2006, 08-08 Regular Meeting A4iTNvFD AGr.NnA SPOlft1~'VE V.iLLLS' C'1TY COI.iNCIL ffl-~'cvLaa rn:r:TING Canncil Afceting #97 Fnesduy. Augaat 13. -1406 b•UO p.m. CTff TiALL AT REIMOni) PI.,17_A 11707 F.wt Spraguc ,►veaur, Firsl Floor Conacil Rcyarcts Ap F:lcctrnnjc Dc-o-iccs be Tarnccl OR Uuring Cnunril Meetiag C'ALL 7'O f)RnER: INV(K`ATI()N: Pnstnr AI Halten, Va11ay Asscmbly of Crtx! PLFDI;E QF AGLF(;TANC'F:; it[)1,l. CALI.: Af'YROVAL OP' ACENDA: [N]'RC)nU('T'IDy ()Ii'SPF.('(AL GI}F',S'CS AlYU PRF:.SE..N'I'AT[O^5: t'Um11llTi'u-., BnARDt[.IAISON tit.iMl1tARY REf't)R"t'S: MAYOR'S RII'UR'I': Yl?BLt(' CU;4L1tENT~.►; Excxjrt wpcrc indiGafed tTefuw fnc "pubtic romatcn!" this is ari apportuttity Far the pubfic tu spealc on .a(IY t1Tp10. Whcn you oorne tu the podium, plensc smtc your namc nnd add=s for [hr ca.~ord and limit rrmar4cS to [ltrcc minUtc3. 1. UI:D BUSir(USS: Sccvnd RcadinK 1'nlxtisod Orctinanrc 06-019 t:ir Strrct Va,:atic,n S1V 01-06 1'ahic~l7-?4-2fltki - Kuen KenJall (p*blieratttMcnH CyYuyi-judlriul mutttr; o.q Puhfjc c~Rimr~t Hill 1►r. tukc•ni . 2. CONSTti"f AGF:NllA: Con,isis nf itctns rvtsidettixi mutinc whiclt nrc approsvd as a atvup. A (70uneilnembrr mny rrtnuvo an itcm Cn)m thc Canxcnt Agrr►da to hc eonsiderrd scparatcly. Faltowing cblim Vauchen: VOUCHFR L,ISTDAT-F I VOI1C1{f?R !fK ~'1"(YTAI. VQUt7199t A1d01, MT 7•17•06 ~ 9493-95''_,3 Slao186633 7-18-06 ~ 4521-95?5 $6•1135 7•22-06 9526r9556 I 567,629.33 7-23-06 9557-9585 I S54.448.25 7-29-06 9586-9643 443,832.5l~ (.;3tAhLl 701AL E..766.917.84 b. Payroll tor i'my Parioci Cnding July 31, 2006: $235.934.71 L N Tcond 1d AV 723\~.1S 3Renditig ProposeJ Ordinatx;c Gactrnding UR-1 - hiarina Sukup (pablic commcntJ l. A(n[ion Cusi;iclc~atiiii: 7tmc I•'lashing F3c:ec,:rn Gmnt - Ncil Ker.,-icn [public cummcal) . .,,_I~:11 .,~~i,'I . _ ;,,1: li~, 5~_'•. ,:~'•":c•~~~:, 1 ,1 - - i,' ttie pui'lic cu 54V.il. Liu :my topic, l~ 1~ca )-ou comc tu thc padtum, pIe.ssc N-tate your nwaac and LcidrLi► t~,( tttc recrm1 and limit rcnnuri:s ta t.hree minutcs. ADIliIY[S`[72A'I'1VE REI'CIRTS: ti. Fmployce l'Imificaticm - iv'inn Regor 6. Pcrsonnet Ordinances snd Rcsohttions Update - Nian Regor 7. "lIMi)I. Rcrport - Dick rkncnny B. IA)u! ftedevr.lopment AuibKirity ([.ltA) \Yalkcr Awiti~ Rcx~n cI_'cnier - Dave !►7errir: H;.XFP+"17VE,S EMlOY :-PntcntinT !'OP-OrtyAtquixtt'tuu nnd Publie Etnplayoc Exg("tiq A1)JUlfI2N1NTNT FIJTZJRfS SCllF.n1i1.E Rrgular CourullAiMir,gA an genr_rolly heJd 2aJ aar/ 4* T'urs&y-s, begirrAing at 6: dU p. inr. C'uanr.il5fvfty Sesslons are gr.n.rally hrlJ .J"' nnd StIF Tirrsdays, brglxnlng ur 6: fNl p.nr. Olkcr 7odatny G'pcn»dnr ~4lersirtP~ll.'~nts: ':t)f7C;f:: !nd►ci"JualS;ilaming tu anrncl ttee nstetutF wtiu mluirc ,rocnai aniztwcc iti act.mmoAate ph;.sical, I1tAfinO, M Mhr, unpaimxntE plcase cuntaci t4sr. C'ity (_'lcrik t! (5(I9)G21-) U00 as mxns urxmih1c sn tlnt mnmmmaiSs rnnv t+e mndc Amcn.lc~i f'o:im:il AFre~~f~ U3•U$.t~b 1?tv.A:u '.lcrtinq; 1'vWe 2 of2 C'ITY OF SPOKANF. VAI.LF.Y Request for Council Action MeeNng llate: Auguit K, 2006 City Manager Sign-a8: Item: Check all th-at appty: ❑ conscnt ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public henring ❑ information ❑ acfmin. repoft ~ pcnding kgislation AGENDA ITEM Tl'TI.E: Scxand Rcading of pno}-w)scd Ordinance for Rieht-of Wny Vacation Rrqurst ti7V-0 1 -06 for a portinn of Old Indiana Avenur. f'itEVlOIiS CUUNCIIJCO'=VIMISSION ACTION 7'AKEN: ('it} L'c>uncil :id1iptElJ RCSolutiun tio. 00- 006 on Apri) 25. 2006, setiing the ciaie for n public hearing held on May 25, 2006. An abutting pmpeny owner of Parccl No. 45104.9036 (not abutting right-of-way to be vacated) requcsted the Planning Commusinn to cexitinuc the public hearing fiir a month_ The PWnning Commission continued dye public hearing an the matttr and voted 4-1 to approve the attachccl findings and to recommend couditional approval of the vacation. The Council advnnCCd ordinanco to a smond reading on July 11, Z(?Ob. On July 25, 2006 the ('ouncil tabled the discussion to a later date. I .40!d gs:-1- u~-j'Y • t - ~ P3lli &RI[ffl ~ _ . r:•' . _ - . ~ . J _ _ . ' - • . ~ Y ~•n ~f' ~ ly~ - w • . ~ ` ~ - . • ~ . . • ~ - ~ '1 . t • . • T 1 ~ ~ _ ~ _1~ ~ . • -~-10 Pari;c1 N„41s1ulvnta -~s /11ea iD be vnGifed YVSDOT Stomvwadmr treetrnent arco Parceis abuttmg RC7W to be vacated Hnchc:ROUNn: '1'he applic:ant Bmndun Reeu, Wirclms (:unnuctians, LLC: PO E3ox 22189, Ivtilwuukic. Oregon 97269 rexqucsts the vacatian of a portion ot Uld Indiuiia Avenue. This scction of Old Indiana Avenuc (south of Indiana Avenue and north of tnterstate 90) is located betwecn pmpertics (f'arcel Nos. 45104.9020, 45104.9034 8t 45104.9036) ownuel hy Wireless Communications, LLC. Washington State Depwtment of Transpurtation has nn acecss restricc«i, fenced stormwater tieatmrnt ama directly east of the praposed str+ocl vacalion which prccludes any Exitential access tir fulum strrct vacationti to the rast on (lld indiana Avenuc. The Planning Cumtnissiun made the fUllc,wing tindinLS as par[ oftheir recummendatiem to ('ity ('ouncil: - J I. Plunning Commission tie1J a pubfic hearing on May 25, 2006 and continued the public hesring to June 22, 2006 per the request of nn abuuing pmperty rnvner of Namel No. -35104.9036 to receive tesiimony concerning the vat;ation of a portion uf Old lndiana Avenue Io:ated north of Intarstate 90 and south uf Indiatw Avcnuc. The date of the hearing was sot by City Council on April 25, 2006 by Spokane Valtey Resolutian No. 06-046. Notice of the hearing was publishuf on May 5, 20006 in the Valley Herald, the ofTicial newspnpcr of the ('itv, was pastcd in three conspicuous Iocations within the Ciry, was provided to the petitioners nnd abuttin6 property owners, and s sign was placed an the propcrty providing notice of the hearing also compteted on May S, 2006. Thc 5ite was not repostecl nor was ~ rLvised noticing sent regarding the conlinuation of the publie hearing. 1-hc Planning Gommission n;vicwed thc rcpnin prepareci by the Spokanc Vallcy Community Development l3epartment in dctsiil. 3. Thc vacaiian af the streedaUey will perniit ful) development of the property for beneficial uses and pcrmit appmpriate lcvels of maintenance. 4. Thc Public Worl:s Department submitted comments which anal%-zed dic neM af Old Indiana Avenue for future use and responded hy specifying the rcquested portian is na langer required for public usc or public access subject to recommcnded canditions. C;iven the pr~,~sent age and condition of adjac:cnl dcvelapment, it is unlikely that conditions will rhange in the futarc tu pmvide a grcater u.sc cx necd than prescntly exists; and 6. No objections have becn received to the proposed vucation from the notice of puhlic henring and/or routing to staff aiid agencie.s. nPT10NS: 1. Approve (hdinuncc 06-019; Deny the pmposed street vacation; ur 3. Schcdulc a public hesring lliat will K cr,nductrd 'l► kl;:~. :lltcr TRItaLin"' iir t17; n;ail. On :itC ;ind rosted thrcc conspicuous placcs in the Citv RF:COM11'iFNnFD MnTInr1: "I Moti'e to u/oprm•e (Irciinance 06-(11 y j(rr 1hr %wc•ulrr,n ig (1lil lnilrctmt :!venue 1:5'1'l'-01-06). " STA-FF CONTAC'T: Karcn Kendall. Assistant I'I:inncr ATTACIIMENTS: S1aH Report Planning Cummission Finding-s f )rnft (7nlinnnce I STAFF REPQRT . $6rane pRUI'OSED VACATION OF A POKTtUN OF ULD IYDiANA AVF;i~EUE ~ V~l.ley I'repai•cd by: karcn Kendall, Assistant Planner, L)epartment of Community tacvclopment Date: May 18; 2006 F'indings: 1. Abut:ting Properties - The right-of-way proposed f'or vacatic,n is locatetl north of Intersuttc 90 and sout}i oi' Incjiana Avenue. Theri; is no record of a street vacation for any pnrtion of Uld Indiana Avenue Uy Srqkane County in tilis nrea. The area was old railroad right-of-way riven Lo Spukane County. The portion of Uld incjiaria Avcnue prnposed to be vacatcd is bordered on the nortFi and south by Wireless Connections; L[,C who's requesling the proposed action. 2. Utilities - A ttivenry (20) f'oot easement will be rescrvctl i'or Consolidated Irrigation Taistrict. Other easements may also be ruquired for cxistin~ or fiiture utilities including 1'Jashin~;ton State lacparlment of Transportaiion, Spokane County Utilities Division, Avista, C;omca.st, and Qwest. The location of t.hese easements is a reqtiirement of the record of survey. 3. Access - Qld Indiana Avenue's pavement stops approximately 370 fcet southeast from the intersc-cCinn of Indiana Avenue and Uld Indiana Avenue. The t:hree (3) existing parr•els abuuing the proposed right-Qf-way vacation area all have .iccess onto Old Indiana Avertuc. AS .i recQmrnended cnndition the Ciiy's Public Works Department is requiring acc:ess be restricted io Jndiana Avenue fmrn Parc;el Nos. 45104.9020, 45104.9034 & 451 U4.9(136. 4. 7•oning - Zoning ahutlinb the north side of Qlcl Tndiana Avenue is Community I3usiness (B-2) and property abutting to the sout:h is -rronul Light lndustrial (1-2). Thc t:hree parcels which abut the proposed street vacation are in die City's Comprehensive Plan 17esignation as Regional Comrnercial. 5. Transpuriation -Existing fenced stornlwater treat:ment facilit.y used by Washington State llepartment of Transportation precludcs the possibility of extendinp ac.ccss furiher east along Qld Indiana Avenue to the ea.~t. The existing parcels abuttina the prOposecl area as well as adjacent parce;ls have access onto Old Indiana Avenuc. 6. Conditian - The proposed p4rkiqn of Old Indiana Avenue is itnnrovecl wit:h only asphalt. Thc size, access and condition of the proper[y preelude use by the Ciry. 7. Assignment of V9cate.d portions of right-of-way - Absc:nt objections from abutting properties awners; right-ofi way should be assigned to the petitioners, inasmuch as it appears that any portion of llie right-of-way to which t.hey would lay claim will be t.r.insrerred to them through eompletion and a posil.ive approval ofthe vacation. nb«tting properly oNvners have received notice of the proposed vaGation. Canclusions: 1. The vacatinn af the strcet/alley will permit full development oF the pnoperty for beneficial uses antl permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 2. The Public Works Departtnent submitted comments Nvhich analyced the neetl of Old Indiana Avc:nue for future use and responded by specifying t:he requcsted pnrtion is no longer reyuired for ' public use or public ace:ss subject to recommendecl conditions. 3. Given the present age and condition of acfjacerit developmeni; it is unlikely that conditions will ehange in the fiiture to provide agreater usc or need than presently exists; and 4. Nci objections have been received to lhe proposed vac<itioii firom the notice of public hcaring and/or muting to st:iff and agencies. FIlYl)[.NGS AND 1ZECOMIITFNDA'I'iONS OF TIiF: SFOK,AIVE VALLEY PLANI~`TNC: CONIMISSI(_)N June 22, 2006 Findings. I. "I'he Plannir►g Comrriission held a public hearin~ on May 25, 2006 to receive testimony concerning the vacaiion of a portion of Old lncliana Avenue located north of int:erstate 90 ancl soud-► of lndiana Aventie. 'Che date of the hearing was set by City Co«nci) on April 25,2006 by Spokanc Valle}' Resolution \'o. 06-006. iNotice of the hcaring was published on May 5, 20006 in the Valley Herald, dhe afficial newspaper of the City, was postetl iit throc conspicuous locations widiin the City, was prnvidec:f to the petitioners and abutxing property owners, and a sigrn was placed on the properl.y providing notice of the hcaring also completed ori May 5, 2006. 2. The Vlanning Comrnission reviewed the report prepared by t:he Spokane Valley Community Development 17epar[ment in detail. I The vacation of the street/alley will pennit full cievelopment of the property for beneficial uses .ind permit approprilte levels of maintenance. 4. `fhe Publie Wor1-4 Depart.ment suhrnitted eomments which analyzed thc nced of Qld lntliana Avenue for furiire use and responded by specif},ing the requested port.ion is no longer requireti for public use or public access suhjecl t.o recommcnded c.ondilions. S. Given the present age and conctition of adjacent development, it is unlikely t:hat conclitions will change in the futuee to provide a preater use or necd than present.ly exisls; and ~ 6. No objections have been rc.ceived to the proposcd vacat.ion 1'rom the nutice of public hearing and/or rnuCing to staff and agencies. Condusions. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recomrnends t:o the City (;our►cil the portion of Uld Indiana Avenue Iocatul noith of Interstaie 90 ancJ soudl of Tndiana Avenuc be vacate,d to lhe petilione.rs suujec;t to: 1. T'olloNving the Ci1:1' Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the sfreef or al ley, a recorcl of survcy of thc area to bc vacaled, prepared by a regis[ered survcyor in ihe State of Washington ancl including an exsict metes and bounds legal description, and specifying if applicable any and all easements 1'or construction, repair and maintenance of eaisting and f'uture utilities and service.c, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Director. The record of su-vey shall coneain the professional starnp and signature o1'the registereci surveyor and filed upon completion with the tip4kane County Auditor. 'fhe surveyor shall providc ihe Cit.y of Spokane Vallcy with a mylar e4py of the recnrded survey and lhc Auditor's Docurnent \uinber and date of recUrdation. 2. 'I'hc surveyor s}1s11 lae<ite at IGast hvo rnonuments on the eenterline of the vacatecl rialit-of-way with one located al the interscction of dhe centcrline of'the vacatod right-of-way with each street nr right-of way in aecordance Nvith the standards established by the Spak-ane Cviu7h, Slu17rlards . for Rvar1 ui1rl.Seiver Corrstruclron. .i. A11 necessary easements required by Consolidated Irrigation District,Washington State Deparl.ment of Transpor[ation, Spokane C'ounty Division of Utilities, Avista, Quest and Corncast shall be shown ori the rce:ord of survey and wrilten documcntation from all ut:ility co«ipanies is required to be subrnitted to t:he Community iaevelapment L)irectnr, or desigmee verifying all easemcnts have laeen indic;ated. 4_ Access to 1'arccl Nos. 451 A4_9020, 45104_9034 & 45104.9036 shall only be from Old lndiana Avenue. No access is granted to the improved S-I;ane lndiana Avenue for the abovro pitrcels. 5. All direct and indirect costs of title transfer ofthe vacated street or alley frc,m public to private ownership includina but not limited to title coinpany charges; ~nyin~ Fees; and meording fees are to be borne !?y t:he proponent. The (:ity will not assume ariy iinancial responsihility Tor any diret;t nr indirect costs for the transfer of title. 6. °I'he zoning district dcsigmation of the prnperties adjoining each sidc of the street or alley to be vacated shall be automatically extcrided to the center of such vacation, and all area shall included in the vacation shall tlien and henceforth be subjcct: to all regulations of the extended districts. The aclopting ordinance shall specify this zaning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning; district designaCinns. 7. A certifiied eopy of the ordinwice vacaiing a street or alley or part tlicreaf shall be recordecl by the city elerk in the office o1'the Spokane C;ount}, auditor. 8. Al) conditiofls of city couneil authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfzr of title by the City. Approved this 22h day of June, 2006 Gail Koale, Chtiirman AT'1'EST - Deanna Griffitli, Administrativc Assistant ~x~!~ Uepartment of ('omn~unity Deveiopmeat ` ';000Planning Division STV-01-06 VI ~ - D I r*1 . r+ T~F 7~- ~ H ~ ~ ~ - IL ~ " . - 1 ~ - ' - O Petitioner: Wireless Connections, LLC 4506 ne~ Dcpartment of Community Deveinpment j~al Plaoning Division Background Information O Intended use is to increase parkin (y l ot 1~or cL«toiiiel-s aiid employees. O Public Hearing on May 25, 2006 & continued on .Iune 22, 2006. The Planning Commission voted 4-1 to recommend approval subject to conditions. O Council advanced the ordinance to a 2t'a reading on July 11, 2006. O Council mationed ta table 2"" reading of the ordinance on July 25, 2006. EA: ll epartment cif Community Urvclupmcnt a~1~ Planning Division Facing EAST onto Old Indiana Avenue ~ ~ Ei~;il~lintt # + • ~ - «a..- j ~ • • /r ~hla ~ . ~~+~,1'~ ~ • +i , p' w ' • ~ . ' . t.' - _ ~ j "y ~ ' a " ' ( ~ M ~ ' . ~ . _ .i. . . . y^ . . _ ~ . ~ ~ • . . _ . , - 4P ~ `--li { . . . t T _t 1 ~k~l/t,~ i~'-•.r'1=3't:~=}t':N"'R ~ i' ~ j 'r=~h~- _ . . • . ' i~ j. - - - J E:m Department orCommunity I)e~~c~la,f~rz~c~nz Planning Divisiuii Proposed Vacation , Area tn be vacateci ~...~-r---r-~--- ' ~ - - - - WSUOT Stormwater treatment area ['arccIti ;:buizinr R(=)%1 ;o hc a:•:jt~-:j - i'aJ k & R Wr tii~,:'' _ ' _ . . ,f~.. eloo ~ ~~4 _ :ci~ ~ ~ • : ~ ~ ~ _ . ~ - - . i t , ~ ~ d. 1 ~ ~ t~` 1 ^ l i~ , w'~' Indiana ( ..a- _ ` ~ v • 1 y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - . ~ a. ~ . ' ~ -~~rr" ~ ~ .~c - ^ ' ' DRAF'I. ~ CITY nF SYOKANE VALLEY SYOKAlYE (:OUNTY, WASH[NGTQN QRDINA\xCE N0. 06-019 AN ORD1N4NCE OF THN, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASF[I\°GTOA1,1'ftOVTll1NG FOlt TilE VACATION OF nLD INDTANA AVEN[IE BETWEEN PtV2CE:i. NU. 45104.9020 TO THF.. NORTI4 AND PARCEL NnS. 45104.9036 AND 451.04.9034 TU THT SOT3TI1 ANI) FRUVTDIl\'G FOR ()'1THF..R MA'T`TERS PKOPFKI.Y RFLATINC; 'I'HFRE'1"O. W1-IER.I:;AS, the City Council by Resolution 06-006 initiated vaeation proceedin;;s fae a portion of (approxirnately 90'x 165') Old T.ndiana Avenue located north of In[erstate 90 Fuid south of Indiana Avenue (57"V-01-06) by providing thtjt. a hearinD on the proposal woLild be helcj bcfore thc Planning Commission on the 25th day of May, 2006.; and VV~f-ff~REAS, the I'lanning Commission held a. public hearing on May 25, 2006 and cont.inued the pubic hearing to June 22, 2006 on the proposed vacation; and Wl-IERE.AS, following a hearing, the Planning Commission found that the noticc and hearing requirements of `I'itle 10 Article 1X Section 10.09.04. 10 of lhe Spokane Valley Llunicipa] Code have lxeen rnet, anci fur[her fuund tliat: 1. Tfie vitCAtion of t:he strE.E.tl311ey will permit full dcvelnpmcnt of chc prnpierty for beneficial uses and perniit appropriale lev-els of maintenance, serving the public inlerest. 2. The tliree (3) cxisting paroels abutiinb the pmposed right-of=way v~~cation ~u-ea all havc access onto 0I(i Indiana Avemie. 3. A hyenty (20) ibot easement Nvill be reserved for Consolidateci Irrigat:ion Dislriet. Other " casements, will also be mquired for existing or future utilities including Washington Stiite Depariment of Transporlai.ion, Spokane County i.Jtilities Division, Avista, Comcast, and Qwest. The loc:at.ions of these easements are a requirement of the record of survey. 4. '1°he Public Works L7enartrnerit submitted comments which analyzed the need of Old lncliana ,Avenuc for future use and respondecl by specifying the requestetl portion is no longcr required for public use or public access suhject Co eecommended conditions. 5. Given the qresenl a;e ancl condition of adjace.nt development, it is unlikely that canctiti4ns will chanbe in the f'uture to provide a areatt;r use or nced than presently esisls; and 6. No objections have been received to the nroposcd vacation from the noCice of public hearina andlor routing to staff and agcncies; and W1iEREAS, the Planning Commission findings and/or minutes have been filcd with the City Clerk as part of the public record suppqrtinb the vacalion; and VdW131ZEAS, none of the properiy otivners aUutting tlle pnoperty to be vacated filed a written objection to the proposed vacxtion witli the Cil), Cler{:; and WHEMAS, through adoptcd City Code provisions, the City shttll provide that the vacated property bc transCerred to lhe abutting prnperty owners, one-half to each, unless cireumstanees require a different division of praperty; that the zoning dislrict dGSinnation of the properties acijoining each side of dhe street shall at:tach to t}ie vacated property; that a recard of survcy shall be submiitcd to the T)irector of Cornrnunity Development; ancl that all direct and indirect cos~~ of Citle transfer to the vacated sh-uet be paid by l}ie proponent or rocipienl of the transferrecl nroper .ty; and Ordinancz 06-019 Street Vacation STV 01-06 Pagc 1 of4 DRA FT WFTFTZ.EAS; the City Council desires to vacatc t.he above street pursuanC to Spokane Valley Municipal Code Soclions 10.05.220 - 380. ' N01w, TREFREFOFZE, the City Council of the Cih, of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, do ordain as fotlows: Section 1. Finciinfzs of Fact. The• (rity Council makes the f.'ollowing findings of f'ack: (1) the Cih' Tacparkment of I'ublic 1Vorl:s has reviewed the right-of-way to be vacatcd and determined that the property adjacent to the vacated property is aihenvise served by public or private access; (2) a public hearing on the pmposed vacation has been held in aa;ordance widi State I,aw and City Code bcforF; the Planning Carnmission with the eecorcl of such hearing and proc;eetlings filed with the City Clerk; (3) one (1) «ritten comrnent was received Uy an abutting property owner to I'arcel 'o. 45104.9036 (not abutting right-of-way to be vacated) reque,sting the Planning Commission continuc the public hearing to allow more time to comment on action. The cornmerit is filed with thc City Clerk; and (Q) vacation of the street or allcy serves the public interest: Sec:tion 2. Pronertv to be Vacated. 33a.secl upon the above findings and in accordance with this Ordinance, the City Council does hereby vacate the street or alley described on the attached Exhibit °A" which is incArpnrated herein by referencc. Seetion 3. 7oning. The %oning clesignation for the vacated prnperty sha11 be the desigmation attachetl to the adjoining properties as set forth within the respective propert:y or lot lines. I7ie Director of Community Dcvelopment is authorizecl to make this natation on the official loning Map oPthe City. Section 4. Conditions of Vaeation. 'T'he following conditions shall be fully sxtisfied prior to the transf'er of title by the City. a) A record of survey prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washingtnn and including an e~act metes and bounas legal descrintiOn and specifying if applicaUle any and all . easements for construction, repair and maintenance of ea:isting and future utilities and . serviees. 1'he record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and should be filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a mylar copy of dle recorded survey and the Auditor's Uocument Number and date of rcacordation; and b) The surveyor shall locate at lcast tNvro monuments on the centerline ot the vacateJ right-of- way with one located al lhe intersection of Che cc:nterline of the vacatecl ribht-of=way tvith exeh street or right-of way in accordaice with the standards establislied b}' the ,S'pokrnie Corunty Sranclardsfor Xoad cind Se►tiler Constrrtciiorr; snd c) All necessary etisements required by Consolidated Irrigat:ion District, Vdashingtort Suite Ueparhnent of Transportation, Spokane County 17ivision of Utilities, Avista, Quest and Comc;ast shall be shown on the record of survey and written doeumentation from all utility companies is required to be submitted to the Community Ueveloprncnt Tai.rectar, or designec vcrifying all easements have been indicated; ancl d) Acccss to F'iircel Nos. 45104.9020, 451 04.9034 & 45104.9036 shal I onty bc from Old lndiana Avenue. No access is granted to the improved 5-lane Indiana Avcnue for the above parccls; and , c) Pgyment of all direct an(l indirect costs of tit:le transfer of the vacated street or alley frorn public to private owmership including but not limited to title campanv charges, copying 1'ees, and recording fees; and fi) The applicable zoning clistrict designations, Community Business (B-2) 'r.oning abutting - parc;el number 45104.9020 and Light lndustrial (I-2) zoninp abutting parcel numbers Ordinance 06-019 Strcct Vacation STV 01-06 Page 2 nf 4 nRAFr 45104.9036 and -li 10-t.903-i shall bc automatirslly extended tu the center of such vacation, and all arc,a included in the vacation shall then snd henceforth be subject to all rcgulations of the cxtrnde,d districts. Section S. Closing. Eoliowing satisfaciion of the above wnditians, the Ciiy Clcrk shnl) rrcord a certified copy of this Ordinnnco in the offiee of the County Auditor, nnd the City Manager is authorir.ed to exccute all nwes.gary doaumcnts, including a Quit Clairn Dced, in order to complete the trnnsfer of the property identified hetein. .S,gch'oa 6. Severabilitv. If any ser,tion, serttencx, clau.se or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstiCUtianal by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalid'sry or unconstitutionality sliall no1 affcct the validity or constiwtionality of Any other section, sentence, clsuse ar phmse of this ordinancc. Sectiuo 7. Effec;tivc TJate. T'his Ordinance shall be in full fiircc and effect Five (5) d$ys nRer publication af this Ordinnnce or a summary ther+eof in the oPf'iciel nCwspaper of the City of Spokane Vtillcy as pmvidcd by law. f'ASSE:D by the City t'ounci) this day of 2006_ I Mayor, vinnn Wiihitc ATTF.ST: City Cleri►. Christine Buinbridge Approved As To Form: Uffice of the City Attumey Datc af Publication: Lffcctivc Datt: i)rdinancc 06-0N StreYt Varuticin S l V 0 l•Oti I'a,e 3 1 f 4 f)R 1F-1 Eihibit "A•. Property Ucscreptiun - T ~ I'.....cl . I~~t~~i)~~ ~a ~C- _ • P~ 1 - ` - ~`~r~~..~ I~ = ~ •Y ~ ~ 5 ~ Y ~ y~~ . ~ti , - f.Y• ;ti~S~{I~~ • , ~ • 1~' ~ . t . ' s, - ' . . . . ~ ~IZ • ~ ~ Y~~~~^`- I~~ t~ ~ _ . _ _ - s.~ • ' • ~ C~ ~ti7:.tll'ui -0~i!~~'iU'.n ~ I'~:~,.:I•,. l~;~i:~~i)7. _ ~ • ~ Z- - a ~ - - AJ..: W (x %auLLeJ N'SDUT Skxmwelcr ut:nmkiit wcu f'nltrl; ahulting, 1?tri4' i„ hc.ii. :u.J I I I)nlinance 11) ~Irvct Vac<ttiom til V 0 1 _Oh I'aitc •1 ~~f •1 I V CTTY OF Sl'UKAN E VA.i.T EY. SPOKANTE COUNTY Wt1SIAING'TO~f OR.Ta1NTA\~CENd. 05-012 A\j ORUINANCI: OF I"H:E CITX 4F SPOKANE VAI LEY; SI'O}CA\rr COUN'1'Y, WASHt~~G'1'ON; ItE_\'UN,iT3FRli\G A\Ta A1ENL7T\TG SPOKANrE VF1LLEY viUNqCIYAL CUDr 10.05.220 ARTTCT E III RELATING TO '1'1-iE ftL-GUT A'170\~S rOR TI-IL VACf1TlON OF PUBi IC S'1°RE.ET RJGHTS-UF- W.aY. 'WHERI?:AS, RCW35A.47.020 provides statutory auchoriCy for cities to vacate public riohr.s-of-Nvay; W'I-[CR.I:AS, 1tCW 35.79 provides a general proc;edLu-al framcNvork for cities to vac.ace public rights-of- way; and WF-1.FREAS, Spokane Valley Municipal Code 10.05.220 cs[ablishes the proccdtares iuid requirements for the vacation af pubtic rights-of-way; 'NT0W, TFTF..lZ.E,l'ORL; TF1T Cl'1'Y CQu-NIC1L OF TI-IT CITY Oh SPQTCikNE VAL:T FY, WASH[NGTO\i ORUf11NS AS I'Ol.,f~011%S: Secr.ion 1. Section ot't:t►e Spoka«e Valley Uniform llevelopmene Code is hereby establisheci to reiid as follows: "SFC1'1Oiv - Furpose and inte.nt. The piu-pose of 1.his article is to establish _.proceclures, notice requiremenfs and fees fAr the vacation of streets and alleys witttin the city in canfoi-mance Nvith the authority granted to the city by Gliaptet• 35.79 RC\N.' and RCW 35A.47.020 t:o read as fiollo~vs: "S.E.CTION -:f.nitiation of Vacafion. 'Fhe owtters of an interc;t: in any real property aburi.ing upon any siccct ar alley who rnay desire to vacste the slYeet or alley, or a.ny part: 1:hereaf may petition tlie City CounciL In the alternacive; the City Cotmcil may its£If i.nitiate a vacation by resolution. 'rhe petition or resolution shall be filed with the City Clerk. * ST(;TIUN - Petition for V.teatian. .The petitiori shdll be in a form prescribed by the Comrnunity L7eveloprrte•rit :I;)irector (he•re.inati:er refeired ta as "the Director' ar his o3- her desi;,Tnee) and ;hall be signe.d by che ovmers of mqre than rivo-thirds of the property a6«tting the portion of the sl.reet or alley sou;;ht to be vacatecl. SEC7`TO\T - Petition fees. Every petition for the vacation of any strcet or alley or any part thereof, shsll be accompaniecl by a fee in an amount estabiisliecl by resolutiot:i of the cily to defray a portion of the adminis[raeive costs incurrecl in proce.ssing the petitipn and publishinj, posting and mailing notices. The fees shall vot be refunded uncler wny circumstances. Thc amount of the perition fees shiill be set by Resolution, and the set amount shatl be sfatcd in the City of Spokane Valley Master Fee Schedule. SEC"I`ICJN 10.09.04.]0.05 -Submittal Reyuirements i"orPetitions. Every petition s}hall be accompauied by: (1) fu.t rlssessor's VTap f.rom the Spokane Couvfy A.ssessor's 01Tice showing with a solid red line the portion of the street or alley sought ta be vacated, (2) a vicinity map showing the general 3rea oE t}ie proposed vacaiion; (3) a copy of tlie Ordlnanca 05-012 Sd•eec Vacation Amendnienc Page 1 of 5 record of survey, if available, for the subject streel: and alley proposed for vacation ancl abutting properties and sLrecls and alleys (4) Nvritten evidence, of any and all easements or allawances or ~ reservations, public nr privaie, pcrtaitiing to the sireet or alley proposed fqr vacation; (5) a written narrative describing the reasons for the proposed street vaea.tion, the phy5ica) ]imits of the proposed street vacat.ion and the public benefit of the propasecl st:re.et vacation, and (6) a one inch equals one hundred foot sit:e map showing proposed divisian ot vacation.. ST.CTIQN Setting of Nearing. Upon receipt of the petitiort, the fee and all reyuirecl doeuments, the Ciry Cler3c shall 1'orward the petition and required cioLUment:,s to the 17irector, who shall deiennine wheilier the petitinn has been signed by the owners of more t:han t-vvo-tliirds of the property abut#ing the part of the street or alley to be vacated. .1.f the petition has been signed by ihe requisite percentage of sucb o«lners, the Director shall bring the petiiiott before the City Council widiin 30 days of receipt o:f the petition, and the City Couneil shall by resoltition Fix the tirne when the petidon will be heard by the City Cquncil, or a commirtee oFthe City Council, which titne sliall not be more than 60 days nor less ttiaci 20 day5 after the adoption of the resolution. NVhe.rc the City Council iilitiates the vacatian by resolution, that resolution shall fix the time when che proposed vacation will be heard by the City Council or a com►nittee of the City Cowicil. SECTIO\ Staff Report. The Director, in conjunc[ion with the Public Worl:s I7epartment shall prepare a reporC concernivc, the praposed vacation. The I'ublic Work.s Department shall be responsible for conducting a nccds analysis of the street or alley proposetl for vacation in consideration of existing and future transportation system needs and requirements. The report: shall address the criteria to be considcreti by the City Gouncil in de.tei-inining whether _ io viicate the strcet qr alley, and such other informatian its cieemed appropriate by the llirector including but not lirnited to drainage requirements, street closure requirements such as the removal and replacement of concrete, 3SpI1aIi, and placement of bitrriers limiling vehicle movements. ln preparing the reporC, the nirector shall solicit comments from Che F.'olicE . Depar'tment; the Fue llepartment 3nd rnay solicit cqmments from other governmenufl agencies tind tiLil.iTy cornpanies havin3 jurisdiction or utilities withir t.hc voundaries ofthe City. `I"he report shall be submittcd to the Planning Coinmission and co the pecitioncr and his or her representative, not less than seven (7) caleudar days before the hearing. SLCTION - I\Totice of Nearing. Upon the passage of the reso]uCion fxic►b the time for hearing the petition ar proposal for vaaatioil, the City Clerk, or the 17irector, ac:tin ; under diee.ction and supervision of che City Clerk, shall give not less than 20 days' notice of the time, place and purpose of the riearing by posting of aNNq-irten notice in three (3) cUnspicuous plac.es in the Cit}; (2) publishing written notice once in tlic Ciiy's offc.ial newspaper, (2) posting a rriinimum hwenty-four (24) inch by thirty-six (36) inett notiee sign in a conspicuous place at each end oI't:he street or alley sought to be vacated describiug the proposecl vacation and the date, tiiiie ar►d location af the public heairng; and (3) mailin~ 1,vritten notice ta all pecitioners ai the addresses on the pe,titiAn aiid a(1 oNvners of property abutiing the street or alle}r proposed to be vacated, as shown on the records of the Spokane County Assessor; not Co exceetl riinety (90) calendar days irom the datc of the public hearing. The Director shall scntl the same written notice to the represcntative of the petitioners ak the address on tlie peiition. SrCT,f.ON - PruCest If fifty (50) percent or more of the abutting property oNvners fle written objections to a City Council-initiated vacation wjth the Cicy Clerk; prior to the time of the hearing, the ei[y shall be prohibited f.rorn proceeding with the vacation. Orduiattce 05-012 Sireet Vacation Amendment Page 2 of 5 ff i SLCT1UiV - Flanning Commissiun Review and ltecommendation. The hearing on the pecicion or propASal shall be held before ctie Planning Commission upon the day fixed by resolutinn nr ac Lhe titne to which a he<v-ing ma}' be adjourned. Ln its consideratoin of tFie prapqsed vacation of the Street or alley, tlie Planning Comrciission shall render a reconunendat:ion bassc3 on the follo-wing criteria: A.. "iethe.r a change of use or vaca.tion of the street or alley will better serve the public; B. Z«echer the street or alley is no IonSer required for public use or public access; C. Whether the substit:ution of a new and cliflerent public way would be more usefill to the public; D. \Vhether conclitions may so chan;e in the future as to pro<<ide a greater use or need than presendy exists; and 6. XNniether objections to I:he proposed vacation are made by owncrs of private propert_y (exclusive of petitioners) abutcin- the street or alley or orher governrnen[al agencie.s or members ofthc gcneral puUlic. Fnllowing the hearinu, the Director shall fonward the Plann. iiig Commission's recommendacion , and the he3ring mulutcs t0 the City Council at a regularly scheduled mee.ting. If a hearina is held before the I'lanning Commi;;ion; it shall not be necessary i:o hold a hearing before the Ciry_ Council, pravidecl cbat the Ciry Council may at its discretion detenni.ne to hold a separate hearing on the proposal. SE(,TTn1i - City Cuuncil necision. FolloNving the hearing an<I reccipt of t1le Pliinninc, Commission's recommendation the City Couneil sliall determine whether to vacate the street or alley. The (letermuihCion 5l13ll consider, but no[ be limi[cd io, the findin&s of the Planning Commission. If the Ciiy Council detertnines to grant die vacation, the act:ion sliall be made by ordinance wiih silc;h condit:ions ar liiiiitations as the City Council deems necessary and proper to preserve any ciesired public usc or benefit. The ordinance shall cantaEn a provision retaining ar requiring conveyance of easemenLs for construciion, repair and maiirtc.na3ice of existing and futw•e utilities and services. F'ursuiuil to RCW 35.79.040, the City COU[1CII 111 1p')fOVllla u stree[ vacstion reqttest shall speeiN t:F►at: the vacaied portion of the stre.et or alle}, shall belong to the abutting property owners; one half io e<<ch, unless fticCual circurnstances otheilvise dictate a diffierent divisiori and cli;tribution of the struet or allcy to be vac,ated. `1'he C;ity Council reserves the right co recluire cqmpensation as a conditian of approval of ardinance action, pruvidect lhat suc.h comixnsation shall comply with Lhe requirernents of R.C W 35.79.030, riud further, that any re•quire:d compensatian shall be paici t:o the Ciiy prior to the City's parlicipaiton in requircd [itle trans.fer actiqns. SEC:TION - V acation of Waterf'ront 5treets. A. Tl1e ciry sha.ll vot vacate astreex or alley if any Uortion of the strect or alley abuts a body nf «~ater unless: brdinanc-, 05-012 Street Vacation Aineudment F'age 3 of 5 1. The vaGaCion is sought to enable the Cit_y to acquire the property for beach or water access purposes, ar launching sites, park; public view; reci•zation, ' . educational purposes, or other public uses; 2. The Cify Cauncil, by resolution; declares that the sfi-eet or alley is not presently Ueing used as a stre.et or alle.y ancl tlia[ the sireet or alley is not suitable for any of the falloNVinb purposes: beach or %vater access, launching sites, park, _ public vieNv, recreation, or education; or 3. The vacation is sought to enable the Ciiy to implement a plan; adopted by resolution or ordinance, t1iat provides comparable or improvcd public access to the sarrie shoreline area to which the street or alley sought to be vacated abuts, had the prnperties included in the plan not been vacated. B. Before adopting an ordinance vacating a street or alley under subsection (A)(2) of this section; the City Council shall: 1. Cause an inventory to be compiled of all ri~hts-of-way ~vithiii the city that abut the same body of.' watcr that is abutted by the screet nr alley sought to be vacated; 2. Cause a st«dy tn be conducted to determine if the street or allcy to be vac.atetl is unsuittble Cor use by the city for any of the followin~ pur7xose5: launchiiig sites, beach or water acc.ess, park, publie view rec;reation; or education; 3. T-1old a public hearin3 on the proposed vacation in the manner required by Chapter 35.79 KCW and this chapter; artd 4. lnclude in its Nvritten dscision a finding thak the S1:reeC Or aIley sought tn be vaeaced is net suitable for any other purposes listed under subsection (8)(2) of r.his seccion, anci tUac [he vacation is in the public's interest. C. Notice of the public heatuie on the proposecl vacacian shall be prpvided in accordance Nvith the notice provisions of Section of tlus Seetion, provided, that the City shall also post notice of the public hearing cor-ispicuously on the street or alley sought to be vacate.d, which notice shall indicate that the area is a public access,lliat the street or alley is proposed to be vacatecl, and that anyone objectine tq the proposed vacation should actend tlle public hearing or send a letter to the I7irector indicating the c~bjection. SEC lION -Application of Zoriing District nesignaliun. The zoning discrict designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street or alley to be vacated shall be automatieally exteudetl t'o the center of such vacation, and all are•a shall uiciucled in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to aU regulations ofi the estendeci ctistricts. "1'he adopting ordinanc.e shail sl3ecify this zoniri- district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district cEesignatians. SECTlON - IYecordin~ of orclinar~ee. A certifiec~ copy of c>>e orclin~inee ~~acaCing a streei or alley or pa-rt thereof, shall be• recorde.d hy #1ic City Ctcrk i.n the off ice of the Spakane County Auditor. Ordir,ance 05-012 Street Vacation Amendment Pa~e 4 of 5 r ~ SFC'1'TQiN - Compliance to City Counci.l Conditibns. t1.fl GOl]CIiL1011S of C Counc.il aur.horization shail b~: fillly satisfied prior to any transFer ofiitle by the Cicy. S:F C'I'TQ\T - Record of Surve}' IZeqvired. Following Lhe Cit:}' Cottncil's passage of the orclin-ince approving the proposa] to vacats the strePt or alley, a rECOrd of stfrvey of thc- area to be vacated, prepared by a regiSCerecl Surveyor in ihe State of Washington and incltld'uig im exact met:es and bounds legal descriplion; and specifying if applicahle tfny and all easem€nts Fer c.onsiruction, rcpair ancl rnaintenance of existing and future l1CiL11:i£S anci serviee;, shall be s«bmitted by che proponent to the Director. Said record of survey shall contain ttkG pl'pf:C,,qS10173l stamp and sianature of the registered surveyor wid filed upon complet.ioei tivith the Spokanc Counry Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokauie Valley wiih a mylar copy of tlie recordect survey and the rluclicor's Docurnent: Number and date of recordation. SECTION -Nionument.ition. The surveyor sllall locate at iea„t ttwo monume•iiis on the centerline of the vacaied right-of-way with one locacecl aC ihe uitersectiou of the ccntcrline of the <<acated riJL1C-01'-WAy cvitli cach sireet or right-of-l~~a~~ in ~iccordance v,~itli the swndards esuiblishecl by t:he Spokune County,Str.lndcu-ds for Road arrd Sewer Colzsh-uction. SECTIO\ - Costs of Tit(c Tr:;nsfcr to be 13orne b}' FroE►onent. All dire.ct and indireec coscs of tit.le transfer of t:he vacaiecl screet or altey from public to private ovvnersliip including bui tiot limited to titie company charges, copyuig fees, aiicl recordina f'ces are to be borne b}r the proponene. Tlie City Nvill not assuine any financial resp4nsibi(ity for any direct or iudirect cos~s for the traiisfer of'tit:le. SEC°I71019 2 Severability. IFwiy seccion, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance, or an}r rewlation; rule or order adopte.d pursuant #o the authority thereof he determined invalid nr «nconstitutional; it shall not 1ffect the validity or constitutionaliry of any other seccion, sentence, c.lause or phrase of t:his ordinance. SUCTTQN 3- Fffectire clate. Tri.is orclinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) da}'s after publication of tilis ordinance or a sanunary dlereof in the official newspaper of t:he City as provided by law. FASSL-D by the Ciry Couric.il this 22"d day of March, 2005., ~4AAL~~.. U0,v laiana Wilhite, N4ayor ai rr.sT: L-Wristme BainbridQe; Cit}, Clerk ~ t1pproved as to for`r, . r/ f ~ ~ (,~y P. IJ~iskell, DepuCy GcL^tlornev' Datp. of publication: • Effeccive date: Z/- (11- -~.5 Ordinanc.a 05•012 Street Vacation Amendment PaJe 5 of 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ ~ . Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 08-08-06 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information C) admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEfVII TITLE: ilpproval t,f chc T'ollowing Vquchers: BACKGROUND: VOUCHER L1ST VOUCHTR. #s TqTAL VUUCHER. AMOUNT DATF 7-17-06 I 9493-9523 S149,866.33 ~ ~ 7-1 8-O6 ~ 9524-9525 $64135 7-22-06 ~ 9526-9556 $67;629.33 ~ ~ 7-23-06 I 9557-9555 $54,944?5 ~ ~ 7-29-06 ~ 9586-9643 $2,493,832.58 ~ GRAND'l'OTAL ~ $2,766;917.34 ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IPUIPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faulkner ATTACHNIENTS Vnucher Lists vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0711712006 1:57:45PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 9493 7/17/2006 000969 ADAMS & CIARK, INC. 5036 40839 ADAMS & CLA12K SW CONSULTING 809.00 Total : 809.00 9494 7/1712006 OOQ335 ALTON'S TIRE INC. E-16691 OIL & FILTER CHANGE 05 DOpGE l 22.33 Total : 22.33 9495 7l17/2006 000135 ANiEl21CAN Pl.ANNIfVG ASSOCIA'i'ION 062506-096840 AICP L7UE FOFt MIKE BASIN'GER 49.50 070606 APr1 DUE FOR CHF71S'I'INA JArlSSE 170_00 Total : 219.50 9496 7/1712006 040277 ASSOC. OF WA CfTIES 063906 TNEATER 171NNER & PROPERTY RI 66.00 Total : 66.00 9497 7l17/2006 000101 CDWG BBK4594 41157 SDLT BACKUP 'I'APES 776.79 7otal : 776.79 9498 7/17/20Q6 000729 CH2MHILL INC. 3559141 41011 DEVELOPMENT OF SAFElI' STANC 10,905.50 Total : 10,905.50 9499 7/17/2006 001048 C17Y F'ARCEL pEUVERY, INC. 063006 PARCEL DELIVEftY 36.80 Total : 36.80 9500 7I1712006 000957 COBALT TRUCK EQUIPVIENT 19593 41183 SADDLL= BOX FOl2 05 DODGE DAK4 561.60 Total : 561.60 9501 7/17/2006 000326 C(?NSOLIDATED IRRIGA710N DIS"I", #19 062206 ACCT 05859.0 WATER 168.17 062206 ACC"1" 11534.2 WA7ER 22.47 Totai : 190.64 9502 7/1712006 000035 CORPORATEEXARESS 71544190 41161 PANkFl PLATE, TOWEI_S, FORKS 115.93 Total : 115.93 9543 711712006 000235 DATA BASE SECURE RECORDS D[S. 7905 RECORI7S DESTRUCTIOfV 30.00 Total : 30.00 9504 7/17/2006 000152 DEPARTMEN'I' OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-AT660613067 7RAFFIC MAINT. 5,469A9 RE-313-AT66061306$ ROADINAY MAINI', 14,15222 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 07/17I2006 1:57:45PM Spokane Vailey Bank code : apbank Vouchcr Date Vendor Invoice PO # QescriptionlAccount Amount 9504 7/1712006 000152 DEPARTMEN7 OF 7RANSPORTATION (Continued) RE-313-AT$-60613108 PINES MANSFIELD pESIGN 1,957.98 7otal : 21,579.29 9505 7/17l2006 000987 ECOLAB 8714218 41003 SOLID POWER, BftILLIANE, SILVCF 281.46 Tota I : 281.46 9506 7/1712006 000070 INLAND pOWER AND LIGHT CO 061406 ACCT 94202-403 61.59 062106 ACCT 94202-005 124.81 062906 ACC7 94202-002 38.38 062906 ACCT 94202-006 201.60 Total : 426.38 9507 7/1712006 000353 INTL-RNA710NAL TRADE ALLIANCE CSV2006 BALANCE OF 2ND QUAR7ER PAYN 3,500A0 Total : 3,500.00 9508 7/17f2006 000117 JOURNAL NEWS !'UBLISHING INC. 063006 NEWSt'APER ADS 339.40 Total : 339.40 9549 711712006 00Qa64 JU8 ENGINEERS, INC. 0039693 41098 TRAFFIG ENGINEk"R1NG SERVICGS 16,412.78 Total : 76,412.78 9510 7117/2006 400258 MICROFLEX INC. 00016402 7AX700LS SOFTWARE RENTAL F( 341.63 00016436 TAX AUD17 PROGRAIvt 393.47 Total : 735.10 9511 7l1712006 000239 NORTIAWEST BUSINESS Si'AMP INC. 59647 NOTARY STAMP - 99.91 Total : 99.91 9592 7117/2006 001091 NORTHWEST GIS USER GROUP 07/14/06 REGISTFtA710P1 TO NW GIS USER': 295_00 Total : 295.00 9513 711712006 000512 OFFICETEAM 16090685 TEMP HELP JULIE CHASE 396.00 16161931 TEMP HELP NATOSHIA MAYMEW 660.00 Total : 1,056.00 9514 7117/1006 000119 NIP PRINTING IfdC. 1330034565 BUSINESS CARI7S 118.82 1330034678 BUSINESS CARDS 148.02 ' ' = ge: 2 ~ ~ . ~r l vchlist Voucher List Pagc: 3 0711712006 1:57:45PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9514 7/17l2005 00D119 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. (Continued) Total : 266.84 9515 7/17f2006 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAI=FING SERV INC. 13937 TIcMP FIEUP 1,126.33 14352 TEMP HELP 452.48 Total : 1,578.81 9516 7/17/2006 000952 RECALL SECURE DESTRUCTION, SERV 8006900 RECOFtD DESTRUCTION 31.53 Total : 31.53 5517 7l17/2006 001066 S!-tARP-LINE INI7USTRIES, INC. 06940-3 41175 (aURABLE PLASTICS CHANGE ORC 12,910.20 Total : 12,910.20 9518 7/17I2406 000656 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERS 17691 WATERUNk F'ERMIT #024 3,113.04 Tot;-jI : 3,113.04 9519 7l17/2006 000499 SPOKANE COUNIY LIBRARY DISr. 070706 2005 DELINQUENT PROP 'rAXES 62,597.00 Total : 62,597.00 9520 7117/2006 004273 SPOKANE REGIONAI., TRANSPORTA71C 7S-1365 PN AMERICA SOFTNARE MAINI' 1,075.14 Total : 1,075.14 9521 7/17/2006 000516 TETRA TEChIlKCIVI 061206 40817 TETRA TECH 70N SOIL MIX DF-SIGI 5,801.60 Total : 5,801.60 9522 7/1712006 000093 7HE SPOKESMAN-RCVIL=W INC. 6f30/06 ACCT 42365 2,039.48 Total : 2,039.48 9523 7/17/2006 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 062906 ACCT 0099-000005.00 1,714.40 070305 ACCT 0001-031971 A2 64.76 074346 ACCT 0001-032805.00 19.48 070706 ACCT 0002-001425.01 194.64 Total : 1,993.28 39 Vouchers for bank code : apb2tlk Bank total : 149,866.33 31 Vouchers in this report Total vouche►s : 149,866.33 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 0711712006 1:57:45PM Spokane Valley Bank codc : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that ttie materials have been fumished, the servEces rersdored, or the labor perfomsed as desuibed herein yCR and that the claim is just, due and an unpald obligation agginst the City of Spok9ne Valley, and that I am ~ j 7 ~ authntized to authonticale and certify to salct claim. . FinaRce Director Date 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 07/1812006 9:27:10AM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9524 7/1812006 000081 STATE OF WASHINGTON 2nd qtr 2006 2ND QUARTER 2006-USE TAX 185.14 Total : 186.14 9525 7/18/2006 000409 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT, OI 2rid qtr 2006-lease 2ND QTft 2006-LEASEHOLD TAX 455.21 Total : 455.21 2 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 641.35 2 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 641.35 I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that tlzc materials have becn furni,hed, the ssrvices rendered, or tfie Iabor performed as clescribed herein and that the G9im is just, ciue and an unpaid obligaUon against t}ie City of Spokane Valley, aiid that I am authorized Yo authenticate and certify to said Gaim. Finance Direcior Date Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 07/2212006 1:11:47PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9526 7/22l2006 000197 AIR INC. 106247 DRIVING RECORp CMCCK 275.00 7otal : 275.00 9527 7/2212006 000150 ALLICD FIRE 8 SECURITY IVC20066426 KEYS & REKEY LOCKS 13.48 IVC200685100 STORE A KEY 4127 RC60066125 MONITORING AGREEMENT 111.00 Totat : 165.75 9528 7/22/2006 000034 AVISTA UTILITIES 051505 ACCT 001815004 - GAS 5.50 051506 ACCT 001819057 - El_F_CTRIC 41.44 051706 ACCT 001811597 -,GAS 5.50 051806 ACCT 170086665 - ELECTRIC 6.00 051806 ACCT 690072835 - ELECTRIC 124.92 . 051806 ACCT 770020792 - ELECTRIC 47.92 052206 ACCT 730048421 - ELECTRIC 944.44 052306 ACCT 002211707 - ELECTRIC 6.88 052506 ACCT 002411210 - ELEC7121C & GA; 18.60 052606 ACCT 002211503 - ELECTRIC 20.13 052606 ACCT 000504799 - ELECTRIC 11.31 052606 ACCT 000504785 - ELECTRIC 102.12 053006 ACCT 002304608 - ELECTRIC 40.26 060106 ACCT 000720215 - ELECTRIC 53.85 062206 ACCT 090091047 - ELCkCTRIC 8 G, 5,643.15 Total : 7,272.03 9529 7/22/2008 000641 I3C1 CREA7IVE INC. 7566 CENTERPLACE IMAGES FOR CVB I 130.00 Total : 130.00 9530 7/22/2006 000918 BLUE RISBON LINEN SUPPLY, INC. 8729517 SIGNS & LINENS 451.39 8731424 LINEN SUPPLIES 325.62 8733332 SIGN & LINENS 248.31 Total : 1,025.32 9531 7/22l2006 000907 BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPPLY 32523 TOILEf SEAT COVERS, SUPPLIES 238.62 Total : 238.62 9532 7122/2006 000572 CARTER, CAh20L 071006 REIMBURSEMENT 15.94 . - e: 1 / ~ . J ! vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 0712212006 1:11:47PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9532 7122/2006 000572 000572 CARTER, CAROL (Continued) Total : 15.94 9533 7/2212006 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 41395 COFFEE SUF'I'LIES 86.61 Total : 86.61 9534 7/2212006 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DIST, #19 062206 WATER - ACG7 063772 207.57 062206 WATkR - ACCT 06377.0 52.90 Total : 260.47 9535 7/22I2006 0006$6 DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING 061808 CASH 7RANSMITAL DOL 132.00 Total : 132.00 9536 7/2212006 000246 EAST S!'OKANE W/1TER DIST #1 02051000 WAl'ER - ACCT 0205100 209.33 Total : 209.33 9537 7/22I2006 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST. #6 070306 WA"I"ER - ACC7 112500.0 943.52 Total : 943.52 9538 7Y22/2006 000265 JACKSON, MIKE 071006 REIMBURSEMENT 101.46 Total : 101.46 9539 7/22/2006 000523 LASER QUEST 01462906 41053 SUMMER DAY CAMP 300.00 Total : 300.00 9540 7/22/2006 000069 MCRCIER, DAVID 072006 REIMBURSEPAENT 769.20 Total : 169.20 9541 7l2212006 000512 OFFICETEAhA 16147090 TEMP HELP 33.00 Total : 33.00 9542 7122/2006 000538 PLAYERS & SPECTATORS 12809 41058 SUhAMER DAY CAMP 126.50 • Total : 126.50 9543 7/2212006 000494 PRO NE01'LE STAFFING SERV INC. 14151 TEPAP HELP 1,157.58 Total : 1,157.58 9544 7/22/2006 000064 SCHIWIMELS, GARY 0717(}6 RIIMSUF2SEMENT 263.72 Total : 263.72 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 0712212006 1:11:47PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Vouchcr Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 9545 7/22/2006 000709 S[NSKE lA+lVN & TREE CARE ING. 1426631 COfVTRACT MAIN7 4$.822.92 1426632 CONTRACT MA1NT - CENTENNIAL i 1,900.50 Total : 50,723.42 9546 7/2212006 000230 SNOKANE CN1"Y AUDI'I'ORS OFC, RECO 071006 STFZEEI' VACA710N 150A0 Total : 150.00 9547 7/2212006 000001 SAOKANE COUNTY TREASURER 07106 Sl"REET VACATIONS 40A0 Total : 40.00 9548 7/2212006 000323 SPOKANE COUNTY UTILITIES 060106 ACCT 034354I106428 - 606 S PARK 62.68 060106 ACCT 0170221067022 - 105 N BALFt 78.80 060106 ACCT 0370591109325 - 13504 E MIR 62.68 060106 ACCT 015364/065364 - 13525 E 24T 167.77 060106 ACCT 015631106631 - 1901 N SULLI 27.68 060106 ACCT 0244331074433 - 906 N PARK 78.80 070106 SENJER CHARGES 255.19 070106 SEWER CHARGES - ACCT 0429031' 781.95 Total : 1.515.55 9549 7/2212006 000324 SPOKANE COUNTY VtilATER DIST. #3 062106 WATER - ACCT 170-0040-03 197.56 Total : 197.56 9550 7/22/2006 000813 STANLEY SECURITY SOLUTIONS SE-399328 PATEfJTED K KEYED 215.08 Total : 215.08 9551 7/22/2006 000093 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW INC. 278870 41099 AD FOR SUMMER AC71VI7ES SCME 406.00 Total: 406.00 9552 7/2212006 001093 TURNER, DANIEL 071805 SMAI_L TOOLS & TRAVEL MILF_ACE 87.32 Tota I : 87.32 9553 7/2212005 001077 V.H. SERVICE5, INC. 5494 OIL & FILTL=R CHANGE - UCENSL= f 35.78 Total : 35.78 9554 7/22/2006 000767 VERA WATER & POWER 062206 ACCT NO 0016-007780.00 144.29 Total : 144.29 . . e: 3 ~ • ; ' J • . vchlist Voucher List Page: . 4 07/2212006 1:11:47PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoicc PO # DeseriptionlAccount . Amount 9555 7/22/2006 000038 WASTE MANAGEMErfT OF SPOKANE 0033485-2681-7 GARBAGE - 485-0848022-2681-7 • 61,46 1760542-2681-4 GARBAGE - ACCT 681-1033794-268 313.33 • - Total: 374.79 9556 7/2212006 004801 WILDROSE GRAPHICS 0620844 ' AqUl.71'-SHIRTS 233.49 ' . Total: 233.49 31 Vouchers for bank code : apbank , Bank total : 67,629.33 31 Vouchers in this report - Total vouchers : 67,629.33"PR(3VED: I, the undersigned,.da cenify under penalip oi perjury, ~!J W L~~~~ tfiat the materials have 4een fumished, the scrvices . rendercd, or the labor partormed as described horoin Mayor . and that the claim is just, duo and an unpaid oblig3Gon against tha City of Spokane VsUey, and ihat I am author¢ed to authenticate and neriify to said claim. R-0"cILMC&~er' ~ Finanne birector DaEe . F'age: ' 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0712312006 5:35:46PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO it DescriptionfAccount Amount 9557 712312006 001481 ALSCO LS!'030511 D40ft MAT 5.58 Total : 5.58 9558 7123J2006 004951 ANATEK LADS. INC. 06X2045 41165 'I'0'I'AL 8 RC12A P11L=TALS Ifd 501L/SL 240.00 Total : 240.00 9559 7123/2006 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 062506 CLEC7RIC 18,737.05 Total : 18,737.05 9560 7/23l2006 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY, INC. S0035257 'I'OWEIS F012 SCITCHEN 7.73 Total : 7.73 9561 712312006 006101 CDWG C313P2391 41158 KVWi CABI.E 18.41 Total : 18.41 9562 712312006 000806 COLUMBIA FIBER SOLUTIONS 070705 CONDUIT INSTALL FOR F18ER 2,501.78 41135 Total : 2,501.78 9563 7123l2006 001082 COLUMBIA 7ELECOMMUNICATIONS 10063 ENGINEER CONSULTING 148.75 Total : 148.75 9564 7J23J2006 000619 COSTCO A4EfViBERSHIP 072206 ANNUAL tv1EMBERSHIP 100.00 Total : 100.00 9565 712312006 000683 IDAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 199724 40552 PLAN REVIEW 2,880.12 Total : 2,880.12 9566 712312006 000537 DAVID EVaNS ANG ASSOCIATES, IN 199725 40918 DAVID EVAPlS &ASSOC. 6,337.50 Total : 6,337.50 9567 7123/2006 000746 EMPLOYA4EPIT SrCURITY DEPARTMEN1 217156-00 2 UNCWiI'LOYMEN7 PAYMEN7 1,212.19 Total : 1,212.19 9568 712312006 000171 GEIGER C0R12EC1"IONS CENTER 41500058 JUNE WORK CREW 4,333.63 Total : 4,333.63 . Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 07/2312006 5:35:46PM Spokane Valley eankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO ti DescriptionlAccount Amount 9569 7123J2006 000002 H u MBUSINESS SYSTEtAS INC. 765 LEASE I'YM'I' ON RICOW f=4V760 201.97 7e6 LEASE PYMT - RIC01-I 2045E SPF 233.49 767 LEASE PYN1T - RICOFI 2238C 347.34 768 LEASE PYMT - RICOW 2080SP 412,68 Total : 1,155.48 9570 7f2312006 000052 HSBC [•3USIiVESS SOLUTIONS 082606 GOING AWAY CAKE FOR WEA7MEF 14.99 Total : 14.99 9571 7123f2006 000313 IiVLANn ASPHP.LT COhlll'AtdY INC. 063006 41191 SWEEP1NG DISPOSAL 51=12VICES 116.00 Total : 116.00 9572 7123/2006 000022 INLAND SUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 54100 EhAPLOYEE ID CHRpS 52.13 54139 EMPLOYEE ID CARDS 36.92 54142 ENiPLOYEE 10 CARD 19.55 Total : 108.60 9573 7l2312006 000562 LAIDLAW 7RANSIT, INC. 501957 TRANSNORATION FOR SUh+1MERC 1,369.80 7otal : 1,369.80 9574 7f23/2006 000755 LEAGUE OF OREGOYV CITIES 4325 WEB ADS PEI2iv11T SPECIAUS7 & A 50.00 Total : 50.00 9575 7123f2006 000433 fviCPC, INC. 4945909 41164 BLSJG FILE FOLDERS 745.52 Total : 745.52 9576 7l23l2006 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WA'I'ER COPvIPANY 052606 ELECTRIC & WATER 7,292.90 Total : 7,292.90 9577 7/2312006 001035 NETWORK DESIGN' 8, MANAGEIViCN'I" 13960 CONSULTIhG, JUNE hAON'I'HLY MA 2,350.06 Yotal : 2,350.00 9578 7I1312006 000058 OCCUN,4T10NAL MEDICINE, ASSOCIATi [ 06306 DRUG SCRCEN & PHYSICALS 1,010.00 Total : 1,010.00 9579 712312006 000512 OFFICETEAhA 16233278 7EMP HELP - NATOSHIA P11AYHE+N 759.a0 Total : 759.00 P3ge: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 07l2312006 5:35:46PM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apbank - Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionJAccount Amount 9580 712312008 000494 PR0 PEOPI_G S'I'AF1=1NG SEIRV IPJC. 14152 1"EMP HELP - Tll'ANIA pAVIS 339.36 14541 TEMP HELA - TITANIA DAVIS 98.98 Total : 438.34 9581 7/2312006 000341 RICOH CORPORATfON 06080477053 I'YM7 - 171COH 1232C - J263620097i 246.53 06084477438 PYMT - RICOH 1060 - J4235400681 412.66 06080494505 PYNM1T - RICOFI AF1232C - J2637001 238.92 Totai : 898.13 9582 7/2312006 000230 SPOKANE CNTY AUDITORS OFC, RECO RECEIPT 500370 COPIES 309.00 . Total : 309.00 9583 7123I2006 000324 SPOKANF COUNTY WATER dIST. #3 0714G6 ACCT 475-1495-00 WOODRUf=F RD 104,61 Total : 104.61 9584 712312006 000419 SUA4MIT LAW GROUP 30891 h4EDIATION 1,342.00 Total : 1,342.00 9585 712312006 000167 VERA WATER & PO+NER 071106 ELECTRIC - ACCT 0004-000755.01 198.50 471206 ELECTIC - ACCT 0005-016348.01 68.33 071306 ELECTRIC - ACCT 0006-033021.00 59.71 071406 ELECi'IZIC & WA'I'EIR - ACC'1' 0007-C 15.51 071706 ELECTRIC - ACCT 0008-010790.01 59.09 7otal : 361.14 29 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 8ank total : 54,948.25 29 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 54,948.25 Page: 3 ~ vchlist Voucher List Paye: 4 0712312006 5:35:46PM Spokane Valtey eank code : apbank Vouctter Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the maferials have been furnished, the s=rvices rendered, or Iho labor perforrned as doscxibed herein ancl that the claim is just, clue and an unpaid ohligatlon against Uio City of Spokane Valley, aitid that I am authorized to aulhenticatc and certify to said clalm. Finance Director Date Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 07129I2006 5:47:28PM Spokane Valley Bank code : 8paank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9586 7127/2006 000001 SPOKANE COUNTY TRFJASURER 072406 DOWPI PAYMENT ON PRECINCT Bl 500,000.00 Total : 500,000.00 9587 7127l2006 000102 TRANSNA'I'ION TITLE INSURAPJCE CO 072406 41208 ESCROW FEES ON PUR OF PR[CI 3,337.24 Total : 3,337.24 9588 7128l2006 001100 SPOKANE COUNTY 072406 PURCIIASE 0F P(2kCiNCT BUILDIN 500,000.00 • Total : 500,000.00 9589 7/2912006 001095 ABRAHAtwi, LARRY 063006 REFUNp OF PERMIT - PROJECT # i 40.00 Total : 40.00 9590 7/2912006 001078 ALL AMERICAN APNRAISAL 070506 41137 GREEN ACRES PARK APPRAISALS 4,300.00 Total : 4,300.00 9591 7/29/2006 001081 ALSCO LSP038796 DOOF2 MATS 48.13 Total : 48.13 9592 7/29/2006 000335 ALTON'S 71RE INC. 6-17303 OIL & FILTER 8 BRAKES 431 _85 Total : 431.85 9593 ' 7f2912006 001044 ASCENT GIS 1146 41124 PARK MAPS FOR GRANT 323.09 Total : 323.09 9594 7/2912006 000918 BLUE RIBBON LIPJEPJ SUPPLY, INC. 8735215 SIGNS & LINENS 335.03 Total : 335.03 9595 7l29/2006 000544 CAT TALES 616092CT 41046 SUMM1AER DAY CAMP 183.00 Total : 183.00 9596 7129I2005 000101 CpWG Bf"l?4322 41181 LaCie Slirn Cambo CD-RW Drive by f 111.86 Total : 111.86 9597 7/29/2006 000863 CENTURY WEST ENGINEERING CORP. 023170 40876 CENTURY WEST TRANS. PLANNIN, 1,126.23 Total : 1,126.23 9598 7l29l2006 000876 CLIFF SCHMIlZ CONSTRUCTION pertnit 06-6284 REFUND 0F F'ERMIT 06-0284 121.52 .!age: 1 - ` ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 07129I2006 5:47:28PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Vouchcr Date Vendor Invoite PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9598 7129I2005 000876 000876 CLIFI= SCMMITZ CONS'I'h2UCTI0N (Continucci) Total : 121.52 9599 7129/2006 000109 C01=FEE SYSTEMS IfVC 41844 CREAh9EFt CUP & CUP 38.79 41988 COFFEE & TEA 127.85 Total : 166.64 9600 7/2912006 000508 CONOCOPHILUPS FLEET 870166725606 GAS 1,740.44 Total : 1,740.44 9601 7l29f1006 000035 CORPORATE EXPRE5S 77657040 41161 NAPKINS 37.39 Total : 37.39 9602 7/2912006 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIAYES 159726 44881 0018 - ApPLkWAY - DAVID EVANS • 22,232.12 Tatal : 22,232.12 9603 7l2912006 000686 DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING 071706 MLS CREDIT CARD FEES MAY - JU 39.28 Total : 39.28 9644 7129/2006 000152 DEPARTNiEN7 OF TRANSI'OR7ATION f2E-313-ATB80712122 WSDOI" LOClaL MATCH FOR PINES 2,416.14 Total : 2,416.14 9645 7/29/2006 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST 305154591 C[NTER PIACE ADVERTI5ING 9125 Total : 91.25 9606 7/'2912006 OOQ540 ELNU, CEORCCE STAHL PLANETARIUM 0fl6410 41048 SUMMER DAY CAMP 45.00 Total : 45.00 9607 7/2912006 000171 GEIGER CORRECTIONS CEN7GR 41540042 MAY .JAIL HOUSING INVOICE 23,018.08 41560063 JUNE JAIL HOUSING 18,432.40 Total : 41,450.48 9608 7/2912006 000002 H& H BU51NE55 SYSTEMS IPVC. 145845 20# RQLL 35X500 124.28 147615 AF 1035-1060 CPC/EXCESS 238.71 147626 F2238 CPC/EXCESS COPIES 1,592.50 Total : 1,955.49 9609 7/2912006 001094 HUTCHINSON IRRIGATION DI5TRICT permit 06-1854 RFFUND OF PERMIT 06-1854 - REC 70.00 Total : 70.00 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 0712912006 5:47:28PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DpscriptionlAccount Amount 9810 7l2912006 000222 ICMA 2ETIREMEN7 CORF'. 27981 ICMA QTRLY nLAN FEE-401A FXEC 125.00 Total : 125.00 9611 7/29l2006 000758 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF, MUNICI 062906 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FOR CMRIS 166.00 Totai : 166.00 9612 7J2912006 001055 KI17S COSMOS 0710061 41052 SUMMER DAY CAMP 200.00 Total : 200.00 9613 7I2912006 001096 LINDSAY CONSTRUCTION project 06001620 (ZEFUND OF PROJEC7 # 06001620 1,063.80 Total : 1,063.80 9614 7/29J2006 000069 MERCIER, DAVID 072706 CAR ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST 400.00 Total : 400.00 9615 7/29l2006 000053 MODERN OFFICE EQUIPMEN7 062906 WATER & ELECTRIC ACC7 04732-C 132.33 062906 WATER AND ELECTRIC ACCT 0456 88.25 062906 WATER & ELCCTRIC ACCT 04559-C 1,167.90 Total : 1,388.48 9616 7P29l2006 000636 MOORE IAC01=AN0 COLTSMAN, INC. 0020130 GREENACRES PARK CONCEPT PL 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 9617 7/29/2006 001101 MORSC, GERALD 072506 REFUND - RECEIPT 5848 - PROJEC 100.00 Totai : 100.00 9618 7129l2006 004239 NORTHWEST BUSINESS 57APAP INC. 59814 NAME PLATES 20.96 Total : 20.96 9619 7129l2006 000193 NORTHWES7 CMRISTIAN SCWOOL INC 080106 AUGUST RENT 25,14925 Total : 25,149.25 9620 7/29/2006 000652 Of=(=1CE DEF'OT INC. 342016003-002 41150 QFFICE DEPO7 8.05 342298340-001 41155 CEN7ERPI.ACE OFFICE SUPPLIES 62.21 342689390-001 41159 OFFICE SUPPLIES 344.12 41159 342689451-001 41159 OFFICE SUPPUES 4.14 343652831-001 41177 STENO BOOKS 39J5 . "3ge: 3 1 1 vchiist Voucher List Page: 4 07/2912006 5:47:28PNI Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO it DescriptionlAccount Qmount 9620 7129I2006 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC, (Coritinued) 343679377-001 VEFIICI.E MILEAGE BOOKS 49.55 344000592-001 41180 COMP PLAM NOTEBOOKS 156A5 344000$22-aD1 41180 COMP PLAN NOTEBQOKS 189.64 344240152-001 41182 OFFICE DEP07 79_21 ' Tota I : 932.83 9621 7f29/2006 000512 OFFICE'fEAM 16129982 TEMP HELP - NA705f•IIA MAYI-IEW 123.75 16205354 TEMP F-IELP 119.63 16259644 TEMP HELP - KIM WILLIAAAS 255_75 15259645 71=MP MELP - NATOSHIA MAYHEVJ 528.00 Tota I : 1,027.13 9622 7l2912005 00089'9 ONEEIGHTY NETWORKS 531123 TI SERVICE 840.62 Total : 840_62 9623 7/29l2006 000119 PIP PRIN7WG INC. 1334034756 MANUI=AC'I'URED WOM[ INSPECTI4 157.68 Totat : 157.68 9524 7/2912006 000494 PRO PEOPLk S'1'/aFrING SERV INC. 14351 TEMP HELP 1,147.16 14540 i'ENiP HELP 1,116.00 14733 TEMP HELP - DAVID TUPPEF2 8 SRl 1,110.78 Total : 3,373.94 9625 7129/2006 000019 PURR(=rCT LOGOS, IPdC. 18598 41173 CI_O7MING 273.67 Tota I : 273.67 9626 7/29/2006 000322 QWES7 082806 PHONE ACC'1' 509-9244707 591 B 298.57 070406 PHONE ACCl' 509-926-1840 557B 317_52 071106 PHONE ACCT 509-922-7091 571 B 339.74 Tota I : 955.83 9627 7f2912006 000191 RIVCRFf20NT PARK, GROUP SALES 3337 41059 SUhAMER DAY CAPl11' 222.75 Total : 222.75 9628 7129/2406 000415 RO5AUERS U-CITf INC. 4$0068 FOOD COUNCIL MEETING 2.58 Total : 2.58 pege: 4 vchtist VouCher List Page: 5 07/29/2006 5:47:28PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9629 7f2912006 000542 SIERRA SILVER MINE TOUf2, ING. 26 41062 SUMMER DAY CAMP 36.00 Total : 36.00 9630 7/29/2006 000001 SPOKAtdE COUNTY TREASURER 063006 SERVICES FOR THE MONTH OF JU 1,319,398.78 Total : 1,319,398.78 3631 7129/2006 000323 SPQKANE COUNIY UTILITIES 070106 SEWER ACC7 037059/109325 132.05 070106 SEWER ACC7 034354/106428 132.05 070106 SE1NER ACCT 0244331074433 166.01 070106 SE/UNR ACCT 017022/067022 166.01 070106 SEWER ACCT 015364/055364 353.44 070106 SEWER ACCT 016631/0E6631 58.31 Total : 1,007.87 9632 7J2912006 000898 SPOKANE PROCARE 070306 41012 LAMDSCAPING SERVICE 5,027.54 Total : 5,027.54 9633 7/2912006 004406 SPOKANE 12EGIONAL CVB 063006 TOURSIM MARTKETING 13,150.00 Tota I : 13,150.00 9634 7/2912006 000011 SPOKANE VALLE`( CHAMBER, OF COMP~ 49598 annual AGORA awards for niane Will 30.00 Total : 30.00 9635 712912006 000391 SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DIST. #1 063006 FIRE DEF'T FEE - 2NQ QUAR7EM2 2( 4,648.43 Total : 4,648.43 9636 7/29f200$ 000311 SPRINT Sf'ECTRUP/l, L.P. 071506 CELL PHONE CI•IARGES JUN 15 - J 745.77 Total : 746.77 9637 7129l2006 000257 STA7E AUpITQR'S OFFICE L60194 2005 AUDIT 12,499.86 Total : 12,499.86 963$ 712912006 001089 TEKNION, INC. 000872601 41092 CUBICLE FURNITURE FOR OPS Sl. 11,048.99 41092 Total : 11,048.99 9639 7129l2006 001097 VICTORIA'S TOWING 4068 RCIMB FOR TRASM & DUMP FEES 54.88 . . . . "':oge: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 0712912006 5:47:28PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Vouchcr Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9639 7/2912006 001097 001097 VICi'ORIA'S TOWINC (Continued) Total : 54.88 9640 712912-006 000005 VP111, INC 187562 41172 AUDIO SYSTCM FOR CENTERPLAC 1,220.33 Total : 1,220.33 9541 7129/2006 001099 WALL, BRAD & JULIE 072406 REFUND-RECEIPT # 6019, PaOJEC 3,400.00 072406 REFUND-RECEIPT 5250 - PROJECI 1,507.00 Total : 4,907.00 9642 712912006 000555 WILD WATERS 072506 41068 SUMPAER DAY CAMP 479.60 Total : 479.60 9643 7/2912006 000089 XO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 0208424963 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1,57183 Total : 1,573.83 58 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 2,493,832.58 58 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 2,493,832.58 I, the u+idersignet8, do certify under penally of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as descri6ad herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokarie VaIley, and that I am authorized to authen6cate and oertify to said claim. Finanoe Direcior Date Page: 6 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ , Request for Council Action ` . Meeting Date: 08-08-06 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x cvnsent [I old business [I new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending July 31, 2006 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUPICIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $161,955.96 Benefits: $ 73.978.75 TOTAL PAYROLL: $235,934.71 STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faulkner ATTACHMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 8, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business [J public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report OX pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading: An ordinance extending the UR-1 Urban Residential Estate Interim Zoning for a third six months in the Ponderosa and Rotchford Neighborhoods and amending the findings of fact and work plan. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.63.220, Spokane Valley Ordinance 05-025 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Ordinance No. 04-035 extending the Interim Zoning for an additional six months by Ordinance No. 06-01 effective March 1, 2006. The ordinance was advanced to a second reading on July 25, 2006. BACKGROUND: An interim zoning ordinance may be renewed for one or more six-month periods if a public hearing is held and findings of fact are made prior to each renewal. The purpose of interim zoning is to maintain a status quo. The UR-1 interim zoning does not impose a moratorium on construction, but does restrict further subdivision of land within the Ponderosa and Rotchford neighborhoods. The Interim UR-1 Urban Residential Estate Zoning was originally effective on September 8, 2004. A second renewal of six months was authorized to be effective on March 1, 2006. The f~ updated work plan had anticipated completion of design guidelines and performance standards f implementing thz Spokane Valley 2006-2026 Comprehensive Plan prior to this date. The following work is not expected to be complete until March 2007. • Approval of regulations implementing the Comprehensive Plan. These regulations will address issues of "neighborhood character" and provisions relating to the keeping of large animals across all zoning districts. Regulations must be completed on or about May 1, 2007. In order to ensure consistency in the format and application of development regulations, completion of zoning standards as a package is desirable. Significant issues include the keeping of animals, accessory structures, in particular detached accessory dwelling units, and minimum lot size. • Revision of floodplain maps for Saltese Creek by FEMA. This project is a°re- mapping° rather than a re-study affecting the Rotchford area only, correcting existing mapping errors_ Standing alone, the re-mapping would not preclude a change in zoning, since latitude is given the floodplain administrator !o make determinations based on topography and preliminary work. The complete re-mapping will probably not be complete until 2008. • Finalization of stream reclassification by the Department of Natural Resources. Review of stream typing by DNR in the Ponderosa may affect development potential in some areas. Some clarification of the issue is anticipated in connection with review of Chester Creek floodplain presently under review. Preliminary maps for the area are available for review, although the maps are not official. • Completion of a draft Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan with the concurrence of . emergency response personnel relating to urban wildland fire and evacuation. Affecting only fhe Ponderosa area, design and construction standards for wildland interface/intermix areas is expected to precede the development of an actual evacuation plan. Currently the estimated 1,500 residential units have only two exits Administrative Report Urban Residential Estate Interim Zoning Page 2 of 2 points. Completion of Spokane County's Hazard AAitigation Pian, once approved by FEMA, will permit the City to apply for mitigation funding to establish criteria for " subdivision design. Valley Fire has completed an initial review of affected areas and \fuel loads, identifying structures at high risk. The recent fire at the Ponderosa elementary school has raised additional questions about the adequacy of water supply and pressure for fire suppression in the area. While design requirements for new development should be c4mplete prior to May 1, 2007, staff does not anticipate that evacuation planning will be complete at that time. • The resolution of the wastewater capacity issue resulting from the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Study by the Department of Ecology and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) remains incomplete. Unsewered areas in the Ponderosa and the majority of the Rotchford area are not scheduled for sewer until 2009. Shelley Acres is unsewered and not included in the six-year plan_ Significant progress has been made in addressing the wastewater capacity. If agreements are signed and DOE accepts all, the City could be reasonably assured that we will be able to build a new plant. Those conditions are expected to be completed before mid . 2007. The present interim zoning recognizes that not all lots in the two areas are 40,000 square feet or greater, but does not permit new lots less than that size, pnmarily since that is considered a minimum for keeping livestock. Livestock is not permitted on lots less than 40,000 square feet. The minimum residential lot size permitted by the Spokane Regional Health District is 18,000 square feet for lots with on-site waste disposal. The City has received a single objection to continuance of the interim zoning regulation. The objection centers around the minimum 40,000 square foot requirement for new lots. Planning Commission recommended approval on July 13, 2006, by a vote of 6 to 1. OPTIONS: Establish UR-1 Urban Residential Estate as permanent zoning, approve the extension following a public hearing, deny the extension. If the Council wishes to revise the minimum lot size the interim zoning should be extended pending hearings on the amendment. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "I move to approve the third extension of the Interim UR-1 Residential Estate zoning in the Ponderosa and Rotchford neighborhoods until March 6, 2007, and to approve the amended findings of fact and work plan." BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Draft ordinance, Findings of Fact (revised July 13, 2006), Amended Workplan C1T1 OF JPOKAli. Vt11d1rrY SI'UKr11N'F COiJNTY, WASH1NC;l'nN ~ QRDI\'ANCE \O. 06-020 qi\' Ukl)in'An'C'E QF THE C1TY OF SPOIGV\E VsILLFY, SF'OKANN CO(J►\TY, VI'ASi•TLNCTON, FXTF\DI`G THE• UItI3AN KES1UEn`'IlAL L'S'CATr ([TR-1) iNTI;Rf11'i 7.0\'I\'C AUTHORi7F..l) BY ORDI\'ANCF. NC1. 04-035 F0R AN ADDiTIONAT, S[X 11IOVTNS BEYO~~TU T}-FE SFCQVD F\TFNSION APPR()VED I3Y ORUIn'Ai\`CL No. 06-001 IN 7'RL' E'ONI)N I20SA At\'T) ROTCHfiORD AREAS; AR7ENlll\'C; THE F1\`Dle\C.S U1z HAC`1' Ai\`ll WnR1:PLA\. WI-1L-"It!?AS; '1'lie Grow7h A4anagement Act provides that all •r.anino. regulations be consislent wi!h an adopted Coinprehensive 3'lan (RCW 35A,63.103); and 1,'HL'IZLAS, RCtiV 35A.63.220 provicie; for establishment of ineerim zoning far up to one yedr fnllqwing b pliblic hearine where a Workplan is developed for related s±udies; and W)•[EI2EAS, the interim zonin~ may be exteitc~ec~ for c~ne or mare six-inonth pcriads if a sub,e.quent public hearing is held aiid findines of fact are made prior 4o each renewal; and Wi-IFItEAS, the neighborhoods desire to contir,ue the Interirn 7_onin~g- until such 4ime as full anafysis has been cqmpleted; and WHFR.F.:1S, follawino 8 PllhllC hGFiCillu and the aclpp4ian of Findings anc3 a rtvi;sd Workplan, Ordinance No. 06-001 extr.ndecl the interim zoning for a period of six rnonths untii Sepcernber 6, 2006; WH.F.RrAS, the Citv Council held a public he.aring on .iuly 25, 2006 and approved revised the Futdutcs of Fact anci Workplan; and { NNOW, TFTFREFORF, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, ordains as follows: Secrion l. The Inierim Urban Rcsidential Estatc (UR-1) Zoning is hereby exteiided for an additional six month period wliil March S, 2007 wi4hin the original baunciaa-ies and stibject du the regulations sej fOi•Lh in Spokane Vafley Ordiiiaiice \"a 04-035. Section 2, . Severabilitv, lf any section, senteiice, clause or plvnse of this ordinance shall be helcl to be imalid nr unconstinnional b_v a court of competent jtirisdictian, stich invalidity or unconstitlitionality shall not aftcrc the validity nr constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this orciinance. Section 3. L'ffective Uate This Ordiiiailct, sliall be in fiill force and effeet fivs; clays after nublication of this Ordinance or a swzlmary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by ]aw. PASSED by ihe Ciry Council dhis day of Au~usl, 20(}6. Mayor, lliana 1lfilhitc ATTEST: City Clerk, Chrisciiie. k3ainbridge Approvcd as to F'orm: Office of'the City Attoi-ney Dace of'P«blication: L".ffective llate: Ordinancs 06-020 Extendin~ UR-I LOflFf1g i'a};e I of I ~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT / . , CITl' OF ~ FINDINGS OF FACT p3oKativ REVIsED JULY 13, 2006 ;00 a1le Vy THIRD EXTENSION OF INTERIM URBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE (UR-1) ZONING FOR SIX MONTHS STAFF REPORT DATE: JUIy 13, 2006 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: Eactension of interim zoning controls to limit residential densities for a period of six months, and to continue practice of allowing the keeping of large animals on residential lots. PROPOSAL LocATioN: Portions of the Ponderosa and Rotchford residential subdivisions. PREPARED BY: Marina Sukup, AICP, Director, Spokane Valley Community Development Dept. 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION PROPERTY INFORMATION: Size 8 Ponderosa: Located adjacent to Browne's Mountain on the southem edge of Characteristics: the City, neighboring the Dishman Natural Area on the northwest and the Iller Conservation area on the south. Fully developed single-family residential lots generally exceeding one acre in size, served by local access and residential collectors. Limited access to municipal wastewater collection system. Terrain hilly with intermittent streams feeding Chester Creek. Portion of the subdivision located within the 100-year floodplain. Large stands of native Ponderosa pines. Abuts a closed landfill. Platted in phases between 1964 and 1992. Rotchford- Located on the eastem edge of the City. Fully developed single- family residential lots generally exceeding one acre in size, served by local access and residential collectors. No access to municipal wastewater collection system. Rolling terrain abutting steep hills with drainage into Saltese Creek. Saltese Creek is located within the 100-year floodplain. Platted in 1974. Both subdivisions were originally platted as residential subdivisions designed for the keeping of a limited number of horses. SURROUNDING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN & ZONING Subject Comprehensive Plan - Low Density Residential PropertiES: Zoning - Interim UR-1 Residential Estate Preservat(on oi Exisiing Resldential Subdivisions (UR-i Irterim Zflning) FINDINGS Revised July 13, 2006 1 of 7 11. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS The Spokane Valley 2006-2026 Comprehensive Plan provides the following guidance in relevant part: - CHAPTER 2 LAND USE: Residential Goals & Policies Goal LUG-1 Preserve and protect the character of Spokane Valley's residential neighborhoods. Policies LUP-1.1 Maintain and protect the character of existing and future residential neighborhoods through the development and enforcement of the City's land use regulations and joint planning. LUP-9.2 Protect residential areas from impacts of adjacent non-residential uses and/or higher intensity uses through the development and enforcement of the City's land use regulations and joint planning. LUP-1.3 Review and revise as necessary, existing land use regulations to provide for innovation and flexibility in the design of new residential developments, accessory dwelling units and in-fill development. LUP-1.4 Encourage the development of transportation routes and facilities to serve residential neighborhoods. Special attention should be given to pedestrian circulation. LUP-9.5 Encourage the development of parks and the dedication of open space in and adjacent to residential areas. Open space dedication shall be proportionate to the size of the development. LUP-9.6 Preserve site characteristics that enhance residential development (trees, bodies of water, vistas, and similar features) using site planning techniques such as clustering, planned unit developments, transfer of development rights and lot size averaging. LUP-1.7 Allow zone changes within the Low Density Residential category only when specific criteria are met. Criteria may include: • Substantial changes within zone change area. • Clear mapping errors. • Adequate facilities and senrices (e.g. sewer, water capacity). • Consistency with densities in the vicinity of the zone change. Preservation of Existing Residential Subdivisions (UR-1 Interim Zoning) FINDINGS Revised July 13, 2006 2of7 CHAPTER 10 NEIGHBORHOODS: Goal NG-2 Preserve and protect the character of Spokane Valiey's residential neighborhoods. Policies NP-2.1 Maintain and protect the character of existing and future residential neighborhoods through the development and enforcement of the City's land use regulations and joint planning. NP-2.2 Review and revise as necessary, existing land use regulations to provide for innovation and flexibility in the design of new residential developments, accessory dwelling units, and in-fill development. NP-2.3 Encourage the development of parks and the dedication of open space in and adjacent to residential areas. Open space dedication shall be proportionate to the size of the development. NP-2.4 Preserve site characteristics that enhance residential development (trees, bodies of water, vistas, and similar features) using site planning techniques such as clustering, planned unit developments, transfer of development rights, and lot size averaging. NP-2.5 Allow zone changes within the Low Density Residential category only when specific criteria are met. Criteria may include: • Substantial changes within zone change area. • Clear mapping errors. ' • Adequate facilities and services (e.g. sewer, water capacity). • Consistency with densities in the vicinity of the zone change. NP-2.6 Establish appropriate design guidelines with buffer zones and transition requirements to protect residential neighborhoods from incompatibfe land uses and adverse impacts associated with arterials, freeways and rail corridors. NP-2.7 Encourage rehabilitation and improvement programs to conserve and upgrade existing properties and buildings. NP-2.8 Encourage programs targeted at neighborhood preservation, including Weed and Seed, housing rehabilitation and crime prevention programs, such as Neighborhood Watch, McGruff Houses, etc, NP-2.9 Integrate retail developments into surrounding neighborhoods through attention to quality design and function. Encourage neighborhood retail and personal services to locate at appropriate sites where local economic demand and design solutions demonstrate compatibility with the neighbofiood. NP-2.10 Develop guidelines and options for Neighborhood/sub-area associations which facilitate the refinement of Neighborhood/sub-area plans. Preservation of Existing Resideniial Subdivisions (UR-1 Interim Zoning) FINDIIJGS Revised July 13, 2006 3of7 PJEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER: Ponderosa: Low density residential designed for on-premises maintenance of a limited ~ • number of horses. Heavily wooded with rugged terrain in parts. Expansion to the northwest precluded because of the Dishman Natural Area and terrain. Over 95% of lots fully developed. Some remain vacant because of topography. Rotchford: Low density residential designed for on-premises maintenance of a limited number of horses. Terrain is relatively flat east of Sullivan Road with steep hillside limiting any easterly expansion. Equine easements provided on local streets. Subdivision is fully developed. Social Character: Well-organized and cohesive neighborhoods. DESIGN QUALITY: Local access and residential collectors designed to accommodate lots of approximately one acre. Single-family housing is well-maintained and designed for residential privacy. A limited number of large animals, especially horses is a design theme in both neighborhoods. Although the Spokane Valley 2006-2026 Comprehensive Plan has been adopted, Spokane Valley has not yet established implementing regulations, performance or design standards to assure the quality of residential design to preserve neighborhood character pursuant to the Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: Wastewater. Limited access to public sewer in the Ponderosa. Balance of property relies on septic systems. Rotchford Acres relies entirely on septic systems. Re-subdivision to increase residential densities should not be permitted absent an organized wastewater collection and treatment system. • Potable Water. Ponderosa is senred by Spokane County Water District #3, Rotchford by Vera Irrigation Dist. #15, both Group "A° Community Water Systems. Re-subdivision to increase residential densities will require adequate supply and pressure for domestic consumption and fire protection. Stormwater: the Ponderosa subdivision has intermittent streams that drain to Chester Creek. The contribution of to the rate and volume of flows from additional impervious cover resulting from re-subdivision could result in an environmental damage as yet undetermined for which mitigation would need to be established in a planned and coordinated manner. Similar concems concerning drainage vrhich could affect Saltese Creek. A significant stream traversing the neighbofiood has been reclassified as a Type 4 stream by the Department of Natural Resources Division of Fish and Wildlife. The implications of this change have not been assessed. The Federal Emergency Management Agency proposes to release draft floodplain maps affecting Saftese Creek is mid-2008. Erodible soils: Both the Rotchford and Ponderosa subdivisions include or abut geological hazard areas which require further evaluation prior to allowing additional residential densities. Native Vegetation/habitat: Ponderosa includes areas of wildlife critical habitat for White Tail Deer and threatened species. Spokane Valley has not yet established implementing regulations, performance or design standards to assure the continued preservation of environmental quality in outlying areas with limited public infrastructure and specific environmental . conditions, such as steep slopes, intermittent flooding and highly erodible soils. , Preservation of Existing Residential Subdivisions (UR-1 Interim Zoning) FINDINGS Revissd Juty 13, 2006 4 of 7 PUBLIC HEALTH 8 SAFETY. Access: Ponderosa: Property Iles west of the Union Pacific Railroad with only two poiMs of access. Additionat access should be required prior to any increase in residential densities for evacuation and emergency services. The evaluetion of access will be incorporated in the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan under development by the City of Spokane Vatley in tt►e Fall and WiMer of 2005-2006. Animal Maintenance: The requirements for the maintenance and upkeep of even a limited number of large animals raises issues of compatibility resutting from noise, odor, proxlmity to residential structures, flies, etc.. These issues are compounded with tncneased residenfial dertsitiss and requiremerrts for bufferinA for any additional residential densities may be required. Landfill: Ponderosa: The proximity of a closed Iandfill to an increased number of residences requires additional study. I Altfiough the Spokane Valley 2006-2026 Comprehensive Plan has been adopted, Spokane Valley has not yet established Implementing regulatlons, perfoRnance or deslgn standarda to assure the quality of resfdent3al design to preaerve neighbofiood character pursuartt to the Plan. PUBLIC NOTICE: Current property owners purchased properry with notice of existing regulations pertaining to the keeping of large animals. The Short Plat process requires notice only to adjacertt property awners, COMPLIANCE W(TH THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POUCY ACT SE( PA): Ordinance No. 4$ (effectlve March 31 , 2003) adopted on an fnterim basis by reference the Spokane Environmental Ordinance (Spokane County) thereby implementing the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and Chapter 197-11 of the Washington Administratlve Code (WAC) within the Jurisdlctlonal limits of the City of Spokane Valley. An Environmental checklist was completed and a OeterminaUon of Non- Significance was issued on Apri126, 2004. Conclusions were based on the finding that a regulation preserving the status quo would have no adverse environmentel impacL Conclusion(s): Permitting piecemeal fncrease in residential densities without the establishment of impiemenUng regulatfons, partormance and destgn standards raises serlous tssues related to preservetion of neighborhood character and design, maintafning environmerttal quality, publtc health and aafety, and the adequacy of public notice, which requlre additional study prior to tfie establishment of pertnanent regulation. III. DECISION The Interim UR-1 Resldential Estate Zoning adopted pursuant to Spokane Valley Ordinance 04035 and extended by Ordfnance No. 06-001 until September 6, 2006, should be extended for a third six monttt period until March 6, 2007 pending complsUon of environmental review and the development af implementing regulationa, perfornsance and design standards to preserve neighbofiood character, maintain environmental quality, and to ensure the continued health, safety and wetfare of the areas purauant to RCW 35A.63.220 following a public hearing before the City Council. Resolution of tssues shall be accomplished in accordance with the revised Workplan attached as Exhibft"C". PreservaLOn of Existing Residentul SubdNisiores (UR-1 Irrtetim Zoniny) FINDINGS Revised July 13. 2006 5 af7 , . ~ ~ ~ ~ , `r- - , / j ` ~ A" Pond°rosa ~ Exhib~" tpottion1 ~ ~ r b,t Rotchford AcOS . t- , ~ ~"~J 1 , jf - - , _ l - ~ 1 1 n~wer~tta~ Subd~~~ c~ NR'~ ~n~e~rt Zontn9? Exhihd 'G- RC-'v'15FD i!R-t Intenm 2oning Work Plan ~jt113,2006 c•x .ik v_e Fi Ip 'a~~ Nrt~~v i~~Y r~~ru~ L+~Ynnrt ~.r Alr ~41' An i.n ~ Q! 7M~ Liis .►h! W ~ 1~ r~ ~C-Mm°""0" °1Q7 4~+ertaoe I 5nrloae I e a. ~ s ~ o..w rA-MM ~am-,w w. - I 1 I Env4~W O-WfY I UNf00i ~SMY1001 I 1Siw 5 I Smelrw CrwM Ii"YD I y6Q000 I snS2U07 I 75 M" , 7 l PubMe HrsMPBahly NH100i v2?1lO" I Jhu l 71 Fva►d Milipaan' Afciew yDf2000 NZ22000 I 24N 9 I F\r0ft Mnlioe Iv9fi 004 I 3l17lJOOl I S0 6w I p I qapp"ory ftM"a I L2772M I 444441100-ir I 66.iw I I t[ f --.~r1p r'Jn R" [lrttl I 3:'7r10C~ I 4,74,'7W-1 I59 !n I - I ~ ae~z~j ~T•oy.r.e Ptesei-vauon of E xrsting ResdenUal Subdmsions (UR-1 interim Zaning) FINDINGS 12avlsed Juiy 13, 2OQG 7of7 `CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - ' Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 8, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consenf ❑ old business [ new business Ll public hearing ❑ iniortnation 0 admin. report ❑ oending legislaiion AGENDA ITEM TITLE: School Zone Flashing Light Project Grant GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Public WorScs submittPd a grant request to the Washington 7raffic Safety Commission to purchase and install six (6) flashing yellovr beacon systems at Broaaway Elzrnentary, Trentwood Elementary, and Seth Woodward. The letter authorizing approval of the grant is aftacheri for your review. Last week we sent an e-mail to the Mayar and Council Mernbers with a descnption of the grant and the imposed timeirames for completion of the ; purchase and installation of School Zone Flashing Beacons for review and as ihe first touch on ' this issue. OPTIONS: Accept or reject fhe grant RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion -to accept fhe Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant for School Zone Flashing 8eacons in the amount of $22,500.00. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: none STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director . ATTACHMENTS Leiter from Washingion Traffiic Safety Commission ~ sure ~ , C,. JUN i 6 2006 . p ~t. . STATF. OF WASHI\'G70N WASHlNIGTON TRAFriC SAFFTI' COMM15SfON 70o0 S. GherrySt., f'O fiox• 40944 • 01yriipia, 14'ashington 98S04-0944• f360J 753-5147 June 8, 2006 Inga Note, P.E. City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 RE: School Zone Flashing Beacon/Lighting Project Dear Ms. Note: On behalf of the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) I am pieased to inform you ihat the Request for Proposal (RFP) Tor school zone flashing lights submitted by your agency in dhe amount of $22,500.00 has been approved. Enclosed is a copy of the signed agreement. . PLEASE NOTE: you may not obligate or spend any funds for this project untit r~ after July 1, 2006. ` i Project Period Your project(s) must begin within 60 days after July 1, 2006 (ciate of grant approval and avaifabilify of funds) and must be completed witliin 120 days. Reporting Requirements Your agency is responsible to fulfill the reporting requirements as outlinsd in the signed RFP, iricluding submitting requesis for reimbursement and final repnrts in a timely manner. f-inal reimbursement request must be received by the WTSC no later than 30 c€ays after the completion of your project(s) or you will not receive reimbursement. A final report shall be submitted within one year of installation defailing the impact of this project within the school zone including whether or not the goals ouflined in your original proposal were achieved. The speed dafa collected for the final report shouid be consistent wifh the conditions existiny during baseline data collection. One year of past installation collision ciata should be included as well. ~y • Failure to submit reimbursement requests or to fi{e the required final report could lead to termination of the project agreement, and forfeiture of reimbursement. The response to this RFP was overwhelming and we anticipate repeating this project in the next fiscal year. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your project, please contact the 1NTSC School Zone Program Manager, Lynn Drake, at 360.586.3484 or ldralceevtsc.wa.QOV. We look forvvard to working with you on this project and thank you for your interest in improving our school zones. Sincer , ~ Bri r'rJ es P gr Director scHOOL zoNE - FLASHING LIGHTS PROPOSAL Advettising Procedures This proposal is being sent to a statewide list of prospective constituenfis. . WTSC RFP Coordinator Ms. Lynn Drake, Program Manager Washington Traffic Safety Commission 1000 S. Cherry St PO Box 40944 Olympia, WA 9$504-0944 Phone: 360.753.3022 FAX: 360.586.6489 Email: ldrake(ci)wtsc.wa.qov Section 1 Authorization Applicant agencylorganization: Cifv of Spokane Vallev Nat71e Of SChool/SChool dlStt'iCt: Seth Woodard Elementarv / VJest VaIlev School District Trenhvood Elementacv/`ast V?Ilev School District Broadwav Elementarv/Central Vallev School District ~-1 Applicant projecf director: Inaa Note. P.E. Senior Traffic Enaineer " Name Title 11707 E. Spraaue Ave., Suite 106, SrDokane Valley, WA 99206 inote(d)snokanevallev.ora f5091688-0227 Address E-mail Telephone Applicant agency/organization authorizing official (person with contracting authority if different than above): Neil KErsten Public Works Director hame Title nkersten((DsaokanevalleV.orq (509) 688-0026 Address, if diifer enfhaln abov E-mail Telephone ~r / ✓ l/r ~i~{_ Signar e 15ate WTSCl User Onlyl WTSC Program Manager: Lynn Drake Planned Project Duration: From: June 15. 2006 To: June 30, 2007 Approved by Name: Low : rter itle: f7irECtor signaft~ ~ Date: Washin ton TrafFic Safe Commission Pr6j.eci ' • - ~ $ECbOiI 2 Description of Activity In this section, the following five elements should be defined in narrative form: (1) Problem Identification, (2) Agency Qualifications, (3) Project Goal(s), (4) Project Activities , and (5) Project Evaluation. Please clearly label each elernent using the titles listed above. Narratives may not exceed three single-sided pages using nothing smaller than a 12-point font. Hand-written proposals will not be accepted. - (1) Problem Identification Many elementary schools in Spokane Valley are located along artenal streets. Although the school zones are heavily patrolled by the Spokane County sheriffs departmznt, we think they could be rnade safer through the addition of flashing beacons. The schools iden#ifred as the best locations for these improvements are shown in the table below. They have been identified as the top priority for each of our school districts. Vde hope . to make the installations at Braadway Glementary, Seth VJoodard Elementary, and Trentwood . Elernentary. Schools (lisfed in order of priority) Total °lo of School Address Enrollment Walkers/Bikers All bus plan? Broadway 11016 E. Broadway 396 20% No Elementary Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Seih Woodard 7401 E. MisSion 335 30°'o No Elementary Spokane, 1NA 99212 Treniwood E. 14701 VdelleslEy Avenue 313 q2°/a No Elementary SDokane, WA 99216 Street Characteristics Arrival & Existing Signage # Func. Departure hour and Markings School Street Lanes Class ADT" volumes'` Broadway Broadway 4 1~liinor 11,400 A - 550 Standard schaol Elementary Avenue Arterial D- 950 zone signage 20 Seth Woodard Minor A- 350 mph in effect . Elementary Par1c Roaci 2 Artcriaf 51100 D- 400 "When Children Minor are Present°. Trentwood Wellezley Arterial A-150 Crosswalks are Elementa Avenue 2 3,800 D- 250 marked in paint or ry plastic. Lanes are striped. ' Our traific caunts are collected in tie sumrmer, so fhese will b2 lovrer than school year volumes. Speeds and Collisions 85°/,-tile speeds Posted Speed Arrival and Copisions in Schooi Zone f • School Street Limit Departure hours' (2001-2005) Broadway Sroadway 35 A- 29 mph 1- PDO Elementary Avenue mph D- 32 mph 2- Injury Seth VJoodard Park Raad 35 mph a- 2$ mph 2- PDQ Elsmentary D - 31 mph Treniwood Wellesley 35 mph A- 26 mph 0 Elementary Avenue p- 30 mph ' Speed data dur+ng arrivel and departure hours collected during M~ay 2006. . (2) Agency Qualifications Broadway Elementary !="t:.;•;,..~::,:..^ :a.f~• r.•:,_~ °•-i 'x:..~•w; ;_T~y;rl:~>.J r~'. yj- . Xu .'~..:j=a Stafemert of Edigibrlify - The City of Spokane _:~:~:;:•:t 'Valley is eligible to apply for this grant. It is our goal to eventually obtain flashing beacons for all of our elementary schools. We agree to install and - evafuafe the eifectiveness of the beacons as ~;-•-,'~..rx :~~.g ~ required by the grant salicitation. We have Local Law Enfarcemer.t Suppor-t- t t-T = .t- attached a letter afi support frorn the Spokane Valley precinct of the Spokane Coun~y~/ Sheriif's . ~ ~j-•~r 61 1ce. OI1 _ ~ 'L✓:s~s:~~-r':'..s ~sYy:.~~,.1 r e'~ Punlic Awareness - A public avrarzness and ' - education campaign will be conducted to inform the Seth Woodard Elementary public about the new signs and driving s;-.:1.;T.;;,,.~,:..,,r, ;,r~r.,:•~,;;~,~ w `z : expectations. This campaign will involve: " • Working wiih the schools to get notification I: ~ ~ f ` > f • fo students and families. - o PrQViding inforrnational le#tzrs io students Qo takz home to their parents. a Providing information 40 the teachers L`~~`=~_ r.-3..~ ~r.,s? ~fi`, ~""c'^''~~-•' =x;~~~, 1~~~ ~,rs~~ ools, including " and staff at the sch ~ bUS Cf~1VEfS. ~ ~=~r"'`:,~~.~'= • ; o Prcvidin9 information to the Parent ,~i•Y.i.:4~_a}iY{3:~` Teacher Associations. ° : ~~~i'~~7L o Media release about the changes to radio, .i......~~ Trentwood Elementary #elevision and newspapers, emergency res onders' Spokane Transit Aukhorify, local i~'~ ~1.~ K Y- 1• r ,~r~- ~ s.; po.i l 01 I Ire. ~ ~~`~"-.r+.~'`~ ...x ~tirt""° ~t'' ~s ~~¢'n •{~.7 e Requesting traffic officers for awareness stops ouriiig first weeEc afier installation ~.~,:~Y~~~c~~; ~~;_SL:~_,3Y;;f,;Yj~;~_: 29 o Posting information about the changes on the City's website. - - . "`y.'. . r ~ (3) Project Goals - o To improve the driver compliance within the 20 mph school zanes. - ` ,_~w>,~~=~~;~~.pw:, - v To increase the safety of Spokanz VaIley ' ~ ~ t~~r~t ~-rk•~~•. children ~tihile traI~eling ~o and irom school. r . . . _ ..s.- . 4 0 7o study the effectiveness af the flashers on slowing traffic. o To share the results and conclusions of the sfudy with other agencies in VVashington. ~ To reduce ihe number of collisions in school zonES. (4) Project Activities and Tasks a) 6115106 Receive notificafion from WTSC of selection. Segin surveying school frontage and resoive right-of-way concems for tlasher locations. b) 6119106 School ends for summer. c) 719106 Ordzr flashing beacon equipment. d) 8/1/06-9/1/06 Prepare sites for construction. Install foundations, bases, poles, cabinets, and solar units. e) 917/06 School resumes, f) 9/15106-10/1/06 Conduct "before° studies at the selected schools_ Obtain 2 full weeks of speed data dunng school arrival and departure hours. g) 10/1/06-10/15/06 Install flashing beacons on poles, modify signage. h) 10/15/08-11/1/06 or 4,/15/07-5/15/07 Depending on completion date of installation and weather conditions, conduct "after° speed studies. Delay speed studies until spring if needed. i) 6/15/07 Publish final project*report. (5) Project Evafuation o Analyze results from boih speed studies to determine the difference in speeds during school arrival and departure periods. • Continue to monitor collision data wrthin the school zone for 1 year after installation. • Przpare Quarterfy and Final Reports per 1NTSC guidelines. . 1 ~ Washington Traffic Safety Commission ~ ~ ~ - ~ • - . Section 3 - Budget Summary Provide in brief narrative form, a budget summary of the project, including the applicants matching direct and in direct costs. Our application nequests equipment for khrEe school zonzs. All right-of-way research, installation, maintenance, traftic stUdy Izbor, sqftware, and paging service fees will be paid by tfie City. WTSC Share Applicant Matching Share (if applicable) 1. Salaries and Wages: $ 0 $3,500 Approximately 120 hours of City staff time. 2. Empfoyee 8eneflts • $ 0 S910 26% of vordg?S. 3. Travel and Subsistence: s0 $ 4. Contraciuil Sgrvices: $ 0 S20,000 . Spokan2 County traffic signal shop for installation ;of 6 flasher di;play units. Consultant help for speed studi2s and ROW research. . 5. EQuipmcnt $22,500 $ 3 scnool zoii2s (Uo to S7500.00 each) 6. Goods antf Services: $ 0 $475 3-yzar paging service for 6 units. 7. Total linesl-6 (Amount Reques#ed lzrom WTSC) $22,500 8. Total lines 1-6 (Amount provided by applicant) $24.885 Total Project Cost (Add lines 7 & 8): $47.385 s•. y':'- ' - . ~ z. = i _^.i.~ "~-~11Vas)iin ~ 9ton=State'~Traffc Safety~Gommission~-, ~ i 'bY~~t ~7^r~f'~a5 ....,.n.,.:. - - - f_ ~ . iL' TK ~ti .F ,2;'C~ . ~c.-..~.liin ,x °••c~.'~?, . i °1 LZ,.A" gl ~is 4`_, : ~ a• ;ti' ' ~ .i ~ " L 4a y's~ u`; ;z ~ ;'ro ect Aryreemenf P : :i .L , ;t~: . - ~t~2i4 a . .s.. , . . ;~a~.. . -1,.._ . % Invoicing Requirements Invoices should be submit#ed to the Traffic Safety Commission on a monthly basis. Due to stafe fiscal year closing on June 30 of each year, all invoices, whether state or federal funds, for goods received or services performed on or prior to June 30 need to be received by WTSC no later than August 15. The Federal fiscal year and project agreements end on September 30 of each year. fnvoices for goods rzceived or services performed on or before Septernbnr 30, for federal funded projects, need to be received by WTSC no later than November 15. Invoices received after the above cutoff dates are subject to non-payment. If applicable, please make sure your accounting office is aware of the above cutoff dates. I have rzad and undertand fhe above invoicing requirements. Applicant Signature Date l~ ~ C'ur '~~7Rane Valley SPoKANE VaLLEY PoLicE DEPaRrMENT ~ Cal Walker, Chief of Police 12710 E. Sprague T'eiephone 509-477-3300 Spakane Va6ley, WA 99216 Fax 509-477-3333 The Sppkane Valley Police :Depai-lment is com.rxaitted to aggressively eniorcisg the traiFic laws - of the Staie af Was}ungton_ Making our communities' school zones safer for the children is arad bas been a priority for our cePartment. 'f.he tra~'.~c officers of the Spokane Valle•y Police Department rou-uncly target diffierent school zor,nes aad typically arork at leasi one, sc.haol zone during the course of their duty day. . Addi.ng the flaslung beacon ]ights to severa} oi the'school zones in the Ciiy of the Spok.ane Va1.Eey v,,oulci accomplish several. thiDgs. First a.nd foremosi, it would make those schaol zones saier for the children tha't utilizc tliem. Secondly, it wolild make trafFic rnore av; are of wheu the school zone's re.duced speed is u1 effeci and help io effiiciently move trafflic throuc,;-h the school zone at the proper reduccd speed. We have a two-part approach to this pibpOSed Cha.nge i.n the way tliat the schaol zone is ma; ked with the addition oi the flaslvng beac:ons. Qnce the beacons are in place, for a period of aweek or so officers c~,ould be in the school zones and stoppiug any vi4latioras that are obsGt-vEd. ]aurine this time, officers would usc tlus opporiuriiy to educate the viola'Lors on 4hese changes. Afier tiaac pe., i.od of time, officers would the,n start issuing citations for violations that Accur. .-,~p~r Sgt. Brett Gore3 ' . Spo::a.ne VallEy Police Departme.ut - Traffic Division (509)477-3352 Page 1 of 1 ~ Carrie Acosta ~ Frorn: Inga IVote . , Sent Monday, July 37, 2006 12:01 PM 70: Bill Gothmann; Diana Wilhite; Dick Denenrly; G8ry Schimmels; Mike Devleming; Richaed Munsan; Steve Taylor ~c: Dave MeTCier, ra rrie Acosta; N eil Kersten; Carolyn Gearge Subject: Flashing BeaCon Grant DearMdyOr an.d Cc}uncil Wmben, Nb1ic W orks subrnitted a grant rct7ucst to thc Wasfung-ton Traf.fic Safe1.y Cummission io purchme aj7d install six (6) flas]7i.na y ellaw beacan sy stean~ al~ Broad~way Elentientary, '1'rcnMood L;lemen#ary arrd Scth Wondard F-1cmentary. 'l`hc bcacons wi] I flasli whcn the Spaed Liau.il 2 0 is in We received a ietter daled June 8tl~, 2 00 6 frOm lhe WLsh ingtpn TraFfic Safcty CotYUr►ission authoFiziiig $22,500.00 in funcLs. I'lie project has a sfi ort tuiieline of 4 inonths, requu-iug, purrliase and instal lation of this e.quipmcnt by Oc:GOber 29, 2006_ Althbugh prOject f'un& could Fiof be obligated Luitil aft.er July lsi, w-e have beeii researclung the rip-ht-of-way in fi'ont of the schools since receipt of thc approval lcttcr. .Delivery iff the equipmen l lakes a~proximate]}r 45 days trom placeinent oforcEer. Jastallation ~4+~]J be complcwd by Spakane Cotanty's bridp-e and signal crews, I Tn lieu o-FEhese time frwne" and th e i.act thert: is n o C ouncil Meeting on Italy 31. 2006, we are . attempting #o makc this our fir.st touch and request that Co ui,cil make aM otzon Consideration to - accept the grant ai the nexi Council Mecring on August S, 2006, Thar~k you fi)r tiFne and cOnsideratiOn_ i Ing-a Nate. P,E., PTOE i Senior TraiFic Engincex ~ I i 7/3 312006 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 8, 2006 City Manager Sign-off Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent E] old business new business public hearing ❑ information i-X admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Employee Classification GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 2.50.070 states that position classifications shall be reviewed periodically to assure that they reasonably reflect the current duties and responsibilities. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: The Accounting Manager position has been in existence since the City's incorporation in 2003. It is classified at Grade 16. While the statements in the job description are accurate as far as they go, they are by no means complete in describing the scope and complexity of the position's responsibilities. As a result, the city reviewed the classification. The attached memo describes the analysis. The Finance Committee revievred the classification review at their July 18, 2006 meeting. The purpose of this agenda item is to brief Council on the results of the classificafion revievr. OPTIONS: 1) Reclassify the Accounting Manager position; 2) Maintain the position at its current grade; 3) Provide additional direction to staff RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide direction to staff BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Movement of the position from Grade 16 to Grade 17 would have a$6,000 to $7,500 annual impact on the budget. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Tricia Burns-Hart, Human Resources Analyst ATTACHMENTS 1. Background Memo 2. PowerPoint Presentation S~oka.ne Valley 41;oO 11707 E Sprague Ave Suitc 106 ♦ Spakane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org , . - - - demorandum To: Nina Tt.c;gor,.Dcpul'y City .Manager From: "I°ricia Burtis-Hart, HR A.nalyst Date: July 19, 2006 Re: Acr.ounling Manag-ra• Classification Review `I'hc purpose of the memo is to provide infprmation regardiiie the classification of the Accounting Manager positian on ►1ie c:ompensaticm matrix. "1°tiis review is done consistent Arith SVMC 2.50 and the City's commitment lo evaluate existing job ciescriptions for accurate classification within the cnmpensation matrix. Summarv of the Accountinu Manaaer Positiun '1"hc Accotuiting Manager is a member of the Financc 1)epartment and reports to the Finance and AdminiStrative Services Director. T}tis position directly suPervises one employee (FTF.,); the Accounting Technie.ian; and may supervise two accountants ui the absence of the rina.nce Directar. Thc Accounting Manager is currently classified at a grade 16. 1lle curreot job description for Accounting Manager was aciopted at the C;ity's inception ui 2003. '1°his description f'ocuses cm Ac.countant duties rather than the Accotuiting Manager duties which are performeci on a daily ha-sis_ A review was cUnducted lo determ.ine xvhether the AccUunting Vianager position is appropriatcly classif ecl in the aradc most accurately rcflccting tlie job duties perforrned. Job descriptions and salaries were anal}'ZEd fCOI21 W1Thll1 OUI Ox\'Il industry. Thcre is a c1USe malch f4r valid numbers with other cities. Job Analvsis The prunaxy duties of the Accoiuitiup- Mariager currently outlined in Xlle job descripti4n are: • Manages and supervises assigned operations to achievc goals within , avai_lable resources: plans wid organires wnrkloads and staff assia ments; ,4ccounting Managcr Classification Review, continued July 19, 2006 Page Z of 4 trains, motivat:es aaid evaluat:es assigneci staff; reviews progress and directs changes as needed. • Provides leadership and direction in development of short and long range plalis; gathers, uiterprets, and prepares data f:or studies, reports and reeommendations; coordinates departinent activities with other departments and agencies as needed. • llssiires ttiat assip-ned areas of responsibility are performeci within budget; perfonns cost control activities; inotutors revenues and expenditures in assigncd area to asstue sound fiscal control; prepares aimual budget requests; assures e•ffective and efficicnt use of budgcted funds, persoruleL materials, facilities, and time. Li adclit:ion, the Ac;counti.ng Manager perforrns duties Nvluch are either onutted from, or are not sufficiently described in tlle e.xisting job descriptian. The.se duiies includc: • Alonitors general leclgers for all Funds tb insure accuracy; prcpares journal entries as needed; prepares notes to fi.nancial statements. • Tnvestti c.ily tiurPlus Funtls according to statc law aiid local resolutions; reviews ca.sh f-low reyuirtments in orcler to meEt payro]l aaid acco«nts payable respc7nsibilitie5. Monitors Public Dcposit Yrotection Commission's net worth balances io comply with state law for iiiunicipal inve5tments. • Responsible far meetint fcderal, state and local requiremenls f'or the accurate reporting of financial infortnation, including over $KO million in . i:ixed assets; serves a.s liaison ta the State Auditor's office aicl must show that adequate internal controls a.re in place to guard against sigluficalit errors which would result in erroueous fina.ucial statement,S. May draft ancl develop financial policics in response to audit recomniendations. • Mana;es city debt to insure boncl inve.stors arc paid on tirne and in correct amounls; mnnilors inlernal loans to insure they are paid on tune. Tracks expenditures of bond sale proceeds to camply wiCh the Iziternal Revenue Service arbitrage re;ulafions. •Managcs investment of $22,000,000+ of Cicy idle (.'unds aS prGSCribcd by tttc Waslungton State Public Deposit Canimission, a bond ordinance Fu1d the City's iiivestment policies. The Ace.ounting Manager also cnoiutors City dcbt and cash flow to uisure debt payments are made on time and cash is availablc to meet City payroll and accounls paydble obligations. A subst;antial portion of the Accounting Manager's timc is occupied by the Comprehensive Annual Finaticial Report. This report is extremely critical to the City as the financial community (nationwide) uses CAPR to rate the City's bonds, cstablish credit, decide on buying the City's bonds and cleterminc ability to ccmtinue operations. "1"he Accounting Manager prepares the Comprehensive Atulual Fina»cial R.eport (CAFR) as reyuired by local, state and federal regulations and laws. This major element ol duties wa5 not ackn4wlcdged in the . original job descripi.ion. Accountiog Manager Classification Review, cootinued July 19, 2006 Page3of4 '1'hese curmnt duties and responsibilities are consistent with similar positions within the industry. Additionally, it is reasonable to expect these t}pical duties from an Aecounting Manager. The Accounting Manager also acts in the Finanee Director's absence. 'I'he existing Accounting Manager classificatian resides in Grade 16 of the City's classification maVix. Other positions in this classifieation are City Clerk, F.nginccr and Senior Plans Examiner. The monthly salary ranges from a minimum of $4,393 to a maximum of $5,633. The Accounting Manager position was compared to similar positions. A similar position at the City of Spokane is the llirector of Accounting with a monthly salary of $5,476 -$6,795. The nature of work between the two positions is virtually similar. Additionally, the City of Yakima, ihc City of I3cllingham aiid Spokanc County employ, an Accounting Managcr. llit" ol I)ircitnrnlACcuunUn,, Chie1 Finaniial()tticcr $~,~?6 S6,795 Spokanc Spokane Accounting County Auditor S4,490 $6,058 ('ounty Managcr City of Accounting Finance & Budget Director $4,114 $6,011 Yakima Manager City of Accounting Finance Director $4,974 $6,046 Bellin~ham Manager City vf Finance Manager Exec. Director of Support $5,264 $7,778 Kennewick Services City of Finance Manager Administrative Services $6,264 $7,830 Richland Director City of Finance Services Administrative & No $7,376 Pasco Manager Community Services Dir. minimum Additionally, this tablc reflects the reporting structure within various similar organizations. While job titles may be slightly different, all positions report to the highest level position having authority over financial matters. Similarly, the nccounting Manager reports to thc Finance Director. Grade 17 provides thc best approximation, with a monthly salary range of $4,882 - $6,259. r..: x ~ Existing Accotmting hlanap-er Finance f)irrctor S4,393 $5,633 Proposed Accounting Manager Finance Director $4,882 $6,259 (Grade 1'n Accounting Alanagcr Classification Review, continoed J u ly 19, 2006 Page 4 of 4 Recommenclation A recommendation is made to reclassify the Accounting Maiiager position to a grade 17 to more aceurately reflect the jab duties periormed and to bring thc current salary raaige more clusely in line witti similar positions with.i.n the market. i,Jpan approval of this reclassification, the City of Spokane Vdlley posilion description for Accounting Manager will be updat.ed to include all duties and responsibilit.ies not cun-enlly autlined by the e:cistuig position descriPtion. Employee Classification: • . Accounting Manager City of Spokane Va ey Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Trish Burns-Hart, HR Ana yst August 8, 2006 General Responsibilities • Currently in Job Description o Manages and supervises assigned operations o Maintains BARS chart of account codes for accounting system o Prepares the annua financial reports, closes year-end genera ledger, prepares notes to the financia statements o Makes journal entries to ba ance and close monthly books in general ledger, revenue and expense accounts, reconciles genera edger and subsidiary accounts :I:35:i1i,3l;rri Fr_'Ii General Responsibilities . Currentiy Performed, but not in Job Description Investments: o Manages investment of over $22 mi ion per Pub ic Deposit Protection Commission (PDPC), a bond ordinance and investment po icies o nvests City surp us funds according to state aw and oca reso utions o Reviews cash f ow requirements in order to meet payro and accounts payab e responsibi ities ;.,i,rtinc, ,:1a-,,,,-; ■ . General Responsibilities . Currently Performed, but not in Job Description Debt Management: o Manages City debt to insure bond investors are paid on time and in correct amounts ~ o Monitors interna oans to insure they are paid on time o~racks expenditures of bond sa e proceeds to comp y with RS arbitrage regu ations 4 Ac.coiinting fv~~nager Classificabon 8~8I0E General Responsibilities • Not Sufficientiy Described in Current Job Desc. Financial Reporting: o Responsib e for meeting federa, state and oca requirements for the accurate reporting of financia information, inc uding over $80 mi ion in fixed assets o Liaison to the State Auditor's office o Deve ops and imp ements adequate interna contro s to guard against significant errors o Drafts financia po icies in response to audit recommendations 1_,:i3c,i>r c; A::.o.,;itn,q ; :I,:f;:;cr')1flf)G General Responsibilities • Not Sufficiently Described in Current Job Desc. Financial Reporting, continued: o Prepares the Comprehensive Annua ~ Financia Report as required by oca , state and federa regu ations and aws o CAFR is used nationwide to rate the City's bonds, estab ish credit, decide on buying the City I s bonds, and determine the City's abi ity to continue operations 6 Accaunting Manager CfassNicalion 818106 • Other Accounting Managers , Jurisdiction IUlinimum Maximum City of Spokane $5,476 $67795 Spokane County 47490 6,058 Yakima 47114 61011 Be ingham 47974 61046 Kennewick 51264 71778 Rich and 67264 77830 ' PasCO No minimum 71376 7 ;uui1tiny j%41ynjc~~q i;Issilicatan lirl,;(7: • Recommendation SV Accounting Mgr Grade Minimum Maximum Existing 16 $47393 $57633 P roposed 17 47882 67259 8 ,i.l:i~,.,.1.I -:7I 1'iil }l'iS7~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meedng Date: August 8, 2006 Ciry Manager Sign-off: Item: Check ail tfiat appty ,D consent ❑ old business ❑ new busir►ess ❑ pubUc heanng L~j informatbn 0 admin. report ❑ pendmg legislation AGENDA fTEM TITLE: Personnel Ordinances and Resolutions Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: Cauncil adopted various personnel-related ordinances and resolubons upon incorporation. The purpose of this agenda item is to identify a few areas ot potential madification OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide feedback and direction to staff BUDGET/FINANCtAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS 1 Powerpoint Presentatian Personnel Ordinances • . and Resolutions Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager August 8, 2006 Proposed Changes: • SVMC 2.50 0 2.50.010 Human resources system estab ished Remove at will for represented positions only? Remove at will for all employees? 0 2.50.020 Equa emp oyment opportunity Modify list of protected classes, or remove and cite state and federal laws on which it is based 0 2.50.030 Nondiscrimination Same issue as 2.54.020 Proposed Changes: • SVMC . , continued 0 2.50.040 Sexua harassment Broaden to inc ude harassment in genera Cite state and federa aws Proposed Changes: • Resolution No. 03-015 (Specifying insurance p ans and hea th- re ated benefits for City emp oyees) o Modify the medica insurance provision to ref ect emp oyee cost- sharing of the premium effective 1/1/07 Proposed Changes: Resolution No. 04~020 * Ho idays C arify what happens when emp oyee works on a designated ho iday * Sick ~ave Remove ist of immediate fami!Y members, and cite state and federa aws on which it is based Resolutions with No Proposed Changes o 03-018 Participa#ion in the W~shington Public Er,r~p oyee Retirement System (PERS) o 03-019 Vo ur~~ary emp oyee-funded deferred compensation program o 03-020 Substitute soci a security program c 03-031 Adoption of inifiia job descriptions o 03-032 Adoption of initia pay p an • Next Steps o Draft anguage changes to code and reso utions o Fina ize administrative po icies and procedures CIT'~ OF SPOK4!►!E VALLEY Reques# for Council Action MeetFng DabEr. 08-08-2046 C ifiy Manager SFg n-ofF: ftem: Check ali #t'aat apply: El ce,nserrt El oId businefs 0 new business ❑ public hearing D inforrrcatiofi X admiri. repcrrt [71 Pending Iegis9atron AGENDA ITEM TITLE; TMDL Report Qne of the Courrcil 2006 gaa9s Es to continue mvnitoring vvastewater issues, includlng govremance of wastewa#er faciRies, enhanced cftizen awareaess of opt}ons for the #utute and pursuit of the mast e#ficient arrd economic-al use af aIloved vwastewater discharges. Council members attended a presentation an the draft Fundamental Cancepts of the Spokane Raver Dissafveci Oxygen PEan cn July 13„ 2006_ Counctlmember [~L-nenny, counciC liaison, vvi6l ptouide aro update. Council considetation of ~ndorsea-rrent cwr accep#ance of this agreement will Iake pface vra resolut€on at a Future Cauncii rraeeting. OPTIONS: RECOIYIIMENDEL7 ACTIC)N OR N!OTION: ~equest ~ouncil input. BUDCaETlFINANCIAL 1MRACTS: SfiAFF C+DN7ACT: ~oLtncilrnember Dack Depenny ATTACliMElWTS Spokane River D:i~so[ved Oxygen Pian -Fundamental Crncepts Povwerpoint ~ • r : i _ ~ ' r . `3 ~ ~ ~ LAP ' ~.,,4: ' j. _ - . _ _ ' . . . ' ~y ~ ~ ~ `~~'~a Nr ~ 1 -i .f~^ _ 4r=~ _H~~~~~,'~i' • ; _ . i-. i ~ i . ~~4[" ' ,ts . ~ - • ' 1- '•1 ~N ~ ' ~ ~ 4 1 . !R • . ~ ~ ' r ~ .i ! ' ~ 10-'~" •-.1'~'. :1~ ~;~ry ~i Z~ . ~ ~ ~ • ~~~~~r'~T\ f h 1~t~- t • . ~'A"f • ~I •..R'1 ~ ' w T ~ : y 1 ~ „I ~'r: .1* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t o . . L ~ ~ t ~ t ~ .,i ~ ' ~~'A7~`~ ` ~~r~ _ ~ " ~ c• r~~1, ~ ` i J'~1 ~~J.~ ti y _ r ~ti• ~ ~i;t Ai-7►' ~ ~-1.~"r~ ` :,t';~^ . ~ , y ~f ~ ~ ~„r• ~ , „ ~~r.t : ~ ~ ' ~~r'I~+ ' . 1' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ • ' ' ~ ~i F r ~ . i . ~ ~ s - . • ~ L :Y ~ . ~.i.~~ ~ ~ ~ , i~ . yr . ~~/r _ 5 y~~ ~~l~ • . ~ . iy...i,~' ~ . Spokane River Disso ved Oxygen P an Foundational Concepts Spokane Collaboration Objective: . ■ Our A Healthy River • Fish n eed oxyg e n; state water qua ity standards set a desired eve of disso ved oxyg e n • Our p an contro s phosphorus because phosphorus imits oxygen • 20-year p an a ows .h. municipa ities to invest in . . , . 'capita improvements now _..,,•,:~.sr ~y- i . . ~ . . \ . . . Who was 'n the Co aborat'on? • Co-Chairs: dischargers and regu ators - Todd Mielke, Spokane County Commissioner - Dave Peeler, Ecology Water Quality Director • Other: - City of Spokane, County of Spokane - Spokane Valley, Liberty Lake Sewer & Water - Coeur d'Alene, Airway Heights - Local industry: IEP, Kaiser - Environmental Groups: Lands Council, Sierra Club - Tribes Why Collaborate? • Eco ogv and Dischargers were at an impasse. • Co aboration gathered data in teams, rather than argue about facts. • Co aboration avoids court batt e and de ays. • De ayi ng wou d mean more po ution & ess possibi ity for economic growth. . . •/ll i''~' ~ _ Foundational Concepts • We have "foundationa concepts" or an aqreement in princip e that wi guide creation of the fina- "Vanaged - mp ementation P an" during 2006. - Summer, Fa 2006: pub ic hearings, detai ed engineering, budgeting p ans. - 2007: A coordinating and monitoring counci is formed to oversee p an and approve joint actions. Point and Non-Point Sources • Phosphorus enters the river two ways: - Point Sources: wastewater treatment and industria discharge direct y into the river. - Nonpoint sources: phosphorus which enters the water indirect y: soi erosion, septic tanks, stormwater and agricu tura runoff. • Co aboration P an addresses both point and non-point. Key Findings • Current ~reatment P ant ~echno ogy cannot fu y reach phosphorus e imination goa s. • Each discharger must choose, insta and run effective techno o9Y for each treatment p ant, and then if needed work to e iminate the difference through additiona actions. • After 10 years, process is reviewed. 20-year Plan Ti eline First Ten Second Ten Yea rs ~ . . Yea rs Review ; . ~ - - ~ - ear 5-year ~ 5 year 5 year ~ i 5 y ' NPDES NPDES NPDES ' NPDES , Permit ~ Permit Permit, . Permit ; ♦ _ ~ Point Source Phosphorus Point Sources Current Maximum Permitted: 400 Ibs/da v City of Spokane Inland Empire Paper 2'0 0 Ibs/daY current outflow Kaiser Alurninum 15 Ibs/day interim goal New County Piant 6 Ibs/day final goal '0 & 20 Year s: bs. day goa per . , e, • , . , 1 • D 20 • 1 D • • _ • o_• • rus •d) (m (lb- d. • ' • . •d Liberty Lake 1.41 0.12 1.51 0.13 Kaiser Aluminum 15.4 1.29 15.4 1.29 Inland Empire Paper 4.1 0.34 4.1 0.34 City of Spokane: - from City of Spokane 36 41.77 - from Spokane County 5.76 9 i - from Airway Heights 0 0 Total CitY of Spokane 41.76 3.49 50.77 4.24 Spokane County g 0.67 8 0.67 (new plant) « How Much . 11 0Ng/l • We are working with . . millionths of a gram (p) 100Ng/l 90Ng/i • The TMDL uses concentration soNgn of P in millionths of grams per 7oN9/' liter (pg/1) 60Ngll • Goals are translated into lbs. 50Ngll 40p9„ per day 30Ng/I 20Ng/I 1 0pg/I ~ S "o\,N ork►ng am ~ • We are ~r nOf a ira{. {.i0~ • m~r~~~~° conGe~' 0 9~~ L P~r uS~s 11 ~ -~~ID rams . The . ~ ~ of ~ oo~,9ti . Itanth mil n of p r ~0~►9 o gll iter vv at ai~t~ s ~ ~ er ~l to u ~ • 70~►~ or . -Ghe stat ~,re w ~ o 6pvg11 ard we . ~ ra . ~d ~ ~t f~r a~h~ 1 yea 5a►Ig1•eve l.n the ~ 40011 ml? Is Ao \jg 3aµ,~i~ the - - - _ - 000 000 2aN~~~ ! ! _ ! ;ip~i-~-~► mOrra~v s , o s oint a , -Treatment P Spoy ne sc~u a rGes) on t . bUt nat ~ V9 9:1\jer ~,gaod1ob, eno do tQ Ao ooN9~' • g h t° get c ose are d~ •charglng u , S \ant, . ~'adaY 70Wg11 ~ ~ ht ~zp0 ~,t~ m g , . . ed or new P~ ~ . 5oV9n upgrad ~.o~,g~ te\Ner , ach~ •eve 75, 5(), or 3~1~9 improvement! n huge a 2p0g11 Today's P Tomorrow's « Delta 110Ng/I • But techno ogy improvements 1 00p9/l a one ike y won't reach 10 90Ng/I soN9/i pg/ 70Ng/I • The difference between 10 pg/I and whatever the best run feasible technology can do is 60Ng/I called "The Delta" 50pg/I , 40Ng/I - 30p9/I I The Delta 20Ng/I 1 0Ng/I Use Best Technology int Sources Plan Requires Best Po Technology #o of Spokane Eliminate As Much City of Phosphorus as Inland Empire Paper Possible at Point Sources. Kaiser Aluminum Then Looks to Added Action: New County Plant "Delta Elimination Program" « e a Eli m ination" Progams Point Sources City of Spokane Eliminate Septic Tanks I nland EmPire PaPer Soil Erosion Control Kaiser Aluminum No-P Detergent, etc. Water Conservation New County Plant - Water Re-Use I j, How to Eliminate the Delta • Jurisdictions wou d receive additiona credit for actions that remove phosphorus from the river: - Re-using "Class A" reclaimed water instead of sending it to the River - Conserving water - P"source control" opportunities like limiting urban fertilizer and dishwashing detergent use - Regional non-point source reduction program - Septic tank elimination program - Proving a P discharge is not "bio-available" "Oversight & Coordination • An "4versight Committee" is formed with Eco ogY and dischargers. - We're not sure what structure is best: interlocal agreement, non- profit organization. The group manages the non-point source program. • pwo mi ion do ars annua y for regiona programs. - Coordinate regional programs. - Allocate funds. - Monitor programs. - Annual reports from Ecology. - Major River Status Reports every two years. New Spokane County Plant • New county p ant wi provide modern P remova techno ogy and capacity for - More septic tank conversions - Creating rnore C ass A rec aimed water for re- use during critica season • County pant: - Must meet 10 pg/ right avvay with avai ab e techno ogy . P.an Recognozes Rea ity • nterim and Fina imits wi Recognize: - Lack of general experience with P-removal technology and probable start-up issues - Actual experience-based capability of plants. • Eco ogy Recognizes nvestment Stabi ity: The investment in phosphorus removal technology is recognized by Ecology as having a 20-year life, and no significant modifications or replacements of phosphorus removal facilities will be required during the term of the MIP. Modifications fo installed technology that best available data indicate would enhance phosphorus removal performance and are efficient and cost- effective may be required. * P an is Seasona: August to October - - - J , Meeting the Goa-s • First 10 years: - Performance on Actions is required - Specific outcome from Actions is monitored - We work hard and assess • Second 10 years: - Make adjustments according to results - Continue to pursue improved DO • After 20 years we meet the water qua ity standards in effect at that time Next Steps • Creation of Coordinating Counci • ~ urisdictions -egis ative Action • 'echno ogY P an •"De ta E imination" P an • Engineering Report • nteri m imits CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 8, 2406 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: El consent ❑ old business X new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report 0 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative Report, Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) regarding the Walker Army Reserve Center declared surplus property by the Army. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Federal statutes and regulations regarding base closure and federal property disposal/reuse authorities. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council previously heard a presentation by a Department of Defense (DOD) representative who indicated that the City could form an LRA to manage the disposal of property process or the Army would if the City chose not to. The Council elected not to form an LRA in favor of pursuing potential acquisition of the property for municipal purposes. BACKGROUND: The disposal/reuse process has been redefined by DOD and the Army will not ~ attend to the process nor will the State of Washington form an LRA for that purpose. The City must now either reconsider establishment of an LRA and either create one or inform DOD that it will not. If not, the Department of Housing and Urban Development will be taslced to oversee the disposal process. An extension of time until September 8, 2006 has been requested in order to provide Council with additional time to receive pertinent information and deliberate its decision. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consider rnaterials presented at the meeting, identify other data of interest and provide direction to staff. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The Office of Economic Adjustment has grant funds available to assist the City in paying for a defined scope of services that accomplishes the multifaceted property disposal planning process. STAFF CONTACT: Dave Mercier, City Manager ATTACHMENTS 4. Vresenta.t.ion: State and Loca) Screening 1. 2005 BFLAC Recommended Reuse Prdc.ess Timetable 2. Bibliography of applicable fcderal • ; statutes and regulations 3. 1'resentation: Homeless Screening at BRAC Installations KUTAK ROCK LLP suirE 1000 1101 CONNECtICUT AVENUE, N.W yWcAOC OENYkR WASHINGTON. O C 20D384374 oES Moiwea FA tEtTEViIIE (202) 826-2400 INYINE FACSIMILE 202 8-2488 K~MS~a c~rr ( IE2 iI►tLe NOCK LOS ANOEtE$ www,RUl8#roct.com OKLANOVA C11Y OMAnA PA8AD5MA RItNNOND SLaTT36AlE WlCMitA DEPARTMFNT OF DEFENSE BASE CLOSURE AND FEllERAL PROPF RTY DISPOSAL AUTHQRITIES compi(cd by Georgc R. 5chlossbcrg and Paul D. Kalomitis 19th F:dition May 31, 2001 TABLE nF CON1'ENTS STATUTES: Base C:losure Act t(1988); Uefonse Authoria.ation and Base Closure and RCalignment Acl, as amcnded IPub. L. No. 100-526, 102 Stat. 2623 (1988)) [IU U.S.C. §2687 notcj 'I'AI3 I Base Closure Ac1 11 (1990); DcfensC E3ase Cfosum and 4tealignment Act of 1490, as amer►ded I 1'uU. L. No. 10 1 -5 l U, 104 Stat. 1808 (1990)] TAB 2 E3ase Closurrx and Realignmcnts [ 10 U.S.C. §26871 TAB 3 Fcdcral Propcrty and Adininistrxtivc Serviccs Act of 1949, as wnended [40 U.S.C. §gsa 1-s?4) TAR 4 Federal Airport Act [49 U.S.C. §47125; Convcyance af Airport Land or Airspace] TAD S Militciry Leasing Act [10 U,S.t. §2667; Leases: Non-excess Property of Militury• Dcpartments] "fAI3 6 Military Base Reuse Studies and Community Planning Assistance I 10 U.S.C. §23411 TAi3 7 Defense F.cor►omic Adausiment, Diversificatian, CUIIYCCSIQR, and Slabili-ration Act of 1990 (10 U.S.C. §2391 (note)]; including Economie Adjustment Committe.e, TAB 8 Dcpartmcnt of Defense Sbelter 1'rogram [10 U.S.C. §2556; Shelter for I lomctess) TAB 9 49r6-3:Q14513 i KUTAK ROCK LLP SUITE iDOO ATLANTA 1101 CONNECTICUT AVENUE, N.W. cHicaco • OEOJVER WASNING70N, D.C. 20Q36-4374 D@S MOIKF,$ KAYETTEVI4,I.E (202) 828•2400 i R V 1 N E . FACSIIAILE (202) 828-2488 KANSAS CITY • IITTLE FiOCiC ' L6S ANGEI@S www,kvtakrock.com OK6AH0lAA CIYY • OA1A,Mh PA3ADEttA RIGN►tOPD ' SC6I'TSDAL[ WICHITA DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BASE CLOSURE . A_rrv FEDERAL PRQPEl2.TY DISPOSAL AUTHORI:TIES Compilccl by George R. Schlossberg and Paul D. Kalomiris 19th Edition vlay 31, 2006 TABLF, OF CONTFN1'S STATUTES: Base ClosurE: Act I(1988); Defense Authorization and Base Closure and Realignment Act, as amended [I'ub. L. No. 100-526, 102 Skit. 2623 (1988)] [lU U.S.C. §2687 note] "1'AB I Base Closure Act II (1990); Defense F3ase Closure and ltealignment Act of 1990, as amended [Pub. L. Ne. ] 0[-51 p, 104 Stat. 1808 (1990)] I'A13 2 Rase Glosures and Realignments [10 U.S.C. §2687] TAB 3 E'ederxl }'roNerty znd Administrxlive Services.Aet nf 1949, as amended [40 U.S.C. §§541-5741 TAB 4 Fedeeal Airport Act [49 U.S.C. §47125; Conveyanc;e of Airport Gand or Airspace] TAB S Military Leasing Act [10 U.S.C. §2667; Leases: Nnn-excess Property of Military Departments] TAB 6 Military Base Reuse Studies and Comrnunity Planning Assistance [10 U.S.C. §2391] 1°AB 7 Defense E.conomic Adjustment, 17ivcrsification, Conversion, and Stabilization F1ct of 1990 [10 U.S.C. §2391 (nnte)]; including Economic Adjustment Committee TAB 8 Departmerri of Defense Shelter Program [10 U.S.C. §2556; Shelter for I-lorneless] TAB 9- 4816-3494-4513.1 KUTAK ROCK LLP TABLE ()F CONTLNTS 19th Edition May 31, 2006 Acquisilion of Property at or Near Ulilitary Bases Vl'hieh Have }3een Ordered ta I3e Closed [42 U.S.C. §3374] TAB 10 CERCLA - Section 120 of die Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and l..iability Act [42 U.S.C. §9620] (includes Community rm=ironmental Response Facilitation Act (CCRrA)) "IAB 1 I Seclion 330 of National Iacfense Authorization Aet for Fiscal Year 1993 [I'uh. L. Nlo. 102- 484, 106 Stat:. 2315 (1992); Indemnification] TAB 12 Section 8013 af Dcpartment of Defenss Appropriatinns Act of 1994 [Pub. L. Na 103-139, 107 Stat. 141$ (1993); Indian 1'ribes] TAI3 13 Departme_nt oCDef'ense Environmental Re:storation 1'rogram (10 U.S.C. §2701] TAB 14 Workf'orce Investment Systems: TA13 15 a. Job Corps - 5pecial Provisions [29 U.S.C. §2898]; b. National Programs - L)emonstration, Pilot, Multiscrvice; Research, and Multistacc PrAjects [29 U.S.C. §2916J; c. National Programs - National Emergency UranLq [29 U.S.C. §2918]. Public Qenefit Conveyance AuthoriCies: "1:1_B 16 a. Matrix of Relevant Authorities; b. NTegdtiated Sale [40 U.S.C. §545(b)]; c. Education [40 U.S.C. §550(c)]; d. Public Health [40 U.S.C. §550(d)]; e. 1'ark and Recreation [40 U.S.C. §550(e)]; f. Self I-ielp Housing [40 U.S.C. §550(f)J; g. Hisloric Monument [40 U.S.C. §550(h)]; h. Correctional, Law Enforcement, and rmergency Management Responsc (Including I=irc;) [40 U.S.C. §553]; i. I'ort Facility [40 U.S.C. §5541; j. Ilomeless [McKinney-Vento 1-Iomelcss Assistance Act: Public FIeallh and WelCare [Use of Unutilized and Underulilized F'ublic Buildings and Real Property to Assist the Homeless] [42 iJ.S.C. § 11411 k. Wildlife Conservation [16 U.S.C. §667b-dJ; 1. Public Airport [49 U.S.C. §47151]; M. Highway - Aequisition oFRights-of-Way/Tnterstate System [23 U.S.C. 07] n. Highway - Appropriation for Highway Purposes of L-inds or Interest5 in L,ands Otivned by the United States [23 U.S.C. §317]; o. 1Viclening of Public Roads [40 U.S.C. § 130A(b)]; p. Power Transiiiission Lines (50 U.S.C. App. § 1622(d)). . 4816-3494-4513. I 11 KUTAK ROCK LLP TABLE OF CONTENTS 19th Edition May 3l , 2006 . . National 1iist'oric Preservation: 7'AB 17 a. Declaration of Policy of the Federal Government [16 U.S.C. §470-1]; b. Historic Prescrvation Program [16 U.S.C. §470a]; c. Effect of Federal Underkakings upon Property Listed in National IZegister; Comment by Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (16 U.S.C. §470fJ; d. Hisroric Properties Owned or Cantrolled by Federal Agencies 1;16 U.S.C. §70h-2). Archaeological Resources Protection [16 U.S.C. §470aa-mm] TA.I3 18 Utility Systems: Conveyance Authority [10 U.S.C. §2688] TAB 19 Cxchange Agreement Authority for R.eserve Compoiients [10 U.S.C. § 18233] TAB 20 EXECUTIVE ORDERS AiNZ) PItFSIUEIVTIAL POLICY STA'fEMFN"I'S: Superfund Irnplement.atinn, a.s amended [Exec. Order No. 12580 of January 23, 19871 TAB 21 17efense rconomic Acljustmcnt Program, as amended [Txec. Order No. 12788 of January 15, 1992) TAB 22 Federal Actions to Address T'nvironmcntal JusiiCe in Minority Populations and Low-Ineome Populations, as amended [Exec. Order No. 12898 of February 11, 1994] ']'aI3 23 Fccleral Real Property Asset vianabement [Exec. Order No. 13327 of February 4, 20047 TAB 24 President's Five Point Program co Revitaliie Base Closure Cnmmunities (dated ]uly 2, 1993] TAB 25 1tECIJT.,ATI0NS: 2005 $R.AC Recammendations Reuse Timeline TAB 26 General Servic;es Admini5tration Regulations: Federal Property Ulanagcment [41 C.F.R. § 102- 75; Rcxl Property Disposal] TAB 27 Department of Defense Directive Nlo. 3030.1, dated March 5, 2006, "OCfice of rconomic Adjustmetli (OEA)" 7'a]3 28 Qcpariment of Defense: Navy Regulations [32 C.F.R. §736; Disposition of Yroperty] 'I AB 29 Departrtient of 14ealth and Wuman Services: McKinney Aet IZegulations (45 C.F.R. § 12a; Use of Federal Real Property 1'o Assist the Hameless] TAB 30 17epartment of Housing and Urban Dcvelopmc;nt Regulations [24 C.F.R.. §586; Revitalizin? i3ase Closure Cornmunities - Community Redevelopment and Iiomeless Assistance] TA$ 31 4816-344414513.1 jjj KUTAK- ROCK LLP TABLE UF CONTENTS 19th Tdition c i 1VIay 31, 2006 . Public 13enefit Transfier 19emorandum oF t\greement between the Uepartments of Education, f•lealth and Human Services, lnterior, TranSportation, Defense, Army, h'av}', and Air rorce [March 1997] TA13 44 Department of Defense 13ase Redevelopmenl and R.calignment Manual, dated March l, 2006 [DoD 4165.66-M] TAB 45 U.S. i7epartrxient of Housing anil Urban Development Office of Community Plailning and llevelopment: "GuidebUOk on Military I3ase Reuse and Homeless Assistance" [T9ay 20061 "1AB 46 Memoranda by the lleputy Uncier Sceretaryo uf Defense: "No-CosC F.DC Policy Guidance" and "No-Cost Eeonomic Devclopment Conveyance AuthQrity" [October 29, 19991 TAB 47 Memorandum by the Deputy Under Secretary of Dcfiense: "Lead-Based 1'aint Po1ie}' for Uisposal of Residential Real Property" [January 7, 20001 '1'A}`3 48 iMemorandum 6y the Deptrty Under Seeretary of Defense: "1'olicy on Land Use Coiitrols Assoeiated with Environmeiital Restoration Activikies" [January 17, 20011 TAB 49 Memoraildum by the Deputy Under Secretary of Dcfense: "Guidance nn I.and Use Control AgrEements with Environmcntal Regulatory_ Agencies" [March 2, 200]] TtU3 50 L,egaI Authority and Policy Guidance, Deferral of CERCT.A EnvironiTiental Covenant: TAB 51 a. Ivlernorandum by the Under Sec;relary of T)efense: "Environmental Review Proee,ss to Obtain the Finding of Suitability Reyuired Ctir C1se of Early '1`ransfer Authority for Property Not on the National Priorities [,:ist" (April 24, 1995] b. Depar[enent of Defense: "E3rly Transf'er Authority: A Guide to Using FTr1 to llispose of Surplus Property" [May 2004] c. Memorandum by the Environmental Protection Agency to Superfund Uivision Directoes, RCRA Division Directors and Itegional Counsel: "Interirn CuidanC.e for EPA's Base realignment 3nd Closure (I3RAC) Progrlm" [April 27, 2006] Guidance Letter by the Assistant Secrcta'y of Labor for Employmcnt ar►d Traiiiirig: "Warkforce Investment System Support of Actions oCthe 2005 Bsse Realignment and Closure Commission (BIZAC)" [August 11, 20051 TAB 52 481 f,-34914S 13. I v KUTAK ROCK LLP . TABLE OF CONTEl~'TS 19th Edition May 31, 2006 . Uepartmcnt of Educatien Ite~ulations [34 C.F.R. §12; I~ispnsal and Utili2atian of Surplus Real Propcrcy for rducational Purposes] TAB 32 Department of HcalCh and Numan Se.rvices Itegulations [45 C.F.R. §12; Disposal and Uti lization of Surplus Rcal Property for Public F Iealth 1'urposes] TAB 33 Airports: TAB 34 a. Federal Aid to flirports [14 C.F.R. §I5 1J; b. Airport Aid 1'rogram [14 C.F.R. § 152]; c. Release of Airport Property from Surplus Property pisposal Restrictions [14 C.N.R. § 155]; d. Notice of Consxruetion, AlteraCion, Activation, and Deactivation ofi Airports [14 C.F.R.§1571. Depar[rnent of Transportation, Maritime Adrninistration Regulations [46 C.F.R. §387; Utilization and Disposal of Surplus Federal Reat Property for 17eveloptrient or Operation of a - f'ort Faeilicy] TAB 35 Advisory Council on Historic Prescrvation: TAB 36 a. Protectiort of Historic Properties [36 C.F.R. §800J; b. Proc;edures for Irnplementation of National Fnvironmental Policy Acl [36 C.F.K. §805]. Department of 17efense Sheltcr Program [32 C.F.R. §226; Shelter for the 1qomcless] TAB 37 17epartmcne of Defense Rebulations [32 C.F.R. § 174; R.evitalizing I3asc Closure Commu►iities and Addressing Trnpacts of Realignment] TAB 38 Uen3rl.ment of Defense Regulations [32 C.F.R. § 176; Revitalizing $ase Glosure Communitics and Community Assistancc - Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance] TAB 39 Department of Defense ltegulations [32 C.F.R.. §202; Restaration Aclvisory I3oards] TAB 40 Department of T.7efense Final R.ulc: "°1 echnical Assistance for Publie Participation (TAPP) in 17efensc Environmental Restoration rlctivilies" [63 Fecf. Keg. 5255 (codified at 32 C.r.R. §203):) TAB 41 Memorandum by the Under Secretary of Defense: "Responsibility for Additiona! Environmental Cleanup after TransFer of Real Property" [July 25, 1997] TAB 42 Department of DeferisclEnvironmental Protection Agency Joint Guidance on Streamlinetl Site Closcout and NPId taeletion I'racess for DUU Facilities [January 19, 2006] TAB 43 4816-349411513.1 - 1w - r ::,►,~s'~ , - - - ; . ~ . "'i/.i:~.!/~'S ~ ~DEF~ENTS~~E , r4_.~ : . 1 lomc:lcss Screening at RRAC Tnstallations RVt!t11..rjU. I'artw►l4flmwry. McAesmo 1 aor 6 Udriite LL!'. Waskleglse, if(4 UUtlIIIe: t bw:ksrouoe 1 I Pnx+odurc A Prnocas iTl C:etungFil.fi Appruvsl ! V ('asc Studies & Kaonrea I f~ ~ fiackground of BFtAC Homelcss Assistancc • ly8? Pxxan~c af thc 4ir.~imt+cy ilomeleR Au~nct A Lt fiwunod 1991 uid 19931xx clamra 904 N1 Rl, VA. ItHS, GSA, & homelda wxtmcc {vcyvwdrn .uo/rn Nu dc McKcmx-y Aa u mrdoqusts In nd4ttflw tiae tioarn 1994 Ame,+fAmod tn 1lit HRAC WLlst - l'rovann'..WS bane draim, u amcrufn! m 1946 l Prorrdures dic 1'roues.; I.1'ddiflg UP lD IIiC jD RCYICW I 1'he poT)'i Offioe uf EcaKRnsc Ad)uqmerM (OEA ) narMS ofTla■I rocc+gnu►oo to a LAA- _ 1.14A coiklucv outreuh whfim JOJae, ,I,•: !:,,1 v i,! 1,rda.es are doclaied inrptw _ 1. il.A A4LfV'Cs NOtitd Or lLI.CtCil'Nr , N~nan VO ~n 1710 4ays ~fter mmplr.t~,,, r ~ 4 I N.A Ot'.51i,. ;.:~1C.r~,.:r--~~'^I'. I'll'~ I i~~~~._I_. ~:;ir.a~cr `•.r. •i.' L ~'i-•'~ ,-..i~.~i Recognition & Uutreach ~ 1 k:t (tccngnmon- • Qvtreaa9y by I.ftA, uccqpuzcd bY CIFA - Publpntt avadabiliry (_PFa mufiu o( sumlus hwldingi L:ImMUry afLAA Run Ifn od in a Inerl newsiwpcr wdh lnmd 1.NA muq dliYw arculpuan initfmum aummuniry ttwluJe un+a pcnoA ingul.. wlKn N1)T'R Can be t C:[K'[d (lt lCi51 90 Ja) s md not more Ihan iNO dm) - Hatt r wortahop cm mtlmvtt~~ 11(St~ , ~ , , , NO[s & thc Creaticm of a Itedevclopmcnt Plan •!.R A rtma dctamme • Draft af R edv-, rI,pmicnn w>uch NUII WNuKwft. Ylatt uxot te tviut4Lre i, • I_RA muq nepbhMe rrtth the PutA't homeles atiimoce • LRA mwt mtnntl pl" i,> pvwkdert Filf[) 270 drys atlu :nC • I.RA muq enw bmdmg orw«n rucn< ,,,rrel.ricaa..,tn nomden • lfro a,n R►,e. ~ a-n +mmaera pnwnlat wOun 60 dlyt of . oamplde suhmuu-,i ` - 44 Hc7nieless Assisiancc Submissian • [n,nrmORM .bntA hamek,ma. w nK .rs.. nauUu= umemly in~tilstlc. md nutabdrty ef wrpho btlddingE m compictC tbt caMOmmef ufute • Druizoaoa ofNd Aeoaans 1_gallv Brrrling Acrr_mcp1n • Eialanct betWaen euYqude dcl ciuonrut und'.iu-i.c:c.3 asbrirabe - OtdrsacA oonducu+d by LpA • f(rnew MJ17lnoImafe ind Rquturi.m: ~n n:•..u: t`ial ir,r stt6minion ie tompltte 1,- [)~~n't {trin~rnt tlic 1~~'l~~rl • Cutquiuunt cdNpfiwlrta l'srt f'~ttttrar~i arut ic.%ra;TUfnf nl itc tusiltofitdn'ufurly mtid t,1m1iics wtw•, aic hrm+clc:-~- 'nay booon+e harrulea • ['n~aldued FMm • Olliv plammg dix:rnenb 1Enpiwc=nvif 7•uKn E~.tdcrpriseCr4menn,n imunhi vouqN cl. ) f 3 I IU[)'s Standards of Rc viru, • Is thc applKaiM onsrrkic' • Ralencx Rrvicv►- - lhtt7ts[h' Nomdesti 1xi, ~ ukrt •.huutd Ir, Lncn aJrqwYt infarrnWjun. ume and lxtp M LRA - ticril. Siit o( the txmclcas pnpuleuoe and thc :natus of tl►c conarrtiuru of carc aad sujubfih :urplus huddmgs tn mcrt the nceds of the htnnrlc+K I~ - t IiUL)'!~ titsndards ul Itevie%~, impaci Ewnomic tmpewj uf the humclcts asmstancc tm cort+muaitits in the "cmm nf Lhc iruaallailun ~-'unsistency LRA plae sboold bc cnn.5uccnt N.ith conaulidetcd plan ind ot!►cr loal pliaa►ing documcnta Hnlanct. The onmmwut►es tnonom►c nealn :hould he appropnattly halanccd wath the necdn of the hcmuicxs • ['_nftxaab~L~~ I 1,.c vnur nrplicn:ion ss an upix,rtnnits tu m.J.r %uul6.c.c' 11) 1 fl1I) f rp1ain ycrur tcuoas frx nccclnmg and rrjc:ung each homelcss NU) m+1 make suie 1IL!I? i:nocas whn infurmcd your derncion-cnaking ; Fttplain r►fiy you ifimk ynu mci ull thc rc%, wx critrno, rn p:tnm:alir, tititv }rwr Frlan iti hnlavrd momma 4 Naval S[xtiuii R►x►tic%cll Rimcls (Puerto Riw) •).ocl() eue, or We,rd ,.boo r.ca,nei rM I ri:~: • i.octled in a rual ua • F.»Matlcm of homddt popdonon dtytsqwnnab}y young md femdr • li~utod Ir~o woti~kpr fcx lxrnelds ~sF~~;nn:: ~drn. rtccrved hwo NUiL, sdocted mc • f'ricaiod s trrwuaW Aoumng pojcn tfut fwn u■ 1wxmdm wcxne: wfi,-y art vicUmt uf dortxahc violcn:c Kcy Wcst (FL) Naval Air Station • Sevcral prcdt tdlsn0 oa Key Wc4 wcre cuunKa u. stttou • ho cnnsolidaled pLit dmr ba» Ncraeteu AAvocaic', dau ad Counry Crxaialum of Csre Plen lwmiolera , opulaum af 147 . v}iaeiden NOis roceivod, ezkmrve afmon umok r,,iow Od we d ubitrebor. • Redevelnped eulduy 6ommg uot in drne maln,tiJ wca_ Acdtcatirun 44 of ??R w+te tn hurrxlco hvinnr • iit frnClcvc ad•:•~Ft". aiil%r1s c-~ti;:nn' L_ : Mcniphis ( IN) l7r.fensc Depot •"CIO atcn nf Iaod aed 130 fidlmer fbt Mma tn ¢wu:1r uul va upr mwucql turport - Rewewdl amsnlidated rdion srW rnpged homcfot. oAvaaara tarly un rnlium6 drm u+ 4raf1uM the I kA • Seat mvtWWm tn Mimdcn advotala Io lout buhty • lietenrod 1iK LmncEw N('lTt, rot VCtanr AlTun h1,I • f4qvldad dgdl htMSing un+tt (rR hnrtttdeu vttr-ars nRi l'ICaICd ~~OD{I~IIMIIb YY~ ~ll~1j~ •flCl~ W1~f~1 :cnu:+ l I~z~~~~ircr>; • w_6.-. 1~~nonh iIN ti;i i K7 ( I~rN'1 imxu~ :'71~5, u :l.,l • Rnin~111 A~Il~1O14 - )ACri PoI Sb luip:'hrwrwwfiFnfoWWwvfidn{WWC.. 'ddflMlk~l,rr~•.~~ ~i ml 7: CiR rnt 1?h MtQ l.Mw~v wadqRm~uh&* oriy. nJ ~ IIIJDFddtlRwol7d~adA~es~cA•r1M: , • li~ kedcviapnrM wd Lylipn~es¢ Msual i U.-www rq:xdmdAw'.nn-mw h6rrV4I0R:.. - : ,..I l i 4 ~ Ciudehoult on MdllsY Bre Rae[ d Munoen Aswwu,- lliap o+wm !mt ~u.+d14 N.Jc su cfiw) • 1um:~an af OdenN Gxnnwrlrceo Iwp Pvww.ddmm. ilw utanp"R - _Cmm R, ir•, I q mrn . l<,cd Ms thr emaam nnporera wfamr,r. C~tv+~d~uv1 i'~u~ ~wi frnUnirm ~d 1'-nr i fi . l ~ . . r _ ~ DEfEAiSE . ~ lWAcoMMuxmEs _ State ancl Local Scteerring Pr+c►cess (~WOVt_1~,~ AN&-y, P,LA htadrwo. LLP. San Franobco, G , , Purpose of State and ii01A h~ Loul SCreenfng Process - - ~ . A.uuAt rquMmMq t.cr! ;intae ;`an - dwOMnO?amr" apm3r u~ 1ar oruet'wvla ,-WwWv CwwYW%s rtWlwu id wncxM "ts+a. p.niarrfy Nwic ew.4 c.ww.yMc• - c:cvrq*wwA wh ha+uftu oLMrowtZ mqurm+arnz I • fadlblm pulnacfi arKj Rripwma puawna 4M ~ Pubtic Benefit Conveyances (PBCs): Overview . I • Gulrroyrm-:ee fv x4%unc oWlk pvpaw ijwb arw opW bgw rdloeb, r&4W vU toCIbn arrahs. 4Kc I • Uluenw napsre nuat oo pubi[ vety u mtaln aonfwnn rny.~.raom. {•.p ..d,oa owe.. b.u+a. utn nsW - GeWs poMde tar itnfdon lo bA111Wd / INV n nni Iur.pC u1ld fu µf"hE pwrpON • PRCs eRmUQ t0 0o millt f7*mIMlt pr9plYmod Itf -20D'J IDC^A as a +rry d mairvnrq lool tnrArcl d *d Ihal my ~rn ca be a~nf uw nI f`flC s'ou: ~nO.fr fwr1M7Y nt ia^.l .:ao Pi~ - •,spo,so~" PBc$ INpIA t: • Uea: EdxcWin, iMA1r. nnlln fmlny. pMvrUrnaaion.i siws. oQt foO/1y. a0c ' Re¢sttl qPbwoA~OR 01' a qpOrlmk~p F/Oara A ger.ey (e q IJetlWrl Prlt 6ank.f. MPa~ d t0,.- • MP^a'f ag: ~nc :~rqnrp m n~.ns.-r~r.l aL'^r.cy ~-r ,«1u~" . f-f:• ici..utr•yirc rti:J, RiliFlO'- ~ l' "Approved" PBCs ~~p~•~'.. • umm Mm-le*ral oortamwvl rmau11m. twv wAnMr-i emsont,~' mrtwwf+rf r"paw MWth 07rwfYmmc" NoAnnc pr1L/wOnrL ~1OSi14c ard ixm+f Irmren,,_ IMls .---prn sLiM~vr~ i'mt` Mucary ~-xiecra drec~ r.-. a-_~ tcup.s4. , ,f-. ~ Mechanlcs oi I'lC)1tl : Screaning/Outreath - - • LRA r.mw+wun • oegm ~ Do ar►a anw doc7 nwu~nn c~t!c,u w v~,~+ ,vn$AkAbm • f11Gb111Y11Mw" ild prDUOtlee r~ :.y-e~ • Haw x I." anr awk nrri*ro •;~-kM ncli~s uf nlr~ ~Rte Mr~rraM p~r~:rc ,r ~i P:v:nr~i :'BC +bOtih2*2KlfOd f1M1IW. P~ ~~:~tt-ta e~_ i •_msAna ta exprnsxcy rtttrnxt rm m{a ttian 7 nmt!•.s m+: m id,r thvi b morez die pnA1cAGcrt, ol Ilts W nq{Fa ' Using the Results of 11i 0l~'t~'' the Screening Process . " . _ NoOCnt d Vlutst wwnna OWq wwweq l.... fw~1A b+zrwdrnC ngnpovy lod Rwne Plan - 1 R~ 11Md~W~7~iD~ye6Dr;..rcns •rudr n or,noccnn: :a i.*NW iuporfatifm anA C/usonpaa • 0ppOtr* mNplM awum rr.1m aqmi+s t~ M2Nc [enslll • CtpMUnRr Wow m+pdeviea kp rame dri .-0-m~pi1 d vaetry lnurt cmr_tr..Wq*s l 'mmme--, x f► , ~ ~ ~DEFuNSE . . - ~ . , . ~