2005, 02-22 Special Meeting . %~~e L~ AGENUA SPUKANE VALLEY CI'1'Y COUNCIL SPECIAL MEE"C'I:NG Tuesday, February 22, 2005 8:00 a.m. CITY HALL AT RFDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Spraguc Avcnue, First Floor Call to Order by Ivlayor Diana Wilhite Agenda Topic: To considea- a motion to aulhorize the City Managcr or designee, lo sign a letter to the Departtnent of Ecology rclating to terms under which the City would agree to withclraw the Use Atlainability Anal}°sis Petition. Acijouriunent Executive Session Agenda 11-22-04 Pa~e I of 1 51'aK1LVE ~ SpC►kan`/~L. ~~~a~~~'• ~i~l.~, ilcy iamz Gcwn• A~-awarr r~ r .r, S FL.U' Cr,^ February 13, 2005 hflr. Daviri Peeler Vlarlager Water Quality ('rogr7m. Waslun;ton Department uf Ecology 300 Desmond Drive La«y, IVR 98503 'Dear :~~Ir. C'eeler: Tliaiik you foryour 3•ecent c:emmunicadan xvidh us regarding the perition for adoption, appeal anclJor amendment oF administeative reo aHons WAC 173-201A-600 and WAC'1T.i- 201t1 6U2 (the "UAt'+ I'etitiaci`). 1Ne understand dYe deadlinc for the Departmenl to take actian Lvi111 regard to the UAA Petition is February 25, 2005. Ecolo has propased kha_t the Sponsors of the UAA (the "Petitioners") and EcOlpgy agree tn a COUrse of action that will facilitate negotiadans betwceri th-c Pedtioners and Ecolpgy to ra.solve the Pehtioners" concerns with Urnft Subruiftaf. Repnrt fvi• tlte SJ?dkarie Ri.rT Dissolvec# nxygzf: IUf[ld !V4lT.l'1DN1liii I7aidy Ionrt that ivas issuet-t by Ecology on September 21, 2009 ("Draft TA4DL") and Ecolog}%s 'NovPmler 2004, prppnsal to inr_lude certain Spakane River spgmPnts an t}ie 2002f 2004 303(d) lisl of "iinpaired waEers" Eor rJissalveci oxygnn ("Listi-no, ProposaE"). The Petitioners are ~.~repared to volia.ntarily ivithdraiv tl1E UAA Petition pir-vided Ehat, an oi- before February 24, 2005, the Dcparl•ment anci ti1e I'etitioners rezch a written ao eemenr lhat• cnntains the following ternls: 1. I'he Pztihioners will voluntarily cvithdraw tE1e UAA Pekition by 5 p.an., TEbntary 24, 2005, "without prejudice." The UAA Petition csn be resubinicted by 1ny individual Petitioner or a11 of l•!Ie Petitioners at an}r time wikhout additional da}a or analysis. Th@ UAA Reporh wil1 r2Ynaui as parC oF lhe adrninistrative record for bntli the TMDL and the UAA_ Ecology cvill vo]untarily hflld in abey.~nce during the negotiaiions the Dr1ft Ti1~TJL upon receipt of a letter from all Petitiuners voluntarily withdrawing t11c UAA Petition. Etoiogy shall provide i>>ritten confimiakion of the abey1nce of the Draft TNiDL to the PetiNoners, via email or hx communication to Johii Spencer, at lsvencel QC3-T2ivl.com, ar FAX 425-468-3104. 3. rqllAwin$ ca=ittidrawat oF the UAt\ Petition and abeyancE of the Draft TivfDL, the Washuigton Department of Ecology 41°ater t'rograms Nranager, or ihe Dii•ector of t1» Dcpartment of Ecaingy, and ttie PetiEioners will ne~oti7fe, in good faith, a Ti~~IDL intpIenienl-ation plan that will aehieve thc fdllavving oUjecl•ives: + I , Mr. Davici Pe2ler P1ge Z February 1$, 2005 • Provide awaste laad alloratipn in the Spokanc River :or Sponane County's new I se'A'age treatttZent plan4 ivitEi waste load allocalions and IVPDCS perrnit ef(luent ~ limitations based on tl}e Count-y c41u1•rucfing and opcrating a final effluent fi.ltz-ation wasketivater treatniezit plant for at least 24 years. • Provide iulplenlentatiun sclledules for eacl: municipal and iaiclustrial Petilioner that a1.lAtivs stifficient time for rcasonable capital clebt red.emptian for Petitioiiers to imp(ernen: funal filtradon or equivaIent tecluiology. ~ • Develop, ui a collaborative praicss with the Petil7oners, a comprehensive Use I Attainability Analysi< for the 5pokarse P.iver by Au;ust 31, 2045, atid, if appropriate, initiate the rvlemaking process by December 31, 2005. • Deve[op a joint agrcenlcnt to implemenfi a wakersheci-based phnsphorcas non-point sflurce control proaram. • Coopcrate in the developmcnt nf other phesphnrus reductioil opportun6ties, ulcluding ~vater re-tLSe anci can,ervatian strategies. 4. Ecology will proc2ed i.n a tim2Ey manner to reissue or adtninistritively extend all expired and cxpiri.rig NPDES permiFS to authorize continuing rnunicipal and int-iustrial ~ disdiarges by ihe Petitioners, bascd on existi,ng perjl-iit condiNotis and tecluiologies pending the adoption of a fuial TtvIDL. ~ The UAA Petidoners welcome the Deparl•Rient oE Ecelagy's interest ni canshvctive c[iscus5ions ho ach.ieve si~riificant and mcaivngfal improvements ko the Spokane R.ive;r water oualitv. 4VP arp nrrnared tn mmirit to ac=vrhStii~~~ arir3 anod faith n~onhiaiinna to . expect i tiously re.salve the penciing UAra and TNIDL issues. We loak forrrard to hearing from ~ you quiekl,y. In tI-ie ulterest in Eacililnl'u1g comrnunications, plcase direct furtlter cvrrununications ro John Spencer (at tl1e contacts shown ahove in point #2), who will provicte your response to the f'etil°ioners. ~ Sineerely, t" k UA.A Sponsors and Petitioneas: 0 t ~K,1iK3f50..5Cd~JC41 Mr. Davic[ Peeler Page 3 February 1$, 2005 ~ sPQ1C.~`rE ~ Jhmes E. ~~1~e t 1c, Cit J pokane a~A~~` Pat lau, k ' er Alumirum ~ P Rick i=ink, [n.laizd Empire Paper - I ~~'~i~►~1 '-i'~lv - Sid Fr2d.rickson, City of Coeur d'Alene > lµ v ~Kent Heliner, Hayclen Area Regional Se4ver Roard Spi~k~tn~ ~VI i t(.y, Diana 1Nilllite, Ivlayor, City nf Spokane Vallcy 4.~i. Lee Mellish, Liberq! Lake Seiver and bVater D.isFrict kT.9SCi.1M~f Phil I-Iarris, Comnussioner, 5pokane Caunty ii,•~ .,o,..+l..w r...Clay Larkin, Ivlayor, Cii), of Anst Falls c: Sponsors of the SpAkane River UAA sPr4x;I 3D.4~:= I