2003, 08-11 Budget Retreat• I AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP/BUDGET RETREAT Monday, August 11, 2003 6:00 P.M. CITY HALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor Council Requests All Electronic Devices be Turned Off During Council Meeting 1. Call to Order by Mayor Michael DeVleming 2. Vision Statement — Nina Regor 3. Mission Statement — Nina Regor 4. Overview of Budget Limitations — Ken Thompson A. Property Tax — Limited Increase B. Contract Increases C. Salary Schedule Step Increases D. Repayment of Loans E. Other 5. Selecting Five Focus Areas (Goals) for 2004 — Ken Thompson A. Review 2003 Priorities B. Food For Thought — Goal Suggestions from Staff - Attached C. Ground rules 1. No nght or wrong goals 2. No value statements regarding goals 3. A council exercise 4. Staff here to answer questions D. Council Brainstorms Goals E. Review of Suggested Goals 1. Combine 2. Modify 3. Delete F. Council Selects Top Five Goals 6. Next Steps 7. Other Adjournment Proposed Vision for the City of Spokane Valley To preserve our Quality of Life The community of the city: • Honors diversity and freedom, • Values innovation, participation and unity, • Promotes deliberative growth opportunities for individual, business and academia, • Provides public processes that are inclusive, • Maintains the ability to "know your neighbor," • Provides community events that bring residents together, • Accommodates a broad spectrum of spiritual values, • Welcomes newcomers and promotes their involvement in the community, and • Promotes arts and cultural programs for all ages. Deliver government of, by and for the people through: • The spirit of innovation and vitality (a "can -do" environment), • Providing a safety net for the people against aggravated crime, • Partnership with citizens through volunteerism in boards and commissions, • Providing quality services, • A sense of identity and ownership by neighborhoods working together to energize each, • Determined stewardship of tax dollars, with moderate tax rate and bonds for major projects, and • A fiscally conservative outlook. Support economic vitality • Promote quality job opportunities for residents, enhancing tax base, • Encourage entrepreneurship, • Provide balance between jobs and housing, • Design and encourage "mixed -use" development, providing housing close to jobs, • Promote coordination of business activities, and • Stimulate sustainable business. Responsible Growth Plan will: • Channel inevitable growth into specific development goals, • Preserve quality of life by developing infrastructure with growth, • Preserve residential community and open natural areas by concentrating on urban development in the center of city, and • Preserve property rights balanced by community health, safety and welfare Efficient transportation system and infrastructure to: • Promote public transit, linking neighborhoods with city center and other communities, • Include mass transit, linking city center and corporate campus with economic and leisure hubs of adjacent communities, • Minimize traffic congestion, • Embrace light rail, • Promote pedestrian - friendly streets, • Fnsure adequate water and sewer systems, embracing conservation, and • Ensure safe transportation for youth to school. -2- • Proposed Vision for City of Spokane Valley Preservation of our heritage and the environment, by: • Providing parks and recreational opportunities, • Promoting a balance between open spaces and development, • Maintaining clean air and water, • Actively promoting efficient use of natural resources, • Safeguarding against outside impacts that reduce quality of life, • Not succumbing to special interest groups, • Encouraging active information about our community, and • Promoting link between past and future. Quality culture, environment and play, through: • Maintaining "outdoor" activity spirit with bike and pedestrian paths, • Parks, trails, sports and cultural arts that cater to active life styles, • Partnering with schools to develop facilities, parks and services, • Building performing and cultural arts center, and • Preserving our natural resources, wildlife, vistas, rivers, streams and pastoral settings. Caring for our own, we will: • Support strong student achievement, educational institutions and leadership, • Provide opportunities for current and future generations, • Expand adult education options, • Provide leadership and mentor programs for youth, • Ensure coordination between schools and civic organizations • Maintain a good library system, • Provide youth activities, for both team and individual interest, and • Require greater participation by citizens toward improving their individual situations. This proposed vision statement prepared by the Finance i'Administration/Facilities Committees. October 1, 2002 -3-- CONCERNING VISION STATEMENT FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY A city is a group of innovative, interesting, concerned people of varied economic means, joined together by area boundaries. By focusing on the diversity of its people and land, and using this knowledge as a basis for each decision, the new city will maintain its identity. Also, to be identified as the unique place it is, it should also have its own name. The new city vision will not be easily achieved. It will take efforts and cooperation between the public sector, neighborhood groups, business, schools and individuals to maintain our current high quality of life, and yet grow gracefully, remaining a healthy and desirable community. October 1, 2002 ue r =" r_ {. = 1 1 . -. It is the mission of the City of .Spokane t "ally - • To take upon ourselves the governing of our own destiny; • To provide public safety as a lop priority of the community; • To partner with its citizens, its businesses, and its education system ta-mein -min personal and economic vitality; and • To ensure that the special needs of the city are addressed - in a responsive and responsible manner. - The above mission statement is modeled after the format of the mission statement utilized by the city of Federal Way, Washington. Proposed Mission Statement For the City of Spokane Valle • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 8 - 1 1 - 03 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business XX new business El public hearing xx Information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Discussion of Goals for 2004 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Goals for 2003 were identified by the Council earlier this year. BACKGROUND: A study session has been scheduled for Monday, August 11, 2003, to discuss possible City goals for 2004. The City of Spokane Valley does not have adopted vision and mission statements. Mission statements speak to what you are committed to...the higher purpose you serve in the work that you do. Your vision statement describes what, over time, you see yourself accomplishing while serving your higher purpose. Prior to the 2004 Budget discussion, there will be an opportunity to begin discussion on these statements. Attached as a reference is an October 2002 proposed vision and mission. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: The City Council will identify City Goals for 2004. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: City Council goals will be of assistance to staff in the preparation of the 2004 budget. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance & Administrative Services Director ATTACHMENTS -6- City of Spokane Valley Food For Thought — Possible Goals from Staff August 11, 2003 1. Manage the Construction Phase of the MIr abeau Point CenterPlace Project so that the facility meets the timeline for occupancy in 2005. 2. Experiment with a Managed Competition Program designed to identify alternative service providers at more economical rates than accorded by current service providers. 3. Initiate the Development of the First Comprehensive Plan for Spokane Valley that will create the City's long -term vision and link transportation system improvements to land use goals that support achieving the adopted vision. 4. Overall Communication. 5. Develop a Five -Year Strategic Financial Plan that forecasts revenues and expenses as well as identifies funding and financial challenges and options. 6. Develop and Strengthen External Relations that advance the interests of Spokane Valley through interaction and advocacy with neighboring jurisdictions, the state legislature, funding boards and commissions, the congressional delegation and statewide and national municipal organizations. 7. Determine if N► are Going to Contract or Annex Library District, or start our own. 8. Determine if we are going to contract or annex Fire District, or start our own. 9. Assess Cost Effectiveness of Court - Related Contracts and determine if we should provide these services ourselves. 10. Manage Contracts ■ith Spokane County and Others for public works services and construction. 11. Provide Engineering Services to support City Projects and the City's planning and building activity. 12. Seek Grant Support for City public works projects. 13. Develop a Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 14. Initiate Development of an Interactive Web -Based GIS. 15. Publish all Planning Commission Agendas. Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulation Drafts on the Internet. - 7- City of Spokane Valley Food For Thought — Possible Goals from Staff, Continued August 11, 2003 16. Initiate Records Storage and Retrieval System. 17. Publish "Facts & Figures- Citv of Spokane V'allev " to include demographics. permit activity, the names and addresses of elected City, county, and state officials. etc. 18. Streamline Permit Issuance and Inspection Processes with a goal of same day inspections and predictable (48-96 hour) turnaround on plan review. 19. Cross- training and Certification of Code Compliance and Building Inspections PersonneL 20. Informational Brochure - "Everything you wanted to know about getting a Building Permit" 21. In cooperation with other departments and agencies, Establish Development Regulations Implementing the Comprehensive Plan in a Uniform Land Development Code., to include subdivision requirements, zoning regulations, development standards, building codes and engineering details. 22. Streamline Development Review Processes to include all reviewing departments and agencies. 23. Informational Brochure – "Development 101 in Spokane Valley ". 24. Enhance Citizen Self -Help Area. 25. Develop and Implement a Public Participation Program for the Comprehensive Plan. Public participation techniques include electronic newsletter. public information brochures, citizen surveys, informational meetings with citizen groups, neighborhoods, and other special interest groups. 26. Complete Initial Draft on the Citv's Comprehensive Plan, specifically the land use, transportation, parks and recreation, and capital facilities elements. Consultant assistance may be required for the transportation, parks and recreation. and capital facilities elements. 27. State Environmental Policv Act (SEPA) Integration into the comprehensive planning process. Consultant assistance anticipated to comply with the SEPA requirements of the comprehensive plan.