt cenlers, and other origfna and desdnadons. It must be acteasible. Otner pubFc pedestrlen rouDes may perallel water or rail transportation corrldors ar occupy puD1,,_ nghts-of-way in eQSernenta Rosdway ehoukiets rtsay elso De used by and Improved fo, When usad tor utilttarian arculatlon purposed (rather then reueeUon, for example tadl;ties aro considered a tranaportatlon mode. In urban amss, 'Idewalks predominate; In outlylng areas and In the pedesbian t ~ corridors that Ank ttsem tc other dsstlrtatlone, shored-usa paths may be more commur~ a,, esch route provfdes a untque cannection between dlversa o+igins and deetir►edons, such pedestna, routes, when they oocupy the publlc risht-of-way, must be designed and conitructed !a bk• acoesilDie. u Th4 Crncennu d,~ e~nQi~ fc ~ the C~y ot okar}e to Caqy~ d fir c Idafio~ ° a ath _Tht Centennl~ jra~ l:~ Spokars ~alMv exten4s e1on4 tF•e s0uth GaNc of the 5R9.4:p-. Rlvar frortl lM brklqa ups'j* - r - _ - - - - in grae4er t*4ail in Ghac?e, 3.3.2 Blcycie 3ystsm Blrycliets vary In aee snci 8icyeFes (Federal Hlghwey :,dminlaUa:.•on, 19~i4) dc'SUIDdB Gne foilewing cataga;es of oicpcle Ls- typas A, B. and C below: • Advancad (expenenced) ryctista arn generaUy uBing tAelr bicycba as they woutd e mov~ vahicb. 1'hey ere riding tor cornenience end apeed and want dlroct aasss to destlnatbna wir a mintrnum oi Cetour and delsy. They ara typically oomiortabfe rlding with motor vehide tra" however, they naed suficient opern?lon apacs on the travebd way or shoulder W allmfnw, need ior elther them or e pessing motor vehide to shMt posltion. • Basic (nav3ce) or leas confldant adult cycllsts may also usa tlse;r blcycles tor tranepoi: purpasea, e.g., to pct to Ihe storo or !o vfalt hlends, but prefer to avold roads wnh fasc ; motor vehida trtfllc unless thera ts ample roadway width ta atlow easy overtakfnp by 1ast- motot vehiclas. Thus, basic ridera are comia'tabb riding on a rrelghborhood sVe9t end sham. use pathe and prefar dealgne.ad tseillties such es bike Isnes or wlde cufi lanes on busle- str+eets. • Children ridinq on Ihe+r own or wlth ttieir perenta, may not Vavel as fast oi tfietr edult caunterperb but stil) roqufre ecoess to key desttnationa In ttlelr community, such aa achoals, convenion08 itares, and rBCroaUonsl faGiities. aeskdenUaf streete wHh low mo'ar vehl:ls speeds, wel{-daflnad blke lanaa or si%sred used pelha can axnmmodate chiktren without encoureging them to nde In the ttavH lane of the busy roadvrays. _ Tne rollowing terms Oefine differont types of blrycia facllltles' • Pomeaedt Indent: HarVinq: 0.1r ~ • 5harsd-usa Path: A biksway physkaJly separated from motorind vartlwtar traRic Dy an open F°^"'tted' F°'n= e pt I spaae or Qartier and ekher wlthln the hlghway rigM-ol-way or wtthin an Independartt rtght-of- ►onnaet.dt foru: io pc fonnottedi Peye Mmher, Foru: 10 I ~ Tt~. ~.n AaoeiM;on or sae. Ftqhway .rW rrwv~+ omciaa a►sNTO) Guas ar nis D~w~o~rs~ent d Bacydo a 1 ~ Fadmfss and the ~inqlon StMe OspoHrtwM d Trsnaportaoon (WSOO atydr Facllll'ei pe!!pn MancrM I Pormatted_ FonL 10 pt ~ 2007 UpdHts , Adoptad April 25, 2006, t. 17 _ 32. - I CKy ot Spolana Vrlsy CompraMnslve Ptan •.ar•e •)'r~ rs _~~r n,~, -dlana Avsnue at Mbvbeau Parkvray, Facllkiea arW ruuEes ere shovm on the dlegram belo,n t transit Routes In ~ 94ptsraber-2006januatv 201, ; t►x*.i tautas prsss+:Lhr++isl ltem 3 Vlltev flW tUMs presanfly,vwv beiwwn 30 ko 60 minu,es as ehown in Tab:s 3.4-1 T~i 3.4.1 Trang LWla of Ssrvica SunCavMotldiv servrn k noeratea a.m to8cm r'" New Yeer's Oav ~ 31 d r New Yeiri Fed .'~3t.lS'..~te.H2'- _LtLrtf LEke n ~ n Memonal Ga~ I 74 Vatley Lim n N L_abof Da~ ThsnksaHl,)c - =5ew' ' Chnstmas Dav i ~•t g Ct~rispn4s ~etferz = - _ •4 ' E Street ~ 3 (30 Obsaived fD#tem`r_r 2-5j MIl ~ A r.Decil sChedu~! is in efiia!: r IndenenOenCe Qsv 8 00 30 6 None $pproxirrr:a2elv 10.30 o.m tSa•-o.~2 itOr !!t}± fine wDLdki) -io STA evaluate2 ib,sy3trm nn s mu6sr bss~i b - • _ = r , - - - - - . forrnntte,~: _ . . . knatoted trnel tim to inuease ndershfp .;aratransn vHn wV1Ga is br indnridugEa whose disabii lY ~raul:. bLJ58S. Ti m4on that a ce►san musl be ur~abe ^U° '.Y L[],:t2b'I_!v :G fl@; fQ 0r }r;m tn,e 5?oD tJBt On Of OR 2lts bua or cucaesi}ulfv trRvB, pY 4Uf to Or lrDm [hs GasUn.Nen Curcen•. , c3,atrans►i servioe Is pravidQd Nbndsv throuah SaturclAY from QAMw 12 AM with sarvlce e '=~;,,davs and hotidayil fmm B AM ►0 8 P.M (!as! oickuD pt 7,00 P M) throuohW the car irnn!:° =°rvrce orea A!i Camtranlyt triar must Degin •nd tnd wTthin ttQ~PuD1I,c Tran,saonai+on Benefi( ~-,L&41. Curtanttv. all of tt+e e-ya wthin the caroorate firrids ot he Otv of Soo,'xany Valjey is wltt~in '_P-jA. This,eteo ef~o jr~eJudes GheRlv. M~1ggf Lak,4, Air►rav Heiah2s I~ILh~~QQ.~~rchild /Ur Forc< =2s2. IJQenv Laks end the Crtv oi Scokane- 7RD(OYgBi bj t8OCS Ot' 8 1IRFi! DU"pS N'llh "1P QxcEntO^ 01 lhp S••@° ca"4 t14N^ D, Ire . . . , ~ ~ r L h 1Q iv. : _ . • . y ; , - - _ = ' CJ._ ~ • ':_Secu'Cd {ndepalld■n!Iv_ 3-4 1 ' 'irror~7..~~1-v.~~•~.e S,_jyFd ~m-i4~A•+a Fcrnattcd'~i•:r i . .~3f7. I ~ a1/ ~ 6Y f~ -~f! P320 N91i! i ~ z4 •L-~,~a I30 I NoO. Noe. 00 saw" I ss I2o al wwaaop I so I so iso f+ 94 4 30 10 - MWMMOOii . , ~ ZQ ~ BO ~ 60 ~6Qwoer.oQ-D3Y"4AAts_ ~ ! ea ~o I~ I u~ Q-30 o K.<&b?.~ ror+►na.a, aape l+Rmbe►, F«+t ao l so Isa --fts r the am mg--~:: 2007 upaate ~ L'ity Gi SpGR7'1P. Valtey Cccnprehersiue Pian • Fc►rrutied: 0-35' Tlze-~~+t+-~a:~.3~--a:r~rs:ecr.-~,a-8 r6y„J2~:++[46 to r,:,r.b+dec--swrs rauisr.9 -t+M~r #sNSi-iltme6-IOiF+G635e-dtl6ssh4p+ Par :+xad a-pemonst ti~e-Du~stepr-~i-oa-at-~t~~a-Du . - A. . RM peri"nSN-eePAos g,er,ed4-Araa-(R78A)-Cuaeatly--alLol-~a-~nsa--w~thin-it~sacporais 1/a4Gy- ib- W4r4:.-i3s►-F8TA- Triia- --;8a6Aep6y--Mad- taislwoa'i. . - 57A pccwAac-0Ik9-fa6k8-o~-ak •;heK-buWi-wltts-tAe-l~csepDOa--oii~ - P.a~ea4FSaa , pendentlY, The STA s6-aumvtyr a~i4~c~-«ghttsN i~,~i-4~~) a6-in~si~eda-~-4R~~b~~a• Foneuttet iusnc_ at pualic Ha^sqarkatxm mong a aet-pathway ao sleel{aus 6R7 usuaJty-operalea at 6tse=' leve1-a3}aoen1 ba4amzb4le cFafiia ~F-ir►-~ta ovrnlafsa- separatod ka.-a-#~ 7hio-excliP-4ro-¢uth 9ukki,-wiY jIve31igs=i :-a•I vsh.;~e~tl~-aba~ty to 6'awt-wiWoul osInq delayad-Oy kaM*--kRT' sa+s t- 69wirsot Gy 11+e8s~-~u6lvd+n~ -~.vK.~tu~1et~S~Hy -Wen ly-b4-dlot6eF Metropoir,~ Trananorief.~qn Pian,(MTP1 pmvlpg§ fRr a~jt jg~t C4ariaqty T Utign fHCT► svltem, !o deye'ooc+ed in th uture L't3t "ulcL6xtend frpm St1¢ Clty Of 8Q2k_pr C~centrsl~p~irfest KiBttlct I'•.•~,tgr Sno~en__Vplley to L}oer. L,ek " FawoRtrdt Forx: :0 p: 1?~4• •1 ~Pfl.S<<Y. L'_~~~UQiL.§7~Se. 'r-a ns jLy)tgr~ of qgi ,r_ tLrt24aaUQn seryJas_ w'tnir. an ronnamod: Font 10 vc u•:,~~i2Ed fOAi0f1 OOEfa',i7tfl Dnn~MLfly on qxCIu4wQ r{qh:~ Of w3M, and the Wc1AOrtInA ~R•ice6 and 'acillties nocessarv to ImG!e M§r'.t suth a 6y.~;gm_ Includh+q In~nm exnre6s _eer~ioe~ a~d hlen PodFcnL lo a ocr~,.-en,-r vahir,lq Iprumt wh; fakOt) 89 8 WhyI9, G~0'v10_- 8 5UQ518t1fi4Iy I1ahar bavel ot aassanger Pw,,,wru Lape s^";' e*ro 504V k+t freauancy lhffn s!~it,10:13 r, I; _oae'2'- n~ roeAwayq ~CLV 81 104 0 . '_511.4 Fon+saRf~drfont: lOpt O, A&+dP d aaaliiiJrsiRS" disVk.0,: a?et:-oj:s a.4 typ+csHt~pmtaned e-heZ-m4e ac morB-11s4iaT forntattsdi Font: 10 pt N~c-#-Qtt-,e; ;c, r.4sl rzr,k-R,a}ar~asnaaUer;a-ar~~AS~gnb~ri+~e~-u~ey a;e-d~a-tasr+e~a(We-+46 Foe,"•wao Fonc r+cc r.t c. .-„S :.tt rzrr.i11 G n{►1 1 pf Gps.ii7ls(~b1Q0yi1ppr.16R~ ormettlldf FonC: Not 8o4 NOt riwny 6lbs,-Fam -arF-oamf~ta bw aervw anc kanslerte baweesi-14e. lwo- a:*- lt" T=dlNd8F'd Biyildli---j k} +i#zt*'.h GU5{J~--=}fi1~4;~- e 1:F r.•= t. FArmittid: Fom: 20 pt difllig~pf'R-'rl'c hC:? .~'li~ C= • Ic :1:~ c~3~~e~~3 ~B ia ~ fv,. F~ 'a31~ avaY,a~ - .l.z.i!--.~ !n. lc . =-+mnBteO V.'Ith 4s9lv;... it'.=, . ._•I~'i__~c r.., - :.;..1--- Jr+-+s.6icy C4y The lutufe route begina at the STA Ptaza and the downtown aifgnment rum les° than a mile tlonp RNerside Avenue The Cornendon Center and the Spokane Intermodai Canter ar,: wti:hin walking dlstance ta tha ne$rest station. East of DownRown, ihe aiignment sharaa approxlmate . Bix~fi] mfles of evwsUnp rodroad ripht-of-way (BNSF and UPRR) to Dkahmen Mica Road Th= ro ~^ntinups aas;_rJorn Dtshman M-ca Reaa tne atianrrsan,; is along ►ne9xistino Pyp..Gawav BouVevetlQht--0f-WaY LO T6GRI4Y ?qA4__1l3 lEFilitli= In, ODerty LtlkB, ADD: weV BQu)eVil'd it irn lOYQCi 0911.12 Fcr:~at[ed: ::i UlfverERv Rosd wner5 unimgrgyed rioht- u'-yav exleta to TBI Roed Portioni at Ne Aeo►ewev ►onratc.d, Fa+c I 0 pt naht-of-•wav ea,st af Unlver~ R4ad ia noi ot au`flcient _w~tt?x rqguired to acMmmodate both the For,,,,tted: Font lo pt !ulvfs HCT fa il~ IGee and olanned improvenent8 bv t" G*r. Forrnatbd: Font 10 Dt Ic w4l ~a.~;~-~ bsa Rl~pa~i-kt~her-6,iur,~lea-6sRw~ ana vtie-Fatr9co►ade- 'rre rout-s-c;.nts 1 Fonm.caec Fanc: io oc i~-- c twa:d--k,F-aGssos3 ~lne+r.l4ea-al~s+$ A~le;+~ay-$a+levaFi io • lva%kyRaard-AS+~tu~e "•':aRBW/F4f- ft 6r6t9r-}is-pFopDi#d-along $k-BF1d0n@d-f3il~d-FJ~h1i^OS fOYi11aLC/dI F9r't: lO pt 4s3c~ Th4 a;lctar.imr-tw&6ES ihro~~3r-Sp.~ar.e VBUffy W4.9 Elty 4t Lib" Laka- Formatbdt Pop NumDv, FaKr SO ;t ~ !'amwdodi Fonl: iQ pt 2007 Update Adop!aG Aord 25. 20u3. s oe 200 3~ C,0as"e~ j- i ~ CfP/ af Spakane Vi11=y Cnmprel;ens ve Plan I rwm.aee: Rw,:: : a HCT 3Wons and PrfHm~nary AllpmaM through Spo VaItoy- roR..we: Forrt: to vt - ~ . 1 c \ ~ f Loatiae d aca~wrnd~Q op~nlbn~ uetw d BwdY!M~j af W(tR TAda ~ tE*two Lrp y ypmm G4 d LLsA 1~N ta+ vr Yro..01 rw a na a. v:a..■ cn~ n x.+c~sr v~ ~ tpN III 4qswn Eri$ ,"V9kOpRtiB*'4i--0E-aR-LRT NiUOti4-Ai♦1+l35tty G4y i-JYid25 Q: Gc,~~v ti••~.:. ct.C:..~.~;~ ~.~Gd~ 40"tas;i`~'~T iD( t~•_'"__'"`- _'~'St~lt'»~6fr kn 111144 ars►. t r v~¢...the bnst ranae succQSS o-t1KCI wa1 co:,eryd on 180-Y.0-,P" corrklors end lpptlQn,Q! nigtc~ de~si;v nou6ln$ m CD~9~+!n_xir~~~Y t~ VE ~~!t *^t!t°~ There are new perk and rida fadlltles proposed wlthin Spokane Vallay at ths Fsirgrounda, Argonne, Pines. Sullivan and the Applawayl1-90 Interchange. They renge In stre from 50 to 240 spaoes. The Aipplaway Park and Rlde couW svsntually be nxpsnded b autiommodase up to 1,000 cans. FlitiFe LR 6 _ cO+tirsOOtion-w=s#--la-4he-Spo=m:4 trti~e.r-~',=~~1 ti~~ppn,NOr P114411+g area:-a Ui4 C-Ky 3' ~r~•c :i'~.14~'-4 Pi 4p4s► Fresecred al*r++atwe-an+0-~p~► ot pre'•imw.s:y e~?g!n~a!-~~dre~yr. -agy taka ~~c~s~fsavwisie~d-tac-4~aRieas~.~t~ti~ wRh++t+rctsr t--,• Fnal wwe-~l)!,-M :~~I t;•: r .4 1 pt hl~~c: ~ky ►+cc~~-'~~ Ir:Gi6ii ~sGxlc,l:~ lranFQ tc'tSb~ aratrw-aicenva?ws-u~s;Oluatla~ % th-a @u3 RapW TranF't or BRt tha{-om-htnG: many d ft features oe rall r.'lM. tha f,stilh±►+!y a,.d tost Eevmpo ctt usk+q ewfdhi+cAd whL11ta E;R7 Nhklpa tsEn Wg;F i ~ ={.97n: 7,1 4a4}6. ilf Qj± v12y 6#FZElF -~qiria1 F«'.lvf+{~8i~► ~fK1 GtYlc" tEv1-4o;, ~ r,~ tk ~{-sa , f-ua s:.s:d a{ o a~~r a=+c~ tec,.:m---C-ws~-Y s--* o"ip►sn r~::1~W11~►~ ~DiflA~s-eGaPO«1~ :-.a=uµ:t,i::,t. s►rs~r~ t~3:•~ E-:••e atld it''vo+~~~i.t +Zt3R~. . --~.d;.tN* rprmsttedt Fmt: 10 pt etiae~ca~~~we--I RT 9Ri; -Spolcai►s-w►d-to--ilas-~po• b,,,utsc+aqe Wr+oer, rvnt: lo pt Fortnattsd: ForiL :0 pt 2007 Updats Adopted Aprll 25, 2006, l; ,:a_ 21.;?.32, - ~ i;;ry of Spxak_:ro Va:tey CnrnF; e+)eitive P;an Fonnatfadt fanc 11 pL Underflne 3.6 Avlation F«+++.tad, FaIc u a I Spokane Intemational Airport, the A+rport 8uslness Park, and Felta Fieid AlWrt ere owned by Ma aty ~~i ~~o ~ ared county oi Spokane, end are opefatad end mafntained by the Spokana Airport Board. Felts Field Alrport's history Vaces badc mors than 85 yesrs witt► its beflMninq as e landing ifeld In a park area next to the Spokane RMat fn ttse Spoksna Volbey. The airporYs herltsge includes the ofipinel site ot the Waehington Alr Natlona) Guard_ In the 1930's and 1940's, Falb FbOd eerved aa Spokane'e muNc(pal ekport wHh afieduled alrtlne servioe fram the airport terminal. Thai bufiding. alonp with othais at the aIrport is now on the Natbnal Refllster of HistorSc Places. All but apprmcimately 10 ecres of the 410-acre FsKs FielO h focabed in the Cny of Spokane. Ten acres aro focated within the City oi Spaknne Valky. The atrport is located at the North end ef Fanchar Road In the westem Spokene Vel4ey, and is now an ective C3enersl Avlatlon airport wHh 320 based eircraft and more than 72,000 annuat akcraft operetlons. Informailon for the combned Spokane AlrpoA 5ystem Is summarized In the table below: TaDle 3.5 5cekane Airpons Da~s - I rr s9G6 lurv ii+=i~ K _ o t~A i~?05 YT 'L` G:: I 7 4 214 / =t1{ l I I~f1I~~ 15aS-~~t1 441~:1 1~ fslli•:-~, Pt'2 1i~JI~ pi~J'y3a~1 4,2 71n1)l1 4 .2 1 ~ (Taa►~,a+~usza~~ IS'-- i,429,all.. 47b421I -7,11x1r3LZ.~efi;"s1"IA( i (T,u iL 4-ori'ai a,-Aii -Qj~~ ~~6-,_i ~fi_- _1 ~ ~ei~t+lQr. ~ 3_%2$ t~~ =_4: 6~~ 1 Ot;e ?~-e±ZS~~ =?~i~aa1~ 7,ob`i~l --aas628 dy -a= _-,5$q) s c,c:1 sl soo ajl "C-6 it'I -63;Ofi~t,ll ~ (Mawl Off 21F III n3 - I 34iq a=;fia:7j1 a,6t38~1' .9aV ~ ~ rTatat~#~ssatior~ 8~954~[ SOP4I~ 4-b0'~~I 66,DQ5u 68;01qll ~ a :~.a« ~F.a.riGo+►s _ a 3 6oF~{I -a C~i~l 2a:~ "s ~S~ : ~ ~kia~►Op~-~t+c,c.s l~ 'e ~ I Itatcrntsit'a+roirral Avsi;+or~ i%S)h 4~_ 'ifLNl -i 64 ~ Lc Ge.~I a! Av~4?+ej~ 8 Fb_ `2i c,.+ I IIJSA3'y Ope--4t=8rl5 3e111--- ilI 'd.t@:1a~~ •Zbit`i.jl FonnsttWlFontBpt !'areeMttwt Sosct 9eae: 2 W. ~ ~i4s-t~ £►t~~a~sfi.a= ~Oi~t Fr.~E. ~ c~=rt„-,_ , . . r: - - - ~ , I~ nrtr.: z cc ( ~ht,fr,aM~SU~.+~oii~rtDatfid~srlJ•F t~ 1 FvmottadTade ~ - - , _ . • _ . - - - - iormatt+eds Space 8dort: 2 pt, 'r.'!er; 2 pt frormattedo Sp.iCe 8eforE: I pt, a!w: 2 pt . ' ' Fwmatteda Space 9drne: 2 yR, ~ artK: z cc QQC-O~ h,j~rae~IIt Y T_~.'., i L:!' YT 2001 c4an - • ~ FWm~LL~dtFOn[:lOpt -g31F.taaci~_ . :63,QjE ~a~i ~ ~i 1 3,224 A~ ~A~ ~ ~,(Ai . Pormstt-ds Pspe HumDM, PoM SO , I i~,ti4' I :.4'_`• I, l ~ !~~~1i~5 I D. ' ot Iom+attsdi FoM: 30 pt 2007 updace Adopted Apnl 25. 2008, :Pa&o22 c~' 32, ~ C,ry of SpoIc3ne Val!ey GampraP,en5lvn PIEn ►ormattad ~ aa~' i Fannattad .'S ►plnatted ,!LIK T~Yi I -~13. I i: 1 - I 15z,- n.41ti • i fotmatbd 'tosa: Gr= ILJ.' I ' I For-rittied Tor:l) 4.9.1 e.s:.i.t~ ! um ±Q -372% I jjVT_V I 50 ASS 00 I :J,v.x fOt11NltOd I 97a~ I 221.21 Q I -10 E-4.~ I 2OW~ u.768 I ~.74x • I F°'mftsd F."ft I2.621,s IZM 00 ~ I nmn nssi I?in • uj I nxA :27.3 e► I 7 A21 8 (7 IU I~ • ' F°r*w'"od i.i r n I ~ I 31s .ae.9ox I 3.434.94 I 2110.DD I 14d!]► - i fa.eha u r,i,~t~Q LiI -H.~ ~ 4 42-4.~ ~ 42a44 ~ ]404% ' 'Pa+*~~ fU~f r_' 'op•r•t+" I Lm I Lm I 1.ln I t~,sN ( !!m ro.IRm.e u ll CW's ~:~eI I ~l.,t+' I ~ If.4L'! I l~S~ I ~ I .tu• ' rorm~el~d ?ir Taad Oow~atn ~ ~ ~ 1~4 3.~~! ~ t Q s ~ ~~4 ~~17r . ~ FO"'~ Fornufted ILM I m I,.Z I1141 I law IMa 'ft,,,.~ 17B I I 1.9@ll I !6L ( 1ft.~~I I -il.'~ I n.91➢ I -MR$ ~ ~ r•-~~~ 6N~ux.~ I ~E I ~ i M3 I a~ i ~_~a ~ I •?~:4~~ • ra,~.s~d NOj a.~101 FKEi.~SiRY1y fr.ql, yrFy;}i i~ rA~.%'•nC~? tirLht ~ t FpM'M. (jO " Caf17Q aM f!?OAeQ r' U.F l: :o2Lf._4 8oar,r»a~s_.--5~~~~_f.sQn.ary~.1'v~;; . ~ fu11 . wrm~tad ' ~431 Fetts Field ta dessfiad as a relbver alrport In the Washinglon 3tate Aviation Syslem Plsn. The alrport !s toceted edJacant to tha aty Doundary; e portJon of the eoutheaet comer ffes within Spokane Vatlay cRy Ilmrta. Felfs Field has 361 based aircraft, incluGing 269 srngte-enqlrse airaaR and 24 mulN-eng►ne FOf"'~ pislan-powenaC alrcraR Mnual gene►el svlailon operatbns totalea 29,000 In 20U2 'For++atted Airport (sdlitbe and affitiated properties aupport the Ixal ecanomy lhrough a viriety cf acttvf5es. For- fFO^"~ exampls. a recerrt study eatimatod ttsst tfse ¢verape 9enaral evtalSon trip gsneraias approxlmatety 8700 jFwm.cad in food, lodgin9 and entertainment spendlng. According to the 2001 W6D0T Avlatian Foracast and iFormatted i~ Ecanomic AnetysEs study, the elrport psneratsd about 250 jobs wsth an annual payroll of $4 5 mitiion, ~-UJ and $16 5 miitfon in total annual saks output I►ar+n.m.d Tabl. Felta Field has two ~21 runways, Rumvey 3U21R and Runway 3Ftt21L Irttormarion about esch runwny ~FOf1'tted is shown In Table 3.8. I►om.m.d I fw+e.me r :~]1 ' 1 fo~m~tt~d ! [11 y TA,lAllff i !o[mnWd I ro.r„wee.a p3j l~om 4.5007:obo ' i /enrarttod ~ yYdlh I 150 73 ~ Fannatted psw~on ( 1,052 Y 1,418.6 ~ Forffmkftd um 1'onnatL~d I 9urtaa ~ oono~r +~P~ /brm~tted i. 41 foRnatad I ~3 1 Rurtway 3L has runway end indicator fighte, viwal approach siape Indkators (VASq providirtg vertlcal guidance, and VOR or GPS end ND9 non-precision approathea. Rurtwty 21 R ts equipped with I For,,,vdAd VASI's, es weQ as a nedfum intenei,y epproach Iightlnp sya0am wlth runway al►qnmeni indicaior liphts (MALSR), whfch, in car•junction witit an fttrument lancfing system, provides a CAT I precieion ' fOf7°~ I For"wtCed 2007 UpdaiY I fottnaWd Irar_..L ~ Adopted April 25, 2003_ '=stie 23 : f 32, G4MAIsF3-- , ~ '~Ry cf Sp~kriflB'Jaltoy i,am[rehtr~i~e F'.an _ approach to this runway end The MALSR is pilat canUdled when the tower Is not in operation_ Thero ks a publlshed non-precislon approach to Runway 3R/21 L rattier than a specific runway end. The Fetts Field Airrport Master Ptan, sdoptad In OctnOer 2005, la a 20-year needs assessment provbiny rocommandatbns tor improvements The maJor recommendatbns o( tha masier plan InGude conatruction of new tsxFwaya, new development tn the noM aiong the rlver, and en exiension oi 550' to the maln runway in the nent 15 yeers to accommodate ierger aircraft. I POf The mastst plan also provldes recommendaUone for tha seaplene bsse locaied on the tivar a~aoent ro' I~'d' D 17", $peCt Alter. AutO I Falts Fiefd. It 1s the ony one L1,Zat ita kmd in Eestem Wan.hington Ths water tanding Is 8,000' long and 100' wide and socommodotes approximataly 450 Iandincp annuaily. The Fette Fiald Meater Pfan csNs far expansion ot the eirparYs 6eapiane farrilties over the next 20 yesra, inGuding canitrucdon of an addldonal dodc, upgrades to axiatinp dodcs, and improvemenis to the romp. Map 3.5 AlrpoR Haznrds Identifies regulate0 Birspaee pursuarrt to " Fe~l~F~f.itil::etef wmnttad:hsMled, Indent: i.e~t: and s:t.i CFR P~.^ " c,,-•'~ia;+a~ ~ n~~,A~•~~ qff~rt~n~7 Pta~,~~~hla AirF_peG!► ~fi yV 33.-.Cp cln 4.1T,SpsceARc: 6pt I RQW 36.70~.:7within which sVuctures exceeding specAed helghta r~+ mnatmle i np u"c may represent e threat to airport operatiwEs and the saie operat#on of aircxaft uulizing Felts iaid. Map 3 8 Land Uae Competibiifry +derttifies aroas where reatridions on incompatlble Iand use serve to proted personi and property adjeceM to the aliport Is.8 ~ wuhh+rmm stM Ralh.m, Forn+atted: Fad: 11 pt, Ur+Oeiilne r ~ - c ! I formMtsdt FaftC 11 pt ~ ~1141 FroW Fam■msm Foru: lo pt Fropht rai serv+oe ls provided by ~ - f"'t, . ~ ~ ; f«mntek tndea: tart: a25' 8uriington Northem Santa Fe (BNSF) and Union Pacific RaHroad (UPRR) BNSF • ~ - J 'j .h. ssrvioes an east-w~eat routa from _ I Chic:ago to Seati1e and Portfend ' " - - Tha UPRR provldes servioe to I - ~ ~ ~ Canada, the Yakima Valley and Portland ' _ • _ ~ , : I ; ~ - 3.61 BrldgJng the Vel{ey i ~ = c.• ~ --T---~ - f jl_ ; The Bridging tha ValleY (8N) project is e community Initi~tsd proJect W exptore the creatktn of ~ ~ ~ wASNPOroH nATI cne CILcomman railroad conldor L =2un srrnfA h a m w h k h BN SF and UPRR s=--- would operabe betwesn Spokane, Waghington and Athol. Idettio. Th+s 42 mUe corcl0or proaently has 72 raitroed croesinga (46 m Washington) wHh aver 484 tralns In operalion per werk Growth in Uain tranic ie brecaat b Incrosse tnnualty try 3.496 over t!►e nazl 20 years. Treff4c ecadents, traHic ccngesiion from raadway dosures, incxeased car64n monoxide enisafons fn the senous ncn-attair,men! arc-a afj ncisa sipnNiaantly afTed the ecanomy, health, sefely a ; ; Kaotenal Coundes, and thereforo, the Inlend Northw8st The BN proJect would eUmineLe epproxlmately . . ~ 51 alyrade aossln9s through Gosura {35 in Weshington), end rctocation of the Unfon Pacific Pormattodt Font: 30 pt , I Reilroad maMllns Into the BurllngtOn Nortltem J c ~~mbw~. 10 Santa Fe Rajlway corridor The remaining ~ ' twanty-one 21) ctossinga are e►ther currently - ~ Fontfldtod: Fnrt 10 pt SOS00101 a 2007 ~ _ • CO&O AdeptedApnl25.200b 1c'a~ (l~D`°f' ewa afti. trsety .y~ ~M~►~ I ~4x L mM CNr falh {p~ • r~t ~ Mt 1Cl MM I~•/ 1 ~1 r, I. ~ ~ I ldj~ r ~an+ ~ a,.ryqn ►.nnn~ s.rr ti r.,ew ~ v, p.ce: !'uow: ~a~? ara I~ 11aha ' ~ ~ C,ryot spoFaneVal{ayComr,,ehersfvePlun-=---:~--:- The CWPFs, Policy Topit S, Poiicy 3 ststea trtat'atEematnra mc-aes of trenspor,ation to the automobile,- F«m.aed; F,nr :o vt includinp pubAc transpnrtatwn, pedsstrfan faciiities, bacewaya and air and raN facilities' shall be Indwt Left Q 17, tncluded In the regionel transportstbn pten. ' "MuftlmodaJ dsnsp"Llon plannfnQ Ifoctrset on sysdem chobes, and ectaprs e Qener;r- non-- rornWillittallillt lrdwc Ldt CLr maOe specilk apprvach b dafinhrp and evahuatfnp transnortation problems. lt then attenpts fo provkie an unb/ased eshmab of each mode's conUtbuibn, sMgly ar in aombination, tn soNe Uhe problam, lntsnnodat transporisMon pfanMny, an Me other hand, axaminaa Me polky arni servks lnteractfons beAveen modes, lxuslrrg on ensuriny eesa oI movement for hoth peaple arxi good8 when bert~rlp from onelU mode to enOther".l M t rar.saartebon romum.~ tnde,c: i.dt: ar, ~'~~14Q@ T Tnhc 0.75", list hh + Not u Y' _ h1ar4c t@preterences for low denaiTy r$s►denDla! develooment fmq in tngose4 gmotmis- ►ormotiam eunds ad Mmba" e! aLjtAa ~~*nCV, pertivularlv tn subuttdr Erea3 Wlttt e fi9m cfwit4r 4f 44m2sSllam ror,+umsd: tndem Left- a.TS, The kg4 oI traRSaortation svstem cnnnectivitv i^! marv *esEdenBal areae often oGvieNumixre~a • t.evel: 7• Nw++be" rtam trariaWrtIIdOn 80bCtr0 avaiiable to t►idi~jDtrnr: r,-;jrprar ria+kila. D►s~ sM-! a, b, 4_. . sra,t at i+ p:lalt i7_t._Tt7is ES caniCU1B11Y fh@ Cd34 1~'ti~"Z! f'ic_Ieh nl trr'c.S1R.1C!UTE I^r AItr`h AlqmenGLdt+lUlqnedst 115' ~ Tab after: 2.5' + tnderArt 1S', "v!wl'd11Ves l6 lItT]Md Of Tebc I', Lbt Cib * Ibt at 1.5' Public t~a(~an de~ on rlderanl2 rematn t,vlabla oaOwt alnas svsfeme OeQend an ravenues 4ene.raM by arst. LorY dens~lv develoame-M ant ames± fTmtntpn5 ~mp•~!- the aitract,venzs6 at tranwt in magv s„burCan a~~~_t~att+.~..tr,e ,!tdqicuai sr!f ¢a'Vtr pfOVk* $ub lran5il Utl4iu U1C *ARS4 StrBtI QYI~~°~.11r.~~ Z1 na IocaUon of transit 6toas is ar imr,crta+st consideratinn s~1Mt,'.,~rk :+Fn~~.rFfi+ o_n two (2}--lane raads r~nv ~ve!~, _ ~.~1- tha u*±^=-; ni t~~^a~+~av_~_m w~nprR l,7-F~~:1 wi!,~in p dedks'.a.7 ria~•t•N. - ~QY4~ - - a" b?~YS►,~._--#s a4n bE su~nlemE~,~~, c f':cyclg.t_.olso uafize cne 6ter~.rMI~T►k a"l) ,vr,±~ trt's_Land.Ehe±od W. rars BQth bivrese 'putf~*!3_~¢~a'! !Mati~! snou F'Df*1___jLE1Wn1/S ds'9I1]t14S'I Mi hEdYY ~T~fSI~~ .~.~$~~Y-T1'M6S-1E R?g~lsl~_,n3 N'h,Ch Q'v'lILA O8tk-1;. ~ti_b'qr{fo rr't!~'tiAtt' t!14. fun"'I ft :~1~' O` 8 Dl~y;~e ~](¢`cH~f~ 0. _r ~~Q~.~~n In0~I111Y d~Qerx75 On the 8Y3118bNitY 01 v►~n-t+~a~~e~d ~,ktawelk} andla Ilnked ta,is t~ ~~s su~h aa schoola emcl~~t ar~ ~~3~4p~^3__ Y U"l•ty-t-b-om ~ad~strian w~~~ end tricvcte r~;~t~+s mav ba cararom~re~~A~tP.Si~-mn~~c._wec:'er, ~a~utarN in areas ot snow e~?~~4~on CJi~'an,^~ frc~n SGh44!~ `hrop~n~_ena ~~n(OVmen169a1n i~ a 4?~rilcaM `acipr In lha e~edwane~s of Ihe A4Q~sl~ar; ne~worP. ss L _ ~priAC~rian rnnfn~ tsnd ~wrp~y~tinn ~i ~►feRy t Truck a:,c<slqrAl•e:'?d mav_@nierit ci-: Lvi~rficanttv gnt Uucka uainD the r4~,~~_. 7~~roel~ra:fen~4~ .~n4.eL!~±~"_~~...IlR.^.~e~,1i~:+~►.~. pamr,uletN M h~ ta~►in i^fi.. c~m::~ Jn~rr~nts tlou"t EaMi4na!~,?~~r ~av~sab~~ to stwq.-r.tai~ !!_!m.i 1~ U'e Msdu►avs ht+Y ~nm_..rQ~tt~ L1'!lals WI:7% Rll'T'F'C,+ti ft?Q& Of ~h.r~ 4l~~r~ CS►Q}JRy 6Yn~t~: R~@~jl~~~_ T!}!{S @I!! ~3~~3i~ th2 4f1_~__allP~fh6!I_.'Q_1Cij.thl~ 1D:21 dei!:-vY Cf CN'ti1lw1ii12s. :BRICI=-= 8n. ESpEL~3~lY~~''F~~~' ir.terTlpdll f6vl:i:iEF fuCh 85 D}~OR(_!~ E Of a kgYcorsrera;ionkimpmv~,g~allm~t;Ei!y ~a~ ~a oir~tjnez ave~s w~ti~~~~~ rtchta-Q.i-wa~~~~ mt~d~s trR Di1$l_f.fd'.kd. ~p !ne tiioitimenLo! tafAe q:.anm~es a# m*Iir.+.ita►~^-_"`_q1.5._..oon' TtC► -=;~s~i.~r ►r~y o•; -'~iyqn3 ~~nk@fi4a -:n ut^cr medes t:, rttor 1c,;~1 ;.z,,yQ~..__.TngY.9E: rep'c~r_r. •-an5c onarQ, at the c-:i'' 21 " 11_2~1 e`Ip 1nc 'PlY QUS@ b r''iU~ .x~' Y~' ~1.;r31a ffl~170IIy C's "!Cf Tr,tc_ 4-%n!I<ti sE1 C~.C25 W ~sg~ t±ot'i I+:, and 6sfn'V I fom+alted3 FonG 10 pt Foeeeaftmds Pap lkytdar. Font 10 " 7eMnx* Asalssancs Report MULTiMOQAL TRIWSPORTATiON PUWNlNG IN VNtGtNtA:, PAST PRACTICE3 Pt AND NEW OPPORTUNfTtE8. Swphen C. Brlch and Lesier A. Hoel. Famattod: Fwit 10 pt 2007 Updete _ Adoptsd Apri125, 2008; 26 _)f 32, '-~44 ~-3-- _ ~ ~ Giry of Spoka;ia Vslley Cori;xchc~)sive Flan Q A v16'ICn r@,ics qa 5_.;;e;?.'ul u:'.'.J e'.UFrt_^1:c qjr,Q' F_?,jci l~ iln"S,:.r~r~at'D!1 S2'Ji111 gIv,n 2nsanoer traffij bnQ rrciont 'ine nat~re of aviauo- :a aich t;rat flQrt cpr~4;ave 6+ani'iC8n2 g_'!"~tis o^ ad^GEnt la-+d ub£5 " tha franqoQn servlnq those ~ MsermMal Tran~=1on . Fornwdods~ Ldt: 0,5', Ms+Str+Dc Tf-,b IITiDoinCB of lTt@ V8 49 tVU85 t' Inlp(tTiQdFl V2i 1sJJffa' an aaxnds tgi a hiah Ogrta on Mg• ~~modl jrdelL ~ Mr I r+@guirpd and na l p{MAL ".Jrve_ ~Q_~?Q ler<vV~ of ;npi involv a in residen;.&1_rgajq a cnar.(_~e favonno~hg_i~,~iv~~us~ s ot or~Iter Imaortancs.• w,nam.& tnder,~t.et o.75', Transportatlon ayaiam choioes taf (ndivlduab wlll depend on ft reladve convenienca, NumDercO+levd: I+ Numberinq ac,7eaa nnd pricing of the altrmativee_ Publfc policy may seelc to dsange dte relebve StV(e: e, b, c, . 4 start ec: i+ AWmrc Lert + An9r,ea ffi: 1.25• va[ue of tnClvfdual choices. They oould do this by various means, Includksg puhAc . Tet, artrr: 1.51 + 1nae,c ac i.s'. improvement, oftering frnanciaVnon-ffnanciel tncenqves, or adopdng reguaetions Tens: V. us: by at ys• i pubUc Impfovements. )mproved pedestrien access Vo translt wmdora, ehopp+ng- pom+aet.er Fv+r. so ot, Not eold and ochools makes waiking and public ttansportarion mora attracthre to ~~mftm& Eulm and Nw,ywft indhriduals usinp ttiose !aciliUea. Planning for higher densKy land uaes adJaunt to tranad corridora increasea the Ilkelihood v( leryer numbors of peopb us(ny ' fO^"otbadi F°"t 10 pt these mode altematlves SlmUarty, aus shefters and slmllar ameniUes which Increane indlvidu8f comiort and convenience wil enoourage additional utilixotbn 0( Blt6rtt8bVA fl10d68 of bHtlSpOftaU0f1, ii_ )ncerttives., The Commuiar Trip Reduction (CTR) proyrem ancourage• car snd {Fwmaktset Forrt: to ct, not edd ~ van-pooling through corporabe iponsofship Additonal incandves mclude ~Fa,,,,atted, Fo„t: io vt telecommulk►g, oompany sponsored bus passes , and Aexfbie waric acheduiing, whch albws wortcers to evold peek tr8ft perlals,. Whero High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes aro ln ptace, vehicles with at leest two aoccuparrts benefll ircm reduced Vevel time. w ,Regutatian, Local govemmertts adopt ragulat(ons whicfi have the aPfect of i ro.m.tc.d, Font: 10 pt. " eae ~ encoureging iltematlve modea of tranapoRatlon - FormnftM Fo,t I o pt I b_ Osdsiorts wncemtnp Nia t,mirW--a` irelght movementg are de6ermined a±mqg• Fonra , t„dent Ldt 0.7s, ex:lusva by the needs of suppliera snd mar4cats, but campetitn+e pncsng Is pmbably trie ' wnonp: a23" most significsnt factor in mode choice. 'Juat In 6ma' dellvery has roptsaed warehouainp ;For,,,atbiall: Farc: to pt i In most cammodiry rnarkats, whero delay Is e cast factor. A-ai~uf+saai-sactcu-~ d-- tarrr.fnN da4y *-fei" U s7h8 ert9clency of Intermodal connecSons, loosely dellned as that polnt where two_M or more modes of tranaportabon come together e.g. roadways connec6ng aerports, rallroad loadinp facilWea and frelght termimis, pipetinea ar►d tarminal I~-n g:•aiVQ!irhy q•... o71.-,. I Ih'G tf u h{~~a-' 0y e,.n•n;;~';__ ~mY' ^ i.71n±'!an! ~,-.•~d! . !Y'~9~r tO• fOnn~Itd![~UR: 1.15'r riprove flow. Numbeted. tevet: 1+Numbera►y - Styfe: i, 0, IA, + Sut at 1+ ~i Si_1r4~=•,,:r C'n n•;_ sv _ ~~-^'~a•_inl M.~-l-a ~n iittlR Alqnrtwnt LsR+Ail¢tedOr 1.5+ f'tRi"j Tlh aRer.' 1.75' + InORt aE 1.75', Tabs: 13", Ust tbb + W at 1.75' e. Inheewctut~e in to^+mer~te~ ET14 Indtbtr e~ g:~~i S~", ^ ba r!-_p;~~+ tiD9nf mflvernertit, ir~yir•gwrds raoe, at ors;g-*ig;,!~ = - . I~ Fp( QO+J4f 1'+OVIf}0 On dldfC.ltEfl r1~7RtS-0'-:.:, -i~- nt',-t rc_' i7 Pn:r,!9 c-_T CO.~FIC• v.. '1t-:.- T-t. ~,~II': ~L Form~CEsd: FonL :D trt Fwmattrdt PaQe Nur'-1er, Fortt: 10 pt fOrllfittld7 F9rtt~ 1 O 0t 2007 Vpci8t9 AdoptedApn125, 2G06, =,°_a,2°27 __321 , Fo.m.tLed _ 1~.. Fartnatlsd ~ City cl Spuyane Veltey Cr,mprehensiva Flatn__'__ - formotbd FamuptCed ,3.10 GOaIs and RoiiCies { For"UWAd I r«m.wa Streeh and Roadways Goab 3 Policlas aoal TQ_t EsLabtlsh appruprtate dsslgn sienderds tor trsnaportation facillUm ' ft attod • ~ PoCCi@s ~ Formattod t~i TP-1.1. Streat dsalgn should prav&fa for connactlv►ty between msidentlal neghborhoods aM- rorma~c~d copactoro. discouraQe cut-through traffiG , rormettse 1-P•1.2, Oevelop aooesa marupemerit standards for each func8onsl ctasslffcadon of roedway. {Fo ,,,,tt„a Work to cansotidate or remave axfsUnp sccesa polnts when a roadway doea not mees Formatted! ~ appropriets atartdarts , t621 _ C ror,++.ca.e God • I FonnatL~d i (~l Ensua that roadway systems are des{pnad to pnsarve and sn wnsisftffl with• I~.eed i... tasl I community charactar. ; f«m.m.a , rs6l i Poleues ' I Mrmatbd ; C671 I TP-2.1, Street desipn should complement edjacent devebpment ' ForwatUd ~ TP-1?, Discoutape private roads as e princfpal maans of aaoess w developments. Prlvele ; ro~nm.d 1691 i rou~ should be deslgned and conatruded to publk etreat atandarcfa. 1 Formatted I r,ol i TP-2.3, Enoourags tandscap+np, atreet IlghUnq and beautltscatlon fn the dealpn iitandartia for r7111 local eccesa atraets, collectora and arterfais. TP-2 4 Ertsune lbot thQ Aonlewav Bou►evard neht o( wiiv +s th4lninanran widtn necessan te Formnttod accor^rtrodam hnuro street and roa►onei hiatt caoecitv Lrans1c annrovemnnta. - Fo"notted Gaal, For^'.tt.d ' [751 I ~ Improvs local clrculaUon and emergency aum consisieft with communlty• Fam+.md i... c7tu cleractx and saisty. formatt~d i f771 I Pollcl99 ro~m~lted i~ TP-3.1, As luncling alim", brinp un&nproved and rurel ctoea gectiorts up to adopted street- standards. TP-3.Z As funding allowe. mska Intenedbn Improvsmanta and inaseae atorage capaclty Formatted whera approprtate . ! Formatted i te2]_J Goa). , fonn.mee MA Minlmisa tha neflstive Impaet hom tnrspoRatlon sotems on tf►e nstural• ft,~„~ ~,="t`tiit7 Mvironment, alr quaqty, nakse Ievels and fwl cortsumptlon. Pannoded . Poticies ~ IaRnattied TP-4.1. Restld hiph-speed tratflc ftrom residerttid neiflhborhoode and utifiw traMic ceiminp- rormrm.a rs71 1 strategise to reduce vehlcular speeds wharo eppropriste. romj TP-4.2, Corrpl4:a !ocal traffic circu'aton pians for areas experiencing new deve'.oprnent i Formatted ►m+++otead ~ ' rorm.cted rq~ . f°mmesod ' ,-IP31 FaftrM!!Rd f ' FOf@11!!'ed ~ For"wtted i 1951 2007 Updale Adop2ed April 25, 2008, ~ Faae 29 cE 37, A _ ~ Ciy of Spx,kane VaI:ey ComGr2h-,n5ivv Plan . Fotmstted ~,s., ►amatbd 1~= ' park 6 rice locs and school bus routes, and 3) deslgnaLng a necwork o( atreetb thet Fw^atted can sately and 8tifclerstty accommodat,e biqcles and coordinaie deve;opment of the non-motorized ayaSsm w►th surrounding jurtsdicUona and regional system extenalorte. ~ TP-9,2, Provtbe sidewalks on both sides of etl artehal stroets as funding aflows. jFor,,,,,tted r---- TP-9.3, Inaorporais pedesutan and 6iryde /ealues as desfyn elements In the City Cenber, i ran+aa+ed tt~,E' TP-9.4, 1Mor1c w0 other agenuea. paRfculerly relatlng to re9loriafty siyrtificaM fatl((ttes to Farm+uw L... i11 pureue tunding for pedeatrian and hlryde ha°iitles. i Form.nde TP-9 5, Enauro thai aldewatio, ct►ared use patha and bike lanea are safe. cleartyr marfced end ~Fommoa.d well maintained. . formafted 3P-8.9 InGude Dlcycle taclllties whero prsctlcal abng erOsrtal rosdwaya. , rorns.ttrd u_ TP-8.7. Inciude convenlent and sewre bicycle Rarking at mejor desNnatlons and i forn+.mea i... transpoRatlon aenten. form.cbse TP-9 8 Include pedeafian Mendly faciUtiea euch ae aidewagcs in ciy strest reconstrusbon Fw"urtted and Emprovement profacts, and requlre padesMan friendly facilipes wch es sldewalks In all new deveiopment i fonnsto.d ~t TP-8.9 Reduct obuucbons and conflwts between blrydelpedeatrian fadlbes and vshiwlar tranapo►taUon rautes ' ft. y- TP•9 10 Develop atreet, pedestrian path and blka path standards that conMbute to a systam ~ IL ~ of luily connecbad routes. f0""'~'d ti6z Translt Goals a Policles • ~rO^"'ti fonnattrd i E:, Goal s forn++olbd i v TG-10 8upport the provEslan of a safe, efficioM and cost-~fve public trarnportatlon- i Poffnetted systam. ~ ronn~Ld ; i TCr11 Encourage land uses that wlll support a hlgh-carsactty tmnaportation systom. ' ~e; Poltties fwn+am.e TP-11.1. Ertaute ftt atreet standards, knd uses and building Rlaoement support tne facifllfes• I for+nsntae i and serokes needed alanp Varnlt routes to meke transl! viebie Formatted TP-11 2, Work wtth STA to ensuro Ihat transit sheltero, bua benches and other anenities tlTat support transit use ero provided In appropriate tocatlons far users of the sysiem. i + TP-11.3 Suppo+l the cantlnudd ptanning and Cevelopment oi e hlgh-capecity transit system Forn+aRlsd fo"notted t~7; . TP-11.4 Work with 5TA in pienning and developing bus pull-out bays on the far side ai ~Fw,n.a,,,d fl,• Interseclions ft.~ i ti,_ TP•11.5 Nelghborhood busi,wsees aroee ahould be served hy trwlsit conskabrrt with the Formatted Transpcrrtation Etement for+nattzd ~ ~mrn~ , r«maetae iF-116 Fat nfuture etreat and !19~ca~2c.+N ttEC~~ knDrQVtmer~g,ldtn nocesaap~,-t2 Aviatlon Goafs b Pollcles Goat, ' w.m„aee TG-12 3uppoR ths expanaion of yenerol evlatlon and tnlyht uses at Felta Flold In forn,stced i• ft,. eccordance wlth tM approvad Alrpon Master Pian. ' FormatLw t L E- PoliG:es Fonnattad 7P•12.1, Encourage the fvu II 68veiopmettit and utitizetlon o/ akrport prnperlbs at FelUS FiNd ' rormatted t +:1._ wmuma Lspl 2007 UpQa6s AGoptad Apn! 25. 2:006, :paog 31 .0.32, CHAPTER FOUR CAPITA... FACILTIES I Giry cl Spukanu L'altiey G-ornrreh?r9ivo Flnn4__.. _ Form~tSadt SDace Af!r G ot : _ . . : . _ ;nm.:i . II.f.3r".~°i' . . . _ . 1 , len~a!lads PorC ! pt ~ f' to, 1o mo„ , ►on++amQ~ ront: a a I 10OG t "O~- m: 20117. Taw fonnaltnd i ~ , [7] fonnatted I f}f,~,~l Gruie FadntlealLlh wul 553 6b0 7i0 FormatCed: SDKe Nter: 6 Dt ~ ft +~.et.b Fo+c: e vc I :.r.ricy wnr, cil.amlim Aa rom.wei fwc e ve ~ ~ ram,m.ai F«K: e tt I c,c•,, n:~neeney ur~,~sn,~,,. EL !~4 ~ ron++att.ei certe ad, Spam Afie►: itr Ptvwct! - PuDit AR 7.4 IQ 9 'iD `.G 2~{- 6 pt ~tr Cr~S?fS~ ~ ~ I Fonnamoet FanC B pt I Pub6e Ats~ ~ fonnaRLedt Fcnt: 8 y[ ~ ~ rmattadl FaK: 8 pt I Ckt ".rlerprmd ~ I„ M ~r+ar Irors~ ~ famstt~dt Ca+terM, Spam ARr: 6 pt Fomtakbsd g~ l40 Ibrmwttrd rorel o~A G29A om isa sao 7s0 s146] • I rarnmittiedc Fant: e pt 1 rO""attadt Certira0. Spam ARer: I 6 pt prmmw Swrp ~ farmattsd: Fort: B pt FOnni!!!dt Catwed, Spam ARK: Raal =_ttata Exdw Tax 260 250 400 ' 6 ~ Fainio~ P.rmal cuna wFWe e a 1 Por++uta~s Fu,a e ve j Fwmds C,mtere4. Soeae ARe: 6 tt 0 0 0 iii bbD Ti0 i1=f3 formartfad i. [lI] 1 jFormmtt.a . form.a.ai r-wt a pc forn,.tteM Grtaree. svao lftr: 6 pt Porrnatbd c 14 ` ' Fo.+n,asa: rort 10 ve I fo.m.a.et soace After. 6 cc 1 ,bn,,.m.ih rnew,L ►imglrio: 1 4.4.8 DomosUc 1Afater • 0.38", Spwe Aftiir- 6 a , fonnwthdt Spam ARer. 6 pt ~ fortnattdi Ind!►it ldt 4.75', The City af Spolcanf Vai3sy does not own or opefab a pubGc water aupply system. Rather, water ia• Sp.cs Arta: 6 vc prwlded to Spokane Vailey resi4encea and buslnesses by speciai Rurposa distrlds, easocialions, ,Fo„n~i Font: lo yt ~ and pubfic and prlvate corporations Watvr servios Es coordinated by 3poksna Cauniy through the ~~i Left ~ Paoe 16 88 • - 1r)07 U;n~ Adoptad ApMI 25, 2000 ' . . - P I ~ CILy of SccAune Valley Camprehelisiva Flan - St} GS zaPzV=':Y 'ormaL*aO; 24 r42; 2-1: . I Fortnittad: Font t. ; ' . Fornuttads Soaae A.:_: Lsvei ot 3erv(Ge , Foenadmds IMent I eft Spxr ARn- 6 pt The Ccuntywide Plenmng Poilaes for Spoicene CounSy requlres ;nat alt lurisdictions adopt a Level of Service standard fer echaola. Spokene Vatley defero UhIS rasponslbdity to the Individual achoal disUicla providing iarvloe withtn the City. Individual school diotritts may rsquast that 8pokane Velby sdopt a Level ot Service standard In fuwm updafaa to the Capital FaciUties Elemsnc Fonwt of Futurv Naeda I Central Valksy $chool DlsUlct 7he CenUal Velky 3diool Distnct (CVSD) 1b expanencing a penod of high growlh in student poputaNon, psNcutarly towards its eastem boundary- Liberty Lake and Graenscrea Ebmantery Sdhoois are currently over cepacity. In responas to thle growtti, tha Distrid inike!ed ita 'Communlty Linka9es' piannir►g process ln the iall of 2004 to develop strategles and aftematlves for eccommodatln9 tts present and tutura studsnts i The commlttee developed student populatlon prajeuiona through the 200912009 schoal year'ar the enUra disirtd by analyzing growth trands in student populeUon, building pertnR ectNity and ~ proposed housing developments. The data will be used ro puide dacisions on where to locaie I sthool fadlities. Table 423 shows the numDer ot studenb enrolled fn Ceqtral Val►ey Schools in 2065 lot each echoo! In the DisUici ar+d "edlons through the 2008-09 school year. In 2005, 11.480 itudertts were enrotted in CVSD schools, with 9.363 of those studenta Ilving wtth?n the Ciry nf Spokane Vaitey T-, i;:!=-"+-~-i:_{r'_t.-,. V:Ur-y i:.. C,nt i~: r.~-;~ • ' Forinartbdt5pattAllt{-. 6pt !'armstLed3 Pw+t: 8 pt shmsont 1Mw Pro*tsd Forn+~tL~d: SMCM ARer, 6 Dt Sch0o1 Altindntt~ MM Et1toMR~nR 6dd~nt E~uvpnont 20os N 70os-m" Irce~ Fornultedi Specs Altlr. 6 Dt ~ e.m.nwy Sanooa fo.matt.at Spae ARu: 6 pt I ?rooclw~y 492 5t7 is ' . . Form am.et svm Arru; 6 a I Froqtep 291 311 20 w.,,~.at sQ.ce x~,: 6 oc ~ oov«cw,ny ~ see • Adrru IbD SW 37 F«m.m.~ Svm Aftr. 6 oe 1 UniwnNy 419 435 !3 • Pam~ SpKt ARx: 6 pt I IarrnstEodt FonC 10 pt ~ F«mmWi Lert I aia 58 • i~.:.~~;~ I Adopted Apnt 25, 2008 <°.;....c-c-, I ~ Cny at Spokane Vaney Compret►en.stve Rlan : riaaer 4 f;Ao~~I F- ci tuire ■ ConCUrrdncy menaqement system anaysfe and must mQat thresholds Defore the+r -3DUon SRFC Wli. a!'f1112Cy 855255 1p' i^-f d~ ~*?f 5[i_~',B~iC(t a15~~'il •M!fi ~ 5✓clC1 10 CapFtal Projects -abte 4.38 ooncairts a ccmplete Iist at transporteaon rnated captid projects tor the years 2GD_c= '!lrough 20t32, totaNn9 ao&4Y9.Y£` $$£408 mift(on. The Citv uodatea ths six vaar T1P MrQUaho~,t ~-iR vasras ;~mFeet artarlties and fundirxn cnpngtsThis PlaR #Doo Cv reserence anv uadai¢s '.e TtP occumne Daivrean Pvn uodate cvcJes The urnanr TIP rs avsdaCl6 13r viAwnzi ~ww sookaneva(bv ora These projecta address capecity isauQS 3: irtt?f;c:"~G~,s :ro sa'ecv -flrDVYmenis- FokoWlr.g ;5 B O;SJj5sior, Of po'Cn:!AI };,,ndiag sc.!•rce; - Fundlnq 8ou►res F.nd)ng for the operaUon and exFansron of tha Crryrs Ctansp~'.rt'nt.cn systern tal;s inta saverai --ategoriea, which Include federel, stata and dry funda. Some souroas consist of nNfaDlo annuai I::nda while others ere perbdk, auch es pranta. The uae, availabiiity and appllpbitity oi thesa ~-griaus sourcai are nat alway5 at tha dibcxetion ot the Cfty Spokans VaItey w;lf devetop n trr.w -AYd Wftl funuir,-i a3ErrIF5 c5'"`)ca .~rn5 C" 'r.'h rh %YI I F;Clp Ta6B Ir 'rp'u '?~lobl~n l(.c,] assump8ans - 5ummary 0f e~pEC:•_~~• :-1-dwal and IcC:I !undir"-J 5rr.i'Cr, 'i]' iPg S 5"r ye;d' L?I I ,proYerTlBnt 'rr;,gr.ari {..-.ko.% r~i f; -~-~'r•~r~ ,t~r;pcr.?'i-~ !~,ndlng 0p11G^i Ff!d~l A3Si9tar ,neee tu1'►da ane ajlhor,2eQ ura4r the Safa Ac;caintablA, FiPJKIGiB, CffiCiBitl iransportabon Equr,y fot the 21'' Centwy (SAFETEA-21) and ere edmhsl6terHC by the Fedgral Highwa; Administre8on through Weshinptfln 5tat4 Depsrtment of Tranaportation and the Metropoliter PlannlrrQ OrQanizeUon (Spokane Reglonat 7ransportatlan Covncio FMerat fi3nding prt+grems inrlude $rldQQ RYQIsOBrMn! (BR), rr9' 3r„ . , Suaace TranspaRatien Progam (STP S'3[@ AS,;(ftiflCB 1he WBihYtPn ii= programs. ir►ciuding t' Sidewalk Pregram IS~' I Ci!v Furd=_ Spplt$J16 tilailoy CCr;'.G~'65 ~3YO~l.uS '.-o(it Cr!1-e(3I t=U.'7Q e"Cij (Pti Rual CS!u:I9 txGSB I dk" flJ.'idg for trHnipoRallpn p(qectg. The Ctty als0 r0oehres St3te MOtOt Fua1 Tax and ResG1GlBd State Fur:l Tax For„u't~r7- 7 , -,em018a I CiPl of Spokane Vaf'.ey Comptctensive Plen__ f,_ - ~ for+nsthdi tnde+* lelt 0.25', ~ S.,oa MK: 6 pt and Financing Ftan, ►o~mattcd: . . , ~!D 13 =OG~-~$td (Doliars In thousands) _LBM7 Is~n+ Proj~ci Frflm To ~ Clqr Amaint T~ ~ Formatted TaW~ ~ ~ m _ ~r Aaad F~.hdna Ap.~+~r ~ ~S SZPMM - , VAM 67 I + ~ ~ ~ &M.Gb I OM • Farmatted: „r : - . . , ~'J~l I i.f7i1 110 3 T ~NL13A a f ~ Pro,.mebn- v,~do ww,. a«a w~-w.r ,9~ Forn~ttsd= Spea ARx: 6 pt ~ NI~-pp~ • Ila formptLeel: 'oa!'r Ffirr 6 nr ~irwav - Un(vee~r m py ~ ♦ EYl9.mffi! Go ~ 7 €~.«+ao.~c+x~a Forlnatted: ti~~_• hr,-, E.;.~a~.+Gy.law ~ hmg - F+nes G5r6M%"'?" C*AM s~ =u~~ ~ 6'D .ali~Y-{'AT~00~'f~d Farma4!r.d: : a'eadvsu FaN:Mt 4nl~i~ii1 6-44-Wciiy 8TpN1 4"I1 ~irr~~d1C11 PCr 'r~tza4 - Bsidcina Ih~ 4131 EsQ '1i ~`+~^5l~1+M+~►+'r! ~ ~ - Forn+etied: S;;acF V^e+: a ~,r =;-~vfnu! Ptsa~e 1- -anon ta hiNwra avedG![eOW Aa/d"pi /ormatt~dl5uqer5Rv[ e.L a:o.wr.ra+r.rw~ t." Fnm,atced: ;v,-.._ ,^c, 5~+9~ NJ VVOOdtv!f "~1~! S.+A+1/7~'Qw.'Yd , G_, ~on Ap~p.-j~rq~11».1kE Formntted: = _ - . . . . . c~lGiN110~~'~~ ~ ~ T►T'~~e . ;n.. . FbffllilL01 Spa[! ATlar. 6pr ~o ~ ~r, ~ +&Mrna-Av ^t u,op ~ ui ~ Kl .r I !'am~tt~ed~ F . . ~ 1 ~ortnatted:!c". ~1 0! 88 J ~i7 U~ F,dCp'.~i Ap,l 25 20 <Ci•'J $ ~ ~i : ~ : a : ~ G ~ • 't r~ * ~ ~ ~ t t nt. ~ - - ~ n b S' N - - ~ _ ~ ID~ 4• , - ~ ~ _ ~ ~ IS ~ ~ T ~ $ ~ ~ • x ! yt T' ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ m o. va OoT vOP Oa P A P OC0OtlPo. T : & ,,y ~ ~ ~ ~ R ~ s A St ~ St R R ; ~ Ciry of Spokane Va!iey C^mprahrnulvc ?lan - 32 I P,n~s:o~►sa 1 r6 I:cu«..* I T,rm A:* C +.tAL -s i c3+ I Form~: Spece ARv: 6 pt I u 6•a~~w~w~w^ I C.ay suo 43W ~ Fmmwft" Sp" 11Rl.r: 6 pt I ~ I I I Mnud 7obl 53AM I 62tM13f10) Fonnafta& Sp" Me' 6pt rore►m@di Spece I11Eer: 6 Ot ~ 2Q14 ~DCS 11wn P~+Jw frm To hbMry Cbr Aewud Ta1d Annwd Wem~ttid TsWa I N 9ouro~ ~ Aawunt fam4rttsds 5pace Mer. 5 Ix I ~ I~ParrtCa~ u"'~rAr ~q.w~Ar i~i~Y sgQ4 i~W>> ~ ! ForfmRtat Sp" Atter. o Vt aa~aow-~a. Z* ~ Yanyaq.rv ~1.p~ farn~sde sv~ce Nbas 6 pt I Pt~ AAm I'a ~ ,s ~y~ ~ matLadlSpxe ~r: 6 pt +-~yffiw 14l I~ 6'.1r~rpi~, ~ ~ ~ j Rdiilt - 87MOI f1o I11f YIIIl s„aaM I M Fonemttd3 Space AfOer, 6 pt I Y ul Fitvw Sirset PSI^ STP44QI SsW I 7,i1pIM ' Fwtnottwds Spam Atta: 6 pt I Avenue Pne~ ~ ~~L7lI1i[, d 01 D ~ 4] GioMw" AiP-y iwaO"r Avrnw MtrOwuog I PCC iQj I ~ 1dGAla~ *MoVoe--yh 1 FormsRbdt Spacx Artar: b Dt ~ Ba+Sariiw~-Jaaiv sock= NGpW ii4A i?pm ` Pormmmdt SQKa Altf: 6 pt i S Q:w ~ ~ FWm i~+sJw I~~,tv I u:~R i0Q a0T}~4 ~ I fann~ `..pece AltM: 6 pt ~ 4j I So w. InL irn+ PCG spmowe~ I ~.v~u ~ K~ ~ Portnatlad: Spact A.Frr. 5,{ l6~ A 9r2aQwr,'SulllvMn 4Nrnsctlan t-COMIIM C.&!'WA ooa4Z Formettod7 c.,jc. nttn- fipt 4 ~ formuthdt .SpsQ Atter: 6 pt I Annual Tobi I tt-t01 ~874 L3i~4i~ Formftbd! SpOC! ARa: 6pt ~ ~ - Forrt+attedi Spaa Atfa: 6 cR PormalLKdc Fant: 10 pt ~ Fcnnathdi lalt ~ : a:_.BCi:'6o _ I.IG:•~,i~, Adoplea Apri125. 2008 . ~ C!*y of SpCa-0n2 Valley Comprehensive PI3n _ 1 - 11 ~:8 I I prm Pr*M I Ftoo ` Tp ~ CMr Amo~nt i T~MYmwl ~ :-sa Fio~a-&+eW~4~e Formatiadt 5Da:e ARc,• a~ uz I idr+~bord IhM~~^/M ~%M p~~'e p%a I Tii!M m ~ ' fo~T^atied: SGecs Atter x I Formatted: 5par-r 11Rr: 6~r ~ I A=Wwav Brvd I UnNwvh Eveimnw ~]I ~.QlAAPIMWw~y ~ ` ~ iN~¢ sti~ ~ I Formatt~d~ Spect ARr: { ct I - Bridafno 1ha Yiibmv ea a7123" I~J6e I sani I sKluz Fam.ee.ar spem Mter 6 oc Form,to.dc sam A1ts: 6 M Appwry Ar°°nn~ Ro~d T~nt I I~~'~.$d ~G I~ I~1111 I ~}~4 2,]/4,j~ j Fvrn~ 6 Gt I ~ I poc.PS6d4"N,ALghprp,ga ~ Bowwo'y I formatDodt 5ysce Afts: E Gt lEfnt6aoSx 6wom AdeFi" RaZIM Far 4r,_= y"= ~ formrttedi swct Aftm 6m ~ I Corn4W ITS ~Asedazas I= ~II c4w a.ew atd sx" ' fo.wwtt~ 5pace Afhr. ::x I 30 iubowwRoM iwlN~wswE A%.,~QFAW ~ kVp N I Formattedt Spsct A}tw. h;: 6-9n0 Ai/M+/ 6xp46g ~ 00 I iN ' Formelhdi Spm[e Atter: 6 Pt I I="~`~" I AAp1a~ ~ I Formottedt SDece After. 6 Ot u I I I l Gy ( iia0 ( t,i40 tortntlted3 Spece A1ter 6 pt ~ I Miwd Tobl fortnatladt Spom A1tor 6 pt 4i,f~1 FamatW: Soece ARei: E tx Ot 24:~ I Ilwn pro/Kt To ~ ~ GRy Aa~w~n I Totrl Arn+l Al Aoowit Formatfads SDaQ AtEQ; 6 pt 64rs 8~,"iRSd I S~Fi~IC~Y tia~ I ;-/iG ,~Y1 ~ Farmattfm Fflnt 10 pt I i I .y,~Av~aw~,p~ Iotmotfsdt :r°. n8_o zt ea ~ro7 uadate ' Adoplsd Apru 25, 2006 ~ - , ~ ~k]M a ~ ~ ~ r v ,a ~ t» 0 = ~ ~ ~ - - . . . . . ~ ~ - - a - ~ - p, p, p, O~ o~ o~ O+ m a m m c~ rn a rn rn cT v, U+ a~ A R 3l A w C, ~ . , Oi « v M ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ M' ~ M ~ ~ ~ L7 1 IT, r ~ i; L ~ ~ • _ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • 6 ~ 1 f 1 • • • ~ f ~ • • a-~-- ` a ~ a a a m rn rn a m m a rn c~ a m m m m rn rn rn cm rn rn ~ 31 u ° ° -A TL i R ~ 'R ° - 'R 7a 'd ° 34 D r. .C' .tl Td Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minubes Council Chambera - City Hall, 1707 E. Sprague Ave. November 08, 2007 1. GLL TO ORDER Chairman Kogle calfed the meeting tfl or+der at 6:00 pm. II. PLED6E OF ALLEGIANCE The Commssbners, Staff and Audfenoe stnod and rea't:ed the Pledge of Allegianoe III. ROLL CALL Commissiorers Kogle, Blum, Beaulac, Carroll, Crosby, and Sands were pre.9ent. Smfi attending tfie meeting: Katfiy McGung, DireRor of GommunitY Dcvebpment~ Gre9 MoGorrnkk, Planning Manager, Soott Kuhta, Long Range Senior Planner, Mike Basirger, Associate Plannei', Deanna Griffitfi, Adminlstrative AwAstant IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA C.ortwnissbner Blum mo+red the Nov. 8, 2007 agenda be apprvved as presented. 9ecand by C,ommissioner' Robertson. Molion passed tutanimotzly. V. APPROVAL OF MINtJTES There were no minu0es to approve VI. PUOLIC OOMMENT Owight Hume, 9101 Mounl View Lane - Mr. Hwne expressed tfiat he would {ike to wggesi tiha# the Ciry dhange the submitlal daUe for their Comprehensive Plan amendmertts. He noted that ii is the day after the City of Spokane's deadbrie and it makes k difficuk to try and get ap the requin9d papervMOrlc done if you are trying Co meet tn ttwse oompeting deadNnes. Mr. Hume asked dhat a dHterent dabe be ctiosen in orcier 0o make it easler on pevple who need tA file Comprehensirre Pfan amendmenis. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS All the Commissioners had nolfiing ba report. 1/III. ADMIPlISTRAlIVE REPORTS Dfrecbor McQung repoited tfiat Mike ]acicson, Parics and Recr+eatbn Diredor had been Promoted bD DePutY CitY Manager. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS: Gontlnued Publk Hearin9 regatdln9 Comprehensive Plan amendments. . COAIP PLAN DQNIN(3 ' FiLE NO. PARCEL NO. LOCATION CHAN(iE CHAIiCaE ~ GPA-10-07 I - (BarkerA-90 Intercherqe To RC I To RC ICky od Sookane Veley. CPA-11-07 351242504 Nas arW Park PfaP to ll CF to LI City ol Spokane Va1ey 35124.2606 CPA-1T-07 I 45183.0406 I BroedMrav and Eb I HDR to O I A/F-2 !o O I Cily o( SDOicane VeNey CPA-13-07 ~ 15033.9024 ~ Pirw-roR and PSnes I PQP b MU ~ CF to MUC ~ City of Spokane Velley i 1-08-07 Ptanning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 4 1 - - . i COMP PLAN ZONING I FILE NO. PARCEL NO. LOCATION CF4ANGE CHANGE ~PP!CANT ~ 450.33-9042 1 1 1 1 CPA-14-07 ~ 45161.0248 I Missbn near UNon ~ PaP b O ~ CF to GO ICitv at sookene vaMoy CPA-15-O7 I 45223_9210 I McOonefd and 12fh Ave I PQP b HOR I CF b MF-2 I Cihr o/ Svaicene VaIIeY CPA-18-07 ~ 55182.0103 I Long Road and Miasbn I POP lo LDR I CF !o R-3 Citv o! SQOkene Valle~ CPA-17-07 ~ 452142531 ~ Pines and 10th Ave ~ LDR to CMU ~ R-2 to CMU City o1 Spokene VaN The Commissloners discussed and agreed to proceed witfi one amendment at a tlme and allow public oomment on each iDem 9eparately. CPA-10-07 This Cortpxehensnre Plan amendnent was continued kom tast meetlng and tfie public comment v+ras dosed. Staff explafned tfiat R had put togetlier a Gt5 analysis of the area in quesiion, the diPferent uses surrounding the proposed area. Staff disaissed tfie nced fnr having Regional Conxnercial at freeway Interchanges, hovMever based on Uommunity input wouid reoornmend changing nine paroels laabed pust east aF creenaaes Rd. and just north of Alki Ave, from the RegionW Corixnerdal tn lnw Density Residential as Fn the original amerxtment reoorrunendation. After dsetission Commissioner Besaulac macfe a niotion tn reoommend approval tfl the Gty Coundl of CPA-10-07 amended tn exdude the nine paroels lomted east of Greenacres Rd. and betvueen Broadway Ave. and Alki Ave. The motion was seaonded by Commissioner Robertson. Discussbn oontlnued and Comm'tssbner Carroll offered a friendly amc.~ndment m the motion to add tfie two large parcels east af the staff propo5ed nlne paroels to the low denstty residential area in the ameridment r+ecortxnerufatbn. Vote on the amendment to the motion is four to three; the two parcel5 will be acided to the ot'iginal motion. Vote on the origlnal mation ks five to two In favor of the amended amendmenL CPA- 1 1-07-This Camprehensive Plan Amendrtterrt is {oxated on the south 5ide ot Naa, jusi east af Paric Rd. Ttere is a soccer aertber an the property now, the change suggested is from pubiic/quasi-pubfk to Ngfit industrial. Cammissioner Kogie opened the public hearing and seeing no one who wanbed to te.sYify, dosed the pubik testimony. Commissioner Crosby made a motion to reaommend apprvval of CPA-11-07 to the Clty GouncN, second by Commissioner Robertson. VoUe on the motion is unanimous. CPA-12-07-is bcaLad on the south side of Btoaclway Ave. and west of EIla Rd. TFtere Es Otfloe across the street, requetfn9 to change from High Density ResidenM to Office. Oiswssion why ttte change Is not to Mixed USe, ks would not be a benefit to the area, cT fs what tfie property awner would Yke, and ftre is no other Mixed Use In tfie area. Commissioner Kogle opened tfie public hearing and seeing no one who wanbed to bestity, closed the pubbk testimony. Commissiorw Cno6by made a motion to recummend appnNal of CPA-12-07 to the Gty Council, seoond by Commissior►er Robertson. Vobe on the motion is unanimous. CPA-13-07-tfiis property is locaked on Pknes Rd. between Pinecroft Business Park and Trent Ave. Staff is reoortunending tfiis change to be oonsisteM with resi of area. The retvrnmended change is frnm Community Faoilities, to Mlxed Use. Discvssfon wrnounded tfie property being dose tA the Wlce patfi and the fi+er, waming it to be Protected, the PossUAltY of it being dkiriged tD I-2, based at a eariier distussion by the property owner during UDC hearings. Commissfoner 11-08-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 4 Kogle opened tfie puWk hearfng and seeing no one who warited to testify, cbsed the public bestimony. Commissioner Crosby made a motim Lo reoommend apprwal vf CPA-13-07 to tfie Clty CourKii, seoond by Corrxnfssioncr Robertson. Vote on the motion is unanimous. CPA-14-07 This anendment is lombed on Mfssion Ave. near Unbn. The ProQosed change is from Community Fadlity to Garden Offioe. Commissioner Kogle opened the publk hearirg and seeing no one wha wan0ed Oo testify, clo6ed the publk testimony. Commissloner R,obertwn made a motton tn recnmmerid approval of CPA-1407 bo the City Councii, second by Commtssiow Crosby. Vote on the motfon is unanlmous. CPA-15-07-Th1s property ls locaW at 12912 E 12th Ave., McDonakl and 12th. It is Hohman Gardens Redremetd Community, whkh is owned by church located fn front of iL The proposed Charge is from Public/Quasi-pubik to High Densky Resderttial. Discussion oorioemed cfiangirtg the desigrtiation ba9ed on tfie oyvner, however it is the what fs currentty tfie use on the ground. Commtssioner Kogle opened the publk hearing and 9eefng no one who wanCed bo Wstlfy, dosed tfie public testEmoiry. C.artmfssfoner Sands made a motbn Ce reoomrrexl approval d CPA-15-07 bo the CRy Coundl, seoond by Commiskner Besuiac. vote on the motjon Ls unanimous. CPA-16-07-The property is laated at 1409 N Long Rd., it is a single famfiy Rsidenoe. The reaommended change is frvm PubticlQuasi-public bo Low Density Residential. Commissioner Kngie opened the pubiic heering arbd seeing no one who wanted bo testify, dosed tfie pubtic tesdmony. Cortunbsioner C.rosby made a motion tn reaornrtend approval o( CPA-16-07 tn the Qty Gomd, seoond by Gommissioner Beaulac. VoGe on the motfon is unanirtwus. CPA-17-07-1his amendment Es bcatsd at 924 N. Pines Rd. tfie proposed diange is bD Corridor MtxOd Use from Hiqh Density Resfdential. Cortimis5Kogle opetiecl the pUbiic hearing and seeing no one who wanbed Lo testify, closed tfie pubiic Uestimorty. Commtssioxw trosby made a motion Lo reoonxr►end approval of CPA-17-07 to tfie Ctty Coundl, seoond by Corrxnissioner Blum. Vobe on the motion is unan'imous. CommEssioner Kogle opened the puWk hearing for Coffqxehenslve Plan Chapter 3, Transportadon. Planning Manager, Gre.g McCo{midc, stabed that most of the W'oPosei changes are annual housekeeping ksues. There are ProPosed changes to the frelght and good transportation yysbern, changes expanding on the CenDennial Trall, updating of the STA bus schedule. It also indudes a Spokane Alrport and ln0ermodai transportation updabe. Chapter 3 also has updated poldes rnvering the right of way fw future rapid transit systens. Map 3.1, the City's Arteriai Sbed Wan, has been updated bo match wfth the Federai deslqnations. Seeing no who wishes to testify Cammissloxer Kogle ciosed the public hearing. Commlssioner Beaulac made a motion 0D reaommend approtial af chapter 3 to tfie Qty Coundi as proposed, seoond by Comrnissioner 81um. The voGe on tfie motion !s all in favar. Commissioner Kog{e upened the heartng for CompnehensMe Plan Chapter 4 Capital Fadlities. Mt. Mc{'rortnidc st3Ged that cttatges made were bo updabe the table 4.38, whkh would 9et uPdated everY Year for Qtys 6-year Transportatlon Improtiement Projeds (TIP) Program numbers. There is also an update to Map 4.3, Parks and Reavation, in orde,r for ft bo matrh the Parks Masber Pian. Seeing no who wfsttes to testifjr Commissnoxer Kogle dosed tfv public hearing. Cornmissioner Blum made a motion bo reoommend approval of chapter 4 Co the 11-06-07 Ptannfng Commission Minutes Page 3 of 4 1 City Council as propc►sed, semnd by C.ortxnissioner Carroll. The vote on the motion fs all in favor. NEW B!l.SINE55: TFtere was no new business X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Commi5510t1er CrOSbY ar}~~ou'}red ht, will not kzr° :V;kinci (or reappoinkment tc: the Planning C.artxnission XI. AD]OURNMENT ThCfe beIfl9 f10Dtticr hu:ine-;,. ti?% rn[e.irg. vrd., :3d}ourneci at p.111 SUBMITTED: APPROVE C> : D(.d(lf1:i (i(ifilifl, Ai1rniriv.tlrfSWl' I1`:;I,Ai3fit (.idlI Kool1', (.hc:ifjk'l~0(1 11-08-07 Pfanning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4 I Novembcr 29, 2007 Sgokane Vailey City Council 11707 F-ast Sprague Suite 101 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 Dear Spokanc Valley City Council: Rc. CPA -04-07 Pazcel No. 45103.0263 ! am writing tnday to ask thai you consider l,oning the above referenced property (corner of Pines and Mansficid) Community Cornmercial. This is consistcnt with the zoning of the praperty across the street (Manstietd). We have been farming far the last 35 years in Oka.aogan Gounty. We realized that therc is nn retircment plan for farmers so we purchascd this propcrey to hcip fill that gap in aw financial future. ()n 912811999 when we purchased it, it was zoned B3 Commercial (which is why we purc:hased it) which re:mained until 2006 when the Gity of Spokane Valley sdopted the camprehensivc plan. We have a Purchxse ar►d Sales Agrccment datcd the end of August, 2007 for this property with a contingenCy thc►t the zaning be commercial. The prospective buyers wrsnt ta build a convenience store at that location. You will notice that this type of business is allowed in the Cammunity Commeccial 'l,one, but in Otfice 7_one it c;an only be Acccssory. ft is for the above mentioncd reasons that ] ask you to can.sider zoning this ane parccl Community Commcrcial instead of Office. Thank yvu for your consicieration. 1f you have any yuestions please do not hesitate to contact rne at me at 1-88$-422-1334 (I-509-422-1334). I am planning to attend your working session on Uccembcr 4, 2007 at 6:00 P.M. Pteasc ict mc know if you nc:ed furthcr documentation in order to renc:h yotsr decision. Sincercly yours, I-i. Ktithlccn Ames, Trustee PiUcr Ames Family LLC P. O. Box 113 tVlalott, Washington 98829 1-888-422-1334 1-509-422-0239 FAX c-mail: kathamesanocthcascades.net cc. ('ommunity f)evelopment Uepartment, Planning nivision CITY OF SPflKANE VALLFY (For StaK Llie Only) Commurtity Development Oepartment ~ Currertt Planning ~Ivision DAr~ SusK=rrec: Rec[mD sr: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Sufte lOb FILr No./NAMe: C) - L Spakane Valley, WA 99206 Tel: (509) 921-1000 ~ J - • - Fax: (509) 921-1008 PtANfiIl16 FEE: plon nindpSVOkanevalle y oro r I SEPA FEE: COMPREHENSIYE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I - APPUCATION INFORMATION (Chedc One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERnr OwNER: NOR7HWEST RENOVATORS. (NC. MAuUNG ADOftE33: PD@ox 885 CrrY: LIBERTY LAKE_ $TATE: yl (A LP: 39019 Email: nwri@r-omr-ast.net PHONE: (i4m) 509-487-1508 (wK) 509-993-2739 (cELt.) APPl1CANT: NORTNWF.ST RETIQVATORS. INC MAiuNC3 AoDttE8S: PO BQX 5 CrrY: UsERTY U►KE STATE: WA LP: 99019 Emall: mlee@ccser.com PHONE: (wu) 509-487-1508 (wx) 509-993-2739 (GEII) RELATiON8HIP TO OWNER: Same PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRE88 AND/OR Dl8TANCE AND dRECTiON FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): 1604 S. SUU.IVAN (SOUTHYVEST CARNER OF SULLNAN AND 1 B ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: 45261.0407 PROPeR7v SUE: 11,654SQFT CURRENT COMPREHEliS1VE PI.AN f3E8K3NAT10N: Low DEtusmr Residential PROP08ED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DE9IGNATION: NElGH80RHOOD COMMERCIAL CuRtENT ZoNiNa CuSs+FlCAnon: UR 3.5 PROP03ED 20NIN(3 CLASSIFICATION: &1 BRIEFI.Y EXPWN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMEHOMENT (ATTACtI FULL EXPLa1NATION): The property is surrounded by quasi-public (and owned by Vera Water and Power. Vera intends to build a power sub statlon surrounding two sides of the property. The ather two sides of the property are surrounded by the heavy traffic intersectlon of 16`h Ave. and Sullivan Ave., creatlng a safety hazard a.th~,Jighted_ intersQCtion. SiowATURE of PaoaERnr Ow~~-~~~-~~J~~~ DI1TE: .l SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE: Page 3 of 27 Staff Repon 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments C PA-01-07 Applicant: Northwest Renovators, Inc. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial; conesponding zoning change from Single-family Residential Suburban District (R-2) to Neighborhood Commeraai (NC) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Location: South sfde of 16"' Avenue, wast of its intersection with Suilivan; Parcel number 45261.0407 at 1604 S. Sullivan Rd (Exhibit 3 8 4). Site Area: 0.27 acres Current Use: The site contains a vacant single-family house and garage. Adjacent Uses: Vacant land owned by Vera Irrigation District #15 to the west and south, church to the east and residential to the north. Publ(c Facilitfes: The property is currently served by public water and sewer and is accessed from 16L~' Avenue, a Minor Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan. The property is also located along Sulllvan Raad, a Collector Street on the Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensfve PlanRoning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.2 of the Land Use Chapter af the Comprehensive Plan designates Neighborhood Commercial ss areas for small-scale nefghborhoods serving retail and office uses. The neighborhood business area should not be larger than two acres and should not be located within arterial strip commercial developments. The proposed praperly is 0.27 acres and is located on a single unit parcel, not a strip commercial development. This is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Furthecmore, Section 19.60.040 of the UDC states that the Neighborhood Commercial zoning is intended to provide a limited number of commercial goads and services to surrounding residential neighborhoods. Also, grocery or speciaity food uses are limited to no more than 25,000 square feet of the net retail space. The total lot size is 11,791 square feet which falls under the maximum square footage allowed. Public Comment: Staff has reoeived no letters canceming the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation ta Neighborhood Commercial and change the zoning classfication to Neighborhood Commercial. The property is more suited for commercia( use due to its proximity to the high-traffic intersection and its location within the neighborhood. 10/11/2007 Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 1: Gomprehensive Plan Map ~ > a 4iq 1 14 u 3 u ~ K > > C 3 CPA-01-07 s ~ 64h 16t 16ch t Rth i LoN Dcntlr Spai.anr Vrlk% ituidentia! Se- enih Day Adveo ~ i ~ Pub:ic`(►1325} rA PnbUr CPA-01-07 Raluest: Change thc Campreheaslre Pinn map desfgnatiua City of Spol:anc Vallcy (mm Low Density Rcsidcntial to Ncighborhood Commnnlty Dcvclopmcat Ucpartauat ConimcrcFal cLanEc:anlag fraai R-2 to NC. ~ Exhibit 2: Zoning Map ~ ~ ~ «~n 141b aath ~ ~ i ~ ~ G L~ tt-3 CPA-O 1-07 16Lh 1e6 tbcS Spokane VetleN ~ ~ t - - Seventh it4 - - ~ UsvAdtirn + a _ - _ v r r~ . L , - - - - - - - - _ ~ - - - _ - - _ _ - - - = _ ~ w~ I - - - - I f F - - - - - - - _ - _ - l R-2 - - ~ _ - - - j f' ' - _~7 - - - - -1 - - - ; : CPA-01-07 Rrqnest: Lbange thc Comprehrnstve P[mn map designatlo„ Clty of Spoknne Valley Crom I.aw Deasity Resideatlal to leighboncood Comtnenlty Dcvelopmeat Ikpartmrnt !'nmmrrrial rfianne r„r,in:t fr+;r*, R-1 1„ N:i- Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map . ~ - ~ ; • ' ~..;r ~ " i ~ ; ~ , ~ . ~'1 . • ~:-L - I ~ • "i ~ ~ - ' ~ ~ s: ' t ; ~Y • " 11 ~ ~1.,~•~ ~ - - /f~rt°~i~{y!~ y ~ r , •.-M •s -kz~if ~ ,l . • `j ~ r~"~ . ~•Y , ' ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ ' .S~ ^ : . Sc%enth _ ~ 1 iia~~Td, r n J _ ( 1 0 t6 I ~I ~ . ~ . , CPA-01-07 Rcquest: ChAnac thc (:omprchensive E'lan map designqKou City of Spokaae Valley from "w Density ResEdeoNsl to heighborhood Commnalty DeveloptneAt Department Cammerclal change zoning fmm R-: to . ~ ~ J Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map ~ _ '3 1 W LLLi 1 M.ax iolmem.ry 4; ~J.L_1Eth._ ~ Ht ~ Csatrd ` - ' I , ~ •l 7 Seabr EbY4 4 ~ - - .l ~ ~ 42dL. CPA-01-07 ~ - U ~ sh ~ ~ - - 1 . i 6po4ase ~'~dsy ' I6 i th• ~ Scseatl .~1_ ~ 6J ~ _ 'n.~ we.es---1 f 161 ~ . th ' - - ii •Le - ~ ..ta~ t c 21 ~ , . IH rd sanr4.e -n T777 . - - - br - ~ ~ . ~ . , _ . CpA-01-07 Reqasst: C6aage the Comprehrnslvc Plan map dalgnition City oFSpokane Valley fivm Low Density Raidential to 1elghiwr6oad ('ammuaitv ller-elopment Department Commercial chAOge zoning from R-2 to NC. Exhibit 5: Transportation Map P~ Aaams ht~i,y r~ Ceatral Vaqery Smlor Righ ~ r . ~ - T, T..~ I-; 13th t itb ~ 1 CPA-01-07 H , I as i sa► ~ I ~ poe Vallcy' entti y e~a VIC,. ~ 3,t~h h ~ l --I - - ~ \ - - - ' Legend z - n , -i-+ Rail Road - - - Pmpnwd Principnl ArtecW urd ~ z,, Propoecd Wlincx Mtcrial 73 a 1j . Propoecd CoUatnt ~ PriDCipe1 Anaw Mi=Aroct381 , CSolkdar - Stge ar Fodrnl _ ~ . _ ';e~ l CPA-0I-07 Request: Chpage t6e Compre6ensive Plim map daigntttion Clty of Spol:ane Vnlley [rom Low Densiry Residcatinl to Nelghbarhood Cummaahy Developmeut Department Commerctat c6sage xoning from R-2 to YC. Community Development Department Planaing Division , i:.~t , uuiication t)ntc ot' Rotice: Octotter ll, 2007 l'tt is nioticr .►ni ends prior notice dated Uctobcr 5, 2007 M:iff has detcrmincd the fotlowing Comprehensive Plan Amrndment to he un errur and Will not 6e processittg the app[icaNon any fvrther. The followiag proposal will not bc considered by the Planning Commission on nctohc r 25'h, 2007. If vou ha-, e:iny yurtitioiz. please dan't hc4itate ta cuntnct me. tiincerrh, ~(ichacl L. I3:►sin-rr. :A1C 1' ('ity of Spokane V:+IEeN (-509) 688-0045 voicc (509) 92I-1008 !ax rnba.siuw6a"'tsDOka nevaltt~ .~;r;; APPL[CATIOiY INFORVIAT[ON: Appllcadoa/Dcacription ofProposat: i, ilc No. Cc; k`:.u: tn.sE, ;icsignation fmm PuhliclQuasi-Fubtic ta Medium Density Residenriet; camsponding zoning ch iri~~ r, LSp~~ ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ' (For Staft Use Onty) Communlty Deveiflpment Department jVdlky' Current Planning DivfS(on DAT! SUSMITTED: RECEriED BY: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Sulte 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Fua No./NAME: . CPA-03-07 Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax:(S49)921-1008 Qlannln°ftsookanevailev.oro PUNNIN6 FEE: SEPA Fee: tj / A i ~ - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I - APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: 32 Pines Aaartmerrts. LLC MAILlNO ADDRE8S: 37 Graham St. SE 200-B CITY: STATE: Z1P: Email: PHONE: (HM) (w+c) (CEU) APPLICANT: CITY Of SPOKANE VALLEY MAIUNG AQDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA LP: 99224 Email: PHONE: (NM) (Nnt) (caL) RELAT}ONBHIP TO OWNER: N/A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS ANDIOR OISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEARE3T CR033 STREET): NW Comer of Pines and 32~°. AsSESSOR PARCEI. No.: 452842030. 452$4,2013 PROPERTY StZE: 3.$3 ACRES CURRENT CONIPREHENSIVE PLAN OESICiNAT10N: NEIGHBORHOC)D COMMERCIAI. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DfSIGNATION: HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL CURRENT ZONIN(3 CLAS9IFICATION: NEIGHBOR1i00D COh1MERCIAL PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFiCATiON: MF-2 (MULTI•FAMILY HIGH DENSITY RESIDEPILAL DISTRICT BRIEFLY EXPIAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TD(T AMENDINFNT (A'TTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE AMENDMEIYTS ARE CONSIDERED OBVIQUS MAPPING ERRORS. SIONATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPt1CANT: DATE: II / ~ Rev 10105 1 Staff Report 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-03-07 Applicant; City of Spokane Valley Request: Change Comprehensive Plan from Neighborhood Commercial to High Oensity Residential; corresponding zoning change from Neighbofiood Commercial (NC) to Multi-famity High Density Residentiai District (MF-2) (Eachit-. 1 & 2). Locatlon: Northwest comer of Pines and 32"d; Parcel No. 45284.2030 a~ 45284.2013 at 3010 S Pines Road (Exhibit 3 & 4). Site Area: 3.83 acres total; 45284.2030 is 1.83 acres and 45284.2013 is 2.00 acres. CURenI '7nl'1 complex Adjacent uses: Ntuilu-ldii„iy lest;.iurit,a► Lu li;c v~;:-_-c a,~j noiiii, ~~i'J residential south. There is a gas station zoned Neighborfiood Commercial adjacent to the east and 6rowns Park is to the east across Pines. University Hi- School is to the southeast located on Pines and 32"dand is designated as PublicJQuasi-Public. Public Facilities: The propetty is currently served with public water and seweF and is accessed from Pines Road, a Collector Street, and 32n° Avenue, a Mi- Arterial as designated on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5) Comprehensive Plan2oning Analysis: The Comprshensive Plan designac~ the property as Neighborhoai Commercial; this is considered a mapping error the property has an existing apartment complex built in 1979. Furthermore, section 19.40.080 of the UDC states that multi-family residential zones should be used as transitional zoning between higher intensity land uses such as commercial and office to medium and lower density s+ngle-family neighborhoods. High Density Residential areas should be (ocated near services and high capacity transit facilities or transit rautes. The property and its adjacent uses are consistent with this designation. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to High Density Residential and change the zoning classffication to MF-2. The current Comprehensive Plan and zoning is not consistent with current use of the property. This is a clsar mapping error. 10/11/2007 Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map s ~ 27 / Q ~ ~ L / F CPA-03-07 i !i_; DrnEt~ }2rn~Jrn;~a1 t.cr"[i r:_ic. kcti ^tt.il ~tntr:er:i~l:--- st ft - Hurk t T I lIu } l:nd ~2ffi _ • 3.~f ~A - ~ t t ~ u PublidQua+9- i'uhlir ~ ti11c1Q I- y i - blfc - CPA-03-07 =%Rtqueo: age the Compreh rasIve Plnn mep desigoAtion City of Cpokaae Vallcy hood Cammcrt(al to Ri$h Density Residentll; Community De.~dopment Departmeat hange zoatng frgm NC to MF-2. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map ~ - v p, ~Y![1 c.pA-o3-o7 ~ R I / - Pa: L 31%, ~ ~ L 3_r.A ?_r,d ~1tu1 31nd , i / 1.~9 R 33rd • l ^ c ~ u ~ c. 3 x 34th th CPA-03-07 Reqnat: Cbango the Comprctiensivc Plan cnep de9ignntian City otSpokanc Valley from hci&6borhood Commerclal to Wgh Deasity Raldentfa}; Cummunity I?tvclopment Dcpartment change zoning from NC to NtF-2. i ~ • Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map - - - ~r ~ I IF ~-r ~ ~ 'GI~r n~'-~'• ,rJ ~y • t. r. ~ _ ~ / . t < 'YA-03-07 j F- - . ~ , . ` . ~ ~~_~cC-`~T~ . ~ . ~ , - _ I`►r{~ rih s'~'•'~ ~ f~,~ I I' , ~1►•~~ f~7; r' t ~ f •~1~ Y: r{1 i. ~ ~~3~-,=TJ y, ~ ~ i, _ . ~ ~"~`~f • ~1 _ '~4, ~ ~ tk P- y~ i_".i-- I, F 1 ...~'ti•-- ~ 1_ ; ► ) ~i_~«:+~'~ rf • C. _ •_uc C - ~ ~ CPA-03-07 Rcqucst: Chango the ComQrehensive Plnn tnnp designotion C'ity of Spakano Yatley frvm leighborhood Commerclal to High beasity Hrs[dratlsl; ComMaaity Dsrclopmaot Dcpatlment change waiag from hC to MF-2. ~ r Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map pt 'I I! I ~ 1 1~ i j~- ~ ' I I / ~ ! ~ Bowdla► ' ~ ~ ~ Middk ~ " ~ r `y ~ G. 1~ i i V~U~y J Chrbtlas Suat! Pfae+' ttt ~ r c aemsecan ; A ~ (w ~ ~ 1 ♦I~ TTI ~ 3 \ a► ~ ; f_ ► r _ CPA-03-07 0 a ` ~ nar tS • i } g ~ ~ i~_ G ~ - LL'_.?fi'c! J - ~ ~ I- . -Lu r I 3} _ l'niversttl - , e~ 6talor Hi=! ~ r I r ~sT th i iG .4 Hula ` xs ~ C11t1tff ~ ~ I Eltnntar? ~ -FFFFFTM I `~t r ~ , ~ - 17 10 Horimo tUddk 3 = atst ~ (;pp.0}07 Rrqaest: C6ange t6e Comprc6emive Plan map drsignntion Cfty of Spokane Vwlley firow Netg6borfiuod CommcrcInl to High Density Residential; Community Development Uepartment changc zoning from NC to MY-Z. Exhibit 5: Transportation Map r~ Vtllty C1rbtliD - ~ Sont6 Ptnn Ekraieaury = S~ 1 ~ / 2 th 20 - 1 CPA-03-07 ` nura ~ • r 341b 31 J - , QTCI~T1.11 33rd Unheniry SanFor Eligb th ~ 5 ~ I ~ j `}6 ~ ~ t ~ Chester ElernentirS~ 3 Legead j ~Hct~ R&H Road - - Pro~ ~W ArlaW - - - Praposcd Nfuia ArurW tb - Ptoposcd Conectar ~ r Principl Arterial ~ Mbm Arkord Z Horizoa Mlddle 1oth COUoiiOt - Sistc a Fedetal ao~ CPA-03-07 Rcqaest: Change the Comprehensive Plan map dtaignatlon ~ City of 5poknnc VallCy from Nefg6bor6ood CommorcW to High Deasfty Rraidmtial; Commuaity Dcvclopmcat Dcp'rtmeat cbange zoning fmm NC to MF-2. ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALL.EY ~ ~pokane (For Stsff Use Only) ~,sal Community Devetapment Department ~ ~ Current Planning Dlvls3on DATE SUbNtITTEDJ RfCEiVED 8Y: 11707 East Sprague AvenLje, Sulte 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99--106 FILE NQ./NAME: +,p a-04 -ii? 1: (509) szi-iooo x: (509) 921-1008 PLAHNIHG FEE: N/ A seaa Fee: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I - APPLICATfON (NFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTI' OwNER, BA, Pidar Fecrjvable Trust C~zrson!;avaae ~1~.r;i~ Pirle= LLC Fk;-rln MAILINO ADDREBS: ClTY: SrarE: Zip: Emaii: PHONE: (MM) (wv) r ~ . . APPUCANT: CtTYOF SPOKANE VALLE'i' MAIUNO ADDRE3S: 11707 EAST SPR; ClTY: SPOKANE VALLEY STAl'E: WA Z1P: 59124 Emafl: PHONE; (NM) (w~c) (c-i ~ REU►T10N8HIp TO OWNER: Nf;, PROPERTY LOCATiQN (ADDRE3S ANQ/OR CRST:.NCE ANJ DIRLCT(O!J FROh1 NE!1RE5 ~ CRQS3 ST, F?EE f'): Cast side of Pines. north of Mansfield Roarl A ssessoR PARcEL No.: 45103.0263.45103.0262 : 5!,,_i ; .1 PROPERTY S1ZE: 4.19 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DE31aNAT10N: N~i`::~';'- i" F~_ ' E_ • ~ ~ i- PROPOSED COMPREHENSNE PLAN DESiONAT10N: OFFiCr CURRENT 20NINt3 CLASSIFICATION: MF-2 (Ml-u PROPQSED ZONINC3 CLASSIFICATION: OFFIC- BRiEFLY EXPLAtN REA$ON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENC " AMENDMENTS ARE CONSIDEREO 08VIOUS MAPPING ERRC SIGNATURE OF PROFERTY OWNER: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE' [ L" R~•v 70" C6 1 Staff Report 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments C PA-0407 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from High Density Residential to Office; corresponding zoning change from Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) to Office (O) (Exhibits 1& 2). Location: East side of Pines, North of Mansfield Road.; Parcel No. 45103.0263, 45103.0262, 45103.0261, 45102.9074, and 45102.9057 (Exhibits 3 & 4). Site Area: Total is 4.19 acres; 45103.0283 is .99 acres; 45103.0262 is 1.08 acres; 45103.0261 is 6375.00 square feet; 45102.9074 is 1.23 acres; and 45102.9057 is .74 acres. Current Use: Parcel Na. 45103.0263 and.0261 are vacant. Parcel No. 45103.0262, 45102.9057 and 45102.9074 are office buildings. Adjacent Uses: The Pines corridor directly north of Interstate 90 is a high capacity arterial with varied commercial and apartment complexes. Publlc Facilitles: The property is currently served with public water and sewer and is accessed from Pines Road, a Principal Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Echibit 5). Comprehensive Plan2oning Analysis: Policies in the Land Use Chapter encourage a variety of functlons for designated Office areas, including medical and dental facilities, education services, insurance, real estate, financial institutions, design firms, and legal services with limited retail and commercial uses. Additionally, section 19.60.030 af the UDC states that O(Office) designation is intended primarily for medium to high-rise office development with limited retail or commercial uses. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendatlon: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to Office and change the zoning to Office. The current designations are considered obvious mapping errors. The property has established office buildings on the site. The proposed amendment will allow for future development of offioes on the vacant portions af the parcels specified. 1011 512QG7 Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 1: Gompre11ei1sivc P1an Map r Fi'MidtntIul -hi?I^L"CfJ A~1:.ty--R!]:1°:~`~ F~ttfl ii ~ s::a1~. i'ACF'4Tr.!n ♦~~]C: Pl:rtl I [-'Qllnw• ~~t .'1 I~I'tt► h l,Plf-04'07 Ktitt~ '1 ~ T I :i,•.i ~ °t' ~ ~ ~ - ~ { - ninsr,mt, : , \ j: ~ ` a ~ - - - - - r: ~'t ' ..;,.''~i` ~ ~ ~ i • - LpA_p4-p7 , Rrqurst: Chungc lho Comprchcnsiie Plan aisp dcsiguatioo City of Spokane VaUey fram Hig6 Density Residential to OtTicc; ('ommnnity Dcvelapment Department r6angc thc zontag frum NSF-2 to O. Exhibit _7.oning Map -_A _ , ,y I . ! Aol 045 . ; • / " r 00 / CPA-04-47 .f oorzy , r 010, • ~ ~ • ~i/ f;: . / - , I 0 ~ • ~Cl~~ ~ - - - - - : IF~_~_' - • ln~ii,uu I:id ::rw ~ \1~~nc-ut^crv CpA-134-07 Reqaest: C'hangc thc Comprehenslve Plna map des(gnntkoa Clty o[Spokaae Vallcy from fligb Denslty Rcsidcatini to Otfice; Comruunlty Developmeat Ucpartment change We waleg from N1F 2 to O. . Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map ~ -XI"A }z~ _ - ~ _ _ - ~ - ~ ,>>-,r,r=~~:~~;~•f~~~-`~i~c~~r~ra` r`~= ~'~t~rat~ c ~ : n ~ ' 1 ► ' - ~ %L trw ~ -f; • t . I . •4 ti ~ ~ I 41 ~ • .'t M f HI~ Fj ~ •~~.'0~ r' _ r - l~' _ ) ~ „~~Wy ~s~; ' + , - i- ~ ~ P t ♦ ~ ; . rJ R".~ ~ y•1 ~~1: ~ 1: t/'j~} 'j'` ~'I',j ~ w _ 4 Fi~~: 'A 1 - ~ ~ • t ~...1 x~i ..-z _ ri . ~ - K r ~ ~ ~i r'~ ~e ~ . i ~ f .tii } , t ' - ~,~`~s. ,"~+i~r~• Q~ , F;'#,, L` I.~ `L7 lJ { ~r m w` . i ~ i ~ f , - ~ S•~ ~~!_:ri~~.it•1~.4 ~ 4 Y'. ri •e -i~ ~ : J.7 ' ' ~ ~ ' ~ • ` ~ AZ= > - r. g ~ a z I Request: C6ange the Cumprehc~i%e Plaa mup dalgnation City of 5pokane Vallry from Hlgh Dcasfty Resideatiil to OfAcc; ~ Community Development Departmeat change thc zoning from !11F-2 to O. J Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map gK , ~ Trest ~ rEleiautaR - i i l. - ~r I ~ _ _ \11fYk?tSU '7~~ fi~ i•~rG 1 F aric ' C CPA-04-07 ~ 4~ J 1 LC_', t t ? ' R W ERYtI - ~ ► - . , ~ 7i~ . - ~ti+sion ~ , f'sv f A. ta . ~ ~ i11f } Il ~ ~ ~ - ! V1p titui~:~-{ ~ t ~~e~:[F ^~!!St ~ .NSRtwC ' F~ ~ 'a~'._"'`•~_ ' r-,. " i - I 5~ 5~ 5 - ~ 1 ' $.l_l_iBnt,oc ~ I ~ CPA-04-07 Rcqnest: Chonge cLe Comprchenslvc Plnu map designitian C[t}• of Spokene Vdley iram 1i1gb Dcnsih' Resideatial to ORice; e xonIag fram MF-2 to O. chaflge th Community Devcloprnent QepAi'tment + ~ ~ ir Exhibit Transportation Map LLLUILLUFUILULLI LLLiLl IIH [IEE rfrT d i~ 4H B. ~ ~ ~ s ::J~ ~ CPA-04-07 , ~frnr.ri~ . - ~ ~ „ ~ A ~ M,uafieW~ ~ r 0 tDRUD ~ - tndt~rn _ l~dtaas ~1°~'°~y. \ Legend ~`1q~.• / . --1---f R8I1 Roatl ~ - - - proposad PrincaFml AiterW ~ - - i'rvpowd I4Gnot Mtrial - - - Propo9od Callector Minwt Artcriil !1 ~ ~ , - » K ~fi 41 _ Collodnr c , State or FedaW CpA_04_47 Requat: Cbange t6e Comprchcnsivc Plan map designaNon City ot Spokanc Vatley tbm Qlgh Drnsity ResideaHal to OMce; Commnnlty Dcvelupmcct lkpartment changc t6c zoning trom :1tF-2 to U. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For Staff Use Only) Community Development Departmeni Current Planning blvislon DATE SUk1ITTE0: RlGLIV[D SY: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 94206 Fui No./NwMe: _CQA-Q5_47 Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax:(S09)921-1008 i~ldQfltlLQ~~R4kslIL~Ydl1€Y~4t9 PunNXNa FEe: _rl / A SEPA FEe: t~ I P~ ~ ~ . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I - APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: DENNIS & MELlSSA CRAPO MAIUMG ADDRESS: 15321_F MISSIoN AvE CITY: VERADALE STATE: 1N-A - LP: 99037 EI1ta(I: PHONE: (HM) (WK) ~CELL) APPLICANT: CI7Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAILING ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CfTY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA_ Z1P: 9920C Email: PHONE: (►+m) (mc) (cELL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: N1A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): LOCATED AT THE INTFRSEC710N OF BARKER ROA.D AND THE NORTH S1DE OF MISSION AT 1612 N. BARKER ROAD ASSES80R PARCEL NO.: 55083.6401 PROPERTY SIZE: 0.89 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHEN8NE PLAN DESI(3NATiON: LOW QENStTY RES►DENTIAL PROP03E0 COMPREHEN8IVE PLAN DESIGNATION: NEfGH80RHOOD COMMERCIAL CURRENT ZONING CLA33fFICATION: R-4 $iN fE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL URBAN OfSTRlCT1 PROP03ED ZONING ClAS31FICATION: NEIGH80RHOOp COMMERGIAL BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REA30N FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENOMENT (ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE PROPQSEO AMENDMENT IS A MAPPINC3 ERROR SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE: fllttd~p Rev 1 QlOo ~ C:F'A-US-U t Applicant: Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial and corresponding zoning change frc Single-famity R= ci~i~ i~t;,;~ ~ Ir!-,?•, {~ic±~irt /R_'ll ~!1 QhrQr}l(-!C?d rOfT'fT1C'fC!?l (Nf (Exhibits 1 & 2 Location. LOC+di::u U(I 1 i1C: IiiJlili .;:'i:, VI i.~i~Z" l;il c:l 1l6 i;:C~ :...,o ~_fi c'+ t. i L<: iC: Road; Parcel number 55083.8401 at 1612 N. Barker Road (Exhibits 3 8 4). Site Area: 0.89 acres Current Use: The property is currenti Adjacent Uses: The surrounding parcels to the noari, east, ariu siest arc sin;.I family residential. Property to the southwest across the intersection of Mission and Barker is commercial. The property to the south across Mission Ave Central Valley Kindergarten Center, an educational center. Public Facilities: The property is currentty served with public water and sewe and is accessed from Barker Road Valley Arterial SVeet Plan (Exhibit Comprehensive Plan2oning Analysis: i tie Land Use chapter 2.5.2 of tne- Comprehensive Plan states that Neighborhood Commercial Designation shou;; be used for small-scale neighborhoods serving retail and office uses. Neighbofiood business areas should not be larger than two acres in sizc should be located as business clusters rather than arterial strip commerc developments. Correspondingly, section 19.60.040 of the UDC assert that Neighborhood Commercial is intended to provide a limited number of commercial goods and services to surrounding residential neighborhoods. Publlc Comment: Staff has received no letters conceming the proposal ta da Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial and corresponding zoning from R4 to NC. The surrounding neighborhood will benef'rt from the small-scale neighborhood serving retail or office uses. The intersection of Mission and Barker also serves as a central arterial for neighborhood commerce. 1011112007 Page 1 of 1 J Lxhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map ~ ,77- 004 ~ , x ~ ~ S 7n ~ LEL~jkaSt , g ~ ResWmtia C I m _ A C PA-OS-07 ~ a. E ( ublic] . odu~ i•n ~ U ~ -1 1rybfih,itfii+n,l ~ ( o!Tirrtierrinl' I ! 1 N1rAium flen%w- Heeid~nttal Bnrkcr Cnmmvaih- L.enrnjng Ceater . r wtwc ~ ~ ~ CPA-05-07 Rcqaest: Chunec the Comprchcnsive Nl~u map designation C3ty of 5pokine Valir~• trom Low Dcnsity ResldenW to rltighbor6ood Commerclal; owmaulty De%dopmeat Depxrtmeat change zosing from R-0 to NC. EC-, Exhibit 2: Zoning Map R-3 ~ _ - - _ - - _ _ - - - - ~ - - Alla 'l _ - - ' - ~i - " ~ - 19 - - - - - - ~ w_ - - - - - ' - - _ _ • _ - _ ` ~r~_•~" - _ - - - ~I1X~~ - _ - - _ _ _ - ~ - - - = - ~ CPA443-07 - - - - ~ - - _ ~ .:u4ui ~Rivcr - ~ _ _ _ - - - - - - - ~ , j - • !4~1l3100 ~'IfLSytJO M1i'hR11 1 ~t IS. Eigrker Communir►• Learoiag Center j >tF-i ~►ia ~u ~A~~T {tcquest: Chan~,e the Comprchensivc Fldn map designacioa from Low I}e"1y Ac+identisl to Netghlwrhood Commerclnl; City of Spokane Vaitcy chy,oge zoniag from R4 to NC• Cammnelty I?evalopment llepsrtment Exi,ihlt ~006 _Acrial Map , ~ I rl v ~ ~ _ ~ :t ~ L_ Tr ~ ~I (_~I':1-11~-11? - , N . I'' • ~ t.-'~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ 1• ~ i t ~ • , ~ ~ ~ , ~•tr h4'~ :~~~...,T • . ` 1 _ ~ ~ ` ~ - - 1,' . . ~_T_~ Ilw~_..-.. ~..a-, a--,~~:'. ~Y_•- ~ ,t~•.if,u '~.'~-.:_•-,.,,.~r` •i. ~,t; Y ~ly+s,a~~ S~ ~ ' _ ~ 1 ~'~'r -i~`T;~'- . f ir xw.. ~:g~.r+ i 6 ! 1, . i ► ~ • . e ,T~'! . 1 .i~ ' ~ " ~ GI I ~ r -~`~Tj s• _.~u • l . . ~ r • • ~ ► ~ LpA.05-07 ltcynest: Cbange thc C'umprchensive Plan map drsigwtion City of 5pokane Valley from LowT Deu4iry Resideatial to Nelghborbood Commercial; ~Lummunlty Developmeot Departmeat ~ rhunge zoning from R-41o vC. ' Exhibii 4: Vicinity Map Lil ~ 1 ~ \ •J ~S o~ C -1 I M .1 ~ c8ld S shnmnn r" Adichiefl l , __..In i~ns~ r- ~d "n ~ • - - - - _ - - - - - CPA-US-07 C01% -t +l• I Bariur Cammeaity. - ~-Lurntat Cwttr s' ~I I I . ~ - H22 is ~ nC. ~ Y , 'JU i rN ~ ~ rrodrrav m TI ~ - I . _ CPA-05-07 Reqocst: Change thc Comprehensive Plao map destgaatiur Cicy of Spokane Valley firom Low Density Resldeotul to Neigbborhood Commerclji l: Commnnlty Dovelopment Departmeat cbaagc zoning from R4 to NC. - - ~ - ~ . Exhibit 5: Transportation Map ` _ 1 ~ Slti~~nm Slvcwvy I_F~.~ - a; ~ I i I • SC~~~ I E x •~j,~ ssll ri]II . 1 rom CPA-05-07 ~ - 1 T Q. F-j --=i~ - _ ~ - - - - Birker Commnnlty LesralaR Ceoter ~ ~ I FTj - _e . ~ ~ - ~ ~ - 's ~ 11 ~ . V -T-T- Legend '1'1 W RO/d pfOpplOd PrinC1pW JAJtCJW - - - - - ftpowd Kna AnaW QN I^ ~ Proposca canocw ~ Ean~acbnM servtce ceu Prircipd Arterial Miner Ar4eciel Cr,llocta I~o tt ly3 c~~ - _ ~ ► eo Srntc ar Fedenl s~ i ■ ~ ~ CPA-05-07 ` Request: Change the Comprebensivr Plnn m.p desipadoo City of Spokane Yallcy from Low Deasity Residential to Neigfiborhood Commerclal; C'omwunity Devolopment Departmcot cbangr zonfng from I2-4 to ti(.'. m : . O% CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY a ~ Community Development Department (For Staff Use Only) ~``i1WY Current Planning Dlvlsion DATE SUBMITTEO: RECEIVFD BY: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spo{cane Valley, WA 99206 Fne No./Nnae: CPA_06-.07 Tel; (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1008 laR nningltsQQkanevallev.oro PLANNIN6 FEE: N.L~► SEPA Fee: I A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I - APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) x Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: SNOWAIRD VAI.LEY. LLC MAIUNG ADDRE3S: 5122 N FRUiT HiLL RD CIn: SPO►tANE STATE: WA ZIP: 89217 Emall: PHONE: (Nm) (wx) (cEL! ) APPUCANT: CtTY (?F SPOKANE VALLEY MAIUNQ ADDRE83: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE C1TY: SPOtuwE VAU.EY STATE: WA LP: 89206 Email: PHONE: (H.m) (wK) (c`-LL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: N1A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRES8 AND/OR DISTANCE AfVD DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): LOCATED NORTH OF SPRAGUE ON MCDONALD ROAD AT 102 N. MCDONALD RoAD ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: 45154.1717 PROPERTY SIZE: 27 AGRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENi IAL PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: CORRIDOR MIXED USE CURRENT ZONINO CLASSIFICATION: R-3 /SINGLE-FAMILY REStDFNT1r,L DISTi~I,-,Tl PROPOSEO ZONINO CLA3SIFtCATION: CORRIDOR MIXED USE BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REA30N FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT (ATTACH FULL EXPLANATtON): THE PROPQSED AMEAlaMENT 15 A MAPPlNG ERROR. SIONATURE OF PROPERTY OVYNER: DATE: ~v SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE: !t /110 Rav 101106 ~ Stafl Report 2007 Comprehersive Pian Amendments C PA-06-O7 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed-Use and corresponding zoning change from Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Corridor Mixed Use District (CMU) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Location: East of McDonald Road, north of its intersection with Sprague; Parcel No. 45154,1717 at 102 N. McDonald Road (Exhibit 3 8 4). Site Area: 0.27 acres. Current Use: The site is currently vacant. Adjacent Uses: Single-family residential to the north and east, commercial to the soutti and west. Public Facilities: The property is cuRently served pub(ic water and sewer and is accessed from McDonald Road, a Minor Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive PIan/Zoning Analysis: The Comprehensive Plan designates the property as Low Density Residential. The request is to change the Comprehensive Plan designation to Corridor Mixed-Use to allow for business uses. Policies in Section 2.5.5 of the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan intends CoRidor Mixed-Use to enhance travel options and encourage development of locally serving commercial uses, multi-family apartments, lodging and offices along major transportation corridors, such as Sprague Avenue. Policies in Section 19.60.080 addressing the Corridor Mixed Use District of the UDC are consistent with the policies in the Comprehensive Plan stated above. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change Comprehensive Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed-Use and change zoning classification to CMU. The location of this site and its proxirnity to both residential and commercial areas will encourage the development of local businesses and the use of local residents living in the immediate surrounding neighborhood. It should be noted that this CPA was recommended by the Planning Commission during dellberations on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, however, the change was not reflected on the map for City Council consideration. 10116/2001 Paye 1 of 1 I ja a r ~ ¢ 4 ~ j ~ ~ IO',, ~',~u~~7~~~ti.G ~ r'',r J ~~Jla~'~. , ~ f f~ ~'rr - ~`t u ` ' / clow ~ ~ wa'w C~ , ' l i / r Exhibit 2: Zoning Map , - - - - t - ~ Mim ,l~in ~ \S_in ~a1a ~ a R-3 ~ ~ 2 CPA-06-07 Rivauda C 4 V S \ \ ~ S➢RL'JC r Y~iisGi ~ ~~3~^ ~ ~ \ ~'tn\\ \ ~ CPA-06-07 Rcqncst: Change the Cumprehenvve Plea map designatioo Gty of Spo{ane Valley fram Low Deasity Rcsidcntisl to Corridor 4lizrd-Use; Commnntty Development Ikpnrtment rhange zuninE fmm R-3 b C"tiiU. ,xhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map - - - ~ ~ , ~ .~s~ - - ` 4- - i I - . i , ~ ~ ~ • - ► M► ~ . - _ ,.~~w~.; ~~r; 1, :+t~ 4 R~t.t ~~iJ ~ C'F':1-OG-lI" . ~ ~ ~ ~ Y•. . • ~ ~ ` ° e ~ f ~ j ~'~t 1• ' t•'~ ~ ' ~ - - , ! ~ ' ~ • _ ~ ~ ~ r. ~ ~ ~ +r '~:i o ~.r `ri5~. t I ~7 .a ~d ~ ~ : ` ~r. q ~L~q+~ ~ • i ~ ' i~ ' Ll 1► . ~ ~ f:.~ r7 ir „ ~ J'. - s~:~ f =~[~'•'.:f 1*'s~ ~ . ~ . ~ .~iC.'. •T ~r ~ '~-'Rii~ I• C~# F ~.1 ~ • w~.i.. • } " ~ . . •~IJ~ ~1 ~ ~ .,,.l..~~ ',f~ I~ s a ~ ~ I L~. , 1 ~ "~A~ ~ , ~ i"" ~ w n n a / _ ~ ~ ` ' • ~ ~ " j 'r~ - - . _ . ~ . '~~r~~ - M ica r,tzc l P.a-0ao7 Requftt: ChYagr thc Comprrbensivc Plan map deslgnatii.lri Qty n[Spokaoe Vellc}• from Low Dcasity Rcsidcatial to Corridor AliYed-tTsc: C'ommnnity Dorlopment Departwent ! ehengr zoning fmm R-3 tn CNti.'. ~ Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map - TM, ~ I l, ET 01-11 > aooci f ~ ElasntaR - ~ ~ p r ~ ~ w Hm P1atf - ~ ~r.NSdd4 • a F , Arki r rcn Ab A-L > tt~v~' ~ ~ L I L~L11_J e , a:l _ I ~ i- ~ CPA-06-07 - R - ~ -flT avo<<I1111r) _ITi ll~S y ~ - ~ c a ~ th ~ tfi ~ th ' ~ 4 ( ~ Kcyiwac s~ ~ I +h ~ LL' ~ Elemmtary ~ r ' G ~LL.LJ~L31.1 ~Q- I ' - r I I - - r- rr----'--•r-•r- 1 C:NA-06-47 Rrqucst: Chenge the Comprehcnsive Ytam map deslgnation City of Spokana Vallcy from Low Dcastty Rajdontial tu Corridor MLscd-Use; Community Ucvdopmcnt Depart►neot changc zoning from R-3 to Ch1U. - - I i Exhibit 5: Transportation Map : i ~ - st.ke Flemmeary I ~ . I I 777D d ~ .r~ _ ~ ~ _ ~ y ~.__UI~~ I ' - - ~ - ~ _ _ hcan CPA-06-07 ha- ~ h ~ ~ Lp=11 ~ Ll L~ I ~ I I 1 ~ v L= ~ - - ~ ~ - t - I.egcnd - - 1 Aa Rood I I - - - PraQowd Prindpal Artcrirl 1111.111 - - - Prapased Mlmr Anrrinl 3 V ' - - - Pcopowd Collator _ 4fl4fl 11 1 1 ~ ~ Aft-W ~ ~ ~ ne FJemre'ntary ~ - Cblbdar F I - - ~ ~ - ~ Suu ar Faderal - ~ I- - - - - - - - - _ - J CpA_06.07 Errom Chnnge the Compreheash~e Ptam map deYlgtation Clty of Spokaae VaUey Low Density Residectial to Corridor Mi:cd-Csr; Commuaity Developraeat Depurtmeat cbange zoniug from R-3 to CNtU. , eCITY OF SPOKANE VALLlY (For SteH Use Only) 1~.~ Community Develapment Depar[ment %I ~J Current Planning Dlvlsion DATe SueKrrrec: RltIIIVlO 6Y: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Sulte 146 FiLe No./NAME• [PA-47-07 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Tel: (509) 921-1000 r=ax: (509) 921-1008 Qlanning0snQkanevalie .ora PunNUNc Fet: )-A /R SEPA Fee: t1 / A ~ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I - APPLICATION INFORMATION (Chedc One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: STARLEN PROPERTIES LLC ANtD MORIN OEVEL4PMENT MAIUN(3 ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: _ ZIP: Emaii: PHONE: (ftee) (WK) (CEU) APPLICANT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MIUUNQ AODRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAC3UE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY $TATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Email: PHONE: (Hb) (WK) (CELL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: N/A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADORESS AND/OR DlSTANCE AND DiRECTION FROM NEARE3T CROSS STREET): Southeast side of the intersection of 8roadwav and Arqonne ASSESSOR PARCEL No.: 451$4.0116 AND4584_0101 PROPERTY SIZE: APPROX: 3.56 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DE910NATION: UFFICE PROPOSED COMPREHEN8IVE PLAN DESIGNATION: HIGH DENSITY RESIDEN7IAL CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: GARDEN OFFICE PROPOSEO ZONINt3 CLASSIFiCATION: MF-2 f MULTI-FAMILY HIGH DENSITY RESlDENTIAL DISTRICTI BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT (ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE PROPERTY HAS SEVERAL APARTMENT UN(TS ANO IS NOT CONSISTANT INfTH TNE CURRENT , COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION. SItiNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPUCANT: ~ DATE: Rev 10106 1 I '1"... Appiicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Office to High Density Residentia(; change zoning classification from Gardan Office (GO) to Muiti- family High Density Residential District (MF-2) (Exhibit 1 8 2). Location: West of Argonne on the south side of Broadway Avenue; parcel no. 45164.0118 and 45184.0101 at 6910 E. Broadway Ave and 711 N. Argonne Road (Exhibft 3 8 4). Site Area: Total area is 3.56 acres; parcel no. 45184.0116 is 1.05 acres and parcel no, 45184.0101 is 2.51 acres. Current Use: The two properies are current(y usecl as ttivo apartment complexes; the southeast corner of parce-l no 45184 0116 is vacant land. Adjacent Uses: The adjacent properties to the south and tiv6st are single-family housing; the properties to the north and east are office Publlc Facilitles: The properties are currently served with public wafer and sevrLr. The site is accessed from Broadway, a Minor Arterial, and Argonne, a Principal Arterial as designated on the Spokane Valley Arterlal Strest Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive PIan/Zoning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.1 of the Land Use Chapter in the Comprehensive Plan specify that the High Density Residential designation provides for existing multi-family residential devefopment developed at a density in excess of twetve (12) units per ecre. The two comp{exes were bui{t as apartrnents in 1972 and 1973. FurtheRnore, this designation is appropriate for land which is located adjacent to the arterial street system served by public transportation, and is in clase proximity ta businesses and commercial cen;ers. The properties are located atong Argonne Road, a designated Office CoRidor. Policies In SectEort 19.40.080 of the UDC state that MF-2 (High Density Muftifamify Residential District) designation represents an opportunity to provide a range of hous{ng types with densities not to exceed twenty two (22) units per acre. Also, mutti-family residentla) zones shouid be used as transitional zoning between higher intenSity 1and uSeS SuCh as cemmerc;al and o;',J:e to meriium ar;d lower densitv single famfly neighbofioods. Publlc Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Pfan designation to HiQf: Dansity Residential and change the zoning cla:s:licFiticn to MF-2. Exlvbit 1: Comprehensive Plan ?Viap N I I / ~ Z ~ ('YA-1)7-o i g w•rv t)fiicc ~ LoR Deci t}I Rnidcnt 1 - r ~ Pu biiu Quui• ~ PubUc ~ ~ n ~ ~ ■ CTA-07-07 Reqaest: Csnnge tbc (:ompreheusi%e Ylvn roep City of Spolcane Valloy designatioo from Office to Higb Density Re.ridenrial; Cammaaity Developmeat Departmcnt chen$e zoning from 60 toNiP-2. Extiibit 2: Zoning Map - ~ - _ _ - - - - . _ ~ I ~ ~ / (T.A-07-0% ~ ~ Prcrsdrov ~ iir,~Jws~ ~ 0 / ~ ~ ~i R_3 ~J ti 5 ~ CPA-07-07 Requrst: C6Angc the Cumprc6ensive Plaa map City of Spokane N'aUcy dalgnarioo from Ottice fo High Denstn• Residentiah. Communiry Ikvelopaicnt Dcpartment changc zunSng fmm GO to MF-2. Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map _ ~i ~1 . ~ ♦ . r , CPA-(17-t1? _ - - ~ y ~ E;it tr ~ ~ t r , • , ~ ' ~ ~ •T.' r~ i t P ~ • . , ~ ~ f , * • - " - _,~..v---~~_ - i~, J ~ ` • ~ ti - - - - 1; ~a« ~ir T' V _ ~ . ~i V . 4 _ J ~ ~ ~ I it ~ CPA-07-07 Rcyucst: Cbange the Comprchcnafve Ptna mup ( ity of Spolutnc N'aUey daiQnatlon tYom O[ifco to Ii}gh Deosity Rcs(dcntial; C'ommunity Devoioptneut DePurtmeat changc zoatag from GO to 1~iF-2. - - . Exhibit 4: Vicinity Ma1) i ~1 ~ u . W -TT i I$ Ls' 7_SUI c I ~C u h - ~ CPA-07-07 ` - ~ ~ Ajibuf : L . t B,' i k , i - ~ I ~ - r vc, St Jeyp St Jo6: G~~~' ~ L - ~ :aac ~I•.IuryI yl ~ ! p 1 ~I I i - ~ ain ~ 4 5LT'T ~ ~ I EE .j- _ ~ 1 ('p,-1.074y7 Reqoest: Changc thc Comprohen9ioe Pian map City of Spokane Vatiey designatfoa from UiYfcr to fligh Drosity Resideat[nl; Commnnih• Ikvelopment Department change zonlng from CO to M1iF-2. ~ ~ ~ ~ Exllibit 5: Transportation Map ~ S. ~ _ < ^v i ~ JT_ I I _ ~ i~~_.-. - GPA-47-07 .--~cgur B Tess Elea~eavrj : ~ J I _ ~ _ jL- - - qM[ i~ i. ~ ~ ~ ~ TFJ LLAYA w~~ vaney school 1 f ~ i j Legead r1 wil [io.d = - - ftopowa rdDdwO AtWW - - • Pmpoft-d Mk« au-W ~ - Prapuxd Collouor Aritbcipd Arter~al ~ I c~ Kmar Aroeriel - ~ + W /+~'1~ WOM - S2ft fY Ftdetil Js' ~ w f rbp ~lR. 1 A CPA-07-07 Requrst: Change the Compreheasivc Ptan msp Gtr otSpokane Vallcy dssjguuation from OtBce tu Iiigh Densfty RESidentfal; Communlty Developmeai Depurtmcnt change zoning froro GO tu i4ff-2. , ~4 n~ e~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For StaR Use Only) ^ON } 1 , . Community Development Department :rrent Pianning Dlvision DATE SusHn-rtD: Reczsyen ar: 707 East Sprague Avenue, Sulte 206 Ftu No./NAME• cpA-0e-07 aokane VaHey, WA 99206 el: (509) 921-1000 ix: (509) 921-3008 ,±anning_•'"gP'~k.Tnev~i~~)'.n-C, PUNHIlfGFEE: N~R SEPA FeE: R ~ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLIGATION PART I - APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) x Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment f ROP't'R7Y O'NNcR: [iEB «r1 P;?OF=EFZ-(!ES I LZC MAILINO AODRESS: 1225 N ARGONNE RD STE A CITY: SPOKANE VAL!_EY STATE: WA ZIP: 99212 Email: P HONE: (Hu) (v& f , . - < < APPUCAN7: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEv MAIUNG ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPR-.;- CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Emiiil: PHONE; (rttia) (wK) - = RELATlON8HIP TO OWNER: N+, . PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS ANDIOR :.NC i_.,.,- r j. 9015 E. Cataldo Ave. Located at tlie cross street of Cataldo and Aroonne AssESSOR PARCeL No.: 45181.1224 PROPERTY Si'c- • CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DES{ONATION: OFF, PROPOSED COMPREHEMSIYE PLJ1A! DESIQMAT1ON: H% _ CURRENT ZONING CLA331F1CATiON: GARDEN OFF PROPOSED ZONINC3 CLASSIF1CATiON: MF-2 (MULTI-i L , , t,jL~ i BRlEFLY EXPLAIN REA30N FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENOMENT (ATTACH FULL EXPLANATiON): THE PROPfRTY NAS SFVERAL APARTMEN7 UNITS AND IS NOT CONSISTENT VVITH THE CURREN i COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DEStOPlATION. SiGNATURE Of PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPLICAN7: DATE 1 i/ ~ v 1 Stsff Repart 2007 Camprehensive Plan Amendmertts CPA-08-07 Appilcant City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Pian map designation from Oi- . High Density Residential; change the zoning classification from Garden (GO) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) (Exhibit 1 Location: North side of Cataldo, west of its intersectian with Argonne F_ no. 45181.1224 at 9015 E Cataldn Ave (Fxhibit 3 8`• l " M1 .~~~;/1ri,. . _ . ~ f ! ! ~ ~ • , U } : - , . - _ I _ . I i . , . ' . I . • ' , . . , , _ AdJacent Uses: Properties to the north, south, and east are office buildings, anc to the west is single-family housing. Public Facflities: The property is currentfy served by public water and sewer and is accessed from Rrgonne. a Princinal Arterial on the Spokane Valley ArtFi Street Plan (Exhibit ~ Comprehensive Pla i,., , . the High Density Residential designation provides for existing muiti-family residential development developed at a density in excess of twelve (12) units per acre. The apartment complex was built in 1969. Furthermore, this designation is appropriate for land which is lacated adjacent to the arterial street system served by public transportation, and is in close proximity to businesses and commercial centers. The property is located along Argonne Road, a designated Office Corridor. Policies in Section 19.40.080 of the UDC state that MF-2 (High Density Multifamify Residential District) designation represents an opportunity to provide ~ a range of housing types with densities not to exceed twenty two (22) units per acre. Also, multi-family residentlal zones should be used as transitional zoning between higher intensity land cases such as commarcial and office to medium and I lower density single family neighborhoods. Public Comment Staff has received no letters conceming the proposa) to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to High Density Residential and change the zoning to MF-2. The current designations are not consistent with the current use and this is considered a mapping error. I 10i 11/200'r Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan N1ap - „ P►,ri,c.,rlUW- P,:n,tc - ~ n~~,,. eUt,i,C ~ urr~<< ~ CPA-O4-Q7 L.ow De~~Fty Residentfil ca ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CpA-0g.U7 Kequcsl: Changc thc C;ompreheasive Plan mep deslgaatlon Ctty of Spokane Villey from OIIlce to lliYh Densiry Raldenti=1; Cornmnnlty Devdapmeat Departmcnt change zonin_ from CO to 11tF•2. Exllibit 2: Loning Map 4 Y ~ ~ - I !I T / ~ Hf100~ 7~.... G F1' n~[ ' ~ ~ ~ U} I p ~ l. PA'0O'07 r' r • ~ ~ ~ C& i i ~ / R•3 ~ ~I ~ CPA-08-07 Rcyuest: Chwge thc Comprehensire 1'Inn map deslgnation City oP Spoknoe N'alley trQm Office to filgh Ucnsity Rsldtatiikl; Commnnity Developmeat Department chpnge zaaing from GO to 111F-2. Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map ; ~I ~y^• I =.g-;- ~j;, , i Ull ' • r ~s 4: 1~~ 4~ ♦ , ►-r 1 I i• = ~A _ ~ , , ',.1 ~ ~ , ~ t P_1-U"7 ; - - - . - , t~ `1 W-j(`t!' T( 01Q;'- . ~ ; ~ h #a~ '~Yw•1' t: ~L ~ , - = d ~ . ~ • ~1 r _ ~1 , ~ 1 . - < . w•- C'PA-08-07 Reqacst: C6nnge the C'amprehenshe Pinn map designution Cty of Spokane VaUry from Otfice to Hlgb Dendty Rrsidentfal; Cammanfty DevElopment Departmmt chnnQe zoning from GO tu N!F-?. ~ ■ ~ ■ - ~ ~-i I i Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map K lu ~ ~ - I B:pdst ~ ~ I I ~ - ~ Taple ^ S ~ „ , Cht{ltLO _ p nn ~ Spokant~ i u I llp° ,9 fi rlL- 5 o ~ . I t -T~ ~ iT , ii I + - -i ► CPA-08-07 t 3 a HDOf~t~ EE: - ~ 'u.-- Arthar i B Ye i Elctoeshr~ E -`s - O .a . H[ 3 ~ p § e.~ ~y St JoAn St JoYn- ~ Gym - - - _ J ~ - i N'eit N'siky ~ Clq,~,l.~l Scyool r - ~ V pcQ ~ _ ! , rt __j C _ ~ (a !4 ~ ( ~ • S j''~- l:. 1- ~ ~ I n 71 tl I r CPA-08-{17 Request: ChanBe the Comprr6easivo Plem miip dnignxtion Cjry of Spokane'v'sllvy from OMcc to Ell&b Density iteafdcadah Commualty Dcvclopmeat Dcpartment change zonln; fram GO tu \LF-2. Exhibit 5: Transportation Map I L ~r. ;n1~ LL.L_.-~ _ L T i~~ tqo - _ I l90 E257ppF _ i~ J ~ - - I~ ~ ~ ► ~ ~ _LJR _ w - CPA-0$-07 - • s i - - ~ II Lq ~ ArthorB Ness £iemcnt2r" r , i - j - ~ ~ ~.a - - _ ~ - - - --L. ~ I Legend Se Joh lan~cy, Gy , _ -+-i wil Ro.d i ~ i 40 . - - ~ propond ~.W f! c - - - Propa~ed kfmat Artai~l ~k~isrl~l I ~ Propwcd Calla*r West Yaqry Cjty~ School PrhtckoJ Artaial ~ : - i , Minor M~id ~ ~ ~ i ~ • I couo~ k - I ~ F StstearFedeW ~ I - I C.f'.4-08-07 Requast: Change the (-'omprcbcncive Piaa map desfgnetinn Cit)• of Spokane Valley from Ufflce ta flfgh DcASlty ResidEntial; Commnnity [?etelopmcat Departmcnt cbange zonJng from GU to AiF-Z. ~;1;A,,,~ CITY OF SPOKANe VALLEY Community Development Department (For Siaff Use Only) Current Planning Qlvision ~ DATE SUiM27l'ED: REGEIVED 9Y: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Sulte 106 Fne No./NAmE• CPA-09-07 Spokane Valiey, WA 99206 Tel: (509) 921-1000 ' Fax: (509) 921-1008 Qannln~~Dokanevallev,ore PLANNIl1~'i F!!: SEPA Fe[: N ~ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I - APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) ~ X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: PINES AFraROAeLE HousiNG LLC ETAL I MAJUNG ADDRESS: 191 W Wilbur Road STE 103 Cinr: THaUSAND O,vcS STATE; CA LP: 91360 Email: PHONE: (NM) (WK) (CEIL) APPLiCANT: C(TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAIUNG AODRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY $TATE: WA ZlP: 99246 Emaii: PHONE: (HO (wY) (CELL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: N/A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS ANDIOR QlBTANCE AND DIREC710N FROM NEAREST CROS3 3TREET): 512 N. Pines Road. LacatQd et the intersedion of Pines Road and O[ive. AS3ESSOR PARCEL NO.: 45153.1715 PROPERTY 512E: 2.22 A.CRES CURRENT COMPREHENSNE PLAN DESiGNATION: OFFlCE PROP03ED COMPREHEN8IYE PLAN DESIGNATiON: HIGH DENsITY RESiDENTIAL CURREN'1' ZONINO CLASSIFICATiON: OFFICE PROPOSEO ZONING CI.ASSIFICATlON: MF-2 (MULTi-FAMiL.Y lGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DESTR:(-.T)__ BRIEFLY EXPLAlN REA80N FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT (ATTACH FULL EXPLAHATION): THE PROPERTY HAS SEVERAL APARTMENT UN1TS AND IS NOT CONSISTANT bNiTH THE CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIONATION. SIGNAYURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE: ~ ~~~~QSQ Rev 10lG6 1 5taff Report 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-09-07 Applicant: City of Spokane Val{ey Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Office ta High Density Residential; change zoning classification from Office (O) to Multi- family High Density Residential District (MF-2) (Exhibit 1& 2). Location: East of Pines, north of its intersection with Olive; parcel no. 45153.1715 at 512 N Pines Road (Exhibit 3 & 4). Site Area: 2.22 acres Current Use: The site is currently used for multi-family housing. AdJacent Uses: The adjacent properties to the east are multi-famiiy apartment complexes, the north and west are office and commercial, and the south is vacant land. Pubfic Facilities: The property is currently served by public water and sewer and is accessed from Pines Road, a Principal Arterial on the Spokane Valley I Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive PIanlZoning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.1 of the Land Use Chapter in the Comprehensive Plan specify that the High Density Residential designation provides for existing multi-family residential development devefoped at a density in excess of twelve (12) units per acre. The complex was ~ built in 1971. Furthermore, this designation is appropriate for land wh1ch is located adjacent to the arterial street system served by public transpartation, and Is in close proximity to businesses and commercial centers. Policiss in Section 19.40.080 of the UDC state that MF-2 (High Density Multifamily Residential District) designation represents an opportunity to provide a range of housing types with densfties not to exceed twenty two (22) units per acre. Afso, multi-famfly residential zones should be used as transitiona) zoning between higher intensity fand uses such as commercial and office to medium and lower density singfe fami(y neighborhoods. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to High Density Residential and change the zoning classification to MF-2. This is clearly a mapping error. 10l11l2007 Rage 1 of 1 :xhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Niap , Publl c+Qu=s ~ `onh Pubtic P10 C! rtlddlc Pvhlic'Quut- E'UbliclllnnV Pubiic ~ Fuhlic ~ }t~id ~ r'i inl ~ / C P.1-U9-117 ~ fi iij[flI1N~ ~ f li_h ~I C[ kr;~:+.ent~~i( ~ l i~sl•, ~ ketirr isa Ilr.} ,~Uensit~: Kc.uh•nt:nl ~ !_aw Urnsih• ResideatFal l il let~u•~ v . tiicJ~um [~rasit~ t~ic~cntinl Cl'A-09-07 Requeat: Change t4e Camprchcastvc Plam map City of Spolwae Valley dalgnatioa frnm OfIIct to fth Deasity ResideuUul; C'ommunity Drvelopment Depsrtment cLange zoning frum O to MF-:. ~I Exhibit 2: 7oning Map . Nnnn Pia n Midd k r « L- / / 00 a &kj ~ CPA-49-07 , j ~ - .n:,_ " ij - 1F=1 /i;t ~ R=A - - / ~ - _ . yxlJn Y ✓ I~~J//~ Jj' ~I CPA-09-07 Request: C6ange the Camprebensive Plnn map City of Spolcane VaUey designatioa from Oirire to fllgb Density Resideatial; Commuaity Devclopment Depsrtment chsegc zoning from 0 tu.Mff-:. FxlZihit 3: 2006 Acrial Map 3 , - &'A ~ 1~ l ~ A ~ v'J' f , _ F ( l'A-09-07 ~ - ~ r _T r : . 1- r ■ i - ~ 4w ~ • ~ ~ ~ ' - i. µ ~r. ~ _ _ . ~I ~ I - ► 'q ` L 1,'~~ ~l~pF~,~P~t _ _ - _ „1^!' ~ w • . , .A. . 4'~ ~ = • ~ _ z . t . w CPA-09-117 I2equcet: Chenge the Comrrehensi,.o f'Iiin map City ofSpokane Valley desl~,a,natian from Office to Rlg6 Drnsity Raideat[yl; Community Developmcnt Departmcnt changc zoning frnm O to MF-:. Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map ~r~ic; t~tur ~ tl .ies~~~n - I!l ~ L ia *1tJIf0 ~-Y- [LW L-1-u-.LLJ.J 3~M►i 'C I I ar l~ tuiTT .Gt1 1 '4 1 ~ T , I CPA-0~9-07 _a r Ltbcnu I fJ Cb l~artk 7° ma :+Uaak ~ j o ^ ry~ . 1C~ ~ Ali - s. h'~ i u ; ~ nan ~ a E t ~ t", ~8aased ~ F ue bt Rix ~tl~ =j_~ 7uu a+hip!1L!! ll1S ! ~ L ' Ia ~lst ~ t j z ~ J ~ b " i , E - - ~ ~ E Eleriiistaiv ~ - -q CPA-09-07 Request: CbAnge the Comprebenslvc Plan msp City of Spukano Valtty drslgnatloa from O(iice to i31g6 Ueas(ty RrstdcntiiJ; i Commualry I3evelopmeut Dcpartmrn i change zoaing from 0 to htF-2. Exiibit 5: Transportation Map 1-dJ - - - = o F4 1 11 - ~-TP . . ~ . _TY . f ¢ - ~ ~ Do 130_ cPa-os-o~ J --T----~ - ~ - Norte Pines Mrddle ~ rCta - - • - 3 k ~ atU 6M ~ - vLUM, A1a 3 ~ - - ALti ~11 ~ y , Legend -f-+ wn Road z - - - - rropowa Mnri*Ar%mW ~ - - - Pmpo9od tNinor AnaEal I . _ Propowd couatof ~ Prind* Arterial ~ State a Fodetil , CFA-09-07 Request: Chaaga the Comprshcnsive Plan map Ctty of Spokane Vid1cy dalgnntion G+om Oftice to Hlgh Density Resldeatid; Community Developmcnt DepaKmcot chan$c xoning fmm O to hiF-2. ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Community Development Department (For Staff Use Only) '~`~t .a~rent Pianning Dlvision DATE SusKrrmD: RECEJYED BY: _707 East Sprague Avenue, Sufte 306 )okane Valley, WA 99206 FrLe Na./NAME: _CPl- I Q-07 -.d: (509) 421-1000 (509) 921-1008 PUINNING FEE: SEPA Fee: ,y 1 A ~ r CQMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I - APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amandment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: CerY: STATE: _ ZIP: Email: PNONE: (HM) (wtc) APPUCANT: CI7Y OF SPOKANE VAl.LEV MAlUNO ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRf• CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZiF: Ernaii: PHONE: (HM) (WK) RELATIONSHIP TO OWiVER: PROPERTYI.OCATION(ADDRESBANDJORC7A~'j ;~G~R~Ci;C''ir~<UAA Rt=SS Corridor from Greenacres Road west to the city boundarv: From 1-90 south to Alki Road includ~i area from the intersection af Alkl. The south baarder runs from the intersectfon of Alki and Greenacrt7 -z to the intersection ofAlki and Mich?qphTt1? nro~~rty ^n?tt~rii~c frnm ~Jl~rhiCan 3^d J~^^I~:~;v `nll^; -°,potewav to the cftv boundarv lir ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: N/A CURRENT COMPREHENSIt/E PLAN DE810NATtON: CORRIDOR MlXEO USE AND : PROPOSED COMPREHENStVE PLAN DESIGNATION: REOIONAL COMMERCIAL CURRENT 20NIN0 CLAS3IFICA770N: CORRII3OR MiXED USE AND COMMUNI7Y CoMMERCtAi PROP03ED ZONINC3 CLASSIFICATION: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDPMENT (ATTACH FULl. EXPLANATION): SIGNATURE OF PROPER7Y OWNER: ' I DATE 11 / I SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE ke,; 10i06 , _ .~f . _ •nr;~ i~' r~-•r:f•_IV4 ~'~I' ~~7" CPA-10^0i Appl(cent: C.ity of Spoicane Vali.=; Request: Change the Comprehensive P1an map aesignaticn irom Corr+dor fv1ixei: Use to Reglonal Commercial; corresponding zone change to from Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) and Community Commercial (C) to Regional Commercial (RC,~" & 2). Location: The corridor is part oi the Barker lnterchange and runs from easl Greenacres Road to Hodges Road and from south of I-90 to Alki Road; the southei; border of the corridor extends along Alki from Greenacres to Michigan; there is a small portion included in the corridor that eniends the boMer farther south from Alk; to Appleway along Michigan, and then east to Hodaes Road, the city boundpir, ~ ~ Current Use: There is a vaiiaty of currani uses including sEng:e-tamiiy resiaerli _ uses, storage facilities varioRis restaurants a motor sports store, the Nut Factn, , and Huber Trailer Sal. : AdJacent Uses: The west are single-ftmity residt-! Spokane Valley baundary lin.: Publ(c Facll(ties: The majcrity oE tl-ie site is ser'ved wien public tivater and sev~cr western portion from Barker to Greenacres Is part of the 6-Year Sewer Plan. Tht-- =1c•, is accessed from Federal highway I-90 at Barlcer Road and along Appleway E',: both Principal Arterials on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 51. Comprehensive Plan2oning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.2 of the Land Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan designate that Regional Commercial is designed for a wide range of uses and devefopment types. This designatfon is most appropriate for "big box" retail areas that serve regional retail and commercial uses. Currently the designation is applied to the Valley Mall and Auto Row. The Baricer corridor is conducive to this type of deve(opment and use. Furthermore, policies in Section 19.60.060 of tfie UDC also states that Regionai Commercial designation allows for a large range of commercial and business uses and is subjected to Community Design Guidelines that address design quality, mixed-use, and the integration of auto, pedestrian, and transit circulation. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters conceming the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to Regional Comrnercial and change the zoning classlfication to Regional Commercial. The area will be better used for larger commercial uses. 10/15l2007 Page 1 of 1 Ehhibit 1: Comprzhensive Plan 1VIap _21 Publlc s Yubllu'Qumt- •Ikniiif Pubtic {{csiiitnttal au 1. rvidetit' erit Puhlic Krsldcnt'al c I I I •i \ E~ •:•-~„t _ ~ ~ - ~ ~'~~•T- Tir'i~ ' r'_ ~R1;bItel.. ~ a \ = 1} ~~C.'~IS83{• „ ~ • ~ I f;t!lilic ~---1 O' Ptl~lli~~,f~i r.. . Pu IIt~ ~ 1 r fruu tt~ ` ~ ~ C 10-07 ~ u►~` - qo - 'i~ - • .P . _ b'~~flfl~3 J ~jFj. •n.i ` ~ ' T ~ ~`r,r r : ~ • - ~ r'~ ~ ,t"'' - r'~;...J:.. ` ~,,f Z'M7y~~~' ~ r ~ ~,,•,Y k.. ~ r~'~ 'C~ ~ ~ ~ x;lP ~ ,r~ x~' f K .1. r`k",}•}'~ x;~e ' 1 „ f%ti` • c ,~1t ~.:-1• • ~+J ~ y,r x".-w~ ,~l,.b'y^Y~~'^ , 't ~ f~~ ~ y~, 'Y ,r: ~~~y'.~..'3i - ~►b- ~ ~ r ' ~T ' ~ ~ • ~ ` J.• ' ~ . _ •r d , uti ~ ~,luas}! _ = ~ I . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ .a'~~ ~ f~ , r ~ ~:;t~ ' ~ ~J ~ ~r-;.a~iR. . - ~ ~ ..A , ~ = ~L~`• ~ ~ uHiiJQua..{ ur F'u~tIc 7 ~ ~ - T.u u 11• ~~t~ >t°•~~: L,`► Decufn` + . ~ Jm l)ensiq _ uhflc ideptcalr =Enrridc.r~~~~ Publitr(}u~ss~- - pu►,ik~ - LLLLH `~~-,e ` anu ~ ( f'ubh. 'r N Sriliunf Public _ ___S a l)r,n.xi.n - i _ HI A~,~~ _ u ~ . e~nu~+o~►s. Requat: Cbange the Comprchensh-e Ptan map CSty o(Spoka c Vallcy designtion from Corridor Mised lTse and Coiamnntty Drvrlopment Departmmt C~~unih' Commercitl to Reglonul Commercla{; chunpc aonin from C'►R' and C to RC. EX~l~it Lv c~~~~t = ~ t' F titf , ~ a - ' F k^~ - 90 A'291 pFf; ~ n'' ~-'t . / r. f ' ~ { N f ts-; .e,. j~ • ...,i - - ~ + " ~ .s i . f I Jt . ~ `ti ~ Y~% .~'ti~'l ~ ` - J j ' ~t ~ ~I' ~ 1'✓ ~ / ~ - ' . Z tit~'~~. r ~SL _ T ~ ~ 59~ 7;;q%t tbre ort'tc~or ~ ~t ~ueAgtiGacnmercis~l t° itcE r.,mtuottih' _....;ng fto'tn ~'wt~' Fxhiliit 3: ?006 .aerial ?V1ap );tv ~i~,n ~~LR ri~ ~ ltti'.it~~_ '3i ~tR •i. r • ~~~~f5'~~~7r~~~~ a~r = - ~~4~~o-`- ► ~t ~E3 ~ FFJ , •~i ~~i~~~■ 9~~i~ ~ .:t~ 5-;. - , s=-~ ~ t R.7~Yi , l,c ~...,.r...., ~ „ ` ;G - -.~~1~ ' I , K. . •il 'A~ .4CC~7Ce CCdttr ~ -i~i~~t i~_r; ~ ~ I ~u,'~ t_' ~ 'F~l T- -=~-~r~~' ~ S~"!~~ ( P:'~-~d-U! ~ t~,s ~~j ~ ~j\~~~~ -.~K "~~y~ r1 . i ~lI ilil~ t' - - ' ~ ~ ~L~ , '~w.+ ' Jw ~ ~i a--ar~,.si `~:a. , : - ~~t~~ ~ ~ r k .}~1,.. ~ ~K~ ' f n ~ • ' y . ~~~w ' •I~ , ~w-iy ! ~ i ' r .,~I- ~t~ . ~ ~ , =r~-r ; ru ~ J`'~~ ~ ~Y~.f f t' \ ~;~r ..i ~ I~~~u., , , _ ~ _ - _ ~t ■ r.i , r- -=,r . ~ ~ygq ~~,f,~, i,.~ A[ t'~ 4 - • 1 ~ ~ N~ \1 '..~i!\ K`~4 ~r ~~i N~s•J. ,;`(rr , . r~~'~ ~ . "i,1 ~~~~ti ~ •r ~ LM ~ ' yie.~; . ' _ R - ~ - O ~ tS,i•` ~ I A . r=&.~~i. + ~ . ~ .,~X,;~ F'7 ~ I - ~ ~ ~~~~~►i~~~~'if ~.v=~ L * ~ -i ~s _ !i! I ~ 1~"' ti~, -rmas.=~~rfatJ`~ ~`d ~1~ ~u ~Cl:~~~ ~F ~ ''p~?~4_ `~s.`z'~► ~sscat• 7 -7 - ~ ~ - ir~ 9~~ `Y'.~ ~ ' ~+~'~~,°~'~i~r~ ► ~-.,n.• ~ ~ y, 1r ' I~:li~f~ - _~r~~^~.:~~-~~R -+r + 1'-y~.Y L~~ ~ _~~9~~ ✓.._~~.~1►:~1~~lall~ ~ ~'~_,..~~,;1~;;1~~(~ ; ~ ~"~~~~~.~~~~C~'~'~~1l~.'!~°~'i!~~~ ro 1~`~t~ti..- • f- ,~P".~ ~'~s~Y + ~~ii~~~~~~' ~ ift, 11 c I L~►~~; -r ~~.i~6 N L 13113mi== 12~iA d _ ~ - - - - ~ - . , CPA•10-U7 Request: C.haage thc Cnwlfrchousive Yian aup City of 5poknne Yalley designatba [rnm Corridor Mliec! Use aod Community Dovdopmeet Dapartmcnt Communftp Commercial to Regiooil Commeninl; changc xouing from CMIT aad C to RC. Exhibit 4: Vicinity Mal, - - - _ _ - _ lid ;TTJ : ~ ~ ~ : if _ ~.t; • ~ _ ~Q~ ~ ~i - ~y' •.F' J f~~'` ' ~ I I~,1f, .i ~`~TWw~ L ~ -r- h!.: iti I'i~ - ~ ,r ; ~ ~ •t~-•-- : ~ ? ..'ti~?. : f ~ ' l.n`7.I~t.~t tiit.,~ii~ ~ i'. --t' n~i- ,.7~7~ `•--_-•11~ ~ 1 I Y _ ' }fh ,n u_. 11 t L N; ~ ' It~1 • ~ ' t ~ - -~v / l. r xli. ;1._ e - ,,11 L[' _ ~ ~11 :.I .,t_aii~n.~ -R;n.iun ~ _ L: •-~',,,~~~n a { ~ ~h~'a' ~ ' • I - " - 4' 11 Li : ' _ t- CPA-10-07 - - t:ao~.u~o,i ■ oneJ' ~ G - Senke rCr. i ; ' , _ 4~~,g, ~ , ~ ~ k• y ~ ~ :;~i _s, t ~ro~"_ + u ~ ~ ~ I. try ~ • l j _ - R ; ; i:i--;,. a - I _J - 3 - - - i ~ 1 I r , , ' 1.-- ~ - _ 1--- a, !►f3ddh ~i ida- riluc1` t- - r y 41 4: _ - r - ' i . N7 ' { l ' r ~ n~S'ti ~A' ...c~ _ :h F• - ~ Etlf - - - !tG r r ~ ~t!ii e. ~ ~ .'1• ' - c K r- r~ :S~J ~ - CPA-10-07 Re9pest: Changc t6e Comprcbcnsn-r Ptin map Clty of Spc►kAnc Vafley desi$natiao from Corridor hlised Use aad CommnnIty DevelopmeAt Departmrnt Community Commercial to Reoonal Commerrial; J chunie mnini from C11it and C to RC. ' - EXh_lblt S : Transportation Map , ~ ~,:K.~ ' ' ~ / ~ ~ ~ A! ner ~ s % ~ kti ~ ,r •I nuz y.i, / ~ . .t^ ~1 •r~ tFi~:-Rn.•k•SNc , 11 . L Snl.:.r f, II i- , L ~Icua i~`\uf~) 1~ - ~ ~-t, ~ i',I'r:~: - i i~ ,~~~u BL rker~Comm~ aih Lrerning Crntcr ~ • SI tD - . cPA-10-07 _ - ! -EdOCYdoAtI StTVICt CeOttT ~ Unv,rt ~ ~ 94 L ~ F `racttxa I I j^~ "lL,; ti, C.-od't•n~: ~ k , V K ~ _ i '\tA~G ~'3t A r- ^ I i _ Gr+ernacresMIddle ~ = A KtY a. t~:•_•~ " .S`~~~' 3!~I~ Griencres Elrmeatary Legeod 5 "i~i Rail ROid 1 SIl~•. " C propowd prlncapal ArteriaJ L i . Pf+pQplCd NfiI10[ Ai!!W u ~ ' - - - Ptaposed Callecuu jip I i I Principol A:tvid ~ .w ~ . IGtb _ Mincx Mtirld ~ Calkda - - St~ec or Fcdenl - CPA-10-07 Re9uest: Change t6e Compre6e"fe Plan map Cfty atSpoi:ane Valley daignetioo from Corridur Aihed Use and Community Devclopmant bcpartmcat Commnnity Cammecrlsl to Regional Commcrclal; rhsn e zo:lzi trom C-NRI nnd C to RC. C2TY OF SPOKANH VALLEY ' (For Staft Use Only) Communiiy Development Department l,rrent Planning Divlsion DA~ SusM~[o: ReaErno er: ~ 707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 105 okane Valley, WA 99206 Fue No./Nrtxa: _CPA-1 I-07 I: (509) 922-1000 ~ : t509, 02 1. -1009 - • • . = PLANNIIVG FE[: ~J A SEPA FeE: CQMPREHENSIVE PLAN AIVIENDMENT APPLICATtON PART t - APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: SPOKANE SUCC:-F~ PF;!DziER i~~. LLC MAIUNQ ADORESS: 1511 NW (ANACO CENTEF.' CiTY: CAMAS STATE: WA ZIP: 98607 Email: PHONE: (►tm) (wA) _ ~ APPLICANT: C[TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAIUNG ADDRE33: 11707 EASY SPR.--. CITY: SPOKANE VAl.LEY STATE: WA ZIp: 992u,3 Errtail: PHONE: (HG) (vVx) (rpt i } RELAT10N8HIP TO OWNER: Nr'r'•. PROPERTY LOCATION (ADORfSS ANO/OR C)IST,.'1hCr AND UiREC710N FROM NEAF.EST CRUSS : TREET): Southwest side of the intersection at Nora and Park ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: 35124.2504 nNo 35124.2606 PftOPERTY Sl: CURREN7 COiJIPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: PUBLIC/QUASI-PU' PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PU0.N DESiGNAT10N: UGHT MDUSTRi,; CURl2ENT 20NING CLASSIFICATION: COMMUNITY FACIL! i PROPOSED ZONINO Cl.AS31FlCATION: UGHT INDUS7RIAL 8ft1EFlY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT (ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE SfTE IS USED AS AN fNDdOR SOCCER FACfUTY WN!CH IS CL1NSlDERED AN ACCEP7A13LE USE UNDER THE LIGNT INDUSTRIAL DESIGNATION AND ZONINO. SI(3MATURE OF PROPERTY OVYkER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPUCANT: ~I+ DATE: 1l I lloia ~ 1 Rev i0.'u13 Staff Report 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments g"-11-0'r' Applicant: City of Spokana Va Request Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from PubficlQuasi-Public to Light IndusVial; correspondin:_ industrial (I-1) (Exhibit 1 8 2). Location: West of Park Avenue and ori vic soutn siae oi 44ora; parcei nur~~u'_:-r: 35124.2504 and 35124.2606 at 7320 E. Nora Ave (Exhfbit 3 8 4). Site Area: 2.12 acres total; 35124.2504 is 0.71 acres, and 35124.2606 Is 1.41 acres. Current Use: The current uss is a private indoor soccer park with a vacarrt lot to the east. Adjacent Uses: Multi-family residence to the north, Seth Waodard Elementary School to the south, and industrial to east and west. Pubilc Facilitles: The property is currentJy served with public water and sewer and is accessed from Nora Avenue. The property is aiso in prox.imity to Mission Street, a Collectar Street as designated on the Spakane Val' = Comprehenaive PlanlZoning Analysis: This proi industrial use. The soccer facility was granted e conditional use permit in 1958. At tni: time, the I-2 zone permitted a commercial recreational area through a condit€onaf use permit, and permitted outright an exercise facility/gym athletic club. The I-2 zone also permitted outright all uses peRnitted in the &3 zone which lncluded a broader range c~ commercial uses than is otherwise allawed in the I-2 zone. Furthenrore, at the time th application was submitted as complete on February 26, 2003, the Courtry Zoning Cod,= allowed a nor _ 1- f-P - Ti.,,i - 1hrni :nF, permit proce Polic[es in 5~: Light Industnal as planned industrial areas with spec►al emphasis and attenuon givon : aesthetlcs, landscaaing, and intemal and communlty compatibility; uses may lnclude high technotogy and Iow-impact industries. Furthermore, non-industrial uses should hf_ limited and in the majority of cases be associated with permitted industrial uses. Poticies in Section 19.70.010 regarding I-1 zoning in the UDC are consistent with policies in the Gamprehensive Plan and re-emphasize the requirement for aesthetics and landscapfng within the industrial use. Publlc Comment: Staff has received no letters conceming the proposal to date. I Staff Recommendatlon: Change the Comprehensfve Plan designation to Light IndusViaf and change the zoning classification to I-1 for consistency. 10115l2007 Page 1 of 1 ~ I-'lhibit 1: Comprthensive PlanN'iap ~ ~ ~ I \ l~,:nr indi3~t~~al - cPA-ii-o7 I t U 9 I~ ~ I t rultl~c.'Quasl- I Puhllc Srt h oodard i ~c-btv'em ~i,«~oe. i iaa 1 T ~ky till f CL r~ 72" ~r ` CTA-11-07 Requcst: C6anPr the Comprcheusive Plnn mop dcsignnNon City ot Spoksnc Vdley irom PublklQaasi-Pn611c to Light industrl4l; Commuaity Dcvclopmcat Depgrtmcnt change zoning from CF ta 1-1. i Exhibit 2: Zoninn MaP ~ - ~ ~ ' C'PA-11-07 : R`1- . ~ ~r ~ R•3 \ \ ticth _ - R-oodard-% ,C (F _ hiissra^ ~ . c - ~ w _ \ _ R-2 ~ ~ r C:PA-I 1-07 Request: Change the Cumprchensive Ptoa msP dc4lgnntion Citti, uf tipoksae tiaJley [rnm Pubilc/Quasi-Pnhl[c to Lig6t [nd 1 ('ommunlty Developmcnt Drpartmcnt change zoning (rom C'F to 1-!. ~ ~ ~UUb Aeriat ~'Qap n Y~ ~'1 T ~s - ~ • i AWFIT"T. ~ CPA-11-07 Af f~~-~~' 1" ' - ~ ~ ~ I - ~iil~~-_~T~i i'~" T~"~r ~ . _.~Et= 3 • 1 6 1..7 M f -!►~,J - - ' ..iL.`~t # ~ ~.l ♦i /1'. ~ . y~~~l~~; I ~~r ` r . ' ~ ~ ~T _ - ~ ~ •i' J. I{* ~ + ~ . ~ ~ i : 'I~s..~~ ~ ; l~,~ 1.-~~-~ ~ ;i ~ • .~1 ~i ~i ~I ~ , ~ : ~ • = 4 , .,`.,c:9~ ~ 3i~, ~ - ~ . - - - . - ~ CPA-11-07 Rtquat: Chwngc thc Comprebenai`-e Plan map datgnaNcm Gity ofSpokano Vd(ey fram PnbtictQuasf-Publk to l,tght IndusMpl; Commnalty Ikr•eloQmcat ikp+iriment changc zooing from CF Io I-l. ~ ■ ~ Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map ~ onUra i sftbr r4b L-LA 1= Elm.,~ry l ► I St p.K t ~ ~ ~ ~ + d 1 ~ ~ w , CPA-11-07 „ 1d _ N ~th L• ( I a ~ I ^1 1 ( ~ I ~ • F , ~ <<I ~ i ~ I ~ ce.erasua Lai I ~ f rtlia~ JAL ~ - - ~a - ~ E ~ , ~ ~ ueclwa fD pz / at~c !ic •9, u i(1'A-I1-07 Request: ('henge the Comprc6en.si%c Plam map designarion Cin of Spoksoc Val{ey froro Public/Quasi-Pubtk w Light Industrial; Comtnnnlh• Devrlopmeat Departmeat rhnnge znning from CF'to 1-1. Exhibit S: Transportation Map , 7SIt i I uchal's -7 Ja7 F ~ ~ J I f 04- - • y i ~ ~ ~ ~ -i ~ ~ f ~ ~ „ -E:j ✓J J cra-ii-o~ ~ ~ La 4 - ~ UL ~ - - ~ - ~ I _see woodue ~ I T ~ - = L.egend / --f-+ Rsil Road _ Ropaea PnoC,pa,,►roerW - - - Propo,cd Mimr nrtaial 3 - - - - pral+osod Collaceor IPrindpal Attaial MinarArxrid Centsrmtal Mfddlr ColbQor ~a~~~ ~ ♦ j`- - Stase a Fediersl l ^ ' ~ - IJ A CPA-11-07 Rcquest: ChQnge tbe Comprehtnsive Ptan mep desEgnatloa Cfty of 5pokine Valtey trom PubUc/Quaai-PubUc to Light IndustrLl; Community Developmcat Departmeat change zaaing from CF to I-l. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For Statt Use Only) t~, Communfty Development Department ~j~`II '~~7 Current Planning Divlslon DATI! SwaHSTTEa: RECzIVED NY: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 FiLE No./NA04e: CPA-12-07 Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921•1008 la~nnfn4O,spokanev" Y•Orq PLANNIlIA FEE: rl / A SEPA Fee: - - - - , J COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I - APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: LARRY R. & SHARON.J. SEEMANN MAIUND ADDRESS: 7816 E. BROADWAY A1/E. . Clnr: SPOItaNE STATE: WA ZiP: 99212 Emall: PHONE: (f{M) (wK) (cUt) APPLICANT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAIUNG ADDRES3: 11707 EAST SPRAQUE CITY: SPOKANEVALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Email: PHONE: (HM) (WK) (CEU) REI.ATiONSHIP TO OVYNER: N/A PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRES3 AND/OR DI3TANCE AND DIRECTiON FROM NEARE8T CR08S STREET): LOCATED AT 7NE SOUTHWEST INTERSECTION OF BROADWAY AND ELLA, , ASSES80R PARCEL NO.: 45183.0405 PROQeRnr SizF: 0.27 ACRES CURRgNT COMPREHENSIYE PLAN DESiGNATION: HIGH DEN5fTY RESiDENTIAL PROP03ED COMPREHEN9tVE PLAN DE310NAT10N; OFFICE CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFlCATION: MULTI-FAMILY HIOH DENSITY RE5IDENTIAL DISTRICT PROPQSED ZONING CLASSIFICAT{ON: OFFICE BRIEFLY EXPLAlN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT (ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE PROPOSEQ AMENDMENT IS CpNSIDERED A MAPPING ERROR. THE CURRENT DESIGNATION AND ZONING IS NOT CONSISTANT WiTH THE USE OF THE PR4PERTY. SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: OATE: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT. DATE: l lI t IOGa Rev 10Jo6 1 CPA-12-0"r Appiicant: (--ity u;S~~~kan<: vallev Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from High Drr-isity Residential to Office; comesponding zone change from C;-~ Residential DisVict (MF-2) to 4ffice (O) (Exhibit 1 & 'e Location: South side of Broadway, west nf Flla Rn:; 7816 E. Broadway Avenue (Exhibit 3 8~ - Adjacent Uses: Offlce to the east and northeast; Centennial Elementary School to the north; and single-family residence to the south. Publlc Facilities: The property is currently served with public water and sewer and is accessed from Broadway, a Minor Arterial as designated on the S, Valley Artedal Street Plan (Exhibit ~ Comprehensive Plan2oning Ana., Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan encourage Office designaUon for buff', or transition areas between higher intensity land uses and lower intensity land uses with limited retail and commercial uses. Office uses work well for these transition areas because they tend to generate less traffic and noise, operate shorter hours and are often smaller in scale than industrial or commercial area~ Furthermore, policies in Section 19.60.030 regarding Office zoning of the U, are consistent with policies in the Comprehensive Plan and re-emphasize t} designation primarily fo . retail or commercial ust Public Comment Staff has receivecl no letters concerning the proposal to da, Staff Recommendation: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to Office and change the zoning to Office for consistency. L 10M512007 Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plwi Map . celltl•Iltltal }*tIhliC.(IU3i1Ml(jdiC N~rt~lr. r CS I' I ! 4 1 1- f r,: i!~ =iroaCws. t~ CPA-12-07 • ~ . . A lti iicyt•~ ('P:1-12-07 Reyuest: Channe ttte tand ose daignatina [rom City of Spokanc VuUcy N1Eh tknsity Rcaideatial to Ofifu; change zouing ~ Communlh lkvdopmeatDepartment framNfF-2 to O. ~ ~ - Exlubit 2: Zoning Map C'cvttennial ~ I. M{ddle . cF ~ . ~ / % CPA-12-07 f L( Btosdwsv i c ~ ~ ~ . - / - . - / - - _ - - - _ " _ - - -R:~--=_ - - _ - _ - - - - - - _ - _ .3 - - - _ = AN f• .7 CPA•12-0? Request: C6aagc the (and usc desfgn,tioo from City otSpokaac Valley NJgh Density Residenthl to Ofticc; change ionlag f Commnnlty Devciopment IkpArtment rnm A'lI~-2 ~o O. Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map ~ , ~ ;~,e' ~ ~ , - _ . ~ ~ ~ .~:s' ~ . ~ _ ~ ~ ( I'.1 ~ 12-16~ ~ F _ r f i . - --x ~ ~ ^r ~ , ~ ~~?►~~y ~-.'~w ►s.' 4 L. . f ~ 1 •i _ ~f, _ _ ~ - ' - ~ . •i~' S~~~C M ~ _ - ~ . ~ i r ~ - ? • , ~'St;'T r~ ~a . . ,.,0 t.-. ; (,'1'A-12-07 Reyucst: f'hungr tLc land use clesignntian from C ity of Spoktnc Valley Iilgit Dcnsit} ktmidentinl to Otficc; rhnngc rnning Couiniunity Tk%elopment lhpartmcnt frorn NlF-_ co V. - Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map V~ oodard j ~ . I ine' 4Qaw ! . TT Ff~ . IR J:". ~ q ~ ot ~-FTiT I F csi i ct a du ~ Ce~h~nW tn1~L I d j d{ CPA-12-07 / _ ~.:~~•t~.~ ~ „ ~ 1 : ~ . / I LJ l~-Hza +~'a ~Ov,~ LL =1 -I Q ~ AikL I. r . e Yalt o - ~ „r 1 . 1 ^ r ft,~'r~7ptnn 1 7 ~ P ~ ~ J ILJ ~ CPA-12-0; Rcqncst: Chinee the land nsr daignaUon [ram City of Spokane VAllcy Iijgh Deaeity Fte:ideotlal w Office; change zoning Cammunlty llcvclapmeot Depnrtment fmm htF-2 to O. Exhibit S: Transportation Map setb _wooa,ra 0007 I _ - ~ s \ rCi s' T I e~ / I. . / . , - 4 CPA-12-07 _ `z)a~~ - F itw ~ ~ Ccetenaiil MIrIdle j -I t~ - ' ~ ~ - - - , : 4 Ll.__-' - Legend ~ - N~~-- i f -1---+ PAU Road - - - E'rqwved Priaciral Arta~al . - - - Propoeod NGnor Mterial Propo9ed Gotlcc0or - MioorA:taia! cnibctar - su.c (w re&ful ~ CP:1-12-07 Requeat: Change We land usc dcsignetion frnm City of SpokaDS Valley II}ph Drnsity Realdential to OfCcr; change maing Community Dcvdopmpnt Department from N'IF-2 to O. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEI( T~ (For Staff Use Only) Community Development Department "~rre~t Planning Division DATE SUaMIfTEO: RrcErveD er: : 747 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Fua No./NAme• yCPA-13-07 lokane Valley, WA 99206 -1: (509) 921-1000 (5C9) 92?-1008 PLANMNO F!!i V~jI A SEPA Fee: rJ ~ A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART i - APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendrnent PROPERTY OWNER: WASNINGTUN WATER POWF I~. MAJUNO ADDRESS: 1411 E Mission Av= CI7Y: SPUKANE STATE: WA ZIP: Q9202 Email: P HONE: (Hm) (M) i I . 1 APPUCANT: CfTY OF SPOKANE VALLE~' MAIUNa ADDRES3: 11707 EAST S~P,!,.C_._j _ CITY; SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZiF: ~~j'-'OG Ewwl: PHONE; (HM) (wK) F. RELATIONSFlIP TO OWNER: N!r^i. PROPERTY LOGATION (ADDRE33 AND/OR 0lS7ANC E E'' T';„,v ; r:; r.1 r: F l~ East of Pines, north of Pinecroft and south of Tre - ~ ASSESSORPARCELN0.:45033.8024AND45433 CURRENT CQMPREHENSNE PLAN DESIaNAT10N: PUBLICJ UA!z!-P1_~E3! PP.OP03ED COMPREHENStVB PLAN DESIGNATION: MIXED U- CURRENT ZONING CLA9SIFICATION: COMMUNITY F , PROPOSfD ZONlNa CLASSIFICATtON: MIXED VSE CENTEF: BRlEFLY EXPLAlN REASON FOR MAP UR TEXT AMENDMENT (A71'ACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE PRQPERTY i5 CON5IDERED A MAPPING ERROR. SlGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPLlCAN7 DATE: 11 ~!/OL, ~ R8v i0'C~6 1 Staff REport 2407 Comprehansive Plan Amerdments CPA-13-07 Applicant: Cit}I of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi- Public to Mixed Use; corresponding zone change from Community Facility (CF) to Mixed Use Center District (MUC) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Location: East of Pines, between Pinecroft and Trent; parcel no. 45033.9024 and 45033.9042 (Exhibit 3 & 4). Site Area: 5.42 acres Current Use: The properties are vacant. Adjacent Uses: The surrounding properties are also vacant. I Public Facilities: The properties are currentty served by public water and sewer and are accessed from Pines Road, a Principal Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive PlanRoning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.5 in the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan specify that the Mixed Use designation allows for two or more different land uses within developments that can be either horizontally or vertically mixed. These areas support an integration of residential, commercial, office, and other uses in close proximity to services and high capacity transit facilities or transit routes. Pines Road is a high capacity transit route that fuffii{s this description. Also, the sumounding properties are designat,-- as Mixed Use and changing this properties' designation to Mixed Use will makE the area consistent. Additionally, policies in Section 19,60.070 of the UDC regarding Mixed Use Center zoning are consistent with Mixed Use palicies in the Comprehensive Plan. Public Comment Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: Change Comprehensive Plan designation to Mixed Use and change the zoning to MUC for consistency, 1 QI15/2007 Paae 1 of 1 Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Alan Map ~•„n~~ r~ wt'u~~ - )~a t•~ .t ~ 'flTl'il~1f k~71•'ia~'I;i! 1 °1 ` ~ 3-07 i _ ~ FA r1:.~ FuhlidOurc:i• /Scc'. fufih~ J _ Lawl caslty Rt~Wential Putrlir.'(1uIsi~ Pnhlic l~~ ...LY paIiC."Quas ~ I'uhbc~ ~ 1 f I 5.~'^:..~•'' \~I1[t~ Poblid(jttnss - Fobllr Tren t f:lementan ~ I ~ I . I 4t~s9hu ~.i 1~'ttcd PohlitfQuu+1- Pubtic . i rr CpA_13-07 Request: (:hnnge the Comprehensive Plun map City of Spakaae VAlic}• dcsignatian from PobliclQaasf-Pubik to 4lixed Usc; Communlty Dcvclnpmsnt Departmcnt chanQe zoaiag from CF to Ni?C:. Exliibit ? : Zoning Map ~ •~~a~rnavu❑ i C[t' ~ A-13-Q7 - ~ - t<^~ _ ~ ~ / R ~ ~~•t'~ 1 _ ~i~ ff \ 1J► (TrlOt ~ ~t1 FJemcata n r = . _L7lw ~ . (F CPA-13-07 Itequest: ChanPe the Compre6eosive Plun mpp Clty of Spokane Valley designadou from Pnbiic/Qunsi-Public to Mixed Gse; Cammoaity Uevetopment Depxrtment chnn$e Yoning from CF'to Att.'C. xhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map L ` IL Y-~.r.x 9 ~ • f a!~ • ~ ! ~ i P s+ ! • l~ ~ ~ . J" - S' . _.T y~ ~ •y~ 1 ~``✓'~\t~~.t~~r'r~~~ '~~1`~` ~ ~°rj. s ,f ~ YY+~ Jt_._~ ~s- • ~ Ci':1-13-i17 y r - 1~M - I } r~ I ' ~Y ► ! ~I . ~ ~ ~l ~ i t r Ji ~ ~ CPA-13-07 Rcqnest: Change ihe Comprrhenslti•c Plan map City nf Spokane Valley designation from PnbIIc/Qnasl-PuGlic to Nii:ed L?sc; ('omntunity Ik%tlopmcpt Uepartment ChAngC ZOpiqs from CF ta TR?C. - ~ ~ Exhibit 4: Vicinity Mal) _ ~T -a crr.n ~~L+~ • ~ ich w \ 1 ~ I r ~ G'PA-13-07 Trest Eleveotsry -1 J a \ MurDer ~ JIL C: 1 ' TTi- I ~ ~ Q. Y , Q . ~ `1~ ~ ~~it atntu f ` PsC~ i ~ s t _ I - Jadna ~ _ , \ L J , aurr~ - - _ f 'N, , + . - - Li Cpp_13-07 Request: Change t6c Comprehensive Plan map City ot 5pokanc Vallcy deel;nAtion frum i'ublk/Quast-Public to Mixed Usc; ("'11f,i~1mitv ne~'ciriprnent Ilepartmrnt ch:m{-,e.,nninr frnm f'F!n N11 , Exliibit 5: Transportatioii Map . ► ~ • a ~ ~ i ~ Is _ C . - - - ~ t - ~ CPA-13-07 . - f / ~ ~ tl Trent ElemenLry ~I 1J - L.egcnd - ~ M Road - - - ~ PrbxW AwW 1,411 - - - rropoeed tuGaor Acteriat - - - Propoxd CoDocbr - - ~ EU= _ Prkd4al Aitcial y~ - MinnrActcdal Callectat , 5tate a Fcderal _ ~ , , • • ~ ~ CPA-13-07 Rcqvest: Cheagc tho ComprehenstvePinn map City olSpoknnt Valley designatinu from PubIIrJQuasi-Pnbl(c to iiiied L'se; Community Jkvelopmcnt Department .j c6aage zonlng fi'om CF to MUC. ~ ~ , ~ GITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For StaN Use Only) Community Development Department , ~rrrent Plsnning Divlslon DAT! St1sMr►reo: REcEma sr: .707 East Sprague Avenue, SuJte 106 ;~okane Valley, WA 99206 Fue No./NAme: CPA-14-r)7 - ~1: (509) 921-1000 ~ax: (509) 921-1008 fJ! A ari_ng0-sDokanevalLeYsotc PuHniNa Fee: SEPA Fee: {J / ~ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I - APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: FF OFFICE LLC MAlL1N0 ADDRESS: 12006 E Snraaue Ave~Le CITY: SPOKANE STATE: WA Z1P: 99206 Email: PHONE: (HN) (U.y) 11 - j. ' APPLICAN7: CfTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAlLING ADDRES9: 11707 EAST SPR,'•.•_~U_ ClTY: SPOiCANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZlP: 90 6 Ernail: PHONE; (kM) (wrc) RELATiON3HIP TO OWNER: N?: . PROPERTYLOCATiON(AOaRESSANQ/OR A 'iG Ci~ECTICN F~uM -:R055 7): 12006 E. Miss+on Avenue. focaied on the south side of the street between Pines ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: 45169.0246 PROPERnr Stze: n 45 ^tFr CURRENT COMPREHEHSIVE PLAN DE8IGNATION: PUBLIC/QUASI-PUBI.i PROPOSED COMPREHEN3IVE PLAN DESIGNATION: OFFICE CURRENT ZONING CU1SSlFICATION: CUMMUMITY FAClLIT1ES PROPOSED ZONING CLA381FlCATiON: GARDEN OFFICE BRtEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AIVIENDMENT (ATTACN FULL EXPLANATION): THE PROPOSAL IS CONSipEREO A MAPPtNG ERROR. SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE~ SIGNATURE OF APPUCAN7: ~ DATE: 11 Rev ' l:'i;o 1 Staff Report 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-14-O7 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from PubliGQuasi- Public to Office; corresponding zone change hom Community Facility (CF) to Garden OfFice (GO) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Location: South side of Mission, west of its intersectian with Pines; parcel No. 45161.0246 at 12006 E. Mission Avenue (Exhibit 3 & 4). Site Area: 0.45 acres Current Uae: The site is used as an office building. Adjacent Uses: The properties to the north, east, and west are offices and are zoned GO. To the south is single family housing zoned R-3. Public Facilities: The property is currently served by public water and sewer and is accessed from Mission Avenue, a Minor Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Sireet Plan (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive PlanlZoning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.4 in the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan and section 19.60.020 speclfy that Office designation and Garden Office zoning act as buffers or transition areas between higher intensity land uses and lower intensity land uses. Analysis of this property, its use, and the surrounding uses clearly demonstrates compatibility with the designation Office. The proximity to the Regional Commercial district at the intersection of Mission and Pines and the {ow density residential neighborhood directly to the south make this property ideal for Office designation. Pubtic Comment: Staff has received no letters conceming the proposal to date. Staff Recommendation: The current Comprehensive Plan designation and zoning classification are not consistent with the use of the property. This is a mapping error. Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to PublicJQuasl- Public to 4ffice and corresponding zone change from CF to GO. 10/15/2007 F'agz 1 ai 1 _ , Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map F<cs' ci r^ t ih Ci;rtri>:►~~~ [YIi~C ' 7 il tt[ Rc}i,::a; ~~ummer: ~vl I ~ f'T- f fiicc l) . ic c i) (f i~ c CYA-14-07 ~ A1~ssinn ~ }'uMtr'C)uHei {a «e tI t Pnhlit ~C► ite ~ ~ ~ ~ Gr~~ f . ~ kL1iu:Il I.ow D!(•ilty RtiidQ! W gh {lcce.'h' trsiiicnt~s! CpA_1407 Roqucst: C6nage We Comprehensive Ptan map Ciq otSpokane Valky desisnation from PobliclQnasi-FnbUc b(3flicc; Commnnity Dcrclopment Department change zoning trnm CF to GO. Exlibit 2: loning Map , ~ ~ , / CYA-14-07 <F ~ ~ ~ I R,3 . • j CPA-14-07 Rcqaesl: C.'hange tbe Compcehcnsive P1an map City of Spokaee VaUcy designntlon from PubUdQaasi-Publir to O[fice; Commnttity Derelopmeat Dcpartment cbaaec Yanfag [mm CF to GO. Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map e l 1 d,• = ! ` ~ _ ~ , { p,. ~ti~ _ . ~ ~ ~p~' a l r~:'~ l~ • - fqt _ i 1 %~,-.l }+~•'I f~ - ~ ~ ;,i 1• s y , 4";•,_ ~ • .~C."YA-14-07 ~ I r ..rF'.1-~' ~ y~i f ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ • ~ S - ~ . ~ ,t< _ , _~':3~ . : . , y ~ . 3. • ~ ► • r . ~ s r.. ' . . _ 4. - / i f , t~ ~ , ~~1-~ ` _ ~:r~ ' ~i _ ~ _ . + i ~ , ~ ' ~ ~ ~ - ~ . ~ ,.S * ~ . ~ CI'A-la-O? Bcquest: Change tho Comprrhrnsife Plao mpp C ity of Spokano Valley dcsignation from Pnbiic/Qnad-Pnbllc to ORce; Comniunity Dcvdopment Dcpartmeat changc zoning frnm CF to GO. i ~ i ~ Exliibit 4: Vicinity Map [ I ~ 0 - ~ ~ ~ . - ~ _ ,am',.._•-~ s ao ~ ~ _I ~ M~~ri - CPA-14-07 ~ ~ ~ ~•on . _ ` 1'•~ ~ , . . _ ; 1~ b .~.'~~i,• ' " 'r- ~'r.~ Missinp i _ qffT, " - TH - - ~ I - > f Ft - --t ~ ~ ` . _ , L ~ - ~ - - ~ ~ ' ! ~ 1 ~ fan,. I~ 3 1 ~ ~ G~aIae C~ iac Cb 3road ' ~ ~ .~-8_~1W !~iorlb ~ mndan - ~ Waek Elsaisatary - - - r - -T- Mikdi - - - u pq 1~ LLt PAI P !-14 n ~ CPA-14-07 Reqacst: Chnnge the Compre6ensive Plan map City of SPoknae Vullcy desigaatlon from PubIIclQaasi-Puhlic to Ufike; C:ommonity I)ovelopmeat Dcpartment cb*age zoning from CF to GO. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Exhibit 5: Trwlsportatioil Map . ~ a I 1, J18, Eimcu ~ _ ~ I L. i 44 • ~ . ~ ~ ,:r N'1.~- L)! . CPA-14-07 ILE . L a Q, J i L ~ _ $m~ TT _ I ~ - Lcgend ~ - - RaII RnAd I - - - Proposcd PcfacipaI MaW ~ - - • propoyod b4ina Atyeriv - - ~ Propowa cAncdm CID , Prin«pa ,+rIcrW Q - ~ - - CID _ .--.Hme wtv ~ _ Oolloctot Sres ar Fodcr.l Nort6 Pina MlddJ,le G T T ~ ■ ~ ~ ~ ~ I CPA-14-07 Edesignittion st: Chnnge the Comprcbensi~-a PtAn map City of Spokane Vallcy from Pahik/Quasi-Public to Officc; Communitv Devclopmcat Depxrtment ch,nge zoning from CF to GO. ~ - I^► cinr oF sPOic~►Ne vaL~Y ~ ~ ~M Communlty Develapmertt Department (For Staff Use Only) ~``1!l(v `'urrent Plann(ng Dlvision DArESuaHZMa: Rzcziveo ev: 1707 East Sptague Avenue, Sulte 106 FiLe No./NAMe• CPA-I5-07 aokane Valiey, WA 99206 .2I: (509) 921-1000 3x: (509) 922-1008 _ ~rnin~2"5~ok~,~r~va!teY.o',7 PLANmNaFEl: N/Q SEPA Fu: N 1 A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART t - APPLICATtON INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendmerit PROPERTY OWNER: HOLMAN GAROENS REf1REMF.NT Cc~nrnilN!7Y. LLC. MAILING ADDRESS: 12912 E. 120 Avenue CITY: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZlP: 99.2 16 Email: PHONE: (HM) (W►c) (r_: ~i_} 4PPUCANT: CfTY OF SPOKANE VALEY MauNO ADoREss: 11707 EA5T SPI•~~~,i;!= C17Y: SPOKANEVALLEY STATE: WA Z1P: c,92&3 Frnail: PHONE: (HM) (wrc) fct-~ ~ f2ELAT10NSHIP TO OWNER: N/A pROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRE53 ANDIOR DIsraNcc ,=.r4D r!REcricN FRor.t PrE,%RHE 57 (~i<G~zS 12912 E. 120 Avenue Iocated southwest of the intersection of McDonald and 1: ' ASSE330R PARCEL NO.: 45223.9210 PROPERTY SIZE: 7S CURRENT COMPRENENStVE PLAN DESiGNATION: PUBUC/OUASI-PUBL Pt20POSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIONATION: HIGH DENSITY Rr- CURRENT ZONINO CLASSIF(CATION: COMMUNITY FACIU1ll DISTRIC PROPOSED ZONtNQ CLASSIFICATION: MULT!-F MILY fGN C: BRIEFI.Y EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT (ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION'TNE CURRFNT DESlGNATION AND ZONING ARE NOT CONSISTANT Wl7H TF4E USE OF THE FFiC r-~; SI(3NA7URE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNA7URE OF APPLICANT' ~ DA7E: ( l/ 11;L_ Statt Report 2007 Comprshensivs Plan Amertdments RA-15-O7 iplicant: City of Spokane Valley Kequest: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi- ;'ublic to High Density Resldential; corresponding zone change from Community Facility District (CF) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Location: South side of 12`h Ave, west of its interseciion with McDonaid; parcel No. 45223.9210 at 12912 E. 12'h Avenue (Exhibii 3& 4), Site Area: 6.55 acres Current Use: There is a retiremtint lhor>>N cn ?he s'tev~;th over 90 u»ifs. Adjacent Uses: The property adjacent east is achurch. Adjacent south is McDonald E!enlentary School. To the narth and west there are single family homes. Public Facilitles: The praperty is currently served by public water and sewer and is accessed from Mission Avenue, a Minor Arterial on the Spokane Valley Arterial Streei Plan (Exhibii 5). ComprQhensive Plan/Zoning Analysis: Policics in Section 2.5.1 in fiie Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan specifies that High Density Residen#ial designation provides for existing mufti-family residential development deve!oped at a density in excess of 12 units per acre. This sitQ has been developed at approximately 13 units per acre Add'rtionally, policies in Section 19.401?60 of the UDC are consistent Uv,tll thFs anaEysis. Public Comment: Start iias received no ;--iters ct;nceming iiie propasa! ±o da'e Staff Recommendation: The current Comprehensive Plan designanon ar.d zoning classffication are not consistent with the use of the property. This is a mapping error. Change the Comprehensive Plan designation to Publlc/Quas; - Public to High Density Residential and corresponding zone change from CF io MF-2. Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map ~ ~ ~►m ~ 3 ~ CPA-15-O7 ~ . ~ ~ t3 > ~ a 13tlf 3 ~ I l n.• Ik~t~it~ 3 ~tSld[II.ttAI ~lF1I~GQYI?h I Puhlic c 0 PuAlirlQur►~- = Public ~qiy I d ~ 3 ~ F`ublivQua.i- Pu hli c -4 ~ Mclloni{d Eisnents n ISth ~ CF'A-15-07 ltequest: Cbange We Campreh=EODR; City of Spokane Valley desfgnation trom Pablic/QuasiCummunfty Dar•tlopwnnt Depnrtment rhaago zaaing fro m CF Exhibit 2: Loning Map CPA-15-Q7 Um N . > 1 R-3 ~ 3 ~ a .a 14th McDonald Elcmeatir}' Cl'A-15-07 Request: Changc thc Comprehensive P1an map dcsfgnetion from PobliclQapsi-F'abllc to HDR+ City of Spokane Valley '~-2. changc zoning irom C'F to NCommunity Devclopmcut Aepartment Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map ~ f 'M CPA-15-07 - ,z . 1 r x',.1 ~I • L I''` ` • 1 i. ~ ! 1 . L• _ a . I ~ ~ ~ ! I CPA-IS-(17 Eteqvest: C'huase thc CompreLensive Plan mup CIty of Spolcane Valloy datgnution from Pabttc/Quasi-Pubtlc to IIDR; Community Dcvelopmcnt Dcpartment ~ ch.int;c rnning (rom CT tu _'1fF-3. ~ Exhibit 4: Vici.nity Map -t~H 2-4 r]d ~ ' Lr,l- I I ~ 17n M--- 1 ~ ~h "y ~ea1tE ❑ r _ 71h ~ LLH_ 1 -1 1 tfi ~ ~ CPA-15-07 i11; i td ~ l 3th , ~ !rtCDOo.►a m - - ( kl~mentary ! I_ r _ ALI I ~ 6ct ~ D ~ ( t b _ ~ c~ _ ~ - ~ •~~G~~ 22nd ~ r f ~ t ryt'r ~ie~~•S'ar: - 5o~ac► Pfsei' ~ - ~ ~ nc•I 1'. J .•f' 1 _ E-IR~Ittt113~ ~ ~ ~ - ~Ath ' I^I a hLL~ I 1 i-~ i i Qo LLLLL1 I i i i l', _i 3 St. LL ~i i T I I CPA-15-07 Rrqucst: Change t6e Cumpreheasive Plea map City of Spolcaac vaUcy desiguudon tram PnbticiQuesl-Public to iiDR; Commanlty !)evelopmeqt DepArtmcnt changa zonlag from CF to NiF'-2. xhibit 5: Transportation Map v ~ . V _ ,x---- . V , 3S ~ - Key"~ DO Ej~ tmeOtill' , r~ *111.1 L[J-~ s ~ sh. ~ - ~ _ I ~ -IT --m F A I 1 1-1 Fl F-,F::C'P- ~ I - r- -F 19tft ~ cra-is-o~ FE - ts ~ A J~ti11-1-~ ~ s 14 , 1.4 ~h y' T McUoaaMEkmern,tary 177.1-3 ~ ~ ~ u 16 "`gCIId . - - - rroposca Prinapd anerW = - - ProposoaMinarAitrrw - Proposcd CoUactru ~ i'rux3pel AttetW ~ _ 21 Minnr Artetisl ~ CDlkctoc ~ Stnte a~ Fcdaal 22nd T~ oak CPA-t5-07 Requcst: Change tLc Comprohentive Ptao map ('ity of 5pokaae Vallny desigaatlon [rom Pub(la'Quesi-Public to HDR; Comn+unit}• Decclnpment [)crnrtmeut c6angc zoninP trom CF to M1iF-2. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For StaH Uae Only) Community Development Department urrent Plann(ng Dtvislon DATe SuBxrrrIEa: RtcEnreo sY: ' 707 East 5prague Avenue, Suite 106 Fae No./NAme: CPA-16-07 )okane Valley, WA 99206 . J: (509) 921-1000 ~x: (509) 921-1008 PLANN2NQFElS O/A SEPA FEt: N / h COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I - APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PRCIPERTY OWNER: ROGER WILLlAb15 MaJUNO AOORESB: 1449 N. Lan;o Road CITY: GREENACRES STATE: WA ZtP: J19016 Email: PHONE: (HM) APPLIGANT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLE MAILINO ADDRESS: 11707 EAST SPRAGt!~.- CITY: SPOKANEVALLEY STATE: WA ZiP: Email: PHONE: (HM) (wrt) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: N+A PROPERTY LOCAT{ON (ADQRESS ANDIOR DISTANCE AND DiRECTION FROM NEA== 1409 N. Lon Raad ust south of the irrtsrse io of Lon~I_Rd and Maxwell ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: 55182.0103 PROPERTY S1ZE: CURREN7 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DE31(3NATlON: PUBUC/QUASI-Puaut PROPOSED COMPREHENSiVE PLAN DE8iGNAT10N: LOW DENSiTY RESIDEN i i,- CURRENT ZONING CLA3SIFICATION: COMMUNITY FACILlTIES DISTR PROPOSED ZONlNO CLASSlFICA710M: SIAfGLE-FAMILY RESIL?ENTIAL -S BRiEFLY EXPLAlN REA30N FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT (A'fTACH FULL EXPLANATION): THE PROPOSAL IS CONSIDERED A MAFPING ERROR. SIGNA'R1RE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPUCANT DATE: lI/QQ~; G~ R;-- v 10 ?uC) 1 Staffi Report 2007 Comprehensive P1an Amendments CPA-16-07 Appiicant: City of Spokane Valley Requeat: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from PubliclQuasi- Public to Low Density Residential; corresponding zone change from CommLinity Faciliiy (CF) io Sir~al~-`~t~~ily 'Residerit;al Dis;r(ct (R-3) rCxhibit 1 & 21 Locatiori: West af LOf1g R0ai1, sou'h oi i-s intersec:icn vt,tth Pvlaxwell; parcel rzo. 55182.0103 at 1409 N Lang Roaci (Exh'rbit 3& 4) Sfte Area: 0.23 acres Current Use: There is a single family home on the site. Adjacent Uses: The surrounding properties to the nortti and west are vacant land. Adjacent properties to the south and east are single-family housing. Public Facilities: The ptoperty is ctcrrently served by public vrate, and is accessed from Long Road (Exhibit 5). Comprehensive Plan2oning Analysis: Policies in Section 2.5.4 in the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan recommend that Low Density Residential designation should be determined for areas with minlmum Iot sizes oi 7,000 to 10,000 square feet. This lot is 10,000 square feei and is already developed wfth a single family home. Additionally, Section 19.40.040 of the UDC specifies that the R-3 zoning is intended to preserve the character of existing development. Low Density Residential designation and R-3 zoning for this parcEf are consist ant with the development standards and s.rpcificaiions de`ined in the Comprehensive Plan and the UDC Public Comment: Staft has received r7o letters concerning tiie praposal ca ciate Siaff Recommendatlon: The current Comprehensive Plan designation and zoning classification are not consistent with the use of the property. This is an obvious mapping error. Staff recommends changing the Comprehensive Plan designation to Public/Quasi-PUblic to Lovv D?nsity Residential and _r,orrespanding zone change from CF to R-3. Exhibit l: Comprehensivz Plan iViap PuhhrCjuasi- F'ahlic'/)uasi- f'trhl~r P+:hl~e CPA-! 6-07 ~ ~t~tn i m. ~oco,tt. Rcsidentia! YutilicrO~~a+' hl ~ - ~ CPA•1&07 I-Eleqnest: Change the Comprebrash-e Plsn msp C'ity of Spokane Vallty dcsignatloa from PaWSc/Quui-Pablk ta l.pR; Commanlty Developtaeat Departmcnt chinge mniog Cmm CF to R-3. Exllibit Zoning Map CF tCPAA-1&471 a~u I _ - n = R,3 CPA-16-07 !dtslZ;:njatlon Cbaago tde Compnhenaivr Plaa map Ciry of Spokaae VAlley from Pnblic/Quasi-Pubtk to LllR; Community De~~clopmeot l~pariment change ionlng from CF to R-3. Exhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map T r •I'' ;Z - i + ~ . . CPA- 16-07 C . ~ a itic t I ~ ~p~~~.~ 1 i►~~ ~ ~ ~ _ . . , r. i . - - - - ` • , ` r . ~_l. r - - , 5 tl~.~_ . • ~ v~ • ~ ~ ~~,i ~ V ~ k „ _ ~ ~~rT•,, - 4 ~S~ . , . - _ : _ v ~ ;,f r.i' ~ • # ; F _ ~ r', , , , . t ~t-+r r, .1. - . . X, - • ~ _ . , _ i - . . . - - t'• - ~ ~ ' . ~ i' ~ , i 1. , . _ ~ _~•rt'~ 7+s!lf• _ , , - ' xi.~ t'iy' 2- 1 ~ ~ . i CPA-16-07 Kcqucst: C_haage tLe Comprchcnsii-c Plun mep C[ty of Spokane VaUey drsignntion from PabiidQnasl-Publk tu LDK: Commanlty Lhvdopmeot Dcpartmmt c}unge zonlng from CF to R-3. ~ ~ ~ ° ` Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map ~ - 'I 7 I ~ ._lr1---.+^, - t ~ sn _ ~ . . ~ _ - -p 1 - _ _ ~ cPA-16-07 - i S axvx~Batler Comerni~ ~ duwe 12trolq Ces: r _ ~ ` - D T:j! . _ ~IItlC.. ~ `N i • R~~ 1 Y.Y f - ~ ~ Y wf1Y =TmTr ~ I ~ - - OfiVC - ~ ~ CPA-16-07 Rcquat: Chunge t6e Comprchenshe Plao map City of Spokaec VaUey designation from Public/Quasi-Public tn t.DR; Commualty Developmcnt Department c6ange 2oning from CF to R•3. ~ Exhibit 5: Transportation Map Kn= a TT, ~ ~ . Shmam \ Riv I •ny- PIT I _~_lC.uez Ed b U~.J - - - LLj a I ~ r l ~ _ -C - A` CPA-16-07 , ~ ~ M. ~ - C - ~ql A~ ~ i-J E~ld. y1~0 ~ . Legend ! 14u ~~9 ~ -~-f R&D Roaa ---Pwpmd Ngripal ArterW - - - Propowahs;mArtcrial - - Proposcd Caitalor =sp u~fief3 - - I Pria3Pd Artenef I Miaar Aroerid _ ~ ~ ~ ~ - C1oUc+~ar , c~ ~ - C Stbtt Ot Ft&Cl~ s - - C - CPA-16-07 itcqueat: Chungc We Comprehcasivc Plau map City atSpokane Valley deslgnatlao from PubUrJQnas[-Public to I.DR; Cammunity Dcvdapment Deportment chaoge xaaiug from CF to R-3. ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For StaK Use Only) Community Development Department Current Planning DivfSion DATE SU6MITTlD: Recenren ar: 11707 East Spra9ue Avenue, Suite 106 F:Le No./NwMt• CPA-17-07 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax:(509)921-iD08 p1anIt1aq*4nokane3ralleY.4ra PLANNINO FEE: 1J/4 SEPA FELt: ~l h i COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART 1- APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) X Map Amendment ❑ Tent Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: BARON HOLDING COMPANY LLC. MAIUNO AODRESS: 924 S. PfNES ROAO CtTY: SPOKANE STATE: WA ZIP: 99208 Email: PHONE: (tim) (WK) (CEU) APPUCANT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MAlLINO ADDRE83: 11707 EAST SPRAGUE CITY: SP04cANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZIP: 99206 Email: PHONE: (Ftm) (vvu) (CEtL) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: NIA . PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRE39 ANQIOR DIBTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CR033 3TREET): 924 S. PINES ROAD. LOCATED BETWEEN 9T" ANO 10m ASSE9SOR PARCEI NO.: 45214.2531 PROPERTY SIZE: 0.53 ACRES CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: LoW DENStTY RESIDENTIAL AND CORRIDOR MIXED USE PROPOSED COMPREHENSfVE PLAN DE3IGNATION: CORRIDOR MIXED U5E CURRENT 20NIN(3 CLA391FlCATION: SINGLE-FAMlLY RESIOENTIAL SUBURBAN QISTRICT AMD CORRIQ(3R MIXED U3E PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFlCATION: CORRIDOR MlXEO USE BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REA30N FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT (ATTACH FULL EXPLANATION): A FORTION OF THE PARCEL IS DESiGNATED CMU AND A POR710N IS DESIONATED LDR ALL Cr= TWE PARCEL SHOULD BE DESIGNATED CMU. THE PROPOSAL IS CONSIQERED A MAPPING ERROR. I S1t3NATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE: 111 /I /O(o Rev 1010C I Statf Report 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-17-07 Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Low Density Residential to Comdor Mixed Use; corresponding zone change from Single- family Residential Suburban District (R•2) to Corridor Mixed Use District (CMU) (Exhibit 1 & 2). Locatlon: North side of 10'h Avenue, west of Pines road; parcel number 45214.2531 at 924 S. Pines Road (Exhibit 3& 4). Site Area: 0.53 acres Current Use: There is an office building on the site. Adjacent Uses: Properties to the north and south are designated CMU, to the east is HDR, and to the west is LDR. Public Facilities: The property is currently served by public water and sewer and is accessed from Pines Road, . Valley Arterial Street Plan (Exhibit Comprehensive PIan/Zoning Analysis: Policies in `vECI1011 2.5.5 in t'rle La Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan and section 19.60,080 of the UDU specify that Corridor Mixed-use is intended to enhance travel options, encourage development of locally serving commercial uses, multi-family apartments, lodging and offices along major transportation corridors. Additional, the Corridor Mixed- use designation recognizes the historical low-intensity, auto-dependent develapment pattem, and focuses on a pedestrian orientation with an emphasis on aesthetics and design. Most of this parcel is already designated CMU and zoned CMU. The portion in question is in the northwest comer of the parcel. This proposal would make the zoning and the Comprehensive Plan Designation consistent for the entire parcel. Public Comment: Staff has received no letters concerning the proposal to date. Staffi Recommendation: The current Comprehensive Plan designation and zoning classification are not consistent with the use of the property. The entire parce( should be CMU in conformance with the use of the property and the surrounding properties. 10/15/2007 Page 1 of 1 a ~ J ` r ~ - ~ ► ~ rr~ r-- wh~a''~~ `l ~s v~ ' r ~ C• _ -T- g ► ~ s.. ~ ~ - . ~ , ~ o 4 ~ ~ r ~ ;r, fJ j • j co jj f 1 •~~r.+~f' ~ ~ ~ r, ,'~111 ~ / 1~ 't r / + 1, i'j ~/i , ~ga ~ ~ Exlubit 2: Zoning Map ~ Ath r ~ - J ~ CPA-17-07 „ , g- .;~Ni i 10, 00 ~ R•3 ~ c ►n.ir.1 : _ ~ ~ CI'A-17-07 Rcquest: Chunge thc Compreheaslve Plan map Clty of Spokane Vellcy dcstgaadnn of aorthern portlon irnm LDR to Chili; Commonity Dc+rlupmcnt Ikpartmcot chonge zoniag irnm R-2 to C'hiL'. i ~`•.~s~: , _ , ~ If_".Yq - 1 , V q• - 1 I c T.a-1; -0? I ~ , { i ~ I pa . - ~7~ ; ~ ( 1~ +i',~ + 7t-• 'f! • . _ r''~-~~..•..i,.. -_ti. .,3"~~'~ , „ _~i.. A , r~ ~~F ,'1 ✓ a~~r - f. ~ .I I • 1 1 i 1 CPA-17-07 ~ Requat: Chaage the Cnmpreheneive Plun wap C'ity of Spokane Valley design9tion on oorthera portioa from LDR to C!4iL'; Cammunity Ikvdupraeat Departmrat c6Aage zoning from R-2 to CMiJ. 1 Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map iti~ ContrTct`'^ laNPy~~ ~Bated I Hall ' - ~ C___ ~ - - Edyc~tloe s ~ l ~ ~ 1 ---3n' a 0 3 p _ ~ ~ 1:cystas~ ~ - CPA-17-07 ~ ► . ` . ~ - 6 ~ M _tt OQPcrtuaity rF.ianestary Jt~- ~i 3 ~ 4 Mtp"Ad F}emes r ~4 t~, Ith + , ~ F ~ ~ ~t!cµ.'~ r• CI'A-17-07 Request: Chaagcthc Camprebensiva Plan mgP City of Spo{cpnc Va11ay daignadon oa nort5crn po~aa from LDR to CAIU; chaage znnlag from R-2/o CbiU. ~ Comrnunlt} ikvelaFQ►e°t DepArtment Exhibit 5: Transportation Map . 0 U__[I [I ! - ~ ~ ^I „ r Sih - L y - - -I - FH ~Ke} ooe Ekrixotar? + I ~ . I 7 y ~ -I CPA-17-07 ~ ~ ~ OPPortuntry 7 Lzlb s ~ TI- IT= ~ ~ _13 .9 t - - - ~ U ath - ~ > 3 - j Legend j sz RAU Road c ~r~a ~~t ~r;., I ' ~ - - - - Pr ~--1 PtoQOSDd D+lltw Arlerisl Pcapnsod Collxbor i'rindpa! Artaial Minor Mla'is! ~ ColkcWC Sutc cx Fcdenl ILLT-1 Lpp_17-07 Iieqoest: Changc t6c Comprchcnsivc Plam map City of SpoicAOe Valley dnlgnntlon au aorthcra portian [rom LDR to CML1; Commnnity Uevdopmeat Departmcnt cbange zoaing fram R-2 to CAiI. - - -y77 i - ' MQ{J 3.1 L~! 1#5 1 Art+erial Street Plan , , e r I F r a ~A ~ ~ . [.iiti t1f _7 NFP~. Spo l,:inc 1.,egend ~ y , ~ ~ y~~~~ TI- i~s • ~ . ~r~M~. currtns Cl453ifirntion 9 , lid ..j. . ns i, br~ "~YU~l ud~~r~ • • ~ I i r3s ~ t~ 'l l ill R~ ~fri11' Pr~.p~~l Arteciu9 ~ i ` r kntr I• ~ . -.,h. ~ . ~ , ' , ~ _ + ~ , ,"x e ~ R ~re~y'~f I ~ ~ 7a~eKl~ ` I~ _ - MlnoV° Ai1ri3al . l.. ' \F IR WI ry . : v ~ y . ~ c~~ ~~M ~ i- _ _ ~r~ ` , ~ u~ : 1L a ~L~~~S~IUC ~ ~ a;. _ ~ ~~1J- °r ~ ~a~.~ • Pmpot,ed Iir9~nc ipal 11rttTial . i _ ~ 3 ~YI ie I ~6~4 I ~ ~ 5C4 ~1ifl.~f t~4b12FI [l~ 9t1F tlf I 4 E~T1i~`i, - . ~ r . ' ~ i x' ~ ~~'r I ; •1 Tlii+~ i: `1 • ~ - il~ . I'I ~.l'S ~ • q: _ _ . , . - E 011* I_a45--r . . . . . , . ~ P. . ~ 1 7 I ~ . ~7~1 R ~i [f1~ pL5F6~ 1i4 , - ~ i i i - s. 1-~' r e..t~, Cily Oi5pglccErW VAtlcV 'f: J~ a 1 ^ r aii 1~[hlLI IiT7t11h AE'Cfl I. * M ' kh a _ ~r I , I W atu't RcniECs I~ I y -~l . -.:r ~ I :L_ a ~ "T. I h" : 4 'P` 4~ ~A 1 f.} J°' ' x~' l,'i,•~. . . 7 Z p . 1 , .'P . ~.l ~I t" ` : I ~~'~~r ~ ~+.YI ~H~ • 4fj .I Sdr r 4 a yfi m ~I~ i . ~ NIflP ~.{3CHI1{1~T1 ~ ~ , . • - _ r _ _ _ - • _ _ _ _ . , _ ~ ' .x~ _ 77 " -9 Uo le; 1U+GK+iM7 I +li M6 - I ,...Y- ~ 3r,rrrc .Vn o.furr,rut+;irr dNr, n .fl fhra nrW u r,r~ai ~ a~i z' ~ d~: ~ QI i s i:; s~ Wa; n isrb! is rmlgcrt w r~iratl ta~ri~rt~nr~ Th~ t'rn m~i~rs r.~.. r 74,~3 v,'s ~ . r,~ ~a _ ~ ; ' ` i'~-~ ~ ,:r y,*~wicrnarl ~G+1~! ttrt aer,r~3 i+r nkix~fi ~rfifur m:rP ~ r,zwr~.~~ti~G.si'P~inuPr;:~r~u+•~~~rr~rc~*~rm~nrrrrmnrsegs.v,~ux cttsrrrl:~ ~ , ~a r~11.'~I iL~L°LixLCF L'L71fJt1 i~k C IIV f3~;i~h'a~.'YIA I 111rc1~ L~AIR~I'~~r~i. l ~f,t~rrrcrtlllrp udmrrr i>rrs.v,rr,4 Pl,mrrlrv IiW1 V:1- 1fW+fI ' ~ f ~ Y I_ I'ma,.rtvlil.Piitiii4~,►~e~t~tl~E.iw..nafi~lk,du~~n~.~~Tk~..~~~~Mu - i - ~ - - - - - - - - - I--- e I Map 4.3 Parks & Recreatian ~ a a a t ! Le~~n ity ~1f ~ f~., . : ~ ~ a~. ~ 1 . 4pUkaC1C I • a1,41 , 6~tt1 ~r3ulba . u~ r ~ ~ r • . . ~ r - . . . . ~ . ~ 1t~gi~nal Park 1 Y~',f.FIYG4 . Y• 41 P }~Glffli. R ~ ba :iia~~t~ {i~~en Euiid , ^ a~.-i"'f 1 1 . . .~y.f Ytrrs.k ~ ~ ue~;?rti ~ . . ~ 4a12Ck~ F11Li~l41c5 ~~td:t 1ii`~ OrFaeie+e e .-'t-rre unar / I` ' r µAT T L..ds:pardIIlt9lt 4rN¢IS[rul RCsoUl'cC9 r ~ - ~1'IfJa- ~ r ~ ~ '7 i~ k~•ni _ ~ ~ ~ - t= d *A::~e Ckty lPf SpL1k=CVa~~ey - ~ ~ , ~ y ~ € v 5TIh~lulr thCPM17l1tC4pal E$!CS ~ ~ ~~r~-~~ ~ ~ Q r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :i K I:..._ ' • ,1'3a,fk ¢na~ ` ' , Rsli~na. y~'• ~ ~ mj ~I~n ?•i~ _ . . . , ~ - .a . . - ~ UIbIi ClT[1111h A ?Ca 9 -riiic ri.`~ 13EK~r f ,~-40,0.8~f. rt'S''~ Widt`TBC!d1C'5F I' . Imi,~ 3va y f " w C ~P ~ ~r • l~~ R .~ESI I „a M~uoii _ ` 3a ' in p.wd Crg a a e - ~ ' ~~~~IYL Q ei~ L~~. . Propased Trai15}NCem r. ; ~P ~ ~cN II ~ Gr.~iJuE~.~ :r;adn~~ 5,.~, ~ ~tiul ~ ~ , F~`~P Eaa~° ~ c`t: - t4le r.nt+n . _ . 41.1 A' ' roiv'ar. 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W ~~~:r?ar~fijxrAJvtrrrjrorutantmrta3rin RrC"!Al7aLitf~e~urma : ~Cr,13zrEr ,ar~~~.r;aruettaAVuJ or,kt'wa:j'w rwrr.+q,j t;It)~43 m~p aftd , -;~•r u1v dw-luma lr4;'rn- Inrt rrr;v rarrII u~m r-u arr-, ~n c:s crkuar,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ti, a~'~ffiY ~{71r~.1I {'e~If1TCf ddN` ~f~lh l e7~~!}t C'.ltlVAk!tlri r` ~~,plr~*nmr~rti?~~rire~ertu f~rw~a'r~a+v!`l'f,¢7rEtrcd f~~~'?~ ~'P-lfkJrl A`' e I'~drn ~f dr ~f1y d 5ptiiwr 1'~¢n. r,~smuU} ikrl~n~urn~ Thr~urur~u CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 4, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: ttem: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information [9 admin. report pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Outside Agency Funding, Cleft Palate GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND As indicated in the attached October 18, 2007 letter from County Commissioner Mark Richard, the Spokane Regional Health District Board of Health learned on September 27, 2007 that there were insufficient funds available in 2008 to fund the Cleft Lip & PalatelMaxillofacial Program, which evaluates, plans and coordinates care for infants born with Cleft Lip and Palate. The Program is funded from three sources; The Washington State Department of Health, Out Reach Activities, and a local match of approximately $35,000. The State Department of Health and the Out Reach funds are still available, but the $35,000 local match has been allocated by the Health District to other programs. ~Although the County has drafted an interlocal agreement for Cities to financially participate in this Program, Councilmembers Denenny and Gothmann suggest an alternative approach of contributing our portion directly to the Health District. The original amount of our portion was $6,848.00, of which $3,424 is the suggested contribution for the first half of 2008. Today (November 29. 2007) we were informed that the cities of Liberty Lake, Deer Park, and Cheney have elected not to participate. OPTIONS: . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: $6,848.00 approximately STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: October 18, 2007 Letter from Commissioner Richard Spokane County Resolution 7 0852 in support of the Program for 2008 Spokane County Interiocal Agreement for Emergency Cleft Lip and Palate Program SeNices RCW 70.05 060 Powers and Duties of Local Board of Health ~ RCW Chapter 76.40 Health Districts ~ . . . J; ~ ~ ~ ~ E .r^ SPOKAtq couI~uy OFFICE OF COU,V7'Y CO!bfMdSSIONERS TODD MIELKE, .LS'C DISTRICT • lUTAFZK RICI3ARD, ZND D157'RICT • BONNIE A. 1AGER, 3EZD L715TRICT October 18, 2007 Mayor Taennis Hession Mayor riiana «'ilhite Cify of SPokane City of Spokane Valley 808 W Spol{ane Falis Blvci .1.1707 E Sprague Avenue, Suite .I.OG SPok.ine, Wasliington 99201 Spokane Valley, `Vashington 99206 Mayor John S. llibgins Mayor Daniel N. viat-k City of Medical Lake Town of Millwrood k'O Box 369 9103 F Freclerick Medical L.ilte; Washingtcan 99022 n2illwood, Washiugton 99206-4399 _ Mayor Stcvc Petersou Nlayor Al.lan Gainer City of Libcrty Lake City of Chcney 22710 E Country Vista llrive 009 Secoud Street Liberty LaFc.c, `Vashington 99019 Cheney; VVashington 99004 Mayor iVXattlieiv Pederson Mayor Robei-t N'Vhisman City of Airway Heights City of llecr Parlc 1208 S. Luudstrom ' PQ Box F Airway 11eibhfs, R'ashiugton 99041 i)cer Park, '4Vashington 99006 Re: lnterlocal A. greemerit for E»iergency Cleft Lip & Palate✓Mcxxillofuct:al Program Servfces Agreement behveerr the Spokane Regional I-lealth District und Otjier Cities/'1'owrrs/ Spokune Cocrnty 17ea.r. Mayors: . On September 27, 2007; the Spokane Regional kIealth Disirict i3oazd of Health leanted tbat there were inslifi~icient monies available in 2008 to :fuiid tl-ie Clcft Lip &Falate/1Vl'axillofacial Program ("Progranm"). This Prograul provides evaluation, pianning, a,tid coordinatcd caze for infants born with Cleft I'.,ip & Palate. This birth defect occtus once in every 700-750 births iu the Unitcd Sfates and can have a drauiatic e=fect on an iufant's developmen.t. The Program is fiuided £rom tliree sources, includi.ng the Washuigton Statc Department vf 14ealth ("D0iT"), Out Reach Activities, and a local match of approx.imately $35,000.* The I-lealth Disfrict feels confident that thE DOI-I ancl Out Reach m.onics are still available to fund the Fzogram in 2008. However, the $35,000 local match has heen allocated by the Health ]7istrict to • other programs. • 1116 WfiS7 BROA.AWRY AVENLFF, • SI'OKANE, WnsHINcroN 99260-0100 (509) 477-2265 October a.$, 2007 Page 2 , As Chairperson of the Health. District Board, .I beiieve fhat it is inzpera.tive that the Health Di'strict continuc this vital Program in calcndar year 2008. t have prcpareci tlie enclosed Interlocal Agreemenf for your c4nsideration and action. Under the terms of the Interlocal Agreement, the County and each city/town widun Spokane Countiy r►aving a population in excess of 2000 indrviduats would fin.ancially participa.te in tlie $35,000 Program match in Pmportion of theiT population to t.he County'spopulatian. The County wauid. assume l•Yic financial sliare of the tovvns having a laopulation of less than 2000 individuals. A.ccordit}gly, the PLirpose of this correspon.dence is to request that you consider ancl Execute the enclosed "[.nterlocal Agreerneiit. The inferiocal agkeement provictcs that it can be executed in a iiuniber of caunterparts. Therefore, it is not nccessary that all the signatory's execute tlie sarne document. • . . , hope you agree with me that thc continuaiion of the Cleft Lip & Palatc Program is critical tb the well being of our com.munity and its most important asset, our young, aud as such w=ants ihis specia.I fundin , xequest. Very_tcu.ly y . ' . . , G~ . Nlark Richard Chair, Boarci of County Commissione.r Chairperso», Spokane RegionM .C:Cealth District . ; . • No. . '7 0852 ' BEFoRE THE BoaRn oF covNTY cotMMissrorrEz.s - OF SPOKANE CO UNTY, ~VASHINGTOiN IN THE 1WATTER EX.PRF.SSING SUPPORT FOI2 '1':[iF Sk'OILAINt ) R.LGIONAL TiEALTH DISTRIC1' ) PRdvrDlNfG T133-3 CLEFT LTP c4c ) R L S O X1 U'X' ION Pr1Y.ATE1MAX1[LT.,OFACIAL IN ) . CAY,ENllA2 YEAR 2008 ANI7 OTHER MAn'EZ2.S a.2.FLATED TI~RT1 O ) ' IvHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCGV 36.32.120(6), the Board of County Com.wissioners of Spokane County (hereinafler referred to sonletimes as the "Board"} has the care of CaruYty property and the managernent of Couuty ficnds and business; aud • . WIiLR.Li AS, the Spokatie Regional Health District :Board o:f Flealth ("SR:[IDB") on . Scptember 27, 2007, learned that the SRHD wOl11CL no longez fand the Cleft. Lip & Palate/Maxillofacial Progrun ("Program") as of 7anuary 1, 2003, This. was due in part to notificatiou from the Washington State Departmnent of Health ("bQff") would not fund the Progrtun in 2008. The Program provides evaluation, planning and caz-e coordination through a . inultidisciplinary team approach to address Cleft Lip aud 'Falate birth deCects.. This birth clefect involves a baby's mouth. Because of this birth defect, infants canuot eat in the typical way that other uifant.s can. The result is that a baUy Nvith fhis birtli defect does not gain and grow as it sliould. 1Vith the kno4vledge that the UOI~ Nvould not fiind.:Program in 2003, the Executive Management Team of the Spoka.ue Regiona] Health Disirict ("SRHD') climinated the Prograin in 2008 and redirectcd the $35,000 normally allocated to the Program to other progr:ains. T]ie Program itselfwas norinally fiLnded &om three fuiiding sources inchidiug: (1) ]70kI (apprnximately $50,370). This money was usecl to £und regional Prograln activities in au l.l county area including the following coimties: Spokane, Asotin, Adams, Coliunbia, Gai-field, Ferry, Lincoln, Okanogan, Peuci Orielle, Stevens and Whitmau Counties, c. (2) Adrni.n.istrative vlatch Funcls from the Fetieral _.Government tluough ]in.k.age/outrcach actavities (approximately $61,000), and . - (3) SpnkanE Regiona! :Fiealth Distr.ict (approxuiiately S35,000). - Paren[ advocatcs mid legislaYors contactcd the DOH and xequesteci that thEy revisit ~funding the Program in 2008. Addi[iprially, the S:lZHD has inclicated that the Adininistrative Ntatch Ftulds fimding portion of the PrograFn is still available. Thus, if thc SfZ:II17 can find Page 1 of 2 7 0852 resources to f.und the reulaining $35,000 cost of the 2008 Program, it can continue the 1'rogram . in 2408; and . WEU+:17EAS, Pursuant to chapter 39.34 RCW, local govemments rnay jointly exereise cheir power5, pi-ivileges and authorifies througli the execution of Interlocal Cooperation Agreements in order to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabl.ing them to cooperate with other localities on a basis of inutual advacltage and thereby provide services and . facilities in a Ynanner and pursuant to forms of govemmental orga.n.ization That will accord best with geographical, cconomic, poplilation, or other factors uzfluencing the needs aud cievelopment of local community; and WHERE, AS, at the September 27, 2007, .SR:I=LD meeting, Board af County Couim.issioner I Niark R.ichard moved thaf the SR1flD -request each czty and toNvn within Spokane County as well as the County itself, for the unuicorporaleci area, to contribute theu• respective proportionate share of the $35,000 necessary to fund the Program subject to the DOH cnminitting lo ftuid the Prog-Tanl in 2008. • • NOW, THLRFFOlZi+~, BE, ]:T IM R,EBY- RESOX,VED by the 13oard of County Commissioners of Spakane County, that the Board daes here by support the Spokane Reo onal Healtlz District provicliug the Cletl Lip & Palate/Ntaxillofacial Prob am in calenclar year 2008. , Y3L l:T FUR'f.HER k2,ESOi,VED Uy the l3oarcl of Counfy Commissioners of Spokane - CoLu1ty that the :k34ard does hereby filrtller authorire either the Chairruazi af the Board or a rnajority of the Board to execute at oth.er thaii an open ineeting an uiterlar.al agreement amdng the Spokane Rcgional'Health Dishict and other cities, to`,.Tns and the Spokane County whereiu the County would contribute a proportionate share of the $35,000 required locally to fund the Prograni in 2008 baseci on the population in the utuncorporated arca of Spokane County. Lxecution of the interlocal agreement would be subject tio the Spokane Regional Tieallh District confirming the WashinDton Stal'e Deparlmcnt of Health's canunikntent to fuitd the 1'rograni. PASSi;t) A.ND AllOPTLD kh.is /ay of-Z2,ff7-, , 2007. 'COIvI~vI1SST0IVERS a~ coBOAt2.D Of GTON AKE cG~,y ro.~ OF SPOK~'Y, 1~'VA:SHIIq Mt~R[~ ~i ~ra.ir ATT'ES"". S~~c~• . F30iI'NTIE MAVice C~/Iir D~n~ela Ericlcson . Clerk o.f, the r3oaid ' . TODD NI'iEI.KF, Couu-nissioner Paae 2 Of 2 - 7 0852 JNTERLoc:1x. AG7t~EMEM FoR .FM-F RCE*NC'Y CLFFT L7P & Fr1.I..ATL/MAXiLLO~+~AC7.F1T.. PRUG12A~ti'1 S.T',RV.ICES AGFZEEVLENT-13ETIVVEFV'CArE SPOKANE RL4GION.AL HEAT~'TkI DTSTRiCTrli~A • OTHER CITIE-S/TOtiVNS/SPO.`KANE COUi\°TY :7';f7IS Pti "TF:RI..QCAI. COOPERAT.XUrT AGREENt'lENT is i?lade by and a►nong the Spokane Regional Health District, aWashin,ton SYate mun.icipal corporation, havi.ng offices for the transaction of business at 1101 bVest College Avenue, Spokane Washington. 99201, hereinafter refzrred to as "S12,HU,".antl tUe Cily of Spokane, aN-Nrashingtou State mLuucipal corporation, laavin.g offces for tlie transdction o£business af 808 tiVest Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, VVashi»gtnn 99201, hercina$er referred to as the "CTTX," the City of Spokatie Valley, a municipal corporation of tihe State of WAShington, baving offices for the transaction of business at xhe l,Zedwood .Pla7a, 11707 East Spcague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, NVashicigton 99206, bereinaitcr refe.rTed tn as "Vt1LLFX," C:ity nF 1'Tedical Lal:e, a municipa] corporation of the State of «lashington, having offices foc the iransaction oFbusiriess at 124 S. f..efevre P.O. 'Box 130, 99019, hercinafter rePerred to as "IvDr.MCAL LAI{.E," the Turvn of n4ilhvood, a murucip3l corporation of the State of Washington, having offi.ce.s for the tt-ansaclion o£ business at 9103 East Fredrick, 99246, hereinafter referrecl,to "IvIlLLWOOll," ihe City of Liberty Lake, a niunicipal corporation of the Staie of NVashington, having offices for tlie transaction of business al,City klall, c/a P.O. Box 370, 99019, hereiuafter ref'erred to as "LIBLR'CY LAKE," the Cily of Cheney, a municipal corporatio.n of the State of Washington, having offices for tlie transactioi1 of business at General Offiec, 609 Seconcl, 99004, herei.nafter referrcd to as "CIIF~t~EY," thc City of Airway ff eighls, a municipal coiporation of the ~-J State of NVashington, }aaving oifices. for the tt-aiisaction of business at City Hall, 1.208 Sou(h i,undshrom, P.O. Box 969, 99001, hereinafter reten•ed to as "A.1RWAY HF.CGHTS," the C.:ity of Deer E'ark, a iaunicipal eorporation of the State o£ 1Vashington, having offices for the transaction of business at City I-Ial.l, 316 Crawford, Box :F, 99006, hereina{ter referred to as "DFER PA1Z.K," and Spokane County, a political subdivision of the State of Wasbington, baving ofiiccs f.or the transactioU o£ business at 1116 West Broaclway Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99260; hereinalter referrcd to 'as thc "COCTNTY," jointly hereinafter referred to excluding thc "SR.HD" as ihe. "PARTlF-S." W TTN E S5t+.;TII: . \VHEItEAS, pursuimt to chapter 39.34 RCW; local goveinmenGs may jou.itly exercise their powers, priviJeges and authorities t.hrough the cxecuNon of Iriterloca] Cooperatian Agreements in order to make tlic most efEcie.nt use of tlteir powers by enabling ihem to coopei-ate wit]i other localities on a basis of mutual acivanta~e and ihcreby Provide services and facilities in a mniiner ~►nd pursaant to forms of governmental organization that will accord best tivith geograplucal, economic, population, or other factois i.n#lucnciug the necds and developrnent of local community; and Nw:N:EREriS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 70.46.031, the 13oard of County Commissioners of Spokane Coutity by resolution has cstablished a single county heallh dish-ict known as tie Spokane Regional I-Iealth District ("S1tHD") and in conjunction therewith has appointed a board of health consisting of certain elected offieials f.rom eities and t'owns and othEr vaae I of 8 7 0852 persons known as the SpokanE Reaiorial Hcalth District Board of Health ("Sl.2.HDB") having those funCtiOAS sEt fOrth il] 4ZC~V 70.05.060; and WIXEREr1S, the SRH.la33 On Septembcr 27, 2007, leanied tbat the SR:HD would no longer fund the Cleft Lip & PalateNta.xillofacial Program ("Program") as ot'January l, 2003. This was d'se in parC to iaotification from the Washington Statc Deparfitnent of _CTealth ("DOEI:") would not fund the Program in 2003. Witti the knowledge that the DOl-I would not fund Program vi 2008, the Executive Ivianagement Team of the 5.1.2:EID eliminated the Program in 2008 and redizected the $35,000 . nal7nally allocated fio tlie Program to other pragrams. The Program itself vaas normally funded fi•om three funding soui-ces including: (1) 1llOI-I (approximately $50,370). This money was used to fund regnonal Program activities in an 't 1 county area including the following counries: Spokane, Asotin, - Adams, COILIIllU18, Garfield, Herry, T.incoln, Okanogan, Pend Or.eille, Stevens and Whitman Count'ies; ' (2) AdministratYVe Match Funds fi-om the- kederal (sovernment throtigli linkage/outreacYi • activities (approximately $61,000), and (3) Spokar►e Regional Health District (appraximately $35,000). The Program provides evaluation, planning and care coordination through a mulfidisciplinary tearn - approach to address Cleft Lip and Palate birttt defects. 7"his birth defect involves a baby's mouth. Because of this bir[h defect, infants cannoC eat in the t}pical way that other infants can. "Che result is . ~ that a baby with this birth defect does not gain and"grow as it should. Parent advacates and legislators contacted the 'DOH and requested tt2at thcy revisit funding tlie PCOgCilll 111 2008. Additionally, the SRHD has indicated that the Fldministrative Matc11 Funds - funding portion of the Progi-am is still available. 1hus, if the SRffD can find resour.ces to fund the remaininb $35,000 cost of the 200$ Yrogram, it can continue the Program in 2008; and «'FIER1't-AS, a[ the September 27, 2007, SI2H:D rneeting, Board of. County Conunissiqner , Mark Kichard moved tbat the SRHD request eacli eity and towm within Spokane County as well as the County itself.for the urtincorpotated area pay ttieir respecrive proportionate share oF ille S35,000 necessary ta i'und the F'rogram subject to the llOki committing to f.und the Program iu 2003. N4R', TITFREFOI.2E, for arid in consicieration o£ the mutual covenants cantained herein, . and as tiuthorizecl under chapter 39.34 RCW, the Spokane Regional 14,ealth District, Spokane County; City vf Spokane, City Qf Spokane Val ley, City of Medical Lake, Town o£ Millwooci, City of Liberty Lake, City of Cheney, (`ity of Airway Heights, Ci[y of I7eer Park, agree as follows: ,SECTI:ON NO. .l: PlJRP051, . The purpose of ttais Agreem.Ent is tio sct forth the tenns anct conditions under which the SRTi[7 will pravide trte Cleit Lip & Pa2ate INlaxillofacial Prograrn (".p.rogram") in 200$ and the P.ART1h:S will pay a proportionaie share of the $35,000 lbcal dollars needed to fiind the Program. ' e.,oe 2 ora . 0852 . " The tcrrninology "Program" as usaci khrough this A.d eement shaU. mean the Clef l..ip & paiate/Maxil.tofacial Program SEC'l'XaN N4. 2: DTJ12A'1'10N Tlus A.greement shall br, effective on 7anuary 1, 2008, and shall, remain in effect through L7ecember 31, 2008. , . SLCTX4N Nfa. 3: SERVV.[C.ES PRO VX0F,.D BY filCEUt.~ SR.HD T'hc SRTiT7 shal( provide the I'rogram in calenctar year 2008. A description of the Progiwu and budget is set forth in Attaclunent "A," attacheci and incorporaked hereui by referenes.. SECfiI0N NO. 4: COST 0.E+ Pk2OGRAsti.i AND PROPOI2TTOIN7ATE S:ffARE TO 'R. E PAXT3 :IiY a"Ffk, PA2TIE5 . . 'rhe Program is funded f,rom threc funding sources i»cluciinb: (.l) DOH, (2) Administraiive iMatclt Funcis fro.m tlie federal-Govcrnm.ent through linkage/ouEreac.h activities, ancl (3) S'IZ.HD. The S.k7.HD's s6arE nf the 2008 ilrngram budget is $35,000. ~ T6e I'ARTIES ag' iee to paY a ProPortionate share of die 2008 Pro~rani btidbet of $35,000 br►sed on their population as more particularly set forth }iereinafter. .[t is understood ffiat the COUNTX's share of 2004 Program costs sball inctude the "CJnincorporated" allacation as well as allocations for Town of kairfield, Town o.f f at3h, Town of Rockford, Totivu of Spangle andTativn of Waverly: A breaJ:down af the PART]:ES share of the 2008 Prog►'am budgct o.f, $35,000 based ori Spokane County's Populatiou o.f. 451,200 and each Pt1RTITS proportionate sliare of the budget based on ttieir population is as follows: - PARTY PO:1,'CILATTON PRO'E'C)17'(IQNATE 811rq0,' • or Zoos PRoGRAnz suncET of $35,U00 I Airway 1-Teirhts 5,030 I 3901 Cheney 10,210 1 ' 792 Deer Pa'.c ~ 3,235 ~ 251 Fai r}ielcl (Co u n ty) ~ 627 49 I.,atah (Cvunty) J 192 15 J ibcrty Lake ~ 6,580 510 IvledicalI..ake 4,695 364 Millwood ~ 1,665 ~ 129 Rockford (Cotmfy) ~ 504 ~ 39 Span0e (Coun(y) ~ 275 ~ 21 ~ Spokanc ~ 202,900 15,739 Spokane Valley. ~ 33,280 6,$48 , ~ Wavei9y (County) ~ 120 9 " UnincorporaEed (County) ~ 126,837 ~ 9,843 ~ Fagr 3 ot 8 7 o~sz - The PARTIES' obligation is dependesit of the DOH committing to providing 200$ funding #or the , Program in the amount of $50,370. The SI2.HD shall confu-m to the 1'A,RTTES tiat the I~OH has . committed to pro~4dz 2008 fiinciing for the Program. Zn tlie event tt1at the SRHD does rlot provide such. confirmation, flie Pt1RTIES shall have no obligation to pro«de their proportionate share of the $35,000 provided hcar i.n above. Provideci fiirther, in the event the SR.HD obtains any adclit;onal funding for the Prograun wluch reduces the necessity for all or a portion of the $35,000 local match, the SRHD shall noti.fy all PA.RTLES of the amotuit zeceiveci and how it cffecis the Ff1R'1IES proportionate sbare. i.)nder no circuYUStance shall any PAUI:ES SHt1RE of the 20081'rogram budget of $35,000 exceec3 that amount set forth here in above. Tlie PARTI.ES shall pay their proportionatc share'on or before Febiuary J., 2008. All pa}~nents shall be made ta the SR.HD and direeted to the attention of: SEC.I:':[0N NO. 5: LXABILITY , "11ie SItH,D ab ees to iridemnify and defend the PART.T.ES frnm any loss, cost or, cxpense claimed by third parties for property dfunage and Uodily injuiy, incluciing deadi, caused by the ncgligcnce or willful miscondiict oEthe SUD7, its emplayees or agents in coruiectiou with the setvices to be performcd by the S E2HD under the terms of this Agreement. Thc obligation to inderrinify shall survivc the tern-iination or,expuation ofi the Agreement. All PARTIES and the SI2HD waive, with respecE to the each other only, iLi iuimunity under RCW Title 51, :Cildustrial Insurance. The PARTMS aiid SRI-lta have specifically negotiated this provision. . • . SL'TION N(7. G: R.:LATIONSNTP Ur Tki.F Pfl:k2TIES :Chc .i'ARTI.ES intencl that an uidePcudent contractor relatioriship will be created by Gs Agreement. 11o agent, employee, servaut or represeiitative of the S:R:HD shall Ue deeuted to be an employee, agent, seivant u.r representative of Pf1R"nES f4r any purpose. LikeNvise, no agent, cniployee, scrvant or represcutative of the SR1113 sliall be cieemed to be an emplayee, agent, servant or rcpresentative of the PARTIES for any purpose. . SEC.`~LTON iYO. 7: TF'.Tt~l~1:lNAt1ION This Agreemecrt may iiot be terminated by eiflier the SRHD or aiiy PAKTX subjeet to exccution except for an tinexpected short fall in revenue by one of the 1'ARTIES, certired to the S.PJID by said PAR"I'X. •PngrAofB . ~ 7 oBSZ . ~ sEcTroNN0. s: ~-'.P,0.1~CI.W.Ux AIVa)EQrJ.XPIl1,ENT The ownership of atl property used by ar acquircd by the S12IID in providinn the Program shall remain tlie propeity of the SR.HD ,S:LCi"IOiV' iVO. 9: GEVER.A,L. TERMS This Agreement contains terms and conditions agrecd upon by the .k'ta.RTT.ES. The Pf1R.TIE S ag•cc that there are no other understandings, oral or othenvise, regarding the siibject rnatter of this Agr'eement. No ch1uge.s or additions to ihis Agreement shall be valid or bi.n.di.ng upon the T'AtZTIES un.less such change or addition is* ui n-riting, executed by the Pt1RTIES. . This Agreement shall be binding upon the 1'AE2TIES hereto, their successors and assigns. In the cvcnt any porkion o£ this Agreement should becomc invalid or unenforceable, the rest of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. . Thc PARTIES shall observe all fedezal, state and Iocal laws, ordinances and r.eguladons, to the extent that they may be applicablE to the terins of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be construed under the laNvs o.f. NVashingion Statc. Airy action at Iaw, suif in cquity or judicial proceeding regarding ihis Agreement or any provision herefo shail be instatuted only in c4urts of competent jurisdictipn «ithin Spokane County, Washington. "fliis Agreement may be executeci in any number of counterparts, each of which, when so executed and delivered, shall be an original, but such counterparts shall togctlier constihife but onc and the sfune. SECTION NO. 10: KCW 39.34 KE(2U1RED CX,AiJSES A. PU'RPOSE See Seccian 1 abovc. B.. DURATION S ee S ectio.n 2 above. - C. ORGANTZA°1 ION OF SEPARATE .FNTITY A\iD I"TS PONVERS r1o new or separate legal or adminishrative cntity is createci i-o administcr thc provisioiis of this Agreement. ~ ` . l Pnge 5 of 8 ' 7 oSsz . . D. REsYOiNsEBlLzrIEs oF Tl-IB PAz.TIE s Sce provisions above. F. AGREE1fIENT TO BE rMED The PAft't'IES, except ihe COL1M.1"Y shall iile this agreernent ivith the-ir Gil•y Clerks. Thz COUNTY sball place "s Agreement on its web site. F. FliNA\7C1NG. See Scctions 3 ttnd 4 above. G. TERMT.NA 11ON. See provisioii 7 above. , • I-T. PR.OPERTY TJPON 'I'CftMMA'l'ION. , , See provision S above. , IN tiV[T'3YE:SS WEIERE"0F, die Pt1R'1'1ES bave causEd this rlgreement to bc exeeuted on clate and year opPosite their respective sigciatures. llAT.Cll: Sl'OICANE RkGIONAi, :NEATa7 H DI.S"1'RIC7' By: Its: • ' (Title) DA'1 En: CITY OF S1'OKANE: , 13y: tlttest: Its: ' City Clerk- . , ('Citle) Approved as to form: By: Assistant City Attorney ; Page 6 of 8 : - 7 0852 DATED: CITY OF SPOKANF, VALLEY: Attest: BY Xts: City Clerk ('fitle) Approwed as to for.m ai-dy: . Acting City Aetorney " . l) tk T.r0: , C_[TY p:F nTEUZCAL LAIKE: Attest: By: Its: City C lerk (Title) I)ATE1): , T()WV OF\IILLWOOD: . Attest: _ BY: . Tts: . Town Clerk . (Title) - DATED: CTTY OF LII3isRTY LA.KE: Attest: 13Y: . Its: . City Cleric (Title) Approved as to foini on.ly. Acti.ng City Attorney ' .J . . Page 7 0[8 ~ 7 0852 :UATE - ll: CITY 4F C:HENEY: ~ ~ • Atcest: ~ 13y: . Tts: ~ Ciiy Clerk (Title) . : Df~."I."ED:~ CITX OF r~IR1~'AY HEIG.H:1'S: Attest: By' - Its: City Clerk AATED: CI 1 Y ONA UEECt FA:l2K: ~ • Attest: By' . . Tts: City Clerk (Title) llATIM /O/`(, 4~4,917 i30t1RD OF COUN1 CUitiOMSSYONLRS i / OF SPOCC.ttNE, . YJNT , WF1SI-11:NGTON M CHARD, Chau• t1T"J;EST: - ~P BONNIE IMAGE:I'Z, Vice-Chair U van.iela Ericl:.son, ~ TOD~ MLK-E, Commissioner j ~ • Ynee 8 of 8 ftCW 70.05.060: Powe_rs And duties of local board of health. Page 1 of l ~-1 RCW 70.05.060 Pu'wers auid duties of local board of health. Each local board of health shall have supervision over all matters perkaining to the preservation of the life and health of ' the people within its jurisdiction and shall: . (1) EMorce through the local healfh officer or the administrative officer appointed under RCW 70.05.040, if any, the public health statutes of the state and rules promulgated by the state board of health and the secretary of health; (2) Supervise the maintenance of all healfh and sanitary measures for the protection of the public healih within its jurisdiction; • (3) Enact such local rules and regulatiQns as are necessary in order to preserve, promote and improve the public health and provide for the enforcement thereof; (4) Provide for the control and prevention of any dangerous, contagious or infectious disease within the jurisdiction of the local health cfepartment; (5) I'rovide for the prevention, con4rol and abatement of nuisances detrirnental to the public health; (6) P/lake such reports to the state board of health through the local health officer or the administrative officer as the state boarci of health may require; and (7) Establish fee sGiedules for issuing or renewing licenses or permits or for such other services as are authorized by the law and the rules of the state board of health: PROVIDED, That such fees for seivices stiall not exceed the actual cost of providing any such services. [1991 c 3§ 308; 1984 c 25 § 6; 1979 c 141 § 79; 1967 ex.s. c51 § 10.1 .1 ~ - I http://apps.leg.wa.bo~~/RCNNI/default.aspx?cite=70.45.060 ' 10/25/2007 Chapter 70.46 RCW: Healih district5 1'agc 1 oP4 Chapter 70.46 RCW Health districts Chapter Listinq RCW Sections 70.46.020 Districts of tvro or more counties --Health baard PAembership - Chair. ' 70_46.031 Districts of one county Health board Membership. 70.46.0£Q Dislrict health board - Powers and duties. 70.46.080 Districl health funds. 70.46.085 County to bear expense of providing public health senrices. 70.46.090 VVithdrawal of county. 70.46.100 Power to acquire, maintain, or dispose of property - Contracts. 70,46.110 Disincorporation of district located in county with a population of two hundred ten thousand or more and inactive for five y2ars. 70.46.120 License or permit fees. 70.46.130 Conlrac#s for sale or purchase of health serviccs authorized_ . Notes: Local health departments, provisions relaung to heaNh districis: Chapter 70A5 RCW. 70.46.020 Districts of two or more counties - Health board - MembErship - Chair. ~ Flealth districts consisting of h-ro or more aounties may be created whenever two or morE boards of county oommissioners shall by resolution establish a district for such purpose. Such a district shall consist of all thQ ares of the combined counties. The district board of health of such a district shall consist of not less than five members for districts of twro caunties and ssven members for districts of more than riwro counties, including two representatives from each county who are members of the board of county commissioners and who are appointed by the board of county commissioners of eaeh county within the district, aiid shall have a jurisdiction coextensive with the oombined boundaries. The boards of county commissioners may by res4fution or ordinance provide for elected officials from cities and towns and persons other than elected officials as members oF the district board of iiealfh so long es persons other than elected ofFicials do no1 constitute a majority. A resolution or ordinance adopted under this section must specify the provisions for the appointment, term, and compensatlon, or reimbursement of expenses. Any multicounty health district existing on 'the effective date of this act shall continue in existence unless and until changed by affirmative action of all baards of oounty oommissioners or one or more caunties wifhdraws [withdraw] pursuant ko RCW 70_46.090. At the first meeting of a district board of health the members shall eleet a chair to serve for a period of one year. 11995 c 43 § 10; 1993 c 492 § 247: 1967 ex.s. c Si § 6; 1945 c i83 § 2; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 6099-1 t.J Notes: 'Reviser's notc: For °the eNective date of this act" see note following RCW 70.05.030. Effective dates - Contingont effective dates - 1995 c 43: See note following RCW 70.05.030. Severability 1995 c 43: See note following RCW 43.70.570. Findings-Intent - 1993 c 492: See nofes following RCW 43.20.050. Short title Severability Savings Captions not law Rcservation of legislative power Effective dates 1993 c 492: See RCW 43.72.910 4hrough 43.72.915. ~ . Severability 1967 ex.s. c 51: See note following RC1+V 70.05.010. ' http:/lappsleg.wa.gov/RCW/delc►ult.aspx?cite=70.46&full=true 10/25/2007 Chapter 70.46 KCW: Health districts Pagc 2 of 4 70.46.031 Districts of one county - Hcafth board - Membership. A health district to consist of one couniy may be created whenever the county legislative aulhority of the county shall pass a resolution or ordin2nce to organize such a health district under chapter 70.05 RCW and this chapter. The resolution or ordinance may specify the membership, repreaentstion an the district heafth board, or other matters relaUve to the formatoon or operation of the healih district. 7ho county legislative authority may appoint elected officials from cities and towns snd persons ofher than elected officials as members of the health district board so long as persons other than elected oft'icials do not consfitute a majority. Any single oounty health district existing on 'the effecifve date of this act shall continue in existencQ unless and until . changed by affirmative action of the county legislative authority. (1995 c 43 § 11.1 Notes: 'Reviser's note: For "the effect'rve da4e of tfiis acY' see note follovring RGW 7Q.05.030. Effective dates Contingent effecUve dates 1995 c 43: See note following RCW 70.05.030. Severability -1995 c 43: See note follawing RCW 43.70.570. _ • ~J 70.46.060 District healtli board - Powers and duties. The district board of health shall oonstitute the local board of health for all ?he territory incltjcted in the health district, and shall supersede and exercisre all the pavers and perform all 1he duties by law vested in the cQUnry baard of health of any county included in the health district, [1093 c 492 § 248; 1987 ex.s. c 51 § 19; 1945 c 183 § 6; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 6099-15.1 Notes: • Findings--Intent 1993 c 492: See natos following RCW 4320.050. , Short title Severability Savings Captions not law Reservation of legislativo power Effectivc dates 1993 c 492: See RCW 43.72:910 through 43.72.915. Severability 1967 ex.s. c 51: See note fallowing RCW 70A5.010. 70.46.080 District health funds. . Each health district shell establish a fund to be designated as the "district health fund", in which shall be placed all sums received by the district from any source, and out of which shall be expended all sums disbursed by the district. In a district composed of more than one county the county freasurer of the wunty having the largest population shall be the , custadian of the fund, and the county auditor of saicf county shall keep the reoord of the receipts and disbursements, and shall draw and the county treasurer shall honor and pay all warrants, vrhich shall be approved before issuance and payment as directed by the baard. htcp:l/al)ps.leg.wa.gov/RC`Vlde f'-ault.asp:c?citc=70.4G& full=true 10/25/2007 Chaptcr 70.46 l'ZCW: Health districts !'age 3 of 4 Each county which is included in the district shall contribute such sums towards the expense for maintaining and ~ . operating the district as shall be agreed upon betweeii it and the lacal board of health in acoordance with guidelines ; established by the state board of health. [1993 c 492 § 249; 1971 ex.s. c 85 g 10; 1967 ex.s. c 51 § 19; 1945 c 183 § 8; Rem. Supp, 1445 § 6099-17.1 Notes: Findings-Intent 1993 c 492: See notes following RCW 43.20.050. Short title - Severability - Savings Captions not law Reservation of legislative power - Effective dates --1993 c 492: See RCW 43.72.9101hrough 43.72.915. Severability - 1967 ex.s. c 51: See note follawing RCW 70.05.010. 70.46.085 County to bear expense of providing public health services. 'I'he expense of providing public heallh services shall be bome by each county within the health district. [1993 c 492 § 250; 1867 ex_s. c 51 § 20.] Notes: Findings-Intent - 1993 c 492: See notes.following RCW 4320.050. Short title Severability Savings Captions not Iaw Reservation of legislative power Effective dates , -1993 c 492: See RCW 43.72.910 thraugh 43.72.915. , Severability - 1967 ex.s. c 51: See note following RCW 70.05.010. Expenses of enforcing health larvs: RCW 70.05.130. 70.46.090 Withdrawal of county. Any oounty may withdraw from membership in said health district any time after it has been within the disirict for a period of two years, but no witMdrawal shall be effective except at the end of the calendar year in which the county gives at least six months' natice of its intention to ►viihdratv at the end of the calendar year. No withdratival shall entitle any member to a refund of any moneys paid lo the distr'ict nor relieve it of any obligations to pay to ttie district all sums for which it obligated itself c4ue and owing by it to the district for the year ai the end of which the v+ithdrawal is to be effective. Any county which withdraws from membership in said health districx shall immediaiely establish a health department or pravide health services which shall meet the standards for health services promulgatecl by the state board of heatth. No local healih department may be deemed lo provide adequate public health services unless there is at least one fuU time professionally trained and qualified physician as set forth in RCW 70.45.050. . 11993 c 402 § 251; 1967 ex.s. c 51 § 21; 1945 c 183 § 9; Rem. 5upp. 1945 § 6099-18.1 Notes: Findings--Intent 1993 c 492: See notes followiny RCW 43.20.050. Short title Severability Savings Captions not law Reservation of legislative power Effective dates ~--1993 c 492: See RCW 43.72.910 through 43.72.915. http:Uapps.leg.wa.gavf.KC'vVldef'ault.aSpY'?cite=70.46&full=true 10/25/2007 Chapter 70.46 CZCW: Health districxs E'age 4 of 4 Severability --1967 ex.s. c 51: See note follawing RCVJ 70.05.010. ~ 70.46.100 . Power to acqufre, maintain, ar dispose of property - Contracts. In addition to all other powers and duties, a health district shall have the power to own, construct, purchase, lease, add to, and maintain any real and personal property or property rights necessary for the conduct of the affairs of the district. A health district may sell, lease, convey or othervsise dispose of any district real or personal property no longer necessary for the conduct oi the affairs of the dislrict. A heaNh district may enter into oo+itracts to carry out the provisions of this section. (057 c 100 § 2.1 . 70.46.110 Disincorpor3tion of district located in county with a poputation of two hundred ten thousand or more and inactive for five years. See chapter 57.90 RCUV. C ~ 70.46.120 License or permit fees. In additfon to all other powers and duties, health districts shall havo the power to charge fees in connection vrith the issuance or renewal of a license or permif required by lav+: PROVIDED, 7hat the fees charged shall not exceed the actual cost involved in issuing or renerving the licerise or perrnit. • 11993 c 492 § 252; 1963 c 121 § 1.] Notes: Findings--Intent - 1993 c 492: See notes folloveing RCW 43.20.050. Short title Severablliry Savings Captions not law Reservation of legislative power Effectlve dates --1993 c 492: See RCW 43.72.910 through 43.72.915. 70.46.130 Contracts for sale or purchase of health services authorized. See RCW 70.05.150. ~ http://apps.leg.wa.oov/RCW/default.aspY?citc=70.46& full=true l Of2 5/2Q07 / DR.AFT AllVANCI; AGEn7)A ~ For Ylanning Discussion 1'tuposes Only as of November 28,2007; 2:00 p.m. Please note this is awork in progress; items are tentative `fn: Council & StaCf Nrom: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings' 1)ecember 11., 2007. Retular McetinQ, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Dec 31 1. PURLIC ]iEA12IiNr: Emergency Orctinance - Mike Conneily [10 minutes] 2. Consent Agcnda: 1'ayroll, Claims, Minutcs. Re-licen.ring Grant, CORJs' Value Anrended Resolution; Covernunce 111anuul An:ended Resolution [5 rninules] 3. Ordinances: rirst Reading, Comp Plan Arnenclments - Greg VIc(:orrnick [45 minutes] 4. Motion ConsideratiQn: Adnption of Appeal Findings of ract: I,andworks Appeal [10 minutes] 5. Motion Consideration: Tourism 1'roniotion Area Functing vIodel - Dan Zimmerer, Jady Sander [ 15 minutes] 6. Motion Considerittion: Site Sclector Agrecment - Mikc J.ickson [15 miriutes] 7. Motion Consideration: Refen-al of Fmergency Qrciinance tq Planning Commission - Mike Connelly [5 minutes] 8. IVlayoeal Appointments: PIanning Cornmission Mcmbers - Mayor 1Vilhite (5 minutes] . 9. vtayoral Appoiiitments: Lodging Taa. Advisory Committee - tVlayor Wilhite [5 minutcs] 10. Admin Report: Assumption of !?rivatc Road 13olicy Discussion -Neil Kersten/Dave Mcrcier C20 minutesJ 11. Admin Keport: I.,ebislative Ylatters - Niayor Wilhite/Dave tilercier [15 minutcs] 12. Executive Session: (cstimated meeting: 150 minutesJ . December 18, 2007. Studv Session, 6:00 p.rn. [due date Monday, Dec 101 f F'mployee lntrot!`ucliotrs 1. Action Item: Qrdinances: 2"`l R.eading, Comp Plan Amendments - Greg McCormicf: (15 minutes) 2. Action Item: Mayoral Appointments: Council Committee Appointments (30 minutes) 3. Sprague Appleway Revit$li2tition Plan - Seott Kuhta (20 minut:es) 4. Cablc Frane;hise - Cary f7riskell/Vlorgxn 1Coudelka (20 minutes) 5. Paperless Agendas - Chris BainbriclgeJBing (20 minutGS) 6. Info Only: Department Repnris 7. Swearing in of Cnuncilmernbers - Chris Bainbridge (20 minutes) TOTAT,. M.1:NUTES 125 minute5 llccember 25 - Christmas VVeck - no rneeting Jvnuarv 1, 2008 - HOLIDAX - no meeting Junuarv 8. 2008.1Zceular Meetine, 6:00 o.m. [duc date Monday, Dec 311 1. r lection of Council Officers - Chris 13siribridge [15 minulesJ 2. Conscnt Agenda: Payroll, Claims, lVTinutes 1'5 minutes;l 3. Admin Report: Panhandling - Erik Lamb [15 ininutes] 4. Aclmin Report: Cily's 5"' Ycar Anniversary - Carolbelle Brirnch [15 minutes] 5. Aclmin Keport: Sidewalks (AJaA) - Mil:e Connelly [15 rni.nutes] h. VaIley MissiQn Senior Center Upclate -Mikc Jaekson /Stcve Worley [20 minutes] 7. Aviation Ordinance UiscussiQn - Mike Cbnnclly [20 minutcs] ~ 8. Billboard Lease- Cary Uriskell [15 minutes] [estimated meeting: 120 minutes] Drsft Advance fgcndx I 1/M2007 2:01:03 PM Vsigc 1 of 2 Saturds►v Januarv 12. 2008: 9:00 a.m. to approx 3:00 n.m. Council/Staff Retreat [due clate Friday, llec 311 R.eview 2008 Council Budget. Coals brainstorming rinancial Fnrecast info only itcrn: Workplan , 2009 Council Goals Funding Options/Bond issues six-ycar business plan City Hall Pacililies Planning/Visioning (I-3 p.m.) ` .ianuarv 15. 2008, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. (clue date Monday, Jan 7j Jxnuarv 22, 2008. Keaular Meetine, 6:00 n.m. [due datc Monday, Jan 141 1. 2007 Accomplishrnents Reaart - [60 minutes] 2. I.nfo Only: Departmcrit Keports Januarv 29. 2008. Studv Session, 6:00 n.ui. (duc date Monday, Jan 2a 1 Februarv 1, 2008. Studv Session. 6:00 u.m. (ciue date Monday, Tan 281 Februarv 12, 200$. Regular Mcetine, 6:00 n.m. [due d9tc Monday, FeM 41 Februarv 19,2008. Stiadv Sessinn, 6:00 u.m. (duc clate Monday, Feb l 1~ Book T1I Sub-area Plan - Michael rreedman ' (120 minut.es) April 1, 2008, Study Session - Admin report Sub area Plan & Regulations Dncument April 8, 2008, Council Meeting-First Reading Ordinajice adopting Sub-arca Plan April 22, 2008, Cnuncil Meeting - Secorid Reading Ordinance Aclopting Sub-area Plan QTHER PEND[NC OR UPCOMING ISSUES Accident Statiscics Alvng Broarlway (npril 2008) Attimsl Control Ordinar►ce - Cary Drisl:cll Appe:als, Adminiskrative Corpnrate Process Training CTR Update (Spring, 2004) De;partment AceomplishmenY Rcport (January) Grflffiti Ordinancc ' Impaet Fee Request Central Valley School District Jail Expansion Mirabeau Parkway Speed Limits Northeast 1-Iousing Solutiuns City Membersilip Overweighdover si7e veliicle ardinancc Pines/Mansfield Contr:ict Award - Stevc Worley Public Rccord 1'raining Public Safaty Cpmmunication Systeoi Update Sewer Collection Systems - Neil Kersten Scrategic Finaocial Plan (July 2008) Streec Uesign Standards Strest MasterPlan Addption Traffic Model Review TYIDL Update '1'ransportaticm [3enetit Uistrict UUC Revisions: Buiding Site PlanslAviation 7one Use Agreement (Cary Driskell) " lwork Force Develvpment, In-Servicc Ue6nitions estimated; does not include time for public ccymments.J llrafi Advance Agcnda 1 lf28/2(A07 2:0I:03 PM PEt6e 2 of2