2006, 06-17 Special Meeting, Council Retreat f: 11 1: Cf'l, AGENDA SPOIt.ANE VALLEY CITY COUNCI[. RETREAT/WORkS HOP Saturday, June 17, 2406 9:00 a.m. to approximately 3:00 (?.TTI. Couacilmembcr llcneany's [.akc Cabin: 29897 N. isle View Road Spirit L.ake, idaho 83$69 "TFN'fA'I'iVE AGENDA TOPICS: 1 C'ututc'il Btrdget (;r,ials jc►r 200 " (,ntutcil Rtu~~et (i~~als Jc~r '(1l?( (srrb•ureu plctiuttng?1 3. 13c«riress Plairiring '!'enrplafe -S L.jpttate-d f litanc'icll Forecct.st ~ Jr,»rt Plctunilr,i~ h. In/ivmution Orlti if'orkplcrn UpcI(lIt• IrTfo»rcrtinrr l)nI-t-: .1,rnt,xi7tinn ApIJT(IIICIlc.s Rr:r.~I A grnda Or;. 1'; -nr_, Pa};c 1o1 I S CIT o . p . ~ ,,;OOValley . 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@sQokanevalley.org Memorandum . To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager • Date: June 17, 2006 Re: Background Information for June 17, 2006 Retreat The purpose of this memo is to provide a summary of the intent of each scheduled agenda item, as well as any necessary attachments. . ALrenda Ttcm # 1: 2007 Council Budget Goals As %ve have reached the half-wray mark in the year, it is time to reflect on our past accomplishments and discuss the future d'uection for the City. The 2007 Cauncil 13udbet ~ Goals «iIl guide the City's A.nnual Work Plan. Aaenda Item # 2: Review 2006 Council Budact Goals At each reireat; time is set aside for Council to consider its most recently adopted Goals, to ensure they are up to date. Following arc the five adopted 2006 Council Budget Goals. They provide the basis for the Updated 2006 Work Plan; tivhich is an attachcd informational mema. ' DraJ't a well-defiirecl Street Master Platl, wrlh Funding Optio►rs, that identif:ies the current condition of city streets and recommends appropriate improvements and maintenance that preserve the value and structural integrity of the local transportation system. Iiiitiale the First .Phase oJ t{ie Sprague Corrldor ReVIIQIIZIIjIOiI Plartning betiween University and the freeway by contracti.ng with a consultant to design a strategy that would strengthen the economic viability nf the corridor. Continue Moniiorurg Significant Wcutefvater Issues iucluding governance of wastewater faciJities, enhanced citi°r,en awarencss of optinns for the future and Pursuit of the most efficient and economical use of allowecl wastewater discharges. Maintain u Strong E►np/iasis on 1titeriiul aitd E'xterr:al Cominut:ication utilizing the Public liiformation Officcr and depariment head positions to enhance the quality, Background lnformatian fpr ,Iune 17, 2006 Retreat, continued June 17, 2006 Page 2 of 2 timeliness and accuracy of internal dialogue and the in.formatian provided to citi°rrens , about city issues, initiatives and work plans. Explore tlie Available Telecoftunui:icatioru Infrastruclure that may be accessed by public institutians, residents and busincsscs withui Spokane Valley. Council may wish to consider amending the Sprague Corridor goal to reflect the current holistic approach rather than phased approach. Council may also wish to consider revising or Eliminating the telecommunications infrastructure goal. AL-enda Item # 3: Business Plan Temnlate All Departments will bc putting together a business plan. They w711 ]AOk at any known trends to address in the next 5- 6 years. The attached draft business plan teinplate is provided for discussion of th.is prdcess. (See uttachment #1) The Deputy City Managcr (17CIv) function was used as the sample department. "1'he goals and strxtegies described are fictional, and created simply as illustrations. They depict " three tyges of goals/strategics: 1) one that has an ongoing financial impact, including the addikion of an FTE; 2) one that has a one-time financial impact; and 3) one lhat has no financial 'unpact. Aeencla Item # 4: Updated Financial Forecast The purpose of this item is to rEView the latest revenue anci exPenditure projections for thc General, Street aud Capital Funcls for 2006-2011. We do tlus to identify fi.nancial problems that may be on the horizon. This allows us to be better prepared for these problems. (See Attachment #2) Agenda Item # 5: Jniot :Planninv, Coun.cil.member Rich Munson w111 lead a discussion on joint planning issues. Attachments: 1. Agenda Itcm # 3: Draft Business Plan Template 2. AEenda Item # 4: Updatcd Financial Forecast 3. Iaformation Only: a. Work Plan Update b. Annexation Approachcs ~ O CffY COUNCTL B[DGET GOALS FOR k'Y 2006 ~ 1. llrat# a well-defined Street NUsterplxn, witlk Funding_0ption.s, that ideirytifies the current coitdition of city streets and ri~commends appropriate iinprovements and maintenance that preserve the value~ ancl slructural integrity of the, tocat transporkatioii system, 2_ Znitia#c #hc Tirst Fha.ee of Ehe Sni•atrac Cnrridar Revitalization Planniug between University and the freeway by coiitracting with a consultmit to desip a straEegy tha# would strengEhen tlie economic viabili#y af the corridor, Continue lrloni#urine Signific$nt Wastewater rssues inc[udij)g govcrnance of wastewater facilities, enhanced ci#izeii awarenoss of options for the future and ptlrsutt of Ihe most eflicient and eco~noinical uso of aIlowed wastewater d ischarges, - 4, iMain#ain aStrauLY-FmnFiasis on Inter[ial and External Communieateon utilizing the Fublic Jn.foXmalion Officer aiid departmeiyt head positions w enhance tiie qua]ityF; time liuess and ' acc uracy of internal dialogue and the intormation provided ta citiaens abouk 6 ty issues. initia#ives ~ and vvork plans_ . 0 5_ Exuiore Ehe Available Tclccnmniunicatioies Iafe~wastrac#ure and that ir,ay be accessed by pubiic iiistitutions, residents and busin2sses within Spo[cane Valley- . I _ I ~ ~ . _ ~ ~ p k.:• .(~~ti~ ~1 ..tt.'i'K•Y4.. fC~~ f ~ . . r 3N~1. I -i~• ~ f ~ ~ t ~ a.. ~i► ~ ~ x • ' y_)` ~ :J7 c i ~ t7I ~ f~ ~ ne Va ley 2006 . Business Plan City of Spokane Vallcv 2006 Business Plan Strategic Service Delivery Areas The City of Spokane Valley govemment has been divided into six core strategic service-delivery areas that are further broken down into specffic functions (departrnents). The six areas will be responsible for developing a mission statement that guides all the departments that operate within the strategic area. Departments within an area may be further divided into program areas. For instance, legal is a department of the operations and administrative services but legal may be further divided into specialized areas such as litigation, legislation, contracts, and code enforcement. Figure 1. Core Service Areas and Respective Departments op.r.na►s Enecutlw Comrtxmlty 3 Parks Publk a ; DwMopment I Administradve a I garyty PuDlic Works Legisl~dvt ~ Senkes Retreation - ~ - - - - • ~i ~ • _ ~ ~ - • -t- - - I City Counal I Building I Depub Gty Mpr- I ~+Vuatica I I Animel Control ~ CaPifal Projects CKy Manager Code Eniorcement ~ Human ReSOUrces CenterPlxe Judicial Syslem DeveWPmerrt Ctty Clertc PFanninq PuWic In(ortnatlon ' Park Law Enbrcemrit ' Roed MainL legal I I Finence Mai^tD^ance ' Jai Systam Traft Recreation Stomnvater - Ak 7 t , '4f~ 1►:. , ~ I,: p91 ICE I - - - -1- City of Spokane Vallcy 2006 Business Plan 0 Departmental Business Plan Each strategic service-delivery area is divided into muttiple departments that perForm distinct functions. For example, Planning and Community Development is comprised of planning, building, and code enforcement. Each strategic area encompasses a general area of service delivery while the departments within provide a specific service to the customer. The departments work closely together under the direction of the manager of the strategic area, coordinating efforts to serve the mission of that area. The following pages will start with each strategic area supplying a mission statement that states the purpose of the strategic area as well as what the future accomplishments will be while reflecting the values of the employees providing the service. Each strategic area section will then identify and define each depar-tment within it. Each of those departments will, in turn, create a departmental business plan. The first step in the departmental business plan process is a description of all program areas the department is responsible for. O Next, an or9anizational chart shows the hierarchical makeup of the department. The departmental plan will then identify, measure, and show trends of woricload measurements. Workload measures illustrate input into a department such as the number of code enforcement complaints received. The plan then lists departmental accomplishments for the previous year, assessing progress on earlier goals and highlighting other significant achievements. Accomplishments are followed by goals for the current year and a list of citywide beliefs, values, standards, and goals that these departmental goals relate to. In order to ensure that the goals are achievable, deparfiments will develop strategies to allow the pursuit of departmental objectives through to fruition. This step is followed by the identification of perFormance targets that determine the effectiveness of strategies employed. The departmental business plan is concluded with a listing of the previous year's goals, strategies, and performance targets contrasted with actual performance measurements to determine how successful the department is in-meeting rts ci goals. -2- City c►f Spokane Valley 2006 Business Plan Citywide Business Plan Once all departmental business plans have been completed, they will be compiled in the citywide business plan. This business plan pulls all the functions of the City together into one common purpose - to achieve service-d e livery goals through resufts-oriented government. The business plan process begins by building on the foundation of core beliefs, values, customer service standards, and the vision statement. All the sources of internal and external input available then flow into the Council's development of budget goals. Working within the confines of the adopted budget and according to the Council's budget goals, strategic service-delivery areas coordinate the development of departmental business plans that employ strategies to achieve specific service goals. Results are then measured based on established perFormance targets. While the business plan process involves many complex steps, the process for achieving resufts-oriented government can be boiled down to three steps: plan, measure, and monitor. Planning is the strength of government and is vital to ensure future community needs can be met. Planning is continually taking place in the City in areas such as transportation improvement, finance, parks and recreation, and the ongoing comprehensive plan. These plans flow into strategic goals of departmental plans. Once the plans are in place and steps are taken to carry vut these plans,. measurements are taken to asses the City's perFormance in the execution of these strategic plans. Measurements can be assessed through electronic data gathering or through report cards provided through citizen surveys. The business plan is not a once-a-year process but rather it is continually being monitored and refined. Departments meet monthly to assess measurements and maintain focus on their goals. Employees let the City Manager know how things are going at the customer interaction level while citizens let tfie Council and Mayor know how strategies are working "on the streets." l~J -3- City nf Spokapc Valley 2006 Business Plan ~ Figure 1. Business Plan Process ~ citvwida ~ V'ision Statement, Crore Beli¢fs, Values, Customer Service Standards f=mal Inoul Lunch wJ Ciry Manager Employee Survey _ ggternal inout Intemal Customer Survey CTR Survey Cilizen Sunrey pemand Malysis Comment Cards Comprehensive Plan ~ - F3udAet Goals I Focus Groups Transporiation Plan I Customsr Correspondenoa Fnancial Plan Audits ~ - PertormanoQ Anaalysis S91c Areas , Lagislative Parks and Reueatlon Plannin 8 Community novetopment Operotions 8 Adni9nisUative , I'ubUc Safefy PubCc workN I ' • v ~M,tmental Byainess Plara A4lssion Statemcnt Goals ~ S[rategies Perfocmanoa Targets Perfartnanoa PAaasurement and Malysi5 . ~ . - CltywiQG Buslness eLqa Encoanpasses all of Abovc Items Figure 2. Process for Results-Oriented Government PLAN MEASURE MONITOR Comprehensive Plan Business Plan duarteriy Reportfng Budpet Process Perfarmaroce Measures Lurvch vrith thQ City Manager 8-YR TranspoAation Improvement Plan Customer Satisfaction Survey Conversa!(ons with fhe Community 8-YR Financial I'9an Customer Gomments Parks and Recres6on Master Plan Focus Groups, ' -4- - City of Spokane Valley 2006 Business Plan Department: Deputv Citv ManaQer Overview - - ~ The Deputy City Manager (DCM) serves as the Chief Operating Officer of the City, with the majority of department directors reporting to this position. In addition to this role, the DCM runs a department within the Operations and Administration core senrice-delivery area. This department serves as the voice of the City, with the receptionist serving as the first point-of-contact for most customers, while the public information officer puts the image of the City out to the public and senres as the line of communication between the City and the public via the media. Contract administration is also performed out of this department, with $18 million in service contracts with Spokane County administered by the administrative analyst. There are finro administrative assistants that provide support not only to the DCM. but to all areas of the City on an as-needed basis. Description of Programs . 1. Operations Manaaement - Provide interdepartmental coordination and assistance; oversee city work-plan. 2. Contract Manaqement - Negotiate service agreements; review charges; audit usage; utilize managed competition; and address customer concerns. 3. Reception - First point of contact for citizens; greet customers; answer phone calls; process mail; process business license applications; process animal license applications. 4. Public Information Officer - Issue press releases; respond to reporter and citizen inquiries; create City displays and documents; provide communication support to departments. 6-Year Plan Summary Accountability and openness have always been traits the government of the City of Spokane Valley has pursued. Providing consistent notice to the public and involving citizens in the decision-making process are hallmarks of successful govemments and traits that will be synonymous with the City of Spokane Valley. To this end, the city has identified elements of a community communications program that will keep the citizens educated and informed in regard to government projects and issues. Starting a large city from scratch is a tremendous challenge, but a challenge that affords great opportunity. The City leaders have always envisioned a lean and efficient govemment that cultivates value versus growing a bureaucracy. The City has continued to utilize the most economical means of providing service to its citizens, in many cases contracting with Spokane County to provide services. -5- City of Spoksne Valley 2006 Busincss Plan As the contracts continue, it has become necessary to ensure accuracy of charges and provide ease of administration. City staff has undertaken the task of negotiating with the County to re-work existing service agreements so that there may be more consistency and accountability. When the City of Spokane Valley incorporated, the govemment also accepted the responsibility of being an environmental steward of the community, I participating in the state's Commute Trip Reduction Program. City employees took a sunvey in 2004 that served as ihe beginning baseline to judge future progress in eliminating single occupancy vehicle (S01n trips and reducing vehicle miles Vaveled (VMT) during commutes to work. In 2006, City employees will take another survey to see if they have achieved the goal of reducing SOV trips and VMT by 15% sinoe the original survey. Surveys will continue to be administered through 2016, when the goal will be a thirty-five percent (35%) reduction. Goal Summary Goal 1: Implement initial elements of Communitv Communications Proqram including: create quarterly newsletter updating citizens on City news, activities and programs; establish Speakers Bureau and schedule regular engagements on critical topics. Goal 2: Negotiate model service aQreements with Spokane County. Goal 3: Conduct commute trip reduction survey and attain goal. I -6- City of Spolcane Vallcy 2006 Business Plan Detailed Goal List Goal 1: Imalement initial elements of Communitv Communications Proaram includinq: create quarterly newsletter updating cfizens on City news, activities and programs; establish Speakers Bureau and schedule regular engagements on critical topics. Timeline 71112006 -1 2131f2011 . Community Communksflons Prosram 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1f112006 12l31J2011 Staffing Impacts Goal 1 FTE Total by Year 2-0- 1-5 ~I FTE 1.0 . ■ Additional FTE ~I ❑ Existing FTE ~ 0.5 ' 57: 0.0 - 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 The Public Information Officer will direct this effort. If approved, a Public Information Assistant will be added as a.5 FTE in 2007 and increased to 1.0 FTE in 2009. The assistant will help prepare and distribute the citizen newsletter and newspaper insert, revise and distribute city brochures and flyers, maintain the City's web site, and arrange public information forums. Budgetary Impact ' zoog I 2007 1 2008 1 2009 1 2010 1 2011 1 Totai ' Salary $ - $ 22,2T7 $ 23,391 t 49,120 $ 51,576 $ 54,155 S200,519 E-mail Distribution 600 624 973 1,012 1,052 1,095 5,356 Newspaper Inserts - - 5,711 5,939 6,177 6,424 24,252 Speaker 2,040 2.122 2.206 2.295 2,387 2.482 13,531 Total i 2,640 $ 25.023 S 3Z,281 = 58,366 $ 61,192 = 64,156 $243,668 ~ -7- I City of Spolcane Valley 2006 Busioess Plan msnm~ Relabes to tlhe following citywide values, customer service standards, and Council goals o Citizen participation in the decision-making process o Maintain a Strong EmQhasis on Internal and External Communication utilizing the Public Information Officer and department head positions to enhance the quality, timeliness and accuracy of intemal dialogue and the information provided to citizens about city issues, initiatives and work plans. o All four elements of the customer service program and the customer service definition Strategies o Meet regularly with department directors to discuss issues that affect the public. a Educate and inform the public by creating and distributing infomnational brochures and arranging public forums. o Regularly produce an e-mail newsletter to inform subscribers. o Generate a list of interested speakers to speak to community groups. o Solicit community groups to generate interest in speakers. 2006 Performance Targets o Send two (2) citizen newsletters. o Register 2000 citizen subscribers to newsletter. o Conduct two (2) community meetings through Speakers Bureau. - 8- City of Spokane Valley 2006 Business Plan Goal 2: Negotiate Model Service Agreements with Spokane County. Timeline inrzooa - =vzooe \ vinoos - wsorzoos'~ j Neyotiate and Adopt ' ConveR Geiger, Jail, ; i Majodh► of Agresmeng and GIs to Mo" 1 ~,....._.J ~,,,,'f,4,_, Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11112006 12l3112006 Staffing Impacts No additional staffing is necessary. The Administrative Anatyst, Deputy City Attorney, and Deputy City Manager comprise the negotiating team. Budgetary Impact No additional cost will be incurred as a result of this goal. It is anticipated that the model agreements will allow for more accurate tracking of costs for the City. Relates to the following citywide values, customer service standards, and Council goals o Strategic use of public/private and other partnerships o A Can-Do attitude on the part of City employees, and fair and consistent interpretation and implementation of regulations o Assessment and Improvement - Component of the Customer Service Program Strategies o Review original service agreements and identify areas for improvement. o Develop model language that is used consistently through all agreements. Performance Targets Adopt and execute twelve (12) new service agreements. -9- City of Spokane Valley 2006 Business Plan MMMMM MMMMMMM Goal 3: Conduct Commute Trip Reduction Survey and Attain Goal ~ Timeline occ Zooa occ 2ooa oa 2010 CTR Survey CTR Survey CTR Survey I Lceker Room~ ~COflsttuCtlOf11 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 11112006 12/3112011 Staffing Impacts No additional staffing is necessary. The Administrative Analyst currently serves as the Employee Transportation Coordinator. Budgetary Impact i 2006 1 2007 1 2008 1 2009 1 2070 I 2011 1 Total Locker Room Const. I i - I $ - I $ - I $ 70.000 I$ - I $ - I $ 70,000 We have planned to include an employee locker room in the new city hall to accommodate bicycle and pedestrian commuters and increase participation in the Commute Trip Reduction program, helping to achieve the 25% trip reduction goal in 2010. No other budgetary impact is expected. Survey forms are supplied by the County Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) program. Surveys will be conducted during normal departmental meetings. Relates to the fvllowing citywide values, customer service standards, and Council goals Focus on the Future - Stewardship of land and resources, such as parks, recreation, and natural areas Strabegies o Utilize and promote County-wide CTR campaigns. o Conduct employee recognition events in coordination with pledge drives. ~ HNIMMEMIN MMMM IMMMM ~ -10- City of Spukanc Valley 2006 Business Plan o Provide CTR orientation to new employees. o Conduct monthly e-mails illustrating tfie benefits of using commute alternatives. o Plan to include employee locker room in anticipated new c'rty hall. 2006 Performance Targets Per state law, the City has a 2006 goal of reducing employee single occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by 15% from amounts reported in the benchmark survey conducted in 2004. -I1- City of Spokane Valley 2006 Business Plan Deputy City Manager Summary . Organization Chart Deputy City Manager Assistant - - - Executive I I ~ Administralive Publoc AdministraGve Receptwntst Assistant Irrformation Analyst (F loater) Off~cer Public Infortnation _ Assislanl (Futuro) . 6 Year Schedule Summary ~ Tssk Name 2006 2007 ~ 2~ ~ ~10 ~ 11 o+oto~o~o+ ~oawo+a:osao~o~oswoioJIoaoao+moaa ~ Community Communication Program County Model Service ~ Z Agree+nents _ 3 Commube Trip Reduction ~ Survey ~ 6-Year Budget and Staffing Impact Summary I 2006 1 2007 N 2008 1 2009 I 2010 I 2077 I Total ~ BudgetarX Impact $ 2 640 I $ 25 023 1 $ 32.281 $128 366 1 $ 61.192 I $ 64.156 1 $313,658 Total FTE Count ` 6.6 I 6.9 I 6.5 7.6 I 7.0 M 7.0 1 -12- City of Spokaac Valley 2006 Business Plan Deputy City Manager FTE Forecast I 7.0 6.0 5.0 FTE 4.0 •Additional FTE 3-0 O Existing FTE 2.0 , 1.0 ~ 0.0 - 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Performance Measurement and Analysis Prior Target Prior Actual 2006 Target Adopt twleve (12) model service agreements NA NA 12 15°k Reduction in SOV trips and VMT for CTR NA NA 15% Issue two (2) citi2en newsletters NA NA 2 Enroll 2000 citizen newsletter subscribers NA NA 2000 Conduct two (2) Speakers Bureau meetings NA NA 2 -13- 0 O City of Spokane Valley Multlyear Financial Plan - General Fund - Problem Statement t!'I 5-30-06 , . 6-7-06 versaon 4006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 EBtimate . E&timate Estimato Estimate Estlmale Estimete Ganaral Fund Revcnuos: Snlees Tax $ 17,340,000 $ 17,686,800 S 78,040,536 $ 18,401.597 x$ 17,600,Oq(] S 17,952,OU0 PropertyTax $ 8,281.000 $ 8,583,810 S 0,709,648 S 8,857,544 $ 9,146,917 S 9,330,30E , Gt3mbding 'I'ax $ 910,000 $ 910,000 S 910,000 S 825,000 $ 925,000 S 925,000 Leacehotcl Cxcxse Tax $ 9,000 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 $ 9,a00 $ 9,000 8 6,500 Franchise FeesfBus. Reg. $ 717,000 $ 724,170 $ 731,412 S 738,726 $ 746,113 S 753,574 SfateSlujredRevenues $ 1,121.000 S 1,121,000 $ 1,149,025 $ 1,177,751 $ 1,207,195 S 1,237,375 . Service Fces $ 1,450,UD0 S 1,45U,000 $ 1,450,000 $ 1,450,000 3 1,450,000 8 1,45Q,000 ' Fines 8 Forfeitures 3 1,250,000 S 1.25o,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 a 7,300,000 Recxeation ProQram Fecs S 345,516 S 348,971 $ 352,481 $ 355,985 $ 359,545 $ 363,141 Interfund Transfars S 80.000 S 85,600 $ 90,73G $ 86,180 S 101,95i $ 106,068 Invastinant Interesi 8 250,000 $ 250.000 $ 252,500 $ 255,025 5 257,575 $ 260.155 Carryaver from prdor yr S 7,000,000 $ 1,319,629 $ 2,817,335 $ 3,871,574 8 3,376,565 $ 278,207 Tatal General Fiind $ 38,753,516 $ 93,738,98U $ 35,922,659 $ 37,487,933 $ 38,431,861 533,972,401 Genoral Fund Expenditures: Legislative $ 304,287 $ 322,523 $ 345,100 $ 369,257 $ 395,105 $ 422,762 ExeCUtivo 8 LGgistative $ 470,105 $ 517,118 S 553,314 $ 592,048 $ 633,489 $ 677,033 . , PualfcSafory $ 17,173,000 $ 18.246,040 S 19,706,587 S 21,283,114 a 22,9115,763 $24.024,624 Depuly City 69anaget $ 519,000 $ 570,900 S 610,863 S 653,623 E 639,377 $ 748,333 Fnance $ 518,885 3 568,585 $ 608,385 S 644,689 $ 690,031 $ 738,333 LCgal 8 263,750 S 290,125 $ 310,434 S 329,OG0 $ 352,094 S 976,741 Wurrsan Resaurces S 161,120 S 177,232 $ 189,638 S 201,017 $ 215,098 S 230,144 . . Pubfio Works S 880,192 S 1,078,211 $ 1,153,686 S 1,222,907 $ 1,398,511 S 1,000,106 Planning S 1,195,000 $ 1,565,000 $ 1,265,000 $ 1,340,900 $ 1,434,763 $ 1,535,198 • FlUilding $ 1,040,892 $ 7,144,981 $ 1,225,130 $ 1,298,638 $ 1,389,542 S 1,486,810 ParksAdmin $ 847,703 $ 032,473 $ 997,740 $ 1,057,611 $ 1,131,644 S 1,210,859 Recreatfon $ 199,475 $ 219,423 $ 234.782 $ 248,869 3 266,290 S 284,930 Aquatics . $ 299,021 $ 329,913 $ 353,007 $ 374,187 S 400,381 8 428,407 Senior Center $ 69,269 $ 76,196 $ 81,530 $ 86,421 S 92,471 $ 98,944 CenterPlace $ 438,208 $ 482,128 S 515,877 $ 546,829 S 585,507 $ 826,065 7rensfer to Street Fund $ 2,000,000 $ 300,000 S 900,000 $ 500,000 S 500,000 $ 400,000 Transfer to Cepitnl 3 754,000 S 300,000 S - $ 360,000 S • b - ' Transfer to Civic FacUitios 3 600,000 S 400.000 5 400,0D0 3 300,0130 $ - $ - . - Transfer to Serv. Levcl S 2,105,U00 S - S - 3 - $ - $ Generql Governmont S 2,500,000 S 2,700,000 $ Z600,000 3 2,700,000 E 3,074,000 a 3,160,(H]U , Total General Fund 32,433,887 70,821,645 37,051,079 34,109,368 38,153,055 38,670,088 Carryover to naxt yr 11„719,629 2,917,395 _~1871,574 3,378.585 278.207 (4.697,687) Less Corrstent fund bnl. $ 5,ODO,U00 x Law ant. salas tax surcharfle ends altor 2009 O O Street Fund - Problem Statement #2 May 30, 2006 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Street Fund - #2 Beginning Fund Bal $ 3,900,000 $ 4,420,000 $ 2,958,244 $ 1,139,548 $(1,464,645) $(4,485,172) Transfer from General Fund $ 2,000,000 $ 900,000 $ 900,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 400,000 Motor fuel tax/mi isc. $ 2,020,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 $2,100,000 $ 7,920,000 $ 7,420,000 $ 5,958,244 $ 3,739,548 $ 1,135,355 $(1,985,172) Expenditures 3,500,000 $ 4,461,756 $ 4,818,696 $ 5,204,192 $ 5,620,528 $ 6,070,170 Ending Fund Balance $ 4,420,000 $ 2,958,244 $ 1,139,548 $(1,464,645) $(4,485,172) $(8,055,342) ` 2006 light weather year _ 0 ~ City of Spokane Valley - Capital Improvement Program Funding Problem Statement #3 - May 30, 2006 ~ Yearl 2006 1 2007 1 2008 1 2009 1 2010 1 2011 RESOURCES: ARTERIAL ST FND s 857,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - CAP PRJECTS-REET S 3,266,000 $1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $1,000,000 $ 900,000 $ 800,000 SPEC. CAP PRJECTS-REET $ 3,400,000 $1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $1,000,000 $ 900,000 $ 800,000 ST BOND $ 1,000,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - PARKS CAP. IMPRV. FUND $ 1,300,000 $ - - IPIVESTMENT EARNINGS $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ - $ - SPOKANE COUNTY $ - $1,600,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - PARKS GRANT $ - $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 180,000 $ - ' . S70RM WAl'ER DRAINAGE $ - $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ 611,000 STORM 1NATER STREET PROJECTS $ 179,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 GEN. FUND $ - $ -300,000 $ - $ 360,000 $ - $ - , TOTAL RESOURCES $ 10,202,000 $ 4,700,000 $ 2,650,000 $ 2,985,000 $ 2,480,000 $ 2,361,000 EXPENDITURES: DEBT SERVICE PYMTS $ 186,000 $ 186,000 $ 186,000 $ 186,000 $ 185,000 $ 186,000 PARKS $ 1,300,000 $ 2,550,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 580,000 $ 100,000 CITY-NON-STEP ST PROJTS (303) $ 111,244 $ 91,000 $ 54,000 $ 180,000 $ - $ - . C17Y-STEP PROJCTS (303) $ 919,947 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ - STORM WATER FACILITIES $ - $ 350,000 350,000 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ 611,000 STORM WATER ON STREET PROJECTS ` _ ' " • » RESIDENTIAL PRCSERVATIOId PROJ. $ - $1,000,000 $ 1,359,000 $1,300,000 $ 1,540,000 $ 1,200,000 GRANT FUNDED ST. PROJECTS (307) $ 1,583,737 $ 546,000 707,000 $1,624,000 $ 1,643,000 $ 2,316,000 CON7INGENCY $ 150,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 4,250,928 $ 5,573,000 $ 3,606,000 $ 4,590,000 $ 4,749,000 $ 4,513,000 CARRYOVER TO NEXT YEAR $ 5,951,072 $ 5,078,072 $ 4,122,072 $ 2,517,072 $ 248,072 $ (1,903,928) " • Stormwater expenditures for street projects have been included with the street projects Annual Projocted Shortalls May 30, 2006 Problem Statements #1, #2 8 #3 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Shortfalls: #1 General $ $ - $ (4,697,687) #2 Street $ $ (1,464,645) $ (3,020,527) $ (3,570,170) #3 Capital $ $ (1,903,928) Total $ - $ - $ - $ (1,464,645) $ (3,020,527) $ (8,267,857) f S#' OF o llane Va le ,;,oO Annual Work Plan for 2006 ~Ilirc' 2 i)i)1L 11 ?t Ir7t Operations & Adnlinistrative Services Public Works Police Parks & Recreation Commwnity Development 2006 Budget Goals The 2006 budget reflects the distribution of resourres consistent with the Council'ti dettirminadon of core services priarides. The following goals represent just the verv broad areas of concentration important to the well beinR of the community. Draft a well-defined Street Master Plan, with Funding-Optionst that identilies the rurrellt condition of city streets and recommends appropriate improvements and maintenance that pre~rve the value and structural integrity of the Ioral transportaNon system. IniNate the First Phase of the SQraLrue Corridor Revitalization Planning between University and the freeway by contracting with a consultant fin design a strah.~, that would strengthen the economic viabilitv of the corridor. Continue Monitorin Si ''cant Wastewater Issues including governance oE wastewater facilities, enhanced citizen awareness of optiorLS for the future and pursuit of the most efficient and E~conomical use of allowed wastewater discharges. Maintain a Strong Emphasis on Internal and External Communication utilizing tlie Public Information Ufficer and department head pasitions to enhance the yuality, timeliness and accuracy of internal dialogue and the informaHc►n provideci to citizens abc,ut rity issues, iniciatives and wark plans. Explore the Available Telecoaununications Infrastructure that rrav Lx- acce4se.~~i bv puk.ilic institutions, residents and businesses within Spc►kane Valley. ~ Drnft a Rcll-defined Strcet Master PI9n, with Funding Untians, thal identifies thr current conditiun of city stn;ets and mcummends appmpriAie improvements and maintenuncc that ptcnserve Lhe valuc and strustuml integrity of the local transportation system. Public Works - Tasks and Timeline: Draft a wefl-ttefined Stteet Maste► oroa ot oa ot as ot oe P.tan, w/th Furiding Opt(otts :r ro v ,,v yr; 4,r ,tia ~sac 'ILr T r~:r o~e 1 Hire Cansultant 2 Keview SUeet Conditions 3 Develop Projects and Esiimate Costs ~ - - - Initixtc t6e First 1'hasc of the tinraguc Corrednr Rcvitat'rr.aN4n Piannine betwecn Uni~~ersity and the fn~eway by contraciing with a corsultant to desi~!n a strategy thnt would siren~;then thc Lconomic viabilitv uf thc c orridor. . Community Uevelopment - Tasks and Timeline: ltiaro the Ftrst Phase ol the Sprogu Or ns ol ue oIoa wM Cortltlor Raytfalttat/on P/annfnq f~R Fso ~~r Apr w,r fn ,,W 41 Ssa 0.s j 6eu:rc GonsuiE3nt Servt~s - ~ Commurnty Involvement I: Design Altematives • Inltiate Impiemeniaban 6 Finanpng Pretesred Altematiwe ~ FConti,nue Monitorinp Sigmifi cant Wastewatc~' lssues including ~,ovrrnance of wastew3ier tas;ilities, citi•r.c-n awareness e►t~ uptic~ns tor t}ie futun: and pursuit of the mcist efficient and econoaucal wed wastewater discliarges. Public Works - Tasks and Timeline: Continuo Masfroring Signf!)csnt `'i 00 07 4e `j °i C` IM~~ta~~vntor ttsurta rw. j.~+ w► ~m ,ru ~.a ~c cti, nft- , and iS5tiC5 Maiatain a Sh-ona Fmnhusi.q on lnternal und F.Yternal ('o unication ulilizing the Public Iniurmation Of~iccr an~! department head gositions to enhance the quality. timeliness and aecuracy of intcrnal dialogue and thr inforniatiim pravided to citizens atxout rity issucs, initiatives and work plan5. Oprrations and Adminititrative Services Tas1cs and'fimeline: MaJntain a SUong Fmpha+eis on y'''s 0200 0308 ~ 0406 Intornaf and Frhma! Comrtrunlcetio , F~ PAII Moy E" Ad I A-g I S-p I ocf Ew:,, Dec . Famiai:Zc- Puti4C intursnatlOr and Procedutes Revise WebsRe Develop & implement standards tor - City puWicatirons b use af Ctty logo pevelop City Newsletter for public distnbution Support pubbc mlomiaGonl'involvement efforb on SpraguelAppleway Corridor wbarea plan Community DeveIopment Tasks and Timeline: a, :o w oa cs a a cw . Al~lntaln a Sdong EmpA~eafs on lrrtsrnrl and Erterr►+! Communlsatfan ~-s Am w+v 04 c:cr,tinue updaLng b uthLzing PLUS1 ~ P1;;SM eystema 4 Formalrze caorQtnation w/ Fre, Watsr - . Dietricts. SRHO & QOE ri Particrpate in professional and trade c rganizationslsymposie 4 Nahwork with tocaJ jurisdlcUOns tn d•_vebp unitorm sfandards 3 tritiate intetaclive G!S mapping mrnugh Google Earth ~ Puotish perm►t infortnadon on website. Ucdatei weekty 4 E;gglore the Avaitable Telccommunications Infrastructure that may be accessrd by puhlic I institutions, residents and bwinesses within Spulcane Yalley. Operations and Administrative Services Tasks and Timeline: . ExAlorntAeAvallabfa orpo Q2 06 034:4 O+Gd Teiecommuntcat;orrs mfiastructura iWAr JWh Al ~ l, N4 SeA Dd " Provide sfaff support on CouncA directives Meet with Eco~tamic Deveiopment ~ Counal re. current status 8 needs Meel with areawide agencies re: current status 8 needs I Explare reglonal networlc capabilities , Police Tasks and Timeline: I Exprvre rho AvarrQare '"s `'2 O. Talrcnmmunicattons lnfrostructure F,e wr ac- Wr ~~rr _v) AV s+e ca E:=~~t~l~sh. U~Si~rl d=~J i~1(iictT~~hl a n.ulG-year multi-jurisdicUonal plan that 1 addresses a regional partnership for a 1 catai communicaUons Infrastructure r_ u,1d-out Analyze current and projected comdors f i i r best use of wireless 2 :cmmunicatlans for mabile data ,3mputers (MDCs) and other computer-related cammunications. 5 Citywide Obj ectives Promoting the Key City Value of Excellent Customer Service Citywide - Tasks and Timeline: a r o~ ~a ua at oo Customer Sarvfa* ,1p F/Q Wr Ao AR?p 1an Jil1 Aiq 14p C-c! Atcv ,hrc ~ Finalize Gustomar Service Pcogran'. and implemeni 1 st year objeccrves Condud employee Customer Service Training, focusing on cammunkation ~ and teamrmric Create an IntaMepartmental team to: I Develop a recormnended intemai custnmer servke standard; and Fleah out the camponents of the draft Customer Service Ptogram UperaNons & Administrative Services - Tasks and Timeline: c, Da tw 03 c3 •w o+ ~ Cust+omarServict att i+d MM A" l.d' AW 5.9 W okv Greate and ins;itute a qua;terfy customer senrice report to descnbe re4ated adivities and decisions Streamline business registration applications , Police - Tasks and "fimeline: af m oz tm Q.1 oe 0400 Customqr Ssrvico ,lon lyR Adar Apr 14y :un AO Ao5i 5%' Ott Aio+• Lbc Nurture and enharctj commun,tj volunteensm and involvement in progtams such as SCOPE, Neighbort►ood Watcfi, Resecves. Cadets, eic. Inuease opportunities for appiicabie 2 enipioyee career deve{opment within the agency. (i 1 Promoting the Key City Value of Excellent Customer Service - coii't Community Development - Tasks and Timeline: e$ te Qa wr oi x a ad Custairrer Savlce .~#A ritN MA► A:r We tL^ Ju/ ~4q4 C►.S Ov_ ~Ov DoC Eltminate internal botilenecks cn development raview proces9es I Provide advance notiae to aontradors of updatas irt Code requiremeMs Cor►dud quaft" aurvey to identify amas for improvement I Business Plans Initiafive Citywide Tasks and Timeiine: at :+e c: a+ 0308 G+ ae CrWte a bl,qL- i-Aar Crty 8a5+'rscs3 Plan f~ y,. t~r ,Ln ,w+ r~+ aa nr. ~c Resvarch rncxiala ancl create Departmentel template Periorm demand anaiysis and work dfstributbn aneJysis on lhe buikiing permit - ceMar for departmenfs pian departmerrta draft business plans basecl I - on fureseeable operatlonel needs IQentify performance stanGards and I measures for Clty business fundions Present drafl Business Ptan to City Councll Incorporate Mancial impacts of Business Plan into draft straGegic financiat ptan and 2007 Budget for review Finallze City Business Plan I Examine Right-o4-Way process, per(oRn 8 researr,h, provide tnfirmation to ad-hoc corTxruttee 7 Department Objectives ' Operations & Administrative Services Contlnue to deve/op Human df ;n o; od 03 tV :s,It Rmoyrcaa tu»ctlon withrn tRo organlzaNon a.n F.b Vs• Are wp ,hs- .sr ,tip 5aa AY Wv Gx ~ `valuate and revise human resources r ate hew empioyee eTTat-ia DroC8SSE3 Develop position recruitment checkiist Z -1 ri r_orporateZustomer ennce an into 3nnual evalua6ans $ evT~ op~'ucatwn vetopment -NSSipns fqr em lo ees ~ Dve op and imp ment procsss to review job cfassfications Gi Oif t~'? Qd C3 :Yi C~ L1d Canttact Adnrlnlstratiaft II.'t Fal: L4V %-G• ~rr' A:~ ~h► C=~ hor Ar_ Evatuate regiartal animal control ptan Formalize managed competition program and identify steps to use in all ~ service departments Continue to negotiate cable franchise NegotiaUng County Contracts - Jail, Geiger, Heanng Examiner, GIS << i 09 02 a O) 00 m Osvelop d beg/n /mp/Qmentailon of Racords Managemen( sysfem F~ FF** I Viw AA, y,oy :M„ A41 A,o ;,.F aY r;C.- arc ~ Final¢e draft policies 8 procedures 2 Create guidelines for implementation 3 Estabtish order 8 timeline for each Department's conversion . ' R ~ Public Works at as a~ os ~ c. ~ Opefatla~s d M&lntenance ;m r,eb M,u Aut uyy ufl jw s~n ocr rw. Develop six-year Stormwater Capita! Improvement ptan Identify 8 reoommend new projects Draft six-year ptan - Coordinate signal 14ghts along Argonne ~ corndor Rece+ve and irtstall new controllers Conduct training on new cantrollers ~ Implement timing plans Bid ceitain street mamtenance activities ~ Bid Iandscape - Bid sweeping ~ Bid Vactortng _ Award Cantracts a Flashing BeacoNSpeed Display Condud/Complete Survey Order Equipment _ Insteuetion - Impiementabon ~ 8 I Stormwater Regional Manual Complete Final Draft dopt tormwater anua y ordinance 6 Beverty Nills Orainage Improvements Design Comp{ete = I Bld project and award contract _ ~ Underground intection control compliance Inventory & assessment I 9 Public Works - corr't ~ I I I Cap;tq/ Imprvwtrtoni 0106 0206 03015 aas Jen Feb Mar Api Mey Jurr .hrl .lup Sdo OC 14ov flec j Update 5ix-'Year i ransportation Plan , `or Arteriaf Roadways Identify 8 recommend new projeds ~ Pubiic hearing on draft plan ~ Seek Council approval af plan ~ Submd STP.TIB & olher grant requests ~ Capital ProJects Valtey Cotridor - Envirortmental Assessment and preliminary engineering Pines/Mansf~eld intersection - c4esign, ROW acquisition, construction Vera Terrace - design 8 construction Electric RR - design & construction Veradafe Heights sewer projed - construction Baricsr Rd. Bridge - design Distrman Mica rehabilitation - t st Ave - to Sprague Ave Barker Rd widening - Boone Ave to Spokane River - design, ROW 8 construction Urchard Ave sewer project - construction Parks Rd sewer project - construction - a - t ve to p eway Ave - - Runchtist ilrgonne Kd overlay - indlena Ave !o Montqnmerv - constnfction Broadway Ave overiay - Bates Rd to Sullivan Rd - consturciion Appleway Ave Recanstruciion - Tschiriey Rd to Hadges Rd - design, ROW 8 construction 10 Police o►~ a2 im :304 c+00 Spokane Vafloy Palice Servicos }sn FRJ ltOr c:ar tiff.T Jtm :;d Aty SCO OCt l4ov LSwC Address issues surrounding current jail 1 overcrowding and other criminal justice needs and impads. ~_'antinue to partner with schools, 2 businesses and other community F_ntities to address guns, drugs and yangs Fstabtish and evaluate a pilot new hire 3 training program that is based araund ~ tile concept of problem-solving c-ommunity oriented policing Establish a commitiee to design and finalize the implementation and use of a a new department uniform patch that r"i?s in wrth the poiice department community identity 5 Continue to discuss long-tern police services contract optbns 11 Parks & Itecreation 0100 fJ? Osi 0306 N oQ Rec ros tfon a 1 Op portunl tlea .Jd~ Feb Ah1r .1pe Ah~r' Jun JUI J1tW 5ep ! tl Ntrr :er.: Parks 8 He-crealion Master Plan - Council adoption ~ Uevelop and implement 1st year riorities Park land acquisition Submitted WA Interagency Committee grant for Greenacres property 5tate land acqucsition along Spokane River Identify potential sites Council deliberations N egotiationslpu rch a se n Renovate and Repair Parks tteconstrucUoNrepair of Mirabeau Overiook Paric signage replacemerrt Browns Park Renovation F4 Poal ConstructioNRenovations Resofve operations issues Determine location Select architect Public review Prelimfnary plan Council deliberations ~ Final plan ~ Select Contractor Construction EDEvaluate use of old Seniar Center huilding ~ l~ ' Community Development 0~ 05 %J? QL`. GJ tiJ GJ C4 Spakano Ilallay Development :An F4C A~11~ Aw wRe ~J~ ~cIQ $p aQ Nt1~ t}R 1 ! ~ir:e;e l;umprLtiens~vr F' an = - - Finalize draft and public heanngs p a e ore ine anagement Pro ram 2 Complete City Un,form Development rode Schedule of Rermitted uses and definitions Integrate nuisanCe enforcement for - ROW in Code Compliance Zorting Regutations Administrative Regulations Subdivlsion regulations Deslgn Standards ezoning actions to imp ement the Com rehensive Plan 3 Camplete Hazard Mitigation Plan Mazard identi bon vulnera i ity anal sis Coordina6on af Pian partnerships Complete Plan draR ~ Public Rerticlpation +i ~ CDBG Program ImpiementaUon Earfy solicitadon of iunding requests 6 Obstruction Permit Ad Hoc Committee 13 ~ Sli6lZane ,,;vOValley 11707 E Spraguc Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1D00 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org . . • . . . , , o . ~ .m, , : , _ . •o , „ demorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager; Nina :l7egor, Deputy City Manager; Mayor Diana Wilhite and members of the City Council From: - iVlichael F. Connclly, City Attorney . Cr: 7Vl:arina Sukup, Director of Community Development; Neil Kersten, Director of .k'ublic Works Aate: June 12, 2406 ~ Annexation - Planninq Considerations Methods of annexation and basic considerations are discussed in a previous memo dated February 13th, 2006 and attached as Exhibit 1. Specific steps that should be taken by the City of Spokane Valley in the next 6 months to preserve the opportunity for annexation are set forth below. ' The County of Spokane has recently adopted their 20 year population forecast which identifies an anticipated population growth of 118,879 which is an increase of - 33,125. Initial estimates indicates that fill in development can absorb a population of . 22,283. The remainder will require a UGA outside the boundaries of the City limits: A summary of the population projections is set forth in 'Exhibit 2. The process followed by the City of Spokane Valley must also frt within the schedule proposed by Spokane County and the Growth Management Steering Committee. A copy of Spokane County's tentative schedule is attached as Exhibit 3. The city should also be aware of is the population allocation outside of the City limits which is intended for County growth. Currently the population projections identify population growth of 66,073 persons, without specifically identifying in which area development would occur. Any development adjacent to the City of Spokane Valley C/1 that occurs without a joint planning agreement could result in adverse impacts to our ' transportation system and a reduction in the limited sewer capacity available. 1 . The following steps should be followed: - 1. Specific Annexation Goals and Policies adopted by Council which discuss: when annexations are necessary and viable, what capital facilities the city would require, what transportation .LOS and identified transportation projects are acceptable, and what funding opportunities are available. Our current comprehensive plan addresses this issue as follows: LUG-97 The City of Spokane Va!!ey should continue to coordinate with Spokane County and neighboring cities for adjacent urban growth areas. Policies LUP-17.9 The City should coordinate with Spokane County to ensure appropriafe service provision and /and development prror to Cify ' annexation. Nlethods to allow for coordination may include, but are not limited to, execution of an interlocal agreement between the City of Spokane Va!!ey and Spokane County to.; • Esfablish gciidelines for development plan review, impact fees and SEPA mifigation; and • Define service delivery responsibilities, level of service ' standards and capital facrlrty implementation consistent with the goals and poJicies of this Plan. LUP-17.2 Through regional planning efforts, the City and County should ensure that p/anning is compatible with the Cities of Spokane and Liberfy Lake. LUP-97.3 The City shou/d continue coordinated planning efforts between Spokane County, appropriafe frre disfrrcts, school districfs and _ water servrce providers to assure managed growth in urban growth areas. . More detailed documents from the City of Vancouver and Bellevue are attached as Exhibit 4. 2. A UGA analysis prepared by the Community Development Department, based . vn criteria set forth in Spokane Countv Wide Plannina Policies (CUVPP) which allocates our population forecast as follows: a. Capacity in City. ' b. Capacity in existinq UGAs ~J . 2 ' ~ c. Capacity in County Urban Reserve areas if existing UGAs cannot accommodate population allocation. 3. Open House(s) to discuss potential growth areas and the UGA/criteria process. 4. Alternative UGA proposals and capital facilities plan updateprepared. by the Community development Department and the Public Works Department . respectively. 5. Workshop with Planning Commission. 6_ Public Hearing with Planning Commission. 7. Planning Commission's recommendations to City Council. 8. Public Hearing and Decision by the City Council. 9. Recommendation of City Council forwarded to Steering Committee of Elected Officials. 10. County may require public hearing on city UGA proposals by their Planning Commission ~ 11. Board of County Commissivners conducts public hearing on UGA proposals. ~i 3 S cr iC 1, page 1 of 3 P 6koa Exhib nva11ey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suice 106 ♦ Spakane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org , . . . . _ . ;e; - . „ . . Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager; Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Mayor Diana Wilhite and - members of the City Council From: Mike Connelly, City Attorney CC: ' Date: February 13, 2006 Re: Annexation - Basic Considerations 1. Tnitiation: a. I..ANID OW~Ti .F.,'R/VOTER PETTTION YKOCESS(RCW35A.14 and 35.13) ~ i. Owners ornot lcss tlian ten per cent of the acrca;e or nqt less than ten per cent of the resideuts of the area (non-code cities) sliall notify the City Council in writinb of tbeir intensions ta commence annexation proccedings. ii. City couucil sets a datc to accepf, reject or modif~, the proposal. iii. If accepted a pedtion is circulated ancl must be signed by owners of a majority of the acreage and a majority of the registered votcrs. iv. Ifi'thE 1'etition is certified a Public hearing is hcld and the city council signs an "Lrtent t0 Annex" resolution. v. Notice of Intention is I:hen filcd with the 13owidary Review Boazd, a decision is made, and if the decision support.s the znnexakion the mtuucipality adopts an ordinance effectuating the change. b. FLEC 1'ION PR.OCESS FOR CODE CITIES, INYTIATED BY VOTERS (RCW 35A.14.110) i. A pelition is submitced by not less lhan 10 percent of the registered vroters in an area. 1Psufficient the City Council, within 60 days shall accept the petition. ii. Onc,e approvect the petition is filed vvitli the Board of County Commissioner. . • iii. A notice of intention is then filed Nvith BRB. If approved by the 13R.B _ the decision is senl to the affected municipality. Thc City then requests the cotmty auditor to set the matter for a special election. If a majority vote in favor; the annexation is approved. (lndebtedness must Exhibit 1, page 2 of 2 : be approved by 60 If approved the City Council adopts an . ordinance effectuating the change. ' c. ELECTION YROCESS FOR CODE CITIES,1'NITIATED BY C.iTY COLTNCI'L (RCW 35 A.14.015-110.) . i. City Council adopts a resolution called for an election to be subcnitted to the voters. , ii. City Cotuicil files a copy of the Resolution with the Board of County Conunissioners. iii. A notice of intention is then filecl with the BRB. If approved by the B17-B the decision is sent to the affected municipality. The City tlien rEquests the county auciitor to sEt the matter F'or a special election. lf a majority vote iu favor, the annexalion is approved. (Iudebtedness must be approved by 60 If approved the City Council adopts an ordii-iance effechiating the change. 2. An annexation netition has the best chance of succeedina if: a. The area to be Anncxcd is wichin a UGA. (It is preferablc that it be designated as the City of Spokane Valley's UGA but not necessary.) b. The Cit), of Spokane Valley has a comprehensive plan thal: i. Tdentifies populations projections that cxceed the capacity of the existing municipal propertics. ii. Identifies the area as a Spokane Valley UCA. iii. Contai_ns a capital facility plan that demonstrates the ability of the City of Spokane Valley to serve the area. 3. If we choose to identifv areas as future Citv of Sookane Vallev UGA's in anticination of future annexations the fnllowing stens are recommenclecl: a_ Participatc in Steering Committee delibcrations to ensure: i. Adoption of population projections that are: 1. Realistic 2. Identify the necessity for growth outside of our existing boundaries. . ii. I`hat UGA's are identified as City of Spoka.ne Valley UGA/JPA's. iii. Tlle execution o(' jo.int plauiing agrccmcnts. b. Include in the soon to be finali~r.ed comprehensive plan, or in the ordinance . adopting the plan, the following recent developments: i. That Spokanc County has reconunended adopting the high OFV1 population numbers in developing future population projec:tions. ''~J . ExhibiC 1, page 3 of 3 ii. That property adjacent to the City of Spokane Valley has or is in the ~ process of being a.nnexeci by Liberty Lalce, impactuig the provision of services within tlie Cicy of Spokanc Valley. iii. That recent and anticipated expansion of the cturent UGA's by Spokane County total in excess of 2000 acres, further impactin; the . . availability of -necessary services. . , iv. That current significaalt developments near to or adjacent to the City of ' Spokanc Valley are being approved without a joint plannirig agreeme.nt behveen the Spokane County, the City of Spokane Valley and the City of Liberly Lake; and finally that v. All o:f the above may require a revision of both the population projections and designated gromh areas in the immcdiate future. 4. VVithin the next 1.2 months. amend the Citv of Snakane Vallev's Comnrehensive Plan fo include: a. A City of Spokane Valley UGA. b. Yopulation projections that exceed the capacity existing Within the current municipal boundaries; and c. A capital facilities plan that demonsh-ates that the UGA's idcntifieci for fiature ' a grovvtli can be adequately sei-ved by the City of Spokanc Valley. ~ Exhibit 2 spomfe BUILDING AND PL.ANNING JAMES L, MANSON, DI(tECTOR TO: Whom it May Concern: FROM: Jim Manson, Department of Building and Planning Dire ' RE: 5-Year Update of Spokane County Comprehensive Plan and Urban Growth Area Boundary As you may be aware, Spokane County and local municipalities are required to update their respective Comprehensive Plans and Urban Growth Areas by December 1, 2006. On May 23, 2006, the Board of County Commissioners, adopted a population allocation for initial planning purposes for the 20-year planning horizon from 2006-2026. This allocation consists of the Office of Financial Management (OFM) medium forecast with an additional 12.5% buffer In response to the initial population allocation the Department of Building and Planning has prepared a"draR" map illustrating ~ County ~ 2006-2026 ADD'L _ potential areas for consideration for Urban Growth Area Boundary ' Municipality ALLOCATION I modifications to accommodate the initial projected population _ Spokane _ 197,639 allocation. As illustrated on the attached "draft" map, the areas Unincorporated 66,073 under consideration for potential Urban Growth Area Boundary i I modifications are shown in red and those areas are currently Airway Heights 5,066 designed as Urban Reserve per the adopted Comprehensive Plan. Cheney 3,289 Those areas shown in cross-hatching are individual public I Deer Park 2,479 comments or requests related to the Comprehensive Plan land use Fairfleld 212 I designations in the Urban Reserve Areas or adjacent to the existing - - , Urban Growth Area Boundaries (see attached). Latah 82 ~ Liberty Lake 15,586 To facilitate our deadline of December 1, 2006 to update the Urban ~ Medical Lake 798 Growth Area and Spokane Counry Comprehensive Plan we request l_ Millwood 91 your expedited review o(the "draft map and provide comments as ~ Rockford 239 to your ability to provide serrrices/infrastructure to senve the Spangle 322 identified areas consistent with the adopted Levels of 5ervice Spokane 70,235 _ (LOS) in the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Spokane Valley__ 33,125 Plan and Countywide Planning Polices by providing the information Waverty 41 on the Evaluation of Public Facilities Form (see attached). If you are not able ta provide services consistent with adopted Levels of Service (LOS) please provide specific comments as the reason and/or additional needs to serve in the foRn on new infrastructure (e.g_ new arterfals, reservoir, etc.) the associated approximate cost, and timeframe for delivery. Please forward your review comments by June 29, 2006. To address any questions you may have regarding the "draft" map we have scheduled a meeting for June 22, 2006 at 10:00 a,m. in Conference Room 2B where staff will be available to discuss the "draft" map and provide additional clarification as needed. I realize this is a very short notlce but hope you can provide this information in order to move forward with the update process in a manner to acoommodate our deadline of December 1, 2006. • 1026 W. BROADWAY AVENUE • SPOKANE, WA 99260-0050 PHONE: 509-477-3675 • FAx: 509-477-4703 • TDD:509-477-7133 Exhibit 3 2006 - Comprehensive Plan/UGA Update - Reglonal Pfanning 0 0 0~~~o w - v~an~a ser.ap c..- FopMMkn aiowtloro M ~ Nb~tl+g ~dDPbd MMnloadAf 1►MDallatlaWlOUplbn _ ~ H~FberY~O I P_ ~ t C,o.Crfkai Are"~. Lkbon CmMh At» ~ ftm MipmomMr ~ OoeMei mIV+~~'~ ~ tad Ou~r M+M~ f w T Y011 ~ !~M ~ GOplYl FacNia Pbl1 ~ E . r r OWW~I ~ P~ ~ • ! f pWw*pOemndutonWbAnhn" -CeNrWwp°O''yWW 'p'*AfV ~"WWO rcu,~..r ~oocaW. ~ I.we.r0""P FLMie~.r.. 10 e O w rcww n... ~m ~ .w.*..IODTWR -0 +A010001~ ~Pbn (ypIW FWAIr PWI SEPA fte~ InIerNed Ai - - - + Wd' ►1~ Z~ ~aWka Ropod A~e c~~ R~ rvA ~ 1~lpnlsd SaPa ~ D~sA 8&y* Za#+Y M»ndmwb - W nwi P4rnirv Baclnp - ZonYV Wo/Tma bm&*Wd0^ . VV&b`w k, . , . . b • PubIIo PaNcM+~" Prograr^ ) . oMe noa•+ - A•oPIPw ceawalion (eRa sRrc, .ft.) - sffr Towr+ uw - IrO«ac+i ec Is - cvWw cao uvaw oe~o~ J do.nnwt.wn.aame.~. ra woe - Paairr ~.~e w rr.~q.. b be c.ow.w I MnuY A~wnM~wrb 1 OW^d~ ~vpdow ~.iWu~s b UW ad f~mp~l~ww~ Pftm f ~ ~`11~ Exhibit 4 j av,m.a a wu, • ' r , ^ Annexation Element . Goal: To annex all land wlthin the PoteMlal Annexation Area expedftiously. ~ .y ! V~ . OVERVIEW The purpose of Ihe Mnexedon Oement ts to pubtic services, infrasVUCture and utRiry extension, ensure a srtaCth Uansltlon (rom cowy ta city and crompatibilrry Issues 1n BeNevue's potantial jurlsdiction wfien unkncorporated lard i5 annexed annexation areas. ~ to the City. The pdicios In this elemont set criterta and Condili0ns !a Considering annexafion propos- Annexstion of unincorporated land adjacent to the als and estadish a framework for addressing City benefits the Ca}r, residents, and property ~ Xlv-1 a-1 , An,. xati~ effwnt - at Pta, ~ . ' • 121e~ owners. PropeRy owners and resSdents gain dents wichin Use area proposeo. • access to urben services pravided by Bellevus such aa snhancsd police and fire protection, In adcHtion to snnexation policy, this element also buiding and iand usse corurols, and storm and estaWfshee po[icy guldance for Interjurisdictional surface watar control. They can hgty participate in cooperation with ad]acent Gties, King County, and the iocal govetnment that most d'uecuy affecta special purpose districta their iives. FortheC arnexmtion POUClES ity, yields benefRs that include the abiity W contrd new developxnerrt, thereby ensurin9 ease of future malntenance; corrtrol of Pre-annexation impacta at their sarce: and the abdiry to extend iu boumdaries In a Ioqical servlce-oriented man- POUCY AN-1. Mnex the fdlowing areas when ner. Addi[IotmllY, the Gry gains revenues from residencs or property owners request amexation: areas that alreadyi enjoy certain city services but currently pay no raxes or fees to 9altevue. a. Unincorporated areas In Factoria. Eastgate, and easi of ihe Clry to Lake Sammamish and 8ellevue's Potenttal Annexntlon Area waa es[ab- thQ Sphere p} Irifuence line wqh Isaaquah. :ished in an aqreement reached with the Cilies of Issaquah and Renton In 1979. This agreement b. The unincorporated fand adiacerK to the East identifies a Sphere of Inftuence line to which these Channel 8rfdge, known as Ermtai. ttuee citfes wUl expend eventually In the Newcastle area. Th9 Sphere of Inflsr POUCY AN-2 Adjust the ence line rtmy be re-ex- munlclpal boundaries with amined when certain tac- adjacent cities where the tors such as devetopmeru existing murikipal bound• pattems or water, sewer, ' ` - arles create unserviceable • storm vrater, or Iranspor- pockets of land. tatlon scwice boundaries diverge (rom expecied POUCY AN-3. Make the d"aeclions. City's public service arx] t~ utgiry servtce areas toin- For each cf these citles, cide wlth the Potential the area between the Annexation Area, wherev- Sphere of IrdluenCe Ilne er mutually agraeabie. and the CJty's curtent • boundary is knovm as the POUCY AN-4. Establish Potentlal AmexaUon Atea prA-arnaxatlon zoninq Eor 9ellevLWs area. shown in tha errtire Pdential Mnex- Flgure AN_t. ultknately wiu ation Area, where pradl- add approotirrtafely four - cal square mies to the Cily. POl1CY AN-5. Respond Annexatbns are W[lated to oomrtiunily initiatives when the C+ty Council ,vuh a fue explanatlon of accepts a petftfon hom a ,iIl methods o( annexation, sutflclerrt numbw of citl. ,ncluding the communhy zens or propeKy owners withtn a propoaed annex- counc8 optlon. acion arae. An annexatlon PpUCY AN-8. Extend Is valldated either by sub- Ihrough anntxaaUn Berremt >,ek~nu ntw rcsi- IhB SYnlIC@ az2a bOUnd fTt{SSIOfI Of d SE'COfb PfOp• derrIJ cnd basint,tSCS fi-orn unincorpOVnttd Kt»g aries only if 6sndawners ~ erty awriers petNion or by Counry (Focrona Squm,c Mcl!) reque5ting servfCe havc _ an eJection o( the resi- be9un the anneXatlon ~ XIv_, a -a ` i • Mne:a srrw~t~ ot Bs pnM Pl- ~ ~ procesa or have made prior agreemeMS wRh the Gry may intiate a zoning/specfal district City. shidy, shoLld the area be 18rgefy undYVel- oped. Permanerti zoniny would bo based on POUCY AN-7. Make every ef{ort, whether by the rosults of th+ study. fnceAxai agreertient or oaher machanism, to enSUre that Wid wNch pes withi^ Kin9 Co+nrYs Post-annexatfon Jur(sdictlort but which simultsneously lies within 8a1ews'a Poterrttal Arinexation Area, develops POUCY AN-13. Aftar amexatlon, transfer ell accadirq to the CanprelrertsiYe P1an po[icies or review guthority tor all land currently undergoing other dwebpment standards the Ciry ot eellevue developmeM review in Kuig Caxiry to the Ciry ot has developed for Uwse part(cuiar areas. gouevue. POUCY AN-a. Utitze pre-amexaUOn epreemerrts POUCy AN-ia lAeke every eRort to ensura a only it immedFate annexatlon cannot be required or smooth trensNbn hum Cour+ty to Ctty adminiatre- ls not reasanaWe. tkwL POUCY AN-9. Recognize the irrteyrity of oxiatln0 POUCY AN-16. Charge owners and residents o( or IuturQ nelqhborhoods and the need lor maG►- newly-annexed, futry-deveJoped tenitory oNy the tahing foy6cal servke areas as a yeneral dlrection, y~m utpgy upgrading coais for which curreni when working with indhrldual amexation requests, residents are resQonsible (excludfng special im- POLICY AN-t0. Require owmen al land anneidny ~'T'ent or beneRt disiricts that may be creat- to the Cky t0 be SUbjeCt to their proportlonat9 sfiare d the Clry's bonded indebtedness. ppL►Cy AN-16. Establish departmental servlce "eedPOUCY AN-11. Consuft aHected atizens, cittes, s prior to ma~or annexaUorts Uuouflh an ~ impBCt enatysis. As revenues fram eath dnnex- speclel purposs dlstricts, and Wher partlea prior to at(on area are cdlected, incresse City servkas to final aPP~~ ot anY ennexatiorL maintain currarn cEtywlde seMces levels. POUCY AN-12. Estadiah app►oprlate zoning ppUCY AN-17. Pravide ne+tAy-annexed areas disirict desiqnations in proposed annexation areas wih the same level d service enJoyed by arees using the fdlawing criteria: wlthtn the City, whis at the same tlme not Aacree& a In annexaUon areas that are substarRfally Ing cunent cRywide service levely. developed (at least 7096 of the Isnd has been pOUCY AN-18. Coordfnate aN development Irriprwed with permanen 9tructures, or for adhdtles between the C"nd FGng County wdhfn wNch development perrnas have been ap- the paential Mnexation Area. Whefe posslble. proved or prHiminery plat or PUO approvai piM development revfew should occur. granled), City of 8ellevue zonlnq district deslgnattons shoL/d be appNed that would Irrterjurisdictional most nearly rellect the exfsting pattem and Irrtensity of devebpment within Ihe annex- ppUCy AN-19. Coordinate long-range plarrinq atton area. and the developrnent of capdaf improvement programs wth ad{acent chies, speclal districts, and b. In annexatian erws Ihat are largely undevel- King County. oped (more than 3096 of the land ls vaqnt or undeveloped), CiN of Bellevue zoninq d'estrict POLICY AN-20. EStdWish irrterlocal a9reemerrts, designetbnS shoUd be appiied that woukl whsn approprlate, between the City d Bellevue most nearfy reNect the pattems erxl intensi- and other furisdictiDns wfiich address possib[s t(es of land use found in the Comprehertsive sautbr►s to regEOnal concems, such as but not Plan for the unlncorporatad counry area In Ilmked to, wetCr, Sanitary Sewer, StOfm waIer ~ the everit the COmp/ehensrve P18n does nOt drainaye, utlHry draineqe basins, transportation, ~ provide guidance wrthin the county area, the park$ and open spac@, devetopmen[ revtew, and publk sa[ety. ! x,V.3 a 3 AI1f1lYlA0 Demeot~• .ok BY~ Cornp~ srva ?an ~ POI.ICY AN-21. Suppon consolidation (by mutual citfes when tnere ~s a service aqreemant in efiect • agreement) of those portions of speCial purpose or when sucfi terteporary seMce is necessarr servk;e districts ard KIn9 County Flood Corrtrd becxuse ot an emergency. D(stricts, sach as Water and Sewer DEstrict 107 and the Eastqate Sewer DisUict, wRh the Chy POl1CY AN-23. Recognize existfnq ut➢Iry agrce where Me servfce dfstrfa fs pravidiny service ments with adjacent cuies, towns. and dtstric:s, wthln the CMy's caporate boundary and where, as and aclmowiedge the coMlnuetion of such agcee- in the case of Water District 117, there are nOt ments. Ensure Ihat these agreemerus contain malor conllicls with existinq suCarea polkilQS. candlttons which have the necessary development review atAhorty fn order to mafntain acceptable POLICY AN-22. Provide publle aervtcw and/or service Ieveie to those municipalities. ♦ uNkles wlthln the corporate lirnlts of adFolning • e - ~ .IV-4 Q i MA /~MR 1 Late ~(~6I_,~~,, ^~Y"~' ~ ~ } - pa ~ na~ ~ MWMr,w,mio. ~ ftmdn ~ PbIMf/ Ia~e 11rM . ~ ~ Bellevue Potential Annexation Area 11~ n1~i t~fpMe nM~~r~ ~ ~~el p M Mid a tr snq ~OO'Yaenqciti~d MM~M_ ~rrr+uo. i s~tM~MM 1e rrb~~Y we~Yl~~.~rad~ir~c ~'d". A~11~~ W ~ 1 vaNcornrer urreAv .weit PL.aN A►NNEXATION Revised March 22, 1993 CNALlENGES C234 ANNfiXATlON Eacoun6e Claric Counry to preparc for [he efteus of fnture annexations by relavsing and red;rxting iu rcsources to regional servocc delivery. C235 ANNEXATION VulCpvver sbouid not annez [crTitory btyond its urban growth boundary, and Clark Couary should suppoat amexatiams provided Wey arc consistcnt with the policies oootaircd 'm this annexation elemcot. C136 ANNEX4770,iV Vancouver s6ould dirxt lts resourcea toward the pravision of urban scrviccs. C237 ANNBXATION Devdoping ams within urbaa growth and idcntifiod annrzuion arc.as shou{d 2IlOE7( p( COmIDII IO 1pOCA IO 1dJ2C[A[ CINGS in order to receive a full range ot ciry-provided urban suvices. C238 ANNBJCATION Unincotpor:tod ateas thst ue alrady urbanizcd arc cncouragod eo annex to the appropciaa city or trnrn iw axdcr w roceive urban serviccs. C239 ANNEXATION [ncorporuiao of new citia and town is a lega( opaon ailowod for undcr WashinWton !aw and may be appropriWe if an adequate financial base is idcntificd or annatatan is imQnctipl. C240 ANNSXATION Raidrnts of tbe YuKOUVer Urban Groweh Mca shoutd be ioctuded in in effxavc public iwolvemeot procGSS for annexuion. C241 ANNEXATTON Provide aocess for eac6 resident and property ownu to any information needod eo evsluate and make decisions rclued to the delivay ol urban levcls of scrvice and bounduy ctruige. C242 ANNEXATION General, public m[ornudon st►ouid be develaQed by both the city and couruy for annexation prapasals. C243 ANNEXATION Explore oew, aeztivc ways to easc the vansirion of services in all ucas of govcrtttaent and espeeially in publie satuy, vansportation, puks and mrearion, and land use and developmeM_ C2a4 ANNEXATIDN Support the conwlidation of Cue procection smica. ClaS ANNEXATION Vaneouver and Cluk Counry should muNally define thcir service ruks bascd on the Growth Management Act, and suppon the adherence to thcsc rolcs Fa9c 5J ~ ~ ~ I VRNCOUVER URBAN AREA PLAN . C246 ANNEXATION Enoounge thc usc of a surbard sysccm, including consiateat guidelines, tor assasing the scrvice needs of ac6 pmposed p^^rY2rion sub-area and the resources nccessuy to provide those services. C247 ANNEXATION Lud use desigmtions for the iacaporsud aad unincorporated ueu of the Vancouvcr Urban Growth Ara shoutd bc consistcnt. C248 ANNEXATION Signifiant land tise decisions and/or capital improvemeat projxts witl►in the Vancouver Urbaa GrowEh Ata should De reviewed by all affoaed agcncies. C249 ANNEXATION Support dc conawauon of joint ciry/counry poliq dlscussions. C250 ANNEXATION Clark Counry sAould cootuwe W perform rauine maintenancc oC infrasuvaurc ancl similu public facilities within an annexation area uotil the effective dau of Ih[ 1IIM1l2.IlOR C25I ANNEXATIDN Streees and roads, inctudina rights-of-way, adjacent to the land io bc annexed ahotild be made pmt of the anaexation. C252 ANNEXATION Prioritizatiou of anne:ation efforts should bc baud on Vancouver'a ability to provide a fuU rm6c of municipil savices in a timely and efficieca manner. C253 ANNEXATION A timeline for anne:arion sboald be reaponsivc w the inurests of citiuas, but should also be basod on auideliaea which will ensure the eCficient snd ef[ective delivery of servioea to the anocxation sub-area. . C254 ANNEXATION F.ncoun6c the a•K+iri+a+ of ltrge areaa witbout pmcluding individual Property owners fsom parsaiog the aaxastion proeess. C255 ANNEXATTON Encounge the aration of proposed amexatioa sub-areas thai ue corsistem wiE6 thc spirit and iwmt of the Growth Mazugement Act. C256 ANNEXATTON Each proposod awzcation sball meet the roquirements of the Bounduy Review Act, including the pRSCrvation of ouunl aeighborfioods and communitics, the use of significant phpaical bounduiu, and the crcation or pvaervaaom of togical scrvicc aras. C257 ANNEXATION Work with resideats of snrcxacion wbarcas to determine the mosi cfficieni and effeaive method foc amexation u provided by suie law. C258 ANNEXATTON Fnsure that scrvia kvds wiehin the Ciry of Vancouvu are not redwced as a ravlt of an aiuiexuion_ C259 AIVNEXA770N Varcouver and Clark Counry should cstablish finatrcial impau cnteria for identifying the revenua and expenditures auociated with annexation. C260 ANN6XATlON . Encourage Clazk Counry lo prcparo for [he effects of furure anncxseions by ref«using and redirec(ing its resources tu rcgional service delivery. ~-a rage 5~ RETURN ta 5-Year Update Fage :D[i6&L CtrRapmlletktit" e Pl,us 1=jxlnlz fmttth,4nas l FtAFhtk A Cnraidend far Unincarpu=d U Gi A [-I tb~ckda» 4 6 ~ - ~ ~ • urd 206 - 2026 Pc+pulation Ahlcxcacign ~ r7istat n' t Rr.; ~^:L, UGAu lli;-uautium l-iar M Jc l6ti 1. ^ I140 N[rrUi %iarsaL~'i:+rlli;d7i Y cyni9l 4~ ~ Limaa~ ~ Fu~l Lt!WLi 1'eilar Urq 11:~~:ti. m Crrn*3h Ar~ y&,Nnsm Rr=r : A°:i WnI Pl;iiut lGk= d -h17 ~LAun L'narc Umni=u s Z ti 1'rboh Beser•: ~ i..GA t,1r,r1th! Ar-.e-vk'k I~cncelrr.~~o - r • ~ • a ~ ~ ~dr~!~idc 1liL 991 PY1vura [TR1=4at4 ~[D S F~a 5' ~ • _ f ~ 1'ufJ~w Spapgs l R.S -;,lF'J4 l i S 9;,~. 4'aElevI`R -y;p n~I~1 J r uudiL'a:f:~.l R3~95F20 . Subim ~~i Re~C5111n CMhe A-miiiwadc _ ' . , trv"-~• . - - f Rlerll.pk0..r,~~Si I Iwn.a Amd - 3,{&fl 7 ~ ~ . _ ~ . . . . / . WG#1 F6cln51Pllf' 9,'lfi JI. F{lIGI{JW nu, na,n-9 y-2. W 6 Allac@[4d Wi IIC„i, 39!~4 {Ir.. AldYdIG,WRLa.-J=:6.4 =4 . . ~I~, . - = • , ^ ~ _ I ' - + ~ 6 . ~ . . . ? - ~ . _ ~ I . ` ~l L'14i'tf{;~~Mi~1"1~' f 4 - . ` _ - ~ ~ ' • ~ . i _ 7. . ~ ~ ~ ~ i ! ~ ild A rLti , . . s . WR06X`K~ ~ ' ~ • ~ ~ f . I.i1~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ b ~ _ - " ~ rw Fs . - i , - S• - y/ ir r 4~4 .4: ~ . . , ~ s ~ • ' S ~ . , . , . :aa ~ 4y I oi h +~r~m'ry C~ae ~re GO .r ` r~in wi9 [w n~i ik ~ylEC.~rn~ L~w,u~ ml r~nmo~ u ~ f~l Spok[C~ CL-P~t'~~ .C3upIlAing C14 PIGtnnanm4 ~I~o~alkwyn^mi~,iimf.~vmi~iunr~w~ .v ..Fmslnl*f %e mnn u~Mii riidi.n. "n n ert •91PW4a ~i nnimffmr ra. smnlJ ~