2007, 01-30 Study Session ' 1- AGENnA Cl'1'Y UF SPOKANE VALLEt' C[TY CUUT'CTL WORKSIICL'T STIzDY SFSSION Tuesdny, lunuary 30, 2007 6:00 p.m. CITY lIALL COUNCIL CFIAJNBERS 11707 Fstsi Spragne Aveoue, First F'lonr (Ptme Taru OfYAI! Electronlc Ikvk'es During theMerting) UISCUSSIQN L•EAnF.R SUB.IFCTlACI'IVITS' GOAL 1. H.lrry Slaclich (15 minutes) Com•cruion Visitor's fiurcau;'T'ourism Di;cussiorv'Infnrmution Fromotion Area tJpclate I hinriuu SukurlGrcg McC'ormic.k RC-YCVlC%' Uniform Ue%-cic,pmcnt ('odc (I IUC) Uiticus-;ion"lntarniatiOn (:30 minutcs) I'itlcs 17 ancl 20 3. hinrina SukuWGrcg McConnick Continuai Rrvic~~ t:n(' Title 21 and Sh(irelinc [)iticus;ianiinforrnution (bq minute5) -N1asteTPlasi 4. Msyor Wiltiite Advancc Agendfi .additions Discussinw 1nfcirnuition i. InJormuiiutr Chily: ("lhrse wr/1 noJ hc discussed ar rcporirrl erponj rz Siyn Code Cvmrnittce Uycldle - hicruta Sukrrp h .SrnTke Cunirtu'1 LExlale - ,1lJkr Jackson b. \fuyur Wilhitr Cuuncil Che-ck in Diicutision:lnfomiution 7, D:ive titertier l.ity ti9annger Comments Dixussionilnforrnatiun E\E('U'CIVE SEtitillati: I.itigutiun Ad jonm Xatr_ i-inlesii otherHise notcd above, there wlll Ix oo publfc commeaV at Council Swdy Sesaiona. Howevu, C,anodl rlaa,s rcsErve+ tbc right lo request information trom tbe publir aad itaQas spprnpriate. TJOT1LE laSlri&m3n plmming m mmrnQ thc mcemg Rho icqu,rc r{+ecid esstsuawe to wxamrandtu phyucol, hcurueg ur othcr smpahmenn, pteme rantael the Ciiy Gkrk d( 991921 • 1(kN► cc uuaa es panssihfe so dut nrrangtrWsb may !+e mack Stu:h Sca~ln;c rltcis-Ja :a!.uyti ?Q 2007 !lqi&pI 09610NA1 C01/T1•110M e YtSITpRS DNMtAU Mission : r. Ct" acaaoRft lpqbvdt:ltt the S{sokans Rp{on by Nhcdtiroly ma"D Sfwkiris and SQokme Counry as a pnirr~d conwntfan , . . end vlsLtvrcbWnalon- , SyA~~~~. R~~r satr~~. M~~~ ~~~t~it. ~•~~.Yislti~N~~~.i~~ s►OsAMt *ia1wMAl iaiYlviS'• a rti{iDai &1l44AU 2006 i ( 1' ~ • =t.N1.430 ~ S►69AM9 8 1 9,10 NSt to.vI atior A y{ttiONt &uRI +u 2007 ' / 1/ ' 1 i 1 1' - ~ / ~ T" h1~t ftf mi • 3~ska~e. Ma~~ •st~~~. M~a~ Mel~st. ( :xs.Yltl/l~staM.tsr SI~IAMf •tii~MA♦ CG~YtNTIQA A Ylfl►O~R ~U/I~U Ilt 'A Fund e Total TPA Funding for 2006 • 51,301,750 v, AMEW SPo~ss~. M~~r sit~n. M~~~ ~~~f~ct. ( wrw.ylli~~p.rN~ 2 00 VSTR 5 S ONEY DOESN'T GROW ON TREES. ARRIVES , THE . INTERSTATE. s►osArI 916 1o0 A A 4 OM111r11iM & vIsItsQs BUR(AV b t t ; Spo~►~~. M~ar ait~r~. ~~~r'~rt~rt ~ ~ww.V1111S~~~S11f.l~A 3 ste~~~t •tLt~M~i t~xti~~t~e« a gtstvogf gustau e t Org. i . % ~ - - - - - - - - - 5*~►a.+. Il~~r ra~~~• Msar ~~het. ~ ws..~Nltl~~l~~~.c~w S~~sAM{ fltlpNAl tOMvt11T1011 a vIfllOst sUp111p r" - - I r ~ I ' i ' I ~ -'~'Y► ~ 5~0~/11~. Mf11 oil~n. M~~r ~►n/~N. ~ wwM.YltftS~oAa~~.t*A 4 3I~RAl1! ~~SI~MA► C011Y~Af11• i Mt~1T01S fvllfAtl ~ A. cpf taa. iex a a,► ww d.+irnce tooa► niQht bus3nMf • bookoi6 foi' thw n~pion Mra I ~ • neloit*. TRNf tipnssnts an • tb iN *dM-rc-•= taM.Mm CrN beYr* Ya.. err awr ~-r ~.wH Auw NM of 4% ~ 41+1 Iq Y:~rs+c s~ Ga~C c v f~n~w1 [4!" c~lVrlu~. Green Fever Hits Spokane 8' y~ry~~~ ~~Y~dOM~K rri~~wa~iw~~hUMi .V ~1.ih~.irun~nl. Ih u:.i.• ~/~~r~~ ~ ~,f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~w ~~ftm N Ilr ~wIM1 i~ ~~~u~stni 1/.. clf~~ Inni:. busing" aft LEED C7►1aICsd011 ••r.d.emlWpqr~lrlr 'M.iim.i.n. WrrMs/eci' has ip am1 IM cs+w ~Ar tL~d b ~iur Ar tad 'N'e Uwu#~A 0 wIrt-" Ir 1Ktw 0~~ irtd" 1g Fmap uJ 6nMua xrYr Wp ie 12.!!>6nNwr wmu [s+p arr.iRu+in Am r!r raing md .r ilrm.' " Ar. ".vl ta4 ik+icWm de wL~saaMcoa" left.. w.j.r epr,m c - ~ b..rw m%Fr.w cw..n- tu aomAm M'. ...ro r- $.w.a...p. M~am.a~~~w.~'rrd wA.lr ow"ariy e" 4+II~~ 'w.160 r*W tluag rM-;• . Aw~ LV b....mi a oft w+a a"y dw y.*Aw A..u m m,.i. in. arrn ~.~n ~ 4MNa Wa~ti~se! cnT • r~d sw .a 1!r Jn ~d Gnr :6 tM .~nr. Wr u~a-1u1 ~ Jwaia d~ ~Ihq Mn~ M4ww m finl N1aut i Isw b!ww iu iMka~e. 1{~1r ~~twa. IIMr rlrt~ct. ~~~w.~ll~s~~N.p~ 1►ORA111 IIIOIOMA► C,010VIM110M i YIftT011S b11l [J1U t y~ '}-a~~/ J•. _ OW1 flilfs COfldt/dW 30 !ib 1o111s fOf pla[itNfs nipmoomkV 88.553 tQOH1 ftlghti /Ot f1/1t1re yRpf1 IYil1f Ofl oCOtU0R1k h1piCl Ol t5%,,r32,M. 0 4/ Owee oir taun, trt ptia+nem hm rnady bookrd a delinitM nme#Mp 1br a fuwft yrar. ~ - - - ~ ~ i~~►~~~. N•u ~tu~. Nso~ ►~~Nct. ~ •~a.ridlf~duM.tpw 5 ~ I s•os~ae ~e~ia~~t c~~v~~tte• • ~tsttotts •~~s+►a o Our1ng thh OWN nrnr ham.laa0 roam nob psnwrAiM tor natlonN busiemse h&w prown to 3TA. an Incroass a! 5% yeir awr yea►. 8tnce 204+. thh aeWwot d our loRsl Duairwar hn qo own 33x. n Atanded ten tradastsavs throuWsout " U.S. In Washlnpton D.C., Chlr.aq;o. Lang Math. l.ts VaW. Ddlm. Swn JoK, Bostots. Clwidb snd lsxtnglon. Thtitr st►ow+ ganaraLd 8QO oaafads, ot vrhlch M am tn tt» Pronfea a-id Iwd dowiapmeM stuip. * 8ewevd an addlNaad f23,QQ0 Fn strwAot trMrkaunp rwwws for • ' latai of :10C400 S~~kt•~. M~~. n~ta+~. Ih~r ~~rt~et. ~~~.rtd~~kaA~l.i[sw SPORAwT 9943004%► CoMrIMTtoM 6 Yts1162s IuBIAu o HytarM Gkoup, our WashinyWa O.G. stM ChkaQo. IL roP ftrm, ss"bed in gorwrallng tI leods wlh 18," .17 rt►cxn niyMs 1inA ro,onoetMc imPsd to aw tonunu++ity d i0.7a1A23. o Of Mii ttw Mmm tt+h► havo nsJsmd Mdowi4pft tlinn ►uvir deflnih l, ooMMVs in Spoiam.• cpnsemttop 2.250 taom cOpMs wift an ~onrie M~D~ct !o Ibe oaftWWo*y S►~i~e~. IN~~ nat~n- M~~r ~~rf~ct. ( rss.~l~ItS►~Y~~a.t~~ 6 •1p~A11t 11i~eMa► trllMts~!!~ • 1113ttsAS FSut146u ~ 1' . - IT13 ~ r, Dwfny t!~ yaw. wh+en the CNB 1Ram stLe~el~d mvltipia traelshows thsy Implrmscttad sLratapWs snd tattloli b le1p ddvo atwft•M►nf Mpd psneralia+ r*su1Unq In 6,026 raan nl$!sb wtlitti 58.43aA15 kn accnomic irnpse to tta esplott tM fAam rlso conductad rnulllPM citps wlthin !M repion to fhanlt eKisurg rlirob and cteaM n~+~r oorrticb br itrM+t ewllti In spakars CoWHY. ~ Added two addiUmtd peoplr bD si1M( - : A SNes MmaQ" womMp i!n NwsAmaswn UA r A Cottwtttlor+ 8«svlpsAtauidiq CootdwMot tacuMd on oortwn4fon services nqr+aft ae+sJ aoualep /or Lolh qe+oap wed InW.1AuaN INwn trimmirts. fplir~. M~b rrbrts. Maw ptMet. ~ ~~s.~hltfNlwle~.tn► s►~a~Mr etc~~~~~ c~~vcw~~~. ~ v~ti~~o.s ~u~E~u ~ • ~ • ' f t A/ f ' f o To aw"t our ptanrwnr wkh clt"itw ?oW block& aW manMlr ~ ailritlam h0iegtr►Q *odtM►am wM tmpiwmntsd b ailtyW or%-ilne em"rntloets !ot m"etnq att" deK. zRedesigne4 ft Group 11r+ACoM Potim tlaA h dhpftyrd k► Oowcftw" burinwo.es v41aorninO oroups to =a +oulmL o Now k+rs bt+ochw'M ond port am,cis wre~ cnmftd to enSm pA An4 Pvst enwdAQ asi"• * Ttw %ani ako rs4ssipned vur Strviom IW to ►nNuft an snhuncwd pt ! o w tNtp ry, al M6cot3um dlpft b AwY1CM ltridablo ft'Otfal1 thll CV9. ~ . • ; t~.~4~i _ S~~Isne n..,.,ur~. M~~~ ~~rf~ct. ~~.w.Ti~hi►~~~s~.css 7 !►~t~Y{ slEtrMA♦ GOMVIMiIlIt • YISIf~~i •Yti~11 1 1 U SpVkAi peQarl!'Mn1 pWKSbd Od1 pT+VIGi /eMai'ataAMd! {O ONr i local nleeetibm_ o MKU 474 conlada w!fh cfiw! orysntgxms aquWfnq CVB sKVioas hx upoomfny mMtleQb snd wrfvOcttlons le) thw nplm. o Matle two Pnrpxv~ tr" b buAd aitfandarla /or uqoombg eooloed tonvpftlwts. 0 BM-up 33 disptaye al looal rrMashtp Wn0 omvaslkwts. o Candkaded 11 S" n4ib iat Qrou~s w!!h Mura drMlh baokttrps, it.b~t. Nru ..tm. M*•r Mr1~d_ ( ~e.yltlts/•klM,t~IR SIa~AMf ~iitOMAI COMY11111011 • Y~fITO~S •UIII~M 1 1 1 g rt.-- - : i -~--fxiiPbftd owvat houatng revias for trro ovwes totdtnp 2,300 room n{ghb, ~ ~ S~ok~n• N~~r oa!ur~. M~ir p~rl~rt ~ wrr.'/Ii11SOpMats_~sl~ 8 110MAMt NIitGMAL [OMYlMIt011 & Y131201911 OYr1AY 'i+ r :t~ 1 b~ ' _ ~ ~ - - - ~OQp ~ ~ 180fJ0 ~ 5~ &moo WqI N. 60000 5t10G0 - 30000 - ~ 20000 10000 ~ ~t00a t~OS ~ • - ~ ° - -1 ~ S~olu~~-. Mut ralsr~. I►~s~ ~Kt~:l. *+q~.YW _ .ts~ Sp4LaA• mtisobA1 toMViNt1oM a Yil110st GultAq 1 1 001 P 1 2007 ~ ~11 .i Ss•Ra«c Ilou *atno. 106st psNea. ( nn Ilb1tl04b04.tsm 9 !!►OMANf ligatowa► coKVt16r~or ~ vtstt~~s •uat~u M~.JJ~~-,. ~17 o Attract proup buslnass tr0uW+4 quezVoom niphb dtst tr+Mt tadpry •yeditr.a!lona fot tlee Pubilt FaciUtisi Chuiq jCoervatrtlon GenAw. iNB Prrfortr►ir►g Ms Gnie+' arxf Spotcanr Anns}. SDoksrw CautKy (bpolcsno County falr and Expn Cantar) srM tM Ck1t of Spokano Vwilatr {GnNrplace~ o coaRtriw m euiw ciIwd* convention aroup rvom +igM ewar... ~ (18 woa+a,e aeics ouc) wr aw r.,plm. o TrrqW a minlenum a/ am dtYwiaa;catvenf3oi► ombt RxD P+t month thM usm TO ywr.om ol Wspror In the wrws. o COt+tinue to htcrrw nattonal aisibIHfY ol $paiuitw tsxnt/y as i Nubh cooovoiion clestltulbn tw n+ttlonaN axt rsgloMA twnfs. i~ -3i - SMMaM. Mw sslnt~. Il~u ra~rhK. ~~.~ttltl~rNews~ SlORAIII 9461OMAt CO/MlA/t0lb • YIf1106f •YNfAu ~ - ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ O 8es11d 7wrw*nms arf Sp01taw m a tn0o111g d"tlnadon vAthtn tl+e rltash#nQEOr+. D.C. aatid C1+1a" ntwkato wtth qusrtssty aotas mlsstam, presee+oa (n aMSe axus by ou. RsP Fi►n+ NYta+d tkoaP and sotiw partitJpaiHon ~n MPI a-W PCiiA CbapYtt fn tfrs rpion. ci ConUnue b bulld upw tfe curront tnends ana Incmme tlts W►wtsQe cN crvoraEi poup buslnas tlsM h nationai xxf reyionr tar 5pokww GountY• u 9ulid sltorl46trn 06 tnonft and 101 pnxw t¢am nWM bastrws for tta ceqtcn. c Bulid and tttrnVofM rolWorahips w11hl+t " nqlom wkh QuwYd1► Mps tfl SoMtfe Ma PortfitrW and rotfw prtfekWont In PCtik 1iPf •t►d w8AE chapless tn tha ngion. I iiiiiiiw - - - - s•'" ~ Sp*ku*. Mow •atrre Nosr 10 i= ~tt-- te i~ rt~~t~~: •a~~~d a Cerwh rthndsr"-bui#dlny bot* to assln! Conventim SMrk.os in felplng pianrNrs bufW sOwKdaoot for ewaft pook+d 1n Spokww Gounty, a MasMrdn ItN use of CVn htwslop scdtwuw for aIl e!lVwido groups booW bor rutw..rrne.. o Cnmta a poo4-show mN1iV planMr autv" Eo Itack owrtill pofai -nm w ot m...nlo» pmvk.a br ao cve ena wng IsdltlY paru+en- w l 1L LV _ i ~ J i~~f~. ~t ItKt. ~ ~ ~ • r t MONEY DOESN'T A 'I A I SMOOTHLY I ' A 11 SPORAMt lIG14MAL RMMY111ittlM ~ Yltlfp&S •t1of 1V D 1 . g Teani * - ~ . ~ r~ ~ ~ r d ~ ~ . ~ ~ S~~~a~~. Mau nNrr• M~~►vl~~! ~ ~~a YI~h3~~taN.s~~ S~O~~MI ~fClO~AI [OMYlM110N a ris~re~s ~li~tl~u D 1 • 1 O 1a 1 - - - - - - - ~ , I Y I I ' EW Sysi~«~. M~ri o~lur~. M~~~ oerl~at. ~~rr.Yl}Il~s\~14q1~ 12 s► [ i~ ~trite~ a v~si~eie` tq~f•a 1 1 6 1• o . g Highlights u C3erwaled 1,1 f S trarsl aqwit graup Wader aW gr a►p tow hada via Idot ss,panmr trAOe aho+rs • MrYlorel'S7 Group Twr aompoirs w►IM Nlnenry plannlnp and supplMi reiMrrola, o Npdt*W and piantwod NTA SwirV 11~! - w~rn~ o.y s~,.a.niR X - • ► ~ ALPHA ►c r-~ n ~~r ~1 ~ , `pu►.n.. M~,r ~alu~- M~~~ N~I~st. ~~e.MItllSr~~lb~-:se tpOtaMl ilotoMA► tlllyf11110M a vlsIiaPs Oufl[nu 2006 1 • on Markpting Hicihtiqhts u Eusetl+d inedia fqulYsiNtCy paN o! f500.000 bp rt4om thrtt 7D0% for ~ M08 •rest W dsm modta rvrwsQs sl S1."2.199 wNh s olttuislkKt at 1Nf.Z11~7~ tsa~l~rsl~s wor}dw1d~. i I ~ S~da~e. N~~t ~a/rre. M~at'atf~<t. ~ .~w,Y1NtfNi~~..cM 13 i►orart •t~iow~~ l0«VIYf{4!1 • v~slto~s su~1~u 1 1 • ! • ation Marketing Highlights o Hosbd prs-eminent~rtretinQ maQsslna wrtltrs fpr a FAMlllartzaton tour oolncJding witfi tt►a openlnp ot ttw nww Group Mpflh Exhlbit HWl_ All mpsslnss.1 uw faatuhd substantlal stoeom on Spokaru's com"ntlon faclltuss~sb+as thelr slb vtatt. 4 • ~ 2" i . . i1*46e00. rtas utam Nest Nrtest. ~~s.Y1tItS/~a~.c~■ IPOAAMi 2116161NAl tOMVIMi$011 a YlfltOlli •tIRiAN 2006 I • on Marketing Hightights o SuccsasfuUy plann40 snd iaiplemunftq f iNiwM sMewbNt=fnr Cye eleYf ind nearly twb dozA partnK nwNfbin lb►ouQh Aw Ooneane dWs In frw days, nadslnp aut to cauuenms, lrsvel iWb &nd /ow ~ opKSlas In thks koy npional dr1v+e market . . ~ ~ _ SOol~n~. N~~r n»urr, k~~• ~.rl.;t ~ rrM.11►tf5~~~~11~.~op 14 t► ~t t+~ll~►!' i ~it~u 2006 ! • on Marketing Highlights o CoeapieeNy efdesFr+ed md taunchmd t!w mw VhfdLpokam com wrbalb wh1Ch tm reu1re0 nalkrW soclslm l+r+om bourtsm Indwsiry np" ts+0 tevwyrb bur oq+er CYS hotlsd weba#rts. . t►~ICA~f 0I6104OA► 46MVtNT140 t rislT0Si •YOiAq ,200 1 • o , Highlights a 4ws1po4 Weshinpton FihriWor4s snolfon plclun camp+UlirMras Plogim, loop• a geapoa0.0 to 171hqu1Ha tbr fim asmlstanoe. ~ FiLM , SHlaq. Mfp Rst~p. Mur ptt~ct, 15 CiMvtet1oM s •tstttts sYalAa 2006 i• 1 g Highlights a Ptaduotd and Attxftd ewro trqiofuq ►nsr%aiioy caftVOWtia Mdufinp `"aft Mar"". ~ ~ l+a~ass. M~i aatsta 1ls~r Nt1Kt, •~I~. ;~slt~►fi`~ itCfiMAI (~ili~1l1/aN • Tt~l~O~f ~u~tAu 2006 1 o + Materials o Dortqne0 md produmd all nir+N CV8 salw +uW nuMNbV MItMUIf h+ciudJrnp teibrhood, Dindwn md sal+n Aoelndas afonq *10) cAmpanion Pack*9fn9 ta D1tUa. Vttw raryioQSs of ft VWMca Otkk ta►Or,qnQ dlthrr»t audWcW " iNfnary Tour !xt#itur and Ow , besnd now "EDk R.lelW bkychnR brodtinrr alx sopsntwiy dMiomW vlnta" "Wolcams" powlets aAd cottpwtion Ppolrards, two tmevition tomqW9na aa+d duaane d Druu *d►. ~ a' ~ I n~l _ .►l.,r-x ( l.:' f►ab~s. IN~ ~~tirra. 11N~ M~f~ct_ ! •~~.ri~lti~~isN.~~■ - 16 I e[a»sr• ssotisortor • vititoss 00s14a . ~ . als 2006 1 atioii esfin - - - - - . ~ OL t • ?a~ { • ~ I~,t,•• ~ 4,,~ f~ ~ •f~ I lb ✓ I s►~~a~E •iRlillil ti11YI«ii~M s v~s~t~~s~ trt~~.u 2006 1 on Marketing ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ + ~ M1 ~ •4►. SpoAy~~. M~~f n1~*r~. N~ar rrftct. Rrs.Ifl~ItfN4a~,c~tir 17 s'6N~w= ~tttOMAI cs~rt~~~~r • ~iiltd~} ,nai.d 1 1 • 1 • o . g M,aterials - - _ - a- , •i~ . ~ ~ .•--~N , . , sii!'A~ t i~ ~t tlMYtM iN L+%Ii / Oit tY~~A M 2006 1 estinatio . g Materiats ~ - - - _ _ - - ~ • C N • , • ` " : '.<r_,~'~, ~ . 5~~4~~. M~u uliue. 11~ee ~srftct. wws•~1t1tS~~R~~~ 18 rt ta ii• r i~irt~ttiw ~ t sii*~s ~w~e~a 2006 i • o . g Hightig4ts ~ I . • 1Akxldnp (A tandom tirith 8pokn►r Counly. Clty d tJbsrtY Wct. CKjI of Sspolutu Valiay mtM DOT r►ogntlrUd for md . mopen«! !M SEft I.Im 1►Mor _ Inforrrislbn Gctbc ~ 5p....nt wr41 nA1111t. Naf ♦106 1A1 0 14100 41 GONYIMIZOM • rIS11011S 1 11$tAU Research o Room Demand as ot StpWmber 2008 + 14,93 f t?owri Nogitts (62. 6:`#~ va. 60. 7% !n 2006) ~ Basod nn YTi) AbR f75.35 NvvemJber, 200 i ~N~~• ~Mt M~ ~Nf Nfan. 1 ~IMw.'r .tN 19 i oZ •~snt7+~Sif~lA'Mrr ~ •a»~ss~ -~~~i~~ it~M vv~~s/~ - f ~ . -JMm 1a Of amimwo "µlp {YaiJdM mialil wir lOp* Aq saRs uoOtWAuoo WR wnspl uoaMVOq wjGj&uAv 6wnoiNm++ amu:) o 'N"m t*+" MWW IQ Gm4v xoaJQ s804ft* W W+wA Mp4m MMI -wmwu M*t#.. " UwAauwo C? vOlWug"P wngNI Pus uoijuinuav pwywd e w tx~8ou WAWWS Vi! 6ul~mid tusummN *1PKU K+1 W tl04' O"' 1!omnueU a *U!lrrdi++" oun"aw UOOe»s pin stLsctraasM .P«++ oOSOdM 45ftUw UO,e•a «:.Xoas .W jo +MUW...o o.:" a sait ja5jjeW O Ud , o ' •1 1! n•trrtr s0 0 t1 ctA • 4 ot iriA 11 oi 1 .NVt-9 tIg i11V I@ A1i ws'~RN~fitsl~r~~~ ( 't~sy~r~ utM -saR~~r ~ •~~r~r~~ s , r l i. ~I ~ LOOZ Sal 1 d 1 ' 1 • a L'oo n.~rn• s~oi~cis ~ MOIINIAM~) 1~Ilel1~• ~Yri01! ~ I s~ 'Iili► •~t tAMlllllTl~w ~ Yif~l~ws fu~i~u 10i• on Markgting Priorities o tncraaso productiw o/ overniyht rownr from dat+utlc Mnd E kftenatlonat bur opwators anA na~pN►4a. ~ a Mcaqarsle Mrw mWLs erarMetinp tools sad strVIpies indud~g mully sknp4v sYn.dkstlm t'it931, podcwihW and biop wtm mossnW tstprlyd ta nac,h row lalwrs rxd c+oetvaitlm swdia+ors. o Expand oppoitu,dtles M btiEid mrrkN Usaet tlvimqh InetarMtlv* wso tmeQ pramatlmer r, F'ra/uce C4nveaYow Cenlrr QYD murt" cvnQor"t o Mtn11h sfi vonwl and updas doelgns a► IM d tta CV6'a abt o t.awncb t!w ~deaig~wd, inl~scliw ~iMr~r~SQofcan~a.cam rwbsft . iptswa Msa~ o~tst~. Ri~r N~tt. ( ~ - - - Ei~iaat A~ f*NrtMttOM i' if1i3Y0rt% •YM[lU 11 1 on Markefing Pdorities _ _ _ _ - - - - - ~ c 9uMd wsai►wmsa of Spolur'N ttpian s sSkn friwdly awlnonmr+sl uR1tg WmMngloWs nw► Morntl" yrogtan► ao a Yay Gowqx~st o Enhaani 1'sroducti4 sonrfoM an4 smrfronrnrnt rt Itw GY8"t hvo 1►oy ♦4eltnr corNsn nt tM stsb IMe anA downlewn. ga++rnelrop h+c:smsd kngo ot rtaq md Mctwssed sacpswlturu hwn via►bon wt►o lnUraci wtth out sMt sl t1w+* enrdal twiipira o CoOsbaWis w1lh tM Bpokrro EDC b hsmm a.FS"e»sa of !b* 3qokaw Rrgfor+ as ar► anvironmwr+r thel o~» rich ncswltx► o+d 1?fK" mttrlDutm adong wth s Sua?nMS Mandly tiknatm wU At.ec.Mnrtzcm ia ittpht puMtawons whi,ch wot be s..n 14+ousi►ou+ Gatllofftla atM ftw orKlm Ataskallioetm itigRt tysim ~ ' , : _~,,i:•~~ f►~4~a. INu "tert. Mta perNct. 1 WV*YuLti~+lra~c~t 21 ~t loDAi ca~rsN ife~i' a ~r iriiilti"~u~fAn ! 1 ! on Marketing ' orities o Ua►y.stlc elfxts wIli facus on aM neft ndiita: Csntrol Wtahtngton, NaNa Idd►o. Weassset YaMan& E!lats dk*cW tarod arttfth ColumWa rnd IISbKts. Cansds w1N be enhwocad !lxauo traiNlkxial end untrsditfa►al med~s a►d nwftWn{ti agwls MrduWa rnin"aiM Wtbt" and +q"wsbNMrs teFmf►y Canadlmt 1rNr1Wy ofl*m e ktivnaRJonW rlk~ts M ttrpW t!w UniW KinSdam. Owmany, RMy. Frs:tce and thm ewOux r.plonw wnl umiet a.trnngtc 1an.ny p{acontisots Ir tll lay cscspUvt catalaquns. Ttise counM" conttnw to sltow anmia! Wowtl►, wMW we apettcf l.t0% aI ow owralt mslsI dollrrs to esaefi thoa. SP#Aaee. 14u 021416. Muj P4N41c1. t►Ot~111 ~fi1~MA~ COrYtNT~1iM • YIfITORi ~U~tllil 2007 Figure f 1 l fil"OKANE ~ . r_.~;,i ..+•a,~.~ Thank You TPAI ..n ..~w.. ~ 22 40 1 ~ . r 1 ON m APP , R *OPTS-10L P i 1►~tA111 ~iilOMl1~ [Y11YiNt10r • YIi1~0lS iql(~u 007 TPA Fun.djng.*- Total TPA Ftmding for 2007 • $1,300,000 ~ sf•ta... N•w uts». Meat Wfut. dialknom 23 1~~E A~ i~Mtii11tt0~ i YTi~1iRS ftlRiAq i 1 ! • Contlnually adjusting our sim to hlt the mark. • Thank ycw for all of your support wtth this procesa. • We are virlnning. - - ' - ~~~s~, MAS~ ~at7~~. M~M~ ~s+~~tt. rn.gialt!/ataN.tu . . . - . ~ f-~ ~ ~ I , ~ ~ 24 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ' Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 30, 2007_ Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review: SVMC (Uniform Development Code) Titles 17 General Provisions & Title 20 Subdivisions GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70, WAC 365-195-800 et seq. RCW 90.58 PREVIOUS COUNCIUCOMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: 7he 2006-2026 Comprehensive Plan was adopted on April 25, 2006 and effective on May 10, 2006. Council received information conceming the proposed process on July 11, 2006. The Planning Commission conducted public hearings on all three Titles on September 28, 2006, and recommended approval. City Council was briefed on these provisions on October 10, 2006, and December 12, 2006. City Council reviewed the Planning Commission recommended drafts on January 3, 2007, and requested changesJc4rrections. BACKGROUND: Changeslcorrections are summarized as follows: (Staff corrections asterisked") 7itle 17 -General Provisions. ~ • Page 4-References corrected, Description amended for consistency, preliminary subdivision -"change of conditions added. Page 6 - 7able corrected. Page 9- Notices requirements changed to 400 feet. Page 13 - 8. Approval criteria a.i. and ii "and added a. iv- "and changed to "or Page 14- Typo corrected. "projected" . Page 23 - Subsection 6-confusing redundancy removed. . • Page 24 - "article" replaced by "code°. Page 31 - return and number deleted. 4 Page 33 - Added an °or" to 1d and the follovding as 1.e "The property has been brought into compliance prior to the time judicial proceedings have been initiated. Title 20 - Subdivision Reaulations. Page 2 - Reference corrected. Page 3-°character" replaced by 'zoning and land use classification identifiied in the Comprehensive Plan" Page 4-°Connectiviry" added and section 3 d. moved to separate section 10. Page 5- Notice requirements changed to 400 feet (See also page 12). Electronic map submittal required. (See also page 8) ~i Page 7- GPS coordinate notations required. (See also page 9) • Page 10 - Regional Health District signaturz on plats required only vrhre septic system and/or private evells required to serve the development_ Council Reviewt SVMC Titles 17 & 20 Page 2 of 2 • • Page 11 - Numbering and reference corrected. Page 13 - Deleted first phrase, limiting need for record of survey. / These Titles were submitted to the Community Trade & Economic Development Department (CTED) on July 21, 2006, and October 5, 2006 not less than sixty days prior to final adoption by the City Council. A motion to approve Titles 17, 18 and 20 will allavr permit actual adoption of all development regulations in a single ordinance for Council approval in March 2007. OPTIONS: Provide staff with direction, schedule for further discussion or take no action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None required BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: flflarina Sukup, Community Development Director. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Regulations ' ; I Ptanning Comm{ssion Recommended Draft Trde 17 Unrform Devalopment Code rltl@ 17 GENERAL PROVtSIONS 17.06 Authoritv 17.05.010 The City af Spakane Vafley (hereaRer refemad to as'the City') adopts Spokane Valley Munkipal Code (SVMC) Tit4es 17-25 as the City of Spokane Valiey Uniform Developmcfnt Code (UDC) pursuant to RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.14 140 and tutther in compfiance with RCW 36.70A (the Growth Management Act) and WAC Sectbns 365-195-800 through 365-195-865. 17.10 Puraoae 17.10.010 These regulations have been estabfished in accvrdance wrtfi the Comprehens+ve Ptan for the purpase of promoting the heaMlh, sefety, general wetfare and prote.-tian of the ornlronment of the City. They have been designed b reduce tratftc congestion; to reduce the threat o1 flre, pariic and athet dangers; to pravide adequate Hght and air, to ptevent the overcrawding af land; to avaid undue concentration af poputation; to fiacilitate the adequate pravfsion of transportatton, wafer, sewerage, schoots, parks and other public requirements; to safeguard cvmmunity character, to encourage land uses in areas sultebte for par#icufar uses; to oonserve the value of Rrapefty; and to encourage the mast appmptiate use of land througheut the City. 17.15 Aapilcation. Violation, and Penattv 17.15.010 Att development and use of land within the corporate Ilmits pf the City shaU canform to a!I of the requiremants ot this code, uniess specificalty exempted henein or by the operaiton of law. Al{ viotations of this titFe are hereby determirfed tn be detrimentat tn the general public health, safety and weKare and ara h$reby dectared pubtic nuisances. Further, any person who wiltfully or knowingly caussg, aids, or abets a violation pursuant to tliis artida by any act of comrnissaon ar omis,sion is puitty oi a misdemeanor. Upon convicdon, the person shatl be punished by a flna not to exceed $1,000 andlor incarceratison for a term not to exceed 90 days Each weelc (seven consecubve days) sucfi vioEation continues shall be considered a separate m(sdemeanar vtfense. 17.20 Rules of Construcdon 1720.010 General All provisians, tenns, phrases, and expressiong conhained 'm this code shall be construesi to impkement the inbent and meaning of the City Council 17.20.020 Specific f Cnmoutatian af time. The dme within which gn act is to be done ahaft be computsd by excluding the fir5t and including the fast day. Although, if the deflned period af time would pxpire on a Saturday, Sunday, or Iegal ha!(day, ttien the Gme petfod ls extended untll ths end of the next day that is not a Satur+day. Sunday, or {egal holfday. In the computation of tfrtre the standard calendar shall be used. The following ame-relaled wards shall have the rtteanings 3sctibed belaw. a. "Day' means a r_alendat day, unless wmrkinq day is specified Pago 1 af 35 Planning CommEssian Recommertded DraR Title 17 l)niform Development Code - - . - ~ ' r ~ . b"Week' means seven (7) calendar days. c. "Month' means a calendar month. d. 'Year means a ca{endar year 2 Con unctfons. Unless the oonbext clRarly indicates to the contrary, cvnjunctions shall be ~ interpreted as foilnws: a. "And" indicaEes that aU connected items, conditions, provisions or events shatl appiy. b. "Ot" indicates that one or mor+a of the connecbed items, conditlons, RfOVISIGRS Of CV@Rl9 sha11 apply. c. "Either or' indicates that the connected items, canditions, ptovisions, or events shall appiy singuiarly but not in combination. 3. DeleRation of authantv. Whenever a provision appears requiring the head of a department or some other offrcet or emp{ayee to dq some act or perForm some duty. it is to te construed to authoRZe the head of the department or other officer to Cesignate, delegate, and author¢e subondinates to perform the required act or duty, unless the terms of the provisEnn or sectfon specify atfierwise. 4 Non-technical and bachnical wurd . Wotds and phases shall be construed according to the camman artd approved usage o~the language, but technical words and phases and such atiiers as may have acquired a pewliar and appropriate meaning In 13w shall be construed and understood acco: ding to sucfi meaning. 5 Number A word indic.ating the singular number may ekend and be applieci to several persons and things. The use of the plurai numDer shalt be deemed to fnclude any sfngie person or thing, unless the oantext clearly indfcates the contrary. 6. Pubfic officials, bodles and ac,~encies. All public affiicials, bodies, and agencies to wh[ch reference is made are thase of the City, unless othervvise indicated. 1. Shall a~may. The word 'shaH' is aiways mandatory and not discretionary. The word "may" Es pemtiss . 8. Tense. Words used in the past or present tense includs the futuce as well as !he past or present, unless the context cieariy indicates the contrary. 9. Text. fn case of any diffsrence of meaning or impilption beN►►een ihe text of this aade and any illustration or figure, the text shall control. 17.25 Code Intercretadon 17.25.010 Intorpretation of Development Code Any perscn may request a tormal interpretadon of a pravision of th$ development code, zoning map, arterial raad map, priar conditions of appraval, or priar adminisirative interpretaUons. The interprelation sha11 be made by the Community DevebpmeM Director (hereafter retemed to as "the Directar"). The Cammunity Development Deparfinent (hereafter retemed to as 'the Department') sF►aA maintain a file of ail written inlerpretations. t'age 2 of 35 I P4annfng Commission Reaommended Draft Title 17 Uniiomn [}evelopmenl Cade Par,;• 17.25.020 Appoal of Admintstratfve Irtterpretatlon This formai (rttsrpretalion may be appealed pursuant to the pmvisions of chapter SVMC 17.50 of this code. 17.30 Consistencv with Comprehensive Plan 17.30.010 The regu{ations of this code are intenderi tn implement the City's offiaal Comprehensive Plan, and as such may he amended from time to time. A capy of the plan shali be kept m the offics of the Ctty Cler}c, and it shall be available for public inspecbon during regular business hauts or on the City's websiiQ. Applacations for rezoning sny land usa acbfon shaA be oonsistent with the Comprehensnre Plan. 17,35 Severabilltv The sectlons, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this chap4er are severabie, and it any phrase, ctause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this chapter shatl bs dectared uncenstitutional, such unconstituUonelity or irtvalidity shall not affeci any of tha remaining phrases, clauses, santences, paragraphs. or sections af th+s code. 17,40 Permit Proc ssina Procedures 17.40.010 Purpose and Appllcabllity 1. Pu se_ The purpose of this chapter ls to establlsh siandardized decision-making procedures for reviewing development and iand Use applicaUons within the City. This chapter is intended to: a. Assure prvmpt riaview of development applfcations; b. Provlde fot necessary puaic review and comment on development appllcatians: c Minfmize adverse impecis on surraunding land uses; d. Encourage flex►bility and innovation in the design and tayout of development prapasals; and e. EnsurB consiatency with the ComprBhenslve Plan and development reguletions. 2. QpRlicabihtv. This chapter appties to all development applicatior►s identfied 'm SVMC. 77.40.020 Types of Oavetopment ApplicatioRs 1 Land Use and development a¢pfications mnU be cfassified, as toilows; a. Type I procedures apply to permits and decisions issued administradvety. b. Type II procedures appty to administrative actions tfiat contain some disctetionary c►iteria. c. Type III procedures appfy to quasi judlr,ial permits and actfons that cantain dlscretionery appmval cnteria. .1 Tynp 1V nrece~i!:~r•; n'-nl-,, fn'eqi,lative matipr-c~ Leq+s!ativn mattFr_ imroEve the cr-_. I Planning Comm+ssion Recommended Draft TiOe 17 Uniform Devetapment Cale _ - e. Exempt appiications defined below in SVMC 17.40.040. 17.40.030 Asstgnment o/ Developmertt Application Ciassification 1. Asstqnment bv Table. Land use and develapment applications shall ba classified pursuant to the fallawing table. Table 17.40-1 Typa t.wnd Use and Oevslapment AppFcalian Crou Referanze SYMC Chaptar - ~ 1laadsaCry DweUlny Unlts 19.110 Mministrathre Detarmina6ons by aanmunity devafopmont diretw. publ{c 1725 worfo diredor. or buUdinp offidal. MminiatrslNe Eactapilon 40.90 Admini"Me Inlarpretmtion 1725.010 Boundety Lme AOuatrnerrts and ElkmInatlab 20.a0 Horns Profesaion PertnA 19.110 SbraNne Parmi! Exemptlan (dait pczrnit) 21.50 5Re Ptan Review 19.65 t Tamporary Usa Pertnrt tABOD ~ Tirm Faclensions br pretiminary ~,_5 :.-,,.-ismn. shoK w.), 20.10.060 binding sNe pEen Floodptain deveiopment 21.30 Butldirq PotmRs nd wbieci lo SEPA GradMp Peimne 24.100 @kiding Stte P1an - Prefirrimary and F1nai 20.80 8trxftng 5ite Pfan - Charxlo oi Canditions 20.60 Whekse Garnmuniceticxt Fxiltties 22.120 Subdivislon - Flnal u Plat Atterationa - Final 20.60 SEPA Threstiokl Oelertnlnudlon 21.20 ~ F'rallminary Stwrt k a+.:s BFnciing Sde Ptin - Chanpe oi Condrtions Shat Subdivfelon - F'reqinFnary and Rral 2020 Condkfonal Uee Pannks 18.700 ShDtalirie Conditionstl Ua9 Pertnlt 211.50 Sha,relfne SuDstantlal 0eveiopment Pcmiit 21.50 Shorei'iria Varlance 21,50 ~ ftl ~ Subdhrielahs - Prnllminary 2(120 Va►fance 19_900 I ?~r~,*~r.ra-.• ~s-::+:: - C~ar?t.v at Ca~Ri~'~ny _ ~ Zaning Map Mwxndments (sb epecft remnes) 17.10A70 IV Annual Compre3sanalve Ptan Nnendmerrte (tmct anNof map) 17.40.14WI 1 Ar-- a wide l.onmg f,tap A-ilendm.en!s 17 40 • - f + Planning Commissiat Recommended Oraft Tit4e 17 Unifarm Development Cade Tppe I.and Usa and Davelopniant AppNcatlon Craas Fiarranca - SVMC Gheplat I DevaloprneM Ccee 7ari AmenQments 17.I0, IW 2. Assionment by Diractor: Land use and devetoprnent appfications not defined in SVMC Tabte17.40-1 above shaii be assigned a type by the Director, unless exempt under SVMC 17.40.040_ When one or more procedure may be appropnate, the process providing the greatest opportunity for public nodce shall be tallowed. 17.40.440 Exempt Activittss 1. Exemptlores. llnless specif~ed etsewhere in this titie, ths folEowing deveiopment ectivities are exempt trom the procedural requirements of this chaptar a. Normal or emergency rspair or maintenance of public or private buiFdings, struztures, tandscaping, or utilities. b. A change at any tegaity-established use is exempt; unless the change of use requires: I. An fncrease in tha number of parlcing spaces provided, ii. A conditionet use permit under SVMC 19.80, ni. A site ptan approval under SVMC 19,65, or iv. Review by SEPA. c. Final subdivisions, short subdivisions, and binding slte plans. d. 9uifding permits thai are not subject to SEPA. e. On-site utility permits not abEained in conjunctton wilh a specific development epplicatian, inctuding but not Iimited io sewet hook-ups. watar hook-tips, right-of-way petmits, and fire department pecmits. f. Sign permits_ g. Interirx remodelinq and tenant impro-lemAnts unless s:te plan review is requirecl under SVMC 19.65. 2 Other Reaulations. App1icatEOns exempt under this seciron remam subject to all atrer applicable standards and requirements of the 51lMC. 17.40.050 Development Applicatian Requlrements 1. ApplicaEfon fartns. All applications shall be made on fvrrns provkJed by the Dapartment. The Oirector shall have authority to modify applicatfon materiats. 2 Submittal informaitan. A!I applkations shaH includa the information required in appticable provlsians of this cade as identiiied in SVMC Table 17.44-1 and attter additional infarmabon required by the Department. . 3 Fees. Fees as required by SVMC 17.70. 17.40.060 Final Oecision Authority F'age 5 0( 35 Planning Commission Recflmmended Draft Title 17 Uniform Development Code The flnal decision Tor application type strall be made by: 1. Type 1- the Qeparlment 2 Type II - the Department. 3. Type 111-the Hsaring Euaminer 4. Type IV - the City Council preceded by a recommendation by P(anning Commiss+on 17A0.070 Required AppHcation Procedures The requlred procedurns for Type I, II, and III applica;ions am set forth fn the folWw,ng tabb. The specfic pmcedures required for Type IV applications are set `ortti in SVMC 17.40.140 and 17.40.150. Tab{u 17.40-2 Procedures tor Devaloament Applications -9 n ~ lication ~ Eg o c n T~vco ~ co s ` ~~i 7 I I O ~ X X~ NrA~ WA X ~ II X X X N.A X cn x x x x x x X Required O Opt(onal N1A Not Applicabla 17.40.080 Pre-Appilcation Conference 1 Purpow. To provide City and other agency s►.aff wilh a suffiuent IevEl of deta:l about ;he proposed development; to enabfe staff to advise the appl+cant of apQiicable approvals and requirements; to acquaint tha applicant with ihe appiicab(s requirments of the SVMC and I other taws; and to ideniify issues and concerna in advanoe of a tvrtna( apptication. 2. Pre-aanficatlon. Type II and III applicants shall schedule a pre-application conference and provide informatlon requested in advance of the meeting, 3. Pra-~.pp~Ication waivers. The director may waive the pre-app(ication conference if determined ttial the proposal has few devetopment-reiated issues, invofves subsequent phases of an approved development, ar is substantially similar to a prior pruposal affiecting suhstantiafly lhe same property. 17.40.090 Counter-Completo DetaRnination 1 Dstermination and Aaolication Content. Prior tn accepting an eppNcatbn the Department shall determine wheth$r the application is counter-complete. A counter-r.omplete appffcatton shatl conlain all intormation requested in the applicable fotm. Reviow fot counter-complete status does no# include an evaluation of the substantiva adequacy of ttte information in the application. 2. Ircom fete applicatJon. If the Department determines that the application is not counter- complete, the application shall be rejected and the applicant advised of th8 inEormation needed io complete the appfication. Paye 6 af 35 I P4anning Commission Recommended Draft Trtie 17 Undorm Develapment Code _ `.r _i:~ CciJ7ril M?Et'1`..-7 3. Counter-compieEe appficahon. Counber-comptete applica6ons sha11 be accepted for review for fully-comp{ete dotermination_ 17.40.100 Fulfy-Complete Detertnination 1 Determinafion. Once a caunter-campfeta application has been accepted, the Department shall, witfiin 28 caleralar days, pmvide a wntien determinatian delivered by mad or in porson to the appl{cant that the application is tulty-complete, or if incompletQ a list oi what is required to make the application compEete. The narnes of agencies oi lacal, state, or federal gwemments that may have jurisdicbon ovBr some aspect of the application to the extent known by the City will be provided to the applicant. 2. Incomaete appilcaGon. If the necessary infarmation cs not provided by the appliwnt wuhin 60 days, the Department shail: a. Rejes;t and return ths applicaUon; or b. lssue a decisbn denying the appHcation, based on a fack af infonnetion. The appiicant may refnitiata lhe fully-complQEe review process without edditionai fees provided tfiat the requ(red iniormatiun is pmvided by a date specifled by the DepartmenL c e he appficant may wthdrew the application by submitting a request in wnting zrid may be entitled to the retum of up to 80% of the iees submitted. 3. Fullv-camvl-ete epplicat on. If the Department dstermines that any applicadon is fulfy-complete, the Department shall, wiihtn 14 catendar days issus a notice of appffcatian pursuant to sectfon svnnc 17,40. 110. 4. Reau~t fpr ~atldi~fanal informatian. A fulfy-camplete determination shaU not precluds ihe City from requesting additional informaUon, studies or changes to submitted iniormatiort of ptans if new informabon is required or subsLantiat changes to lhe propasal occut. 5 RevxaWn: An application's fully-cample#$ and vesting siatus may be revoked if the Department cfetermines ttiat the appticant lptantionally submitted false infortnation 6. Within 14 plendar days aftet an appilcant ha9 suDmitted edditianal information iden1;fi~.~d by lt".e Gity as necessary tot a compfete appNcatMn, the City shall natiffy the applicant wheth_r the appllmtion fs oomplete or what addiUanal (nforrttadon is necessary. 17.40.110 Notica of Application t. Cantcnts. VlTrthin 14 ca{ertdar days afber an application is determined fuUy-complete, the DeFartment shail issue a natice of apRlicatbn. a AlI noticss of applic,at'sons shall Irwiude the tottowing- f. The case file number(s), the date of applicabon, and the date a jutly cnmptete applkation was filed; ii A descripUon ot !he proposesi Rroject and a fist af praject permits [ncluded yrith Lhe applicadon, as well as tte identificaUon af other permits not Included in the apptication, to the extent known ta the Ciry; 0 7ha praposed SEPA Threshofd Determination, if applicab►e. Pzige 7 ot 35 I Planning Comrrission Recommended OraftTitle 17 Uniform Development Code iv. The idenUfrcatinn of any exisUng envimnmental docurrtents that may be used to evaluate the proposed prvject v. A statement of the public camment period; a statement that the publlc has the right to cvmment on the applicatian, recefve notux of the dscisian and request a capy of the decislon once made, end a staternent of any appeal n~~~!s. vi The name of the applipnt or applipnt's authorized represent3t;ve and trie name, address, and te(ephone number of a can#ari person for the appliranE, !f any, vii. A descrp:inn of tha sits, inctuding current zcsiing and near-2st road in:ersecbons, sufficient tfl infaRn the reader of its location and ioning; viii A map showing the ;ubiect a(Qpefiy tfl fe';hfkUfl iU Othef It ft!dliCed capy of the site plan, ix. The date, place, ard tinles wriare information about t1iL applicatron may bL examEned and the name and telephana number of the Gty representative to contact about the app(icaiton; x A.ny additlonal Informatlon determined approprlale by thF Department. b In 3ddition to the rFquiraments fistecl in SVMC 17 40 t 10( t )<a►, 3i ype II nc'ic.e of application shall sta!2 1. That failure of any party tD address the relevar.t approval c:ittria w:th sufficiznt speciflc.lty may result in the denial of tfie application; ii That atl evidence relied upan by the Oepartmeni to meke khe decWfln shall be cantained w►thin the record and is available ior publlc review, and that copies can be obtained at a reasanable cost from the Department, iii. That after the comment percod clases; the Department shall issue a Type 11 notice of decision. c. In addition ta the repulrements listed in SVMC 17 .0110{1}(a), a Type 111 applscvtinn shaU state: i That a staff report vuQl be 8vail8ble `c;r publlc hearing, and wtitten CommenEs may be suCmittr:d at any time pnur t.:) the ulosing of the record for tha public hearing. 2. Dlstnbubon of Notice of Applicatian. The natice of application shall De published m approprfate regional of neighborhood newspaper or t.rade joumal and sent to the follawrng persans by regular mail. a. The applicant b. A!I adjaCent property owri;;rs c.f record as sliow» on 1!ie n;cst recent proper*y tax assessmesit roll, c. Atty govemmental agency anUUEd to noticc: d .'tny person filirg a wntten request for a copy of ltlt, nc,t;cs; tIt appllc:at;en i'ZIj--- ~i i)i 3.5 ~ Planniny Cnmmission Recommended Draft Tiile 17 Uniform Development Code 3. T,ype l exce~a_r.. A not,ce of appiication is nat requiresi !or TyRe I appiications. 4. Comment PenQd. The Qepartment shatl ai{ow 14 calendar days for Type II applkutiarts and 30 calendar days fat Type 111 aapiications aRer the date the notice of application Is maileci and pasted on the subjeci property, far individuals to submlt cflmments. Within seven calendar days after ths close of the public camment perfad, ihe Depariment shall mall to tfie applfcant a capy of wrftten public comments, incJuding ema►I communirations, timely received in resportse to the noGce of application together wiih a stabement that ttie appikant may submit a wntten response to these commenLs wnthin 14 calendar days from the date the comments are mailed. Th8 C}eparVnenl in malcing tRis decision shafl cansider wmCten c.amments timely rece+ved in response to the natice of applicatfon and timely wntten responses to these cummenis, :ncluding e-mail communicaOons, submitted by the applicant. 17.40.120 Notlce o1 Publ(c Hearing A public reartng Es tequlred far Type III appliCatfons. t Cantent of Notiae of Publfe Nearing: Notices of pubhc heariny shall cnnbin the tollawing i n lorrrfati0n - a The application andlar proJect number, b. Projact sumrnaryldescriptfon of each project pefmit application: c. The dQSEgnatfon of the hearing body; d. The cfate, Nme, and place of the hearing and a statement .hat the hearing Will Ce conducted In aa:ardanae with the rules of procedure adopted by the hearing body; e. General project locatfon, vk-inity, address, and paroel number(s), if appticable; i. The name o1 the appticartt or appiicant's autharized representative and tfie name, address and telephone number of a cantact persvn for the applicant, ii any; g. The SEPA threshold detertninatfon or descriplion thereof shall be conEained In tlhe notice, a{c►ng with any appropriabe statement regaMing any shaned or divided Wad agency status and phased revtew and stating the end of any final comment period; h 4s+atPment reparding the appeal process; and i The date when the Siaff report will be avaIlable and !ha place and tlrrtes where it can be reviewed. 2_ Dtstributlon of NQtiM of Public Nearinq: Not)ces of pubRc heariny sha11 be rnaileci, posted, anci published at least fifteen (15) days priar to lhe fiearing date and shall be distributed a6 follows: ~ a_ Notrce by MaiL• All PropertY owners within c-:a-~ ,_r.- =,t- i•; =~_~1 feet of the subject propetty by frst ctass mail. Whete any portion of the property abutiing the subject property is owned, conUolled, ac under the optlon of !he project property ~ owner, then aII property awners within foat radius of the total ownership [nferest shafl be notified by first class rriaiL Property owners are thosa shawn an the rTtost recent Spokane County Assessorsffrzasurers dabbase as ohtalned by the tiile oampany no more than thirty (30) cacendar days prior to the stheduled publ(c hpadng. ln addition, notice shaU be sent to the falluwing: i Agenc€es wtth )uri6dktion (SEPA); Naae 9 of 35 I Pfanning Commission Recammended Dreft Titfe 17 Unifortn Development Cade iI Municipai corporations or organitabcn with wh►ch the Ccty has executed an inter- }ocal agreement; and fii Other persons who the City determines may be affecteci by the proposed acxfon or who requested such notioe in wrrting. b Notice by 5ign; A s+gn a minlmum of sixteen (16) square feet (4 feel in width by 4 feet in height) in area shall be pasted by the applicant on the site abng the most heavUy traveled street adjacent to tlhe subject prvperty. The sign shap be provided by the applicant The sign shatt be constructed of matetial of sufflcient welght and reasonable strength to withstand normal weatheY conditions. The sign shaU be lettered and spaced as follavas- ii. A minimum of hvo (2) inch border on the tap, sides, and bottom of the sign; ii. The first Ifne In fvur (4) Inch letters shall read 'NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING"; m. Spacing between all lines shaU bs a minimum of tfiree (3) inches; and iv. The text of the sign shafl include the following information in three (3) inch Isttefs: 1 Proposat: 2. Applicant 3. Fiie Number. 4. Hearing: (da'e ?a torne) 5. Location; 6. Review Authonty c. Notice by Publlqtlpn: PuGI<<,h one nutir,e in an appropriata regi4!??I cr neighborhood nevspaper or trade Jaumal 17.40.130 Flnal Decision 1 Timellne to Make Final Detision - 1'vpe I. The Dc:par2ment shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny a Type I applkation wfthin 60 pfendar days after the cfa2e the apptication was acaepted as fully-camplete, unless accumpanied by a SEPA checklisL Time spent by the apptipnt to revise plans or provide addiNonal studies or materials requssted by the City shrall not be included in the BO day period. An applicant may agree in writing to extend the time -n which the Depar:ment shall issue a decision. The Department'S decision skia11 addre:ss a!I of the ralevant approval ctiteria applicable to ihe devefapment applicabo.i. 2 Timetine to Make Final Ueclsion -Type II and IIL The final decisiaci on a Type II and III application shall be made not more than 120 calendar days (90 days for subdivis+ons) after the date a ful{y-camplete determinaGon fs made. This perfod shall not include: a Time spent by the appUcant ta revise ptans or provide addilionat studies or rna4eriafs requested by the City. b. Tmte spent preparing an envimnmental impact siatement c. Time Letv;een suhmit#al a+id iesalutian of an appeal. d Any Pxtension of time rrutually agreed upon by tnci applic.ant and the Cily in wnting. 3 Contents of Ftnal Declsion. Tha frna) decisian on Type II and III applfcations shall contain t)ie rralfowing infotmaEion: I Ptanning Cornmis5ion Recnmmended araR TiHe 17 Unifortn Development Code ) .,_,,^--aJ` ~'nl.r~...~ ►JS~-=, " a The nature af the application in sufficient detail to aepnse persons enMled to rtoGce of the applicanYs proposat and of the dectsion; b. The address or other geographic description of the subject property, iRCluding a map of the sft in retation to ft surraunding atea, whera apptipble; c. The date the decision shalt become final, unless appeated; d. A siatement that afl persons who have sEandfng under SVMC 17 50 may app-eal thEz declsion; e. A s.atemnt in bolciface type brietfiy explainlng how an appeal qn be fl1ed, the deadline for ftfing such an appeal, and wtiere turther infarmatkxt can he oGtairted cflnCeming the appeal; f A statement that the cempleta case fiH, including findings, cendU510f15, decisinrs and contiitions of appraval, if any, [s availsble for revie+v. The notice af final decision shall list the ptace, days, and Gmes where the qse file is avaflable and tho namQ and t?lepltone number of the City representative to wntact atouR reviewing ltie case fi(e; g. A statement of the facts demonsUating how the applic:aiion dces or does rtot camply with aRpUcatrfe approval critena; h. A statement of the basis at decision pursuant to the SVMC and other appltr,able faw; i The t8asons for a conclusion to approve, approve witfi conditlons, or deny the application; j Tha decision to approve or deny the applkation and, lF approved, conditions af appraval necessary ta ensure tha praposed develapment wlll compty with applicabie law; and k, The date the final decision is maifed. 4. Natlce ot the Final Decision. All final dedsions shall be senl by regutar mail to the follawing: ~ a. _ The appticant; ~ b. _.Any governrnental agency entltled to notlce; ~ c. Any person filing a written request for a wpy of the notice of application or the final decision and ~ d. _Any persan who tesafied at the hearing or wha provided substantive wntten commenfs on the applicaWn during the public comment period and provlded a mailing address. 17.40.140 Type N Appllcations - Comprehecrsive Plan Amendmants and Aroa- wide Rezonea 1. lnitiatfon. Cumprehensive Ptan Amendments and Area Wide Rezones may he iniGeted by any of tite foflowing: a. Property owner(s) w their representatives; b. Any cltizen, agBncy, neighborhoad association, or a#Yrer party; or c. The Department, Planning Commission, or City Council. Yage 1 1 qi 35 ( planning Commission Recommended Oraft Tide 17 Unibnr Develapment Code + r:r [I' 2. Auallcations. Applicatfons shall be made on torms provkle hy the City. 3 Appt{cation $ubmtttal: a. Appl►cant (nitiated: Camprehenshre Plan Amendments and Area-Wide Rezones shall ba subject to a pre-applicatisan conference, counter-camplete, and fulty-coanplete determfnatlarts pucsuant to SVMC 17.40.080, 090, and 100. The daie upon fufly- complete de#ermination shall be the date of registratian with the DepartmenL b. NorF-applicant Initiated: After submittal of a non-applkant initiated application, the appllcation shaq be placed on the registQr. a. Regisier oi Cumprehensive Plan Amendments arvd Area-w{de Rezones. The Department shall estaDltsh and maintain a register of all appllcations. 5 Concument and Annuat Review of ReQFster. a. S'sxly (60) days prlor to Navember tst in each catendar year, the City shall notiFy ltie publlc that the amendmQnt process has begun. Notice shall be disiributed as fuflows: i. Ne#ice published tn an appropriate regional cr neighbofiood newspaper er •:rade jaumal; ii Natfcce posfed on all of the City's otfcial public notice boards; lii. Copy of the notice sent io afl agericies, orgariiTa;icrs, ond 3djacent Junsdir;iatis with an lnlsrest b All register+ed applicaticns srall be reviewed COr,r.uEtently, on an annual tasis and ,n a manner consfstent wdh RCW 36.70A.130(2), Applications registered after (Vavember 1si of the previoua ca)endar year ai}d before November 1st of the currei t catendar year shall be included in the annual review. Those registered after November 1st of thc calendar year shall be placed un the regisisr ior revtew at the iolbwing annual review. c[rnergency Amendments: The City may review and amenC the Gomprehensive Plan when the City Cauncil determfnes that an emergertcy exists or in other circumstanr,es as provided for by RCV1138.TOA.130 (2)(a). 6 Notice of Publlp Hearinq. Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Anea-Wide Rezcnes require a publ4c hearing before the Planning Commission. a. Contenis of Notim A notice of publlc hearing shall inGude the following i The citadon, if any, 01 the provisian that would be ct}anged hy the (tropo.al along with a briei descriptian oi that provision; ii A siatement of hcw the proposal waulri change ihe aKectecf pccvi5 n, ;ii. A statement of what areas, Comprehensive Plan designatiar,;: cn•_-, :,r iacations wilt be directly affected ar changed by the propasat; iv. The date, time, and place ol the publ{c hearing; v. A statement of the avalability of the offlcial file; and vi_ A statement of the right of any person to submit ;U chc Ptanning Commission and to appear at the public hearing oi the Planning Cnmm;ssinn to give cral ccmmenls on the proposat " ,Jr]`. 1-) _F._ , Plannfng Cornmissian Recommended Drait Titln 17 Unifrsrm DevElopmertt Code b I7istribution of Notics. The Departmsnt shall distribute the notice pursuant to SVMC 17.40.120(2). 7 Planninq Commis~on Reoammendation. a Praoecfure. Foilowing the puDlic hearing, the Ptanning Commbslon shall consider the applications concurrently, and shatl prepare and forwarQ a recommenda6Qn of Froposed action for afl appiicatiorts to the City Council. The Planning Cammissivn shall take one oi the following aci(ons: i If the Planning CommEssion determfnes thet the praposal shoufd be adopted, it may by a majarity vota, tECOmmend that the Cit}I Cauncit adopt the proposal. T1te Planning Cammkssion may maks modifications !o any propasal prior to recomrttending the propasal to City Counal for adQption. If the modification is substantial, the Ptanning Commtssian musi cortduct a public hearing on the modified pmpasal. ii. If the Planning Commtssfan de#ermines that the proposal should not be adopted, it may, by a majority vote, reaammend tfiat the City Council not adopt the proposal. w If the Ptanning Commissian is unable to take eithet of itte adbons speciW fn subsections (i) or (ii) above, the proposal will be sent to Ctry Councll with the notativn that the Ptennfng Cammission makes no recommendatlon. 8. Aoproval Ctitetta a The City may approve Comprehensive Pfan Amendments an4 Area-Wlde Zone Map Amendments N ii finds that: i. The pmposad amendment bears a sutislantial relatinnship to the pubUc health, ~ safety, welfare, and pratection of the environmenk ?r d u. The proposed amendment IS consistent vvith the requlrements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion ot the City's aslopted plan not affected by the ~ amendment; , -i iii The propor,ed amendment responds to a substantial change (n cand(tions beyond the property ownet's control applkable fo the area wilhin which the ~ subjecl property tles; , ~ iv Tha propcsecf anierdment cortects an obvious mapping error, ar-.icr v Tiis proposeti arnendment addrasses an fdentified def'iciency in the Comprehensive Plan. b. Tne Ciry must aiso consider the following taciars prior to approving Comprehensive Pian Amendments: I Tiie e;fect upon the phystcai environment; J The zflfect an open space, sUeams, rivers, and tatces; iif The canpatibility with and (mpact on adjatent land uszs and surrounding nefghbqrtioods; I Ptanning Commission Recornmended Dsaft Titlfl 17 Un+form Development Code . iv The adequacy of and impact on community facilities includmg utiliUes, roads, public transpoctMion, parks, recreaUon, and schools; v. The benefit to the neightorhood. City, and region; vi The quantity and lucalion of land planned Fcir ttie proposed land use tvpe and density artd ihe demand far such tartd; ~ vii. The current artd proJectaf populatiott densiky in tFe area; 3nd viii The effect upon olher aspects of !►se Comprehensive Plan B Ciry Council ACtian. Wtthin stxt}I (60) days ol' receipt of Fhe E'fanning Commission's findings and recamnzendatians, the Ctty Council shall consider the findings and recornmendati;,ris of the r.nmmission conceming the applicailon and rnay hoid a pubiic hearing pursuant to caundt nules. The Deparlment shall distribute notice of the council's public hearing pursu3nt to SVMC 17.40.124(2). All annuat amendments to the Camprehensive Plan sha11 be cvnsidered concumenUy. By a majotity vote of its membership, the City Council shall ~ a. _Approve the application, ~ b. _Disapprove the appiication; ~ c. _Madify the appliption. If the modification is 5ubstantial, ihe counc;l must either conduct a public hearing on the modiiied proposal; or ( d. Refer the praposal back to the Planning Carrtmission for furthaf conslderatian. 10. Transmlttal to the Stata of WashingLn. At least sixiy (60) days prior to flnal aciion E~ing taken by the Cdy Councll, the Washington State Department of Community. Trade and Econamic Oevelopment (CTED) shall be pravided with a copy of the amendments in orrier to initiate the 60 (sixty) day camment period. No tater than ten (10) days aRer adoption of tfe proposal, a copy ai the final dec'rsion shall be fonaarcied to CTED. 17.40.150 Type IV Applfcations - Text Amendmenta to the Unifortn Oevelopment Code 1. Irntlatbn. Text amendments lo this code may be iriitia'ed by any of the fo"lomng: a. Praperty owner(s) ar their representatives. b Ary citizen, agenCy, neighbofiood assoc<<i;uon, er c'her p3rtj; nr c. The Qepartmcnt. Planning Commission, arCity Council 2. Ap°Iicatiens, Applicatior,s shall be made on forms provided by the C!"/ 3, Anoticattan Submittal a. Aft$r submittal cf an applicant iiiiiiated application, the applicabon sftall ce subject to a pre-application conference, counter-compfete, and fully-compMe determinalicn pursuant to SVMC 17,40.080, 090, and 100. h After submittal, the application shall be placed an lhe next available P1anmRg Commission agenda Fag.: 14 of 35 I Planning Consmission Recammendad Draft Title 17 Unrtorm Devetopment Code )1-3- v-D - `-iDw^. i 1.4 '=n, n ,a 4 Notice of Public Hearinq. Amendments to this code require a puWic hearing befone the P{anning Commission. a. Contents of Nabce. A notice of public heanng shall inciuding ihe fr,llow+ng: i Tha citatian, ifi any, of the provisbn tfiet would be cfiaciged by the proposal alang with a brief descnption of that pttivision; ii. A statemQnt of how the proposal wouid cfiange the affieclad provlsion; iii. Tha date, time, and piace of the public heanng; iv. A staterrient of the availabfiity of the afi5cial ftie; and v A staGemeM of ths ngM of any pefson bo submit wntten comments to the Planning Commisslon and to appear at the public hearing of the Plartning Commtssion to give oral camments on the propasat. b. Distribution of Notice. The Department shall distribute the natim pursuant to SVMC 17.40.120(2). 5. Piannina Cammiss'ron Recomrnendation. 3 Frocedure. Folfawing the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall cortsfder the proposal arrd shafl prepare and farward a recommenciation to the City Councd. The Pfanning Commission shaH take one of the follawing actfons: i. If the Planning Commission deiermines that the praposal shauld be adopted, it may by a majvrity vote, rerommend that the City CaunGl arlopt the proposaL The F'ianning Commission may make modtRcatiorts to any proposal prior to recammertding tfie propasal to City Ccuncil for adopGon. If the mfldification is substantlal, the Planning Commkssion must cortdact a public hearing an !he mafified proposal ii If the Planning Commissfan detstmines that tfie propQSal should not be adopted, it may, by a majority vabe, recommend thai tha City Councll not adapt the proposal. If the Plann(ng Cammissbn is unable bo take either of the actions specifieG In sutxsections (I) ar (ii) above, the proposal will be sent ta Ctty Council with the rtiotatlan that the Planrting Commission makes no rECammenda:ion. 13 Appr:.val ~Iiteri . The City may approve amendmenfs to this code iT It finds that a The proposed amendment Es canslstent wlth the appllcaWe provlslons of the Comprehenslve Plan; and b 1"ha Rropused amendment bears a substantial retation Go pubAc health, safety, welfare, ard protect[on of the environmenL i Citv Cbuncil Action. Within sixiy (60) days of csceipt of the Ptanning Cammission's findings and recommendations, the City Cuuncil shall cons€der the findings and recommendatl4ns of !he c,ommission concerning the applkcation and may hold a public hearing pursuant to council nulss. The Department shall distribute notice ai the councll's public hearing pursuant to SVMC 17,40.120(2). By a majotity vo1e, tlhe City Cuuncil shall. . ~ Pianning Cammissian Recamrrtended Draft Title 17 Uniform Dewlopment Code - - - a. APProve the aPPlication I , b. Dtsapprave the appficabon; r. Modify the appiication. If modfiqtion Is substantial, the Cauncii must eitlher canduct a public hearing on the modified proposal; or, d. Refer the proposal track to the Pianning Commtssian for furtt►er consideratian, 8 Transmfttai t e State of Washin on. At {east 60 (sbdy) days prior to finai aciian being taken by the City Council, ttte Washington State DepartmeM of Community. Trade and Ecanomic Development (CTED) shall be provided witfi a capy of the amendments In Qrder to initiate the 60 (sixty) day comment perfod. No later thsn ten (10) days after adoption of the proposai, a copy of the final decision shaN be farwarded to CTED 17.40.160 Optianal Consolldated Reviffw Process 1 Qptionaf ConSafidated Review Process. Tt,:s aptional pracess provides for the consideraiion of all dEscretionary land use, engineering, and environmental permits issued by the Cily if raquested in writing from the applicanL Permit dectstons of othar sgencies are nol fncluded in this process; but public meetings and hearings for other agencies may be coordlnated with those of tt►e City. Where multipEe approvals are required for a singte project, ttie aptlonat cansolldafEd review prooess is composed of the following: a. Pre-applicatlon Meeting. A single pro-applicatian meefing will be canducted for a11 applications submltted under the optlonal consolidaEed teview process. b Determination of Compteieness. When a consotidated apprication fs deemed camplete a consolidaled detenninatlon of completeness will be made pursuant to SVMC 17.40.100. c Nctic$ of Application. When a cansolidated applicadon is deemed comptete, a consolldated notice of application will be issued pursuant to the provisions of SVMC 17.40.110. d Comment Period. The consolidated application shatl pravfde tor onQ comment perioc! `or alt permiis included in the consolidated applicaUon. a The Ctity wiil issue a decision(s) for Type I or Type II permiLs pr+or to schedL:iing a Gublic hearing for any comRanfan Type III permiE. Appeals of aiministrative permits that are part of a consolidated applic,ation will be heard in a single, consolidated apen-record appeal hsaring befora ;ho Hearing Exam~ner an the same agenda as :hc Compatlion Type III apptication. f Nattce of Puhl(c Ffearing. A siilyle tlotice of publir- Ilearicig will Ce providecl for c.Qnsolidated permit appllcabons. The notice witl include the Type III permit to be heard and any open record appeafs of administrative portions of the consaUdated appticatlon. g. Notice of Qecision. The Hearing Examiner shaQ issue a stngle noace of decision re3arding all Type 1 and 'fype II appeals and all Type III proJeci permit eppl(cattons subJect ta a publfc hearing. ~ Paga 16 cf 35 I Pianning Commisslon Recommended Dtaft TrUe 17 Unlbrm [}evelopment Code Fnr ~i!_ ::~_t7:• " _ -.1 ►.~n. 17.50 AaQaals 17.60.010 General 1. Apneais and JurisdicUon. All finai decisions shail be appealed tn the authority set farth in SVMC Tabte 1750-1 betow. Specfic proce►dures followed by the Planning Comm"on, Heanng Examiner, and City Councll are set forth in Appendix B. Tabla 17.60-1 Oects{oNAppeal Authority tsna llw :rid aeMMo~ drdsiona /lppeal AuthailY Type I and II Deciskons lieanng Esaminer (SVMC 17,50 Q3O); fu~ appeal ro Superior CouN (RCW 36.70C) Bu1t01nQ Pomclts Hesrinp F.immk+er (SVMC 17S0.030y; furttau appeal to Ss►Npe+ic»r Cavrt (RC1M 36.70C) Type Itl deaumona except xoninp map Suparlor Court (RLW 36 70C) amendrfsents Type tp tOning rtarp utt$rMmenft Ciir Coundl (SVlVIC 17.50.080),tuRMsr appeal to Superlor Caurt (RCV1r 38 70C) Type N cledslons Supe+la Cawt Matters eubjocl to revlev pu»ttaM fD Growlh msnagement heoriny boartf RCW 3&7011fl20 Shorelhre dewtq{xmnt psrrnils Shoml(ne Hearinps 8oard (RCfV 90 58 1BM Complsnae snd enforcome++t deasloRS l1¢peal Authvr,Ry (SVMC 17.60): Ndkw and ordor of valntbn Nearinp Exanincr (SVMC 17_50,03CY); turthsr to 5upt~ Couri appeal 17.50.020 EKoctiva Date of Final Decislons t. Type 1 final decisions and building permfis became eifiechvs en the day afier the appeal period eypirea untess an appeal is fikjd, in which case the pracedures of SVMC 17 50 sfiafl apply The applicant and owner havo the right to waive their appeal rights, and in such cases where a waiver is submltte4 In wnting to the Uepartment, tha Type I decision is considered final on the day rt is signed by the Directar or designee or on the day the waiver ks approved, whichaver is tater, unless a party other than the applicant owner has standing to appeal. 2. Type II, III, end IV final decisbns become effective on the day aRer the appeal period explre3, unless an appeal is fiied, in whlGh case the prorures of SVMC 17.50 shall appty 17.50.030 Standing 1 Type 1edslon. The fotiowing parties have standing b appeal a Type ! decision: a. The applicaM and the owner at the property ta whom the decision is directed; and b, The adjaaent property owners whose interesi are arequired part af the applicatfon appnsval. Tyae II decis{on. ThQ fatlowing parties have standing tn appeal a Type II decision a The appiicant and owner oi the property to whom the dectsion is directed; b. Any party for whom wntten natice is requfrsd; Page 17 c,i 35 I Ptanning CommissHon Rectimmended DraR Title 17 Uniform Devetopment Code For 01-30-C7 Counc;i Mee!inq r_. Any other party who partlciRates in the decision proaess lhrough the submittai of substantive wRtten wmments. 3 Tvoe Itl decision. The fotlowing parties have standing to appeal a Type III decision. a. The applicant and the owner of the property to whom the decision is directa•d, b Any ather person aggrieved or adversely affected by the decisian, or who wculd be aggrieved or adversety affacted by a reversal or modiflcation ot the dectslon. A pQrson is aggneved or adversely affected within the meaning of these rules anty when all af the fo1lowing canditiarts are presenG i The decision has prejudiced ar {s llkefy ta prejudiae thet persan; n That person's asserted interests are among those ihat the Hearing Examiner was required to conslder when the decision was masle; ni A raversal or modii9cafion ot the decision in favor of that person would substantiafly eliminate or redress lhe prejudicL to that person caused or Itkely to be caused by the dec.ksion; anti rv 1'he appellant has exhausted his or her adnjinistraUve remedies by being a p.3rty of recard to the decision below. A"party of record' means a perssn who appeared at the publlc hearing held 6y the Hearing Examiner, or who submittesi subsLantrye written comments in the rnattQr priar to the dfls'cng af tha recard for the heariny c. Tha Directar. 4 i vcse IV Oecisiorts. Type IV decisions are legislative decisians and may be appealed ln the Grawth Managemsnt Hearings Board or a caurt of compctent juristiiction as allowed by law. 5 Gom liance and entarcement dscisir,ns. The following parties have stand9ng to appeal a complianca and enivrcement decision a The party or ownt_r (--;f prc,periy sub;ect to aq appeal b. The mmptainant If a written request is inad-2 in bc r1otlf~cd of tt;e Ciry's rF;pc,nsF to ihe complalnt fited by the compleinarFt 17.50.040 Tlme fw and Contenta oi an Appoat to the Hearing ExaminQr 1_ Apneal to Hearirsq Examiner. Any appea) to the Hearing Examiner must be received no laker than 14 catendar days after written Rotice of the decision is mailed. Receipt of a compfete appeal submitial shall stay the origina) decision undl a frna) decision on the appeal has been reached The appeal shall include: a. The case number designated by the City end the nama of the appiicanr b. The name and signatune of each pettioner ar their authorized represcn't-ativu arlii a stalement showing that each petitioner has standing to fife the appeat under this chaptef. If multipfe patties file a single petitlcn for rcview. the pPtition sha(1 designate one party as lhe contact representative; I Plenning Commtssbon Recommended Draft Tide 17 Unifotm DevebpmeM Code C i fA c. Tt►e speafic decision and specific poRions of the decision or detenninatlon be+ng appealed, and the specific naasons why each aspect is In error as a matter of fact or faw, d. Evider►ce that the specfic issufls raised on appeai were raisad during the period in wfiich the record was open; and e. The appeal fee as identified in SVMC 17.70. The fee may be refundesi eitiiet whoqy ot Rartfal{y only if the appell,ant tequests Hrtthdrawai af the appeal in writing at teasi 14 calendar days before the scheduted appeal hearing daie. 17.50.050 Appeal Revtaw Process tor Nearing Enamirter 1 Appea! Revfew Pnpcess, a All complete appeaf; submitted ancl ailvweti pursusnt to tnnse rules shall be scrieduled tor rev€ew at a public haaring belore the Hearing Examinet withln 90 calendsr days from the date of submission. Furthet extensiar►s are permitted upan mutual agresment of the appellant, the appilcant, and the Departrrtent b. Notice ot the appeal hearing shaU be mailed to the appbcant and the appellant, if diffarant than the applkant. 17.50.060 Haaring Examiner Appeal Hearing Procedures 1. Hearing Proceduras. All appeals to the Hearing Examiner shal! be oartducted In the manner set fotth in Appendix B. Schedulma of Hearinqs. a The Department, +n cooroination with the Hearing Examirser, ;hafl nrepare an official agenda indicaiing the dates and times that marters will be haard. The official agenda shall comply wktlh aU time limrts set forth in RCW 38 706_ 110 bWhen practical, minor appl(catlans such ss a variancs or matters tnai tak.e less tsma shait be heard aE the beglnnfng of the day's agenda. c The Hearing Examinef may cansolidate applications invofving the same or reIa#ed properties for heanng. 3, tdotice af HeatinQ-Elfect of Netice. a Eacfit public notlcs requlred for the hesr(ng ot an appllcation shaU coniorm lo applicable s,aiutory and ordinance requfrements. The noUce should contain a statement that the Iiearing wUl be canducted !n the menner set forth in Appendlx B. b. FaiWre af a pecson entiUeci to notloe to receive notice does nai effeci the jurisdfctbn at the Ilearing Examiner to hear the applicaiJan wnen scheduled and render a decisicn, if the natice was properly mailed and posted. c A person fs deemed to have received nutica it the pesso+i app:ars at the hear,nq, or submits written comments on the ments of the application, and the persan fa;ts to object to the lack af natice prampUy after the person ohtains actual knowfedge of the hearing date. F'agc 19 c•t 3`_i PlanniRg Commission Recommended Oraft Title 17 Uniform Develapment Code FJr C1-30-07 CVUnril M«-tinq d. If required notice is nflt given and actual notice Es not recefved, the !-Eearing Examfner may reschedule the hearing or keep the neootd open on the mattet to receive ariddional ~ evidence. 4. Staffi Reuorts on Appiications a. 1'he Department shalt coordinate and assemble the comments anrl recammerxiations of other City departments and commenting egenries, and shall make a written statf rapoct to the Hearing Examiner an all applfcations. b At least seven catendar days prior to the date of the schedulsd publfc hearing, the staff repart sheH be fiied with the office of the Hearing Examiner and mailed by first ctass rttail or provided to the applicant At such time, the Department shall atso make the reporl available for public inspection. Upon r+equest, the Department shall provids or mail a copy of the report to any requesting persan for the aost of reproduction and maitfng. c. If the staffi repart is not timely frled or fumished, the liearing Exaniner may at hislhet discretlon coMinue the hearing, considering the prejudiCe to any party and the circumstances of the case. d The Hearing Examiner may make recommendaUans to the Deparlment on the faRnaE and content of staff reports submttted to the Hearing Examiner. 5. Site Insoections. a. The Hearing Examinsr may make srte inspecifons, which may axur at any time atter the staff report on an appiication has been filed with the Flearing Euaminer and before the examiner renders a Hnal decision. The Hearing Examiner need nol give notice of the finteMfon to make an inspectioR. b. The inspection and the infarmation obtained from it shall nat be construed as new evidsnce ar evidence autside the record. If an Inspection reveals new and unantidpated information, the Hearing Examiner may upon notlce to ali parties of record request written response to such information or feopen the hearing to consider the inFormaGon 17.60.070 Time for and contents af an Appeal to the City Councll All appeats to the City Cauncit shall be closed recard appeals and shaA follow the procedures and conduct as set fonh below t. Appeals of the Hearing Examiner's declsian to the Cfty Council must be: a. Filed with the City Clerfc within fourteen (14) caleridar days from the date the Fnal decision of the Hearing Examiner was mailed; b. Aooompanied by the appeal fee Edentffied by SVMC 17.70; c. Accampanied dy the separate transcriptlrecord deposit fee iaen6ftd by SVMC 17.70; and d. Submitted on a form obtained frain the Gity Clerk. 2. The appeaf fvrm subrnitted by the appcpant shall contain the foilowing informaGon: a. The file number and a copy ot the deasion; Page ?_o of 35 , I planning Commission Recammendec! Dratt Title 17 Uniform Developm8nt Code ,11 _ s,Z_f? • _ _ I !„~a_ b. The name and mailing addness of the appelfant, the name anci maiting address of the appeltant's attomay, if any, and the name of the appibcant tf diifierent than the appellant; c. Facis demonstrating ihai the apaeilant has standing to appeal; d_ A separate and concise statemett af each error alleged to have been cornmitted; e A separate end concis8 sbtement o( facts upon which the appel!ant ralies to sustain the 5tateti1@M 01 @TTOf; 8Md f. A request for rellef, specityfng the type and extent ot nellei requestecf. 3. Upan rece(pt of the written appeal fann and payment ot the appeal fes, the C+ty Cierlc shap forward a copy ai the appeal and the hanscriptlrecord deposit fee ta the HearEng Examiner, 4 The appeal shall be dismissed by the City CourSCil If a. It ls filed hy a person wiMaut standing to appeal: b. The Ci#y CounO claas not heve jurisdictlon io hear the appeal; c. It is nat timety filed; d. The appeal fee w the transuipUrecord deposit fee was not tlmely paid; e. The appellant failed to timely pay the costs incurred by the Hear(ng Examiner fn prepanng the verbatim transcrEpt and oertified record, aiter being billed !or such costs; or i. It is nat fiied in aocardance with the procedures set forth in these rules. All motians ta dtsmiss a Cefeciive appeal shal) be filed within fifteen (15) calendar days from the filing dete of the appeai, except for a dismtssal under Item (4)(e), above. The Ciry Council may dismiss an appeal under iiem (4)(e), above, upon teceiving wntien nobflcation from the Hearirtg Examiner that the appellant 'Wed to tlmely pay the cosls incumed by the Hearing Examiner for the appeal atter being biAed for such costs. 5. The Headng Examiner stall heve thirty (30) caiendar days fmm the filing dale of the appeal to prepare a vertsatim transcript o( the hearing before the examiner and a certifled copy ot the documents In the recnrd, and bo bill the appeliant far the costs incurred_ The City Council may authorize a Fengtr time, at the Flearing Examiner's request. (cr unusualiy lirg$ records or transcripts. a if the Heanng Ex3mincr. tha appellar.l. and the appitc.ant (rf difierent tttan the appe{tant), agree, or upon orcter ot the City Council, the verbat+m transcript and/or necord may be shortened or summarized [o avoid reptoducdon nr transcription of portians of the rer.ord ttlat are duplicatnre or irrelevant to the }ssues raised by the appeat. b. Upon comp(etion af the transcript and record, the examiner shall bill the appellBnt for all casts Incurred by the Hearing Examiner in preparing the vefbatim transcript and certified mwd. The sppeltant shatl pay the balance above and beyond the depasit fee within seven ('T) calendar days irom the date the biit was r►failed or provided to the appepant c. Upon the appeltanYs payment of the bilt far the casi of the transcript and record, the I-iearing Examtner shaN, by the next business day, det[ver a oopy of the appeal, verbatim ',ranscript, and certfielJ rccord b the City C!erk The 1learing Examiner shail a15o P: ye 2 1 af 35 Planning Commission Recommended Draft Title 17 Uniferm Develapment Code For C-? •3_-C-7 Ccunc~si Me~--Ui; provide to the City Clerlc a tist of the names and mailing addresses of the applicant and ttie parties of record to the hearing befare the Hearing Examiner_ d The City Clerk will fumish copies af the transcript and record to the appGcant, if different than the appelEant, all members aF the City Councll, and the City Attamay. The Hearing Examfner, upon request, wiU iumtsh capies o( the transcript and record lo the appellant, the applicant (if the same as the appellant), and other entities that may request one at the cost of reproduction. e. It the City Councll dismis5es the sppeal on procedural grounds, the appeilant shafi relmburse the Hearing Examiner for the batance of the costs incurced by the Hearing Examiner in pteparing the transcript and record as oi the daie of the dismissal, if any_ 17.50.080 Appeal Revlew Proceas for City Council t. The City Counal, at its next regular mee#ing foUowing receipt ot the transcript and r8cord from the Hearfng Examiner. wip schedule a closed reaard hearing on the appeal. a. The City Council shail sclzedule the appeal hearing no sooner than thirty (30) calendar days ftam the date the transcript and record were received from the Hearing Examiner. b The City Coundl may approve a laber hearing date upon agreement of the applicant c The appelEant, or a party oF record fn opposiban fo the appeat, may provide input as to ttie hearing date only in person at the meeting, or by submitting aletEer to the City Cterfc prior te the meating. d The Ciiy Clerk shaU mail notice of the tIme, p[ace and date of the hearing to the appellant, the applicant (If different than the appellant), and afl parties of record to the heanng before the Hearing Examiner within five (5) calendar days from uie dato the appeal hearing was scheduled. ~ a Glosed recwd appeals befor the City Counc~1 shall be concludetl within s:xty (60) days irom the date the transcript and record are recE(vad by the City Cterfc, unless the applicant agrees in wrlting to a(onger period. 17.50.090 City Councll Appeal Hearing Procedures AU appeats to the City Council shall be conduct+ed fn the manner set in Appendix B. 17.60 Compl(ance and Entorcement 17.60.010 Purposo and Scope This chapter sets farth the enforcement pracedures for violatians of the following: 1 Nuisances (SVMC 7.05) .2 1liofiations af any provisbns of the Unibrm Development Coda (SVMC Titles 17-25) 17.60.030 Relationship to Growth Management Act T his arUcle ds sdopted as developrtZent regufations pursuant t4 Chapter 36.70A RCW (Growth Management Act). Page L cf 35 I Pianning Cammiss6on Recommended Draft Title 17 Uniform Development Code ~=,-.r = J -12 1 ►J~e~!:g 17.60.040 Eniorcemant, Autfiorlty, and Administratlon t. In order b discauraga public nuisances and othervvise pramate compllance wrth applicable code provisiarts, the City may, in response to field observaiiens or reliable camplaints, determine that vlolations of this bile heve occurred or are occurring, and may: a Enter into voluntary compFiance agreements with persoRS re5pansibie for vode violations, b. Issue natice and arders, asse:ss aWi pertaldes, and recovet casts as autttorized by this article; c. Ksquire abatement by means of a jud'scial abatement ordef, artd it such aDatement is not timely completed by tfte persan or persons responsiDle far a code vblaUan, undertake tha abatement and charge the reasonable cests of wch wark as authorized by thls article; d. Allow a person fesponsible for the code violatjon to perfomt commurtrty service fn tieu of paying civil penaltiss as authorized by thts arikle; e_ Order woi°fc stopped at a slte by meana of a stop work order, and tf such arder Is nol complied with, assesses civif penalties as authatized try th(s artlcle; t. Suspend, revoke, or modify any permit previously issued by the City or deny a permit appHcatfon as autharized by thls article when other efiarts tu achieve wmptiance have fatietl; and 3 Focward a wntten statsment providing all re3evant infortnation retatirtg to the vialabon to the ofRce of the City Attomey wiM a r~commendation to prasea►te wilNul and knawing violBtioRS as misdemEanor offeRSes. 2 The procedures set forth (n this article ara not exclustve. These pror.edures shall not In any manner Gmit or restrict ttte City iram remerSying or abating vlolatbns of this titie in any other mannet authonzed by law. 3►n additSon to, ar as an attemative to, utilizing the praoedures set forth !n thts art'scle, tlia Ctty may seek legal ar equitable relief !u abate any oonditlons or en}oin any acts or practioes which cortstitute a r,ode violaiion. 4 In additian to, ar as an altamative to, utilizing !he proceduces set forth in this artide, the City may assess or recover clW perialties accruing under this arUcle by Eegal acnon filad (n Spokane County district court by the affice of the City tUtnmey. 5 The provis[ens of this artiGe shall in no way adversely affect ttte rights of the owner, lessee, or oc.cupant of any pmperty ta recover all casts and expenses inr,urred and required by ►his article fram any person causing such v3aiaBon. t3 In adrNnistMng the pmvisions for code comptiance, the Ciry shall have the authoriry to waive any one or more such provisions so as to avotd substanUal f 3 ~LC14V 3;' 8~•r~i.e3 r=,el-jl .~r ,r•ri~V~Uo;;w* .'-*-v'c&-~s~1w~+~$-F3r'~--3i3~3116 Gi_~'if~4c'iit3-~i:v~•~j~-- •'~-:le•;#E:.-~--=irr-2%23F'r~ IE-~Cc'3~f ij ~3~i gl~}-=i'3-~~3~1G-a'-e~-fn'i►f3~-isi~:~£~ .M~'c-:~__~:?:t;:rl:1 fi':~t- .._-_~r~-'~~~Y-i~r=_Yr-OMf~".'::}y14•_=1•_ . Any determination of substantial injustice shall ba made In writing supported by appropriafe facts. For purpases of this suhsectjon, substantial fnjustice canttflt be based exclusavely on Fnanclal hardship. Planning Cammission Reoommended araft Title 17 Unifoim Qevelopmeitt Code 0, 1 .30 G7 i.cu n._-ii M e e Ur1 7. The City may, upon presentatian of prapef credentials, with the consent o1 the owner or occup+er of a building cx premisss, or pursuent b a lawfully issued court order, enter at reasonabte tirttes any bullding or premises sub)eci to the oonsent or court order to perform the ~ duties imposed by tfiis It Is the intent of the City Councii that any entry made to privatE► property for the purpose at inspection for code violations be asxamplishc-d in strict confoRnity Wnth constrtutional and statutary cvnstraints on entry, and the hatdings of the relevant caurt cases regarding entry. The rigM of enby authortzed by this article shall not supersede those legal consVaints. 8. The Ciry may request that the polfce, appropriata fire distrlci, Spokane Regional Heatih Dlstrict, or other appropriate City department ar other non-city agency assist in ertfarcerrient 17.60.050 Guidelines for Departmental Responses to Compla(nts Csty representatlves are authorized to determine, based upon past compiaints regarding a property, subsequent fleld 'mvesligatioRS, and other reievant criteria, whether a comptaint !s reliabfe. It ths City determinss a complaint is nat reitabie, the City is not obllgated to conduct a fleid lnvestigaUcsn. 17.60.060 Procedur8a when Probable Vtolation Is identtficd t The City sfiall determine, based upon informatian derived fmm sources such as field observations, the statements of witnesses, relevant documents, and daEa systems for trac}cing viotations and applicabie City cacies and regulatians, whe#hef ar not a vioiaLan has occurred. As soon as the City has reasonable cause to determine that a violatlon has ocwrred, the violation shall be documented and the person respansibfo fof the code vfokations promptly notified. E-xcept as provided in subsecdon 4 of titifs section, a waming shall be tssued vert3ally or in writing promptly when a fiefd inspectlon reveals a violation, or as soon as the C►ty oth8rwise I determines a violatlon has occumed. The waming shall in(orm thQ person determined to be responsible far a code violaGon of ths violation and allow tt►e person an opportunity to correct it or enter into a voluntary compliance agreement as pravided for by lhis article_ Verbal wamings sha11 be logged and iollowed up with a written waming wltfiin five days, and the site shall be re-inspected withln 14 days, 3. No waming need ba issued in emengencfes, repeat vlolatlon casc3s, cases that ara atready subject to a voluntary campliance agreement, cases where the vioiabon creates or has ueated a situation or conditian that ks not likely to be corrected within 72 hours, cases where a stop worlc arder ks neeessary, or when the person respanslble for the cocie vialatian knows, ar reasanably shouki have known, that the ectfon was a code violatlon. 4. Notfce and orders should fae Issued in all cases in which a voluntary cnmpliance agreement has not been ent+ened. 5. The City shell use all reasonable means tu deiennine and proceed against the person(s) actually responsible for the code vio[edon axurring whan the property owner has not direcctly or indirectly caused the vEolation. 6. If the viotatian is not comeded, or a voluntary compltance agreemertt is not cntered into within 15 days of notiticatton by the City, a notlce and arder or stAp work order shauld be issued. Stop woric orclers shauld be tssued promptly upon discovery of a violabon in progrPSS_ 17.60.0T0 3enrice - Notice and Order and Stop Woric Order 1. Service of a naticg and order shall be made on a person responsibte for code viofadon by one or mnre of the Evllowing methods: Paga 24 0135 I Ptannmg Cammission Recommended Oraft Trt1e 17 Unifarm Oevelopment Code F Qr t) 1 -3 ^--n7 i;•.?u^C'{ kli E--_'iir-, i a. Personal service of a notice and arder may ba mado on the person identified by the Cifiy as being respons{bW for the code vloletian, or by ieawng a capy of the notice and erder at the pesson's house of usuai abads with a person cf suitable age and discrerion who resides there: b. Service direcied to the landovmer andlor oa:uRant of the property may be made by posbng the notice and order in a conspicuous pEace on the property where the violatlon occurred and concurrentty maiiing noticco as provided for below, if a maiiing address ia available; or c Senr(ce by mail may be made for a nakice and otder by maifing Mro copies, pastage prepaid, one by ordinary first dass mai) and the other by cert,fed mait, to the person responsibie tor the code violation at his or her last known address, at the address of the vialatEOn, or at the address of the piacs of business af the person responsible for the code violation. The taxpayer's address as shown on the tax records of Spokane County shall be deerned to be the proper address for the purpose of mafling such notic:e to the tandowmet of ttse property where the violabon occurred. Service by mail sha11 be presumed effeCtive upan the third business day foltawing the dey upon which the notice and orQer was ptaced in the mail. 2. Far no;icL anQ orders on1y, when the acidress of the person responsible far the code vioEatian cannot be reasonably detetmined, service may be made by pubiicatbn once In an appropriate regionel or neighbafiood newspaper or trade joumal. Service by publicatien shall conform lo the requirements af Civil Ruie 4 of the Rutes tor 5uperior Court. 3. Secvice of as+.op rnroric order an a person responsiWe for a code vialat,on may be made by pasting the stop work order in a conspicuous ptace on the property wtere the vloiatiun occurted ar by servtng the stap work ordet in any other mannef permitted by thEs article. 4 The fai(ure ai the City to make ar attempt setvice on any person named in the noticz of viotaUan, notice and order, or stop w+ork order shall not invalidate any {sreceedings as to any oiher person duly served. 17.60.60 Tralning and Ruletnaking The City shail adopt procedures to implement the provislons of this articte, and spmfiplly the guidelirves set out in this article describing reasonable and approptiate protocots far lnvestigatfng code vfvlaiians. 17.60.090 Obligations of Persons Responsible for Code V1olaHon 1 lt shail be the respansibiHty of any person idantifiet3 as responsibte for a code violatton to bnng the propetty into a safe and reasortabte conaitfon to achleve c:ode compltarice. Payment of civil penaltfes, applications for permits, acknowledgement oi stop work orders, and oompJtartce with other rsmedies does nat substitute for performing the correctiva work required and having the property brought into compliance to the extent reasanably possib4e under the circumstances. 2. Persons dstermined to be responsible far a code vlolatien pursuant to anatice and order shall be Ilable fer the payment of any civil penatties and abatement costs; provided, however, ihat If a property owner affirma#ivety demonstrates that the aition which resulted in the violatfon was taken wfthuut the dwner's knowfatlge ar consent by somaona other than the owner cr sQmeone acting on the ov►rner's betralf, that awner shall be respansible enly tor bringing the prupc33rty mto compiiance to the eactent reasortabiy Eeasible uRder the citcumstanc.es, Should the awner not r,orrect the vio4ation, only those abatcment casts necessary to bring the property Puyu 25 at 35 Planning Commissbn Recornmended DraR Title 17 Untiarm Development Code t=:~f 10 3 0 -jJr V into a safe and reasonabte oondition, as determined by ihe City, sfiail be assessed by the City. No civii penatties sha11 be assessed against such an owner or his or her property Interest 17.60.100 Determination af Campiience After issuance of a warning, voiuntary compliance agreement. noUoe and order, or stnp waic ordec, and aRer the person(s) re.sponsibte tor a viatation has come into compllance, the City shall issue a writfen detetminatlon af oompliance. The City shall mail capies of the debefmiRatian of compliance to each per3on originatiy named in the waming, votuntary compliance agreement, natice and arder, or siop worlc order, as well as the complainant, by certfied maii, five-day retum receipt requested. 17.60.110 Voluntary Compliance Agreemont - Authority 1. Whenever the City determines that a cade vialation has occ.urred or is occurring, tha City shall make reasonabie efforts to secure voluntary compliance from the person responsib{e for the code violation. Upan contacting the person responsible for the code violatlon, the City may enter inta a voluntary compliance agreement as provided for In this artkEe. 2. A voluntary campttance agreement may be entersd into at any tlme aRer issvance of a verDal or written warning, a notice and order, or a stop work orser and betore an appeai is dectded. 3. Upon entering inte a voiuntary compliance agreement, a petson responsible for a code violatian waives the nght to administrabvely appeal, and thereby admfts that the canditions described in the voluntary compliance agreement existed and constituted a code viotatlon. 4_ The votuntary compliance agreement shall inwrporate the shortest reasortable time period for compiiance, as determined by the City An extension o( the time Ilmit for compliance or a modifit,aUon of the required corrective action may be granted by tha City if the pecson responsibte for the code violation has shown due dlligence or suhstantlal progrnss in correcting ttte vialation, but circumsiances render fuil and Gmely compliance under ttse original condftions unattainable. Any such extension or modificatfon must be in writing and signed by the authorized representative of the City and person(s) who signed the onginal voluntary compliance agreement 5. The voluntary compliance agreement is nat a setUement agreement 17.60.120 Voluntary Compllence Agreement-Contents The voluntary compliance agreement is a wntten, signed oommitment by the person(s) re.sponslble br a code viotation in which sucti person(s) agrees to abate tttie vtolation, remadiate the site, and/or mltigate me impacis of the violatiort. The voluntary comptiance agreement shall indude ihe (allow'sng: t The name and address of the person responsible For the code v3atatian; 2 The address or other Identification ot the location of the vlolatlon; 3. A description of the violation and areferance to the provision(s) ot the oMinance, resoturion or regufatian which has been violated; a. A descripi3on oi the neoessary corrective actian to be taken and (dentificatlon of the dale or time by whfch compliance must be completed; 5. The amount of the civil penatty tfi►at wtll be imposed it the voluntary compliance agreemsnt is notsatisfied; Page zs oi 3s . I PlanNng Commission Recommended DraR Tide 17 Unifortn Develapment Code o An acknuw{edgement thet if the City determines that the terms af the voluntary campliance agreemerit are not met, the City may, without issuing a noUm and erder or stop woric order. impose any remedy authorized by thi$ article, ent3er the real property and perfarm abalement oi the viotatian try the City, assess the cosis irtcuRed by the City to pursus code complEance and to abate the viotation, lnduding reasanable tegal fees artd casts, artd the suspensian, revocation or IimrtaUon of a development permit abtained or to be saught by the person nesponsible for the cade viotation; 7 An acknowledgement that if a penalty fs assessed, and H any assessed penatty, fee or cost 'rs not paid, the City may charge the unpaid amaunt as a lien against the proparty whete the code violaUon oa:urred if owned by the persan nespansible for the code vioEation, and that the unpaid amount may be a}o3nt and several persortal obligatian af all persons responsible far the vialation; 8. An acicnowlcdgemsnE t;}at by entering mto trie valuntary camphance agreement, the person responsib{e for the codB vioLatlon thereby admiLs that the canditiDns dascribed in the voJuntary camplience agreemertt extstQd and constrtuted a cade viotation; and 9. An acEcnawledgernent !liat the person responsible for the coda viotation understands diat he or she has the right tfl be served wiUi a notks and order, or stop wark otder tor any viofation idenUfiad in the voluntary campliance agreement, has the right to administratfvely appeal any such notlce and otder or stap wark order, and that he ar she is knrrwingly and lntellfgently waivirg those nghts 17.60.130 Failure to Mest Terms of Voluntary Compllancs Agreement i. If the tetms ot the voluntary compliance agreement are nat comptete'ty met, and an exiensinn r,f time has nat be,en granted, the authorized representatives a( the City may enter the real Fropetty and abate the vdation without seeking a Judicia) abatement etder. The person respansible for code oomplianco may, without being Issued a notice end order or stop wark cirder, be assessed a civil penatty as set forth by this articJe, pius all costs incurred by the CJty to pursue code compliance and tu abate the viotaitnn, atid may be sutijeci !o ather remediQs authnrized by thls article. Penatties impased when a valuntary camptiance agreement is nat met accrue irom the dale that an appeal of any praceding notice and order or siop work order was to have been fifed or trom the date the voluntary campliance agreement was entered into iT there was not a pceceding natice and arder or stop virork arder. 2. Ths Ciry may issus a notice and order cr atop woric arder ior failure lo meet the terms of a valuntary campliance agreement. 17.60.140 Notice and Order- Authorfty When the City has mason to believe, hased en invesi;gatian of documents andJor physi-r-al evidence, that a code violatian exists or has occvrred, or thst the terms of a valuntary campliance agreement have not been meL the Cfty Es authortzed to issue a notlce and order to any person responsibie tor a code v(Qlatlon. The Csty shall make a detstminat3an whelher or nct to issue a notice and or+ler within 30 days ot receiving a complaint alleging a violetion or otherwise dtsr.overing that a viatation may patentially exist, at within 10 days oF the end of a volur,tary oompTiance agreement time penod which has not been nieL Subsequer:t wmplaints shall be treated as new cvmptalnts for the purpases of this article. 17.60.150 Notice and Order - Effect 1. A notioe and order represents a determination that a violation has occurred, that the party to whom the nofice ls issued is a persun respanslble for a code violation, artd that the vio{atbns set out in the notice and order requfre the assessment of penatUes and other remedies thai may re spe,i(ierJ In ttie notire and order. i'agc 27 a1 35 Pianning Commission Reoommended Draft Titie 17 Uniform Davelapment Code _ _ ►:'_~ti:~~ 2. The City is autharized to impose c►vil penalties upon a determination by the City that a vfolation has occurred pursuant to a notice and order_ 3. Issuance oi a natice and order in no way limits the City's authority io lssue a stflp work order to a person prsviausly ated through the notioe and order process pursuant to this artkie. 17.60.160 Notice and Order- Contents The nodce artd order shall contain the foilowing information: 1 The address, when avallable, ar locafion af the violation; 2 A iegal desaiption ai the real property or the Spokane Caunty tax parcei number where the I violation occumed or is located, ar a description identifying the propetty by cc,mmor.ly used locators; 3 A st8tement that the City has iound the named persQn(s) lo have committed a violation and a brief descriptlon of the viotatJon(s) found; 4. A statement of the specific provisions oi the ordinance, tesotution, regutatfon, publtc rule, petrnit condition, natfce and order provision, or stop work order that was or is being vlolated; 5. A stakement that a civil penalty is be(ng essessed, inGuding tlze dollar amount oi the civil penalties per separate vialatfon, and that any assessW penalties must be paid witliin 20 days of service of the notice and order, 6. A statement advising that any costs of enfvrcement Enc.urrW by the Ctty shall also be assessed against the person !o wham the notice and order ls directed; 7 A statement that payment of the cMl penalties assessed urtder this artJde does not relieve a person found to be responsible for a cade violatian af his or her duty to correct the violativn andlor 4o pay any and alt civil penalties ar ather wsl assessmpnts lssued pursuant tn ttjis artic(e; 8. A statement of tha corrective or abatement action required bo be taken and that all requirr-0 pemnits to pertomn the corredive action must be obtained from the proper issuing agency, 9. A staiement advising thai, 'rf any required worlc is not commenced ar oompleted within tlhe tirr,e specitled by the rtntice and arder, the City may proceed to seek n judicial abatement order Crom Spokane County superior court to abate the vblatJon; 10_ A stabement advising that, tf any assessed penelty, fee or cost is nol paFd an or bafare the due data, ihe City may chatge the unpaid amount as a lien against the property where tho code violation occurred if owned by a persun responsibls for a violation, and as a joint and seVeral personal obligation of all persans responsible for a code violation; 11. A statement advising that any persan named (n the rtotica and order, or having any record or equitable title in the property against whlch the natic:e and arder is recorded may appeal fram the notice and order to the Hearing Examiner within 20 daya of the date oF seNice of che notke and order; 12. A statement advising that a faiiure to correct the vlolatJons cited fn ihe notice and order could fead to tfiQ denial of subsequent Spokane Val(ey permlt appllcations on the subject property; Page 28 ai 35 I Pianning Commission Recommendetf E)raft Ti!!e 17 Untfomz Develapment Crde 13 A statement advfsing that a failure to appeal the notice and orcfer within the appNcable timE! timits renders the notice and oMer a final determinail~on that the condibarts describeti in the r,ntice and order existed and constitufed a vioia±ic,n .nd It?;?! !be n.qf'1ed r,3f4iy iy 11"We :35 ~:l ~-~son resppnsible for a vialaUan. =t3tement advising the person "si-fiC,r a Cnd- IJ :1; ;y r,r_;,tf 1r,e -y af any actions taken bn achieve compliance witn the not7ce and order, and -tatement advistng ihat a wtltful and kROrnring viotation may be referrerJ ;o Clty Annmey for prosetufion. 1 i.tiD.170 NotiCe and t?rdef - Suppiementation, Revocatfon, Modtfication 1 •7 e Cty may add to, revvke in whole or in part, or atftetwi&e mo-:, i; <; ;..:;;..a i;n"I ~r_:~r ~ssuing a written supplemental rtatsc;e and order, The suppfemenia( notice and oider shaU V,. gavemed by the same procedures anrf iime limits appNcab:e to aN nnt+ce and nrder, .-or+;=ir,.-r1 in this article. . i h£? CItj rn3Y i55U@ 9 SUI'pletTl~ntal Nr,l I`f_'.-r' f ;i I1 '("i? I, I~Vi,,-n::ver there ls new infortnetbn or change Qj ty to an orderwas incorrectly named 117.60.160 NoticQ and Order - Admintstrattva Conference An informat administraUve confersnce may be conduct~,:: 'ar+litating cr_mmunic-ation among cancemed persons and provid,ng 3 iorum for enicir'I'l•:~:i~:~;' :~,::~nnn ~rt_-•_-r:f= ~j ;;ar1ieg ;t,ali not unreasonably be eueluded from such conferienc{--> 17.60.i90 Notir.e :ind Orcler - Remedfes - Suspenslon, Revocatlon, or Llmitatlan of Pernit -r modity any pefmKissu+ed by the City whenel,=: ~ I r. ~;-~i"li~ 1-i.. . 3 =~.'1fi ;f' - r .:i. . , .'r_Ii'., . .i. ~ , eCt fo [iiBI F7•-_r~'i~i .Tr,- permit ho{cler c»riorrnance af his or tier duties relaisd to tiiat perm:, 2 rr- c I;t:rrr,;t was Issued In error or on the basis of ineterially inc,,-i i :~Lt ,wu,ir~,,~;,~r suF.F;~_a t~ ;r City: 3 r'ermit fr!es rr co,ts wi~ra paid to tfie CiEy by rhi-ck ard refurrtd ff0^"i a t;n,,nrial I . i., . . - . _ . i . _il:_ ,li- ii• . SIIZ YvIIiCtI R1❑'iGCi3liy an appJlcant's abllity !o meet ihe permit ot appraval condiGons, or which makrs inaccvrate tf sensitlve area study that was the basis tor establishing permlt or approval conditions. a S.ach suspenslon, revxation, et modificatinn shall be carrieti out tiirough the rtotice a:- ~ oriier n;ovi>ic,ns "f t)ii; artlCle and shall bz _ffecbve upon ihe C»R1p117f1CL d~i'_ Plammng Commission Recommended DraR Td1e 17 Uniform Davebpment CodQ ~ir -J1-;l?-Cr% CGUnr_il Me-3tinq estabiished by the natice and order. Such suspension, revocation, or modificatton may be appealed to the Hearing Examiner using the appeal provisions o( this artlcje. 5 Notwlthstanding any other provision of this articte, the Cityr may immedtately suspend operations under any permit by tssuing a stop warlc order 17.60100 Notlce and Order - Remedies - Danlai ot Pertntt 1. The Ciiy may deny a permit when. with regard to 'he site or pro;ac.; (or Ahic.h :he permi ts submirpd a Any person o-,N,ning the p;upertyor ;ulirT,"ning the deveiopmEnt proFx,sa: ha; been iourd in violaUon at any orrfinance, rESOlut;on, regulation, or public nule at tile City ihat reguiates or protects the public hQalth, safety and weltare, or the use and development af land and water, and/or b Any person owning the property ar submitting the development prapasal has been fvund in vialatlon and remains in violatian of the canditions af any permi;, notice and orcler, or sSap wark order issuecl pursuant to any such asainante, resfllutian, regulatian, or public rule_ 7 In ordcr to further the remedial purpases of this ariicle, such deniai may conl;nLe unUl the v:alation is cured by resioration, accepted as r,amplete by tlhe City, and by ¢ayment oi any civil panatty imposed for the vialation, except tnat permKs or approvals sha11 be cranted to the extent necessary to accompJish any t+equired restQration or cure. 17.60.210 Natice and On1er - Remodies - Abatement In addition to, or as an altemaave to, any other judicial or administrative remedy, the City rnay use lhe naUce and order provisians oi this article to otcier any person responslble fdr a code violatlon to abate the vio4aUon and ta complete the wark at such time and under such conditions as the Clry determines reasonabfe under the clrcumstances. Ir the required coRective work Es not commencei or c.ompleted within the time specified, the City may seek a judicial abaiement order pursuant to this article 17.80.220 Stop Work Order - Authority The City is author¢ed to issue a stap work order to a person responsible for a caSe viofa?ion. Issuanr_e cf a nfltice and order ls not a canditian precedent to the issuance af lhe stop work order. 17.60.230 Stop Worlc Order - Effect 1 A stop wo[it drder represenis a deterniination that a cadA viafation has occurred or :s occurring, and that any werk or activity thet caused, is causing or canttibuting to the viofation on the praperty where the violaban has occurred, or fs oacurring, must cease. 2. A stop woric order requires the immed(aie cessation of the specified work or aciivity on the named property. Waik activity may not rzsume unless specifcaily authorize+i n writing by the City. 3. A stop wark arder rnay be appealed accord:ng to the procedures prescribed in thss article. 4. Failure to appeal Ihe siop woiic ordet wlthin'20 days renders the s:ap worfc order a final determination tha4 the civ(I code violation occurred and that work was prflper(y ordered lo czase 5 A step tivork order may be uniorc-ed Uy lhe City police. Page 30 c+i ~5 J Planning Commissian Recommerided Draft Title 17 Urnform Development Code . -7d f - . 17.60.240 Stcp Work Order - Remedy - C1vll Penattfes t In addition b any otttw judlcial or administrative remedy, the City may assess civll penatties for the viatation of any stop wor{c order according to the civil penalty sctiedufe established in SVMC 17.60.260. 2 Ctvi) penaities for the violation of eny sbp work order shail begin !n aoave on the first day the stop warlc order is violated and shalt cease aaruing on trie day the work is actually stapped. 3. V'blaibn of a stap work ordef shap be a separatc viotatian tratn any other code vioiation. 17.60.250 Stop Wotk Order - Remedy - Criminal Penatties in addition to any other Judicial or gdministrabve temedy, the City may fvrwaM to the office of Cfty Attomey a de+.ailed tactual background of the alleged violation with a recommendabon that a miscferneanor charge be filed against the person(s) responsible for any wiliful vfotation of a stap woric order. 17.60.260 Cfvfl Penaltles - Assessmont Schcdule 1 Civi) penalties for code violatlons shall be impased for remedial purposes and shall be assessed for aach vivlation idenbfled in a notfce of violation, notice and order, or stop wark order, pucsuant ta the following schedule: a Notfoe and arders and stop work orders: - : -;;asic initial penalty: $500.00 Additional initfal penatties may be added where there is: a. Public heaftfi risk - amount depends on sevetity: $Q - 2,500 b. Envlmnmetttal damsga - amourit depends an saverity: $O - 2,500 c. Damage ta praperty - amount depends on severity: $0 - 2,540 d. Nistay of similar viotatfoRS (tess than thnee): $500 e. F;istrxy of simpar viatatiores (thma ar mare): $2,500 t Ecanomic benefit to person responsible fvr viotation: S5,000 3. The abava penat,ies r,►ay ae flffsel by the fot{owing compliance: a. Full campliance with a votuntary compllance agreement with prior history of zero lo one simitar v[olations: $0 -1,500.00 b. FuA comp[lance with a voluntary compGance agreement and a history of fwo or more priar slmilar violaflons: $0 - 500.00 4 The tntal fnitial penalties assessed for notlce and arders and siop wot4c ordem pursuant to this artkfe shall apply for thQ first 30-day period following tssuance of the oMer, uniess anothei time period is specified in a voluntary comptianr,.c3 agreement 5. Civil pc-nawes shall be paki within 20 days of service of the notlce and arder or slop work order if ciot appealed Payme-nt of the civl) penaltles assessed under this artltlL does not relleve a Paqe 31 of 35 Planning CommEssfon Recommended Dralt TiUe 17 Uniform Devebpment Code ~~ar Q 1•3~:;-07 L,:)..rc::l hR~tinq person found ta be responsible for a code vblation of hts or her duty tn carrect the vfoiation andlor to pay any and a{I avli penalties or other cast assessments issued pursuant to this articte. 6 The City may suspend civil penalties if the person responsible for a cods violation has eritered Into a voluntary compfiance agreement. Penalties shall begin to accrue again plirsuant bo the terms of the voluritary compliance apreement if any necsssary permits ap{AEed for are derned, c,anceled ot nat pursued, if cortective acibn identified in the voluntary compliance agreement is not campleted as specified, of it the properry fs allowed to retum to a oondition simitar to that condrtion whicti gave rise to ttte voluntary compllance agreerr►ent. 7 Civil penattie5 assesseti create a foint and several persQnal obligations tn all persons msponsibfe for a code violation. B In addition to, or in lieu of, any ather staie ar local pravision for the reoovery of civii penatties, thfl City may fite for record with the Spokane County auditar to clatm a lien against the real property for the civd penalties assessed unclsr this article if the violatian was reasonably related ta ths real property. Any such Ifen can be filed under this article if, after the expiration of 30 days from wtien a persan responslble for a code vio{ation receives the notlce and order or stop work order (excluding any appeal) and any dvil penalties remain unpaid in whole or in part 17.60.270 Clvii Penatties - Duty to Comply Persans responsible for a code violation have a duty lo notify die City in writing of a.ny achans taken to achleve compliance with the notfce and order. For purpases of assessing c}vil penalties, a violation shall be considered ongofng until the pefson responsibla for a caie vbtation has come into campliance witt► the notice and order, voluntary compliance agreement, or stop work order, and has pravkled sufficienl evidence af such oampllance. 17.60.280 Civil Penattios - Community Service The City is authar¢ed to alk>w a person responsible for a code vfotation that eccumutates civil penalties as a rESUIt of a notice and order, or for failure to comply with the terms ot a valuntary compliance agteement, to valuntarily participate in an approved commun4ty servlce project(s) in Iteu of paying all or a portion of the assessed civil panaltites_ Community serv4r.e may Include, but is not Ifmltc+d to, abatemenL restorafian, ar education proyrams designed to clean up the City. The amount af community service will reasanably relate to ihe camparable value af penalties assessed agalnst the vialator. Tha raEe at which civil penalties are worked otY under tfiis subsectlon is $10_00 per hour. T1te City shall take into conskieraUan the severity of the violaUon, any htsiQry of previous viotations, and pracittcal and tegal impediments In consi+ierfng whether to a11ow community servlce in lieu of paying penalhes. 17.60.290 Civll Ponatties - Waivere 1 Civil penalties may be waived or reimbursed to the payer by the City under thQ following circumstances, a. The notice and order or stop work order was isswed in error; b. The civil penalties were assessed in error, c Notice faileC to reach the properiy owner duo ta unusual circumstances; or d. New, material infortnation warranting waiver has been presented to the City since the I notfce and order ar stnp work order was issued. Page 32 of 35 I P(annirig CommissFon Recommended Draft TrUe 17 Uniform Development Code rar Q?• 30-0 ; +:.:;u-i:A M?:-!.rq egy hias Qa:.~ n~~:,~.-~• ~`..i ~;T~~:;irr:a !~r~ 11^l:. I'.111''331 f r'QQrop I ^=:~e b_,n 2. The City shall state in writing the basis 1vr a decislon b waive penalties, and such statement shall become part of the pubNc record uniess privtleged. 17.60.300 Civll Penaklss - Critical Areas 1 The compliance provfsions fot ctitical areas are intended to protect critical areas and lhe general puDifc fram harm, to meet the tequirements of Clapter 36 70A RCW (ihs Growth Managetnent Ad), and to further the rsmedial purposes o# thks article. To achieve this, persons responslhle for acode vioiatfon wlll not anly be requkred tn restore damaged critfcal areas, insofar as tt►at is possible and beneficial, but wfll alsa be requlred ta pay a civ►I penaity fot the redress of ecological, reaeationai, and ecanomic values fost ar damaged due to their unlawful action. 2 The provisions of tfiis section are in addition !o, and rtot in lieu af, any other penalty, sanciion, or righi of actJon provided by law for other related violstlons. 3. Where leasible, tttie owner of tttie land on whlch the viotation occurred sMall be named as a party to the notice and oNer. !n addtfion to any otltier persons who may be fiable tor a vJolation, and subject to ihe exoeplions provlded in this articie, ths owner shall be joinUy and severally liabie far the restoratian of a sita and payment of any ciwl penalties Emposed. 4. violatian of critical area provtsions o1 ihis code means: a The violation of any pravlslcn of SVMC 21.40 Critkat Areas, or of the adminisVative tutes promulgaled there undet; b. The failure ta obtain a permit requined for work in a cntical area; or c. The failure to comp(y with the oondiUons of any permlt, approvat, terms and cortiditlons of any sensitiva ar+eea tract or setback area, easement, covenant, plat restriction or binding assurance, ar any notice and order, stop work onier, mftigation pfan, contrad or agreement lssued or wncluded pursuant to the above-mentianed provisions. 5 Any person in violatlon of SVMC 21.40 Critipl Areas may be subJect to clvil penaltles, costs, and fees as follows: a Accarding to We civil penalty schedule under SVMC 17.60 260; provided, thai the exact amount of the pertaSty per vlalaUon shall be delsrmined by the City 6ased on the physlcal extent and severity of the vblaUon; or b The graatar of: i An amount determined to be equivalent to the ecanomic benefit that the person respansibfe for a code viotation derive-s from the viotation, rTteasured as the Gotal of 7. The tesulting increasa in marlcet vaiue of the propefty; 2 The value mc;elved Gy lhe person respons(ble for a vMlatinnn; 3 The savings of construction costs real(zeti by ft person r+esponsible far a code violation as a result of performing any act in violation of SVMC 21.40 Critlc:al ArQas: or Page 33 of 35 Ptanning Commission Recommended Draft Titfe 17 llniforrn Devebpment Code F : _ - , i _ t_ . , - ~ ii Code compliance cosEs (ncurred by the City to enforce SVMC 21.40 CritEcai Areas. 17.60.310 Cost Recovery t fn addition to the other remedies available under this artlcle, upon issuance ai a notfce and orCer or stap worfc arder the City shall charge the costs oF putsuing cade compliance and abatement incuRed to corrECt a code violation tQ the persan responsible for a code vfolatian These charges include- a Reasonable Legal Fc--s and Gosts For purposes ot this seci►on, 'reasonable Iegal flees and casts" shall include, but are not {imiRed to, tegal petsannel costs, bath direci and retated, incurred !o enforce the provisions of this articfe as may be altawed by law, and b. Administrative Personnel Costs. For purposes of this section, 'administrative personnei casts' shail include, but are not fimited to, administrativa employee costs, both dlrect and related, inGUrred to enfQrce the provksions ot this article; and c Abatemer►t Costs. The City shall keep an itemized account af costs Incureed 6y the City m the abatement of a violetkon under this articfe. Upon campletian af any abaEement work, the City shall prepare a report specifying a legal description of the rea( property whera the abatement work occuned, the work done for each prupsrty, the ttemized costs ot the wark, and Interest acerued; artd d. Aduai expenses and costs af the Cityr in preparing natices, specificalions and cantracts: in aocomplishing ar contracting and inspecting the woric; and the costs of any required pnnting, mailing, or court filing fees 2 5uch costs ane due and payadle 30 days fram mailing of the involae. 3 All costs assessed by the Ci#y in pursuing code comptiance and/or abatement create a joint and several personal obligetions in a11 petsons responsible far a vfolatfon. The office at the City Attomey, on bzhatf of the City, may collect the costs of codg campliance efforts by any apprapriate legal means. d In addition Go, or (n Ifeu of, any othar shats or lowl provision for the recovery of costs, the City may, aftet abating a violalion pursuant to this article, flle for record with the Spokane Counry audltar tn daim a lien aqainst the raeal propeRy for the assessed costs identified in this artiGe if the violation was reasonably rc-Iated to the real pruperiy, in accordanr-e with any fien provlsjons autttiorized by state law. 5. Any lien filed shaA be suborriinate to ail previously existir.g 5pc:cial assESSmei1t fiens imposed on the sartts property and shalt be supenar to all other iiens, except far state and county taxes, with which it shall share priority. The City may cause a claim for Ifen to be fiied for record within 90 days from the tater of the date that the rnonetary penalty is due ar the date the wark is completed or the nuisance abated. The claim af lien shall cantain sufficient information =ngarding the notice and order, a description of the property to be chargetf with the lien, the owner of rewcd, and the total of the lien. Any such claim of lien may be amended from time to time tn retlect changed conditions. Any such lien shall bind the affected property for the period as pravided far by state law. 17.60.320 Collect#an ot Ctvil Pertattiea, Feas, and Costs Yhe City may use the servioes of a eo0eciion agency in order to coflc3ct any civl penalties, [ees, costs, andlor interest owing under this article Page 34 of 35 - _ , I Pianntng Commission Recammended Oraft Titfe 17 Uniform Qevelopment Code 17.60.330 Abstoment 1 EmergenCy Abefement Whenevef a condiuon constitutes 8n immediate threat to the public tfeatth, safiery or w9elfare or to the enviror►ment, the Clty may summarily and wnthout prior natice abate the condldon. Notice of such abatement, including the reason for it, shall ba given to the person responsfble for the vialation as saon as reasonabty passibte after the ahatement 2. Judlciel Abatement The City may seek a judicial abatament order fmm Spokane County superior r.ourt, ta abate a canddion whicii continues to be a violatian ot this code whera other methads of remedial acction have failed to produce comptiance. 3 Ths City shall seek to recover the casts af abatement as authonzecf by thts ctiapter 17.60.340 Code Compl[ance Abatement Furtd - Authortzed AII moniss collected from the assessment af civil penalties and for abatement costs and work shell be aflocaGed to support expendttures for abatement, and shail be accounted for through either creation of an account in the fund for such abetement costs, or other appropnats acctiunting mechanism 17.60.350 Judlcial Enfoncement - Petitan for Enforcement 1 in additwn to any other judiaal or administratn►e remedy, the office of the City Attnmey, on behatf of tfie City, may sesk enforcement oi the City's order by fifing a peGtian for enforcement in Spokane County superior court 2. The peMion must name as respondent each person against wham the City se-eks to obtain civtl enforcement. 3. A pedtian for c)vii enfareement may request monetary neE+ef, declaratflry reliei, temporary or pecmanent inJunctnre reliel, and eny atfier ctvil ramecfy prrnrideci by law, or any combirration of the faregoing. 17.78 Fees and Penatties 17.70.010 Master FeQ Schedule Af) fees and penat4es tjor development permits, formal interFretatioRS, violatfons of provisions of tfiis daveiopment code or allowed appeals shall be set forth in tha City of Spokanta Valley Master Fe-e Sc;heduEe. A capy ot this schedula shall be available at the Cemmunity Devclopment Department Page 35 ai.i5 PlannN Commissbn R@oommended Title 20, Uniform Developmenl Cade F_r Meetina 0 1-30-07 Title 20 Subdtvislon Regulatlons 20.05 Authoritv This title is estabfished in accordance with Revised Code of Washington (RCV1) Chapter 58.17 whicfi authorizes ciUQS to administer lt►e process for the division of tand. 20.1Q General Proviaions 20.10.010 Purpose. Pursuant ta the purposes set forth in RCW 58.17 010, the reyulations includeti coniained in ttiis title are necessary to: 1_ Promote the health, safery, and genefal wetfare in accorGance wittt standards established by the State and the City; 2. Promote effective use of Iand by preventing the overcrowding or scattered development which would be deirimental to health, safety, or the general welfare due to the Iack of water supplies, sanitary sewer, drainage, transpoRation, ar other public servlces, or excessive expenditure of public funds for such services; 3. Avaid congestion and prorttota safe and convenient travel by the publfc on streets and highways through the proper planning and coordination of new streets wlthin subdivision with exlsting and planned streets in the surround+rtg community; 4_ Provide fur adequate light and air, 5. Provide for adequate water, sewage, drainage, parks and recreational areas. srtes for schoofs and school grounds, and other publFC requirements; 6. Provide for proper ingress and egress; 7_ Provide for housing and commercial needs of the community; 8. Requlce uniform monumentation of Iand divcsians and conveyance of accurate legal descriptlons; 9- Pro6eC# environmentalfy sens3tive areas; 10. Provide for flexibility in site design to accommodate view enhancement and pcoi.ection, protBCtion of streams and wetlands, profection of sieep s(apes, and ottter environmentally significant or sensitive area8; 11 To ensure cansistency with and to further the goals and poilcies of the Comprehensive Plan; and 12 Ta provicfe a process far the division of tand for the tollowing: a) Short su0division; the division of land inta nine (9) or fewer lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions with a tevel of review that is proportional to the effect those loks may have on the surroundfng aree. b) Subdivision: the division of tand into ten (10) or mare lots, tracts, parcels, sctes or dlvislons with a tevel of review that is p;opartional to the effect these lots may have on the surraundrng area_ c) Binding site plan: An altemat,ve method of dividing property interests and applying to the dEvision of any tand for sale ar lease which is zoned for cwnmercial, business, office, or industrial development, or wiiich fs to be developed as condominiums or a manu!acturad homa park Pzq-3 tdl4 t ?-u-rJfJ Planning Commission Recamnended Title 20, UnifioRn Oevelopment Code For CouncGl Meetirza 01-30•07 20.10.020 Exemptions. The provisions of this tttfe shall not apply to: 1. Cemeteries and other burial pbts while used far that purpose (RCW 58.18.040 (1)); 2. Divisions made by bastamentary provisions, or lews of descent (RCW 58.17.040 (3)); 3. Division of fand 'mto IoLs or tracts if such division ts a rasult of subjecting a portion of the parcel or tract of lartd to either RCW 64.32 (Horizontai Regimes Ac!) ar RCW 64.34 (Condominium Act) subsequent tn the recording of a bfnding stte plan far all such land (RCW 58.17.040 (7)); 4. Division of land due to candemnation or sale under threat thereof, by an agency or divfsi+on of govemment vested with the power of eminent domain; and S Divisians or acquisttion of land for publfc right-of-way. 6 A dnrision of land for purpose of teasing tand far faciifties providing personal wireless services while used for tt►at purpose. (RCW 58.17.040(8)) 7 A division of land into fots or tracts of less than three acres that is recorded in accordance with RCW 58.09 used or to be used for constructian and operadon of cnnsumer or investor owned electric utiliiies to meat the electrical needs of a utitity's extsttng and new cusUomers as set forth in RCW 58.17.040(9). 20.10.025 Legal LoL Development shall be permitted only on legatly created lots. A lot Is crealed in compliance with applicable stato and bcal land segregation statutes or codes In effect at the time the lat was created, including but not limited to demonstrating ttie lot was created through one of the foltowing: 1. l.ots created through subdivisian, a plat approved by the Cit}/ or Spokane County separately describing the lot in Questfon; or 2. Lots cxeated thmugh short subdivfsion, a short plat approved by the City ar Spokane County separatety describing the lat in questlon; or 3. A deed, contract of sale, mortgage, property tax segregation, pGat, or recorded survey deszribing the !at in question if the instrument was: a. Executed prfar to March 24, 1980 for subdlvlsions (eKective date of County's fl[st subdivEsion ordlnance) wfiile the lot In question was under Spokane County jurisdiction; or b. Enecuted prior to March 13, 1978 (effecdve date of County's ftrst short subd[vislon ordinance) fat short suhdivisions wfille the lat in quastion was under Spokane County Jurfsdbct(on; or c. Executed prfor tu July 1, 1969 (etfsctive date of RCW 56.17). 20.10.030 Approval required prior to recordatlon. Any map, plat or plan hereafter made of a praRosed short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan, or ~ any part theteot, shall be presented for approval and be recorded as set forth fn SVMC 20.30.-G-:9-030 No such map, ptat or plan shall be recorded or have eny validity unless or until it has the approval of City departmeRts and agencies with jurisdiction as required by this title. 20.10.040 Prohibttion against sale, tsase or Uartsier of property. No person shall sell, lease or offer ta sell or transl`er any 14t, tract or parcel subJect to the requirements of this titte without first receiving approval hereunder and recording the aparoved division with Spokane County; provlded, that if pecformance of an offier or agreement to sell, lease or otherwlse transfer a lot, tract ar parcel of land is expressty oQnditlioned on the recording of the subdivision, short subdtvision or binding site plan contafning the lat, tract, or parcel, tha offer or agreement does not vlotate any provision of this Tit1e Page 2 of 14 12 -6-Q6 Planninfl Cammission Recommended TiUe 20, Unifarm Devebpment Cocla ::r ~-c;L ^c l PIA=etinQ 01-20-'D 20.10.050 Vertical Datum. Where topography is required to be shawn, the land sunrey data must be based on the National Geodetlc Vertfcal Datum (NGVD-88). 20.10.060 Monumerrtation. Monumentation shall be establ[shed as required by City construdion standards. In additlan, every bt comer shafl be marked with an iron rod or iron pipe marfced in a permanent manner with the reglstration number of the professional [and surveyor in charge of the survey. 20.10.070 Professional Land Surveyor. The preparation of ail preGminary and final shott ss.tbdivision6, subdivisions and bindfng site plans shall be made by or under the supervision af a proEessional land surveyor. The proFessional land surveyor shell cettify on the final plat that 9 is a true and carred representation ot the tands aclually surveyed. A survey is requireci on a!I final plats. All surveys shall compty with the RCW 58.09 Survey RecordlRg Act and survey and tand descriptions (WAC-332-130). 20.10.080 General Deslgn. The design of short subdivisiQns, subdivislons and binding site plans shall conform to the requ(rements of ~ all applicable City plans, regulatians, and design and develflpment standards. In additian: 1. The design, shape, slze, and orientation of the tracts should be appnopriate fw the use for whictt the divisions are intended, and the zon,nn --:nd use cEassi:.2r.cn idenhf►-ed ,n the f;omnrehensive Plan s4araG4e. of the area In whictt they are located. 2 Lot arrangement a Side lot fines shall be perpendicular to public street nghts-of-vvay or radial to the right- of-way in the case ot curvilinear streets or aul-de-sacs. b Comer lats: i. The lot lines at the intersection oi two tocal streets shall run alang the hypotenuse of the triangls measured flfteen feet (15'-0') from the intersec.bon adjacent to the street along the front and side of the lot. 0 The iot lines at the intersection of a local street and a collector or arierial shall run along the hypotenuse af the VEangle messured twenty-flve feet (25'-0") from the intersection adjacent to the street along the front and side of the lot iii No comer lot shall be (ocated at right angles to an adjacent interior lot iv. Property lines at the intersection of public or private streets, and private dnveways fntersecting publlc or private streeLs that exceed flne hunared and fifty (150) teet in length sfiall be curved and confortn general(y to the curb line In a manner approved by the City. v. Comer lots serving Iow densiry residenpal development shell have an average width at least fiReen percent (15%) greater that the wkith of interior lots along both adjacent streets to permit building setback snd orientation to both streets c Lot Dimensions: i. Lat dimensions shall comRly with the rninimum s!andards establishrd in SVMC 22.40 n F1ag iots are prohibited Reverse flag fots prcviding access ro alleys cr amer~itiss located to the tear of the pmperty are parmded iii. No Iot shall have an average depth greater than three times its average width Pugti 3 of 1• 12•6 06 Ptenning Commission Recommended TRIe 20. Unitartn Development Code 7,1 d Double Frontage Residential Lots: i. Doubie frontage and reverse frontage lots shall be avaided except where neoessary to separate residential devebpment from arterial roadway or tn overcome specit'ic disadvantages of topography and orientation. ji When lots back to arterisis, a screening device shail be Installed on the lot(s) ►imiting visibifity between the arterial and the adJaEning lots in acconiance with SVMC 22.80 or 22.90. ui. No buiiding, except bul{dings designed and constrvcted as two-family dweUfngs or one-famNy attached dwellings, shall be constructed on or across existing lot lines. Where bulldings are designed and cortstructed on or across lot lines, the building shall belocated so that the common wall separating the individual Ihring units are located on and afor►g the common lot lines of the adjoining lots. 3 Biock dlmensbns should reflect duo regard to the needs of convenienl access, public safety, ertzergency vehic{e access, topography, road maintenance, and the provlsion of sule sites for the land use planned. a. Block Length, Biocks shall nnt exceed 800 feet except as provided fn the zoning regulations for esbte bts, unless unique characteristics associated with the land such as creeks, woods, or parks. Justifies a longer length. b. 6fock Labeling. 8locks shall be identified In sequent;al alphabetical oMer. c. Street alignments shall be designed and cnnstructed with appropriate consideratian for existing and planned roads, anticipabed trafific pattems, topographtc and drainape conditlons, public safety, and the prnposed use of the land so divided. I .i{1-{~~~s-i~-f7G.F ~'iy+l ii% v_'~.`:. W:7:. ;>L~i: • u~ ct~'~ ;.&t=';1r-1 'j§ 4. When a traci is subdivfded into bts of one acre or more in slze, the Communlty Deve4opment DirectoKhereafter referred to as the'Director'j may tequire an arrangement of the tracts and roads, such as to pertnit a subsequent redivision In coniarmfty with roads or ptans adopted by the C iry. 5. Lots should not be divided by the boundary of any city, county, zoning designation, or pUbNc right- of-way. 6 Every lot shall have direct access to a paved publfc street, privabe street, or private driveway easement 7. Prior to filing the final short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan application, the appllcant shall improve or make appropriate provislons for the construcGon of the public or private streets or arivate drhreways thaf provide access to tots being created through the shart subdivision, subdivision, or binding sibe plan consistent with approprfate City adopted standards. 8. Wastewater design shall be in compliance with all applicable Gty and other agencies' regulations. 9. Adequate public domestlc water supply andlor flre protedion shall be provided (n compliance with afl applicable City and olher agencEes' regulations. 10. f~~3d d P_jli`15 5!1311 t,e , Il C Gf:T:, ri?'.3!1C ? vti'II~ -S V IV., Lr.. 2 2. * ?C, 3:^•d ?d. c,i:;t''d Stt=-At S`e!", e1J~ 11, Provisions for stormwater runoff shal) be in oompliance with City guidellnes for stormwater management as set f+orth in SVMC 22.150. ~ 12 1 Easements for electric, water, sew$r, gas, and simAar ublities shall be illustrated on the final short plat, plat, or binding site plan. The utllity purveyors shall indicate to the Community Development Department (hereafter referred to as the 'DepartmenY) in writing that the easements are adequate for their setvice neEds. Pa3e 4 cf ta t2 8-Od Planning Commission RecOmrnenderJ Title 20. Unifarm pevclapmenl Cade • _ _ . _ . _ I . ~ i _ i- ~ 13 The short subdivision, subdivision, or binding sits plan shall prov+de underground uti{ities within public nghtsof-way, aileys or utitity easements including, but nflt limited to, those for eledricity, communications and street lighting. When conditians make underground installatjan impractical, the Dinecior may waive the requirement for uriderground utilities. 20.10.080 Flndings. Prior to approving any preliminary shart subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan, the Department in tfie case of short subdlvisions and Dindfng site plans or the Hearing Examiner in the case of subdnrisions, sha11 determine and malce written findings of fact dhat apptopriaie provislons are mada !or the fotlowing: 1. The pubk heatth, safiaty, and generat wetfane; 2. Open spaces; 3. Dralnage ways; 4. Streets ar roads, aHeys, sidewalks, and otfier pubtic ways; 5 Transit sEops; 6. Public potable water supplies; 7. Sanitary sewer, 8. Parks and recreation; 9. Ptaygrounds, schools and schootgrounds; 10. Sidewalks and ather planning features that assure safe walking canditions tor s#udents who only walk to and from school; 11 . Whether the public Interest will be served by the short subdivision, subdivlsian, and binding site plan; 12 The proposed short subdivision, subdivision or bindiRg site plan is En coniwmity wfth all applicabte development code provisions; and 13. Oiher requirements found to be necessary and appropnate 20.20 Preliminatv Shott SubdivistQns Subdlvisfons and Bindtna Site Plans 20.20.010 Applicadon. Prior to filing an applicatian for preliminary shart subdivlsion or bfnding slte plan with the DepartmenL lt is recammended that the applicant request s pre-applicatIon conferenee pursuant to the provisians of SVMC 17.401o ablain applicatlon forrns and receive qeneral informatian regarding the short subdivision pcocess. Priof to flling an appllcation tar a prelirninary subdivision, a pre-apptication contemnce pursuant to the pravisions of SVMC 11.40 is requlred. 20.20.020 Contents of Applicatlon. Every preliminary short subdivision, subdivis3on or binding site ptan shall consist of the appropriate appflcatEon form, applfcable fees and the following: 1. Maps and exhibits: a. Ten (10) copies of the preliminary short plat ptat or bfnding site plan which shall be a fegibly drawn mep, elghteen by twertty-four (1844) inches tor short pfats; twenty-four by thirty-six (24x36) lnches in size for p(ats and binding site ptans at a scale of 1"=50' or 1"=100'. !f approved by the Department, an altemafive appropriate scale may be used; b. One (1) reduced (8%x11 or 1107 fnches) copy otthe preliminary short plat, plat or bindirg si4e pian; Paoz 5 ct 1d 12.-G-L~3 I Planning Commission Rocommended TittQ 20, Undarm Dnvc3{opment Codo For Council Meetina Q ` c. One (1) copy of the Spokane County Assessors % secbon map clear{y indicadng the subJect praperty. AddKionally, all adjacent properties uvith parcel numbers must be indicated on the% section map. Assessar's maps far preliminary subdivisions shaq indlcate the parcel numbers af all properties anthin =~e h~n4:~-: "~;`c~ur rundrie'4 ; 40C1 feet of the subject pmperty, unless the applicant awns adJacent property, in which case the map shall show the location and parcel number ot all properties wlihin h,,,p4c---3-i=~r:four rsl,ndrec feetof the appllcanYs ownersh+p. d. Legal desctipdon of the subject property with the saurca of the legal description dearty indicated; 2. and exhibrts shall also De submi;ted in ane o` ' - . , i_ AutoCAD dwq lNatbnal CAD Standara, ii. ESRI shp lfuliv thematicallv ciassified la,iii. Microsbtion d r... f. Public notice paCicet; and g. SEPA environmental checkiist for preliminary subtiivislons and binding siie F►ans_ 2. PreliminBry 5hott subdivisbn, subdfvision or binding sita plan data (to be included an the preflminary short plat, plat ar binding site plan). a. Name, address and telephone number o( the owner of the subject proF-erty and the petson with wfiam officiaf ccrtar_t shnufd be made reyard+ny the short p!at, p'.at, ur bindfng site ptan, U. Titie of the propasa► c. LocaGon of subjecf propetty by section, township and range, d A wntten narrative descnbing the pcoposal includfng but nat IirniteJ :o l~ie numb-2r ct proposed lats, nature of surraund(ng properties, proposed access and timing o; phasing of the development The narrative shall also address compliance to applicable sect4ons of the development code and atfier applicable regulati,:n;, e Vicinity map that cfeaMy indip4es the subject property; f North aROw, scale and boundary of the proposed short plat, plat, or bindirtg site pfan; g. 8oundaries of all b{ock, the designation of lots, !ot tines and dfinensions; h. Location of existing utilities; I Location, names and widths of a(I exisfing and praposed sVeets, roads and access easements within the proposed short subdivislon, subdlvisian, or binding site ptan and within 100 feet thereof, or ttie nearest city s!reet it there ;s no cify street within 100 feet of the subject property, j. All existing or propased easements or tracis praposed to L-e dedicated for any publfc purpose or for the common use of the property owners of the short plat, plat or binding sfte plan; k. Location of eny natural features such as waoded areas, sVeams, drainage ways, or critical areas as defined in SVMC Titie 21; I Location of existing bwldings, sepiic tanks, draiMiefds, welts or oiher fmprovements, indicating if they wll rc3main or be removed; m Whetfier adjacent property Is platbed or unplatted. If platted give the name of the subdivision. If tfis proposed short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan (s the Faga 6 of 14 12-6rQ$ Plnnning Commission Reoommended Title ?.U, Uniform Oere!opmenl Cade subdivision af a portion of an existing plat, the approximate lines ot tho existing plat are to be shown and acopy oi the existing plat, along with any and all recorded covenants and easetnents; n Topographic (nfatm8tfan at two foot tntenrals. TopographJc infbrmadon aequired by this section must be collecfed by or under the direction of a professienal tand surveyor. artd o"Site Data Table" showing number of proposed bfs, frontage for each lot, lot area for each lot existing mning, waber supplier, method of sewerage. p ~:,,!r±dar,, _*~oini5 fo,- comer shall te !Dsated bw GleCal Pcsrtjor,ira Systern IGPSI on *.•-,p prel,mlr:arv subdfv►s+on, finaJ shasi subdivision er final bindirtq site olan b" on ~':ashinat . State Ptane Coordinate hlath Zarfe North American Oatum 83 iNAD ~3t in U S. Prectgion shalt meet Hioh accuracv Relervr-e Ne!wor~ (HARN) or :-i ih precislan Geodetfc Netwcar4c tHPGNI 5tandarQs Tha frnal subd'"' ion, firral -~ort subdivision or fmal hind(na ~g clan shall sl+ow or be ~or.~omc~anb_~d bv a maa sr:`v~„nq ma canfral sVStem it~rouq whtch the goOinatc-s were de!ermined fresn poins ~)f K.n~-wn ccorJtRates m oenfom-a:we wrih CW 5$ 09 074 20.20.030 Processln9 Appl(catlons. Prsllminary short subdivisions and b(nding site ptans are classifi►ed as Type II appUcations; preliminary subdlvls6ons are classifred ss Type III applicatfons. Bath applicatlon types shall be processed pursuant ta the applfcable provisions of SVMC 17.40. 2020.040 Distributlon af Plans. UVhen the department determines that the appNcation fs cxarnplete purstrant to SVMC 17.40.100, the department shab distribute the applfcation materials ta affected agencies. The department or teviewiRg agencies may request additional Infortnation during tt►e review process. 20.20.050 Expiretion of Preltminary Apptvval. Approval of a preliminary short subdivision, subdivtsion, ot binding site plan shall autamatically expire Hva years from the date of apprwal unless a complete epplkcatian tor a final short subdivtsion, subdivision, or binding site ptan meeting all requfrements under this TiUe is submitted to the City. Extension of tlme may be granted as pravided in SVMC 20 20.460. 2020.60 Time Extensions. An application torm and supporting data for tfine etttension requests must be submitted to the department at least thirty (30) day6 pdor to tfie expiration of the preliminary short subdivislan, subdivfsfon, or binding sfte plan. Time extens4on requests shall be processed as a 7ype I appllca#lon pursuant ta SVMC 17.40. The directnr may approve an extension provideti there are no significant changed oartditions or c.hanged development regutatiuns whic#t woutd render recobing of the short subdtvisfan, subdlvisiOn or binding site plan cvntrary to the public health, safety or general w+elfare; and provlded one or more of tfie bllowing circumstances is found to epply: t That some partfon of tfie existing pielEminary short subdfvfisfon, subdivlsfan, or binding sife plan has been finalized since the project was approved and the remaining lots would lorm a urnfied development consistent wiih the nriginal approvat; Thet tfie preliminary short subdivision, subdivision. or binding site plan remains generalty coruistent with original plet ar binding site plan that was approved, and the appficant has taken substantial steps toward finalizing the plat or binding site plan, which shall include at feast one af the following: _ a Surveying the lots withln the developmenfi b. Arranging for public services to the site; F'aqa T ut 14 12-6-0fi Planning Commiss+on Rec:omrnended Title 29, Uniiorm Deve;apment i;ode Far Council Meeti; ;a c. Obtaming necessary financing for all ar a portion of the preliminary short subdivision, subdivisfan, or binding site pian; d. The completion of studies or ather requirements which were part of preliminary short subdivision, subdivisian, or binding site plan approvah 3 That at the time preliminary approval was granted, development of the propasal was condttioned upon the extension of public services which are not yet available. This provision shall not apply t4 publlc utitity extensions which the proJect sponsot would normally fund; If the conditions set forth in SVMC 20.20.060(1), (2), or (3) are met, the department may grant a single one-year tlme extension. Priar to granting time extensions, the Director shall circulate the time exiensio,1 requsst to affected agencies for comments. Additional or attered conditions recommended by affectECi agencies may be required as a condition of this extension, City Departments may also recommend additional or altered conditions. The Oepartment shall issue a written decislon approving or denying the time extension request and pravide capies to aflected agencies, the applicant, and those partles requesling a copy of such decision. Appeals of a time extension shall be filed in a manner cansistent witfi the provisions of SVMC 17 50. 2Q.30 Final ShArt Subdivlsions, Subdivisions, and Bindlng Sit Plans 20.30.010 Final Submittal. The final short subdivision, subdivisian, or binding site plan shall inaorparate all conditions of the preliminary approval. The final shart subdtvislon, subdivision, or binding site pian shall incorporate ::li conditions of approval impos8d by the Hearing Examiner. AU final subdiviston, short sub0ivisoon or binding site plan submittats shal) indude the following 1_ A minimum of ten (10) copies of the proposed final short plat, plat or binding site plan, 2 Appropriate fess; 1 Three copies of a plat certificate : 'llar,s and rxr!t7,ts snau ats_. ~ a. AutoCAD.dwq iNational GAU Standar b. ESRt _shp ifuUv themaiicaltv ctasscf►ed C. Mlcrostation 4gnqNat►or,a1 CAD Stan+~- ~ The fir.al short plat, plat or binding sfte plan shall shuw. 1 All monumenls found, set, reset, replaced or removed, descnbing iheir kind, size and locatian and giving ather data relating thereto; 2. Bearing trees, comer accessaries or witness monumertts, basis of bearings, bearing and tength of lines, scale of map and nonh arrow; 3. Any other data necessary for the Interpretation of ihe various items and locatians of th~ ~ polnis, lines and areas shown; 4. Ties to adjoining suNeys of recovi 5_ The allowable error of mathemahcal clasuro tor the final plat map shall not exc:~ed 'r;ot n eighty thousand feet or 0.04 foot, whichever ts greater. 6_ Bearings and lengths are to be shown for all lines; no ditto marks are to be used I Pa9u 8 of ti 12 6-{?6 Planntng Cammlasion Retammended Title 20, Uniform Davebpment Coda - _"r Counc:l Mewinq 01-30-07 7. Arraws shall be used to show iimits of beanngs and distancss whenever any ciiance of misinterpnetebon cou{d exist 8. Ptat boundary and street monument Hnes having curves shall show radius, arc, centrai angle and tangent for each curve and radlal beahngs where curve 'rs interseded by a rson-tar►gent iine. Spiral curves shall shrnnr chord bearing and length. 9 Lots alang curves shall shaw arc length along curve and radial bearings at lot comers. If a curve table is provided, it shall show angle for each segment of the cun►e alang each fot, arc length, tartgent length, and radius. Radial bearings along lat lines wiil not be required. 10. All dimensions shall be shown in feet and hundredths of a foot. All bearings and angles shall be shovm fn degrees. minutes and secands_ 11 When elevaborts are needed, pertnanent bench maric(s) shal be shawn on the frnal short plat in a locadon and on a datum plane approved by the City. 12. The final short plat, piat or binding site plan shall indicate the actual net area for each piatied lot exciusive of the right-of-way. Lots one acre and over shall be shown to the closest hundredth of an acre, and ail other lats shall be shown in square feet I~ :=uundarv Doints far corr►er shall be Focatea P',i vitital Pas4qninq SYStem ;GPSl on the final : ubdivisian. firzat shoct subdwision or fireat blndiga sfie atan based an Wash[ntrtan Sbtt Plane :oordinate North Zone Narth A,rtesican D,9fYm 83 iNAD 113) m U.S. feet Pncision shatl ;7,eei Niah Accuractifj eference Network fHARNI or Niqh Precasion Geodetic Netuvrk i HPGN1 stanCards_ The final subdtvqion~ final shpn subdryiswn or final bindina site fllan shall show or be accomaanied Dv a maa shOwinq dhe contmi s,ystem throuqh whic.h the -.oordmatas were detertstined irom ooint5 of knawn c04rdmatas in conbrmance wnth RCW ;g f~ p,-, 20.30.20 Contents of Final Ptat All surveys shall campfy with the Survey Reoording Act (RCW 58.09), survey and land descriptions (WAC-332-130), and City standards for road construction. The contents of a final short subdivisian, subdivision or binding site pfen shall include the foilowing: 1 The flnat shart ptat, plat or binding sde plan shall be a Iegibly dr3wn, prirtted, or reproduced permanent map. Final short plets shall measuce elghteen by twenty-four (187Q4) inches. Final plats and binding site plans shall measure twenty-four by thirty-stx (24x36) inches. A twaincfi margin shall be provided on the leit ecfga, and a onefiali-inch margin shall be pravlded at the othef edges of the plat. If more than one sheet is reqvlred, eacfi sheet shall st►ow sheet numbers for the total sheets. 2 Tha file number of the short plat, plat or bindiny eite plan; Ixation by section, township and range shall be shown. 3. The scate shall be fifty (1'=50') or one hundred (1'=100') feei to the fnch. If approved by tfie department, an appropdate scaie may be used which does rtot exceed twa-hundred (1'=200') feet to the inch, provided e iour-hurtdred (1"=400') feet to the fnch reduced capy is also submitted. 4. A distinct wide boundary line shall delineate the boundary uf the short plat, plat or binding site plan. 5 Th$ locabon and widtfis oi streets, alleys, rights-ol-way, easements, parks and apen spac;es proposed within the shart plat and those existfng imrnediately adjacent to the short ptat shall be shovm. Ar$as to be dedicated to the pubfic must be labeled. 6 Layout and names of adjoining subdivislons shall be shawn within and adiaoent to the subdivision baundary. 7 The Iayout, lot and block numbecs, and dimensions of afl lots shall be shown. 8. Street names shall be shown. Paya 9 c! 14 12.6.^. Planning Cammissian Recummen4ed Tttle 20, Un,form Devalopment Codcs - r,1~_~~,~,,~ .;1 9. Street addresses for each lat shall be shown 10. Plat resttfCttans required as ConditionS of pre;irninary short subdivision, subdivisian ar binoing site plan approval shall be shown. 11. Appropriate uNlity easernents shall be shown 12. Any special statements of approvat required from gavemmental agencies, includ~~g pertalning to flood hazard areas, shoreitnes, critical areas, and connect'tons to adjar,ent sta;e highways shall be shown. 13. A natarized certification by tfie ownens) as shown on a cvrrent plat certficate shall be provided dedicating streets, areas intendeci `or other public use, and grantiny of easemet7ts i'or sloQe and utifft4es 14 A certificatlon signed by a professionai land surveyor registered in t1ie state at titi`ashingtun stating that the final short plat, piat or binding siUe plan was surveyed and prepared by himseNfierseli, or under hislher supervision; that plat is a true and correct representatlon the subject land; and that monumentation has been establ[shed as required by C:ty sYandards. 15 The City Council autharizes final app, an,j : r,;,~ ~ ',Jj. ,f•~;~~ ; , ,t _r ',I is reviewed and signed by the followir- a a Spokane Valley PubUc Wark~~ i b. Spokane Valley Community Oevelopm--•nt c. Spokane County Utilities Director: d. Spokane Regional Health Distnct . ~ r._ _ _ . _ :s - - - • ~ -evuired to s=rve tre detitlopmenr. . e Spokane County Treasur+er, f Spokane Counry Assessor, g. Water purveyar representative; h Hearing Examiner for ftnal plats only. 20.30.030 Filing Final Short Plat, Plat or Blnding Site Plan. The final shart plat, plat or binding site plan shall be submitted to the Department for review. It shall be routed to appropnate departmenis and agencJes in arder to review fvr compliance wfth the conditians oi apProval. Once all mviewtng departments and agencies are satisfled al1 canditrons have been met ar appropriate bonding end surety obtained pursuant ta SVMC 20.30.040, the final short plat, plat or binding site plen mylar shall be submitted to the Department for obtaining the required signatures. Final plats and short plats shall be approved, disapproved, or retumed tD the applicant within thirty days from the date o# filing thereof, unless the applicant consents to an extensian of such time period. (RCW 58.17.140) The Department stiall rerord the campleted fnal short plat, plat, or binding site plan with the Spokane County Auditor. 20.30.40 Bond In Lleu of Construction Llmftatfons. In lieu of the completjan of the actual construciion of any required improvement prlor to the approval of the final plat, short plal or binding site plan, the public worics director may accept a bond fn an amount and with surety and conditions satfsfactory to the Director and conslstent with the provislon of RCW 58.17 134, only if aA of the faflowinq conditlans are met t. The improvement or improvements constitute less than 5 9G of the total capftal req ~ i r,~= for the ptat short plat or binding siEe plan. 2_ The improvements will be completed wtthln one (1) year oi the date of final appmv,:i 3. The failure to comp{e4e the improvement does not i, i, : r~~~? :;r .;:~r.,~ ~ i,-.. PaBe 10 uf td 1'-M3-OFi Planning Commiss,on Recommersded Tii1e 20, Unitorm Development Code Far Cauncil Mcetiricl 01-1C47 4. The applicant for the band does not have any outstanding improvements that have not been timely oompieted within oiher plats, st►ort plats, or bfnding site ptans witfiin tfie City. 5. The improvements could not be complsted due to waather or produci suppty. 20.30.60 Phssing. Any subdivision may be developed In phases er increments. Phasing of shart subdfvisions or binding site ptans is not permitted. A master phasing plan shall be submitted with the preliminary subdivisfon for approval by the department. The phasing plan may be approved by the D'+rectar provided 1. The phasing plan includes ell land fdentified within the legal notice: 2. The sequence of phased development is idantified by a map; 3. Each phase has reasonabie public or pmrate infrastructure tn suppart the number oi dweiling units containecl in that phase; 4. Each phase oonst}tutes an independent ptanning unit with facifdies, adequate circulaUon, and any requirements establlshed ior the endre subdivision; and provided that any non-fmatized portion meeb the minimum lot size of the underfying zone for the proposed use; and 5. The Public Wcxks Oepartment apprnves the necessary documents so that afl road improvement requirements are assured ior that phase. A phasing plan may be amencled fol{owfng prellminary approval. Sald plan mey be approved administratlvely provided the above cnteria are rnet. 20.50 Prellminanr Plat Short Plat and Bindina Site Plan Alberatlons 20.50.010 AppltcaUons. An applicatlan may be submitied for any proposed aileratjon to a pteliminary plat, preliminary shorf pfat or binding slte plan. The applicadon shall contain the signatures of lhe persons having an ownership interest in the plat or binding site plan. A prellminary plat alteration is classifisd as a Type [I permit and shatl be processed pursuant tn SVMC 17_40. f 20.6050.020Prellminary Plat, Shott Plat and 8fnding Site Plan Alterations, Notice, Decision, Flling Plan. Any request for a proposed modlfication tn a preliminary short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan which has receEved preliminary approval shall be submitted to the departmenL Any propased mosliFcatlon which would amend conditiQns establlshed administraGvely shatl be circulated to aPfecied agenciss for review and commenL An amended decEslon ar amended condittons of approvel may be requlr-ed based on comments ret:eived from aftecfed agencies. The Dinectar may waive formal prvicessing if it is detarmined that the propased modification wouki noi nave a substantial impect on adjacent properties, or canditions of approval. Thls procsss shall not apply to amending aite plans or conditions thereof established by a hearing body that would canstitute a 'changs of condition." A(terations may be approved by the Director, if the Director deiermines that the public use end interest will be s$rved by Ute aKetation. Following approval of an atteretion, the eppltcant shall produce a revised drawing of the approved alteration which shall be signed by the Director and filed witfi the City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department Any proposed modlfication which would signficanUy amend con(fitions estabGshed by the hearirg examiner shall be processe-d as a"change o( conditians' pursuant to SVNiC Pago 11 of 14 12.rr05 F'lannuig Commisslon RQOOmmended Title 20, Uniform Devafopment Code For Council MeetinQ 01-30-07 Z2¢&_Final Plat and Short Plat Afterations 20.60.010 Apptication. An application may be submitted ior any praposed altefation to a final ptet or finai shart plat. The appifcatian shall contain tfie signatures of the majority of those persons having an ownership interest in Iots, tracts, parcels, site or divisions in the subject subdivision or portion to be altered. If the subdivision is subject to restrictive covenants which were filed at the tirrte of approval of the subdlvision, and the application for alteratlon woufd resutt in the vfolaaon of a covenant the application shall contain an agreement signed by all parties subject to the covenants providirtg tfiat tt►e pafies agree to tenninate or alter the relevant covenants to accamplish the purpase of the vacation of the subdivisfan or portton thereof. A plat alteration is classified as a Type II Permit unless a pub{ic hearing is tequested pursuant ta SVMC 20.50.020 below (n whlch case the plai alteration shall be ctassified as a Type III PeRnit Bath permit types shafl be processed pursuant to SVMC 17.40 and in a manner c:onsistent with RCW 58.17215. 20.60.020 flnal Plat Alterations Notice. Public Hearing. Decislon. F1Ung Requtroments. Upon receipt of a completed application fbr a final plat alteration, the department shatl provide notice of the application to a(1 owners of praperty within the subdivision, publicaUon in an appropriate regionat or neighborhood newspaper ar trade joumal, and to lhoss owners of property within ~3[Qf•~u; hundred ; aQO)i_feet of that portion of the plat proposed for alieratfon. The notice sha11 includa a statement that a publ4c hearing will not be required unless specifically requested within the timeframe indicated below_ If a public hearing is requested within 14 days of receipt of thQ notice, notice of the hearing shafl be provided as is set forth in SVMC 17.40.120. Ai'teratians to flnal plats may be approved !f it is deiermined ttiat the public use and interest will be served by the atterabon. Follawing approval of an alteratbn, the applicant shall produce a revised drawing of the approved atterat(on of the final plat, which shall be signed by the Director and filed with the Spokane Couniy Auditors otfice to become the lawful plat of the praperty 20.60.030 Flnal Short Plat Atterations. Nodce. Declsion. Flling Requlrements. Upon receipt of a completed application for a final short plat alEeraGon, tfie departmenl sha11 provide notice of the application ta all owners of property withfn the subdivisfon, publfcation in an appropriate regional or neighborhood newspaper or trade Joumal, and fo those awners of property adjaoent to that portion of the short plat proposed for alteration. AlteraGons to final short plats may be approved by the Dlrector, if the Director determines that the public use and interest will be served by the aiteratlon. Fotlowing approval of an alteration, the applicant shalt produce a revised drawing of the approued alberation of the final short plat, whtch shall be s[gned by the Directb{ and filed wilh the Spokane County Auditor's affice to beoome the lawful plat of the property. 20.70 Plat Vacation 20.70.010 Plat Vacatton Application. An application may be submitted for the proposed vacaflon of part or all of a plat The appflcabon shall contain tlie signatures of the majority of ihose persons having an ownetship interest of lats, tracts, parcels, sites or divis(on in the subject subdivision or a portion to be vacated. 20.70.020 Plat Vacatlon - Process. Vacation of a plal is ctassified as a Type III application_ Upon submittal of a compfete app(icaton for vacation of plat, the department shall process ths ptat vacation request pursuant to SVMC 17.40 and in a manner consisteni with RCW 58.17.212_ Pade 12 of 14 12-G-05 Planning Gommissirxi Recomntiended Tit{e 20, Urifonn Devetopment Code 20.80 Boundarv Line Adlustrrlents/Eliminatlons 20.80.010 Scope. Boundary line adjustments shall be a minor attetation in the location of lot boundaries on exisfing Iots. The purpose of lhe boundary Une eliminetion process is to remove interior bt lines of a parcei comprised af two ar ntote separate lots wlth conhguous ownershlp. Boundary line adJustrnents must be consistent with lhe following: 1. Such alteradon shall not inuease the number of lots nor diminEsh in size apen space or otfier protected environments. 2. Such alteraGon shall not diminish ifie size of any bt so as to tssult in a lot of bess sguare footage than prescribed In the zoning regulatians. 3. Such atteration shaU not result in the reducOon oi setbacks or site caverage to less than prescnbed by the zoning tegulations. 4. All lots resuttfng from the boundary Iine alteradon sha(1 be in confomiance with the destgn standaMs of this chapter 20.80.020 Review Process. Boundary line adjustments and eliminaiions are cfassified as Type I applicabons and shall be reviewed pu►suant to SVMC 17.40. 20.80.30 Appiicatlon and Drawing Requirements. ApptlcaUon for a boundary line adjustment ar elimination shall be made on (onns provided by the Department and shall provide the followtng information: 1. Exls6ng conditions site plan - produce a tascale site plen on an 8% x 11 incfi sheet with one incti margins on all sides showing the followfng infortnatlon: a. The existing dimensions and square footage of the euisting property/prapertfes invalved; b. The bcatlon and setbacks of any improvements ( i.e. s#ructures, septic systems, etc ) from aq property lines; c. Tha location and dlmension ot ell acaess and utility easements; and d. The location, dimensbns and names of public andlor privaUa sheets abutting the property(ies). 2. Proposed adjustmenVeliminetion slte pten - produce a to-scale ptan on an 8 K x 11 inch sheet w►th one (t) inch margin on all sldes showing the folfowing information: a The locadon and setbacks of any improvements ( i.e. structures, septic systems, etc.) af0er the proposed boundary Ifne adJustment or eliminatfon from V►e new property lines; b. The Iocation snd dimension of any access or utility easements after the proposed boundary line adjustment or efimination; c. The 4ocation, dimensions and names of pubUc and/or prnrate streets abutring the property(ies) after the proposed botindary line adjustment or el{minati~on; and d. (ndipte old pmperty lines with a dashed Hne and the Rew property lines with a sold line. 3. On a separate sheet of paper (8 K x 11 fnches) a written legal description for the existing parcel(s) and the propased adjusbed w etimfnated parcel(s) with one (1) inch margins on atl sides. 4 One (1) capy each of all invotved property owners' recorded deeds, vetifying cvrrent ownership af the subjec! Property(ies). 5(f aveilabfe, submit a copy of an original plat for the subject propefty. Page 13 ot tr. ~ { Plannine Commission Recommended Tit4e 20. Uniionn DeveioprnQnt Code I For Council Meetin 01-3~~ I 6. 44#6-Dour4aty-a+fle-ad} M . , ~ 4ae-a ~~+}ra~.~taa~-i~less-I-h„an ;9;;-{-31J rad-sa=bask-aA record of survey flf the property shall be complebed to prove that no Illegal bultdlr►g setbacks will be cfeated as a result of the boundary line idj«stmert Tl-ie suR-ey must be comp!eted by a surveyor !irensed m the State of Washingtcn 20.80.40 RecoRlation. The Departmentshall record bOur~~~ary n•.e arud ehrr~inat;c,;s with .he S;;okane County Auditor's Office and submlt copies of the recorded documents to trie SpO :•it2 n~c;e A.!I `ees `or <ur.h recording shall he pgid hy }he appllcant prn-r to recerdir:i 1 2-6 cili CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action , . Meeting Date: January 30, 2007 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative Report: Uniform Development Code Title 21 - Environmental Controls. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: See below PREVIOUS COUNCIUCOMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: The 2006-2026 Cornprehensive Plan was adopted on April 25, 2006 and effective on May 10, 2006. Council was briefed on Title 21 - Environmental Controls and the Shoreline Master Program on January 23, 2007. BACKGROUND: Development regulations implementing the Comprehensive Plan should be adopted by March 31, 2007. These regulations are subject to the same requirements for early, continuQUS and collaborative public participation as the Comprehensive Plan. Following public hearings held on January 11 and January 25, 2007, the Planning Commission approved issues omitted from the Public Hearing Draft i.e. Categorical exemptions relating to Shorelines, and the addition of hazardous materials provisions in the Critical Aquifer Recharge Area. They also addressed policy issues included in the Public Hearing Draft, noted beloe. 7itle 21 - Environmental Controls. Title 21 includes provisions for compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA - RCW 43.21C, WAC 197-11) as well as critical areas regulation (RCW 36.70A, WAC 365-195) including floodplain hazards (44CFR 60, RCW 86.16), wetlands protection, fish and wildlife conservafion, geologically hazardous areas, critical aquifer recharge areas, as well as regulations implementing the proposed Spokane Valley Shoreline Master Program (RCW 90.58). This Title is unique in many respects, since the jurisdiction of several state agencies, as well as the federal government must be taken into account. SEPA: The SEPA process mimics the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in many ways_ The administration of the process is delegated to a"lead agency' which is resolved fhrough a statutorily established process. Many planning (non-project), development and construction projects are subject to SEPA review and administrative determination, with the requirement ior a hearing in the event the determination is appealed. 7he statute is fair9y prescriptive. Policv Questions; Should the City continue with the optional thresholds adopfed by Spokane County? Critical Areas: Floodnlain Hazard. Flood Hazard regulations are a condition of the City's participation, •in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Washington Department of Ecology. The proposal includes updates incorporated in the Washington Model Ordinance, as well special provisions far flood storage, resufting from the recent completion of the Chester Creek re-study. The proposal has been revievred by FEMA and the Washington Department of Ecology. . Policv Questions: The proposed ordinance is signiflcantly more rational in dealing with flood _ prone areas. The analysis was a result of the Chester Creek restudy which will permit evidence , of campensatory storage in-lieu of limitations on impervious caver. Wettand Protection. Wetland buffers implement provisions of The Clean Water Act and are included among the critical areas which must be regulated. The Department of Ecology has Information Report Uniform Development Code Title 21 Environmental Controls & Shoreline Master Program Page 2 of 3 updated regulations concerning wetlands significantly, allowing much greater latitude for analysis than +Mas the case under the old rules. Policv Questions: DOE has outlined three alternative approaches (plus one variation on alternative 3) to wetlands regulation. Alternative 1 is the only alternative permitted under our interim regulations. The proposed regulations would allaw an applicant to elect among the fhree alternatives outlined by DOE to establish wetland buffers. Fish 8 Wildlife Conservation. 7hese provisions implement regulations for habiiat conservation established by the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for riparian areas (RCW 90.58). DNR very recently completed its update of stream and water body ryping. These regulations replaced the earlier five stream type classifcation with four, "S" Shorelines of the State, °F" Fish, "Np" Non-fish perennial and "Ns° Non-fish seasonal. Sebacks and forest practices regulations (WAC 222-determine conservation setbacks based on a combination of stream wridth (bankfull) and soil types, pursuant to WAC 222-30-020. These regulations also replace the "ordinary high water mark" as a benchmark with "bankfull". Policv Question: Should the Director's authority to allaw reductions in the riparian buffer be reduced from 25% to 10%? Geoloqically Hazardous Areas. These areas are designated on the Comprehensive Plan and include both erosion and landslide hazard areas. Policv Question: Proposed regulations determined only by the results of a geo-technical report, as is currently the case. Note that some provisions relate to grading and excavating included in 7itle 24- Building Regulations. Critical Aquifer Recharqe Areas. This provision regulates land uses with the poteniial ior aquifer contamination, based on susceptibility. A one thousand foot radius around all groundwater wells is defined as "high" susceptibility", regardless of soil conditions. Policy Question: Should containment of Critical Niaterials be included here or a part of 1'itle 24 Building Regulations, as is the case with Spokane County? While the public hearing draft does not include it, it would be prudent to incorporate it here as a part of the CARA. Shoreline Master Proqram The proposed Spokane Valley Shoreline Master Program (SMP) is subject to approval of the Department of Ecology. Staff has followed the adopted Citizen Participation process but DOE will 7undertake a separate public participation process following City approvals.. The City collaborated with all jurisdictions in Spokane County, except the City of Spokane, in performing an inventory and assessment of all statutorily designated shorelines. These include "Shorelines of Statewide Significance" (Spokane River) and "Shorelines of the State" which includes all badies of water arith a surface area of 20 acres or more. This includes Shelley Lake, the Flora Pit and the ParklThierman pit (both owned by Cetral Pre Mix). The SMP cflnsists of the Plan (8.5 SV Comprehensive Plan and 8.6 Goals & Policies), a restoration plan included as an appendix, and regulations to be incorporated into the Spokane County Municipal Code, including Trtle 21 - Environmental Controls and Title 17- General Provision (Enforcement & Penalties). The City of Spokane is in the process of updating its own Shoreline Master Program. Part of the process includes designating "shoreline environments" which may affect adjacenf land uses. Shoreline 114anagement Programs place a strong emphasis on an environmentally "properly functioning condition" and public access to the water. Present regulations also require a restoration plan. The statute alsfl requires specific provisions related to signage, roadway and utility construction, fill, docks and buoys, as well as shoreline protection. °Substantial Development Permits" are required for construction in shoreline areas. Since the regulations must follow the formulation of the SMP, they should be discussed concurrently. Three Open Houses were held at City Hall from 4-6 pm during October, November and December 2006, on the same dates as the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is the designated Citizen Advisory Committee. Information Report Unifor►n Development Code Tille 21 Environmental Controls & Shoreline Master Program Page 3 of 3 The proposed drafts include the preliminary comments and recommendations of the Department - of Ecology. Policy questions have been identifled for the Commission, and tfie text of the relevant statutes to assist fhe Commission in their deliberations. Policv Questions: Setbacks from the Ordinary High Water Mark increased from 50 feet to 100 feet? Alternately, the Riparian Management Zone (RMZ) may be established as the "Shoreline Buffer. Prohibitions on new docks for single family residential? Limitation on size and alignment of replacemsnt docks? (This should be retained, even if new docks should be permitted, although the dimensions may be revised) Are the Shoreline Environments properly identified on the maps? Are additional uses allowed by right, with a conditional use permit, or otherwise limited appropriate within the Shoreline jurisdiction? Planning Commission continued the Public Hearing on Title 21 opened on January 11, 2007 until January 25, 2007 to hear testimony on the SMP which is scheduled for that evening. The proposed regula#ions were submitted to C7ED on October 20, 2006. A Determination of Non- Significance (SEPA) was issued on the same day. The cflmment period expired on Navember 30, 2006. OPTIONS: Schedule for additional discussion or take no action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None required. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Title 21- Draft regulaHons Draft SN4P Goals & Policies ~ ` ' f:•t I ~ ~ Spokane Valley Shoreline Master Program and Critical Areas Regulations PUBLIC HEARING Department af Community Development January 25, 2007 Environmental Relationships ~ , Flood Prone I FEMA DGE / ~ ands E OI~ ShoreNne Meater P I Crltlcal Ames Requlafiona OOE ibis E j snnP l ~ °OE ~ 1 ~ Shorelines (DOE) Ke y P h ra s e s • - Ordinary li igh WAter Mar1c - Rtoperly Functianing CondfUon - No not los. W ecofogical func?ion - Shoaeline Ersviranmenis - Shwsline Juftdiction - Shorellnes oi Statemde Significanco - ShoreGnes of ths State • Fish 8 UVldlife Caruervsuon (DNR) - VJater TYpin9 (S, F. Nr N.) - BankEull - Riparian Martagement Zonas (RMZ) • Wetlands (pOE) - IIuffers • Floodplain (FEIAA, DOE) - 13ase Flood etavatJon (BFE) - Fbod Insuraroce Rate Map - Fbod Insurarsoe Siudy - Floodway - 100-year floodpla:n - Lowesl devation • Critical Aquifer t2echarge Areas (CE1RA) - Crf4cal P.lateriafs • Geologically Hazardous Areas - Erodible soils New Agency Rules • Floodplain - Includes results of Chester Creek Re-study - Updated Washington Model Ordinance • Wetlands - Altemative methods of calculating buffers based ' on science • Fish & Wild Life Conservation - New water typing and buffers defined • Shorelines - New environments identified - Restoration Plan Required . 2 • Urban area ~ Shoreline Environments & ~ Differences in the uses locally designated Spokane Valley'S • Shoreline Restoration Plan Existinq Interim and Required • Riparian buffers based on Proposed SMP & science Criticai Areas • Opportunity to harmonize Regulations state requirements • Eliminate inconsistencieslambiguities in overlap areas • Distinguish "policies" ftom regulations Integrated Shoreline Master Program (SMP) ~ & pokies ~ Comprehensive ~ Plan ~ ~ ~ UDC Title 21 uoc rcie 17.60 I i 3 , l)RA1+ T ADVANCE AGENI')A ~ For Planning Discussion Purposcs Only ' as of January 25, 2007 11:00 a.m. Plcase note this is a,,vork ui progress; items are tentative '1'0: Council & Staff I'rom: City Manager . Rc: Drafi Scheclule fnr lJpcoming Council Meetings Februarv b. 2007. Sneci.il Nleetine, 6:00 n.in. [due datc A'Tonday, January 291 1. Conscnt Agenda; Claims, Payroll, Minutes, Amended SAC Bylaws; Approve Geiger Work Crews [5 minutes) 2. Second Reading, Proposed Qrdinance Amending 17angerous Dog- Cary Driskell [10 minutes] 3. Motion Consideration: Snow 1'lowing Level of Service - NeilK.ersten . [10 minutes] 4. vlotion ConsidEration: Senske Con[ract - Ivlike Jackson [5 minutes] Administrative 12eaort: 5. Wastewater Update - Bruce Rawls [20 minutes) 6. Spokane County Comprehensive Solicl Waste Mgint 1'lan Update - Suzanne Tresko [15 minutes] 7. Cnntracts and I'urchasing Procedures - Cary.Driskell ( 15 minutesa 8. CenterPlace Rebional Mu-keting and Communication Plan, and Uses of - Ivlike Jacl:son [20 minutes) 9. Cable Franchise Report - Morgan K.oudelka [10 minutes] [.nforrnatiori Only: 10. Valleyfest Annual Update - Peggy Docrina 11. Sidewalk prdinance -\TCiI K.ersten/Mike Connelly 12. Spokane Regional 'I'ransportation Council (S.RTC) Call for Projects - Steve Worley . E;CCCUTIVC SCSSiON: Lancl AcquisiCion (estimated meeting: 110 minutcsJ N"ebruarv 13, 2007 \'O 1biEETYNG (AWC Let;islative Conference Feb 14-15) Fcbruarp 20, 2007, Studr' Sessinn, 6:40 ri.m. [due date Monday, February 12] 1. Action Item: First Readin-, Cable Franchise Ordinance - Morgan K'oudelka [public comment](10 minutes) 2. rIaC 4'h Quarter Report-7im Huttenmaier (15 minutes) 3. Street Sweeping ltequest for Proposals -NTeil Kersten (5 minutes) 4. Beverly Wills IarainaDe Improvements -\'eil Kersten (5 minutes) 5, Spokane Kegional 'I'ransportation Couneil (SRTC) Call for Projects - Steve Worley (15 minutes) 6. UT)C Titlc 19 - Marina Sukup , (90 rni.nutes) 7-9. Advance Aaenda Additions, Council Check-in; Cicy Manager Comments (S tninutes) Lnformation Onlv: 10. UAC Title 24 - Marina Sukup • 11. Depvtmeut Reports TQTAI:, NMNllTES: 145 minutes NVcduesilav; Feliruarv2.l, 20071Special Studv Se.,.Sic►n, 6:00 v.m.:t'ounci! Chsi»bek, UDC Title 19 - Marina Sukup (120 minutes) February 27, 2007, ReLynlar IVieetine, 6:00 p.m. [duc d.ttc Ll'uesdav; February 201 1. Consent: Claims, Payroll, vlinutes (5 Itll[]UtGS) 2. Second Reading Cable Nranchise Ordiuanee - Nlorgan Koudelka (10 mittutes) 3. Motion Consideralion: SItTC Approval ofProject flpplications- Steve Worley (10 minutes) AclministYative Renort: 4. 2006 rlccc~mplishments Iteport - Nina Rc~or (60 minutes) 5. UDC Titlc 22 and 24 -Marina Sukup (60 minutes) [estimated mecting: 145 minules] Drnft Ad«cc Agcnda 1 f25f2047 I O:SS AM Pagc 1 of 2 Thursdav, A-larch 1, 2007. 6:00 n.m. .Toint Council/Planning Commission N1eet.ine: CenterPlace SpraguelAppleway Kevitalization P1an ` Niarch 6,2007, &uecisil N:leetinz 6:00 ti.m. [duc datc AZonday, Februaiy 261 1. Motion Consideration; Street Sweepina Rcque.st f'or Proposals - Neil Kersten (5 minutes) 2 iVlotion Considcration: I3everly I-Iills Drainage hnprovements -Neil K.ersten I;5 minutes) 3. iMotion Consideration: Mayoral tlppoii►tments: 1 odaing Tax Advisory Coinmittee - Mayor Wil.hite (S min) fldminislrat.ive Reoort: 4. Vacation of Streets, Payment of Vahie - Marina Sukup ,Mike Connelly (20 minutes) 5. UDC'1"itle 22 ancl 24 - Marina Sukup (60 minutes) lestitnated meeticig: 95 minutesJ AILC Coneressiona! Citv Cnfaferefrce. Marclt 10-1 4. 2007. D.C. NoiMeeEint*: Nlari:h 13, 2007 (NL,C Congressional Cit), Conference, Washington, D.C.) March 20, 2007. 6:00 n.tn. Studv Scssion [due date Monclay, March 121 1. First Rcading Pronqsed Ordinailce Adopting UI7C Titles - IVlike Connelly/Marina Sukup (20 minutes) Marcli 27, 2007. Rcaular Mceting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Manday, March 191 1. C'onsent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Ivlinutes [5 minutes] 2. Second [Zeading Proposed Ordinance Aclopting UDC Tilles - Mikc Connelly/Vlariiia Suh-up (20 minutes] At)ri13, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Studv Session (due. date 17onday, March 261 _Anril 10, 2007, Reaular Meetine, 6:00 p.iii. (due date iVlonday, A.pril 21 WEdnestlav. Anril 11. 2007-1Llmrnr's State nfthe Citv Address (tettlalive) April 17, 2007, 6:00 n.m. Stiulv Session (duc date 17onday April 91 April 24. 2007, lteeular A'leetine. 6:00 D.M. [due date Monday, April 161 1. Consent Agenda: YayroLl, Claims, Vlinut:es 2. Admin Report: Street IvlasterPlan Update - Neil Kersten 0'17ffE12 PENDII\TG AIND/OR UPC01'U.QNG ISSUES/MEETINGS: First Quarter CenterPlace Rentals - Mike Jackson Swnmer Retreat (Tentat:ive: June . 2007) Noisc Ordinance (Constniction Activity) Modified Crim$ Check/Crime R.eptirCing Central Valley School Distric[ ImPact Fee Request Sewer Co(lection Systems-Neil Kersten Site Locator Accident Statistics along Broadway - October 2007 estimated mceting time does not iriclude time t'or public eommenrs] Taraft Advajice rlaenda 1/25/2007 I Q:S5 AM Yagc 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Cl/ Meeting Date: January 30, 2007 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing [j information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Information: Update on the Ad Hoc Sign Committee. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Ordinancg No. 05-016 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council authorized the formation of an Ad Hoc Sign Committee by motion on April 6, 2004, appointing seven members with two representatives each from the business community, sign contractors, and citizens as well as one representative from the Planning Commission on May 25, 2004. On July 18, 2006, City Council expanded the Committee to represent small businesses on Sprague Avenue and auto sales. SIGN INDUSTRY: ~ Duane R. WaflWav ~ Lamar Outdoor Advertisinq ~ ~ John L. Johnston ~ Siqn Coro ~ GENERAL BUSINESS: ~ Eldonna Gossott ~ Spokane Vafley Chamber of Gommerce ~ ~ Denny York ~ Yoke's Fresh PAarkets ~ I CITIZENS: ( Rav Perry Reiired Fairqrounds Manaqsr, Spokano County. I ~ Dav6d Quinn Walls that 7alk ~ PLANNING COMMISSION David Crasby I American Dream Womes - Broker Sh7ALL BUSINESS 8 AUTO DEALERS Jenni(er Johnson Jennffers Auto Sales Nancy Nishimura Green Thumb Nursery BACKGROUND: The Ad Hoc Sign Committee was asked to consider the following: • Clarification of ferms; • Aesthetic Corridors and billboards; • Recommendations concerning height, area and spacing of permanent signs, specifically addressing existing multipte pole signs; • Prohibition of pennants, streamers and flags other than as temporary signs • Prohibition of portable signs • Comments concerning the SpraguelAppleway Sub-area Plan. The committee met eight times beginning September 12, 2006, concluding their recammendations on January 16, 2007. Proposed revisions to the sign regulations have been incorporated into Title 22.110 of the Uniform Development Code and will be ionvarded to Planning Commission for review at a study session on February 8, 2007. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, CFM, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: None. Crr~ Wine ~ Valley~ 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley VJA 49206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org .,._.L....~...._. . - . . . . - _ A , . Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager; Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager, and City Council From: Mike Jackson Date: January 23, 2007 Re: 2007 Park Maintenance Contract Tn 2005, the City contracted w-ith Senske Lavvtl and 1"rec Care for park maintenance and i-Liaintenance oi'the Centennial Trail for a total annual cost of$607,60225. T6.is is a one year inilial agreemcnt wilh four onc year renewa1 options. Tn 2006; the contract was rcnewed at the same total anuual cost o.f.' $607, 602.25. The 2007 rcnewal of the Yark Maintenance Contract was offered to Scnske aC the samc total annual cost of $607,602_25. Senske has countered witli an offer of a 2% increase in ~ cost. This would result in an uicrcase qf $12,152.05 to the acuiual contract. ~ The contract stipulates that "'Cost changcs in future years, if any, uiust be justified and mutually agreed to by the City and the Conlractor." Senske listed several reasons for the inerease includ'uig: inereased fuel cost; increascd labor cost; assembly, installation and rnaintenance of nEw cicag Nvaste stations and picnic tables; installation of temporary lavatories at parks prior to scheduled opeiungs, and various substantial lanciscape enhancements at die various parks." F3ased on a Coiisumer Price Index (CYI) incr.ease of at least 2% for the preceding 12 months, coupled Nvith the satisfactory service provided by Senske, staff recommeuds approval of a 2% increase for 2007. Tlus recommendation is based on inereased labor casts, increased fuel costs, increa.sed cost of materials and supplies, etc. HoNvever; staff would also likc tn clarify hvo phints: 1. lZcference to the CPI is for comparison only. There is no contractual reference to the CPI i.n the City/Senske agreement. 2. Wh.ile staff appreciates the responsivcness of Senske in assembling picnic tablcs and performing various other enhanccments, these specific duties are not neccssarily outsidc the scope of work. ~ What is evident, and greatly appreciated, is Scnske's commitment to providing full service to the ~ City of Spokane Valley Parks and Rccreatinn Dcpartment and doing so in a friendly, professional and Arilling manner. Since the iiiception of the contcact, Senske has performed all - duties requcsted and has ci4ne so within the contexC of the aarecd upon contract price. In order to contuiue this level of responsiveness, without consideration for additional billuig for "EYtra" . work, Senskc believes a 2% increase is warranted. As notcd abnve; staff concLirs with this justification and recommends the increasc, effectivc January 1, 2007. The 2007 budgel includes fiuids in the Parks and R.ecreation Services and Charges Account to cover the total cnst of the contract which would be $619,754.30 Please let me kiiow if pou have questions or -vvould like additional information: , ~ ~