2013, 10-08 Bocc Hearing Motion NO. 3-o"I (2D BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF SPOKANE COUNTY ) OBTAINING PUBLIC INPUT AND TAKING ) ACTION ON A TRANSFER AND DISPOSAL ) CLERK'S MINUTES OPTION FOR THE DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE ) FROM THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF ) SPOKANE COUNTY ) The above entitled matter being scheduled for hearing before the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington(the "Board") on this 8th day of October 2013; and after hearing testimony and considering the same,the Board unanimously approved the following motion: Motion: Authorize staff to go forth and negotiate an interlocal agreement with the City of Spokane along the lines of Option 2 as the preferred option, that essentially it would comprise a seven year agreement with an option of an early buyout after three years. In that there would be a defined methodology for the early buyout that would be defined. That in addition to the core of this agreement our staff would work with City staff to include but not be limited to the following three items: Number One—the joint development of RFP's for long haul option,Number Two— potential of developing an additional rail loading site and Number 3 — explore language which would address the long term use of the Waste to Energy site as the West Plains transfer station. DATED this 8th day of Octobe_....,1,...„3. %_ p°v coMssf‘%h� BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS i 6�.,. E CQ � ' OF SPO ' E COUNTY WASHINGTON• ( A )44� ••�. a'` % S r � Y-0'Q ,'Chair ATTEST: ��''EE _ „dI 4 _ •'� AL FRENC , •ice Chair Daniela Erickson Clerk of the Board 4�2� ® l_���''��ry'�/ TO MIELKE, Commissioner