2006, 12-19 Study Session AGENDA CITY OFSPOKANE VALL.C1' CITY COI.TNCIL WORKSHEET STUDY SESSION Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:00 p.m. CITY flALL COUNCIL CII.01BERS 11707 East Sprague Avenue. First Floor (Please Turn Of All Electronic Dcvices During the Nlectin DISCUSSION LEADER St'B.1F..CT/ACTIVIIY GOAL 1. Nla}cur Wilhite Ma) oral Appointment: Spokane Coturty I lousing Council tontirnutition of and Community Development Advisciny Board Mayoral Appointment [public comment] 2. Jim Hutteumaier E<;onomic ihvelopmcnt Council Presentation (15 minutes) 2006 Third Quarter Report Mike lttcksom Parks 2007 Cipital Pruu'ant I)i4cu4tii~,n~lnf~~rrnati;~n (20 minutes) Scott Kuhta Proposcd Urban Gro%,Ih Arca Dcfurrd DiscuSSiualnf urnatiun (20 minutest Neil Kersten Street Mastrrl'lan ('Ptl,ttc DUSSIon, lritarmati~~n (60 minutest 6. Mayor Wilhite Advance Agenda Additions Dis: u:~si-_,n Information htfornw irm (Kati': (Mi will not he rlisciissec/ or re orrrd ripen Fiber Internet Service for CenterPlace 8. Mayor Wilhite Council Check in Uiscussiorvlnlarru.rtiun 1>. Da\C \'iercict City Manager Comments [)iscussion'lttformat ion Adjourn Vorr: Unless ntberNise notes) above, there Hilt be no public comments at council Studs Sotiirum ito~~c~cr, (uuncil ~Iwx}r rrrrr~rs the right to request inrarmatlon from the public and staff as appropriate. NUIICF ttutindusls plannntg !o rtdta>a the austtnyt ufin require special assistPn_c i., e.: rnm nta~r ~':j ,,,;nl, is-acing or other tmp41rment5, pkane canwc the Cinf'Ierl; al ('5(x)19?1.140(1 ps vgut at ros~ihtc -c. that nrrnn~cmrrtr ni~y hr ma,!c J CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-19-06 City Manager Sign-off Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Mayoral Appointment: Spokane County Housing & Development Advisory Committee PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The term of the Spokane Valley's appointed member of the Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee has expired and she does not seek re- appointment. Staff placed an ad in both local newspapers and included the vacancy information on our website. Richard Scott has submitted his application for consideration on this committee. The appointment term would run January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2009. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Confirm Mayor's Appointment of Richard Scott to the Spokane County Housing & Community Development Advisory Committee. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS Date: fa- old 6 ~f tub ~ For Office Use Only O _ V Dist. 1 G 1T'l Dist2 G tuff( OF ~ SPOKANE Xay Dist. 3 OFC~ SPOKANE COUNTY BOARD / COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION PLEASE RETURN TO: KRISTIN CONDON, 1116 W BROADWAY AVE, SPOKANE, WA 99260 OR EMAIL TO: KCONDON@SPOKANECOUNTY.ORG Position Applied For: ~ kC N.,~2~ N As ill nVMUd.':,~,0 GOM,0 f - Aklsv2~ YeM 4e. Applicant's Name:. ja R Z S c-6 Phone, Number: (home) (6-1!12 2 -/yr-/ (Work) ~SGt9 22~-(a3 ~S Address: 1210 ' E.- City/State/Zip: a JA((f oZA 9921Z c EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Present Employer: C2 ~e~c~~cl~G~.eFo{~Stec~ From I/t~_ lej_ To ese,4 Oo - Duties I Responsibilities:, 1,a.,p :e Sc~ o t~ts~- ~ir cs,~a_.~ wc~.SCO~L Previous Employer: From 2am.L_ To z Duties ! Responsibilities: FeLA :72ckn,lcto ~~c~:~ Previous Employer ZdLN'j= a=1 2►ca Fromm Tozco i Duties 1 Responsibilities: ';P l,4 ::a c.j.,.IL a EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND E Name of School Certificate / Diploma / Degree High School 2 o N 1.1 U College N . ~t 4 c e University Other COMMUNITY-RELATED ACTIVITIES (Please list) S. C. rA C -~l l'AI 4~~ 2 U~aa c; I..r ~ ra• C1~ r• l ~ f r ~.~R ~c. ~..~-F~li 1..•r n o fd? o k iLG.~~ -~-'Cil R QlLq Af~IZ'~C11 CJ %1:11 t~•q~IFti l b~^i~.~ TL SERVICE Please list current and past position(s) held on City / County Boards, Committees, and/or Commissions. I~;nC• "--.•:.tiL.`S1• S'Y .LI`..tY.:a+tl !^_T .KY, 4 ,r~•H~•Q, _ •.41t}.'IW Y<i-ay :r.:;~^h Y ~Boactl;/:Commiss ion {1(ea``rs of§Seniice, wl~s X,-,.•it<t..': From: To: From: To: From: To. From: To: Please explain'why you wish to be a member of this Board / Commission:. j k2L 0. 42 L01- k-11 a C' n_ l~rcg __ne~l y~c rL .c 4- 1 .a 44-t d r-j e?-(- en4 Z C-0In ► aiy ~(1 t i~h G'. IV7kJ l"f"G p (+r so "'t o +4-r- I~+~ l ~i~►(~. el 2 1M NG~ " ~ ~z (roue . ~ ~4c:(lo~ ~N~~~ ~tf~yir_rr - Applicant's Signature Spokane Area Economic Development Council City of Spokane Valley - Third Quarter 20o6 Key Results This year, the EDC has focused more than ever on driving the growth of quality jobs, and business investment in the Spokane region. Here are top level highlights for Q3 2oo6: • Current Leads in the pipeline: 35 ranked recruitment leads; 20 ranked Lead Type expansion leads; 115 long term leads. These businesses represent over 7,000 jobs. (Prospect t inspect 2 • Closed three business recruitment losses: Cascade broadcasting, Lead 9 Microsoft and Solar Grade Silicon. Term • A total of 56 Spokane Valley sites were shown to clients in proposals. • xpedx Spokane, a division of International Paper Company, is expanding operations in a new facility LeW Source at 2501 North Farr Road. The EDC assisted xpedx Spokane with 90 identifying possible site locations and 45 connections with local vendors for 40 facility and administrative solutions. 35 30 25 • The EDC assisted Haskins Steel with 20 their CEZ expansion project. CEZ 15 incentives will save the company 8.6 5 percent of the cost of the total project , 0 and allow the company to reinvest in their expansion project. • The EDC assisted Pentad, a local eip software services firm, in their application for high-technology B&O tax incentives. Pentad will be expanding its operations and hiring additional employees. • The Regional Site Selector website project was officially kicked off earlier this year with the signing of a contract between the founding parties: Spokane Area EDC, WSU Spokane, Spokane County, City of Spokane and Avista. Recently, City of Liberty Lake joined the project, with City of Spokane Valley reviewing their membership in the consortium. The implementation of the site selector is planned for late 2oo6; early 2007. • 4o new media hits for Q3 placed, and a total of 163 year-to-date. 2oo6 Goals include increasing leads by 300% (an increase in 5o leads), increasing local business outreach, and increasing awareness of the Spokane region as a place to do business through earned media. ON Spokane Area EDC 5PnhAP,E ARFn r-CONOMW DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Driving Economic Growth - FO SpeedAhecrd Spokane Area EDC Q3 Report 2006 September 29, 2006 The Spokane Area EDC works to drive the growth of quality jobs and investment in the Spokane region through direct recruitment of new business and delivery of tools and resources to support bossiness expansion and retention. EDClead gen ratron actlvlty would not be po5slble wrtheut the support of our manldpal investors -,Spokane County, City of Spokane, [y of Spokane Valley, WA .atate Dept. Community 7-rade & Economic Dovelo nt, City of Liberty Lake, City of Cheney, City ofMedlcal Lake, and our 300 bu5rn 's partners. Speclal thanks for investing in the economic health of our region go to = Venture Partners -A v1sta City., Itrorl, Premera Blue Cmss, Sacred Hearn M€o ical Carne, Spokane IntetrratfonalAltpeart S(erYin_q ongs 8annk, The Spokesman Review, Washington 7"rust Bank, and Wells Fargo Bank Contents: Recruitment, EVanslon and Marketing Update Lead Generation/Activity Report Projects Update Property and Lead Source Report G 8 4 0 S P 0 K A N E S,FOKAN,E AA=_A ECO NO MIC UEVEr_OPrIzNT cOUNCLl.!_ Driving Economic Grow h-FufiSpcedA head Spokane Area EDC,Marketing Recruitment & Expansion Update September 29, 2006 Lead Repo The EDC is currently working with: 35 ranked recruitment leads 20 ranked expansion leads ■ 115 long term leads Loses Cascade Broadcasting located the facility in one of their existing locations. The company employs 15. Microsoft (site selector ]ones Lang La Salle) chose Quincy, WA rased on power and development costs, lower electricity rates, and a port district. Our competitors for this project Induded Grant County, Douglas County, and Chelan County. Solar Grade Silicon, a manufacturer of silicon wafers dedded to expand at its current location in Moses Lake. Electric rates were the prime decision factor. Inbound Site Visit Activitft The EDC had a total of five inbound site visitations during the Y' quarter 2006. Here are some examples: The EDC hosted a shared services company that also met with WorkSource to talk through workforce options. The client also visited the area previously to tour existing facilities and potential sites. The EDC facilitated a tour of the area for an informational and technical resource company. The company met with state government representatives to discuss B&C rate structures. Spokane is competing with four other states and six other cities for this project;, and could include up to 100 nabs for the community. • The EDC hosted a three-day tour of the Spokane region for a manufacturer of springs from California. The company is considering other cities throughout Washington and Idaho and would rainy 35 new jobs to the community. ■ A recyding company toured the region and visited rail sites in the area of the Geiger Spur and in Cheney. The project will employ approximately 10 people and is currently located in Seattle, WA. Outbound Site Visit AclavritY The EDC had a total of seven outbound site visitations during the 3'a quarter 2006. Here are some examples: • The ED+C visited a formed plastics, tool & die maker located in the Greater Vancouver, B.C. area, The company currently employs 20 and Is looldng at relocation alternatives. The EDC is participating in the Governor's International Trade Delegation in October. The EDC, in collaboration with Washington State and Governor Gregoire, will be presenting the Spokane region and Washington State to a Korean company looking at expanding its operations in the United States. In September, the EDC visited with seven companies in Southern California including a large pharmaceutical company that is considering building a manufacturing facility in 2007 and is in the process of putting a project team together in fourth quarter 2006. They will be evaluating global and domestic site options. l. B o S F 0 K A N E Spokarve Area EDC ' SPOKANE AREA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMLNT COUNCI:_ Driving Economic Growth - Fuli Speed Ahec- The EDC also visited a telecommunications manufacturer, Crave' ser,ice company, and cardio rela`ed mec;ica! device company in California. TY)e medical device lead is currertly beta testing manufacturing in South America and the Middle Fast. Expansion Activity • xpedx Spokane, a division of International Paper Company, is expanding operations in a new facility at 2501 North Farr Road. The EDC assisted xpedx Spokane with identifying possible site locations and connections with local vendors for facility and administrative solutions. • Since Community Empowerment Zone program inception in 2001, company projects have contributed more Coen $71 million of new capital investment and created 1,202 anticipated new jobs in Spokane County, with 585 coming from within the zone. These companies have saved a total of $6.2 million in either tax deferrals or exemptions as a result of the program. • The EDC recently assisted Haskins Steel with their CEZ expansion project, which will save the company 8.6 percent of the cost of the total project, allowing the company to reinvest In the expansion. • Pentad, a local software services firm, was recently approved for high-technology B&O tax incentives. Pentad will be expanding Its operations and hiring additional employees. Aerospace Consortium The EDC plays an active role in the Aerospace Consortium. Currently, the EDC is assisting with a grant application for a gap analysis study, establishing links between companies for supply-side issues, working to educate members on compliance issues for certification in their industry, and providing links with others outside the region to stimulate increased business for local companies. Site Location Consultants A total of 14,027 touches were made to site location consultants in Q2 making a total of 40,468 so far this year. Pieces sent Include monthly electronic newsletters, commercial & industrial property highlights, and industry and expansion news. The EDC continuously markets the Spokane region to site selectors and real estate brokers to keen the area `top of mind' with decision makers. Awareness: Media and FAM tours • A total of 40 earned media hits were achieved for the third quarter, and a total of 163 so far this year. • Examples of earned media hits include an article in Site Selection Magazine featuring XN Air and the Governor's trip to the Spokane region; a feature on the Spokane International Airport in Expansion Solutions Magazine; our local health industry in Inland Catalyst Magazine; and low-cost living in the Puget Sound Business Journal. • The EDC hosted a visit from the City of Everett. Five representatives including the Mayor, toured the area in ar, effort to learn more about Spokane's resurgence, namely the SpokaneHotz.; C.-r t-. r a rh Convention Center Expansion,_~;;r. ;;In .ira, JI 1: Marketing Materials and Website • Web site activity continues t0 i'IcrFdSc' i;,.= ~l 5 f.u^i IIIU"e :h.an _»G UAL .',.5 'TIGr'.ii users, up from 502 in Q2; 4200 visits (navigation through the site); and is referred by Google more than 2,200 times a month. • A 2006 - 2008 Manufacturers Directory is underway and wig include Spokane and Kootenai Count, manufacturers. This piece Is being ri.lh ;rr-' F Cl~_iwL-r of r-_J rr—r~_ . 1 8 0 0 S P 0 K A N c Spokane Area EDC ' SPOKANE AREA ECONOMIC DEVELOPNENT COUNCII Driving Economic Growth - full Speed Ahead • The EDC also continues its direct mail campaign to Vancouver and Southern California targeting general manufacturing and medical device manufacturers. Spokane Area EDC Project Update Project Win The Spokane EDC and its GameFest partners convened two 24 hour gaming tournaments at the Spokane County Interstate Fair, a first for any regional fair. The EDC was approached by the Fair marketing committee to discuss including technology and innovation as part of the overall fair program. Washington State Innovation Zone Grant The Spokane Innovation Zone team completed a grant submittal to Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development. Spokane's final document is available on the Governor's website and has been featured at several conferences as an excellent model of innovation and cooperation. Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Spokane EDC has kicked off the 2006/2007 CEDS process with a meeting in September, and recently released the Request for Proposal for projects to be considered as part of the CEDS submittal. Project applications are due back to the EDC by October 31, 2006. At this time, the projects will be reviewed by the Project Prioritization sub-committee and an oral presentation scheduled with each applicant. City of Spokane University District Brownfields Proiect The EDC Is providing Community and Public Involvement support activities for the City's Brownfields Assessment project for the University District An article in a recent publication of the Journal of Business highlighted the activities, and community meetings are planned monthly during the last quarter of 2006. West Plains Update Work on the West Plains Strategic Planning Process continues. This process is expected to create "shovel-ready" sites and zones that can be used in marketing the region to logistics and manufacturing companies that require large parcels of land for relocation and expansion. The EDC is beginning a design process to create a marketing brochure for the area. The brochure will be completed sometime In Q1 2007. Regional Site Selector The Regional Site Selector website project was officially kicked off earner this year with the signing of a contract between the founding parties: Spokane Area EDC, WSU Spokane, Spokane County, City of Spokane and Avista. Recently, City of Liberty Lake joined the project, with City of Spokane Valley reviewing their membership in the consortium. The implementation of the site selector is planned for late 2006/early 2007. 1. 8 o o. S P 0 K A N E • Spokane Area EDC ' SPOKANE AREA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Driving Economic Growth -Full Speed Af ~---,7, i Ql Q2 2oo6 Q3 2oo6 2oo16 Quarter :1 2oo6 - 17 TD -YTD on Retention Ltada 1o - 1` 20 Pro'ect Leads 5 4 3 Total Ranked Leads 26 31 35 Total Lon Term Leads 7 112 115 Total Leads in Portfolio 11 ; 1.;g -i Lead Status Recruitment W;nS t Recruitment Lasses 2 8 Expansion [Mention Wins o 12 Expansion/Retention losses 0 0 0 Project Wins 1 1 1 Project Losses - o o 0 Pro sals Submitted 6 28 55 Client Site Visits (outbound) Ig 25 Client Site Visits (inbound) 11 1 - M Governor's Strategic Reserve Fund o 0 0 CFZ Ca it al Projects o $ 20,250,000 S 22,290,001) Re,cmitment Direct Mail P8.1 1,317 SAL! Sclcctor Cout,ict" 9.748 2i~..} t 1 gn,46!{ Farn"! tit=•di;,, If-', 3 1( F.,"1 Tours p - 1 - Local Client mefim 8 122 162 Roundtable Meeting -1 R, I ti u u Spokane Area EDC ' SPOKANE AREA ECONOMIC D[ VELOPMENT COI JNCII Driving Economic Growth - Full Speed Ahead Properties sho«"1 by i Cite of City of cluster and location in County City of Spokane Spokane Valley I City of Liberty Lake Cheney ro ►osals only - 2oo6 Q. Qi; I Q 3 Q3 I Q3 3 g -Manufacturing - 1 26 - - o Technology 28 2 8 0 Logistics 2 2 1 0 Healthcare O O o O o Shared Services 01- 3 4 0 Total Q3 8 - - •,o 16 1.3o j 2006 Recruitment Lead Source Rank t Rank Long Term : Total Outbound Direct Mail 1 7 37 Inbound 8 26 8 INEA 1 5 7 1 UMD O 2 Tradeshow o 0 9 WEDA o 1 1 lg Other 1 16 21 Site Selector 1 0 2 I, Total 8 2 11 1 8 o o S P 0 K A N E • S'C MAT « EDC PRESS RELEASE Ddmv Emvr"k Growth . AN fpad Mee FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: October 2, 2006 Maria VandeTrcrt, ,,;kcrie Ar_:1 EDC (509) 742-9357 mvanderve.rtn 5pokaneedc. org xpedx expands operations in City of Spokane Valley New location will facilitate additional corporate growth in Washlogton, kfaho and P4lontana (Spokane, Wash.) - xpedx Spokane, a division of International Paper Company, today announced expansion of their operations in dv City of Spokane Valley. Previously located in the North Valley Business Park on East Montgomery, xpedx Spokane will be housed in a larger standalone facility at 2501 North Fan- Road. xpedx Spokane provides printing papers, packaging supplies and equipment and facilities' supplies and equipment to customers throughout the Inland Northwest xpedx practices lean distribution techniques and their product lines are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Their customer base is comprised of manufacturers, printing and graphics solution providers ar,d insttt:tiorril firms. "I am very excited about this important rrn,,,e -o m h w II more •.han t, )I-- the size of our ei_,rre,it operations and expand xpedx's regional and local capabilities to cover eastern Washington, Western Idaho, and Western Montana," said Todd Thompson, General Manager, xpedx Portland. "This is a rn_,it step for xpedx to further support the growth of our customers, and bring them the broadest product offering available in paper, graphics, packaging, and facility supplies." The Spokane Area Economic Development Council assisted xpedx Spokane locations and connections with local vendors for facility and administrative solutiors. Thompson added, "I want to personally recognize the efforts of the Spokane Area E o nowic Development (--ourci ard the dyna'nir_ ri.~rkt'tpldci~ Lh?y hwr~ ft~;t reel `~~r f?u5ir7~ti,: , 1i~ 1hr',e ir'. 1f'e Northwest. " About xpedx and International Paper Loveland, Ohio-based xpedx, an Intematior 11 P - -r distributor of printing papers, packaging and graphics supplies, and facilities and packaging equipment. xpedx has more than 7,000 employees in 250 locations in the U.S. and Mexico. Visit www.xpedx.com fur more information. International Paper was organized in 1898 and is the world's largest paper and forest products compar'; Its core businesses Include paper, packaging and forest products. Global operations are located P,im?- in the United States, Europe, Latin America, and Asia. International Paper Is ranked No. 71 amp Fortune 500 companies. Spokane:A i3"EDC O SIOSAYt ARf.C [[OMONY:O[YfL~MfTIT GCIINCII PRESS RELEASE a'3i~ fCGYP11fC (WNON'd~l ~ ~~fGlY~s~llti~ 1-800-SPOKANE ♦ www.spokanecdc.org ♦ 801 W. Riverside, Suite 302, Spokane, WA 99201 FOR D4MEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: September 25, 2oo6 Marisa Maricich, Spokane Area EDC (509) 363-6835 mmaricich(&spokaneedc. org Haskins Steel to Save Big in CEZ Approved Expansion Project (Spokane, Wash.) - Spokane-based Haskins Steel, a steel distribution service center, was recently approved by the Department of Revenue for sales and use tax exemption on its 54,000 square-foot warehouse expansion through the Spokane Community Empowerment Zone (CEZ) program. The program will save Haskins 8.6 percent of the cost of the project, 'which the company chose not to disclose. Spokane's CEZ is the most active CEZ program in the state, and Haskins is the 36th Spokane area company to benefit from the tax incentive program in the past 5 years. Since program inception, company projects have contributed more than $7i million of new capital investment and created 1,202 anticipated new jobs in Spokane County, with 585 coming from within the zone. These companies have saved a total of $6.2 million in either tax deferrals or exemptions as a result of the CEZ. Washington's CEZ program stimulates growth and economic development throughout six designated areas by offering manufacturing; research & development; and software businesses sales and use tax exemptions on construction materials and labor costs related to facility expansions and renovations. The Spokane CEZ program is managed _ by_the EDC in. partnership with the City, of Spokane.. Asa part.of its: mission to deliver tools and resources to support business expansion and retention, the EDC offers complete confidential guidance to prospective CEZ recipients free of charge. Craig Dias, Vice President and General Manager of Haskins Steel, is pleased with the approval. "Our growing business needs make the expansion necessary. The Spokane CEZ support will make the expansion affordable," Dias said. "We appreciate the Spokane Area EDC's help in not only making sure that we knew about the available incentive, but also walking us through the application steps to ensure that we received financial support from the state." For more information on this program, please contact Stan Key at the Spokane Area Economic Development Council at (509) 742-9353 or skey0spokaneedc.org. 0 I About the Spokane Area Economic Development Council The Spokane Area Economic Development Council {EDC) is committed to driving the growth of quality jobs and investment in the Spokane region through direct recrultment of new business and delivery of tools and resources to support business expansion and retentlon• the EDC is funded t y more than 300 private-sector partners; Spokane County; Washington Mate Office of Community, Trade and Economic Development; City of Spokane; City of Spokane Valley; City of Liberty Lake; City of MedicaI Lake; and City of Cheney. Far more information, visit www•spokany c.or About the Spokane Region The Spokane region serves as the business, transportation, medical, industrial and culture hub of the inland Northwest, and is located on the east side of Washington State - just 18 miles west of the Idaho state line, and 110 miles south of the Canadian border. The area's oarnpetitive cast of doing business combined with Iow-cost IMng, award-winning education, and abundant lifestyle opportunities create an ideal balance of economic success and recrealaanaI bliss. We Invite you to explore what makes the Spokane region truly "tear Nature. Near Perfect." Far more Information, please visit w w.5pokanee~r_.ora1 or call 1.800.SPOKANE, ~rkeE srora5,e.witi [t6N8iiaC GENROTrVi coin PRESS - RELEASE. L~iriY~6CS+`91dkC+lollY~,~t3,Il;redAE'ccd 1-80o-SPOKANE www.spokaneedc.org 801 W. Riverside, Suite 302, Spokane, WA 49201 FOREMEMED ,4TE RELFA E . CONTACT: October xo, 2006 Valerie Payette, Spokane Area EDC (509) 742-9356 ypayett s okaneedc,or Maria Vandervert, Spokane Area EDC (509) 742-9357 mvandeng s okaneedc,or High Tech Incentive Proves Helpful to Local Software Company (Spokane, Wash.) Spo ,rte-based Pentad Systems, a sofrivare services firm, was recently approved by the Department of Revenue for high-technology business and occupation cr~,dits, saving Pentad thousands of dollars, and allowing the company to reinvest in company growth. The ash.ing qq ~egislature enacted the high teclmolo - business and occupation credit, as well as the high technology+ sales and use tax deferril, in order to ericou-rake high technology actbities in Washington. Both programs estahli h tax incentives for five different technologies: advanced computing, advanced materials, biotechnology, electronic device technology, and environment technology. "The Spokane Area Economic Development Council has supported the growth of our company by advising us of the tax incentive programs available for our firm as well as the method to obtain the credits," said Randy Nichols, President of Pentad Systems. Pentad Systems has grown exponentiall _in each-of the last three years. oflts .existence;.: - aggressive growth is expected for the coming year. Pentad is now looking for a new location to accommodate rapidly growing personnel, product lines, and demand.. The EDC works in conjunction with the Department of Revenue to provide businesses access to the incentives that are available to them.. For more information regarding higb technology tax incentives please contact Gary Mallon at the polkane Area Economic Development Council at 509.742.9355• About the Spokane Area Economic Development ouucU The Spokane Area Economic Development Council (EDC) is committed to driving the growth of quality jobs and investment in the Spokane region through direct recruitment of new business and delivery of tools and resources to support business expansion and retention. The EDC is funded by more than 30o pxivate-sector partners; Spokane County; Washington State Office of Community, Trade and Economic Development; 4 _ City of Spokane; City of Spokane Valley; City of Liberty Take; City of Medical Lake; and City of Cheney. For more information, visit ww.spokaneedc ors. About the Spokane Area Economic Development Council The Spokane Area Economic Development Council (EDC) is committed to driving the gro~.%,th of quality jobs and investment in the Spokane region through direct recruitment of new business and delivery of tools and resources to support business expansion and retention. The EDC is funded by more than 300 private-sector partners; Spokane County; Washington State Office of Community, Trade and Economic Development; City of Spokane; City of Spokane Valley; City of Liberty Lake; City of Medical Lake; and City of Cheney. For more information, please visit -,"vw.spokaneedc.org. S`~aoltarie Area ®C Spokaneamrnber A t►OK~1/fMU EOOfiMC QInWMI Ni MUNCI PRESS BELEA19E 1=800-SPOKANE ♦ www.spokaneedc.ogg www sookaneeham =-(2rg ♦ 801 W. Riverside, Spokane, WA 99201 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: November 22, 20o6 Maria Vandervert, Spokane Area EDC Spokane Regional Chamber of Commerce (5o9) 624-9285 mvandervert0spokaneedc.org Unified Model Formally Integrates and Refines Focus EDC and Spokane Regional Chamber move forward with one organization (SPOKANE, Wash) The Spokane Area Economic Development Council and the Spokane Regional Chamber of Commerce announced today that both boards have unanimously voted to formally integrate the two organizations. The new model which will launch first quarter 2007, will combine the strengths of both organizations and take economic O development and business advocacy to a new level. "These was a consensus around the table today and an understanding that we are in a very competitive situation across the globe. This opportunity to integrate formalizes our decision to make a real difference for the community - collectively and collaboratively," said Heidi Stanley, Chamber Board Chair. EDC Board Chair Tom Fritz, commented on the new model, "Over the past few years, the organizations have built a very collaborative approach to economic development and business advocacy. In response to the business community, we are uniting the groups in order to create a world-class regional business climate. We will leverage each other's strengths, and raise the bar by building off our successes and the organizations' talented and professional staffs." The new business model will be led by Rich Hadley, current President of the Spokane O~ Regional Chamber of Commerce. The organization will get a new name and a refined focus on key deliverables for economic development, public policy, talent development About the Spokane Area The Spokane region serves as the business, transportation, medical, industrial and cultural hub of the Inland Northwest, and is located on the east side of Washington State- just 18 miles west of the Idaho state line, and ilo miles south of the Canadian border. The area's competitive cost of doing business combined with low-cost living, award-winning education, and abundant lifestyle opportunities create an ideal balance of economic success and recreational bliss. We invite you to explore what makes the Spokane region truly "Near Nature. Near Perfect." For more information please visit wwtiv.snokan edc.org or 1.8oo.SPOKANE O recruitment, local business support for the entire region, and regional marketing strategies. The integration process }vegan this summer with best practices research and a joint board retreat. .A joint steering committee, made up of members from each of the organization's executive boards, has been meeting since August when the concept vas discussed and research on the topic was presented. About the Spokane Area Ecoxxomic Developmerkt Council The Spokane Area Economic Development Council is a community-based, non-profit organization focused on driving the growth of quality jobs and investment in the Spokane region through direct recruitment of new business and delivery of tools and resources to support business expansion and retention. The ED is funded by more than 00 private-sector partners; Spokane County, Washington State Office of Trade and Economic Development, City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, City of Liberty Lake, City of Medical Lake, and City of Cheney. For more information, visit the web site at ;v.spokaneedc.og . About Spokane. Regional Chamber of Commerce- - - - - The Spokane Regional h,a.mbet of Commerce is the largest business organization in the Inland No-Tthwest with over 14oo bossiness members employing more than -1oo,ooo residents. With a mission to create an environment for Chamber members, businesses and the regional community to succeed, the Spokane Regional hambei~ of Commerce is focused on five strategic issues: public policy; business growth; small business, civic leadership and marketing. For mole information, visit the web site at www.spokanechambez'. r . I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 19, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Parks 2007 Capital Improvement Program GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of 2007 Parks Capital Improvement Budget. BACKGROUND: Working within the 2007 Parks Capital Projects Budget, staff has developed a list of recommended projects. The projects follow the general recommendations of the Park and Recreation Master Plan adopted in April 2006. OPTIONS: Approve Parks and Recreation Capital Improvement Program as presented by staff. Provide direction for other options RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to instruct staff to proceed as proposed (including any changes recommended by council). Staff will bring forward individual items as required by purchasing policies. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. Proposed projects are within the 2007 Parks Capital Projects budget. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson ATTACHMENTS: Power Point; Excel Spreadsheet: Parks and Recreation 2007 Capital Improvement Program. Proposed Parks and Recreation 2007 Capital Improvement Plan Capital Reserves Available in 2007 $ 3,550,000 Swimming Pool Renovations $ 1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 Pool Contingency $ 300,000 $ 1,900,000 Greenacres Land Acquisition $ 600,000 $ 2,500,000 Park Land Acquisition Reserve $ 563,500 $ 3,131,500 Mirabeau Springs Overlook $ 68,000 $ 3,131,500 Architectural Fees- Parks $ 25,000 $ 3,156,500 Landscaping - Valley Mission $ 15,000 $ 3,171,500 Signage - Identification and Rules $ 60,000 $ 3,231,500 Reservation Kiosks $ 6,000 $ 3,237,500 Park Shelter Demolition $ 2,500 $ 3,240,000 Shelter - Valley Mission $ 100,000 $ 3,340,000 Playground - Valley Mission $ 110,000 $ 3,450,000 Misc. Playground Repairs $ 25,000 $ 3,475,000 Lighting $ 12,000 $ 3,487,000 Park Improvement Contingency 6% $ 63,000 $ 3,550,000 Total $ 3,550,000 0 1 2007 Parks and Recreation Capital Projects Proposal Parks and Recreation Master Plan • The Project Priorities listed in the April 2006 Master Plan are: -Upgrade existing park facilities -Make aquatic (swimming pool) improvements -Acquire park land -Upgrade school/park sites -Acquire natural open space sites Parks and Recreation Master Plan • Staff recommends focusing on the top three priorities in 2007/2008 -Upgrade existing park facilities - Make aquatic (swimming pool) improvements -Acquire land Proposed Planning Parameters • Site plans of existing parks will generally be accepted "as is. " - There would not be a planning process to master plan each existing park. • Advantage -Time and cost savings; quicker results; and balances renovation of existing parks with acquisition and development of new parks. • Disadvantage - Accepts basic site constraints such as existing parking, ball field layout, restroom locations, etc. May limit full potential of parks. - Existing parks will not undergo major transformation such as re-grading, removing ball fields, etc. - New amenities such as picnic shelters and playground equipment will be added or replaced in the same basic configuration. - A landscape architect will be utilized to assist in layout of new facilities. Proposed Projects i a _isle ~ oy f4I j3/~ r r lltj v. Existing Valley Mission Picnic Shelter 61, . I ! ~f ,I Valley Mission Picnic Shelter Replacement (Recommend Two Shelters) 5 ' r T• r^ I Note: concrete work and electrical Playground Replacement Valley Park is ##1 Priorit Y ;r Mission Air ..1 r ~ I l~ •A6 i 1 I Playground Equip ent Swings 5-12 year old 1- A Unique Component 2 - 5 year old w 1 1 I i Playground Audits • Consumer Product Safety Commission • American Society of Testing and Materials • Playground Audits performed by certified National Park and Recreation Playground Inspectors Park Signage F 05" - 7- 40" t- - ~111, City of Spokanc Valley 8ROWNS PARK Valley Mission Park CITE( OF SPOKANE VALLEY' , PARKS AND RECREATION r~ ^ Y M = SNWANE YAWS v ' may' S~r/~' BALFOUR PARK Reservation and Playground Signage . ~R rr" y PLAP~ E ' 149 _ tir 1 i 3 E ~m Li 4 i -~a Rv..,~y ^~'r 4Y~.1-h d .~F,+. ~iaT v Y UAV v v. r r IN w - •w E R• ',fir ~ • ~ . :~wk" •A~' a :.,~,"s.~ a ~ : • .,:~~3 fF. w~ ~i,t 7" 1au! U)ES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 19, 2006 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ® old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Urban Growth Area recommendation from Spokane Valley Planning Commission. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Washington State Growth Management Act, RCW 36.70.A. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION: Planning Staff previously discussed Urban Growth Area issues with Council on August 9, 2005 and November 1, 2005. Council directed staff to develop a proposal for City of Spokane Valley UGA's in conjunction with Spokane County's Comprehensive Plan update process. Council reviewed the Planning Commission recommendation on November 28, 2006 directing staff to prepare an analysis of 3 new areas for UGA consideration. Council reviewed new information provided by staff at their December 12, 2006 meeting. After discussion, Council requested that staff provide all letters received by the Planning Commission and Commission meeting minutes. BACKGROUND: Spokane County is conducting a 5-year update of its Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted November 15, 2001. The update includes a review of Urban Growth Area (UGA) boundaries as required by the Countywide Planning Policies (CWPP) for Spokane County. The Growth Management Act (GMA) gives counties the authority to adopt population projections and to establish UGAs, in consultation with cities. Important steps in the update process include: • Spokane County adopts a 20-year countywide population projection. • Population projection is allocated to jurisdictions. • Cities and County develop UGA proposals. • Steering Committee of Elected Officials reviews UGA proposals, then makes recommendation to Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). • BOCC adopts new UGAs. The City of Spokane Valley adopted its first Comprehensive Plan on April 25, 2006. The Comprehensive Plan focuses on growth and development only within the current City limits. Spokane Valley is participating in the County's Comprehensive Plan update and will propose UGAs for Spokane Valley's future growth. State law requires Spokane County and cities to update their Comprehensive Plans by December, 2006. Due to delays adopting a 20-year population projection and allocation, Spokane County has decided to separate the Urban Growth Area update from the overall Comprehensive Plan update. The Growth Management Act requires UGA updates every 10 years while the Countywide Planning Policies require a 5-year update. New UGAs will likely be adopted during the 2007 County Comprehensive Plan amendment process. Population Proiection and Allocations Spokane County projects that the County will grow by approximately 197,000 people by the year 2026. The Countywide projection as been allocated to all jurisdictions with Spokane Valley receiving about 33,100 people for planning purposes. Urban Growth Areas UGAs are defined by a boundary where new growth and development is encouraged. Land outside UGAs is considered "rural" land, with residential lot sizes limited to 5, 10 and 20 acres. UGA's must be sized to accommodate the 20-year population projection. Land Quantity Analysis (LOA) To determine how much land is needed to accommodate the projected population growth, each jurisdiction is required to conduct a land capacity analysis using a regional methodology The general steps are as follows: 1. Determine amount of vacant land 2. Determine amount of land that is partially used but could redeveloped 3. Remove land affected by critical areas (wetlands, shorelines, etc.) 4. Remove public/quasi public land (schools, utilities, state, federal, etc.) 5. Deduct 20% that will be used for public purposes. 6. Deduct 30% for land that will not be available for development. This analytical exercise yields the number of developable acres within a specified area. The acreage is then converted into potential new dwelling units, as determined by residential densities allowed by the Comprehensive Plan. For example, 10 developable acres in the Low Density Residential category is multiplied by 4 units per acre, yielding 40 total potential new dwelling units. The total dwelling units is then multiplied by 2.5 (2.5 people per dwelling unit) in single family areas and 2 in multi-family areas to determine the population that could be accommodated. In our example, 40 dwelling units would accommodate 100 people. To determine Spokane Valley's capacity for growth, the LQA is first applied within the current City boundary. Existing unincorporated Urban Growth Areas adjacent to the City are analyzed next, and then Urban Reserve Areas. Spokane Valley's Land Quantity Analysis results are as follows: Potential UGAs Vacant and Partially Net Developable Potential New Dwelling Population Used Acres Acres Unfts Capacity City of Spokane - valley 3,149 1,564 9,303 20,632 Plantes Ferry 120 69 275 687 Northeast 42 24 96 239 Southeast 1,637 962 3,849 10 131 Ponderosa 5 3 12 30 E iff 241 138 551 1,377 otal 5194 2.761 14,086 33,D96 The geographic subareas referenced in the table are shown on the attached map titled "City Council UGA Analysis". As shown in the table above, these potential UGAs have the capacity to accommodate the population allocated to the City by Spokane County. Facilities and Services New growth places new demands on public facilities and services. The GMA requires that each jurisdiction quantify the impacts of new development on public facilities and services, identify future deficiencies, and determine costs for new infrastructure. Each jurisdiction must then show how the required capital improvements will be funded. The table displays acres of land in water districts and percentage of land that is currently sewered by subarea. Acres in Water Percentage Acres Percentage Potential UGAs Total Acres District In Water Sewered Sewered District Plantes Ferry 250 237 95% 0 _ 0% Northeast 48 43 93% B 13% Southeast 2781 2193 79% 1147 41% Ponderosa 47 47 100% 12 20% 2009 Ed ediff 315 301 96% 27 9% [Total 3439 2821 82% 1192 35% Service Providers The following table shows water, sewer, school and fire districts by UGA subarea. Potential UGAs Water Districts School Districts Fire Districts Sewer Plantes Ferry Trentwood No. 3 East Valley Fire District 1 None Fire District 9 Northeast Consolidated No. 19 East Valley Fire District 1 Spokane County Consolidated No. 19 Vera No. 15 Fire District 1 Southeast Model No. 18 Central Valley Fire District 8 Spokane County Spokane County No. 3 Ponderosa Spokane County No. 3 Central Valley Fire District 8 Spokane County West Valley Fire District 1 Edgediif East Spokane No. 1 S kane No. 81 Fire District 8 Spokane County Once Council identifies a preferred UGA boundary, Planning Staff will prepare an update to the Capital Facilities Plan to be incorporated into the 2007 Annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process. PLANNING COMMISSION PROCESS: After a series of public meetings and hearings, and after reviewing all public comments, the Planning Commission voted (4 to 2) to recommend to Council UGAs as depicted on the attached map titled "Planning Commission Recommended UGAY. UGA meetings and hearings were conducted on the following dates: • August 24, 2006 - UGA Open House • September 28, 2006 - Planning Commission Workshop • October 12, 2006 - Planning Commission Public Hearing • October 26, 206 - Continued Hearing • November 8, 2006 - Continued Hearing, final recommendation Commission members voting "no' expressed concern about allowing growth in the east end of the City served by Central Valley School District after the District's bond proposal failed. Another concern related to an irregular existing UGA boundary north of Wellesley Road at Flora. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW: City Council reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation at their November 28, 2006 regular meeting. Council did not suggest that any land be deleted from the Planning Commission's recommendation; however, Council directed Staff to provide information on 3 additional areas for consideration as Spokane Valley UGAs. These areas are displayed on the attached map titled "City Council UGA Analysis'. The following table shows that the areas requested by Council for further analysis can accommodate about 7,769 people. City Council Vacant and Net Developable Potential New Population UGA Requests Partially Used Acres Dwelling Units Capacity Acres CCR-1 352.8 198.6 794.5 1,992.0 CCR-2a 343.5 194.8 779.0 1,973.1 CCR-2b 277.0 156.9 627.1 1,5782 CCR-3 390.6 222.2 888.8 2,225.8 Total 1,363.9 772.4 3,089.4 7,769.2 The following table shows service providers for each area requested by Council for UGr consideration. Potential UGAs Water Districts School Districts Fire Districts Sewer CCR-1 Consolidated No. 19 East Valley Fire District 1 None CCR-2a Consolidated No. 19 East Valley Fire District 1 None CCR-2b Consolidated No. 19 East Valley Fire District 1 None CCR-3 Spokane County No. 3 Central Valley Fire District 1 None Fire District 8 Staff Analysis: CCR-1: Planning Staff suggested additional land in this area to establish a more logical UGA boundary. To accomplish this, Staff supports adding land to the west of the existing UGA identified as "Northeast". This area in general has received significant opposition to adding more land to the UGA. CCR-2a: Council expressed interest in this area because of the potential development impacts on the City. The area is a natural gateway to our City. CCR-2b: This area is a desired UGA by the City of Liberty Lake. CCR-3: Planning Staff does not support adding any of this area to the UGA because it does not meet criteria established by Spokane County. The area contains a significant flood plain and is designated Rural Conservation by they County. Urban density development could potentially adversely impact the Dishman Hills natural area. Council directed staff to provide all request letters reviewed by the Planning Commission and Commission meeting minutes. OPTIONS: 1. Move to request UGAs consistent with Planning Commission recommendation. 2. Move to request UGAs consistent with Planning Commission recommendation and with additional land. 3. Provide additional direction to Staff. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the following motion. Move to request City of Spokane Valley Urban Growth Areas as recommended by the Spokane Valley Plannin.1 Commission including the following property (Council to decide additional property) STAFF CONTACT Scott Kunta. Senior Planner, Greg McCormick, Planning PJlanager ATTACHMENTS: 1. City Council UGA Analysis Map 2. Letters requesting to be added to UGA. 3. Planning Commission minutes 777 7F~~ -'r77 METER POOH, KELLEY, DAVENPORT & TOLE APFi MSIONAL SERVICE CORPMAMON ATTURgEYS & COUNMORS u MOP31AM arrrc~ 1100 UA BMM E'[11 DING co" M'"M 0" uisaw~~a r~amvgr 422 WEST R➢YECS@E 41f:E41U6. CM 1770.11 61L1~MS'IaY'rET iY5L7-~v ~1! ifpl r~r.+c p~)S ~swsao SPOIC.+1MB. YVASHIMTQH 9924r4344 mrACSte,~i~aoo~ao~ V -~A PM rr 0M Mf pM Tdftplx~ [349) GN-5ms Td%W `p ~ifkm~ L m. - Fizz; (509) 45&MI aw r L. VEUWUYYA&% ]m1YL0. Lli~l nlAi61 w11pAA• y. October 4, 2006 RECEIVED ~.a~ na+w» ~i.hrrr, n~ ..ter rAIFf'4 i1i~rta•~ Scott uhta rnuermn'wurt City of Spokane Valley y.wr h C19tli~Y+s 1f/SLlY ,LY1FAgd, 7 11707 E. p tgu Ave,, St-- 106 SPOKANE VALLF~y Spokane Val I", WA' 06 CtJt (AINt1'Y,p EMPMaT l:ih P.1'IhB.^ near LeM.os.L• RE: l p Urban wth 11 Boundmy for City of Spokane Valley Property Own= Ward Leland }RSP9,lRl~ 'AllG41L A 3@IYFI~i L mLWfN R.u-Y R •rv_.- riiLJSVLK I Scoff: rrRrc w lGlerr y IyAT ~R AOH Lssx R FQSaLY` Thank you for the oppommity to submit comments on the proposed City of Spokane Valley 4. Urban Growth Areas. This letter is written on behalf of Ward Leland, who owns approximately 1,100 acres of land that is depicted on the attached map. request this ~.L.~ 11Y be considered AZZ as park of the City's. UGA. The property is adjacent to and north of the Highland Estates property, for which $ request for l~~Y~ inclusion into the UGA has ben submitted by the property owner. Due to the size of this undeveloped property, it pmsenfa a unique opportunity for a neighborhood community inchrding open spa", recreational amenities arnl a mix of housing types. Over the past few years, I have seen developers and bum[ders struggle to find moron 5 or 10 acre panels so that the economics of developraent um provide affordable housing. This property would have access off ofForker and Campbell Roads. Water and sewer will be available from Trventwood Irrigation District and Spokane County, respectively. The developer of Highland Estates is extending sewer into the Highlands project, The sewer line is 15" and has been ovmi7 d to accommodate additional development in this area.. Thank you four your consideration of this property for inclusion Into the UGA. If you need any additional infonn,atron, please contact me. Sinc ly yours, WMIERSPOON, .KELLEY, DAV'M4MRT E, P.S. BY DI Stacy jor~l SA W.ab Enclosure c: Ward Leland b1_V aWmd CormparyVtftKuhtm10Q4176 -doe t,rbm R Land Quantity wbm R,.... t • Ilrw~ R..r.v.: Im" Romer" J Analysis 2006 Al I K Atr 12 1 U.wM 1 Urals Rmv so 7 Leped CltyofSimbm Vt11cy UdwGM tbAMR -~~~•r~.a ~ - ~ 1 -N} -~'a," ~ ~ ~ ji ®Urbn+ Ram Req.M Adj ..M to UGA )li RUPXM es Urbm RMM - My -.7 '17 O*W MUMJCJ*Jtkg rI V 1~t R. ~ fir'"- ~ A L•. Al!-fr A• •S x R` -tmt 9,2 MW Lambuft ~JR V.10 A L -9, Urb" Raw" U AIII R .R ~ o w o os 1 2 MI- ~1.w,c U940" no"" to +•a. "w+ti..Y. rwew.wr.nohra flrfwwr+• e.aiw. O R jn~v i.r 16 s!Y r.wrw M~Ab ~ iw/ rM.wrk.fMlw.. hrM~ f.erwn w/ w r. nl"Y11. ww f, wr►~«+wn..rv w.rw•lr7nl~.r r. (;~.r 4 C►.rM,~rr~l7rRwru+t [.Mw~r14rM4 f]iN ~!!JM n.rr rr rw rtir~ ~~.t>!w IA T.- WITHERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT & TOOLE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS ca=a D'AIA= arra 1s r'ir1.+ "PUKUAM OFFR9 1100 U.S. BANS: SUnDINO w.an11 o errs.- 1)I! A FM AVU RML NRTENC in l01n01~1M REYRY RILOW r+., w NORTI.AM MOW VM 122 WEST RIVEit58)B AVENUE =NCKTH EN Ba 112VARq RJRf tlI tTREY..m. T ?Ayr CWH&M" SPOKANE. WAS104UMN9MI-0300 CORWALJWMAtD=144"6 VRAM.1. ~ ►.c t~sw=P TdWba a (509) 621-5765 Ted- OE4"Naw we:L.L*O.. • F=(509)159-2728 F.co=>sss+ao 1oa1c s.cuv ~wr uaea• am i ..aw ,epl.f... October 4, 2006 RECEIVED A/ Y can ~ Ia1M~ Y ::..V✓. IS OLL1w+RY.1 0.16 ►.1.11Ir "'...`"~..1 r T 0 6 2006 Scott Kuhta i City of Spokane Valley p~~Y 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Ste. 106 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT a r.eum• .1...c~a~ Yv GNRW A ,proIAf = Spokane Valley, WA 99206 s rreua•j " A 41R• "W M MY11GM LW L M L ~.t RE: Proposed Urban Growth Area Boundary for City of Spokane Valley Property Owner: Viktor Sizov T4..V M.{r01» I..e1R rIMwR• COMM Dear Scott. M11l ~rL Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments on the proposed City of Spokane • EY..rtl►Me6 Valley Urban Growth Areas. This letter is written on behalf of Viktor Sizov, who owns • Ar.rr r M1. n14 3b d. approximately 40 acres acres of land that is depicted on the attached map. It appears the property is either inside the Proposed City UGA or immediately adjacent. For the following reasons, we request the property be included in the Valley UGA. Criteria for Desilma >nBt Urban Growth Areas The Growth Management Act ("GMA") sets forth the criteria for designating areas for urban growth. The GMA specifically provides that urban growth should be located first in areas already characterized by urban growth that have adequate existing public facility and service capacities to serve such development, second in areas already characterized i by urban growth that will be served adequately by a combination of both existing public facilities and services and any additional needed public facilities and services that are provided by either public or private sources, and third in the remaining portions of the urban growth areas. RC W 36.70A.110. This area is characterized by "urban growth." Most of the property along 8'h Avenue is developed with single-family homes and the property north of and adjacent to the subject property is developed with single family homes. The site is served by the Consolidated 1 Water District # 19 and sewer can be provided. The site is also within the Public Transit Benefit Area Finally, this site has easy access to schools, jobs, and services located in both the City of Liberty Lake and City of Spokane Valley. a_WSiwv VI1LtorV*WKuMR100406Aoe Scott Kuhta October 4. 206 Page 2 Urban Reserve Designation The area is designated as Urban Reserve. These areas are the first to be included within the UGA. Further, Urban Reserve areas which are already characterized by urban growth and have public services and facilities available will be given even greater consideration. The Urban Reserve designation makes it appropriate for inclusion into the UGA. Summary Based upon the criteria set forth in the GMA, and the above factors, this property is appropriate for inclusion in the UGA. Sincerely yours, WMiERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT & TOOLE, P.S. By lacy A jordahl SAB/ab Enclosure c: Viktor Sizov Kimer Nicols OAS'Soov VlktorUtr9oKuhtic00406.&x I i i UrW+ R rn I Urbino Romm 3 ilrYr~ )lnnre i Urr,,. Amalysis 2006 .At 1 t r~lyd, 1 I h 4 SL . ~ 1te6r Rellenr 74 a 4 Lepnd r d last , y yen! I f'/ n, I B ~Nry cif STtlkme 4tilley f. 4.4;Y - - a~nrr . ~ ?d~ ~ Urlxn #itnw8h Iktexl d r r• ~i ra ' ..rte 'a Urban Rea n- d r. _ f Ad *OM brw UGA "M in[.hbim Itftcrve X 6 ~ _ I r a 11 ; ~ ~ ""I 0 In t 1 X14 • L °~a ~ ~ till- . y Ids'' l L~~p~ , i j I A$V~ •.I ~ ~ -I~~ S 11 j J!'44t' 1t,~~ Y ~ I 4lr~sJtesrnr it y ~ -`I I~Ct It-Pr'`li'Ik R~'~~ .Pk l;-gi itM j ISO c t~ l {1 111. s n.nn a1un~ ° ~ ~ 4.r~rr r.:°r'fY I r 1 I r 1 1 iuAt.: Tfr M..'+,AMnI Ilk. a eM.vd lea+lreWlul k I,wrar+R Z W t Iv wl.. sdr.. ' ..1. ,a ~ Uriwn RnYtrv+r 7i ~isr~n~.v •11r ~1r ~o.crl.~,~a+tler+~m.r yrr- .~ru+~+lrTCrv~l4rhNlAl~a~wr~+mWr~~+r iV+.. ~ 4 F.aw~n+r+~7 rxkf+l~•d4p .y'>~ 1~.r_....+IL tln w~s" J3ye~1~1S.17AIY11Y+fIrMr1l;~. '1' 4e,I rf+.dMR. aarR sw+s•,rn... rti s'+i4F t+~w1~i 8/10/2006 14:34 5099211079 SCMM£DDING PAGE 01 1 r J Floyd P. & Unda K. Schmedding 3405 South Croke Road Greenacres, WA 99016 (509) 921-1078 voic* (509) 921-1079 Fax October 26, 2005 i Mike Basinger, Associate Planner City of the Spokane Valle11707 & Sprague, Ste #196 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 i Re: inclusion of our parcels in the City. Dear Mr. Basinger: Thank you for answering my question earlier today regarding the possibility of including our parcels in the city of Spokane Valley. We have two parcels as follows: Street Address 2913 S. Proglms Road Tax Parcel #E45264.1139 in the name of Jason & Amy Priebe. 3.21 acres with one residence on it The residence is occupied by Jason & Amy. We built the home last year. It is being held in their names for financing reasons. Street Address 2917 S, Progrm Road Tax Parcel #F45264.1140 in the name of Floyd & Linda Schmedding. It is approximately 89 acre with one mobile horns on it. We are looking into developing the combined parcels as soon as possible and would like to be included in any plans the city has for extending the OMA lute and or the board of the city itself. These pArcels am bordered by developments, one directly south and another directly east. Enclosed is a copy of a map of the immediate area. please give me a call when you get this so I can understand the process. Sincerely oyd P. Schmedding 08/10/2006 14:34 5899211079 SCH1EDDING PAGE 02 - =!31/Z085 89:38 5894553718 HENNESSEY SOUTH PAGE 07/07 - 07 1 VIA CF!les / • S 7Ff •{y 10, - ,t L, e- ~1 f .~s1 jr ~ti . r.,• ~3 • , ro i I j~ 1 J ti 3 2- '0L, d - - - . n+ n,'r m~C4 lS i1:PK"S" FD F^!> vllomq r nra StR F1i:li"iP,TY'~."Rr:?TA p;'-dLit ia;i: rf lb'.•C • TV Al:'nh"~ f` ;t.vs "Ti C"k1PA.wy A:t'rl:; ter, I f Stanley R. Schultz Attorney at Law 425 s. A7p~x Diva Jilarty Lake, WA 99419 (509) ass 9636; a . MM RECEIVED Oul ber 10, 2006 r T I u sr~ E VALLEY DEPARTMEN'rOF COMMNrrymhopk"T Scott Kuhta City of Spokane alley 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Ste- 106 Spokane Valley, A 992206 RE Proposed Urban Growth Area Roundary for City of Spokane Malley Property € caner- Ken Tupper, et al. Dear Scott: Thank you for the oppQrtmay to submit comments can the proposed City of Spokane Malley Urban Growth Areas. This setter is written an behAlf of Ken Tupper and his partners, who own approximately 53 acres of land that is depicted can the attached map. For the following reasons, we request the property he included in the Valley UGA, The Growth Management Act ("GMK') sets forth the criteria for designating areas for urban growth. The I++f,A specifically provides that urban growth should be located first in areas already characterized by urban growth that have adequate existing public facility and service capacities to serve such development, second in areas already characterized by urban growth, that wilI be served adequately by a combination of both existing public facilities and services and any additional named public facilities and services that are provided by either public or private sources, and third in the remaining portions of the urban growth areas, RC 3G_70A.110. The property is located adjacent to the existing city limits and inclusion of the property into the UGA presents an opportunity for residential development in a developing area with convenient access to schools, jobs, and services. The Spokane Valley Mall is located within minutes of the site, as is the Spokwie Industrial and Business Park Services can be provided economically to this site. The site could be serviced by an extension of Trentvwood Water District #3 and sewer could be provided by Spokane County. With respect to transportatim this site can be accessed via Progress Road, a proposed urban }principal road which is currently planned to undergo a major realignment and widening. When completed, Progress Road will become a major transportation corridor and urban development along the same is appropriate. As noted above, this property is adjacent to an area already characterized by urban growth-- the City of Spokane Valley. Existing public facilities such as roads, water and sewer can be extended to serve the property. Any necessary extensions to serve new development will be financed by the developer. If I can provide any additional information, please ntact me, Very Truly Fours, Stanley R. Schultz Enclosure cc; Ken Tupper i r Urb" ur.w Rmrw 6 Land Quantity Wb"Row" l K, Urbm Rwww2 Q (TWOOM 3 U.~.s~..f Analysis 2006 A1'-1 ~ C l 12 1 UrM Rsffw 7 ~Gltjy~afn. ~i' Lqmw '.SP0~2r1! ~ 1 City of Sppk mE WICY 1y xI T - Urbm Grow1A Ara / ! „r 1~► ~ Urbon Room ` Rv*=M AdjUMM to UGA Y gib I Krjv M~4ao M j 'r~~' OdIa lUlic*1131; r i r 7 J/ - ~ i r 11 C]j~.`~`V k uA..Rw...~ ~,R,itr V , „ t AU-9 s R U,br 0--11 UrMu Rrserp f Al 11 O+w ah111m d f. orld 1 0.3 1 2 Uft /.1~ i ~ t I t'~ ~ 1 r r r 1 r r ~ 1 1Mw law"19 ..a..✓b wr~.r~. rmwal4 Ci►wM. ~.dw+ • r spwwn+i.Mnl iY w~q i. n.w.r•1+~..~,.1 .q.e.rrldwv rrM•r wwiw wri.rr ~ ? lx~rr a + 71,lM UAW L-1 RECEIVED JUN 2 9 2006 SPOKANE VALLEY DEPASTUD f OF WITHERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT & T liYtEv'ELOP' r A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION / ATTORNEYS k COUNSELORS . ° raanAM 0"OCH 1100 O.S. BANK BU[[ DWO 0009- D "i 8/'° OA1° ..~r i iu iv rvrx ~vsr+uc was uw 42 WEST iW FRSME A VEKUE WE sottc.w+atYMW Nua nne c noru ~a.Air PCMAWX 0R/OnN!7101 A 1Qfl1MEIT DIOllBYAla 2~ AP „o,..n~... r.lo..nuns.,n1 SMKANQWASIfiNMN99201-0300 COOM0'AllM1.R)AM0ese&".e uu..r..wty rc Mns+s-nn Telephone: (309)624-SUS Tom` "7'100 a L ~ Fu: (509) 6511.172E r` &M wa: ► .c.siaa.ry 909- .rnua r ..annn• June 28, 2006 iaw r.asr m r, i...A.rt. a A.a A Haar t.raarn u i.aoA Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner rQ IMYY R11W'~ R.Ilii V w11tIA.rl• City of Spokane Valley ]..VO Y N!A! 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 .n...,ar. Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 .~lir Y.R[f a.wrtnaAa t•.r•aj • RE: City of Spokane Valley Urban Growth Area Request nM M .WOIM' t..AA'. IpflaKia•Y KrIMO ♦ RITr aW W.Y A L'(ap{Yf QY.7 ♦ .OYML Dear Scott: Aru.caQw. .awc.: •.aor-• atraa ..o.aw us a oca. «COMM This letter follows our recent phone conversation regarding the status of the City of : Spokane Valley's Urban Growth Area Boundary and Comprehensive Plan Update. As I a~IlrW mentioned, we represent a client who owns approximately 53 acres of property that is adjacent to the City's corporate limits. A map is enclosed for your reference. . A...a.ri►WaTal The property owners have filed a request with Spokane County to include the property into the County's Urban Growth Area. However, due to the proximity of the property to the corporate limits of the City, it is logical that the property be included in the City's UGA, rather than the County's UGA. I have enclosed a copy of the application that was submitted to Spokane County, which outlines why inclusion of this property into the UGA is appropriate. We request that this property be considered and included in the City's UGA. I would appreciate if you would keep me advised of the planning activities of the City, as they relates to the designation of the UGA boundary. Again, thank you for your assistance on this matter. Sincerely yours, WITI IERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT & TO E, P.S. By tacy ' rd SAB/ab Enclosures c: Ken Tupper I tnT,pw Le. esmeu.uw#XftK muoe doe I J 1 1 J J ---T_-___-------- J--1~--_ I ~ 1 J 1 ~ 1 I ~ J t t J 1 ~ I t t J t 3B 1 J L I 1 J l u ' eck 5 YEAR UPDATE 174 Request - Keith Rieckers 'lfY3y1 4 4626#_0139 a 6263.0110 46264.9013 o13s 462. Small-Tract A ult - J 06263.OW 462GUISv 46264.OM 6264.901 6263-01 4S3f&g& 0 463d29090 I Conserva n 1. 4 1. 1 463a1.9D01 463'55,9098 1_ )2 46362.9104 9121 4636.9120 463x2.9099 46355.9101 6331.91 46361.9123 463819091 1 4 1. 46332 9090 520, 41 46351.9124 4 .U4y y *0 4 23 46M.9122 1 r x.9009 4 ` .906 r V C, W (2 n Re Comprehensive Plan WITIIERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT A PROFESSIONAL SERYICa CORPO ATTORNEYS & COI 16 ; rrbT a ,,,.r.~ 1100 U S BANE; RUr1DING it .OlIY2 ~r III WEST RWERSIDE AVENUE 30 zo M .•.Rrwu.w vau... o nr~r• uu'` OR rl}lT eouevlJD an[ w e..T. ur MKWAMr% WASHMMON 99201 ,v~ ce"o'• ■ .oaroo.ua. Tdop►oor (MR) 61442" fo+mo Twe"Ao nacres I= (509)458-2728 Ors r s.,I1~ WW1 lltDy • --^--r~ June 29 2005 . r.•smtn• John Pederson ~•~---Spokane County Department of Building and Planning mo+r. r .ari.. 1026 W. Broadway arwnr arar..a• " IL`"m` Spokane, WA 99260 Y.I. Y .lYalM Orr MoYlR urrm a .ewl RE: UGA Amendment Application arr rus• Applicant: Keith Rieckers, et al u...c. i c~aT~•• L r ■cw•.r 'r"'°"' Dear Mr. Pederson: aw roes. aor• .aa..w. m~.r aw. ~ wwra Enclosed please find the following documents for consideration during Spokane County's 5-year review of the Urban Growth Area boundary: ])Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application 2) Map depicting subject property •,u..rr.a. N. r,a -•.rr..rr. rr If you have any questions regarding the enclosed or require any additional information, please contact me. Very truly yours, WITHERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT & TOOLE By acy A; jordahl r i SAB/ab Enclosures I 1 Jun 30 2005 12:55PM HP LHSERJET FRX P.2 eW24/~6 13; le WI:TMet~ lOON KDxey wsrm% h0.431 'r'te ••'-a I COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT Prvporty Owner Pormleebn I, Qpr6"Yam) I beft"awrol proWtyrV ddoiw bod by lax Hamby gka pef *Wn tb (hb~t N~~) t0 f1~W~t N eppli0~~on J for a Compmheirove Plan amendnw* hew r+egd end am ligtlar "th the Co"WttwWa Alen (text and map) and that the anoxino mey change my land use. STAT! Of WASHINGTON 1 COU OF PO ) KEN TOPPER . A2 I, (PrinlNams), SWEAR, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THAT I AM THE OIM+tM OF RECORD OF SAID PARCEL(S) AND ALL OF THE ABOVE RESPONGES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE signed Addrm. '~O o z ~ 4~; L~'♦~ Phone No. j MOT4j DOW NOTARY SEAL; q IVA 5H1±~ Signed; Pu__bi In *ad for the ft me of UWp kV4*n Raaldin9 at _~~ICC(.,'ktt w trlJ' l my appolntmrnt vxpUss: - ,y 7-0 Pawiafi21,? DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND PLANNING ANWWMCOMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 46355.9058; 46355.9065; 46351.9059; 46351.9060; SKWAt , C"IN Y Parcel No(s): 46351.9061; 46351.9063; APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant (designated Stacy gjordahl, Witherspoon, Kelley Davanport i oole. PS project contact Address 422 W. Riverside. Ste. 1100 CitylStatelZp Spokane, WA 99201 Phone & Fax Number(s) 624-5265 (ft 458-2717 (F) OWNER INFORMATION--u not ew oww. vws owner wwevn mission torn Legal Owner Keith Wieckers. at al. Address 1600 Washington Trust Bank CitylState/Tp Spokane. VA 99204 Phone & Fax Numbers E-mail address AMENDMENT INFORMATION Type of Amendment OGA Address or Location Rath of Progress/Bast of Yorker General Description Inclusion of approx. 53 acres into MA Type of Access public / Progress Proposed Land Use Residential Project Size approx. 53 acres Proposed * of Lots none proposed at this time Sewage Disposal Method public sever Drainage Method on-site PAGE 1 of 5 3~ ~ ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION Existing Zone: Rural Consarvatioa Lwrm ~timm- t Existing Comp Plan Proposed Category: Category: Rural Consarvation Lw Dmaity Residential Fire District 1 and 9 Water District not serviced School District East Valley #361 Joint Planning Area? If yes• gat ONO Oyes CRYAOM? Influence Area? If yes, IN CINo OYes own? Inside UQA? iMNo OYesiMPro sin change Environmental or cultural If yes, fist . resources? ~No OYes type(s)? Designated shorelines If yes, Nst area? '3 No OYes dees9nation(e)? Neighborhood group or It yes, whioh subarea planning area? *No OYes area/group(s)? Affected by floodplain? I yes, indicate *No OYes haw. Within 1,000' notification boundary of designated Natural Resource Lands? ;5No OYes Within a Public Transit Beneft Area PTBA ? No Yes Within an Ai rt Overla Zone? o OYes Within an other Overlay Zone? If s, list CRITICAL AREAS Critical Area designation Low OMedium OHi h Wetlands? ONo OYes, category: 01 02 03 04 OUnknown Mkftum buffer area is: 200' 150' 75' 25' Fish and wildlife habitat area? No OYes Permanent or seasonal streams? flo OYes, type: 01 02 03 04 05 Minimum buffer area is: 250' 100' 100' 75' 25' or o' if no connection to T 1.4. Geologically hazardous area? No Yes :luxhnw-i u.o...be+or. 030% or greater slope(s) '&Erodible soils OUnstable areas-rapid streanvbank erosion OProne to landslides OHydrauk factors' OArea of un-compacted fill o~sMe aurcac. ane 'Q q r ANNUAL COMPREH.-ASIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPUCATION SUMMARY--provide on separate sheet 1) Describe why the amendment is being proposed. See Attached 2) Describe how the proposed amendment is consistent with the Goals and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. See Attached 3) Describe the amendment request and, if a map amendment, the public road(s) fronting the width of the property. See Attached 4) If a map amendment. describe the land uses surrounding the proposed amendment. See Attached 5) What are the changed conditions of the area that you believe make this proposal warranted? See Atcacb.d 6) What impact--or perceived Impact-,will the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment and zone reclassification have on the adjacent properties? See Attached 7) What factors support the Comprehensive Plan amendment and zone reclassification request? See A.ttachm 8) What measures do you propose to mitigate your proposal's impact on surrounding land use? See Attacbed 9) What issue is addressed or problem solved by the proposed amendment? See Attacbsd 10) Please provide any additional information or comment see Attached I, the undersigned, swear or affirm under penalty of perjury that the above responses are made truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. DatetCQ a 9~Sf Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY Date submitted: File No: Date Accepted: By: Total Fees: Receipt No: Keith Rieckers, et al ATTACHMENT TO ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 1) Describe why the amendment is being proposed. The applicant is requesting to include the subject property (approximately 53 acres) into the Urban Growth Area boundary and have the property designated Low Density Residential. The property owner intends to develop this property into single family residences. The property is within a rapidly growing area north of an adjacent to the City of Spokane Valley. Housing needs are not being met by the current housing supply in this area. Inclusion of this property into the UGA will provide additional land supply for much needed housing. 2) Describe how the proposed amendment is consistent with the Goals and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The amendment would further the comprehensive plan's goal of providing for adequate land to accommodate growth. UL-18. Inclusion of this property in the County's UGA is consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. First, development of this property is consistent with the GMA's goal of encouraging development in areas where urban services can be provided economically. Countywide Planning Policies ("CWPP'J 3, pg. 9. Services can be provided economically to this site. The site could be serviced by an extension of Trentwood Water District #3. A portion of the property is within the fire protection boundaries ofFirc District 9 and the remainder is within Fire District 1. The site is served by the East Valley School District #351. Finally, this site can be accessed via Progress Road, a proposed urban principal road which is currently planned to undergo a major realignment and widening, which may bisect the property. Second, the planning principles of the Urban Land Use chapter encourage development opportunities that foster innovative approaches to land use, and promote compact urban forms which encourage a greater sense of "community" Comp Plan, pg. UL-1. Housing, jobs and services should be within "shorter commutes"of each other. Comp Plan, pg. UL-1. This site presents a opportunity for residential development in a developing area with convenient access to schools, jobs, and services. The Spokane Valley Mall is located within minutes of the site, as is the Spokane Industrial and Business Park. The owner intends to develop this site into a "cluster" development, which will protect the slopes on the site. This type of development is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan to preserve open space and slopes. See RL 1.9-1.10. ATTACHMENT TO ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICA1ION-1 d~~ Keith Rieckers, et of This site is appropriate for inclusion into the UGA, because it will provide necessary land for housing to accommodate the rapid growth of this area's population, and will do so in a manner that is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. 3) Describe the amendment request and, if a map amendment, the public road(s) fronting the width of the property. The owner requests an amendment of the comprehensive plan to include its property within the boundaries of the Urban Grown Area. The property is adjacent to Forker Road to the west and Progress Road to the south As noted above, the County is proposing to redlign and widen Progress Road, which is a planned Urban Principal Arterial. This alignment is expected to bisect the property. 4) if a map amendment, describe the land uses surrounding the proposed amendment. The surrounding area is a mix of developed and undeveloped land. The developed land consists of mixed urban uses within the City of Spokane Valley. The undeveloped land is urban reserve land that will be developed in the near future. S) What are the changed condidons of the area that you believe make this proposal warranted? Since the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and Urban Growth Area boundaries in 2002, the area to the south has incorporated as the City of Spokane Valley. The City of Spokane Valley and surrounding area continues to experience rapid commercial, office, and residential growth. The City is expected to grow and expand its corporate boundary. This property is appropriate for inclusion into the UGA of the City of Spokane Valley. New housing construction is occurring, but the demand for this construction is outstripping the supply and there is a greater need for further residential construction in this area. Progress Road is set to become a major urban arterial and the properties surrounding it should be zoned to reflect this. 6) What impact-or perceived impact-will the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment and zone reclassification have on the adyacent properties? Development of this site into a residential site is not expected to adversely affect adjacent properties. The site can be accessed (via extensions of public stroets) from Progress Road which is a proposed urban principal road and Forker Road. The development standards of the Spokane County Zoning Code (or City of Spokane Valley) will ensure any impacts are mitigated through setbacks, landscaping, limitations on building height, etc. ATFAC14ME.NT TO ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION-2 -715 Keith Rieckers, et at 7) What factors support the Comprehensive Plan amendment and zone reclassification request? The surrounding area continues to experience rapid growth. Demand for housing continues to outpace supply and this proposed development will help meet this demand. As discussed under Question 2 above, the project will implement the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. 8) What measures do you propose to mitigate your proposal 's Impact on surrounding land use? The proposed land use will have little or no impact on surrounding land use. To the extent necessary, the property owner will use "clustering" to minimize impacts and conserve critical areas. The development standards of the Spokane County Zoning Code (or City of Spokane Valley) will ensure any impacts are mitigated through setbacks, landscaping, limitations on building height, etc. 9) What Issue is addressed or problem solved by the proposed amendment? If the amendment is approved, it will provide much needed additional land for development which is in short supply in the area of this site. Also, inclusion of this site in the UGA boundaries will be consistent with the County's plan to expand Progress Road and have it a primary urban arterial. ATTACHMENT TO ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION-3 1P., t9 r . o \ ~0 61 6Z J~ s„ z IL, 1 °6 1 ' ~I M • V 1 V ~ n Zs ` _ ~ 3G 7 to. lot WITHERSPOON9 KELLEY, DAVENPORT & TOOLE A PROFESSIONAL SF]RVICE CORPORATION ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS ronn.eso 0"= 1100 U.S. BANK BUIfAINd BLUJOW a".r LAn& - tst PCKTLAw ONSO ttuM 422 WEST RIVERSIDE AVENUE 4N MMTHW YBOM"Al RM401 n :w✓ ~ ar~..cuwi, T~~~p~ ~t~i SPOKANE, WAS}flhY3'1nN 99201-0300 Comm e'At.eNL wU+owiwsr new. o w F.: Owl) Sal-If TdigI , (5"624-5265 lydwh a am r i~• Foc (SM 458-2721 a.. a .ur~..nt .A.i A [I.Y p..Yl •I..h• October 4, 2006 RECEIVED rswnir t uwn 1W W Y,r~Mt Scott Kuhta OCT 0 62006 MZU. City of Spokane Valley SPOKANE VALLEY 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Ste. 106 DEPARTMENT OF Spokane Valley, WA 99206 COMMUNI fY DEVELOPMENT .s, a tue• n w aroow• .r RE: Proposed Urban Growth Area Boundary for City of Spokane Valley nSS., WJY.a! Property Owner: Jack Kestell if Y1[ nrr.i nrr r : ~m.+ iL) N pIY. 1.RMr rrl...f• CV axnaa Dear Scott. r~i.w N~♦ Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments regarding the proposed City of Spokane Valley Urban Growth Areas. This letter is written on behalf of Jack Kestell, • who owns several hundred acres that are depicted on the attached map. For the following .....rr.uwr .y reasons, we request the property be included in the Valley UGA. Prop; M Description The property is commonly known as Monte Del Ray or Highland Estates. The property is vested for development of 480 lots, with 212 platted to date. The property is served by the Pioneer Water System, which has capacity for approximately 1,000 residential units. Sewer has been extended to the property pursuant to a sewer extension agreement with Spokane County Utilities. 'llie property is located adjacent to the City limits. The residents in this development travel the city streets and obtain services from businesses within the City. It simply makes sense that the property be included as part of the City. Criteria to Designate Urban Growth Areas Both the GMA criteria for UGA's and case law support inclusion of the property. Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.110, areas which are "already characterized by urban growth" should take priority for inclusion into an UGA. The Washington State Supreme Court has addressed the issue of whether areas that are either planned for development or are vested are considered "already characterized by urban growth. See Quadrant Corp. v. Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board 154 Wn.2d 224, 235(2005). The Court held that "urban growth" includes `present and future development," including vested applications. Id. The subject property meets both criteria. It is presently G:U(\Xcwtc11 ]adeJWoKahta1004%.&c Scott Kuh4t October 4, 2006 Page 2 developed and also has vested rights for future urban development. The site will devel, with at least 250 more homes. Clearly, the property constitutes an area "characterized b~ urban erov li... Inclusion of this property into the IJJA «ill not -;on-sumc any significant herceMas:e of the City's population allocation. For purposes of population allocation and land quantity analysis, only the undeveloped property (but having preliminary plat approval) would be considered "new" growth and population. Further, because there is already a set number of lots that are approved, that provides an accurate projection of the population that could be attributed to this property. S tunm ary Based upon the criteria set forth in the (AAA: anti the factors atN.i e, this pnOpertN• i., appropriate for inclusion in the UGA ~in~crely ti,,urs, W'! Illl:lttil'l)t)N, ~l~l 1 l_Y• D:1VE~lP(~R.T & TOOLE, P.S. By J cy *Ajon I ' 5AB/ab Enclosure c: Jack he~tell GAMendl JwWtMKohu1004W.doo e Uvbw ft ^16 Land Quantity Urw Raw 1 Urw Raerq Ori~~ tyl~rh 1 Uric Itlwww 4 W Analysis 2006 W AL 2 ri 1. u.i. Rsrr.r i H? ~r j 'VRJ Chy of Spoksmc Wky Ucben Qtewlh Area t ® Requesh in Utbw Rmm _ --tt _ Lmerf~ 1•lipwa .~°.1 .,.ry~T,.. ~1bQ {+11111k1p~{~ 14 r A f Orb" Now RfZ 1 v. LI i i R•1 MopLA"On 4-1 M 1) - r~ uric RAN 11 ~ ~:SkI,Tfi, R R'4 ~ l 1 u.wa...r Al ow,ulwrs e ✓ all'' P R 0 0 7 t 1 tree. • p..rr...~.rr M. ~rwr. nww.n. r/al~o..r~l Itrms Rm It Alai A~~•A+wr biiMr M...~.w1~er~r.r.r.r. IbYrr ~ ~ [1~ a7rr+w flrrr.~ Orwr N/4wrlr (JM~ ry1J~! r1rA,M~1l~r~~~ r~rr RECEIVED OCT 2 ~ 2006 October 23, 2006 SPOKANE vALL DEPARTMENT G City of Spokane Val: c/o Ms. Marina Sukkup 11707 East Sprague I am writing this letter in objection to the i J G A boundary requests in the Ponderosa neighborhood. If you review the data from the Ponderosa PUD submittal by Lance Douglass, you will find several factual issues that were submitted by the public that thi; area has. This information is imperative and pertinent to the development in this area. This area is designated by the Department of Natural Resources as high for wildfi: c potential. In the 1990s this neighborhood had a major fire and many were unable :o Ica c because of the lack of adequate ingress/egress, again please refer to the information submitted for the Douglass application. There is a newspaper quote from then Commissioner Hasson that said he wished he hadn't approved a subdivision plat in this area that was in the process at this time in the 1990s because there was a realization of the potential safety hazard that exists in this area. Despite this event, the politicians continue to ignore the data and have allowed the Aspen Meadows by developer Bryan Walker, Crapo subdivision, and the Douglass subdivision to be approved on the County side. The records reflect that the neighborhood has constantly stated that this area is a high fire hazard and wildlife critical habitat area. There is a map that shows the amount of development that has been allowed despite the fire catastrophe and habitat classification. One of the things stated at the Douglass application was the report that said that everyone could leave this area in 30 minutes. Has this been analyzed with regards to the amount of time that the neighborhood will be able to escape with the added development that the expanded UGA will allow? Anyone can see that this area is so highly developed with limited access during emergencies that the neighborhood will he devastated when the next fire starts. This area has also been designated as critical habitat for ~~ildlife by the \Vashington i-isle and Wildlife. This is also evidenced by the numerous deer, coyotes, elk, etc. ar- -11 area. Constantly expanding into this wildlife cw r7c1nr hrj jc illy jti ;,Jnnrim- th_- clnssific ition of conservation for this arc i_ Growth management is a failure. Not because of the legislation but how this is being interpreted to allow development to continue on steep slopes, erosionable soils, and wildlife critical habitat. These sensitive areas were to be protected by GMA but basically this is not enforced. GMA also states that it is critical that public services, such as schools, parks, police, and fire need to be in place before development. Just because there is an elementary school doesn't necessarily mean that it has the capacity to hold the numbers of expected students that will want to attend. In fact in this year's election includes a school bond issue on the ballot because development is not paying its share of the costs. GMA also allows impact fees but there has been no mention of this within the proposal for the expanded UGA boundaries. Who is going to pay for the additional costs us the taxpayers, correct? Impact fees are one of those items that aren't politically acceptable so therefore while we are expanding the UGA to stay in compliance with GMA, impact fees are ignored. There are some serious issues within the expansion of the UGA in the Ponderosa neighborhood. Ingress/egress, safety in emergencies, and who pays are just some of the equity issues within the request to expand the UGA. Other issues, such as lack of parks, lack of adequate sewer and water infrastructure, are other problems and concerns in this area. The developers are using GMA and interpreting the legislation to allow them to develop and not pay the impacts that it is causing. The City of Spokane Valley can not continue to ignore that this is also a part of GMA. Sincerely, Robert A. Hopkins P.E. 4322 S. University Road Spokane, WA 99206 October 14, 2006 RECEIVED City of Spokane Valley OCT 17 2006 11707 E. Sprague SPOKANE VALLI-' Spokane, WA 99206 DEPARTMENT CF COMMUNrrYDEVELC k!-LrJ RE: Parcel - 45362.9172 To whom it may concen: We understand that City of Spokane Valley is updating it's Comprehensive Plan this year. Please consider this letter as a request for inclusion of the above referenced parcel within the City of Spokane Valley's Urban Growth Boundary for future residential use. We have already requested that Spokane County include the 5 acre parcel in their Comprehensive Plan. The parcel is directly across Sullivan Road from property that is already in the County's urban Reserve area. There are actually properties to the north, and south that are being considered to being included in the Urban Growth boundaries, and Urban Reserve. We believe that including this parcel in the Urban Growth Boundary is necessary for a natural extensio of growth in development in this area. our nsid ion apprecia an h Fredrick / Stanley R. Schultz RECEIVED Attomey at Law QC-T 10 MM 415 S. Alpine Drive IA=ty lake, WA 99019 SPOKANE VALLEY (509) 255 %Sti: P.aed dao®oaer.oom COMMUDEPARTMENTOF NITY EVELOPMEW October 10, 2006 Scott Kuhta City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Ste. 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: Proposed Urban Growth Area Boundary for City of Spokane Valley Property Owner: Dan RuddelI Dear Scott: Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments on the proposed City of Spokane Valley Urban Growth Areas. This letter is written on behalf of Dan Ruddell, who owns approximately 43 acres of land that is depicted on the attached map. The property is shown as being included within the City's proposed UGA. We appreciate the City's inclusion of this property into the UGA, and offer the following comments in support of the decision to include this property into the UGA One, the property is located in an area that is already characterized by urban growth. The property to the east is developing as part of the Twin Bridges and Saltese Meadows projects. The property to the west is developing as part of the Morningside development. With those developments, public facilities such as water, sewer, power, cable and others have been extended and are available to service this property. Two, the area is designated as Urban Reserve. These areas are the first to be included within the UGA Further, Urban Reserve areas which are already characterized by urban growth and have public services and facilities available will be given even greater consideration. The Urban Reserve designation makes it appropriate for inclusion into the UGA. Based upon the criteria set forth in the GMA, and the above factors, this property is appropriate for inclusion in the UGA. Thank you for your consideration of this prupetly if ~l(-)u need anv additi(inal information, please contact me. `uly 1111y Yours. Stanley K. Schultz Enclosure cc: Ken Tupper i I w•- IIpr.~~ Land Quantity tvbm PAM" I Urrm RAMM 2 Urw Ip«r.r l u.«.. a."W" s Analysis 2006 ~I rNp. Al IS IM WW Rmsrr 7 ih~ of f/ ' i~-• Inmd S i~l~ne r _ ¢ _ _ City Of $pDkim Vid{!y c~ ► r j i j'X v , w_ 7 ° - Utbm Grvw& Area % Urban Rmelw RegmM Adjsoeln to UOA I~.~;.E1t~~ ® Reglxm in Urbm Ral M :apt L➢re, tfi ►~"'r Od1w Mltnrj*iba f - h'. Ip N1 i R2 Of i ' ..r WoU~ nrne r r~ :tip' z- i Irtt-a R-1 Mplautirn i, 11 'III' ~'1.-7 k ]:nd dr It IMYw Il~rre 11 F' "~~wJ li It ti F IkMll spas" 9 ' AU-11 a Dra hi VAN M11 Y / 0 0,! I 1 how I. I. I., a l K+wr TL #rrlw.Ilw. r~Mrw~wr.Id.JA~~~ p~ ww s/a w~n.rwnw~.r wk.ww lr. cer.sn ~.M~ y I ~ wbm Norm is c.. d:p ~w.....k..w f.V.►.. 1.0- r~ ~w D.rirawwl*P w lA-.rrs..wa. Owl 9114 pArl ~ rwrrrarrx.r ..M.t>•wr.fMyrwr WITHERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT & TOOLE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION ATTOR %'BYS & COUNSELORS ..q, rnr..... roslTLAwosvl® 1100 US. BAJIR BUILDING CAS` a'AttM °FFLU rea,wr nrru•• ISO M PWM AVE M UMM TM SPO[ClMAt111EY" 1kXXM to, ram-k OREG wmp X22 W6Sr A1VffitSID8 AVENUE aL[a7fNM VAMAVAJ41, JUI w 4M . neu.aaat~ ,rvlunco~Ar Tdqb.i 001!)S.►x)PI SPOICA!($ WA3HINOTON 99701-0300 C~tO'A~DR IDMO OIiW.i 'Wu r...TV pot msa&a Te&Wbonc(509 624-5265 Tdor.r pwatm a~O~"wot• Fu: (509)136-272! P. aoU 604/so to:. aAtiAO•t rrn,vm o ~u.. ru.. r ..s~sr RECEIVED • r" ` October 4, 2006 roue. r ..~...e,- r tav u t10.. Y d Yl.. ' !1 OIL'yfTY, l OCT 0 6 2006 wur • u.ri.u-1 TWr111 Y U~14 ~.11Y/1l A W~ a..o..a. Scott Kuhta SPq(,vuF vim, wW r uvwo. " =0M City of Spokane Valley DEWTMENTOF COk*A) MTV DEVELOPMEW 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Ste. 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 nr.r -_•ao.• wu: is.v~,v RE: Proposed Urban Growth Area Boundary for City of Spokane Valley r,..a . m..r.. 'TProperty Owner: Bud Morrison RML CAI 11AL7 /.I~Ofb KtKOdF MAID aml.®. Dear Scott: w. IvA . p Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments o> the proposed City of Spokane • AL.rIIYT r Yi. Ar....M.ra-r. Valley Urban Growth Areas. This letter is written on behalf of Bud Morrison, who owns AID ~r 6 er.Tw . AI..!`Ww ,approximately 236 acres of land that h is depicted on the attached map. For the following reasons, we request the property be included in the Valley U GA. Criteria for Designating Urban Growth Areas The Growth Management Act ("GMAT') sets forth the criteria for designating areas for urban growth. The GMA specifically provides that urban growth should be located first in areas already characterized by urban growth that have adequate existing public facility and service capacities to serve such development, second in areas already characterized by urban growth that will be served adequately by a combination of both existing public facilities and services and any additional needed public facilities and services that are provided by either public or private sources, and third in the remaining portions of the urban growth areas. RCW 36.70A.110. This area is characterized by "urban growth" evidenced by the new residential growth that is occurring in the Saltese Meadows and Twin Bridges developments. To the west, the area continues to develop as part of the Morningside project With respect to logical UGA boundaries, this property provides a logical south boundary, as it is the last open parcel before the landscape transitions into a more rural, treed area. Urban Reserve Designation The area is designated as Urban Reserve. These areas are the first to be included within the UGA. Further, Urban Reserve areas which are already characterized by urban growth i+'M ,Mnrricnn H ud'.II'taKu hte l (KYli16 Juc Scott KAM October 4, 2006 Page 2 and have public services and facilities available will be given even greater consideration. The Urban Reserve designation makes it appropriate for inclusion into the UGA. Public Facilities A 24-inch sewer extension is located near the property. In addition, the Saltese Pump Station is sized to provide service to this property as it is within the designated General Facilities Charge Reimbursement Basin (see attached Sewer Extension Agreement). With respect to transportation, Spokane County is working with Mr. Morrison to acquire the necessary right-of-way to construct improvements and realign Barker Road. This will provide added capacity and improve safety of the roadway. All utilities are available to the property, including Vera water, Vera power, gas, cable and telephone. In sum, all necessary facilities are available to serve the property. Summary Based upon the criteria set forth in the GMA, this property is appropriate for inclusion in the UGA for the following reasons: (1) the property is located in an area already characterized by urban growth, whether developed or approved; and (2) existing public facilities including roads, water and sewer lines are located in the vicinity of the property. 1 Any necessary extensions to serve new development will be financed by the developer. If you need any additional information, please contact. Sincerely yours, WTTHERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT & TOOLE, P.S. By Stacy jordahl '~K SAB/ab Enclosure c: Bud Morrison 1~A~Alotti~oo a~aua~xa~anoa~o6.a~ • ure.. Land Quantity Not' ur+.. Raw"" I ~ Urw Raw" 3 Vrfn Row" ! ~ R.r... ~ Analysis 2006 Al I Om+.r urb" City of Spob= VYIIy 17 ~.~7~5wA•,r.r <J -UfbNCam►MArfa: - /iR; rr .w~uf ~1d1 y Urban Knom / o - RRgMbAdj CMW ID UGA RequaN m urban Reserve I J r _ ~ _ v r~,~r S(u~ 64 Urer. R.ww e . . ti ^ H- i I )hp Loobtm r Alrl~~ U_-' ~ ° IZ ItYU/ N R= l 1 U RR- Uri.. Rs.ra 11 Urb. r ~ ~ l cCd55~ii . 2ldiie. J , qm A(Y ~wr ~ in.ra.I mw~• rtr fq wrh• r pntir~..r.r .lr«.+v..,.n.....r,wrw•..!' / df UA..Rnm..14 ~ T++welfr..w....rr..a G7►d~y.+.■IArrc.u.w.. .rC 1'~ ~ ~ Lh.fy.r~Q'/r4r.IBMrr/Rw~M~ i31q S7l.i1W iy rw.•rrrwr.rr..r.•t-u+..Ir.+•• war i VATAERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT & TOOLE A PROFMSIONAL SERVICE CORPORA110N ATTORNEYS A COUNSMAR$ PORTUM orna 1100U.& BANK HunDINO ~ dALMO OPI wxa °[na ~ LS1$MrvnAVV"^&MM lftttraeeaurtevjty.caomw rMnwwomool+++,o0 422 WEST RIVERSIDE AVENUE M1MnnnsTOOLLEVAMIMM41 [ Y.o.ua-... Tdwb- Cnn%&I"t SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99201-0300 CMMVA18e,nAMM*-URA T 624-5265 Tdwr.[ OM604M { 4511 -2728 F- CM)M74M sar..Y ~.AV• u[u L w..aaravt e~aanasj aawr. aasa- m.Am.....' October 4, 2006 RECEIVED l Wt C:Ya llIOMa...MYOI• .O°r a.T ■ w.r r u..r.. Il °LLLIRT. ~ M= L IaM[T YILr L MM[•j a .r....y L 6 20 Scott Kuhta Mr!♦ r [/ala7 SPOKANE VALLEY City of Spokane Valley ~~DEENTOF 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Ste. 106 VELOPMENT Spokane Valley, WA 99206 l~1II [ ..1A, mo.'s.. a.r[uArt a.Y r Ma1m1• tAYL taY01..Y RE: Proposed Urban Growth Area Boundary for City of Spokane Valley •~*~A°= Property Owner: Alsaker et al ar.a L saiw sAer a 1rs.r Asia aar aaar~l>v.orcouwm Dear Scott: Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments on the proposed City of Spokane • AA_r.iY~ . W.. "Valley Urban Growth Areas. This letter is written on behalf of Daniel Alsaker and others A1. diel. Y.ra• . A1~d.rYNw 7d who own approximately 50 acres of land that is located at 2342 and 2344 S. Barker Road .ryMY..a.ralW~ (see attached map). The property is shown as being included within the City's proposed UGA. We appreciate the City's inclusion of this property into the UGA, and offer the following comments in support of the decision to include this property into the UGA. One, the property is located in an area that is already characterized by urban growth. The property is adjacent to the Morningside development, which is a large residential project that has been developing for a number of years. The property to the east is developing as part of the Twin Bridges and Saltese Meadows projects. With those developments, public facilities such as water, sewer, power, cable and others have been extended and are available to service this property. Two, the area is designated as Urban Reserve. These areas are the first to be included within the UGA. Further, Urban Reserve areas which are already characterized by urban growth and have public services and facilities available will be given even greater consideration. The Urban Reserve designation makes it appropriate for inclusion into the UGA. G:\Mft t Gooczc 69053CmmpmknmVtM9A t100406.doc SwU Kuhta October 4, 2006 Page 2 Based upon the criteria set forth in the GMA, and the above factors, this property is appropriate for inclusion in the UGA. Thank you for your consideration of this property. If you need any additional information, please contact me. i Sincerely yours, WITHERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT & TOOLE, P.S. n By Stacy A. jor aht SAB/ab Enclosure c: George Paras C3:1[' wU Gcocge 64053tiCwwpond="jatftKnha100406 -doe Ker v Land Quantity Mo. el:N ut.~ Rwre! ~ VA.. Mrre7 u.r.. UrRoom" 1 - Analysis 2006 tr_ 2 I ' { Of VAw ILYMK7 r r >M Cty Of Spol®e Wky ~ r G~r.+ uwr r _L''-^J.,• r 1~~..r ~r LTI~.,,: U1tA Grawth Afea _ !tlwr 'I• UAW RM v t - Rc*wjts Adman[ Ito UGA nel i ~ ff ® Rwi mo in Ulbm Rsacm rr:tY 46 M _ M j~:~lY 1 t It L i; +in A1.1 log y ~4l ='tfi, I A'l -S j~ 2Wii'~ Rli~4 ` t~f r ~ !p 1 ~ MyL~eaHoR k 'b {IZ ('HR f Al'-h M s Uri Merrell ~ ~ j ~ / AU :II UA.eRmv 9Nw. NWIN$ ' 11 ® e 444 On o a~ I z >rf~. L- it 1 u.K,• rr.F~++~.. ~a.... as ..e . ~..ru i 1».~ UrlwNorm 10 ..m.dn 0, 0. err.. d.a Ir errnwy wTr.~t ~dw+~ wJ ry.wk+Www weep y.wr. r~r~www rr o rr~rnR, ' qlp ~ ~ LrnM...wr.r.w.l7M1alwwrtr..t rl A.. C ►II•lwel r..rr..rr r~ •rN~ ~>•r. i`ef e~rrrr CITY 6001000* 440a%k _ ,;0OValley 11707 E. Sprague Ave-- Suite 106 • Spokane Valley, 'WA 99206 (S )921;-1DDO • Fax (509) 921-1008 • cltyhal4spokanevalley.org June 26, 20M Spokane County Division of [wilding and Planning Jim Manson, Director 1026 Test Broadway Spokane, WA 99260 RE: Spokane County Comprehensive Plan Update Process Dear Mr. Manson: Please consider this letter as the City of Spokane Valley's formal response to the County's distribution of a `draft Urban Growth Area (UGA) expansion map and public facility evaluation forms. The City of Spokane Valley requests in wridng the County's intent for the fled Rpotential UGAe surrounding our City. tt appears that the County is considering these areas as future unincorporated UGAs. This is a bit confi.sing because these are areas that will be evaluated as paterrW growth areas for the City of Spokane Valley. We also requests in writing the intended process and timeline that the County will employ to adopt new Urban Growth Areas as a part of the 2006 Comprehensive Plan Update. Thefe are many Important milestones in the update process and all jurisdictions should clearly understand their respective respo nsibilfies. Spokane Valley will use the following standard planning process to develop our Urban Growth Area proposal. 1. Spokane Valley planning staff will prepare a UCA anatyscs, based on criteria set forth in the Cowrtyvrude Planning Policies, spe Acally r r`cy Topic i - Urban Gro h Areas. The City will look to accommodate our albcated population as follows, h order a. Growth capacity inside City limits. b. Growth capacity in existing UGAs adjacent to Spokane Valley- c- Urban Reserve Areas 2. Spokane Valleys planning staff will conduct open houses in August to initiate the citizen parhicipation process. The intent of these open houses is to begin a dialogue and exchange information wtkh Spokane Valley and unincorporated County residents on growth issues. I 3. Spokane Valley Planning Commission will conduct workshops and public hearings on the potential Urban Growth Areas, akxrg with a Draft Capital i Facilities Plan update. The Commission will forward a recommended Urban Growth Area to the Spokane Valley City Council. 4. City Council may conduct public hearings on the Planning Commission's recommended Urban Growth Area proposal and Capital Facilities Plan. Council will forward their UGA proposal to the Steering Committee of Elected Officials by the end of October, 2006. The City of Spokane Valley looks forward to continued collaboration on this important comprehensive plan update. i Best Regards, -~-o4 (tAxx (4, Marina Sukup, AICP, Director Community Development Director CC: City of Spokane Valley City Council Dave Mercier, City Manager Mike Connelly, City Attorney Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Scott Kuhta, Senor Planner File I I Proposed CM OOOONOW,16~ Q Urban Growth Area %Iky Public Comments r Name !/6 Address i Phone Number Email address Q ~c:;P/ N 4, is 1 ~G 10 JC) c E-- 99 ,CIA e- ~Ole 4 re 0- Z- 4r" Lz -e, A a d e, ~ ANC L.J ~ 4 ~ ~.v L 'Or h~~tt 4U~~ ~yh ~2ac~n,l i I I i I Dear Neighbors, We live at the comer of Maringo and Willow. As you may recall, last year our neighborhood learned that 500-700 homes can be built in the vacant land along the Centennial Trail just to the east of us. What shocked us was that we suddenly discovered that Inland Empire Paper Company (the company that owns the mill across the river and the developable land), Washington State Parks, and Spokane County, had quietly made a deal to swap small pieces of land at the end of Maringo that has the net effect of connecting Maringo Drive to that vacant land. Before the land swap, Maringo was specifically dead-ended at the Centennial Trail head to serve only the existing pumping station and emergency vehicles; under this new deal, Maringo can become a very, very busy street handling literally thousands of cars per day when those 600-700 new homes are built and those folks want to get to Argonne, Trent, the freeway, shopping, etc. Our neighborhood only found out about this proposed land swap at the last minute. We hastily organized, testified at hearings in Spokane and Coulee City, and lobbied who we thought might be able to help. Our concerns. were essentially ignored. It was a done deal before we even knew what was going on. The Mill manager assures us there is no plan to develop that land In the near future. We accept his word on that, but know It will eventually happen and we have to be ready and engaged In the process to mitigate the threat of thousands of cars speeding down Maringo every day. That's a nightmare scenario for this entire neighborhood. The only way we can avoid a worst-case scenario is to work closely with receptive ; County planners and commissioners, and thus ultimately affect the development process. Unfortunately, the three current County Commissioners are notoriously dismissive of neighborhood issues versus development ihtereste, and they oversee the Planning Department accordingly. So my wife and I were pleased last week to discover that the director of the Netghborhood Alliance, a group formed a few years ago to advocate for neighborhoods-in Spokane County, is running for County Commissioner. Her name is Bonnie Mager. I had sowed with her on a statewide board concerning agrialtural issues (before we natifed from farming) about ten years ago, and found her to be the kind of person we need in pi]bkcc office--a good listener, open to considering all sides of the issues, honest, and concerned for the Inherent rights of everyone. She's a weil,+espected wife, mother and grandmother who has been actively engaged as a citizen attempting to open up county government here for nearty 20 years. We don't happen to be Democrats, but we strongly supporting Bonnie Mager's candidacy and hope you will too, especially given this neighborhood's long term need to have commissioners and county planning staff who win work with us to help avoid serious degradation of where we live. Bonnie will be a great start. We have two extra Mager yard signs; if you'd tike one please call us at 9214609. If you'd hike Mager campaign brochures or contribution envelopes, you can call 235-6737, or go to the website www.VotaBonniaMager.com. Bob Gregson MAY052W6 City 05/26/06 Scott Kuhta 110707 E. Sprague Avenue Suite 106 Spokane Valley Wa 99206 Dear Senior Planner Kuhta as you are aware I have formally requested that my property (Parcel #55203.9076 & 55203.9071) be moved inside the urban growth boundary as well as annexed into the City of Spokane Valley. I am writing this letter to inform you of some recent developments that have occurred with my property in Greenacres. Landworks (a division of Tomlinson Black) has been working with the Spokane County Public works department to install a sewer line for the Meadowview Terrace development that is being built directly behind my property. Through coordination with Billy Urhausen at the public works office and the cooperation of Landmark we have came to an agreement that sewer will be stubbed into my property at the southwest comer. When the Meadowview Terrace: development starts there will be housing on three sides of my land. The sewer Stub-in, the close proximity of water, electric as well as adjacent developments and my interest in selling the land to Gordon Finch Homes snake my property an ideal candidate to be moved into the urban growth lx)widary. Thank you for your time and consideration. Yours IruID4__.d, Lllllen A Thelen Phone # 9249365 19112 E. 8" Grecnacres Wa 99016 601 N. Evegmrn [triad P.O. Box 630 Veradale, WA 99037-0630 IF VERA WATER & ;x, R (509)924-3800 December 13, 2006 jj1EEj)JF-0 Spokane Valley Current Planning Division 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 106 s~o OF Spokane Valle WA 99206 Re. Bud Morrison's Fuiure Additions to Saltese Meadows Dear Sirs: We understand that the balance of Bud's property surrounding the Saltese Meadows Addition is being considered for inclusion within the UGA. The water and power facilities installed and currently operating to service the first 44 lot addition have the capacity to serve to approximately 400 lots. This subdivision is located within the future service area of Vera Water and Power and we are able and willing to supply water and power for domestic service. If you have any further Questions please call. Sincerely, VERA WW ER r~ Kevin M. Wells General Manager cc. Bud Morrison, 19601 E. 33nd, Greenacres, WA 990316 RECEIVED Kim A. McGogney-Linke DEC P. O. Box 730 Greenacres, Washington, 99016 December 1, 2006 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Scott Kuhta, AICP Senior Planner City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. - Suite 106 Spokane, Valley, Wa., 99206 Dear Mr. Kuhta: Pursuant to your recent meeting with Art Elliott, President of Shelter Associates, I am writing to request a revision of parcels 55305.9011 and 55303.9019 from their current status or Urban Reserve to Urban Growth. The parcels are described as fellows: The West 260 feet of the East 360 feet of the South 360 {eet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter in Section 30, Township 25 North, Range 45 East, W.M., in Spokane County, Washington; and 17he East 100 feet of the South 380 feet of the Southeast Quarter and the %Vest 186.58 feet of the South 380 feet on the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, all in Section 30, Township 25 North, Range 45 East, W.M., in Spokane County, Washington. The property is situated on the at 17811 E. 32' Avenue in close proximity to the general Morning Side Development. I believe the property is suited to higher density development consistent with the general in-fill policies utilized here in the Valley for the past several years. The property currently has paved road access, is serviced by Vera Water, Inland Power and Avista, with gas service at the street. The property currently also is serviced by two water wells. I envision a development which preserves the existing views of Mica Peak, the foothills and the pastoral surroundings for each lot and which is also sensitive to environmental concerns and the rural atmosphere of the area. Your favorable consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely Kim A. McGogney-Linke cc: John Peterson, Asst. Planning and Building Director. Spokanc Coutlt}, %Vashin~ton Art Elliott, President, Shelter Associates - mugr 6. 1 I 7 C( -.'dam -T Mrtw;a - Y ~1tY ~ nr-^." ; I . ~ ~ .1 I ~ I = P. , EM EII iT..7-I- irv rr ~ I _ 1',y t i1 1' J I _ I~ gyn. rf-~t _ N .J4a+ ylM9f s~ - c J II -I'"r , 9 6 1 Y r1 tS 16 7i-tal !J i _ 1 ! T dlh 1,_~'n + Yk 1~1 _ S 7 1 ~I s1 J^ _ a Irrt,, I . - . - _ - _ II e ~ 13 ld,. i1bi 4110 it 7 ~-i ! 1 ffi k ~J i.ll, s J yYF~q pw yy 'r p ly" E 9 _ T w 0 6 a I I 'li E it _.I f YI~ r' L.alr,k- _ IIIL.S _ 1:..I i'aull4 Jh~ .I _ _ ~(DII r 1...1 - z Y n~"'l l,~ ~ ni- 5!r _ M1 .i. - ,a~ ~r ;mr.i. e~ ~ 76 y"I~ - I u ~ t ~ TS ~•4~ z ~ r t r e'T 1-4 hit- !c M r ul@. .a. i1'I,. 1 ~Y! k lu~- dtiV - R- $ -rrrtF --4.- 6 / ~,i Id.lil! y ek I)Il 54. y Lull s l~ w - I 11. ' 1 * ~ 1Y 5 ; .I. i = 1t~: . f I t l _ _ ~ n} - 9Y~ q~ 11 v'~+~;Id % :a Oft , I rtL x _ l k 3- t o 1,~ r N w Ya pr t ,f N I, d.. +l t a Y~ f, x ~ r 1 M 1 1 i r p}~ ` '1 ~tn ;in r.ln IE I _-f i _ ~`s JN, ;V1 ¢+yw +..f~1 J --~I _ a lligr ! ~I r r~l _ I<9991 VIII,- r6r I J I ti}#rl j ~ tom; Y.(k r * - - ' , n W y y. _1 7- 14 1. ! B 411 CiuyffSlmkmtI'l3i[sieparimrm ofCummmuilrD"clol;tMM, t tL' ,i Legend [lirisin6l of N•reain r>J81J: r:' a 7, k- # 1~bciy 11 cs I uw~ a"-'j" 1 t _ `r! al 9t~ers€ - .1 a ~ r'4 A C.CJtI.?G~, aselra.lrC'f.+a r~ lr _1. City alc7 9u66er of Spokane Valley ~1 Prfmawd E C' A A 1 C r', ofSpLAc ll'SI1cy s r wry yseal t o 1 - Cunifi,l LUA Lr: - -r. _ ' , -t 1 IF.~wr 4YbieaJ}tdphrs rrll~ r,~ I: R . Cit- kf f !r !%a Y "r ~ A l_ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 19, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ® old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Street Master Plan Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adopted "the drafting of a well-defined Street Master Plan, with funding options% as a principal 2006 budget goal. Reviewed a draft scope of work at the December 20, 2005 Council Study Session and authorized staff to issue an RFP for the selection of a consultant. Reviewed final scope and fee for J-U-B Engineers' at the May 2, 2006 Study Session and approved them on May 9, 2006. BACKGROUND: Council expressed their desire to develop a well-defined Street Master Plan, with funding options, that identifies the current condition of the city streets and recommends appropriate improvements and maintenance that preserve the value and structural integrity of the local transportation system. J-U-B Engineers was selected as the most highly qualified consultant for this project. The scope for this work is divided into three phases. Phase one is the development of pavement management system that will evaluate the current conditions of the city streets and determine what steps are needed to maintain them at their current level. Phase two is to assist in the development of a Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan incorporating the results of phase one and the other transportation needs of the city. Phase three combines the first two phases into a single Street Master Plan report- This presentation is to provide an update on the status of the Street Master Plan work. OPTIONS: Project status update only. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Project status update only BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Project status update only. STAFF CONTACT. Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects ATTACHMENTS Presentation materials CS CTV pbQne stmet master Plan ;OoValley Pave r Ma ageme Progra Pmsented by fi.U-Bi, J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc. ENGINEERS 9 SURVEYORS 9 PLANNERS 11 PU Ose The purpose of the City of Spokane Valley pavement management program is to provide well- maintained, high quality streets at the lowest reasonable cost. Planned levels of maintenance must be carefully correlated with available funds to achieve the best possible level of service across the City. t I ~ • I f I I' I I Benefits ofProgra The benefits of the pavement management program include the following: Predict the future condition of their pavement for different levels of funding and show the effects of under-funded road programs. > An effective tool for the city to both manage street and road revenues and apply for new revenue sources. > Put any available new moneys to their most cost-effective use immediately. y Meet the requirements of biennial reporting requirements of RCW 46.68.113 for reporting pavement conditions to the Washington DOT. 11 Primary Requirements of the Sojhvare • Reliable information Easily managed and updated • Analytical power • Meets reporting • Easily integrated into requirements GIS system • Relatively short learning curve Components of a Pavement Mgmt. Program ✓Street Inspection and Inventory Database Development ✓Condition Analysis and Rating ✓BudgetAnalysis Scenarios ✓Six Year Capital Improvement Plan ✓GIS Mapping Interface ne Street Master Plan S0000* Valley Pavement Management Program lot 140% droi quality • • . f-7.5% Of • 40% drop in quality It A • • - z -U-t3 Dec rr u, 2oO6 ne Street Master Plan Sf '"ka00000* ,,;00Vgjey Pavement Management Program I° StreetSaver Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Oakland, CA Centerline Measurement Research Corporation (MRC) Gig Harbor, WA MicroPAVER American Public Works Association (APWA) Kansas City, MO RoadManager 2000 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB) Middleton, CT PAVEMENTview Plus CarteGraph Systems, Inc. Dubuque, IA Dcrambcr ij, lov6 7 J-U-B 11 VVBYCARTEGRAPH.9 ✓ Those cities interviewed that use it really like it. ✓ Intuitively easy to learn and manage Report features are friendly to use Newer Technology Drawback -Steep Learning Curve ✓GIS Interface S` `~kane Street Master Plan valley Pavement Management Program PAYC•MFNTr!ew _ _fol xi PAVEMENrvW11Ua Segment Analyses Information Aneiria Nudd - - - Pug Test i ~ Uud~d gurary papal! r~- _ _ t Q/61r2006 ( tr wfun 10 Um U" Cas: J r ,,-,wwv, ss +.d a U ra 1 1': SCOW furdloMlty CleraHied t ~ p"Amd lavw d Cc rai n Vdw O3I la wch plan yM ri a ace-Aka 1 he ngal a !Mood !4r Koch! a d pooped tv SGNw mL ' ■ A••dvr SJOA Haan t to Mal wowu Ow aynd t L4A w wd w ft wed ~arM Ca I err!"rupVa. loo own ulen I" n • sowwlo. 1 I_ MR ooaers~ro Firpon - hi!apoadpcr47a lWwn exam f*W, end n4rowdlM&led CaW%pr Ovari Canis JSd1Ypa . C+kylete Pam I ®Pirr~d Hewia I i,wa IOU 110 at its w,yaada in e petsw www w t hr opal i t- it I&axd to e Malty tD rsf 5cerwc. or! it pauoe,7 ty iW %Yer. SCiI'i0Li06 - - - Too Scenrn llud{pt Pwkscol I lrrelletn d Fro DooBesl Neo aA a sr.500WO n4ft ► tonal NoFund% (:&(bUijohD 3' 4.'i 5 p 4774 test 2 UdVaia! Jtgl F'sotocd 3. 4.5 5 p 47.76 !ea] Unbm*Ad CotMfarrphD 3 4.5, 5 p r - - J _ _ 1=oS7!~ ~r Ir~d iDi 1~17cst I Visaw+9 r i RscarJ. t of 2 TOW: 2 2 I _ pcy Grtrpaph Se0 OtrserL44101ti CrtlGrsph trngetar_ I w 1 { Il AM et'f 5trrt I ~ ®®0 A j7 ~ Yboa' P't+°®oR Oulloot I ~ok~ - J Dcccmlxr tt, :souo 9 ~U~K N City of Spokane Valley R Map - 200 W E 6 Pavement Condition Yp7 PP I INSs. ~ m' - - 'S '1 __I yl I[tYiflFll $ ~I _ a --n ? IL NA P r 3YF y- k/ I Y r 11 q _ _CL siUh- Y MMS M1. s /yn y`y~J Av 9 ~.ti - z nt + 2 i r h 00 . aga - k~P E~ w C -f 3 'f/ CL . .r 7 F 16th Av 1 6th I ~tiy Legend T s g v, _ - - Pavement Condition 3r~d-AU Excellent (CSI 85 TOO) fiery Gland (00 70.85) =~t Good (OCI 55.70) r Fair (OCI 40 55) ► 1 - _ _,44th•Av r~-- Poor 00 25.40 Very Poor (OCI 04.25) 1 Failed (OCI 0-10) Deceer 7,2006 ~ ~ I ' I f 1' ' ~ 1 1 System Condition Distribution 0 40% E i p. tM 30% . Q AC Asphalt Concrete p ~p ■ AST Asphalt Surfooo Treatment 20% ffo PCC Joints tones to .~j 10% c • ~ !I it Q„ 004 a o. ~s- _ rr 11 Budget Scenarios To Be Reviewed • No Build • Condition of roads if no maintenance performed for 5 years • Existing Budget • Condition of roads in 5 years using current budget (Capital and Maintenance) allocations of $2,250,000. • Increased Budget • Additional $1,500,000 S `"kane Street Master Plan ,;,OOVajjey Pavement Management Program 2007 2008' 2009 IT y f41 1I 1 2011 Budget El No Annual Budget 0 Existing Budget F1 Dccember tl, 2uu6 13 J-U-B S `-'r'okane Street Master Plan ~ Valley Pavement Management Program Murray Holladay Example - i I'•~ 'I 1 jf l4'l,~t a~` tom',' ~ c I ~ ~ i I \ 1, i• . s_ J _ ` 774. 1; rlr! 1111111 ~ ~ - Midvale v~ ~t ♦ r r~Y! . n ~ f r k r 1..a- i Figure 8.1 Cottonwood Heights - Pavement Maintenance Map 4'I , Recommondod Troatment Type `f Co1Ma~wud Mrtl¢I~ Slurry Seal Single Chip Seal Av=strual ThinOwWay Sandy 0 2.000 4.aW lioWOvwlay No Tioalimrd Feet - Mmndrer 28,200 Det r 12, 2oo6 '-]U-B S""o~kane Street Master Plan A ,,;OOVajjey Pavement Management Program Murray Holladay ~r Example ! ! >i . j fpn Uewn mod. i Pot C"M Midvale Cam! i~ „ I i ~ , L t ~ ~ l..! Cre+rlt Nd. 'd' ~ ~ x W i d Figure 8.2 Cottonwood Heights o Pavement Maintenance Map Year of Recommend Treatment v 1 -1 , L 2006 2009 1 2007 2010 f J 2000 2011 and Beyond Sandy 7 0 2. DO A.OW Novo odw 26,204 3 Dcacmbcr L, soot 1S J-U-B 11 Summary • Spokane Valley streets are generally in very good condition. • A maintenance treatment type for extending pavement life (surface seal) needs to be identified. • Work is continuing on fine tuning the program to match your maintenance strategies and budget needs. What'sNext? • Evaluating Different Construction Techniques • Evaluating Maintenance /Capital Improvement Costs • Draft Annual Maintenance and Capital Budget • Draft Six Year Plan S 4 Street Master Plan P Pavement Management Program Quesnons. Du ? 11, 2006 U -B B )F 010** 6Qne Stmet Master Plan ew;00Va11ey -Phase 2 Tra sportation Planni g Transportation Improvement Program Preparation Presented by f -B i J-V J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc. ENGINEERS @ SURVEYORS* PLANNERS 11 Purpose • Identify on-going data needs to assess the transportation system and prioritize projects • Improve data storage/presentation methods with GIS • Be more efficient and better informed in decision- making processes • Better manage resources in making transportation improvements • Identify on-going staffing needs to maintain TIP preparation process ILL 11 Primary Data Needs ➢ Pavement Condition s Accident Data Traffic Counts ✓Roadway Segments -Average Daily Traffic ✓Intersection - PM Peak Hour Turning Movement Counts I / l I 1 1 f Secondary Data Needs • County Septic Tank Elimination Program • Freight and Goods System Information • Transit Routes • Sidewalk Inventory • Corridor Studies • Sub-Area Plans • Traffic Impact Analysis Studies • Roadway Functional Classification • Number of Lanes • Roadway Capacity • Other Roadway Attributes as available S"r'okane Street WSW Plan P Valley Transportation Planning I I I f f / 1 ' X 1 1 f ~ 1 f ~ l ' 0 DATA COLLECTION Pavem®nt Trafftc Counts Accident Records ConidorStudias Condition Roadway Sagment Volumes Sub-Area Plans Imarsecdon Peak Hour Tum Trafde Impact Anatysis Movements IDENTIFY eMamnaggveime ment Determinevo umafCapacity Identify above TRANSPORTATION nt Pl an RzMm, Intersection Levets of average accident SYSTEM PpOBLElIS( Service rates DEFINE PROJECTS Rbeent Bid Prepare Project Cost Evaluate Grant Eligibility Assess Local Revenues Tabulations I Estimates and Grant for Grant Marching '\Database / CompetltMeneas Consi r ot-herfactors fortiminn and ❑riorN: pRIORIT¢E AND PROGRAM PROJECTS County Septic Tank 9imination Program, - - Select Projects and determine program year by Multi-Jurisdictional projects, Pavement projects, Transit Freight and Goods, phase (PE, ROW, Cort:ztructioN BicycIWPedee rian, or- Prepare, o-Year T1P Document Preparo Project Notebook Prepare Grant Applications Submit Federally funded projects to SRT0W SDOT December u, 2oo6 5 J-U-B City of Spokane Valley DRAFT Transportation improvement Program Database bevelapment TABLE 1 December 5, 2006 SourcelAeth❑d of 5❑ftwara Deliverables see also- Data Item Collection Currenk Method ❑f Storage Uses, Maps, Reports Rcletfonshlps to Other Data other Comments Recommendation Platform Uses, Maps, Reports Column M513OT sands spreadsheet with spreadsheet for art accidents graphically ahmw total accidents by Location by Use with All Day Traffic [rota and roadway t{ngrh to his data comes From MDOT and has chaft.9 s fargeocoding, JU3 to creatcIwst p,,❑ Ms IA glean rood" names to Database I Process to'dcar and gcocedc 160 fiddswhcn rmcsted type (Fatality, la]cry or Property Dtsn age Dn[y) c0ortate aceldents WrmLLlrn Vc!Hcle MILes of Travel in prlmardy that Wice Offlea s mast roadway namesdilre esdy, match at le2m 5D6 or iecad, thrahgh set of quer1H- ISIS tAClleni recmdg for use In TIP a fnidar [ar within a certain distance of an hod them are a different ways iT flel&j at refererx[ng location. Also define process to foOLitaae City Examinatlon of process. Maps shnwing accident SherlFfr depnrfinent elso hag Aggregate accidentsvvthin cocain distance of SRTC hasa[ready cleaned 2063 and 2004 Bata (and geocoded1. n records that don't mawfi road names to enatsle [xadons and accident rates, 1 Agerdents accdena reeerds, doesnt. Include inters❑cUons to give totalaccfdems fe.g larger necessarllyaserul, grnoe h prpces5 has to be defbmed anyway. PCQading. [fry revli~w 4406 records of data.'dcro' and populate datehase- ate bighnays clot a[ Irte ,enipn me4nk rose accidcn[sf City can matchaccidemtrxOrds pDFWe12ceach indhidualrccord CalculateAgdelcr>sper MKIlosuehrclcWes. of from marl records in database Travel rn the rase of corr92or5 imuq roadvfey rh Dldnidual mc0ent reports segment Lengihs electrenrcal.ly rdlaeted, mostly 5prea!{heet, hoa;ly volumes by showAlT by roadwy yin's, ca functionally Ca rtegmphlM can use ADT to lmprtrp the process ❑f JUg td create form for City staff to -nW oadway Pat&-IA 7 Ahllfty to dfsp[ay WC ratio by by County. some by City, dlred[an are hardcopy elassified fwds mys betwmn functionally deterntri appropriate sceamgles. segment ADT, PM peak four volume byd[rxtion and CIS direction. rJap0pDrtss La assist consultmtg or developers c0iiaried roadways d5lerlocat an of count and other hPJrly miume Ir any in preparation of annual count Average%QYTraffic maybe deslrahletashuArdifferent fadsvAih are higher th?,nPMi]cakho~. LOUGTER[A0eale Progr'-, 2 Vdame4 dif:ermt colors based on a range of AOTs ability to 1ne[wde dfrecrlonal date by hadro} the day. Future Phi peak ratumes for HcEd arnual rcpcwL identifying which locations Nay w, rot to srore hcuuly do- to thaS sums to ADT, then peak hour r ae scenarios come From SRTC W darn! oould he used to show segnsent VIC- Future VIC cones fry regional amdet regrarat model- momml, manna from County, some Synchromodet and hard copy I"t to SYNCHRO or Hlghway CApadity U59d with regional model Eo forecast future Th{Ys Patentiat future capabdlty might be to use 6I5 with regt Aol. Database) Mapsimpcrts an Intcrsrctlm InterseEd mTurning from Inters, sbrne Iran Studles 5afrware for UlSmday caladations tr❑ml. rnadelcumut to forecast future TMVs from varfaus GI5 corm[ dates to pr*are aneuat 3 mm.cment Votwres (lkiv) done bydrreloaers Need amual rep= identifying which E❑cat[ens count program. to count hstersection lane fieldcoltmted 5ynchrom❑det (multiple files) and ncd fordctcnsinLng L05 In capaefty analysrs none 4 Confrg-2 niroas hard copy, asmnLptlom made for detarrnfred (rpm SYCHCHRO spreadsheet show an Nser5eet55ns 15V 105 (aotorcoded) n In%"nta with SRTC model Kith node numbers to Several scenarios of Ehis dta are based on future mniidm5 City Staff to perform capacity aralysis acrd cvalklme DatabaseI Linkaqc of spreadsheet to GIs for model (multiple files) based on mwt important guess other data features analysis. This data is all fa the same spreadsheet lntersectl= <ounied sit[! year, populate spramsheet GIS grdphl{ prf5e ltatl~i, projeeE tnterieclron Level of urn movement cmmt% lane and pr(Mde results to JU31n same format as Comp identification and prtorittratian 5 Sen9ca(LUS), Delay, y(C ConSjuratlans and tnterscctfan Plan. City to prrnide capacrtyanahsnis results to Jus process, !,taps of Intersection eaneroll~Jgnaml tW frog rat NlergeStlW with 2.05 E, F to be aged to LOS, , determ[ne appropriate Improvements. Lsmpreherave Pran G15 show Frogbi and Goads system of fads 59X model Includes these designations for roadway need En remmmeAd cyce for updating ar Freight and a 15 +kp to a5 Fr eighs and Good segments Good roadaysystem system toaalst with TIP process b r. elghi and Goads %1A- show truck percentage of total trafflc ritd not enough classlfimtion data to carry this out tD pftritfw projects need classification count dataI Spokane Transli Authority none show Gamit routes FATC model Includes these designations roc Irpnslt need to Identify proms of ppdatfng bus rinses when changes Ul5 fmmctims GIs Wp of iramli routes to assisi wit 7 Trtinslt Roates routes occur TIP process Spolmne County 6Is show pM]eut try year This program recently changed, need to check w Lh Spokane GI5 fundfoa GIS Nap of Sewer Projcet including $ County SeptiETank County to make sure that data we heVC Is cumm', need to yoars completed Replacement. ProSrmro irrdwL- yxus comp"ted In order to goo dEnate x4h PMP . Alamially collated Cartcgrnph show Pavement mridlclon for o-6 roadways Analysis a. pavemen: unditlan, acma'WR service "I'Tr areatrnent Date w1-L Cant,- from Caitey'raph GI5 from Iinkagi tuTlp prr,44t to prlorlilre cpndtron internal La C;fteg.-aph Carte3rtPh projects 9 Pavement Condition show pavement Eraatment recammendat[an of Street Prescriation PLacehaldcrcould be one proica in hlstory bvyear forall madomays Transportation Irnpru%rcment Program Sorx fmrentary data available GI5 Shaw Lamtions of all sidcAyalks, or Lad Of cart netemsar4y part of this project, degrae m arouracy 1s use as available in priaritiring projects, LOfAG-TCRM G4 none 10 Sidewalks from oerL°IS,EKIMMcyis TW--.Kilo questionable, could create prerms to inventory IncorporatrvqthGIS, quesdanaile 11 manualtydeweLoped by PE spreadyyert report' ErgNeerg [arc Estimate ' City „ants to he abte tit Lpdate the estimate based on JIJZL W revicw1upiate eki;rEig project costs;, ueate Ora abase Updated and new prnjea etdts for i recent hid tabs and unit casts new estimates far new pmjerts. projeftk to Indude in 2008 - 2611 ii ProjectCaat TIP enltg !ar deferent phases go into complex funding ~ breatow by source by year inchpres PE, POW and Sprea&heett TIP report skaning fandllg by MF, by Saone Results are manually mportcd to databe5c, desire to be Jug to prepare database that performs thESe Lalabak Linkage of project coots to year h pon5tructhn #}aus, irpuls for for ®di phase able to caslTy update Waugh arnefonlent functions and is linked to Last ~5tt,,oatesdatabase, year f mdin bnatmR by funding 1; immdL,g ar;iskout each project manualLyde++etdped evaluate abIriy to link la ReAeht FId Tahulatlom source, I[nkage En TIP daciunem- dataha5e- ly.bMISeltylrpuf aft+:r bib recehrd readshmt Li to fadli(a(e protect cost estimates more to datauaser evahrat,-ability to hnk ro project cast Uii use m+ailabte Ctty ofspokane Valley rstcnt Hid Database database Lo assist and fACILItAW estimates ebg rot in;o porate sprea&keet comas specifying updating or project cost estimates 13 Recent Old Tab Results bids, quantities, projects and date of bid. Evatuatc ability to incorporate other jurisdretrons rcvn%bid tabs. 1 aanuaI Finas hardcop'f Malntenamce wackneeds to be tracked for each paycrwnt secdci rnco-vote w Lit PaverrftC. Mgt Program Cartegraph eruurc that this feature PaveinenlMhtenanee so- thatbetterhis[arydhcwdiffcrcstttmairnCnt§impartthe psntributesto lmprrntmg 14 ykrk Form 7rad ing pavernant eanditferm suer fine lp,g. Some prgecs have used t0 Pavement Mgt Program grindings. keep track or performance of these sections, N,amsal Fonm Heed to be traded n that pa,*mm! cmdnf7n lndex reflects t o inconPo-~a' with PaVl+ron[ OJ L Progrorn Cartegraph ensure that this fealum stree[s have liven cut pmrflhurei to Improving 15 Street GR Impru;ts Pavement Mgt "ram Council membcs vmuld like abtllty lcr cltl~znf re Sheck status of rncorgarate appropriate Linkages to wdnltc 415 abilty to link app 16 Web-based Paean elels rop fate data to iherrroad meIntenan[e s&eduLe I the Citylsvmbslte, I Srtr, c''I1Lllie Street Neater Plan ~ 'Planning Transportation g 2005 Existing • L is Delay v/c Approach _ C 20.2 0.50 overall • - • • A 9.8 - overall _ C 28.7 0.48 overall : ~~v D 27.0 0.50 EB • . • 6 14.2 - overall : r _ B 15.0 0.81 overall A 7.8 0.34 overall r. D 25.3 0.44 EB - C 15.4 0.43 EB • • F 102.2 0.79 EB December L, -oub 7 J- L'-1f City of Spokane Valley Level of Service Neap E okrd e ~ uatF i+ j r Y4 0 CAI Il r s+' 'IISSion Au f I r Mission Av Mi u 3 } ` ~,I F CL _ - -e ; f ..a• ~ ~ ~ a 1, _ - Sprague AV a• f! p IF w s e• 4 g 1.• 4 ?ff h k• Y. 4 w rC'~ Tom.. s # + • ~-=t. ~9.. ~ sN _ -r a AV ;tit - z ''y •n 1 ~ _ L ,1 - d Legend t l 5 H a~ 32rl Av i Existing Level of Service yy 3 - # A 1-+ D B 0 E . ti Functional Classification a Av Interstate Collector ArterlaI :I Principal Arterial Local Access Minor Arterial I _ Decerp r 11, 2DO6 Street MAStOr Plan Spol~ane .;OO*Valley Transportation Planning End of Formal Presentation Additional Information Follows hcccuibrr t2, ~uuc, q J-U-B 11 Pavement Condition PRIOR METHODOLOGY • Condition data collected by county • Centerline not used to assist in decision-making • No program for regular updating • Projects selected based on staff knowledge 11 Pavement Condition RECOMMENDED METHODOLOGY • City/Consultant collect data • Use Cartegraph Software to store/analyze data • Collect percentage of roadway condition annually • Determine costs to maintain PMP and pavement in acceptable condition 11 Accident Records CURRENT DATA • Nearly 4,400 accident records (2003 -'06) from WSDOT in Spreadsheet • SRTC has geo-coded'03 -'04 (see next slide) • Static Map, no process for updating other than every 5 years with Regional Transportation Plan S` 61 ane Street Master Plan P '1e, Transportation Planning • - ~i:a,~'`bl~l 11 t T -fit I _T; .140 l IT- nd uries ` t ' II - i' ~'r [ _ [FaiaW ilk 'G-45 i Spokane and Spokane Valley 2003 and 2004 Accident Injuries and Fatalitiesokut:c iteg:w:al ~I: ~!t ~xxt~Ua~ c:o:utdl 13 J-U-13 11 Accident Records IMPROVEMENTS RECOMMENDED • Create process to geo-code accident records • Fatality, Injury or Property Damage • Primary cause • Create ability to calculate accident rates • Correlate with traffic volumes • Corridors and intersections • Link to individual accident records for analysis Average Daily TCURRENT DATA • All-day counts requested from County • Approximately 280 roadway segments have data • Received in hard copy • Some data stored in spreadsheet • No regular program to obtain traffic counts on functionally classified system • Web-based Traffic Count Atlas • 2001 - 2004 most recent data available (see next slide) rin't~e Street Master Plan Spo jjey Transportation Planning V Spokaue Count}' 2001 Traffic Comt Atlas Legend two .a, 4FN) I'll qir 1171 _.AML 13 ,i)■1 a~fn C11.t 1, W i O oil vn • . ,a1 rn Traffic Comm 1 ISO I( 5000+ r4*13 its 0 20000-24999 15000- 20009 ey r isan „ tin, ^t Mtt ■ v,f, 19A3 M 10000- 14999 0- 9999, Cnad Sag or z Lab j ~ 7 ~N Dc ;r u, _•006 11 Average Daily Traffic RECOMMENDATION • Set up program to count all functionally classified roadways • arterials every 2 years • collectors every 3 years • Create Ability to map annually • traffic volumes • volume/capacity ratios • locations to be counted each year • Track volume/capacity changes over time I / 1 1 1 I I Average Daily TraCurrent Count Status of Functionally Classified Roadway Segments* Scheduled Segments Total 2004 2005 for 2006 with no data Principal Arterial 92 63 14 8 7 Minor Arterial 130 48 55 1 26 Collector 131 10 77 6 38+ Total 353 121 146 15 71 ' 6"mnt'derrnW bednreen co%cW =dwraya on all pr*OI art W@I, minor arts W.. and collecW-nx ds Intersection PM Peak Hour Turning Movement Counts CURRENT DATA • Requested of County, City Interns, developers • Stored in hard copy and in SYNCHRO model • Level of Service calculated • included in City Comprehensive Plan • Future LOS also calculated • No regular program to obtain traffic counts 11 Intersection PM Peak Hour Turning Movement Counts RECOMMENDATION • Ability to create/update intersection maps • Level of Service • locations to be counted each year • Correlate with other data • high accident locations • poor pavement locations ILL 11 Intersection PM Peak Hour Turning Movement Counts INTERSECTION SUMMARY • 245 intersections of functionally classified roadways • 126 major intersections included in Comp Plan • 117 without count data City of Spokane Valley Transportation Improvement Program Preparation Process Figure 1 DATA COLLECTION Pavement Traffic Counts Accident Records Corridor Studies Condition Roadway Segment Volumes Sub-Area Plans Intersection Peak Hour Turn Traffic Impact Analysis Movements IDENTIFY Pavement Determine Volume/Capacity Identify above TRANSPORTATION Management Plan Ratios, Intersection Levels o1 average accident SYSTEM PROBLEMS/ Service rates DEFINE PROJECTS Recent Bid Prepare Project Cost Evaluate Grant Eligibility Assess Local Revenues Tabulations Estimates and Grant for Grant Matching Database Competitiveness Consider other factors for timing and priority. PRIORITIZE AND PROGRAM PROJECTS County Septic Tank EltminatSon Program, MulU Select Projects and determine program year by ,lurisdictional projects, Pavement projects, Transit, Freight and Goods, phase (PE, ROW, Construction) Bicycle/Pedestrian. etc. Prepare 6-Year TIP Document Prepare Pro;oct Notebook Prepare Grant Applications Submit Federally funded projects to SRTCIWSDOT Comprehensive Plan Intersection Analysis Results 12115/2006 2045 #:~c[stin 2011 using modal result 2011 Mitl atecl with TIP Projects 2025 Using rrrorlel results 2025 Mitigated with TIP Projects Intersection Count Control LOS Delay vie Approach LOSS Delay Vic Lkpproac LOS l3el$ viC ruac LOS Bela vie road LOS Dela Vic ~Eeroach 1 41h t Sullivan 200 Si nal C 20.2 0.50 overall a 19.1 0.65 overall D 42.0 0.95 overall 2 4th I fihierman 2005 4-way sio A 9.8 coverall a 10.9 - overall G 165 overall 3 ft 1 Urifvorsil 2M5 SJ ns:l C 28.7 OAS overall C 13.5 0.49 overall G 24.7 0.53 avor?Il 4 _5181h I l3owdish 2000 2-way slop D 27.0 0.50 ES E +12,9 0.69 EB E 42.2 0.ti9 ES F 330.1 1.57 EB F 305.1 1.51 ED 6 9th I Carnahan 2005 4-way stop B 14.2 overall C 23.4 overall G 15-52 • overall F 146.6 overall F 68.75 overall 7 ath I Dishman-Mica 2044 Si nFl B 15.4 0.81 overall B 17'.1 0.78 overall C 21,4 0-86 overall 8;?,h J Ever reeri 2043 signal A 7.$ 0.34 overall A i5,7 0.39 overall A T9 0-45 overall 2045 2-ova sin D 25,3 044 E8 E 45,9 0.67 EB F 336.5 1,67 WB G 3t1r t McDonald 10 81h I Park 2005 .wa sln C 15:4 0.43 ES C 17,7 0.52 EB C 15.9 0.5 1_B I7 30.01 0,77 EB C 1636 0.57 EB 11 8,1h I Pines lSP-27 2C 0I 2-way Slap F 102-2 0.79 ES F > 500 > 2A EB - - - - F > 544 > 2.0 EB 12181h I Sullivan 2002 Signal B 14,5 ' 0.56 overall B 12.0 0.70 overall G 30.6 0 91 overall 13 e{h I Thierman 2000 2-way slrr G 21.5 0.07 NB E 38.9 4.34 SB F 199.1 1.20 SB 14 6th 14lniversil 20u5 Signal B 15.5 420 overall 9 11.5 0.28 overall B 11,4 0.28 overall 15 161h I Adams 204 l 4-wa sits a A 9.2 - overall B 10.4 - overall A 262 - overall i 16 16th I Bowdish 2005 4-w-ay s!o r C 16.4 overall C 21,1 - overall G 17,49 overall F 592 overall a 30.97 overall 17 161h I Dishman-Mica 2004 Signal B 14.5 0.61 overall a 15.3 0.64 overall 13 18.5 0.68 overall ' 18 16th 1 Evergreen 2033 S gal 13 83 0.32 overall A 8.5 0 37 overall A 9.0 0.46 overall 19 160h r McDonald 21005 4-way slop a 10.6 Overall B 10.9 overall G 20.9 overall 20 161h r SF127 2005 Si nal D 35.7 0.57 overall D 35.4 0.65 overall I - D 43.1 0.77 overall 21 161h f 5cllivan 2004 Signal B 12.9 4,42 overall B 13.4 a.57 overall ~ G 24.1 0.91 overall 22 161h I University 20.00 Si nal B 12.5 0.32 overall B 11.5 0.32 overall a I L4 0.28 overall 23 241h 'Ever preen 2000 4-way stop A 9:7 - everall a 12.2 - overall 9 11 77 overall F 85.6 overall F 58.45 • overall 24 241h ( L lliwan 2094 S, nal B 14.8 0.50 overall 6 18.4 0.67 overall F 87.3 1.95 overall 25 32nd1Adam s 2091 2-way sl a F,4,8 0.0I NB C 18.3 0.02 N8 C 22.6 9.03 NB P ASsSPKV00000002'+,0640INF:Q1TT12005 Comprehensive Plan'~2005 Analysis'Jable of Intersections 1 DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of December 14, 2006 9:15 a.m. TO: note this is a work in progress; items are tentative Council & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings December 26, 2006 - Christmas Week - No Mectine January 2. 2007, Study Session. 6:00 p.m. [due date Tuesday, December 261 1. Motion Consideration: Snow Plowing Level of Service - Neil Kersten/Nina Regor (10 minutes) 2. S.W.O.T. Update (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) -Nina Regor (45 minutes) 3. "Zoning UR-1 Extension (currently expires March 6, 2007) - Marina Sukup (15 minutes) •1. Fiber Internet Service for CentcrPlace - Mike Jackson (15 minutes) 5. UDC Titles 17,18 and 20 - Greg McCormick/Marina Sukup (60 minutes) 6. Advance Agenda Additions - Mayor Wilhite } 7. Council Check-in - Mayor Wilhite ) (5 minutes) 8. City Manager Comments - Dave Mercier } Information Only: 9. Department Reports (normally due the second meeting in December) 10. Employee Reclassification - Trish Hums-Flart TOTAL MINUTES: 150 minutes Januarv 9.2007, Regular Meeting. 6:00 p.m. [due date Tuesday, January 21 1. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. First Reading Ordinance Extending UR-l Zone (currently expires March 6, 2007) - Marina Sukup [ 10 minutes] 3. Proposed Resolution, Employee Reclassification - Trish Burns-Hart [10 minutes] 4. Motion Consideration: UDC Title 17, 18 and 20 - Marina Sukup [15 minutes] 5. Motion Consideration: Fiber Internet Service for CenterPlace - Mike Jackson [10 minutes] Administrative Reports; 6. Proposed Ordinance Amending Dangerous Dog Appeals-Cary Driskell [15 minutes] 7. City Use of Geiger Work Crews - Cary Driskell [15 minutes] Information Only: 8. Cyclo-Cross (Bicycles) Event - Mike Jackson [estimated meeting: 80 minutes' [ January 16, 2007, Special Workshop Veetine 6:00 P.m., Decadev Community Workshop: Sprague/Appleway Revitalirntion Plan January 23, 2007, R=Iar Meeting. 6:00 p.m. [due date Tuesday,.lanuary 161 1. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Ordinance Extending LIR-1 Zone (currently expires 03-06-07) - Marina Sukup [10 minutes] 3. First Reading. Proposed Ordinance Amending Dangerous Dog - Cary Driskell [10 minutes] Administrative Reports: 4. City Use of Geiger Work Crews - Cary Driskell [15 minutes] 5. Title 21 UDC - Marina Sukup 160 minutes) Information Only: 6. Proposed Amended Student Advisory Council Bylaws 7. Department Reports [estimated meeting: 100 minutes'11 Friday, January 26, 2007: F.mnlai-ee Reco_enition Dinner, CenterPlace Suturdav, January 27 2007 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Councit/Staff Winter Retreat, CenterPlace Lounge Tentative Topics: Co nmunications Program; Review 2007 Council Goals Draft Advance Agenda 11,141'2006 10:21 ANI Page I of 2 January 3 , 2007, Study Session. 6:00 p.m, [due date Monday, ,January 221 1. Convention Visitor's Bureaufrourism Promotion Area - Harry Sladich (15 minutes) 2. UDC Title 21 - Marina Sukup (60 minutes) 3. Advance Agenda Additions- Mayor Wilhite } -1. Council Check-in - Mayor Wilhite } (5 minutes) 5. City Manager Comments - Dave Mcrcier } TOTAL MINUTES: 80 minutes February 6, 2007, S221jal Meeting, 6:00 %rn, [due date Monday, January 291 1. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes. Resolution Amending SAC Bylaws [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading, Proposed Ordinance Amending Dangerous Dog - Cary Driskell [ 10 minute, ] 3. Motion Consideration: U IDC Title 21 - Marina Sukup [15 minutes] 4. Motion Consideration: City Use of Geiger Work Crews - Cary Driskell [ 10 minutes) Administrative Report: 5. Vacation of Streets, Payment of Value - Marina SukuplMike Connelly [20 minutes] 6. Proposed Sidewalk Ordinance - Neil Kerster /Mike Connelly 120 minutes,] 7. Contracts and Purchasing Procedures - Cary Driskel l [20 minute Information Only: 8. Vallcyfest Annual Update - Peggy Doering TOTAL MINUTES: 100 minutes February 13,2W7 NO MEETING February 20, 2007, Study Session. 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, February 121 1. 1)DC Title 19 -Marina Sukup (90 minutes) 2. Animal Control Update -:dinar Rcgor (20 minutes) 3. Advance Agenda Additions - Mayor Wilhite } 4. Council Check-in - Mayor Wilhite } (5 rrlinuteL. 5. City Manager Comments - Dave Monier } Information Only: 6. Title 24 UDC - Marina Sukup 7. Department Reports TOTAL INUNUTES: minutes TENTATIVE: Thursday February 22, 2007, Special Study Session, 6:00 p.m, (second floor conference room) UT)C Title 19 Marina Sukup February 27, 2007. Reeular Meetina, 6:00 p.m. [due date Tuesday, February 201 March 6, 2007, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, February 261 1. Motion Consideration: UDC: Title 19 - Marina Sukuh (15 minutes) 2. Animal Control Update-Nina Regor (20 minutes) %Ft.(. (_'nn ~r~ c ssi~orrul (7ifi, Conference. A.farch 10 -14, _'0117 1).C. OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSI:ES/111EETiti(;S: First Quarter CcnterPlace Rentals - Mile Jackson Noise Ordinance (Construction Activit) ) Modified Crime Check/Crime Reporting Central Vallcy School District Impact Pre Request Sewer Collection Systems -Neil Kersten Site Locator Accident Statistics along Broadway - October, 2007 estimated meeting time does not include time for public comments) Draft Ad%-am:c AL!cnda 1 2JV20M 10:21 AAt Page 2 of 2 $06tane,;ooWVat1ey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatt@q*lonevalley.org Memorandum Date: December 12, zoos To: City Manager Dave Mercier, and Members of Council CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager From: Mike Jackson, Parks and Recreation Director Re: Fiber Internet Service for CentcrPlace Attached please find a memo from Greg Bingaman, Information Technology Specialist. regarding internet service at CentcrPlace. As noted by Ring, the cost to provide Internet fiber to CentcrPlace has continued to drop. At this time, Time Warner has indicated verbally that they are willing to install the fiber at no installation cast with a monthly recurring cost of $866. This results in a net increase of $201 (including the $260 in savings which will result from the elimination ofthe two T1 lines het-ween City Hall and CentcrPlace.) While it is impossihle to predict with certainty, it appears that the cost of fiber has bottomed out. As noted by Bing in the attached memo, the additional capacity will allow the City (or third party providers) to pursue video conferencing from CenterPlace. If we can lock in the fiber at the above rate, it is my recommendation to proceed. This matter is of a time sensitive nature as Time Warner predicts a price increase at the first of the year. City of Spokane Valley Mel-valo TO: Mike Jackson, Parks & Rcc DlrectC r Ffvm: Bing, Information Technology Specia?,5t CC: Date: Dec-mbLr 12, 20Ch Re: Fiber Internet Service for CenterPlace Upgrade Internet Service for CenterPlace Proposal to support larger conferences and video telephone confereming Mice here's a brief overview- c) Originally Time Warner wanted $30,000 to install the fiber, and then 51,355 per month for 10 MB fiber Internet connecton, Ivey ,:ire, m v offering no rnstall c,-)st $886.00 per month for 6 MB connection Currently we are paying Oneeighty networks at total of $425.00 per month for internet service; $125.00 for the Private T1 Line and $300 00 for the internet service at 1.5 M8 0 We are also paying 180.00 x2 for a total of $360 00 for two T1's between City Hall and CenterPlace: • 1 for phone transport ■ 1 for data transport o The costs of the two T1's for transport will be eliminated once we finish the fiber install (before the end of the year). Our re-occurring cost will then be 5100,00 per month (Fiber agreement with Columbia, $20/mile) for a savings of $260.00 / month. o So the difference we are talking about it is: • Currently, 1.5 MB Internet service and 3 T1's = $785.00 / month • Proposed, 6 MB of internet service and fiber = $986.00 / month • After all is said and done, net increase cost of $201 to go 4 times as fast which will allow us to start working on video/teleconferencing 1