2005, 12-13 Regular Meeting . ~ AGENvA SPr_)KA-hE VALLEY CITY cOUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Conncil Meeting #82 '1'ucsday, Ucrcmber 13, 2003 6:00 p.m. CTTY HALL AT REDWOOD PLAZ_a 11707 Enst Spragae Avennt, Flrat Flnor Cauncil Reqncsts Al) Electrnnic Uevices be Tamed Off Daring Council M1lceting CeU1L TU ORDER INVOG,4TIQN: Pastor Bea Orc:hasds, Spokane Va1{ey Bible Church PLEDGE ON ALLEGIANCE ROLI. CALL A.YPROVAL UF AGENDA INTRODtTCTiON OF SPF.C'L4L GUF.CTS AND PRESFNI'ATTONS ~ CQAZMTITEE, BQARD. LL4140N SLIM;'NARY ItEpORTS NiAYOR'S REpOItT: ~ PUBLIC COMhtENTS Exccpt whcrc indicntnd bclc+w fQr "pu6lic commcnt" this is an opportunity tbr the public cn speak nn ausy topic. Whcn you come to thc padium, plcasc ststc N•our aamo and eddreYS fnr the recotd xnd timit r+emarks to tliree minutrs. 1. COtYSENT AGENDa Cansists of items considered routiaa which ncr epproved as a group. A Cauncilmcmbcr may romovc an itcm fmm the Consrnt Agrnda tn bc considercd scparatcly_ a. Fallovaing claim vouchcrs: VOtiG!-IER L1ST DA1E VUL'Ci-EK #s TOTAL VO[1CI-IER ANl(7UN'T 11-I8-:005 8059-8089 536,319?9 ~ 11-23 ?0(!S 8090.8123 i ~68.0~09~ 1 Z-05-2005 8133-8167 59.873.07 I GRAND TO'CAL $3,064,23331 h. Payroll fOr Pay Prriod End'mg November 30, 2005, in the amount of $194.979.74 c. Pinnning CommiSSion Reappointmcnts of Gail Koglc and Fred 8caulac d_ :lpprovn[ of CounciI Appointmcnts tu Listcd Committces'I3oardslCommissions c. Rc.wlution 05-027 Approving Issuance a!' Nen-Resource Revcnue Bonds f. Approvai afRrquest to Usc Spoknne YallL-v City Lago for Smoke AEarm 17oaument g. appraval of Findings of FACt cvn Appeul APP 04-05 (Hilleri Viljunen) h. ApprovAl of Motttgamcry Avcnuc Ovcrlny Projoct Fina.l Costs i. Acceptnnce ar Cost illlocution Plan j. Appraval of STA Bus Shclter Roquast snd Agrccmcnt K. Approval of hiinutcs of Sptcial Counci) yieeting of Novembcr 14, 2005 Apprmml of Minutes of Special Cauncil Nteeting of November 15, 2005 rn. Approvat of Minutes of Spccial Council Nlceting of Navcmbcr 28, 2005 n. Approvnl of Minutes of Rcguliir Council Meeting of Navrmbcr 39, ZOQi r. Arprova) of'Minute; of t.auncil Study Sc:csionkfrrting of Ikrrmber G, 'QOS Cun.:l :ij:cnilu 12-1?•~~ Regular h!rttinb i'abc 1 uf 2 L. Sewnd Rc::3din (Public couimentJ 3. Approval of Iv[avar Appointmcnt Mercia Sands to Planning Cammission - Meyor Wilhiic [public camment] 1. Approval of Lodging 7'ax Advisory• Cainmittce Grant Recammendatioas - Cocncilmew _ (pu6lic rnmment) 5. Preseatation: Valley Comdor (SpraguelApp(eway) Projcct Update-Neil hcrst+en/SLcvc ' 6. Motion Consideration: Sprague Appleway Traffic rlow Conidrr Coailguration from L;n«crtiiiy hk i0140 -Ncil Kcrstcn/Stcvc Worloy [public comment] PUBLIC C0.N1N1EN71'S Exccpt w•hem indicuied above for "pablic commettt" this is an apportanity "t~ thc public to spca3c on any topic. %CD y0U c,!;1it co ille 1~~:iiinn. ~`1-•:tr~ ~!~ilc .~,itr -3titc Zitd the r+xard and limit remnrks tu three minute~, :1UN IIti7S"[ IlA I lVH' }tF'.f'()k* i'S: C)lS C'lIS S fON: (li ,u;i~il f)rl,hrrati,1,: l('Q H) Pr~:k.cnW,1: l"~.lfl. L:ttltl (-!••c St1t L'cr l -tilit i r, c_ ii:intcr INFORMAT'I()ti ()NI.I : C l iic•sc' r!: nts r?i nr,~ f~ rir.s: ;r.t.sc•i rr r~ j~r~rt~°;i r~l;~ir; ! 7. PlunningCommission Appro% e:i Rlinutc, ot (_)ccoher 13, 21W ti. T)epnnmcntal Adonthly Rcpcm. A[).1l)t'R\'1iFNT ~ F'L'TURF. SCHEDL ZE Regular Carmcil.Wetting.r mre gcrnerally Ire/d lnd and I`'" Tue.sda}.s, begfnning at 6:00 p,ni, Counci! Study Scssions are genera!#y hcld P mrd Sdr Tuexddoac, bcginning au 6: 00 p.nc O[her Tenlatfve Unenmfnz hiretinps/Evenis: I VC}TICE: It►dividuals plnnning to nttend the meeting who trqnlre speclnl assisinnce Wwcoma►vdate pAysical, hduing, or ether tmpairments, please cnnmc: the ( itv C'4erk ut (SiN)) 431 -1ril10 ns soom zc po:sihlc u0 th.1t :urangcmens *.na} hc n.adc C'mmcl Agrnda I2-I3-05 Rcgulnr hiccting 1'agc 2 Q! 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-13-05 City Manager Sign-off: ' Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Follnwing Vouchers: BACKGROUND: VOUCHI::R LIST VOUCHER TOTAT DtATE Number(s) VOUCMER . AMOUNT 11-18-ZOOS 8059-8089 536,319.29 11-23-2005 8090-8123 1,468,040.95 12-05-2005 8133-8167 59,873.07 GRAND TOTAi., $2 064,233.31 - ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: ' STAFF CONTACT: Mary Baslington ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 1111812005 3:22:45PM Spokane Valley eank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 8059 11/16/2005 000959 MARK MILLER & PRISCILLA OBERST 11l07l05 Barker ROW . PURCHASE ROW CORNER TAKE 1,640.00 Total : 1,640.00 8060 11/1812005 000945 ACTION DRAIN 126440 40803 205 S. PARK - ROSEHAVEN MHP 247.38 - Total : 247.38 8061 11/1812005 000335 ALTON'S TIRE INC. 6-10272 ' VEHICLE REPAIR 380.76 Total : 380.76 8062 11/18/2005 000951 ANATEK LABS, INC. 05X3731 40822 ROSEHAVEN - SOIL TESTING 540.0D Total : 540.00 8063 11/18/2005 000961 ASCAP 11/17l05ASCAP PRO-RATED LICENSING AGREEME 322.00 Total : 322.00 8064 11/1812005 000168 B & C TELEPHONE INC. 104330 TELEPHONE REPAIR 8 LABOR 111.76 • Total : 111.76 8065 11118/2005 000497 BANK 0F NEW YORK ~ 11f04/05-1856 SEMI-ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE PAY 373,917.50 Total : 373, 917.50 8066 11/18/2005 000950 BRACCO, LISA 10I31/05 LB Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE-CELL PH 605.50 Total : 605.50 8067 11l18/2005 000835 CERIUM NETWORKS LLC CERQ13879 40756 CISCO 4510 FOR CITY HALL UI'GR 60,572.88 Total : 60,572.88 8068 11l18/2005 000947 D&M MARKETING 2407 40805 VEHICLE FIRS7 AID KITS 171.18 ' Total : 171.18 8069 11/18/2005 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 11/15/05 Reimb. REIMB. FOR WHITE MARKING PAI~ 39.01 182230 40823 RIGH7-OF-WAY INSPECTION SERb 8,130.93 Total : 8,169.44 8070 11/18/2005 000686 DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING 11/18l05 DOL Cash CASFi 7RANSMITTAL TO DOL 13.00 • Total : 13.00 ~ vchlist Voucner List \Page: 2 11/1812005 3:22:45PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO Description/Account Amount 8071 11l18/2005 000393 INLAND AUDIO VISUAL 6040 40799 EQUIPMENY RENTAL 27.13 Total : 27.13 8072 11/18/2005 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING INC. 26866 ADVERTISING 65.60 26872 ' ADVERTISING 87,75 26873 ADVERTI S I N G 62.25 26874 ADVERTISING 25.00 Total : 240.60 8073 11/18/2005 000069 MERCIER, DAVID 11/18l05 MRSC Reimb. REIMB. DAVE MEIZCIER FOR MRSC 246.92 . Total : 246.92 8074 11/18l2005 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 312327614-003 40786 OFFICE SUPPLIES 65.26 312557394-001 40800 OFFICE SUPPLIES 389.44 312857394-002 40800 • OFFICE SUPPLIES 21.74 312857395-001 40800 OFFICE SUpPLIES 29,27 313412391-001 40806 OFFICE SUPPLIES 232.23 Tota l : 737.94 8075 11118I2005 000307 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER 10J31/05 State STATE REMIITANCES 47,197.06 Total : 47,197.06 8076 11/18/2005 000691 OLSTEN INC. 61974251 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 464.00 ' Tota I : 464.00 8077 11/18l2005 000960 POTELCO, INC. 11/15105 Overpayment REFUND.OF DUPLICATE PAYMENT 41.00 Total : • 41.00 8078 11/18/2005 000341 RICOH CORPORA710N 05128621939 'COPIER RENTAL PAYMENT ' 248.30 ' 05128622375 COPIER RENTAL PAYMENT 412.30 05128641354 COPIER RENTAL PAYMENT 238.70 • Total : 897.30 8079 11/18/2005 000415 ROSAUERS U-C11Y INC. 482787 P/1EETING SUPPLIES - 49.59 579756 KITCMEN SUPPUES 42.52 Total : 92.11 8080 11/1812005 000324 SCWD #3 475-1495-00 WATER CHARGES 25.62 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 11118J2005 3:22:45PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Qmount 8080 11/18l2005 000324 000324 SCWD #3 (Continued) ` Total : 25.62 8081 11/18/2005 000308 SPOKANE COUNTY PROSECUTING, ATl 10105 Pras. Attomey C121ME VICTIMS COMPENSATION F 641.45 Total : 641.45 8082 11/18l2005 000323 SPOKANE COUNTY UTILITIES 11/1I05 Sewer charge SEWER CHARGES 471.15 Total : 471.15 8083 11/18120U5 000257 S'f'A7E AUDITOR'S OFFICE L56470 STATUTORY AUDIT SERVICES ' 29,590.80 ' Total : 29,590.80 8084 11/18/2005 000177 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE 11/16/05 SVSC Postag SENIOR CENTER NEWSLElTER P( 189.39 Total : 189.39 8085 11/18/2005 000167 VERA WATER 8 POWER 0001-031971.02 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 70.09 0001-032805.00 STREET POWER UGHTING/WATEF 19.48 0002-001425.01 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARG 164.40 0005-016348.01 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARG 50.78 0006-033021.00 STREET POWER LIGHTING/WATEF 19.48 0007-017753.01 STREET POWER LIGHTINGlWATEF 16.45 0008-010790.01 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 52.41 0010-003488.01 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARG 106.35 004-000755.01 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 157.71 Total : 657.15 8086 11/18l2005 000956 WEIR, TERRENCE #05003120 Refund REFUND OF OVERPAYMENT OF PE 806.85 Total : 806.85 8087 11/18/2005 000962 WSBA 11/18/05 WSBA book PUBLICATION 88.37 Total : 88.37 8088 11/18/2005 000089 XO COMMUNICATIONS INC. 0203251562 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1,462.55 Total : 1,462.55 8089 11/1812005 000955 YMCA OF THE INIAND NORTHWEST 9/8105 7our. promo. TOURISM PROMOTION 5,750.00 Tota I : 5,750.00 31 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 536,319.29 . ~ < e: 3 vChlist " . . VOU n@r LISt Page: 4 11/1812005 3:22:45PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 31 Vouchers in this report ' Total vouchers: 536,319.29 I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, • that tho materlals have b:aen fumished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein . and that the Gaim isjusi, due and an unpaid obligation against tlie City of Spokane Valley, and ihet I am authorized to authenUcate and certify to said claim. , Finance Director Date " Pagc: 4 vchlist . Voucher List Page: 1 1112312005 4:21:26PM Spokane Valley _ Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionJAccount Amount 8090 1112312005 000037 AMERICAN LINEN INC. 136128 . FLOOR MAT SERVICE 45.34 Total : 45.34 8091 1112312005 000030 AVISTA UTILI7IES 410069444 S7REET LIGHTINGlSIGNAL POWEF 19,198.31 Total : 19,198.31 8092 11/23J2005 000918 sLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY, INC. 8664397 ' LINEN SERVICE FOR CEN7ERI'LA( 102.40 ' Total: 102.40 $093 11/2312005 000863 CENTURY WEST ENGINEERING CORP. 022989 40670 8TH AVENUE CONSTRUCTION MAP 4,176.40 Total : 4,176.40 8094 11/23/2005 000729 CHZMHILL INC. 3529709 40561 BARKER ROAD S7REET IMPROVEP 2,730.81 - Total : 2,730.81 8095 11/23/2005 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 35450 COFFEE & TEA SUPPLIES 154.45 35469 CENTERPLACE COFFEE & TEA SUI 41.95 Total : 196.40 8096 11/23/2005 000919 DAN THE PIANO MAN 114072 40747 TUNE PIANOS A7 CEN7ERPLACE 180.00 Total : 180.00 8097 11/2312005 000683 DAVID EVANS 8 ASSOCIATES 182229 40562 SPOKANE VALLEY PLAN REVIEW 1,926.50 Total : 1,926.50 8098 11/23/2005 000686 DEPAR7MENT OF LICENSING A!R 587 ' MLS CREDIT CARD FEES 12.40 Total : 12.40 8499 11/23P2005 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST 301124288 DEX ADVERTISING-CEN7ERPLACI 92.61 Total : 92.61 8100 11f2312005 000278 DFtISKELL, CARY 11/21105 CD Reimb. REIMBURSEMEN7 FOF2 MILEAGE 47.05 Total : 47.05 8101 1112312005 000863 JOHNSON, BRAD 11117/05 BJ Reimb. f2EIMBURSEMENT FOR TRAINING 364.65 . Total : 364.65 e: 1 vChlist Vo cner LiSt `Page: 2 1112312005 , 4:21:26PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank, Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionJAccount Amount 8102 11/23/2005 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING INC. 26904 ADVERTISING 71.25 • 26905 ADVERTISING 72.00 ' 26906 ADVER7ISING 72.00 26907 ADVERTISING 34.50 26908 ADVERTISING 34.50 26909 ADVE RTI SI N G 38.25 26910 ADVE RTl SI N G 33.75 Total : 356.25 8103 11/23l2005 000864 JUB ENGINEERS, INC_ 0035401 40672 0046 MONTGOMERY CONSTRUCTI 9,216.27 Total : 9,216.27 8104 11/23/2005 000275 KERSTEN, NEIL 11I21J05 NK Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE-KERSTE 360.14 Total : 360.14 8105 11/23/2005 000755 LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES 3039 ADVERTISING 25.00 Total : 25.00 8106 11/23f2005 000545 LO INK SPECIALTIES 9799-1 44820 CLIPPER TAGS FOR BIDG. DEPT. 257.75 Total: ' 257.75 8107 11/2312005 000387 MODEL IRRIGATION DIST. #18 06-0400.0 WATER CHARGES 540.62 Total : 540.62 8108 11/23/2005 000636 MOORE IACOFANO GOLTSMAN, INC. 0018345 PARK 8, REC MASTER PLAN 8,229.25 Total : 8,229.25 8149 11/23/2005 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 313687504-001 40811 OFFICE SUPPLIES 414.47 40811 . 313927702-001 44816 OFFICE SUPPLIES 73.88 313927703-001 40816 OFFICE SUPPLIES 27.18 Total : 515.53 8110 11/23J2005 000965 OVERLAND WEST, INC. L-5242804-0 ROW INSPECTORS RENTAL CAR 626.53 Total : 626.53 8111 11/2312pp5 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. 6,847 TEPAPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 565.60 7,076 - TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 552.80 Page: 2 vchlist ' Voucher List Page: 3 1112312005 4:21:26PM Spokane Valley , Bank code : apbank • Voucher Date Vendor ' Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8111 11123/2005 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. (Continued) 7.077 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 565.60 7,347 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 452.48 . Total : 2,136.48 8112 11/2312005 000322 QWEST • . 509-921-6787 5118 TELEPHONE CHARGES-MIRABEAI! 43.03 Total : 43.03 8113 11/23l2005 000321 SPOKANE AREA EOC _ 4th Quarter 4TH QTFt CONTRACT PAYMENT 13,750.00 ' Total : 13,750.00 8114 11l23/2005 000001 SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER 11/21l05 County COUNTY CONTRAC7 PAYMENTS 1,164,16329 Total : 1,164,163.29 8115 11l2312005 000323 SPOKANE COUNTY UTILITIES 031608/081608 SEWER CHARGES 254.69 Total : 254.69 8116 11/23/2005 000862 SPOKANE ROCK PRODUCI'S, INC. Progress payment #1 40674 8TH AVENUE OVERLAY PROJECT 235,090.51 Total : 235,090.51 8117 11/23/2005 000011 SPOKANE VALLEY CHAMBER, OF COMA 104745 FLANIGAN - CHAMBER BREAKFAS- 20.00 , • Total : 20.00 8118 11/23J2005 000419 SUMMI7 LAW GROUP 28069 GENERAL EMPl.OYMENT 8, LABOfZ 147.00 • ' Tota I : 147.00 8119 11f23/2005 000958 TRIPLE A SWEEPING 34496 40821 GRINDING BARKER & EUCLID RR ( 2,495.50 Total : 2,495.50 8120 11/2312005 000167 VERA WATER & I'OWER 0011-010826.01 STREET POWER LIGHTING/WATEF 16.10 0012-004137.02 STREET POWER LIGHTING/WATEF 35.56 0013-032589.01 STREE7 POWER LIGHTING/WATEF 62.88 0014004275.01 STREET POWER LIGH7ING/WATEF 23.57 • • 0014032971.00 STREET POWER LIGHTING 42.59 • Total : 180.70 8121 11123/2005 000954 VOL7 13579529 TEMPORARY EMI'LOYMENT SERVI 297.00 . 'le: 3 . ~ • f '1` . vchlist VO Cher LISt Page: 4 11/23/2005 4:21:26PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 8121 11/23J20U5 000964 '000964 VOLT (Cantinued) Total : 297.00 8122 11/23l2005 00061 VWILHITE, DIANA 11/17/05 DW Reimb. REIMBURSE MILEAGE 63.54 . Total : 63.54 8123 11/2312005 000129 WRPA 05-361 NATIONAL YOUTH CONGRESS 199.00 Total : 199.00 34 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 1,468,040.95 34 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,468,040.95 I, the•undersigned, do certify under pensity ot perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the servioes , rendered, or tho Iabor performed as desu(bed herein . and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and cerUfy to said daim. • Finance L7irector Date ' Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 12/0512005 7:33:23PM ' Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8133 11/30/2005 000967 LOVELACE, RICH 11/21l05 Entertain. ENTERTNMT FOR HOLIDAY PARTY 600.00 Total : 600:00 8135 11/3012005 000868 CHARLEY'S CATERING COMPANY 11/30l05 Hol. Party CATERING FOR HOLIDAY PARTY 2,087.25 Total : 2,087.25 8138 12J5f2005 000335 ALTON'S T1RE INC. 6-11204 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 24.08 Total : 24.08 8139 12/512005 000973 CANTU INVESTMENTS, LLC -11/30/05 Refund REFUND BLDG. PERMIT & PLAN RE 2,296.14 . Total : 2,296.14 8140 12/512005 000729 CN2MMILL INC. 3532918 • 40682 0003 BARKER RD BRIDGE TS&L ST 10,136.99 3532943 40561 BARKER ROAD IMPFtOVEMENT PR 4,204.02 Total : 14,341.01 8141 12/5/2005 •000972 CROSKEY, NANCY 11J28/05 Refund REFUND HOME PROFESSION PER 80.00 . Total : 80.00 8142 1215/2005 OOOOBO DENENNY, RICHARD 11/30f05 DD Reimb. REIM9. MILEAGE 412.32 Total : 412.32 8143 1215/2005 000152 DEI'AR7MENT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-AT651115070 SIGNAL & ILLUMINATION MAINT. 307.49 RE-313-AT851115071 STATE ROUTE ROADWAY MAINT 7,683.27 RE-313-ATB51115085 VALLEY COUPLEl'-UNIV. 70 EVERt 37.92 , Total : 8,008.68 8144 12/5/2005 000028 FARMERS ~ MERCHANTS BANK 11/14/05 MasterCard CREDIT CARD CHARGES 1,808.51 11/14/05 MasterCard CREDIT CARD CHARGES 1,128.63 40809 Total : 2,937.14 8145 12/512005 000106 FEDEX 3-208-37880 SHIPPING CHARGES 68.14 • Total : 68.14 8146 12l5/2005 000870 GARY'S SIGN SERVICE • 11/29f05 Refund REFUND I'ERM17 & SIGN REVIEW I 140.00 ~ . / vChlist / VOUChef LISt Page: 2 12105/2005 7:33:23PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank . Voucher Date Vendor -Invoice PO # Oescriptlon/Account Amount 8146 12l512005 000970 000970 GARY'S SICN SERVICE (Continued) Total : 140.00 ~ 8147 12/512005 000179 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFF ASSOC 0031582 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL GFOA 580.00 . Total : 580.00 8148 1215l2005 000009 HEWLEl?-PACKARD COMPANY 39190328 CABLE MANAGEMENT ARM 77.03 Total : 77.03 8149 12/5/2005 000393 INLAND AUDIO VISUAL 6094 _ 40799 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 97.65 ' Total : 97.65 8150 12/5/2005 000070 INLAND POWER AND LIGHT CO 94202-002 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 34.26 94202-003 S7REET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 49.83 94202-005 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 110.58 94202-006 STREET POWER UGHTING CHARC 180.00 Total : 374.67 8151 12/5/2005 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISMING INC. 26927 ADVERTISING 61.50 • 26928 ADVE RTI S I N G 67.65 - , 26928 ADVERTISING 63.55 26933 ADVERTIS I N G 43.40 _ 26957 ADVERTISING 216.00 Total : 452.10 8152 12/512005 000069 MERCIER, DAV10 12l01l05 Mercier AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 400A0 Total: •400.00 8153 12J5/2005 000662 NATIONAL BARRICADE & SIGN CO., OF 49129 40825 PAVEMENT MARKING TAPE 97.54 ' Total : 97.54 8154 12/512005 000861 NELSOPJ LANQSCAPE SERVIC E, INC SV-90727 40774 CENTERPLACE GRADINCy - 0015 4,95628 Total : 4,956.28 8155 12l5/2005 000121 NORTHWEST MAILING IP1C 19828 40717 112 GALLONS OF MAGIC SEAL 60.71 Total : 60.71 8156 12/5/2005 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 310856306-002 40761 OFFICE SUPPLIES 21.75 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List . Page: 3 12105I2005 7:33:23PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8158 12l512005 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. (Con6nued) ' 311606330-001 , . OFFICE SUPPLIES 170.19 40780 311839414-001 OFFICE SUPPLY - CREDIT -162.12 314655731-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 24.49 314819132-001 40824 OFFICE SUPPLIES 57.08 Total : 111.39 8157 12/5/2005 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. 7,306 TEMPORARY EMf'LOYMEN7 SERVI " 1,547.84 7,532 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 565.60 Total : 2,113.44 8158 12/5J2005 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 14622 MAGNET SIGN W/ CITY LOGO 53.71 Total : 53.71 8159 12/5P2005 000324 SCWD #3 170-0040-03 WATER CHARGES 25.52 Total: • 25.52 8160 12/5/2005 000090 SPOKANE COUN7Y INFORMATION, SYS 51712 COUNTY IT SUPPORT 14,759.05 . Total: 14,759.05 8161 12f5J2005 OOa939 SPRAGUE & SULLIVAN MINIS70RAGE 8089 CEN7ERPLACE STORAGE (LOCK) 10.00 Total : 10.00 8162 1215/2005 000311 SPRINT PCS • 0141276664-3 CELL PHONE CHARGES 807.82 Total : 807.82 8163 12/512005 000822 STRUCTURED SOLUTIONS BASED, NET 0124967-1N TRAVEL EXPENSES 2,420.62 . Total : 2,420.62 8164 12/5/2005 000687 THE AMERICAN INSTITU'TE, OF ARCHITI 30012017 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 667.00 Total : 667.00 8165 121512005 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0015-031941.01 STREET POWER LIGH7ING CHAI2C 49.26 0018-032752.00 ' STREET POWER LIGHTINGIWATEF 18.68 ' 0030-031942.01 STREET POWEf2 LIGhi71NG CHARC 50.84 Total : 118.78 . ' .s: 3 . ; vchlist Voucner List age: 4 12)0512005 7:33:23PM . Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8166 12/5l2005 000364 VOLT 13614205 . TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 495.00 Total : 495.00 8167 1215/2005 000667 WSDOT, ENGINEERING PUBI.ICATIONS 2006 S/nd Spec. 40827 WSDOT PUBUCATIONS . 200.00 Total : 200.00 32 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 59,873.07 32 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 59,873.07 I, [he undersigned, do ceAi(y under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the services • rendered, or the la6or pertormed as described herein ' and that the clalm is just, due and an unpaid abUgation ' against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certafy to said daim. ' Finance Director Date • Page: 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ' Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-13-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check al) that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending November 30, 2005 ' GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: " OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $129,297.29 . Benefits: 65,682.45 TOTAL PAYROLL: $194,979.74 STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faulkner ATTAC H M EN TS . , CTl'Y OF SPOKANF VAr,T.,EY Request for Council Action Vleetin;; Date: 12-13-05 City Manager Sign-off: • Item: Check all Ehat apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pendiiig legislation AGEiNDA ITEM Tl'I`LE : Planning Comrnissiun Reappointments of G.iil 7Cocrlc and Frecl Beauliic GOVER.~~:NG LEGISLA'1'ION: P.RFVIOUS COUNCIL ACTTO\° TAKFN: r1t the llecember 6, 2005 Cottncil Study Sessien, Mayor Wilhite proposed re-appcaintin ; incumbents Fred }3eaulac and Gail Koole for three-year terms; said terms to begin January 1, 2006 and end December 31, 2008. It was Council consensus to place approval of tHe..se appointments on the December 13, 2005 consent agenda. BACKGROUNW: Ol'TI011`S: 12LCUMMFNAEll ACTIQN OR MOTION: Approve appointments of Fred Bcaulac and Gai.l 1Cogle for three-year terms on the Planning Commissipn, terms to begin .Tanuary 1, 2006, and end December 31, 2008. BUDGFT/FiNANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMEIVTS ~ • ; , • , Cl'I'Y OF SPQKANE VALLEY Reyuest fur Council Action Meeting Uatc: 12-13-05 City Manager Sign-off: Iteni: CFieck all [hat app1y:0 consent ❑ old busincss ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ inTormation ❑ admin. report ❑ pencfing lebislation AGFNIDA ITEM T1TLE: Mayroral Appointments to Bosu•ds and Committees GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: At the December 6; 2005 Cowicil Stucly Session, Mayror Wilhite made scveral appaintment recommendations. Thosc appointments a.re as shown in yellow highlighLs qn the attachecl list. 13AC1CGRUUND: OI'TIONS: _ iZECUMi~IENDED ACTiQN OR MOTIOT7: Approv9l of Council Appointments as per the highGghted list. BUD(:,ET/F'iNa►\'CIAL LVII'AC`l'S: STAFF CONTACT: Al"I'ACHMENTS A list ofi current committee appointments showing new proposed appointnlents is at:tached. Yellow highlights show dle new appointments. APPOINTED BOARDlCOMMITTEE REPRESENTAT(VE INITIAL APPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRES AWC ResaluGvns Commission Rich Munson A Hi 2003 elecffid AWC L'tslative Committee Sbeve Ta tor Navember 2003 , Brid in the Valle staif Cable Acivisory Board Richerd You+rg, SV Rep, appanted 2-8-05; 1 year temt i Central Vallej School Distrid CVSO Rich Munson liatson Octnber 2003 ad hoc Chamber oi Commeroe Bosrd ' Stem TayleF;-ex olsia 8-ai-06 ) 0 3-Afi Bftl Gothmann Ja 2d08 8~31-08 Community Devebpment Blo~k G~t 11-16-04 Convendon CenGer b Y~itor's Bureau Steve Taylor; 1-1403 -12-31-05 12-31-06 Dick Denenn alt 1-14-03 - 12-31-05 12-31-08 11125/03 Economic Development Counoll Diana Wilhibe 1-1403 -12-31-05 12-31-06 Sbeve Ta lor, att 1-14-03 -12-31-05 12-31-06 Emergency Communicatlions Bd 911 Mike DeVlemin 3-22-05 ~ none 1125103 F'martce Cammfte Dlana Wilhite 12-10-02 - 12-31-05 12-31-06 Rich Munson 12-10-02 - 12-31-05 12-31-06 Steve Ta tor 12•10-02 - 12-31-05 12-31-06 Friends ol Centennial Trail Board Mike DeVlemi 4-22-03 4-22-06 ~ Govemance Cmte Regional Wastewater Treatrnent Didc Denenn 10-07-03 i 12-16-03 Growth Mgmt Steering Commlttee Steve Tayior 1-14-03 - 12-31-05 12-31-06 Rldi Munson 1-14-03 - 12-31-05 12-31-06 remainder Coundl alts _l 1-14-03 -12-31-05 12-31-08 Heolth Distrlct Boartd Dick Qenenny (chair for 2004 - 8-12-03 (eitective 5-1-03) - 12-31-06 ' eVected 12-03) 12-31-05 ~ 6111 ~iott~nnma ~-43 121-08 I Janue 2008 Housinq 3 Comm Develop. Advisory CommitDes (HCDAC) R+cb-MuFIseA ~11-28-83 4-8-2008 Steve T$y3ef January 2006 BUI Cothmann 02-10-04 tntemabonal Tracfe Alliance Rich Munsan Light Rall Citizen Advtsory Boerd Didc Denenny Ga Schimmels. alt t:pdatcc! Ucccmbcr 2005 111251Q3 I Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (HotellMotel) 1 M1keFlanlgaa 2-25-03 :1-2-3a-~b ~ Spokane Vallev Ordinance 27 Diana WiIhite, aft 2-25-03 -12-31-05 12-31-08 Appointed by Mayor, confirmed by Council Jeff Fiman 8-28-04 12-31-05 2 mbrs required to called tax Liz Beck, Super 8 2-22-05 12-31-07 2 mbrs involved in funded activities Peggy Doenng, Vaileyfest 2-22-05 12-31-06 1 councllmember llsauraesa 2-22-9b 42-4*47 Review memborship annuaity Mike Conway 11-3-05 12-31-07 T*rrns an one and two-year tenns Steve Taybr .lanuary2006 12-31-06 PlannMg Commissron Mike DeubewNPW, 7-22-83 Offioers 2005-2006- Gary Schimmets oouncil liaison 1-25-05 - 12-31-05 12-31-06 Chair. Davia Crosby 12 3i-0 42-34-06 lrice Chair. John Carroll Ian Roberlson (3-yf term) 12-31-03 12-31-06 John CaRaN (3-yr term) , 12-31-03 12-31-06 Fred Beaulac (3 year tertn) 12-31-03 - 12-31-05 1-08 - 12-31-08 , Gail Kogle (3 year tenn) 12-31-03 - 12-31-05 1-06 -12-31-08 i Davld Crosby (3-yr teRn) 10-12-04 (12-31-03) 12-31-07 Bob Blum (3-yr berm) 10-12-04 (12-31-03) 12-31-07 Seniof Center Ad Hoc Committee (establish working Gary Schimmels 2-24-04 relabonship between Sr Ctr Assoc 8 Ciry m preparation for Mike Flanigan 2-24-04 i move to CenterPtaoe ; Solid Waste System Liaison Board Gary Sctiimmels 9-3-03 Mike DeVteming, aft , Marc Torte, a d 2-8-05 S kane Homeownecship Re.souroe Center (SHORC) Diana Wilhite , Spokane Housing Autharity (SHA) (dba NE Wa Housing Citizen: Janet Bastine 3-13-2003 3-15-2008 Solubons) Jud Butler 3-22-05 12-31-2009 Spokane Regwna! Transportation Coundl Board (SRTC) ~ Gary Schimmels 1-14-03 -12-31-05 12-31-06 Mike DeVleming, aft 1-14-03 -12-31-05 12-31-06 02-10-04 SCRAPS (Mfmal Control Task Force) Gary Schimmels Mike DeVlemin , aft ~ 11l25J03 Spokane Transit Authority Baard of Directots (annual Didc Denenny 1-14-03 -12-31-05 12-31-06 sppointments) Diana Vlrlhite (wid►drew 12-16- 1 44,21 03 12-31-04 03) Gery Schimmels, alt i Rich Munson a ted 12-23-03 1-14-03 = 12-31-05 , 12-31-06 I Student Advisory Commitbee Audra Sims, Rec Coordinator Student Members appointed ~ Ashley Bell, VWHS at 6-14-05 Counal meeting Updatcd lhxc :WS Victoria Bemdt, CVHS (consent agenda) . Jessica Cannon, EVHS Jolean Hughes, CVHS Brent Vlahovich, UHS Tourism Promotion Area (TPA) Hotel Advisory Commission Liz Beck 7-13-Q4 3-31-07 SV Council appoints 2 members and one ex-officio #afFy-SJ,adish Jody Sander 2 24-94 7-12-05 3-31-07 All nominees must be operators or employees of lodging Steve Taylor, ex-officio 2-24-Q4 3-31-07 business witfiin Spokane County After initial term, three- ear terms erms start first of A ril Updated Decembcr 2005 C17Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-13-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: Z consent ❑ old business ❑ new business public hearing ❑ information El admin. report ❑ pending IegislaEion . AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Washington Economic Development Finance Authority Revenue Bond Program GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: This information was included as an "information only" item in the November 29, 2005 council agenda packet. At the December 6, 2005 Councii Study Session, Council directed that the draft resolution be included for council consideration on the December 13, 2005 council consent agenda. . BACKGROUND: City Manager Mercier recently received a packet of information from the Washington Economic Development Finance Authority (WEDFA) concerning the proposed issuance of $7,500,000 on Tax Exempt/Taxable Economic Development Revenue Bonds to Four Corners Capital, LLC d/b/a Pristina Pine. The firm intends to buy-out an existing Valley company now in bankruptcy. The firm employs 300+/_ on three shifts who manufacture door and window cornponents. Four Corners Capital wishes to close the deal before Christmas. VTith council approval, this item will be brought up as a draft resolution at the December 13, 2005 council meeting. ; _J As was the case with each of the other such bonding issues processed by Council since incorporation, there is no city liability attached to such financing, and WEDFA will not consummate financing without a resolution stating that the city has no objection to the business to be assisted. Jeff Nave, Attorney with Foster Pepper & Shefelman will be present to respond to any questions the Council may have. OPTIONS: (1) Direct a draft resolution be included for council consideration on the December 13, 2005 council agenda; (2) give staff further instructions; (3) take other action 'deemed appropriate. RECOMMENOED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve Resolution 05-027 BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Dave Mercier, City Manager ATTACHMENTS • November 17, 2005 letter from WEDFA . Draft Spokane Valley Resolution 05-027 WEDFA Resolutian No. 2005-020 C1T'Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPO:ICANE COUNTX, WASHliNGTON lUSOLUTIQN NO.OS-027 A RESOLOTION OF THE SPOKANr VaLLEY CITY COUiNCT_L APPROk'iNC: ?HF ACTlUN OF TTTF STA1E OF WASE(lt1`GTON ECONONiTC DEVELUPNLENT FL\7A1~`CE AUTHOR.TTY AYll TIIL+ ISSUANCE Oh \ON-RESOURCE 1tEVENUE BONUS TO FINrV'vCF A\7 ECONOMIC DFVF;LOPN.CENT FACILITY FQR :N OIIR CORINMlYS CAI'ITAL, LLC ("the COA'g'A\Y'), AND PROViDING FOR 077~.F,R il!fATTE12S YI20PE.RLY RFLAriNG TEIERETQ. «EKL+"AS, on 'tNovember 7, 2005, the Washington Cconomic Development Finance Autlaority ("NVEDFA") had presented to it Resolution No. W-2005-020 (the "Resolution"), a copy of which is attached hereto as I::chibiC t\, relating tp the issuance of non-resource revenue bonds wherein the proceeds of wbich would be loaned to the Coinpany for the purchase of an existino door and wint[ow component manufacturing plant located at 3014 N Flora Road, Spokane Valley (thc "projecl"), all as authorized by the Er.onomic I7evelopment rinance Authority Ar of 1989, R.C.W. Title,43, Chapter 163, as amended (thc "AcC"); iind R'HE12EAS, on November 7, 2005,NVEDFA unanimously approved t}ie Rcsolution; and • R'HFRFAS, it is the policy of the Wasliington rconomic Development l'inance Authority not to issue -re<<enue bonds G\C8}lY upon the apprqval of the counCy, city or town within whose planrling jurisdiction the proposed industrial developrnent facility lies; ancl WHE1tEAS, the Peoject lies Nvitllin the boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington. NOW 1HE1tEi FOKE, it is hereby found, cletennined and ordered as follotivs: Section 1: T'he Spokane Valley City Council (t.he "Cnuncil"), pursuant to the request of the Washington Eeanomic 17evelopment F'inancc Authori[y, claes hereby approve the issuance of nc~n- rccourse revenue bnnds (the "Bonds"), by the Washington Economic I7evelopment Finance Authority, for the purposes provided in the Act. , Section 2: Thc Bpnds shall be issued in the aggregate principal sum of nol ta exceed $7,500,000 pursuant to a Res4lution ofi NbrFDFA.. The proceeds of the Bonds are to bc lent lo the Company, pursuant to a loan agreement or olher appropriate finatice a€reement, snd used for the purpose of dcquirinb, rehabilitating and equipping the 1'roject, including the necessary appurtenances, located widiin the boundaries of the Ciry of Spokane VaUey, and to pay ceirtain costs of issuanec of lhe Ronds. . Section 3: The Bonds shall not con'stitutc an obligation of the State of 1'Vashington ar of the City , of Spokane Valley, and no ta:x funds or revenues of the State of Washington or of the City of Spokane Valley shall be used to pay the principal ar interest on the Bonds. Neither the f'aith ancl credit nor any taxing power of the State of Washington or of the City of Spokane Valley shall be pledged to pay the principal or interest on the Bonds. Section 4: The City oF Spokane Valley hereb_y approves the issuance of Bonds by 1ABDFf•l for the purpose of financing the Project as dcscribecl herein, a qualifed pro.ject under the .Act. hlowever, such approval shall not waive any of the permitting requirements applicable to tliis project. Resolution 05-027 Approving Non-rcsauroe Rcvsnue Bonds I'ags 1 of 2 SectiQn 5: `I'his Rcsolution is intencled to constitute approval of the iss«ance of revenue bonds within the meaning of the policy of the Washington Gconomic Development 1°inance Authority. Section 6: Upnn passa~e and approval of this Resolution, it shall take effect immecliately. Adopted this 13°h day of I7ecember, 2005. AYES: NOES : ABSENT: A]3S'1':1INi iG: City of Spokane Valley . Diana Wilhite, Mayor . ATTEST: Christine 13ainbriclge, City Clerk Kesulutiat► 05-027 Approving Nnn-rGSnurct keveaue Dontls Psgc 2 of 2 , • ' EXHIBIT A v " , . }2.F.SOLU7':CON NO. W-2005-02Q . A RES4LUTI4iN OF T-ffE «'AS'i'"GTnN ECQNOMTC DEVEI,OPNWiVT FJYAl\CF AUTH()R[TY TAIU-NG OFF1C:1".AL ACT:1:()N TONVARD TF1=I!; rSSUANCF UF NOiV'RECO'C7`RSE ECONOINITC :DEVET •UPIYIEN7' :FZEVENUE B4NDS JN` ONE 012 1VIp.RG SE .R.]_ES iiN A 11AXMIU1I AiNlOTJT'T NOT TO EXCEED 47,500,000 A,ND AUT1:I012TZING T'ff E EXFCYITIOtN OF A N TNN.DLiVINT.I-+~ICATIni\i AIND COMk'LNSATI4N AGREEDM NT BX' AND . BET'tiVEE.N TfCE NVAS.t CTON ,FCOI\T0?vi.iC D:E;VELOPY11ENT FINANCE{ AUM0RITY A.ND FO'CTR CORNERS CAl'TTAL, T.,T.~C OR ITS SYTCCESS0R Olt ASSxGNS (the "Company"). ' WRE}.Z.FAS, the VVa'shington L-7conomic ]aevelopment Finance Authority (the "Tssuer") is a; ciuly organized and existi.ng insh-umenlality of the State of Wash.i.ngton . authorized and• empowered by the provisians of :RCW Chapter 43.163 (collectively, the "Act:') to issue nourecouzse economic devclopmen.t revenue borid's for the purpose of , carrying. into cffect the conshuction of i.tnprovcments and the acquisition of"per.sonal ' propErties and provi.de working capital suitable for use by auy industry, and to loan its ~ j . moneys when uccessary or convenient to cairy out its powers under the Act; and tiVffEREAS, the C.ompany has informed the Tssuer that it wishes to acquire, construct, equip, and. imp.rove the nianufaeturing fac.ilitics td be- located in- .Spokanc . Valley,. Spokane Cou,nty, WaShiugton, as moi-e fully de.scribed in Exhibit A attac.hed hereto and incorporated li.erei.n (the "Site"), all o£ wluch are ]ocated within the territorial liuiits of i:he •State of Washi.ngton, and the, Company has rcquesled tfie Tssiier to i.ssi.ie nanrecourse ecouomic cievelopment revenue bonds (the "tonds"). in a n»citiltun ariapuut not to eYCEed ,SEVEN MZL,x,TON FNE HC)N1pR.ED THOUSANll dol.lars ($7,500,000) pursuant to tbe Act to car.cy into e:ff'ect t:he acqu.isition, consttuction, equipping, and ir.nproving of real and personal. property aud provisini-t of worki.ng capital at the Sile to be used iri the mauufacCurin; fac;ilities of'the Corupany, as n-tore fu11y dcscribed i~ Exh,ibit A hereio (the "Project"), to loan the ptoceeds of ihe ]3onds to finance the acqtusition, construct7on, impreveuent, equippivg, and installation of khe I'rojcet; -anci W.F11;1ZLAS, a form of abreement designated as 'axi "Zndeuuuficatian and ' Compeusatian A;rcem.ent" has been prepared settiug fozth the respective agreemen.ts aud undertaking of the Is'suer and the Company w-ith respect io tfie Bonds and the Project; and .I'VRERF.AS, it is considered necessary and desirab.le for the besf infcrest o.f the Issuer, that flie-1ndem.nificati.on and Compensation Ajreemant be eicecu.ted for and on the behalf of the Xssuer; and Re-.solution vo. W-2005-020 Page 1 of 6 November 7, 2065 r T • ~ . WHEREt1.S, the .T,nde.mn.ification and Couipensation Agrecment require,s the Company to pay all reasonable and necessary costs incun-ed by the Issuer in connection vizth the $onds audlor in counection with the Project; aud IVHF..RFAS, the Issuer finds that the Project consi7futes the developrnenfi and i,Fnprovem.ent of econonaic clevelopment facilities under the A.ct; and ' WHERFAS, it is intended that this resolution shall constitute a deelaxatioi~ o:f official intent to cei.mhurse Project expenclitures withi.n the meaning of Secti_ons 1.103- .(8)(T)(a)(5) and 1.150-2 o f the Federal Income Tax RegulatYOns. . NOW TBEREF0RE, bc it resolvcd by the Washington Economic Development - Finance Aull-,ority as holtows: . Section l.. It is heY•eby d.etcrxnined tha-t (a) the acqlusition, construction and iustallation of the Project and its oper.ataon a,s an econo.nuc develoPnien.t facility; (b) the issuan.ce of the bonds of the lssuer iu onc or more series and in a maxirnurn amount not to . exceed $7,500,000, to finance costs of the Project, such total costs to bc financed tiy the Bonds presently estimateci ta be approxiuiately $7,500,000; and (c) the execution mid delivery of such contracts and agt-eenlen.ts with the .l:ssue~ras are necessary to . provide for . , the payment by the Tssuer of amounts sufficient to pay the principal oi; pr.emium, a_f, any, arid intezest on'1:he Boncis, together with certaiu eosts of thE I,ssizer, will a11 be in fiutherance ofthe Act. Section 2. Subject to the conditions listed in Section 3 below, including such other conditions as in the jud,aement of the Issuer ancl bond counsel a.re necessary to insure the validity. of the Bonds and the tax-exempt or taa:able Slatus of the ,Bonct.s, it is the intent of ttie Tssuer to pmcced totivard the issuanee anci szle oF the Bonds pursua.nt to the provisions of ttle:Act. Nothing in this resohttion shall be construed as legally binding the Issu.er to authorize; issue; or sel] the Bonds: Scction I. The authorization, issuance, and sale of the Bond,s by the l:ssuer, are subject to the following conditio»s: (a) the G`ompany shail have caused to be issued an inevocable leiter of credit (the "I.etter o£ CxediF") by an i.nveskment-grade rateci coinuiercia.l baaik, acceptable to the . Tssuer (the °Letter o;f CrediY Bank."), tiuhich shall be used to pay and sectire the Bouds or shall have secureti a bond purchase agr-zement (tlie "F3ond Piu•chase AgreE~ncnt") from an Accredited Invesfor, as such tenn is dcfned in 17 CE`:R 230.501(a), acceptable to the • Isstier, for the purc}i ase of the B onds; (b) tfie Company shall enter into such contr•acts aud loan agrEEments with the Tssuer as shall be necessary to secure paymest of the principal of-, p.remium; if any, and ~ interesti on the Bonds as whcn the same shall come ciue a.nd payable; f-, . Resolution \TO. W-2005-020 Page 2 of 6 iNovember 7, 2005 . r J (c) on or before two (2) yEars from the date hereof (or such later date as slaall be mutually satisfactory to fiheIssuer aud the Coinpany) the Issuer and the Courpany shall havl-, agrEecl to mufually acceptable temis aud conditions-o.f the contracts and agrcements r.eferrEd to in paragraph (b) of tlus Sectiorl 3; (d) the Tssu.er shall have received an opinion of baraci counsel. tl.iat, with certain custonZary excepri.ons, such of the 13oncis which it is intended shall be issued as tax- exempf obligations may be so issueci pursuant fo the _provisious of the T.nternal Revenue Code of 1986; (e) if rcquired, the Tssuer shall have received an allocation of the Statc cciling on privaEe activity bonds i.mposed by Section 146 of the tntemal Revenue Code of 1986 in an amouut equal to the aggregate face amount of such o.f the Bonds as shall be issued as .Lax-e:}cenipt obligations, and shall have alloeatEd such amount to the Bonds; .(f) the Tssuer shal_l have received evidence that the county, city, nr town wittun whose plan.ni.ng jiuisdiction the Pzoject lies has approvcd the Project and the-Bonds or such other evidence satisfactory io the Tssue.r that the Project will be welcomcd by the caninlunity in which the Project tivill Ue located; and (g) such other conditions as in the judgemeut of the Tssucr and boad c4unsel are necessary to iusiire the validity of the 13onds and the tax-cxempt status of such o:f the ` J 13onds as shall be issuect as tax=cxempt obligalions. Sectiou 4. The proper officials of the Tssuer are hereby duehon'zed to take such fiu-ther action as is uecessary to catry out the iutent and purposes hereoEuncier the teznls aud conditions sCaled herei.u aud in compliance Nvith the applicable pro-,rasions of laNv. Section S. That it is dccmed necessary anci advisable that the liidcmuification and Compensation Agreenient be approved and execuled f.or an.d vn behalf of the Tssuer. , Section 6. That an T.ndemnification aud Compensation Agreen-tent by aztd bettiveEn the Issue.r aud the Company be, and the same is hereby, approved a.nd authorized wid the Cliair of the .Tssuer is hereby authorized to execute the Indeinnification aud ' Compensal7on Agreeinent on behalf o#' the a'ssuer. Sectipn 7. Each Bond, when an.d if issued, shall substantially state the following language on the face tliereof.' ME, OBl'.,IGA'TIONS 0F THE, ISSUER HEREITiNDER SFIALL \TO'1' :BE DEEMED Tp BE A DE:F3T, LIABILITY, oBL.rGAx.r.oN, OR PS.EDGEOF THE FATI`FI . t~~,N.[~ C:UDI'T OF TFIE S'CA`]':E 0F V4jASHENGrTON, Or ANY MCTN1TCWr1:X.1'l'Y, O:R t+` QF A1~1Y N1YTTVTCI'PAI. CORPO.i2.ATT0i~]', Q~C7AST iVI"C.TN~TCTE'~11L CORPORATIOV, , . SU73DNlST0I3, OR. A.GENCY Or 7M.; ST-ATE 0F WA5. . TGTOZN7, OR TO PI,EUGE Resolution \TO. W-2005-020 Paoe 3 0f 6 Noveinber 7, 2005 AvY ox ALc. oF THE ~AITx AN'o cRE-Drr or ANY oF TBEsE E~.rrr.rEs. NE1717FIER TI-1E STATL OF NVASf1NGTQiN , THE ISSLTER, ANY bIUN[C.T.T?ALT';[`~.', . ()R .A~\'Y O'MR NIUNYCIPAC, CO:RPOTLATIQ\T, QUASI MUNTCIk'A.L CORPOR.A.TION; SU]3p.T.VTSION, OR AGENTC~.' OF THE STATE OF WASHI-NGTON IS OB7 TGATED TQ I'tS+.X THE i?R1.\zC:lP.AL OR T.HE .~1fiBREST TMREONM VO TAX FUNT)S OR GUV,ERNMENTA.L :kt.EVE1'UE 1ci.AY BE USE:D TO PAY THE PRINCll'A:C, OR. lIv-TEREST THEREON. YE1.T.ITER ANY OR A,LL OF THE FE1_CM Al\T!a CREDl'T' I\TOR THE fiA)UNG POIVER OF THE STATE OF R''ASHING7'ON, THE ISSUETt, ]F' ANY, O:Et f1-NX MUVTCTPAL C4fZPORATYON, QC7ASI NUJ~'ICIl'AL C0121'O7tAT10N, SUBDNISION, OR AGENCY TffEREOF TS . PLEAGED TO THE PAY ffii T OF THE PR NCIPAL OR OF THE TNTEREST ON TErE BONDS. Scction 8. Th.is Resolution sha.ll be effective after its adoption. ADOPTFD by the Waslungton Economic Dcvclopment Financc iluthority this . 7t1i day of il'av-ember, 2005. 4VASHINGI'ON ECOVOIvfTC laEVFL4k'IVWfF.INANC'E, AUTB:OR.I'l'Y . By: ' Chair - . . , `4-- 12esolution iNo. W-2005-020 Page 4 of 6 Vovember 7, 2005 1 ' ~EX]EITBI'' A t iDE.SCRiI'TT4N OF PROJEC'T' tlllrD SI.TF ThE Project will consist of: Purchase aud rehabilitation of an existing lvontl w-indow and door component uianufacturing plant locat~d at 3014 i~l'ortti FIora Road, Spokaue Valtey. New equipnient to be used in the manufacturing process rvill also be includecl in thc project. . . ~ . ; ~ - ~ . Resotution No: W-2005-020 Page 5 of 6 Nloveinber 7, 2005 . CERfiIFzCA'TE ~ I, the undersigncd, -Secretary of -t.tie Waslvugton Economic Developrnent Finance Anthority (hereiu called the "Issuer"),D0 :HE..R_EJ3Y CE'l2TTFY: - L T'hat Che attacheci I2esoIution.No. W-2005-020 (herein called the "Rcsolufion") is a tnic and corcect copy of a resolution of the Issuer as fuially adopted at a special meeting of tlic Board of ]auectors of the Issuer held on the 7th day of Novcmtier, 2005, ancl duly recordcd in my office. ' • . - 2. 1'tiat said meeking was duly convened and held iu all aspects in aecozciance Nvith law, and, fo the e:ctcnt required by la-,v azid thc by-laws of the Issuer, ciue aud pzoper notiee of such meeti.ng was given; that a legal quorum wa.s present throughout di.e meetiug aud alegally siafficient number of inembers of the VVasMngton•Ecouomic Developmen.t F.i.nance , Authority voted ui the proper matuicr for the acioption of the kesolution; tfiat all other requ.irements and Proceedings incident to t11e proper adoption of the R.esolution have bccn duly f.ulfilled, carrieti out, and othercvise observed; -and that T ain authorized to execute tlus ceriificate. .N IVITNESS THFILEOF, I have hereunto set iny halid this 7th day o_f November, 2005: ' . ~ ~ Secretary - - ~ . Resolution h?o. W-2005-020 :Page 6 of 6 iNovembcr 7, 2005 ' Z. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 13 December 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business dD new business ❑public hearfng (D infnrmation ❑ admin. repat ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Request to use City Logo GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: , BACKGROUND: The Building Official regulariy meets with the Spokane Homebuilders Association and other Building Officials to discuss problems of building code enforcement with the hope of making our decisions uniform and predictable for our customer's County wide. This committee is called the Spokane Regional Code Group (SRCG). Different approaches or interpretations of the requirement of the state of Washington adopted code concerning when or where smoke detettors needed to be installed in existing dwellings . were occurring. The SRCG requested that the Spokane Valley Building Official help with deterrnining a uniform application. , The attached document is the result of that effort and is an AdministratiVe Decision already ~ implemented by the Spokane Valley Building Official. A request has been made to include the ~--'City of Spokane Valley logo onto that document along with all of the other jurisdicaonal lo9os that would help indicate an area wide jurisdictional acceptance of this administrative policy. OPTIONS: RECOMMEPIDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve use of the City of Spokane Valley Logo on the Smoke Alarm Guideline. . BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: none STAFF CONTACT: Spokane Valley Building Official Scholtens ATTACHMENTS Guideline . "Installation of Smoke alarms in Existing One-and-Two Family Dwellings" ; ~ \ J Guideline Installation of Smoke Alarms in Existing ~ ; One-and- Twa-family pwellings The Spokane 1'tegional Code C,roup hns cletermined the necd to repairs, exe., Or rninOr S1ruChirel repairs such as replacing a clarify application of requirements Hs it upplies to smokc alarnis deterioratact swetural support. Major swctural repairs occtirring within Une- and two-family dwcllings underooing repairs, from firc damage, tree falling throtlgh roof, lightning strikes etc., alteintions, ar additipns. WOULD reciuire the sznokc aJarms to be upgraded aceording to Scction It313.1.1. Scciion R313.1.1 A!leraNniLc, repuirs, und u(ldiliorrs. 1t+hen iriterior alterstions, rep,iirs, or additions rcquiring nermits 3) ADDITIpkNS: This section sccros to be fairly se.lf-explanatory occur, or when onc or roore sleeping rootris are flddeci or crcatcd in that additions wtiich Aect the aecual stracturc of the in existing dwellings, the individual'dwelling unit shall be building would rt(juire smokc alarms according to Section provided with smoke alarms IocHted as rcquircd for new R313. I, I, It may bc possiblc that an attached gar:lbe adclition dcvellings; the smoke alnrrns s}iKll he intcrconnccted and hard with no disturbancc to the existing stnicture tivould NIUT -wired. triggcr the smokc alarm requirement. Repftirs to exterior - surfaccs of dwelliriQs are exeinpt &om the requirements of this 1) ALTERATIOn'S: New smoke al:irms are NOT rcquircd to section. bc addcd if, for example: a pltimbing system is aliered, converting drqins to ABS, an clcctrical system is aItered by M?~`SENSUS OPIINIO': Hardwired iaterccrnneetinn of replacing the fuse panel wi[ft a circuit breaker panel, a smoke detectors would not be requi.red bchvsen floors (ir cin:uit is alterecl by cxtending it or converting it Gom onc arras which would require the boring pf slructuraJ mcmbers voltage to another, windows are chtinged from waod frame within enclased wall or iloor assemblics. If however, aii open to vinyl, etc. . . chase exists f'or duetwork or plumbing, aiid provides a re.itlily accessible means for fishing wiring (1lqngside ductwork or Major alterations like rernoving or flclcling stnictural mcmbcrs, Plumbing) from floor to tloor or other nreas, the smoke alamis itmode.ling a bathrcrom, or remodeling a kitchen (finished could practicably he installed/ hxrdwircd/interconnected, The materials removed ancl frumins is cxposcd), are examples which renioval crr re;err;sngement of insulstion is NO'C eonsiderecl WOULD Uigger thc roquiremcnU far smoke alarrns according to remc►vfil nf finishcd materiaJ. Scction 12313.1.1. , NO'T'L.: AreaS not tiCC;essible for hardwiring would still requirr, DISCUSSIOT': [f a kitchen were bcing remodcled on a rtuieher battery operatecl smokc slanns. For ntore irtfonnation contact sryle house, arid the attic were open such that oll other rooms the local cotle enforcemcnt :+gcncy: were aceessible via the atiic, then hardrvircd, intcr- connectut Srneke rilt:Rns would be required throughou[ the house in . • required Iocalions, powered from an existing circuit. • Spokane Counry -(509) 477-3675 ' • Additiooally, if the samc liome contained a baSement, Finci City of Spokane - (509) 625-6 100 ' . City of Spqkane Valley -(509) 688-0036 wiring could be routcd through an opeii ki[chen wall, then the . City of l,,ibeity Lake -(509) 755-6700 bascmcnt smoke alarm woutd also be requirect to bc • City qf vlettical Lake -(Sd9) 565-5000 intercannected with the upstairs alamis. • City• of Cheney (509) - 235-7237 • C:iR, of !)eer Park- (509) 276-8842 2) (tEPA1ftS: New sinoke allrins are NOT requircci to bc added • City of Fairficld -(Sf}9) 477-3675 - when repuirs are pcrformed such as: replacing water heaters, • 'rown of Spangle -(509) 477-3675 laoilers, gas iriseats, elettric,-l senice cguipment, sprinkler • Town of vfillFVOOd -(509) 477-3675 s}5tems or their interior cnmponents, miscsJlaiiequs plumbing • Ptease note that while every effort is made to asuire the accuracy of the information In thts brochure it is not warranted for accuracy. This document is not intended [o address all aspects of regulatory requirements for a prOject and should serve as a starting poGnt irt your investigation. For detailed information on a paYticular pro}ed, permi[ ar code reQuirement refer direc[ly to applicable file and/or . code/regulatory dotument ar tontact the appropriate divisian or staff. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - ' Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 13, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent X old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: iVlotion Consideration - Written Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision in Spokane Valley Appeal number APP 04-05. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 10.35.150 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Council previously conducted a closed record hearing to allow the parties to present their oral arguments for and against the appeal. The council also heard arguments in favor of and in opposition to a continuance of this matter. The Council then considered the issues and issued an oral motion to deny the motion for continuance the record, and deny the underlying appeal filed by Appellant. Hilleri J. Viljanen, instructing staff to prepare appropriate Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law supporting this decision. BACKGROUND: The Applicant sought approval of a zone reclassification from Urban Residential-3.5 to Urban Residential-7 and a zone reclassification from Regional Commercial ( B-3) to urban Residential-22. The Hearing Examiner (HE) approved the rezone. A neighboring property owner, Hilleri J. Viljanen appealed the decision to grant the reZOnes. OPTIONS: (1) Enter the draft proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision upholding the recommendation of the HE; (2) Instruct the staff to modify the draft proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision upholding the recommendation of the HE. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move that we adopt the draft proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision upholding the recommendation of the City Hearing Examiner in APP-44-05. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A . STAFF CONTACT: Michael F. Connelly, City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Draft proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision. ! 1 • - L .i . . . f . . N f7E: SPOKANTE VAI,LLY rU'PEAL NO. ) PiNI7INGS OF FACT AP13-04-05; APPELI,AN'7" HTLLERI A. ) CC7NCLUSIONS OF LA1V VILJANEN, AR[SING FROM FILE NU. ) THE SPOKANE VA LLEY REZ-01-05/SUB-02-05 AND DECTSIOV OF ) CITY COUNCIL . C1TY OF SPOKAiVF VALLEYHLAR_CNG ) . EXAM]rtER DATEIa JUN]3 21, 2005 ) The City Couiicil of the City of Spokane VaIley consiclcred the -above captioned appeal on November 29, 2005 aiid Lnakes the following finciings offact anci conclijsions of law. 1. FTNDING.S OF FAC1" . 1. The Applicar►t on the proposecl lazid use action is Progress Properkies, T..P and represented at timE of hearing by F.J. Dullanty of the law i~`~rni 09' Wirherspoon, Kelly, i:)avenport alid 1"oole; P.S. The Appellaut is Hilleri J. Viljanen, who represented herself at time of the appeal hearing. 2. The City Council herehy aciopts by reference, as if fully set forth herein, "lhe 1 indiiigs of ract, Canclusions of Law and Decision of the Hearing Exaniiner in thc above referenccd matter and dated June 21. 2005. 3. The City Council hereby furthcr adopts by reference, as if fully set forch herein, ttie record ccrtified by the City I-Iearuig LYamincr in ihis matter. 4. ' 1'he City Council lie.ld a closeci record hcaring on this appeal of the City Hearing Examiner's decision in tiis mattcr on \iovember 29; 2005. This hearing was conducted piu-suant to Spokane Valley 1vlunicipal Codc (SVMC) section 10.35.150. 5. ln addition td the record identificd above the Spokane Valley City Council considered a mernorandum oF aulhorities subinitted by attorncys for the applicant and a mcmorandum oFauthorities subinitted by thc apPellant. i C.I'I'Y CUU\CLL FLYDINGS/ CONCLUSIOe\`S/UECISION APF-02-05 - 1- b. 1'hc Spokane Valley City Council also consiciered a motion for a , continuance filed by the appellant prior to the hearing on NOVember 29th; 20035. Tn addition to the rccord identified above, and in consideration o[' the motion for continuance, the Spokane Valley City Council considerEd: tliat the appellant originally filed ui appeal of the City HearinE EYaaiiner's dee.ision on July 3rd; 2005; thal lhis appeal was disrlussed by the CiCy Council on procedural grounds on August 30di, 2005; tbaC an appeal to the Supeiior Court of''this dismissal tivas distiussed by slipulation of the parties in Octoher of 2005; whereui the part:ies stipulacecl io rcmand tlus matter to the Spokane, Valley City Counci] for d hearing on the merits; tliat notice of the appcal hearui~ was mailed to 'all interested parties on November 10, 2005; that of.f.icial notice of the hearing was publishcd onNovember llth, 1$th and 25ih, 2045; a.ud that the certif.ied i•ecord was provided to appcllant in ;luly of 2005 and again in November of 2005. Spokane Valley City Council ftu•thcr cousiciered the testimUny by bath partics uiclucluig the applicant's testimony that his client wouLd be prejudiced if this eontinuanec was ganted. 7. Based upon tlus record presenled, the Spokanc Valley City Council den.ieci tp motion for continuacice, c-uid the matter proceeded to a Cull hearing on the merits. After rcview of the recorcl anci memoranda filed anci hearing arguments fconi both parties, and pursuani to the applicable ord'uiances of the City of Spokanc Valley, the Spokane Valley City Council by oral tnotion clenied the appeal; adapting the decisiott of the City Hearing Examiner anci instt`ucted staff to prepare vvritten Findings of Facf, and Conclusions o.f. Law in support oE this decision. . 9. The City Council has not considered any otlier factual evidence not idcntificd above. . . 11.. C0NCLUSI0NS OF LAVV J. Tlie motion fUr coniinuance was not supported by the facts preSented. 2. Thc decision of the City FiI:eaiing Fxaminer was supporied by the .f.acts containcd in the record ciescribed above and the applicable law. Tii. DECISION 1. The City Council hereby detucs the motion for canti.nuance and further denies the appcal. f led by appellant and a(~'irms the decision of the City I-Iexruig Examuier. I7A°T'LI7 I1=11S day of December, 2005. Sigiied on behatf of a majority of the Spokane Valley Ciiy Council by: CrTY COi1iNCCI., FIaYDINC:S/ . C(J\'CLi)Sf0(\`S1DEGi$iQN APP-02-05 - 2 - i ~ r , ~ • Diana tiVilfute, Mayor f1TTE.ST: Christinc Bainbridge, City Clerk NU'TICE OF FI1`AL DECiSiO\` A]N"D NQTICF, nF RTGAT QF APPFAT. "1"fus dccision can be appealed wiihin twenty-ane (21) calendar days from the dace thc dccision is issuECi b_y filing a Tm1d Use Petition ,N7t11 Spc>kane CUunty SuPelior Court, as provided in RC« 36.70C, aicl meecin~. the c~kher provisiUns of' th,=~c chapte.r. This decision shall act as ofiicial natice under RCW 4321 C.475. . ~ ctTV COImC[L rrNnizvc.:s/ CO\CLUSIO\'S/UECISfOY APP-02-05 - 3 - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 13, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Montgomery Avenue Overlay Project Final Costs GOVERNING LEGISLATION: • PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: 1) Council approved the 2005 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) applications-at the October 19, 2004 study session, 2) The - above project was also included in the 2005-2010 Amended Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) approved on April 26, 2005, 3) Informational memo presented to Council at June 28, 2005 meeting, 4) Council approved contract award to Shamrock Paving on July 12, 2005. Reviewed by Council at the December 6, 2005 study session. ; BACKGROUND: In accordance with the approved TIP, staff issued Bid No. 05-004 for the ~ Montgomery Avenue Rehabilitation Project from University to the Westbound I-90 On-Ramp near Pines Road. The project included grinding and replacing the existing asphaft surface, and other associated work. Bids were opened July 1, 2005 and the contract was awarded July 20, 2005_ Construction began August 4, 2005 with project completion occurring October 26, 2005. The CDBG for construction of this project is $439,850. City participation in the grant application was estimated at $46,800, which included staff salaries and benefits for the design and construction inspection and management tasks. Total project budget was estimated at $486,650. After design of the project the Engineer's Estimate for construction was $463,582.50. The lowest responsive bidder was Shamrock Paving Co with a bid of $417,817.65. Due to current staffing levels it was necessary to hire a consultant to provide construction inspection and management• services. The final project costs are detailed as follows: . Project Costs Staff time (preparing plans, specifications, estimate) $10,000.00 Geotechnical Investigation (pavement cores) $2,915.00 Railroad Right-of-Way Permit $545.00 Shamrock Paving Contract $498,218.98 • Construction Insnection (JUB EnQineers) $55.000.00 ' Total Project Cost . $566,678.98 . Shamrock Paving Co.'s contract amount increased by $80,401.33. This increase is mainly . . attributable to the increased amount of unsuitable subgrade material discovered below the existing pavement surface and an original underestimate of total traffic control labor. Initial estimates of the quantity of subsurface repair were determined based on the surface condition of the existing asphait. Once the existing asphalt pavement was removed an additional 600 cubic yards of unsuitable subgrade was discovered. The removal of this _ i additional unsuitable subgrade also increased the quantities of several other bid items, such as ballast and crushed base course, related to rebuilding the road surface. The increased contract amount for this additional work is approximately $32,000. The original number of hours for Traffic Control Labor was significantly underestimated based on using only two flaggers for 20 working days. In order to keep Montgomery Avenue open to through traffic and meet industry standard safety requirements, three to four flaggers were used each day during most of the project with up to seven flaggers used during paving operations. Also, the number of working days increased to 29 bassd on the additional amount of unsuitable subgrade material removed. This increased the total traffic control labor costs by approximately $42,000. , Typically, increases in bid item quantities (agreed to by the city and the contractor) are paid for with the Contractor's final pay estimate. However, since the cost of these overages exceeds the City Manager's contract change order authority of $50,000, Council approval is required to ' approve the Contractor's final pay estimate. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Authorize the City Manager to approve the final quantities and pay estimate for Shamrock Paving Co. for the Montgomery Avenue Rehabilitation project. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Total project cost is $566,678. CDBG reimbursable funds for this project is $439,850. Total City participation increased from fhe original estimate of $46,800 to $126,828. The Street Capital Projects Fund has the resources to pay for this increase. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Worlcs Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects ATTACHMENTS: Final Project Quantities - Montgomery Avenue Rehabilitation Project. \ CCI1 f Spo~.ar~e~~ 3 City of' Spokane Valley, Washington . Cost Allocation plan Summary Report November 2005 Prepared by; 4;> FCS GROUP 8201 -1S4'" Ave. PlE: Suite 300 • RedPnend, WA 0£3052 f~ TeL (425) 867-1802 • Fax: (425) 867-1937 • w~wr,fcsgroup.cflrn / 3201 1 fi4th Ave NE, Sulte 3CTtJ i' 425.8b:, i SOZ 50 f'dlifUrriid St. Suite 1500 4 15.227.5905 Redmond, tNashington 93452 F: 425.3611.1937 San Fr3rci5co, Galiiomia 94111 f: 115.4395299 ~oo> FCS G~~UI' . Sululiviti:~ Orir,nte:i Novernbcr 18. 2005 i~~1r. Ken Tllompson City of Spokane 'Valley 11707 E, ast Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spakanc Valley, WA 99206 Tn reference to: CUSt AUocation Plan Shuly - Suininary 12eport L7ear iVli•. Thoilipson: FCS GROUP is please to prQvide this report sunlmarizing of the results of the City of Spokane Valley Cost Allocation Plan Study. Th.is study was intended to establish r11e City's first cornpletc Citywide Cost Al.lvcatiou Plan for u-iterual cost allocation purposes and establish a basis .i:'or pote.ntially setcing a fcderal iudirect cost recovery rate, consistent with OMB Circular A-87 ;uidelines. A spreadslieet analysis was created for use in generating both the City-wide and A-87 allocatiocis and, working clpsely NviCh Cily SlafI', the in1'onnation required to prociuce the plans was collected. 1"hc decision was made to base the allocaeions an the 2004 actual expendilures far this iniiial effort. F3ased on the resulls of the 2004 allocalion and ciiscussions wiih representatives of the "['ransportation ' ltiiprovement Board ("1'i13), which is the provider of the City's curreclt graiit fiinds, it was detennined that submitting an OMB A-87 plan for cognizant agcncy rcview and approval Nvas unlikely to result in a substantially higher recovery rate aiid thaC the apProval process Would be lengthy. The TIB provides for inclusion o:f a 1.0°/u overhead faetor on direct labnr expenses and the recommendation is to continue to apply tlis factor, rather thm1 pursue a federally approved rate. ln addition, the City should ensurc [hat those non-administrat,ive costs lhat are directly attributable ia the grant are charged io Ehe grant based on actual time spent, as rccorded on time s}lcets. As a restilt of this deterinination; this report stulunarizes the City-wide cost allocatioii results based on the 2004 acttial cxpEndihirES. Thc format approximates that requirEd for an A-87 cost allocation plan, but does not present the A-87 results in detail. The specific A-87 formats arc included as appendiccs, for use if the City decicles to piirsue a federally approved rate at some point in the fiihire. Note that the electronic versions of this report and the sprEadshcct inodel will be delivered to the City under separate cover. It has been a pleasure working vvith you and the CiCy on this study. If you have aziy questions, please do uot hesitate to contact me at (425) 867-1802 x224. Sincerely, Tracey P. D. lap 4~ Principal ' TABLL Ol' V O1 \ TEl \TL.7 Cost Allocation Plan Suminary Report 1. Indirect Cost Allocation Meihodology ......................................................................................1 TT. Organizacional Cliart ..................................................................................................................3 11:C. :Description of Allocatcd Scnrices and Alloeation Methodologies ............................................4 1V. Citvwide Lndirect Cost Allocations ............................................................................................y V. Sunuiiary of Finduigs ...............................................................................................................10 i` '[ECH~Ti ICAL AT'PENTDTCFS A - hidirect Cost Pools B - Cilywide Allocal'ion ReSules C- A-87 Plaii Outline and A.dditional Materials ~ ]7 - Okher Supportuig Spreadsheets E - Updatc Chcck List i > City of Spokane Valley (:ost Allocation Plan Silnunaiy Ft.eport :I.. :f.ndirec:t Cost Allocation iVletliadology 'I1ie principles used .f.or an indirect cost allocation shidy are soinewhat straightforward 'ui the industry. The basic allocation princiPles involve a two-step approach as shown in Fxhibit 1. The first stcp is the primary allocation of cityuicie induect costs to all departments including those deparimeni:s that provide indirECt or support sErvices. This step assures that the Full cost of the indirect services is beiag alloeated. The second step is a secondary allocation that takes tlie indirect service depamiient's share nf dhose primary alloeated costs and reallocates those costs to the d'uect service deparcments. Exhihit 1 - Two Step viethodology Primary Alloc.ation ~ ~ I;xclude: Geiieral ' ~ Governmcnt ,mcS/or ; ` 0iMg A-$7 Unallowable ; costs Indirect Service hrm o rsdt''ect E Coscs . DepartmenLs 1 ~ _ _ . ~ . _ . • • - • ~ Direct Public cosu $ONIC@ Departments . ; Secondary Allocation T'he first step in the cost allocation process is to ideutify the departments ttiat provide indirer•t or support services to the direct ser0ce deparfi»ents. In this step, the expenditttres for an indirecl service (overhead) deparcmeiit are grauped, if necessary; inta various cost pools, called "program areas". Triese resLIlting cost pools are thcn allocatcd as ovcnceacl to the Ciry's direct senrice dcpartments. As an c:xample; the FinancE Dcpartment provides both tuiancial mandgGmEnVaCGUUntina services and information technology support. 1 he expenditures for Finance were identified scparatcly for thesc two prop-ram arcas, thus crcating indirect cost pools that wcrc thEn alloeatcd to other dcpartments. "I"he second kcy step is to idcntif~, how each cost pool or program area sliould be allocated to the departinents using the services. For exa,mple, infonuation tectulalogy costs were allacated basEd on the ntunbEr of computcr tcrminals (workstations) for each department. Working with the overhead ciepartments and the departments rece.iving the alloeateci costs, ail allocation basis for each proeraln area was established. The cost pool process is portrayed in Exhibit 2. Page 1 Cify of Spokane Valley Cose Allocacion Plan Summary Renort / Lxhibit 2- llescription of "Cost PooP" Methodology [ndirect Service 17epartment DNIDE ACI'UAL EXPENSES RJ'f0 COST POOLS . Program A Frngrain B ~~►.ocAi-E Cosr l~ooLs Dircet Service Departments Dinect Service Departments Once the program areas and allacaiion bases are definecl, lhe costs are thcn allocated to the departments using the primary allocation aiid then the secondar}, allocation processes. The first Slep is the primai-y allocati0n where aU ciepanments, incluciing the indirect scrvice departments, receive a sbare of the indirect costs. Fnr examplc, Human Resoui-ces costs were allocatEd based on each departinent's share of the total number of regular full tune equivalent posilions in the City. 1"hus, if a direct service department has 10% of the total number of regular positions, it would rec.eive 10% of the Human Resourccs costs in thc primary allocation. lhe secondary allocacion process reallocales Human Resource's share of the primary -allocations. Usuig the smne allacatipn fac:tars, a direc[ service department's share of a secondary allocation is based on its share of the allocation factor compared to Only the olher direct service departmcnts. T'or exaniple, where a departulent nught have 10% of t11e total number of regular pnsitions ir► the City, it may havc 15% of thc total nurnber of rcgular positions for dircct service depai-tinents. The 15°/a f'igure would then be used in lhe secondary alloc.ation to ciistribute Human Resotircc's • share of the pruuary aLlocations. Baseci on tbese principles, [he Cost tlllocacion Plan identifes each direct sertiTice and depu-rment's share of tlie City's indirect costs. These allocations can be used to decermine the amouut that otl-ier funds should reimburse lhe City's General Fund and any other funds that support the indireet service departmenis and services. in this documeni, these results arc rcferred to as the "Citywide A.Ilbcation". A separate cost alloc;ation aiialysis is included for potential Future use in obtaining federal rei.mbursements. The major difference becween the two plat-is is that legislative and cYecutive costs, as well as other unallowable costs, are excludeci froin the "t-1-87 Allocation" based on the guideluies zstablished 'ui OivIB Circular A-87. Page 2 City of Spokane Valley Cost Allocation Plan Sumrnary Report ~ II. Qrganizatinn Charf , %w:o W~~, MeOG2m I _ . Kfrh Aref.t • tin ~ea M.~d'1•LaD.v em Ca1 Vhltv ?~p Fivni,~ :.u~k.s ebN~QY PaRa C!L•1 Nuu:v ~ uir~ O.nGst. ,a~ . tt q~e~irt ~o:nY.O Jam faak:nr Y uMm 9=..t Ambrtstnl L~r.c:. pn', lhLl Kersten Ikqfst~ko'~tt Oe1m. 4'lTlf O~uie G4dbVNRa 6~.ryEsci~pm 'b'3~ef'° I Olc~r ~~Cq•i'h,Wh~ ~R"'YI'11J ,/~san:+R Tt[:ifA10 ~0~/JGL'S1 Ca'vynf~~rie .^.tai4YfOa Il.rrh As~tq tl~p~qpy Qe:t ian6Crtrla RaLltcGmrY.i BY]h: CCtial Ptn~14a0u ' IaRn t4~lmc~ 4~kuEr,F.m &naNbr6~ • O~J~ 4'bwt Patif aA Ka•1~S~~mxa GhrhBefJ EodilG6y Rrttttlm CDSUnSIkdNOY! CoO~Erh~~ro:1 KF~iI.°.:oC~s R~r3E+3a8~m 8efkrNsvat hstnRary ~+L'o~ OQfonr CL-tw GN a'^» CwiCaCer Tf'.'trl7ci htc'p.rlCtr Pipsvd g1lM:uIr . 9:hsC C.:RtAUClT'RII\Y CtY_o Enh.'s4MrK Orwn GDn~1ef .lfk CcCol ►'3a @utrb 01i~ Wu1a C~s4d~ 8:~rh . Lnirdv Cr.crr {bmRLPeWtq 0aY1:7~:W~u Auedaklhs:rar 8t^mnnu P.10. Ers;Lv~r IqRY Gta! ~m Cf.M>an G7 GnpMN ~~~pr M9x 7afWk R:,~ Mt~rsnfl 1.ssif Nm7b IrY• Ka+ aO~~tN Uc& Onao UmCn Kauiska PartN EoeeQlSl puAt.~ Irtvesm ~o~b fi.mn ceakr TaM; !n Obfiu ~2siPlaw A6K%6L•a!'.a GnsYU~ FarbrCG' Coe~lsbr AeJpn Hu Er~nn 1~ur.iCp~Wit1 ryidnttr~ro gy.e.~~~~~ Aui~Y&sa ~IGe7slyt/4atn NlO~d'+ 9:t.h~ nsn, r.a~ flQ~-'imrR .W us`sxkr Ic+amtk. Wir. vi-N&n L-J J C.~en QnslvRm Aak•aelli~vc pnye;d MtLUpnt ~1~ • ' aqJ.--~.. Ncdsut Sln~ 8 CettnPlra RGqr7erM Nevt~dlClkt or-Caaa! ~Jti~~ /G,^i~Aan! Rr&*O TsCrl~yn TM:Jdae l j Page 3 City of Spokane Vallcy Cost Allocation Plan Summary Repare `vJ III. Description ofA.llncated Servic:es and Allocation NlEthodologies This sectioii identiE'ies and describes the cenh-al seivices and icientifies the method used to distribute the costs to the direct services. The expense items for each service; and applicablE OMB A-87 exclusions (primarily Legislative and Executive costs and capital-related line items), are provicieci in the tables contaiued in Appenciix A- Tndirect Cost Pools. :f.egislative °l"he Legislative ]3rancli includes the Mayor antl City Couneil and reflcets the cost of providing effective elected representation of the citizenry in the goveming body. The council makes policy decisions for the City and is accountable to Spok:ane Valley Citizens by making decisions regarding how resources are allocated, the appropriate levels of service provided, and cstablistung goal and policies for the orgaiuzatiou. Thc LEgislativc costs arc allocatEd to City departiileuts based on the numbei• of agenda iterns pr.ocessed (in lli.e Citywide A11acaCion). l3ecause re.strictions in QvIB A-87 Exclude recovery of general goverrunent costs such as elected officials, these costs are exclucied in the A-87 cost allocation. Lcccutive and .Ilegislative Support Executive and Legislative Suppore includes the City Manager and City Clerk fiuicrions. These ac;tivicies are act;Ounlable ln the Cily Council for the operational results oi'thc orgatuzatioti, effective support of elected o£ficials aclueving tlieir goals; fulf:illment of the statutory rcquircments of the City Mwlager, implementation of C;ity Council Policies, aild provide communication linkage between citizens, the City Council, City dcpartmEnts, aud ottier government agencies. The Executive and Lebislative Suppoirt costs are allocatecl to City departments based on the number oF ager►da items processed (in'the Citywidc Allocation). :Because restrictions in OMB A.-$7 exclucle recovery of general government cosls, these costs are exeludecl in the n-87 eost allocation. Deputy City Manabcr `l'lie Deputy City Manager (]aClv) supervises the Operatians & Administrative Services Departinent, assists ttie City iVianager in orgmiizing and directing the other operations of the city and assumes the dulies of the City Manaber in his/her absencc. Tl1e DEputy City 1vlanagEr costs (ctcluding the connacts adinuiistration cost pool (lescribecl beloev) are allocated to City departmcnts based on the number of full-rime equivalent employees (FTEs) ul the deparmieiits that report to the DCN4. i f'agc 4 Cicy of Spokane Val(Py Cost Allocation Flan Summary Renort Contracts Aclministration 'This cost pool, wluch has been separateci out of the Depury City Manager Division, oversees tlie contracts for provision of dircct sErvices that include Law Enforcement and Parks Maintcnance. 'rhe Administialive Analyst analyzes and monitors contract performance. The Contracts Administration costs are allocated to City departments based on the dollar value of the contracts managed by that function. Finance ' The Finance Division within the QpErations & Administrative Services 17eparkinenC provides fnancial managernent services f'or all city departments. Programs include accountulg and reporti»g, payroll, accounls payable, purcYiasing, budgeting, and firlancial plaruiing, treasury, ilifonnation teclmology (wluch is treated as a separate cost paol below) and investrncnts. The dcpartnient is also responsible for generatuig and analyzing data relaled to the Cily's operations. The department prepares monthly, quartErly, and annual finaricial reports and budgets co ensure compliance with state laws. The Finance Qivision cosfs are allhcated ta Cily deparements basecl on the aetual opcrating expenciitures (for 2004). Information Tec.linology ~Th.is Tnfarmation Tech.nolo~y cosl poc~l oversees inforniation technology for the City and inclucles khe :CT Specialist and associated cvsts. The hiformation Technology costs are allocated to City deparhuents basecl on the numver of computcr terminals (workstations). Legal The City tlttorney provides accuratc and timely lcgal advice to the Council, City department and aclvisory boards ancl commissions on a widc varicty of mtuiicipal issues to improve effectiveness and rninimize risk of City operations. Legal staff drafts most of the ordinaiices, resolutions, contracis aclopted by the City. General legal services for the city arc eontracted out. ThE L.egal Division does not provide prosecution services, which are not part of the indirect cost al(ocations. ThE costs f'or Lcgal sen=ices are allocated to the departnients based on the attonieys' billed hours. T egal cqsts fpr Public `Vorks, Flanning and Community Development, and Parl:s and Recreation a.re allocated first to the overhead cost pools for those departzlients, then passed to the d'u-ect fiinctions through the secondary allocation. . , Page 5 Ciry of Spokane Valley Cost tUlocation Plan Summaiy Report - ~ 1 . Human Rescyurccs °l"he Htunan Resources (HR.) Division proNides services in compensation, beuefits, training aiid organizalional ctevelopiuent, staffing, Ernployee relations; anci eornmunications. - litunan RESOUrces costs are allocated to City departulents bascd on the' numbcr of full-timE equivalent employees (FlEs), General Government The General Govemment 'Depamneut compriscs activities ihat encompass services lo muliiple departments. Included ul tlus department are the costs af city hall (which are allocateci in a separate cost pool described bclow) and related ulilities, mauagemeiit uiformation services, insurance costs, misccllaneous cily intergovernmental costs and capital equipcnent costs that benefit morc than one department. Oiily those costs that are central service costs are included in the allocation; cnsts associated with debt, outside services, and contingencies ancl reserves are excludecl. ltisk MaciaeEmcnt paymeiiis are treated as a separate cosr pool. I3ased on the 2004 actual costs, only 35% of the net costs (excluding Facilides and Risk Vianagement) are included in the Citywide A11pcation. Thc allocable General Govenunent costs arc distributed to City depariments based on the ~ . number of ful]-tinie equivalent employees (F"I'Es). ; . Facilities Thc f'acilities-related costs accounted for in the Gcneral Government Departirent are separatetl inCo this cost pool and include City Hall rent, Parkiiig, etc. Thc facilities costs are distributed to City departmcnts based on the square foalage occupied. Risk i~lana;eme»t The Risk Managc;merit paymenis made fi-om the General Govenunent Departinecit are separated into tlus cost pool and inclucle prem.ium payments on City instu-atice. NVhile thcsc prcmiums are budgeted iil the Risk Management internal service fund (502), they are not billcd out to dcpariments but paid by ihe General Goveimment. The Risk Management cpsis are ciisuibuted to City departments based on the nLunber oFPull-tirne equivalent employees (FTEs), since premiluns arc generally driven by employee-related claims. Public 1Vorks Overhead The Public Works Department provides overall plan.iunb mid oversight of publie works projects in the Cily of Spokane Valley. The 1'ublic Work.s Qvcncead eost pool has been separated fYOm the opErating function and consisis of the Public Works Director, Administrative Assistant, and Engineering Technici-mi. ' Psge 6 City of Spokane Valley Cost Allocarion Ptan Summary Report l ) . ~ ~ The Public Works Ovcrhead cost pool is allocateci to the direct i?ublic Vdorks functions based on the number of non-over]iead Fublic Works FTEs. [Note t}iat legal costs f.or T'ublic Works arc allocated first to the 1'ublic Works overhead cosi pool, then passcd to the Public 4Vorks direct fiinctions tllrough the secondary allocatioa.] Caveat: If same of the cUSts currently in the Public Works Overliead cost pool are charged directly to a grant progcam, for example the hours that the Public Works Director iiught charge direetly worl:ing on speci6c engineering asPects of a project, thosc costs must be eYCluded from the public Works Overheact cost pool (lhe model provides a dala entry area for such exclusioiis). Planning and Community Development Overhead The Planning and Coiiuuunity Developnlent Deparhment provides overall managen7ent and oversight of dcvelopmcnt sErviccs including currcnt and lon;-raiige plaiuiing, coordination of reo onal environinenl issues, huilcling pennitting and inspections, and code enf'orcement. Thc Planning and Conimunity Development Overhead cost pool has been separated from the operating functions and consists of the Comniunity ]aevelopment DirectAr and AdminiSl'ratiOn Assistaiit (budgeted witlii.il the l'11nni.ng 17ivision). The !'laiuung and Couunuiuty 17evelopinent Overlieaci cost pool is allocated to the direct Planning and Building filnctions based on the number of cion-overliead Plmuung and Comununity Development FTEs. [Note that legal costs for Planning and Commtulity Dcvclopment (PCD) are ~ allocaled first lo the PCD overhead cnst pool, lhen passed to the PCTa direct f'unctions through the secondary allocation.] Parks and Recreation Qverhead The Parl.s and Rccrealion Depart:menl is cornposecl of fivc ctivisioris, the Mministration and Park Maintenance Taivision, R.ecreation, Aquakics, Senior Center, and the CenterPlace I7ivision. The Pat•ks and :Recreation Qvet•head cpst pool consists of that portion of the Adiiiinistration Division related to the CorTirnunity:D evelopment Director and Administrative Assistant and selected cieparlanent-wide utility costs paid througli tliat division. The Parks and Rccreation Ovcncead cost pool is alloeated to the dircct Parks and Rccrcation 1'unctions basecl on the nurnber oC non-overhead Parks and .Recreation F'TEs. [Note lhat legal costs for Parks and Recreation (1'&IZ) are allocated first to the I'&IZ overhead cost pool, then passed to the P&.R clircct fiinctions througti the secondary allocation.] Fxhibit 3 an the follnwinb page shows a summary o.f the indirect departments/functions and the selected allocation basis. . Page 7 City of SpokFSnc Valley Cost Allocation Plan Summary Repotrt f 1 Exhibit 3- Summary of lndirect Cost Functions avd Allocation .1:3ascs • e artment / Function llocation Rasis Legislative Agenda Iiems Executive & Le islstive Su orc A rncla Items De u City Manager TEs Re ortuig io ACM Cotttchcts Adrnin Contracts Ivfanagecl ntance ctual O eratin ' Ex endicures . n1"urmstion 7'cc}tnolo y Com uter Terminals [.,egal In-house, contract) ..egal Billed Hours •Iunian Resources FTE-s total encral Govcrnrrac.nt FTEs total acilities uare Footage Occu ied 'sk Man1 ement "1 Ls total ublic Works Overhead W Non-OH FTE Breakdown latuiin & Communit llevelo mt.nt Uvencead 'lanning & Comm. Dev Non-OH FTri 13rcakd arks & Recreation Overhead arks \~on-Ol•I FTE Breal:down Iuternal Service Fuuds/Self Insurance °I'he C:ity of Spokane Valley has ttwo internal serv-ice funds: Fund 501 - Lquipment Rental & ` Re lacement LR~R and Fund 502 - Rislc ~~anaement. Both iunds havc an o cratin btid- et P ) ~ p ~ b of substantially less than the $5 rnillion threshold defined in OMB A-87 ancl therefore; detliled ciescriptions and f:inancial stalements have not been ulcluded. The ER&IZ funci accnunls for the costs of muntain.ing and replacing Cit_y veliicles for all City departmcnts. Thc costs are charged to those departments based on the vehicles in service and the charges are ineluded in each departrnent's budget. The TZisk i~Ianagement Fund accounts for insurance costs, claims settlement, and admiuistration of a risk management safety progrwn. The liavility uisura.nce pa}zneiit is charged to the Gencral Ftmd Department 090 General Government and is included as a separatc cost pool as described earlier. The Risk Management Fund also accounts for the funcii.ng of sell insureci unemployiuenc claims through the Sl<<te of Washingtan and Washington Cities Tnsurance Authority. . Fringe Benefit Costs and Pensioo and Pnstretirement Hcat6 rnsurance Plans lf this docuinent were to be subuiitted for cogiiizant agency review aud approval, the City would be required to include descriptive information rcgarding Fringe bcnciit prograns atid peiision aiid post retirenient plans. The specific infomiation to be included is identifieci ui Altachmenl C, Scction 3.17.3 of OMB Circular-87. , Page 8 City of Spol:7ne Valley Cost Allocarion Plan Sununaiy Repon . I:V. Citrvide :I:ndirect Cost Allocations Basecl on tbe 2004 actual expenditures aud data, the costs .for the uldirect services identified in Section iIl werc compilcd and allocated ro thc dircct servicc dcpartments using the allocation methodology cie:scribed in Seetion I. The fallnwinD is a sunimary of the allpcations. Exliibit =1- Suinmary of Citywide and A-87 Iudirect Costs 2004 eudget Year tton-allQCaele ~ i 2004 Costs 8 Fxpendlture Expendltvre Total Cltynv(de ~ A-87 ~ Total A-87 Do artrnont Name Cosis ~ Adjustments I Allocable Costs ~ AdJustments ; Allowbto Cost3 Legistative $ i95,140 M S lS 195,140 195,140 -E EcecutiveR lep3:lative Support ' ~ . . S.._ • 363,622 ' ----~J b ~3632622 $ -363.622 ~ b i[~puty City A4anager S 167,738 ~ S - $ 167',738 $ -~T $ 167,738 Conttacts Admin . . . . S 67.095 i "S . . . $ _ .67L095 , $ _ . ~ $ • • - -67,095 Financ:ra . . . S _'_'297,608 5 $ T 297,6081 g$_._ 297,608 Iniormatkxi Lo Technalo~y..' . . . S . 66,135 ~5 $ BE 1351 g..~..'.._ $ I 86,135 F--- • gal (In-house, tc,ntract)_ _ . . . . 145 37d . 195, 374' ` g g ...195,374 Human Resauroes ~S 42,182 $ ~ $ 42,182 S $ ~ 42,192 General Gavemment . . . ~ _ _ S .632,128 409,725 ? $ 222,403 5 27,G58 5 794,745 Fa^,ililios • - 5 - -3 13,227 . $ . ' $ . 33,227 S 79,876 -S: ~ . 233,411 Risk A4.=.n~ement $ 130,000 $ I~ 5 130,000 $ S 130 0,00 Public Works Overhead $ 263 901 $ S 263,901 $ 13,657 $ 250,244 Planning 8 Cpmmvnity pEveloqment Ovethead $ 166,247 3 S 166,247 1 $ , $ 166,24 7 Parks R RecreaUon OverhQad $ 200s697 $ - I $ 200,697 $ 32,211 G $ 166,486 AdditEonal - A - g - S S Total $ 3,101,0951 S 409,725 I $ 2,691,370 ' S 712.1041 $ 1,979,268 ~ Exhibit 5 shows Uie how the CitytiNride indirect costs are allocated arriong the City's various direct sen-ice tieparnnents. Fxliibit 5- Sumniary of Citywide Inciirect Cost Allocations Citywide Altocation Summary ~ Public Safety $ 406,804 PubIIC Worfcs $ 385,282 ~ Streets $ 362,648 ~ Street Maintenance $ 39,675 E ArterialslPaths $ - a lNastew3ter $ 3,894 ~ Stormwater $ 13,386 ~ Planning S 550,185 Buiiding $ 445,152 ~ o Parks & Recreation $ 408,530 Parks & Recreation - Maintenance $ 12,390 All Other Funds $ 63,424 Total Cit wide Allocation $ 2,691,370 Page 9 City of Spokane Valley Cost tllloc:stion Plan Summary Report V. SUIIlIIlal'y Of FII1dlI1bS In general terms, a cost allocation plan can serve a varieiy of Purposes, including: • Validating transfers for central sen~ices from non-General Fund depai-hnents, • Calculating the share of City-wide overhead ihat is attributable to Cee-generating scrviccs (for use in fcc-setting), and • Providing a basis for overhead reimbursement from Federal brants. The City-«ride results sununarized 'ui the preceding chapters can be used for the first two purposes 3nd an ON113 A-87 cotlipliant plaii is necessary for potential grfult reimburseuient. Tlus study was intcnded to establish the City's 6rst complete Cityevicie Cost Allocation Plan for internal cost allocation purposes and establish a basis for potentially settuig a federal indi.rect cost recovery rate, consistent Nvith OvIB Circiilar A-87 guidclincs. As a rclativEly uew city, Spokane Vallcy's organization and services are evolving over time. The resulLs presentecl in this report are based on the 2004 acluai expeiiciilures and it is reasonable to expect ihat there may be major shitis in the allncations as the orgaiuzation matures. The spreacisheet model has been built with the capacity eo incorporate changes ul the organization and workload measures over time. Basecl on the r.esulls of the 2004 alloca[ion a,nd disctissions with representa[ives of the Transportation improveinent Board (TIB), wliich is the providcr of the City's eiurent grant fiinds, it was determinecl that aubmitling an OMB A-87 plan for cognizanl agency review and approval was un.likely to result in a substantially luglier recovery rate (due to the 25% luuitation on desioi anci construction cnginecring costs) and that the approval process would bc lcngthy. The I'll3 provides ior inclLision of a 10% averhead faclor on direct labor expenses and tlle recommendalion is to continue to apply tlus factor, ratlier than pursue a federally approved rate. In adciition, the City should ensure that those non-admuustrative costs tliat are directly attributable to the gi-ant ar.e charged to the grazit based ori actua.l tune spent, as recorded ou tune sheets. As a result of tlus deteruiuiatiou, tlus report suinmarizes the City-widc cost allocation resulls based on the 2004 achial expeuditures. The format approximatcs that rcquired for an A- 87 cost allocation plan, but does not present the A-87 results in cletail. The specific A-87 formats are included as appenciices, for use if the City decicles to pursue a federally apprnved rate ai some point in the future. ~ - ~ Page 10 TECHNICAL AppEiDICES - . ~l \ APPENDYX A Yndirect Cost Pools \ ~itll;an~~ ~ t6~ weoi ~ ~~itllP~v ALbcaG.vi Fscma mro Deaar,:erus Upcocning !ludge? Yoa, r ~ . t_,"_...~_.~ Olroct Srrrlcc Bcpartrncr¢s tnditctt Cos! Poots AIIOCa16an FaAOn 0 Ocpanment Name I De p Dr a+4'ntnt Name IloeatEpn tl Anoeaflon Factar 018 PuDIk Solcry, . ' . X IYtt._...-:Lc~.latAC . . : • . ` 1 Ac Peratn~ • cPet'CiWr&4 0.1P •WDIitY.bA.s.. . . 073 :EZecutM1re36~fsWU~~eSup~ut. ' 2.ACt~a ExDaeWUazxlrWd►ri 101.1~ '$trDCS. 01B.Ui11,OCputyCltyAtan`ger. 9Cap3alExPer~IICes 161.2 SUGM ~I0Ifl1L1iitilt0 - 18.~1'~' 1COM19CL9 FQI}fdll ' 4 FT:g~W(~11} ' ' ~ 4f41~Flncrcc ITEsRepoMrj tOP.CM _ 102.103 iArrr4il,afPeth: - 19rV_2 092401 ,1Y8atb..9tdr' Intprm8Wn7aGfindogi . - ' - ~ G LcgalBtledlburs U32.a0Y . Smrrrtwa~xr L,epnl (trrhoe,u. amtraetl~ 7 Sauere FooCepo OccuPieA Terr.f~se`s - p~g iPPanitlng HumRcaauRrs !iPi6 nPndltls10 .4 flndal?Q300 1 RJsk IlatsgemoM - - 11 Pantmcs bt ' 1Cap1~alP~jeci.,~~.~ 06iM ' Puhliel!'otkaOvefinud 12 CiFn&1.Ie~rageA T ~ ~p2 6~SpocblC,.nD~',n7Fmlrst4 F,m4 r~~ 092. Plnnning d Gomm ^r7c~ebTpmmt Ovefi au 13 Mca~i~~ Cxmn(ner:Tme ~~LL : 093 Y' ~'OM19 d+'t!M.r~l~ tlvR ~neK ` 14 ~bn ON P~! F(E - _ D5 ~ Sireu~ Cap~ei rru~xri Fund. 4 ~MYrebe e Parx P~ect : _ -.Addilanal A• - f5 ltom OH Pnrtv~ r,'7E"'. ~y. 5 . ,5tro4ieond A ..~'uddltbnal p.- .6 NonOGi P13~nU~i,BCOm:n I`6n~ fT '?"-~•.--~,--•T~ ---r:.-.. . 6 ~CDabi:tGfunlFvnd '-Yx ` iftUOiWnal G 17 Aedltlonnll r 7 'GnFIG'QGnnL" - f.d.11`:faiul D~ - ^'SB AOOpionelll " a08~'Elater~ridpeReMnsWetion 19Adtll:um1L11 , - . - 50t ~ .EFi6~F".,aai_ tidd~.."m~1 F _ _ . .,20 P,cltlrmsofV ' l. . 502 ~fL~k~~~~agerc!nt.. _ - - nOSG~rta~ -G,i . --y . 2f ndd`~• U 2 ~Ufxnrv 1 ~ - •'ACdtlortsf Fi - - - - - ~22A4;1Z0~,A Vf... I06 ~_'~3W1@L1.t01^e _IT9X _ . . . ' ^ .jAQQU0nd1 I. . PeLtSern~ iA0UOn81. J Od ~,~AddWnnlt..,~___ _ ' - - - ~ ' AfSBtlnal2 / A,Atlili6nAl9 .~1 ~...ACdhLs~ul IO - - - I ' Nbratbn Feeiws & Oepts. -?epa 1 of 6 ~ Spokarw YaIIey ~:tl~ll• ~ lexllroct Cvot M;xfol tndT~ctCog:Pi"s 2004 BudpM Yam Leqtslatlva nor,- 2DOl E.xDa+Wltun Allocablu Eapondllwo Crtywidf Al1oc&Wo OperaUnp Cqot Cslaqorln Cos:a Costs Adjustmrnts Comh A-0! Adjustmsnta A-$7 MlocsDH Costs Notra: 5alnnes and V1aqel 3 34.500 $ 34.800 ! f 34.903 S Emplayee Btncfie 3 SJ, t: 1 S 54.721 ~ s rx7.T_'• f - - supplla7 1 SC+.G9C~ S 16:600 S t0 45C~ S - C)[;ier ~rvlccs and Cr,:-ges 5 47 tfr'~ f 87,189 ~ L 87,169 S • ~api2ai Outlay~ _ 3 $ $ Irsferrind F;4ymrnts for Savrca _ S I 1 76i.. s --11.760 S 780 S - ; S _ - - '--1- s ' - - - - - $ - S - s s - _ s- - - s _ . • s s- - - - - _ . - - s ~ s- - ~ - - - - s - s - - - -s _ - S - - - - - - - _ -s s ;3- - - - s - _ ~totnl i 195,140 S - S - 93,110 S 195,140 - E:ocutlre i Lp1a1H1+re SuPPOn NOn• zoa Exp.nirfitW At1xab1• e.P.,wnur. citywfa. Alwconio Opero!!n0 Coat Cateporws Loslt CosL AdJwlmenb CWta A-97lldfustmrnts AdF AllocibM Costs NoHa_ 'n9aries ind Wages 3 231,4:0 231.0:+0 S 23t,G3{~ S - Emplo}vo [3u*t, _ S E18,240 - $ $8240 $ 88.2440 $ . uppI'es 6,43.) 5 8.439 S 6,439 f OVtw Son7;as and Ctuz:ae: - f 32.^32 - f 32.fl12 ~ S 72.G32 S . caniwi a~uay. - _ - - _ . . ' - ~ in:r-lund Parmdn•tifcx5orvicr, ~ G:tlti,7 - i II.880 . S .5.8lSO S - ~ . s-- _ - ~ S - - • . - =:..~3~~~ ~ . - - • s ~ ~ s - • ~ - - < ~ ~ ~ A r~JY~~• ~ " f . 3 ' _ . . . _ .4.. = r- . s . . -77 - T.~r~_'__ ~ _ • . ''~!1. , i +1. i f- - ~~'~4:-Y~~`i.ii.Re►-- ~ ` ~'~,~µ~•-i~r i s- - ~ - - ~i-• -~`a~ -7s"' -s. _ S _ . - g - - - .-,t~ ~ ~ a - " _ ~ - R`~'.~_ • _ - • . ~ _ ' ~ ' ' S - - - ' S - S . S 363,622 S • f S 163 Dopury Clty AAartaper Non- Z001 EsporMltur• AllocaDle EapendRUn Gqywide Albtibfe OparaUnq Cost CatepnNes Coste Costs Ad}uMnrnb Gosb A117 Ad;uaGnent■ A47 Aflocabls Costs No¢at ai3f1N9 K vv,~~ i~ 129"k,44 s 129,394 3crwl,ts ^ j- ~ _ - - 3 129r394 i :8,87' f :11.677 :olq betaeen conu•xh odmin orxl deputy SW'o)"'3 2,9:9 s - 2,974 cty manaper GaW- on FTB, wr.h tAe ' hcr Scrvir,es and Crr9C= :,5?9 i Z539 ~ f 2.~33 Wrtz-iat;aCve anwyst assiqnca in aplW qutlay: 5 - _ - f - con:ruc4 xymm. IrAalund Payrtionly 3 4.::1U $ 4~200 t 4.200 ' ' ' f _ s _ _ - - - - _ . - ~ •'a ~rt~ .~a.-"-'' ~~i,i. _ f _ $ • , ~~r"..'~ L ''-_Ei.~ _ r t'M?~~•:f . . , ...-i=" . ~ •A-_~ _ . - ' •~-:f7%' !1~ •~1 `~L" " _ --•..7'--- - - t ' - L S ~ - ' ' ' - - ' - $ s -T--•- - s - _ s • - __s s - s - f 167.738 S • S - = 18~, ~ s 167,738 Ca'N►fds AQm1n Mtrn- 20W Expandltyn A90ca4le EAperdrtun GltywWe A110caDiill Operttllry Cost Ctlpotlw Costs GMU AQlieMNnq Costs A-QF AdJwtmenU A.Yl AIWCabIio Costa Notoa~ SaImt1eY8 WMplS 5t.758 $ 51.i56 f 51,758 3enr613 S 11.171 $ 11.177 11.ari Supplics ~ t, 171 3 1.1 T 5 S 1 171 soMb.eMeen cadrrcl8 odmen ono 4epuay Cllr+fr Serv-c.es and C^ai~y I_~?t 5 f 1.015 city ntaMpr Ca9@d On FfEi. wllh ih0 apl!al Outays S • S - adrrynloVauvs 3r-alyst yspned b Ir.lertund Paymcnis S I,tit1C - j- 1,080 i 1~DE0 ~~lrsets edmin._ f • f s • $ ' " .1;. i :Y ~ ti h • ~ : • i ' . ~ I t' ' _ ~ ~_s : - ~ - - - . • ' ' S~ r1",~ i'~,..~.~.. u._ I, _ .ir~.~ ` I.« _ _ . • _ . . . s - - - - - . _ r 1~ _ ~I I ]~~~•~~~~I~ ~....`--•-J_T s-- - - .1,. _ _ --s _ $ - - - - , . _ s ' s _ - - - - _ . - - . • _ _ i _ _ _ . - s- _ - _ to~tad 67,095 • 87~095 i R7.O9S Ind"ect Cau: F,oi; - Fay4 ~ ol ii Finasxo NOt1. 2004 rrpontlltur• 1WowWa ExymndRun Cltywlde Allocable OperWny C osl Cstoporln Go~ta Casta Adiu=pnonq Coots A47 Adjuioimenb A-47 AppCaple Cpsta qplN- ' nas !i Wapc. t o;a 224,070 t~nofi~ - f :~i :r:+ s si,?aa s - ~~.io3 u.~,eu ; d ~UG g ---4.196 ~ - S 4,1'96 Wr. Scrvk.es ariy Cn,aipc-s t tU.f]4~ S 10.040 10,044 :p-:l belween IT arW firanco itad Outiuy:l basrd ar. FTEs wtth IT specHlht Inicttutx7 Paymencs S 75&:_ 7.$e30 sasf¢ned to IT - : - S - - _ . s _ s - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - f - i : I - - _ . - - • - : s - - - - - ----'1- - - - - s- - . S S ~ • - - - - - _ _ i - - - - - - - __s- - _ - - _ . _ _ - - - - --3 - . - - _ - - _ - - - - - - ~ - s • . S _ _ _ • , - • S - - - . _ _ . - s - - - - 247,6oe s zo~, t 297, Informatlon Twhnoiopy /wn- TOW Exyandltun Allpcobto Efpendlews Gitywlde AUacaWo Opvratfnp Cos! CattporNa Costa CwU Adjustmenb Cwb A-67 AdJwlrmnls A•Ol AllocaDh Cosb Natag SainneaancWa~er: 5 43,1,33 S 45.793 49.793i Empioye98r-ef;ts S 11,41 18 f 11,498 S 11,498 Suppliea S 732 S 932 f 932 sDlit be2ween 17 and Financr pthtW 5crvr..es and Char;E: 5 :.231 S 2,231 5 2.231 beseC Ou:isYv on FTEy r,Ath !7 sppclalis! . f - rwpnad ta IT mtriu,nd- PaFrmer- tor Sefvae, f 1,6E~0 b - 1 Bb0 - - - s- . . S - - - - f _ _ - - • - _ - s- ' • - ~ ` :.F~(~' ° ~ _.~_lr,.~___~ f - - b = - • - - . _ r~`...' . 1- - - _ - ti ••t~__--_-~_- _ _ - - s - S ' - - ~.~2 -r'-•,~-„ ` i-- - - . - - f ~ _ ~ - - - w-__'_. : - - - - s S totd f 66,135 i - 66,135 S • 66.1~5 Legal (In•howo, contraCQ Non- 2004 Ezp•rwltur• Alioubl. Ecp•neduro Urywtas Allocsbio UpatoUnq Cost Caiporlea Coau Cour Adjusrm.nu Cwta A-at nojuama,rn A47 Aflocsbie Cosh Not&a- Sata;ms ar+~ Nln~cs 5 !.~G,~~~2 S 60,75: S 60,752 Employ[e E~riB!iL f 1~,5;,'lS } iB 5?5 ' S- - 18.520 5L4)Pl oa. S '1.~9~ 5 .^.383 g - 2383 CJVwr Scrrice: nnq Cr;~~w. f 1:0.354 5 110.35A, 3 • t U.35t Lat,l[al Qut:yyz s - $ I,,wAurrJ Puymencs fcr SarvKe 5 ~,:iCx7 S- 3,,300 ' S 3.360 - _ - -:-i_-_,; • _ - ri' -Y' ' -7-47_~: E : .a ~ s . . : - y - . 1 ~ - ~''-~„'y„'_","~` S • _ _ - - ' _ ~ . . . ~r•_a _ f ~ ~ . _ 'v~-h ~ ~ t s - ' ~.ia.: . i ~j,./,[', ' ~ ' i _ _ _ _ . - - s - s • - - - . _ f • s - toai S 195.774 $ . f . 195.374 195,374 Human Resarces AOM1 2Do4 eA,.nanur. Alrocaa. exp.naaw. Gtyni" AtlotaWe OpsWlry Coat CsUgonos CQSts Cwn Ad)ustments CotlU A47 AdJustmvnta AiT Atlowbir Cwb NotN. Saianei erny WsS1W~z 22_d58 i 22.Q56 Empby,3r. Bt,nvfita 4 6~FT -E - - 6,G47 $ !l,(kii SUP~% . $ 5 781 5 5,781 _ i 5,1'd1 0!hL- Sen,:.+es an1 Chwga: : 5.285 S 5,286- $ 5.285 ~ar~~-~ Gu~tl.srs f E f- - In:e-1jnd ?ayrnnm3 for SMr" - S 1'y51 _ = 1.703 ' { • - - - 1 _ - - - - - _ _ _ " $ - - - 5 _ , - - S l~` s - - - - - - S $ • - - - - _ S S - . - - • _ - S • S . - - S - S - - - - s - ~ . S - S 5 - t~ s 4z~92 s - s • s 42.192 s s 1192 fr.Cirec, Cutt Puu1i - pai;o 3 cf C C3eneral Oovernmont Mon- 2004 Efyandtturs AhocaGW Exp*ncitUn CltywlW AJlocipl• Oyuatlnp Cost Cabporico Cesb CwL AdJuscmanu CoVb It-67 Aa)ustrrwints A-aT Atlotablt Gttata 1{n1ea: 9~ine': Zn;~:iuauan: i ?9.U" 5 :?.U7' S - E - _ Slucfonl ACwlsar; Covttil 111.D _ - - - EIFCiIGn CU[~ s - - S ~:3.~~G] 5 63 iw^G . s . Accounllng :rw Aic ptiU - : 4'..7?7 - f - - 43.777 S 43,7T7 C2hle Franchite TeWpr'vf~r.'CSL Serr,cc S 14.d4d S 14,640 S 14.444 Ad~er?i6inB ~ 3 Ib,O@7 S :G-wl ~ - s _ - s - rT SupFwat ~ 5 dB.470 f 88_A70 ~ s- 88.470 Sultwaro Lcanse ant,1 IA9ir.ttnn:s.e F 3a,7-) S 36.773 ' f 3g.773 M~~;.ellancou.5e+rwic~ S 4,367 5 4.3n7 S -4.307 1MsC fiolu Smra, S 6,91H ~ i 8,p1E f 6.Di8 ~ •'~~beas~una' Ser.~ce_- E:marnc O~~o! S 73.00U 8 73;0W ~ S - f C!ty Econcmk DeY=;oFnrons i 3ti3 S SGU S Pro.'e95iona! Serair,Ba - Ptty~~I FHe7ti 1 2~ OOC S ~S,OCJU S s . - - Icur~lltcatmcit S t',5t3 $ 17,513 5 L^ ' S ilirAlmicvwi Sar.irx_ - Yuuth Sc•~.ce: i i,'vU0 S ZCtlu f- - - 5poiancrr,,,nty AIr F:,iluvron A,r.rnm; s ~t.3.aca Mwr,nc't:tip: - 5H7L S 3~t,3D0 $ 24. ;.kD U --i - $ - . - - ' _ C'.o~utnr Sotthare r M~rqwo'e 3 D,7R 3 8.798 Ii 9,if7l1 f • _ - , - - _ _ F'iber Pro~x: S 1:~~SED S 1 ~,8fi0 S i 7,A9a S Iraerfund toan Payrwir b , 5 ~ s--- - - - - ; _ Iricstst on Snor: 7eim U:e mial Debt 5 rg 5 " ~g - - - - - s - - - - - Iriemst an0 OLher Geb! ~rvice Co;ts S 43,058 b t7,G59 s-- - s - otal f 632,i2E S 4119.72 S f 222, 77658 194745 FxFil lioa na,- 2001£"nd0ui• Alloca01e Expenallun CitywtdeAlkuable Oguratlnp Cost Caleqonse CosU Cosis AEjusimarus Cotta A-67 ndJusunenta A-97 AfloceEN Costa Notn: Cl:1 Hail Rer,l S 229,129 3 719,12D S 229,129 Sloraila SGaco an: i'amnq 5 3AG~ S --9.000 Faci: ry Reoauz) erv )dolr.lcna.xe S 1.2fi2 S 1.263 _ S 1,282 leasr►wtC lmprover~nlL g S _ 78.816 f 75.D16 S _ - - - - _ - s_ . s - ' - - - s - - ~ ~ • - _ - ~ a ~ - - S _ • t - y- ' - - ~ f , s : - - - ~ ._'•ir--- . - - _ - $ - ~ s • . $ _ _ - - _ s _ • s _ . _ wtal 313.I27 S • 313.227 79,816 233.411 11 iilsk Mwispomont NOM 2001 Eapendotw• JUbcsblm En"ndltun CKyvnds Allotsbb Oparetlnp Cost Catoportet Gwta Gosb AdNaln+~ate CoVts A-E7 AdjusNrnts M47 AHocsbbe Costs Ihtea= Inee ,unc1 Risk 1Nane~ernent Payn~er~i S 1)U,DpD - - s 1130.000 ~ i 130.Up0 - - - : _ _ - - S ~ - f - . • - - - - - - . - 'Y~~- ._~f:'i • «..S` . _ • ~ .~~'Y.1~- ~ ~ ~1~`• - - ~ s ' _ _ ~ _ M~` I~ _ • • . _ _ ~ - - ~ " ' ~ - - i_ - _ ~,t• - -~~-s ~ I S _'-"`y~~~L~ ~^~~w`.; W , : ~ : ~-i _ ~ - s . ! + .r, V ; 1 2: .~r~y.'-.~ ' ~ ~ - i _ - - - - - ^ _ ~ ~ • t.'..~.~ _ _ ~ . r"j _ ( . . _ ~ , - s _ _ - - ` . . . ~ r' - ~ ~•N +s . . 1 ' .1.. = _ : . _ ~ f : - 4 - - , -s- ~ - s tOtsl f 130.000 S . • = J0. - S Publlc WoAtt OvKhtad Nonr :oa ExP.naieu.. Attoeabta EipenOltun Cltywldr Alloes0le Oponllnp COst CatpOrlos Gi+st• Caila AGjytimMds Cpsli A-1; Aeft:smmnU A47 Alloubb GpaU Nulga. :i Fc.DepnnT~erl GuUynt Is mifLptleO by S ~4 cA ta'~ae e~~io aas m`~D.:5 275 !iQ..75 verheaa y u.e76 s 6:a7a s n,eTe rsanceaanq ctia,gal S 71g,71G S D_710 '.a1 Qullay± S 13 65',' $ ts,£5' S• 13.657 5--- -(0) ("JH PasiUOrb lriGude: Irn43rfurk~ 7rsr--tee _ S U.4::t; L 8_418 S --6,425 1; P.kIk Wcru Dlrec:nr _ _ S _ ' ~ _ . . S • Atl.nl5tratlve A--siotwit - - ~ f _ - 3) E-q,ncerlry Tedviklam - • ~i ' $ f - - - - , ! - - - f ~w- s . - - - - . - - - . S - ~ f - - _ - - - - - - - S , f - ~ ~ - total 263.901 f . f - , 1 13.8ST 250, w-catct Fa,ls - Pa^,e e c! c PtatWnp b Communlty pevelopmaM Overfisaq Mpf1- :OD4 cxpandrtura Allouhle Expanurtcao CdywiW AflocaW OWtatlnp Ccat •^tiwpa~nas CuaL CoW AdjustmenU COat1 A41 Ayjantmetktt A-V AlloeWlo Coih lbtR: Iti:sLaC Oe6ed on FTE'e m Punmnp Saanc: 3 E21'c+ f , S . : ~a.,ar~a 23.gr~ s- --flz,i», _ s 92,173 f f 23,977 S 231SF77 S,~Pivs -J950 . S 3,950 i.~iher Sa:vrce= a n9 C,.,.Nc= : 30.42' S 30,4:7 ~ f 30,427 - in[~~tiemmer•tai Sarvk_. _ S 1 t,:1: 5 t t.%12_ S t 1 .212 - Ca:dwi Uuua~o s - t- - . ~ S • - ON iscwSioes incsude: irr!a,nauf f'aymams fer.5erv'r~ - - t- -s 508 , j- - 44aE 4,506 t) Communctr Dtrvolopment UeeCOa ~ . s _ ~ ~ ' _ f • ) AdmirnctroGvr Assistant - - - - _ _ _ - f i - - ~ - - - - - - - S --T-~"'-- - : s = . - ~g . s S i s . s ! s - _ - - - - - , s s - - - - - - . _ _ _ s - - - s lOtal 186.247 I : 166,217 f 166, 7 Parks 6 Rvcnoon pvwl►oW TOW ExperMifur• AllotaEls ExpaiitlAura Cityxsde Albubk Op»ritlnp Goa! Catoporys Cosu Cosu ACjuKnrMa Cotta A-07 Adjustmenti A-0/ qllaahle Casb NWas. Non Depp~tmenml 5 1 i~'+,,,ii8 108.5b8 S 108.568 Ev*Wloyca Be-iahto f 's~,55tl 5 - 35,558 S 3fi,558 S~FF"~ S 1•2:'3 f S,9P5 S 1.925 - f S6Nt.L5 dri l'.ra~pr~ S ' 3.DW S 13,800 ' i 13.860 OH Poeidons InUude_ tntatp7va~rvnenW Ser.~:eG 5 3,505 f 3,595 i S - - 3565 1 iParkr and Rncrwt~w+ DireeUx CaP~ tal 0jCWyc 3 ?23't S 3..21 it ~ S~1' s i {0 Adminlni:ariva AsEisrarti Uient5orv:c s- , s . fY:Ot Se~w::e wamct arti Relate;1 Cout: s - - • - f _ inlwtuixs PoyrnenU hi Servlca - , i 5,040 - . - ~ _ i-=?= .~i . ` - -=rs--------- i . - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 _ ~ _ - - - - - - - - S s - - - - ,,e ~ :li'T~ ^ ~[•;=f'-T ~~~rs~F s - ~ - - s - - _ . . - S ~ f - - . --f s _ Q~ S ,59 f S - f 200,697 f 322 I,'~dirc-:l CU>t P:iGS - Faae 5 c1 6 d~ 3pokane Valley SP(tk-ati e ~ Irodirect Cost PAOdeI jVdllC'y lndfrect Sumrcrar/ 20U4 Budget Year Non•alloeable 2004 COSI$ 8 ~ Expendituro Expendituro Tota1 C7tywide . A-87 Total A-87 Do artment # De rtmEent Name Cosfs Adjustments Qllecable Casts Adjustmontz Allocablo Costs U11 Lsgislative S 195.140 $ - $ 195,140 I$ 195.14a S - 013 ExecuUve & Le islative Support S 363,622 $ - S 363,622 1 $ 363,622 S . 018.013.1 DeputyCityP.ianager S 167,738 $ - S 167,738:$ - S 167,738 018.013.2 Contracts Admin $ 67,095 S - S 67,085 i $ - S 67,095 018.014.1 Finance $ 297,608 S - $ 297,608 6$ - $ 297 606 018.014.2 Intormation 7echnoEogy $ 66,135 S - $ 66,135 - S 66,135 058.015 Leqal In-house, conlrsci} $ 195,374 S - $ 195,374 - $ 195,374 018.016 Human Rosaurces $ 42.182 S - S 42182 S $ 42162 090.1 General Govemment $ 632,128 S 409,725 $ 222,403 S 27,658 $ 194,745 090.2 Facilities $ 313 227 $ - $ 313,227 i S 79,816 $ 233,411 090.3 Risk ManagemenF $ 530,0109 $ - $ 130,000 5 $ 130,000 091 PublEc Works Overhead $ 263,901 $ - $ 263,901 S 13,657 $ 250,244 092 Planning & Community Development Overhead $ 166,247 $ - $ 166,247 S - $ 166,247 093 Parks 8 Recreation Overhead $ 200,697 $ - S 200,697 S 32,211 ; 168,486 0 Additfonal - A S - $ - $ - S $ . ~ Tota 3,101,095 409,725 S 2 691,370 I S 712,104 ~ $ 1,979,266 , Indlrec9 Summary - Rage 6 of 6 APPENDIX B City-wide Allocation Results . % Spo6~anovalfey Crr~► r~ IrdeeC Coei Abdel 7004 Achrals S1 i a13, B°.5 [k4 AAOp6nnF+dds IeseDeprec~lan-i__ 5103339,731 lea Erctusnra 44(.'9.P.5 ~ 34m 9p'Ca;-_.a! 10018u0NYw iTolel f f36.584,190' S 3A,564.410 AMocNlon Irpuh 1 1 9 1 S e T ~ fl IQ It ii t) tJ t5 tfl I • I AMUaI Opentlnq AeMd Fspwndtlurn I Capqf FTEs I RapaW" b LpN BAMd Squm Foo1*94 Compuur Aponds I CoMncb Gnnb ' Heula~p Non pN PW Non OH Ptttu'j Non ON PI~ro~4~p ! - ExpsnMWns IncludlnpCapiui Gpendltures pdaq I Eumhw ACM Houn Otcupkd Tnndnah ' TnmuGoot 1 95.1 40 S 1 95 1 04 S !0 2-422 R ems I,hiuqed Wnopod ilmr , FTE F7E Comm.OrvPTf topU~lfM~_. ~011 f - 5005~ )0350i - Eanruuei - ptJ S 363,62! f lttlr.: S • 15 1,AT1 : t50 - - - - _ _ _ . _ . _ ~°PWY~1!~!aOu .01801J1 = !6T.7Je1 $ 1N7,39 S - :9 15 :dQR .IIt'. 11D -Ff aYO~ ContraCe AdMn - 918 Oll : ~ GI fit?5 b_ Q1.f,~f i t U 10 377 F7nonu - - 016014 t i 7J7,GOA S 19f,~ f 4'r, O.OYt,QAIS 5p;- ~I'0 intamatlonT __'0I60142 3 fJ;.t39 { f,nti5 1 • tD _ :32 - _ - - - - - - - - 1eq11(ln•bmpo.oofl0rtdq_ . - D18.016 S_ 1'dS31< S 195,17q S 1tl I S,.L75 .li! :9 byp, hlummP.eaprcee IO!0o18 5 a2.tA1 1 ~f214;~ S - - - - - Genral G<*n~mnwl 0591 0 1-l td5 S ~7.~77 S :I 65B 0:i id,'t a - I Q zaa.a„ a ~,a1~r t rs;r;c ud y 7311.000 S •p 7 ' _ - - _ - . ~S PuD& 'No'ks OusMid a'1 f ry ~Q 2dd S 1W U!11 : 1 3: 57 30 ] 0 / Ott 914 40 11.4 Platmf BComm;nqr 0~1Md 002 f IGL dl f 1fJi:4'; $ - 1~ YO flUh. B~6 x[l' 17h 0.74R - ~ .a!± p.rU t_Reu.rron awneaa 0e3 s 1 oe,a, s ron,c~oT s x,21 i ;o to a,o% cit .n! 5 tt.: ---4 96Y: g Adaroonal -A ~o_ - - . - - AddM1twl • B = _ . _ „ , O ~ Addibonal-C ifl - _ . - - - • - - - - - _ ~ - - - - - F~~~~ AA9iLOrwl • E ~ 1`L _ - . _ _ ` 'w I _ L1,* _a~,.__ w ~ .P`,',1,•'~"""' 1 - ' ~ AdfItA~Mtl • f i . . , _ . _ . AddMOriM .Q . _ . a " 't" _ ' ' l. i - ~ _ . . . , s"`- I~ e _ 1 .l. _ 1_!I Y- . _ _ AddNqfl~l • H Q _ _ - , - : . _ _ _ . , - - AddMryl•I Q - - . _ . . _ AdlAbnd • J sp _ _ - • H~IcSafety otG t 14,40)id}5 i ~atf13L~9 S0~ 46ti' S.0 9tOlYi P~ 032 S 333.6w S ~51 ~5 j 1".iYhS 1 l~. 17 1,221 ..0 1 : I 19.1 - ' ~ 4(). . - iQ1 1 f 71, ' - , SUeal ~lalnlaia+" 1012 S 2.4~ ~ S T 1:.G"6 ; ~ 2 8 ) q14 d55 4 3a5 I 11 111 Si! S 2.a]:~!T ArtertalvYaNS _ 10110.1 { S +34C:41 S tl.t1:1 WosLwslsr 032401 1 239y41 $ ;~,y=1 Sbrmryet-- 032102 S 75G41 3 ••,,R-01 ~ a; - 15' PIar;n1nR O:d 1 :Sf.805 $ 5,718ti5 7C JO 2'IC4 19 :13 5:'1 Ot,i1L 1750 TO Buildlr~ - U99 S cr?1.D70 4 G41bi11 S t7.iti; d4EJ 2 f08 160 :5 11 11' t5 Rq . ~ r~' - ^r1 s 21545 7.0~ 10 E~62 3r, ;f ~C~ - . Pe ~r►s 8 Aoue,tpun • A4Y~witg 0 0.300 ~ 71}(i.~i,4 S ~~~l Proj°ds 301 S 5 1156 ni S 115,r-)9 Spa,:n+l GpiUr1 PrM" FuM- -.3D2 S b u• Gt1 S 1,112,i,33 ~ Sl+pol Cd ' FurN! 30J S I 1 f tl,2U! $ 1 15 f ~jJ EiJ: r. r _ M o Pmi-l-- - _30304 6_ f .1.g243 S ' y~2, a1 S I tr IU : , - :r•.' ~ I ~ f- '~t i ~ ~ ~roct 6nra Fud ~ - -u GpRpI GrarAx - 3" ( - - ' $ ~ Baler BrufQe Keoo^Kns10n 30e Eii&Rfwid t ~ai on' ~ iy..e~: a Rkdt 11atu~wtl 601 1 11 F+~Fd ' i t 11.071i 9 ri - ` . ~?ry ~on Hdet~tolel(u .106 S a;~~ :xi7 S 4 !10.3:,,1 S • _ 2D4 E - S 590,OiA i 5 hJ,4:6 Addb:rol 1 ~0 ~ddxuvl i p - - A4dlhmel9 p~ - - - - Ail1lttrnl 4 Q ' ' - - - . Mdiivnel9 ~ ~ - wmiw~ e ~ Acd'bon.i r o Aoon;«wi e -a - - ; Md]Ibnag A 0 - . _ _ _ ..,,,,.f sy~' yylt~- • I 7,1J0,33/ { SJ.I S17 16CY 74 1,~0 160% 1 6.1 l~l hfdln~y I 2,531A2E { 2,qP1aTp { 153,]/2 1OA B 5 IA% 9.9d/ D Jb 214.0 2121 6% tl 0 1a101nq s I4.592,30E t U,19),QTO f 9.JOO,T1! H1 21.E 12% 1.1110 3E :20.D 1761 94% 1 216.5 6A )A 1S0 LO A;k,ca!iun Fa:tcr'4 -Fay 1 pf 7 :OUiOud av.ar 7, 4al 5~=.584.U0 f YS!.~~,14; PrYnuy ApouUon Paconuw 1 2 J 4 5 _ e ; 8 ~ ia it 11 14 14 15 ,n ~ ° iMmp fxpeeaBua I kcluanp aoitml I EipMdftrn (ww) I AC1d Noun o«uphe I ierndna. II Trar.r.uwu n.n,. M.mqw I Ylwppa I E~um{nw TMM ~ FTf F1E ~ came. on FiE 011 O.12% 0.SJ1S 000% 13.01x1 0001t 10009G. 13 i 94bK 0.~1 95071 O.DOL 0.00%: DOx D 00~1 DOC~- . FaacNM6LpqlRtlwSL~P4°A 013 134% 01811 OWk 8; ~___2s! _01b013.t 0.87!L Od614~---IIpOY 437R 76001: 1S21G _t&?:°4 1 ieau 2~x boax ee~x, 046% ) UBk tl.ODS 0 DO% ~ 0.00"~~ OJBX I79]'~ ODfi16. 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( - 1 i 19,675 MMrit'I~atlr 102.10) ~ • { . f . l • ' ~ - f - 1 • f ! - ~ - ~ - S- - . ~ . . WMurrtUr W2407 ~ . - _ . ~ - - - . . . . . . . - o~.a2 _ s --T.~ s •-~~~~ri • I .e3 i--~~ "i - i • t • i 5 u.3AN4aa oee _ 1 i t~a~ ~ 1 r~ ~0 1 e~,e~a , s f 9,wu f ~5e . 1 - S a.es~ f ~ un t ii.is~ I i._ ?a1 r ~ i t • t `.SO,ikS '1 =t3,2ts ! 9siq { t~e,o7qrt -'7 -ii,t~,7+o t i i,eo5~f _137fD 3 _4?;ew f ia,tvt i t~t,sn f - t us,1 u r~~~a w~aarbn Q~e_ f 7qA'ro~t :e,s+t f 36,W 1 A!%i 1 ~ze6o 1 ii,DSO 1 rAt2 1 be.s3o sa~:aion . Limkdoonce 075 3oo 123W 301 - i t s ' , s _ •_s _ : c _ ' s . 30 _590CW e.,rRea'FUn° - ~ • ~ ' ~ - t - ~ c ' s i s " _ _ - - - CVft-"Sets una 303 ~ t i ~ ~ u,z~a s_ s i u223 Lttabow,M4 ~ s f s 13'1 - sr" mn, ' s ~ s ~ ~ t i s - n CD tfod CYant Fu+a 701 G~I~ Ora~ u, ~9p1 f I ~ i • S 3 ! ~ - i ~ ~ eUr&ip.z~+~1utlm ]Ob f 1 - i f f f . . . . . . ff- . ER3k ivne ~lOt ( i ! 3 f 7al u' 3 I~ ! ~f~1 f 1 r- i . . . . . . ii . ~ i1i~ _ • • ~ • ~ f 4:vyerant 607 1 . _ . 1,210 ~ I` ~ ~t~t~ 43leNdaeltu 1 t1 ~ / '1 ! ~ i 3 ! f t.Nu Sw%fto .uuw t ~rtS, roaiumae2 p 1 S ! ~ • ~ • i 3 ^f i i - t-- { J"~txr,r 3 naeuio,mi 4 ~0 MdIIImr S_ f--- Ad~n~l A 0 baun;r i ` s- - j f - • i ~ ~ - t • f_ • s t . t . : _ ; s_ - baeknid e o s . s------- s--:~r~ - t - s s - t, • s - t - i 1 - s-- o mr ~ t s.Ki i ~oo,eor t ti 40,7r3 149,959 6 4 5 we.o 2an73 o APPENDZX C A-87 Outline and Related 1Vlaterials . ; : . ~ City of Spokanc Valley A-87 Cust Allocation :Plan Outline As discussed in the transmittal letcer to 11lis report, based on the results of the 2004 allocation and discussions tivith representatives of the 1'ransportation lmprovement Boarel (TTB), which is the provider of the City's current grar►t fitnds, it was determineci lhat subm.itting an OMJ3 A-87 plan for cognizant agency revicw and approval was unlikely to result ui a substantially ltigher rec:overy rate and ttiat the approval process Would be lengthy. The TJl3 provides for inclusion of a 10% overhead factor on direct labor expenses and lhe recommentiation to continue to apply this factor, rather than pursue a feclerally approved rate. l:n addition, the C:ity should ensure tliat thosE costs that are directly attributable to the grant are charged to thc grant based on achial tirne spcnt. As a result of this determination, this bocly of the report summarizes t.he City-wide cost allocation rESUlts based on the 2004 actual expendihlres in a format ttiat approxiinates that requirEd for an A-87 cost allocation plan, but does not prESCnt the f1-87 results in detail. This appcndix provides an outline and addirional uiformation for usc by the City in the event that they clcct to pursue a federally approved rate at somc point in the future. :1:. _I:nciirect Cost Allocation Methodology Sanie as Seclion I of main body of report ~ II. Orbanization Chart ► Same a.,S Sectioii :[I of main body of rcport .11=C.1)esc;ription of AllocatEd Services and AIlocation ivl:ethodologie,s Same as Section TTI oCmain body of report, except more detailed infornlahon would be required related to as described earlier: • Intcrnal Senrice FuncisJSelf Insurance • Fringe Benefit Costs and Pension and Postretirement Heath Tnsurance l?lans. I-V. A-$7 Indirect Cust Allocations Same as Section IV ol'main bocly of report, except witli tables showing A-$7 compliant results. ~ _ ; IVE W SECT.ION -.If cognizant ugency appraval vf in(lirect co.st rutt_s fvus soccglr.t, \`~I this section rvould neerl to be iitcluded. _ V. Uepar•t'mental .T.ndirec:t Cost :k2ates A departmental inciircct cost rate was calculated for each departineut. The indirect cost or ovcrhead rate was determined by identifying a dcpartmcnt's 2004 A-87 uidirect costs and dividing by 2004 direct operating expenditures (or oiher basis selected in thc model). The rate is calculaled using the f.ormula shoNvn in Fxhibit 7. Exhibir 7 Departmental Indircct Cust Rate Calculation Adnunistration Costs + Citv%vide Indirect Cost Allocations = Taepartment Overhe.ad Rate Total Direct Operatinb E;cpendihires (or Selected Cost Basis) Lxhibit b is a summary of tlie departinental rates showinb A-87 indirect cost allocations; direct operating cxpendinires, and thE dcpartmcntal rate. Txhibit $ l)epartir►ental Tndirect Cost 12ates [inscrt tablc on Shcct: I7ircct L7cpt, OH TZates Sununaiy] A copy of the financial data upon which thc raic is bascd must also be atcached. 1VEW SFCTIOIV - Tlae certificatioit belo►v tlpplies ta tlre A-87 Cost AIlocatioit PIaM. If ar: iiidirect rute is sorcg/il, Cl SlflYllllY CBYtICfltlOtl WIfI1 SIlgI1tI11 lI[ffL'i•eiit lungicnge woulrf be added. VI:. Certificate of Cast Allocation Plan "1"his is to certif~, that T have reviewed the cost allocation plan submitted lierewitli and to the best ofiny l:nowledge and belief: (1) All costs iticluded in this pi-oposal dated [plan datc) to establish cnst. allocations or billings for [year) are allowzible in accordance with the requirements of OMB Gircular A-87, "Cost Yrinciples for SCate, Local, and lndian Tribal Goveriunents," and the Federal awards to which ihey apply. Unallowable costs have been adjusted for in allocating costs as indicated in the cost aLlocation plar►. (2) All costs includecl in ellis proposal are propcrly allocable to Federal awards on the basis of a benef cial or causal relationship between the eapenses incurred and the avvards to which tlley are allocated in accordance with applicable requirements. Ftirthcr; the same costs that have been treated as indirect costs have not been claiuied as direct costs. Similar fyPes of costs have been accounted for consistently. I cieelare the foregoing is true and correct. ~ City of Spokanc Valley, Washington 1 S i gnature 'Name of Official '1'itle Date vote: '1"he clehailed sprcadshcets in this appeudiY would be aftached as supporting document~ltion to the A-87 plau. ;ii spolu.ne Yel~~y. iron3a CcrA Mwo AilxatixrFari'r:}-.iya dC' lt~+~tdpM Y~u illxaiiun0 3 6 I 4 4 4 F i 1< ~tl t 1 - - ~ - ~ _ . ~ . F'F~s cm~-- ~e~~ ~k_~s tilT'er1a bi~~T'ar~ 'PRelln~ R~%} Ga u:e~ ~ p P~ i~ SG~ + AIxNlmnNUmo hpwwememi I ApenealNna trAC4A I Aanegad Fipendm~ ' fermineh , Huun r'fEa~eaelj ' F3ES~luvl~ I~,~ ~ F~ - Funl1HP14F7E: FIF I F1E ExpadIMs prhnuryAfJMadoo E&ONsOM 4 C" cmir iffftywabol Lro (in-Nmr, G"nl PumcVic"A Cvaemm~ r..a,lRQrealm p~ emwr- €mg,~wGuFPot urIMPIP Csmicd!.imw Ft1we111 t'ac~o,a~q vtr.a, rlu~~~ W~nl Fa+~t RIr.U.,n~i 4,aeay Dernkmred tlyease r,tl4rr- A W.I AanaWMto 6eA16auleC ~ i 147734 1 67#S 1 11 FIT9W If 6i6,115~ [ 189,1741 i 1zt13 i f tKrO y 27 411 f 130.C09 Ni ~tSG~E4l . f- .1024715 10406 ' { F,~A 7 .I 5,.i&6 ! f -k~ 5 31 a17 : j B ~S a I _ i 1¢9f5i+33. Eer~lcve 31~b~5!~P?1 1i1y" S S • I S I 3 . mC3 . S 3 - S ~i53@ I ~i Ip~da ~ _.~9T1 iL 674 a • i ~ -,s.;. 1S3 U5~{ _ . . _ _ , . . _ . . _ . . . . . Llt~tf[!f,ki~i~ 0.16019.1 ; ~ • T,'_ ~'i.5 5 16IG i,S 1A+d5 'j447Q6 ! 1:4~;d}~ 1 Y4k4 $ IdAi 1 i dIN L L - ~ - { S 1~2,99T Gc~;rum !.inun 41501h7 tASV 2 1 738 I ° d - i 1 7N I s ~Y e# 4115 t ~I - d it,ssi . lirnna - d ~16i~..47 ii - Y'~ 4g',.`&4 1~ 1~49T ~ iCi1374.4. . .~9. I{ E 0.914 Imr~ Te~irnlug~"~016 G~ 4? 3= S • 1 i S ` i ~ 72~'S~ { ~ 1 3,6 `D 1 i9tf1~ ara j, f~ • ~ - E 1 i 1 P St7 N ~np~~~-n~ ~or~~l a?ao s s 1 4 - i s - Y 1 ~Q+~ 1 2,esj i i^ 784 ' f, .s,d2: ! y~ 9a~ie ~ t +~e 3 t ~ - i w,isa +Wrnen Naawrca~ 019 p[1 t.,"~E 1 i 1,87] ~ r,cem3w Garr"nml Doe- - _i 1s r _I ; s ~~tJ6 4 .~.2 3 21.9e 6 M 3 42E ' S ~ • ~ ~ • ~ • ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ - I } - C 1 ~ ~ Puauc4"rbe" fsvx,ead 4t1 ; i ~ - ~ 145 1 4,104 i r.~~s l 36z c 10,e3e' S. „1 ,y249 ° 5- 7 7. ~s 6~ f • i/ g rai _ s x0ari'1 i,daes r.rSa s4~ ' I. t. = C l _~«~0~1 6,~~ i ~ 3~ • 4.833 5 ~ P n s~fcecre~ a~3 ~3 ~ Jultr-n+J • p 4 i ~ ~ 1 - . ~ ~ - 71 , ~ ~ g . ~ . ~ ~ `~'F ; A~i~ Il.nii C - . , . ~ , ~ i • { ~ I'S . . ;i]rvnio. -C1 0 ! ~ 1 - IE • ~5 - ~ • $ • i S i_~ 1 'i- • 1 I~ - 3 1 ~ • ,q,tic~j ,vm:E . .uf'A ,1w r ~use1-H # 'i - - - rts ~ . , 4. h,ju~mal-a _"6 f--~ pui:icsanety s. 611 jE: i 158a?? : } • .ds ti i 7,-,.P i, %I%{w NM7 Sa'd:' S 5 3.138 i I4,A74 S.'S9 i f 9iS~S ~ S 177,'t5J? S I.'~ . L 21N.~1i7 3Leelf IIJt 1 S - ~ ~ L I~QpJ I 4 t.G IQ 3.530 f{ I,kUQ 3 2,195 S 111.715 .1 6.7FiB ; iLI 3,C*'2 1 I~ g 4 1P3.181 5teel6tak-Aff1lirCl 'ut3 S S 'F_ i i#_ 7F,.7+fm I S , S S - 3 _ S 1 S .~.3 - 4 - L 2nfC4 # ~ F l4 i t ' S 1 ~ t~7 uiP ~ d 7 3 S g 3 i f . S f _ 1 w naBrsr,-T-3ft 11321113 Waulorv+ulw #!]2.+a 1 ez3 Flhnhhg GiB i I! 54"~~ ~ 154 39,33o ~ 1 3q,647 ! 18k'1 1 i r~.iBa 4 L .1 .1 1d7:6Da e~jlldn4 959 S ~ 31 30.5I3 f . ~ 452 5 G6P 1 7d,956 , i 54,971 ~ S l9.nt ~ ! ! Pan; A Aw,varm um 14,E11 ~ i : s S 105W ! 1 .435 I s ? ra5 : s - i ; 3... aS~,4P Fa d ! S 3 1YI,PGr . , i _ , . _ . _ . ' - rAs d ;ta:rQUacn k{~IAoner. tb G7~E.x.V L S 3 '1 4 $;~G I SZ v.., ~ ~ f 9.,9i4 Ca;SiLal f'Ujm 91 37c 5[~al r;aP,a~ t~e~ Funtl 3.2 .6 - S ~ ~hAQI l~Ciad Pr_qaiti Fund 3s."7. i ' ! - - S 3 17_261, 13.369 ~ 1l,ral~u rvr! Rojmi I, S7rrr_9 Ran.^. 3d5 S , S ! $ S S 1 t 3 S t 3 x 3 # # a CCtH4xa; Caanl F•~nd lOG S . ' S , S6 ~ ~ 3 . ~ , : ~ . i R ~ l~Far_r.d~c{#aGOrulft~tl~ :fplY # - . g ~ S ~ - S . S - 3 - ! f - ~ - s - ' i - f - ~ 1.. • I 1 ~ S ~ ! - w~ o EF~&A Fwyt fiot f_ _ 3 S f 5 F19~ ; 1_ _ S _ ! E - S i - 5 i - ~ l { - 3 - f 7„q75 nu,~N~~ ~rr ~ e ~ s s 1~16'C ~f - .i - - II - ¢ - 3 . ~~F . Is . 6 utfry ~Urs ~t - i - I s s ~ :9: i i. . ' ~ , ~ . ' $ i ~ • . ~ . . . i ~ S ! 12,102 tv _.tA'1klal Tcu 106 { f . i i . S 41+1 iI _ % ~ , i S J • i 1 - # F 1.9a1 °~eh~ "~-.~a x[I? 6 i . i ! . 3 - s - ~ ~ - ~ - x - ~ - ~ - 3 • ~ - ~ ~ - ~ s - ~ { - _ - XL.+I6.-1'al 1 s - s 5 - ~ ~ - S Al;Iliu:al2 0 ! : I 3 - 1 i S - . # ~ 5 . ~ S . y . S i S - I f • ; • ; ~ n.miumai a 0 E S i - 1 - ~ - 9 s - R,iMarna!5 T! ~ ArJJ !.na c d ~ ' S . .,S . ' ~ ' : ~ • ~ i ~ _ ~ • i ~ - ~ - ~ ~ - t . ~ . ! j I S , ~ . s , S ' S S 3 , i 5 i 1 . Aase,nu .f ia41 { - 1 • i 157,774 1 67,485 i 291.E09 i i 59,135 I i l99,771 : 3 42,ib2 # 194.d0 1 233.411 4 1]q,tlpb i ~tlR,~ I S 166,~!~7 f, ti3AN 1,977,25L aGIInCb~ f • ~ • ; f~ a4,i'b $ ]atilJ i i 37,941 ~ i d1,b0e 171.1295 '~T,7.5A i 9Cl,A7d ! t3$,t6fi i id,Gid s - i s • ~ ~ : - ~s e~6.4la Tol~l UhrcS ~ -S • i x 92~SHa S i5 IT ~ S 26B.TfT # 11,.L6 ' f 33 A6y 3 1 Q,diS ~ S " Y'll fi i9~) 6~5 1 81,9~b f k90JM' 16G~+~a f 11E~ ~ t Allaallam Fs;ter SA-91- PiVe 1 0r t0 rtlon/ ~ . i p i , ~ - ' ~FrE3 RM#nfln9~ C!xilretl! ~,k,wLL9lklpereiilv cm1(n~f La3a19~.9] . . ~ gq;rarpF~p~#1 ~ 7~icnpii~Paili4 ~ If#9n{1HFPIr#'.+4ctwl~}~Grip AUWAdiOn _+~7~+i~ eara 15err~s I Iq f4CM '1~ent➢aA 6¢~a!'~M~ , fnmrlniu I !ku~a I~I'E~ it~Wl I F~6 i~1 I 011xv0iea ~ F7Es Cld-7 Na! i7H R'I Fr~ rfE ~ FTE i E,aa1d'mirr-s 5ecurMa'r AIWca~inn srm;Lm ~~s~ GP,mrCm' C Irk.+-nntlrx, irtfa0rt.~ira~C+t ~e~al FuhIGSVn~t~ i:aTl~cmes7 wart.ot5a:rrauri AIC1Wd V.~slu7- I.rql Yra'iYP✓I ;~ai~uj!• K77i;i ~'rrc? Teck.vrqY :e^a.r, tiai.,~~?*5u.:~ G.,ir.e~ ~~ar.i•:ee ~!.~b~....sr~nil !,:•~•,~r7 ~.i,e;•:~o_ !.-unr:s~l Arnnuid.k 64 ~9hll mhaAJ d S - ...f 141:Yit S ~R,fR! { e7:&w ~ i fD,u4 Y.:,dfi... 1~ 1,tN si.moo S rnu.`A7 t 44.519 y.. ~ 4A,66i L+ecLtroBS Leg3laume SebPe1 1}I3 [3npixy Gmf~~ C1Aa}i3~ '~'1S . C,a~a ruCS A-Drn 'J'• I! 741 2 ' . . . . . . . . - Firltl;k9 010Q14 . . , ~ ' . , . . ~ , - 1 • IrimnrxnTt~n~,4..,31 ci. n9+4't - a : 3 Uh4m4Fdel-Xdr Gid.ni.a ~ . . ~ . ~ - ~ • r i~4Af9V~v~IT,1!~77f ~Q.1 - , . . , 3 ~ F'_GIIC4Vi7isQrerixad .fMIS . , . . y . „ I'~dnr~na 8 G'+1' ~~^•~Iy OdNeI~1f~R~ 4++~eaA G9i s , Fa-sA ,ROmmurvCtvsrhsa4 $ , a~ hdiol'v.~td~A p - ; ~ • - M6tizoiat-9 n Atl2?iM.Y - C p . . ~ f h^_k~xtil-E , ~ ~ , ~ t • +V.:JII171+3I - F ' . ' g . AAiiti~al-v" 0 ~ . 1u1!1iliiYi3l H rWdiJ~ndl ! ~ ~ ' A41dtl;nar - J ~ f 1015 cn.352 - - - . - F~,hilc wr,±+~ ~ p32 S • f, IkiaJ, o 86i ! 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I i d 3 . f _ . ~ ~ Seat xc-" ~ Furxl 303 ~5.160 ~ MrAUeau FkW'i P~jsct ~l { ~ f • I i ' 1 t1 ' S I'i # S : : S 1 : 1 ; i 1 11 Shaol!3mq 705 ! R 7 ~ 7 ~ i # # 7 , 3 if S - ~ # . ~ CUESadr~anlFsKmd 3fJE S _ i[r-. IS. ~ _ _ . . . -5 , .g' - - i ~i 3 4 ~ l-iuila Grarirs { " E'a•~ Pn]9-° Fttcam t^.rcfiw fl FR4R FiM . fi~1 b - , • ~ { • ; y - S 2,556 2,59u Pink Maraqmr~t s~,~2 5 - : ~ - t = i - S + s~~s , s - I i ' 3 ' # ' ! • I:~ 1 - i - f - 5 t ,sea LCrar} I 477 5 ~ 1 - i • ~ ~ I S ;:1 z&4 3 I ~ • 3 - Z - _ - , 3 - 3 - f ' ; - 5 - 3 : 7.369 Hc~EAV4esel Tax 5pS s S S ! - s ~,104 S -i S - f -`i - i 3 • i ~ ~ 3 6.aN G(Ma,Sar.re 204 'L f . 6 - 'E , '4 - ~ _ 'S - ~ 4 S S AJ 3nal 2 '•s - t • f~ - ~s "s 'a . ~s . i ~ naa~~a o 5 '1 C~ s - s - s s - ;a - {s - a - s - ~ - s s t ~ Ai*t7,wei 6 0 ~ - 3 - s - S - 3 S ' S - s • p t, 6 - f i b - 3 - i . S . hidllivia, i +4i11uanao 0 adeiuenea 4 g . ~ t - 3 . 3 ; z i f - € • I L -,1 ~ g ; 3 ~ . 7aul f • { • s xzti:m x rro,!Lu L 41,mr :1 1107,it4 ~ i bi,ua s '311AIq i t 114,M . i r9s,aa~ 1 r~4l~dk.~eI y . ~ 1 , S , i • ~ ~ I! i • ~f • 6 - ,f 1 - ~ • I,~ • ' i • 1 Tutal CNeei s ~ - 3 227,l77 { 74,434 i 773,0601 f 44,%1 ~ 1 53,541 1 33,311 ~ I f9;1U1 5 Ip~P,ths s 51M2 f 311.G52 # ;747Rd 29].002 = { t 1E594 5e[uaprf A,h=eiiu, EA-~ksanw i 1EO,518 5UusuMi rt!nn EXcJuokan i +,6Wl~d 1J~ Fmtmr 9A4I , p2rDe a r110 spoksrw veLllmyv ww ` I,,, 1nd"+hx1 C[dt klode! ~ lf 147, ok@!31$R.N1Co A•87 SJr71ftYaJy 1i t444 audpa! Yaxr Pe~xs ~ A457 AEIace1l9n $ummtry Lpgle~ilr~ ~r?Irac!a ~ InAyera~wn G,nO (Irnlmuse, H•,mian ~I f~k ~'up~b Wbrkt Plannfnp 8, Commir,ay Raereelb+~ n~;,-~tG~aP3mn~-:~3 Lagl~iatlva SpA 4Cpu1YGilvABnnaqe~+ +L7,nln Flnnnee Tnth~tplppy cervlmcij F.sMurr~ C*.uremmont =ac~;ie~ Muna,7erner9 Owdh1W I]vmIopmcnl0%~rhead ~{}~emaed Tattl Amauaa Ia tx AJiac~d s ; . f 2?3.477 I 3 T9.934 ~ 3 i33,401 $ 14,$60 S 57,864 73,J17 S I07.1a5 ! $ 51,352 I~ 311„83t - t 2747 $EI PuoIb:Sig4ury uEl - _ 8 • I 5 - l 3 79.739 3 1% 1yf S~• i rr.eEa 3 I $ S ~ 5 : S • i 6 • 3 2aa,v5~ ' r n Pu41ir 1N4tkS_ 7.152 $ I $ Td $24 S 1~ i~a I s 9 S'75 ; $ 199.4C~ i 5 S - $ x75~TT$ SGeets 1~7.1 i~L^ i S :4,2:~1 ~ • S fi62 ~ 5 5077 # 31.264 5 2,839 S 10 3F7 S 1 i r.`1t5 5 6.4Z7 i~ 128,~a1 J~ s- ~ao:e~ a Sls9st~.ta.r~tnnaru m~11 5 ` # - S • ~ 5 330G5 5 = 3 • ~ 5 - 5 i ~ i - ~ 5 - ~i , • 3 ~1,~5 ~rinrrals~Patf~s s~2~G3 5 - x • ~ S • S, ~ ~ S __~~.~.3-.-~$ y _ -~'S _ ~ r_.~ ~ 5~ . _ _ $ ~ . . WastAsv~ter I i San,mwater - 037-4fJ2 S 1,T1t # - S 4.467 I t • I S ~ s s _l_-- anru'n' a. 195 3 r 6BB 5 a Irr S - # ~,C~2' S 2s §w2 ~ S 31 ra j17 I~ • 6 i~ zas ~ g . s ze8 7 03 Hu~ s;147 I 5 21 u25 ~ i • 3 7.522 5 29,647 25.7503 S 99,79c i • ; ~aB.&%~ Parka ~ Rc4rpitbn ~S;tS _ ~ - 3 21 f!~3 5 5~92j a 5 ,~s i i 2.821 T 11,115 I j 12.709 j_'~ _..7,422 $ 213;~C2 S 2il9,U00 Parks d Rer~~Uon, hl~M1leniHlcA - ~ ~ • ~ , ~ S e - . - ~ s ~ ~ i $ - ~ 1Q,3-07 ~ StOcIal G~1(jjj3rej8ct&'uglla _ 3U _ - S a - 3~ ~ s - 3 ; 3 ~ i s • s s v S ~ ~traaRCepusPWtsFur)d~ t5.169 i5 ~ ~ i 5~~ ! 3 • S - i ~ ' 3 - ~s~ieC ki~~ Puins Pm-eci ~i 9 . ' S ~ S - 5 • r~ ~ 3 - f E - ' # . ' ~r _ ~ ~ ,-3-~ ~ S ~ . ~ S • 3 _ ~i _ . i ~ S IroulBand 305 ~ _ - - - - - ' . _ ` - T- _ - ~ • E ~ - I s - ~ - x ! .s~. ~ $ _ - ` ~ CO Aix+c Granl Fun9 3~I'r # i I ~ ~ P ~ • I S ~ ; f ° # - I S ~ I • 3 - S • ; S T • 3 - ~ o ra ita~ Grsmts 3(11 # I .S _i_ 1 ' S -Ji3 ~ - : ~ ~ i ~ 1 - 5 = S • S - $ . ' 3 - # - L Daksr8ndge RecomftruCl6oo 3i19 S 9 ° I 3 • 5 - S I,$ - # ~ $ - _ _ _ j . S . ~ - ~ . ~ ~ _ ~ i ~ ~ E+tSR Fumd 5l}i i 9 • i - S 4 ~ 69Q I ! • ! # - i 3 = - . . _ , R~sk t~~rsa~rnr~~oM 942 ~ ~ S , S • ~i ~ S - ~ ~,5t►E r€ ~ 3 ~3 - 5 --~x - 4 ~ - S . s- ~f~ 0 13 5 - 5 - ~ 3 ~6 • 3 2T `ifi4 ~ ~ z j • ~ S S - S . _ ! ; ~ _ J ~ # ~ s ~r,aas '40 h1at4!kFa3 1fl5 5 ~ - ~ ~ ~ 5 inr ~ S - I ~ - ~ • ~ f - iyi ~i~~~ _ . - ~ , . ~ . . 6.106 a ['ktk! Survite _ 21i4 ~ ~ • 5 ~ I_3 • I $ = I 5 ~ S • I ~ - ' S • I # • S - y • $ : - - j ; +44ai;orsnl't ~D 3 3 i • S - ' # - 5 ~ S ; ~ . - ~ - ~ ~ - - 5 5 niliitianal 2 _,T U 6_ _ _ ~ S - 3 - 30~~ 3 - . ~ •-~i ~ - ~ - ' S - i 5 • • # - i S • 3~ - i , Aitdiffanal3 afl ~ , ; # S= Au~.mitlonai 4 # - i ~ ~ S - ~ S . • . _ , - - , - - . . ,a,Rlitia~o~~ i i _ . ..s_ .Si~ S ~ ~l# S • i • 5 • # - ~ • - ~ - 3 • ~ ~ - . Add ibnnio 5 4 S 5 ~ 5 ~ S • S 3 'i $ ' ~ ~L ` $E- ' t • $ - # ` ~ _ ~ _ s , $ ~ -~S ~.3 . . - S - 5 J 3 • - - ~ F s Addtmnef 4 ~ ~ 3 S S - 5 ~ S Aj9dii~rral 9 S ' ~ - - 5~ - S • ' S - I 5 • 8 ° I T. - 3 . ~ j~ 9 . ACddionsl 0 ~ ~ • ' ~ • ~ S . i S • I ; ~ - i 3~ 3 ~ . a~ : • ~ • f Z23,4'" S r0,934 8 s3s4a1 de,asa S 67.6N i S H,51i 91,907 1# 107,1015 3 613Q 3 3 774.790 S 213A02 3 1.s1e.s2a 59fiundary Alla ~ S&0,57u SI,A1tDrLil1 YaFlh E~ 1.4749,3ES Daed Setvx:e A-81 SummAry - Pngs aof a0 i - - - - - - - Spokane Yalley ~n~ Indirect Cost Model ~~~IeY Salary Breakdawn . Dept 4 De artment ~Salary kBenefits ITotal 016 Public SafeEy $ - $ - S - 032 Public Works $ 766,851 $ 47,881 S ~14,732 ~ 107.'I Streets $ 716,798 $ 33,517 $ 150,312 101.2 Street Maintenance $ - $ - _ $ _ 102A03 ArterialsiPaths $ - $ - ~ - 032_407 Wastewater $ - $ - $ - 032.402 StoTmwater $ - ~ - $ - 058 Planning $ - $ - $ - 059 Building $ - $ - $ - 076 Parks & RecreMion $ 322,607 ~ 93,821 $ 406,528 076_300 Parks & Recreation - MainEenance $ - ~ - $ - 301 Capikal Projects $ - $ - $ - 302 Speciaf Capi€al Projects Furrc~ $ 406,904 $ 133,180 $ 540.083 303 $#r2e# ~ap ika l PrOjects Fund ~ - $ 133.1$0 $ 133,780 304 M irabeau Point Project $ _ . 305 S#ree# Bond s 108,568 $ 35,558 $ 144,726 306 CD BlocEc G rank Fund ~ 39.559 $ 5,595 $ 45,153 07 Ca ital Grants $ - $ - $ - 308 BakeT Bridge F2econstruction $ 47,684 $ 73,856 5 61.340 5DI ER&R Fund $ - $ - s - 502 Risk Management $ - $ - ~ ° 072 Library $ - $ - ~ - 105 MotelfMokel Tax $ - $ - ~ 204 Debt ServiCe $ - $ - ~ - 0 AdditionaF 1 $ - $ , ~ - 0 Addi#i0n~l 2 $ - $ - ~ - 0 Additional3 $ - $ - ~ - 0 Additional4 - $ - $ - $ - 0 Addi#ional5 $ - $ - ~ - 0 AddEtional fi $ - $ - $ - , 0 Additional7 $ - $ - $ - 0 Addikianal8 $ - $ - $ - 0 Additional9 $ ° $ - $ - 0 Addibenal 14 $ - $ - ~ - f 7otal 1,208,968 ~S 486,497 1 1,695,455 S alary Breakdown - Pa ge 5 oP 10 ~ ~ *~viue 4'mI~P I~tiWeel. ~r#1 ~KtC~ 4Lin 5c~€r r~ ~r~ r~r Yr rRrtcY ?7ao am f&aiii■ • 0 .~'6rtl~I~C ~adr~tf . p'kL J~q ~"d E= QI Y4mf 'eyJUk aLVmil_mgnptn.-aw 44m+~-Cesu~_ g . . 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Ar.npu46a1eiYrli~vsIX1 ~ ~1R1 'Raie [lacq +`CWic sid*~•o;Wlu. _s Crc1110-'wJ ~M1214r,r ' S ` `ar.s, Id. . . ,`~a~ tuu~f 13iyu - ,TGC+^~-.+ u nin.rei:i ywerlaa~C, 1~ C.1t@lisi PF~fiCtY. ~j4 a~C~+l &J I 1'~fr -aLa N~ IIy.YVIn ~1:.~ifr.laa19_pY1~I.Gi~r~niml~l +91i~. GGN~ ~ • ~4;~ua a,ncs.int 741rw;;IMU :ra 4 s N:w~ri i G^qnm Indn'ict M1~nai~~ i~il~uliei.l~c~1 S ~enn,ut'~wr'~hurrftl ~ - fu-0 .m6F'llQlli.'~^~_ ~ ~3[I-uf~f~~ t;,yY~jf'y! 5- . I Incr_ncra! - A 6Ai::li Y myl - ` r1r+rFnaTl +34~rl~atl so+re4#l CilPlatt ?raJqcu iun0. 7k.~ ;'.4i}pbm '~aar icnNl:M ~r„-IeeL=Cp3~ ~ ~nr,unkcadrk+~ . 4:6rrfiunrt~J ~.iePmdafiun~ap sa~ie'JUOO CC'il ~~1- + ; t.+ nr+iiiill,rea rv:ila- - # .wcf~+_¢;~Y;, ul • C . . _ . . - b,;l,'dU~i:a'. tii . L ia §UsmC QWLal Pra#" Fqtal • 307 3LlM1 i00.1 iri~4v k'~.gr ~ ! - Gd~Mf ~•N~~EI~,~^da[*~ t cuM i. .]rTS-- ~:.aGl _ 1 17.+.af1 . mixuM Reu~nuMsr,+ Rsix :sta: . ' 7Kv±Y] ut,zyl-9 . ~f . . _ . . _ . i . J~IFr m.•f f . . . °o.-1111 Gu•.l`1uu 1~4Y171¢JD' ; . ~IW1 Ua►b. OH Rums =P,pg 7 Cf ta i I/arPWaru Pt,lr,i RroJrsi - 306 304 i~~ IyL'[h C! Wl! ~7~rwF7o !n.;irdi:i 5:DZiM..pny}.yy,rp,rliP.Mlr ayn+n. L-L9 i Y 7 :tWs~aiir.c .1.14+t:I~J - PrvX tlry C ° . . _ _ rRellMPtl 1 - I8'h~9rrz~ fcn~fn~ ~ ~tY ui9Srrr-: -.aai - _ . . ~ 1 t~ryr R~nlu. 2ae:] 0.alP IF~dE4 - ~ .ia _ II 82B ~hmauon.at - G ,M1JU.cr'~al - 1= - i4Jt~±~p'tul • U e _ , _ 1 r:~r.:nr:~•ul-r ~ . i ~~I i' ~..•~l _ra:~c ; # M:'E artf~'°s~e~l :Jverh6e~ AifM 9~4 iltlrrt Fl4cid -'.p6 3~6 :O:ia~91.1& ¢rrkr ' ' 74~2F ~i1°11MW~ !II(~'iYYCL LPL9 ~IS GF9FGTItY1~ iSI1F915, CC~1~ S . arPUnf ~G7~iliti9 ~'nkx . Wid+s; iundng UI~ ~ridro~t ~.~71 ' S - ++mihiril ~ie'a~.nuncy i~lalo 9,a~ee l~lui ~ y cluad ,aWIWli,s~.Er:ri,iem~;GaGLY y ~ h~mpl' Jy ~ cr+ii @ 7 rrta~ L'._cl iias~ ~ I. +eirLY vernWlc aada 5% . GAilICn Qnnl ftntl - 908 3QG '217f~1 &i. e4`"jar lAl C4lywQ9 In~11b~.Y L-oed: ~~~:netlal ahnart. ~eilY j • a[I.jW rnWnl foawMx7 ~ aXfSC¢fr hvkm9 S ~ $ir~.4lud~tckiundr~. . :~lyl InN~I i~r,7r !temnrUf64f? ~ ~xu 9~i# ~ S W ~..:~craN~nqp 9:±~,!tllriG c_~.inul ~ . +41~qi€un-=~ ~ - +dlhL3h0 Aczlkma - c $ - JL LU1-. exF.-P - ~iu.W 4YWfwW hF .y~.. Cip'ilal i~rants =347 f ~MU Bi J~ s.'^ nar I` ~ C.91 C~iilr Ind?1" COi, l~~Bmardn9R(lil iM1in. CcqY} f . ' +.q~a~ emt~ cdbrlr~ » rty.r v~-a `n~r +arxaq ~6 r r,c~iJ+~c~ P.nuir~ . - I srFl! IndrIec-. i~aE~. - ~SnMauM la..rneursac _Y. ~ ~o.~lzI V ti:tt.itll E~".W1idl:IIRO E~il~BYF, l.i{rAw S I Ad'Jrt+:.n,ti - El ? Rlerria •-4 i ~ ktti]6un~tl , C+ - • S . ..T [-IAI G051 eaeis . 1 ~arhnG~?~7AI ,JxaT!rQG 1131014 UtlAor Bddpe R#CChbCnwdPm - 34i _-rna isua~ r. ti■a~ "cc2l~11,iI7lne.recri:csh,4Mw.ff.paivnncr07t'un.Ga~ 1 rrpmwnBeQpaorj ~ ~4~i wem c:s F7r-rt+Qee [rFerilm~~~LOtl _ .,m4,v,.elaee*iCU+a~ F e!eL,eo 1 - ~ s+436LOrial - G , . . a . ai""N - E- - ~ cllYl .nl .uf. F i e1uUrlirw rerhy~j~P,y~R Q74 EPAFt Aunp - gqt 501 7M4 9u e!1"[w -otflCUywkl~[ m~BG[1;m4s¢{us ik[~mom~laf odm,rs 4,~~~ - i i3~IN7 amra~nLV9ep:{~ - aPylln~$r!{iC'.5o1 . . I ~ 'x~4G' MtGU'rt!~IIn4W5M . i;.di~e 5'tnr . x~.!_il F,3 P.~$LILS ta[~Jti7 i q 7il'.fST° A u.a~x..qN.A, . . , t . ~ Tc~~~IL.= -&axi~ •,1.irT . k1:7o1 LIMn'ho9d fJft - 1'+6 FLIa'1 A4wap*elin#-}QT W:: i J:1q .FUeJ~.~ T'ea '+CSal~.r~l~e'~rpra~lGe6G6 u - - . IR~IC41n.tL .[bsll~u~L.a4.P 1~ henMlGimmhunod ru n o - h~tl~'.;~ • i~.it+Jf~~.ria-:~~_ - - . [ ' I ~•~7ulr._.~W:_ - 4 - I.I.{6 JG:~arn=1Bi.7y1714l:TI d R.Y,[o ~ [?!i e!l ~:-ol. {;..HI ~esda - =,jpe It c+ rij ! F e iyv;ea srr~ni~~l i:r.~ e~I +?~tj2;~:nwnre~l iaea - 27,"38g d`manL Flsrirui,e6M! - ~ S Wd10 HaG9 ~ +hcu.Li F:ptr'dia.an ABI-1cs:Ag . . . . ~ _ - 5o4.4~u7ui F # - .C!:C29@ G"M +jjhnmlal 44Vmrp*A h:rf. - 1. HM.oiNAlal iar.. 145 1 f}5 s'CA7t R4,:Y•ul 5-gw' ,raw+~:ny~~}o Inairea Cam Owo r3r~+rlner~taf r3~nm Co6t~ 1 d,r~ ~s-~a~ ari~uaal a~~~ ~rsx ars ~ xrr fiaw.~d__ . _ ~ ' ~ItnPr InGer~r[ 4~~Y`~ _ . T-:tWt ^IAlnci -r,+i! _ ~.7SI~ ~+ric6. ~I €+~iir`~flrAlC~ lt.,u.i g I Rne 2 onc - - yA:l'.ar xr~n~bfis:5 Es_wd'y ~3 a .vd~il2. 'A-.G'.;5msl = A , ~•,~-~~-:a~ ~ m _ ~chdral » ~ q ~+7aNnu1 - E;- F^^--~^~, ~lulai4-~r.'3d5i~ 7 e~aJ.1w43 '~_10.'~uar~i'.Wi Utiarh~nG ~",1. 430I~ 51iFk1cs , 3fl4 :R+I r'Jlx [jull,;11 m! 1 nar TwWl4:Nwioa Ircla•Y~.'I CdY[i Plio depurv=_spnsfl gWfiM,'wtinft x • +1L'Ge~l W`ws~~l na7u~k ~"~:[r ~~n~ra Crir. 4:a~a1 ~17 4tlq4r MNSitecL*jutkrp . Ir11~ lt~Jl!acl ~:.rcr - ~5~'~l4~71 F~~iOthursC~E Ia9til ,~~sl~~Ai ~+7~+rdfhuea ~~t1cn~;;~~rla~ 5 OLrnas. ~ 1 ~ ItW'D~"~lh+llld] -K ~p7~ ~ ~ ~'4Pt 61gp~ ~~,',~su+ tl. Pxam U C! °U I u ~ Spokane Valley ne O Indirect Cost Model • j~alley Ofrect Dept OH Rates Summary De t. # Direct Department I A-87 Overhead] Cost Basisi OH Percentage 016 PubliC SBfety $ 293,963 ~ 14,483,635 2% 032 Public Works $ 275,778 $ 333,659 83% 101.1 Streets $ 230,809 $ 712,686 32% 101.2 Street Maintenance $ 33,005 $ 2,434,537 1%1 102.103 ArterialslPaths $ - $ - 0% 032.401 Wastewater $ 3,239 $ 238,941 1% 032.402 Stormwater $ 5,484 $ 75,041 7% 058 Planning $ 288,703 $ 581,865 50% 059 Building $ 341,637 $ 682,090 50% 076 Parks & Recreation $ 283,000 $ 397,737 71 % 076.300 Parks & Recreation - Maintenance $ 10,307 S 760,264 - 1% 301 Ca ital Projects $ - $ - 0% . 302 Special Capital Projects Fund $ - $ - 0% 303 Street Ga ital Projects Fund $ 15,160 $ 1,118,203 1% 304 h4irabeau Point Project $ 11 $ 826 1% 305 Street Bond $ - $ - 0% 306 CD Block Grant Fund $ - $ - 0% 307 Capital Grants $ - $ - 0% 308 Baker Brid e RECOnstruction 3 - $ - 0% 501 ER&R Fund $ 2,590 $ 191,077 1% 502 Risk Management $ 1,506 S 111,066 1% 072 Library $ 27,389 a 2,020,296 1% ' 105 Hotel/Motel Tax $ 6,106 $ 454,383 1% 204 Debt Service $ - $ - 0% 0 Additional 1 s - $ - 0% 0 Additional2 $ - $ - 0% 0 Additional3 $ - $ - 0% 0 Additional4 $ - $ - 0% 0 Additional5 $ - $ - 0% 0 Additional6 $ - $ - 0% 0 Additional7 $ _ $ _ p% 0 Additional8 $ - s - 0% 0 Additional9 $ - $ - 0% 0 Additiona110 $ - $ - 0% ITotal 1,818,690 24,592,306 ~ 7% ~ Direct Dept. OH Rates Summary - Page 10 of 10 . 1 APPENDIX D Other Supporting Spreadsheets fiipd~ wo" l~ ~ i~ Nxtl~HYs 'l~gl~lrr.~ y ~~~+Rhw i~~a rFtiwwF:sw . iiil■ ' r- + M~rr. s~hhwL wi{1~Yrr~ T#IpA1Mlimili Yp~yKa n.. i•• ~I M`+ `iYtl E a+ ~ 1 `xi Id9 S V4.•RF R.lt.'Men. 6 ai?r 1 - '+~'~r 4 iQ~d~x r~Mi~rilirr r`e Ua:. 14 F :,~~rC i 1 i+31,1 a 4 191 I , iqi : iaa I £rt~r ~ w~,s~y ~ ix~.e~. Fiii£YY l a,4P6. L 1".1]C L 1pi..9{F -i AY{s~da I.xwd}xhM ~YC~. R Ir.Sw I ara.NXR44kt iA. 1 . s 1 F.mOh+-.Mrdllwi~w. iaA 'a ~ 1~~~W M€ WI F, 1 ' ~ . y 1.~1y QI'YI R~4 .'SSrsn.~r '~°we 1 ~ . 1 - ~ ' Ie+r~aW.la-'~~.~G~r ?s . # , F 4 1 1 R~ 1, ' M.oe.• rs w 1. ~ 11.7,inu p . ,~Ir I ~ ~F .SR~ r 1 #'f , 1 a..Fra ,n ee; { 7 a.rrs ! • w d.€~#iwr i PsS.~ ! la~.~+ . . . ii1R:LM~4 n Py.il L~'~ - I 7N.m'f~ I . La`AWS.sI1N f}h~' llitulYwnr1 ' 7'1 4r~aa~.La-M pm oa~7 .s+...• 14%,&a.-.~¢~rTr~rxaan~. ~ . x ~,ir«rrvi~rs~.n.tu~n yu~ ' , ~ i & ko~FW1wP§infi¢PU-. ~ _ ~~A . . L . 1 ~ 9 lYWM~,F~C3i1'aleRv 7.. i rns.i o~~r ~ us.m o,~rM.p ri~ U.- _o' uq! u w y ~ p ~~.n~w~r~,~ 'i~a i9 ~~-,:,~,r ~a,. ~v~Ywrla isa _ i.hi4 i ' Ud'T!u 4 . ~ ux m • iadH..,rt , ' 1 i . L IL wW•"u.`.~,a ° u f~ . . ~il i - i -0}4. ~ ~ . ~~sxw-~ e c , E ° I 4 . ' . 4 IL I 4 4 . . 4 . 5 .i L_ L ~ im 4 - ~ ~;IV►~. * . 4 a r~v: 4 ~ 4 . - l . wev- p U a irc. - , LP% 4 im.r _ara 1Ya►: 19I *,qr 1 ' ~30"i" ! 17y . L J~11~1. 1_'•_ i - _ foL6LYrt7 Y]i . - . ~ " . - . i . . L ruR14"' 1 - ~i9ER°. L ` kf , Mswutle` 6 Lw7..Uuw 4Y,w`+I &AT .~Yn ~e +W4E++ RdiY 6a~a YrY A~+i~ ~+FI R~a 6Mr Y~.11 l~il i~f i1b~ .~cn. i m~ c25 i 7. F~,•1..: A-iP 14 ;641 ~iiK..Q Yi nr 4 l aey~. X4'illA - 'k~' > < . ~ *la.># 1~~G ° - 4?' 19 - ' - i 9e_YP■ i rw+.scan.:c~ ,°.-P. •,w.r.~ s.~~ er.e~ qaura,A VS2.iU1 0:.W9 0. _~~~E - +1~1e i y i 4 i.a.:,~.~m_*+r..s,,•„r~ r*l4n C.atr~ m ui.ill 4 ;_ys . O;d ~l 14~ 3 ie,il . k . 4wa 1 & 2es11 4 i ,airAlvc.~ ~ . ~aiAaancra.ran.ht.~~ti.npur 411d3w . 131~ IY ~asm-a p m4~ I Cvr,u h-l`?"' ~i:9 F k ' . MM W ~ i l- L ~atw dCs.ci er.e ~,rypw+,,. T ss^_-:a~vw:CrF" S ' l +.Ny~ irn.[sdIMNt~3a~.le~. y . ~ aiar ry.W I W.o+.xW 7S3 . = 6 C~Ya: F , 41L' b c y . y-- A - Ely4'rti F I'rs~.. y3,i ¢ I'..Tr 4. y~' ~ A ; ta416Ml.tinf Y~CM1SI ~r:~ M~i ~ !':.-iY k k A ! f-h M - Uu.. N A,. ~ ~ IpM htiti wl 1 vr ~ Lmir ~ . A LP% a ai ...uv♦ 4 ~~R~~_ ~1~ ,1~fY_7_ - . i. i. . ' ?nr~~ i7Y +F7h 0 3m,tr1 i - ~W~. ~ ~+,k7Y r i - Y - ao4A~q 14 Te.[al~at..os :u Y'F~ 4 113,u3 f • ' ! . ~ i .1 131 ]!t !'3c.YFl 1. FN°!k 4 tF1NC y PFPHJ GNy iY~ y n~l m ASP CniK F?'f. ILaa. M-~. i.~1k 4 1M? T's~ f on r79 u+. arFa F~ ye,y,w fvc.~bi~ u.a _ , RF IF +r,~+,p, ' d N ,y.4C 1' % a m.~ P1e:~ n,ne i av;,. rM 1 I htbf f~ F 11:N{ 7a 4 I R:7}IYL~NN III'I.I {I<Yl+ 149l1 A.iir415ai L~4s£a~i~+l ~4M11' 1 li.4Sl ^ 1sSIG rx51fd1a ,I&W w+iw'1m..r.' :4 # fp,..c a ,A,..3 ~i,..i. ie~~i : • ' im F - R ' uc' I L hti'~wa~.. r~ Ill. t~'A trY~CP az:.ti'a c + ~ - N inur ' I 4 k~y t F~6~ i 3I.a ! 31T2mm ~ iH1 ; a 4II177 f_ , , 1~.1u i .Jm ~ OLis n,rrYi aw: 7a5i ~r.iza 4 ~7YJ~''~ ~T►~,.!4 ~~T~}~y F . w,srt 4 ~ a lai~lSSSk,e.~ F e nw ~rrdu s~lp. 1 id.n A~¢ iiyl'pv 17% 4 SI1C1 l~ ii.7~+ u71 rh;=.41ryleurq2&i," M ryaf.is q u.inL4.W5.r,~Frn :Ry 1.121 Oi~'°' 4 . ~a. I 4~*hu.s 9l~a+ ud.~w e .we+ i ia.14' ~ w I S.rF• ~Y F4~3to II ,~L i t F ~ t 4 dl~ll Ai,NYan Y~..d 1+P.e.# ffl+Pt O u m rprii F~ 71.~ p u4 4 F 4 + . ~ r'a rlla:~ JIL1Gf F ]naa~ ^4--.-q. w G L'~ i 4 ~4' 1 k L -i~ r,..nf ~ Mw F ~ I NI' P ~ p tlh i ~b- M. 4 ~ L L0..sr. . 1 ' •~~n..}neid'r. UFY o,_ un.i 4 ' 1 n4~ L ' i 1, * m I144 . ' Ila; 1. . . . li%' 4 . ~ . t . 7 . L,4:A Dy, A 0% A ; ' QY: 1 fli4.: 4 . ► - ~ . , . k ;wy. A 4 . 4 , y ~ _ t.J~1~w.KW ' - ' `~R~~ . - 4 ' • K . sJ~ 7d lacae, 1lIT~]i~-~7 4aTd711A1'. 19a~. .yP1aaFT 4 ' hhiei; .Y '1d1~9a0 a41am#r.a94 311~! ..l1 7 A . ~4 7.~1 .~.s! TY r. : .9 +29 ■ _ ett 7-.!1 i ul$ 7 1 ~1 L iaex7 ~ •17ma 3-MXIYHFY Ainlii 19 ma- '+~•yy°y ~ _ ~ !"'~4C 4 ~Fl@~ { 11 P°■ Iy,M3 huri MY Pou Ro!ie ~srM ~ 4a i , 4~ si ~ -UT p taC'.. i IIl WN.,. ` . L 3 4i,1Y4 - .nP,l's *r +4&-" R ■r.PH ~CSrs # k ta,YZI .a Mi..i.tn[~ i*irwniisww t s' I X : J n u~.. 6 ~ pW 9~~a b ~•..i" S 1 b~. ~ ' ..1 `'°L'.~~ 4 , { aP.041 iR2aA-4 le L'Fwc! lr.su fM I _ k R _ ~mm~i .4~~a-aywY~.~ u1.ey'1 a y'~i 4 ~ 4 r7cr 4 ~ 7 I#~FA1 . Yel-...~ .4sn :aKr+ns-.c e.r.zY. J e,e,aia . ' .7#i.RR ' I P~_ L r.wa~Yi~ ~70.j 4, . 1 - 3'Y . 1 ua b li'w #~.+Y ,W - 4~n4aa 1#li L f15~ ~ r # RYilp L iy111Y kiW+kw.rae„ _ ~w1 ~Ra L Pc.Nrn. Wimrnvu. - i4 . 4 t~.i.a a ni~ Wre+ 1 Ill4 4#:"~'. ; ° ' . 4 1~1 0 .7d! F . 1, Fti ~ . r eu Us :I Y.s~e~ s+~~ia 94e3T9 ~~i ~s F'hsni Fm~r xa- a Pk` e.. 1 1Pr A i h s~ arr b~~ Gar~w M1 ~ s4 ts~ttrsnaF,m~ X,yA o -~~9 'R, C~ I 1 46~11*. . ILMi9 . W ~-~l~n,,iaa . 30y_ ° '1 F f iF;1M# `nt.:u.-,.+`.n~,~i+~!ns:~,~e . iwn~ J a. ~r o n 06[i' p 6AF 1 i ~n.~iea 4 F ta41~ ~ rGe~r-6w+a*nFUna ~Idel yx ~ 1 lo~ , 4 M - 1 1i,hF~ 10.1r. F 1A,~IM ~2+M' F.. e 4 TF.Yx M~~ n+lW Hsn.ioa~.aue i7CM~ A j IIM. 1 so ,~~y PLr m .u xA,r ~M ni+ 4 'f 74 ark M - k 41.~'+ ~ rc .e _ _ Ik7t- 3 I IaL.; i ' ¢ I ~ ~ 1 es..~ k - ~ IS.IiA I ~ !7 1~~'91 , k - k ?I,I~fi ++-a~5r~.• ~ji - ~ Lw_7._ ~i.. ~5,115.. i.. ~rntrr..a - ~ N y ~ft-.: ~ ~ •EI ~ ~ ~ - J7 ndLra-4 - 1 aA~n~ r6s~rs~ . ~ a Fstr...~r:_ ~ t p - ua~ Ail,ara 3 ,S.e!i 4 96 A41 4 1 li.tu rn~~•~ a . F . .'i: ~ . 4. I ~ e ' 9 ~5 ~I:- L , 1 ra.~(i4 571i.4 - ! 18773 1 Nma..,n xset9~ f s43 a#a 4 ~17.~h7 1 lF4,t5 . 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Lllai l~y Y: S-. t 77~k4Y y ` . ,~ta o 3+nn,nao^l:+~ae q. py,~ a ' . r-~ uft 4 . . . .Ryy,. 4 L uin .610 B.yCr'~Y teN ~ i M-Y--A~A~L d o ' ` .m L.1 i l .+7a µ31kA ATR { 9.Ak.1 4 P1,TQ l ~I-Jul .flHl°_~ E R,1J yFMf~SuiL - reei 1 xx_ii~I vs.4 w. m L a,Nrn t a,eis ,w.~i~u.iw.om,u3.~~ 4 l-~aa. ww*W ia.r-aetiv; - LI~ ~ P41: ' GP~Ir~--rs .~11 a' ~ ~..4 i ! ' 4 • a~V g C~sl cr~ WtiUw.m. 4 u,sx~ P~;r dd~l aQkr n.rp~x Ftiu 7L7 4S~ k k ' 1 l. Y.c.~ hm:i i7t.r+ iMl.aN. i.,.ax F iqsu ~ 'ua~eN i:a1~.i ~ Fu~ Y 7fl7 ~'.e 4- 1 v_ UM. i~ul kir..vm y flls..l ~~ro.~. 1w.ianN41u~awParid'~}pi' tui cl..N o~ av. 1 a t a C PnLt[II~FeIfF 'plml° ~~n,Ie ~o 4 -(Ma_I. - 4 . . - ' I ~r- ~Fa► = 9 y -i- _ 4 - t , .ww •,na 1 i e 4 ~ s ,a!W1-r!rrli '~~wa~a a 1,11p,~, m x r.+rG..:r . 4 ~A ° ~61~ ■ , cx¢~4 . ~ i p.1ti,=-ru ~ *~v,~ - .~xl 4 ki~nai r34X i 7 - ..8.ioi3a . i f~a Ind.r+l JS +M116 1 7t.~W 4 ai sM ii, os t ' . 3fM fcim b.-d 31 _ 12'►' ly s4 9i1 1 at x.e ti+ - a F N . . xe47~F ea.tlu ~ 7 +N.iw 7M-i1y L.r+l . . . . ' . lZIP ~ A- O+Yr ~A4..l fwk~ ry.dc os«eit,,., Uitu ~ w~A.a; ~ rti4M RiniF ~K41 j ~ 1i.r1~ ea Afwia~n ~ 9f10.Sii 9L+~nfs ' ~ - Y~4 ~91.aAriiPNW.:iHh.ri~~iioile!'Nda PJcf2P ~ 14 1 .1 ,ur l ^ ~ 43 xs,srp. M1~Ya~av.F.n., rW 1ca W~~s"~c~~t~Lail 6I ' ~?y'~. ...r ~ . r.-r.04:1MntiGA, t¢e".s~~: .,u. ll ,atl.ye.v I.1W,r4. . ~M 7 7g~71~14 7 93,1g; 4 caai ~ p 'rai ; t E i4 i 1 A.[Y ~ _M ~ _ .6` ruv~--hL,.NNi~~ 6 k _L irt_:y 4. -...cr~r~ys,iaFuad 9u.' n' .e~" i e_J,.i~+y=;nrm.e. 3 35:c2M ~_q%_.~- ~~._~t., riU~H...wa '~ca u ~11~ i L a1F 4 1 i L 9 T~.av:~. ~~cf s.Rra kr r 4k1.L~v.~ I'~u rmdpql v -:irS~-s~~,.. !_l o ` . ~ nt ~ _sra.aFi~~~e ycr u d*.4 . - If4 Y F. ! ? i o ~b..y~Wys~ . iyr 'g3a u' p~y f ' 4 ~ : 6 4 u ~isi rw~# xi u.' m; 4 ~ 4 0 :`arauylMpnlFil 'az7 'y' 'a%" 4 . ; ° - nqii~ I • # b . L o ~ t !~'~I ti91 U ni= [ ~ m4. F . Y { . 1 a i.l k o ni~ F ~ 1 u r:._hl._~~..y ' ItR.-i . i L . Ri= 4 ~ ffi, 4 i C i . .1 u . o Y 8~.ak~s3r t ,y ! p1%- 4 ~ F a n14M-r, en~Iw s ' u o' rn~i x 'nm~ t - r n a - ~ n ~v~xa ' c s' °owTI, ~F'3ea~~r1 f S, . W%' k . L n 7 GN , 'h a p Gn.y' ; Q u ! 444 f 10i" F k ~,a.~l °q,54tR6f , i,r~„ ?ayl I,Y~ d .r k 4 ~lx.sra .7.. Ctaaa ' ` 1i~m R f9:d7a PIMhaM M- ~ V Y +~~akwn ra.rr. ,UWtltrwr CwRw ba~044rB Ierasa.~ ' TExlWgll @ 1:11m 114.IC:! { uir. a,e ~ 4R F RAY+~-'~ 1~-~ ,i. AW-4 ~is'i P4~ 11 ~ _i . L 4~tA2 4.rrn - 1:1 . $ ~q" ~ ~ _ .4 • i .7~IY} L sx7W1-, .u rW-a~F1' 1: G?~?u I~d..~.~i ~tr.il 4l.vw-rse i vi j~. n Ilil k j 5q1' • ~ +'.'5 1~a[ 4 v # ,LiY7 ' i,sb! Av.+k ~s G]eiW ~res. Wlr I~~SI ' . . FkK#C4+p~~N Llk- ~MI 9ilHl ~ 1i.AP wa~.emur hia.W II i' t U'lp 7iz~6n- nxA df; '.p : R uri ikJ-mn x 'r,mvF c:s 144_ Lu~ i ~ari i.dT e~'9 INtl ~ 9R46R tl :5 N~1'L#} ~'#:l=5+~. L l5i .:I= 3 tP%;1 .~am.I..' fiJ74 =N.I,4l-' x 4 di,•4!. Irr63~ 3aZ F sr~] "-.q4ttfl~ lr4ric'~5.maw S n.17~ .eulveyNa ' u.l hk~Mes:~:b- s.u++w~tlFri..• ~ F~.ivuFw .m 4p ~ m`.il ,414 2as 'i.' IrIi, faa-rW we F-ytd F~ny~q ~ - - I. . x - - 4 i1Fi~Wrii'e L1s~' ~ F5'~ rwn i ~p tr``; R ~ . : `~e3r -'p ~i: ` k ~ - ~ L°ay.ir ~'W9. u.,.o,roG rs~~~r ~EK ~ m.l l ~ 1 a ~:1 i ~ i. e-tiF~a""~i ~d i : i .i esw. a 4 ~ I i" idR . 'P Pk: I Y:YH':+:if!! _ ~ M4. L trc f ~ . : i - l tlY , L R . o NA..d +WyNryPT dtle~~ru4+9 W UY i . 1- es 5 _ . . tli 1? II iA'1 , 1 L ~ a. °1~ N Fl4~a +~.q11Y ~ilA.Tl##~' fR'i #~19L . 4 vi; ns_su. - . . .nc' i 3 0~~■ a N ia e a 4rwril gm~w~xr ~ ~i~M Y~Y~s Il~s Af4rt1, Geeb GYU ~i~i11YM i~! 7ri Cai.-k i iwv+Er, 4 ~ .1Tq Hwh.if P..7°M I+aktw.`~V.4 'z11 n k~+Li ~ . . RSii F . IN 'F i .air {~tlu' t~aeui t4Flf ~i 1414,:11 11` Im. M IN 1~J~ 4 ~~,~~Y _.wra...Mw~firwd+`u5ri,ra M risles M175 -f 1 ir.,~~a f rhI.1R FkmU.w•':4ax5a~NerFr+Vr.i i i~x.lf~ ..951: 4 1 1 a-A: ` 4-,*w F T.9i1 Yh irwri s'73.U.^I u05t~ 1 a . p%: L ~ .~1:+=•: 4' ~51A- '7 - q~,:D ~ iPrce 4 y~,tu.T •.I tS.Y3ats #11111iy-- ~ - ect .f. . 1 ft:Ia k rmm 607 91.flkli as. 1 ,au S a 7a.'4a 4 L,a" .w4~~Jcn t4+T~'. ~;stid*lvvm• .aM a fY~.J II A=~i IC.lWF:9a iZMF i rs~w I-e+wR,tx.remx'qwtw.%%am.. y va~~.tQ~.uri.,P-weN~+r+~s .aR79n 4 Cr4 J - a i i . 4 All~* sr:fa~lrrry~araffan~~ i ~5aT7+ ~ i ~l"~~=,~u•~-a ml~ ~J.~ ' 4 ~ . i 4herinAruLr'yrr i 131Y l it~xd .rlsd4F ~ t'vai ' 3~ta u 4% 7- u4.~M 4 - ! , k ' C ~x~[:a~~Li'II~s:.LFyv ~593 il' PY~4 1 ih°4 i i E +Fe~w~n~a.Re+^,r~ . t+~a 4 i qp s~. IUrvY :3fm V. SY6~ ~1_ iX11„1. E~ia~ L' Flnrl cwwFkrld .Mf 9 4 'Ekaxf~ i-m a q uu ~ I L M 4 d%_ ~ _ ~ . cr1 I4 1 - 4 Ass Ll~rt [a~ 1 .Ullo s 7 07i f - ! cu 1 ~ 4 , 1 4 ~oi..'Msi. 7~a . 13! 70K 1 M - c4 1 016 i L - ;Jy 1 `rt7K"~~'. 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I 175 ~i,e:.~~:. ~tl~ a..f - + 1 a. ` i .._i_ i~al nY 7 IAiY. ~ FA~t11 ~1 TYii~t~ lapi' i Mrq' . ~ 7FIE~~ i 7.. •L~ hrr~l 1www1 17rN. 4-O.- P~P 1 M Y Spokanc Valloy Irxiirnct Cosi PAodel l~ J jt1aj]gy SquareFeePAfi'ocatiars Cornrnon Area 3,723 Common Araa De artment ~S Feet i% lAilocated lTotallncludin allocaUon ExecutivelLegisladve . ' . . : . . . . ; 2,077 ~ 149G 538.04 2615.0 ' • ^ , - . . Psrks 1;273 996 329.76 1692.8 Finance 7% 262,93 1277.9 Council Chambers ` 1,92d 13% 498.40 2422.4 - _'~a- - - : 1;140' . 8% 295.31 1435.3 Ptanntn lBc~ullding - = 4',567 32% 1,183.06 5750.1 Pubdic Works = - - 2,376:1 1796 615.49 2991.5 Total f y 14 372 100% 3,723.00 18095A Finance De t Number IDc artmont Namo IFTE's ►FTE's % S uare Feet 18.014.1 Fnance 4.50 82% 1045.6 19.014.2 Irsfortstatfon Techtlology 1.01) SB°Ja 232- 0.0 ~.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' . . `0.0 TOtal I 5.501 100901 1277.9 Planningl8u(Idln ao t Numbor De artment Name FTE's ~FTE's % (S uare feet 058 Plsnnfn9... 1 7 41°6 2367.7 059 Buiiding 8 ~ 47°,b 2705.9 092 Pianni & Communf Develo ment Overhead 2 129'0 676.5 ~ Total ( I 171 100961 5750.1 Parks De t Number De t Name ~FTE's I FTE's 96 ~S uare Feet _ 093 Parlcs & Recreation Overhead 2 40Dti 641•1 ' 070" Parks 8 Recraatlon 3 669G 961.7 076.300 Parks & RecreaUon - Malnterx+nce 0 6% _ 0.0 i Tot01 ~ 5 100°0 16028 ExCtutivc/Lo islativo pe Numbor po t amo FTE's IFTE's % S uare Feet 013 Execufivu 8 L islauvo Sv rt 4.5 56% 1,471 A 018.013~1 Deputy City btarwger 2.5 31% 817.2 018.013.2 Contracts Admin 1 13°6 326.9 Total ( 1 81 100°fol 2.615.0 Public Works De t Numbor po t amo IFTE's FTE's % S uare Feet 032 Pub[ic YJarks A 41% 1221.0 101.1 Streels 2.8 2996 854.7 - - . St i67.2 ~ reef Main;enance 0 04'0 0.0 102.103 ArterialslPsths 0 0% 0.0 Q32.401 ,,Vasfewater 0 0% 0.0 632.402 Siorrmvater 0% J15. j JI 091 d PubGe Warks Overhead 3 31 ~ Total I 9.81 100%I Square Fee t Allocatian - PageS of 8 ~ Spokane Valiey 5~1'i11v e~ Indirect Cost A4odel j ~zaljey p!locatron PArcentages Department Dept tt FTE % Agenda Items Computer Terminals Depu!y ty Manager _ 1O1SAt3.1 k 2.5~ 7ti%~ 1 IOiB_0132 1.0 29°~6 ~ Total ( ( 3.51 100%I I Finance Finance 018.014.1 4.5 82% Irrformation Technolo 018.014.2 1.0 18% Total I 1 5.51 100%I I General Government General Govemment 090.1 FacifiUes 0902 Risk Man ement ~ 090.3 otal E 0.01 0% I Public Works 47:01: :7 15:0 Public Works 032 4.0 41@/01 . 19.2 6.1 ' Stleets 101.1 2.8 29% 13.4 4.3 ; Strest Maintenaruce 101.2 0.0 0% 0.0 0.0 ArterialsfPaths 102.103 0.0 0°'0 0.0 . 0.0 - ' Wastewater • 032.401 0.0 0% 0.0 0.0 . StormwatEr 032.402 OA 0% 0.0 0.0 - ~ Public~Works Overhead 091 3.0 31°k 14.4 4.6 ~ otal 1 9.61 100°i6) 47.01 15.0 Plannin 17.0 Planninc~ 058 7.0 78% 62.2 a% 0.0 a% 0.0 Plannin 8~ Communi Development Overhead 092 2.0 22% 17.8 Tota I I 9.0 1 100% 80.0 1 Building 13:0J--• = - :18:0 Buflding 059 8.0 i009/o 13.0 18.0 Total I 8.0 100%I '13.01 18.011 Parks and Recreation ,28.09• ' - ° ;5:0 Parks & Recreation 076 3.0 60% 16.8 3.0 Parks 8 Recreation - Maintenance 076.300 0.0 0'/0 0.0 0.0 Parks & Recreaiion Overtiead 093 2.0 40% 11.2 2.0 , TOtal ~ 1 5.01 100%1 28•01 5.0 - AIlocation Percentages - 6 of 8 Spokane Vafloy .~jR1(~{t+171~ ' MdirCCt Co; hlod0l ~/S~~illey Deperrriau o,+ertr.~ast nnxations Ac[ual OparatGog 6 0( Operal(ng Aetuul Expendituros % of RoD1 ExDentllturw: CapHal b of Dept CapNal Dnpartmont FTEc FTE y, Ezpendituroa Expondlturu5 Ineludinfl Capi2al Inelu4ing CnAital Expantliiuras Expend[turo& • Puhlic WoACS I I L S: "583. UA1 I:f. .~_~8~5,7CB1 l.3.•, •-31 6.1 PuDlic 1'forks OveMeaa 095 I 3 43% $ 252,244 I 43SS E 2~i' 90i 43% S iJ,657 a3$; 351,860 L__ 6754 5 _1a,209 __J57SS Totnl { 1 7 100%1S 563904 t0D9b S 615768 I t I S 31 868 1 10U,6 Plannt p 1 I.S748,1121 .748,112d Imanning B Communily ppvqppment Overhend D62 2 22%15 156,247 22°b S i66,2471_~_ „-----2296 S p Plennin8 0:9 ~7 7696 S 5B1,S65~ ~ 78% 5 5~g1,6G5 78% $ ~ T..,._ otal I ! 91 100 I i 748,112 I 100961 S 74611 : 100 ' S Buiklin I $ . _..:634,366y 1-5 '.'..72,2761 tl ~ B~►tl~na~., _ , as9 • a iGy9b S _ 982,990 ~ iooss s 694,366 , ioox s ~z,2ie1 iaa% i Total 1 ! 81 100% 682 0 1 10 S 694,366 ~Od%I S ~T.T76 I tU0 Parka and Fieueafian 0 1 I 1 I Parks 8 Focreatkn Ovcnc~ad 093 2 ao%g 5 ~68,agg 9346 5 200 G~7 s5~e S 32 a11 EOIh RaAs d Recrcat3on OT6 3 E096 5''• 387,737 30% (5 ,~419;292 3096 S 2t,545 46H.S 6 Parka 8 iteaeat5on - f.la~ntenence D78.300 y~ D_ 046 _S _a 780,264 379b S 760,284 _ 56% 004 LTotal I 5 106X1 $ 1.326,487 I 100% 1 U 243 i 10 I f 53 756 100. Depamnent OverHCad Afbcatinns • Pago 7 of 8 ^ Spokane Valley ~~p' e ` Indirecx Gost Mocle! - jVley Joumall/oucJierFormat ~ 2004 Budget Year Fund Number iFund Name I Ci idc Allocated Cost IMonthly Transfer 032.402- ~ Stormwater $ 13,386 S 1,116 101.2- Strect AAain4enance $ 39,675 $ 3,306 °--=~--=T- .-T s - Total 53,061 ~ 5 4,422 ' JV Format - Page 8 of 8 1 A~~ENDIX E - Update Check List ~ C~ City of SpQkane Valley Cost Allocation Model ' ; Update Check List ` Thc update check list provides a brief description of each sheet ui the spreadsheet modcl and identifics the general steps to update the input information. The descriptions follow the locaCion ofthe workshcet tabs from left to ri;ht. The appendix in the \jovcmber 2005 report where a hard copy of the sheet outPut is locatecl is indicated in parenthesis after the shect name. Cautions: • If any new items are being addecl to this workboolc, do not add additional rows, columns, ar cells. Tllis will cause all calculations within the modcl to be inaccurate. EnCer new dala intp empty liighlighfed cells. •]7o not enter ajiy data uito cells that are not highlighted; only enter data into highligtlted cells. Sheet: Allocation Factors & 1)epts. (Appendis A, p. 1) Purpose: l7ata entry of uidirect and direct service department funcl numbers and names, allocation factor namcs, and other general information. '1'hese a1•e referenced tluouahouC the other sheets, so all changes to names/ftuld mimbers should bc made on this sheet only. 0 Jaelete entries that na longer exist ❑ Check to ensure eYisting fiuid nameslnumbers are accurate C! Add new entries on blank or "aclditional" lines, if applicable CI If no new enny exists leave the cells blaiih ❑ Lnter the appropriatc year for Basc Budgct Ycar Shcet: lndirect Cost Pools (Appendit A, pp. 2-5) Purpose: Data entry for line item eapenclitures for inairect cost pools. 0 For the indirect cost pools, enter the budget line items and the base year expenclihLre arnoLuYts for each 0 If departmenls are split into more [han one cost pool, update inllormation on worksheels "Allocat:ion Percentages" and "Overhead Allocations" (describcd bclow) or scparatc costs off linc and entcr directly ❑ If budgct itcros contain non-allocable costs or expendittires require adjtisfiients (to norrnalize costs, for example), enter in values in columns providcd ❑ Citywide Allocable Costs is a calciilated re5ult 0 Tf budget ilems are unallowable under A-87 guidelines, enter in values in A-87 Adjustment columns 0 A-87 Allocable Costs is a calculated result JAiiy uotes about adjustments or allocation to entries caii be added in the Notes ; col umn . •o,> F C S CJR 0 [.1P Page 1 Cost Allocatipn Ptan Update Check List _ ~ . Sheet: lndirect Summaiy (Appendix A, p. 6) Puipose: Sumrnarize the Base Year expenditures, adjustments, a,nd resulting Citywide and A-87 Allocable Costs. 0 There are no inputs on this sheet ' Sheet: Allocatiua Faetor %(Elppendix B, pp. 1-3) Purpose: ]aata entiy for allocation factors. The information for input should bc collccted or generated &om existing sources befnre undertaldng the update. 0 For each allocation facior, fill in the infonnation for all line items as applieable in the top table Q The subsequent tables use the input allocation factor informalion to calculaie percenCage shares for the primary and secondary allocations. 0 Check table (top of page): Enter the toral e;cpenditures for the basc year and deduct deprecation expense. The remaining iterns pull f'rom the data entry sections. Check to ensiue that the calculated lotal and coluitui total tie out. ❑ Sheets "Squarc Feet AIlocation" and "Allocarion Percentages" (described belo4v) provide work:sheets fnr selected factors. Sheet: Allocatiou Factor $ (Appendix B, pp. 4-6) Purpose: Select allocation factors and calculate the Cily-wide Allocarion. 0 Select the desired allocation method for each of the indirect cost categories O No further inputs are reqiiired on this sheet G The dollar amounts fi-om the indirect cost pools are allocaiecl ta all deparhnents in the Primary Allocatioil table and the costs alloealecl to indirect cost pools are then allocated to direct departments in the Secondaiy Allocation table using the pcrcentages from the Allocation Factor % sheet Sheet: Uirect Scr-vice Surninary'(Appendis B, p.7) Purposc: Summarize the Cit}-~Ode Allocation results by DirecC Department, showing amouut allocated from each indirect ser-,4ce departmEnt (alter the seconciary 3IIpCShOT1) to the direct scrvice departments. 0 There are no inputs on this sheet Sheet: Allocation Factor $ A-87 (Appendix C, pp. 1-3) Purposc: Calculate the f1.-87 flllocation. 'I`he dollars amounts frorn the indirecl cosc poals afler the exclusion of unallowable costs is allocated to F~\ Cl The are no inputs on this sheet (allocation f.actor selection references ".411ocation Factor for consistency) FCS GRC)UP Pagc ii Cost Allocalion Plan Updaie Chcck List _ . ❑ The dollar arnounts from lhe indirect cost pools, after the exclusion of zrrialloivable costs, are allocated to all departinents in the Primary Alloca[ion [ablc aixi the allowable costs allocated to indircct cost pools are then allocated to direct departments in the Secondary Allocation table Sheet: Direct Servicc A-87 Summary (Appendix C, p. 4) Purpose: Sunullarize the A-87 t111ocation results by Direct Dcpartment, showing amoiuit allocatcd from each indirecl' service dcpartinent (after the seeondary allocation) to the direct service departinents. D There are no inputs on this sheeC Sheet: Salary 6real:down (Appenclix C, p. 5) ' Purpose: Data cntry sheet for direct salary and benefit informarion that may be used as rate basis for A-87 depa-imcnt ovcrhead rates. CI The sa]aries and bencfits for the direct departments fhat have been split into direct and indirect elements (brokcn down on sheet "Allocal-ion Taercentages") arc enlered. Sheet: .Dircct ]aept. OiT Rate.s (Appenctix C, pp. 6-9) 1'urpose: Data entry and selection of basis for calculating A-87 indu•ect cost rates. , 0 Select: 0 Use Salaries and Benefits as R.ate Base - Tfie calculatcd salaries and beneCts arnounts from the Salary Brea.kdown sheet are used to calculate the averhead rate. 0 Use E•xpendit«res as Raie Basc - Thc actual expenditures are used co calculate the overhead rate ❑ Use Lnput -Aii anount can be entered in for eaeh of the departments to use as the rate base. Sheet: Direct Dept. OH Rates Summary (Appendix C, p. 10) Piirpose: Sununary of Indirect Cost Rales by ciirect department. ❑ T'here are uo inputs on ihis sheet. Sheet: Iudirect Summary Dept. Sperilic (Appendix D, pp. 1-4) Purpose: 17etailed reconciliation ofresults orallocations for each departinent, showung the primary anci sECOndary steps. ❑ There are no inputs an this sheet 0 A. summary of the reconciliation of the input figures to the resulting allocations is • shown in the lable tb the rrght. -o;> FCS CTKOL11? Page iii Cost A11oeation i'lau Update Check List Sheet: Square Feet Allocatiou (Apirenclix D, p. 5) Purpose: Worksheet to generaCe the sc{uare footage information for that altocation measurc. D The square feet used by departincnts is entered dnd the coiiunon space is allocated to each of the depariinents bascd on the percentage of the total squarc feet in each department. 0 There are divisions shawn within departments, square footage is allocated to them based on the number of FTEs within the divisions. Sheet: Allocaliun Percentages (Appendix D, p. 6) Purpose: Worlcsheet to generate allocation measures where separate divisions are showm within depart7nents (using FTEs as the allocation basis). I'lus workshECt can be used or rneasures by di,,4sion can be direcely entered onto the "Allocation Factor worksheet. Q The input cel(s for agenda itcros anci computer terminals on tlus sheet are highlighted. Sheet:1)eparrment Qverhead Allocations (Appendix D, p. 'n Fuipose: Tdentify and allocate departmeut costs into o verhead/di vision components. ~ Overhead costs are calculated based on thc number of FTEs. Q Enter the aogregale cost data m the highlighted cells. Sheet: JV Format (AppendiY D, p. 8) 1'urpose: To calculale the monthly transfcrs f~rorn those funds that will reimbtu-sc the genEral ftind. ❑ Enter the deparunent number from which tlie traiisfer will bE made and the remaining coluiruis will calculate the montWy tratisfcr amouni. / F C S C KO UP Pa;e iv ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 13, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: (tem: Check all that apply: 0 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin, report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: STA Bus Shelters on Indiana Avenue at the Spokane Valley Mall - Site License and Right of Access Agreement GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council discussed this item at their Ocfober 18, 2005 meeting and at their December 6, 2005 Study Session. BACKGROUND: Spokane Transit Authority (STA) fvas requested permission to construct two ~ bus shelters on Indiana Avenue at the Spokane Valley Mall near the Black Angus and TGI " Friday's restaurants. Council members discussed this proposal at their October 18'h meeting and expressed concern about locating a bus stop at the proposed location on Indiana Avenue. Council asked that staff discuss with STA a number of related issues including striping the cross-walk, cross-walk lighting, appropriate location of this bus stop, options for bus turnouts, and the option of buses going into the mall parking area. rather than stopping on Indiana Avenue. STA provided two memos responding to these issues. Council discussed this issue again at their December 6, 2005 Study Session with Steve Blaska of STA. Council selected Option 1 from STA's November 18, 2005 letter and requested this item be put on the consent agenda. . STA typically execufes a Site License and Right of Access Agreement with jurisdictions for the use of the City right-of-way for these shelters. Attached is a copy for review. Public Wortcs staff has reviewed the attached material and have no objections to the agreement. OPTIONS: . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve STA's request and authorize City Manager to execute agreement. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Nei) Kersten, Public Works Director ~ Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects ATTACHMENT: 1) STA Memo dated November 18, 2005, 2) copy of Site License and Right of Access Agreement Navembsr.18, 2005 i Steve Worley, Sr. Engincer, CIP City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague rlvenue #106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Taear tiIr_ Wprley: 4Ve are sending this letter in eesponse to recent discussions at your City Council meetings and Spnkane `["ransit Authority's Operations and Customer Service Cornmittee meeting regarding the current bus stops on East Incfiana tAvenue, , In September, we submitted a request to the City of Spokane Valley to allow Spokiuie Transit to install covered bus shelters for the bus stops at the intersection of East Indiana Avenue and the Valley Mall access roatl betNveen the Cilack Angus Restaurant and TGI Fridays. The City Council did not take action on the requcst aC i[s October meeting and the issue was subsequentl_y taken up by Councilman Ric.h Iviunson in his role as Chairman of Spokane Transit's Operations an(l Customer Service Com.mitiee. '1'he issue to be addressed ws.,s the saf'uty of this location as a bus stop. The guidance from the Opeintions and Custorner Servicc Committee was tn "go to the drawing board" to develop ot:her allernatives foc bus stops on East lndiana Avenue and sttpport to the Valley Mall. Ultimately &-tcll jurisdiction approves bus ston locations. In response to our guidance frorn the Operations and Customer . Service Committee, the follativing alternatives are provided to assist in your cliseussionldecision: Optian 1: Retain eunent bus stops and approve sheltcts at requested localions. Tmprove visibility and safety of the current pedestrian crossing sites as a cqoperative effort behweert the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane `f'ransit. Option 2: Reroute all bus routes onto the southcrn pc;rimctcr road in the mall parking lot ancl eliminate all Valley Ivt::,•, bus stops on Indiana Avenue. Option 3: Rctain bus stops on the eastbound side of Indiana Aventie and return Koute 90 to its prcvious service through the mall parking lot to lviacy's. '1'he analysis below represenC,s our evaluation of each of these options. Option 1 Positives: • The cui-rent siop locations represeirt the be,st sites for pedescrian access fi•om Indiana Avenue ro the mall. The unmarked intersection in question is the only location with dcsigmaCec:l ADA access froin Indiana tlvenue to the mall. • - • Keeping buses on majnr streets is the most coinrnon publie t;ransportation practice. • The pedestriart safety ae ehe unmarked intersection coulcl be enhanced with visible t:raffic control measures. \jcp,ativcs: • 1_ndian3.Ave. has a 35 IvfPH speed limit. • Bus stops on Tndiana will slow trafEic diat follow transil vehicles. • Uniiiarked pedestriam crassing is a ha7,ard. Option 2 Positives: • Use of the parking lot periineter road remaves bus traffic from Indiana Flvenue. 0 Rus stops servi.ng the mall would be in the parhing lot. ~ Ne at~ ives: • R.eyuires special pennission to opcrate on private mall propcrty. • Flbility of parkina lot surface to support hiah frequency fl•ansit vchicle use is unluiown. • Additional travel time requireci t:o serve the mall wil] significantl}' increase the number of buses necessary to 0 maint3in current and anticipated schcdiale, thus increasing cost of service. • Parkin~ lot congestion dw•in~ shopping hours ~viU increa,se the number of buses necessary to maintain scheduled Valley Mal] Service. • The.re is not an AI7A appeoved accessible path of travel from the southern perimeter of the mall co che mall itself. Option 3 ' POSiCives: • Retains the majority of bus servicc on Indiana Avenue. • 1Zemoval of westbound stops reduces nwnber of pcdestrians crossing Indiana Avenue. • E,3stbound passengers retain ability to access the mall from all scheduled routes. \tegatives: • 1'tequires special pcrrriission CU operate on private msll prcapert:y. (Mall ha(l previously granted this permission for Route 90). • Westbound passengers will need to use Route 90 to aceess mall. • !'arking lot cqnjestion has been a complication in the past with Route 90. Current service plan is intended as a solution to this shortcoming. - • R.oute 90 wiLl na longer service Mirabeau Park & Ride. Spokane Trcinsit's staff recommendation is "OpCion 1." We aclrnowledge the need for a better solueion fnr the improved seivice to the Spokane Valley Mall. '1'he ability to acccss lhis important economic center of activity is importanl Co all of us. E'ublic tr-ansportation opcrations must be harmonized ivith t}le flow of all tr3ffic and designed in a manner that is safe for transiC users and pedestrians. We need a betYer lons term solution. Flowever, the current stop locaCions on Indiana fkvenue are similar in cliaracteristics to bus stops at other locations in our service area. 1~Je ~~ould look fonvard to ssisting in any way we c3rt to help clearly mark the pede,,strian crossings tha[ currently exist and have associatetl bus C~ stops. Respectfully, SPOK.A\TT TRANSI`I' AU°1'HC7K.ITY Gordon Howell Manager, Planning and Grants Dirlnloe'i-aeD51~ ul:y-.i~m~ I I.doe c: Chicf EYecutive Officer Iairector of Operations S°l"A Ombudsman ~ ~ SiTE LICENSF ANI:) RTGkIT C)F ACCESS AGRLEMEVT '1"EIYS AGREE.VIENT rnade and entered into this day of , 200_, by and belween tiie , as "O-w2ier" and the Spokaiie'1'ransit Authority, a Washington Stale «iunicindi cornorac;nn, as "STA." Tn mutual consicieralion uf the promises contAined herein, the parties involved ngree to the following: ' 1. t'U1tYUSE. Ttie purpose of this agreemenc is ta prnvide STA with the use of the property in order to uistall, constntct and'rnaintain 1'WU (2) bus shelters fUr the bencfil of STA's Li ansit patrons; and ta set aut responsibilities for rnaintenxnce and renair af the shelters. 2. P1tEiV11sE5. 'I"he Owner tiereby conf"ers s site license and right of acccss to STA, to that ecriain real prnperly located at Spokane County irl the SCatc ol' Washingcon (}icreinalier called "the premises"), aiid depicted on the plot plai1 in Exiiibit "A"; attached to this agreement and a part of it. 3. '1'E%)1. It is the iiitention of the Owncr to provide spaee for the shelters for their futl design liFe. Barring circumstanecs unforeseen at the presEnt time, this shall be taken to be five (S) yew-s begiruiing the datc stated above. Should it bec:ume; necc:sssry for the Owner co utilize the prernises for othcr purposes before the cnd of fivC (5) years, then on ninety (90)-days .vritten notice, the site may be rcclaimed by the Owner, anci S'CA will remnve or relocate the shelters. Such demand will be made only for ressonablc eause, and the Owner prescnety has no contingency plans that would adversely afFect STA's usc of the prc:miscs for the five (S)-year terrn. At the end o1'the initial fvc (5)-year term, this agrccment shall rem9in iri cffecC on a ycar-to-year blsis until Icrminated by onc nf the pareics. ' • 4. OSE Uk YROPE1tTY. 'I'he prernisus shall be used for the erection, ►nainteiiwce, and operatioii of hvo bus shelters by STA, and related irriprovernents, ingress .ind egress froin, the load'uig wid u.nload'uig of buses and other tr3nsit vehiclcs, and all similar and relaled [ransit uses. 1"he S'I'A shelter shall be erected oti a concrete pad canstructed and nrovided by STA, per STn stanciard spceifcaCior►s. - 5. OWVER'S IMPROVFMTVT. STA agrees at its sole cost and expenses to Prepare and improve the premises to conciition reacty to attach the STA bus shelter. • 6. UTILITIES: - ' A. Electricity. The Ourier a&Tees to maintain the current lighting on Owner's property adjacent to the premises. The installation of any aciclitional electricity/ligliting shall be at STA's sole expense, with Owzier to pay for electricity used on the premises. ' B. Refuse. S"1'A shall be responsible for litter cleanup within the coofines of the bus shcltcrs and within a ten faot area surrounding the bus shelters: 7. SNQ«' REMQVAL. Tn accordance with local law, snow removal adjacent to thc prcmises shall bc the responsibility of'the abutting property owner. 8. OWNERSHIP OF SHELTER The bus shcitcrs to be built on ttic prcmises are ufstandard design and construction. Thc shelters s}iall be built and inspecced to S'1'A su-uidards. STA shall retain omtersliip of the shclcers. - 9. LID-IITS OF USE. STA sball ]iave the right to install one reader board inside each shelter which is limited to ' ruute uiformation, biis scliedules, tiid sunilar items. The ONviier's aistomers and lor pairons, if any, shall make no use of the preuiises except as specifically audhorized in this agreement. ' 10. I..TMiTS ANZ IlM-PROVFII'fEiNTS. STA shall not permit any mechanic's or material persUn's or other liens of any kind to be enforced against the premises for any ~vork done or materials fiwished thereon at the requast , or o~i behalf of S"1'A. S'1'A sl~all inclemnify, defend, aild hold the Owner harmless from any such items, claims, . dcmands, costs, ehargcs, xnd cxpenses. Site Licenx:und Rigtit ofAccess Agrrxanent ~ page 2 - 11. MAT~vTENANCE AN1) RT.PAIRS. S 1'A, at iLs own cost and expense, shall maint3in and keep in goacl repair the shelters nr oLher rellied improvemcnts dhat it places an the prenvses. STA a;rees tu repair and mairitain the slielters so Ion~ as finaucially and practically feasible, in its sole discretion. Should S1'A be um~villing or uiiable . to renair and maintai.n tlie sheltr.rs, S'1'A will slfrrender the premises as set forih ui Paragraph 16. 12. GOVFR\iMEYT CI3ARGES. STA shatl have no nbligation for state taxes, assessmeuts, or governmcntal cha ocs of atry kind agaiost the nrernises. 13. DF.FAUL1'. If STA sliall f'ail co pcrfornt any term or condition of this agreement, the Owmer may, aftcr giving thirty (30)-day's notice, to cprrcct s3id default, terminate this agreement. If the Owiier sliall fail to perform any tcrm ar condition of this qgreemcnt, STA may, atler giving tti.irty (30)-day's written notice, terminate this agrcerneiit. 14. L(ABIL[1'Y. To tiie maximum cxtent permitted by law, the S'I"A acrees to and daes t►ereby indemnify and hc>Id harrriless the Owner from any liability including personal injury or datuage to properly occiuy'ing ou the promises (as depictecl on Fxhibic "A") duruig the term hereaf; cxcep[ for injury or damage resuliing fmm . Owrier's sole negligence. The Owner agrees that STA will not be held liahle to Owner for any occurrences on pruperty oi►tside of the prcrniscs as depicted on Fxt►ibit "A." 15. SUCCLSSQRS AYD ASSIGNS. This agreemenc arid each of its terms, and eonditions shall be binding upon the parties and their respcctive successors and assigns. Neidier party shall have the right to assign this agreement or any «f its rights and obligations withuut the wn'itten consent of the o[her puty. • 16. SUEtEtENi)ER. At the end of the lease or its earlier tcrmination, STA will pe.aecably uid quietly surrender posscssion of the premises to the Uwner witiioirt the oiving af any iiotice to quit or dcmand for possessiou thereof. S'1'A will remove all signs, structures, or i.mprovemenrs un the premises, wiU repair 2ny damaSe caused by such rernoval, and aSrees to resinrc the site to its original canditio« prior to the installation of [he shelters and to the satisfactiou of the Owner. STA rriay rec{uest permission from the ONrMer to noc rcrnove the stnictiires. Such decision is to be at the sole discretion of the Owner. ' 17. C)lllE`1' 1'OSSESSiON. The Owncr covenwts ancl warrants dtat STA has iull right to the premises for uses and purposes hea-ein providecl and that S'l'A; upon complying widi ttie terms and conclitions of this agreement, shall have and quietly enjoy the use of che premiscs. 18. FM411MN`I' DOMAIN. If the wliole or any substantial p;►rt of die premises hcrcby leasecl shall be taken by any Sovernmental agcncy uncier the power of eminent domlin, STA shall have the right to either ternlinate this agreement upon initiatiun of such action, or to contuiue in possession ot's reinau:uler of the premises undE.r the terms herein providcd. 19. NOTI.CES. All notices requirecl bY this agreement sliall be in writing and shall be personally scrvecl on the party of whom it is inte►lded or sent by certificd mail, rehUn receipt n:yuc•sted. Tlie notices shall be addressed as follows: OWNF..R: SF'OKAV E_ 7'RANSIT AUTHOF2[.T'Y: Planning qcpartrnecit Spokmie Transit Autharity 1230 W. Boone Avenuc Spokanc, 4VA 99201 ~ ~ ~ Site Licensc and itigh[ of Access Agreement Page 3 20. "['E1tsV11NATI0Y: STA may early terminate this a;re~:meat upon tt~irty (30)-day's notice written notice in thc event of the premises becomuig unfeasible due tn route chanses, extnordinary maintenance or repair costs, elc. ' Upan tcrminatiqn of this agreetnent fur 3ny rcason, STA slal.l have th.irty (30) clays from the tei-niination dFite co reniovc all improvements placed or installed by S'CA on or to the premises. QiV\.T•,R: SPOKANE TRANSff AUTIIO1t1fiY: Signature Sigilature Taate Signed Date Signed Attest Attest OWNF,R: S'CA`1"E C7H WASHING'C0N ) ) ss. ) COUNTY QF SPOKANE ~ • I certify that 1 luiow or have sxtisfactory evictence that signeci this document ou oath and stated [hat hc/she w3s authorized to execute it and ac}:nowledged it as (ritle) of ttie (comPany) to be the free aid voluntary act of such a party E.'or the uses and purpuses [hcrcin mcnlianed. DATE D: ' Sigriature of'Norary Public My appointment expires SPOKANE TItANSI'1' AUTEIURITY: STA'1T, Ol' WAS1-11\TG`CON ) ) ss. ) COU,FTY OF SPOKANE I ceRify that 1 know or havc satisfactory evidence that F. Susaii iYleyer wd C:eralya Carbcrg signed this document on oath and stated that they were suthurized to execute it and acM~vvledgecl it as t7ie Chief Erecutive Officer of the SPOKANE TftANS1T AUTHOR17'Y, a municipal corporat.ion, to Ue the fi•ee and vohmtary act of suc.h a party 1or [tie uses and purposes thercin mentioneci. ' DATED: Signature of Notary Public My appoinhnent expires ` . . ' = ~PaVEST•,'.~ _ il 1100m ~ ~I300ft ■ • • i4 ■ . ndiana -Av enue, . ' i . ■ ' - . ~ ~ City, Of p .o.kan eValley Proposed Shelter Locations , .j.: ~..i`'~~~i'•Y~ i qar~.. ~..~-4 r r-i-rr-P-t . _ ' . . E liidiana Avc„~ r..__ ~ • - - . '~~-1...L~ '-~y~~.,w~ ` ~F . . ~ Su1Jimis Parh . ~ ~`'~ti../~ - • ~ ~ : Vatlo, !:i!! ` \ ~ "t.` . - . . j ' ~ .•,--`~r~~:__ _ av~-~_ _ "\p'-'~_-~~~ ~ f i oi'° ~ ~ \ 'f~'~ _F~,.~_~n.s =..ri"."~~ \ - , E 5l11to FVII' . `~~.wc.,~ ' . . . ~ 2005 h.~epQuz. lnt. S ite -a n . , iiliYUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Special Meeting Spakane Valley Church of the Na•r,arene 15515 F. 20'' Avenuc . R'Ionday, NovemUer 14, 2005 Mayor Wilhite called the meeling to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the special meeting Alteitdutiee: City SlaJf. Diana Wilhite, Ma}ror Dave Nlercier, City Matiager Rich Munson, I7eputy Mayor Nina Regor, Deputy City manager Dick Denenny, Councilmember Marina Sukup, Community llevelopment Tairector Mike lleVleming, Councilmember GreC Mc;Cormick, Planning Mana};er Mike F'lanigan, Councilmember Scott Kuhta, Senior P(anner Steve Taylor, Couneilmember vlike Basinger, Associate Planner ' N1ike Connelly; City Attorney Carolbelle Branch, l'ublic Information Officer "Bing" Bingaman, IT Specialist Absent: Cttris Bainbridge, City Clerk . ' Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Offiers: Approximately 16 citi7ens ' ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called rnll; all Councilmembers were present eacept Councilmember Sc;himmels. !t was nrovecl by Cowzcilinember DeYleming, secorrded by Councilmember Flanigarl, and unanimouslv ngreed upon to excus•e CouncibnenTber Schitninels from tonight's rtreeting. PIJRi.,TC ]31+~AIUNG: Mayor Wilhice npened the public hcaring at 6:04 p.m. for co .mments on the Draft Comprehensive Pliin, and invited public comment. R'(ark D.►vis: 7302 E 12'h: spoke an behalf of Karen Bergman, of 19009 r. Mission, owmer of parcel # . 45094.01I6; saicl Chat the parce) mentioned and the adjoining hwo parcels to the east, which are zoned iJk-3.5 and are surrounded by regional businesses, offices, aparhnents, the freeway, and Iocatcd on a major aiterial, should be zoned for office or aparl:ment use; and that perhaps the best choice f.or zoning the land would be UR-22, like the Ridgestone Aparh»ents peoperty next to the above-mencioned parcel. Nfarv Pullyrd, 17216 F I3al(lwin Avenue, Greenacres: slid she is speaking for the North Greenacres Neighborhqpd; she mentioned underdeveloped roads and the nceds assessment of those roads; that coticurrency needs to be brou;ltt in to include more than majnr intersections; liveslock must be included in the comp plan; that Council needs to recognize chese needs as legiCimate and items which eitn be fixed in the znning and developmenC regulations; that regarding land use, we need sh•oiiger usc language for historic preservat:ion, and to provide tax incentives to list the F►istoric liomes; that Chere is notliing in the camp plan that ensure,s property owners adjacent [o developments arc continually appraised and can mitigate changes in a development plan ttlong the way; that it makes for bad policy if citizens are told this is just a civil matter; we need•parks, should have transportation Ilexibility tike fve foot sidewall:s and ten foot planting strips; or use the plant.ing scrip as a bu .ff.er. She said she supports each 03 special needs populations; and shc fincis [hat lffordable housing is not built uttless mandated. Pete Miller, 18124 F Mission: said s}ie is a Greenacres residenc; that she spoke with Pat Harper of Spokane County engineering who said thc Board of Count}, Commissioners can c3eciicate the right-of-way SPecial Council McetingNlinutes: 11-14-05 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: to the city but it must be on the coinp plan map beforehand; and that she wants that map shown even if i[ ~ is just a proposal. Don Manfred, l'resic]ent Dcsi n Works; 3311 `V Pack 11-1iile Lane; and resident at 12111 E. Mission: Spnke concerning the topography of the lower iirea a.s shown on the map he gave; he recommcnds mixed use corridor because of the topography and because of the noise; ancl said it would be better th3n residential; that he's in the interior design business, and the allowed decibels are too loud for homes and duplexes. Kurt Farker, 181.6 N Creenacre.s Road: said that thuee minutes is fEir too little time to discuss everything; he «<ants to t;il.k about pa.rks, about the norCh Greenacres park, that there is an area set aside for one; 30-acre p.irk; dley dnn'C fecl that wnuld hclp much in [heir neighborhootl, they'd rather see three, ten-acre parl:s with picnic areas and playgrounds, and he mentioned their Plan. . Mayor Wilhite adc{ecl that dle Parl:s Ma..sterplan topie is eoming up Por apublic hearing \iovember 29, 2005. Councilmernber Denenny reininded everyone that citizens can always submit comments in writ:ing to be included as part af the record. City Clerk Bainbridce also ac{:nnwledged that several adclitional letters and e-mails have been receivcd and will be i.nclude.d in die Public Comments \Totebook for council 'review. Mayor Wilhite invited further publie comment; and as no further comments «rere offered, Mayor Wil.hite closed the public hcarina at 6:25 p.m. DISCUSSIQY: Cotmcil T.?eliberation: Tr.jnsportation Chapter ofthe Draft Comprehensive Plan. Council deliberation began with the Transportation Chapter, page 32, beginning with Goal TC 10 and proceeding through the remaincler of the Go31s ancl Policies of that chapter, and continued discussion on the maps. Council discussed some goals 3nd policies and clid not discuss others where they had nn aamments nr suggested changes. Even after lengthy tiiscussion, Council chose not to make any ehanges to several goals and policies, and therefore; only thosc goals and polieics widi recommencletl changes are noted lyelow. Couneil began discussion of seve.ral oFthe mijps, and determined thaC cliscussion wrould be continueci at itie »exi meeting. DEY.IE3ERATIO\°: Delibertieion began in the'I rimsportation Chapter, page 32, Goal TG 10 TP- I 0A: Council stateci kheir eoncern on how to nrovide bus pul.l-out bays; it was Council conscnsus to ameiid that policy to state: Work Nvith STA in planning and cieveloping bus pull-ouC bays on the far side of intersections. TP-10.5: after cliscussion on the need far this statenient, it was Council consensus to strike 10.5 entirely TP-10.6: no change ot.her dlan to.remnve the bold type. Avialion Goals & Policies - New policy TP-132: Councit consensus to add the following language as new policy TP-13.2: Discourage incornpatible lancf uses and residential densities on lands adjacent to the airporc. yL4,Ps: Map 3.6 Froposed Truck Routes: DepuCy Ma}°or Munsnn statetl in regard to the truck route on tlppleway and Sprague, that just because it is not a through street doesn't mean trucks can't drive on it; that he doesn't a see need to do this amd feels it could be detrimental to the area; and proposes to not makc this a - truck route. After lengthy cliscussion on «<hether Chis should be designated a truek routc, there was Council consensus to pull the truck route designation betwecn Sullivan aild Argonne. . Special Council Met;ting Muiutes: 11-14-05 I'age 2of 3 Approved by Council: Map 32 .$ike and Pedestrian Svstem: after reminder that a suggested alternative was distributed carlier, it , ~was detennined that staffwill re-distribute extra copies to Council of that suggested alternative, and this discussiqn will be postponed until the November 15 council rneeting. Map 3.1 ProFoseci t\rterial Street Pliin: proposed c11aiiges to c.hat map were also distributed earlier and those additional copics will be distributed again later to Council, and ihis discussion will als4 be posCponed unti] the Noveinber 15 meeting. Commuiiity Development Director Sukup mentioned if the 3.1 desi&mation changes, a corresponding table will also need to be changcd. Page 11, Seclidn 3.2.5, 3`d bullet: Consensus to change the word "cheap" to "inexpensive." Niayor Wilhite stated that Council will review the maps at tomonnw's Council meeting, and stiid by . adjourning now, councilmembers will have the opportunity to review the Land Use chapter before those deliberations begin. Thcre being no further business, it was moved, seconded, and iananimously agreecl to adjoui7i. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Diana Wilhite, Mayor A 1f'f*EST: Christine Bainbrictbe, City Clerk ~ l\ i i . Special Counci] Ivfeeting Ntinutes: 11-14-05 Page 3 of3 Approved by Council: Draft M11f177'ES City of Spokanc Valley City Cc►uncil Spccial 1Teeting Tuesday, \overnber 15, 2005 Mayor `Vilhite called the meering to orcier at 6:00 p.m., and weleomed everyone to the 78°i mceting Atteitdut:ce: Ci1y Staff Taiana Wilhite, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager R.ich N[unson, lleputy Mayor Cary Driskcll, neputy City Attorney Dick 17enenny, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director vfike .DcVleming, Councilrnember Nina Regor, Deputy City manager Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Toin Scholcens, 13uildinb Offcial (:,ary Sehimmels; Councilrnember tilike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Steve Taylnr, CUUncilmember tilarina Sukup, Community Development ]aircctor CarolUelle Braneh, l'ublic Inf'orrnation Officer Mike Basinger, Associate Planner Stcve Marley, Senior Engineer . Scott Kuhti, Senior Planner Greg McCormiek, Planning Manager "Bing" Greg Bingarnan, IT Specialist Ch.ris Bainbri(ige, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Darrel Cole, Spokane Valley Wcsleyan Church gavc the invncation. ~ PLEVGE UF ALi.:EGIANCE: Vlayor Wilhire led die Pledge of Allegianee. 12OLL CAi :L: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present. aPPROVAL Or AGFNDA: !i war aroved by Cozrncilmeniber 741or, seconuled by Deputy 111cryor Alftinson, urzd wranirnously agreed cipori to apprvve the aniended crgenda. 11V7'1tUDUCTTON OF SE'ECIAL GiJESTS A1VU PRT:SFN'CATIONS Mayor Wilhitc acMowledged the presence of the Scoutmascer and I3oy Scouts from Troop 405, the Wolverine I'atrol. _ CONIl1UTTE l:'., :ROAItD, LIAISQ;N S'Ui1'II1'IA.RY RF;I?ORTS Councilmember Schimmels: reporcetl that he attendcd the Washin;ton Depa-tment of Transportation Complction Ceremony of 190, anci mentioned that Che State Secretary of '1'ransportation alons with other dignitaries were in ap:endance, vnd that everyone is very happy to see that roaciway open again; that he . also attended a Solid Waste Cornp Plan update meeting which is expected Co eontinue deliberations until approximately February 2007. Cuitncilmember Tavlor: mentioned he aftended the Convent•ion Visitor's $ureau meeting last week where they discussed the budget, adding that they are allocating funds for rescrvres; he attencled the Housing and Community Development Advisory \Yleeting, whieh committee lielps to decide where the CDIIG (cUmmunity development block grant) funds will be allocated, aiid that the deadlinc for applications Nvas last Friday; arxl he also attendecl Ghe 190 Completion Ceremony. . Ueputv iMayor Munson: explainecj that he chairecl last week's meeting of the Operitions and Administrative Committee Meeting for the STA where they ciiscussed the proposed bus stop on Indiana, Council MeetinJ: 1]- I 5-OS Page 1 of 8 Approve:d by Council: Drafl: and that the comrnittce suggested coming up with another alternative, or simply not put the bus stnp in as proposed as that area is not safe; that he also attendeci an initial hriefing on the STA upcoming 2006 , budoet; he altendecl the Central Valley School Sceering Cornmittee strategic plan meeting, and tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. he will host the Steering Corttmittee for Electecl Officials meeting where of~icials will cantinue to discuss joint planning area.s that are contiguous to our borders. CouncilmemUer F'lsuigan: menCic>ned that tomorrow morning will be the first meeting for this cycle oF the IloteUivlotel Tzi.c Committee to review grant proposals; and that Spokane Valley was prescntcd with a ecrtificate from Valleyfest lhanl:irig the City for being a majnr sponsor of the event. Councilmember llenenny : said the meetings continue regardiag ne;otiat:ions on discharge and 'l KUL (total maYimum (laily load) snd it is anticipated th3l information will be provided to the Department of Ecology within the next few days; ancl that there ai•e several upcoming meetings spo►isored by Commissioner Mielke concerning phosphorous levels in dishwasher detergents. Councilmembcr DcVleming: said lte continues preparation of the Celebration of T.,ight, the annual Christmas tree lightin; ceremony set for December 1'; and t;hat volunteers are still needed for the event, to set up, tear down, and for overall comrnittcc help. MAYQR'S REPOI2T: Mayor WiLhiee reported ihat she also attended the 190 Ceremony; and sbc attended a Chase Youth Commission breal:fast regardinb America's Prorr►isc and their planning for 2006 on how to publicize their gnals. She announccd she also attended the Convention VisiCOr's T3urcau meeting. Mayor Wilhite then read the Htnrger cfc HomelESS►iess Ativureness Week Proclamation; after . which Sheila Morley, Emergency Assistance Casc Manager with Spokane Valley Cnmmunity Center, and , KimUerly 1Zasp with Spokanc Housing Ventures, both representing the leaclership of the Spokane Homeless Coalition, spqke on the history oP that Coalit;ion and of the need for greater awa.reness oF the ; problems of hunger and homelessness, and of how pcople can get involved and help. PUBLT.C CO`-11'IFNTS Iviayor Wilhite invited public com.ment. R.obert Rvan Smith. 10503 E 6'h Avenue: (Univcrsity ~.C 6'h): said of all the places he has lived, that Spokitne Valley has the worst blind corner problems of 'all; thtit there are scriau5 nroblems with a multitttde of intersections. Mayor Wilhite eneouraQed vlr. Scnith to give staff addresses of those intersections, and Mr. Smilh replied that almost all the intersection.s h3ve those prqblems. Chuck Vensel, 14617 7`1' Avenue: said lhat his concern is with transportation; that he is an ardent bike ricler, snd in reading the Comprehensive 1'lan he wanted lo mention that by May, bike paths are impassable; ancj Chat bike paths are only good if they are passable; by May a bicyclisC can't ride from University to Vancher because of wind blown ctebris; anci the Centennial Trail cannot be ridden over the entire course; that he's ncvcr seen street sweepers cleaning bike lanes; lhat bike palhs musl' be clean; and we nced bike-friendty routes; that walkways are also a problem in the winter. Mayor Wilhite totd Vfr. Vensel tliat if he wanted his cotntttents to be a part of the Comprehensi<<e Plan record, that such comments shoulct be subm.itted iri writing or at a public hearing; and Mr. Vensel stiited he understood chese comments would not be part oF the comprehensive recorct; but that hc iniglat later write them down aztcl send them in for record inclusinn. - Jim Huttinmeier. Economic DevelQpment Council: as Chair of the Economic Upclate Rally Committce for• the Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce, and as part of the Ecnnomic Development Council, he thankecl Council for the sponsorship of last week's Economic Update Rally; and tfiat they were impressed wilh the turnout and with CenterPlace. , ` . . J Couneil Vleeting: 11-I5-05 Page 2 of S Approved by Council: Draf:i: 1. CONSFN'1 AGE\'DA Consists af items considerecl routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmemher rnay remeve an iteni frorn the Consent Agenda to be eonsidered separately. a. FblJowing claim vouchcrs: VC)UCI-IFR LIS 1 VOUCJqER TOTAL IaATE Number(s) VOUCHER Ai~fOUNT 11/01/05 7898-7949 1,490,51893 I 1/04l'OS 7951-8005 255,690.23 GRAND TOTAL 1,746,209.16 . b. Pa}•TOII for Pay Period Fncling October 31, 2005, in the amount of $198,077.45 c. Approval of Resolution 05-024 ,Kmending Ttesolution 04-023, Fee Resolution (adding January l; 2006 T'ffective Date) d. vlinutes af lZegular Council Meeting nf October 25, 2005 e. Minutes qf Spceial Council Meeting of November 1, 2005 !t ivas »-roved hy I)eputy Mayor Munson, seeonclecl by Corncilrnember Flaurigan, and uncrrrimously ugreed to approve the C'onseitt Agenda. NE`V BC7SL\`Ei SS 2. Second Readiri^ .Proposed Ordinance 05-027, 2006 Propertv Taa: - Ken Thompson Aftcr Ciey Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it ►vcrs moved by Deprtry Maryor Munson and seconded Gy Cowncilnrember l~zylor, to apprnve the ardirraiice levyirtg property lttzes in lhe arno2irrt of C~ $8,050, ur approxirnatelv $1.60 pEr tdtousarld of ussessed vcrlue, far the 2006 Gudgel for the City of ` ,Spokane Valley. Mr. Thornpson explained the history of this proposal, after which council clarified that they 'want the levy rate to be not more than $1.60 per thousand dollars assessed valuation, and to lie the tax to the $1.60 amounc rather than the $8,050 amount. Mayor Wilhite itivited public cnmment: T~r~v Laz.anis, 10626 E. Empire: stated that the $1.60 is the highest in the county and feels the rate should be lower, anci suggested changing it to $1.55 with the five cents dif'ference dedicated to sidewalks. vlayor Wilhite invited fiirther eomments; no further comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: Irl Favnr: Uiiaiximous. Upposecl.• None. Absterttions: None. Motion curried. 3. Second Readinr Proposed Ordinance 05-029 Adopti.ng 2006 Budget - Ken Thompson After City Clerl: Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was movECl by Councilmerrlher 1%Icrnigcu: crnd ' secorrded by Caurrcihuenrber Tcrylor, tu app,•ave vrditrar:ce 05-029 adop[ing lhe 2006 baidget. Finance ' Director Tltotnpson explained lhat this orduiance adopts the budget, st3ted that several publie hea-rings were held, and onee adoptect, a copy will bc submifted to the County. Deputy N[ayor Munson stated that the citizens voted to retain the gas tax increase, and this Uudget does noC reflect the income that will be realized from that increase; and in response to Lhal: TJirectnr "1'hompson staiecl he erpects a budget amendment early next year. Niayor Wilhitc inviced public comment; rao comments were oftered. Vote by Acclantation : In Frrvnr: Untiiii»roaa. Opposed.• Noire. Abslerttions: None. Motion curriEd. 4. First 1'Zeadino Proposecl Ordinance 05-030 Excess TaY Levv - Ken Tharnpson After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it wus moved hy Courrcilmeinber Taylor artd seconcled by Couflcilmemher FlunigCl3l, to advarrce C)rdirtance 05-030 ta a second readnrg on 1Vovember 29. Finance llirectnr 'I`hompson explained that this is somewhat of an unusual situation; ttiat we nn longer havc library responsibility or have the library levy, and that our property taxes will actually decre,asc by $1.5 million; but the way the law is written, if we want the 1%, which is includeci in the ~ previously approvecl $3,050, a separate orclinancc is neeessary. vlayor VVilhite invited public cornmcnt; Council I'vteetina: 11-15-05 Page 3 of 8 Apprqved by Cotmcil: Draft ' no comments werc qffered. Vo1e by Acclarrotion: In Fuvor: Urrcririnrous: Opposed: tVone. Abstetttions: Aforie. jtlotion cari•ied . , ~ 5.1=irst Readin~ Proposed Ordinance 05-031 Amending 3.40.050M CompeCitive Bidding - Carv .lariskell . After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance kitle, ii ivas moved Gy Cornicilnrember Taylor anci seconcfecl by Depury Muyor Nfunson ta suspend the rules ancl upprove ordincrnee 05-031 QS 1VY111C'!7. L7eputy City Attorney Driskell expliiined the proposed ehange per his \TOVember 15, 2005 Request for Cotmty Action (E2CA) fbrm, and emphasizeci khat dhis would provicle a second exception as listed in the revised language, and only be used for road construetion projects. N%iayor Wilhite invited public camment; no comments were offered. vote by Acclanzalion: .In Favor: Unaninrous. Opposed: 1Vone. Abstentions: None. jVfotion curried 6 Propased KeSOluCion 05-025 Acaepting Street Dedication from Troy and '17enise H. ohbs - Carv L7riskell It was n:oved by .Dep:tty Mayor Aqw7sor1 arid seconded by Couricilnterrrber Denenmy, to approve Resolaitiar7 05-025 acceptiris the dedreatiori of reul properry in the aituched right-of-wuy cleed, crrrd airtlra•ize the City Mattuger or desigrree lo E.xectite atry docrrment necessary for the lransjer. T)eputy C;ity Attorney Driskell ex-plained that tbis resolution is neeessary a.s wre do not yet have a fonnalizecl proccss for accepting dedications of real prnperty for road pui-poses if the p.rolaerty to Ue dedicatcd is outside the boundaries of a final plat; chat staff is working on a draft ordinancs and prtroectures, but in the meantime, the rnatter needs to bc addressed for the finalization of a development; and dtat the only issue before Council is whcther to accept t:his property for road purposes. Mayor Wilhite invited puhlic comment; no eumments were offered. Deputy iMayor Munson suggested it would be helpful in the fut-Lire, to liave staff inelucie a map -so the area in question can be easily referenced. Vote by Acclanrntion: L2 Tc'rvor: Ununinrouc. Opposed: A'one. Ahstefatiotrs: Noite. Motion cnrried. 7. N1otion ConSideration: App 02-05 Findings. Conclusions a»d Decision Remandinp, Applicatinn to Hearing Examiner-Carv Iariskell It was irtuved by Cotoacilntember Denetrny rnid seconded by Cotnrcibrrenzber Tuylor, to approve the praposed Fiirdirig.s, Conclusiorrs anrd Decisiort remuncling the preli►ninary plut upplication back to llze Flearing Exrnrrinei• with irr,strtictions 1a recatrsider the m.atter. Ueputy City Attorney 17riskell gave a Urief bacl:ground of the subject. NIa}ror Wilhite annotmced that as this is a quasi juclicial matter, no public coininents will be takc:n. Vore by Acclantatiorl: l,i 1 uvar: Aliuyor T3'ilFrite, Caurzcilnrember's ,Sclaimrrlels, Taylor, Flunigtui, Derter2rry a»d DeVleming. Qpposed: Deputy Muyor Alurison. Abslentio►7s: A'orre. ATotion carried. 8. Vlotion Consideration: KighC-of-way Propertv Acquisit:ion Procedures, WSll0"C ARneement - Steve Worlev ' . lt was n7oved by Depuly Alaypr eViinson and secontled Gy Coanicilmember- Detrenity to approve the agreenie»t, authorize the City A1aiiager's or designee's signature t{rereoti , afad stipcdate such ugreenrent . is ta be effective Novenzber 23, 2005. Engineer Worley gave the background of this issue, and explained thal this is tied in with the just previously approvetl ordinance amending competitive bidding; and stated that these are standarcl, yct required agreements necessary any time we have right-of-way acyuisitions on federally funded projects. Mayor Wilhite invited public camment; no cotntttents were offered. Vote 6y Acclrnrrntion: In Tuvor: Unanimous. Opposed.' Alone. Absteritiats: tVorte. Motion carried 9. Motinn Corisideration: llavid Evans & ASSACiates ConsultantAereement- Steve Worlev It wus moved by Couficilnrember Taylor rnrd secoritled by CourJCibnember Flanigun, to autlrnrize the City iVfunuger or de.signee to execaste the Local Agency Standard Cor:sultant Agreement rntd Supplemencal ilgreemerrt,r wilh Duvid .T_%vans and Associures in the unrotcrit of $158,952 for the prelimirrary errgineering phuse, $60,605 for [he r•ight-of-ti,-cry phase, ancl $177,957 for tlre canstruetion phuse. Mayor Wilhite Council Vteeting: 11-15-05 Page 4 of 8 Approved by Council: Draft invited public comment; no com.ments were offered. Yote by Acclumalioir: In Favnr: Clilarrimous. Opjvsetl.- Afoyre. .9hslenliorzs: tVorie. Mr~tion carried. T'UBLIC COi i'NTS.Iv1ayor `Vilhite invited general public comments. Chuck Venscl, 14617 E 7°h Avenue: stated that there is a dangerous corner where the couplet rneets Dishmal Mica; saici Ch1t in the two Curning lanes that tralfic won't stop for anything, ancl he feels a light is needed ehat stays red to nive pedestriaris a chance to cross safely. . Tony J azanis: wants to fnd out about the wastewater tiacility; and he wantS to know what Council plans to do since we are paying 80% or more; that il is a big issue and he asked if ,ve were going to let the County build it and turn iC over to us within a year, or right away, or let the County.build it and own it; he said now we are paying $7.00 pr $8.00 more than the City of Spokane; and that this Council docsn't want the respnnsibility or doesn'i wvit to do something about it, or even talk about it. Ivlayor Wilhitc suggested to vir. Lazanis that this topic of coiiversation WOuld be a good discussion topic for those "Conversations tvikh the Community," which lends much better ro a conversation behveen citizens and council, rather than strictly public comments. AD'iN2INISTR4TIVE1 IZEPQRTS: 10. l;rnplovee Classification - \Tina Itegor Deputy Ciey Vlanager Regor explained the background of the deputy city attorney position and discussed the issues for consideratidn as per her Power.l?ni.nt presentatiort ancl November 15, 2005 RCA. lt was . mentionecl thaC should council support this re-classifeaCion, a resolution could be presented at the next council meeting, eithcr as a regular agenda item or on the consent agenda; and would bc efleerive upon approval. Councilmember Taylor voiced his support fbr the adjustment to agrade 18; and sungested perhaps in the future if the need arises, to consider having an entry le<<el attorney position. Deputy Mayor Ivtunson and CounciLnember DeVleming voiced their support of the re-classif eation; with Nta}ror Wilhite ' voicing a hesitaney to go from grade 16 ln 18, yet added that hesitancy is no reflection on the job abilities or job performance o{' iNlr. Driskell; but more on her not wanting co set precedent. Councilmember Flanioan suogested the grade wa,5 inilially likely too low. t1s there was nat iull council consensus on t:his issue, the resolution will be placed on the next agenda as a reaular agenda item rather than on the canscni agenda. 11. GvIA Steering Committee 1111.6105 MeetinQ - Sc.ott Kuhta/Mil:e Connclly Deputy Mayor Munson s[ated that there has bc;en ongoing dialobue benveen City Council and County Cornmissioneix about joint planning issues; anct that there is A new draft interlocal agreement dated 11- IS-45, and this agenda item is a briefing in preparat'ian for tomorrow's meeting; and tltat he seeks suggestions for ehanges, with the hope of reaching council consensus ronight on the doeument. Senior Planner K«}ita cxplainecl that many G1btA issues liave been previously discussed.al lcngth; that while wc are exunining the City's .Grst Comprehensivc Plan, the County is wrorking on their five-yEar plan upctate, which is scheduled for completion by the end of 2006. He said that as psrt of the County's five-year upclate, they must first update the population projecl•ion; then divide thal pnpulation betwcen all jurisdiceinns in the County; land capacity analysis must be completed to determine the amount of bui(clable land available in the varinus cities and in the county; and then if needed, to adjust urban groNvth bowiclaries and perform a capital facilities analysis to see how such new prajected growth can be supported. ivlr. Kuhra said that the joint planning agreerr►ent in the council packet is more specifiic to the `I'urtle Creek area; while the newly draftecl agreement council Pound tonight at the dais, is more generic anc1 is intended to cover all urban growth areits outside city Iimits. Ivlr. Kuhta saiti hvo questions to ~ consider tonight are: (1) councy wide population prnjects, whicli is the starting poiclt far all plannin~ thaT J. follows gnd the draft letter which ca.n be giveti at tomorrow's meeting; and (2) and that staff would like some direction concerning pursuing external groNv-tli bounclaries. Couneil Meeting: 11-15-05 Page 5 of 8 Approved by Council: Draft Council discussion ineluciecl the wa.stewater situatian with an increase population; the need to get these tdpies on the tablc for discussion by the steering committee members; cxpanding our city boundaries Uy ]ooking at contiguous UGAs thal curreritly exist; annexatian policies as a separate issue, and the Cil'y's versu5 lhc Co«nty's PUD regulations. It was Council consensus fer Mayor `VilhiCe to sign the draft letter submitted by Mr. Kuhta. iMayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:45 p.m., and eonvened the meeting at 7:55 p.m. DISCUSSION: Cowlcil Deliberation: '1"ranspnrtation Chapt:er of the iarafl: Comprehensive Plan 17eUuty City vlanager Regor mentioned that in recap of last nighYs meeting, some Councilmembers mentioned a need for a copy of the October 25 memos with the prnposed revisions to the arcerial streel map and the bike pedestrian map; and ihose new copies have now been rc-submitted; artd Xhat there is also a hOusekeeping memoratldum from Jaireetor Sul.-up that mentions if changes to the map ai-e made, diere will also need to be some changes to the appropriate text; and other minor changes for council consideration as per that niemorandum. Mayor Wilhite mentioned that Commissioner 13eaulac is also in attsndsnee tonight and ean spcak to several truck issuc,,s; and 4vith couneil urgicig, Mr. Beaulac addressed council concerning several truck routes and general truck issues. NIr. Beaulae stated that the main reason Sprague ancl rlppleway are truck routes is by the.tonnagc it carries; that the area will generate local truck traffic regardless; that h-ucks trying to quickly move past the cil:y will not use chal route anyway; and that the arca should hc dcsignatcd as a truck route to accommodate the local truck traffic. Discussion turned to the pros, cons, and reasons for such a dESignation, including the definilion oF "Iruek route." Councilmember DeVleming recapped lhat Iast , night's Council consensus was to cut out die flrgonne, secti4n to Sullivan section of Sprague ajid Appleway as the truck route. laeputy Mayor Munson said dhat council also heard fi•om a citizen last night who requested that Boone Avenue be recognized, and asked for clarification of that request. I7irector Sukup said the concern is that currently on the propased arterial road plans, Vlission eatends to the east as a proposed minpr arterisl; bui dleir proposal, Um-tuse Uiere is residential on bnth sides of mission, and beGause the old railrnad right-of- way is thcrc 4hat adjoins ]3oone; rather than going on iv9ission and hookiua lndiana with Mission as originally proposed by the developer, to rzther eYtencl lndiana over to Bonne and take advantage of that right-of-way on :l3oone whcre there is an additional right-of-way frorn the old railroad right-qf-way boing east, as that alternative would be less disniptive to the neigliborhood, which is the Greenacres area. In response to fuither discussion, Engineer Worley said that he attended the Greenacres conimunity meeting where diey discussed getting residents' ideas of what dley want to see; and die arterial was a large issue; thal one option wiis tp re-ciesignate the Boone right-o.f-way as the arterial rather than Nlissian for some of the reasans described above; that the option was discussed widi the staff traffic engineer; there is a problem in ternis of traffic flow in that intersection af Bitrker iuid Boone and the on and nff rtnp, anci where Catalclo comes into the same area; as when there are nurocrous roads coming in at one small area, the arca cnds up very congested. Mr. Worley said that WS.pOT (Washinjton Qepartment of Transportation) is also looking at what it will take to widen 1.90 from Sullivan to State [,,ine with aii adclitional lane each direction; and to do that at Barker will require a reconfiguration of the eiitire interehange as there is not ample rootn under the Existing bridge to accommodate an ex.isting lane, and the existing on and off rarnps do not meet current \'VSDpT standards, and the idea of keepina the same grid pattern which laas been set up diroughout the rest of the city in terms of the arterial nehyork, would be a - better way to deal with the major flow qf traffic through the city; and from a traffic perspective, Mission Cotlncil Meeting: 11-15-05 Pape 6 of8 Appraved by Council: Draft ~ Avenuc is the better place to coniinue to havc an arterial for that la.rge easUwest traffic fram the Greenacres area to the rnall. Mr. WArley alsn mentioned thiit there was discussion of [he connectiqn of Mission ta Tndianu Avenue west of Flora R.oaci, and that thcre is a road righc-of way which has been negotiated with the owners of that property; a sewer line was previously put in with the property owncrs in mind so tbere is already a road right-of way designated For that, although tlie road won't be built until the developer decides to develop that properly. Mr. «'orley added that there is also an abandoned railroad rigt►t-of-way adjacent to the Boone railroad right-of-way; all of the railroad righl-of way -vvest of Barker Road is incorporated into the railroacl right-of-way; but east of Barker Rnad the railroad risht-of-way is a separate parcel owned by Spokane Count}; and the Boone Road right-of-Nvay is public right-of-way; so there is some discrepancy in teiyns qf who o«ms what; and that the pedesla-ian bicycle plan that is being proposed, also looked at using that old railroaci right-of-way as t:hilt p1tI1' LO oet people in the Grcenaeres area to rlora and then onward north. Caimcilmember neVleming asked for council conscnsus nn ma.king a stronger push with the County to get the right-of-way agreement for ex.tending Appleway; and he brought up the continuing issue of Sprague and the portion thaC is one-way west of University, chat some members of the community fcft that issue remains undecidcd; and through public comments, hc has heard a clear sta[ement needs to be made of what Couneil's intensions are conceriiing whether to reverse Sprague back to a nv4-way; that several businesses wait for Council decision beFore ordering sions, itnd other busir►ess-related activities clealing with the issue; and asked if Council feels morc information is needecl, or if a letter should be sent to die Valley Chamber advising lhem of council cieeision. Deputy Mayor Munson said it was ag-eed at Iast stiimmer's retreat, t:haL• we would do an overlay study of Sprague and Appleway west of University to deterrnine how best to mQVe fonvard with rc-development; and Chal overlay sfudy rnight mal:e. the direction a moot issue as it «rould provitle a plan dhat woultl most effectively use the corridor; and until tlic shjdy is completed based on the nccessary inventory, there is inadequate information at this poine tn make a recommendation. Couneilmember Planitiin voiced his coricern over how rnueh time should lapse before a recornmendation is ►nade on that section; followed by Councilmember `I'aylor's comments that he would be amenable lo scheduling diseussion within the next few weeks. Deputy City Manager Rebnr mentioiled Uiac the valley corricior update is scheduled for the December 13 council agenda, and. that presentation of in_Cormation should be of assistance to council in their decision-making process. Councilmember Taylor added thaC when the altern.►lives were presentetl last year, hvo altematives were choscn 3s possibilities, anci iit that time, he feels the decision was made not to change Sprague west of University, back; amd that the rttatter at debate now is whetiier to take the area on Sprague east of University F►nd leave that as a cwo-way as Appleway is cYCended east. Taeputy vlayor vtunsotl said he felt the plan was to make the ro3ds fit the cpmpreliensive plan, and not malce the comprehensive plaii fit the ro3ds; whieh would be the affeet if such decisican were made now; Lhat Council agreed to work a re- dcvelopment zrea f'or auto row, a.nd tu hire a consulta.nt next year to tell us the best way to do tliat. It wa,5 also suggested iC pnssible, to niove the study up ta have it done sooner than currently sctieduleci. Tt was determineci this will be discusseci fiirther at the Deeember 13 council meeting. F,XLCUTNE SFSSTON: Pending i iti;;.ition . !t iva.r movecl by Mayor YYIIftIfE, seconded afid unurzinrously agreed upon to adjo2irir into &ecutive Sessioti for appr•vxinralely thirty minutes regcrrding penclitzg litigation; and tlrat aftenvards tdpon recotrvenirrg the ineEtirtg, a deci.sion muy be nrade. (;ouiicil adjourned into Erecutive Session at 8:41 p.m. Deputy vlayor Mtinson retumed to the meeting at 9:1 S p.rn. and announced thaT the Executive Session would be extended for approximately 15 minutes. vtayor Wilhite declared Council out of Erecutive Sessinn and reconvenecl the open meeting at 9:20 p.m. C~ . Council ,leetino: 11-15-05 Page 7 of 8 .Approved by CounciL• Draft Deputy City t\ttorney Driskell stated t}iat he received on Thursclay last wcek, a Mqtion fi•om t1ie City of Libert:y i,,ake to recnand to the 13nundary Review Board, the denial of dleir previous petiCion for 'annexation of that 644 acres layi.ng behA~cen the hvo cities. 1-le explained that Council options are to instruct staff- to clo nothing, nr to respond to the legal issues that werc presented to the City-of Liberty Ltikc. Deputy Mayor Muns4n stated thal we have always asked thst since the area is continuous to our borclers, that ehere be a significant area for joint planning; and if we do noe oppase this direct remand, then we would be unable to pursue that course o#' action; and therefore he recommended legal seaff preparc a response to the rnotion that for legal resource. Councilmember Flanigan saidtha[ we are loaking at an area that is continuous to our city, and that the area is the focus af a lairge amount of development, which would have their access and egress points directly out to Spoksne Valley; that Liberty Lak-e is looki.ng at aoneYing an area that will be using our infrastructw-e with no input frdm us on how to mtike that work for us; and tliat such deve]opment could result in a large loss of levels of service. I-[e stated that he feels joint planning is mandated and must be doiie to ensure that issue is resolved. Councilmember °1'aylor explained tihat he cloesn't see a pressing neecl that accessitatcs annexation of this• area; that Liberty Lakc has lo~s of undevelope.d land in its boundaries; and the need exists to tivor}: out the future of the are<-► through the joint planning process; he addecf thaC he doesn'l See an emergency or ncecl far lha[ to be arinexed to Liberty Lake, and that theee is an interest as is it contiguous to us and could become part of our city in the firture; and those issues neecl to be resoldecl. Councilmemher Flanigan further stated that it could be viewetl as skipping over a large section of , undevelopecl tanci to starl' a mini Liberty Lake eity, separate from the rnain entity, which is conteary to the GN1A purposc of infilll; that he is iiqt opposed to dewlopment, but it makes more sense for it to be part of our city; and he agreed there needs to be joint planning to resolve the issues. Coiancilrncmber Taylor also stF►ted that the development they are talking about is adjacent to the current development of ltiverwalk anct tias more in eommon witli tlie urban development we see in our City of Spokane Valley. City 1vlansger iVfercier askeci for a motion to provicle direction to legal skzff to oppose, i-emand, a• take other 3ctiott. It ivas moved by Depcdy "or Mcrosnn, .secandecl by Cazuicilmember Flanrgcur, trnrl ta7aninrozcsly ugreed to uisd7.rct staJf to oppose tlze rriotiori to rencand. There being no further business, it tinas nroved by Coinrcilmember Flanigan, secvnded by Cauricilmember 7'aylor, and t.nzanimously ugrEECI upon to utjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m. Diana Wilhite, vlayor A'I'1'ES 1': • Christine Bainbri<lge, City Clcrk Council Aqeeting: 11-15-05 PagG g 0 T8 Approved by Council: nzrNvTr.s City of Spokanc Valley City Council Sperial Meeting Centcnnial Middlc Sctiool ' 915 N. Flla Rd . 11'Ionday, \Tovember 28,2005 Pvlayor Wilhite called the meeling to order a[ 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the special meeting Attendutrce: City Slujj Diana Wilhite, Mayor Iaave Mercier, City iVlanager Ricl1 Munson, Deputy Mayor Nina Rcgor, l7epury City manager Dic;k llenenny, COuncilmember vfarina Sukup, Community Development Director Mike DeVleming, Councilmembee Greg N1cCormick, Planning Mariager Mike Flanigan, Cauncilmembcr Scott Kuhta, Senior Planncr Gary Schimmels, Councilme►nber Cttry Driskell, Deputy City ACtorney Ken Thompson, Finance L7irector Carolbelle $ranc}i, Public Information Officer "Bing" Bingaman; 1`I' Specialist . Absenf: Dealina Griffith, Administrative Assistan[ . Steve '1"aylor, Councilmember Others: ApproYimately 6 citizens ItULL CALL: Deanna Gri.[fith called roll; all Councilmembers werc present except Councilmember . Taylor. ' ~J YUBL[C HEAI2ING: vlayor Wilhite opened the public hearing at 6:04 p.m. for cornments on the Draft . Comprehensive Plan, and invited public comment. Gail StilYner, 1.0119 E. 44"'. Ms. Stiltner lives in dhe Poriderosa area, where 5he statcd lhere is a battle over dcvelopment that should not hc occurring. She implored the Gouncil to help the pcople of the Ponderosa neighborhood «rork out the problems they are etperiencing in lheir area. There is no rcasan thc areEt ever should have been zonecl UK-7. Thcy want to support developmcnC but not at thc eYpense of safety and/qr wildlife; dhat tkie County failed the neighbors, and the ncighbors want the cit}' to support them in their battle to save their araa. Seorr 1Cu1rta, City Planning Slaff: 5tated thak he received an emait from Alice I-toffst:eader supporting a good bike plan. No other correspondenee has been submitted since the last meeting. 'I"wo questions were raised; ctid we get a considerable input from dcveldpers on the land use cliapcer of die comp plan? Wc had some letters, some visits to the officc but not an overwhelming amoimt. Were there any hearings Ueld during the daytime? No, there had not been any daytime public hearings. As there were no others who wislted to testify, Vlayor Wilhite closed the Public Hearing at 6:11 pm. nE:LIf3EFtATIO\': Comprehensive Plan Transportation A'I:aps: Two transportation maps were recommendecl for change by the Public Works Department: die Arcerial Street Plan and tltc Bike and Pedestrian Faciliries Maps. The Council reviewed the changes to tlie Maps anci the changes listed in the memo Af 10-25-05 from V Special Counci] Ivieeting Minutes: 1 1-14-US p1gz I of2 Approved by C4uncil: Direetor Kersten. It was moved ancl secaictecl to uclopt the cltartges to the .Arterial Street Map trrrd the ~ Bike aird Pedeslriuiz Fut•ilities e1fa1y trs .suggested by tJte I'trblic Works Departntertt. 17o1e ivus r.aztnaintous. Comprehensive Pl:in Lancl Use Chapte.r: Discussion and Dclibcration. Council started with goal T.iJG-1 and finished for the evening with LUY-4.11; discussing same and not discussing'others wliere they had no comment'S 6r Suggestecl chatiges. Council chose not to make viy changes to several goals and policies, and dierefore, only those goals and policies (LUG-1 to LUP-4.11) with recocnmended changes are notecl below. LUP-I.1, add the words - and joint plan►ling- to the end of dhe policy LUIa-1.2, add the wards `and joint planning' to the end of dhe policy Stall' will bring forwlyd a policy for addition that will address joint planning with other agencies, the private sector, and otlier jurisdictions. Ivtovc T.,UP-1.6 to the la,at policy under Goal LUG-2. Council feels it addresses Goal 2 better. LUP-1.7, ehange the words `watcr course' to `hodies of water' LUG-2,'ehange the worcl Provide to Encourage LUP-2.2, adtl the scntence rncourage variations in f'acades and rooflines to add charactcr arxl interest to multi-family dcvelopments. . LUP-2.4, remove last sentcnce from policy. Strike policy T_UP-4.5 ' T UP-4.1 I, cbarioc to rcad `May provide incentive to encoursgc developcrs to inalude housing in mixed- use projects." Council stopped deliberations at LUP-4.11 and will continue at the next rrieeting. It was suggcstccl councilmembers take this opportunity fnr further review of the Utilities chapter for deliberation after T,and Use. There being no i'urther busincss, i[ was movetl, seconded, and unitnimously ac,freed to adjourn. 'fhe meeting adjoumed at 8:47 p.m. Diana Wilhite, Viayor ' A'I7ES"1": . Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk . . ~ Special Council Meetirig Minutes: 11-14-OS Page 2 of2 Approved by Coiencil: Draft M INUTE S City of $pokanc Valley . City Cuuncil Speeial ivIeeting . Tuesday, November 29 2005 vlayor Wilhite called the meetuig ta order at 6:00 p.m., ajid welcomed everyone to the 780 meeting Attendatrce: ' ciry srafJ l7iana Wilhite, Mayor Dave Vlercier, City Manaber R.ich Munson, nepuCy Mayor Nina Regor, Deputy City v(anager Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Attorney Mike UeVlemina Councilmembcr Ken Thompson, Finance Director Ntike Flanigan, Councilmember Mike Jackson, Parks &Recreation Director . Gary Schimmels, Cauncilmember Tom Scholtens, Building Official Steve Taplor, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public 1'Vorks Director Morgan Koudclkct, Ad.ministeative Analyst . Greg McConnick, Planning Manager Scott Kuhfa, Senior Pla.nner "Bing" Greg T3ingama.n, 1T Special.ist Ctiris Bainbridge, City Clerk 1NVOCA'IlON: Councilmember Taylor gave tli e invoctilion. PLEDGE QF ALLEGIANCF: Mayor Wilhit:e led the Pledgc of Allegiwice. ROLL CAT.,L: City Clerk Bainbridge callcd roll; all Councilmembers were present. , APPROVAL OF AGF\77A: It u~as mored hy Cor.arcilntenrber Tuylar, seconded by Deputy 1Lluyur 111ur7son, (ind ierranimotcslv ugreecl upo» tra'upprove tlre revised ager7da us subniitted. I~i'['RODUCTION OF SI'CCIAL GITESTS A\9) PRESENTATIONS COM1111TTEr, ROA1W, LIAiSON SUNill-iARY lZEPURTS Cuunciliiiemkier Schimmels: reported tliat he is a Consolidated Irrigation NVater 17istrict Tioarcl meniber, and that they have been and continue to chlorinate xhe system on the south side from Liberty i,ake tn Pines Road, as that is a pennanent feature in che water system. Deputy iVlavor Munson: said tliat he attended a League of Women Voter's luncheon today where t}lcy cliscussed issues acidressed by the various rntinicipalities. Councilmcmlier Flanigan: cYplained that LhE Hotel/vlotel Committee mec ttivice and has unanimously forenulated its recqmmendation for grant awards, which will be comino forward at the December 6 meeting. Councilmember Denennv: stated Chat there was a full group meeting for those associated with I"MDI:.JUAt1 (total tnxxi.mum daily loacVuse attainrtbility analysis); and that the dischargers' arid t:he Sierra Club proposals wcre presented to the Deparcment of rcology, which proposals will dien be reviewed to deCermined if [hey can nrovide permits for new diseharge and for expansions; and that tornorrow night at Centerplace at 5:30 p.m. will be a meeting to discuss the issue of phosphorus in things such as dishwater deter3ents and fertiliT~ers. Councilmember DeVleming: mentioned that the Christmas tree is up and the official lighting is set for necernber l. . Council ,blceting: I 1-29-OS . 1'age 1 of 7 Approved by Council: . laraft iViAY0WS REPORT: Mayor Wilhite reported that she attended the.League of Women Voters meeting; and the WnteUMotel Comrnitfee mcetins; and that she gave a presentatian beFnre the Inland Northwest Coalition regarding capital projects as the City of Spokane examines going to the legislaturc for funcling far a children's park at Maribeau Polint; and that she also spoke widi Representativc I.,ynn Schindler and will be ialking with other legislatures regardinb seeking funding for that park; that she attended the name change ceremony fnr the Spokane Valley Post Office; and the GMA Steering Committ:ee mceting. I'UBLIC CUNIMENTS Mayor 1Vilhite invited public cornment; no comments were offerecl. l. PiTIiLTC AEARING: Appeal APP 04-05 -Mike Connellv MayorWilhite opened the public hearing at 6:13 p.m., and invited City Attorney Connelly to the padium. Attorney Connelly esplained that this is an opportunity for Council to coctsider this quasi judicial matter, which is an appeal which was fileci by a neighbor oNvning property adjacettt to the development under consideration. v1r. Connelly went over the history of the issue; that the project was approved by the Heitring E»niner, which was appealed by the appellant; the develnper filed a motion to dismiss the ►natter on the technical csrounds that the appeal did not contain specific allegations of error; that Council upheld that motion and granted the mption to dismiss the appeal on technical grounds; the mattcr was then appealed to the Superior Coun; that prior to hearing the rnatter in Superior Court, the parties agreeci to dismiss the appeal with the understanding tihat lhey would remand the matter to the Council for a Full hearing on tlic merits oE the appeal filed by die appellarrt. Attorney Connelly stated that tpnight'.s procedure is governed by Spokane Vallcy Ordintince provision 1035.150; that we do noC have specific council proccdures to be used at this hearing and are simply following the general guideliries in the ordinance; that specifiic proccclures were adopted subsequent to this matter and will not be follovved for purposes of this appeal. Attorney Connelly reminded Council diat this is closed rec_ard appeal and there , will be no contributions to the hearing other than that &am the parties involved in the appeal. W. ~ ConneUy said that the decision of the Hearing Examiner is nresumed eonect and supported by the record anci the law; and die appeUant a,sks Counci] io Fincl that the decision was not supportecl by evidence presented, the rccord, or by the law. Mr. Connelly furkhcr e.rplained that the parties will have an opportunity to present their argument but may not present new evidence; and at the close nf this hearing, Council can affirrn the Hearing Examiner decision, reverse or dcny the decision, or remand the rnatter back to the Hearing Lxaminer for furkher eonsideration; and if Cauncil cloes rcversE or remand the matter to the Heuing Examiner, Council must make fmdings that the record and the law does not support the Hearing Exami.ner decision. Regarding a procedural maller, Atxomey Connelly pointed out that the tab for Section VI of the appesl riotebook is mis-placed aiid should ba locat:ed all the way at the end of the booklet immeciialely befnre the brief filed by the developer; and that the index. mentions the inclusion nf Sectioo 1V which instead should bc See.tion VI. Additionally, Attorncy Connelly said that the last pagc in the Appeal iNotebook is a handwritten docutnent which is a Request for a Continuance by the appellant; and the adciition to the record is a memorandum which was filed by IIilleri Viljanen jusC before closing t:oday, ci copy of whicli has been proviclecf to each councilinember. Regarciing the conti.nuance reque,st, iVLr. Cannelly recommended dlat Couneil f.rsl (isten to the party rcqucsting the continuance; after which the opposi.ng ptirey should have an opportunity to respond; that Council should then make a decision on the continuancc, anc3 if that decision is denied, Couneil Would then proceed with the hearing giving the Appellant the firsl opportunity to speak, followec1 by the npposing party, and then rebuttals by each party if necessary. At that point; Mr. Cnnnelly explained fhat Council can continue the matter for decision purpnses, or deliberate tonight in open session or in rxecutive Session; adding that time has been set aside for Council consideratian on this matter agaio in two weeks. Hilleri Viliancn: Itegarding the Vlotion for Continuance, she stated that she is not properly prepared due to a timelinc, illness, and other factors inclucling the Thanksgiving holiday where she could not properly " approacli attorncys and others she needed to talk ta; arid she therefore askcd for a one month corrtinuance to give her time to get proper counsel; that she has had some c•ounscl but nat to the end; that she feels the Cotuici] Meeting: 11-29-OS Page 2 of ? . Approved by Council: 17rafi: matter importarit enough that s}ie necds proper counsel in order Co have her vie'kvpoint properly presented; and that this matter has long range consequences iFallowed to continue. . Attornev Cnnnellv: stated tbaE the notice for this hearing was .mailed to all parties including Ms. Viljanen, November 10, 2005; and was published in the in local newspaper November 11, 18, and 25 of 2005. [n i-esponse to Council inquiry, Mr. Connelly coitfirtnetl tfial no new fACts or evidence may be presented unless t}ierc are esceptional circurnstances which neither Council nor sta .ff has tiot been apprised of existing; and the only thing that can be provided ro Council is eiXher written or oral argunient, to argue whether the record and the law supports the decision made. F.T. Dullanty, Jr.: said he spcaks on behalf of the applicants; tha[ they originally stipulat:ed Co a clismissal on the basis tltat it seemed more expeditious to allow Ms. Vitjanen hcr clay in court on the merits of this macter and to quickly get a hearing to satisfy all concerns on this matter; that they object to a continuance on the basis chat it is extremety eapensive for developers to hold properly as they have moncy ancl loans tied up all with no basis to re-coup that unless there is the opportuniCy to move fonvard. Mr. DuIlanty stated that Ms. Vilja.nen is familiar with the case; they supplied written c3rgument as required on Novembei• 21, arid Ms. Viljanen just served her brief about an hour ago anci tvhile he has had an apportunity to go over it, he has noe had the opp4i-tunity to review the docuinent in detail; but the brief is well written and cherefore appears she does not need additional preparation time; that she had counsel prior to today and he is not clear why counsel is not here today; that there is no reason for a cJelay as it will nqt scrve justice; and will not add anythinb tn Council's laiowledge of the case nor will it add anything to the record; anci he feels both parties are prepareci t:o go forivard and thereforc he tisl:s Council t4 deny the motion and proceed to hold the hearing. Cuuncil discassion: Councilmember Flanigan said tliat the brief appears to be well clone; tha[ there can be no new facts; that this was originally being taken to Superior Court so they must have been preparing for that in the ineerim; and that he feels in the interest of.justice, the coutinuance should be denied; the person «<ho owns the property needs to k.now the oufcome; and Cvuncil cannot forcibly sit on that invEStinent widiout rendering a decision. It ivas movecl by Coamcilirrember Deneniry ur:d seconded by Depury A9ayvr Minuori to der:y the cotr[inuwTCe. Vote by Acclamatiai: In Favor.• Urrrntirnous. 4ppvsed: Arane. Abstentions: None. Mocion carried and cantinuanec denied. Hilleri Vilianeu: stated that she is not totally prepared tu araue this case on her own; the oppanent has an attorney, and she feels she should have the same representation as she's being denied due process. She stated that dhis appeal is being considered under SVMC 1035.150 as it existctl prinr to amendment; which became effective July 6, 2005; that this was after the appeal was first engendered. She said the applicability to today is not sppropriaee; there is an interirn plan whieh she feels should bc respet;ted; that the planning was r3ggressive and too early in allowing this type of zoning dcnsity, wiiich she stated is the ke_y problem-a zoning density tno high; that it was allowed hcfore tllere was time to look aC the process; and she requests that the clensit), be lowered to a more appropriate density ar maybe a PUD with sorne . green spaca and maybe some park space IeR rather thvi just houses; t.haC 16 houses in a small arca cloesn't acld up for 2.16 acres. She fiurther explained that the $3 •r.oning added to that problem as well to i1R-22; that chapter riA~o ot' the vIv-ch 2003 Valley adopted Compi-ehensivc Plan state.s that the policies in this chapter st.rive tn improve quality of li_fe, provide opportunities.Cor innovative approaehGS to land use, and protect the communily character. She statecl that she has expressecl this before to Council and to the planning people. She continued reading and paraphrasing from her submitted brief. She added that she does not seek minimum standards but wants appropriate standards such as moderate or higher; and that the proposal intcntls co. place 16 residential dNvellings in the rnidst oP a historical UR 3-5 cnne; and that represents over-crowding land and the resiclential quality of lifc previously existinj in the neighborhood. E.F. llullantv, ,fr.: statecl that he is here tortight at the request of Progress Property, tlic owner/applicant in tbis matt'er; that by application they requested a zone change on two different zones, cltatlging UR 3-5 to a UR 7 lo allow a slightly higher density; aud the other was changing Ii3 to be dowu zoned from Cauncil Meetins: 11-29-05 Page 3 of 7 Approved by Council: Draft cornmercial to iJR-22; that both zones complictl with the Comprchensive Plan poals and policies; the result was an application f4r 16 units on 2.8 acres; and they received approval for 15 units. Mr. Dullanty stated that the allowecl density in a UR 7 zone is siY units per acre; and for a iJlt 22 is 22 acres per acre; tliat both designations comply with the existing designation on the Comprehensive Plan; that there is a nct density on the UR 7 of only 5.85 tmits which is clearly below the allowed six units; wid on the L)R 22, thcy are substam:ially bclow; that the applicant vested his rights on the prepertiy thraugh the khen existing adopted interim plan, which -vvas Spokane County's Comprehensive Plsn. We stated that ihe Plari is a guide Whereas the ZoninD Code is desiganed lo irnplement the guide and is specific on what can aiid cannot be done regarding land use regulations. Mr. Dullanty stated that should a conflict arise bctween the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code, that State law states that the loning Cvde prevails. I-Ie stated tbat he feels tlaere is no conflici and that the Hearing Examiner was eorrect in his findings; use issues and density issues -vvere all deatt with at the adoption of the Comprehensive Pla.n level. M:r. L7ullanty brouglrt attentinn to page 59 of the record -vvhich marks the beginninj of the staff'report; which report states the process in an3lyring this project lo ensure compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the %oning Cqde; that staff analyzed each ooal ancl made appropriate recommendation based upon analysis; it was then submitted to the Hearing Examiner for a public lieari.ng; the applicant had an opporlunity thcn to hrina in aclciitional evidence into the record as to whether one would agree wit}i the application or not, aiid the reasons dierefpre; and t}iat iNIs. Viljanen parcicipated extensively at that proccss. Aficr furt.her crplaini.n~ the process, Ivlr. I7ullanty stated that his clietit met cach and every criteria in die adoption of the 2oning code and of the comprehensive plan and has complied with all requests. He continued that Ms. Viljanen's appea) objectcd to traffie and air quality, which are SEPA issues and that the Hearing Ex<<mi.ner made a sUecific finding that there was not a SFPA appeal; chere was a traffic study made and submitted to dekermine there were no impacts; as mentioned in the record. He stated thai Ms. Viljanen has failecl to meet the burden of proof showiiig the Hearing E:caniner's decision was not correct; and he thcrefore asks Council to dismiss the appeal and allow the project to go fonvard. ililleri Vilianen: in rebuttal, Ms. Viljanen stated that there is over-7oning i.n tlensily in that v-ea; and if necessvy, she will appeal again as she has 14 days to appeal; that she will not allow that density to no forward; and furtiher sug3est5 that a f'UI7 might be the best possible solution; lhat she is available to mediate if diey desire as shc prefers thal as a means to come to an amicable conclusion; she asserted that the 20-yet3r Comprehensive Plan prevails over 7oning; and suggesCed placing a moratorium on that area of 2.16 acres if rieeded ur►til the praper platl can be developed; she mentioned Chat a traffc engineer study is subjeclive at best, and she requests Counail looh at this issue carefully; and tliat she originally talkecl wich parks and Recreation Director Mike Jackson to have a mini park and a community center therc for everybody's use, and nqt have eongested housin€. . E.F. Dullanty: he added thac they hAd origi.nally asked for a PUD; and a PU17 Nvould have allowetl sixtce;n units, bue chcy were granted fifteen; but the regulatipns c1o not allow a PUD in that area, at least not at the time of the application; ancl regarciing a moratorium or a hold-off unCil the new plan is completc; that t:here are rules to use to adopt a moratorium and this cfoes not fit the condition for such; and Lhat Ihe applicant hiis a vested right to have the applicalion considered at the time sucb applicatinn is made, so a moraturiurn woulcl not be applicable. I J%!Iavor Wilhite closed the nublic hearinQ at 7•00 p m There was then a majority opinion from Council to tnovc forward on chis matter tonight, rather than delibertite at a later date. f)eputy Mayor Munson said he (tas not scen evidence ta reverse the I•teari.ng Esaminer's fnciings. If was nrovetl by Courlcilmember DeVlenung atzd seca7rded by .Deputy j1lcryor Munsori to deny the appeal. After brief Council disc•ussion, the vote was taken by accJarliation: In Fu+,or•: Uitartimous. Opposea': 1\rone. Absterrtinns: None. .1tlotion carriccl. Cauncil dien directed staff to prepare finalized Findings and Order for a future meetinol. ~ - 2. PUBLIC HEARTNG: Pronosed Flmended 2005 Budeet - Ken Thompson Mayor Wilhite opened the public hearing at 7:08 p.m. and invited Director Thompson to explain the issue. Finance Director Thompson cx_plainetl the proposed amendments [a the 2005 laudget as outlined in Cotimcil Meeiing: 11-29-05 Page 4 of 7 Approved by Cou.ncil: Draft his Request for Council Action form; and mentioned the l•ypographical error that $560,000 shnuld be S580,000. Msyor 1Vilhite invited publie commetit; no com.ments were pffered a.nd Mayor Wilhite closecl the public heziring at 7: 10 p.m. 3. YlMLTC HEA1tTNG: Parks & Recreation 1blasterPlan - iYlike .lackson Mayor Wilhite opened the public hearing at 7;11 p.m., and i.nvited Director Jaekson ea give an oveivicw of the Plan. Parks and Recreation Director Jackson brietly discussed the plan; and mentioned that notice for this public heiring was publishcd on hwro occasions; tha[ Draft Plan copies are available at CityHall, CenterPlace, the l.:ibrary, arid on the website', aclding that eventual adoption will provide direction and ouidance for the future, and in some cases, will provide for a rangc of aptions. In response to Council question, Mr. Jackson said dhat the old University F-Iig}t School building was not consideeed; and that while a skate park is part of the 1'lan, the location has yet to be determinect. Mayor Wilhite invited public camrnent. . I3i11 Gothmann. 10010 L 40: said that he Fiad the chance to read thc Plan, and was impressed as it prnvides an excellent outline; that he compliments IvTIG as they provided 23 different sources nFfunds to fund the propnsed capital projects. vlary Pollard, 17216 E. Baldwi.n tlvenue: stated ttiat she is thrilled with the amount of hard work that went into that Plun; that Nlorth Greenacres is interested in a central wall:able cornmunity park as they are • geographically isolated; thitC Barker Centcr is too far; slle suggestccl a 30-acre park for the general area woulcl stTess a neighborhood piu-k. She also mcntioned there is a need for a more concerted plan for tree planting, such as Adopt-A-'I"ree, or nthcr incentives to get trees planted for the parhs and other areas. Kurt Parker, 1816 N Greenacres Road: said tmder the Nbrth Grcenaeres iUea, dhat the l3arker Road site would noc be easily accessible; uncier the Greenacres Community Park, that sports felds are not the same as-parks; and he woulcl rather see sports ficlds elsewhere in a larger area, perhaps in an industrial area. Mayor Wilhite invited further public comment; no further comments were offered and Miiyor 1'Vilhite closed the public heari.ng at 7: 22 p.m. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Consists of it'ems considered routine which are approved as a group. A Cduncilmember may remove ~ui item from the Consent Agenda to be eonsidered separatcly. a. Following claim vouchc.rs: VOUCHER LIST VOUC1-ir,ft 1 O`1'AL VOUCHER UA'I"~ • Numher s AMOUNT 11-14-2005 8007 - 8051 1,378,070.66 Gl2AND TOTAL 1,378 070.66 b. Payroll for Pay Period Ending November 15, 2005, in the amount of $140,002.04 11 wus rnvved bv Cnurrcilmember 74lor, secondetl, ar2d unanimnusly trgraed to approve 1JrE Consent Agertda. vlayor Wilhite callecl for a short recess a1: 7:25 p.m.; and reconvened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. NE`V l3USINESS . 5. Second Reaclins T'roposed Qrdinance 05-030 Excess PropertY '1'aa [ncre,asc - Ken ThompSOtt After City Clerk l3ainbridge reacl the ordinance title, it was moved by Depirty 1Vlcryor Munsai aird secorrded Gy Cour:cibnember Flunigun !o upprave Ordinunce 05-030 cotrfirmirig the city's desire ta levy the 1% increuse in property tax for 2006 ns authorized uncler R'a,shington lu+v. ]7irector Thompson explained that dhere is a need to docuinent the desire to increase the l% as per the law; tliat it won't change taxes for 2006, but does put us in position in 2007 to levy the 1% more than what was levicd in Council Ivieeting: 11 -29-OS Page 5 of 7 Approved by Council: Draft .2006. Mr. Thompson also mencionecl that a rninor ehange was made in the rceitals of the ordinance, as it was felt the ewo adclitional "whereas" clauses were superfluous and were thus removed. vlayor VI'ilhite inviCecl public eomment. \~o comments were offered. vote hy Acclanialian, In Fuvor: Ununinrous. Opposed.• Norre. Abslentiuns: iVone. Motron carried. 6. First Readinp, Proposed Ordinance 05-032 A.mcnding 2005 Budget - Ken Thompson City Clerk Bainbridge reacl the ordinance title, wid 17ireetor Thompson merrtioned the Montgomery Avenue Rehabilitation Street Project i►mnunt of $580 is correct in the ardinance. It. was moved by Cotorcilrneirrber Iaylur and seconded by Coamciltnerriber UeVleming ta szispend the rules and approve Ordinance 05-032. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offerecl. Vote hy Acclamntion: !ri Fcrvur: lJnuaimates. Opposed: Notte. Absteratians: tVonc. Motiotr ccrrrred. 7. First Reactini: Proposed Qrdinance 05-033 Amending -Sfxeet Declieatiqn -\'eil Kersten After Ciry Clerk Ci3inbridge reacl the ordinanae title, it x~a.r mnved hy Ueputy Mayvr Aqunson und secnnded by Couricilmen:ber DeVleming, to advafrce Upditaarrce 05-033 lu a secantl rEUtling, us umended rioting the choice of alterf7ate one; and that such resolution could be placed on a consent agenda. After Public V1'orF:s Director KersCen explaincd the issue, thst the City does not yet have a fornializect process fnr aecepting dedication of real property for road purposes if the propert:y to bc dedicated is outside the boundaries of a final plat, vlayor Wilhite invited public comment. \io comments were offered. Uvte by Acclunzcrtiorr: In Favor: Umarinrnrrs. Opposed: None. Abster:tiatzs: tNfvne. Motion curried. S. First R.cading Propqsed Ordinance 05-034 Amending SVNfC 10.10.040 Stormwater Utility - Ken Thompson City Clerk Bainbridge rend the ordinance title. It was muved by Deptity Mcrva• 1tfunson tind seconded to ,suspend the rr4les aird pnss Orclinance 05-034. Director Thompson explaitied that this is simply a heusekeeping issue; tlhat the annual stornnvater fee is stated in the Master Fee Schedule, wiCh reference Yo that schedule in the Ordinance; rather than have the fee amount stated in the ordinance. Mayor'VJilhite ~ invited public comment. Dick. Behm, 3626 S Ridgeview Drive: voiced his concern about pushing this through toniaht, and would prefer to hear more discussion on how the fccs are used. Mr. Thornpson clarified that this ordinance changc simply takes the fee previously referenced, and places it in ille fee resolution; and added that VIr. Behm's previous cnncerns about the stormwater fees NvilJ be responded to by the State Auditor's nffice. YolE byAcc•lumution: Tii Fuvor.• Unanimous. Opposed.• iVoyre. Abstentions: Na»e. Motion crnried. _ . Pro osed Resolution 05-026 1'osition R.eclassifcatipn -Nina ]ie JUr It ►+1u.s maved by Counc.iliner»ber Flrntigrn: and secoiuled, to approve Kesolution 05-206. L7eputy Cit}° A71nager Regor explained the proposed reclassificatiqn according to her November 29, 2005 Request for Council Action fonn; and added that this is a senior level altorney position on the classification matrix; anc1 if';in adclitional atforney were to be hired, tllat would likely result in a proposed ently-level position. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; ❑o r;omments werc uffered. A.fter brief.'discussion, Council voted by Acclurnation: Irt Tavor: Deputy Mayor jV1unson, arrd Cocnicilmembers Sclrintntels, Taylor, FIQ)IIgQ71, Denennry, aird DeVlernin~g. Opposed: Mcryor tiVillrite. Abstentiaias: Nane. 11,16cion cWrried. 10.Motion Consideration: Milwaukee Railmad right-of-way Phase I Lnvironmental Assess►nent-veil Kersten It was mvved by Deputy Mavor Aqunsorz uncl sECanded to tlirect s1u,~'J'to proceecl with the perjarnurnce of cr 1'liase I Erzvironnrenlul AssESSment ojllre Oltl jYli!►vaukee Ruib•pad Right-c~f-wrry. Public Wqrks Director K.ersten eYplained that although the County has no concerns with the area, staff feels it -vvould be prudent and tlierefnre recommends an envirCnmental assessment be completed as cJeseribed in che November 7 memnrandum from Neil Kersten and Steve Worley. Mr. Kersten siatecl that there is a three to si.x monihs - projected timeline from sLart to report back to council; that the assessment will cosi approximately $15,000 lo $20;000, so the City Vlanager could sign a contraet and get the proeess started. After brief cOuncil discussion on the possibilities connected with the arGa, vlayor `Vilhite invited publie comment. Council Meetina: I I-29-OS Page 6 of 7 Approved by Council: llraft No comment,s were offered. Yote by Accltr»uitian: Cri Favor: Unartintous. ppposed: lNlone. Absterrtions: None. Motiori carried. PUEi:I'.,iC CONI1VfEN`rS: Mayor Wilhice invited public eomments; no comments were offered: AniVT_rNISTRA?TVF REPUI2TS: 11. Spokane Countv Full Gost Allocation Plan - Morgan Koudelka Adminiscrative Analyst Koudelka went through his Pawer.Point presentation to eYplain the issuc of Spokane County's Full Cost Allocalion Ylan and how it could affect our service agreerncnt with the CounCy. Councilmember Flanigan voiced h.is continued concerns that Spokane Valley cirizens are also County citii,cns and pay for county services, and that he wrouild like to know exactly what are we paying fer in ternis of our taxes. Mr. Koudelka mentioned diat thc County will stay with lhe ciurent plan for now; and Deputy Mayor Mtmson suggested we begin to plan and cost our the capital rcquirements to be a full-service city just in case this cannot be resolved. Mr. Y'Iercier added that th.i5 is only a recently revcaled eoncept and we are still working to determine how totally developed the process is. • ! 1 a. Communication Grant - Cal Walker It was mentioned that this addcd it:em is really an information only item ancl will be discussed at an upcoming cnuncil meetin;. DISCUSSTON: Council Deliberadon: Draft Comnrehensive Plan J and Use and/or Utilities ChaRter ' In tlle interest of time, it was Council consensus to postPone diis discussion Co another date. Council then briefly discussed upcoming meetings, and it was suggested thal Cnuncilmembers e-mail meetings date prc.ferences and/or conflieCS to Mayor Wilhite. 1Vlayor Wilhite also mentioned the _ upcoining Comprehensive Plan publ.ic hearing set for Taeccmber 12 at CenterPlace. !t tivas irtoved hy Cora3cilnien:ber Fltrnigari, secondecl, and unc'i.niniously agreed to crcljaurrT. '1°he meeting adjourncd ae 8:42 p.m. Diana WilhiCe, ildayor ATTEST: Christinc Bsinbridge, Ci .ty Clerl: Council Meeting: 11-29-05 Page 7 oE7 Approved by Couneil: Draft 1'IIN'UTF,S C_T.l Y Ol± SPOKANE VA.LLEY S'CUDY S:F:SSTQN Tucsday, llecember G, 2005, 6:00 p.m. Attcridancc: Councilmembers: Staff: lliana Wilhite, Mayor Nina fZeQor, lleputy City Manager Dick .Denenny, COuncilmember Mike Connel(y; City tlttorney Mike hlanitan, Cotincilmernber Neil Kersten, Public Works Director - Taick Dencnny, Councilmember Ivlike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Di.rector Steve Taylor, Councilmember Ken 1'homlason, Finance Director Tom Sclioltens, Building Ot'ficial Aliserrt: Cal Walker, Vfarina, Steve Worley Ueputy Mayor viunson Councilmember Mike I7eVleming Councilmember Gary Schimmels Mayor Wilhite callcd ttie mcetirig to arder at 6:00 p.m., and welcomecl xll in attendance. Einployee Inb•oduclions.• Public Works Director K.ersten inlroduced Tim Kfein, Maintenance SuperinCendent; who was then greeted by mernbers of Council. It wtrs moved by Cowicilntember Denenrry, seconded by Councilmeinber 1'aylor, und imruiiniously ugreed to exctise Deputy iLfcryor 1Viaisort, (rnd Coirncibrlenrbers DeYlemirrg tnrcl Sc/tinrmels fi•onr toltigJrt's C) irleetirzg. 1. Wa. Econamic 1aevreloprnent F'inanc;e Authority Itevenue Bond Prop-ram - Mike Connelly for Dave Mercier City ACtarney Connelly explained that the Washington Fconomic Development Pinance .Aut.hority (VJEllrA) has taken official action to issue non-resQUrce economic bonds for a specific business here in the valley; thaC a step they go ttirough as part of their requi.rements is to get eoncurrence frqm the local commur►ity to deterniine if such ctevelopment is weleomed by City; that they asked for a resolution that states we atree wit:h the action and clan't qbject to the placement of the business within the ciiy's jurisdiction; that he had concerns about dle .financial responsibility and inquired of I3ond Ati:orney YTike Ornisby who concurrecl dhat this action would not obligate the City tn havc any finarieial responsibiJity for the bond, but mere]y states we have no objection. Mr. Connelly then introduced Jonatlian Hayes, NVEDFA Executive Direc.tor, and Phillip 13rook, General T..cgal Counsel for the owner of the project, Four-Corners, .LLC. Ibir. Iiayes and Broo(: diseussed the backgrotmd of the proposal, lhat they are required by E3oard policy t:o ask thc local jurisdiction if this project wOuld be a weleome project; that Four-Corners Capitsl 1 LC owns the site and entered into a lease agreemcric at the site with Pristina Pine; thaC the bonds arc fiill_y backed by General Electric Capital; and that the compziny makes paMs out of woocl for winclows. A.fter brief council cliscussion, it was Council consensus to place this item on the next council consent agenda for cnuncil approval. 2. Lod Tina Tax Advisorv Cornmittee Grant TZecommenda[ions - Councilmember Flani aii Couticilmembcr Flaniaan and Liz Beck gave a brief averview of the structure, funclion and purpose of the l..odeing Tar Advisory Committec, adding diat the stnicture is determined under state law. Councilmember }'lnn.igan statcd that the commitcee inet three times to review the proposals to determine how best to tneet funding request•s; that chere was much discussion bef'ore the committce membcrs camc to eonelusion; and that the,5e eommittee recommendations are then presented eo (:.ouncil for approval. 3tucly Scssion vlinutes; 12-06-05 Ptge ! of4 Approvec! by Council; Draft There was brief discussion concerning the cntities and their requests and proposals. Councilmember T'lanigan ac(ded that the $20,000 request for Center.Place could be raised up to $40,000 if funds are - 'availsble after all allocated a►nounts have been detei7nined. Because other absent coUmcilmembers may want to comrnent on these recommendations, it was detennined that this issue will be hroughC back as a regular agenda item on the neY[ cnuncil age.nda. 3. Board/Commissions/Committee Appointments 0:11anning Commission etcl Mayar Wilhite Mayor Rrilllite said that she proposes very little rashuflling of counci]mernbers imd comrniftees, as she is eognizant of the amount of time and work it utkes to get farniliar with each entity. Proposed changes include: (1) appointfiient ofi'13i11 Gothmann to the Chamber of Commercc, Heiilth 17istrict Committee, and the Wousing and Community .Taevelopment Advisory l3oard; (2) and Steve Taylor to the I,,odging Tax Advisory Cominittee; and (3) unless she hears otherwise, all other appointments will remain the same. Councilmember Taylor mentioned there will be a need far Ivir. Gothma.nn to complete a housiiig application Cor that new appointment:. It was Council consensus to plae.c these appointments on the nex-t council consent agenda. Mayor Wilhite also proposed the re-appoiritrnent Fred Beaulac and Gail KoSle to the Platining Commission tor a three-year term each. It was Council consensus to place these appointmen[s on the Council consenC agenda. i'vtayor Wilhite also proposecl appointing Marcia Sands to the Planning Commission to cornplete $ill Gothmaian's t:erm. Tt was detcrmined that this appointment will be placed on the next coLmeil agenda as a regular agenda item 4. Cost Allocation Plan - Ken Thompson Finance Director Tliompson explained thaC as part of the 2005 «rork plan, it was agreed to put Cagether a cost allocaCion plan, snd toniglit '1'racey launlop, a principal with rinancial Consulting Services Gra«p from Redmond, R'ashington, is here to explain the proposal. After Ms. llunlop went through the PowerPoint presentation, follnwed by some coimcil discussion concerning various.a.spects of the plvi, . including grant recovery ancl t-he Barker R.oad Bridge ongoing process, it was Coimcil consensus Co place this item on the next council consent agenda for couneil ttpproval. 5. Cominunicacion Infrastnicturc - Cal Walkee ' Police Chie.f 4Valker explained the issue as Per his Novembcr 29, 2005 Requcst fnr Council Aedion; and adcted tliat our psrticipation would be zipproxicnacely $198,000; but t1iaC Cgure could chautge depending on the nurnber of fire districts and othee erilities' particiPation. Cliief Walker also spokc about cost alloc;ation and the community-wide neect fnr communicatien and ofthe neecl for all entities to participate. Chief Walker st:3ted that the $195,000 would bc over a three- year period and Nve would cho4sc how to pay that:; and mentioned that the City of Spokane is the crant administrator. Chief Walker said that regarding funcling, we can choose Nvhen in the budget cycles to allocate those fiuncls; that it was nol done for 2005 so could be aclclressed in a sLipplemental budget fnr 2006 or wait un2i) budget process for 2007. G._ Montgomery Ave Overlay Pro'ect N inal Cosfs Engine•er Worley explained the project as pcr his December 6, 2005 ftequest f-or Council Aetian; and saicf that during the vlontgomery Avenue project, they discovercd there were some dlings that c;aused the project to overrun; there was a concern abqut the pavement, in that wheii it was removed, it was determined that the subgrade was iri poor condition. Engineer Worley stated tliat also they underes[imated requireci traffie control labor hours. laircctor Kersten said that there are funds within this year's budget as not all projeet5 have bcen completed; as chey tend to focus fii•st oji projects that get matching funcls; but ihat ovrerall this will take about $180,000 from the budget balance to eover future projects. Couneilrnember Denenny mentioned the gas tax w1s not includecl in the budget so perhaps that could Study Sessian Minutcs: 12-06-05 Page 2 of 4 Approvetl by Cauncil: Dra(3 , assist in lhis case. It was Council consensus to place this item on the next council eonsent agenda for council approval. Mayor 1~'4'ilhite called for a recess at 7:32 p.m., antl reconvened ttie meel:ing at 7:40 p.m. 7.1'arl:s & Recreation Masterlylan - vfike Jackson Parks and Ttecreation Directar Jaclcson introduced Jerry Dragoo from iVIIG (Moore, lacofano and Goltsman). Mr, Jackson explained lhat Mr. I7ragoo is working on revisions afier receiving a number of comments frqni citizens ciuring "Cpnversations with the Coi1imunity," and also as a result of the recent public hearing. Mr. [aragoo explained that they are looking at the currerit perceived demand of new ptirk facilities; ttiat Chis is the sixdi plan he has done for riew cities; and then weart on to explain some of the issues to take into consideration; incluciing current pal•ks, future parl:s and what to offer in those parks; cloes Council want to plan for what is rieeded now or what is needecl in the future; that the reeent survey said 54% said no more psrklancl is needed; but his experience is in the future, citir.ens will complaiit abouC the lacking of planning if there are inadequate parks; what Co do widl Valley Missian Yarlc and with the aquatic facility includina parking issues; how to improve the pools; Greenacres neighborhood and need fvr parks ehere; funding aiad capit;aI facilities plan; whcther those living here or those moving here pay for future park improvement; the possibility of using obligations bonds for same projects; impact fees; and parks dislricts, parks and recreation advisor_y conunittee, tind metropolitan park districcs -which have a perilianent taY base. Council disciassion included mention of Dishman Hills and Plantes Ferry 1'ark; the need to keep currcnt facilities wrell maintai.necl; open spaces; city center, and pool use and expansion. Direc;tor Jackson mentioned there is one pool tlia.t doesn't get the number of participairts the other ponls gets, but there are ways to rnaximize pool capacity by expanding shade and concrete widiout increasing the number of Chose actually in the pool; and that expand'um Valley Mission would inerease capacity; ending by stating that fu.r[her details will be adclressed as we move through the process. ~ . 8. Official Newspaper -Chris Bainbrictge At-ler City Clerk 13ainbricl~;e esplained the prc~s and cons of use of either the Spol:esman Review or the Valley icws Heritld, CoL11161 detcrmined that %ve would kcep the Valley News Tieralcl as the official ' newspaper. Since thcrc is no cliange, no furkher aclion is required. 9. Spokane Transit Authorifv Tnformation - Couneilmember Denennv_ As a precursor for the next council agenda item, Councilmember I7enenny and SCeve 131aska gave a quick update in ch.jnges in the STA routing in the Valley, as shown in the accompanying 1'owerPoint presen[ation. 10. Bus Shelter Request - \Tcil Kersten and/or Stevc Worlev Engineer Worley e;cplained that this issue came before council previausly, conceiyiing STA's request to constivct a bus shelter in fi-ont of the mall; and that Council aske(l for additional infortnation. Mr. Worle}, mentioneci that Steve I31a,.ska is also present to wiswer further questions. Afi;er Mr. 131aska gitve his Yowerl'oint presentatiori, explaining -vvhere the shelters are to be locaCed; he added that it wiJl be STA's responsibility to handle shelter rnaintenance; that thcy IookEd at other options, buC chese are the best, near- lerm solutions. Council discussed possible other routes, the walk from Indiana to the rnall; and ridership. Councilmember Caenettny recommended allowing the shelters now, and that lighting or odier enhancements could be aclded later. It was council consensus to place this item on the neXc coLmcil consent agenda, adding that eauncil prefers optiott t!1 as stated in the \zovember 1$, 2005 Ietter co Mr. Worley from Gordon Howell. 11. Adviince Aaenda Adclitions - Mavor Wilhite Via}ror `Vilhite asked that Councilmembers review the advance agenda as there a.re some pre-scheduled 'I'hursday tncEtiilbs, and to please clleck calendars for availability. After brief discussion conccrning Swdy Session Minutes: 12-06-05 PaoE 3 cf 4 ApneOreci by Council: Draft whether and when to have further public hearings, it was deterrninEd to set dhe next public comprehensive ` plan hearing for January 24, 2006. 12. Council check-in. No items werc discussed. 13. Gih+ Mar Comments - update council photos? Nina R.eoor for ]aave Mercier Deputy Gity R7lnager Rebor mentioned some housekeeping items concerning the Comprehensive Plan; and that public works is cloing a revie-sv of some of the tables to incarporate ehanges resulting firom thc trafEic model from SRTC, and that staff will bring those proposecl ehanges f.'or council consideration as part of c.apital facilities chapter. She alsa m-rnCionecl that arrangements have been made for Bill Gothmimn to have his pholo taken, and asked if other Councilmembers wantecl to have an upciated photo takera, to place let Ms. Regor know so that arrangements can be ma<le. There beirig no iur[her business, the meeting adjourned at 3: 45 p.m. Diana Wilhite, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clcrk . ~ 5tudy Scssion Minutes: 12-06-05 Fane 4 of 4 A.pprovcd by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 13, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent X old business new business ❑ public hearing [l information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second reading proposed ordinance 05-033 establishing right-of-way dedication process. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: ' PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: First reading on November 29, 2005. BACKGROUND: The City does not yet have a formalized process for accepting dedication of real property for road purposes if the property to be dedicated is outside of the boundaries of a final plat. Attached is a draft ordinance to provide such a process;::7Currently, since the Council has not delegated this authority to staff, it must come before the Council for action. Staff proposed two options for the Council to consider. The first option was for the Council to retain exclusive authority to accept such dedications on behalf of the City. The second option was for LJ the Council to delegate such authority to the Public Works Director or designee. - After consideration and discussion at first reading, the Council instructed staff to revise the draft ordinance to include option one, wherein each such dedication must come to Council for approval. Staff anticipates most of the dedications under this provision could be done by resolution on consent agenda following a briefing session at a prior meeting. OPTIONS: Instruct staff to revise the proposed language; vote to approve the ordinance as drafted; vote to not approve the ordinance. RECOMMENOED ACTION OR MOTION: "I move that we approve ordinance 05-033, establishing a right-of-way dedication process." BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA . . STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1, Proposed ordinance establishing ROW dedication process 4 , CI'I`Y OF SPO.KANE VALLEY SPOK4IVE COUNTY, WASHiNGTON ' ORDLITANCE NO. 05-033 A.N ORDTNAirTCh OF THE CITY OT SPQK.ANE VALLEY, SI'OKA_NE, COiJNTX, WASFIINGTpN, FSTABLISHING SPOKANE VALLEY CQnF SECTlUN 10.05.450 - 10.05.455 All.OPTING RE, GULATTO\TS FOR ACCEPTING R7C;HT-OF-WAY DEDICATIONS, PROVII)1~~1`G FOR SCVERABrLiTX, ANIa EFFECTIVE DATr. «'i-TF..RTAS, tbe City desi.res to have an organized process by which it accepts real propcrty dcdicatcci to the City for use as right-of-way for transportation purposes by the general public; a.nd WFMfZEAS, most roads within the City have been, or are anticipatecl to be, dedicated to the City through the final platting process; and WI-EREAS, tlacrc does not cunently exist a regulatory mechanism for acceptance from private parties of real property fnr use as public roads in the City, except tllrough the fitial plattinb process. .\~OW, TF-TFREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Wastiinaton, ordains as fo 11 ows: Scction l. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordiniince is ro establisll a regulat.ory mechanism whereby real property can be dedicated to the City, and the City can aacept the same, fnr public use for transporcatien purposes when dedieation and acceptance through final platiing is not appropriatc. Section 2. New Sections to Chapter 10.05, endtled "Right-of=VVay Dedication" are hereby . adcled to the Spokane Valle}' Munieipal Code to re.ad as follows; Section 10.05.450 - Acceptanec of Right-of-Way. No real properiy dedicated to public use by an owner of such property shall be deemed public right-of-way, or under the care ar control of the City, unless the dedication has been accepted through passage of a resolution con .firming the same by the City CounciL This provision is not intencled to change the dedication and acceptance process that occurs by operation of law urider RCR' 58.17 through the f.inal platting prncess. Secrion 10.05.455 - Adppcion of Procedures. The .Publie Works Director or designee shall adopt appropriate procedures to ensure that any dedication and acceptance is in accordanee with adapted City or State Iaw. Seetian 3. Severabilit}L,. 1f any sec[ion, sentence, clause or phrase oFthis Ordinance should be Ljelct to be iiivalid Qr unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentenec, clause or ph.rase of this Ordinance. Seetion 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in 1'ull force and effect five (5) days after the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereol' in the official newspaper oPthe City. Ordinance Adopiing Right-of-Wsy Dsdication Prcrcess ~ ~ - ~ ['ASSED by t;he City Council this 13ffi day of December, 2005. Vtayor, Diana GVilhite ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved As 7'o For•m: Office of the City E1ttorney Date af Publication: L-ffcctive Date: ~ ~ J . . ~ Ondinancc Adppting Right-of-Way lledication Pracess CT7'Y Ok SPOKANE VALi,.EX ~ • Request for Cc►uncil Action N.ieeting Datc: 12-13-05 City M.tnager Sign-off: rtem: Cheelc all that apply: x eonsent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ inforniation ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGFN':i)A IIE1VI TITLE : Flanning Commission Appoinhnent GUVERKING LEGISLAr10N: PREVIOUS CUUiNCIL ACTION TAKE\7: At the laecember 6, 2005 Council Study Session, Mayor Wilhite proposed appninting Marcia Sands to fil! Bil) Goth.rnann's Planning Commission position. Her term would coincide wiCh fiill Gothmann's original term, thus expiring December 31, 2006. 13ACKGROUND: OPTIONS: • ' _ TtECO1VIME\`DEl) r1CTION 012 1'IUT[QN: Confirm appointmcnt of Marcia Sands to the Planning Cummission witli a term cummencing January 1, 2006, ancl ending llecember 31, 2006. IiiIDGFTlF1NANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: A7`TA.CH11IIEN'I S Application from Marcia Sands ~ . 31 OccobEr 2005 REC'El VED , Cityof Spokane 'Vxiley OCT 3 1 2005 Officc af the IvTayor 11707 E Sprague Ave., stE 1.06 City of Spokane Va{iey Spolane Valley, NXIA. 99206 Re: Applicat7on'for 1'lanning Comn-iission Membcr • Dear Sir/IViadam: `Iliis package is in response r.o rlie ahove c-eferenced vohuireer recruitciaent announcemenc. Enclosed is a cornpleted Application Fom-i for Cornnliccees/Boards/Coinn-iissions. Please consider me For one o€ the two posiuons curnently up for appointment. T cunderscand chac this is a rh.ree-)~ear term to perforrn the duties of a planning comnnission member for the CityTof Spokane Valley. As an envirov.uiental geologi;st T have eaperience ui many of the aspccts RCch face the city today includu-ig developnient reoations, environrnenral proteexion, faci,lities and infi-asu-uct L,re. I :dso have a ke.6n intea-zst in the ' growch of the Cary of Spokane Valle}r T helieve rhac chis ciry has enori,ious future porenrial aiid that mueh of the past lustorycaii be ineorporaced as wcll. "1"'h1n1-z }ou for iaking tie ti.mC to revie~~ myapplication and for considering rne for this posicion. Please call, me at (509) 768-77E8 (cell) i.f yDu have any questions or co schcdule an intenrievv. ' . f2espectfully, M~.arcia Sands Washington State Licensed Geologist # 526 10618 Easc Ferrct Drive , - Spokane Valley, NVashitigton 99206 ' e-mail: marcia sandsncomcast.net ~ (509) 765-77$s cell (509) 924-7357 home , , ' ' Pauc 1 of 1 ~ Application Form for sT o ~kane ~ CommitteeslBoardslCommissions . Valley Return completed form to: Office of the Ntayor, 11707 East Sprague Suite #106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 NOTE: All information on this form becomes PUBLIC INFORMATION when submitted to the Mayor's OFfice. ' Position applied for. 0 Applicant's name: Z.~ S , ~ . Home address: ~~~,~g ~ F£~,~E ~ ~.z • Zib code: nj p(Q /ylRKG i ~s ~ Sia ~v DS 4F- Home Phone: ~~04 ) Z/- -r7 3 S--"I Email: G~•~c~sr. ~ucT EMPLOYMENT H]STQB..(1 • Present or last 1 employer. Pasition Held: Dates of cYo.< Employment Address: Er.aac r ~•c . Phone: ~aS'- ~!o ~~Py' Previous employer: 4sso c . , .1 ti c- . • /200 . .1~an Wcocf ~ Address: ~ Id ~'I , ~ r • Phone: -~O r - Ln -46 - ci9 33- . EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School 'a Diploma College/Unlversity e~~ 0 I?i,`G a Degree /9$~ . . , College/University Degr'ee ~ 1 's , /y'1iu~ r,~ ~ i d • ~ . , COMMUNI7Y Rl~LATED ACTIVITIES A.v C- ~m ' S~~c.~/.v-y'; t ~ ~ y 19Sc'dc . ~i ~'It~► O-0~ /UW G/ll V. "rN7T`S~ S J ~Q/91CG~ L~i~/CiLlt h bG~- ~ - ' VOLUNTEER EXPERIEiVCLS . - ~ £ !v qS iU ~IA-SS ZG 1 SKILLS/SPECIALINTERESTS ?m.u F o -.'c ~ 101a. c ~w.~-~ ~ S2L ~ ~/1 • , _ Current and past positions held on City Board, Committee, or Commission (circle one): From: ' To: • ' From: To: From: To: How long have you continuolrsiy lived within Spokane Valley city Iimits? NOTE: YOU MUSf BE A RESIDEfYT OF,THE CI"I"Y 0F SFOKANE VALLEY. What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from informabon already furnished on this application? , . 4 _ r . 3 ~ ili ✓ /Q1.r ~ iC ~~`!~2£~0 ~,~C~~a7~m~sip~ / -'2! ~r-a>c f n J -.~'i~J`~ . • . ~.g.~1 r W_kn 4-1 &A-K-eJ' . / ~ac/ud y,., E C1 J ~d $J! L f ~t} , 1/ r AJ /1-0`- , WIiy do y u feel you are gualified o act as a m ber of the Board, Committee or mmission applied for? ` r'(Ii ,S---A~,o o ~ . i fLG u cQ ~ u Wlould yrour ap;po(ntrnent to tfiis position QeaEe a conflic# of interest or an appearanoe of a , conflict a int.erest? -Lp 4 Il' is the pollcy of the City ot Spokahe Valley to achieve culiural and et3tnic diversity ott Commlttees, Boards, and Commissions. Information on this secaon -aJll assisk.in achieving this goal ancf fs voluntary on your part. , . - ❑ A,Ban ❑ Hispinlc ❑ A(rican Amecican [j NaU've American ~ LVttiilILe 0 Other Signat~ ' , D~t~ ~ CXTY OF SPOKANE VA.LLEX Request for Council Action Meeling nate: 12-13-05 City tHanager Sibn-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ACLNllA 1TEM'['TTLT: Lodging I'.i_r Advisory Committec Grant Recommendstions BACKGROUND: Fullowing are thc minutes from Novembcr 29, 2005 I.,odging Tat Advisory Committee Meeting: City nf Spokanc Valley Locigin- Tax Advisory Cam.mittee Minutes of a M.eeting 1-ield November 29, 2005 The meet:ing was called to order by Mike Flanigaii at 7:40 a.m. ]n attendance wcre lvtike Flanigan, Diana R'ilhite, I..iz Beck, Jeff Pimari, Pe.gpy 17oering, MIF:C CQI1w3y; Ken Thompson, and Charlie Yflieger. The purpose of the meeting was ta prepare a reeammendation to the City C4uncil for the distribution of lodging tax monies. ~ _ rlfter niuch deliberaeion thc cotnmittee recommencted that the lnland 17ance tlssociation, Spokane Valley Jr. Soccer Assaciatian ancl the Friends of the Centen.nial Trail apply for TPt\ funcls a.s their activities anc{ evelits are more regionally based. I'he final allocations recommende<t from t}ie Committee are as follows: 1. Center Placc $ 20,000 2. Inland Dance Association -0- 3. Friencls of the Centennial "1"rail -0- 4. Spokane Valley Jr. Soccer Associarion 4,000 5. Valley Chamber of Commerce 5,000 6. Valleyfest 15,000 7. Spokane Vallcy Heritage Iviuseum . 5,000 S. YMCA 7,000 9. Spokane R.egional Convention & Visitor's Bureau 160,000 10. Spokane Regional Snorts Com►nission $4.Q00 $300,000 Several limitatidns were put on CenterPlace, thc Ctlamber of Com.merce, and the Spokane Vallcy Jr. Saccer Association. They are as follows. Liz recommended that Ihat Center Place receive $20,000 initially; then if therc are monies left over from 2005, or if more revenue is received in 2006 than expected they Nvoulcl receive up tn the $40,000 reyuestecl. lauring the discussiori it was brought up lhat Cetiter Place needs to be marketed as a regional facility in order for the Public Facilities Commission tA continue to make the, bond payments. The cornmittee was in agreement with her recommendation. • \ The Chamber of Com.merec was allocated a $5,000 matching grant to promotc tourism with eheir float. Thcy will have to raise the additional monies from other sources to help finance the float. 'I"he Spokane ValJe}' Jr. Soccer Association was allocated $4,000 with the following restrictions. The money must be spent to prornote tourism and is limited to thc following items in their prpposal: an infonnation board, an entry banner, and ficld banners. - 'I here being no furlher business Chairinan Flanigan adjourned dle meeting at 9:40 a.m. Respectfully submitted; Charlie Pflieger . , f, ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 13, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent 0 old business Q new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legisla#ion AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Valley Corridor (Sprague/Appleway) Project Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: ' PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On June 28, 2005 Council approved contract #05- 002 with CH2M HILL for the Valley Corridor Environmental Study. BACKGROUND: In accordance with the Council-approved 2005 TIP, staff has been working . on the Valley Corridor Project. This project originally developed by Spokane County entailed the extension of the SpraguelAppleway Couplet. However, because we are proposing to use federal funds for the design and construction of a new arterial (the extension of Appleway) we are required to go through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process to establish a mpacts different .purpose t e natv s nfor need" determnhe tther evaluate e ting h the e e ds d of the pEoJ'ectr and s to requires the environment. The final result is to identify the `preferred alternative' that meets the projecYs purpose and need with the least amount of environmental impact. Staff has been working with SRTC, WSDOT, and CH2M HILL to provide traffic engineering/modeling, altematives analyses, and public involvement. The result will be to identify'a 'preferred alternative' to be included in the Spokane Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). . OPTIONS: Project updateldiscussion only RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Project updateldiscussion only BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A . STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works DirectorlSteve Worley, Senior Engineer . ATTACHMENTS ~i CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 13, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appiy; ❑ aonsent ❑ old business ~jC new business 0 public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: SpraguelAppleway Traffic Flow Corridor Configuration - University Rd to I-90 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: The existing Sprague/Appleway Couplet (Couplet) was completed by Spokane County in the fall of 2001. At the time Spokane Valley incorporated in March 2003, concems were expressed within the community about changing Sprague back to a two-way street. As part of the Comprehensive Plan process the city conducted a survey that included questions about the Couplet. That survey showed significant support for the existing couplet. ~ Because there are still concerns within the community regarding the status of the Couplet, . Council wishes to discuss the issue. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director/Steve Worley, Senior Engineer ~i ATTACHMENTS Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave October 13, 2005 1. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Crosby called the meeting to order at 6:02 Staff members attending the meeting are: Marina Sukup, Director Community Development and Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann - Absent, Excused Bob Blum - Present lan Robertson - Present David Crosby - Present John G. Carroll - Absent' ~ Gail Kogle - Present - l 'Commissioner Carroll arrived at 6:15 pm IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Direcfor Sukup stated that the item under new business be removed from the Oct. 93, 2005 agenda - Discussion of Land Use Definitions and Schedules of permitted Uses. The Commissioners did not receive any documentation on fhis subject therefore it would be difficult to sfart ihe drscussion. Commissioner Kogle moved that the Ocfober 13, 2005 agenda be approved as amended. Commtssioner Beaulac seconded the mofion. Mofion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissroner Robertson seconded by Commissioner Blum fhat the minuies of the Sept. 8, 2005 P/anning Commissron meeting be approved as amended. Cofrecfing the spelling of Mr. Tabbert's /ast name and fhe Commissioner Robertson made the motion to adjourn not Commissioner Blum as the minutes stated. Mofion passed unanimously VI. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment given. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Beaulac reported that he understood ~-'from the Council meeting on Tuesday night, that they were asking the Planning Plannfng Commission A4inutes Oct. 13, 2005 Page 1 of 4 Commission member to attend as many of the c4mp plan meetings as possible. A notice will be posted outside council doors and an email sent stating there ~ could be a quorum but no business would be conducted. Commissioner Beaulac . requested that the dates sent to each Commissioner so that they can know where and when these meetings will be held. Commissioner Blum stated he had attended the Conversation with the Community on 10/12/05. He also stated that Director Jackson did a good job explaining the Park's Master Plan. Commissioner Crosby reported he also had attended the City Council meeting on 10/11/05. He shared that the Council would like the Commissioners to attend the - comp plan meetings if possible. He plans on attending as many as he can. Gommissioners Robertson, Kogle, Carroll had nothing to repoit. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: Director Sukup stated the commission needs to be thinking of their schedule for the next two months, but which will be discussed as stated during the good of the order. The Planning Commission by-laws state that the election of officers for the next year is to be held in November. She also . mentioned that the by-laws also state that the Commission is to review its policies and practices annually and that will need to be done. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: A. OLD BUSINESS: Continued Public Hearing regarding amending ordinance 04-046, deleting the requirement for direct access to arterials or collectors in Planned Unit Developments. Commissioner Crosby stated at 6:17 the public hearing was open and asked first person to step to the podium. Meg Arpin, 1117 E. 35t", representing developer. Ms. Arpin stated that she wanted to point out that concurrency, as was discussed at the last Planning Commission meeting was not a part of this ordinance. There are other regulations and checks for transportation issues. That this just deals with the - land that is included in the requested PUD. Other agencies and departments would be taking care of the rest of those issues. These was discussion that followed in regard to how this ordinance was created for, what are the uses, who takes into account fhe concurrency issues, what are the alternatives. All concerns were valid, however it was explained that those concerns will be addressed in other ordinances. Commissioner Crosby closed the public hearing at 6:30 pm. Commissioner Robertson made the motion to recommend approval to council to delete the requirement for direct access to arterial and collectors in Planned Unit Developments. Commissioner Kogle seconded the motion. Vote is 4 in favor and 0 against. Commissioner Robertson abstained, and the Chairman did not vote. Motion passed. B. NEW BUSINESS: None Planning Commissian Meeting 10l13l05 Page 2 of 3 , X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER: Discussion of the calendar for the next two • and a half moths. All dates will be forwarded to the Commissioners as soon as possible. Commissioner Robertson will be unable to attend the Oct. 27"' meeting or the Nov. 10'" meeting, out of the county, excused absence. Second meeting in November falls on Thanksgiving. The Commission decided is to cancel the 11J24J05 meeting. Procedures state that commission elections are to be held in November. Council will be making the appointments at the Dec. 6 meeting; it is possible there could be new members appointed to the commission. Commission decided to postpone the lection of officers for the upcoming year until the Dec. 8t' meeting. It was, also decided that the Dec. 220d meeting be cancelled, since it was very close to the holidays. Commission vrrould like to take a closer look at the policies and procedures and discuss meeting days. Holidays are a reoccurring issue at this time of year; election of officers should be sensitive to the schedule for Council will appointments to the Commission. Commissioner Crosby will be out of town for the Oct. 25~' public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm. • SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffith, Admin Assist David Crosby, Chairman Ptanning Commission Meeting 10113105 Page 3 of 3 so6llZ_ane .,~VaUey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valtey WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager, and Members of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: December 13, 2005 Re: Monthly Report - Summary of November 2005 Activities Human Resonrces . Recruitments - There are a number of newly filled positions and recEnt position openings. Following is the recruitment status of each position. ,StQtUS - , Building Ins ector II Position o en and advertised. Genter•Pla~e 1''ositions are c,p admertised. poo of Avai~Iable alicants ~ ost! • ostcss- ~ -c is b ~ sq A t tor • ~ .e~e on all v itions. 1~ ~ Construction lnspector Position is open until filled. Review of applications scheduled - Part-timc for mid-December. P rmi S-i " Ja " Main started Dec~r.nber ~D 2005. Employee Train.i.ng - A survey to help craft the training element of the customer service program was sent to a11 City employees. The responses are being used to develop one or more training session(s) specifically for Spokane Valley. The f.rst training will take place after the first of the year. Anti-14arassment traini.ng is also scheduled for all emplnyees in January. 7'he purpose of this .training is to educate emplayees to recognize inappropriate behaviors; review procedures for reporting harassment and define the legal aspects of harassment. _ Open Enrollment - One time a year emplovees map switch medical plans beriveen Regence Blue Shield/Asuris 'NTorthwest Health and Group Health coverage and update their coverage selections. All changes will be effective January 1, 2006. Deputy City Manager Monthly Report - December, continued December 13, 2005 - -2- Public Information ~ r Council terms of office - Clarification regarding tlie two and four year terms was draftcd and posted to \J website i.n a Q& F1 format; also discussed with Valley News Herald and Spokesman R.eview putting in a story for rzaders based on the Q&A. Comprehensive Plan - Completed preparations for o.ffsite hearings/dcliberations. Drafled and sent media rcleases and calendar requests on new offsite hearings/deliberations. Created and posted flyers on off.'site hearingsJdeliberatians. Created powerPoint prasentation for use in community presentations. Cantract AdministraNon Sgokane Valley Current Usage for County Contracts Current 2004 lln.imal Control 50.76% 49.24% District Court 20.21 % 20.00% Public Defender 31.08% 33.46% Web Site Web Srte Summary - Month af November 2005 Numbers refleci full or ma'ority weeks of the month_ Uni ue User Sessions 19976 ' To Five Pa es Viewed Em loymeni 3579 G1SlMa s 632 Community Iaevelo ment 529 De artments 312 Cpunci] Agenda and Minutes 310 . 1 o Five "Refe_rrer" Web Sites S okane Cou.aty - 7obs 432 S okane County - Gov't Em lo yment 244 Munici al Research and Services Center (MRSC 163 S okane Valley Online 138 Google 68 Rusiness l.icenses The city has received 352 new business applications and renewals the month of Novemher. Renewals account f'or the majorif}, of the apPlications as renewals are due annually in December. . ~ ~ ►~?~U~I1e Valle y . 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509,921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spakanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: December 5, 2005 Re: Monthly Report During November, finance employees ~~►rorked on the f'ollowing project~s: Buclgct variancE;/inveslment repor[s , Reports showing a cornparison of fund revenues ancl expenclituri:s 1:o our 2005 amendecl budgct, aC Nnvember 30, 2005, are attached. If revenues and expenditures flowed to/from the city equally over twelve months, we woulcl ex.peet to see 92% in the rigt►l-hiincl eolumn. Revenues and expEnditures do not flow equally in twelve monthl_y installments so the percentages appearing in the right hand cc>lurnn will ~ often be skewecl. Wc also acerue mast Jitnuary revenue anct expenctitures inCO Che prior year's recorcis so tlhat revenues for the year are matched against expenditures for the same year. Sales Taxes and Planning(Building rees are two of our leading revenue sources. Bodi are expected to exceed our est.imates significantly, resulting in extr<< doll<<rs in the General Fumd by year-end. Gambling "Caxes, Franchise f'ees, Recreation Fees and I»vesUnent Interest will also be above our estimates. 1 have added additional footnotes to the attached schedulc. If you or others have yuest:ions feel free to contact me. Tlie invcstrncnt rcport a[ November 30, 2005 is alsn alesehecl. Ati we build resei-ves, our cash and investment balances increase which generates more investment income. 2006 budp-et preparation The 2006 bud~et wa.s 95% complete by the end of October. The 2006 property tax levy was ready for a NTovcrriber cert:ificaCion t:o Spokane CUUnt}' as well. Audit for 2004 ' '1"he Washington State Auditor's Office is nearing completion of the audit for our 2004 fiscal year. Wc expect a list of recommendations for nur review. AmEndments to the 2005 budiret A few amendmen[s were preparcd for the 2005 bu<1get. Centerplace conseruction and Community ~ DevelopmenC Block Grant projecis rnadc; up the arnenclments. No acldicional fLmds are needed, only changes to our accounting records so Lhat adequate appropriations iire available. _ Finance staff attended t:he lodizing tax cornmittee rneetings Attendance providcs helpful background information as we deal wieh the agencies that wcre awarded 2006 room tax dollars for tourism promolion purposes. Cost allocatiAn plan Staff expects the cost allocat:ion plan to be available for council review in early 17ecember. This plan will assist the city in reeovering overhead aosts fr4m grants and other city funds. The plan will also assist us in setting fees for ottr services. Mulcivear financial plan Now ihat the bud'et for 2006 is in place, stafl• .vill ac3clress thc multiyear financial plaii. Updated projeclions wil) be available fqr the reteeat in early February. ~ ~ ~ City of Spokane Valley General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended November 30, 2005 Amended Budgef November YTD Unrealized Percent 2005 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized GEneral Fund Revenues: Unres4ricted Fund Balance $ 3,784,250 $ - $ 4,493,460 $ - 118.74% Property Tax 10,055,316 3,248,609 8,664,911 1,390,405 86.17 Sales Tax 13,998,000 1,705,509 14,175,866 (177,866) 101.27 6 Gambling Tax 800,000 177,940 762,978 37,022 95.37 Leasehold Excise Tax 5,000 64 7,807 (2,807) 156_14 10 Franch. FeeslBus. Regstm 650,000 3,652 558,177 91,823 85.87 4 State Shared Revenues 1,121,709 473 878,985 242,724 78,36 Planning & Building Fees 1,863,000 183,518 2,392,063 (529,063) 128.40 14 Fines and Forfeitures 1,200,000 87,238 1,034,468 165,532 86.21 Recreation Program Fees 170,000 16,122 311,891 (141,891) 183.47 5 Investment Interest 36,000 31,690 203,052 (167,052) 564.03 12 OPerating Transfers 207,140 35,374 118,944 88,196 57.42 11 $ 33,890,415 $ 5,490,189 $ 33,602,602 $ 997,023 99.15 Amended Budget Plovember YTD Unrealized Percent 2005 Expenditures Exl2enditures Expenditures Realized General Fund Expenditures: Legislative Branch $ 288,226 $ 10,740 $ 176,004 $ 112,222 61.06% 13 Executive & Legislative Support 442,867 25,071 317,008 125,859 71.58 15 Public Safety 15,909,424 1,222,368 13,509,964 2,399,460 84.92 Operations & Administrative Svc 1,294,601 96,389 862,437 432,164 66.62 17 Public Vllorks 800,490 62,005 688,275 112,215 85.98 Planning & Community Dev. 1,729,315 141,606 1,398,147 331,168 80.85 Library Services 2,270,000 1,088,089 2,176,178 93,822 95.87 Parks 8 Recreation 1,959,186 115,688 1,267,283 691,903 64.68 18 General Government 9,196,306 3,475,710 7,067,727 2,128,579 76.85 16 S 33,890,415 $ 6,237,666 $ 27,463,023 $ 6,427,392 81.03% • 12/7l2065 11; 13 Ab1 City of Spokane Valley Other Funds - . Budget Variance Report For the Perlod Ended November 30, 2005 -Amortdec! Budget November YTD Untoalizetl t'erCenl OOS Revenues e i .venue Reaiized dther Funds RevenLrGS: Street Fund E 5;E03,158 $ 2,127,427 5 3,140,706 S 2,662,452 54.121% 24 Arterial SUeet Fund 1,008,003 54,369 642,452 443,551 59.16 24 "I'rq:ls and Psths 17,470 24 208 11,692 t.SS 2 HoieUNlote! Fund 437,827 35,783 335,152 102,676 76.55 Debt Service - LTGO 03 582,835 373,918 582,835 - 100.00 CapitalProjectsFufltl 2,108,906 129,774 1,138,135 967,769 54.04 24 Speciat C3pi?al Projects Fund 1,912,457 128,892 5,105,876 805,487 57.83 24 StreetCapitalProJerts 4,262,330 421 354,530 3,907,750 8,32 8 R4irabeau PoBnt Project 4,000,000 1,362 549,061 3,850,938 3.73 24 Streel Bwid GaFHa1 ProJects 406,000 3,080 111,695 294,304 27.51 24 CD BEock Grant Fund 800,406 (86,888) 72,832 527,168 12.14 3 Canit.al Granis Fund 5,010,000 79,755 299,538 4,710,464 5.93 8 Barker f3ridge Recunstruc?ion 350,000 - - 350,0100 • S StormvraterPAgmiFur.d 2,061,028 422,584 1,161,231 874,785 57.31 24 Equlp. Rental 8 ReplacemenE 272,692 3,778 71,698 201,194 26.27 24 it110 Management 149,828 81 1135,540 35,292 74,95 21 Reserves: - - Centerploceoperating 300,000 909 305,989 (5,189) 109,73 SerriCe level Stahiliza4ion 1,000,000 1,313,036 2,327,304 (1,327,304) 232,73 25 Win:er weather 500,000 1,507 506,082 (0,082) 16122 Pmrks rapiEal 550,000 1,055 354,258 143,742 04.41 26 Civic buldings 500,000 1,507 309.082 {6,082) 1011.22 $ 31,899,160 $ 4,592,181 S 13,290,582 S 98,608,578 41,66% AmendeU • . BLtdget {Vovembef Y1'0 Unrealized Peroent Exnenditures ExpenCiWtos EX i r s ReA6zed Other Funds Expend]tures: StrQolFursd . $ 5,803,156 $ 98,057 $ 1,958,838 $ 3,834,320 33.9395 19 Arterial SVeet Fund 9,086,003 • - 1,086,003 - 8 Trait, and Patfis 17,500 • - 17,ff00 • 2 Hotellh4otel Fund . 437,827 17,033 794,848 243,019 44.49 20 DeGi Setvice 1.7G4 03 582,835 373,95e S82,a :S - 100,00 Gap6talProjectsFuntl 2,105,904 68,773 92,546 2,013,359 4.39 8 Special Capflal Projeats Fund 1,912,457 68,773 92,545 1,879,912 4.84 8 Street Capiial Projects 4,202,330 05,747 206,556 4,055,774 4,55 8 N.irabeau Paint Proy"ect 4,000,000 42,983 3.474,472 525,528 86.E6 SreeE Boaid CapitaJ Proj¢tt, 406,000 4E,055 255,998 170,004 72.91 8 CD Btock Grant Fund 660,000 63,834 519,221 30,779 85.54 C6pital Gtants Fund 5,010,000 251,512 580,902 4,429,096 11.59 8 8arker Bridge Recanstrutlfon ' 350,000 78,339 49,496 250,504 28.43 8 SlOI(mvrtier PAgmi Fund 2,061,026 2,060 875,304 . 1,185,662 42,47 22 Equ(p. Rental & Replaoemnt 272,882 (16,188) 56,935 215,957 20.66 23 Risk AOanagement 140,828 • 195,021 35,807 74.57 21 ReserrES: ' Cerrterptace operating 300,000 - - 300,000 - 9 serv(ce tevei saibiiiaz6on 1.000,000 1,000,000 - 9 1^In1er v.eather 500,060 - • 500,000 - 9 Parks cap6tal 550.000 - • 550,090 - 26 Civ@c buildings 500.000 500.000 9 $ 31,899,160 $ 1,140,956 S 9,145,534 $ 22,753,62E 28.6745 i2nr2o05 i,:ssa►. ~ City of Spokane Valley Investment Repo►t For the Month November 2005 Total LGIP" F&M MM Investments Beginning $ 18,406,511.09 $ 4,467,076.74 $ 22,873,587,83 Deposits 1,905,377.21 - 1,905,37721 Withdrawls (1,600,000.00) - (1,600,000.00) Interest 55,890.23 12,299.75 68,189.98 Ending $ 18,767,778.53 S 4,479,376.49 $ 23,247,155.02 Balances by Fund General Fund ~ 6,602,851.75 Street Fund 3,178,654.36 Arterial Street 1,340,060.96 Paths & Trails 8,699.97 Hotel/Motel 275,654.75 Center Place Op 305,189.37 Service Level Stab. 2,327,304.07 Winter Weather Res. 506,082.25 ~ Capital Prjects 2,561,162.19 Spec. Capital Proj. 2,209,637.11 Street Capital Proj. 149,317.10 Mirabeau Point Proj. 457,246.07 Street Bond Proj. 1,121,597.93 • CD Block Grant Fd. - Parks Capital Proj. 354,257.59 . Civic Bldg. Cap. Proj. 506,082.25 Stormwater Mgmt. 1,148,284.37 Equipment Rental 166,380.05 Risk Management 28,692.88 $ 23,247,155.02 "Local Government Investment Pool 12/712005 11:13 AUI dec \.FOOTNOTES ` rvote: 1 Revenue firom property taxes is received in May and November 2 PVo projects planned in 2005 3 Reimbursement due city for grant 4 Received quarterly 5 CenterPlace receipts have been added 6 Will be closer to $17 million at yr end. Oct. and Nov. were finro greatest months ever 7 Used for capital projects. Cash not transferred to the construction fund until cash is needed. 8 Capital projects often take a number of years to plan, engineer, acquire right of way and construct - 9 Emergency/special use only 10 Budget was too low. 11 Cost allocation plan indicates our transfers were estimated too high 12 As receipts exceed our estimates, so too will investment earnings 13 Salaries/benefits budgeted at higher amounts 14 New construction projects are exceeding our estimates. • 15 Prof. services, travel & printing are under budget 16 Reserve for revenue adjmts and contingency won't be spent ($1.3 million) 17 Prof. services is under budget 18 All divisions are under budget. CenterPlace will be $100,000 under budget 19 County street mntnce and arch/engrg costs are under budget 20 Some room tax recipients bill the city late in the year 21 City insurance premium was less than anticipated 22 Stormwater capital improvements are under budget . 23 City budgeted all resources of the fund but will spend less 24 Amended budget 2005 included beginning fund balance which reduces the % realized 25 Excess revenues were transferred to the Service Level Stability Fund 26 Waiting for Parks master plan 1 ~ 121712005 11:13 AM t CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ' ~ MONTHLY REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2005 ~ LONG RANGE PLANNlNG: Ptanning Commission The Spokane Valley Ptanning Commission met once dunng the month of November, Commissioners have been attendtng meetings of City Council during which the Compret►ensive Pian is under consMeradon. CURRENT PLANNJNG: The Ptanning Division opened 18 land use application files in November 2005. In additifln, 39 hcenseslpermits were sold. The charts bebw traclc present monthly activity along side 2004 levels. LjcenspJPermits indude 6 adult enteKainment, 32 home profession, temporary usE and sign review permits. Land Use Actions include 3 Land Use pre-apps, 1 rezone, 2 short plats, 4 boundary line aAustmenls, A adminisUative exceQtions, site plan reviews, and SEPA revieww;s. 2005 Licenses 8 Pemnits Issued . 50 40 3(1 ?U 10 I ~ - - 0- - - ,kyn Ftab Mw Apr kby Jim .lul At g Sp tm Nw Oee I'Q~ 2006 41 1 26 1 18 34 21 19 . ti 22 22 45 39 . I a ~ 9 ~ 1S 15 9 1 1s 11 17 20 14 200I { 7 ~ 11 _ The Planning Division approved 6 commeraal pennits during November including e 3,830 square foot retail flooring building on East Cowley, 11,075 building br Preasion Cutting Technologies in the Spokane Industrial Paric and 2 addiGanal candominium building at Dishman Commons_ Additionalty, the Planrting Division received S new commercial permits during (Vavember and conducted R commercial pre-application meetings. Page 1 of 8 City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development Monthly Report for November 2005 _ 2005 New Land Use Actions ao 30. , i ~ A zo ~ _ 1o ~ 0 I- Jsn 1=eb Ga 11pr AAay .Mm Jul Aug n H fl Sep Od Phv OeC I O 2005 15 24 20 24 iB 33 28 17 17 28 1s . . . , _ . . , f 2lN}1 71 11 12 21 35 35 22 20 28 96 ~ 14 14 Monthly revenue for the Current F'lanning Division totaled $14,805 m November, 80% of the revenues generated in October 2005, and 97% of the revenues genetated during November ot 2004. In addition, the Cammunity Development Department received $30,101 in plannmg grant funds from the Washington State Department oi Community, Trade and Economic Devetopment in November 2005 Planning Revenues $50,000 s40.aw s:+o.ooo • ~ ~ a20.000 , - - $10.000 50 Mn Feti AAar AprA lutey Jurr Ju1/ AW w (]d hbv [kst C3 Ravenue 2005 + Rnvenue ?004 Revenues generated by the Ptanrnng vivision are compared with the 2005 Budget appropnahon i . n the table below. 2005 Planning Revenues Compared whh Budyet I ,x,q tbe ^cnma I Lrmces d Ht+mtt ' S.'nc,ao0 LU S'J UaU 11 uu o~c-o 5 f~'a uoC, SZno 070 OActual Y TL1 Revenue D Arnwal Budpe! EsOnaM Paqe 2 of 8 r-- - - - - - - City of Spokane Valley ~ Department of Community Development Monthly Report for November 2005 BUILDING Dl1IlSION: The Building Division issued 383 pemnds in Novernber. This is 52 f8wer than issued in October arid an inuease of 141 over November '04 1'hirly-nine new one and two family dwelling pemd~ts, 2 permits for muttrtamily structures and eighteen new canmercial permits were issued in November. 2066 CONSTIlUtT10N PERYfTS SOC I ~ . J. I~ a•p- . .n ~ ♦LL; tfA n.-. 'Jn I 3Q '7~ ♦ 7P:4 hr.ft 115 1q' ]]5 74 x= 71~ :+70 731 :{I i41 M09 Naav 5buctu+rs ParmIMpA xn Y4i 2m I 1W ~ . A ~ - x n _ _ B_ in Fee ow AA Mw lcrr JM A" Gw oa w.~rc O Mer f l 1OW ip UA tI Id 73 36 40 47 70 51 !0 ?J ]0 ohu►►.xas t:►ue+ ,~n o o ~m m o a 20 a r~ o tt+r fsmr~rcrl .lr, rw . H ~ . 3 . N ~ , e The Permit Center collected $124,223 in Permit and Ptan Revfew Fees, compared witfi S156,459 in the same period last year. 7005 BulWlnn RtvM►YSs ' u~ ieo uaumr I I~~l1wr 17~IIlr -r-~Ill~wrwl. fMYOp . 1 i,. _ _ _ ~ . aThe reportecf value at construction, including new structures and addltior►slalteration is shown in tt►e following chart, comparing tfiese values with 2004 New valtre this year is $67,363,213 ahead ot last year at this time. Page 3 ot 8 I City of Spokane Vatlay Departt»ent of CommunFty Development MoMhly Report for November 2005 2006 Vaiuation of Conswction j.IQ G Y) fCH' 1?S.f)04, WC t3[7 MOOOC `400U.000 - ~ :iipl Vat~ililn • t•E 300.000 • S•COq0.00A ~ ~ • fm rwo so - ieb lAor •pT Wy .J"- YUb Au4 Se_'i I...1 Ce- SOURGE Spnkane V9iley FmBnGe Defiartment S 0 C/ YT,7 bu Mlntl Ra.a nuan C am on ed v ItM BvCqaf Lrse" IL 1+nti r... if1EDm0 t1000tC0 11pn;i:.r. U1n)n_.: t]:9n'no n I I r • *M.-.e D.n --l%vnn" F14uiir The Building Division revenue collecUons exceed the 2005 budget amount by 131 14°/0 In Navernber our building inspedors performsd 951 inspections in 20 days. This averages 48 inspections per day. So far this year our stafl has performed 10,203 inspections, about 1109 more than in the first eleven months of 2004. The Ptans Examiners reviewed 74 ptojects in November At the end of November there were 6 prajects awaiting review. October Ptan review was under-reported: 7he correct number of plens reviewed was 82 with nine pending at the end of the month. 2003 BulWinp Inspcctbm Sm f - - ' - . - . a ' -Onn ~ :tm ~ ~ • I - , - L1 L~l ~ , i = I ly. iN tlI P'' I ~ !Mn - YI ' 4.1 fll~ 'JCS 1w' • ~ , f'1 . ou1 ' u~ N0 tll Wi1 . . w . ~io~ tia~+.~ I v m J ssi _ ~n ~o f a ~ The Building Oivision is pEeased to report tt►at Scott Wallace has joined the staff to periorm right- of-way inspeclions as part of the Washington Labor & Industries re-trairnng program Pape 4 0l 8 City ot Spokane Valley - Department of Community Development Monthly Report for Navember 2005 CODE COMPLlANCE: The number of "Violations Reported" on the following chan re(leds actual Spokane Valley Zoning Code violatlons, ptus complaints received wfiich w+ere not vialations. The complaints received are added to lhe total because they reflect ame offioers spent in tfie field conducting investigations. In additian, the "Investigated' and "Pending' columns accurately reflec:t Code Compliance's cument abitity to process and investigate backlog cases. 7he tollowing chart provides a monthly comparison of the types of Spokane Valley Code violations repored. Violations are reporied basW on the pnmary complairri received, rather than the number of additional violations identified on any indwidual pnemises. The Irne*tigation of a complaiM of junk vehiGes, for example, may also result in identification of additional violatjons such as the accumulation of trash or harbornng of livestock. These are not mGuded in the summary. A tatel of 53 complaints were processed in November. COOE COMPUANCE STATUS REPORT 200 - - - - - ~ li0 ~ I (i0 56 4L 6-L. 6-Li b-b-L Lai-an NtSV 04 (_le: G4 J3n 05 Feb l15 V134 05 Ap 175 NR3y Ga .lunr, p5 duI-GS /.uq•0~ 5aA-05. Ck:l-65 fJev-05 /+lk3t+tlnns Raportad BACater!t!nb a Fie tranAfera 0 Nncling i'lle6 Before Intenrention - 17313 Coach Drive r f v ~ ' 1 3C► t 1 1 Pago 5 of 0 City of Spokane Yalley Departrnent of Community Development Monthiy Report for November 2005 _ w After Intsnrention ~ , r. i s• i~~1`r. , ~ :i..~► i ' ~r-4!' ♦ ~ ~ ~ i _ ~ • _ ~ . ! r ► `'''Y 1 ~i~: . L Activity is consolidated into the following six categones: Environmental (sewer/septic, critical areas, animal and nuisance violatians); Property (Right of Way, property use, dangerous building, landlob/tenant, iilegal business eRd signage violations); Junk Auto; Solid Waste (solid waste, illegal dumping, and household waste viofations); Clearvicw Triangle and Complaint - No Violatian. COOE GOMPLIANCE REPORT3 (by type) iooX - - eox iox 40% 2&% ox, Nov a o.e wJw 06 F.n ob Mr os Ar os n'' ~~-as A~' ~ od-es sr~w a Cu►misnt Novd.eon ?t tv 15 7 to 25 14 54 41 79 23 23 Is 0 SoM1Npn1e /E 13 1• 10 t5 72 ZS 13 10 34 1S t H pJunk q,ft 10 17 12 14 14 19 TT 22 31 26 20 0 e p Ow Yrw Ttinpls 4 23 2 s • O 17 11 9 6 r qawly 13 11 11 1s 6 0 Y 14 SS 22 75 14 t - , f~ !i*~rcxirt~tai 1~ 1 t 0 17 5 ~ 1 :0 a 5 ? + Page 6 of 8 ~ City ot Spokane Valley 'I Oepartrnent ot Community Deveiopment Monthly Repovt for November 2005 CUSTOMER SERV/CE Pianning Ttte Planning Desk handled 243 phone calls and talked to 279 walk-in aistomers at the Ptanning Counter The Hearing Examiner held 3 land use hearing during Novembef. Building: Permits The following table summanzes the performance of the Permit Center for tfiose permits entered in the PLUS s,vstem, measured from the time that the applicaUon rs deemed "counfer-complete" to the tfine that a permit is issued Values shown are those on which Ptan Check and Building Permit fees are based_ The chart inGudes average, minimum and maximum 6mes. Delays in the issuance perm'tts may result from inadeyuate or incomplete submittals, failure of the applicant to pick up the permit, etc. . Novm,na 2aW ~ M VBILIB a 4 ~ c d o - t1EW COMSTRUCTION /1p 3 S*pry a tass 2 i1.002.037.00 26 26 26 IloepitBYlnSUtulion t S196.80 78 78 78 lidustrial 2 5833,841KDO 20 17 23 Mercmtlle _ 1 $28.000.00 1 1 1 Olnce1i'rofesabrnl 3 $5b8 632.00 56 25 109 RAIOOEL - Irbustnal BLO&V 1 1000U 29 29 28 p~anwe 3 2343 10 1 17 Ory~~ntesmpnel 4 t0,riiN 13 8 23 ADOfT10N IrK1u~UtUl 8u~l~~trx~_ 1 SA3 475 [)0 ~ Ifk; 16t; 1cit, T he Petmit Center has been tracking turnaround for Right o1 Way Perma Applications and tfie faxed Mechanical and Plumbirtg PErrtrit Applications_ At present we are responding to those applications within 24 hours, typicalty by noon on the tollowing day. Page 7 of 8 City ot Spokane Valiey Depardnent of Community Development Monthfy Report for November 2005 Building: Inspec6ons Inspections are conducted the day fol(owing the inspection request except for weekends and tialidays_ CuRerttly we are using one omcall inspector, Tom Melboum to nQt only help wnth our inspecbon loads, but to perforrn all of our residential plan reviews. In addition, another on-call mspector, Bill Hart, is working about 20 hours per week to keep pace with our heavy work load Code Compliance All preliminary investigauons are conducted within 24 hours excepl those received on Friday which ars investigated before the end of the next business day, Pennit Center Two surveys were recFived during the month of November - changes from the previous report are h4ghlighte(l PERMIT CENTER SURVEY Department of Community DevebQment Fabevary tMaigh Oefobsr 2D5 I) I visit the PwEt Conta' 3 More than oncc a weck 3 Weekly J Once n Manth f Occas,orolh a Forst vew Z) Tha pLirpoae of nw visit(s): 5 6enerol Infamation 7 Zamng/Plat la BwldingPermst s 1 Other Prrmit 1 Mettmg 0 Code Compimnt 1 Heartng 0 Use Pemit 1 License 3 pther 3) Tht Dapartrnent/Oivision I canr tv tes wns Ll Plommng 3 Engincer,ny ~ 8wlding Pamits 6 Inspectians 1 Ping, Bldg 8 Enqinurmq Q CoAe Complwnce 0 Otfier (Sptc+fY- 4) I nesdsd M sse (Nome), and thsy wsrs: e Availobls0 On the photie I Not wuilnbk 5) PuPnlt 4ntv stuff Is (check all thot opply) 17 Frrendly 17 Court6ous 1_4 Krowkdgeabk 12 Helpful S_ Prompt I Lurt or abcupt 0 Dixour'teous l Clueless O UnMllli^g to hdp a Slo.r 0 Ot hrr 6) TdmpFwM ulka to staH inanitimm ors rcturnAd 4 Within 24 haun I Witfun the ~►rcek 1 Never ansYrcred 0 dther 7) AAy ap was trions{erred 2 Once ! Twnce 0 Mors than twrce I_tJever 8) U{prmurtion prorided is 13AccuratdComplete S Well neSeorc}►cd Q InopplicoWe j Incomplete 0 Other 9) The Pnwiit Gatar is I2Wel{-organized Orskrly q Too crorded Q too ro14y I Di9orgonized 10) 11 evaN". I use/ Mwld use: 10 On-line appbcatmm ~ Fau aQpacotions 2 Ort-line poyment 0 pther S+99ntim ta' fnpr°Neg Sennoe: COUNT Z7 Cpltltnerlts 1'tetived: '(Staff J n►a'e interested m discussug thRx prrsonol lives: no anR arswcr [s►c] plwree alMwys Fw+re to kove mcssoge 6 hope tfiey respond: Alce pulling tceth to grt accurore itiformatwn: [Permit Csnter] inefficoent - dont curc: [would uss fnx applicahon) rf dorie m n tunely mmner, get some new e.rnployees who hove pnde m the work ther do: they represert the Gty af Spokane Ynl{ry and are not doug a 9ood jab If you compiain wlm there they are evm slorir. We are bringu+g in rew.l+ue for the uty" *Sqesd up process far projects os simpk as pale bwldings. 5houldr►'t hove to Nat 2-3 days. I shou{dn't have hod to go to the Hmlth bept. for sgroff_ They snid thcy hod inxcd bock some day as oWied for. Yaur prapk wuldn t(ind it. Thcn the permit fa accordmq ta computer wuz nimost twice as much as shovld be Paut Young- Excnlibur Steel Stn,ctures' Pags e o18 an - 5~30~5I1e PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Va11ey MONTHLY REPORT November 2005 , AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • Street Maintenance - Gounty Street Maintenance Interlocal • Engineering Services Support - Gounty Engineering Interlocal • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal WASTEWATER: - • Wastewater Treatment - The end of January the City received from the County financial information regarding the County's sewer utility as it relates to the assumption of the County owned sewer facilities. • Spokane River Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) is available on the UAA web site at http://www.spokaneriveruses.neUlinks.htm CAPITAL PROJECTS: p Valley Corridor Project Continued coordination with SRTC and PN on the Spokane regional traffic model. Still waiting for future forecast model. (we discovered errors in 11/11/05 model results that SRTC needed to correct) o Project Grant Applications At the TIB Board meeting in Vancouver, WA on November 18, none of the projects submitted for funding were selected. The following project applications were submitted. Arterial Improvement Program (AIP) • Evergreen Road Project 2- 16fh Avenue to 32"d Avenue ($2.6M requested) • Barker Road - LaBerry Avenue to Broadway Avenue ($1.4M requested) Transportation Partnership Program (TPP) • Park Road Grade Separation - at BNSF RR (Bridging the Valley) ($2M requested) Urban Sidewalk Program (PSMP) • Mission Avenue - Lilly Road to Center Road ($57,960 requested) • 8th Avenue - Calvin Road to Adams Road ($107,000 requested) o Contracts for Construction Services Presented information to Council at the July 19th Study Session and received approval to move forward with contracts for construction services. Finat contracts, scopes and budgets for J-U-B, Century West and CH2MHILL are in for reviewlexecution. c\ Construction o PineslMansfield Federal funds for Preliminary Engineering have been released. The County and State are designing their respective areas of the project. The project is scheduled to advertise for bid in early 2006. ; o Broadway Avenue Overlay, Argonne Road Overiay, and Dishman-Mica Road Rehabilitation Federal funds have been released for Preliminary Engineering. These projects are being designed by City staff. Environmental Classification Summaries (ECS) have been approved for each project. These projects will advertise in early 2006. o Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - Tschirley to Hodges Federal funds have been released for Preliminary Engineering. Environmental Classification Summary (ECS) has been approved. Budinger is worlcing on geotechnical investigation. Adams 8 Clark is working on topographic survey. David Evans 8 Assoc. is under contract for design engineering. This project will advertise in 2008. • o CenterPlace Final Acceptanoe of project approved October 27, 2005. One-year warranty period begins as of the Final Acceptance date. Worlced on minor punch list items and warranty issues. Worlcing on final project closeout. 0 8t' Avenue Overlay Project .Project complete o Montgomery Avenue Rehabilitation Project Project complete o Barker Road Project Project being designed - 90% Design Complete. Construction has been delayed until 2006. Right-of- way acquisition is in process. Project will bid late 2005 or early 2006. o Barker Road Bridge Project Type, Size and Location Study is complete. CH2MHILL is working on scope and budget for design engineering. 0 16th Avenue Project Project Substantially Complete o Park Road Project Project Substantially Complete - Punchlist items remain. o Sherwood ForestfMica ParklJohnston Sanitary Sewer Project Project Complete o Inland Sanitary Sewer Project Project complete o Parks Road Sanitary Sewer Project Mainline and paving complete - Punchlist items remain. o Edgerton Sanitary Sewer Project Mainline and paving complete - Punchlist items remain o Orchard Avenue Sanitary Sewer Project Project 60% complete - Project will carry over to Spring 2006. o Carnahan Sanitary Sewer Project Project Complete TRAFFIC: ' • Worked with Valley Mall and sheriff's' office to resolve traffic control issues for holiday season. • Developed a preliminary plan for future Intelligent Transportation System components (traffic cameras, message signs, etc.) to be added in Spokane Valley. • Worked with the Communi#y Development and Parks Departments to identify locations for future multi-use paths, bike lanes, etc. for incorporation into the comprehensive plan. a Began collecting traffic counts for use in developing improved traffic signal timing. • After working extensively with a consultant, we came to agreement with SRTC on a 2003 base traffic model that more accurately models the valley traffic flow. • 13 - Construction and utility work related traffic control plans were reviewed and approved. • 28 - New citizen requests/complaints were received via phone. These typically involve traffic signals, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concerns, streetlight outages, requests for new streetlights, traffic count requests, and parking issues. . STORMWATER: . • Contracted out services with Spokane County ISD for the preparation of a S#ormwater Tax Fee application to be used for the corning tax year. The County ISD finalized the application in late August. The updates to the 2006 tax rolls have been completed for the 2005 permits year to date. We are currently checking the accuracy of the stormwater charge for several parcels within the City. • Submitted grant applications to Ecology to help fund UIC requirements. • Mapped and created database of City owned drainage facilities. • Coordinated the review of public comments for the stormwrater manual with Spokane County & City of Spokane. ' • Working on stormwater solutions for 2006 sewer projects. • Contracted out services with Tetra TechIKCM 8 GeoEngineers for a soil study to determine topsoil requirements to provide water quality treatment. Consultant is in the proc,ess of analyzing soil samples. COUNTY MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY: • City 2005 budget is $2,405,394 ($1,589,292 in the Street Fund and $816,102 in the Stormwater Fund). Through the end of October the County has billed $1,425,899 for Street Maintenance and $867,778 for Stormwater Maintenance, these total S2,293,677 or 95.3% of 4he budgeted funds. LAND DEVELOPMENT _ October Activity: NEW APPLICATIONS • COMMERCIAL BLDG PERMITS SIZE/Description o Dishman Commons Apartments Multi-family Apartments o Pinch Warehouse 10,870 sf warehouse o Precision Cutting Technologies 9,200 sf office & manufacturing l-1 REZONE APPLICATIONS o Macey Rezone UR 3.5 to UR 22 o Wagstaff Rezone .I-2 to I-3 o Kanishcheva Rezone UR 3.5 to UR 7 REZONEIPLAT/PUD APPLICATIONS o McMillian Estates UR 3.5 to UR 7 and 17 lot plat SHORT PLAT APPLICATIONS . o Strunk Short Plat 2 lot short plat ' o Granly Short Plat 4 lot short plat o Ben 8 Kris Estates 5 lot short plat o Macey Short Plat 3 lot short piat o Behrens Short Plat 5 lot short plat FINAL SHORT PLAT APPLICATIONS o Toliver Short Plat 3 lot short plat o University View Estates 21 lot plat o Comerstone Church 2 lot short plat o Sharpe Short Plat 3 lot short plat OTHER MAJOR ACTIVITIES NEW COUNTY PROJECTS , o SP-1380-05 2 lot short plat TEMPORARY USE PERMIT o Green Temporary Use Permit Dependent Relative Permit NEW STREET & DRAINAGE PLANS (CURRENT LAND-USE PROJECTS) o Mayhew Duplexes Construct street in existing ROW COMMERCIAL PRE-APPLICATIONS MEETINGS o Dietzman Grocery Store Expansion 1200 sf expansion o Central Pre-Mix Expansion 1978 sf addition . o Everett Espresso Espresso Stand o Koch Apartments 12-unit Apartment Complex o Howell Townhouses (Phase 1) 11 unit cflmplex o Howell Townhouses (Phase 2) 6 unit complex ~ S`po~ane /Capital Improvement Projects 2005 & 2006 PROJECTS Proposod Estimatod Dosign Construction. 2005 (2006) Total Projoct Funding Road Constructian Projocts Project Location Bid Dato Complation Deto Comploto Comploto Fundinp Cast T18 Park Road - Project 2 8th Avenue to 2nd Avenue 11I1l05 100% 95% S 821,000 $ 972,000 STP(U) 16ih Avenue - Project 2 Dishman-Mica Road to SR 27 5l31l05 10°h 100% S 1,932,000 $ 3,302,000 TIB Baricer Road Reconstruclion Baone Avenueto Barker Road Bridge Nov-06 10195J06 90% 0°6 S 1,150,000 $ 2,998,200 S7P(U) Dishman-AAica Road Rehabililafion Spmgue Avenue to Applevroy Avenue Mar-06 711106 95"r6 01~10 S 49,400 $ 57,100 STI'(U) Argoniie Road Qverlay Irvdiane Avenue to Montqomery Avenue Mar-06 BJ1/06 75`SS U% $ 274,000 $ 316,6Df1 STP(U) Broadway Avenue OveMay Bates Road to Sullivan Road Felr06 ElJ1106 75°;u 0% S 703,000 $ 812,700 CDBG Montgomery Avenue Rehabilitation Universiry Road to I-90 an ramp 11I1105 100% 10056 $ 439,850 $ 439,854 Clty 83h Avenue Overlay Farr Road to Universily Road 11l1l05 100% 100°h b - $ 270,000 CqBG Montgomery Avenue Rehab 42 Argonne Raad to University Raad A4ay-06 10l15106 0% 0°fo $ 471,000 $ 471,001D Road Deslgn.Projects 'I'IF3JCMAQ FineslMan,(lobrf Project Wi]bur Rd. to PEnes Rd., Pines to 190 Feb-O6 1Q/15JU6 10`;0 25% S 620,000 $ 3,134,404 STP(U) Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Tschitley Rd. !o hlodges RA. Apr-06 1 DI1 `ri06 5% 0% $ 166,900 $ 3,197,000 BRAC 6arScer Road Bridge Replacement Barker Rd. at Spokane River Jan-08 12I1J09 0% 0°.6 $ 702,001) $ 8,057,815 • City Sullivan Road Extenslon (Bigelow Gulch) May-07 1011106 a`Yo 0% Sowor Prolects Camahan I-90 to Bth, HAVann2 to EListern 711105 100% 100% $ 2,569,ODQ $ 2,569,000 Shenvoad ForQSVb13ca Park1.loPtinstan Applevray to 16th, Siesta to Woodnrff 1115105 1049`0 100% $ 2,570,000 $ 2,570,000 Infand Broadway to Sprague, I-90 to Park 1 Z/1l05 100°:0 95% $ 660,000 $ 660,000 Par9cs Road Trent to I-90, Thierman to Park 12l1105 100% 9596 $ 1,445,000 $ 1,445,000 Edgerton . Utah to Trent, Etizabeth to Park 1211l05 104% 95% $ 2,543,000 $ 2,503,000 Orchard Avenuc Spolcane River to Liberty, Coleman to Vtsta 7115lt1G 100% 640/a $ 2,895,000 $ 2,895.000 City Veradalo Ha6ghis - Pavebac,k Valleyway to Mission. Evergreon lo A.dams PAar-U6 14115106 95°/a 6°~6 $ 397,260 $ 397,260 City Vera Terrece -Paveback 2rtd to 71h, EvcrgrcQn to Rurns PAar-OG 1 W15Jfl6 300/139b $ 209,250 $ 209,250 City Eleciric RR - Pavebadc Park to Visla, Trent lo Utah Mar-06 141151Ufi 0`76 0°Ya $ 308,790 $ 308,790 Planning Projects 5TP(U) Valley Corddor Environmentel Study Universiry to Appleway Na Jan-06 $ - 3 - i'ark Road Grade Separation (B'TV) Park Road at BNSF RR and Trent PAar-07 3096 "i'IH Va11ey Couplet - PrajECt 2 Unfversity to 6vergreen Msr-07 0% STA A4ission Ave. Sidewalk AAullan to University Cantcrpleco at Mirabeau Point Construction in Progress 9105 10096 9996 $ 9,500,000 S 9,500,000 Totsl $ 30,386,450 $ 47,085,365 STP(U) - Surtace Transportation Prvgrom (UrGan); TIB - Transporlation Improvernent Board; k3F2AC - Bridge ReplACement Advisory Committee; CDBG - Community Develapunent Block Grant Progrom CMAQ - Congestion ManagemenVAir Ouality Pragram; STA - SpUkane Tranait Authority 2005 Constrvclion Projects Nov SpOTN'ka,ne C~ Val_ley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley V'/A 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org -Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, Nina Regor, Members oF City Council From: Nrike Jackson Date: December 5, 2005 . Re: Nronthly Report for November 2005 Administration and Parlcs: 0 VVorked with City Attomey's office to collect past due Splashdown park_uig lot payment that is no4v paid in full. • Developing a CenterPlace rental policy with City Attorney and other dcpartments. • Attcnded the Washington Park and Recreation Association meeting in Puyallup on November. a. Mike Jacksou vvill serve on the Board representing Eastem Washington startiii; in April. f~ 0 Senske is now maintaini.ng CenterPlaee parking lot and landscaping. • MIG couiinues to work on the Parks aiid RecreaCion Mastcr Plan. • A.dinuustralive Assistant Carter workcd on preparation for the City Employee Apprcciativn d'uuler. CenterPlace: . • 2005 C'rroups 13ooked: As 41'' Oct. 31 2005 As of Nov. 30, 2005 Octobcr 14 14 November 13 14 Dec•ember 19 22 ~ 2006 Groups IIookcct: January 2 3 Februaiy 8 9 March 7 . g Apri I 11 12 MaY s 9 June 6 7 Jtily g 9 August 7 g September 7 6 Total Groups Bc►oked YTD: yG 107 . _ • Total IIids Out Year to L7ate: 74 -12 otller (no reasnn given) ~ Recreat'ion: • Ongoing.contribution to tie I7cpartment's Operatious and Maintenancc Manual (policies/proccdtires far the five divisions) • Participating in the Student Advisory Cotuicil; two meetings in NlOVember • Receivuig and processing xecreation prngraiu proposals from instructors and com.anunity service organizations • Plannin; for 2006 sluiuner carr►p programs - facility use; marketing flicr; structure and content • Assisting with toiLrs 4f and visitor services for CenterPlaee Seniur Ceoter: • Norli Star Equipment came tn check the kilns in the ceramic rooin and notcd that there needs to be a cool veutilation draw from the floor. Simple solution, Icave kiln room door oPen xvhen firuig.. Also; the kilns should nnt be left totally unatlended. • Hosteti the Senior Center Director's meeting at Cent:ei-Place. One of the major uiformational presentations was on grants and the vvriting of proposals. The senior center coordinators from Spokane attended ancl wanteci fo tour our new facility a.s well_ • Shelves are beitig iiiadc for the greenhouse by stuclents from Spokane Valley I-Iigh School with the assistancc of the Associatinn. Scott Carver received a$2,500 grant to assist with the greenhouse. Several SVSC Association wolunteers have planted 250 gelalllllIllS. • In Iaecember, 77 new mcinbers joined the SVSCA. . • New tlssociation hoard meinbers were clccted to serve a three year tcrm beginning January 2006: Dave DeWitt, Mary Alice Nelson, aiid Darrell Ravine. Spokane Valley Fire Departrnent 2005 Ri~ _.,`:se Information for CIty ot Spokane Valley INCIDENT TYPE Year to Qate Jan Feb Marc April ~May June Jul August Sept I Oct Nov Dec 11-S Shucture Fire Sinqle Res onse 267 19 17 27 171 21 41 27 27 1822 21 11-F Slruature Fire 91 8 10 11 6 S 9 10 4 7 10 11 11-1N Workin Fire 25 5 1 4 3 0 1 3 0 0 4 4 13S VeMiNc F1re 83 8 7 8 2 8 10 5 8 11 6 10 144!H Brush Fire-l.ow 76 1 2 9 4 10 5 16 17 10 1 1 15-5 Trash Flrc 18 0 0 3 0 0 2 6 4 1 21 1 18-S Alarm S stemSin le Response 72 7 S 5 3 5 6 10 6 4 9 12 18-F Alarm S stem- Full 354 42 24 28 28 27 33 34 30 35 43 30 31-A16 BLS ECAS Alarm 2465 259 201 217 206 213 219 243 246 244 219 198 31 -C!D ALS EMS Alarm 2601 286 246 262 256 256 272 247 249 263 249 215 31-F 2nd alarm EldSfMass Casualt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35-F Extrication 9 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 0 0 1 36-F Water Rescue 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 37-F Tech Rescue 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40-1 Hazmat Invesd ation 71 31 9 5 6 4 6 8 8 10 61 6 40-F HaZmat Full Res onse 8 1 0 0 0 1 S 0 0 0 1 0 46-A18 Auto Accident - Unknowrt M uries 567 56 38 49 44 51 49 70 64 65 41 60 46-ClD ALrto Acciderrt - Lite Tlireats 67 3 4 3 3 S 6 7 10 12 10 4 SOS Service Call 109 15 14 5 2 18 11 6 6 11 6 15 MONTHLY TOTAL 7697~ 715 576 636 5901 626 ~ 677 692 6B4 691 629 689 0