2006, 03-09 Regular Meeting AC's EIV~DE1, SPOKANE VALLEY Cl'tY CnUNC1L SPECI4L MEF.TING Thuryday, NIarch 9. 2006 6:40 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 11707 East Sprngue Avcauc Spokanc Vallcy, Washington CAU to Orcier by M1fayor Diana Wiihitc RnLL CALI.: .1Scnda Topics: 1. P[?EiLiC IiFARING: [)raft Comprc6easivc Plan 2. Council llclibcration . lln►ft Comare6ensivc Plan: Land 1.!se \-1zp Change.Q, Prop~.'rtie, .54fi8 lniroductiun Chapter Nrigliborhood Chapter. Gaals and Policirs, Narrativc f-Iousins Nrirrrativc Vatunl L-nvimnmerit yarcative :'1Jjouinilient Spccial A1eeiing !igencli 03.09-06 Page I of 1 , SPOKANE COUNTY PARCELS „s-JNG APPLEWAY CORRIDOR ID AREA IpARCEL IACREA E IOWNER ISIT ADDRESS 54 5d04.121 3~241.04~~) ~.id15J80b112jSPbKANE COUN''Y ENGINEERS 10 A~DF4tS§ VkIKNOWN 551 5262.181 35241.04041 0.1383b1006981 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERS 17328 E 1ST AVE 581 5429.001 35241.04211 0.141895894641SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERS MO ADDRESS UNKNOWN 571 5411.971 35241.04061 0.14152899384NSP6KAIVE COUNTY 17314 E 1STAVE 581 5394.771 3A241.04071 0.141139000651 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERS 17308 E 1STAVE 591 5377,581 35241.04081 0.14081706146 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERS 7304 E 1ST AVE 601 5343.191 35241.03011 0.13686899841 SPOKANE COUNTY 7178 E iST AVE 611 5328.001 35241.03021 0.159531999831 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERS 7214 E'1STAVE 621 5308,811 35241.03031 0.139140993361 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERS 7210 E 1ST AVE 631 5291,611 35241.0041 0.138773992661SPOkANE COUNTY 17206 E 1ST AVE 641 5274_421 35241.03051 0.138407006881 SPOKANE COUN7Y ENGINEERS 7202 E 1ST AVE 651 5257.231 35241.03061 0.138038892881 SROKANE COUNTY ENGINEERS 7122 E 1ST AVE 661 5240.031 35241.03071 0.137648999691 SPOKANE COUNTY 17118 E 1STAVE 871 6222.841 35241.03081 0.137281998891 SPOKANE COUNTY 17118 E 1ST AVE 681 2521.381 35241.03201 0.02768602071 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERS 1105 S COLEMAN RD , APPROXIMATC DiMENSIONS: WIDTH = 60' & LENGTH = 87' - 90' APPROXIMATE DIMENSION OF PROPERTY ID NO. 68 WIDTN = 120' 8 LENGTH = 20' 3/B/2006 ~ 1 I II - - Draft Camprehensive PIan _ - _ - - ' ~ County Designatran Requests - ~ , ~ ~IJ ~ • i _ , n , ~ p , ~ :i. L¢ [,egend ~ _ . I.tyw iJarcity Residenunl x ~4fetfiuml},-nsi4yResidentE~l I{ie-h Dcnaity Resi&rssla4 Mlaei I,IsC - - - _ ` - - ~ ~~~f~~~~~ _ - . d~~~~ q "IS}+ CCIkRLY 1 L I . . . ;r~-~ _ - .~.r - - - . - - - - - - . ~ . . I Pub] l4fQu4Ls-1-PUb1 14" ~Y` I I i'ommmia1 ~ A4~ [:ommunity [`nnimerviul , ~ . ° --c a ° - ~ • • _ - .ight init t IISEfCal Hawy 1'fji1S1'fj z., , ~ ~ - ' , • ',.o , - ° ~ > _ - - f.hhtr'~4unicipalilie4 . . ~ , . . 4" r i , ~ I.I1~1,9'1 CoffYl4lli AfC'a Ewies 7 1 _ j + f'r,u~~le ihai dn nnl canrur irl t'r_und~•'s prupcewd dcsi~iun Ma} Loci1t10n .w N • C ~ r i7 y . , I~ - ' ~I I . I ti. . z { Y TM butr: 3~i~lb I~ . - ~ • _ u~ - - ~ ~ " ~~`^~'~c - ~ - ' - 11 4II Ro I60 Fe~ 1~t~ i~ _ ~ 'ti I I 1 ~ ~ 1. _l.-~~ ° . ' .1 vr mrd u jjrbjmii t.* trwwrxr, r1xMn I#r Gtl' ~fJl ~n~a e[c~d~N! iN ~1 '.~I ' `~`P1~-- . - ~ ~ _ " ' ax y,+uar:~rlr,l vbwrw' tIJe ik-t tirejq~ w:yrra~~}- ir~1'Jh1,2 mGp tI*! - ~ rr,r~-,r,~~~fi,u-kia~; fr,26iljl~~ r,rvw.rtririJiimdl,r+rlrvt7r~ef.l[rrrlMatA, ~ ' I - _ ° T, t :r,rfi,~ar :u~,n~i~~ rrua~•r ~r ('in vjy,o!kar*- t'+vnmum.ry - )"f l - i ~w•~ ~ Lpw rr? fqruririumt, f19ti•dsli m rirl'Grnnrrtg, (f07) o?f,l~OO. Yriktwlr[Ih[LIty WtiPa4de1'atlR°, 4'darnln [lnebJlYoAtlliIrpWt'N"nf I~ F4YCP - Ct►apOct Tew, Lard l)se POlICIGS l.UP38 Encotuage tr•msformation of Pacific Highway (SR-99) Community Busine.ss corridor into a quality mixed-use ret-aii area. Rerail developmtmt along the corridor, exclusive of the Ciry Center, shquld be designed to integrete aute, pedestrian, and tr3nsit circulation. Integlrition of public smenities and open spac:c: into rekiil and office cievelopment should also be eneourigeci. LUP39 Encouraae auto-oriented lscge bulk retailers to locate in tlthe South 348"' Street Community Business area. lveighborhood .Busincss Thete dre a dozen various sized nodes of Neighbort►oncl Business Iocated throughout the City. These ncxles are areas that have historically provided retail and/Ar senrices to adjacent residentiiil areas. The HQVCP recognizes the importance of firmly tixed houndaries to pnvent commercinl intnsion into adjacent neighbnrhoods. Neighborboud Business areas are intended to provide convenient goods (e.a., grocerie5 and hardware) and services (e.g., dry cleuners, dentist, bank) at a pexlestrian and neishbnrhood saaJe close to adjacent cesidential uses. Devetopments combining rusidenrial and comme:rcial uses pnavide a convenient living enviranment within these nodes. In the future, attention should be given to design features that enhance the appearance or f'unction of thr:se areas. Improvements may include sidewalks, npen space antf street treeti, and parking either on street or oriented away from the street ecige_ The function of neighborhood business areas can also be enhanced by safe pedestrian, bicycle, ancl transit coaneccions to sunounding neighborhoods. The need to address eazpinsion or intensi.fication mFry occur in the future depending on population growt6. Huture neighborhood business locations should be carefully chnsen and sizt;d to iveet the needs of adjac;ent resideniial areas. ' Coal~ ✓ LUG7 Provide,neighGorhoac~ und commLnity scale relail center.r for the Crry's ~ neighhorhoods. j~ ~r POlICIC nate retail develonments into surrounding neighboncoods thrcugh attentinn LLTP40 ,.6 to q'ualiry desi&m and function. ~ r--bi3 S!ncourage peciestrian aRd bicycle access to neig~borhood shopping and 5c,~rvices. ~ UP42 ~n nurxge neighborhood retail and personal services to Iticate ai appropriate / 1 tions where lacal eeonomic demand and desibm solurions demonstrate ` compatibility with the neighborhood_ Revisea 20M u-n 3:.i_ 06.,~„I~ roni Sleve' Ta~lor foi: Tuesdai=;'s `C'ouricillt~I~'et~n;/, ~,rtrr~!',~Ses.sl~i7 .'o'f. ~3lar`clt~ 06 Propnsed Amend►iienks fo \ieigliborhood Cbapter . iNarrafive Discuss e.lements of the narrative w-ith revisions that should be placed in the Latid Use Ylan narrative Remove 10.2.2 Procedurc Coals and Yolicies NIP 2.8 becomes new C'.~oal ui T.,;:ind Use Chapter . NIG-1 becouies first policy under new Goal NP 2.7. amended to "17evelop guidclines and options for neiglil~~~rhooc~/sub-tu•ea based , associations wluch facilitale the refinement of,neighborhood sub/area plaus." ivG-4 becomes third policy under nexv goal N1'-2.5 bccomes fuurth policy under new goal rNT~ -G 2 - cluplicate-of_Lanci-UsL Rolicy-l-4-l iNP-2.1 - dclete. Incompatible writh Housing Yolicy 1.3 NP-22 - MOve to J-Iousiua Chapter VF'-2_3 - ciuplicate of LU1' 1.1 NP-2.4 - Move to Housing Chapt:er NP-2.6 - Discuss possible deletion due to duplication with F.conomic Development Policy 1.6 iNG-3 - Delete NP-3.1 -DuplicatE of i-la 7.1 a,nd 7.2 . NIP-3.2 - Ivlove to LD chapter uncier C}oal 2 NP-3.3 - Tauplicate qf ED 7.1 NIP-3A - Delete. Components of policy covez topics included in capiral facililiES, utilities, . . transportation aiid natural environnient chapter. FY0YY-) dq 315)0t.-o. SUGGEST.ED IvII'120VFMEN`i'S TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD CHA.k''I'ER Add to the end of the first para of 10.2.1: This chapter af the Comprehensive pldn provides iVeighborhoad/Sub- area organizations a L'ool to provide advisory input to Cily Government regarciing all issues o.f gavernance in their zespective geographic area. By accepti.ng tliis advisory inpui:, the City Council does not, under any circumstallces, dclegate it's authori.t'y as the fu-lal c]ccision making authority of city policy issues. NG-2 Encourage the pre5ervation an.d protection caf cxist.ing residentia_l neighborhoods. Work with developcrs alid residents to hclp them agree on scale and ciesign issucs tliat wi.ll be deemed compatible by all stakeholdcrs with the existing ncighbarhood character. • NP 2.1 Neighborhaod./ sub-area organizaL'ions will providc suggestians to NP 2.3 Ncighborhoad/sub-area orgarucations will endeavor to notify city governm.ent when code cnforcemEnt issues and land use issues aze deemcd by tliem to neect to be addresseci. - NP 2.6 Neighbo.rhopd/ sub-area oi-ganii.atipns sho'uld assist appropriate entities to NP 2.7 City government will nat organize, fund or san.ction Neighnorhood/sub-area. argarziza.tions. To havc standing with city . government these organizaiaons must demonstratie L'hcy represent a ' m3aority of the inhabi.kants of theix gcographic a.rca. Once that is - . est'ablished, city govec•nmenl will work wi.th these groups f:a develop and rc.Gnc: neiglzborhood/ sub-area pla.n$. . NP 3.3 Delete. Already stated in rny revised NG 2. NP 3.4 17elef:c FILE COYY AGENDA , CITY OF SPOKAVE VALLF.Y C1TY COUNCII; «'012KSHFET STUDY SESSIQN fuesd.i}', March 7, 2006 G:UO p.m. SPOKA\TE VALLEY CTTY HALL 11707 East Spra~,uc Avenue, Suiic 101 (Ylease'lurn OfitVl Electronic Dcvices During the Mcetinh) Csill to Order by 1'iayor Diana V1'ilhite ROLi.. CAI;i.. Agencla Tonics Cuuncil 1)elibcration on Draf/ Comprehcnsive Plan (as timc permits): 1. Gonfirmation of Chapter strike-throug)h versions: introduction 2~2:4,`-'Obfii) _ Natural Eiivirnnment (nre~'io~islj:tcii'sfi-iblit&l~:2=24-0G1 . Parks, Recrealion and The Arts - iittached 2. Review of Land Use Nlap Changes - att.iched 3. Housingir Narrative 4. Neighborha4d Chapter - memo :ittached .--5. Capital Nacilities - att.iched 1n1'ormation Qrrlv Ilents (Tlrese atlacl7ed itenas tivil! ►tot be discussed or renortEtl unonl tr. Barlcer Roacl River Access Afentorandurn b. Conrprehensir•e Plcrrr Proposed Scltedule Upclute Mentorurrduirl c. .Advcrrice Agenda ADJOURN R9:ENT A'nte: [,lnless othemvise noted above, there will be no public cnmments at Couneil Study Sessions. l•lowe.ver, Council always reserves the right to request information from the public anci staff as appropriate. During rneetings held by the CitY of Spakane Valley CUUncil, the Council reserves the righc to take "action" on any or all aggcnda items listrd or hereafter amended. °Che tcrm "actian" means to deliberate, discuss, review, cansider, evaktate, or make a collectivc positive or negative ciecision. N0"fICG: Individiials planning to attend the ntieeting %sho rcquire specifd assistance to accommodatc physical, Fiearing, ur other inlpairments, please contact thc City Clcrk al (509) 921-1000 as soon us possible So that arrnngemcnts may be made. Study Sessian Agcnda 03-07-06 Paec 1 of I T ~ . 1- - -t~`i'~';~i•~.yr.:l,:~'..'!t'._'_ - _ ~ . ' ~ • • _i:l. ii :'{L -.~.r;1i, •t' ' - ' . , . - . Y . : ' . , . . . nrinct6l~errrr ar~li~?=~2IJ,!)G • ~ -'_r;.•'t;ti~ ;~JT~_ _ 'r'l.ti;':::.js:" ' ' ' ~ _ - '~:~i,-~ r':.`;-a•.~~~;4i--'}• ' _ ~ ' . t ~:j ; : ;=s~~'t^.'~ : t~'~ ~ f; " ~t'. _ ~ . ~ _ . T~~~. \ ? .:'c~ J . > ,~y4 I'i• . ~ .i~a'~ .~'~J • ~v . -.','F".~ . . roP~~seclA~tiicn'clineuts.fo'Ncighbo;rlioociCliaPtee` - . . . , . ' . . s tc ~ty r;n 1~ ig• r ,4 - ~ - . . . :r.,. ~l , ° t{ i:,:.l_ f~ . . ' ~ . . • • _ . . ;'n~'. ~,'~~i-~J:~^ ~;::rc;~ 'r:',nn;.-..::~•~. - .;i~ ~ r i . . ~ - ys, r ,:ri: . ,t~i'r~ ~~';'..'l pd~~ t.`:'•" ~~r: ~ j'- - . ~ _ . ;.Nai•rative~'''=;¢ ;j-.J ' i . . , r ~ . . , . . a r 7.1 17 t• ~ t rr.d. ' t _ . . . 'rIr.r - Discuss'elcuients of tlie narrative ~vi~i ie«sionsthafi shoulcl be placed in ttie .~..azicl Use I'lan ~ f } 1.~,r s c~~,. . _ t 4 2~ ~ ~ C~ t ` ' l. ~ - . • ' ' ''1 fE'st ~SdTl'c~~Ve"l ~ ll .5 S ~ z y~ 9 ;i~;~:L•~'~,'ui vs* L t r ° 4~, • i ~ ti :t J'si r - . _ • _ ' . -s ~ 1 ~ ~ M`~r . j'~`~'~'•''~JS . s~y~..~ e ~'Nf ~~r ~'S i 3r1~} It ' ~Kemc~vc 10:2,=~2~~Procedure::::~~t.f:; 47, y~ L p t' .}7 f;` ~ l sr"k'}r~r~; f ti, ~ ~~-'i;~~ ~~r,~ t . ~ ' . _ ~ 't}{. . t . y 1 { . ti . ~ - .g ~ t . ~ , . ~ , . . R~ yr ai Y l~:A > y . rr~ 1~~~tv'Y.'. r~ ~ 4 ~s r~' t ♦ . ' ' ~ - - • • • ' . . ~i tif .t i~~' ~ £ i ~ ~ ?•,.Y,-; . . . . f~ ~ Coals ~indtPolicies ; ~ , ;i,-~ • . . - ~ ~ : . , • F~ tv . } tk1. W ~rv s Ti ~ } , r~?4 Tj~.~ ` ~ ~y~l~ S ' ~ .k' 4 T . ;l~ S ~ ' ' ~ ♦ e ✓7~~-t 'P a-. 1of~1 ~~ISa~/.~ 1 • v l. ? "t; . . , ' _ . . . . t~bec,on7cs nevv, Goal ,k, tn.Tsand Use Cfi'aptef~` £ = Y~ ;l:' becomes'first pol~cv -under new Ci,oal • . . ~ ~ . • . ~ . - ~ - . . • ~ i Jyr~c r,i~s ~1 r , : ' . : 'vY 2'd7,amendcd ta "T~evelop gu~deluiet and opfinris for.neighborhood/sub-azea based ~ ~ c~ Y r~'~ tr .i~'~ 2zp.::: j'~~ r ,r x'_ i • n ~ ~ . 4 ' , • ~ • - • . 'associahc~ns «1 c}i 1'acilitate•thE rcfuienieri;ct of iieighborhoocl siib%axed ~ y~ ~ t r... 'X`t 1 ~ tJ~W' S,.yt~ .K.,f~.'...~1 ~ ~jY~ K: v,~: t ~ • :>i 1 r. . . ' . . . ~ ~ . n , ' . , ~--~r' ;:~r, ,t~1~~~abecomes ird polic,yider new go'al:~•~' K, f9luth policy~iuidei,ne~tit goa1~.<~.: • . • ~ ~ ••.1 ~~y' % .s ~"f~c.~ S^i"~y~n.~F~~~ ~'~^'"r`~~i~~'~~.:.$,~ ' ia;j,a ir'~•,,•' ~ .•p', . ' . ~ ' . ~ $ i 1 a rTVSy,4' r~~~'r~ 1~ ~,i • • . • • . , ' . , ' ' r, 5.xb'` ~ ti~i + t ~ i tt - E • . . . . t 1,1 ~ . . .cr ~ ti : • Qi ' . . • ~ ~ >.=;°'~NG,~2i "dizplic feof ):~rid:Use.Poliey~ 14:1'i • , ~ ~ ~ . ~ . . ''1^~•f. ~'•1 ~ V,' 0, 't' l. t j~y' n ~.r . I. • . ' - ' ~ • 2; ' ~ ~ `~~~II'y2~1 delei~~~Incouip~~iblc,~~th Housuig k'olicy 1•.3_: . ;~,;'~'T~ :j ~ z ~'~`r. #'~z ~ r~ i dr'~ f 'r 1 5~ .y 4 ~ rr _ .t > . - : . S~,n'1~ tfW. : . ~ r..~'~ • ' ~••k~`~Vl',;2 ~,...rNlo~~e;;ip Hoiisu~g Cha"iter • V F +Je~ 7M~~ . ~ -,4~K3'+zt~.y,~bY r 1.1j. a~ ~ . ',i.t T ~ . `.R ..S ~.--.Z`.+$Y~ ~ ~.i.l ~ 4 r~~ I. ' • ~ 3+ .cdt F' a ~ ~1 ~ o ~::^r i . t • I.''~ . . . + ~`2 3tT dullicatc.of .tz' 3 - ±4-, o ; ~ ~ • _ . , , • , ' ky}+y!'G .iyX,~. ':.t jr.l =;r..' . ~ . i ~ .t , d'~ . • • . lr;~~r}~~~ 4'• r~. . . . - ~ • ~11~2 4oi~e'ta}Hotisung,Chapte.c t : :.y ~ , . . . _ • . - ...~~-:t , Y • .A ~:r . ; , q .fi~arC '~,rr,~~a } ~ I . . x . ~ } , ' ~ . ; 2 G's~iiss po'ssible, delehon duc. io• dtiplica'tion:~vith Fcorioiiuc ]~EVeloinent ~'olicy ' y.~l:6~ • ~ ~ ~ -K:t~ ~ ~'~i--~'~'tiSj`j-_%Y~.':~~. ~k~~ic.~,~ .:M~:~~~1~;~=`~`Zqf o ~ S ',~'~'',ixl ♦a~ Y,~~Hi~:'~'M . „ _ YR. . h°. 1 ! ,it~t~'.? 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' . . n.fpalicy co,ver fopics'incllided~iu~capital far.ilitics,.titiJi~ies,. - ~ ~ .r }.cS+~'.~' c~i~ & c „ z • • • ' T ~-~r ~,~trauspc2r"tation a.i~d 'nat%r~t1 environuieiit chapter; ' ~ - . , . . . • ~ . ' , . . . ' . ~ . • ' - u~' . - = • ' , ..4.~-r=~' ~~7i' ! .~t r `''4.F1~ c~ t • %`s~i:V•~'' i t~.~ t,'- . ' ~ . ~ , ' ~ . . - t„S~~Z..~`~,~,.~ ~ i ' - - ~ • . . • . . a • t-f•:=`K,~~y Z~" ~ :t~. ' , . , ~ . , ~ ' . , ~ . ~ Ft r~ r e~ 7 -r L`~ r ' ' • t . . . V n X. n.~ G'~ . ' Y ' ' ' • • ' ' . " . . t r c~;'!r~* ~ `4`b~~~„ tbr'rri .1r ~ . - , . . • . , • . . , , . . .c • t~'--: r - 3,:K ~`~YtNti%. ~v,~: ~;c,;. az.'~.:~, i. ~ . • . , . . _ • . 4~ • > `,,,;.:,Y y~'r I .i ? ~.k" t e~ ~i~ L .'ti:;;' ~ ' ' ' . ~ . • . . ' . . ~ s.,, , ; .l~ s~*•~ _ . . . . - . : f,.. ~ - ~ ;"'°c : _ ~ . . . • ~ ~ ' :J,,Ki' _ , ~ '%'ti~.• 'ni.•.:I ~ . . . ' ' . . _ ' • . ~ _ ~'~-Y~. __'t..:. . ~ . . . . . , . . . . . Sp73koao ne -Valley . 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 549.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhaU9spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Council; Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner and Mike Basinger, Associate Planner Date: March 2, 2006 Re: Land Use Map Revisions - County properties and UR-22 zoned properties Spokane County owns a number of properties in Spokane Valley which are designated Public/Quasi Public on lhe Draft T,.and Use Map. The County is requesting changes to designatinns for many of fhese properties. Attached ta this memoraadum is a spreacishcet lisli.ng each request and a map show-ing the location of each subject parcel. Staff has analyzed each request and our recommended ehanges are notecl on the spreadsbeet by yellow highligbting. Cauncil directed siafT'to review properties currently zoneci U'R-22 and designaled Low 17ensity Residential on the Drafi Land Ltse IvTap_ A Geog-aphic Information Syslem (GIS) aualysis was conducted to determine if the Draft Land Use Map should be rcvised fpr consistency -Mth current UR-22 wning and current use of properlies. The attached spreadsheet and map includes propercies that Council may consider changing to Higb Iaensity Residential or Office for consistency with currenl use and roning. Council requcsted that StafT•'review map request niunber M-66, a request by Chavez to designate his properly Reponal Commercial. This is the property tivith the mini-storage . facility; currently zoneci UR-3.5. Staffreeommend.s no char►gc to the eurrent Law Density Residential designation due to concerns about access aff VaUeyway. Finally, wc received one more letter, M-70, from Mr. Pat Herring, requesting a change f.rom Low Jaensity R.esidential to Light Industrial_ Staff recommends changing this property and property adjacent to the east to T.ight lndustrial. Spokane County's Requested Land Use Changea (Highllghted parceis do not concur with CouMy'8 proposed designaUon) 3 No Paroai No. Use Cam Pmposed Cha Stafl R 1 463529086 Pr ress and fo{ker Low Densq Residenbal A-LDR 2 55071 4230 to vall No R uest LDR 3 45121,9015 Pil U ht InOustnal HI 4 45071.0041 Schoal MiIlwood No R uest N-.-,; In Cj'v 5 35121.6901 rail road Li ht Indus2naf LDR 6 35121.6801 rail road Li ht Industnal LQR 7 55073 0458 Brid e crossi Low Densi Residential A-LDR 8 35121 7001 rail road L ht Industnal LDR jj,_22 0601 rail road Lt ht Industrial A-LI 22.0501 rail road Lig {~s In~uSuial - I 11 22.9056 rail roLi ht In4u5trial I 12 45074.90&I tax e 0w Densq ResEdeniial A D~2 13 35124.0512 tau ~i e low De(~ sit~esklentlal A A 14 35123.0204 rai road rrNo ht Industnal A-L~ 15 45103.0293 corrections R uest O 16 55181.2016 tax TiUe R uest LDR 17 45083.0~322 tax Title w Densi Residential A-LDR 18 43132.9075 rad road No R uest MU 19 45182 9171 Utilities Low Densi Resiciential LI JQ 55173 2901 cou let No R uest PaP 1 5516t 9022 cou let No R uest PaP 22 45163.0205 tax Title No Re uesl LDR 45154.t101 Sco House ~fi►ce A-O 4 55192. 048 cou let o Requ t PoP 25 55192.~Q~1 mobile home park Co m'dor ~xed Use -CMU 26 192.9048 cou et No Re4uesj P 27 ~ q1.911 $ewerline No eques~ ~P 41 d i 9 t 1~ sewer~ine ~ No ~equest PL1P 45242, 1Q1 ex~ prop to apple+~y r/ No Pequest equest p~P 452A2 1 ~ extra roto appkvay r1 No P P 31 45241.9025 Pii ILight Industr'tel HDR 32 45242 0901 sewe(tme No R uest PQP 33 45241 9013 Pit Li ht InOustnal HDR 34 45231-3401 cou let No R uest PQP 35 45241 9016 Pit U ht IndusUial HDR ' 4 1 3401 cou Iet No Reuq~~, QP 37 4~1 1,23 cou ~t No A uest ~bP ~e 452~~.~191 cau (et No Re uesi 45221 9204 extra r to a lewa~l r/ p Rqqtje!sl P~ ~ lewa I N d Q 45221.8191 cou et No A uesl P P , ~ 45221.9216 extraprop to aQp" N No RvVg; ~ p 42 45222,3201 cou let No R uest PQP 43 45221 8206 extra prop bo appWway r! No R uest MDR 44 452~~:Q~ 7 extra ro to aQplewaX rl No R ues( PQP 45 a5~ 3 1 cou Io ~to RequQs P P P 4$ 45215.3i ~ oou let No ReqV" 147 48 4~~ 15.3101 couplel No Reqtbes N P 1~riivi~ ~nd AQplevvay C' nter A-C 1 4~. i wp wab6ies R ional Comrr~raal A-RC 9191 A kUnwemity hman mica and A~lewa Corr dor Mixed l~se A- Mu 52 ' 5 Q1 and enier 53. ~5~0~ ~~2hman mica and AQpleway Comdor ~ixed Use A MU t o12 3J212006 . Spokarte County's Requested Land Uas Changes Hi hli ted arcefa do n ur with Coun 's prgpgsed desi nation ID No ParceJ No, Use Coun P sed Chan e Stafl Reconxnendetion 54 35241 0420 lots abn a fewa Nei hborhood Cammercial MDR 55 35241 0404 lots abn a lewa Nei hborhood Commerpal MDR 56 35241 0421 bts alon a lewa Nei hborhood Commercisf MDR 57 35241.0406 lots alon a lewa Nei hbofiood Commercial MOR 58 35241 0407 tots alon apple~y Nei hbortiood Commerctal. MDR 59 35241,0408 lots aton a lewa Nei hborhood Commercial MDR 60 35241 0301 bts alan a lewa Nei hborhood Commercial. MOR 61 35241 0302 bts alon a lewa Ne hbofiood Commercial MDR 62 35241.0303 bts alon a Igwa Ne hbnfioai Commercial MDR 63 35241 0304 lots alo a lewa Neighborhood Commercual MDR 64 35241.0305 lots abn a levva Ne hborhood Commercial. MDR 65 35241.0306 lots abn a tewa Nes hba(hood Cammeraal MDR 66 35241 0307 lots abn appieway Nei hborhood Commercial MDR 67 35241 0308 bEs aban a lew Nei hborhood CommerUal. MDR 68 35241 0320 lots aJon a lewa Ne hborhood Commerclal. MDR 69 35242 0801 Two Swabbies R ivnal Commeraai CC 70 45201 0643 slivers of property Densi C 71 45201 0645 slivers of property inedium Densi C 72 45201 0647 slivers o( property Densi C 73 042-06F5 42 0906 hoUSe lot Hi ~ Density Residential A-NDR 74 house lot Hi Densi ResidenUal A-HDR 75 45212.1536 tax Title No R uesi LDR 76 35232 3204 tax Ulle Low Densi Residential A-LDR 77 35241 3515 tax Title Low Densi Restdential MDR 78 35242 9037 Sao House Low Qensi Restdential MDR 79 ~01 1049 Vnrver~ily and 8th tow Dens" ResidQnPl A-LDR 80 04 0i 7S (Jniversi and 9th ow bensit ResidenGal A-LOR 81 45233.2013 drain e No R uest PQP 82 J5Buttercup Low ensity Residentiel A-LDR 83 0buttercup Low nsity Residenlia A-LDR 84 ~145 ~d 0496 ut~prcup Low P=ty jy kesidentia~ P-LDR ~5 3~24~.t~495 , uttercu Low Res+dential A-LM 86 45233.2003 drain e No R uest POP 87 24j_Q5Q1~joercup Low Density Residential A-LDR 88 4 d~ ut~ t~cup tow pw ensiRe$i¢en~pl A-LDR 89 43 Burcup ns~ ReStdential A-LDR 90 4~. Buttercup Low ns' ResidenUal A-LDR 91 3 IIAWI Quttercup Low ens~ Residential A-LDR 921 ~52jj ~Jgj I K,dercup Low nsi Residen6al esidentlal A-LDR 93 52uttercu Low nsity A-LDR 94 45204.3454 House Medium Densl Residentlal LDR 9 243, 04 Buttercup Low Density Residen I A-LDR ibuttercup Low den5i~r Residen ial A-LDR ~y 133. ~Buttercup Lowk ns" esidQntipl A-l,{~ R 98 1y uttercup low ns v es~` enhal A-LOR 4 0~4 utterCup Law~ nso ~esidenfia A-LDR 1~ ~ 143.051 luttercup Lrnv DensitY Residenpp IA-LDR 101 5~13. Butt~rcxup ~Low ~erss esidentia A-LDR 102 ~ 1u~~rcup Low Densi ~,i ~e~"tial A-lOR 103 JJJ4 4 u~tercup Low~Insllty t~5t~r Resfdenhal IA-LDR 104 52a 23 iuttercup Low Zsidenfiai $i~tpntial A-LDR 105 3524 1~506 Buttercu l.ow bensi A•Lbk 106 45291 0121 Universi and 18th mixed use NC 107 45332.9135 tax Tide No R uest PQP 2 of 2 3/2/2006 i - - - - - - y . . - - - r~gE;tL 1 ~ ; 1 I c~ - I : 2643 I ~ ~-eY ~~x~ ~ f ~ 12 '2645 ~ , , t ~ ~ i ~ '1 ; P~ a~~ ~ e~leI1slVC pjSll i ~r ~n ~ ~E ~ ~`~`.,r s, ~ ~a i ~ e.~ Cunty D+~s~ ~gnatton Request~ ~ d ~ - ~ ~ ~ . _ • ,.~Il~' - -~jp~~~ - _ y tl~ ~ ~ 1.~ I - , r-~ . F~ci I ~ ~ 1 I ► y,,,.r"~ I ~ , ~ t ` ` p ' _ e : I , ~ C it-v 'otS paacabc q~ i ~ - Leger~d ~ I r E i ~ ' . 5lP!4. „ ,~-,•+°^f d.... ~ . - ; ~ . V _J-1 ~ ,_'~k ' ~ ~ .'.L d+v.~.rV , . ~ Y`1 _ . . - ji _ _ . . . - . TVl7AE~VN4 i I V6j ~4flk.._.~~ i~' .Aea'~- ~ ~.-.i~..~ll. 'My~• ~ I.e.*s i~' IY ~ AI lYIS.'UOurn fJGI]L1ty 11esillGE+deel +7- ~ ~ i i ' hGrn 7 5 n k.; d ~ _ +~y.• . - ~ - ~'~i~ D' t~' {~[51L~CDt~ I .a~Mn t f l e~ + ~ ~ d Y. q 07 a 1-1 . ~ ~ ' ~F„" ~ ' ~ f i~.'? I ~,..t fiuw.~ . . ' .A~~ ~r~ ~urii L._..~ I ~r ~ ML'iF~U~lE' .r ~ . t a,. in 3P Z CUCIidl}P IMfi~R$d ~9C ~ sa ~9. I : v V . , ~ i. ~ ~ j`" ~i~ i ~ , v^, i I 4.'9ty cCR1Ct . . , ~ r I ~ ~ ~~1i~1,~ r; ~er '1 r ~ ~e : f `~r . I I' Slrt+ciwar ii - ~ i ~~G!'~U451•~{G i ' 1 IP, I , ai,; II . ~ I!~ - ~.'.~.f Ci NIL1l~i u~wru ~.'{$11RIGfC1Yl I . LAI „ I ; _ o~ ~ ul Clinl _ .a• ~ ~ - ~ .r ;d ~ d~ ~ 4 i~~~ ~ i-AI~~r (te~anw Cammcwfnl . ~ le , . . , - i i -r z i.Ctl"_ l+ren i ~ p41 . . • . . a ng "IN ` r ~ .I~h[ . 5 _ r, Fi=►•y Irxi~st~il) ~ , rt[~.ll:n ~r t~ ' i ~ FMWGPCn SpacI! , . 'P (?thtrMunicipidifics ~ =~oyti ,.e~£~ % il~'~ ~y ~ y • p ~ X" I~ Y UIblU1(AuVFtb AR'Al 3t4 ~p wi1lRBO&CR Patr~ Is thnl d[f ~IRt Uom~ur ~ ~ - tr o wl 4'zxinly'4 praposcd, dmEgnaiinn y ~ ~Y~.~ ~ ~ GlE ' ~ F4 ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ _ ~ - - - - L ~ I V,~~y~ x - T}`.~ I :~tul~ l ~ M9p Lo9Cltln ~ f _ ~ • ; ~ ~ " ~ ~ i ~ -j `3i ~ ~t ~~.~_,-,~~!C„~ ~ ~ i ~ P~ ~91 ~ ~ ..I iim, ' ~ I T k-~ 11r- - t - ~ ~y f I s~~ ~hF + f ~k~ ,3n t l~tis . I I _ _ _ _ , - li' JI-4 ~ till7 t 0A ,k ll1 , taw~.•~ ~►bu!' ~t ~c1~~rci l+~ 4~isrou~~u n^4~a~i~m IM~ d'rn as,4lr: ~a r~~r!r~ar ~ j, ~ ar ~axr,wuwv.s uk~ur r~r ~erar~yc~r rrmrrr~° s~f~rt, aw~+er~! rr~nvu~l~th►r~fPtms~~gA~fxlYP~ra~`rorfmd~~t~tW~lef+ellfttmh^r~fr ~l~r ~ , i ? ~ ~ ; r~ ~ ~ ~y ' l ~ ~ ~ ~ Trar[r~CI~J~I,IDC~W~~ FrMt,r,lrhk'r'in i~f*siwC w'l C unbJiull sq~- ~t~r~vPr~vrx~n~;~rrhr,r,~aru,DwI,rrmnqlPLowirill ~0'A4) o1f•tttroyt. ~ ~ 'I ' ~ " ~ ~ ` I Mr3i+rrr■f1h.~~.t~k~ru~'dln,Camu~ml~rAnela{ann~i~epen~rsl II Proposed UR-22 Land Use Changes ID -Ilnterim CP,. IDraft CP • 1ExistinQ!Use MSfaff Recommendation 11LDR ILDR IMF IHDR 1/ . 21 LDR ILDR IValley Four Square Church IPQP ✓ 3IHDR I LDR IMF MHDR i • 4ILDR ILDR NMF IHDR w/ SILDR ILDR IMF 'r'} nV- Iwl; 61 LDR LDR I Grace CT. Village ~HDR ` , 71 LDR LDR MMF MHDR ✓ 8ILDR ILDR IMF I IHDR 1. 91LDR ILDR IMF IHDR • ~ 101LDR NLDR ISF ~HDR 11ILDR I LDR ISF IHDR n 121LDR ILDR ISF IHDR e~ 131 LDR NLDR ISF ~HDR 141 LDR NLDR NSF IHDR . ~ 15ILDR ILDR NSF IHDR 161LDR ILDR ISF IHDR 171 LDR NLDR ISF HDR 18 LDR ILDR ISF HDR 19 LDR I LDR NSF IHDR 20ILDR ILDR ISF IHDR " i 211LDR ILDR IMF IHDf2 221 LDR LDR IMF IHDR 231LDR ILDR ~Parking Lot IOFFICE 241LDR ILDR IAssisted Living IHDR 25ILDR LDR IMF IHDR 261 LDR LDR IMF IHDR 271 LDR LDR IMF IHDR , ~ 312J2006 FfmlLi 1 i~' ; ~ y I L: 2643 i I 264a 264~ aft CampTehensive Plaa Dr I• .~S I I.Fw~~~:i~~.~~ il ~ ~l 37 1 h` I ~ n .1._ 3h ~ ~I rl'v `i.~ Pi61FlV'sYd UR-2i! #~iallg1Rs a : v ~ . ta, . ~j~; H a'~ I d y r r ~ ~ .~i -_i ~ . Nlfl C y~~ ~ ~i ~ ~~YL ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ , ~ c ity~ i~iS poka"ue ' egend I.. ~ ~ ~a + - ~.;~"1- p~,,~~~~~1 ' ~ . s iJ'_ ~ _ y q ~ 4 J ~ t-:F.=-•-T"~~~' e '"F I At4 DCT1Sit}' ~7ou~l,a~~,a. I ~ ~ =i..: ~,.i I. :i ~r ~i 13' - 4..' - t+rl 6 _ - E - . - • _ ~ ' _ ~~t?~ "r ~.111Td - MndiUlR C~3ily RC55ideftkllll i14 i , ~ C % - :1°~ a','. - x fA+t6ee~ , iru. . . ~ ~i • ri . ~ ~ ~ - "~l ~ m gJ! ~5dt : i t~_ "x~, ~ ' w ,.rtm ~v ` - . ~ a "1 4'd~~'+~°• ~ - _ } ~it`~CCi'~ I ~12 l~ j Mixcd u:c . I n :4~J1'IWN IYii;S.~ 1,~~"' ~^4N . I f i ~ I, ~ ~ f 'C ~ R `r _ 3 L i~ ' ~ ~r _ . igu" 4 ~ .F~i R r~`~ ~`.,'~'.r.•, ~'~~r lt~ Cc'~Ikf ~I f ~ ` ~ ~ ..u.f ` ~ ~4e i i . i' ~ 1 ~ } . ~ ~l~ISl~i4951 ~ll~tC s ~ 'VT!_~,. ~f I ~EICCLiC1 ~ 11~-. ~ i ~ F ~._,a.,il'" ."JUl;raiw •s ~'y _ !~~El . t n r , . _ . c~,~,~ c~~w . 3 k S.u*MVF11~ ~ ~s nl ~~kl W {Zllnll RC ; . ~ . . . I ' _ t~ 5 ~2i , ~ ~ : ~ ` ~ ~ .v , ~ ~ '~14`~~"~ ls►dt~~ _zTYI~'~3~~. . ~.,.4ti I wh 15, Parkfft?~ . ~~1ac~r I ~ie # ; ~ I I I t lpd. ~i, ~ 4 . ~ .l ' _ ~ r . , I , ~I..' Y ~T_ r 3. ~ i 'Sn i .I ` °j'~i ~ - , I fun]cipnfili~ id, - r 4'.t`8~ f~;7 qf I ° ~ Urt~n C~h A~ T-~ _ ' ~ ~ ~ F yi } ~F :x r - - it • ~ ' ~V~ ~ 7 ~ tl 4 Pfu'$!c'~~'~~,-2~L ~i Y~ I _ , . ~ 'f.7~.~ I ~4~:..~ ; . ~ • _ _ =Y~.° ~ Ma~} ~QC61d~pil ti I~ \ V ~ ; . , - . ~ i~~ n I ~ ~ ~ "i~i , ~p d-1. I ~ . . . ~f ~ ,~_'~y 0 «M5~ ° ~y5~'~y~~L, . , 4 ~ • ' i _ _ _ _ J ~i ~ I r " ~ ° w ;t~ ~ n~~r Y~ rYrr~i +~,td _ s+#~ 41 .a . ~ "w 'io) Mw4 ~ . . ,io~+wj - ~ ew nu~~a&1aut ~av~x ~sJ~rlr V7 tiW7P i~ iy ~,y'~' ~ " , ar,+rrSt~%~41J ~ RPiri7A3Farla.r,~rvanE rr, oH Cr~yV,n,t r F . ~ r ~1 q;. ~ •'n ~Y- ~e ' . ; i ~'dr~, ; A i IFs,I~.' S ~ I i i~ .I f~~ dn~scre d.M,pM ~ lk~rfr ~~P~rrh4 ~ ~~rr~~ ~.'d lannrur~ii~ r urw~i xujoL Ilh~inyma~nt ~sp4nMmi ~6 M - 70 I FtL=c~~~~V' Pat Herrin F EE 16619 E. Trent Ave. Spokane Valley, WA. 99216 r~,.~,~,~..,~,. .,fl• 1'! .y", Feb. 13,2006 Re: Parcel 45011.9046 & 45011.9047 Dear Cotuicil members, I am cequesti.ng a change in the current land use designaiion of my properties on F..ast 'I'rent in the draft of the Comprehensive plan.l ask the council to change the designation of parccls 45011.9046 8t 45011.9047 from "Low Density Residentia!" to "Light [ndustrial". This property is almost unusable with its current "Low Density Residential.. designation. Most of'treat is already dcsignated far some form of commercial ar industrial use. The train traffic in this erea is extremely heavy and noisy and is less than 75 yards fivm the aforanentioned property. In the near futurc, whcn the plan for "Bridging the vallcy" is implemented and the switching yard is moved further out on Trcnt, the noise and tisffic problem will be even worse. Nobody in their right mind would build a new home on this property and teaving theses few parccls alang Trent designatcd "Low I}ensity Rcsidtndal" makes no sense at all. "Lig,ht Industrial" would fit in well with the rest of the area snd would be a good buffer hetwecn the homcs to the north and ihc railroad and Trcnt ta the south. :1s a note to the above: I contacted the owner of pttrcel 45011.9045 to the east of ine and she indicated that a Lig,ht Industrial desigtuation wouldn't be objectionable and thai they expocted it to be changed, at same point, to be more in line with the rest of Trem. I think that almost everyone in the area knows and expects thai this area will evcntually become more cammercialized and industrialized and thai it is no placc for future homes. It seems yuite obvious that the properties along this stretch of Trent wcre kept or purchesed as an invcstmtnt by peoplc who knew that this area would evenhsally be vsed for industrial or commercial purpases. "T.ight Industrial" would be the "best use" for the propertics along this stretch of'frent. Ttiank-s for your consideration, w- ~ Pat 3 leTTin 1 • ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "~f; ~ _ ~ I 1 ~ I ~ - ~ ' ~ ` ~ ~ t* ► , ' . .,N<<c~~~ t' - r . ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 PiiUlic/~uasi , } r• •L ` - 'M +r , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ Pul,lic - f ""'_';t' ~ ~ i • !.,~-~t'1t!'t~\'^` ~ • . F. > ; ~ ~ • t1M ~ ~ - _ . I ~ i' D 1151 % ~ . ~ °Lo~,r~ - , ~tRegictenti:~l • - ~ ' ' , I+ - , ik ' -~I~~`icti~- ~ K LiQ~ll IIlC~115111at ~ • - { l' ~ ~ ~.jd~lt il1C1tlSfY'1:1~ , V • ' _.,~6.~ , i t~ 1 ~ ~"~t'.lt'1, • i j>ul~li~~1' : PuUli<' ; I M - b6 RECEIVED 1:inuary 29, 2006 JaN 3 0 2006 ~ v of Spokanc Vallcy Ct7Y OF SPnKr.taF Vr,I I -v i'~rcel ~~-l~l•i-~.1:.'(►t; Dcar Councilman. E'rescndy, ! own propcrty, lcx:utcd at 15302 E. Valleyway, and this property is currently, zoned as l.ow nensitv Residential. 1n addition, the propcrty contains Valleyway Sclf Storagt. Tlic south txwrdrr ot rny parcel acljoins prolcrty th:it is r.uned C'ummu»ity C'c~mmcrc~inl Additionuilly, a 1'avcrn, Ccll Phonc Tower, and miscellnneous othcr bu.gincs.ges are Iocatcd appmximately RO fect tc) the catit. Theve propertics ,irc: also -roncd Conrmtmits C'ummercrul. In othcr words, [ am ncarly surraundc:d by propcrty that is dc.5ignatc;ci (,'vmmsulin, Commercial, and yei my prvperty is currently designatcd l.nw 1)ensrtv Resiclential. cven though it too hes u business an site. North <ff n7v prarcel. property is 10r~Cd,41ecfit4rr UOL,rtt' Resiclcnticrl_ I cio riot hclicve ttiat mv properly (it-s wi[h thc current I)ratt ol'thr ('omprLhensive !'1at). [t is my opinian that my propecty, anci the single p=cl immediutely to thc East, shnuli] twth bc designated Comntunitv Contmercial, or prrhaps sc,tnr tr:unsition;il /une whirh would more appropriaiely reflect the curnent use. Iliercfore, IwoulJ likc you tc., c«n,idcr dcsign:itinE my Parcc! :iti c'unrm:ulit,- ('r►nrnterciu/, in nr(ler for it tt) hr m(itc consistent with thc currcnt tise ofthc propcrtr. (o!' ~l1llC CU(1~Il~Cfi~~11)fi 111 ~fl1ti [?lilllCr- ' ~.~/'Ka.• ~ ~ ~ ` Bf1Sl1 CbBVe'!. 15302 E. valtcyway f itv nf Crx)kane Vnlicv, ' / ~'yt ~ ~ s, - . , c • t 1112 1 1 . ~ ' ~ . ~ , t ! PuUlic~/Qu:tsi; Pitbtir Resxcleii~:.~l : ~ _ ~r ~ . Pi~i~lic/Qu:ZSi-~~. _i . ► i:._; _ ' a 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 - ~ . ~ _ ' ~ PuGlic ;;Z'! c~fitce. , ' , , ' I . i~ Pu I~ , 7., ~ ' ~ ♦ = : P , ~ ' i , „h~•`=' _ ~ w ~1~~diTi~i~4Den i :ut~i~rI _ ~ ~ r~ , ~ - `~i' Lc~ ii:►ss- ~ Resicies~ti~l~ ~ , > . Ok 4' ~ r. e~ . ~ .i - ~ f ~ ~ ' t\~ "r . . _ ~I.i)tl'rl~ellslt'V~ I ~ ~j ~ , n.. • ~ f ~ * ~y^ 1C~rf~fl:l~ S i i M ~ . , ♦ r. . . _ ~ r . k ~ r-.--'•l.~~ ~ ' +"~yI~ ` ~ ~ ',tw...~~ ~ ` i + r_.T?'~4rs~~ ` ♦ . MP . • i'. ;y - r, try,~ oolt~ ~ ' ~„,~•.t . y (.4:11i1ZCCC1.1j''►. , Corntior J , r ~ \ li~e ci t~1: ~ j ~ _41r • . _ , { ~~r u~ . + R ~ 4-1 `_TTY okane 4;000 V"Y 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 * cityhalt@spakancwailey.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager, Members of City Cauncll From: Msrina Sukup, AICP, Communtty Devebpment Diroctor Copy: Nirts ReQor, Deputy City Manager, Tom Scholtens, Building Officfa! Date: February 9, 2006 Re: Illini-sbofage at 16302 E Valleyway -ProjQCt Nos. 01007373,01010218, 01010220 1) On Septembef 6, 2001, the applicant, Brian Chavez had a commercial pre-application meeting at Spokane County for four (4) pre-fab mini-storage buifdings. The mning was Urban Res+dentia!-3.5 (UR-3.5) on the north portion of the property and Regional Business (B-3) on the south pation. The exas6ng single-famify residence and garage along Valleyway Avenue were proposed ta be used as a caretakers residence with an accessory strudure. 2) Qn Navember 19, 2001, the appiicant paid for three (3) twilding permits for mini-storage buildings. He also submitied a request to not have plumbing or a restroom to the buildings as a restroom exists in the single-family residence on the property. I 3) On November 21, 2001, Jim Manson, the Caunty Buiiding Official approved the restroom request 4) On January 15, 2002, the Board of Commissioners for Spokane County adopted the Phase I Regulations which rezaned the south portian of the subjed property to Urban Residential-7' (UR-7') and the north portion remained at Urban Residentia!-3.5 (UR- 3.5). Commerciat mini-storage buildings are not a pemnitted use in either zone. 5) On Apnl 30, 2002, the appfcant svbmitted a request for extension on the building pennit application as he was "short of funds". The application was extended to November 19, 2002. 6) On October 15, 2002 the three (3) building permits were issued. The Planning Division signed ofF on the permit per the ading Planning Supervisor John Pederson. The County Engineers had a coRdition that stated 'submittal of necord drawings for drainage required pnor ta Certificate of Ocxupancy.' 7) Upon incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley, it was agreed that buitding petmits that were issued by Spokane County were to be followed through final inspedion. 8) Projectlt 01007373: inspection was done on June 23, 2004 for footings; framing inspection on Deoember 13, 2004. In addition, sa general inspedions but no final inspedian was made. 9) Pmjed# 01010219: final inspedion done 11/16105. 10) Projed# 01010220: framing inspection on December 13, 2004. In addition, six general inspections but no final inspedion was made. KEEMILE & HAGOOD oMPA N Y ntarch z. 2006 Cicy Council ('I1Y OF SPO!u-1NF VAL[.El' r, 0 Scc►ri Kuhta. Sr. P1Ancier 1 17U7 E. Sprague t1venur SpoI:ane Valley. V1~:\ 99200 KItiVl%C BLAkF & ti91SSIC)ti -2,1 2 AC A T'N: 4 i 151.9206 Dear Mr. kuhta: TEic follo%vi►tg desrrihed chain of e~ rnts involves a pareel of unitiiproved tand wiiich, by its v;irious owners, tias bren treated as a medicallgeneral office building site tior many yean. 7lic i'itv ofSPokarte Valley prnposes iu do,-vn-zone this property to multi-tamil,., ✓ Greg :uicf Kimherly Jeffnes rurchased this proprrty, anci t,►-o adlacent parcrls to the \%est anci south, in Fcbruary, 1990. ✓ Thr Jeffries sutcN~.siullv ubtlined a rczone ofthe subjcct site to Uft-22 in Ntarch uf 1992. and re-zoned the adjaccnl wesl atld tioulli parCels to apartmenl usi. ~ JeC!'rii:s' solcl thc twu adjacent parcels to Cedar Ch:iteau (Rich Nurrarato) in June uC 1992. retaining the 2.12 acre suhjcct site. Additionallv. they executed with Cedar C'hateau a cavenant for use of the site as medical huildings until such Ume as public sewer coulJ hc installed, al which puint general offices could also be built (C'edar Chateau built their ap.irtment huildings in 1992 and 1993). ✓.IctYrirs' solcl tlic 2.12 aLre subjcet site to Spokane Eve ('linic in August. I995, who then huilt somewherr else anJ surplussei llie subject site, then subsequently snld in Srptemher, 1994 to llnited [ lealth Services Credit Union for gencrul oflice usc. ✓ I'ublic u:wcr was instalird in ilie Summer of 2002, opening the daor fvr acwal construction of gener-al ollices. IIHSCLI placed the property em the markrt in Frbruary of 200 'i duc to downsiud necd. They loc;ated their Valley facilitv elscwhere. ✓ In thr Surnmer uf1004. UEIS('U entered into an agnement to sell the prunerty tu a devcloper who wantcd to build a 38 hi-d sub-ucute transitionul rehabilitation facitity. I'his reauired a Wsshington State Ccrtificate of Need (CUN), which the State ultimatcly denied in December, 2045. (3<<•eloPer reportedly met several timcs ~%q'th Spakane Valley L3uilaing/Plannittg pcoplc arid ~%-as satisficd that it was in ccnnpliance Naith zoning and uther codr rr(iuirrincnt. I'r-ife,,siunal Real Esutc Srni,.r.. 1t4hinuron Aiutual FmAnual li•nn-t. WcSC 001 11mii Aeutur, yunrr 40I, tip,A:mr, VVA•Aumy:r, c, uu-',`t.`ln?4 i;C~)1 FA X I4`," r}14 i I 1 RclaF For Hraring Imp.aireJ 711 or I Si I , n:l. ! ~ j ~ -u 1 . , + ~ - City Cuuncil CiTY Ul: SPOKANF V.1Ll.FY ti1arch 3. 2_000 I'aLC ~ ✓('roPertN ~\:is placrLi hack un thr market iti Ucrrmtxr 2005 and is noW under cuntract Ior sale. i.iy~ understood to he medical and gencral business. Iit :umniarv. irledical.I'i?c11c1-3I r>ltire tis< ilppCaI5lU hl'. CO[Il(7aL1bIe l[t1 1he f1e:igtlfloflnL arr.i I'rrhap` mi ire to the point, tllis l:uid parccl ul-just over 2 acres has he.en treated by- ull involvcd pariies (and. as ~i mattrr of pul,lir rcr„rc11 tor thc rast 14 ycars as a mciiical.'gencr;il I ()lfice building sitc llnited [lealth Servircs C'reJit Linion herchy respectfully rcyuests that lhe Cit\ uf Spukane Vslley c(miinue this clesignatiuu aiid mal:e it pemianent. Sincrrel\. KIFA1LL & HAGOOD C'Ob1f':1N1'' ~i I Nf ichacl S. Meagher -1,sociate Brokcr 'cmr [~NCLOSUItF(S) I'c~' ( itv Clerk Inaividual Council Mcmhers I.rcci Ruse. 1'residrnt UIISC'U I~1. !,1._i~~.1.!i.: :I?:l!:}.:.t I1". I ldc•.ti'.1! Icl,•.Slit.S 14.J.c l It~t \pn~,d!L'. _II:'~ • iuMll ~.eCrr U7: !~~.1_~ KLF-Yl RAcOOn l li M 1' A;J 1 WJd nnc;"ti Si tlfU:lI Eit',.t:ii I.ll l. trlri, hl'! W'e•r N h il- iwrit:ic, -4-mft- 4lIl', ;pnkanc, -o'-'.'l'I (501Jl ri8.f.i41 _ a--~-~- _ f. w M' ~ ~ . AUML! St. ,j - " . . l~~ • • r~ ~ ~ ~ fY ~ , ~ . _ T . . - , , - - - - - R ; ~i~~~• ~'•.•Ir ' ~ ' _ ~ ~ , ~ ~ _ ± I ~ ~ M~ 1.~ I ' a ► ~ - . -II~ , _ . ~ ~ ~ i • _ - % _ Li t- _ • ~ i ~II s • ~ r ~ - _ - - . i - ( ~ r Sl - ~ ~ * i • . ~ - • ~ ~ ~MR'H~ ~ -y _ . y ~ ~ ~ l~ ~ 6 h. i ~ y~,~ ► , r.~ •J : : r i , 4 K f ~ ~ s j. V 1 r _ r . _ . F i~" ~ - Y' ~ .F~S~ s _ t Y* ~ yif. s~ C~ .~.n .~f~P~l~ .r~~t'.''~'Pl 'f' '~^i'S a~ a.-- ~r^~''"...~.' . " ~ .„~~~.y~ r„ °4., ~ ~ _ . ~ . . • 4 ~ ~ • • ~+~.~.r . , r. _ . ~ ~ + ~ , ~ , ~ , ~~,f~~'.. ~ - ' . ~ ° Z _ M IY . ~rF~~~~r ~ ' , ~ . ' y , + ti a ~ , . . ~ ~ ! ~ ~M ~ t ~ R ~i~liti `~~`l ~ ~ a ~.R r ~ ~;'.wr~,M.+ fi 'w' ' 4 i~ # Ai ~ a~E 6' ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ X y ~ ~ t ~ «•1 t~•+ t '-_fr,` 1 ' ~ t;~~p ~ . ~ ~~¢~u~~ y_ 44i•°~ • ~t ~ ~I ~ ~ - ~ ~ ry ~ ' ~ ~ t t~ ~ ' ' k • ~kY , f ~ ~ i~~. i 1 I~ ~ ' r !`L ~ . _ ' v # . ~ ` i ~ ~ r ~ • ..g~ r~ ~ " . ~ .t"' _ . . . e• ~y w p *rf y ~ . r~ ' i k p ~'t , ► A' ~ , ~ 1 + , - r . M Y ~ ~ i r ~{7T1 ~ • :.~-~.s _ -T,- ' • :r~ N ` -v~-- ~ I E'~N r 1 \ 1 - -T- - z:. ~ ~ , ~ i . - -:r--- ~ . ~ -v _~T.~~.. _ _ ` _ • „ ' _ ~ - , rr C l : j• ` fr~ • GN _ Z 0' C'l ~ --r- - .---S---rr- --i7e- „ - ~ . - - - ~ , _ ~ S#61&ne Val ley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ 5pokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ dtyhallospokanevaUey.org Memorandum To: City Council; Dave Memler, Clty Manager From: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner. IYtarina Sukup, Community Development Directar Date: Mamh 2, 2006 Ro: Neighborhood Planning Comments Counci) rcyuested thai staff resean;h the type and aumber of commcnts concerning the Neighborhooc! Plunning Chapter. The Planning Commissicsn received four comment lcttcrs requesting a neighborhood plnnning chapter; onc from Jenny Willazdson, Mary Pollanf, Jim Pollard and Fldonna Cossett representing the SEwkane Valley Chamber of Cotttmerce. City C'ouncil has recentty rec:eived a few written cci[iunent lettrrs and emails expretising support foc reiaining the Neighborhood Planning ehapter_ Correspxmdence has t►een received frum: Eldonna Gaswtt - Spokane Valley Charaber of Commrrce (iail Srilmer- 10119 East 44'" Ave. Margarct Mortz - 3420 South R.idgcvicw Urive 'Xilliam and 1aL7ean "I'homas - 4524 Sauth Woodruff Ruad i)ick Bchm and Dr. 1'hillip L. Rudy - Spo{cane Valley Business :1a4041811Of1 Mary Pullard, Chair, North Greenac;res Neighboncoxxd .lennie Willanison, 12722 East 23`d Avc. Fred Beaulac, 3824 South Sundown Drive 7'o date, no comments have been receiveci expressing cone:em abc,ut neighburhood planning or including a«eighborhood planning chaptcr in the ('omprchcnsivc Plan. s iie ~alley 41;000 11707 E Sprdgue Ave Suite 106 * Spokane Valtey WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cttyhallwspokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City ManaW and Membent of Cauncii Frwn: Mike Jackson, Parks aed Rscrostbn Diroctar. Neil Kersten. Publtc Worka Director Dab: March 7, 2006 Re: Updats - Bsrker Bridgs Access On Thursday. Febnwry 23, 2006. Steve Worlcy. Senior Engineer; Louis Graf, Capital Projects Lng.ineer and ! met with Terry Miller, ['resident of the Spokxne Canoe and Kayak Club. Mr. Miller represents a ntunber of Spokane River recrealional users. Their concxm is that the Barker t3ridge projnct wili impact the river access point an thc North end of the bridge. 'Ihe access serves as a takeout for beginrrer or aovirx level canoeisLi, kayakers and tubers wha wi.sh to avoid the tapid.5 between Barker and Sullivan, as weU as a launch or put-in point for more experienced users who wisb to run the rapids to Sullivaa and beyand In acidition, thc access is used as a training ground for river guides und general rccreation classes, including F.astern Wastungton University. As we looked uver the site on February 23, we brainstormed a number of possible idmti. We also discu.SSed utitization of the existing C'entennial Trtiil parking lot on the South side of thc bridt;c. This acce.ss would require carrying rafts, canocs, kayaks, ete acrnss the Ctnlennial Trail near a blind curve and thc topography Ieaeiing down to thc river is steep. Staff will furtlter investigate thc suitability of this option. 1 met with Renx Wiley. Manager of Riverside State Par{c. Rene indicated that Washingtnn Scate Parks would be open to partnering with thc City to cnsunc acccss in thc vicinity uf E3aricer dridge. Ren6 and I also sttended thc Wa.shington Intcragency Cortunittcr. (IAC) mcxt.ing on Mondsiy Fetxuary ?7. We learneri that thc lA[' has a vsiriety of potential grant funds avuilable ta ussist with wate:r uce.~.~ss projects. A lettcr of intent would be due by Mnrch 15, 2006. This wnuld be n brvad ba.seci juint lctter from the City and Washington State Psrics, and possibly the canoe and kayuk groups, dcsccibing the curnnt situation and indirAting ow intent to develap a solution and apply for funding. The malch is generally 501/6 on these funds. Mr. Miller of the Canoc and Kayak Club has also indicated ttat the club hag funds set aside far acces.s dhat could potentially t►e used to help fund a Barker access pmject. [ have also becn in toin;h with John Roland, Dqxrtment of Ecology. Mr. Rolsind indicaied that the Dcpartment of Ecology has river cleanup funds that may be used to heip unpmve an access point. The use of these funds must be ronttiecteci with cleanup of beavy metals twt there is an opportunity that in the prcx:ess, an aum cun be improveci ar dcvrlvpcd. I-he intent is tu clcan up sclecl river ace.css points end then chaimel recreation access to these "cleun" sites. FYI, a website has tecn esteblished by the river users at httn:fr'~+~ti~~'.aniar.cnm`n~~l.:~nr[t~~rr_I~t~n This site provides inforniation, lettets. etc. about the Barker azccss point. Capiwl Projerts Fngineer Luuis Gruf has pruvidcd the foUowing preliminaryrrough pro~jert scheciulr for I3arker 13ridge: CH2N1I-i[LL ftnal dcsign and permittin}; contract - tx:gin worl: April 2()06, finish design Apri120(17. Environmenwl penmitting April 2006 to September 2007 Right-of-Wsy acquisition September 2007 to March 20()8 Construction 1lpril 2008 to ScptcmEicr 1-009 In surnmary, it is apparent thut :iccess to the tiExikane Rivrr in the icinity uf finrker E3ridge is rritical to n.~creational use of the ltiver. Also, the river uscrs an amena6le to a vsitirty of solutiony so long as thcy are able to safc{y access the river, parlc vchicles, etc. 'fhe timeframe for the project vmuld sppear to provide an opportunity to develop and agrec on a solution. We havc. just scraiched the surfac,c and will cantinue to work on this issue. Also, sincc there is no commitment associated with a Ierier of intent to the Washington [nteragency Camrnittee, l w711 work with Rcttc Wilcy to diafl such a lettcr. Sincc the grants are avvardcd only in cvcn yrars, it is important to submit uur intent on this and e►ther potential proiCs:tS. Please let mr {:now if you have any qurstions or would like tu offcr directiun on thc atovc. 1 ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ J,e• t ~ w _ . . ~ • . ~ t~~. . ~•~i,~ ~j~~ - ` • ~ ,s l I ! ~ ' ~a!~r~',►' . 4- '-~"''~~'~~~,~~.1 -~1'~'I . _ . . I _ ~ . . . wv6..I~._ _ . _ •7 D: 1.-:at' Ei:.:.i- .TI:' ~.1 v•'r r1 : r ~ ; -i . • • 1 • ~ y ~ s~ ' < < _ t1 I 1 ry ' • t ~ ' r: R • ` _ ~ ~ . , . ~ . t • 4 {41f~ i ` - • ` , ~i~l. j• ~ w ` ~ ~ ~ • o 40 ~ - ►i ~ ~i • ' ~ ; ~ ' ~ ~ ti(J ~ ~ + ~ ~ ~ f' • et ~ ~ . 1 rr _ '.+'v. . '~.I~ ~ + _ _ ~ ~a . • ~ ~ M~ A " i • v'' ~ • . ~ `~r'~'S1 ~ x Jf ~ ~ ' t '1 ,a a, . } ~j~.~ • ~ + ~ , ~ • d / ~ , : ~ • ♦ ' ! ' . ~ w + : • ~ M ` ~ ~ ~ I / ~•b u ~ ' s ~ . ~ S06, w' ne Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane VaUey WA 49206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cttyhall9spokanevalley.org ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ■ ~ ~ Memorandum To: City Manager David Memfer and Members of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager, Marina Sukup, Communiry Development Dfrector Date: March 2, 2006 Re: Comprehei►sive Plan -(Yet Anotheh Proposed Update to the Schedute [=ollowing is a proposcd revuion tu the deliberatian schedule of the City's Comprehensive Plun. As we ncar completion of Councii's review, staff has been discussing the timing of the Gnal public hcaring. Our gonl is to maintain a schedule to expediUOUSIy adopt tbe Comp Plan whilc mceting the intent of the public pariicipation provisions nf the Growth Management Aet. As part of those provisions, it is important to build in enougtt time for interested parties to revicw Council's proposed chungeti (i.e., the strike-thruugh vcrsion of cach rhartcr) priur to the linal hearing. There is no set minimum timeframe between releasing the revisions and holding the Gnal public hearing. 'Iherefoce, the City ha5 used as its guide the iunount of time mquired for the publishing of the public hcaring nolice, i.e., 14 days. The fiaal public hearing should take place after Cauncil has made all substantive changes it desires to the drall eomprehensive plgn. The surest way to do so is to schedule the final hearing ai least 14 duys following Couacil's eonfirmation of the strike-throur;h N•ersion of each chnpter. 7lie proposed schcdule uses lhis upproach. An alternative would be to schedule the final public hearing fourteen days after stat7' aistributcs the drafl strike-through versions. liuwever, this optiun a.ssumcs that Council will mfilcc no subsiantivc rcvisicsns before conftrming them. Pro"ed UQdates to the Deliberation Schedule Additions to a mecting arr bvlde&71ulicized: dclrtions are 4mek-64ftitt~. Ntarch 7 • Cvnfirmatian oJstrike-through ver.sions o Introductiun c/rapier o A'atura! Environmenl chapler o Parks, Recreation & the Art.s rhanter Compreheosive Plan Updated Scbedule, coatinued hlarch 2, 2006 Puge 2 nf : • Review aJLand Use Map changes • Housing chapter nsirrative • Neighbarhood chapter • Begin Capitnl Facilities chapter (as time allows) , ems March 9 - • Public 1-{earing on draR Camp Plan • Capital Fscilities chapter h4arch 21 - • Canfirmalion oJstrike-througli vercions o Lnnd 0e chapter, inelriding maps o Iiousing chapter o Neighborhoods chapler o Caplial Farilities chapler • Conip Plan wrap-up reraaining itetrts N9arch 23 - • Comp Plan wrap-up remaining items (if necessary) March 28 ~ Apri! 11- • Publir Hearing: Frna! Hearing on drafl Comp Plan • First Reading: Proposed Ordinance adopting Co»ip P/an • Fint Reading: Proposed Ordinance adopiing Crossover Matrix' April 25 - • Stcond Reading: Proposed Ordinance adopting Comp Ptan • Secnnd Reading: Propnsed Ordinancc adnpting Crossover Malrix ' 7lte Crossover Mntrix marislates how the e!cisting wning dcsignations :u'c applicd tu thc newly adopted Comp Plan land use designations for the purpiyse nf 7onr chunge requeits. It shnuld be adoptc-d conrwnnt with the Comp Ptan .ida}.~tiun. DItAFT ADVANCE AGL:hDA For Planning [aiscussion Purposcs Unly us uf Murch 2, 2006 2:30 p.m. Plrasc notc this is a work in prugresS; itcros arc tentative To: Cuuncil & Staff From: City Manager Rc: Uraft Schedulc for Upcoming Counci) Mcetings Thnrsdav, March 9,2006; 6 n.m. Soecinl Councfl htcetine: PCBLiC HF:ARINC,: Druft Comprehensive Plnn C'ouncil Delibcration Uraft Comprehensive Plan: Gapital fucilities Plan 16-9 p.m.J NO MEETIMG: Mareb 14, 2006 Natiorkal Lcaguc of Cities Conferencv, Wash, U.C. Mnnch I 1-15, 2406 March 21. 2006, 5neclul Meetine. 6:00 a.m. [dur datc Thura. Mnrrh 911 Proclantuhon: Red Cross kfonth 1. Coasent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes] 2. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Repcaling Qrdinnnce 05-015 Re Renumbering Title I U- Mikc ('onnelly (10 minutcs] 3. First Reading F'roposed Ordinance Rcpealing SVMC Re Certain Zones -Mike Cunnrlly [ 10 minutesJ I a. .Administrative Reports: d_ Parks Master Plan Revicw - Mikc Jacksun 115 minutes J c. Srlid Watile 1!p1nte -Mikr l'nnnelly ( 15 minutes) I. Ciarkrr Itosd 131d..t l,,. Meinorandiim of Underctandin~ -Stevz «orlev`\eil herstcn 114, minutrsI S, Catip~vltcnsive E'1~~~?oli6ic~atiaa: r64 minutrsJ a ('onfirmatian ul'strikc-througti,,ersions o Land Use chapter, including maps o Housing chapter o Ncighborhocxls chnpter o Capitnl Facilities chaptcr b. Wrap-up rcmaining items lcsdmated mccting: 130 mtnates'j Thur.sdav, March 23. 2006; 6 a.m. Snecjal Couoril Meeting: Council [)clibcration Dr+ft Comprehcn,ivr Plnn: V1'rar-LIp rcmaining Itcrns (6-9 p.m.1 hlnrch 2$. 2006. ReQular MectinQ, 6:00 n.m. [due dotc Thanc. Manh I61 l. Consrat Agenda: Minutes, Claims, PayroU [5 minutcs] 2. Second Reading Proposecl Ordinence Repealing Ordinance 05-015 Rc Renumbering Titie 10 - Mikc Cannrlt%• [l0 minutcsJ 3. Second Rending ('roposed Ordinancc Repealing Rc Certain "Lones/Phase I Regs -Mike Connelly(10 minutcs) .i. Proposed Rrsoludon: Adoption uC 1'arks & Rcc;reation Master Plan - Mike Jackson [20 minutes] 5. Matian Consideration: Darkcr Road Did Aw•ard - Stevc Worley [S minutcs] 6. Mation ConsidCration: County Memorandum of Understnnding - Stcve Worley [ 10 minutesJ 7. Administrative Eteports; a. Fair & Erpo Center's Econornic Impact Study - Erin Gurtel (1 S minutes] b. Lodging '('ux Revcnues, Attorncy Gcncral C)pinion - Can f)riskell/Mil:e Cunnelly (I5 minutes) c. Ru;ti1 Oh.,tnictit ~ri I"ProceJure - Tont Seh, >Itens (1 ~ tninutvs) d. Gummunicafion Grant l►pdatr - i'al Walker 115 minutcs) c. CrntcrYlacc Fitkr vs.'i'i Gctimmunicntic.ms nnd Dntn - Nfike Jacls-Qn ~IS minutes] f C'nbie i ranch isr 1_! ptiate - Morgan Ktiudcll,a [(5 mmutes] 8. lnCorniatwn Onl}': a llepartmcnial hiontfik kcporc> lestimatcd meetinh: 150 minutes"l Apci14, 2006, Studv Session. 6:00 .m. [dur date 1'burs. Marcb 231 [)ratt AQvance Akcndn 3r?2()46 2:17 NN1 Paer I of 3 ALril 11, 2006, Fteeular McetinE. 6:00 n•m• (due datc Tburs. N1nrc6 301 I. Pl1AIJ( HEARING: Final Hcnring on Drafl Cvmp Plan [45 minutes] Consent Agenda: Minutes, Ctaims, PayroU 15 minutes) 3. First Rending Proposed Ordinance Adapting Camp Plan - Mike Connelly [30 minutes] d. First RcAding Proposa! Ordinancc Adapting Crassavcr Matrix - Mike Connclly [30 minutes] 5. Nirst ReAding Proposed Ordinance Amending lnterim Zflning re Plastic lnjeciion I 10 minutesJ 6. rirst Rcading Yroposed Ordinancc Amendine Sign Ordinunce (bus benches, etc.) 115 miautesJ lcstimated meeting: 135 minutes*) ,~j)ril 18, 2006. Studv Sessioa, 6:00 p.m. iJue dnte Thurs. April6j 1. West Vallcy City Schuol Pm-sentsition: Prupnsed Cross-walk - Rnbert Tombc►ri (rentative) (25 rninutes) 2. Cammunity L-mcrgcncy Response Team (CERn Program - Qrucc Hamncr, Firc District #1 I 15 minutesl 1. f{arard fnvcnton Anak ,i, Rcpon - Tc,m Scholtens (15 minutesj TnTAL M1NUTES: cgular Mectinp. b:(Nl n.m. iduc datr Tburs. April 131 Apri 12S~ 2006,11 l. PL`BL1C flFAIt1NG: Amended 21006'1'1F' 2. Consent Agcnda; Minutcs, Claims, PayTOll 15 minutes) Second Rcading Proposed Ordinance Adopting Comp Plan - Mikc Connclly (30 minutcs) 4. 5ecund Reading Proposed Urdinance Adopting Crassovcr Matrix - Mike Connclly [30 minutes) 5. Second Reading Proposod Ordinance Amcnding Interim Zoning ce Plastic Injection [10 minutcs] 6. Secnnd Rqding Proposed Orciinance Amending Sign C)rdinancc (bus benchcs, ctc.) [10 minutes] Proposed Rcsohjtion Adopting Amended 2046 TiP - Steve Worley (15 minutcsj lcstimatcd mceting: 100 minutcs•1 Mvy 2, 2006, Study 5cssion, 6:W p•m• idue dute "I'6urs, April 201 1. Pmposed 2007-2012 T1P - Steve Worley Muvs2q06, KiEular h4ectin 6:00 p.m. [dur dute 'I'hurs, April 271 1. Consent Agenda: Minutrs. Claims, Payroll minutcs] Mav 16. 2006, Studv Srssion, 6:00 p•m• [duc clate 'fhurs. :ti1ay 41 Ntny 23, 2006. K Lulnr Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [dur d•rtr T6urs. %1uy I 1 ~ 1. Consent Agcnda: Minutts, Claims, Payroll [5 minutcs] Administrative Repurts: ProE►c)sed'`OQ'-2b12 T1P [with public commentJ [20 minutes] (estimated meeting: minutes•) Mav 30.2006 - Dav Aftcr Nemorial dev 1lalidav -'YO MFETING [)rnflAdvuncc Agrnda ;-'';'_OUb 2 17 PM 4'agc 2 uf 3 Junc 6, 2006, Studv Session, 6:00 a.m. [due datc Thurs, May 251 !7'eirlutive: Snturdav. lune 17. 2006:; Mid-Year Caurrci!/StaffRetreat [cluc date Thurs, May 251 Te►7rative ageridcr iterns brcltrde: Coarricil Goal.s for 1006 June 13, 2006, lZeaular Mectini!, 6:00 n.rn. Iduc dtite Thurs, .lunc 11 1. 1'UBLIC HTARllVG: 2007-2012 Transportation Improvement F'lan (TTP) [ 1 S minutes:l 2. Conscnt Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes] 3. Proposed Itesolution Adopting 2007-2012 't'fP - Steve Wnrley [10 ininutes] icstimated meeting: minutcs*] June 20, 2006, Stuclv Session, 6:00 n.m. [due datc Thurs, June 81 Junc 27, 2fIQ6. Rcaular Meeting, G:OU n.m. tdue aate Thurs, June 151 1. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes] Juilv 4.2006 - Holidav NQ 11TLLTING " Julv 11, 2006, 1Zcvular A'Iectine, 6:00 D.M. (tlue datc Thurs, June 291 1. Consent Aoenda: iMinutes, Claims, I'ayroll [S minutes] Julv 18. 2006, Studv Sessinn, 6:00 o.m. [due date Thurs, ,)uly 61 .lulv 25, 2006, Regular Meetina, C:UO n.m. (due date Thurs, July 131 1. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll - [5 minutes] U"I'HF,R PFIVDI\'G ANI:)/QR UPCO~~tiNG TSSUES/ML+"+","CINGS: Trafiic, "fraffic Lighcs, and Speed Limits Disr.ussion -Neil Ehersten Joint BoCC and Ciry Couneil Meeting Regarding Joint F'lanning Agrc:ernent and Contractina Pandemic Response Strategies - I'ire District # l Chief Mike Thompson Yrism/Plus/Padal (Parcel Data Locator) Sysccm - Chris Berg Central Valley School District lmpact ree Request Panhandling-Cal Walker Proposed Siclcwalk Qrdinance Sewer Collection Systems -Neil Kersten $torage Tank Orclinance - Tom Seholtens Street Paving Fuiicling Optinn -Neil Kersten (Gary Schimmels) Uefinitions ancl schedules of pcnnitted uses -Marina Sukup SEAA Ivtitigation Strategies - Cary Driskell/Greo Mc(:ormicFJNeiI Kersten , . Planned Unit. Iaevelopment (PUfa) Policy Issues - Marina SukupMike Comielly vlassa~c Psrlors/Bath Houses - Cal WalkerlCary Driskell estimated metting time does not include cime for puUlic comments] 11-aft Advance Agencla 31212006 2:17 V&t {'age 3 of 3