2006, 06-13 Regular Meeting 4•, xe, AcENnA I tiPUktlINts 1%AI.LEY C1TY COUnCiI. ItCGC1LAR MIsFTING Council Mccting 493 '1'ucsday, June 13, 2006 d:OU p.m. CITY fLALL A1' REUWOOD PLAZA 11707 Fmt Spragur Avcaue. Ficm F1oor Council Rcqurstti Ail Flectronit Dcvices be Turacd Off Dnrlnn ('ouacil iNirrting CALL TO ORDFR: f,'VVQCATION: Paator Bcn Orrhard. Vallcy i3ible Church PI..F,DCF OF A[.LECIAIVCE: ROI1. CAI.i.: APPRnVAt, UF AGEh'PA: INTROnL1CTI0Y OF SPFC'irll. GiTTSTS .1N-D PRF.SF.NTATI()NS: CUMM17"ITE. 1sU4RU, 1_IAISOti SlTN1MARY RF:i'()R"I'S: NIAVOR'S REFQRT: ['UI3LIC COhL1IF24TS: Cxccpt «hrrc indicatcd brlow fur "publir rammeat" tlhis is an oppwrtunity, far tho public to spral: on any topic. Whcn you comc ta thc podium, pleasc stnUc your namt and addmss fat the record and timit remarks to three minutes. l. PLTBLIC FfiFARING: Cable Fraachke - Morgan Kondeika 2. CONSEyT AGENDA: Cansists of itrms cansidc7ed routinc which are approvcd as a group. A Cnunr,ilmember may ranave an item fram the Consent Agenda tu be considerod separatrly. .1. foltowing ctaim vouchets: VOUCHiiR I_1-ST DATE I VDUCE{F.R Ns I TOTAC: VOI!CT-i1:R AMnCTNT 7 05-22-2606 19185-9207 ~ $17.133.7 Oi-26-2006 (9205-9"33 I $1,574,6+35?8 ~ 06-02-2006 9246-9267 ~ $897,325.81 06-07-20fl6 92E8-428-5 ~ S20,333.95 6RANU i'OTAL I ~ $2,534,438.81 h. I'ayroll Cur I'sy Pcricrd Ending May 31, 2006: $ e. btinutts of May 23, 2006 Rcgulnr CuLneil Mceting d. Minutes of May 30.2006 Special Exrcutive Sr•ssion Mceting NEW 0 ,1SINESS 3_ hiotion Considcratiou: Canvcrting Hrondway to Thrcc I.ancs - Neil Kcrstrn [pnblic commcnt] a. Sccond Rcuding, Propascd Ordinance 06-0 t4 Amcnding 2006 Budgnt - Kcn Thompsnn (pubfic comment) 5 First itcading, Pmposed Ordinanr,c 05-01 a Amcnding SVMC Titlc 10, Construction Wofi► and :lctivit}• Within RiLht-c+f wav - T+-ini Schnltens/Can• Driskrll (public comment) ~ ~';r.nr:l 4; en:~ ;ir,•1 ,-rti Hr..u~•r \1~:tm_ i'n~'e I n; , J b, Fiest Itcadin4l'F,.eih.7iscdOr$irx.snt'cO6-l`oG6-riTnt~ Drk-~,e91 [publir commcBt] 7. Propos~.~e1 ResoIution 06-013 Aduptii~g 20{}7-20E2 T[I' Sfeve W+JrFC4' 6Publ1c G{}J11171ciJt) 9. Motion C4in-gide-raiie+n: Nf-ayorul Ap,foinmienL Studunt Advtsory Couiti~~l --CouiiciImemb~~ ~cVTcrroirlg IPuhlic cnrnmcnt J 9. Moxi~n Consiila-xtttitin: Spokane Count~ S~wer htemcarandum Of llnderdandirig Amendmen1 ",'eil. Kc~sten Ipuhlic cammrntJ PIlBLlC: C'Ohti'4'lLN-1`ti Lxcept wiiere iftdRcys4ed alxavc f(ir "pubiir cumritt-nt" 611, is ari caElli:~rtuilitv ior the Lpiablic to speak o-n any- topic. When vou corne to t17e priciium, p9e-ase ~te you€ name :cnd addr-ess- for the recard and lianit rernari:s to threc miniiles.. .4D.N1TNIST:R4TlVE REPORTS: 141. Aa-9ministratfvv Rzports: Ca'ble Firwrlyis:e Llpdzkle -,'4iorgan Kotadelki [ptikrlic rtommew~ INF'+f)RMATIO'1i {]Ni..Y: AD..I L.?UR INNI-EN"I' FErTt'IRE .5'CfIED LTE R'e;~idur Crruncd A;~firfr°ng,4• ur~ genercri1y held 2nd t~~al 4* Ttie-veirtys, begr'rirolrig Rt 6: 0.6 p,n-L C:ounciJ Sfrady Sessdort,s ur~ generafly belri !x`, J"° atro! SJh Tt1e4'dqt's, be;; irrnirrg-, (rr 6: 00 p.m. ~ther Tentutlve TlLKconnJr~-P Alee-tfrrps,~',~tiwents: '~~ed.'1t'~dnv. Jwtc I4, `?"R}C16, 6°00 p,m.; Ccmversai€ora wid) thc Confii4ut-oity, Gr~Lnacrus C111i:SiiaJz C=1Lur4fl 180I8 F. Misqicrn Avenkic h{J11C'i;; JSSG1i}i~twclt jjlJUisaik; lo at4end ,.lic r-m,:lirig tiYtro ma}uirc ~peti!lJ :r~GS;:rnoc P]i} ;iuJ. lic:ui.d1,9, or uclir; inipairrmfic%, p1cdsc c.santrict ihe {`4 CVerk a1 (300) a'? I-I110f1 ex sorrn e~ }~nxxWe ~i~r 1lr~: »rriuw~cr:~ecrit may fic! rermde CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 13, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business (D public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing Cable Franchise GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Federal Cable Act 1984 (as amended in 1992 and 1996), SVMC 3.65 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Ordinance establishing franchise fee approved 3/31/03; Memorandum of Understanding on terms and conditions to participate in the regional cable advisory board approved 9/16/03; Three members appointed to Cable Advisory Board on 2124/04; Resolution 04-015 regarding cable franchise renewal proceedings approved on 5/25104; New member appointed on 2l8/05; New member appointed to board on 7/26/05. BACKGROUND: O The current cable franchise with Comcast is due to expire September 4, 2006. The City is currently in the final stages of the ascertainment phase of the formal process, having performed a customer survey and conducted a technical review. An update was last provided to Council on April 18, 2006. The purpose of this agenda item is to allow the public an opportunity to comment to Council on concerns relating to the cable franchise negotiations. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: No action is necessary. OPTIONS: N/A BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City had budgeted $620,000 in cable franchise fees . . revenue for 2005 and actually received $700,000. Of that, $20,000 had been budgeted for the Cable Franchise Renewal Process from the general fund. For 2006, the City has forecasted fee revenues of $631,000, and has budgeted another $20,000 from the general fund for the renewal process. . STAFF CONTACT: Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst ATTACHMENTS: N/A ~ ~CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY i ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 06-13-06 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ inforrnation ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval ofthe Following Vouchers: BACKGROUND: ~ VOUCI4ER L1ST 17ATE ~ VOUCHER #s ~'1'OTAL VOUCHER AMOUNT ~ 05-22-2006 ~ 9185-9207 ~ $47,133.77 . ~ 05-26-2006 ~ 9208-9233 $1,574,645.28 ~ . 06-02-2006 ~ 9246-9267 $897,325.81 06-07-2006 ~ 9268-9285 ~ $20,333.95 GRAND TOTAL $2,539,438.81 ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: . Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. ' BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: ' STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faulkner ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists : % 0 0 0 ' vchlist lfoucher List Page: 1 051221?006 6:55:11)PM Spokane Valley Bankcade: apbank Voucher Oate Vendor Invofce PO# DeseriptionfAccount Ilmvunt 9185 512212006. 000$69 ADAP11S & CL4RK, ING, 4904 40B39 ADAMS &C LARFC SW COPISULTINC 3,000_00 Total: 3,000.04 91 B6 512212006 001063 AVISTA IJTILITIES refund permil REFLtNI) A POR710N OF R[GHT OF 640.00 'rtatal: 840.00 9187 $12212006 000101 CDWCx , ZG42553 41076 US 5 TWUMB DRIVES 8 TpNER Z55,06 ZH321123 41087 AVOC ENT4 POF2T KVM SWITCWVIE 3$8.92 ZJ32967 41076 US B TI-GUMa DR]VE FpR h+iQRGAN 125.86 . Tota l : 789,84 9188 5122f2006 00 1065 COMhAUNITY COLLEGES OF SPD}(ANE 214$85 CLASSES FDR MIKE TURBAK 196.00 TvGal : 156.04 9189 5f2212006 000035 CORPQRATE EYPRES S 70360752 41477 KITCMEN SUPPLIES 262_44 Total: 262.44 9190 5122~'~0D6 OOD743 GRQWN f4SOVING CO., INC, 09-1207-6 41095 MQVE FIRE SAFE & LATERAL FILE 7"V6_72 . Tataa : 116.72 9191 5127J2006 401084 6Fi,4F, LOUIS 5110fO6 reimb REIMBIlRSE-WS DOTTROUBLE S N( - 1D3,57 . Total: 10157 9192 5l2212006 0130147 .]OURNAL NEWS PUBLiSH ING INC_ 27659 ADVEFi7151NG 64_40 27fifi3 ADVERTISIN'a 95.25 278B4 ADVER-151$ING 94.50 Tatal : 257AS 9193 5122f2006 000$64 JUB ENGINEERS. 1NC_ 0038451 40982 DD22 - DISFiMAN MICA REHAB PF2Q 6,671.63 . Tntal: 6,677.63 9194 512212006 010 0786 K& fJ ELECTRIC MOTORS, IfVC. 0077028 REPAIF2 pUMp AT AFtGONNE AND - 163,33 0077080' SPRAGUFJMCDONALD PANEL=INSI 249.78 7a#al : 413,11 9195 5i2=006 D00069 MERCIER, DAVID 5117106 DM Reimb, REIMB_ TRA1fFLlMILE-AGE 986.90 Page: vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 0 512 212 0 0 6 , 5:55:10PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice • PO # Qescription/Account Amount 9195 5122/2006 000069 000069 PAERCIER, DAVID (Continued) Total : 186.90 9198 5122/2006 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00016327 TAXTOOLS SORTWARE RENTAL-A 341.63 00016328 TAX TOOLS SOF1V1fARE RENTAL-fv 341.63 Total : 683.26 9197 5/22/2006 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 13778 MAY IT MAINTENANCE 215.00 Total : 215.00 9198 5/22/2006 000121 NORTHWEST MAILING, INC 33282 41020 DESKTOP FOLDER INSERTER 4,181.10 Total : 4,181.10 9199 512212008 000512 OFFICETEAAA 15688268 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 618.75 15721868 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 16.50 15745405 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 660.00 15797108 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 680.00 Total : 1,955.25 9200 5/22/2006 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 1330034206/4207 41080 BLACK 8 WHfTE ENVELOPES 760.03 Total : 760.03 9201 5/22/2006 000291 PROJECT ACCESS, INC. 000291 SECOOND QTR SERVICES OF PRO 7,500.00 Total : 7,500.00 9202 5/22/2006 000090 SPOKANE COUNTY INFORMATION, SYS 60579 COUNTY IT SUPPORT 14,493.93 Total : 14,493.93 9203 5/22/2008 000501 THOMPSOPI PUBLISHING GROUP, SUB: 5718419 R7 05N2/05 FAIR LABOR STANDARDS HANDBC 418.50 Total : 418.50 9204 5/22/2006 001060 TIMEMARK, INC. 108614 41085 SCHOOL ZONE FLASHING SYSTEN 3,239.93 Total : 3,239.93 9205 5f22/2006 000167 VERA 1NATER & POWER OOD5-016348.01 STREET LIGHTING POWER CHARC 55.46 0006-03021.00 STREET UGHTING POWERJVIlATEF 19.54 0007-017753.01 STREET LIGHTING POWER CHARC 15.$6 OOOB-010790.01 STREET LIGHTING POWER CHARC 52.07 0010-003488.01 STREET LIGHTING POWER CHARC 110.75 ;e: 2 l ' C) 0 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 05122/2006 , 5:55:10PM Spokane Valley , Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9205 5l22l2006 000167 000167 VERA WATER & POWER (Continued) Total : 253.68 9206 5/22/2006 000964 VOL7 14484266 CY FRANTILLA FOR WEEK ENDED 507.38 Total : 507.38 9207 5/22/2006 000100 WABOINC. 9750 PUBLICATIONS 54.20 9756 2006 INT. URBAN-WILDLAND INTEF 34.15 Total : 88.35 23 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 47,133.77 23 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 47,133.77 1, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the servioes rendered, or the labor perfonned as desa{bed hereln and thst the claim is just, due and an unpa6d obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. • Finance Director Date Paga: 3 0 0 0 vchlist Voucher List Page: I 0512612006 9:47:52AM Spakane Valley Bank wde ; apbank . ►foucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # pescrip#ionfAccount ' Amount 9208 512612006 00015O ALLIED FIRE &SECURITY SVC270259 PELCO'SEC URITI' CAMERA F4R S 4Z4.64 Total ; 424.64 9209 5126J2006 00003a AVISTA UTILITIES 41006944 9TREET LIGMTINGfSIGNAL POWEF 20;180.98 Total: 20,150.98 921 p 5f2612046 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEPI SUPFILY, INC. 8676121. ACCT ND_ 7219-0000D 200_49 8707750 AGC74 7279-00000 221_95 8717383 ACCT NQ. 2-7219-OOOOD 230,89 8719271 ACCT N p, 2-721 J-00000 160,72 ' . Total : 814,05 9211 512$f2006 000604GAMERpN CONTRACllfdfi, INC_ 052506 40972 DISHMAN MICA REHAB 181,790.75 ' Tokal : 181,790.75 9212 512612006 OD0863 C ENTURY UVE ST ENCEhfEERING CORP. 023177 40976 PF20J NO_ 30446-402-0'I (1220) 5,736.29 Total: 5,73819 9213 512612006 000 109 CDFFEE SYSTEW7S INC 40279 ACCT NO_ CENTER 7.78 40471) COFFEE & TEA SUPPLIES 160.16 Tota I : 167.94 9274 512612006 000912 DE}C MEQIA WEST 052506 ACCT ND. 200353924 183.86 Total : 183,86 9215 5f26f20D6 000999 EASfER N WAS HINGTON ATTORfdEY, SE 00010970 LEGAL P RDCESS S ERV1NG 22,52 00011032 LEG,4LPROCESS $ERVING 21.05 Total : 43,67 9216 5128124Q6 000171 GEIGER CORRECTIONS CENTER 0500017 CONFINEN7ENT AN1) WOF{h{ C REUV 22,198.62 Total : 22.198.62 9217 512612.006 000007 GRxIN~~~ 052.506 410ee SUR1fEYOR SUPP LIES 274.75 Total : 274.75 9278 . 512612006 000410 GRIFFIN PUBLISHIPUG INC. 7251 , SPp 1fALLEY SR CTR NEWSLESTE 408_55 , Page= 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 05I26I2006 9:47:52AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Vouchcr Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 8218 5/2612006 000410 000410 GRIFFIN PUBLISHING INC. (Continued) Total : 408.55 9219 5/26/2006 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING INC. 27682 ADVERTISING 47.60 27683 ADVERTISING 47.60 27684 ADVERTISING 35.00 27686 ADVERTISING 43.54 27687 ADVERTISING 52.50 27688 ADVERTISING 38.25 27689 ADVERTISING 50.25 , 27690 ADVERTISING 97.50 27691 ADVERTISING 90.00 ' Total : 502.20 9220 5/26/2006 000864 JUB ENGINEERS, INC. 0038767 41098 PROJ NO. 70-06-016 9,238.96 ' • Total : 9,238.96 9221 5126/2006 001068 KOFMEHL INC. . 1050 REMODEU REDWOOD PLAZA SUII 3,431.76 Total : 3,431.76 9222 5/26/2006 000691 OLSTEN INC. 62437724 LABOR CHARGES FOR ADMN SEC' 732.58 Total : 732.58 9223 5126/2006 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. 12585 SP MAINTENANCE 1,116.00 12796 SP MAINTENANCE 1,091.78 . Total : 2,207.78 9224 5/26l2006 001067 QUINLAPI PUBLISMING GROUP 052506 99206XX11 ZB6523 147.00 Total : 147.00 9225 512612006 000322 QWEST ' 5099216787511B SERVICE TO 5113106 43.10 - Tota I : 43.10 9226 5126l2008 000324 SCWD #3 052506a WATER UTILITY INVOICE 61.18 052506b ' WATER UTIUTY INVOICE 11.46 Tota I : 72.64 9227 5l26/2006 000001 SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER May 2006 Contracts MAY 2006 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,317,788.62 e: 2 vchlist 0 VOUCher L15t Page: 3 05126I2006 9:47:52AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher DatE Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 9227 5/2612046 000001 000001 SPOKANE COUNIY TREASUftER (Continued) Total : 1,317,788.62 9228 5126f2006 000939 SPRAGUE & SULLIVAN MINISTORAGE 05254$ ACCT NO. 40802 124.00 Total : 124.00 9229 5/26I2006 000311 SPRINT SPECTRUPA, L.P. 052506 0141276664-3 741.86 Total : 741.96 9230 5/2612006 000419 SUMMIT LAW GROUP 30305 GENERAL EMPLOYMENT & LABOR 132,00 30306 MEDIATION 2,442.00 Total : 2,574.00 8231 5126l2006 001061 TAK PETROLEUM 6291 41090 DUST PALLIATIVE ON COUNTY RO. 4,648.08 ' Total : 4,648.08 9232 5/26l2006 000613 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW 21239 ACCT NO. 2916468 43.50 Total : 43.50 9233 5126/2006 000129 WRPA 06-216 ANNUAL CONFERENCE REGISTRA 125.00 Total : 125.00 26 Vouchers for bank code : apbSnk Bank total : 1,574,645.28 26 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,574,645.28 I, titie undersigned, do ceRify under penalty of pery'ury, - that the materials havo been fumished, the services renderesf, or the labor performed as described herein ' and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authonticato and certify to said Gaim. Finance Director Da4e Page: 3 . , ~ 0 0 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 06l0212006 10:27:14AM Spokane Valley Bank code : 2pbank • Voucher Dato Vendor • Invoice PO !F QescriptionlAccount Amount 9246 612/2006 000197 AIR INC. 103828 BASIC REPORT 100.00 Total : 100.00 9247 6l2/2006 001012 ASSOCIATED BUSINESS SYSTEMS 090095 MONTHLY CPC CONTRAC7 BILL 862.61 Total : 862.61 9248 612/2006 000604 CAMEROId CONTRACTING, INC. 2602 41082 QUOTE #001-06 CAMERON CONTR 6,428.42 ' Total : 6,428.42 9249 6/2/2006 001059 CAPITAL ENTERPRISE ENGINEERINC 1998 41084 SCHOOL ZONE LIGHT 32,435.06 Total : 32,435.06 9250 6f2l2006 000835 CERIUM NE7W0RKS LLC 001130 CERIUM SUPPORT CENTER CHAI2( 152.04 Total : 152.04 9251 612/2006 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 194705 40562 SPOKANE VALLEY PLAN REVIEW 4,244.50 Total : 4,244.50 9252 612/2006 000537 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, IN 194708 40918 DEVELOPMENT INSPECTION 8,710.00 . Total : 8,710.00 9253 6/2/2006 000686 DEPARTNiENT OF LICENSING 052506 MLS CRED CARD FEE FOR JAN - M 52.07 Total : 52A7 9254 6/2/2006 000152 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-AT660509067 SIGNAL & ILLUMINATION MAINTEN. 160,125.91 RE-313-AT660509068 STAT&ROUTE ROAOWAY MAINTEI 236,234.05 • Total : 396,359.96 9255 602006 000278 DRISKELL, CARY 060106 TRAVEL REIMBUf2SEMENT 696.74 Tofal : 696.74 9256 6/2/2006 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 062006 WATER ACCOUNT # 03078100 75.85 062006 WATER - ACCOUNT # 09066100 229.27 062006 WATER - ACCOU7 # 09026100 222.15 ' 062006 WATER - ACCOUNT # 09006100 342.28 Tofal : 829.55 . Page: 1 vchlist VouCher List Page: 2 0610212006 10:27:14AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO it DescriptionlAccourrt Amount 9257 6/2/2006 000924 ELLFR CORPORATION 043006 41026 PROGRESS PAYMENT#1 21,991.90 ' 043006 41026 PROGRESS PAYMENT# 1 89,103.77 41026 • • Total : 117,095.67 9258 6J2/2006 000022 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 53855 SET UP CHARGE FOR EMPLOYEE 32.58 • 53950 EMPLOYEE ID CARD 19.55 Total : 52.13 9259 612/2006 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & AAANAGEMENT 13809 MAY MAINTENANCE 1,657.50 Tota I : 1,657.50 9260 6J2/2006 000058 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE, ASSOCIATE 3650 PRE-EMPLOYMENT DRUG TEST 56.00 ' Total : 56.00 9261 6l2/2006 000512 OFFICETEAM 15864609 TEMP WAGES - JULIE CHASE 610.50 • Total: 610.50 9262 6/2/2006 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 1334Q34148 41057 BUSINESS CARDS 148.81 1330U34201 41081 BUSWESS CARD 296.32 Total : 445.13 9263 612/2006 000172 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER VLY0604 MONTHLY INVOICE 315,730.60 V1Y0604 44937 ENGINEERING SERVICES 2,612.21 44937 Total : 318,342.81 9264 6/2l2006 004862 SPOKANE ROCK PRODUCTS, INC. 042706 40674 RELEASE OF FINAL RETAINAGE 12,802.72 Total : 12,802.72 9265 6/212006 OOQ411 SPOKANE VALLEY.NEWS HERALD 27726 LEGAL NOTICE - PU6LIC HEARING 112.00 27728 LEGAL NOTICE - NOTICE OF NO CI 25.00 27729 LEGAL NOT1CE - CIIY COUNCIL SF 25.50 Total : 162.50 9266 6/212006 000093 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW INC. 043006 EMPLOYMENT ADS 957.48 'fotal : 957.48 , ; - • , • ~ '~,->~e: 2 0 0 0 vchlist VouCher Ust Page: 3 06102l2006 10:27:14AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Datc Vendor Invoice RO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 9267 6/2f2006 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 051646 ACCT - 0011-010826.01 ELECTRIC ~ 35.41 051706 _ ACCT - 0012-004137.02 ELECTRIC I 39.49 051806 ACCT - 0013-032589.01 ELECTRIC t 62.65 051906 ACCT - 0034-031842.01 ELECTRIC 48.61 052206 ACCT 0014032971.00 - TRAFFIC LI- 42.01 052206 ACCT 0014004275.01 - ELECTRIC t 23.80 . 052306 ' ACC7 - 0016-007780.00 ELECTRIC ! 20.45 ' Total : 272.42 22 Vouchers for bank code : 8pbenk Bank total : 897,325.81 ' 22 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 897,325.81 I, the undersigned, do ceRify under penalty of perjury, that the matorials have been fum(shed, the sorvices rendered, ar the labor performed as described herein and that lhe claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valkey, and th3t I am author9zecf to authentccate and certify to said Gaim. . Finance Director Date Page: 3 ~ a vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0610712006 11:13:50AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # QescriptionlAccount • Amount 9268 6!7/2006 0II0109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 40845 COFFEE SUPPLIES 148.10 Total : 148.10 9269 617/2006 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 70721907 41100 #DXSPKM21 Plastic Knives 53.05 Total : 53.05 9270 61712006 000059 DEVLEMING, MICHAEL . 5-30-06 request PARKING AND MILEAGE. 54.41 Total : 54.41 9271 6I7/2006 000028 FARMERS & MERCHAMS BANK various CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS DUE 6/9. 8,144.37 Total : 8,144.37 9272 617/2006 000070 INLAND POWER AND LIGHT CO see description 94202-006, 94202-005, 94202-003, 9 429.27 _ Total : 429.27 9273 61712006 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING INC. see item description VARIOUS ADS 302.35 ' Total: 302.35 9274 6l712006 000755 LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES 3928 WEB ADS-PLANNING TECHNICIAN 25.00 Total : 25.00 9275 6f7/2006 000033 MCPC, INC. 4930742 41102 OFFICE SUPPLIES 852.76 Total : 852.76 9276 61712006 000258 MICROFLIX INC. 00016341 TAXTOOLS SOFfWARE RENTAL -(v 341.63 Total : 341.63 9277 6r7/2006 000058 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE, ASSOCIATE Inv date 5J31/06 PHYSICAL EXAMS AND DRUG SCR 924.00 • Total : 924.00 9278 617/2006 000652 OFFICE DEPO7INC. 337256032-401 41079 OFFICE SUPPLIES 112.49 339233659-001 41103 HEADSE7 FOR NIK AND SCOTT 165.36 ' Total : 277.85 9279 617/2006 000512 OFFICETEAM 15904842 JULIE CHASE FOR INEEK ENDED 5 660.00 • Total : 660.00 ' Page: 1 . vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 0610712006 11:13:50AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # QescriptionlAccount Amount 9280 6l712006 001057 STAR RENTALS 13-102224-02 41083 STAR RENTALS ROLLER RENTAL-F 1,146.82 Total : 1,146.82 8281 6/7/2006 000093 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW INC. 5f31 acct 42365 PUBLIC WORKS ADS 239.98 ' Total: 239.98 9282 617/2006 000646 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE, NEOPOST POST 6/2/06 Postage POSTAGE METER 3,010.00 Total : 3,010.00 9283 6R/2006 000167 VERA WATER & POWER various SEE ITEM DESCRIPTION 2,037.06 Total : 2,037.06 9284 6/7/2006 000081 WILHI7E, DIANA 5-31-06 request TRAVEL AND MILEAGE 152.19 - Total : 152.19 9285 6R/2006 000089 XO COMMUNICA710NS, INC. 611/06 invoice MON7HLY CHARGES 1,535.11 Total : 1,535.11 18 Vouchers for bank code: apaank . Bank total : 20,333.95 18 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 20,333.95 I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty af perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the senrioes rendered, or the labor performed as desuibed herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation s8ainsR the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenUcate and ceRify to said daim_ Finance Diredor Date 2 , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action . Meeting Date: 06-13-06 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending May 31, 2006 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: ~ OPTIONS: • RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $142,419.55 Benefits: t 68.566.08 TOTAL PAYROLL: $210,985.63 STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faulkner ATTACHMENTS . DRA FT ~ MINUTES City of Spokane Vslley City Council ltegular MeeYing Tuesday iViay 23, 2006 Deputy Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to i:he 92nd meeting. Atteiidairce: ctry srufJ• Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Nina Regor, Deputy Cify Manager 17ick Denenny, Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Attnrney Mike DeVleming, Cnuncilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Bill Gothmann, Councilmember • Neil Kersten, Public Works Directdr Gary Schimmels, Councilmember St:eve Worley, Senior Engineer Toin Scholtens, Building Official Ahseirt: Carolbelle Branch, Public Informalion Offcer I7iana Wilhite, Mayor Chris Bainbridge, City cleric ' Rich Munson, Councilmember TNVQCATiON: Pastor Linda Crowe of the United Church of Christ gave tlze invocation. YLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Deputy Mayor Taylor led the Pledge ofAllegiancc. 120LL CAI,T.,: City Clerk Bainbridbe ealled roll; all Couneilmembers were present eYCept Mayor ~ Wilhite and Councilmember Mwison. It was moved by Co:mcilmember DeVleming, secorrded, and tatanimo:csly agreed to excuse Alayor Wilhite rnrd Cawrcilrnember 1L1wrson from loniglit's meeting. APPROVr1L OF AGENDA: It was ntoved by Cow7cibnentber Gothntann, seconded, and tmanitno:isly agreed to approve the agenda. IN'I'RODUC 1ION OF SPECIAL GiTESTS AND PRESEN'TATIONS: None. COivIIVIYTTEi E. B()Altll, LTAYSON SUNI►vIA12Y RCPORTS: Councilmember Schimmels: reported that he attended the Spokane Regional Transportation meeting about ten days ago. , Councilmember i7enennv: explained that he attended the Spokane Regional Health District Executive Meeting as well as the Spokane Transit Authority (STA) mceting, and at that STt1 meeting, the Board approvcd a three-year contracC for thE now interim CEO. Denutv Mavor Tavlor: said t:hal• he addressed the Greenacres Sixth Graders who are working to put together their own city. - i11AYOR'S REP0RT: None. PU13LIC COAUVIENTS: Depucy Mayor Taylor invited public comments. Lorie Mitchell, 18005 r 8'h: regarding the riding of motoreycles on private property, she stated that she O never had complaints about riding accurring on their own peoperly; that she had no idea this was Council n4eeting: 05-23-06 . Pagc l of 4 Approved by Council: nRAlt T proposed and found out by reading abaut it in the paper; and asked if there was any way for Council to ' `reconsider that ordinance as she feels lawnmowers make moro noise t1ian motorcycles. - Bead Rose. 19025 East 4`h: said he's the reason why this happening; that his neighbor formerly owned his property and that neighbor feels he should still be i.n control of the property; thaC he has no place for his kids to ride and he feels he should be ablc Co do what he wants on his own property. Jeanette Vandert*riend. 11303 E Boone Ave: explained that she moved i.n about five years ago and bought a 1.5 acre parcel; that they have four-Nvhoelers which are used to maintain their property and to have fun; I:hat they have never had any complaints; that otlier neighbors have motorcycles; said lhat it's okay if people wLint to relax on their back porch but it's noC okay for them tn relax on their RV's; that she finds that offensive, she stated she feels one of the councilmembers has a conflict of interest because that person has a neighbor who does this. In regard to Broadway Avenue malcing it two lanes instead of foue; that there are problems in the area of Boone between University and Bowdish, that if Broadway is changed to rivo lanes the traffc will go to Bonne; and that she'd like to see turn signals and an arrow for turns, along with a sign not to turn on a red light. Marv Pnllard. 17216 E Baldwin Avenue: she asked about Transportation Impravement Plan as it wasn't on the agcnda [it was explained that it was on for a public hearing]; said she wanted to discuss the speed limit nn Mission, that during their neighborhood meeting, tbey expressed a desire to have the speed limit reduced on Mission Avcnue west of Sul.livan; and tliat when the Planning Department revicws a development, there should be mandatory soil testing; that the area was formerly orchards and the soil conYains residual pesticides and arsenic and she is concerned there is no routine testing or environmcnCal impact; also that therc is nn dust control. Jim Ervin. 8804 E Sinto: stated that he bought his property because of the large backyard and thcir large -'family; that his family enjoys riding motorcycles on their properiy; that their properey is agond place for kids begin.ning dirt bike ricling, there is good adult supervision; ancl that he wouldn't want to pass an ordinance to say thaC they can't do somethi.ng they enjoy on their property; and that hc has ahvays been willing to work with his neighbors to resolve any ncighborhood problems. 1. PUBLIC IffCARING: 2007-2012 Transportation Imnrovement Plan (TiP) - Steve Warlev 17eputy Mayor Taylor opened the public hearing flt 6:17 p.m. 1nc1 invited Mr. Worley to give his presentation. Mr. Worley explaincd that state law dictates City have a perpetual advanced six-year transportation plan, updated each year beforc July 1; dhat staFf examined and research the regional traffic model to look at growth in kraffic; examined the accident history, intersection levels of service; where development occues; coordinating the projects with other jurisdicl'ions and with federal grant criteria. Ms. Worley then explained tlieough Council questions and Mr. Worley's axiswers, several of the project descriptions as per his attached document. In reference to Project listed as 941: SR 27 Pedestrian Crossing; Mr. Worley said staff needs to verify that the school district has changed or will change its boundaries and that the school clislrict requested some access over Hiahway 27. Iaeputy Mayor Taylor then opened the floor for public comment. Marv Pollard. 17216 E Raldwin Avenue: spoke of three coricerns: that the speed limit on Mission just tvest nf Sullivan be reduced to 30 miles per hour; that improvements on Mission Ave between Flora and Barker Road only be two lanes wilh bike paths; and that the sidewalks in her ncighborhood appear not to comply wich A.QA regulations as those sidewalks abruptly end and don't blend into the shoulder of the road. Shc ddded that she feels 13roadway should not be a three-lane road. Deputy Mayor Taylor invited further comments; no further comments were offered and Deputy Mayor Taylor closed the public hcaring at 6:33 p.m. Council Meeting: 05-23-06 Page 2 oP4 Approved by Couiicil: DRAFT ~ 2. PiTBLIC HEAIt1NG: 2006 Froposed Amended BudLyet-Ken Thompson Deputy Mayor Taylor opened the public hearing at 6:34 p.m. and invited Fiiiance Director Tho►npson to give his proposal. Mr. Thompson e:cplained the budget amendments for considerakion, as per his PowerPoint slides; and that a first readin ; of the ordinance to approvc thosc amendments is schedulecl later on tonight's agenda. lleputy Mayor I'aylor invited public comment; no comments were offered and Deputy Mayor Taylae closed the public hearing at 6:38 p.m. 3. CONSE~1'T AGENDA: Consists of items cAnsidered routine which are appmved as a group. A Counc:ilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Following claim vouchcrs: VOUCI-IER LIST DATE I VOUCI-IE R #s ~ TOTAL VOUCI-E R AMOUNT 05-09-06 ~ 9082-9126 ~ $346,595.24 05-15-06 ~ 9134-9184 ~ $201,731.92 GRAND TOTAI.. ~ I $548,327.16 b. Payroll for Pay Period Ending May 15, 2006: $146,942.83 c. Minutes of May 8, 2006 Special Exeeutive Session Meeting d. Minutes af May 9, 2006 Regular Couricil V[eeting e. Minutes of May 16, 2006 Council Sttidy Session It was nroved by Courzcilmember Gotluncrnii, seconded rnrd unanintously agreed to appro>>e the consent agenda. - ~ NEW BUSENEsS 4. Fir-st Readine, Pronosed Ordinanee 06-014 Amendins! 2006 Budf!et-Ken Ihomnson After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it wQS moyed by Cou»crlme»rber Denetrny und seconded, to crdvance Ortlintrnce 06-014 !o a secwid readirtg at the Jin:e 13 courrcil meetirlg. Finance Di.reetor 7 hompson explained that this fiest reading begins the process to amend the 2006 budget. Deputy Mayor Taylor invitcd publie eomment.; no comments were offered. vote by Acclamation: In Tavor: Ununimous. Oppased: None. Absterilions: None. Motion carried. 5. Pronosed Resolution 06-012 Settine LoLyo Standards - Carv Driskell/Mike Connellv After City Clerk Bnif76ridge read the resoluliori title, it was maved by Cour:cilnzember Def:enrry and secontletl, !o approve resolution 06-012 a.,r drafied. City Attorncy Connelly explained that this is the companion to thc ordinance passcd last week regulating tlie City's logo; that this resolution and accompanying style aiid standards guide eYplains the Cechnical specifications for members of the public on how the logo may be used. Deputy Iviayor Taylor invitcd public comment; no comments H°ere offered. • Vote Gy Acclamation: In Fuvor: Uitani»rous. Opposed: tVone. Abstentions: None. Motion ctrrrietl. ' 6. Motion Consideration: Mavoral Apnointment to Snakane Countw Ai.r I'ollution Control Authoritv (SCAFCA) Board - Iv'Iavor Wilhitc Deputy Mayor Taylor explained that with the approval of Engrossed Substilute Senate Bill 6802, the structure of the Spokane County Air PolluCion Cnntrol Aathority Board of lairectors has chwged, allowing one of the five members to be a representative of the City of Spokane Valley. .iaeputy Mayor Taylor explained that Mayor Wilhite proposed appointinS Coiuicilmember DeVleming. It was ntovett by Courrcilmember Gothmann and secondecl, to corfrn2 tlle appoinMtent of Mr. DeYleming ta the SCAPCA Board. Yote by .4cclunrution: In Favor: Urzanimou.s. Opposed: tlroire. Abslentiar2s: None. jWotiorr ~ carried. J Couneil Meeti.ng: 05-23-06 Pagc 3 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFI' PUBLIC COMMF.NTS Jeanettc Vandcrariend. 1] 3q3 E Boone Ave: regarding the four-wheel vehicles, she stated Council should consider kids in the community; khat there is not a lot for kids to do in diis community, and this is something kids can do at home, with parent supervision. Ron Roberts, 1116 N Willow: stated that he gets no services where he lives; that his street does not get plowed or swept; and when he called City Flall, our receptionist suggesCed he call thc County; he stated he wants to know if anyone keeps a record of what streets have and have not been plowed or swept; and that his area is one of the oldest parts of the City and needs to be serviced. Lorie Mitchell, 18005 E 8'h: concerning the motorcycle ridi.ng on private property, she wnuld like council to re-examine Chat issue; and she mentioned that her street also has not been swept. Marv Pollard_ 17216 E Baldwin Avenue: would like the issue of finishing sidewalks and ADA compliance to be researched by staff as it appears none of the developments are required to do Lhat (see hcr May 23, 2006 handout). As thc other items on the agenda were for information only, it was movecl by Councilmembcr DeVleming, seconded, and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:02 p.m. Diana Wilhite, Mayor . AT'TEST: - - ~ ChrisCine Bainbridge, City Clerl: ~ . Council Meeting: 05-23-06 Pagc 4 of 4 Approved by Council: MTNU`1 ES ' City of SPokane Valley City Council Executive Session Monday, vlay 30,2006 Attendutrce: Councilmembers: Stafi: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Stcve Taylor, Deputy M3yor (arrived late) Cary I7riskell, Deputy Ciry Attomey I7ick Dencnny, Councilmember (arrived late) Trish Burns-I-lart, Human Resources Analyst Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Rich Munsoii, Councilmember (arrived late) Gary Schimmels, Councilmember EXECUTTVE SESSION: Mayor Wilhitc ealled the ►neetina tn order at 5:00 p.m. It was then nrovecl by Councibnember DeVlemirrg, seconded by Cnuncilmember Gothmunn that Council adjourn inlo E.icecutive Ses.sinn jor Ilte purpose of discussing labor yiegotiations, ivillr no actiorr aitticipaled 1{rereafler. Council adjourned into execulive session. At 7:24 p.m. Mayor Wilhite declared Council out oP Executive Session. It tivus nrvved by Deputy Mayor Tcrylor, secanded arrd wranimou.sly agreed to adjourtr. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Diana Wilhite, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, Ciry Clerk Council Minutes: 05-30-06 Pegc I of 1 Anproved by Council; CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY O Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 13, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent (Z old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing . ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Converting Broadway to Three Lanes GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: 1) Approval of Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, which includes the Broadway Avenue Overlay Project, 2) approval of application for federal grant funding for the Broadway Avenue Overiay Project, 3) Review of Informational Memo included in the May 2, 2006 Council packets, 4) Presentation on Converting Broadway to Three Lanes on May 16 study session, 5) Broadway Re-striping Update and Discussion on June 6 study session. BACKGROUND: Public Works received a$703,000 federal grant for the rehabilitation of Broadway Avenue between Bates Road and Sullivan Road. This project will improve 2.46 miles of roadway surface by grinding and overlaying the road with 2 inches of asphalt concrete ~ pavement. During the bid award of the project Council asked about the possibly re-striping Broadway Avenue from 4 lanes to 3 lanes. This project has been brought up as a potential way to mitigate the number of collisions at intersections and to provide additional/safer bicycle and pedestrian facilities. An informational memo was prepared on May 2 comparing the d'rfferences between 4-lane and 3-lane roadways, a presentation was presented to Council on May 16 and a follow-up presentation was presented to Council on June 6, 2006. OPTIONS: Approve, disapprove or give staff further direc#ion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the re-stripping of Broadway from Pines to Sullivan from the current four lane configuration to a three lane configuration with bike lanes. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Project cost is estimated at $50,000. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Inga Note, Traffic Engineer ~ Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects ATTACHMENTS Informational Memo dated 4/25l06 & Presentation dated 6/13/05 spC71TY037kane 00 ~ Valle y 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ~ ciCyhallC~spokanevalley.org o■ ~ .....-'~y , . - - ' . . ' Informational Memo To: Dave Mercier, City Council From: Neil Kersten, Inga Note, Steve Worley CC: Date: 4125106 ' Re: Broadway Avenue Resurfacing Project Introcluction The rcsurfacing of Broadway Avenue from Bates ltoad to Sullivan Road is scheduled to begin in June this year. This federally funded project consists of grinding 2" offthe existing road surface and replacing it with new asphalt and then restriping the roadway baek Lo its current 4-lane configurdtion. . In response to a request from Couneil Clie Public Works Departmenl wanted to provide an ~ Avenriew of the traf-f c and safety issues associatEad with the current 4-lane sh-iping of Brt>adway Avenue. We also wanted to discuss dhe potential of restriping Broadtvay Avenua to a 3-lane section to reduce the number of c;ollisions and provide more pedestrian safety alnng this principal arterial. Background Over ttie last several years therc bave been a significanc numbcr of accidents at intersections along I3rnadway, due iliainly to dhe current 4-lanc configuration and the lacl: nf visibility for eastbound and westbound left-tuming traffia Typically the rate of "accidenhs per million entering vehicles," or AceJtTEV, is used to compare the total number of accidents to the traffic volumcs at sny particular location. An Acc/A4EV rate greater than 1.0 indicates a problem that should be adciresscd. One way to address this issue is to recon.figure Broadway Avenue tn a 3-lane section. This allows left-tuming traffic to get out of the through lanc wllile Nvaiting for an opening in on- ' , coming 7affic, thus reducing the potenrial for rear-end collisions. It also provides improved visibility of on-coming traffc for left-turns at 'tntersections. This significantly reduces the r_ollision potential at cross streets. The following table highlights some of the difFerences bctween a 4-lane street and a 3-lane street. Informational Merno Apri125, 2006 Broadway Avenue Resurfacing Project 1'age 2 Issue 3-Lanc ~ 4-I.ane Capacity Before and after studies of conversions from 4 to 3 lanes in Seattle show either configuration can carry 18,000 f1DT or more. Local 11,500 ADT: Grand - 32' to 38' Capacity 12,900 ADT: 29`h - High Dr. to Grand 11,000 ADT Broadway - Park to Sullivan EYamplcs 15,800 ADT: Alberta - Driscoll to Francis 18,300 ADT Wall -Monroe to Cascade Way 24,738 ADT: Cntry Hms Blvd, w of Wall Vehicle Seattle study of 16 conversions resulted in a Ftate > 1.0 acc/MFV indicates a problem. Safety 27% reduction in collisions. f3roadway/Argonnc - 1.0 acc.lMEV Corcects through-left collision pattem at BroadwaylMullan - 1.1 accJMEV MeDonald. Broadway/University - 1.9 acc./MEV Broadwsy/McDonald - 1.3 acc.MEV T3road-vva}°/Evergreen - 0.8 acc.lMEV compare to SpragueJUniv - 1.7 accJMEV ~;IaE n~ Provides TWLTL for turns to side streets and driveway. Longer wait to esit driveways but residents ean back into TVJI.,TL Many sideswipe and rear-end collision.s eaused by ~ tuming vehicles. Residents back out inta through la,ncs. Bike R.ooin for 5' bike lanes. Broadway iclentifecl No bike lanes without widening and purchasing in the Cnmprehensive Plan as bike/ped. route additinnal R/W Pedeskrian $ike lane provides buffer Uetween sidewal.k £xisting 4' sidewslk is nanow, many power po]e and traffic lanes. obstructions, and adjacent to traffie lane. Speeds Single through lane regulates speet) in Two thrAUgh lanes allows higli-speed vehieles to residential neighborhooci. pass. Schools Kids cross 2 through lanes. Kids cross 4 through lanes. (Summit, Allows center median islands for safer No room for media.n islands at crosswail:s. Progress) crosswalks. ' Farenis block throuDh lane while turning into drop- TNLTL provides queuing area for parents offdrive-way. turning into drop-off driveway. Mail & Bike Lane provides partial shoulder for mail Mail trucks and buses stop in travel lane, grcater Transit deliveries and transit stops. pptential for sideswipes, rear-cnds. Emergency Can travel in TWLTL. Must wait for vehicles to move into curb lane. Vehiclcs SiVial Mcl7onald - no change, east + west traffic Mcl7onald - because of collision problem, will operation goes together. require change to inefficient separate east and west- pttasie►g. Longer delays. Evergreen -convert to efficient phasi.ng with Evergrecn - no change, keeps east + west traffic J east +west toDether. Shortcr delays. separate. Infomiationa! Memo :'lpril 25. 2006 Broad«•ay Ati'enue Prsurlacing I'rc. ject Page 3 4ZaadwaN Cections Brlo%v lirc 'lwforr' and `af'ter' picturcti ct a 5trc.tit tliat «a:; cunvcr[cd from 4 lanrs to 3 lanes. 1 1' ! I' - I 1' ! II I' - 1?'- 11' ~t r , - ~ IL ' i ~ ~ : • i' , ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ j ~Lb►~:~"`, r~ - .1s metitiuncd carlicr the l3roadway resurfacing projcx:t lirniu are trom 13ates Road to Sulliv:n Ruad. If recQnfiguration fmm a•lanes to 3-lanes is considered, we would propose to do this hetween the major crossroads of Pines Road and Sullivan Ruad. See mnp below. The curn:nt Inne configuration at the interscctinn of Bruadvvay Avenue and Pines Road «ould remain since this interscction i9 concrete and is nat inciuded in the averiay projcct. ~ . _ ' . ~ ~~y Umft ►dwltlW3dM*tJlwMi Ildcre are sevrral issues that would nted to bc aonsidercd if'a deci,iun iti ritadz tt-) re;tripe a -i- laiicscction with the Btoadway averlay pruject. Sume of ihesc issues includc: • The development of revisccl shiping plans and a change order to the contracier tx forc the current overfay project begins in lune • Invcstigatian of die ne+ed to chenge the signal phasing at Evergrcen Road from E-V4' traffic moving together to E-W traf'fic moving separately. Spakane County revised die signal phasing years ago to reduce collisions and accammodate highrr traffic to the mall. llie current phasing rcduces the efficiency of the intrcsection csusing longtr delays. • Uiscuss cros,v;ilk lix;atiowi and pvleiltial n:cdianti (re.le>tnan refuge i4landsl iOi the schools witliin dhe prnject area • I'ublic NotifiuitionlOpcn House? • Poteniial 2-3 month dclay of overlay xLork if a puhli.: itiecting is desired. Informationa) N1emo :lpril 25, ZOU(i Rmadway Avenue Resurfacing Project Page 4 Belaw is an example of a collision rcport fn,m cawc,w c:, F,~.-,zr wo. ys? ~ 1. '/Olk,~.~, . m~i~ .«~a~~• r~+~~~~nt ' ~ c./~1_~!'_o~IJ L: ~/a74/. L'-~i11 LOO~'`irA ~vAZSY~~~f ~!'~JlJ r I _W _1_1 E!_LL1 s ~ I I I I I I i I I I I I I~ I I J I I;'! 1! I.~_ ~ j b T . - ^ - ~-Q " : - • - oasn~w ~ j • _ i • ' , tt • Y + a { ^ ! l' ~ 1 ; . ~,~-1l•e.Je. ~ ~Cst ' • ~ ~--~d~~!X ~ ll~f -~~i,~..l_~~..J.~JF.cL_ _-•~r_.~~ ~ ..r.L~ i•.e 1 r+ ]_~6 iGdr~~ ' ~ -c z-.. i : : - •c... -..r: APART ~_rr ~~~e would he }iapPy to :inswer any questions Council may havc rclatcd to tfii; issuz. 1 - - - _ ~ . Broadway Avenue Conversion to 3mIane Section . June 13th, 2006 Inga Note Steve Worley Neil Kersten r~ ~ ~ ..M~ y C C .riw 3 ~ + y t >nn~ ~`~C.Y 1 ' . ~ anK ~ .t T" 1 ~ ~ vi a . - 4 ~ t 1\g"41 ~ ~ _ ~ S ~ rf? ~ T ' ` ~ Sections _~.ane vso 3_I-ane ~ 4 • 3-Lane „ 4-Lane ' , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ♦ ' y, r~ s n 1, ,i a ~ ► 4 , 1 , ; ~ i►-;~ f. F. • .a- ' ~t y l *width reduces to 42' east of Ever9reen , _ 3mLane east of Pines ~ -r..~.._~ ' ~ ~ ~ ! j ~ . • 4+~'• , ' ~ , ~ ~ 1 ~ Y ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ (/1 +S~`~ . 1 . . . _ M Ill }r- r • L • - yrt ' ~'i~ ~ ~ ....u, A WAYY ~ ~ . . ' _ . ~ G . . » ' ~ ~ ~ , , ~ ~ ~ f '~4•i 4' ~ ~ ~ • , a J 3mLane at McDonald t , " ~ "~'1~• ...i , _ ~ 4_~ • • ~ ip { ORC?4DWA1' •l. i; • ' ~ , - _ • . . ~ ! rL r. Adk school 3-Lane at summit _ V ~ ► , ~ ~ ~ , ~ • ' t::~4 3J ' • ~ _ ~ BR4A£~t4A`~ - „ z oo .,z , -c ~ ~ . ~ ~ s 3mLane at Evergreen ` - ~ : • ` L ~ f r r• ~ ~ ~ ~~3 ~ ~ i,_ ~ :.~y , ' •i - r - - . ~r'~• ~ ~ i aRpaDwtiI' ' ~ ~ ~ lik ~ . t ~ • i . , , . , ~.p ~ ~ - - _ - , . 3mLane west of Sullivan ~ res ~ -1 i~~, F . I J _ s t''1 I1+c . p~F. ~ 1 ~ l ~ 'R `f • ~ , , :~f • ~ ' M ~ . , Capacity of 3=Lanes Successfui "Road Diets" in Washington , Traffic ' 30000 VOIUr1leS typically 25000 : _ _ - t=_i'~, ~ r ;=3 . . ~ , . . - . . . . increased , 20000 i afte r 15" conversions! a , 10000 5000 o r . Lake Fourtti Plain N. 45th Nbnlana St 120th Ave. Broadway Washmgtan Bivd. (Seattle) (Bellevue) NE Bivd. (Vancouver) (Bellowe) ( Kirkland) ~ ► ~ . 11~. ~ t ~ 7 ! . , - ~ - 'M~~~ . ~ ~ 1 ► t " ~ s. - • t. - a * ~ . ~ + ~ ~ ~r'* ' ,1 ,t s t ~ r ~ v, ~ .f • i` • ~ . ~ 4~ ~ • . Z . ~ ~ ~ OF r 1 - 4 . ~ ~ Local 3=Lane Examples Loca13-Lane Examples 30,000 25,000 20,000 pQ 15' ppp , 10, 000 ~ ' 5,000 - - - - - i k I O . , , 32nd Grand 291h Alberta Country l3arker Broactway ~ (Valley) (Spokane) (Spokane) (Spokane) Homes (Vailey) (County) Vehicle Safety Collision History , Total Collisions Corridor Collisions ADT per MVMT Mission 31 87300 1.2 Broadway 1,18 11,000 3.6 Sprague 276 277500 3.3 16th 32 57000 2.1 32nd 32 97500 1.1 Vehicle Safety - Collision History --m 0 • Type: Through- eft head-on 23% • Cause: Left-turning vehic es b ock view - - _i _ _ - T ~ i ~ - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - -1- - 1 i I 1 i ~ ~ l 1 I 1 /iiJWde !•l1!f~~7 ~JLi ~~~fJ r ~~F.' f L ~C) - ~~~~GL~ _11[~/Y"~ I•-• C./AirCvrs4~~-~~ ~~C.~S/!t' ~ . ✓i~~ ~~l~-~ • /~S~i)yr~-1~:~2 c ~''~7 ~i y~c~l ~i ~V. % J~'~ i►.~ ~ r!, _41, sY' f:Ield Of . et v ~a G~►e eh. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' . l.. 1 . ~r , ~ / 3_LVe Vehicle Safety Collision History • Type: Right Ang e 24% • Cause: Too many anes? B ocked view? - - - - ~ : - - - - - - - - , - - ~ , - - - _ _ ~ ~ - _ - - - - ; - ; : - ' - i- =T_ -IML - : - - _ J- - --i I I`I.I ~u►aw►nvE / ~ t r ~ ~Y o--~a~,~~► ~ ~ r .Q„~ ~ a ~ ,2~I~=-,~ _ f~a i Vehicle Safety Col I ision History • Type: Rear End 17.5% • Cause: Turning vehic es stopped in ane - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - _ ~ - - LT~ _ i.. _ . . _ ~ . ' ~ - - d4~ ~ - {-f~t - - - 4v, ~ . 141.1 NAFtPAnve _OW•_'!E~C.~ccqe~ 6✓ ~,DS Sl►`4/G/~ ~~cc~ CY~►sE. D~ r~ A/ fir~ _X~ ./lU./i~ 4 /9 SE~'N0~ lc ---oF - ~~r►W ~ . 1_ # x .~YS6?: i~S I _ ~~DZ T~3S_YG_S_~E~~~~, d1~[c~~.~r.z~IVNA~- 'T_Alf . I, A i- ~ Vehicle Safety History Collision 0 - I • Type: Driveway 17% • Cause: No buffer between ane and curb , , ' . ~ _ _ ~ - - - - - ~ ° - - - - _ - - I I 1 NARRATIY6 f~/~c~ d0!/ eb ~~r'_ : rCr--~c~ i'.✓~i~~~~~ '.-~y-~?~ ~a_~ ~ •rc~~~. - Safety Benefits of 3=Lane . Left Turn collisions ~ WA Examples : - Improves field of vision . : Fourth Plain Blvd. : • G Rear-End collisions _ Collisions .452% - Left turns from TWLTL • U Driveway collisions : Seattle - from/into TWLTL - (16 CorridOt"S) - Bike lane improves field of vision ~ - Colltsions 34% . . . . • ~1 Right-Angle collisions - Fewer lanes to cross • 3 Collision severity - Lower speeds Vehicle Safety Intersection Collision Rates 2.0 1.8 ~ > 1.0/MEV indicates ~ 1.6 ~ a problem > 1.4 w ~ 1.2 ~ 0 1.0 2 0.8 0.6 0.4 . 0.2 ~ ~ • - _ ~ ~ • ~ . ~Y~ ~ ~ 0.0 . ~v,P ~J ~~J~ ~~o~~ A\ J e ~~yQ c~Q r~Q Pedestrian Safety • Bike anes provide buffer f; 1 b~ 1°~ ' b e t w e e n pe d e s t r i a n s a n d ~ ~ , , l. traffic. , • Reduces # of throu9h anes for pedestrians to cross. • Opportunities fior refuge ` . . is and in TWLTL. • ` , s. ~r~ Bike Safety • Designated Bike Route in Comprehensive Plan • Removes recreational bike traffic from the , - . narrow sidewalk. • Removes experienced riders from shared car lanes. Vehicle Speed • 3-Lane • 4-Lane - Single through lane _ Four through lanes allow allows prudent drivers to aggressive, high speed regulate speed through vehicles to pass. residential area. SPEED LIMIT 85%-tile speeds = 38 mph 35 4 Y Schools • 4-lane Section i,~~~'+ ~Li~~~i t •~f i Kids cross 4 lanes of traffi c. ~ - Parents block through lane while waiting to turn into school parking area. . Speeding during arrival and departure (20 mph): 'w t j,'~, ►~j-` ~ 85% speed = 29 and 32 mph. 1 ~ - No room for refuge islands at crosswalks. t.. ~sz :-..w......~a...~~ Schools • 3-lane Section - Kids cross 2 through _ : lanes. . ~ ~ . ~ - Turn lane provides safe queuing area for turning into school driveway. , - Studies show a speed reduction with 3-lane ~ -Wrl~ conversion. ~ - Allows center median for safer crosswalks. ~ Schools - Central Valley Comments •~U qwM• V A\l! wA •~O 1• GF►17MI.V^LL1%' i~uti~ :~b-s~rv, .........r...~~. Mpy 31, 2OU6 . ~ lz, iL Naii Ksrslsn Ctty uf Syeicllne Valloy 1 1707 Eaet 6pregire, Suite 100 5pokene. Valley, WA 9020(A Oaar Mr. 1COCsten: 'T'hank yolllor the opportunlty to tavlew the potontid mod)ficelivio of Droodwny Avenue fi orin Sulllven Road tu Plnes. Wo underslwnd an tlem of discussfon Is whothor F_trwufway AvianUa In thls vicinity atmould be C1mnped tfrNm ttla Rxfstlng ftxuf Iar1es to two trnfpc lenes sapststtoa by e tum tons. Ctroodwey Awnum's doeipn batween Sulilvwn nnd Pinaa wfll dirootly affewot PrvQreafl f:(omentury School end 3ummlt School. We ars corntortabb wlth a three lane cor.fipuration noor thsw two scahhoda so lonp v4 1) cromawalks satuss BrvBdway nrn provklsd neur each echool ancJ 2) a wurao uf eiectrtio power is pruvkfocl st thsso croswvolks lcar fulurs llptiUne or for tlphled stgnape. Ptooss carttatat mo if ndQHlonat Inlorrrwtion ftam tf» school nlehict woukl be hAIf-jTt il ~inawey. ?D,v Jkr'rri ta, ufA, ticary Servlc~s • n . Signal Operation - McDonald LOS Impacts Permissive Protected- Split Permitted ~n ~ ~ , _ ` MI• I~ • 3-Lane LOS A - - 4-Lane LOS B - LOS C (existing) Signal Operation - Evergreen LOS Impacts , Permissive Protected- Split Permitted ki(1-1uti~l • 11E1U 1 ,rw ~ 3-Lane - LOS B - 4-Lane - - LOS C (existing) Other Issues • Mai - ~ - Bike lane provides partial . shoulder for mail deliveries. , . • Transit ~ - STA has no fixed bus ~ ,•:.1.: routes on BroadwaY. • Emer9encY Vehic es J .l - Can use TWLTL to pass. , - No waiting for vehicles to merge. Impact on Emergency Vehicles 51'UI(ANE VALLEY FIRC OEPARTMENT ~ SAokane Lbunt~ Ptrc L1bGwt f :W1}EA~;;,nPMUEA1`L.~'.DL1WWLWA9#2G6-?Si5.13.7V1~6-I~!•FMAW IW:Jt:3 ~ Mft tllompmn \ CNW l.1.1 j 31 ~'.1QG Nell KersstEn, pu:;llc :iarF.s Ol(9ctc>r 11707 E. ;praguQ Ave,tiu t: Sune IC:. Jpukan@ VAINy. WA 90206 NiAl Ket9tBn fhs SpoAane vaey ~5 supp,:x;,~e w Utis prof,:,sa3 to reluce ttw nuniber ot lanes on Ur;,adwxY from four to 11tree. Frucr) an enwgeiicy respanse perspectlve, It enhances our alHWy to mcve thrauqh traffic more efiecGvety 3nd safefy. In teavy traific wtth far namarN lanes cars have drMcuttr n rnoving tv Uhs npht 3s they are trylng to merge wtth oUw vehlcles Wrtn just threti r:+dbr tanes, II is easler lor Ihem lo move tu the nghi 1o sfop and we have the option to move to ;hL center Ltno tt, pass it It becomes necessjiy PIi-3s6 IFI u3 kltG'.ti- if we can he of (urther ass+siance un thts miFortan: 1551KI I':11~,{ T!IVIl1F50(1 ~ Questions? . ~ y CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 13, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report Opending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading, Proposed Ordinance 06-014 Amending 2006 Budget GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law requires a public hearing and an amendment to our budget when the City expects to exceed annual appropriations. Previous Council Action Taken: The City budget for 2006 was adopted in November 2005. The City Council considered. amendments to the 2006 budget at the May ' 16 and May 23 meetings. A first reading of the proposed Ordinance was considered on May 23. A public hearing was held on IVlay 23. . BACKGROUND: ~ The following amendments are needed to comply with state law. 1) transfer of $2,105,000 to the Service Level Reserve Fund to maintain operating service levels during reduced economic activity; 2) adjust revenue sources to anticipated fevels; 3) update the budget for programs and projects carried over from prior years; 4) increase appropriations for contracted services; 5) authorize additional appropriations related to the bond proceeds; 6) authorize temporary assistance for Community Development; A more detailed listing of the proposed budget amendments is attached as Exhibit A. OPTIONS: Options include passing the ordinance or not passing the ordinance. Passing the ordinance will keep the City within state law. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance 06-014. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Passage of the 2006 amended budget ordinance will provide spending authority to move ahead with these programs. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director Jason Faulkner, Accountant/Budget Analyst CITY OF SPOKA3VE VALLEY SPOKAi~tE Cnl.TN'I'Y, N'VASHLNGTON 0 OR.I)IIYANCE NO. 06-014 A.iN nRDI\TA~\TCE ANIE1V1)ING ORDINAi\iCE NO. 05-029 PASSED BY THE CITY COU\`Cl:L ON nTOVEMBER 15, 2005 AND ENTITLED "AN ORDINA~\TCE OF Tkl.l!, CI`CY OF SPOKANT VtiLLEY, SPOKEINT -COUN"I"Y, WASHINGTON, AriOP'fP(G A BUDGFT FOR THE FFR.IQll OF JANUARY l., 2006 THROUGH ATCrM13ER 31, 2006 ~ APPROPRIATING FiI\iDS, FSTABLISHLNG FU1jAS. AiNTI) ESTABLISHING SA.I..AC2Y SCHEDULES FOIt ESTABLISHED POS.ITIQNS." WHER.EAS, subsequent co the adoption of the annual budget, it has become necessary to make changes by adding new revenue apprnpriations, amendments, and transferring funds in order to praperly perform various City functions, services and activities; Wk1TR.k;AS, the budget changes set forth in this Ordinancc could not have been reasanably aneicipated or known when the annual budget was passed by the City Council; and WHE•RGAS, the City Council has detcrmined that the best interests of the City are served by amending die aclopted budget to reflect anticipated revenue, expenditures, fund balances, and appropriating same as set; t'orth hcrein. NOW THEI2EFO.RE, The City Cauncil of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington do ordain as follows: ' O Section 1. Amended Revenues. Ordinance No. 05-029, as adopted or arnended, adopted a budget for the riwelve months ending December 31, 2006. Each iteiii, revenue, appropriation; and fund are hereby amended as follows. A, General Fund of the 2006 budget is amended to include $940,000 representing carryovcr fund balance from 2005. Sales Tax receipts are inereased $1,400,000, gambling taxes are increased $100,000, fines and forfeitures are decreased $100;000, service fees are increased by $85,000, and investment earnings are increased by $100,000 for a toCal increase in fund revenues of $2,525,000. B. Street 13ond Capital Projects Fund of thc 2006 budget is amended to provide fnr an additional appropriation in the amount of $300,000 funded through carried over unreslTicted Pund balance. C. Barker 13ridge }2.econsn-uction Fund revenues of the 2006 budget are amended to provide tor an additional $332,400 funded through Federal Grant procecds. D. Street Operating .C'und of the 2006 budget is amended to include grant receipu to pay for flashing schqol •r_one warning lights in the amount of $35,600. For purposcs of these budget amendments, Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference as set forth in full. . n/ Ordinance 06-014 A.rnending 2006 l3udgei • Page 1 of 3 ItcvEvtEs: FUND FUND ORIGINAL BUDGEi`ED ENDING NUMBER NAME REVENUES AMENDtJIENTS REVENUES " .J 001 GENERAL $ 29,885,641 $ 2,525,000 $ 32,410,641 101 STREET $ 4,131,258 $ 35,600 S 4,166,856 102 ARTERIAL ST. $ 568,655 $ - s 568,655 103 TRAILS/PATHS $ 23,053 $ - $ 23,053 105 HOTEUMOTEL S 400,667 $ - $ 400,667 , 204 DEBT SERVICE $ • 600,000 $ - $ 600,000 301 CAPITAL PROJ. $ 1,210,000 $ - $ 1,210,000 302 SPEC. CAP. PRJ $ 1,070,713 $ - $ 1,070,713 303 STREET CAP PRJ $ 8,385,843 5 - $ 8,385,843 304 MIRABEAU PT $ 783,205 $ - s 783,205 345 STREET BOND PRJ $ 902,460 $ 300,000 $ 1,202,460 306 COM DEV BLK GRNT $ - $ _ $ _ 307 CAP. GRANTS $ 8,211,000 $ - 8,211,0()0 308 BARKER BRDGE FED $ 558,000 $ 332,400 $ 880,400 309 PARKS CAP. PRJ $ 1,300,000 $ - $ 1,300,000 310 CIVIC BUII.DING $ 1,100,000 s - $ 1,100,000 120 CENTERPLACE OP. $ 300,000 $ - $ 300,000 121 SERVICE LEV. STAB S 1,000,1300 $ - $ 11000,000 122 WINTER WEATHER $ 500,000 $ - $ 500,00() 402 STORMWATER $ 1,621,534 $ - $ 1,621,534 501 EQUIP REPL & RES $ 693,257 $ - $ 693,257 502 RISK MGMT $ 189.939 $ - $ 189,939 TOTALS $ 63,435,223 $ 3,193,000 $ 68,628,223 _ Section 2. Erpendit•ures Appropriated. To appropriate the amendments fram the above estimated revenues and beginnina unrestricted fund balanees for each scparate fund, the expenditure appropriations for. the period January 1 through December 31, 2006 are amended as set Forth below. EXPEiNDfTU EZES/APPROPE2.[.ATI0'iNS: FUfVD FUNp 2006 ORIG TOTAL NUMBER NAME APPROPRIATIONS AMENOMENTS APPROPRIATIONS 001 CENERAL $ 29,885,641 $ 2,525,000 $ 32,410,641 101 STREET $ 4,131,258 $ 35,600 $ 4,166,858 102 ARTERIAL ST. $ 568.655 $ - $ 568,655 103 '1'RAILSlPATHS $ 23,053 $ - $ 23,053 105 HOTELlMOTEL $ 400,667 $ - $ 400,667 204 DEBT SERVICE $ 600,000 $ - $ 600,000 301 CAPITAL PROJ. S 1,210,000 $ - $ 1,210,000 302 SPEC. CAP. PRJ S 1,070,713 $ - $ 1,070,713 303 STREET CAP PRJ $ 8,385,843 $ - $ 8,385,843 304 MIRA9EAU PT $ 783,205 $ - $ 783,205 305 STREET BOND PRJ $ 902.460 $ 300,000 $ 1,202,460 306 COPA DEV BLK GRNT $ - $ - $ _ ' 307 CAP. GRANTS $ 8,211,000 $ - $ 8,211,000 308 BARKER BRDGE FEq $ - 558,000 332,400 S 890,400 309 PARKS CAP. PRJ S 1,300,000 $ - $ 1,300,000 310 CIVIC FACILITIES $ 1,100,000 $ - $ 1,100,0a0 120 CENTERPLACE OP. $ 300,000 $ - $ 300,000 121 SERVICE LEV. STAB $ 1,000,000 S - $ 1,000,000 122 WINTER WEATHER $ 500,000 $ - $ 500,000 402 STORMWATER $ 1,621,534 $ - $ 1,621,534 ~ 501 EQUIP REPL & RES $ 693,257 $ - $ 693,257 502 RISK MGMT S 189,939 $ - S 189,939 - TOTALS $ 63,435,223 $ ~ 3,193.000 $ 66.628,223 Qrdinance 06-014 Amending 2006 Budgct Page 2 of 3 Section 3. Street Capital Proiects r'und Established. There is hereby established in the City ~ trcasury a fund l:nown and designat;ed as the "Street Capital Projects Fund" for the purpose of constructina, engineering, purehasing right-of-way and paying for related capital eonstruction costs. . Section 4. Street Bond Canital E'roiects Fund Established. There is hereby established in the City treasury a fund known and designated as the "Street Bond Capital Projects Fund" where street bond sale proceeds shall be deposited until needed for street capital projects. Section 5. Increase in Fositions. The City of Spokane Valley's full timc equivalent positions are increased from 61.$ to 63.8. Section 6. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase oF this Ordinance should be IZeld to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, sueh invaliclity or unconstitutionaliry shall nol affect the validity oe constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause qr phrase of this Ordinance. Section 7. Effective llate. 1'his Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after . publication of dlis Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Aassed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this day of June, 2006. ATTEST: Diana Wilhite, Mayor ~ . Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk APPROVh D AS TO FORiVf: Off ce vf the City Attomey Date of Pub) ication: Effective Date: ~ Ordinance 0&014 Amenciing 2006 Budget Pagc 3 of 3 City of Spokane Valley ( Exhibit A Amendments to 2006 Budget May 2006 REVENUE EXPENDITURE • Fund INCREASE INCREASE Explanation GEHERAL Unrestricted reserves $ 940,000 Transfer to Serv. Level Reserve $ 2,105,000 Ach{evc reserve target level SaleStaX 1,400,000 - IncreaseBncurrentestimate Gambling tax 100,000 - Increasts ro curreni esGmate FineslForfeitures . (1D0,000) - Decrease ro current osumats Service fees 85,000 - Inaease to cvtrcnt osEimaEe Irnestment earnings 100,000 - lnvestmenl inGOmo is incxea9ing Ddobile data terminals for police - 200,000 COUncil authoeined in IaEe OS Cflmmunications grant match - 100,000 councii authorizad in iata os Com. Dev. Temp. Help - 100,000 Councal di9cusston 4-18-fl8 Employee training - 20,000 Plenne0 in OS but heppened in 08 ~ J General Fund Totals S 2,525,000 S 2,525,000 , Street Fund Sahool zone light grant $ 35,600 $ 35,600 Gtont tor tlashing Ughts BOND SALE PROCEEDS Unrestricted reserves 300,000 Street ptojeCts 300,000 To use up band proceada BARKER BRfDGE Federal Grant $ 332,400 Bredge Improv. $ 332,400 To increase co aoos essmaca • GRAND TOTALS--> $ 3,193,000 S 3,193,000 ' Other signi8cant changes which did not require a budget amendment: -PineslMansfield project has been delayed ($3 million reduction) -Bridging the Valley project did not reoeive 'state funding ($2 million reduction). :Budgetamendxc5-1-06 attach A ~ o . AMENDMENTS TO 2006 BUDGET JUNE 13, 2006 GENERAL FUND: • Mobile data terminals $2001000 • Communications grant match $100,000 • Community Dev. temp help $100,000 • Employee training $ 20,000 • Trans to Service Level Stabil. $2,105,000 ~ AMENDMENTS TO 2006 BUDGET, Continued JUNE 13, 2006 Street Bond Proceeds: Street Projects $300,000 . Street Fund School zone light grant $ 35,600 Barker Bridge: Bridge Impravements $332,400 Total $3,193,000 O ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 0 Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 13 June 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report (9 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : First Reading, Proposed Ordinance 06-015 Amending SVMC; Chapter 10.05 Article II. Construction Work and Activity Within Right-of-Way GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Chapter 10.05 Article II. Construction Work and Activity Within Right-of-Way PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Ordinance 03-063, Ordinance 06-005, Master Fee Schedule 2006 BACKGROUND: On 6 December 2005 StafF presented a short PowerPoint presentation concerning the Right of Way Pavement Cut Policy. On 11 April 2006 Staff continued that presentation to Council itemizing the types of changes proposed for Chapter 10.05 Article II Construction Wor1c and Activity Within Right-ofslUay. Council directed Staff to work with our Legal Departmenfi to determine proposed language referenced in that meeting. C) A Public Hearing was held on 8 June 2006 by the Spokane Valley Planning Commission. The amendment to this section of the Municipal Code incorporates that direction and will accomplish three things: 1. Definitively accepts the performance bond that accompanies a Washington Labor and Industries Contractor's License as adequate for small pavement patches. 2. Establishes a time frame for the duration of an Obstruction Permit that accounts for the winter closure of the local asphalt plants. 3. Substitutes standard language into this Article reflecting the City's current method of enforcement for civil violations. The amendments are shown underlined with strikeouts where appropriate in the attached draft copy of SVMC Ordinance No 06-015. • A State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Checklist was completed by Building'Official Scholtens . and a Determination of Non Significance (DNS) was accomplished by Communiry Development Director Sukup. A request for expedited review was forwarded to the Community Trade and Economic Development Department (CTED) and was granted on 23 May 2006. Notice of the DNS and this Public Hearing was published in the legal nodces of Valley News Herald on May 19. The Draft Ordinance has been reviewed and approved by City Legal Department. OPTIONS: 1. Leave current language in SVMC. Move forward with a Second Reading. 02. . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "I move to advance Ordinance 06-015 to a Second Reading.° BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: NIA STAFF CONTACT: Building Official Scholtens i 1 ATTACHMENTS ~-l CTED e-mail DNS Draft Ordinance , ~ , ~~J Page 1 of 1 '--"is Bainbridge ~'M": Tom Schoftens Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 1:38 PM To: Chris Bainbridge From: CTED GMU Review Team [reviewteam@cted.wa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 1:55 PM To: Tom Scholtens ' Cc: Andersen, Davrd (CTED) Subfect: #90316, CITY of Spokane Va!ley, Expedited Revrew Granted, DevRegs Dear Mr. Scholtens: The C/TY of Spokane Valley has been granted expedited review of the proposed amendmenf fo the crty's Right-of-Way regulatrons - establrshing a time lrmit for permits, amending perforrnance bond provisions, and establishing a penalty provision. This proposal was submitted for the required state agency review under RCW 36.70A.106. ,4s of receipt of thls email, the C1TY of Spokane Valrey has met the Growth Management Act notrce to sfate agency requiremenfs rn RCW 36. 70A.106 for this submittal. For the purpase of documentaflon, please keep this email as cor+frrmatlon. !f you have any questions, please contact Pau! Johnson at (360) 725-3048 or by email at paulj@cted.wa.gov. Thank you. CTED Review Team, Growfh Management Services Department of Community Trade and Economic Development P.O. Box 42525 O-'''a WA 98504-2525 25-3000 FAX (360)725-2950 - 6/sr2oo6 City of Spokane Valley . , DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Description of proposal: An ordinance amending SVMC 10.05 Article II Construction Work and Activity within right-of-way. Proponent: Citv of Sqokane Valiev Location of proposal, including street address, if any: This action is considered a non-aroiect action under RCW 43.21 C. Lead agency: Citv of Sookane Vallev. The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. There is no comment period for this DNS. This DNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in section 197-11-355 WAC. There is no further comment period on the DNS. [ X] This DNS is issued under 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date below. Responsible official: Marina Sukup. AICP Position/title: Director of Communitv Develoament Phone: (509) 921-1000 Address: 11707 East Sqraque Avenue. Suite 106: Spokane Vallev. WA 99206 Date May 12, 2006 Sigriature . You may appeal this determination to (name) Marina Sukun at (location) Citv Hall located at 11707 East Spraaue Avenue. Sookane Vallev. WA. no later than June 2, 2006 5:00 p.m. by (method) Written Statement of Appeal . You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact Scott Kuhta, AICP to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. Distribution List: 1. WA State Department of Ecology (Olympia) 2. Spokane County Division of Building and Planning, John Pederson . 3. City Of Spokane, Interim Planning Director Steve Franks 4. City of Liberty Lake, Doug Smith 5. City of Millwood, Heather Cannon 6. City of Spokane Valley Police Department, Cal Walker 7. Spokane County Utilities 8. Carnhope Irrigation District 7 - 9. Consolidated Irrig Dist 19 ) 10. East Spokane Water Dist 1 1 ~ 11. Hutchinson Irrigation Dist #16 12. Irvin Water District #6 13. Model Irrigation Dist #18 14. Orchard Avenue Irrigation Dist 6 15. Spokane Co Water Dist #3 16. Trentwood Irrigation District 3 17. Vera Water & Power 18. Washington Department of Transportation O ~ 2 DRAFT • CITY OF SPOKANT VALLEY , SPOKANE COUriTY, WASH7NGTON pRDT.NANCE NQ. 06-015 AN ORA]NANCE OF THC CITY OF SQOKANE Vr1.LLEY, $I'OKANE COUiNTY, WASffCNGTOIV AMMF;;NDING SECTIONS 10.05.080, 10.05.170, 10.05.180 AND 10.05.210. OF THF, SPOKA~~TE VALLEX MDNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 10.05, RELATC111G TO PERMIT RE(7UIRENCENTS FOIZ CONSTRCTCT'tON WORK AND ACTIVITY WI7.'FUv RIGHT-OF-WAY. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code 10.05 regulating construction and work within the right-of way; and . WHEREAS, in complying with the requirements of its enacted laws and regulations, the City finds &om time tn time thac amenciing its laws is necessary to better protecl the health, safety, welfare of the general public and the environment. NOW, TWFRE FORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, ordains as follows: Sec6on 1. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Sections 10.05.0$0, 10A5.170 and 10.05.180 and 10.05.210 arc hereby amcnded to read as follows: 10.45.080 Obstruction permit require.d. . An obshvction perniit is required of any person who performs construction work or otherwise engages in activity within eacisting or proposed City rights-of-way, streets, easements, or on City - • owned infrastructure. Work done by or for the City within its rights-of-way will not require an obstruction permie, but will be held ta the same standards of performance. In the case nf an cmergcncy, a private or public utility may commcncc work prior to ohtaining aperrnit, provided the person obtains a construction permit within 48 hours after work is commencecl or on the first City business cfay followino said elapsed 48-hour period. Obstruct:ion Permit.s issued bctweerf flDri) l. and Sentember 30 are valid for 30 davs after the date af issuance. with a ane-time 34 dav extension available. Obstniction Pernlits issued between October 1 and March 3l shall be valid unlil the Pulluwing Anril 30. ' 10.05.170 Bond. ror the purpose of providing for the completion of the work or othenvise restoring the right-of- ~ way to City standards, the applicant shall post a perfarmance bond with the dirrctor eit~' e!eFk. The bond shall be: (1) issued by a surety licensed to do business in the state of Washington anci (2) in an amou.nt equal to 100 percent of the estimated cosC of the work (or other reasonable measure of value) solely determined by the director. IFthe improvements have not bccn ximcly or satisfactorily completed, the director shall give notice of the sane to permittee. The notice shall state: (1) the work to be done; (2) the time to complete the work which shall not exceed 30 days; and , (3) that if the wnrk is not cQmmenced and completed within the time a1loCted, the City will cause the work to be completeci and use the bond proeeeds to pay for the same. A11 Ordinance 46-015 Permit Requirements Nithin Right-of-way Page 1 of 2 DRAFT ~ eosts in excess of the bond proceeds may be recovered through appropriate 1ega1 action by the city attorney. A bond may be waived where proof of self-insurance is provided. The director is authorized to reduce the amount of the bond where good causc exists. The nerformance bond reauirEd bv the Stste of `Vashineton Contractor's License arauited bv the «'ashinp-ton State Deuarhnent of Labor and Industries shall suffice foe pavement patch work for oroiccts un tti) and includine 300 sputtre feet. 10.05.180 Iosurance - Evidence. The permittee, prior to the commencement of constniction hereunder, shall funiish the director satisfactory evidence in writing that the pcrmittec has in force during the performance of the construction work or activity, automobile liabilitv insurance coverinLy all vehicles used in relation t:o the nermit with a minimtmi combined sinele limit f'or bodilv iniurv and proqerlN, ctamaue of $ I,000.000 ner accident, co .mmercial gcneral liability insiirance of not less than $1,000;000 per occurrence and $-1-2 000,000 general aggregate duly issued by an insurance company -aul.horizecl to do business in this state. Jn addilion, anv such h.he-policyies shall name the City as an additional named insured. The director may reduce the insurance limits if good cause exists. ' 10.05.210 Violation - Pcnalties. Any-p.eFse~ie~a~:~~-E!~ sivil . , ' 'alaEieFl-sLafcN-be-seffsider~ed e-SepEtrate-e.I.erise4grd-6~? ; 1c,-„? „r,Tnn':= In the event of a violation of SVMC 10.05.070 - 10.05.210. the dirECtnr shall utili.ze the enforcement ornvisions contained in SVViC 10.30.150. et sep., a.5 adonted or hereafter amended. Section 2. Severabilitv. If any section, subsection, sentence or clause of diis chapter is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the valiciity of the remaining provisions of this chapter. Section 3. Effect:ive clate. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinvice or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspiiper of the City as providcd by law. Passed on this day of July, 2006. A"fT'GST: Mayor, Diana Wilhite City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge - Approved As Tc► Form: O Office of the City Attomey Uate of Publication: EffecCive llate: . Ordinanec 06-015 Permit Requirements Within Right-of-way Page 2 of 2 ~ C.['Z`X OF SPOKAi~tE VA:L:LEY Request for Council Action Neeting Date: June 13, 2006 City iYfqnager Sign-off: Item: C6eck all that appty: ❑ consent ❑ old business X new business ❑ public hearing i.nformation admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGCNDA 1TEM TITLE: First Rcading, Proposed Ordinance 06-016 Time Warnee Franchise . GUVElLYING LEGISI.ATIQN: RCW 35A.47.040 Y171+:VIOUS COUNCTL ACTION TAI{EN: Presented to the Council as an information only itein on May 23, 2006. Sludy session item June 6, 2006. BACKGROUND: Staff was contacted in 2005 by Time-VJarncr 1 elccom of Waslungton (Time- Warner) about negotiating a franchise agrecment whereby Time-Warner could place fibcr optic cable in the City right-of-way (RONV). In the course of the negotiations, I had numerous discussions with the staff attoniey about different provisions in the proposed franchise agreement I sent them. The drafl I sent was, in ~ essence, a copy o£ what had been adopted for OneEighty, Columbia and EM_AN NEtworks. Based on our discussions, I took a very close look at the language. Based on somc comments by Time-Wamer's attorney, and based in part on my own analysis, there are some proposcd changes to what staff has previously Presented to you as the form fiber franchise agreement. To avoid conFusion, Iwill idcntify each substantive change and explain in summary fashion why staff is suggesting a change is warranted. Section 4- Subsection 1- The primary cbange would be a reduction in rescrvcd capacity from four dark strands (two pair) to two strands for use by the City wherever needecl for use by the City where it passes a City facility for public purposes. The reasqn for the reduction is that twn strands would provide a tremendous sunount of bandw-idth for the City, most likely more than it would need within the life of the franchise. Purthermorc, having the reserved bandwidth coinmitted to the City means that a fber company Nvould not be able to use it for fnancial purposes. Sectiou 4- Subsection 3- Federal law prohibits municipalitics from requiruig franchising businesses to provide things to the municipality that arc unrelatcd to the management of the ROW. Thc other attorney originally objected to the requirement of four fibers at a rate substantially below their market rate. Based on some mutual consiaerations, such as the ' reduction in the number of fibers, and a tentative agreement that at such time as Time-Wacner exhausts all othcr capacity Nvithin the fiber bundle that the City may be accessing that the City , will increase its payment rate to the market rate, we werE able to tentatively resolve the issue. If implemented, this would represent a tuuque tertn for Time-Watner in all of the franchises it has f~ across the country. Part of the reason they were vvilling to look at doing this is the potcntial impact ihrough use on their systcm. It Nvas important for thetn that the City does not have any utilities such as water or sewer, does not have its own fire department, does not have schools, and does not have its oAm police. Based on these factors, Time-Wamcr detcrmined that any system thcy construct in Spokane Valley would not be heavily impacted by our use. Another critieal factor was that the City not use the fibers, or allow anyone else to use the fibers granted _ to the City, for any service that would compEte with Time-Warner. Section 7- I7CW 35.99 provides some rulcs for what cities can and cannot require fYOm franchisees. This reference occurs several more times, and the explanation will not he repeated. Section 11, second paragraph - NVhen Tune-NVarner requested this, 1 could not come up with a compelling reason against the change. Section 13 - The City changed soine of its regulations regarding use of the ROW since the f.ust fiber franchises were adopted, and this language most accurately reflects what the City • wants to see happen, which is that the franchisee follow our currently adopted codes to fix acry problem. Section 26 - There are several changes in this section. Most represent sotne attempt at clarifying ehe rights and responsibilities of the parties. The last sentEnce includes a statement that franchisee will indemnify the Cily for any pollution damagc resultuig from hazardous substances, but only as locig as any applicable statute of limitations. I thinlc that is reasonablc, since the City would not face any liability after the espiration of any statute oF lunitations anyway. Section 30 - It seemed reasonable to strike this provision since we are generally only concerned with Exisling structures. Further dowm Section 30, we retain the right to requcst "potential improvement plans" if we think Nve will actually necd them. Section 31 - This change makes the fYanchise language consistent with our currently adopted provisions rcgarding excavation, and will be flexible for future changes in those regulations. Section 35 - Tlus change reflects a recognition that it may take a franchisee some time to plan for, and execute, a change in location of facilities in the event of a street vacation. This is likely to be a moot point, as the City grants street vacations subject to any existing property right, which would include a franehise. Section 36 - This change represents the more eommon view of how potentiFtl liability may be apportioned as betwcen two similarly-situated parties. Section 37 - The revised lan;uage for insurance liabilily reflects updaled language that Washington Cities Instuazice Authority (`VCIA), the City's insurer, recently requested go into contracts entered inlo by the City. - Section 38 - This language reflccts a recognition that it gets expensive for an entity to continually obtain bonds to work in the ROW each time it wants to do a project. This would - ensure ttiat an appropriate bond is available for the life of the franchise to cover any non- performanee by the franchisee. It provides a higher level of insurance for the City, and is less expensive for thc franchisee. I he City will also have the option to requirc a larger bond in the unlikely event of a project that could have a repair requirement highEr than $25,000. Section 40 - Tlus rcpresents a desire by Tixne-Warner that the eaisting provisions apply to both parl:ies eyually. In its most basie form, this section statcs that each party will comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws ihat may apply to the franchise, and that the , franchise can conform to changes in those laws. This reflects a requirement in federal law on telecommunications franchising. ~J Section 42 - This change could be argucd as being more reasonable from the standpoint ~ of commercial reality. It also reflects language that providcs adequate protection for the City. Scction 52 - This reflects a rcquirement existing in FedEral telecommunications law that a . municipaliry not agrec to terms with vne franchisee that are materially different than those agreed to with another franclusee. Timc-Wanier refers to this as a"most favored nation" clause, as did the City at various times three ycars ago in contract discussions. Again, this is a restatement of a Federal requirement and appcars reasonable. IJ'approved, this will have .sPill-over effect on the other three fiber franchises in lhat will need to he amended to conform to these changes. 1 think tltis cun be accomplished by submitting an addendum to the Council far consideratian and approvul to Columbiu, OneEighly und EMAN providing all of the.se changes. 1 would notify each of the three ahead of time of the potential change.s. If these changes are approved by the Council, each of those three ivould be brought fonvard separutely, but likely at the same meeting. Fuch francliisee would theri need to agree in wriling to the charrgetl conditions. OPTION5: Recommend changes to thc proposed ciraft Tinie-Warncr franchise. RECUMNIENDED ACTION UR iVIOTION: "I move that we advance Ordinance 06-016 to a second reading at a subsequent meeting." C) BUllGET/FTNANCIAI, IATPACTS: None ' STANyF CONTACT: Cary P. Tariskcll, lleputy City Attorney ATTACFliv1ENTS: Proposed redline version of Time-Wa,rner franchise. . ~ . DRAFT Proposed Tune-Warner frwchise - C. Driskell • O . CTTY OF SPOKAr VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, R'ASHINGTON pRDINATjCE NO. 06-016 AN ORDhNANCE OF THE CITY OF Sl'OKANE VA.LLEY, SPOKANT COIJNTY, `VASHINGTQN, GRANT1n7G A NON-EXLiJSIVE FRANCHISE TO TIME WARNFR TELFCOM OF WASHInGTON LLC, TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN Al C)YER.ATE CERTAliY FACILtTIES WITHIN THE Pi1BLIC RIGI3TS-OF-WAY AND FUBLYC PRpPERTIES OF THE CITY QF SPOK,ANE VAGLEY. NVIIEREAS, RC~~J 35A.47.040 aulhorizes the Cit), to grant; permit, and regulate non- exclusivc frauchises for the use of public streets, bridges or otber public xvays, structures or places above or below the surface of the Qround for railroads and other routes and facilities for public conveyances, for poles, conduits; tunnel.s, towers and structures; pipes and wires and appurtenances ttiereoF for transmission and distribution of electrical energy, sigiials and other methods of commui-licdtion, fnr gas, steam and liquid fuels, for water, sewer and other private and publicly owned and opcrated facilities for public service; and WHER.EAS, the grant of such non-eaclusive franchises requires the approvi.na vote of at least a majority of the enti.re Cit), Council aud publication at least once in a newspapcr of ge.neral circulation in the City; and 0 WHER.EAS, the Council finds that the grant of the franchise contained in tlus Ordinance, subject to its terms and conditions, is in the best intcrests of the public. NQW; THFREFORF, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, does ordain as follows: Scction 1. Defin.itions. For the purpose of ttus Ordinance, the follovving words and ternis shall have the meaning set forth below: 1. "City Manager" nieaus the City Manager or designee. 2. "construction" or "construcY' shall mean censtructing, digging, eacavating, laying, testing, operatinD, extending, upgradulg, renewing, removing, replacing; and repairing a facility. 3. "day" me,ans a twcnty-four (24) hour pcriod beginning at 12:01 a.m. If a thing or act is to be done in less tban scven (7) days, intermediate Saturdays, Sundays anci legal holidays shall be excluded in the computatian of time. 4. "distribution system, system and lincs" used either in the singular ~ or plural sball mcan anci include the poles, conductor, pipe, mai.as, laterals, conduits, feeders, reb lators, meters, fi.Ytures, con.neclions, and dll Ordinacnc 06-016 Timc Wsrner Pagc 1 of 20 DFtAFT Proposed Time-Wdmer franchjse - C. Driskell attach.ments, appurtenances equipment and appliances necessary• and - incidental thereto or in any way appertaining to the distribution o£ the , service or product and which are located wittun a right-of-way. 5. "facility" used either in the singular or plural shall meau any tangible component of the transmission and dislribution system Arithin the right of way or on public property, including supportino structures, located in the operation of activides authorized by this rranchise. The abandonment by Grantee of any facilities as defuled herein shall not aet to remove the same from tlus definition. 6. "hazardous substances" shall mean any substance or material defined or designated as hazardous or toxic waste, hazardous or toxic matcrial, a har.araous, toxic or radioactive substance, or other similar terui, . by any f•ederal, state or local cnvironmental statute, regulation, or ordinance or decision of a state or federal eourt or ddmin.istrative agency or body, presently in effect or that may be promulgaied in the future, and as such statutes; regulations and ordinances may be amevded from time to time. 7. "maintenance, maintain.ing or maintain" shall mean the work involved in thc replacement andlor repair of Facilities; includi.ng constructing, relayi.ng, repairing, replacine, eaamining, tesling, inspecting, removing, diggi.ng and excavatinQ and restoring operations incidental ~ thereto. 8. "Permittee" shall mean a person or entily Nvho has been grantcd a permit by the Permitting Authority. 9. "Pernutti.ng Authority" shall mean tJ1e City. Manager or designee authorizeci to process and grant pcrmits required to perform work in tlie rights-of-way (ie. Obstruction Pcrnuts). 10. "preduct" shall refer to the item, thing or use pravided by the GranteE. 11. "public propery' shall mean any real estate ar any facility owned by the City. 12. "Public Works Dirwtor" shall mean the Sgokane Valley Public PJorks Director or his/her designee. 13. "right-of-way" shall refer to the surface of and the space along, above, and below any street, road, highway,'frceway; lane, sidev,,alk, alley, court, boulevard, parkway, drivc, Grantee easement, and/ar road right-of- Nvay uow or hereaftcr held or administered by the City. , Ordinacnc 06-016 Time Wamer Page 2 of 20 !)KAFT Proposed 1'imz-Warr.rr iram}li5e C. Drisi.cll 14. "streeti" c,r "highways" ;hall mesn the suriace ui; and the space above anci beluw, any public street, road, alley or highway, within the City used or intende,d to be usei by the general public, to the exient the City has the right to allow the Grantcc to use them. Scction 2. Grant of FranchiSe. The City of Spokane Vallcy, a Washingtan municipal corporation (hereinafler the "City"), hereby grants unto Time Wamer 1'elec;om of Washington LLG, a Dc;lawwe limitod linbility company doing business in Washingtan (hereinafter "Grsntet"), a franchise for a pericxd of ten (10) years, beginning on the effcctive date of this Urd'uLance, to install, canstruct, aperate, maintain, replace and iue all neces.sary cquipment ancl facilities to place facilities in, under, on, across, or•er, through, along or below the public rights- af-«ay and public placcs locatrd in the City of Spokane Valley, as approvrd undcr City permits issued piusuant to this franchise (heminafter the "Franchise"). Section 3. I=ee. tio right-of way use fee is imposed for the ct-rm of chis Franchise. Any such riglit-of-way use or Cranchise fee that mav be imposed by subsi:quent ardinnnc;e would ply tn any suhsequent Cranchise, if any, behveen the; pnrties. ap Seetion 4. C'itv l i~e. The follo«ing pmvisians shall apply regarding City use- ~ • ,i li` ~ ' 'C ,l: I''.i_i^. i~'~. :•t,; : ttftien kkafion nass-e.i bv Gr.~nt~~c:'s iqctl~i~es «ithin the baundasies c~f tlx; C'in= r sole and exclu=ive municipal use oi desistnaiior~ ~4ith arcc~-s to anv ~uilding c.~r facilitv .ircianaiei hyr[he Citv. Subie-v to the rnvisions of Rgra2.raph 3 below os Sectipn 4• ~Aid dark fi T a11 Lx re~en-ed fur use bv the Citv fcr LovernmentaI purouses. }ZOVIDFD, that a.s to the fiber resourccs rarranted to the Cin• under the lenns of thi. provision. the Cit~,~rees tliat it liI nat usc such tilxr ns a nublic utility nm«dcr of lrcommunicbtions bu-gincss -wni• t~r the_public. Thr Citv rrsen•es the right to caiuirct txva dazk Blxt svancis to other fibcr_neriwark ntv%-iders. with the goal of achievins 1:..;~i cottn-rtivit~~ t~,r Citv gurposc's, C= 4) s , ~a c. • i-~v+.i.•~ rrvia~~. r-r'r ~ .•~issre=Ts'f;r'i-f . . ~ City. M. . . • 3~1Ag-{~f-fi$$l£ ~-:the-Fity--f;c3t eaventmentW . PROVIDPE). ..'-grmt~ -iti--@-pub • I . the g .;,i_'°' 11. !l,.~ y a1 ,zf ,..,{,:e .~enno. , • 4~,-iOf Cify PUFPtlil"'.: ( 2. "I'he Gity shall have the right to acress by connection to the t%%u &--tuf daric tiber strands at any location served by diis I'ranchise withui the City limits. The Gity ,hall provide at least 30 ciays written natice of intent to access Grantee's scrvice. 1),:iSnjcr7c iin-(iloTiiise N'aruu Page 3 uf'~1 hRAl- ] NroE+osrd iimc-µ'amcrtranchisr C. Driskcll 'l'he Ciiv sliall pav all costs asscx.iated with consiructing any Cit` connection to Grantee's Franchist; service. 'I'he City shall pay Gmntee a recurrinr montlily charge of $20.00 per fiber pair per mile in usc by lhe City unless othenwise specifically agrccd by both the part.ies in w1-iting. Said monthly recurring charge shall noc bc im}wscd until such time as the fiber is put into use by City. A fiber pair refers to twu strancis ot cable. At ;;urh tilne thatant~~ runs out o1 CBIfaCi11' 1Il LhL' !-L:-~Tt \ii.i~?1 : W;, reserved fhcr P3it i~ cor!ainitl_ ihen thc Citv :h:iil - i. LLI151`_•~CIi~ 14I1I1 ~L `.~•I1111'd;~111 I1. 83. la',\ti 11j '000. stCLll?Il 1t ;Ul'fl L1I]1C hen (irantee is wnstructzng, reluc:ating, ur placing ducts or wnduiu in public rights-of - way, the Public Works Directar may require Grantee to provide the City %tiith ac3ditional duct or r,onduit and relatecl structures necessary to access the conduii al mutualhcunvenient locatian.s. My durls or canduits rrovided hy Grantee under this Scrticm sha11 unly txx usel fur City municipal purpases. A. The City shall nc►t require th.it the :ddition :l duct t1r ctindLiit sp,ice he clli]IIeCIeki 1O the :iCcC;;ti tiiRlctl;ftti 311iI \'i111I1s oj (})Z (i[';~Iltec. B. l his :ection shall not affect tlie proo,i~ion oi :I,i instituticInal ❑etwork by a cabfe television provider wider fcderal la« . C. Gmntce shall notify tlic Public Wurlcs Dircctor at least Ia days priur to opcnin~ a tmnch 3t any Itxatiott tt) allow thc City to cxcrzisc its options as providcd heniri. SeCt70D 5. ReCtl%t°(v tsf Cc)i[5. (if:iliiCC aIl;.ill t?i SUbjCI'l iL) 1ll pCllTlll t~iti ;t-sSoC]llitd with acti-vities undert.ake❑ through the authority granted in this F=ranchise or under ordinances c>t' the Ciry. Where thc City incurs costs and expenses for review or inspec;tion of activiti« undertal:en through the authority ganted in this Franchise or any ordinances relnting to the subject for which a permit fce is not estabLished, Grantee shall pay such costs and expcnscs- dirz.~ctly to thr City. ln additi.,n ta the abovc, Grantee shall promptly reimburse the City for any 3nd nll custs it reasonably incurs in response tn any emergency involving Grttntee's fncilities. Section b_ Nan-EKClusivitv. This Fr~dnchise is granted upon the exprrss cunditicvn that ii shall not un any manner prevent the City frum granting other or furtber franchises irl. under, on, as:ross, ovcr, through, along or bclow any rights-af-way, str~.~ts, avcnues and an~ other public lands and properties of every type and de.~sc:ription. This and other franchises shali, in no wsy, prevent or prohibit tl2c City from using any uf its riglits-of-way, rosds, strects or other puhlic properiizs or afiect its jurisdictiun over them or any part of them. The City hereby retains full power to make all changes, relocations, repairs, maintenance, establishmenLi, improvements, dedications or vacation of same as the City may deem fit, including the dedicarion. estnblishment, maintcnance, and improvement of all new rights-of-,va}-, stmets, a%•enucs. ihorouglifares anci othc;r publie properties of every typc and description. O:dII7SLIIL' 06-016 iiiu.. W.l:r_r I'a2: S -.?t 20 DRAf= F f'ruposai 1 imc-W:irnrr franchi:c C. Driskell 'eetio 7 Non-(nterference with ExistinE Facilitic;. 'l'he C:it} shall have prior and superior right to the usr, of its road.s, simets, and alleys, and public praperties for instultaiion and maintenance of its facilities and other govemmental purposes, and should in the solc discretion uf the City a conflict arisc w-ith ttie Grantce's facilities, the Grantee shall, ai its own erpcnsc and ccist, conform to the City's facilities and other govcrmnent pwposes of the City, unlrss RCW 060 orovidcs other\~ iy:. The owmers of all ulilities, public or priv8te, installcd in or on such public properties prior to tlie installalion of the lines and f'acilities of the Grantee, shall have prefercnce as to the pusitioning and location af such utilities so installed widi respect to the Grantee. Such preference shall continue in the event of the neccssity of relocating or changing the grade of uny such public propcrtics. Grantee's system shall te constructed and maintaineci in such manner as not to interfere witli any puhiic use, or with riny other pipes, wins, conduits or othcr f8cilities that may hsve h►e.~en laid in the rights-of-way by or under the City's authority. SecHon S. RiQht to Ronds Not SuDerseded. 1fie City, in the granting of this Fr.inchise, does not w•aivc any rights which it now Izalds or may herea.fter acquire, and this Franchise shall not be ccrostrued so as to deprive the City of any pow•ers, rights, or privilegrs which it now has, or may hereafter acquire, including the right of eminent domain, to regulste the use and conirol of its tvads covered by this 1 ranchise, or to go upon arty And aIl City roads and highways for any purpose including constructing, repairing, or improving the samc in any such manner as the City, or its representaiives may elect_ The City shall rctain full authoritative powcr in the sanc nnd like manner as though this Franchise had never been granted. Nnlhing in this Franchise shall be eonstrucd to prcvent the Gity from constructing facilities, grading, paving, repairing andlor altering any street, or 18ying down, rcpairing or removing faCilities or constructing or estgblishing any other public work or improvement All such work shall br done, insofar as practicable, so as to not obsiruct, injure or pre<<ent the uirestricted use and opersrion of tlie facilities of the Grantee under this I7ranchise. If, howcver, .iny of the Grantee's facilitirs inlerfrce %vith City projects, Grantec's fecilities shall be removcd or replaced unvn rea..~onablc %%rittrn nc,eice to GraritL-r. Any and all such removnl or rcplacement shall be at the sole expc.~nsc; of the Grante.~c:_ u;ilc-sy It('«' 35.q`i.00) ~rotiidts ~1thrnVi5r. Should Grantee fail tn remove, adjust ur relocate its facilities by the c3nie estahlishcd by the Public ~Works Dicectar's w--itten notice tu Grantee .:nd in accord 'inct %%iih RC 1599_060. the City may cause nndJor effect such removal, adjustment or relocation, and the expnw thercof shall be paid by Grantre. Section 9. Cammencement of Construcdon. Construrtian of the facilities contemplated hy this Franchise inay catnmence within five (5) days of the effective datc of this Ordinance, pro%ided tluit such time linvt sball nat apply to delays caused by acts of God, strike or other occutrences over which Grantee has no conirol. Failun: to begin constructioa of facilities .vithin one (1) ycar of this frannchise shall autamatically result in teanination of this franchise. Section 10. Construction Standards. All facilitics shall bc instaUcd in confarniity «7th thr plans ai:d specitirations tiled ~%ith the ('ity. cxccpt in instances in «hich dz~iation ma} hc iirJ;n::cnc u(,-iilh t~ic 1X .aii.r i'a~c Sk-l:U DRAFT Prop<rsed l'imc-Warncr franchi:c C. C)riskell allowed in «-riting by the Public Works Direccor pursuant to applii:ation by the Grantee. All pL3ns aad specifications shall specify the class and type of material and eyuipment to be used. manuer of excavation, construction and instxllaiion, biackfill, erection of temporary structures. erection of permanent swctures, and the traffic control mitigation measums as provided by thr Manual on tlniform Traftic Control Devices, or similar standards as may be; appGcahle from time ta time. The plans mu.st meet all Fedcral, 5tate, County and City Codes and the Utilit~ Acc«mnioc,fation Plan Standards. Notw•ithstanding any Pnnision herein tu ihe cuntrary, any excavations and insWlatiuns by the Granioe in any of the pubiic pmperties wit.hin the corporute linaits of thc City ahall he done in accaniance with such reasanable rules, regulations, and resolutions of general application now enacted or tn be enacted by City Council, relating to excavations in puhlic pmperties of the City, and authorized by the t'uhlic Works Director. Said rules, regulatiun,4. authorizations, and rcsvluqons shall be ['or the purposes of fulfilling the City's puhlic trusire role in administering the primary use and purposz of public properties, and not for relieNzng the Graniee of any duty, obligation, or responsibility for the compc:tent design, construcrion. nzaintenance, and operation of its facilities. Grantee is respansible for the suFervision, condit;o:i. and quality of the work done, whether it is by iLself or by cantractors, assigns or agcncies. Sectioa 11. Snecial Cpnstruction Standards. During any geriod of work relatin;, t<< (;rantec's facilities, all surface structures and equipment, if any, shall be crectcd tind ustxi in surh placcs ancl pasitions witlun or adjacent tu public rights-of-way and other public pmperiies su a, to interfere as little a.s passible with the free passage of vehicular and pedestrian trafiic and tht: Ge,c use of adjoi.ni.ng propc:rty. Grantee shall, at all times, post and maintain pmper barricade> and comply w•ith all applicable safety regulatians dwing such periad of construction as re-Lluired by the ordintinces of thc City, conditions of permits, and laws and regulatiuns of the State c>f' Washington, sfxcitically including RC W;9.04.180 for thc cunstivctian of trcnch safety system,~. If Grantec; Shall at any time lie requircd, or plan, to cxc;avate trenches in any area covered hy this (?rdinance, the Grantee shall -affucd the ('ity an opportunity tb permit other franchisecy and utilities to share such excavaied trenches, nrovided that: (1) such joint use shalt not unreasona6ly delay ttie work of thc GrauteL; and (2) such jaint use shall not adverseiy affect Grantee's facilities or safety chcreof. Wiwn~~x~- . , ;he •.-1oint user: .~ill ~C~IL?'~j C.'•i'.•.rihll~~ Ti] T}le l'(~515 of t'xC3\:it1oil 3IlCj f17it-C-1`I Scceion 12. Rcstotatian Afler (_'onstructinn. Grantee sha1L aficr abandanmc:ni approved under Section 29 herein, or any other installation, cunswction, rclocxtion. maintenance, or repair of facilities within the area of this Franchise, restore the surface of the right-of-way or public property to at least the currently adopted City staudsnis or as required hy the Public WQrks Director through a right-of-way permit, depending upon special circumstances. Grantec agrees to promptly complctc all restoration work tmd to prumptly repair any damage caused by such work within the area of this Franchise or other affectcd ara at its sole cost and cxpense. On,inacnclK7-(iil; DR.1Ff' Pmpa:.e;i Timc-Warner trd►chi,~e -C. DrisG:rll Srctiua 13, DainaCeand Non-Cumplicncr. J~ r ~ ,:,i ('it~r~;,ht-:if-ua~•. City faciliti~. or an~• portion therec~Cin the construction_ oj?ff~ ur rcr)sir af Grantee's facilities shall be immediaielv re[aitcd and ~.;,~,:itv erdinancr. reuulaiiQn or Q~'ryas adopted on ccretay amendej. .'.-z , . . 1 . • . . . , :;ui} - , - -r. . Gvfefitte . . . er- i3i'ilts!t"";-th!'-5ame -na-~~: *t-U _ :.=~t+~-~fL}~iP~-?:~~,;?~•~-{-'-~?ir-=~'.. _ _ . ,i _ . t . _ ` . . . .S i=•iLle y believes fteesswy te Fer-stere the fight--O~i 1-•,-4 • ♦ the ~ ~ . ~iJ - _ fiehtnd ~tz-t~f?c~-WY£~ ?~ti'*-~`r=.~I?:'.~2}4~ !..~s~ci~~5--~~ ::_ti P - , - • . _ Sectian 14. I'rc>tectiun of 11onutncnts. I3ctore an} «ork is rvrti>rmcd under ttiis I=mnchise which may affec:t any existing mnnuments or m:irkers of any nt;tute relating to subdivisions, plats, roads, and all other surveys, the Grantee shull rcference all such monuments and markers. 'lbe refemnce points shall be sa located that ehey will not be discurbeci dwing the Grantee's operations under this Franchisc. 1-he method of rzfen•rning these monumrnts or othrr points to be refercnced stuill be approved by the Public WoT1cs Director Ali conercte enmwd rrcorded monuments which have been disturbed or displaced by such work shall be restored pursuflnt W State and Fecteral standants and specifications. The replacement of all such munuments or markers disturbed during coiLStruction shall be made as expeditious{y as the conditions permit, and as d.irected by the Publie Warks Dimctor. The cost of munumenis or uther markers lost, destroyed, or disturbed, and the expcnse of replxcement of approved nionuments and other marker tirs which have becn rC-established or disturix,d shnll bc; bornc by the Grantcc. tiection M Urainave. lf the work done undcr this Fr:incluse intecferes in any xvny with the dr:unare of a City right-of-wdy. the Grantee shall whully and at its oHn e!cpense mal:e such pro,.isiuns neressary tu climinstc dic intcrferencc to the drainagc to the satisfsction of tlse L'iiblii: «'orks L)irector. Seetioa 16, Ohstructiun I'ermit, KeOuired_ Whcnever (lrailtee shsll occupy t}r cxcmstc in any public riE;ht-af-way or other public prvperty for the purpose of installation, cunswctiUn, mpair, maintcnance or retocation of its fucilities, it shall apply to the City far a fvmiit to do sn, togcther with detailzci plans and specifications showing the posiliun, depth, and Iocation of all such facilities in relation to existing rights-at=way, roac~ti, stnects, or othcr public rroExrty, hcreinafter rollrctivcly r-cfcrnd to as the "f'Ians." All Nvork vvithin any puhlic riehts- 0fjiR3('!iC ll!i-ilt(i le111C W:lli:li P.li:C 7 uf 20 l)fL•\FI' Pmroscd 1'imc-Wnrner franchik C. (iriskell of-way or cm other publit pre,pxrty shall he pursuant tu a%alid permit. "Che facilities shall he installL-d or constructed in exact conformity with said Plans except in instances in which deviation m.ay be alluwed by the City, in writing, in respcinse to written application by Grantee. The Plans shall specify the clas.s and tyTic of maierial and equipment to be used, manner of excavation, constructiun, instnltation, backfill, erection of temporary structures and facilitics. erection of permanent structures and facilities, trafFc eontrol, tmffic tumouts and roa:f obstructions, and all other nc.-cessary information including a schedule for the work. During the prugress of the vvork. Grantm- shall not unnecessarily abstruct the passage or proper use of the rights-of-way. Grantee shall file as-built plans and maps with the City showing the final IocAtion of the Cacililies. All restoration of rights-of-way, raads, streets, storm drainage and the surface oi' other public pmperty shall be in conformance with City standanis, and conditions of the permit. Sectian 17. Maintenanee. Grantec: shall provide and put in use sll facilities neccss3ry to convol and rarry Grantcc's products sa as to prevent injury to the City's pmperty or propert~ belonging to any person vvithin the City. Grantee, sotely ai its own espense, shall mpair, mnc«•. chaage, and iniprove said facilities from wnc to time as may be nccessary to maintain the sanic in gpod conditian. Grantee shall not cunstruct its facilities in a manner thai requires tin~ ctutomer tu install calilrs, duri~. conduiL,;, or ot11rr (arilitirs, in. ulidcr, c,r 1►%cr the Citv's rights- uf-way. Sectioa 18. Emergencv Rcs o sc. The Grantee stuill. within six months uf the exe.cutinn of' this Franchise by the Crrantee, prepare ttnd file w-ith the City and adhere to an Emergency Management Plan (the "Plan") for responding to any spill, break, ar other emergency condition. The Plan shall designxte respnnsible offirials and emergency 24-how on-ca!] personnel and the pmctdures to be fnltowed when respc+nding to an emergency. When developing such Plan, the Grantee shall woric wzth the Public Worl•s Director and the City's Police Ucpartment to determine when and how the same should be contacted during emergencies. After being notified of an emergency. (irantee shall cooperate w7th the City and mal:e every riTort w immediately respond «ith :irtion tti minimire damagr and '0 PrOted t}IC health and safety af the public. In the event the Grantee rehtses ti) promptly take the dir-cted actie>n or fails to tiilly comply w-ith such direction, or if emergency canditions exist which require immediate action to prevent imminenl injury ar damagcs to persons or propcrty, the City may take such srtions as it tx;lievcs an: neecssary to pmtect persons or propcrt% and thc (;raiiccc hall br rc;p<msiblc In rrimhurse the City tor its costs and any cxpcnsc:s. Section 19. Fmcrucnc-, Work. Ici thc cvcnt uf ai}' cmcryncy in %tihich any uf C;rantee's facilities break, are damaged, or if Grantec's faCililies or cunstruction areas are otherwise in sucb a condition as to unmediately endanger any propert}•, life, hcalth, or safetN. Grantee shall immediately inform the Ciry of the Iocatian snd condiuon and shall immediately take all necessary actions to repair its facilities, and to cure or remedy any ciangcrous conditiuns. Such emcrgency work niay be commenced withaut first apply-ing for and obtaining a pcrmit as required by this Franchise. Ilowever. this provision shxll aot relieve Grantec from thc rryuirement of obtaining any permits necessary far this purrc)se, and Gcantec shall apply for s!! ~itrh permitN not later than the next surceedin~! dav durini; %Nhich thc (,ity i; nT-x:n t-Or husiness. 11r;!in,i:rc iw•-Olr~ I rnc ~t'urncr i',L~ 8,f _'rl UR.AI`I' Ptoposcd l imt-R'arncr fnnchi-;c C Driskeil Scction 20. Unc-C'all S%•strm. Punt=t tu RCW 19.122, Grantee is resWnsible for hrcoming familitir with, and undcrstanding, the provisians of Washington's One-Call statutes. Cirantcr shall comply with the terms and canditions set forth in the One-Call statutes. Section 21. LnsDections and Fees. A11 .varl: perfarmed by Grantce shall be subjcct to inspection by and approval of the City. The Grantec slsali reimhurse the City for all expenses incurred by the City in the examination, inspectiun, and approval of Grantee's work. Such reimbw5cmcnt shall be in additian to any other fees or ctiarges levicA by the City. Section 22. Safetv. The Grantec, in aecordance with applieable federal, state, and lox:al safety rules and regulaiions, shall, at aIl ti.mes, employ ordinary care in the installation, abandonment, rrlocation, conswction, maintenance, aiteL'or mpair, utiluing methocis and devices commonly aceepted in their industry of operation to pmvent failures and accidents that are likely to cause dainage, injury, or nussance to }}ersons or property. Al) uf Grantee's facilities in the rights-of-way shsill be conswcted and maintainzd in a safe and operational canciition. Grantee shall follow all safety c;odes and other applicablc regulations in the installarion, ogeration, and maintenanre ofthe facilities. Scetian 23. BuildinE Moving. Whenever any penon shall have obtained permission frum the City to use any right-of-way for the purpose of moving any building or other oversizcd structure, Grantee, upon fourteen (14) days' vvritten notice from the City, shall raise or nRnove, at the expensc of the Permittce desiring to move the building or stnucture, any of Graniee's facilities that may obstruct the movemcnt thereof; provided, thcit the psth for moving such building ur structure is the path of least i.atrrference to Grantee's facilities, as determined by the Ciry. Upon good cause sho%vn by Grantee, the City may require morr than 14 days' notice to Grantce to move its facilities. Seetion.;A., ~uirine l~ew Facilities. Upon Grantee's acquisitic~n of ciny new 1'acilities in the rig,hts-of-way, or upon any acdition or annexation to the City of any ama in ,which Grantee retains any such facilities in the rights-of-wny, the Grantee shall suhmit to the Ciry a written stntemcnt describing a11 facilities involved, whethcr authorized by rtanchise nr any other tbrm af prior right, and specif~ing the lucation of aJl such facilities. Such facilities shAll immediately Eie suhject to the temis uf this Franchise. Sectwon 25. Dangemus Gonditions - Aertharitv of Citv to Abate. W-hcnever excavation, installation, c:onstruction, repair, maintenancc, nr relocation of facilities authorized ~ by this Franchisc llas caused or contributcd to a condition that ~-=t+-substantinlly impair~ thc lateral suppurt of the adjoining right-of-way, ruad, street or other public place, or endangers the public, adjoining public or private pmpcrty or street utilides, the City may direrl Grantec, at Grantee's sole expense, to take all necessazy actions to protect the public and property. The City nlay require that such action be completc-d within a prescribc;d time. fn the zvent that Gmntee fails or refuses to promptly take the actions directed by the C'ity, ur fails to fully comply writh such directions, or if emergency conditions exisi wtvch requin: ijnmcdiatc action, the City may enter upon the pmperty and tahe such actions ;is are necessar}° to d i nacne tib-016 i'ime H'arncr P:tt• c9,.i2o [)R:1[ f PropoceJ i inalb'arncr lrnnchise C. Driskcll protect tlie public, acijacent puhlic or pri% atr pmperty, ur sireet utilities, nr tt) maintain the lateral suppart thereof, and al1 other actions decmed by the City to be nccessary•_;t~_~~r~x:~~ ;dict% -.:s,d and Grantrc shall be liablc to the City for all costs anii expenses thereof <<) the extert cause3 hN, Sectiog 26. Hazardou,s Subsiances. Grantee shnll comply wiih all apPlicahle statc, and federal laws, statutes, regulations and orders concerning 6azardous subsiances relating to Grantee°s facilities in the rights-of-way. Grantee s6all maintain and inspect its facilities la:ated in the rights-of-w-ay. Upon reasonable ,vri itrn notice ta Grantee and in the presence of an authorized representative of Grantee, the City may inspect, at Cio.'s sule ce};t. Grantee's facilities in the rights-of way to deterrnine if any relrase of haT.ardous substances has occurred, or may occur, from or related to Grnntee's facilities. This inspertion is not to remove the burden of inspection Fmm the GrFUntez on a periodic hasis of its facilities for hazardous substances, nor is to remove the responsibility of the hazardous substaoce from the Grantec. In rerauving or modif~ing Crraritee's facilitics as provided in this Franchise, Grantce shall also remove all residuc', of ha28rdous sub5tsnccs tause:i F.-, c-,Nrrr~hin <,r :~t~'rati~~n of itti (3ciliii._- ,.~:-Ihin the C'itv's richt-ot=wav in compliance «ith applicable environmental clean-up standards relateci thereto. Grantee agree.~s ta ft, indemnify the City against any claims, costs, and expensr:s, of any kind, Nvhether direct or indirect, incurred by the City arising out of the release or threat of release of hazardous substances caused by Grantee's ownership or operation of its facilities %%it}tin the City's ris;ht-af-way. t ~ i _ _ ,!i. , ~ ':c~., ...~~.,~t ri ,,_i Section 27, Lnvironmental. Grantcc 51ia11 comply ~%ith ail cnvirunmcntal prutection laws, rules, recommendations, and mgulatioas af the United States and the State of Washington, aad thcir various subdivisions and agencics as they presently eacis-t ar may hereafler be esuicted, promulgated, or amendeci, and shall indemnity and hold the Gity harmless from any and all danages arising, or which may arise, or be caused by, or result Erom the failure of Grantce fiilly tti comply with any such laws, cules, rccomniendations, ur tegulations, whether or not Grantee's acts or activities were intentional or unintentinnal. Grantee shall funher indemnify the City against all losses, cos-ts, and expenses (including legal expenses) wluch the Ciry may incur as a re,uh of the requirenlcnt of any govcrnmcnt or governmental subdivision or abc.~ncy to clean and/or remove any pollution caused or permitted by Grantee. whcther said requimmcnt is duri~ig the ternl of the Ft3nchise or subsequenl tn its terminalion. SCCt10p 28. Reloeation of Facilities. Gn;ntee agmzs anel ccvenants, at its sole cost anci cxpx~tir, to protect, suppari, tempararily disconnc,•c;t, relocate or remove from dny street any of it, t'acilities w-hen so required by the City in acc.,rdance t<<ith the nra%is;ons of RCW 3-5.99.060, t T ..:st•:1--T,I~--~.f~~f-t:: ~i:~~~~-~i- _-L-iWis# ' . ffeew y za►~ce~~ :1 - _ . . ,..~.l:.~~.,. _c t}~- -t . - of thz: r . - _ . , provided that Grantee shall in all such cases hBve the privilege to temporarily bypass, in the authorized portion of the samc street upon approval by the C'ity, any sectian of their 1'acilities required to lx- temporurily disconnecte.i or removed. ~ C}rdin:w7e CWi-Ul6'1 F';wc I!iof 20 I)EtAFl' F'taposcd Time-warnrr fr.inchisc - C.[)riskcll [f the City determincs thai the prc~ject netessitutes the re!ocation of GrantL-c's thcn- cxi:ting faciliti4s, the Cicy s9iiil1: a) At Ic.~~t sixty (GO) days prior to dic commencement of stich impmvement projrct, provide Grentee with written noticc requiring such nlocalion; and b) Provide Grantee ~-vith c:apics af pertinent portions of the plans and specifications for such improveracnt project and a proposeci ldcation for Grantee's facilities so thai ('rrantez may mlocate its facilities in other City rights-of-way in order to arc.ummcxiate such impravement prajcet. c) :ltter receipt of such notice and su,:h plaas and specificatian, Grantee shell cr,mplete reloc.ation of its facilities at no charge or expen.sc to the Ciry so as tu accammodate the improvement projcct at least ten (10) days prior to commencement ofthe pmject Grantee may, after receipt of wTitten notice requesti.ng a relocation of its facilities, submit tu thc City writien altcmatives to such relocation. The City shall c:valwite such alternatives and acivise Grantee in writing if one or more of the altematives are suitable lo acrommcxiate the work which would otherAise nccessitate reloctttion of the facilities. If so requested by the Cit?-. Grantec shall submit ndditional information to assist the City in making such cvaluatian. The t'ity shall give each altcrnative proposed by Grantce full and fair consideration. ln the event the C'ity ultimately determines that there is no other reasnnahle altcrnafive. Grantee shall rclocatc its !'acilitics as othcrwise provided in this Section. -Fhe provisions of this Seetion shall in no m:3nner prcctude or mstrict Grantee from ma:ing a.ny airangement4 it may deem appropriate when respoading to a request fur rrlocaiioii of its facilities by any persan or catity other than the City, whcrc the facilitics to tx constructc~ci by said person or entity are not or will not become City awmed, opemted or maintainrd facilities, pmvided that 5uch arrangements do not unduly delay a City cnnstruction project. Snt of Grantce's Facilities. No fucility canStructed ar owaed by Sectian 29. Abandonm Grantee rnay bc abandoncd %1ihUUl Lflc CXpTCSS wTittcn conscnt of the City. My plar, for abandunment or removaJ of Grantee's tacilities must be first appruvr.d hy the Gity, and all I necrssary gcrmits must tx: obtained prior to such work. Scctioo 30. Records. As a condition of this Franchise, and at its sole expense, ~ c,rantee agrees to provide the City with availabie as-built ptans, e--ft-I tield locates, maps, plats, spccificatians, profiles, and reconis of its facilities within City rights uf-way upon rcquest. Such documents shall be provided upon requcst by Grantor within five ~ business days of Grantor's request. These records shall be in a digital electmnic forniat acccptable to the City, unless the Public Works Uirectar deems it to be a hardship tu the Grantee, in %ti hich case a hard copy in a format accrptable to the Public Worb;s Dimrtor shall tx: provided. I'o the cstent such requests arc limited to specitic facilities at a biven location within the Franchi;c srea in eonnection with the cuctstruction uf any City pro.jeet, Graiitee shall provide to ( )r•hurLnc C~f,_nVr -irnc 14 ,„rr P:u, c I I oj '0 I)KAV1 Pmpo;cd Time-W'amer franch6,e !)riskcfl the City, upon the ('ity's rea.tionable reyurst. copie, of avsilable drav►'ings in ust; by Grarttee shu"-iug the locatian of such fac:ilities. Grantee shall ticld locate its facilicies in arder to tacilitatc dcsign and planning af City improvcment projects. Upon writien t^aquest of the City, Grantec; shall pruvidc the City witli the most recenl updatc available of any plan of jwtential improvcmcnts to its facilities within the Franchise area; ~ Provided, however, any such ptan so submined shall be deenx•d coniidcntial and tc,r informational purposes only, and shsill nut ubligate Grantee to undertal:e any specifir improvements uithin the 1=ranchisc :ireLi_ I-he Partie; aarec to periodically share Geographic Iniormation System (GIS) file,; . .:aL'Csi_ Pi0\iJ,-d (irsnlec*S (iN li!eti '.'.7e 1il hc. i:cCd :oiclv bv Cr:i?i1Of tOf ..:.i,,~A Any &les provided to Grantee shall bc restrictcd to intormation required fQr Grantec's engineering neeci.s for installatian, repair or replacement of facilities that are the subject of this franchise. rrsntee is prohihited fmm selling any Gt5 informatian obtaincd from City to any third psrti.~:. Publie Diselosure Aet: Gre.ntee ac{cno~\ Iedges tliat iillorrnation suhlilictcd t(i the C'itv may be subject to inspection and eopying under the Washiugton Public Disclosure Act ccxdifi«l in chapter 42.17 RC'W. Grantoo shall mark as "C01FTT1ENTIAI." each pbge or portion thereof of any documentation/infornu►tian which it submits tr) the Ciry and which it believes is exempt from public insper,tion or copying. The City agrees to provide the Grantec w•ith a copy of anN public disclasure request to inspect or copy documentationlinformation which the Grantce hx5 provided to the City and marked as "CONFIDENTIAL" prior to allowing any inspection and/or wpying as well as provide the Grantee Kieh a time frame, consistent with RCW 42.17.320, to pmvide the City with its written basis for non-disclosum of tlic request«i clucumentaLion/information. In the event the City disagroes w•ith the Grantec's basis for n«n- disclosure, the Gity agtees to w-ithhold release of the requcsted documentationlinformatiOn in Jispute for twenty (20 days until the Grantx csn Gle a lcgal action undcr RCW 42.17.330 5ection 31. Lim.itation on Future Work. in the e% rnt that the c in, construct.., a i:~ t,f F~~_~11`!IZ:I'l1 aIl t~1s11I7L' sIT ~l, ltlt` 17i-:tliet shalJ n,at be ~rniitte~ tc zxcav3le SUl'~l fitt~ ;\cePt :is ;e t 10r E~ ~n the Cii~ 's then-ad~~~rted reL~vlations relatinc to strc~ct cuLc an:l cxcaV_atians ~ Y'Vt'.'~. -Ylttt~-'tt2cC-'iY°i.+risNiiet:: fc /.tiY_ .:11-cci-c-i..\ *e'Offtwee-s7~. ~ s(:- 'cci--ic`~--~ - . . , . _ . - - - . _ _ . . _ . affee# Scction 32. Reservatian of Riehts bv Citv. lbe Cit}• rc.serves ilie right to rciu,.c an` request for a permit to extend franchise facilities. Any such mfusal shall be supponed by a written statement from the Public Works Director that extending the fianchisc facilities, 3> proposed, w•auld interfere %tiith the cublic hcalth. ::jtct` cir «rltare.~~~-~~ eeFmfi,: . Section 33t Remedies to Enfom,e Comnlianc;e. [n addition tU any other rcmedy provided hcrcin, tlic City resen•cs the right to pursue any remeciy to compel or forie Grantec :uid/or its successors and a.ssigns to camply wiih the terms hereof, and the pursuit of any right or remcdy hy the ('itv shal) nnt prcvcnl ►he City from thcreafter dcclarirg a forfciturc or rr.vor.atiun k' a ? ,j ~ii 4 )rJin:~c:ic Ub-ii i b l:irtic \1 arnrr - 1 1)KAFT F'ropo:rd hmc-Wd7T1Ci t('aRCt115C C. Dri-Acll for hreach oI* tlie cunditions herein. SCChOti 34. C'itv ()rdinances and Kegulations. vothins: herrin shall tx deemed tu direct or reytrict the City's ahility to adapt and er►forcx all necessary und appropriate ordinances regulating the p~.~rformance of the conditions of this Franchise, including any reasonabie urdinances made in the exercise of its polica: powers in the interest of public safety and for the welfare of the public. 17hc City shall have the authoriry at all times to cantrol by appropriate regulations the locution, elevation, and manner of construction and maintenance of'any facilities by (;rantee, and Grantee shall promptly confoRn with all such rcgulations, unicss compliance would causc Grantee to violate other requirements of Iaw. Section 35. Vacation. l'he CitN ~_.:r: t,____ ~-i,~ .~,~._•_~,f_~c-~~•,~.:~ k1t'_h:r_C_:t_ i; tiuhl«t IJ riLhis eranic~~ bv this~ranchise lieou.se said road. riettE-4t=wav or _,:her Cirv,12,ropertv is na lunger nccessarv fos ubli use. Anv rela:atian of facilities ~ultinL -,',m a stnxt vacatic►n shal Tq,irc x minimum of 180 ciati-s noricc as pra%•idcd for in St'cti~?;1 I I , . , . . _ l' i._ . . g . i::.~ - . , ~ . , ~ . r:~- ~ . . . ~ . ~ . . - ; . . tefmimtii `ection 36. Iiideniniticatiari. Grantce hereby releases, covenants not to bring suit and aEr«s to indemniry, drfend and hold harniless the City, its officers, employees, agcnts and rcpresc:ntatives fmm any and alJ claims, costs, judgments, awards or liability to any person, including claims by Grantct's uwn employec;s to which Grantee might othentiIse be immunc under 'l'itle 51 RCW, arising from injury oT death of any rerson or damage to property of which the nebligent acts or omissions of Grantee, its agenm servants, officers or emptoyees in prrforming services under this Franchise are thc proximate cause. Crantee fwther releases, covenants not to hring suit and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its ()1lirers and employees from any and all elaims, costs, judgments, uwards or liability to any person, including claims by Grantee's ovm employees to which Grantce might utherwise havc inununity undcr Titlc 51 RCW, arising against the City solely by virtue of the City's awncrship or conerol of the rights-of-way or other public properties, by viriuc of Grantee's exercise of the rights granted herein, or by virtue of the City's permitting Grantee's usr of thc City's rights-of- \4ay or uther public pmperty based upon the inspection or lack of inspection of work pertormeci by Grantze, its agents and servants, nfric.ers or cmployces in c:onnecUon with work authorizcd on the Ciry's prcipcrty or properiy over w•hich the City ha.s contml, pursuant to this Franchise or pursuant w any other permit or approval issucd in connection Rzth this Franchise. Tlvs cavenant of indemnification shall include, but not be limitc:d by this reference, to clsiims againsK the City arising as a result of the negligent acts ar omissions of Grantee, its a6ents, servants, officers or employees in barricading, instituting trertch safety systems or providing adequate wa.rnings of any excavation, construrtian, or work in any public right-0f-way or ather public plac:e in pxrformance of work or sen•ices permitted under this Eranchise. Ordiaarne 06d115 Timt Wiunet Pugc 13 uf _'0 , l)R.'1F1' Yti,pe7scxd I ime-W:u-ner frsnchise C C►ri4ell Inspection or accrptance hy the Lity of any «ork perfonned Ziv (;rantL-i at thc tirnc of compleUon of construction shall not hc grounds for avoid.3nce of any uf thest; covcnunts uf indemnification. ix«rit to Il;c' cx:cTii ki1 i}1C r~~!I~~itCc oI t%11111I R11koI1dUt( ii1 ('7;'.'. its o12]Cc' ~--i lc,~«,~ or ag.cnts. Said indcmni5cauon obligations shall cxtend to claims which are nca reduceci ta a suit and uny claims which mav he rc,mpromi_,A prior to the rulminati(m of an~ litigation or the institution af any litigation. !n the event that Grantee refuses tk) :i,.:cL(?l l1iC (c1ldtl ot dCfcIi`:', iii a11\ ili:i oi :ifiy ~ said tender having been made in «niinL pursuant to ihe indemnil3cation clauses contained lierein, and said refusal is subsequently detcrmincd hy a couri having jurisdiction (or such othk-i- tribunal that the parties shall agree ta decide the matter), to have been awTangful refiisal on the pari of Grantee, then Grantec shall pay all of the City's costs for dcfense of the actian, iacludim,, all reasonable expert witness fczs and reasunable attorne}•s' fees and the reasonable costs of the City, including reasonable attorneys' fees of recovering under this indemnification clause. Should a court of competent jwisdiction (or such other tribunal that the parties shall agree to decide the matter) deternune that this Franchisc, or work conducted undcr authority of this l=ranchisc, is subjc:ct to RCW 4.24.115, thco, in thc cvent uf liability for daznages arising aut uf hodily injury to persons or damages to property causeci by or resulting from the cancurreiit negligence of Grantee and the City, its oflicers, zmployees and agents, Grantee's liability hereundcr shall be only to the extent oF Grantec's negligence. It is furcher specifically an(l expressly understood that the indemiufication provided herein constitutes Grantee's w•aiver of immunity under 'ritlc 51 RCW, solcly for thc 1-iurpose of this inilcmnificatit+n. '11tis waiver h;~L-; heen mutually negotiated by the purtirs. The provisions of this Secticm 36 shall surtii\c thc expiraliun r?r tercz-unatiun o! tfiil; f-ranchise agreement, for a period c,f three (3) years. .In'~s~; t'~e ann!icahte ,tLirute nf limi tsti: . ~eetion 37. Insurance. Grantee shall procurz and r~~ aintain for the duralion c~f' thr l=r.►nchise, insurance against claims for injuries to persc►ns or damnges to pmperty whirh m.i,. :,rise from or in conneciion with the excrcise of the rights, privilcgcs ancl authnritv grantcd hcreunder to Grantoe, itg agents, r+epresentatives or cmployee-.. \nolicai;t'; mainten;incc Of icuuranrc :LS m4juired bo • • : ;ht liahilitv nf t!w tir:intee ta the caverdur vrovidrd ;t"'= to ::nv rcme;i,,ailable at law or in Laui; 1. rlutomobile Liabiliry insurance v►rith limits no less than $1,000,000 Combinckl Singlc Limit per accident for hodily injury and property damage. 111i-s instir-.~i,.: ,'tyall co\er;ill owned. non-m,;ieil. }7ir«1 or lea~-e:i \e1;Mles ~ked in rzlatiarl to thi,~ fi,anctiise. C'averace sial1 bc wriuen on Insun.nce Scn ices Ufflce (ISO) fnrm C.l 00 OI or a sub.5titutc fmi mvidinQ euuivalcnt liabilim cnvcraQc. If nu-cess, r,, 'hC PoNCti' h'_' l'?'.ll(`riilj Tf-, ?lr(~'•"I.it' eontr:?tili3l l'. 31t111TV l'o;\C'T`1!'t': :1Cld F,::. , r;t~„i;,• n,..,ilrI.i,.-'~1 :.-r~r I'.~:.c I f„i ~i i L7RAFT Prur~~sed 1-imc-Wam er t'r::rdclti-e -C. llriskd1 ~ ~'-1-ET1Ta Commercial CTeneral Liability iasurance be .~riiten uri lnsCc rJEjii-i~4x~cui-4~r~c~ 'tr~,i ~'~1 ~?rr i)l or a~l~titule fc~rrn ~d sk~~ll Cq.akc~r oroduc~.~ liahili4ti•. -nie citr~~ iiha.{1 Iv-, a rramed as ~ ins1Fed un&s tie Anpiicanx'< Commercia1 Citnmi 1._iabijity insurrince pplicv~ u-z~int-! ➢SO A1ditieTizil lrisar-Ld- . . , , . . . ~?314 u~r Pt,llt1c;~l .au'{'~:;1~°t'r~I3s={~::r;-t~jts CO 2~.~ 12 ~i ~;I~~sfriu;~ ~ 1~~ %i'N~ ie'~,Q L_. C ?%,'e r;~t! o =h;;11 k4'11~ten a11 a17 ocCLtLlence baSis wi€h li.mif5 na less than SI,000,000 Ct][17bll3eI S1T1gIe r_iniit M oceurrenc: und I $2,040,040 ,inLr:i! $s?gmga#e for personal injury, boclily injLgy and property d;,rn;tge. Cowerage shall include but nat Le limited tca.' hiailcet contractual; produc:t-sAam,pleted operatioiis; broa,d frrrnY pmpearty; e-%pIc,sion, coIl3pse and undergrounc~ (XCU}; and Fmployei°s l.iability. t-.-' ~--~~-kx_+-c~a#.~.~ru.,F~►i-~~..~;~.-=:Et~~-~;'~ _ . . . -e-wmiea _ . --.E~VpFa?:iec- ~ . 4 - . ~~r~{~-~~---~-€~~~~~' T'~-~~~-~~!~~i~- .~.~=~-~t~-~~~~~-~d~~# . ~ ~ ~ e : c-eff . , , ~n st.. --m-oc~c -t►t',t-ii$.~, ~d~e ' 04 --~-'~~ef5-~ effiE I ~ -fnR~Mlnw #}a.c! 3~3 153i.311 fsxs~~ f -4 ~ ~ ~ ~Y....E . j~ e1 .l ~a ` - ~..t ~ - - - ~~~a ~Fr , iEi s,. . 4~d-rr =s, ~f~~1r~ i~:cF-.aGT~~~:"-s~.$~-SEE~. : _ - ~~-o-c~c-~ii~ai~E{~?i~ :i--FFr'.-r5`rF~3't~~. -L-t."i '.~3+d 47:'~-'~~-~ - - - _ , __k: - ' ~ ~ ~*ryC'e4 e..'~?~ f . v F ~ is F ~F ~33. r1i rre~.s- z~ ~ ~ce~s!Cx rs,==- ` . ll net - - -9d oid - 7 1 - ^f s'1~- lhL' Lnl5IJiaI~c DojIc1eS a]'ie to 14CJY'llt21C1. ilr N- c_'t1d4+;-:-wLd ',n riiTlf.:?fll_ '-.~«nerrGal Gcn~raj Lial'+i~~tv itasUraa',c'4 ~ ThC Gr+3.Eltk•"'~S lrl*ill7'i.i]kCE.' (,6tv as outliaM in the Inder~k-ation sectioit ofthis Azr~m~ns. Anv irsuaancc- ~~.e1t°-irtsumcc. or i~s-us-anc,: poof uwvc~rav~ maijit,a.~~~d bv the C-.t,: ,~xcc&s o1`tl~e rranchis"'s insu-anc-e und s~[1 not contribute X%ith : i i-he G-an-l~.~"s insurancc s1h~l be endorsed to state tha3 cr~ve-ras:o srwli a-,c,I r +.~•ri~t~`°ry ?1,-rp;4'? t ':ttOrdinru-nc Ob-~11 Cr'Fimr Warnur f'agr 13 ci [ afl bKAF'C i'ruposed I'ime-V4'arner franchise C. Driskcll C c'.. :il 1 I l 6rantee shall fumish thc City with orieinal ceniticatcs and a conv af anv .j :r..cr;dator~ crtderscments, includintk the additional insured endo r~ment_ evidming the _n,~u*ancc requimments of the Grantee prior to the adortion c►f this Ordinance. Any failure to comply %ith the reporiing pmvisions of the policies required hemin shall not affcct coverage pmvided to the City, its offlcers, otTicials, employees or volunteers. Section 38. 1iond. liefore undertaking any of the woric, installatian, improvements, cai-Lstruction, repair, reloeation or mnintcnanee avthorized by ttus Franchise, Grantee, or any parties Grantee contnicts w7th to perfann labor in thc pcrformancc of this franchise, shall, upon the request of the City, furnish a bond executed by Grantee or Grantee's contractors and a curporate suczty suthorized to aperatc a sumty business in the State of Washington, in such sum ~ as may be set and approvecl by the Ciry, nt-i !n :\L~cd t,N er.~: i\ zthot::;ind dollars. as sufficient to ensure performanee of Gcantee's obligations under this Franchise. The band sha]1 be conditionod so that Grtintee shall obsene all the covenants, terms and roneiiticros and shall taithfully perform all of the obligAtions af this Franchise, and to repair or replace any defective NNurk or materiaIs discovend in the City's mad, streets, or property. `aid honJ ~hsil remain in ..il't rnt Ih~ ~11e ~~f I~IIS Ei.Lhcf?1,e. Ifl t~:~. .~~f1i VT3Il~~t Pi~ C~lzKS Sk) Ci►II5tTUCt 3 fO e'C1 t0r ,t.i-;ch the atw%r-mrntion4d t+Lind wnuld not eiisure Derformance of Cirantez:'s obtieations under ~'ti Franchise_ the Citv is enti[1 to tL uire such large bond as ma~- Lx aQ„pmpriati under the Section 39. titodification. The City and Grantee hereby resen•e the right to nltcr, iiicnd or modify the terms and conditions of this Fr3nchise upon written agrecment of both rarties to slirh al[cration. arncndmenl or modifc.ition. Sectian 40, Compliance With I\etv IteLalutionc. ~ ' . , ~ ~ i11.:~ 1-I Ihl' Cltti"i l'o&- Clliillcl lu ~Jf~liliL~ razi~~~ ~.-~f t~IC taciliti,-S: e-0% idCd that u tfie ;;iri,e eittier (i) :;re not incansit-tent tikitli this I -.inchise or_Ljj) are a law'ful excmisc of Lbe Citv'c nolire txnvzr. are limitrd to reasan;ihlv _q Ilsrte. rlare and manner o1' Grantrc's rntrv anto or activitv %%ithin Citv's riehts-of-%--av • LI r~ Grantc~ sh:~l) not t~c s~bie~.~t to anv fees. comrensation or t-►ther paymerts ~c t ose o. idcA for undrr this Franrhise, if anv. subiect to Scction 5_ Thc Citv rnd Grantec cach resm,c right to mqucst that this Ftanchise be chuneeci. amendrd, mociitied, ar amplifiei to cenform ,.tn~- apnlicahlc Fujcral or Statc statute Lir iudicial or adminiatratixe decisian. Siace and ~:!tional Codes. Standards, an+i Rexulatinnti as ruav hcreafter lx enacted. adovted or ul ated. Further. Grantee re;erves the richt to cnntest 4nv psvvjs-ion of this Franchise under app]icable F«leral or StafC statute Lir ludicial or administrati%•e decision. State and ~1;uinnal G-des. Standanis. and Reeulations as ;ire in cff'ei:t u~en_cbc: effectivc datc of this Franchise or as Ilav here-:iftcr E+e cnacted, adopted or promul_j~ated. 11 che Grantee fails to romplv with its term~ :-A cc►nditinnc. ar if the G=t« fails to comzlv nith h-uch chanem anrndmen~~. mo.iifiratiun amplificadons, this Franchisc; mav bc terminatei at anv time unc►n ninetv (9p1 davs' -itten ns,!irc to flic Grantcc to terminate this Fm. nchicr. (rrdinacne 06-016 I une N':vnrr Pugc Iti uf 2 0 , URAFT F'" powd Time-Wyrnrr frmchise - C. Ilriskcll / _ - _~.N..i_ ;•T'L.~ti~+.``'~_.T--~-`I-~---~-•~-_'TJ':'J1'. Llt ~:1::: -1.,-_.-.~?~~~. ...'Y l^. ~ - • _ .?t~9-Ay-Aafe-_ * y - , : . :L tt . . . K _ t ' . - l , • , ef if the GFmtee fails to eemply f • . . Aifieafiaris. WoF amp ifieafian5 1' ~ 1 a • • . • 'Y . a . ~i. . .'M'TTTI"y} . . . . • t,1..._ .4.., f i„r M......,.af.t_~ r - • ~ . _ i . . 3. , , . - t.. ~ _ Section 41. Forfciturc:3nd Revoc.ation. If Grantee tivillfully violatcs or ti3ils tt) compiy with any of' the provisions of this Cranchise, or thruugh willful or unreasonabte negligence faiLs to heed ar comply with aay notice given Grantcc by the City under the prov1S10AS Of LWS FYADCh]SC, 3ntj 311 aIJ4'gU32C l%ra~rtunity !o cure the N iol:tti[iF1 of floIl-tie? -,,!ianct: ;s h~n ~-i::n in %%Titin:~ t~► Vr.untre. then Grantec shall, ai the etection of the City, forfeit all rights conferned herrunder and this Franchise may bc rcvoked or annulled by the Gity afler a hea-ing hetd upon reasonable notice to Grzintee. The City may elect, in lieu af the abave and :tiithuut any prcjudice to any of its other legal rights and remedies, to obtain an order from the Spakane Count}► Superior Court compelling Grantee to comply with the prvvisions of this Pranchise and tu reco,-er darnages auid casts incurred by the City bv reason of Grantee's failun tu comply. Section 42. tlssi icnt. l his Frarxh►s: :ua% n.;t tk assiLne.i or tran,t_ered %%iuhuut '11, the Citv, ,:xcrnt that Grantee can assiLn this (=ranchisc without aDpmval . i but uckiJi aatice: eo tie itv to :unaL atliliate or subsi lia-v af Gtantee or tp anr- entity that _!Auire~; ail t-r =uhstantialiv a!l the assrts or _cyLtitv f,f C;rantz~e. h%- merger. %a1e. con-s.-►li~jatir~=i ses . : - • _ . - - ; . . - - - . : _ _ - - - - . i':.. , - I-c.__ . . . 1' ~f . -~~}}ZQ{ . ~ . - - . . , - . 4-th . ..fi?:-elc'?s :d :ff"ff-=S!C'-t'l+tt.. . . . . l,'i;.-•-4* Seetion 43. Accentanee. Not later than thirtv ciays after passage and puhiication of this ()rclinance, tlic Grantee must accept the Franchise herein by filing with the City Clerl: an unconciitional written acceptance thereof. Failure of Grantee to so accept this Franchise «7thin said period of time shall ln, deemed a rcjection thereof by Grautee, and the rights and privileges herein grantcd shall, afler the cxpiraiion of the thirty days period, absolutc;ly ccsse, unless thc tinle perit►d is extendcd b`• ordinance duly rasscd for that purpose. c'r:iinscnc 06-016 1 iinr N'smcr I'acge 17 of'.U DRAFT Pmposed Time-Wamer iranchke - C. i'iri:kell Section 44. Swtiival. All of Lhe pnovisions, cundilians and tecluirements af Sections: 4, 5, 13, 25, 26, 27. 36 and 48 of this Franchise shall bc in addition to any and all other obligations anci liabilities Gmntee mny havc to tUc City at cammon taw, by stazute, by ordinance. or by contract, and shall survive termination of this Franchisc, and any renevvals or extensions hcroof. All of the provisions, conditions, regulations and requirements contained in this Franchise shall further ttie binding upcsn the heirs, saccessots, executors, administrators, legal rcpresentatives and assigns of Grantee and City and all privileges, as w•ell as all obligaiions and liabilitics of Grantee shall inure to 4sthcjr heirs, succcssors and assigns equally as if they were specifically mentioned ~~=j1~~►.herein, Secdon 45. Severabilitv. If any sa:tion, sentence, clause ur phra.sc of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutiana) hy a court of compctent jwisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect lhe validity or cunstitutionality of any other uctian, sentence, c;lause or Phra.se af this Ordinance. [n the erent that any of the provisions ot' thc Franchise are held to be invalid by a court of eompc.tent jurisdiction, the City reserves thc rikht to reconsider the grant af the Franchise and may amend, repeal, add, replace or modify any other pmvision of the rr.3nchisc. or may tcnniliatc thc Fr.unchisc. tieetion 46. Rene«:d. Applic:ition tor exten`ion or Ctllc:w3I (it' the term of this Franchise shall be made no later than onc year before cxpiration thereof. Iu the event the timc pcriod grantcd by this Franchise expires without heing renewed by the City, the tecros aiid conditions hereof shall continuc in effect until this Franchise is either renr%ved or terminated h%- chc City. SecNon 47. tiotice. Any noticc or iiUornlation rcyuircd or }xrniittcd to bc bivcn by or to r.he parties under tliis Franchise may be scnt to the following addmsces unless othrrxisr <pcciti:d. in -%critin^: i n< Citv: C►iy Oi spokw,e vailey ~ Atcn: Cily Clerk 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 106 Srnkane Valley, WA 49206 Time Wamer Telecom of W3shingtun LI.C Attn: V.P. & Deputy Generat Counsel 10475 Park Meadnws Drivc Littlc:ton, CO 80124 Phone: (303) 566•1279 f aY: (303) 566-1010 5ection 48. Choicc of Law. jkny litigatiun bctwcen the City and Grantec arising uncier ur regarciing tlus Franrhise shall occur, if in the state courts, in the Spokane County Superiar Court, and if in the federal courts, in the Uruted States DisVict Court for the Eastem Disirict uf Washiugton. ()rdinn:;n 06-016 1 imc P.,_c iti t,F 2u t)It.-lf~ I 1'rojx)!;cJ Tirnc-A'aM4r ~~anchi{e C. Driskcil tiection 49. Non-AVaivr. lhe City sliall Eie vestcd with thc power :nd authorin tn reasonably regutate the exercise of the privileges permiiteti by this Franchise in the public interest. Grantee shall nut be reticved of its obligations to comply with any of the pruvisions ot' this Franchise by rc,ason of any failure of the City to enfocce prompt compliance, oor dcxs the Cin• \vaive or limit any of its rights uncier this Franchise by rea.son of such failure or neglect. Sectioa 50. Entire .Agreement- This Franchise constitutes the entire understanding :unJ agrermrnl behvcen the partics as to the subjmt matter herein and no other agreements or unders~tandings, written or othen+tise, shal) be binding upon the parties upon exerutian and acceptance hereof. 'This Franchise shFill niso.wpersede and cancel any previous righi or claim oi Grantce tu uccuPy the County ri,ads as hcrein desrribed. Seetion 51. 1=11cetive Uate. 'This Ordinance shall he in Tull force zind eflcct h\e da}s alter puhl'tcalion of tlie urdintuiee or a summary thcmof occurs in the ofiicial newspapxr o1' the City of Spokanc Valley as gmvided by law. f SCCtIQp 12. n'tUSI ~'3\O(L `i!I!oIl >[dIli_-. 1 al aiil ilIllC silbxuUtI11, :U 1IlC C\tCliilC;:; t,t:his Franchise. anv other nrovider of tetecotnmunicatiop~ srrtijces shull emer inin ::i, .~T•.reemcnt HYth the Citv ¢uvcrainL the use of nublic riehts-c►F «'av whosc maserial t~is an;i :,113ditians an more favorabie to that nrc►r7der than ar+e the tenns of this Franchise to Grantr~ . ~ f en this Franchi--.c shall be mcxiiFcd cuch tliat the material terms and ronditions as applTCahle t, , t rantce_ arej__,t as facorabie zs the rr..~ . , r te3tcomm unications nmvidl- : ('ASSED hy the Citv Counci) this day of Junc. 2006. Mavor. 1 >iana Wi lliiic :1"I'"l' ES'I'. CEu-istinc 13ainbriJge, City C lcrk- Approved ns tu Form: Cary P. Uriskell, Urputy City Attcimey I)ate of Puhlication: [_1lcctive Datr: :lrrcpt«i bv l-irnc Vk'arncr I'eICcu111 of «'ashinu?on i.I..C, l r;~iirucnc lkr+l 10 I i:r:c \1'21nc'r i' ~.~c N ,,j YI I)kAl- I Yr(lposcd fime-V4'arner fnnchi>e - C. Dnskell Rv: Time V4':irner 1 elecotn I lnldin,--s Inc.. lls sole mcmlier RN: I6c Grantce. l'ime Wsrner f'elecnm (if %Va:hinvton LLC., a liiiiiccd liahilitv company. for itseli; and for its 4uccessars and ;usigiis, does acrzpi all t,f the temiti <ind conJitioti; ui tlic foregaing franchise. [N W1'FNCSS WHI:RF..OT', has signed thi; dav of ,2006. Suhscribeci and swom beforc: me this day of ,2006. Notar), Puhlic in and t~or thc State of «'ashineton_ residing ui N1N, rommi;Sio« ~xpires 1)r+±utucte iroilb I inic 1tarrer , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 13, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ oonsent ❑ old business ❑ near business 9 public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolution 06-013 Adopting 2007 - 2012 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010, Perpetual advanced six-year plans for coordinated transportation program expenditures. _ PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adopted 2006-2011 Six Year TIP last year on June 14, 2006, Resolution #05-009. Adopted Amended 2006-2011 Six Year TIP on April 25, 2006, Resolution #06-007, reviewed the draft 2007-2012 Six Year TIP at the May 2, 2006 Study Session, and held a public hearing on May 23, 2006. BACKGROUND: The City 'is required by RCW 35.77.010 to prepare and after public ~ hearing adopt a revised and extended comprehensive transportation program for the ensuing six calendar years. This plan must be submitted to the Washington State Secretary of O Transportation before July 1 gt of each year. Staff presented to Council a draft 2007-2012 Six Year TIP at the May 3`d, 2006 Council meeting and held a public hearing on May 23, 2006. The proposed 2006 - 2012 Six Year TIP represents an update to the 2006-2011 adopted Six Year TIP prepared last year. The following changes have besn made to the Draft Proposed TIP previously presented to Council at the May 3rd and May 23rd Council meetings based upon comments from the Council, citizens and funding changes: • Barker Road Bridge, Updated Schedule. Construction delayed until 2008 due to funding. ' • Sullivan Road West Bridge, Updated Schedule. Construction delayed to 2010 to avoid conflict with Barfcer Road Bridge Project • Sullivan Road PCC (Mission to I-90), Changed to 100% City Funding • Valley Corridor Project #2 (University to Evergreen); Deleted CERB funding, increased UCP and City funds, Updated Schedule with design delayed to 2007 and construction - delayed until 2009. • SR27/24'h Pedestrian Bridge Deleted from TIP. OPTIONS: Accept or revise project list andlor project schedule RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Resolution 06-013 Adopting the 2007-2012 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City's share of the proposed projects wilt be budgeted within the Street Capital Projects Fund. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Steve Worley ; ATTACHMENTS: 1) Summary description of proposed projects; 2) List of Draft 2007-2012 Six Year TIP projects; 3) Draft 2007-2012 Six Year TIP, 2007 Annual Construction Program; 4) Map of Draft 2007-2012 Six Year TIP , . I , ` ~ CTTY QF SPpKANE VALI.EY SPOKANE COLJNTY, WASHTNGTON . RESOL,UTION NO. 06-013 A RESOLUTIO\4 ADOPTING THE 2007-2012 SIX-YEr'1R TRANSPORTATIpN IlVII'ROVEMENT PROGRAM F"OR THE CTTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WIiEREAS, to provide for the proper and necessary development of the street system within the City of Spokane Valley, the City shall, as required by State law, derelon and adopt annually a Six-Ycar Transportation Improvcmcnt .Prograrn ("TIP") with such program acting as a guide for the coordinatcd development of the City's transportation system; WFT.E•REAS, the T7P of'thc City shall specifically set forth those projects and programs of both Ciry and regional sigiificance that benefit the transportaCion system and promnte public safety and cfficient vchicle movements; `VHEREAS, the TIY shall be consistent witli the City Comprehensive Plan fuid be adopted following one or more public hearings before the City Council; WAFRFAS, the City Council condiicted a publie hearing on May 23, 2006 for the purpose of inviting and receiving nublic comment on the proposecl TIP; antf VVHEREAS, pursuant lo the State Environmental f'olicy Act, the adoption of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Progam is a nonprnject action which has received proper and timely ~ envirotimental revicw by the Ciry. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Ciry Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follnws: . The City Council hereby adopts the attached TIP for the City of Spokaae Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional lransportation improvements for the years 2007 through 2012. The Cily Clerk is directed to f le the 2007-2012 Six-Year Transportation Tmprovement Program with the .Washi.ngton State Secretary of Transportation not later than Junc 30. The TIP shall be reviewed at least annually for tlie purpose of determining the work to be accomplished uiider the program and the City transportation requiremcnts. Flciopted this 13''' day of June, 2006. City of Spokane Valley Diana Wilhite, blayor ATTrST: - Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk . ~ Approved as to form: Office of the City Attorney RSSOlution 06-013 ndopiing 2007-2012 TIP Page 1 of 1 S QTl' UF_ . . Pok~.iie ~ V ~11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 569.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevaUey.org , ~_,....~W ~ .s~•._._.~.~~- - . r.a... .i . . _ City of Spokane Valley . 2007-2012. Six-yearTransportation I:mprovement Program I Project Descriptions I. Applc-tvay Blvd. Reconstruct Appleway B1vd. to five lanes with curbs and sidewalks from Tsclurley Road to Hodges Road. Cost $3,200,000. City share $433;000. 2. $arker Road Bridge Tlus project will reconstruct the Barker Roac1 Bridge over the Spokane River. Widening of this bridge is needed due to increased trxffic volumes. Fedcral Bridge Replac,ement Grant fiuids covcring 100% of thc project cast was received in 2004. Total Project Cost: $$,100,000. City share: $p. ~ 3. Pines/Mansfielcl Projecf - This is a joint project between the City, the Waslungton Dept. of Transportation, the Transportation Improvement Board, the Fcderal Highway Adxninistration, and private developers. It will move the signal at westbound on- and off-ramps to thc Mansfield Intersection reducing congestion on Fines Road. The project will reconstruct the westbound on-ramp aligning it vvith lndiana to the easf. This will close the access to Montgomery Road, which will enci in a cul-de-sac. The westbound off-rainp vNill be connected to Indiana Avenue. Construction is sclieduled for 2007. Cost S4,530,000. City share $55,000. 4. Sullivan Road North Extension (13igelow Gulch) Extend Sullivan Road north of Wellesley Avenue to the City limit with a 5- la.ne arterial. This project is as a part of the Spokane County's Bigelow Gulch Road project and will be consirueted by Spokane County. Total City share: $60,000. 5. Valley Corridor - Project 2 Extend Appleway Blvd. east from University Road to Evergrecn Road. This will likely be a 3-lane urban arterial vvith sidewall:s and bike lanes. This project is partially .funded vvith $4.2 million ui federal STl'(U) grant Funds secured from SRTC. WSDOT has will fund half the cost of'the Pines ~ - Road/Appleway Blvd. concrete intersection and signals. Additional funds tivill ~ be sought to cover the remaining projcct budget. PE schetiuled to begin in 2006 with R/1.V and construction in 2007, 2008 and 2009.1"otal project cost: $14,092,000. City share: $2,739,000. 6. Broadway Avenue Inlay Grind the existing pavement and overlay with asphalt concrete from 1-90 EB on-ramp to Park Road. Cost: $305,000 City Cost: $ 41,000. 7. Montgomery Road Inlay 2 Grind the existing pavement and overlay with asphalt concrete from Argnnne Road to University Road. Cost $497,000. City Share: $0. 8. Broadway Avenue Safety Stuciy This project is to develop a traffic plan that studies alternativcs to reducing accidents along the Broadway Corridor. Gost: $50,000. City share: $50,000. 9. Yark Road Grade Separation - Bridgiag the Valley Tfus project is part of the $ridging the Valley prograin and will construct a ' bridge to allow vehicle traffic over the BNSF tracks at Trent Avenue. A Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) grant for $5 million • was received for this project. We anticipate additional funding support from the BNSF, `l'IB, Federal grants, and Possibly WSDOT. Cost: $16.5 million. City share: $695,000 . 10. Yark Road - Project 2 °T`his project woulci reconstruct Park Road from Broadway Avenue to Incliana Avenue. This will be a five-lanc arterial with curbs and sidewalks linking Broadway Avenue to the ncw ovcrpass at the BNSF tracks and Trent Avenue. Costi: $ 3,658,000 City cost: $731,000. 11. Park Road - Project 3(PE funds only) This project proposes tp reconstruct Park Road from Sprague Avenue to Broadway tlvenue to a three-lane standard street. This includes replacing the raileoad bridge just north of Sprague Avenue. Cost: $594,000 City cost: $50,000. 12. Signal Controller Upgrades This project will replace all outclated signal contrpllers with modern controllers throughout the city to be compatible with the Spokane Rcgional Transportation Management System. Cost: $400,000. City share: $54,000. 13. Sullivan Roaci PCC • This project will replace thc rutted asphalt pavement wrilh Portland Cement Concrete pavement behveen Mission Avenue and the westbound I-90 onloff ramps. This'will be combined with WSDOT's project to concrete Sullivan Road over 1-90 between the eastbouiid and wcstbound ramps. Cost: $450,000. City share: $450,000. 0 14. Sullivan Rc►ncl West Bridge Reconstruct ttie west bridge over the Spokanc 12.iver: This bridge would widen to accommodate traffic turning west onto Indiana Avenue. Cost $8,000,000. City share $0. 15. University Road Inlay 1 Grind the existin pavemEnt and overlay with asphalt concrcte from Dishman- 3~fica IZoad to 15~ Avenue.. Cost: $809,000 City Cost: $ 109,000. 16. University Road Ialxy 2 Grind the existing pavement and ovcrlay wilh asphalt concrete from 15'h Avenue l0 4`h Avenue. Cost: $422,000 City Cost: $ 57,000. 17. 44'h Aveoue Pathway Construct a 10 foot wide multi-use pathway on the nortli side of 44`h Avenue , in the Ponderosa area bettiveen Sands Road and `Voodruff Road. Cost: $209,000. City share: $28,000. 18. 8`h Avenue Recanstruetion This projcct will widen 8`" Avenue froin Havana to Fark Road to an tirban 3- lane section with curb, gutter, sidewalks and bike lanes. Total project cost: ~ $5,837,000. City share: $787,000. 19. Argonnc/Knox Yntersection lmprovements Upgrade intersection with ncw signal poles and enlarge curb radii to accouunodate tunung truck traffic. Cost: $436,000. City share: $58,000. 20. Rarker 12oad - Appleway Aveaue to Broadway Avenue - Reconstruct Barker Road to a five-lane section with centEr turn ldne from Appleway Avenue to Broadway Avenue. Cost: $2,213,000. City share: $442,000. 21. ArgonnelMontgomery NBR (northbouncl rigtit) Turn Lane Construct a right turn lazie fior northbound traffic at the Argoiule/Mantgomery intersection. Cost: $205,000. City shace: $27;000. 22. Pines Corridor ITS (Intelligent 1 ransportation System) . Install conduit and fiber optic cabling to connect all traffic signals behween 16`h Avenue and Trent Avenue to the Spokane Regional Transportation Management Genter (SR."CMC). This will unprove signal coordination and tim.ing and allow changes during peak hours and/or einergency cvents. Cost: $133,000. City share: $18,000. ~JJ . 23. 32°d Avenue - SR 27 to 13est Road Reconstruct 32"d Avenue from SR 27 to Best Road (City limits). This road would bc a thxee-lane artErial with curbs and sidewalks connecting to a County projeet at Best Road that will continue the improvement to Sullivan Road. Cost: $1,812,000 City cost: $245,000. 24. Barker Road -8 rb to Appleway Recnnstruct the roadway to a three-lane urban arterial from 8v' Avenue to Appleway Blvd. Cost: $2,878,000 Cost: $576,000. 25. Flora Road This project will construct Flora Road to a three-lane arterial section fram Sprague Avenue to Mission Avenue. Cost: $2,820,000. City share: $564,000. 26. Park Road - I'roject 3 (CN) This project proposes to reconstruct Park Road &om Sprague Avenue to Broadway Avenue to a three-lane standazd street. This includes replacing the railroad bridge just north of Sprague Avenuc. Cost: $5,845,000 City cost: $497,000. 27. Sprague/Conklin Signat Construct traffic zignal system at the intErsectian of Sprague Avenue and Conklin Road. Cost: $300,000. City share: $180,000. , .28. Euclid Avenue/Flora 17oad . This project is proposed to reconstruct and provide a 3-lane, shouldered arterial on Euclid Avenue from Flora Road to Barker Road and on k'lora Road from Euclid Road on the west to Euclid Road on the east. Cost: $3,861,000 City cost: $521,000. 29. Mission Avenue Reconstruction Reconstruer Mission Avenue to a 3-lane urban arterial from Flora Road to Barker Road. Cost: $3,162,000. City share: $633,000. 30. Sullivan Road Reconstruction Recoiistruct to seven lancs from Euclid Avenue to Wcllesley Avenue. This _ will be in coordination with the Nvidening of bridges at the BNSF and SR_ 290 _ (Trent) as part of thc Bridging the Valley Project. Cost: $4,079,000 City cost; $816,000. 31. Valley Corridor - Project 3(PE funds onty) Extend Appleway Blvd east from Evergreen Road to Tschirley ]7oad. This . will be thE same width and number of lanes as the proposed extension of Applcway Blvd. between University and Evergreen. This project will complete thE Valley Corridor Froject. Project cost: $667,000. City share: $90,000. ~ ~ 32. Barker Road - Spokane River tn Trent Reconstruct F3arker Road from thc Spokane River i3ridge to Trent Avcnue. The section Ni+ill be three lan.es wide with a center turn lanc, curbs and sidewalk. '1"his will be coordinated with the Barker Road Overpass which is part of the Bridging the Valley Project. Cost: $3,920,000. City share: $529,000. 33. Bowdish Road Construct a tliree-lane urban arterial with curbs and sidewalks from 32"d . . Avenue to 8`h Avenue. Cost apProaimately $4,431,000. City share $887;000. 34. Broadway Avenue - Flora to Barker Construct a 3-lane urbdn arterial from Flora Road to Barker Road ~%ith curbs, gutters, ancl sidwalks. Cost: $2,870,000. City share: $574,000. 35. Broadway Avenue - Moore to Flora Reconstruct and widen Broadway Avenue to a 3-lane scction, 180 feet E. of Moore Road to Flora Road. Cost: $2,198,000. City share: $440,000. 36. Evergreen Read Reconstruct Evergreen R.oad from 32°d Avenue l0 16t'' Avenue to a three-lane ~ urban section. Cost $3,065,000. City sharc $613,004. 38. Saltese/Sullivan Signal Install traffic signal at the intersection of Saltese Roaa and Sullivan Road. This will be in coordination with Spokane County. Cost: $305,000. City share: $77,000. 39. Valley Corridor - Project 3(CN) . Extend Appleway Blvd ea.sl from Evergreen Road to Tschirley Road. `I his will be the sarrie width and number of lanes as the praposed extension of Appleway T31vd. behveen Universiey and E-vergreen (Project 2). This project will complete the Valley Corridor Projeet. Project cost: $10,174,000. City share: $874,000. 40. Carnahan Truck Lanc Construcc a southhound truck lane on Carnahan Road froin 8`h Avenue to City . limits. Cost: $2,254,000. Ciry share: $305,000. 4.1. SR 27/Pines/16th Intersection rmprove interscction for northbound and southbound traffic on Pines Road. Cost: $2,701,000. City share: $540,000. O 42. Street Preservation Projects Annual street preservation projects on various streets throughout the cily. Cost: $7,599,000. City share: $7,599,000. 43. I3arker itoad Reconstructioa - This projcct is in partnership with Spokane Cotmty. Spokanc County proposes to reconstruct Bazker Road from 8'h Avenue to 32°d Avenue. The city's portion of this project will be to participate in thc construction of a 3- . lane tuban arterial from 8`" Avcnue to the city limits. Cost $40,000. City sharc $40,000. ~ CitN of Spokane Valley bcpartmcnt of Publlc w'ork pRAFT 5ic-Yeur Trsnsportalton Improsement Proqrnm 2007 - 2012 foaftm „commencft1 'r_m r Frajeq fmm w PrcRary Scxvm City Amrnmt AaKwW ~ nmiw.ay &we 7Khcfey Rosd flodpn lioW 8TPN1 105 . 4e%= A:w snc*s A Spoksne Rfvet 055C3 BR 53a 3 Px~%tsnf*e ViNibur Raad Puxa Rasd CW10 29 Pi+as S Indrna Wbst bound on remD hwtr E.er-smr13q+ow WeilRSlpy C1lp Llrtlb CAy 1 ' s vWNyContOor-ArqW 2 UNvsrslty Rs Evs7ean Rd UGP 123 xa Unlversilp Rd Evsrptean Rd . . ~'..r r r. 1•90 EB fwp PaIk Road STP(P) ag Ar90[vie Road UafvClRy Road C08U e aroaaurr,4,arw sah* 9h+Or 190 Sufrrsn Cny bp a' ~ ;Vw tnOritti AMEnile IAOnyarBtq AvO. STP $2 &osdway Av Iedwa Av UAP 113 `-v, ; L ySTp(1!) 25 :,7 : =+J+r1 Carr.sr upprw C3M0 54 40) » buuvr iW PCC Mlasbn 190 EB Ramp City li0 453 15 T w, DMman-AAcaRoad 13Sh Av9nue STP(P) 11 ni i•.r brf 15iN AvMU! eQ7 Avlenle STPtP) D 4: e3 ft"i. ',a, aes3so. CilY 500 sw 44 32(d 9Q1 G!y 40 J17 1626 A.9-3 .'008 f~^rn N Roja~ tFom ta Prmsiffy Savoe Cipi Aatamt Aawcm _ 3~ ftw 9neo. C Spokane Rhnr l5503 BR ~ Sa1Nff F4»a0 Na4i E.._ . , ~8+iao. li1r 1 VyefgWis1' CnYLk11ib CNy 31 - wwr cw+m. - a+wa z unwer.i?y aa E+wyroa+ aa ucP 321 LinWrrsrly Rd Everpreerr ft0 Mdiatta Avern» MonlpaT+ery Ave STP o1 &ooawry Av Iriduru Av Wf' 740 ~ I'sn paRi?F nnon b'SPSUI 25 2tir 14 ftudw,v ~•:Y ASpakonaRlver 04511•S 9R :1e 16 , ~ur R:,M-1 in N. ~ Rlhrnan-MfCs Rmd 15tli AVOrvB STP(Pl ga :=9 i6 . r. ;Z---a7 Imu. : 16117 AV@1MlQ 1in Avlflut STP(M 51 310 17 aer A.e aewMr woodrve Swas STP(E) 2e 2m .a I^ . _1, J..;:., Flavane Slresl Pa+t Roa 5T?M 124 =z Argann: •*%Ox rrrs~cwn a Knoa CMA0 a = ; " AppWyey BroaQwsrAvenua UAP 94 A=1 I =1 At9wrwAkrd;Omw1 4M Tw- Lrn 9 MonlpomNy CMAQ 9 n: i',,r_t :r,^r T: S:ih Ave Trer! Ave l.'1dA0 1D 1'-) ,g0, 13;3] I f'r):,jccts ud Iimcifarrcs idrnui'►ed ut thc 71F' nn: w tr c«1151dcrcd c..miu:c anly dint ma} c)lARgc duc to avaricn if crt:um.tun~z.~s, and ar, rx>> intrixfcd by tLe l'it) tu bo relied upon bY Pmpcrty owncn or devctopers in rttui:mg dcvckapment darisiims Fo,iSM Pr•~;e=*s X3de-d f 07-Jun-06 Gity of Spolcanc VaUcy Depyrtment ot i'ublfc Wurk~ S[z-Ycar Transpoirtscfoa Impravemrnt F'roQrnm D RA I' ~-T 2007 - 2012 (DalWSin &ouar46) ~ zp~g Itarn K P1t4112 from tv Pnwary Soarte Ciry Amcrut Amam! . 3rrw now IIrr,Jp 0 SQpkane Mer +R5503 BR 2E61 5 vriy Gonmr • Prc~o Z 1h+irersky RA Everyre" RO UCP 673 4,04 Unlversity Rd Everpreen Rd 9 • - - Indlare Avanue Montpornry Awe 8TP 287 5,6t1 'o Hrurdway Av tnttiana Av IJAA 478 2m 14 :.r =-4vt wew e<;, 0 SpoAarFe River 04511S BR 217 •a rr ,.s„e ?.C~-,r, • Fiovuw Sreet Park Rox7 STP(U} 380 2e89 +upvrs. Wea R+urr=a, C Knoa CbM1Q 52 3m •r, =-a- 9.-:.7-. - , , Appiowny BroadwayAventa UAP 201 1021 ~ t A.ys~MMy MSn Tlh lsw a M0111gOfT12ry GIMQ 22 183 32nd A+r+n SR 27 SeW Road STP(U) 38 201 ~.s~•+~, , , Btlt ApplewayAre. UCP 68 336 SproQue Av Mi€swn Av UCP DD 402 T= . , , . _o ~ ~ • _ , spreQue Avenus srnadvray llvereus srPNl 34 'm sp~s • GmMan s~p,a~ a Corttclln Grty 1 Qo 3m ,3 sim. Pn..r.bwr+ P,m.cs Gly 1 JDO +.30a 3,678 24.170 2010 iioo e Ptupct Rom tu P'nmmy Sauroc Ory Amamt Amaw 5 Vdef'CarTido► - PrWwZ UnNUrstlyRd FVCrOroM1Rd llCP 7722 7.9115 Unlversrty Rd Everprten Rd p IrWlsna Avdnue Morr!Qorrot)r Ave STP 287 4 wen ~$ppkdm Rlvs► E4511-$ BR 3,7m .5 . . . • , ~ ~Havsna Slreet Rert Road STP(U) 303 2:4e . . . . . • . , , - . . . Applewny Broalvray Avenu9 uAP 154 nt Une A.iirua Sit 77 Beoi RoaO STP(U) 4t8 351 ~ . EN ApPkw3i Ave. UCP gq 400 =5 - ' SprpueAv MlmonAv UCP 257 lim Sprque Avwus 9roaowaY Avenue STP(Ul 239 2.772 :9 Euma Av.r Rva Rd Fbrs Raaa earkor Roaa S7P(u) 45 sm Etxid Roatl Eucfid Road Mtzz~T AA a..K=.n,c-,ji Fkra Barker uAP e7 4m ~ SulHrn Road Rooonan,Man EucFd Avenus 1Nelleaiey Arer+ue UCP 59 2m - Evergreen Apqlewy STP(ln 90 ou Everpreen Appieti►ay U Ciy +540 1,640 4905 29,503 2~11 Iirm K Prolect 6m ta i'nmmry Srnace Gry Assuunt Amouat Q gpokano Rlvar 0451 t S BR 3.7e3 -3 ]:+iu AvWnjo SR 27 8est Roee S7AM 152 1.100 8th ApplewayAve LICP 478 k138 , $prapuo Av 1Alsslon Av UCP 227 1,134 ~ • Sprayue Avenue Smaclway Avenue S7P(U) 227 26r1 E,cNw AvW Fka Re Fiors Roed Barkar Road STPN1 88 3ot EucGd RosC EuCd RoaQ %ou~, A.■ a,.zonsrs,rnar Flote Barker UNP 268 ju subp+n Rrmd Reowmvudm EuclldArenue V%Wesleyllvanue UCP 218 I•Deo 7: ~ ' - .1 - _ . • . . S sne Rnret Trent Avunut STP(U) 30 264 ~ > - _ - 32nd Avwkio dM Avenue STP(U) 8S 40 BraaD.v! 4.v - Ftoa tc Aatw FIOra BaAcef U/W 62 35 37%.cwft A.. wQ, p; t7a 1 s0 R E of Moone Flo.a uaP so 2m zs ,v- W,. ~ azna avwx,e 1r,ra+Ave+,ue ww ss asg s+rand'Suw+n 'agw C SulGvan iid Ocher TI sm --Everproan RoeA ApQleway Road UCi' 350 750 43 3eeM ??*rww,or,?rxoo. City tTOO +.700 3 5T6 11,661 T'rojoRS aod tirncPrum Krntificd in thc TlF ere to be cvnsidcrrd atimalcs rnily that mny changc due ln A vuicty of arwmstocrs, and trc rot :niended by thc Ctty ui bc tclied uixm by pmpcrty ownen cx drvclopcrs in making dcvclusmsnt de; hims Fu-ide:1 r r:lects Ld;,~J 2 07-,lun-06 Cit}' nf Spokflne VN11cy Departmcnt of f'ublic N'ork, tiii-Ycnr Traasportatioo Improvrment Pro~;ram D RAFT 2007 • 2012 (Oollars in wowanda) 2012 it_0 e Ptio00 frm ro Pnmar), Sana (:+ty Amuuai Amrnmt E-de n,sr Flers isa Flora Road Barkw Ansd 3'rF'NI 408 3 01:a Eucid Road Euc(f0 Road 29 r.iAaqn Aw Racxvrmr F7ora H~ U/1P 258 x) SuiM.n Mnal4CXnivuMa+ Eudk1 Avenue Wereeiry AwrwA UCP 544 3_ - ~ r , _ . 5: - ~ ~ _ - . Spokor» Rfvsr TroM Avenue STPM 35 s, hr 32M AYenua Bth Avanm STF'(ln 91 ac1► 3-4 '.yys}.ft Aws - Flaa b lsvr FIOfi Ba(Ilaf UAP +rp 35 a=wrq Ars Msm b Fors 180 R E_ ot bbora Fhxa WP 1E 75 ; -'J-,• 32tb AvAnus telh Arenue UAP 00 40] 3~ .:_+r, 1. Everqrxn Road Appleway Road LICP 437 1051 63 c~Tnjci t,n. eth cnr Lin,iu sTPt'ln 77 no 00 S; r ne►"~e^ Irt!nr'_cr~ ~ t6t}t S SR27 UAP 69 1W 43 Clty 1247 t-2M 3 2~7 5.4 ?l Projct~s mtd fmxfrnnr. iJ~.-nuir.a ca thc fIN arc :o !+e 4~~~i>:dcrr.f c;isRu:cs on1N ilh,rt m:sy .Lw1~c dtl: !o 0~ Stltly (if CM tl"S^~~:Cti_ 1t1d L!C flVt intcnded h)t}w City ta be ttlicd tpcan by pmpcit) owvc:9 ot dc%c{operi in mal:ing dcvcloprtmri dci:isiotts Fr,^jFCa Ad?;i r~oj?Ls ' . 3 OT-Jun-OS Q7"~' UF ' Valley City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works D raft 2007 - 2012 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2007 Annual Construction Program : GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS FunctEonal Classiflcation: I2ural: Funding Sources: 7 Major Collector 8 M inor Collector Federal assEstance: These iunds are authorized under the 9 Access Safie, Acaountable, Flexible, EffiGent, TransportaUon Equiry Urban: Act A Legacy for Usets (SAFETEA-LU) and are administered 14 Princapai by the Federal Highway Administration throirgh the 16 Minat Washingtan Stats Department of Transportation and the 17 Callecior Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC). 19 Loca1 Access BR - Bridge Replacement projects CqAO_- Congestbon ManagemenUAir Quafity • Other Fed - Other federal funds. §TF - Surface Transportation Rrogram. Individual funtfs are desfgnated tsy the betters in parenthes[s that foflaw the initials "STP': STP(U) Urban improveanents STP(R) Rural impravements S7P(C) Competldve funding STP(E) Enharvcement improvement STP(S) Safety impmovements State aesistance: UCP, Ul1P, and SP are administered by the 7ransportation Improv2ment Board. UC P- Urban Corridar Program (Formeriy TrdnsportaYion Partnership Program (TPP)) UAQ - Urban Arterial Program (Fortnerly Arterial ImFrovernent Program (AIP) SP - Sidewaik Program (Formerly pedestrian Safety Mobillry Program (PSr,aP) CERB - Communfty Econocnic Revitaf¢ation Board , Other Stz~te- Ofher state funds Local Asaistance: CDBG - Community•Devebpment Block Grant ~ .Draft 2007- 2012 ~'~~ngDaW_ 6H32D08 Aaosdo,oa~; S ~~Lille Env. Assess. Dste ResWtion No.: ~~ey Six-YearTransportation Improvement Proqram Dollars fn tltousands Funding ProjecU Road Names/0escriptionl.Gurrent Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2008 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 AppEewey Bivd. 0 0 777 777 Giry '105 105 Applmvay BFvd. Tschirley Road I-Eodges Road 126 Srn(u) 672 . 672 Recon.s1rud to a five-lanc urban arterisl Designtng & will purchase right-olmay Pro~+ct foloi 777 777 2sarkerRoad6ridge 493 45 7,152 7,690 BR 538 4,291 2,861 7,690 Barlcer Raad a~ 5pakane Rfver 115503 0.10 Re,plaoo bridge aver the Spokane River. . Destpning 8 will purchaso fight-0f-way Pro}oct Toml 538 4,291 2,861 7,890 3 PineslMansfieid 0 0 1,018 1,018 CitY 29 29 Mansfield Ave Wilbur Road Pine3 Road 0.39 WAQ 341 341 P1nes Rd pines & Indiarte 4titest bound an ramp t Other 434 434 TAis projad will recotrflgure Iho 4Y3 ramps of I-90 at SR27. It wlll qtso ou,cr Sraco 14 14 wfden nnd reconstnnct Manslldd Avo. trom Wilbur Rel. Eo SR27 to a 3•lano uCP 200 200 roadvray vhth curb, gutter arod s7dewalk. • Designtrng Prv}cct Totel 1,818 1,018 Profccb and timofremes identifird fn the 7lP are Oo be oon :idored esltrnales only, thai may chenge clua to a variaty af drcurnsfaiocca, and aco not iniende+d by thC Gity to be ref'ed upon Cy puopasty owners or dcveloper in meking devClopment doc(s(on9. 8IP2006 A1 • Draft 2007- 2012 H8arh8 nate: w3/2006 Adoption Oate: S o°`l~ane E7iV. A4S?S9. D3tE ~~„do, No.: ~ley Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program oouars I, u,oiLsands Funding ProjecU Road NamesJ Description! Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 4 Sul[lvan Road North Extensfon (Bdgel(yw Gulch) 0 1 54 55 caty 1 54 55 Sullivan Rd WeYesley City Limfts 0.25 Reaonstrud and widen the Su]Iivan Road cntcnsion rwrlh also known as Bigelaor Gulch Road to a 44ane roadway tivith &foot stuoulttsrs and a 12- foot hvo way left tum lane. • SeeWing (unding ProJed 7oea1 1 5q 65 5 VaUey Corridor- Project 2 878 3,316 9,896 14,092 Ciy 123 321 573 1,722 2,739 2nd Av(me UntveBUy Rd Evetgreen Rd 2_02 Other 403 1,610 2,013 Sptag ue Ave Unhrersi3y Rd Evcrgreen Rd 242 Otlroer Siate 3 7 92 368 470 Extend Appleway Blvd, with a mu16-lane fecility irrduding wrba and STP(ln 138 547 1,519 2,466 4,670 sidevralks. FZesurtaw Sprague Avenue and restripe. UCP 840 3,360 4,200 Doing emrirnnmental study PmjcctTotal 284 1,278 4,634 7,816 14,092 6 BroadwayAvenue Inlay 65 0 594 659 Ciry 89 89 9rosaiway Avenue I-430 EB remp Par4c Road 0.34 STPfP1 570 670 Grind and inlay wfth 2 inches of asphait concnete pavemeni - Designing Projeet Total 659 859 Pm(eds and timcfnmcs idcn65ed in IAe TIP aoe to ba oonsideted e^.Omtes oroTy thal may chonge due lo a varGety ot dramstances, a.nd am not intended by tAo City t0 Dc relied upon by proncrty nNners or dcvolnper.n M ms7cing dtwele,jxiwt dedsfons. - 6l7Cqp ._,i Draft 2007- 2012 k°sdn3patC, 6I13/2006 Adop:ionDaGo: S ~~ne Env, /~.,,^,c-,s. Dete Resosutbn No.: ~a.~y Six-YearTransportation Improvement Program Dollaia ln [housan9, Fund[ng ProjecU Road Namesf Description! Current Status LenQth PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 7otal 7 dAortgomery Avenue Inlay 2 50 0 447 497 CDBG 497 407 MonEgomery Av Argonne Road Unlversiry Raad 1.05 Gfind and repave v.iih 2" of asphalt canrrete pavemeni btiIark planned tD begtn in 2007 Projed Totaf 497 497 8 Broachvay Avenue Safery Study 50 0 0 50 G'ry 50 50 Braadvray Av 190 Sullivan 5.37 Traffic plan W study afternatives t4 reduce aaidents elong Sroadway Cocridor • 1Nork planrped to bCgin in 2007 ' Prv~cct 7otal GO 50 8 Park Road -&icAging the Ve9ey/ Bt1SF Grado Sap 802 2,001 13,622 16,526 cit/ 32 91 287 287 697 Psrk fload Indfano Avenuo AlontgomeryAve. 0.20 Other 37 304 330 ' 330 801 Otiicr Sta:o 227 650 2,061 2,061 4,999 Reconshuq Park Poad to separate ihe griide, ot Park Raad end tfie BNSF S1P 3G5 1,045 3,308 3,308 8,028 fat7road traclcs. • ' Lrcp 91 261 825 825 2,042 Designing f-ro)ectTota1 752 2,151 6,811 8,811 18,625 Pro(ects and thnefrsmea idenlified in tho TIP ere to be oonsidered e.tirnaOG ony t1mt may dianEye duc to a vaAery of dreumslanoes, • end am not Iruended by the Ciry to be rclicd upon by property annem or d^_vMo{ers in ma.tlng dcwelopmrnt dcdslons. 6/712006 q,3 Draft 2007- 2012 Haa.ring Dote: 6/132005 Adbptbon Oate: S ~c~an G~v. Assesa Dam Resoludon Na: ~1~ Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Y Uollars 1n iho=ands Funding Project! Road Names! Descrfption! Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 10 Park Road - ProJed 2 267 1,000 2,391 3,658 Cxy 113 14D 478 731 Park Rd Braa&hay Av Ind}Ana Av 0.75 UnP 454 560 1,913 2,827 Praj. 92 - Raconstnnct and vriden ta five tanes YVorit ptanned to beqin in 2007 Pro)Ba Total 567 700 2,391 3,856 ~ 11 Park Rd 93 PE Only 594 0 0 594 City 25 25 SU Othcr 15 15 30 STP(" 257 257 514 RomiisUucl and widen to a standard 34ane arteriiel with curbs and sitDewa[ks - Work ptanned to begin in 2007 Pm)ect Totel 297 297 . 594 12 Signal Controfler Upgracfes 32 0 368 400 Ciry 54 54 Ch1AQ 348 346 CoaihoEler ImpPavemerrts to various inters.sctoons Work planned to begin in 2007 PM)cd Total 40U 400 FRojecO and tkneframes iQen '6ficd'm 4ho T1P aro to be coinid=rPd esttmstes onry thal may enanrye Quc to a varicty of drwrtsianoes, and nre nol irt,ended by tha City W be rsliad upon by property a,wiers or devebper in making dcvcqpmcnt declsions. A4 ; i . ~ , i Draft 2007- 2012 ""erf^e M``'' 8f'3rzo°e `do°'io" °nite: ~ ~~r. q~ngy_ pn(o ResOlution NO.: SpOIIE'. Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ..;i,,,,lIlIl*VaHey Douars in Ihotzands Funding ProjecU Road Namesl DescriptionJ Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 'fotal ' 36 U 414 450 City 450 450 13 Sullivan Rd PCC Suliivan ftd Mission ' 190 EB Ramps 0.10 Reconstruct in PCC --'---°--°..........r Work paanned to beg1n in 2007 Projeci Total 450 450 14 Sul~nran Road West Br4dge 400 35 7,566 8,001 BR 218 217 3,783 3,783 8,001 Sullivan Rd @ Spakana River #45115 0.00 Recanstruct and w6den west Widqn ' Wac1c planned to begin In 2007 Pro¢cd Total 218 217 3,783 3,783 5,001 16 Universiry Road Intay 1 81 0 728 809 Crty 11 98 109 Univcrsity Rd DIshmarNAica Rnad 15th Avcnuo 129 STP(P) 70 630 700 Crind and pavo wilh 2 inahes of asphall oonG'olo pavemenG Projee! Total 81 728 8~ Worlc planned to bCg(n in 2007 Projeet-, and Gme1,d...o idanUfied In ihe itP arp Go ba wnsidered estimales only tluit may chenge fte En a varidy oS cvcwnstances, aiul ute not inlwdcd by tho City to be relled upan Dy pcoparty aNnerl or aevetopem fn making deveEopment dedaorw. 61712006 A5 Draft 2007- 2012 Hc+mmgDa;a af,m2oos Adopu,„Dale: ~nO Env. A~tx^~. D~ato Resoludon No_ ~v~e ~ Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Y Dadara in thovsands Funding Projcct! Road Names! Description/ Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 16 Unlverefry Road INey 2 42 0 380 822 Ciy 6 5S 57 University Rd SSth Avenuo 41A Avenuo 0.69 ' SIP(P) 38 329 365 Grind end pave vd3h 2 inches of asphalt conrrete pavzment ~ Wor9c pdanned to begin in 2007 Projed Totn1 42 380 422 17 441h Avo PathwaY 0 0 209 209 cilY 28 28 144th Av VNoodnrff Sands 1.08 S7f'(E) 181 181 14ft ACP Parinvay Designing ProJed Tota! ?,pg 209 18 8th Avenve ReoonsRructibn 499 846 4,492 5,837 Cily 124 369 303 787 8th Avenee Havana Street Pack Road 2.00 STP(U) 558 1,675 1,359 3,532 UAP 240 694 584 1,518 ReconsUVa 8th Ave. to a thrco-dane scctlon wiUi aerb, gutter, sidewatkm arod bike Fane See&irry funding Prdea Tota1 822 2,669 2.246 5,837 Nro3ecte snd htnefrart"es &Senh.'kd Bt t9w T1P are to bc wn*idcrtyd cstimatcs ony tfiat eray chanjpe duo to e vaJiety of dreunstances, and ere not Intanded by tAe Clty to be relietl upan by proyerly pwcier or devclopcm in ma1ing dovolopmont dods(ans. 6f117l, A6 Draft 2007- 2012 Hearing Dnte: 611 312 0 0 6 AdopQion Date: S~"~i~"~ane Em. Assess. Da;o Resofutlon No.: . ~Valley Six-YearTransportation Improvement Program Dollats in thoueands Funding Projecfl Road Namos! Description! Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sourccs 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 19 Argonne - Krrox Interssction 40 10 386 435 Ciry 8 52 58 Argonnc Rd ~ Knaoc 0.00 CMu+Q 44 334 378 Upgrade InlereExifon Vuork plaflncd to begfn 1n 2009 . ProJect Total SU 386 436 20 Barker Road - Applevray to Broadway Avenue 171 500 1,542 2.213 City gq 2114 154 442 Barker Road ApPleway 8roaKhaay Avenue 0.28 Ul1P 337 817 617 1.771 Reconstruct to a five-lano arterial with center lum lane froon Applavray to Broadhvay Ave. 1h0rk planned to begtn 1n 2008 Prolect 7ota1 421 1,027 771 2,213 21 ArgonneNRonlyomory HBR Tum Lane 17 25 1133 205 Clry 5 22 27 Argonne Rd Q 14ontgancry 0.00 CMu+Q 37 141 178 Add NB right turn fano •----•°-VVork planned to begin in 2008 Prajca Total 42 163 205 Pro}ecIs arxl timeframes IdeMifiCd n tho TIP ere fo be con,idCrcd ost'unafes aady lhat may change due tfl avariaty of araimstanem, and aro not intended by ttfe CRy to be relL-d upon try prapcrty aAnen a drvebper, in ma.tirog de,reiopmcnt dedsions. • G/1/2006 q 7 Draft 2007- 2012 Hoaring Data: g11312003 aeopuonoam: Sp7ka.ne~eV six-YearTransportation Improvement Program Em.Asscss.Dete ResohFJanNo.: ' ~v., DoOars in thousands . ~ Funding Projectl Road NamesJ Description/ Current StaUas Lengtfi PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 22 PinssCorridorlTS 14 0 119 133 City 18 18 Rines Rd SGfh Ave. Trent Ave- 0.00 CA1AQ 115 115 Traffic Signal Control Syslem for Cortidor Work ptanrroed to begin in 2008 ProJcctTowl 133 133 2332ndAvenuc 131 .501 1,180 1,812 Cily 38 48 159 245 32nd Avpucc SR 27 13est Road 0.48 Srp(u) 243 303 1,021 1,567 Rewrvgruct arud widcn to three lane-- wlth curbs and sidewalks. 1Mork p4.~nnad to bsgin in 2009 . Pro}~lTOml 281 3.51 1,180 1,812 24 Barker Road - Bth to Apple+vvy 239 500 2,139 2,878 Clty 68 80 428 576 Batker Rd 8UI App1eMa/ Ave. 0.75 Othcr 68 80 428 575 ucP 203 240 1,283 ,.rzs ReconstruG to a three-lane ufban arterial from 8th to Sprague. VJock plenned tn begin in 2009 Pro)cct TotoI 339 400 2,139 2,87$ Projats and timcframc . idcrt6"5ed 'm Lio TIP are to bo cansidered estimates only fhat may change due to a var~~Ey af dnpenscanoes, end ere not irEtendod by tJie Ci2y to be rt:lfed u{mn by property owners or devehpers tn maAing de-retopmen! dedstorts. enrl ' ae , ~ ' ~ - - ~ . Draft 2007- 2012 Heal9ng a,ta: 6n3r200e Aaoauon Date: . n ~ Env. Assess. piaOc RCS0lwion No.: a.ile ' Six-YearTransportation Improvement Program ley Dollnra fn chour.~nds ~'[l,lA Funding ProjocU Road Namosl Description/ Curront Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 25 fbota Rosd 252 300 2,268 2,820 City 80 257 227 564 . Flora Rd Spr9gue Av MlssbPt Av 1.00 uCP 322 1,027 007 2,256 Reconstruct to a threo-lano arterial• Wor4c plenned to begfn in 7009 Pro)ea Tntaf 401 1,264 1,134 2,820 26 Perk Road - Projed 3 CN 0 501 5,344 5,845 Ciry 34 236 227 497 Partc Road Sprflgue Avenuo Broachvay Avanve OSO odw 20 139 134 293 STP(U) 197 1,362 1,313 2,572 ReconsGUd and vriden to a slandard three-lane arterfal street vrt3h cxTbs UCP 150 1,035 998 2,183 and sidewarks. 5~~~ ~~i~ Projcd 7mel 401 2,772 2.872 ~ 4S ' 27 Sprague - Conklln Skjnat 25 15 26D 300 citY 180 180 Sprague Rd ~ Conlcftn 0.00 Otner 120 920 SigRal Installation ......•-------•-...........--°--•-.....----•°300 Work planncd to begin in 2009 prWftet To~il 300 prelects and iimeframes identttied in the TIP ars W he aansldered e: ima4e:. mFj thet may dmngo duo to a vsrfely of and aro not (mended Dy IAe City io ba rolied upon C) property wmerv ordevelopers in making davolopmenl derts8ons. 6/7J2006 A9 Draft 2007- 2012 Ncaring Datc: 6I132006 a.aVflon Daca: S° o`"~ane Env. As,o,s. Qata -ResotuJon No.: ~ley Six-Year Transportation Improvement Proqram aoQars in thousand5 Fundtng Project! Road Names! Descriptlon! Current Status Lcngth PE RW CN Totat Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 28 EuGid Ave! Flora Ftd 336 501 3,024 3,861 Cey 45 68 408 621 EucSd Av Ftora Rosd 8arker Rood 0.97 STP(U) 281 433 2.618 3.340 Flora Rd Eucl'od Road EuGitl Road 0.14 Rewnstruct fu provbde a three Iqne, shouldered aRCrial WOrk p6anned !o bcg3n (n 2010 Proled Tow 336 501 3,024 3,881 28 M)ss9on Ave Rcoonstrudnon 286 300 2,576 3,162 Ciry 87 288 259 633 Miss(on Av Flora ~ Barker 0.99 UAP 349 1,150 1,030 2,529 Ne.v 34ane sedion Flora to Barker Work planned to begin in 2010 Pro4cd Totai 436 1,438 1,288 3,162 30 Sunivan Road Recorrstrudiaci 560 1,000 2,519 4,079 Ciry 56 216 544 816 Sull"wan Road Eudld Avenue 4t'clDostey Avanue 1.00 UCP 224 864 2,175 3,263 Reoonsinnct to a seven-W.~ne urban arteriaL Work pfanned to begin in 2010 Projeci Totuf 280 1,080 2,719 4,07~J Pro}erds anA thnetremra identdiod in chc TIP are to be consfdeied esttmates only ttiat may change duo Eo a variety of circumstances, , ard are not irqended Dy Uo City to bc reLcd upon by property ovmers or da.+elppeis in making dovefopmeni dedsiona ~ Bf7n` • A10; ; i O O 0 Draft 2007- 2012 H=mfngDato: BJ13J2006 r+eowionoate: S~ D~e [nv. A.sasa Oata Rcsolution No.: ~cle Six-YearTransportation Improvement Proqram A+ Y Dol4= in thousands Funding ProjecU Road Namesl Description! Current Shtus Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2Q07 2008 2009 2010 2011 2612 Total 31 VaUey Gamcbor - Projeci 3 PE 687 0 0 667 Giy 90 80 Evergreen Applc»ay 0.00 STPM 577 577 Valley Couplct Evergreen Appfe~vay 225 Extend Applevray Blvd. vriih s mulU•Ianc fa~'ity incltx[Ing aubs and abdewplks. Rssu,face Sprague Avenuo and restripe. , • Wor9c pJanned to begin In 2009 Prolect Tota1 667 667 32 Barkar Road - Spokane 12)vcr to Trent 377 150 0 527 City 36 3.5 71 Barker Road Spokane R(ver Trent Avenue 1,51 SIPM 228 228 456 Reconstruct to a tiireo-lane curbed arterfal . , • WoaM1c planned fo begfn tn 2011 T~1 264 263 527 33 BrnNdish Ro:nd 393 500 0 893 City 85 94 179 Bowdish Road 32nd AveRUe 8th Avenue 7.52 sTP(U) 171 186 359 UAP 969 186 355 RCCOnstrud and tividen roadway to three tanes. • Work planned to beqin in 2011 arojea Total 425 SGB 893 Prodads aM Umeframes idcrstifecd in tho TIP ere to tr_ con;,idcrad ostimstes amPj that may dianga due W s variety of oircum,tanoas, end era reW 6ntentled Dy thc GZy to bo tolia;f upon by property ovmors or devebpeis In making dcvctopaneni dedsians. 6I712pD6 - A 71 Drdit 2007- 2012 F~irirg pate: fif1312~D06 ~v~ naie: S~O~ Env. Assess. Da~ Rasotu6on Mo.: ~e Six-YearTransportation Improvement Proqram Y Dollnr in thousnnds Funding . ProjecV Road Names! DescriptioN Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 34 Broadway Avo -Flora to Barker 262 259 0 512 Ciry 52 50 102 BroachwayAv _rlaca 8arker -B.Od LLA' 210 200 410 Reconstrud to 34anes, Flora to Barker - Work planned to begin in 2011 PrdoedTotal 282 250 512 35 Broadway Avo MoOro t0 Flora 190 300 0 490 Ciry gp 48 gg Brosdway Av 180 R E. of IAoore Rora 0.73 UA' 200 192 392 Reooitslruct & w6den 9road%vay to 3-larte sedion, 180 ft E. of Moare tio Ftora Vbbrk p6anned lo bepin tn 2011 Prolea Totai 259 240 490 36 Evergreen Raad 267 400 0 667 city 53 80 133 • Evergreen Rd 32nd Avenvo 16th Avenue 1.00 UAP 214 320 534 f2eCOnstruct and %riden to three lanes Work planned to beg'vi in 2011 Pro(od Taal 267 400 667 ProJeGS and tlmeframes IdenUtTed fn the YIP ate to be consfd=ead estimates only tha9 may chango dua to a variery of circum:,qapes, . and ace not trrtended by the Ciry to be reGed upon by property aemers or devebpers hn making dovelopnmi dxisioru. At1- ' ` . . DI dit 2007- 2012 ►+eadng n3ta: cnanooa aaoau«t o2:e: - S`~okane ~~le Six-YearTransportation Improvement Proqram Em.Amss.D,te Re;ol,g,~No.: Y Gollars In flweisan2s Funding . ProjecU Road Namcs/ DescriptioN Current Status Longth PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 ZU10 2011 2012 Total 38 SalteseJSullivan Signel 39 1f3 251 308 Ciry 77 77 Saltesc Av ~ StLlivan Rd 0.00 0ther 229 229 Irnprovements to Intersediofl V4brk planned to beg9n in 2012 ProJea Totsi 306 306 39 Valley Corridor - Projed 3 CN U 1,500 4,337 5,837 cib 350 437 787 Valloy Couplel EvergrcEn Roed AppiCany Road 2.25 o1h.:r S7ato 250 250 Extend Apple~x3y ONd. vdth a mutBdArte fadlity imtluding curbs ard ~~B~ ucp 3,000 3.000 sidewal3s. ResurEace Sprague Avenue and resEripo. . VJark planned to begfn tn 2009 Prc~ect TolM 750 5,087 5,837 40 Camahan Truck Lana 200 0 0 200 Cily z7 27 Camahan Rd fi1h Ciry Umfls QSO S'Yw(u) 173 173 Add SS trudc Lano to road • Mric planned to begln in 2612 Projed Total 200 200 ProjecL^, and Umefremes ldentlf{ed in the T1P aro ho bo oomsfdered esllma0es onty th.i4 rnay chanee due to a varie:y o: dreumstancsa, and are not intendcd by tho Ciry w be reGed uWOn by peoperty ownsrs ar developers in makinp davelOpmeW dccisiona. . 8/712000 . A13 Draft 2007- 2012 H"ari09 Mte= 6J1m008 Adoption Qatc: SPo~av.~ev Six-YearTransportation Improvement Program ~"y~"~g.D9~ I2a9oluNonNo.: ~ Dol4ars in thowarvds J Funding ProjecU Road Namcs! DcscriptionJ Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 42 S12271Pinef.1181h Intere.ecUon 194 150 0 344 Cay 69 69 Pines Rd @ 161h & SR37 OAU Othcr Sb:e gg 69 • ' ww 206 aos Impravcment^ to fntersection (IJual lane Roun+daboul7) ' VNork planned tn bsgin in 2012 Prajed To;al 344 344 43 Street Pressrvation Projccls 649 0 8,950 7,599 Clty 500 1,859 1,300 1,840 1,200 1,200 7,599 Various Roads 0.00 Annual Stroel preservaFion project& Designing & vrt71 consttutt f'rojectTotal 500 1.859 1,300 1,540 1,20D 1,200 7.599 44 Batker Road ReoonsUvction, 32nd Eo 81h 40 0 0 40 c4ty 40 40 BaAcsr Rd . 32nd eth 0.00 Spokane Counry Project, Reoortsiruct Bertcer to 3Lene SecEion, City Paiiner rtiatrJt . Secklng funding Proped Taal 44 40 RojeCs anA time(remas Idantit3od ln Iho Tip ere W bo oonsidcsed catima0es onty thal =y change due lo avarfety of dreumsiano¢s, sntl are not imendcd by tho City to bo rcEcd upon by pcopcrty anner or developers ln rnaldng development dedsfons. BJ74 ~ I A94: ~ . o a o Draft 2007- 2012 Mmcfng Waa ariar40e .adDpmJDrkoaLe: EIiV_ RS:,°T$S. Diito Ff9aUl11F~LNl NB.= . Six-Ye2~rTransportation Improvement Program , ~ doRaesIM1IBOU;oh$s Fundrng Projectl Ftoad Names! desariptiorrl. Curtont Status Length PE R4V CN Tatal SaurGSS 2007 2008 2009 2440 2017 2072 Tota[ ' 7otaL• 9.736 14.665 83,16E 107,569 6.9CS9 13.733 24,975 29,593 17,661 15A3 ProjcCi: and lirnciramos idomti5m3 io the'YIP sreia ee cbn:idNpp CAWMI.CgpnFy 121ak maYdunQe due 6aa voriwy*durcumsCanccs, arvd ate rvGi iinkvndcd try ft Gibr ta he relied Lkmn hY pmperts' 4wix M Gr tlevel*ers in rwk"si9 doualopmen! OeGS'4ns. ` - . 61Tl1006 A Y5 Draft 2007- 2012 Mcaring Dato: G413/2006 AaVion oaie: ~ Em. Asscss. D.a:e ResotuNon ka: Spo"`kane siX-YearTransportation Improvement Program ,;,o*VaUpy Do0a1e in thausands Funding ProjeCU Road Namesl Descrtptionl Current Status Length PE RVY CN Total Sources 2007 . 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total Siz-Year TM[lgportation ImQrovement P,Sggram Totais • Year Federel Stats Olher Ciy ~ 2007 3,830 989 488 9,828 2008 8,252 2,065 522 2,904 . 2009 10,435 7,817 2.148 3.676 2010 13,448 10,690 Sdfl 4,905 20U 7.349 51995 791 3,516 2012 0,605 7,828 3,250 • . Projtxts and Hmoftamea IdQnU11e0 in tho T1P ero to be aons{dered esGrnates oaily thait rnaiy chan{po duo flo e varie4y ol dreuntstanc;es, und aro not intended by the Cily tn Ae rcTicd upon by property an•nam or devebpez. fn making daVebpment decistona. - 61712~~+•~ h78;, ~ ~'•~J~ ~ _ -'--"I .hYm.. 17s+~99 ~ ~ ',~-alrs t'~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I s ~ 5 ~•I l I r ~ 1 ~ lm..~li j~. ~ - ` - ~ .*~r^* - - r - ~ y # ~ _ , ' ■ I 1^ ~ `r I : I ~ . , ~ r ' i_ _ • 'P. ~ ,l,•~ ~ _ ~ I °L ~ 7'° t x ~~~Yli r 1 'S i~C~«"sr~~~~ 4nrrN'~ - ~ j - I~ ~ `'~5 a4, . ~1" p ~j'~„i . i~.~ , urM~.~ z »n ~ ~+s~ ' ~ ti _ ,ir..i.s .~y. . ~.1 + f~ ~4 1 y~ ' ~ 'i i'F ~ I~ ~'~!'.r~ ~,4 ~.5t i ~ . ~ I L ~ Y_- I rP" " r . w - i,~ ~ ti.. r 3 ~ h~ Iti....e - Ma ° _L~t'T' ~ ,5 ~ I ~ '~~.y P.1 ~ ~ dFrIF.~~ f~ rH EurrFl ~ . Y_s ~ " ~iti~ ~ ~o ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ 4 ~ w ~ ~riGlr41Fl" ~ F'~n,; d~,~"•~ ' } f j 1e.r~ ~ ,~I~: - I ~EIiM~,.Yo~ ~ • „4 v 1- ~ ~n~. I~ 5 `d""M1~ ~ k4 Y~ i„ , uct 1 ~ , ~ + . +a ~ ~id h : } . M1 sLy' ~ I q f~ y i ~ AMFt jL ~ SiN ~'r I~'~ ~ Y ~ kii ~i~,;~t I.~~,_!`~ I ~ • ~r} 1 II.~ . ~ ~1 15 Fdi f~ ~ o..,.~ _ . ' ~ a` ~ I ~~?'h.I~~rd~~~ I '~r7-i~~i uM i ~ ~.ps iF-' I fea Is~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~rrrva~!E ~6 ~ i, ~ i;~ • , " ~ ~ • , ~ ~ ~~~~r' ~ I ~ s~~~ ~I, ti ' ' iR" ^ ~._~.._I ~I : k ~ ' ~ ~ . . _ . ~ I -p~~~cj ~ ~ ` +I ~ ~ ~y A!~i•t~i ti ~ ? k2 _ I ~,I• i t ~ ~ ` I - A` ~ ' '~il~.~ k ~ •,~..P L rt; "i - X~ v~~yp ~ ~r~' ~ ~ "~~~yg ~y: - p~ 1- i .'G t i F,~„~ ~ i i ` ~ ~•5 , ~~IP; ~ .~~~e~ _ •!'~I _ , I x 1~.1- ~'~I~• ,t-° I itsa.- . . h 1 u __;:~.a,,~,~ ~ ~ ~,j:?. ~ ~ ~ ~ f, ; ~ ~ ~r L ~4 r~ v Lf• i?F i _ L -r 11, ~ I ` ` I 1-- 14 I~f 1 # ~1 ~ P-~ ~ar ~f ~dne ~ 23. ~ I ~ j , I I'~ a: k~~ . ~w ~ ~ ~ - '~s - ~~gj"~ ?~i ~ ~ `.j` • yI , - I I . I ~,i i al 'Z- ~ ~7f?, ~ I ~ ~~~~~q '~U~ ~ ~I:~ 'I~~$'~ . ~ ' S _ ~ . ~~I ' ~^,•~y.., l~ ~5 i q i I I ! • JC~~ ~ i ~ ~ {c~~ :iF. ~ y~ ~ s ~ _ ~ ~ry ' ' ` . ~~~im.~ ~ i_~ I.~. ~ . ~r~ 'y S i • i e, - -i .~m c~ I ~ rv ,f ~ j I L"~ I ~ I ~a I `3 ~ ~ . ~ _ _ ~ . . i' ~ km ~s ~ w ~ ! 4 I ~ _ ~ e ~ ~ i ~ ~ Yas+ ~ .,11'''s~,'~hr~~' }4~"~+m . iY i~_I I' I' ~ ,y.~ ~ 3~ ~~•~4 ~J~ £ r. I~I _ . w Y ~ ~ - .I'~.I~, 'l,y'~,~r ~ r~ ~ v ~ - ~ q M PJ ~ ~ b I n•~, . , I ~ ~M lS+~Pi •FJ'` `~5 ~i- ~ , ~ C]w CP-1 a r) o I - n9h+r y y ~ ~ ~ I ~ ,~..f 5i F'i n i ~ ~ f f m k I'~,o~.k.:iri l• i ~ ,y~" 1 G, ~1 K 1 a I J'.y!Y ~ l i~wii.,..i..l. » ~ ~ I¢~r ~ ~ ~ ~ _1~.1#~ ~ ~ T 0 ~ Y ~ ~ ~ '+1ti' ~ 3+ ~ _ j pyi.~ ~ • ~ ti ~Ip .w,~ : ~ ~f.' ) 4 10 "1__i ~ k ~ ~ - . . '~'~1 , ~-.wV I _ ~ ~ ' _d`{ ~r~ I ' ~1 ~~~•'x~F ~ ~ _ ~•M"~~' n9 ~4~ I ~e~~ ~l~, t ~;i~s, ~~3z _ - - - - - - - CITY OF SPOKAt~1F VALLEY 0 RequSt for Coaacil Action iMeeting Datc: 06-13-06 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business x new business ❑ public hearing information ❑ acimin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Nluyoral Appointment: Student Advisory Council GOVG12f"M\iG LEGTSLATION: Resolution 04-007 set the manner of appointment and the student represcntation, and Resolution 05-015 clarified the terms of eaCh mcrnber, all as noted below: Resolution 04-007: A12poinhnent: Members of the Student Advisory Council shall be nominated by the Mayor and confirmcd . by a majority vote of at least four (4) members nf thc City Council. Student Advisory Council menibers shall serve wiChout compensation. Renresentat:ion: The Student Aclvisory Council shall consist of fifteen (15) voting members. There shall be three (3) represenLitivcs fram Central Valley High School, three (3) from University High School, ttivo (2) from Easl Valley High School, two (2) from West Valley Nigh School, one (1) frorn Valley Christian, the Mayor of Spokane Valley, the City Manager of Spokane Valley, one (1) representative of thc business community of Spokane Valley, and one (1) at-large student to be appointed by the othcr fourteen (14) ~ members (at-large member must bc a Ciry resident, between 14-20 years af age and cannot be attending any of the high schools curreritly representecl). Resolution 05-015: C. L.enQth of terms: Each student member of the Student Advisory Council shall serve a ttivo-year term. Fach term shall run from July t to June 30. The exceptions are the at-large student member and any incoming high school seniors, who shall serve a one-}°ear term. One-half of the initial studenl advisory council shall only have one-year terms. . The vlayor's Student Advisory Council appointment considerations are as follows: Jie Jiao - Central Valley - 1 year term Nick Piger - Central Valley - 2 year term - 13randi Duval - East Valley - 2 year tenn Sharmaingne McMahon - University - 2 year terni Stephanie Sniith - University - 1 year terni I-Iailey Parrish - Univcrsity (Alternate) , Sarah Manus - Valley Christian - 2 year term Justin Foltz - West Valley - 1 year term Alex Peterson - West Valley year lerm OPTIONS: Confirm the Mayor's Flppointments; or talce other appropriate action. l22EECONIlI'IENDEA ACTIQIV OlY MOT'I0N: ZZove to Confirm thc Mayor's Appointments as listed iibove. B'ITDGETlFINArCr.AI..1rnrFAC1S: STr1TF CONTACT: Jennifer Cusick CITY OF SPOKAIdE VALLEY Request for Council Action ~J Meeting Date: June 13, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ~ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Motion Consideration: County Sewer Memorandum Of Understanding Amendment GOVERNING LEGISLATION: . , PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of the 2006 Budget, which includes funds for full-width street paving associated with Spokane County's 2006 Sewer Construction Program. Informational Memo presented at the Council's retreat on February 11, 2006, Informational Memo to Council on March 28, 2006, Informational Memo to Council on June 6, 2006 BACKGROUND: Last week staff provided to Council an informational memo providing an ~ update on the status of the costs for the sewer paveback projects. At that time two of the three County sewer projects had been bid (Veradale Heights, Electric RR) and an estimate was provided for the third project (Vera Terrace). The Vera Terrace Project bid opening was on Wednesday, June 7th. In the first two bids costs to the city for full-width paving and drainage improvemenfswas higher than originally anticipated. For example the Electric Railroad Project saw a 50% increase in 6id prices for all Stormwater related facilities compared to 2005 bid prices. The previous informational memo stated that staff would bring back to Council a proposed amendment to the MOU once we had the final costs. The following table shows the original approved budget and revised costs based on this year's actual bids. These revised costs include additional structures added during construction and , consultant design and inspection services. The projeGt shortfall for pavebaclc and drainage facilities is shown at the bottom. Project Approved MOU Budget ~ Revised Costs based on Bids Paveback ~ Drainage ~ Paveback ~ Drainage Electric Railroad I $77,000 I $52,000 I $87,369 I $76,000 Vera Terrace - I $241,000 I $41,500 I$261,815 I $43,072 Veradale Heights I $357,000 I $37,000 I$430,256 I $45,000 Contingency I $100,000 ~ $19,500 I $95,560 I $35,928 ~ Total Costs I $775,000 ~ $150,000 I$875,000 I $200,000 ~ Shortfall ~ $100,000 ~ $50,000 The additional $100,000 in paveback costs can come from the Street Capital Project Fund (303), Other Preservation Projects line item. There is $1,033,843 currently budgeted in that line item. We have decided to defer all presenration projects from that line item this year until the '.~✓j Street Master Plan is completed in 2007. This will allow us to use the funds as determined by the new Street Master Plan. The funds in the preservation line item remaining from 2006 can be rolled over into 2007. The additional drainage related costs can come from the Stormwater Management Fund (402), which has $350,000 budgeted for Capital Outlay. There are sufficient funds in this line item ta cover these sewer projects costs. OPTIONS: Approve, disapprove or provide staff with further direction. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the Amended Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Spokane Val(ey and Spokane County for Pavement Replacement and Drainage Improvements in the 2006 Sewer Coristruction Program in the additional amount of $150,000, and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the agreement. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Funds are available in the 2006 Street Capital Project Fund and Stormwater Management Fund. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS i i Uvildcd Mcmorandum of Undtrxtanding ~ the City of Spokane Yalley and Spokane Caanty PaFk-nit at Replucemeot Cost SharfnK and Uraiangc Improvement Cost% for the 2006 Scwer C'aestruction Program 1~'1-II:R~Ati thc City ut tip,~k„jnc \'allrN Iifte anel Spk,l,;►nc (',,ui~iN (the C'l )1 Ih l~' )~1~•tiire 1o )rk collaborntively ta Construct ix)rtians of tfie CUUNTl". 2-006 tie„er Constru,:tion I'ruu;+m to:;cthwr ith C't'i'Y paving nnd drainagc improvement projects; and WHEREAS the CI'IY desir+es thgt the roads impactrd by ihc con,truction o1 ~.e%\erN in thr 2006 tic«cr Canstruction l'rouam 1ie rcc<,ttstnjctcil to thc i'ull prcconslnactiuu vvi11th tiir ;in impr"\cd roadw:iN surface; and V4'IiERrAS thc ('1 ! 1' als<, lcsircs that pa%ttncnt nlwlalemrrit wori, hc rxtcntted in oinr arcas hc~~y~id the limit; ~,f s~~%vcr comtitnicii~tirr, ant1 ~ \k I I[:R[_AS. the Ct I l' :ilccl de;irr. that ccrtain rlraina~ze irnpn,.rnnrrai; bL, 0M."!rtictrc! In ;3lc;i, th.!t k~ iI! 17~.: irnpucted by the COUN'1'Y's 2006 Scwer Construction Program; anii Vb'HF.REAS the costs of such full width repaving, additianal Iength o1 ruad rr;urisu-uciiori, and miscetlaneous disinege improvrments aie not funded by the COIINTY's Sewer Construciion f'rcigr;arn, and sxid costs wil) nead ta be paid by the CfTY; and Wi{ERE4S the 2006 Sewer Construc.-tion Program includes the Veradale Heights, Vern 1 crrace, an(i f lectric Raiimad Scwer Frajects wilhin the timifs ofthe CITY, as idrntified in the ('(11 iN'l N", .aJoyi?r,9 Six-Year tic~\cr (',,pital Improvement Program 2046-201 l: a~id ;Y and CUIJN'fY entcrrd into a Mrni. k 10o hasrd utf etig1Jier.nng eStimnies ntthc paving nnd drainage cotits; ,11If-ItE'AS the t'or ench 'f !t; • .tJv>:.iI~~1li~ 1{) U1C tt3tiC.i.iCd Lu5(N iclf tull-%%idlh fep:f% tt1gind d1'31ildgC Iiilpfu%Ci11C1tLy;ai1., ,k FII:ItI:AS the CI'fY af.so dcsirrs tu recrivc munthly imoiccs for puving and drninage co-as rath,; \:3iting 1ior the ;tibsiaMia) ccim171ct7on otrach project. NOW T}IERCPORP., the C1TY and the COLJTVTY do hereby agrce as follaws: 1. prior to the bid of cach projxt, the COiJN'TY shall provide the CITY vrith a set af projcct plans, tobether with cost estimates indicating the extcnt af pavement removal and replecement to be paid for by ffic C011NTY ss a part of the sewer pmject. The CITY shall rcview the ptens and estimate, and shall advisc the COUNIY reg$rding the extcnt to which the CITY desires to add pavement rcmoval and reptaccment, as well as the sEx:citic drninngc improvemcnts that the CITY would likc to makc in conjuncticm tvith the pro~jzct 1. The COl_RNTY shall pmpam bid dox:urncnts that include thc additiona) work ihat is requested by lhe I C17Y. T'he CIlY may request that the COINTY include a Base Bid Schedule and an Altcrn$te 13id Schadule in the bid da:umenls to allow for n more accurnte detorminatian of the true cost impact of the additianel woric requested by the CtTY. 2. Aftcr the bids for a projcct an: opc.~ntd, the COIJNTY shall prr-pare the bid tabulation and provide a copy to the CITY on the day of the bid, together with a calculution of the CITY's estimated shnro of the project cost based upon the unit prices submittacl by the law bidder. If'the CTTY thcn dccides to procxed with the desit^ed improvCments, the ClTl'' shall pwvide a%vriilcn notice to the COUN Il' %%ithin thrcr days of the receipt of'the bid tabulstion. . 3. ne CITY's marimum cost far Uic thn;c projrcts shall nc►t rxc,-cd ~,~i~~+» ~;.UUi► for road improvements and S1-4s i."2o0.uo11 for drainsge impmvemerits without writien authorization by the CI'I'Y. 'l'he COIJN-iY sliall nut pmceed with ajiy work that would increase the CTTY's cost tn an amount greater than the total amount authorizod. 'Ilie estirnated C1TY costs by project are prescntcd in Tsblc 1 tx:low. The CITY and the COLJN7Y rr.cognize that this estimntcd totai cost is for planning purposes, and that the actual amount will be bascd upon final yuantitics anJ actual contract prices. 4. If the CITY subsequently elects to make additions to the scope of the project, the CI'!Y shall nequest ~ such additional warlc in writing. A corresponding ndjustment shall then bc mnde to the CfIY's shnre ot' the cost based upon the resutting increase in pay quantities and the associated contract bid priccs. For work itcros rcqucstcd by the CTTY that arc ncx cavcrod by the contmct bid priccs, the CUUN'i'Y shall prepare a change order for the CI"IY's review and acceptance prior to wor}: items being constructed. , 11nc►n --ILt~41 prt~jcti=t~ ! Ihe C'OUNTY will send ftf-{-+ftt~r*a rllon;hk invoicc to I I the CTiI` for the CI7Y's pottion of the cost of roaciway nnd drainage improvcments. Upon execution of the fmal pay estimate with the cantracwr, the COt1NiY shall preparc; and send a final invoicc Por any additionel amounts puyable by the C1TY. Sf'OKANIE COUNTY: I [;v: nate: N. Brucc Ftnwls, ('ounty Ulilities Uitec1or CITY OF SPOKANE VAI.LEY: flv: Date: David Mcrcicr, City Manager MOU - Pavement Replacement Cost Shanng and Drainage Improvemenl Costs Page 2 013 For the 2006 Sewer Construction Program ~ TAiiLE 1 . City of Spokane Valley Share 2006 Estimaterf Road Rc Drainage Improvement Costs Estimated Estimated nrainage . Road improvement Costs improvement Costs Project . Electrie Railroad ~ $87,369 $76,000 Vera Terrace ~ $261,$15 $43,072 Veradale Heights $430;256 $45,000 Centingency $95,560 $35,928 Estimated TotAI Costs S875,000 I 5200,000 ~ ~ ~ j . ; ~ Amended MOU - Pavement Replacement Gost Sharing and Drainage Improvement Costs Page 3 of 3 For the 2006 Sewer Construction Program • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 13, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ cansent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ~ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Cable Franchise Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Federal Cable Act 1984 (as amended in 1992 and 1996), SVMC 3.65 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Ordinance establishing franchise fee approved 3/31/03; Memorandum of Understanding on terms and conditions to participate in the regional cable advisory board approved 9/16l03; Three members appointed to Cable Advisory Board on 2/24/04; Resolution 04-015 regarding cable franchise renewal proceedings approved on 5/25/04; New member appointed on 218/05; New member appointed to board on 7/26/05. BACKGROUND: Cable franchises and the franchise renewal process are regulated by the federal government. ' The Cable Act of 1984 allows for both the formal and informal renewal process. • The City assumed the County's cable franchise agreernent with Comcast upon incorporation. ~ That agreement expires on September 4, 2006. There is a 36 - month window on the formal renewal process. Comcast invoked the formal process on September 30, 2003, but intends to concurrently negotiate under both the formal and informal processes. The City is currently in the final stages of the ascertainment phase of the formal process, having performed a customer survey, conducted a technical review, and gathered citizen comments. The purpose of this agenda item is to update council on the cable franchise renewal process wrth Comcast and to report the findings of the technical review of the Comcast cable system. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTiON: No action is necessary. Ascertainment phase findings will be presented at a later date. . OPTIONS: N/A . . BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The C'rty had budgeted $620,000 in cable franchise fees revenue for 2005 and actually received $700,000. Of that, $20,000 had been budgeted for the Cable Franchise Renewal Process from the general fund. For 2006, the Gity has forecasted fee revenues of $831,000, and has budgeted another $20,000 from the general fund for the renewal process. STAFF COPJTACT: Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst ~ ATTACHMENTS: Cable Franchise Update Presentation and Technical Review . , . ~ . Cable TV Franchise Up date Morgan Koudelka June 13, 2006 - Administrative Analyst ~ Cable Franchise Renewal Facts ❑ Current franchise expires September 4, 2006. ❑ Comcast has invoked the formal process, but concurrently negotiates via the informal process. o Cur.rently, we have met with Comcast 4 times in informal settings. JunO 13. 2008 2 1 O ~ Wb.at Can the City Regulate? - ❑ Basic service tier rates accorci.ixxg to FCC benchmarks. , ❑ Signa.1 quality, o Customer se7rvice standards. . o Agreed-up~~ or voluntarily contraued for bxoad categories of video programming, ❑ Oth~r negotiated terms of the fxanebise - agreement. IunelS.iGOd . l a : Franchise Pracess f ❑ Ascertainrrxent Phase ■ 1'ast Perfom-lance Evaluatian (~.g. techrical - review) ■ Future Community Needs Assessrnent o Reque st for Prap os al- (Forma1) ~ ❑ Negotiations . aw$ , ~ ~ . . 2 Ascertainment Phase o Survey - conducted in June 2005. ■ Conduetcd by Cleanvater Research nut of Boise, TD. , ■ Past performance evaluation and assessment of future community needs. ❑ Technical Review - conducted April 19 and 20, 2006 . ■ Conductcd by Calumbia Telecommunications Corp. out of Columbia, iVID. a Saferi Insnection of Phvsical 1'lant o Testiniz of Cable Plant and PEG Orieination Links a Malvsis of Svs2em's Abilitv tn Offer Advanced Services e Fvalua4iononcl R.cview of Ooer9tor Evaluativc Datx ❑ Comorehensive Renort . ❑ Public Hearing - Juue 13, 2006. Juno,3.M , I i Negotiations - ❑ City staff has met wi.th Com.cast xepxesen.tatives on several occasions. o Comcast prefers to negotiate informally ❑ Citiy can choose to incorporate ag:reeable language £rom Spokane franchise agreement. ❑ City and Comcast will identil'y areas of agreement and items to negotiate. _ .Nne 13. 8708 8 . ,.~1 3 ~ Local Public Access (PEG) ❑ Fublic, education, and government programniing. ■ Public programming - ch3nnel 14. ■ Education programming - channels 15-19. ' ■ Govrernment meetings/job postings - channel S. o The Federal Cable F1ct of 1984, as auiended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, no longer requixes . Comcast to fund the operarional costs of PEG. o Comcast is still required to provide PEG channels o Local franchising authoritics are allovved to recover capital funding. ■ Spokane: $400,000 + equivalent of $.50/subscriber/month Scatdc: $2,000,000 +$750,Q00 or public access facility Juse tJ.2C00 7 ~ Local Public Access Q!EG) Sookanc Vallcv ' o Comcast providcs shidiq swff, snd eyuipment that Allows SV residents to create, ' produce, and transmit local progmmming under thc currcnt SV cable frxnchise through the end of the currcnt Franchise agreement (Sept. 4, 2006). , a Spo4;ane Vallcy rcsidcnts will lose the nbility to pmduce locul public access television when the current franchise expires unless otfier armngements are made. CDLU1L,tjrsnn to Snokane o Comcast will providc public acocss to Spokanc residtnts through thc cnd of 2006. o Comcast hxs nffered tn provide public aceess through 2007 Cor Spokane in return for $250,000. o S okvle is e,xploring having a non-pmfit organization provide public access (~nding uncertain). ❑ Spokaiie ltas held ane mceting aiTiong interested partics to find a sotution. rlnothcr meeting is scheduled for the end of June. hne IA2000 B 4 I ~ Lacal Educatian Access {PEG} - ; Snokane Vallev ' ❑Cable Advisary Baard for LeartLiiig arkd Fducation . ~C _A_B.L.E,) serves as th e custodian for the five tdu cation cab1e channe1s, Serves SFCC, SCC, EWD, WSCJ, UW, Crorizaga, Spak~me Public Schaols, and ~SD 10 1, ~C,A_B.L.E. rcqtaests a$63,0 OQ grant and one-thsrd (33°l0) of ongoing capital contributions by Comcast ftom Spokane ' vailey. , Comoarisan to Sookane ❑C .A.B.L E. is requesCing a grant of $98,000 and one=third (33%) ofthe oi-igoing capi#a1 contributions by Cotncast from. Spokane. Yro 13, 30~6 ° . 1 ~ Z ~ ~ Local Govemment Access (PEO ~ sDok$ne Valrev a Spakme Valley currently has no govarnment channeL a Spokane Valley ran consider puftin6 placehoCder ianguage in the franchise agraement to a31ow for capital funding in the fuhire. Cumssarisnn to SUOksne ❑ Spolcane currently operates Cify Char4ne] 5 for an approxi3natc annual operating cosf of S225,0 00 . p Spokanc negotiated fvr an upfront capital gant frvm Comcast in the anxount of-S400,400, Comcast pas5cs thts cost thraugh to subscribers. C) 5pokanc currently collacts the cquivalent of S,50 per subscriber from 4~omcast to he1 fund PEG-related capital necds. Comcast passes this expense throui to their subscribers_ ~ i ~J I ~ i Results of 1'ublic Access Survey o Nine (9) Survey Card display boxes were set- up around t.he City. o Seventy-four responses were received. ❑ Fou.r multipie-choice questions and an. oppoxtunity for general comments. ~ Public Access Survey Results (cont.) trnportanto of Publlc Access N Zcr.rweur tmportant $ 0 1 I hvt trnyorum 1T~j 1' r' o s 1 o Is m is io ' oi rcspondarts ' }t0 i9, iC09 72 ~ 6 J Public Access Survey Results (cont.) How often do you watch Public Access TV7 7 0r morc llrtnaNCek 4iNmndvreek •t ~ 10 1J41rtnsNCCk p0 -a 1 ' Nnrer _ 0 5 10 t5 IA 23 30 • • !t ot rrryondcirta JuM ta, 20.96 t~ . t' ~ w Nblic Access Survey Results (cont.) Would you support a S.SU Increase to suppoR Pu61ic Acccss7 _ ' T... ~ VC ~Qa 5~%i ~ 16 n H Lacy _ . . 6 ..s_. t - ScanrnNat lftly t^a p 17 t+acae,a 3 - - ~ 0 5 10 15 N 25 s0 q oi respurotlmda . ,Nna 11, 2000 7 0 ~ Public Access Survey Results (cont.) tmportance of InlormMg Ntizens vta Publbc Acccss VeryhapoRant . Q ~ 26 Irtport+nt SavcMnat Irtpormnrt 18 OJM IntpMaM ~ l 17 J r 0 6 /0 15 20 25 30 d of rcspondenta Jv:e 13. 2006 15 ~ • i 'Public Access Survey Sum.mary ❑ 82% attach some level of importance to public . access ❑ 74% watch lhe local public access channels at least ' once a week. ❑ 61% would consider supporting a$.50 monthly fee on their cable bills to fielp fund public access (36% answered likely or vety likely to support the increase) 0 82% attached some level of importance to informing the public via public access programming. Jum ,3.2m ~e 8 ~ i Public Access Survey Comments o The most popular comments were in support . of 1'EG and against additional fees. o Another subject with multiple comments was having public acccss over free-access broadcast chan,nels such as PBS. kt10 93, .Rp3B 17 Technical Review - Purpose ❑ Determine if Comcast meets the terms of the technical requirements of thc cable television franchise agree.ment Determine if the Comcast cable nerivork is performing at or above the performance levels defi.ned by the Federal Communication.s Commission . June 13.2ooe , e ~ ` i ~ . 9 ~ . ~ Technical Review - Scope of Work ❑ Safety Inspection of Physical Plant ❑ Test of Cable Plant and PEG Origination Links ❑ A,nalysis of System's Ability to Offer Advanced Services ❑ :Review and Evaluation of Operator Evaluative Data . (FCC Proof-of-Performance Reviews) ❑ Prepare a Comprehensive Report !um 11, 2W6 79 0 Techn.ical Review - Findin.gs o Sa.fety Inspection of Physical Plant ■ Inspection at four test poinis - No Violations a Bonding and Grounding a Lashing o Construction o Clearances o Guying and Anchorino, ■ Residential Drpps a Drop Grounding - 14 of 28 in violation of applicable electrical codes . o Exposed, Broken, or Missing Equipment-Nb Violatians ❑ Drop Clearance-No Violaeions tu:a ia, 2ooe a~ . 10 -...1 f ~ Tech.nical Review - Findings (cont.) o Test of Cable Plant and PEG Origination Links ■ Signal Amplitude -No Violations ■ Signal Quality - No Violations ■ Signal Leakage - No Violations o Analysis of System's Ability to Offer Advanced Serviccs ■ 750 MHz bandwidth adequate to meet current and near-future network capacity needs ■ Uninterrupted 1'ower Supply ' ■Network Segtnentation -Allows inereased return bandwidth for inYeractive services ■ Optical Hubs -Expand tUe capacity of fiber .h:o ,x zooe 21 I i , Technical Review - Findings (cont.) ❑ Review and Evaluation of Operator _ Evaluative Data (rCC Proof-of-Performance (FOP) RevieNvs) ■ fZe-created POP tests in four areas on four different nodcs. Tests of signal level, carrier-to- noise, hum, subjective picture viewing. There were no violations. Jtm 13.2005 22 11 . Next Steps o Review.f.~ndings of the ascertainment phase. o Identify ma.i.n negotiation points. o Conduct informal negotiations. June 13. 26OEi YS O Future Considerations for Council o Consider extending current franchise agreement . through end of 2006. - ■ Will coincidc with Camcast's termination ofpublic access facility ■ New agreement Nvill be on calendar year ■ Allow-s City to coordinate with Spokane o Consider placeholder for capital fiinding from Comcast. ❑ Consider future of public access o Consider funding request of C.A.B.L.E. ,IUng 13, 2006 x ~ 12 ~ C/ I Technical Evaluation of the Comcast Cable System Serving Spokane Valley, Washington :M:ay 2006 1'repared by Colwnbia Telecommunications Corporation 5550 Sterrett Place, Suite 200 ~ Columbia, MD 21044 410.964.5700 ~vwNv. internetCTC. com ■■■CTC . ~ ~ 01 COPJiMUNICr1T1G7115 ENGIN ORTHE PUBLZC INT REST ■ ■ ■ Table of Contents . . , I. 1:XECUTNLSUjVDVRY 1 . % 1.1 Adequacy of the Overall Picture Quality 1 1.2 Cable Netuiork Pbysical-Plant 1 1.3 I'ublic, Eciucational, and Government Transm.ission Facilities 1 Il. SYS'1EMDF..SCR1pTIO1VAATD UI'ERATION 3 2.1 Headend 3 2.2 Distribution System 7 2.3 Subscriber Channels 7 2.4 Video On Taemand 10 2.5 Emcrgency rllert System 10 11 2.6 Public, Lducational, and CTovernment Channels 2.7 Cab1E Vfodem Service 11 IlI. PFRFDIZAfkVCE TES'7°1NG 12 I'V. PHYSICAL PLANT INSPECTION 14 4.1 Physical Plant Standards 14 4.1.1 $onding and Grouading 15 4.1.2 Lashing 15 4.13 Constructiou ..........................................................................................................16 4.1.4 Clea.rances .............................................................................................................16 4.1.5 Guyin ; and anchoring 16 4.2 Subscriber Drog-Related Violations 17 4.2.1 Drop Grounding 17 4.2.2 Exposed, Broken, or Missing Clnderground Plant or Equipment 19 4.2.3 Drop Clearance 19 Appendices . Appendix A: performance 1 est Results , Appcndix B: Drop InspectYOn Nield Data Appendix C: FCC Tecluucal Standards Appendix D: About Coluuibia Telecomtuunications Corporation Table of Figures FigurE 1: Snokanc Cable System Configuration 4 Figure 2: Spokane Heaciend Building and Satell.ite Antenna 5 Figure 3: Modern Analog Charulel Signal Processing ];quipment 5 Figure 4: UPS and Battery Backup System 6 Figure 5: 750 kW lliesel Generator G Figure 6: Analog Channel Line-Up 9 Figure 7: Emergcncy Alert System Equipment 10 ribure 8: Cable Grounded to Exterior Water Pipc 1$ Figure 9: Modcrn Fully-Compliant Cablc llrop Znstallation 18 Spokane Valley- 2006 Draft I. EXECUTTVE SUMMARY Columbia Telccomuiuiucations Corporation ("CTC") conducted an inspection of the cable system in the franchise area scrved by Comcast Conuuunications in the City of Spokane Valley, Wasluugton frocn April 19 - 20; 2006. Tt115 I~'.V1eR' included an inspection of the hcadend, clectrical testing af the system, and inspection of portions of the physical plant. Thc purpose of our assign.menl was lo determinc if the cable systein as operated by Comcast Contmunications mcets the ternis of the technical require•ments of the Cable Tclevision Fra.ncluse Aereement and ta deterniine if the ncrivork is performing at or abave the performance levels defined by the Federal Commwiications Commission. 1.1 Adequacv of the Overall Picturc Oualitv Our examination and quantitativc tneasurement of the picture quality of the individual cable channels at the headend and at four tests points loc.ated in selected ncighborhoods of the City verified that the cable system provides cxcellent picture qualiry on all television broadcast; analog satcllite and satzllite delivered digital video services. We found that the public, educational, and government chacuiels carried on the basic tier werE delivered to subscribers Nvith quality that was c;omparable to the commercial broadcast sen=ic;es. A11 of the individual channel.s measured by C7C duruig the onsite visit as well as the measureraent O data containcd i.n the FCC proof test data provided by Comcast coiifinn that the system exr,eeds the FCC miniuiu.ui performance criteria for cable systcros. Fuxt.her, we found that the cable network and transuussion system transports sigr►als to the subscriber "ith a level of sigual quality that is highly comparable ,Arith the quality to the signals observed at-the headend. 1.2 Cable Network I'hvsical Plant In addition to the system testing, CTC inspected the physical cable plant occupying publ.ic and private rights-of-ways. With regard to the transmission plant inspected on the utility poles and underground cablc plant, Nve found tlie cable plant to be in gencrally good-to-very good coudition in relalionship to other cable systems that we have inspected, and more specifically, witli relationship to the other utilities sen,ina the City. There werc no obvious problems identified, such as hanging cables, uussiue cable guy guarcis, or ungoundEd cable plant. We observed that polc-inounted power supplies Nvere locked anci properly grounded as required. Wich regard to subscribcr drop cables that connect subscriber residences to the cable system, wc founcl a significant number of cable drops that were not compliant with the current elcctrical codE. More detailed information regarding t~ic non-compliant drop cables is provideci in Section 5.2. 1.3 Public, Educational. and Govcrnmcnt Transmission Facilities As part of our testing, we examined the qualily of the public, cducational, and governulent ~ ("PEG") channels. PEG channcls carry locally produced program.ming for subscribe•rs in Spokane Valley and other communities served by the cable systei-ii. PFG programming covers a wide range 1 Spokane Valley- 2006 Draft of video and 'unaging material produccd lacall.y by govemments and educational organizations - i such as the Citics of Spokane Valley, Spokane, local colleges, as well as locally produced i ~ i.ndependent programming. At present, there are no separate PEG channel assigned lo the City of " Spokane'Va11ey . The program feeds for the existing PEG program.nung consist of dedicated f.~ber optic links connecti.ng Che program origination centers to the Spokane headend. _ . ~ i ~ i 2 Spokane VajIL'y- 21JUV nraft li. SN'sTENt nF Sc'RIPTION ANn OE~ER.aTtON 11he C:3hle teleti'isi~~~~ SVIMll tn Spokane Va11c:)' !5 p:tti ot the Coiitc,3sl grestcr Sjx)1.wic metrapolitan area system. '1'he Spokanc Vtilley systems are served from the Comc:as-t headend located at 1717 FBSt Buckeye Avenue in Spakane. This site includes all Iiradend Lquipmcnt to reccive, process, and monitor signals far transmission to subszrihers. The Spokane Valley system wa.s upgraded from a bandwidth of450 N414z to 750MHz cechnoloirv during the 2000-2002 time pericxi. The upgracied system offers a wide range of analog and digit.►I television channels, pay-per-%iew channcls, video on demand, high-deGnitioa tctevision, and hieh- spc.=ed data services. The bandwidth in Mliz is a measwe of the systems capacity to provide krvices to subscribrrs. The very newest cable TV systems have a capacity of up to 860 ;11Hz. The C'omr,ast system has a capacity of 750 Nll lz - abnut 1 10 MHz less the most modern state of the art systems. In the major tetevision markets that have 20 or more local N broadcast channel~, this extra eapacity is oRen needed tu suppc)rt thc traditionsl cable prc,grainmine as wcU as the many newcr interactive services. In view of the modcst number oi' Ioxal bruadcnst statiuns in the Spci6ane :irea as well as tllc upx.oming move by the FCC to all digital bmadcast stations by the yezir 2009, we find the 750 MHz system, which cmployes modem digital r.ompression transmissian technology, adequate !o IIlC'el 1hC CXISLlflf: :lllii [?CC?JItC~ed T1e:iS-?tClll fulure :1Ct«'oik- c:ip:11'1fy ileedS for 1i7e iUhtil'.flbc:fS ifl spUk:i.[ll' V allCV_ 2.1 Ileadcod On Apn) 19, 2006, c'rc inspecced ehe headend site. 'Ihe hcadend facility servcs as lhe nerit,'ork- cuntrol for thc csble system. In addition to serving the City of Spokane Vailey, the hzadend almu scrves Comca.st cable custumrrs in Spokane and other ncarby area.s. A s}•stem overview diagrai» ure l. for the netNi-ork is pmN7dcd in Fiv , , ~)i:llt Eigurc l: SpokHnc Cxble Systcm Configuration SpoksM Telsvlwon Cp:,kano BtD~Ocast IIw.eMnd Dlnct FIpK _ - Ieads Til ' - SPOM+M VoMy rE0 Ir ~ryi rroQ~r^ Fe►ft - " Y00 '1orverl • • Anafoq arW G1qRt1 ~ ~ • Sat~lltb ~ ~ ~ " PupAc c+roprrmminp _ _ ~ ~ • / ~ G~ BpeMen* Optical MuD 8 r..aw ~ e0o • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ; - - ~ , / / • ~ ~ ' _ ~ • _ - - ~ ~ • - - • - _ ~ ~ ~ ♦ / ~ ~ - i L1p4oy ~ i /,Ni I I _ 19;~j r T'RMU1 wu`M , ur~ 1.OW T 1 Nes T~a ~ a Na.~.e• P-t t,U09 ~aara t.PMO Mmts~ ~ mv LEGEND i• ♦ r iaw. Ppeo ~Gwew GuM N CwbM / V C~h4 ain~fur We ioimd the headend facility to Eie in excellcnt conditicm. :'1I1 electronic equipment has reccntly bc:en upLraded wiiIr modern contn,l .fnd cignal ~n,ce,~ir~g Ccilaipment (see Fiv-ures ? alld 3). Spokatic Valle}-- ?OUfi Qraft Fignre Z: Spolcane Hexdend Building and 5atcllite Antcnna ~ ti , . ~ • > ~ I ~ I , ~ + - • ~ , - ~ , . ~ ~ - - ._~Y• ~ - - ~ - ; q ! , All modulat4rs, signal processors, fiber interiacc, cable control, and other associated equipment ia muunted in telecommunications equipment mcks. Figure 3: Ntodern :lnalog Chsnnel Signal Proressing Equipment , . ~ r ~`'f ~ . J u, a ~ . X ~ - - ~ ~ j~, . - ~ ~ r a~ : • . The facility is eentraily air-co►iditioned and temperature reguL•ited to miiincain all eleccronic equipment ut the desircd oJxratiiig tcmperature independent c,f out-side weather ccmciitioa`. 5 Spok3iiC Va]lc,. - 2006 Dtatl The electronic power is eunditioned from die po«'er utility svurce: b), an uninterrupt~.-ci puwrr supply ("UPS"), shov4r in Figure 4. A stand-alunc back-up diesel generatar has been installed in the headend builcling that autometically goes into o}eration in the; event of failt,ue of the tununercial pw,.vc,~r. 7he 750 kW generatar has mare than sufficient power to aperate the headend ecluipment continuously unti) commercial power is rcstored (sec Figure 5). 1he UPS maintains continuous operatian of the nerivork during tlic transmission phase betw•een wmmercial pawer c,peratii7n anci the hack-up gencratnr. Figurr 4: [iPti and Batten• RACkup S}•stem .4 ■ ~ ~ , ~ . v '•--r . ~ e . -.-~c: - , •x yy ti l s ~ ' _ _ '11 y . • M Fignre 5: 750 kW Diesel Gcnerator w. l • '.1 ~~4 . ~ . rt • r . ~ r ~ ~ ~ - . j i ~ f~ Spokane Valley- 2006 Draft ~ 2.2 Distribution Svstem 1`he plant distribution system is hybnd fiber-coaxial cable with fiber optic nodes and a maxinium amplifier cascade of six, plus the optical node. ThiS is an acceptable cascade length in a recenlly rebuilt system. The arclutecture is a standard design fnr cable systems upgraded in the past feNv years (sec Fibure 1 in Section 2.1). "I"he average number of residential dwelling units passed per fiber optic node is 1,000 or lcss; vvith a maximum number passeci of 2,000 unii.s. Thc electronic equipment in the fiber node is capable of segtnenting the return pat.h into multiple patl-is s4 t.hat the maxunum number of residences passetl on a return can be reduc;ed to 500 dwelling un.its. This network segmentation effer.tively multiplies thc return bandwidth available to interactive scrvices, . such as cable modems, by a faclor of four. Tt allows for an immediate uPgrade of the system by simply inscrtulg modules into existing cquipinent to eapaud the network capacity. Apprnx.imately one-tlv_rd of the nodes in Spokane Valley are connected to optic;al hubs which expand the c;apacity of ex.isling fiber by creating additional optic.al wavelengtli in existing fiber linl:s connected lo the headend. Comcast uses this relat.ively new techn4logy to serve Spokane Valley and other adjacent couununit7es. The upper system bandNvidth is 750 MIIz providing 700N(Hr doAmstream transmission capacity. The upgradcd network has unassigneci bandwidth that can support additional services in the fulure. Comcast engineers estimate that there are 186.8 underground nules and 358.64 aerial miles of c,able plant, for a tatal of 545.44 miles. The powcr supplies for the cable plant are backed-up A2th 3 Ar 6 batteries that are capable of operating the system in the absence of ex-tcrnal pri.mary power ~ :k'or 3 to 4 hours. The power supplics have a remote status monitoring system that allows thc system managers to remAtcly monitor the battery charge level and to alert the opcrators when power supplies are operati.ng in the stand-by mode. Based on the findings of our inspection, we conclude that the existing c,able network has sufFicient capacity to support advanc;ed interactive cab1E servic:es, such as video on demajid, telephony and high speed Intemet (cable modems). 2.3 Subscriber Channels Thc Spokane Valley system provides 75 analog channels, 54 digital audio channels, and more than 170 digitdl channels. The Comcast channel line-up is provided in Higure 6. The Limited tier consists of 32 analog channcls, whieh are a mix oF local off-air broadcast channels, importeci broddcast cbarviels, and YEG services. tlll system subscribers reccive the T.,imited 'rier. The Ba.sie Tier consists of an additional 43 analog channels that mainly provides satellite delivereci programming. Digital channels arc received from the satellites and re-Packaged or groomed otito the various digital channels ca.rrieci on the system. Standard de6nition digital service (SDTV) subscribers use either the Motorola Model DCT 2000 cnnverter box for standard (NTSC) format digital servicc or the DC 6200 converter boY for the HD1'V servic;e. ~ ~ . 7 Spokane Valley- 2006 . Dra.ft At the time of our inspection, Comcast reported the follomina subscriber base in the City of Spokane Valley: Total dwelling units passed 45,644 Video service subscribers 23,179 Digital rier subscribers 8,833 ' . 8 `pokanr Vallcy- 2006 llraft Figurc G: Analog Channel I_ine-L'p Channel Channel 2-KI2LNi (CBS) i 39-ABC Familv 3-ICAYU ( FO}) 40-Nickclodcon ! 4-YI.Y (ABC) ~ 4 1-Disnev Channel 5-Ciry Cable 5-NW ~ 42-Cartoon Nctwork I 6- KIIQ ( NH(') I43-Animal Planct ' 7- KSPS (PBS) I .#4-CNN ;{-PAX-TV I 45-Headline YeA+ 9-Discovery Channel 46-CNBC 1 Q-Home Shnpping Network 47-MSNBC I 1-FSPN 48-FOX Ncw•s C6anncl 12-AC'E-7V 49-Court TV ~ 13-4VC SO-Oxygen ~ 14-Community Production/NASA ~ 51-Lifetime ~ 15-Cducatiocuil Access I 52-A&E 16- Educational Access I 53-Fai 17- Educational Access I 34-TNT 1 8- Educational Access I 55-TBS 19- Educatiunal Acccss I Sb-BET ?a'rne weatnpr Channel 57-sQike 'r~' 21-WGN 58-USA 22-KSKIV (WB) 159-Sci-Fi Chanoel ' 23-horhtwest Cable Ncws ~ 60-Camedy Centrai ! 24-KqL1P 161-Countrv.N'lusic TclcvLsiun i j 25 -'TVW I 62-VH1 ~ ~ 'b-KCDT 163-M"tV ~ 27-C-5PAN i 64-E'. Entcrtainment "IN 28-GSPAN ? I 65-Bravo 19=1'rinity Broadcast Neiwork ~ 66-FOX iovie Channel I 34-Speed Channel 67-Amc~can Muvic Classics 31-Ontdoor Lifc 68-NGTV ~ iZ-FOY Sparts Net 74-PiN 33-(;olf Channel 75-.4ZN TV 34-ESPN2 76= I'elemundo 35-Food tietR•ork 77-Hallmark Channrl I 36-Travel Channel i 7$4ewel ,ry TV I 37-The History Channel ~ 99-TV Guide C'hsnncl I 38-The Lrarning Cbannrl I I Rold - E3asic cable U Spoka.tie VaIIcy- 2006 Drait 2.4 Vidco nn Demnnd Rather than u.sing dcdicatcd chatuicls, ~ideo un dccn;uid (..~'UU"1 programming i; s~lected and narrowcasl to individual subscribers as they order a program, thus allow•ing the 5ubscriber to control prvgram navigation (s-tart, pause, fati-t-fonvani, rewind, and stop) on their uwn. VOD sen ices have been oftered to subscritiers on this system for more than six months. 2.5 Emergencv Alcrt Sti•stem, The nationwide Fanergency Alert Sy-stem ("EAS") c;nables authurized bovcnument auihoriliLs io ivertide the programming on a cable system to provide emergency information to subscribers. Ilie minimum requirements for EAS sS-stem opc:crition are autlined in the FCC rules and rcgulations. 1bese regulations detail a testing procedure and the documentation required. The Spokane VaIlzy Comcast system u.ses the Sage sys-tem (see Figure 7). According to Comcast, a fult-scrc;en message is displayed on al] analog und digital channeis, cxrert tor lucal off-air rhannels, which requestcd that ihe cable operator aot override its channels. Thc Sege system prux-ides an F.AS message on all analog channels. Tlie digitaJ subscribcr set-top com•erters are automatically forcc-tuned to an analog charmcl to view the EAS message. The FAS equipment is progranmed to fon4ard only weather, statc primary, statc. local, federal, and required test alertti to the subu~-riber. Fi-urc 7: Fmergency Alcrt Svstcm Fyuipment ' - . , .t ~t • ~ - ~ ~ ~ • R A' Tlie caLlc t-lpcrator is required to maintaui recurls dOcumzntin! thc f=CC-reyuircd I:AS tistici~,~ results as w-ell as recent copies nf the FCC technic:al perfomiance tcsts in H Puhlic Reterence tile that is available for review by the genera) public. As part of our iilspcctioil. NN-c rcviewed thc Puhiic tile and l:ound that it rontained ttlc reyuirril tecllnical mawrialti. 10 Spakane Valley- 2006 Taraft ~ 2.6 Public. Educational, and Government Channels _l The Comcast headend receives programming provided by thc PEG programniers on dedicatcd fiber optic transmission links. The PLG programming in Spokane Valley comes from providers in the City of Spokane. The following PEG program.m.ing is carried on the system: e Chacunel 5: Spokaiie Cit}, Chamlel • Channel 14: Community Production • Channel 15: F-ducational Access • Channel 16: Educational Access • Channel 17: Educational Access s Channel 19: Educational Access The City of Spokane Valley currently has no local source of PFG prograsiuning. Thcre do not appear to be aily technical bartiers to providing specitic 1?EG chamlels for Spokane Valley. This capability might be implcmented by adding a channel to the currcnt line or by segmenti.ng the sysle.m and replacing one or more pf'the Spokane City channcls with a Spokane Va11ey chaunEl. If live origuiation or local program playback i.s desired, thEn a program feed line from Spokane Valley to the Comcast heaclend will have to be unplementcd. 2.7 Cahle A'Iodem Service Comcast provides high speed Intcrnet through cable modem ser-vice. The routi.nD a.nd control neriwozk equipment is manufactured by Cisco and is located at the headend. The subscribcrs of cable modem service access the Intemet through a nctwork hub conkrnller located at the headend. (See FigurE 1). Comcast did not provide any data on the number of customers subscribing to t11e cable modem service. ~ 11 Spokane Valley- 2006 . Draft M. PER:FOP:MANCE TES'TING ~ The PCC requirES semi-annual Proof-of-Performauce ("proofl') tests to verify the system meets the FCC's m.in.i.mum technical standards. The tests must be performed onec in the wintcr and once in the suinmer. The testing pracedures presuane that a sample of ineasurements taken for a number . of channels at a number of locations across the system wri.ll be representative of the system as a whole. However, the operator is required to bave all channels mcet the FCC uununum technical rcquirements. The number of channels and lncations to be tested is determined usi.ng an FCC formula based on the number of subscribers and the cable system design. Prior to the onsite test and inspection, we rcviewed the results of the thrce most recent sets of proof tests conducted by Comcast: Winter 2005, Suninier 2005, and Winter 2006. The test data and supporting documenting were provided in an extremely detailed and comprehensive forni. The FCC rEquires the tests to be Performed to ensure thaz all subscribers receive a basic minimum lcvel of service. The Spokane Valley system performs at a level subs4ir►tially above the FCC rrLnit„um standards. The FCC standards; if achieved, dcliver a picture to the subscriber similar in quality to a good consumer grade VH.S video tape. The industry goal is to provide a picture of higher quality, morc in li.ne v►hth DVD quaJity. Signal amplitude levrel tcsts and subjcct monitoring tests were performed and recorded for all analog channels. Further, the FCC requires cable operators to perform a more detailed signal quality testing on a select number of auaing vidco channels to provide a quantitative measurement of the system performance. For the 750 i%4Hz system, Comcast is required to examine 9 channels , in detail. For the 9 channels selected, measurements were made of the signal-to-noise ratio, and second and third order distortions or other coherent disturbances. A hum measurement is required on at least one channel. k'requency measurcments of both carrier and scparation are also required. The FCC requires that each cablc operator measure and record signal leakage radiating into the air from a cable plant to demonstrate compliancc with a cumulative leaka;e t.ndex ("CL1"). Signal leal:age is caused by defects in the distribution hardware, Nvhicli can cause i.nterference with other cammutucations signals such as aeronautieal.and navigation signals. To protect against these harmful signals; the FCC requires that the cable operator checl: the CLI oF the cable plant at least oncc a year. TI-ie CT T tests verify the isolation of the cable systcm fram the outside world. An idEal cable system neither radiates radio frequency signals nor allows external signals to e_nter or leak iuto the cable system. As a part of our testing, CTC used the Comcast lcakage test equipment at each of the test locations to moiutor for the level of signals radiated from the cable system. No measurable leakage was encountered during our tests. - The required FCC leakage ineasurements may be accotnplished by eif.her cxtensive ground-based oUservatious nr by measurements made wh.ile flyuig over the system. The most rccent flyover test was conducted on August 21, 2005 by Martech Engineering a firm that specializes in performing CLI tcsts. The Martech eertification showed tliat 99.64 % of the Comcast Spokane systein had radiatinn levels below the allowable FCC lOµV/m field level and therefore is in Full compliance. 12 Spokane Valley- 2006 Draft On April 19 and April 20, 2005, i.n coogeration with Comcast tcchnical staff, CTC perforrucd a subset of the FCC pzoof tests at the headend and at four locations i.n the City of Spoka.ue Valley. The headend tcsts 'were first made to confirni that lhe sio als as'sembled at the headed were prpperly received and processed prior to transnussion on the system, and that they Nvere all adjusted ta the same audio and vidco Garrier levels. Eacli of the analog and a few selected digital channels were exanuneci. Starting with the basic tier, we exaiiuned each channel for picture qUalin'• . For the proof tests we selected 9 channels f.'ar lesting at the following sites: • Test Point 1: 14220 Easl Mission, Spokane Vallcy Node SZE-3 • Test Point 2: Robic & l Oth, Spokane Valley vode S7EW • Test Poi.nt 3: 10605 East Buckeye St. Spokane Valley Node SUWA • Tcst Point 4: 3~' & Joel, Spokane Valley Node SDSA A Stealth sienal levcl meter model SDA4040D supplied by CTC, anci a television receiver and spectrum analyzer provided by Comcast was used to conduct tests of the signal level, carrier-to- noise, hum, and subjective picture vie,.ving tests at the sites. The detailed test results are provided in Appendix A. Overall, the visual testing and quantitative measurements support that the system was operating ~ properly at all test points. Measurements were made with regular prograizuuiug to minimi~e subscriber inconvenience. Typically, FCC proof ineasurements are made with the removal of programming and may result in slightly better measurement results. All test poi.nts met FCC rn.in.imunn tech.nical requirements. 13 Spokanc Valley- 2006 nTaft IV. P:H~.'SICAL PI.ANT INSPECTION ~ A physical inspection of the cable plant, which included both underground and aerial construction; xvas conducted in the area around the proof test sites. The inspection concentrated on an examination of the quality of the plant construction, appearance, and compliance Nvith national construction standards. The national inspection sta,ndards and authorities, along with descriptions of the violations, are included in this section of the report. Accompanied by Couicast representatives, CTC inspected cable plant i.n the public rights-of-way and at individual subscribcr residence connections ("drops") in residcntial areas. These walkout inspections were focused in the vicinity of the test points concentrating at the NIission and 10th Street sites. The arcas selected far inspecdon represented a rcasonable cross-section of established, nEw aerial, and underground areas for plant and drop i.nsnection. The areas were selectEd by CTC in concurrence with City staff and Comcast representatives. Thc specific areas exainineci Nye-re in and around the neibhborhoods of: • Inspection Area l: viission Avenue, SpokanE Valley o Bnlivar Avenue o Bannen Avenue • I.nspcction Area 2: Mallon Avenue, Spokane Valley o Best Road o Evergrcen Road . ~ • Inspection Area 3: Robie , Spokane Valley ` 0 10t' Avenue o i lt' Avenue • InspECtion A.rea 4: Pcrrine Avenue, Spokane Valley 0 12'h Avenue ' 0 13t' Avenue I7uring the physical plant inspcction, we did not find any significant violations on tlle cable system . plant that were under the control of the cable company. 4.1 Phvsical Plant Standards Thcre are hvo primary national construction standards cited with which the eable system must comply. The first standard, the National Electrical Safetv Code ("NESC") publisheti by the Institute oF Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 2002 and revisions of 2005, is the primary guide to construction of the cablc system in the public rights-of way. 'n-ie NESC i.s a national c4de dESigned to provide standards and work rules to protcct persons against liazazds from the installation, maintenance, and operation of clectrical systems and communications luies. r~ , 14 Spokanc Valley- 2006 Draft ~ Thc second standard is the National Flectrical Code ("NEC") publisheci by the vational Fi.re Protection Association; Inc., 2002 and revisions of 2005. Tliis national code cstablishes rules for the safe installation of clectrical c,enductors and equiPment. Other i.ndustry standards and authorities for construction and installatioii practices «7ill also be mentioned as they relate to problerus we found that warrant correction. ]auring our i.nspection of the cable platrt in the areas around the test points dnd the drop inspection, we did not find any infractions on the poles relating ta these codes. The folloNving sections address ttie categories fcr violations of pbysical plant construction that xve look for in the public rights-of way. . 4.1.1 Bonding and Grourrding We inspect bonding and grounding according to iVFC and NESC aud industry standards for the safety of «Torke.rs on the aerial and underground cables and at subscriber homes and equipment. Grounding protects agauist injury from lightning and surges of excessive electrical current on the system. Grounding is rcquired for electrified systcm components at specified locations along the plant itself. This is acconiplished by bonding the cable plant and equipmenl to the com.mon neutral ground of the other utilities on the poles. Alternatively; when lhere is no other ground, the cablc system is d.irectly grounded Nvith a ground roa at the site where grounding is required. Bondi.ng ~ creates "the pe.rmanent joining of inetallic parts to fonn an electrically conductive path that ensurES electrical continuity and the capacity to conduct safely any current likely to be imposed" (NTEC ART. 100). Thc authorities for reparting these kinds of.' violations may be found in the follo,,ving: • • NIEC, Rules 820-33, 820-40; and • NESC, §092C, §0931a, §215, aud 5239. iVo groundirrg or banding violatiom were founcl during our inspectiarr. 4.1.2 LashiMg In aerial portions of the cablc system, the cables are attached to steel cables or "strand" that is bolted to the poles. A strong ttiin lashing A2re is w7apped around both the cable and straud to secure the Gable to its supporting strand. 'Cliis practice places the weight of the cdble on the strand rather than on the cable itself. 15 Spokane Valley- 2006 Draft Tniproper laslung can result in undue stress oa the cable and connectors, potentially causing signal quality problems. If the lashing wirc bmaks and un.ravels, it usually causes the cable to fall from its supPorting strand toward the ground, thereby reduci.ng clc:arances over streets, driveways, or ~sidewall:s and presenting hazards to vehiculaz and pedcstrian traff-le. !Vo loose or brolcen lushing ivires were observetl cluring the inspectiorz. 4.1.3 Construction The conslruction category addresses the manner i.n which the cable system is built. Poor cnnstruction practiccs are evident in such violations as bolts ot' improper length, which if too long creatE hazards for personnel climbing the poles, or i.f tno short fail to securc the cables to the poles (NFSC §217A4). Other violations i.n this category includE missing bolts, strand that is not attached to poles, strand that cioes not have the propcr tension, cable supports and spacers that are missuig or improperly installed, and equipment that is improper for the system. No constructivn vralations were observed in the inspected areas. 4.1.4 Clearances Clear~ances of the cables from the ground, streets and sidewalks, and other uti.lities are specified in national codes such as the iNESC §23 and NESC Tables 232 and 234. All cablcs on the utility poles and underground,should be placc;d in a manner to avoid contact with one another. The codes establish acceptable distances between power, telephone, and othcr communications lines placed lon the same poles and in the same area in the public rights-of-way or public util.ity easements. Proper distance beitiveen cable television lines and other utility cables provides a level of safety for all workers on the poles. The clearance distances from power lines and streets and sidewalks are established io pemut safe and unhindered access to cables on the poles and ta avoid obstructioiLs tn vehicular traffic and pedestrians passing under the cablcs. iVo violations ti+jere abserved rn tlze inspected aretis. 4.1.5 Guying antl anchoring In acrial construction, guy Aires are necessary to provide additional support to the utility pole where thc wcight of cables on the poles is greater than can be safely suPpprted by the polcs alone. . Guy wirES are required not only for poles that support a large number of cables, but also for poles supporting very long spans of cable, and on corners or at the end-of-lines where there is also additional weight on the poles. Missing or improperly installed guy wires can create a public safety hazxrd because of a greater potential for polc failure under stress from high winds, accidents, or pole degradation over time. The steel cables used to buy the poles must be properly bolted to the polcs and anchored in the ground at prescribed tensions. At ground level, the guy wire itsclf is required to be covered with a 16 Spukane Valtey- 2006 Urafi ;ure 8: Cable Grounded lo Estcrior VVater Pipe ~ - _ ; ~ 1~ 1~IF - - _ = r s: _ - , - - - _ ~ t i.l., _ii~?lli~11i?33:'t.jUlfcij ti] lhC .I 1 ;11~, ` cicl i1C~1l ll Fi-Girr 9: Moctcrn Fttif\-('ntupli:int C':ihtc [)rnp in,tall:Ition . • i 1~ , ~ ....,.,,r;-«~~IF _ ~ ~ ft~.. ~ '1 ~ ' e' ' ~ ~ - • 't!'4 • ~ ' ~ , j.J_'t,~*~~ c .jj~~►~y•+•" r ~ 1 ~ ~ ! Y ~ L 1r"T • . Sf ~,R•~ ' _ . ~ ~ • \ ar ~ l . - M1 1r ~ N t , I , - . . ~ . i~ 14 S~x)kanc Valley- ?OOG nrafl E?!astic "guara" tu slert passrrsh} to the rre.srnce of thc «•irc anci protect ped«trian5 trom accidental injury. 'l"he tequirements for euy wire ~iolations are documented in NL•SC Rulcs 26113, 261C, 261 D. and 264. YO 170It7/1U/I5 !1J lJ11S culegon' tii-ere absen-cJ irr the i~~~~~ected ureac, 4.2 Subscriber Dran-Rclatcd ViolatiAns "Dropti" are the wires that connzct the subscritxr hames to the cable system on the street. Under the :3EC, drops an reyuired to mw spcciiic construction standards for attachment to thc homes. Tliese standards have requirements for attachment to the residence, clearancc fmm the ground or depth of buried cablc, and gmunding to pratect against shock, cquipment damage, and firc liarArds. Drop violstians include drops frons aerial plant down a utility pole to an undergmund :ervice connection not being secureci to the pole and which may becomc inadvertently snaggcd and discoruzccted. Safety is a sigmiticant concem in installation and maintenance of drops. I•'or zrcample, a common Operatur practic:e is to place a temgarary unburied drop to a bome serviced by underground plant. I l-his can also occur when the gmund is frozen or snaw covered rind cable cannot k>e buried ai thc time of installaiion. This may be acceptable far a few days, if pruperly guardeci or marked, but «hen left cxposed for weeks it is aot only an annoysnce to subscribers hut presents a sufety hax..ard in the public rights-of-way. "Ihese situaiions are alsa reported as violations. Strmdarcis for drop instaIlalion and maintenance arz govemed by general{y accepted industry practices and by the NFC §250 snd §820. l)rrrP Grr,u,idi,tg T)urigg the drop uispx.rtion_ NNe tbund a suhstantial portiott i,f lhe arrcssihle -~uhscriher drop, intipected were grounded at the dwelling unit in a maruier nut pravided for in thc current electrical code; however, they w•ere sanctioned in ccides prevailing at the time of original instsllation. The drops in qucstinn represent oldcr homcs where thc power, telcphune and cahle enter thc property in different areas oF the house. Figure 8 is a photo illustrating a drop groumded to a wgtcr pip-L Ivch may or may not hc grounded to the power nenwork as rcyuired under the currcnt cucjc. I 17 ~ Spokane Vallcy- 2006 f)raft h:Y/rr,,cc'd, Brukevt, ur 11rs.srng ('nrlersfrnwtd Ylcu11 or Eqtupntctrt In are:as of ncvv conslruclivn, %ve aftrn find expe►sc:d, broken, cir missing plant or eyuipmcnt. Whcre public utilitics are placrd underground, cable and relatcd cquipmcnt must also bc; placed undetground. Cables are to be buried at swifled depths and at specificd distnnces from public utilities. Whcn repairs or replaccment of the cables is nccmary, temporary exposed ` jumper' cables are oficn installcd to maintain service while work to properly install und bury the new cables is schedulyd. When temporary jumper cables nre installeci, the uiblcs should be marked with tape or cones to aJert the public to the hararci and ta protrct the public from injury. I'enporary cables must be replaced with prapcrly mstalled rables as soon as pvssible. In other cases, cirops may tx installrd without prop-erly burying the cable in ordec to facilitate a tiubscrilxr service connecliian, with the cable operator scheciuling burinl of the cable for a leter date. These unburied cables alsa pmsent safety huaards to residcnts passing by the cubtes. Whcn wr find this type of installation that ha5 hcen in place for somc time ar is unpmtected, we repon it a; a viulation. Frmporan rablc.ti are addreskcJ in tltc NES{' :it +U :1(')(d). 1'o t•i(I(cilinn.c irrrc' ohce'rvc'cl in the 1~1.~/.~crc7eel etr<<1s 11.2.1 Drap Clearancx R'e did nv1 nhsetwv an), Iorations u-here the rable drop hucl insu~j'rcienl rlearance.frnrn paiver Cdblt's. Q _;,rAair V .11 irN WA _[;u3a nr \'all:} I.N Llu,w4 m ic~,,m Finul C~-i:. ~ Appendir A Performance Test Results (Spokane Valley, WA Cable Signal l_evel Tesl Results) Headend 04119/06 CARRIER-TO-NOISE AND HUM PERFORMANCE CJN PERfORMANCE DiSTRIBUTION 55 Stl - a • a J • . • 0 S, ' , ~]09 ~ ,o - e g ` ~ : - - --e~ 31 2r - , I 6 - - 0 ~ - - 5C •tlo tS0 ?SMI 2511 70D 350 46 430 500 `.50 (J<35 39 38 40 42 41 46 0 5(1 •.2 54. Frepuenq (MHr.) Camer-to Noise (d9) VIOEO CARRlER LEVELS VIDEO-TO-AUDIO RATIO I ,par „oe 2l1 _ 40 ~ > r 30 m j . ~ ~ - , - - - o ~ . . • 5 7 Y 71 13 15 17 19 :t ?3 25 level Drfference (ciB) ADJACENT CHANNEL DIFFERENCE Camer-to-Nalse Average 511 d8 Min. allowable 43 dE3 t7 i 3i m' - - - o ~ Carner Level VariaUori Overall 3.9 d6 Max allowablLu 13 dn Adjacern 2.5 d6 Max albwable 3 dH 4- p . . . . . . , . . , o , z 3 4 s a 7 e 9 10 Hum udeo came, or+ro►a+ce 09y Average 1.08% Max. allowabfe 3% AN Retio Maximum 16.9 dB Max albwable 17 dB Mirnmum 12,8 dB Mm. allowaWe 10 d8 rn Fae r+FADsPo 7a 7 o o 00 ~ I Spokane Valley, WA Cable Signal Level Test Results ~ Model: SDA-44401 Serial 0033582 1 Cal Uate: 09/27l05 ~ 4perator: ? File: H-EADSPO IDOS File: H_N.ADSPO Date:04/19/06 Timc: 14:53:00 10.0 0.0 Description: I.oeation Hcadend ~ Channell Label I Video I Audio IDelta A/Vl C/N I Hum I Hum I I(dBmV) I(dLimV) I(dB) ~(dI3) ~(0) 21 KRFV1 1 11.2 ~-3.4 ~ 14.6 31I{AYU 1 11.3 1 -3.9 ~ 15•2 1 41I{XLY 1 11.2 1 -4.2 15.4 1 51CTTY 1 14.4 1 -0.8 1 152 1 1 1.1 1 -39.3 61KHQ 1 11.9 1 -3.0 1 14.9 1 1 1 951FIRE 1 14.7 1 1.9 1 12.8 1 1 1 991TVG 1 12.8 1 -2A 1 14.8 1 1 1 141LOCL 1 15.0 1 -1.0 1 16.0 1 - 15 E17AC ~ 14.6 ~ -0.2 ~ 14.8 1 ~ 16 EDAC ~ 14.1 ~ -1.4 ~ 15.5 52.0 ~ 171FDAC 1 13.7 1 -3.2 1 169 ~ 18 JCDAC 1 14.6 1 -0.5 1 15.1 1 I 19JEDAC 1 13.8 1 -1.7 1 15.5 1 ~ 201TWC 1 13.6 1 -2.7 1.16.3 211 WGN ~ 13.1 1 -2.4 1 15.5 221KSKN ~ 12.7 I -2.3 ~ 15.0 ~ 71KSPS 1 12.9 1 -2.1 ~ 15.0 1 81KGPX 1 13.4 1 -2.1 1 15.5 1 91laiSC 1 14.9 1 -0.3 1 15.2 1 10IHSN 1 13.2 1 -2.2 1 15.4 1 50.4 1 ~ 11 JESPN 1 13.1 1 -2.6 1 15.7 1 1 ~ izJncE I12.9 I-2.2 I 15.1 ( I I - 131 Qvc 1 13.4 I-2.2 I15.6 l ~ I 231NwcN 1 12.9 I-2.1 I 15.0 I I I 241KQUP 13.4 1 -2.3 1 15.1 1 ~ ~ - Zsl°rvw 12.8 I-z.o I14.8 I I I 261xcDr 1 14.1 1 -0.6 1 14.7 I 50.6 I I 271 CSPN I12.5 I-ZS 1 15.0 I ~ zs 1 csP2 1 13.1 ~-Z.a I 15.5 I I 291'T'F3N 1 12.8 -2.1 ~ 14.9 301SPwl7 1 12.9 -1.9 1 14.8 1 ~ ~ 31 JOLN 1 14.1 1 -1.3 1 15.4 1 Spokane.Valley, WA Cable Signal Level Test Results , , . I.,ocation Headend ~ Channell Label I Viden I Audio IDelta A/Vl C/N I Hum I Hum 321FSN 1 13.6 1 -2.0 1 15.6 1 1 1 331GOI F 1 14.8 1 -1.0 1 15.8 1 1 341ESP2 1 13.7 1 -1.4 1 15.1 1 1 ~ 351FQQD 1 14.4 -1.6 1 16.0 1 36 1TR.A V 1 13.7 -0.7 1 14.4 1 371H1ST 1 14.0 ~ -l.8 1 15.8 1 ~ . ~ 381TLC 1 13.8 1 -0.9 1 14.7 1 1 391FAM 1 12.1 -3.5 1 15.6 1 1 1 40IN1CK 1 13.5 -2.0 1 15.5 1 51.2 1 1 411 D1S~Tl 1 11.5 ~ -3.3 ~ 14.8 421TOON 1 13.0 ~ -2.6 1 15•6 1 43 1 A.['L 1 12.0 ~ -3.0 1 15.0 44 1CNN 1 13.6 1 -22 1 15.8 45 1HN 1 11.1 1 -2.8 1 13.9 ~ ~ - 461 CTBC 1 13.6 1 -2.3 1 15.9 1 ~ ~ . 471MSN13 1 12.7 1 -2.2 ~ 14.9 1 1 1 48 1FOXN 1 13.3 1 -3.2 ~ 16.5 1 491CRT 1 13.2 1 -1.5 ~ 14.7 ~ ~ 501OXYG ~ 13•7 1 -2•0 1 15•7 511 LIFE ~ 13.7 1 -2.2 1 15.9 ~ 51.5 521A E 1 13.9 1 -1.7 1 15.6 53 1FX-W 1 14.0 1 -2.2 1 16.2 ~ ~ . 541TNT 1 13.7 1 -0.2 •1 13.9 SSITBS 1 14.1 1 -2.1 1 16.2 1 561BET 1 13.0 1 -1.9 1 14.9 1 571SPTK 1 14.1 1 -1.9 1 16A 1 58JUSA 1 13.5 1 -l.6 1 15.1 1 503 1 ~ 591 SCIF 1 13.6 1 -2.0 1 15.6 1 1 1 601CONIE 1 13.4 1 -1.9 I. 153 1 611 CMT ~ 13.6 1 -I J 1 15.3 1 ~ 62 1VH-1 1 13.8 1 -2.0 1 15.8 1 631MTV 1 13.6 1 -l.4 1 15.0 1 51.5 1 ~ . 64JEI`V 1 13.8 1 -2.0 1 15.8 1 6511312AV 1 13.8 1 -0.7 1 14.5 1 661FMC 1 14.1 1 -2.1 1 16.2 671AMC 1 13.9 1 -0.7 1 14.6 681HGTV 1 14.2 1 -O.G 1 14.8 1 ~ . ~ 691 1 13.1 1 -2.0 ~ 15.1 1 741PIN 1 13.6 1 -l.4 ~ 15.0 1 ~ ~ Spokane Valley, WA I Cable Signal Level Test Results Location ~ Hcadend ~ Channcl l.nbel I Vidco I Audia lDeIta A/V1 C/N I Hum I Ilum ~ 741Y1N 1 13.6 1 -1.4 1 15.0 1 7511C 1 13.4 1 -2.7 1 16.1 1 761TE[.E 1 13.1 1 -1.8 1 149 1 7711 IALM 1 12.7 1 -3.1 1 15.8 1 78JACN 1 12.5 1 -2.8 1 15.3 1 ~ ~ (Spokane Valley. WA Cable 5+gnal Level iesi kesults) Test Point 1: 14220 East Mission 04119/06 CARRIER-TO-NOtSE AND HUM PERFORMANCE C!N PERFORMANCE aiSTRlBUT10N 5e x . • . • • . t0 S • ' ~ 1Jm 6; 43 - - ' - - • ~ b 4 s - - - e ~ ~ 3 I ~ L 70 - - - ~ 3 ~ 2, - - • " - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 3% u - . I J, O - - - - - !4 . 100 t! 4 : w m 3o0 250 &oD 400 4pf 59o OI - - - - - - c35 JO 38 40 42 41 <r_, 4I1 Si 5: 4t, Frequencq (NIHz) Carrier-to-lJot;a (,iF]i V1DE0 CARRIER LEVELS VIDEO-TO-AUDIO ftAT10 - Udb - - -L 11 40 o s - . 30 ~ J q 20 - m . ~o :,u; 4;_ 4 63 a 5 7 9 11 13 •.5 i? :1 FrM~rY lMhlrl Lavel Ui!1erenca (d9) ADJAC£N7 CHANNEL DIFFERENCE CBmzf-fU-NOise 4~ - AV@rege 49 1 c1B hliri aliowable 43 dEi ]5 ]!B Carner Level Vanahon Overap 9.1 dB Max attowable 13 ciA Adjac:erit 2.7 d8 Max alfowable 3 dB ; - - ~ , . 0 1 z 3 4 5 e 7 e 9 10 Hum vux-D cHR~~ ~~lnmtn" (dB) Average 0 97% Max_ allowable 3% AN Ratio Maximum 16 1 d6 Max allowable 17 dB Minimuiri 110 dCj Min allotrvable iQ dB li' Fde? TP1 :iPCI 'r6 Spokane Valley, WA Cable Signal Level Test Results Madcl: SDA40404Seriai 0033582 rD(OS l Uate: 09/27/05 Operator: ? File: TP1 SPO P'ik: TP1 SPO Uate: (}4J19/06 '1'ime: l6:O11:17 0.0 Dcscription: ~ Lc>catian Fesl Point I: 14220 Last Missinn Channel Labcl I Vidco I Audio lDelta AM C/N I Httrn I llum I I(dDmV) I(dBmV) I(dQ) I (dB) ~(dR) 21 KRrM 1 10.6 1 -3.6 1 14.2 1 ~ 31KAYU 1 10.8 1 -3.8 14.6 1 ~ 41KXLY 1 11.8 1 4.3 16.1 1 s c~l-Y I 13.0 I-z.a I t s_a I 49.4 1.0 I 40.3 G KI{Q 1 10.9 4.5 1 15.4 ~ 1 951 flitL- 1 13.1 0.1 1 13.0 1 1 1 991TVG 1 9.4 -5.1 1 14.5 1 1 14 1LOCI.. 1 12.1 1 -4.0 1 16.1 1 1 islr•~nc I 12.2 I•2.3 I ia.s I I I 16JCDAC 1 11.7 -3.4 1 15.1 1 49.6 1 17 JEDAC 1 11.8 -4.1 1 15.9 1 1 18JEDnc I12.4 I-Z.s I14.9 I I 19lcoAc 1 12.1 I-3.1 I 15,2 I 2011-wc I11.6 I4.3 I15.9 I I 21IwcN I>>.x I-3.9 1 1s.7 I I 221KSKN I11.2 I-3.4 I 14.6 I I 7IKSPs I 11.6 1 -3.1 I14.7 I I I slKCrx I 12.2 I-3.1 I 15.3 I I I 91DISC 1 13.9 1 -1.4 1 15.3 1 IoIHSlv 1 12.0 I-3.0 I 15.0 I47.1 I I 11 IESrN I12.0 I-3.6 I15.6 I I I 12JACE 1 11.7 -2.8 1 14.5 1 13 Qvc I12.4 -2.7 15.1 I I I 23 NWCN 1 12.6 1 -2.8 15.4 241KQUP 1 12.6 ( -2.6 1 15.2 ~ 25 I'1'V W 1 13.0 1 -23 1 15.3 -)61kcn-1- I 13.6 I-o.s I 14.1 I 47.8 I I 171C5PN 1 12.6 I-2.6 I15.2 I ( I 281CSI'2 13.4 -2.1 1 15.5 1 1 ~ 291T[3N 13.5 -1.9 1 15.4 1 1 301sPFn I 12.19 1 -z.o I14.9 I I I 31 JOLN ( 14.1 1 -I.3 1 15.4 1 ~ ~ Spokane Valley, WA Cable Signal Level Test Results Lcxniion Trst Point I: 14220 [ast Mission Channel I_abel I Video Audio (Deha." C/1` I Hum I I ium 321FSN 1 13.9 -1.9 1 15.8 1 1 1 33IcK)LF 1 14.7 I-o.a I15. 1 I I I 34JCSP2 1 13.9 -1.0 1 14.9 1 351FOOD 14.9 -0.7 1 15.6 1 36IT11Av 14.7 I-0.6 I 15.3 I I I 371iils-r 1 ».s 1 -1.9 1 15.7 I I I 381TLC 1 13.8 1 -1.1 1 14.9 1 .191FAM 1 12.1 1 -3.0 1 15.1 1 40IN1CK 1 14.3 1 -1.2 1 15.5 1 48.2 41 ID1SN 1 123 1 -2_0 1 14.3 1 1 ~ 421TnON 1 14.6 1 -0.7 1 15.3 1 43 APL ~ 14.0 ~ -1.5 ~ 15.5 aa crN 15.2 I 0.1 I15. 1 I I I 45 1 HN 13.5 ~ -0.7 ~ 14.2 461CNBC 15.9 ~ 0.6 15.3 471MSNH 15.5 ~ -0.4 13.9 481FOXN 153 ~-0.5 1 1-5.8 ~ 491CRT 15.6 1 0.6 1 15.0 1 ( 501OXYG 1 15.5 1 0.4 1 15.1 1 ~ 51 ILIFF. 1 16.0 1 0.4 ~ 15.6 ( 49.7 52 A f; ~ 16.1 ~ 0.6 15.5 53 FX-W ~ 16.4 ~ 0.9 15.5 541rrvT 1 16.6 1 2.1 14s I I s51TBs 1 15.8 I 1.0 14.8 1 I 561BL'[' 1 15.9 1 0.7 15? 1 ~ 571SPIK 1 16.1 1.0 15.1 1 581USA I 16.5 1.1 15_4 ~;o.i I ( 591SCIF 1 16.5 1.4 1 15.1 601CUME 1 16.2 1.3 1 149 ~ 611 cn,t-r I 16.7 I i.s I 14.9 I 621vIi-i 1 17.0 1.7 1 15.3 I i 631MTV 1 17.0 2.2 1 14.8 1 50.1 1 64JETV 1 17.5 1 2.0 I5.5 1 651liRAV 1 17.9 1 2.9 15.0 1 hb FMC ~ 18.1 ~ 2.6 15.5 67 AMC ~ 18.0 ~ 3.2 ~ 14.8 6811iGTV 1 18.5 1 4.4 1 14.1 1 ~ 691 1 17.8 1 1.9 1 15.9 1 ~ ~ ' 741 PIN 1 18.5 ~ 2.8 1 15.7 1 Spokane Valley, WA Cable Signal Level Test Resuits l.ocation Test Paint i: 14220 East Missian ~ Channci~ Labcl I Video I Audio 1Delta ANi C/N I Hum I Hum 74 1P1N I 18.5 I 2.8 1 15.7 I I I 7511C 1 18.3 1 2.6 ~ 15.7 1 76ITEi.E I 18.0 I z.s I is? I I I 7711IALM 1 17.5 1 2.7 ~ 14.8 1 49.9 1 78IAC?v I 18.0 1 2.5 I 15.5 I I , (Spokane Vatley, Wn CaWe Signat Level Test Rasults) Test Point 2: Robie & 10th 04/20106 CARRIER-T0.NOISE ANO HUY PERFOR1r11NCE C!N P£RFORYANCE DISTRIBUTfON ss '!0 ~ ~ i ■ • ♦ 1 • l0 5' i . m _ . _ ~Stl! ~ 40 - - ~ ~ ~ a ' 3' ~ - - . z , A 20 , ~ t9 - - - 2 ~ ' i - - ~ r - - - a u vi •co 150 aoa seo wo ssn 400 uo zo eeo c35 JO 3e 40 42 t4 aE a , u• Freq;yency (MHz) Camer-to-Naise (d8) VIDEO CARRIER LEVEL3 VtDEO-TO-AUDFO RATIO ~o• - 50 : - - - - ~ e t ' - 40 - ~ 4 I ~ 30~.~ T 1: ~Q ~ Q 5 7 8 11 :3 '5 t1 19 21 23 15 i rc~;u+•~:-; 1tH:'r Level CliRcri+rnx td8) ADJACENT CHAPlNEL DIFFER£NCE Camer-to-No+se 0 - , - - Averege 492 dB Mm allowable 43 dB . ~ - - Camer Level Varietion Overall 7.8 d8 Max. albwablo 13 d8 Adjaccnt 3.7 d6 Max. allowable 3 d8 \ • - fJ... ~7'::I _li.~'_~ 'r:,t~SJ{:7',"Y ~r~ I:..•~'.5[~:~ . !i_=1'tiPi I•~..~.~'l.l~i:~(: o 1 2 3 a s s 7 e 9 10 Hum Viaeo C.arner oi+terenoe 0131 Averags 0 91 % Max allowable 30/, AN Ratio Maximum 16.2 dB Max ailowab{e 17 dB Minimum 11.7 d6 Min. allowable 10 dB tp 17*5 TP2 SPO 1e 9 00 00 I Spokane Valley, WA Cable Signal Level Test Results I Modcl: SDA40404Serial 0033582 CAI Date: 09/27/05 ~ Operator. ? File: TP2 SPO DOS File: TPZ SPO I?ate:04J2U/U6 l`imc: 11:46:49 0.0 0.0 Ucscription: ~ Location I'est Point 2: Robie 8c l Oth ~ Channeli labcl Video I Audio (Delta A/VI C/N ( Hum I Hum I (dBmV) ~ (dBmY) ~ (dB) I (d8) (dB) 2 KREM 1 12.6 ~ -3.5 ~ 16.1 3 KAYU I10.7 I4.0 I 14.7 I I 41K,XLY 1 11.6 1 -3.7 1 15.3 1 1 1 _5 I Clll' 1 14.6 ~ -0.2 1 14.8 1 49.4 0.9 -40.8 61KHQ 1 12.9 -2.3 1 15.2 1 951FIRT 1 15.6 2.8 1 12•8 1 1 1 yyI'l-v(; 1 )Z.R 1 -1.9 1 14.7 I ( I 14 1LOCL 1 14.9 1 - I.2 1 16.1 I5 1 EUAC 1 14.9 1 -0.1 1 15A 16JFUAC 1 14.1 1 -1.6 1 15.7 1 48.6 1 17 Eranc ~ 11.0 ~-0.7 11.7 is EnAC I 14.7 I-1.0 I15.7 I I 1 19 FUAC ~ 13.5 ~-2.5 ~ 16A 201TWC 1 12.4 1 -3.1 1 15.5 1 1 2I1 WGN ~ 12.4 1 -31 1 15.6 22 1KSKN 12-4 1 -2. I I 14.5 1 71 KSPS 13.0 1 -1.8 1 14.8 1 81KGPX 1 131 1 -1.6 1 14.8 1 ~ 91DIsc I 15.0 I 0.2 I14.8 I I I 10IIISN 1 13.6 1 -12 1 14.8 1 46.5 1 1 11 JESPN 1 14.0 I -1.7 1 15.7 I I I 12IACE I14.0 I-1.0 I 15.0 I I I 131QVC 1 14.3 1 -0.6 1 14.9 1 1 ~ 231NWCN 1 14.6 1 -0.7 1 15.3 1 1 1 24 I KQuP I14.7 -0.3 I 15.0 I I 251TVW 14.2 -0.3 1 14.5 1 1 261KCDT 15.7 1 1.2 1 14.5 1 48.6 1 1 I 27IcsPN I14.4 I-o.s I15.2 I I I 281csr2 I15.0 I-022 I15.2 I I I 291'1'BN 1 13.2 1 0.3 1 14.9 1 1 30ISPED 1 15.5 1 0.5 1 15.0 1 .31 JOr.N 1 16.3 1 1.0 1 15.3 1 1 Spokane Vailey, WA Cable Signal Level Test Resuits I.ocatiun; I'est I'c►inl 2: Robic & l Oth ~ Channel L.sbcl I Video I Audio I[k-Ita A/VI C/N I Num I Hum 321FSN 1 16.2 1 0.4 1 15.8 1 331GOLF 1 173 1 1.7 1 15.6 1 3 41 FSPZ 1 16.5 I1.1 1 15.4 I I 351r-ooD 1 17.1 1 1.4 1 15.7 I I 361TRAV 1 17.1 1 1.9 1 15.2 1 ~ 371NIST 1 16.6 1 1.3 1 15. 1 ~ 381TI_C 1 16.4 1 1.8 1 14.6 1 ~ FAM ~ 14.5 ( -0.7 ~ 15.2 40INICK 1 16.5 1 0.6 1 15.9 ~ 49.0 1 ~ 41 1DISN 1 143 1 -0.9 1 15.2 1 .121-i'OON 1 15.6 1 0.4 1 15.2 1 ~ 431API_ 1 15.4 1 -0.2 15.6 44 1 CN1V 1 16.9 2.1 14.8 ~ ~ 451Fi1V 1 15.1 0.5 1 14.6 ~ 461CNIIC 1 16.8 1 2.2 1 14.6 471MSN13 1 16•4 1 1•' 1 15.1 481roacN 1 16.7 1 0.9 I 15.8 I I I 491cK-r 1 16.8 I 2.0 1 14.8 I I 501OXYG 1 17.0 1 1.5 1 15.5 I I i 1 1LIFE 1 16.9 1 1.0 1 15.9 1 50.5 1 52IA E 1 16.7 I 0.9 1 15.8 I I 531rx-w 163 I o.s I1s.8 I I 541T,1T 16.4 1 2.2 1 14.2 ! I 55ITI3S 1 163 1 1.5 ~ 14.8 1 ( 561BET 1 16.7 1 1.1 ~ 15.6 1 -571S['1K 1 16.8 1 1.9 14.9 1 781USA 1 16.9 1.3 15.6 1 49.8 591SC1F 1 16.7 1.2 1 15.5 1 1 601COMF: 1 16.3 1 1.4 1 14.9 1 1 ~ hl ICMT 1 16.8 1 1.8 1 15.0 1 621 VH-1 1 17.7 1 1.5 1 16.2 1 ~ 631M'('V 1 16.7 1 1.9 1 14.8 1 50.6 641 El-V 1 172 I2.0 I 15.2) I I 651HRAV 1 17.6 1 2.9 1 14.7 1 c;blFMC 1 17.6 2.4 I15.2 I I I 671AMC 1 18.1 3.4 1 14.7 1 1 1 6811icTv I is.s I 4.6 I 13.9 I I 691 1 18.2 I z.s I 15.7 I I 7411'IN 1 18.4 1 18 ~15.6 I I Spokane Valley, WA Cable Signal Level Test Resufts l.vcation T'est Paint 2: Robie 8: l Oth ~ Channrll Labrl I Video ( Audio lDelta A/VJ CJN I Hum I iium 741PIN 1 18.4 1 2.8 1 15.6 1 7511c I».s I2.1 I15.4 I I 761'i'ELF 1 18.3 2.7 1 15.6 1 ~ 77111AI.M 1 17.5 2.2 1 15.3 1 50.1 1 1 78J.acN, 1 17.6 1 2.1 1 15.5 1 I I . iSRokane Valiey, WA Cable Signal (.eve! T'est Resulis) Test Point 3: 10605 E. Buckeye St. 04/20/06 CARRIER-TO-NOISE AND HUM PERFORMAMCE CM P£RfORMAAICE OISTRlBUTION 5e - - 50 , ~ 0 a m . . - 430 w - a 4 ; m 35 ~ u - f0 ! o a ~ , u 20 - - - - - 4 ,J - - - - - - - - - - - - Ty . v ~ . . ;i • D - tqo '5„ TDD 200 = M 4OD l10 !00 550 Q' - - - . . <JS 39 30 KI 42 M 4t9 4A 50 47 s4 • F r»quency (MHz) CarrrPr-to-Ncnse (d13) ViDEO CARRIER LEVELS ViDEO-TO-AUDIO RATIO _ 50 ,o ; 1 - ~0 1 ~ . ~ . . _ I 30 _ • V s _ _ • ' _ . . _ ' . ~ 4 ~ 20~ - ~ , - 55 1;7 115 22? a~_J ,:11 S 7 9 11 13 15 1' 14 71 23 25 F:ec~~e~~y (MH: I Leve1 DAference (dE) ADJACENT CHANNEL DJFFERENCE Camer-?a-Noise o - - Averaye 47 n dB Mir; aitowat,lc 43 (1H 9 ~ : Camer Level Variadon Ovarall 8.0 dB Max allowable 13 dB „ , - , Adjacent 2 7 dB Max aNowable ;i dB ~ . o 1 z s 4 s 5 7 a e10 Hum v~o+ao camLw ti-.f`erc,nou (dA) Average 0.94% Max auvwable 3`Yo AN R8t10 Maximum 16 7 dB Max allowab6e 17 dB Mirnmum 13 5 dD Min allowab{e 10 dB i~~61- rP3 sPo ~h ~ ❑o ID n Spokane Valley, WA Cable Signal Level Test Results Model: SDA40401J5erial 0433582 iCal Date: 09R7/05 ~ Opcrator: ? f ile: 1'I13 SF'n DOS Fik: TP3,SP4 Date:04120I06 'I'imc: 13:07:47 0.0 0.0 Uescription: I.ocation7'fcst Point 3: 10605 E. t3uckeye Sl. Channel Labcl I Video Audio llhlta AN C1N I Hum I Flum I (dBmV) (dE3mV) I (dB) I (ciB) I I (dB) 21KREM 1 199 1 4_3 1 15.6 1 1 1 ; Knvu 11 8.7 1 2.9 I15.8 I I I 4 kXLY 1 17.6 1 2.0 1 15.6 51CI'IY 1 20.4 1 4.5 1 159 1 48.3 0.9 1 -3(1.> 61K»Q 1 17.7 1 2.2 I15.5 I I I 951f1RE 1 19.5 1 5.9 1 13.6 1 1 991TVG 1 16.9 1 1.7 1 15.2 1 I 4 1LOCL 1 19.3 1 3.1 1 162 1 ~ 151 I=DAC 1 18.5 1 3.8 1 14.7 1 1 1 161 EDAC 1 18.2 2.6 1 15.6 I 47.7 1 171 CDAC 17.9 1.2 16.7 19 1 t:.llAC 18.9 1 3•4 15•5 I 9, CDAC 17.6 ~ 2.0 1 15.6 1 201TWC I6.9 1.3 ~ 15.6 211 WGN 16.6 1.2 ~ 15.4 221KSKN 16.4 1 1.3 1 15.1 1 1 1 7 Ksrs 16.6 I1.4 f 15.2 I I I 8 KGNX 16.8 1 1.6 1 15.2 ~ 91nisc I 18s 1 3.4 1 15.1 I I IDIi1SN 1 16.6 1 1.6 1 15.0 1 45.4 1 11 JESPN 1 17.3 1.1 1 16.2 1 1 1 12JACE 1 16.7 1.8 1 14.9 1 1 1 i 31Qvc 17.1 1 2.0 1 15.1 I I 231NWCN 16.8 1 1.5 1 15.3 1 1 241KQUP 1 16.9 1 1.5 1 15.4 251TVW 1 16.4 1 1.6 1 14.8 261KCD'C 1 17.1 1 3.0 14.4 1 45.3 1 1 271CSNN 16.0 1 0.9 15.1 1 1 1 281CSP2 16.3 1 0.8 1 15.7 1 1 291TBN 16.0 I 1.1 1 14.9 I I 301sPr:n I16.1 I 1.0 15.1 I I 31 JOLN 1 16.9 1 1.3 15.6 1 ~ ~ Spokane Valley, WA Cable Signal Level Test Results I.ocntioniTest Puint :3: 10605 E. [3uckc~~c 5t. ~ Channet Latx1 ~ Video Audio lDclta A/VI C'/N I Hum I I lum ;Z FSN ) 16.0 0.4 ~ 15.6 33 1coLr I17.5 I 2.0 1 15.5 I I I 3 aIFSP? I16.8 I1.1 I 15.7 I I I 35I cooo 1 16.8 1 1.4 1 15.4 I I I 361TRAV 1 16.8 1 1.6 1 15.2 1 1 1 371IiiS'I' 1 16.5 1 12 1 153 1 38JTLc 1 16.6 1 1.7 ~ 14.9 I I I )91FAM 1 14.5 ~ -0.2 1 14.7 1 3 40 NicK I16.8 I1.1 I15.7 I47.4 I I 41 DISN ~ 14.4 ~-o.a 14.8 I I I 4' I'T"UON 1 16.1 ~ 0.6 15.5 431APl. 1 15.5 1 -0.1 1 15.6 441CNN 1 16.7 1 1.7 1 15.0 1 a s 1 i nN I 14.5 I-0.2 1 14.7 I I 461C'NE3C 1 16.6 ~ 1.6 1 15.0 1 ~ 471MS,16 1 16.4 ( 1.2 I15.2 I I ! 481FOXN 1 16.5 ~ 0.3 16.2 491CRT 1 16.5 1 1.5 15.0 501OXYG 1 16.9 ~ 1_1 15.8 51(LIF[: 1 16.9 ~ 1.3 15.6 ~ 47.7 521A E 1 16.7 1 1.0 1 15.7 1 ~ ;31 Fx-w ~ 16.8 ~ o.s ~16.3 I I ;411-cvT I 16.9 ~ 2.0 ~ 14.9 ~ I ssl yds 16.6 ~ i.? ~ 15.4 I I I 561Bh'r 16.0 1 0.6 1 15.4 I i I 5715111K 1 16.1 1 1.2 1 14.9 1 ss 1usA I 16.2 1 o.s I15.7 1 48.6 I I 591SC11; 1 16.1 1 0.5 1 15.6 1 1 ~ 601COM1: 1 15.6 1 0.0 1 15.6 1 61ICMT 1 15.7 0.1 1 I5.6 1 ~ 621 VH-t ( 15.9 -U.I 1 16.0 1 ~ 631M'N 1 15.5 1 0.3 1 15.2 48.8 0,41 ETV 1 15.7 1 0.2 1 15.5 ~ 651BRAV 1 15.6 ~ 1.1 1 14.5 1 66 FMC ~ 16.1 ~ 0.5 ~ 15.6 67 aMC ~16.2 I1.3 I14.9 I 681HG-1'V 1 16.4 1 2.4 1 14.0 ~ 691 ~ 15.3 1 0.0 1 15.3 ~ ~ 74 1 PIN ~ 15.6 1 0.0 1 15.6 Spokane Valley, WA Cable Signal Level Test Results l.acationhest !'oint 3: 10605 E. Buckcye SL i Channel Labcl I Vidco I Audio lDelta AiVl GN I lium Hum 74 PIN 1 15.6 1 0.0 1 15.6 1 1 7511C 1 14.9 1 -0.6 1 15.5 1 1 1 761"I'ELE 1 15.0 1 -0.3 ~ 153 1 1 1 771 HA1.M 1 14.6 1 -0.6 15.2 1 47.8 1 791AC'N 1 14.6 1 -1.3 15.9 1 1 (Spokane Valley. WA Cable Signal Level Tesl Resutts) Test Point 4: 8th & Joel 04/20/06 CARRIER-T0.N013E AND HUM PERFORMANCE CM PERfORMANCE DISTRIBUTION s~ ~ i . ~ - ~ , • ~ - ~o s : ~ - - e - ~ ~s - ~ - - - ~ ~ 'S > . - - o ~ - - - 'J +00 lE0 7pD m 3W 750 4W 400 500 !!0 a'v- - - - - - - - - - 46 36 38 10 42 4l K 6A `.iil .`.P St' Frequency (MHz) Garner-lc-Nosw IAB} V1DE0 CARRIER LEVELS VIDEO-TO-AUDIO RATlO p • ' ' aa 2U so 40 ; cs ~ g ~ - - i - - - ~ ~ p_ :;7 .:f::3 2ot 5'u y:; ttS aid Q9 S , fl 11 iJ 15 17 19 21 ~T3 Frepuarx.y (MWz) Level DcFferance (dB) ADJACENT CHANNEL DIFFERENCE Carrier-to-Noise . Average 47.9 dB Min allowablo 43 dB Camer Leve! Variabon Overall 6.6 d6 Max. albwable 13 cif3 ' - Adjacent 7. 6 d8 Max. allowabie 3 dE3 , - - a ' . . . 0 1 2 3 4 s 6 T e s» Hum v-dao Camer ttit%rence (a6) Average 1 00`r6 Max allowable 3`/0 AN Ratio Maximum 161- 8 dE3 Max aIiawabae 17 dB Minimum 12 7 dB Min. alfowable 10 dB f P Flle TP4 sFIO 70 9 0 C. 0 0 Spokane Valley, WA . Cable Signal Level Test Results ~ 1Vqodel: SIaA-4040qSerial 0033582 iCal I.)ate: 09/27l05 ~ Qperator: ? ~File: TP4_SPO DOS File: TP4_SPQ Date: 04/20/06 `l`ime: 15:48:23 0.0 0.0 Description: ~ LocationiTest Point 4: $th & Joel . Channel ~ I.abel I Video I Audio iDelta AlVI C/N I lium I Hum I I(dBmV) I(dBmV) I(dB) I (dl3) ~(dB) 21KREV1 1 14.2 1 -0.5 1 14.7 1 ~ ~ • 31KAYU 1 13.9 1 -1.3 1 15.2 1 4 1KXLY 1 13.6 1 -2.0 1 15.6 1 5 1C] 1`Y 1 16.2 ~ 1.0 1 15.2 1 48.8 1 1.0 1 -40.0 61KHQ ~ 13.8 1 -1.6 1 15.4 1 951 FTRF ~ 15•6 ~ 2•9 ~ 12•7 I I I 991TVG 1 13.5 ~-1.4 ~ 14.9 l4jLocr 1 16.1 j 0.1 16.0 I I I 151LDAC 1 15.7 1 0.7 1 15.0 1 0 16JEDAC 1 14.8 1 -0.6 ~ 15.4 1 48.1 1 1 171EDAC 1 14.6 1 -2.2 ~ 16-8 1 1 1 181 F-DAC 1 15.9 1 0.4 1 15.5 1 1 1 19JCDAC 1 14.4 1 -0.8 1 15.2 1 1 1 201TWC 1 14.1 1 -1.6 1 15.7 1 1 1 211 WGN 1 139 1 -1.4 1 15.3 1 1 1 221KSKN 1 139 1 -1.2 1 15.1 1 71 KSPS 1 14.0 -1.1 1 15.1 1 81 KGAX 1 14.2 -0.9 1 15.1 1 1 ~ - 91171SC 1 16.1 1 0.8 1 15.3 1 1 1 lOIHSN 1 14.1 1 -0.3 1 14.4 1 44•4 1 ~ 1 1IhSPN 14.7 1 -0.6 1 15.3 1 ~ 12JACE 14.4 1 -03 1 14.7 1 ~ 131QVC 1 153 1 0.2 1 15.1 1 1 231NWCN 1 15.3 1 0.1 1 15.2 1 1 ~ 241KQUP 1 15.4 1 0.3 1 15.1 1 1 1 Zs I Tvw I15.0 I 0.2 1 14.8 I I I 261KCDT 1 16A 1 1.6 1 14.4 1 47.0 1 1 271CSPN 1 15.3 1 -0.2 1 15.5 1 ZslcsPZ I15.4 I 0.2 I 15.2 I I I 291T13N 1 15.2 1 0.3 1 14.9 1 1 1 301SPED 1 15.5 1 0.8 1 14.7 1 1 1 31 1OLN 1 16.4 1 1.1 1 15.3 1 ' ~ ~ Spokane Valley, WA Cable Signal Level Test Results , IJocationiTest Point 4: $th & Joel Channel I Label I Video I Audio IDelta AIVj C/N I Hum I Hum 321FSN 1 15.9 1 0.2 1 15.7 331GOf.,F 1 17.1 1 1.7 I 15•4 341ESP2 1 16.3 1 1.1 1 15•2 1 351FOOD ~ 1 16•8 1 1•2 1 15.6 1- 1 361TRAV 1 16.4 1 1.5 1 14.9 1 1 371HIST 1 162 1 1.0 1 15.2 381"I'I,C 1 16.1 1 1.8 1 14.3 391FAM 1 14.4 1 -0.1 1 14.5 1 ~ 40INTCK 1 16.9 1 1•6 1 15.3 1 47.7 1 ~ 41 IDISN 1 14.9 1 0.3 1 14.6 1 421T00iN 1 17.2 1 1.6 1 15.6 1 ~ 43 1 APL 1 16.2 1 1.0 1 15.2 1 ~ 44 1CNN 1 18.0 1 3.2 1 14.8 ( 451HN 1 16.0 1 1.$ 1 14.2 1 461CTlBC 1 18.2 ~ 3.3 1 14.9 1 471MSNB 1 1$.5 ~ 2.8 1 15.7 1 1 1 481FOXN 1 18.2 ~ 2.2 1 16.0 1 ~ ~ . ~ 49 1CRT 1 18.0 1 3.5 1 14.5 1 50 1OXYG 1 18.8 1 3.3 1 15.5 1 51 ILIFE 1 1$.8 1 3.2 1 15.6 1 48.2 1 ~ 521A F 1 18.8 1 3.2 1 15.6 ~ ~ ~ • 531FX-W 1 18.7 1 3.1 1 15.6 1 541TNT 1 18.7 1 4.0 N 14.7 1 551TIIS 1 18.8 1 3.3 1 15.5 1 561BET 1 18.2 1 3.0 1 15.2 1 1 1 571SPIK 18.8 1 3.5 1 15.3 1 1 1 58JUSA 18.5 1 3.0 1 15.5 1 49.1 1 ~ 591SCIr 1 18.6 1 3.2 1 15.4 1 1 ~ 601COME 1 18.1 1 29 1 15.2 1 1 ~ 611 CMT 1 18.9 1 3.2 1 15.7 1 1 I 621vx-1 1 18.8 1 3.0 I is.s 1 I I 631MTV 1 18.7 1 3.5 1 15.2 1 49A 1 ~ 64JETV 18.0 1 3.4 1 14.6 1 651 131ZAV 1$.9 1 43 1 14.6 1 661FMC 19.4 1 4.1 1 15.3 1 1 ~671AMC 1 19.7 1 4.9 1 14.8 1 1 ~ 681HGTV 1 20.0 1 5.9 1 14.1 1 -I I 691 1 19.5 1 3.9 1 15.6 1 1 741PIN ~ 20.1 ~ 4.7 ~ 15.4 ~ ~ ~ ~ Spokane Valiey, WA ~ Cable Signal Level Test Results 0 Location~Test Point 4: 8th & Joel ~ Channel Label I Video ( Audio I17e1ta A/M C/N I Hum I Hum . 741PIN 1 20.1 1 4.7 1 15.4 1 1 1 7511C ~ 19.2 1 4.1 ~ 15.1 1 1 1 76 1 TELE ~ 19.8 1 4.3 ~ 15.5 1 1 1 771HAI..M 1 19.3 1 4.2 1 15.1 1 48.7 1 78JACN 1 18.8 ' 1 3.9 1 14.9 1 ~ ~ , i , 'Appendix $ Drop Inspection Field Data Bolivar 1 - Accessible drop cables Address In Comnliance Comment 1422 yES Grounded to power per code ]3annen .1 - tlccessible drop cables Address in Comnliance Commeot 1322 no Grounded to Qrouud rod Mallon Avenue 13 - Accessible drop cables Address In Comnliancc Comment 14022 yes Grounded ta power per code 14016 no Grounded to Nvater pipeJground wire too lorig ~ 14010 ~~es Grounded to po«~cr per code 14006 no Grounded to ground rod 13924 np Grounded ta ground rod 13923 ? Grounded to wire entering building 14007 yes Grounded to power 14011 na Grounded to grnund rod 14023 nn Grounded to ground rod 14120 no Grounded to ,vater pipe 14204 yes Grounded to power 14210 no Grounded to ground rod 14223 no Grounded to water pipe 10`h Street 4 - Accessible drop cables Address Tn Comnlianee Comment 12019 yes Grounded to power per code 12005 no Grounded to water pipe 11910 no . Ground too long 11909 no Too c1osE to power line 12`e Street 3 - Accessible drop cables Address In Compliance Comment 12005 yes Grounded to power per code 12010 no Grounded to w+ater pipe ~ . 12016 no Grounded to water pipe _ Perrine Rd. - new construction (see Figure 9) 6 - Accessible drop cables Address In Compliance Comment 1200 yes 1212 yes 1218 yes 1308 yes . 1322 yes 1311 yes - - i, ) ~ APPendix C FCC Technical Standards [Revised as oJOctober 1, 2005J From the U.S. Cuvernrneirt Frirrtinb Offce via GPOAccess 'I'ITLE 47--TELECOMNIUNICATION CHAPTER I-FFAERAL CONGVIUNICATIOn;S COiVIl1'.f_ISSION (COWINUEL7) PART 76 MULTICFIAI\'NEL VTDEO AND CABLE 1ATLEVISIUN SERVTCE Subpart K Technical Standards Sec. 76.601 Performance tests. (a) The operator of each cable televisiou system shall be responsible for insuring that each such system is designed, installed, and operated in a manncr that f.ully complies vvith the provisions of this subpart. (b) The operator of each c.able television system shall conduet complete gerformance tests of that ~ othenvise noted below. Tlie Perforuiance tests shall be directed at determining the eateut to which the system complies «itll all the technical standards set forth i.n Sec. 76.605(a) and sha11 be as follows: (1) For cable television systems with 1000 or more subscribers but with 12,500 or fewer subscribers, Proof-of-performance tests conducted pursuant to this section shall uiclude . ineasurements taken at six (6) Nvidely separated pnints. Howerer, Nvi#hin each cable system, one aciditianal test point shall be addcd for every additional 12,540 subscribers or &action thereof (e.g., 7 test poi.nts if 12;501 to 25,000 subscribers; 8 test points if 25,001 to 37,500 subscribers, etc.). Ln addition, for technic:ally integrated portions of cable systems that are noC mechanicaily continuous (i.e., employing microwave connections), at least one test point will be requireci for each portion of the cable system served by a technically integrated nucrowave hub. The proof-of-performanec test poi.nts chosen shall be balauced to represent all geograpluc areas scr-ved by the cable system. At least onc- third of tlie test paints shall be representative of suUscriber terminals most distant from the system i.nput and from each microwave rcceiver (if microwave transmissions are employed), i.n terms of cable length. The measureme.nts may be taken at eonvenicnt monitoring points in the cable nelwork: Provided, that data shall be included to reldte the measured performance of the system as would be vicwed from a nearby subscriber teriilinal. An identification oE the iustruments, uicludi.ng the makes, model numbers, aiid the most recent date of calibratian; a description of the proccdures utilized, and a statement of the qualifications of the person performing the tests shall also be included. ~ (2) Praof-pf-perforrnance tests to dctErmine the extent to w~hich a cable television systcm _ complies writh the standazds set forth in Sec. 76.605(a) (3), (4y, and (5) shall bc madc on L l each of the NTSC or similar videa channels of that system. Uiiless othenvise as noteci, proof-of-gerformance tests for all other standards in Sec. 76.605(a) shall be made on a. minin,um of four (4) channels plus one additional channel for every 100 MHz, or fraction thereof, of cable distribution system upper frequency linvt (e.g., 5 channels. for cable telcvision systems with a cable distriUution system uppcr frequency limit of 101 to 216 M-Iz; 6 chan.nels for cable television systems w7th a cable distribution system upper !'requency limit of 217-300 MHz; 7 channels for cable television systems with a cable distribution upper frequency limit to 300 to 400 MHz, etc.). The chanuels selected for testing must be representative of all the channels within the cable television systcm. (3) 'Yhc operator of each cable television system shall conduct scmi-annual proof of- performance tests of that system, to dctcrm_ine the extent to which the system cnmplies Nvith the technical standards sct forth in Sec. 76.605(a)(4) as follows. The visual signal level on each climinel shall be measured and recorded, along «rith the date and time of the measurement, oncc every six hows (at intervals of not less than five hours or no more than seven hours after the previous measurement), to include the warmcst and the coldest times, during a 24hour period i.n January or Febnuary and in July or August: (4) The operator o£ each cable television system shall conduet triennial proof=af-performance tests of its system to determine thc extent to which tlthe system complies with the technical standazds set forth in Sec. 76.605(a)( l l). . (c) Successful completion of the performance tests required by paragraph (b) of tlus - `section does not relieve the system of the obligation to comply Azth all pertinent technical standards at all subscriber terminals. Additional tests, repeat tests, or tests involving 'spccified subscriber terminals may be required by the Commission or the local franchiser to secure compl.ianr,e Arith the technical standards. (d) The prnvisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) of th.is section shall not apply to any cable television system having feArer than 1,000 subscribers: Provided, however, t11at any cable television system using any frequcncy spectrum other than thal allocated to over-the-air te_levision and FM broadcasting (as described in Sec. Sec. 73.603 and 73.210 of this chapter) is rcquired to conduct all tests, measurements and inonitoring of siglal leakage that arc rcqu.ired by this subpart. A cable television system operator complying with the monitoring, logging and the leakage repai.r requirements of Sec. 76.614, shall bE considered to have met the requirements of this para.eraph. Howevcr, ' lhe leakage log shall be retained for five years rathcr than the two years prescribed in Sec. 76.1706. Nnte 1 to Sec. 76.601: Prior to requiring any additional testing pursuant to Sec. 76.601(c), thc local franchising authority shall notify the cable operator who will bc aUowed thirty days to come into coinpliance with any perceived signal quality problems which need to be correctcd. 1 he Commission may request cable operators to test their systems at any time. r' ~ ~_;I ~ NTOtc 2 to Sec. 76.601: Scction 76.1717 contains recordkeeping requircmcnts for each system operator in order to siiow compliance Nvith che technical rules of Us subpart. Note 3 to Sec. 76.601: Section 76.1704 contains recordkeeping requirements for proof of performance tests. Sec. 76.645 Technical standards. (a) The follow-ing requuements apply to the performancc of a cable television system as measured at any subscriber teruunal vvith a matched impedance at the terniination point or at the output of thc modulating or processing equipment (generally thE hcadend) of the cable tclcvision system or other~,,isE as noted. The requirements are applicable to each NTSC or similar video downstrcarn cablc television channel in the system: (1) (i) The cable television channels delivered to the subscriber's ternunal shall be capable of . being received and displaycd by 7 V broadcast receivers used for off-the-air reception of TV broadcasi signals, as authori~.~ed undEr part 73 of this chapter; and (ii) Cable television systems shall transmit signals to subscriber prenuses equipment on frequencies in accordance ,;7ith the chaimel allocation plan set forth in CEA-542-B: "Standard: Cable Television Channel. ldentification Plan," (I.ncorporated by refErence, ~ see Sec. 76.602). (2) The aural center frequency of the aural can-ier must be 4.5 MHz - 5 kHz above the f.requency of the visual carrier at the autput of thc modulating or processiug equipment of a cable television system, and at the subscriber ternunal. (3) The visual sigtial level, across a term.inating impedance which correcdy matches the internal iuipedance of the cable system as viewed f'rtim the subscriber ternunal, shall not be Icss than 1 millivolt across an internal intpedauce of 75 ohms (o dBmV). Additionally, as measured at the end of a 30 metcr (100 foot) cable drop that is connected to the subscriber tap, it shall not be less than 1.41 m.illivolts across an iuternal impedance of 75 . ohms (+3 d8mV). (At oCher impedance values, the minimum visual signal level, as vieNved from the subscriber terniinal, shall bc thc square root of 0.0133 (Z) millivolts and, as-measured at the end of a 30 mcter (100 foot) cable drop that is con.nected tn the subscriber tap, shall be 2 timES the square root of 0.00662(Z) millivolts, where Z is the appropriate impedance value.) (4) 'Chc visual signal lcvcl on each chaunel, as measured at the end of a 30 meter cablc drop that is connected to the subscriber tap, sball not vary morc than 8 decibels witlun any six- month interval, which must include four tests performed 'ul six-hour increme,nts during a 24-hour period iu July or Augusl and during a 24-hour period 'ui January or February, and shall bc maintaincd witluu: ~ ~ - (i) 3 decibels (dB) of the visual signal ]evei of any visual aarrier within a 6 VIHz nominal frequency separation; (ii) 10 dB o£ the visual signal level on any other chanuel on a cable television system of up to 300 Wlz of cable distribulion system upper frequency limit, with a 1 dB increase for each additional 100 MHr of cablc distribution system upper frequency li.mit (e.g., 11 dB for a spstcm at 301-400 MHz; 12 dB for a system at 401-500 MHz, etc.); and - (iii) A maxunum level such that signal degradation due to overload in the subscriber's recEivcr or term.inal does not occur. (5) The rm,s voltage of the aural signal shall be maintained betvvicen 10 and 17 decibels below the associated visual signal level. This requirement must be met both at tlie subscribcr ' terminal and at the output of the modulatin; aud processi.ng Equipment (generally the headend). For subscribcr tenni.nals that use equipment which*modulatc and reinodulale the signal the rms voltage of the aural signal shall bc maintained between 6.5 and 17 decibels below the associated visual signal level at the subscriber terminal. (6) The amplitude characteristic sha11 be withi.n a range of 2 decibels f.rom 0.75 MI-Iz to 5.0 MHz above the lower boundary frequency of the cablc television channel, refercnced to the average of the lugbest and lowc5t amplitudes A7thin thcse frequency baundaries. The amplitude characteristic shall be measured at the subscribcr terminal. _ ..,1 (7) The ratio.of RF visual signal level to syste_in noise shall not bE less than 43 decibels. For - class I cable television channels, the requiremcnts of tlus section are applicable only to: (i) Each siQnal which is delivered by a cable television system to siibscribers vvithin the predieted Grade B contour for that signal; (ii) Each signal which is fIrst picked up wrilhin its predicted Grade B contour; (iii) F-ach signal that is first recreived by the cablc television system by direct video feeci from a TV broadcast station, a low power T'V station, or a TV translator station. (8) ThE raxio of visual signallevel ta the rms amplitude of any coherent disturbances such as intennodulation products, second and third order distortions or discrete-i'Yequency interfering signals not aperating on proper offset assignments shall be as follows: (i) The ratio of visual signal level to caherent disturbances shall not bc less than 51 decibels for noncoherent channel cable television systems, Nvheu measuzed with modulated carriers and time averaged; and (ii) The ratio of visual si;nal level to coherent disturbances which are fraquency- coincidcnt «ith the visual carrier shaU not be lcss than 47 decibels for coherent channel cable systems, when mcasured Mth modulated carriers and time averaged. J (9) The ternunal isolation provided to each subscriber terminal: (i) Shall not be less than 18 decibels. Tn lieu of periodic testing, the cable ope.rator may use specifications providcd by the manufacturer Por the terminal isolation eqwpment to meet tlus standard; and (ii) Shall be sufficient to prevent reflections caused by open-circuited or short-circuited subscriber teruiinals from praducing visible picture imPairments at any other subscriber terininal. (10) The peak-to-peak variatioii in visual signal level causcd by undesired low f.requency disturbances (hum or rcpetitive trausients) generated within the systevn, or by inadequate low frequency respanse, shall not exceed 3 percent of the visual signal level. Ivlcasurements made on a sinnle e.hannel using a single unmodulated carrier may be . uscd to demonstrate compliance «rith this parametcr at each test location. (11) E1s of June 30; 1995, the follow-ing requirements apply to the performance of the cable television systcm as measured at the output of the modulatuig or processing equipment (generally the headend) of the systenl: (i) The chrominance-luminance delay i.nequality (or chroma dclay), which is the chanve ~ in delay time of the chrominance compovent of the signal relativc to the luuunance component, sball be wiihi.n 170 nanoseconds. (ii) The differential gain for the color subcarrier of the television signal, Nvluch is measw-ed as the diffcrcncc in aniplitude behween the largest and smallest segments of the chrominance signal (divided by the largest and expressed in pcrcent), shall uot exceed 20%. (iii) The di(7:erential phase for the color subcarrier nf the television signal which is measured as the ldrgest phase differcnce ui degrees betNveen each se~ment of the chromuiance signal and reference segment (the segrnent at the blanking level of. U IRE), sha11 not exc.eed 10 degrees. (12) As an cxception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscril}er termiuals, and NNithout regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakaje frem a cable television system shall be measured in accordance Nvith the procedures outlined in Sec. 76.609(1) and shall be linvted as follows: ~ Signalleakage l Frequencies limit Distance in (micro-volt/ meters (m) meter) Less ttian and includi.ng 54 MHz, and over 216 MHz 15 30 Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz 20 3 (b) Cable television systems distributing signals by using methods such as non-conventional cQaxial cable tecliniques, non-coaxial copper cable tech,niques, specialized coaxial cable and fiber optical cable hybridization techniqucs or specialized compression techniques or specialized receiving devices, and Nvhich, becausc of their basic design, caiuiot comply with onE or more of the lechnical staridards set forth in paragraph (a) of th,is section, inay be permitted to operate: Provided, Thaz an adequate showing is made pursuant to Sec. 76.7 which establishes that the public interest is benef ted. In such instances, the Commission may prescribe special techci.ica1 requirements to ensure that subscribers to such systems arE providcd Nvith an equivalent level of good quality service. - Note 1: Local franchising autllorities of systenis servi.ng fewer than 10'00 subscribers may adopt standazds less stringcut than those i,n Sec. 76.605(a). Any such agrccment shall be reduced to writin ; and be associated with the system's proof-of-performance records. Note 2: For systems servuig rural areas as dcfined in Sec. 76.5, thE system may negotiate with its local franchising authority for standards less stri.ngent than those in Sec. Sec. 76.605(a)(3), 76.605(a)(7), 76.605(a)(8), 76.605(a)(10) and 76.605(a)(11). Any such agreement shall be reduced to writing and be associated Azth the system's proof-of- gerformance records. , iote 3: The requirements of tlus section shall not apply to devicES subject to the TV i.nterface device rulcs under part 15 of this chapter. Note 4: Should subscriber complaints arise from a system failing to meet Sec. 76.605(a)(6) prior to December 30, 1999, the cablc operator Al be requircd to provide a converter that will allow the systein tv meet the stauda.rd im,mediately at ttie complaining subscriber's terminal. Further, should the problem be founri to be system-wide, the Commission tnay order all converters on the system be changed ta meet the staudard. NotE 5: Should subscribEr complaints arise from a system failing to meet Sec. 76.605(a)(10), the cable operator will be required to remedy the complaint and perf'ozm test measurements on Sec. 76.605(a)(I Q) containi.ng the full number of charuiels as indicated in Sec. 76.601(b)(2) at die complaining subscriber's terminal. Further, shaulci the problem be found to be system-vvide, the Comiuission may ordEr that the full number of channels as uiclicated in Sec. 76.601(b)(2) be tested at all required localions for future proof-of-performance tests. , J \iote 6:1~'o State or franchising authority may prolubit, condition, or restrict a cable spstem's J use of any type of subscriber equipmEnt or any tratismission technology. Sec. 76.609 Nleasurements. (a) Measurements made lo demonstrate confornuty NAith the performance requirements set forth i.n Sec. Sec. 76.601 and 76.605 shall be made under conditinns which ref]ect system performance during nornial operations; including the Effect of any microwave relay operdted ia the Cable Televisiou Relay (CAR.S) Service intervening betWeen pickup antenna aud the cable distribution nehw-ork. Amplifiers shdll be operatECi at normal gains, either by the insertion of appropriate siguals or by manual adjustment. Spccial signals inserted 'ui a cable television channel for measurcment purpases should be operaleci at levels approximating those used for normal operaiion. Pilot tones, auxiliary or substitute signals, and non- television signals normally camieci on the cable televisiou system should be operated at normal levels to the extent possible. Some exemplary, but not mandatory, measurement procedures are set forth in this section. (b) When it may be neccssary to reuiove the television signal normally carriccl on a cable television channel in ordcr to facilitate a performance measurement, it will be permissible to disconnect the antenna which scrvcs the channel under measurement and to substitute thcre for a matching resistance termination. Qther antennas and inputs should remain cannecteci and normal siLynal levels should be maintained on other channels. (c) As may be necessary to ensure satisfactory serAce to a subscriber, the Commission may ~ v require additional tests to demonstrate system performanc.e or may specif}, the use of different test procedures. (d) The frequency response of a cable television channcl may be detennined by one of the following methods, as appropriate: (1) By usui; a swept frequency or ainanually variable signal gencrator at the scnding end and a calibrated attenuator and fiequency-selective vollmeter at the subscriber ternunal; or (2) By using either a multi-burst generatdr 'ar verlical interval test signals and either a modulator or processor at the sending end; and by usiug either a demodulator aud eittier an oscilloscope display or a waveform monitor display at the subscriber temunal. (e) System noisc may be measured usiu; a feequency-selective voltmele.r (feld strength mctcr) Nvhich has been suitably calibrated to indicate R.dv[S noise or average potirer level and which has a known bandwidth. With the system operativg at nonnal level and witli a properly matched resistive termi.nation subslituted for the antenna, noise power indicalions at the subscriber terriinal are taken in successive uicrements of frcquctlcy equal to the band«<idth of the frequency-selective vollmeter, summing the power indications to obtain the total noise power preseut over a 4 MIIz band centered ~ widiui the cable television channel. If it is established that the noisc lcvel is constarct within this band"ndth; a sinje measwement may be takcn which is corrected by an . appropriate factor representing the ratio of 4 MIIz tn the noise bandwidth of the ~ frequency-selective voltmete.r. If an amplifier is inserted between the frequency- - selective vroltmeter and the subscriber tcrminal in order to facilitate lhis measu.rEment, it should have a bandw-idth of at least 4 M:Hz and appropriate corrections must be made to account for its gain and noise figure. AltErnatively, measiuements made in accordance with the NCTA Recominended Fractices for Measurements an Cable Television Systems, 2nd edition, \TOVember 1989, on noisc measurement may be employed. (f) The amplitude of discrete frcquency interfering signals within a cable television channel may be determined with either a spectrum analy-r_er or with a frequency- selective voltmeter (field strength meter), which instruments have been calibrated for adequate accuracy. If calibration accuracy is in doubt, measurements may be referenced to a calibrated sigiial generator, or a calibrated variable dt#enuator, substituted at the point of ineasureinent. If an amplifiEr is used behween the subscriber terminal and the measuring instruinent, approPriate corrcctions must be made to account for its gain. (g) The tenninal isolation between any rivo terminals in the cable television system may be measured by applying a signal of knoHU amplitiude to one tcrminal and measuring the arnplitude of that si;nal at the other ternunal. The frequency of the signal should be close to the mid-frequency of the ehannel being tested. Measu.rements of terminal isolation are not requirEd wheu either: (1) T7ie manufaet°urer's specifications f'or subscriber tap isolation based on a representative sample of no less than 500 subscribers taps or (2) J..aboratory tests pe_rformed by or for the ope_rator of a eable television system on a representative sauiple of no less than 50 subscriber taps, indicates tfiat the termi.na] isolation standard of Sec. 76.605(a)(9) is met. 'ro demonstrate , compliance with Sec. 76.605(a)(9), the operator of a cable television system sha11 attach eithcr such manufacl'urer's specifications or laboratory measurements as an exhibit to each proaf-of performance record. (h) Me,asuremcnts to determine the field stre.ngrth of the signal leakage emanated by the cable telcvision system shall be made in accordancc with sta.udard enginee,ring procedures. Measurements made on frequencies above 25 MHz shall include the follo«-ing: (1) A field slTength meter of adequate accuracy using a horizontal dipole antenna sball be employed. (2) Field strength shall be expressed in terms nf the RMS value of synchronizing peak for each cablc television channel for wluch signalleakdge can bc me.asured. ' 1 0(3) The resonant half wave dipnle antenna shall be placed 3 melers Erom and positioned directly below tlie systenl components and at 3 meters above ground. NVhere such placement results in a separaiion of less than 3 meters benvicen the center of the dipole autenna and the system compouents, or less than 3 meters beriween the ciipole and ground level, the dipole shall bc repositioned to provide a separation of 3 meters from the system components at a hcight of 3 meters or morc above ground. (4) The horizontal dipole anteima shall be rotate.d about avertical axis and lhe maxunwn meter reading sha11 be used. (5) Measurements shall be made Nvhere othe_r canductors are 3 or more meters (10 or uiore feet) away fTOm the measuring antenna. (i) For systems usiug cable traps and filters to control t]Ze cieliwery of specific channcls to the suvscriber terminal, aie.asurzments made to deternline compliancc with Sec. 76.605(a) (5) and (6) may be performeci at the location im.mediately prior to the trap or filter for the spccific channel. The ef{ects o£ these traps or 51ter.s, as certified by the system engineer or thc equipment manufacturcr; must be attacheci to each proof-of-performance record. (j) vleasurements made to deterniinc the differential gain, diffcrcntial phase and ~ the chrouunance-luuunance delay inequality (chroma cielay) shall bc madc ul accordancc Mth the NCTA R.ecommended Practices for Measurements on Cable Television Systerns, 2nd edition, ~jovember 1989, on these parameters. . • APPENDLX D •ABOUT COLUMBlA TELECOrVIMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Columbia Telecommunications Corporation (CTC) providcs tclecommunications- enUineeri.ng support to state and local governments as well as public, non-profit, and cducatioual institutions. For over 23 years, CTC has provideci awide range of tectuucal planni.ng, engineering design, and implementation support to clients throughout the United States in the folloMng broad, evolving areas: (1) Nctwork Planning, Design, and Implementation; ' (2) Cable System Tech.nical Evaluatiou, including ' • Systcm Inspection of Pllysical Plant, and • System Pcrfonnance Testing of Electrical Plant; (3) Franch.ise Support; including • Technical Cnforcement and Conective Action Analysis, and • Negotiation Support; ) (4) Tower Siting Engineering and Analysis; (5) InteUigent Transportation Systems (ITS) Teleconimunications; and (6) Videoll'EG Enbineering. For additional inf'nrmalion visit our weUsite at w-Aw.interr►ctCTC.cQm. r,. .