2004, 04-20 Special Open House DiscussionCITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY
19307 E. CATALDO
APRIL 20, 2004, 6 -8 PM
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Wastewater Issues Questionnaire
City of Spokane Valley
Public Open House Discussion
April 20, 2004
Introductory Statement:
Over the last several years, the County has examined a number of options for
adding a new sewer treatment plant to the inventory of facilities that they own
and operate in order to provide for continued growth and development within its
service area which includes all of its customers in the city limits of the new City of
Spokane Valley. Since the incorporation of Spokane Valley, the City Council with
the assistance of interim and permanent staff has discussed with representatives
of Spokane County and the City of Spokane the options they propose for a
regional plant that would serve the needs of area residents and meet state and
federal guidelines for obtaining a discharge permit. A discharge permit is
required before a new plant can send treated (cleansed) water to the Spokane
River; otherwise a plant could be built but not used. The federal Environmental
Protection Agency and the Washington Department of Ecology have not resolved
the question of whether the Spokane River can accept any additional discharge
of treated wastewater effluent. Although estimates vary somewhat, the cost of a
new plant would be about $100 million and the County's decisions about when
and under what circumstances to commit to such a large financial investment are
difficult. The County estimates that their sewer system will run out of capacity for
new connections about 2009, that it takes about five (5) years from when they
decide to go ahead with a new plant before it is available for use, and that the
study of the Spokane River's ability to handle more discharges may not be
complete before 2007.
To assist the Spokane Valley City Council and staff sort through the various
options for action, please consider and respond to the following questions:
1. In deciding whether to make the $100 million investment for a new treatment
plant, do you think the County should wait until the environmental regulatory
agencies determine if the river can accept discharges from a new plant?
Yes No
2. What if waiting until 2007 for the environmental report means that a new plant
could not be used until 2012 and the County's current system runs out of
capacity for new connections in 2009? Would you wait? Yes No
3. In order to avoid running out of capacity, should the County take the risk in
making the $100 million investment before they know for sure that a
discharge permit will be granted? Yes No
4. What is more important to you: Circle one
A. Reliability of sewer service (having it available and in good working
B. The monthly cost of sewer service
5. Do you think the City should avoid working with the County in planning for the
addition of a new regional sewer treatment plant that would allow new
connections for residences and businesses in the Valley ?Yes No
6. Do you think the City should avoid working with the City of Spokane in
planning for the addition of a new sewer treatment plant that would allow new
connections for residences and businesses in the Valley ?Yes No
7. Would you favor the City of Spokane Valley attempting to take -over the
County -owned sewer system servicing Valley residents? Yes No
A. If you favor a take -over and it required court action and legal
expenses, would you want to proceed? Yes No
B. If you favor a take -over and it resulted in higher monthly sewer rates,
would you want to proceed? Yes No
8. How much more per month would you be willing to pay if Spokane Valley
owned the sewer system? $ !Month
9. Should Spokane Valley assume the responsibility and risks for making the
$100 million investment decision? Yes No
10. Should Spokane Valley consider taking -over the County sewer system before
the discharge permit questions are resolved? Yes No
Thank you for your assistance in wrestling with some of the difficult decisions that
need to be made regarding the County sewer system.
Mailing Address:
City of Spokane Valley
11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
City of Spokane Valley
Public Open House Discussion
April 20, 2004
Current Status of Wastewater Issues:
• Regional Wasterwater Committee
o Council approved participation in Regional Wastewater Committee on
October 7, 2003.
Meetings were held on October 22, 2003, February 18, 2004 and March 26,
The next meeting will review various forms of regional governance options_
• Wastewater Interlocal
• The City is currently working with the County on the development of an
interlocal agreement which includes the following main issues
Ownership, Operation and Maintenance
Planning, Design and Construction of Sewers
Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity
• DOE Agrees to Issue Permit
Department of Ecology issued a letter on November 7, 2003 confirming they
would issue the initial 5 -year National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) permit for the new wastewater plant.
• Approval of Regional Concept
• In December, 2003 the County of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley and City
of Spokane agreed to proceed with the analysis of the Playfair site for a
regional wastewater facility
o The regional facility would have 7.5 mgd capacity for the County/City of
Spokane Valley and 2.5 mgd for the City of Spokane.
• Ptayfair Site Analysis
o The first public meeting for the supplemental Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) on Playfair was held on February 25, 2004
• The second public meeting will be on May 12, 2004 at the East Central
Community Center.
• EPA Stops Permit and Loan
• On March 2. 2004 the Department of Ecology informed us that the EPA had
given them notice to not issue the NPDES permit and to not approve the
State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan for the construction of the wastewater
• Meeting with EPA Administrator
c On March 29. 2004 a meeting was held with John lani, Regional
Administrator with EPA.
c Mr. lani confirmed EPA's position, but agreed to a Spokane River
Wastewater Permitting Work Session on May 4, 2004
• EPA Wastewater Work Session
The Goal of the May 4'" work session will be to arrive at a common
understanding of options, altematives and strategies for planning, permitting
and implementing wastewater treatment in the Spokane River watershed.
City of Spokane Valley Public Meetings on Wastewater Issues
April 15, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Sewer extensions di operation agreement
April 29, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Regional Wastewater Treatment System
May 20, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Sewer extensions di operation
June 17, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Sewer Extensions and Operations (STEP) with Spokane County
July 1, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Cost Comparison Wastewater Treatment, and Sewer Extension and
Operation (STEP) Agreement with Spokane County
July 10, 2003 - Special Joint Meeting - Spokane County Board of
Commissioners and Spokane Valley City Council
• Sewer fund reserves
• Financial modeling for wastewater improvements
• Subsidies for sewer rates and charges
• Options for adjusting future rates and charges
August 13, 2003 - Regional Meeting with City of Spokane, Spokane County,
City of Spokane Valley and Department of Ecology
• Regional Issues Discussion
August 19, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Wastewater Issues Discussion
September 2, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Wastewater Issues Discussion
September 16, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Wastewater Issues Discussion
October 7, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Proposed Resolution for Participation in Commission on Regional
Wastewater Treatment Issues
October 21, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Wastewater Issues Discussion
October 28, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Regular Meeting
• Agreement & Sewer /5tormwater Ordinance Report
November 18, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Wastewater Issues Discussion
December 16, 2003 - City of Spokane Volley - Study Session
• Wastewater Interlocal Agreement Draft
December 23. 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Regular Meeting
• Draft MOU for Septic Tank Elimination Program (STEP) with the
January 13, 2004 - City of Spokane Valley - Regular Meeting
• Design Build Operate (DBO) Discussion
• Approval of STEP MOU
February 3, 2004 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Wastewater Policies Discussion
March 2, 2004 - City of Spokane Valley - Regular Meeting
• Wastewater Interlocal Agreement Discussion
Spokane County Public Meetings and Notices on Wastewater
Treatment Facilities
September 2000 - Newsletter announcing wastewater facilities planning
September 21, 2000 - Public Meeting to discuss wastewater planning process
December 2000 - Newsletter regarding second set of meetings
January 10 S 11, 2001 - Public Meetings to discuss wastewater alternatives
May 2001 - Newsletter regarding third set of meetings
May 22 & 23, 2001 - Public Meeting to discuss preferred alternative of
siting new plant in Spokane Valley
November 2001 - Newsletter announcing draft Wastewater Facilities Plan
and draft EIS
December 18, 2001 - Public Hearing regarding Wastewater Facilities Plan
April 2002 - Newsletter announcing treatment plant siting process
May 1, 2002 - Public Meeting to solicit input on Treatment Plant Siting
process, describe the 15 identified sites, and to nominate possible sites
May 2002 - Newsletter summarizing siting progress and announcing siting
June 13, 2002 - Public Meeting regarding 5 finalist treatment plant sites
August 22, 2002 - Neighborhood meeting for the property owners
surrounding the Stockyards site, to discuss concerns and get input
October 2002 - Newsletter regarding finalist sites, Stockyards and
Alki /Fancher, b announcing public meeting
October 24, 2002 - Public Meeting to discuss the finalist sites and solicit
public input
November 2002 - Issue draft EIS for public comment
December 2002 - Board of County Commissioners adopts final EIS for
preferred sites
February 2003 - Board of County Commissioners holds hearing and adopts
Amendment 1 to Wastewater Facilities Plan
March 2003 - Present - Considerations relative to formation of City of
Spokane Valley
February 25, 2003 - Public Meeting to consider Playfair Racetrack site
Presentation to John Tani -March 29, 2004
• Early 80's, regional commitment to protection of Spokane Rathdrum
• Used ULID's initially, but switched to a prioritized rate based program
in the 90's. Anticipate completion of septic tank elimination in the
Urban Growth Area over the aquifer by year 2010.
• In 1999, recognized that regional wastewater treatment capacity was
insufficient to complete the STEP program and provide for continued
regional growth. Recent flow projections indicate that the capacity limit
for Spokane County /City of Spokane Valley will be reached in January
• Completed a Facilities Plan in 2002 that recommended a new regional
plant— Ecology approved.
• Completed an Environmental Impact Statement and Facilities Plan
Amendment in 2003 that identified a preferred site and recommended
state of the art MBR treatment technology — Ecology Approved
• Received an SRF loan offer from Ecology. in August 2003. for $73.4
million to design and construct the plant
• Received a letter from Ecology in November 2003 indicating that an
initial discharge permit would be issued for the new plant, consistent
with the approved Facilities Plan. The letter went on to say that
following the initial NPDES permit, the Department would likely
exercise its enforcement discretion by issuing an Agreed Order with a
compliance schedule tied to the 10 -year design capacity for the new
facility to come into compliance with any new requirements that may
be included in the forthcoming Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
• February 2004. were informed by Ecology staff that EPA staff had
prepared a draft written document addressed to Ecology that no new
or increased discharges were to be allowed into the Spokane River
and that Ecology should not approve the SRF loan for the new plant or
issue a discharge permit for the plant
• Spokane River and Lake Spokane were listed for DO under the Class
Based Standards
• Washington has developed and is in the process of adopting Use
Based Standards
• Using the TMDL model developed by the Department of Ecology,
excursions of DO are limited to certain of the strata within Lake
Spokane for limited periods of the year
• Dischargers have undertaken a Use Attainability Analysis, in
accordance with EPA and Ecology guidance documents. to determine
existing uses and attainable uses
• On that basis, appropriate water quality criteria can be established for
the riverine and lake segments to protect the uses. This may require
Ecology to go through rule making to establish the site specific water
quality criteria
• Then, a TMDL can be determined. using the Ecology DO model, and
wasteload allocations will result
• Recent DO model runs have illustrated that excursions of DO will occur
in Lake Spokane, even if all of the effluent from the point source
dischargers in Washington State is eliminated from the Spokane River.
• Recent DO model runs for the County project have illustrated that
there is no predicted impact to DO in Lake Spokane from the proposed
new regional plant
• Spokane County, City of Spokane. City of Spokane Valley, and Liberty
Lake have been working together since 1980 to protect the quality of
water in the aquifer, Spokane River, and Lake Spokane
• This started with the septic tank elimination program in 1980
• In 1985 the phosphorus TMDL was established. Dischargers have
been working together for 20 -years to successfully manage and
implement improvements to wastewater management to reduce and
limit the phosphorus loading to Lake Spokane
• The proposed project for a new regional treatment plant is necessary
to complete the septic tank elimination program, and is now becoming
a component of the City of Spokane's CSO program
• The new treatment plant is state of the art, best available technology.
It will reduce mass loading to the Spokane River for Phosphorus,
suspended solids, and BOD. We understood that this was consistent
with EPA's policy of no net loading increase to a listed water body.
• The City of Spokane is also planning for effluent filtration in the next 6
years, which will significantly reduce mass loading to the Spokane
• The draft EPA position to Ecology against approving the SRF loan, or
approving a discharge permit creates a huge timing problem, in that
the available capacity is projected to be exhausted by January 2009.
We need to start design and construction now, to achieve that
completion date.
• Installation of Reverse Osmosis treatment process is not considered a
feasible alternative for this region
• Out of river discharge, such as land application of effluent, will be in
conflict with water rights and exacerbate the critically low dry season
water flows in the Spokane River
ti New regional treatment plant site development and
environmental study results available for review
Preliminary site development studies and environmental analysis on
the two sites being considered for a new regional wastewater
treatment plant - former Playfair and Stockyards - have been
developed and are available for review. Spokane County, the City of
Spokane Valley, and the City of Spokane have been evaluating
these two sites for a plant that would treat wastewater from the City
of Spokane Valley, and portions of Spokane County and the City of
After considering comments provided at the February 25, 2004
public meeting and other submitted written comments, Spokane
County identified the environmental issues to be analyzed and
neighborhood issues to consider.
Be sure to attend the May 12th public meeting to team about the
results of the recent studies. provide comments on the Draft 2004
Supplemental Environmental impact Statement (EIS). learn what's
next in the site evaluation and selection process, and share your
comments and perspectives. An opportunity to ask questions and
provide comments will follow the staff presentation.
Utilities Division
1026 West Broads a)
Spcikine, Washington 99260.0430
Public Meeting
May 12, 2004
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
East Central
Community Center
500 S. Stone Street
Be sure to attend the public
meeting to:
Leam about the results of
the site development and
environmental studies on
the Playfair and Stockyards
Learn about the next steps
in the wastewater facilities
siting process.
Provide comments on the
Draft 2004 Supplemental
Environmental Impact
Share additional comments
and perspectives.
The Draft 2004 Supplemental EIS will be available for review on April 20, 2004 It will be posted to the project web site,
www.spokanecounty.orglutihties. follow link to Wastewater Treatment Plant Project. available at local librari and
can be purchased by calling 477 -3604 ext. 7176.
Written camments on this document are encouraged. All written comments must be received no later than 4:30 p.m.
May 24, 2004. Comments should be submitted to Bruce Rawls, Spokane County Utilities. 1026 W. Broadway Avenue.
Spokane, WA 99260 -0430. or via e-mail to brawls@spokanecounty. org
To be added to the project mailing Ilst, call 477 -3604 ext. 7176.
Spokane County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Spokane Comp WWI? - Art! 2004 Sfplameats! EIS
Spokane County proposes to construct a new regional wastewater treatment plant. The new
plant and associated facilities will provide additional capacity for projected growth in the
County, for increased wastewater flows generated by the County's Septic Tank Elimination
Program, and for flows from the City of Spokane to reduce their Combined Sewage Outfalls
(CSOs). This proposal is based on the assumption that Spokane County will continue to provide
wastewater management services to the new City of Spokane Valley. If the new City chooses
not to have Spokane County provide wastewater management services, then the proposal may
change substantially.
The impacts of sitine a wastewater treatment facility at either the Stockyards or Alki/Fancher
sites were evaluated in the 2002 Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The City
of Spokane has recently decided to utilize capacity in the County's regional facility to reduce its
CSOs. The addition of flows from the City of Spokane has prompted thc County to reevaluate
the potential sites for the treatment facility. This 2004 Supplemental EIS will analyze the
impacts of siting the treatment facility at the Stockyards or Playfair Racetrack site. The Playfair
site was eliminated from consideration in the 2002 Supplemental EIS, but is now being included
• The site is no longer being proposed for redevelopment as a racetrack and has been
acquired by thc City of Spokane;
• The site would better accommodate flows from the City of Spokane;
• The alternative site considered in the 2002 Supplemental EIS, Alki/Fancher, may not be
available in time to meet the required schedule for the new treatment facilities.
The new treatment plant will provide wastewater treatment for Spokane County unincorporated
valley areas, the City of Spokane Valley, the Town of Millwood, and provide capacity for flows
from the City of Spokane. Currently the County has an agreement with the City of Spokane for
10 million gallons per day (mgd) of capacity at the City of Spokane's Advanced Wastewater
Treatment Plant (SAWTP). It is estimated that thc County's capacity at SA WTP will be
exceeded by January 2009. The County proposal to construct a new treatment plant to provide
an initial 10 mgd of capacity for the region by the end of 2008 with an ability to expand capacity
in phases up to 20 mgd with ultimate buildout.
This document, the Spokane County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Draft 2004
Supplemental EIS, identifies potential environmental impacts of the proposed new treatment
.4prsl 2004
Spokane' Cowry W i$TP - Drar 20 04 Ssp lL mr nrul E lS
plant_ The analysis is conducted on two alternative sites being considered by the County, and
compared with a No Action Alternative:
• Alternative 1 – Stockyards Site
• Alternative: 2 - Playfair Site
• Alternative 3 – No Action
Public Works Department
Spokane County
1026 West Broadway Avenue
Spokane, WA 99260 -0430
Bruce Rawls, Utilities Director
(509) 477 -3604
brawls a(�spokanecounty.org
City of Spokane Spokane County Air Pollution Con �eency
• Land Use — Special Usc Permit • Notice of Construction Approval (Spokane
• Clearing and Grading County Air Pollution control Agency)
• Building
• Street Use
• Shoreline Substantial Development Permit
State of Washington City of Spokane Valley
• State Environmental Review Pmcess (SERP) • Land Use
(Ecology) • Clearing and Grading
• National Pollution Discharge Elimination • Building
System (Ecology) • Street Use
• 401 Water Quality Certification (Ecology)
• Hydraulic Project Approval (Department of Federal
Fish and Wildlife) • Section 404 — Nationwide Permit 7
• General Permit for Biosolids Management
ii April 2004
Adolfson Associates, Inc.
5309 Shilsbole Avenue NW, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98107
HDR Engineering, Inc.
500 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1200
Bellevue, WA 98004 -5538
Hubbard -Gray Consulting, Inc.
6604 W. Iroquois Drive
Spokane, WA 99208
April 2004
Spokane County 141;77' — Draft 2004 Szppkn eat FFS
This Draft 2004 Supplemental EIS has been prepared under the direction of the Spokane County
Public Works Department, Utilities Division. Research and analysis were provided by:
Limno -Tech, Inc.
501 Avis Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Eastern Washington University
Archaeological and Historical Services
201 Isle Hell
Cheney, WA 99004 -2420
URS Corporation
1101 Argonne, Suite 201
Spokane, WA 99212
April 20. 2004
A public meeting on the Draft 2(04 Supplemental EIS is scheduled for May 12, 2004 at the East
Central Community Center.
May 24, 2004; 4:30 p.m.
This Draft 2004 Supplemental EIS builds on the environmental analysis provided in the
Programmatic EIS prepared for the Spokane County Wastewater Facilities Plan (Final EIS dated
February 2002). In the programmatic document, analysis was conducted on several system
options available to the County. The County utilized that information to make its decision to
move forward with the construction of a new regional wastewater treatment plant. In 2002, the
County prepared a Supplemental EIS to evaluate the impacts of siting the treatment plant at two
This 2004 Supplemental EIS will serve as additional environmental documentation for
subsequent construction - related permits, provided the scope of the project described here does
not substantially change. If substantive changes to the proposal are made, additional
environmental review will be conducted. Additionally, the County will be sacking funding
assistance from the State Revolving Fund and will meet requirements under the State
Environmental Review Process.
Spokane County if 1177' - Draft 2004 Supplemental EIS
Copies of this document have been sent to the agencies, individuals and libraries listed in
Chapter 5.
Copies of this document are available for review at the Spokane County Public Libraries and at
the wcbsitc listed below. Copies of this document arc also available for review or purchase at
the Spokane County Public Works Office, Utilities Division. located at 1026 West Broadway
Avenue. Purchase price in CD format is $5.00; in printed format 515.00.
This document may be viewed on the Spokane County Utilities Division website,
www.spokanecountv.on !utilities. Click on the icon for Wastewater Treatment Plan Project, and
then click on the view associated with the Draft 2004 Supplemental Impact Statement.
.April 2004
City of Spokane Valley
Wastewater Discussion
• Update on die current status of
wastewater t4SLIES.
• OPEN HOUSE — Discussions with staff.
• Break-Out Groups.
• Develop issues and resnmrrendathons
• Group Reports.
• Wrap -up discussion.
.rrr. atmnon 47W••
If Spokane Valley Owns the
Wastewater Utility
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Greater Coss if City of Spokane Valley
Owns/Operates the Utility
• p rovid S y Cord be te0uttd to
Debt coverage ficur L45
• Spokane
oebt e h l�n� wlith
• Spokane Count, he icons to a Oreia• immure or
r a art be til0 to r the amour c•
Pap v.w./. -w.. MMom 4/1r14144
ttrnate of Incrse In Wastewater
Rates for Capital Costs by 2009
• Ii Spokane County crrnedloperatai the utility
$6 - $15/ month
• If Spoicane Nutley ownedraperated the uWlly
$10 - $7t1fmnnth (33% greater than County)
• P. An Increase m the General Facilities
Charge mlgtct reduce these monthly user fees
1111•11■111••• 144.44 4114=0 I
Regional Wasterwater Committee
• Council approved partiapation In
Regional Wastewater Committee on
October 7, 2003
• Meetings were held on October 22,
2003, February 18, 2004 and March 26,
• The next meeting will review various
forms of regional govenance options.
%so • 1 1 4114.4.41. A•• 14•4•4
*Ammo 1
Wastewater Interlocal
• The Oty is currently working with the
County on the development of an
Interlocal agreement why includes the
following main issues:
- Ownership, operation and Ma tten ,r
- Planning, Design and CornuCtton of
- wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity
■•■•■• L. MINIM Yilk7Cd.
DOE Agrees to Issue Permit
• Department of Ecology issued a
letter on November 7, 2003
confining they would issue the
initial 5 -year National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) permit for the new
wastewater plant
wa•∎∎•∎ am 1..w 4-711m0
Approval of Regional Concept
• In December, 2003 the County of
Spokane, City of Spokane Valley and
City of Spokane agreed tD proceed with
the analysts of the P.ayfair site for a
regional wastewater facility.
• The regional facility would have 7.5
rngd aipaaty for the County /City of
Spokane Valley and 2.5 mgd for the
City of Spokane.
Playfair Site Analysis
• The County held the first public meeting
for the supplemental Environmental
Impact Statemern (EI5) on Mayfair was
held on Febnary 25, 2004.
• The second public meeting will be on
May 12, 2004 at the East Central
Ccxnmuntty Center.
EPA Stops Permit and Loan
• On March 2. 2004 the Departrnent
of Ecology announced that the EPA
had given notice to not issue the
NPDES permit and to not approve
the State Revolving Fund (SRF)
loan for the construction of the
wastewater project.
•4115.7: 01
Meeting with EPA Adminis trator
• On Mandl 29, 2004 a meeting was held
with John Tani, Fleolonai AdmlNsbrtor
with EPA.
• Mr. iani confirmed EPA's position, but
agreed to a Spokane River Wastewat
Permitting Wort! Se on May 4,
• .:,G1
EPA Wastewater Work Session
• The Goal of the work ses ion will be to
arrive at a common understanding of
options, alternatives and strategies for
planning, permitting and Implementing
wastewater treatment in the Spotraane
River water3t .
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Small Group Break-out
• What are the 2 major wastewater
• Develop 2 recommendations on
how the City of Spokane Valley
should proceed to resolve the
• Wrap -up discussion.
•.....� a.. .• J
Return to:
Board of County Commissions
Clerk of the Boat)
1116 W. Broadway
Spokane, Washington 99206
Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County Regarding
Wastewater Management
THIS AGREEMENT. made and entered into this day of January, 2004, by and
between the CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. Washington. a municipal corporation of the State
of Washington, having offices for the tnnsaction of business at 11707 East Sprague Avenue,
Suite 106, Spokane Valley Washington, 99206 hereinafter referred to as the "CITY". and
SPOKANE COUNTY, n political subdivision of the Stine of Washington. having offices for the
transaction of business at 1116 West Broadway, Spokane Washington. Washington 99260.
hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY," jointly referred to. along with the CITY, as the
WHEREAS. the CITY is located in thc Aquifer Protection Area established by the
COUNTY by Ordinance 85 -061 dated July 30, 1985; and
WHEREAS. prior to the incorporation cif the CITY. the COUNTY had, with the direction
and approval of the State of Washington Department of Ecology (DOE), begun the extension of
sanitary sewers within the Aquifer Protection Arca, which arca include.~ that area now
incorporated as the City of Spokane Valley, following a program to be completed in accordance
with the plan developed by the COLIr`TY; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY has created a Utilities Divisicm within the Public Works
Department capable of implementing thc completion of the sanitary sever prowarn to standards
acceptable to the CITY; and
\WHEREAS, the COUNTY has prepared and adopted the Spokane County 2001
Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (Plan) for implementation of a sewer program for
thc Urban Growth Arras within the Aquifer Pmtection Area; and
LsDocNmeub pd Settlur. Al.rntenitnak, S tlittnCicamnr'Un Inlrntrl F itc+ wmiry. oxErValln larnmsnt•Prift3-lQ.1K-
Ott 1, rt( X.We at - uin• L'opey-3lW illrars•wel arranrnln- Waste•sntsr►oIkw4f r. st-t+t.o.1+ 1 T lot A!
WHEREAS. the CITY wishes to >cc the completion of the sanitary sewer system to
protect and serve the CITY's residents, businesses, and the aquifer ;; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY has received an Extended Grant from the State of
Washington Centennial Clean Water Fund to be used to reduce the cost impacts of sewer
construction in the Aquifer Protection Area (APA); and
WIIEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 36.36 RCW, the citizens of the
COUNTY tinted to implement an APA Fee to provide a financing method to preserve, protect,
and rehabilitate the Spokane Rathdrum Aquifer, which Fee will sunset in year 2005 unless it is
r by the voters; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY, prior to November 4, 2003, had historically alloc one -
eighth of 1% local option sales tax revenues collected pursuant to chapter 82.14.030(2) RCW to
the sewer utility to subsidize the cost of sewers; and
WHEREAS. the COUNTY has accumulated substantial fund balances in the sew=er utility
fund(s) from connection fees, wastewater treatment charges, sales tax allocations and APA Fees;
WHEREAS, a substantial portion cof the APA Fees,sales tax revenues, connection fees,
and wastewater treatment charges were contributed from within the area of the CITY; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY has had a policy of assisting property owners in the
unincorporated areas, which included City of Spokane Valley, by reducing the net cost of the
Capital Facilities Charge Rate (CFR) paid by each property within the sewer program; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 36.94.180 RCW, in the event of an
incorporaticm of an Urea in which a county is operating a se NVeragc system, the property,
facilities, and equipment of such sewerage system lying within the incorporated area may be
transferred to the city if such transfer will not materially affect the operation of any of the
remaining county system, subject to the assumption by the city of thc county's obligation
relating to such property, facilities, and equipment, under the procedures specified in and
pursuant to the authority contained in chapter 35.13.A RCW; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY and CITY are obligated to complete the elimination of septic
tanks in the Urban Growth Area by extending sewer service to all properties within the CITY to
the extent practicable; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY owns, operates, and maintains all of the existing public sewer
system within thc CITY; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to chapter 36.94.170 RCW the CITY has the primary authority for
constructing, operating and maintaining a sewage system within the CITY unless the CITY
desires through written consent that the COUNTY continue to own. operate, and maintain the
public sewer system within the CITY.
c .Uucameab end S ttiorr ,oArrftre ngl5etti �Teennornr' lAtc 4 Tilt■ a ?1J�5" µ a,c wrttr ptln_12m rj 11r*fd- Iel -1.t-
Page 2 of 15
NOW, TT-IEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein,
the PARTIES hereto do mutually agree as follows:
1 - 1
The CITY authorizes the COUNTY to own, operate and maintain the sanitary sewer
system (System) within the CITY as a public utility. as provided for in chapter
36.94.170 RCW. For the purpose of this Agreement the terminology "System" shall
mean all publicly owned sewers. manholes, appurtenances, and pumping stations within
public rights of way or within public casements within the CITY. If the COUNTY
implements a new regional wastewater treatment plant, as referenced in Section 3 of
this Agreement, the. new regional wastewater treatment plant shall become a part of the
"System ".
1 -2 The CITY shall grant a franchise to the COUNTY for use of CITY public right of w ay
for the purpose of providing said sanitary sewer service. The CITY may charge a
franchise fix to the COUNTY for said franchise. If the CITY chooses to charge, or
adjust, a franchise fee, the CITY shall notify the COUNTY in writing not later than
September 1 g of the preceding year, of the intent to charge, or adjust. the franchise fee.
The purpose of thc franchise fcc would be to compensate the CITY for its reasonable
costs, expense, and obligations actually incurred or contracted which are directly
related to and which benefit the System in CITY areas that the COUNTY serves. Any
CITY f_ anchi fte mnz% be recovered from the CITY raiep vers throut h th_- process set-
forth in Sections 1 - 8 and 1 - 9.
1 -3 The COUNTY shall not enact or impose any tax on gross revenues generated by the
System within the CITY pursuant to chapter 36.94.160 RCW. unless expressly
autho ri�c�►! ha the Spokane Valley City Council_
1-4 Time CITY initially shall adopt the provisions of Spokane County Code Chapter 8.03
( "Sewer Code ") in its entirety. The CITY may adopt future revisions made by the
COUNTY to Spokane County Cudc Chapter 8.03 within 90 calendar days of the date of
adoption by thc COUNTY. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the City Council
from exercising its Legislative discretion to amend, modify or repeal the Sewer Code as
deemed reasonably necs ary to serve the hest interests of the CITY. provided the City
shall not enact legislation that detrimentally impacts or unreasonably interferes with
state or federal permits issucxi to operate the System. The CITY shall notify the
COUNT' if it chooses not to adopt subsequent revisions requested by the COUNTY.
or if the CITY elects to amend. modify or repeal the Sewer Code.
1 - The CITY delegates authority to the COUNTY to enforce the provisions of one
C.-* -C- -G -&03 Sewer Code within the CITY_ COUNTY shill administer,
bill, collect and account for all charges and service fees related to the System. The
COUNTY shall be the primary party responsible for initiating any civil and!or criminal
litigation for enforcement through its own legal counsel. The COUNTY shall be the
•'f unman' ud Sett iicr.na;Terma4sa Sc.tinei In [COW FPeOUL1KS ittrti'elta zier cfl►-t►rstc3-
l ..t_t11.X.: - la lee 1412 4110 larw- kivern Irani s str +e,e+VsneyAtreeretes- Ur*fF3 -4- -- On- li1ily
Pap 3at15
primary. party responsible for inspection activities, engineering services, legal or other
actions necessary to enforce compliance with the Sewer Code. In the event the
COUNTY requests assistance from the CITY, and the CITY takes action to benefit the
System, including but not limited to civil and/or criminal litigation for enforcement,
surveys, studies or property acquisition, the COIINTy shall compensate the CiTY for
its reasonable costs, expenses and obligations actually incurred Sec chapter 36.94.170
1-6 All permits issued by the COUNTY for connection to thc System shall be reported to
the CiTY. The COUNTY will direct sewer installers to the CITY for permits to work
in the CITY rights of way. CITY shall retain all fees for right of w.ay permits.
1 -7 Each year in January, the COUNTY will report to the CITY (i) System extensions
completed for the previous calendar year. (ii) the number of actual connections (ERU)
completed the previous year, and (iii) the total ERU count for the System within the
CITY. Ale County will maintain as - as built" plan of the system and make it available
to the City.
1-8 The COUNTY shall be delegated thc authority to administer and enforce connection
requirements to the sewer system, in accordance with the Sewer Code. COUNTY shall
submit an annual report in January of each year listing the number and address of all
properties where sewer service is available but which have not completed the
connections to the System.
1 -9 The COUNTY, through its Board of County Commissioners, will establish, set, and
adopt all fees, rates, and charges thereinafter "rates and chrcues") for the sanitary sewer
system pursuant to chapters 36.94.140 and 35.67.020 RCW. To the maximum extent
possible, ritcs and charges will be based on cost of service. Prior to setting rates and
charges for the following year, the COUNTY shall: (1 ! present its proposal to the
CITY for review and comment and (2) consider the comments of the CiTY prior i
scttinc rates. The COUNTY will endeavor to maintain the cost of sewer construction
and treatment plant capacity to serve both CITY and COUNTY customers at the lowest
practicable cost. To further increase ratepayer confidence in the COUNTY'S pursuit of
the Invest practicable costs, the COUNTY will submit its proposed rates and chart ►es
for an external analysis (second opinion) by a qualified private - sector firm which was
not a party to the preparation of the COUNTY'S proposal for rate and charges. The
analytical report will be provided to the CIT'1' for consideration. The cost of such
analtisis is a reasonable expense. of doine business and may be recovered through rates
and charges
1 -10 The fees, rates and charges for customers inside the CITY will be equal to those outside
the CITY. provided that the cost of service is equal. if a franchise fee is charged by the
CITY, or if the cost of service varies substantially for a class of customers inside the
CITY compared to outside, or if new subsidy revenues are provided to the sewer
progum by either the CI I Y or COUNTY. differential fees, rates, or charges may be
adopted. The COUNTY will meet with the City before adopting differential fees, rates.
fvDocatprnt. ■n4 Scrrinei;nwrnttt L*ca1 Srtttnetationoran tattrnat FiksilLL' % amwtrerVenn kertv e_rart.l 10-04-
1(1.1.tN►SC_ heat nrVnlit, i0 144ttrriaea-ti= rte +reup,Wa,tt•ster>4Ik}kgreauest- teen 2%- t►4- ii}Abt
or charges. In the event that the parties do not agree on a proposed differential in fees,
rat or charges, they agree to submit the issues to mediation. The form of the
mediation shall be as agreed between the parties.
CITY and COUNTY :tore that the future revenues for new treatment plant capacity,
upgadrs of the City of Spokane Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (SAW
interceptors and pumping stations will he generated through a combination of General
Facilities Charges (GEC's) and Wastewater Treatment Plant Charges. CITY agrees
that subsidies for GFC's for new development should be eliminated, and that GFC's
and Wastewater Treatment Plant Charges should be set at a level to generate adequate
revenues to pay for new treatment plant capacity. COUNTY agrees that surplus
revenues (above the amount necessary to subsidize Capital Facilities Rates (CfR'sj) in
thc reserve funds will be used to offset the cost of new wastewater treatment plant
1 -12 Annually, prior to submission to the Board of County Commissioners for adoption. the
COUNTY will provide the CITY with the proposed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
and proposed CFR's for extension and operation of the System within the CITY.
1 -13 For perfornicd by the CITY that relate to the planning and development of
additional treatment facility capacity for the CITY as :et forth in Section 3, the CITY
shall be reimburAd from thc Sewer Reserve Fund,
2 -1 To the extent legally permissible, the COUNTY will update the Spokane County
Comprehensive Wastewater_Managemcnt Plan (Plan) as necessary to conform to the
City of Spokane Valley. Comprehensive (land use) Plan.
2 -2 The COUNTY shall be responsible for diligently pursuing the completion of the
sanitary sewer system and septic tank elimination program (STEP) in accordance with
the Plan and the Six Year Sewer Construction Capital Improvement Program,
i'Pror*rm} ") as amended annually. This responsibility shall include the planning.
design, and construction of new sewers, as identified in the Plan, within the System
through the life of this Agreement. At least sixty d ziot to adoption of the STEP
J'lan :Ind the Progum the same shall be submitted to the C'I'TY for review and
comment_ Prior to the COUNTY commencing anv construction under the STEP Plan or
Program. the COUNTY and the CITY shall mutually agne on the STEP Plan or
2 -3 The COUNTY may extend the System to areas outside of the CITY. provided that
adequate capacity is maintained in the trunk and interct::ptor sewers to serve properties
within the CITY. Extension of sewer service ou of the CITY shall not cause
additional costs to accrue to CITY sewer users.
C ucui ra awl Scutari' ri
t' nhrren'Lura! Srtliortgeis urar' Intrrnet Filelo01.1:.ST111"a.trwaic� UM. �rrtmrnt-ltrnrt3 10411
l P r RLLDK/(;f:»(=- EIt}ef 11 ,F;4.Mt.rleere rreemerowW'aerrNefre 'Mlilti.tceeit:rfl -Drell : r 44 R64 w
Page 5 of 15
2-4 The COUNTY shall restore all CITY streets, in which sewer construction takes place,
with full width reconstruction of the street base, surface and drainage to standards
approved by the CITY, which standards shall not be less than the standards adopted and
applied by the COUNTY prior to incorporation. The CITY shall pay for all additional
costs to provide full width pavement, beyond the normal trench width pavement
replacement. The methods used to establish the scope and budget for full width paving
shall be generally consistent with thc methods established in Attachment "A ". At the
beginning of each construction season, COUNTY staff in collaboration with CITY staff
will evaluate the condition of streets and roads within the CITY. and determine the
scope and cost for full width pavement in that year's projects. Full width pavement
will not be included in the construction projects until the CITY and COU'NT'Y staffs'
agree in writing to thc scope and budget for full width paving. During the construction
period, COUNTY will provide monthly invoices to the CITY for the full width paving
completed, and CITY shall provide payment to the COUNTY within 30 calendar days.
Any late payment will be subject to a penalty based upon lost interest earnings had the
payment been timely paid and invested in the Spokane County Treasurer's Investment
2 - The COUNTY shall continue to actively pursue grants and low interest loans to offset
costs of the sewer construction program. Grants and loans shall be applied
proportionally to COUNTY sewer customers outside and inside of the CITY. CITY
agrees to cooperate with and support the COUNTY in pursuing grants and loans.
2 -6 The COUNTY will pursue the rcauthori7ation of the Aquifer Protection Area Fees as
provided for in chapter 3636 RCW to reduce the cost of sewers to users of the System_
The CITY, through the City Council shall consider a resolution to support this effort to
obtain additional funds to reduce thc cost of sewers to CITY residents and properties,
-I — thte —r - ife4 b' low". thL CIW-svill--paELs—a—rest4lution agreeing that its
boundaries be included within the Aquifer Protection Area
2-7 The COUNTY shall continue to provide a subsidy to the cost of CFR's using the
computational method currently in effect, within the limits of sewer reserve funds
available for the subsidy. A copy of that method is attached hereto as Attachment "B"
and incorporated herein by reference. For the purpose of this Agreement the
terminology "Sewer Reserve Fund" shall mean those monies reflected in Budget Funds
403 and 436, indicated as Beginning and End Fund Balances. Sewer Reserve Funds arc
for authorized sewer uses and APA program uses, and are not solely for the subsidy of
Capital Facilities Rates. Neither the COUNTY nor CITY will —be obligated to
contribute any additional funds to support this subsidy. The COUNTY shrill con unit a
fair and equitable am,ptult of the Sewer Rescue Fund to the c apital facility rates
chareed the CITY ratepayers. Prior to allocating the fair and equitable amount
committed to the CITY from the Sewer .Reserve Fund to the capital facility rates. the
COUNT'' shill revive the consent of the CITY.
C'-•t)xnmrne. and Setlitr_t,n •t .lnn.t criflutratmloonal Into Tort Filts101 _k57 W'rr*Itrrit[tVitlt, Arret mitt l)rdt3 - I444
K!_1.DOCGIW - W in of- 5{+okene- 4allr0.13244aterlees rrttm.R ear sterlinlkrArrerwest Pra4 - -3 :- 4-K& -sloe
Page 6of15
3 -1 Currently. wastewater treatment is provided at the SAWTP. for which the COUNTY
has a contract with the City of Spokane for up to 10 million gallons per day of capacity.
_The COUNTY acknowledges that a portion of the above referenced wastewater
treatment. capacity has been acquired by the CITY properties connected to the System.
T 'Ct N . all uvide sulfide t w. tewatt nit ca it to c —ern Iv with
the Comprehensive Plan of the CITY.
3 -2 The CITY agrees that the COUNTY will be the lead agency for implementation of a
new regional wastewater treatment plant in thc western edge of the Spokane Valley
geographic area. The new regional wastewater treatment plant will be capable of
providing wastewater treatment capacity to customers in the CITY, the COUNTY. and
the City of Spokane. lite COUNTY agrees to evaluate the Playfair Race Track as an
alternate preferred site for the new regional plant, and will prepare amendments to the
previously finalized Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SE1S) and
Wastewater Facilities Plan Amendment report. provided that the City of Spokane
agrees to provide a proportional share of the cost of engineering. The project will be
designed, constructed and operated using the Design-Build-Operate (DBO) delivery
method pur cant to RC's' Chapter 71 A 50 and this section. The COUNTY will
endeavor to complete the evaluation of Playfair Race Truck on a schedule to facilitate
execution of the SRF Loan Offer that has been attended to the COUNTY by the
Washington Department of Ecology. The COUNTY will make the final decision on
the location and sue of the new regional wastewater treatment plant. The COUNTY
will present the draft Facilities Plan Amendment and draft amendment to the SE•IS to
the CITY for review and comment prior to finalizing the documents.
As the lead agency for implementation of the new regional wastewater treatment plant,
the COUNTY will coordinate closely with the crrY. For purposes of this paragraph,
thc terminology "coordinate" shall mean formulation of a technical review sgoup,
including representatives from the public works departments of the COUNTY. the
CITY, and the City of Spokane, which will meet on a regular basis to review the
progress of work. and to discuss issues related to the technical aspects of the new
regional wastewater treatment plant and to the project implementation process. A
h f tl t - cities will- potih ate - the- 1 ioweomit'ince -for
the -f> 1-s u ►s >
3 -3 Prior ro entering into an acre et with a service provider ti RCA 74.1 50.030 the
COUNT)' shall form a DBO Procurement t Committee under RCW 70.15A040(3). 'fhe
DB0 Nocunment Committee utilized by the COUNTY Shall include at least one
representative p inted by the City Council of -the Cite' of Spokane Valley who tihdl
participate in the DBO procurement process. The COUN'1Y shall make the final 1)130
selection following the Committer rccOrnmeudatiirn. To insure that the 0130 delivery
metlwcl is the most cost efficient to the S•: steal and the City rut avers. the Cf l rN TY
ca l .(\SS ., rratrrV r I.Dr R}-111
R11.1XX:GorACityikropoilise.Vallry4WAlesetiveai Atrrclart►rl• -Wa ro••- rrrVat{c.4 c+r,f- Drab- 24:.444u,41ot
Page 7 of 15
shall obtain from tlx: Department of Ecology a determination concluding, that the DBG
delivery method results in a cost RI:mg jo the system, its ratepayers and the di sip• t.
construction and operation of the new Wastewater Treatment Plant,
4 -1 The CITY delegates authority to the COUNTY to implement and administer the
County's Approved Industrial Pretreatment Program ( "AIPP ") in accordance with
County, State, and Federal laws, regulations and requirements. For the purpose of this
Agreement the COUNTY'S AMP shall mean the Industrial Pretreatment Pmgrttm dated
June 5, 1998 and any revisions thereto approved by the Washington State Department
of Ecology. This authority shall apply to all properties that utilize the COUNTY'S
wastewater collection system located within the CITY'S incorporated boundaries. The
AIPP includcs the COUNTY'S Pretreatment Ordinance as adopted in Chapter 8.03,
Article 4000 "Pretreatment," (in its entirety), and Sections 8.03.9080, 8.03.9100.
8.03.9160, 8.03.9180, and 8.03.9185 of the Spokane County Code.
4 -2 The CITY shall adopt the provisions of Spokane County Code Chapter 8.03 Article
4000, "Pretreatment," (in its entirety), and Sections 8.03.9080, 8.03.9100, 8.03.9160,
8.03.9180, and 8.03.9185 prior to the COLNTY implementing or administering its
AIPP within the Ct 1 Y'S boundaries. A copy of said Article and Sections are attached
hereto in Appendix "A." The CITY agrees to review, consider and adopt future
revisions made by the COUNTY to Spokane County Code Chapter 8.03, Article 4000
"Pretreatment," (in its entirety), and Sections 8.03.9080, 8.03.9100, 8.03.9160.
8.03.9180, and 8.03.9185 of the Spokane County Code within 90 calendar days of the
date of adoption by the COUNTY.
4 -3 The CITY dclegatns authority to the COUNTY to enforce all the provisions of Spokane
County Code Chapter 8.03. Article 4000 "Pretreatment," (in its entirety). and Sections
8.03.9080, 8.03.9100. 8.03.9160. 8.03.9180, and 8.03.9185 of the Spokane County
Code within the CITY as those provisions pn.. ently exist or as they may be hereafter
revised. The CITY agrees, upon request of the COUNTY. to make available any of its
staff, to include law enforcement, which may be necessary in conjunction with
COUNTY enforcement actions.
All notices or other communications given hereunder shall be deemed given on: (1) the day such
notices or other communications are received when sent by personal delivery; or (ii) the third day
following the day on which the same have been mailed by first class delivery, postage prepaid
addressed to COUNTY at the address set forth below for such Party, or at such other address as
COUNTY shall from time -to -time designate by notice in writing to thc other PARTIES:
COUNTY: Spokane County Chief Executive Officer or his/her authorized representative
1116 West Broadway Avenue
Cibocrm Srt
cntt sod tinr rL ritrthi Qra! Sru Noma tursgvitnur r 1 llrattlt.kSTwsuttw lusty/0k% kt;• turn t- Dr:R3 -1041-
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Page 8at15
Spokane, Washington 9g260
SEC t ION 6: C(l?N'I ART$
CITY; City of Spokane Valley City Manager or hisr'hcr authorized representative
Redwood Plaza
11707 FAA Sprague Avenue. Suite 1
Spokane Valley, Washington 01 4206
Tins Agrimintitt may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when so
executed and delivered, slsal.l be an original, but such counterparts arts shall together constitute but
one and the tee.
No paw may as .sign in whole or yet its intern, in this Agreement without the written approval of
all (- thes PAR t JhS
fa) COUNTY shall indernnif and hold harmless CITY and its o ct, s,, agents, and employees,
or any of them from any and all claims, actions, sum. liability, 10 costs, expenses, and
damages of any nature whatsoever, by any reason of or arising out of any negligent cat or
u sican of COUNTY, its officers, eats and employees, or any of them relating to or arising
out of performing services pursuant to this Agr cnt. In the event tD at any suit based upon such
claim. action, loss, or drainages is brought against C_'l"t`Y, COUNTY shall defend the erne at its
sole cosi and expense; provided that CITY reserves the right to participate in sail. suit if any
principle of governmental or public law is irivrilved and if final judgment ill; said suit be
rendered against CJTY, and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, or jointly against
CITY and COUNTY and their respective officers, agents, and employees, COUNTY shall
satisfy the same.
(h) CITY shall indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY and its officers, agents, and employees,
or any of them from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability., loss, costs,., expenses. and
damages of any nature whatsoever, by any reason of or arising out of any negligent act or
omission of CITY, its officers, agents and employees, or any of them relating to or arising out of
performing services pursuant to this Agreement. In tine event that any suit based upon such
claim, action, loss., or damages is brought against COUNTY, CITY shall defend the same at its
sole cosi and expense: provided than COLTNTY reserves the right to participate in said suit Warty
principle of governmental or public law is involved: and if final judgment in said suit be
rendcrcd against COUNTY, and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, or jointly
against COUNTY and (T1`Y and their respective ofcct , agents, and employ w, CFPir shall
satisfy the same.
(c) The foregoing indemnity is specifically intended t ► constitute a waiver of each party's
immunity under Washington's Industrial Insurance Act, chapter 51 RCW, respecting the other
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Paige 9 of 15
party only, and only to the extent necessary to provide the indemnified party with a full and
complete indemnity of claims made by the indemnitur's employees. The PARTIES
acknowledge that these provisions were specifically negotiated and agreed upon by them.
(d) COUNTY and CITY agree to either elf insure or purchase polices of insurance covering the
matters contained in this Agreement with coverages of not less than 55,000,000 per occurrence
with S5,000.000 aggregate limits including for ENGINEERS professional liability and auto
liability coverages.
The PARTIES intend that an indepaidc nt contractor relationship will be created by this Agreement.
No agent, employee, servant or representative of COUNTY shall be deemed to be an employee,
agent, servant or represcntative of CITY for any purpose. Li:ewise. no agent, employee, servant or
representative of CITY shall be deemed to be an employee. agcxtt, servant or representative of
COUNTY for any purpose.
This Agreement may be modified in writing by mutual written agreement of the PARTIES.
This Agreement shall be effective as of the date set forth herein above and shell continue tmtil
terminated pursuant to Section 11-2.
Ltpon 1 2-months ac --ser -by-eeFtif t}a 4Tttc CITY or COUNTY may
terminate this Agrees ent upon 12 months written notice, sent by certified mail. pmvidcd that
termination of this Agreement shall not occur during the p rind of time between the date of
executiartJ,v the COUNTY of a contract with a DBO firm and the completion date of acceptance
testing for the new reeir►nal wicstewater treatment plant:
Within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the written notice of termination, and at least
once every two weeks thereafter, the parties shall meet to negotiate the terms and conditions of a
Termination Agree;ncnt. The negotiation of the Termination Agreement shall address transfer of
assets, transfer of employees, transfer of fund balance reserves, transfer of contractual
obligations, transfer of indebtedness obligations, establishment of system value, transfer of the
new regional wastewater trteat.rnent,p1ant. determination whether there is a material affect to the
operation of any of the remaining COUNTY system. payments to the COUNTY. and all other
aspects of an equitable termination of this Agreement, and pursuant to chapter 36.94.180 RCW.
It is ae ifthe- C--fTY chop e sseme-j cs
withif s utt rt- will -n tefiall et ng
Crpoctrntrttts and %ttli n!<rrvttnaDolt irtun.•ri tuition r. latent i F1ki OL) 5 Wa trwatrr A[1ttmt1,t- DrzfL3- tU.44-
RL .tO.t 'd -Myof Spe weer L.{h'-C -t3-34 erinm# Atm: an-A eflMwoestr- VttMvA ;+rake!•- 7>raR-s- 4=04-Rt.dw
Page 10 of 15
If the parties are unable to reach final agreement on the terms and conditions cfa Terntination
Agreement within six (6) 1110111/15 from the date of receipt of the notice, non-binding mediation
shall ()cent_ The parties shall mutually decide the mediation procedures, claim and person(s) to
co/att.-A the mediation. Mediation shall be 'concluded within twelve ( 2) months from the date of
receipt of the notice, unless mutually agreed otherwise by the parties,
The ownz-ship of all property and equipment utilized by the COUNTY wider the terms of this
Agreement shall curtain with the COINTY.
This Agreement contains terms and conditions agreed upon by the PAR I Lb& The PARTIES agree
that there are no other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this
This Agreement shall he binding upon the PARTIES litarto, their sucesors and intsigns
This Agreement has been and shall he CMISITtled as having been made and delivered vidthin the
State of Washington and it is mutunliy undnIstuod and agreed by utch party that this Agreement
shall be governed by the laws of the State of W`athingion both as to interpretation and
performance. Any action at Inv:, suit in equity or judicial proceeding for the enforcement of this
Amernetin cfr any provision hereto. shall be instituted only in courts of competent jurisdiction
within Spokane County. Washington.
it is understood and agreed among the PARTIES that if any parts. tmus or pmvisions of this
Agrecnient are held by the courts to be illegal. the validity of the remaining portions or
provisions stall not be affected and the rights and obligations of the PARTIES shall not be
affected in regard to the remainder of the Agreemenl if it should appear that any part. lei m or
provision of this Agreement is in conflict with any 5tanitnry prtivision of the State of
Washington, then the part, term or provision thereof that may be in conflict shall Lac deemed
inoperative and null and void insofar as it may be in conflict therewith and this Agreement shall
be deemed to rnixiify to conform to such statutory provision.
All public records prepared, owned. used or retained by COUNTY in conjunction with this
Agreement shall be deemed CITY property and shall be made available to ei FY upon' request by
the CITY Mantigcv COUNTY will notify CITY of any public discloswe requm under chaplet
Cflr ULL eft 44, Trart in' hitt/re Irr,w yekri. Pre r -Tirkft2 I -r
Al,.1,1EIKX:G:. ort-ktrioluarw-Vogr,-14.1244-pie-riwal 4
Page 11 or IS
42.17 RCW for copies or viewing of such records as well as the PROSECUTOR'S response
The section headings appearing in this Agreement have been inserted solely for the purpose of
convenience and ready reference. In no way do they purport to. and shall not be domed to
define, limit or extend the scope or intent of the sections to which they pertain.
CITY agrees COUNTY %vi11 use COUNTY'S stationary in conjunction with meeting its
responsibilities under the terms of this Agreemenl
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date
and year opposite their respective signatures.
Daniela Erickson, Deputy JOHN ROSKELLEY, Commissioner
City Clerk (Title)
Approved as to form only:
City Attorney
M. KATE MCCASLL'N1, Vice -Chair
C : +.t}nsnmcnt, and 5tnlnn`mLcntra'.I.wail Sc tt' :Lt l�+��nrnn In toner I ilre.01.1L; -A« isua 'rV altrr,te -
1 M'.c K M po arer V.I14+- 1433IN »MN..t.I. be.V.I►ryA,l.erment -1w n.a 2-1=-64-1111,4ke
Page 12 of 15
+11uelitiwiktk *64 1 .werly '.MI rj Urn inuil...5rItingvNTrml Irit[i °IMti r : a mister "Ilk 1lI _TALI [ E41"
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Page 13 ofl5
Pavement Removal and Replacement Limits for Sewer Construction
Spokane County will include in its annual sewer construction budget the costs to 'restore the
paving that is required to be removed for sewer construction. inclociing mainline sewer.
manholes, and side sewers.
The City of Spokane Valley may elect to add to the scope of the paving work associated with
County sewer projects. For example, the City may request additional pavement replacement to
accomplish full -width paving, additional road pavement width. andior extended paving beyond
the termination of the sewer main. The following guidelines shall be used as the underlying
basis for determining the County's share of the asphalt concrete pavement (ACP) removal and
replacement costs:
1. The quantity of ACP removed and replaced to construct a section of sewer main between
two manholes shall be determined using the following dimensions:
a) Width: The lesser of 1.8 times the average depth of the sewer along the section of
sewer main, or the existing road width.
h) Length: Manhole center to manhole center, plus an additional fifteen feet beyond
each terminal manhole.
2. The quantity of ACP removed and replaced to excavate the trench for a sewer service
stub shall be determined using the following dimensions:
a) Width: 15 feet
b) Length: Distance from edge of existing pavement to calculated limit of sewer
main trench as determined in 1.8) above.
3. In those locations where ACP removal for the sewer main to the width described in 1.a)
above would leave a strip of existing ACP less than six (6) feet in width. removal and
replacement of that strip of existing ACP will be included in the cost of the sewer project,
and shall become part of the County's share of the cost.
4. In those locations where ACP removal for the sewer main and service stubs, as described
in paragraphs 1 and 2, would leave an area of existing ACP less than 50 square yards in
sire, removal and replacement of that area of existing ACP will be included in the cost of
the sewer project, and shall become part of the County's share of the cost.
I S: jiKutncnts and Set])a,.'nLerstea'.t/lfa& st ainerq em twnrar lntrrtwt sail/ "err alMAmrnwrt*t-Dnftl-10.04-
I1 tgX_V PCi4 eipoLaer- Leah.- {L.i4tetet4ucal eerrgreats•N't.rlewal rVallerStwrmest- I7rrr4- la= -Yi- fandet
Page 14 of 15
This Attachment illustrates the historical methodology used to lculate and establish the Capital
Facilities Rates (CFR) 10 be applied for projects within the C Ul s Septic Tank Elimination
Proms (STEP). The numb used in this illustration anz hypothetical raid do not relate to any
specific, d .ai or year of contraction. This illustration does not imply what CFR airman will be
established in future yew.
1. ERLi denotes Equivalent Residential Unit
2. I'lie General Facilities Charge, at the unsubsidized rate„ is $2,510 per ERL1 in this
3. Monthly CFR PaYrrlerlt atrno unts are computed lamed on 240 payments
_ l'r�r Li 1c 8. the subsidy . fund ins: is provided from Reservesjn Fan and
Czk.DuariutalStfiljazelimm e irz jarrsrt i'iict'411.r °` a vivo aurVadle.+ rrrm -4) WO- 1044-
Ht.I,rx}I'C: ' Cia)=.of a pni tam k—Vw Ilk 3 r4eittinea atersprttts4f4 9rrFiaurr Ve iirt. 40rtrofteuf- Firrafi- 1 AO?
Page 15 or 15
Total CO:rt of 'ects
f .
interim Ftnancin Costs
E.stimaied at 2%
$1 2.240.000
.. , • , IL .1 It
General F.aciliti C1tar es (61r=C)
4 294 610
Sub total
$ 12.,784.610
Subsidy Fundin
ilij 25 %
s3,1 46.152
Estimated Ntunber o I E.RIS s
f 71 1
Ca • iirtl Faciliti Rate (CER1 - ERU
Estimated Bond Interest Rate
6 %
CFR . er ERlJ
Bond Issuance Cusis
1.3 °pit
Total Amount Financed
1 e ^sulLin j Montl!i° CFR PaVnn
This Attachment illustrates the historical methodology used to lculate and establish the Capital
Facilities Rates (CFR) 10 be applied for projects within the C Ul s Septic Tank Elimination
Proms (STEP). The numb used in this illustration anz hypothetical raid do not relate to any
specific, d .ai or year of contraction. This illustration does not imply what CFR airman will be
established in future yew.
1. ERLi denotes Equivalent Residential Unit
2. I'lie General Facilities Charge, at the unsubsidized rate„ is $2,510 per ERL1 in this
3. Monthly CFR PaYrrlerlt atrno unts are computed lamed on 240 payments
_ l'r�r Li 1c 8. the subsidy . fund ins: is provided from Reservesjn Fan and
Czk.DuariutalStfiljazelimm e irz jarrsrt i'iict'411.r °` a vivo aurVadle.+ rrrm -4) WO- 1044-
Ht.I,rx}I'C: ' Cia)=.of a pni tam k—Vw Ilk 3 r4eittinea atersprttts4f4 9rrFiaurr Ve iirt. 40rtrofteuf- Firrafi- 1 AO?
Page 15 or 15
• The sanitary sewer collection system within the City of Spokane
Valley is owned and operated by Spokane County.
• System expansion and additional treatment capacity is required for the
County Service Arca and the City of Spokane Valley.
• The City and Spokane County arc negotiating an Interlocal Agreement
for wastewater collection and treatment_
• By statute, primary authority to construct, operate and rogintstin
sewage system which is within the County Sewer Service Area and
Plan remains with the City. County may construct own, operate and
maintain a sewer system within the City upon the written consent of
the City. With pre - incorporation sewer system, written consent likely
to control only system expansion_
• RCW 36.94.180 allows transfer of a sewer system upon incorporation
of the City. In Summary, the above statute provides:
The property, facilities and equipment of the County Sewer Sys;:cm within
the incorporated area (the City) may be transferred to the City, if the
transfer will not materially affect the operation of the remaining County
The City shall assume the County's obligations relating to the property,
facilities and equipment pursuant to RCW Chapter 35.13A.
• Statutory Construction of RCW 36.94.180 - 4 key points.
1. Pmperty, facilities and equipment "within the City ".
If a treatment plant is constructed outside of the City, can the City acquire
the plant?
• City has authority to condemn, purchase, acquire, construct and
operate sewage system within and without the City's corporate
limits RCW 35.67.020. Sec also, 4 below.
• Condemnation depends upon the use of the County Property.
C'ik cunicnu utul ScnngivJusstenlltd Setts ltcmparvr bitt nd FilcriOLEST,W Wwala Coilr -ucm 21 dac
2. "May be transferred to the City"
• Cotmty takes the position that the word "may" requires consent by
the County.
• MRSC states the word "may" requires a negotiated agreement.
• Alternative opinion is the word "may" relates to the final subject in
the state statute which is a reference to the general assumption
laws of the state of Washington. Mutual consent may not be
• A Court ruling may be required to determine which interpretation
is correct.
3. "Will not materially affect" the remaining system.
• Materially affect is a term that is not defined in the statute.
• The above term should be the focus of engineering or other utility
studies that analyze how a transfer will materially affect the
remaining system.
• There is no appellate case law that has defined this term in this
statutory context.. Thus, the term will be a matter of judicial
• The County has stated there will be a material affect on the
remaining system.
• A court ruling may be required to determine the meaning of
"materially affect ".
4. "Subject to" ... "the procedures specified in and ... authority of RCW
Chapter 35.13A."
• RCW Chapter 35.13A is the general assumption laws for cities
acquiring special purpose districts.
• An assumption can occur a number of different ways all premised
upon bow much of the district or system is located within the City.
• If at least 60% is in the City, the City can acquire the whole except
that portion of the County's system included within another city.
• If there are facilities outside of the City which serve City
ratepayers, the County, shall for the economically useful life of
such facilities make available sufficient capacity to serve the
sewage requirements of the City, to the extend that such facilities
were designed to serve the City. RCW 35.13A.050.
The above statutes relating to sewer systcm ownership and operation create a
number of issues that have not been decided by the Washington Courts. It is anticipated
an involuntary transfer (assumption) will require analysis by consultants and, very likely,
judicial intervention.
C:tDocumenti end SenteOnkerstenQoad Sat iinys:Temparary Internet Fda■CX.K5nWeetewate Collection 21_doc
1. Can the City of Spokane Valley operate a portion of the wastewater utility as
efficiently as one agency operating all of the utility?
A. No. Spokane Valley would need duplicate equipment, tools and staffing
to operate a portion of the utility.
Will there be added costs if the City of Spokane Valley owns/builds and operates
the wastewater utility?
A. There will be additional costs if the City of Spokane Valley is the lead
agency. These costs would include additional reserves and debt coverage
for construction bonds.
3. Does the City of Spokane Valley have an experienced team to operate a
wastewater utility?
A. No. Spokane Valley would need some or all of the existing 60+
employees that are operating the county's wastewater utility. Treatment
plant operators would also be needed when the plant is ready for
4. Who would handle the billing, accounting, collection, service requests, telephone
calls for 35,000 customers?
A. The county's office employees identified in question 3, currently handle
these tasks. They receive help from the County Treasurer's office stag.
If Spokane Valley was the lead agency, many of these same employees
would be retained Some additional staff would be needed if the County
Treasurer's staff became unavailable, or if Spokane Valley operated only
a portion of the utility.
5. Are there likely to be legal challenges to this project which would result in greater
A. We hope the answer to this question is no. However, there could be as
many as six governmental agencies involved, environmental groups,
developers, builders and concerned citizens. The construction part of this
program will take 5+ years with operations continuing for 40+ years. A
legal challenge is possible.
6. Would general facilities charges and user fees increase over current amounts?
A. Yes, these fees will increase because an additional $100 million of
improvements would be made to the existing facilities. These increases
will take place no matter which agency leads the project. If Spokane
Valley was the Icad agency these charges/fees would be greater than
if Spokane County was the lead agency because of additional borrowing
costs a new organization would experience.
7. How much would the treatment plant cost and how would it be financed?
A. The cost for a treatment plant would be approximately $100 million.
There may be a loan available for S73 million at 1.6 %. The balance of the
funding would be raised through the sale of revenue bonds by the lead
agency and through the use of $20 million in County reserves. Annual
debt service would be between $6 and $8 million. General facilities
charges and user fccs would be used to pay the debt service.
8. How soon would construction start?
A. Construction would start somewhere between 2007 and 2012 depending
on when a permit became available, when a site was acquired, when legal
issues were resolved and when funding was in place. The longer it takes
for construction, the more the project will cost.
• The sanitary sewer collection system within the City of Spokane
Valley is owned and operated by Spokane County.
• System expansion and additional treatment capacity is required for the
County Service Area and the City of Spokane Valley.
• The City and Spokane County are negotiating an Interlocal Agreement
for wastewater collection and treatment.
• By statute, primary authority to construct, operate and maintain
sewage system which is within the County Sewer Service Area and
Plan remains with the City. County may construct own, operate and
maintain a sewer system within the City upon the written consent of
the City. With pre - incorporation sewer system, written consent likely
to control only system expansion.
• RCW 36.94.180 allows transfer of a sewer system upon incorporation
of the City. In. Summary, the above statute provides:
The property, facilities and equipment of the County Sewer System within
the incorporated area (the City) may be transferred to the City, if the
transfer will not materially affect the operation of the remaining County
The City shall assume the County's obligations relating to the property,
facilities and equipment pursuant to RCW Chapter 35.13A.
• Statutory Construction of RCW 36.94.180 - 4 key points.
1. Property, facilities and equipment "within the City ".
If a treatment plant is constructed outside of the City, can the City acquire
the plant?
• City has authority to condemn, purchase, acquire, construct and
operate sewage system within and without the City's corporate
limits. RCW 35.67.020. See also, 4 below.
• Condemnation depends upon the use of the County Property.
C:1Documents and SeuinSs\nkcrstcn \Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OL1:571Wa tewatcr Collection 21_doc
2. "May be transferred to the City"
• County takes the position that the word "may" requires consent by
the County.
• MRSC states the word "may" requires a negotiated agreement.
• Alternative opinion is the word "may" relates to the final subject in
the state statute which is a reference to the general assumption
laws of the state of Washington. Mutual consent may not be
• A Cowl ruling may be required to determine which interpretation
is correct.
3. "Will not materially affect" the remaining system.
• Materially affect is a term that is not defined in the statute.
• The above term should be the focus of engineering or other utility
studies that analyze how a transfer will materially affect the
remaining system.
• There is no appellate case law that has defined this term in this
statutory context. Thus, the terra will be a matter of judicial
• The County has stated there will be a material affect on the
remaining system.
• A court ruling may be required to determine the meaning of
"materially affect ".
4. "Subject to" ... "the procedures specified in and ... authority of RCW
Chapter 35.13A."
• RCW Chapter 35.13A is the general assumption laws for cities
acquiring special purpose districts.
• An assumption can occur a number of different ways all premised
upon how much of the district or system is located within the City.
• If at least 60% is in the City, the City can acquire the whole except
that portion of the County's system included within another city.
• if there are facilities outside of the City which serve City
ratepayers, the County, shall for the economically useful life of
such facilities make available sufficient capacity to serve the
sewage requirements of the City, to the extend that such facilities
were designed to serve the City. RCW 35.13A.050.
The above statutes relating to sewer system ownership and operation create a
number of issues that have not been decided by the Washington Courts. It is anticipated
an involuntary transfer (assumption) will require analysis by consultants and, very likely,
judicial intervention.
C:1Docnrcnts and Settingslnkc ten1Loca1 Settings\Temporary Internet Files10LK571Wastewater Collection 21.doc
City of Spokane Valley
Public Open House Discussion
April 20, 2004
Current Status of Wastewater Issues:
• Regional Wasterwater Committee
o Council approved participation in Regional Wastewater Committee on
October 7, 2003.
o Meetings were held on October 22, 2003, February 18, 2004 and March 26,
o The next meeting will review various forms of regional governance options.
• Wastewater Interlocal
o The City is currently working with the County on the development of an
interlocal agreement which includes the following main issues:
o Ownership, Operation and Maintenance
o Planning, Design and Construction of Sewers
o Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity
• DOE Agrees to Issue Permit
o Department of Ecology issued a letter on November 7, 2003 confirming they
would issue the initial 5 -year National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
( NPDES) permit for the new wastewater plant.
• Approval of Regional Concept
o In December, 2003 the County of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley and City
of Spokane agreed to proceed with the analysis of the Playfair site for a
regional wastewater facility
o The regional facility would have 7.5 mgd capacity for the County /City of
Spokane Valley and 2.5 mgd for the City of Spokane.
• Playfair Site Analysis
o The first public meeting for the supplemental Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) on Playfair was held on February 25, 2004
o The second public meeting will be on May 12, 2004 at the East Central
Community Center.
• EPA Stops Permit and Loan
o On March 2, 2004 the Department of Ecology informed us that the EPA had
given them notice to not issue the NPDES permit and to not approve the
State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan for the construction of the wastewater
• Meeting with EPA Administrator
o On March 29, 2004 a meeting was held with John lani, Regional
Administrator with EPA.
o Mr. lani confirmed EPA's position, but agreed to a Spokane River
Wastewater Permitting Work Session on May 4, 2004
• EPA Wastewater Work Session
o The Goal of the May 4 work session will be to arrive at a common
understanding of options, altematives and strategies for planning, permitting
and implementing wastewater treatment in the Spokane River watershed.
City of Spokane Valley Public Meetings on Wastewater Issues
April 15, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Sewer extensions & operation agreement
April 29, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Regional Wastewater Treatment System
May 20, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Sewer extensions & operation
June 17, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Sewer Extensions and Operations (STEP) with Spokane County
July 1, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Cost Comparison Wastewater Treatment, and Sewer Extension and
Operation (STEP) Agreement with Spokane County
July 10, 2003 - Special Joint Meeting - Spokane County Board of
Commissioners and Spokane Valley City Council
• Sewer fund reserves
• Financial modeling for wastewater improvements
• Subsidies for sewer rates and charges
• Options for adjusting future rates and charges
August 13, 2003 - Regional Meeting with City of Spokane, Spokane County,
City of Spokane Valley and Department of Ecology
• Regional Issues Discussion
August 19, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Wastewater Issues Discussion
September 2, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Wastewater Issues Discussion
September 16, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Wastewater Issues Discussion
October 7, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Proposed Resolution for Participation in Commission on Regional
Wastewater Treatment Issues
October 21, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Wastewater Issues Discussion
October 28, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Regular Meeting
• Agreement & Sewer /Stormwater Ordinance Report
November 18, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Wastewater Issues Discussion
December 16, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Wastewater Interlocal Agreement Draft
December 23, 2003 - City of Spokane Valley - Regular Meeting
• Draft MOU for Septic Tank Elimination Program (STEP) with the
January 13, 2004 - City of Spokane Valley - Regular Meeting
• Design Build Operate (DBO) Discussion
• Approval of STEP MOU
February 3, 2004 - City of Spokane Valley - Study Session
• Wastewater Policies Discussion
March 2, 2004 - City of Spokane Valley - Regular Meeting
• Wastewater Interlocal Agreement Discussion
Spokane County Public Meetings and Notices on Wastewater
Treatment Facilities
September 2000 - Newsletter announcing wastewater facilities planning
September 21, 2000 - Public Meeting to discuss wastewater planning process
December 2000 - Newsletter regarding second set of meetings
January 10 & 11, 2001 - Public Meetings to discuss wastewater alternatives
May 2001 - Newsletter regarding third set of meetings
May 22 & 23, 2001 - Public Meeting to discuss preferred alternative of
siting new plant in Spokane Valley
November 2001 - Newsletter announcing draft Wastewater Facilities Plan
and draft EIS
December 18, 2001 - Public Wearing regarding Wastewater Facilities Plan
April 2002 - Newsletter announcing treatment plant siting process
May 1, 2002 - Public Meeting to solicit input on Treatment Plant Siting
process, describe the 15 identified sites, and to nominate possible sites
May 2002 - Newsletter summarizing siting progress and announcing siting
June 13, 2002 - Public Meeting regarding 5 finalist treatment plant sites
August 22, 2002 - Neighborhood meeting for the property owners
surrounding the Stockyards site, to discuss concerns and get input
October 2002 - Newsletter regarding finalist sites, Stockyards and
Alki /Fancher, & announcing public meeting
October 24, 2002 - Public Meeting to discuss the finalist sites and solicit
public input
November 2002 - Issue draft EIS for public comment
December 2002 - Board of County Commissioners adopts final EIS for
preferred sites
February 2003 - Board of County Commissioners holds hearing and adopts
Amendment 1 to Wastewater Facilities Plan
March 2003 - Present - Considerations relative to formation of City of
Spokane Valley
February 25, 2003 - Public Meeting to consider Playfair Racetrack site
Presentation to John Iani -March 29, 2004
• Early 80's, regional commitment to protection of Spokane Rathdrum
• Used ULID's initially, but switched to a prioritized rate based program
in the 90's. Anticipate completion of septic tank elimination in the
Urban Growth Area over the aquifer by year 2010.
• In 1999, recognized that regional wastewater treatment capacity was
insufficient to complete the STEP program and provide for continued
regional growth. Recent flow projections indicate that the capacity limit
for Spokane County /City of Spokane Valley will be reached in January
• Completed a Facilities Plan in 2002 that recommended a new regional
plant — Ecology approved.
• Completed an Environmental Impact Statement and Facilities Plan
Amendment in 2003 that identified a preferred site and recommended
state of the art MBR treatment technology — Ecology Approved
• Received an SRF loan offer from Ecology, in August 2003, for $73.4
million to design and construct the plant
• Received a letter from Ecology in November 2003 indicating that an
initial discharge permit would be issued for the new plant, consistent
with the approved Facilities Plan. The letter went on to say that
following the initial NPDES permit, the Department would likely
exercise its enforcement discretion by issuing an Agreed Order with a
compliance schedule tied to the 10 -year design capacity for the new
facility to come into compliance with any new requirements that may
be included in the forthcoming Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).
• February 2004, were informed by Ecology staff that EPA staff had
prepared a draft written document addressed to Ecology that no new
or increased discharges were to be allowed into the Spokane River
and that Ecology should not approve the SRF loan for the new plant or
issue a discharge permit for the plant
• Spokane River and Lake Spokane were listed for DO under the Class
Based Standards
• Washington has developed and is in the process of adopting Use
Based Standards
• Using the TMDL model developed by the Department of Ecology,
excursions of DO are limited to certain of the strata within Lake
Spokane for limited periods of the year
• Dischargers have undertaken a Use Attainability Analysis, in
accordance with EPA and Ecology guidance documents, to determine
existing uses and attainable uses
• On that basis, appropriate water quality criteria can be established for
the riverine and lake segments to protect the uses. This may require
Ecology to go through rule making to establish the site specific water
quality criteria
• Then, a TMDL can be determined, using the Ecology DO model, and
wasteload allocations will result
• Recent DO model runs have illustrated that excursions of DO will occur
in Lake Spokane, even if all of the effluent from the point source
dischargers in Washington State is eliminated from the Spokane River.
• Recent DO model runs for the County project have illustrated that -
there is no predicted impact to DO in Lake Spokane from the proposed
new regional plant
• Spokane County, City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, and Liberty
Lake have been working together since 1980 to protect the quality of
water in the aquifer, Spokane River, and Lake Spokane
• This started with the septic tank elimination program in 1980
• In 1985 the phosphorus TMDL was established. Dischargers have
been working together for 20 -years to successfully manage and
implement improvements to wastewater management to reduce and
limit the phosphorus loading to Lake Spokane
• The proposed project for a new regional treatment plant is necessary
to complete the septic tank elimination program, and is now becoming
a component of the City of Spokane's CSO program
• The new treatment plant is state of the art, best available technology.
It will reduce mass loading to the Spokane River for Phosphorus,
suspended solids, and BOD. We understood that this was consistent
with EPA's policy of no net loading increase to a listed water body.
• The City of Spokane is also planning for effluent filtration in the next 6
years, which will significantly reduce mass loading to the Spokane
• The draft EPA position to Ecology against approving the SRF loan, or
approving a discharge permit creates a huge timing problem, in that
the available capacity is projected to be exhausted by January 2009.
We need to start design and construction now, to achieve that
completion date.
• Installation of Reverse Osmosis treatment process is not considered a
feasible alternative for this region
• Out of river discharge, such as land application of effluent, will be in
conflict with water rights and exacerbate the critically low dry season
water flows in the Spokane River
r E WA kK) E R"
iu New regional treatment plant site development and
environmental study results available for review
Preliminary site development studies and environmental analysis on
the two sites being considered for a new regional wastewater
treatment plant — former Playfair and Stockyards — have been
developed and are available for review. Spokane County, the City of
Spokane Valley, and the City of Spokane have been evaluating
these two sites for a plant that would treat wastewater from the City
of Spokane Valley, and portions of Spokane County and the City of
After considering comments provided at the February 25, 2004
public meeting and other submitted written comments, Spokane
County identified the environmental issues to be analyzed and
neighborhood issues to consider.
Be sure to attend the May 12th public meeting to learn about the
results of the recent studies, provide comments on the Draft 2004
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), learn what's
next in the site evaluation and selection process, and share your
comments and perspectives. An opportunity to ask questions and
provide comments will follow the staff presentation.
tij'I - February 2004
IV* � 1 /��
Finalist Sites
nt Sit
reatmenf P
Utilities Division
1026 West Broadway
Spokane, Washington 99260 -0430
Public Meeting
May 12, 2004
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
East Central
Community Center
500 S. Stone Street
Be sure to attend the public
meeting to:
Leam about the results of
the site development and
environmental studies on
the Playfair and Stockyards
Leam about the next steps
in the wastewater facilities
siting process.
Provide comments on the
Draft 2004 Supplemental
Environmental Impact
Share additional comments
and perspectives.
The Draft 2004 Supplemental EIS will be available for review on April 20, 2004. It will be posted to the project web site,
www.spokanecounty.org /utilities, follow Zink to Wastewater Treatment Plant Project; available at local libraries; and
can be purchased by calling 477 -3604 ext. 7176.
Written comments on this document are encouraged. All written comments must be received no later than 4:30 p.m.
May 24, 2004. Comments should be submitted to Bruce Rawls, Spokane County Utilities, 1026 W. Broadway Avenue,
Spokane, WA 99260 or via e-mail to brawls @spokanecounty.org.
To be added to the project mailing list, call 477 -3604 ext 7176.
Spokane County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Spokane County WWTP — Draft 2004 Szp lemental EIS
Spokane County proposes to construct a new regional wastewater treatment plant. The new
plant and associated facilities will provide additional capacity for projected growth in the
County, for increased wastewater flows generated by the County's Septic Tank Elimination
Program, and for flows from the City of Spokane to reduce their Combined Sewage Outfalls
(CSOs). This proposal is based on the assumption that Spokane County will continue to provide
wastewater management services to the new City of Spokane Valley. If the new City chooses
not to have Spokane County provide wastewater management services, then the proposal may
change substantially.
The impacts of siting a wastewater treatment facility at either the Stockyards or A lki/Fancher
sites were evaluated in the 2002 Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The City
of Spokane has recently decided to utilize capacity in the County's regional facility to reduce its
CSOs. The addition of flows from the City of Spokane has prompted the County to reevaluate
the potential sites for the treatment facility. This 2004 Supplemental EIS will analyze the
impacts of siting the treatment facility at the Stockyards or Playfair Racetrack site. The Playfair
site was eliminated from consideration in the 2002 Supplemental EIS, but is now being included
• The site is no longer being proposed for redevelopment as a racetrack and has been
acquired by the City of Spokane;
• The site would better accommodate flows from the City of Spokane;
• The alternative site considered in the 2002 Supplemental EIS, Alki /Panther, may not be
available in time to meet the required schedule for the new treatment facilities.
The new treatment plant will provide wastewater treatment for Spokane County unincorporated
valley areas, the City of Spokane Valley, the Town of Millwood, and provide capacity for flows
from the City of Spokane. Currently the County has an agreement with the City of Spokane for
10 million gallons per day (mgd) of capacity at the City of Spokane's Advanced Wastewater
Treatment Plant (SAWTP). It is estimated that the County's capacity at SAWTP will be
exceeded by January 2009. The County proposes to construct a new treatment plant to provide
an initial 10 mgd of capacity for the region by the end of 2008 with an ability to cxpand capacity
in phases up to 20 mgd with ultimate buildout.
This document, the Spokane County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Draft 2004
Supplemental EIS, identifies potential environmental impacts of the proposed new treatment
April 2004 i
Spokane County 6VW'7P - Dr ft 20 04 Sapp lemenlal EIS
plant. The analysis is conducted on two alternative sites being considered by the County, and
compared with a No Action Alternative:
• Alternative 1 – Stockyards Site
• Alternative 2 - Mayfair Site
• Alternative 3 – No Action
Public Works Department
Spokane County
1026 West Broadway Avenue
Spokane, WA 99260 -0430
Bruce Rawls, Utilities Director
(509) 477 -3604
Citv of Spokane Spokane County Air Pollution Control Agency
• Land Use — Special Use Permit • Notice: of Construction Approval (Spokane
• Clearing and Grading County Air Pollution control Agency)
• Building
• Street Use
• Shoreline Substantial Development Permit
State of Washington City of Spokane Valley
• State Environmental Review Process (SERP) • Land Use
(Ecology) • Clearing and Grading
• National Pollution Discharge Elimination • Building
System (Ecology) • Street Use
• 401 Water Quality Certification (Ecology)
• Hydraulic Project Approval (Department of Federal
Fish and Wildlife) • Section 404 — Nationwide Permit 7
• General Permit for Biosolids Management
ii April 2004
Spokane Couniv W J '7f' — Draft 2(E)4 Srpo lemenlal EIS
This Draft 2004 Supplemental EIS has been prepared under the direction of the Spokane County
Public Works Department, Utilities Division. Research and analysis were provided by:
Adolfson Associates, Inc.
5309 Shilshole Avenue NW, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98107
HDR Engineering, Inc.
500 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1200
Bellevue, WA 98004 -5538
Hubbard -Gray Consulting, Inc.
6604 W. Iroquois Drive
Spokane, WA 99208
Limno -Tech, Inc.
501 Avis Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Eastern Washington University
Archaeological and Historical Services
201 Isle Hall
Cheney, WA 99004 -2420
URS Corporation
1 101 Argonne, Suite 201
Spokane, WA 99212
April 20, 2004
A public meeting on the Drafl 2004 Supplemental EIS is scheduled for May 12, 2004 at the East
Central Community Center.
May 24, 2004; 4:30 p.m.
This Drafl 2004 Supplemental EIS builds on the environmental analysis provided in the
Programmatic EIS prepared for the Spokane County Wastewater Facilities Plan (Final EIS dated
February 2002). In the programmatic document, analysis was conducted on several system
options available to the County. The County utilized that information to make its decision to
move forward with the construction of a new regional wastewater treatment plant. In 2002, the
County prepared a Supplemental EIS to evaluate the impacts of siting the treatment plant at two
This 2004 Supplemental EIS will serve as additional environmental documentation for
subsequent construction - related permits, provided the scope of the project described here does
not substantially change. If substantive changes to the proposal are made, additional
environmental review will be conducted. Additionally, the County will be seeking funding
assistance from the State Revolving Fund and will meet requirements under the State
Environmental Review Process.
April 2004 iii
Spokane Country WIFTP —Draft 2004 Supplemental EIS
Copies of this document have been sent to the agencies, individuals and libraries listed in
Chapter 5.
Copies of this document are available for review at the Spokane County Public Libraries and at
the website listed below. Copies of this document are also available for review or purchase at
the Spokane County Public Works Office, Utilities Division, located at 1026 West Broadway
Avenue. Purchase price in CD format is $5.00; in printed format $15.00.
This document may be viewed on the Spokane County Utilities Division website,
lA w.spokanecounty.org/utilities. Click on the icon for Wastewater Treatment Plan Project, and
then click on the view associated with the Draft 2004 Supplemental Impact Statement.
April 2004
19307 E. CATALDO
APRIL 20, 2004, 6 -8 PM
20 MIN.
25 MIN
1. Can the City of Spokane Valley operate a portion of the wastewater utility as
efficiently as one agency operating all of the utility?
A. No. Spokane Valley would need duplicate equipment, tools and staffing
to operate a portion of the utility.
2. Will there be added costs if the City of Spokane Valley owns/builds and operates
the wastewater utility?
A. There will be additional costs if the City of Spokane Valley is the lead
agency. These costs would include additional reserves and debt coverage
for construction bonds.
3. Does the City of Spokane Valley have an experienced team to operate a
wastewater utility?
A. No. Spokane Valley would need some or all of the existing 60+
employees that are operating the county's wastewater utility. Treatment
plant operators would also be needed when the plant is ready for
4. Who would handle the billing, accounting, collection, service requests, telephone
calls for 35.000 customers?
A. The county's office employees identified in question 3, currently handle
these tasks. They receive help from the County Treasurer's office staff.
If Spokane Valley was the lead agency, many of these same employees
would be retained. Some additional staff would be needed if the County
Treasurer's staff became unavailable, or if Spokane Valley operated only
a portion of the utility.
5. Are there likely to be legal challenges to this project which would result in greater
A. We hope the answer to this question is no. However, there could be as
many as six governmental agencies involved environmental groups,
developers, builders and concerned citizens. The construction part of this
program will take 5+ years with operations continuing for 40+ years. A
legal challenge is possible.
6. Would general facilities charges and user fees increase over current amounts?
A. Yes, these fees will increase because an additional 5100 million of
improvements would be made to the existing facilities. These increases
will take place no matter which agency leads the project. If Spokane
Valley was the lead agency these charges /fees would be greater than
if Spokane County was the lead agency because of additional borrowing
costs a new organization would experience.
7. How much would the treatment plant cost and how would it be financed?
A. The cost for a treatment plant would be approximately $100 million
There may be a loan available for $73 million at 1.5 %. The balance of the
funding would be raised through the sale of revenue bonds by the lead
agency and through the use of $20 million in County reserves. Annual
debt service would be between $6 and $8 million. General facilities
charges and user fees would be used to pay the debt service.
8. IIow soon would construction start?
A. Construction would start somewhere between 2007 and 2012 depending
on when a permit became available, when a site was acquired, when legal
issues were resolved and when funding was in place. The longer it takes
for construction, the more the project will cost.
City of Spokane Valley
• ,:
Wastewater Discussion
• Update on the current status of
wastewater issues.
• OPEN HOUSE — Discussions with staff.
• Break -Out Groups.
• Develop issues and recommendations
• Group Reports.
• Wrap -up discussion.
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If Spokane Valley Owns the
Wastewater Utility
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Greater Costs if City of Spokane Valley
Owns/Operates the Utility
• • A greater dirt coverage factor will be required to
provide security to bond buyers
Debt coverage factor 1.95
Spokane County has assessment principal and
interest to Include in their revenues which helps In
the debt coverage calculation
• Spokane County has access to a greater amount of
reserves which can be used to reduce the amount a
bonds sold
Estimate of Increase in Wastewater
Rates for Capital Costs by 2009
• If Spokane County owned /operated the utility
$6 - $15 /month
• If Spokane Valley owned /operated the utility
$10 - $20 /month (33% greater than County)
• Note: An increase in the General Facilities
Charge might reduce these monthly user fees
Regional Wasterwater Committee
• Council approved participation in
Regional Wastewater Committee on
October 7, 2003
• Meetings were held on October 22,
2003, February 18, 2004 and March 26,
• The next meeting will review various
forms of regional governance options.
t .-izmzooi
Wastewater Interlocal
• The City is currently working with the
County on the development of an
interlocal agreement which includes the
following main issues:
— Ownership, Operation and Maintenance
— Planning, Design and Construction of
— Wastewa Treatment Plant Capacity
DOE Agrees to Issue Permit
• Department of Ecology issued a
letter on November 7, 2003
confirming they would issue the
initial 5 -year National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) permit for the new
wastewater plant.
.R l
Approval of Regional Concept
• In December, 2003 the County of
Spokane, City of Spokane Valley and
City of Spokane agreed to proceed with
the analysis of the Playfair site for a
regional wastewater facility.
• The regional facility would have 7.5
mgd capacity for the County/City of
Spokane Valley and 2.5 mgd for the
City of Spokane.
` VV :anw.
Playfair Site Analysis
• The County held the first public meeting
for the supplemental Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) on Playfair was
held on February 25, 2004.
• The second public meeting will be on
May 12, 2004 at the East Central
Community Center.
1Vestaarto Opals Maar 4/112;31:104
EPA Stops Permit and Loan
• On March 2, 2004 the Department
of Ecology announced that the EPA
had given notice to not issue the
NPDES permit and to not approve
the State Revolving Fund (SRF)
loan for the construction of the
wastewater project.
..1 T
Meeting with EPA Administrator
• On March 29, 2004 a meeting was held
with John Tani, Regional Administrator
with EPA.
• Mr. Iani confirmed EPA's position, but
agreed to a Spokane River Wastewater
Permitting Work Session on May 4,
wti.e.�.• ap... we. vivinrw
EPA Wastewater Work Session
• The Goal of the work session will be to
arrive at a common understanding of
options, alternatives and strategies for
planning, permitting and implementing
wastewater treatment in the Spokane
River watershed.
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Wastewater Treatment Plant
c_ emit At .. SO.oa
Small Group Break -out
• What are the 2 major wastewater
• Develop 2 recommendations on
how the City of Spokane Valley
should proceed to resolve the
• Wrap -up discussion.
p g
Return to:
Board of County Commissioners
Clerk of the Board
1116 W. Broadway
Spokane, Washington 99206
Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County Regarding
Wastewater Management
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of January, 2004, by and
between the CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, Washington, a municipal corporation of the State
of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 11707 East Sprague Avenue,
Suite 106, Spokane Valley Washington, 99206 hereinafter referred to as the "CITY ", and
SPOKANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, having offices for the
transaction of business at 1116 West Broadway, Spokane Washington, Washington 99260,
hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY," jointly referred to, along with the CITY, as the
WHEREAS, the CITY is located in the Aquifer Protection Area established by the
COUNTY by Ordinance 85 -061 dated July 30, 1985; and
WHEREAS, prior to the incorporation of the CITY, the COUNTY had, with the direction
and approval of the State of Washington Department of Ecology (DOE), begun the extension of
sanitary sewers within the Aquifer Protection Area, which arca includes that area now
incorporated as the City of Spokane Valley, following a program to be completed in accordance
with the plan developed by the COUNTY; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY has created a Utilities Division within the Public Works
Department capable of implementing the completion of the sanitary sewer program to standards
acceptable to the CITY; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY has prepared and adopted the Spokane County 2001
Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (Plan) for implementation of a sewer program for
the Urban Growth Areas within the Aquifer Protection Area; and
I C:1Docn men ts and Settineslnkersten \LocaI SettinesVrernpnrary Internet Files10L1:571WastewaterVnIleyit reenreat-Desft3-IO-04-
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Pagel of 15
WHEREAS, the CITY wishes to see the completion of the sanitary sewer system to
protect and serve the C1TY's residents, businesses, and the aquifer and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY has received an Extended Grant from the State of
Washington Centennial Clean Water Fund to be used to reduce the cost impacts of sewer
construction in the Aquifer Protection Area (APA); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 36.36 RCW, the citizens of the
COUNTY voted to implement an APA Fee to provide a financing method to preserve, protect,
and rehabilitate the Spokane Rathdrurn Aquifer, which Fee will sunset in year 2005 unless it is
reauthorized by the voters; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY, prior to November 4, 2003, had historically allocated one -
eighth of 1% local option sales tax revenues collected pursuant to chapter 82.14.030(2) RCW to
the sewer utility to subsidize the cost of sewers; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY has accumulated substantial fund balances in the sewer utility
funds) from connection fees, wastewater treatment charges, sales tax allocations and APA Fees;
WHEREAS, a substantial portion of the APA Fees,_sales tax revenues. connection fees,
and wastewater treatment charges were contributed from within the area of the CITY; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY has had a policy of assisting property owners in the
unincorporated areas, which included City of Spokane Valley, by reducing the net cost of the
Capital Facilities Charge Rate (CFR) paid by each property within the sewer program; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 36.94.180 RCW, in the event of an
incorporation of an area in which a county is operating a sewerage system, the property,
facilities, and equipment of such sewerage system lying within the incorporated area may be
transferred to the city if such transfer will not materially affect the operation of any of the
remaining county system, subject to the assumption by the city of the county's obligation
relating to such property, facilities, and equipment, under the procedures specified in and
pursuant to the authority contained in chapter 35.13.A R.CW; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY and CITY are obligated to complete the elimination of septic
tanks in the Urban Growth Area by extending sewer service to all properties within the CITY to
the extent practicable; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY owns, operates, and maintains all of the existing public sewer
system within the CITY; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to chapter 36.94.170 RCW the CITY has the primary authority for
constructing, operating and maintaining a sewage system within the CITY unless the CITY
desires through written consent that the COUNTY continue to own, operate, and maintain the
public sewer system within the CITY.
I C:1110euments nod Settirigs\nkrrsten \Local Settines\Temnorary Internet I i1cs10i,K571WastewaterValleVA _regiment- [)raft3- 10-04-
$t L J , RO(;G: \GGittiwf- Spokane -Valle ents\wastewo ter- VullevArreemen oe
Page 2 of 15
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein,
the PARTIES hereto do mutually agree as follows:
1 -1
The CITY authorizes the COUNTY to own, operate and maintain the sanitary sewer
system (System) within the CITY as a public utility, as provided for in chapter
36.94.170 RCW. For the purpose of this Agreement the terminology "System" shall
mean all publicly owned sewers, manholes, appurtenances, and pumping stations within
public rights of way or within public easements within the CITY. If the COUNTY
implements a new regional wastewater treatment plant, as referenced in Section 3 of
this Agreement, the new regional wastewater treatment plant shall become a part of the
"System ".
1 -2 The CITY shall grant a franchise to the COUNTY for use of CITY public right of way
for the purpose of providing said sanitary sewer service. The CITY may charge a
franchise fee to the COUNTY for said franchise. If the CITY chooses to charge, or
adjust, a franchise fee, the CITY shall notify the COUNTY in writing not later than
September I of the preceding year, of the intent to charge, or adjust, the franchise fee.
The purpose of the franchise fee would be to compensate the CITY for its reasonable
costs, expenses, and obligations actually incurred or contracted which are directly
related to and which benefit the System in CITY areas that the COUNTY serves. Any
CITY franchise fee may be recovered from the CITY ratepayers through the process set
forth in Sections 1 -8 and 1 -9.
1. -3 The COUNTY shall not enact or impose any tax on gross revenues generated by the
System within the CITY pursuant to chapter 36.94.160 RCW. unless expressly
authorized by the Spokane Valley City Council.
1 -4 The CITY initially shall adopt the provisions of Spokane County Code Chapter 8.03
( "Sewer Code ") in its entirety. The CITY may adopt future revisions made by the
COUNTY to Spokane County Code Chapter 8.03 within 90 calendar days of the date of
adoption by the COUNTY. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the City Council
from exercising its legislative discretion to amend, modify or repeal the Sewer Code as
deemed reasonably necessary to serve the best interests of the CITY, provided the City
shall not enact legislation that detrimentally impacts or unreasonably interferes with
state or federal permits issued to operate the System. The CITY shall notify the
COUNTY if it chooses not to adopt subsequent revisions requested by the COUNTY,
or if the CITY elects to amend, modify or repeal the Sewer Code.
1 -5 The CITY delegates authority to the COUNTY to enforce the provisions of Spokane
County Code Chapter 8-4-3 -Sewer Code within the CITY. COUNTY shall administer,
bill, collect and account for all charges and service fees related to the System. The
COUNTY shall be the primary party responsible for initiating any civil and/or criminal
litigation for enforcement through its own legal counsel. The COUNTY shall be the
C:IDocuments and Scttingslnkersten1Local Settinps\Temporary Internet Files10LK571WastewatervalleyArrcement-Drnft3-IO01-
RLl.DOC:C: or-Spokane -Val ley -143 4ote eai- ltreementskWastewalettValleyAg neol-Ura t - 27- D4- I4 -bdoc
Page 3 of 15
primary party responsible for inspection activities, engineering services, legal or other
actions necessary to enforce compliance with the Sewer Code. In the event the
COUNTY requests assistance from the CITY, and the CITY takes action to benefit the
System, including but not limited to civil and/or criminal litigation for enforcement,
surveys, studies or property acquisition, the COUNTY shall compensate the CITY for
its reasonable costs, expenses and obligations actually incurred. See chapter 36.94.170
1 -6 All permits issued by the COUNTY for connection to the System shall be reported to
the CITY. The COUNTY will direct sewer installers to the CITY for permits to work
in the CITY rights of way. CITY shall retain all fees for right of way permits.
1 -7 Each year in January, the COUNTY will report to the CiTY (i) System extensions
completed for the previous calendar year, (ii) the number of actual connections (ERU)
completed the previous year, and (iii) the total ERIJ count for the System within the
CITY. The County will maintain as "as built" plan of the system and make it available
to the City.
1 -8 The COUNTY shall be delegated the authority to administer and enforce connection
requirements to the sewer system, in accordance with the Sewer Code. COUNTY shall
submit an annual report in January of each year listing the number and address of all
properties where sewer service is available but which have not completed the
connections to the System.
1 -9 The COUNTY, through its Board of County Commissioners, will establish, set, and
adopt all fees, rates, and charges (hereinafter "rates and charges") for the sanitary sewer
system pursuant to chapters 36.94.140 and 35.67.020 RCW. To the maximum extent
possible, rates and charges will be based on cost of service. Prior to setting rates and
charges for the following year, the COUNTY shall: (1) present its proposal to the
CITY for review and comment and (2) consider the comments of the CITY prior to
setting rates. The COUNTY will endeavor to maintain the cost of sewer construction
and treatment plant capacity to serve both CITY and COUNTY customers at the lowest
practicable cost. To further increase ratepayer confidence in the COUNTY'S pursuit of
the lowest practicable costs. the COUNTY will submit its proposed rates and charges
for an external analysis (second opinion) by a qualified private- sector firm which was
not a party to the preparation of the COUNTY'S proposal for rates and charges. The
analytical report will be provided to the CiTY for consideration. The cost of such
anal , sis is a. reasonable ex.ense of doing business and ma : be recovered through rates
and charges.
1 -10 The fees, rates and charges for customers inside the CITY will be equal to those outside
the CiTY, provided that the cost of service is equal. If a franchise fee is charged by the
CITY, or if the cost of service varies substantially for a class of customers inside the
CITY compared to outside, or if new subsidy revenues are provided to the sewer
program by either the CiTY or COUNTY, differential fees, rates, or charges may be
adopted. The COUNTY will meet with the City before adopting differential fees, rates,
C:10oeurnents and Set tir, sln !icemen \Local Se tti n es's' rt nipo ea ry Internet Files l0LIC57R1'astewaterVaIIevACrec men t-DryJ13-I0-04-
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Page 4of15
or charges. .In the event that the parties do not agree on a proposed differential in fees,
rates, or charges, they agree to submit the issues to mediation. The form of the
mediation shall be as agreed between the parties.
CITY and COUN'T'Y agree that the future revenues for new treatment plant capacity,
upgrades of the City of Spokane Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (SAWTP),
interceptors and pumping stations will be generated through a combination of General
Facilities Charges (GFC's) and Wastewater Treatment Plant Charges. CITY agrees
that subsidies for GFC's for new development should be eliminated, and that GFC's
and Wastewater Treatment Plant Charges should be set at a level to generate adequate
revenues to pay for new treatment plant capacity. COUNTY agrees that surplus
revenues (above the amount necessary to subsidize Capital Facilities Rates (CFR's)) in
the reserve funds will be, used to offset the cost of new wastewater treatment plant
1 -12 Annually, prior to submission to the Board of County Commissioners for adoption, the
COUNTY will provide the CITY with the proposed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
and proposed CPR's for extension and operation of the System within the CITY.
1 -13 For work performed by the CITY that relate to the planning and development of
additional treatment facility capacity for the CITY as set forth in Section 3. the CITY
shall be reimbursed from the Sewer Reserve Fund.
2 -1 To the extent legally permissible, the COUNTY will update the Spokane County
Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (Plan) as necessary to conform to the
City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive (land use) Plan.
2 -2 The COUNTY shall be responsible for diligently pursuing the completion of the
sanitary sewer system and septic tank elimination program (STEP) in accordance with
the Plan and the Six Year Sewer Construction Capital Improvement Program,
('Program ") as amended annually. This responsibility shall include the planning,
design, and construction of new sewers, as identified in the Plan, within the System
through the life of this Agreement. At least sixty days prior to adoption of the STEP
Plan and the Program the same shall be submitted to the CITY for review and
comment. Prior to the COUNTY commencing any construction under the STEP Plan or
Program, the COUNTY and the CITY shall mutually agree on the STEP Plan or
2 -3 The COUNTY may extend the System to areas outside of the CITY, provided that
adequate capacity is maintained in the trunk and interceptor sewers to serve properties
within the CITY. Extension of sewer service outside of the CITY shall not cause
additional costs to accrue to CITY sewer users.
C:1Documents and Seth neslnkeesten11 .pea I Settines1Tena Flora ry I I° tlesA OLK57\ Wa stews tcr IIevAgreemcnt- Deaf13- 1Q-04-
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Page 5ofl5
2-4 The COUNTY shall restore all CITY streets, in which sewer construction takes place,
with full width reconstruction of the street base, surface and drainage to standards
approved by the CiTY, which standards shall not be less than the standards adopted and
applied by the COUNTY prior to incorporation. The CITY shall pay for all additional
costs to provide full width pavement, beyond the normal trench width pavement
replacement. The methods used to establish the scope and budget for full width paving
shall be generally consistent with the methods established in Attachment "A ". At the
beginning of each construction season, COUNTY staff in collaboration with CiTY staff
will evaluate the condition of streets and roads within the CITY, and determine the
scope and cost for full width pavement in that year's projects. Full width pavement
will not be included in the construction projects until the CITY and COUNTY staffs'
agree in writing to the scope and budget for full width paving. During the construction
period, COUNTY will provide monthly invoices to the CiTY for the full width paving
completed, and CiTY shall provide payment to the COUNTY within 30 calendar days.
Any late payment will be subject to a penalty based upon lost interest earnings had the
payment been timely paid and invested in the Spokane County Treasurer's Investment
2 -5 'The COUNTY shall continue to actively pursue grants and low interest loans to offset
costs of the sewer construction program. Grants and loans shall be applied
proportionally to COUNTY sewer customers outside and inside of the CITY. CITY
agrees to cooperate with and support the COUNTY in pursuing grants and loans.
2 -6 The COUNTY will pursue the reauthorization of the Aquifer Protection Area Fees as
provided for in chapter 36.36 RCW to reduce the cost of sewers to users of the System.
The CiTY. throurd the City Council shall consider a resolution to support this effort to
obtain additional funds to reduce the cost of sewers to CITY residents and properties;
To the extent required — ley —law, the CITY will pass a rose ution agreeing that its
boundaries be included within the Aquifer Protection Area.
2 -7 The COUNTY shall continue to provide a subsidy to the cost of CPR's using the
computational method currently in effect, within the limits of sewer reserve funds
available for the subsidy. A copy of that method is attached hereto as Attachment `B"
and incorporated herein by reference. For the purpose of this Agreement the
terminology "Sewer Reserve Fund" shall mean those monies reflected in Budget Funds
403 and 436, indicated as Beginning and End Fund Balances. Sewer Reserve Funds are
for authorized sewer uses and APA program uses, and are not solely for the subsidy of
Capital Facilities Rates. Neither the COUNTY nor CITY will —be obligated to
contribute any additional funds to support this subsidy. The COUNTY shall commit a
fair and equitable amount of the Sewer Reserve Fund to the capital facility rates
charged the CITY ratepayers. Prior to allocating the fair and equitable amount
committed to the CITY froni the Sewer Reserve Fund to the capital facility rates. the
COUNTY shall receive the consent of the C1TY.
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Page 6 of 15
3 -1 Currently, wastewater treatment is provided at the SAWTP, for which the COUNT Y
has a contract with the City of Spokane for up to 10 million gallons per day of capacity.
The COUNTY acknowledges that a portion of the above referenced wastewater
treatment capacity has been acquired by the CITY properties connected to the System.
The COUNTY shall provide sufficient wastewater treatment capacity to comply with
the Comprehensive Plan of the CiTY.
3 -2 The CITY agrees that the COUNTY will be the lead agency for implementation of a
new regional wastewater treatment plant in the western edge of the Spokane Valley
geographic area. The new regional wastewater treatment plant will be capable of
providing wastewater treatment capacity to customers in the CITY, the COUNTY, and
the City of Spokane. The COUNTY agrees to evaluate the Playfair Race Track as an
alternate preferred site for the new regional plant, and will prepare amendments to the
previously finalized Supple Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) and
Wastewater Facilities Plan Amendment report, provided that the City of Spokane
agrees to provide a proportional share of the cost of engineering. The project will be
designed, constructed and operated using the Design - Build- Operate (DBO) delivery
method_pursuant to RCW Chajr 70.150 and this section. The COUNTY will
endeavor to complete the evaluation of Playfair Race Track on a schedule to facilitate
execution of the SRI' Loan Offer that has been extended to the COUNTY by the
Washington Department of Ecology. The COUNTY will make the final decision on
the location and size of the new regional wastewater treatment plant. The COUNTY
will present the draft Facilities Plan Amendment and draft amendment to the SETS to
the CITY for review and comment prior to finalizing the documents.
As the lead agency for implementation of the new regional wastewater treatment plant,
the COUNTY will coordinate closely with the CITY. For purposes of this paragraph,
the terminology "coordinate" shall mean formulation of a technical review group,
including representatives from the public works departments of the COUNTY, the
CiTY, and the City of Spokane, which will meet on a regular basis to review the
progress of work, and to discuss issues related to the technical aspects of the new
regional wastewater treatment plant and to the project implementation process. A
aeh-o -' e
tlie4443 9- seleetf reees s-
3- 3 Prior to entering into an agreement with a service provider under RCW 70.1 50.030 the
COUNTY shall form a DBO Procurement Committee under RCW 70.1 50.040(3). The
DBO .Procurement Committee utilized by the COUNTY shall include at least one
representative appointed by the. City Council of the City of Spokane Valley who shall
participate in the DBO procurement process. The COUNTY shall make the final DBO
selection following the Committee recommendation. To insure that the DBO delivery
method is the most cost efficient to the System and the City ratepayers, the COUNTY
CAD oenments Fled Settin slnkersten11A)cal `ettinesl'i'emnorary Internet Files\ 0LIC571«' ast ,cnt- tlraft3 -10 -04-
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f'age 7 of 15
shall obtain from the Department of Ecology a determination concluding that the DBO
delivery method results in a cost saving to the system. its ratepayers and the desittm.
construction and operation of the new Wastewater Treatment Plant.
4 -1 The CiTY delegates authority to the COUNTY to implement and administer the
County's Approved Industrial Pretreatment Program ( "AIPP ") in accordance with
County, State, and Federal laws, regulations and requirements. For the purpose of this
Agreement the COUNTY'S A.1PP shall mean the Industrial Pretreatment Program dated
June 5, 1998 and any revisions thereto approved by the Washington State Department
of Ecology. This authority shall apply to all properties that utilize the COUNTY'S
wastewater collection system located within the CITY'S incorporated boundaries. The
AiPP includes the COUNTY'S Pretreatment Ordinance as adopted in Chapter 8.03,
Article 4000 "Pretreatment," (in its entirety), and Sections 8.03.9080, 8.03.9100,
8.03.9160, 8.03.9180, and 8.03.9185 of the Spokane County Code.
4 -2 The CITY shall adopt the provisions of Spokane County Code Chapter 8.03 Article
4000, "Pretreatment," (in its entirety), and Sections 8.03.9080, 8.03.9100, 8.03.9160,
8.03.9180, and 8.03.9185 prior to the COUNTY implementing or administering its
AMP within the CITY'S boundaries. A copy of said Article and Sections are attached
hereto in Appendix "A." The CITY agrees to review, consider and adopt future
revisions made by the COUNTY to Spokane County Code Chapter 8.03, Article 4000
"Pretreatment," (in its entirety), and Sections 8.03.9080, 8.03.9100, 8.03.9160,
8.03.9180, and 8.03.9185 of the Spokane County Code within 90 calendar days of the
date of adoption by the COUNTY.
4 -3 The CITY delegates authority to the COUNTY to enforce all the provisions of Spokane
County Code Chapter 8.03, Article 4000 "Pretreatment," (in its entirety), and Sections
8.03.9080, 8.03.9100, 8.03.9160, 8.03.9180, and 8.03.9185 of the Spokane County
Code within the CITY as those provisions presently exist or as they may be hereafter
revised. The CITY agrees, upon request of the COUNTY, to make available any of its
staff, to include law enforcement, which may be necessary in conjunction with
COUNTY enforcement actions.
All notices or other communications given hereunder shall be deemed given on: (1) the day such
notices or other communications are received when sent by personal delivery; or (ii) the third day
following the day on which the same have been mailed by first class delivery, postage prepaid
addressed to COUNTY at the address set forth below for such Party, or at such other address as
COUNTY shall from time -to -time designate by notice in writing to the other PARTIES:
COUNTY: Spokane County Chief Executive Officer or his/her authorized representative
1116 West Broadway Avenue
I C :IDocu men ts and Set tings \nkerstej \Lorin Sett inos \Temporary Internet F les \OI.iK571W1'aster'aterVtIIevAt reement-1)raft3-10-04-
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Spokane, Washington 99260
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when so
executed and delivered, shall be an original, but such counterparts shall together constitute but
one and the same.
City of Spokane Valley City Manager or his/her authorized representative
Redwood Plaza
11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106
Spokane Valley, Washington 99206
No party may assign in whole or part its interest in this Agreement without the written approval of
all other PARTIES.
(a) COUNTY shall indemnify and hold harmless CiTY and its officers, agents, and employees,
or any of them from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and
damages of any nature whatsoever, by any reason of or arising out of any negligent act or
omission of COUNTY, its officers, agents and employees, or any of them relating to or arising
out of performing services pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any suit based upon such
claim, action, loss, or damages is brought against CITY, COUNTY shall defend the same at its
sole cost and expense; provided that CITY reserves the right to participate in said suit if any
principle of governmental or public law is involved; and if final judgment in said suit be
rendered against CITY, and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, or jointly against
CITY and COUNTY and their respective officers, agents, and employees, COUNTY shall
satisfy the sane.
(b) CITY shall indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY and its officers, agents, and employees,
or any of them from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and
damages of any nature whatsoever, by any reason of or arising out of any negligent act or
omission of CITY, its officers, agents and employees, or any of them relating to or arising out of
performing services pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any suit based upon such
claim, action, loss, or damages is brought against COUNTY, CITY shall defend the same at its
sole cost and expense; provided that COUNTY reserves the right to participate in said suit if any
principle of governmental or public law is involved; and if final judgment in said suit be
rendered against COUNTY, and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, or jointly
against COUNTY and CITY and their respective officers, agents, and employees, CITY shall
satisfy the same.
(c) The foregoing indemnity is specifically intended to constitute a waiver of each party's
immunity under Washington's Industrial Insurance Act, chapter 51 RCW, respecting the other
C:IDocuments and Settiru',\nkcrsten \Local ScttinQS \Tcmpnrary Internet I'itcs\OLFK571WastewaterVaIlcvAgreement-Drstft3-IQdW-
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party only, and only to the extent necessary to provide the indemnified party with a full and
complete indemnity of claims made by the indemnitor's employees. The PARTIES
acknowledge that these provisions were specifically negotiated and agreed upon by them.
(d) COUNTY and CITY agree to either self insure or purchase polices of insurance covering the
natters contained in this Agreement with coverages of not less than $5,000,000 per occurrence
with $5,000,000 aggregate limits including for ENGINEERS professional liability and auto
liability coverages.
The PARTIES intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this Agreement.
No agent, employee, servant or representative of COUNTY shall be deemed to be an employee,
agent, servant or representative of CITY for any purpose. Likewise, no agent, employee, servant or
representative of CITY shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant or representative of
COUNTY for any purpose.
This Agreement may be modified in writing by mutual written agreement of the PARTIES.
This Agreement shall be effective as of the date set forth herein above and shall continue until
terminated pursuant to Section 14-2.
e -sent- lady- aeptj4ied- mail -tThe CiTY or COUNTY may
terminate this Agreement upon 12 months written notice, sent by certified mail. provided that
termination of this Agreement shall not occur during the period of time between the date of
execution by the COUNTY of a contract with a DBO firm and the completion date of acceptance
testing for the new regional wastewater treatment plant-
Within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the written notice of termination, and at least
once every two weeks thereafter, the parties shall meet to negotiate the terms and conditions of a
Termination Agreement. The negotiation of the Temnination Agreement shall address transfer of
assets, transfer of employees, transfer of fund balance reserves, transfer of contractual
obligations, transfer of indebtedness obligations, establishment of system value, transfer of the
new regional wastewater treatment plant. determination whether there is a material affect to the
operation of any of the remaining COUNTY system. payments to the COUNTY, and all other
aspects of an equitable termination of this Agreement, and pursuant to chapter 36.94.180 RCW.
14-is athnowledee . • ., - • isdfietion-
GAUNTY system.
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RLI.DOCG:1CtiC-ity- rfSpol: anew -elle greerneotAWnstewnterVallerAgreement- Draft - "a-2? "..4- ,°.,ioe
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If the parties are unable to reach final agreement on the terms and conditions of a Termination
Agreement within six (6) months from the date of receipt of the notice, non - binding mediation
shall occur. The parties shall mutually decide the mediation procedures, dates, and person(s) to
conduct the mediation. Mediation shall be concluded within twelve (12) months from the date of
receipt of the notice, unless mutually agreed otherwise by the parties.
The ownership of all property and equipment utilized by the COUNTY under the terms of this
Agreement shall rernai.n with the COUNTY.
This Agreement contains terms and conditions agreed upon by the PARTIES. The PARTIES agree
that there are no other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this
This Agreement shall be binding upon the PARTIES hereto, their successors and assigns.
This Agreement has been and shall be construed as having been made and delivered within the
State of Washington and it is mutually understood and agreed by each party that this Agreement
shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington both as to interpretation and
performance. Any action at law, suit in equity or judicial proceeding for the enforcement of this
Agreement, or any provision hereto, shall be instituted only in courts of competent jurisdiction
within Spokane. County, Washington.
It is understood and agreed among the PARTIES that if any parts, terms or provisions of this
Agreement are held by the courts to be illegal, the validity of the remaining portions or
provisions shall not be affected and the rights and obligations of the PARTIES shall not be
affected in regard to the remainder of the Agreement. If it should appear that any part, term or
provision of this Agreement is in conflict with any statutory provision of the State of
Washington, then the part, term or provision thereof that may be in conflict shall be deemed
inoperative and null and void insofar as it may be in conflict therewith and this Agreement shall
be deemed to modify to conform to such statutory provision.
All public records prepared, owned, used or retained by COUNTY in conjunction with this
Agreement shall be deemed CITY property and shall be made available to CITY upon request by
the CITY Manager. COUNTY will notify CITY of any public disclosure request under chapter
C:1Dncumcnts and Scttingslnkerstenllncal Satin gslTemnnrar' Internet files10 571Wastwaierynllr vA.ereement- Draft3 -10 -04-
R1:1.DOCC.i1f101 f Sl► rtl: nne->' xlleH- 43 24kMCe4oeaMgfeemenis1Wesiewate eVaileyAgreemenl Draft - 2-2.7-04- RIY.doe
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42.17 RCW for copies or viewing of such records as well as the PROSECUTOR'S response
The section headings appearing in this Agreement have been inserted solely for the purpose of
convenience and ready reference. In no way do they purport to, and shall not be deemed to
define, limit or extend the scope or intent of the sections to which they pertain.
CITY agrees COUNTY will use COUNTY'S stationary in conjunction with meeting its
responsibilities under the terms of this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHF_.REOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date
and year opposite their respective signatures.
Daniela Erickson, Deputy JOHN ROSKELLEY, Commissioner
City Clerk (Title)
Approved as to form only:
City Attorney
(::lnnen m eths nntl Set ti ngslnI crsten \LovnI Settint slTemporary Internet FiledOL:571■'nstewnterVn I IevA areemcnt -Dra ft3 -I0-04-
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Pavement Removal and Replacement Limits for Sewer Construction
Spokane County will include in its annual sewer construction budget the costs to restore the
paving that is required to be removed for sewer construction, including mainline sewer,
manholes, and side sewers.
The City of Spokane Valley may elect to add to the scope of the paving work associated with
County sewer projects. For example, the City may request additional pavement replacement to
accomplish full -width paving, additional road pavement width, and /or extended paving beyond
the termination of the sewer main. The following guidelines shall be used as the underlying
basis for determining the County's share of the asphalt concrete pavement (ACP) removal and
replacement costs:
1. The quantity of ACP removed and replaced to construct a section of sewer main between
two manholes shall be determined using the following dimensions:
a) Width: The lesser of 1.8 times the average depth of the sewer along the section of
sewer main, or the existing road width.
b) Length: Manhole center to manhole center, plus an additional fifteen feet beyond
each terminal manhole.
2. The quantity of ACP removed and replaced to excavate the trench for a sewer service
stub shall be determined using the following dimensions:
a) Width: 15 feet
b) Length: Distance from edge of existing pavement to calculated limit of sewer
main trench as determined in 1.a) above.
3. In those locations where ACP removal for the sewer main to the width described in 1.a)
above would leave a strip of existing ACP less than six (6) feet in width, removal and
replacement of that strip of existing ACP will he included in the cost of the sewer project,
and shall become part of the County's share of the cost.
4. In those locations where ACP removal for the sewer main and service stubs, as described
in paragraphs 1 and 2, would leave an area of existing ACP less than 50 square yards in
size, removal and replacement of that area of existing ACP will be included in the cost of
the sewer project, and shall become part of the County's share of the cost.
CADocuments and Scttineslnkersten11.ncal ettings \TempttrarV Internet Files1 01.1C 571WasteHaterVallerAgreeinent- 1>raft3 -10 -04-
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Total Cost of Projects
Interim Financing Costs
Estimated at 2%
Grant Funding From WDOE
General Facilities Charges (GFC)
Subsidy Funding
@ 25 %
Estimated Number of ERU's
Capital Facilities Rate (CFR) per ERU
Estimated Bond Interest Rate
6 %
Bond Issuance Costs
(i, 1.3 %
Total Amount Financed
Resulting Monthly CFR. Payment
This Attachment illustrates the historical methodology used to calculate and establish the Capital
Facilities Rates (CFR) to be applied for projects within the COUNTY's Septic Tank Elimination
Program (STEP). The numbers used in this illustration are hypothetical and do not relate to any
specific data or year of construction. This illustration does not imply what CFR amount will be
established in future years.
1. ERU denotes Equivalent Residential Unit
2. The General Facilities Charge, at the unsubsidized rate, is $2,510 per ERU in this
3. Monthly CFR Payment amounts are computed based on 240 payments
4. For Line 8, the subsidy funding is provided from Reserves in Fund 403 and Fund 436
I C:\Ducumcnts and Scttin.Ankcrstenll nrnl tiettingslTemDOrary Internet FileAOLIC571WastewaterValicvAereement- Drnft3 -10 04-
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