2006, 09-26 Regular Meeting n AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Nfeeting #101 Tuesday, September 26, 2006 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL AT RF.,DWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor Council Requests All Electronic Devices be Turned Off During Council ;Meeting CALL TO ORDER: INVOCATION: Pastor Lee I Lunt, New Hope Christian Center PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: INTROI)UCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: CO1VUM1*17TEE. BOARD, LIAISON SUMNGIRN' REPORTS: MAYOR'S REPORT: Proclamxion: Fire Pivmflon Week PUBLIC COMMENTS: Except where indicated below for "public comment" this is an opportunity for the public to speak on any topic. When you come to the podium, plea so state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which arc approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a_ Claim Voucher #9967, dated 9-13-06, for $14,200 to Valleyfest b. Payroll for Period Ending September 15, 2006: $162,315.29 c Minutes of September 12, 2006, Regular Council Meeting d. Minutes of September 19, 2006 Council Study Session Meeting NEW BUSINESS 2. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 06-022 Levying Property l'ax - Ken 1'liompson (public comment) 3. First Reacting Proposed Ordinance 06-023 Confirming Excess Property Tax levy - Ken Thompson [public comment] 4. Motion Consideration: Bid Award, Poe Asphalt Neil Kersten [public comment] 5. Motion Consideration: Fund Allocations to Outside Agencies - Nina Rcgor [public comment PUBLIC COMMENTS Except when indicated above for "public comment" this is an oppornmity for die public to speak on any topic. When you come to the podium, please state your name and address for the rick rd and limit remarks to three minutes. ADMINISTRATWE REPORTS: 6. Animal Control Contract Update - Nancy Hill 7. Community Development Block Grant Application - Greg McCormick 8. General Budget Discussion - nave Mercier it as:.::d 09-26-oo Rcguuler Mtedng P e J of q I'crti(rnttei t);Jin~n.~,'k.4 Jluti nt:, Nimi 1(rL*nr INFORMATION ONLY: 10. Amcndmcnt to JUB Contract for Street MasterPlan for Strict Development 5tzindards 1 1. llcaring Examincr Annual Rgwt 1' Deparhnvnt Itr_1x-rti EXECUTIVE SESSION: Land Acyui-,ition AllJt )U RNATUN-F FUTURE SCHEDUT Regular Council Meetings dire generally held ?red a►id d'' Diesddy , bi irtrting at 6:00 p.m. Council Study Sevlons are generally held I", -V" and Sth Tursdays, beginning at 6:00 ll. m. Otter Tentative Upc•otnin , AfectinevEvents: Wednesdav. October •1, 2006, Ciintem-tion ssith the Commmwt . n-7 P nt Val Point :v I'Wes Church, Churchanl_;u,tn NOTICE: Indlvish-1> F+I'. 1 ( :I-n '!I: rtc:ti':1: LI +t ;!.I C 1 -,1-n :n +I LI; 1 u ' n h`r If?IS!1]r'TfCII" ICi.C ~n^;.+.I It7;1 t•.. ~..IL'l~.lli~!ylcJ:t ~'llll I• null ii. i.+it 'j tt .ttit i f _ 1_. n:rl 1 rln~. rl r ( a+llil+'It 1:r•17 ,r~i+iJ,'.~.i l(+RC.`VI IY ~•trL'l I!'.. _ ~ S "'1~okane P ;OpValley (PtoCLAjWT'ON Fire T'revention Week CITY0E STOXANE WALLET; WAS-,h7xG 'ON WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all those living in and visiting our state; and WHEREAS, fire is a serious public safety concern both locally and nationally, and homes are the locations where people are at greatest risk-from fire; and W.HFREA.S, the nonproftl.National Fire Protection Association (ArFPA) has documented through its research that cooking is the leading cause of home fires. One out of three home fires begins in the kitchen - more than any other place in the home. WII.FRF_AS, we recognize that first responders are dedicated to reducing the occurrence of home fires and home fire injuries through prevention and protection education; and WHEREAS, The City of Spokane Valley's residents are responsive to public education measures and are able to take personal steps to increase their safety from fire; and WF]FRF_AS, using proper care when cooking will have a positive effect on the home fire problem; and TVHEREAS, the 2006 Fire Prevention Week theme, "Prevent Cooking Fires: Watch What You Heat effectively serves to remind us all of the simple actions we can take to stay safer fi°om fire during Fire .Prever-ition Week and year-round. NOW, THEREFORE, I, DIANA WILHITE, Mayor of the City of Spokane Valley, do hereby proclaim October 8-14, 2006 as "Fire Prevention Week" throughout this City and I urge all the citizens to heed the important safety messages of Fire Prevention Week 2006, and to .support the many public safety activities and efforts of all the fire and emergency senlices. IN WITNESS WHEREO.H, I.HA VE HERE UNTO SET W.HAND AND CA USED THA Seal of the City of Spokane. Valley to be affixed this 26th day of September, 2006 c• DTANA WTT J411- , MAYOR vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 09/13/2006 8:29:43AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 9967 9/13/2006 000295 VALLEYFEST VAL-2006-001 VALLEYFEST 2006 MEDIA INVOICE 14,200.00 Total : 14,200.00 1 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 14,200.00 1 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 14,200.00 I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, duo and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finance Director Date Page: 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action i Meeting Date: 09-26-06 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending September 15, 2006 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $145,115.52 Benefits: $17,799.77 TOTAL PAYROLL: $162,315.29 STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faulkner ATTACHMENTS DRAFT WNUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Tuesday September 12, 2006 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the I00`h meeting. Attendance: City Staff: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Mike Connelly, City Attorney Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Bill Gothmatn, Councilmember Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Rich Munson, Councilmember Mike Jackson, Parks & .Ree Director Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Cal Walker, Police Chief Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Carolbelle Branch, Pubic Information Officer Ahsent: Tom Scholtens,.Building Official Dick Denenny, Councilmember Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Councilmember Munson gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Wilhite led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmember Denenny. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor, seconded, and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Denenny from tonight s meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Alijyor Taylor, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: None COMAUTTE.E., BOARD. LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Schimmels: said he had no report but asked to be excused from nest "T'uesday's council meeting, and the meeting of October 3 and October 10. Councilmember Gotlimann: mentioned he attended the Chamber of Commerce annual meeting. Councilmember Munson: announced that our City is being considered a finalist for the 2006 Municipal Excellence Award for the Development of CenterPlace. Councilmember DeVlemine: stated that last Monday he attended the Spokesman Review Celebration for Good Neighbors; and a 9/11 anniversary ceremony at Fairchild. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wilhite reported that she also attended the 9/11 Ceremony at Fairchild, the Chamber of Commerce annual meeting; an American Lung Association meeting at Park Place; a tour of Washington State University's new academic center; the GMA meeting, and the County Fair opening. Mayor Wilhite then read the proclamation for "Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month." PUBLIC CO1VIMT- NTS: Mayor Wilhite invited general public comments. Tom Fomasi, 7327 E 6'h Street: spoke of problems at Edgecliff park and said that the neighborhood is tired of drug dealings going on there; that he has asked the City for a street light as the Sheriffs Office Council Meeting: 09-12-06 Page 1 of5 Approved by Council: DRAFT indicated a light would help deter that element; he mentioned there have been needles found in the area which presents a health hazard. Floyd Reeves. 7407 E 6`h: spoke of the alley behind him between 6`h and 4eh and that a person has been living in the alley and claims it as his; that this has been going on for two years; that he met with Spokane Valley Code Enforcement Officer Chris Berg two weeks ago and there has been no parking in the alley since; but problems persist as the person drains oil from his old cars, and children sometimes play in the alley. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Following claim vouchers: VOUCHER. LIST DATE VOUCHER #s TOTAL VOUCHER AMOUNT 08-17-06 9764 $ $40.00 08-17-06 9766 * $9,750.00 09-05-06 9870-9914 $2,082,328.43 09-05-06 9915-9927 $t,378,673.40 GRAND TOTAL $3,470,791.83 removed from Council's 9-05-06 Consent Agenda) b. Payroll for Period Ending August 31, 2006: $229,644.25 c. Minutes of August 31, 2006 Special Executive Session Meeting d. Minutes of September 5, 2006, Special Council Meeting Mayor Wilhite asked that voucher #9885 be removed so the finance Department can confirm the amount. It was then moved by Councibnember Munson, seconded, and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda as amended NEW BUSLNTESS 2. Second Reading; Ordinance 06-020 Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Mike Connelly After Cite Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it tivas moved by Deputy Afoyor Taylor and seconded, to adopt ordinance 06-020. City Attorney Connelly explained that this ordinance would provide the necessary mechanism and procedure for amending the Comprehensive Plan which was approved last spring, and implementing this now eliminates having to wait one and one-half years before any amendments could be considered. Attorney Connelly explained that changes since the first reading include removing the reference to 17.40.160, which is the tittle location once the new Uniform Development Code is established; and adding what constitutes an emergency. After brief council discussion on the criteria, Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. No comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Uinanimous. Opposed., ATote. Abstentions: None. Motion carried 3. First Reading, Ordinance 06-021 Salarv Commission - Mike Connelly After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it ►vas moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor card seconded, to advance Ordinance 06-021 to a second reading at a subsequent meeting. City Attorney Connelly explained that this ordinance is similar to that which was presented during 2004, and once approved, will begin the process of engaging a Salary Commission to review councilmembers' salaries. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed.- Atone. Abstentions: ?hone. Motion carried Council Meeting: 09-12-06 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT 4. Motion Consideration: Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) 2006 Call for Projects - Steve Worley/Neil Kersten It was moved by Deputy Alayor Taylor and seconded, to approve the Mrryor to sign the Project Certification Statement for each project grant application. Senior Engineer Worley explained that since staff's presentation last week, one additional project has been added to the list: the Appleway Reconstruction Phase 2 under the STP(U) Urban Improvement Projects. Mr. Worley explained that the recently obtained construction estimate for the project was almost double the original estimate, and therefore they will split the project into two phases, with the first phase Tsh.irley to Barker, and the second phase from that point to the end of the project to the east. Mr. Worley said lie discussed this proposal with Glenn Miles of SRTC who is in favor of this approach. In addition, based on information from the street masterplan consultant, Mr. Worley said that one project is in better condition than expected, and staff suggests replacing the Montgomery Avenue inlay project witli another project after staff and the consultant evaluate which project would score better. Mr. Worley said staff could return to Council at the September 26 meeting for final approval, or since the applications are due September 27, Council could amend the motion to allow the Mayor to sin whatever project may be in the line item now listed for Montgomery Avenue .Inlay. After brief council discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Gothmarnl and seconded, to ornend the motion to allow the MmJor to sign whatever project may be in the line item now listed for Afontgornerv Avenue Inlay. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Council voted unanimously in favor to amend the motion. Vote by Acclamation on the amended motion: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. !Motion carried. 5. Motion Consideration: Community Trade and Economic Development Regional Collaboration Grant - Scott Kuhta It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded, to authorize Mayor l-Vilhite's signature on the attached draft letter ofsupport. Senior Planner Kuhta explained that there is an opportunity to apply for the Growth Management Services Regional Collaboration Grant; that this new grant opportunity is for projects that will encourage benefits for multi jurisdictions; and that some of the eligible activities are listed in his September 12, 2006 Request for Council Action Form. Mr. Kuhta further explained that there are available grants of up to $75,000; that all costs must be incurred during October 15, 2006 to June 30, 2007, and that the City of Spokane has offered to be the lead of this grant. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried 6. Mayoral Appointment: Public Transportation Improvement Conference - Mayor Wilhite It was roved by Deputy Mciyor Taylor and .seconded, to confirm the Mayor's appointment of C'ouncilnrember Rich Munson as Council representative to the 2006 Public Transportation Improvement Conference. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered.- Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed.- Alone. Abstentions: None. Wotion carried. PUBLIC CONTM-ENL 1'S Dick Behm, 3626 S Ridgeview: Mr. Rehm mentioned that Clark Hager's wife Gloria passed away last night after surgery. AnNIIMSTRATIVE. REPORTS: 7. Peace Pole - Mike Jackson Parks and Recreation Director Jackson explained that the Girls Scouts, as part of their Gold Merit Badge, previously presented to Council a proposal to place a Peace Pole in Mirabeau Park. Mr. Jackson explained that questions for council consideration are: does the item meet a true need of the facility; is - there a park plan in place that supports the need for the item; is the donor willing to fund the full cost; is the donor willing to fund ongoing maintenance; and is the City willing to accept ownership of the donated property. Discussion followed concerning the need to have guidelines for donor recognition and plaques Council Meeting: 09-12-06 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council DRAFT and gift acceptance whether a gift would be for a park or another city-owned facility; the purpose of a park; funding for the pole and maintenance; and suggested languages for the pole's slogan. Council asked Girl Scout Amanda Edens if the Scouts could wait until spring to install the pole, thereby giving the scouts ample time to raise the funds necessary, including a little extra for maintenance. Ms. rAens responded that waiting until spring would give the Scouts ample time to raise the funds. Council mentioned that all necessary funds need to be raised by March 1, 2007, or the Council would not accept the peace pole. Ms. Edens agreed. Ms. Edens will also conduct research to determine which languages (for the slogan) to recommend adding to the pole. It was also Council consensus that Ms. Edens work with Director Jackson on the size and placement of the plaque. It was moved by Councilmember Munson and seconded to approve the placement of the peace pole as discussed based on timing and provision: of funds and identification ofplogue size and placement. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. Tony Lazanis, Empire Way: said that the parks belong to everyone; and he would like to see a memorial plaque for Bill Cowles since they donated the property to the city. Dick .13chm, 3626 S Ridgeview Drive: thanked council for supporting the project. Vote bvAcclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried 8. Old Senior Center- Mike Jackson Parks and Recreation Director Jackson reported that staff seeks Council guidance on the disposition of the Valley Mission Senior Center Facility at 11423 F Mission Avenue. Mr. Jackson explained that the engineering reports indicate that there has not been a lot of additional settling, and visually (on the PowerPoint slides), it is obvious the stairs have pulled away from the building, and doors don't close properly. Director Jackson said for $5,000 to $10,000, engineering could take some core samples under the building to discover why the building is settling, and let us know what the soil contains so a determination can be made if anything could ever be built on that area in the future. Discussion ensued regarding the cost of and need for core sampling; demolishing the building and associated costs; and if the building were torn down; the idea of having a memorial to recognize those who worked to build the original building. There was Council consensus that staff move forward to secure core samples so it can be ascertained if the building is salvageable or if anything could ever be built on that site. 9. Annexation Goals & Policies - Marina Sukup/Mike Connelly City Attorney Connelly said annexation is tied with support of joint planning agreements and the previous information mentioned in connection with the CTED grant; and of the comprehensive plan amendment process discussed earlier. Attorney Connelly brought Council attention to the legal analysis presented for Council review, and mentioned in particular the Vancouver legislative issues attached in the Council packet. Community Development Director Sukup brought Council's attention to the attached "Exhibit C" memorandum on annexation policy considerations, and stated that the considerations are in no particular order. Director Sukup also mentioned that a public hearing concerning the UGA is scheduled for September 28 before the Planning Commission. After brief discussion, it was determined that staff' will develop a list of areas to present to Council, that the areas will be rated and show the pros and cons of annexing each; and will address transportation issues with each area; and that such discussion will be scheduled for sonic time after the September 28 Planning Commission public hearing. 10. Zoning: 3.5 - UR7* Situations/Options - Marina Sukup/imike_ Connelly Community Development Director Sukup explained that presently the City has no regulations that establish specific criteria or that would prohibit the approval of rezoning from UR-3.5 to UR-7*. Ms. Sukup mentioned that the terms are confusing as the difference is between 4.35 units per acre and six; and that the impact on traffic between those would be negligible; and in terms of perception, the difference would be between a minimum lot of 10,000 square feet and 6,000 square feet. Director Sukup further Cotuicil Meeting: 09-12-06 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT explained that staff recommends that the focus remain with the minimum lot size rather than the calculated net density. Mayor Wilhite voiced her agreement in that the verbiage needs to be clear as she did not realize that 3.5 meant 4.35. City Attorney Connelly said that another policy issue to consider concerns the design for lower density areas like 10,000 square foot lots or higher, and to design the streets and grids accordingly; or as an alterative, design for the highest residential density allowed. It was determined that these issues will be further addressed as the development regulations come to council for discussion and review. There being no further business, it was moved by Councilmembcr Munson, seconded, and unanimously passed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m. Diana Wilhite, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Meeting: 09-12-06 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: n.1.7A_H `T' AM UTES -1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY \ j CITY COUNCiI, S'T'UDY SESSION Tuesday, September 19, 2006 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Present: Councilmembers: Staff: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Mike Connelly, City Attorney Dick Denenny, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Rich Munson, Councilmember Mike.lackson, larks & kec Director Marina Sukup, Community Development Dir. Absent. Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Mike DeVlerning, Councilmember Greg, "Bing" Bingaman, I'C Specialist Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor, seconded by Counciltnetnber Denenny, and unanimously approved to excuse Councibnembers DeVleming and Schintmels from tonight's meeting. Employee Introductions: Amy Sienknecht:, Accounting Technician was introduced by Finance Director Ken Thompson; and Brant Collier, Maintenance Inspector, was introduced by Public Works Director Neil Kersten. 1. Second Reading Salary Commission Ordinance - Mike Connelly City Attorney Connelly explained that the purpose of the ordinance is to create a salary commission to review the salaries of the Mayor and Council; and that no changes have been made since the first reading. After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy -"oyor Taylor acrd seconded to approve ordinance 06-021. Mayor.Wilhite invited public comment. Bob )alum. 12722 E 15`"; said he is against the ordinance but not against the pay raise; he stated that this puts a buffer between council and the people and could be perceived as a cover for the elected officials by appointing people to a commission to make a decision to determine how much money they would get; that he'd prefer to have a public hearing and have Council make a decision by resolution or other means; and that way it would not become effective until the next election. Councilmember Munson stated lie would like to invite M.r. $oward Herman and Ms. Sally Jackson to volunteer to be on this commission; adding that he is not saying Council would choose them, but he encouraged them to apply. In response to questions concerning the committee, Attorney Connelly mentioned that the preferable method of forming the commission is to open it to the public rather than simply make appointments. Deputy Mayor Taylor mentioned that Spokane County has a commission as well as Washington State; that the issue of elected official's compensation is very controversial but that he feels the best way is through a commission, adding that the one that was appointed two years ago did a good job and made their recommendations based on an independent market analysis. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: Notre. Abstentions: .Notre. ,ilfotion carried 2. Department Budget I-liffhlights and Work Program -Nina Regor and Department Directors Deputy City Manager Regor summarized the goals and activities for the proposed 2007 budget, and then gave the highlights of the Executive and Legislative Support, and Operations and Administrative Services; followed by each Department Director explaining their department's budget highlights. AMcctinga Minutes: 09-19-06 Page 1 of 2 Approved by Council: DRAFT 3. 2007 Budget: Outside Agencies' Allocation Discussion - Mina Regor Council discussed the requested amounts and proposed Council allocations, including the idea of a 12- 15% increase from the previous year; the preference to request a budget from the Spokane Valley Arts Council; that the Institute for Medicine might fare better in the future if their request was for economic development purposes; and a general discussion concerning Meals on Wheels and income requirements concerning meals at the Senior Center. Meals on Wheels Executive Director Pam Almeida explained that the request is just for the Senior Center, that for statistical purposes they ask seniors questions concerning household incomes, and determined that 44% of those seniors are under the federal low-income level, and 10% are at the extremely low-income level. Because of the merge with the EDC and the Regional Chamber of Commerce, and because of the lack of a formal plan, Council discussed and debated whether to disburse full allocated funds to the EDC at once, or half now and half six months later. Points of debate included that the entities will still be separate with separate budgets; that sending the funds in two installments ensures the funds will be used for economic development, or that doing two payments could send a negative signal to the EDC. Mayor Wilhite stated that she sits on the Executive Board of EDC and she will forward a report to Councilmembers after that meeting tomorrow, adding that the EDC can always come before Council to show how and where the funds were used. The following are the suggested funding amounts: Big Brothers Big Sisters $2,500 Spokane Valley Community Center $5,000 Institute for Systems Medicine $-0- Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels $2,500 Pet Savers $_0_ Inland NW Women's Business Ctr $_0_ Project Access $30,000 International Trade Alliance $20,000 Spokane Valley Arts Council $5,000 Economic Development Council $65,000 Deputy City Manager Regor mentioned that the total new allocation proposal of $130,000 represents a $10,000 increase from what was budgeted; and that staff will come forward next week with the motion consideration for this and a recommendation on how to re-balance the budget due to the extra $10,000. 4. Advance Agenda Additions - Mayor Wilhite Mayor Wilhite asked and received Council consensus to hold an executive session after next week's council meeting in order to discuss land acquisition. Mayor Wilhite also brought Council attention to the paving award scheduled for a motion next week, which was included as an informational item on tonight's amended agenda. S. Council Check-in_ Mavor Wilhite There was some discussion to invite the Board of County Commissions to attend the October 17 meeting to discuss the Milwaukee Right-of-way, but it was determined several councilmembers will be absent and that topic will be scheduled at a later date. Mayor Wilhite spoke of the Salary Commission and she asked all people interested in serving on that Commission to complete an application and submit it to the City Clerk as soon as possible, as the Commission will be working within a short time frame. 6. Cite Manager Comments -Nina Regor Deputy City Manager Regor mentioned that for clarity and consistency, we are changing the name of the Sprague/Apploway Corridor topic to the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m. A'f`fEST: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Meeting Miri«tes: 09-19-06 Page 2 of 2 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 26, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business x new business ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : First Reading Proposed Property Tax Ordinance for 2007 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State Law PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: There has been discussion at study sessions regarding the anticipated amount of property tax revenue for the 2007 budget. A public hearing was held on August 22, to review 2007 projected revenues, including the property tax levy. BACKGROUND: State law requires the City to pass an ordinance in order to levy property taxes. The City is limited to a maximum of $1.60 per thousand dollars of assessed value. The Spokane County Assessor may increase the assessed value as high as $5.8 billion. $5.8 billion would be a 15% increase over the current year. The most recent estimates from Spokane County indicate an increase closer to 7% or a total assessed value of S5.4 billion. The City's tax rate per $1,000 of assessed value is expected to be near $1.60 which will generate between $8.7 and $9.3 million depending on the final assessed value. The 2007 budget has been prepared using $9.3 million in property tax revenue. Any shortfall in the $9.3 million of property tax revenue will need offsetting reductions to balance the budget. There is no shortage of worthy programs which would benefit from these tax dollars. Staff is projecting a deficit in the General Fund in 2011 which will need to be eliminated as we approach that year. It should be noted these estimates are based on the County's latest projections of assessed value. A change in the assessed value and/or a change in the amount of our proposed levy will change the tax rate. OPTIONS: This ordinance is required by law. The council could modify the ordinance to levy a rate between $1.56 and $1.60. Each one cent of levy rate, generates approximately $56,000 in property tax revenue. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: A motion to advance the ordinance levying property taxes at $1.601m of assessed value for the 2007 budget, to a second reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This ordinance levies property tax for the City's 2007 budget year. We expect property tax revenues to be near $9 million, once growth in assessed value and state assessed properties have been included. Property taxes are expected to make up 27% of General Fund revenues. Reductions in the 2007 budget may be necessary if the assessed value for the City of Spokane Valley is less than $5.8 billion or the tax rate is less than $1.60 per thousand dollars of assessed value. STAFF CONTACT: Finance & Admin. Services Director, Ken Thompson r, 2007 Proposed Property Tax Ordinance Spokane Valley Council Meeting September 26, 2006 ■ Ordinance required by State Law ■ Hearing held Aug. 22 r ■ Other hearings on Oct. 10 & 24 Levy totals $9.3 million ■ Tax rate of $1.60 w/ $5.8 billion A.V. ■ Changes could be made at 2nd reading ■ Based on County A.V. estimates 1 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASIMNGTON ORDINANCE NO. 06-022 Aix 01W1'NANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, LEVYING TFT.E RF,GULkR PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON IN SPOKANE COUNTY FOR THE YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2007 TO PR.OME REVENUE FOR CITY SERVICES AS SET FORTH 1N THE CITY BUDGET. WPI:ER.EAS, State law authorizes the City of Spokane Valley to levy regular property taxes upon the taxable property within the corporate limits in order to provide revenue for the 2007 current expense budget of the City; and NVHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley is authorized to levy $3.60 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation deducting therefrom the highest levy collected by a Fire District within the Spokane Valley city limits and also deducting the Spokane Valley Library District levy; and WHEREAS, RCW 84.52.020 requires the City Council on or before the 30 day of 1"Tovember to certify budget estimates to the clerk of the Spokane County Board of Commissioners including amounts to be raised by taxing property within the limits of the City; and ' HFREAS, the City Council pursuant to notice, held public hearings on August 22, 2006, October 10, 2006 and October 24, 2006 on the proposed budget estimates for 2007 including revenue sources which will fund the provision of City services, projects and activities. NOW, TE IEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. 2007 Levy Rate. There shall be and is hereby levied and imposed upon real property, personal property and utility property, as defined in RCW Chapter 84.02 and 84.55.005 in the City of Spokane Valley, Washington a regular property tax for the year commencing January 1, 2007 in the total amount of $9,303,010. It is recognized the City of Spokane Valley can levy $3.60 per thousand dollars of assessed value less the highest fire district levy and less the library district levy. However, the levy rate levied by the Ci[y of Spokane Valley shall be $1.60 per one thousand dollars of assessed valuation to be collected in 2007. "l'he regular property tax levied through this ordinance is for the purpose of receiving revenue to make payment upon the general indebtedness of the City of Spokane Valley, the general fund obligations and for the payment of services, projects and activities for the City during the 2007 calendar year. The purpose of this ordinance is to establish the levy amount as permitted by law. Section 2. Notice to Snokane_ County. Pursuant to RCW 84.52.020, the City Clerk shall certify to the County Legislative Authority a true and correct copy of this ordinance, as well as the budget estimates adopted by the City Council in order to provide for and direct the taxes levied herein that shall be collected and paid to the City of Spokane Valley at the time and in the manner provided by the laws of the State of Washington. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or Ordinance 06-022 Pagc 1 oft DRAFT unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionallyr of any other section, ,sontence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the offloial newspaper of the City as provided by lava. PASSED by the, City Council this day of 12006, Mayor, Dana Wilhite ATTEST'. City Clerk, Christine Sainbridge Approved As To Form:. Office of the City Attomey Date of Publication: T'ffective Jute: i Ordinance 106-022 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 26, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business X new business public hearing ❑ admin. report X pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : First Reading Proposed Ordinance Confirming 1% increase in 2007 Property Tax Levy GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State budget law PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The 2007 proposed revenues were presented to the City Council on August 22, at a public hearing. The public was invited to offer comment at the August 22, hearing. Additional public hearings are scheduled for October 10 and October 24, to consider the entire 2007 proposed budget including property tax revenues. BACKGROUND: State budget law requires we make our revenue projections known and conduct a public hearing to consider input from the public. At the public hearing on August 22, ~J special mention was made of property taxes. The City is required to pass an ordinance expressing our desire to levy the 1 % annual increase in the property tax levy. The proposed ordinance is attached. This 1% increase in our property tax ($95,450) is included in the property tax ordinance scheduled for council review on September 26. OPTIONS: State law requires an ordinance be passed confirming our desire to levy the annual 1 % allowable increase in property tax. A second option would be for the council to decide not to pass the ordinance and forgo adding this amount to our tax levy. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: A motion to advance the ordinance confirming 1% increase in 2007 Property Tax Levy, to a second reading, BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This ordinance increases the city property tax levy by $95,450 for 2007. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 06-023 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, CONF IRiVIING THE CITY PROPERTY TAX LEVY AT 1% ($95,450) IN EXCESS OF THE 2004 AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAX LEVY WHICH WAS COLLECTED IN THE CITY 2005 FISCAL YEAR, PURSUANT TO RCW, PROVIDING FOR SEVERAI3 LITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. W1-1 EREAS, State law authorizes the City of Spokane Valley to levy regular property taxes upon the taxable property within the City limits in order to provide revenue for the annual Current Expense Budget of the City; WHEREAS, Initiative 747 (RCW Chapter 84.55) provided that cities with a population of over 10,000 persons can increase the amount of their regular property taxes annually by the lesser amount of inflation or 1% of the highest levy, plus any additional value resulting from new construction, improvements and state assessed property; WKERrAS, an increase in property tax revenue may be authorized by the City through adoption of a separate ordinance, pursuant to notice, specifically authorizing the increase stated in terms of dollars and percentage. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Puy ose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to utilize excess levy capacity of the City that resulted from the tax levy in 2004 for the 2005 fiscal year. State law authorizes the City to increase its property tcmces by an amount of 1% above the highest lawful allowable levy in a preceding year (excepting new construction, improvements and assessment of State owned property). The taxes received from the increased levy set forth herein and the regular property tax levied through Ordinance 06-022 are appropriated in the 2007 City Budget which is scheduled for adopted through Ordinance 06- 024. Section 2. Findings. A. The City, following public hearings, adopted a balanced Current Expense Budget that sets forth citizen priorities and promotes the health, welfare and safety of the City. B. The City published notice of this Ordinance through the procedure used to notify the public of regular Council meetings. C. To support the adopted Current Expense.Budget of the City and provide for the delivery of services, the making of improvements and the promotion of the health, welfare and safety of the citizens, the City Council, after considering the financial requirements of the City for 2007, finds and determines that there is substantial need to include the 1 % increase ($95,450) allowed by State law, in the ad valorem property tax of $9,303,040 which is scheduled for adoption November 14, 2006 through Ordinance 06-024. Ordinance 06-023 Additional PropTax Page I of 2 Section 3. 1% Increase.. Pursuant to RCW 84.55, the City, by adopting Ordinance 06- imposed an increase in the regular property tax levy (in addition to the increase resulting from the addition of new construction, improvements and the increased value of State assessed property), in the amount of $95,450 which is a percentage increase of 1 % from the 2004 Ad Valorem Property Tax Levy, which was collected in the City 2005 Fiscal Year. Section 4. Ci Clerk. The City Clerk shall certify a copy of this Ordinance and forward the same to the Board of County Commissioners and the Spokane County Assessors Office upon its passage. Section 5. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance. Section 6. Effective Tate. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this day of 2006. Mayor, Diana Wilhite ~ ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to l+orn: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 06-023 Additional PropTax Pagc 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 26, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business Q new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Bid Award and Contract Approval to Poe Asphalt Paving for Pavement Repair GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: The 2006 Street Fund budget included $423,397 in the County interlocal for pavement repair and replacement. To date the County has completed $234,935 in pavement repair and they have indicated that they will not be able to do any additional work in the City this year. Also, in the 2006 Street Fund budget we had $318,000 in other contractual for hiring private contractors for crack sealing and pavement repair. We conducted a bid on April 27, 2006 for $200,000 of pavement repair on a number of small projects around the City. Poe Asphalt Paving was the low bid. We also conducted a bid to do a grind and overlay project on Dishman Mica just south of Appleway with Spokane Rock Products as the low bid for $71,000 and several other smaller projects. There are still a number of street locations around the City that require repair to prevent serious pavement breakup during this coming winter and spring. Since the County will not complete the work remaining under the County interlocal we have solicited bids on August 23, 2006 to accomplish this work. The bid results are as follows: Poe Asphalt Paving $181,905.00 Finn Asphalt Services $184,315.92 Degerstrom Corporation $188,258.10 Inland Asphalt $228,288.06 Spokane Rock Products $256,513.20 There is concern that doing another contract with Poe Asphalt would exceed the City Manager's authority to issue contracts up to $200,000, therefore, this item was placed on the Council's agenda. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to award the bid for street repair work to Poe Asphalt Paving, and authorize the City Manager or designee to sign the contract in an amount not to exceed $200,000. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Funding is included in the 2006 Street Fund budget. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS Agreement for Construction or Services, Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. (06-019) AGRlJ,VN11?-YI' FOR CONSTRUCTION OR SERVICES Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. 06-019 TT-TiS AGR,EEiN1F-NTT is made by and between the City of Spokane Valley, a code City of the State of Washington, hereinafter "City" and Poe Asphalt Paving, inc. hereinafter "Contractor," jointly referred to as "parties." IN CONSIDERATION of the terns and conditions contained herein the parties agree as follows: I . Work to Be Performed. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all labor, tools, materials, supplies and equipment in accordance with, and as described in Exhibit land 2 (Scope of Work) for the Request for Bids for City of Spokane Valley Street Repair (hereinafter "work''), and 2006 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction of the Washington State Department of Tnuisportation, which are by this reference incorporated herein and made part hereof (`Contract Documents'), and shall perform any changes in the work in accordance with Exhibit l and 2. The CONTRACTOR shall, for the amount set forth in the Contractor's bid proposal attached hereto, assume and be responsible for the cost and expense of all work required for constructing and completing the work and related activities provided for in the Contract Plans and Contract Documents, except those items mentioned therein to be furnished by the City of Spokane Valley. The City Manager, or designee, shall administer and be the primary contact for Contractor. Prior to commencement of work, Contractor shall exercise best efforts to contact the CityManager or designee to review the scope of work, schedule, and time of completion. Upon notice from the City; Contractor shall promptly commence work, complete the same in a timely manner, and cure any failure in performance under this agreement. Unless otherwise directed by the City, all work shall be performed in conformance with the Contract Plans, Contract Documents, City and State standards. Contractor acknowledges review of the Contract Plans and Contract Document-, and accepts the same. Contractor shall exercise best efforts, including the selection of the highest quality materials, so that all work performed shall be in compliance with current related industry standards. 2. Terns of Contract. '['his agreement shall be in full force and effect upon execution and shall remain in effect until October 27. 2006. The City may terminate this agreement by ten (10) days' written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination, the City shall pay the Contractor for all work previously authorized and satisfactorily performed prior to the termination date. 3. Compensation. The City agrees to pay the Contractor on a time and material basis asset forth in the attached bid, at the unit prices estimated at $181,905.00, but to a maximum fee of $200,000.00 as full compensation for everything furnished and done under this agreement. 4. Payment. The Contractor may elect to be paid in monthly installments, upon presentation of an invoice to the City, or in a lump sum, upon completion of the work. Applications for payment shall be sent to the City Clerk at the below-stated address. Agreement for Construction Services Pagc 1 of 5 The City reserves the right to withhold payment under [his agreement which is determined, in the yeas on abl a judmn nt of this City Manager, to be nonconmpliao t with the Contract: Plans, Contract Da currents, or City or Mate standards- 5_ Notice. Notice shall be given in writing as follows- TO TIM CITY: TO THE CONTRACTOR, Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. Narne. Christine'Bainbridge, City Clerk Name: Tracy Batterton, Project Manager Phone Number; (509) 921-1000 Phone lumber: 208-777-0498 Address: 11707'Ea3t Sprague Ave.. Suite 106 Address: 2732 Beck Road Spokane'Valley, WA 99206 Yost Falls, ID 83854 6. Applicahle.Laws and Stsndards. The parties, in theperfinrwanee of this agreement, agree to comply with alI applicable Federal, State acrd local laws, and City ordinances and regulations- 7_ Prevailing Wages on Public Works. -Unless othenvise required by law, ifthis contract is for a "public work" which i9 defined as "work, construction, alteration, repair or improvement other than ordinary maintenance executed at the cosot of the City," the following provision applies' This agreement provides for the construction of a public work and a payment of prevailing wages according to Washington law. All workers. laborers or mechanics shall be paid a prevailing rite of wage that is set forth in an Exhibit to this agreement. Before any payment may be made- to Contractor a "Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages" must be submitted to the City. Following final acceptance of the public works project, the C:onlractor and each sub uonWi C: tor shall submit as "Affidavit OF Wages Paid" hcfbzc: retained funds will be reJ eased to the Con tractor, The af[, day it must be certified by th e iodustriat stat4sti ci ark of the Department of ULbor and Industries. K RelatioPshi Li of the Panics, It is hers:by undwstood, agreed and declared that the Contractor shall be an independ ent Contractor and not the agent or employee of the City, that Ui e City is interested in only the result to be achie:ved, and :hat tae righl't) con LroI the particular mar4ne.r, method and means of the work is solely within the discretion of the Contractor. Aay turd all employees who provide services-to the City under this agreementshall bedeemedemployeeso.f.the ontractur_ TbE:Contractorshallbesolelyresponsibleforthe conduct and actions of all ernpIoyces under this agreement and any liability that may attach thereto. 9. Ownershirs ofDoeuments. Alldraxings, plans, speuif attons, and other refateddocumcnis prepared by the Contra ctorut,der tbis agreement are and skull be the property of the City, and maybe;ubject t+o disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56 or other applicable. public recocd laws, 10, Records. TELe City or State, Auditor nr any of their representatives shall have fu 11 access to and the right to examine during; normal business hours all of the Contractor°s records with respect to all matters coveted in this contract. Such representatives shall be permitted to audit, e~xamin.e and make excerpts or transcripts from such records and to make audits of all contracts. invoices, materials. payrolls and rceord of matters covered by this confract for a period of three }ears from the date final payment is made hcrei coder. 11.. Warranty. Unle-.s provided otherwise in the Contract Flans or Contract Documents, Cortractor warrants all work and materials performed or installed under this contract are free from defect or Agycentent fqr Construction Serulces Prgo 2 of 5 1 1 failure for a period of one year following final acceptance by the City, unless a supplier or manufacturer has a warranty for a greater period, which warranty shall be assigned to the City. In the event: a defect or failure occurs in work or materials, the Contractor shall within the warranty period remedy the same at no cost or expense to the City. 12. Contractor to Be Licensed And Bonded, The Contractor shall be duly licensed and bonded by the :State of Washington at all times this agreement is in effect. 13. Insurance. The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. No Limitation. Contractor's maintenance of insurance as required by the agreement shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Contractor to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) from CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage, 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, stop gap liability, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for dic City using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 10 01 and Additional Insured-Completed Operations endorsement CG 20 37 10 01 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. 3. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. B. Minimum Amounts oflnsuronce. Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Lial i_li insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of S1,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial General Liabilih, insurance shall be written with limits no less that $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a S2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. Agreement for Construction Services Page 3 of 5 r r C. Other Insurance Provisions. The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. D. Acceptability oflnsurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VT.i. B. Verification ofC'overage. Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. 14. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. Should a court of competent j urisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.1 15. then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. It is fnarther specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 R.CW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of tine agreement. 15. Waiver. No officer, employee, agent, or other individual acting on behalf of either party, has the power, right, or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this agreement. No waiver in one instance shall be held to be waiver of any other subsequent breach or nonperformance. All remedies afforded in this agreement, or by law, shall be taken and "construed as curnulative, and in addition to every other remedy provided herein or by law. Failure of either party to. enforce, at any time, any of the provisions of this agreement, or to require, at any time, performance by the other party of any provision hereof shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions, nor shall it affect the validity of this agreement, or any part thereof. 16. Assignment and Delep_ation. Neither party shall assign, transfer, or delegate any or all of the responsibilities of this agreement, or the benefits received hereunder, without first obtaining the written consent of the other party. 17. Jurisdiction and Ventre. This agreement is entered into in Spokane County; Washington. Venue shall be in Spokane County, State of Washington. Agreement for Construction Services Page 4 of 5 t 18. Arbitration. All disputes arising under this agreement shall be resolved through arbitration pursuant to State law. Rules for arbitration shall be those prescribed by the American Association of Arbitration. 19. Entire Agreement. This written agreement constitutes the entire and complete agreement between the parties, and supercedes any prior oral or ,ATitten agreements. This agreement may not be changed, modified, or altered, except in writing and signed by the parties hereto. 20. Anti-kickback. No officer or employee of the City, having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this agreement, shall have, or acquire, any interest in this agreement, or have solicited, accepted, or granted, a present or future gff'l, favor, service, or other thing of value from any person with an interest in this agreement. 21. Business Registration. Prior to commencement of work, Contractor shall register with the City as a business. 22. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or plu•ase of this agreement should be held to be invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not: affect the validity of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this agreement. 23. Exhibits. Exhibits attached and incorporated into this agreement are: 1. Proposal for City of Spokane Valley Street Repair; 2. Scope of Services; 3. Bid Documents; 4. Performance and Payment Bond; 2. lasurance Certificates. 1N W1`l•NESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement this day of 2006. CITY OF SPOKANTE VALLEY: CONTRACTOR.70G PlA1l--r- PA\I 1 r\,c. J VLA City Manager P Tax I.D. No. Q Z lr ?~~.1..~1 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: J City Clerk Office of e City Alt ey Agreement for Construction Services Page 5 of 5 Bid Document Exhibit #1: Proposal for City of Spokane Valley Street Repair Proposal of (hereinafter- called (*"BIDDER?"), and existing under the laws of the State of Doing business as for the City of Spokane Valley, (herei.nafter called the "Owner"). In compliance «itb Public Works from the Small Works Roster, BIDDER hereby proposes to perform all work for Street Repair in strict accordance with the Contract Docuanents, until such time that the work is complete, not to exceed $200,000 (dollars), and at the Hourly Rate stated in Exhibit 3, prices attached hereto and made a part hereof. By submittal of this Bid, each BIDDER certifies, and the case of a joint Bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization that this Bid has been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement as to any matter relating to this Bid with any other 13YDDER or with any competitor- KIDDER hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the NTOTICE TO PROCEED and to fully complete the work on an as- needed basis until such time that the work is complete or that expenditures near, but do not exceed $200;000 (dollars). BLDDE,R agrees to perform all work described in the Contract Documents for the Hourly Rate and Materials by the Ton/in place, shorn in Exhibit 3. Respectfully submitted: Sibnattiue Address Title ]late License g (if applicable) Phone Number/ Fax # Seal: If by Corporation EXHIBIT 2. Scope of Services for pavement replacement, repair and roadway reconstruction. Measurement and Payment Costs for Time and Materials and Saw Cutting shall be proposed for the following bid items and shall include all labor, material, skill, traffic control, transportation and equipment necessary and/or incidental to construct and/or install the items complete and in place, in operating condition and in accordance with the contract Documents and 2006 WSDOT Standard Plans and Specifications. Bill :ITEM T1: The Hourly Rate laid provides full compensation for traffic control, mobilization, excavating and disposal of 4" of existing pavement, preparation for new pavement, and placement and compaction of 4" of Class Mix, PG 64-28.B2 A per WSDOT Standard Plans and Specifications 2006, and Spokane Regional Pavement Cut Policy, to match existing pavement, by repairing potholes and problem areas identified by City personnel. BT.DDER must have the means to provide a small pavi.ng crew that has the capability of saw cutting, remove and replace asphalt areas of up to, but not limited to, 10' x 100'. (Approximate). Width and length of work areas will vary. BIT) ITEM #2: Materials utilized (Base rock and A/C) will be documented for payment BY THE TON. Any excavation of base rock required for street repair because of Base failure, will be documented in cubic yards. BiDDE:R wi.11 provide City wilt weigh tickets for all Base rock and I-L%4A needed to repair City of Spokane Valley streets as directed by City personnel. Payment to the Contractor will be made only for the actual quantities of work performed and accepted in conformance with the contract. BID ITEM ##3: BT_DDER: to provide estimate of A/C cost, by the ton, in place. BID ITEM ON. BIDDER: to provide cost estimate, per lineal foot.for saw cutting. SU OLARY"/ TOTALS ES'RNIAT.l:D COSTS FOR BID PURPOSES E-X-fU'BIT #3. ITEM I ITEM DESCRIPTION UNITSiQUANTITY PRICUUNIT TOTAL AMOUNTS 1 PAVING & EXCAVATING CREW 160 HRS 2 5/8" BASE ROCK 200 TONS 3 Y7." A/C IN PLACE 850 TONS 4 SAW CUTTING 1000 L. F. SUBTOTAL PLUS 8.6% WA STATE SALES TAX TOTAL A I'OUNT OF RFD rNCI..UDING TAX FOR TME AND MATERIALS BY HOURLY RATFJTONS MATERIAL, AND SAW CUTTING BY LI TAL FOOT. 09131/2006 x8:49 2087778499 POE ASPHALT PAVING PAGE 02 t Bid Document Exhibit 91: Proposal for City of Spokes e Valley Street Repair Proposal of Cu~; Asp4AI/ FAVM 1&/C- (hereinafter called J-D)DERand e 'XI under the laws of State of (i() 5 d C YI Doing btui~ness as 's `NC . for.the City of Spokane Valley, (hereinaftet caDed t e weer"). In compliance with~Public Wor fzow the Small Works Roster, BIDDER. hereby proposes to perfonri all work for treet Repair in strict aceorda-ace with the Contract Documents, until such time that e wozk is winplete, not to exceed $200,000 (dollars), and at the Hourly Rate stated in xlzibit graces attached hereto aud made a part hereof By subm t-tal. of than Bid, each B DER certifies, and the case of a joint Bid, each party tb.ereto certifies as, to its own org ization that this Bid has been rived at independently; ;without consultation, com~mun.ie ion or as eemmt as to any matter relatimg to this Bid Aith any other 731EDI)ER or with y competitor. BIDDER. hereby agzees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the NOTICE TO PROCEED anal to fully complete the work on an as- needed basis until such tizue that the wor is complete or that expenditures near, but do not exceed 5200,000 (dbllars). BIDDER agrees to perform a w rk described in the Contract Documents for the Hourly RAte and Materials by the Torun place, shown in Exhibit # 3. Res ectfully ubzzuit : 4'' P~~ t,LS I G~ t3 ~ A), ►c~ Si_ to r Address Title Date w /(~10 `ln ro ~gq 3~-3 ~M `77 - 60Rn License (if applicable) Phone Number/ Fax F'V Seal: If by Corpdration 6v-i+71 V,U 08/31/2006 OB: 48 2567770490 POE 95PHAA~T PAVING PAGE 03 SU LARY1 TOTALS E TE'gATF COSTSFORBIDPURPOSES ~ - II IF~M ITEM DFSCRIPTIGN UNITSIQUAXTITY PRICElUNrT TOTAL WiOUNTS PAVING & E O VATIf Ck EW 160 HRS ~ Ddb D, 513" BASE FLOCK 200 TOND s 3 1/z° A/C IN PLACE 850 TOT r o ra i SAW UTI'JN1 1000 L. F, o0 SUBTOTAL PLUS 8. °a TAT SALES TA I TOTAL MOUT's' OF BID ~NCJXDING TAX FOP, TVvfE ,A_ Di ,A.TMAL BY MATFPJAJ AND SAW CUT7T,,7G BOND NO: S#61ra0n#r^e-N` Valley ,;oo* CONTRACIrOR'S PERFORAMINCE AND PAYMENT BOND TO DUAL OBLIGEES KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that (Contractor), as Principal, and (Bonding Company), as Sure ty, a corporation of whose principal office is located at are firmly bound unto the State of Washington and the City of Spokane Valley, a political subdivision the State of Washington, as Obligees; to fulfill the obligations of the Principal and the Surety under the Contract to which reference is hereafter made; in the amount of S (including Washington State sales tax for payment whereof Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has by written Proposal dated offered to.enter into a Contract with the City of Spokane Valley for Contract No. pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract Documents dated NO"A', TL-i=-ORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if the Principal shall faithfully perfonn all the provisions of the Contract on its put, and pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material suppliers, and all persons who supply such person or persons or subcontractors witch provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work; and indemnify and bold harmless the Obligees from all loss, cost or damage which it may suffer by reason of the failure to do any of the foregoing, then this obligaion shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect All persons who have furnished labor, materials or supplies for us!i in and about the work provided for in the Contract shall have a direct tight of action under this bond, to the extent and in the manner set forth in RCW 39.08. The said Surety for value received hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time. alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the WORK to be performed thereunder or the SPECIFICATIONS accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this BOND, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the WORK or to the SPECIFICATIONS. No final settlement between the OWN'L-'R and the CONTRACT"OR shall abridge the right-of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsalisfiied. SI'GN'ED AND SEALED 7TUS , t -DAY OF YEAR 20 SURETY PRINCIPAL Signature • Signature Typed Narric Typed Name - Title Title kSEAL) ACORD- CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (It I,'DMYYYY) 6/7/2006 PRpDUCEiR (509) 756-5529 FAX (509) 758-S11 \1 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICPTS Stonabraker-McQuary Agency ' HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTENC ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOVN 616 5th St. PO Box 9 Clarkston WA 99403:.' INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSU-ER A: CNA/Transcontinental Ins. INSURED Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. INSURER a: American Casualty Co. PO Box 449 wsuRERc:Trans ortation ins. INSURERD:State Insurance Fluid Lewiston ID 63501 INSURER I-* COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTVIATHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO V0 ICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOV.N MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY Ez?IRAnON L ITR R ADD'L TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE (N:MIDD DATE MWDDNY) LIMITS Y INSR A GENERAL u MILITY EACH OCCURRENCE S 1,000,000 DrsaAGE TO RENTED $ 100 , 000 X COMMERCIAL CENERAL LI4811JT-Y PREh115ES Ea acout►at+~ CLAIMSMADE OCCUR 1078605171 11/1/2005 11/1/2006 MbDEXP(Any an* arson) S 5,000 X Stop Gap Liability PERSONAL & ADV INJURY S 1 , 000 , 0001 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEKL AGGREGATE SNIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS - CAMPIOP AGO S 2,000,000 POLICY [7x] 796"T m LOG $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT S 1,000,000 (Ea arzidenl) X ANY AUTO ALLOb%NEDAUTOS 2025665448 11/1/2005 11/1/2006 RODILYLNJURY (Per Pr:~scrt) $ SCHEDULED AUTOS X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY S (Par acGd~niJ X NON.OVMEDAUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE S (Pef eD ww') GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT S ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC S AVI.O ONLY: AGO $ C EXCaSSIUMBREtLLAUA81LITY 2075567923 11/1/2005 11/1/2006 TIH OCCURRENCE S 410001000 X OCCUR Q CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE S 4,000,000 S DEDUCTIBLE X RMN'rION S 20 , 000 S 10/1/2005 10/1/2006 ti'.C STATU- OTH- D YAORKERS COMPENSATION AND 578551 TORY LIIAITS ER EMPLOYER:'LIABILITY E.LEACH ACCIDENT S 500,000 ANY PROPRIETOPJPARTttER rtXECUTIVE OFFICER/mEPABEREXCLUDED? INSD 1?0/?L 014LY-10 DAY NOC E.LDISEASE - EAEMPLOYES 500,000 II yes, describe under F-1- DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT s 500,000 SPECIAL PROVISIONS Dchv A OTHER Inland Marine 1078605171 11/1/2005 11/1/2006 insta ration Floater $200,000 $500 Deductible DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSNEHICLESIEXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMEWISPECIAL PROVISIONS The City of Spokane Valley is additional insured (except on work comp) as respects the Street Repivir Service: ~prolett. Insurance is Primary and Noncontributory. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE, CANCELLED BEFORE THE City of Spokane Valley EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER VALL MMYVXy.- 'AIL Carolyn George, Public Works Dept. 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HDLOER NAI4ED TTY THE L. SLIT 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Ste. 106 FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY Or ANY KIND UPON THE Spokane Valley, WA 99206 INSURER ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIL'E;S. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Della AIIen1DELLA ACORD 25 (2001108) o ACORD CORPORATION 19E (No025 (010p.ce, AMS. V14P Mortgage SotA;w n, Inc. (600)927-054S Page 1 01 BOND NO: 634 i 828 °`k~tne w1ey C:O.NTRACT©R'S PEMRU. NCE AND PAYMENT BOND TO ]DUAL OBLIGEES KNOW ALL MEN BY THESR PRESENTS, that Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. (Contractor), as Principal, surd Safeco Insurance Company of America (Bonding Company), as Surety,- a eorporadc a of Washington wbom prin44 ofll3ce is located at Safeco Plaza Seattle, WA 98185 , are firmly bound rein the State of Wash{hgton and the ty of Spokane Valley, apolitical subdivision the State of Wasbbagton, as Obligees, to fulfill the obligauoas of the Principal and a Suety under the Contract to which mfferreace is hereafter media, in tho amount of S 181, 905.00--------- eluding Washutgton State sales tax) for payment whereof Principal and Surety bind tfic Lselves, their heirs, exewtom. administrators, uocessors and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has by written PruW dated 09/05/06 offered to enter into a Contractwitb the City of Spokane Valley for Contract No. 06-019 P to the terms and conditions set forth in the Contact Aocurr=ts dated 09/05/06 NOW, THEREFORE, the. cohdkfon of this ob 'gation is such that if the Principal shall faulty perform all the provisions of the Contract on its part; and pay all labvreN. mechanics, a4mytTwtors and material suppliers, and all persons who supply wcb person or persons or subcontractor's with provisions and supplies fix carrying on of such worm, and tndent0y and hold harmless the Obl',g= Em all loss, cost or damage which it dray n=ffrar by on of the failure to do any of the foregoing, then this obligation shall be oull and void; otherwise it shall remain in full fdree and effect. All persons who have furnished labor, mareri or supplies for use in and about die work provided for in the Cantmact shall have a direct right of action uadsr this bond, to the extent and ' the mariner set forth in RCW 39.08. The said Stnr4 for value received hereby strip fates and apecs that no change, extension oftfate, aheradon or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the WORK to be performed aeurrder or the SPECIRCA,THONS accompanying the same shall in any way affect Its oblation on this BOND, and it does hereby w ' e notice of any such change, extension of tuna alteration or addition to the tenors of due Contract or to the WORK br to the SPEC CATIONS. No final settlement between the OWNER and me CON RACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfivd. SIGNED A14DSEALIED THIS 5th bAY OF September YEAR 2006 Safeco Insurance Company of America Poe Asphalt Pavin, Inc. S~~Upp1ZM PR NC signa+auz S' Della J. Allen RRAD GRIEVETH Typed Name T;Vped Nature Attomey In Fact VTCE PRESMEM Title T tie (SEAL) e POWER 0 Bo I~u26 oe Companies i~ OF ATTORNEY Saotlke, VIA 981241526 323 KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: No. That SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, each a Washington corporation, does each hereby appoint •,"1.~"`--6- `'`DELLA J. ALLEN; CHERYL A. ASHBY; JAMES M. HEWITT; DON MCQUARY, PHIL STONEBRAKER; Clarkston,Washington*"",.."' a` " its true and lawful attomey(s}in-fad, with full authority to execute on its behalf fidelity and surety bonds or undertakings and other documents of a similar character issued in the course of its business, and to bind the respective company thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA have each executed and attested these presents 27th October 2005 this day of 51FPHANI DALEY LIATSON ,~FGRET RY FAII! PETERS PRESIDENT SURETY CERTIFICATE Extract from the By-Laws of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA: 'Article V, Section 13. - FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS the President, any Vice President, the Secretary, and any Assistant Vice President appointed for that purpose by the officer in charge of surety operations, shall each have authority to appoint individuals as attorneys in-fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other documents of similar character issued by the company in the course of its business... On any instrument making or evidencing such appointmenL the signatures may be affixed by facsimile. On any instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the company, the seal, or a facsimile thereof, may be impressed or affixed or in any other manner reproduced; provided, however, that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such instrument or undertaking.' Extract from a Resolution of the Board of Directors of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA adopted July 28, 1970. 'On any certificate executed by the Secretary or an assistant secretary of the Company setting out. (t) The provisions of Article V. Section 13 of the By-haws, and (ii) A copy of the power-of-attorney :rppolntmenL executed Pursuant Uhereto, and (iii) Ceriffying that said power-of-attorney appointment is in full force and effect, the signature of the certifying officer may be try facsimile, and the seat of the Company may be a facsimile thereof.' I, Stephanie Daley-Watson Secretary of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, do hereby o"fy that the foregoing extracts of the By-Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of these corporations, and of a Power of Attorney issued pursuant Uhert to, are true and correct and that both the By-law a, the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the facsimile seal of said corporation this is day of aa:12 ~w. 1c O o ~o r~ ~ ~ MBE SEAL SEAL X X s~ 195 I9Z*4 . STEPHANIE DALEY-WATSON, SECRETARY ~anaa SafewO and the Safew logo are registered tndw=ks of Safeoa C,ar;oratlon. WEB FDF S-%74/DS 4105 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 26, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ® old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Outside Agencies 2007 Budget Allocation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: City budgeting practices PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: At the September 5, 2006 Council meeting, ten agencies requested funding from the City of Spokane Valley. On September 19, 2006, City Council discussed funding and reached consensus on an allocation. BACKGROUND: The 2007 proposed budget includes $120,000 for funding to outside agencies. Once an allocation is approved, it will be included in the 2007 budget. The attached spreadsheet lists the allocation for which there was Council consensus. The purpose of this agenda item is to consider approval of the 2007 outside agency budget allocation. OPTIONS: 1) Approve funding of outside agencies according to Council consensus reached on September 19, 2006; 2) Approve funding in a different amount; 3) Provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the 2007 budget allocation for outside agencies. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The approved allocation will be incorporated into the 2007 city budget. The proposed budget includes $120,000 for these public services. The September 19 Council consensus came to $130,000. If funding is approved at this level, staff recommends offsetting the additional $10,000 by decreasing the Computer Software and Hardware appropriation in the General Government budget. $95,000 would remain in that line item, which staff feels is sufficient based upon historical use. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director or Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS 1. Outside Agencies Allocation Spreadsheet City of Spokane Valley Outside Agency Allocation per September 19, 2006 Council Meeting By Budget Year Council Request Allocation 2005 2006 2007 2007 SOCIAL AGENCIES Big Brothers Big Sisters $ - $ 2,000 $7,000 $2,500 Chase Youth Commission 1,000 - - Institute for Systems Medicine - - 100,000 0 Pet Savers - - 25,000 0 Project Access 25,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Spokane Valley Arts Council - - 10,000 5,000 Spokane Valley Community Center 4,000 7,000 5,000 5,000 Spokane Valley Meals On Wheels 1,000 - 2,500 2,500 TOTAL FOR SOCIAL AGENCIES 31,000 39,000 179,500 45,000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES Inland Northwest Women's Business Center - - 10,000 0 International Trade Alliance 14,000 16,000 35,000 20,000 Spokane Area Economic Development Council 55,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 TOTAL FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES 69,000 81,000 110,000 85,000 OUTSIDE AGENCY ALLOCATION $ 100,000 $ 120,000 $ 289,500 $ 130,000 Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service tOtl01 y,P SCR 8PS Nancy Hill, Director 2521 N. Flora Rd. Spokane Valley, Washington. 99216 Today's Presentation • Pet License Campaign • Animal Protection Services • Revenue vs. Expense • Questions f ' 1 N t~^-- +fi'-- - - - ..•t ,....w..o.~fflltt~,~ r.:.!a a-,,._LT eS~-~yF. ~?•w ~j ...-~r,~nvnc -~rf .tu.osn Yluwi ~r•^n ` rA f1)m ff1M ~y Cff ~Y.fwR~M.fC. ._11.M fug Y:Iw enin.~1 sF"e.r. tf'47'"/ ~w~•maw ~.w 1w w..... +.r.rwr•r.rwar.w.tt f.w wwaa..f ~ ~if~~►MY.w~1r.Y•~I.n+r._ - A.IF~.M R N~iI1~ SW.W ^rQNfIC r~vr, .u •\I.47 V' f.• il1rW'~^>yl +f4~MnIV M+1 ...q...wv w•~'r+•A~•.r~...r•h s N P~S:'Y~W //IAifIA~~y • fllll JT f Z • / flop f •v rmnr.wM i~ a wl.u~w~ s` a S NOunnddV 3SN33n.L3d `l o 2 j y~ `r Z •3 0 7 ~ss It 43 ' to Eap At. 4 b x L Y all v 0) m C ,c m at e~. s ch 'm M: O U M O O U Pet License Revenue 2003 2004 2005 2006 Actual Actual Actual Estimated $316,896 $3309429 $353,039 $3639046 Animal Protection Services 2005 vs. 2006 3 Time Study - 2005 Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service Time Study January - Dw*mba 2005 4418 3309 401 85 187 8380' 48.46°fo 4578 3822 3571 108 198 9063 50.24% 89 60 10 2 4 165. 0.91' 187 121 10 1 5 324 1,80% Y 43 50 B 6 0' 107 0,59°h 1 786' 374 1$039 t 00.OD'ro 7olal 93151 7362 Time Study - 2006 Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service Time Study January • June 2006 Spokane County. 2410 1770 240 42 72 4636 49.61 I S°,okaie Valq 2304 1700 103 42 74 4393 48.92% MHl ood. 67 22 4 1 0 2A' 0.90% C}en h 76 9 1 1 8e 2.01% Fairthlad F~ 10 39 3 1 1 82 0.66% T • s,' fi1`' 9267 _100.0N 4 Revenue & Expense - 2006 Salary & Wages Estimated - 2006 $821,513 M80 Estimates - 2006 $205,952 Indirect Rate (Applied to Estimated Salary 8 Benellts) 1238, $1,265,868 Minus Revenue Projected for 2008 $438.913 $826.955 "Note" All numbers are estimates on and are subject to change. . 06- Questions? 5 CITY.OF ref ~h4 r , e To: Mayor & City Council CC: Dave Mercier, Nina Regor, Marina Sukup From: Greg McCormick, AICP - Planning Manager Date: September 14, 2006 Re: 2007 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Background The Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee (HCDAC) has reconvened and begun working on the 2007-2008 CDBG Program. The HCDAC will develop CDBG Program funding policies and selection criteria for 2007 CDBG funding recommendations that will be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) to consider. The BoCC has the responsibility of adopting the program for the County. The draft program includes the following timeline of events: September 2006 - Funding Policies 9114/06 HCDAC Meeting to Finalize CDBG Program Objectives and Selection Criteria 9119/06 CDBG Program Objectives and Selection Criteria to BoCC for Approval October 2006 - RFP 10/01/06 CDBG Request For Proposals Advertised (Published) 10/12/06 HCDAC Regular Meeting 10/17/06 Applicant Workshop - 9:00 a.m. -12:00 noon November 2006 -Applications Due 11/09/08 HCDAC Regular Meeting 11/13/06 CDBG Applications Due (Must be postmarked by midnight) 11/13/06 Staff Begins Eligibility Review of Proposals & Preparation of Staff Reports December 2006 - Staff & HCDAC Review 12/18/06 Application Binders and Preliminary Staff Reports to HCDAC for Opportunity to Request Additional Information January 2007 - Project Selection 1/01/07 Publish Consolidated Plan Amendment Process in newspaper 1/05/07 Final Staff Reports to HCDAC 1/11/07 HCDAC meeting - Project Selection/Allocation 1/18/07 HCDAC Meeting - Project Selection/Allocation (if necessary) February 2007 - Project Selection 2/18/07 30-Day Public Comment Period on 2007 Annual Action Plan Begins 2128/07 Final Opportunity to Propose Amendments to Consolidated Plan for 2007 PY March 2007 - Public Hearings / Final Recommendations 3101/07 Public Hearing on Preliminary Recommendations / 2007 Annual Action Plan 3108/07 HCDAC Meeting to Discuss Public Comments & Finalize Recommendations 3127/07 Draft Annual Action Plan to the BoCC for Notice of Public Hearing Meeting April 2007- BoCC Review of AAP & ERR / RROF 4/01/07 Publish ERR Findings / RROF for Comment 4103/07 Notice of Public Hearing for Annual Action Plan on BoCC Agenda 4/17/07 7Annual Action Plan on BoCC Agenda May/June 2007 - Housing & CD Plan & RROF to HUD 5103/07 2007 Annual Action Plan to HUD for 45-Day Review 5108/07 Request for Release of Funds on BoCC Agenda 5/10/07 HCDAC Regular Meeting 5112/07 Submit Request for Release of Funds to HUD 6/14/07 HCDAC Regular Meeting to Elect Chair and Vice-Chair/HOME Program July 2007 - CDBG Funds Available 7/01/2007 Anticipated Start of 2007 Program Year Spokane County has estimated for planning purposes only, that the County anticipates $1,500,000 in CDBG funding for the 2007 program year. This would be the same amount received by the County for the 2006 program. Typically the County realizes program income that is available to include in the CDBG funds received from HUD. The County does not have an estimate of anticipated program income at this time. There are statutory limits on the administration and planning allocation of 20% of new funds or approximately $300,000. Also limited by statute is the human service allocation at 15% of available funds or approximately 0 Page 2 $225,000. Both the 20% for administration and 15% for human service programs (approximately $525,000) are deducted from the $1.5 million available for the 2007 program year, resulting in i approximately $975,000 available for capital projects. The County has indicated that it will ` typically receive requests for funding that are two to three times the amount of the available funding. The County's CDBG policies include a list of program priorities for the coming program year in the areas of Community Development, which includes public facilities, infrastructure, public services, antkcrime programs, youth and senior programs, economic development and planning; homeless and special needs populations; and persons in families with children. Programs within these program areas have been assigned either a low, medium or high priority. Funding is allocated first to projects that involve a need that has been assigned a high priority. If any funding remains after the high priority projects are addressed, medium priority projects are considered and so on. Among the high priority needs that have been identified are water, sewer and street improvements and economic development planning. City staff will be meeting to identify potentially eligible City of Spokane Valley CDBG projects. Staff will be presenting CDBG project ideas to City Council at the October 10, 2006 meeting. 9 Page 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date. September 26, 2005 City Manager Sign-off'- Item. Check all that a,pply+ D consent [I old business [-j new business 0 public hearing information Z admin, report. El pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 20{7 Budget; General Budget iDNSCUSSion GOVERNING LEGISLATION- CI#y budgeting practices PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The 2007 proposed budget was presented to Council on August 22, 200 BACKGROUND: As part of the annual budget process, time is set aside during Council meetings for general budget discussions. The purpose of these place holders is to build time into the process to discuss related policy issues prior to the budget adoption. The long term stabifity of the Street Fund is one of the City's major financial topics, The sit year financial forecast for the Street Fund currently shows a negative endings fund balance beginning in 2009- This tirnelrame is based upon current levels of revenue and expenditure- An alternative model would be to adjust spending levels so that Street Fund activities are "living within their means, i.e., within the current funding stream. The attached spreadsheet shows this restricted Six-Year Street Fund model. The purpose of tonight's topic is to discuss the service level irnplications of such an approach, and solicit Council feedback- The Finance Committee is scheduled tD discuss this prior to the September 2 Council meeting OPTIONS: N/A. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide feedback and direction to staff, BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS. The Street F=und expenditures are currently estimated at $4. rnililon for 20077 STAFF CONTACT: David Mercier, City Manager or Nina Regor, !Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS 1 Street Fund -'year f=lan Based on Projected Revenues (Restricted Plan) Restricted 6-Year Plan Street Fund 6-Year Plan Based on Projected Revenues 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Salaries, Wages 8 Benefits $286,911 $309.864 $334.653 $361,426 $390,340 5421,567 Supplies $16,950 $18.306 $19,770 $21.352 $23,060 $24,905 Other Services and Charges $1,226,080 5633.080 $683,726 $738,425 $797,498 $861,298 Intergovernmental Services Street Maintenance Services $2,473,745 $2.000,000 $1.450,000 $1,566,000 $1,691,280 $1,826.582 WSDOT Street Maintenance Services $350,000 $378,000 $250.000 5270,000 $291,600 $314,928 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 50 $0 SO Interfund Payment for Services $35,000 $37,800 $40,824 $44.090 $47,617 $51,426 Intergovernmental Services $74,686 $80,661 $87,114 S94,083 $101,609 $109,738 Total Expenditure $4,463,372 $3,457,711 $2,866,088 $3,095,375 $3,343,005 $3,610,446 $0 $0 Revenue $7,420,000 $3,000.000 $2.600.000 $2,600,000 $2,500.000 $2,500,000 Fund Balance $?,95fi.628 $2,498,916 S2,232,828 $1.737.453 $894.448 $215,998) 2008-2012 Other Services: Delete updating of street condition assessment. pavement management plan and crack sealing work 2008-2012 Street Maintenance: Delete all Pavement Repair & Replacement 2009-2012 Street Maintenance: Only have Snow Removal on arterials and maintenance of signals and signs Note: Year 2012 expend.tures are $1,610,446 above revenues ll200C. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 26, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Personnel Ordinances and Resolutions Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NIA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: First touch presentation on August 8, 2006. BACKGROUND: Council adopted various personnel-related ordinances and resolutions upon incorporation. At the August 8. 2006 Council meeting, staff presented a few areas of potential modification. The purpose of this agenda item is to present a draft ordinance amending SVMC 2.50 and draft resolutions repealing and replacing Resolutions No 03-015 and 04-020 to address those modifications OPTIONS: NIA RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide feedback and direction to staff BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS N/A STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS 1. Powerpoint Presentation 2 Draft Ordinance (1) and Resolutions (2) Personnel Ordinance • and Resolutions Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager September 26, 2006 Proposed Changes: SVMC 2.50 o 2.50.010 Human resources system established . Retained at-will unless otherwise provided by contract o 2.50.020 and .030 Equal employment opportunity and Nondiscrimination • Removed list of protected classes and cited applicable state and federal laws o 2.50.040 Sexual harassment • Broadened to unlawful harassment in general • Cited applicable state and federal laws • Removed description of investigative method 'Jµ1Y~ q ~inumwl OU+anut ~ynlry~ SeClmn'Ir M. T701 3 Proposed Changes: • Resolution No. 03-015 (Specifying insurance plans and health- related benefits for City employees) o Modified the medical insurance provision to reflect employee cost- sharing of the premium effective 1 / 1 /07 o Corrected scriveners' errors 3 IOWO r ~Vrpl alma= and gmux- iep~rrtwr x ?607 Proposed Changes: • Resolution No. 04-020 o Holidays • Clarified what happens when employee works on a designated holiday o Sick leave • Removed list of immediate family members, and cited applicable state and federal laws o Corrected scriveners' errors 4 VNM Of {hmwl OrWraa ME A.""'*ur I SMWMTOs DL 2= 2 Next Steps o Finalize changes to code and resolutions o Finalize administrative policies and procedures S A.W. i1 rb -1 n a--ft m &-.I A1►(wiNtMSeplemt~ :6 7ME 3 CITYOF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COILTNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 0641" AN ORDINANCE O TRF CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASITTINC;TON, AME'Vl INC. sP1 KAI E'V'ALLF;1r'MLlNIC[PAJI, .`ODE SECTIONS 2.541.010, 2.511.020, 2.50.030, AND 2.50.040, PROVIDINC FOR :SEVER BU.T Y, AND AN 1.FEE+CTWE DATE. WHEREAS, the City adoptcd Ordinance 4-4 in 2003, which w later codified ors SVMC estail~l'tshing a ertain ensPlctiymnt praPisions for ei+yPees of the City ; and WlIEREAS, it is ne ssaq and desirable from time to time to a mLmd tine Iaws o f 1he 0ly to cornply ,;with changes in state and federal laNv. and to 3 ilcet policy direction Of the City Coma il_ and 1A`111-.'R FAS~ -Me Cilr Comicil ti nds ii is in the illWesi Of tlic 011 to make amenim nts tix S.VMC 2.50, 1" OW, ITIL F RI. the City Conned of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, or"ns a_s follo w°s: Section I. l ease and Irntent- The purpose and. Intcnt cr this Ordinanc-c is to amend SVMC 2,50.010, 2.50.020, 2,50.030. end 2,50.010, to make tlimi more consistent %itli regtairemenu under stale and federal Iaw. Section 2. Amendment to SVM 230.010, 'SVMC l`ille 2, Section 5G. Subsection 010(Ld), is her by amended as follows- A. TI"here is waahlished a human resources system for 111 City of Spokane Vidley to lsmvide a uniform sys-tem of pm-,annel aedmini.,.mion and ensure that recruitment, selection, placvnetnt. compensation, prnnxAien, retention and separation of City employ ms are based upon qualifi"rions and fitness in c=pliance with t1ri t rs rrt ~kEe c l_-tats. r~i Gt% and 14~tsE laws. B. Emplqymertt with the City shall he "at-will" and may be terminated at any tillic by either M the City Manager or the employee, unlcs-- pik r1%i1_,e providvil FOT- hV_Gr;tWF'20. No official or cmployee of tha City, offie:r than the City Manager, shall have the: authority to crater inu« any aRTwment for cmpl,o ynhent. C. Personnel Policies that relate to +Ykgeg, tact cfhs and cranditions of employment shall be submitted to (M- Cite Couni6l for rep-iew and approval 'Aith the City Manager authorir dircmd and empowered to development administrative policies, prncedures, rules, farms and materials that rare consistent with the Personnel Policies 'in order to implement the human resources system of the Citr'- Sand policies and procedures shall comply with all related state and ~T-cdcml law-5. as %vell as C.il.y ordinances and rusolutions. Section 3. Amct dmemt to SVMt_` 2,50.020. Tide Section 50, SUbsection 020 is herchv amended as follows: it is the policy of the City to ensure equal employment opportunity for all employees and appointed mprcsentatives. This commitment includes a mandate to promota and afford equal trozatment and services to all citizens, employees and City representatives, and to assure equal employment opportunity based an ability and fitness 11) nLcw:tancr %0h arr~ :i j>liral~l_L ststc or tedrral t~sr+t►ti ft-~~ik~<-+f f;tt-r.--fs-+~it:,.. %.04>F. ereod:~ intimial i e fl~rSEy}yBf~-,-f N£B vvf ph)~ e~f~ff f#f~i- #Ci9 ~}il 'r't' h~ifiCli- ilFtNi'fi45 ~~t~`~Nf rlit. +e#►ftrr ht►na~tde flec'c~ tieK #tltwiti~•tt •,f 4lw e;-~tiH! ~i+ttir; t Crired~f thep its. t and Section 4. Amendment to SVMC 1X0.030. Title 1. Section 50. Subsection 03,0 r, hereh~ amended as follow-,: the City of Spokane ,liscriminatlon, will no!d-?E9fititi-0t89r►4~1C~~~e:-~tillft~f4 }o",tinT'e*:; istion, age, t::{ 'Mus; or- dise6"Y nil empleyf"MI he ' 4#~e hilefil Of !be _ rt«• di~e#t#c+c# pe x►s t+ett~e# t+plx r+o-psFtw!pate 1" trf-eftjo► Ae- qs 4+fA-'i1v 4efviet,9, pwgMfii--- :~i4it+~~itd 4a-n##ew ~1i~in#~#ed-e4~#~~er:-r+l~~-~+.e+r#.-ef++++rofx~x~E- Seetion 5. Amendment to SVXIC 2.50.(#40. Title 2. Section 50. Subsection 040 is hereby amended ass follows: A. It is the policy of the laity to seek to eliminate and/or prexent unlavoulsestiol harassment un;ler (a;e t-4 t dcrA lav% fro grorfal, as well as to alleviate any effeci, ,t-At"such uniaw('ul harassment may have on the working conditions of an employee. 111c a-d t a policy for investi ita inc anal rt p~~n~lint; it) rcliorts A unla%kful haram"mcnt and drtailine conipIa: mc_o~dures_Err ~tO-f~rttrl--MseF1s of-~,e+ti~l l fa nWnl, ;n .9 ifwolved-# Will , Wse aecuse6o"s, -tt fe-kftfa4=: awe : feasofreb Y p t and ad"ume R. T ttjr 41318 er Af-t1c'yi#fle'e 4iffi-invtSti#A t - &fid- iifl'r-+t id"Vlt iC , tt -4c+ ,:ofiqAtii-mi-H~St?~1!!!#~~ll"Nt-- #i~~l~~ llfilt .@'f-1!rt#1@-Slf~ 1 t#1~~13f1i#1#f3ff3t::t:;•c~ .:{i ~iir?'•i?~C.c}.i. . ...~-yi,fe ;r~►~'trc'!~J.#ielf-ifrvett-t~t~-+lrNec+r~lrti+i~-ant-rrtt~s--fekrted-tt3-•~~-#tetti~s~. •f:1• i ~ 'tt't~-ffi-il--tie~?RfA~i~1CfE~1?fl!'#-~ t•tt'd tfi}fttftF3•HiE'k#••~~'-1#iC-i"~1f4}}{i1f #~c'/Nitt'E'S-~tltiAt'. r = Section G. Remainder of SVMC 2.50 Unchanked. The remaining; pro%isiuns oI ~V MC -150 are unchanged by this amendment. Section 7. Severabili . If any section. u ntencc, clause or phrase of this Ordinwice ,~thould Lk held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section. sentence. clauu or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date. Ibis Ordinance shall he in full fi)rce and effect live (5) da,. s allcr publication of the Ordinance Summary. PASSED by the City Council this day of 0ctober. 2006. Mayor, Diana Wilhite page 2 AITEST: City Clerk. Chris Bainlhridge Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Gate of Publication: Fnectiye [):ate-. ( lil Ot SPOK ANt: VALLEN SPOKANE COLNTY. NYASHiNGTf►N j RESOLUTION NO. 0411S(1(ri A RESOLUTION OF THE (7M OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COLTNTY. , WASHINGTON, REITAL ING AND REPLACING RF,SOI.t T1ON NO, 014115 SPECIPYI.NG THE INSURANCE. PLANS AND HEALTH REIATED BENEFITS FOR CiTV E*-iPLOYEES Ft)R }1i+('A4 24A1.,kNt) (-Oi V It- MEMBF RS ol+ere:nne~eFtK :++untseRe>>~lUlttrn " t tm ~idunt WHEREAS, the City Council hp-,-adopted medical, dental and other benefits for its ,iualt€~eel c( i } employees g@4 Col_',1, throutth the Associt>ttitm of Washington Cities 1,N A t ) Employoc BcnrAl Trust, or ather meatts; attd WHEREAS, the City Council desim to adopt the sprcitic pltrtts and contribution ruts. for e3di dcsignmod plan-v+cpriri4eJ foe Fi.eei deaf NOW, THEREFORE_ he it rcv)ked he the City Council of the 01y of Spolarrr Vallry. Spot anc County, Washington. as follows Section 1. Medical lnsurnncc. The City Council hereby specifies the AN C Regencc Blue Shicld.'Asuris Northwest Health Preferred Provider Plan. and the Group Health Cooperative Copoy Plan 2 as the cutrentl,, nuthnn:rd cmn'.o\ce medical clans rot eligible City cmplovms t l it mcl0u-! _ ~~~lX-Sltill~ L~Lk ilfU'~ _ t__tt__ _h~+ ; li C l jo:_;Lllne 7R_ :L 'T:- - I j .,in I• r UM. MW tWO,gt.MQM dmmdcnts. F.fTcmvc 1an11ttt>. 1.M. the City rt►all pav Kr;,*ul mg in addition to the roes in effect (RC24• knolicable to each cntnlo% mvetAaC ` The City shall gv l Ian ;;r nn:rc ;1FLti(xttir: ' Section 2. lh•rrtnl In:;Urw)Lx Ilie (-11y l-uun,il 1lcrchy spcLitir_, the AN t' 1 rust 11 aslungtan I)cnW Service Plan H with Orthodontia Rider Plm 11 as the currently authorized cmployuc dental i+tdxal plan for thAihlc City employe" vO t'owi% it men-ihe[ The City shall pay 100°x« of the premium for the employtat-C!uii~ 1,ill_ --:r, spOUsc 1110 dependent, as requirM hr the -\WC Y.mplo%c Bcner:t i-rr~t Vndrrwriting rule,. Section 3. Litic lns!.rartcs ]lie City Council hctcby _+Tecltic5 the AWC I rust Stutrs A cal Life Insurance Plan C at orte time the sum of atmual earnings rounded up to the nearest S1,(1NN1 with the accidental death and dismemberment (AR&U) option as the currently authorized employee life insurance plan for 0git-e City employees-it:l C- hell mcmbc . The City shall pay 100°!. of the pmnium for the cmploymiounctl membct. Employcc*__vua6l mcntbcn shall also be authorized to acquire additional ,applemcntal or dependent life insurance coverage through the plan on a self-pay basis through payroll deduction ptusuattt to AWC underwriting rules Section a Lone Tcrm Dis4biftlk IrKttrar►ct- The City Council hereby specifics the AWC I roA Standard Imuratuc L.ur.~. Ierm ' 41iwbility plan Olrtion 116011 Ixnc!it: 1441-anti elimination) 25 the rurrrntly authorized long term diaabihly plan for City cmpluyrc>. iltc city shall pay IU0°.'o of [tic premium for the anpioyce as required by the AWC F.mployvc Benefit Trust Ilndcnvriting rules. Section 5. j.mplovee yistance PrD The City Council hereby specifies the AW C I rust APS Employ= Assistance 1-3 Session Program as the currently authorized employee ILvasturic: pmvrsm fora tr _City crrtployces,tn-I t 01111(~l In.0r1111cr ]be City shell pay 10(r.6 of the preen . r;, i'01 the employee (_'muncil ntr_n}k as required by the AWC Emph%voc Bencftl Trust Underwriting nil. Section 6. Vision CWS- The City Council hereby specifies the AW'C Trust Vision ~ 1, 2 P(:ut (VSP) Option 1 Full Family -52.5 deductible plan as the currently authorized Wn ;.M program for I,t.,!•r~ City employers real ,,rtr!1 at:mh:rr The City shall pay I(Wo (-it the premium iot'hc rmpIt,ccc nr, required h~ t},c A%kC Er-,pIt.cc I knic rt Trust IIntl er%Nrj oie rule'; Section }e. ; le,S .vtc)_ _%dopuon h: City Council Shall lu}srr AY prriullcaily review the insurance plans and health related bcircfits of C it\ crrtploycaes. F+K + J %r"-?++r►3-w>wl r}•. 11.•1 ~e j_-. t F the health rchued benefit programs shall be specified and approvrf a put of the :u;ntuel bUdgel .230ption pnntrS:, nr ad(TWd separately by resolution of the City Council. Section 8. K.t'11541 ut It C.-oll,, .r i- tirctton E_fftfivc Date_ 'Phis Resolution will take effect ;hr <•(i'n+ •1~''' " ' Formettedr lndnnt: a,-,a un« (5• tl!:=•i~Hiit l/Nlu Utl Udl>J)Iiri 1. Adopted llns dnr. of htnr,'i+t i her, 24vtz: iI~ t•f ~pol.anr ~'~Illcy NUNor Diana Wilhite '1 E ll ti l 'rnL t('TT-y (}F SPOKA YF V.ALI. EN' p ~Ol_ '}WASHTNGTON RFSOLL°T ION NO. tld"t il641 A RESOLUTION o 'rm C'ITE' OF SPOKANE V-4.11,I,F Y, SP{)F ANE COUNT-N'. WASI=IIYC'TON, REPEALING AN-D REPLAC'IIN RESOLUTION NO. ZNa - 1122, SPFCIFYLNG 'I UTF HOLIDAY, VACATION. AND LEANT BENEM PROVISIONS FOR CITY EMPLOYEES. WHEREAS, ihi~ City Council desires to ar opi policic~ l+,r i~_~ e"nl?loycci, ilkJadif; holiday's. vaeation time and leave benefits afforclcxi to City eaztplttyees anti WHEREAS, the pulicics and benefits staled in this Resolution are subi"I Icy it~9,il~;~; review by the pity Courted for the purpose of clariling, modifying r_~rr dellrtinp the carne in order to r~+c. the hest inizrust t7f the City as solely ddcrmined by thy: City Council pursuamt to RCW 35A,11,020; and 14HIEREAS, the crnployr benefits provided in this Resolution shall be applied equally to all City k:rnltlctyet~ unless frr~~~ ids{1 c~t9;er~w°i:;~: tlrr~-)ugli ~:.ontract or Other aet~itin oFthe C'ity~ C_ounc I or City NlanagCr. NOW TITI;IU_FO1U,'. b it reuolved by the City Ca wwll (if the Gin, of,)pokarie Valley. lspol~ie County, Washington, fallow : Section 1. Hol it la'. S. A. 11 41r:+rlafll to i a I 4: t.'r 'a✓*esti _,^;".ei 4 ::~,v~4 t4 1 u 2L60.01 regular full-time and reSular kart-time employees shall mceive the following paid holidays: Ne w° Year's Day January I Martin Luther King. J~r. 17.° - ;rd %lundav !4-1:1 January President's Dana - ;'rd ;Monday ofT'chruar y Manorial Day - Ust Monday c)%.,f May Independence Ilay - July 4 Labor Day - I s-t Monday of Septt:mher I Veteran's Day - November 1 I Thanksgiving Day, - 4th -I°hurwclLay tifPw ovcmber 'r lay -Iffier Thanksgiving Christmas Day, - Decernher' B. In the ce.-ent w dhc holiday falls upon a S4_i€cySaiaurjx. the #t44--Wilw Mian'i ytrt°`<ec3ing F dyLy shalt 1 decmd to he the legal holiday, In the event the ttkgal,ltoliday galls nn a E;+frlrsnis, the pr+n~i,Ilerwwrl~.tncl sfitrtld l deemed t t (he legal holiday: Regular part-time employees shall receive a pro ratty share of their c }mpensatlon for each approved holiday_ D. If an employt~ c: is rixluired to work on kl holiday, strwtlil rill le 1,Qr_311 hours %1or1w_oil on that f"I - 4 Fhc emp ciyvt shall he gr,dnt 3 anoiher day off during the monih in which [lie holiday was celebriwd or € LL l,; i ='=-shall Te-crave holiday payy mthcr Than &.e c.'quivaIent t i M C it l r.,rslu€rm " fn.jif}?nr'- I rnt,l,ryL~ 1. r1',V Pai 7 I s F. Whet) an ht?h dirt' t=alk NVIL1tila a period of paid Jeavc, the holidkt% [ILA ih;s amonni of leave debited. lie counted as a leave day in computing F- l-cin-cxcrf pt employees rMuirod to %+nrk Grp any desiptacd- holiday shall receive tlac uvuniatw rate of pray, Section 2, Vac:a I i o n Fl t}etjt~. A- Vain ation leave is establi:hud for the mutual hcne'ft of the City and OIL: enalaloy"-. -llic purpose of vacation leave is to provide ernplc.;Yees with adequate, time away from work and to provide the City with well-rested and of Qient emplovees, but no vested. righi to vacation le v is hereby guarnniccd by the Cily. Vacaiinn leave mray be 13.1-M as S001S as it is atctt Cd. B. Regcalar full-time employees shall accrue vacation at the. €1ollowing r3ac' Irihiaal faire: t€ POLIL?fa the fifth c+tatttlslete year ofckintinuous cmploymant - eight (8) hours per month; A.ttfitr five (5) dull years of continuous L~rnploymenl - ten (10) liotiN- per morith; ,,idles ten (10) full years of continumis e-rnplrr-,,•menl - MiAve (12) hours p~.rr tmor1h, C. Regular part-tune employees stlaall accrue. vataticm lc::avc oa a lard-rata hasi s. For exiarnplc, if an employo; works Lwenry (201 hors 1~r week- val:U ir)ra :accrual shalt 1- 1M., percent (W'D) 411`111e abnvc 41MI.WrILS. 1). ` hC rttaNinrrarn vacation nccra al that wilt bt: paid capon paraalicsrt or carried forward at yEar end (Dec ccinher3' 1) shat} be 360 houm. L. When r -k:%% 4 alcsircJ to induce a highly experienced cinployee to accept employment with the City of Spokane ti alie n`. the City Manager is authorizzd to credit a rnaxinaurn of-ei,rghty {80) additional hours ofveration leave to a prospauctive emplo; cc %AD has at leasi tun ( 10) years of prier saaccesSFUl experience in a _siruilar position for which the employee is h6ng hired- The City N1ana ger mza ~ further establish the vaaration aaccna 11 s41icduIe as set forth in Subsection B, Section 3- Sick Leave Renelits. A. Sick leave is grmu-d to ruplar" employces to be kl~.ti ill eirse} Of' illilc,~ti. accident or other conditions which require mWic al treatment or supcTvision € nd require an employee to ,-.~1_ - g~ °.°r o ri3d i? -ltif{►, t3 ' ratke3sr- tic a17nt Frtsrri werrk,. Swilk- ~+C ffht~h ?~.-.cv9a. trf~: 1~_r-lksfi ~ f4i i4;c 1 • • r. { ? rt}6k+r tar'r^Cl~ti #a o-:rrL#t' tl3x" &gv . ~av-dilt-a- roriFlAiowiq 4 ._r - ikl ra~lat+t*e~r u - - #ra rslil. epsod icon .lnat- as+ -tr tarfait a r + + a as 1, e al+4a --i" ',--;AC t='laahT P0, -FiA--lea nifly ~1_°~ b°-u-mA rof -1 to ~Naf+ It t rte t F.i tlss _ Icajti L ntw. 1.i ti iice~l oill ' Inr di.- 1>~c~-etat,i-laeral'ilar~--s-,--~.~.zflplo~lii~e.~~f-~rrr~t~Cr~lcil r ernplat% ce` c4aa illness or injun or as authc,ro or as fTl,a~` l s°inlLlldcd- 13. Sick leatve has been umab iskted Ior the he acfit of hoth the ernpklycc and the employer. but no vested right to sick leave is hereby guaranteed by the city. In the event that abuse of ielc leave is suspo-ded, excessive ahsemeeisrn or (attfiness occurs, or afler three (3) consecutive clay's of sick leave, an cinployee inay be required to pruvidc medical certification from his or her health cau'e provider, Abuse of sick leave or exc ess,I vc a hLwnte : ism or Irltclirre a~ may be 1 munds Dear disc.iplinai y Zit:6 '613, Ul) ;o a ml la?e: kniin.g termiFultioll tt x;LICI 7n . 4f,!ri `Ying I r.iN4,1i' t _3tiC C'. Sick leak shall be accrued by regular full-time employees at the rate of eight (8) hours per month. Regular part-time empooyces shall accrue sick leave on a pro-rata basis. Sick leave may be carried forward at year end, provided no employee may accrue more than seven hundred twenty (720) total hours of sick leave. After an employee has accrued 720 hours of sick leave, the employee may convert up to ninety-six hours of the sick leave to cash. For purposes of converting sick leave to cash, each hour of accrued sick leave shall be paid out by valuing the same at 25% of the employee's regular wage. For example, 96 hours of sick leave may be converted to 24 hours of regular pa). Any payout will be included in the last pay period of the year. D. An employee may use up to 24 hours ot'sick leave as bereavement leasc in the case. of a death i a member of the employee's immediate family. "Immediate family" shall be defined as spouse, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, children. sister, brother, daughter-in-law. soil-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, grandparents and grandchildren. Section 4. llitarv Leave. A. In accordance with RCW 38.40.060 any employee who is a memtxer of the Washington National Guard or a foderal reserve unit shall be entitled to time off with pay for up to fifteen days during each calendar year while participating in officially ordered military duty. A copy of the employ'ee's orders shall be placed in the employer's personnel file- Militarv leave shall not he deducted from vacation or sick leave. A. Any military leave time required in excess of the fifleen t I i days paid leave authorized in paragraph A of Section 23 above shall be in conforma,Ece ss ith the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (LSERRA). Section 5. Jury or Court Duty. A regular employee who is required to sere on a jury or as a result of official At ity duties is required to appear before a court, legislative committee or quasi-judicial body as a witness in response to a subpoena or other directive, shall be granted paid leave for the time that the employee needs to be released from regular duties; provided, that the supervisor is promptly notified of the conflict or if the employee is excused from the appearance such as for an afternoon. Tlic employee shall be entitled to his or her regular pay; provided, that the employee shall pay to the city any fee or reimbursement received for such court or jury duty, up to the amount paid as paid leave. Section 6. Leave without Pte. Upon approval by the City Manager, leave without pay may be granted for a period not to exceed ten LUO _working days for illness, injury, educational purposes, or additional vacation. Leave without pay may not be taken until an employee has exhausted his/her accrued paid leave balances; provided however that at the sole discretion of the City Manager, paid leave balance, miry be used in conjunction with leave without pay in order to minimize temporary impacts to employee', insurance coverage. Section 7. Leave o Absence Without Pay. At the sole discretion of the C'its Ntmager, an employee: may be granted a leave of absence without pay for a period of not less than two (2) works and not more than twenty-six (26) %%ecks. Approval of such leave shall be in writing and signed by the City Manager. No vacation or sick leave benefits or other fringe benefits shall accrue while an employee is on leave of absence. The employee's anniversary date will be adjusted by the length of the leave granted. Upon expiration of the leave of absence, the City may at its discretion reinstate the employee in the position hold at the time the leave was granted, offer the employee another available position, or take other appropriate action. The employee's insurance coverage may be impacted. Terms of coverage shall be in accordance with the City's insurance plan sponsor. A leave of absence without pay may not be taken until an employee has exhausted his/her accrued paid leave balances; provided however that at the sole discretion of the City Manager, paid leave balances may be used in conjunction with leave of ab:crtcc without pay in order to minimize temportrti impacts to employee's insurance coverage. t mItition Modifying FmpIoycc I c:i%c Part: 1 (1I 4 Section H. i anvil} and Medical Lease The City shall pro%idc familN and nicifical lease ;1s required under the applicable state wid fedcrrl law.. Section 9. NO V"tcd Rwht,;. Nothing in this Resolution shall to doeined to a right or interest in the benefits hereby granted by the City, and the Cite Council retains the right tai change any benefits or provisions of this wdiontwe-rc>ohiumi at any time. section 10. Administration. Pic City Manager is authorized. directed and rmpowcrz:d tO deg clop and promulgate administrative policies, procedures, rules, forms and materials as needed to implement the leave provisions adopted herein, and consistent with rill relntrd date l-federal . Ir.! l It laws: -iT rlt-a;ii ~~+ne+t ar irx+t+~ri I Section 11. Repcaj of Resolution, llte ~'~~uncil hcrchv repeal, Re~crlutiun ~o. •=:_n ;I ; _it Section 12. F. ective Date. 'Mis Resolution %s ill take effect upon adohthIn Adopted this.'W" ^ dap of :-s;+ct )ci,,!,:r, _'iJtl;'IE( ; ( it} oftipokanc. Vallc~ t ti I':rz't Ma\or 1 1(Z ti I 1{rsc luri.m . , ttUJJI~ IIU l:rr,q lu.cc 1 . - aa, 1 1 i CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY _ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 26, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing 0 information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Amendment to JUB Contract for Street Master Plan for Street and Utility Codes Standards Revisions GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council received informational memos on July 11 and July 25 regarding the Uniform Development Code (UDC) schedule and public participation process. BACKGROUND: Council has received two informational memos from the Community Development Director regarding the update of the Uniform Development Code (UDC). As part of this process we will also update the existing Spokane County Road and Sewer Construction Standards. Title 20, Subdivision Regulations, will include reference to the new Spokane Valley Street and Utility Construction Standards. The County's existing 185 page document will require extensive revision to meet the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan and to update the standards from a rural county road system to that of the City of Spokane Valley. City staff do not have the capacity to complete a project of this size in addition to existing responsibilities. We are proposing.to accomplish this task with a contract amendment to JUB Engineers who are currently in the process of developing our street master plan. Attached is a draft proposal and scope of work for your review. Due to the UDC's aggressive timeline, this informational memo is serving as the first touch for this proposal. This item is currently scheduled on the October 3 study session for Council discussion, with a motion consideration scheduled for October 10. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed contract amount is $135,121. Although this work was not included in the 2006 budget we anticipate that we can fund $ 90,000 from the General Fund resulting from an additional $100,000 in development related fees and $45,000 from the Street Fund as a result of additional interest earnings. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS JUB Street Standards Fees G1 M - . _ . _ ' . - ENGINEERS' ~ SLIRUEYORS'*, - , ~ * _ • : - ~ t..= :'k2~Fii~+eCSide,~ui~e-.72~' _ - - - - - ' . , , . - .~•,5oS-X58,-87~rr;Fax' 509-458-376' r Nor.' Jdhn Hohman. _ Senior Engineer Reveloprnent''. ry ' itr ofpol~aie Valley - ' 5pragu;e Ave..Suit~~~b, . - • , - ' . , - - - . - . ' - - - . Spekoe 1falK -A Its: Road,arrd i<Jti ity C'onsfr,ufcti n'.St' n8a' I Dbcume iG Creation. ~_,Revised Prapa al-' ..a r .a~ Jahn. J:f1-S-~ excited ta'pro~ose`an this' interestin -and=ctiaklen'gin ':i~~ ate a rd:creati n-,of ~tl e' City ; . of. S.pol arie aide r starydards.for road and 1t, 6 c ristruction. 1 e'.un erstartd'the : ' . _ onsi rabLe'id vv lopmenf.pre'sure;you. r' `seeitig'from. tE a private:arid u lic.:se for-in+order - to letter_.dejiile Et -,and'6pdat tl~e= rig ra.ad;stair'dards: Tk?e attiached._detai:led=s'cop e of. ervi'es anal feeprfeet;inluds:taskiitems iena[-ici5t4n`starrtlaifds document as.. elk as:'SpedaltyIt'e,M,S ouhave:e rr=ssea. ari,i`nteres ire. I re`are.some;high-iights-of~our -,Our scope-ihcludes aLl.lutlet~ed"it~ms:b~lav. p~usa, creair~ of , e i tirr text antl detailsAhat'is `u efut.in.';the'-e ist'ir g.docun7er~t our go d is to' _ provide. ou with-a f tally ocument-tFiat can't e'u date arid:revi ed:a' d . 'haired ~yith~tl7e..p6bli' & ift.6it'her• hard;c6py for'M br Cify kh Valle 'vw b=ba ed 'form.' ra ^rings;' a~creaCe ilt,be in-tli =Auto -4 f~'rrh hilet.otl~er`farmats such as=p- F ~il_es iay be: + ed for' €is(ir~ `ut hangeet~ails. 5 , . efe~rierits . 1''a~ir prdposal incEud ;nevr:stre~t:'se'.tfi'ons:dratt6 :,lin AutaCA V . }Cl .Y. i'c:.VYorks staff to iipdatL'an8-draft -sheet sj.tian , -pb work'With.-,your-de1)i tm"e'nt. d_ -.for yariaus's Mce l(w l's r0u~red..' ;1+lfitf regards-to staricl rd•dei~ail ,tha you ark comfoftabte 'lthA a -a reAdy e i~tln,:', , . fhe Spokane Ct unty'ro d st ndards•docMent, %ye`Will ork` ith the pol~aneaun y. to gain;pe rmi i neus :.tftios 'ei}iif lt ar~d:k ' ethe:draf.,tin -po,~tiion-of this.,ir,?orlC'` p " . effort'efifirci4nt,arnd as'.rrijnimal'-as°,possi~le:- } o r We +Ni It .work with, intern'city=on'ybur;i p.`ravement,of.the °ruraj road, standards: .4Ve uous°and leave- underttand_tY~at'a`oornrirar'r~~ nri ern thaC_yQu..}. Bari - thatAY _ are an ai.g toa' fnu ~i'to the,dis retion,' f the Sock ne,.Courtty engi-neer. "Our in ent_''in-thi :afea _ ill•b fo create-for', a r..rei~iie and omi ent:cl'e ir.ta~?b. irid', ra'phs ai~i text_that red4ice the cbff0 ion,for-thp'u b6c:or-priv4t''sector pra'kf5'iLh t at'e-.corH g:to`the. City. of Spokane'- alley.. under tail i.thaf:a'ppro cli:detatEs;:for. €ample.; a're;.notv.ctear~an6 perhap5ca' 'be 'simplified" a nd•-caordihate -dIn,to a re'duceef.rw+~mber..l6i•,-she:k _,OApressifig-,their--nat"ure:-`- . or, We €~nderstahd -th"at~.you viroulc4 like'di~'c'ussions'al `Ut what ,others'com unities -db,f ' . ' - bonds. - . - _ • - - r Road.StandardLetter s= 3_00-.da6 U, 0. • ~ • ,ineers' •:Suivey~-ors -Planners • ' + - ' , • t - r:We understand that you* Want to_-work with us-a4have:us refine,roads.and:utilities sections.of the road:'staridards. We.On brstand':that:the stori w. Ater:drainage. :guidelines•are in-.your regional dbcument'that We might~discuss'with you: Application,' drainage code hasimpact omof'this: doeurn&hf.=. With.regards'to-utilities•.we understand you have adopted ihe'Washingfon'State-De partinent.of Transportation',and ;America'n Public,Works Association standard specifications.' VJe.will.workto link-both ''those documents-to text:in"this document. s1-We understand-you want us to create.arid help you.draft a traff- impacts section"for-- development impactsao your traffie'sy5terr~.. As ;a subtask;in'traffic irTipactswe.will need•tordive'into-access issues:with,you.and help to'develop':bette'r standards-and'. ' cl'arity.. You want to link:the.land,platting guidelines with this; road •standards.: - " document. so that the private sector-understands eXaeffy vrh,at your access. goals ar-e . go ng.to be. This.will:'al'sah you-•obtain''right:away where:and wwhen. you.need it You wantao'.clearly explain,ri~ht-of-v\ray needs to people: b'nn'ging,development to the , . City of Spokane Valley: - ••a - `~'~::1Ne,:•understand that-traffic`calming'~uidelines'are an important :task section'that you' w' ould'like to.~develoo in tt e road standard1Ne Will express.traffic calming optioris: :.to' you'and :Work with you on •the: creation 'of text-andior _detai is that"help you convey.; examples fpr..traffic..-calming. o'. Another exa_nipI item~urider this subtask vrould:be.clanficatiori of: street sgnaae such as'.stop signs' and:where and when' they'.can be 'applied 'arid under what conditions: e We understand and have-committed_.to peeparih~-fo'r'and',h'e.lping,you-faciii.tate thrze=. public'meeting5 that,wouluinclude:the•st'akeholders:from:all''sectors.; The subtask_ here v, uld be°a presentation to the'counc f•the'.'results:of tho5 meetings. Our overall . :schedule would be to'have a ft:rdad. standards'doeument prepareii.by the end. of 2006 fior.your review; tiffany other workitems,are included' o.n,the attached task and fee proposal. We.l'ook:to .you. for_guidance on :any topcs'we..mav. have missed or man hour efforfs.below or'above:your expectation's. _ vdould.truly'enjoy'working on this project.. The foal will b'e a.clear road`and'utility•: standards document: thaVencourages successful cooperation=between the'-City of -Spokane - - Valley arid tke public you serve: r• :Sincerely; - - _ • • . - ' 'J-U=6;ENGINEERS, Inc: avitl. Hewer.; P.E. Area. Manager AMENDMENT TO STREET MASTER PLAN ROAD AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DOCUMENT UPDATE DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK OBJECTIVES The City's objective in this Agreement is to obtain consulting engineering services for creation of on. improved Road and Utility Construction Standards Document. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will create a Rcad and Utility Construction Standards Manual that represents the goals and guidelines of the related.future development of the City of Spokane Valley. The project'will include creating a completely digital document for use in electronic communioation forrnats- KIC'li OFF MEETING The Consultant shall facilitate a kick-off meeting beheyeen the Gity of Spokane Malley . and the Consultant team, This meetirrg.wiII be to review project road and utility constructlen standards document goals and concerns of tht City as well as any and all other details and/or concepts that are pertinent to th6 ity receiving a, successful project, The City shall provide Consultant With its most comprehensive lhistbry of "project example situations" wherein outdated:or ambiguous standards were less than effective in dealing with the public. 1.00 General Considerations Th'e Consultant shall draft this section for revie -and approval of the City of Spokane Valley Public Works Department (PVVD), 1,01 Applicability The Consultant shall draft this section of the new standards document for review and approval by'the City,af Spokane Valley PVVD. I 1.02 Definitions The Consultant shall draft this section of definitions for review and appraval by the City of Spokane Malley PWD. 1.03 Respo>nsibtlit To Provide The Consultant shall draft this section of responsibility to provide for review -and approval by the City of Spokane Malley PWD. FAPrajectsVAPROPOSA02006%Spokane Valtey, {city of, Road ft Utility Construction Standard BoA)ROAD STANDARD5 SCOPE DF WORK AGREEM4cNT AUGUST ZOO6Aix AMENDMENT TO STREET MASTER PLAN ROAD AND UTI LITY_ CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DOCUMENT UPDATE DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK 1.04 References The Consultant shall review current applicable source codes and redraft this section for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley P-WD. 1.06 State Specifications and Plans Concurrency (WSDOTIAPWA) The Consultant shall review current applicable related agency manuals and redraft this section for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 1.07 Non-Conforming Private Road' The Consultant shall draft this section.of the Non-Conforming Private Road guidelines for review.and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 1.08 Deviations and Review of Decision : The Consultant shall draft this section of Deviation and Review of Decision for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 1.10 Compliance Review The Consultant shall draft this section for a Compliance Review procedure supported by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 1.11 Roadway Types The Consultant shall develop types and widths details for the City of Spokane Valley future street sections. This includes computer-aided drafting when required. It is assumed by Consultant that most if not all of existing Spokane County computer drafted details will be shared digitally at little or no cost with City of Spokane Valley and Consultant. 1.12 Roadway. Classifications- The Consultant shall define Roadway Classifications consistent with the goals of the City of Spokane Valley. 1:13 Half Street The Consultant shall draft a Half Street policy in accordance with the goals of the City of Spokane Valley PWD. i -2- F:\Projects\91PROPOSAL\2006\Spokane Valley, City of, Road Ft Utillity Constntction Standard Eook\ROAD STANDARDS SCOPE OF WORK AGREENENT AUGUST 2006.doc AMENDMENT TO STREET MASTER PLAN - ROAD AND UTILETY CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DOCUMENT UPDATE DETAILE_b SCOPE OF WORD{ 1.14 Primitive Roads The Consultant shall draft a Primitive Roads policy definition per the goals of the City if Spokane Valley P WD. 1.16 Road Names The Consultant shall draft this section defining the City of pokanO Valley's PWD approach to the naming of roads. 1.20 Levels of Service The Consultant shall draft this section defining Levels of Service definition for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PVVD, 1:20 Traffic StudiestImpacts The Consultant shall develop a section that clearly defines when and how traffic studies are required for development for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley, 1.40 Severabilit}r The Consultant shall draft this section defining everability for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD: 1.60 ReproducCon The Consultant shall provide dowment reproduction. 2.00 Roar! Types and Geometric Features The Consultant shall draft this section defining Road Types and-Geometric Features for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PVVD, 3.00 New C bnstruction Design Standards The Consultant shall draft this section of this'docurnent to reflect the goats of the City of Spokane Valley regarding better matching of existing neighborhood conditions for new development projects. r;vrajects19%PROFG5AL12006%5pokane Valley, City of, Road EL Utility Comtruckion Standard Book1ROAD STANDARDS SCDPE DF WIDRK AGREEMENT AUGUST 2006,dD[ AMENDMENT TO STREET MASTER PLAN - ROAD AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION* STAN DARDS-D000MENT UPDATE ` DETAILED SCOPE'OF WORK 3.001 Redevelopment Standards ' The Consultant shall evaluate options where varying portions of the community would have varying redevelopment standards for review and approval .by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3.01 County Arterial Streets The Consultant will work with the City of Spokane Valley to draft new arterial street standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3.02 County Access Streets The Consultant will work with the City of Spokane Valley to draft access streets standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3.03 Typical Roadway Section The Consultant will draft typical roadway sections for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. ` 3.04 Intersections The Consultant will draft intersection standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3.05 Border Easements The Consultant will draft border easement standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3.07 Slopes The Consultant will draft slope standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3.08 Right-of-Way The Consultant will draft Right-of-Way standards for review and approval' by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3.b9 Connections of State Highways and New County Roads The Consultant will draft connections of State' Highways and new County Road standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. -4- F:\Proja-cts\9\PROPOSAL\2006\Spo!<ane Valley, City of, Road lk Utility Construction Standard BaolAROAD STANDARDS SCOPE OF WORK AGREEMERT AUGUST 2006.doc AMENDMENT TO STREET MASTER PLAN ROAD AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DOCUMENT UPDATE DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK - 3.11 ' Railroad Grade Crossing The Consultant will draft railroad grade crossing standards for review and approval by the' City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3.12 Standard Road and Traffic Control Signing The Consultant will draft standard road and traffic control signing standards for review- and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3.14 Traffic Barrier The Consultant will draft traffic barrier standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3.15 Clear Zone The Consultant will draft clear zone standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3.16 Road Surfacing Requirements The Consultant will draft road surfacing requirement standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3.17 Cul-De-Sacs The Consultant will draft cul-de-sac standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3.18 Curbs, Sidewalks, and Pathways The Consultant will draft curbs, sidewalks, and pathways standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. The Consultant will attend up to two (2) visits to other communities with City of Spokane Valley to'review progressive methods and design schemes being utilized in other cities. 3.20 Curb Ramps' The Consultant will draft curb ramp standards for review and.approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3:22 Private Roads The Consultant will draft private road standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. -5- F:\Projects\9\PROPOSAL\2006\Spo'<ane Valley, City of, Road Et Utility Construction Standard Baok\ROAD STANDARDS SCOPE OF INORK AGREENEENIT AUGUST 2006.doc AMENDMENT TO STREET MASTER PLAN _ ROAD AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, DOCUMENT UPDATE DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK 1 3.23 Private Alleys The Consultant will draft private alley standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 3.24 Driveway Approaches The Consultant will draft driveway approaches standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. . 3.25 Access Standards The. Consultant shall draft access standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley P14%0. 3.30 Reproduction The Consultant shall provide document reproduction. _ 4.00 3R Design Standards The Consultant will draft 3R Design Standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 5.00 Project Application and, Clarification The Consultant will draft project application and clarification standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 5.01 Application Procedure The Consultant will draft application procedure standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 5.02 General Formatting The Consultant will draft general formatting standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD 5.03 Drafting Standards The Consultant will draft drafting standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. F:\Projects\9\PROPOSAL\2006\Spokane Valiey, City of, Road Ft Utility Construction Standard 0oo'AROAD STANDARDS SCOPE OF WOR'~( AGREEMENT AUGUST 2006,doc - AMENDMENT TO STREET MASTER-PLAN ROAD AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DOCUMENT UPDATE DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK 5.04 Plan The Consultant will draft plan standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 5.06 Profile Elements The Consultant will draft street profile element standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 5.08 Typical Cross Section The Consultant will draft typical cross section standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD: 5.10 Drainage Plan The Consultant will draft drainage plan checklists for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley. 6.00 Land Survey Standards The Consultant will draft land survey standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 6.01- Regulations The Consultant will draft regulation standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 6.02 Monumentation The Consultant will draft monumentation standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 6.03 Horizontal Control Net The Consultant will draft horizontal control net standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 6.04 Temporary Bench Mark The Consultant-will draft temporary bench mark standards for review and approval by .the City of Spokane Valley PWD• -7- F:\Projects\9\PROPOSAL\2006\Spokane Valley, City of, Road Et Utility Construction Standard Book\ROAD STANDARDS SCOPE OF WORK AGREEMENT AUGUST 2006.doc AMENDMENT TO STREET MASTER PLAN ROAD At1D UTILITY CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DOCUMENT [UPDATE DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK 7,00 Bridges and Other Structures The Consultant will draft bridges and other structures standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley P1 D. 7.01 Principal Reference for Bridges l The Consultant will draft Principal Reference for Bridges standards for review and approvaI by the pity of Spokane VaIIey PVVD, 7.03 Donor Bridge Design Criteria The Consultant will draft other bridge design criteria standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Malley PWD. 7,04 Retaining Walls afid Other Structures The Consultant will draft retaining walls and other structures standards for review and approval b the City of Spokane Valley PUVD. 7.05 Reproduction' The Consultant shall provide document reproduction. 8.00 Utilities The Consultant will draft utility standards for revievy and approval by the City of Spokane Malley PWD., 8.01 Franchising P611cy The Consultant will draft franchising policy standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PIND, 8,02 Standard Utilities Locations The Consultant will draft standard uthiiies location standards for review and approval by. the City of Spokane Valle PVVD. 8.44 Scheduling of Utilities Installation, Relocation and Inspection The onsultantvii 11 draft Alities installation, relocationanti inspection standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. i F 1Praje[ks191PR0~~5A~1 00615pok ne Valley, City of, Road Ea Utility Cmstrurbin Standard BOCIMRQAD STANDARDS SCOPE OF WORK AGRM: ENT AUGUST 2006X" AMENDMENT TO STREET MASTER PLAN ROAD AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DOCUMENT UPDATE. DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK - 8.05 Reproduction The Consultant shall provide document reproduction. 9.00 Permits and Inspections The Consultant will draft permits and inspections standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 9.01 Application The Consultant will draft application standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 9.02 Basis for Control of the Work The Consultant will draft the basis for control of the work standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 9.04 Road Construction Inspections The Consultant will draft road construction inspection standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 9.06 Construction Inspection Notifications and Records The Consultant will draft construction inspection notifications and records standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 9.09 County Forces & County Contract Road Inspection* The Consultant will draft contract road inspection standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. 9.10 Record Drawings The Consultant will draft record drawing standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. -9- F:1Projects191PROPOSAL120061Spokane Valley, City of, Road 8 Utility Construction Standard aook\ROAD STANDARDS SCOPE OF WORK AGREEMENT AUGUST 2006.doc II AMENDMENT TO STREET MASTER PLAN ROAD AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DOCUMENT UPDATE DETAILED SCOPE OF WORT( 10.00 B'onding- The Consultant sha'[I redraft this section of the plan presenting a more clearly defined approach to bonding. Performance, VNarrarit and Permit Surety will be evaluated for- their applicability to this document, 11.1 Ist Public Meeting-Stakeholders consultant '.shall facilitate a public meeting between the City of Spokane Valley stakeholders and the Consultant team. This meeting will be to reviev/ road and utility construction standards document goals and concerns of the stakeholders as well as any and all other details and/or concepts that are pertinent to the ibj receiving a successful project. The on'sultanf shall present the technical, as Well as philosophical differences that make up the craw road and Utility Standards docbment while highlighting common areas of interest and concern. Discussion will be encouraged and view points of all nature will be heard and respected. 11.2 Review Comment and Make Recommendations onsultant.shall review comments from City of Spokane Malley stakeholders and will make recommendations based on the. comments received. 11.3 .2nd Public Meeting - Follow-up with Stakeholders on8ultant shall facilitate a follow-up public meeting between the City of Spokane Valley stakeholders and the Consultant team. This meeting will confirm concerns expressed and relate there to recommendations. 11.4 Review omment and Make Recommendations Consultant shall review comments from City of Spokane Malley stakeholders and will mare recommendations based on the comments received- 11.5 31rd Public Meeting - Presentation of Results to Council The Consultant shall facilitate a presentation of this New Road Standards document to the City of Spokane Malley Council. The Consultant shall prepare a slide or series of slides that--resents in matrix form'the differences between, the old standards and the new standards. The Consultant shall discuss impacts of changes on development, etc. Consultant shall.present final recommendations to ouricil. 10 F,%Pfajects191PROPOSAilZflffb~Spakane Vatley, City of, Road Fk Utility Construcdoa Standard Book=AD 5TAHDARDS 5CCiPE OF WORT[ ACR€EMENIF AUGUST 7006.dar AMENDMENT TO STREET MASTER PLAN ROAD AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DOCUMENT UPDATE DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK 11.8 Review Comment and Make Recommendations Consultant shall review comments from City of Spokane Valley Council members and Consultant will make rer-ommendations based on the comments received. I - 11.7 Reproduction The Consultant shall provide final documents reproduction. v FAPro]ects\WRGPDSAL120061SpaGsane Valley, City. of, Road Utility Cons' ru tiork Stndard Book\RCAD STANDARDS SCOPE OF WORK AGREEMENT AUGUST 2006.dur S P O K A N z :ra m. _ i O LT N T Y OFFICE OF THE. HEARING EXAMINER MICHAEL C. DEMPSE•Y, CHIEF EXAMINaR MEMORANDUM To: City Council, City of Spokane Valley City Planning Commission, Cite of Spokane Valley Prom: Nfichael C. Dempsey, City Hearing Exanuner Pro Tem Re: 2006 Annual Report on City.'ffeariug Examiner System Date: September 14, 2006 The City Hearing Examiner Ordinance requires the City's Hearing Examiner to report at least annually to and, if requested, meet with, the City Council and the Planning Commission. The purpose of the-Examiner's report is to review the administration of the City's land use policies and regulatory ordinances, and any amendments to City ordinances or other policies or procedures that would improve the performance of the hearing Examiner process. The report may include a summary of the Examiner's decisions since the last report. The Hearing Examiner last submitted a report on September 26, 2005. A. Matters decided between September 4, 2005 and September 4, 2006 The Examiner decided 32 land use matters for the City of Spokane Valley during the above 12-month period. All the matters were approved by the Examiner, and none (0) of these decisions were appealed to the City Council or Superior Court. `fhe Examiner also heard 3 dangerous dog appeals arising inside the city limits, and made recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners.for a fuial decision on each such. matter. The Board did not need to act on the Examiner's recommendations in one of the appeals, because the dog owner surrendered the dog to SCRAPS: In another appeal, the Board upheld the Exa idner's recommendation that the dog be declared dangerous. In the remaining appeal, the Board upheld the recommendation that the dog not be deemed Annual Report on City of Spokane Valley Hewing Examiner System September 14, 2006 Page 2 dangerous. This was because the victim of the dog bite was trespassing on the dog owner's property at the time of the bite. The dangerous dog appeals process is currently under review by legal star, since the Board of County Commissioners is uncomfortable making a(:final decision for the City Council on dangerous dog appeals arising within the limits of the City of Spokane Valley. The City has adopted the County's dangerous dog appeal provisions by reference. The 32 land use matters heard during the 12-month period involved a total of 41 land use applications, with several projects involving multiple applications. The following table indicates the disposition of land use matters heard during this time period: Applications heard between September 4, 2005 and September 4, 2006 Decision Approved Denied Retw-ned Appealed Plats 9 0 0 0 PUD's 2 0 0 0 Rezones 29 0 0 0 Change of conditions 0 0 0 0 Variances 0 0 0 0 Conditional. Use Permits 1 0 0 0 Shoreline Permits 0 0 0 0 Administrative Appeals 0 0 0 0 Code En.forcement 0 0 0 0 TOTAL S 41 0 0 0 B. I3udget and Expenditures The current int.erlocal agreement between the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County vas executed ou Nfarch 14, 2006; and was amended in May of 2006 to revise the method of determining the Examiner's hourly rate each year. The agreement automatically renews after the end of each year, for a l -year period, unless tem-iinated by either entity with notice. The City has been contracting with the County for hearing examiner services since the City incorporated in 2003. The hourly charge for the Hearing Examiner's services in 2006 is $122.09. The Examiner estimates that the County will receive between $40,000 and $45,000 in revenues from the City for hearing exanuner services in 2006. Aamual report on City of Spokx3e Valley ITeming Exanfnei Sy;tera September 14, 2000 Pave 3 The budget for the County Hearing Examiner's Office 3-11. 2006 is $172,915. The- xwrjiner estimates that approximately 0% of his tune is cuiTe-ntly spent on Spokane Va[[ey TnatU s- C, Recomrmndations for chau es iu land use olicie re ulations and Rro cc dui-es ThEe Examiner believes tLe hear13.1 g exailciMcr system for- the City of - pokaiie Valley is workuig well. Ille Iack of appeals of the Exm i.uer's decisions is one sip that City Current.Plrznlng staff and the lairuiler ai-e carrying out thou' functions properly. The City has been inovi",g forward pregn ssivct , in the land use arena; by adopting a new Comprehensive Plan under - fA; and by workipg on a nc-w development code tbat implements the tiew { :onapreb.epSi~ e Plan, -SlLbstitutes the code provisions adopted by refe1•ence fio:m Spokane Count)' with fully -set forth provisions, and consolidates various land use ordinances into ore development code. This will. make the laird use review process less coilfusipg for City staff, the ExaMill tr, legal counsel. applicants and the pu blic. The adoption of new zoixing under a new comprehensive p zi-a by thcs City, once it occurs, could significantly decrease the inunber cf rezone applications subirdtted to pok.~Hie Va,lIey+ as it did for Spokane County whon the County adopted its riew zoning code and Phase De-~,elopav-,m }fie nations. The Examiner provided rcvicw comments to the City Attorney's Office and the City Department of Comm LLr1ity Developinent Examiner On recent :proposed cbanges to the City's development code, regarding the bearing ~xami.uar process. D. Other matters The City's websifie, under the DPpartiii.ent of. C.;'ommwiity Development, can be accessed to obtain copies of Hf ai-ir g Examiner decisions and agendas for -Spokane Valle} matters: The Hear1g .E.xaminer is an atto.a iey ou judicial -states with 0.e Washington State liar Association, and a member of the Washington Association of Land Use Hearing Exaniiuers. The.Examner attends continuing legal education (CLE) seminars oa. labd use law eacfi year. Tliis in chides the Wasktigton State B~-ff nnd-ye-ar seminar cii land use anti environmental lay-v, and the annual coiit~rence of the Washiugt.on Asscciatioin of Hearin. Examiners, Annual Report on City of Spokane Valley Hearing Examiner System September 14, 2006 Page 4 The Hearing Examiner is a full.-time employee of Spokane County, and has been County Hearing Examiner since 1996. Before that, the Examiner was a deputy prosecuting attorney for 16 years, specializing primarily in land use, public works and other civil matters. The Examiner has resided in the City of Spokane Valley since 1987; and is a graduate of West Valley High School in Spokane, the University of Washington and Gonzaea Law School. The Examiner's Office employs a full-time staff' assistant, Leslie Busch, wbo acts as the clerk. and recorder during land use hearings conducted for Spokane Valley. Leslie is the former City Clerk for Deer Park, and a previous employee of Spokane County Superior Court. E. Meeting with. itv Council and Planning Commission The Examiner welcomes the opportunity to meet with the City Council and the City Planning Commission to discuss this report, if requested. The Exauuner has been inN4ted to meet with the City Planning Commission on September 28, 2006. c: Marina Sakup, Director of City Dcparhncnt of Community Development David Mercier, City Manager Mike Comlelly, CityAttorney Cary .Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Mausball laamell, Coiuity Chief Executive Officer CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUGUST 2006 MONTHLY REPORT LONG RANGE PLANNING: Planning Commission The Spokane Valley Planning Commission met three times during the month of August. The Commission reviewed of Title 17 General Provisions, 18 Administration and 20 Subdivision Regulations. The Commission also conducted a Public Hearing on an amendment to the Interim Development Regulations concerning the scheduling of Comprehensive Plan amendments. Long Range Planning Staff A Community meeting sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, was held on August 16, 2006 to review the updated Chester Creek Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) and Flood Insurance Study (FIS). City and Spokane County staff attended the meeting, joined by the Department of Ecology, FEMA and FEMA consultants West Engineering and Michael Baker_ An Open House was held on August 24, 2006 to discuss expansion of the Urban Growth Area Approximately ninety individuals attended the meeting. City Council added Jennifer Johnson, representing the auto dealers. and Nancy Nishimura, representing small businesses along Sprague Avenue to the Ad hoc Sign Committee. The first meeting of the Committee will be held on September 12, 2004, at 7:30 a.m CURRENT PLANNING: 2006 Licenses & Permits Issued 40 ~-0 30 20 + 10 0 - - - - - ion Feb Wr Apr AAay Jun Jul Aug Sep ov Nov Dec p 2006 44 25 { 36 34 32 23 1 32 35 0 2005~ 41 26 18 34 21 t0 I 8 22 22 45 39 38 Monthly revenue for the Planning Division totaled 524,035 in August. Page 1 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development August 2006 Monthly Report 2006 New Land Use Actions 40 - ~J 20 1Q 6 Jan Feb Mar Apr May tun i Jul I Aug Scp Oct Nov } Dec © 2006 20 I 18 30 1 24 27 15 I 25 1 20 _ } I 2005 Is 1 22 _2D 24 16 33 28 1 17 17 26 is 20 - -a•- ; , 2006 Planning Revenues $5000", s40.00u $30.000 $20,000 4$ $10,000 Jan Feb Mar A pr1i May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec to kECF,ita :!)M -9 .?Cr^n ^ .:OJT Revenues generated by the Planning Division are compared with the 2006 Budget appropriation in the table below 2006 Planning Revenues Compared with Budget 'ZP J P'I.A f I $174.000 8170 F)DU 3178,000 f180,000 6187.061 9464,000 $186000 $18040DO $100,000 p A. 4..1 ♦TT) R--o ❑ A-w Itj0;c1 CS111nnt. City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development August 2006 Monthly Report BUILDING DIVISION: The Building Division issued 387 permits in August 2006, compared with 492 for the same period last year 2006 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS eoo - - - - eoo COQ 0 I ..cry SM U` Vti :.-s sih Aw :.n :c, .n. ❑i O 7001 M1,wa :f 777 us _ 730 Ifs It u5 zx 20115 ~ertrf~ 2S0 T7 SIB 404 1 vi Lit 47 40 711 ! M 2006 New Structures/Units Permitted eo 60 ~o Jan Fe0 Mu Apr May June July Aug Sao Oct New 0K * New 1 6 2 Dwelling Unds I 26 41 74 64 64 34 30 22 ■Muitl-bm4 Units 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 2 o New CammarclN Stnxturas 5 t - ` r, The Permit Center collected a total of S218,754 in Permit and Plan Review Fees in August 2006 2006 Building Revenues t,zZIDo c: t1o00 _ The reported value of construction, including new structures and additions/alteration is shown in the following chart, comparing these values with 2005. New value for August 2006 totals $23,069,666 for a total of $83,942, for the year so far. Page 3 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development August 2006 Monthly Report 2006 Valuation of Construction 14;) Wr NO - L]5 Dou.aoc • 1)U OOOD00 4:5 000 DJO - 20Go wal,r a: ~r 670 000 7': O 1 • I t 2005 Vrlumb-Dn F'S00DCr:~ ' !'0 000 U°3 f° .'lnn . LC. 1:_v AU Wy J.Irn .Ldy ><;,,i - 'r.7 1rtrv OC Q Annunl kc'.t--ur PraJe_:c Lrcr x h Pe7Tnt F= 1,U00,0G'J I,G50,000 1,IUO,000 1,15(1,00(1 1,200,11i00 1,250,um SOURCE Spokane Valley Finance Department In August 2006, building inspectors performed 1,368 inspections in 23 days. This averages 59.50 inspections per day. The Plans Examiners reviewed 123 projects in August 2006 At the end of March, there were 13 projects awaiting review :Gob BuMdlnp Inr,P=~t7:7ns I ~ it r.p W- •P Wv _ur+ Lb, y , . :~A]Y luYwhWU aY. 1 GS I iG1f w. ►7 nu aaa_ W ;CU i.:~7 0'Ifs ~tAK ►•ntifam aal I a ' 479 right-of-way inspections were performed during the month of August 2006 Tom Schottens, Building Official since 2003, has resigned to take a position closer to his- farnily in Charleston, S.C.. While we shall miss Tom's expertise and ready wit, we wish him the very best in his new endeavor. Pays 4 of 7 City of Spokane Valley i Department of Community Development August 2006 Monthly Report CODE COMPLIANCE: During August 17 property owners were contacted about bringing their signage into compliance. sign Code CwVkanw Signs bmugtN f n n ft Streets Inspected Buskesse e Contaced Cocompliant n~108 S' ns August No tic 17 9 a 2006 The number of 'Violations Reported' on the following chart reflects actual Spokane Valley Zoning Code violations, plus complaints received which were not violations. The complaints received are added to the total because they reflect time officers spent in the field conducting investigations. In addition, the 'Investigated' and "Pending" columns accurately reflect Code Compliance's current ability to process and investigate backlog cases. The following chart provides a monthly comparison of the types of Spokane Valley Code violations reported. Violations are reporters based on the primary complaint received, rather than the number of additional violations identified on any individual premises. The investigation of a complaint of junk vehicles, for example, August also result in identification of additional violations such as the accumulation of trash or harboring of livestock. These are not included in the summary. A total of 66 complaints were processed in August. 14-, -155 5 AN -M Fe-1-4m • VEWI]r a RO{Mrtd-t1 <5 64 fi i 51 - a5 1.14 a, 67 M 7a N' • Al 55 i Ez if3 a6~ J.l 27--.3- toe -tt 1 135 ,:e <z 56 s z a o 0 0 0 o a a a o o a~ D Rb TtUUflrs 3 +e as 43 at s4 se lee 523 48 ZWXU a Fee. so - - ■ V uWn" Fieoor,_ed ■ Ababmrnb 0 Fb Trwnfera ■ aennq Fla The Spokane Valley Police Department, in conjunction with SCOPE, has requested the assistance of Code Compliance in identifying junk vehicles abandoned within the right-of-way- SCOPE volunteers tag the vehicles. Vehicles which have not been moved by the following Friday are towed. Twenty-nine vehicles were red-tagged and removed from the right-of-way during the month of August_ Activity is consolidated into the following six categories: Environmental (sewedseptic, critical areas, animal and nuisance violations); Property (Right of Way, property use, dangerous building, landiord/tenant, illegal business and signage violations); Junk Auto; Solid Waste (solid waste, illegal dumping, and household waste violations)-, Clearview Triangle and Complaint - No Violation Page 5 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development August 2006 Monthly Report I 2006 CODE COMPLIANCE REPORTS (by type) toox 80% 40% 40% 0% Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-65 k 0o W,- [IF, ,ul-116 lug-06 Sep-06 Od-06 NOV-06 Dec-06 a Cc+mplalrlt - No utolabon ' 14 12 a 10 14 12 17 12 0 Solid VJasle 11 11 17 17 13 9 I a 15 aJunk Aulo f0 9 14 10 13 9 ! 16 O Clear lAew Triangle I 2 4 6 3 4 12 10 I 13 * Properly 0 9 10 9 17 22 17 27 C3 Enoronmental i 7 0 2 4 2 2 I 6 4 CUSTOMER SERVICE Planning The Hearing Examiner held 3 land use hearings during August Building: Permits The following table summarizes the performance of the Permit Center for those permits entered in the PLUS system, measured from the time that the application is deemed "counter-complete" to the time that a permit is issued Auaus12006 o Q a ci Value 0 C ft NEW CONSTRUCTION 13 Slo or Leas 1 $1,062,W9.()0 107 107 107 Industrial SWIdln 1 S150,000-00 40 40 40 Offka/PMfesslo(W 2 $564,480-00 142 127 157 structure 1 $13,240 425.00 193 193 193 REMODEL - l our lex 1 $12,650.00 18 18 16 H ItalAnstAution 1 5370,000.00 22 22 22 Industrial SM 1 $25,000.00 15 15 15 MemantHe 2 S803,000.00 41.5 41 42 Ofrice/Professional 5 $301,12500 264 1 44 Page 6 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development August 2006 Monthly Report Values shown are those on which Plan Check and Building Permit fees are based. The chart includes average, minimum and maximum times. Delays in the issuance permits August result from inadequate or incomplete submittals, failure of the applicant to pick up the permit, etc.. The Permit Center has been tracking turnaround for Right of Way Permit Applications and the faxed Mechanical and Plumbing Permit Applications. At present the City responds to applications within 24 hours, typically by noon on the following day. Permits for those application types are generally issued within two days. Building: Inspections Inspections are conducted the day following the inspection request except for weekends and holidays. Code Compliance All preliminary investigations are conducted within 24 hours except those received on Friday which are investigated before the end of the next business day. Permit Center There were no surveys returned during the month of August. Page 7 of 7 S pagne 000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OValley MONTHLY REPORT August 2006 49;0 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • Street Maintenance - County Street Maintenance Interlocal New 2006 Interlocal approved by the County. In the process of bidding various maintenance activities per the new agreement. • Engineering Services Support - County Engineering Interlocal • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal • Safety Plan - Contract with CI-12M Hill , draft safety plan in review. WASTEWATER: • Wastewater Treatment - The end of January 2005 the City received from the County financial information regarding the County's sewer utility as it relates to the assumption of the County owned sewer facilities. • The Spokane River Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Collaboration process is ongoing and information is available on the web site at http://client-ross.com/sookane-river/ • Spokane River Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) is available on the UAA web site at http://www.spokaneriveruses.net/links.htm CAPITAL PROJECTS: o Valley Corridor Project Project on hold pending coordination and outcome of the Sprague/Appleway Corridor Subarea Plan. CI-12M HILL completed and submitted traffic modeling and analyses of two additional alternatives requested by the Subarea Plan Transportation Consultants. o Street Master Plan Consultant completed gathering pavement rating data on all city arterials. Team selected CarteGraph Pavement View Plus software for managing pavement rating data. Arterial pavement ratings were submitted to WSDOT per SSB 5248 legislation. Pavement rating of local access streets began in September. o Contracts for Construction Services J-U-B Engineers provided construction management and inspection services for the Dishman- Mica Rehabilitation Project. Century West is providing construction management and inspection services for the Argonne Road Overlay Project. CI-12M HILL is providing construction management and inspection services for the Broadway Avenue Overlay Project. Construction o CenterPlace Working on warranty issues and final project closeout. o Pines/Mansfield Federal funds have been released for Preliminary Engineering. The County and State are designing their respective areas of the project. The Environmental Classification Summary (ECS) was approved on August 31. The application for right of way funds will be submitted in mid-September. Property acquisition is anticipated to start in October. The project is scheduled to advertise'for bids in the sprinc' of 2007 with construction scheduled to begin in 2007. o Dishman-Mica Road Rehabilitation Project The Project is complete. o Broadway Avenue Overlay Project Federal funds have been released for Construction. Inland Asphalt began construction on June 20th. Paving is complete. The roadway has been temporarily striped to a 3-lane section between Pines and Sullivan. Permanent striping will be completed in mid-September. o Argonne Road Overlay Project Federal funds have been released for Construction. Spokane Rock Products began construction on August 21. This is a night construction project. The asphalt has been ground and traffic loop work is complete. Paving will be completed in mid-September. o Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - Tschirley to Hodges Federal-funds have been released for Preliminary Engineering. Environmental Classification Summary (ECS) has been approved. David Evans & Assoc. is working on the preliminary design. The application for right of way funds will be submitted in mid-September. Properly acquisition is anticipated to start in October. This project will advertise in early 2007. o Barker Road Project Eller Corporation began construction on April 17th. Final paving is complete. Permanent striping will be placed in mid-September. o Barker Road Bridge Project Type, Size and Location Study has been approved by WSDOT. The final design and environmental permitting contract with CH2MHILL has been approved. Permitting, property acquisition and final design will take approximately one year. CH2MHILL is preparing the Environmental Classification Summary (ECS), SEPA and cultural resources study. o Park Road Project Project Complete o Parks Road Sanitary Sewer Project Project Complete o Orchard Avenue Sanitary Sewer Project Project 98% complete - Mainline and side sewer construction is complete. Paving is complete. Punch list items remain. o Veradale Heights Sanitary Sewer Project The project was awarded to Norm's Utility Contractor. Mainline construction began June 26th. Mainline 75% complete. Paving is 25% complete o Electric RR Sanitary Sewer Project The project was awarded to Norm's Utility Contractor. Construction began in early April. Mainline and side sewer construction is complete. Paving is complete. Punch list items remain. o Vera Terrace Sanitary Sewer Project. The project was awarded to L.L. Cargile. Mainline construction began July 19th. Mainline is 70%. Paving is 35% complete. TRAFFIC: --_l The flashing-beacon speed displays were installed at Progress and University Elementary schools J prior to the first day of school. Preliminary reports from the school staff and law enforcement say that the beacons are working well to slow traffic. • JUB Engineers completed surveying locations for the second grant received from the WTSC for flashing beacons at Seth Woodard, Trentwood, and Broadway Elementary Schools. Public Works is pursuing an easement for one of the Broadway Flashers. • New timing plans were implemented on the Argonne corridor from Mission to Trent and field adjustments continued through August until the beginning of construction work. Additional adjustments will likely be made after completion of the overlay. • 17 - Construction and utility work related traffic control plans were reviewed and approved. • 32 - New citizen requests/complaints were received via phone and email. These typically involve traffic signals, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concerns, streetlight outages, requests for new streetlights, traffic count requests, and parking issues. STORMWATER: • Provided solutions to five problem drainage areas. • Mapped drainage problem areas: Chester Creek floodplain, Ridgemont area, truck town and Ponderosa neighborhood and miscellaneous areas throughout the City. 4000+ structures were updated and 870 new structures were added to the inventory. The City owns approximately 11,000 structures (6,200 of which are drywells). • Preparing street sweeping proposal for 2007 contract year. • Vactoring Services Contract - Bids were received on June 15, 2006. The contract was awarded to AAA Sweeping. Work is began in August. • Awarded landscape contract to Spokane ProCare in April 2006. • Bids for street sweeping services were requested from our Small Rosters. The contract was awarded to AAA Sweeping. The contractor swept some arterials and residential streets. The contractor will also provide a fall cleanup and periodic sweeping during the summer. • Grant agreement with the Department of Ecology was finalized. Requesting proposals from consultants to complete an inventory of outfalls. • Contracted out services with Adams & Clark for flooding/erosion solutions for the Beverly Hills project. 90% completed construction plans are currently being prepared. • Working with Spokane County and City of Spokane amending the regional stormwater manual. A final draft was sent to the Department of Ecology for review. • NPDES Phase II Permit expected to be issued December 6, 2006. The permit will be effective January 5, 2007. COUNTY MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY: City 2006 budget is $3,023,068 ($2,274,700 in the Street Fund and $748,368 in the Stormwater Fund). Through the end of August the County has billed $1,065,103 for Street Maintenance, and $546,360 for Stormwater Maintenance, these total $1,611,463 or 49% of the budgeted funds. LAND DEVELOPMENT August Activity: NEW APPLICATIONS COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS o West Coast Paper 100,000 sf Warehouse o Alterna Care 3,000 sf medical clinic o Bennett Espresso Stand 110 sf espresso stand COMMERCIAL PRE-APPLICATIONS o Pinecroft Office Warehouse 13,000 sf office & warehouse FINAL PLAT APPLICATIONS o SHP-10-05 4 lot short plat LAND USE PRE-APPLICATIONS o PRE-58-06 3 lot short plat o PRE-56-06 12 lot binding site plan o PRE-60-06 UR-3.5 to UR-7" and 14 duplex lots o PRE-61-06 4 lot short plat 0 COMBO (REZONE/SUBDIVISION) APPLICATIONS o Valley Coach Estates 20 duplex lots SHORT PLAT APPLICATIONS o SHP-21-06 3 lot short plat o SHP-29-06 4 lot short plat o SHP-30-06 3 lot short plat REZONE APPLICATIONS o REZ-21-06 UR-7 to UR-22 o REZ-23-06 UR-3.5 to UR-7" o REZ-22-06 UR-3.5 to UR-22 - Spo&Sne ,Walley Capital Improvement Projects 2005 S 2006 PROJECTS Proposed Estimated Design Construction 2005 (2006) Total Project Funding Road Construction Projects Project Location Bid Date Completion Date Complete Complete Funding Cost Tle Park Road - Project 2 8th Avenue to 2nd Avenue 7/110.5 100% 100% $ 8211,000 $ 972,000 STP(U) 16th Avenue - Project 2 Dishman-Mica Road to SR 27 5131105 100% 100% $ 1,932,000 $ 3,302,000 T18 Barker Road Reconstruction Boone Avenue to Barker Road Bridge Mar-06 10/15106 100% 90% $ 2,258,000 $ 2,258,000 STP(U) Dishman-Mica Road Rehabilitation Sprague Avenue to Appleway Avenue Mar-06 4110106 100% 100% $ 234,600 $ 234,600 STP(U) Argonne Road Overlay Indiana Avenue to Montgomery Avenue Mar-06 911106 100% 50% $ 316,600 $ 316,600 STP(U) Broadway Avenue Overlay Bates Road to Sullivan Road Mar-06 W1106 100% 90% $ 812,700 $ 812,700 Road Design Projects TIB1CrMAQ PinesNansfield Project Wilbur Rd. to Pines Rd., Pines to 191) Feb-07 12/15/06 40% 0% $ 1,032,015 $ 4,500,825 STP(U) Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Tschhley Rd. to Hodges Rd. Feb-07 10115106 70% 0% $ 609,000 S 3,197,000 BRAG Barker Road Bridge Replacement Barker Rd. at Spokane River Jan-08 12/1/09 10% 0% $ 896,101 $ 8,092,700 City Sullivan Road Extension (Bigelow Gulch) May-07 1011108 0% 0% Sower Projects Parks Road Trent to 1-90, Thierman to Park 7!1/06 100% 100% $ 1,445,000 $ 1,445,000 Orchard Avenue Spokane River to Liberty, Coleman to Vista 7/15106 100% 98% $ 2,895,000 $ 2,895,000 City Veradale Heights - Paveback Valleyway to Mission, Evergreen to Adams Mar-06 10115106 100% 25% $ 430,256 $ 430,256 City Vera Terrace - Paveback 2nd to 7th, Evergreen to Burns May-D6 10115106 100% 35% $ 341,264 $ 341,254 City Electric RR - Paveback Park to Vista, Trent to Utah Mar-06 10/15106 100% 98% $ 87,3613 $ 87,369 Planning Projects STP(U) Valley Corridor Environmental Study University to Appleway ilia Jan-06 0% 0% $ - $ - TIB Valley Couplet - Project 2 University to Evergreen Mar-07 0% 0% STA Mission Ave. Sidewalk Mullan to University n1a 0% 0% Total $ 14,110,905 $ 28,885,314 S'fP(U) - Surface Transportation Program (Urban); TIB -Transportation Improvement Board; BRAG -Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee; CDBG - Community Development Black Grant Program CA,IAQ - Congestion Management/Air Quality Program; STA - Spokane Transit Authority Aug 2006 Construction Projects SPCIRalle alley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhaU@spokanevaltey.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: September 13, 2006 Re: Monthly Report During August, fiance employees worked on the f-bllox gig projects: 2007 Budget preparation The first of three public hearings on the 2007 budget was held. The two remaining budget hearings were scheduled for October 10th and 24th. Spokane County projected a 15% increase in assessed value in the City of Spokane Valley. As they assemble the actual numbers it appears the increase will be significantly less than 15%. This could have an affect on the dollars generated for our 2007 budget and our tax rate. We will be monitoring these numbers over the next few weeks to determine the affects on the City of Spokane Valley 2007 budget. The budget process will conclude in November with the adoption of the 2007 budget. Accounting technician position tilled Amy Sienkneeht was hired to fill the Accounting Technician position. Finance has been operating shorthanded since February. Airy brings excellent public service experience to the city, gained as an employee of Farmers and Merchants Bank, just a few blocks down Sprague Avenue from city hall. We are excited about having Arny with us and expect she is going to be able to help in several areas as she becomes more familiar with city operations. Budget variance/investment reports Reports showing a comparison of revenues and expenditures, to our 2006 budget, at August 31, 2006 are attached. Staff provides information on all fiends quarterly but only on selected operating funds at the end of other months. If revenues and expenditures flowed to/from the City evenly throughout the year, we would expect both revenues acrid expenditures to show about 67% realized at August 31. Revenues and expenditures do not flow evenly throughout the year, so some distortion is present in almost every monthly report. Expenditures are beginning to approach budget limits in several funds. Finance will be monitoring these accounts to keep expenditures within our budget. Significant 2006 General Fund revenue variances, using 2005 as a base year, are: +Sales tax is up $1,200,000 +Recreation fees are up $350,000 because Center.Place is exceeding our expectations -i-Investment income is up $140,000 (nnore cash on hand and increased interest rates) +Planning/Building fees are down $373,000 but in line with 2006 budget projections The investment report is also attached for your review. Additional office space The city acquired additional office space in a building west of city hall for use as a permit center. Electrical and information systems are being upgraded to house approximately 18 employees. f,--- City of Spokane Valley Selected Operating FLlndS Budget Variance Report Year to Date at August 31. 2006 Amended Budget Augusl YTt3 Unrealized Percent 2006 R YQmj,es Revenues Revenue General Fund Ravenuas' Unrestricled Fund Balance....,.. $ 1,022,575 $ s - 5 1,022,575 0.00% Property Tax 9,291,004 36.317 4,372,936 3,908.070 52,8190 Sales Tax 16.800.000 1,754,.368 10,574,541 6.225.459 02.94 Gambling Tax 910,000 196,719 462,496 447,902 54.78 2 L,eascholdExcise Tax 2,500 2,206 4,426 (1,928) 177.12 Franchise FeesfBusiness Licena2s 681,754 198,834 416,624 263,126 61.40 2 State Shared Rewenue5 1,121,004 503 5151.60 559,435 54.10 Planning $Euilding Fees 1.685.006 248,013 1,307,410 377.590 77.59 Fares and Forfeitures 1,250,004 93,857 794,187 459,803 G3.22 Recreation Program Fees 385,516 80.596 594,449 (119,933) i34.85 8 InVesilnpnE Iriferasl 231.304 27,372 p6a,996 (37.690) 116,29 4 Operating Transfers 40,004 - 21).D04) 20,000 54.00 3 General Fund $ 32,410,641 $ 2.638.783 g 19,ZE35,232 13.125,409 59.so0/a Other Fund RiSvenuas ireet Fwd $ 4,166,856 $ 276,491 s 2,371,9136 $ 1,794,956 56,0296 f` FlotelMotel Fund 400.667 61,116 225,966 174,767 55.38 Siormw~LtcwFu,id 1,621,534 22,492 $94,399 737,135 54.54. 1 OtharFunds $ 6.189,057 $ 350,099 5 34d2199 $ 2,706.858 56.26% Amended Budgel August YTD Urtre.01i2ed Percent 2006 Exyenditri Qperidi ures Expenditures Realized GaneraI Fund Expenditures, Legislative Branch $ 304,267 $ 9,431 $ 143,137 $ 161,130 47,04% EaeCLII.1Ue & Legislative Suppoit 470,105 35.150 253,951 216,154 54.02 >'u841c Safeiy 1791739541 659686 10,299,304 6,884,177 59.91 Operalians & Administrative Svcs 1.4619170 106,565 967,669 593,502 59.38 Public Works 980,192 83,955 576,114 404,082 58.78 Pranning & Community Dev. 2,2313,700 2329251 1.141.746 1,094,954 51905 Library 5enices - 152,597 ($2,97) - Faris & RecrealEaa 1.854.666 222,387 1,042,791 8119875 56.23 General Gawemment 7,930,000 88,726 4,1555,018 3,274,9$2 59.70 5 $ 32 416.641 $ 843.151 $ 18,032,392 5 13,378,259 58.72% i Other Fund Expenditures= 5treei Fund $ 4,165,856 $ 326,148 $ 1,526,698 2.640,158 36.64% 7 Hofelor4loiei rund 406,667 34,561 133.233 261,434 34.75 6 Stormtiwaler Fund 1 621 534 143,738 742,818 878.716 45.81 7 6,199,D57 $ 498,337 2 408 749 S 3,780,303 39,9204 4l1ARD06 9:5-0 AM City of Spokane Valley Investment Report For the Month August 2006 Total LGIP` F&M MM Investments Beginning $ 27,078,277.76 5 1,543,636.52 $ 28,621,914.28 Deposits 1,978,293.43 - 1,978,293.43 Withdrawls (2,500,000.00) - (2,500,000.00) Interest 117,379.35 5,650.23 123,029.58 Ending $ 26,673,950.54 $ 1,549,286.75 $ 28,223,237.29 Balances by Fund General Fund 8 5,745,133.00 Street Fund 4,762,804.52 Arterial Street 886,446.18 Paths & Trails 16,032.08 HotellMotel 338,349.38 Center Place Op 315,840.46 Service Level Stab. 4,541,560.57 Winter Weather Res. 523,744.47 Capital Projects 2,606,413.53 Spec. Capital Proj. 2,922,735.43 Street Capital Proj. 190,667.42 Mirabeau Point Proj. 389,001.34 Street Bond Proj. 1,040,797.77 Parks Capital Proj. 951,343.98 Civic Bldg. Cap. Proj. 828,266.69 Stormwater Mgmt. 1,360,046.99 Equipment Rental 781,591.69 Risk Management 22,461.79 $ 28,223,237.29 `Local Government Investment Pool FOOTNOTES Note: 1 Revenue from property taxes is received in May and November 2 Received quarterly 3 Internal transfer is made twice/year. 4 City estimate was too low 5 70% of this budget is reserves. Emergency use only 6 Requests for reimbursement are light in early months 7 CenterPlace fees are increasing 8 Second half yr generates most revenue ~"1 MEMO TO: Dave Mercier, City Manager FROM: Cal Walker, Chief of Police George Wigen, Administrative Sergeant DATE: September 18, 2006 RE: Monthly Report August 2006 Attached is the activity report for August 2006 for the Spokane Valley Police Department. Computer-aided dispatch (CA.D) incidents totaled 5,247. These are self-initiated officer contacts, as well as calls for service. Out of those incidents, 1,579 actual reports were taken during the month of August. Attached is the breakdown describing those incidents. Additionally, there were 1,456 traffic stops conducted that resulted in 298 traffic reports. Included are the hotspot maps for August residential burglaries, August commercial burglaries and August traffic collisions, along with Jul}, & August stolen vehicles. ADMEN] :STRATTVE: o Along with other City of Spokane Valley Staff. Chief Walker participated in a walk- through of the Walker Reserve Center. o The Chief spoke with residents of Holman Gardens retirement home reference 1D theft, _ .J crime prevention tactics, safety, etc. o A post-event meeting was held reference the Orange County Choppers at the fairgrounds to discuss future changes and expectations of law enforcement involvement for this type of event. o Chief Walker also attended the following: • Annual meeting of Partners in Crime Prevention. • Reverse 9-1-1 meeting. • Jail Presentation to the BOCC. • Community, Counseling, Correctional Services, Inc. (CCCS) presentation/meeting at the downtown Spokane Library, along with Nina Regor, Rich Munson and others. COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING: ' o The 23~d annual National Night Out was held August 1. The Spokane County Sheriff's Office, Spokane Valley Police and other local law enforcement agencies invited area residents to give crime a. "Nei glib orhood Going-Away Party." National Night Out is Page 1 designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support and participation in local anti-crime measures, and strengthen neighborhood spirit and law enforcement-community relationships. Most importantly, it sends a message to criminals that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. The Spokane Valley had 51 parties registered, and Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Diana Somerville reports that those who completed evaluations showed a very positive response. Squeaky's Car NN+ash, located at 9219 E. Sprague in the Spokane Valley, held its 2nd annual community SCOPE fundraiser on Aug. 5. During this event, 250 cars were washed and a total donation of 52,314.57 was received by SCOPE. Also, SCOPE. gave away 53 sport helmets and 6 booster seats. Also on site was Operation Family ID (see article below), the sheriff's K-9 unit, Bicycle Patrol deputies, the Sheriffs Incident Response Team and Neighborhood Watch representatives. ♦ As the result of a fundraiser at Ron's Drive In on Sprague, $300.00 was donated towards new carpeting for the University SCOPE station. ♦ August was an active month for Operation Family ID, manned by SCOPE volunteers. A total of 62 children were served at the two Fundraisers mentioned above, and at the Fairchild AFB Air Days, 250 children were served. At this time 1,576 children have been served by OFID, and the group plans to be available at eight events in September, including the Fair and Valleyfest. ♦ The Spokane Valley Police Department was represented at Unity in the Community by Detective Craig Chamberlain. ♦ Chief Walker attended an RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) "Volunteers Make the World Go Round" luncheon. Nancy Secrist, a SCOPE volunteer who is well known at the Spokane Valley Police Department; was the recipient of the Distinguished Senior in Safety award, and Chief Walker was honored to make the presentation of the award to Nancy Secrist. OPERATIONS: ♦ Valley Drug Dealer Arrested Spokane Valley drug detectives raided a Spokane Valley apartment and arrested a man from whom they had made undercover marijuana purchases. Andrew N. Krieger, 21, was booked into the Spokane County Jail on felony counts of Delivery of a Controlled Substance and Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver. Detectives found an ounce of marijuana, scales and related paraphernalia when they raided his home on E. Eighth. A spokesman for the Spokane Valley / Sheriff Investigative Support Unit said additional charges against Krieger were likely as the investigation continues. ♦ Sa-,,N-y Scrap Dealer Thwarts Thieves A. pair of thieves was disappointed when the metal dealer they picked not only recognized their aluminum as being stolen, but recognized the female hal f of the team from a mug shot _ left at the business by detectives. Employees of the business took photos of the suspects' truck before it could get away and then provided same to law enforcement. Page 2 The event began when an employee of Action Recycling; 2622 N. Woodruff arrived at the business and found a gray Ford F-150 waiting- out front with about 350 pounds of/2-inch by '/2-inch aluminum louvers in its bed. The employee recognized the female passenger from a sheriff's office mugshot, and noted that the driver was a white male in his 40's, 6'01" tall with long gray hair. The employee also recognized the aluminum as having come from Ecolite Manufacturing, 9919 E. Montgomery. The company makes a unique aluminum egg crate fi-om the aluminum louvers, the only one of its type in the world. As employees snapped photos of the Ford pickup, the suspects drove off in a hurry. An employee for Ecolite said the aluminum was waiting to be scrapped by that company and was probably worth about $200. The Washington license plate on the suspects' pickup belongs to a Vancouver, Washington resident. Investigation into the matter was continuing. ♦ Drinking Party Sent Pair To Hospital Two Spokane Valley 18-year-olds were each hospitalized with stab wounds after an arguument broke out at an tuiderage drinking party at a home on Last Springfield. Officers were called to the home about 3:30 a.m. and learned that one of the 18-year-old stabbing victims lived at that address. They found his parents in the backyard and it became apparent that all had been drinking. The second stabbed teen was located at his home on East Seventeenth. He had been stabbed twice in the stomach. Both were taken to a downtown hospital. Officers who conducted the early investigation said that the altercation apparently broke out over one of the teens having to pay for everyone's food at a fast food business as well asfurnishing the beer. Those officers found one of the knives believed used in the stabbing in the street, and they also collected three metal throwing stars. o Woman Booked In Murder Attempt A 52-year-old Spokane Valley woman surrendered to Spokane Valley detectives and was booked into the Spokane County Jail on a felony count of First Degree Assault for the July 22 shooting of her husband. Roberta Maye Long is accused of shooting her husband of 25 years in the left side following an argument. The bullet traveled across his back, nicked his spine and exited his right side. The victim said he fell to the floor and saw Roberta shoot herself under her chin. It was the husband who called 9-1-1 to report the shooting. Spokane Valley police arrived to find Roberta injured from gunshot Nwounds to her head in the attempted murder/suicide. Both victims were transported to a downtown hospital, and the husband was later flovNgi to a hospital in Seattle. Roberta Long is being held on a First Degree Assault charge that carries a $25,000 cash-only bail. SCOO`1'ERS AND BIKES: e On August 24 an auto / pedal bike collision occurred at 13100 E Sprague. There were minor injuries to the bike rider, who was wearing a helmet. The bike was on the sidewalk traveling against the now of traffic. The motorist's view was obstructed by large bushes and shrubs. Page 3 2006 AUGUST CRIME REPORT Aug-06 Aug-05 2006 to date 2005 to date 2005 Total 2004 Total BURGLARY 84 60 466 519 744 997 FORGERY 31 48 233 319 464 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 131 93 765 630 904 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL 64 64 517 495 749 916 PROPERTY OTHER 86 87 658 813 1,154 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES 56 17 244 209 333 390 STOLEN VEHICLES 71 44 428 341 603 577 THEFT 165 212 1,202 1,519 2,256 2,853 L 1108C 1 1 4 5 8 10, VEHICLE OTHER 0 0 3 5 5 40 VEHICLE PROWLING 113 89 598 618 958 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CRIMES 802 715 5,118 5,473 8,178 10,519 ASSAULT 68 84 575 588 894 880 DOA/SUICIDE 13 10 118 102 159 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 63 62 451 557 762 755 HOMICIDE 0 0 4 0 1 5 KIDNAP 3 2 18 27 35 24 MENTAL 44 44 298 302 425 386 MP 10 4 60 59 97 106 PERSONS OTHER 113 97 756 863 1,256 1,624 ROBBERY 5 5 33 34 56 58 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 9 7 55 74 92 190 TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES 328 315 2,368 2,616 3,777 4,192 ADULT RAPE 3 5 19 26 39 37 CHILD ABUSE 8 9 52 72 101 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE 10 8 79 56 88 205 SEX REGISTRATION F 0 0 2 3 6 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES 0 1 11 6 9 21 CHILD MOLESTATION 7 4 45 45 67 77 CHILD RAPE 6 3 42 27 35 30 RUNAWAY 23 22 210 219 311, 437 SEX OTHER 25 13 138 125 181 162 STALKING 1 11 14 23 27 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 18 19 129 184 244 341 TOTAL SEX CRIMES 101 95 741 786 1,108 1,475 DRUG 50 68, 440 569 891 999 ISU OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 1 TOTAL ISU 50 68 440 569 891 1,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 298 183 2,139 .1,462 2,403 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVED 1,579 11376 10,806 10,906 16,357, 19,962 _ X - Red 001. r 4 .r 7 ju San-- -I 2 c t I - 1 $ ~i y,~iasloy " ` 5pnng5 a t I m I Forth 4' I °4 T~ I = - EMIld y (u~ ri~~ _ T ~I~aDat~u -1 c 1 r I e _ ac T - i. -t albr - U, •S~ 3 Fr etlck i~$ It lAt: ; GAIT M ttltti_ s r 1 r: :.s• -tal n Nors K A ~11 J~ O~ I S" t' t Ir,>fWB _NO 4 I as s C ' 1O1.~- L 1 f+p s ' . 46 A sA 1.1'8810x1 - -J L^ -1 ` _ RA,;sI,)n { - t'~ ' >Ai. ° » n he O~ml i ~ _ ~ckl Coo Getep - „ r ~rT~' a ' { r+ i' {?7 , 1,111 t~' t rr4T1 wt3`~ i - 1- I- 'VS r t' o~ Brand" ~ A .1 _ = ~-}j Vdlt 7nW ;irn- 1~~attide n• a _ ,5 eft _ t c 7dgi :u~ frd rJ sn. I - - Sri +i a ~rd =r- s` - - ~ilFi 1 81h Sllh• -t7 y 7iL -J to S~ ~rlllti [,r:1 c~ ~Ntn by n _ t r t~ -1iII77-+ t},j I xIS~1 tF.~ ! ~r _ 1~ a -rt L 7 16th c 1, it 181h 7'-' 2rjih !2 - AJ _ - - -1 S1 st J.~i - .4 m ..1h1 391s, :49d, kith - 1 ' f ? ; 41jth ' erg- Ae11o Ton Trtdtic L7 4411ri 9 ' ~ OflS `--T t S gj -j dT;_ i 3 i o S J Woje tfi9 I aE}Ih + no !b Jr eMediurtl Low IL L s .~i !~i71•E'rll~.(31ti• . 7 ~ '.-l IMOtSBF~l~17.- C3, IIIIIIIIIIIIIHlgh 2006 August Traffic Collision Hotspots MapPrvduted i35ciptrrttober21700 i Jo „l` _F`v~i,.a an5~d CrgWrt c o 118tW~ i~ --1 S T D ca Prin f 1 SPnn9s Z t - - _ Ri~fl Im [ mli - .,n 9 13 10 Lars c ICnar~d _ r I~~= Kee aft I15,14 m EuCltd I - jy y I~irnbe8u I Eu Ild ` gy p, 1~ + oo e Gr 7 c f prick + M lCal ~bN ti'11= _ ~ ~ -J{{.Q}~~, . elf ~ ~ - : ~ - • •,~I ~ ..Q„„x 38 n 1 't irlic7 ~M Nara 1¢' T. - T(no>< ,lion IL nd►e ,Q (r t ro Hilt ^ J> d r - - I { a•~ { Mtssron , _ Mi35►o~.~• I ~I I ~.~P ~tJat_~ ~ 3i ~rx,tfS - ~ - - Sharp Y Irn + Br0:1d Air, _ Y r. 9 1'.~- } ~ = ~:Z- ~~~nii;~,~-• ;~rt~ _ ~ :fir,( .v~dn mf r " I ?r r, I jL 16 } 4I}{ }i _ ~ y„ yl.a- --a a~ - •3 5tty ~ ~ ~tl~ -y ~-1b~'t-'~ ~ W I 8 ~~L ~ 'nj a ,.r. , " - _ per` at , Wh _ y MLL 14 tt i _ _r .L 11 l"~ i~e'~~► L 4~ 7 [11' IS fr4+ 1~7 rj - 1 41r, rr r `7 Pr1[[ th 1t ~ _~i Ll i- l r lltt 1S~h l j c L _I L- t 1 1_I r.• ,a i n , - r r \ 113th -04 c 1&j JoanvF ;C44_ ?'/n • ~ ~ - ^ •r` •~~th\ I p ~ I 1 r ~O~ ~ I ~ n ' Ala 9 25th Ztti ° i_•,I o ~I, 35th 1nl l j 19 - _ 3151 T ' ` g y ~ 3ym l :I 39 40th. 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I161fi ~ ~ ~ ~ - 1 ' mot. rat .4 I•'•a~ l 4 ~ r L I _I e 12 - Jenne uwf I I ; ~ASy ; t~nl I l[1~- tTV 2JIh 31M r , -14 vox 39 i . 1 10 m 19 r• Z RosiftnUal 88I iii-~~`-- y},; i" , " ` 3'aam eurgiay IAA = td is 13 44m dlhfi I w~ 4Q1 I ! Q 5tt 1 t' - nric 1 E - M Low t~ ~ ~ woo ~ I c 27 } 9 r Lt 5 =Medium nn,~ 4'rsr~ 't Mnnawr4:_--- a =High •~p+ ' 2006 August Residential Burglary Hotspots McDProduoed 13SeQ1meber2008:+ ce -list :a ~ ~r'., ~ _ I ,.:Growfi ~ ate ! - - tom f 2 I 1 4 Q (_I tiltY,_!~!'r ley T a } - _ I ~LatYOS rat -I _ I3 f+ t ~ryErhy °~n d C r~ ~t S I a_t-.' - Efuctiol 1 Chi 's _ Gov r rifab~U I E I,d 1y1.,[r, 1 Burke a - . J~titl I t nn x ~.F r Ufttii I I =rSiva; I~CIr~ rl ~I' ,rC _ I I 1L~ _1 % 1 ; ^ I-; { ~ te ro 1 1a dra ~ non, Andtant!r r Indic - - ! 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