2004, 11-02 Study Session• Tuesday, November 2, 2004 DISCUSSION LEADER 1. ken Thompson (15 minutes) 2. Nina Regor/Neil kersten (15 minutes) Please Turn Off All Electronic Devices During the Meeting SUBJECT• /ACTRTf l PUBLIC COMMENT Proposed Utility 'lax Ordinance it04 -045 Regular Study Session Issues (No Public Comment): 3. Jeff' Wright (15 minutes) Vallcyfest Presentation AGENDA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL WORKSHEET STUDY SESSION CITY HALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First F'Inor Unfinished Business: Proposed Fee Resolution # 04 -024 [public comment] 4. Julie Rosenoff.. Committee Ad Hoc Library Committee Presentation Chair (15 minutes) 5. Nina Rcgor (15 minutes) Update on Librar) Services Proposals Advance Agenda Additions 6. Mayor DeVlcming (5 minutes) 7. Dave Mcrckr (5 minutes) Council Check in 8. Dave Mercier (5 minutes) City Manager Comments Study Scram Aaatda 11-0: -04 GOAL 6:00 p.m. Public Commend Council Discussion Approve Resolution Presentation/Information Presentation/Information Discussion/Information Discussiontlnformatiun Discussion/1 n f onnat ion Discussion.'Information Note: l.srcipt .n noted abase. there wit! be no public comments at Council Studs Sessions. However. Council always reserves the right to request information from the public and staff as appropriate. I I O110E lndi.ntuals ptamnng to sued the aiming who lapin spmtal romance to a_tnmrmdate physics!, hearrn& or atha Irrrpasmtenra. plc= contact the City C1et1, at 41091 921-1000 its won as passible so that rttaneentents mn be mode Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 11-2-2004 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: C consent ❑ old business AGENDA ram TITLE: Public comment - 6% Utility Tax new business 0 public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report X pending legislation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law authorizes cities to levy utility taxes of up to 6% on private utilities operating within the boundaries of the city. In addition, cities may levy utility taxes on all city-owned utility operations. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: At the October 5, 2004 study session, staff presented utility tax scenarios for council review. The council considered an ordinance to implement a utility tax on October 26. However, the matter was tabled until November 9, to allow the council to hear additional public input. An opportunity to present public input has been scheduled for the November 2, council study session. BACKGROUND: Staff has developed a multi -year financial plan which helps identify potential financial problems several years before they occur. As staff estimates revenues and expenditures into the future, we tend to be conservative with revenue estimates and realistic with expenditure estimates. As a new city, we have not yet accumulated reserves which can be used if the economy declines, thus a conservative approach is warranted. Although the City budget for 2005 is balanced, staff has identified financial problems likely to occur in future years. Various revenue options and expenditure reductions that could assist us in avoiding these problems have been reviewed. To avoid significant service level reductions, staff recommends the implementation of a 6% utility tax on electric, natural gas, telephone, storm water and refuse collection operations. This tax would provide approximately $6 million per year, which could be used to offset problems in both the General and Street Funds through 2010. Notice to affected utility companies would need to be provided at least 60 days ahead of the utility tax implementation date to allow adequate time for utility companies to modify their billing systems. OPTIONS: The first option is to hear public input on the 6% utility tax on November 2. A second option would be to delay hearing input until a later date. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff recommends the council hear public input on the utility tax on November 2. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director and Courtney Moore, Accountant/Budget Analyst 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 2, 2004 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent (8 old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing 0 information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion consideration, taking from the table the motion relating to the Amended Fee Resolution, and moving to approve Resolution No. 04 -025. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State budget law. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: There have been agenda items associated with the 2005 budget process since early September. Resolution No. 04 -025, the Amended Master Fee Schedule was considered at the October 26, 2004 Council meeting, but Council tabled the motion. BACKGROUND: On October 26, staff presented Resolution No. 04 -025, adopting the fee schedule. There were two changes to the existing fee schedule recommended in the Resolution. The first change incorporated the business registration fee. This was a housekeeping item, based upon previous Council action. On September 28, Council adopted the Stormwater Utility 6 -year financial plan, and moved to incorporate the associated stormwater fee into the fee schedule. The stormwater fee, at $24 per ERU, was the second revision. At the October 26 meeting, Council raised additional questions about the stormwater utility and the related fee. Council tabled the motion to approve the fee resolution. According to Roberts Rules of Order, if a motion is not tabled to a date specific, it must be reconsidered at the next meeting or that motion dies. At the November 2 meeting, staff will present information it is currently gathering in response to Council's questions. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to take from the table the motion relating to the amended fee resolution, AND move to approve Resolution No. 04 -025. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The 6 -year financial plan increases the annual stormwater fee from $10 per ERU to $24 per ERU. The business registration fee is $13 per year for businesses and $3 per year for not - for - profit organizations. All other fees remain unchanged. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Draft Fee Resolution No. 04 -025 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 04 -025 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMEN:MMNG RESOLUTION 04 -021, AND APPROVING AN AMTNI)E:D MASTER FEE E SC :H.EDULE WHEREAS, it is the general policy of the City to establish fees that are reflective of the cost of services provided by the City; and WHEREAS, on January 20, 2004, the Spokane Valley City Council adopted Resolution No. 04- 001 adopting a fee schedule for 2004; and WHEREAS, on April 13, 2004, the Spokane Valley City Council adopted Resolution 04 -011 amending the fee schedule for 2004; and WHEREAS, on August 24, 2004 the Spokane Valley City Council adopted Resolution 04 -021 amending the fee schedule; and \rH:EREAS, Council desires to modify Schedule 13 of the Master Fee Schedule to include storm water utility fees; and WHEREAS, Council desires to modify Schedule G of the Master Fee Schedule to include business registration fees; and WHEREAS, the remainder of the Master Fee Schedule shall remain unchanged. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Establishment of business registration fees in Schedule G of the Master Fee Schedule. For the purpose of establishing business registration fees in Schedule G of Exhibit A of the Master Fee Schedule, the City Council hereby adopts the amended Master Fee Schedule, which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. Establishment of stonn water utility fees in Schedule B of the Master Fee Schedule. For the purpose of modifying the storm water utility fee in Schedule B of the Master Fee Schedule, the. City Council hereby adopts the amended Master Fee Schedule, which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" as if fully set forth herein. Section 3. Repeal. To the extent that previous fee schedules are inconsistent with those set forth herein, they are repealed. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect January 1, 2005. Resolution 04 -01 I: Amended 2004 Master Fee Schedule 1 ATTEST: Adopted this 26 day of October, 2004. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Michael DeVleming, Mayor Resolution 04-011: Amended 2004 Master Fee Schedule 2 Resolution No. 04 -025: Exhibit A AMENDED MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fee Schedule Page No. Schedule A: Planning 2 Schedule B: Public Works 4 Schedule C: .building 5 Schedule D: Fire Code 12 Schedule E: Parks & Recreation 15 Schedule F: Administrative 17 Schedule G: Other Fees 18 Exhibit A of Resolution 04 -011: Amended Master Fee Schedule for 2004 Patze 1 of 18 AMENDMENTS Comprehensive Plan amendment Zoning or other code text amendment APPEALS Appeal of Administrative Decision Appeal of Hearing Examiner findings ENVIRONMENTAL RE VIEW SETA checklist Single dwelling (when required) All other developments Environmental Impact Statement Review PERMITS Home Occupation Permit Conditional Use Permit Temporary Use Permit PLATS Subdivisions Preliminary plat Final plat Short Plats Preliminary 2 -4 Tots Final Plat 2-4 Lots Preliminary plat 5 -9 Lots Final Plat 5 -9 Lots MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Schedule A - PLANNING $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $300.00 $100.00 $300.00 $2,000.00 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit 5800.00 Critical Areas $300.00 Exhibit A of Resolution 04-011: Amended Master Fee Schedule for 204E $80.00 $800.00 $150.00 $2,000.00 Plus $25.00 per lot $1,000.00 Plus $10.00 per lot 5500.00 5800.00 Plus $10.00 per lot $1,000.00 Plus $25.00 per lot $800.00 Plus 510.00 per lot Page 2of18 Plat Modification Subdivision plat Short plat Binding Site Plan Binding site plan modification Change of Conditions Aggregation /Segregation Lot line adjustment Lot line elimination Zero lot line SIGNS Review of permanent sign Review of temporary sign SITE PLAN REVIEW STREET VACATION APPLICATION VARIANCES Administrative S300.00 Public Hearines $1,500.00 ZONING Zoning map amendments (rezone) PUI) plan MD modification $650.00 $265.00 $1,500.00 $1,300.00 $650.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 Plus $10.00 per lot $50.00 $50.00 $250.00 $1,300.00 51.500.00 $1,500.00 Plus $25.00 per lot $500.00 Exhibit A of Resolution 04-011: Amended Master Fee Schedule for 2004 Page 3 of 18 Estimated cost of public works review fees is due upon submittal of application. Any additional actual costs are due at the time of occupancy permit or final land action, whichever applies. ENGINEERING/PLAN REVIEW — For road design, drainage, erosion and sedimentation control, right of way improvements, plat maps, etc. Commercial $250.00 Plus hourly rate after 5 hours Residential $150.00 Plus hourly rate after 3 hours HOURLY RATE* $50.00 *Examples of activities charged on an hourly rate system include but are not limited to commercial site plan reviews and rezone reviews. INSPECTI ONS Stormwater system review $250.00 Stormwater system inspections $50.00 Field monitoring or inspections of grading sites, residential or non - residential Commercial, multifamily, and multi lot sites Industrial or mineral industrial sites PERMITS Right -of -way obstruction permit Approach permit Floodplain permit Conditional Use permit Shoreline permit Schedule B — PUBLIC WORKS Variances Cash, certified check or bond for right of way cleaning *$25.00 minimum at time of application TRAFFIC.T'IPACT ANALYSIS REVIEW $200.00 $225.00 $16.00 $25.00 $50.00 $200.00 $50 Hourly rate $1,000.00 STORM WATER UTILITY CHARGE ON DEVELOPED PARCELS $24 for each single - family unit each year $24 per 3,160 square feet of impervious surface/year for all other properties Plus hourly rate after 1 hour Hourly rate Plus hourly (four hour minimum) Plus hourly Plus review & inspection fee at hourly rate* Plus review & inspection fee at hourly rate* Plus hourly rate after 1" hour Plus inspection fee Plus hourly rate after 1 hour $50.00 Plus hourly rate after 1 hour Exhibit A of Resolution 04 -011: Amended Master Fcc Schedule for 2004 Page 4 of 18 �J The building code permit fees are collected at the time of the issuance of the building permit. Other fees are also to be collected at the time of the issuing of the building permit. Each department for whom the fee is collected is to advise the permit specialist of fees due. GRADING Permit Fees Cubic Yards 100 or less 101 to 1,000 1,001 to 10,000 10,001 to 100,000 100,001 to 200,000 200,000 or more Plans Checking Fees Cubic Yards 50 or less 51 to 100 101 to 1,000 1,001 to 10,000 10,001 to 100,000 100,001 to 200,000 200,001 or more Land Clearing only (without earth being moved) STRUCTURAL CODE Valuation Table Schedule C — BUILDING $20.00 $20.00 for the first 100 Cu. Yd., plus $7.00 for each additional 100 Cu. Yd. $83.00 for the first 1,001 Cu. Yd., plus $6.00 for each additional 1,000 Cu. Yd. S147.00 for the first 10,000 Cu. Yd. plus $15.00 for each additional 10,000 Cu. Yd. S368.00 for the first 100,000 Cu. Yd. plus $ 15.00 for each additional 100,000 Cu. Yd. $503.00 for the first 200,000 Cu. Yd. plus $15.00 for each additional 200,000 Cu. Yd. No fee $12.00 $20.00 $25.00 $25.00 for the first for each additional $98.00 for the first for each additional $158.00 FEE FEE 10,000 Cu. Yd. plus $7.00 10,000 Cu. Yd. 100,000 Cu. Yd. plus $6.00 100,000 Cu. Yd. $65.00 Building permit fees for each project are set by the following fee schedule. The table below is to be used to determine the building permit fees and plans check fees based on the value of the construction work as stated by the applicant or the value calculated by the Building Official using the latest valuation data published in the Building Safety Journal by the International Code Council, whichever value is greatest. Exhibit A of Resolution 04 -0I I: Amended Master Fee Schedule. for 2004 Page 5 of 18 Total Valuation $ l to $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $1.00,001 to $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $1,000,000 and up Private garages (wood frame) Private garages (masonry) Pole buildings Open carport, decks, porches Plans Review Fees Valuation Exceptions Fee $69.25 for the first $2,000 plus $14 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and including $25,000 $391.25 for the first $25,000 plus $10.10 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and including $50,000 $643.75 for the first $50,000 plus $7 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and including $100,000 $993.75 for the first $100,000 plus $5.60 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and including $500,000 $3,233.75 for the first $500,000 plus $4.75 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and including $1,000,000 $5,608.75 for the first $1,000,000 plus $3.15 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof Fee Per Square Foot $19.00 $22.00 $19.00 $15.00 Fees are to be collected at the time of receiving the application for permit if the plans review fee is over $50.00. If less than $50.00, it may be collected at the time of permit issuance. Plans review fee (general) Plans review fee — Group R -3 occupancies (single family less than 7,999 sq. ft.) Plans review fee — Group R -3 occupancies (single family 8,000 sq. ft. or greater) Plans review fee — U -1 or U -2 occupancies (sheds, barns, etc.) Plans review fee — temporary tent or structure 65% Of bldg permit fee 40% Of bldg permit fee 65% Of bldg permit fee 25% Of bldg permit fee 25% Of bldg permit fee. Plans review fees are not refundable once the plan review has been started. This fee is in addition to the full basic fee. The WSBCC fee is to be collected at this time. Initial Plan Review Fees shall be capped at $35,000 maximum with the following exception: Exception 41: If additional professional resources are required for individual project plan review for those projects that reach the maximum flan Review Fee, the Building Official shall be authorized to Exhibit A of Resolution 04-011: Amended Master Fee Schedule for 2004 Page 6 of 18 require the permit applicant to provide those resources to the City of Spokane Valley. If a set of plans already checked and approved is resubmitted by the owner or his/her agent, an hourly rate of $47.00 will be applied for the re- review. PLUMBING CODE The plumbing code fees will be collected when the associated permit is issued. lithe plumbing is included in the Building Permit the unit costs are added, but not the basic plumbing permit fee. A. Basic fees 1) Basic fee for issuing each permit 2) Basic for each supplemental permit 13. Unit fees (in addition to the basic fee) 1) For each_ plumbing fixture on a trap (including garbage disposals, dish washers, back flow device, drainage, hot tubs, built in water softener, water closets, lavatories, sinks, drains, etc ) 2) Private sewage disposal system 3) Water heater 4) Industrial waste pretreatment interceptor including its trap and vent except kitchen type &Tease interceptors functioning as fixture traps. 5) Repair or alteration of water piping, drainage or vent piping 6) Lawn sprinkler system on any one meter 7) Atmospheric type vacuum breaker 8) Backilow protective device other than atmospheric type vacuum breakers 9) Medical gas 10) Interceptors A. Basic fees 1) Basic fee for issuing each permit 2) Basic for each supplemental permit B. Unit fees (in addition to the basic fee) I) Furnaces & suspended heaters - Installation or relocation a. up to and including 100,000 btu b. over 100,000 btu 2) Duct work system 3) Heat pump & air conditioner a. 0 to 3 tons b. over 3 to 15 tons $35.00 S7.50 $6.00 $20.00 $6.00 Each $15.00 $6.00 Each fixture $25.00 $6.00 Each $6.00 Each $6.00 Per outlet $6.00 Each MECHANICAL CODE The mechanical code fees will be collected when the associated permit is issued. If it is included in the Building Permit, the unit costs are added, but not the basic mechanical permit fee. $35.00 $7.50 S12.00 $15.00 $10.00 $12.00 $20.00 Exhibit A of Resolution 04-011: Amended Master Fee Schedule for 2004 Page. 7 of 18 c. over 15 to 30 tons $25.00 d. over 30 to 50 tons $35.00 e. over 50 tons $60.00 4) Gas water heater $10.00 5) Gas piping system $1.00 Per outlet 6) Gas log, fireplace, and gas insert installation $10.00 7) Appliance vents installation; relocation; replacement $10.00 Each 8) Repairs or additions $15.00 9) Boilers, compressors, and absorption systems a. 0 to 3 hp — 100,000 btu or less $12.00 b. Over 3 to 15 hp — 100,001 to 500,000 btu $20.00 c. Over 15 — 30 hp — 500,001 to 1,000,000 btu $25.00 d. over 30 hp — 1,000,001 to 1,750,000 btu $35.00 c. over 50 hp — over 1,750,000 btu $60.00 10) Air PIandlers a. Each unit up to 10,000 cfm, including ducts $12.00 b. Each unit over 10,000 cfm $15.00 11) Evaporative Coolers (other than portable) $1 0.00 12) Ventilation and exhaust a. Each fan connected to a single duct $10.00 b. Each ventilation system $12.00 c. Each hood served by mechanical exhaust $12.00 13) Incinerators a. Installation or relocation of residential $19.00 b. Installation or relocation of commercial $22.00 14) Appliances, each $10.00 15) Unlisted appliances a. under 400,000 btu $50.00 b. 400,000 btu or over $100.00 16) Hood a. Type I $50.00 b. Type II $10.00 17) L P Storage tank $10.00 18) Wood or Pellet stove insert $10.00 19) Wood stove system — free standing $25.00 Exhibit A of Resolution 04 -01 l: Amended Master ['cc Schedule for 2004 Page 8 of 18 ENERGY CODE Energy Code Plans check fee is also established to check to meet the requirements of RCW 51- 1 1 WAC. These are in addition to the Building Code Fees. If City inspectors are assigned to verify Energy Plans, the following fees apply. If an outside energy inspector is required, that fee will be determined by the outside agency. Residential Remodel/Addition New Single Family Tenant Improvement A. 0 to 10,000 square feet B. 10,001 square feet and over C. Multi Family D. New Commercial and industrial OTHER BUILDING CODE, FEES Annual Permit Annual Spokane Valley Building Permits used to: 1) maintain equipment or buildings, 2) construct or remodel small areas of assembly occupancies, or 3) install tents or membrane structures Demolition Permit Single Family Residence Commercial buildings Garage or accessory building associated with a residence or commercial building Septic tank or underground flammable tank associated with a residence or commercial building $ -0- $ -0- $35.00 $45.00 $60.00 $90.00 may be available depending upon the determination of the valuation of work made by the Spokane Valley Building Official. Certain record keeping and inspection responsibilities shall be established in a site specific Spokane Valley Annual Permit Agreement. $44.00 S125.00 $20.00 S10.00 Each Per building Early Start Agreements (Foundations) 25% Of bldg permit fee Exhibit A of Resolution 04 -011: Amended Master Fir Schedule for 2004 Page 9 of 18 Sign Fees Fees collected for a sign permit and a plans check fee for signs erected in accordance with the Sign Code. The below fee plus the WSBCC fee of $4.50. Signs mounted on buildings $45.00 Sign and pole mounting $65.00 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy $50.00 Washington State Building Code Council (W.S.B.C.C.) Surcharge A flat fee of $4.50 will be collected on each permit for approved plans or any other permit that is issued in accordance with the Spokane Valley Building Code. EXCEPT: For multi - family projects, the fee is $4.50 for the first living unit and $2.00 for each additional unit. The City Finance Department will forward this fee to the WSBCC on a quarterly basis. OTHER IVIISCELLAiNEOUS FEES A. For City personnel 1) Hourly rate set for City Employees (unless otherwise specified) 2) Hourly rate for permit specialist 3) Overtime charges B. Hourly rate for contracted services $47.00 $42.00 1.5 times regular rate Set according to contract rate C. Hourly rate for special called inspections $47.00 1D. Mobile home location permit and inspection 1) Temporary mobile home $60.00 2) Manufactured home inspection, per section $50.00 * E. House Moving Fee 1) Class I, 11, and lII — Moving permit $60.00 2) Class I, II, and III — Inspection fee $60.00 ** 3) Class IV (if already permitted by Spokane $ -0- County or Spokane City) * Plus basementicrawl space valuation permit fee * *Plus $47.00 per hour after the I hour, and $.50 per mile if the building w be moved into the City is outside the City limits Exhibit A of Resolution 04 -011: Amended Master Fee Schcxlule for 2004 Page 10 of IS F. Minimum I- Iousing Inspection fee S55.00 Plus $47.00 per hour after hour G. Work on any structure or building without a permit if a Spokane Valley Permit is required: 1) Minimtun investigative inspection fee S55.00 2) Total investigative fee to be equal to the permit fee determined for the work accomplished H. Special inspections (requested by owner or tenant) 1) Fire, wind, mud slide or flood damage $60.00 2) Day Care $60.00 3) Nursing Homes, hospitals, et al $60.00 4) Special Occupancies 1. Excess inspections for a given project created by the developer, owner or contractor Condominium conversion plans review /inspection fee J. K.. Temporary tents, canopies, and air supported structures for public use; inclusive of all tents for a single event. It does not apply to tents less than 200 sq. ft., canopies less than 400 sq ft, camping tents, or to tents used for private, non commercial events. 1) Plans check fee $13.00 2) Basic permit fee $60.00 L. Enclosing an existing deck or. patio 1) Plans check fee 40% Of the basic fee for plans examination Based on value of project; minimum $3,000 $50.00 Plus plumbing fees No plan review fee will be charged unless Swimming pools (Over 5,000 gallons) Re -roof Permit: Fee based on the value of the project. plans are submitted for review. 0. Change of Use or Occupancy Classification permit Towers, elevated tanks, antennas M. N. P. 2) Basic permit fee BUILDING CODE FEE REFUND POLICY S60.00 $47.00 $47.00 value of the illegal Plus $ 47.00 per hour after 1st hour Per inspection or re- inspection Based on value of project and bldg code valuation Based on value of project No Permit Fee refund is allowed once the work has been started. If a refund is requested, the request shall be addressed to the Building Official in writing, and shall be received at the Spokane. Valley Permit Center within 180 days of the date of issuance of the permit. Any fee refund request received after 1 80 days of the date of permit issuance shall be denied. Any refund approved shall be limited to 80% of the total Permit Fee paid. Refunds shall be limited to Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Permit fees paid to the City of Spokane Valley. Exhibit A of Resolution 04 -011: Amended Master Pee Schedule f o r 2004 Page 1 1 of 1 S Schedule D - FIRE CODE FIRE ALARM, SPRINKLER AND OTHER PROTECTION SYSTEMS Plans check and review fees, inspections, and permit for installation of separate fire alarm system or sprinkler system applications, and other fire protection systems. Fire Alarm System A. Commercial — permit plans check and inspection Based on value of system B. Residential 1) All zones 2) Permit fee Sprinkler Systems A. Tenant improvements 1) Less than 10 heads $65.00 2) 11 or more heads $85.00 B. New systems 1) Commercial — permit, plans check and Based on value of inspection system 2) Residential $60.00 Each riser, plus $1.10 per plug/head Other Protection Systems A. Fire extinguishing system (other than sprinklers) B. Standpipe installation 1) Class I and Class II 2) Class UT C. Fire pump installation D. Emergency or standby commercial power generators installation E. Flammable and combustible liquids storage tanks installation 1) a. Underground, 1st tank b. Plus each additional tank on same site 2) a. Above ground tank b. Plus each additional tank on same site 3) Annual permit fee for storage F. Hazardous materials storage tanks installation 1) Less than 500 gallons 2) 500 - 1,199 gallons 3) 1,200 gallons or more $40.00 $35.00 $50.00 Plus $1.50 per nozzle $58.00 $70.00 $55.00 $55.00 $55.00 $35.50 $55.00 $35.00 $30.00 $75.00 $104.00 $147.00 Per tank Exhibit A of Resolution 04 -011: Amended Master Fee Schedule for 2004 Page 12 of 18 G. Liquefied petroleum tanks installation 1) Less than 500 gallons $84.00 2) 500 - 9,999 gallons $104.00 3) 10,000 gallons or more $1 47.00 H. Gaseous oxygen systems installation 1) Less than 6,000 cubic feet 2) 6,000 - 11,999 cubic feet 3) 12,000 cubic feet or more I. Nitrous systems installation J. Medical gas systems installation 1) Gaseous system 2) Liquefied system K. Hazardous material recycling system installation 1) 110 gallons or less per day capacity 2) More than 110 gallons per day capacity L. Vapor recovery system installation 1) Phase I - tank truck and tank 2) Phase II - vehicle fueled and tank M. Cryogenic tank installation 1) First tank 2) Each additional tank on same site N. Removal, abandonment, or any combination thereof, of flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks 1) 2) First tank (commercial) Each additional tank on the same site (commercial) 3) Contractor's permit for removal or abandonment of residential under - ground fuel tanks $78.00 $90.00 $118.00 $95.00 Per tank Plus $12.00 each outlet $90.00 Plus $12.00 each outlet $95.00 Plus $12.00 each outlet $95.00 $1 $90.00 $115.00 $95.00 $35.00 $84.00 $47.50 $75.00 Per tank 0. Fire .Department fee for inspections and follow up. For initial inspection, plans check and follow up inspections as called for in the Fire Code and performed by the fire department the fire department will be paid 65% of the fee collected for the permit. This payment will be paid quarterly. Exhibit A of Resolution 04 -011: Amended Master l=ee Schedule. for 2004 Pagc. 13 of 18 FIRE FALSE ALARM FEES The following fees are set for repeated malfunctioning false alarms in a given six month period. First alarm Second alarm Third alarm Fourth alarm Fifth and subsequent alarms $30.00 $70.00 $120.00 FIREWORKS Public display fees $100.00 Maximum per RCW 70.77 *Also requires a performance bond or cash deposit of 5500.00 for clean up purposes and a liability insurance policy of $1,000,000.00. PLANS CHECK AND REVIEW BY THE BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION A. New commercial plans check and inspection (for projects $40.00 not mentioned elsewhere) 13. Fire watch service $140.00 3 hour min. plus hourly thereafter C. Hourly rate 1a. After hour inspections, plans review, consultations for projects that do not require a permit, and other special services $47.00 No charge Require a hired fire watch 1.5 times regular rate Exhibit A of Resolution 04-011: Amended Master Fee Schedule for 2004 Page 14 of 18 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES Basic fees to be considered when applying rates Administrative Fee Refuse Fee AQUATICS Pool admission (age 5 and under) Pool admission (age older than 5) Pool punch pass (25 swims) Weekend family discount Reservation (less than 50 people) Food fee (if applicable) Reservation (50 — 100 people) Food fee (if applicable) Reservation (101 — 150 people) Food fee (if applicable) *Minimum 2 hours EVENTS — includes Pavilion General Fee Non- profit applications Schedule E — PARKS & RECREATIONt Events include but are not limited to activities such as car shows, tournaments and activities involving 200 or more people. The Director of Parks and Recreation will make the final determination. *Applications for joint sponsorship with the City Spokane Valley Parks Department. FIELD RENTAL Use Fee INDOOR USE Open gym admission Playground program admission (10 entries) MIRABEAU $30.00 $50.00 $1.00 $20.00 $100.00 $25.00 $125.00 $50.00 $1 $75.00 $150.00 $80.00 Or free with sponsorship* of Spokane Valley tit'il1 be considered by the $25.00 First hour plus $15 each additional hour $2.00 $20.00 free 1 child under 13 free with paying adult Per hour* Per hour* Per hour* Exhibit A of Resolution 04-011: Amended Master Fee Schedule for 2004 Page 15 of 18 Mirabeau Springs Small shelter and waterfall Refundable deposit (less than 200 people) Mirabeau Meadows Shelter (less than 200 people) Shelter (200 or more people) Refundable deposit (less than 200 people) Refundable deposit (200 or more people) ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE PERMIT Alcoholic Beverage Permit Fee $10.00 ' PICNIC SHELTERS Picnic Shelter (less than 200 people) Picnic Shelter (200 or more people) Refundable deposit (less than 200 people) Refundable deposit (200 or more people) RECREATION $1 50.00 Maximum 4 hours $50.00 $80.00 5150.00 $50.00 $250.00 $30.00 $150.00 $50.00 $250.00 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY Permit Fee $25.00 Annual Recreation program fees are set to recover costs as specified in the Parks and Recreation revenue policy. VALLEY MISSION ARENA Rental* $100.00 Per weekend Refundable deposit $50.00 *Renter responsible for on -site preparation. Rental requires liability insurance. Exhibit A of Resolution 04 -011: Amended Master Fcc Schedule for 2004 Page, 16 of 18 Schedule F - ADiMINTISTRATI\TE COPY FEES Copy of audio tapes, video tapes, photos, maps or other records needing reproduction Copy of written records Copy of annual budget Copy of full documents OTHER ADMTN1 STRATIVE FEES NSF Check $25.00 At cost $0.15 Per page $10.00 At cost Iixhibit A of Resolution 04 -01 l; Amended Master Fcc Schedule for 2004 Page 17 of 18 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FEES Establishment Licenses Live Adult Entertainment Adult Arcade Other Adult Entertainment Licenses Adult Arcade Device License Manager License Entertainer License Late License Fee — Charged in addition to license fee. BUSINESS REGISTRATION FEES Business registration Nonprofit registration SECURITY FALSE ALARM FEES First alarm Second alarm Third alarm Fourth and subsequent alarms Schedule G - OVER FEES Percent of Past Due Calendar Days License Fee 7 -30 25% 31 — 60 50% 61 and over 75% $13 each year $ 3 each year Repeated malfunctioning security false alarms in a given six -month period. $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 TOW OPERATOR ANNUAL REGISTRATION FEE $100.00 No charge $30.00 $70.00 $120.00 F.xhibit A of Resolution 04 -011: Amended Master Fee Schedule for 2004 Page 18 of 18 1 D 2 1 3 4 I El Broadcast TV Shares: 5 6 7 8 ID rU1 Valleyfest 2004 Proof of Performance 2004 Valleyfest Marketing Objectives • Improve Communications with the Public & Business Supporters_ ■ Position Valleyfest 2004 as a Regional Tall Event (awareness objective) • Incrc se Attendance Draw from Regional Communities. ■ Clearly Communicate Benefits of Attending Event. • Clearly Communicate New Addiricns and Changes. • Provide Catalyst for Branding Campaign for Spokane Valley Business Community. 2004 Valleyfest Marketing Objectives • improve communications with the public & business supporters. $15,000 Investment Broadcast TV Shares: $15,000 Investment Broadcast TV Shares: $15,000 Investment 36% Value Added Achieved! = $20,380 Value in TV Advertising! (minimum) Regional Coverage: Regional Coverage 9 I ❑ a Regional Coverage: Pacific Northwest DI Results: • 28,000+ in attendance (estimate) • 47% 1`t time attendees • 95% plan on attending in '05 • 77% of attendees were female • Attended in groups of 4 The Inland NW 1 11 12 1 3 fo C1 • 30% of attendees live outside Spokane Valley Unexpected Highlights: • STA Shuttle Service • YMCA Involvement • Pinecroft Business Center Support • Unprecedented Media Coverage -Ki -1Q on site! -1CKLY on site! -KREM on site 2005 Marketing Goals: • Increase Regional Emphasis • Better Promote STA Shuttle Service • Refine Creative Messages • Synerge With Other. Local Events Thank You for Your Support of Valleyfest 2004! 2 2004 Valleyfest Marketing Objectives • Improve Communications with the Public & Business Supporters. • Position Valleyfest 2004 as a Regional Fall Event (awareness objective) • Increase Attendance Draw from Regional Communities. • Clearly Communicate Benefits of Attending Event. • Clearly Communicate New Additions and Changes. • Provide Catalyst for Branding Campaign for Spokane Valley Business Community. 1 2004 Valleyfest Marketing Objectives • Improve communications with the public & business supporters. Broadcast TV Shares: $15,000 Investment Broadcast TV Shares: $15,000 Investment "It will require a combination of this cash investment AND substantial value- added. A Minimum of 15% in value -added packages from media partners is recommended." Source- Vafryfcer 2004 Matketmg Plan Broadcast TV Shares: $15,000 Investment 36% Value Added Achieved! = $20,380 Value in TV Advertising! (minimum) 3 J Regional Coverage: The Inland NW Spok*oc Starkct 26 (:ounttes - 384,000 1-11-1 h * STATIONS: KREM 2 CBS KSKN VLB 22 KXLY ABC 4 KHQ NBC 6 FAIT FOX 38 Regional Coverage t i ,. itiv...., 4 a7' II.J,, .Y 11 .. •... L.' l • 4. 1q... • rra,m i .gym • KC11 + FOX 4 Regional Coverage: Pacific Northwest Results: • 28,000+ in attendance (estimate) • 47% 1" time attendees ■ 95% plan on attending in '05 ■ 77% of attendees were female • Attended in groups of 4 • 30% of attendees live outside Spokane Valley Source: Spares Busmen Inver us "Nuke Rac,h Studr fat" 90% Cmisfilence level 5 Unexpected Highlights: • STA Shuttle Service • YMCA Involvement • Pinecroft Business Center Support • Unprecedented Media Coverage -KHQ on site! -K.Y on site! -KI EM on site! 2005 Marketing Goals: • Increase Regional Emphasis • Better Promote STA Shuttle Service • Refine Creative Messages • Synergize With Other Local Events 6 Thank You for Your Support of Valleyfest 2004! Meeting Date: November 2, 2004 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ® old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Ad Hoc Library Committee Presentation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NIA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On October 5, 2004, Council appointed an Ad Hoc Library Committee to review proposals received under the City's managed competition pilot project. BACKGROUND: The City received two proposals in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP) for library services. The proposals came from the Spokane County Library District (SCLD) and the Library Systems & Services, LLC (LSSI). The Ad Hoc Library Committee met on October 11, October 20 and is scheduled to meet October 27 to evaluate the proposals and to form a recommendation. Committee Chair Julie Rosenoff will present the Committee's recommendation at the November 2, 2004 City Council meeting. The recommendation of the Ad Hoc Library Committee is not binding on the City Council. OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None at this time. The library proposals affect services in 2005 and beyond. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action O CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 2, 2004 City Manager Sign -off, !tern: Check all that apply: ID consent 0 ofd business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report 0 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Update on Library Services Proposals GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NJA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On May 25, 2004 Council selected library services as one of the two areas for the City's managed competition pilot project. An update on the project took place on September 7, 2004. BACKGROUND: Spokane Valley currently has a contract with the Spokane County Library District (SOLD) for library services — that agreement expires at the end of 2004. The City issued a request for proposals (RFP) and received two responses: one from SOLD and one from the Library Systems & Services, LL (L 1). Staff continues to analyze both proposals, and will provide a summary of that analysis at the November 2 meeting, The City Council is currently scheduled to decide at its November 9, 2004 meeting the library service provider for 2005. OPTIONS: Accept either proposal, or provide additional direction RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide input and direction_ BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None at this tin7e. Any financial impact would be reflected in the 2005 budget. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS None November 23, 2004 NO MEETING DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of October 27, 2004 3:30 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings November 4. 2004 — Park, Recreation & Open Space Needs in the City of Spokane Valley. 7 p.m. Spokane Valley Church of the Nazarene, 15515 E. 20 Avenue November 9, 2004 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, October 28] 1. Second .Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting 2005 Budget —Ken Thompson [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance for PUD Amendments — Marina Sukup [5 minutes] 3. First Reading: Proposed Ordinance Amending Spokane Valley Building Code — Tom Scholtens [ 10 minutes] 4. Motion Consideration: Selection of Provider and Authorizing City Manager to Negotiate Agreement for Service Provider for Library —Nina Regor [15 minutes] 5. Motion Consideration: Selection of Provider and Authorizing City Manager to Negotiate Agreement for Service Provider for Park Services —Nina Regor /Mike Jackson [15 minutes] 6. Mayor Appointments: Boards and Committees — Mayor DeVleming [15 minutes] 7. Presentation: Six -Year Financial Forecast — Dave Mercier [30 minutes] �1 8. Unfinished Business: First Reading Proposed Utility Tax Ordinance — Tabled October 26, 2004 [15 minutes] [estimated meeting: 110 minutest] November 16, 2004 Study Session 6:00 p.m. (due date Thursday, November 41 1. Council Officer Selections — Chris Bainbridge 2. First Reading; Proposed Ordinance Regarding Scooters —Cary Driskell 3. Motion Consideration: Approving Spokane County lnterlocal Agreement Authorizing Funds for Consulting Services for Wastewater Alliance Research — Neil Kersten 4. SCRAPS Presentation — Nancy Hill (confirmed) 5. Parks Usage & Maintenance Standards Update — Mike Jackson 6. New Employee Position Descriptions — Nina Regor 7. Winter Snow Handling Report — John Hohman/Neil Kersten 8. Industrial Pretreatment Update — Neil Kersten 9. Infractions for Violation of Park Rules Discussion — Cary Driskell 10. Water Safety Regulations Discussion — Cary Driskell 11. Helmet Safety Issue Research Update — Cary Driskell TOTAL MINUTES: 130 Max. mtg. time: 150 minutes Draft Advance Agenda 10/27/2004 3:23 PM Page 1 of 3 (20 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes) November 30, 2004 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, November 18] 1. Second Reading: Proposed Ordinance Amending Building Code — Tom Scholtens 2. Second Reading: Proposed Ordinance Regarding Scooters — Cary Driskell 3. Motion Consideration: New Employee Position Descriptions — Mike Jackson/Nina Regor 4. Spokane Valley Arts Council —Norma Ventris (pending confirmation) 5. Administrative Reports: a. Court Related 2005 Contract Discussion — Cary Driskell b. Proposed 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments — Marina Sukup 6. Information Only: a. Departmental Monthly Reports b. Planning Commission Minutes December 7, 2004 Study Session 6:00 p.m. [due date �N>fO November 291 1. Second Reading Proposed Utility Tax Ordinance — Ken Thompson 2. Padal (Parcel Data Locator) System — Marina Sukup 3 Audit Report — Ken Thompson 4. CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) — Ken Thompson 5. Discussion, Ordinance Adopting Framework for Development Code — Marina Sukup 6. Cable Franchise Update —Nina Regor/Morgan Koudelka 7. Hazard Mitigation Plan Briefing — Marina Sukup 8. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Grant Recommendations Report — Councilmember Flanigan (25 minutes) 9. Student Advisory Council By -laws — Mayor DeV Leming (30 minutes) TOTAL MINUTES: 150 December 14, 2004 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, December 2J 1. First Readings: Proposed 2004 Comp Plan Amendments — Marina Sukup [90 minutes total] 2. Council Approval, Lodging Tax Advisory Grant Recommendations — Councilmcmber Flanigan [10 minutes] 3. Motion Consideration: Approval of Student Council By -laws — Mayor DeVleming [10 minutes] 4. Court Related Contract Agreements for 2005 — Cary Driskell [10 minutes] [estimated meeting: 120 minutes *] December 21, 2004, Study Session 6:00 p.m. 1. Accomplishments Report — Department Directors 2. Information Only: a. Departmental Monthly Reports b. Planning Commission Minutes December 28, 2004, NO MEETING Draft Advance Agenda 10/27/2004 3:23 PM [estimated meeting: 100 minutes *] Max. mtg. time: 150 minutes [due date Thursday, December 9] Page 2 of 3 [5 minutes] [5 minutes] [10 minutes] [15 minutes] [20 minutes] [45 minutes] (5 minutes) (15 minutes) (10 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (20 minutes) (30 minutes) January 4, 2005, Study Session 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, December 23] Centennial Trial Update — Mike Jackson (15 minutes) January 11, 2005, Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, December 301 L Second Readings: Proposed 2004 Comp Plan Amendments — Marina Sukup [45 minutes total] 2. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting Framework for Development Code — Marina Sukup [10 minutes] 3. Sign Regulations ( ?) Report — Marina Sukup [20 minutes] [estimated meeting: 75 minutes *] January 18, 2005, Study Session 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, January 6] 1. Street Vacation Ordinance Amendment Discussion — Cary Driskell (5 minutes) 2. Proposed Amendment to Criminal Code. Noise (Blasting & boombox vehicles) — Cary Driskell (10 minutes) January 25, 2005, Regular Meeting 6:00 p.rn. [due date Thursday, January 131 1.Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting Framework for Development Code — Marina Sukup [10 mins] 2. Sign Regulations ('1) Report — Marina Sukup [20 minutes] OTIiER PENDING AND /OR UPCOMING ISSUES: Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 04 -007 Stormwater — Stanley Schwartz (first reading 02- 24 -04) Second Reading Proposed Sidewalk Ordinance 04 -012 — Stanley Schwartz (first reading 02- 24 -04) First Reading Proposed Sewer Ordinance —Neil Kersten Pines /Mansfield Update — Stanley Schwartz Panhandling— Cal Walker Massage Parlors/Bath Houses — Cal Walker January 19, 2005 — Conversation with the Community, 6 p.m., Sports USA February 12, 2005 — Half -Day Council /Staff Retreat, 9 a.m. — noon June 11, 2005 — Mid -Year Council /Staff Retreat, 9 a.m. - noon MEETINGS TO BE SCHEDULED 1 open house — wastewater issues (To 13e Announced) [* estimated meeting time does not include time for public comments] Draft Advance Agenda 10/27/2004 3:23 PM Page 3 of 3