2004, 06-26 Special Retreat/WorkshopAGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL RETREAT/WORKSHOP Saturday, June 26, 2004 9 :00 a.m. to approximately 1:00 p.m. Councilmember Dencnny's Lake Cabin: 29897 N. Isle N'icw Road Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869 FILE COPY :AGENDA ITEMS: 1. (Update City Workplan (45 minutes) 2. Updn.tc Five—Year Financial Forecast (90 minutes) 3. Options for Closing Budget Gaps (90 minutes) Retreat Agenda Q!i- :6-4N Page 1 of 1 j Valley Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager CC: Department Directors Date: June 26, 2004 Re: Summary of Changes to 2004 City Workplan The City's workplan is a living document — projected timelines shift for a variety of reasons. One example is the addition of new projects, such as review of the sign code. Such projects may not be formally added to the workplan, but do affect staff's work load. Other examples include external delays, such as a delay in receiving data from other agencies; or changes in scope after the project begins. While there have been changes, it's important to note that the majority of the projects in the workplan remain on track as presented to City Council at the February 7, 2004 retreat. Attached is an updated version of the workplan. Changes to timelines are shown in gray. Following is a summary of the changes: Public Works 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall @spokanevalley.org • Develop an Approach for Long -Term Wastewater Services. It was anticipated that an interlocal agreement between Spokane Valley and the County would be completed by the end of February. The revised interlocal was sent to the County on March 11, 2004, and we received their response on June 11. The new completion date is now expected to be August 2004. No other tasks in this project were affected. • Manage County .Engineering Contract. Staff originally intended to bring forward for Council consideration in May consideration of various options. Instead, it will be incorporated into the 2005 budget process. First reading of the budget ordinance is scheduled for October 2004. • .Develop Six Year Street Funding Elan. Staff anticipated receiving from the County by the end of May annual preservation improvement costs for residential streets that are not eligible for state or federal funding, such as street overlays. It is now expected to be the end of the year before the City will have a reliable projection. The Six Year Street Funding Plan has been completed, using a broad estimate of preservation costs. The Capital Improvement Fund Six Year Plan was presented to Council on April 6, Summary of Changes to 2004 City Workplan, continued June 26, 2004 Page 2 of 3 and the Street Maintenance Fund Six Year Plan will be presented to Council at the June 26 retreat. • Update Six Year Transportation Plan. Staff originally anticipated that requests for funding through STP, TIl3 and other grant programs would be completed by the end of August. Because the federal government has not yet passed a transportation funding bill, the deadline to submit applications for STP funds is likely to extend through October. • 2004 Capital Improvement Projects. The three project timelines (4 Avenue/ Sullivan; Carnahan Sewer; Sipple Sewer) have extended by two months or less. They will still be completed in 2004. All other project timelines remain on track. • Manage and Update County Maintenance Contract. Staff originally intended to bring forward for Council consideration in May a plan for managing street maintenance. Instead, this task will be incorporated into the 2005 budget process. First reading of the budget ordinance is scheduled for October 2004. • Complete Six Year Stormwater Plan. This project was put on hold for 2004, due to shifts in staffing, and higher priority projects taking precedence. Community Development • Initiate the Development of Spokane Valley's First Comprehensive Plan. Three tasks — implementing a public participation program; integrating the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) into the development regulations; and establishing development regulations implementing the Comp Plan were originally intended to be completed in October. They are now expected to extend through December, and into 2005. Parks and Recreation • Develop a Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The first draft of the Plan was expected to be completed by the end of September. However, the consultant selection process took longer than anticipated, due to changes in staffing and additional time allowed for submittal of representative work and reference checks. Also, the consultant selected has proposed a full twelve month project schedule. The first draft is now anticipated to be released in Spring 2005 (early May). One of the tasks of the Master Plan project, the inventory of local resources and service providers, also has a change in timeline. It is expected to be completed by the end of October, rather than the end of August. • Oversee City's Parks Maintenance Contract. Parks maintenance services have been identified as one of the managed competition pilot projects. Therefore, the first task, identifying other potential service providers, is expected to be completed at the end of August instead of the end of June. • .Design, Build and Operate the Mirabeau Point CenterPlace Facility. Reconstruction of Mirabeau Springs has been extended through the end December, rather than completion by April as originally expected. This is due primarily to higher priority projects being managed by the same public works staff. Although opened to the public on schedule, the dedication of Mirabeau Meadows is projected to be completed Summary of Changes to 2004 City Workplan, continued June 26, 2004 Page 3 of 3 in September, rather than in June. One thought is to tie the dedication event to ValleyFest. The hiring of the CenterPlacc Manager has been extended through the end of December. The intent is to fill the position about six months prior to the building completion. Police. • Oversee. City's Police Contract. Some of the timelines have been extended to more closely coincide with the City's and the County's budget development processes. • Continuously Improve Overall Communication. Increasing awareness and partnerships with schools has been extended into a year -long endeavor. Expanding the agency identification has been extended as well. • Develop and Strengthen External Relations. Examining jurisdictional recognition and cooperation has been extended through the end of July to allow for increased opportunities. Operations and Administrative Services • Experiment with a Managed Competition .Program. The draft program was presented to Council in May instead of April, but the rest of the project is on track. • Continuously Improve Overall Communication. Developing the City's web site was increased through December, because it is an ongoing process. The City Code was finalized in May rather than in March as originally expected. In addition, the paperless agenda, to the extent Council desires this endeavor, is likely to be completed by the end of December rather than the end of July. This is prinnarily due to higher priority projects taking precedence. • Continue to Develop the City's Organizational Framework. Staff expected to finalize the City's administrative policies and procedures by the end of June. Due to other priorities, this project is likely to last through the end of December. • Oversee City's Service Contracts. Developing consistent language for general provisions of the County contracts is likely to be completed by the end of September, rather than June as originally anticipated. The long -term approach for library services was folded into the managed competition pilot project, extending its timeframe to the end of August, rather than the end of June. The fire annexation project was extended through September, due to the change in election date. • Develop and Strengthen External Relations. Participation on the regional animal control task force is expected to last through the end of the calendar year, rather than reaching completion by the end of August. This is due primarily to the length of time needed for the City of Spokane and Spokane County to gather necessary information. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY UPDATED FIVE -YEAR FORECAST DISCUSSION OUTLINE JUNE 26, 2004 1. Operations +General Fund * Assumptions * Updated financial projections — +Street Fund * Updated financial projections — potential deficits potential deficits II. Other Funds +Most are capital project funds Arterial Street Real estate excise tax #1 Trails and Paths Real estate excise tax #2 1\ iirabeaulCenterpl. Street Bond +Others are housekeeping or special purpose Room tax Stormwater Mgmt Debt Service Equip. Replacement Risk Management +These funds budget only the amount available IA. Capital Project Funds +Park needs - Mike +Street needs — Neil +Sewer needs - Neil 1 Options for closing budget gaps +General and Street Operations *Admissions tax $70,000 /year *Cost recovery of direct costs $30,000 /year *Utility tax $800,000 to $5 million/yr +Capital Project Funding *Impact fees — Parks $112,000 to $300,000 /year -City would need a study ($50,000 est.) and one year lead time *Impact fees — Transportation $112,000 to $450,000 /year -City would need a study ($100,000 est.) and one year lead time *Property tax supported debt at $.21 /m of taxable value $950,000/yr -STEP Program? +Six years +Pay as you go, borrow in spring -pay back in fall +Same rate as before incorporation +Need voter approval in September or November 2 City of Spokane Valley Draft Five -year Financial Plan Assumptions 06/17/2004 1) Maintain current service level and staffing 2) Continue to contract for services 3) Federal/State legislatures are cost neutral 4) Contract Settle & Adjust is cost neutral 5) Departmental budgets increased 6% - 7% per year 6) Public Safety budget 8 +% per year 7) Center Place calculated at a $380,000 deficit after 2004 8) I -864 is not implemented (would reduce prop. tax by $2.3 million) 0 3 General Fund Revenues: Sales Tax Property Tax Gambling Tax Leasehold Excise Tax Franchise Fees State Shared Revenues Planning & Building Fees Fines & Forfeitures Reaeation Program Fees Interfund Transfers Investment Interest Total General Fund General Fund Expenditures: Legislative Executive & Legislative Public Safety Deputy City Manager Finance Legal Human Resources Public Works Planning Building Library Parks Admin Recreation Aquatics Senior Center CenterPlace General Government Total General Fund 2003 9 -Month Actual $ 6.625,192 340,443 4,887 309,375 463,634 888,598 450,036 120,139 21 9223,618 $ 111,696 317,675 8,826,766 125,788 211,839 146,781 39,893 432,236 510,473 358,935 825 12,809 City of Spokane Valley Multiyear Financial Plan - General Fund 611612004 2004 Estimate 2005 Estimate 2006 Estimate $ 12,300,000 $12,400,000 $12,750,000 9,265,809 9,643,667 9,840,104 725,000 800,000 800,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 620,000 620,000 626,200 870,000 870,000 891,750 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 550,000 1,200, 000 1,200,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 122,500 36,000 42,500 18,000 50000 50,500 25 26 2426,054 $ 215,372 $ 296,299 $ 314,077 438,482 457,218 $ 484,651 14,093,990 15,600,000 ' 16,848,000 267,150 266,897 282,911 411,950 436,405 462,589 200,304 257,328 272,768 38,201 42,878 45,451 631,079 674,185 714,636 924,750 949,374 1,006,330 619,761 689,821 731,210 - 2,053,250 2,100,000 2,226,000 815,759 980,262 831,200 881,080 75,235 211,433 167,621 177,678 263,074 255,818 271,167 10,765 129,371 124,447 131,914 125,640 176,802 380,000 3 3 3 25,081 26,811,329 28,730,469 "Now budgeting gross receipts. Approx. 55% will be paid to state 2007 Estimate $12,877,500 10,038,505 800,000 5,000 632,462 914,044 1,100,000 1,200,000 120,000 42,500 51 27 $ 332,922 $ 513,730 18,195,840 299,885 490,345 289,134 48,178 757,514 1,066,717 775,083 2,359,560 933,945 188,339 287,437 139,829 300,000 2 000 29858,457 2008 Estimate $13,150,000 10,238,890 850,000 5,000 638,767 936,895 1,150,000 1,250,000 120,000 42,500 75 28,457,071 $ 352,897 $ 544,554 19,651,507 317,879 519,765 306,482 51,068 802,965 1,130,720 821,588 2,501,134 989,982 199,639 304,683 148,210 380,000 2,600,000 31,623,081 2009 Estimate $13,281,500 10,441,279 850,000 5,000 645,174 960,317 1,150,000 1,250,000 120,000 42,500 75 28,821,520 $ 374,071 $ 577,227 21,223,620 336,951 550,951 324,871 54,132 851,143 1,198,563 870,883 2,651,202 1,049,301 211,018 322,964 157,111 380,000 2,000 33 532. 000,000 531,000.000 530,000,000 529,000,000 526.000,000 527,000,000 526.000.000 525.000.000 General Fund Revenues /Expenditures June 2004 06117/2004 2004 2005 2006 �- Expenditures -i-- Revenues 2007 2008 T City of Spokane Valley 2005 Budget Worksheet - All Other Funds 6/22/2004 2003 9 -Month 2004' 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Actual Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate All Other Funds Revenues: Street Fund - Begrnning Fund Balance (loan repyrnt) 5,100,000 2,550.000 - - Motor Fuel Tax 1250000 1.200 1150 1,181,500 1,173,115 1,184,846 7,408,387 6,350,000 3,750.000 1,150,000 1,181,500 1,173,115 1.184,846 Arterial Street Fund 361,836 542,000 547,420 552,894 558,423 564,007 569.647 Trails & Paths Fund 12,800 5,500 5,555 5,611 5,667 5.723 Hotel/Motel Fund 205,273 340,000 343,400 340,834 350,302 353,805 357.343 Debt Service LTGO '03 Fund 581,000 553.000 590,000 596,100 597,000 606,200 Capital Projects Fund 513,001 840,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800.000 Special Capital Projects Fund 613,001 840,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 Street Capital Projects Fund 86,549 2,295,000 2,100.000 2.100,000 2,100,000 2.100,000 2.100.000 Parks Capital Projects Fund - - _ Miraboau Point Project Fund 7,135.477 2,800.000 3.000 Street Bond Capita) Projects 2,490.898 15,000 - . Stonnwater Management Fund 504,282 747.500 754,975 762.525 770,150 777,851 785.630 ER&R Fund 87,856 146.000 146,000 146,000 146,000 146,000 146,000 Risk Management Fund 6,378 137,500 153,000 176,000 199,000 222,000 250,000 Total All Other Funds 19,512,938 15,646.800 9,986,295 7.429,808 7,487,086 7,539,446 7,605,390 All Other Funds Expenditures Street Fund 1,294,329 3.773.184 4,973,257 5,205,625 5,446.155 5.699,723 5.967,085 Artenat Street Fund 86.549 309,000 547,420 552.894 558,423 564,007 569,647 Trails & Paths Fund - _ - HoteVMotel Fund 2.894 475.000 383.800 387.638 391.514 395,430 399,384 Debt Service LTGO '03 Fund 581.000 583,000 590.000 590,100 597,000 606,200 Capital Projects Fund 36,554 173,000 848,400 856,884 885,453 874,107 882.848 Special Capital Projects Fund - 293.000 848,400 856,884 865.453 874,107 882,848 Street Capital Projects Fund 195,401 2,295,000 3,920,000 4,608,000 5,134,000 4,482,000 4,569,000 Parks Capital Protects Fund - - 350.000 375,000 400.000 425,000 450,000 Mlrabeau Point Project Fund 165,634 9,500,000 300.000 - Street Bond Caprtal Projects 48,584 2,054.000 - Stormwater Management Fund 4,141 518,700 754.975 762,525 770.150 777.851 765,630 ER&R Fund 25.404 44,000 29,172 29,755 30,350 30,957 31,576 Risk Management FUDd 069 137,500 153,000 176,000 199,000 222,000 250, Total All Other Funds 1,860169 20 153 384 13.691,424 14 481 15,256,698 14,942 15,394,219 • Most funds will have a beginning fund balance to help finance annual expenditures $6.500,000 - $6.000,000 55,500,000 55.000, 000 $4,500,000 1 $4,000,000 1 - 53,500,000 - 53,000,000 52.500.000 52,000,000 51 500,000 $1,000,000 Street Fund Operating (Not Capitai) Revenues /Expenditures June 2004 06117/2004 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 t Expenditures Revenues 03 Spokane Valley Street Fund Revenue/Exp. Projections 16- Jun -04 Beg. Fnd Bal. Revenues Expend. Endg. Fnd Bal. 2003 $ 7,600,000 $ (2,500,000) $ 5,100,000 2004 $ - S 5,100,000 $ 1,250,000 $ (3,800,000) $ 2,550,000 'Assumes cost for street maintenance contract is $2 million in 2004, and $3 million thereafter 2005 2006 2007 2008 $ 2,550,000 $ (1,050.000) $ (4,700,000) $ (8,539,000) $ 1,206000 $ 1,150.000 $ 1,161,000 $ 1,173,000 $ (4,800,000) $ (4,800,000) $ (5,000,000) $ (5,000,000) $ (1,050,000) 3 (4,700,000) $ (6,539,000) $ (12,308,000) Operations General Fund Street Fund Capital Needs Parks est Streets Sewer Other? Total Caprttrl Operations General Fund Street Fund Capital Needs Parks Streets Otterr Total Capital Total 2005 ?QQS City of Spokane Valley Planning Session • Juno 26. 2004 Five -Year Projected Shortfall Summary 2006 • 2005 budget requests stotl being submrtted 2007 (400,000) (425,000) (450,000) (700,000) (900,000) (900.000) (914.000) (915.000) (993,000) (100.000) (100.000) (100.000) (.2.114,QQQ) (2,340,000) (2 443.000) 2008 $ 1200,000)' $j1 300,000) $(2 iQQQQQ) ; (3.100 _Q) $ (4,300.000) (1,000,0001 (3.600.0 (3.Q00.000) (3,800.090) _( QQ ) (500,000) (900,000) (1,027,000) (100.000) , _j2 527,000) February 7th Estimates 200 2007 2008 (350,000) (375.000) (400 000) (45.000) (1.700,000) (2,600,000) (3.000,000) (2,400,000) (100.000) (100,000) (100.000) (100,000) _x,150,000) - (3.075,000) (3.500.000) . 2.925.0001 114 $j69) S1 10o $(10,025,000) 2QQ9 (500,000) (900,000) (1,690.000) (100,000) (3,190 Total $(3,314,000) S(7,240.00) $(8,343, $ 1 ) $(11,790,000) 2009 S (500. $(1,200.000) S (2,300,000) $ (3.200.000) S (4,100.000) (1 600,000) (2.100,000) (3.300,000) (3 900.000) (4.700.000) (450.000) (2.500.000) (100,000) _050 Ss11,850 9 City of Spokane Valley Utility Tax Study 6/17(2004 Monthly Impact on Typical Household Impact Impact Impact Utility Type @ 1% (di 3• @ 6 %i Electric $ 0.60 $ 1.80 S 3 60 Natural Gas 0.70 2.10 4. Telephone 0.50 1 50 3 00 Refuse 030 0.90 1 80 TOTAL $ 2.10 $ 6.30 $ 12.60 Revenue Generated - Boundary Review Board Estimates Revenue Revenue Revenue Utility Type rca 1% (a 3% @ 6% Electric $ 427,000 $ 1,281,000 $ 2,562,000 Natural Gas 173,600 520,800 1,041,600 Telephone 453,600 1,360,800 2,721,600 Refuse 104,728 314,184 628368 TOTAL $ 1,158,928 S 3,476,784 $ 6,953,568 Conservative Adj. © 70% of Estimate $ 811,250 $ 2,433,749 $ 4 867,498 10 General Fund Street Fund Capital needs: Parks Streets Other? City of Spokane Valley Planning Session — February 7, 2004 Fie -Year Projected Shortfall Summary ;005 2006 $ 500,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 2,300,000 5 3,200,000 2007 1,600,000 2,100,000 3,300,000 3,900,000 350,000 375,000 1,700,000 2,600,000 100 L 000 100.000 400,000 3,000,000 100 000 2008 425,000 2,400,000 100,000 $ 4,100,000 4,700,000 450,000 2,500,000 100.000 Total $ 4.250.000 $ 6.375.000 5 9.100.000 $10.94.900 S I LS5O54._000 11 General Fund Revenues: Sales Tax Properly Tax Gambling Tax Leasehold Excise Tax Franchise Fees Stela Shared Revenues Planning & Building Fees Fines & Forfeitures Recre.Uon Program Fees Inietfund Transfers Investment Interest Total General Fund General Fund Expenditures: Legislative Executive & Legislative Public Safety Deputy CIIy Managar Finance Legal Human Resources Public Works Planning Building Library Parks Adrncn RecreaDun Aquatics Senior Center Center Place General Government Tulal General Fund 2003 9•MNuntlr Actual $ 6,625,192 340,443 4,887 309,375 463,634 000,590 450,030 120,139 21 0.223,610 $ 111,690 317,675 0.020.760 125.780 211.039 146,701 39,893 432,230 510,473 350,935 015,759 76,235 10,765 825 220 12009070 City ur Spokane valley 2005 Budget Worksheet • General Fund 2/312004 2004• Estimate $ 11.895.877 9,259,440 090.000 5.000 640,000 062,010 939,000 400.000 229,000 122,500 10000 26,001 $ 216,372 430,402 14,093,990 207.150 411,950 200,304 30,201 031,079 924,750 019,701 2,053250 980,262 211,433 203,074 129,371 125,540 3,477,002 26.081.039 • saws tax & property tax 'avenues were reduced by $1,275,000 curr ant estirrratss 2006 Estimate $ 12,014,036 9,452,040 090,000 5,000 046.400 904,806 939,000 000,000 229,000 42,500 18,180 28.641.843 $ 227,955 407,724 15,077,314 207231 442,709 209,007 40,765 076,010 961.1377 065,773 2.135.300 053,570 220,549 210,058 138,030 300,000 2 003.610 20 2000 Estimate 2007 Estimate 2000 Eslin'sts 2000 Estimate S 12,134,004 112.256,334 512,370,097 $ 12.502.686 9,040,501 9.043,020 10.041.457 10,241.071 0913,000 090,000 090.000 090,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 052.004 059,393 605,007 072,040 927,509 950,090 974.404 990,825 939.000 939,000 939,000 939,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 229,000 229,000 229,000 229,000 42,500 42,500 42,500 42,500 10 10 545 10731 18 26,886,779 26,233,406 20,5135 036 20, 940,447 $ 243,000 S 249,012 5 255,100 $ 201,603 500,335 525,954 553,027 501.030 10,129.454 17255,225 10, 459, 782 19,740,640 309,702 320,005 344,940 304,004 477.355 503,072 531,510 560,970 219,990 220,241 230.002 245.941 43,047 45,791 40,055 50,447 720,450 704,303 004,411 840,717 1,945,077 1.994,407 1,145,749 1,199,051 710,000 754,270 792,641 032.930 2,220,795 2,309,627 2,402,012 2,490,092 1,010,690 1,007,627 1,127,099 1.191.707 230,299 239,641 249,454 259,785 295,589 313.324 332,123 352,050 147,542 155,003 104,540 173,000 3130,000 380,000 300,000 300,000 2,373,220 2,330,244 2,005,789 1 27,071,995 28 29 31 end General Guvonunenl Experxi►tucen warn reiluccel by Urrr Sarno rernuunt to i .lk,d 2004 Work Plan [haft Project/Activity: Develop an Approach for Long -Term V‘ astewater Services~ (Council Goal 6) Tasks: • Complete Interlocal Agreement • Analyze Playfair Site • Complete State Revolving Fund Loan • Begin RFQ for DBO Firms Project/Activity: Manage County Engineering Contract Tasks: Determine Options for Service Delivery Recommend Options Council Approval of 2005 Plan Project/Activity: Develop Six Year Street Funding Plan Tasks: • Determine Annual Cost of Street Maintenance • Determine Annual Cost of Preservation Improvements • Determine Annual Cost of CDP (STP, 11B and other grant requests) • Develop Six Year Plan (inc. est. Preservation imp.) Project/Activity: Update Six Year Transportation Plan l asks: • Identify and Recommend New Projects • Conduct Public Hearing on Draft Plan • Council considers the Draft Plan • Submit STP, TIB and other Grant Regttest(s) City of Spokane Valley 2004 Work Plan Department: Public Works Jan Feb Jan Mar E eb Mar Mar Jan l ch Mar A Apr Feb May Ma May June J June July Aug My June July Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Nov Dec Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Dec Dec 2004 Work Plan Draft Project/Activity: 2004 Capital Improvement Projects Tasks: • Evergreen Avenue. 16"' Ave. to 2 Ave (Construction) • 16" Avenue, Dishman -Mica to Pines (Construction) • Park Road. 8"' Ave. to Appleway (Const • 4 Ave. and Sullivan Signal (Construction) • 24` Ave. Sidewalk project (Design & Construction) • Pines/Mansfield project (Design & ROW) • Barker Road Bridge (Design & ROW) • Barker Road Widening project (Design & ROW) • Carnahan Sewer Project (Design & Construction) • Sipple Sewer Project (Design & Construction) • Veradale Sewer Project (Design & Construction) • Weatherwood/Owens Sewer Prj. (Design & Constr.) • CenterPlnce (Construction) • Small Works Projects (Design & Construction) Project/Activity: Manage & Update County Maintenance Contract Tasks: • Identify improvements and changes for the 2005 Contract • Identify work for private contracting • Council considers Plan for 2005• • Develop service level descriptions and specifications • Develop service level options and costs •suhstantial changes in the contract require notification by lune I Project/Activity: Develop Stormwater Design Manual Tasks: • Develop Regional Manual w/ City of Spokane & County • Develop Spokane Valley Manuals •Council consideration of plan in 2005 2004 Work Plan Department: Public Works Continued Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July one Jul Aug Scp Oct No Nov Dec Dec 2004 Work Plan Draft Project/Activity: Complete Six Year Stortnwater Plan Tasks: • Identify and Recommend New Projects • Draft Six Year Plan • Council Approval of Plan Tasks: • Participate on regional committers and task forces, including: Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) SRTC - Transportation Technical Committee (fTC) Storm water regulation update (State DOE and County/City of Spokane regional plan) Utility Cut Policy (County and City of Spokane) Bridging the Valley Light Rail Technical Committee Regional Solid Waste Board Council of Engineering Companies - Washington (CECW) 2004 Work Plan Department: Public Works Continued Jan Jan Feb Mar Apr Project/Activity: Develop and Strengthen Liter-nal Relations (Council Goal 5) Feb Mar May June July June Jul Aug Project on Hold A ScP I Oct Nov Oct Nov Dec Dec 2004 Work Plan Draii Project/Activity: Initiate the Development of Spokane Valley's First Comprehensive Plan (Council Goal 2) Tasks: • Complete the initial draft of the Comp Plan, including the land use, transportation, economic development, housing, parks and recreation, utilities, capital facilities and natural environment elements. • implement a public participation program. • Integrate the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) into the development regulations. • Establish development regulations implementing the Comp Plan in a uniform Land Dev. Code, to include subdivision requirements, zoning regs, development standards, building codes and engineering details. • Develop a strategic annexation program. Project/Activity: Continuously Improve Overall Communication (Council Goal 3) l asks: • Publish all Planning Commission agendas, Comp Plan and development regulation drafts on the web • Develop informational brochures, including Everything You Wanted to Know about Getting a Building Permit and Development 101 in Spokane Valley, • Initiate development of an interactive web -based GIS. Project/Activity: Develop and Strengthen Eternal Relations (Council Goal 5) Tasks: • Participate on regional committees, such as CDBG; Growth Management; STA/Light Rail; and 2060 Funds. City of Spokane Valley 2004 Work Plan Department: Planning and Community Development Jan Feb Mar Apr 1 Ma June July All Sep h I Jan Feb Mar Jan Feb Mar Apr Apr May Oct June Jul Au ! Se . Oct June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Dec Nov Dec 2004 Work Plan Draft Project/Activity: Review proce to improve customer service and employee productivity. I • Cross train/cettify code compliance and bldg inspection staff. • Streamline permit issuance, dev. review and inspection pnreesscs w/ a goal for same -day inspections and predictable (48 -96 hour) turnaround on plan review. • Enhance use of the Web to conduct business, including inspection reporting. 2004 Work Plan Department: Planning and Community Development Continued Jan Feb Mar June Jul Aug Sep Oct 2004 Work Plan Draft Project/Activity: Develop a Parks and Recreation Master Plan (Comp. Plan - (' ouncil Coal 2) Tasks: • Advertise a 'Request for Qualifications'. • Short list Request for Proposals. Conduct interviews. Take selected proposal to City Council and finalize contract. • Inventory local resources and service providers. Conduct a needs assessment. Set service standards. Develop recommendations_ • Complete the first draft. • Conduct council and public reviews. • Finalize plan for council adoption Jan Project/Activity: Oversee City's Parks Maintenance Contract 'rocks' • Evaluate parks maintenance contract and identify other potential service providers. • Negotiate a contract for services in 2005 and beyond_ Project/Activity: Determine 2004 summer recreation options Tasks: • inventory of recreation options within the communit . and present to Council (Finalized as a component of Master Plan). • Develop and implement summer recreation project. City of Spokane Valley 2004 Work Plan Department: Parks and Recreation Jan Feb Feb Mar Apr Jan Feb Mar Apr May 1 June I I I Mar Apr May May June July July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec June July Aug Aug Sep Oct Sep Oct Nov Dec Nov Dec • 2004 Work Plan Draft Project/Activity: Design, build and operate the Mirabeau Point CenterPlace facility Tasks: • Manage the const. phase of Center Place to ensure the facility meets the timeline for occupancy in 2005. • Overlook reconstruction/repair of Mirabeau Springs • Coordinate dedication for Mirabcau Meadows Park. • Meet with ad hoc committee to determine the future operation of the Senior Center • Hire CenterPlace Manager and develop a work plan. 2004 Work Plan Department: Parks and Recreation Continued Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2004 Work Plan Draft Project/Activity: Oversee City's Police Contract 1 asks: • Evaluate the cost effectiveness and allocation of resources in the 2003 contract, and project impacts for 2004. • Examine and assess pros/cons of other agency contracts • Develop and refine a Tong -term contract approach_ • Evaluate benefits of grant funded positions. i.c. Grant Manager • Negotiate 2005 police contract. • Analyze and project infrastructure costs including. radio, jail, GPS monitoring and booking. Project/Activity: Participate in the Law Enforcement rasks: • Ikvelop process for identification of measurable service level. increase/decrease based on factors such as population increase, business impactltraftic related issues. Jan ti City of Spokane Valley 2004 Work Plan Department: Police Feb Mar Apr May June 1 Project/Activity: Continuously Improve Overall Communication (Council Goal 3) Tasks: Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma y June • Maintain and increase citizen involvement on the Advisory Board, SCOPE, Cadets, etc. • Increase awareness and partnership with schools on subjects such as gluts, drugs and gangs. • Expand the overall agency identification. I I I ' • Increase the public awareness of crime stats/UCRsiresponse times through education. Jan Feb Mar Apr May July Aug June July July Aug Aug Sep Oct Aspects of the Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan - Council Goal 2) Sep Nov Dec Oct Nov Dec I 11 1 111 A 1, Oct Nov Dec 2004 Work Plan Draft 2004 Work Plan Department: Police Continued Project/Activity: Develop and Strengthen External Relations (Council Goal 5) Tasks: Jan Feb Mar Apr • Examine jurisdictional recognition. independence and interagency cooperation. • Achieve legislative recognition with W.S.C.J.T.C. (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and W.S.T.S.C. (Washington State Traffic Safety Commission) training. • Expand EMS planning and education to more involve the City. May June July 2004 Work Plan Draft Project/Activity: Experiment with a Managed Competition Program (Council Coal 1 Tasks: • Conduct research on managed competition programs. • Present draft program to Council, including initial service areas. • Implement 2004 program. Project/Activity: Continuously Improve Overall Communication (Council Goal 3) Jan Feb Mar I Apr May Casks: • Further develop the City's web site to enhance citizen participation. • Codify City ordirumces into a City Code. • Move Council meetings to paperlcss agenda. • Develop and implement the Council Action Tracking System. • Publish Facts and Figures - City of Spohenc Valley, to include demographics, permit activity, City contact information, etc. Jan Project/Activity: Develop and Evaluate options for a City Hall Tasks: • Identify options for consideration_ • Analyze costs and benefits of options. • Solicit public input and select option. City of Spokane Valley 2004 Work Plan Department: Operations and Administrative Services Jan Feb Mar Feb Mar Apr May June June July July June . July Aug Aug immilL imm i lmestskro Aug Sep Oct Nov Sep Oct Nov Dec Dec Sep Oct Nov Dec 2004 Work Plan Draft Project/Activity: Continue to develop the City's organizational framework. Tasks: • Systematically review and revise the CIty's job descriptions. • Finalize the City's administrative policies, procedures, forms and reports. • Develop a disaster recovery plan for information technology. • Develop an employee recognition program. • Develop and implement an employee Commute trip Reduction program in compliance with State law • improve internal controls. Project/Activity: Oversee City's service contracts Tasks: • Assess cost elTectiveness of court- related contracts. • Review all City service contracts to ensure consistency on general provisions. • Negotiate renewals for contracts expiring December 2004. • Develop a Tong -term approach for library services. • Work with Fire Districts I & 8 to create and distribute informational materials for the fire annexation election. City of Spokane Valley 2004 Work Plan Department: Operations and Administrative Services Continued Jan Feb Mar A Ma I June Ju se 2004 Work Plan Dra Tasks: • Participate on Regional Animal Control bask Force. • Participate on Regional Cable Advisory Board and begin negotiations for a cable franchise. Tasks: • Review Council Goals/Retreat information. • Estimate revenues • Estimate Expenditures • Identify financial issues • Identify options for consideration. • Present to Council. • Incorporate Plan into 2005 Budget_ City of Spokane Valley 2004 Work Plan Department: Operations and Administrative Ser 'ices Continued Project/Activity: Develop and Strengthen External Relations (Council Goal 5) Jan Feb . Mar Project/Activity: Develop a Five - year Strategic Financial Plan (Council Goal 4) Jan Feb Mar Apr Apr May May June July Aug I 1 June July Aug Sep Sep Oct Oct Nov Nov Dec