2007, 01-27 Special Council RetreatAGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL RETRI~ ATIWORKSHOP Saturday, January 27, 2007 9:00 a-m- -3:00 p.m. CentaPlace lounge, Second Floor 2426 N Discovery Place Spokane Valley, Washington Council Requests All F-lectrunic Devices be Turned OR During Council Meeting . - - - Nato: Thsro will be a 15-minute break at ap~uoxlmatefy 10:15 a.nt., and a half-hour lunch break at noon. . . Communications Program - Mayor Wilhite and Dave Mercier 2. Review 2007 Council Goals - Mayor Wilhite 3. Updated Financial Forecast - Ken Thompson LUNCH BREAK d. Council 200H Goals - Dave Mercier 5. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (S.W.O.T.) - Nina Regor 6. Brainstorming - Dave Mercier Adjourn Retrce Agenda 01-27-07 flap1of 1 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 # cityhatl®spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: January 27, 2007 Re: Background Information for January 27, 2007 Retreat -Be purpose of this memo is to provide a summary of the intent of each scheduled agenda item, as well as any necessary attachments. Agenda Item N 1: Communications Program Review and discuss the proactive outreach efforts made by the City. This is an opportunity to confirm the communications program is heading in the direction consistent with the interests of the Council. (See attachment #I) Agenda Item X12: Review 2007 Council Budget Goals At each retreat, time is set aside for Council to consider its most recently adopted Goals, to ensure they are up to date. Following are the seven adopted 2007 Council Budget Croals. They provide the basis for the 2007 Work Plan, which is an attached infomational memo. 1. Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, enhanced citizen awareness of options for the future and pursuit of the most cfiicient and economical use of allowed wastewater discharges. 2. Explore the available telecommunications infrastructure that may be accessed by public institutions, residents, and businesses within Spokane: Valley. 3. Adopt a sub-area plan for the Sprague Corridor and initiate the implementation of achievable recommendations. 4. population projections within and adjacent to city limits and to outline annexation policies. 5. Adopt a Street Master Plan and draft a financial strategy to implement the plan. 6. Establish departmental priorities and incorporate them into a six-year business plan for each department that includes forward looking budget and funding implications. 7. Adopt a Uniform Development Code that implements the Comprehensive Plan. Background Information for January 27, 200 Retreat, continued January 27, 2007 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item # 3: Financial Forecast The purpose of this item is to review the latest revenue and expenditure projections for the General, Street, and Capital Funds for 2007-2012. We do this to identify financial problems that may be on the horizon. This allows us to be better prepared for these problems. (See Attachment #4 Agenda Item # 4: 2008 Council Goals This is an opportunity to have a preliminary discussion about the 2008 Council Goals. Agenda Item # 5: SWOT Analysis In November 2003, the City Council and Planning Commission conducted a SWOT Analysis. It formed the basis for the Community Vision drafted as part of the comprehensive planning process. The City is developing its first six-year Business Plan, based upon a SWOT Analysis and adopted Council goals. There have been significant changes over the past three years, such that the original SWOT Analysis may be outdated- The purpose of this agenda item is to conduct a new SWOT Analysis. The results of the 2003 SWOT Analysis are attached as reference. (See Attachment # 3) Agenda Item # 6: BrainstorminE Brainstorming is a lateral thinking process. It asks that people come up with ideas and thoughts that seem at first to be unrelated, too big of an issue, or too minor. We can then change and improve them into ideas that are useful and productive. One of the actual topics may include a discussion on our approach and creating some protocols for our lobbying efforts this year. Attachments: 1. Agenda Item #1: Communications Program 2. Agenda Item # 3: Financial Forecast 3. Agenda Item # 5: SWOT Analysis 4. Information Only: a. 2007 Work flan Annual Work Plan for 2007 Operations & Administrative Services Public Works Parks & Recreation Community Development 2007 Budget Goals The 2007 budget reflects the distribution of resources consistent with the Council's determination of core services priorities. The following goals represent just the very broad areas of concentration important to the well being of the community. 1. Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, enhanced ci tizen awareness of options for the future and pursuit of the most efficient and economical use of allowed wastewater discharges. 2. Explore the available telecommunications infrastructure that may be accessed by public institutions, residents, and businesses within Spokane Valley. 3. Adopt a sub-area plan for the Sprague Corridor and initiate the implementation of achievable recommendations. 4. Amend the comprehensive plan to reflect accommodation of Spokane Valley population projections within and adjacent to city limits and to outline annexation policies. 5. Adopt a Street Master Plan and draft a financial strategy to implement the plan. 6. Establish departmental priorities and incorporate them into a six-year business plan for each department that includes forward looking budget and funding implications. 7. Adopt a Uniform Development Code that implements the Comprehensive Plan. I Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, enhanced citizen awareness of options for the future and pursuit of the most efficient and economic.tl use of allo%ti-ec1 wastewater ilischar es. Public Works - Tasks and Timeline: Continuo Mondorrfng Wastewater Os err MI a- 0307 04 or IMNS 46* AV Hrr lur 1Lr AV S40 ad F.O% V Spokane, and Dept. of Eoology regarding Wastewater Treatment Facility options Wlore the available telecommunications infrastructure that may be accessed by public institutions, residents, and businesses within Spokane Valley. Operations and Administrative Services - Tasks and Timeline: Explore the Available Of OT im or c* ar a+ vs omrrwnlratlcvxs lnfrasm~cture t T@TOOO w , , •o a r 1 f xpore regional nerwork capat,titties 2 Meet with areawide agencies re: current status & needs 3 Meet whh Economic Development t ^r:l _ir•_nt status & needs - Adopt asub-area plan for the Sprague Corridor and initiate the implementation of achievable -Tasks and Tirneline: ConWWe SprsgtwJAppAWMy d l l 0107 w or mar to W an an BaQ n Revltalitntion P Implementaon 3en /ti Ns JVr Wf run Jl Mg asp fJtt Mri C~ac 1 Fresentation of final concept plan 2 Final draft of revitalization plan - 3 Public review of draft plan - 4 Planning Commission consideration 5 Council consideration - ' r1ltt~itf~ If~li~l:-r1'rF-!liatl6!~ Amend the comprehensive plan to reflect accommodation of Spokane Valley population proiections within and adjacent to city limits and to outline annexation policies. Community Development - Tasks and Timeline: Fkst Updstte of tfre Con pre w wd" h 01 07 0. 707 oa m 0401, Area Pbm to includd Urban Growt (U" Aamtlchttortts IT Feo 4W nMy d AN AV Sp Ocr Mvr ac t :staff analysis and recommendations 2 Recommendations to Planning Commission _ Comp. Plan update and UGA recommendations to Council Adopt a Street Master Plan and draft a financial strategy to implement the plan. Public Works - Tasks and Timeline: Adopt well-defined Strut Master W °r °r 02 qa or 0407 Plan. w 1rh Fund wig Optitoln ; .e 4u~ rar 4a sas ~ cr nr. ax t Develop Prnj:-cis and Estimate Costs 1 street Master Plan update to Courxdd _ 1 3 1 :nal Report that includes forward looking budget and Operations & Administrative Services/Citywide - Tasks and Timeline: Community Development - Tasks and Timeline: Complete 0107 0207 0307 - Qt Ci 1 1 UnNorm Development Code (UDC) ruc ARID Mr Abt Joy SW as Hew Orc :-tiff review 8nd rcc: ?rr rn~: r.rlat+ons 'o 1 update UDC implementing Comprehensive Plan 2 Draft UDC to Planning Commission 3 Draft UDC to Council _ 4 Final adoption of UDC in compliance . with the Growth Management Act 5 Implement Zoning Changes Department Objectives Operations & Administrative Services Continue to Develop Hum&n Resources of r; 0107 QJpr Ga on Functions wttMn Ma Organization sm r.6 w AP uhi, -W A4 MW PSe t Issues and areas Develop handbook of administrative policies to 2 Inform employees of personnel related policies procedures Expand City's web based intranet to help 3 provide employees with resources & tools to improve interdepartmental cooperation 0107 02,07 W07 qs G7 Finance Jsn FO Npr Apr Miry .am Aoq Sap Ckt WV Oec 1 slx-yfai,r iirlancial tulu(:a--t to incorporate costs associated with the priorities identified in the six-year business plan for departments 2 Consider recommendations made by the State Auditor's Office for improved internal control Operations & Administrative Services - con't dfor 0207 0307 CR0'7 Contract Management Jan Feo UN Apr Mar Jun JW Aug Sap ocr Nov Dec 7 N`gollate cabi_ tii3rlC:iilb Develop and implement contract 2 management auditing functions Identify measurement tools (e.g. usage re rte) Develop audit work plan for each contract 77 Develop audit schedule and criteria Perform audits and oompile results Emphssls on Irrtamal and Ezternaf or or ad? or oa or a ar Cammunlcstlon J.K Feb MW Jipr lift, jW .0- 1 AW $+v c> Tf4 cmc ate 2 desk rit~.•~„~I_~~ _..b~_,," rU'iCL' 1 for each position in the Deputy City Manager Division Identify and implement at least two i d f i i 2 on an ormat proactive commun n ty involvement mechanisms Sign-up 2000 email subscribers to e-newsletter Develop list of topics/speakers available for Speakers Bureau & promote Develop information brochures on high- interest areas regarding City processes that seek to answer the most common inquiries about these processes Create brochure on residential permitting process (non-developer oriented) Create Informational brochure on frequently reported types of code compliance Public Works Q1 R: C12 07 CO olQr Onara~rrs 6 Yatnt+er !x~ ~.a ~t.. ~r► ua~ ~►,n Ott ~q SW Od NOV Nfjft with f 1 Committee to evaluate the possrb►ltUes o a Spokane Regional Wastewater Alliance r l Develop six-year StormwMer Capital 2 Improvement plan Identity & recommend new projects Draft six-year plan - 3 Coordinate signal lights along Sullivan corridor Receive and install new controllers Implement timing plans i Bid certain street maintenance activities Bid street repair Bid sweeping Award and manage contracts 5 Flashing Beacon/Speed Display Phase III Conduct/Complete Survey Apply for grant funding Order Equipment Installation - Implementation - G: Stormwater Regional Manual Complete Final Draft Adopt Stormwater Manual by ordinance 7 Beverly Hills Drainage Improvements Construct improvements Bid project and award contract Underground injection control compliance Inventory & assessment Begin Implementing NPDES Phase II 9 Permit Public Works - con't r qr ar 42 or q3 a7 W or mprpvament Capital E E MAf Aiy May ,km Ad Aeq Sep Pct Nor Dec for Arterial Roadways Identify & recommend new projects Public hearing on draft plan Seek Council approval of plan Submit STP,TIB & other grant requests i l P C ap ta rojects Valley Corridor - Environmental A li i t d ssessmen an pre m nary engineering Pines/Mansfield intersection - design, ROW acquisition, construction Trentwood - design & construction Grandview Acres - design construction Spaldings - design & construction Barker Rd. Bridge - design & permitt)ng Veradale Heights sewer project - construction Barker Rd widening - Boone Ave to Spokane River - construction Appleway Ave Reconstruction - T l Rd d i hi Rd t H d o - gn, sc r ey o ges es ROW & construction Argonne Rd overlay - Indiana Ave to Montgomery - striping - 44th Ave_ Pathway, Woodruff to Sands - design only Signal Controller Upgrades Sullivan Rd PCC (WSDOT) - Parks & Recreation 6 F R d P flf Of 07 QT. Jl 0307 CM o. on mgrams ac Ues ecrw .W1 FaD Meg ' r r 1ul1 Jul AW Sqp od taw bec A 1 ccreditations Investigate accreditation with National Park & Recreation Association Investigate accreditation with National Institute of Senior Centers i i i 2 Paris land acqu on s t Greenacres - negotiations Greenacres - purchase i f f l i y uture potent a tes Identi s Council deliberations h Negotiations/purc ase 3 Park Improvements ' s Universal Park Children Pursue funding Select Architect & Engineering - i q ons Pool ConstructioniRenovat Public review & meetings Preliminary plan - Council deliberations Final plan Select Contractor - Construction 5 CenterPlace Regional Marketing Plan 6 Evaluate use of old Senior Center building 10 Community Development k V ll D l t S 0107 nor a3 a~ t+ ar ano eve opmen po a ey Dart F-O ko Aar 6W AM M &V -rdo Od *V LOW i Update Shoreline Master Program Shoreline Restoration Plan Dept. of Ecology Shoreline Grant Z Joint Planning Agreements with di k d t S C t ane oun ng a jacen po y regar properties Draft Intertocal Agreement Negotiate with County 3 C08G Program Evaluation Communications Program 2007 Opportunities for proactive communications • Message of the Month o Implement email distribution with a target of 2000 by end of 12/31 o Explore with Valley News Herald and Spokesman Review a monthly article o Continue scheduling monthly interviews on Comcast Local Edition • Develop information brochures on three high-interest areas regarding City processes that seek to answer the most common inquiries about those processes. o Brochure on residential permitting process (non-developer oriented) by 6/30/07 o Informational brochure on frequently reported types of code compliance by 12/31/07 • Provide public infonnation support to departments on city projects, programs and issues, including those identified as Council goals for 2007. o Pines/Mansfield road closures o Sullivan road closures o Appleway from Tschirley to Hodges o Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Adoption ■ Milwaukee ROW • City Center o Uniform Development Code ■ Rezone notification o Street Master Plan • Prioritization ■ Funding ■ This might be worth a few Open Houses • Finalize emergency public information plan for use in the event of a local, regional, state or national disaster that includes means for communicating with citizens and collaboration with other affected agencies. Total project completion by 12/31/2007 Potential "hot" issues • Sign Committee recommendations • Street maintenance budget • UGAs/Annexation • Impact fees discussions • Code compliance eI-forts Considerations • Identify priorities • How to accomplish with one-person operation o In-house resources o Contracting o Interns4ork study 2007 Budget Goals The 2007 budget reflects the distribution of resources consistent with the Council's determination of core services priorities. The following goals represent just the very broad areas of concentration important to the wet] being of the community. 1. Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, enhanced citizen awareness of options .For the future and pursuit of the most efficient and economical use of allowed wastewater discharges. 2. Explore the available telecommunications infrastructure that may be accessed by . public institutions, residents, and businesses within. Spokane Valley. 3. Adopt a sub-area plan for the Sprague Corridor and initiate the implementation of achievable recommendations. 4. Amend the comprehensive plan to reflect accommodation of Spokane Valley_ population projections within and adjacent to city limits and to outline annexation policies. 5. Adopt a Street Master plan and draft a financial strategy to implement the plan. 6. Establish departmental priorities and incorporate them into a six-Year business plan for each department that includes forward looking budget and funding implications. 7. Adopt a Uniform Development Code that implements the Comprehensive flan. 2 City of Spokane Valley Multiyear Financial Plan - General Fund • Problem Statement 91 JAN 17, 2007 General Fund Revenues: Sates Tax Property Tax GambCng Tax Franchise Fees/Bus. Reg. Slate Shared Revenues Service Fees Fines & Forfeitures Recreation Program Fees Interfund Transfers Investment Interest Carryover from prior yr Total General Fund 2007 Estimate 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Estimate Estimate Estimate Es a r+ Estimate General Fund Expenditures: Legislative Executive & Legislative Public Safety Deputy City hianager Finance Legal Human Resources Public Works Planning Building Parks Admin Recreation Aquatic; Senior Center CenterPlaoe Transfer to Street Fund Transfer to Capital Transfer to Civic Facilities Library Transfer to Serv_ Level General Government Total General Fund Los conctant fund bal. Carryover to next yr $ 18,000,000 S 18,360,000 $ 18,727,200 x $ 18,000,000 $ 18,360,000 S 18,727,200 $ 9,400,000 5 9,594,000 $ 0,780,040 $ 9,987,830 $ 10,187,717 3 10,389,594 $ 880,000 5 880,000 $ 880,000 $ 880,000 $ 880,000 3 880,000 $ 823,000 $ 831,230 $ 839,542 $ 847,937 $ 056,416 S 804,980 $ 1,150,000 $ 1,178,750 $ 1,208,210 $ 1,238.424 $ 1,269,385 S 1,301,120 $ 1,800,000 S 1,600,000 $ 1,800,000 $ 1,800,000 $ 1,800,000 3 1,000,000 $ 1,250,000 S 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 1,300,000 S 1,300,000 $ 450,000 5 454,500 $ 459,045 $ 463,635 $ 468,272 3 472,955 $ 60,000 S 84,800 $ 89,888 $ 95,281 $ 100,998 3 107,058 $ 401,000 S 405,010 S 409,060 $ 413,151 $ 417,283 $ 421,456 $ 6.700,000 S 2,393,496 S 5,741,762 $ 7,280,189 $ 5,717,720 $ 1,970,481 $ 40,934,000 S 37,231,786 $ 41,194,656 $ 42,2556,457 $ 41,357,791 3 38,234,844 $ 275,393 3 297,424 S 321,216 $ 346,916 $ 374,669 $ 404,643 $ 535,721 $ 578,579 S 624,865 $ 574,854 $ 728,843 $ 787,150 $ 18,256,400 $ 19,716,912 S 21,294,265 $ 22,997,805 5 24,837,631 $ 26,624,641 S 519,212 $ 560,749 $ 605,609 S 654,058 S 706,362 $ 762,893 $ 782,652 $ 645,264 $ 912,883 S 985,916 S 1,054,789 $ 1,149,973 S 345,933 $ 373,608 $ 403,496 S 435,776 5 470,638 $ $08,269 S 165,944 $ 179,220 $ 193,557 S 209,042 S 225,765 $ 243,826 S 1,142,687 $ 1,234,318 $ 1,333,063 S 1,439,703 S 1,554,885 $ 1,679,276 3 999,967 $ 1.079,964 $ 1,166,362 S 1,259,670 S 1,360 444 $ 1,469,280 $ 1,296,209 $ 1,3139,906 $ 1,511,898 $ 1,632,850 $ 1,763.478 $ 1,904,586 $ 905,309 $ 977,734 $ 0,055,952 $ 1,140,429 $ 1,231,663 $ 1,330,196 $ 242,947 $ 262,383 $ 283,373 $ 308,043 $ 330,527 $ 356,969 $ 259,450 S 280,206 $ 302,622 $ 326,632 $ 352,979 $ 381,217 $ 75,301 S 81,325 $ 87,831 $ 94,858 $ 102,445 $ 110,642 $ 603,179 S 651,433 $ 703,549 $ 759,832 $ 620,618 S 866,268 $ 900,000 S - $ - $ - $ S - $ 410,000 S 20,000 S 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 5 20,000 S 2,358,000 S 5 - $ - S - S - S 20,000 $ $ $ - 3 - S 400,900 $ S S S $ - S 3,045,000 $ 2,951,000 S 3,093,920 S 3,254,147 S 3,441,553 $ 3,481,390 33,540,504 31,490,024 33,914,466 36,538,737 39,387,310 $ 42,301,208 (5,000,000) 2,393,496 5,741,762 7,280,189 5,717,720 1,970,481 (4,066,364) x Law enf. Sales tax ends ! after 2009 SST affect unknown Street Fund - Problem Statement #2 JAN 17, 2007 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate 2012 Estimate Street Fund - #2 Beginning Fund Bal $ 4,350,000 $ 3,261,628 $ 1,206,186 $ (961,692) $(3,471,000) $ (6,349,053) Transfer from General Fund $ 900,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ " Motor fuel tx & misc $ 2,100,000 S 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 7,350,000 $ 5,361,628 $ 3,306,186 $ 1,138,308 $(1,371,000) $ (4,249,053) Expenditures $ 4,088,372 $ 4,155,442 $ 4,267,878 $ 4,609,308 $ 4,978,053 $ 5,376,297 Ending Fund Balance $ 3,261,628 $ 1,206,186 S (961,692 $(3,471,000) $(6,349,053 $ (9,625,350) City of Spokane Valley - Capital Improvement Program Funding Problem Statement #3 Jan 17 2007 Year 2007* 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 RESOURCES: ARTERIAL ST FND $ 862,000 5 - $ - $ s $ CAP PRJECTS-REET $ 4,200,000 s 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 s 900,000 $ 900,000 $ 900,000 SPEC. CAP PRJECTS-REET $ 4,400,000 s 1,000.000 $ 1,1000,000 s 900,000 $ 000,000 $ 990,000 PARKS CAP. IMPRV. FUND $ 1,350,000 s - $ - s - $ - $ - INVESTMENT EARNINGS s 300,000 $ 200,000 S 200,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 5 100.1000 SPOKANE COUNTY s 1,600,000 $ - s - $ - $ - s PARKS GRANT s 200,000 $ - s 200,000 $ - $ 300,000 s - STORM WATER DRAINAGE S 300,000 $ 300,000 s 300,000 $ 300,000 s 300,000 s 300,000 STORM WATER STREET PROJECTS $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 s 200,000 s 200,000 GEN. FUND $ 410,000 s 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 S 20,000 S 20,OO0 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 13,842,000 5 2,720,000 $ 2,920,000 $ 2,420,000 5 2,720,1000 S 2,420,000 EXPENDITURES: DEBT SERVICE PYMTS $ 167,000 S 185,000 $ 187,000 s 184,000 $ 185,000 $ 186,000 PARKS s 3,4&0,000 $ 900,000 s 500,000 $ 560,000 $ 100,000 $ 200.000 COUNTY SEPTIC PROD. STORM DRAIN s 200,000 $ 200,000 s 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 COUNTY SEPTIC PAVEBACK $ 900,000 $ 900,000 $ 900,000 $ 900,000 5 550,000 $ 200,000 STORM WATER FACILITIES $ 300,000 S 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 S 300,000 S 600,000 RESIDENTIAL PRESERVATION- $ 500,000 s 1,359,090 $ 1,000,000 s 1,400,000 s 1.000.000 s 500,000 GRANT FUNDED STREET PROJ** $ 1,559,000 S 1,000,000 $ 1,624,000 S 1,643,000 $ 2,316,000 S 1,600.000 CONTINGENCY s 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 s 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES s 7,196,000 $ 4,944,000 S 4,811,000 5 4,907,000 $ 4,751,000 $ 3,586,000 CARRYOVER TO NEXT YEAR 5 6,646,000 $ 4,422,000 S 2,531,000 $ 44,000 $ (1,987,000) $ (3,153,000) 'Beg. Fund balance & 07 receipts "Waiting for consultant's plan Annual Projected Shortalls JAN 17, 2007 Problem Statements #1, #2 & #3 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Shortfalls: #1 General $ (4,066,364) #2 Street S (961,692) $ (2,509,308) $ (2,878,053) $ (3,276,297) #3 Capital $ (1,987,000) $ (1,166,000) $ - $ - $ 961,692) $ (2,509,308) $ (4,865,053) $ (8,508,661) 'Waiting for consultants plan Summary of 2003 SWOT Analysis Strengths • Good infrastructure (roadslf7eeways; utilities): 10 votes • Economic opportunity/diversity; developable land: 8 votes • Well located geographically with transport links - short travel times regionally: 7 votes • Great people - citizens involved, willing to take risks: 5 votes Weaknesses • Lack economic development plan:. 9 votes • Lack of identity: 9 votes • Economy - lack of living wage jobs; no export industries: 7 votes • Drive-only community; inaccessible (poor) public transportation: 5 votes Opportunities • Identity creation: 9 votes • Vacant land available for commercial, retail and industrial development - current and annexation: 8 votes • Capitalize on community involvement; leading the community; harness community volunteers: 5 votes ~ Threats • State government - anti-business philosophy; rules uncompetitive with neighboring states; legislature: 14 votes • Pollution of aquifer: 8 votes • Total maximum daily load (B f)L) = no new development: 6 votes • Crime - meth; gangs and drug abuse: 5 votes • Inability to dream; brain drain; absence of competitive ideas: 5 votes SWOT Analvsis'Fhemcs • Attractive to business/business friendly/economic development o Well located geographically o Good infrastructure o Good developable land for commercial, retail, industrial o Economic opportunity/diversity • Our citizens and community o Involved, willing to take risks; volunteerism o Community leaders o Well developed community identity • Innovation o Ability to dream 0 Competitive ideas