2007, 11-27 Special Regular MeetingAGENDA SPOKANE. VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL.NLLETING Council Meeting 9128 'L'uesday, Navemher 27, 2007 6:00 p.m. Spokane Valle- City Hall Council Chambers 11707 F. Sprague Avenue uuit Ite"lut-.(. Alf F It't'tI - n it- I It it t, ht: I urned Off During Council NLerting CALL TO 0R.DER: INVOCATION: 11,6-tor Craig Goodwin, Millwood Community Presbyterian Church P1.EME OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL. CALL: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS A,ND PRF_RSFI~TATIONS: COMNI UTTEF.. BOARD. LIAISON SUNI3IARY REPORTS: .NLAYOR'S RFPORT: PUBLIC ('ONIMF.NTS: this is an opportunity for the public to speak on any topic. When you come to the podium, please state your name and addn.~s for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. 1. APPEAL IIF:ARIIG: L.andworks Appeal, Quasi Judicial, Closed Record Hearing -!Mike Connell) 2. COUNCIL DELIBERATION: landworks Appeal- like Connelly 3. CONSENT AGF,NDA: Conxis-ts of itetns considered routine which are approved as a group. A (:ouncilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to he considered separately. a. Claim Vouchers: Voucher List Dated CMober 16, 2(X)7 and November 15, 2007 b. Pay Period Ending November 15, 1-007: $191,889.94 c. Property Lease Agreement with WEB Properties NEW DUMNFSS: •1. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-024, Street Vacation STV 04-07 - Karen Kendall (public commentl 5. Mayoral appointment: Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency - Mayor Wilhite (public commentl Cotmol Agenda 11-27-077 Specinl Meeting PUBLIC COMMENTS This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any topic. When you come to the podium, please talc your name and address for the record and limit rcmaA_; to three minute. ADMINISTRATIVE RETORT'S: 6. Go%vrnancc Manual Update - C:.ouncilmcmber DeVletning INiFOR.)(LATION ONLY: 7. Licen_seiRegistration Process Update-Chris Bainbridge 8. Contrtct Settle and Adjust - Morgan Koudclka 9. Pttlxrless Agendas - Chris BainbridgeDing 10. City Hall Facilities Planning- Neil Kersten 11. Department Reports 12. Planning Commission Draft Minutes of October 25. 2007 E:XECU14VE SLSSION: Pending Litigation; Land Acquisition AD.IOL R` NIE:NT q FVTVRE SC!lEDULE Regular Council _tfeetings are generally held 2nd and 4* TuesdaVs, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Council Studv Ses.vions are generally held and Sth 7'uesdajrs, beginning at 6:00 p.m. NOTICE: Individuals planning to o[terd the rnceting utta ttyuire special tcriistnnce to rtaomtnudate ph}wical hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at 15114) 421-1OM as scan as possible so that arrangements ma), he mule Council Agcnda 11-27-07 Spccial Mceting Pngc 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 27, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ® public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Quasi Judicial Public Hearing: Landworks Development LLC, APP 03-07 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Attached Ordinance 05-021 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Conduct Public Hearing per Ordinance 05-021 BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance 05-021 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 05-021 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ANtENDING PORTIONS OF SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE 10.35.150 PERTAINING TO PROCEDURAL GUH)ELINES FOR APPEALS FROM DECISIONS OF THE HEARING FXANIIINER TO TTfF: CITY COUNCIL. WHEREAS, the City adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code 10.35 through Ordinance 03-057 to provide authority and direction to the City Hearing Examiner; and WHEREAS, in adopting SVMC 10.35.150, the City Council stated that the City Council shall later adopt procedures directing procedural requirements for any appeal of a Hearing Examiner decision to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council now desires to adopt such procedures for appeals of the Hearing Examiner to the City Council. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, ordains as follows: Section 1. Intent. It is the intent of the City Council for the City of Spokane Valley to provide procedural guidance to entities that desire to appeal land use decisions issued by the Hearing Examiner. Section 2. Amending pgrtions of SVMC 1035 150 relating t_appeals from decisions of the City Hgzdn_g Examiner. Titlc 10, Chapter 35, Subsection 150 of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code is amended as follows: 10.35.150 Appeals A. Any person with standing may appeal a written decision of the Hearing Examiner to the Council as provided in Subsection D. Standing to appeal a decision of the I fearing Examiner under these rules is limited to: L The applicant and the owner of the property to whom the decision is directed;-and 2. Any other person aggrieved or adversely affected by the decision, or who would be aggrieved or adversely affected by a reversal or modification of the decision. A person is aggrieved or adversely affected within the meaning of these rules only when all of the following conditions are present: a. The decision has prejudiced or is likely to prejudice that person; b. That person's asserted interests are among those that the I-learing Examiner was required to consider when the decision was made; c. A reversal or modification of the decision in favor of that person would substantially eliminate or redress the prejudice to that person caused or likely to be caused by the decision; and Ordinance 06.021 Amending SVMC 10.35.150, hearing appeals procedures Page 1 of 6 d. The appellant has exhausted his or her administrative remedies by being a party of record to the decision below. A "party of record" means a person who appeared at the public hearing held by the Examiner, or who submitted substantive written comments on the matter before or at the hearing held by the Examiner. C. Appeals of the Hearing Examiner's decision to the City Council must be 1. Filed with the City Cleric within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the final decision of the Examiner was issued; 2. Accompanied by the appeal fee established by Council resolution; 3. Accompanied by the separate transcript/record deposit fee established by resolution; and 4. Submitted on a form obtained from the City Clerk. D. The appeal form submitted by the appellant shall contain the following information . The file number and a copy of the decision; 2. The name and mailing address of the appellant, the name and mailing address of till appellant's attorney, if any, and the name of the applicant if different than the appellant; 3. Facts demonstrating that the appellant has standing to appeal 4. A separate and concise statement of each error alleged to have been committed; 5. A separate and concise statement of facts upon which the appellant relies to sustain th statement of error, and 6. A request for relief, specifying the type and extent of relief requested E. Upon receipt of the written appeal form and payment of the appeal fee, the City Clerk sha forward a copy of the appeal and the transcripL/record deposit fee to the Nearing; Examiner. F. The appeal shall be dismissed by die Cowieil 1. It is filed by a person without standing to appeal 2. The Council does not have jurisdiction to hear the appeal; 3. It is not timely filed t. The appeal fee or the transcript/record deposit fee was not timely paid; 5. The appellant failed to timely pay the costs incurred by the Examiner in preparii vcrbatim transcript and certified record, after being billed for such costs; or 6. It is not filed in accordance with the procedures set forth in these rules. Ordinance 05-021 Amending SVMC 10.35.150, hearing appeals pnwedures Page 2 of I All motions to dismiss a defective appeal shall be filed within fifteen (15) calendar days from the filing date of the appeal, except for a dismissal under item MM, above. The Council may dismiss an appeal under item (F)(5), above, upon receiving written notification from the Examiner that the appellant failed to timely pay the costs incurred by the Examiner for the appeal after being billed for such costs. G. The Hearing Examiner shall have thirty (30) calendar days from the filing date of the appeal to prepare a verbatim transcript of the hearing before the Examiner and a certified copy of the documents in the record, and to bill the appellant for the costs incurred. The Council may authorize a longer time, at the Examiner's request, for unusually large records or transcripts. 1. If the Hearing Examiner, the appellant and the applicant (if different than the appellant), agree, or upon order of the Council, the verbatim transcript and/or record may be shortened or summarized to avoid reproduction or transcription of portions of the record that are duplicative or irrelevant to the issues raised by the appeal. 2. Upon completion of the transcript and record, the Examiner shall bill the appellant for all costs incurred by the Examiner in preparing the verbatim transcript and certified record. The appellant shall pay the balance above and beyond the deposit fee within seven (7) calendar days from the data the bill was mailed or provided to the appellant. 3. Upon the appellant's payment of the bill for the cost of the transcript and record, the Examiner shall by the next business day deliver a copy of the appeal, verbatim transcript and certified record to the City Clerk. The Examiner shall also provide to the Clerk a list of the names and mailing addresses of the applicant and the parties of record to the hearing before the Examiner. 4. The City Clerk will furnish copies of the transcript and record to the applicant, if different than the appellant, all members of the Council, and the City Attorney. The Hearing Examiner, upon request, will furnish copies of the transcript and record to the appellant, the applicant (if the same as the appellant) and other entities that may request one at the cost of reproduction. 5. If the Council dismisses the appeal on procedural grounds, the appellant shall reimburse the Examiner for the balance of the costs incurred by the Examiner in preparing the transcript and record as of the date of the dismissal, if any. I-T. The Council, at its next regular meeting following receipt of the transcript and record from the Examiner, will schedule a closed record hearing on the appeal. 1. The Council shall schedule the appeal hearing no sooner than thirty (30) calendar days from the date the transcript and record were received from the Hearing Examiner. The Council may approve a later hearing date upon agreement of the applicant. 2. The appellant, or a party of record in opposition to the appeal, may provide input on the hearing date either in person at the meeting, or by submitting a letter to the City Cleric prior to the meeting. 3. The City Clerk sltall mail notice of the time, place and date of the hearing to the appellant, the applicant (if different than the appellant), and all parties of record to the hearing before the Examiner within five (5) calendar days from the date the appeal hearing was scheduled. 1. The Council shall not consider any new facts or evidence outside the verbatim transcript and certified record submitted by the Examiner, except for: Ordinance 05-021 Amending SVMC 10.35.150, heating appeals procedures Page 3 of 6 1. Grounds for disqualification of the Hearing Examiner, when such grounds were unknown by the appellant at the time the record was created; 2. Matters that were improperly excluded from the record after being offered by a party to the hearing before the Hearing Examiner, or 3. Matters that were outside the jurisdiction of the Hearing Examiner. The Council shall allow the record to be supplemented if the offering party demonstrates grounds for supplementation as set forth in items (1), (2) and (3), immediately above. a. Any party requesting that the record be supplemented shall submit such request along with the specific evidence to be offered to the Council within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date the appeal hearing was scheduled. b. The Council may require or permit the correction of ministerial errors or inadvertent omissions in the preparation of the record. c. The Council will allow the submittal of memoranda by the appellant, or a party of record in opposition to the appeal, subject to the following requirements: i. The appellant may file a memorandum in support of the appeal. The memorandum must be filed no later than 12:00 noon on the third (P) Friday preceding the date set by the Council for consideration of the appeal. ii. Any party of accord in opposition to the appeal may submit a reply memorandum in opposition to the appeal. Any reply memorandum must be filed no later than 12:00 noon on the second (2") Friday preceding the date set for consideration of the appeal. iii. All memoranda shall be limited to stating why the record or applicable haws or regulations does or does not support the decision, and shall not contain any new facts or evidence, or discuss matters outside the record; except as permitted above. iv. ]-he offering party shall promptly submit a copy of the memorandum or request to supplement the record to the City Attorney, rigid to opposing parties as practicable. J. The Council will allow oral argument by the appellant, or a party of record in opposition to the appeal, subject to the following requirements: 1. It is expected that all parties can reasonably be aligned as either in support of the appeal or opposed to the appeal. Accordingly, all parties who desire to make oral argument shall communicate with other parties aligned on the same side of the appeal and attempt to reach agreement in selecting a representative, or otherwise arrange for the allocation of time allowed under these rules to those in support of or those opposed to the appeal. 2. Oral argument shall be presented First by the appellant, followed by those parties of record in opposition to the appeal, and then rebuttal and surrebuttal. Or~hii,axc Oi-021 Amending SVSIC 10.35.150, hearing appeals prmedures Page 4 ofG 3. Oral argument shall be limited to stating why the record or applicable taws or regulations do not support the decision. and shall not contain any new facts or evidence unless allowed by Subsection "1". 4. Oral argument shall be limited to twenty <<u) minures weer Zvi Ulu °t'F'~•'°••'' twenty (20) minutes total for those parties in opposition to the appeal, regardless of how many parties make up each side. 5. The respective times allowed for oral argument above include the combined time used by a side for opening argument, rebuttal and surrebuttal. The time taken to respond to questions from the Council is not included in the time allowed for argument- K. The Council may affirm or reverse the Examiner's decision, or remand it for further proceedings. The Examiner's decision will be presumed to be correct and supported by the record and law. L. The Council may reverse the Hearing Examiner's decision, or remand it for further proceedings, if the appellant has carried the burden of establishing that one or more of the following standards is met: 1. The Examiner engaged in unlawful procedure or failed to follow a prescribed process, unless the error was harmless; 2. The decision is an erroneous interpretation of the law, after allowing for such deference as is due the construction of a law by a local jurisdiction with expertise; The decision is not supported by evidence that is substantial when viewed in light of the entire record; 4. The decision is a clearly erroneous application of the law to the facts; or 5. The decision is outside the authority of the Examiner. M. The Council may also remand the decision to the Examiner if the appellant offers newly discovcred evidence that would reasonably have affected the decision, had it been admitted in the proceedings before the Examiner. "Newly discovered evidence" is evidence that, with reasonable diligence, could not have been discovered and produced at the time the proceedings before the Examiner were conducted. N. 'rho Council shall adopt written findings and conclusions in support of its dre:ision. If tics Council concludes that a finding of fact upon which the decision is based is not supported by substantial evidence, the Council may modify the finding or substitute its own finding, citing substantial evidence in the record that supports the modified or substitute finding. 0. 'rho Council's decision shall include a notice stating that the decision can be appealed within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date the decision was issued by filing a Land Use Petition with the Superior Court as provided in RCW Chapter 36.70C and meeting the other provisions of such chapter, mid that the decision shall act as official notice under RCW 43210.075. ordinance 05-021 Amending SV MC 10.35.150. hearing appeals pmc-'durcs Page 5 of 6 P. The notice included in the Council's decision shall also state that affected property owners may request the Spokane County Assessor for a change in valuation for property tax purposes notwithstanding any program of revaluation. pursuant to RCW 36.706.130. Q. Closed record appeals before the Council shall be concluded within sixty (60) days from the date the transcript and record are received by the City Clerk, unless the applicant agrees in writing to a longer period. R. The City Clerk shall, within five (5) calendar days from the date of the Council's decision on the appeal, mail a copy of the Council's decision to the appellant, the applicant (if different than the appellant), any other party who testified or submitted a memorandum at the closed record appeal hearing before the Council, any person who requested notice of the decision, and any person who submitted substantive comments on the application. The City Clerk shall also provide notice of the decision to the County Assessor. S. Where the Examiner's decision recommends approval of the proposal and no appeal has been filed within the time period set forth above, the City Manager or designee shall modify the official toning map of the City according to the Hearing Examiner's decision. The modification of the zoning map completes the Examiner's decision and shall be considered the final legislative action of the City Council. Such final action, for zoning purposes, is considered an "official control" of the City by exercise of its zoning and planning authority pursuant to Washington law. Section 3. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence or clause of this chapter is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this chapter. Section 4. Effective date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days all publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City provided by law. Approved this 28th day of June, 2005. ~Cct,,W4- W &-KLt A - ;S Mayor, Diana Wilhite tty Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Zpp ed As LA ':Z C y Att orney P. Driskell Date of Publication: Jule 1, 2005 Effective Date: Juler~) 2005 ordinance 05-021 Amending SVMC 10.35.150, bearing appeals procedures Fage 6 of 6 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 27, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent 0 old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Deliberation: Quasi Judicial Public Hearing: Landworks Development LLC, APP 03-07 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Ordinance 05-021 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council deliberation toward reaching a decision. Deliberation may be continued to a later date. Written Findings and Conclusions to support such decision will be adopted at a later date. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 27, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: BACKGROUND: VOUCFUF,R LIST DATE VOUCHI3R #s TOTAL VOUCHER AMOUNT 10/16/2007 13049- 13054 $56,517.06 11/15/2007 13116- 13271 $1,915,341.43 GRAND TOTAL $1,971,858.49 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 10/1612007 2:40:25PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13049 10/19/2007 000682 EFTPS Ben18148 FEDERAL TAXES: Payment 27,003.40 Total : 27,003.40 13050 10/19/2007 001361 SPOKANE CO. DISTRICT COURT Ben18158 SPOKANE COUNTY CLERK: Payme 316.12 Total : 316.12 13051 10/19/2007 000162 VANTAGE TRANSFER AGENTS, 401A D Ben18152 _ 401 EXEC PLAN: Payment 1,404.48 Total : 1,404.48 13052 10/1912007 000048 VANTAGE TRANSFER AGENTS, 401A PL Ben18150 401A: Payment 21,417.68 Total : 21,417.68 13053 10/19/2007 000145 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS, 4! Ben18154 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATION: F 5,323.36 Total: 5,323.36 13054 10119/2007 000360 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS, R 8en18156 RETIREE HEALTH SAVING PLAN: P 1,052.02 Total : 1,052.02 6 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 56,517.06 6 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 56,517.06 I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that,[ am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finance Director Date Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 1111512007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13116 10125/2007 000572 CARTER, CAROL Costco EAD SUPPLIES 16.47 Total : 16.47 13117 10126/2007 000278 DRISKELL, CARY Fuel FUEL FOR MALIBU 31.06 Total : 31.06 13118 10126/2007 001076 CONNELLY, MICHAEL MILEAGE MILEAGE: WASAMA CONFERENCE 156.18 Total : 156.18 13119 10/29/2007 000061 WILHITE, DIANA Expense Form MISC TRAVEL EXPENSES 395.09 Total : 395.09 13120 1013012007 001547 DISOTELL, BRITTNEY Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 258.50 Total : 258.50 13121 10/30/2007 001295 NICE NICE 2007 NICE REGISTRATION 270.00 Total : 270.00 13122 10131/2007 000239 NORTHWEST BUSINESS STAMP INC. 0000064215 DATED STAMP: LEGAL 77.59 Total : 77.59 13123 10/31/2007 001295 NICE NICE Day 2 2007 NICE REGISTRATION 270.00 Total : 270.00 13124 11/1/2007 000001 SPOKANE CO. TREASURER 41500420 SEP 07: STANDARD HOUSING 22,929.00 Total : 22,929.00 13134 11/112007 000839 GENERAL FIRE EQUIP. CO. Reprint REPRINT PRECINCT SERVICE CAL 179.19 Total : 179.19 13135 1111/2007 001377 COMBS, LISA Mileage MILEAGE: OCT 2007 20.70 Total'. 20.70 13136 11/1/2007 001324 A.S.E. KIDS, LLC Stretch-N-Grow 41841 STRETCH-N-GROW REGISTRATIOI 215.00 Total : 215.00 13137 11/1/2007 000998 AIR FILTER SALES NW, INC. 46480 41830 AIR FILTERS 133.71 Page: 1 i vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 1111512007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13137 11/1/2007 000998 000998 AIR FILTER SALES NW, INC. (Continued) Total : 133.71 13138 11/112007 001534 ALL PRINT 10765 BUSINESS CARDS 54.19 Total : 54.19 13139 11/1/2007 001081 ALSCO LSP0303537 MATS: CITY HALL 64.20 Total : 64.20 13140 1111/2007 000335 ALTON'S TIRE INC. 6-28900 WIPERS: 40201D 29.26 6-28908 WIPERS: 63282C 24.74 Total : 54.00 13141 11/1/2007 001550 ASBILL, KRISTINA Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 239.00 Total : 239.00 13142 11/1/2007 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 090091047 UTILITIES: CP 5,691.92 410102159 SIGNAL: BARKERIMISSION 43.76 Sep 2007 MASTER BILLING 23,226.84 Total : 28,962.52 13143 11/1/2007 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY, INC. 8859880 LINEN SERVICE: CP 383.27 8861847 LINEN SERVICE: CP 380.83 Total : 764.10 13144 1111/2007 001532 BRANDNER, MONICA K Etiquette Class 41852 ETIQUETTE CLASS 155.00 Total : 155.00 13145 11/1/2007 001048 CITY PARCEL DELIVERY, INC. 80040 COURIER SERVICE: PERMIT CTR 21.11 80152 COURIER SERVICE .13.66 80164 COURIER SERVICE 13.66 90002 COURIER SERVICE 6.83 Total : 55.26 13146 11/112007 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 54365 COFFEE SERVICE: CITY HALL 208.62 Total : 208.62 13147 11/1/2007 001188 DANIELSON, TOM Vehicle Supplies SPECIAL OIL FOR TRUCK 3.46 Total : 3.46 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 11115/2007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13148 1111/2007 001280 DEPT OF LICENSING 00000880 2ND QTR 2007 MLS CREDIT CARD 147.14 1ST QTR FEES 1ST QTR MLS CREDIT CARD FEES 52.07 Total : 199.21 13149 1111/2007 000152 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-AT871009064 SIGNAL/ILLUMINATION MAINT 9,031.18 RE-313-ATB71009065 STATE RTE ROADWAY MAINT 3,284.17 Total : 12,315.35 13150 11/1/2007 000059 DEVLEMING, MICHAEL Mileage MILEAGE: SCAPCA 98.12 Total : 98.12 13151 11/1/2007 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST 200353924 REGULAR ADVERTISING 71.93 Total : 71.93 13152 11/112007 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST#1 09006100 UTILITIES: 7814 E SPRAGUE 69.58 09026100 UTILITIES: 8300 E SPRAGUE 69.58 09066100 UTILITIES: 8325 E SPRAGUE 69.58 09078100 UTILITIES: 7711 E SPRAGUE 69.58 Total : 278.32 13153 11/1/2007 001549 EMDE SPORTS, LLC Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 100.00 13154 11/1/2007 001553 EVERGREEN CHAPTER ALS ASSOC Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 250.00 Total : 250.00 13155 11/1/2007 000028 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 1217 CC: MERCIER 20.55 1563 CC: REGOR FINAL BILL 104.08 4484 CC: PASSMORE 1,077.56 4567 CC: GRIFFITH 1,330.55 5045 CC: DEVLEMING 93.38 5169 CC: WILHITE 67.00 Total : 2,693.12 13156 11/1/2007 001551 GARDNER, HEATHER Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 158.00 Total : 158.00 Page: 3 Voucher List Page: 4 vchlist 1111512007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13157 11/1/2007 001009 GOTHMANN, WILLIAM H. 3rd Qtr Cell 3RD QTR CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Total : 105.00 13158 11/1/2007 000007 GRAINGER 9478641641 41461 GRAINGER BLANKET PURCHASE C 3.58 Total : 3.58 13159 11/1/2007 001237 GREAT LAKES SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 619911 41832 RESERVATION KIOSKS 1,527.80 Total : 1,527.80 13160 11/1/2007 000078 HARNOIS, MICKI Expenses LANDSCAPING TRAINING 25.96 Total : 25.96 13161 11/1/2007 001552 HASSIE AUTO CLUB Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 13162 11/1/2007 000222 ICMA RETIREMENT CORP. 1302 ANNUAL PLAN FEE 125.00 Total : 125.00 13163 11/1/2007 000070 INLAND POWER & LIGHT CO 94202-010 UTILITIES: PARKS 204.53 Total : 204.53 13164 1111/2007 000864 JUB ENGINEERS, INC. 0048641 41720 CONTRACT #07-017 4,408.60 Total : 4,408.60 13165 1111/2007 000786 K & N ELECTRIC MOTORS, INC. 0085270 41482 PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE WC 104.26 Total : 104.26 13166 11/1/2007 001002 M & L SUPPLY CO., INC. 858541.1 SUPPLIES FOR PRECINCT 79.38 Total : 79.38 13167 1111/2007 000283 NAIL REC & PARK ASSOC PARKK MEMBERSHIP 41857 MEMBERSHIP FOR MIKE JACKSON 150.00 Total : 150.00 .13168 11/1/2007 000469 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQUIP INC 29128 41813 6 FOOT PICNIC TABLES FOR PARK 29,762.37 Total : 29,762.37 13169 1111/2007 001555 OAKS EDUCATION ASSOC Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 11/15/2007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13170 1111/2007.000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 404810918-001 41837 SUPPLIES 108.35 404810976-001 41837 MK - CALENDARS 50.31 404884125-001 41834 OFFICE SUPPLIES 272.24 404884282-001 41834 OFFICE SUPPLIES 331.56 41834 405447164-001 41845 OFFICE DEPOT 1.11 Total : 763.57 13171 11/1/2007 000899 ONEEIGHTY NETWORKS 584285 SERVICE: CITY HALIICENTERPLAC 1,464.32 Total : 1,464.32 13172 11/1/2007 001258 ORB ARCHITECTS INC. 5 41599 DESIGN OF POOL- PARK ROAD 2,731.25 5 41600 DESIGN OF POOL - TERRACE VEIV 2,731.25 41600 5 41601 DESIGN OF POOL - VALLEY MISSIC 2,731.25 41601 Total : 8,193.75 13173 11/1/2007 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERVICES 25.934 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 1,120.80 26.103 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 1,010.24 26.258 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 1,120.80 Total : 3,251.84 13174 11/1/2007 000041 PROTHMAN COMPANY 2007-1378 RECRUIT FEE 2: DCM 6,666.66 2007-1436 RECRUITING EXPENSES: DCM 3,033.28 Total : 9,699.94 13175 11/1/2007 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 20137 41835 RESERVED PARKING SIGNS 49.96 20144 SIGNS FOR COUNCIL CHAMBERS 369.24 Total : 419.20 13176 11/1/2007 000322 OWEST 509-922-7091 0606 PHONES: MISSION POOL 97.10 509-926-1840 194B PHONES: PARK ROAD POOL 88.52 Total : 185.62 13177 11/1/2007 000935 SERVICE PAPER COMPANY -30410222 CENTERPLACE CLEANING SUPPLI 51.31 41816 30411508 41816 CENTERPLACE CLEANING SUPPLI 25.40 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 11/1512007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13177 11/112007 000935 000935 SERVICE PAPER COMPANY (Continued) Total : 76.71 13178 11/1/2007 000001 SPOKANE CO. TREASURER OCT 2007 OCT 2007 SERVICES 1,365,292.37 Total : 1,365,292.37 13179 13180 13181 13182 13183 13184 13185 13186 13187 13188 13189 1111/2007 000324 SPOKANE CO. WATER DIST. #3 475-1495-00 11/112007 000749 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DIST. 10162007 10162007 11/1/2007 001548 SPOKANE VALLEY VFW POST 1435 Refund 11/1/2007 000939 SPRAGUE & SULLIVAN MINISTORAGE 31794 11/112007 000311 SPRINT SPECTRUM, L.P 11/1/2007 000093 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW INC 11/1/2007 000676 THOMSON WEST 1111/2007 001464 TIME WARNER TELECOM 11/1/2007 001024 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST 1111/2007 000295 VALLEYFEST 1111/2007 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0141276664-3 0602678198-7 42365 50869 Renewal 01794882 68847380-001 Unlimited 0001-031971.02 UTILITIES: 1508 S WOODRUFF 216.85 Total : 216.85 3RD QTR WATER: MIRABEAU PK 554.00 3RD QTR WATER: SULLIVAN PK 135.00 Total : 689.00 OVERPAYMENT OF 2004 TAXES 4,161.17 Total : 4,161.17 STORAGE UNIT 123.00 Total : 123.00 MONTHLY CELL PHONE USE 902:26 WAP FOR LAPTOPS 420.32 Total : 1,322.58 ADVERTISING 205.91 CLASSIFIED ADS: HR 93920 Total : 1,145.11 ZONING BULL SUB RENEWAL 182.45 Total : 182.45 INTERNET/DATA CONNECTION 894.83 Total : 894.83 41466 UNITED RENTALS BLANKET PO 88.70 Total : 88.70 ROUND 2: UNLIMITED MARKETING 2,900.00 Total : 2,900.00 SIGNAL' EVERGREEN/MISSION 128.00 Page: 6 vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 11115/2007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 13189 11/1/2007 000167 VERA WATER & POWER (Continued) 0007-017753.01 UTILITIES: 601 S EVERGREEN PL 19.48 0008-010790.01 UTILITIES: 8TH/SULLIVAN 109.25 0011-010826.01 UTILITIES: SULLIVAN 234.88 0012-004137.02 UTILITIES: 805 S EVERGREEN 437.21 0013-032589.01 UTILITIES: 8TH/EVERGREEN 163.17 0014-004275.01 UTILITIES: SALTESEIMCDONALD 160.32 0014-032971.00 UTILITIES: 16THIEVERGREEN 41.42 0030-031942.01 UTILITIES 54.96 Total : 1,348.69 13190 1111/2007 001556 WA GOVT ENTITY POOL Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 25.00 Total : 25.00 13191 1111/2007 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0038069-2681-6 2426 N DISCOVERY PL 62.77 2021623-2661-5 2426 N DISCOVERY PL 313.33 Tota 1 : 376.10 13192 11/1/2007 001178 WEST PLAINS COMMUNITY FAIR Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 13193 11/112007 000417 WESTERN DANCE ASSOC Spring Usage 41821 HOURS OF USAGE FOR WDH UTIL 99.00 Summer Hrs 41873 ELECTRICAL USAGE 84.00 Total : 183.00 13194 11/1/2007 000061 WILHITE, DIANA 3rd Qtr Cell 3RD QUARTER CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Tota 1 : 105.00 13195 11/1/2007 001554 WORD OF TRUTH MINISTRIES Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 13196 1111/2007 000766 YMCA OF THE INLAND NORTHWEST Sept 2007 2007 YMCA MANAGEMENT CONTR. 21,152.00 Total : 21,152.00 13197 11/612007 000278 DRISKELL, CARY EAD Drinks REIMBURSEMENT FOR EAD DRINk 39.38 Total : 39.38 13198 11/712007 000404 SPOKANE VALLEY HERITAGE MUSEUM 07-120 2007 TOURISM BROCHURES 6,894.00 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Page: 8 1111512007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13198 1117/2007 000404 000404 SPOKANE VALLEY HERITAGE MUSE (Continued) Total : 6,894.00 13199 1117/2007 000779 SOUTHARD, BRAD 301317 41495 QUOTE NO. 0003.07 DEAD ANIMAL 1,660.00 Total: 1,660.00 13200 11/7/2007 001558 GUNNING, RAYMOND Refund REFUND : PROJECT 07004365 1,044.00 Total : 1,044.00 13201 1118/2007 001559 BEACON HILL EVENTS Catering CATERING: NAIL LEAGUE OF CITI 668, Total : 1,966.88 13202 1119/2007 000939 SPRAGUE & SULLIVAN MINISTORAGE 32983 STORAGE UNIT 3.00 Total : 123.00 13203 11114/2007 000193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL INC Nov 07 NOV 2007 RENT 29,433.10 Total : 29,433.10 13204 11/14/2007 000998 AIR FILTER SALES NW, INC. 46452 41830 AIR FILTERS 95.94 Total : 95.94 13205 11/14/2007 000197 AIR INC. 10950 EMPLOYEE SCREENING 25.00 Total : 25.00 13206 11/1412007 001534 ALL PRINT 10729 BUSINESS CARDS 164.85 Total : 164.85 13207 11/14/2007 001081 ALSCO LSP0307384 FLOOR MATS: PRECINCT 10.74 LSP0311308 MATS: CITY HALL 64.20 Total : 74.94 13208 11/14/2007 000212 ANS OF WASHINGTON, INC 72711 BALANCE OWED: MYLAR STAMP 24.50 73713 BALANCE OWED: MYLAR STAMPS 24.50 Total : 49.00 13209 11/14/2007 000050 APA - INLAND EMPIRE SECTION TRAINING TRAINING: BASINGER 325.00 Total : 325.00 13210 11/1412007 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 410102159 UTILITIES: BARKER/MISSION SGNL 92.91 Page: 8 vchlist Voucher List Page: 9 11/1512007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 13210 11/14/2007 000034 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 13211 1111412007 001247 AZAR'S FOOD SERVICE 13212 13213 13214 13215 13216 13217 13218 13219 13220 13221 1111412007 001409 BEST LINE PROF ANSER SVC Invoice (Continued) 110707MAC02 053111012007 11/14/2007 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY, INC. 8865752 1111412007 000101 COW-G HFD2415 11/14/2007 000863 CENTURY WEST ENGINEERING CORP. 023734 11/14/2007 000729 C1-12MHILL INC. 11/14/2007 000143 CITY OF SPOKANE 00t OEb -4 11/14/2007 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 11114/2007 001377 COMBS, LISA 11/1412007 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET 3624598 00104058 54662 54791 Expenses 87016-0725 11/14/2007 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DIST 05859.0 06377.0 06377.2 11534.2 11982.2 PO # Description/Account Amount Total : 92.91 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION DINNE 1,184.00 Total : 1,184.00 AUTOMATIC POSTING: CP 20.80 Tota l : 20.80 LINEN SERVICE: CP 380.52 Total : 380.52 41851 MONITOR AND MONITOR STANDS 487.93 Total : 487.93 41266 0039 - 06-016 ARGONNE ROAD OVI 626.53 Total : 626.53 41025 0003-BARKER ROAD BRIDGE 8,053.17 Total : 8,053.17 VALLEY TRANSFER 564-69- q 32-:3. 312_ -Tota:: - - S"O- COFFEE SERVICE:.CP 125.25 COFFEE SERVICE: CP 300:58 Total : 425.83 MILEAGE/EAD SUPPLIES 15.97 Total : 15.97 OCT FLEET FUEL BILL 2,330.37 Total : 2,330.37 UTILITIES. DISCOVERY PL SP N 219.76 UTILITIES: 2426 N DISCOVERY 107.90 UTILITIES: DISCOVERY PL SP N 478.80 UTILITIES: DISCOVERY PL SP N 39.27 UTILITIES: BARKER RD GR N 23.41 Page: 9 Voucher List Page: 10 vchlist 1111512007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13221 1111412007 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DIST (Continued) 11983.2 UTILITIES: BARKER RD GR N 55.67 11984.2 UTILITIES: BARKER RD GR N 15.05 Total : 939.86 13222 11/14/2007 001194 DEPT OF ECOLOGY RENEW WASTEWATER CERT: COLLIER 30.00 Total : 30.00 13223 11114/2007 000693 DEPT OF INFORMATION SERVICES 2007100215 MASTER LICENSE SYSTEM 42.45 Total : 42.45 13224 11/14/2007 000152 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-ATB70918097 APPLEWAY AVE 195.51 RE-313-ATB71009033 190 SULLIVAN/ PCCP REHAB 1,490.02 RE-313-ATB71009109 APPLEWAY AVE RECONSTRUCTIC 176.69 RE-313-ATB71009111 PINESIMANSF I ELD 74.58 Total : 1,936.80 13225 11114/2007 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 02051000 WATER: EDGECLIFF PARK 256.87 02051000 UTILITIES: EDGECLIFF PARK 144.16 09006100 UTILITIES: 7814 E SPRAGUE AVE 690.59 09026100 UTILITIES: 8300 E SPRAGUE AVE 258.08 09066100 UTILITIES: 8325 E SPRAGUE AVE 852.44 09078100 UTILITIES: 7711 E SPRAGUE AVE 144.16 Total : 2,346.30 13226 11/14/2007 000987 ECOLAB 3927514 41856 DISHWASHING SUPPLIES 248.00 Total : 248.00 13227 11/14/2007 000106 FEDEX 2-340-16574 SHIPPING: CD 44.68 Total : 44.68 13228 11/14/2007 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 29599 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 30.00 29600 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 31.50 29601 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 60.00 29602 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 75.00 29603 LEGAL AD: PLANNING - 89.25 29648 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 46.20 29650 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 26.25 Page: 10 vchlist Voucher List Page: 11 11/15/2007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO Description/Account Amount 13228 11/14/2007 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC (Continued) 29651 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 31.50 29652 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 31.50 29653 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 36.75 Total : 457.95 13229 11/14/2007 001345 GIBBS PLANNING GROUP 07-191 SPOKANE VALLEY TOWN CTR 2,250.00 Total : 2,250.00 13230 11/14/2007 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL 10042 LOBBYIST SERVICES 2,541.40 Total : 2,541.40 13231 1111412007 001562 GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM, INC 07-2211 JOB POSTINGS 875.00 Total : 875.00 13232 11/14/2007 000007 GRAINGER 861093094 41461 GRAINGER BLANKET PURCHASE C 3.88 Total : 3.88 13233 11/14/2007 000321 GREATER SPOKANE INCORPORATED 3rd Qtr 2007 3RD QTR 2007 ECONOMIC DEVELC 16,250.00 Total : 16,250.00 13234 11/14/2007 000505 H & H FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. 1576 OCT LEASE PMT: 2045 233.49 1577 OCT LEASE PMT: 2238 307.34 1578 OCT LEASE PMT: 2060 412.68 1627 NOV LEASE PMT: 2045 233.49 1628 NOV LEASE PMT: 2238 307.34 1629 NOV LEASE PMT: 2060 412.68 Total : 1,907.02 13235 11/1412007 000441 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 3084712 SUPPLIES: CP 13.50 3084713 SUPPLIES: CP 3.90 4058531 SUPPLIES: CENTERPLACE 35.72 5085265 SUPPLIES: CP 212.78 Total : 265.90 13236 11/1412007 001560 HSC REAL ESTATE REFUND MEETING ROOM 103.00 Total : 103.00 Page: 11 vchlist Voucher List Page: 12 1111512007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # 13237 11/14/2007 000220 ICMA ICMA 13238 11/1412007 000070 INLAND POWER & LIGHT CO 94202-002 94202-003 94202-005 94202-006 13239 11/14/2007 000353 INT'L TRADE ALLIANCE CSV2007 13240 11/1412007 000012 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS INC. INVO02222502 13241 11/1412007 000069 MERCIER, DAVID DEC 2007 NOV 2007 13242 11/14/2007 000387 MODEL IRRIGATION DIST. #18 06-0400.0 13243 11114/2007 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 15576 15594 13244 11/14/2007 001536 NEW URBAN NEWS 140102 13245 11/1412007 001537 NORTHSTAR ENTERPRISES, INC 7959 41825 13246 11/14/2007 000036 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN, DEPT 56. 96601261900 966028113000 966111700000 906113331000 966116248000 Description/Account Amount FINAL PMT: PITTSBURGH CONF 35.00 Total : 35.00 UTILITIES: FLORA/TRENT SGNL 40.14 UTILITIES: DISHMAN/BOWDISH 58.35 UTILITIES: DISHMAN/SCHAFER 138.73 STREET LIGHTING 201.60 Total : 438.82 3RD QUARTER PMT 5,000.00 Total : 5,000.00 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 180.00 Total : 180.00 AUTO ALLOWNCE 400.00 AUTO ALLOWANCE 400.00 Total : 800.00 UTILITIES: CASTLE PARK 758.50 Total : 758.50 SERVER MAINTENANCE 3,185.00 SERVER MAINTENANCE 1,275.00 Total : 4,460.00 SUBSCRIPTION: KUHTA- 79.00 Total : 79.00 BRIDGE INSPECTION TRAFFIC COI 984.50 Total : 984.50 SUPPLIES: BLDG 7.92 OFFICE SUPPLIES: BLDG 15.19 SUPPLIES: UDC 94.25 SUPPLIES: LEGAL 61.59 OFFICE SUPPLIES: BING 86.86 Page: 12 vchlist Voucher List Page: 13 11/1512007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13246 11/1412007 000036 000036 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT P LAN, DEP' (Continued) Total : 265.81 13247 11/14/2007 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 405416385-001 41844 OFFICE SUPPLIES 269.61 40659973.8-001 41862 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.78 406746174-001 41863 OFFICE DEPOT - CARRIE ACOSTA 14.37 Total : 287.76 13248 11/1412007 000307 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER 11072007 CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL SUMME 111,862.50 Total : 111,862.50 13249 11/14/2007 000832 OXFORD SUITES OF SPOK. VALLEY Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 89.40 Tota I : 89.40 13250 11/14/2007 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERVICES 26.408 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 1,162.26 Total : 1,162.26 13251 11/14/2007 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 20131 41860 PURRFECT LOGOS 161.27 Total : 161.27 13W2 1444W-200 00034-1-R"H-,AME-R4-AS-G9RT 0~1$h46168a-_9 r-iJj pl H! 1232 LEAGE-P 4 Total : 477.84 13253 11/14/2007 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 1914737 LAWN MAINTENANCE: CENTENNIA 1,938.51 1914743 LAWN MAINTENANCE: CP 49,799.38 Tota 1 : 51,737.89 13254 11114/2007 000935 SERVICE PAPER COMPANY 30410221 41816 CENTERPLACE CLEANING SUPPLI 165.53 Total : 165.53 13255 11/14/2007 000090 SPOKANE CO. INFORMATION, SYSTE M; 50301452 COUNTY IT SUPPORT 13,773.24 50301563 COUNTY IT SUPPORT 15,033.92 Total : 28,807.16 13256 11/14/2007 000308 SPOKANE CO. PROSECUTING ATTY AUG 2007 CRIME VICTIMS COMP FUND 958.03 SEP 2007 CRIME VICTIMS COMP FUND 751.07 Total : 1,709.10 13257 11/1412007 000001 SPOKANE CO. TREASURER 41500413 SEPT 2007 WORK CREW 3,969.63 Page: 13 vchlist Voucher List Page: 14 1111512007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13257 11/14/2007 000001 000001 SPOKANE CO. TREASURER (Continued) Total : 3,969.63 13258 11/14/2007 000323 SPOKANE CO. UTILITIES 0429031115953 UTILITIES: 2426 N DISCOVERY PL 781.95 Total: 781.95 13259 11/1412007 000324 SPOKANE CO. WATER DIST. #3 170-0040-03 UTILITIES: PARK RD POOL 88.38 Total : 88.38 13260 11/14/2007 000898 SPOKANE PROCARE SULLIVAN RD 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 224.74 16TH AVE 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 7,563.99 ALCOTT GROVE 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 188.98 BARKER/INDIANA 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 306.66 BARKER/MISSION 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 266.49 BARKERISHARP 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 299.27 EVERGREEN 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 651.60 MISSION AVE SWALES 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 94.35 SPRAGUE AVE 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 20,927.22 SULLIVAN RD 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 2,079.69 Total : 32,602.99 13261 11/14/2007 000451 SPOKANE REG SPORTS COMMISSION 3rd Qtr Lodging Tax 3RD QTR LODGING TAX ALLOCATI- 25,000.00 Total : 25,000.00 13262 1 1/14/2007000406 SPOKANE REGIONAL CVB M8 SEP 2007 TOURISM MARKETING 14,583.33 Total : 14,583.33 13263 11/14/2007 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 1280 PLANNING. SERVICES 505.00 Total : 505.00 13264 11/14/2007 001206 SWANSON'S REFRIGERATION RESTS 23561 WALK-IN REPAIR 38.01 Total : 38.01 13265 11/14/2007 000093 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW INC. 42365 ADVERTISING: CITY CLERK 363.37 Total : 363.37 13266 11/14/2007 001217 THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS INC. 20030 41490- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 794.47 Total : 794.47 Page: 14 vchlist Voucher List Page: 15 11115/2007 9:47:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13267 11/1412007 001248 USKH, INC. 1031200-001 41829 TOPO SURVEYS & CONTOUR MAP 1,566.94 1031200-001 41828 TOPO SURVEYS & CONTOUR MAP 1,170.00 41828 1031200-001 41827 TOPO SURVEYS & CONTOUR MAP 1,327.50 41827 1031200-2 41829 TOPO SURVEYS & CONTOUR MAP 537.64 1031200-2 41828 TOPO SURVEYS & CONTOUR MAP 537.64 41828 1031200-2 41827 TOPO SURVEYS & CONTOUR MAP 537.63 41827 Total : 5,677.35 13268 11/14/2007 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0010-003488.01 UTILITIES: SPRAGUEISULLIVAN 111.03 0018-031941.01 UTILITIES: 56.54 0018-032752.00 UTILITIES: 1604 S ST CHARLES 38.51 - 0099-000005.00 UTILITIES: HWY STREET LIGHTS 1,714.40 Total : 1,920.48 13269 11114/2007 000533 WCPDA REGISTRATION JOINT PLANNING DIRECTORS COQ 25.00 Total : 25.00 13270 1111412007 000347 WORLEY, STEVE EXPENSES WSDOT PLANNING SYMPOSIUM 350.00 Total : 350.00 13271 11114/2007 001561 WSDOT CASHIER'S OFFICE Registration CONTRACT MANAGEMENT 225.00 Total : 225.00 147 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 1,915,341.43 147 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,915,341.43 Paae: 15 vchlist 1111512007 9:47:06AM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized, to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date (q, Z,D ° -7 Date IA- Date Voucher List Page: Spokane Valley Invoice PO # Description/Account C-4L 7-0 16 Amount Page: 16 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY J Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 11-27-07 City Manager Sign-off- Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending November 15, 2007 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: ~i RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $169,115.88 Benefits: $ 22274.06 TOTAL PAYROLL: $191,889.94 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Meeting Date: November 27, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: X consent ❑ old business new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information X admin. report El pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Web Properties Office Space Lease At Redwood Plaza GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City has approximately 23,000 square feet of office space leased at Redwood Plaza on E. Sprague Avenue. The City Council has authorized these leases during the last four years. The Finance Committee met in the fall and discussed leasing additional space to house new employees while we plan for a new city hall. BACKGROUND: As the city adds employees, additional office space is needed. Space in the existing building is available. Our current lease is for $15.65 per square foot per year which increases to $16.15 on April 1 of 2008. Space is available in the building on the third floor at $16.65/square foot per year. This rate per square foot is slightly greater than comparable space elsewhere in the community. However, we benefit from having most of our operations housed at one site. We also want to limit our lease to less than 48 months as we plan our new city hall. These restrictions limit the building owner's desire to offer a more competitive rate and/or make improvements to our leased space. Specific terms of this new lease for approximately 4,400 square feet on the third floor include: 1. This lease will begin January 1, 2008 (earlier if we need the space) 2. A 3% increase in the rate will occur in April of 2009 3. The owner will finish the west wall and construct a conference room within the suite. 4. This new lease will expire on April 1, 2010, with the termination of our other leases at this site. The current plan is for our Public Works Department to occupy this new space. OPTIONS: 1.) Direct staff to proceed with a lease of office space as outlined; 2.) Direct staff to negotiate a lease at another site. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize the City Manager or his designee to negotiate and execute a lease for office space at Redwood Plaza for approximately 4,400 square feet on the building's third floor. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are significant costs involved in leasing space. Total cost of the office space with furniture, office cubes, computer wiring and minor improvements is estimated at $80,000 per year STAFF CONTACT: Finance Director Ken Thompson CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: November 27, 2007 City Manager Sigwaff Item: Cbeek all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business d new business ❑ public hewing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading of proposed right-of-way vacation request (STV-04-07) to vacate right-of-way 9 feet by 109 linear fact along Evergreen Avenue abutting parcel 45143.9009. PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: City Council adopted Resolution No. 07-015 on August 28, 2007 setting the date for a public hearing. On September 27, 2007 the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to approve the attached findings and recommend conditional approval of the vacation. Administrative report was presented to City Council on October 23, 2007. First reading of the ordinance (07-024) was conducted on November 7, 2007. ftwom. very Portion of Evergreen Road requested to be vacated. BACKGROUND: The applicant Bill Brooks of E & S Development, LLC owner of parcel 45143.9009 requests a vacation for a portion of Evergreen Avenue approximately 9 feet by 109 linear feet. The abutting parcel is newly created Lot 3 of BSP-01-06 recorded on March 27, 2007 with the Spokane County Auditor's Office. FINDINGS: l3tc City Council requested staff at 1° reading of the ordinance held on November 7, 2007 to pnxlum findings regarding the cost of the 982 square foot piece of Evergreen Road proposed to be vacated. Pursuant to Resolution 07-009 (adopting policies for imposing vacation charges) the City Council shall require fifty (50) percent of appraised value of adjacent property to be paid prior to finalization of vacation or shall reserve the right to deviate based upon findings of fact that demonstrate public interest shall be best served in an alternative method. Pursuant to Resolution 07-009 fifty (50) percent of the appraised value should be conducted by reviewing the assessed value of adjacent properties then subtracting the amount of City processing costs. The following is how staff determined the cost. a. Parcel 45143.9278 (parent parcel of Lot 3 of BS P-0 1-06) 116,705 square feet. b. The appraised value of site for 2007 year is 5607,620. c. S607,620 / 116,705 = 5521 per square foot. d. $5.21 x 982 (square feet of vacated area) = 55,11622 (appraised value). e. $5,116.22 x 50°/a = $2559.11 of appraised value). f. $2558.11 - $1,300 (City's application cost) = $1,258.11. If it is determined that the public interest is being served by adopting an alternative method and compensation may not require the proposed vacated right of way. Possible findings are set below. a. The proposed vacation of 982 square feet would provide a potential commercial business increased lot area for development thus providing more economic development within the City. Additionally the setbacks of the proposed building may be lessened and allow for more buildable land area_ b. *The vacation would provide increase in tax base to the City. c. 1lie street vacation would provide consist road width along Evergreen Road. OPTIONS: 1. Approve Ordinance 07-024 as amended requiring compensation of $1,258.11; 2. Approve Ordinance 07-024 as amended without compensation; 3. fk.ny the proposed street vacation; or 4. Schedule a public hearing that will be conducted 20 days after noticing in the mail, on-site and posted three conspicuous places in the City. RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move that City Council adopts Ordinance 07-024 as amended I vacation of Evergreen Road (STV-04-07) with discretion in determining compensation of vacation. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Stnff Report Exhibit 2: Findings and Recommendations to the CSV Planning Commissil Exhibit 3: Street Vacation Application with Written Narrative Exhibit 4: Comments from Staffand Agencies CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 07-024 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASIIINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF APPROXIMATLEY 9 FEET RIDE BY 109 LINEAR FEET OF EVERGREEN ROAD ABUTTING PARCEL NUMBER 45143.9009 AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MA'ITERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. Wl IEREAS, the City Council by Resolution 07-015 initiated vacation proceedings for a portion of Evergreen Road (STV-04-07) by providing that a hearing on the proposal would be held before the Planning Commission on the 28th day of August, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 28, 2007; and WHEREAS, following a hearing, the Planning Commission found that the notice and hearing requirements of Title 10 Article IX Section (recently recodified as Section 22.140.030) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code have been met; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission findings and/or minutes have been filed with the City Clerk as part of the public record supporting the vacation; and WHEREAS. none of the property owners abutting the property to be vacated tiled a written objection to the proposed vacation with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, through adopted City Cock provisions, the City shall provide that the vacated property he transferred to the abutting property owners, one-half to each, unless circumstances require a different division of property; that the zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street shall attach to the vacated property; that a record of survey shall be 5-ubmitted to the Director of Community Development; and that all direct and indirect costs of title transfer to the vacated street be paid by the proponent or recipient of the transferred property; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to vacate the above street pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code Sections 10.05.220 -.380. NOW, TITEREI-ORB, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, do ordain as follows: Secdon 1. Finding of V:m . The City Council makes the following findings of fact. (1) the City Department of Public Works has reviewed the right-of-way to be vacated and determined that the property adjacent to the vacated property is otherwise served by public or private access; (2) a public hearing on the proposed vacation has been held in accordance with State I_aw and City Code before the Planning Commission with the record of such hearing and proceedings filed with the City Clerk; (3) no written comments were received by abutting properties; and the Planning Commission made the following recommendations: I . The vacation of the street/alley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 2. The Public Works Department submitted comments which analysed the portions of Evergreen Road for need and future use and responded by specifying no objection to the proposed street vacation. 3. Given the present ago and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists. 4. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing and/or routing to staff and agencies. Ordinance 07-024 Street Vacation STV-04-07 Page I of 5 shall require fifty (50) pcment of appraised value of adjacent property to he paid prior finalization of vacation or shall reserve the right to deviate based upon findings of fact if demonstrate public interest shall be best served in an alternative method. [Pursuant to Resolution 07-009 fifty (50) percent of the appraised value should by reviewing the assessed value of adjacent properties then subtracting the a processing costs. The following is how staff determined the cost. i. Parcel 45143.9278 (parent parcel of Lot 3 of IISP-01 ii. the appraised value: of site for 2007 )car is $607,621 iii. $607,620 / 116,705 = $5.21 per square foot. iv $3-21 x 982 (square feet of vacated arra) = $5,1162 V. $5,116.22 x 50% = X2558.1 1 of appraised value). vi. $2558,11 - S1,300 (('ity's application cost) - $1158 cif it is determined that the public interest is being served by adopting an alternative meths and compensation may not require the pmposed vacated right of way. Possible findings an set below. I. line proposed vacation of 982 square feet would provide a potential commercia business increased lot area for development thus providing more c onomi, development within the City. Additii:inally the setbacks of the proposed building ma, be lessened and allow for more buildable land arcs. ii. 1-tte vacation would provide increase in tax base it) the City. iii. i ic, street vacation would provide consist mad width along i ergrcen Road.) Section 2. Prg y to be Vested. Based upon the above findings and in accordance with this Ordinance, the City Council does hereby vacate the street or alley describod on the attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein by reference, and defined as follows: Commencing at the Section Corner common to Sections 15,14.77.23 as noted on the Spokane Final Binding Site Plan BSP-01-06, located in Book 2 of Binding Site Plans, Pages 94 and 95. located in a portion of the SW '14 of the SW % Section 14, 725N, R44E, WM.: thence North 00'16'01 "East along the section line common to Section 15 and Section 14, a distance of 200.15 fc et, to an angle point. Hest of the extension of the south property line of Lot 3; thence South 89 56 '47 "East a distance of 45.00 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 3 as noted on the aforementioned Binding Site Plan: said point being the southwest corner of Lot 3, B.SP 01-1)6 and TRUE POINT OF BF.G;INNING: thence North 00 016'01 " East, along the ivest property line of said Lot 3 a distance of 109.12 feet, to an angle point; thence continuing along said property line. North 90° 00'00" West a distance of 9.00 feet; thence leaving said property line, South 00'16'01 " West a distance of 109.12 feet; thence North 89° 56'47 " East a distance of 9.00 feet, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING,'. Containing 982 .Square Feet, more or less, all according to the referenced plat Section 3. Division of Property to be Vacated. Pursuant to RCW 35.70.040 and SVMC 10.09.04. 10.11, factual circumstances dictate a different division and distribution of the street or alley to be vacated than one-half each to abutting property owners, thus the property to be vacated shall be divided as recorded in the record of survey which shall be created and recorded with the County as required under SVMC Ordinance 07-024 Street Vacation S TV-04-07 Pagc 2 of 5 Section 4. 7~~. no Toning designation for the vacated property shall be the designation attached to the adjoining properties asset forth within the respective property or lot lines. The Director of Community Development is authorized to make this notation on the official Zoning Map of the City. Section 5. Conditions of Vacation. The following conditions shall be fully satisfied prior to the transfer of title by the City. a) A record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying if applicable any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Director. The record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a mylar copy of the recorded survey and the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation. b) The surveyor shall locate at least two monuments on the east side of vacated right-of-way with each monument located at either end of the 109 feet in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. c) Payment of all direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponent. The City will not assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. llic amount of $1,258.11 shall bc: paid to the Pity of Spokane Valley prior to recording of the vacation with the Spokane County Auditor's Office. (!f, City Council adop s Section 1.5a of findiARs.) I d) The routing district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the stmt or alley to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area shall included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adopting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. e) A certified copy of the ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof shall be recorded by the city clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. f) All conditions of city council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Section 5. C osin . Following satisfaction of the above conditions, the City Clerk shall record a certified copy of this Ordinance in the office of the County Auditor, and the City Manager is authorized to execute all necessary documents, including a Quit Claim Deed, in order to complete the transfer of the property identified Item-in. Section 7. Seve hi ity.. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent ,jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section S. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this _day of ATTi= ST: Ordinance 07-024 Street Vacation STV-04-07 Page 3 of 5 Mayor, Diana Wilhite City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attome3 Date of Publication L•ffecti%c Date: Ordinance 07-024 Strut Vacation STV49-07 Pace 4 of 5 Exhibit "A" Property Description Evergreen Rand Sprague Avenue Ordinance 07-024 Strect Vacation STV-04-07 Page 5 of 5 rtment of Communitv Development Planning Division STV-04-07 Street Vacation Request Area of right-of- way vacation Facing SOUTH onto Evergreen Road T 7 Department of Community Development Spokane - Planning Division Facing EAST across Evergreen Road M®R `fs _ zx y,, i t' i ~l c) f I' - E I t Planning Commission 6-0 recommends approval s bieect to conditions for STV-04-07. ~i wi .w EXHIBIT 1 i~ v f 061ane Valley STAFF REPORT PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF EVERGREEN ROAD Prepared by: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner, Deparhnent of Community Development Date: September 20, 2007 Findings: 1. Abutting Properties - Applicant's property abuts the right-of-way on the east (Assessor Parcel 451419278 Lot 3 of BSP-01-06 recorded on March 27, 2007). No objection fi-oni abutting property owners was received. 2. Utilities - The applicant submitted continents from Spokane County Division of Utilities, Comcast, Qwest and Vera Irrigation District. Spokane County Division of Utilities commented there may be side sewer stubs located in~ the 9 foot by 109 foot area, however is responsibility of the propertyowner. No easements of record have been disclosed as being located within the proposed vacation area. 3. Access - The location proposed vacation abuts Evergreen Road to the east and will not prohibit nor change access to the property or Evergreen Road. 4. Zoning - Zoning surrounding the proposed vacation to the north, south, east and west is Regional Business (B-3). 5. Transportation - Will not interfere with current access. 6. Condition - The proposed area is located behind the existing sidewalk and currently undeveloped. 7. Assignment of vacated portions of right-of-way - Absent objections from abutting properties owners, right-of%Vay should be assigned to the petitioners, inasmuch research indicates that the area to be vacated was part of the parent tract. Abutting property owners have received notice of the proposed vacation. Conclusions: 1. The vacation of the strect/alley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 2. The Public Works Department submitted continents which analyzed the portions of Evergreen Road for need and fixture use and responded by specifying no objection to the proposed street vacation. 3. Given the present age and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions will change in the ft►ture to provide n greater use or need than presently exists. 4. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing andfor routing to staff and agencies. i RIO'S f FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING CONK USSION September 27, 2007 The following firtdings have been prepared by Staff for the Planning Commission in the event there is concurrence with the recommended conditions of approval. Findings: 1. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 27, 2007 to receive testimony concerning the vacation of a portion right-of-way 9 feet by 109 linear feet along Evergreen Avenue abutting parcel 45143.9278 (parent parcel of Lot 3 of BSP-01-06). The date of the hearing was set by City Council on August 28, 2007 by Spokane Valley Resolution No. 07-015. Notice of the hearing was published on September 7, 2007 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing also completed on September 7, 2007. 2. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department in detail. 3. The vacation of the street/alley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 4. The Public Works Department submitted comments which analyzed the portions of Evergreen Road for need and future use and responded by specifying no objection to the proposed street vacation. 5. Given the present age and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions will change in the firture to provide a greater use or aced than presently exists. 6. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing and/or routing to staff and agencies. Recommendations: The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends to the City Council the portion of right-of-way 9 feet by 109 linear feet along Evergreen Avenue abutting parcel 45143.9278 (parent parcel of Lot 3 of BSP-01-06) be vacated to tine petitioners subject to: I . Following the City Council's passage of tine ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying if applicable any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and firture utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Director. .The record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a mylar copy of the recorded survey and the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation. 2. The surveyor shall locate at least two nionurnents on the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with one located at the intersection of the centerline of tine vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with (lie standards established by the Spokane County Standards for Road and Seu+,er COnsmiction. 3. All necessary easements shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation from all utility companies is required to be submitted to the Community Development Director, or designee verifying all easements have been indicated. 4. All direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponent. The City will not assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. 5. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street or alley to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area shall included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adopting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 6. A certified copy of the*ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof shall be recorded by the city clerk in the office of the Spokane County auditor. 7. All conditions of city council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Approved this 27b day of September, 2007 Gail Kogle, Chairman ATTEST Dea►ma Griffith, Administrative Assistant II 1ol ne OValley CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Community Develpnment Department Current Planning ( slon 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1008 21mnningRspokanevalleY.ora (For Staff Use Only) DATE SUBMITTED RECEIVED BY: FILE No./NAME: `.)Ny -CYA- CURRENT PLANNING ENGINEERING STREET VACATION APPLICATION c PART I - APPLICATION INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION: Name of Public Street Proposed for Vacation: A e1 zt-Jon OT N. EVri-a(e,_eI,.i f o-ao(- Section /Township / Range of Public Street Proposed for Vacation: S 1 /2. S E, l LI -rowNshi a 36 1Rewic, Area (Square Feet) of Public Street to be Vacated: ' . . Dimensions of Public Street to be Vaented:_ / : f U~ ide deep Street Address / Tax Parcel No of Abutting Property #1: A i2nr fiiro of ! 61413. 9 2 945 ; 20 N. EVe rmite nil 'Rozi d Street Address / Tnx Parcel No of Abutting Property #2: N 1.4 - RECEIVED It II 902oy ` Zoning Designation of Abutting Property 01: 3 DE PAR7h,ENT Or" Er,i..^ n~~~~9 =...r Zoning Designation'of Abutting Property.02: Previous Land Use Action, If Applicable (state Project File No. & Name: ` ueL_r- mc)ricL ks-f-- t..udc-L. t695092..c!)o31 e) APPLICANT/OWNER 1NFORN'IATION*: Please note: - Submit on It sepnratc sheet of paper the required applicant/owner information specified below if there are more thnn two, (2) applicants submitting for the Street Vacation. Applicants must be the same as property owners specified on the current Spoltane County Assessor's Office parcel records. ABurr1nG PROPI ITY Own m NO. 1; APPLICANT NAME: e C S t~_C l- D-1911'1-c In t LL C/ ~ o -6 i 1 f ) I-Cog's MAILING ADDRESS: D ~j i~ . ~f?I S ~l I hG~ ffYl #50-0 CITY: St IC-Al't STATE: VVA ZIP: (lzo PHONE: (HOM yOR qLPZ -(-331 _ (TAX) LP? L f • I _-1-1/ (CULL) Please Circle *PLEASE NOTE: Per RCW 35.79.040 (Title to Vacated Street or Alley) the property within a public street or alley vacated by (fie City Council shall belong to the abutting property owners, one-half to each. Therefore, if there is more than one property owner abutting the public street or alley proposed for vacation, each property owner shall be required to sign the street vacation application. Revised 7/26/2005 PART 11- LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE Please note: - Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required legal ownersignature specified below if there are more than two (2) properly owners submitting for the Street Vacation. ABUTTING PROPERTY OwigenNo.1: i ~7~ ~ Rc~l~S~ 171 q • ✓YI ~ ~ ~e✓' 1, eve, wte-•1 t-G b (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUT . LILLY AND TO THE B13ST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR ']'HE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: R 1y ~3ti I r f f T OM S cx5 PHONE: 16Z.9-61 L !Sp15►A- E, U-3 (A Zip: 92-61 ~j City) (State) Mg IL S 12;,6 l 0:1 .t s F t11r c ~'Yy1 rem ' c._ C.. , (bate) NOTARY (For Pail 11 above) STATE OF WASHINGTON } ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 3o t7H day of , 2c n 4 NOTARY S Notnl-y ihthllo ante of WAShhtbtoll JOANN R KIEWERT MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Apr1109.2011 NOTARY SIGNATURE ary Public in and for the State of Washington iding at: Sp-,p 7t uz L2A My appoinlrnent expires: -q • q- Revised 7/20005 1. How does a change of use or vacation of the street/alley improve service to the public? The vacation of this 9' of Evergreen will line up the property lines north and south allowing the parking drive aisles and panting fields to line up for easier access between the parcels for the public. 2. Is the street or alley no longer required for public use or public access? Thus portion of Evergreen was dedicated to the County, prior to the widening of Evergreen, to accommodate the widening. The County was unable to obtain the necessary ROW to the south so the alignment of the road was adjusted to the west, and this 9' was not used in the widening and is now unnecessary for public use. 3. Would substitution of a new and/or different public right-of-Ivey better serve the public? N/A 4. How will the use or creed for this right-of-way be qff ected by f dare conditions? Ncil Kersten checked the multi year road plan for me and found no additional modifications to Evergreen in that plan. 5. Will easements be retained for all underground and overhead idilities? Existing utilities, yes, future utilities moved west to line up with casements north and south of the vacated property. 6. Petitioners contacted they following utilities/agencies ►vith this proposal for their concurrence. None Z Does the right-of-way include storm water drainage facilities? No t TITLR NOTICE I i 9509200318 FILED BYc S une County Division of Building and Planning 126 West Ilroudway Avenue Spokane, WA 99264 15U91 -156 -2205 S:P L9 3 Y4 Pi~'95 •itr4C 'NF S r• • , . ' r UA 11 ill Stt. of~utr SPOKANE COUNTY HAS TAKEN TH6 FOLLOWwG LAND USE REGULATION ACTION IMPOSING A VARIETY OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT CONDFT10NS ON APRIL 29, 1993. FILE NO.SP•717.91 IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION IN THE SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING REGARDING THE BELOW DESCRLBED PROPERTY: LEGAL DESCRIPTION. Tract A orShon Plat SPN717.91, tri rectaded lit Shon Pluts Book 12, Page 23.29. Situate In the SW 114 of Section 14, Townshlp 25 North. RanSe 44 E.W.M., Spokane County, Wnihington , NOTICE IS GIVEN TO ALL PARTIES WITH INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTYi Building and Planning Division File No.: SP-717.91 for eddltinnal rcgulaiioa: other than thou stated below. AUTHGRITY: Sp3kzinc County Short Plat Ordinance I 1 1. At letut 5 feet of ruched future acquisition area for road right of wzy and utilities, in w1dition to the cxlsting anNor newly dedicated right of way along Evergreen Road. 2. Future building and other setbacks required by the Spokane County Zoning Code shall be measured from the edge of the future acqulsidoo area. 3. No required landscaping, paAMS.'203' areas, drainfitld or allowed signs shall be within the future acquisition area for road right-of-way and utilities. If eny of the above irnpravemcnts arc made within ibis area. they shall be relocated at the applicant's expense when roudsr,,y improvententi are made. 4. The futuru acquisition wen. until uequired, sI ll be privua: ~irupcny and nwy be-used a, ullowed in the zone except any improvernents (such as Iandracupinb, parking, surface drainage, druintields. signs orolhers) shall be considered "intcrin" uses. 5. The property owner shall be responsible for relocating such'interini intprovernents at the time Spokane County makes roadway Improvements Oer acquiring said future acquishion otcu. THE TERIM S OF THIS NOTICE SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AND APPLY TO THE APPLICANT. OWNERS, HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND SUCC13SSORS IN INTEREST. RELEASE OF THIS TITLE NOTICECAN ONLY BFi ACCOMPLISHED ItY THE AUTHORI'fY OFTHE SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING OR SUCCESSOR BY RECORDING OF A "TITLE NOTICE EXTIVGLEISHAtI NT" BASED UPON A FINDING THAT RELEASE SHOULD OCCUR. 13Y SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING: N•me. i_'ILtld _ 1'it1c: PlnnrA•r II - 5ignannr ♦ Dye: a.a ei~ i Narrative This vacation application is for 9' x 109'of ROW adjoining 20 N. Evergreen, Lot 3 BSP 0106. The property does not front on any other parcels. The reason for this vacation request is to return the property to the tax rolls and allow for better public access and traffic flow with the parcels to the north and/or south by aligning the parking and drive aisles. This 9' of Evergreen was acquired by Spokane County in about 15 years ago (in a rezone action I think) for the widening of. Evergreen Road. The original plan by Spokane County called for acquiring additional right of way south of this 9' to the intersection of Sprague and Evergreen. However, the County was unable to acquire the additional property to the south and the alignment of Evergreen was adjusted to the west. The widening of Evergreen is now complete and this 9' x 109' is no longer necessary for future road expansion. In. fact, when the property to the north was recently the subject of a BSP there was no request. by the City of Spokane Valley to dedicate land to match this 9'. RECEIVED ,101 p 15 2007. spohAple V CO?v A•~lRp ~ nh~~7 1- y ~r~~7 REAL ESTATE PAGE 02/02 Utilities 'elopment LLC ashington #F500 WA. 99201 Re; Vacation of East 9 feet of Road ROW for a Portion of Evergreen Lying Adjacent to 20 N. Evergreen Dear Mr. Brook: I have reviewed your request to vacate the above captioned portion of the existing but not currently used road right of way for Evergreen Road. A preliminary review has suggcstad that Avista Utilities would have no concerns with the vaeation of this strip of land. Until a formal request from the City of Spokane Valley is completed we reserve the right to revise this answer. In summary as of August 6, 2007 we have no cooeerns with die vacation. of this portion of right of way. Please phone me with any concerns or questions at 495-4441 or 220-2491. Y rs Truly, Claude Kaler Rerd'Estate Representative Avista Utilities E. 1411 Mission Avenue, P. 0. Box 3727 Spokane, WA. 99203 w ' 1 C Page 1 of 2. Karen Kendall From: Zapf, Ryan F [Ryan_Zapf@cable.comcast.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:36 AM To: Bill Brooks Subject: RE: Spokane Valley Street Vacation Bill, All of our facilities are on the west side of Evergreen. Vacation approved. Ryan Zapf Construction Supervisor Comcast - Spokane From: Bill Brooks [mallto:bbrooks@sdsrealty.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:06 AM To: Zapf, Ryan F Subject: RE. Spokane Valley Street Vacation Ryan, we're In our third week of trying to get a hold of Ryan. I understand he was out of the office last week but we could not get a return call from him the week before either hence my email to you last week. Is he back today? Any idea when I might expect to hear from him, this has come to the point that Comcast is holding up progress. Thanks. Bill Brooks SIDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email: bbrooks ct sdsrealty.com From: Zapf, Ryan F [mallto:RyatLZapf@cable.comcast.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 9:56 AM To: Barnes, Richard L - WA Cc: Bill Brooks Subject: FW: Spokane Valley Street Vacation Rich, Please advise Bill on requested street vacation. Thanks From: Bill Brooks [mallto:bbrooks@sdsrealty.com] 8/8/2007 Page 2 of 2 Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 3:15 PM To: Zapf, Ryan F Subject: FW: Spokane Valley Street Vacation See below. Bill Brooks SIDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email: bbr-ooks@sdsr_eal.ty.com From: Sill Brooks Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 3:07 PM To: 'richard barnes@cable.comcast.com' [c: Sheldon Jackson Subject: Spokane Valley Street Vacation Rich, I understand you are the one to talk to regarding street vacations. Attached is our application to vacate T of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used in the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and it did not use this 9' strip. Please provide me with your comments so that I may complete our application. Please call me if you have questions. Bill Brooks SIDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email: bbr:o-oks@sdsr;ealty.com 1 f 8/8/2007 Message Page 1 of 2 Karen Kendall From: Sheldon Jackson (Sheldon@sdsrealty.com) Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 1:06 PM To: Bill Brooks Subject: FW: Vacation of Von Evergreen 1 down 2 to go on my end. Sheldon Jackson 108 N Washington Suite 600 Spokane, WA 99201 Phone (609)462-9303 FAX (609)624-1711 From: Clark, David [maiito:David.Clark2@q%vest.com] Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 4:07 PM To: Sheldon Jackson Subject: RE: Vacation of Yon Evergreen Hi Sheldon, Looks pretty straight forward. Wnen we relocated our cables and pedestals along N Evergreen a few years ago, we would have maintained a consistent alignment along the east side of Evergreen to the north and south of the property in question. Therefore, I'm pretty confident Qwest doesn't have anything In that J'xl09' strip, I'm having a letter sent to the City of Spokane Valley that explains that Qvrest doesn't have any concerns with the proposed vacation. Thanks, Dave Clark -----Original Message----- From: Sheldon Jackson (maiito:Sheldon@sdsrealty.com) Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 11:53 AM To: Clark, David Subject: FW: Vacation of Von Evergreen Thanks David. When we provided property for the widening of Evergreen the County did not utilize all of the property. We are trying to develop this parcel and would like to straighten out the property lines for parking, landscaping etc. 8/8/2007 Message Page 2 of 2 Sheldon Jackson 108 N Washington Suite 500 Spokane, WA 99201 Phone (509)462-9303 FAX (509)624-1711 From: Bill Brooks Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:35 AM To; claude.kaler@avistacorp.com; freierr2@spokanevalleyfire.com; jred@SpokaneCounty.org Subject: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Claude Kaler, Avista Rick Freier, Spokane Valley Fire Jim Red, Spokane County Utilities Gentlemen, attached is our application to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used In the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and it did not use this 9' strip. Please provide me with your comments so that I may complete our application. Please call me if you have questions. Bill Brooks SDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email: bbr_ool<s a@sdsr_ealty,.com This communication is the property of Qwest and may contain confidential or privileged information. Unauthorized use of this communication is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the corrununication and any attachments. 8/8/2007 Page 1 of 2 Karen Kendall From: Red, Jim 1JRed@spokanecounty.org) Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:05 AM To: Bill Brooks Subject: RE: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen County utilities does not have an issue with the vacation. There are side sewer stubs, but those are the responsibility of the property owner. From: Bill Brooks (mailto:bbrooks@sdsrealty.com) Sent; Tuesday, July 24, 2007 11:59 AM To: claude.kaler@avlstacorp.com; frelerr2@spokanevalleyfire.com; Red, Jim Subject: RE: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Gentlemen, attached Is a map from the county the shows the 9' very well. Thanks Bill Brooks SDS Realty i' Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 . Email: bbr•o.oks@sdsrealcy.com From., Bill Brooks Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:35 AM To: 'claude.kaler@avistacorp.corn', 'frelerr2@spokanevalleyfire.com'; 'jred@SpokaneCounty.org' Subject: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Claude Kaler-, Avlsta Rick Freler, Spokane Valley Fire Jim Red, Spokane County Utilities Gentlemen, attached Is our application to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used in the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and it did not use this 9' strip. Please provide me with your comments so that I may complete our application. Please call me if you have questions. Bill Brooks SIDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 8/8/2007 Email: bbr_oo.ks a@s.dsrealty.com S1 Page 2 of 2 8/8/2007 Page 1 of 1 Karen Kendall From: Freier, Rick [FreierR2@SpokaneValleyFire.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 1:29 PM To: Bill Brooks Subject: RE: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Mr. Brooks, I have reviewed the information that you provided on the vacation of 9 feet of unused right-of-way on the east side of Evergreen. The Spokane Valley Fire Department has no objection to the request to vacate this portion of the right-of-way. . Rick Freier Fire Inspector SVFD 509-892-4128 From: Bill Brooks [maiito:bbrooks@sdsrealty.comj Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:35 To: claude.kaler@avlstacorp.coin; Freier, Rick; fired@Spokanecounty.org Subject: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Claude Kaler, Avista J Rick Freler, Spokane Valley Fire Jim Red, Spokane County Utilities Gentlemen, attached is our application to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used in the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and it did not use this 9' strip. Please provide me with your comments so that I may complete our application. Please call me if you have questions. Bill Brooks SIDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email: bbr_ooks@sdseealty..com 8/8/2007 Karen Kendall From: Sheldon.Jackson [Sheldon@sdsrealty.com] Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:44 AM To: Bill Brooks Subject: FVJ: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Attachments: ROW Abandonment at 114 N. Evergreen.pdf Sheldon Jackson 108 N Washington Suite 600 Spokane, WA 99201 Phone (509)462-9303 FAX (509)624-1711 From: Brian Dills [mailto:brianl@verawaterandpower,com] Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:10 AM To: Sheldon Jackson Subject: RE: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Page 1 of 2 Attn: Sheldon Vera Water and Power does not have any utilities located to the 9' strip of Road R/W considered for abandonment with the exception of an existing water service that crosses the 9' strip perpendicularly. The water service can be used for irrigation. Brian K. Dills District Engineer Vera Water and Power P.O. Box 630 Spokane Valley, VdA 99216 Phone 509-924-3800 Fax: 509-922-3929 cell phone: 509-475-5130 email: brianCcDverav/aterandpower.oom From: Sheldon Jackson [mailto:Sheldon@sdsrealty.com] Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 12:31 PM To: brian@verawaterandpower.com 8/8/2(307 Page 2 of 2 t; ? Subject: FW: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Brian thank you for taking the time to look at this for us. Just trying to clean up a property the City no longer requires. Sheldon Jackson 108 N Washington Suite 500 Spokane, WA 99201 Phone (509)462.9303 FAX (509)624-1711 From: Bill Brooks Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 200710:35 AA1 To: claude.kaler@avistacorp.com; frelerr2@spokanevalleyFlre.com; jred@SpokaneCounty.org Subject: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Claude Kaler, Avista Rick Freler, Spokane Valley Fire Jim Red, Spokane County Utilities Gentlemen, attached is our application to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used in the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and it did not use this 9' strip. Please provide me with your comments so that I may complete our application. Please call me If you have questions, Bill Brooks SDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email:' bbi_ooks@sdsrealty.com 8/8/2007 I zo' IIIIIIIII!II~IIP~UIIIInIIIIMVUN~~IIIIR ~~s,~,;;,sv, ,e Co, k, Nb0't 8'36'E 18.55 29.17 N90'00-00'E 41.45 3 160.00 rc o w ~ S m l bN ` ~ r 1 w O 0 Im ' ' ' M90 00 00 E 178.56 W n a r p Co O ~ z ~ I ' ' ' t~Cl l N90 00 00 E 6.00 I I N90100'00"E 270.00 III-»> O ( ruci 'A' . N90 00'00'£ 3 140.00 W ~ o O r r a N I o 2 I N90'00' 13o.c O 160.00 ~ 29.17 N90}00'00"E 160.00 R H Co r n_ o vi R 100.00 SP 717 91 TRACE 'B' w I 5 ~ I 0 z I I 30'E L co 3 c g SPRAGUE AVENUE as R Founded 1946 EXISTING SITE PLAN bimxon Engineers, Inc. 0 O 50 e100 ROOKS CIVIL ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS 200 N. 909 ARGONNE ROAD, SPOKANE WA., 99212-2789 1_ - PHONE (509) 926-1322 FAX (509) 926-1323 1 G 41 t "k { " AIV~ li v a 'f i 1 4letl t t~ ri Al S f 21 ~ 14, I 1 - ~ : -its ~ ' ~ - 1 ' ~ , : . . ( ~ , ' •IL 1.1l; 1 r3J ~_W' Lu EXHIBIT 4 l 1 To: Karen Kendall (City of Spokane Valley - Community Development) CC: From: Jim Red (Spokane County - Division of Utilities) Date: Tuesday, September 16, 2007 Subject: STV-0004-07 Stage: Preliminary Phase: SV 20 N Evergreen Ave SS01A This proposal has no impact on sewer facilities and; therefore, there are no recommendations. C) SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION INTEROFFICE MEMO DATE: September 17, 2007 TO: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner, City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development FROM: Donald Copley - EHSII, SRHD SUBJECT: STV-4-07 (E & S Development) The Health District has no comment on this street vacation. Page 1 of 1 Karen Kendall From: Anderson, Patti [PAnderson@spokanecounty.org] Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 9:59 AM To: Karen Kendall Subject: SN-4-07(E & S Development) Attachments: STV-4-07(E & S Development).doc 9/18/2007 r Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 0 Spokane Valley 1VA 99206 509.921.1000 0 Fax: 509.921.1003 0 cityhattBspokanevattey.org M%emorandum To: Karen Kendall - Assistant Planner From: Henry M. Allen - Development Engineer Date: September 7, 2007 Re: STV-04-07 A portion of N Evergreen Rd - Street Vacation Comments Development Enguieering has reviewed the application to vacate a portion of Evergreen Road right-of-way on the east side of the street just north of Sprague. Development Enguieering has'no objections to the vacation. 00/11/2007 TUE 12:20 FAQ NE V OyA DEPARTMENT 1o310 EAUIVRAGUE AVE. • SPOKANE VA! LFY, WA 602D0.3027. (W-) 928,17.P.9-P FAX1509) 892.4125 ww.spokanevalleytire.oom blike Thompson Chlef September 11, 2007 Karen Kendall City of Spokane Valley 11707E . Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 09206 RE: STV-04.07 l` J 20 N. Evergreen Dear Ms. Kendall: The Spokane Valley Fire Department has no objections for STV-04-07. Sincerely, Rack Frefer Fire Inspector RF/pla 0001/001 5£P 11 203? 11*-35 PACS.61 i 904 N. Columbus Spokane,WA99202 Sf10r, #%III V,~ii.i.v Uf_VARI L f M bf west . Spirit of Sorvfca& September 7, 2007 City of Spokane Valley Department of Building and Planning 11707-E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Attn: Karen Kendall Re: STV-04-07 Dear Karen: Qwest has no objection to the above referenced vacation. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me on (509) 455-2580. Sincerely, 44 on 1, 4174 lei Dave Clark Sr. Design Engineer i ' 904 H. cotumbus ~ &Pckama. WA 99202 ~~'aj 21,7 C4A4A;f~~'~ Qwest. Spirit of Serrlce July 27, 2007 City of Spokane Valley Department of Building and Planning 11707 2. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: Proposed Vacation of 9' of Evergreen Road Dear Sir: Qwest has no interest in the proposed vacation. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me on (509) 455-2580. Sincerely, e&,O,-L LAWdIly Dave Clark Sr. Design Engineer U~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 27, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Mayoral Appointments: Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency GOVERNING LEGISLATION: BACKGROUND: Appointed in 2006 for a four-year term, Councilmember DeVleming currently serves on this Agency's Board. Enabling legislation states that terms are for four years OPTIONS: 1. Confirm the Mayor's appointment of Deputy Mayor Steve Taylor 2. Choose not to approve 3. Take other action deemed appropriate by council. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Deputy Mayor Steve Taylor to the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency, for a term from January 1, 2008, through December 31, 2010. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 27, 2007 City Manager Sign-off- Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business x new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE:. Governance Manual Revisions: Proposed Resolution Amending Resolution 06-022 Governance Manual, and Resolution 03-027 Core Beliefs. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council annually reviews the Governance Coordination Manual to determine if there is a need to make any changes. This item, in redline form is submitted for Council review and discussion. OPTIONS: Make further revisions and schedule finalization of the resolutions for another upcoming council meeting; take no action; or take other appropriate action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to place the resolutions on the December 11, 2007 Consent Agenda. BUDGET/FINANCIAL MWACTS: STAFF/COUNCIL CONTACT: Councilmember DeVleming ATTACHMENTS Governance Coordination Manual Redline Version 1 l S CITY OF 00 p6Zne ,,;OOOValley Governance Coordination Manual Resolution 07- Attachment A A Comprehensive Collection of Meeting Rules, Coordination Procedures, Administrative Public Hearing Procedures, and Applicable References from the Revised Code of Washington Adopted Nwventher 14-,-2006 Resolution 03-028 adopted 5-13-2003, replaced by Resolution 04-013 adopted 5-25-2004, replaced by Resolution 05-021 adopted 9-13-2005, replaced by Resolution 06-022 adopted 11-14-2006 Goveruancc Manual TABLE. OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I - COUNCIL MEETINGS 4 1.01.1 Council Meetings -Time and l.,ocation 4 1.0 11 Council Meetings - Open to the Public 4 1.02 Election of Officers 4 1.03 Presiding Officer 4 1.04 Mayor/Council Correspondence 4 1.05 Quorum 5 1.06 Attendance, Excused Absences 5 1.07 Special Council Meetings 5 1.08 Council Material 5 1.09 Council Packets 5 1.10 Council Meeting Agenda I Consent Agenda ! emended Agndas - 6 1.11 Approaching the Dais 6 1.12 Study Sessions and Workshops 6 1.13 Council Trnvel Provisions 7 1.14 Telephone Tree 7 1.15 "Three Touch Principle' 7 1.16 City Manager 8 1.17 City Clerk - Minutes - Public Information Access 8 1.18 City Staff-Attendance at Meetings 8 ARTICLE 2 - DUTIES AND PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERS ...................................................................9 2.01 Respect and Decorum 9 2.01 A Forms of Address 9 2.02 Seating Arrangement 9 2.03 Dissents and Protests 9 2.04 Filling Council Vacancies ......................................................................................................9 ARTICLE 3 - COUNCIL PROCEDURES 9 3.01 Rules of Order ........................................................................................................................9 3.02 Mutions 3.03 Order of Business (int- ludin, I:~ccutl SLs_.1c2115I 10 3.04 Adjournment Due to Emergency or Disruption 12 3.05 Permission Required to Address the Council 12 3.06 Voting and Telelvideo Confercttcing 12 3.07 Enacted Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions 13 3.08 Ordinances 14 3.09 Resolutions 14 3.10 Reconsideration 15 3.11 Legislative Process, Preparation, Introduction and Flow of Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions 15 3.12 Complaints and Suggestions to Council 15 3.13 Photographs, Motion Pictures, Video rape - Permission Required for Artificial Illumination ............................................................................................16 G-wernance Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS, Continued ARTICLE 4 - COMMITTEES, BOARDS & COMMISSIONS ..................................».........»»....».......16 4.01 (,ommittees 16 4.02 ('ouncil Rclatitms with Boards. Conunissions and Council Citizen Advisory Bodies........ 17 ARTICLE 5 - RELATIONS WITH CITY MANAGER &ADM>TIISTRATION.»»..»...»» 17 5.01 Role of the City Manager 17 5.02 Administrative Interference by Council nembers 17 5.02.1 informal Communications Encouraged 17 5.03 Administrative Complaints Made Directly to Individual Councilmembers 17 5.04 Administrative Complaints - "Best Practice........................................................................ 18 ARTICLE 6 - PUBLIC REARING PROCEDURES-___....-... .........».....»..»........................»..»....18 6.00 Types of Public Hearings .....................................................................................................18 6.01 Legislative Public Hearing . .................................................................................................18 6.02 Quasi-Judicial Public IIearntg .............................................................................................19 1. Specific Statutory Provisions ..........................................................................................19 2. Actions/Procedures for Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing ..................................................19 3. Public Hearing Format ....................................................................................................20 4. Appearance of fairness Doctrine 22 6.03 Site Specific Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Amendments (Rezones) 23 ARTICLE 7 - USE OF RULES....»..» ...............».........................»..».»...»....25 7.01 Purpose .................................................................................................................................25 7.02 Use 25 7.03 Public Ilse or Reliance Not Intended.......... .........................................................................25 Exhibits and attachments: Exhibit A-I Telephone Tree Memo..» »...26 Exhibit A-2 Telephone Tree for Council /Manager Chart................... .............».......27 Exhibit A-3 Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance ..»....»..»..»....28 Exhibit A4 Legislative Process Flow Chart ...........................................w......... ......................29 Exhibit A-5 Committee Structure and Rules » ....».......».......30 Exhibit A-6(1) Task Force/Town IWI Meetings General Model ..............»......32 Exhibit A-6(2) Multi-Agency Coordination Task Force Model ......»..».....»».33 Exhibit A-7 Citizen's Task Force General Model Chart ...........».»»..»34 Exhibit A-8 Revised Code of Washington, 35A.13, Couacil/Manager Plan .....................35 Exhibit A-9 General Policy Resolution of Core Beliefs ......................42 Govcmance llvtariml ARucu, 1- COUNctL !1tEE'r1NGS 1.01.1 Council Meeting - Time and Location. All regular meetings of the City Council shall be held at the times and locations specified by applicable ordinances and resolutions of the Council. 1.01.2 Council Meetings - Open to the Public. All meetings of the City Council and of committees thereof shall be open to the public, except as provided for in RCW 42.30.110 or RCW 42.30.140. Councilmembcrs will notify appropriate staff of Councilmember's plans to attend any of the various outside public meetings hosted by other organizations or agencies, so that notice may be published concerning such attendance in order not to risk any real or perceived violation of the Open Public Meetings Act. 1.02 Election of Officers. Procedures for electing officers are as follows: (a) Biennially, at the first meeting of the new Council, the members thereof shall choose a presiding officer from their number who shall have the title of Mayor. In addition to the powers conferred upon him/her as Mayor, he/she shall continue to have all the rights, privileges and immunities of a member of the Council. If a permanent vacancy occurs in the office of Mayor, the members of the Council at their next regular meeting shall select a Mayor from their number for the unexpired term. Following the election of the Mayor, there shall be an election for a Deputy Mayor. The term of the Deputy Mayor shall run concurrently with that of the Mayor. (RCW 35A.13.030) (b) The election for Mayor shall be conducted by the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall call for nomination. 1-=h member of the City Council shall be permitted to nominate one (1) person, and nomination shall not require a second. A nominee who wishes to decline the nomination shall so state at that time. Nominations are then closed. The election for Deputy Mayor shall be conducted by the Mayor, and nominations shall be made in the manner previously described for die election of the Mayor. (c) Except when there is only one (1) nominee, election shall be by written ballot. Each ballot shall contain the name of the Councilmember who cast it. The City Clerk shall publicly announce the results of the election. Thereafter, the City Clerk shall record the individual votes by councilmembers in the minutes of the meeting. In the event the Council is unable to agree on a Mayor by majority vote of members present, the Office: of Mayor shall be temporarily filled by an Acting Mayor. Ties shall be resolved in a c<mtest by chance. the off ice of Acting Mayor shall be filled by the Councilmember who just previously served as Deputy Mayor, or if such person is not a member of the Council, the Councilmcmber with the next highest seniority. The Acting Mayor and Acting Deputy Mayor shall continue in office and exercise such authority as is described in RCW 35A.13 until the members of the Council agree on a Mayor, at which time the role of Acting Mayor and Acting Deputy Mayor shall cease and terminate. 1.03 Presiding Officer. The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the Council and be recognized as the head of the City for all ceremonial purposes. The Mayor shall have no regular administrative or executive duties. In case of the Mayor's absence or temporary disability, the Deputy Mayor shall act as Mayor during the continuance of the absence. In case of the absence or temporary inability of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, an acting Mayor Pro Tempore selected by members of the Council shall act as Mayor during the continuance of the absences. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor (in the Mayor%; absence) or Mayer Pro Tent are referred to as "Presiding Officer" from time-tn-time in these Rules of Procedure. vemancc NU 1.04 Mayor/Council Correspondence. Councilmembers recognize that in the Council/Manager form of government, the Mayor is recognized by community members as a point-of-contact. To facilitate full communications, staff will work with the Mayor to circulate to Councilmcmbers copies of emails and written correspondence directed to the Mayor regarding city business. This provision will not apply to invitations for mayoral comments at various functions nor requests for appointments nor other incidental contact between citizens and the Office of the Mayor. 1.05 Quorum. At all meetings of the Council, a majority of the Councilmembers who hold office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A lesser number may adjourn from time-to-time, provided that written notice of said adjournment be posted on the exterior Council Chamber doors per RCW 42.30.090. Council meetings adjourned under the previous provision shall be considered regular meetings for all purposes. (RCW 35A.13.170, 35A.12.120) 1.06 Attendance, Excused Absences. RCW 35A.12.060 provides that a Councilmember shall forfeit his/her office by failing to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the Council without being excused by the Council. Members of the Council may be so excused by complying with this section. The member shall contact the Presiding Officer, City Clerk, or City Manager prior to the meeting and state the reason for his/her inability to attend the meeting. Following roll call, the Presiding Officer shall inform the Council of the member's absence, and inquire if there is a motion to excuse the member. This motion shall be nondebatablc. Upon passage of such motion by a majority of members present, the absent member shall be considered excused and the City Clerk will make an appropriate notation in the minutes. 1.07 Special Council Meetings. Procedures for setting a special meeting are as follows: (a) A special meeting may be called by the Mayor or any three (3) members of the Council. (RCW 35A.13.170, 35A.12.110) (b) Notice of the special meeting shall be prepared in writing by the City Clerk. The notice shall contain the following information about the meeting: time, place, and business to be transacted. (c) The notice shall be delivered by regular or electronic mail or personally to the residence of each Councilmcmber, the City Manager, and the business office of each local newspaper, radio and television station which has on file a written request for notice of special meetings. The notice must be delivered at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting. (d) The notices provided in this section may be dispensed within the circumstances provided by RCW 42.30.080, that is: (1) As to any member who, at or prior to the time the meeting convenes, flies with the City Clerk a written waiver of notice, (2) As to any member who was actually present at the meeting at the time it convenes, and (3) In the event a special meeting is called to deal with an emergency involving injury or damage to persons or property or the likelihood of such injury or damage, when time requirements of such notice would make notice impractical and increase the likelihood of such injury or damage; or as otherwise provided by law. 1.08 Council Material. Councilmembers and affected staff should read the agenda material and ask clarification questions of appropriate staff prior to the Council meeting, when possible. Govcmance Manual 1.09 Council Packets. Councilmembers shall personally pick up their agenda packets from the individual mailboxes, provided by the City Clerk, unless otherwise arranged by the member or further directed by Council. 1.10 Council Meeting Agenda/Consent Agenda The City Clerk, under the direction of the City Manager in consultation with the Presiding Officer, shall arrange a list of proposed matters according to the order of business and prepare an agenda for the Council. After the proposed agenda has been reviewed and approved by the Mayor, the Presiding Officer shall have the option of adjusting the agenda as necessary. A copy of the agenda and supporting materials shall be prepared for Councilmembcrs, the City Manager, and the media who have filed a notification request, on or before close of business on a Friday preceding a Tuesday regular Council meeting. or at the close of business at least 24 hours preceding a special Council meeting. Ally N i~ 3geHt4ff-theFeaterdiS416 red,I,f+i}tf+t~33f+ ?4'~ +ie.~i+?t•_ fl+=!}a4i{ .~f- Y`r2',. k4-,o--ALundasimw, be amcrideJ as r~ uir«i, l TO 01111 c;l and ro riaic D"' ;f1x►t++-,+statf. Distributi0ii of the agenda to Councilmembers shall be as directed by Council and may be by mailboxes in City hall, Fate, E-mail or personal delivery when requested. Requests for presentations to be scheduled on the formal agenda imply that the presentation is the official business of the City. Playing of video tapes shall be pre-screened by the Presiding Officer or designee who shall rule on the appropriateness of the video tape. The Presiding Officer, three (3) Councilmembers, a majority of the Councilmcmbers present, o the City Manager may introduce a new item to the agenda at a meeting. (a) The City Manager, in consultation with the Presiding Officer, shall place matters on the consent agenda which: (1) have been previously discussed by the Council; or (2) based on the information delivered to members of tite Council by administration can be reviewed by a Councihnember without further explanation; (3) are so routine, technical or housekeeping" in nature that passage without discussion is likely; or (4) otherwise deemed in the best interest of the City. (b) The proper Council motion on the consent agenda is as follows: "I move approval of the consent agenda." This motion will have the effect of moving to approve all items on the Consent Agenda. Since approval of any item on the consent agenda implies unanimous consent, any member of the Council shall have the right to remove any item from the consent agenda. 'Iherefbre, prior to the vote on the motion to approve the consent agenda, the Presiding Officer shall inquire if any Councilmember wishes an item to he withdrawn from the consent agenda. If any matter is withdrawn, the Presiding Officer shall place the item at an appropriate place on the agenda for the current or a future meeting. 1.11 Approaching the Dais. The intent of adding this item specifically to our Governance Manual is to make it clear to Staff, Council and the general public once a Council meeting has been called to order, stepping between the podium and the dais will not be allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, video recording, still photography, tape recording, and written handouts. Approaching the dais will not be permitted after ten minutes prior to the start of the meeting the Council reserves the right to invite anyone forward to be addressed at the dais overnance Nluiua 1.12 Study Sessions and Workshops. Regular or Special Council meetings, or portions thereof, may be designated as Study Sessions by the Presiding Officer. Study Sessions need have no formal agenda, except when required for special meetings under RCW 42.30.080, and may be conducted informally so long as such informality is not in conflict with these rules. The purpose of Study Session discussions is to allow Councilmembers to be made aware of impending business and allow informal discussion of issues that might be acted on at a future meeting. The purpose of Workshops is to allow Councilmembers to do concentrated preliminary work with administration on single subjects but time consuming, complex matters (i_e., budget, complex legislation or reports, etc.). Workshops and Study Sessions shall be in a less formal setting, council may be seated other than at the dais, but shall not discourage public observation. Public comment is not allowed at study sessions although the Council may request participation in the same manner as a regular Council meeting. The City Clerk, under the direction of the City Manager, shall arrange a Council study session or workshop worksheet for the meeting. The workshed shah for each Item4 contain the discussion subject, the discussion leader, the acti►zty and the discussion goal. After the proposed worksheet has been approved by the Presiding Officer, a copy shall be prepared for Councilmembers, the City Manager, and the press, on or before 4:30 p.m., one (1) day before the Council study session or workshop. During the Council study session or workshop, the discussion leader should: (a) Introduce the subject and give background information; (b) Identify the discussion goal; (c) Act as facilitator to keep the discussion focused toward the goal; and (d) Alert the Presiding Officer when it is appropriate to call for a consensus, motion or official direction of the Council. The role of the Presiding Officer is to facilitate Councilmembers engaged in free flowing discussion without the necessity of each councilmember being recognized by the presiding officer. The Presiding Officer retains the option of assuming the function of the discussion leader at any time in order to maintain decorum and ensure all councilmembers have the opportunity to be heard, and to keep the discussion properly focused. 1.13 Council Travel Provisions This section is intended to provide guidance on the utilization of the Council budget for city business related travel expenses. The total allocation of travel funding budgeted for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year will be apportioned (In) to each Councilmember. These monies may be used to defray expenses for transportation, lodging, meals and incidental expenses incurred in the conduct of city business. Periodic statements of expenditures to date will be provided each Councilmember by the Finance Department. Should a Councilmembcr exhaust their apportionment of funds, that person will be responsible for payment of any travel and related expenses or they may request a voluntary allocation from another Count ilmembcr who has a balance in their travel account. During the last six (6) months of a Councilmember's current term of office, incurring City business-related travel expenditures require the prior authorization of the Finance Committee, except when such travel fulfills the obligations of the Councilmember's service on statewide or regional boards, commissions or task forces. 1.14 Telephone Tree. Occasionally there are very important or emergency happenings in the community where members of the Council should receive briefings as quickly as possible. A Govcmance !Manual City Council telephone tree system has been adopted by Council motion and is attached Exhibit A- 18t A-2. 1.15 "Three Touch Principle." Decision makers and citizens at all levels of the City should ha%e adequate time to thoughtfully consider the issues prior to final decisions. It is the intent of the Council that the Council and Administration shall abide by the "Three touch principle" whenever possible. The following procedural guidelines arc designed to avoid "surprises" to the City Council, Citizens and Administrative personnel: Any request or proposal for adopting or changing public policy, Ordinances, Resolutions or City Council Directives which will require a decision of the City Council, or Administration, should "touch" the Decision makers three separate times. This includes oral or written reports, -information only" agenda items, or any combination thereof. To facilitate the Council's strategic use of legislative time at its meeting, staff may satisfy the fast touch by issuing an informational memorandum, unless the subject matter is complex in nature. Quasi-judicial matters and any subject discussed in executive sessions are excluded fmrn application of the "Three Touch Principle." It is recognized that the hands of decision makers should not be tied unnecessarily. Unexpected circumstances may arise wherein observance of the "Three Touch Principle" is impractical. However, when unusual circumstances arise which justify a "first discussion" decision, the persons requesting the expedited decision should also explain the timing circumstances. This Principle excludes staff reports and other general communications not requiring a Council decision. 1.16 City Manager. The City Manager, as the chief executive officer and head of the-administrative branch of city government, or hislher designee, shall attend all meetings of the City Council, unless excused by the Presiding Officer or Council. The City Manager shall be responsible to the Council for the proper administration of all affairs of the City. The City Manager shall recommend for adoption by the Council such measures as he/she may deem necessary or expedient; prepare and submit to the Council such reports as may be required by the body or as the City Manager deems advisable to submit; keep the Council fully advised as to the business of the City; and shall take part in the Council's discussion on all matte concerning the welfare of die City. In the event that the City Manager is unable to attend a Council meeting, the City Manager shall appoint a key staff member to attend the meeting as the representative of City administration. (RCW 35A.13.080) 1.17 City Clerk - Minutes - Public Information Access. The City Clerk shall be ex-officio Clerk-of-the-Council and shall keep minutes as required by law, and shall perform such other duties in the meeting as may be required by the Council, Presiding Officer, or City Manager. In the absence of the City Clerk, the City Clark shall appoint a replacement to act as Clerk-of-the-Council. The Clerk-of-the-Council shall keep minutes which identify the general discussion of the issue and complete detail of the official action or consensus reached, if any. When practical, and with the exception of Executive Sessions, the City Clerk shall audio record the proceedings of all City Council meetings, and shall keep and make available an index of the topics of each meeting which will facilitate location of the item in the appropriate meeting minutes. Access to the audio recordings shall be made reasonably available to any party who so requests, according to City public information procedures. 1.18 City staff - Attendance at Meetings. Attendance at meetings by City staff shall be at the pleasure of the City Manager. It is the intent of the Council that the Manager schedule adequate administrative support for the business at hand but also protect the productive capability of Department Heads. When sound system or other monitoring capabilities exist, the Manager may allow personnel to utilize productive time in their offices or other areas while waiting for the specific item of business for which their appearance before the Council is necessary. End of Article I -Council Afeetings ARTICLE 2 - DIES AND PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERS 2.01 Respect and Decorum. It is the duty of the Mayor and Councilmembers to maintain dignity and respect for their offices, City staff and the public. While the Council is in session, the Councilmembers shall preserve order and decorum and a member shall neither, by conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings of the Council, nor disrupt or disparage any member while speaking. Councilrrtembers and the public shall obey the orders of the Chair. Any person making disruptive, disparaging or impertinent remarks or unreasonably disturbing the business of the Council, either while addressing the Council or attending its proceedings, shall be asked to leave, or be removed from the meeting. Continued disruptions may result in a recess or adjournment as set forth in section 3.04 vtfi hi-. r&_ l ;i -i b.clo%yti 2.01A Forms of Address. The Mayor shall be addressed as "Mayor (surname)" or "Your Ifonor." The Deputy Mayor shall be addressed as "Deputy Mayor (surname)." Members of the Council shall be addressed as "Cauncilmember (surname)" unless waived by the Presiding Officer. 2.02 Seating Arrangement. Councilmembers shall occupy the respective seats in the Council Chamber assigned to them by the Mayor. 2.03 Dissents and Protests. Any Councilmcmber shall have the right to express dissent from or protest, wally or in writing, against any motion, ordinance or resolution of the Council and have the reason therefore entered or retained in the minutes. 2.04 FMing Council Vacancies. If a vacancy occurs on the City Council. the Council will follow the procedures outlined in RCW 35A.13.020. In order to fill the vacancy with the most qualified person available until an election is held, the Council will publish a notice of the vacancy, the procedure, and distribute the application form for applying. 7be Council will draw up an application which contains relevant information to answer set questions posed by the Council. The application forms will be used in conjunction with an interview of each candidate to aid the Council's selection of the new Councihncmbcr. End of Article 2 - Duties and Privileges of Members ARTICLE 3 - COUNCIL MEETING PROCEDIJRES 3.01 Rules of Order. Rules of order not specified by statute, ordinance or resolution shall be governed by the chart of the most common "Rules of Order" questions. Attached as Exhibit A-3. The City Clerk shall keen a copy of the most current "Robert's Rules of Order" in Council C hantherN during Council moctiny. (a) Out of Order Requests. Governance Manual Occasionally a member of the public may wish to speak on an agenda item but cannot remain until the item is reached on the agenda. During Open Comments From the Public, such person may request permission to speak by explaining the circumstances. The Presiding Officer in his/her sole discretion shall rule on allowing or disallowing the out of order request. 3.02 Motions and Discussion. (a) All items of business placed before the Council that require the expenditure of Counci and/or administration resources shall he in the form of an affirmative motion Affirmative motions are preferred to prevent "approval by default" of a failed negative moti0l). (b) Agenda items scheduled as New or Old Business shall require a motion by a Councilmember before discussion unless the Council shall suspend the requirement by majority vote. Upon failure of either a prior motion or rule suspension, the agenda item shall be passed over and may not be reintroduced until the next regular meeting. (e) Wlien possible. Councilmembers should direct questions primarily to the City Manager or the designated presenter. 3.03 Order of Business. The business of all regular meetings of the Council shall be transacted as follows: provided, however, that the Presiding Officer may, during a Council meeting, rearrange items on the agenda to conduct the business before the Council more expeditiously. (a) Call to order by the Presiding Officer. (b) Invocation (c) Pledge of Allegiance. (d) Roll Call (see Section 1.06 ror procedure to excuse an absence). (e) Approval of Agenda (f) Introduction of Special Guests and Presentations. (e) Councilmernber Reports of Council or government-related activities (e.g. synopsis of Committee or board meetings). T3icsc oral reports arc intended to be brief, city work- related." heads-up in nature" or otherwise of significance in keeping the Council informed of pertinent policy issues or events stemming from their representation of the city on a regional Board or Commission. Extended reports shall be placed as agenda items for presentation or submitted in writing as an informational memo. (h) Presiding OfTtcees report 0) Comments from the public on subjects not on the agenda for action - limit 3 minute each, unless modified by the Presiding Officer. Governance Manual 10 Note: the City Council desires to allow a nuudmum opportunity for public comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At any time. the Presiding Officer, In the Presiding Officer's sole discretion, may set such reasonable limits as are necessary to present disruption of other necessary business. Subjects not on the current agenda. The Presiding Officer may invoke a lign- in procedure for speakers. Any member of the public may request time to address the Council after first stating their name, address, and the subject of their comments. The Presiding Officer may then allow the continents subject to such time limitations as the Presiding Officer deems necessary. Following such comments, the Presiding Officer may place the matter on the agenda or a future agenda, or refer the matter to administration or a Council committee for investigation and report. Subjects on the current agenda. Any member of the public who wishes to address the Council on an action item on the current agenda shall make such request to the Presiding Officer at the time when comments from the public are requested during the agenda item discussion. The Council may bear such comments before or after initial Council discussion. As an option, the Presiding Officer may invoke a sign in procedure. The Mayor, in consultation with the City Attorney, shall rule on the appropriateness of public comments as the agenda item is reached and shall rule on a specific individual or group time limit for public comment. The Presiding Officer may change the order of speakers so that comment is heard in the most logical groupings. 3. Comments shall be made from the microphone, first giving name, address and subject- No comments shall be made from any other location, and anyone making "out of order" comments shall be subject to removal from the meeting. 4. There will be no demonstrations during or at the conclusion of anyone's presentation. Any disruptive behavior, as determined by the Presiding Officer, shall be cause for removal from the meeting room. These rules are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public meeting, to give persons opportunity to be heard, and to create an environment in which no individuals are embarrassed by exercising their right of free speech. 6. Any ruling by the Presiding Officer relative to the subsections 1 and 2 above may be overruled by a vote of a majority of members present. 7. Council shall not Wrmit_pPublic comments ► t++r~i +r<~-tlFe f thli~.~etse~ent period shall am be 4- the-Ceunetl--if they relate to any matter upon which a publie uasi-'udicial hcanns has been required. hcduled. or held-. See Article 6.01 for procedure for taking public comrtictit on legislative matters. 0) Public Hearings (see Article 6 for procedural details). (k) Consent Agenda (see Section 1.10 for procedural details). Governance Manual (1) Old Business. (m) New Business. (n) Public Comments. [same as "i" above] (3-minute time limit each) (o) Administrative Reports. Reports or tracking of an administrative nature (p) Information only items. (q) Executive Session (as required). It- C, - Lin,: iI hk f,iti_:vi F-Accutive sessions it «:ill.r f}-be held in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, RCW Chapter 42.30. The Council may hold an executive session during a regular or special meeting. -Before convening in executive session, the Presiding OfTiJcer_C--lff:;f- shall .i,.k for a MQtioi front _ciuncil to publicly announce • the purpose for :1,,2jtrurrlin,a ,n-o F-%cctiti%e Scssitnexelfnling the- iublia ffOFH -ih r>Eft't'i}ff~-~IQC•e-c~ffi{ - ' the approximate length elf time fOr when the executive session.s?rflf he eone4:fde and .1.. the likclihQOd off€theCouncil taking a01011 at Life close of the Executiyc sessioi and retunf to rcftular session, ~~r 4 b. that wi!ihes-to adjetim at the close of the a tfseetiffg-ffet+l-Eexecutive session nm rct'Irn ?l~ rY`?1!I!r Gei51t"R~ 11Tref C,-nicil will likely take no action hit Kill adjon11 Lh r11CC(I 1 i -1s iV (it ihe estimawd time @f the-e-teetA'YE 5c",~f~~f1 The announced time limit for executive sessions may be extended by announcement of the l'rctiiding001iert-- ,rr. At the close of the l ,Accutive Session and gpQn Council's rVy-n to chamber; • The PresiCgij%0tTicer will declare Council out of Executive Session • I-he Presidine Officer will ask- for sift; appropriste motion (i.e. an action rnotiul ~fl~~ ~;lr•1 1. Councilmembers must keep confidential all oral and written information provided during executive sessions to protect the best interests of the City. Confidentiality also includes information provided to Councilmembers outside of executive sessions when the information is considered exempt from disclosure under the Ccxlc of Ethics- for Municipal Officers. (r) Adjournment. No Council meeting should be permitted to continue beyond approximately 9:00 p.m., without approval of a majority of the Councilmcmbers who are present and eligible to vote. A new time limit must be established before taking a Council vote to extend the meeting. In the event that a meeting has not been closed or continued by Council as herein specified, the items not acted on shall be deferred to the next regular Council meeting as old business, unless the Council, by a majority vote of members present, determines otherwise. 3.04 Adjournment Due to Emergency or Disruption. In the event of emergency, such as a fire, threatened violence, or inability to regain good order, the Mayor shall forthwith declare the meeting adjourned or continued and the City Council shall immediately leave the meeting room. 3.05 Ptrw ssiou Required to Address the Conned. Persons other than Councilmembers and administration shall be permitted to address the Council upon recognition and/or introduction by the Presiding Officer or the chair of the appropriate Council committee. 3.06 Voting and Tele/video Conferencing. The votes during all meetings of the Council shall be transacted as follows: (a) Unless otherwise provided by statute, ordinance, or resolution, all votes shall be taken by voice, except that at the request of any Councihnember, a roll call vote shall be taken by the City Clerk. The order of the roll call vote shall be determined by the City Clerk. (b) In case of a tic vote on any proposal, the motion shall be considered lost. (c) livery member who was in the Council chambers when the question was put, shall give his/her vote unless the Council, for special reasons, shall excuse the member by motion. If any Councilmember refuses to vote "aye" or "nay," their vote shall be counted as a "nay" vote unless the Councilmember is abstaining due to actuat, or appearance of, a conflict of interest. (d) The passage of any ordinance, grant or revocation of franchise or license, any resolution for the payment of money, any approval of warrants, and any resolution for the removal of the City Manager shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the whole membership of the Council. (e) The passage of any public emergency ordinance (an ordinance that takes effect immediately), expenditures for any calamity or violence of nature or riot or insurrection or war (except for the statutory powers of the Mayor in accordance with RCW 35A.13.030), and provisions for a lesser emergency, such as a budget amendment, shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority plus one (1) of the whole membership of the Council. (RCW 35A.13.190) In the event calamitous conditions should prevent assembly of such majority through death or injuries, the provisions of RCW 35A.13.035 may be invoked. (f) The passage of any motion or resolution not subject to the provisions of Washington law, the Spokane Valley Municipal Code, or this Resolution as amended requiring a "super majority" for approval, shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the membership of the Council who are present and eligible to vote. (g) 1. Tele/video conference participation by Councilmembers may be allowed provided technical availability and compatibility of electronic equipment shall enable the Councilmember to hear the proceedings, be heard by those present and participate in Council discussion. (a) Requests to use tele/video conference participation for voting purposes shall be limited to extraordinary circumstances and must be ruled upon by the Council-of-the-Whole by specific motion before the Council main agenda begins. (b) In such case, adequate equipment must allow the telelvideo conference participant to engage in Council discussion and be heard. Telephone/computer system charges are to be at the Councilmember's Governance Manual 13 own expense, unless waived in the Council motion. Adequate notice must be given to allow hookup in time for the main agenda. Requests to monitor by tele/video conference in a nonvoting capacity shall be granted provided technical capability exists and adequate notice is given, and shall he at the Councilmembces own expense, unless waived in the Council motion. 3. No tele/video conference participation for voting purposes shall be allowed for public hearings or any quasi-judicial proceedings. Video conferencing may be permitted upon a majority vote of the Council present at the meeting site for such proceedings provided that all documents and exhibits are clearly visible and legible to all participants and provided that a video and audio record of the videocanference is made and provided to the clerk. The cost of such videoconfercncing and record thereof shall be paid by the Councilmember requesting videoconfercncing, unless waived by vote of the City Council. 4. Examples of extraordinary circumstances would be emergencies or illness, accident, unforeseen urgent business, etc. 3.07 Enacted Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions. (a) An enacted ordinance is a legislative act prescribing general rules of organization or conduct relating to the corporate affairs of the municipality. Council action shall be taken by ordinance when required by law, or where prescribed conduct may be enforced by penalty. (b) An enacted resolution is an administrative act which is a formal statement of policy concerning matters of special or temporary character. Council action shall be taken by resolution when required by law and in those instances where an expression of policy more formal than a motion is desired. (c) An enacted motion is a form of action taken by the Council to direct that a specific action be taken on behalf of the municipality. A motion, once approved and entered into the record, is the equivalent of a resolution in those instances where a resolution is not required by law, and where such motion is not in conflict with existing State or Federal statutes, City Ordinances or Resolutions. 3.08 Ordinances. The procedures for ordinances are as fol (a) A Councilmember may, in open session, request of the Presiding Officer that the Council study the wisdom of enacting an ordinance. The Presiding Officer then may assign the proposed ordinance to the administration, a committee or the Council-of-the-Whole for consideration. The committee or administration shall report its findings to the Council. The City Manager may propose the drafting of ordinances (RCW 35A.13). Citizens and Boards and Commissions may also propose consideration of ordinances and resolutions, see Exhibit A4 attached. (b) Sponsorship. When a Councilmember wishes to assume sponsorship of an ordinance resolution, he or she should so announce, make the initial motion and provide r introduction for the nmass!rc Governance Manua (c) All ordinances shall normally have two (2) separate readings at separate Council meetings. Unless waived by the City Council at each reading, the title of an ordinance shall be read by the City Clerk prior to its passage; provided that should a Councilmember request that the entire ordinance or certain of its sections be read, such request shall be granted. Printed copies shall be made available upon request to any person attending a Council meeting. (d) The provision requiring two (2) separate readings of an ordinance may be waived at any meeting of the Council by a majority vote of all members present. (e) if a motion to pass an ordinance to a second reading fails, the ordinance shall be considered lost, unless a subsequent motion directs its revision and resubmission to second reading. (f) Any ordinance repealing any portion of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code shall also repeal the respective portions of the underlying ordinance(s). Ordinances repealing earlier ordinances shall not apply to acts, incidents, transactions or decisions occurring before such repeal. 3.09 Resolutions. A resolution may be put to its final passage on the some day on which it was introduced. However, Council may invoke the two (2) reading procedures described in Section 3.08 (e) above to facilitate public understanding and/or comment on the resolution. The title of each resolution shall, unless waived by the City Council, be read prior to its passage. A Councilmember may request that the entire resolution or certain of its sections be read, and such request shall be granted. Printed copies shall be made available upon request to any person attending a Council meeting. 3.10 Reconsideration. Any action of the Council, including 1"mal action on applications for legislative changes in land use status, shall be subject to a motion to reconsider except: • any action previously reconsidered, • motions to adjourn or motions to suspend the rules, • an affirmative vote to lay an item on, or take an item from, the table, • or a vote electing to office one who is present and does not decline. Such motion for reconsideration can only be made by a member of the prevailing side on the original action. A motion to reconsider must be made during the ;amcnf►4~4tff w4#t-+esi {c, w-Council meeting. A motion to reconsider is debatable only if the action being reconsidered is debatable. Upon passage of a motion to reconsider, the subjext matter is returned to the table anew at the next regular Council meeting for any action the Council deems advisable. Any motion for reconsideration of a matter which was the subject of a required public hearing or which is a quasi-judicial matter may not be discussed or acted upon unless and until the parties or their attorneys and the persons testifying have been given at least five (5) days advance notice of such discussion and/or action. Governance Manual Is 3.11 Legislative Prod, Preparation, Introduction and Flow of Ordinances and Resolutions and Motions. Ordinances and Resolutions will customarily be prepared, introduced and proceed in the manner described on the flow chart attached hereto as Exhibit A4, and by this reference incorporated herein. Prior to final passage of all ordinances, resolutions or motions, such documents or proposals shall be designated as DRAFTS. All such drafts shall also be dated to include the most recent revision. (a) PROPOSED DRAFTS shall contain the date and name of the group or individual originating or sponsoring the proposal prior to the fast presentation to the City Council. Proposed drafts may be initiated by individual Councilmembers, the City Manager, Citizens or by Boards, Commissions or other task groups. (b) COUNCIL DRAFTS shall be documents or proposals which have been presented in open session and voted by the City Council for further consideration. 3.12 Complaints and Suggestions to Council. When citizen complaints or suggestions are brought before the City Council on matters not on a Council agenda, the Presiding Officer shall, in Cuntiultation with the City Manager, first determine Nvhether the issue is legislative or :011iimstrative in nature. end tinAn (a) If legislative, and a complaint is about the language or intent of legislative acts or suggestions for changes to such acts, and if the Council finds such complaint suggests a change to an ordinance or resolution of the City, the Presiding Officer may refer the matter to a committee, administration, or the Council-of-the-Whole for study and recommendation. (b) If administrative, and a complaint regards administrative staff performance, execution of legislative policy or administrative policy within the authority of the City Manager, the Presiding Officer should then refer the complaint directly to the City Manager for review, if said complaint has not been so reviewed. The City Council may direct that the City Manager brief the Council when the City Manager's response is made. 3.13 Photographs, motion pictures or video tape requiring artificial illumination - Prior Permission Required. No overhead projection, photographs, motion pictures, or video tapes that require the use of floodlights, or similar artificial illumination shall be used by the public at City Council meetings without the prior consent of the Presiding Officer or the City Manager. Ent] of Arllcle 3 - Council Procedures ARTICLE 4 - CONIWTTEES, BOARDS & CON114I1SSIONS 4.01 Committees. (a) All standing Committees, Boards, and Commissions which are required by state taw shall be appointed by the Mayor with confirmation by the Council. (b) All other Council Committees, Citizen Task Force groups and rules or operating procedures thereof shall be established by Council Directive with special attention to RCW 35A.13.120, and after consultation with the City Manager. Such committees steal l Governance Mail" be commissioned for a time certain, not to exceed two (2) years or the term of the appointing Mayor, whichever, is less and provided with a clear task description and "sunset" provision. Appointment shall be by the Mayor. Council may waive confirmation in the instrument creating said committee or group. Such Committees shall be subject to review, whenever a new Council is sorted following elections, so as to determine whether the committee and its functions continue to be appropriate and necessary. Members of any Committee, Board or Commission which have been appointed or confirmed by the Council, may be removed without cause by a majority vote of the Council. A copy of the motion(s), or as hereafter amended, establishing committees, liaisons and citizen's task force groups shall be attached hereto, as Exhibit A-5. (See the attached related charts Exhibits A-6 (1) (2) & A-7.) ` (c) Other special ad hoc committees and Council liaisons for a particular purpose may be appointed by the Mayor, without confirmation of Council'for a time certain, not to exceed the term of the appointing Mayor, along with a clear task description and "sunset" provision. (d) Committees, liaisons and citizen task-force groups shall be given an opportunity to make a recommendation, when appropriate, on proposed ordinances, resolutions and motions within their area of responsibility or interest, before action is taken by the Council. The appropriate spokesperson shall present the recommendation(s) during discussion of that business item on a Council agenda. (e) Council member(s) may be designated by the City Council to take the lead on particular significant issues and to provide an appropriate feedback of information to Council, in order to gain corporate approval and coordination of corporate efforts. No Councilmember may speak for the Council unless Council has designated that person as the lead on that particular issue. (f) No Advisory hoard or Commission shall take any final action outside of an open public meeting. 4.02 Council Relations with Boards, Commissions and Council Citizen Advisory. All statutory boards and commissions and Council citizen advisory bodies of the City of Spokane Valley shall provide the Council with copies of minutes of all meetings. Communications from such boards, commissions and bodies to the City Council shall be acknowledged by the Council. - Any member of the Council may also bring such communication to the Presiding Officer's attention under the agenda item "Committee, Board and Liaison Reports." Should any member of the Council determine that any such communication be officially answered by the Council, the Presiding Officer shall place the matter on the agenda under New Business for the current meeting or any subsequent meeting. End . f Article 4 - Committees, Boards & Commissions ARTICLE 5 - RELATIONS WITH CITY MANAGER & ADMINISTRATION 5.01 Role of the City Manager. The City Manager is the chief administrative officer of the City of Spokane Valley. The Manager is directly accountable to the City Council for the execution of the City Council's policy directives, and for the administration and management of all City departments. The powers and duties of the City Manager are defined by Washbigton law, RCW Governance Manual 17 35A.13.080. Such duties may be expanded by Ordinance or Resolution. Balanced with City Manager's accountability to the City Council for policy implementation is the need for the Council to allow the City Manager to perform legally defined duties and responsibilities without interference by the City Council in the day-to-day management decisions of the City Manager. 5.02 Administrative Interference by Councilmembers. Neither the Council nor any of its committees or members shall direct or request the appointment of any person to, or his/her removal from, any office by the City Manager or any of his/her subordinates. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the Council and its members shall deal with the administrative branch solely through the City Manager and neither the Council nor any committee or member thereof shall give any orders to any subordinate of the City Manager, either publicly or privately; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the Council, while in open session, from fully and freely discussing with the City Manager anything pertaining; to appointments and removals of City officers and employees and City affairs. (RC`V 35A.13.120.) 5.02.1 Informal Communications Encouraged. The above requirement of RCW is not to be construed as to prevent informal communications with City staff that do not involve orders, direction, or are meant to influence actions or administrative policy. Members of the Council are encouraged to interact informally and casually with City staff for the purpose of gathering infornation, obtaining explanations of policies and programs or providing incidental information to staff relevant to their assignment. Such informal contacts can serve to promote better understanding of specific City functions and problems. However, Councilmembers must be careful in such interaction to avoid giving direction or advice to members of City staff. While maintaining open lines of communication, City staff responding; to information requests from Councilmembers will inform their supervisor of such contact and provide the supervisor with the same information shared with the Councihnember. 5.03 Administrative Complaints Made Directly to Individual Councilmembers. When administrative policy or administrative performance complaints are made directly to individual Councilmembers, the Council.member shall then refer the matter directly to the City Manager for review and/or action. The individual Councilmember may request to be informed of the action or response made to the complaint. However, the City Manager shall not be required to divulge information he/she deems 'confidential, in conformity ' with applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies or practices. 5.04 Administrative Complaints - "'Best Practice." Although citizens' direct access to elected officials is to be encouraged to help develop public policy, City Councilmembers should not develop a "personal intervention" pattern in minor calls for service or administrative appeals which may actually delay a timely customer service response. The best policy is to get the citizen into direct contact with customer service unless an unsatisfactory result has occurred. In that case refer to Section 5.03 above. End of Article 5 - Relations with City Manager & Administration ARTICLE 6 - PUBLIC HEARTING PROCEDURES 6.00 There are two types of public hearings, legislative and quasi-judicial: Governance Manual 18 (a) Legislative public hearing are hearings held to obtain public input on legislative decisions on matters of policy. Legislative public hearings are required by state law when a city or county addresses such matters as comprehensive land use plans, or the annual or biennial budget. They are generally less formal than quasi-judicial public hearings. They do not involve the legal rights of specific, private parties in a contested setting, but rather affect a wider range of citizens or perhaps the entire jurisdiction. The wisdom of legislative decisions reached as a result of such hearings is not second-guessed by the courts; if challenged, they are reviewed only to determine if they are constitutional or violate state law. For example, a court will not review whether the basic budgetary decisions made by a city were correctly made. (b) Quasi-judicial public hearings involve the legal rights of specific parties, and the decisions made as a result of such hearings must be based upon and support ed by the "record" developed at the hearing. Quasi-judicial hearings are subject to stricter procedural requirements than legislative hearings. Most quasi-judicial hearings held by local government bodies involve land use matters, including site specific rezones, preliminary plats, variances, and conditional uses. (MRSC Public Hearings When and How to Hold Them by Bob Meinig, MRSC Legal Consultant August 1998) 6.01 Legislative Public Hearings: (a) State statutes do not specify how public hearings should be conducted. Because legislative hearings are generally informal, the main concern is to provide an opportunity for all attending members of the public to speak if they so desire. Time limits should be placed on individual comments if many people are intending to speak, and the public should be advised that comments must relate to the matter at hand. The "ground rules" for the conduct of the hearing should be stated by the presiding official at the beginning of the hearing. (b) Actions for a Public Hearing. Prior to the start of the public hearing, the Presiding Officer announces the following Rules of Order: 1. All public comments shall be made from the speaker's rostrum, and any Individual making comments shall first give their name and address. This is required because an official recorded transcript of the public hearing is being made. 2. No comments shall be made from any other location, and anyone making "'out of order" comments shall be subject to removal from the meeting. 3. Unless otherwise determined by the Presiding Officer, all comments by the public shall be limited to three minutes. 4 There will be no demonstrations, applause or other audience participation, before, during or at the conclusion of anyone's presentation. Such expressions are disruptive and take time away from the speakers. 5. These rules are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public hearing, to give persons an opportunity to be heard and to ensure that individuals are not embarrassed by exercising their right of free speech. c. The Presiding officer declares the public hearing on (topic) open and asks staff ( to make their presentation. . i Governance Manual 19 d. After staff presentations, the Presiding Officer calls for public testimony. e. The presiding officer asks if any members of Council have questions of any of the speakers or staff. If any Councilmember has questions, the appropriate individual will be recalled to the podium. f. The presiding officer declares the public hearing closed. 6.02 Quasi-Judicial Public Hearings: 1. Specific Statutt)!:y Provisions. a. Candidates for the City Council may express their opinions about pending or proposed quasi-judicial actions while campaigning, RCW 42.36.040, except that sitting Councilmembers shall not express their opinions on any such matter which is or may come before the Council. b. A candidate for the City Council who complies with all provisions of applicable public disclosure and ethics laws shall not be limited under the Appearuice of Fairness Doctrine from accepting campaign contributions to finance the campaign, including outstanding debts. (RCW 42.36.050) c. Ex Parte communications should be avoided whenever possible. During the pendency of any quasi-judicial proceeding, no Councilmember may engage in ex paste communications with proponents or opponents about a proposal involved in the pending proceeding, unless the Councilmember: (1) places on the record the substance of such oral or written communications; and (2) provided that a public announcement of the content of the communication and of the parties' right to rebut the substance of the communication shall be made at each hearing where action is taken or considered on the subject. This does not prohibit correspondence between a citizen and his or her elected official if the correspondence is made a part of the record, when it pertains to the subject matter of a quasi-judicial proceeding. (R.CW 42.3 6.060) d. Public Disclosure File. The City Clerk shall maintain a public disclosure file, which shall be available for inspection by the public. As to elected officials, the file shall contain copies of all disclosure forms filed with the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission. c. Procedure On Application. Any person making application for any action leading to a quasi-judicial hearing before the Planning Commission and City Council shall be provided with a document containing the following information: (1) the names and address of all members of the City Council, and the Planning Commission, (2) a statement that public disclosure information is available for public inspection regarding all such Councilmembers, and (3) a statement that if the applicant intends to raise any appearance of fairness issue, the applicant should do so at least two (2) weeks prior to any public hearing, if the grounds for such issue are then known and in all cases, no later than before the opening of the public hearing. The applicant shall sign a receipt for such document. 2. Actions/Procedures for a OUasi-Judicial Public Hearing. a. Prior to the start of the public hearing, the Presiding Officer may require that all persons wishing to be heard shall sign in with the City Clerk, giving their names and addresses, and whether they wish to speak as proponent, opponent, or otherwise. Any person who fails to sign in shall not be permitted to speak until all those who signed in have done so. Persons who have signed in and wish to be heard shall be given an opportunity to be heard. However, the Presiding Officer shall be authorized to establish speaker time limits and otherwise control presentations to avoid repetition. The Presiding Officer, subject to concurrence of the majority of the Council, may establish time limits and otherwise control presentations. Govemance Manual 20 The Presiding Officer may change the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings, (i.e., proponents, opponent, adjacent owners, vested interests, etc.) b. The Presiding Officer introduces the agenda item, opens the public hearing, and announces the following Rules of Order: All comments by proponents, opponents, or the public shall be made from the speaker's rostrum, and any individual making comments shall first give his/her name and address. This is required because an official recorded transcript of the public hearing is being made. If there is any appeal, the court must make its decision on the basis of what was said at the public hearing. 2. It is not necessary to be a proponent or opponent in order to speak. If you consider yourself neither a proponent nor opponent, please speak during the proponent portion and identify yourself as neither a proponent nor an opponent. 3. No comments shall be made from any other location, and anyone making "out of order'' comments shall be subject to removal from the meeting. 4. There will be no demonstrations, applause or other audience participation before, during or at the conclusion of anyone's presentation. The Council is not allowed to consider such expressions and it takes time away from the speakers. 5. These rules are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public hearing, to f" 1 give persons an opportunity to be heard and to ensure that individuals arey not embarrassed by exercising .their right of free speech. 3. Public Hearing Format: 1. The Presiding Officer will customarily call for proponents in quasi-judicial proceedings and for speakers in non-quasi judicial proceedings. When considering a site-specific Comprehensive Plan and zoning amendment or zoning reclassification, the Presiding Officer shall announce: "Site plans, artistic renditions, and the like in support of a-zoning amendment should be avoided except as they help explain the terms of any proposed or anticipated conditions for approval. Any graphic representations should be used for illustrative purposes only, and the administration or City Council should avoid indicating approval or disapproval of such plans. Such evidence shall remain a part of the record." 2. The proponents or speakers now speak. (Note: if the City of Spokane Valley is the proponent, a member or members of the administration shall be designated to give proponent and rebuttal testimony.) 3. The Presiding Officer calls for additional proponents or speakers. 4. The Presiding Officer calls for opponents by announcing the following: "At this time the opponents and persons who do not claim to be either a proponent or an opponent will have an opportunity to speak. Should any opponent have questions to ask of the proponents, ask the questions during your. presentation. The proponents shall note the question asked, and answer such questions when the proponent speaks in rebuttal. The proponent shall be required to answer any reasonable question, provided that the Presiding Officer reserves the right to rule any question out of order." Governance Manual 21 5. Opponents speak. 6. The Presiding Officer calls for additional opponents up to three (3) times. 7. The Presiding Officer calls for proponents to speak in rebuttal. A proponent speaking in rebuttal shall not introduce new materials. If the proponent does, or is allowed to do so, the opponents shall also be allowed to rebut the new elements. 8. The Presiding Officer announces the following: "At this time I will inquire of the administration whether the administration wishes to introduce any testimony as to subjects raised by the proponents or opponents, or alter in any regard its initial recommendations." 9. The Presiding Officer inquires as to whether Councilmembers have any questions to ask the proponents, opponents, speakers, or administration. If any Councilmember has questions, the appropriate individual will be recalled to the podium. The Presiding Officer may also permit questions by Councilmembers of any witness at the conclusion of their testimony. Questions of witnesses submitted by proponents or opponents may be asked by the Presiding Officer of such witnesses if deemed relevant. 10. The Presiding Officer closes the public hearing. Additional testimony may not be requested or considered after the closing of the public hearing unless the ['residing Officer declares the record open until a date certain for the purpose of receiving written testimony, such as a legal brief, on a subject(s) specified by the Presiding Officer. 11. The Presiding Officer inquires if there is a motion by any Councilmember. If a motion is made, it shall be in the form of an affirmative motion. Following the motion and its second, discussion- occurs among Councilmembers. The Presiding Officer may call on individual Councilmembers in the discussion. The councilmember who makes the motion can't speak against his or her own motion. although he or she can vote against it. The person who seconds the motion, however, can speak against the motion because a second means "Let's discuss it," not "I agree." 12. The Presiding Officer inquires if there is any further discussion by the Councilmembers. 13. The Presiding Officer inquires if there are any Final comments or recommendations from administration. 14. The Presiding Officer inquires of the Councilrembers as to whether they are ready for the question. 15. The City Clerk shall conduct a roll call vote. 16. The Presiding Officer may direct the administration to prepare findings. The findings may be approved the same night, if ready, or may be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting. 4. Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. a. In short, when the law which calls for public hearings gives the public not only the right to attend, but the right to be heard as well, the hearings must not only be fair but must appear to be so. It is a situation where appearances are quite as important as substance." Smith vs. Skagit County, 75 Wn.2d 715 (1969). "The test of whether the appearance of fairness doctrine has been violated is as follows: Would a disinterested person, having been apprised of the totality of a board member's personal interest in a matter Governance Manual 22 being acted upon, be reasonably justified in thinking that partiality may exist? If answered in the affirmative. 'such deliberations, and any course of conduct reached thereon, should be voided." Swift vs. Island Countv, 87 Wn.2d 348 (1976). b. Types of Hearings to Which the Doctrine Applies. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine shall apply only to those actions of the Council which are quasi-judicial in nature. Quasi-judicial actions are defined as actions of the City Council which determine the legal rights, duties, or privileges of specific parties in a hearing or other contested proceeding. Quasi-judicial actions do not include the legislative actions adopting, amending, or revising comprehensive, community, or neighborhood plans or other land use planning documents or the adoption of area-wide zoning ordinances or the adoption of a zoning amendment that is of area-wide (versus site-specific) significance (RCW 42.36.010). Street vacations are typically legislative actions, unless clearly tied to, and integrated into, a site-specific development proposal which is quasi-judicial in nature. c. Obligations of Councilmembers -Procedure. 1. immediate self-disclosure of interests that may appear to constitute a conflict of interest is hereby encouraged. Councilmembers should recognize that the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine does not require establishment of a conflict of interest, but whether there is an appearance of conflict of interest to the average person. This may involve the Councilmember or a Councilmember's business associate, or a member of the Councilmember's immediate family. It could involve ex party (outside the hearing) communications, ownership of property in the vicinity, business dealings with the proponents or opponents before or after the hearing, business dealings of the Councilmember's employer with the proponents or opponents, announced predisposition, and the like. Prior to any quasi-judicial hearing, each couneilmember should give consideration to whether a potential violation of the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine exists. If the answer is in the affirmative, no matter how remote, the Councilmember should disclose such facts to the City Manager who will seek the opinion of the City' Attorney as to whether a potential violation of the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine exists. The City Manager shall communicate such opinion to the Councilmember and to the Presiding Officer. 2. Anyone seeking to disqualify a Councilmember from participating in a decision on the basis of a violation of the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine must raise the challenge as soon as the basis for disqualification is made known, or reasonably should have been made known, prior to the issuance of the decision. Upon failure to do so, the Doctrine may not be relied upon to invalidate the decision. The party seeking to disqualify the Councilmember shall state with specificity the basis for disqualification; for example: demonstrated bias or prejudice for or against a party to the proceedings, a monetary interest in outcome of the proceedings, prejudgment of the issue prior to hearing the facts on the record, or ex parte contact. Should such challenge be made prior to the hearing, the City Manager shall direct the City Attorney to interview the Councilmember and render an opinion as to the likelihood that an Appearance of Fairness violation would be sustained in Superior Court:. Should such challenge be made in the course of a quasi-judicial hearing, the Councilmember shall either recuse him/herself or the Presiding Officer shall call a recess to permit the City Attorney to make such interview and render such opinion. 3. The Presiding Officer shall have authority to request a Councilmember to excuse him/herself on the basis of an Appearance of Fairness violation. Further, if two (2) or more Councilmembers believe that an Appearance of Fairness violation exists, such individuals may move to request a Councilmember to excuse him/lerself on the basis of an Appearance of Fairness violation. In arriving at this decision, the Presiding Officer or other Councilmembers shall give due regard to the opinion of the City Attorney. Governance Manual 23 d. When Council conducts a hearing to which the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine applies, the Presiding - Officer (or in the case of a potential violation by that individual, the Mayor Pro Tem) will ask if any Councilmember knows of any reason wh ich would require such member to excuse themselves pursuant to the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. The form of the announcement is as follows: All Councilmembers should now give consideration as to whether they have: 1. A demonstrated bias or prejudice for or against any party to the proceedings; 2. A direct or indirect monetary interest in the outcome of the proceedings; 3. A prejudgment of the issue prior to hearing the facts on the record; or 4. Had ex parte contact with any individual, excluding administrative staff, with regard to an issue prior to the hearing. If any Councilmember should answer in the affirmative, then the Councilmembers should state the reason for his/her answer at this time, so that the Chair may inquire of administration as to whether a violation of the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine exists. 6.03 Site-Specific Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Amendments ("Rezones"). The following are general concepts and not intended to add to or change applicable statutes or ordinances or to be considered a land use control. Under Washington's Growth Management Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW, as implemented by Spokane Valley, site-specific rezone requests (initiated by property owners or developers) are processed not more frequently than once each year, concurrently with the Comprehensive Plan amendment process. This assures that all rezones are consistent with the overarching purposes and intent of the Growth Management Act and the City's Comprehensive Plan. All zoning must be consistent with, and implement the Comprehensive Plan. To that end, at the outset of each public hearing or meeting to consider a zoning amendment or zoning reclassification, the Presiding Officer or City Attorney will announce the legal standards for Comprehensive Plan and zoning amendments and ask the parties to limit their presentations to information within the scope of the standards. The form of the announcement is as follows: The following are general concepts regarding Comprehensive Plan and zoning amendments under the law of the State of Washington: 1. The current zoning is presumed valid. 2. The burden of proof is on the applicant for the site-specific Comprehensive Plan and zoning amendment to establish by proof in sufficient measure that the following requirements have been satisfied. In making its decision, the City Council will consider the recommendations made by the Planning Commission and the record developed before the Planning Commission. Requirements (a), (b), and (c) stated below shall be "considered" and weighed by the Council. The Council must affirmatively find that the applicant has satisfied requirements (d) through (k): (a) Whether circumstances related to the proposed amendment and/or the area in which it is located have substantially changed since the adoption of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan; (b) Whether the assumptions upon which the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan is based are no longer valid, or whether new information is available which was not Governance Manual 24 considered during the adoption process or any annual amendments of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan; (c) Whether the proposed amendment reflects current widely held community values; (d) The proposed amendment meets concurrency requirements for transportation, sewer, and water, and does not adversely affect adopted level of service standards for other public facilities and services, such as police, fire and emergency medical services, park services, and general government services; (c) The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the various elements of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan; (f) The proposed amendment will not result in probable significant adverse impacts to the city's transportation network, capital facilities, utilities, parks, and environmental features that cannot be mitigated, and will not place uncompensated burdens upon existing or planned service capabilities; (g) fn the case of an amendment to the land use map, the subject parcels are physically suitable for the requested land use designation and the anticipated land use development; including but not limited to access, provision of utilities and compatibility with existing and planned surrounding land uses; (h) The proposed amendment will not create a pressure to change the land use designation of other properties, unless the change of land use designation for other properties is in the long-term interests of the community in general; (i) The proposed action does not materially affect the land use and growth projections which are the basis of the Comprehensive Plan; 0) The proposed action does not materially affect the adequacy or availability of urban facilities and services to the immediate area and the overall area of the city; and (k) The proposed amendment is consistent with the GMA, the adopted county-.vide planning policy of Spokane County, any other applicable interjurisdictional policies or agreements, and -my other state or local laws. 3. The facts in support of the application may come from any source; either the applicant, the administration, or the public. The important consideration is that the decision must be made on the basis of infonnation provided to the Planning commission and to the City Council at this public hearing or any continued public hearing. All evidence, such as photographs, letters, charts, maps, slides, computer presentations or other evidence must remain in the record in a form which can be reviewed on any appeal. For example, a print out of a computer slide show may be submitted. Any exhibit not remaining in the record will not be considered. End ofArlicle G - Public Hearing Procedures ARTICLE 7 - USE OF RULES Governance Manual 25 7.01 Purpose. These City Council Rules of Procedure are designed to provide guidance for the City Council. They are not to be considered restrictions or expansions of City Council authority. These rules have been prepared from review of many statutes, ordinances, court cases and other sources but they are not intended to be an amendment or substitute for those statutes, ordinances, court decisions or other authority. 7.02 Use. No action taken by a Councilmember or by the Council which is not in compliance with these rules, but which is otherwise lawful, shall invalidate such Councilmember's or Council action or be deemed a violation of oath of office, misfeasance or malfeasance. No authority other than the City Council may enforce these rules or rely on these rules. Failure of the City Council to follow any of these rules shall be considered a Council decision to waive such rule. No notice of such waiver need be given. 7.03 Public Use or Reliance Not Intended. Because these rules are designed to assist the City Council and not to provide substantive rules affecting constituents, it is expressly stated that these rules do not constitute land use regulations, official controls, "appearance of- fairness rules," public hearing rules or other substantive rules binding upon or to be used by or relied upon by members of the public. These rules do not amend statutory or other regulatory (such as ordinance) requirements. A'nd of Article 7 - Use of Rule Governance Manual 26 EXHIBIT A-3 Motion "To Approve the Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance Herein Contained and Incorporated as Exhibit A-3 of the City of Spokane Valley Council Rules of Procedure." PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE AT A GLANCE i To do this: You say this: May you interrupt Must be seconded? Is motion debatable. Vote required speaker? Introduce business "1 move that..." NO YES YES MAJORITY Amend a motion "I move to amend this motion" NO YES YI'S MAJORITY Request information "Point of information" YES NO NO NO VOTE Suspend further discussion "1 move we table it" NO YE:S NO MAJORITY Find debate and bring matter to an "1 move the previous question..." immediate vote NO YES NO MAJORITY Postpone discussion "I move we postpone this matter until..." NO YES YES MAJORITY Have something further studied by a "I move we refer..." committee NO YES YES MAJORITY Ask for a vote count to verify a voice "I call for a division of the house" ' ' vote NO NO NO L E: NO VO Object to considering some matter "1 object to consideration of this" YES NO NO MAJORITY Take up a matter previously tabled "I move to take from the table " NO YES NO MAJORITY Reconsider something already disposed "I move we reconsider action on of YES YES YES MAJORITY Consider something in unscheduled "I move we suspend the rules and order " O NO YES NO MAJORITY Vote on a ruling by the chair "I appeal the chair's decision" YES YES YES MAJORITY Object to procedure or personal "Point of order" affront-chair decides YES NO NO NO VOTE Complain about noise, room "Point of privilege" temperature, eta YES NO NO NO VOTE: Recess the meeting "I move that we recess until NO YES NO MAJORITY Adjourn the meeting "1 move that we adjourn" NO YES NO y MAJORITY 28 City Managpr (proposed drat) A. Administration study drafit (proposed dram J Q Wasbin,gtton law) i L~ MTF A-4 Approved 1Yjay-13, 2003 GISIIATM.PROCESS FLOW -CHART City Council Citizens (proposed do ft) !Council Study Session ((~'ouacil.draft or summary) Initiative filed IFREM= (only for matters subject to I initiative in *accordance with EX MIT A-5 Approved by Council May 13, 2003 1. Standing Committees or Commissions required by law shall be appointed by Mayor for a time car`-1 not to exceed the term provided by IF--W ar the test of office of the.appointing Ivrayor and confirmed by Council: Finance - 3 members p(auning Commission -7 members Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 5 members. Committee Procedures: The Fiumce Committee shall have no regular prescribed duties or meetings except the bills/payroll and warrant procaeures required by state Iaw, unless specifically charged by the City Council. Committee meetings (when held) should be open to the public, inch7dinge media, unless discussing matters wh :Ph would qualify for an executive session if discuss .d. wit"a the Whole Council- All Council Committee meetings shall be for the puupose of considering legislative policy matters, r~ther than roe mad ~-£e-~T.'hoIesuulass requested by the City Manager. Legislative policy considerations should the Counc, referred to a committee for pre-study. The Mayor may appoint such other ad hop advisory committees or liaisons from the Council or community far the purpose of advising the Co=uncil in legislative policy matters. All ad hoc couuniitecs shall be defined by a clear task and a method of "sunsetting'tha committee at the conclusion of the assigned task. 2. Co until liaison appointees' shall be appointed by the Mayor and connrrraed by the Council for time certain not to exceed the term of tiro appointing Ivfayor. 1- ,1 3• Liaison Procedures. Individual members of the Council may be assigiaed as liaisons whose duties involve takes lace or keeping current wit=h a group or activity by eitiacr attendance when the group or'ectivity p - communicalionwith appropriate leaders so tho liaison Coumcilmember can keep Council inforraiAl. • Liaisons may, at tinges, advocate Council action: on behalf of their assigned group or activity. Extreme care must be taken to avoid possibilities with tances an Appcarb7we of Fairness Doctrine violation, or conflict of intaestcialLiaisons a;unctions and d>a~~s may be where such possibilities mAy exist (ie: Planning Commission quasi judicial). farther defined and/or directed by the Presiding Officer with concurrence of Council. 4• Task Force Creation Criteria. The City C ouncil mayafra~n tiitr ec~oeend ~nes'iampotuBat to City bers to, small Task Force Grdups for the purpose of examining issue ~m ~ the Colaacil but not requiring the more formalized process s=ated in (5) below. Ta all cases, the ins~ument appointing a Task Forcc sb.all pres.crib a a time certrdn for the work of the Task Force, contain a clear task assignm£ixt and EL method o£"surasgtd g" the group upon completion of the task. 5 Task Force/Public Forum Steering Grou pfor nbsue ~ f ~ aterest/high er o act Up e a by the subject or issue. The string group shall consist of two motion of the City Council, a Councihnember may appointed lead orgin steering group to strategire a particular community sub} shall be appoIted by the Councilnembers and one representp-tave of City Administratiou. The Councitmembers h appointments shall identify the i gayot and the technical support shall be appointed by the City NITahager. task(s) and a method of determining how the group.shall "situ set" when the task s e maple i~ e s_ con= group shall serve as a collection point for information and activity pertaining to the tan together as the task or issue. City representation roles and Council liaisons may be involved in bringing The steering group liaison informs Council of the group's activity at Council meetings (when appropriate). A task force group may then be created by Council motion (directive) to function according to the model attached as Exhibit A6(1). 6• Task Farce/Public Forum Procedures. When major public ~alc d~ger cmnt £orran1 o an hed after adequate preparation of issues and alternatives, the steering go -T may develop a public consensus on the issues. The product of such citizen forams, when held, shall be presented to the Governance Coordination Manual 30 City Council prior to the Ciai4maIy City Council deliberatiom. (i.e., agenda acdors, public hearings, e`.c.) viUch could noi_madly res~lt in final action. The procedures are further illustrated in Exhibit A6(1) attached. i: Eger may also appoint such ad hoc or speci?1 pmj £cts administrative advisory task groups as he ar The City) she may deem necessary to assist City administrative activity. Such appoin--£at; shall identify the task(s) and a method of determining how the group shall "sunset"when the task is completed. 7. Citizens Task Force Steering Procedures. When the natue of a major issue indicates a need for increased citizen involvein ent or expertise at the steering level of a task force, the Council may, by legislative directive, commisk6 i a Citizens Task Force Steering Group consisting of one (1) coimcilmember, one (1) Tialified citizen, aad-the City Manager. The Citizens '.Task Foi~e'shall fimction in a manner sim2ai'to the Task Force ProccAlses contained in S£ctions.4 and 5 above. The procedures are farther i11us7ated in Exhibit Al, attached. 8. Multi-Agency Coordinating Task Force Steering Procedures. When a major pablielprivatc.effort involves key agencies outside of City Government bait vital to community coordination, the Council may create by legislative directiyc, an appropriately earned (i1fuld-Agency) Coordinating Task Force Stecring-Grou.p. Membership shall consist of one (1) couhcilmomber, the City Manager, one (1) representative from each City Board or Cornunission key to the. issue or project and one (1) member from each private, non-profit agency with key interest or resources vital to the issue or project. Each agency shall appoint one (1) member to serve, on the St ring Group and one (1) member to Serve as alternate.` Except for the first or,°anivational start-up meeting, altemates shall not attend Steering Group meetings.. Steering Group members shall function in a manner similar to the tas'_c force procedures described in Sections 4, 5, and 6 above. 'the procedures are Rather illustrated in Exhibit A6(2) attached. 9., General Town EIRII Teighb o rhood Meetings. The public Should be encouraged to attend regular and specialiLy.Couiicil meetings to ~a-lieipatc in their government. The City Council Rules of Procedure are designed to facilitate an open atmosphero for citizen participation. Kowever, any two (2), but ' t•Lore ttiau ihrcc (3), members of the City Council may desire to convene a citizens' town haIVnaighborhood meeting or series of meetings for the purpose of providing a general foium on city operations. Such town hall meetings shill, when - convened, provide iaformarion pertaining to any known issues, as well as opportunity for citizens to egress their views on any subject Tlm Coulicihnelnbers may request thaf.tfie,City Manager or his/her designee attend these meetings. to answer giiestions on adininisfrative mader's. Aithoagh nonofficial council meetings, members of the City Council shall report issues to the City Coutbil.' Couucilmembers should avoid discussion or icc&ving testimony which pertains or may perms to potential lawsuits, land use issues, or other quasi-judicial proceedings which might later come before the Council. 4' - - 31 Governance Coordination Manual EXMY_-rA-6(1) ISK rORCEITOWN MALL MEETINGS-GENERAL MODEL City Council Final Public, Input Meetings Forum Fennel agenda Idnison•Rolc- discussion, public Councilmcmbcr information & two 'Public Prods. comment, public. Way communication 11cmings, etc.. Citicen•Input Path Task ]Force % R6port to Council by Steering, ! srccr1n group 2 Council (appointed by M3yox)' Public Iarocess Role- City Manager Open Subject Town Hall Nacclings . Task Force Publ'ic' (Technical Support) Forums Information. ceardinalcd Ci lFicn Yssuc Coosnnaus Appointed by CM - -*Public Forums. by•stecring-group - lioru= •Town'Aall2vfoctingv . reports-to Counciiby 4HCarings, ctc. Pnsnntadon, liuiv ReprescIIEaiionlCoordiration on or dircatlyto 1goup public task force forums dimussimA Roles by Councilmember, - -iduuify issues, Staff dcvclap *Caa bean-appointed core group with canscnsus -.general public ;forma or closed group, depending on issues ' MOTION "To Approve the _Task ForcetTuwu IF F Hall General Model Hcreiu Contained and Incorporated as Exhibit A6(1) of the City of Regional Groups Technical Groups & Local-Interest Groups Spokane-Valley Council Rules of Procedure:." Organizations & Organizations w E.XMICT A-6(2) IVIULTI-RG)ENCY 0001WINATING TASII F0RCk:IV101 EL City Council Final Public Input Liaison hole. lYdeetings Forum Councilmembu/City IYlaaoger& two Foruial agenda way commanicatioil discussion, public Non City Liaison ED10 Public Proccas comment, public Agency/Group hc. In Es, etc. Non City' Agency/ Group' TaskForcc Input Tash Ford City Board or 5tccrin Grou Commission Path • ~ • . Report to Council by siccrina tuouo 1-Councilmember T-City Maaagur ' Comp. Plan 1-CityBoud or, Iu view Cormission; Town 1-hil.Micoting's' 1-Non City Arrncy/Group 1 -Non City Agency/Group Task Force Public. (Each agency appoints its Forums* otivn aep) •~ormation coordinated Cltizcu Issue bysteorinrgroup - 10 4Open House Forums `-Consensus Aorun reports to Agency by *Town Hall Meetings u Rcprescntation/Coordination liaison or directly to *Club Programs Info P ntatloq group Roles by Steering Group -public task force forums discussions, Members identify issues, dovelop Plan Coinmuniiy Information and Involvement Strategies Gather Information *Technical Groups & Orgrnizatious Local Interest Groups & Organizations' Service Clubs, etc. *.Canbo an appointed core group with consensus general public forum or closed group, depcndiog onismes IVIOTTON "To Approve -the Mulli-ALmncy CoordiuatWg Taslr Force General Model Ch4rt11crelii Contained and Incorporated as RiWbit A6(2) of the City of Spokane Valley ' Governance Coordination Rules of Procedure." a i SIT A-7 Motion "To Approve the Citizelu' TaskVorcu Cencral Nf lodel Chart Herein Contained and Incorporated " as EaliffiR 7 of1he City ofSpokaue Valley,CouncilPm1es offiocedure. CITIZENS TASK FORCE Lialson Roio i - City Council Meetings Final Public Input Forum = GENERAL MODEL ca+.uamomberorclttren, o &t Formal agenda disc usalon, publlo ,:xw Information communication comment, public her~rings; etc. . Public Process Task Force Steering 1 Council - (appointed by Mayor) Citizen Input Path _ Report to Council by steering group ' 1 Citizen - , • Citizen Input (appointed by Mayor, _ Qualified approved by Council) . non-city official appointee Public Process public Forums , - - - - - - - - - - 1 Staff- Community Consensus Role Cltizen,IGsue•Cons onsus Forums • (appointed by City I "Task Force Presentetlon, group discussions, - develop consensus Identify issues Manager) * •TON" Hall fvleetings , Information coordinated by * Others. (Toehnical.Suppbrt) steering group.- report to _ Council by liaison or directly to public task force forums ; Representation 1 Coordination Role - _ by Counclimember, Citizen or Staff i • i Local Interest Regional Groups Technical Groups & Organizations Groups-:, pn3anlzations. EXHIBIT 8 Chapter 35A.13 RCW Council-manager Plan of government Chaoter Ustia4 RCW Sections 35A.13.010 City officer - Size of council. 35A,13.020 Election of councilmen - Eligibility - Terms - Vacancies - Forfeiture of office - Council chairman. 35A.13.030 W,ayor- Election - Chairman to be mayor- Duties. 35A.13.033 Election on proposition to designate person elected to position one as rrhairrnan - Subsequent holders of position one to be chairman. 35A.13.035 Mayor pro tempore or deputy mayor. 35A.13.W, Compensation of councilmen - Expenses. 35A.13.050 City manager- Qualifications. 35A.13.060 City manager may 'serve two or more cites. 35A.13.070 City manager - Bond and oath. 35A.13.080 City manager- Powers and duties. 35A.13.080 Creation of departments, offices, and employment- Compensation. 35A.13.100 City manager- Department heads - Authority. 35A.13.1 10 City manager- Appointment of subordinates - Qualifications -Terms. 35A.13.120 City manager- Interference b j council members. 35A.13.130 City manager- Removal - Resolution and notice. 35A.13.140 City manager- Removal'-- Reply and hearing. 35A.13.150 City manager - Substitute. 35A.13.160 Oath and bond of officers. 35A.13.170 Council meetings - Quorum - Rules - Voting. 35A.13.180 Adoption of codes by reference. 35A.13.190 Ordinances - Style Requisites - Veto. 35A.13.200 Authentication, recording and publication of ordinances. 35A.13-210 Audit and alloy amce of demands against city. 35A.13.220 Optional division of city into wards. 35A.13.230 powers of council. • 35A.13.010 City officers -Size of council. The eouncilmembers shall b© the only elective oflicers of a code city electing to adopt the* council-manager plan of govemient authorized by this chapter, except where' statutes provide for an elective municipal judge. The council shall appoint an officer whose title shall be "city manage' who shall be the chief exedulive orncer'and head of the administrative branch of the city government. The city manager shall be responsible to the council for the proper administration of alf affairs of the coda city. The council of a noncharter code city having fans than t~mnly-fve hundred inhabitants shall consist of five members; when there are twenty-five hundred or more inhabitant., the council shall consist of seven members: PROVIDED, That if the population of a city after having become a code city decreases from Wienty-five hundred or more to less than tvrenty-five hundred, it shall continue to have a seven member council. If, after a city has become a council-manager code city its population Increases to n«e~nty-five hundred or more inhabitants, the number of council, n anic offices in such city. may increase from fn,e to seven members upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the existing council to increase tie number of councilma.nlc offices in the city. When the population of a council-manager code city having five councilmanic offices increases to five thousand or more inhabitants, the number of counca1manic offices in the city shall increase from five to seven membem. In the event of an increase in the number of councilmanic offices, the city council shall,-by majority vote, pursuant to RGW 35A.13.02-0, appoint two persons to serve in these offices until the next municipal general election, at vvhich elecfion one person shall be' elected for a tvo-year term and one person.shall be elected for a four-year term. The number of inhabitants shall be determined by the most recent official- stateor-federal census.or d'etemlination by.the state office of financial management. A charter adopted under the provisions of this We, incorporating the council-manager plan of government set forth In this alapter may provide for an uneven number of eounciime,•nbers not exceeding eleven. A nonchartar code city of less than five thousand Inhabitants which has elected the council-manager plan of government and which has seven eouncilmanie offices may establish a five-member council in accordance vnth the following procedure. At least six months,prior to a municipal general election, the city council shall adopt an ordinance providing for reduction in th-i number of coundlmanic offices to five. The ordinance shall specify which two 35 councilmanic offices, the terms of which expire at the next general election, are to be terminated. The ordinance shall provide for the renumbering of council positions and shall also provide for a tyro-year extension of the term of office of a retained councilmaNo office, if necessary, in order to comply with RCW 35A.12.040. However, o'noncharter code city that has retained its old council-manager plan of government, as provided in RCW 35A.02.130, is subject to the laws applicable to that old plan of government. [1994c223§35; 1994 c Bt §72; i 9d7 c 3 § 19, 19BS c S OB § 2; 1993c 12B § 2;1979 ex.s. c S B§24; 1979 c i 51 § 34; 1967 acs. c 1135 35x1.13.010.] Notes: Severability -1967 c 3: See note follo%vng RCW 3.46.020. Severability 1979 ex.s. c 18: See note following RCV! 35A.01.070. Population determinations, o1T3ce of financial management: Chapter43.62 RCW. 3 aA.13.020 Election of councilmen - Eligibility --Terms -%racancies - Forfeifurz of Office -Council chairman. In council-manager code cities, eligibility for election to the council, tie manner of electing councilmen, the numbering of council.positions, the terns of councilmen, the occurrence and the filling of vacaricles, the grounds for forfeiture of office, and appointment of a mayor pro tempore or deputy mayor or counciiman pro tempore shall be governed by the corresponding p'roAsions of RCW 35A.12.030, 35AA2.040, 35A.12.050, 35A.12.060, and 35AA.065 relating to the council of a code city organized under the mayor-council plan, except that in council-manager cities where all council positions are at4arge positions, the city council may, pursuant to RCW 35A.13.033, provide !hat the person elected to council position one shall be the council chairman and shall,carry out the duties prescribed by RCW 35A.13.030. [1 aM C223 §36; 19751st exs, c 155§ 1;1967 exs. c i 19 § 368.13.0?.O.j 35A.13.030 Mayor- Election - Chairman to b© mayor- Duties. Biennially at the first meeting of the nevi council the members thereof shall choose a chairman from among their number unless the chairman is elected pursuant to RCV-! 35.4.3 03 The cpowers hairman o eared council shhimi as all have oe he of mayor and shall preside at meetings of the council. In addition shall continue to have ell the rights, privileges, and immunlUes of. a member of the councl. The mayor shall be reoogrtiized as the heed of the city for ceremonial purposes and by the governor for purposes of military law. He shall have no regular administrative duties, but in time of public danger or emergency, if so authorized by ordinance, shall take command of the police, maintain law, and enforce order. [14175 1st ex.s. c 155 § 2; t 967 ex s. c 119 § 2SA.13.03D.] 35AA 3.033 Election on proposition to designate person elected to position one as chairman. Subsequent holders of position one to be chairman. The city council of acouncil-manager city may by resolution. Place before the voters of the city, a proposition to designate the person elected to council position one as the chairman of the council with the powers end duties set forth in MAI 35A.13.030. If a mejority of those voting on the proposition cast a positive vote, then at all subsequent general elections at 44ch position one Is on the ballot, the person who is elected to position one shall become the chairman upon to-king office. ` [1975 1st ex.s. c 155 § 3.1 36 35A.13.035 Mayor pro tern pore or deputy mayor. Biennially at the first meeting of a new council, or periodically, the members thereof, by maiority vote, may designate one of their number as mayor pro tempura or deputy mayor for such period as the council may specify, to serve in the absence or temporary disability of the mayor, or, in lieu thereof, the council may, as the need may arise, appoint any qualified person to serve as mayor pro tempore in the absence or temporary disability of the mayor. In the event of the extended excused absence or disability of a councilman, the remaining members by maiority vote may appoint a councilman pro tampore to serve during the absence or disability. [1969 exs. cat § i.] Notes: Effective date -1969 ex-s. c 81: "This 1969 amendatory act shall take affect July 1, Mg." [1969 eX.s. c 819 7.1 35A.13.040 Compensation of councilmen -Expenses. The salaries of the councilmen; Induding the mayor, shall be fired by ordinance and may be revised from time to time: by ordinance, but any increase or reduction to the compensation attaching to an office shall not become effective until the expiration of the term then being salved by the incumbent: PROVIDED, That compensation of councilmen may not be increased or diminished aver their election nor may the compensation of tlie mayor be increased or diminished aver the mayor has been chosen by the council. Until councilmen of a newly-organized council-manager code city may lawfuily•be paid as provided by salary ordinance, such councilmen shall be entitled to oompensation In the same manner and In the same amount -as councilmen of such ct(y prior to the adoption of this council-manager plan. Until a salary ordinancQ cart be passed arid become efTactiva as to elective officers of a newly incorporated cods city, the first counciimen shall be entitled to compensation as folio{vs: In cites having less than free thousand inhabitants - t verity dollars per meeting for.no# more than two meetings per jndnth; in cities•having more than five thousand but less than fifteen thousand inhabitants - a salary of one hundred and fifty dollars per calendar month; in cities haAng _ more than fifteen thousand lnhWtan► - e salary of four hundred dollars per calendar month. A councilman who is occupying the position of mayor, in addition to his salary as a couiidilman, sh411 be entitled, while serving as mayor, to an'addidonal amount per'6zW dar month, ar portion 'thereof, equel to twenty- the percent of the couricilmanic salary: PROVIDED, That'such interim compensation shall remain in effect only until a salary ordinance is passed end becomes effective as to such officer-., and the compensation provided herein shall not be construed as fixing the usual compensation of such'-officers. Councilmen shall receive reimbursement for their.actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of the duties of their ofce, or the counci( by ordinance may provide for a per diem allowance. Procedure for approval of claims for expenses shall be as provided by ordinance. [i 979 exs. c 18 § 2 ; i Q87 csxx.s. c ~ 19 § 35~.. 3A~`-0.J Notes: Severability -1979 ex.s. c IS: See note following RCW 35A.01.070. 35A.13.050 City manager- Qualifications. The city manager need not be a resident at the time of his appointment, but shall reside in the code city after his appointment unless such residence is waived by the council. He shall be chosen by the council solely on the basis of his executNa and administrative qualiricetions with special reference to his actual experience in, or his :cnovrledge of, accepted practice in respect to the duties of his office. No person elected to membership on the council shall be eligible for appointment as city manager until one year has elapsed follovng the expiration of the term for which he vas elected. [1967 exs, c i 19 § 35A.13.050.1 t` X 35AA 3.080 City manager may serve two or more cities. %rdhether the city manager shall devote his full time to the affairq of one code city shall be determined by the council. A city manager may serve.tvro or more'cities ire-that capacity at the same time. tt 967 exs. c i 19 § q 3.060.1' 35A.13.070 City manager- Bond and oath. Before entering upon the duties of his omce the city manager shall take an oath or anrrnation for. the faithful performance of his duff as and shall execute and file with the clerk of glib council a bond In favor of the code dty in such sum as may be fixed by the council. The premium on such bond shall be paid by the city. [1987 ms. c 119 § 38A.13.07 1 35A.13.080 City manager- Powers and dcitles. The powers and duties of the city manager shall be: (1) To have general supervision over the administrative affairs of the code city; (2) To appoint and remove at any time all department heads, officers, and employees of the code city, except members of the council; and subject to the provisions of any applicable laity, rule, or raguiation relating to*&II service: PROVIDED, That the council,may provide for the appointment by the mayor, 'subject to confirmation by the douncrl, of a city planning commission, and' other advisory citizens' committees, commissions, and boards advisory to the city counbl: PROVIDED FURTHER; Thet if the municipal judge of the code city is~appo[ntad, such appoiritment shall be made by the city manager subject to coriSrmation by the council, for a four year terin_ Tlio couna] niay cause an audit to be made of any deperfinent or office of the*code city govemmbnt and may :select the perbons to make it vrfthout the advice or consent of Une city manager, (3) To attend all meetings of the council at which his attendance may be required by that, body; (4) To see that all fazz and ordinances are' faithfibify'executed, subject to the authority which tha council may grant the mayor to maintain law and order in times of emergency; (5) To recommend for adoption by the council such measures as he may deem necessary or expedient; (6) To prepare and submit to. the council such reports as may be required by that body or as he may deem it advisable•to submit; (7) To keep the council fully advised of the financial condition of U code city and its future needs; (8) To prepare and submit to the council a proposed budget for the fiscal year, as wired by chapter 35A.33 RCVJ, and to be responsible for its adminfstraftn upon adoption; (9) To perform such other duties as the council may determine by ordinance or-resofuraon. [1987G3 § i7; 1967 ex.s. c 119§1Q.13-060.1 ,totes: Severability --1987 c 3: See note following RCW 3.46.020. 38 35,k13.090 Creation of departments, offices, and employment - Compensation. on recommendation of the city/ manager or upon its own action, the council may create such departments; of-fins, and erriployrrients_ as It may find necessary or advisable and may determine the pov,,er and dines of each department `or office. ' GomIpensation of appointive officers and employees may be fixed by ordinance aver recornmendalions aro made by the' bily manager. The appointive officers shall include a city clerk and a chief of police or other lave enTorcement.omcer. Pursuant to recommendatfon of the city manager, the council shall make provision for obtaining legal counsel for the city, either by appointment of a city attorney on a full time or part-time basis, or by any reasonable contradual arrangement for such professional services. [1967 ex.s. c 119 § 35/ 35A.13.100 City manager- Department heads -Authority. The ci manager may authorize the head of a department or office responsible to hirn,to appoint and-nove tY.. suboi tfinates'in such department or office. Any officer or employee who may be appointed by the city manager, or by the head of a depailmbnt or a,Tw, except one who holds his position subject to civil service, may be removed by the manager or other such appointing officer at any time subject to any applicable law, rule, or regulation reiating to civil service. Subject to the provisions of RGW 35A.13.060 and any applicable civil service provisions, the decigfon of the manager or other appointing oricer, shall be final and there shall be no appeal therefrom to any other o ,ice, body, or court whatsoever. [1967 exs. C 119 § 3_-%13.100.1 35A.13:110 City manager- Appointment of subordinates -Qualifications -Terms. Appointments made b'y or under the authority of the city manager shall be on the basis of ability'and training or experience of the appointees in the duties which they are to perforrrr, and shall be in, compliance vith provisions of any merit system applicable to such city. Residence within the code city shall not be o requirement. All such appointments shall be without definite term. [1967 ex.s. c 119 9 35/ 35AA 3.120 City manager- interference by coLincil members. Neither the council, nor any'of its committees or members, shall direct the appointment of any person to, or his removal from, office by the city manager or any of his subordinates. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the council and its- members shall deal with the administrative service solely through the manager and neither the council riar any committee or member thereof shall give orders to any subordinate of the city manager, either publicly or privately. The provisions of this section do not prohibit the council, while In open session, from fully and freely discussing witk the city manager anything pertaining to appointments and removals of city officers and employees and city of-airs. [1967 exs. c 119r§] 39 l~ 35A.13A30 City manager- Removal - Resolution and notice. The city manager shall be appointed for an indefinite term and may be removed by a majority vote bf the council. At least thirty days before the effective data of his removal, the city rnanager must be fumished with a formal statement in the form of a resolution passed by a majority vote of the city council stbting tho'councii`s intention to remove him and Tie reasons therefor. Upon passage of the resolution stating the council's intention to femova the manager,'thfl co~Jncil by a similar vote may suspend him from duty, but his pay shail,continue until his removal becomes effective. [1967 exs. c 119 § 55A_ 13.134.] 356.13.140 City manager- Removal - Reply and hearing. The city manager may, within thirty days from the date of service upon him of a copy thereof, reply in writ3nR to the resolution stating the council's intention to, remove him. In the event no reply is timely filed, the-resolut66 shall upon the thirty-first day from the date of such service, constitute the final resolution removing the manager and his services ''shall terminate upon that day. If a reply shall be timely filed with the city clerk, the council shall fix a time for a public hearing"upon the question of life manager's removal and a final resolution removing Cite manager shall not be adopted until a public hearing has been had. The action of Tie-council in removing the manager shall be final. [1967 exs. c i19 ti 13.140 35A.13.150 City manager.-Substitute, The council may designate a qualified administrative ofrlcer of the city or town to perform the duties of manager: (1) Upon the adoption of the council-manager plan, pending the selection and appointment of a manager, or. ' (2) Upon the termination of the services of a manager, pending the refection and appointment of a new manager, or (3) During the absence, disability, or suspension of the manager. [1967 exs. c 119 § 356 13.150.] 35A.13.160 Oath'and bond of officers. All provisions of RCW35A.12.060 relating to oaths and bonds of officers, shall be applicable to code cities organized under this council-manager plan. [1967 ex!;. c 119 § 356-13,160-1 ' 35A.13.170 COUt1Cif neetings - Quorum - Rules - Voting. All provisions of RCW 35A.12.110, as now or hereafter amended, and 35A.12.120, relating to council meetings, a • . quorum for transectfon of business, rules and voting at council meetings,shall be applicable to code cities organized l under this council-manager plan. .J / [1979 exs. c 18 § 26;1967 exs. c 119 § 35A.1 3,170 Notes: Severability -1979 ex.s. c 16: See note following RCW 35A01.070. 40 35AA 3.180 Adoption of codes by reference. Ordinances of cif[ es organized Linder this chapter may adopt codes by reference as provided in RCV! 35A.12140. [1967 sx.s. c 119 § 35A13.180.] 3SA.13.180 Ordinances = Style - Requisites -Veto. The enacting clause of all ordinances shall be as,oilovia: 'he city council of the city of do ordain as follovfs:" No ordinance shall contain more than one subject wid tliat'm`ust be deaHy expressed in its title. ,No ordinance or any section or subsec5oh thereof shall be revised or amended unless the nevi ordinance sets forth the revised ordinance or the amended section orsubsection at full.length. No. ordinance shall take effect until five days aver the.date of its publication unless otherwise provided by shuts or charter, except that an ordinance passed by a majorify plus one of the whole membership of the council, designated therein as a public emergency ordinance necessary for the protect[oh of publle health, public safety,-public properly - or the public peace, may be made effective upon adoption, but such ordinance, may not levy taxes, grant, renew, or extend a franchisa,`or authorize the borrowing of money. [1957 ex s. c 119 § 35A 13.190.] 35A.13,200 Authentication, recording and publication of ordinances. Ordinances of code cities argen[zed under this chapter shall be authenticated, recorded and published as provided in RCW 35A.12.150 and 35A.12_. (60. [1957 ex.s_c 119 5 35A13.200 ] 35A.13.210 r Audit and allowance of demands•aga[nst city. " RCW 35A.12.170 shall apply to the audit and allowance of demands against the city. [196% exs. c 119 § 35A.13.21 D.] ' • 35A.13.220 - Optional division of city,into wards. .A code city organized under this chapter may be divided into wards as provided,in.RM 35A.12.180._ [1967 ox.!;. c 119 §35113.2201 35A.13.230 Powers of council. '"he council of any code city organized under the council-manager plan provided in this chapter shall have the pgviers and aL.-thorRy granted to leg[slaffve bodies of cities governed by this 6Je as more particularly described in chapter 35.c1.11 RCW, except insoc-r as such power and authority is vested in the city manager. 30.] [19667 eye. c 118 §35,A,113.2 41 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO.07- AMENDED GENERAL POLICY RESOLUTION OF CORE: BELIEFS A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AMENDNG RESOLUTION 03-027, ESTAALISHINO A GEyFA L POLICY RESOLUTION EMANAIINO FROM THE CORE BELIFF'.1 OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND COMMI- NITY AND SETTING FOR-1-11 MIJES OF 130-Ill ELEt, ID AND APPOINTED 011F1CIALS OF THE CITY TO HELP GUIDE LEGISIA ITVE AND LXECUTIVE DECISIONS rOW.4RD EFTT.CTiVE. RESPONSIVE, AND OPEN GOVERN7KE;~IT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Spoknnc Valley, as the elective legislative body. is charged with promulgating Ordinances and Resolutions which become the law of the city; and WIIMEAS, such Ordinances and Resolutions must provide enforceable provisions subordinate to. and in harmony with, al l other applicable federal and state statutes and regulations; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to provide a clear set of general policy guidelines for the conduct of city government; Section 1. Moslifvine Resolution t)?J-i;7 p-%qf )j NOW, TIIEREFORF, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley does hereby affirm and resolve that the following core beliefs shall serve as guidelines for the conduct of affairs by all branches of Spokane Valley City Government Section 1. We believe that Spokane Valley should be a visionary city encouraging its citizens and their government to look to the future beyond the present generation and to bring such ideas to public discussion and to enhance a sense of community identity. Section L We believe that elected body decision-making is the only lawful and effective way to conduct the public's legislative business and that careful observance of a clear set of Governance Coordination rules of procedure can best enhance public participation and decision making. Section 3. We believe in the City Council as policy leaders of the City. One or morn City Councilmernbers are encouraged to take the lead, where practical. in sponsoring Ort inmxxs or Resolutions accepting quasi-judicial or other public hearings and the statutory duties of the C: ity .Manager as set forth in RCW 35A.13.020. Section 4. We believe in hearing the public view. We affirm that members of the public should be encouraged to Tmk and be heard through rea>onable rules of procedure when the public business is being considered, thus giving elected officials the broadest parspectives fmm which to make docision& Section S We believe that the City of Spoke ne Valley's governance should be known as "user friendly," and that governance practices and general operations should consider how citizens will be serval in the most responsive, effective and courteous manner. cen.~wK Iaat3: a~.r. rr ar. nprre.woWc. 42 Section 6. We believe that the economic and commercial job base of the community should be preserved and encouraged to grow as an alternative to increasing property taxes. Nrc believe it imperative to have an expanded and diverse economic base, Section 7 We believe that Councilmembers set the tone for civle discussion ■nd should seta etamnle bv: (a) tiintt high standards nfdecorum and civility. _ (I) Encourneine oocn and productive conycrsation amonnt tbemsel is_an with the community about Iceistative matter-- [FJ Demonstrating respect for dbereent Mats of view cioressed by cititten. fellow ouncilmemben and the staff, id) Ho orints each other and the public by debating issues within City Nall ate the Cortimunity *ithout casting ospenignt on members of Council the staff, or th .ie ut,lie. itl trrriFtin~ the t rincirile of mainrity rule and working to advance the succr Section R7. We solicit the City Manager's support in conducting the affairs of the city with du regard for. (a) Promoting mutual respect between the Citizens. City staff and the City Council by creating the orgimitational teamwork necessary for etTcctive, responsive and open government. (b) I'mOtling the C:It Comicil and public reasonable advance notice when issues arc to be brought forward for Ali cn . ,ir n. (c) Establishing and maintaining a formal city-wide customer service program with emphasis on timely responses a user-friendly atmosphere, and an attitude of facilitation and accommodation within the bounds of responsibility, integrity, and financial capability of the city, including organizational and job description documents while pursuing "best practices" in customer service- (d) Seeking creative ways to contain or impede the rising cost of governmental services, inctud examination of private sector alternatives in lieu of governmentally provided services. (e) Providing a data base of future projects and dreams for the new City of Spokane Valley so that good ideas from its citizens and leaders are not lost and the status of projects can be readily detcrmincd. Passed and approved by the City ('ouncil of the City of Spokane Valley at a regular meeting on fifth, '1Nt t. Mayor We'd: City Clerk Approved as to form: City Attorney Spo`~:kZe ;ooOVatley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokaneva(ley.org Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager; and Councilmembers From: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk to ,v Date: November 21, 2007 Re: Business License Registration Process Update - Streamlined Process for Customers As our resident business license/registration expert Patti McConville moved from the front reception desk to Legal, we were left with a giant hole to fill. bi an attempt to get new employees (and current employees) up- to-date on what is required of us concerning the business license/registration process, staff from Department of License (DOL) graciously traveled here from Olympia to train us for a day and a half. In an attempt to streamline our process, and after consulting with the DOL staff, we soon discovered that we could (and subsequently we have) change our operating method. The following methods have not only resulted in increased staff efficiency, but have resulted in better customer service: 1. Except for the pending registrations, we no longer need to keep a paper copy of the document we receive from DOL. Previously DOL would send us notification of received license application. We would then send the notice to staff in our planning department to ensure that the- business would be operating in the appropriate zone, which notice would then travel back to the reception area, put in a manila folder, and finally fled away. Since the originator of the paper was DOL, it was determined there is no need to keep such filing system, and we have ceased doing so. Notations of where the application is in the process, can be made on-line. Because the notation is on-line, we no longer need to keep hard copies, and all previous files have been moved to our archives. 2. We no longer accept cash for business license registrations; we only accept check or money orders. Previously we accepted cash, which would have to be locked away until staff could take the cash to finance, where staff in finance would draft a check payable to the Department of Treasury (DOL); and then mail the application and the check. 'that process took a minimum of several days just to get the application mailed out of City Hall. We can now simply take the applicant's registration materials and check or money order and send them to the DOL the same day as the materials are submitted. If a person cannot submit a personal check, the Post Office is immediately across the street, where the applicant can purchase a money order. 3. We no longer process the UBI number; which is the Washington business license number. This was a time-consuming process, and the DOT.: can process this number much quicker. 4. We encourage applicants to complete their application on-line, which results in the DOL beginning the license process within twenty-four hours. We had previously assisted applicants with completing their application, but to eliminate the problem of our staff inadvertently misdirecting; the applicant in completing their application, the applicant is directed to DOL for assistance. "t"hese changes have resulted not only in eliminating the need for a large file cabinet just to file records (and therefore also eliminating the tedious and tremendous task of trying to keep those files updated and filed), but has eliminated the delay for many in processing and acquiring their license, and staff can tell at a glance on the computer, the status of the applicant's registration process. We have also developed a handout to assist people in this endeavor, which is attached. S ry ot-illio OKane ;00 Valley 2007/2008 Dear Applicant: 11707 E. Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 - cityhall@spokanevalley.org The City of Spokane Valley requires all businesses located within the city limits, or which conduct business within the city limits longer than 10 days, to be licensed with the city. The instructions below explain how to file either online or by mail. If you have any questions please call Washington State Department of Licensing at (360) 664-1440. File a Master Business Application File a Master Business Application when you first start your business, or when you change or update your business. You need to file (or re-file) if you want to: Get a state business license or Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number • Get a new city or specialty license (such as a liquor license) . • Change ownership of a business • Open or change business locations F Register or change a trade name _J Hire employees (including minors and workers in the home) • Change your unemployment or industrial insurance coverage File online (application processed within 24 hours, license received within 2-3 weeks) 1. Access website at http://www.dol.wa.gov/business 2. Complete the online Master Business Application. 3. Pay with a MasterCard or Visa credit card. File by mail (longer application process; license received within 3-4 weeks) 1. Complete the Master Business Application AND any supplemental forms that apply to your business. To find out which supplemental forms you'll need, see the Business Licensing Guide. 2. Send your completed application, supplemental forms, and a check or money order payable to "Washington State Treasurer" for the fees to: Master License Service Department of Licensing PO Box 9034 Olympia, WA 98507-9034 If your business needs specialty licenses, including liquor or lottery licenses, you should file your Master Business Application by mail. Sincerely, Roxanne Wyatt (509) 921-1000 b aTAT - Master License Service ~,t c ` s pepar4ment of Licensing PO Box 90G4 w ? H Olympla Wit 98507-9034 Telephone: (350) 564-1400 tsa9 w%vYI.dol.wa-gOV lnlormation prw dsd may be subject to disclosure under the pubtk d!sdoswa lave (RCWI42.56) Master Business Application For faster service - Apply online www.dol. vra.gov or print in dark ink and mail to Master License Service 1. Purpose of Application Please check all boxes that an>1ly Legal Entityl0.Ynor Name - Unified Business Identif)or (U81) Federal Employer Identifimtlon Number (FEIN) For Validation - Office Use Only 01P-400-925-0003 ❑ Open/Reopen Business complete sections 2, 3, 4, (5 if hiring employees) and 6 ❑ Open Additional Location complete sections 2, 3, 4, (5 if hiring employees) and 6 ❑ Change Ownership complete sections 2, 3, 4, (5 if you have employees) and 6 ❑ Register Trade Name complete sections 2, 3, 4 and 6 ❑ Change Trade Name - complete sections 2, 3, 4 and 6 Indicate name to be cancelled: ❑ Change Location - complete sections 2, 3, 4 and 6 Indicate old address to be closed: ❑ Add License/Registration to Existing Location complete sections 2, 3, 4, and 6 ❑ Hire Employees complete all sections ❑ Hire Employees Under Age 18 complete all sections ❑ Hire Persons to Work In or Around Your Home complete all sections ❑ Other -complete all sections 2. Licenses and Fees Use the License Fee Sheet for the information needed to complete this list. Indicate Registrations Needed: ❑ Tax Registration - Igo you want a separate tax return for each business? ❑ Yes ❑ No tees uue No Fee ❑ Industrial Insurance (Workers' Compensation) - Required if you will have employees. No Fee ❑ Unemploym.ent Insurance - Required if you will have employees. No Fee ❑ Minor Work Permit - Required if you will have employees under age 18. No Fee ❑ New Trade Name (Doing Business As): $ 5.00 Indicate Additional Trade Names ($5 each name) or Other Licenses (such as Lottery Retailer): 9 9 Enclose check for total amount due, including the Processing Fee, which MUST be submitted with this form. Processing Fee 15.00 Make check payable to the WASHINGTON STATE TREASURER. Total Amount Due !f you need asststanca through the' als,1om.-rrunfcatlons device lot ltro deaf, pfesse ceff TTY (360)(564.8885. 8LS70 -M-8 (R/070106) ORnv Pago I of 4 To request b`i5 dwoment frt an a0cm,?te lormat for the &u,?11y1mpshn3d, ce11(33GJ664-14DO. 3. Owner Information 0 12 0 U d t 0 a. Select only one ownership structure: ❑ Sole Proprietor If married, should spouse's name appear on license? ❑ Yes ❑ No (it you answer No, you must still enter the spouse information in section 31°below.) ❑ Corporation" ❑ Non Profit Corporation` (educational, religious, charitable) ❑ Limited Liability Company' ❑ Partnership (fl of partners:_-) ❑ Limited Partnership* - O Limited Liability Partnership* ❑ Joint Venture 'These ownership structures must contact the Secretary of State office for additional filing requirements. Name of Corporation, LLC, Partnership, LLP, or Joint Venture Name (examples: ABC, Inc. OR Fir Trees Unlimited Li-C) State incorporated/formed: Year incorporated/formed: ❑ Association ❑ Trust ❑ Municipality ❑Tribal Government`r ❑ Other Name of Organization (example: Anderson Family Trust) b. Indicate this ownership structure's first date of business at this location. Out-of-state businesses should use the first date of operation in WA. rs14 / rY (Required if unknown, please estimate.) C. Doing Business As (DSAXTrado Name d. Business Melling Address (Street & Suito No, or Po Box, do Trot use butldrngnamo) City State lip 1 @. Business Telephone Number Fax Numbei InternettE-Mail P.dd, 'ass f. List all owners & spouses: Sole proprietor, partners, officers, or LLC members. (Attach additional pages if needed.) Name (Last, First, Middle) Home Address (Strout or PO eax) ai c O rr a t7) C -E m 0 a Date of Birth , Social Security Number - 5 Owned city ( Are you married? ❑ Yes O No II yes, enter spouse information below. Title Home Telephone Number Spouse Name (Last, First, MLiddle) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ ' Spouse Date of Birth Spouse Social Security Number----------------- Name (Last, First, hfiddle) Home Address (Street or PO Box) Ttlo Home Telophone Number Spouse Name (Last, F=irst, Mk e) Name (Last, First, Middle) Date of Birth Social Security Number % Owned City State Zip St4to Zip Are you ni4rded? ❑ Yes O No If yes, enter spouse information below. Spouse Date of Birth Spouse Social Security Number Date of Binh / Social Security Number % Owned Home Address (Street or PO Box) (5ty State Zip 1 ( • ) Are you married? ❑ Yes O No If yes, enter spouse information below. Title Home Telephone Number Spouse Name (Last, First, M9lddle) Spouse Date of Birth . Spouse Social Security Number The Social Security Number is required for all sole proprietors (RCW 25.23.15(1) and for all owners and spouses of a business that will have liquor, lotteryor private investigator licenses. Arot providing this information grill result in application delays. PLS•700.028 (Fill WDS) OWN Page 2 014 t 4. Location/ Business Information Check the appropriate box and provide the corresponding physical address on line "a" below. ❑ This application is for a Washington location (provide the Washington address) Is this Location inside city limits? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ This Business has No Washington location (provide the primary business address) a. Business Street Address (Do not use a PO Box or PMB Address) City Stme Zip It the address above is out-of-state and you have employees or representatives working in Washington, please provide one of their Washington addresses (we will not use this address for mailing purposes): Street Address (Do not use a PO Box or PA4B Address) City state zip n b. Provide the estimated gross annual income in Washington (check the one box that applies to your business): ❑ $0 - $12,000 ❑ $12,001 - $28,000 ❑ $28,001 - $60,000 ❑ $60,001 - $100,000 ❑ $100,001 and above C. Indicate the business activities in Washington State (check all that apply): ❑ Wholesale ❑ Retail ❑ Manufacturing ❑ Services d. Describe in detail the principal products or services you provide in Washington State (failure to provide this information will cause delay in processing your application): e. Did you buy, lease, or acquire all or part of an existing business? ❑ No ❑ All ❑ Part Date bought/leasedlacquired: I/ ►,ac 00 t^r Prior Business Name Prior Owner's Name Telephone Number f. Did you purchase/lease any fixtures or equipment on which you have not paid sales or use tax?' ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, indicate purchase or lease price: $ g. If this business is owned by, controlled by, or affiliated with any other business entity, please indicate that business entity's name: h. It you are changing your business structure (such as changing from sole proprietorship to corporation) and %vant the old account closed, please indicate the UBI number to be closed: Do you wish to cancel all the trade names registered under the old UBI number? ❑ Yes ❑ No (You must re-register all trade names you use under the new business structure.) I. If you have ever owned another business, please provide: Business Name US[ Number j. Provide your bank's name: Branch: If you plan to have employees or wish to register for elective coverage for owners or excluded employees, complete Section 5. (For information see the Industrial Insurance or Unemployment Insurance sections on the License Fee Sheet.) BLS.700.028 (RIJQW) OANO Pago 3 of 4 5. Employment / Elective Coverage Employment accounts cannot be established unless you plan•to employ persons within the next 90 days. If accounts ire established, employment tax returns will be required quarterly even if you have not hired. la. Date of first employment or planned employment at this location: WA 00 W b. Number of persons you employ or plan to employ at this location (do not include owners): data C. Estimate the number of persons under age 18 (minors) you will employ in the next 12 months and duties they will perform: Number - Duties to be psrbrmed by mtnors (Check v1vnY.tewnvork&M1e Lwa.gov) Ages 16-17: Ages 14-15: Underage 14: d. Please check the ONE box which best describes the major operation of your business. ❑ (01) Construction-Wood Framing only ❑ (05) ShIpbdding ❑ (09) Mfg. - Food Products o ❑ (13) AetafVWholesale Trade ❑ (02) Construction - All other ❑ (06) Miningl0varryinglSand & Gravel ❑ (10) Miscellaneous Mfg. ❑ (14) SBrvlcasAAafnL1Restaurants ❑ (03) Logging(Forestryfrrucking ❑ (07) M' .9. - Wood/Matal/Stone Products ❑ (11) Machine Shops/Auto Repair ❑ (15) Communications ❑ (04) Temp. Help/Employee Leasing ❑ (08) Mtg. - Chemicals ❑ (12) AgiicutturaVFarming ❑ (16) ClericaVProfeWonal Oocup. e. Describe in detail the activities of your workers. Then estimate the total workers' hours for a 3-monlh period. (One full-fime worker = 480 total hours for 3 months.) Office First date wages paid: I L N.1A OD YY 3-Month Estimate Number of Workers' Hours ~ 2 1 960 f. If you have more than one Washington location, how do you wish to receive the following quarterly reports? Unemployment Insurance: ❑ All locations combined ❑ Each location separately (multiple reports) I Workers' Compensation: ❑ All locations combined ❑ Each location separately (multiple reports) Elective Coverage is available as noted below. (See License Fee Shoot for more information.) g. Do you want unemployment insurance coverage for corporate officers? (Only available for corporations.) ❑ Yes - Prior to coverage, Form 5203 is required. This form will be sent to you by Employment Security Dept. ❑ No - The corporation must inform officers in writing that they are not covered for unemployment insurance. h. Do you want workers' compensation coverage for owners (sole proprietor, partners, corporate officers, LLC members/ managers)? (In an LLC with managers, you may elect to cover those persons who are both meRibers (owners) and managers. In an LLC with members only, you may elect to cover those members.) ❑ Yes - Prior to coverage, Form F213-042-000 is required. This form will-be sent to you by the Dept. of Labor & Industries. ❑ No I. Do you want elective workers' compensation coverage for excluded employment? (See License Fee Sheet for descriptions.) ❑ Yes - Prior to coverage, Form F213-112-000 is required. This form will be sent to you by the Dept. of Labor & Industries. ❑ No 6. Signature Signature of sole proprietor or spouse, partner, corporate officer, or limited liability member/manager. I, the undersigned, declare under the penalties of perjury andlor the revocation of any license granted, that I am the applicant or authorized representative of the firm making this application and that the answers contained, including any accompanying information,. have been examined by me and that the matters and things set forth are true, correct and complete. X Dale S(gnature Required / Application Prepared By (Please Print) Title USI Agency Representative BLS-700-028 (WlDM) ORAN Page 4 of 4 1 Telephone No. Telephone No. Date Data i ssAre o~ Master License Service ust ° A Department of Licensing ^ `O Box 9034 owner Narno ¢ g Olympia "A 98507-9034 fees °Y Telephone (360) 664-1400 City Business License Addendum SIDE A: For A Business Location Inside City Limits This form must be submitted with a completed Master Business Applicafon form and required fees. Instructions: 1. Complete Side A of this form to apply with a city where your business is physically located inside city limits. Submit a separate application for each physical location if you have more than one. 2. Complete Side B of this form to apply with other cities to which you will travel to conduct business. 3. In Section 2 of the Master Business Application, write the city name and fee for the city you select below. 4. Complete a separate Master Business Application and City Addendum form for each li sigal business location. Please Note: • City licenses must be approved by the city before business may begin. City Land Use, Building and Fire codes and ordinances may be applicable. Contact each city directly for more information. • You must apply for business licensure directly with cities not listed on this form. Contact the Master License Service regarding City of Richland. Complete this section for a city license where r business is located inside city limits. 1. Please indicate the city where your'business is physically located (select only one): ❑ Anacortes $30 ❑ Issaquah $60 ❑ Sammamish $15 ❑ Sultan $75 ❑ Bellevue $28 ❑ Lake Stevens, $25 ❑ Skykomish $25 Sumner $40 ❑ Covington $35 ❑ Marysviile $50 ❑ Spokane Valley $13 ❑ Tumwater $50 ❑ Duvall $55 ❑ Monroe $50 ❑ Stanwood $35 ❑ Zillah $50 ❑ Gig Harbor $20 2. First date of business in the city selected: 3. Have you ever held a business license in the city you selected above? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, note the city license number of your previous business (if known): 4. Will you use or store any hazardous or flammable materials at this location?.... ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. Are you conducting the business from your residence? ❑ Yes ❑ No Some cities have special home occupation regulations, please contact the city for more information. 6. Square feet of floor space utilized by your business at this location: 7. Give the name and phone number of two after-hours Emergency Contact persons for this business location: Name Name: Phone Number ( ) Phone Number ( ) 8. Are you applying as a nonprofit organization? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, attach a copy of your IRS nonprofit certificate issued under section 501(c) of the IRS code. 9. Are 'you a general or specialty construction contractor? ❑ Yes ❑ No. . If yes, provide the Dept. of Labor & Industries registration number (if known): 10. Mark any of the following activities that will be conducted at or from this business location: ❑ Sexually Oriented Business ❑ Charging Admission ❑ Amusement Devices / Arcades ❑ Adult Entertainment ❑ Taxi or For Hire Service / Dispatch ❑ Ambulance Service / Dispatch ❑ Gambling ❑ Utility (telephone/cellular/]SP, cable, gas, electric, garbage) The Department of Licensing has a potiey of providing equal access to its services. RL3 roaoso {WIClMn PAGE 1 of 2 If you need special acconvnodatum, please call (360) 664-1400 or'f•PY (360) 6648885. E. `7AMaster License Service uBi Department of Licensing PO Box 9034 Ovmer Name ` _ o Olympia WA 98507-9034 Telephone (360) 664-1400 City Business License Addendum SIDE B: For A Business Location Outside City Limits (Non-Resident) This form must be submitted with a completed Master Business Application form and required fees. Please Note: • Read the instructions on Side A of the form before completing this page. • Select cities from the list below to which you will travel to conduct business. Use the other side of this form to apply for the city license for the city in which your business is physically located. • You must apply for business licensure directly with cities not listed on this form. Contact the Master License Service regarding the City of Richland. • In Section 2 of the Master Business Application, write the city name and fee for each city you selected below. !7 n__..-!#_ +k;- ~entinn fnr citu IicPncPS with no physical location inside the city limits. - . 11,0111P G1C U11,7 .~~.vuv.• .v. -7 L_j 1. From the cities noted below, list all the cities where you will travel into to conduct business. Anacortes $30 Gig Harbor $20 Sammamish $15 Sultan . $75 Bellevue $28 Issaquah. $60 Skykomish. $25 Sumner $ 40 Covington $35 Lake Stevens $25 Spokane Valley $13 TUmwater' $50 Duvall $55 Marysville $50 Stanwood $35 Zillah $50 City name First date of business 'Previous city license number Fee amount (if known) $ $ Total-due for non-resident cities S 2. Are you applying for your business as a nonprofit organization? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, attach a copy of your IRS nonprofit certificate issued under section 501(c) of the IRS code. 3. Are you a general or specialty construction contractor? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, provide the Dept. of Labor & Industries registration number (if known): a Do you provide utility service (telephonelcellular/ISP, cable, gas, electric, garbage)?..... ❑ Yes ❑ No t 9tS 7OD-05o (Rake" PAGG 2 OF 2 Spol~ane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallC@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Manager David Mercier and Members of Council CC: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager From: Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Administrative Analyst Date: November 27, 2007 Re: Contract Settle and Adjust - Preliminary for 2006 Public Safety Contracts The preliminary reconciliation on Settle and adjust contracts for the year 2006 is shown on page two of this memorandum. The Comm unications, Jail, and Law Enforcement agreements are still outstanding as the County is working with the cost consultant to verify actual costs for these service areas. The result of this preliminary settlement is that the County owes the City of Spokane Valley $145,656.50. This is pri.mari.ly the result of lower usage levels and budget control measures at the County. The table immediately below shows the difference bct%vccn budgeted amounts and actual contract costs. Public Safety Contracts - Budget to Actual Contract 2006 Budget 2006 Actual Difference Animal Control $ 433,484 $ 377,232 $ 56,252 Communication Management Unresolved District Court 839,817 688,979 150,838 Emergency Srvs. 72,397 71,338 1,059 Geiger 120,000 291,033 171,033 Jury Management 5,000 1,059 3,941 Jail Unresolved Law Enforcement Unresolved Pre-Trial 48,383 43,526 4,857 Precinct Maint. 40,000 59,701 19,701 Prosecutor 357,520 315,887 41,633 Public Defender 342,705 313,412 29,293 Total $ 2,259,306 $ 2,162,166 $ 97,140 2006 Public Safety Contracts Preliminary Reconciliation November 27, 2007 Page 2 of 2 Settle and Adjust Summary 2006 Contract Department Contract Amount Actual Amount Variance Animal Control 426,632.87 377,232.02 40,400.85 Communication UNRESOLVED District Court 750,399.00 688,978.54 61,420.46 Emergency Services 80,772.36 71,337.56 9,434.80 Hearing Examiner * 16,726.33 16,726.33 - Jail UNRESOLVED Law Enforcement UNRESOINFD Pre-Trial 39,276.44 43,525.58 (4,249.14) Precinct M&O 59,794.33 59,701.37 92.96 M istlcmeanor Whiction Prosecutor 280,206.78 38,661.32 284,(147.98 31,839.44 (3,841.19) 6,821.88 2,980.68 Public Defender 339,987.65 313,41 1.77 26,575.88 Superior Court-Jury * 1,058.54 1,058.54 - Sub 't'ota1 2.033,515.62 1,887,859.12 145,656.50 Total 145,656.50 • Indicates that actual costs were billed (luring 2006. Negative Variance indicates that Spokane Valley owes Spokane County Positive Variance indicates that Spokane County owes Spokane Valley Spokane County owes City of Spokane Valley 1459656.50 i Meeting Date: 11-27-07 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ® information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Paperless Agendas/Notebook Computers BACKGROUND: On March 20, 2007, staff made a presentation to Council regarding the idea of Council eventually moving to a paperless agenda packet. The highlights of that meeting were: during the first year years of City's history, Council voiced the idea of eventually having paperless agendas some positive reasons to switch to paperless agendas are ❖ less staff time saving on copier paper, toner, and machine wear and tear ' less materials for councilmembers to carry back and forth to meetings that Council previously voiced a concern that paperless agendas would mean giving up the ability to make notes on their paper copies that problem was solved with use of "computer tablet" ❖ users can write on the tablet, highlight areas, makes notes on documents easy to use notes can be edited, erased can be used as a tablet or laptop with standard keyboard and mouse tablet has ample memory to handle numerous council packets is faster than some laptops Council could download complete council packet from city's website or have materials e- mailed Sprint and Verizon offer a wireless cellular connection, which at times surpass the DSL speeds IT Specialist Bing would be available to train Councilmembers on the use of the tablet Determined that staff would accumulate cost analysis for later council meeting. Cost analysis: (in-house printing) Average cost to print one black and white copy: $.0095 Average cost to print one color copy: $.079 Average cost to print one map: $.158 Wear and tear on machines: difficult to calculate; the large copier near the kitchen is rated at 200,000 copies per month; and we don't do half of that now. Many times Council notebooks are extremely large, with an estimated per copy cost totaling over $200.00 per packet (maps, PowerPoint copies, etc). Expected life of councilmember's current laptops is three to five years; and laptops were purchased March 2003. Current laptops are past prime. New tablets are approximately $1,700, and also have a life expectancy of three to four years. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $1,700 per tablet Computer tablets for councilmembers, Dave Mercier, Legal, City Cleric = $15,300 initial purchase. } Council notebooks: 28 notebooks, @$4.00 each, with need to replace at least twice a year: $225.00 Copier cost: as noted above. STAFF CONTACT: Chris Bainbridge, Greg Bingaman #oWn7eu 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallpspokanevalley.org Informational Memo Date: November 19, 2007 To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of City Council From: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Re: City Hall Facility Update On November 15, 2007 Bemardo Wills and GGLO conducted meetings with the Core Team members and key staff from the departments. Attached is a list of programming questions that were used during those meetings. The Architects will consolidate responses from the meetings and then the questions along with staff comments will be sent out to all City staff for any additional comments. We are planning to have the same discussion with Council in January. Also attached is the work schedule for the Phase I Programming effort for City Hall. Please let me know if you have any questions. c BERNARI)o WILLS ARCHITECTS ?C 107 5 IlovAflo Fouet~. rloov 1301 Fitat A". Oahe 301 S vo 'Am F. NA 99201 Orts 1•. WA 06301 50 08-451 M 2X4M.MM AC ONAOOOq 71.li.COr 1-20A6TA I M" cgb,0 Programming Questions Date: November 12, 2007 Project: Spokane Valley City Hall Subject: Programming Questions Project No.: 2007071.00 Author: David Winans/Matt Jacoby Image / Precedents 1. What image do you think others currently have of Spokane Valley? 2. What makes Spokane Valley unique? What aspects of Spokane Valley are citizens most proud of? 3. What image would you like City Hall to present to residents and visitors? One that is more traditional (monumental) or more contemporary (level hierarchy) 4. How important is acknowledgement of local history in the new building? 5. Are there other city halls the city staff admires? If so, what do you like about them? 6. What buildings in Spokane and / or Spokane Valley do you most admire and why? !l 1 Demographics 1. What are the recent and anticipated growth rates of Spokane Valley? 2. Is growth primarily from young people, families, elderly or is it fairly balanced? 3. What historic, current and future industries are considered most important to Spokane Valley? Process 1. How involved do you want the public in the design? Planning 1. Are any shared uses desired in the new City Hall such as community meeting facilities, food service, police, fire, parking, etc.? 2. Are exterior gathering spaces desired for public meetings and events? Environmental 1. Does the City wish to set an example of environmental stewardship? If so, to what extent? Organization 1. Are all departments represented in the Employee List dated 9119107? Are future departments anticipated? 2. What is estimated population growth in each department? 3. Which departments interact most closely vrith one another? 4. Which departments need to interact with the public? Spokane Valley City Hall Programming Questions 11112/07 Page 2 Work Environment 1. What do you like about your current work environment? 2. What do you dislike about your current work environment? 3. What characteristics would comprise the ideal work environment? 4. Are there examples of previous work environments that you have enjoyed? If so, what are they? What did you like about them? 5. Do you prefer an open or private work space? 6. Is flexibility of layout desired? Do individual employees or teams relocate frequently? 7. Are ample daylight and views desirable or a distraction? 8. Is the ability to have natural ventilation desired? 9. How often are meetings held? How many people typically attend? 10. Are informal meeting areas desired for impromptu meetings? E:1200712007071.0011-owner\Programlprogram questions 1.doc PHASE I PROGRAMMING Eltfilt'6 E NOVENiLER DECEAVER .1ANUARk INFOUATlC1f! PLANMLHCa PRL:-DE51GN GATNERNc ~ • CONCEPTUAL • PROGRAMMING DIAGazAAls: U Pr~EPLAa►+L~ • • PRE-DmGN PROGRAMMI'~iG PROGRAMMING vts 10 N r FEEPUA0 PIA HC lil GRAN DEsiGH BUU*IG SITE CONCEPTS CKARACTER SITE CONCEPTS PROGRM a Frwwzam BEGIN Buu.L m DEsiGN PNASE PHASE II APPLE, APRIL SCH&AK M DES" U • e • Obtain copy of ezhMs • Meet with City • woiW*p Meeting with ; • Prelsminay diagrarm ; • City Cou cli Meetwq - builolrsg floor puns DepBttmenb efthef City Council Approval of City mail week of l2/) or 12/l0 Program. 3r4 • klck•off meeting With • Dereim preltmuwy • Ref me space program • Preilminary site Cart Team sc space program Concepts ; • Ateat with Care Team • Dawelop Pleltrn►nory • Rehr space dugrams • Building character members and Key Surf space dtWarm - studies - • prewt ffr liw It • Green building/ program to City Council TEED presentation • City Council Aetna Site Concepbrfivilding ' CtwacterrLEFD,I126 SCHEDULE KEY W • • • c • • • • • • • • City Council Aftattr4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 Devou pmem Awtmg i d d 0 0 0 p p a 0 Stakeholder Msrepng H • o Destgn Cnarmite n~e~ CITY HALL @~r PROCESS Ek SCHEDULE 11 IM l.i DRAFT: NOVEMBER 16, 2007 Pill CIiYis~ 600111101~ j ky. . 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.92 1. 1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921. 1008 ♦ cftyhallo g➢ okanevattey.org Memorandum To: City Council; David Mercier, City Manager From: Mike Jackson Date: November 19, 2007 Re: Parks and Recreation Thins Quarter 2007 Administration: • 'ITie final engineering report on the old senior ecmter building (located in Valley Mission Park) was received from the Thomas, Dean and Hoskins. Staff will present the findings to City Council in December. • ORB architects continues to work on the plans for swimming pool renovations at Valley Mission, Terrace View and Park Road Pools. The current schedule is to bid the work just afler the holidays and complete construction prior to the 2008 opening. In the event that all construction is not complete when the pools open for the 2008 season, the intent is for the existing facilities to open on schedule. Some improvements may open later in the season. Stare has submitted paperwork for the Legislative Direct Appropriations (grant) for the Universal Park. 111c grant will be administered through the Washington Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED). A Historical Review of the site will be required by CTED prior to execution of a grant contract. The Parks and Recreation Department and Public Works are working on a Request for Qualifications to be issued in November for design of the project. Design is critical in this unique project intended to provide universal access for all people. • There have been several coyote sightings in Nirabeau Park and along the Centennial Trail. In some in"ces the coyotes were reported to be aggressive toward other dogs. This resulted in staff posting warning and informational signs in the area. Attempts to live trap coyotes were unsuccessful. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Spokane Valley Police Department were contacted. In the future, aggressive coyotes will be shot and removed as warranted by the safety and conditions of each circumstance. • 't'he Mirabeau Park Trailhead water supply had a contamination issue. The water to the restrooms and the water fountain were turned oft' for about 4-6 weeks. Staff is considering such as connecting to a public water supply. • Valleyfest was held on the weekend of September 21-23 at Mirabeau Point Park. 'Them was an outdoor movie on Friday and Saturday night. There was also a car show, logging competitions and many arts and crafts Saturday and Sunday in the park. Mirabeau Springs hosted the popular fishing in the pond. The first annual ArtFest was held at CenterPlace on Saturday, sponsored by the Spokane Valley Arts Council. The intent is to purchase a bronze sculpture for the CenterPlacc grounds. • Renovation on Valley Mission Park is set to begin this winter. The preliminary plans are being developed by Tim Gavin and Associates, Architects. • Michelle Simpson as been hired for the Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant position. • The City Council approved development of a feasibility study to install a spray park at Balfour Park. The study is contingent on private donations. • "there have been 222 park reservations taken through the third quarter of this year which compares to 241 taken through the 3rd quarter 2006. The major reason for the slight decline in reservations is that Valley Mission is not being reserved this year due to planned park renovations. = Park w vtlaa aJ - ao - 50 30 - 20 - - o 'Ova qo 41 ~O 2D07 Palk Reserwton9 100 - 80 - 60 - 40 - - 20 0 ■ 3b Or = 222 Aquatics: • The City pools are now closed for the season. Park Road and Valley Mission closed on August 19t' and Terrace View closed on September 3id. • fool revenues increased by $3,974 from 2006 to 2007. All three categories (general admission, swim team, swim lessons) had attendance increases this year. • Attendance and revenue have increased by 27% total from 2003 to 2007. 2003 i 2004 2005 2006 2007 General Admission 16,913.49 16,083.00 18,687.20 13,611.93 25,984.1( Swim Lessons 23,978.50 25,277.50 24,237.50 24,635.50 25,510.0( Swim Team 2,287.00 2,128.00 1,988.00 2,744.00 3,472.00 T t 1 &1 17R QQ d4 AqR sn d1 ql ? 7n rn 491 _41 q,:1 C)AA 11 oa Pool Revenues from 2003 tD 2407 80.000.00 50,000.00 40,000.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 10.000 0D ■ 2003 ■ 2004 0 2005 o2006 ■ 20071 CenterPtace: • The City hosted the National League of Cities conference at the end of September. CenterPlace staff worked with the National League of Cities, Councilmember Steve Taylor and Beacon I fill to coordinate the catering for the three-day conference. • 'Ilse Administrative Assistant positions have been filled at the CenterPlace Information Desk by Becky Gilbreth and Bandon Newbill. Thesz; positions will assist us in providing better customer service to our customers by offering better coverage during events and allowing us to expand our office hours from 7am-5:30pm to better accommodate customer's needs. • The classrooms have been repainted for the upcoming busy meeting season. • The Marketing Plan is complete and scheduled for City Council approval in October. • Carol Carter has been selected for the position of Customer Relations/Facility Coordinator. • CenterPlace ~,tafftook 140 reservation; this quarter. 1-le breakdown of events is as foIIo«-s: 3 1: 17% r1% aSanquet ~.-196 a camnuty Eront a Fundralaer _ o Or eduction ■ MedkV Swrt ner f9 Duxa ■Privcte Party 13%ftAxW9A%Ce01un ■YWrsMp Garr r:d SW irn SW m Total Adn5s,_.n 1_e5son, Team CenterPlace Events 1st-3rd Quarters 2006 2007 Banquet 14 25 Community Event 12 56 Fundraiser 10 6 Graduation 4 9 Meeting/Seminar 208 351 Dance 8 9 Private Party 49 31 Wedding/Reception 90 103 Worship 52 19 Total 447 609 Combined Revenues Ia -3rd Quarter 2007 Revenues :Accounts Revenues Collected Itecciv:jble + A College Lease $65,237 $32,763 $98,000 Rental Revenues $231,728 $1&05 6 $249.784 't'otal $296,965 $50,819 $347,784 'TOTAL REVENUES TAKEN IN 2007 FOR 2008 YTD = $62,947 (Budgeted Revenue for fiscal year 2007 = $270,000) Combined Expenditures I"-3rd Quarter 2007 2007 Budect Expenses Y'I'D Balance S603,179 $359,573 $243.658 Non-Profit Fees Waived I" Ouarter 2°d Ouarter 3`d Ouarte Total $14,050 $7,075 $7,480 $28,605 Representative events booked in 3rd Quarter of 2007 include: National League of Cities Duncan Motivation Inc. (over 500 attendees) Wagstaff Telect 25`h Anniversary ITT Graduation Valleyfest Community Health Association of Spokane (CHAS) Inland Northwest Blood Center Volunteer Appreciation Spokane Regional Health District - DL:L•T 'task Force Spokane Valley City Council Meeting Wellness & Education Seminar Washington Cities Insurance Authority Washington Virtual Academy Recreation: • Summer Day Camp and Kinder-camp received record attendance. 'There were 426 participants for Day Camp and Kindercamp to date, compared to 289 for the entire year in 2006. • Fall/Winter Recreation Guides were published and distributed. • Coordinating new 2008 event,;; Outdoor Movies and Fall Haunted House. Indoor Playground Participation (Parards i crswrlars - 3ym) 30 25 20 a is r ` 10 s 0 KkWwCrmp Partk4milon 36 yrw. 14 u 10 a t t 0 ♦A's uw:1- JJy 2 e raf ,-11 11p !fi- a,rl:1 JIy r- Aaq 4 A4 11 22 19 ?0 1: ALQ 3 10 it asasrsns Day Camp Participation 6-11 yrs. 00 50 40 10 0 lags June Juty2• July9- July July July Aug 5- Aug Acqusl 16.22 25.28 6 13 16.20 29.27 30- 10 13-17 20J24 Aug 3 8asawo ■Yew 2004 ■ year 2005 O Year 2006 13 Yew-b-Mft • Yaar 2M4 ~■YR70(b IO Yssr 7004 O Ytnr bra r Nd"s wawsdw F410sys 7LMdaya nsnesys aaasle M Senior Center: • Approximately 150 seniors turned out for Valleytest activities. Activities included billiards, ping pone, croquet, bean bag baseball, Tai chi, tine dancing, jazzercise, tour program, senior's coffee shop, and tea dance with the Charles Tappa Band and a free lunch was served from noon-2pm. • 45 new members joined Senior Center during the 3`d quarter. • Hosted annual picnic in the Fireside Lounge with over 100 people in attendance. Classes provided this quarter included knitting, ceramics, Tai chi, jazzercise, senior fitness, 2 classes of Spanish, and 3 different art classes through the Community Colleges, Institute for Extended learning. • WSU Nursing students have been in the Wellness Center every Wednesday from 9am- 3pm for their community health portion of their curriculum. They provide blood pressure checks, blood sugar checks, paraffin hand dips and massage, and foot care. • Activities included billiards, ping gong, croquet, bean bag baseball, line dancing, karaoke. bingo, bridge tournaments, dances, Red Hat Society meetings, day trips to the casino and dinner at Geronimo's in Springdale. The association began handing out applications for the Board of Directors; elections will be the second week in November. • Senior Center Specialist attended the board retreat for the WSASC July 23-25 in Federal Way. She serves as the secretary for the statewide board. The retreat was to plan for next year's conference at Snoquahnic that will be held in May. • The Spokane Valley Senior Center had booth at Senior Wellness Conference at SCC on September Oh. (711 N j Va11ey PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT October 2007 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • Street Maintenance - County Street Maintenance Interlocal • Street Sweeping - AAA completed the Spring Sweeping in mid-June. • Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair contract -Poe Asphalt Paving Inc. has been working on Paving and Shouldering projects. • Landscaping Services - Spokane ProCare is maintaining sprinkler systems and mowing the grass and weeds in swales. • Vactoring Contract - AAA Sweeping is cleaning drywells. • Engineering Services Support -Agreements with private engineering firms. • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal • Safety Plan - Contract with CH2M Hill. Plan in final-draft review. WASTEWATER: • County is in the process of updating their Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for their Wastewater Facilities Plan and beginning their RRP process for a new treatment plant. A 45 day comment period started on September 12`h for the Spokane River and Lake Spokane Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load. http:Uwww.ecy.wa.gov/programs/Wq/tmdl/spokanedver/dissolved-Oxygenfndex.html CAPITAL PROJECTS: • City Hall Project Bemardo Wills PC - GGLO has begun the space planning. info memo prepared for November 27, 2007 Council packet. • Valley Corridor Project Project on hold pending outcome of the Sprague/Appleway Corridor Sub Area Plan. • Street Master Plan Consultant presented phase 1 of the draft Street Master Plan report to Council on 17 July. Phase II presentation was held October 16. Staff also presented to Council on November 7 an amendment to JUB's contract to update the Street Master Plan for 2008. • Pines/Mansfield The County Right of Way Dept. is continuing their work on the right-of-way acquisition process. Seventeen (17) out of twenty-three (23) properties have acquired right of way agreements. Four (4) properties are still working out access details and still in negotiations, one (1) has a vernal agreement, and one has not reached an agreement. Union Pacific RR is to put together a Cost Estimate for the RR crossing modifications addressed at the 30 Oct meeting. The project is currently scheduled to advertise for bids in February 2008 with construction scheduled to begin in April 2008. • Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - Tschirley to Hodges Bids for the project were opened on September 28h. Knife River was awarded the project as the low bidder for $4,565,859.95. The protect is scheduled for an early March start. • Barker Road Bridge Project Design is at 95% complete. Have requested the ROW funds from WSDOT. The design is proceeding to 100°x. This project is scheduled to advertise in January 2008 with construction scheduled to begin in April 2008. Architectural enhancements for bridge have been approved by council for the inside traffic barrier, pier caps and ends. Shoreline Development Permit applications has been sent for public comment, technical review meeting scheduled for 21 Nov 07. CONSTRUCTION • Argonne Road Overlay Project Project complete. Project closeout has begun. • Barker Road Project Project complete. Punch list complete. Project closeout to begin, • Veradale Heights Sanitary Sewer Project Project complete. Awaiting final billing. • Vera Terrace Sanitary Sewer Project Project complete. Punch list complete. Awaiting final billing from Spokane County. • Spaldings Sanitary Sewer Project The projects design is 90% complete with a bid date scheduled for 2008. • Trentwood Sanitary Sewer Project The contract was awarded to Knife River Co. Construction began on July 9, 2007. The project is approximately 75% complete. • Grandview Acres Sanitary Sewer Project The contract was awarded to Knife River Co. Construction began on June 5, 2007. The project is approximately 60% complete. TRAFFIC: • Worked with WSDOT and Spokane County signal crews to improve signal coordination at Valley Mall during the holiday shopping season. We plan to make observations during the peak shopping days and further refine the plans.. • Continued working with SRTC on revisions to the regional travel demand model. • Four school beacons were installed on Mission for Seth Woodard and 24a'/Pines for South Pines Elementary. We are negotiating an easement to complete the beacon installations at the Summit School in November. • Spokane County signal shop installed 270 LED's at 26 intersections. We have received $5735 in rebates from Avista and expect another $5200 from Avista and Vera before the end of the year.. • 25 Construction and utility work related traffic control plans were reviewed and approved- Energy use will be tracked for a couple of months following installation to determine the Impact. • 20 New citizen requests/complaints were received via phone and email. These typically involve traffic signals, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concerns, streetlight outages, requests for new streetlights, traffic count requests, and parking issues. STORMWATER: • Currently, helping Planning and Development by reviewing construction within the floodplain. • Nearly finished updating the stormwater tax rolls for 2008. • Continued landscaping contract services of City owned drainage swales and ponds. • Beginning to plan out our Stormwater Program for NPDES permit implementation. • Working with DOE to register new drywells. STREET MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY: City 2007 budget is $3,523,202 ($2,656,191 in the Street Fund and $867,011 in the Stormwater Fund). Through the end of October private contracts have invoiced $1,542,557 and the County has invoiced $1,072,762, for a total Street Maintenance cost of $2,615,319. The County has invoiced $6,551 and private contracts have invoiced $706,225, for a total Stormwater Maintenance cost of $712,776. The overall total is $3,328,095 or 94°x6 of the budgeted funds. STREET AND STORMWATER MAINTENANCE PERCENTAGES County Stonnwater Maintenance $8,5510 .19% Private Stormwater Mamfenancie 5708,225 206 County Street Maintenance $1.072,762 30% October, 2007 Public Works Street Maintenance. Private Street Maintenance $1,542,557 44% ■Private Street Maintenance ■ County Street Malntenw" * Private Stormwater Maintenance G C cunty Slom water Maintenance ■ Penlaining Budget 1. Poe Asphalt patched and paved various locations throughout the Valley. 2. County crews provided crack seal operations, spending most of their time on Sprague. 3. Geiger crews provided litter and vegetation control programs at various locations throughout the Valley. 4. Triple A Sweeping Service provided Fall Sweeping and Storm Water Vactoring programs at various locations throughout the Valley. 5. Spokane County District #4 Is in the process of mounting De4cer tanks and Sander bodies to provide winter operations programs. Remaining Budget $195,107 1 1396 SdKane ,;,oWVa1ky- Capital Improvement Projects 2606 & 2007 PROJECTS Proposed Estlrreabd Dosigre Construction 2006 (2007) Total Project Cost Funding Road Construction Projects Project Location Bid Oahe Completion Dab Complete comploto Funding STP(U) Argonne Road Overlay Indiana Avenue to Montgomery Avenue Mar-06 811107 SOD% 100% $ 316,600 S 316,600 TIBICMAQ Road Design Projects Pines/Mansfield Project Wilbur Rd. to Pines Rd.. Pines to 190 Nov-07 9/1108 98% 0% 0% $ $ 1.032.015 609 000 S $ 4.531.040 568 8 099 STP(1J) BR Appioway Avenue Roconsaucbon Barker Road findge Roplacemerd Tsd*iey Rd. to Hodges Rd. Barker Rd. at Spokane River Sop-07 Doc-07 011/08 12!1109 100% 95% 0% S , 896,101 S , , 10,00.000 City Sewer Projects Voradaia HeighL5 - PavebaGkc Vakyway to Wswoo, Evergreen to Adams Mar-06 611107 100% 100% 100% i $ 430,256 341 264 $ S 430.256 341 2414 City Vora Torraw - Paveback 2nd to 71h, Evergreen to Bums May-08 511107 100% % $ . $ . - City Spaldinga - Paveback Indiana West of Montgorrary May-07 1111107 90% 0 City Grandview Aries - Pavebaele Apr-07 811107 100% W% S $ - City Trontwood - Paveback Apr-07 86107 100% 75% S STP(U) Planning Projects Valley Condor Environmental Study University to Appleway No Jun-07 0% 0% S = STP(U) Valley Couplet - Projoct 2 University to Evergreen 0% 0% Tool $ 3,825,276 S 21,718,736 STP(U) - Surface Transportation Program (Urban), TO - Transportation improvement Dotard: BRAC - Bridge RoplaeemeN Adviwry Committee; COBG - Community Development Block Grant Program CMAQ - Congestion Managomeni/Air Quality Program: STA - Spokane Transit Authority Octob Con5UucWn Projects CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OCTOBER 2007 MONTHLY REPORT Planning Commission The Spokane Valley Planning Commission met two times during the month of October- The Planning Commission held a study session and a public hearing regarding the 2007 Comprehensive Plan Amendments. This hearing was continued to November. Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Freedman, Tung and Bottomley (FTB) are preparing to deliver the Public Hearing Draft Sub-area Plan to the City at a meeting schedule for Nov. 20"'. Scott Kuhta made a presentation to the KiwaNs group during the month of October. City Center Project ClearPath, LLC, continues negotiations with the University City property owners on the west side of University Avenue. Staff has worked closely with FTB and the Spokane County Library District in creating a master plan for the west side and Bob Gibbs Is preparing a marketing package to deliver to potential developers Urban Growth Area Update Long Range Staff continued to participate in the update of Spokane County's UGAs by attending weekly 'Planning Directors' meetings during the month of October to move the update through the regional planning process- CURRENT PLANNING: Revenue for the Planning Department for the month of October was $37,194. 2007 Planning Revenues "d.ooo 540 ow $30,000 szn.ooo SICL000 V) O Wvarwe tool at--7j Iarernn 2ooe & RaremA Zoos During the month of October Planning Division staff conducted 4 land use pre-application meetings and processed 2 home occupation permits, 2 temporary sign permits and accepted applications for boundary line adjustments, preliminary & final short plats, preliminary & final subdivisions, and rezones. 1 public hearing was conducted by the Hearing Examiner in October. Planning Division staff also reviewed and approved 8 commercial building permits including a warehouse addition to Spalding's Import Auto, a Page 1 of 6 in Feb Mr Aqd &by AM dW Aug saps Oct MW Doc City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development October 2007 Monthly Report Steinway Piano Store, and a warehouse addition at Industrial Park, conducted 10 commercial pre- application meetings and received 6 new permit applications. 2007 Licenses & Permits Issued 80 40 1 - 20 i 1 Jan Feb Mw Arx Mry Jun Jul Aug Sap Oct Nov tsac t20071 57 13 18 16 20 16 18 16 8 9 11W- 1 50 38 4 28 34 32 23 1 32 a SS 2 21 191 30 - 1 3. 21 21 19 19 i, 8 I 22 22 2 tb ~ 3 9 2007 New Land Use Actions 40 30 I 20 r - -t 10 j ffl f 0 Jan Feb I Mw I Apr Wy Jun Jul Aug I Sw Od NDv Doc IO 20071 18 27 17 -12 is 15 9 14 19 - T 17 I8t>t:! 2006 20 18 t 30 24 27 1 16 25 2p 17 19 9 8 --&-"1)05 15 72 20 24 1s 33 28 BUILDING DIVISION: 17 17 26 18 2D The Building Dept revenue for Sept is 202,144. 2007 Building Revenues t~oo.oau as4oao - t~ 2007 PhrAm es s7oo om t15CL= !_S 2006 Rwdruw t1001c o . 6 i t?D06 Raaenue ff to Ea4 1JW I L- tan ri& Mi Atr A4 6nn A/y Auk ;,cFv ;k. ~kir C2a. The Building Division issued 471 permits in October 2007, compared wit h 392 for the same period last year. Page 2 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development October 2007 Monthly Report ata - ~oo - - .as alas a Zara cowsTRucim PERMTE eo - - 60 b 20 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr Wy Just July Aug ScO Oct Nov Dec 4ta New / t 7 0*m&V Untft 25 32 53 59 75 48 sa 50 ♦8 67 a 11rtob- bWy Unats 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 a] Nmv Gamma rial Stnxbm 1 6 1 11 4 8 11 5 14 11 The reported value of construction, including new structures and additions/alteration is shown in the following chart, comparing these values with 2406. New value for October 2007 totals $16,345.995 2007 Vaksadon of ConsVucdon 1Ma,aa0.1U0 t]4oantam f~a~.mRaoo wooo,= at kwo-ow $lal,ma.= s+atm," attmoaoo a ~wnw~"now XA 200 Vmk bon A ~ rrw on In October 2007, building inspectors perfomled 1295 inspections in 23 days. This averages 56.30 inspections per day. The Plans Examiners reviewed 158 projects in October 2007- At the end of October. there were 27 projects awaiting review. Page 3of6 2007 New Structums/Unks Permitted JR ►r tr At M" AM A* Aug ewt ad City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development October 2007 Monthly Report 2001 Suadwtg inap~c9on~ ieou vill b ! m i - !M-. - W- I - rp. J I - • There were 3135 right-of-way inspections performed during the month of October 2007 E: w The number of "Violations Reported' on the following chart reflects actual Spokane Valley Zoning Code violations, plus complaints received which were not violations. The complaints received are added to the total because they reflect time officers spent in the field conducting investigations. In addition, the 'Investigated' and 'Pending' columns accurately reflect Code Compliance's current ability to process and investigate backlog cases. The Wkmring chart provides a monthly comparison of the types of Spokane Valley Code violations reported. Violations are reported based on the primary complaint received, rather than the number of additional violations Iderltrred on any individual premises. The investigation of a complaint of junk vehicles, for example, might also result in identification of additional violations such as the accumulation of trash or harboring of livestock- These are not included in the summary. A total of 66 new complaints were processed in October. Ica e0 ca 40 10 0 Oct Nov Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- Wy- Jun- l 7 A4- Sep- I C"'" 06 06 06 G1 07 07 07 07 -0 Ju 07 I 07 07 07 NvlatonsReported , 59 50 31 j 30 58 78 71 60 53 1 71 60 78 89 Abatements 45 33 30 11 18 62 j 42 48 j 51 87 42 f 49 55 File Transfera { O 0 2 0 2 0 10 0 1 6 2 2 1 1 0 Fending Files __L41 41 I 36 45 L60_ 61 68 25 47 . 46 I 55 1 63 I 56 ■ UolaCons Reported ■ Abatements 0 Fde Transfers ■ Pending Files The Spokane Valley Police Department, in conjunction with SCOPE, has requested the assistance of Code Compliance in identifying junk vehicles abandoned within the right-of-way. SCOPE volunteers tag the vehicles. Vehicles which have not been moved by the following Friday are towed. Activity is consolidated into the following six categories'. Environmental (sewer/septic. critical areas, anima! and nuisance violations), Property (Right of Way, property use, dangerous building, "aae 4 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development October 2007 Monthly Report landlord/tenarri, illegal business and sign violations), Junk Auto: Solid Waste (solid waste, illegal dumping, and household waste violations); Clearview Triangle and Complaint - No Violation- 2007 Code Violations by Category 100 - BO ~ I I ou ' I 40 I 20 1- ay Jan-07 Feb-07 Fir-07 Apr 07 M hm 01 AAW 7 Aug - Q ~-07 0, 1 7 07 1 1 0 ■ Owrpb*d - No Vich m 11 5 7 10 10 10 3 J 5 10 5 ■ sm 1A4sts 7 11 15 15 16 10 to 1a 17 20 O Junk Auto 5 5 a t 9 0 /6 11- 15 13 - • 170u Vlsw TrhnQie t 1 3 2 7 6 6 - i - _ 4 1 ■ Property - - 6 36 ~ 11 31 IV is 26 21 26 20 - ~p E,vironmenUl 0 0 1 6 4 2 1 I 2 1 1 5 DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING The Development Engineers processed 36 files in October. Some of the major files reviewed were Waste Management's Vehicle Maintenance Building, a five building apartment complex, and 150,000 sq ft of self-storage buildings. Pre-applicabons reviewed were an addition to Rockwood Clinic, 4-story lodging for Homewood Suites and an Alzheimer's facility. Page 6of6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development October 2007 Monthly Report CUSTOMER SERVICE Planning The planning counter assisted 378 walk-in customers at the counter and handled 332 customers' inquires by phone in the permit center. Building: Permits The following table summarizes the performance of the Permit Center for those permits entered in the PLUS system, measured from the time that the application is deemed `counter-complete' to the time that a permit is issued. Corwitic--al TOW-frame Summary Suttm ital In Oct-07 n `o R Value A a Q Q NEW CONSTRUCTION Industrial &dldt 2 $1,481.227 00 69 4 133 OfBce/Professlonal 2 74,000.00 $2 126 40 211 Swclure 2 _ $1.151 224 00 63 43 83 REMOO_EL H V1nstilutlon _ 1 480 1 1 1 Industrial Budding 1 54488 12 12 12 Mercantile 6 1048746 46 15 120 OfIce/Professional 6 610000 45 12 156 Recreational H ulldlr9_ 1 30321 20 20 20 _ ADDITION IndustrW Bulid 1 $167,499.00 55 56 56 MIscellane_w_s 1 S2.163 526 00 211 211 211 Otltce/Prafessiortal IT $423,r,01,00 114 64 84 Values shown are those on which Plan Check and Building Permit fees are based. The chart includes average, minimum and maximum times. The Permit Center has been tracking turnaround for Right of Way Permit Applications and the faxed Mechanical and Plumbing Permit Applications- At present the City responds to applications within 24 hours, typically by noon on the following day Permits for those application types are generally issued within two days. Building: Inspections Inspections are conducted the day following the inspection request except for weekends and holidays. Code Compliance All preliminary investigations are conducted within 24 hours except those received on Friday which are investigated before the end of the next business day. Permit Center There was one surrey received which had positive comments regarding an unidentified planner. The over-the-counter permit was begun in October. Page 6 of 6 Spol~ane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatt@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director Date: November 16, 2007 Re: October Report Finance employees worked in the following areas during October: 2008 Budget preparation Key provisions of the 2008 budget include a records management system, a city center area environmental impact statement, the annual contribution for facilities replacement (depreciation) and the implementation of the initial year of the departmental business plans. The last public hearing was held in October. Several ordinances which adopted the 2008 budget were passed including: 1. Adoption of budget 2. Levy of property taxes 3. Confirmation that a one percent increase in property tax is desired. Budget variance/investment reports Reports showing a comparison of revenues and expenditures, to the 2007 Amended Budget, at October 31, are attached. Staff provides information on selected operating funds at month end and a more complete report quarterly. Sales tax receipts continue to be slightly more than our estimates but the increase of almost 5% over 2006, is less than we have seen in recent years. Gambling tax receipts are less than our budget. We have two significant accounts that have fallen behind. We will continue to monitor these accounts but full collection is unlikely. Investment income, Park/Recreation/CenterPlace income and Planning & Building fees are exceeding our estimates. The investment report is attached for your review. Annual audit The auditors will return in November to complete their work. Vacant position interviews have been completed with applicants for the vacant Accounting Manager position. Dan Duffy will start work on November 26. Lodginu tax grant applications Applications were reviewed in October for programs to promote tourism. Six applications were approved by the City Council. The Valley Chamber application will be considered again by the Lodging Advisory Committee and will return to the Council for approval. City of Spokane Valley Othe r Funds Budget Va riance Report For the Period En ded October 31, 2007 Unaudited Amended Budget October YTD Unru teed Percent 2007 Revenues Revenues v. ve Rez5zc Other Funds Revenues: S4rool Fund $ 7.658,000 $ 210,414 $ 2,673,956 3 4,984,044 34.92% Arterial Street Fund 912,000 3,146 38,606 875,394 4.01 S Trails and Paths 21,000 69 756 20,244 3.60 6 HoteUktotcl Fund 658,000 59,542 368,890 289,110 56.05 Civic FnaMies Replacement 397,000 397,000 397,000 - 100,00 Debt Service - LTGO 03 600,000 - 205,517 394,483 34.25 Capital Projects Fund 4,120,000 93,755 1,178,097 2,941,903 28.59 Special Capital Proiccts Fund 4,420,000 95,002 1,174,198 3,245,802 26.57 Street Crapanl Projects 7,802,843 79,284 301,892 7,500,951 3.87 5 Mirobeau Point Project 441,000 1,434 .5,220 425,760 3,45 5 Street Bond Capital Projects 816,000 - 816,000 - Capital G:vnts Fund 9,300,000 60,006 104,213 9,195,767 1.12 5 Ba,'aer Bridge Recow.ruction 700,000 161,055 538.045 23.01 Stormwater Mgml Fund 3,195,762 48,913 1,028,539 2,167,223 32.18 Equip. Rental & Replacement 944,375 2.978 32,608 911,567 3.47 10 Risk h1ionagement 217,100 61 176,558 40,542 81.33 Reserve=_: Centcrplaee Operating 325,000 1,329 13,677 311,323 4.21 9 Service Level Stabilization 5,200,000 20,574 567,255 4,632,7 44 10.91 9 Y%9ntor Wcalher 540,000 2,203 22,660 517,320 4.20 9 Parks capital 3,550,000 3,116 455,946 3,094,954 12.82 9 Civic Buildings 2,893.000 1,453,474 3,952,308 (1.059308) , 136.62 S 54,711,080, S 2,532,300 S 12,866,292 $ 41,844,7BB 23.52% Amended Budget October YTD Unrealized Percent 2007 Ewenditures Expenditures g i u es Realized Other Funds Expenditures: Street Fund ' S 7,658,000 S 746,235 S 3,270,692 S 4,387,308 42.71% Arterial Street Fund 912,000 912,000 5 Trails and Paths 21,009 - - 21,000 - 6 HotcUM^ el Fuld 65B,000 70,674 247,982 410,018 37.69 Civic Facltalos Replacement 397,000 - 397,009 - Debt Service LTGO 03 600,000 205,517 394,483 34.25 Capital rrojecls Fund 4,120,000 139,290 162,163 3,957,837 3.94 5 Special Capital Prciocts Fund 4,420,000 22,873 4,397,127 0.52 5 S4rccl CopElnl Projects 7,802,843 208,588 440,448 7,362,395 5.64 5 Mirabeau Point Project 441,000 481 36,933 404,067 8.37 5 Street Bond Capital Proiects 816,000 - - 816,000 - 5 Capital Grants Fund 9,300,000 58,724 331,179 8,988,821 3.56 5 Bndcer Bridge Reconstruction 700,000 11,655 291,681 408,319 41,67 Smanwater Mgml Fund' 3,195,762 80,110 1,072,808 2,122,954 33.57 Equip. Rental & Replecemnt 944,375 4,136 85,238 859,137 9.03 10 Risk Management 217,100 970 180,437 36,003 83,11 Reserves: Centerplace Opcraling 325,000 - - 325,000 service Level Stabrzalion 5,200,OD0 5.200,00D Nfcrder Weather 540,000 540,000 Parks CapilM 3,550,000 14,236 743,004 2,806,996 20.03 5 Civic Subdtmgs Capital 2,893,000 2,893,000 S 54,711,080 S 11,344,103 S 7,080,955 5 47,620,125 12.96% -includes beg. Bal. IIJ21/2007 8:40A AI City of Spokane Valley . General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended October 31, 2007 Unaudited General Fund Revenues: Unreserved Fund Balance Property Tax Sales Tax Gambling Tax Franchise Fees/Business Licenses State Shared Revenues Planning & Building Fees Fines and Forfeitures Recreation Program Fees Investment Int. & Other Operating Transfers General Fund Expenditures: Legislative Branch Executive & Legislative Support Public Safety Operations & Administrative Svcs Public Works Planning & Community Dev_ Library Services Parks & Recreation General Government ~ J Amended Budget October 2007 Revenues $ 7,068,000 $ 9,745,000 164,294 18,986,800 1,738,694 910,000 4,125 904,170 219,999 1,201,000 162,361 1,867,000 252,445 1,250,000 97,654 447,700 60,725 572,800 53,315 75,000 26,735 S 43,027,470 S 2,780,347 YTD Unrealized Percent Revenues Revenue Realized $ 7,068,000 5,393,401 14,684,040 351,859 702,849 972,075 1,999,371 1,034,808 480,486 467,099 74.300 4,351,599 4,302,760 558,141 201,321 228,925 (132,371) 215,192 (32,786) 105,701 Inn 55.35% 77.34 38.67 77.73 80.94 107.09 82.78 107.32 81.55 99.07 $ 33,228,288 $ 9,799,182 77.23 Amended Budget October YTD Unrealized Percent 2007 Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Realized 296,393 12,882 189,087 107,306 892,854 69,758 618,767 274,087 18,256,400 2,257,384 15,111,793 3,144,607 1,470,608 88,922 890,315 580,293 1,391,887 79,316 854,831 537,056 2,411,276 229,445 1,826,862 584,414 20,000 - 4,559 15,441 2,087,086 262,272 1,560,309 526,777 13,893,000 1,882.051 7,033,788 6,859,212 S 40,719,504 S 4,882,030 $ 28,090,311 $ 12,629,193 63.80 69.30 82.78 60.54 61.42 75.76 22.80 74.76 sn All 68.98% 8 7 2 11/21r2007 8:40 AM City of Spokane Valley Investment Report For the Month of October 2007 LGIP* Beginning $ - 35,840,287.35 Deposits 2,160,341.13 Withdrawls (2,000,000.00) Interest 151,320.24 Ending $ 36,151,948.72 Total BB Money Mkt* BB CD Investments $ 1,621,486.42 $ 1,026,183.01 S 38,487,956.78 2,160, 341.13 - - (2,000,000.00) 4,866.68 - 156,186.92 $ 1,626,353.10 $ 1,026,183.01 $ 38,804,484.83 Balances by Fund General Fund Street Fund Arterial Street Paths & Trails Hotel/Motel CenterPLace Operating Reserve Service Level Stabilization Reserve Winter Weather Reserve Civic Facilities Replacement Capital Projects Special Capital Projects Mirabeau Point Project Parks Capital Project Civic Buildings Capital Projects Stormwater Management Equipment Rental & Replacement Risk Management $ 8,514,384.23 4,157,184.10 793,109.49 23,120.09 508,215.22 334,974.20 5,187,278.47 555,473.14 397,000.00 4,448,759.42 4,738,084.20 361,612.35 785,543.25 5,603,157.08 1,611,548.24 770,606.08 14,435.27 $ 38,804,484.83 *Local Government Investment Pool * Banner Bank /'rte FOOTNOTES 2 New construction projects are exceeding our estimates. 5 Capital projects often take a number of years to plan; engineer, acquire right of way and construct. 6 No projects planned in 2007 7 Two significant accounts are delinquent 8 Error in beginning Fund balance of amended budget 9 Interest earnings 10 Most equipment fully funded in late 05 f 11121!2007 8:40 AM MEMO Cil l TO: Dave Mercier, City Manager FROM: Rick VanLcuven, Chief of Police George Wigen, Administrative Sergeant DATE: November 19, 2007 RE: Monthly Report October 2007 During the month of October 2007, computer-aided dispatch (CAD) incidents for the Spokane Valley Police Department totaled 4,736. These are self-initiated officer contacts, as well as calls for service. Out of those incidents, 1,432 actual reports were taken during the month of October. Attached is the breakdown describing those incidents. Additionally, there were 1,549 traffic stops conducted that resulted in 325 traffic reports. Included with this report are hotspot maps for October residential burglaries, October commercial burglaries and October traffic collisions, along with September and October stolen vehicles. ADMINISTRATIVE: ♦ With continued emphasis on Emergency Preparedness, Chief VanLeuven joined other Eastern Washington coinmuruty leaders participating in a policy-level seminar to discuss how our communities can be better prepared to survive a major disaster. Spokane Department of Emergency Management and the Spokane Regional Health District Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response were active in coordinating this portion of the 2007 WASABE (Washington State Annual Bioterrorism Exercise). ♦ Chief VanLeuven participated in a week-long FBI L EF_..DA Command School, held at CenterPlace. ♦ The Security Committee of the Spokane Valley Police Department met to further plans for security of the SVPD facility personnel and others who work and visit the facility. Chief VanL euven also attended the meeting and shared some of concerns and suggestions with the committee. ♦ Chief VanLcuven took part in interviews of candidates to fill the vacated position of Deputy City Manager, and he also attended going-away events for Nina Regor. ♦ He attended a four-hour training class on Prevention of In-Custody Deaths. ♦ Chief VanLcuven met for a short time with State Gambling Commission Asst. Director Mark Harris. He also attended the Governor's Town Hall Meeting in the Spokane Valley. ♦ During the month of October, Chief VanLeuven was "'on call" for a total of ten 12-hour shifts for patrol lieutenants. Page 1 COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING: ♦ During the month of October, a total of 25 abandoned vehicles were tagged for impoundment in the Spokane Valley by SCOPE volunteers, 18 of which were eventually towed with 18 citations issued. In addition, 8 hulks were processed. ♦ SCOPE Incident Response Team (S1RT) contributed a total of 113 on-scene volunteer hours (including travel time) in October for SCSO Dispatch Response in Spokane County / Spokane Valley. This included response to two motor vehicle accidents (Broadway at Woodruff and 32"d at Evergreen.), and to a crime scene at Appleway and Bridge Road. ♦ Volunteers of America launched its Safe Place program in the City of Spokane Valley in October with a press conference. American West Bank, the Spokane Valley Fire Department and the Spokane Valley Police Department will participate in this community collaboration to combat child abuse and neglect. Safe Place makes it possible for any youth to access help at locations including banks, fast food restaurants, convenience stores, and other organizations that display the distinctive yellow-and-black Safe Place sign. Chief VanL,euven joined other supporters of the program at the press confference. ♦ At the 9`'' annual Hope House Celebrity Fashion Show, Chief Van-Leuven and other local law enforcement and media personnel supported the fundraising event by modeling clothing provided by upscale local clothiers. Originally known as the Dov`mtown Women's Shelter, Dope House was funded in response to the 1.997 serial murders of women on the streets of Spokane to offer women protection from violence on the street. The first Fashion Show models included members of the Homicide Task. Force who were investigating those murders. Hope House has been operated by Volunteers of America since 2001. ♦ A "Shred Day" was held in October in the parking lot of the Spokane Valley Police Department to help combat identity theft. The event was co-hosted by the Spokane County Sheriff's Office and the Neighborhood Watch Program, in partnership with DeVries Information Management and the Spokane Valley Target store. Diana Somerville, coordinator of Neighborhood Watch, advised that two tons of documents were shredded during the event and Neighborhood Watch received almost $400.00 in donations. Crime Prevention Officer Greg Snyder provided information about Identity Theft, and ten identification disks were requested and received by parents through Operation ID, a SCOPE program that provides parents with a disk containing a digital photograph, fingerprint and physical descriptors of their children. Should the children ever go missing, the disk can be furnished to local law enforcement. ♦ Chief VanLeuven also attended the celebration of the 251" anniversary of the Greater Spokane Substance Abuse Council in the Spokane Valley, an organization dedicated to prevention of substance abuse and violence. Page 2 OPERATIONS: Click It or Ticket Emphasis The Spokane Valley Police conducted a nighttime seatbelt emphasis the end of October, continuing into the first part of November. Washington State has one of the highest, if not the highest, seatbelt usage rates in the nation. However, the percentage of motorists using seatbelts falls off during the hours of darkness. Nighttime crashes that involve preventable injuries and death continue to occur, preventable had the victim been wearing seatbelts. The emphasis, funded by a Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant, was designed to remind motorists that the law requires seatbelt usage at all hours and that law enforcement is watching. The fine for failing to wear seatbelts is $124. For those who like to slip the shoulder belt between their upper body and seat, the fine is $124. For motorists who crash while trying to throw the seatbelt on as they are being pulled over, the fine is $175. Detectives Tie Vandals to 121 Crimes A group of teen vandals connected to dozens of incidents of malicious mischief in Spokane Valley have been tied to more than 100 crimes, some dating back to the first week of October. Four Spokane Valley Police property crimes detectives working the case have solved numerous acts of malicious mischief. several vehicle prowlings, a residential burglary and vehicle arson, as well as recovering a significant amount of stolen property. The investigation is ongoing. Prowling Victim Tracks, Recovers Stolen Property A 20-year-old Spokane Valley man recovered his stolen camera, and the thief who took it was arrested for possession of stolen property. The victim called officers to Pawn One and told them that his car had been prowled and a Nikon camera and lenses worth $1,500 had been stolen. IIe said he and friends began looking for the stolen items and found them at Pawn One, 11812 E. Sprague. The manager at the store confirmed the serial number on the camera was the same as on the packaging the owner had brought with him. The manager told officers he loaned the pawner $175 on the camera. Unfortunately for the suspect, he left Pawn One without his identification card. Officer Rob King seized the ID card and placed it on police property. Later that afternoon, the Pawn One manager called King and said he had arranged for the suspect to pick up the forgotten ID. Officer King walked into the business as the suspect was standing at the counter. Officer King arrested the suspect for First Degree Possession of Stolen Property and booked him into the Spokane County Jail. Crash Causes Minor Injuries, Major Inconvenience Three teens, driving a Chevrolet Cavalier stolen earlier in Spokane, were reportedly involved in a hit and run collision in Hayden, Idaho and then crashed into another vehicle while driving westbound in the eastbound lanes of Interstate 90 between Broadway and Argonne. The teens were pursued westbound by Idaho law enforcement, who ended their pursuit at the state line. Washington State Patrol troopers began chasing the suspect vehicle westbound from the border but terminated their chase in the area of Pines Road. Meanwhile, Spokane County Sheriff's deputies and Spokane Valley Police converged on the freeway to assist. When the driver of the stolen car entered the eastbound lanes of the freeway to go westbound, Sgt. Wes Eylar and Officer Ryan Smith pulled onto I-90 at Argonne Road and began blocking traffic. However, the driver of the stolen car was able to get around the two patrol cars by moving up against the center concrete barrier of the freeway. In doing so, it struck the barrier several times and the impact bounced it into the eastbound lanes where it struck a GMC Yukon in the side, causing heavy damage to both Page 3 vehicles. A third vehicle became tangled up in the crash. None of the occupants of the involved vehicles was seriously injured. When the three teens in the stolen Chevrolet bailed out of their car and began rtulning, a Spokane Police officer held them at gunpoint for deputies. While WSP accident technicians assumed investigation of the three-vehicle collision, Sheriffs Office personnel took over investigation of the criminal charges expected against the three teens, which could include a felony count of Attempting to Elude a Police Vehicle against the driver and charging all three suspects with Possession of Stolen Property. Other charges are likely pending in Idaho. Chase Suspect Enters Daycare... With Vehicle Spokane Valley Police arrested a 21-year-old man after he crashed the stolen car he was driving into a daycare center at Main and Browne in downtown Spokane. Spokane Valley Police Officer Jason Kartutz was patrolling the area of Sprague and Howe shortly after 3 a.m. when he spotted a stolen 1989 'Toyota Camry taken from a Spokane address. He waited for backup officers and then attempted to stop the car at Sprague and Park. The driver pulled over and it appeared he would cooperate. However, the man jumped back into the car and took off westbound on Sprague at high speeds. The officer began pursuit, but the suspect was able to continue westbound into the downtown area where police attempted PIT maneuvers at two locations. The first was unsuccessful, and the second maneuver spun the suspect's car, but he corrected and then accelerated straight across the roadway and into the front of the daycare. Officers pinned the vehicle in with their patrol cars, but the suspect refused to exit the stolen car. Officers broke the driver's window, applied a Taser application and then pulled the suspect from the car. He was booked into the Spokane County Jail on felony counts of first Degree Possession of Stolen Property and Attempting to Elude a Police Vehicle. Misdemeanor counts of Resisting Arrest and Driving While License Suspended are pending. Gun Display Leads To Lockdown Contract-based Education on South Bowdish Road was locked down for a time after a witness saw a student flash a pistol on the school grounds.. School Resource Deputy Damon Simmons and numerous Spokane Valley Police officers responded to the school on the "person with a weapon" call. Simmons' investigation revealed that a student had brought a pellet pistol with him so that he could sell it alter school. Another student heard about the pistol and asked to see it. When the 15- year-old suspect pulled it out of his backpack, a third student spotted the gun and reported the weapon to school officials. Simmons said that the suspect never pointed the gun at anyone. He arrested him for Possession of a Dangerous Weapon on School Facilities and released him to his mother. Because the gun was not an actual firearm, a custodial arrest was not mandatory. Still, the student was expelled from the school. Simmons said the carbon-dioxide-powered pellet gun was made of clear plastic, but had been colored black to look more like an actual firearm. He placed the pistol on property as evidence in the case. SCOOTERS AND BIKES: There were no collisions involving scooters and/or bikes in October. Page 4 2007 OCTOBER CRIME REPORT Oct-07 Oct-06 11 07 to date 06 to date 06 Total 05 Total 04 Total BURGLARY 52 65 475 608 714 744 997 FORGERY 27 18 325 285 334 464 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 175 77 1,123 920 1,122 904 1,224 NONCRIMINAL 68 97 690 664 811 749 916 PROPERTY OTHER 90 86 780 870 982 1,154 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES 22 30 295 304 403 333 390 STOLEN VEHICLES 21 67 407 532 711 603 577 THEFT 188 160 1,609 1,624 1,888 2,256 2,853 UIOBC 1 0 6 7 11 8 10 VEHICLE OTHER 1 0 3 3 3 5 40, VEHICLE PROWLING 50 821 1 557 816 937 958 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CRIMES 695 682 6,270 6,633 7,916 8,178 10,519 ASSAULT 51 61 717 722 846 894 880 DOA/SUICIDE 16 11 189 139 167 159 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 68 80 726 586 736 762 755 HOMICIDE 0 0 0 3 5 1 5 KIDNAP 1 0 21 18 22 35 24 MENTAL 22 26 298 350 425 425 386 MP 7 10 66 70 88 97 106 PERSONS OTHER 96 117 1,112 996 1,159 1,256 1,624 ROBBERY 2 8 54 41 58 56 58 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 8 7 68 69 83 92 190 TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES 271 320 3,251 2,994 3,589 3,777 4,192 ADULT RAPE 5 2 37 19 29 39 37 CHILD ABUSE 8 8 86 67 78 101 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE 5 8 83 90 105 88 205 SEX REGISTRATION F 0 0 4 2 3 6 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES 1 0 15 15 15 9 21 CHILD MOLESTATION 3 10 36 62 69 67 77 CHILD RAPE 2 1 24 48 62 35 30 RUNAWAY 28 34 257 258 309 311 437 SEX OTHER 12 15 163 174 203 181 162 STALKING 0 1 13 16 17 27 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 12 13 134 166 177 244 341 TOTAL SEX CRIMES 76 92 852 917 1,067 1,108 1,475 DRUG 65 561 1 686 585 665 891 999 ISU OTHER 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 TOTAL ISU 65 56 687 585 665 891 1,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 325 299 3,170 2,674 3,345 2,403 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVE 1,432 1,449 14,230 13,803 16,582 16,357 19,962 7 t,;enw11 _ Jaw wows v SFr er:J ~,er Fa.rv c~+~r s - L - _[-J O 1(naa 0 IndmiL! r! .it ►Vl,sslaninlb c SrnSU - WLNtP Brrarze Sharp ~ X - J 5 _ 51 in 62 Brc7d J Al AI 'rl~lleyw pi:+sVs1M+~nvay~ _ .ldxdr- hdtrih . it. rtln~,oty 4- y.sa Alwn _ _ R~ufrt]fide A j -)il•APW@'roaY 3 P 1-0i I11~ ril'TRAr , 41h 17 SXIt'_ t 1111' ar I 13m idU, tr. -ZSlll" -1'. 1Gtii 5c . ~fb' ~ IIISIh 31Ddi ' E11 -G 'T1 F 1 41I7 ;q V 21st J©nnyc` vi1T ~~~yy~• vn ,L CD 1 ~ ~ ~ Utcro~ ~ y IS C pllal~Pdrk I I i mIK i1 L_ I a - Er►aUd - - r~ ew. Euciid 71 f e,-,o GrK.r e_ z atbi I~ M1 Knox 90 L n 551on s~ 7'S1r~1ttpn ~`y . ''4T [iMnF 4 1 l.Jl af r , 4 ~ F- l~f- - F I fith ~N11. yftd S In a - T_ .ri~ISt-~- 5tt, : ~,t, - ~ - "s,n • q~+'+ I4 - .1 I_ . - li►fl jilt: 9 11th ► lh 11W- 1 `ytC• 13) El- 41h -Z81AI tp !b Na! 32nd 24 1H I m I 25th r. ?M NJ ti n 01 31a1 n 1 r -7th -,A-.- i _ - _a Storlro►~ c, = t °V 9Di ~ , 4 • 411th:~'~ ~ ~ ~H►r ~ I 13 I - Y _ ' t S r Bal RosldaMtsl J~-%I T r' i 3 I G o. - II>#Y 441h I Burglary n Q n O H - c aall as ;-gip n G c~ti.~ - II ei f 1 - Fti7ifra _ X01- _ I'4~ I 1~ ®Low =Medium - - arr - - - " t1q!• - ° `rN411 -.r.• J114 Mohawk IIIIIIIHlgh 2007 October Residential Burglary Hotspots Map Pmduoetl 8 fJnvumber2Atn C ose _ rtir 3 y 10, Iq r.isrnen ,i I L~Ltc -91 - MG -~a,,~ X13 c Sane . !i 1P. , 0 5 r Z welle y. 1! I 'may Vs Lt., r•• -r per, _ - 9 w tit'n1rJP~I I ~~i - a 4 A~ C 1 i s~ 13 ~b t _ n+S' ik M1 _ EurtiU LTb►iD. 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LF' {fir 3 1 tt1^' 71 111, - m - i r1 13tH 1 7 14th , 3tr f nib 1604 7m_ 18th ISM C /t1tH _ d y J J4 »NY t n i , o :lm~ loth ` ;4 ` I 1 u 121st Jennie y v~ m- ...rte - 2b ~Btt. ~iyte r. -1 • Q~ r ~h uieo. l 4.~ - rZ J m' 25m _ tih~ Q c 3U9r >r z = 132n r [a21 n u 5 -N. -M-34th 77- ra,:- u i I 1[,1',' Ii ~I i ~ _ s 11 o T - ~ r1~ I ' 37th :1 i1 j9ln `-T - ~ t~plp _ dsti - trttn _ a tl,. 1 Im ii Belle TeaA ~rer f - X , in s 6 o Stolen n `ms Ur ?I Vehicles • i } ' y -_I - 1 t3eMavisla 44 r'' k. 43 y 440, $ = Hntn-Ft ~.cr eat;' I~Low n r i -ti e I t~ _ S lr S _ 5 =Medium !'!tri2irru m "hn,yt; 111111111High - 7 . map Produced: B Novemtmr 2007 2007 Sept & Oct Stolen Vehicle Hotspots 7 Ci rnen , . - I' t' ' ' ~ ' ~d oak ✓ r-a+~' _ D".~ ran O to I~'v W°ile Y I ICI l~ uY J W 0 1 J Hmh T` It ZIUWWP~M .e t b Ik1 aplwn _ gfi,aAn04t t rrvittvK Eu - cr r,F Fairview u<u . ± CC '4"N; rgacv et 01. 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Medium I ,tt* ;vlurmr,e - = II■ fth 2007 October Commercial Burglary Hotspotsp Pr~u 6 N°,~n,t 2007 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall, 1707 E. Sprague Ave. October 25, 2007 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Kogle called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commissioners, Staff and Audience stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance III. ROLL CALL Commissioners Kogle, Blum, Beaulac, Carroll, Crosby, and were present. Commissioner Sands was absent and excused. Staff attending the meeting: Kathy McClung, Director of Community Development, Greg McCormick, Planning Manager, Scott Kuhta, Long Range Senior Planner, Mike Basinger, Associate Planner, Deanna. Griffith, Administrative Assistant IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Crosby moved the Oct. 25, 2007 agenda be approved as presented. Second by Commissioner Beaulac. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Crosby stated that the minutes for 8-23-07 incorrectly stated he was absent, not excused. Mr. Crosby said he had informed staff that he would not be ` present at that meeting. Commissioner Beaulac made a motion to approve the minutes from August 23, 2007, September 27, 2007 and October .11, 2007 be approved as amended. Commissioner Crosby seconded the motion which was passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Blum stated that he attended the City Council meeting on Oct. 23`d, 2007. He reported on the' Council's decision regarding street vacation of Sipple and First. All other Commissioners had nothing to report. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS There was nothing for the administrative report. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS: Public Hearing regarding Comprehensive Plan amendments. Below is the list of the Comprehensive Plan Map amendments. Two chapters of the Comprehensive Plan, Transportation and Capital Facilities are being updated. 0 r COMP PLAN ZONING FILE NO. PARCEL NO. LOCATION CHANGE CHANGE APPLICANT Sullivan and CPA-01-07 45261.0407 16th Ave LDR to NC R-2 to NC NW Renovators Broadway and CPA-02-07 45151.9010 McDonald PQP to MDR CF to MF-1 City of Spokane Valley 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 7 COMP PLAN ZONING FILE NO. PARCEL NO. LOCATION CHANGE CHANGE APPLICANT 45151.9012 Pines and CPA-0347 45284.2030 32nd Ave NC to HDR NC to MF-2 City of Spokane Valley 452842013 Pines and Mansfield CPA-04-07 45103.0261 Road HDR to O MF-2 to O City of Spokane Valley 45103.0262 45103.0263 45102.9057 45102.9074 Barker and CPA-05-07 55083.6401 Mission LDR to NC R-4 to NC City of Spokane Valle Sprague and CPA-06-07 45154.1717 McDonald LDR to CMU R-3 to CMU City of Spokane Valle Broadway and CPA-07-07 45184.0116 Argonne O to HDR GO to MF-2 City of Spokane Valley 45184.0101 Cataldo and CPA-08-07 45181.1224 Argonne O to HDR GO to MF-2 City of Spokane Valle Pines and CPA-09-07 45153.1715 Olive O to HDR O to MF-2 City of Spokane Valley Barker/1-90 CPA-10-07 - Interchange To RC To RC City of Spokane Valle The Commissioners discussed and agreed to proceed with one amendment at a time and allow public comment on each item separately. CPA-01-07 - 16a' and Sullivan. Amendment request by the owners, NW Renovators. Change from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial. Donna Duree a 12 S Century Rd. - Ms. Dupree stated that she is opposed to this change. She stated she had spoken to the owner and consider they stated it was not safe for a single family residence. Ms. Duree said she felt that a commercial use would destroy her quality of life and my family life. She pointed out that the area is over saturated with traffic, kids, school buses and STA buses. Ms. Duree is asking for a use that will generate the least amount of traffic. Nils Wagenhals, 2719 S. Cheryl Court_ - Mr. Wagenhals stated the area is very busy with traffic. He stated a person can't see up Sullivan with the fence. Mr. Wagenhals stated he is against this change, he is afraid of having more commercial on Sullivan. Rooer Sout rn, 1705 S Newer Lane, - Mr. Sothern stated he is opposed to this change. He stated there is too much traffic and change. He pointed out that people trying to access 4th and Sullivan and there are many children from middle school and high school in the area. He stated he would anticipate disastrous results. Mr. Southrn stated this corner does not lend itself to any commercial development. Michael Lee PO box 885, Liberty Lake - Mr. Lee is a proponent for the change. Mr. Lee stated that approximately 430 vehicles per hour go by this corner on 16`"; there is three times this amount, on Sullivan. He said he feels it is not a safe place for a single family home. Mr. Lee said he is in favor of wanting to 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 7 change for the safety aspect, wants it to be a better use. He said they want to put something on the property to serve that neighborhood. Mr. Lee said larger commercial is not needed there, but single family residential is not good there either. Mr. Lee also stated that the surrounding property will be nothing but gravel, and transformers. Vicki Sienknecht, 15314E ZZ - Ms. Sienknecht stated that she doesn't have an answer for single family to be on this lot, but does not feel that commercial is right either. People walk the neighborhood at both 16th and Sullivan. Ms. Sienknecht said it was hard, but there is a stop light now. Ms. Sienknecht has concerns about fitting something that close to the corner, but doesn't feel commercial is a good answer. Douq Gore PO Box 885, Liberty Lake - Mr. Gore is an owner and proponent of the change. Mr. Gore stated that they are looking at a low impact use on the property. Mr. Gore said that they are aware that this is on a school bus route, but that a single family residence is not appropriate: Mr. Gore said that Vera Water and Power own the land that surrounds property, and he believes they are going to put a power substation on their property. Mr. Gore stated_ that he will do whatever they can to work with the neighbors. Brady Peterson 15511 S. 21 - Mr. Peterson stated that he was an opponent to the change. Mr. Peterson pointed out the lot size, 11654 sf, and that access is gong to be a problem. Mr. Peterson stated that he pulled out the Comprehensive Plan regarding neighborhood commercial. Mr. Peterson stated that business should be in clusters, this property would be an island by itself, which is not what a Neighborhood Commercial is meant to be. / Alan Meyers 2124 S Newer Ct, Mr. Meyers stated that he had prepared a letter, but others have articulated his same thoughts in their testimony. Mr. Meyers feels that any traffic business creates would be bad for the neighborhood, there is no potential for development on this property. , Jemmy Drager 2011. S Early Dawn. - Mr. Drager stated that he was a proponent for this change. He said that Sullivan is a 4 lane road, there is too much traffic for it to be a residence. Mr. Drager stated that anything is going to make it busy on that corner. The danger factor is high but single family is not the right thing to put there. Mr. Drager stated he was in favor of the safest, best use of the property and he believes owners are trying to work that. Patricia Price, 15307 E 15t ve. - Ms Price stated she was one of the neighbors that fought for a street light. Ms. Price is opposed to this change. She also stated that she has picked up kids who hit by cars. Sonja Bakonyi 1520 S Century Rd. - Ms. Bakonyi stated that she runs an in- home daycare. Ms. Bakonyi also stated that she had spoken with Vera Water and Power who assured her that if commercial goes on the property, they will put a substation there. Ms. Bakonyi also stated that Vera also said they would listen to the neighbors. Ms. Bakonyi stated that she runs a daycare in her home and that it is very busy for parents to get into her home and pick the kids up. Ms. Bakonyi stated that she has concerns about the increase in cars because she takes kids for walks and could not feel comfortable doing that if traffic increased. Douq Slato 15313j.5th Ave. - Mr. Slato said when there was no light there, his wife was in an accident, now there is a light there. He stated that he turns on 14th to avoid light. If you add a commercial use the kids will cut the corner. Mr. Slato stated he felt there was plenty of commercial if someone needed it they 10=25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 7 could travel to 32nd and Pines or 4`" and Sullivan. Mr. Slato said he felt the City needed more homes not more commercial. Michael Godek, 15121 E 15th -Mr. Godek stated he felt a SCOPE office would be great, but the neighborhood already had lots of kids jumping fences, lots of speeding. Mr. Godek said that he thought nothing too crazy should be allowed there. Mr. Godek said he is opposed to the change. Commissioner Robertson made a motion to recommend denial of CPA-01-07 to the City Council, second by Commissioner Blum. - Commissioners had an extensive discussion of the proposal. Concerns raised were if residential is not a good designation then what would be better considering what Vera W&P are going to do with the surrounding land. Commissioners felt it is not a good place for residential however, are concerned as to what designation would be appropriate on the ground. Discussion turned to what the allowed uses would be, staff reminded the Commissioner that what the owners plan to do with the property is not part of the proposal, they need to make a determination on what is the best use for the property based on land use designations. The vote on the motion is three to three, motion fails. Commissioner Carroll moved to recommend approval of the proposal to the City Council. After more discussion the vote on the motion is three to three, motion fails for tie. At this time the Commission forwards amendment CPA-01-07 with no recommendation. CPA-02-07 has been withdrawn. CPA-03-07 - This property is located at Pines and 32nd. It is currently apartments, the proposed change is from Neighborhood Commercial to High Density Residential. , Henry Bell, 12009 E 30th - Mr. Bell stated that he lives near this property and there is already too much noise. Mr. Bell wanted to know how many more people would be put in on it. Staff explained that there will be no change on the property. Commissioner Beaulac made a motion to recommend approval of CPA-03-07 to the City Council, second by Commissioner Blum, motion passes unanimously. CPA-04-07 - These properties are on the east side of Pines and north of Mansfield, The proposal is to change from High Density Residential to Office. After discussion Commissioner Carroll made a motion to recommend approval of CPA-04-07 to the City Council. Motion is seconded by Commissioner Blum and approved Unanimous. CPA-05-07 - This property is located at the corner of Barker Rd. and Mission Ave., and is part of the Riverwalk subdivision. Change is from R-4 Residential to Neighborhood Commercial. Commissioner Carroll asked for confirmation that this is a map correction, for prior to incorporation, was zoned to B-1. Staff did confirm that the property had been B-1, and then it was change to residential, Elaine Weese 18617 E. Montgomery_ - Ms. Weese stated that the property was originally commercial, before the development. Ms Weese stated that there was too much traffic for anything more than commercial. Anita Purdie 18716 E Baldwin Ct. - Ms Purdie stated that she has been told that there have been several different designations on the property. Ms. Purdie stated she felt that a park of some kind would be better than something commercial. She said that there is a bus stop located in this area and houses back onto this parcel. Ms. Purdie said she felt that the low turn out of 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 7 neighborhood was due to no notice, she also said it is too hard to stop and read sign. She stated she was troubled as to what will go there and what effect it will have on the children and the school. Commissioner Blum made a motion to recommend approval of CPA-05-07 to the City Council. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion which was passed unanimous. CPA-06-07 - This property is just off the corner of Sprague and McDonald. Change is from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed Use. - Staff reminded the Planning Commission during the Comprehensive Plan deliberations this property was discussed and voted to approve, however it did not get changed on the map. Lillian Enman. 101 N Clinton Rd. - Ms. Enman lives behind the property in this CPA. Ms. Enman stated she wanted to know what is going to go there. Ms. Enman stated that she had been told it was offices however she was concerned about the amount of noise that would be generated by the change. Commissioner Robertson moved to recommend approval of CPA-06-07 to the City Council. Commissioner Beaulac seconds the motion which was passed unanimous. CPA-07-07 - This property is located at the corner of Broadway and Argonne. The proposal is to change from Office to High Density Residential, which is the current use on the property. Marie Fruin 706 N Margarite Ms. Fruin stated she wanted to ask for r consideration as far as the proposal was concerned. Ms. Fruin stated when she bought property it had an easement on the back access. She stated she no longer has access and would like to have her access back or to have a fence put up to protect her from the surrounding property. Staff explained to Ms. Fruin that the City can't require improvements as part of a Comprehensive Plan amendment. Ed Krienke, 922 S Mariam - Mr. Krienke stated that he believed what the City has done. is targeted apartments. The City is considering reverse spot zoning, which he feels is against the greater good as well as the Growth Management Act. Mr. Krienke stated that if the property were vacant, no one would build an apartment complex on it. He is against this change. Commissioner Carroll made a motion to recommend approval of CPA-07-07 to the City Council. Commissioner Robertson second, the vote is all in favor. CPA-08-07- - The property is located at Cataldo and Argonne, the proposed change is from Office to High Density Residential. Ed Krienke, 922 S Mariam - Mr. Krienke stated that it is unreasonable to say that zoning should be different than what is already zoned up and down Argonne. Mr. Krienke stated no one could give him a good reason for the change. Mr. Krienke stated that this change would affect his pocketbook. He also stated that if there was a fire no one would want to put apartments back on the property. Mr. Krienke stated that the Comprehensive Plan is about changing and making a choice. Staff explained the change on the property. The city added Office and multi- family zoning which did not exist in the past. Commissioner Beaulac made the ' motion to recommend approval to the City Council. Commissioner Carroll 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 7 seconded the motion. Commissioners had discussion regarding the property, regarding the non-conforming use and if the owner was aware of the change. Commissioner's vote on the motion is 3 to 3, motion fails. The suggestion was made to move it forward without a recommendation from the Commission. There was more discussion of the consequences of the change and staffs comments regarding approval. Commissioner Crosby made a motion to recommend approval of CPA-08-07 to the City Council, Commissioner Robertson second the motion which was passed with a vote of four to two. CPA-09-07 - This property is located at Pines and Olive. These apartments are HUD housing for seniors. Staff pointed out that this is an example of where funding would be a problem if it is non-conforming. Commissioner Crosby moved to recommend approval of CPA-09-07 to the City Council. Commissioner Robertson seconded, the vote is unanimous. CPA-10-07 - Staff explained that this proposal is located off the Barker Rd. interchange. Most of this property in this area is currently zoned Corridor Mixed Use, but that staff feels that with the interchange there it should be Regional Commercial. Bonnie Owens 421 N Gmenacres Rd, - Ms. Owens stated she was against this change. She stated no one notified her of the change. Ms. Owens stated the neighbors don't want to be sandwiched between commercial uses. Lisa Thomason. 506 N Greena res Rd. - Ms. Thompson stated that she is not opposed to the area on Broadway being changed however she feels staff is too greedy with where they want to put the change. Ms Thompson stated the change is impacting the residential neighborhoods. She also stated that neighbors were concerned Huber Trailer employees are speeding through the neighborhood now along with people trying to avoid the Barker light. Ms. Thompson stated the area around Alki is mostly residential, she wanted to know if the City wanted to buy them out. Sharon Shawo. 18112 E Alki. - Ms. Shawo stated she was against this change. She stated that the area between Broadway and AN is all residences. Ms. Shawo stated she felt the City was destroying the neighborhood, there were new houses. Why zone commercial when it has always been residential? Nathan Smith 422 W Riverside - Mr. Smith stated he was representing the Corner Stone Church. He stated that the church would like to include the church and adjacent property on the Comprehensive Plan amendment. Mr. Smith stated that Regional Commercial would be more appropriate than residential, which the property is currently classified, which would develop Broadway Diane Savish, 511 N. Greenacres Rd. Ms. Savish stated she would trade Mr. Smith the church for the residences. Greg Hicks, 18511E. Alki. - Mr. Hicks stated he was against the change. Mr. Hicks stated that he felt the only people in favor of this rezone don't live here. Wes Beek, 19105 E Alki - Mr. Beck stated he was against the change. Mr. Beck wanted to know what happens to the houses when they are non-conforming? Earlier you said things need to be conforming. Eric Hattamer. 217 N Flora Rd. - Mr. Hattamer stated this is long range plan. Barker will be four lanes instead of two in the future, as the traffic has changed so far. He stated that you anticipate that as things go forward, people need to think long range not short range. 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 7 Mirk Taylor, 18606 E Alki - Mr. Taylor wanted to know what happens if the properties are made non-conforming. He stated he had a concern if residences try to refinance and they are non-conforming. Mr. Taylor stated he felt the I-90 corridor is Broadway not on Alki. At this time Commissioner Crosby made a motion to extend the meeting to 9:15 pm. Motion is seconded and passed to extend Lisa Thompson returned to the podium to ask the designation at the Valley Mall. Tracy Carver, 18316 E. Broadway - Ms. Carver stated she was against this change and that all around there is residential in the area with exception of Huber Trailer Sales, please move the line back. Gene Colbert, 19205 E Broadway - Mr. Colbert wanted to know what are the differences in the allowed uses. Mr. Colbert also wanted to know what is gong to happen with the Appleway Corridor. Mr. Colbert stated that the change does not affect his business but, but he said his logic is that there is plenty of commercial along the Sprague Ave., so is more needed? . Commissioners and staff discuss why the designation was chosen, how regional commercial develops at interchanges. Commissioner Carroll asked would it be appropriate to extend the church property. Commissioner Crosby made a motion to extend the meeting to 9:30 pm. Motion passes with a vote of 5 to 1. Staff suggested they could look at a series of alternatives for this area. Barker will be widened in the future; staff doesn't know what will be needed for more than right-of-way parcels. Staff stated that under Corridor Mixed Use High t . - f Density Residential would be allowed and this is not something the City would want at the interchange. Commissioner Carroll made a motion to continue the public hearing to Nov. 8`h with an instruction to staff to research including the church request and how CPA-10-07 could be reworked. Staff stated they could develop a couple of alternatives. Commissioner Beaulac seconded, motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER There was nothing for the good of the order XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 pm. SUBMITTED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant APPROVED: Gail Kogle, Chairperson 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 of 7