2006, 09-19 Study Session ti1I: I . AGENDA CITY OF SPOKINE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL WORKSHEET STUDY SESSION I'uesdsty. September 19, 2001 6:00 1>,.m CITY HALL COUNCIL CFIANTBFRS 11707 F.nnst Sprague Avenue, First Floor (Pleuse Turn Off All Electronic Devicei During the.%It.-etino DISCUSSIQN LEADER SiB.TF.CT/ACTIVITY GOAL _ EnJ111twee harcklucrions - ,4nrV Sienknecht, Accounting Technician, by Finance Director Ken Thompson Errant Collier. Mainfewmee Inspector, by Public Wnrkr Director Neil Kersten 1 _ Mika Connclly Second Reading, Salary Commission Ordinance Approvc Ordinance ipublic cornmeatl Nina Regor and Department Department Budget l ighlighti and Work Discussion/Presentation Directors (90 minutes) Program .1. Nina Rcgur (15 minutes) 2007 Budget: Outside Agencies' Allocation Discussion/Information 4. !vlavor Wilhite minute) AtIv tncc Agenda :ldditiom 1)1,;t:ussi(itn'Infc)rmatiott Mawr Wilhite ('ntrncil Chick in Dkcussion'luftirm ttion h. Dave Mercier City Manai cr Corlirnents 1) .cu.~ir:n.'Infi>rmaticm Adjourn Note. Unless otherw0c noted above, there will be no public cummente At Cuuneil Studv Sc%siow. ffut:crrr, (_uuncil al~~n~s rescr:c~ the right to request information from the public and staff as appropriate. NOME tndlviduals ptanning to attend the mecumg who require special assimnncc rn to Ci:y Ck+t at 921•!(M as wen w pm-Arc xs d1e1 vrmtne.,trntl avv t-- mule ;on ft2P;)_I ~rn:r:~t~irl 1:~, ?(li)p. I.c7 l .li 1 .l r t~ / l • i•~ 1 J~ L I - . r~ AGENDA C•ITI" OF SPOKAriT VALLEY CITY COUNCIL NVORKSHEFT STUDY SESSION Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COl.1NC1I. CHAMBERS 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Fintt Floor (Please Turn Off All Electronic Devices During the Meeting) DISCUSSION LEADER SLTBJ C-T'1:1CTtV1TY GOAI. Ftt1phi Ye Bart-ghtainns. elm , Sienkne•c•hl, ficcountbw Techincle . by Ftnanc c- Pirecror Kett ThnmrSUn 11t,rt:1 t~nllrcv. ,l ftltnlc'ttdltJC':' 1/1.~1~c•tli~r, b~'f'ultl;.• ITilt'~i ~llic;lUr;Yill Ac~rsli'~t 1. Nlike Connelly Second Rrildin tialary Commission Ordinance Approve Ordinanct (public comincatl Nina Regt-r and DeTwiment Ikpannient Budget Highlights and Work Discussion/Presentation Dirccturs (90 minutes) Program Ninn ReLpr i 1 ; it imilr':) I)(I ~)Iltj4 t1' l )Ill It=i i,►?C11L'! ~I1.r!:.t11~!11 n!>Ll ;iotvlulornl Ilion 1. ML~or ` ilhitc IIl1IlUtlil 1+11 1111 C :~'~~Il,a _~+I111111i1~ L)i`4'll~~l l) InIC•rntnrlnn McYor Wilhite t:'<mn~ it c'itecl: in Discussivullnlomiation <t, ! a%c ,'ll'ri ICr L itv Mallatcf' L ,111I11clas I)IS,:1IssioI1"lII f•-~tIll Jl1-.,I1 Adjourn Xwr. Untm otherwise noted xWve, there will be so public comments at Council Study Session-i. l1uN c+rr, C'uuncil ahray. rrcen a the right to request Information from the public and staff to ■ppropriate. N011CE;: Indio iduaie planning Ic+ allcnJ (lie mxtfaA MIKt rcour spts:tal a s;3tanco: to accnnnnodare phystral, tKafu: r, c r :,~ri: .:nrisTamm. pkaac cmaw the (1tv r' erk a titR) 4211 • W1 nit :non n ~ ! ih2; :n than ====amts may be made CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY l Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 19, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ® information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Bid Award to Poe Asphalt Paving for Pavement Repair. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: The 2006 Street Fund budget included $423,397 in the County interlocal for pavement repair and replacement. To date the County has completed $234,935 in pavement repair and they have indicated that they will not be able to do any additional work in the City this year. Also, in the 2006 Street Fund budget we had $318,000 in other contractual for hiring private contractors for crack sealing and pavement repair. We conducted a bid on April 27, 2006 for $200,000 of pavement repair on a number of small projects around the City. Poe Asphalt Paving was the low bid. We also conducted a bid to do a grind and overlay project on Dishman Mica just south of_Appleway with Spokane Rock Products as the low bid for $71,000 and several `other smaller projects. There are still a number of street locations around the City that require repair to prevent serious pavement breakup during this coming winter and spring. Since the County will not complete the . work remaining under the County interlocal we have solicited bids to accomplish this work. The bid results are as follows: Poe Asphalt Paving $181,905.00 Finn Asphalt Services $184,315.92 Degerstrom Corporation $188,258.10 Inland Asphalt $228,288.06 Spokane Rock Products $256,513.20 There is concern that doing another contract with Poe Asphalt would exceed the City Manager's authority to issue contracts up to $200,000, therefore, this item will be on the Council's agenda for September'26, 2006 as a recommendation to award the street repair work to Poe Asphalt Paving in the amount not to exceed $200,000. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 19, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business X new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading: Ordinance 06-021 establishing 2006 salary commission for review of Council salaries. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.21.015 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Appointment of Salary Commission in 2004. Council direction at the September 5, 2006 to bring forward a discussion and consideration regarding appointment of a new Salary Commission. Council conducted first reading of Ordinance 06-021 at the September 12, 2006 council meeting. BACKGROUND: RCW 35.21.015 provides a mechanism whereby salaries of elected officials can be adjusted after review by an independent salary commission. The statute identifies a specific procedural guideline for how such matters are to be conducted. The proposed Ordinance would establish a 2006 Salary Commission, which would review the current salaries of Spokane Valley Council members, compare those salaries to the salaries of other City Council members in other cities, including a comparison of the duties-and amount of time spent to reasonably accomplish their official duties. The Commission would then make a recommendation for a salary, which could be a decrease, no change, or an increase. OPTIONS: Amend the proposed Ordinance; approve as written or amended: or request changes to the proposed language. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance 06-021. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There would be an impact if the Salary Commission recommends a decrease or increase to the salaries of the Council members. STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Ordinance 06-021 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 06-021 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKAN7E COUNTY, WASHINGTON, CREATING AN INDEPENDEiN7 SALARY COI UVIISSIO\` TO REIrrEW AND SET THE SALARIES OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIT NIENII3ERS; AND PROVU)fNG FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATED THERETO. NVV['JERFAS, it serves the interests of the City to have a separate, independent commission to establish the future salaries of the Mayor and City Council; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Legislature through RCW Chapter 35.21, authorizes cities, towns and counties to create an independent salary commission to set the salaries of elected officials; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35.21.015, the action fixing (lie salary by a commission supersedes any other provision of City ordinance related to the fixing of salaries for elected officials. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington ordains as follows: Section 1. Independent Salary Commission. A. Creation of Independent Salary Commission. There is hereby established for the City of Spokane Valley an Independent Salary Commission, for a period of one year. B. Purpose. The purpose of the Independent Salary Commission shall be to review and establish the salaries of the Mayor and the Councilmembers. C. Composition. The Independent Salary Commission shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. D. Compensation. The Independent Salary Commission shall serve without compensation. F. Term. The term of appointment is one (1) year. F. Qualifications. ~ AFT 1. F_-.ach person appointed to serve as a member of the Tndependent Salary Commission shall be a citizen of the United States, a resident of the City of Spokane Valley for at least one (1) year immediately preceding such appointment and while serving on the Commission, and a registered voter in Spokane County. 2. No officer, official, or employee of the City or any of their immediate family members may serve on the Commission. "Immediate ftunily member" as used in this section means the parents, spouse, siblings, children, or dependent relatives of the ofTcer, official, or employee, whether or not living in the household of the officer, official, or employee. Ordinance 06-021 Salary Commission Page] or4 DRAFT G. Operation. - I. The Independent Salary Commission shall elect a Chair and Vice Chair from among its members. The Independent Salary Commission may establish and adopt rules of procedure for the efficient and fair conduct of its business. 2. The City Manager shall appoint staff and make available supplies and equipment to assist the Independent Salary Commission in preparation of its reports and records. 3. Any communication from the Independent Salary Commission to any member of the City Council while reviewing the schedule of salaries, shall be in writing and made part of the record of the Commission's proceedings. 4. The Independent Salary Commission shall keep a written record of its proceedings, which shall be a public record in accordance with state law, and shall actively solicit public comment at all meetings which shall be subject to the Open Public Meetings Act. 5. The first meeting of the Independent Salary Commission shall occur no later than October 23, 2006, and the Commission shall review and, if it so determines, amend and file its schedule of salaries with the City Clerk no later than December 4, 2006. 6. Three (3) members of the Independent Salary Commission shall constitute a quorum and the affirmative vote of three (3) members shall be sufficient for the decision of all matters and the transaction of all business. H. Responsibilities. To determine the appropriate rate of compensation, the Independent Salary Commission shall assess the market rate of compensation for elected City officials and study the relationship of salaries to the duties of the Mayor and the City Councilmembers. Salaries shall be established by an affirmative vote of not less than three (3) members. 1. Removal. A member of the Independent Salary Commission may only be removed during the term of office for cause such as incapacity, incompetence, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office or fora disqualifying change of residence. J. Filing Date-Salary Schedule. The Independent Salary Commission shall File its salary schedule with the City Clerk who will publish the schedule two (2) times, at least one week apart, in the official newspaper of the City. The second date of publication shall be considered the official filing date of the salary schedule. K. Effective Date - Salaries . The Commission's salary schedule will become effective in the amounts, at the times, and under the conditions established in the schedule unless a referendum has been filed in accordance with Section 2 of this Ordinance. Once filed, the schedule shall be incorporated into the City budget without further action of the City Council or Salary Commission. Salary adjustments established by the Commission that result in a salary increase are effective immediately as to all Councilmembers and/or the Mayor, regardless of their terms of office. If the salary adjustment established by the Commission results in a salary decrease, the decreased salary shall be effective at the commencement of the incumbent's next subsequent term of office. Ordinance 06-021 Salary Commission Page 2 of 4 A ~ Section 2. Referendum. A. Salary Schedule subiect to Referendum Petition. 1. 'rhe Commission's adopted salary schedule shall be subject to referendum petition by the people of the City. A petition must be filed with the City Clerk within thirty (30) days after the official filing date of the salary schedule. In the event of the filing of a valid referendum petition, the salary increase or decrease shall not go into effect until approved by it vote of the people. 2. Referendum measures under this section shall be submitted to the voters of the City at the next following general or municipal election occurring thirty (30) days or more after the petition is filed, and shall be otherwise governed by the provisions of the State Constitution or other laws generally applicable to referendum measures. B. Referendum Statement. A referendum statement on a petition shall be phrased in the following language: Should the salary schedule filed with the City Clerk of the City of Spokane Valley by the Independent Salary Commission on be repealed in its entirety? Your sie,nature on this petition indicates your vote in favor of repeal of the attached salary schedule in its entirety. A copy of the salary schedule or ordinance to such referendum petition shall be attached to each referendum petition for the information of the parties requested to sign such petition. C. Initiative provisions applied to referendum process. All state law provisions applicable to the form of the petition and sufficiency of signatures required for an initiative petition as set forth herein, and to the submission to the vote of the people as set forth herein, shall apply to a referendum petition and to the salary schedule sought to be defeated thereby. D. Referendum - Effective Date - Record. If a majority of the number of votes cast on the referendum oppose the salary schedule or ordinance, such salary schedule or ordinance shall be deemed repealed following the certification of the vote. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Ordinance 06-021 Salary Commission Pagc 3 of 4 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY WASHINGTON this day of 2006. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASI-INGTON r~ Tay: ana Wilhite, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 06-021 Salary Commission Page 4 of 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 19, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing 0 information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Highlights of 2007 Budget GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: - This information is presented as part of the 2007 budget process. The highlights are the basis for the overall workplan. BACKGROUND: Council will hear a brief presentation from each Department Director relative to that department's overall budget. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide feedback on proposed department budget i highlights. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed 2007 budget provides the basis for the department goals and activities included in this presentation. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 2007 Preliminary Budget Department Highlights PowerPoint Presentation 2007 Preliminary Budget 000 Department Highlights City of Spokane Valley Department Directors September 19, 2006 • Executive & Legislative Support (pp. 37-39) o Continue monitoring wastewater issues o Explore the available telecommunications infrastructure o Adopt a sub-area plan for the Sprague Corridor o Amend the comprehensive plan to reflect accommodation of Spokane Valley population projections o Adopt a Street Master Plan o Establish departmental priorities and incorporate them into a six-year business plan for each department o Adopt a Uniform Development Code that implements the Comprehensive Plan ti ,I 1 • Public Safety (pp. 40-41) o Continue developing a multi-jurisdictional, working partnership, enhancing departmental and regional public safety and first responder training o Expand upon the "active" number of volunteers in our organizations delivery of public safety and community awareness services z • Operations & Admin. Services (pp. 43-45) o Create a desk manual of critical functions for each position in the Deputy City Manager Division o Establish departmental priorities and incorporate them into a six-year business plan for each department o Develop and implement contract management auditing functions o Identify and implement at least two proactive community information and involvement mechanisms o Develop information brochures on three high-interest areas regarding City processes that seek to answer the most common inquiries about these processes 3 2 Operations & Admin. Services, continued (pp. 43-45) o Expand City's web based intranet to provide employees with resources and tools to improve interdepartmental cooperation o Develop handbook of administrative policies to inform employees of personnel related policies and procedures o Develop manager/supervisor training on key issues and areas 4 Operations & Admin. Services, continued (pp. 43-45) o Revise six-year financial forecast to incorporate costs associated with priorities identified in the six-year business plan for departments o Review suggestions regarding City operations made by Washington Cities Insurance Authority o Consider recommendations made by the State Auditor's Office for improved internal control o Identify available telecommunications infrastructure that is/could be available in the area for citizens an businesses s 3 y ! I Parks Recreation (pp. 2 - 56) o Implement seasonal parks ambassador program o Complete park renovation and land acquisition as prioritized by City Council o Investigate accreditation through the National Park and Recreation Association and with the htationaI Institute of Senior Centers o Incorporate Master Plan results into recreation programming and policy o Develop the recreation programs to coincide with Master Plan o Offer first Summer Concert Series in the Park o Coordinate activities with the Spokane Valley Arts council o Renovate and enhance three outdoor pools according to agreed upon schedule I Park & F r tion, continued pp. 2 o Organize and plan senior activities in conjunction with Y.f.C.A. o Establish a caf6 atmosphere in the senior Jounge area. o Develop evening programming for senior citizens o Develop policies for senior citizen programs o Refine marketing plan for enterPlace o Outline strategy to reduce operating deficit at enterPlace 4 Planning & Community Development (pp. 48 - 50) o Complete Sprague/Appleway Sub-Area Plan and begin implementation o Shoreline Master Program Update/Shoreline Restoration Plan o Complete Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code o First update of the Comprehensive Plan, to include UGA amendments o Joint Planning agreement with Spokane County o Adopt update of International Codes/Amendments o Refine administrative procedures for Building services s Public Works General Fund (pp. 46-47) o Analysis and review with the County, City of Spokane and DOE regarding Wastewater Treatment Facility options o Work with the Regional Wastewater Committee to evaluate the possibilities of a Spokane Regional Wastewater Alliance o Manage and refine contracts with Spokane County and others for public works services and construction o Provide engineering design, review, and construction oversight for City projects and other City public works needs. o Develop the 2008-2013 six-year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) for Council adoption o Begin implementing Capital Project recommendations of the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan. 9 5 i j Public Works Street Fund (p. 58) o Operate and maintain ail City streets and the two state highways, R 290 and R 7, within the City limits o Continue to contract with Spokane County for engiineering services related to operations and maintenance of City streets and bridges o Work with Community Development to ensure that adequate traffic and transportation rrmitigatit~n is provided o Continue to update the street inventory 4nd assessment of City struts and begin amplernantation of the six-year pavement management plan o Continue to improve signal timing coordination throughout the City ~o Public Works Str wtrp. 9 o Design and implement solutions for existing drainage o Complete six-year plan for construction of regional and semi-regional drainage facilities o Adopt and implement the Regional tormwater Design Manual o Implement the Underground Injection Control Program to inventory and register drells o Begin implementing the NPDE Phase 11 requirements I i 6 Capital Projects pp. 4 - 68) Road 1,838,396 9,369,929 9.90B,325 OesigrJ~onsl_ Road Pre3erwa4on 2,039,863 1,173,440 3.212,943 Propetts Barker Road Bridge 0 539,900 53B,900 Road Pavebadc 904,Og4 0 900,000 Stormwatcr 500,000 0 SOO1OOO Cen'erPlaoe 0 :41,000 441,000 Parks 450,0g4 3,100,000 3,550,000 Gain Bui6ding 0 1.230,000 1,2s60,000 rt2 General Government (p. 57) Includes Funding-for: o Annual audit o Election costs o City liability & property insurance o Outside Agencies contributions o Records Management a Impact Fee Study o Space study for new City Hall o Transfers to: • Civic building reserve funs! + Parks capital fund Street operations 13 7 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 19, 2006 City Manager Sign-off:. Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent X❑ old business ❑ new business • ❑ public gearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2007 Budget: Outside Agencies Allocation Discussion GOVERNING LEGISLATION: City budgeting practices PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On September 5, 2006, ten agencies requested funding from the City of Spokane Valley. BACKGROUND: The city has been providing partial funding for public services since incorporation in, 2003. The proposed budget for 2007 includes $120,000. The purpose of this agenda item is to review the various Council-recommended allocations and attempt to reach consensus on the distribution. A motion consideration is currently scheduled for the September 26, 2006 Council meeting. The attached spreadsheet lists each Council member's recommended allocation. OPTIONS: 1) continue to fund outside agency services; 2) Discontinue funding outside agencies; 3) Increase/decrease funding for outside agencies RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council consensus on the 2007 total funding level for Outside Agencies. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This recommendation will be incorporated into the 2007 city budget- The proposed budget includes $120,000 for these public services. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director or Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS 1. Outside Agencies Allocation Spreadsheet City of Spokane Valley Outside Agency Allocation 2007 Outside Agency Allocation Council Member Recommendations Royuest Denenny Dovleming Gothmann Munson Schimmels Taylor Wilhite 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 SOCIAL AGENCIES Big Brothers Big Sisters $ 2,000 57,000 $3,000 $2,000 52,000 52,000 $2,000 $2,500 $3,500 Chase Youth Commission - - Institute for Systems Medicine - 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pet Savers - 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Project Access 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 25,000 30,000 25,000 30,000 Spokane Valley Arts Council - 10,000 10,000 2,000 0 2,000 2,500 0 5,000 Spokane Valley Community Center. 7,000 5,000 8,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Spokane Valley Meals On Wheels - 2,500 1,500 2,500 2,500 1,000 2,500 2,500 1,500 TOTAL FOR SOCIAL AGENCIES 39,000 179,500 52,500 41,500 39,500 35,000 42,000 35,000 45,000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES Inland Northwest Women's Business Center - 10,000 2,000 0 0 0 0 0- 0 International Trade Alliance 16,000 35,000 18,000 20,000 16,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 20,000 Spokane Area Economic Development Council 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 &D,000 65,000 70,000 65,000 TOTAL FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES 81,000 110,000 85,000 85,000 81,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 OUTSIDE AGENCY ALLOCATION $ 120,000 $ 289,500 $ 137,500 $ 126,500 S 120,500 $ 120,000 S 127,000 $ 120,000 $ 130,000 DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Ptuposes Only as of September 14, 2006 8:15 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings September 26.2006 Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Sept 181 Proclamation: Fire Prevention Week 1. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes] 2. First:Reading Proposed Ordinance Levying Property Tax [10 minutes] 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Confirming 1--,xcess Property Tax Levy [10 minutes] 4. Motion Consideration: Fund Allocations to Outside Agencies-Nina Regor [10 minutes] Administrative Reports: 5. Animal Control Contract Update-Nancy Hill [15 minutes] 6. C17BG Application - Greg McCormick 1'20 minutes] 7. General Budget Discussion - Dave Mercier [15 minutes] 8. Personnel Ordinances/Resolutions - Nina Regor [25 minutes] Information Only: 9. Department Reports 10. Amendment to J'UB Contract for Street MasterPlan for Street Development Standards- Neil Ke•rsten 11. Hearing Examiner Annual Report [estimated meeting: 110 minutes*1 October 3, 2006 Study Session. 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Sept 251 1. Contract for Pool Renovations - Mike Jackson (20 minutes) 2. Fee Resolution - Ken Thompson (15 minutes) I Traffic Ordinance Amendments -Neil Kersten (30 minutes) 4. Amendment to JUB Contract for Street MasterPlan for Street Development Standards -Neil K.ersten (15 minutes) 5. Right-of-way Permit Process Update - Morgan Koudelka (15 minutes) 6. Police 1:'mphasis Areas Report - Cal Walker (15 minutes) 7. General budget Discussion - Dave Mercier (15 minutes) 8. Advance Agenda Additions - Mayor Wilhite } 9. Council Check-in - Mayor Wilhite } (5 minutes) 10. City Manager Comments - Dave Mercier ~ TOTAL MINUTES: 130 minutes Wednesday, October 4, 2006, Conversation with the Community, 6-7 p.m. Valleypoint at Pines Church, Church Sanctuary October 10, 2006 Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Oct 2] 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2007 Proposed Budget [15 minutes] 2. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes] 3. Motion Consideration: Amendment to JUB Contract for Street MasterPlan for Street Development Standards Neil Kersten [10 minutes] 4. Mayoral Appointments: Salary Commission Members - Mayor Wilhite [10 minutes] Administrative Report: - 5. Fee Resolution - Ken Thompson [15 minutes] 6. CDBG Project Idms - Greg McCormick (;15 minutes] [estimated meeting: 70 minutes*( Draft Advance Agenda 911412006 8:11 rl,`4 Page I of 4 Wednesday, October 11, 2046, Cominunitp Workshop #2, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. October 12, 2006, AWC Regional Meeting. CenterPlacc, 2426 N Discovery Place October 17, 2006 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Oct 9] 1. Draft Development Code Regulations, 'titles 17, 18, 20 & 21 - Marina Sukup (150 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Additions - Mayor Wilhite } 3. Council Check-in - Mayor Wilhite } (5 minutes) 4. City Manager Comments - Dave Mercier } TOTAL MTNUTRS: 155 minutes October 24, 2006 Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Oct 161 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Final Hearing on 2007 Proposed Budget [15 minutes] 2. PUBLIC 13EARL~IG: CDBG - Greg McCormick [25 minutes] 3. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll (5 minutes] 4. First Reading Ordinance Adoption 2007 Budget [10 minutes] 5. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Levying Property Tax [10 minutes] 6. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Confirming Excess Property Tax Levy [10 minutes] 7. Proposed Fee Resolution - Ken Thompson (15 minutes] Information Only: 8. Department Reports 9. Response to Public Comments [estimated meeting: 90 minutes*] October 31, 2006 Study Session 6:00 p.m. (possible no meeting) November 7, 2006 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Oct 301 1. Recreation Prognuns Update - Mike Jackson/Jennifer Cusick (20 minutes) 2. Official Newspaper-Chris Bainbridge (15 minutes) November 14, 2006 Regular Mecting 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Nov 6] 1. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll (5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Ordinance Adoption of 2007 Budget [10 minutes] 3. Motion Consideration: CDBG Submission of Application (formal vote) - Greg McCormick [10 minutes] November 21, 2006 - Thanksgiving Week - No Meeting November 28, 2006 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Nov 201 1. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes] Administrative Reports: 2. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Grant Recommendations Report - Deputy Mayor Taylor [40 minutes] Information Only: 3. Department Reports 4. Response to Public Comments [estimated meeting: minutes*] Draft Advance Agenda 9/1402006 8:11 AM Page 2 of 4 r, Thursdav, A'minher 30. 2006, Community Workshop #3, 6:00 p.m - 9:00 p.nt December 5, 2006, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Nov 27] December 1.2, 2006, Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. (due date iVlonday, Dee 41 1. Motion Consideration: Lodging Tax Advisory Grant Fund Allocations - Deputy Mayor Taylor 2. Mayoral Appointments: Committee/Boards/Planning Commission, etc - Mayor Wilhite December 19, 2006, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Dee 111 December 26, 2006 - Christmas Week - No Meetint: OTHER PENDING ANINOR UPCOIVIING ISSU>EIS/MFETLVGS: AWC and Initiative 933 - Councilmember Munson Governance Manual Update Conveyance of Milwaukee Right-of-way - Cary Driskell Joint Council/Planning Cora nission Session for Sprague Corridor Subarea: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 UR- I Extended Zoning Expires March 6, 2007 Joint Housing Authority Participation Interlocal - Nina Regor Vacation of Streets: Payment of Value BOCC Definition of Regional Services Light Rail Records m2naoement Pandemic Response Strategies - Fire District R1 Chief Mike Thompson Prism/Plus/Padal (Parcel Data Locator) System - Chris Berg Central Valley School District Impact Fee Request Proposed Sidewalk Ordinance Sewer Collection Systems - Neil Kersten S1vPA Mitigation Strategies - Cary Driskell/Greg McCormick/Ncil Kersten Planned Unit Development (PUD) Policy Issues - Marina Sukup[Mike Connelly Dale Stedman, Jerry Lenzi - to report on the North/South Freeway CH21vt Hill Valley Corridor EA Amendment-Neil Kersten Accident Statistics along Broadway - October, 2007 Geiger Agreement - Morgan Koudelka estimated ►neeting time does not include time for public comments] Draft AdVILHce Agenda 9/14/2006 8:11 AM Page 3 of 4