2006, 11-07 Study Session AGENDA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUTNIC11, WORKSHEET STUDY SESSION Tuesday, November 7, 2006 6:00 p.m. CITY HULL COUNCIL CIiANYBERS 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor (Plewe Turn Off All Electronic Devices During the !Meeting) DISCUSSION LEADEIt SUBJECT/ACTTNTTY COAL Fnrlrlc►t ~=e I~urc>rlr~rrr~ ~r►s Permit Speciah.vi Jenna Davis by Community Det,e1gpment Director Alarina Sukup Building Inspector 11 Bob Beboul by Nik Bentley, Senior Plans Examiner 1. Councilmentber Gothlnann Proposed Resolution 06.021, Homelessness Approve Resolution Task Force Funding Allocation (public comment) '.Neil Kcrsten Motion Consideration: Transfer of Unusod Consider Motion Heroy Avenue (public commentl 3 Mike Jacksonilennife.: Cusick Recreation Programs Lll date Discuss iott/Infotmalion (20 minutes) t M Ike la(ks;m 120 nilnut_~1 C rnterl'lac: Update Discu.%zion.4 formation D.l+.v %lCr, 1Cr i?11 inIII11te') 1'ri•IliI-1iIMIN I.Ce i"itI%C :\t;C11+13 I, hhS I't I `}h1.ite Di5d:U551anilnforlnatiOn h. Mayor Wilhite Advance Agenda Discussion/lnl'ormation Information Only: {These items will not he d►sc usse(i or reported "poll.) Geiger agreement Report -Morgan Kowlelka .S. Broadwav/Evergreen Signal )fork - Inga :Vote 4. Recognition LA-trer front A ssociation of .State Floodlplain.kfanagers 10. Arplewav.4venite Reenn.stri4rtirnr Prnjrct -Steve lli,rley.- ed Kersten 1 1. hla\,or W111111C C OMIL11 Check ir► Discus;iutt lnlumlati~=n 12 Dave `lcrcier C'itn Ntanager Comments DlscusslrnLlnforniation Adjourn 4vft. Unless utbcrw•ise nuirtl abuvc. there ails be nu public comments at Council Study Scisinns. Ilowever. Council always reservei the right to requeilt information front the public and staff as appropriate- WTICT . ind:vittttals pir n.r, :u att d it e tarr:r:k s~!en :aloud 1 c;:rl a sl;ti::= ; itccnuro fine Istty. caf, hearing of oe trr ImQairments• plri< !!I ct r tic i i_ Icr1 a t5b71 v? I 1~?..s c:.,.n n5 r!~ nhtc i~!!_t 3rtan};^mcnt; ;;;a. lac :nt.1: Stud. S=,v n Accadn Octoki I ' 260il t .~trc : ci I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 11-07-06 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business xx new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed resolution 06-021, Homelessness Task Force Funding Allocation The legislature passed and the Governor signed a bill known as the Homeless Housing and Assistance Act, the purpose of which is to recognize the fiscal and societal costs of homelessness for the public and private sectors, and set forth a goal for the state and local governments to end homelessness. On July 25, 2006, Council passed Resolution 06-015 recognizing the creation of the joint task force, and expressing a willingness to participate. The task force has now determincd funding allocations as per the Resolution's attached Exhibit A. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Resolution 06-021 BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Councilmember Bill Gothmann ATTACHMENTS draft resolution DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 06-021 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, IN TITI' tMATTER OF SUPPORTING THE FUNDING ALLOCATION RECOINB ENT.DATIONS OF THE ESSB 2163 HOMELESSNESS TASK FORCE. WHEREAS, on July 25, 2006, Spokane Valley City Council adopted Resolution 06-015, which officially recognized the ESSB 2163 Task Force and the City of Spokane as the responsible entity for managing and implementing the Homelessness Plan; and WHEREAS, Spokane County established a joint city-county Task Force to consist of approximately ten (10) individuals appointed by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, the Mayor of the City of Spokane, and Mayors/City Managers of other cities/towns within Spokane County; that such Task Force members would serve for a period of approximately fifteen (15) months running through September 2007; and that the responsibilities of the Task Force would include making recommendations to the Spokane County Board of County Commissioners regarding which programs should be funded from monies made available under the Act; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Legislature passed a bill during the 59h Legislative Session, signed by Governor Gregoire, authorizing a ten dollar ($10.00) surcharge on documents recorded through the County auditor's Office for the purpose of providing funds to prevent and reduce homelessness pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.22(2); and WI-LEREAS, a Homelessness Task Force was established, solicited applications for funding, and made recommendations to Spokane County for allocation of said funding as per the attached Exhibit A. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, that the Spokane Valley City Council hereby supports the funding allocations as per the attached Exhibit A, as per the guidelines established by the Homelessness Task Force. Adopted this day of October, 2006. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ATTEST: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Resolution 06-021 Supporting Funding Allocations of Homelessness Tusk Force Page 1 of 1 Homelessness Housing & Assistance Act (2:1.63) Taskforce Funding Recommendations 2006 Amount Amount Program Name Pro rain Description Requested Funded Increase Outreach to rural areas; increase access to services (i.e. substance abuse); coordinate service CHAS delivery between DSHS and'SS for GAU/GAX/SSI. $92;870.00 $45,095.00 Develop safe, affordable and supportive housing at a medium support service level with the creation of Christmas House a training and placement program $149,994.00 Not Funded Goodwill lm rove linkages with Employment training options $84,290.00 $48,576.00 Habitat for Humanity Homeless Prevention - Housin$25,000.00 Not Funded Rouse of Charity Shelter Increase Emergent Shelter Space - Kee HOC open 5 more months $102,383.00 $102,383.00 House of Charity Supportive Services Supportive Services/Case Management for Shelter + Care Clients $64.929.00 $39,686.00 Drug/alcohol assessments conducted in jail; discharge plans for inmates with links to appropriate New Horizon Can: Center services. $29,540.00 Not Funded Our Place Homeless Prevention - rental/utility assistance for the West Central Neighborhood 517,700.00 Not Funded Spokane Mental Health Outreach Expand Outreach, homeless education to community $146,071.00 $29,215.00 Spokane Mental Health Supportive Services Mental health and related support services to non title 19 non-Medicaid clients, S+C support services $94,000.00 Not Funded ,Spokane County Outreach and rental assistance to rural area in county $43,340.00 $43,840.00 Spokane Falls Couununity Developing a community wide response to homelessness 8c Developing Champions for the College Homelessness Issues. $19,080.00 Not Funded Spokane Housing Ventures Homeless Prevention Screening fees/damage deposits, on-site case management $30,505.00 $19,920.00 St. Margaret's Shelter Expand existing alumni programs; training for tenants $36,103.00 $33,819.00 Alumni programs/ Implement best practice for breaking cycle of child abuse, domestic violence, drug Transitions - Chemical use, etc. Chemical Dep~ndcncy counseling/service for woman & families currently enrolled in Dependency Program programs. S36,553.00 $36,422.00 Page I Dom•elessness Dousing & Assistance Act (2163) Task-force Funding Recommendations 2006 Pro ram Name Amount Amount Program Description Requested Funded Transitions - Transitional I ivin Center Educare Services for homeless/formerly homeless children $33,160.00 $33,160.00 Transitions - Women's Hearth Fun-ding to close taps in service - Extended Hours for Center $20,000.00 $16,960.00 Salvation Army & Spokane Neighborhood Action Program Rental Assistance Homeless prevention, rental/utility assistance $250,000.00 $145,739.00 Salvation Army S.A.F.E. Expand overnight shelter for homeless fandlies w males and male children 12 and older, and for couples Center with no children. Request was for payment of half a roof. $85,06.00 Not Funded Volunteers of America Transitional housing for Youth; improved access to mental health services; supportive services for Crosswalk underl ing causes of homelessness $91,584.00 Not Funded YWCA Alternatives to Domestic Violence Supportive housing for DV victims and families - 4 Units $35,37.00 $31,681.00' YWCA Child & Youth Services Increase Access & Availability of Services for Adults; Expand Housing & Services to Youth. $42,785.00 $23,504.00 Total $1,530,819.00 $650,000.00 Page,_ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 7, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business X new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Requested transfer of portion of Heroy Avenue to Spokane County relating to placement of sewer pump station GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 39.33.010. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The Spokane County Division of Utilities contacted staff to inquire about the County obtaining an unused portion of City right-of-way that came to the City upon incorporation. The County requires some space to site a sewer pumphouse. The right-of-way in question is an unimproved section of Heroy Avenue immediately east of Plante's Ferry Park. (See map, attached) The City does not have a transportation need for the property. The applicable state law provision is RCW 39.33.010, which states in pertinent part as follows: 1) The state or any municipality or any political subdivision thereof, may sell, transfer, exchange, lease or otherwise dispose of any property, real or personal, or property rights, including but not limited to the title to real property, to the state or any municipality or any political subdivision thereof, or the federal government, on such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon by the proper authorities of the state and/or the subdivisions concerned. In addition, the state, or any municipality or any political subdivision thereof, may sell, transfer, exchange, lease, or otherwise dispose of personal property, except weapons, to a foreign entity. OPTIONS: Authorize City Manager to execute documents necessary to transfer ownership of property at issue to County; instruct staff to provide additional information and bring back at a later date. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move that we authorize the City Manager or designee to execute any necessary documents to transfer any interest the City has in Heroy Avenue located between the eastern boundary of Plante's Ferry Park and the western boundary of where Vercler Road intersects with Heroy Avenue. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS- None STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director. ATTACHMENTS: Maps showing property and area r - • ; , ,Kr . ~ d F•'~ T ~1 ` ~ l ~ ' Y Fyrt~ ~ _ • f *i;. C . _ i . r a wr `'r~ '\I'~ i i 4~ I + i { r • ~ • r• 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 7, 2006 City Manager Sign-off. Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Recreation 2006 Summer Program Overview GOVERNING LEGISLATION: n/a PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: n/a BACKGROUND: The Parks and Recreation Department offered a variety of youth programs during the 2006 summer season (June - August). Staff will provide a presentation on these programs, including cost recovery information and program recommendations for next year. A Review of council goals and a brief Fall Parks and Recreation program update will follow. OPTIONS: n/a RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: n/a BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: n/a STAFF CONTACT: Jennifer Cusick ATTACHMENTS Power Point Presentation & Excel Budget Worksheets Parks and *9:m- Recreation ~4 Department Summer Program Overview 2006 Summer Programs Surnr r Day Camp (6-11 {y m) • KinderCampr (3-5 yrs) - Uttle Tykes Indoor Gym (CravAers - 3 yrs) rree Park Prograrns Meat Program A . r• Summer Day Camp "Home-base C'enterplace - - J u Ile 19 - August 25 flo wefty A Totat of 26.1 youth attended _ t 10 Different Themed Weeks ewwd.ftw spa. r..." •FbW F.an11. •wa sa..v 5.W bk d errv ftw Games Guest Speakers Field Trips Arts 6 Crafts Hiking Swimming •o.d.s..Ad •KL~~q 1•rc] - C[. I i~yti / elk -96% Recovery •Stal" •4 seasonal nane-twa As". • 30-W hors • weds ti 'V 2007 Program Recommendations -Incorporate more FREE field trips •D- a~ na 6.dl all..rrr -u.rl0ar d o./np •Eerlier 6 mane extensive advertising •Sduo6,..rn.py... Mk.. 1b."..~ -Change weekty themes • taco rn Ih. nrn.~e .n..,aHf ,wry. r 2 t KinderCamp Location: weOffn fiance Hall, Sollivan Park June 19 -July 28 tow*,: t p 6 42 1 OtaJ Campers AstterKled Au'ts & drafts ' clames . ' Kidd Trtps ¢ . 6 biffererrt Themed Weeks Big CRY Dba~v kk~ • I O M R~c Wald "n`d %ked on tM Cam Jr_.AtFYM~ • 71% Cost R eccAsery ' .A - -2 SewlWal Recreboon Assistants •15-20 hours J" week ■ 4 T 7 Program Recommendations • El.ararv~sl.e iNp~ • Replw Mid uko drh rcws^ hmt r qmkfi&N {'C11'ay' • lAa.c sun tlfm fmn 9A)D f is efoosm a aJO IM M mnFdur d wed Rom 6 9 - - F • G+r~ao risYfy Hrc~'ntl Little Types Indoor Gym £OcaN01V 4 esteem 0.917Ce 8911, SWIlVar? {park MmWays &Wednex6y5 June 19 - August 23 I 54 Parents & Children Attended •so9r. cart Rema~rM -1 SeasoW Roeaeattofn Avoitanr :'F -4 hr a week Program Reiommentlswm 2UO7 .w a - _ _ •Inocax p~risn Tee -Add mare dam etrucftye 6_2 46..rw~hoWw~ k -Off1WpfW- pea niud lr To ~4.W wm~op~n.Nr~r FREE Park Programs Valley Mission. Browns & Edgecliff Parks • Arts 6 Crafts j. • Games ` • OVer 350 Children At.endr-' t _ ) a ~ l~ ty A'oV1d!l~11J.f1' P01/r~Vt • eavkonment for dWdren to pley Meal Program in PartnerNp %virh East Valley School District • Sullivan Park • Valley Mission Park • Browns Park •EdgediH Park -YMCA - Summer Day Camp O.w 2.000 meai: were served to - our carnp anerWants and the general pudic at tew lifted locations J Fall Programs • Yo-Yol • Uttle Tykes Indoor Gym • Jewelry Making • Preschool Playclub • Theme Classes e 5 r 2006 Program Recommendations Review I Continue wMh exkdng summer programs. Eaalore opportunNk% to ud me CwftVkca for Cm progr+rM for all ages. + Focus on tear and youth oriented classes and other acdY ies. hwectlgate after school opportunities + EKplose 'raen Canter' possibiGdes + Special Events - concerts ti the perk art In the park. Bold hipt. + Mwesfigeta opportunities to prnwrkooperate with other agessdes - schools, cornmun" groups. private groups, + Continue to develop role ti fadlitating use of programs offered by other agen les and ogpnkatkxu. + Recruit RacreetSon CoordiineW to hnplemwut and oversee yew- round proVwyvrJrtg. Focus on rwww ridefioru (as per above) of the master plan. Summer fun with Spokane Nall Parks & Recreation h a r 6 r ~r {3~1 4 a sa ! { 1 L 7 LAIDLAW ~t 1 w =r s Jri 8 i : . ' i t ~ } t li ' •J ~ ~i _ [ . ~ ; i. ~ ai 1,~ , ~ r~ a~ y. s ~t 1 r r v7 E *Wme ~a11ey° Parks and Recreation 10 2006 Summer Day Camp Budget: Age 6.11 years Direct Expenses Actual Staffin 20.10.01 $12.811.17 Office& Operating Supplies (20.31.01) (arts d cn games, rays, u men 378.00 Prof. Services (20.41.05) Lebow bus Mtn then S6,226.13 Safety Equip. (20.31.06) flrat aki su Mes S75.00 ,Advertising 20.44.01 $400.00 Misc. Services(20.49.06) ,Irekd t .dmisston $3,811.68 Expenses Total $23,701.98 Revenue 'Total Fee Number of per Partici nts Participant iota Revenue 241 x $90.00 $21690.00 16 x $45.00 $720.00 5 536.00 $18000 1 x $54.00 $54.00 Total 263 $221644.00 Cost Recovery Total % of Cost Total Revenue Total Expenses ProfWLass Recove S22 644.00 $23.701 98 S1.057 98i 96% Gasf for arm creek (it Summer Day Camp = $90 00. The other teas listed in this section art prorated rates due to parrc.,pwls not being abto to attend a ruff week for a veriety of reasons (health, emergency, out-of-town, etc) 2006 KinderCamp Budget: Ages 3-5 years Direct Ex enses Actual Staffin 20.10.01 $1,700.00 Office& Operating Supplies (20.31.01) (arts & craft pames, toys, evui n-t 306.72 Prof. Services (20.41.05) f.a dlaw bus bar rtation) 5672.10 Safety Equip. (20.31.06) (first aid upphes) $75.00 Advertising 20.44.01 $100.00 Misc.Services(20.49.06) I~^ tap edmiss,on fees $106.00 Expenses Total $2,959.82 Revenue 'Total Fee Number of per Total Participants Particl ant Revenue 42 x S50 Co S2,100.0 Total $2,100.00 Cost Recovery Total Total of Cost Total Revenue Expenses _ ProfiVLoss -Recovery $2 100.00 $2,959.82 -$859.82 71% Summer 2006 Little Tykes Budget: Ages Crawlers - 3 years & Parents Direft Ex erases Actual Staffin 20.10.01 345.00 Prof. Services 20.41.05 $345.00 Safety Equip. (20.31.06) !tlrj aids s) $75.00 Advertising (20.44.01 S93.00 Expenses Total $858.00 Revenue "Total Fee *Number of per Total Registrations R Revenue 25 x 520.00 $500.00 1 54.00 54.00 1 510.00 510.00 Total 3514.00 Cost Recovery Total Total of Cost Total Revenue Expenses Pr lAoss Recovery 514.00 $85800 -$344.001 60% 'Each Unto T ynes reg;stratun represents Nvo people (parent d child) raid Partlclpants w 54. "Session lee fbrUttle Tyl'_-es.s S20.00. Other rates tistad in the section are prorated rates due to participant raVstrabon more than halfway thmugh the program 2006 FREE Park Programs: Ages 3 - 18 years. Direct E nses Actual "Staffin 20.10.01 $4,385,80 O"Icea Operating Supplies (20.31.01) (arts a cmMs, games, toys, e u nont) $282.30 Safety Equip. (20.31.06) ft W aid au !ks) S75.00 Advertising 20.44.01 S200.00 Expenses Total $4,943.10 Revenue 'Total Fee Number of per Total Participants Participant Revenue 325 x S0.00 50.00 Total $0,00 Cost Recovery Total Total % of Cost Total Revenue Expenses Profit/Loss Recove $0.00 54,943.10 -$4,943,101 0 Park Ftog ains . i FREE 5: r,-fCe, 'h. a t7 rn? _t ors hl (,•J p Jrtr i(s 'Parks 1 ,'cdA 9 C S td]r~i ff J9. ci/ h1f5%i3(i Ji..,i•t.r w 5(- rft j N'r(it G'1N ~•?Cf88;'.JfI fi5515.3i~( 1~h0 Nt?!-n i :0 por week CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 7, 2006 City Manager Sign-off. Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ® old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : CenterPlace Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Staff will provide an update on CenterPlace successes as well as future plans for improvement For the period of January 1, 2006 - October 27, 2006 CenterPlace has taken 447 reservations and collected $345,643 in revenues. Expenditures for that same time period were $348, 244 which is $28,756 under budget. CenterPlace staff is currently working on a Regional Marketing Plan to better measure the regional impact of CenterPlace on the local tourism industry and to increase that impact through selective marketing. The City is working with the marketing firms of Klundt/Hosmer and Desautel Hege Communications. The plan will guide the 2007 advertising efforts of CenterPlace. There is a remaining CenterPlace construction fund of $372,000. Staff is proposing to make modifications to CenterPlace such as removing the dividing wall between rooms 107 and 109 to provide classroom capacity for groups of 80-100 people. Some of the funds have also been earmarked for future technology equipment. With the exception of Universal Park, the available funds are donations received for CenterPlace. OPTIONS- Provide feedback/recommendations to staff as desired. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: General discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson ATTACHMENTS PowerPoint Presentation CenterPlace Update As of 10/27/06 New Website ! Y3l1~~~ 2 Reservations 2006/2007 20x0 V"TT1'i! JAIr /99 m" MAI, _Uw ",f "a a" OCT mw 00C TUTU !OA Osgw 0 J f 2 1 1 0 0 0 J 0 2 % 0 JO~~Y 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 1 0 CeeweMT EwJ t 1 J 2 t 0 0 0 0 1 0 V 11 f~nfeYel t 0 1 ] 0 0 0 0 1 a 1 1 10 f Gtis110e C.W" 0 0 0 q 0 ] 0 0 1 0 0 / 1 f Berry ! 0 11 0 Is 14 12 T U M U 10 02 W Ones 0 0 0 ] f 0 q 1 0 1 0 1 0 "U-M MT 0 r J f J 0 1 1 2 1 ! U Y S r,~eeee t f 10 t ] 11 q 0 0 f 1 0 N r VMee}npRe~p•a1 f 2 f 1 Iq 0 ti 10 10 J ! ! Y rr YNrIrtl11 1 0 0 1 0 J 0 0 y is 12 r U t~ TWAI U rr .q Y M >t !r rl Y » o ~q t2f J Revenues (as of 10/27/06) Exceeded 2OW Projection Projected ;172,D60 St 73.583 YM Achfal $345,643 a 2 Expenditures (as of 10/27/06) savings to Date $28,756 2006 YTD Actual Budget 5348,24 $377,000 i i 5 Regional Impact Regional impact is significant but our challenge is to: • Measure regional use • Develop a Regional Marketing Plan • Strengthen relationships with regional providers • Develop on-site advertising to attract regional use 0 3 Regional Marketing Plan We have contracted with the firm of Klundt/Hosmer teamed up with Desautel Hege Communications - Survey current and potential customers -Target meeting planners, administrative assistants and others responsible for booking events - Involve CVB and City Council. Develop consensus on regional marketing - Develop Regional Plan 7 Regional Marketing Plan Schedule Activi Due Date Key informant Interview Questionnaire Development Nov 3 Key informant Interviews Nov 22 Best Practice and Competitor Research Nov 22 Regional Marketing Action Plan Dec 22 a 4 Business Customers Capital Generation Windemere Real Estate Itronix YMCA Real Estate Divcon Inc. Edgecliff SCOPE Tri-Church Lutherhaven Auction Economic Development Council IRS Environmental of WA Redline Strategies Carlson Wagonlit Travel Elk Ridge Development Group City of Liberty Lake West Valley School District The Apex Group Spokane County Commissioners Kestell Company Avista Utilities Primerica Financial Services Aging & Long Term Care of WA Traders Club/CBA Market America SCRAPS Wagstaff Assoc of Builders & Contractors Dale Carnegie FAA Cancer Care NW Spokane Community Care 9 Business Customers Con't. Community Colleges of Spokane Building Owners & Mgrs Assoc Reverse Job Fair WA Community Forestry Council Humanix Yokes Food Arbonne McDonald Elementary Advanced Benefits Management Association of WA Cities Owens Corning Asuris NW Health F & M Band Commercial Brokers Assoc. WA State Dept of Social & Health Svcs NW Natural Resource Institute Highmark Development Group LLC Spokesman-Review Life Line Screening WA State Dept of L & I WSPRC Albertsons WA State Transportation Dept. US Bank National City Mortgage Health Service NW Wellness & Education Strategies WA State Emergency Mgmt Workforce Training & Education PrePaid Legal Services 10 5 City Sponsored Events (Fees Waived) Edgecliff SCOPE Spokane Valley Public Forum Senior Center Student Advisory Council Spokane Valley Public Works Attorney General Office Spokane Valley Community Dev. Inland Empire Planning Meeting Domestic Violence Consortium WA Community Forestry Council WA St. Parks &Rec Commission Spokane County Auditor's Office Spokane Valley Elected Officials Spokane Valley City Council Association of WA Cities Northeast Mayor's Meeting Meals on Wheels City/Comcast Executive Meeting Spokane Valley Arts Council Valleyfest Little & Middle Spokane Watershed WA Interagency Committee Applied Technology Council - Regional Meeting Fees Existing fee schedule is working very well. There may be opportunity to simplify by combining service fees. EXAMPLE: Existing Format: Room Rental $100/hr Host Fees $ 15/hr New Format: Room Rental $115/hr ,2 6 Construction Budget Balance • Approximately $372,000 balance - Potential purchases include • Power Point projector for executive conf. room • Video conferencing equipment • Universal Park • Replacing floor in Senior Dining Area • Removing wall between rooms 107 and 109 to create a classroom with capacity of 80-100 people. • Maintain a CenterPlace construction fund. 13 7 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 1117/06 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business x❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2007 Preliminary Legislative Agenda and Prospective Lobbyist Services GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Annually, the Council considers various legislative topics to determine how best to protect and promote the interests of the City. The Councilmembers recently discussed the potential for retaining the services of a registered lobbyist to assist the City Council to accomplish its legislative program. A Request for Proposal was issued and responded to. Respondent interviews were held on October 17. BACKGROUND: This discussion item presents the City Council with an opportunity to identify matters of legislative interests in-advance of the upcoming session of the Washington State Legislature. Three items have been mentioned to date: 1) state funding for the Universal Park project at Mirabeau Point, 2) increased state funding for street preservation and maintenance, and 3) state financial support for Project Access. Additionally, the Council may consider what if any assistance it desires from a lobbyist. Impressions drawn from the recent interviews of lobbyists suggest that an initial facilitated legislative program might consist of lobbyist support to 1) create a presence for the City in Olympia so that legislators are aware of our active interest in pending legislation such as Growth Management Act revisions, 2) alert the Council to emerging issues that may have a positive or adverse effect on the City, 3) identify revenue and grant funding opportunities, 4) and facilitate a capital funding request for the proposed universal park at Mirabeau Point. OPTIONS: 1. Develop an initial legislative agenda. 2. Give the matter further thought. 3. Consider the matter of retaining a lobbyist. 4. Choose not to move forward with the preparation of contract for lobbyist services. 5. Move forward with such a contract. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: PROPOSED ACTION: Craft an initial legislative agenda and provide staff with direction to negotiate and finalize a professional services contract under the City Manager's purchasing authority. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Estimated expenses between $15,000 and $36,000 depending upon the agreed scope of services. $40,000 for this purpose has been allocated in the proposed FY 2007 budget. STAFF CONTACT: Dave Mercier and Nina Regor DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of November 1, 2006 11:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings November 14, 2006 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, November 61 Proclamations: Youth Leadership Month; National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week 1. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adoption of 2007 Budget [10 minutes] 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending ROW Permit Process - Morgan Koudelka/inga Note [IS minutes] 4. Proposed Resolution Replacing 05-021, Governance Manual Revisions - Councilmember DeVleming [ 10 min] 5. Proposed Resolution Establishing 3 Revised School Speed Zones - Neil Kersten [10 minutes] 6. Motion consideration: Geiger Agreement - Morgan Koudelka [10 minutes] 7. Motion consideration. Professional Services Agreement - Lobbyist - Dave Mercier [10 minutes] Administrative Reports: S. Snow Plowing & Street Sweeping Level of Service - Neil Kerste ® 15 minutes 9. Proposed Pee Rei0 I en ` 10. Appleway Reconstruction Project - Steve Worley/Neil Kersten [10 minutes] EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pending Litigation; Land Acquisition Information Items: 11. Update on UDC Project - Marina Sukup 12. Records Management 13. Proposed 2006 Amended Budget 14. Memorandum Regarding Request for Proposals Pro r*R,.i K`~f 15. Beverly Hills Stornnvater Project - Neil Kersten [estimated meeting: 105 minutes*) November 21, 2006 - Thankseivine Week - No Meeting November 28, 2006 Regular Meeting 6:00 a.m. [due date Monday, November 201 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Amended 2006 Budget - Ken Thompson (10 minutes] 2. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes) 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending Right-of-Way Permit Process - Morgan Koudelka/Inga Note [15 minutes] 4. First Reading Ordinance Amending 2006 Budget - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 5. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending SVMC 2.50 - Nina Regor [10 minutes] 6. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, Re Mike Con II 4 7. Proposed Resolution: Master Fee Schedule - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] Administrative Reports: 8. North Spokane Corridor (US 395) Update - Jerry Lenzi, Dept of Trans. [20 minutes] 9. Cable Television Public Access Concept: Community-Minded TV - Dan Baumgarterten [20 minutes] 10. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Grant Recommendations Rpt-Deputy Mayor Taylor [20 minutes] Information Only: 11. Department Reports [estimated meeting: 130 minutes*] Thursday, November 30, 2006, Community Workshop #3, 6:00 n.m. - 9: 00 n.m. Meeting Place: Decades Banquet Facility, 10502 E Sprague Avenue December 5. 2006 - Tentative No Meeting December 5-6, 2006, NLC 8fd Annual Congress of Cities Conference, Reno, Nevada Draft Advance Agenda 1 1; ] /2006 11:22 A.tit Page 1 of 2 December 12, 2006, Regular Meetine 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, December 41 1. Consent Agenda: Claims, Minutes, Payroll [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Ordinance Amending 2006 Budget - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Re Request fa.ppp~ssals - MTikp._ z''"minutes] 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending SVMC 2.50 - Nina Regor [ 10 minutes] z ; [10 minutes] 5. Proposed Resolution Replacing 03-015, -Nitta Regor r~ 6. Proposed Resolution Replacing 04-020 Nina Regor [10 minutes] 7. Motion Consideration: Lodging Tax Advisory Grant Fund Allocations - Deputy Mayor Taylor [5 minutes] 8. Mayoral Appointments: Committee/Boards/Planning Commission, etc - Mayor Wilhite [15 minutes] 9. Street MasterPlan Update - Steve Worley [60 minutes] [estimated meeting: 135 minutes*] December 19, 2006, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, December 11] 1. EDC Quarterly Report - Jim Huttenmaier (15 minutes) 2. S.W.O.T. Update (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) -Nina Regor (60 minutes) 3. Parks 2007 Capital Program - Mike Jackson (20 minutes) [estimated meeting: 95 minutes*] December 26, 2006 - Christmas Week - No Meeting January 2, 2007, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date December 261 January 9, 2007, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date MO January 21 January 16, 2007, Special Workshop Meeting 6:00 p.m., Decades Community Workshop: Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Januarv 23, 2007, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date , January 161 Note:-This joint, nieetin slate to.be Chan e'd J i uar_Y`r_'M `2007, bintC`6uncill r nu g Com iWiii January 30, 2007, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, January 221 Saturday, January 27, 2007, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Council/Staff Winter Retreat; CenterPlace Lounge Tenlalive Topics: Communications Program OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: Salary Commission Final Report due December 4, 2006 Sewer Collection Systems - Neil Kersten Noise Ordinance (Construction Activity) SEPA Mitigation Strategies - Cary DriskelUGreg Conveyance of Milwaukee Right-of-way - Cary Driskell McCormick/Neil Kersten UR-t Extended Zoning Expires 11~gC Planned Unit Development (PUD) Policy Issues - Marina NLC Congressional City Conference March 10-14, 2007, Sukup/Mike Connelly Washington, D.C. Accident Statistics along- Broadway October, 2007 Student Advisory Council Bylaws - Councilmember Site Locator DeVleming Modified Crime Check A Housing Authority Participation Interlocal - Nina Regor Vacation of Streets: Payment of Value estimated meeting time does not include time for public BOCC Definition of Regional Services comments] Light Rail Central Valley School District Impact Fee Request Proposed Sidewalk Ordinance Draft Advance Agcnda 1 1 r 1 .'2006 11:22 Ah4 Page 2 of 2 I 1 1- F, 4.41 L' 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ~ 5pokaae Valley b`!A 9206 ..;~Valley 509.921.1000 4 Fax: 509,921.1008 • cityhallpspokarnevaRey, org Memorandum To, Dave Mercier, City Manager and Members of Council From; Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst Date, hovember 7, 2406 Re, Model Geiger Agreement I The City has contractual agreements with Spokane County for confinement services as well as for alternatives to incarceration such as work crews, work re[ease, and electronic home monitoring, These services are provided by the Spokane County Jail and by Geiger Correctional Facility. The new model jail agreement was approved by Council on July 1, 2006• The new Geiger - agreement will be presented to C ounciI on November 14. Geiger operates as are enterprise fund for the County. On February 8, 2006, Coundl approved several model service agreements with Spokane County. The language from those model agreements has been incorporated into the Geiger agreement, save the one change noted below, providing consistency throughout all the County -service agreements. The cast methodology has also been revised for this agreement, from a pay-as-you-go style to a settle-and-adjust format. Old Cost Methodology ■ Consultant developed rates based on actual costs for calendar year two years prior to contract year. ■ City usage was tracked on a monthly basis. ■ Rates were applied to City usage- a City was invoiced on a monthly basis. - ■ All monthly payments were final. New Cost Methodology ■ Consultant develops estimated rates based on budgeted costs for contract year. ■ City's actual usage far a twelve-month period is used as an estimate for the-contract year. ■ Estimated rates are applied to estimated usage to determine an estimated annual cost. Estimated annual cost is divided into twelve equal payments. • After the contract year is closed, the consultant determines the actual casts for services and develops actual rates, ■ Actual rates are applied to actual City usage, Model Geiger Agreement November 7, 2006 Page 2 or 2 • Actual annual cost for City is determined and reconciled to payments made throughout the year. Geiger Agreement ■ Automatic renewal • 180-day termination clause ■ Monthly payments • Year-end reconciliation (Settle-and-adjust methodology) • Actual costs • Dispute resolution procedure • Monthly usage reports provided • Capital expenditures will be factored into the rates of the year the improvement(s) occur, capped at $1 million aggregate for the year. Unused capital payments will be refunded to the City upon termination of the agreement.* ■ Anti-subsidization clause ■ Recognition of potential impact of revenue-reducing initiatives (state) ■ All medical costs incurred after booking will be absorbed by County and factored into rates ■ An operating reserve of $500,000 will be built up over 2 year's time (2007 and 2008) and factored into the rates. ■ Charging guidelines defined ■ No interest charged on final reconciliation settlement should contract terminate.*** * Spokane Valley confinement days comprise approximately 1.6% of total Geiger confinement days. The maximum capital cost impact to the City according to this usage would be $16,000. Applying this usage rate to the reserve build-up equates to a financial impact to the City of approximately $4,000 per year. This provision differs from the model agreement. This language is contained in the agreement between the County and the City of Spokane and also utilized in the Spokane Valley agreement. Both parties are still required to make the final settlement payment within thirty days of the reconciliation. Model agreement language allows either party to charge interest on the outstanding amount if not paid within the thirty-day timeframe. Staff does not believe that this change has the potential to create a material financial impact to the City. 2006 Rates Confinement $66.85 per day Work Release $36.99 per day Work Crew $54.83 per day Electronic Monitoring $23.42 per day City is only responsible for the portion the participant is unable to pay. 2006 Estimated Cost $325,000 2006 SV Budget $120,000 Savings in other service contracts offset the budget difference. Next Step A motion consideration has been placed on the November 14th agenda. Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Vatley WA 992ID6 5M.921.10+0 4 l*ax: 5M.921.1008 ♦ dtyha1I@sWkancva11ey.i~q Memorandum To. City Council, Dave Mercier - Fn m: inga l+ oU -Tmfflc Engineer Thru: Nall Kersten - Public Works Director - DOA: 10r a" Re. Broadw►raylEvergreen Signal Work Phasing change at Broadway/Evergreen Another benefit of converting Broadway from 44anes to 3. as discussed with Council back in June. is the ability to improve !the operaWn of the B roadway/Ev re signal. The phasing change from 'split to `protected phasing' for east wEst €raffic will be accomplished usmq a net type of signal display. The Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) has been under study for sever) yews as a way to clarify to drivers that tiaey new to yield to o=orr nlg tr . Almost all of the protected-permitted displays in tip Spokane region use the "doghouse' style. After the studies reported better driver undo rsianding with the FYA., the Federal Highway Administr=ation released an irrterirn appnwal of the FYA in March 2DD6. It is expected to be included in the next edbxxn of lire Mt_1TCD. In the interim. M Mate of Washington has received approval to use the I`YA k%ide:. un nra.o Doglrous fora F1ad ft YeAaw Mow xfigurabon The FYA is wily used in the following Northwest cities; Lacey. WA Federai way. WA Portland, Beaved-on. OR Inevvick, A Vancouver, WA Bend. OR Coeur d'Alene, ID Federal Way, WA Evem A Redmond, OR Pocatello, ID Why are we usirty R on Broadway? We op ling for the FYA disptay ranter Ulan the tradit KnIal doghouse display for hNo reasons. 1) The FYA will make it very clear to drivers that they no kxMer atw,rays have a protected tum from Broadway bD Evergreen. and 2) The F1fA can be installed without replacing our signal pries and rnastarms as there w he no change in windloachng. How will drivers react? Studies have shown that drivers irnhi ely understand that dia Flashing Yef low Armw means they need to yield to onaxning traffic, The Washington D fiver Guide states: `A ffashing yellow traf light means. slaw down and proceed with caution.` b._ Public WAS staff made field observation of +diiuef reacWn four days FTA at r' whlee'tt!, ills iry after Coeur d'Alene Installed their n FYA signal at KathleenfAttas in [ o"mr i!' e4 tlerp September. All left4urning vehk*re were yielding to oncoming irafiTic. How does W work? A diagram of the signal phasing is shown below_ Red (30 sec) Evergreen traffic has a green. Protected Left Turn (10 see) - Broadway left tunas. Yellow Change Interval (3 sec) - Broadway protected left turn phase as ending. Fled (1 sec) - All red clearance between f3madway left and through phases. Permissive Left Turn (20 sec) - Broadway lefts must yield to oncoming traffic, Broadway through and right have a green. Yellow Change Interval (3 sec) - Broadway phase is ending. Red - Relum green to Evergreen traffic. i~balllatinn Inst diataon is bents" planned for late November, depending on the arnval of a new signal cabinet, and then subsequent testiN by 8'ae Spokane County signal shop. The installation will require shutting the signal off and controlling the intersection with flaggers for 4-6 hours vvhile the new cabinet is installed. ~.YAZC-4~ Ly ASSOCIATION OF STATE FLOODPLAIN MANAGERS, INC. S 5rph 2809 Fish Hatchery Road Suite 204 Madison, 1Nisconsin 53713 608-274-0123 f4 Fax: 608-274-0696 Website: Nvww.floods.org Email: asfpm@iloods.org cgs :==1 . e U000 Chair Paris Pogue, CFM October 23, 2006 State Floodplain Manager Mr. Dave Mercier RI Emergency Mgmt. Agency Cif, of Spokane 645 New London Ave. Cranston, RI 02920 11707 E. Sprague 401-946-9996 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Fax 401-944-1891 pam.pogue@us.army.mil Dear Mr. Mercier: Vice Chair We are pleased to inform you that one of your staff, Marina Sukup, has successfully Al W. Goodman, Jr., CFM completed the process and examination to become an ASFPM Certified Floodplain State Floodplain Manager Manager (CFM . The ASFPA4 gents this certification only to those professionals MS Emergency Mgmt. Agency who meet the requirements and complete a comprehensive examination on the P.O. Box 5644 programs and standards to reduce flood losses in the nation. More information about Pearl, MS 39208 the ASFPM CFM Prognun is easily accessible on our website at 601-933-6605 ~~~,.floods.org/certmenu.hhn. Fax 601-933-6805 agpodman@mema.ms.gov The goals of the ASFPM CFM Program are: - Secretary • Formalize a procedure to recognize and provide an incentive for individuals . to improve their knowledge of floodplain management concepts; Collis O. Brown, CFM, • Enhance individual professional development g oals; - State Floodplain ta • promote an understanding of relevant subject matter that is consistent Georgia DNR NR .7 Martin Luther King Dr., Ste. 440 nationwide; Atlanta, GA 30334 • Convey new concepts and practices; and 404-656-6382 • Build partnerships among organizations and agencies that share the goal of Fax 404-656-6383 advancing sound floodplain management. .collis_brown @dnr.state.ga.us We will continue to work with Marina to maintain this important certification. We Treasurer urge you to recognize and support this important professional step by your staff' Greg Main, CFM member. State Floodplain Manager Indiana DNR Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. 402 W. Washington St. Rm. W264 Sincere Indianapolis, -1104 317-23 34-1107 Fax 317-233-4579 gmain@dnr.in.gov Lary A. Larson Executive Director Executive Director Assn. Of State Floodplain Managers Larry A. Larson, P.E., CFM ASFPM Executive Director Cc: Marina M. Sukup 2809 Fish Hatchery Road Suile 204 Madison, WI 53713 608-274-01.23 Fax 608-274-0696 larry@floc)ds.org .,7)edicAted to reducing flood losses in the nation. ;nC-Icrn p6kane galley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Informational Memo To: Nina Regor, City Council From: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects CC: Dave Mercier, Carolbelle Branch Date: November 1, 2006 Re: Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project Phasing (first touch) At the September 126' Council meeting staff presented a list of proposed projects in which to submit applications for federal transportation grant funding through SRTC's 2006 Call for Projects. At this meeting it was briefly mentioned that the Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project was being phased and that an application was recommended to be submitted for Phase 2 of the project. This memo is intended to provide more detailed information on the status of the Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project. Attached is a letter to Gleam Miles of SRTC describing the current funding situation relative to this project. The letter requests approval to split the project into two phases and use the currently allocated federal funds to pay for the phase one improvements. The letter also requests additional federal funds to help cover the projected funding shortfall of $455,102. Also attached is a response to our request fiom Mr. Miles. In summary the request to split the project into two phases was approved, use of the currently obligated federal funds for phase one of the project was approved, and our request for additional federal fitnds was denied due to the lack of available funds. Included in Nfr. Miles' response is a suggestion to use the $458,768 in federal funds currently allocated to the Valley Corridor Project 2 (Preliminary Engineering only) to cover the shortfall on the Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project. If this approach were to be used, funding for the Preliminary Engineering of the Valley Corridor Project 2 (University Road to Evergreen Road) would need to be covered from a portion of the $4.2 million in federal funds currently allocated to the construction phase of the Valley Corridor Project 2. Informational Memo November 1, 2006 Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project Page 2 Staff is reviewing this suggestion and would like to discuss this at a future study session to get your thoughts. Please feel free to contact Neil or myself to let us know your thoughts or if you have any questions. Spo~.~ne ~J ,;,o*VaIIey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhaltospokanevalley.org September 8, 2006 Glenn F. Miles Transportation Manager Spokane Regional Transportation Council 221 W. First Avenue, Suite 310 Spokane, WA 99201-3613 Subject: Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - STPUL-3842(002) (Srtc04-20) Dear Glenn: As part of the Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project, we recently received an updated construction cost estimate from David Evans & Associates (DEA) based on an 80% complete design. The current construction estimate is $4,514,390. This is significantly higher than the original construction estimate of $2,127,796 Spokane County prepared - back in 2004 when the STP(U) grant application was prepared. These estimates include a 10% contingency. Attached is a comparison of the two estimates. You will note there are several issues related to the increased estimate including the following: • The price of asphalt and concrete has risen substantially in the last two years. • The current road section based on a geotechn.ical report from Buddinger is thicker than the county planned. This increases the quantities of roadway excavation, crushed surfacing, and asphalt. • The county's unit price for "roadway excavation, including haul" was significantly lower than currently estimated • There were several bid items not included in the county's estimate. Based on the new increased estimate and the amount of city and STP(U) funds currently obligated to this project, we would like approval to split the project into two phases. Phase One would be from Tshirley Road to Barker Road and would include a new signal at the Appleway/Barker intersection. Phase Two would be the remainder of the project from Barker Road to Hodges Road. We request approval to use all of the currently obligated S"1" P(U) fiords for the Phase One project. We would then prepare another grant application for Phase Two seeking additional STP(U) funds under the current Call for Projects to complete the improvements. Glenn Miles, SRTC 9/8/2006 Appleway Avenue Reconstruction STPUL-3842(002) Page 4 This proposed approach includes completing the design and right-of-way acquisition for both Phase One and Phase Two under our current design contract with DEA. Splitting the contract documents into two bid packages is not currently in our scope of work with DEA and would require an equitable adjustment of their fee. Attached is also a funding summary for this proposed phased approach. As indicated in the summary, there is still a $455,102 shortfall in funding. We would like to request STP(1 T) contingency funds to cover this shortfall. Please let me know as soon as possible if this t-,vo-phased approach and the utilization of currently obligated STP(U) funds for Phase One is acceptable and if additional STP(U) funds are available. Sincerely, Steve M. Worley, P.E. Senior Engineer - Capital Projects Enclosures: Construction Cost Estimate Comparison, Cc: Louis Graf, City of Spokane Valley Bill McCammon, WSDOT, H&LP Spokane Regional Transportation Council SRT(:: 221 W. First Avenue, Suite 310 • Spokane, WA 99201-3613 509/343-6370 FAX: 509/343-6400 September 26, 2006 ' I//r~; ~ SEP 2 7 2006 Mr. Steve Worley, P.E. Senior Engineer, Capital Projects City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Subject: Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - STPUL-3842(002) Dear Mr. Worley: We are in receipt of your letter dated September 8, 2006, which informs us of the funding shortfall on the above referenced project. Our response to the significant increase in the project cost to the City of Spokane Valley is to propose the project be split into two logical phases. This would. allow work to.move forward on the segment between Tschirley and Barker Roads, including.a view traffic signal at Barker and Appleway. Given the significant increase in the cost of materials and excavation, the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) concurs with the request to phase the project and use the currently available STP funds for the Phase 1 project previously described: Your letter also included a request seeking an additional $455,102.00 in potentially available STP(U) contingency funds to offset the shortfall in the Phase 1 project. Unfortunately, there are no STP(U) contingency funds available. The City of Spokane Valley currently has a project contained in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for future preliminary engineering and design in the Sprague/Appleway Corridor. With the effort underway by the City of Spokane Valley to define the future land use and transportation investments in the Sprague/Appleway . Corridor, it may be pragmatic to reprogram the STP(U) funds already in the TIP to cover the shortfall in the Phase 1 Appleway Avenue Reconstruction project. This is consistent with the currently available funds, since Phase 1 is contained within the defined corridor. Should you have questions, please feel free to contact me 343-6370. Sincerely, Glenn F. Miles Transportation Manager i APPLEWAY AVENUE I' nx1r STPUl '9de^{[3~cP1 F v CJV~1fB FPiy~Cf IR1pR7•P'e1TlaiFrtl I - ~ COMPAF41S N 13EME:E14 DEAS E5 riuA,T7cC AND COUNTY ESTIMA rt I ' - D ESTIMATE 8/30/06 COUNTY ESTIMATE 116144 DIFFERENCE -41AT nFA1- PL'HI ltAt#i nrr OPAT P!rYTJIL. m171TOr crero _ruarph__,tfT UMT 'wAI. P'1b. ~Pr1L N1y. . . . ® 91A,[JmrT FR76E MYLLITTr TJO, - rYU1`aRRy ^f•'q?CE A!!h !..M rnt ,LJt}E51.L*wn Lm I #fR4 BR100 L7:y i erMP ~Af1Qm8.}7ATTaN L3 110.5Ptl 351 eel Pt _ aaP CIY4, PC;1'Oi11rFR74 CL'Y#PRCY Ir~, RFrr 1-} 1 17.'003{17 }TPi'Hf M U-NIM310AI I"LAPEPI. 1nNC -irRLYIFAq`EMI 1.3 I Ai wM 14- Jv - r1 r ~rrp tl11m;~g11,p L6 1 i #t6 Gbh W; 1.111,4AU I1tlG'S 1tt ralraP[P I• - - X51.1[5 C11R1111Y-F4CL - Alen I 1I 1-y.h6L tai 47TJ75C AFLLE)6,rn L'Als1 MtK'IA%LM A UMVE_10MY OY #af' W al l 4L. 0156 PE1tr~'h1E 4TR mul. Lm Ll 4x1:'81 s7 870 L ~ - M", M11 ril" Ig 54: f9 c" 1]94 JPl PIFYFJ4T FJetF; Ct1R15 I LF hI p4~ !9 m RL7AdNIAT EXCAVAT70N, DKL I IraH, r;} 3D,4n! IM ad 4011 12110 1410 !rtDA PAPLY E2,L'AVA110h, 040, IWA, L'1' 29.978 to 55 $1r4:7m $ P u4I~ rm S,91tCUr OMMPHALT I IF I L-50 11.5 uu MOM MQ-0ABmiki-I LP pj _ . 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AERNAMEW ti 111.136661 4i1,6ae .cICNiNrJ, P'o,JLASa-nT - L.a 1I 4e,mgl nq 111100 Pn IP'LSR7'ICL ram7P5~' I LF I 153'1}, ite0~ 1]92+4 OhdP IJ`1•AUO-r1r. t1PR; LP 3J nt°~ w1n 1177.X18 m P'1J1l11C LAg, tAiFQTp I LF Y]4M1I it ltti 1].74n P"' P'L!4'fr1:LIRE. PLrTf1T: 1.F R' Nn8 k1 m' IrPLAGix ftor b'ff 788171 kw-I ILr P] I 10.15 G~S.n73 08-4 IP'L.+'ahr. VITM LIE WWTF. 199 ti 7)iF9I LY 911 17011 'A1t_1L~1TG'AiF7k tINP C54'I ! 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P CtIt" OAM I_E.4`f dr ILLIMIn 4r,'PA W.VL.F CM9:_7[tly1M I rA ! n 18.a_8I ,411 M ItowwrlouFf1T'EW I [s Ti sn.Tegnrl LmT{0 687' 1MOAT&M(LI1TrEiJ 1.9 1 71-0iCU0 itn,oan APP ICOTJ3TRLIL'1WNTTIAFFTL` G79F111R.H. LP. P IPI}J111LIn11 1798PC KW.% iTDAFRC LT:INTTWJr kAK-IQ III- 655. 13x•,68 L?i,tl•.n m RLEToNTAAF}TC mwiwm. tlN-,h& CR r n,oW.nn 7134 M CC[NN9TPLCT1rJNrirAMr^+'MfrM11. P11.rUr1 LP Z' im an $0 •m. !QU1N"FOR ea7tl nr~ LR I 1 CPPMInl 128,1Kr7 r118!VFY rFr.m rilus.mt7rnrrtl L# Q. lKd.llrll ;n i IbwrtbliN,151.yrf 100 Zu, 14 -+:,1F1 _ 11P~ nar rtrhr4.A Ma1'..Ati__rP_ 411 1 21 T9T1TL AW1111.510 1 1 - ~4..T-. 15{}a 1WLTALrr[P,mr-r E1F-t. i~Fi~1 . la szmmn 10` zi I'il -ou _...-----°s~ - - - I a44tl rtrxwPll .41'1 ! 1 GY 7,11'5 4i.® - I 6015 'EhSr01111 T I R.Lf 4.1IgXI s I A79 75.21', S}-11111 _ r7u Pal, '1L+. I.., I[-N'II111815'4 .TT f7 4iY 11311 iI.1.1:1 111,"11 _ - - - o {0Hh'4 LIW.. FT •r_f. -.,iT?E I Xi 1a IMP L]. 0 11 C7RiJIU I I `r..I 4"119` a Lr ! O4. 11'.7b L2_zwu1 Ii: 1X:1 1: Jw Inw--r 1-2,0 LJ] 1. _ i~ Y'ruul 3.e ,Li :11,11!1 9.q ct AM, e IG.rewgwnr. lip- MM tJ! 0016 - Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project Phased Funding Summary Original Phase 1 Phase 2 Total Revised Item Budget Budget Budget Budget Preliminary Engineering $193,000 S 219,342 S 16,064 $235,406 Right-of-Way $416,000 S 416,000 $ - $416,000 Construction $2,588,000 $ 3,320,761 $ 2,123,708 $5,444,469 Total Project $3,197,000 $3,956,102 52,139,773 $6,095,875 Phase 1 Construction Estimate $ 2,741,773 cone inters) PE RW Const. Total Preliminary Engineering 8% $ 219,342 Local Funds (13.5X) S 29,611 $ 56,160 $ 448,303 $ 534,074 Construction Engineering 8% S 219,342 Fed. Funds i8t3_w S 189,731 S 359,840 $ 2.872.458 $ 3,422,029 _Right-of-Way $ 416.000 Total Project $ 3,956,102 Subtotal $ 3,596,457 Contingency 10°x6 359.646 Approved Shortfall Phaso 1 Total S 3,956,102 Local Funds (21%) $ 735,700 $ (201,626) Federal Funds a9%) $ 2.765,300 $ 656,729 Total $ 3,501,000 5 •155,102 Phase 2 PE RW Const. Total Construction Estimate $ 1,606,436 Local Funds $ 2,169 S - $ 286,701 $ 288,869 Preliminary Engineering 1% $ 16,064 (Phase 1) Federal Funds S 13,896 S - $ 1,837,008 $ 1,850,903 Construction Engineering 10% $ 160,644 Total Project $ 2,139,773 Right-af-Way $ - (Phase 1) Subtotal $ 1,783,144 Approved Shortfall Contingency 20% 356,629 price escal.) Local Funds $ - $ 288,869 Phase 2 Total $ 2,139,773 Federal Funds S - $ 1.850,903 Total $ - $ 2,139,773 91812006 11.24 AM P 1Pubbc Wo6alCapetal ProlectaZtreot Prolect5l4016-Appinway Avenue - Tsdurley to tiodgeslControct -Budget TracYung Page 1