2007, 12-18 Study SessionAGENDA CITY OF SPOK.XN`E VALLEY CITY COUNCIL WORKSHEET STUDY SESSION Tuesday, December 18, 2007 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 11707 East Sprague Avenue. First Floor _ (Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting) DISCUSSION LFA!)ER SUBJECTIACTIVTTY GOAL ,fk-real Emp!gvice hrtr+odrn-tion: ACTION ITEMS: 1. Sine McCormick/Mikc Basinger Second Rending, Ordinance 07-026 Comprehen- Adopt Ordinance (t0 minutes) sine Plan Amendments (public comment( 2. Greg McCurmick/Mike Basinger Second Reading. Ordinance 07-027 Official Adopt Onlinance t'l0 minutes) Zoning Map Amendments lpublic comment] 3. Mike Jackson (10 minutes) Proposed Resolution 07-022 Creating Human Approve Resolution Resources Manager Position ipublic comment] 4. Cary Drish-ell (10 minute,) Acceptance of Real Property Acquisition Motion Consideration [public commentl 5. Mayor Wilhite (30 minutes) Confirmation of Mayoral Committee Confirm Appointments Appointments ;UTAR S7't-1)1" SESSION ITFNIS: 6. Morgan Koudelka/Cary Driskell Corncast Cable Franchise Update Discussion/Information (20 minutes) 7. Chris BainbridgefGreg Bingaman Paperless Agendas Discuss ion/Information (20 minutes) 8. Mayor Wilhite Advanco Agenda Additions Discussionllnformation 9. Information Only Items (will not be discussed or reported) a. Pines Mansfield Project Status - Steve Worley h. Hotnelesmess I•lousing and Assistance Act ,,-,C. Mpartment Reports 116. Ma 'ilhite Council Check in Discussion/lnformation lnaier City Manager Comments DiscussiDwInformation 12. Chris Bainbridge Swearing in of Councilmcmbers Administration of Oath Dempsey, Gothmann, and 1'aylor Office AD.JOt1 RN .Fore: Unless otherwise noted above, there Kill be no public comments at Council Study Scuions. Ilowever. Council always reserves the right to request information from the public and stiff xs appropriate. During meetings held by the City of Spoken Valley Council, the Council reserves the right to take "sedan" on any item listed or subsequently added to the agenda. The term °nction" means to dehberatc- discusa, rcvicw, consider, evxluatr, or make a collective positive nr negative decision NOTICE to wOtyds plouting to ssuad the mcctinj wtto require spcwl aslstana to acaomimailm pttvi1_31. hcwin& a otter imtninntats` please too xct the 0t) CNA st (SW) 921.1OW at town a pucstbtr so that anugemenu may be trade Study Sansion Atmdx, Dmer tber 18„ 2007 Page 1 0 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 18, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ® old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin, report © pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-026, Comprehensive Plan Amendments (includes text and map amendments) PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: None PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On December 11, 2007, Council deliberated on comprehensive plan map amendments CPA-01-07 through CPA-17-07 and on comprehensive plan text amendments to Chapter 3, Transportation and Chapter 4, Capital Facilities and Public Services- BACKGROUND: The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan includes an annual amendment cycle that runs from November 2 to November 1 of the following year. Applications received prior to November 1s' are considered by the Planning Commission in late winter/early spring of the following year, with a decision by City Council in late spring/early summer. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment schedule is not in accord with the timeline noted above due to the time demand involved in the adoption of the Uniform Development Code (UDC). All parts of the Comprehensive Plan (maps and text) can be amended during the annual cycle. The Community Development Department received 1 request from the public for a site-specific Comprehensive Plan amendment; city staff initiated 16 other amendments (one was subsequently withdrawn) for 2007. Sites that are approved for a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment automatically receive a zoning designation that is consistent with the new Comprehensive Plan Map designation. Additionally, staff initiated Comprehensive Plan text amendments to Chapter 3, Transportation and Chapter 4, Capital Facilities and Public Services. Proposed changes to Chapter 3 include minor formatting/housekeeping -type amendments as well as updating information related to a number of sections within the chapter. Chapter 4 amendments involved updating the 6-year transportation improvement program as well as including information on other potential city capital projects. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSALS: Comprehensive plan map amendment proposals are organized into individual reports consisting of application materials, staff reports, comprehensive plan maps, zoning maps, aerial maps, vicinity maps, transportation maps, and letters submitted to date to assist the City Council's review. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on October 25, 2007, to consider the proposed map and text amendments. After hearing public testimony, the Commission made recommendations on CPA-01-07 through CPA-09-07. The Commission continued the public hearing for CPA-10-07 thru CPA- 17-07 and proposed text amendments to November 8, 2007. Further research was requested on CPA-10-07 to determine an appropriate boundary for the proposed Regional Commercial designation. On November 8, 2007, the Planning Commission deliberated on CPA-10-07 through CPA-17-07 and proposed 1 text amendments. The Planning Commission's recommendations on CPA-01-07 through CPA-17-07 are 1 of 2 summarized in the attached memorandum. The Commission's recommendations on Chapters 3 and 4 are contained in Exhibits 4 and 5. OPTIONS: Approve the ordinance; remand to Planning Commission for further consideration; or conduct a public hearing on proposed deviations from the Planning Commission's recommendation. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: Approve ordinance 07-026 STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP, Planning Division Manager; Mike Basinger, AICP, Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Ordinance 07-026 2 of 2 Ii RAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE, COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 07-026 AN ORDINANCE OF T.ITE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COiJNTY WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 06-010 ADOPTING THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE, PLATNF AND PROVD)LNG FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATLNG THERETO. WHEREAS, through Spokane Valley Ordinance 06-010, the City of Spokane Valley adopted Land Use plans and regulations as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facilities Plan, and Maps as the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) allows comprehensive plans to be amended annually (RCW 36.70A130); and WHTR.EAS, amendments to the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by the Planning Commission (Commission), the City Council (Council) or by the Community Development Director based on citizen requests or when changed conditions warrant adjustments; and WHEREAS, the GMA requires comprehensive plans to be implemented with development regulations, including the zoning of property consistent with land use map designations; and WHEREAS, consistent with the G1VIA, City of Spokane Valley adopted Public Participation Guidelines to direct the public involvement process for adopting and amending comprehensive plans; and %VI .FRrAS, the Comprehensive Plan provides that amendment applications shall be received until November 1 of each year; and WHEREAS, applications were submitted by the applicant, owner or by City staff to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Maps for the purpose of beneficially using the property described herein; and kN EREAS, following the application to the City, staff conducted an environmental review to determine the potential environmental impacts from the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, after reviewing the Environmental Checklists, staff issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) for the proposals, published the DNS in the Valley News Herald, posted the DNS on the sites and mailed the DNS to all affected public agencies; and WHEREAS, the Commission conducted a briefing on September 27, 2007, to review the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald at least 14 days prior to the hearing; and W`H.' ,REAS, on October S, 2007, notice of the Commission hearing was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of the subject property ; and W14EREAS, notice of the hearing was posted on the subject property; and Ordinance 07-026 Camp Plan Amendments Page i of 6 DRAFT WI-lERTAS, the Commission received evidence, information, public testimony and a staff report and recommendation at a public hearing on October 25, 2007; and WI-IEREAS, the Commission conducted a public hearing on October 25, 2007, to consider proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use map and text. After hearing public testimony, the Commission made recommendations on CPA-01:07 thru CPA-09-07. The Commission continued the public hearing to November 8, 2007 for CPA-10-07 through CPA-17-07 and text amendments. Further research was requested on CPA-10-07 to determine an appropriate boundary for the proposed Regional Commercial designation. On November 8, 2007, the Planning Commission deliberated on CPA-10-07 thru CPA-17-07 and proposed amendments to Chapters 3 and 4 of the Plan; and WHEREAS, the Commission deliberated on CPA-10-07 through CPA-17-07 and proposed amendments to Chapters 3 and 4 of the Plan on November 8, 2007; and WI-TER11AS, the Commission continued the November 8, 2007 public hearing to deliberate on CPA-10-07 through CPA-17-07; the Commission recommended approval of all preceding amendments with modi6c.a1ions to CPA-10-07; and WHEREAS, on December 4, 2007, Council reviewed the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, on December 11, 2007, Council considered a First ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, on December 18, 2007, Council considered a second ordinance reading at which time Council approved written findings of fact setting f.'orth their basis for recommending approval of the proposed amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Map(s) adopted through Ordinance No. 06-010, and amend the Comprehensive Plan text adopted through Ordinance No. 06-010. Section 2. Findings. The City Council acknowledges that the Commission conducted appropriate investigation and study, held a public hearing on the application and recommends approval of the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan map and text. The City Council hereby adopts the findings of the Commission, specifically that: I. Notice for the proposed map and text amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on October 5, 2007. Each map amendment site was posted with a "Notice of Public Hearing" sign, with a description of the proposal, and a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) determination. 2. Individual notice of the map amendment proposals was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each affected site. Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA - R.CW 43.21C) environmental checklists were required for each proposed comprehensive plan map and text amendment. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each comprehensive plan amendment request. Determinations of Non-significance (DNS) were issued for the requested comprehensive plan amendments on October 5, 2007. Ordinance 07-026 Comp Plan Amendments Page 2 of 6 DRAFT l 5. The DNS's were published in the city's official newspaper on October 5, 2007 consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance. 6. Appropriate environmental review was conducted and all SEPA requirements were met. 7. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted it public hearing on October 25, 2007, to consider the proposed amendments. After hearing public testimony, the Commission made recommendations on CPA-01-07 thru CPA-09-07.. 8. The Commission continued the public hearing for CPA-10-07 thru CPA-17-07 and proposed Plan text amendments to November 8, 2007. Further research was requested on CPA-10-07 to determine an appropriate boundary for the proposed Regional Commercial designation. 9. On November 8, 2007, the Planning Commission deliberated on map amendments CPA-10-07 thru CPA- 17-07 and proposed text amendments. 10. The planning goals of the Growth Managennent Act (GNiA) were considered and the proposed amendments are consistent with the GN1A. 11. The goals and policies of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan were considered and the proposed amendments are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 12. The proposed land use and zoning designations are consistent with the current use of the properties. 13. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and text amendments will not adversely affect the public's general health, safety, and welfare. Section 3. Property. The properties subject to this Ordinance are described in the attached Attachment "A". Section 4. Map Amendments. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.073 the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan and Map as adopted through Ordinance No. 06-010, is hereby amended as set forth ~ on the attached Attachment "A". The Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments are generally described . as follows: Asap Amendments File No. CPA-01-07 Location: South side of 16"' Avenue, west of its intersection with Sullivan; Parcel number 45261.0707 at 1607 S. Sullivan R.d Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Low Density Residential to 'Neighborhood Commercial Council Decision: Change to Neighborhood Commercial (rile No. CPA-02-07: Withdrawn Pile No. CPA-03-07 Location: Northwest corner of Pines and 32'0; Parcel No. 45284.2030 and 452842013 at 3010 S Pines Road Request: Change Comprehensive Plan from Neighborhood Commercial to High Density Residential Council Decision: Change to High Density Residential Pile No. CPA-04-07 Location: East side of Pines, North of Mansfield Road.; Parcel No. 45103.0263, 45103.0262, 45103.0261, 45102.9074, and 45102.9057 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from High Density Residential to Office Council Decision: Change to Office Ordinance 07-026 Comp Plan Amendments Pagc 3 of 6 DRAFT File No. CPA-05-07 Location: Located on the north side of Mission at its intersection with Darker Road; Parcel number 55083.6401 at 1612 N. Barker Road Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial Council Decision: Change to Neighborhood Commercial File No. CPA-06-07 Location: East of McDonald Road, north of its intersection with Sprague; Parcel No. 45154.1717 at 102 N. McDonald Road Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed- Use Council Decision: Change to Corridor Mixed-Use File No. CPA-07-07 Location: West of Argonne on the south side of Broadway Avenue; parcel no. 45184.0116 and 45184.0101 at. 8910 E. Broadway Ave and 711 N. Argonne Road Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Office to High Density Residential Council Decision: Change to High Density Residential File No. CPA-08-07 Location: North side of Cataldo, west of its intersection with Argonne; Parcel no. 45181.1224 at 9015 E Cataldo Ave. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Office to High Density Residential Council Decision: Change to High Density Residential File No. CPA-09-07 Location: East of Pines, north of its intersection with Olive; parcel no. 45153.1715 at 512 N Pines Road Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Office to High Density Residential Council Decision: Change to High Density Residential File No. CPA-10-07 Location: The corridor is part of the Barker interchange and runs from east of Greenacres Road to Hodges Road and from south of 1-90 to Alki Road; the southern border of the corridor extends along Alki from Greenacres to Michigan; there is a small portion included in the corridor that extends the border farther south from Alki to Appleway along Michigan, and then east to Hodges Road, the city boundary line. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Corridor Mixed-Use to Regional Commercial Council Decision: Change to Regional Commercial, except for a small residential tract located in the southwest portion of the proposed amendment, this residential tract shall be zoned Single- family Residential District (R-3). File No. CPA-11-07 Location: Nest of Park Avenue and on the south side of'Nora; parcel numbers 35124.2504 and 35124.2606 at 7320 E. Nora Ave. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Light Industrial Council Decision: Change to Light Industrial Ordinance 07-026 Comp Plan Amendments Page 4 of 6 DRAFT File No. CPA-12-07 Cl Location: South side of Broadway, west of Ella Road; parcel no. 45183.0405 at 7816 E. Broadway Avenue. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from High Density Residential to Office Council Decision: Change to Office File No. CPA-13-07 Location: Fast of Pines, between Pinecroft and Trent.; parcel no. 45033.9024 and 45033.9042. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation fi-om Public/Quasi-Public to Mixed Use Council Decision: Change to Mixed Use File No. CPA-14-07 Location: South side of Mission, west of its intersection with Pines; parcel No. 45161.0246 at 12006 E. Mission Avenue. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Office Council Decision: Change to Office File No. CPA-15-07 Location: South side of 12'h Ave, west of its intersection with McDonald; parcel No. 45223.9210 at 12912 F. 12`h Avenue. Request: Change the Comprehensive flan map designation from Public/Quasi-Public to High Density Residential Council Decision: Change to High Density Residential File No. CPA-16-07 Location: Nest of Long Road, sough of its intersection with Maxwell; parcel no. 55132.0103 at 1409 N. Long Road. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Low Density Residential Council Decision: Change to Low Density Residential File No. CPA-17-07 Location: North side of 10`h Avenue, west of Pines road; parcel number 45214.2531 at 924 S. Pines Road. Request: Change the Comprehensive flan map designation from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed Use Council Decision: Change to Corridor Mixed Use Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.073 the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan and Map as adopted through Ordinance No. 06-010, is hereby amended as set forth on the attached Attachment "13" (amended text for Chapter four, Capital Facilities) and Attachment "C" (amended text for Chapter Three, Transportation). Section 5. Map - Copies on rile-Administrative Action. The Comprehensive Plan (with Maps) is maintained in the office of the City Clerk as well, as the City Department of Community Development. The City Manager or designee, following adoption of this Ordinance, is authorized to modify the Comprehensive Plan Map in a manner consistent with this Ordinance. Ordinance 07-026 Comp Plan Amendments Page 5 of 6 DRAFT Section 6. Liability. The express intent of the City of Spokane Valley is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall rest with the permit applicant and their agents. This ordinance and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health, safety, and ` welfare of the general public and are not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. Section 7. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction; such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in frill force and effect five (5) clays after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of December, 2007 Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved As To Form: OfTice of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 07-026 Comp Plan Amendments Pagc 6 of 6 S "po~e V 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 10+6 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatt@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Mayor and City Councilors From: Gail Kogel, Chair - Spokane Valley Planning Commission Date: December 4, 2007 Re: Planning Commission Findings and Recommendation: CPA-01-07 through CPA-17-07; Chapter 3, Transportation and Chapter 4, Capital Facilities and Public Services Text Amendments BACKGROUND The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on October 25, 2007, to consider proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plari Land Use map and text. After hearing public testimony, the Commission made recommendations on CPA-01-07 thru CPA-09-07. The Commission continued the public hearing for CPA-10-07 thru CPA-17-07 and text amendments to November 8, 2007. Further research was requested on CPA-10-07 to determine an appropriate boundary for the proposed Regional Commercial designation. On November 8, 2007, the Planning Commission deliberated on CPA-10-07 thru CPA-17-07 and proposed amendments to Chapters 3 and 4 of the Plan. The Planning Commission's findings and recommendation on CPA-01-07 thru CPA-17-07 and proposed text amendments to Chapters 3 and 4 are summarized below: FINDINGS 1. Notice for the proposed map and text amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on October 5, 2007. Each map amendment site was posted with a Notice of Public Hearing" sign, with a description of the proposal, and a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) determination. 2. Individual notice of the map amendment proposals was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each affected site. 3. Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA - RCW 43.21C) environmental checklists were required for each proposed comprehensive plan map and text amendment. 4. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each comprehensive plan amendment request. Determinations of Non-significance (DNS) were issued for the requested comprehensive plan amendments on October 5, 2007. 5. The DNS's were published in the city's official newspaper on October 5, 2007 consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance. 6. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on October 25, 2007, to consider the proposed amendments. After hearing public testimony, the Commission made recommendations on CPA-01-07 thru CPA-09-07. 7. The Commission continued the public hearing for CPA-10-07 thru CPA-17-07 and proposed Plan text % amendments to November 8, 2007. Further research was requested on CPA-10-07 to determine an appropriate boundary for the proposed Regional Commercial designation. 1 of 4 8. On November 8, 2007, the Planning Commission deliberated on map amendments CPA-10-07 thru Cp4- 17-07 and proposed text amendments. RECOMMENDATION Map Amendments File No. CPA-01-07 Location: South side of 16'' Avenue, west of its intersection with Sullivan; Parcel number 45261.0707 at 1607 S. Sullivan Rd Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial; corresponding zoning change from Single-family Residential Suburban District (R-2) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) PC Recommendation: No Recommendation to date File No. CPA-02-07: Withdrawn File No. CPA-03-07 Location: Northwest corner of Pines and 32"d; Parcel No. 45284.2030 and 45284.2013 at 3010 S Pines Road Request: Change Comprehensive Plan from Neighborhood Commercial to High Density Residential; corresponding zoning change from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) PC Recommendation: Change to High Density Residential and zone MF-2 File No. CPA-04-07 Location: East side of Pines, North of Mansfield Road.; Parcel No. 45103.0263, 45103.0262, 45103.0261, 45102.9074, and 45102.9057 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from High Density Residential to Office; corresponding zoning change from Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) to Office (O) PC Recommendation: Change to Office and zone O File No. CPA-05-07 Location: Located on the north side of Mission at its intersection with Barker Road; Parcel number 55083.6401 at 1612 N. Barker Road Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial and corresponding zoning change from Single-family Residential Urban District (R-4) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) PC Recommendation: Change to Neighborhood Commercial and zone NC File No. CPA-06-07 Location: East of McDonald Road, north of its intersection with Sprague; Parcel No. 45154.1717 at 102 N. McDonald Road Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed-Use and corresponding zoning change from Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Corridor Mixed Use District (CMU) PC Recommendation: Change to Corridor Mixed-Use and zone CMU File No. CPA-07-07 _ Location: West of Argonne on the south side of Broadway Avenue; parcel no. 45184.0116 and 45184.0101; 8910 E. Broadway Ave and 711 N. Argonne Road 2of4 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Office to High Density Residential; change zoning classification from Garden Office (GO) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) PC Recommendation: Change to High Density Residential and zone MF-2 File No. CPA-08-07 Location: North side of Cataldo, west of its intersection with Argonne; Parcel no. 45181.1224 at 9015 E Cataldo Ave. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Office to High Density Residential; change the zoning classification from Garden Office (GO) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) PC Recommendation: Change to High Density Residential and zone MF-2 File No. CPA-09-07 Location: East of Pines, north of its intersection with Olive; parcel no. 45153.1715 at 512 N Pines Road Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Office to High Density Residential; change zoning classification from Office (O) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) PC Recommendation: Change to High Density Residential and zone MF-2 File Nm CPA-10-07 Location: The corridor is part of the Barker interchange and runs from east of Greenacres Road to Hodges Road and from south of 1-90 to Alki Road; the southern border of the corridor extends along Alki from Greenacres to Michigan; there is a small portion included in the corridor that extends the border farther south from Alki to Appleway along Michigan, and then east to Hodges Road, the city boundary line. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Corridor Mixed-Use to Regional Commercial; corresponding zone change to from Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) and Community Commercial (C) to Regional Commercial (RC). PC Recommendation: Change to Regional Commercial and zone Regional Commercial, except for a small residential tract located in the southwest portion of the proposed amendment. The Planning Commission recommends this residential tract be designated Low Density Residential. File No. CPA-11-07 Location: West of Park Avenue and on the south side of Nora; parcel numbers 35124.2504 and 35124.2606 at 7320 E. Nora Ave. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Light Industrial; corresponding zone change from Community Facility (CF) to Light Industrial. PC Recommendation: Change to Light Industrial and zone 1-1 File No. CPA-12-07 Location: South side of Broadway, west of Ella Road; parcel no. 45183.0405 at 7816 E. Broadway Avenue. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from High Density Residential to Office; corresponding zone change from Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) to Office. PC Recommendation: Change to Office and zone Office File No. CPA-13-07 Location: East of Pines, between Pinecroft and Trent; parcel no. 45033.9024 and 45033.9042. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Mixed Use; corresponding zone change from Community Facility (CF) to Mixed Use Center District. PC Recommendation: Change to Mixed Use and zone MUC File No. CPA-14-07 3 of 4 Location: South side of Mission, west of its intersection with Pines; parcel No. 45161.0246 at 12006 E. Missir Avenue. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Office; corresponding zone change from Community Facility (CF) to Garden Office. PC Recommendation: Change to Office and zone GO File No. CPA-15-07 Location: South side of 12`h Ave, west of its intersection with McDonald; parcel No. 45223.9210 at 12912 E. 12th Avenue. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi-Public to High Density Residential; corresponding zone change from Community Facility District (CF) to Multi-family High Density Residential District. PC Recommendation: Change to High Density Residential and zone MF-2 File No. CPA-16-07 Location: West of Long Road, south of its intersection with Maxwell; parcel no. 55182.0103 at 1409 N. Long Road. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Public/Quasi-Public to Low Density Residential; corresponding zone change from Community Facility (CF) to Single-family Residential District (R- 3). PC Recommendation: Change to Low Density Residential and zone R-3 File No. CPA-17-07 Location: North side of 10th' Avenue, west of Pines road; parcel number 45214.2531 at 924 S. Pines Road. Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixei-.'- Use; corresponding zone change from Single-family Residential Suburban District (R-2) to Corridor Mixed U.. District (CMU). PC Recommendation: Change to Corridor Mixed Use and zone CMU Text Amendments - As indicated in attachments. Approved this 26 h day of November, 2007 z U Gail Kogle, Chair City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT A MAP AMENDMENTS Exhibit l: Comprehensive Plan Map CPA-01-07 Spokane talky Snenth DaN Adtien Z Public-Quasl- Public CPA-01-07 Ei hange the Comprehensive Plan map designation Cite of Spokane Valley Low Density Residential to Neigbborhood Community Development Department mercial changezoning from R-Z to NC. Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map CPA-03-07 F hange the Comprebeashe Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley orhood Commcrcisl to High Density Residential; Community Daveiopment Department change zoning from NC to NIF-Z. Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map Publ+c Park( spa CPA-04-07 - I I 1 f' 111 i:l 5,, _ rn `{7 . 1 ti 'r. I i f / V 17 CPA-04-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from High Density Residential to Office; Community Development Department change the zoning from MF-2 to O. Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map CPA-0S-O7 Request: Compredens<tit Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley dential to Neighborhood Commer clal; Community Development Department coning from R-J to NC. Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map CPA4-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation city of Spokane Valley from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed-Use; Community Development Department change zoning from R-3 to C fit). Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map CPA-07-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Vallee designation from Office to Nigh Density Residential; Community Development Department change zoning from GO to MF-2. Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map CPA-08-07 Request: Change the Comprehensh-e Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Mee to Iligh Density Residential; Community Development Department change zoning from CO to MF-2. Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map CPA-0"7 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Vallcy designation from (Mice to Nigh Density Residential; Community Development Department change zoning flvm O to MF-2. Exhibit l: Comprehensive Plan Map lic'Quis lr~gN'E~Cf15IS1" Public ~Riesidentul I %Iediut~ Fasi llc h1~S Residential Unirnii ~~mmr, ialF~' 90 iwURSi N76iiuin Dfnsit, blic Residrntial (WI CPA-10-07 CP4-10-07 E:rst: Change the Comprehensive Plan map ECity of Spokane Valley signation froth Corridor Mixed list and Community Development Department unity Commercial to Regional Commercial; change zoning from C 4tU and C to RC. Exhibit l: Comprehensive Plan Map CPA-11-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation city of Spokane Valley from Public/Quasi- Public to Light Industrial; E:colnmunity Development Department R change zoning from CF to 1-I. E I CPA-124)7 Request: Cbange the land use designation from City of Spokane Valley High Density Residential to OMce; change zoning :(Community Development Department from biF-2 to O. Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map >_r "V" Law Dcr.ziri X --Resident is I Pu 5` Public Qua% - Public Trent Elements I:r Pnblic't)u,si-I 101 "or, I CPA-13-07 Public)Quui- Public %like lx ~tiied Public'Quuf Public CPA-134)7 Request: Change the C'omprebensh-e Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Public/Quasi-Pubile to Mixed Use; Community Development Department change zoning from CF to MUC. Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map CPA-14-47 Request: Change the Comprrhrashe Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Public/Quasi-Public to 0171ce; Community Development Department change zoning from CF to GO. Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map CPA-15-07 [:design2tion qucst: Change the Comprehensive Plan map city of Spokane Valley from Public/Quasi-Public to F1DR; Community Development Department change zoning from CF to MY-2. Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map Public Quail- PubbeQuasi- Public Public 7 CPA-16- 07 ~4iKUc11 l.ow Pen~ih Rtsldcntial Pu6lirlQun ' ubl S CPA-16-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Public/Quasi-Public to LDR; Community Development Department change zoning from CF to R-3. F Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map CPA-17-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation of northern portion from I-DR to CM1;; Community Development Department change zoning from R-2 to CMU. ATTACHMENT B CHAPTER THREE TRANSPORTATION My of Spokane Valey Comprnhanslvo P W Chagar 4 Coital FscilMas j Formatbedi Speer Afar 6 pt - Fanr:s!laed: Fong: I pt `r :_i► ~ t{ Cr.r+m:rE t~_il?.~t! Fli'J ~Lt^~ =1~ i Forma tsdi Faett: 8 pt 7ta1 M + + TOW ~eq Mi stff - Formatted i , _ 3 tt d Fe!x ~ i~I~sE1 S~ 550 M Forma e t @ j Fonnatbed: Spate After. B pt Formattsdt Fork I pt D!sa~dR~ee l e 1_ A 81 I Fanmattadt Font 6 pt try Formattads FarR: B Pt AAA A~falift tr brDysely= Focmattedt Cart red. Space Mier: ra, Pr~#s -?iG►1g! 74 AD 1 6 pt `ref lit -ftf P-M; Fannalfedr Fort: 3 pt FJ.~q f ~I1t FormnBadt Font: a pt Ism f t ` Farmatted2 Font: I pt g irsts: + -v r+e n tir Fns r { For I n twit Cerfierad. Space Meer. ~ jl a Pt ~!Si-~ Formatted 1 ~ _ Farll7lL F, 0 D K/ ~ 3ii }s•,Gi o*3i ~ (Fanutiedr Fob B Pt _ _ _ Formatted: Centered, Space After jtterw~utrsotec~ - - - - - k Forn+atied. Font: 8 pt M t+~0 • t Formatted: Co Rered, Spm Aft- fuel Estate Excise Tax 250 250. 400 T 16 a - ;3a : a a.u~ j Fermented Perieg Fund Sa- 'r,1_ a a5 j Formatted: Fort I ;t { Foram ttedr Font I pt - Ca,c Faal.tei fsr i 2w `Formsttagh Cwt lA Spam After: Pt 6 I63 UZ M 0 0 0 fFOrT+"~ 1~ I rant _ 5rr~ , Forarsttex! LT Formatted: Forst: I Pt . Pannatt sh Ce W04 Spice After. . \ 6 pt f F matted X 0 or 14 Formsttsdr Fora: 10 pt Fntmirtted3 Space MM: 6 pt Formattwds Indent: Hanyingi Us% Space ARM: 6 pt 4.4.8 DflM&Wc Water • • Formatted: Spncn Mts 5 pt Formatted:Irdertit: Lift O.1Y, does not o%n or operate a pubGo water supply system. Rather, water is- kana Valle f S i Space Aften 6 pt y po ty o The C provided to Spokane Valley residences and businesses by special purpose districts, assoda2 n3 Formattiadt Font: Ia pt ard public and private eorporadons. Water service Is coordinated by Spokane County through the - I let; aa3 ~ of @8 ?~i Lip3 a Adopted April 25. 2006 City of Bpo.ana Valley Camprrhanslve Plan Cl'a::er 4 Csonsr R= 14i Level of Service Forrnatte,i Hig riPgrrt Formatted: Font: 10 pt Faneam.dt spars &-Tr: 6 pt Formatted: Indert: Lent: 0.38', Space X^m-. 5 pt The Countywide Planning Policies for Spokane County requires that all Jurisdictions adopt a Level of Service standard for schools. Spokane Valley defers this responsibility to the individual school districts providing service within the City. Individual school districts may request that Spokane Valley adopt a Level of Service standard in future updates to the Capital Facilities Element. Forecast of Future Needs Central Valley School District The Central Vailey School District (CVSD) Is e-Variencing a period of high growth In student population, particularly towards Its eastern boundary. Ub". Lake and Greenacres Elementary Schools are currently over capacity. In response to this growth, the District Initiated Its "Community Linkages" planning process in the fall of 2004 to develop strategies and attematives for accommodating is present and Puture students. The committee developed student population projections through the 20W2OD9 school year for the entire district by analyzing growth trends in student population, bulid°ng penrit activity and proposed housing developments. The data will be used to guide decisions on where to locate school facllit es. Tab's 4.23 shows the number of students enrolled In Central Valley Schocis In 2005 for each school In the District and projections through the 2008-09 school year. In 2005, 11,480 students were enrolled In CVSD schools, with 9,363 of those students living within the City of Spokane Valley. P'- S "M Projected Studemt Safroal An=K%n a fuse 6rroarert Sb xb" Emotlmanl 2M In 2090,20" Incr~s emMmterySchoas Broadway 492 pis - - 291 311 20 CPP~hY 139 366 27 Adams 455 W 37 DriNwa ty 41) 435 is Formatted: Space After { Formatted: Font: s Ct Formatted: Space After; Formadv di Spare Me- 6 Formatted: Spy! Ai n- 5 Fornamodi Spam After, 5 Formatted: Space Ater: 6 Formatted: space Attar. 5 _ Formatted: Space Attar: 6 I Formatted: Font: 10 Pt Formatted: Left 30-ff66 2' U~d1sa Adopted April 25, 2006 1 3r,- City of Spokane Vattay Compreharmlve Plan r~+ai Fa~ require a concurrency management system analysis and must meat thresholds before their adoption. SRTC will annually assess the regional transportation system with respect to regional concurrency. Capital Facilities Pro)octs and Financing Capital Projects Table 4.38 contains a complete list of transport,aflon ralaW capital projects for the years 20OF through 201,'4, totaling usarIrg ey $&.US million. The CN uodates the she rs~r TiP ttYOU~ho~ ho- yaar as oroK'Ct-R lotuses acid fundino ch noes- This Pun t is bY1e-fmrr4 env wd-Oa to the TIP o-"Gurnno_tgt an No updWw cycles This currant TIP Is ar+3itabie for r, Ilno at www. SOOk.4nevall9y,m._ These projects address capaeRy Issues A inter3eZon3 and safety imorovemer`.3. F: lowtng is a discussion of potential funding sources. Funding Sources Funding for the operation and expansion of the City'a baWorfatton system fails into several categories, which Include federal, state and city funds. Some sources consist of reAeble annual funds while others are periodic, such as grants. The use, availability and applicability of these various sources are not always at the discretion of to City. Spokane Valley will develop a track record with funding agencies as tints goes on, wt,lch will he?p make to make meta reliable funding assumptions A summary of expected federal, state and local funding sources for the City's six year Capital Improvement Program to shown In Table 4.39. The foilowing Is a summary of "nspot+Rtion funding options. Federal Assist M These funds are authorized under the Safe. Acoountabl0. Flexible, Efliclent Transportation Equity Act for the 21" Century (SAFETEA-21) and are administered by the Federal Highway Adminishiation through Washington State Department of Transportation and the Metropolitan Planning Organizatlon (Spokane Reglonal Transportation CounciD. Federal funding programs Include Bridge Replacement (BR), Congestion Management and Air Quality (CMAO) and the Surface Transportation Program (STP). ate Assistanr,q The Washington State Transportation Improvement Board administers State transportation programs, Including the Urban Corridor Program (UCP), the Urban Arterial Program (UAP), and the Sidewalk Program (SP) Qb Funds Spokane VaIIsy contributes revenues from the General Fund and the Real Estate Excise Tax fordo for transportation projects. The City also rocatves State Motor Fuel Tax and Restricted State Fuel Tax. F metedt Font.' 70 pt ( Pormattedk Left e 8: ao. ~:-to 2DO7 UVJ Adopted April 25, 2008 r6i;-,,'RF4 9%W7-S~s~ City Of Spokane Vallay CornpreharwNe Plan ,h 19! 4 C-mrsI I A:PI r+ Formatted! 1r4ert Left MY, Spam After: 6 pt Formatted, Spate Agar 6 Table 4.38 Six-Year Transportation Capital Facilities and Financing Plan 200e-2013 2w 2042 (Dollars In thousands) S Prajeat Force To PrrWMV Scar" calf Aa:owlt I Total Arvrut eenount 4] FarMr Road AWimra9r ;GWMWA-M rbft- STMA fi 9 IOfXN PUB lea 3Z ~~1ti F*tzt2t!Q1 ra,~ wt~sAsa~e Pirwi>,-e ~lY ~2~ +--0~1?°2 Rolee gi,- Untientt t] EatFS,~.n Aras4 ~!lllearrla t>~ 2fl~ t S.is►+Z.asr►+~r~+ ~^M°^ ~'a ilYaiaa✓ cilriawsF a +c "ALAE C.rir~?~Qgr~i~r Pt" (ALT h pct 4+e►rCsrsr6v fw 1 itMseerr9x± ?S~ p4 WPIXU) 4"Z2 1 8927_ ~!3ar!i~:S= fraKe ` In &4-*P-yAvww*W&Pj s14 p~.aawj.~...~iai.+y Lq,aytt± f e Prthvf►_ ~ a-df le VYUodnts I Zanb +212 , ~4Z _ _ tfis > Mm f aFaraw►Bardr- w':.'i7`1a "Snecn3fl PC .7. A,V~ 1 arra411~ ~sarw!*4y :+y+e+.W wig ss~ up 8:3 •v+ - ~r vv 2007 UU-0 Formatted: Font: 1.0 CA Fortnat6ed T.we F~tn&0mdt space lifter: 6 pt Formatted, Specs After: 6 pt Formatted, Spate M.m : 6 pt Formatted: Spate Altar' 6 pt i Formatted, ;pace After. 6 pt i Formattedt Spate After: 6 pr. { Formatted: Space After' 5 pt Formatted: Spate Mee. 6 pt Formatted: Sw,erxt'pt I Fctrratted: Space After, 6 pt L wmwttal: 5pecc Aft_5 pt Formatted: S; After: 6 pt Formatted: Fit: 10 pt I pwr.m t-d: Lmet Adoated ApKI 25, 20C6 I City of Spokaae Valley ConprehenWe Plan r~`.aof tr s Gaar'i 1`80112" tt Re~a~ieti?GAel 7R ti 611"Ciamr,"llf-41F-611101 'AMC ti t6~a~rFi~1~[.C Md4w" u fs .r~,,. sass t~ 29 ,aa it yi Okhmaam" PAD" :itlF l4varww 3iel+l •Mt~vawr i z) ti~1=1 43 a u a? ~ - ~ i.7iG t-000 Annual tool it,tfi~}g Lti?ii - Praprt Frons Tr+ 9 A City Tool R3 Q Barker Read f3'~ra ® Spokane Rlvw Ossm BR 2t1~ 14 ~;T.- Frwa°~c eya~se cay 64M "JIM 9 ~r i Fen Prss~ 1Yww'1a E+~ ►~kf i7]~j t i~]3 L L+er~pp 41 +r+o~°1Sl'~If LLLAi~I~ 3i~ 1}il oil itactW VaYyt~~F 'Snraaa► Injoeuan PCC tri~A•ene r~'► ~STd ~ Lrt tai; PEl►CQPeh ttaed- ► ii1,1209M FId 4 4413 ~ssfAasss~E aFaR~ a~oorea pa r+ 7e asm W= St S.drrwraiee6iNeM irnO~Mlt'+ t;•w3a PaLaaY Lii~ TP® 3,#iR}~ 10 sa B ~ R~2 i~a~li ~d I+~wr ~4~d t1QZ ~ to u~.:.:, y2D%jWey AW n u~ saw tT ~;,c M a iilrlelp~y J' 2 10 Mw.awt6Ywr WAriwad dlG~ tK~ NOSE ~ ~A. GARAA t t0 is talAm~ A1el Meftim tJf4R M it Awrw t:nr ~+r+ p L q r• a ac..~.°O ''007 UDQW4 Adopted Apffl 25, 2006 NW 3 _ fora+atteds Space After: 6 pt FonndOeds Specs Afid: 6 pt ForaratLedt Scats Attars 6 pt Faretatietls Specn After: 6 pt Forntattndr Spate Attar: 6 pt F~rtaatbads Scece After. A Pt - Farmetbdt She AAW. 6 pt Formftadt Space After: 6 pt formatted: Space After. 6 pt Formattedr Spam 6 pt Forantbeds Spat. After: 6 pt Fe mat>axls Space After. 6 pt frsnnatluss Space r tr, : ; i ~Formattsads Spre r_.`.!r; i (-hrmattadt Space After G pi ramu tt edt Stsaca Altar. 6 pt Hrmatted: Sr. After: 6 pt Formattedt Space Aftn 6 pt { FirmatSadr SWA Aft: 6 pt ~Formatteds Space Attar. 6 pt Fonnottedl Space Pthn 6 pt Formatted: Space AfLsr: 6 pt Formatted: Space Attar: 6 pt Famm tteds Spica After- 6 pt Formettedt rront: to pt [Formatted: left %llY of 5pokira Va11ary Compreheralve Plan ~-IDtat A Ca_^at F+t~iffio ii Fa4aG Fi>: :~F ii i ai l~.aiacis ETI sill l a l Annual Total ri i31 ~N1~!!Q 2210 2we M Ftorn A Plum! >lorrne era boot Toni Anrwl Aawr>rv a pi ~"uss+q9a tom: sweayA+t r~s P w~►A:ai- i~:rq-ice T Q•fV.e~ Q~t "i~f~"'"" ap-= sat4i'' 111 iq sst a"llaftli t nd "aim lid on~ V ii ie3~Aseww.ia~a~aads+ 1 ^ Hai*zraS!reat rsat *F►r6I AW291 1 Avenue P~ .gill {i1 Jaern. K+aa ,a" Iffies1r~ ~ :R1►'s~=~ t$3 ~ ~ - ~ ~1 DwlsFrZ.aF-~ple~ra~~a S.ar.+..y 'S ~W+rf - Gwa'r"ar Ar~+rs w~52s'+1! l s;G~it:41 >t o~~ SEirart,. ~srse9lo~t Pgr ~ij A+ireMe ► +~6 's 1_ T" CMAQ 4 !34 i.++1 P.wtraguflvtm Rd Ilaritl i;FFF Ds~ w'f 1 f rdw: stn ~ ~ y$ i!ya~ Rd-i?~ p Jt-r► -"aeer4l Id ~j s+^ Rd Wret liruer ,tiv VZP~ W~ ~paL ~ - ~+e reA,rsxbe L+.' 52 a,s1IIGi ~ Scra~ue trAe~aselion UGC q, A4va+uue ~ 67j l~ Inllr7F~17r1 e 9 ~+rssie ~alF~ r'si UQIDSI Y ~ ~ I_J<s ai tirrratFMr+serrrrs+e+~ojiraa G.ay i7W s,rc Annual Total 53,:144 j~j iiir . 66 ` ' 2GOf U~ra~ Adopted Apnl 25. 2000 rem, ttress Space Misr: 6 pt Pormsttedi Space After: 6 it Foirmattedi Spats.Aftsr: 6 p Pormstiod: Space After 6 pt i { Formatted Tabk { Porn+a;t=d: Space Mme. 6 pt 1 Ftxmitadt Spice Attar. 6 pt Pormo edt Space After: 6 pt I IF armstCeds ~ Alter: 6 pt i Porms" f Spare Alta 6 pt [Fbrmatf- h Spica X-Mr. 6 Pt • Formatted: Sere A;'er. Fwmatied, Spica After; 6 pt I Pormntteds Sys After. 6 A I Formatt:ds Specs After 6 } Fcrmatteedt Space After. 6 Pt Formatted, Space Alter: 6 pt Farmatudr Space After: 6 pt tcemett & Saacs After 6 pt ftrmsttede Space After. 6 qt Formatted: Space After 6 pt (Fwmottadt spare Mer: 6 pt Fcrmat0e 1, F%* 10 pt I j Fmmnttadt Laft City of Spokana Valley Utnprehenflw Plan Chacti r 4 Cora * FaUl16111t W11--t0 tlu~ MO Pfet~st Pion To Psievl CW# Am wd ToW AMMA Artaooaf ~ Fait Rasd--arming lw L'aLs~ii>'LCF~~: t<? lndasaJlvav.r AV& Aw f f,isi] j;1 Shat Piesnwaton P~oisC aSplr~i'r i+iiiat swab 221 Miff[ Vd 1W--W&Av" Upkif3~ A6ta0-OW ,_,ver2rMen sTpf-wo 309= i 3fi f ~ 87 v-aF~qoQ =gAdpina ye Varar Alf-w F y 7~s 9 l>r~ ~ GaAwcAsao- siMw M~+rbs;ur...~Pd AN~3+ ► TmS W soil "U.31 F-W" adliubliBUF1 >IN, ilong*M Ilds W ii71~ 3 ?MM ~ i1RdPi~it iV~MAaw~ Y'°'r"q Awur r98 ➢ CQrt1daE r,+•iif~eff A-dcArMan LOW Sr 1;~MAC aim 339= S uil+ran Sfonei FJw ~a'ar UAPMK Nf414 ff 6JIhewAeasl 6aiiA~wrw tA4YewY A.va~e VCR w if0 i1 v4A," - Appilray PF$11 ifs I3 ~IMeli+iaa TF~yarM CP* iil3 i i47 Atmusd Total 33rd ~f s Mntl Ilex Prcpa From To Primary S CRi Amouit Total Annual Amount S cums M ~Z s:rsdvw~+!! Pacj-94 cf 88 Fwmsttede Space Afaar: 6;t F=ww ttw4 Specs Artar, 6 Pt Fonnatbede SP" Alta. apt { Parnweedi _Spuz A.'tB . 6 pt { Fomtasbds Sp w Ater.. 6 pt Fi rmattadt Space Mar. 6 pt ~Formatteds spa Mar. 6 pt i Fwmattedc Sti.sx AAW. 6 Pt i Formattedt Spwe Af r: 6 Pt Fwmaneds Spm Arta fiat trarmadtads space Mar. 6 pt ( Forrnaomdt Spats A.%n 6 pt f Fonnattedt Spam Mri 6 Pt F«matiedt Spoor ARr: 6 pt iormattedt S;&-a Aftwi 6 pt Forrnatteds Space Afar: 6 pt iormattosts Spam Artlr: 6 Pt Fo msttech Forc 10 pt FormattadI Ldt Adopted April 25, 2008 Ctrf of Spokane Valley Comprahenslve Plan~,t er A ;*a Fa. i st 5~:ipvsl Ra y+ea GMes Xrr..+rJ6ft.. UGPM aaa9 ar"SA .4 xjt RAMO~Jdescak .-r a? ICM s r :eJ -04M g~ i art Rsm/ Rf./i A- AQ f C 91 L7 Y` 24pkm :mow LAYESM F~saficyl end m 22-e a «a s ~a.r 6th ~M + 1 X143 an 7~ Pl>t!t!!!tr UAP M-Im iD~l 6.itiY~ ii:.s/ Soreou~vs L,^~ ilYie+lay Emmrw a 33 wirraaw -pohmve iump ~ak~-Fvwr 1~2D2f5r1 5'P(l.~ 7i~ i2i u arsda.44asod Jya~wti+. tt~Ra:rrrow G'ap:► 66 us u zs I%hkW Fora 0 W.0 u FOS& ~av w 7f ~ari+oor~AoN i7rrl-A►+nw iilhAwsaM 1ir~ ~ ~ ix SAarafrti o+s~+► F c?tit71 UGP R Sit 7{ G~-~-,r:►:huw.st~.i s t~YrriAi Oow is ios ip GvsArm1 A00 - 60i' A ii0 7L7 u! taw S;~W Annual Total i3riii~,~ iMrKS f321 2013 244-2 Ihm q Proloct Fra m To Primary olmm a CAV Amount ToUA Annual Anvown tiH bd a..a_ R.A.M g7pMCD 0-1 "AD Min Flow /iaaw .+AF xa Il 44" ADM F?~!3 ~_r 68 Adopted April 25, 2006 ?orrnattad: Space After: 6 pt Formattadr SW-- After: 6 pt ( Formatted: Spat! Afters 5 pt 1 Formatted: Spam After 6 pt Format ads &gwj rapt Fornme ftad: Space After. 5 pt FormatSsdr Space MtLr 6 pt Format ech Space Afte-: 6 pt Forrnattmd: 5upe wipt For"Mamb S[Amrs lpt i1Formattodr SCAm Alter. 6 pt F --ftds Span After: 6 pt i Formatted: Spam Attar: 6 pt Formattedr Space AfW. 6 pt Formatted: Space Alter: 6 pt Formatted: Space Attn: 6 pt Formatted: Sp-.s After. 5 pt Formatted: Space Mtu: 6 pt Formstted: Alter: 6 pt Furn»t'eC:.;:;s :e --'ter 6 nt Formatted: Fort: 1C Formatteds Spate After. 6 pt Formatted: -Spam A.-pr 6 pt Formatted: Space After: G ;t Formatted: Fart: 10 pt { Formatted: Ldt s CRV of Spoksna Vapor/ CompreherslVO Plan Q'42!er A C acrd:! 7711c,'119 riot =2 Pon A%V" My6 l i4s 4 E.3:a2~ iv w Bt2lClEI!! G+4r+z~?UQ fl am of J4+~a STP(lh "j-4 fit 17 » Bit~l9c a t1AP 60-PI 2" I 43 • Scraoua Aw ZW44 4141aara ~ ROM Fvwwwn W4A~.jP® ~ 1~ 36H 3arrrao%man RasdF:l9fi MEJ IfithA~VArnus( "kQ 6TP(U1 W -M 409-1 iiy ~'~'3?i~1f Fweat ro► 4Nraia>,r ?ati~rat bad-M 4GA.~I~1 ~ r4 31 SuUVan did rR','~Lr 1 E MAN ~ LtNreatvToraaue I ~ ~4f~at1la ~ s 44 b.r~3 aM0At+e p 1Q! t Ti.751E 43 4& 61wat Cty :2GG 3 iW Annual ToW 2~4 ~atAa a.~9 TtatnpatltOon CaPtat frlgrFb (undki0 Tolale - 2tIG7.2II12 11 Year Ft • State Orw ~Y TOW 2001i isE 9 D7a iifs 91.trF7 iaA~ 2 ~~f.iA~ 20016 2OjQG+i $111,1 WO A 7-32 Sst,iEi~$,t 21473~344 ES 464i ' 12 W iW 6 'viii SIa54 Z4A E14'a 344.11 3 1,1111 CLa ; M ! i :24ai 23113 9~.pQ~ 397 n b62 i.6t~ eta rev E~['12l 9 ~FAi4 201;L4 aL2,i66 >9 sQrs: i? St;] asst 9$1 ML2 SI=A.606 !2.141 }4 sQs4s ey ~,as 91E,6~4 -0-w ~ T 9 t7.~93t iai?i - Ste,' ,6iriii !1s 44" 919.770 0362 $F5&&LW44'_ ae ®r',68 i?77 tJOd9;~! Form attadt Space ARtr: 6 pt Pewmattad: Spew Aftm 6 A J Fermetbmk space MI MI 6 Pt 1 Forrrrattadt Superwipt Fotmettadt Span After: 6 Pt Formatted: Space A-or 6 pt Formattedt S,;ss Amer: 6 pt Fonnattede SupefwrV Formatted: Space After: 6 Pt j FormatLtdt Space Ahm: 6 pt ! FormatSadt Space After. 6 pt for-matted: Spam Man 6 Pt Formatted: Spelt Aftff- b Pt Formatted: Spate After. 6 Pt iFormattadt Space Alta: 6 pt Formatta& Space ARan 6 pt Parnsstted Table Formattedt Font: 3 pt Formatted: Spam After. 6 Farmattedt Specs After, 6 'Formatted: Spact APoer. 6 Formatted Spa Aber: 6 Formattedt Spam Afar. 6 Pt l Formadedt Spate After. 6 pt l Formatted: Space Altar: 6 Pt Formattedt Specs After: 6 Pt { Famvtiade irttt to pt Formattedt Spae After. 6 p { rormattadt Font da pt J Formamtcit tort Adopted April 26, 208 X112'.-tee ATTACHMENT C CHAPTER FOUR CAPITAL FACILITIES cite of spoka:ra Va:Iey Caml re-har ve ?lani_ i~ 11 1 doom, M craw, :'lk"~,t•~ X11' ,O ECrOR ~R'-.- sr - r r. Local Access Streets: The local eccsss street system lnr des all fac!Wjes not designated as either an arterial or collector. It primarily permits direct access to abutting lands and connections to higher order systems. It offers the lowest level of mobility and usually contains no bus routes, Service to through_Srafflc movement is usually deliberately discouraged. F,nGlanir Chill . I~; ~ IC~ec J utan irrr t~s 19 ]1 222 1911 1 ' t4 ^ P> rglf ]!ll~l 1r'.4S Zl'b :3 27 a3y 483 Lil fe ?~r+ y A.^.~^rli alai ycs 21:? LiL% Q-H ~ t r e ! ~s.n Mrw ~~r of Lu an au E~~ a s 2217 Lin, :ift9 A ]?u!' P -M t 7 :<<ts LCt s?r a LM awl A l Car +at L.jan 42M t in :I L tai LaaPMaa '.Y8 °S ~5__tY jy! 65 U --M low }~aa ^5 .)`;t E Zvi :5 77!4 'cras -12 ` %''3 Sl' i+E QVZ-S Lin Formatted. Catered j Forrru tt od Table Fornrattadr Cornered Formatteds Foi The procedures for cJass'rfying all roads and streets Into functional systems are based on the most- Formatted: luv-vied, indent: I logical use of the existing facilities to serve present travel. A'Tutum year" functional classification C 41 plan Is based on projected "future year" poputat-on, land use and travel and will include, in addltlon to existing facilides, such new fabli•:es as will be needed to serve "future year' land use and travel. Some of this new mileage will consist of new streets in expanding urban areas. Additional 'new streets' may to Identified in cases where adequate standards cannot be provided on the original location, or whore an existing routing is excessively circultous. In developing a 'Mure year' classification, consideration has been given to the impac[ or foreseeable developments in clhor modes of transportation Including hgh_speed rail service and improved air service. Populaton estimates for 2425 hers made using the SRTC Vlsum model. 1~ Ford: to pt The base for the Spokane Valley'fuluro year" populotlon Is the 2000 Decennial Census. FwmattAds Pogo Manber, Pont 10 iPt Fwmadtadt Fart: to pt 2007 Update _~t 32, I Adopted April 25. 2006 lf e e 7- City of Spokane Veney Comprehensive Plan - C hactsr 3 i rz-;skr :1p,, On-street paridng and wide sidewalks, wMI street trees and othl important assets In promoting a pleasant shopping experience. Landscaped medians should be Incorporated into the roadways adjacent to the City Canter to channel'¢e and control traffic movements. Stock lengift within the City Center should be relatively short Intersections should be landscaped with decorative pavement treatment to create a sense of place. tr pedestrian arnenttles are G~ Special street design standards should be deveioped far the { t City Center. Special standards for axtra-wide sidewalks (12 to 20 feet in width), pedestrian-scale street lighting, and \ r~ additional amenities including benches, trash receptacles and \ landscaped comer treatment are typically Included.; 32.7.4 IF lght & Goods _ Roadways should be designed for the type of the they serve. Designation of truck routes will expedite the flow of commercial tmftlc in other areas of the City and limit adverse Impacts on residential neighborhoods. In order to prolong pavement go. minimizing the number of stops and starts along thesa routes and Intamonnecting signals for progressive movement should be considered- An Important corsiderabon in the establishment of tuck routes Is connectivity with sources of supply and diVnbutlon located outside the City, as weft as major frelght terminals and Intermodal connections. Map 3 3 Identifies truck routes within the City of Spokane Valley. FwnLMded3 Indent: Left- W { Formattadt ford: (DetaAQ And i Formattedr Ford: (Denutt) Aria) Formsttedt porit (Default] Aria) Pormatbd: Ford: (De aA) ArW Formatted: Fort: (t?sf+tult) Ar* 10 Pt Rio netLidI Font: 10 pt T-1 ;-Mora than 10 miilion tons per year - ( rwmatteds Forts (Dd+aq Artat, 10 T 2: 4 million to 10 milticn tans par year Tom: 300,000 to 4 million torn per year T-4 100.000 to 300,000 tons per year 1 T-5: ---,Ott least 20,000 tons In 60 days For purposes of this anatysi3, trucks are defined to Include an trucks y19Ltw0-at r2AL-axlM (six (6~ tlrep* or larger. They also include larger two t31 gip axis (four A Cred, delivery vetllctes such as express package delivery vans, bread trucks, or any commercial vehicle. -Privets pips, vans, or reaaational vehicles are not included. To aid In calculating annual tonnage, trucks are divided Into categories, as shown below: Single Unto - a single vehicle Including dump trucks and mixers, regardless of the number of ax ss. Double Unks - A twos-unit vehicle, nc.-malty a truck and trailer, genafaily with four (!!Ito six &Lax%s. This category Ls basically any truck up to 60,000 lbs.: older double trailers can be Included In this category. Tralns - Normally a tractor and two_M traliers. Trucks rated from 60,000 tbs. to 105,000 ft., except gasoline tankers. Adopted April 25, 2008, 2007 Update ag~Er~t Fornuftedr FWt to;* Formatteds For!: 10 pt Formatted: Indent Left: 0.5, Tots: 0 5*, LA tab Fo .tiedr Fort to pt Formatt_-d: Tabs: 1.17", Lhd tat: Not et 1' Formatted: Pont to pt Formatted: Font 10 pt Pormattiedt Font: 10 ot Forrnetiadr Font 10 pt Formatted: Fore: 10 pt Formatted: lrwieW. Left Mr I Formatted: Ford: 10 pt I Formatted: Page Nunber, Font: to Formattedr Font: 10 pt ' The tonnage classifications used for designating the PaigN {FGTSj are as follows: City of Spokane Valley Comp-ehensive Plan - ~ In calculating the approximate freight tonnage, the following average weights were use Singles: 7 tons Doubles: 27 tans Trains: A2 tons 3.3 Non-Motorized Transpoeta on The two (,most popular modes of non-motorized transportation are walking and blrycling. Walking constitutes Via greatest parcertage of personal travel. Unfortunately, short trips (under one j]ymlie) are usually not counted in urban travel sta:istlcs_ Although Important community activities, recreational walking and biking do rot play a major role in satisfying urban travel needs at present Walking and bicycle ways nevertheless offer great potential In providing Increased accessibility for the full range of cKrers. Safety is one (Cares of concern for padaWlans and cyclists. The WSOOT reports that the vast ma;ority of pedestrians killed or lnjurad We struck while crossing the roadway, meat often at Intersections. Nearly half f121 of all bicycldautomobile accidents occur at intersections. The state is monitoring pedestrian and bicycle accidents as performance measums of the service objectives. 3.3.1 Pedestrians Walking is the oldest and most basic form of human transportaton. it requires no fare, no fuel, nO license, and no registration. With the eluceptlon of devices to enhance the mobility of the disabled, walking demands no spedal equipment Thus, walking is the most affordable and accessible of modes. At the ccre Is the pedestrian. Pedestrians are the catalyst which makss the essential qualltles of commundfea meankVNI. They create the place and time for casual encounters and the prauk-al Integration of dlvorse places and peopb. Without the pedestrian, a community's common ground its parka, sidewalks, squares and plazas, become useless obstructions to the car. Pedestrians are the lost measure of a communify, they set the scale for both] Lcenter and edge of our neighborhoods. r A padeetrian system which includes sidewalks, pathways, trails and wcssings should be safe, accessiblO and provide direct and convenient connections betwaen home, school, shopping, services, recreation and transit A pedesWan environment that Includes upon spaces and amenities Including benches, shelters, and plantings creates a sense of place and st;mulates walking fcr recreaton as well as transportation. r Peter Calthorpe. The Next Amer:'can Metropolis Ecology, Community and the American Dream, p. 17. Frtrlcatan Architectural Press. 1993. 2007 Update I Adopted April 25, 2006, ~Ptf.18 t 32, Gt. Wmattech F.M 1J ;t Formatted: Fart; I1 ab underline Formatted: Fort I1 pt j Formatted: Fort b0 pt Formatted: Formattedi Font 10 pt 1 Formatted: Pme Number, Font1 10 Pt Formatteds Font: 10 pt City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan QsWr ' T Tsaoj'■= Creating a pedestrian environment requires the e4atence of the physical Infrastructure. When sidewalks are missing (or obstructed). or crossings are diHfoult, these functional deficiencies became an Impediment to walking. The pedestrian network must also be Interconnected and there must be destinations within walking distance. Finally, the pedestrian environment must be comfortable and attractive. Sidewalks are walkways that parallel a street or highway within the roadway border width. The term generally implies a separated (hormonWy andlor vertically) and paved surface. Sidewalks in the public right-ot-way most commonly border and take the slope of adjacent roafinsys. Shared-use paths which permit bicycles may also serve a pedestrian circulatioN transportation 'Unction. Where such a route is located in a public right-of-way and provides a direct pedestrian connection between neighborhoods, residential areas, schools, employment centers, and other origins and destinations, It must be accessible. Other public pedestrian routes may parallel water or rali transportation corridors or occupy public rights-*f-wsy In easements. Roadway shoulders may also be used by and improved for pedestrians. When used for utilitarian circulation purposes (rather than recreation, for examp~e), pedestrian facNlties are considered a transportation mode. In urban areas, sidewalks predominate; In outtying areas and in the pedestrian transportation corridors that link there to other destination, shared-use paths may be more common. Because each route provides a unique cornection between diverse origins and destinations, such pedestrian routes, when they occupy the public right-of--way, must be designed and constructed to be Bicyclists very in age and expertise. Selecting Roadway Design Treatments to Accommodate- Skycles (Federal Highway Administratian, IM) describes the following categories of bicycle user types A, B. and C below. • Advanced (expertanced) cyclists are generally using their bicycles as they would a motor- vehicle. They are riding for convenience and speed and want direct access to destinations with a minimum of detour and delay. They are typically comfortable riding with motor vehicle traffic; however, they need sufficient operation spew on the traveled way or shoulder to eliminate the need for either them or a passing motor vehicle to shift position. • Basic (novice) or iess confident adult cyclists may also use their bicycles for transportation purposes, a g., to gat to the store or to visit friends, but prefer to avoid roads with fast busy motor vehicia traffic unless blare is ample roadway width to atiow easy overtaking by faster motor vehicles. Thus, basic riders are comfortable riding on a neighborhood street and shared use paths and prefer designated facoltles such as bike lanes or wide curb lanes on busier streets. • Children riding on their cwn or with their parents, may not travel as fast as theft adult pounterparts but still require access to key destinations in their communitysuch as schools, convenience stores, and recreational facilities. Residential streets with low motor vehicle speeds, well-defined bike lanes or shared used paths can accommodate chtidren without encouraging than to ride in the travel lane of the busy roadways. The following terms deflna different types of bicycle facilities': Sharod-use Path: A bikeway physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or barrier and either within the highway right-cf-way or within an Independent right-of- Adopted April 25, 20011 -Pace l7_jL-32. G Formatted: Indent: tell; 0,33' ' The Anurleen Aesaaithn d Slab !fig" end Tmlupadathn Oftlclals (AASKM) QuWd tithe DMbpmartt of a4odt kacl~lra endfhe Wnhl vb*i Ste:a t ard'ayrsnsparualan(ti SWT) fcyide Fekn`,?les besbn Ararwal 2007 Update Formatted: Tabx G., , List tab + Nx at t.W Formattedk lr:es~ itar~ny: 0.13' Pore-matt des -Far& a pt j Fortn+ttadr r-at to pt I Forrrkettedr Page Number, Font: IO ~rmat~s rc:n: 10 pt 3.3.2 Bicycle System Clty ref SpDkone Valley rampmhonsive Plan - i~~ar+#r 3 Tra-aQ:.~ Y' other on Indiana Avenue at Mirabeau Parkway. Faalibes and routes are shown on the diagram below. STA Transit Routes In effect SepW#nbes-3006 8rluary 2407 Set+a:::+:sslorfi. d Stedules (1. yells Of SeMCZ fcr SPGliitrQ Varlev fix j r^utes G sanyy vary be+ween 3-7 to b0 minutes as shown I T6ble 3.4-1 below T',,Ig - • - I% on a r04u'atr basls t4 =nsldef pore d= mgno tatty GQ,me--to 1+ and Imp,ayed LrnyC tinss to InMgSe hdershio. :a rsicv-e 15 - Formatted: Font 10 A I Formatted: Number of mhsxn: 7 FFrrmatt=d_trnh7rt: Left: 0-35" Fwmettedc ForM 10 pt i Formatted: Page Numwr, Font: 10 Formatted, Fart M pt 2007 Update .',4E~a 19,,:32, adopted Apnl 25, 2008 City of &potarro Valley Comprehiraive Plan - n N -.r R_ybnat LRT p-~je;;a *r. 'E'S ru l,s ahd Gunn F D4+w:+kty - p_._ lta bssalns at the 9TA Plaza and the downtown alignment tuns less than a mile 6 within walking 2007 Update Adopted April 25, 2008 ?D of 3?~ qpW- I tformatb•d: lndert: Lali+O-A& ForMAUMdf hasltrl, Inlent: l 0.1r, Spec! After. S pt Fw attedf Font: 10 A yf; . Formattadt Fant: 10 pt i Formates Fait: 10 pt Formattedf Fmt:10 Pt Formatted: Fonh 10 pt Formatiadf Fontr 10 pt ' ~rrnatteds Fat: t0 pt 1 Formattedr Font: 10 A i Formattedf Font: Not Mee 1 ForfnalLdt Fart: Not ft4 Not I ltnllc I Formatbedf Font: 10 pt Famwittedf Fort: 10 pt Forms0ed: Fort: 10 pt { Fomrattvdf Font: 10 pt i Formatted: Foal: 10 pt Formatlads F~ 10 pt { Fonnatte& Font to pt For nxft f Font: 10 pt f Formatted: Fsgs Number, Font: to Pt Formauedf Fort to pt IN many ~F3t►ti3 3Fd EG 1ik~ t8 ~rrL(`+i 2f~ t~ t cludr~gc.9au~i!~ hue wr , + r ' < e 76 iaxdD Aat. sa PE's -IC) tE =na; ;S Y$S!i~ ^f•C'~ •~.T4;fra~ OMd 14->+f3'SZ&OP•V 4"GP;G 0 W'-''n rs E City of Spokane Valley Comprahar4lve Plan - ^s.^ t ] T s-sD^1+1'~ HCT Stations and Preliminary Alignment through Spokane Valle aoo~ olds d I , - 3 - d E &A ~k ~t \ f tocodw d reaww«,ded apandorta sad nrlnh oa caMtr M bcrdah ft&d Staring W*Wft CC of L4WI Trails LL{EnD VrdLQclrly ~sl taA4 s4f Py1 i rsr. Car d rpcwir i•Q CXy d SpCAarM. L'uY( 4OP- by iW UyUIIA t INEW ® 1 Pt88-8 Crtl:iliij- Sis Si,4fljhit Wtid:1 There are new park and ride facilities proposed within Spokane Valley at the Fairgrounds, Argonne, Plnes, Sullivan and the Applewayl1-90 Interchange. They range in size from 50 to 200 spaces. The Appleway Park and Ride could aventuaL`y be expanded to accommodate t.•p to 1,000 cars. F+Wr*-IRT "it R 3- ;:s" G r.>.::E t I --Nak4wana :e51=i W-f N,-,;4h 'ePak~ •e Co ac_ Tr' - L of d•AJa -,L et thha r- ~n t~•c p,-ft-4ad - ' of r'ar.<r¢ +wginc dE yn ;;;ty tFM save =.1 yr Ate 244,-=-c sass~..vis~Cr too 6te'►;►s'~ tiara W4110A k';,W~a^-^ a1 pnar-,,e final Gar+6i~siasir ~l-sP* Spa Jcny sz, Sa+_~r r, r t.' f Batt-..su +S~:ers~ o-~~ed'•ttaf+susrl of 10"ticr+~f hipn~s Banc ,y rte, fK-.p tridas-aMaMrailo~ is the Bus Rwid T r-nsH cs DRT ftt-sa mt :r- s n:L4y of gm- fastwas 44*- -With tha flexibilkts+ find iaO -rY-7 -4 3~3~4i ro31 ve~:i~ i ~T ~.c -z- e • I: - 1. - - DpEFale on their %,",o ty~1 HIrS t;f idi.@~ C'F i J I, .F73j1-t c c ii IJ Inwea»;pe-ad-vii a++1-3n&& SIrN'r* . !4' • i r = . I - ~ t l tc ~i Gi yiypltyr- ;iDi'-&RSiB fSEV~iSS:rt;r.t Fgtwncs tt-vE . ir'+to+-aatio~'A►r~k'~'i39~i~J8r'8~ #~ril&vti'+tj-f~1~":~~•C~~Aa~-'-•♦~'~?n Formatted, Fora:: Opt forrnattedt Font: 10 pt fcrmathwt far- : to pt Formattedt Page Number, fore 10 format<-edt tart 10 pt 2007 Update I Adopted April 25. 2006. TL:j:.21 rf 32, ~ City cf Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan srantar ] T•ar==-2n S Aviation Spokane International Afrport the Airport Business Park, and Felts Field Airport are owned by the city and county of Spokane, and are operated and maintained by the Spokane Airport Board. Felt Field Airporre history traces back morn than 65 years with tt9 beginning as a landing field In a park area next to the Spokane Rtrer in the Spokane Valley. The airport's heritage includes the original aft of :ns Washington Air National Guard. In the 1930's and 1M's, Felts Field served as Spokane's municipal airport with scheduled airline samice from the airport tern ishal. That building, along with others at the airport Is now on the Neticnal Register of Historic Places. All but approximately 10 acres of the 410-acre Faits Field is locatedd In to Crty of Spokane. Ton acres are located within the City of Spokane Valley. The airport is located at the North and of Fancher Road in ire western Spokane Valley, and Is now an active General Aviation airport with 320 based aircraft and more than 72,000 annual alrmft operation. Information for the combined Spokane Airport System is surnma lbmd In the table below. Table 3.3 pol±ara Aircorts Data JQ -:4] ~8L6«e±1~1Fa ?~'9~o-2 ~ ?$?rg e- c~w; i E1; :i' # ? .r t L 4 r~ I E - 3f32E.'si C--tart• !~l E I ~ 'f.~~.. _'t '~~'I ([,8? pitr;8~►Q4tE j 1 ~r;l ~ 3 i [ ` -Y tI C?% r-~ l c _ _ ITotr. C.FIgQ N 8-ToM - - r.~]val 4 ?Eil.;~ -7 lea a N~ a ~'E a Ta:atFr_ 4fiLZ { ~F_ s -~a 1 ~ t ~ s=sib x2~:r~l ~ ar~lltl --e, ITOJ MM84l I Mal To~1 A~ei?t4o Brie E-6 14- E r G 12j ` r-ice= i~s4.tri:•- F=F : IL Md >r'st~hs - - Z;4 C I ~ %2M YM,= rD-M ~ 1ES! Teti PaitttlQtn WIM Mai LqM 2=4 4 3197,41140 Q-U% ~l:miaileC. t •i0 ~7 U1% . A" L-7-ft 2007 Update I Adopted Apr1125, 2009. • o 22_iy . 2. %r Fonnaatedr Fom 11 pt, Undarline Formsttsaf Font i l at Formatiedt Font 13 pt Farmattedr Space defora: 2 A Mtw- 2 Pt Formatted Table =Formatted Spats atom: 2 pt, Fomcsttadr Space Behest 2 pt, After 2 pt Formateds 5;wm Before: 2 pt, After, 2 pt 2 . Formatt,adr Fort 10 pt Formatter!: Pepe lltmdw, font 10 • Pt 14rraatbdt Fort: 10 pt City of Spokane Valey Comprehensive Plan - G ~ 1 -d ,~i Fz.' 51 Total I +a Garao 1U.9 ~.9t3.a0 It_ne.s9 !9~'S I `t2 s~ 4~+ _ l►s~94 _T9S0! Fre~aht ~1~,7 °~1~ ~~5 - a~ ~i7 GO ac .1:42',1 Kai !970 E. _ 22121 M.'S ? s~ 11.u42 -Ad§N FroIcM GR LM .N s514.S4 !.kfA 29 A.S1 -03 2,1 124 "M LUA iT_ tea l - Ig -M. _2A 90 _ ~41i.49 i~jg Sri' lki h3 i~ U2L4 6246 Tatat ours L IM fK a.e 61.188 tiles 3~l314 A3t TzA OM!Lgne 1. JM 4 c ] i l11 11.~'Z4 d tti-eraar! C~nesd PJfin 1419 >a ~9~ !+!4 '~4 Lpr.W Gent-A tv~t~n 1.260 • 3a~ ] as 15-019 Ain IAdi r+rr ]^>ltashna 7o tt~L~Sr 174 1_aq 41jim t!e{ati As W Swlarnbr 2Q01 FbE± becen rs vine Wall, wtkh h rroor'W Me F•echt at WA carom on MR9M n u 3 tav SmTm _52gWa AMEN - Llyd" Fabr+arr 6 2001 Felts Field is ciassit'ied as a reliever airport in the Washington State Aviation Syat3m Plan. The airport is located adjacent to the city boundary,, a portion of the southeast comer Iles within Spokane Valley city limits. Felts Fleld has 361 based ainaaft, including 289 single-engine aircraft and 24 multi-angina piston-powered aircraft. Annual general aviation operations totaled 28,000 in 2002. Airport facilities and affiliated properties support tho local economy through a variety of activities. For- example, a recent study estimated that the average general aviation trip generates approximately $700 In food, lodging and entertainment spending. According to the 2001 WSDOT Aviation Forecast and Economic Analysis study, the airport generated about 250 jobs with an annual payroll of $4.5 million, and 518.5 million in total annual sales output Feita Field has two LLrunways. Runway 31121 R and Runway 38121 L information about each runway is shown In Table 3.8. i.Ia] f.-___ 5 XMIR 3ML t Q,5v0 3,059 y,~}Qt 154 73 F"~rvatbn 1,9529 1,68.5 rSwtas _ _ ap.W. Runway 3L has runway and Indicator lights, visual approach slope Indicators IVASQ providing verlcal guidance, and VCR or GPS and NOB non-preciston approaches. Runway 2111 Is equipped with VASI's, as well as a medium Intensity approach fighting system with runway alignment Indicator Ilgh s (MALSR), which, In conjunction with an Instnimenl landing system, provides a CAT I proci,lon 2007 U;.Jate Adool. d Aar 1 25,2,'_)08_ = F 23 rf 32 Formatted T ~_r~ll Formatted 1+11 j Formatted (Formatted f-rr~tI r t9t Formatted 1171 Formatted ( [t57 Formatted 19 Form it, Fo matted fill Formatted . Forrnetted Porrmat{ad Formatter I r°`_atted . Formatt~+f I Form -.It-. mi Formatted Table • Formatted { Formatted Formatted { Formatted Formatted r, Formatted Formatted ' Pont acted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted ...145 Formatted ~E Formatted Formatted I _ . r43 I , City of Spokane Valley ComprehansW Plan - Chaatlr 3 TrrND approach to this runway and. The MALSR Is pilot controlbed when the tower is not in operation. There Is a published non-precislon approach to Runway 3R121 L rather than a specific runway end. The Fells Field Airport Master Plan, adopted in October 2006, Is a 20-year needs assessment providing racommendellons for Improvements. The major recommendations of the master plan include construction of new taxiways, now development to the north a" the river, and an extension of 550' to the main runway in the next 15 years to accommodate larger aircraft. The master plan also provides recommendations for the seaplane base located on the Over adjacent to' Felts Fleld. It Is the only one (]lof its kind in Eastern Washington. The water landing Is 9,000" long and 100' wide and accommodates approximately 450 landings annually. The Felts Field Master Plan calls for expansion of the airport's seaplane fsdUtles over the neat 20 years, Including construction of an additional dock, ipgrades to existing docks, and improvements to the ramp. 35 represent a threat to airport operations and the safe operation of aircraft uhl Land Use CompatR:)lilty Identifies areas where restrictions on incompat bla persons and property adjacent to the airpoR airspace pursuant to use serve to protect Fwmettedt IustlN4 indent: tats 0.1 r, Tar■ Artrr. Aura Forrnsttadt :ustlned, Indent tart: 0.17', Spate Aftr: 6 pt ftshumfto stns, RALhMs- { wrm 11 1 Font: tt v4 tk4M*V For w tall F-3m I I Pt _ . i Formattedt FbM to pt Fwmaltedt indent Legs o.?S' 16 bbl p.6.1 Freight Freight rail service Is provided by Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) and Union PaciRc Ral.road (UPRR). BNSF services an east-west route from Chicago to Seattle and Portland. The UPRR provides service to Canada, tha Yakima Valley and Portland. 3.6.2 Bridging the Valtey LL The Bridging the Valley (BTV) project Is a community-Initiated t: - pn jad to explore the creation of i _ wASM.M. ,art StAte one (1comm~on raitmad corridor g.: All SYSUM from which BNSF and UPRR # : t L=-• wouid operate between Spokane, Washington and Athol, Idaho. This 42 mile corridor presently has 72 railroad crossings (49 In Washington) with over 494 trains In operation per week. Orovrth In traln traffic is forecast to Increase annually by 3.4% over the neat 20 years. Traffic accidents, traffic congestion f o-n fcadway clesures, Increased carbon monoxide emissions in tha sericus non-91t.-lrm1nt ar3 --J rose significantly affect the economy, health, safety ! r ? - ' _ - F'.) std Kocterii C;nuwfas, n'-d 't erofora. 'he irlard Ncnw.~~t- - ~ The BTV project would eliminate approximately 51 at-grada crossings through closure (35 In Washington), and relocation of the Union Paciflc Railroad mainilne Into the Burlington Northem Santa Fe Railway corridor. The remaining twenty-one L Lc osstngs are either currently 2007 L I Adopted April 25, 2006• T4 ur ~smq,.r~ ar. Y Gv~elvp Iw w.r hej~d Aria .f ln*22M AL ws~ AJINW tW2" FNa1 h R d • Own PstftRAM ...t ~~u~l~ih'fa•/ Fbrs ditds Fort t0 pt Fwmattsds page mwTtw, Fart: 10 Pt J FanotMadt Font: to pt The CWPPs, Policy Topic 5, Poky 3 states that'atternaltve modes of lanaports:fon to the automobite,- Tnctudfng public trarspodadon, pe asH- an facilities, bikeways and air and rali facil6es' shall be included In the regional transportation plan. °Muftlmodal transportatfon planning focuses on system choices, and adepts a generic, non-- mode specific approach to derming and evaluating transportation problem& it then attempts to provide an unWased estimate of each mode's oontnbution, singly or In combination, to solves the problem. tntermodel transportation planning, on the other hand, ezamtnas the policy and service Intsm6ons baMven modes, focusing on ensuring ease of movement for both people and goods when transferring from one,M mode to another'! t. nllu_~I:pQdal Trarsoonat~Qn Fomuftedt Fort 10 0 { Fomatt edt Indent Lett: 0.1 Foravottlit Inderx Ldh 0.3 Formotxedt Ino---_: ! c D. Tabs: Formattedt adllets ono Numberrv ra I Technical Assistance Repott, MULTIMOdAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING IN VIRGINIA:, PAST PRACT:°CES AND NEW OPPORTUNiTISS, Stephen C. BrSch and Lester A. Noel. 2007 Updsta - _ •Y "5:X32 Adopted April 25 2006. Ran. atted, tncert Left 0.75, Numbered + LeM: 2 + Nxribe" Style a, b, 4 + Start #t 1 + Nigmwt: Left + Mped at 1.23' + Tab after. 1.5' + Indent at: 1.7, Tats: I', List tab + Not at 1.5' Formatted: Fort: 10 pt 1 Formetbodt Page Number, Fontl 10 tt Formatiadt Fend 10 pt City of Spokane Val" ComrAehenrdve plan - G`ae&r 3 T-a. sao"ja] 2. Intern al Tranap"bort Tb,! iit~nn" r-3 cf trya_: uriotrs tyre3 0 In! rmodal trans=rls` 'n dever s to a high degree On tho lAnd us$s w wad. and the lenoth c!-"- IrYQ1Y3d. Formatted: Indent Left 0.5". Hanging: 0,25 Fornaffiedi indent Left: MV Transportation system choices far Individuals will depend on the rotative convenience, Numbered + level: 1 + N=bestng access and pricing of the afiematives. Public policy may seats to change the relative srofr a, b, c.._ + slat at 1 + value of individual choices. They could do this by various means, including public Allgnmentr Left + Aligned it 1.27 + Tab after 1S + Indent at 1,5, Improvement, offering fInancial/non-Financial lncentIves, or adopting regulations. Tabc 1", list tab + "it IS* L_F,ub0c improvements. improved pedestrian access to transit corridors, shopping- { Formattodr Funt. 10 end schools makes walking and public transportation more au*acive to Fort+-tea ins a Irtdhriduals using those faclirdes. Planning for higher density land uses adjacent - to transit corridors increases the likelihood of larger numbers of people using (Formottedi Font: Ia Uwe mode alternatives. Sirmflaiy, bus shelters and similar amenities which increase Individual comfort and convenience wiA encourage additional utilization of alternative modes of transportation. P. lncentlves. The Commuter Trip Reduction (CTR) program encourages car and j Form&ttadr Fa-;t Io pt, Not acid van-pooling through corporate sponsorshiip. Additional Incentives include Formatted: Font: 10 pt ) telecommuting, company sponsored bus passes , and flexible work scheduling, which allows workers to avoid peak traffic periods,. Where High Occupancy Vehicle (HAV) lanes are In place, vehicles with at least two IZIoccupartts beneft from reduced travel time. &_Fegufstlon., local govemmenta adopt regulations- which have the affect of encouraging alternative modes of transportation. jL-Decisrons concerning lks ii of freig" movements are determined vsSM by the needs of suppliers and markets, but compstitfva pridng is Probably the ex , most significant factor In mode choice. "Just in time' delivery has replaced warehousing In most commodity markets, where delay fit a cost factor. ` s efficiency of Intermodal connections, loosely defined as that point where twoMor more modes of transportation come together e.g. roadways connecting airports, reflroad loading facif3fes and freight terminals, pipelines and terminal I Through freirahl tmftlc sho0d ba M!'29e1ed fm-r mUnstionl 9natron trafbc to- irywrove &w. A S1onaltzatiort . Mdways ahauid be #vndtrert tzd for oprrxrrer4L► trucks to limit sti0oing and eteft al kl. Inltgs_rt~cturai t to oommerdai onsi t AstrAl1reas si",uld ¢c4f-010 d to facttitac= fraiohlrsaysmeat indwirtiQ w;r= cull st InFtr 10.4- 1~F^r r",•e in4~g on dedl.aii;j rianf t,k~z r ucirr3 or aErrtita11th7 t2Q L4f nr.• rtt4s';S ~wA la.:~litatc M bTly fir rmatiadi Font: Lo pt, Not sold { Fornraifadz Font 10 pt Pow. atWi Indents Left: 0.75", Hanging; 0.73• { Fwmattedr Fort 10 pt Far natbadr Indent Left: 1.15", Nlinbered + Level: 1 + Nurtrbertrq we: i, s, 9, + Start it 1 + Alignment Left + Altgned ah 1.5" + ~ T&'.1 aRer: 1.75` + Inderl at 1.75"1 i Tabs. L5, Ust tab + Nct at 1.75' ForM.MW Farm toot Form aite I gage Number, Fact. 10 Pt { Forrnattedr FuM: 10 pt { Adopted April 25, 200A_ 2007 Update cn C;ty of Spok3ne Valley Comprehensive Plan - Chapter 3 Tra:;aa-at ;.10 Goals and Polices Sties ta and Roadways Goalsi3 Policies Goat.LG. Establish appropriate design standards for transportation facltities. Policies TP-1.1 Street design should provide for connectivity between residential naighborhoods and- coiledors. Discourage cu!-through traffic. TP-1.2 Develop access management standards for each functional classification of roadway. Work to oonsolidate or remove abstfng access po`nts when a roadway does not meet appropriate standards. Goal - TG-2 Ensure that roadway systems are designed to preserve and are consistent with- community character. Policies TP-2-1, Street design should complement adjacent development. TP-2.2. Disccurage prNate roads as a principal means of access to developments. Private roads sharld be designed and constructed to public street standards. TP-2.3, Encourage landscaping, street lighting and beautification to the design standards for local access strests, collectors and arterials. TP-2.4 E-6ura that the ADaieway Boulevard right of way is the rnlnimurn w+ot'I nee -M !o ccammodete Frhxa tt•eet and regional high caw-4y SRn4if ImOroverneniS,, Goal - TG-3 Improve local circulation and emergency access consistent with community- character and safety. Policies TP-3.1 As fjnoing allows, bring unimproved and rural cross sections up to adopted s7eet- standards. TP-3.2 As funding allows, make Intersection Improvements and increase storage capacity where appropriate. Goal. L* Minimize the negative impact from transportation systems on the natural- environment, air quality, noise levels and fuel consumption. Poilcles JP-4.1 _ Restrict hgh-speed traffic from residen'Jal neighborhoods and utilize traffic calming- strateges to reduce vehicular speeds where appropriate. TP4.2, Cornp!ate local traffic circulation p!an3 for areas experiencing now dava:apment. Formatted t491 ] j Formatted Formatted Formatted 52 Formatted L=0 ( Formatted I Formatted C { Formatted I Formatted f Formatted Formatted __M I 1 For.manald [etil Formatted j Formatted f 63 1 i Formatted Formatted 6-51 1 I Formatted Formatted art' Formatted Formatted I ~7~f 1 Formatted 16 Formatted L. m j t Formatted - ~gl l • Formmatted i Formatted 1 Formatted te> 1 I j Formatted _ [3"el i Formatted ~fQ~i1 Formalize t9:~1 Formatted Iasi I_Formatted. j Formatted 7 .l Formatted Formatted Formatted [-Tu;j 11 ( Formatted 1-i:11 jPormatted ,..ter?jj Formatted i931] Formatted Formatted 2007 Update 29 `3~ - I Adopted April 2S, 20A -I C:iy of Spokam Vi Way Comprehensive Plan - Cna-'r. 3 r' $L park 8 ride iota and school bus routes; and 3) designating a network of streets that can safely and efficiently accommodate bicycles and coordinate development of the non-motorized system with surrounding Jurisdictions and regional system extensions. TP-9.2. Provide sidewalkm on bath sides of all arterial streets as funding- allows. TP-113, Incorporete pedestrian and bicycle features as design elements In the City Center. TP44 Work with other agencies, particularly relating to regionally significant facilities to pursue funding for pedestrian and bicycle facilhlim TP-9.5 Ensure that sidewalks, shared use paths and bike lanes are safe, clearly marked and well maintained. TP-8.8, Include bicycle facilltlas where practical along arterial roadways. TP-91 Include convenient and secure bicycle parking at major destinations and. tmnsport36on centers TP-9.8 Include pedestrian friendly facilitles such as sidewalks In city street reconstruction avid Improvement projects, and require pedestrian frfendty facilities such as ardewaks In all new development TP-9.9, Reduce obstructions and conflicts between bicyclelpedestrian facilities and vehicular transportation routes. TP-0.10, -Uavelop street. pedestrian path and bike path standards that contribute to a system or-fully connected routaa Transit Goals & Policies Goal.p EL-19 Support the provision of a safe, efficient and coat-effective public transportation- system. 1 Encourage land uses that will support a high-capacity transportation system. Poncies TP-11.1, Ensure that street standards, land uses and building pracemant support the facilities-;- and services needed along transit routes to make transit viable. TP-11.2, . Work with STA to ensure that transit sheltsm, bus benches and other amend[" that. system. support transit use are provided in appropriate locations for users of the TP-113, Support the continued planning end development or a high-capacity transit systr:m. TP-11.4, Work vnth STA In planning_ arid developing bus pull-out bays on. the far side of i-!c r s e r-tions. TP-11.6k_ iOlghborhood businesses areas should be served by transit consistent with the Transportation Elerm t X11 s Ensure Owe Aoaeway Bouir. rioht of way a the minimum width neressarv to_ scoornmadste fAgre street and NO C32Kgy transit _ orowMnts. Aviation Goals S Policies Goal . . TG-1 2 Support the expansion of general aviation and freight uses at Folts Field In accordance with the approved Airport Master Plan, Policies I TP-12.1, encourage the full development and utilization of airport properties at Falls Field. 2007 update I Adopter! April 26, 20081 a 31 Yf 3Z, ;.t~;•;zr 3- - Formatted f-M Formatted 15~ Formatted 1 c Formatted r t Formatted [~rlSf I Formatted i Fa+rramad iSS j Formatted tbfl Formatted t 610 Formatted . FormattodF- -rl&31 :formatted Formatted - Famattad Formatted F"Matti d Formatted Formatted - Formatted Formatted Formatted E ftwiatted Formatted Formatted Farsnatted Formatted Formatted j ForrimUnd Formatted l Formatted 1 Formatted Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. . Suite 106 • Spokane Valley, WA 9920E (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org January 8, 2007 Kathy Ames P.O. Box 113 Malott, WA 98829 RE: Zoning/Land Use status for Parcel No. 45103.0263 Dear Ms. Ames: You requested a letter regarding the Comprehensive Plan land use designation and zoning for the above referenced parcel, located at the northeast comer of Pines and Mansfield Roads in the City of Spokane Valley. As we discussed on the telephone, the future land use designation for your property is High Density Residential (HDR) and the current zoning is B-3, or Regional Business. We believe that the appropriate land use designation and for the property is Office and planning staff will propose a mapping change during the 2007 annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process. We will also propose changes for the existing office developments north of your property along the east side of Pines Road. The Comprehensive Plan amendment process Indudes hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. We will keep you informed regarding dates and times for public hearings. We welcome your testimony either in writing or in person at the hearings. The comprehensive plan amendment process should be completed in the late spring/early summer of 2007. If the property is changed to the Office category, it will eventually be zoned for office and retail uses. The City is currently developing a new zoning code, including new office zones. We encourage you to keep in touch with our office as we prepare the new code for public review and hearings before our Planning Commission and City Council. Please contact me with any questions. Best Regards, L~ A Scott Kuhta, AICP, Senior Planner 509-688-0049 CITY OF. SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 18, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent Z old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report (D pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-027, Official Zoning Map Amendments (implements the CPAs) PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: None PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On December 11, 2007, Council deliberated on comprehensive plan map amendments CPA-01-07 through CPA-17-07 and on comprehensive plan text amendments to Chapter 3, Transportation and Chapter 4, Capital Facilities and Public Services. BACKGROUND: The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan includes an annual amendment cycle that runs from November 2 to November 1 of the following year. Applications received prior to November 1s' are considered by the Planning Commission in late winter/early spring of the following year, with a decision by City Council in late spring/early summer. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment schedule is not in accord with the timeline noted above due to the time demand involved in the adoption of the Uniform Development Code (UDC). All parts of the Comprehensive Plan (maps and text) can be amended during the annual cycle. The Community Development Department received 1 request from the public for a site-specific Comprehensive Plan amendment; city staff initiated 16 other amendments (one was subsequently withdrawn) for 2007. Sites that are approved for a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment automatically receive a zoning designation that is consistent with the new Comprehensive Plan Map designation. Additionally, staff initiated Comprehensive Plan text amendments to Chapter 3, Transportation and Chapter 4, Capital Facilities and Public Services, Proposed changes to Chapter 3 include minor formatting/housekeeping -type amendments as well as updating information related to a number of sections within the chapter. Chapter 4 amendments involved updating the 6-year transportation improvement program as well as including information on other potential city capital projects. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSALS: Comprehensive plan map amendment proposals are organized into individual reports consisting of application materials, staff reports, comprehensive plan maps, zoning maps, aerial maps, vicinity maps, transportation maps, and letters submitted to date to assist the City Council's review. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on October 25, 2007, to consider the proposed map and text amendments. After hearing public testimony, the Commission made recommendations on CPA-01-07 through CPA-09-07. The Commission continued the public hearing for CPA-10-07 thru CPA- 17-07 and proposed text amendments to November 8, 2007. Further research was requested on CPA-10-07 to determine an appropriate boundary for the proposed Regional Commercial designation. On November 8, 2007, the Planning Commission deliberated on CPA-10-07 through CPA-17-07 and proposed text amendments. The Planning Commission's recommendations on CPA-01-07 through CPA-17-07 are 1 of 2 summarized in the attached memorandum. The Commission's recommendations on Chapters 3 and 4 are contained in Exhibits 4 and 5. OPTIONS: Approve ordinance 07-027; remand to Planning Commission for further consideration; or conduct a public hearing on proposed deviations from the Planning Commission's recommendation. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: Approve ordinance 07-027 STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP, Planning Division Manager; Mike Basinger, AICP, Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Draft Ordinance 07-027 2of2 DRAFT' CITY OF SPOKAISTF VALLEY SPOKANE COU-LAITY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 07-027 AN ORD NANCE OF THE. CITY OF SPOKA\F, VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON, AMENDLNG ORDINANCE 07-015 WHICH ADOPTED THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley adopted Land Use plans and regulations as set forth in the Uniform Development Code and the City of Spokane Valley Zoning Map through Ordinance No. 07- 0l5; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Managemcr►t Act (GMA) allows comprehensive plans to be amended annually (R.CW 36.70A130); and WHEREAS, amendments to the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plain and zoning map may be initiated by the Planning Commission (Commission), the City Council (Council) or by the Community Development Director based on citizen requests or when changed conditions warrant adjustments; and WHEItE.AS, the Gl A requires comprehensive plans to be implemented with development regulations, including the zoning of property consistent with land use map designations; and - WHEREAS, consistent with the GMA, City of Spokane Valley adopted Public Participation Guidelines to direct the public involvement process for adopting and amending comprehensive plans and zoning map; and WHERhAS, the Comprehensive Plan provides that amendment applications shall be received until November 1 of each year; and WHEREAS, applications were submitted by the applicant, owner or by City staff to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Maps for the purpose of beneficially using the property described herein; and WRE,REAS, following the application to the City, staff conducted an environmental review to determine the potential environmental impacts from the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, after reviewing the Environmental Checklists, staff issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) for the proposals, published the DNS in the Valley News Herald, posted the DNS on the sites and mailed the DNS to all affected public agencies; and WHEREAS, the Commission conducted a briefing on September 27, 2007, to review the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald at least 14 days prior to the hearing; and WHEREAS, notice of the Commission hearing was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of the subject property; and Ordinance 07-027 Zoning Map Changes Page I of 6 ]DRAFT WHERE AS, notice of the hearing was posted on the subject property; and WHEREAS_ the Commission received evidence, information, public testimony and a staff report and recommendation at a public hearing on October 25, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Commission conducted a public hearing on October 25, 2007; to consider proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use map and zoning map. After hearing public testimony, the Commission made recommendations on CPA-02-07 through CPA-09-07. The Planning Commission made no recommendation on CPA-01-07. The Commission continued the public hearing for CPA-10-07 through CPA-17-07 to November 8, 2007. Further research was requested on CPA-10-07 to determine an appropriate boundary for the proposed Regional Commercial designation. On November 8, 2007, the Planning Commission deliberated on CPA-1.0-07 through CPA-17-07 of the Plan; and WHERCAS, on November 8, 2007, the Commission continued the public hearing to deliberate on CPA-10-07 through CPA-17-07, the Commission recommended approval of all preceding amendments with modifications to CPA-10-07; and DWI-1ER.1 EAS, on December 4, 2007, Council reviewed the proposed amendments; and WHER]EAS, on December 11, 2007, Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, on December 18, 2007, Council considered a second ordinance reading at which time Council approved written findings of fact setting forth their basis for recommending approval of the proposed amendments. NOW, Ti IEIZEFOR.E, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Pur ose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the Official Zoning Map adopted through Ordinance No. 07-015 in order to penmit the property described herein to be used in a matter consistent with the same. Section 2. Findings. The City Council acknowledges that the Commission conducted appropriate investigation and study, held a public hearing on the application and recommends approval of the amendment to the Zoning maps. The City Council hereby adopts the findings of the Commission, specifically that: 1. Notice for the proposed map amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on October 5, 2007. Fach map amendment site was posted with a "Notice of Public Hearing" sign, with a description of the proposal, and a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) determination. 2. Individual notice of the trap amendment proposals was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each affected site. Pursuant to the State (Environmental Policy Act (SEPA - RC1W 43.21C) environmental checklists were required for each proposed comprehensive plan map. 4. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each comprehensive plan amendment request. Determinations of Non-significance (DNS) were issued for the requested comprehensive plan amendments on October 5, 2007. 5. The DNS's were published in the city's official newspaper on October 5, 2007 consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance. 6. Appropriate environmental review was conducted and all SEPA requirements were met. Ordinance 07-027 Zoning Map Changes Page 2 of 6 DRAFT 7. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on October 25, 2007, to consider the proposed amendments. After hearing public testimony, the Commission made recommendations on CPA-01-07 thru CPA-09-07. 8. The Commission continued the public hearing for CPA-10-07 thru CPA-17-07 on November 3, 2007. Further research was requested on CPA-10-07 to determine an appropriate boundary for the proposed . Regional Commercial designation. 9. On November 8, 2007, the Planning Commission deliberated on map amendments CPA-10-07 thru CPA- 17-07. 10. The planning goals of the Growth Management Act (GMA) were considered and the proposed amendments are consistent with the GMA. H. The goals and policies of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan were considered and the proposed amendments are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 12. The proposed land use and zoning designations are consistent with the current use of the properties. 13. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map amendments will not adversely affect the public's general health; safety, and welfare. Section 3. Property. The properties subject to this Ordinance are described in the attached Attachment "A". Section 4. Map Amendments. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.073 the City of Spokane Valley Zoning Map as adopted through Ordinance No. 07-015, is hereby amended as set forth on the attached Attachment "A". The Zoning map amendments are generally described as follows: Map Amendments File No. CPA-01-07 Location: South side of 16'' Avenue, west of its intersection with Sullivan; Parcel number 45261.0707 at 1607 S. Sullivan Rd Request: Change the zoning from Single-family Residential Suburban District (R-2) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Council Decision: Change zoning to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) File No. CPA-02-07: Withdrawn File No. CPA-03-07 Location: Northwest corner of Pines and 32"`x; Parcel No. 45284.2030 and 45284.2013 at 3010 S Pines ]toad Reque.st: Change the zoning classification fi-om Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) Council Decision: Change zoning to Multi-family High Density Residential (W-2) File No. CPA-04-07 103.0262, Location: l=ast side of Pines, North of Mansfield Road.; Parcel No. 45103.0263, 45 45 103.0261, 45102.9074, and 45102.9057 Request: Change the zoning classification from Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) to Office (0) Council Decision: Change zoning to Office (O) Ordinance 07-027 Zoning Map Changes Page 3 of 6 DRAFT File No. CPA-05-07 Location: Located on the north side of Mission at its intersection with Barker Road; Parcel number 55083.6401 at 1612 N. Barker Road Request: Change the zoning classification from Single-family Residential Urban District (R-4) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Council Decision: Change zoning to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) File No. CPA-06-07 Location: East of McDonald Road, north of its intersection with Sprague; Parcel No. 45154.1717 at 102 N. McDonald Road Request: Change the zoning classification from Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Corridor Mixed Use District (CNfU) Council Decision: Change zoning to Corridor Mixed-Use (CMU) File No. CPA-07-07 Location: West of Argonne on the south side of Broadway Avenue; parcel no. 45184.0116 and 45184.0101 at 8910 E. Broadway Ave and 711 N. Argonne Road Request: Change the zoning; classification fi-om Garden Office (GO) to Multi-family Nigh Density Residential District (IN417-2) Council Decision: Change zoning to Multi-family High Density Residential (Ml?-2) File No. CPA-04-07 Location: North side of Cataido, west of its intersection with Argonne; Parcel no. 45181.1224 at 9015 L Cataido Ave. Request: Change the zoning classification from Garden Office (GO) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MY-2) Council Decision: Change zoning to Multi-family High Density Residential (M.F-2) File No. CPA-09-07 Location: East of Pines, north of its intersection with Olive; parcel no. 45153.1715 at 512 N Pines Road Request: Change the zoning classification from Office (O) to Mufti-family High Density Residential District (IMF-2) Council Decision: Change zoning to Multi-family High Density Residential (AI -2) File No. CPA-10-07 Location; The corridor is part of the Barker interchange and runs from east of Greenacres Road to Hodges Road and from south of I-90 to Alki Road; the southern border of the corridor extends along Alki from Greenacres to Michigan; there is a small portion included in the corridor that extends the border farther south from Alki to Appleway along Michigan, and then cast to Hodges Road, the city boundary line. Request: Change I-lie zoning classification from Corridor Mixed Use (CNfU) and Community Commercial (C) to Regional Commercial (RC). Council Decision: Change to Regional Commercial, except for a small residential tract located in the southwest portion of the proposed amendment, this residential tract shall be zoned Single- family Residential District (11-3). File No. CPA-11-07 Location: 'Vest of Park Avenue and on the south side of Nora; parcel numbers 35124.2504 and 35124.2606 at 7320 F. Nora Ave. Request: Change the zoning classification from Community Facility (CF) to i.:ight Industrial. Council Decision: Change zoning to Light Industrial (I-1) Ordinance 07-027 Zoning Map Changes Page 4 of 6 DRAFT File No. CPA-12-07 Location: South side of Broadway, west of EI la Road; parcel no. 45183.0405 at 78161:. Broadway Avenue. Request: Change the zoning classification from Multi-family i-ligh Density Residential District (MF-2) to Office. Council Decision: Change to Office (0) File No. CPA-13-07 Location: East of Pines, between Pinecroft and Trent; parcel no. 45033.9024 and 45033.9042. Request: Change the zoning classification from Community Facility (CF) to Mixed Use Center District. Council Decision: Change zoning to Mixed Use Center (MUC) File No. CPA-14-07 Location: South side of Mission, west of its intersection with Pines; parcel 'No. 45161.0246 at 12006 E. Mission Avenue. Request: Change the zoning classification from Community Facility (CF) to Garden Office. Council Decision: Change zoning to Garden Office (GO) File No. CPA-15-07 Vocation: South side of 12`i' Ave, west of its intersection with McDonald; parcel No. 45223.9210 at 12912 E. 12'x' Avenue. Request: Change the zoning classification from Community Facility District (CF) to Multi-family High Density Residential District. Council Decision: Change zoning to Multi-family High Density Residential (M -2) File No. CPA-16-07 Location: West of Long Road, south of its intersection with Maxwell; parcel no. 55182.0103 at 1409 N. Long Road. Request: Change the zoning classification from Community Facility (CF) to Single-family Residential District (R-3). Council Decision: Change zoning to Single-family Residential District (R-3). File No. CPA-17-07 Location: North side of 10"' Avenue, west of Pines road; parcel number 45214.2531 at 924 S. Pines Road. Request: Change the zoning classification from Single-family Residential Suburban District (R-2) to Corridor Mixed Use District (CmU). Council Decision: Change zoning to Mixed Use Center (MUC) Section 5. ZoningMap/Official Controls. Pursuant to R.CW 35A.63.100, for the purpose of mguldting the use of land and to implement and •glve affect to the Comprehensive Plan the City hereby amends the Official Zoning Map of the City as set forth in Attachment "A". Section 6. Adoption of Other Laws. To the extent that any provision of the City of Spokane Valley's Uniform Development Code (UDC), or any other law, rule or regulation referenced in the attached Zoning Map(s) is necessary or convenient to establish the validity, enforceability or interpretation of the Zoning Map(s), then such provision of the UDC, or other law, rule or regulation is hereby adopted by reference. Ordinance 07-027 "Zoning Map Changes Page 5 of 6 DRAFT Section 7. Map - Copies on File-Administrative Action. The Zoning Map is maintained in the office of the City Clerk as well as the City Department of Community Development. The City Manager or designee, following adoption of this Ordinance, is authorized to modify the Zoning titap in a manner consistent with this Ordinance. Section 8. Liability. The express intent of the City of Spokane Valley is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall rest with the permit applicant and their agents. This ordinance and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public and are not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. Section 9. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 10. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of December, 2007 Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTFs°r: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved As To Forms Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 07-027 "Loving Map Changes Page 6 of6 ATTACHMENT A ZONING MAPS Exhibit 2: Zoning Map R-3 R-2 i CPA-01-07 E Spokane Vmile.,# Sep Goth (F CPA-01-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Community Development Department Commercial change zoning from R-2 to NC. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map CPA-03-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Neighborhood Commercial to High Density Residential; Community Development Department change zoning from NC to NIF-2. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map CPS-04-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Etigh Density Residential to OMce; elopmient Department change the zoning from NIF-2 to O. ('r~nnnunity C)rv Exhibit 2: Zoning Map Ft-3 t-F TCPA-05-07 1 i I Barker Community Learning Center j ~iF •I hensive plan map desiy~ation CPA-IK-07 =Req e Valle` o Neighborhood Commercial; City of Spokan Community Development Department rom R4 to KC. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map %lain !Main Mai Main ~1F-I R-3 u s CPA-06-07 \ \ Rom to - 3 i irraea• ~p_:qur °p~xeuc 'Nil \ - Cf A-06-07 Request: Change the Comprehenske Plan mup designation city of Spokane Vallee from Low Density Residential to Corridor Aihed-Use; Community Deselopment Department change zoning from R-3 to C!NU. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map CPA-07-07 City of Spokane Vallee C mumunity Dewlopmeat Department Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan trap designation from Office to high Density Residential; change zoning from GO to NIF-2. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map CPA-08-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Wailes, from Office to High Density Residential: t ',!IIvwility De%clo vl cnl lIq,.!(A Iivllt chmire zoning fri-m (o ) to Nis--2. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map North Pines Ntiddlr X i! 01 00 i 1- 00 - - - u~ i.- CPA-09-07 / l p - y - 11 rmj - 151 CPA-09-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive flan inal, City of Spolcsine Valley designation from Office to High Density R -olri !i J: Community Development Department chnnge zoning from 0 to NtF•'. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map CPA-10-07 FRequest: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley signation from Corridor.Nliied Use and Cummunity Development Department unity Commercial to Regional Commercial; hange zonin- from c ,*n? and C_ to RC. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map \ Ep(TA-1 - 144- Seth - - W66da rd FE ~wcl R-2 1 I I T-F- CPA-11-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from Public/Qugsi-Publk to Light Industrial; Community Development Department change zoning from CF to 1-1. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map ( enten Middle J CPA-12-071 CPA-12-07 Request: Change the land use designation from City of Spokane Valley High Density Residentlal to Office; change zoning Et I•mnn1nitV ISe.el, l>tn~nt Deplirtm nt from NIF-2 to 0. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map .bucner•n~ //1 CPA-13-07 cF y - T rent N i l E:lew en to n - ~k CPA-13-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Public/Quasi-Pa bile to Mixed Use; Community Development Mpartment change ioninq from CF to IVC. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map CPA-1407 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Pubiir/Quasl-Pubile to Office; elopment Department change a mint from CF to GO. Community I)c% Exhibit 2: Zoning Map CPA-15-07 LA 12th d Ew 13th K-3 r u dt11 I 1 McDonald Elementar% T-A CPA-I"7 Requcst: Change the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley designation from Public/Quasi-Public to HDR; Community Development Department change zoning from CF to W-2. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map CPA-16-07 EZ st: Cha nge the Comprehensive Plan map City of Spokane Valley ation from Public)Quasi-Public to LDR: E:( unimunity De-cinpmcnt Department change zoning from (4 to R-3. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map CPA-17-07 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map Qty of Spokane Valley designation of northern portion from 1 IM i, ~I l [::c ommunity Development Department change riming from R-2 to C11( CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 18, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution No. 07- 022, Creating a Human Resources Manager Classification and Job Description for the City of Spokane Valley GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 2.50.070 and 2.50.080 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: The City currently has over 95 regular full-and part-time employees, and continues to grow. The Deputy City Manager currently acts as the designated the Human Resources Manager. In order to develop a more fully operational Human Resources Division, a full-time dedicated Human Resources Manager is needed. The HR Manager will be expected to assist with labor negotiations and labor management relations, with an emphasis on contract interpretation and investigation of grievances. The HR Manager will be responsible for developing and implementing short and long-range plans for the human resources program; administering the position classification plan of the City including the analysis of position description questionnaires and position audits and will maintain and administer the compensation, benefits, and retirement plans of the city. This position is responsible for all personnel files and records, including medical records. The Deputy City Manager will supervise the HR Manager. The HR Manager will supervise a full-time HR Technician. Staff recommends placing the Human Resources Manager position at Grade 16 in the City's Classification Plan. The draft resolution and position description reflect this grade. OPTIONS: Approve Resolution No. 07-022, or provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Resolution No. 07-022, creating a Human Resources Manager classification and position description. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The 2008 monthly salary range for a grade 16 is $4,616. to $5,918. There are funds available in the budget to cover an additional cost that may be incurred in 2008. The savings from the unfilled HR Analyst will offset the HR Manager position. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS 1. Draft Resolution No. 07-022 2. Human Resources Manager Position Description DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUN" l Y, WASHINGTON ~RESOLUTION NO. 07-022 A RESOLUTION CREATING A NEW EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION AND POSITION DESCRIPTION FOR THE POSITION OF IIUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER FOR TIIE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, from time to time, duties and responsibilities of city staff positions are reviewed and evaluated to assure that the classification reasonably reflects the current duties and responsibilities of the position; and WHEREAS, the City Council through Resolution No. 03-031 adopted job descriptions for City positions; and WHEREAS, since adoption of Spokane Valley Municipal Code 2.50.070, the City Council has created various new employee classifications. NOW TITEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Employee Classification and Position Description for Human Resources Manager Position. The City of Spokane Valley hereby creates the employee classification of "Human Resourecs Manager" and places it at pay grade 16. Section 2. Remaining Job Descriptions and Classifications Unchanged. The remainder of the job descriptions contained in Resolution No. 03-031, along with their appropriate classification, as adopted or amended remain unchanged by this action. Section 4. Effective Date. This f'tesolution shall be effective upon adoption. Adopted this 18th day of December, 2007. AT 'EST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to form: Office of the City Attorney City of Spokane Valley Mayor Diana Wilhite Resolution 07-1322 Classify Human Resources Position . CITY OF SPOKA.NF? VALLEY POSITION DESCRIPTION Class "Title: Human Resources Manager Job Code Number: Department: Operations & Administrative Svc. Grade Number: 16 Division: Human Resources Division FLSA Status: Exempt Date: November 30, 2007 l.,ocation: City Hall GENERAL PURPOSE Plans, develops, organizes, and directs the implementation and operation of the human resources function, including short and long-range program planning and development SUPERVISION RECEIVED Works under the general guidance and direction of the Deputy City Manager. SUPERVISION EXERCISED May provide supervision to Human Resources Technician and other department stall. ESSENTIAL DIMES AINTD RTSPONSIBILITIES Develops and implements short and long-range plans for the human resources program; develops and recommends to the Deputy City Manager integrated personnel policies and procedures for all aspects of the human resources management system for the City; monitors the effectiveness of the program and recommends modifications to the personnel policies and procedures as well as management practices. Provides program advice and assistance to department directors and supervisors in all areas of human resource management. Consults with department directors, supervisors, City Manager and Deputy City Manager to formulate management proposals for bargaining, grievance resolution, or arbitration; serves as the chief negotiator or provides research and assistance to the chief negotiator; develops preliminary contract language, takes notes and assists in presenting information at the bargaining table; monitors ongoing contract administration; conducts employment related investigations as assigned. Administers the position classification plan of the City including the analysis of position description questionnaires and position audits, preparing or modifying class specifications, establishing classification procedures, and recommending the approval or disapproval of position classification actions. Maintains and administers the compensation, benefits, and retirement plans of the City; reviews all requests for pay increases, initial employment, and other personnel actions provided for in labor contracts or personnel policies. Develops and administers personnel policies and procedures; provides advice and assistance to City managers and supervisors regarding the interpretation, implementation and administration of regulatory compliance and policy issues. May make presentations to Council. May develop and monitor an equal employment recruitment and selection program for the City including preparing, administering, scoring, and evaluating examinations as well as screening candidates; conducts new employee orientation. May develop and administer the City's affirmative action program including obtaining support for the program from department personnel; ensures equal employment opportunities to all applicants; identifies problem areas and develops corrective measures; evaluates effectiveness of program. Develops and administers an employee performance evaluation system including participation with department directors, supervisors, and employees in developing job performance standards and providing training to supervisory personnel in conducting performance evaluations; monitors the effectiveness of the performance evaluation system. Responsible for all personnel files and records, including medical records. Prepares a variety of personnel data and reports useful in budgeting, workforce needs, and personnel planning; looks to the future to determine City personnel needs and develops training accordingly. Serves as a member of the City's Safety Committee; helps develop and implement a City-wide safety program and determines the need for and implements safety training. Develops and conducts employee enrichment and training programs. Prepares human resources budget for approval by Deputy City Manager; administers budget. Attends work on a regular and dependable basis. Interacts in a professional and respectful manner with City staff and the public. PERIPHERAL OUTIES Serves as member of various City committees and task forces as assigned. Performs similar or related duties as assigned. DESIRED MINIMUM QIJALWICATIONS Education and Experience: (A) Graduation from a four-year college or university with a degree in public or business administration, htunan resources or a closely related field; and (B) Minimum of five (5) years of increasingly responsible personnel management experience at a level affording familiarity with personnel classification, compensation, recruitment, promotion, testing, evaluation, labor relations, personnel policy and procedures desired; and Position Description: Human Resources Manager 2 (C) Master's degree preferred; or substituting graduate level course work or training in human resource or public administration for up to two years of the experience; PHR, SPHR, or TPMA-CP Certification preferred; or (D) Any equivalent combination of education and experience. Necessary Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: (A) Ability to effectively and accurately communicate both verbally and in writing, with employees, consultants, other governmental agency representatives, City officials and the general public. This includes the ability to communicate technical information to lay audiences; (13) Knowledge of wage and salary administration, principles organization, trends and developments in personnel administration and collective bargaining process. (C) Ability to establish and maintain trust, confidence, and effective working relationships -with co-workers; managers, supervisors and the public; ability to maintain confidentiality of sensitive information; (D) Effective experience in modern principles, practices and theories of human resources management, including union contract interpretation and recruitment and selection methods; municipal government policies, procedures and structure; applicable local, state and federal laws, codes, regulations and ordinances; (E) Ability to analyze situations accurately, adopt an effective course of action and adapt as / the situation changes, and to manage multiple projects and tasks; (F) Ability to effectively use research and analytical methods, practices and procedures to define and resolve issues; (G) A key value of the City is customer service. This position requires considerable knowledge, ability and skill in the principles and practices of excellent customer service as practiced in both the private and public sectors. It requires the ability to effectively meet and deal with the public; the ability to handle stressful situations; the ability to greet and respond to customers in a friendly, pleasant and professional manner using appropriate inflection, grammar and syntax; the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees, supervisors, and the general public; the ability to maintain a professional, courteous, and pleasant demeanor in difficult and stressful situations; and the ability to diplomatically deal with difficult people. A willingness to expend extra eflort to help the public find answers or information relative to their inquiry or complaint is expected. SPECIAL REQUIRE MENTS Must possess a valid State driver's license or have the ability to obtain one prior to employment. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT USED Personal computer, includuig word processing, spreadsheet, database and presentation software. Position Description: Human Resources Manager 3 PHYSICAL DEMANDS The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. 1 Work is performed mostly in office settings. Some outdoor work is required as part of ground- breaking ceremonies or similar community events. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is occasionally required to stand; walk; use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objects, tools, or controls; and reach with hands and arms. The employee is occasionally required to sit; climb or balance; stoop, kneel; crouch, or crawl; and is required to talk and hear. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 25 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distance vision, color vision, peripheral vision, depth perception; and the ability to adjust focus. WORK ENVIRONMENT The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee occasionally works in outside weather conditions. The noise level in the work environment is usually quiet to moderate. SELECTION GUIDELINES Formal application, rating of education and experience; oral interview and reference check; job related tests may be required. The duties listed above are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to the position. The job description does not constitute an employment agreement between the employer and employee and is subject to change by the employer as the needs of the employer and requirements of the job change. Approval: Deputy City Manager Approval : Drafted Date: Novernber 30, 2007 Position Description: Human Resources Manager City Manager Revision History: 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY C"Z` Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 18, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business - ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Acceptance of Real property acquisition GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approved motion to accept quit claim deed from Spokane County on August 28, 2007; information item December 11, 2007. BACKGROUND: In 1997, Washington Department of Transportation (DOT) and Spokane County jointly planned for the redevelopment and reconstruction of the Sprague Avenue/Appleway Avenue interchange area. As part of that, Spokane County transferred its rights-of-way to DOT, which would then manage and construct the project immediately around I- 90. This is a typical scenario in such projects. Once the project is finished, DOT will do a "turn- back" agreement, giving the property back to the local jurisdiction. DOT did not finish with all of the aspects of the project until 2005. DOT was cognizant that we were now the local jurisdiction, but believed they could not transfer it to us, and must instead turn it back from the jurisdiction it came from. Hence, DOT transferred portions of existing roads (See map and legal description of properties). Spokane County became conscious of the issue in May, 2007, and sought to have DOT take J them back and re-transfer the streets to Spokane Valley. DOT declined to do so. Following several meetings by our staff with County staff, the parties mutually agreed that the only appropriate solution would be for Spokane County to formally quit claim the streets to Spokane Valley to remove any issue of ownership. , UPDATED INFORMATION - After the Council approved the acceptance of the right-of-way outlined in the map attached to the draft quit claim deed, Spokane County notified the City that it erroneously included a small portion of property that it wished to retain. That property is identified on'the attachment to this RCA. The County would like to retain that portion because it also owns the property abutting this sliver, and this would make it a little larger. The County has a prospective purchaser for the entire property, and has asked that the Council grant this change to its previous approval. Spokane County is requesting that the Council amend its prior action of August 28, 2007, to authorize staff to sign the amended legal description, which excludes the area identified in yellow on the attached map. The rest of the legal description remained the same. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to accept the new quit claim deed from Spokane County, with the corrected legal description of the Department of Transportation Turnback Property. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Map and draft quit claim deed with legal descriptions. ~zK o. c~ _ a c o u m 13 T'urnl7acJc N n urnutit No. G-GGt;'i T 2 N R o Q 3 srns na County 1 r! An u'17 of. 17 a1L t . «iav~ - - I _ - -f _ _ _ _ _ -1 I j rl / I ' ~I T WL c I I -t.a! I I 1 -arr L", G I I , 31 a I 1 .1 ► r. •ar II SEC. 114 ~ _ . , fl.` t . ..1 Ht.n•. .D' lA. I. ~ LL .3 •'a~i 7 ` ' I n t:al J.1 - - ' T~ - A t 71 Avum p 1 ; } ` ~ art Srsn ~;..;,r. ' ~ • 2L:i,1~. .T. I~ • -i 2i-]t.t a 18 '!~L 26& GINTf l2] T n-4? { l !s i Tt11IItulr rl• nurcmwms mlr." JT[llf" lllR]IS t ` _ J L7CI~IDf i 1. Carrecmd Pertim oiLa¢l aatlrsit KaT a+ ~va'rau cr Arul rarrnrcr cr -83T urrtri be ~r ..rs.. eG,vn ryrn e ~.a~ n rv ma ~ ; yy DGdICIil6n T rN~ ~R1 gll~rJ, .Ull/'r L1 N,IL IrW SR 90 XP iJ•1.51 TO MP 2... Q tioractGttnua161o% SPRAGUE- AVE. ;NTERCHANCL N rt n1 wim w MT em 1-mm =m tWn :yX tt: LJ I_ 1rs atntlM WUtrrm ztrts 11P1t{tlar [If• u n.~,.-_•_.•._ Y~ rLTI!{l, cIwl~: l l ~'r wu.~ • Wa:.lTw' a i; -'!4L •'A" ~ --;UT IM- I INr 1CL7.;'tTT•>t17:1 u..- ~I{',~, ...u r... ~~:,.r~- rH 'f•-..~~-{'V7~~ lanrrr ante IrW2, J~iJUOUaiaraurl7Lla`I`->Wa~Y~ r:crt:,.1i -•I~ ta- p.! LM LA -L RL'SOi.U PION NO. BI i l 1RE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY. WASHINGTON IN TiiE MATTER OF AMENDING AND ) CORRECTING COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION ) NO. 07-0743 REGARDING INCORRECTLEGAL ) RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION FOR QUI-I- CLAIM DEED ) TO CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY FOR ) RiGI I'I' OF WAY PURPOSES ) WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.32.120(6), the Bcxtrd of County Commissioners of Spokane County has the care of county property and the management of county funds and business; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.34.290 the Board of County Commissioners may dedicate any county land to public use for public streets and alleys in any city or town; and WHEREAS, on September 4, 2007 the Board of County Commissioners did approve Resolution No. 07-0743 authorizing the execution of a Quit Claim Dced of those certain rights of way legally described in said resolution. Prior to recording of said twit Claim Deed it was found that a portion of the legal description was factually incorrect based on Spokane County property holdings. WHEREAS, on June 19, 2007 the Board of County Commissioners did approve Resolution No. 07-0474 granting a [corder Easement in favor of the City of Spokane Valley located on the southwest corner of Thierman Road and Appleway Boulevard this was in accordance with County Road Project (CRP) 2396; and WHEREAS, the location of error in the legal description aforementioned is the southwest comer of Thierman Road and Appleway Boulevard acrd the correction to the legal description reflects both the Border Easement and property lines as depicted in County Road Project 2396; and WHEREAS, the Spokane County Engineer recommends approval of this amendment to Resolution 07-0743 and the correction to lixhibit "A" of said resolution to reflect the aforementioned correction. 1-he following is the corrected legal description of said rights of way dedication: A portion of the following sections; Section 23, Township 25 North. Range 43 Iat_st, W.M.. Section 2.1. Fownship 25 North. Range 43 Last, W.M., Section 13, Township 25 North, Range •13 East, W.M., Spokane County, Washington. For detailed legal description see Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.34.120, and after consideration of the Spokane County Engineer as set forth herein, that the recommendation of the Spokane County Engineer to amend Commissioners Resolution No. 07-0743 and insert the correct legal description is accepted and that the aforementioned rights of way, legally described in the attached Exhibit "A" be dedicated for rights of way purposes, and that the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners or a majority of the Board be and is hereby authorind to execute a Quit Claim Deed and any and all documents associated with this transfer at other than an open meeting. APPROVED by the Board of County, Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington this day of , 200_ MARK KICAARD, CFIAIR A'I'I'ES'I': BY: DANIELA ERICKSON CLERK OF TOE BOARD ti BONNIE MAGER, VICE-CHAIR TODD MIELKE, COMIe 41SSIONIER l EXHIBIT `A" PARCEL A: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest. quarter of Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M., in Spokane County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as HES) 14+54.35 on the SR 90 Line survey of SR 90, Sprague Ave. Interchange Vic. and 202.50 feet northerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES 18+83.97 thereon; thence northerly to a point opposite said HES and 262.50 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES 14+54.35 thereon; thence southerly to the point of beginning. PARCEL B: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter AND the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, all in Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M., in Spokane County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as HES) FS 32+13.63 on the FS Line survey of SR 90, Sprague Ave. Interchange Vic. and 30 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES FS 52+87.5 thereon; thence northerly to a point opposite said HES and 30 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES FS 48+08 thereon; thence northerly to a point opposite said HES and 50 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES FS 47+48 thereon; thence southerly to a point opposite said HES and 30 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES FS 32+13.63 thereon; thence southerly to the point of beginning. PARCEL C: That portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M., in Spokane County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as HES) F 8+00 on the F Line survey of SR90, Sprague Ave. Interchange Vic. and 30 feet southerly therefrom: thence easterly to a point opposite HES 13+94.70 on said line survey and 137.07 feet southerly therefrom, said point being parallel with and 15 feet westerly of the EA line survey of said highway; thence southerly parallel with said line to a point opposite HES EA 11+11.44 thereon; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along a curve to the left, having a radius of 50 feet, an arc distance of 109.52 feet; thence North 88°21'00° East 4.11 feet; thence South 02°11'08" East 8.95 feet; thence North 88°09'37" East 62.22 feet; thence North 18°47'31" East 11.64 feet, thence northeasterly and northwesterly along a curve to the left, having a radius of 50 feet, an arc distance of 92.68 feet to a point opposite HES EA 10+97.55 on said line survey and 15 feet easterly therefrom; thence northerly parallel with said line survey and 15 feet easterly therefrom to a point opposite HES EA 13+55.26 P.T. thereon; thence North 02°12'50" West 30 feet; thence northeasterly along a curve to the right, having a radius of 125 feet, an arc distance of 65 feet to a point opposite HES F 14+61.38 on the F Line survey of said highway and 53.52 feet southerly therefrom; thence southeasterly to a point opposite HES F 17+80.58 on said line survey and 48.59 feet southerly therefrom; thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES F 17+81.79 on said line survey and 44.55 feet southerly therefrom; thence southeasterly to a point opposite HES F 17+91.41 on said line survey and 46.20 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly to a point opposite HES F19+18.32 on said line survey and 23.90 feet southerly \ therefrom; thence southerly to a point opposite HES F 19+18.55 on said line survey and 29.97 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES F 20+85.16 thereon; thence southerly to a point opposite said HES and 35 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES F 22+17.25 thereon; thence northerly to a point opposite said HES and 25.33 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES F 20+66.04 thereon; thence northerly to a point opposite said HES and 30.26 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly to a point opposite HES F 18+83.05 on said line survey and 27.56 feet northerly therefrom; thence northwesterly to a point opposite HES F 18+50 on said line survey and 38.24 feet northerly therefrom. thence northwesterly to a point opposite HES E 10+69.36 on the E line survey of said highway and 61.81 feet easterly therefrom; thence northerly to a point opposite HES E 12+38.66 P.T. on said line survey and 33.83 feet easterly therefrom; thence northerly to a point opposite HES SA 10+32.35 on the SA line survey of said highway and 25 southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES SA 14+49.65 thereon; thence easterly to a point opposite HES SA 15+35.01 on said line survey and 20.72 feet southerly therefrom; thence southerly to a point opposite SA 15+37.22 on said line survey and 36.23 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly to a point opposite HES SA 15+98.08 on said line survey and 25 feet southerly therefrom; thence southeasterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES SA 16+40.88 thereon; thence southerly to a point opposite HES SA 16+45.58 on said line survey and 44.87 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly to a point opposite HES SA 17+04.06 on said line survey and 31.45 feet southerly therefrom; thence northerly to a point opposite HES SA 16+80.70 on said line survey and 69.64 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly to a point opposite HES SA 16+22.13 on said line survey and 56.59 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly to a point opposite HES SA 14+71.64 P.C. on said line survey and 35 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES SA 9+16.69 thereon; thence southerly to a point opposite HES SA 9+15.83 on said line survey and 31.30 feet southerly therefrom; thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES SA 9+41.58 on said line survey and 25.12 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly to a point opposite HES SA 9+65.47 on said line survey and 25.22 feet southerly therefrom; thence southerly to a point opposite HES E 14+26.19 on the E line survey of said highway and 33.30 feet westerly therefrom; thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES E 12+00.09 on said line survey and 52.07 feet westerly therefrom; thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES E 10+94.26 on said line survey and 66.84 feet westerly therefrom; thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES F 13+00 on the F line survey of said highway and 70 feet northerly therefrom; thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES F 11+00 on said line survey and 30 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES F 8+00 thereon; thence southerly to the point of beginning. PARCEL D: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, the Northwest quarter of the Northeast Quarter, and the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter, all in Section 24, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M., in Spokane County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a point opposite Highways Engineer's station (hereinafter referred to as HES) F 22+17.25 on the F line survey of SR 90, Sprague Ave. Interchange Vic. and 25 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES T 13+19.97 on the T line survey of said highway and 30 feet easterly therefrom; thence northerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES S 79+50.22 on the S line survey of said highway and 50 feet southerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite S 78+90.98 thereon; thence westerly to a point opposite HES T'26+11.12 on the T line survey of said highway and 30 feet westerly therefrom; thence southerly to a point opposite HES T 23+91.65 on said line survey and 30 feet westerly therefrom; then southerly to a point opposite HES T 23+44.36 on said line survey and 30 feet westerly therefrom; thence southerly to a point opposite HES T 22+70.43 on said line survey and 34.39 feet westerly therefrom; thence southerly to a point opposite HES T 22+53.02 on said line survey and 34.35 feet westerly therefrom; thence southerly to a point opposite HES T 21+25.15 on said line survey and 30 feet westerly therefrom; thence southerly to a point opposite HES T 20+30.34 on said line survey and 30 feet westerly therefrom; thence southerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite T 13+69.67 thereon; thence westerly to a point opposite HES F 22+17.25 on the F line survey of said highway and 25.33 feet northerly therefrom; thence southerly to the point of beginning. PARCEL E: That portion of the North half of the Northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 25 North Range 43 East, W.M., in Spokane County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as HES) ME 22+81.55 on the W-E Ramp line survey of SR 90, Sprague Ave. Interchange Vic. and 31.7 feet northerly therefrom; thence southeasterly to a point opposite HES ME 23+25 on said line survey and 17 feet northerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES W-E 24+55 thereon; thence easterly to a point opposite HES W-E 25+24.50 on said line survey and 16.5 feet northerly therefrom; thence easterly to a point opposite HES FA 27+16 on the FA line survey of said highway and 4.5 feet northerly therefrom; thence easterly to a point opposite HES FA 29+96 on said line survey and 12.5 feet northerly therefrom; thence southerly to a point opposite HES FA 29+97.32 on said line survey and 33 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES FA 30+57.32 thereon; thence northerly to a point opposite said HES and 30 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES FA 32+66.95 thereon; thence southerly to a point opposite said HES and 60 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES FA 33+26.88 thereon; thence northerly to a point opposite HES FA 33+26.83 on said line survey and 38.90 feet southerly therefrom; thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES FA 33+52.63 on said line survey and 19.85 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly to a point opposite HES FA 35+63.97 on said line survey and 25.74 feet southerly therefrom; thence southeasterly to a point opposite PIES FA 35+92.65 and 54.75 feet southerly therefrom; thence northerly to a point opposite HES T 23+44.36 on the T line survey of said highway and 30 feet westerly therefrom; thence westerly to a point opposite HES FA 35+11.90 on the FA line survey of said highway and 21.73 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly to a point opposite HES FA 33+25.94 and 26.92 feet northerly therefrom; thence northerly to a point opposite HES FA 33+25.32 and 58.34 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly to a point opposite HES FA 32+65.32 on said line survey and 57.95 feet northerly therefrom; thence southerly to a point opposite said HES and 47.72 feet northerly therefrom; thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES FA 32+53.92 on said line survey and 32.87 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly to a point opposite HES FA 31+45.09 on said line survey and 33.06 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly to a point opposite HES FA 30+10.41 on said line survey and 33.31 feet northerly therefrom; thence northwesterly to a point opposite HES FA 29+96.16 on said line survey and 52 feet northerly therefrom; thence northerly to a point opposite said HIES and 55 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES FA 29+36.16 thereon; thence southerly to a point opposite said HES and 52 feet northerly therefrom; thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES FA 29+20.75 on said line survey and 34 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES FA 26+75.47 thereon; thence northwesterly to a point opposite HES FA 26+66.10 on said line survey and 40 feet northerly therefrom; thence northerly _ to a point opposite said HES and 55 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES FA 25+83.23 thereon; thence southwesterly along a curve to the right, having a radius of 81.98 feet, an arc distance of 66.84 feet to a point opposite HES ME 25+23.84 on the ME Ramp line survey of said highway and 41 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES ME 23+35.96 thereon; thence northerly to a point opposite HES W-E 23+35.58 on said line survey and 93.37 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES ME 23+05.58 thereon; thence northwesterly to a point opposite HES ME 22+81.01 on said line survey and 105.57 feet northerly therefrom; thence southerly to the point of beginning. PARCEL F: That portion of the South half of the Southwest quarter and the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter•of Section 13; and that portion of the North half of the Northwest quarter and the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 24; all in Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M., in Spokane County, Washington, described follows: Beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as HES)' 74+06 on the SR 90 line survey of SR 90, Sprague Ave. Interchange Vic, and 185 feet southeasterly therefrom; thence southwesterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES 72+25 thereon; thence southeasterly to a point opposite HES SPWE 63+71.45 on the SPWE line survey and 14 feet southerly therefrom; thence northeasterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES S 66+48 on the S line survey of said highway and 50.5 feet southerly therefrom; thence northerly to a point opposite said HES and 50 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES S 69+00.25 C"J thereon; thence southerly to a point opposite said HES and 70 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES S 69+60.25 thereon; thence northerly to a point opposite said HES and 50 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES 72+30.36 thereon; thence southerly to a point opposite said HES and 70 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES S 72+90.36 thereon; thence northerly to a point opposite said HES and 50 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES S 75+60.22 thereon thence southerly to a point opposite said HES and 70 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES S 76+20.22 thereon; thence northerly to a point opposite said HES and 50 feet southerly therefrom; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES S 78+90.98 thereon; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES S 79+50.22 thereon; thence easterly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES S 82+20.00 thereon; thence northerly to a point opposite said HES and 50 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES S 70+64.64 thereon; thence northerly to a point opposite said HES and 70 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES S 70+04.64 thereon; thence southerly to a point opposite said HES and 50 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES S 66+48 thereon; thence northerly to a point opposite said HES and 52.5 feet northerly therefrom; thence westerly to the point of beginning. PARCEL G: That portion of Dyer Street and Dollar Street in the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M., in Spokane County, Washington, lying between above described Parcels E and F. The specific details concerning all of which may be found on Sheet 2, bearing date of approval \ October 17, 1997, revised to February 26, 1999; Sheets 3, 4, 5, 10 and 11 bearing date of approval October 17, 1997, revised to April 17, 1998; Sheets 6 and 9, bearing date of approval October 17, 1997, revised to September 10, 2004; and Sheet 8, bearing date of approval October 17, 1997, revised to December 10, 2004 of that certain plan entitled SR 90, Sprague Ave. Interchange Vic., now of record and on file in the office of the Secretary of Transportation at Olympia, Washington. After Recording Return To: Spokane County Engineer's Office Attn.: Right of Way Department 1026 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260-0170 Document Title: Quit Claim Deed Grantor: Government, County of Spokane Grantee: Last name first, City of Spokane Valley Legal Description: NW 1/4 NW l/4,i`(1W1/4NE1/4 and NE1/4NEl/4 of Section 23; SW 1/4SW1/4 wid SW 1/4SE 1/4 of Section 13 NW 1/4NW 1/4,SW 1/4NW 1/4, NE1/4NW1/4 and SE1/4NW1A of Section 24; All in Township 25 North, Range 43 East, M.M. Additional Legal Description: See Pages 3-6 of Exhibit "A" Assessor's Tax Parcel Number(s): None Assigned-Public Road Authorized by Resolution No. 7-0743 Amending Resolution No. QUIT CLAIM DEED THE GRANTOR, Spokane County; a 'political subdivision of the State of Washington, for and in consideration of Mutual Benefits, conveys and quit claims to City of Spokane Valley , the following described real estate, situated in the County of Spokane, State of Washington: A portion of the following; sections; Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M., Section 24, Township 25 North, Rangc 43 East, W.M., Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M., Spokane County, Washington. For detailed legal description see Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 1 IN WITiNESS WH ~ EOF, said political subdivision has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and its seal to be hereunto affixed this day of .20 AT1'EST: Mark Richard, Chair Bonnie Mager, Vice-Chair Daniela Erickson Todd Mielke, Commissioner Clerk of the )hoard STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) ss On this day of , 20 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Mark Richard, Bonnie Mager and Todd Mielke, to me known to be the elected officials of the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, a political subdivision that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said political subdivision, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of this political subdivision. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC In and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My appointment expires: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-18-07 City Manager Sign-off.- Item: Check all that apply:❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Confirmation of Mayoral Committee Appointments GOVERNENG LEGISLATION: YRE~TIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TA EN: Annually during December, the Mayor makes committee appointment recommendations to be confirmed by Council. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Confirmation of the following Council Appointments for 2008: Chamber of Commerce Board: (one delegate) (Diana Wilhite 2003; Steve Taylor 2004 and 2005; Bill Gothmann 2006 and 2007) Convention Center & Visitor's Bureau: (one delegate and one alternate) (Dick Denenny, Diana Wilhite alt 2003; Steve Taylor, Dick Denenny alt 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007) Greater Spokane Inc. (formerly EDC): (Diana Wilhite, Steve Taylor alt 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007) Emergency Communications Board 911: (Mike DeVleming 2005, 2006, 2007) (one delegate and one alternate) (one delegate) Finance Committee, Spokane Valley: (Diana, Rich and Steve 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; Mike, Rich and Steve 2007) (3 members) Governance Manual: (3 members) (Mike DeVleming, Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan 2002-2005; Mike, Dick, Bill Gothmann 2006-2007) Growth Mgmt Steering Committee of Elected Officials: (2 delegates) (Steve Taylor, Rich Munson 2003-2005; Mike DeVleming, Rich Munson 2006, 2007) I1Teed T i!r, IeIE', ; and all other Cow7cilmembers are alternates. Health Dist Bd (Spokane Regional Health District Bd): _(two delegates) Term Period: Serves at discretion of appointment Mayor but not to exceed 3 years. To appoint or re- appoint, Mayor writes letter to BoCC requesting consideration of Board approval. (Dick Denenny 2003-2005; Dick Denenny Bill Gothmann 2006, 2007) International Trade Alliance: (Rich Munson 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007) (one delegate) SCRAPS (Spokane Co Regional Animal Care & Protection Services): (1 delegate, 1 alt) (Gary Schimmels, Mike DeVleming alt 2003-2007) Solid Waste Advisory Board: (one delegate, one alternate) (Gary Schimmels, Mike DeVleming alt 2003-2007) Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC): (one delegate, one alternate) (Gary Schimmels, Mike DeVleming alt 2003-2006; Gary Schimmels, Diana Wilhite alt 2007) Spokane Transit Authority (STA): (Dick Denenny, Rich Munson alt 2003-2007) (one delegate, one alternate) TPA (Hotel Advisory Committee) Tourism Promotion Area: Gi~nc~l al~~~i~ts-2 merxibers andµc~~~~tticic~ Nominees must be operators or employees of lodging business within Spokane County) Terms end March 31, but members continue until replaced or resign. Jody Sander and Liz Beck expired 3-31-07; Steve Taylor, ex-officio expired 3-31-07. Ms. Sander and Ms. Beck indicated a desire to continue to serve on this committee. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 18, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information X admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Comcast cable franchise - update on negotiations for renewal. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Federal Cable Act. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Extensions of the prior franchise to allow the parties time to negotiate terms of a new agreement. BACKGROUND: The City inherited the County's cable franchise upon incorporation. It was originally agreed to September 5, 1991, and was a fifteen-year franchise. It expired September 5, 2006. The parties agreed to continue under the same terms until a new agreement could be reached. To date, the parties have negotiated under the "informal" process, which is less structured than the "formal" process. There is an attached PowerPoint presentation that-explains more fully where the negotiations currently are on the remaining issues. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Morgan Koudelka, Senior Administrative Analyst; Cary Driskell, DCA ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint ~ 1 / ' i . j Cable Franchise Renewal Facts ❑ Current franchise expired September 4, 2006. ❑ Council approved the continuation of the current franchise until such time as the new franchise agreement takes effect or until such time as .a franchise renewal is denied. ❑ Comcast has invoked the formal process, but concurrently negotiates via the informal process. December 18, 2007 2 0 0 0 What Can the City Regulate? ❑ Signal quality. ❑ Customer service standards. ❑ Standards for use of public right-of-way. ❑ Agreed-upon or voluntarily contracted for broad categories of video programming. ❑ Build-out requirements. ❑ Funding for PEG (local) programming. ❑ Other negotiated terms of the franchise agreement. December 18, 2007 3 Franchise Process ❑ Ascertainment Phase ■ Past Performance Evaluation (e.g. technical review) ■ Future Community Needs Assessment ❑ Request for Proposal- (Formal) ❑ Negotiations December 18, 2007 4 Ascertainment Phase ❑ Survey - conducted in June 2005. ■ Conducted'by Clearwater Research out of Boise, ID. ■ Past performance evaluation and assessment of future community needs. ❑ Technical Review - conducted April 19 and 20, 2006 ■ Conducted by Columbia Telecommunications Corp. out of Columbia, MD. ❑ Safe Inspection of Physical Plant ❑ Testing of Cable Plant and PEG Origination Links ❑ Analysis of System's Ability to Offer Advanced Services ❑ Evaluation and Review of Operator Evaluative Data ❑ Comprehensive Report ❑ Public Hearing - June 13, 2006. December 18, 2007 5 Negotiations ❑ City staff has met with and had conference calls with Comcast representatives on many occasions. ❑ Comcast prefers to negotiate informally ❑ Informal negotiations have stalled in a few major areas. ❑ Comcast has asked to meet with the City management in mid-January in an effort to work things out in the informal process. December 18, 2007 g Major Outstanding Items PEG Capital Funding ❑ City can negotiate for capital funding to support locally originating public access programming; public, educational, and governmental programming. ❑ Comcast is allowed to pass along this reimbursement-to subscribers and negotiates in tenns of an amount per subscriber per month. ❑ Comcast proposal is $.20 lower than the City's need and also requires an operating match from the City. Leneth of the Franchise Agreement ❑ City has requested that this agreement expire at the same time as Spokane's agreement to provide the option for a regional approach (approximately 1.0 years) and to prevent tying up staff resources again in the near future. ❑ Comcast has proposed a four-year term with a four-year renewal option if both parties agree. Competitive Equity ❑ Comcast has proposed language that would automatically apply the more favorable terms (as determined by Comcast) of a new franchise agreement negotiated with a new cable operator to the Comcast franchise. ❑ The City's has utilized the FCC procedures for modification that utilize the standard of the incumbent operator demonstrating commercial impracticability before modifying the agreement. This takes into account the uniqueness of the incumbent's position as both a competitor and an operator with past history in the jurisdiction. December 18, 2007 Next Steps ❑ City meets with Comcast, including Regional VP of Governmental. Affairs. ❑ Either agreement is quickly reached in. informal negotiations or an impasse results. ❑ In the result of an impasse, Council will be notified and the formal renewal process will resume. ■ Formal Needs Assessment Report published ■ RFP issued by City ■ Formal proposal submitted by Comcast ■ Public hearing held ■ Council decides whether to accept or deny franchise proposal December 18, 2007 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-18-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information E) admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Paperless Agendas/Notebook Computers BACKGROUND: The November 27, 2007 Council packet contained an "Information Only" item explaining the previous "touches" for paperless agendas: that on March 20, 2007, staff made a presentation to Council regarding the idea of Council eventually moving to a paperless agenda packet. The highlights of that meeting were: ■ During the first years of the City's history, Council voiced the idea of eventually having paperless agendas. Some positive reasons to switch to paperless agendas are o less staff time o saving on copier paper, toner, and machine wear and tear o less materials for councilmembers to carry back and forth to meetings ■ Council previously voiced a concern that paperless agendas would mean giving up the ability to make notes on their paper copies. That problem was solved with use of "computer tablet" o users can write on the tablet, highlight areas, makes notes on documents o easy to use o notes can be edited, erased o can be used as a tablet or laptop with standard keyboard and mouse o tablet has ample memory to handle numerous council packets and is faster than some laptops o Council could download complete council packet from city's website or have materials e-mailed o Sprint and Verizon offer a wireless cellular connection, which at times surpass DSL speeds IT Specialist Bing indicated he would be available to train Councilmembers and staff on the use of the tablet. Below is the Cost analysis: (in-house printing) Average cost to print one black and white copy: $.0095 Average cost to print one color copy: $.079 Average cost to print one map: $.158 Wear and tear on machines: difficult to calculate; the large copier near the kitchen is rated at 200,000 copies per month; and we don't do half of that now. Many times Council notebooks are extremely large, and would prove to be expensive if we tried to print them outside City Hall, or assign an estimated $.15¢ per page with $3.00 per page for large copies. In addition, color copies are much more expensive to produce. Printing 25 to 28 council notebooks every week takes its toll not only on the copy machine, but also on other staff members' inability to use the copier as it is monopolized by the City Clerk Expected life of councilmember's current laptops is three to five years; and laptops were purchased March 2003. Current laptops are past prime. New tablets are approximately $1,700, and also have a life expectancy of three to four years. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Computer tablets for: Councilmembers: 7 Dave Mercier: 1 Mike Jackson 1 City Clerk 1 Legal 1 Additional staff 1 12 tablets @ an estimated $1,700 each = $20,400 OPTIONS: Authorize staff to move forward with purchase of twelve computer "tablets" for each councilmember, City Manager, Deputy City Manager, City Clerk, Legal, and at least one more for an additional staff member; request further information; determine no further action will be needed at this time; or take other action deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Place this matter on the next Council consent agenda for approval for staff to purchase minimum of twelve computer tablets, along with necessary cables, and accessories. Also to schedule council and staff training sessions for the tablets once their arrival is imminent. ATTACHMENTS None STAFF CONTACT: Chris Bainbridge, Greg Bingaman DRAFT ADVANCE ACEYDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of December 12, 2007; 4:1.5 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings December 25 - Christmas Week - no meeting. January 1, 2008 - HOLIDAY - no meeting January 8, 2008, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. 1. Election of Council Officers - Chris Bainbridge 2. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes 3. Admin Report: Panhandling -Erik Lamb 4. Admin Report: City's 5`s Year Anniversary - Carolbelle Branch 5. Admin Report: Sidewalks (ADA) - Mike Connelly 6. Valley Mission Senior Center Update - Mike Jackson /Steve Worley 7. Aviation Ordinance Discussion - Mike Connelly 8. Billboard Lease - Cary Driskell 9. Info Only: Aquatics Facility Update - Mike Jackson 10. Info Only: Dangerous Dog Ordinance - Cary Driskell [due date Monday, Dec 311 [15 minutes] [5 minutes] [15 minutes] [15 minutes] [15 minutes] [20 minutes] [20 minutes] [15 minutes] [estimated meeting: 120 minutes] Saturda .Janus 12 2008: 9-3 Retreat. CenterPlace Exe. Conf Rm 2nd Floor [due date Friday, Dec 311 1. Review 2008 Council Budget Goals 5. Funding Options/Bond Issues 2. 2009 Council Goals 6. brainstorming 3. Financial Forecast 7. City Hall Facilities Planning/Visioning (1-3 p.m.) 4. six-year business plan 8. info only item: Workplan January 15, 2008, Study Session, 6:00 pan. [due date Monday, Jan 71 1. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Quarterly Update - Greg McCormick (30 minutes) 2. Legislative Matters - Dave Mercier (10 minutes) 3. Dangerous Dog Ordinance Discussion - Cary Driskell (15 minutes) TOTAL MINUTES 55 minutes January 22, 2008, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, .Ian 141 1. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. First I'teading Proposed Ordinance Amending Dangerous Dog (suspend ndes) - Cary Driskell [10 minutes] 3. Admin Report: 2007 Accomplishments Report -Mike Jackson [60 minutes] 4. Admin Report: Legislative Matters - Dave Mercier [10 minutes] 5. Info Only: Department Reports TOTAL MINUTES 120 minutes .January 29, 2008 -No meeting (Council Attends Legislative Session in Olympia) February 5, 2008, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, ,Ian 281 1. Communications Interoperability Presentation - Rick VanLeuven (60 minutes) 2. Legislative Matters - Dave Mercier (10 minutes) February 12, 2008, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Feb 41 1. Legislative Matters - Dave Mercier. (10 minutes) Draft Advance Agenda 12/12/2007 4:12:08 PLM Page I of 2 February 19, 2008, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Book III Sub-area Plan -Michael Freedman 2. Legislative Matters - Dave Mercier February 26, 2008, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. 1. Legislative Matters - Dave Mercier March 4, 2008, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. ' 1. Stormwater Manual Update - John Hohman 2. Legislative Matters - Dave Mercier March 11, 2008, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. 1. Legislative Matters - Dave Mercier March 18, 2008, Study Session, 6:00 mm. 1. Legislative Matters - Dave Mercier March 25, 2008, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Stormwater Manual Update - John Hohman 2. Legislative Matters - Dave Mercier April 1., 2008, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. Subarea Plan Regulations Document - Scott Kuhta 2. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Quarterly Update- Greg McCormick April 8, 2008, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. 1. First Reading Ordinance aclopting Sub-area Plan - Scott Kuhta April 15, 2008, Study Session 6:00 pan. 1. Accident Statistics Along Broadway - Neil Kersten 2. CTR Update - Morgan Koudelka April 22, 2008, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. 1. Second Reading Ordinance Adopting Sub-area Plan - Scott Kuhta 2. Info Only: Department Reports OTHER PENDING OR UPCOMING ISSUES Animal Control Ordinance - Cary Driskell Appeals, Administrative Corporate Process Training Comp Plan Amend-Quarterly Update (Jan, Apl, July, Oct) Emergency Ordinance Graffiti Ordinance Impact Fee Request Central Valley School District Jail Expansion Mirabeau Parkway Speed Limits Northeast Housing Solutions City Membership Overweight/over si7c vehicle ordinance llinc.VMansfleld Contract Award - Steve Worley Private Roads Map Public Record Training Public Safety Communication System Update Sewer Collection Systems-Neil Kersten Strategic Financial Plan (July 2008) Street Design Standards Street MasterPlan Adoption [due date Monday, Feb 111 (120 minutes) (10 minutes) [due date Monday, Feb 181 (10 minutes) [due date Monday, Feb 251 (20 minutes) (10 minutes) [due date Monday, March 31 (10 minutes) [due date Monday, March 101 (10 minutes) [due date Monday, March 171 (20 minutes) [due date Monday, March 241 (30 minutes) (30 minutes) [due date Monday,.March 311 (20 minutes) [due date Monday, April 71 (l5 minutes) (15 minutes) [due date Monday, April 14] (10 minutes] Traffic Model Review TMDL Update 'rransportation Benefit District UDC Revisions: Binding Site Plans/Aviation Zone Use Agreement (Cary Driskell) Work Force Development, In-Service Definitions estimated; does not include time for public comments.] DWI Advance Agenda 12/12/2007 4;12;08 P&4 )'age 2 of 2 S,;w*-Valley- 11.701, E>Sprague.Ave-Suite 106t,* :Spokane.;vattey;VIA 9.9206. 509?921, OQQ) f-flq)( 509:921.1008 # pJty.halt@spgkaneyalley org Informational-MemOrandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and Mombers:of•C Y Co veil 14 Y From: .Steve M. Worley, P:E: Senior Engineer-(CIP) Date: December 10, 2007 Re: Oroject-Statdd Report - PineslMansfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project DESIGN The design of-the PinesNansfield project is hearingg com'pletion,.:Plans are currently 95% cornpl6f& Spokane County will be•fihishing up the-MV nsfield pggion.of the design documents by,the.end .of'the rrionth iivhile the WSDOT will. be completing, the plans, specifications and estimate' for-the Pines: Road (SR 27) portion of the. project: The Union Pacific.. Railroad'is-working on an 6 timate` dr! theWbtk,th'ey will.be.doing to accommodate our road improvements'. The'irw,rork includes relocating exisfing crossing arms and installing an:additional crossing afhi-for sduthbound-traffic. RIGHT-OF-WAY Spokane County is,, nearing completion of the.right-of-way .phase of the. project, They are finalizing negotiations with tWo remaining. property: owners. We anticipate1his phase of the projectto be completed by the end; of December. BID/CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE The project is.curreotly scheduled to advert'ise:foirblds in'February 2008 with .construction to begin in.AprilJMay 2008: PROJECT BUDGET The total. project budget as of this last August has increased from $3,963,825"to $4,986.,736 based .on construction estimates•from W_SDOT and Spokane County. We are currently. Waiting for an. updated, cost. estimate based on,the-final design. This 26%. increase is :du®,to mainly'fq increases.in. cost,-of• materials'fi:oiim wfiat boas originally estimated_back; n,.20.04 and-errots in the original project estimate. A breakdown of the projecfbudget and funding is attached. Our request for $262,5201h additional CMAQ.fundi"ng from the SRTC has been approved. An-additional $329;034 in T.IB funding was requested: back in -June.of.this year: TIB responded by saying additional funding could not be approved at that time but to resubmit.our request When we get: closer-to getting-the project out to bid. This second request will go out.as soon as :we receive&the final engineer's. estimate from the WSD.OT. Pines/Mansfield Revised Cost Estimate PE r . ROW ~'C°siFiucon~ Totals . O_ nginal ` Current Orig#naf. Current : °Oig#nal SGr~rg0t~ , Original. Current County Portion - mansf®Id Ave. j d Preliminary Engineering $75,622; :.$87 Soils'lnvestigation $115 OOa: =26 540 ' 1 Right of-way S6Q0 040" S40,O,Ot~O~ ` L 3~ Project Sign inglL.abor, .Materials, p 0 a 5 4 Equipment - Contingencies - 10% $=6 Construction. Engineering 1004 ` $ 7E : 0. Construction f $ 7ti5#7 i18Y1,88 WSDOT Portioh~(Pines Rd. Design Engineering Right-0f7way (Euclid) ROW -Pines, Constructiobn Contingencies. 10% Sales Tax - 8,60/6 .Construction Engineer nq 10 Subtotals TOTAL $,4~ Oil {$130543' S640„000,_ $400 440 ..94J 4f4~ $ 1' x •5 , 44. $200400. $355 000, ~ S i - , wh $ 25 000 , $0' Y r ~2 970. 5371 44 } ~ , ` _ C~ d A~ ~r~MM t~11~~ ,l1J % ' <r 58 $ 123 T } Sq$ ' 93~ = \ t ^ ti % - r _ r 000 $200 000 000~ ±$125 a365 S4 '$2rD22346~ S0403 , , , ~ &dQ~ .rd3s•~~~• :~725?r10D`- C.-"~40D_'D00:<# WSDOT estimate dated 5125/07'minus Mansfield. portion of project Added $165;000 pei' WSDOT's -request 5/8107 "'Added $1,4028 for,PE; $11,500 for Geotech.per Spokane County r . °proposed~Sfiortfalh :Protect f=unding: Ongmah Current ~ Funding TIES:' S 2 193 561 X55°/n_. $2;193 56'1 4 TIC;.: $ 32fl;D34 'i68°~ Qevelopeis ; y , S 499 795 13%.. . C#ty • 55 DOD 1°/q 55,OD0' .5; :1`yo ' C#1y' INSDOT . ,000 I Sa 1 fq- . :;0%v ll~;►SDOT S• ' '3600 '.7~/0~';4 STA- . 537000 CMAQ 1,;160;500 S1;423''U20 :29~Jo C-.MAQ Total $ .3;963;8`56; 106 '/0 $4 752;581 -95'~e: Total: _ $ !88 955 <1OQ%a'.. $3.,61 J P1117', , $2;347;346 $3,269,039 53,963;825 ~ .$4,98,6;736. Additional Items. hot.-In above4 timate VPRR:Cost S 250,000 Pines/Mirabeau.Parkiaa `Si' ral $ - •S'ub Total $ 2'50;004 Shortfail w1 - Addit#onal Items T~ x€84155_ Briefing Paper City of Spokane Human Services Homelessness Housing and Assistance Act -ESSHB 2163 Regional 2163 Task Force Funding Recommendations for 2008 December 7, 2007 Rackground In 2005, the Washington State Legislature passed and the Governor signed a bill known as the Homelessness Housing and Assistance Act ESSHB 2163 ("Act"). The purpose of the Act was to recognize the fiscal and societal costs of homeless for both the public and private sectors and set forth a goal for state and local governments to end homelessness. The Act applies a surcharge of $10 on each real estate transaction within Washington State. Each county collects the funds and sends 40 percent to the state and uses the other 60 percent locally toward reducing homelessness in their county. The Act requires both the state and local jurisdictions to develop 10 Year Plans to Address Homelessness and to report results annually. Both plans must minimally aim to reduce homelessness by 50% in ten years (2015). The Act also requires an annual census of homeless persons, otherwise known as the "One Day Count". Background / Local Level On July 10, 2006 the Spokane City Council approved the establishment of a Regional 2163 Task Force and the execution of an inter-local agreement between Spokane County and other Cities/Towns within Spokane County, including the City of Spokane Valley. Per the inter-local agreement, the City of Spokane's Human Services department acts as the administrator of the Request for Proposal (RFP) and subsequent contracts established with homeless service agencies awarded HHAA 2163 funds. In January of. 2007, $650,000 was awarded to fourteen programs. For the 2008 funding cycle, the Task Force received 26 proposals totaling more than $1.7 million in requests, with approximately $750,000 available to allocate. The Inter-local ensures regional representation. The Task Force is to be comprised, at a minimum, of the following representatives: 1. Two (2) Representatives of the City of Spokane Valley, appointed by the Mayor 2. Four (4) Representatives of the City of Spokane, as appointed by the Mayor 3. Four (4) Representatives of Spokane County 4. A homeless or formerly homeless person 0 Staff support for the Task Force is provided by City of Spokane staff Jerrie Allard, Director of Human Services, Amy Jones, Human Services Assistant and Susan King, Homeless/Housing Assistant. Christine Barada, Director of Spokane County Housing & Community Development and Community Services, Debbie Detmer and Tim Crowley, Community Development Specialists, represent the County. 2007/08 2163 Grant Proposal Process In August of 2007, the City of Spokane's Human Services Department released a Request for Proposal (RFP) with approximately $750,000 in available funds. In consideration of the overarching goal of reducing homeless, the RFP called for proposals that addressed the following priorities: • Permanent Supportive Housing for homeless individuals, families and independent youth. • Supportive Services for those homeless individuals, families and independent youth in Permanent Supportive Housing, Transitional Housing, Emergency Shelters and/or on the streets. • Homelessness Prevention for individuals, families and independent youth at risk of homelessness. • Employment Training and Education for homeless individuals, families and independent youth currently not employed. • Emergency Shelter 2007/08 Prooosals and Fundina Recommendations The Task Force has completed their deliberations of the 2008 proposals. Following endorsement of the City of Spokane Valley City Council and City of Spokane City Council, the recommendations will be forwarded to the Spokane County Board of Commissioners for final approval. A complete listing of proposals received and the Task Force recommendations for funding is attached. The Citv Human Services Deaartment's Continued Role Upon approval of the 2008 funding awards, the Human Services Department will enter into contract with successful applicants. Agencies are required to report on program performance measures on a quarterly basis with this information being provided to the Task Force and included in required reports for the Department of Community Trade and Economic Development (CTED). The Task Force's Continued Role The Task Force was set up as a two year pilot project and is scheduled to end in July of 2008, as such; they are seeking guidance regarding their future role. Task Force member, Gail Kogle, is scheduled to brief City of Spokane Valley City Council on the Task Force recommendations as early as the second week of December, 2007. At that time, Ms. Kogle will also get input from the City of Spokane Valley City Council regarding the future of the Task Force. 2 Impact on the Spokane Region -'f While agencies providing homeless and low-income housing services are to be commended for the work they do and the accomplishments they have made in addressing homelessness, we still have work to do. According to the most recent One Day Count, January 26, 2006, there were 1187 individuals counted as homeless on that day. In order to successfully reduce homelessness, funding for a continuum of services is needed. The funding provided through the Act has been a great asset to our community in furthering our goal of reducing homelessness by 50 percent by the year 2015. Staff Recommended Action City of Spokane Human Services staff encourages support of the Task Force recommendations. The Task Force includes a broad range of interests, backgrounds and expertise and was very thorough in their consideration and deliberation of each proposal. Respectfully Submitted By: Jerrie Allard Human Services Director Susan King Homeless/Housing Assistant Human Services Department City of Spokane December 4, 2007 Attachment: 2008 HHAA Task Force funding recommendations 3 2008 HHAA, 2163 Task Force Recommended Allocations Amount Recommended Applicant Agency Program Activity Requested Allocation Native American agencies weaving Case management, advocacy & American Indian Community Center homeless prevention transportation $ 40,000 S - Funding to keep Sleeping Program open Catholic Charities House of Charity Sleeping Program from May to September $ 105,966 $ 105,966 Partial funding for housing & case Catholic Charities House of Charity Supportive Services mans ement S 40,273 $ 30,000 Partial funding for .5 FTE to provide Catholic Charities St. Margaret's Aftercare Services aftercare support for families moving from shelter $ 31,252 $ 20,000 Partial funding for.75 FTE when combined Catholic Charities St. Margaret's Case Mgmt. 1 Life w/ other funding for Case management, Life Skills Skills Services. $ 31,355 $ 16,000 Coalition for Responsible Disabled Rent/Deposit Assistance Funded w/ 2060 for Rent/deposit assistance 100 $ - CORD for low-income & homeless $ 37, Community Health Association of Integrated Chemical Dependency On-site substance abuse & screening and Spokane CHAS Services education for homeless $ 79,329 $ - Funding for employment plan via outreach Goodwill Moving Forward & referral $ 98,200 $ 98,200 To Develop 33 units, 7 of which are Inland Empire Residential Resources Market Street Station permanent supportive housing $ 105,000 S Partial funding for .5 to provide case Life Skills Maternity Home After Care Program mane ement for after care clients $ 85,000 $ 31,800 Our Place Emergency Services Center Funding for Rental Assistance $ 29,400 $ 20,000 Pioneer Human Services Pioneer House New permanent supportive housing $ 165,065 $ - Funding to expand availablilty of ovemight Salvation Army Family Emergency Shelter shelter - increase operations & management staff S 33,168 $ 33,168 Partial funding for Case Mgmt. - 6 month Salvation Army Transitional Housing aftercare & follow-up $ 40,619 $ 9,419 Spokane County Housing & Rural Rental Assistance Program Funding for emergency rental assistance Community Development and deposit/background check assistance S 60,632 $ 50,000 Partially fund case management & Spokane Housing Ventures Wilton Apartments background checks at the Wilton Apts. $ 32,090 $ 22,500 City of i ,ane Human Services1 211 2/2 007 2008 HNAA, 2163 Task Force Recommended Allocations Applicant Agency Program Activity Amount Recommended Requested Allocation Partial funding to increase Outreach Team Spokane Mental Health Homeless Outreach Team by 1.5 FTE's when combined with other funding sources $ 151,870 $ 62,314 Spokane Neighborhood Action Case mgmt. and support services to Programs (SNAP) Downtown Relocation Assistance displaced DT tenants - tied to NEWHS 2060 which was not funded $ 87,613 $ - Partial funding split between 2060 & 2163 to Spokane Urban Ministries Walnut Comers develop 47 units -18 of which are permanent affordable housing linked to support services S 56,599 S 28,300 Transitions Chemical Dependency Specialist Full funding for CD Specialist for group & individual counseling S 44,287 $ 44,287 Transitions Transitional Living Center Educare Medicaid Treatment Childcare $ 29,103 $ - Partial funding for.75 FTE to provide Case Transitions Aftercare Services for Alumni Mgmt.and life skills training for clients leaving residential programs $ 45,156 $ 22,500 Transitions Women's Hearth Funding to support continued expansion of hours of operation at Women's Hearth $ 42,400 S 42,400 Partial funding for 10 units of permanent Volunteers of America Permanent Supportive Housing supportive housing for individuals, families & youth $ 202,675 $ 103,181 YWCA Alternatives to Domestic Violence Partial funding for 4 units of supportive Supportive Housing Project housing for DV victims/families $ 35,650 $ 26,000 YWCA Our Sister's Closet Promote & encourage community donations of women's clothing $ 10,000 $ - TOTALS $ 1,719,803 $ 766,035 City of Spokane Human Services 12/12/2007 u Spo ern' 0-~..ns-'~~ ~e ;OOValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevaltey.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director Date: December 10, 2007 Re: November Report finance employees worked in the following areas during November: 2008 Budget preparation Documents were filed with the County Commissioners and the County Assessor to officially record our budget request for 2008. Budget variance/investment reports Reports showing a comparison of revenues and expenditures; to the 2007 Amended Budget, at November 30, are attached. Staff provides information on selected operating funds at month end 'l and a more complete report quarterly. Overall, revenues will likely exceed our estimates and expenditures will likely be less than budgeted. Gambling tax receipts for 2007 are less than projected in our budget. We have two significant accounts that have fallen behind. We will continue to monitor these accounts but full collection is unlikely. Investment income, Park/Recreatioti/CentcrPlace income and Planning & Building fees are exceeding our estimates. The investment report is attached for your review. Annual audit The auditors have returned to complete their work on the City's 2006 records. We expect this will take a few more months. Lodging taxi ant applications Applications were reviewed in October for programs to promote tourism. Six applications were approved by the City Council. The Valley Chamber application was considered again by the Lodging Advisory Committee on December 3. A final decision on the Chamber's application will be made in April once additional information has been provided by the Chamber. Multiyear financial plan Updates to this plan will be prepared in December for the January retreat. City of Spokane Valley Selected Operating Funds. Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended November 30, 2007 Unaudited Amended Budget November YTD Unrealized Percent 2007 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized General Fund Revenues: Unreserved Fund Balance $ 7,068,000 $ - S 7,068,000 $ - 100.00% 4 Property Tax 9,745,000 3,501,061 8,894,461 850,539 91.27% Sales Tax 18,986,800 1,809,699 16,493,738 2,493,062 86.87 Gambling Tax 910,000 191,902 545,115 364,885 59.90 3 Franchise Fees/Business Licenses 904,170 5,345 708,193 195,977 78.33 1 State Shared Revenues 1,201,000 296 972,371 228,629 80.96 Planning & Building Fees 1,867,000 106,726 2,111,256 (244,256) 113.08 2 Fines and Forfeitures 1,250,000 129,029 1,163,841 86,159 93.11 Recreation Program Fees 447,700 24,328 507,575 (59,875) 113.37 Investment Int. & Other 572,800 56,053 523,377 49,423 91.37 Operating Transfers 75,000 - 74,300 700 99.07 General Fund $ 43,027,470 $ 5,824,438 $ 39,062,228 $ 3,965,242 90.78% Other Fund Revenues: Street Fund $ 7,658,000 S 207,082 $ 2,881,035 $ 4,776,965 37.62% Hotel/Motel Fund 658,000 45,920 414,810 243,190 63.04 ` Stormwater Fund 3,195,762 573,234 1,601,773 1,593,989 50.12 Other Funds $ 11,511,762 $ 826,236 $ 4,897,618 $ 6,614,144 42.54% Amended Budget November YTD Unrealized Percent 2007 Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Realized General Fund Expenditures: Legislative Branch 296,393 14,910 203,997 92,396 68.83 Executive & Legislative Support 892,854 60,253 679,019 213,835 76.05 Public Safety 18,256,400 1,359,864 15,598,180 2,658,220 85.44 Operations & Administrative Svcs 1,470,608 80,644 971,021 499,587 66.03 Public Works 1,391,887 96,007 950,838 441,049 68.31 Planning & Community Dev. 2,411,276 200,168 2,031,848 379,428 84.26 Library Services 20,000 5,640 10,199 9,801 51.00 Parks & Recreation 2,087,086 123,496 1,684,598 402,488 80.72 General Government 13,893,000 81,360 7,115,148 6,777,852 51.21 General Fund $ 40,719,504 $ 2,022,342 $ 29,244,848 $ 11,474,656 71.82% Other Fund Expenditures: Street Fund $ 4,326,372 $ 329,820 $ 3,600,512 $ 725,860 83.22% Hotel/Motel Fund 658,000 63,691 311,942 346,058 47.41 Stormwaler Fund 2,240,309 114,238 1,187,046 1,053,263 52.99 ' Other Funds $ 7,224,681 $ 507,749 $ 5,099,500 S 2,125,181 70.58% 1211012007 1:39 PM City of Spokane Valley Investment Report For the Month of November 2007 Total LGIP" BB Money Mkt' BB CD Investments Beginning $ 36,151,948.72 $ 1,626,353.10 $ 1,026,183.01 $ 38,804,484.83 Deposits 4,046,536.29 - - 4,046,536.29 Withdrawls (500,000.00) - - (500,000.00) Interest 142,478.01 4,215.15 - 146,693.16 Ending $ 39,840,963.02 $ 1,630,568.25 $ 1,026,183.01 $ 42,4971714.28 Balances by Fund General Fund $ 11,372,879.36 Street Fund 3,982,948.31 Arterial Street 795,909.96 Paths & Trails 23,261.65 Hotel/Motel 484,134.73 CenterPLace Operating Reserve 336,157.00 Service Level Stabilization Reserve 5,205,594.78 Winter Weather Reserve 557,434.52 1 Civic Facilities Replacement- 398,401.81 Capital Projects 4,495,555.86 Special Capital Projects 4,905,635.78 Mirabeau Point Project 362,889.21 Parks Capital Project 1,038,317.01 Civic Buildings Capital Projects 5,722,941.86 Stormwater Management 2,037,629.81 Equipment Rental & Replacement 763,536.39 Risk Management 14,486.24 $ 42,497,714.28 'Local Government Investment Pool ' Banner Bank FOOTNOTES 1 Received quarterly 2 New construction projects are exceeding our estimates. 3 Two accounts delinquent 4 Error in beg. Fund bal of amended budget. Estimated 12/10/2007 1:39 PM Spokane ~ a ~ v PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT November 2007 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • Street Maintenance - County Street Maintenance Interlocal • Street Sweeping - AAA completed the fall sweeping in November. • Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair contract -Poe Asphalt Paving Inc. has stopped working during for the winter. • Landscaping Services - Spokane ProCare has stopped working for the winter. • Vactoring Contract -AAA Sweeping is cleaning drywells. • Engineering Services Support -Agreements with private engineering firms. • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal *Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal • Safety Plan - Contract with CH2M Hill. Plan in final-draft review. WASTEWATER: \ Count is in the process of updating their Environmental Impact Statement EIS for their Wastewater Facilities Plan and conducting the RRP process for a new treatment plant. The public comment period for the Spokane River Dissolved Oxygen TMDL ended in November. Ecology is currently reviewing the public comments. http://wvvw.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/tmdl/spokanedver/dissolved-oxygen/index.html CAPITAL PROJECTS: • City Hall Project Bernardo Wills PC - GGLO are conducting the programming phase with City staff. They are scheduled to meet with the City Council on January 12, 2008. • Valley Corridor Project Project on hold pending outcome of the Sprague/Appleway Corridor Sub Area Plan. • Street Master Plan Consultant presented phase 1 of the draft Street Master Plan report to Council on 17 July. Phase II presentation was held October 16. Staff also presented to Council on November 7 an amendment to JUB's contract to update the Street Master Plan for 2008. • Pines/Mansfield Spokane County Right of Way agents are continuing work on the acquisition process, negotiating with the two remaining property owners without acquisition agreements in place. Union Pacific RR is to put together a Cost Estimate for the RR crossing modifications addressed at the 30 Oct meeting. Spokane County and WSDOT designers compiling final project estimate. The project is currently scheduled to advertise for bids in February 2008 with construction scheduled to begin in April 2008. • Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - Tschirley to Hodges Bids for the project were opened on September 28`h. Knife River was awarded the project as the low bidder for $4,565,859.95. The project is scheduled for an early March start. Barker Road Bridge Project Design is at 97% complete. Have received release of right of way funds from WSDOT, and are working with Spokane County Right of Way to complete acquisition and construction easement agreements. The design is proceeding to 100%. This project is scheduled to advertise in January 2008 with construction scheduled to begin in April 2008. Architectural enhancements have been approved by Council; working with artist and consultant designer to incorporate into final design. Shoreline Development Permit applications has been sent for public comment, technical review meeting occurred on 21 Nov 07, public hearing on 20 Dec 07. ' CONSTRUCTION • Argonne Road Overlay Project Project complete. Project closeout has begun. • Barker Road Project Project complete. Punch list complete. Project closeout to begin. • Veradale Heights Sanitary Sewer Project Project complete. Awaiting final billing. • Vera Terrace Sanitary Sewer Project Project complete. Punch list complete. Awaiting final billing from Spokane County. • Spaldings Sanitary Sewer Project The projects design is 90% complete with a bid date scheduled for 2008. • Trentwood Sanitary Sewer Project The contract was awarded to Knife River Co. Construction began on July 9, 2007. The project is approximately 75% complete. • Grandview Acres Sanitary Sewer Project The contract was awarded to Knife River-Co. Construction began on June 5, 2007. The project is approximately 60% complete. TRAFFIC: • Worked with WSDOT and Spokane County signal crews to improve signal coordination at Valley Mall during the holiday shopping season. We plan to make observations during the peak shopping days and further refine the plans. • Implemented a leading pedestrian interval at the intersection of 8h/Sullivan to improve CV High School pedestrian safety while crossing Sullivan. • Continued working with SRTC on revisions to the regional travel demand model. An MTP version has been finalized .and is being used for the Sprague-Appleway Sub-Area plan. • Four of the six school beacons funded through the 2007 grant have been installed. A necessary easement has been obtained and we expect complete the beacon installations at the Summit School in December. The WTSC reimbursed the full cost of the equipment purchase. • Energy use is being tracked to measure the impact of LED installations at signals. • 25 New citizen requests/complaints were received via phone and email. These typically involve traffic signals, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concerns, streetlight outages, requests for new streetlights, traffic count requests, and parking issues. STORMWATER: • Created database and organized floodplain permits for Planning and Development. • Worked with County to gather up historical floodplain permits and data. County will be scanning two boxes of files and sending to us with next 6 months. • Nearly finished updating the stormwater tax rolls for 2008. • Received a 1 year time extension from DOE for the NPDES Phase II grant. • Working with DOE to register existing drywells with GIS. • Finished up vactoring of dirty drywells. STREET MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY: City 2007 budget is $3,523,202 ($2,656,191 in the Street Fund and $867,011 in the Stormwater Fund). Through the end of November private contracts have invoiced $1,537,289 and the County has invoiced $1,167,996, for a total Street Maintenance cost of $2,705,285. The County has invoiced $6,551 and private contracts have invoiced $671,222, for a total Stormwater Maintenance cost of $677,773. The overall total is $3,383,058 or 96% of the budgeted funds. STREET & STORMWATER MAINTENANCE PERCENTAGES County Stormwater Maintenance $6,551 Remaining 131,ndget Private Street Maintenance .2% $140,145 $1,537,2a9 4% 44% Private Stanmvater Maintenance / 5671,222 19% County Street Maintenance $1,167,996 33% November, 2007 Public Works Street Maintenance. [ Private Street Maintenance IN County Street Maintenance ❑ Private Stannvrater Maintenance ❑ County Stormwaler Maintenance * Remaininq Budget A. Triple A LLC, finished the Fall Sweeping Program in residential areas, collectors and arterials. B. Spokane County, District #4 went into full Winter Maintenance Operations for the City of Spokane Valley. They have been applying de-icers and plowed arterials once. C. Geiger crews have worked throughout the City of Spokane Valley picking up litter and trash. D. Spokane County Sign Shop personnel re-striped (Solid and Skip lines) arterials in the Valley. E. City of 'Spokane Valley Public Works personnel began winter Pothole maintenance/repair. F. Brad Southard continued removing deceased deer from City of Spokane Valley streets and R.O.W. G. Spokane County Sign Shop has repaired/replaced numerous street signs/stop signs damaged by wind storms and vehicle accident damage. W. Triple A LLC, provided Vactoring service to clean storm water catch basins and drywell's.. S pokane val.ley~ Capital Improvement Projects 2006 & 2007 PROJECTS Proposed Estimated Design Construction 2006 (2007) Tota l Project Cost Funding Road Construction Projects Project Location Bid Date Completion Date Complete Complete Funding STP(U)- Argonne Road Overlay Indiana Avenue to Montgomery Avenue Mar-06 811107 100% 109% S 316,600 $ 316,600 Road Design Projects T1BICMAQ Pines Manstlold Project Wilbur Rd. to Pines Rd., Pines to 1 90 Feb-08 911108 95% 0% $ 1,032,015 $ 4,531,048 S'I-P(U) Apploway Avenue Reconstruction Tschidey Rd. to Hodges Rd. Sep-07 911108 100% 0% $ 609,000 $ 6,099,568 BR Darker Road Bridge Reptacerrtunt Barker Rd. at Spokane River Jan-08 1211100 95% 0% $ 836,101 $ 10,000,000 Sewer Projects City Veradale Heights - Paveback Valleyvray to Mission. Evergreen to Adams Mar-06 611107 100% 100% $ 430,256 S 430,256 city Vera .Terrace - Paveback 2nd to 7th, Evergreen to Bums May-06 511107 100% ,100% $ 341,264 $ 341,264 . City Spaldings - Paveback Indiana West of Montgomery May-07 1111107 90% 0% S - $ - City Grandview Acres - Paveback Apr-07 611107 100% 60% S - $ City - Tienhvood - Paveback Apr-07 611107 100% 75% S - $ Planning Projects STP(U) Valley Corridor Environmental Study University to Appleway n/a Jun-07 0% 0`Yo $ - S - STP(U) Valley Couplet - Project 2 University to Evergreen 0% 0% Total $ 3,625,236 $ 21,718,736 STP(U) - Surface Transportation Program (Urban); TO - Transportation Improvement Board; BRAG - Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee; COBG - Community Development Block Grant Pragiarn CrYIAQ - Congestion Management/Air Quality Program; STA - Spokane Transit Authority Nov 2'a,,, istruction Projects CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY J Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-18-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Administration of Oath of Office for Councilmembers GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Councilmembers may be sworn in at the last council meeting in December or up to ten days before the scheduled day of assuming office, January 1. (RCW 29.04.170(3).) Who may administer the oath of office? RCW 29.01.135(4) provides that an oath or affirmation "shall be administered and certified by any officer or notary public who administers oaths, without charge therefore." A notary public is clearly authorized to administer oaths as are judicial officers and city clerks. 01 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: City Clerk Bainbridge will administer the oath of office to Councilmembers Dempsey, Gothmann, and Taylor. l-1 BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Chris Bainbridge