2006, 10-03 Study Session
Tucsday,Octuber 3, 2006 6:00 p.m.
11707 East Sprnguc Avenue, Vint Floor
(Please Turn Oft All Electronic Devices During the Meeting)
1. Robin Coth, Economic Development Regional Sitc St:6--f or Ui!wussionJPrewnwion
Council Funding and Comtnunit%
Projects Director (30 minutes)
Neil Ketsten (1 S mintutcs) Amendment to JLM Contrtict for Street Discussiowltiforniation
tvhsterPlan for Street Nvelopment Standards
3. ML-Yrgan Koudelka (i 5 minutes) Right-.)f-wAy Pennit Process Update Discumion/Infartnution
4. Cal Walker (IS minutes) Police Ernphasi` Ama.% Report Iii ,cus ir_m 1uf~+rntnlion
'i. Nlawr W11161r I;` tnin►ttL-to 2%11vancr Asrnda Addiboti-, t)i~cts~it•n tnfxtnatim i
6. \fiyor Wilhitc COWICII Check in l)i;cutisir.tt'tnlnrtttattmtt
"I t`llm Rcs-,f C tIN- ianalr-rCommcnLS ()i:ti~t+~i~+►vtnlctnnat.i~n
Information Items-.
Note: Unkas othcrwivv acted above, there wiU be no public cumatrata at Council Study Scnsionr. Flowerer, Council always reerves
the ri%M to rsqunt ht(wmsttott Groat the public and tuff is aptrmdate.
NI:Yfl M Indiv3dnslt planning is an-td tie meet,os 010 rcquiit sperisi maistatoe to smamr dttc pbsstML beininiL ar 00cr mgKtrtv=g]I Pk= ea xv
'tic Crrv Oat et f V V I W 1 • I W a timm an Ixn, ible to thst t mwipetnrnts nut be made
8. Initiative 933
9 Momingside Vistas Mitigation Agreement
>I a ru r emu aprague Avenue, rnu roor
(Please Turn OR All Electronic Devices During the Meeting)
I. Rabin roth. E:conmic Develomcni Regtnnal Site Sclcctor C1i,cu~;ntin'I'rc>ent ti~tn
Council Funding and Communir~.
Protects Dirctitor (3(1 rninutc-)
Neil Kerstcn (1> rninutt•.) Arnutdment to 111[; C oinnici tOr Strt ct hi;eu;;it>n'Infi,nnatir•n
MssterPlan for Street
3. klorgan Koudelka (15 minute;) R4!hi-sit-N%a% 11Crmlt Proceti; t'pdate Discussinn,lnfurmatic,n
-1 (al Walkcr( 1; minutes) 1'14ice Emplla-.i-, Areas Repots Discus son/lnlurntatum
\tav<tr V► ilhitr I~ rninutr-st •Nd%ancc ALenda .Additi0ns I)t,t~rssi,m`Int~trni~rti~m
6. %laNor Wilhite Council check in 1)rscusinru'lntannuti~m
Nina Regor City Manager Comments Discussionilnformation
Information Items:
S. Initiati4c 933
9. Mornin6nidc Vista-,; Mitigation Agreement
Nofe: Unless otherwise noted above, there will be no public comments at Council Study Sossion+. liowr er. Council alwsys reserves
ilia right to request Information from the public and staff as appropriate;
NOTICE Individuals planning to attend the mooting wtur require spatial rAtmaxx to aw mrtx)duc physical, bearing, or ohn impairments, plebe ow"aa
Ilk City Clerk at i 5(m g? I - t ow m moron ru passible so that artmgcmcnts may tv mxlr
tudv :ic:.:,.n .4t cn 16-441cs 3. `1W, 1'a [ 1 ui 1
Area EDC
A GI5-based regional economic development web-site has been under discussion for a
number of years within aar community. Called "Site Selector", this tool would place
real-estate listings on a web-based interactive map to allow potential commercial
investors to research sites in relation to local competitors, land use ordinances, etc.
Implementing the Site Selector is one of the key inidatives that will differentiate our
region from others across the country and even the world. Over 980l0 of national site
selectors use the Internet to start their property searches for expansion or relocation
"Pining buildings and sites on an economic development webske is no longer
enough. Every [ovation in the nation has property to promote, but expanding and
relocating businesses do not move somewhere just because there is available
property. They locate in places where there are unique opportunities and
advantages. Arlington i ites takes business aRraCtiOr6 to the next level by
providing online IS site-selection analysis tools to promote Arlington."
Craig Richard, Senior VP, Economic Dove Iopmont, Arlington Charnbar of Conn mDree
While there are local websites that market the Spokane region, including the EDC's, they
are missing a critical component, which is the relationship between potential
development sites and regional geography. A Site Selector website provides not only
property information, but relates demographic statistics that are specific to individual
properties, as well as industry information. With aver-increasing use of the internet and
people expecting to find these types of resources in a community, this becomes critical
to differentiate Spokane in the global economy when a are competing not just with
Boise, Colorado Springs and Bend, Oregon, but also with China and Ireland.
IS Planning, the selected vendor to design and develop Spokane's Regional Site
Selector website, is WeII-regarded in the econvrnic development community and has
built sites for over 100 public, private, and non-profit clients ranging from the largest
metropolitan cities to small rural communities, heir technology is already implemented
in 28 states and serves the majority of the 50 largest cities in the USA. Please visit their
website at www.gisplanning.com for more information.
I * '
The Regional Site Selector website project is currently sponsored by consortium partners
City of Spokane, Spokane County, Washington State University, Avista, Spokane Area
EDC and the City of Liberty Lake. Allocations for cost are based on population counts
for municipal partners and set figures for private partners. Costs for the founding
partners are outlined below:
Table .f. Public Sector Shares Based on I Apr 2005 WA FM Estimates
Year Spokane City of City of Private Yearly
County Spokane Liberty Sector Project
Lake Totals
Year 1 $39,545.90 $58,053.27 $1,31 .8 10,000.00 $108,906.01
Year 2 $33,922.00 $49,799.12 $1,137.88 $10,000.00 $94,851.00
Year 3 33,922.00 $49,799.12- G1,137.88 10,000.00 94,851.00
We are looking forward to meeting with the elected officials for the City of Spokane
Valley on Tuesday October 3 to demonstrate the Site Selector technology and to answer
any questions you have about your potential participation in this project. Below is the
cost calculation to add the City of Spokane Malley to the founding partner group for the
Site Selector project. The cost calculation is based an Washington State Office of
Financial Management's April 2005 population estimate for the City of Spokane Valley,
Inclusion of the City of Spokane Malley
In Cost calculations for Spokane Regional Site Selector
4la of Site
OFM 2005 Selector Site Selector
Population Participant Participant
Site Selector Participant Estimates Population Contribution
Spokane Coon 12X 121,848 29.660lo 29,336-32
Liberty Lake 5,255 1.28°/o 1,265.20
Q of Spokane 198 700 48.37% 474839.34
cs of Spokane Valle 85,010 20.690l0 20,467.15
410,8 3 100.0011/0 $ 98,908.01
Private Sector Contribution 10 000.00
Total Site Selector Bud et 108,908.01
Spokane p re
Site Selector Participants
r I
:vista Corporation e
Spokane County
tSpokaiie.A.re,d T 1 IF
UtvLlo gent Council
,t tWashin y
City, of Liberty Lake
. Id
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ZA -4
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Request for Council Action
Meeting Date: October 3, 2006 City Manager Sign-off:
Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business Q public hearing
❑information X❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation
AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Amendment to JUB Contract for Street Master Plan for Street and
Utility Codes Standards Revisions
PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council received informational memos on July 11 and
July 25 regarding the Uniform Development Code (UDC) schedule and public participation.
This item was also included as an Information Only item on the Council's September 26, 2006
BACKGROUND: Council has received two informational memos from the Community
Development Director regarding the update of the Uniform Development Code (UDC). As part
of this process we will also update the existing Spokane County Road and Sewer Construction
Standards. Title 20, Subdivision Regulations, will include reference to the new Spokane Valley
Street and Utility Construction Standards. The County's existing 185 page document will
require extensive revision to meet the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan and to update
the standards from a rural county road system to that of the City of Spokane Valley. City staff
do not have the capacity to complete a project of this size in addition to existing responsibilities.
We are proposing to accomplish this task with a contract amendment to JUB Engineers who are
currently in the process of developing our street master plan. Attached is a draft proposal and
scope of work for your review.
Due to the UDC's aggressive timeline, the informational memo served as the first touch for this
proposal. This item is currently scheduled for a motion consideration for October 10, 2006.
BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed contract amount is $135,121. Although this
work was not included in the 2006 budget we anticipate that we can fund $ 90,000 from the
General Fund resulting from an additional $100,000 in development related fees and $45,000
from the Street Fund as a result of additional interest earnings.
ATTACHMENTS JUB Street Standards Fees
-J:-,g .,ENGINE_ERS Iris..
• t bV.:-422 Rlvi?rsiCri Suitc,722
SPokane, .KA
_509-458 ;372':
~ . - . ' : - ' _ . , - - - • • •E'ax:.5Q9-45B;37.E'~ ' -
.Au~uS>i 23,200f~ y: :y<r-M%.iuD•cbrn
:John Hohman'
r _ enior Enainezr:- Development• ' - -
City *of Spokane Valley . . '
11707E Sprague Qve..;Suite'1Ob
Sp.dkane Valley; 1'JA 9.9206
RERoad and Utility Construction' Standards 'Document Creation -:Revised .Proposal -
+ r
J- L1-B'i's:excited to proPpse~-dn•.thsnterestinQ:and c~iatlenging:updateraid cr'eafian.-Lof -thb• City-
of. Spokane Valley standards-ro:r road ®nd utility:constructi.on:. INe.undzrstand: the.:: - ,
;:considerable devetopment.pressure--you are''seeina,yromtihe pri vate:and_,public..sectpr-_in;orde_r'
:'to better deli' eatz-.and updateahe:existitig ro.ad:staindardThe•atfkM`-:detai-,led.scope of
services•and•fee sp'reatlsl eetAncludesaask=iteriis' n tikte:original•exi ling standa7dsdocument
= as.. yell as •speciAt' items you: have., expr'.essed_ ari ihterest Tn.- Here ark somefits _of•bur':
: • : .Our scope includes all .bull'eted'items:below., plus;: afanimum;:'digital.cr.Eation af='.
existing teict-•and.details:~tfiat•i"s useful'in:the existi.n~.documents0urioal:is'to .
rovide-.you''w th.A.totally'. d ital',doi:ument.tfiat e rg`be'updated~antl:'reVi~ed:And'
shared •'aith"the.public.in.eit'her,• hard..cdpy-for m. or City'or the Valley.:web-fused Toi. n. , • r.
.-D:rawings';we':c~eate will,lie in`the Auto CAD foi'm'while:other'form_ . sGch as:•P:DF- i.les
ma 'be:used'for'e)cistin~:uriclianged :de't'ails,
:ICe. elements .of~our'proposal include..new:street.secti'ons°drafte'Aut -CAD.:1!Je'-v~~ill
ti+ork with }dour department 'of:_public .works:sta'ff to ulidate ;and-draft ttree't se tions-_ S
for various service levels `required.:
:With regards to staridard•de.t,ails.tiiat:you-are.c omfortablew,~ith;that already exi~,ti:.in:•'
the Spokane County`road standards. document, v e ,M(1 work Vritli t h e:Spokane: County. .
to ~ain':pern iss onto reuse;those..e0ib bits- -an_d:keepahe draftin~:po~`Eion.of this.w.ork':` .
effortefificient:and=as°minimal'as',Possible: - a
- We will work withint-en'sity:on yourjmprovemeijt ,of-the:rural'r-Qad_ sf'andards
un'der'standahat'a comfion .concern that:you,h ar`•is what.,fhey `are ambi, uous and leave`
too'roucEi'•to the.di'scr ti'on-of the•Spokane.County engineer.' Our inte.nt`in is: "ea,,
tivillbe to create-for.your...view ari,d:eornni ent.:c Ee .r.tao:les `and gtappsacid texf_that
reducethe'corifyu5ion.for'tFie.pub(ic:or`privAte. •s'ector'projects°th'at•are:comin'to:the
• "City..of'Sp'oldfikValleji.
a 1V~ understand ghat:ap'proacli:details; for:exairn*ple, a,&ngt ciearand per taps ca'n'be
simplified`and=coarinafed:irito='a Ceducecf C~u iber: of.:`sheets:eXpressir~g. the rnature:'' .
:~'Je understandahat you tivould like'discii'ssions'abgutw~hat. others'coriimunities'do.for
Road.Siaridarcl Letter 5=23=0:dac : ' - + L _
`,seers: Sey laainers _
-understand that ypu-want tb-,;,Fork v;itli us'artd' haye,:us refine.roads_and:utj.lities
" sections-_oi the road standards. 'e understand'thai the stoV~ater:drainage
,gi!i.delines•are in-your. regional document'that titi'e might discuss~ti~thyo, Applicafion',•
of dainae code has'impact ori=of=.this; doeumeriti.:' With:.regards'to=utilitie's;.we 5.: : .
understahd•.you have. adopted the'W_ ashington=State-Departmi7it:of.Transportati on, and
American' Public EAlo'rks Association standard specincations. 1'Je'.will work to link:.both' .
:those documents to text.in 'tliis docurni nt.
Vje understand-you want us-to create.and`help'you'draft a traffic4 pactssettior f6r.*. ;
developi-nent-im'pact fo your traffic'systelim.; s:a'sufatask in'traffic-impaets-we:wil[
need to:d.ive into•access.issue5;with -y'6v.and help to'develop:better standards.and'. _
'clznty. ,.You want to [ink the:[and-platting guidelines witih-`•thisroad standardds.
' docunient'so that •the:private seciror understands exactly: v~'hat'your .access. goals area.
.going`to be. This•will. Mm' . e[p you. obtain'ris hi: away where:and hen- you treed it:,. ~ -
you want:to.clearly explain.riph -of-way needs to:peoOLe.'br nging,deve~op;ment.to the
City of Spokane ValCey:,
ion that you '
':';-1Ne:under staiid'i;hatacaffe calming`guidplines a"re an important :tasksect
wWld-like to.&velopthe road- sti_nda`rk.*. NV6-vll ex ress.traffic calming•options;toy'
- " -.you:-and :Work vyIth you o=tl e creation •of•text and/'or_details that?help you convey.'.:.: '
' ' • = exam es*
"o', knother example item under this subtask would.be.clanfi 'ation or-street''
•sjgnage such as.stop signs and':where and NN en they .can 6e applied,'ano';. -
_ underwh'afi{onditpns:- Y'
1!i'e 6nder3tand and have:comniittied.to pfOpari ht.for•'and ~.h•elping-you-facihtate three : j
::public meetings that-would''ihcdude:the•stakeholders;from:all`sectors._ Thesubt_as
Jere V;ould be°a presentation to the,council tlie.result's:Qf. zhose`meetir}as; -Our'overall:'.
:schedule would be to'have a'draft road. stand'ards'docurrient.prepare.'d-by the end.,of y.
2006.tOr,yd6r reYieN1.- M3ny'other' ~tirork iterris.4re included on,t iie',attachetl=task and
` i,fee'nrdpb al~.- W6.l6ok:to .you', W- of ance ow.any topics "tire:;may, have viissed or man
Hour eiforEs.belovd or, above;y0 r. expectations. ' '
;11JeAivould trulY~ • en •oY. ' Hrorking' on- this; project. Th6 .goal will he- a: clear :road `and, utif ity,
standards document that ericoui-ages successful cooperation between the City of.Sppkane _
Valley'a_p. the public you serve:. :
J-U='B';ENGIN.L RS, Inc.
avid. lrev~er.; .E.
=Area 1y4anager e
The City's objective in this Agreement is to obtain consulting engineering services for
creation of an. improved Road and Utility Construction Standards Document.
This project \gill create a Road and Utility Construction Standards Manual that*
represents the goals and guidelines of the related.future development of the City of
Spokane Valley. The projectwill include creating a completely digital document for use
in electronic communication formats.
The Consultant shall facilitate a kick-off meeting between the City of Spokane Valley .
and the Consultant team. This meeting. will be to review project road and utility
construction standards document goals and concerns of the City as well as any and all
other details and/or concepts that are pertinent to the City receiving a.succe'ssful
project. The City shall provide Consultant with its most comprehensive History of
"project example situations" wherein outdated;or ambiguous standards were less than
effective in dealing with the public.
1.00 General Considerations'
The Consultant shall draft this section for review-and approval of the City of Spokane
Valley Public Works Department (PWD).
1.01 Applicability
The Consultant shall draft this section of the new standards document for review and
approval by'the City.of Spokane Valley- PWD.
1.02 Definitions
The Consultant shall draft this section of definitions for review and approval by'the City
of Spokane Valley PWD.
1.03 Responsibility To Provide
The Consultant shall draft this section of responsibility to provide for review and
approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
F:\Projectst9\PROPOSAL12006\.Spc ane Vall y, City of, Road Et Utility Construction Standard Book\ROAD STANDARDS SCOPE DF-
1.04 References
The Consultant shall review current applicable source codes and redraft this section for
review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley P-WD.
1.06 State Specifications and Plans Concurrency (WSDOTIAPWA)
The Consultant shall review current applicable related agency manuals and redraft this
section for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
1.07 Nori-Conforming Private Road'
The Consultant shall draft this section.of the Non-Conforming Private Road guidelines
for review.and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
1.08 Deviations and Review of Decision
The Consultant shall draft this section of Deviation and Review of Decision for review
and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
or ~
1.10 Cornpiiance Review
The Consultant shall draft this section for a Compliance Review procedure supported by
the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
1.11 Roadway Types
The Consultant shall develop types and widths details for the City of Spokane Valley
future street sections. This includes computer-aided drafting when required. It is
assumed by Consultant that.n-iost-if not all of existing Spokane County computer drafted
details will be shared digitally at little or no cost with City of Spokane Valley and
1.12 Roadway. Classifications
The Consultant shall define Roadway Classifications consistent with the goals of the
City of Spokane Valley.
1:13 Half Street
The Consultant shall draft a Half Street policy in accordance with the goals of the City of
Spokane Valley PWD.
F:1Projects191PROPOSAL120051SPokane Valley, City af, Road Q Ut lity Construction Standard Eoo,k\ROAD STANDARDS SCOPE 0
1.14 Primitive Roads
The Consultant shall draft a Primitive Roads policy definition per the goals of the City if
Spokane Valley PWD.
1.16 Road Names
The Consultant shall draft this section defining the City of Spokane Valley's PWD
approach to the naming of roads.
1.20 Levels of Service
The Consultant shall draft this section defining Levels of Service definition nor review
and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
1:30 Traffic Studieslimpacts
The Consultant shall develop a section that clearly defines when and how traffic stu' dies
are required for development for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley.
1.40 Severabifity
The Consultant shall draft this section defining Severability for review and approval by
the City'of Spokane Valley PWD.
1.50 Reproduction
The Consultant shall provide document reproduction.
2.00 Road Types and Geometric Features
The Consultant shall draft this section defining Road Types and-Geometric Features for
review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
3.00 New Construction Design Standards
The Consultant shall draft this section of this' document to reflect the goals of the City of
Spokane Valley regarding better matching of existing neighborhood conditions for new
development projects.
F:\Projectsl9\PROPOSAL\2006\Spokane Valley, City of, Road Ec Utitity Construction Standard Book\RQAD STANDARDS SCOPE OF
3.001 redevelopment Standards
Thu- onsult-ant slialI evaluate opt. ions vihere vanfirig portions of the community would
have varying redevelopment standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane
Valley PWD.
3.01 County Arterial Streets
The Consultant will work with the City of Spokane Valley to draft net-v arterial street
standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PAID.
3.02 ourity Access Streets
The Consultant vv 111 viork with the City of Spokane Malley to draft access streets
standards far review and approval toy ~he. City of Spokarie Valley PWD.
3.03 Typical Roadway Section
The Consultant wil l draft typical roadway sectldns for review and approval by the pity of
Spokane Valley PIND.
3.04 Intersections
'The Consultant will draft intersection standards for review and approval by the City of
Spokane Valley PAVE).
3,05 Border Easements
The Consultant will draft border easement 'standards for review and approval by the City
ol Spokane Valley PVVD-
3.07 Slopes
The onsultant will draft slope standards for review and approval by the City of
Spokane Valley PV%(D.
3.08 Righf-of-VVay
The Consultant %eviII draft Fight-of-Way standards for review aInd approva1,by the City of
Spokane Valley PWI .
3.09 onnectioris of State Highways and Now County Roads
The onsultant w!II draft Gonnaetlons of State Highwa s and new Dounty rDad
standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley P1%ID.
F:xProjects WPC Pjo5A.L%2006%Spokane-Vafley, City nf, Road Et Utiht~ Cans njctlan Standard dook%WAD STANDARDS SCOPE OF
3.11 ' Railroad Grade Crossing
The Consultant will draft railroad grade crossing standards for review and approval by-
the City of Spokane Valley PWD. ;
3.12 Standard Road and Traffic Control Signing
The Consultant will draft standard road and traffic control signing standards for review-
and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
3.14 Traffic Barrier
The Consultant will draft traffic barrier standards for review and approval by the City of
Spokane Valley PWD.
3.15 Clear Zone
The Consultant will draft clear zone standards for review and approval by the City of
Spokane Valley PWD.
3.16 Road Surfacing Requirements
The Consultant will draft road surfacing requirement standards for. review and approval
by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
3.17 Cul-De-Sacs
The Consultant will draft cul-de-sac standards for review and approval by the City of
Spokane Valley PWD.
3.18 Curbs, Sidewalks, and Pathways
The.Consultant will draft curbs, sidewalks, and pathways standards for review and
approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD. The Consultant will attend up to two (2)
visits to other communities with City of Spokane Valley to'review progressive methods
and design schemes being utilized in other cities.
3.20 Curb Ramps*
The Consultant will draft curb-ramp standards for review and ,approval by the City of
Spokane Valley PWD.
3.22 Private Roads
The Consultant will draft private road standards far review and approval by the City of
Spokane Valley PWD.
F:%Projects%9\PROPOSAL120061Spokane Valley, City of, Road Et Utility Construction Standard Boo::1RDAD STANDARDS SCOPE OF
3.23 Private Alleys
The Consultant %.%dil draft private alley standards for review and approval by the City of
Spokane Valley PWD.
3.24 Driveway Approaches
The Consultant will draft driveway approaches standards for review and approval by the
City of Spokane Valley PWD. .
3.25 Access Standards
The.Consultant•shall draft access standards for review and approval by the City of
Spokane Valley FWD.
3.30 Reproduction
The Consultant shall provide document reproduction. _
4.00 3R Design Standards -
The Consultant will draft 3R Design Standards for review and approval by the City of
Spokane Valley PWD.
5.00 Project- Application and' Clarification
The Consultant will draft project application and clarification standards for review and
approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
5.01 Application Procedure
The Consultant will draft application procedure standards for revi6w and approval by the
City of Spokane Valley PWD.
5.02 General Formatting
The Consultant will draft general formatting standards for review and approval by the
City of Spokane Valley PWD
5.03 Drafting Standards
The Consultant will draft drafting standards for review and approval by the City of
Spokane Valley PV%lD.
F:\Projects\9\PROPOSAL\2006\Spokane Vat!ry, City of, Road a Utility Constriction Standard Boc,\ROAD STANDARDS SCOPE OF
5.04 Plan
The Consultant will draft plan standards for review and approval by the City. of Spokane
Valley PWD.
5.06 Profile Elements
The Consultant will dram street profile element standards for review and approval by the
City of Spokane Va•Iley PWD.
5.08 Typical Cross Section
The Consultant will draft typical cross section standards for review and approval by the
City of Spokane Valley PWD:
5.10 Drainage Plan
The Consultant will draft drainage plan, checklists for review and approval by the City of
Spokane Valley.
6.00 Land Survey Standards
The Consultant will draft land survey standards for review and approval by the City of
Spokane Valley PWD.
6.01- Regulations
The Consultant will draft regulation standards for review and approval by the City of
Spokane Valley PWD.
6.02 Monumentation
The Consultant will draft monumentabon standards for review and approval by the City
of Spokane Valley PWD.
6.03 Horizontal Control Net
The Consultant will draft horizontal control net standards for review and approval by she
City of Spokane Valley PWD.
6.04 Temporary Bench Mark
The Consultant-will draft temporary bench mark standards for review and approval by
-the City of Spokane Valley PlfilD,
F:\Projzcs\9\PROPOSAL12006\Spokane Va!ley, City of, Road a U1,11ty Construction Standard Boo AROAD STANDARDS SCOPE OF
7.00 Bridges and Other Structures
The Consultant will draft bridges and other structures standards for review and approval
by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
7.01 Principal Reference for Bridges
The Consultant will draft Principal Reference far Bridges standards for review and
approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
7.03 Other Bridge Design Criteria
The Consultant will draft other bridge design criteria standards for review and approval
by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
7.04 Retaining Walls and Other Structures
The Consultant khrill draft retaining walls and other structures standards for review and
approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
7.06 Reproduction'
The Consultant shall provide document reproduction.
8.00 Utilities
The Consultant will draft utility standards for review and approval by the City of Spokane
Valley PWD-.
8.01 Franchising Policy
The Consultant will draft franchising policy standards for review and approval by the
City of Spokane Valley PWD.
8.02 Standard Utilities Locations
The Consultant will draft standard utilities location standards for review and approval by*
the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
8.04 Scheduling of Utilities Installation, Relocation and Inspection
The Consultant will draft utilities installation, relocation and inspection standards for
review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
F:\Pro}ectsl9\PROPOSAL ~.26d6%Spokane Valley, City of, RDad 8: Utility Censtructim Standardboak\ROAD STANDARDS SCOPE OF
8.05 Reproduction
The Consultant shall provide document*reproduction.
9.00 Permits.and Inspections
The Consultant will draft permits and inspections standards for review and approval by
the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
9.01 Application
The Consultant will draft application standards for review and approval by the City of
Spokane Valley PWD.
9.02 Basis for Control of the Work
The Consultant will draft the basis for control of the work standards for review and
approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
9.04 Road Construction Inspections
The- Consultant will draft road construction inspection standards for review and approval
by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
9.06 Construction Inspection Notifications and Records
The Consultant will draft construction inspection notifications and records standards for
review and approval by the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
9.09 County Forces & County Contract Road Inspection'
The Consultant will draft contract road inspection standards for review and approval by
the City of Spokane Valley PWD.
9.10 Record Drawings
The Consultant will draft record drawing standards for review and approval by the City
of Spokane Valley PWD.
r:.Frujectsl9lPR0A05AL174D6\S okane Valley, City of, Road.ft Utitity, Constrtoction Standard 6ook1_RDAD STAKID,ARDS, SCQP: OF
10.00 Bonding,
The Consultant shall redraft this section of the plan presenting a more clearly defined
approach to bonding. Performance, Warranty and Permit Surety will be evaluated for
their applicability to this document.
11.1 1st Public Meeting -Stakeholders
consultant,shall facilitate a public meeting between the City of Spokane Valley
stakeholders and the Consultant team. This meeting will be to review road and utility
construction standards document goals and concerns of the stakeholders as well as any
and all other details and/or concepts that are pertinent to the City receiving a successful
The Con'sul'tant shall present the technical, as well as philosophical differences that
make up the new Road and Utility Standards doci.lment while highlighting common
areas of interest and concern. Discussion will be encouraged and view points of all
nature will be heard and respected.
11.2 Review Comment and Make Recommendations
Consultant shall review comments from City of Spokane Valley stakeholders and will
make recommendations based on the. comments received.
11.3 .2nd Public Meeting - Follow-up with Stakeholders
Consultant shall facilitate a follow-up public meeting between the City of Spokane Valley
stakeholders and the Consultant team. This meeting will confirm concerns expressed
and relate them to recommendations.
11.4 Review Comment and Make Recommendations
Consultant shall review comments from City of Spokane Valley stakeholders and will
make recommendations based on the comments received.
11.5 3rd Public Meeting - Presentation of Results to Council
The Consultant shall facilitate a presentation of this New Road Standards document to
the City of Spokane Valley Council. The'Consultant shall prepare a slide or series of
slides that`presents in matrix form'the differences between•the old standards and the
new standards. The Consultant shall discuss impacts df changes on development, etc.
Consultant shall present final recommendations to Council.
F:1Prajpctr+91PROPOSAL120061Spo'tane Valley, City or, Road a Utility Constructicn Standard Book\ROAD STANDARDS SCOPE Or
11.6 Review Comment and Make Recommendations
Consultant shall review comments from City of Spokane Valley Council members and
Consultant will make recommendations based on the comments received.
11.7 Reproduction
The Consultant shall provide final documents reproduction.
F;1PrDjectsl4lP.ROPOSAl.120661Spokane Valley, City. of, Road Q Utility,ConstrljLrion.Standard BooW'RD L) STARDAROS SCOPT O
Request for Council Action
Meeting Date: October 3, 2006 City Manager Sign-off:
Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ® public hearing
❑ information ®adiinin. repart ❑ pending legislation
AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative Report: Right-of-Way Permit Process Update
GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code; Chapter 10.05 Article II.
Construction Work and Activity within Right-of-Way
PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Ordinance 63-03, April 11, 2006 - Administrative
Repot, June 18, 2006 - Presentation of Ad-Hoc Committee Recommendations, August 15, 2006-
Presentation of Staff Recommendation.
~J BACKGROUND: On April 11, 2006 Staff presented a report to Council that examined the City's
current Right-of-Way (ROW) process and compared it to the process of other Washington cities.
On August 15, 2006, staff presented different ROW permitting options available to the City and
provided a staff recommendation. Council asked staff to bring forward a draft ordinance and
fee structure based on the staff recommendation. This report provides that ordinance and fee
structure. Any changes to the fee structure will be included in the 2007 Master Fee Schedule.
OPTIONS: Continue implementation of the Municipal Code Chapter 10.05 Article II,
as approved by Council, or amend the code to include a revised Right-of-Way
permitting procedure.
RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Direct staff to bring Right-of-Way Ordinance
before Council for first reading.
BUDGET/ FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Fees will recover costs at current staffing levels.
STAFF CONTACT: Morgan Koudelka Administrative Analyst, Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager
Draft Ordinance
PowerPoint Presentation
10.05.090, 10.05.110, 10.05.140 AND 10.05.180 RELATING TO OBSTRUCTION PERMITS,
WHEREAS. the City adopted Ordinance 03-063, providing requirements for obstruction permits
for certain activity in the public rights-of-way. Ordinance 03-063 was later codified into Spokane Valley
Municipal Code 10.05.070-10.05.210; and
WHEREAS, the City desires, from time to time, to analyrze the effectiveness and appropriateness
of its axle rcyuitt;ments to determine if they can be improved: and
WHEREAS, amending SVMC 10.05.080, 10.05.090, 10.05.1 10. 10 05.1 ,10 and 10.05.1 h0 will
further the public health, safety and welfare.
NOW Tl1ERLi-ORE, the Citv Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washinpon, ordains as follows:
Section 1. 1ntgni. It is the intent of the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley to amend
tiV MC 10.05.080. 10.05.090, 10.05.110, 10.05.140 and 10.05.180 relating to obstruction permits to make
compliance with requirements easier for frequent users of the City's rights-of-way.
Section 2. AmcndirT Spokane Valley Municipal Code section 10.(15.090: S\~MC 10.05.080
is amended as follows: -
UbstLUCtion Permit KequirzYl. l_I__ , i , A-at obstruction
permit is required of any person ,,r company who performs construction work or
otherwise engages in activity within existing or prolx)sed City rights-of-way, streets,
casements, or on City owned infrastructure.
Work h.unrptO Frgm f smut,'.
fgrmtts_Lh$11 not he rL uc aired f
A. Work done by or for the City within its right-of-way. will iftA-,.xtuire-tiff
6. 11'ork_Ih;rt !ti rltiobile in nature or-0-1 a-Oprt duration as defined in th,-
cut~rtc tl~. ftto Manual on Unifczrm-Iraffri. C'ontml Devices {MtrrCnl Ilion 6(.1.02,
Work [?ur~ti~ pn,&& pies I) and E: 4L90 or amended), as long as thtst waQA dm
not require the closure of a greet or involve cutting of OI?&em»nt pf Merttent, sidewalks
curbs or gutters. AecoNd_Lgg to the MUTCD work duration categories. short duration is
„cirk, _jhat !N upics a _ location _ u - to one hour. rind _mobile is work _thLt
ii~trmitte~ttly ur_~,r~t_r~,<:~!y
:,.:}-iMtf'l-bC'm`l'ti-a?-'ft. ~.iii}C ti•..•utl1 :!~-.'~--a.~1.'f{??tifitt I I.Z _ !!!I--; :t 'II 1T-, :.C I
Ordinance 06- 1':1}!C 1 o 2
- ,Ii il_ . t.1. I, t. .I~I, ,i ' 1 .~t--'~. .il t117 l•~.iL "i _ .i
II` 'Il .i! .I(~. 1.1(. l' I 1117 I: i
In the case of an emergency, a private ()r public utility may commence work prior it)
Obtaining a permit, provided the person III Ltanpam obtains a construction permit within
forty-eight (48) hours after work is commenced or on the first City business day
following said elapsed forty-tight (48) hour period.
Section 3, ilmendin S ?kane Valle%Municipal Cotle action 10.05.090: SVMC 10.05.090
is amrndrd as follows:
tlbstrucjjon Permit-Application- No obNtruction permit shall be issued unless a NNrittrn
application is submitted and approved by the Director. 1-he application %hall, at a
minimum, contain the following:
A. Construction plans or drawings approved by the Director, if rcquirt. I.
It A trat7ic L.tntrol 1jan ,tthc v ork clo%c more than 50°i+ Cat the
occur on alt arterial,
-he period of time during which the right- of--way will be obstructed.
Proof of the ConlraClor's and all subcontractor Mate hcel-isin Z_, itIS1LIran,:C
and requirements
Depending upon the 11t111m: and r\litll •+1 the hill 11Ut llt'll atAIN lt\ of %k,trk. III(: i ilcclol
may require engineering, restoration and drainave platy, llmllarud h~ It W'ashlnyton
licensed engineer at applicant's sole cost and expense
At the di~'t.o a.A1 the Diriztt.a it Multiple-I- se I'-,,
h+,nded busi»ctiso~trd publtc_.utilities. 'I IIA•__ Iti )c-l ~ Permit fro will be estabti+hl
hhv resolution in the Master Ftf.ticlledule. is Multiple-t,% Permit h All C, ire at th_
end of the City Fiscal Yc4r. The admini:grative tgguhrtions kgv_,rninu the %,jultipJe-t! .
i1ern1jt shall w-rittcn and approved by' tll~ [3irectrr Flihirr II: +wrlk •,.;tll C
Administrative rev. lations shall he a violation orihis ccxlt
Section 4. ATVI rl•lill L' Sp~ -kil-11r Valle" N-IlMiril"al (`Od _~eta1011 ; i1.1_N I 10: Nil I II,u l 111
is amended as follm%s
Notice Required. Hie appliulnt',Ilall g1',C 10 the DIrL-kAttr notlCc ntd Ic"'` than loll'.-cirhl
(48) hours before any work or activity is commenced and shall notify the Director upon
completion of the same.- I t ilr ll-iL <ontrol late +s required o 1-k- suhmiIIL%i
(Plic_t~ttn_r_,_thr an ticar~t tihall_>:~r%c the 11ircit(lr not IL_s~ th 1_72 hours n(~tic.e. In the
event of an unexpected repair or emergency, work may be commenced as required under
the circumstances. Unexpected repairs and emergency work shall comply with all other
requirements of this Ordinance.
Section 5. An ndin!_sgok,llie VallcN Mun'C'11al Code wel'on III 0~.1 10: SkAW 10.0 .1.10
is wnended as follows.
Traffic Control. ►'tiiiltii:t :1'1'l~.; .'I =7•ytlti ile i..;i N111;
~ih.'R11~C cnt°wcit in ncli%itv %Othin th(- C\1 11119 or (K(lilt•*4l'd C it%
(_1rdlnatlce 116- Pale 2 tit
, t _ i:. t r IN responsible for all traffic control and
assumes the responsibility to maintain appropriate signage, signals and barricades that
protects the public safe,, in accordance with the %4UTCD. Fart +tirr T l,c pa-sk or
cum; xis shall pm-ivide for the safe operation of all equipment, vehicle, and pcru,)ns
within the right of %N-a%
Section t3. AmndingSpokane Valley Municipal Code section 10,05.180: SVMC 10.05.180
is amended as follows:
In5urancs.-Evidence. Permitiee, prior to the commencement of construction hcroeundcr,
shall furnish the Director satisfactory evidence in writing that the permittee has in force
during the performance of the construction work or activity, commercial general liability
insurance of not less than one million dollars (S1,000,000.00) per occurrence and ettet%%I
million dollars (SI',000,000.00) general aggregate duly issued by an insurance company
authorized to do business in this state. In addition, the policy shall name the City as an
additional named insured. The Director may reduce the insurance limits if good cause
Section 7. Severability. If any section., subsection, sentence or clause of this chapter is for
any reason held to he invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this
Section 8. Fffectiv_e date. Hiis Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days atfer
publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the ufliciul newspaper of the Cite as
provided by law.
:Approved this - da\ of - - DOUG
Mayor. Diana \VIlhite
City Clerk. Chrisi ne Bainbridge
Approved As To Form:
Office of die City Attorney
Date of Publication: _
Effective Date:
(Ordinance 06- Page > of 3
Right-of-Way Permit
Process Update
Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst
- - October 3, 2006
ROW History
❑ Presentation to Council on April 11, 2006
❑ Ad-Hoc Committee Presentation on June 18,
❑ Staff Presentation and Recommendation on
August 15, 2006.
OdoOr Mod Moron KaptlY4 aw+m,w. And" s
Road Obstruction / ROW Permit
❑ Protect the safety and general welfare of the
traveling public
❑ Protect the public interest in the right-of-way
oftow S, 2006 MpC KeftM. AWYW*0 "Am" 7
ROW Permit - Current Requirements
❑ Any person working in the public ROW must
get a permit (Work done by or for the City is
exempt) - $70 for all permits, regardless of
staff time.
Ott S. 70M MoMen Kwde" AdmNIAMMM Ara" 2
Current Spokane Valley Process
❑ 1 Permit Specialist
■ 13% of total time spent on ROW permits
❑ Determines age of street and assigns appropriate tier
❑ Enters into PLUS system
❑ ROW Inspector
■ 100% of total time (1 open FTE)
❑ Checks Call Before You Dig Database
❑ Inspections
o Looks for violators and notifies company
❑ Enters information into PLUS
❑ Traffic Engineer
■ 5% of total time spent on ROW permits
c Looks only at obstructions that re-route traffic
00*0 Me V"W Knblu AMInIMa ArA" ~
Road Obstruction ROW Permit
Reasons for Change
❑ To simplify the process for frequent ROW
o To ensure high permitting compliance.
❑ To ensure cost recovery.
❑ To implement a fair fee for the work performed by
City staff.
❑ All the above reasons serve the two main goals of
protecting the public safety and protecting the public
OdoMU 7, M Wqn KftASMa. "M4 at NO I AM" 0
Road Obstruction / ROW Permit
■ Categories of ROW Permits
I) Non-Cut Obstruction without clean-up - 1 inspection
2) Non-Cut Obstruction with clean-up - 2 inspections
3) Pavement Cut Obstruction Non-Winter - 3 inspections
a) Pavement Cut Obstruction Winter - 4 or more
5) Long-duration or large-scale projects require an
additional inspection for each additional three-day
October e, zoos Mogen KaiMia AdffUV We Aga" 7
Proposed ROW Permit Process
o All street closures require a permit.
❑ if entire street not closed -mobile and short-duration obstructions (As
defined by the MUTCD) do not need a permit.
■ Obstructers must still utilize traffic control devices per MUTCD
❑ All other obstructions require a permit (and will be inspected)
❑ Traffic Control Plans (TCP)-review by the Traffic Engineer required if
permit is required and:
i) More than 50% of street is closed. or
2) Work is on an arterial.
❑ Multiple-Use Permit offered for frequent users of ROW.
• Notification still required
• Inspections performed
■ Fees still recovered
octobe. 3.23M Mo%w Kmdelia, Awrilsuve Anayel e
Proposed ROW Fee Structure
Ainulau b a
NIMns 1 2 3 4 6 Mach Add
ROW Inspector Time
Travel 15 !5 30 45 6J 45 15
Data Li 15 !S 3,0 45 raj 45 !5
try Cbztvcton ON~ns~a,m 15 15 32 - -
Pavamsrn-C~r, Ins m 20 60 e0 60 20
Pro[zas O.QSI b'_~torternerA 1 5 Ma. 30 30 30 30 30 30
Total lns Tana Ca TS 12' 180 290 180 50
nspeaor quest r, 35 $,o n ft 40.38
Permit Specialist Time
ion-aavarmnt CA - 15 1S
Dartrnerr, CU - _ - 25 ri 25
'otal Pa r, Specpahv. Tne CM ' S 15 25 25 ri
laaciaKst Coat 140 93Ru. S r0.2 10. 17.05 1 3 17,051 S 1 .
Total Coat for 1 clot and Spe"M $ 70.80 S107-13 9162.40 1202.78 1192-40 f 40.]8
Rounded Fee $ 70 5 106 $ 159 f 200 11 150 15
- Traffic Eneinoar Time is 45 ff*k tas par rovlaw at 188Mr. For a rounded fad amount or $S01To be added to above fees)
?lobe` 3. 2006 11 wW KddalbA MmWMrNM Maas! 9
Basis for Fee Structure
❑ Staff time spent on each category of permit
■ ROW Inspector, Permit Specialist, Traffic Engineer
■ Hourly Rate includes salary & benefits, M & O, and
❑ 2005 ROW permit activity
■ 746 total ROW permits
■ 132 pavement-cut permits
❑ Recovery of total annual ROW costs + future costs
associated with current permits
■ S100K 2007 cost
■ S3K future cost for warranty inspections
OClabar 3. 2006 1lorpan K* d*A. A*r*UU It a Mat,C • 0
Proj ected Cost Recovery
2007 ROW P*rmtt Actual Tout Cost
Po % at Su WVWor aSt oral ROW
4 927 ' f 522 f 774 f E 27J
TraMc E "61 F-U
permit S asst t J16 5.0' 1.867 1 255 896E
ROW ulepeotor 10Q% "y.r" 14 81E 9.960 E4.855
Projected 2007 Cost Recovery
atago n
1 3 ~ Add. J O Rovfaw' Total
« 70 105 f 180 f 2D0 160 s 40 50
Ift Parm 31 SE3 2E 40 2 120
tCast Recovorod .11D S 61.215 S 10. 200 $6.400 '120013
T,affi- Control Plan Roww
• Number of ad0onat inspections
Note - it ch a mat recovuy for tutee wa vvy Iropeabom
Planar 3. 7006 MwW Ko"BA AeNnaaal•N Aneryn 1
Cost Comparison
City P tioo A ludo. Fees
Bel' am 72,320 S50
Bellevue 109,56 • ReNiew Fee 5119
• In spection Fee S119
• Surfex cut - 100 A is V2
• Surface rut - } 100 sq ft u S 1:: 5. I oo y,3 R (lees doubled lot streeu leu
than 4 monlits old
Federal Way 95,80 Rewdential-S167.5D
Commercial - S232.5D
Spokane 201,60 L.aK-tern obstractims (eeatral butawaas dbtho■geted arm):
• S 50+sq. ft per three nmth period + psrld" revenue loss fee of
S.504lrected meterWeek or S25?aBected minertweek form otber nwim
All other elstretdau not listed above:
• Public excavanon - first 3 days $l D0. Earl additional 3 da5,s is S40
• Non-excavation - first 3 davs $25. ach additiomal 3 days is S40
ene County 123,41 1 S I O Pernae Fee. S20 Inspomon Fee
Yaldnta 7%4" $50
tbcoer 3.206 1AMW Ksueana, AdMFM U I Ar " 12
Multiple-Use Permit
❑ For multiple obstructions and ROW use throughout year
❑ Expires at the end of the calendar year
❑ Permitee does not have to visit City Hall for every permit
❑ Permitee can provide notification by e-mail or fax
❑ Minimum $1,000 deposit (unused portion refunded)
❑ Staff tracks permit activity and draws down deposit (normal
fees apply).
❑ Staff notifies permitee when additional deposit is necessary.
~m.+ Mequ KOW.... AbtinM.MA+ M..,. , ~
Long-duration Permit
❑ For ROW activities that last longer than three days.
❑ Requires the Category 5 fee of $160 plus an
additional deposit of $280 (Covers the avg. length of
long-duration projects - 7 additional inspections).
❑ If project runs longer than one month then an
additional $280 deposit will be required.
❑ Unused deposit will be refunded at project's
❑ Permittee may use multiple-use permit as an
ombe, J. 2XG MoryKn KouftlU. AdMoWndNe An@" 14
Next Steps- Council
❑ Council
■ Provide feedback on ordinance, permit types,
and fee calculation
■ Decide if Council would like to move forward
with first reading of ordinance.
Oao0ar 3, 7008 Morgan KoWaka AGrtuLLpntl a AnaW 15
Next Steps - Staff
❑ Staff
■ Revise ordinance (if necessary) according to
Council wishes.
■ Submit appropriate fee changes to Finance, for
inclusion in Master Fee Schedule.
■ Develop procedure for multi-use permit and
long-term permit.
OCIWO( 3 7008 Mogan Kadaka AdmoMr Aa A Myo 10
Special Emphasis Report
This report is meant to provide a general overview to the council regarding several areas of
law enforcement emphasis projects. While not totally inclusive of all the efforts undertaken
by ),our Spokane Valley Police Department, it should provide a topical overview of many of
these continuous efforts.
For general purposes I have broken this report into several different categories. Many of
them overlap each other and should not necessarily be considered separate in nature..
Community Services:
This service exists mostly because of the many wonderful volunteers who partner with us to
make these programs happen. Focus changes as needs are presented, for example we have
Qood weather emphasis on the Centennial Trail that is re-allocated as fall and winter lessens
usage. Weed and Seed programs and funding in the Edgecliff neighborhood continue to be a
major area of focus. Abandoned vehicles and handicap parking enforcement are two very
active and effective volunteer enforcement programs, along with a growing involvement in
Valleyfest, and thousands of children have participated in Operation Family I.D. We are
actively recruiting nexv SCOPE board membership and planning an enhanced role for those
members. We are also moving ahead on a new single data base for tracking SCOPE activity
and volunteer participation. Our volunteers spend hundreds of hours enhancing the accurate
tracking of the Pawn Data System, operating our radar reader-board on many of our streets
and roadways, and performing hundreds of business and home vacation checks each year.
Drugs, Cangs:
We have a couple of distinct units that work in these overlapping areas of concern. Our
Investigative. Support Unit (ISU) is tasked with investigations of local drug, vice and other
operations that may require more covert operational investigative techniques. ISU focuses on
active street level crimes occurring within the general area of Spokane County. They also
provide educational contacts Nvith our community regarding awareness issues, drug
recognition, and education concerning the issues of gang involvement in these venues. This
unit works with Patrol in enhancing follow-up investigations on most all felony drug arrests.
The Gang P. n_forcement Team (GET) works side by side with ISU, tracking confinned and
associate gang members, both resident and transient to this community, and also with the
School Resource Officers in identification of gang-related activity in our schools. The "Team
also works hard to address the dangerous presence of weapons associated with the criminal
enterprises of many of these groups.
The Regional Drug Task Force (R.D`1'F) and the local Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Task Force are comprised of many of our area's local, state and federal partners. The main
goal of these units is to work towards identification and disruption / interdiction of the supply
lines and larger quantities of drugs coming into this community via many different modes
and transportation.
We are also an active participant with the Washington State Meth Initiative and our local
Meth Action Tearn. This is the area of focus regarding prevention, education and interdiction
related to pseudo ephedrine purchases and leads that provide the successful tracking of illicit
purchases of pre-cursor chemicals and the use of these chemicals in clandestine labs.
All of these units work hand in hand with the very successful and effective Drug Endangered
Children (DEC) program to address the many problems of removing at risk children from
these extremely dangerous environments.
Domestic Violence:
We have one dedicated officer and one shared detective who work with the Domestic
Violence team. They are responsible for follow-up investigations into domestic violence
cases. The team also works with the area-wide domestic violence consortium to address
awareness issues and education needs surrounding the many unreported cases of domestic
violence, as well as treatment programs and efforts ai iied at reducing recidivism.
Sex Crimes:
The major emphasis of this unit surrounds new legislation regarding the registration and
tracking of sex offenders. The year 2006 has brought about several new responsibilities that
were mandated to law enforcement; however these unfunded mandates have no funding
attached and have increased the work load on this unit of investigators. The other major area
of focus and partnership is working with social agencies that provide both forensic and
treatment services to the victims of these horrendous crimes.
Property Crimes Task Force and Auto Theft:
We have several assets attached to this unit. They work on the more prolific property crimes
violators and organized criminal enterprises. These crimes include the burglary, theft, and
identity theft cases that are perpetrated by some of our areas major continuous re-offenders.
This unit also works closely with the Washington State. Patrol Auto Theft unit in identifying
and arresting offenders who are part of the too often frequent crimes associated with vehicle
Intelligence Based Units:
We have assets assigned to the two major intell.ige.nee groups operating N thin our
community. These two distinct units each have very explicit roles, parameters and
operational guidelines. The first is the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), which combines
intelligence and investigations together in the information sharing investigative functions
addressing serious terrorism issues in our nation and local area. This unit is tied to both
international sharing of information, as well as domestic terrorism and organized criminal
enterprises affecting our local citizens. The second is the Criminal Intelligence Unit (CIU),
and our involvement in this unit enhances the effectiveness, central receipt, screening and
distribution of current activities to patrol and investigative divisions.
Property Crimes:
Major areas of focus of the Property Crimes unit of the SVPD include residential and
commercial burglary and theft. Larger cases of fraud, including both singular victim and
multi-victim cases, are still assigned to the Property Crimes division, as well as medical fraud
investigations that at times include federal involvement and prosecution. This unit also
-works closely with our Fire partners in investigations of arson-related crimes. Crimes where
the elderly are specifically targeted are another area of emphasis. We have one investigator
who has taken a very keen interest ui working these particular cases when they are reported
or discovered.
As you are aware, traffic enforcement is always at the top of any enforcement discussion.
People want traffic issues dealt with in their neighborhoods and around parks and schools,
unless they are the one receiving the enforcement contact. We try to balance our educational
stops and our enforcement actions in several key areas, remembering that the goal of
enforcement action is to change behavior, not to generate revenue. We continue to focus our
actions in areas that are measured with our "hot-spot" analyses, showing statistical needs for
specific enforcement. This is why eve are seen conducting repeat enforcement actions at some
of our highest-collision intersections.
We are currently conducting some school zone emphasis programs, including site surveys
that ensure that all engineering issues related to proper signage and possible obstructions are
addressed. These programs are being tracked specifically in relation to school zone
enforcement. We also do random crosswalk enforcement to remind drivers of the importance
of yielding appropriately to our pedestrian traffic. Educational enforcement action regarding
proper yielding to emergency vehicles is also taken periodically.
We also work repeated Grant-funded emphasis on DUT and seat belt enforcement when these
grants are awarded by the Traffic Safety Commission.
We are currently following the direction of the council and conducting a separate tracking of
vehicle relaters crashes on the newest section of Broadway in relation to the recently changed
lane configurations there.
Another repeat venture planned this year is a specific emphasis on Halloween night, getting
several area law enforcement agencies together with very supportive local businesses to
provide safe new ideas and enhanced "glow in the dark" bracelets and other items to our
children while they are out on our streets this Halloween.
Cal (44alker, Clzief of Police
Spokane Valley Police Del3artntent
For Planning Discussion Purposes Only
as of September 28, 2006, 8:00 a.m.
Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative
To: Council & Staff
From: City Manager
Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings
Wednesday, October 4, 2006, Conversation with the Community, 6-7 p.m.
Valleypoint at Pines Church, Church Sanctuary, 714 S Pines Road
October 10. 2006 Regular Meeting. 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Oct 21
1.:1'UKLIC FARING: 2007 Proposed Budget [ 15 minutes]
2. PUBLIC HH,;AR7NG: Initiative 933 [15 minutes]
3. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes]
4. Motion Consideration: Amendment to JUB Contract for Street Masterl'lan for Street
Development Standards Neil Kersten [10 minutes]
5. Motion Consideration: Initiative 933 - Dave Mercier/Mike Connelly [10 minutes]
6. Motion Consideration: Morningside Vistas Mitigation Agreement- Mike Connelly [10 minutes]
7. Mayoral Appointments: Salary_ Commission Members - Mayor Wilhite [10 minutes]
Administrative Report:
8. Fee Resolution - Ken Thompson [I5 minutes]
9. CDBG Project Ideas - Greg McCormick [15 minutes]
10. UDC Titles 17 General Provisions (aka Title 11); and
Title 18: Boards & Authorities (aka Title 12) - Marina Sukup [20 minutes]
1 i. Setting Date for Winter Retreat- Dave Mercier [10 minutes]
12. General Budget Discussion - Dave Mercier [IS minutes]
Information Only:
13. Informational Memo, UDC Title 20 Subdivision Regulations (aka Title 14); and
'title 21 Environmental Controls (aka Title 15)
(estimated meeting: 150 tninutes*1
Wednesday. October I1, 2006, Community H orkshop 42, 6:00 p.nr. - 9:00 p.m.
T/tursday October 12, 2006. A PVC Rgeional Meeting-, CenterPlace.. 2426 N&vcovery Place
October 17, 2006 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, October 91
1. Pandemic Responsc5 Strategies- Mike Thompson (IS minutes)
2. Trends in Development-Nina Regor (IS minutes)
3. Prism/PIus/Padal (Parcel Data Locator) System - Chris Berg (20 minutes)
4. Contract for Design of Pool Renovations - Mike Jackson (20 minutes)
5. Traffic Ordinance Amendments - Neil Kersten (30 minutes)
6. Governance Manual- Dick Denenny / Mike DeVleming (15 minutes)
7. Street ►Maintenance 1ZFP Discussion - Neil Kersten (15 minutes)
8. Advance Agenda Additions- Mayor Wilhite }
9. Council Check-in - Mayor Wilhite (5 minutes)
10. City Manager Comments -Dave Mercier } TOTAL, MTNUTES: 135 minutes
Drufl Advance Agenda 912812006 8:57 AM Page I of 3
October 24, 2006 Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, October 161
1. PUBLIC HEARING: Final Hearing on 2007 Proposed Budget: [15 minutes]
2. PUBLIC HEARING: CDBG - Greb McCormick [25 minutes]
3. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes]
4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Adoption 2007 Budget [10 minutes]
5. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Levying Property Tax [10 minutes] -
6. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Confirming Excess Property Tax Levy [10 minutes]
/Administrative Report:
7. Proposed Fee Resolution - Ken Thompson [15 minutes]
8. 1JDC Title 20 Subdivision Regulations (aka Title 14) Greg McCormick [20 minutes]
9. Records Management- Chris Bainbridge [15 minutes]
Information Only:
10. Department Reports
11. Response to Public Comments [estimated meeting: 125 minutes*]
October 31. 2006 - No Meeting
November 7, 2006 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. (maximum meeting 90 minutes) [due date Monday, Oct 301
1. Recreation Programs Update - Mike Jackson/Jennifer Cusick (20 minutes)
2. UDC "Title 21 Environmental Controls (aka Title 15) - Greg McConnick/Marina Suk.up (40 minutes)
TOTAL NIIT~'UTES: 60 minutes
November 14, 2006 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. Idue date Monday, November 61
1. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes]
2. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending SVMC 2.50-Nina Regor [10 minutes]
3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adoption of 2007 Budget [ 10 minutes]
4. Proposed Resolution: Master Fee Schedule- Ken Thompson [10 minutes]
5. Proposed Resolution Replacing 03-015 - Nina Regor 1110 minutes]
6. Proposed Resolution Replacing 04-020 - Nina Regor [10 minutes]
7. Motion Consideration: CDBG Submission of Application (formal vote) - Greg McCormick [10 minutes]
8. Motion Consideration: Revisions of Governance Manual - Dick Denenny / Mike DeVleming [W minutes]
Administrative Reports:
[estimated meeting: 75 minutes*]
November 21, 2006 - Thanksgiving Week- No Meeting
November 28, 2006 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. Idue date Monday, November 201
1. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes]
2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending SVMC 2.50-Nina Regor [10 minutes]
Administrative Reports:
2. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Grant Recommendations Rpt-Deputy Mayor Taylor [40 minutes]
Information Only:
3. Department Reports
4. Response to Public Comments [estimated meeting: minutes*1
.Tltursday. November 30, 2006, Cbuununity Workshop 93, 6:00 p.nt - 9:00 p.nr.
December 5, 2006 - No Meeting
December 5-6, 2006, NLC 83'-d Annual Congress of Cities Conference, Rena. Nevada
DrnR Advance Agenda 9128t20U6 8:57 AM Page 2 of 3
December 12, 2006, Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date tHonday, .December 41
1. Consent Agenda: Claims, Minutes, Payroll (5 minutes]
2. Motion Consideration: I..odcing Tax Advisory Giant Fund Allocations - Deputy Mayor Taylor [5 minutes]
3. Mayoral Appointments: Committee/Boards/Planning Commission, etc - Mayor Wilhite [ 15 minutes]
December 1.9, 2006, Study Session, 6:00 p.m._ [due date Monday, December 111
December 26, 2006 - Christmas Week - No Meetin
January 2, 2007, Study Session. 6:00 p.m. (due date Tuesday, December 261
.January 9, 2007. Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Tuesday, January 21
January 16, 2007. Special Joint Meeting 6:00 p.rn. [due date Monday, January 81
Joint Council/Planning Commission Session for Sprigs edAppleway Revitalization Plan
January 23, 2007, Rmular M. eetine, 6:00 p.m. [due date Tuesday, January 161
% January 30, 2007. Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, January, 221
Noise Ordinance (Construction Activity)
Conveyance of Milwaukee Right-of-way -Cary Driskell
UR-I Extended Zoning Expires March 6, 2007
NLC Congressional City Conference March 10-14, 2007, Washington, D.C.
Joint hlousing Authority Participation Interlocal -Nina Regor
Vacation of Streets: Payment of Value
BOCC Definition of Regional Services
Light Rail
Central Valley School District Impact Fee Request
Proposed Sidewalk Ordinance
Sewer Collection Systems- Neil Kerslen
SEPA Mitigation Strategies- Cary Driskell/Greg McCormick/NeiI Kersten
Planned Unit Development. (PUD) Policy Issues - Marina Sukup/Mike Connelly
Dale Stedman, Jerry Lenzi - to report on US 395 - North Spokane Corridor Project
Accident Statistics along; Broadway - October, 2007
Geiger Agreement - Morgan Koudelka
estimated meeting time does not include time for public comments]
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