2006, 08-22 Regular Meeting :►GENDA SYOktIEVE VALLEY CITY COUNCTL REGUi.A,R 1%II;E'I1NG Council lllceting it98 '1'uesday. At:gust 22.2006 6:00 p.m. CI-I'Y EIALL AT RF.AR'OO.D PLA7.A 11707 East Spragac Avenue, rirst Fluor Council Requests AU Electrnnlc Drvices br Turneil UC[During Cauneil Mceting C:4LL Tt) ORDF:R: IIYL'nCATION: Pastor Manucl Deaaing, Fountein Miaistrics PLEDGE UF ALLFGIAN('F.: ROLL CAL.L: aPPROYAL OF AGENDA: I\TROI)C?CTION OF Sl'ECIAL GtITSTS AN"D i'IZESENI'ATIUNS: coNzAu-rrEF, BOARD, LIAISON SUN514K1' REPORTS: NiAYOR'S RF.POR"i': Pt1BLIC CONiNIE\TS: C:xccpt «hcrr indicatrd bclow far "pubUc ramatrat" thh, is aii <<ppoctunity fur the public to spcnlk on nny topic. When you romc to thc podium, please state yuur namc attd acldress far the rmxd and limit rcmarks w thre-e minutes. 1. PUTiLIC HEAItiNG: 2007 Rcvcnues - Kcn Thumpson 2. CQNSF.NT 4GENllA: (:ansists of itcros cansidcred rvutinc which are spproved as n group. A ('ouncitnu.~mbes may remove sn item fn?m the Consent Agenda ta be considercd separately. a Following claim voucbcrs: VOUCI1f;R LIST VpU('HER #s TOTAI. VOUCHER nn'I`E AMUUIv'T ()8-07-2006 9644-9671 35.787Z7 08-07-2006 9673-9732 979.795.17 08- t 6-2U06 9742-9743 1,180.00 C,RAND l'O?AL $1,016,762.44 h. Pnyroll Cat Pny Pcrioci Ending August 15, 2006: 5173,301.I? c. Minutcs of luly 18, 2005, Cau»cil Study Session J. Ntinutcs af luly 24,2006 Specini Mceting'Exccutivc ticssion c. .%9inutes of July 25,2006 Council Mccting f Minuces oi :1uQust 6, 2006 Council Niecting NE:W HUSIVEtiS 3 First Rri►ding Nroposcd c)rdinnnce 06-020, (:uniprOwasivc I'lun Anlcndmcnt Procrss Mikc Cunnc;ll4(public commcati ~ Proposecl lZrsaluti(m 06-016 Jab rcti:lassiiication - Ninx Rcgcir [public cammenti :un~ i: A~!crtia RcguLu Mrcting tAic I nt ` S. Mot«ta Cor~~~deration: C•ouncil 5etsLiudget lfearirags Ior Oct l~ ~nd Oct 24 - Ketti -f horn;,-5on [Public camrrtentl fi. MolEon Considcration: Spokane Cotrnty Communicaiions Agreemciit - h^1organ Kcsudetyka [Publiccommenil 7. Mayortil A~puinimenls: Sigu Code Cummittee - Nlayar Willii#e [pUbic comiutnt] 8. ]tlsvcaral Appoinutnen1; Calalc ;#d,* i;om llo=trd - hliayr!r Willtite ipublie cninmeni] P'UBLJC COM71'iEN'TS f.:rccpt where inclic,-~wd ;ihotic t+:ir "puhCic rommcnt'S tliis is an c}pp-vrunity 1c.ir the pubIic tu speak on nn}' tupic. Wlien you eciiie tii i]iE podiun, pIese 5fate ;aokit' rMamo aitd address fofi tftc C~cord w1d Il~f11[ ae]11~,r~;5 Ci) f~ll'~'.c t1~~Glll~.~ti. f1 AD',4t7Ni5-P1fi,'M_F RF.PORTS: 9. Fre_~.~ttt:iliott of Pr}limiltary Budi!,ct - Li~kve Mcrti.ies 1C1 DAi-cNIcr~::4r CNF[.lRA'LiTTONt)I'dLY; (TTt~.s~ ~t~~rtR,~ ~r~1lrri~~ f~~ c~~s~rrsstcl~rr~;~?~~•t;rc~ rr~rc~r~.~ 11. 1Jepa5tmmRt Ri'piiY't-s 12. CmLzitY`,tivvrCon.mruc#ion ScEtedtile ADJ[IUTL'ti MFN'f' Foture Sch€^ctule #'or Atef*lar3ffsEs^erriv: ii{erfne.rricry, Ortober 2006, Conversrrfivra wirJi ilre G.oarrmurrrty, 6- 7 p.m., Va1PeypoXng +;kPi►res Regdtlatr CouircrlAlueting-v art=gerreralTy hettl 2nel anrf 4" Tiseaduj°s-, begirrfring at 6; 00p.nL iianc'!dSturly:Yes.siorrs crre gerrerrrflY lrefd f`xy e ctxrifft!`t T~oesda,$rti, beg1nrrirlg rrr 6:0~')p.m, Iti0 17]C I ]rydivFdu&;s pl:te3tiia1g w wicltd LbG trLevtag whu iqu,r. spec,u3.l a.5sLCAJJCe Z1LL07tL1tLusi41C p}~tikicul, hGur;ny, o: ~7L~cr ~ IflIjFNTT'.?sn? I]I Ca'S,^ Co['11u,C 1,Fc {il~e' Cl~'.P~: ?S11.40!7] Q;~ 11I!I„Ifl :Is <-r~31 :LR ~Y."S_]~.`lt _,i i lil~yt :rf3ryG~C]TYCrV~.'~ .1sL`." ItC ri1"l~~L i.`:,smci€ Aa-mds uB-?'-tA m{cgilE;u ;M1kLdng F"ake? c,f AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Meeting #98 Tucsday, Augast 22, 2006 6:00 p.m. CITY AALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor Council Reqnests All Electronic Devices be Turned Off During Council Meeting CALL TO URDER: I]WOCATION: Pastor Manucl Denning, Fountain Ministries PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: IIVTRODUCTIOY OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: COMNIITTEE. BOARD. LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: MAYOR'S REPORT: PUBLIC COMMENTS: Except where indicated below for "public comment" this is an opportunity for the public to speak on any topic. When you come to the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2007 Revenues - Ken Thompsoo 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which arc approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST VOUCHER #s TOTAL VOUCHER DATE AMOUNT 08-07-20{}6 19644-9671 ~ 35,787.27 ~ 08-07-2006 ~ 9673-9732 ~ 979,795.17 08-16-2006 ~ 9742-9743 ~ 1,180.00 GRAND T'OTAL 1 ~ $1,016,762.44 b. Payroll for Pay Period Ending August 15, 2006: $173,301.12 c. Minutes of July 18, 2006, Council Study Session d. Minutes of July 24, 2006 Special Meeting/Executive Session e. Minutes of July 25, 2006 Council Meeting f. Minutes of August 8, 2006 Council Meeting NEW BUSIIVESS 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 06-020, Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process - Mike Connelly [public comment] 4. Proposed Resolution 06-016 Job reclassification - Nina Regor (pubtic comment] C:ouncil Agenda 08-22-06 Regular Meeting Page I of 2 5. Motion Consideration: Council Sets Budget Hearings for Oct 10 and Oct 24 - Ken Thompson [public comment] 6. Motion Considcration: Spokane Counry Communications Agrcement - Morgan Koudelka [public comment] 7. Mayoral Appointments: Sign Code Committee - Mayor Wilhite [pubic commenti 8. Mayoral Appointment: Cable Advisory Board - Mayor Wilhite [public commentJ PUBLIC COMMENTS Except where indicated above for "public comment" this is an opportunity for the public to speak on any topic. When you come to the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. ADMIlVISTRATIVE REPORTS: 9. Presentation of Preliminary Budget - Dave Mercier 10. Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) Follow-Up - Davc Mercicr INFORMATION ONLY: [These ilems will not be discussed or reported upun.] 11. Departrnent Reports 12. Coun Sewer Construction Schedule ADJOURNMENT Future Schedule tor Meetinfs/Events: Wednesday, Uctoher 4, 2006. Conversalion wuh the Community, 6-7 p.iri., Va!leypoint @~Pines Regular Counci! Meetings are geaerally keld 2nd and 4"h Tuesdays, beginning ar 6: 00 p. m. Council Study Sessions are generally held 1", P and 51h Tuesdays, beginnlag at 6: 00 p.m. NO"I'1CF:: Indio•iduals planning to attend thz meeling whu rcquire spccial assistancc to accommodate physical, htaring, or uthcr impairments, please contact the Ciry Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as soon as possible so that artangcments may be made. Council Agenda 08-22-06 Regular Meeting Pagc 2 of 2 ' ~iy Spo`~kkane Valley 11707 E Sprapue Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Informational Memo To: Dave Mercier, City Council / From: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve Woriey, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects k CC: Nina Regor, Carolbelle Branch Date: August 21, 2006 Re: 2006 Federal Call for Projects On July l$; 2006 the Spokane Regional Transpartation Council (S£tTC) issued tfie 2006 Call 1or ProjecLs. Sec the attached meiuo from SR"1 C. Staff«Till be developing a list of projects in wtuch to submit applicaticros for federal grant funding bascd on lhe reecntly adopted 2007-2012 Transportation ImN rovement Plan. This list of projects Nvill be presenled to Council at the September 5 study session for ctiscussion anci then again at the Septenlber 12`" regular meeting for approval. Pleasc let us knoNv if you have any questions. SRTC Spokane l2cgional Transportation Council 221 W. first Avcnuc.. Suite 3 10 - Spoktuu, WA 99201-3613 509! 343-637(1 FAa: 509/343-6400 TO: Jurisdictions and Agencies Eligible to Receive STP and CMAQ Funding FROM: Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) Glenn F. Miles, Transportation Manager SUBJECT: Announcement of 2006 Call for Projects DATE: August 16, 2006 Based on recommendations from the Washington State Department of Transportation Local Programs and the SRTC staff, the Spokane Regional Transportation Council Board on August 10t' authorized staff to release the 2006 Call for Projects. This call for projects will be for allocation of Surface Transportation Program (STP) and Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) funding for the years 2008-2011. The Surface Transportation Program projects will be categorized in three distinct program areas. STP Program: 1. Capital Construction Program: This includes projects that involve complete reconstruction or new construction on arterials. Projects must be designed to achieve at least a 20-year road design life and include appropriate accommodation of pedestrian and bikeway facilities consistent with the Metropolitan Transportation System Plan. (PE, RW, CN eligible) 2. Roadway Preservation Program: This includes resurfacing of functionally classified roadways with classifications of collector, minor, or principal. Up to 15 % of the available rural funds may be used on rural minor collectors. The intent of this program is to provide timely structural overiays, safety improvements and minor • geometric improvements that will effectively extend the useful life of the roadway, preventing the need for more costly reconstruction. (PE & CN eligible) 3. Advanced Preliminary Engineering and Design Program: This has been created to more fully develop local conceptual projects requiring extended lead times to develop an accurate design, concept, and scope which will necessitate significant public involvement and project cost estimating activities. Proposed projects in this category may or may not be contained in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and must meet an established purpose and need before they are advanced. (PE Only) I Anticipated Funding: $18.1 million STP urban Funds (TMA Area Only) 11.0 million STP Rural Funds 2.3 million STP Flexible Funds (may go either urban or rural) 4.8 million Distribution: . Capital Construction 65% Roadway Preservation 20% Advanced Preliminary Engineering and Design 10% Project Contingencies 5% CMAQ Program: The CMAQ program is designed to develop projects and programs that are designed to reduce or manage the impacts of congestion. In addition, CMAQ related projects must be capable of demonstrating air quality benefit in the Spokane area through the reduction of either carbon monoxide or particulate matter. Anficipated Funding: $ 12.1 million Projects $ 11.5 million Contingency .6 million Project Eligibility: CMAQ projects must be located in or significantly affect the Spokane Urban Area with demonstrated improvement to congestion relief and/or air quality. STP project eligibility will be based on funds available in the rural under 5,000-population category and some of which may be available through STP urban/rural flex funds. Application Forms: These forms are available on the SRTC website at www.srtc.orq or can be emailed or sent by regular mail by request to iudvhnsrtc.orq. Scoring Process and Points: Projects will be reviewed by the SRTC staff for completeness and consistency with the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). Projects will then be initially scored by the SRTC then submitted to the Transportation Technical Committee (TTC) for review. Scoring will be based on the information provided and the adopted scoring criteria. The TTC's review and proposed prioritization will then be submitted to the SRTC Board for consideration during its prioritization and selection of projects. The criteria forms that will be used to assess the 2 i proposed projects are available on the SRTC website at www.srtc.orq or can be emailed or sent by regular mail by request to judvh(Wsrtc.orq. Project Certificafion Statement: A Project Certification Statement must be completed for each project submitted. A siqnature of the mavor or commissioner is reauired. These forms are available on the SRTC website at www.srtc.orq or can be emailed or sent by regular mail by request to igdyh(a-)srtc.orq. Project Prioritization and Selection: The SRTC Board will ultimately prioritize and select projects up to the anticipated available funds. The priority list will be maintained in the event additional funding becomes available, selected project are cancelled, or cost under-runs provide an opportunity to select additional projects. Projects selected by the SRTC Board will be amended into the 2007 Transportation Improvement Program. Consistent with adopted SRTC Board Policy, projects selected for funding must achieve certification of rights of way and construction obligation within 18 months from date it first appears in the TIP. The time line for the project selection process is as follows: Announcement of the Call for Projects August 16, 2006 Project Application Due to SRTC September 27, 2006 Public Review Period Oct. 1- 31, 2006 (Approx) Projects reviewed for Eligibility Sept. 28`'to Oct. 17, 2006 Project Review by TTC October 18, 2006 SRTC Board Review of Proposed Project Priority Array November 9, 2006 and Project Selection for funding 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 22, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: item: Check all that apply: ❑ conssnt ❑ old business new business X public hearing information ❑ admin. report [:D pending legislaiion AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Public Hearing -estimated 2007 revenues . GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State budget law PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: No formal council action has been taken on the 2007 budget. A proposed budget has been prepared and is being reviewed by #he City Manager. The City Manager is expected to present his preliminary budget to the council on August 22. This same informa#ion was presented to the council (first touch) at the August 15 meeting. Two additional public hearings are planned to gather input from citizens BACKGROUND: Each year staff prepares estimates of the proposed revenues and expenditures for the coming year. These estimates are presented to fhe City Council (August .15) and then to the public at a public hearing (August 22). State budget law requires we make our projections known and conduct a public hearing to consider input from the public. Special mention is reQuired of the property tax levy. The comparison below reflects the 2005, 2006 and estimated 2007 property tax levies. The tax rate is expected to remain at $1.601thousand dollars of assessed value as anticipated in state law. 2005 2006 2007 Prop. #ax levy $9,545,050 $8,056,000 $9,100,000 Est. increase & new construction in $ 200,000 Total $9,545,050 $8,056,000 $9,300,000 These 2007 estimates reflzct a decrease in the dollars levied of $245,000 (-3%) from 2005 and an increase over 2006 of 1,244,000 (15%) resulting primarily from Spokane County's reassessment of property. 2007 property taxes have be2n estimated near ihe maximum allowed by state law. As the 2007 budget is finalized, reductions may occur in the levy. , The City's actual 2007 levy may be more or less than shawn. Other significant changes in General Fund revenues include an estimated increase in sales tax receipts of $886,000 and an estimated decrease in service fees (planning and building receipts) of $85,000. OPTIONS: State law requires a hearing on 2007 estimated revenues and expenditures. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff recomrnends council direct staff to proceed with preparation of the 2007 budget. No other action is needed at this time. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This information will be incorporated into the 2007 city budget and may be modified prior to budget adoption STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director ;t g - p Hearin Pro osed - 2007 Revenues & Expenditures Spokane Valley Council Meeting August 22, 2006 ~ Budget F: ~ Total City Budget ~ ■ $76 Million +Hotel/Motel Fund - Significant Increase +Reserves Built Since 2003 Service Level Stab. $5 million Civic Facilities $600,000 Winter Weather $500,000 CenterPlace $300,000 +parks Capital-2006 unspent rolled into 2007 d', T.2006 2 1 General Fund 2007 REVENUES: ■ Sales Tax up $886,000 ■ Property Tax up $1,244,000 Down $245,000 (-3%) from 2005 Up $1,244,000 (15%) (County Reassess.) over 2006 ■ Planning/Building fees down $85,000 2007 EXPENSES: ■ Civic Facilities $600,000 Lobbyist $40,000 ■ Records Mgmt. $250,000 Space Plan. $75,000 ■ Serv. Level Stab. $200,0007 Rent $75,000 ■ Parks Ins. Reimb. $110,000 w~ aooa 3 General Fund ...continued ■ 4.35 new positions *Plans reviewer *Dev. inspector *Parks mntnce *Info. Technology (2) ■ Expenses 2% above our multiyear financial projections 2 ~ Other Highlights ■ Storm water fee up $1/ERU ■ Street Fund trans. from Gen. Fund, $900,000 ~-Y~;• ■ Street Fund new position (asst. traffic engineer) ■ Parks Capital includes county,s$1.6 million ■ Stormwater Fund new position (asst. engineer) ■ Expect numbers to change as we fine-tune . ■ Public hearings scheduled for October 6'1?200! 5 3 City of Spokane Valley Proposed Budget - Draft 2007 2006 2007 2005 Amended Proposed Actuals Budget Budget 001 - General Fund General Fund Resources: Beginning Fund Balance $ 4,493,460 $ 1,022,575 $ 5,050,000 Property Taxes 9,333,284 8,056,000 9,300,000 Property Taxes - Delinquent 176,055 225,000 225,000 Sales Tax 16,868,850 16,600,000 17,686,800 Gambling Tax 989,238 910,000 910,000 Franchise Fees/Business RegisVation 750,346 681,750 724,170 State Shared Revenues 1,149,685 1,121, 000 1,121,000 Service Revenues 2,514,985 1,685,000 1,600,000 Fines and Forfeitures 1,229,557 1,250,000 1,250,000 Recreation Program Revenues 414,257 345,516 407,700 Miscellaneous/lnvestment Interest 259,654 233,800 250,000 Interfund Transfers 118,944 80,000 85.600 Total General Fund Resources $ 38,298,314 S 32,410,641 $ 38,610.270 General Fund Expenditures Legislative Branch 234,609 304.267 242,393 Executive and Legislative Support 365,410 470,105 535,721 Public Safety 16,096,633 17,173,541 18,256.400 Deputy City Manager 340,239 499,405 519,212 Finance 433,930 516,895 782,652 Legal 209,218 263,750 344,933 Human Resources 86,750 181,120 165.944 Public Works 844,010 980,192 1,142,887 Planning 844,939 1,170,808 999,967 Building 950,492 1,065,892 1,296,209 Library 2,176,178 - 20,000 Parks Admin 828,696 830,203 979,509 Recreation 146,127 199,475 242,947 Aquatics 225,609 294,921 259,450 Senior Center 77,735 72,269 75,301 CenterPlace 208,738 457,798 498,328 General Govemment 7,481,501 7,930,000 5,135,000 Total General Fund Expenditures 31,550,815 32,410,641 31.496,853 General Fund Estimated Fund Balance 8/17/2006 10:25 AM ~ zoos 2007 ~ 2005 Amcnded Proposed Actuats Budqet Budqoi 101 - Street Fund Beginning Fund Balance 3,307,897 3,905,602 4,420,000 Street Fund Revenues propertyTaxes S9,$18 - - hAa:or Fuel (Gas) Tax 1,4F8,616 1,753,D00 2,0013,000 Ini2rfund IntCrCSt 12,308 - - Investmsn•. Intcrest 64,811 H,000 i00,000 Interfurv,i Tcansfers 2,004,000 2,000,000 900,000 InSerrance Premiums 8 Recoveri(3s 6,933 - AAiscellaneous Revenue - 35,800 - Tofal Stroot Fund Revenues S 3,632,457 5 3,845,600 $ 3,000,0-70 Street Funtt Expenditures Salorles, 4Vag=_s, & Bn. efts 64,737 211,E3" 348,534 SuppCieS 6,523 16,950 i8,95~J Services 8 Chargas 539,00-8 1,210,566 11,176,030 Inlergovemmental Pa}menis 2,327,677 2,660,300 2,823,745 Intellund Transfers 100,544 67,294 83,677 Capdtal Outlzy ' Ta;al Street Fund Expendituros 3,032,381 4.186.856 4,448.926 Street Fund Estimated Fund Balanco S 3,908,002 S 3.589,746 S 2,971,074 zoos 2007 2005 AmendCd Proposed 1 Actuals Budqct Budqet 182 - ARectel Street Fund Beginning Fund Balance 897,510 657,833 880,000 Arterial SUCC! Fund Revenuos iAotoc Fuel (Gas) Tax 314,755 - - InvcSSment Interest 34,063 - 32,000 Transter from CDBG Furd 134.941 Tota1 Axterial Street RevonuCS $ 483,759 S - $ 32,000 Arterial Street Fund Expendi4urCs Caplta103,thy 1,200 - - Intcrt4nd Trensters 322,480 568.655 952.Oa0 TOtAI ARQrial SUOOt Fund Expenditur05 323,650 566,655 912.OOD Artpr9al Street Estimatetl Funcl 9alance 5 857,889 $ 289,234 S - / . . . 81i il2008 10:25 AC.S . 2006 2007 2005 Amended Proposcd AcWals Budqet Budpot 103 - Tralls 8 Paths BCginning Fund Balance 8,492 15,055 16,000 Troils 8 Paths Revenues Mo,or Fuef (Gas) 7ox - Sireet Transfer 6,914 5,053 S,OGO Investment Inierest 252 - • Total Trails 8 Paths Revenues 5 7,166 $ S,fl53 $ 5,000 Trails d Paths Expendituras GaQitn10utisy - 23,053 21.000 Total TraOs 8 Paths Ecpenditures - 23,053 21,000 _ Trails 8 Paths Estimated Fund Balance $ 15.858 $ (2.342) $ 2006 2007 2005 Amended Proposed Actvals Budqet Budqet 705 - HoteUM14otel Beglnning Fund Balance 136,494 252,271 250,000 HotellMotel Revenues HoaeltMa:el Tax 397,829 354,000 400,OOD Invegtmentlnterest 6.118 1,009 S,ODO Total Hote1lMOtel Revenues $ 393,947 5 351,000 S 408,000 HotellhSotel Ezpendftures Interfund 7ransfers 28,158 40,000 40,000 Tourism PtomaUon 250,014 350,667 618.000 7otsl HotellMotol Expenditures 276,170 400,657 659,000 FlotoUA4atc1 EsUmaiad Funcf Balance S 252.271 5 2a2.504 $ - 2006 2007 2005 Amended Proposccl aciuats Budqet Budpot 120 • GBnterPlace OpCraUng Reserve Bog Fund Balance - 306,251 315,000 CenterPlace Oparoting Reserve Revonucs IrrvestmsnS Intcres! 6,29 i • 10,006 Interfund Transfer 3A0.090 - - Total CentcrPlace Opereting RCServe Revenues S 306,291 $ - S 10,000 CentorPlace Operating RosCrve ExpQndituros i2eserve for CenterPiace Operations - 300.000 325,000 Total CentorPlace Oryerating RCSCrve Expenditures - 300,000 325,040 _ CenterPlace Operating ReSCtve Estimafed Fund Balance S 308.291 S 6.251 $ . 811712006 10:25 ABd ~ 2006 2007 2005 Amondcd ProposCd AcW313 Budqet Budqet 121 - Service Level Stabilizateon Reserve 9ep Fund 8alante • 2,335,706 5,000,000 Service Level Stabilization Reserve RovGnuCS Investrnen4ln'erest 29,601 - 200,000 In•.orEundTrnsfer 2,306,105 - - Total Service Level Stab(ItzaUon Reserve Revenues S 2,335,708 5 • 5 200,000 Service Level StabUtzation Reserve £xpendftures Res=_rve for Serva:e lev-21 Stahif¢ation - 1,000,000 5.200,000 Total Sorvice Level Stab(lization Rosorvo ExpcnHitures • 1,000,00D 5.200,000 Scrvice levcl StaDflizaUon Rcscrve Est. Fund Balance $ 2,335,706 $ 1,335.708 S - 200S 2007 2005 Amended Proposed Actuals Budqet Budqet 122 - 4'Vinter Weather Reserve Beg Fund Balance - 507,909 520.000 VJinter Weather Reserve Revenues Investmen4lnlcrest 7,908 - 20,000 I,titCtfunO 7Pansfer 500,000 - - ~ 7otal Winter Weather Rcscrve Revenues S 567,908 S - 5 20,000 Winter Weather Reserve Expenditures Reserve for lA4ntsr Weather - 500,000 540,000 Toal Winter Weather Reserve ExpondiWres • 500,000 540,000 Wintor WoaU►er Rcscrvo EStimntCd Fund Batance b 507,809 5 7,909 3 - 2006 2007 2005 Amended Proposed Acluals Budpet Budget 204 - Qebt 3ervEce Begfnning Fund Bslence - - - 1?obt Scrvfeo Revenucs Facl&Ues QfsErict Payrsoent 397,745 414.000 414,000 Iniertund'fransfers 1E5.090 566,000 188,000 Total Debt Service Revenues $ 5$2.835 ~ 600,000 $ 600,000 Dobt Service Expenditures Debi Sarvice Payments 582.835 600,000 600,0GJ 7otnl Debt Serv(cr, Expenditures 582.835 600,000 600,000 Debt Service Esdmated Fund Balance S - S - S - 8117129D6 10:25 AIJI 2006 2007 2005 Amended Proposed Actuals Budqet Budqet 341 - Gapital Projects Beginning Fund Hatance 1,559.485 2,260,898 3,000,000 Capital Pro)eCts RcvenuC3 REET 1- TaXeS 1,258,500 7,900,000 1,900,000 Inve3iment tntereSt 65,157 20,000 520,000 Total Capital Pmjects Revenues $ 1,321,716 $ 1,02D,fl00 S ~,i2d,+J00 Capital Projccts Expenditures Inlergavernrnental Sen= 49i,553 Cappql Outlay - - - Inierfund Transfers 132,545 1.270.000 4.120,000 Totai Capltai Projeets Expenditures 824,504 1.210,000 4.120,060 Capital ProJects EsUmated Fund 8alance 5 2.265,698 S 2,076.898 $ - 2006 2007 2005 Amended Proposed Attuals Budqet 8udqet 302 - Spec Capital ProJeckg Beglnning Fund Balance 1,250,170 2,446,147 3,300,000 Spoc Capital Projocts Rovonuos REET2-Taxes 5,234,350 1,000,000 1,000,000 Irsvestrsooni Intorest 54.293 2,1),000 1120,00Q Total Spec CapiEal Projects Revenues $ 5,283,522 $ 1,f}20,UG0 S i,120,900 , Spec Capital ProJects Expenditures Capital Outkrys - - • Interfund Trensfers 92,5.5 1,070,713 4,e70,000 Total Spee Capital ProJects Expentlitures 52,545 1,070,713 4.20,000 Spec Capital Projects Esdmated Fund Halance S 2.445.147 S 2,395A34 S - 3J1712006 10;25 A1.{ 2006 2007 . 2005 Amended Proposed ACQjalB Budqet BudqOt 307 - SEreet Capital Projects 6eglnning Fund Salance 1,821 5,913 - Sireet Capital Projects Revenues Investmezt In'erESt 5,014 • - Deveioper ConUibution 73,681 • - ContribuGons - Grants 147,028 6,023 400 3,550,691 Inteeiutid Trensfcr 825,448 2,3152.443 3.289,152 7atal Street Capftal Projects RovCnuCs S 1,001,170 $ 8,385,343 5 6,938,E43 Streot Capital Projects Expendltures ' ServiCes e'. Charge5 251,321 6,073,576 - Engirteering and Architel'ural 22,221 - Salarids & LVages 13,3,09 5,600 Emplcyee 3enefits 4,562 2,200 IntergovemmentalPaymerts 206,154 49,744 - CapitalOvtl.:ys 490,380 2.255,129 8,900,0O0 70ta1 Street Capfial Projects Expenditures 947,977 8,385,843 4,900,000 Streei Capital Projects EStirnatCtf Funcf Bo IAnCe $ 5,013 $ 5,013 S 39,843 2006 2007 2005 Amended Rroposed kctuals Budpet Budqet 344 - Idira4cnu Projects Beginning Fund BalanLa 3,783,205 449,483 425,000 M16irabeau ProJecLS Revenues UonaUons 87,747 • - Proceeds irom LT Oebt - • - Insurance Remverses - - - Othsrt.Aiscellaneoc!sRevenve 38,983 - Inve•^,Unent Interzst 44.752 - 16,000 Total IAlrebeau Projects Revenues $ 150.638 3 - 3 i6,000 Idlrabeav Projects ExponcRtutCS Setwaes a Charges - - - Inierfe!nd Trans:er • - - Saiarics P- t~inges 1a.~75 Employee Bene.9is 1,146 Capitaf Outlays 3,469,063 789,205 44f,000 7ota1 htirabeau Projects Expenditures 3.464,404 763,205 441,000 PAlrabr.au Projects Estimated Fund Balance 5 449.483 ~ $ (333,717) 5 - 811712005 10:25 kM 2006 2007 2005 Amended Proposed ' Actual5 Sudqet Budget ' 905 - Street Bflnd Fund Beginning Fund Balanco 1.308,469 1,017,453 800,000 Street Bond Fund Revenues Proceeds from LT Debt - 1,202,486 - InvesEment lnterrt 33,858 - 56,000 in•.ertund Translev e1.02e - - Total Street Bond Fund Revenucs S 114.887 $ 7,202,460 5 i6A0 Street Bond Fund Ezpendiiures Servicss 8 Charges 29,987 - - Inlcirtund Trarssiar 375,927 1,202,460 818,000 Yotal Street Bond Fund Expdnditures 405,894 1.202,480 516,000 SUOCrt Bond Fund Estimated Funtl Balanco $ 1.017,453 S 1,077.453 5 - 2006 2007 2005 Amended Propascd Actusls Budget Budqct 306 • CDBG Fund Beginning Fund Balance - - - CDBG Fund Revenues Gran4 ProcaetSs 439,850 - - Miscellaneous Revenue 315 - - tnterfund Trans:ec i 27,986 Investment hrtzre3a 3,982 7otaf CDBG Fund Ravenues $ 572,114 5 • 5 - - 1 COBG Fund Ezpcnditures Servioes&Ct+araes 22.15g - - Capitaf Outtay 549.956 - - ToWI CDBG Fund Expenditures 572,154 - - - 5 - CDI3G Fund Estimatcd Fund Balanec 5 • $ 2006 2007 2005 Amended PropoSed Actuals Budqet 8udget 307 • Cepltal Grsnb Fand Beginning Fund Balance E1,028 0 D Cnnital Grants Fund Revenues GrEntProceeds 357,917 6,857,615 5,900,000 IntcMund 7ransfer 386,914 1,353,3115 5.400.000 To2al Capitel Grants Fund Revenues $ 744,325 S 0,211,000 $ 7,300,000 Capital Grants Fund Expenditures ServicesBCharges 1&$,859 1,169,152 - Interlund Transfer 81,023 - CapiialOutlay 557,874 7,041,E38 7,300.000 Toial Capital Grants Fund EcpCrvditums 825.853 8.211.000 7 ,3OO,ODO Capital Grants Fund Estimated Fund Balanco s 0 $ 0 $ 0 8I1712008 16:25 ANl ~ 2006 2007 2005 Amended Proposed Attuals 8ud4c! 6udqet 308 - Barkcr Arfdge Fund Beg9nn9np Funcl 6alance (53) (53) - Barkor Bridge Fund Revenues Gran1 prooe-eds 513,884 690,400 700,aJD InvCStmeni Int°rest - - - Total Barker Bridge Fund Revenues S 113.994 5 890,400 5 700,000 8arker 8ridge FunA Expenditures Smti'ices & Cha,m,•es 113,m 785,458 - Capit,31 Qu51ay - 436,332 700A00 Total Barker Bridge Fund Expenditures 113,9194 1.222.800 700,000 Barker Bridge Fund Estimated Fund Balanco S (53} 5 33i 2,4531 S • 2006 2007 2005 Amended Pronosed Actvals Budqet Budqet 309 - Parks Capital Projects Fund Beginning Fund B9laoce - 555,537 1,300,000 Parks CapHal Projects Fund RovcnuCs Pcrks Grant 200,000 Conirioution irom Spokane COUnry 1,600,000 ~ InterfundTrart;fers 550,000 750,006 410,000 Investment Interest 5,537 46,OUD Totai Parks Gapiial Projects Fund Rovenucs S 555,537 S 750.000 5 2,250,000 Parks Capital Projects FunA Expenditures Services 3 Char'pes • - - CaoitalOu'lay - 1,300,900 3,S50,000 Total PaAcs Capital Projects Fund Expencfitures - 1,300,000 3.550,400 Parks Capkal Projects Fund Estfmated Fund Balance 5 555,537 $ 5,637 S - 2006 2007 2005 Amended Proposed Actuals 3udqoi Budqet 310 - Civit Fstilittes Capital Projects Funcf Beglnn(ng Balance - 507.939 104,000 Civic Buildings Capital Projotts FElnd Revenues Inierfu+-d Tr3nsferS 590,000 600,006 600,000 Imres'mert Interesi 7.909 - 4,000 Total Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund RevenuCS S 507,909 S 600,000 S 804,OD0 Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund ExpendlWres Sen-ices R Charges - - • Capital buUay • 1,160.000 704,001) - Total Civic 9ufld[ngs Capital Projects Fund Expenditures - 1.100,000 704,000 ~ " . ' Givic Bulldings Capital Projects Esdmated Fund Balanw 5 507,909 S 7.409 S - &li712006 50:25AM zoos 2006 2007 Amended Proposed Proposed • , Budqei Budpet Budqet 401 • Sewer Fund Boginning Balflnce - - - Sewer Fund Rcvcnues Investment In,erest • - ' Inlerfund Transfers • ' " 7otal Sewer Fund Rcvciiues S - $ . c _ Sevrer Fund Exponditures Infeuiund Transiar - ' - Intergovemmertal PaymCflt3 • - ' Total Sewer Fund Expcnditures • - ' - Sevrer EstimatCd Fund Balance 5 $ 2005 2006 2007 Amcndcd Propased Proposed Budqet Budqet Budqet 402 - Stormwater Funcl BCginning Balance 1,267,593 1,255,30 i i,595,762 Stormwater Fund RovcnuCs St-ormwaEEt MaRagCmCnt Fees 1,252,006 5,524,400 1,600,600 Investment tntCres! 35,586 15,000 66,000 Total Stormwster Fund Revenuos 5 5,287,583 S 1,539,900 $ 1,66A,060 Stormwrotcr Fuiid Expenditures Salaries F tiNages 94,835 147,774 195,037 SuppliCS 24,838 13.490 19,590 SttNiCes R Charge5 52.,372 131,755 153,841 InteipcYVetnmental Payenersts 835,197 1,321,818 1.380,397 Gapilal OuU3ys - - - Intertunci Trons(ers 272.8e2 6,E99 i0,093 Yotal S4ortnwator Fund ExNtndftures 1.279.885 1.625,534 1.759.902 Stormwaier EstimatCtf Pund Balance 5 1.295,391 $ 1,213,667 5 1,046,760 811712006 10.25AA4 ioos 2007 2005 Amended Proposed I Actuals BudpM 9udqet 501 - ERAR FunA Oeginning 8alance 655,542 633,902 8DO,000 ERBR Fund Rcvenues Interlund Trensiers 230,027 208,965 10,000 I;rvesUnsntlnterest 6,288 1.500 30,000 7otal £R8R Fund Revenues 5 235,316 ~ 216,465 $ 40,004 ER&R Fund Expenditures Suppf-es - 7,500 7,500 Servioes R GhargCS - 50,000 - Depreclation Expense 257.953 - - C2pltelOuUiiy - 635,757 632,500 Total Ef28R Fund Expendiwres 257,956 683.257 840,000 ER&R Estimated FunQ BalanCe S 633,902 $ 151,110 $ - 2006 2007 2005 Amended Proposed Actuals Budqet Sudqet 502 - Risk hianagement Fund 8eginninp BalanCC 30.117 25,45-2 25,000 Risk hSanagemerrt Fund Revcnucs Investment Interest 788 6,200 - Interiurrd Transfer • 104.887 156.006 185,000 i Totat Risk Manxgement Fund Revenues $ 505,855 5 165,200 5 t&S,OdD Risk f.ianagomont funcl Expenditures serJicosxCnarges 110,30 189.939 210,000 Total Risk hS,anagcmcril Fund Expenditures 110,313 169,939 210,000 I2isk t.tanagement Estlmated Fund Balantc S 25,459 5 1,720 $ - \ 611712006 16:25 AM CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 08-22-06 . City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing 0 information ❑ admin. repori ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: BACKGROUND: VOUCI-I;ER LlST 17ATE ~ VOiJCI-1ER 'rs TOTAL VOUCHER t1Ivi0iJNT ~ 08-07-2006 ~ 9644-9671 35;787.27 ~ 08-07-2006 ~ 9673-9732 ~ 979,795.17 08-16-2006 ~ 9742-9743 ~ 1,180.00 GfZANll TOTAT $1,016,762.44 ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed abave. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faulkner ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists ~ ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0810712006 1:46:25PM Spokane Vailey Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9644 7/31/2006 000658 SPOKANE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURI' 072806 COURT FEES 400.00 Total : 400.00 9656 8l7f1006 000335 AL70N'S TIRE INC. 6-17277 OIL CHANGE - 04 DODGE DAKOTA 22.33 6-17400 OIL CWANGE - 44 FORD -#35517D 33.62 6-17401 OIL CI-IAPVGE - 03 EXPLORER -#53' 47.12 Total : 103.07 9657 8/712006 000030 AVISTA UYII.ITIES 051906 ACC7 001816004 - ELECTRIC - 111: 450.66 061906 ACCT001819057 - ELECI'F21C - 1142 5.50 082106 ACCT 001811597 - ELEC7RIC - 1361 1,170.56 062606 ACCT 170086565 - ELECTRIC - 1351 6_09 062606 ACCT 690072835 - ELECTRIC - 1351 144.78 062606 ACC7 770020792 - ELECTRIC - 126( 57.31 062706 ACCT 002211503 - ELECTRIC - 801 20.13 062706 ACCT 002211707 - ELECTRIC - PAF 6.00 062706 ACC7' 730048421 - ELECTRIC - 242: -0.88 062806 ACCT 002344608 - ELGCTRIC - SUL 40.26 062806 ACCT 730045421 - ELECT}21C - 242: 908.46 062906 ACCT 002411210 -ELECTRIC - 906 1,838.90 070306 ACC7 000504785 -ELECTRIC - 272: 70.32 070306 ACCT 004544799 - ELEC7RIC - 180; 34.29 070606 ACCT 000720215 - ELECTRIC - 310~ 53.85 Total : 4,806.23 9658 817/2006 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGA710N DIST, #19 ACCT 11534.2 WAYER 46.04 Total : 46.04 9659 81712006 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 072006 ACCT 09066100 WATER 579•40 Total ~ 579.40 9660 817l2006 000028 FARPAERS & MERCHANTS BANK #5476-7500-4001-1852 VISA PYM7 1,590.03 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 0810712006 1:46:25PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO ii Description/Account Amount 9660 8!712406 000028 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK (Continued) 071306 VISA PYMT - ACCT 5476-7500-0OOU 349.00 071306 DINER CF2UISE WITH AIR FORCE G 47.00 071306 WFOA CON1=ERENCE 300.00 071308 OFFICE SUPPLIES 43.84 071306 VISA PYM"f - ACCT 5476-7500-4001• 995.86 071306 VISA PYMT 1,670.25 080706 ACCT 5476-7500-0000-5045 63.00 Total : 5,058.98 9661 SJ712006 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER COMPANY 062906 WATER & ELECTRIC ACCT 04732-C 132.33 062906 WATER AND ELECTRIC ACCT 045E 88.25 062906 WATER 8 ELECTRIC ACCT 04559-C 1,167.90 Total : 1,388.48 9562 8/7/2006 001092 MURPHY BR07FIERS INC. 4115 41202 iuIURPHY BROTHERS ROSEHAVEN 15,897.65 Total : 15,997.65 9663 817/2006 001035 NEIVIlORK DGSIGN & MANAGEMENT 14011 41168 WATCHCUARD SSL VPN GATEWA' 4,448.23 Total : 4,408.23 9664 817/2006 000512 OFFICETEAM 16058779 TEMP HELP - JULIE CHASE 560.00 16320438 TEMP HELP - KIM WILLIAMS 660.00 Total : 1,320.00 9665 817f2006 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. 14734 TEMP HELP - TITIANIA DAVIS 113.12 Total : 113.12 9$66 8I712006 004324 SPOKANE COUNTY WATER DIS7. #3 072106 ACCT 170-0040-03 - 906 N PARK RC 446.22 Tota I : 446.22 9667 817l2006 OOQ411 SPOKANE VALLEY NEWS HERALD 27904 LEGAL NOTICE 25.00 27921 LEGAL NOTICE 69.70 Total : 94.70 9668 817l2006 000983 STANLEY STCCMER 67328 CLEANING 230.15 67496 CARPE7 CLEANING 31725 . . . °.age: 2 i ' vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 0810712006 1:46:25PM Spokane Vailey Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9668 8/7/2006 000983 0-00983 STANI.EY STEEMER (Continued) Total : 547.40 9669 8/7/2006 000337 UPS 0000Y3F950226 SFIIPPING CHARGES 33,71 00U0Y3F950266 SHIPPING CHARGES 1.69 Total : 35.40 9670 817/2006 000295 VALLEYFES7 072606 2BOOTHS AT VALLEYFEST 50.00 Total : 50.00 8671 817/2006 000167 VERA WATER 8 POWER 071806 ACCT 0010-003488.01 ELECTRIC 133.73 071906 ACCT 0011-010826.01 WAYER & EL 35.41 0720a6 ACCT 0030-031942.01 43.64 072106 ACCT 0012-004137.02 WATEf2 & EL 39.61 072406 ACCT 0013-032589.01 WATER & EI. 69.54 072506 ACCT 0014004275.01 - WATER & E 24.32 072506 ACC7 0014032971.00 ELEC7121C 46.10 Total : 392.35 17 Vouchers for bank code : apb2nk Bank total : 35,787.27 17 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 35,787.27 I, the undersijned, do certity under penalty of pelury, that the materials have been furnished, tfie servioes rondered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the Gaim is just, due and an unpaid ob[igation against the City of S(rokane Valley, and ihat I am authorized to authenticate and certify to safd Gaim. Finanoe Director Date Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 08I0712006 4:26:07PM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apb2nk Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9673 8/7/2006 001109 AFFORDABLE ARBORIST 756410 TREE CUITING 488.70 Total : 488.70 9674 8R/2006 000150 ALLIED f=1Rr & SECURI'fY IVC20068920 ACCT# 215854 19.28 Total : 19.28 9675 8/7/2006 001081 ALSCO LSP046847 CUST# 5953 48.13 Total : 48.13 5676 817f2006 001039 APlIERICAN $UILDING Pd1AINTENANCE 3043981 CU570MER #3 858929 488.14 Total : 486.10 9677 8/7J2006 000720 AhASAN-CUSTODIAL SUP!'LY INC. 374665 41211 JAN1T0RIAL 190.01 Total : 190.01 9678 817l2006 0010112 ASSOCIATED 13USINESS SYSTEPJIS 98777 Monthly CPC Contract Bill - RICOH C 2,050.67 Total : 2,050.67 9679 8/712006 000030 AVIS7A U7ILITIES 080106 RCI=UND 70.a0 ' Total : 70.00 9680 8/712006 000918 BLUE R1BBON I.INEN SUPPLY, INC. 6727604 ACCT. # 2-7219-00000 290.77 8737111 ACCT# 2-7219-00000 213.36 8740874 ACCT# 2-7219-00000 213.36 Tota I : 717.49 9681 8/7/2006 000796 BUDINGER 6 ASSOCIATES INC. iV106183-1 41108 f3UDINGER, CORES, TASK NO. 5 1,547.50 Total : 1,547.50 9682 8l7/2006 001022 CARR SAIES CO. 809713 ORDER # 898581 216.44 813065 ORDERM 902176 156,30 813170 ORDER # 902262 66.79 817076 41094 ORDEF2 # 906192 22.28 Tota l : 461.81 9683 81712006 OflQ729 CH2MHILL INC. 3559520 40561 CH2M HILL BARKER ROAn P.E. 8. F 48,697.17 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 08l0712006 4:26:07PM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9683 81712006 000729 CH2MHILL INC. (Continued) 3559557 40682 0003 BARKER RD 13R1(7GE TSBL S7 13,736.79 3559557 41025 0003-8ARiCER R0AD BRIDGE 21,907.60 41025 3561056 40561 CH2M HILL BARKCf2 ROAD P.E. & F 28,391.46 Tota I : 112,733.02 9684 817I2006 400109 COFFEE SYSTEPf+S INC 42379 C0F1=EC SUPPLlE5 155.49 Total : 155.49 9685 8l7I2006 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DIST, #19 080706 063772 511.14 080706 U5859.0 346.94 080706 U6377A 107.30 Total : 965.38 9686 8/7f2406 000693 C}EI'T 0F INFORhAATIOPJ SERVICES, ST! 2006060228 41127 ADOBE ACROBATE 7.0 94.31 2006060228 41136 ADOBE ACROBAT 7.0 LICENSE OPJ 94.31 41136 Total : 188.62 9687 8n12006 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 080706 09078100 69.58 080706 09006100 29421 080706 U9026100 168.11 Total : 531.90 9688 8l7f2006 000987 ECOLAB 9402787 ACCT# 19772166 148.97 Totai : 148.97 9689 8J7/2406 000645 ECONORTHWEST 8152 41207 SPRAGUE/APPLEWAY CORRIDOR 91,559.00 Total : 91,559.00 9690 8/712006 000924 ELLER CORPORA710N 080406 41026 PROGRESS PAYMENT #3 324,481.82 Total : 324,481.82 9691 8l712006 000313 INLAND ASPHALT COMPANY INC. 754821 41191 A4ATERIAL QISPOSAL FOR SWEEP 144.00 Total : 144.00 9692 817(2006 000751 INTERIOR DEVELOPMEPVT EAS7 INC. 018025 FURNITURE/STACK SEATING 22,871.16 pqge: 2 ~ ' ' : , J J vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 0810712006 4:26:07PM SpokanE Valley eank cocle : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9692 817/2006 000751 000751 IN7ERIOR DEVELOPMENT EAST IN( (Continued) 7otal : 22,871.16 9693 81712006 001111 LAIdLAW 501991 226-255710 3,184.80 Tota I : 3,164.60 9694 8R/2006 000755 LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES 4359 WEB ADS 25.00 Total : 25.00 9695 81712006 000033 MCPC, INC. 4953668 41205 OFFICE SUPPUES 639.87 Total : 639.87 9696 81712006 000069 PAEF2CIER, DAVID 080706 REIMBURSENIEPJT 474.87 Tota I : 474.87 9697 817/2006 001079 MILUMAN 688 2006 SPOKANG AREA SALARY SUF 864.96 Total : 864.96 9698 81712006 001054 MOBIUS KIDS 080706 41054 SUMIViER DAY CAPIIP 150.00 Total : 150.00 9699 8/7l2006 000662 NATIONAL BARRICADE & SIGN CO_, OF • 51660 41197 WW17C MARKING PAINT 56.82 7otal : 50.82 9700 817l2006 Oa1035 PlETWOROC DESIGN 8 PAANAGEMEN7 14074 ENGINEERING SERVICES 572.50 14110 SYS7EM ENGINEER SERVICES 2,242,50 Total : 2,815.00 9701 817/2006 000056 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE, ASSOCIAl'k 080706 ACCT# A500163 303.00 Total : 303.00 9702 81712006 000652 01=FICE DEPOT IfVC. 343016729-001 41162 SUF'PLIES 338.61 343724773-001 41179 SUPPLIES 67,65 344020825-001 Adhesive Business Card 7.21 344349126-UQ1 000428274-C4182: roner 212.14 344360841-401 SUt' P LI E S 25.78 344 36084Z-001 SUPPLI G S -6.51 344654626-001 41187 SUPPLIES 217.98 344662173-001 41188 SUPPLIES 238.38 Paqe; 3 vchiist Voucher List Page: 4 0810712006 4:26:07PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9702 81712006 000652 OFFICC DEPO'I' INC. (Cantinued) 344683683-001 41189 SUPPLIES 129.06 344691203-001 41190 SUPPLIES 200.82 344880132-001 41192 SUPPLIES 339.74 345022849-001 S UP Pl.l ES 143.43 345022971-001 CREDIT MEMO -143.43 345435821-061 SUPPLIES 9,60 Total : 1,780.66 9703 817/2006 001062 OFFICEPnAX 144847 41113 OFFICr CHAIRS 1,351.86 41113 Tota l : 1,351.86 9704 81712006 400418 PARSON, KAREtJ 080406 REIMBURSEMENT 31.42 Total : 31.42 9705 8l7/2006 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 1330034909 41194 F'RIN7ING 333.53 Total : 333.53 9706 8f7/2006 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. 14935 ACCT# 405L 1,131.55 Tota I : 1,131.55 9707 8/7/2006 000291 PROJECl' ACCESS, INC. 080406 3RD QTR 2006 PAYMENT 7,500.00 Total : 7,500.00 9708 817/2006 000019 PURRFEC7 LOGOS, INC. 16692 VEHICLE GRAPHICS 660.29 Total : 660.29 9769 817/2006 000322 QWEST 080406 PHONE CHARGES 42.96 Total : 42.96 9714 8f712006 000937 ROYAL MOVING, INC. 1353 41145 OPERATIONS SUITE 842.74 Total : 842.74 9711 817/2006 000709 SENSKE LAWN 8 TREE CARE INC. 1447277 CUS7 # 196176 48,822.52 1447278 CUST# 176176 1,900,50 Total : 50,723.42 Page: 4 . . ' vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 0810712006 4:26:07PM Spokane Valley Bank codo : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9712 81712006 006935 SERVICE PA,C'LR COMPANY 30376878 PAPER SUPPLIES 559.29 Tota I : 559.29 B713 817/2006 040230 SPOKANE CfV'IY AUDITORS OFC, RECO 080706 RECORDIiVG FEE 114.00 Total : 114.00 9714 8!7/2066 000172 SPOKANE COUN7Y ENGIPlEER VLY0606 JUNE 2006 IPlVOICE 227,557.97 Total : 227,557.97 9715 8/712006 000090 SPOKANC CdUNTY INFORMATION, SYS' 6U881 JUNE 2006 15,626.3$ Total : 15,626.38 9716 8I7/2006 000001 SPOKANE COUN'fY TRCASURF_R 080706 RECORDING FEES 30.00 , Total : 30.00 9717 817f2006 000420 SPOKANC REGIONAL HEl1LTH DIST 080406 324-1440 155.00 080406 324-1444 129.00 Total : 284.00 9718 817/2006 000451 SI'OKANE REGIOPIAL SPORTS, COtviNhlS 080406 2Nb QTR 2006 PAYNiENT 23,871.94 Total : 23,871.94 9719 817l2006 000011 SPOKANE VALLEY CHAftiSBER, OF COhAh4146013 ACCT MO. 4650 275.00 49598 annualAGORA awards for Diane Will 34.00 Total : 305.00 9720 8/7/2006 004411 SPOKANE VALLEY NEINS HERALD 27882 LEGAL PUBLICATION 33.00 27883 LEGAL PUBLICATION 32.25 27903 LEGAL PUBLICATION 90A0 • 27923 LEGAL PUBLICATION 26,25 27924 LEGAL PUBLICATION 55.50 27940 LEGAL PUBLICATION 112,00 27942 LEGAL PUBLICATION 47.00 27943 LEGAI_ PUBLICATION 25.00 27944 LEGAL PUBLICATION 60.75 27945 LEGAL PUBLICN710P! 7125 27967 LEGAL PUBLICATION 33.75 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 08107/2006 4:26:07PM Spokane Valiey Bankcodc: apbank Voucher Datc Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 9720 8/7l2006 000411 000411 SPOKANE VALLEY NEWS WERALD (Continued) Total : 581.75 9721 8/7/2006 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 1065 SERVICES 1'HROUGH JULY 15, 200 365.00 Total : 365.00 9722 8/7I2006 000516 TEl"RA TECH/KCM 50035620 STORMWATER UTILITY PROGRAM 4,922.00 Total : 4,922.00 9723 8I712006 001085 THE ACTIV[ P1ETV+lORiC, IMC INC001381 Safari Software Maintenance Fees: J 3,908.52 Total : 3,908.52 9724 817/2006 000093 THE SPOKES MAN-R EVIEW INC. 084406 ACCT# 42365 196.04 080706 ACCT# 1069315 338.12 Total : 534.16 9725 817/20Q6 OflU468 TF2ANSOFT SOLUTIONS INC. 28157 41139 TRANSOFT SOLUTIONS-AU70TURI 2,976.00 Total : 2,976.00 9726 817/2006 000958 TRIPLE A SWEEPING 36190 STREEi" SWEEPING SERVICES 28,449.94 Total : 28,449.94 9727 8l712006 001024 UNITEI] RENTALS NORTHWEST 57956998-001 CUSTOMER # 960476 222.18 Total : 222.18 9728 8l7/2006 000038 WASTE hAANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 1775356-2681-2 681-1433794-2681-2 327.28 33371-2681-1 485-0846U22-26$1-7 123.14 Total : 450.42 9729 8/7/2006 000801 VWILDROSE GRAPHICS 621115 CAMP SFiIRTS 300.55 41186 Total : 300.55 9730 8R/2006 000061 WILHII"E, DIANA 080406 REIMSURSEMENT 218.27 Total : 218.27 9731 817/2006 001110 YELLOW PAGES 998139 2007 JANUARY EDITION 297.00 Tota I : 297.00 9732 817I2006 000766 YMCA OF THE INLAND NORTHWEST 080706 JUNE 2006 PAYMENT 35,453.00 6 ~ ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 08107l2006 4:26:07PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO tt DescriptionlAccount Amount 9732 817/2006 000766 000766 YiVICA OF THE INLAND NORTHWES' (Continued) Total : 35,453.00 60 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 979,795.17 60 Vouchers in this report Total vouchors : 979,795.17 I, the undersigned, do cerlify uncler penaity of pery'ury, that the materials have been furnished, the servicQs rendered, or Utie labor parformed as doscribecl hsrein and that the claim IS Just, due and an unpaid obligation agains4 the Cfty of Spokane Valley, end Ihat I am aulhorizcd to authen4icate anrl oertify to said claim. Finance Director Date Page: 7 ~ vchiist Voucher List Page: 1 08/9612006 9:43:16AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 9742 8/16/2006 001114 El7WARDS, CHARLES M. 081406 REFUND - RECEIPT 6129 1,150.00 Total : 1,150.00 9743 811612006 000374 SPOKANE RCGIONAL, CHAMB[R OF CC 49598 annual AGORA awanis for Diane Will 30.00 Total : 30.00 2 Vouchers for bank code : 2pbank Bank total : 1,180.00 2 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,180.00 I, the undersigned, do ceNfy under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the serwices rondered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the daim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against fhe City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authQnticate and cerlify to said claim. Financc Director Date Page: 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action ~ Meeting Date: 08-22-06 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business 0 nevr business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ~ admin. repart ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending August 15, 2006 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IIUIPACTS: Gross: $154,979.42 Benefits: t 18.321.70 TOTAL PAYROLL: $173,301.12 - STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faulkner ATTACHMENTS nRAr°i° 1VITNUTES ~CTTY QF SPUKa\iT VALLh;'S' CITY COUi1'CTL STUJ)Y SFSSION Tuesday, July 18, 2006 A9ayor Wilhile called the meet_ing to order at 6:05 p.m., and ~velcoined everyone to the meeting. 1'rese►u: Councilmembers: Staff: Diana Wilhite; Mayor Dave 'Mercier, City Manager 6:50 pm Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Nliiia Regor, Deputy Cit}- iManager Mike DeVleming, Councilmember nlike Connelly, City Al'torncy Bill Gollunann, Councilmernber Ken Thompson, Finance Director Rich Munson; C;nuncilmeanber Cal \N.'alker, Police Chief Gary Schimmel;, Councilmember Steve Woricy, Senior Engineer-Capital 1'rajecis llick Dcnenny, C:ouncilmember NCiI Kersten, Public VVorl:s Director Nlike Thompson, Fire Chief Tom Scholtens, Huilding Ofiicial . vlike Jackson, I'arl:s & Recrcatipn Directar iVTarina Sukup, Com. munity llevelopmcnt Dir John Hohman, Se.nior Enginecr Carnlbellc T3ranch, f'ublic Tnformation Offimr Chris T3ainbridge, Cily Glerk Carrie Acosta, Depury City Clerk ~ Emt?lovee hnlroductrons~ City Gerk Bainbridge int.roduced 17epucy Citv Clerlc/Human Resources Assistant Carrie Acosta. Building Offeial Scholtens then introduced 12ighl-of-way Inspector ScoU. Wallace. Cotmcilmembers grEeted and welcomed all the new employees. 1. Roundabouts - 5teve Worlev and Brian Walsh of Washington State Department of Transnortation Seniqr C.ngineer 1Varlcy introduced )3rian Walsh who cliscussed using roundabouts for interseetion controL In the 1950's the traffic circle was essentially done away wi[h, but recently ci[ies are starting to bring them back. 13y yielcling to circulacing traffic upon entry tt►e roundabout creates better trafFic flow and higher safety - S eonflict points at Ihe intersection versus 32 conf]ict pain[s at stop sign controlled inEersections. RoundabouL~ can go into any in[ersectinn, providing grea[er safety due to lower speeds. The intersection nf Mansfield and Mont.gomery is to be the first roundabout Por Spokane Valley. Mayor Wilhite thanked Ntr. Walsh for the information and his presentit.ion. 2. E•llC 2nc1 Ouarter Reeort - Jim Huttenmaier. Economic Develonment Council vir. !•luttenmaier rcpqrted that Healt:Nicare Resource Group is ►noving into the City boundaries wid Guarclsmart has also located in the Spokane Valley. "fhe Spokane are.a continues to bc attractive to businesses looking to locate liere. Robin Totli discussed the business ta.r incentive and the Community Empowennent Gone. They are currently ~vorking on a regional website - Site Seletcor - and would like to see Spokane Valley parkner with them along with City of Spokane, Spokane County, attd Avista. Cauncifinember lleVleming asked how the positive and negative activities in SpoF:ane effccts recivitinent of busincsses. Nir. Hutieiunaier expressed that any publicity is good publicity, just by gettino people to talk about Spokvje; howcver it doesn't effect the recrvihnents. 13usinesses Nvant to locate where they will bc profitable and where it is easy fnr them to conduct business. Mecting Minutes: 07-18-06 Pege I oC4 .Approved by Council; D1ZAFT 3. RiLllc-of-wav Ad Hac: Committee - Tom Schnltens 1 During a Council meeting on April I lth, staffwas directed by Council to develop an ad hoc; committee to discuss cnnstrucCion and aetiviCy in the Right-of-way. City staff is curre_ntly reviewing the requirements of state law and tlle City's insurance carrier conceniing non-cut aspect,s of permiiting and R.ight-of way cnnstruction. iNIr. Scholtens incroduced chree of the committee members: Patty Shea - Avista, Taave Johnson - Qwest, \jorm Laughion - Fire Dept. A2s. Shea thanked aVlr. Schnltens and council for iiiviting the commitiee to participate in the meeting and complitnented liim on a job wel] done. The members discussed the different pernlitting requii-ements and the consensus of the commit[ee with regard to determining thc- <IifferenC factors that eame into play. The cnmmittee will be meeting with city staff to decide what policy will need to briiig fonvsrd and will report back to Council on August Eth to continue the discussion. 4. Revision of Siam Code Cammittee - iVlarina Sukup Community Development Director Sulcup would like t.o get direction from council as to how they would like to modify the composition of the sign code comrnittee. The Plannina Commission expressed interest in having two members of the Plaiming Commission serve on the committee if it is expanded. Ms. Sukup askcd c.ouncil to specify interesf aroups and proportion of representation on the cQmmittee and to define a scope of review. Councilmember Niunson suggested reopenino the committee for reapplication to appointment to open the doors tn anyone interested. L7eputy Mayor 'I"aylor stated he believed thal would be disruptive ta the process. He indicatec) any suggested ehanges should be taken to the committee to have them address dle issues and move fonvard. Councilmember DeVlcming would like to expand the committee by addina t-wo people: onc representalive from the automotive retail and one from a small eestaurantlreiail business ovvner. Consensus from Council is to expand the cornmittee by two as indicated and have the commiltee address the clari£cation of terms looking at pennants, streamers and flags as Nvell ; as laoking at portable signs. Stafi' Nvill request a Public Servic;e rlnnoimcement and place an advertisement to solicit the public to apply. Mrrynr- lYilhite called for a break at 7:30 p.»a. TIze stuty session wcra recolmened at 7: 40 p.nr. 5. Imaact Fees - \!Iike Connellv City AtYOrney Connelly outlined some of the differen[ impact fees that can be set up that will address the immediate impacts of development. Fle cxplained tliat right now thcre is nottiing in place that will address the remoce or long-term impacts of c1evelopment. An impact fee scheme alloNvs the city to define regions and identify improvements necessary in that region assuming that it builds out according to the comprchensivc plan. This satisfics the state requirement for concurrency; taking away the proble.m of whecher the traffic slianctarcis and LOS (level of service) are the same and the problem qf the remote infi•astructure needs not Ueing funded. Concurrency regulation stipulates diat if concurrcncy is not met, no development can take placc unless irnprovements are macfe to keep the levels of service dlat meet the impacts of development. 'lhe City can choose which impact fees it wants to impose and does not neec1 approval from the County. Impact fees mal:e the camprehensive plan real by identifying where the Ciry will bc in 20 years; figuring out what it will cost ancl divide the cost amongst the growth anticipated to oceur. It also provides absolute ctrtainty for the developer and consisteney in Funding transpoirtation and park neecfs. The cosis to the City for analysis for impact fees: Parks: S50;000; Schools: \jonc; Traffic: $250;000 plus or minus. Cicy vIanager Mercier stated that in the 2006 budget financia] provisions were made to underiake at leasc dne study; $40,000 -$50,000, suitable for a parks irnpact fce analysis. Provisions will bc rnade in the 2007 budget awaicing council directinn as to what, if anything, they may wani io purSUe. Counc•ilmember Nlunson cOmmended Sta(T for the informaCion and hard work. 6. Annexation PlanninFr Consiclerations - iVlike Connellv Mccting A4inutcs: 07- I 8-Ofi Pagc 2 of 4 Approved by Council: nRAF'r City AtZorney Coniielly explained chat in order f'or the City to be in a position to annex properties adjacent to the bounclaries nf Spokane Valley; first it needs to identify urban grovvth areas (UGAs) oiHSide of the bnundaries that would accommodate gro~vth. To clo t1iis; modifications need to bc made to the camprehensive plan in bodi the capital farilities poriion and the language with respect to UGAs xncl indicating the City's dasire to claim thesc arce.as 3s urban growth areas. The City needs to come up with a timc ajid place to determine specifc goals and policies in regard to annexation. The enmprehensive plan needs to, be updated on an annual cale.ndar and this process should be finished the cnd of March or early rlpril 2007 at Nvhich point an amendment could be adopted to the plan. `I"he process has been startecl and an ordinance amending the plan was sent out to be posted for 1'lannitig Commission consicleration. Spokane County is going to adopt UGAs by the end of 2006 and the City shoulct have their recqmmencfations to Tliem by the end of October 2006. Mr. Cnnnclly will draft. some 3elling points and sutzgestions for annexation and will work witli the Pianning Commission. City Managcr Mercier would like staff' to come back to council with suggestioils prior to seekinb Planning Commission for their consideration. 7. Lonini: 3.5 - UR.7$ Situafions/Options -A7ike Connellv Cily rlttorney Coiinelly eaplainecl chat the discinetion has to be n13de between the e.ornprehensive plan and development regulations. The compreheilsive plan is a guideline for the devclopment reSulations and the cleve.lopment regulatiens specify wt►at you can cfo on your Iand. In February 2003 Spokane Valley re- zoncd the area in Greenacres from Uit7# to 3.5. The interim Spokane Valle_y Comprehensive Plan designation in existence at that time called this "1..o«+ Densiry Residential" with nn cicscription or criteria to determine if UR7"` or 3.5 were preferred. In April 2006 thc new Camprehensive P1an was passed with a low c4ensity resic4entiaf designation definition. [n Inoking at new proposals For cie.velopment, the Fiearing rxaminer tal:es into consideration the comprehcnsi<<e plan arid boks to see if the proposal meets the requircments of che plan and the existing ncighbarhoocl. Depending on whether council wants to nrescrve low densicy or not, we will need lo modify the cornprehensive plan and ~,+~rite development regulations that are very striet and wo«ld prevent the change from 3,5 to URi*. 8. 2007 Council Goals - Dave Mercier City Manager Mercier presente.d the counc.il with the notes from their retreat whic.h outlined die goals they set for 2007. 9. ,Advanee AQenda Aclctitiqns - vl.avor Wilhite No chan;es were nffered. Ip_ Council Check in - ATavor Wilhite - no repor[ 11. Citv Mana,cr Comments - Dave Merc.ier_ City Manager Mereier reporlECf on the BFAC decommissioninc of the Vlralker Keservc Center. lF citics don't fonn aLocal ltedewelopment Authority (LRA), it goes to the state anc{ if they e.lect nOt to form an f R,q it goes to che Deparl:ment of Housing and Urban Development:. T'our communities have now elccted to form an LRA so as not to have HUD become the arbiter. 'Mr. Mercier will be attendina a ineeting next week of the Association of Defense Conunitcees and will briTio information back to council for consideration in developing an LRA. F•?iGCUTNT Sk;SSIOiN It was moved hy I)epuiyMcryar Tuylor and secoirded to ael'aurrr to executive se,ssion for l1rJpY0Yl))1Ql8Iy 30 litrrrutes to discuss w4tl7 legal council jlolentiul litigatianpur,suant l0 42.30.110(i),ant1 thr,t Yro decisioiis will be made. Vote by :4cclanruliorr.• In Favar: Unairimaus, 01,y)osed: Alone. Abstetrtiui7s: iVoire. elloriori passetl; the nzeeti,7g crdjolVned to e.recuJive sessiorr at 9:001.).na. LN,lccting Atiiriuies: 07-13-06 Page 3 of'4 Approved by CotmciF. nxAFT Mayor Wilhite de_clared Council out of executive session at 9:15 p.m. It tivas rno>>ed by Councilmember _ Munron, seconcled by Councilme»aher De,aenny, rrnd unanimously ugreetl to adjozirn the meeting. The ' meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m. Diana \'Jilhite, Mayor ATTEST: City C1erIJDeputy City Clerk Mceting Minutcs: 07-18-06 Page 4 of 4 Approvtxt by Council: DRjkFT NLr1UTF S ~ Cify of Spokanc Valley , ` City Council Fxcr.utive Session Mouday,,1uly 24, 2006 Attertdance: ' Councilinembcrs: Sfaff: Diana Wilhite, Mayor 17ave iVlercier, Cily ManaDcr Steve 'Caylor, Deputy Vlayor \'ina R.cgor, [aeputy Cin, Manager 17ick llenenny, Councilmember Nlike DeVleming; Councilmembcr Bill Gottunann, Councilmernber Rich Munson, Cpuncilmember .QGseirr.• Gary Schimmels, Councilmember EXECU11VE SESSlOi\i: Mayor Wilhite ealled the meeling to order at 5:35 p.m. it was then inoved Gy Co:nrcilmember• De»eirnJj, secnnded, cmri urtani»ao:csly n`gr-eed that Cnuncil adjotrrir irato Erectrtrve Ses.sion trsrtrl apJJro.rimately 9: UD p.m. to discuss a personrrel fiuuter - tlre evaltratiori af a public eniplojJee. Council adjnurned into Executive Session. At 8:25 p.m. Mayor \Wilhite declared Council out of Executive Session. It ivas moved by C'ourrcilnzember ~ DeVleming, .secondetl, and unanimOusly agreed to adjourti. The meeting adjounied at 4:29 p.m. ~J Diana Wilhite, Vlayor f1TTFST: Christine I3ainbridge, City Clerk Council Ntinut~.e: 07-2406 Pagc 1 of I Appruvrd by Council; ]7RAfiT 1V]=1Ni3TES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meetinti Tuesday .Tuly 25, 2006 Mayor Wilhite callul l.hc rneeting to order at 6:00 p.m.; and welcomed everyone to t:he 96th meeting. Atten&ince: City Sta.ff.• Diana Wilhite, ,Ulayor Dave Mercier; City Manager Steve `I'aylor, Deputy Mayor Cary 17riskell, Deputy City Attorney Gary Sc:himmels, Councilmember Mike Jaekson; Farks & Rccreation Direclor Iaiek Denenny, Counc:ilmember Kcn Thompson, Finance Director Mike lleVleming, Councilmember 'I'om Scholtcns, Building Official Bill Gothrnann, Councilmember Morgan Kpudellci►, Administrative Analyst Rich Munson, Councilmember Greg vlcCorrnick, Planning Manager Ctjl Walker, Police ChicF Carolbelle F.iranch, Public 1nfonnation Officer Steve Stamatoplos, Capital Projects Fnbinecr Bill Schull:r,, Code Enforcement Officer Karcn KendalL Assist:ant Planner. Scott Kuhtit, Seiiior Planner Steve Worley, Senior Gngirieer Carrie Acosta, Ueputy Cit), CIer1J1-1R Assistant 1NVUCATTON: Pastor E3ill lardpko of Greenacres Christian Fellowship gave the invocation. k':I;EDGF nB ALLEGIANCE:' Mayor Wilhite led the Plcdae of Allegiance. EZOT,LGALL: Deputy City Clerl: Acosta callecl roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGEM)A: It was n:oved by Deputy .Mayor Taylvr, seconded, arzd unanimously pu.ssed to approve the ugeirrtu as presenlecl. . COitl]VITTTEE, BOA_RL), .LIATSON Slj►1'[AZA1tY IZEPQRTS: Councilmember Dcnennv: reported thal he attended the Regional I-[ealth Board mecting and the STA [iaa-d rneeting. One of the issucs that c,ame up at the STA rneeting coneerned Uhe Light ftail issue aiid they have decided to have a separate meeting for further discussion on August 17; 2006. 17eoutv Mavor Tavlor: actencfed the grand opening of tttc new c4nvention center/exhibit hall. He also attended the I,,odging Taa: Advisory Committee meecing and they are pucting togcther the 2007 appropriations For approval in 2006, and he'd lil:e to come before council to talk about Couneil's goals for tourisrn funcling. Councilmember Munson: attended the S'I'A meeting and they discussed the need to make sure pe;ople in the area are willing to pay for t:he light rail project. The August 17, 2006, meeting will determinc what funding option to ask the pcople to decide on as an advisory vote only. The iNovember ballot issue will ask hvo questions: are Lhe citi7xns willing to pay for t:he light rail projcc;t in the manner proposed, and if not, can the board use STA funds currently bein4 collectf;tl to continue the planning for light rail. Saturday he participated in 3nd won the Public l:mployees (.iolF 7'ournamcnt with Couneilmembcr' . DcVleiTiing, Mr. McCorrnick, and Vtr. 17riskell. He also reported thtil the Cat}ly McMoms Congressional i visit date will be August 16, 2006. Council A4ccting 07-25 -06 Approved by Council: Paee 1 nf 5 TaR.A_FT Councilmember Gofhmann: attended an Fdoccliff Weecl and Seed meeting and tnured the Edgecliff . S.C.O.P.E. stati4n and attended ttie Chamber of Commerce goal-settiiig retreat. .MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayar Wilhite reported that she met with the head of ihc 1TA to discuss Nvhai thEy're doing with companies that reside within the Valley city limits. She also attended an open house by Centennial properties; she participated in a rouncjtt3ble discussion with other cities to discuss common interests; went to Fairchild Air Force Base and mct ttie crew of the NAOC and lourecl the plane that is responsible for getting the President airborne when the Pentagon is attacked_ $he also N-vent to the Conventitin Center dedication and a reception hosted by the BBC. PIJI3I..iC COM.111EN'1S: Mayor Wilhite inviled public c;omment. Marv Pollard_ 17216 C. $alclwin Avenue - expressed that she is disma}'ed that council has been inslructed not to counsel her regarding her property problems. The issues of'the pntential drainage ditch and stivale on hcr property h<<ve been ignored. Tliis hainpers the historic nrescrvatiori of her properly. She would like a barrier in front of home f'or adclecl saf'ety fnr her family and others. She would like council to have the project re-enbineered and redesigned to cstablish be[ter safety in the eommunity. T.,an Bous*e, 304 S. Conklin Road - reaardirig zoning in the Pnnderosa neighborhood. He provided letters to the T)eputy City Clerl: to distribute to the Mayor and Count;il regarding zoning. Subdividing or short- platting parccl of land that he o,.Nns on Woodruff is not as hc had intendcd when he bought. the property as a retirement investrne.nt. He would like council to €rant a variance to subdivide his property so he can use the property a.s he intended when purchased. Vir. Bouge also invited council to National Night Out on August 1 st. 1. PLjBL1C F[CA_RING: Extension nf U`R-1 -(yreg McCormick "Mayor Wilhite openetl the public heariirg at 6:25 p.m. Plannina Manager McCormick oul.linecf the lhird ' extension of the interim zonino fior UR-1 in the 1'onderosa and IZotchford area. City staff wil) provide a new work plan and other infonnstion to be ecrosidcred in the extension cluring a later agenda item. Mayor Wilhite invitul public eomments. Chuek Hafner. 47th and South Woodruff- Would likc Coiincil to approvic extension for UR-l. Gail Stiltner. 10119 E. 44th Avenue - Sp»ke in supporl of the e.ctensian. She appreeiates the time to work on the goals of the eommuni[y to maintain its cllaracter and have it reinain as it is. She expressul ecmceni sboul the emergency services for the area and inadequace water pressure. She i'eels the infrastrueture cioes not support more density and she ask.s that council approve the exlension. Marv Pollarcl. 17216 h. Baldwin Avenue - Advocatetl for Ponderosa expressin~ that she ~vould like council to wait hvo years befqre policies are est<iblished and asked for that time to be given, etlcryor Wilhite clvsed the public taearitrg a16: 35 p.m. 2. CC)NSrNT A(.FNDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Gouncilmember may remove an itern from t:he Consenl Agencla to be considereti separately. a. Following claim vouchers: VQUC1-IrR LIST IaATr vOUCHER its I TO'1 AL VOUCHER A1vi0UN7" 17-14-06 9468-9484 ~ $724,964.71 GRAND'1`UT'AL $721,964.71 b. I'ayroll for Pay Period T'nding Jul}' 20, 2006: $157,673.61 Council Vleetiiig 07-25-06 ApprUved by Council: Page 2 of 5 17RAFT c. Minutes of June 27, 2006, Council Meeting d. Minutes ofJuly 11, 2006, Cduncil Meeting e. WRIA Agreement ' f. ATI3 Pmperty Lease It wac moved by Ucpu~v Muyor 7'crylur, secoirded, artd uncUihnously passed 1u upprove the Caruerrt Agenda, NEW BUSINE55 3. Second ReAine 1'rooosed Ordinance 06-019 for Strcet Vacation ST'V 01-06 - Karen Kenclall Aftcr Deputy City Clerk Acost.3 read the orclinaice title, i( was nroved by Ueptdy Mcryur 7avlor and .secoirded to appruvE Orduraiace 06-019 for the vacatiori ojOld Indiana Avetiue (STY-0I-06). Assistant C'lanner Kendall discussed the proposed vacation petit.ioned for by Driy Wireless to prdvicie additional eustomer parking. Mayor Wilhite questioned the matter of charging f4r vacated Iand versus giving the land away ancl ;skcd if tliere was a recornmendaYion frorri staff to require eompensation for the vi3cation. ibis. Kendall infornied couneil that staff htjs no recommendation and defers that deeision to council. Couneilmember Dcnenny wnuld like the policy as it relates to requiring compensation for vacated property be reviewed in the future, but does not fccl this is the proper time. Councilmembcr Godimann agreed that this vac.il.inn be approved ancl would ]ike to re-E;valuate the pracess of requiring compensacion in the future. Ms. Kendall infonnud council there is a stipulation in che ordinance providing the option for . c4uncil to cha.rge fnr vacatcd land and petil.ioner has diat inFormation when the}' apply for a street vacatinn. Deputy Attorney Uriskell recommended council table the apprnval of the ordinance until some of these issucs can be looked into. Vlayor Wilhite would like a fair policy in determining when a property is deemed to have value wid when it is not. Tt was ►noved by Depady Mr~vor 7'crylor, and seconded, to table the apprU►'RI of Ul'CITIPQIICB 06-019 to a/aler meelirrg. Vote bt+ Acclanrcitrr»i: In P`crvor: Uiiur7imous. Upposed: Arone, Abstentio►r.c: R'orre. Afoliv►i carried ~J 4. Nirst fteadint-, ProDOSed Ordinance 06-020 Extendine UR-1 - Gref-, McCormick After Deputy City Clerk Aeosta read the ordinance t.itley it wns nzovecl by DeJnury .Mrryor Tayla• aiid secotrded to advarice Ordinance 06-020 1o cr .secofad readirrg. Planning Manager McCormick explaineci thtit this UTdit13r1Ce will extend the UR-1 interim zor►ing through Mareh 31, 2007. Couneilmember IaeVleming askecl quesCions relating to the progress of Uie final decision. City Manager ibTercier indicated staff will attempt 1.o meci the March 31, 2007 deadline for adopting the Uniform Developinent Code. August 16, 2006, dhere will be tj puhlic }iearing on the FFM.A Flood Plain pltjn. Vote byAcclanurtion: hi 'I uvor.• Lhzaninwta. Oppose& A'one. flbslenliorrs: .Nnne. Alotion carried 5. Pronosed Kesolutinn 06-015 Homelessness - Bill Gotlimann After L7eputy City Clerk read the rt,solution, it ivas mvvect by CottiaciJniember• Guthmunrr, secorrded to approve Resvlution 06-015. Councilmember GQtlimann esplainecl t.hat the City of Spnkanc ivid Spokane County jointly develepul a tcn-year plvi lo aclcJress homelessness in t7eeember of 2005. 'f'he f'uncls eslablished ii7 the resolution are primarily local dollars r<it.her than grant dollars. A citi2ens committee and a committee ofelectcd officials are part of a task force for administration of the funds. Thc eoinrnirtee of citizens will also make recomrnendations to the eammittee of elected officials what the struct:ure should be for the ensuing ye.ar's' aJloc.atiqiis. There is nn expectation of cost to Spokane Valley. 1'he rCS9lution also will recogiZe the appointment of a councilrnember to the task force and Councilmembcr Godimann recommencts Councilmemeber Niunson be appointed. Coiincilmember Munson inquired a.s to whether the goal ofi reducing homelessness by one half by 2015 is mandated and what checks are in place to monitor t.he progre•ss. Councilmember Gothmann explained that at the five year levcl the progress will be chccked and diat every year a progress report is givcn. Mayor Wilhite invited public comments. Chuck Hafner. 47th and South VVoodruff - cpmmented that the number of higJi school and j unior high ~ . sehool kids who are homeless is growing. Council Meeting 07-25-06 Approvc;d by (:oilncil: I'age 3 of 5 DRAFT Marv Pollard, 17216 E. Baldwin Avenue - commente.cl on the high det•ree of inental illness in our city that seems to bc overlooketl by oFficials and the pmblem of keening mentally ill pcoplc on their ;medication so they do not become homeless. Vvte by crcclumuliot:: Irt fuvar: Unaninzaus Opposed.• Arotre. Ahstentions: l~lotre. A!Jf1fion GQrriGCl.. Mayor called recess at 7:25 pin, atrd reconvenerlthe meeling at 7:33 pm 6. Mot.ion Consideracion: Jail no-reements - ulorean Koudelka It tivas moved by 17eputy A9aynr 7'aylnr rrird Secontled lo uuthorize llie Cily Mcaiager or desigrree lo approve the hrterlocul,1greenren! for• Jeiil Services ift the City of Spolunte Valley. Administrative Analyst Koudelka outlinetl tlie details of the_jail agreernent_ He discussed dhat through this agreement the city will pay its propartionate sht►re of actual cost. For 2005 the City was charged m4nthly and all charDes have been paid. For 2006 ancl subsequenC years the city wi11 pay in monthly installments. In 2006 the total estimated cost to be paid is $380,545.00. Mayor Wilhite invited public c:omment; none niven. Deputy Aliryor Tuylor n:nde afrietidly anlefad»ient, cmd secoradect 1o change the ivord "upprove" to "execute" in the vriginal inotion. Vo1e Gy Acclumalian: Lr 1'crvar: Unartnrlous. Oppo.red: None. Abstention.r: Nniie. AlOrlO)l carried. 7'IZe amendeti mQtion is: to «rrthorize the City Munuger or desigizee la exeeute tlae Literlacal Agreement for Jail Services in t6re Ciry of Spokune Valle~v Vote by A cclanration: In Favor: Lhra►zimous. Dppn.retl.• Nnne. Abstentivns: Npne. Moliori carried. 7_ Motion Consideration: Arp-oiine Rqad Overlxv Proiect Cantract Award - Steve Worley Il tivtu muved by Depury Mtryor Tmjlor mid secoiided tn mvffrd the Argn»ne Koad O>>erlay Project to the lowest re,sponsive bidtler, .Spokune Rvck Producls, Inc., Cil1CI U1NjJOYlZB IjTe Clly lYlanager or desigmee to execut.e 1Fie agreement ►vit6i Spokrnte IZock I'roducts, hrc. irl the amourlt of $383,833.28. Senior Engineer 1'Vorley describecl lhe scope oE the project to ~*rind and overlay the roadway and to lengthen the concrete , median and left turn pocket due to an increasc in traffie. Mayor VVilhite invited publie comment; none offered. Vote by Acclamatinn: In f%m,nr• Unanimotts. Oppose& Notre. Abstenrions: A'one. jllotiofi carried YUIiLIC COiVI1V1.ENT5: Mayor Wilhite invited general puhlic commcnts. Marv Pollard. 17216 E. IIaldwin Avenue - questioned the legal ramifications of road impravements and the definition of drainage waste preservation. She indicated that statc law requires that after devclonment, the drainagi; and slorm watcr shoulcl cqnlinue to remain the same as before the development.. ADIITINIS"1'RA'1'IVE RH PQ12T$: 8. Soukanc Counlv (;onticrvalion 1)istrict - I.,inda Griham vls. Ctraham ha.s been with the district a little over a year and is the primary liaison to water conservation district;s. She would like ta acquaint thc council with what t:he canservation clislricl does. VVorks in cooperatinn with governments; land-owners, businesses and individuals to protect water eesources, ex.pand apkions for agrieulturtil prnductions, and protect wildlife. She supplied handouts and brochures to bc distributcd t:o council. 9. Sookane Countv Communications Aereement- More,an Koudelka Aclminislrative Analyst Koudelka reporced that the Counry has not been charging the city for the maintenance of the Coumty Communications System and it is not included in law enforcement costs. 7'he City and the County have been working on an agrccrnent that fully accounts for all work performed and allocates proportionate amounts to the City. `I`he contract will pay for maintenance and upkeep of the Cc>unty CUrrirnunications System. The City will pay estimated costs in hWelve equal installments during the contract periad and recpncile tA actual costs after year-end. The estimatcd annual cast is $120,000.00. Cnuncil Meeting 07-25-06 Approved by Co►meil: Page 4 of 5 DKAFT I~~1.~4 R~oved, seconded curcl una~rinrously passed to adjounr. The meeting adjournecl at approximately lliaiia Wilhite; Mayor nrrFST: City Clerk/Dcputy City Clerk ; CUtmail \4eeting 07-25-05 • Approvcd by Couneil: Page 5 of 5 URAFT i~'I_T11'UTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Rcgulxr i~'f.ee[ing Tuesday rlugust 8, 2006 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6_05 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 97tti ineeting. Attendance: 01), Staff.• Diana Wilhite, Ivlayor Taave Mercier, City Manage.r Steve Taylnr, Deputy Mayor Carey Drishell, Deputy City Attorney Dick Denenny, Coimcilmemhcr Nina Re-or, Deputy GiCy Manager Vlike l7eVlemina, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Gary Schimtnels; Councilmember T'om Scholtcns; Building Official Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Cal Walker; Police Chief Rich Vtunson, Councilmember Neil I<.ersten; Public Worl:s Director Mariiia Sukup, Communil.y Taevelopment 17irector Niike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Karen Kendall, Assistant Planncr Trish BLuzis-Harti, HR A113lyS2 Carrie Acosta, Taeputy City Clerh/f-Ilt. rlssistant li\`VOCATTO\T: 1n the absence of l'asCar Al Hulten from the Valley Assembly of God; Councilmember ]3i11 Gothmann gave the invrocation. ~ Pi.:EDGC. OF r1Ll.EG.1A.►tCE: MayQr Wilhite led the l?ledge of:111egiance. ~ ROLL CALL: DEput:y City Clerk Acosta called roll; a11 Councilrnembers were present, APPROVAL ON" AGEiVllA: It ivus moved Gy Ue-puty iIfayar Tcrylor, seconded, and tmanimously passed to a~)j.7ro1-e the agenda us presented COA!11Vf.iTTFF, BQARD. L.La1S01` SUA:IlVTARY RFPQRTS: Councilmember DeVlemine: Reported that lie attended \'ational \°ight Out. Deputy Mavar Tavlor. 1Zeport:ed tliat he attended and chaired the Crst meetinQ of the 2006 Spolcane. Valley l.,od~ing "Cax Advisary Cammittee. Councilmember Gothmaim: Keported that he attcndcd the Board of f-lealth meeting and that he ancl his wife visited four of t:he \Tal:ional Niglit Out parties. I1LAYO.f:t'S R.F.PQRT: lVtayor Wilhite reported she attended National \sight Out. PUBLIC C01!fRT_E1'TS: Mayor kVilhite invited public comment. Riehard Behm. 321 S. Dishrna.n FZoad: Commented an the FEMt1 Chester Creek flood plain proposal and eticouraged council to move fonvitrd. M.r. Behm also reminded council of the FEMA - Chester Creek public meeting to be held on Wednesday, Auaust 16, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. He asked that council aclvertise the meeting to ensure it will be highly aCtended. Marina Stikup providecl _ infonnatien as to the advcrtisement~s placed and notices sent td contiicts in her Community Development dat<t base. Council N4estirig 0£3-08-06 Approved by CnunciL• t'age 1 of 4 DrLAF,l, 1. OLD BiJSTNESS: Seconct Reading Propose.d Ordinance 06-019 For Street Vacation S'CV 01-06 Tabled 7-25-2006 - Karen Kendall Il was maved hy Cowicilnieirrber 11funson w1d seconded to remove Ordinwace 06-019 from the table. Ilote by.Acclmrration: In Fuvor: Urran inrous. Oppvsed: Noi1e. Ahstentioru: 11lorre. Motion passed.lt tivus n»ved by Couneilmeniber Mtatson atrd secaiided to adopl Ordiriance 06-019 for lFze vacatiori af Old I»diuiaa .Aueriue, STV 01-06. Assisl:ant 1']viner Kcndall outlined for counci] the boundarie.s of the proposed street vacation. She then informed them of their abilit), to reyuire compensat:ion for the vacation based on RCW 35.79.030 requiremcnts. lf council chooses; they are able to require compensation up to one-half of the appraiseci value of the area vacat.ed; or if the area has been a right-of-way fCr 25 years or mnre, they could rcxluire compensation for the full appraised value. Ms. Kendall noted that this particular area has been a right-of-way for over 25 years. Deputy City Attorney Driskell indicaCed that while the street vacation ordinance provides languace for requiring compensation for vacated propert•y, a process has not yet bcen developed to detcrmine when to require eompensation and what fonnula to use to calculate payment. Councilmembers ARunson, DeVleming, Denenny, and lleputy v(ayor Taylor expressecl the portion to be vacated has no resale value ancl chey are in favor of not requiring c.ompensation. Councilmembcr Gothmann cominenfed he wvuld like the ]7eputy City Attorney to provi<te more inf'ormation as to developing a policy for requiring compensatinn for street vacations in the future, but not apply that requircment to this vacation. Mayor Wilhite expressed the land still has value and will add to the overall assessment for the petitioner's propcrty. Vote by AcclamutioiT: Lr Favoi:• Unarrimous. Oppose& None. Abste►7livns: i1'one. ltgotion passed. 2. C4NSENT ACENDA: Cnnsists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item &om the Consent Agenda to be cansidered separately. a. Following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIS'1' I7ATE ~ VOUCI-lER #s TOTAL VOUCHER AMOLNT ~ 7-17-06 ~ 9493 - 9523 $149,56633 ~ - 1 7-1 8-06 I 9524 - 9525 ~$641.35 7-22-06 9526 - 9556 ~ $G7,629.33 7-23-06 9557 - 9585 ~ $54;948.25 ~ 1 7-29-06 ~ 9586 - 9643 $2,493,832.58 ~ GRAND TOTAL ~ $2,766,917.84 b. Payroll for Yay Period Ending July 31, 2006: $235,934.71 It was moved by Cow7cilntember Denenny, seconded, and unonilrrouslv passetl ta approve the Crnnsent AgEnda. 1TF.\'V BUSITN'ESS 3. Second Re•adinp- Pronosed Ordinancc Extendinp- UR-1 - Marina Sukun Afier Deputy Cit), Clerk rtwsta read the ordinance title, it was rnoved by Depzity Miayor raylor crnd secanded to apprvve the third exterrsiori of the Interim UIZ-1 Residenlial Estate zonirtg iit the Potulerosu asrd KotclafordneighborJaood.c urrtil t12'arc11 6, 2007, und ta approve the anterrded findirrgs of facl ujzd »>ork plun. Community Taevelopment Tairect.or Sukup discussed needing an estension for development regulations, remapping of Salcese Creek, a restudy of Chester Creek and including them in the rn+crall plan. The plan still hinges on the resolution of the wasteNvater capacity. Mayor Wilhite iiivited public comment. Gail Stiltncr 10119 E. 442h - asked council to eontinue the zonin:. The neighborhood is working to retsiin cheir special aspeets and character and they arc working on a neighborhood plan as well as lookinff at the adequacy of utilities. r~is. Stiltner encouraged council tn continue for~vard ~vith the znning process.~ Council Mce.ting08-08-06 Approvt:t3 by Council: Psge 2 pf 4 DRt-~FT Vote bv Acclairrulioi7' In Favor: Ururnirrrvus. Opposed.• None. Abstentions: .None. Aqotion passed. 4. Motion Consiciera[ion: School Zone Flashinv Beaeon Gratit - Neil Kersten I1 tivps moved by Depuly Muyo►• Taylor arid secor:ded to accept the Tdjashington .`/'rcrjfrc .Sufety Commissiorr grarrt for School ZunE Flaslring Beacons iri the umozau nf 522,500.00. Puhlie VVorks Director Kersten describeti the recent prant received from the WsshinQton 1'raffe Safety Commission for flashing yellow neacons. This type of grant comes out quickly and the timeline for applicacion is very short for completion. The beacons would be pldced at Sedi Woodard Element.ary, Trenhvood Llementary and Broaclway rlementary. Mayor Wilhite invited public com.ment; no comments were offerecl. Vote by .4cclanuelrot1: Ila Favor: Ilrrunfmou.s. Oppose.d, None. Absletrtions.' .\'one. Alotiai carrretl PURT,,TC COMA'iEN'iS: Ibiayor Wilhite iiivited general public c.omments. \iancy Nishimura, 16316 E Suranie - commented on the sign ordinance as it rclates to her business, Green Tliumb \jursery. Her busincss is seasonal and uses its si&ming to notify customers when they arc open. They were rF;c:.ently riotified they could no longer use their portable sign. She ask.ed council tA consider t.he original pw-pose of the sign ordinsnce• which was to help beaut.ify the city. vlayor Wilhite informed Ms. Nishimura of t:l1e recruitment currenUy being c.onducted for hm•o more representatiVes to serve nn the sign ordinance conunittee and cncouraged her to apply. Carol Mariin. 1631.6 E. Snrair-Lie - Ms. Marcin Nvorks for Green Thumb Ntirsery and commentecl on the sign orclinance.. `9s. Martin expltiined that due to the small size of fronta-e of their property they are not visible from the sUeet and they nee.d a sign to attrac;c business. A:DiVT11tiST'RAT.IVE ttLPORTS: 5. EmDlovee Classification - Nina f2evor ~ laeputy Cit_y Manager R.egor inteoduced Trish 13urns-Hart, Human Resources AnalysL to explain the reclassification of Accounting Manager. In tletailing the duties of the Accounting ManaSer, some of the responsibilities include debl management, investment components crucial to the state audit, and financial reporting tn Cederal, state and local authoritiES. The Accounting Manager is responsible for the Comprehensive Annual Financial report thiif is Lisecl nationwide to establish the city's bond ratini, estabiish credit and determine the ciry's ability to continue operatinns. Currently the position is classifie•d at range 16, nearly 10% lower flian other jurisdictidns. Staff recommend re,classifyina the position to rtjnLe 17 to remain current and cnmpetitive with market. Councilmember DeVleming expressed concern in reclassifying t.his position and the mattei• of work-load for all employees. City Manager Mere.ier explained reclassification is based on the responsibililies of the position and not the work-load of the position. Conse.nsus was to bring before council as a motion consideratinn on the next regular agenda. 6. Personnel Ordinances and ResQlutions Uadate -\'ina k2ewr Taepury City A9anager Regor rep0rteci that as part of the approval of the ColleCfive Bargaining AgrCemcnt (CBA) in July, 5taff reviewed the current personnel ordinauces and resolutions to make sure diey remain current with state and federal laws. The CBA removed "at-will" for represented employccs and established a probation period for new employees wiCh a "just cause" approach. The state has updated their list of protected classes mal:ing the City's list inconsistent. 1-[arassment is addressed in a limited basis and staft rec:ammends broadening the policy to address the otlter forms of harassment. Staff also recommends an update to Resolution 03-015 co reFerenec einployee cost-sharing of insuranc.e premiums. Holiday leave also needs to be updatcd to reflect the C13A. Staff recommends establishing a review date designation to be usec! Cor dct.crminirig leaves without pay railier than the curreni anniversary date. Council consensus is to keep "at-will" as part of language for non exempt rT,,SA ernployces antl to rcf'er to the fecleral list for proie.cted classes. ' Council Meetiiig 08-08-06 , Approvecl by Council: Pagc 3 of 4 ll1Z.AFT It wus ntoved by C'ouncibrtember SclTirrimels and secorrtlecl !o recess for a 5 »iinule Greuk at 7:40 p.m. _ Mayor TVilhite called the meetirrg buck to order at 7.•47 p.m. ' 7. TuDDT Renorl - Dick I7enenm Councilme.mber Denenny repnrted on the progress of t-he TNLDL. The objective of die TMDL is to establish a healthy river and create a Vfanaged lmplementation Plan (MT.P). In the summer and fall of 2006 public hearings Nvill be held and thcv will begin developing engineerinj and budgeting plans. In 2007 a coordinatinb and monitoring council will be formed to oversee the plan. `I`he MlP will he reviewed after the first ten years beforc going into the next 10 year period. Councilmemeber Munson expressed his gratilucle and appreciation for the work Councilmember Tacnenny has done on this committee. 8. I.,ocal Redevelopment Authoritv (LRA) Walker Armv Reser-vc Centcr - Dave Mercier Ciry vlanager Mcrcier rcported on the pending closure of the Walker Army Reserve Center which is a ten acre site cnnsisting of diree buildings, scheduled to he surplussed by the Department of C)efcnse. The property has been assessed at about 2.4 million dollars. Tlie questian for council is to decide if council should forin an I,:RA or lct another public entity such as fedei-al or state agency form t:he Lf2~-1. Once the govemment detennines the property is to be surplussed and it becomes available for public entities, there is a requirement that homelessness issue.s be analyzed and specific nutreach perfonned to see i.f the homeless can be.nefit frorn ihc properiy. Some properties can pass to a public entiry al a discounted price as Public Benefit Conveyances (PBC). There are two Cypes of 1'$Cs: Sponsored and Approved. Sponsored PBCs are used ior eclucation, public health, parks and recreation, por[ faeilities, etc. Approved YBCs are non-federal correctional facilities, law enfarcement; emergency managernent resp4nse, wildlife conservation, historic preservation, airport facilities and power t:ransmission. Once a re-use purpose has been detennined, it caiuiot be cliangect or the property will go back to the federal government. Mr. Mercier su 9 *estetl the cnuncil work toward a decision thac will best posture the city in the process, either by trying to manage tbe overall process or by being an activc stakeholder '►n the process. , EXECUTIVE SESSIQN: Pntential Property Acquisition and Public FmpluYee Evaluation It was »roved by Deputy 11Ta}jar Taylor aizd secoitded to crdjourrr !o execulive sessioyt for ot1e hour, returizirrg at 9:30 p.rrl., to diseuss cr pvteratial property, acq:risition und publie tmplv}jee evaluation; Yto decision is expected to be made. Vote 6y Acclunrulion: Irr Favor: Lhtaniriious. Opposed: Afone. Abstentions: A'one. evtotion pussEd; che meetitrg adjow-tred ro executive sessiol7 at 8: 30 p. nr. Mayor Wilhite declared Council out of executive session at 9:20 p.m. It was moved by Councllmember 1llurrson, seconded, and unanimozisly ugreed tv acljourir the fneetirag. The meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m. lliana Wilhite, Mayor ArrEs T: City Clerlc/Deputy City Clerk Cuuncil A4eeting 03-08-06 Approved by t'c,uncil; Nge 4 of 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for City Council Action Meeting Date: August 22, 2006 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business (R] new business ❑ public hearing ❑ infarmation ❑ admin. report 0 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 06-020 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.130(2)(a), WAC 365-195-805(3) and (4). PREVIOUS COUNCIL/COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: The 2006-2026 Comprehensive Plan was adopted on April 25, 2006 and was effective on May 10, 2006. Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 10, 2006, and rec4mmended approval by unanimous vote. BACKGROUND: The City may amend its Comprehensive Plan only once a year. Only the adoption of sub-area plans, the adoption or amendment of shoreline master programs, and capital facilities prograrns amended in conjunction with annual budgefs are excepted from this requirement. The interim regulations adopted by ths City provide a schedule for annual updates based on khe County's original adoption schedule. The proposed ordinance will amend the interim regulations to establish November 1"' of each year as the submittal deadline for requests for ~ amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, with actual amendment to follow on or about the first of June. The proposed language is generally consistent with the draft proposal for Title 17 under discussion by the Planning Commission. Planning Commission has suggested that the criterra for establishing an "emergency" be established with greater specificity (17.40.160) as part of the Uniform Development Code. The proposed ordinance was sent to the Community Trade & Econornic Development Department (CTED) on July 18, 2006. A Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) as a non-project action was issued on July 18, 2006. The end of the comment period for this determination was August 5, 2006. OPTIONS: Approve, approve with amendmenfs or corrections andlor provide staff with direction. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "I move to advance Ordinance 06-020 fo a second reading. " BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. . STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director Mike Connelly, City Attomey ATTACHMENTS: Draft ordinance , nRAFr ~ C:ITY OF SPU.KA\`E VALI.rEY . ' SPO:KAiND COUN'1"Y, `VASHIIVGTON O:R])Ly:1i\`CT \To. 06-020 AN Qitll1NANCF OF THE CI"CY OF SFOKANE VAI,LEY, SPpICANE CULINTY, WASHINGTON, Ai17FNDING SPOKA~\`E `'AT..LEY NilTiYfCi.F'AL C(JDE (SN'NLC) 10:30.060, FSTABLISHING A PItOCFDT112E FUIt AMENDiI\`C THE SPOKANE VALLEY COMl?RFHENSIVE PLAN A.NrD SUPERSk,f.)TN(: PnRTIONS OF TI3`E A.pOPTEll SPOKAYE COUNTY COllE SFC'1'IONS 13.100.102 'I`HtUUC_,A 13.900.110 A.iVi) 14.400, 14.402 ANll 14.500, TO TNF FXTE\`T'I.'FTI+,;Y r1RE ]i~T CONTLICI, PRQVIDliYG FOR SEVERARIT.,ITY ANll EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has arnended SVIViC 1030.010 by repealing the interim cnmprctlensive plizn and adopting lhe Gity of Spok<tne Valley ComPrcfiensive f lan; and VVN I+RFAS, the City of Spokane ViiIley is requirzd co adopt development regulations to implement the provisions of the comprehensive plan pursuant to RCW 36.70A.040, and R'HFREAS, the Cornprehensive Plan and the Growth VlanagemenC Act pursuant to RCR' 36.70A.130, contemplate a process for annufll amenclment,s to dhat plan; :ind NYHFRFAS, the City of SpAkane Valley is rcquired to ensure public participation in such an amendment pursuant to RCVV 36.70A.035 and 140, and ~ W1-1EREAS, the followi.ng provisions are deemed necessary to protect thE health, safety and welfare of the 5eneral public and the environment, and Wflf,R_F...AS, the city of Spokane Valley desires to adopt proecdures to allow the annual amenctmcnt of Che cotnprehensive plan; \`OW THF.R.LEOltE, the City Council of [he City oFSpokane Valley ordains a..5 follows: Se:ction 1: SVMC 10.30.060 is hereby amended and the following ncw provisions are added to anci incoFporated as follows: "17.40.160 Type Y-V Applications - Gocnprchcnsive Plan Amendments 1. Initiation. Comprchensive Plan Amendments may be iniCiatcd by any of the following: a. Properi}r owner(s) or their representatives; • b. Any citi7en, agency, neighborhood association or other party; or c. Thc Co►nmu.nity Development Depart.ment (hereina.fter "deparhnent"), planning commission or city eouncil. • 2. ApplieTtions. Applications shaU be made on forms providecl by the City. 3. A~.~plicatinn Subcnittal: After submittal oPan applicant initiatetl application, the application shall be subject to a pre- application conferenee. 'Che date upon fully-complete deterrnination shall he the date of ' registration with the dcpartment. . Ordinance 06-020, Preeedure Re Comp Plan Amendments Ps~c 1 oP4 D.1.~AF'T 4. Register of Comprehensive Phin Amendments and Area-wide ReT.ones. The department shall establish and maintaiii a register of all applications. 5. Concurrent aiid Annual Review of Register. a. SiYty (60) days prior to November 1' in each calendar year, the city shall notify the public dhat the iunendment process has begun. A]'otice shall be distributecl as follows: i. Notice Ptiblished in an appropriate regional or neighborhood newspaper ar trade journal; ii. Nntice posted on all City official public notice boards; iii. Copy of the notice sent to all agencies, orpanizaiions and adjacent jurisdictions with an interes[. b. All registered applications shall be reviewcd eoncurrently on an annual basis in a manner corisistent with RCW 36J0A.130(2). rlpplications registered after November ls' oFthe previous calenciau- year and before Novernber 151 of the current calendar year, shall be included in the annual review. Those registered after Novemher 1' of the calendar year shall be placed on the registcr for review at lhe following annual review. c. Emergency Amendments: The city may rcview and amend the cnmprehensive plan when tMe city couneil determines chat ari emerge.ney exists or in other circumstances as providetl for by RCW 36.70A.130 (2)(a). 6. Notice of Public Hearing. Comprehensive Plan Amendmenes require a public hearing before the planninc commission. a. Contents of \1otice. A notice of public hearing shall include the following: i. `C'he citation, if any, of the provision that would be changed by the proposal along with a brief description of Chat provision; H. A stalement of how the proposal would chanae the affected provision; iii. A statement of whal areas; comprehensive plan designations, zones, or locations will be directly affected or channed by the proposal; iv. The date, ti►ne, and place of'the public hearing; v. A statement of ttie availavility of lhe official file; ancl vi. n sfafement of the right of any person to submil written com►nents to the plarinino commission and t'o appear at the public hearino of the planning commission to give oral comments on the proposal. b. Iaist:ribution of 'Notice. '1"he depat-tmenC shall distribute as prescribed by law.. 7. 1'lanning Commission Recommendation. a. I'rocedure. Followin? the public hearing, ehe planninj commission shall consider the applications concurrently, and shall prepare and fonvard a recorrimendation of'proposed action for all applications to the city couneiL '1 he planning eommission shall take onc of the following actions: i. If the plan.n'►ng commission cletemiines that the proposal shnuld be adopted, it may recnmmend tliat the eity council adopt the proposal. `!'he planning comntission may make modifications tn any proposal prior to recorrunending thc propnsal to city council for adnption. If the modification is substantial, the planning commission shall conduct a public; heaa-ing on the modified proposal. : Ordinance 06-020, Procedure lte Comp Plan Acnendments Yage 2 of4 IaRAFT ii. If the planning comcTiission deternlines thae the proposal should not be iidopted, it may ~ recommend that the city council not adopl the proposal. iii. if the planning commission is unable to tal:e either nf the act:ions specified in subsectians (i) or (ii) itbove, the proposal will be sent Cn cit:y council with the notation thal the pkInning commission ma}ces no reeommcndation. 8. ilpproval Criteria a. The city may approve cemprehensive plan amendments if it fnds t}lat: i. The proposed amEnciment bears a substantial refal:ionship to the public health, siifety, weltare, and protection of the cnvironrnent; and ii. 'Che proposEtl amenclrnent is consistent with the requiremcnts of Chapter 36J0A RCW and with the portion of the city's adopted plan not affected by the amcndment. iii. The propased anendment responds to a substaneial changc in conditions beyoud the property owner's control applicable Ln the area within «rhich the subjcct property lies. iv. The proposed wnendment corrects aii obvious mapping error. v. "I"hc proposed asnendmen[ addresses an idcntified deficiency in Che Comprehensive Plan. b. The cit}' rr►ust also consider the following Piictors: i. The effect upon the physical environment; ~ ii. "Che effect on open spaee, strearns, rivers, and lakes; iii. The compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses ancl sunouncling neighborhoods; iv. The adequacy of and impaet on cornmunity facilities including utiliCies, roads, public transpor[ation, 1>arks, recreation and schools; v. The benefiit to the neighborhood, city and rebion; vi. The yuantity and locstion of land planned for the proposed land use type and density and the decnand for such land; vii. The current ancl prvjected population density in lhe area; and viii. `I"Iie effect upon ofher aspects of the corTiprehensive plan. . 9. City G'ouncil AatiUn. Witllin sixty (60) days of receipt of the planning commission's findings aiid recommendltions, the ciey council shall consider the findings a.nc1 recommendations orlhe commission concerning the applic•ation and may liold a public heurinb pursuant to Council rules. `l"he city clerk shall disti•ibute notice of the council's public hearing as prescribed by law. All annual arnendrnents to the compcehensive plan shall bc considerzd concurrently. By a majority vote of its memhership, the city council shall: a. Approve the applic.ation; b. Taisapprove the application; e. ModiFy the application. If modification is substantial, the Council must either conduct a public hearing on the modifed proposal; or ~ d. ltefer the proposal back to the planning commission [or fiiriher coosideration. - Ordinance 06-U20, P►•ocedure Re Comp Plan Ame.ndrnents Paje 3 of 4 DRAFT 10. Transmittal to t}le State of Washington. At least sixty (60) days prior to final action being taken - by the city couneil, che Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Fconomie : llevelopment (CTET)) shall be provided with a copy of'the amendments in order to initiate the 60 " (sixty) clay eom.ment period. No later than ten (10) ciays after adoption of the proposal, a eopy of the final decision shall be fonWttrded to CTEU." Section 2. Provisions in conflict. To thc extent that any of the above provisioris are in eonIlict with sections 13.100.102 through ] 3.900.110 and sections 14.400,14. 402 ancl 14.500 of the Spokane County Cocle adopted pursuant to SVViC 10.30.060, lhe above provisions contained in Section 1 above shall apply. Se.ctiun 3. . Severabilitv. If any section, sencence, cl3use or plirase of diis ordinancc shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by .i court of competent jurisdictiori, such invaliclity or unconstitutionality shall not affecC the validity or constitutionality of any oCher section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Sect;on 4. Effeccive Date This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publicakion of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the ofCcial newspaper of the City as pr4vided by law. PASSELll by the City Cauncil this day of , 2006. Mayor, 17iana 4Vilhite A'1"i'GST: . City Clerk; Chris Bainbridge rlpprovcd as to Turm: ' Office of t.he City Attorney laate of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 06-020, Frocedtue Re Comp 1'hui Amendments Psge 4 oP4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 22, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent 0 old business ❑ new business public hearing - ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Resolution No. 06-016 Accounting Managcr Reclassification GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 2.50.070 states that position classifications shall be reviewed periodically to assure that they reasonably reflect the current duties and responsibilities_ PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Accounting Manager classification was presented to Council on August 8, 2006. BACKGROUND: The Accounting Manager position has been in existence since the City's incorporation in 2003. It is classified at Grade 16. The statements in the job description are accurate, but do not completely describe the scope and complexity of the position's / responsibilities. The city reviewed the classification and recommends movement to Grade 17. The Finance Committee discussed the classification review at their July 18, 2006 meeting. The draft revised job description is attached for informational purposes. In addition, a follow-up memo is attached, addressing some of the questions raised at the August 8 Council rneeting. OPTIONS: 1) Reclassify the Accounting Manager position; 2) Maintain the position at its current grade; 3) Provide additional direction to staff RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Resolution No. 06-016, reclassifying the Accounting Manager position from Grade 16 to Grade 17. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS:, Movement of the position from Grade 16 to Grade 17 would have a$6,000 to $7,500 annual impact on the budget. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Tricia Burns-Hart, Human Resources Analyst ATTAC H MENTS - 1. Resolution No. 06-016 2. Background Memo 3. Proposed Job Description • CiTY OF SPOl{A.NTE: VALLEY . SPQKt1NE COITNTY, WASBIINGTO\` I~-J1tESOLCTTION NO. 06-016 A FtESOLUTTnN RECLASSIFYI~YG TNT ACC()UN7.I'ING MANACER YOS(°I'TO\T FU1.2 "l N=N CTi'Y OF SPOICAI\TI; VALLEY. 1'JHERT:AS, fi-om time to iime, duties and responsibilities of city stafl posilions are revie4ved and evaluated t:o assure that the classification reasonably reflet;ts the current duties and responsibilities of the pnsition; and \'VHEREAS, the City Council throug Resoluti4n No. 03-031 adoptcd job descriptions for Ci .ty positions; aiid VVWERE.AS, since adoption of Spokane Valley Municipal Code 2.50.070, the Ciry Council has ereated various new empleyee classifications. NOW 'I"MEItENOTtE, be it resolved by the City Counc;il of'tlte City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section l. Emalovee Re-Classi(ication of AccountinL Manap-er Position. The City of Spokane Valley hereby re-classifies the employee classification of "Accounting Manager" from pay grade 16 to piiy gractc 17. ~ Section 2. Kemainin« Job T)escrintions and ClassiFicatioris Unchaneed. "I'he remainder of the job clescriptions contained in Kesolution Nlo. 03-031, along with their iippropriate elassification, as adopted or amendccl remain unchanged by this aclion. Scction 4. EfCect.ive Taatc. This Resolution shall be effeciive upon adoption. Adopted tfiis 22°d day ofAugust, 2006. Cit'y of Spokane Valley ATTh;S`1': Ma}ror Diana Wilhite City Clerk, Christine 13ainbridge A.ppmved as to 1'orn1: City Attorney, Mike Corutelly ' 17esolution 06-016 Re-e[assify Accounting Manager Positian Sp~ `o~ane ,;oOValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley VJA 99206 . 569.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1068 ♦ citytiallOspokanevalley.org .......-.s~-.- .r^ . r^~....,....... , x~'_~t;:•.__ - - _ ,.~.y Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Tricia Burns-Hart, Human Resources Analyst Date: August 22, 2006 Re: Accounting Manager - Response to Questions raised on 08108106 A reclassiieation of the AccoLUiting Ivlanager position was conducled pursuant to City Cnde. This evaluation was completcd in accordance witll the Faii• Laboz Slantlards Act (FLSA) wluch alsn calls f'or the periodic review of positions. At the Auoust 8, 2006 Council meeting, a few questions were asked, seme speciFc ta the tlccounting Manager classification review, and soine inore general in nature. The purPose of this memo is to adciress some of thosc qucstions. In(lividual Classification .Review vs. 13usiuess Plcrn A question was ask.ed about whether reviews of individual classifications would be better incorporatcd into the City's busuiess planning endeavor. A reclassification can occur when, due to changes, the majority of job duties un a position are determined to be at a higher (or lower) classi_f.ication level thw1 what currcntly e\ists. Changcs in tlie nature, varicty and complexity of job duties, tlie supervision received or [he responsibility for staff may justify a classification rcvicw. Changes in aai emPlnyee's performance are not considered justification Car a reelassiFcation. It is also impoirtant to note that the a.rneunt of work i.hat an. employee perfornls is not considered in a job reclassilication evaluation. "1 hat falls i.nto the realm of the business plan considerations, rather than an individual position classifi cation. The business plan looks at thc City's services and activities over a six year period, and antic:ipates what rESOUrccs ini;ht be rieeded to meet the identified clemand. It is possible that the business plan would result in significant changes to Fui existing classircation, resulting in a reviewr of that position. However, in crafting position descriptions and cla.ssifying thcm on the City's matrix, we focus on skills and thc gcneral complexity of . responsibilities. This is done ta build in flexibilit}, in recognitinn tha.t individual tasks may change over time. -hl the City's three year history, -vve'vc qnly done a few reclassifications. Some have occurred because a review deternuned thal our original classification did not fully Accounting Nianager- Fullow-up to 8/8/06 Questians, cnntinued August 22, 2006 Page 2 of 2 consider the job duties expecled of the position. Others nccurred because our initial thoughts on orga.ruzational structw-e evolveci, and job duties changed as a result. hi each case, the reclassification took place because the City identified concretc changes iu the responsibilities af the position. lf a position needed to be reclassifed due to changcs in duty identified in the husiness plan; it would occur at the poi.nt in the six-year span of the plan at -vvbich the changes were actually assigned. Scope of Work of the Accntutliag tVl'a►ta,; er A qucstion was asked concerning the breadlh of responsibilities assigned to Spokane Vallcy's Accounting A!Ianager, compared to oeher agcncics which have multiple cnterprisc and other funds to manage. The Accounting lvlatlager currently per.forms high level cluties, such as investment of public fiilids; debt uiatiagement and financial reporting in accordance with federal, state and local law. "1"hesc duties are ulainly absent from the current job cieseripti4n. In evaluating the Accotuituig Manager clasSi (icalibn, we review like positions in otllcr jurisdiclions, if available. Herc, wc were able to find several close matches in Waslungton. One of those jurisdiclions was Spokane Cotuity. ~ Spokane Cotuity's firiancial stnicture is lar;er in scope than that pFSpokanc Vallcy. 'I'hc City Uf Spokane Vallcy is iuuque in that it contracts much nf its services. However, this does not diminish the lEVel of responsibility uilierent in the duties performed by the Accounting Manager. In larger organizatious, t}iere may be multiple pasitions performing the dttties that are ccntralized witlun Spokane Valley's snle Acccninting Manager position. Nor instancc, at Spokane County, accountuig mauagement duties can be found in both the county auciitor's of:fice, as well as the trcasurcr's office. Typically the A.ccounting Vtanager or equivalent supervises sEVe;ral canplqyecs such ws accountants or accounting tecluiicians. Ultunalely, the A.ccounting Manager is eesponsible for that work. The saune is tnie at Spokane VaLley. Wfiereas in larger organizaCions, pne pasilian ma_y be responsible for managinS invcstments wlule another focuses on debt management; ' Spokane Valley's organiz,ation is structured so tllat all accounting management Funceions fall Luicler one position. Based on rlie breadth anci ]evel of complcxity of responsibilities, Grade 16 does nol fully consider what the Accountiug Manzger is held accountable 1or in auz or.ganiiation. Moving this position up one gratle to Grade 17 puts it within the rcalm of the other jurisdictions. From a local standpoint tlus reclassification would fall between the City of Spok-ane's and Spokane Coimty's accotuiting managemenl functions. CY"C'X OF SFOK~NM VALL:1-~~Y POSITTON 17LSCRTPTTON (Proposed) ' Cla.ss Title: Accotmting Ylanager Job Cade Number: 410 Depa.mneut: Operations R Admin. Services Grade Nuinber: T)ivision: Finanee FLSA Status: Eaempl Date: Location: City Hall . GE-NTERAL PURPOSE Per.fornls technieal and adiiunistrative accounting wark in maintaining the fiscal rccords anci systems of the City. SUPFRVTSIO'N' RECENETa Works under the general supcrvision of the Finance Director. SUPFRVISION LXERCiSED . Supervises the Accounting Tecluucian and nccasionally suPervises Accountants, Budgct Analysts, support staff, and nther part-time or lemporary staff as assigned. FSSFNTCAr, DUTIES AND RL-SPONSTI3ILT1'IES Manages anci supervises assigneci eperations to achieve goals within availablc resources; plans and . organizes workloads and staff assignments; trauis, motivales and evaluates assigned staff; reviews progress and ciirects changes as needed. Provides leaclership and direction in the developmcnt of short and long range plans; gathers, interprets, and prepares data for studies, reports and recommendations; coorduiates departnient activities with otticr dEpartments and agcncies as needcd. Yrovides profcssioniil ,idvice to supervisors; makes presentations to supervisors, hoarcis, commissions, civic groups wld d1e gencral public. Assures that assigned areas of responsibility arE performed "ittun budget; perforins cost contr-ol activitics; monitors revenucs and expenditures in assiped area lo a5sure soiuid fseal control; prepares annual b«dnet rcquests; assures effeetive and efficicnt use af.' budgetccl funds, pei•sotulel, materials, tacilities, a.nd time. Taetermuies work procedures, prepares vvork schedule,s, and cxpedites workflow; studies and standardizes proccdures to improve efficiency and effectiveness of opcrations. Prepares montlily, quarter.ly and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) as rcquired by local, state and fcderal regulations aiid laws. Monitors general ledgers for all funds to iiisure accuracy; prepares journal entrics as needed; prepares notes to financial statements. Nlaintains the Fixed asset accounCS of the City. Tracks use of capital project fi.inding sotu•ces to , insure compliance with fiuiding source requirements. Accounting Manager 1 Acts as thc audit liaison; conduct5 research as needed by the state auditors, follows up on ~ recommendations madc by the state auditors. invesLs city surplus fiuids accord'uig to stale law and local resolutions; reviews cash tlow requiremencs in order to ineet payroll and aecounts payablc responsibilities. Vtonilprs Public L7eposit Protection Commission's net worth balances ta comply with state lav., for municipal investrnents. Manages city debt to insure bond 'uivestors are paici on time and lIl CO1TZCl a11]dU11tS; monitors internal loans to iPSUre they are paid on time. Tracks expenciitures of bond sale proceeds tn comply with the Intcrnal Revenue Service arbit.rage regulations. Assists Nvith annual budget preparatio»; prepares budget document work.slleets; assists with fuiaiicial information summarics for departinent directors as directed by Finance L7irector. Coordinates the preparation of ilie state r.equi.recl annual strcct report. Mana.ges and reviews payrnll Fnr tax, fringe bcncfit, azid retirement plan compliance. CoordinatES the Equipment 12ental and R.eplacement Fund accotuits for chaa•ges to all departments for equipment, copy costs, vchicles, computers a.ud iietwork companents. Maintflins local improvement ciistrict ar othcr special assessments due from property owners. PerForms relaieci ciuiies as assigned by the Finance Director. Acts as the Finance Director in his/her absence. ~ PER 1P1-iERAL DU I'CES May provide staEE support to the Finaiice Couunittee, the Lodging Tax Committee and other boards and cocrunissions as needed. Assists ui tlie design of auComaled in('Qirnation systems to insure uiternal controls are in place and acctiratE data is processed. Scrvcs as a member of various staff commattees as assigned. Participates in professional develnpment %vorl:shops, confercnccs and session to keep abreast of trends and develaprricnts in mtuucipail accounting. Prepares mld writES grani appliczition components. Assists other finance staff members as needcd. DESM-i:i7 M1ivllvl:LTM: QUAT TFiCATIONS Education ajid Experience: ' (t-1) Ciracluation from an accreditetl four-year college or university with a de~ree in accotuituig, business mauagemenl, fnance or a closely rclated field, and orie year of additional educakion in a related field of shady sucfl as a masters degree, CFA, laxv degree or lhe `'Vashington Finance Officer Associa[ion's ('VVFOA) Frofessional , Finance Offcer's Desieuation. . : " Accounting Manage•r 2 (B) Five (5) years of governmental accoiulting experience; or . (C) Any equivalent coiubination of'education and cxperience. . Necessary Knowledgc, Skills, Abilities and Traits: (A) 'I'horough knowledge of double etiti-y accounting theory, principles, anci practices, auditing the4iy and practices; internal control proccdures; applicable city, state and fedeial policies, laxvs and regtilations af.Fecti.ng mutucipal financial operations atId reporting requirements. (13) Skill ui ttic operation of tlie listed tools and equipuient; (C) Ability to use a personal computer -vvith associatcd spffiware and peripherals. Ahiiity to maintain confidentiality of infomiation. Ability to analyze program dctails in order to ideritif~, aild apply significanl data in preparing :financial recommendations and reports, including graphics. nbility to maziage multiple priorities. Ability to maintain cffective accounting proccdtu-es, ability to cany out assigned projects to their c;ompletion; ability ea commuiucate effectively verbally and in ~~qriting; ability to establish and mauitain effective workuie relationships euiployces and the public. (D) A key value ot' the City is customer service. This position requires considerable l:nowledge, ability and skill in the principles and practices of excellent customer service as pracciced in bottl the private and public sectors. 1t requires the ability to effectively mect anci deal with the public; the ability to handle stressfiil situations; the ability to breet ancl respond to , customers in a f.riendly, pleasant and professional manner using appropriate inflection, gractunar ar►d syneax; the ability to cstablish and iuaititain effective worl:ing relationships with employecs, . ' suPervisors, and the general publ.ic; the ability to maimain a profcssional, cnurteous, and pleasant demeanor in diffir,ult and stressful situations; and the ability tca diplouiatically deal with difficult people. A Nuillingiicss to expend extra effort to help the public find answers or inforrnation relative to their inquiry or chmplaint is expected. SPECTAL, REQUTR.EIv1ENTS Must possess a valid Stace driver's license or have the abilit}° to obtain one prior to employment; certification as a public accountant, law school graduate, holder of a masters degree or designation as a NVFQA Professional Finance Officer. TOOLS ANIa FQU1P1vIEI`tT USED I'ersonal coinputer, including spreadsheet, database and word proccssing s4R~vare; TTeriwor4:cd central financial computer system including Microflex sofhwar.e; telephonE; vehicle; 10-key calculator; and copy machine.. Pt-IYSICAL ll~-10 ANDS "1'he physical demands described hcrc are representative of thosE that musl be met by an cmployee to successfully pErform the essenkial functions of this jqb. R.easonable aecommc~dations inay bc made to enable inclividuals ~,vrich disabilities to perform the essential functions. Work is performed mostly in officc setlings. Some outdoor w4rk is requued in the ' Accounting 'Manager 3 reviewlaudidinspectiou of i:inancial transactions tal:inb place in local busincsses or at various city facilities. Hwid-eye coordination is necessary to operate computers and various pieces of ot'Cce equipment. While perfornung the duties of this job, the emplo}ree is frequently required to sit ajici talk or he.ar. The employee is occasianally required to .valk; usc hmids to fuiger, handlc, or feel objects, tools, or conLrols; aid reach with hands and al-ms. The employee is rF:quired to sit; climb or balance; staUp, kneel, erouch, or crawl; tal.k Ur hear; and smell. The cniployee must occ,asionally lift, ancilor move up to 25 pounds. Specific vi5ion abilities required by this job uiclude close vision, distauce vision, color vision, peripheral visioci, depth perception and the ability to focus. WOfZK .EVVIRONTMF~IT "I'he work envi.ronancnt characteristics de:scribcd here are representative of those an employee encounters while perfomung dhe essential f.unctions of this job. Reasonable accomm4dations may be made tU enablc individuals with disabilities to perfonn the e•ssential functions.l 1While perfoniuuo the duties of this job, the employee occasionally works in outside weather conditions. The cinployee occasionally worl:s near rnovuig mechanical parts and is occasionally exposed to wet and/or humici eonditions, fiumes or airborne parkicles, toxic or caListic cheiilieals, risk o('electrical shock ancl vibration. The noisc level in the work environment is us«'illy quiet to moderate. t~ SCLLCTI0N GUIllELI1,1FS Formal application, rating of educatian aiid exPericnce; oral intcrview and refcrence check; job related tests iiiay be requireti. '1`he duties listed above arc uitended only as illusUations of the various t},pes of ~,Nrork dhat may bc perfurmeti. The omissiotl of specific statennents of duties docs not exclude them from the position if ttie worl< is similaa•, relaced or a logical assigiuzient to the positicm. The .job cieseription cioes not constitute ai employrnent agreement behtijeen the employcr aild employee and is subiect to change by the employer as the needs oI'thc cmplnyer ancl requirements n1'the job change. Approval: Approval: Human Rcsources Manager City Manager Effective llate 12evisien Histor}7: ; Accounting Manager . 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 22, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business X public hearing ❑ information admin_ report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Set Public Hearings - 2007 Proposed Budget GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law requires at least two hearings on the 2007 Budget PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City Council has discussed the budget process, goals, requests and other budget related issues at several meetings during the summer. A public hearing on the revenues proposed for 2007 was held on August 22. BACKGROUND: State law requires several public hearings before we adopt the 2007 budget. Staff has planned public hearings for October 10 and October 24 to consider the 2007 budget. OPTIONS: At least two public hearings are required prior to adopting the 2007 budget. The ~ t` City Council could elect to hold hearings at a later date. However, the hearings must be held and the ordinancs passed prior to December 31, 2006. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: A motion to set 2007 Budget Hearings on October 10, 2006, and October 24, 2006, to keep the City on our budget schedule. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This will be the adopted budget for 2007. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance/Administrative Services Director CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 22, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ nevr business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. repor# 0 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Spokane County Communications Agreement GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Mode) Agreement Presentation on February 14, 2006; Informational Item on July 11, 2006; Administrative Report on July 25, 2006. BACKGROUND: The County Communications Department provides repairs, maintenance, and upgrades to the Spokane counfy Communications system. The costs for providing these services are not included in any oilier service contract with the County nor are they included as regional services. The drafted agreement tivill begin in the year 2005 and apply to all subsequent years the Cify is utilizing this service. Work on this agreement began in 2005 and was delayed until an appropriate cost methodology could be devised and until model agreement language could be negotiated. The County has not previously charged the City for this service. The County charges all enfities #hat utilize this service including other contracting cities. This agreement is crafted in the model agreement format ihat has been utilized for other service agreements the Council has previously adopted. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the Interlocal Agreement for Communications Services in the City of Spokane Valley. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The estimateci cost for the 2005 and 2006 cominunication services is $114,000 for 2005 and $120,000 fior 2006. The budget for 2006 is $132,623. l'he cost for the 2405 service was expensed in 2005 in anticipation of #he approval of this contract. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City ilhanager; Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst ATTACHMENTS 1. Interlocal Agreement r-~1 Return to: llanielzi :Fricksc►n, Glerk of the Boarci Bc►ard of County Commissioners ` 1116 W. Broad-wav Spnk.vne, Washington 99260 II~'TLI2LOCr1:l; A.GRFFl1'IENT FUIt CUi~'L1'T[JNTCr1TION$ SELZVICL"S 11` TH.F... (;iTY OF SYUKr1NF, Vn.I..I..FY (January 1, 2005 -Ucccmber 31, 2005) TFT.IS ACTItEEA7EN"I'; made and enCered into 1)y and among the Spolcarie County Shci•iff', having offic.cs f"nr the transaction of business as 1 100 West Mallon, Spokane, Washington 99260-0270; hereinafter referred to as "Si-ITIRIFF;" Spo{:ane Councy, a politic.al subdivision of t:he State of \N'ashington, having af'fices for tlle transaction of business ae 1116 West Qraadway Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99260, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," t:ogethcr sometimes referred to along widi the "SI•IL-'~RlFF" as the "COtJNT'1'," and tlie City of Spol::tnc Valle,y, a munic.ipal corporation of the Statc of Washington; having o[7ices f'or dhe transaction of business at the Redwood Plaza; 1] 707 East Sprague ,Avenue, Suite ] U6, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206, hereinafcer referred to as "C1`!'Y," jointly hcreinafter referred to as tlie , ~j "PARI']ES." T"lie SHETZIFP, COt7\iTY and C17'Y agree as follows: SEC"L"TON NO. 1: RT'CITALS MI'D FWI).INGS (a) Ilie Baard of County Commissioners of Spokane Coiinty has The care of COUN'fY prppert_y and the management of COLJNTY funds and business under RCW 36.32.120(6). (b) 'l he Sheriff is the chicf executive officer and conservator of'the peace of the County under RC1V 3G.2$.010. In the executioci of his office, heJshe and his.Ther deputies shall defend the County against thqse who, by riot or othervvise, endanger the public peace or safety. (c) Counties and cities may conti-act with each other [o perfornt certain functi4ns which each may legally perfarm uncler chapte.r 39.3=1 RCW (lnterlac:iil Cooperation Act). (cl) The Spokaiie Count}, Sheriff provides law cnforce.ment services to the City of Spokane Vallcy under separate agreement. Various cornmunication equipmenUfaeilicies are used by the Sheriff in providing law enforcemenl services to tlie City of Spnkane Valley. Costs associatetl with dhis equipmenUfacilities are not addressed or included in the cost of law enforcement services. Thc Parties desire to enter into an ag-eement Nvherein the City will pay its proportionate share of the cost of communication equipmcntlfacilities associated with the Sheriff providina law enforcement services to the City. • ~ Intcrlocal Agreement Communications Serviccs Fagc 1 of 15 SECTIO\° NO. 2: DFFTNITIONS (a) ALyreement "Agreement" means this Interlocal Aore:ement among the C1TY; Sf•IFRJFI= and COUNTY regarding communication services. (b) Citv: "CITY" means the City of Spokane Valley. (c) Caunt-v: "COUN1'Y" means Spokane County. (d) Maintenance and Ot}erations: "Maintenance a»d Operations" and "M&0" s}iall mean (1) those class cocles (3000-5999 and 7000-9999) used b_y Snokane Counry in its budgetary pracess as pre.sc.ribed by the BAfZS manual adopted by the State of Washington under chapter 43.88 RCW so long as suc.h expenditures are directly attributable and proportionate to servicf:s rendered to CITY under the ternls of'this Agreement. (e) Services: "Services" means those services identifiecl in Exhibit 1. (f) Compensation: "Compensation" means thal methodology set fortlt in F~hibit 2 used to establish the amount of mone), «<hich the C171"Y will pay the COLJNTY for providinj Services. (g) Caoital ImqrpvcmGnt: "Capital Improvement" shall mean any cxpenditure in excess of $1999.99 or such hiolier figure as set by the COiJT~TY as the capitnlization chreshold during the term oI' the Agreetnent. Thc COUNTY shall give the CITY advance notice of any increase in the capitalixation threshold. The PARTIES agree to meet and discuss the irnpacts of any change in the capitali'r,ation threshold which Will cause an increase of eosts to the CITY in excess of $50,000.00. Any such . expenditure will be coded as provic(cd for in the 13AR_S-manual adopted by the Statc of Washington - under RCW 43.88. (h) UneonTrollable Circumstances: "ilncontrollable Circumstanaes" rneans the Following events: riots, wars, civil disturbance.s, insurrections, act5 of terrorism, external fires and flooci;, volcanic eruptians; liahtning or earthquakes at or near where the Scrvices are perfonned anct/or Lhat directly affect providing of such Se.rvices. (i) She.riff: "Sherifp" means that person elected sheriff to perfortn those duties set forth in chapter 36.2$ R.CW. SECTION NQ. 3: PTJFtI'OSE The purpose of this Agreement is to reduce to Writi»D the PAXT[ES' understandin~ as to che terms ajid conditions under which the SHERL1=F Nvill provide Services on behalf of the CITY. It is the intent of the PARTIES that Services to be providcd by the SHERIF-f- ~<<ill be consistent widi the CITY'S Council/Ulanager fa-ni ofgoveritmetif provided for in chapter 35A.13 RCW. SECT1(7N \O. 4: DUI2ATION/«'ITHllI2AWA1d This Agreement shall commence on January l, 2005, and run through Taecember 31, 2005. lnterlucal Agreement Communications 5ervices Page 2 of 15 At: the conclusion of Ghe initial terrn; this Agreement shall automatically be renewed from year to year chereafter effective January 1V' tn iaccember 3 i" All renewals shall be subject to all tenns and conditions set forth herein exeept for EYltibit 2. The methoclology in Lthibit 2Nvill be used to establish a new compensat_ion for etich rene,~val time frame. `Che PARTIE,S C£GQgIIIZe 1L I7lahly uolikely thac Fxhibit 2 sec#ing forth the estimated costa for e.ach yerr's Services will bc available at the star-c ofany renewal time frame. necordingly, until new Exhibif 2 has been prepared ancf agreed to be•tween t}ie PAR77H, dhe I'AR.TTES agrec that ehe COUN'fY Nvill bill the CITY and the CTTY Nvill pay the COU~jTY at dic saine monthly payment rate used for the previous year. Upon the PAkZTLFS ageemcnt on ne\v rxhibit 2, the C1TY and COWi TY will reconcile payments tb C13Ie under the previous year's payme,nt schedule Nvi[h t:he new payment schedule, r1.ny underpayment for any Scrvices will be due in the rrst payment due fol(owing reconciliation. Any overpayment for anv Serviees will be crediteci to the first montfily payment tlue following the reconciliation. The PAIt"f1FS agrae that no interest shall be owing by either Pany to Uhe other Yarty for any overpaymen[ or underpayment determined as a res«It of the reconcilia#ion. Any Party may withdraw at any time fmm this Agreement for any reason whaCSOever upon a minimum of 180 days writ7:en notice as providecf for in Seceion 7 to the o[Mer I'A17T1TS. SEC'CTOv NU. 5: COST OF SFRViCES Anu Y~~111rNTS The. C11'Y shail pay the COUN`fY the actual costs for Services provided under this AgreemenG The cstimated cost for 2005 Seivices under this Agreement shall be as set forth in FxMibit 2; ariached hereto ~ and incorporated herein by reference. 'l'he COIJ\7`Y CFO shall advise the CITY Manager as soon as possible of any anticipated or unanticipated u.pital improvement cos[s that arise duriiig the eontract period. 1'he City sliall pa}' capital improveanent costs either (1) under che CoSt Allncation Plan as ait indirect c•ost amortizecl over the useful (ife: of the improvement ut.ilizing straight-]ine depreciation and incorporat.ing the expected salvage value of the improvement at the end of its usefiil life or (2) as 1 direct cost in the form of a contribution made to the Tquiprnent Rcn#ai 111d RGVOIVII]g Fund. 1he CITY shall be responsible only for capital imprUvemeni costs incurred aCter March 31, 2003. Any poirtion of a capital improvement that was paid for or acquit-ed through separate aoreemenC or Nvith grant proceeds, bond proceeds; user fees, dqnations, or any other acquisition method that reflects a contribution on behalf of CITY shall not Ue includcd in the dePreciation schedule applied to the Cll'Y. Any capital improve.ment for whir•h the C(7UNTY seeks reimbursement from the C1TY must be necessary to fulfill the rcquirements of this Agree.me•nt. At the end of the ealencit3r year; using the methadology set forth in Exhibit 2, the Pt1RTTr.S shall cletermine die actual expenditureslre.venuesloverhead and the acttial usaue percentage for that calentlar year to estriblisli the fina1 cost. The NART[LS acknowledge thrit: the actual overhead rate 5et forth in Exhibit 2 will not be available until Junc or July of the f0lloWinga year. lt is the PAR"fIFS' intent thal any adjustmenc tal:e place as soon as possihle and ar.corcSingly NN'ill use their respective hest efforts tn timely prepare, dissemunate ar►c1 review all eKpenditureJreN,enueJaverhead docurnentatinn. The CiTY will have sixty (60) calendar days from ics rece.ipt of the expenclitureJrevenue%verllead docuinencation to provide the COUNTY with any written objections(s) ta such docurnentation. The Nvritten objection(s) must specifically identify the e,xpenditure(s)/revenue(s)/overhead in question. The COCJNTI' agrees to consider all written object.ions maei<<ed from the C1TY within thir.ty (30) calenciar days of'receipt of the objec;tions(s). [n the c~~ent dhat the ~ ~ Interlocal Agreement Communications Services Page 3 of 15 Pr1RTIES cannot mutually resolve any ~N.-ritten object.ion(s) submitiecl by the GTTY within tlic thirty (30) calendar day time frame, or sueh ocher t'►me frame as the Pr1R1IES may mutually agree, the olsjections shall _ be resolved pursuant to the 17ispuce Resolution provisions set foreh in Section No. 17. Pending resolution of the objections(s), the YAR'1'LFS agree that the CTTY Shall pay that port.ion of the hill tliat is undisputed. To 1:11e ettent that the CITY was over billed in any year and the Agreement is still in effect, the COUNTY shall crztiit the C11"Y fcr such overpayment in the ne,x1: mont.hly payment owing by the G1TY. Provided, however; in die event tlle tlgreement is t:erminal:ed at such t.ime that the overpayment is detcrmincd, the COUN`1'Y shall reimburse the CTTY for any overpaymenl within tllirly (30) calcndar days. To ihc extent that the Cl'1`Y was under billecj in aiiy year and the AD ecmcnt is still in cffect, the C11"Y shall rcimburse the COUN"I'Y for any underpayment in the next monthly payment owing by the CiTY. Provided, however, in the event the .agrze.ment is temiiiiated at such time that the underpayment is detennined; the CITY shall reirnbursc the COUNTY for an}r underpayment widiin diirty (30) calendar daYS. Eitfier Party may at its sple option charge interest on any overpa}Tnent or underpayment based on lost interest earning hsd the amount deterniined due been invested in the respective F'AR`1'1LS investment paol at the end of the thirty (30) da}r time frane provided for hereinabove to the cjate oFpayment. Any resolution oF a disputed amount through use of the arbitration process identified in Section 17 shalf include at the request of either Party, a deternlination of wheilier interest is appropriate; including the amount. The CQUNTY will bill the CITY for the cost of services as outlined, monthly, by The 15 'h of the month. Monthly payments wil] be calculated Uy dividina those annual costs set forth in Exliibit 2 b)' nwelve (12). Pay►nents by ihe CITY will be due by the 5`~ day of the following month. The COi1NTY, at its sole option, may charge inte3-est on any late paynient calctil3terd on any lost interest earning had the ainount due been invcsted 5inc.e the date due to the date of payment in the COIJN"1"Y's investinent pooL S:F:CTiON NO. 6: R.FLATr.n ur.sPonjstBrL.iTIrs Us~ CnN.I[JNCTIQN «'ITI3 PRQNJDINC. SFR~~IC.F,S The COUNTY and SI-[.FR.[.FF or their designe.es agree to attend staff ineetings as requested by the C[TY Vlanager. 'I'he CUUN"1'Y and SHERLFT' or tlleir designees a~ree, to meet upon request by the C1TY ~al~ager or his/her desigtlee to disciiss any Service provided uiider the terms of dhis Agreement. Thu CTTY a~rees the SHERIFF may use the SH.~RlE~r'S statinnery in conj~inccian Nvith prowidin~ Services under the terms of this Agreemeni. SECTiO\° NO. 7: NOTICF All notices or other communications given hereLmder shall be deemed given on: (1) the day such notices or other cnmmunicalions are receivcd when sent by personal delivery; or (ii) the third day following the day on wliich the same have I}een mailed by first class delivery; postage prepaitl at3dressed to the COiJ\iTY or the CI'CY at the address set forth bclow for such Parfy, or at such otlier address as either I'arty shall from time- to-time designate by notice in writing to the other Parly: lnterlocal Agreement Commimieations Services Page 4 c'►f 15 ~ COU'NTY: Snokaile County Chief Exccutive Officer or hisJher authoriz.ed representative 1116 West Broactwav .Avenue Spokane., 1Vashington 99260 CTTY: City of Spokane Valle.>> City Manager or his/he.r authorized representative Redwood Plaza 11707 East Spraoue Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, VJashington 99206 SFTERIN"F: Spokane County Sheriff or his/her authorized representative 1 100 West Viallon Spokane, Wasllington 99260-0270 SECTION n0. S: RFFnRTQ~G ReDort,s -1'he ST-ITRIFF shall provide the CTTY witli reports documenting the accual percentage of usage oE each client of the Com.munications llepartment and of the actual usage of the CiTY. An updated report. shal) be submirtecl imnually unless otherwise mutuaily agTeed by the PAft"1 LES. Such report shall be in a format as mut'ually ao-reed to be.nween the Pr1.RTIES. The conient antl/or format for such report may be ~ chaneed from time-to-tiriie b), «Titten agreement betwee.n C1'1'Y and COUNTY/ST-TrRI[=1". Records Keview -'1'he CITX shall be aJlowed to cnnduct random reviews of the records generat:cd b_y the COUNTYfSHFRIFF in performance of ehis Ao-reement. The C:1"1 Ywill provide thc COUTrI Y/SHT:.RIFF wit:h rea.SOnable advance notice of the recorcls reviews. Thc PAR7'lES aDree that illey will malce best efforts to achieve a resolucion oF any potential rccords conficientiality issues, if any, ine.luding entering i»to confidentialify aoreements or other similar mechanisms tliat \vill allow disclosure of the necessary infonnation to accurately conduct a recorcls review. SECTTON NO. 9: COU'PTIERFAItTS This Agreement may be execLrtetl in any number of counterparLs, eaeh of «<hich; when so exeeutECi and delivered, shall be an original, but such counterparts shall together constihate but one and the saine. SECTION VO. 10: ASSiG\'1TFNT No Party may assign in whole or part its interest in this t1greement without the written approval of t}tc other Parl'y. SECTIQ\`\TO. 11: COUNTY LiV1PL0}'FFS SI-IEFt1FP shall hire, a..~sign, retain and disaipline all employe.es performing $ervices under this Agrcement according to applicable c:oilective bargaining affeements aiid itpplicable state and federal laws. ~ Tnterlocal Agrer.ment Communieatioos Services Page 5 nf 15 SHEf71:t'F agrces to meet and confer with the C1TY with re;pect to staff tha1 is assigned to provide Services. ' Issues of discipline or performanc.e will be specifically handled accordin; to SHERIFr policies. SECTION NQ. 12: :I:,.[A}3ILIT1' Foe the purpose of this Section, the terminology "COtINTY" shall also include the "S1-W-R1FF." (a) ThE COUNITY shall indemnify and hold harmless the CITY and its officees, agents, and employees, from any tind aU claims, aetions, suits; liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damabes of any nat:ure whatsoever, by any reason of or arising out of any nebligent act or omission of the COUNrf Y, its officers, agents anci employees, relating to or arising out of performing Services pursuant to this flLyreement. In the evene that any suit basecl upnn such claim, accinn, loss, pr damages is braught against tlie C1T1', the COLJNTY shall defend the same at its solc cosl and expense; provided that the CTTY resenres the right ro participate in said suit if any principle of governmental or public law is involved; and if final judgment in said suit be rendered against the C11"Y, and its officers, agents; and employees, or jointly against the CITY and the COUN"1'Y and their respective officers, agents, and employees, the COWTY shall satisfy the same. (b) The (:I1'Y shall iildemnify and hold harmless the COl3NTl' ancl its officers, agents, aiid employees, from any and all claims, act.ions, suits; liabiliry, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature «<hatsoever, by any reason of or arising out of atiy ncgligent act or omission of the CiTY, its officers, agents and employees; relating to or arising out Qf perfonning Services pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any suit based unon such claim, action, loss, or damages is brought against the COI.NTY, the C'"lY shtill defend the same nt its sole cost and e~pense; providecl that the COUNTY reserves the right to parficipate in said suiC if any principlc of governmental or public ]aw is involvet{; and if final judSmlent in said suit be rendcrecl against the COUiNTY; and its officers, agents, and cmployees, or joiittly against the . GOWi Tl' and the Cl"rY and tlieir respective oficers, agents, and e.mployees, the CiTI' shal) satisfy the same. (c) If the compirative negligenee of the 1?AR7'IrS and lheir officers and employees is a cause of such damaDe or inj~~ry, the liability, loss, cost, or expcnse shall be sharec~ bet~~~een the Pt\R1'1~,5 in proportion io their relative degree of negligence aud the right of indemniry shall apply to sueh proportion. (c!) Where an offieer or employee of a Party is acting under tllc direction ancl c;ontrol of the other Party, the Farty directing anc! Gontrollin~ the officer or employec in the activiry and/or omission giving rise to liability shall accc.pt all liability for the other Party's officer or employee's negligence. (e) rach Party's duty to indemnify shall survive the tennination or expirat:ian of tlie Agreement. "1'he foregoi«g indemnity is specifically intencled to constitute a kvaiver of eacll Ptjrty's immutiity under Washington's Industrial insurance Act, chapter Sl EZCVJ, respeeting the other party only, and only co the extent necessary to provide the indemnifed 1'arty with a f'u11 and complete indemnity of clairns made by the indernnitor's employees. The PALRTIE,S acknowledge that these provisions Nvere specifically negatiated aixl agrE;ed upon by thern. (g) The Cnl)NTl' and the Cl'1"Y agree t.o either self insure or purchase policies of insurancc covering the mat[ers eontaine(l in this Ageeei-nent with coverages of not less than $5;000,000 pe.r qeeurrence Nvith $S;OOU;UUO aggrcgate limits including professional liabilit), ancl auto liability coverages. Interlocal Agreement rommunicalions Services C'age 6 of 15 SLCTIOe° ni0. 13: RELATIUNSNTf' OF TF1T F.aRTILS The PAR"1`IES intend that an independent contractor relationship Naill be c.reatcd by this Agreement. `1'he COUN'I'YISHETt.1Tr shall be an inciependcnt c.ontractor and not the itgent ar employee of dtie CI7Y, that the C11'Y is intere;ted otlly in the results t.o be achieved and that the rig t to control the particular manner; methocl and rneans in which che Services are perfornled is solcly witliin the discretion of the COLTNTY/SHL-RTFF. Any ancl aU cmployees who provide Seivices to the CIT1' under this Agreement shal) be clcemed employees solely of the COUNI'I'Y/Sl-IERIFF. The COUNTY/SI-iERlt'F shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions of all employees under this ,qpreement and any liability that may auach thereto. Likewise, no agent, ernployee; servant or representative of the CI'I'Y shall be deemeci [o be an ernployee, aeent, servant or represe•ntative of the COIJNTl' for any purpose. SFCTT.QN NO. 14: n'iOllTFTCATIp\` This Ag-eement may be modified in Nvriting by mutua] vvritten a3reement of Uie PAR17ES. SLC"I IO\z N0. 15: FRQPE.KTY rlND lSQUiP1T.F\iT 1'he ownership of all property antt e.quinment utilized in conjunction wilh providing the Services shall remain with the origina) owner, unle,.~s ottlertivise specificaliy and nlufually a;reed to by the. PARTIES to this A~reeinent. ~'or the purpose of this section, the tenninolo~~ "o~~mer" means that F'arty ~~~t~ich paid the full purchase price for the property or e.quipment. SF..CTION \TU. 16: ALT.VVR.ITI:\'(:S CONl:A-li\rED HEREl1TB.TNDIN(: EFNL+".CT This Agreement contains terrns and conditions agreed upon by ihe PART[ES. 'I`he PAlt"1'IF,S agree Chal there are no other understandings, Qral or othenvise, regardin; t.hc subject marier of this A~_-eement. No chan?es or additions to Chis Aarcement shall be valid or binding upon tlie PARTIES wiless such change or addition is in «TiCing, execuced by the FAIt't LES. '1"his Alp-eement shali be binding upon the Pr1R.T1ES hereto, their successors and assibns. SECTIO\' \O. 17: 1)(SPUl'E RESOLiJTION Any dispute behween the Pr\RTT.rS which c,annot be resolved btrivecn the PAR`fIES shall be subject to arbitration. Excepf as provided foi• co the conh-ary herein, such dispute shall first be reduced to writing. lf the COUN'l"Y CEO or SHTRIFF respectively and the CITI' Manager cannot resolve the dispute it will he submitted to arbitratioii. The provisions of chapter 7.04 RC4V shall be appliettble [o an}' arbitration proce.ed ing. 'I'he COiNTY Nviih regard to financial m~3lters or SHERIFF for Sen~ice matters and ehe CITY shall liave the riclit to desia ate one person each to act ays an arbitrator. The Cwo seleeted arbitrators shall then jointly sslect a chird arbitrator. The de.cision of the arbitration paneJ shall be binding on the PARTLES and shall be subject to judicial review as provided toi• in chapter 7.04 RCW, _ The costs of the arbitration pancl shall be equally split between the PART.IFS. Tnterlocal Agreement Communicatiuns Services Paec 7 of 15 sECTION iNo. is: vErruF srrrnui.a•riON This Agreement has been and shall be construed as having been made and deliverecl witliin the State of Washington and it is mutually understood and agreed by each Party that tliis Agreement shall be Qoverned by the laws of the State of Washington both as to interpretation ttnd perfonnance. Ai1y action at law, suii ir► eyui[y or judicial proeeeding for the enforcement of this Agreement, or any provision here,to, shall be instituied only in courts of competent jurisdiction within Spokane County, Washington. SECTION \70. ly: SEVF:RAI3.T_1:1TY The PARTITS ag-ee that if ajiy parts, Yerms ar provisions of this Agreement are held by the courts to be illegaL the valiclicy of the remaining portions or provisions shall not bc affected and the rights and obligations of the PAR'1'lES shall not bc affected in regard to che remainder of the Agreement_ if it shOuld appear Chat any part, term or provision of This Agreement is in conilicc with any statutory provision of the State of Washington, tlien the part, term or provision diereof that may be in cpnflict shall be deemed inoperative and null and voicl insofar as it may be in conflict therewith and diis Agreemenc shall be deemed to moctify to conform to such statutor_y provision. SEC1'10N NO. 20: ltECOIZI)S All public recorcls prepared, owned, used or retaincd by the COiJN'TY/SHEfZI1=F in conjunction «<ith providino Services under the tcrms nf this Agreemcnt shall be deemed GITY property and shall be madc available to the C1'1°Y upon requesc by die CITY Manager subject tq the attorney client anci attorney 'work . product privilegcs set forth in stalute, coLut ivle or case law. "I'he CQUI~TTY/SHEfZLFF will notify the CITY nf any public disclosiire request under chapter 42.17 RC\V for cApies or viewing of such recnrds as Nvell as the COUNTTY'S/SM.ERTFr'S response thereto. SFC'TTON NU. 21: HFAn1NGS The scction headings appearing in this Agreeanent have been inserted solel}~ tior the purpose of convenience and rrady reference. Ln no way do they purpqrt to, and shall not be deemed to define, limit or extend the scope or intent ofdie sections to which they pertain. SECTIO\i NQ. 22: TINLE Or ESSI?:i1TCF OF AGRLElbI.-N N`_C Tiine is Af the essence of this ,Agreement and in case either 1'ariy fails to perform the obligations on its part to be perforrned at the time f►xed for the performance of the respecti<<e obligation by the tei-ins of this Agreement, the other Party may, at its election, hold the other Part7f liable for all costs and damages caused by suc.M delay. SECT'[ON NO. 23: Un`CON"i'RO.T_.LAF3LE C1IZCUMSTANCESliMI'OSSTT3TLI7rY A dElay or interruption in or failure of performance of all or any part of this Acy'reeirent resulting from Unc,ontrollable Circumstances shall be cleemed not a default under this Agreement. Inferlotal Ayreement Comcriunications Services 1'age 8 of 15 F\ delay or interruption in or failure of pcrformance of all or any part of this Aareement resulcing firom any change in qr new law, order, rtile or regulation of an}` I]ittUCG N'hich renders providing of Services in accerclance widi the terms of this Agreement legally impossible; and any other cirtumstanaes beyond t_he control of the COl3\'1°YISNERll;F which render legally impASSible the performance by the CO(JNTY15HETZ.T.TF of its obligations under this tlgreement, shall be deemecl nQt a default undex this F1gre.ement. SECT[ON i\'O. 24: F1L.l1i'G `I'his Agrcement shall be filed by die COITNTY with stieh office5 or agencies as required b}, chaptsr 39.34 RCW. SEC'TIUN NO. Z5: El'ECT.ITLUII~Ai\'la NPPROVAT.: The PARTlES warrant that the officers executing below 11ave been duly authorized to act fa' and nn behalf of ihe E'arty for purposes of confirming this Agreement. SECTr0N No. 26: TNrTia7 i:vFs '1"he PA.RT[L`S reeqgnize that revenue retiucing initiative(s) passed by the voters of Washington may substantially reduce local operating revenue for the CCl"Y, COUNITY or botli Pr1RTlE'S. The PART[rS agree chat. it is necessary io have flexibiliry to reduce the contracted amount(s) in this Agreement ui response to budget constraints resuliing from the passage of revenue rettucing initiative(s). if such an event oecurs, the T'AR.TT.TS agree to negotiate in good faith roachicve a mut«ally agreeable resolution in a timely fashion. SLCT1ON NQ. 27. C014PLIA\(:E \1TI'[`II LAN1'S The PARTIES shall observe ali federal, state and locai laws; ordinances and rebulations; to the extent that i.he_y may be applicable to the tci7»s of this A_reement. SEC'I'TQN \U. 28: nISCLAINTER Execpt ns otherNvise provideti, t.liis Agreement shall not be construed in any manner that would limit either P9rty's authoricy or prnvers uncler law. SEC'l I.Qi\T N0. 29: A:SSTJRr1NCE The C17'Y shall pay the CO[XN"1 Y the true and full cost of all Service,s providecl unde.r this Agreernent. `1'he inl.ent of the E'A.R.TIES is diat neither Pariy wiil subsi<lize the ocher and that tfie C1TY will not subsidize any other jurisdiction t.hat is receivina similar services. Interlocul Agreement Cnmmunications Services Page 9 of 15 hN V1'ITNE:SS NVREKEOF, the NA.[L11F.S have caused this Agreement to be executed on date and yc~ir opposite their respective signatures. llA'lEll: T30ARD OF COUN"1'Y COA'il'ITSSTONERS OT' SPOK,ANE COUNTY, WASI-TII~'GTOv TOAMv(IELKE, Chairperson ATTES'C: V1AIZIC RICHARD, Viae-c}iairinan Clerk of the Bnard 17aniela Eriekson f'H1LL,lI' D. H-ARRIS, Commissioner llATEI): SPOKANE COl3NTY SI-IERIF1= By: Its: (Title) . DATEn: CITI' OF SFOhANE VAIILEY A1'1 ES'r': Davicl Mercier, City Manager City Cle•rk APP120VED AS TO 1=0R!`7 ONLY: City Attomey [nterlocal Agreement Communications Services Page 10 of 15 • ' EttiLIRiT 1 For the purpose ofthis rlgreement; Comrttiunicacion Sei-vices shall inclucte: (1) Nlaintenance, repair, upgrade and installation of new radios ancl supporting cquipment for 24 mountaintop rnicrowaves; radio sites and toNvcrs. The tenrinology radio system means all equipmeilt needed to provicle the data inforrnation (includin-, audio) from one location to another to include transmitters and voter rcceivers. Mountainlop microwaves, radio sites aiid towers maintainecl, repaireti or upgraded include: • The Combined Com.munication ]3uilditia which is the communication hub for tlie County Sheriff', Cit}, of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley and all fre deparLments within Spokane County, • The County- wide pager system which se.rves all CQUnty, City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley as well as the Prosecuting ACtorney's Offiec, the 1'ublic Iaefender's Office and all fire departments wiehin the County. Courit:y- wide pa;;er coverage is i1iade possible ~vith S transmiticr sites sihiatetl throughout the County. • Tiic Counh, anci Valle_y Fire Dcpartments have 7 radio systems which include 7 minsmitte.rs and 36 voter receivers, • City of Spakane Valley is serviced by six of the microwave radio sites, • Spokane County Sheriff uses 9 radio systems with 9 irTnsmitte.rs and 54 voter c-eceivers, ~ • Caunty Cngineers utilize 3 transmitte•rs and 18 receivers, • Animal ConUol, Geiger Correction Facilify and Facilicies vlaintenanee e.ach use one ratlio , J s}'stem, and • Department of F_mer~ency I~fana~ement uses one transmitte.r and fc~ur recei~rers. (2) Maintenance of'the Spokane County Jaii's three raclio systems which are stanc!-alone systems as well as the eontrol roam incJuding all door and elevator controls and cameras. (3) Preventive maintenance perfc,rmed annually f'or each repeater sitc. (4) Vehicle conununicatio» installations. (5) Prnjeet upgrades tn lhe. County microwave system lo the new digital platform xs well as a local area nehvark s}'Stem. All Senrices are provided 24 hours a da_y; 365 days a year. Interlaeal Agreement Communicatians Scrvices Page ll c~C 15 Exhibit to bc «sed for Methodoloa Only. NumUers Subject to Change uatil Final Settle and Adjust is Completed for 2005. Eahibit 2 SpULqne Cpunty SherifP Communications 2005 Contraci Component r1 Comnoneut B ~ Comnpnent C 2005 Percentxge _ s . ~ ; Spokane i Contraet adopted 13udRet * ~ Valley*** Amounl Departmental Expencliftues Salary 375,472.00 M& O 70,230.00 'Indirect Costs 93;1 03.84 Tnta! 538,505.84 , - . Allocation of Time Spent Ori:"`&$'" Law Enforcemcnt 50.00% 269,402.92 0.4199 - 113,122.29 rmergency iManaaement 0.02% 107.76 0.1948 •20.99 Anima! Control 0.02% 107.76 0.5115 •'r~ 55.12 .E'rosecut.or 0.02°u 107.76 `.t 0.0270 ~ 2.91 Publie Defender 0.02% 107.76 0A550 5,93 Ja>> io.oo°io 53,880.58 0.0210 :--,i 1,131.49 racilities Maintenance 0.02% 107.76 0.0000 i 0.00 Roads 15.00% 80,820.88 . 0.0000 ; 0.00 Fngiilcers 12.91 °n 69,538.82 0.0000 A 0.00 Ucilities Wa.stewater 1.30% 7,004.48 0.0000 0.00 911 4.00% 21;552.2; 0.0000 ' 0.00 (:;eiger 1.20% 6,465.67 ~ 0,0000 0.00 Cicy rire 5.32% 28,653.49 . 0.0000 0.00 Ainvay Heights 0.18% 948.74 0.0000 OAO 100.00% 538;806.02 114,338.73 \'otes Component A represents Sheriff Communic.ations 2005 adoptEd budget far expenditures. "1'he Indirect (Overhead) rate of 24.80% is applied to salaries only, and comes from Spokane County's OMB A-87 lndirect Cost Plan Gscalated 2003 for 2005, adjusted to include only depreciation of assets fi•om date af incorparation. I'repared by PEZM Group, an independent plan preparer. See Attachment B. Interlocal Agreement Cominunications Services Yabe 12 of 15 'I`he percentage of services provided to Spokane Valley is baseci upon t.he % of Spokane ~ Vailey services purchased for eac.h departmeiii. Allocation of time spent on departmental communication needs. `I`his is an estimate is made by the Communications 17epartment. \ , Intcrlacal Agrcemcnt Corritnunicitions Scrviccs P9oc 13 of 15 ExhiUit to be used for Methotlology Only. \'umbers SuhjecC to Chwige until Pinal Settle and Adjust is , Completed for 2006. Fxhibit 2 Spokane Couoty Sheriff Communications 2006 Contrxct Component A Comnoncnt B ~ Cc►moonent C 2006 Perrentagc Sn0ltane Contract Adopted Budgct'" Valley"** Arnount Depart:mental Eapenditures Salary 396,145.00 `9 R 0 86,580.00 . . [ndirect Costs 85,251.00 Total 568,279.00 ) ty.. 1• A11otalion of Time Spent On:**** . Law Fnforcement 50.00% 2R4,139.50 0.4199 119,310.18 Eniergency v(anagement 0.02% 113.66 0.1945 22.14 . Animal Control 0.02% 113.66 ~ 0,5115 gg, ] 3 , Prosccutor 0.02% 113.66 • 0.0270 ' 3.07 Public DePencier 0.02% 11 3.66 0.0550 6.25 Jail 10.00% 56,827.90 0.0210 1,193.39 Facilitics Maintenance 0.02% 113.66 0.0000 ; 0.00 Roads 15.00% 85,241.85 ,0.0000 . ~ 0.00 rngincers 12.91% 73,342.66 0.0000 0.00 Utilities Wasicwa[er 1330% 7,387.63 0.0000 0.00 911 4.00% 22,731.16 0.0000 0.00 GeiDcr 1.20% 6,819.35 0.0000 ~ 0.00 City Fire 5.32% 30;220.57 0.0000 - 0.00 Airxvay Heights 0. ] 8% 1,000.00 0.0000 0.00 100.00% 568,279.19 LJ 120.593.16 NOtCs F Component t1 represents Sheriff Communications 2006 adopted budget for expenditures. The Indirect (Overhead) rate of'? 1.52% is applied to salaries only, and comes From Spokane County's OMB A-87 lnclirect Cost Plan Escalated 2004 for 2006; adjusted to include only depreciation of assecs from date of incorporation. Prepared by PRIM Group, an independent plart preparer. See Attachment B. [ntcrlocal Agrcement Communications Services PAaC 14 UP 15 ' The percenuage of services proviciccl to Spokane Valley is based upon the % ai' Spokane ~ Valley services purchascci for each depart7iient. ~k*y Allocation of time spent on departmental communic.ation needs. ~ Interlocal ;Agreement CommuniCatiOnS Services Pabe 15 oT 15 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 22, 2006 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business Z new business ❑ public nearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legisla6on AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Mayoral Appointments: Sign Code Committee GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 05-016 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: '1"he Ad Hoc Sigm Comrnittee was appointed to present a balanced review of the existing sign regLilations. 17uring the June 27, 2006 Council izieetiilg: Council voiced dheir desire to have more interaetian with sigm committee rnembers so committee members underseancl their task. Tt was determined that staff will contact the last sign eom.miriee me.mbers to determine wfio would like to continue to serve on the committee; [hal any committee vacancies will be filled, and Council Nvill decide whether to acld members to the Committee and from whieh areas we would like to havre them added. Council will also consider which issues lhey want to have addressed. During the July 18, 2006 Council meeting: 4. Revision of SiEn Code Committee - Marina SukuQ ~ Communiry T)evelopment llirector Sukup NVrould like tn get direction from council as to how ihey would like to tnodify die composition oP the sign codc cotnmittcc. The Planning Commission e,xpressed interest in having ttivo members of the Planning Commission se.rve on the committee if it is eaganded. Ms. Sukup askeci council to spec.if~, interest groups and proportion of representation on the c.ammit:tee ancl ta c4efine a scopc of review. Councilmember Munson sLlggested reopenin- the committee for reanplication to appoinfilent tn open the cfoors to anyounc interested. Depuiy vlayor'Iaylor stated he believed that would bc clisrupt:ive to the process. He indicated any suggested changes should be taken to tlie. comrnittee to have chem address the issues and ►nove forward. Cowicilmember DeVleming wnuld like to expand the committee by adding two people: une rEvresentative from the automotive rctail and onc from a smsll restaurant/i•ctsil business owner. C'unsensus frum Coi.incil is to exoand the cominittee bv two as indicated and have the c:ommittee address the clarification of terms loc►kinLy at pennants, streamers ancl (la(:s as well as lool:inE at portable siens. Staff will request a.Public Service Announcemenl and place an advertisement to sc►licit the publie co applv• Copies of the applications for sign committee consideration were clistribud.ed to Councilmembcrs f\ugust 11, 2006. Applications were re.ccived from: Nancy M. NTishimura, Green Thumb \TUrseryr Robert Blum; Gtech Corp. Kristopller Pockell, Aquatic Preams Jennifer Johnson, Jennifers Auto Sales ILECOiVINUNDEn ACTTO\j QR MQT[C)N: iN9ore to confirnl the Mayoral appointments to the Ad Hoc Sign Committee \ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 22, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: (tem: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business x nevr business ❑ pubfic hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. repori 0 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Mayoral Appointment: Cable Advisory Board A vacancy occurred on the Cable Advisory Board and notices were posted in the Valley News Herald and on the City's website. One application from received from Daryl Langford, a copy of which was distributed to Councilmembers August 11, 2006. 1tLCOA,T1ViF,NrDFD ACTiOi\' OR MOTIQN: ytove to confirm the A9ayoral appointment to the Cablc ~ Advisory Board. i" CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 22, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ nevr business ❑ public hearing information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Preliminary 2006 Budget Report GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: City Manager Mercier will introduce and review the accompanying Preliminary Budget Report for 2007 ~ OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT; Dave Mercier ATTACHMENTS: 2006 Preliminary Report Attached in Separate Notebook CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action ~..~Meeting Date: 08-22-06 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appiy: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ neai business ❑ public hearing ❑ information x admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) Follow-Up PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The purpose of this agenda item is to give Councilmembers an opportunity to discuss their impressions following the August 22, 2006 tour of the facility \ OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: - STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS ci pO~~a.ne ' Valley 4;oo 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley YJA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ~ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave M2rcier, City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: August 4, 2006 Re: Monthty Report Durinb July, financ.e employces worked on the Followinb projects: ~ 200713udaet qrepacation A draft of thc 2007 budget has been forwarded to the city managcr for review. The city rnanagcr will be adding a btidgEt message and making modifications to the document in preparation ior his prescntatiou to [he cily council on Aug-List 22. The first of three heai-ings is planned for the middle of August. The process will conclude in ljovembcr -with the adoption of thc 2007 bud;et. Audit of 2005 business The slate auditor's office has been witYi us for a several weeks. 'I'his is the third diL('erent crew in threc years. We have movecl them to the Gceenacres eoni'erence roolli to provide addilional working spacc. AcecaLuntinp- tecluucian search hiteiviews werc conducted this week with several candidates. The pool has been reduccd to three indivicluals. Additional information is hcing gathered ta assist us in our selectian. This position is primarily ►•esponsible for the accounts payable 1'unctiorl. 13udeet variancelinvestment reoorts , Reports showuig a comparison of revenues and expenditure_s, to our 2006 budget, at July 31, - 2006 are attached. Staff provides inforniation on all fiinds quarterly but only on selectcd opecating fuuds at thc cnd of other months. If revenues aiid eapendiitu-cs t7owed to the City evenly throtighout the year, we would cYpect both revenuES and expenditures ta show about 58% realizeci at July 31. Most City operating clepartments are includcd in the General Fund. Significant 2006 General Fund revenue varimlces, usuig 2005 as a base year, are: +S-ales tax is up $ 1,000;000 +Recreation fecs arc up $300,000 (CenterFlace) +Investment income is up $140,000 (more casli on hand and inereased incerest rates) +Plaruiuig/Building fccs are ciowm $375,000 but in line with 2006 budget projections The investment report is also attacheci for your review. Additional office space The city signed an o.f.fice space lease with lhe ovvner of a one-story buildino to the west of Redwnod Plaza. Approximately 3,000 square feet of space in the building will housc city employees. City of Spokane Valley Selected Operating Funds Budget Variance Report Year to Date at July 31, 2006 Amended 6LIdget July YTD Unrealized Peroent affi Ftevenues Revenues Revenue Realized General Fund Revenues: Unrestricted Fund 8alanoe,.,,,,. S 1,022,575 $ - $ - $ 1,022,575 Prppeiiy'I'ax 8,281,000 62,383 4,336,613 3,944,387 52.3796 1 Sales Tax 16,600,000 1,532,365 8.820,175 7,979,825 52.50 Gambting Tax 910.000 682 265,373 644,622 29.16 2 Leasehold Ezcise Tax 2,500 882 2,222 278 88,88 Franchise FeesiBusiness Licenses 681,754 3,829 219,783 461,961 32.24 2 State Shared Revenues 1,121,000 137,705 561,062 5S9,938 50.05 Planning 8 Building Fecs 1,685,000 148,007 1,059,397 625,603 62.87 Fiities anci Foifeitures 1,250,000 118,940 696,341 553,659 55.71 Recreatlpri Program Fees 385,516 55,331 423,853 (38,337) 149.94 8 Invesimerit Inie2si 231,300 36,169 241,618 (10,318) 104.46 4 Operating Trans(ers 40,00 - 20,40 20,000 50.00 3 Gencral Fund $ 32,410,641 $ 2,096,293 $ 16,646.448 $ 15,764,193 51.36°16 Other Fund Revenues: Strcet Fund 5 4,166,856 5 190,925 S 2,095,409 S 2,071,447 50.29% ~ HoteUMotel Fund 400,667 35,678 174,764 225,883 43.62 9 1 StormwaterFtind 1.621,534 16.659 861,907 759,627 53.15 1 Othor Funds $ 6,189,057 $ 243,262 $ 3,132,100 $ 3.056.957 50.61°N Amended Budget Juty Y7D Unrealized Percent 2006 Exoenditures Expenditures Exoendifures Realized Gencral Fund Expenditures: Legistative 8ranch $ 344,267 S 7,231 S 933,636 $ 170,631 43.92;b Execxiiive 8, Leqislative Support 470,105 33,207 218,704 251,401 46.52 Puhtic5afety 17,173,541 2,426,685 10,723,678 6,449,563 62.44 Operations 8 AdminPsfralive Svcs 1,461,170 105,280 759,321 701,849 51.97 Public Wotics • 980,192 105,739 499,028 481,164 50.91 Pianning 8 Gommuniiy Dev. 2,236,700 119,817 907,443 1,329,257 40.57 Library SBroices - 62,597 62,597 (62,597) - Parks 8 Recreation 1,854,666 134,431 812,612 1,042,054 43,81 General Govemment 7,930,000 118,521 4,561,646 3,368,354 57.52 $ 32,410,641 S 3,113,508 $ 18.678,665 $ 13,731,976 57.63% - - - Other Fund Expenditures: 5#reet Funcl $ 4,166,856 $ (268,869) $ 1,187,734 $ 2,979,126 28,54% 7 HoteUFAotel Furyd 400,667 13,362 104,732 295,935 26.14 6 Stormvra?er Fund 1,621.534 25,934 599.034 1,422.500 36.94 7 S 6.188,057 S 029,5731 S 1.891.496 $ 4.297,561 30.5696 &WzD06 ~o:5t Mn City of Spokane Valley . Investment Report . For the Month July 2006 ' Total LGIP` F&M MM Investments Beginning $ 27,675,811.51 $ 1,538,006.89 $ 29,213,818.40 Deposits 1,879,200.40 - 1,879,200.40 Withdrawls (2,600,000.00) - (2,600,000.00) Interest 123,265.85 5,629.63 128,895.48 Ending $ 27,078,277.76 $ 1,543,636,52 $ 28,621,914.28 Balances bv Fund General Fund $ 6,445,731.53 Street Fund 4,533,006.19 Arterial Street 882,233.43 Paths & Trails 15,973.61 HateUMotel 312,233.19 Center Place Op 314,339.46 Service Level Stab. 4,519,977.23 Winter Weather Res. 521,255.42 Capital Projects 2,594,272.60 Spec. Capital Proj. 2,909,179.32 Street Capital Proj. 189,761.46 Mirabeau Point Proj. 422,152.65 Street Bond Proj. 1,035,920,27 Parks Capital Proj. 946,822.81 Civic Bldg. Cap. Proj. 824,330.43 Stormwater iVlgmt. 1,354,389.39 Equipment Rental 777,962.34 Risk Management 22,372.95 $ 28,621,914.28 "Local Govemment Investment Pool , FOOTNOTES Note: 1 Revenue from property taxes is received in May and November 2 Received quarterly 3 Internal transfer is made twice/year. 4 City estimate was too low 6 Requests for reimbursement are light in early months 7 Most expenses are in Aug., Sept. and Oct. 8 CenterPlace 9 Second half of yr generates most revenue ~.ll IY ur `>rUr'vtiivL vALLJtY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JULY 2006 MONTHLY REPORT LONG RANGE PLANNlNG: Ptanning Commissinn 7he Spokane Vailey Planning Commission met twice dunng the month of July. The Commission has initiated review of Title 17 and 18 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code and Consider8d the third extension of the UR-1 Residential Estate zoning for the Ponderosa and Rotchford areas Long Range Planning Staff Work on tfie Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Fian continues. Focus group mentings were held on July 19, 2006, with stakeholder groups on the corridor. The meetings were wel{-attended and productive. On July 20'h the City's "Core Team" met with the consullant team to discuss the results of the focus group meetings and to discuss the upcoming events of the Plan CURRENT PLANN/NG: 2006 Licenses 8 Permits lssued 3J t, - - . 0 ~ ~ n 1- 1]!i FRb W:iy Ju'1 _lul A ug ~~.2006 M 25 I 36 I 34 32 i 23 32 ?7 •t~ . The PJanning Division reviewed fen camniercial buildrng profects subm►tted for application and/or pre-app meetings. Fout commercial building projects were signed off by Planning. The Substantial ones include: t) 30,320 square foot manufacturing buiiding for Wagstaff Engineering at 3910 N. Ffora Rd. 10,800 square foot manufacturing tenant space for Orepac Flo-Coating at 15126 E Euclid Ave. 3) 6,068 square foot real esiate office building at 608 N Argonne 7hEre were 4 commercial pre-application meetings heid Page 1 of 7 City of Spokane Valley r, lriartment of Community Development uly 2006 Montfily Report :ur i;a;;r„j;y Division totaled $22,801 in July. The City also recefved a S06,020 Growth Management Planning grant from the Washington Siate Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development. 2006 New Land Use Actions 40 i f ~ , . u _ Ian Feb Nbr Apr May .run Jul Aug Sep tJw Gkr a=]@ 20Qfi 20 j 18 30 24 77 . 15 25 t 20p5! 15 ~ 22 2fl i 24 18 33 28 17 17 26 18 . 20 2006 Planning Revenues S 5;l OV! $y 7 000 ;37.OU0 /1?0 QOQ ~ _ ♦ 5 . ODO H - S . . . - h13r A~Moy .kme Jwy Aug Sepl Oct Nvw Dec REVeniies generatcd by ttiQ Planning Division are campared with the 2006 Budget appropriation in the table betow. Year-to-date revenues through the month of July are at 881/'(, of the 2006 budget estimate 2006 Pfanning Rovonuos Cornpared wfih Budget , i - •ra.,,,,,x•: _ S'4s:~o0 5150,000 i155.0W 3 1 6Q,OD0 111765,000 61)0.00 1;..~; 5c,,;,,o .:ltiia'~'ii~ R~v.+n,.e O A.i~,yt Pu'17rt ~src•,~.. City of Spokane Vailey ' -~partrvient of Community Deveiopment July 2006 !Ilfotithly Report BUILDlNG DIVISION: The Building Division issued 336 permits in July 2006, corTipared with 422 for the same penod IaSt year. 2006 CONSTRUCTION PERMItS ~ . ~ . M _ J a-' ►etr ~ 1~ Rp My ' .4n~ JI! A+O WI QX lib 3e 2006 New S!ructures'Unifs PermNled r „ F 60 IF 40 ~ ~ a lls- ~ .lr+ Fb Uu Apr Msp June Ju'r Za 111 74 44 64 34 ■ Mu"mIh Un44 D 0 0 0 0 3 - New CommerCW 5tructuss 5 2 1 The Permit Center collected a totaf of : ooa euudMs cmo ~uo { - ~ a:o ; _ tY :1_1 3. . . _ . : ~ . . _ w~ • a ~.4. The reported value of constnuction, including new structures and additions/aneration is shown in the following chart, companng these values with 2005. New value for July 2006 totals $8,430.364 for a total of $50,873.135 for the year so far Page 3 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development I July 2006 Monthly Report 2006 Valuatlon of ConeWctlon Ss"w;:_o: i3R.WU.D.1i~ s.+n ooo,u~ I t?S,DOOAiii r I'~ 2006 Valuatic- 120,Ow Oo, - - - - 2005 YNu le-_ n s'6,000 'W' ~ - _ t ~o i10f5..~1.7 y, :pfl,fl:/J f! ~an rAKI N1 ~~raay i.ly Aup sn~! t~ct wr G~ V D Mnual Revrnue Prviecilan lcensc 6 Pe-m1 F~~ i • ActualY?U Revenue n .00,000 4U0,000 600,000 SQO,ODO ],000,0001.:00,0001,00,000 J SOiIRCE :,pokanr. Valjey FinBnce Department In July 2008, building inspectors performed 1,125 inspections in 20 days. This averages 56.25 inspections per day. The Plans Examiners reviewed 92 projects in July 2006- At the end of March, there were 19 projects awaiting review_ 2o0i BuI1dMy Inspectlons #:*r+ A, ~ a-1 i . _ . . . ! ~ 1► ,r II*'~ ' _ _ . 10J ~ _ ~ I :,]C • C •.c ~1W Ap+ Yw ~ furw - Ly i p . rrv N. =)~at~.:a.L[.-a 17n 1~ +:t 173~ ' 1111 I:1~ . sre~ •co ui ~nr. !•I u!: ee~ 3 F. .i::4 c36 410 right-of-way inspections were performed during the month of July 2006. Page 4 of 7 City of Spokane Vatley ?nt of Community Development Oli L(: OMi'L1ANC : During .luly 86 property owners were cantacted about bringing their signage into como(iance - ~,in Code Complianoe - - Slgrts brought Remainina Non- .:~iree's Inspecte~ Gpniaetad Into CompTian. , Compiance Slgns 57 42 i 15 Juty'r'OOF, The riurnber of Violations Reported" on the follawing chart reflects actual Spokane Valley Zoning Code violations, plus complaints received wfiich were not violations. The complaints received are added to the total because they reflect time offlcers spent in the fleld conducting investigations. In addition, the "Investigated° and "Pending" columns acr_.urately reflsct Cod. Compliance's current ability to process and investigate backlog cases The following chart provides a mohthly comparison of the types of SpoKane Valley Cocie violations reported. Violations are reported based on the primary complamt received, rather than ths number of additional violations identified on any individual premises. The investigation of a complaint of junk vehicles, for example, July also resuti in identtfication ot additional vio{ations such as the accumulation of trash or harboring of livestrck I'he:se are not iricluded in ?he su-mmary A tatal af 66 complaints were processed in July I 1.~1~__~~-,[1_t_t.:^ ~ ~1~ J. , . . _ . - . _ . . . ' ' MJ) "t . ■ . : ~~.:.,.L 101 05 51 SJ I:i 131 93 bo •^.i+r.YtnYnd - SO OD -~---52 ay 1- tl ?J 77 34 IAU 82 1 176 1 110 I a ~ Tnmfarc - 4 2 0-- Q 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 4 Q~ I n ~nno F~= QT 59 ~5. 1 23 ^ta e3 j 43 ae ~ Rt ■ . e 1'~,,.-7-1 \ LI+v~.v7 J - Ir '-niJr c -i•.The Spokane Valley Palice Departmeiit, m conjunction with SCOPE, has requested the assistance of Code Compliance in identifying junk vehicles abandoned within the nght-of-way SCOPE volunteeirs tag the vehicles. Vehiclss which have noi been moved by ihe following Friday are towed_ Twenty-nine vehicles were red-tagged and removed from the right-ot-way during the month of July Activity is consalidated into the following six categones: Environmental (sewerlseptic., critrral areas, animal and nuisance violations); Property (Right of Way, property use, dangerous building, landlordltenant, iilegal business and signage violations); Junk Auto; Solid Waste (solid waste, illegal dumping, and househofd waste violations), Clearview Tnangle and Complaint - No Violation Flage 5 of 7 City of Spokane Valley ,ent of Community Development July 2006 Monthly Report 2006 CODE COMPLUWCE REPORi'S (bytypa) uox snx 2o% .Iar. 06 Feb-08 Msr-08 Ap 06 Mby-06 Jvn46 Jul-06 hiq Qfi 5ep-O6 Oci-Jo 11ov 05 De-c Gb 3Co~;:•a~,; Nuv~r:.it~un t! 12 B l0 14 12 17 ~ ■SWpdWasle tt 11 17 17 , 13 ~ 4 E [:]JunkAulu 10 9 11 10 ~ 13 U S ❑ Ckar Vlsw Trcanyla 2 4 8 3 4 12 l8 iProperty 0 9 10 9 17 22 17 fl EnNronmantat T 0 7 < 2 2 fi CUSTOMER SERVICE Planning The Hearinv Exarnincar held 3 land use hi;aiirigs dunng July Building: Permits The iollowing table summarizes the perforn,ance of tiie Perniit Cenier jor those pem)its entered in the PLUS system, measured from the t(rne ctia; the appi+cation is cieER'tad `rounter•compiete' fo lhe time ?hat a nermit is issued velue ~ N C VJ CONSTRUCTI(') N ti_ti:tihiylliuil•Ji;i~ ; 1 S1.000.281 Dl) -J cs~;~~p+~ona~ I t 3750.00000 I101 i fat I10- RPM)DEL offioe/Prohissi«►al ; 2 s30.000.00 I1 I 1 , , r~Igious 13uiwr.q__ 1. 2 I s12.700 0o I15 I 1 ~ I DfTFQN i Indusirial Buyldmg t~ S42,000.00 I 150 ~ 150 1 ' ~ n~.-„~~f.,fe•1sonn+ z noq nn a a . i',?cjt= 6 c.f ' City of Spokane Valley - - Department of Community Development July 2006 Monthly Report , - - - - Values shown are those on which Plan Check and Building Permit fees are based. The chart includes average, minimum and maximum times. Dzlays in the issuance permits July result from inadequate or incomplete submittals, failure of the applicant to pick up the permit, etc.. The Permit Center has been tracking turnaround for Right of Way Permit Applications and the faxed Mechanical and Plumbing Permit Applications. At present the City responds to applications within 24 hours, typically by noon on the following day. Permits for those application types are generally issued within two days. Building: Inspections Inspections are conducted the day following the inspection request except for weekends and holidays. Code Compliance All preliminary investigations are conducted within 24 hours except those received on Friday which are investigated before the end of the next business day. Permit Center There were no surveys returned during the month of July. ~ . Page 7 of 7 SD'ogl. an@ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ~ %fley MONTHLY REPORT J u ly 2006 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • Street Maintenance - County Street Maintenance Interlocal New 2006 Interlocal approved by the County. In the process of bidding various maintenance activities per the new agreement. • Engineering Services Support - County Engineering Interlocal • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal • Safety Plan - Contract with CH2i1/i Hill , draft safety plan in review. WASTEWATER: • Wastewater Treatment - The end of January 2005 the City received from the County financial information regarding the County's sewer utility as it relates to the assumption of the County awned sewer facilities. • The Spokane River Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Collaboration process is ongoing and information is available on the web site at http:/lclient-ross.comisqokane-river/ • Spokane River Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) is available on the UAA web site at http:l/www.sqokaneriveruses.neUlinks.htm l' ?APITAL PROJECTS: o Valley Corridor Project Project on hold pending coordination and outcome of the Sprague/Appleway Corridor Subarea Plan. a Street Master Plan Coordinated with consultant on gathering existing pavement rating data. Met with consultant to review process and keep project on track. Pavement rating of arterials began in July. o Contracts for Construction Services J-U-B Engineers provided construction management and inspection services for the Dishman- Mica Rehabilitation Project. Century West is working on a scope and budget for the Argonne Road Overlay Project. CH2M HILL is providing construction management and inspection services for the Broadway Avenue Overlay Project. Construction o CenterPlace Working on evarranty issues and final project closeout. o Pines/Mansfield Federal funds have been released for Preliminary Engineering. The County and State are designing their respective areas of the project. The Environmental Classification Summary (ECS) was submiifed in early August The right of way acquisition phase will begin after the ECS is approved. The project is scheduled to advertise for bids in the spring of 2007 with construction scheduled to begin in 2007. ~ o Dishman-Mica Road Rehabilitation Project The Project is complete. i o Bfoadway Avenue Overlay Project Federal funcls have been released for Constructio n_ Infand Asphait began cons#rLfctivn orl Ju ne 20th. G rinding af the Asphalt surface is complete_ Traffic vehicle det~c#or laop work is complete. Paving is s cheduled to be completed the weelc o#August 14, o Argvnne Rvad'Overlay Project Federal funds have been r6 [eased for 0 onstruction_ Spokane R ock Produc#s is #he low bidde r on the profect. C onstruction is scheduled to begin August 2 1. This project will be canstructe d at night_ 0 1#ppleway Aven ue Fteconstructfon - Tsehirley to Hodges FederaC furrds have been released for Preliminary Enganeering. Environrnental Classification Summary (EC S) has been ap praved, David Evans & Assac. is vrorking on #he preliminary design. This prcject wilf advertise in early 2007_ o Barker Road Project The Iow bidder vn #he projec# was EIler Carparation. Construction began on April 17th. Fina1 paving will be complefed the week of August 14. o Barker Road Bridge Project Type, S ize and i-ocatic n Study h a s been appTOVed by UVS DOf, The final design a nd environ mentaa perrn itting contract with C H2 MHILL has been apprQved, Perrrritking, praperty acquisition and finai design will take apptoxirrtately one year. CH2MFiILL is pr~paring #he Environmental Clas,,>ificatioa Summary (ECS) and cvnducting pre-application meetings with the permikting agencies and aocal tribes, o Piark Ftoad Prbject Project Complete o Parks Rvad Sanitary Sewer Project Project 95% C omplete-N Ora Avenue west af Park Rd to be carrrpleted by July 2 1st_ o Orchard Avenue Sanitary Sewer Project . Project 95°lo complete - Mainline a n d side sewe r construction is co mplete, Paving is complete. P u n c h Risk items remain_ a Veradale Heights Sanitary Sewer Projec# The project was awarded tc Norm's Uti li#y C 4ntrac#ar, M ainline cons#ruct€on began J u n e 26 kh. o Electric RR Sanitary Sewer Project The profect was awarded to No rm's U#ility C ontrac#ar. Ganstruction began in eariy April. Mainline and aide sewer constructic n is comp lete. Roaciways are being graded far rock and H MA placement_ 0 1(era Terrace Sanitary Sewef Projec# The project was awarded to L_L_ C argile_ Cvns#ruction i s schedule d to begin July i9th. . TRAFFIC: • The foundation has been instafled for the flashing beaconfspeed dispfay board at Pragress Elementary. The pale and o#her.equipment will be mounted in August_ The instailation fclr University Elernentary is an hold until a right-of-way dedication or easement is received from Spoicane Caunt}r. • JUB Engineers ~ave begun surveying loca#ions for #he second grant eeceived frorn the WTSC for flashing beacons at Seth 1+Voadard, Trentwoad, and Broadway Elernentaey Schools_ ; ■ New timing piens were irnp~emen#ed 1ast week on the Argonne corridor #rom Mission to Trent_ Fiefd observa#ians and adjustments will take 2-3 weeks, • 11 -C anstruction and utility wark relatecl traffic control plans were reviewed and a p proved. _ • 22 - fVew citizen requestsJcornplaints were received via phone and email. These typically involve trafFic signals, stop sign requestsr speedfng complaints, bus s#op concerns, s#ree#light outages, reques#s for new stree#lights, #raffic caunt requests, and parking issues. STORMWATER: • Vactoring Services Contract - Bids were due June 15, 2006. The contract was awarded to AAA Sweeping. Work is expected to begin in August. • Awarded landscape contract to Spokane PraCare in April 2006. • Bids for street sweeping services were requested from our Small Rosters. The contract was awarded to AAA Sweeping. The contractor swept some arterials and residential streets. The contractor vaill also provide a fall cleanup and periodic sweeping during the summer. • Hired to two intems to begin c4mpliance with UIC rule. Interns mapped three drainage problem areas: Ridgemont area, truck town and Ponderosa neighborhood and miscellaneous areas throughout the City. 4000+ structures wzre updated and 870 new structures were added to the inventory. The City ovwns approximately 11,000 structures (6,200 of which are drywells). • Grant agreement with the Department of Ecology was finalized. Requesting propasals from consultants to complete an inventory of outfalls. o Contracted out services with Adams & Clark for flooding/erosion solutions.for the Beverly Hills project. 90% completed construction plans are currently being prepared. • Vliorking with Spokane County and City of Spokane amending the regional stormwater manual. A final draft was sent to the Department of Ecology for review. • NPDES Phase II Permit expected to be issued December 6, 2006. The permit will be effective January 5, 2007.. COUNTY MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY: City 2006 budget is $3,023,068 ($2,274,700 in the Street Fund and $748,368 in the Stormwater Fund). Through the end of July the County has billed $777,609 for Street Maintenance, and $525,931 for Stormwater Maintenance, these total $1,303,540 or 43% of the budgeted funds. LAND DEVELOPMENT July Activity: NEW APPLICATIONS COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS o KHK Storage Bldg 4,000 sf o Ecolite Warehouse 12,000 sf o Herman Office Addition 600 sf , COMMERCIAL PRE-APPLICATIONS o Robie Court Apts 120 unit apartments . o Plant Land Nursery 3,000 sf o AndreUrs Construction Yard 10,000 sf FINAL PLAT APPLICATIONS o BSP-02-04 Final BSP LAND USE PRE-APPLICATIONS o PRE-54-06 13 lot sub & rezone o PRE-52-06 2 lot short plat o PRE-53-06 8 lot short plat . o PRE-49-06 3 lot short plat o PRE-50-06 rezone UR3.5 to UR22 COMBO (REZONElSUBDIVISION) APPLICATIONS o Valley Coach Estates . 20 duplex lots ' BLA APPLICATIONS o BLA-27-06 2 lot BLA SHORT PLAT APPLICATIONS o SHP-23-06 4 lot short plat o SHP-27-05 2 lot short plat o SHP-15-06 4 lot short plat o SHP-22-06 4 lot short plat o SHP-24-06 2 lot short plat o SHP-28-05 8 lot short plat o SHP21-06 2 lot short plat REZONE APPLICATIONS o REZ-19-06 UR-3.5 to UR-7" o REZ-18-06 UR-3.5 to UR22 SUBDIVISON APPLICATIONS o SUB-06-06 11 lot subdivision o SUB-04-06 12 lot subdivision ~p Valley Capital Improvement Projects ~ 2005 8 2006 PROJECTS Proposod Estimated Dcsign Construct(on 2005 (2006) Total Project Funding Road Construction Projects Projoct Location Bid Date Completion Dato Comploto Complota Funding Cost TIB !'ark Road - Project 2 8th Avenue to 2nd Avenue 7!1l40 100% 100`Yo $ 825,000 $ 972,01)0 STP(U) 161h Avenue - Project 2 Dishman-lv1'tca Road to Sf2 27 5l31l05 100i6 1100% $ 1,932.000 $ 3,302,00D T1B BarEcer Road RecnnsUuction Boone Avenue to Barker Road Bridge Mar-06 10115106 104°6 80% $ 2,258,000 $ 2,258,000 STP(U) Dishnian-P11ica Road Rehabifitation Sprague Avenue to Appleway Avenue Mar-06 4110106 100% 100% $ 234,600 S 234,60U STP(U) Argonne Road Overlay Indiana Avenue to Maiitgomery Avenue AAar-06 911106 104% 0% $ 316,600 S 316,600 STP(U) Broadway Avenue Overtay Baies Road to Sullivan Raad Mar-06 811;06 1009`0 80°k $ 812,700 $ 812,700 Road Design Projects TIBJGMAQ PiriES/A4ansfield Pro3cct bVilbvr Rd, io Pines Rcl., Pines ro 190 Feb-07 12115106 40°r6 095 S 1,632,015 S 4,540,825 STP(U) Applevray Avenue f2econstruUion Tschirley Rd, to KoBges RQ. Feb-07 t01i5106 70°5 U% S 609,009 $ 3,197,000 13KAC Barker Road Bridge Replar,ement Barker Rd. ai Spokane River Jan-48 1211109 SO% 4% S 896,101 $ 8,092,700 City SuHivan Roaci Exiension (l3igebotiv GLdch) May-07 1011108 0°,b 0% Sewer Projects , Parks Road Trent to I-30, Thicnnan to Park 711106 100°,6 95% $ 1,445,000 $ 1,445,0D0 Orchard Avenus Spokane River to Liberty, Coleman to Vista 7115I06 10096 'f 00% $ 2,895,000 $ 2,895,G6Q City Veradale tieights - I'avebac3c Valley-omy to hAission, Evergi-eeri to Aclams h9ar-06 10115f06 10096 5% $ 430,256 $ 430,256 City Vera Terrace - Paveback 2rvd to 7tfi. Evergreen to 8ums May-06 10115I06 100% 096 $ 341,264 5 341,264 City Electnc RR - Pavebsc3c Park to Visfa, Treni to Utah A9dr-06 14115106 100',S 8096 $ 87,369 S 87,369 • Planning Projects STP(U) Valley Comdor Environmpnial Study Universily to Appleway n1s Jan-06 4°h 0°N S - S - TIB Valley Couplet - Project 2 Universiry to Evergreen Mar-07 0% 0% S'i'A Musion Ave_ Sidev+alk Mullan to University Na 0% 4% ' Total $ 14,110,905 $ 28,855,314 S'i'F'(U) - Surface Transpartation Program (Urban); T1B - Transporiation Improvement Board; BRAC - Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee; CDHG - Gommun(ty Devetopriteiil Blodc Grant Program CMAO - Congestion ManagemenUAir Qualiry Program; STA - Spokane Transit Authoriry July 2006 Construction Prajecis Courici! R.egular Nieetiiig: 08-08-06 6:00 pm Status R.eport of Council .4ction City Clerk's Office Status nf ltems Cansiciered by Ciry Couuicil Agenda # Item I Council Action TAken I Aetipn To Se Taken & By Whom ' t Second Tleading PraPosed Ordinaiice 06-0I 9 for ppprovcd • Secure Signnature; file doeument - StreetVacation STV 0 1-06 t3A1NBRIDGE Consent 2a Clsim Vouchers: Approyed FINANCF, l)ated Claim # Amounts , 07-17-2006 9493-9523 $149,866.33 07-18-2006 9524-9525 $64135 07-22-2006 9526-9556 S67,629.33 07-23-2006 9557-9585 $54,943.25 07-29-2006 9586-904; S2,493,832.58 GRANIa TOTAL $2,766,917.84 ?b Payrull for Pay Period Endina July 31, 2006: Approved F~=p~~C~. 5235,93a.71 3 Secand Readiue 1'ropost.d Ordinance Extenciing Approved Seeure Signatiu•es; file document - UR-1 . . BAWBRIDGE 4 Mation Consideration: Schoof 7one Flashuig ppproved Proeeed as directed - KE.•RSTEN Beacnn Grant 5 Employee C]assiEication Administrative Report-No Action Prepin docurncnts for Motion Consideration for fiiture agenda - REGOR / BUR\S- HART 6 Personnel Ordinances and Kesolutions Update Admuiistrative Report - No Action Arepare ordiuances and resolutions doeuments for future agendas REC012 / BAINBI2IDGE 7 TvIDL Report Administrative Report - No Aetion Prepare resolution for August 22 ageilda F3AINBRIDGE / DRISKELL 8 Local Redevelopment Authvriry (LKA) Walkr.r tldministrstive Report -No Action Second update on Augusc 22, 2006. Prepare - Army Reserve Center documents for Motion Consideration on Septemher 5, 2006 - VIFRCI14R / 13AI\'BRIDGF, NrrMO ~ .f T(:): Davc Nlcrcier, City Manager H'ROINI: Cal «'alker, Chief of Police Georgc Wigen, Eldministrative Sergeant T)ATF: August 14, 2006 RE: Montlily Report July 2006 Attache.d is the activit}, reporl for July 2006 for the Spokane Valley Police Dcpartinent. Computer-aide.d dispatch (CA.D) incidents totaled 4,891. These are selF irzitiaied officer contacts, as well as calls for service. Out of those incidents, 1,445 actual reports we.re ia}:en during the inonth o['.Iuly. Attached is the brcakdo«n describing those ulcidents. Additipnally, thcre were 1,131 lraffic stops conducted that resulted in 286 traffic reports. included are the hotspot maps for July residenlial burglaries, Jul}, commercial burglaries and .iuly traffic collisiotis, along with Jtuie & July scolen vclucles. ADNMUSTRATI VE: ♦ Chief Wall:er and nunlerous ocher staff participateti in extcnsivc plasuuug fnr 1aw enforcenient coveragt; of the several events that took p1ae,e ciuring the last weekend of July; including the Orangc County Choppers at the Spokane CaLuley fairgruunds. ♦ Chief \V11ker joined Ocher City of Spol:ane Valley staffmembers in meeting \vith Senator Patty Murray and discussing plaiis for the future of the city witll her. ♦ He alsp nlet xith other administrative sta.ff inembers of the City to discuss the ROW I Eviction proccss. ♦ Chier Walker attended the Fntranec Conference for the audit being conducted at the City of Spokanc Valley, and a hocus Group meetinj for the Sprague / Appleway Coi-ridor plan. o A Forum for the Valley News Herald was held at the Chamber of Commere.e office in the City of Spokane Valley to discuss betcer commuiucation and c0verage behween ttie Valley 'News Herald and several other public entit;ies. Chief Walker was invited to be a participant in this discussion, CO~~'LI!fU\`ITY U1tIENTEia PQL•ICfNG: ♦ Valley Nnspital Saf'ety Uay S.C.O.P.F. members gave away helmets to cliildren in nee.d dtiring Valley I-Iospital Safety laay; held at tbe Spokane Valley 'Mall. Chief Walkcr joined Page 1 numerous S.C.O.P.E volunteers; includins Ray Westlake and A1 Pisher, in hclping to fit and distribute the hclmets. ♦ Project Child Safe Sportsman Warehouse was thc scene of a Praject Cluld Safe event on July 8 and 9, ,which officers af the Spokanc Valley Police manned a bopth providing gun safet?= informati9n, and t'ree gun loc}rs were provided to all attendees who wanted the.m. ♦ i'vIajor Fvents Rcsult In ff cavy Traffic Special events occurring in the Spokanc area during the weelcend o.f July 28, 29 and 30 included beavy im~olvement by the Spokzu-ie Vallcy Police. The Orange County Choppers show at the Spokane County Fair and Fxpo Center drew thousands of fans to atte.nci the three day event. 'fhe Spokane Valley Police brought in the She.riff Office Tactical Team; Resen.-e Of'ficers as well as nuiuerous off duty of"ficers to control traffic, crowd moveizient and securify. 1`he raire.hild Air Force base Sky!'est was also he.ld that weekenci. Over 100;000 ariendees saw the U.S. Air FArcc Blue Angels perform. Spokasie Vallcy Police OfFicers staffed S.C.O.P.E. and Crimc Prevention booths. Motorcycle officcrs and traffic ututs also assistecl in the movement of traffic. UPERATI(7NS: ♦ Arrests Madc In Valley Articans A sharp-eyeti Spokane Valley 1'olice sergeaiit stopped a possible suspect vehiclc iu a string of arson fires; leading to the an•ests of four teenage males on Second Deo ee Arson chargcs. Numerous arson fires had been set; iticluding a dumnster firc at Oppartunity Elemcntary, a fire on the steps of an apartmeilt builcling on Fasc Twclfth, a fire at the back of Bar°ney's Harvest Foods on llislvnan-'Nlica Road, and a fi.re behind Yoke's Pak'n Save at Sprague and Progress. Also, several aitempts Were madc to set vehiclcs ou fire. Spokane Vallcy Fire Investigator Cliftou Ivlehaffey briefed Spokatie Police SergeaiIt Jirn Gladden about thc string of fires anci a suspecl vehiclc that was sec» in the Barnc}r's secLu-ity vide.o. Gladden briefed patrol offcers at an evening roll call, but it was he who spotted a car sitnilar to the description just hcfore midnight. I-ie stopped the car and intervicwed the 17-ycar-old male driver. That uiterview resulted in information that the driver and tl-u-cc roale friends, anocher 17-year-Qlci and tw4 16-year-olds, had stolen newspape.rs and then clrivcil around tossing or settine burning wads of papers ai diffcrent locations. Fire 1nvestigator 'Mehaffey and Sheriffls Tae.tective Kixk Keyser jnined Gladdcu in tl-ie invcstigation. After determining the identities of the remaining three suspects, nfficers 'wcre sent to detaui them at their homcs. After being interviewcd at the Spolcane Valley Poliee Prccuict, all four were booked into Spokane County Juveni]e I7ctention on one counf of Second Degree Arson; with adciitional counts of fvson, Malicious Ivliscbief and Burglary nendine. Although no single fire caused ereat ainotints of damage, ctunulative ]osses fiom the numeraus fires were estiuiated in the thousands of dollars. The teens \ve.rc eventually found to be responsible for about 30 crimes i.n ehe Spokane Valle_y. _ Page 2 ♦ Pair lnjured In Double Shooting Spokane 1,alley police and sheriff s major crimcs detec.tiv-es were callecl io an apartnient coinplex by the male resident who said lie'd be•en shat by his wife. Office.rs arrived at the cnmplex and found the 56-year-old husband injured with acyunshot wound in his side. The 52-year-old wife was on the floor witti gunshot wQUnds to her chest and head. Both were rushe.d to a downtoArn medical center. The shoaiing occttrrcd insidc the apartme.nt follnwing a,nn argument duiing which the husband decicieti to move otrt of dhe home. The gun involved was a9mm se.mi-autamatic pistol, and it appears tliree shots «-ere Fred. ]3oth husband and wife hold valid eonccaled weapons pe.rmits. . ♦ Contractor's Housc Qf Cards Collapses Spokane Valley propcrty critiies dete.ctives arrested a 40-year-Olcl C4nFractor and bo0ked him into the Spok.ane County Jail on 26 felony counts of Fu•st Degree Theft. Total losses in the 26 charged offenses amount to $320,000. Samuel L. Cover is ar.c.used of stealing moi'e t11an $1,2500 from 26 named victims behween September 2004 ai1d June 2006. 17etectives believe Cover is guilty of a major economic qfFense in that crimes imjolve.d appro:cimately 100 victims througliout Washington and Idaho with a total loss in exe.ess of $1.2 nullion. lae.tectives Mark Rcnz and lloger Kni;ht establistied cluring their invesiigation of Cover that che contractor would aa et io build pole buildings for his victuns a.ud the.n require a substantial down payment; usually a third of the cost ofihe pro}ect. Renz and other detectivcs interviewed 109 different complainants tluoughaut the northwcst, just over 40 in Spokane County. Cover has been convicted of the same types af crimcs ui the past. Tn 1995 he was found .J gailty of 17 counts of 1 irst 17egi-ee Theft anci sentcnced to 85 nianths in prison. 1'he co«rse of conduct in ihose incidents was identical to the most rccent activity • Drug Rip; Threats Leaci to Arrests A series of escalatinj threats and displays of weapons [ollowing a Spakave Vailey drug rip led to a SWAT raid that resulted in arrests and se_izures of a firearin and drugs. Two suspccts, a rrlale and a female; both of 219 S. Sullivan, Apt.17. Both were booke.d inta the Spokane Coiznt}r Jail on Felony counts of rirst Degree R4bbcry, First Degree F3urglar_y and Sccond Uegree Kidndpping. According to Sheri:ff's Deteetive Mark Stewart, the inale was supplyinG marijuana, ecscasY and other ille-al substances i'or up to tw-o years pripr to his Souih Sullivan Road apu-tnient being burglZrized. TNvo of his customers entered the re•sidenae ~vhile he was a«jay and sWle about six ounces of marijuana; roughly 180 ecstasy pills; two vials of tliescaline.; and about $300 cash. Believing atEiird customer had been involved in the burglary ajlci theft of drugs, the two suspects and annther subject forced theu• way intn iliat man's Niorth Ada.uis R.oad homc. They held a knife to his tfiroat anct demanded the drugs aiid cash back. The suspects also forced another nian and wroman sleepina in the backvard into the home under threat aE "bashing=' them with a base.ball bat waved in their (aces. When the resident was unable to provide the cirugs and cash he didn't possess; thc suspects took cash from his wallet, a wrist\vatch and a carton of Marlboro cigarcttes. The mate suspect and two uiudentifieci i-nen showed up at the home oF cme of thc actual bur4lars and threaeened to kill him if they didn't get the drugs and cash back. The resident burglar displayed a ri(le and ordered them to le.ave, whereupon onc of die men Page 3 displayed a pistol. Ultuuately; all backed down and separated; but it was this level of escalating violence that brought de.tectives into ihe scenario. laetective Stewart obtained a search warrant for the South Sullivan apartment. IIccause of'the display of firearms, the sheriff s SWAT team was use.d to make enLry. They found the suspect's bedroom dnor dead-bolted from the inside and had to ram their wav in to an-est the male and feinale. Stewart's search of the apartment resulted in the seiiure of a 9mm semi-automatic rif]e that had a pistol grip and lpaded extended magazine. He also sei7ed several ounces of marijuana, drug scales, packaging materials, a vial containine suspected mescaline and tablets of suspected ecstasy. Invcstigation into che matter continues and additional anests are likely. ♦ SCOOTFRS AND BTKES: There was a hit anci run collision involving a pedal bike and a motor vehiclE. "1'he bicyclist xvas riding down a sidewalk Nviien the motorist attemptecl to enter the roaciway froni a parkuig lot. The bicyclist suffcred injuries and Nvas not wearinb a heluiet. Thc motorist fled. Page 4 l 2006 JULY CRIME REPORT ~ Jul-06 I Jul-05 1 2006 to date 1 2005 to date 12005 Total 12004 Total IBURGLARY 1 481 69 382 1 459 7441 997 FORGERY 1 341 34 202 j 271 4641 465 IUiALICIOUS MISCHIEF 1 1151 751 634 1 537 ~ 9041 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL 1 541 621 453 1 431 1 7491 9161 PROPERTY OTHER 1 95 821 572 1 726 1,1541 1,6651 RECOVERED VEHICLES 1 44 36i 1881 192 333i 390 STOLEN VEHICLES 1 64 451 357 1 297 1 6031 577 THEFT 1 1491 1521 1,037 1 1,307 1 2,2561 2,8531 UIOBC 01 11 31 4 81 10l IVEFiICLE OTh{ER 0l 01 3 1 5 51 401 VE!-tICLE PROWLING 1 581 621 485 529 9581 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CRIMES 1 6611 6141 4,316 4,758 8,178 10,519 JASSAULT 1 901 621 507 504 1 894 880 IDOAISUICIDE ~ 201 181 105 92 1 158 1641 I DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ~ 761 861 388 1 505 1 762 7551 HOMICIDE ~ 11 01 4 1 0 1 11 5 KIDNAP ~ 11 71 15 j 25 1 351 24 IMENTAL 1 471 361 254 1 258 1 4251 386 MP 1 9 81 50 1 55 1 971 106 PERSONS OTNER I 114 96 643 1 766 1 1,2501 1,624 ROBBERY ~ 3 1 28 1 29 1 561 581 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT ~ 8 91 46 1 67 1 921 190 TOTAL MAJOR CRlMES ~ 3691 323 2,040 1 2,301 1 3,7771 4,192 pDULT RAPE I 0l 5 16 1 21 I 391 371 CHILD ABUSE ~ 41 5 44 1 63 1 1011 1261 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE I 8 71 691 48 I 881 205 SEX REGISTRATION F ~ 1 4l 21 31 61 4 INDECENT L18ERTIES ~ 1 0 11 1 51 91 21 CNILD MOLESTATION ~ 71 4 38 1 41 ~ 671 77 I CHILD RAPE ~ 21 61 36 1 24 351 30 RUNAWAY 1 241 181 187 1 197 3111 437 SEX OTHER 1 171 121 113 j 1121 1811 162 STALKInG 1 41 21 13 1 12 1 271 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 1 181 331 111 1 165 2441 3411 1 TOTAZ SEX CRlMFS I 86I 921 640 1 691 1,1081 1,4751 IDRUG 1 431 671 390 1 501 891 9991 JISU OTHER I 0l 0l 01 0 l 0 1 TOTAL !SU ~ 431 671 390 1 501 1 8911 1,000 TOTAL TRAFFlC REPORTS 2861 1741 1,841 1 1,279 1 2,4031 2,7761 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVED 1,4451 1,2701 9,2271 9,530 1 16,3571 19,9621 ' , ~~n 6 ~~~d S~Vu~t~ •i~~ g~~x2~ ~ ~ ~'"tiG ' C1 9 ,m 1_`"7 ~ ~ r ~ 7~► ~ ~ l ~S~S~V'~ ; - g00 ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ ug~,~t+'.1i ~ A ~ I a~ 1-• ; ~ , 4"3"~ pH aW 77` u,- ~ ,~a: _ _ ~ ~q.~p r ~ ~ i _ .~s~~~~ Vr 1fa1~.r j~c1 t' ~ r. ~ ~7[!UU~, ~ •l~i~ .t of$ _ - ~ _,w ~.*j _ ~ rr- i~ ~•s --1 ~1 ~ ~ ~1 /+I I Z~n1t -~y ~ - - ° l_ • ~ _ ~ s , , ' ~ ~ ; ~t, ff~ : ~ ~ f % ~ ° T ~ j • ~ta` t~', f _ - _ • ; .u~4'u~ ~ , y ~ T ~ p~,~ r 'v 1 t ~ ~ . . 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"The County has proposed to extend the construction schedule into 2011 to reduce the impacts to various construction areas and to keep the annual cost of the program in a more manageable range. The County will present this plan to the Board of County Commissioners in early September. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. - ~ ~ UPDATED SCHEDULE ANNUAL StWER CONSTRUC7`ION PROGRACA , LF of collection Cost of collection Cost of Genoral Project expenses Reimbursement of Year Basin Name pipo, force main & system yet to be Facilities yet to bo from previously developer expenses Total Project Cost interceptor retnaining installetf qp County ir►stalled bv Cotmty constructed vrork to bc paid bv project (no infl•rtion factor) 2007 ( Citv Garden ~ 7,660 I $1.047,200 1 $285.000 $0 51.332,200 Grandview Acres I 28.960 I $3.604.009 I $2.689.000 I ~ $0 ¢6,293.066 Trenlvrood ~ 27,900 ~ 53,281,000 ~ $1,128,000 $Q $4,409,000 Veroler I'urnp Staticzn I Q I $0 ~ $1.200.000 ~ I $O I $1,200,000 SaakJinqs 432 I S73,440 I S4 ~ $46.078 $0 ~ $119,518 Wandzrrrere 2,330 $396100 ~ $0 ~y396100 Subtotal ~ 67,282 S8,401,740 $5,302,000 ~ $46,078 $O ~ 513,749,818 2008 I Sutlers 18,100 ~ $3,077.000 s4 I $175.787 ~ $190.000 I $3,442,787 Summoifield ~ ?.3,'l00 ~ $3.570,000 $513.000 ~ $0 ~ 54,0810D6 Rocktivetl I 20,500 ~ $2,958.000 ~ $589,000 ~ I $tl ~ 33,547.000 I Wntce aircr, I 12.200 I $2.074,000 I $o I I $35.000 I $2.109,000 Pinerv ~ 13,000 I $1,649.000 ~ $527,000 I ~ $0 $2.276.000 ~ Westvrood I 11.300 ~ $2_023.000 I $o I I $o sz.o?a.oaa ~ Subtotal ~ 99,400 ~ $15,351,00D ~ $1,729,000 S175,787 ~ $225,000 ~ $17,480,787 2009 ~ Valtev View ~ 19,000 I $3.230.000 $D ~ $0 ~ $3,230,000 ~ Rotchforci Acres I 14.000 I $2.380.000 I $0 I ~ $0 S2,380,000 ~ WPSt Pondervsa ~ 41,400 ~ S7,038,000 ~ $0 I ~ $O ~ $7,038,060 ~ Clement I 16.600 ~ $2,822.000 ~ $0 I ~ $0 I $2,822,000 ~ Subtotall 91,000 ~ $15,470.000 ~ SO ~ $O SO I $75,470,000 2010 ~ Pine River 11.200 ~ 51,904,00U I $0 I ~ $0 ~ S1.904.400 Corbin 19150 ~ $3,255,500 ~ $0 I ~ $0 ~ $3.755,500 South Green Ac.res 29,300 ( $4,981,000 I $Q ~ I $595.060 ~ $5,576.000 West Famis iB,EiSU I $3,545,000 ~ Sfl I ~ $10 ~ $3,546,000 I c~o~,x I, 14.200 I $2.414,00 I $o I $o I s2,414.000 ~ Subtotal ~ 93,500 ~ S16,U99,500 ~ $0 ~ $O $595,000 ~ S16.694,500 ~ IJmR 81-11106 F'age f Uf 2 LF of collocUon Cost of collectlon Cost of General F'roject expenses Rcimbursernerd nf Year Basin Name pipe, forco main 8 system yct to bo Facilities yet to tre from previously developer ezponses Total Project Cost interceptor renraining instnlled bv County installed bv County constructed wortc to be paid by project (no inflation factor) 2011 KelleTerre, incl. DM VI ~ 13.000 ~ $1,122.000 ~ S1.216.000 I $0 I $2,338.000 Camahan; 4th Aventie 0 I $2DD,OUO ~ $0 I S4 I $200.000 I Green Hsven ~ • 28.600 55.070.000 I . $0 I S0 ~ $5.070.000 I rnica view ~ 23,540 ~ S3,995,000 I $4 I ~ 5310,000 ~ 54,305,000 . ~ Subtotal ~ 65.100 ~ 510,387,000 ~ $1,216,000 ~ $0 ~ $310.000 ~ 511.913,000 ~ Total ~ 41E,282 ~ $65,709,240 ~ $8.247.000 ~ $221,865 S1,13D,OOU ~ $75,308,105 ~ ' Cost ot col]ection systern based on =$170 ! LF for yravit/ oollection pipe ( S146/ LF consiruction + 1596 S 100 ! LF for fatce rnain $190 ! LF for interoeptar • Cosl includes design, oansbuction E, oonstruc9ion managerrtenL Cnsi based on reepaving trenGi area only. The Indkana Ave I'ump Station 8{orce main %vill need to bo canstrucled al some fuiure daie when the NVI has no remaining capaaty for additional flow. Estimaled cvst =$1,474,000. Westwood ia considered ineligible for CCWF rcimbusamenl !ry the I)0E because, in 1996, it was dotermined to he ouisdde the ilquiter Impact Area. . . • ~ Oralt p,., '~`2