2004, 10-05 Study SessionEmployee Introduction - Greg AirCormlck Study Session Agenda. 100344 AGENDA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL WORXSIIF,ET STUDY SESSION Please Turn OfT A!! Electronic Devices During the Meeting DISCUSSION LEADER SUBJECT/ACTIVITY 6,0 Tuesday, October 5, 2004 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor COAL 1 Nina Regor ( minutes) Mayoral Appointments: Ad Hoc Library Committee Approve Appointments !public comment) 2. 'Nina Regar (90 minutes) Department 2005 Budget 1lighlightsiWorkplan Discussion/Information 3. Stan McNutt (60 minutes) Facilitation Process Discussionllnformation 4. Mayor Delilcming Advance Agenda Additions Discussion/Informati:1n (5 minutes) 5. Dave Mercier City Manager Comments Discussion/Information (5 minutes) Nate. Esrey( as noted abase. there wUl be no public comments at Council Study Sessions. However. Council ■Iways reserves the right to request information from the public and staff as appropriate. NOME tndmduat► ptawung to attend the tsserung wbo r geiae rpacud musts= to accommodate phytiral hcnnnt. ut utha tmpaustetnt:, plume ewuscs the City Clerk at n 5491921 - 11144 as won as possible so that arrangements may be mode CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 5 2004 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Mayoral Appointments: Nominations to Ad Hoc Library Committee GOVERNING LEGISLATION: At the September 14, 2004 Council meeting, Councilmember Munson explained that he had the impression that the community feels a decision has been made concerning library services; and that he wanted to make sure people understand that no decision has been made and no decision will be made until after September 28 when the proposals are due to be received; and to insure we get good, complete citizen input, he recommended forming an ad hoc committee. After discussion on the makeup of the committee, it was moved, seconded and approved to form a seven member ad hoc Committee consisting of two Councilmembers and five members of the public. Applications were solicited via an ad placed September 24, 2004 in the Valley News Herald and in the Spokesman Review, and a notice was also placed on the City's webpage. Eight applications were received within the time period allowed, and copies of all applications were distributed to all Councilmembers. OPTIONS: 1. Approve the Mayor's Nominations 2. Choose not to approve 3. Take other action deemed appropriate by council. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve the Mayor's nominations of two Councilmembers and five citizens to the Ad Hoc Library Committee BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor ATTACHMENTS None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 5, 2004 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent g old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Department 2005 Budget Highlights/Workplan GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State budget laws govern the overall process. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: There have been several budget - related topics discussed at Council meetings over the past several weeks, in compliance with state budget law and according to the City's budget calendar. BACKGROUND: The purpose of this agenda item is to summarize each department's major goals and activities for 2005. Once the City's budget is adopted, a more complete City workplan will be presented for Council consideration. This presentation focuses on 2005. Highlights of 2004 accomplishments, which are included in draft form in the proposed budget, will be presented to Council closer to the end of the year. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide feedback on proposed department goals and activities. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed 2005 budget provides the basis for the department goals and activities included in this presentation. STAFF CONTACT: David Mercier, City Manager; Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Cal Walker, Police Chief; Neil Kersten, Public Works Director; Marina Sukup, Community Development Director; Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director; Ken Thompson, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS Powerpoint Presentation 2005 Preliminary Budget Department Highlights City of Spokane Valley Department Directors October 5, 2004 Executive & Legislative Support (pp. 36 — 37) Adopt Spokane Valley's first Comprehensive Plan Enact a Uniform Development Code Recompose the five -year financial forecast into a six - year strategic financial plan Advance the interests of Spokane Valley through effective external relations Collaborate with wastewater dischargers and regulatory agencies Establish a formal City -wide customer service program Public Safety (pp. 38 — 40) Oversee City's police contract Maintain and increase citizen involvement on the Advisory Board, SCOPE, Cadets, etc. Increase public awareness /education of crime statistics and response times Participate in law enforcement aspects of the comprehensive plan Expand emergency management planning and education to more involve the City Operations & Admin Services (pp. 41 — 44) Oversee critical path projects and significant issues in operating departments - Carry out a process to define the organization's values Establish a formal, citywide customer service program Review and revise finance- and human resources-related policies and procedures Expand the multi-year financial plan to six years Operations & Admin Services, continued Complete an A -87 cost allocation study Conduct at least one impact fee project, and at least two cost recovery studies Continue researching options for provision of court- related services Negotiate the City's first labor agreement Develop a schedule for reviewing and revising the City's job descriptions Public Works General Fund (pp. 45 — 46) Analyze and review wastewater treatment options, including regional alliances Develop a Public Works strategic plan to provide a blueprint for the department Develop the six year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) Provide public works expertise in the Comprehensive Planning effort Public Works Street Operations (p. 58) Develop a neighborhood traffic calming management program Coordinate with Community Development on traffic and transportation mitigation Develop a six-year street master plan and a 20 year pavement management plan ��1 Public Works Stormwater (p. 66) Design and implement solutions for existing drainage problems Update stormwater billing procedures Implement new swale design method Develop and implement six year plan for construction of regional drainage facilities Continue development of the City stormwater design manual Description City Funds Other Funds Total Parks Improvements $200,000 0 $200,000 Road Design /Const. 439,000 4,131,000 4,570,000 Road Preservation 1,086,000 1,175,000 2,261,000 Barker Bridge 0 234,000 234,000 CenterPlace 0 3,000,000 3,000,000 Total $1,725,000 $8,540,000 $10,265,000 Public Works Capital Projects (pp. 62 — 65 Planning /Community Development (pp. 47 - 49) Complete the Comprehensive Plan, and develop associated ordinances and regulations Complete Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code (UDC) Complete the strategic annexation plan Participate in a Regional /Urban Design Assistance Team (R /UDAT) program Reduce backlog of code compliance actions by 10% Consolidate planning site plan review within plan review Integrate interagency requirements with adopted building code provisions, and expand interagency participation Comp Plan Process Update Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulation Adoption Process - - - -- Where we are ID Task Name Start Rnish Duration 0104 Q2 04 03 04 0404 41 05 02 05 Jae' 1 1 Feb A1sr I Muy I Jun Jul' At Sbp Oa MN Cc Jan Feb um Aa' May Jun 1 Data Collection 1/1/2004 i s 12129/2004 J L , . . , - . . _ _ _ littibtfeztt 2 'Community Input l . 1/1/2004 i''66/30/2004J 3 i Discussion Draft Assembly 7/1/2004 !I 9/1/2004 9w — 4 Community Feedback 9/2/2004 12/31 /2004 l 17.4w ' ' 5 Initial Draft -` 1/3/'2005 ; I 3/1 /2005 J 8Aw ; ""-- 6 1Pubtic Hearings 3/2/2005 l i 4/28/2005 8.4w t r _ j i 7 1Couna7 Approval 4/29/2005 I I 5/12/2005 1 i 2v I y 8 ; Devetoprrent Regulations 7127/2004 : , 612112005 47.2w -. . , , ;: _-; ._ _... . , _ Comp Plan Process Update Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulation Adoption Process - - - -- Where we are Parks & Recreation Administration (pp. 51 — 56; 62) Complete the Parks and Recreation Master Plan: ra incorporate into Comprehensive Plan as appropriate • begin implementation of recommendations Manage contracts for park maintenance and aquatics Complete construction and begin operations of CenterPlace: • grand opening celebration begin marketing and future reservations for the facility Establish the Senior Center at CenterPlace: • develop and implement an operating plan o promote use of the facilities Pursue grant opportunities �.J General Government (p. 57) :Includes Funding for: A -87 Cost Allocation Plan Business Registration costs Outside agency funding Loan repayment Impact fee study Contingencies /Reserves Ongoing costs Advertising; audit; sales tax code follow -up; telephone service Other government agency memberships, e.g., SCAPCA; SRTC Meeting Date: October 5, 2004 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing x information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Facilitation Process GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action BACKGROUND: Facilitator Stan McNutt will lead a discussion on the roles and typical traits of well- functioning councils and mayors. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS City Council review and discussion guide City of Spokane Valley October 5' 2004 SMc TRAITS OF OUTSTANDING CITY COUNCILS AND MAYORS • Have developed clear roles and responsibilities for each party • Frequently communicates ♦ Respect the Doctrine of No Surprises • Routinely uses the "three touch rule" ♦ Has the ability to "Respectfully Disagree" during debates • Insists that all information be shared equally ♦ The Council provides direction as a corporate body only ♦ Staff provides information, but does not try to create policy ♦ Value the individual's contribution ♦ Dedication to good government • Develops trust between Council and Staff ♦ Treat everyone with respect even though you may not like what he or she is saying MAYOR ♦ Is the Ceremonial Leader of the City ♦ • Approves the City Council agenda, prepared with the assistance of the City Manager and City Clerk ♦ Appoints most committees (within established procedures in Council rules) • Chairs the City Council meetings, • Insists on "following the rules "! Constantly checks back with Council's procedural rules and State law, then as chairman holds all accountable. ♦ Helps facilitate Council consensus, keeps meetings on track ♦ Extra effort roles of Mayor • Ceremonial head of city (RCW). This role may be shared with properly prepared Councilmembers when provided in Governance coordination rules. ♦ Responds to `:jump and run" representation needs. Unplanned citizen or organizational situation (such as a sudden economic development party in town unannounced and wanting to talk to the City "). The City Manager and perhaps other staff, should be included in these cases. May be shared with other Councilmembers with special skills or experience which better fit the occasion. 1 City Council review and discussion guide City of Spokane Valley October 5 2004 Style It should always be made clear how the City will respond as a corporate expression. The "lone wolf' Councilmember or Mayor will soon lose effectiveness, credibility and may suffer some embarrassment in the process. ♦ Always careful as Mayor to represent only the whole Council: Must be very careful to avoid advancing his/her personal minority policy concepts (while operating in the Mayor's role) in public when they differ with the whole Council. When in doubt about the whole Council's views, will poll the Council before responding regarding: ♦ Council policies ♦ Concepts and philosophies ♦ Division of assignments among Council ♦ Direction or preliminary ♦ Rules and understanding of same ♦ Goals and objectives ♦ Meets with citizens who don't know who to talk to, especially at citizen requests. Follows the rules on referral and process of the question or problem ascertained but does not become a "conduit" for minor operational contact between citizens and administrative function. This often tends to slow down the response rather than speeding it up unless there is an alleged unsatisfactory response to the first handling of the question. 2 DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of September 30, 2004 10:00 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings October 12, 2004 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday September 30] Proclamation: National Association of Women Business Owners' Week 1. PUBLIC HEARING: First hearing on 2005 Proposed Budget - Ken Thompson 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Minutes, Accounts Payable, Payroll 3. First Reacting: Proposed 2005 Annual Property Tax Ordinance - Ken Thompson 4. Proposed Resolution: Confirming 2005 Property Tax Levy — Ken Thompson 5. Motion Consideration: Planning Commission Mayor Appts. (effective I/1/05) —Mayor 6. Administrative Reports: [no public comment] a. Sign Code Committee Update — David Crosby b. Code Report — Tom Seholtens c. Report on CDBG Project Ideas — Greg McCormick d. Budget Discussion: Street Fund — Neil Kersten/Ken Thompson c. CenterPlace Update — Mike Jackson /Steve Worley f. Centennial Trail Maintenance — Mike Jackson g. Ad Hoc Library Committee — Nina Regor 7. Information Only: [no public comment] [estimated meeting: 1 October 19, 2004 Study Session 6:00 p.m. 1. PUBLIC BEARING: CD13G Projects 2. First Reading: Proposed Street Vacation Ordinance (David Street) — Marina Sukup 3. Motion Consideration: CDBG Project Selection — Greg McCormick 4. Code Enforcement Update — Toni Scholtens/Chris Berg 5. Panhandling Research Report — Cary Driskell /Cal Walker 6. Budget Discussion, Outside Agency Funding —Nina Regor 7. Special Events Ordinance. Amendments Discussion — Cal Walker 8. 133 Uses in I2 Zones — Marina Sukup 9. Scooters (safety, nuisance.) — Cary Driskell 10. Massage Parlors/Bath Houses Regulations — Cal Walker 11. Advance Agenda Additions — Mayor DeVleming [due date Thursday, October 7] TOTAL MINUTES: Max. mtg. time: October 26.2004 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, October 14] 1. PUBLIC REARING: Final 2005 Budget Hearing 2. Second Reacting: Proposed 2005 Annual Property Tax Ordinance — Ken Thompson 3. Second Reading: Proposed Street Vacation Ordinance (David Street) — Marina Sukup 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting 2005 Budget — Ken Thompson 5. First Reading Proposed PUD Amendments — Marina Sukup 6. Proposed Resolution Amending Fee Resolution for 2005 — Ken Thompson 7. Motion Consideration: Authorizing City Manager to Negotiate Agreements for Service Providers for Library and Park Services —Nina Regor 8. Administrative Reports: a. Water Safety Regulations Discussion — Cary Driskell b. Helmet Safety Issue Research Update — Cary Driskell [15 minutes] [10 minutes] [estimated meeting: 95 minutes*] Draft Advance Agenda 9/30/2004 9:57 A,N4 Page 1 of 2 [15 minutes] [ 15 minutes] [10 minuses] DeVleming [10 min] [10 minutes] [10 minutes] [ 10 minutes] [30 minutes] [20 minutes] [ 10 minutes] [ 10 minutes] 50 minutes *] (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) (30 minutes) (10 minutes) (30 minutes) (10 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) 150 150 minutes 110 minutes] [5 minutes] [5 minutes] [ 10 minutes] [10 minutes] [10 minutes] [20 minutes] November 2, 2004 Study Session 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, October 21] 1. Motion Consideration: Approving Spokane County Interlocal Agreement Authorizing $10,000 for Consulting Services for Wastewater Alliance Research — Neil Kersten (10 minutes) 2. Valleyfest Presentation — Peggy Doering (pending confirmation) (1 5 minutes) 3. Winter Snow Handling Report — Neil Kersten (15 minutes) 4. Proposed Amendment to Criminal Code —Noise (Blasting & boombox vehicles) — Cary Driskell (10 minutes) 5. infractions for Violation of Park Rules Discussion — Cary Driskell (10 minutes) 6. Industrial Pretreatment Update — Neil Kersten (20 minutes) TOTAL MINUTES: 80 Max. mtg. time: 150 minutes November 9, 2004 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, October 28] 1. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting 2005 Budget — Ken Thompson 2. Second Reading Proposed PUD Agreement — Marina Sukup 3. Mayor Appointments: Boards and Committees — Mayor DeVleming November 16, 2004 Study Session 6:00 p.m. I . Council Officer Selections — Chris .Bainbridge 2. Street Vacation Ordinance Amendment Discussion — Cary Driskell/Marina Sukup TOTAL MINUTES: November 23, 2004 NO MEETING MEETINGS TO BE SCHEDULED 1 open house — wastewater issues (To Be Announced) [* estimated meeting time does not include time for public comments] [estimated meeting: [due date Thursday, November 41 Max. mtg. time: 150 minutes OTHER PENDING AND /OR UPCOMING ISSUES: Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 04 -007 Stormwater— Stanley Schwartz (first reading 02- 24 -04) Second Reading Proposed Sidewalk Ordinance 04 -012 — Stanley Schwartz (first reading 02- 24 -04) First Reading Proposed Sewer Ordinance —Neil Kersten Pines /Mansfield Update — Stanley Schwartz February 12, 2005 — Half -Day Council /Staff Retreat Draft Advance Agenda 9/30/2004 9;57 AM Page 2 of 2 [5 minutes] [5 minutes] [ 15 minutes] _ minutes*] (20 minutes) (5 minutes) November 30, 2004 Regular MeetinR 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, November 18] 1. First. Readings: Proposed Comp Plan Amendments Ordinances — Marina Sukup (90 minutes total) 2. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Grant Recommendations Report — Councilmcmber Flanigan (25 minutes) 3. Sign Committee Report — Marina Sukup (20 minutes) [estimated meeting: 135 minutes *) December 7, 2004 Study Session 6:00 p.m. [due date MONDAY November 291 Council Approval, Lodging Tax Advisory Grant Recommendations — Councilmember Flanigan (10 minutes) December 14, 2004 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, December 21 Second Readings: Proposed Comp Plan Amendments Ordinances — Marina Sukup (45 minutes total)