2004, 09-21 Study Session• AGENDA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL WORKSHEET STUDY SESSION Tuesday, September 21, 2004 CITY HALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor Please Turn Off All Electronic Devices During the Meeting DISCUSSION LEADER SUBJECT /ACTIVITY GOAL 1. Marina Sukup (90 minutes) Economic Analysis Chnrrettc for Sprague- Presentation /Discussion Appleway Corridor 2 Evan Marques, Spokane Presentation of Traffic Impact on Couplet Valley Business Association (15 minutes) 3. Dave Mercier, Nina Rcgor, Budget Discussion Presentation/Discussion Ken Thompson (30 minutes) 4. Mayor DeVlcming 5. Dave Mercier 6. [)avc Mercier Stud. Session Agenda, 09 -21.04 Advance Agenda Additions Council Check in City Manager Comments -4/e 6:00 p.m. Presentation/Discussion Discussion/Information D isc u i wdI n fonnation Discussion/Information Note Except as noted above. there will be no public cotnments at Council Study Sessions. however. Council always reserves the right to request information from the public and staff as appropriate. w4 -. 11C E Individuals *inns w nnat.1 the vicuna$ who regwlrt ) CCtai assistance to ac in n od Ic ptrystt al, beet mg, or ethic laystrmentit. please contact Mr City Oak a* (Si19? 9214000 as tarn na possible so that arra y pmts ma. he mt Page 1of1 di BACKGROUND: ATTACHMENTS None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 21, 2004 City Manager Sign-off Item: Check all that apply ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ informal on ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Economic Analysis Charrette for Sprague - Appleway Corridor GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A The City of Spokane Valley hired ECONorthwest to evaluate the economic impacts of different transportation and land use options in the Sprague!Appleway Corridor. ECO is meeting with agency staff and other stakeholders on Monday, September 20, to discuss preliminary findings. Based on its analysis and the results of those meetings, ECO will present its draft findings and recommendations to the City Council on September 21. Based on comments received by the Council and City staff (at the meeting and afterward), it will prepare its final report anticipated to be issued in late October. OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS N/A STAFF CONTACT Marina Sukup, Community Development Director it Gonzaga Economic Study of Sprague Avenue Business and Property Owners Prepared by Evan Marques - -- August 11, 2004 • J[ 1 it 110.*k`*: '! • r 1 Spokane Valley Business Association www.svba.us P.O. Box 14485, City of Spokane Valley, Washington 99214 In-depth study of data acquired from business and property owners between Fancher and University Conducted by Evan Marques, Gonzaga student •.: Supervised by Dr. Scott Bozman, Professor of Business and Marketing Introduction 4r. i 3 PamWen& PM' : a _ -- Mlllwo ae rark e, Sprague Avenue 1 • Main street of Spokane Valley Economic success of the city depends upon the success of the business district Historically has provided tax base for the county and city General contention is 1 -way traffic has impacted sales and consequently property values Impulse businesses are along the "going to work" 1 -way, when convenience purchases are unlikely to occur Purpose VIM 1• I• Determine economic impact on Sprague businesses as a result of the change from 2- way to 1 -way Suggest potential solutions to rebuild economic success on Sprague Show results of Market Research conducted in one - on -one interaction with owners Provide awareness for decision making officials and the public about the health and vitality of Sprague businesses • Other factors may have impacted Sprague General belief among cooperating owners is 1 -way traffic has impacted business �• Impact could be positive or negative Determined which business experienced corresponding impacts It was unclear what exactly had happened 130 businesses between Fancher and University and 105 owners provided responses to the survey questions Background t 11111 041111.1 - 70 of the 105 businesses provided a percentage change in sales for the last 4 years 22 reported an increase or stagnant sales with an average of 10% 58 reported decreased sales of an average of 27% Results - Graph #1 Decrease or Increase In Business Along Sprague Avenue - 2514 -20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% Results - Graph #2 Convenience Shopping Argonne - University Fancher - Argonne North Side of Sprague South Side of Sprague Overall Decline In Business Overall Declines in Business By Segment 0% 10% 20% 3096 Results - Graph #2 Continued Convenience: 31 businesses, economic decline of 30.0% Shopping: 39 businesses, economic decline of 10.9% Argonne- University: 32 businesses, economic decline of 29.5% • Fancher- Argonne: 38 businesses, economic decline of 10.7% North side of Sprague: 34 businesses, economic decline of 27.0% South side of Sprague: 36 businesses, economic decline of 12.1% 1• Overall: 70 businesses, economic decline of 19.1% c; Standard Deviation: 27.3% cf Median: 18.8% Results - Gra.h #3 Convenience Shopping Argonne - University Fancher- Argonne North S►de of Sprague South Side of Sprague All of Sprague Change Sprague Avenue Back to a 2 -way ■ No U Yes 20% 40% 50% BO% 100% 94 Owners Responded Convenience: 36 yes, 8 no (81.8%, 18.6%) • Shopping: 32 yes. 16 no (66.7 %, 33.3 %) • Argonne- University: 37 yes. 11 no (77.1%, 22.9 %) • Fancher- Argonne: 31 yes, 17 no (64.6 %, 35.4 %) North Side: 33 yes, 12 no (73.3 %, 26.3 %) South Side: 35 yes. 14 no (71.4 %, 28.6%) Overall: 68 yes, 26 no (72.3 %, 27.7 %) Results - Graph #4 Taxable Retail Sales Dollars For Businesses Meeting Criteria $ 400.000.000 $ 400.000.000 $ 350.000.000 S 300,000,000 $ 250.000.000 $ 200.000.000 $ 150.000 000 $ 100.000, 000 s 50000.000 0 ■ 2000 • 2001 O 2002 0 2003 Data was gathered through the Department of Revenue by turning in a list UBI Tax Registration Number for Sprague Businesses Exclusions include absentee owners outside of Washington, within a larger corporation, business had a different name, tax information did not have four years of data Results include car dealers which skew the results because of their substantially larger sales dollars Vacancy Results 39 vacancies were counted along Sprague An additional 17 businesses are considering moving. consider closing, are moving, or are closing With an estimated 4 employees per vacancy. the total Toss of jobs is 196 or 1.87 per business According to the 2000 Census. Per Capita Income for Spokane County is $19,233 so the total loss of income on Sprague is $3,769.688 per year 1h t1 M_F7r Analysis 1• Car dealers have had considerably more success than everyone else, primarily because most have access both to Appleway and Sprague Improvements within the 1 -way system include better signage, lower speed limits, less lanes, and more aesthetically pleasing Some feel nothing can be done outside of converting Sprague back in order to revive the Sprague economy and attract new businesses Possible positive and negative consequences for the three futures for Sprague Avenue Solution #1: Leave it the way it is. • :: Solution #2: Extend Sprague as a 1 -way as the couplet is extended. Solution #3: Return Sprague 2 -way. Conclusions • i _ 1 a Par 11116. .r :. , IOW ....i '' \' . • - 4110P 1, 1 • •••••• ` •• • Air • 1 111111111 0 ' •01111v - Questions? ft 1141111 1/#* • Igr 4 Alto CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 21, 2004 City Manager Sign -off Item: Check all that apply ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing x information ❑ admin report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2005 Budget Report/Discussion GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: City Manager Mercier will further review the 2005 Budget information. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS STAFF CONTACT: Dave Mercier ATTACHMENTS DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of September 15, 2004 4:00 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings September 28, 2004 Reeular r%leetine. 6 :00 p.m. 'due date Thursday September 161 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Minutes, Accounts Payable. Payroll 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Regarding Clear View Triangles - Marina Sukup [5 minutcs] 3. Second Reading Proposed Vacation Ordinance STV - 04 - 04 (alley) Marina Sukup [5 minutes] 4. Proposed Fcc Resolution (fences) - Tom Scholtens [5 minutes] 5. Administrative Reports: [no public comment] a. Regional Convention & Visitor's Bureau Update, Tourism Prom. Budget - Ron Anderson [ 10 minutes) b. Administrative Report on CDBG Application Process - Greg McCormick [ 10 minutes] c. Overview of Draft Comprehensive Plan - Marina Sukup /Greg McCormick [90 minutes] d. Boundary Review Board Process - Cary Driskell [ 10 minutes] e. Scooters (safety /nuisance) - Cary Driskell [ 15 minutes] 6. Information Only: [no public comment] a. Departmental Monthly Reports b. Minutes of Planning Commission [estimated meeting: 150 minutes•] October 5, 2004 Study Session 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday September 23] I. Department 2005 Budget Highlights/Workplan - Department Directors (90 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Additions - Mayor DeV leming 3 Council Check -in - Dave Mercier 4. Facilitation Process - Dave Mercier /Stan McNutt (60 minutes) 5. Ad 1(oc Library Committee Appointments -Nina Regor (10 minutes) 6. City Manager Comments - Dave Mercier TOTAL. MINUTES: 160 Max. mtg. time: 150 minutes October 12, 2004 Regular Meetine 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday September 301 1. PUBLIC HEARING: First hearing on 2005 Proposed Budget - Ken Thompson [ 15 minutes] 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Minutes, Accounts Payable, Payroll 3, Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Concerning Public Record Indexes - Chris Bainbridge [5 minutes] 4. First Reading: Proposed 2005 Annual Property Tax Ordinance - Ken Thompson [ 15 minutes] 5. Motion Consideration:Planning Commission Mayor Appts. (effective 1 /1 /05)- Mayor DeVleming [10 min] 6. Administrative Reports: [no public comment] a_ Sign Code Committee Update - David Crosby/Marina Sukup [ 10 minutes] b. Fire Codc Report - Tom Scholtens (10 minutes] c. Massage Parlors/Bath Houses Regulations - Cal Walker [ 10 minutes] d. Report on CDBG Project Ideas - Greg McCormick [ 10 minutes] e. Budget Discussion: Street Fund - Neil KerstenfKen Thompson [30 minutes] f. Industrial Pretreatment Update -Neil Kersten [20 minutes] g. Centennial Trail Maintenance - Mike Jackson [10 minutes] h. Ad Hoc Library Committee - Nina Regor [ 10 minutes] 7. Inforration Only: [no public comment] (estimated meeting: 155 minutes`) Draft _Advance Agenda 911 512004 3:56 PM Page 1 of 3 October 19, 2004 Study Session 6:00 p.m. due date 1. PUBLIC REARING: CDBG Projects 2. Motion Consideration: CDBG Project Selection 3. Code Enforcement Update - Tom Schottens/Chris Berg 4. Panhandling Research Report - Cary Driskell/Cal Walker 5. Water Safety Regulations Discussion - Cary Driskell 6. Helmet Safety issue Research Update - Cary Driskell 7. Budget Discussion - Dave Mercier 8. Special Events Ordinance Amendments Discussion - Cal Walker 9. B3 Uses in 12 Zones - Marina Sukup 10 Scooters (safety. nuisance) - Cary Driskell 11. Advance Agenda Additions - Mayor DeVleming 12. Council Check -in - Dave Mercier 13. City Manager Comments - Dave Mercier Draft Ad ancc Agcndn 9/15(2004 3:56 PM Thursday. October 7] TOTAL MINUTES: 150 October 26. 2004 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. 1. PUBLIC REARING: Final 2005 Budget Nearing 2. Second Reading: Proposed 2005 Annual Property Tax Ordinance - Ken Thompson 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting 2005 Budget - Ken Thompson 4. First Reading Proposed PUD Amendments - Marina Sukup 5. Proposed Resolution Amending Fee Resolution for 2005 - Ken Thompson [due date Thursday, October November 2.2004 Study Session 6:00 p.m. due date Thursday, October 211 1. Motion Consideration: Approving Spokane County Intcrlocal Agreement Authorizing $10,000 for Consulting Services for Wastewater Alliance Research - Neil Kcrstcn 2. Spokane Valley. Arts Council - DeeDee Loberg (pending ennfrrrnatiuni 3. Winter Snow llandling Report - Neil Kersten (10 minutes) (5 minutes) (30 minutes) (10 minutes) (15 minutes) (10 minutes) (30 minutes) (10 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) Max. mtg. time: 150 minutes 14] 110 minutes] [ 5 minutes] [ 10 minutes] 110 minutes] [ 10 minutes] 6. Motion Consideration: Authorizing City Manager to Negotiate Agreements for Service Providers for Library and Park Services - Nina Regor [20 minutes] 7. Administrative Reports: a. Proposed Amendment to Criminal Code -Noise (Blasting & boombox vehicles) - Cary Driskell 110 mins] b. infractions for Violation of Park Rules Discussion - Cary Driskell [ 10 minutes] [estimated meeting: 85 minutes "] November 9, 2004 Regular hieetine 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, October 28] 1. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting 2005 Budget - Ken Thompson [5 minutes] 2. Mayor Appointments: Boards and Committees - Mayor DeVleming [ 15 minutes] 3. Second Reading Proposed PU.) Agreement - Marina Sukup [5 minutes] November 16. 2004 Study Session 6:00 p.nt. (due date Thursday, November 41 Council Officer Selections - Chris Bainbridge (20 minutes) 2 o t 1 (10 minutes) (20 minutes) (15 minutes) • November 23, 2004 NO MEETING November 30, 2004 Regular Alerting 6:011 p.m. (due date Thursday, November 181 December 7, 2004 Studs Session 6:00 p.m. (due date MONDA! November 291 December 14, 2004 Regular Meetine 6:00 p.m. (due date Thursday, December 21 December 21. 2004 Study Session 6:00 p.m. (due date Thursday, December 91 December 28, 2004 Re uIar Meetine 6:00 p.m. (due date Thursday, December 161 OTHER PENDING AND /OR UPCOMING ISSUES: Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 04 -007 Stormwater — Stanley' Schwartz (first reading 02- 24 -04) Second Reading Proposed Sidewalk Ordinance 04 -012 — Stanley Schwartz (first reading 02- 24 -04) First Reading Proposed Sewer Ordinance — Neil kersten Pines/Mansfield Update —Stanley Schwartz February 12. 2005 — Half -Day CounciL/Staff Retreat MEETINGS TO BE SCHEDULED I open house — wastewater issues (To Be Announced) [• estimated meeting time does not include time for public comments] Draft Advance Agenda 9 /15/2004 3:56 PM Page 3 of 3