2003, 12-23 Regular MeetingAGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 23, 2003 CITY HALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor 6:00 P.M. Council Requests All Electronic Devices be Turned Off During Council Meeting CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION: Pastor Pat Mecham. Opportunity Presbyterian Church ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS COMMITTEE. BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT: PUBLIC COMMENTS For members of the Public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on the Agenda. Please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. PUBLIC HEARING: 1. CONSENT AGENDA Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmcmbcr may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of Regular Council Meting Minutes of December 2, 2003 b. Approval of Study Session Meeting Minutes of December 16. 2003 c Approval of Claims in the amount of S'2,027,353,26 d. Approval of Payroll in the amount of S105,947.27 c. Approval of County Maintenance Contract Agreement f. Approval of Tan Moore Agreement Amendment NEW BUSINESS 2. Proposed Ordinance 03 -098 to Create Funds — Second Reading [public comment] 3. Proposed Resolution 03 -055 to Amend Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program [public comment] 4. Motion Consideration; Approval of Fleet Management Policy [public comment] 5. Motion Consideration: To Amend Hotel/Motel Contract Concerning Cost Reimbursement [public comment] 6. Motion Consideration: Approval of Probation Services Interlocal Agreement [public comment] 7. Motion Consideration: Mayor Appointrnent to Spokane Co. Air Pollution Control Authority [public comment] Council Agenda 12 -23 -03 Regular Mcetrng Page 1 of 2 I'I !RLIC COMMENTS (Maximum of three minutes please; state your name and address for the record) ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: [no public comment] 8. Fire District Annexation Issues 9. Council Retreat Planning 10. Draft MOLT re STEP Agreement 11_ Proposed Street Vacation Ordinance Discussion 12. Library Report 13. Legislative Issues Discussion INFORMATION ONLY: (no public comment' 14. Public Nuisance Ordinance Excerpt re Sidewalk Cleaning 15. Minutes of Planning Commission of November 13. 2003 16. Status of Previous Public Comments/Concern 17. Information from Washington State Transportation Improvement Board 18_ Department Monthly Reports ADJOURNMENT FUTURE SCHEDULE Regular Council Meetings are generally held 2" and 4`" Tuesday, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Council Study Smions are generally held r, 3"` and 511, Tuesdays, beginning at 6 :00 p.m. Other Upcoming Meetingx'Eventc: December 24, 2003 - City Hall Offices Close at 1 :00 p.m. December 25, 2003 - Christmas Day - City Hall Closed December 30, 2003 - No Council Meeting or Council Study Session December 31, 2003 - City Hall Offices Close at 3 :30 p.nr. January 1, 2004 - New }`ear's Day - City Hall Closed January 6, 2004 - No Council Meeting or Council Study Session Jonuury 13, 2004 - 6 :00 p.m Council Regular Meeting January 15, 2004 - Joint Meeting: Council and Planning Commission January 19, 2004 - Martin Luther King Day - City Hall l Closed January 20, 2004 - 6 :00 p.m. Council Regular Meeting January 27, 2004 - No Council Meeting or Council Study Session January 28 and 29, 2004 -City Legislative Action Conference, Olympia, Washington February 3, 2004 - 6:00 p.m. Study Session NOTICE. individuals planning to attend the alerting who require special assistance to accommodate ph }sical. hearing. or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 921.1000 as x'on as possible so that arrangements may he made. Council .Agenda 12 -23-03 Regular Meeting Page 2or2 DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Tuesday, December 2, 2003 Executive Session: 4:30 p.m. Mayor DeVleming called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. All councilmembers were in attendance except Mike Flanigan and Gary Schimmels. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wilhite to adjourn into Executive Session as per RCW 42.30.110(g) to discuss a personnel matter, and to reconvene at 6:00 p.m. into the regular meeting. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned into Executive Session at 4:32 p.m. At 4 :44 p.m., Mayor DeVleming declared Council out of Executive Session and asked Council to reschedule the Executive Session to 4:30 p.m., December 16, 2003. It was moved by Councilmember Munson and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wilhite to reschedule the Executive Session to 4:30 p.m., December 16, 2003, for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter as per R.CW 4230.110(g). Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Mayor DeVleming then called for a recess of today's meeting until 6:00 p.m. Mayor DeVleming reconvened the meeting at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the Council's 33 " meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers: Michael DeVleming, Mayor Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Richard Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Staff Present: Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Stanley Schwartz, City Attorney Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Ken Thompson, Finance Director Mike Jackson, Parks d. Recreation Director Neil Kersten, Public. Works Director Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Kevin Snyder, Current Planning Manager Torn Scholtens, Building Official Sue Pearson, Deputy City Clerk Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor DeVleming led the Pledge of Allegiance. INVOCATION: Pastor Darrell Cole of Spokane Valley Wesleyan Church gave the invocation. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll. All Councilmembers were present. Council Minulcs 12.02 -03 Paee 1 of 4 Date Approves! by Council: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: As there were no changes to the agenda, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Wilhite and seconded by Councilmember Munson to approve the agenda. Vote by Acclamation: in Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. COMMITTEE, BOART), LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Deputy Mayor Wilhite announced that she and Councilmember Denenny attended the recent Spokane Transit Authority Board meeting where public testimony was given from those who use the bus system as their only means of transportation; and that some mentioned the possibility of a petition in order to get this matter on the ballot. Deputy Mayor Wilhite added that it was mentioned that even if fares were increased it would not be enough to cover the budgetary matters. DRAFT Councilmember Flanigan reported that he received 13 grant applications for a total requested amount of over $592,000; that he estimates the fund for 2004 at $300,000; and looks forward to continuing the process to the eventual designation of funds. Councilmember Taylor thanked the Mayor and others for their efforts to have this Thursday's celebration; and added that new pins are now available. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor DeVleming reported that the Christmas tree is in place for Thursday's ceremony, and he too thanked everyone who volunteered their time and talents for this celebration, especially thanked members of SCOPE for their efforts; and invited everyone to come to the celebration. Mayor DeVleming also announced he received a letter concerning the groundbreaking schedule that PFD would like to hold with the possibility of combining the openings of the convention center, additions to the fairgrounds, and CentcrPlace, and he asked for council input to join with PFD or hold a separate groundbreaking. After brief discussion, it was council consensus to hold a separate groundbreaking ceremony and tentatively set it for December 17. PUBLIC COMMENT: None were offered. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: After City Clerk Bainbridge read the Consent Agenda, it was moved by Councilmember Munson and seconded by Councilmember Schimmels to approve the Consent Agenda. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: 2. Proposed Ordinance 03 -096, Annual Appropriation Ordinance for 2004 Budget — Second Reading. After City Clerk Bainbridge read the Ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Munson and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan to approve Ordinance 03 -096. After brief commentary from Finance Director Thompson, Mayor DeVleming invited public comment; none was offered. Mayor DeVleming also extended his thanks to the staff and the finance committee. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 3. Proposed Ordinance 03-0 7 Amendin: Cha.ter Relatin to Adult Retail Businesses — Second Readin . . After City Clerk Bainbridge read the Ordinance title, it was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan to approve Ordinance 03 -097. Deputy City Attorney Driskell explained that no changes have been made since the first reading, and added that this document does not address adult retail facilities' hours of operation. Driskell said that staff will further examine that issue and it is tentatively calendared for late January. Mayor DeVleming invited public comment; none was offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Council Minutes 12 -02 -03 Date Approved by Council: Page 2 of 4 DRAFT 4. Proposed Resolution 03 -054 Providing for an 1nt:erfund Loan from City's Street Fund to City Ls General Fund. After City Clerk Bainbridge read the Resolution title, it was moved by Mayor DeVlerning and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan to approve Resolution 03 -054. City Manager Mercier stated that the general fund needs to borrow cash during the current year to pay the start -up costs associated with a new city and the State Auditor requires a Resolution to provide for an Interfund Loan from the Street Fund to the General Fund. Mayor DeVleming invited public comment; none was offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 5. Interlocal Con eration Act A 'reement for Establishment of Spokane County Tourism Promotion Area. City Manager Mercier stated that the Board of County Commissioners recently received an invitation petition to establish a Tourism Promotion Area and they have scheduled a public hearing on the matter for December 16, 2003; and that by statute, such an area cannot include property within an incorporated city unless that City has entered into an Inter local Agreement with the County of jurisdiction. Mr. Mercier added that in terms of process, staff recommends Council wait until after the public hearing for consideration of the agreement. After City Attorney Schwartz went over the highlights of the agreement, discussion ensued regarding responsibility of proper funding, disestablishment, oversight by the Board of County Commissioners, possible inclusion of other cities such as Liberty Lake and /or Airway Heights, and zone assessments. It was council consensus to consider the agreement further at a fixture council meeting. 6. Office of Professional Standards Presentation. Police Chief Cal Walker and Lt. Greg Conner gave an informational presentation concerning the existing procedures used for handling citizen complaints and comments, and for conducting internal investigations. Lt. Conner explained that prior to 1996, there was no formal process to handle such issues and that his job is to scrutinize his department's employees. Lt. Conner said that he prefers if Council receives a complaint concerning police practices, that such correspondence be forwarded directly to him or Chief Walker. 7. Ownership Occupancy Options for Police Precinct. City Manager Mercier explained that staff has been working for months to analyze factors associated with allocation of space and operational expenses and options related to the City of Spokane Valley police force's occupancy in the County's Valley Precinct Station on Bast Sprague Avenue. Mr. Mercier then briefed Council on the City's proposal for acquiring 49% ownership, the County's counterproposal for selling 56% of ownership, the County's November 18 letter describing a leasing option, and the costs associated with those options. After discussion of option preferences, it was council preference that staff move toward our proposal with a lease option in order to try to have the most favorable financial and operational option. 8. Street Vacation Ordinance Discussion. Deputy City Attorney Driskell and Current Planning Manager Snyder gave a PowerPoint presentation and discussion of the options for processing street vacation requests. The three options presented included: (1) not charging for any vacation request; (2) charging the statutory amounts — up to 50% if held less than 25 years and no public funds were used to purchase, or 100% if the opposite were true; and (3) a modification of option 2 whereby council would set a percentage up to 50% for those properties held less than 25 years or not purchased with public funds. Attorney Driskell said that in terms of cost recovery, option 2 would be best; and Mr. Snyder added that the best vehicle for cost recovery of actual staff time would be the fee schedule. Mr. Snyder said over a year's time, staff receives approximately six requests for street vacations. After further discussion of the options, Mr. Mercier suggested staff come back at a future meeting to present council with a composite view and a series of scenarios, adding that there could be instances where no charge should be assessed. Council Minutes 12 -02 -03 Page 3 of 4 Date Approved by Council: 9. Advance Agenda Additions. The Spokane Transit Authority has confirmed that it will make a presentation to council December 16; also confirmed was the January 15, 2004 joint meeting of Council and Planning Commission from 3 -5 p.m. Mayor DeVleming added that the planned executive session for today is re- scheduled for December 16 at 4:30 .m. There being no further business, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously agree upon to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Minutes 12 -02.03 Date Approved by Council: DRAFT Michael DeVleming, Mayor Page 4 of 4 DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session December 1 2003 Executive Session: 4:30 p.m. Mayor DeVleming called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. All councilmembers were in attendance except Steve Taylor. 1t was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan to adjourn into Executive Session as per RCW 42.30.110(g) to discuss a personnel matter, and to reconvene al 6:00 p.m. into the regular study session. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. M.otion carried. The meeting adjourned into Executive Session at 4:36 p.m. At 6:10 p.m., Mayor DeVleming declared Council out of Executive Session. All councilmembers were in attendance. Mayor DeVleming then welcomed everyone to the study session. Attendance: Councilmembers: Michael DeVleming, Mayor Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmcmber Richard Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Staff Present: Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Cal Walker, Police Chief Ken Thompson, Finance Director Neil Kcrsten, Public Works Director Sue Pearson, Deputy City Clerk Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk 1. Spokane Transit Authority Presentation. Councilmember Denenny introduced Spokane Transit Authority representatives Kim Zentz, Interim CEO, and Molly Myers, Communications Manager. Ms. Myers then went over the PowerPoint Presentation. Ms. Myers also gave a brief history of the financial issues of Spokane Transit, which started with a repeal of the excise tax and their loss of approximately 40% of their revenue. Discussion then ensued regarding the proposed change of routes and times, paratransit (which is mandated), projected revenues from the City of Spokane Valley, upcoming STA public hearings, and the affect and connection (if any) of the Commute Trip Reduction Plan for Major Employers. Ms. Zent�, added that they will continue gathering public input and all questions and comments will be forwarded to the Task Force and Board. Ms. Myers mentioned that the public hearings are scheduled for January 14 and 15. 2. Proposed Ordinance 03 -098 Creating Funds. Finance Director Thompson explained that rather than create three funds, only one fund for trails and paths is necessary, and that this is more of a housekeeping item. Discussion ensued regarding the definition of trails and paths and whether it included areas in parks. Director Thompson said he felt that trails and paths move traffic — whether that be vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Wilhite and seconded by Mayor DeVleming to advance Ordinance 03 -098 to a second reading. Vote by acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Study Session Minutes 12 -16 -03 Page. 1 of 3 Date Approved by Council: DRAFT 3. Wastewater Interlocal Agreement Draft. Public Works Director Kersten distributed updated copies of the draft interlocaL and proceeded to explain the highlights and the changes in the document, adding that tonight represents the first touch of this draft agreement. Several councilmembers voiced concern of not having enough information or discussion to consider approval of such an agreement, and that issues such as ownership, control, and rates should be discussed in further detail. City Manager Mercier added that the trip to Stockton California to discuss Stockton's DBO plant was insightful, but that contracts have been set aside by an appeals court judge in California due to issues related to notice requirements; and that staff is attempting to collect more information about that and to determine if it does or will have an affect on plans here. After further discussion and review of the draft agreement, it was Council consensus to have staff further explore: (I) how to mediate conflicts; (2) who has financial responsibility for such mediation; (3) who determines how reserve funds might be spent; (4) council having greater contributions in any final county decision; (5) more flexibility in agreement language concerning ratings and service charges; (6) making sure no new taxes are added; (7) possibility of creating any other funds such as sewer reserve fund or valve replacement fund; (8) our proportionate share regarding SAWTP and future upgrading; and (9) weighed representation based on usage of the plant. This item will be brought back for further discussion at a later meeting. Mayor DeVleming culled for a recess at 7:45 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:54 p.m. 4. Library Report. Deputy City Manager Regor explained that she just returned from the Library Board's meeting and has two proposals for further consideration; and that the Library Board is willing to approve an agreement using either option. Option 1 would use the property tax valuation method. Although the assessor's numbers are still not final, it is estimated option 1 will cost the City $2,090,000. Option 2 moves away from the property tax valuation and tries to estimate the Valley usage; in that for every branch in the district, they have attempted to determine how many Valley residents were signed up for each branch's use; that it appears approximately 80% use of the Valley Branch is from Valley residents; and that this option would cost the City approximately $2,099,860 with reimbursement caps. After discussion of the two options, it was stated that if there are to be set figures for valuation, there should be set figures for actual uncollectibles. City Manager Mercier suggested since the proposal of option 2 is new; staff will bring a presentation to the next meeting for further council evaluation. 5. Police Station Occupancy Agreement Report. City Manager Mercier reported that staff is following along on a lease provision for the precinct in the Valley; that he and Cal Walker met with Marshall and the county is in virtual agreement; and that the County attorney is working on the document and a proposed lease agreement will be forthcoming. 6. Fleet Management Policy. City Manager Mercier explained that this policy is similar to that which he used in other Washington communities, customized to reflect transactions in the valley. Council suggested changes to consider in the policy include: (1) section 6 to add a statement about obeying state motor vehicle laws; (2) on page five under accident reporting and investigation #2 — to add the word "immediately" in the first sentence after the word notified; and (3) add a requirement to notify the police department of all accidents. It was also suggested to add a clause that a disposable camera will be kept in each city vehicle's glove box to be used to document any accident situations. This policy will be re- drafted and brought back next week for further consideration. 7. Legislative Issues. Councilmembcr Taylor mentioned the upcoming January AWC Conference in Olympia, and that council might want to decide which issues to promote to the Olympia legislators. After council discussion of the Study Session Minutes 12 -16 -03 Page 2 of 3 Date Approved by Council: D R. A F topics Council suggested the following issues for legislators' consideration: economic development; expansion of community harm zone in order to expand economically depressed areas and to get those zones re- authorized; new legislation to expand boundaries; tax equalization; source -rule sales tax; water rights; public facilities district expansion; and tort reform. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmeutber Munson to extend the meeting another 20 minutes. Council approved. 8. Boards /Committee Appointments. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded, to extend by twelve months, the Growth Management Steering Contntittee to include Steve Taylor and Riclt Munson as primary, and keep the remainder councilntentbers as alternates, with a termination date of12 -31- 2004. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Deputy Mayor Wilhite announced that due to business reasons, she will withdraw from the Spokane Transit Authority Board effectively immediately. Mayor DeVleming accepted her withdraw. Deputy Mayor Wilhite said she will send a follow -up letter. 9. Advance Agenda Additions. Brief discussion ensued regarding issues on upcoming agendas. 10. City Manager Comments. City Manager Mercier reminded everyone of the groundbreaking ceremony for CenterPlace set for tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. Mr. Mercier also mentioned that Council has provided an opportunity to show their recognition and appreciation of the employees' diligence, by closing offices New Year's Eve at 3:30 for a celebration. Additionally, Mr. Mercier mentioned that in checking other businesses and entities in the area, it appears to be a time- honored tradition to close early on Christmas Eve. After brief discussion, it was decided that City Hall offices will close at 1:00 p.m. Christmas Eve. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m. ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Michael DeVleming, Mayor Study Session Minutes 12 -I6 -03 Page 3 of 3 Date Approved by Council: Meeting Date: 12 -23 -03 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Claims: Voucher listing total for the weeks of November 24, 2003, December 8, and December 15, 2003 OPTIONS: STAFF CONTACT: Ellen Avey CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims of $ 1,303,477,92 Approve claims of $ 364,498.59 Approve claims of $ 359,376.75 BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: $2,027,353.26 ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists for week of November 24,December 8, and December 15, 2003 vchlist 11/24/2003 11:50:44AM Bank code : agbank Voucher List Page: 1 Spokane Valley Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description /Account Amount 3830 11/24/2003 000150 ALLIED SECURITY IVC20054240 KEY & LOCK SERVICE 108.10 Total : 108.10 3831 11/24/2003 000212 ATTORNEY & NOTARY SUPPLY KC NOTARY STAMP 39.71 SP NOTARY STAMP 39.71 Total : 79.42 3832 11/24/2003 000148 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP 319773 UNIFORM BADGES 10.86 Total : 10.86 3833 11/24/2003 000242 CAMPREGISTER.COM 10/1 -10/15 INTERNET REGISTRATION SER\ 35.00 Total : 35.00 3834 11/24/2003 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 17107 COFFEE SERVICE 131.80 Total : 131.80 3835 11/24/2003 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 76576738 30131 OFFICE SUPPLIES 132.70 30131 80080606 30136 OFFICE SUPPLIES 357.36 Total : 490.06 3836 11/24/2003 000136 DEPARTMENT OF INFO SERVICES, STA 44531 30139 SOFTWARE 6,845.14 Total : 6,845.14 3837 11/24/2003 000152 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 31014090/91 ROAD MAINTENANCE 7,772.98 Total : 7,772.98 3838 11/24/2003 000014 EDEN SYSTEMS, INC. 18449 SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION 2,936.13 18450 SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION 937.50 Total : 3,873.63 3839 11/24/2003 000363 I -DEAL 10002155 DISTRIBUTION OF POS 1,500.00 Total : 1,500.00 3840 11/24/2003 000362 INNERFACE SIGN SYSTEMS INC. 0192514 INTERIOR SIGNS 169.49 Total : 169.49 Page: 1 vchlist 11/24/2003 11:50:44AM Bank code : apbank Voucher 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 Date Vendor 11/24/2003 000266 11/24/2003 000071 11/24/2003 000283 11/24/2003 000013 11/24/2003 000344 11/24/2003 000307 11/24/2003 000147 11/24/2003 000149 11/24/2003 000041 11/24/2003 000019 11/24/2003 000256 11/24/2003 000024 11/24/2003 000088 JAMES, GAY LARSON, SUE NATIONAL RECREATION & PARK, ASSO NRPA NEOPOST, INC. NFPA OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER PEARSON, SUSAN PIP PRINTING OF SPOKANE PROTHMAN COMPANY PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. RAINBOW ELECTRIC INC RESOURCE COMPUTING INC. SAFETY & SUPPLY CO Vou iwi List Spokane Valley Invoice GJ112103 SL111303 41524269 2538736Y 2539072Y Oct03 SP 1330025252 2003 -364 9688 13092 36131 861890 -1 PO # Description /Account EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP Total : POSTAGE METER RENTAL Total : BLDG CODE PUBLICATIONS BUILDING CODE PUBLICATIONS Total : STATE REMITTANCES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : PRINTING CITY BANNER ELECTRICAL LABOR CONSULTING TRAFFIC CONES Total : Total : EMPLOYEE PLACEMENT FEES Total : Total : Total : Total : • 2 Amount 5.00 5.00 11.88 11.88 280.00 280.00 103.78 103.78 587.45 215.04 802.49 51,643.61 51,643.61 10.99 10.99 136.70 136.70 4,632.60 4,632.60 32.43 32.43 204.31 204.31 1,000.00 1,000.00 311.77 Page: 2 vchlist 11/24/2003 11:50:44AM Bank code : apbank Voucher 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 Date Vendor 11/24/2003 000088 11/24/2003 000064 11/24/2003 000318 11/24/2003 000001 11/24/2003 000023 11/24/2003 000087 32 Vouchers for bank code : 32 Vouchers in this report SAFETY & SUPPLY CO SCHIMMELS, GARY SHAMROCK PAVING CO. SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER 11/24/2003 000323 SPOKANE COUNTY UTILITIES 11/24/2003 000211 STATE TREASURER 11/24/2003 000025 UNISOURCE CORPORATION VERISIGN, INC. VERIZON WIRELESS, BELLEVUE apbank Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice (Continued) 111703 38063 HE -Nov03 LE -Nov03 Nov'03 2 KC -ST 21075130 21077440 3300081493 1818390626 PO # Description /Account MILEAGE CONTRACT RETAINAGE HEARING EXAMINER SERVICES SHERIFF LAW ENFORCEMENT C CONTRACTED SERVICES Total : STORMWATER MGMT NOTARY LICENSE FEE PAPER SPECIALTY PAPER CELL PHONE CHARGES Total : Total : Total : Total : Total : Total : INTERNET TRANSACTION FACI Total : Total : Bank total : Total vouchers : Page: 3 Amount 311.77 159.14 159.14 812.00 812.00 2,133.00 961,418.16 254,657.62 1,218,208.78 3,603.72 3,603.72 20.00 20.00 275.66 44.87 320.53 59.95 59.95 101.76 101.76 1,303,477.92 1,303,477.92 Page: 3 vchlist 1112412003 11:50:44AM Bank code: apbank 1 ) VOt iier LISt rage: 4 Spokane Valley Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finance Director Date Page: 4 vchlist 12/08/2003 1:48:18PM Bank code : Voucher 3863 3875 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 3881 3882 3883 3884 apbank Date Vendor 12/2/2003 000365 12/5/2003 000372 12/5/2003 000197 12/5/2003 000037 12/5/2003 000370 12/5/2003 000152 12/5/2003 000014 12/5/2003 000373 12/5/2003 000028 12/5/2003 000208 12/5/2003 000007 DEPT OF LICENSING A & A ATTORNEY SERVICES, INC. AIR AMERICAN LINEN CHAMPLAIN PLANNING PRESS INC. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1112086 31112085 GIBSON, JAMES GRAINGER INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice DOL-F150 46284 60175 288146 14822 112403 956912 -3 PO # Description /Account VEHICLE DOL REGISTRATION Total : LEGAL PROCESS SERVICE BACKGROUND CHECK FLOOR MAT SERVICE TRADE PUBLICATION SUBSCRI Total : STATE ROUTE ROADWAY MAIN STATE ROAD MAINTENANCE Total : EDEN SYSTEMS, INC. 18579 SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGE Total : EMBROIDERED SPORTSWEAR INC. 50367 CUSTOM PROMTIONAL ITEMS Total : FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 1217 -Oct03 CREDIT CARD PAYMENT 1332 -Oct03 CREDIT CARD PAYMENT 5045 -Oct03 CREDIT CARD PAYMENT 5078 -Oct03 CREDIT CARD PAYMENT 5094 -Oct03 CREDIT CARD PAYMENT 5151 -Oct03 CREDIT CARD PAYMENT MILEAGE Total : Total : Total : Total : Total : FIELD INSPECTION EQUIPMENT Page: 1 Paoe: 1 J Amount 30.75 30.75 46.00 46.00 25.00 25.00 37.46 37.46 115.00 115.00 5,991.07 1,148.01 7,139.08 637.50 637.50 1,767.78 1,767.78 1,466.35 700.10 141.25 21.78 126.48 214.08 2,670.04 46.72 46.72 116.29 vchlist 12108/2003 1:48:18PM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 3884 12/5/2003 000007 GRAINGER INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 3885 12/5/2003 000002. H & H BUSINESS SYSTEMS 3886 12/5/2003 000259 HUMANIX 3887 12/5/2003 000022 3888 12/5/2003 000375 3889 12/5/2003 000010 3890 12/5/2003 000371 3891 12/5/2003 000368 3892 12/5/2003 000133 3893 12/5/2003 000033 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. JYDSTRUP, ROBERT KINKO'S LEONE & KEEBLE, INC. LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC. MC DONALD, MAC MCPC 3894 12/5/2003 000366 MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE 3895 12/5/2003 000077 MORRISON, DON Vouch List Spokane Valley Invoice (Continued) 113318 114436 134402 134556 PO # 30121 50195 112403 1051884 5 112603 120303 4447975 30108 4456909 30124 F1444060 112803 Description /Account FAX MACHINE COPY CHARGES EMPLOYEE ID BADGE PERMIT REFUND LAMINATING BLDG IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT BOND RELEASE OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES HR CONSULTING Total : Total : TEMP LABOR TEMP EMPLOYEE LABOR Total : Total : Total : Total : Total : Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : Total : PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR Total : Total : rage: 2 Amount 116.29 1,342.60 90.11 1,432.71 65.57 169.20 234.77 16.22 16.22 100.00 100.00 9.73 9.73 556.95 556.95 300.00 300.00 15.75 15.75 272.17 293.49 565.66 8,275.00 8,275.00 2,040.00 2,040.00 Page: 2 vchlist 12/08/2003 1:48:18PM Bank code : apbank Voucher List Page: 3 Spokane Valley Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description /Account Amount 3896 12/5/2003 000043 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 432169121 CELL PHONE SERVICE 737.32 Total : 737.32 3897 12/5/2003 000193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS DECO3 BUILDING LEASE 20746.93 Total : 20,746.93 3898 12/5/2003 000036 OFFICE DEPOT 224949434 30138 OFFICE SUPPLIES 147.52 Total : 147.52 3899 12/5/2003 000147 PEARSON, SUSAN 1203003 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 9.69 Total : 9.69 3900 12/5/2003 000016 PETROCARD SYSTEMS C388922 VEHICLE FUEL 390.87 Total : 390.87 3901 12/5/2003 000029 PITNEY BOWES CREDIT CORP. 5618533 -NVO3 COPIER EQUIPMENT LEASE 447.53 Total : 447.53 3902 12/5/2003 000020 PRESTONIGATESIELLIS, L.L.P. 604515 LEGAL SERVICES 2,430.00 Total : 2,430.00 3903 12/5/2003 000367 PRING CORPORATION COE -03 -93 REFUND; PLANNING DEPT FEE 100.00 Total : 100.00 3904 12/5/2003 000024 RESOURCE COMPUTING INC. 36137 NETWORK SERVER MAINTEN 1,189.10 36142 WEB SERVER MAINTENANCE 5,188.80 Total : 6,377.90 3905 12/5/2003 000003 ROYAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS 171446 COPY /PRINT CHARGES 246.28 Total : 246.28 3906 12/5/2003 000369 SEATTLE- NORTHWEST, SECURITIES C 120103 FINANCIAL CONSULTING 10,534.26 Total : 10,534.26 3907 12/5/2003 000172 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER 10 ROAD MAINTENANCE SERVICE 49,966.82 11 ROAD MAINTENANCE SERVICE 221,219.76 Total : 271,186.58 Pane: 3 vchlist 12108/2003 1:48:18PM Bank code: apbank Voucher List Page: 4 Spokane Valley Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description /Account Amount 3908 12/5/2003 000001 SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER Oct03 JAIL CONTRACT; OCT '03 16,402.76 Total : 16,402.76 3909 12/5/2003 000374 SPOKANE REGIONAL, CHAMBER OF CO 36747 REGISTRATION 30.00 37011 REGISTRATION 30.00 37012 REGISTRATION 30.00 Total : 90.00 3910 12/5/2003 000355 STEEN PRINTING 112303 PRINTING 267.12 Total : 267.12 3911 12/5/2003 000063 TAYLOR, STEVE 111403 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 6.75 Total : 6.75 3912 12/5/2003 000096 THIEL, DICK 112503 PRINTER 139.71 Total : 139.71 3913 12/5/2003 000177 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE 120503 POSTAGE 500.00 Total : 500.00 3914 12/5/2003 000100 WABO 546 30077 BLDG CODE BOOKS 162.06 Total : 162.06 3915 12/5/2003 000340 WALSTON, LINDA 1001 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 528.00 Total : 528.00 3916 12/5/2003 000021 WITHERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT 652716 LEGAL SERVICE FEES 6,848.90 Total : 6,848.90 3917 12/5/2003 000347 WORLEY, STEVE 112603 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 20.00 Total : 20.00 44 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 364,498.59 44 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 364,498.59 Page: 4 vchlist 12/08/2003 1:48:18PM Bank code : apbank Voucher List Page: 5 Spokane Valley Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finance Director Date Pane: 5 vchlist 12/15/2003 10:35:40AM Bank code : apbank Voucher 3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 3932 Date Vendor 12/12/2003 000351 12/12/2003 000101 12/12/2003 000109 12/12/2003 000376 12/12/2003 000365 12/12/2003 000253 12/12/2003 000381 12/12/2003 000007 12/12/2003 000259 12/12/2003 000070 12/12/2003 000073 12/12/2003 000307 12/12/2003 000380 AMERICAN SOLUTIONS FOR BUSINES 1863023 CDWG COFFEE SYSTEMS INC DAVE SMITH MOTORS DEPT OF LICENSING DONNA'S SCHOOL OF DANCE ENGLISH, SUSAN GRAINGER INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY HUMANIX INLAND POWER AND LIGHT CO MC CORMICK, GREG OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER PHILIPS, NANCY Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice PO # 30134 KQ94793 30149 17465 04Dakota DOL- Dakota 112403 1204003 753 - 142962 -4 30156 134710 112503 120503 Nov03 120403 Description /Account PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL VIDEO CARD COFFEE TRUCK VEHICLE TAX & LICENSE REC PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR F Total : Total : Total : Total : REFUND HARD HATS TEMP LABOR ELECTRIC POWER SERVICE Total : Total : Total : MILEAGE TAX DISTRIBUTION REFUND Total : Total : Total : Total : Total : Page: 1 Amount 300.29 300.29 108.49 108.49 67.69 67.69 18,91 6.50 18,916.50 1,613.80 1,613.80 512.00 512.00 55.00 55.00 74.82 74.82 400.68 400.68 186.40 186.40 111.33 111.33 33,366.64 33,366.64 20.00 Page: 1 vchlist 12/15/2003 10: 35:40AM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 3932 12/12/2003 000380 3933 12/12/2003 000149 3934 12/12/2003 000020 3935 12/12/2003 000299 3936 12/12/2003 000172 3937 12/12/2003 000090 3938 12/12/2003 000308 3939 12/12/2003 000001 3940 12/12/2003 000081 3941 12/12/2003 000093 3942 12/12/2003 000382 3943 12/12/2003 000337 PHILIPS, NANCY PIP PRINTING OF SPOKANE PRESTONIGATESIELLIS, L.L.P. SNYDER, KEVIN SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER 12 THE SPOKESMAN- REVIEW TREE SPECIALISTS, INC. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice (Continued) 1330025586 1330025594 606221 606239 120803 13 SPOKANE COUNTY INFORMATION, SYS 31543 SPOKANE COUNTY PROSECUTING, AT 121103 SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER Qtr -3 of '03 STATE OF WA, DEPART OF REVENUE Dec03 113003 3513 J1401664427 PO # Description /Account PRINTING BUSINESS CARDS Total : Total : PROFESSIONAL LEGAL SERVI PROFESSIONAL LEGAL SERVI Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : STREET ENGINEERING & CAPI STREET MAINTENANCE GIS SERVICES TAX DISTRIBUTION EXCISE TAX TREE REMOVAL UPS CHARGES Total : Total : Total: COMMUNITY SERVICES DISB Total : Total : LEGAL NOTICES & ADVERTISIN Total : Total : Total : Page: 2 Amount 20.00 1,321.81 119.27 1,441.08 9,348.08 17, 767.05 27,115.13 8.56 8.56 119,270.46 109,466.38 228,736.84 4,875.74 4,875.74 1,664.35 1,664.35 3,867.97 3,867.97 213.35 213.35 1,366.12 1,366.12 432.40 432.40 20.00 20.00 Page: 2 vchlist 1211512003 10:35:40AM Bank code : Voucher 3944 3945 3946 3947 apbank Date Vendor 12/12/2003 000023 12/12/2003 000087 1211212003 000100 12/12/2003 000038 3948 12112/2003 000017 WENDLE MOTORS 3949 12/1212003 000089 XO COMMUNICATIONS 30 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 30 Vouchers in this report Finance Director Date VERISIGN, INC. VERIZON WIRELESS, BELLEVUE WABO WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said Bairn. Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice 3300116476 1824816507 601 1140271 1140272 1140273 319585 -A 71486 0103663585 PO # Description /Account ONLINE PAYMENT TRANSACTIO Total : Total : Total : CELL PHONE CHARGES BLDG CODE BOOKS TRASH DISPOSAL SERVICE TRASH DISPOSAL SERVICE TRASH DISPOSAL SERVICE Total : VEHICLE TRUCK -FORD F150 Total : TELEPHONEIDSL SERVICE Total : Bank total : Total vouchers : rage: 3 Amount 59.95 59.95 2.25 2.25 321.89 321.89 43.35 191.91 43.35 278.61 15,166.32 16,863.86 32,030.18 1,208.69 1,208.69 359,376.75 359,376.75 Page: 3 OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: STAFF CONTACT: Daniel Cenis ATTACHMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12 - 23 - 03 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending December 15, 2003 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Payroll for period ending 12 -15 -03 Salary: $ 95,811.02 Benefits: $ 10,136.25 $105,947.27 Meeting Date: December 23, 2003 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: X consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Modification to the County Street Maintenance Interlocal Agreement GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: The approval of the FY2004 Spokane Valley Budget resulted in a reduction to the County Street Maintenance Interlocal Agreement from $3,113,268 to $2,120,000. The attached Modification of the Interlocal Agreement between Spokane Valley and Spokane County will bring the existing agreement inline with the approved budget, therefore, it is a housekeeping item and has been placed on the consent agenda. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to approve the Modification of the Interlocal Agreement between Spokane County and the City of Spokane Valley for FY2004 to the new contract amount of $2,120,000. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action ATTACHMENT: Modification of the Interlocal Agreement THIS AGREEMENT is a modification of the Tnl;erloeal Agreement Between Spokane County and City of Spokane Valley Regarding Provision of Road 'Maintenance Services (April 1 . 2003 — December 3 ] , 2004) (hereafter referred to as "the road maintenance agreement ") designated as CO3 -33 and ratified on May 27, 2003 by Spokane Valley, and executed by Spokane County June 4, 2003. Section 10 of the road maintenance agreement requires any modification to be represented by written mutual agreement. of the parties, Exhibit 4A. pages 1 and 2 states the work to be performed by Spokane County to Spokane Valley pursuant to the road maintenance agreement_ The parties hereby agree to reduce the total budgeted expenditures For selected activities payable to Spokane County fur 2004, as specifically set forth in Exhibit A to this modification of the road maintenance agreement. All other provisions of the road maintenance agreement shall remain as previously agreed to, except that Section 4(1) Base Level Services, shall be amended to read! "COUNTY will provide street and traffic maintenance services as identified in Exhibit A within CITY boundaries at the same level, degree and I pc as is customarily provided by COUNTY in unincorporated Spokane County, except as otherwise directed by the CITY to meet amended budget requirements," DATED: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: VICKY M. DALTON CLE1I1K OF TI-IE BOARD BY: M. KATE McCASIJ]N DATED: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ATTEST By: - DAVID MERCIER, City Manager HIUS !NE BAINBRIDGE, City Clerk Approved as to form only; STAN1.EY SC.I•IWART, City Attorney MODIFICATION OF INTERLOCA.L AGREEMENT NT BETWEEN SPOKANE COUNTY AND CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REGARDING PROVISIO N OF ROAD MAINTENANCE SER ICES JOHN ROSKELLEY, Chair P1-IILLII' D. HARRIS Mildi�crsli in Arreemen Md inienance Seri, cey Page 1 of 1 ROAD MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY NAME PROD UNITS SPO VAL CONTRACT 19% MGT. OVERHEAD 5% ADMIN. OVERHEAD TOTAL COMMENTS 2312 Dust Control Prep LF $ 8,300 $ 1,577 $ 415 $ 10,292 DISCRETIONARY 2320 Shoulder Repair SM $ 10,871 $ 2,065 $ 544 $ 13,480 2322 Shoulder Maint. Grader SM $ 22,671 $ 4,307 $ 1,134 $ 28,112 2330 Gravel /Dirt Rd Grading RM $ 15,300 $ 2,907 $ 765 $ 18,972 2340 Pothole Patching Tons $ 77,455 $ 14,716 $ 3,873 $ 96,044 2340W Winter Pothole Patch Tons S 20,400 $ 3,876 $ 1,020 $ 25,296 2343 PR&R SY $ 48,533 $ 9,221 $ 2,427 $ 60,181 DISCRETIONARY 2344 Crack Sealing LF $ 60,484 $ 11,492 $ 3,024 $ 75,000 DISCRETIONARY 2346 Blade Patch Hot Tons $ - $ - $ - $ - 2351 Gravel /Dirt Rd Temp CY $ 1,000 $ 190 $ 50 $ 1,240 2413 Light Ditch Cleaning DM $ 1,000 $ 190 $ 50 $ 1,240 2511 Bridge Inspection HR $ 1,500 S 285 $ 75 $ 1,860 2512 Bridge Repair -Sup LOC S 10,200 $ 1,938 $ 510 $ 12,648 2513 Bridge Repair -Sub LOC $ 5,100 $ 969 $ 255 $ 6,324 2610 Sidewalk Repair SY $ 1,500 $ 285 $ 75 $ 1,860 DISCRETIONARY 2611 Curbs LF $ 1,000 $ 190 $ 50 S 1,240 DISCRETIONARY 2620 Paths LS $ 500 $ 95 $ 25 S 620 DISCRETIONARY 2645 Guardrail Maint. LF $ 12,200 $ 2,318 $ 610 $ 15,128 DISCRETIONARY 2646 RAN Fencing HR $ 2,600 $ 494 $ 130 $ 3,224 DISCRETIONARY 2647 Median Maint. HR $ 5,100 S 969 $ 255 $ 6,324 DISCRETIONARY 2661 Liquid Deicing GAL $ 153,000 $ 29,070 $ 7,650 $ 189,720 2662 Sanding CY $ 234,600 $ 44,574 $ 11,730 $ 290,904 2663 Snow Removal- Roadway MI $ 224,400 $ 42,636 $ 11,220 $ 278,256 2664 Snow Removal Sidewalks HR $ - $ - $ - $ - 2670 Street Cleaning PM $ 205,713 $ 39,085 $ 10,286 $ 255,084 2671 Winter Sweeping RM $ 30,839 $ 5,859 $ 1,542 $ 38,240 2673 Sweepings Clean -up HR $ - S - $ - $ - 2711 Roadside Mowing RM $ 10,200 $ 1,938 $ 510 $ 12,648 DISCRETIONARY 2712 Brush Clearing/Tree I -1R $ 35,700 $ 6,783 $ 1,785 $ 44,268 DISCRETIONARY 2713 Weed Control -Res MI $ 16,129 $ 3,065 $ 806 $ 20,000 DISCRETIONARY 2713A Weed Control- Res(no spray) HR $ - $ - $ - $ - DISCRETIONARY 2714 Weed Control -Gen MI $ 8,064 $ 1,532 $ 403 $ 9,999 DISCRETIONARY Exhi4 BUDGET FOR CITY d1JPOKANE VALLEY 2004 -- Amended 12/9/03 1 of 2 ROAD MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY NAME PROD UNITS SPO VAL CONTRACT 19% MGT. OVERHEAD 5% ADMIN. OVERHEAD TOTAL COMMENTS 2714A Weed Control - Gen(no spray) HR $ - $ - $ - $ - DISCRETIONARY 2716 Pond Maintenance EA $ 12,097 $ 2,298 $ 605 $ 15,000 DISCRETIONARY 2720 Irrigation HR $ 7,100 $ 1,349 5 355 $ 8,804 DISCRETIONARY 2750 Litter Pickup HR $ 4,100 $ 779 $ 205 $ 5,084 DISCRETIONARY 2750D Litter Pickup Deer EA $ 2,000 $ 380 $ 100 $ 2,480 DISCRETIONARY 2753 Litter Control HR $ 1,000 $ 190 $ 50 $ 1,240 DISCRETIONARY 2760 Contour Control HR $ 1,000 $ 190 $ 50 $ 1,240 DISCRETIONARY 2762 Contour Control -R/W HR $ 3,100 $ 589 $ 155 $ 3,844 DISCRETIONARY 9710 Drywell Repair EA $ 8,064 $ 1,532 $ 403 $ 9,999 9720 Drywell Cleanout EA . $ 16,129 $ 3,065 $ 806 $ 20,000 9730 Culvert Repair LF 5 4,032 $ 766 $ 202 $ 5,000 9740 Culvert Cleanout EA $ 1,613 $ 306 $ 81 $ 2,000 9742 Swale Maintenance HR $ 1,613 $ 306 $ 81 $ 2,000 9747 Curb, Gutter, & Inlet Repair HR $ 1,613 $ 306 $ 81 $ 2,000 9750 Chasing Water HR $ 1,613 $ 306 $ 81 $ 2,000 9751 Investigation HR $ 5,645 $ 1,073 $ 282 $ 7,000 TOTALS FOR ROAD MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES: $ 1,295,078 $ 246,065 $ 64,754 $ 1,605,897 _ TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES 2641 TMS,Sign Maintenance HR $ 69,400 $ 13,186 5 3,470 $ 86,056 2642 TMS,Signal Maintenance HR $ 224,400 $ 42,636 $ 11,220 $ 278,256 2643 TMS,Striping RM $ 86,700 $ 16,473 5 4,335 $ 107,508 2644 TMS,Crosswalks & Mesgs HR $ 32,600 $ 6,194 S 1,630 $ 40,424 2649 Weight Restriction Signing HR $ 1,500 $ 285 $ 75 $ 1,860 DISCRETIONARY TOTALS FOR TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES: I $ 414,600 $ 78,774 I $ 20,730 $ 514,104 GRAND TOTAL: $2,120,000 • * Original contract amount -- $3,113,268 Exhibit A BUDGET FOR CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 2004 -- Amended 12/9/03 2 Jr CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 23, 2003 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: X consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Approval of Tan /Moore Architects Amendment to Professional Service Agreement for CenterPlace. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Assignment of Tan /Moore Agreement from Spokane County to the City of Spokane Valley on October 28, 2003. BACKGROUND: This amendment authorizes the work for Part 2 of the project which includes the bidding phase, construction administration phase, and project closeout phase for the CenterPlace project. The total cost of the work for both Part 1 and Part 2 was included in the original agreement price of $636,927 plus amendment number 2 which added the cost for a survey bringing the total agreement to $641,119.65. The cost of the work for Part 1 was $419,503 and the cost of the work for Part 2 is $217,424. However, authorization to do the work under Part 2 was not included in the original contract and needs to be added to the contract by approval of this amendment. The extension in the date of the agreement is to continue their contract through the one year warranty phase of the construction. Additionally, the second item in the amendment approves the work to develop a separate Early Sitework Package for stripping, topsoil screening, stockpiling, and hauling earthwork materials at the site. The cost of this work is $8,036. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to approve amendment # 3 to Tan /Moore Architects which add the additional items to the scope of work for the project and increase the contract amount by $8,036. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Total cost of the work is $225,460 which will be funded from the 2004 Budget, Fund 304, Mirabeau Point Capital Project Fund. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHEMENTS: Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement AGREEMENT AMOUNT Agreement price prior to this change order $641,119.65 Agreement price (increase) (decrease) resulting from this change order $8,036.00 Agreement price including this change order shall not exceed $649,155.65 AGREEMENT TIME Estimated Agreement completion date prior to the change order December 31, 2004 Agreement time (increase /decrease) resulting from this change order 19 months Estimated Agreement completion date including this change order July 31, 2006 THE ABOVE CHANGE(S) ARE ACCEPTED THE ABOVE CHANGE(S) HAVE BEEN APPROVED Tan Moore Architects, P.C. Spokane Valley City Manager Dated: David Mercier Dated: AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT City of Spokane Valley Spokane Valley Public Works Department 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Agreement Title: Architectural Services, Mirabeau Point CenterPlace Project Consultant: Tan Moore Architects, P.C., 416 W. Sprague Ave., Spokane, WA 99201 You are hereby directed to make the changes listed below in the subject agreement. Nature of the change: The agreement is modified as follows: Agreement Amendment Number: 3 Agreement/Project Number: P3983 Date: December 23, 2003 Department: Public Works Item 1: Award of services as described in ARTICLE 20. Scope of Work, Part 2, Bid Phase, Construction Administration Phase, Project Closeout Phase, Additional Services and Reimbursable Expenses. The Fee, which is included in the original agreement amount, shall be as described in ARTICLE 20.A. BASIS OF COMPENSATION, which is a lump sum fee not to exceed $139,669.00 plus Additional Services and Reimbursable Expenses not to exceed $77,755.00 Item 2: Develop a separate Early Sitework Package for stripping, topsoil screening, stockpiling, and hauling earthwork materials at the site. The project will include all phase of work as outlined in the agreement from schematic design through project closeout. The fee for item 2 shall be a lump sum of $8,036. The changes result in the following adjustment of the agreement price and time: December 23, 2003 P3983, Amendment 3 Page 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12 - 23 - 2003 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business x new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Ordinance to Create Fund GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law requires cities to formally create funds which we plan to use in our budget. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Motion approved 12 -16 -2003 to advance this to second reading BACKGROUND: Council adopted budgets for 2003 and 2004 which anticipate the use of certain funds to receive revenues and to make expenditures for various programs. The attached Ordinance will create this fund. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve ordinance 03 -098. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS Ordinance 03 -098 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, CREATING THE TRAILS AND PATHS FUND FOR USE WITH THE CITY BUDGET; AND IDENTIFYING APPROPRIATE EXPENDITURES FOR THE FUND. WHEREAS, good accounting practices are enhanced when separate funds are created to account for dedicated revenues and applicable expenditures on certain city programs; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Auditor's office has recommended that cities formally create funds when dedicated revenues are allocated to cities for specific purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council in consultation with staff, has approved and placed on file with the City Clerk, budgets, together with an estimate of revenues and the amount of money necessary to meet the expenses of the City, which anticipate the use of a Trails and Paths Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Trails and Paths Fund. There is hereby established a fund to be known as the Trails and Paths Fund from which motor vehicle fuel tax receipts shall be used to establish and maintain paths and trails for pedestrians, equestrians or bicycles as part of streets, roads and highways. ATTEST: Section 2. Sevcrability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City PASSED by the City Council this day of December, 2003. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 03-098 Michael DeVleming, Mayor Ordinance 03d19S to Create Funds Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 23, 2003 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business new business ❑ public hearing X information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution No. 03 -055, A Resolution Amending the Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program for the City of Spokane Valley. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Resolution 03 -037 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of Resolution No. 03 -037 on June 10, 2003. BACKGROUND: This amendment is merely a housekeeping matter. Spokane Valley previously adopted a Six -Year TIP based upon information we had at that time on available funds, and how they could be utilized for projects. After Resolution 03 -037 was adopted, Spokane Valley received a Pedestrian Safety & Mobility Program (PSMP) grant from the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) to construct sidewalks along Bowdish Road and 24 Avenue. To finalize receipt of this grant we need to amend our Six -Year TIP to include this sidewalk project, which was not included in the TIP adopted earlier this year. The changes from what was adopted by Resolution No. 03 -037 on June 10, 2003 are underlined on the Attachment for ease of understanding. OPTIONS: Not adopt the amended TIP. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approval of Resolution 03 - 055 BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten or Cary Driskell ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Resolution No. 03 -055 with attached amended Six -year TIP A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE SIX -YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, the City Council for Spokane Valley did adopt by Resolution No. 03 -037 the Six - Year Transportation Improvement Program (Six -Year TIP) with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; WHEREAS, changes in certain funding sources have occurred; WHEREAS, the attached amended Six -Year TIP does incorporate said changes; WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, the adoption of the Six -Year TIP is a nonproject action which has received proper and timely environmental review by the City; and WHEREAS, the amendments to the Six -Year TIP are consistent with Spokane Valley's adopted Interim Comprehensive Plan. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: The City Council hereby adopts the attached amended Six -Year TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the years 2004 through 2009. The City Clerk is directed to file the amended Six -Year TIP with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation not more than 30 days after adoption of this Resolution. The amended Six -Year TIP shall, at least, be annually reviewed for the purpose of determining the work accomplished under the program and the City transportation requirements. ATTEST: Adopted this day of December, 2003. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 03-055 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON City of Spokane Valley Michael DeVieming, Mayor 115V- FSllUscrs\ bainbridgckbainbridgc \Rcsolutionslresolution 03 -55 amending TIP 03 -037 draft I.Ia0C . "sr. .:r pokane a ey City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Amended 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2004 Annual Construction Program Functional Classification: Rural: 7 Major Collector 8 Minor Collector Access Urban_ 14 Pnnc pal 16 &liner 17 Collector 19 Access Program Item Number: A number assigned for tracking purposes Work Method: C- Indicates work is to be done by contract d- Indicates work to be done by City fores. N- Indicates a non-capital project_ Environmental: S- Signiftant Impacts under SEPA anticipated I- Insignificant Environmental Impact anticipated Work Types: Now construction Relocation Reconstruction Mayor Widening Minor Widening Other Enhancements New Bridge Const Bridge Replacement Bridge Rehabilitation Minor Bridge Rehab Safety/Traffic OperffSM Environmentally Related Di 02 03 04 05 DB 08 09 10 11 12 13 GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS Bridge Program .5 pedal Transit Capital Projecl Transit Operational Project Transit Planning Transit training/Admin. Nan - Capital improve. Non Motor Vehicle 14 21 22 23 24 31 32 CO: Sox is checked if the project lies within the Carbon Monoxide non - attainment area Fund Status: S- Project Is buhject IQ funding selection P- Project i5 listed for planning purposes only Util Cade: Utilities that would be impacted by the project: C Cable TV G Gas 0 Other P Power S Sewer T Telephone Water Fu ndIrig Sources: Federal assistance: T1,eSe funds are authorized under the Transportation Equity Act for the 21'" Century (TEA - 21} and are administered by the Federal Highway Administration through the Washington Skate Department of Transportation and the F etropofitan Planning Organization (SRTC )_ BR- Bridge replacement projects • aMAQ- Congestion Management and Air Quality • Other F - Qurer federal funds. iii ,5TP- Surface Transportation Program. Individual funds are designated by Lite letters in parenthesis that follow the initials "STP "; Urban trnprevement$ Rural impravemenke Cempetitiue funding Enhancement improvement Safatyr improvements (U (ft) (C) (E} {S} State assistance: TPP, AIP, and PSMP are administered by the Transportation Improvement Board - RAP and CAPP aro administered by the County Road Administration Board ME- Transportation Partnersh;p Program LE- Amorist Improvement Program PSME: Pedestrian Salary Mobility Program RAP- Rural Arterial Program CAPP- County Arterial Presentation Program Other eta e- Other stake funds Local funding: L10 Bonds are sold to frnanae the construction of local roads. This funding is administered by Spokane County. Private funds are pa by private companies or indiulduals for various reasons, usually for commercial reasons. IZ__1 Bands- Road Improvement (District funding from private property owners_ Plfvat- Funds from other private sources_ Source Amount (1000's) City $960 Federal $2,233 State $2,402 Other $55 Total Construction $5,650 7 Barker Road Bridge SUMMARY 2004 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM The CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM is responsible ter the improv1ernent of the City Slreel System. ANNUAL and SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS are prepared and updated each year. Priority programming is used to select projects for Improvement Funds for the 2004 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM came from the fallowing sources: 2004 Major Construction Project Summary Note: For each CITY dollar spent, a total of $5.89 of CONSTRUCTION will be accomplished. Project From To Primary Source Amount 1 16th Avenue- Pro(ect 2 Dishrnan Mica Rd SR 27 STP(U) S1,932,000 2 Park Road - Piojcct 42 8th Avenue 2nd Avunud AIP 5762,000 3 Evergreen Road 16th Avenue 2nd Avenue AIP 5631,000 4 Pincs/Manstiicld Wilbur Road Pines Read TPP 5675,000 Pines & Indiana West bound on ramp to 100 5 Barker Rd Reconstruct - Boone to Spokane Riv Boone Spokane River Bridge AIP • 5500,000 6 Bamdish & 24th Ave. Sidewalk Project 24th Avenue 22nd Avenue PSL4P 5197,000 Bowdish Road Pines Road Q Spokane River 45503 BR 5702,000 SUMMARY 2005 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM The CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM is rosponsible far ale [rnproaement or the Lily Strut Systcm. ANNUAL and SD<'TE J CONS'rRUGTratf PROGRAMS, e- p'cpaicd and updalcd cads year_ PriorityprogrmmIng is used Id ie141 pioje .L, tar impwl NmanL Funds for the 2005 AF{NLIAL ErfRE T CONSTRUCT O 1 PR X FL4u7 Dome From the ronoKfny trances: Source Amount (10015's.) City Fcdcml Stile Other Total Construction 51 $4,534 $4,294 $623 $19,679 Note' For e80h CITY dollar spent, a total of $9.70 of CONSTRUCTION will be accomplished. 2005 Major Construction Project Summary Project Prowl To �._ Primary Source Amount 1 Bridging the Valley- Pork Road! SN Sp G.i ado So Iruiiana AVEFUB Montgomery Ave. Other Slate $2,450,00+0 2 PincseiAarrstield Wirbur Road Pines Road TRP $2,459.090 Pine & Indiana West bound an ramp ID 1 3 Park Road Brppdw- y Ay Indiana Alt AIP $365,060 4 t30rkCr Rd Rccnnelruct - Boone ID Spokane Riv Boone Spokane Rirur 9aidgc AIP $1,105,000 5 Appleway Road Tschirloy Road Hodges Road STP{LF) $438,004 0 32nd A 1 nuo SR 27 Bed Road S'I'P(U) $213,000 7 Barker j7nab 13MuC @ Spokane River f55Q3 BR $3,649,OG0 SUMMARY 2006 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Tho CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM is 'esp.-amble mile rot the improvement ai the City Street System. ANNUAL and SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS are prepared and undaled each year. Priority programming is used to select projects for Improvement. Funds for the 2006 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM came from the following sources: SStutce City Federal Stale Other Total Conslrucfion Project 1 Bridging the Valley- Park Road/ BNSF Grade Se 2 Barker Rd Rtxonstruri - Boone to Spokane Riv 3 Apple ay Read 4 Barker Road - Spokane River to SR 200 S Evergreen Road 6 Park Road 7 32nd Avenue 8 Sullivan Road Wort Bridge 9 Barker Road Bridge Amount (1000's) $2,100 $7,842 $6,533 $352 $16,827 2006 Major Construction Project Summary From Indiana Avenue Beene Tschirtey Road Spokane River 32nd Avenue Broadway Av SR 27 ® Spokane River @ Spokane River To Montgomery Ave. Spokane River Bridge Hodges Road SR 290 16th Avenue Indiana Av Best Road #4511 -S 65503 Note: For each CITY dollar spent, a total of $8.01 of CONSTRUCTION will be accomplished. Primary Source Other State AIP STP(U) STP(U) AIP Al STP(U) BR BR Amount $7,049.000 $1,393,000 $1,876,000 $418,000 $500,000 $890,000 $592,000 $435.000 $3.649,000 Thu CoNSTRUCTON PROGRAM t is respansibla for to unprooamero of the City 5Iree15y lean ANIALIfr! SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS arc prrp, ,ed and update rreh yuar. Prlorit prorparrkailog. Is used to salad pi udeeLS !ur irnpipa;vnun1. fends ra Lhr 201 37 ANNUAL STREMr CONSTRUCTION PiRCORBAm corm from the {wowing sounds= SOILICk City Federal Slob Olhcr Total GomsVuedan PrajeCt 1 Appiewsw Road 2 Barker Road - Spokane Reeler lo SR 29I} 3 FvOrg.ruen Road 4 Park Road 5 Bid irui the Valley- Park Road! BNSF Grade 6 Barker Road - 81h la BrEwelw, w Avenue 7 Flora Road ▪ 32ild lwunua B Sullivan Road WeS1 Bridge SUMMARY 2007 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Amour!' (1 OM's) Se $2,4 §9 $9,704 $5,105 $265 $16,575 2007 Major Construction Project Summary From Tsch(ioy Road SAPkane River 32nd Avenue Hropdw;iy Av Ind Avenue 9th Avenue $pongtre Aw SR 27 Spakarid F2ivcr To Hodges Raad SR 2910 16111 {venue Indiana Av Mnntgamery Ave. Broadway Avenue Mission Av Rest Road P-0511S Note! Far each tMrry dollar spank, a total of $5.63 at COINSTRUCTI0 1 will bear omplished. Primary Source STP(1J) sTP(l ) Al P Alp Other State STPCU} STP(U) STP(U} BR Amount $2,513,a0a 6562,000 $1,12U,6d6 s 1,466,aov $5,296,606 S675,DOa $zar $657,606 $3,783,D301 SUMMARY 2008 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM The CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM is resporrtZle tar the improvement of Elie City Street System ANNUAL and SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS are prepared and vpdaied each year. Priority programming is used to select projects for improvement. Funds for the 200d ANNUAL. STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM came tram the fallowing ooiucoo: City Federal State Ot:rar Total Construction Project Amount (i000's) $1,655 $7,564 $1,687 $e $11,125 2008 Major Construction Project Summary Note: For each CITY dollar spent, a total of $6.72 of CONSTRUCTION', will be accomplished. From To Primary Source Amount 1 Evergreen Road 32nd Avenue 10th Avenue AIP 3880,000 2 Barker Road • 8th to Broadway Avenue 8th Avenue Broadway Avenue STP(U) $1,050,000 3 Barker Road - Spokane River to SR 290 Spokane River SR 290 STP(U) $2,858,000 4 Valley Couplet - Projrxt 3 Evergreen Road Sullivan Road STP(U) $274,000 5 Elora Road Sprague Av Mission Av STP(U) $800,000 6 Valley Couplet - Projtxt 2 Urtivcrsily Rd Evergreen Rd l'PP $822,000 University Rd Evergreen Rd 7 Bowd'ish Road 32nd Avenue 81h Avenue AIP $659,000 8 Sullivan Road West Bridge Q Spokane River #4511 -S 8R $3,783,000 SUMMARY 2009 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM The CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM is responsible for the irnpromment of the Gay Sheet SyMem, ANNUAL- and SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS a ro prepanx1 and updated each year. Priority propmrnning is used to acted projerds for impro►'cmont. Funds for the 2009 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PitOGI'tAM come from the foffuwiny sources: Source City Federal State Other Total Construction Project Amount (1000's) $1,079 $4,618 $1,318 $o $7,015 2009 Major Construction Project Summary Note: For each CITY dollar spent, a total of $6.50 of CONSTRUCTION will to accomplished. From To Primary Sourco Amount 1 Valley Couplet- Project 4 Sullivan Road Applcway Road STP(U) $404,000 2 Valley Couplet - Project 2 University Rd Evergreen Rd TPP $822,000 University Rd Evergreen Rd 3 Valley Couplet - Projcd 3 Evergreen Road Sullivan Road STP(U) $1,095,000 4 Flora Road Sprague Av Mission Av STP(U) $1.500,000 5 Bowdish Road 32nd Avenue 8th Avenue AIP $1.045,000 6 Barker Road - 8th to Broadway Avenue 8th Avenue Broadway Avenue STP(U) $2,003,000 Preset* Name Road Names Progrom Func Work Scope Item Class Status 14 1511t Ave Rcecnstnrd os a three•laae Medal with eurns and sidewalks with aocontodabons for birydes, Construction 2 Park Road - Project 82 10 Park Road 3 Reconstruct and widen exlsdn9 roadway to a 3-lane sedan with a 4' b8U1 lane. Curbs, gutters and a 5 Toot sidewalk Hill also So a part of tho project from 8th Ave, 10 Applewoy Construction 14 Evmgreon Road Reconstruct and widen to three lanes to 8th Avenue, fro lanes from 5th Ave. to 2nd Avo, Construction 4 Pines1Mansfield Fran 14 Pints Rd Pines 8 Indiana This prnjcrot will roc iftdure the 1%13 rumps of 1 -60 at SR27. 11 will also widen and rocnnstrud Marafield Ave. been Wilbur Rd. to SR27 to a 3-4ano roadway w•2h Matt, grad Prelim- Enginccdng, Right•03Way City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2004 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Urban Construction 1 1611, Avenue- Project 2 2875 I 03 0 S Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other Cly To Road 0 Proj 8 Lon(m) Typo 0 Slat Moth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. RW. Const Total Dishman Mica Rd SR 27 06122 1.60 2651 1 04 iLJ S TCGPWS 8th Avenue 2nd Avuauo 03714 0.38 Evergreen Road 2803 I 03 be) S 16th Avenue 2nd Avenue 01170 0.90 09 Mansfield Ave Wilbur Road Pines Road 02004 0.00 West bound on ramp 0,00 Printed: 12115!2003 1 03 C City 25D 0 0 26D 260 C STP(U) 1,672 0 0 1,672 1.672 C City C AIP C City C AIP C Cly C 't'PP C Other Roaring Dote: Adoption Date: Env. Assess. Oats Resolution No, 0 0 1,932 1,932 156 0 0 156 156 626 0 0 026 626 0 0 782 782 165 0 0 100 1GG 665 0 0 565 665 0 0 831 831 55 30 25 0 5S 189 375 0) 665 55 51 4 0 55 270 405 0 675 Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Item Class Status 5 Barker Rd Reconstruct - Boone to Spokane River 1 03 0 S 14 Barker Road Boone Spokane River Bridg 00230 0.59 Reconstruct to a tour -lane curbed arterial with center turn Fans. Prolim. Engineorin9, Right-at-Way 0 Burro Road Sewer Paycheck 1 03 S 19 Burns Rd Pave c»ting gravel road after sewer construction to 20' wide. Prelim. Engineering. Constnction 7 Bowdish 8 24th Ave. Sidowalk Project 03 .003 I 011,2is TCG 16 Baadich Rd 24th Avenue 22nd Avenuo 00297 0.12 17 24th Avenuo Bowdlsh Road Pines Road 05949 0.52 Construct curb. gilder end 6' sidewalk along Bowdish and 24th Avenue Prolim. Engineering. Construction 12116/2000 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2004 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thocands From Emir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed Stato Othor City To Road It Pro) 4 I.enlmq Type O 5131 Moth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total End Pvrnt'Start Gravel Mirodan Avenue 00378 0.04 2 C City C AIP C City Nearing Date: Adopllon Oalo: Env. Assess. Date Resolution No. 100 35 62 0 100 400 152 248 0 400 190 310 0 500 31 11 0 20 31 11 0 20 31 C City 51 5 0 45 51 C PSMP - 146 15 0 131 148 20 0 177 197 Urban Corestruction Projocts To42L' 1,672 2,402 55 810 491 715 3,742 4,948 Project Name Road Mint Program Func Work Scope Item Class Status Bridge Construction 8 Barker Road Bridge 14 Barker Road Replace bridge over the Spo&ane Rivor. Prelim. Engineering, Right.ol•Way Teta1 Prcgram for 2004 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2004 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Fran Spokane River #5503 Printed: 12/16/2003 3 Envtr Work C Fund Work Utillies Fad Stato Othor City To Road # Ptoj # Len(r1d) Type 0 Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R,W. Const Total 1 09 0 S T 0.10 C City c BR Flcaring Dario: Adonticn Gate: Env. Asscss. Data Resolution No. 141 132 9 0 141 561 525 36 0 561 657 45 0 702 Bride Corntrudion Projects Total: 561 141 657 45 0 702 2.233 2.402 55 960 1,140 760 3,742 5,650 Project Name Road Names Program Funs Work Scope Item Class Status Urban Construction Bridging the Valley- Park Road/ BNSF Grp Sep 3 �?-• -• 12)16/2003 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2005 Annual Construction Program Collars in thousands Frown 14 Park Road Indiana Avenue Montgomery Ave. 03714 0.20 Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grad of Park Rsad and the BNSF railroad tracks. Prelim. Enginccring, Rightof4Vay Pines/Mansfield I 03 1� P 09 Mansfield Avo Wilbur Road Pines Road 02964 0.00 14 Pines Rd Pines et hxfiana Wct bound on ramp 0.0D Ths project will reconfigure the WB amps of 1-90 at SR27. 11 will also wikn and reeonslrurf Mansfield Ave. from Wilbur Rd. to SR27 to a 3-lane roadway with curb, genet Construction Park Road 14 Park Rd Reconstruct and widen to five lanes Broadway Av Indiana Av Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed Stale Other Clty To Road 0 Proj B Len(mi) Type o Stal Moth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total I 03 03714 0.75 4 1 03 s C Cily C TPP C Other Fed 62 C STPIU) 661 C. Other Sta C Other Hearing Date: Env. Assess. Onto 661 828 Adoption Dale: Resolution No. 115 49 66 0 115 283 378 0 661 27 35 0 52 283 378 0 661 355 473 0 828 123 53 70 0 123 1,050 1,400 0 2,450 C TPP 1.629 0 0 1,629 1,629 C S1v(U) 330 0 0 330 330 C Other Sia 0 0 0 0 0 C Other 50D 0 0 500 500 C City C AIP 0 0 2,459 2.459 73 28 45 0 73 292 112 180 0 292 140 225 0 365 Prole Namo Road ttarnes Func 4":nrk Scope Item Class Status Program 4 Barker Rd Reconstruct - some to Spokane River 14 Barker Road Boor* Spokane River Bridg 00230 0.69 Reconstruct to a tour-Cane curbed arterial van comer rum lane. Right-of-Way, Constnuxian 5 Appleway Road 14 App!c ay Road Re-:on :crud to a five -lane urban arterial Preliminary Engineering 14 32nd Avenue From Reconstruct and widen to three lanes with dabs and sidewalk. Prelim. Englnoertng, Right-ot• -Way City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2005 Annual Construction Program Dollars In thousands Emir Work c Fund Wodt Utilities Fed State Other Coy To Road 9 Pro(* Lenlrnq Typo O 5131 Moth Fund Saurco Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Coast Total Tsciidey Road Hodges Road 00031 1.26 6 32nd Avcnuo 1 03 U P CGPT■ SR 27 Beal Road 055971 0.43 1 03 t] s C City C AIP S 03 P CPT Hearing Dam: Adoption Date: Env. As: Date Resdu ion No. 221 0 128 93 221 654 0 512 372 884 0 640 455 1.105 C Glty 50 26 34 0 GO C STP4.1, 378 162 216 0 378 18B 25D 0 438 C City 29 9 20 0 29 C S'rP(U) 104 57 127 0 184 GB 147 0 213 Urban Construction Prokcta Tatil: 1,615 4,204 623 408 1,444 2,662 2,924 7,030 Printed: 12/162003 5 Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope !lam Class Status Bridge Construction 7 Barker Road Bridge 14 Barker Road Replace bridge over the Spo! ano River. Consirucdon Bridge Constnsalon Projacts Total: 12115/2003 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2005 Annual Construction Program Dollars in !hou ✓ ends From Spokane River 05503 1 09 ❑S T 0.10 6 Nearing Dale: Env. Assess. Dato Adoption Dato: Resolution No. Emir Work C Fund Work UtEtdcs Fed Slate Ottior City To Road d1 Pr - -oj 0 �(� TYPe 0 Slat Moth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Cons! Total C City 730 0 0 730 730 C BR 2,919 0 0 2,919 2,919 0 0 3,849 3,6-49 2,919 730 0 0 3,649 3,649 Total Program for 2005 4,534 4,294 823 1,228 1,444 2,662 6,673 10,679 Pitied Name Road Names Pregrurn rune Work Scope Item Class Status Urban Construction 1 Bridging the Malloy- Park Road.' BNSF Grads Sop Printed; 12116/2003 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 Annual Construction Program Dollars inthousandv From 14 Park Road Indiana Avenue Montgomery Avo, 03714 0.20 Roconstruct Park Road to soparato trio grades of Park Road and tho aNSF railroad trams. PreErn, Er , noeting, RigM•of•Way. Consirudion 2 Fla rkor Rd Reconstruct - Boone to Spokane River 14 Barker Road Boone Spokano River Bridg 00230 0,69 Recrmstruct to a four•lane curbed arterial with center tum lane. Constnt+ct:ion 3 Apptoway Road S 03 R✓ P CPT 14 Appleway Read Tnchinny Road Reconstruct to a five•lano urban arterial Right-away E'.a Work C Fund Work Utilities Pod Stall) Omer City To Road* Pmj 9 I-erprtdl Type 0 Stat Mclh Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W, Const Total Hodges Road 1111 n31 1.26 7 03 1I s I 0305 C City C TPP C STP(U) 1,903 C Other Fed 17G C Other Sta C Outer Flooring Cato: Ern, Assess- dato Adoption Cato; Resalufion No. 331 16 66 249 331 1,903 05 378 1,430 1.933 95 379 1,430 1,903 9 35 132 176 2,381 118 473 1,790 2,381 352 17 70 265 352 350 1,4+00 5,295 7.048 C City 279 0 0 279 279 C AIP 1,114 0 0 1.114 1,114 0 0 1,393 1,393 C City 254 26 101 127 254 C STP(U) 1,622 162 1349 811 1,622 188 750 938 1,876 Project Name Rand Names Program Func Work Scope Item Class Status 4 Barker Road - Spokane River to SR 290 14 Barker Road 5 Evergreen Road 7 1211€12003 Reconstnrct to a ihrco -lano curbed arterial Prelim. Engineering, Right - ';-Way 14 Evergreen Rd Reconstruct and widen in three lanes Prclimblary E neeiing Flora RdISR290 Minor Intersection Improvements 16 Flora Rd SR290 ConslnrC raised curb channolixation on SR200 to efminsle KBL & SBL movcmcnts Prelim.. Engineering, Construction Park Road 14 Park Rd Reconstruct and 'alert to five Lance City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands From Envtr Work C Fund Work UtCties Fcd State Other City To Road 0 Proj 5 Len(mi) TYPO 0 Stet Me Fu nd Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Consl Total 1 03 ID P Spokane River SR 290 00230 1.51 I 03 J P 32nd Avenue 16th Avenue 01170 1.00 SR290 01345 12 0.09 03 /40 P Broadway Av Indiana Av 03714 0.75 9 C City 58 31 25 0 56 C SIP(U) 362 199 163 0 362 C Ciy C AIP C City C Other SW C City C AIP I tearing Date: Adoption Hate: Env. Assess. Date Resolution No. 230 193 0 418 100 40 60 0 100 400 160 240 0 400 200 300 0 S00 2 1 0 1 2 11 1 0 10 11 2 0 11 13 178 0 105 73 170 712 0 420 292 712 0 525 355 890 Pr*d llama Road Names Program Fune Work Scope Item Class Status 9 32nd Avenue 14 32nd Avonue Right -od -Way, CAnstructian From BarAen'SR290 Minor Intersection Improvement 14 Barker Rd SR290 SR280 Construct rat .cd cub ehanncfizatian to of:minale WaL movement and provide Kat. acccleration Lane on SR29O Prelim. Eng eerIng. Construellon Ro=nslruct and widen to thr= lamas with curbs and sidewalks. City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 Annual Construction Program Mars in thousands Emir 'fork C Fund Work Militias Fed Stato Other City To Road # Prci # Lenfml) Type 0 Stat Meth Fund Sour= Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. lions/ Tol rl 12 ❑ P 00230 0,00 1 03 )J/ P CGP1W SR 27 Elost Road 05971 0,48 Printrxtt 12116/2003 9 gloating pate: Adrnrtiarr Mitt: Err/. Asscss. Pato Rnohrlion No. C City 3 1 0 2 3 C Other SO 12 2 0 10 12 3 0 12 15 C City 80 0 2D 60 BD C STP{U) 512 0 127 395 512 0 147 445 592 UrtanCon;tructinn Prajaclr Tote 1: 4,575 6.533 352 1,293 073 3.310 8,460 12,743 Prefect Namc Road Names Func Work Scope !tom Ctass Status Program Bridge Construction 10 Sullivan Road West Bridge 14 Sullivan Road 11 Reconstruct end widen west bridge Pralirn. Enginosdng, Right -abWay Barker Road Bridge 14 Barker Road a Spokane River 85503 Replace bridge over tho Spokane River. Construction Bridgo Carctnstion Projocts Total: City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands From 15 �r.9.+' 12/162003 10 Heating Dale: Env. Assess. Onto Adoption Dale: Resetution No. Envir Wont C Fund Work Utilities Fed Slate Other City To Road S Prof C I an(mi) Ty 0 Scat Meth Fund Source Fuii t Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total I 03 P Spokano River 84511.S 04597 0.22 C City C BR 1 09 US 0.10 348 87 80 7 0 87 320 28 0 348 400 35 0 435 C City 730 0 0 730 730 C BR 2,919 0 0 2,919 2,919 0 0 3,649 3,649 3,267 817 400 35 3,649 4,08.4 Total Program for 2006 7,842 6,533 352 2,100 1,373 3,345 12,109 16,827 Prefect Mane Road !.'antes Prcgrarn Func Work Scope Rent Class Slalua Urban Construction 2 Barker Road - Spokane River to SR 290 I 03 14 Barker Road Spawn River SR 280 OOZ;iO 1.51 • 4 Appleway Road S 03 O P CPT 14 Apptaway Road Tschidoy Road Hodges Road 00031 1.20 Reeantruct to a 6ve•nne union artetbal Construction Re onstrutl to a three•lane curbed arterial Rigtshor•Way 3 tvorgrocn Road 14 E•.+erpreon Rd Roeansinrd and widen to three tine Conelruclion Park Rood City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2007 Annual Construction Program Dollars In thousands From I 03 kd P 32nd Avenue 16th Avenue 01170 1.0D 14 Park Rd Broadway Av Indiana Av 03714 0.75 Reconstruct and Mean ID fi'E tames Printed; 12/1612003 11 I 03 U✓ P C City C City C STP(U) 486 C City C City C AIP Flooring Delo: Env As sess Dale Adoption Dale: Resection Ho. Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed Stale Other City To Roads Pro) 3 Lcn(mi) Type O Slat Math Fund source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.C. R.W. Canal Total 390 0 0 360 380 C STP(U) 2,433 0 0 2,433 2,433 0 0 2,813 2,813 76 0 76 0 76 0 465 0 486 O 562 0 562 220 0 0 220 220 150 0 180 0 180 720 0 72D 0 720 O 900 220 1,120 C City 292 0 0 292 282 C AIP 1,168 0 0 1,165 1,165 0 0 1,460 1,450 Protect knrne Road Names Program Func Work Scope Item Class Status 5 Bridging the Vafloy- Park Road/ BNSF Grade Sep Reconstrurr Pare Road to separate the grades of Park Road and the &NSF railroad tracks - Construction 6 Barker Road - 8th to Broadway Avenue 7 Reconstruct to a three-tone urban arterial from 8th to Appleway- Reconstruct to a four - lane arterial w'.:h center turn fart: From Apploway to Broadway Ave. Prelim. Engineering. Right<d -Way Reconstruct to a 0.mo-tan° arterial 8 32nd Avenue 14 32nd Avenue Reconstruct and widen to three lanes wfh curbs and sidewalks. Construdion City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2007 Annual Construction Program Dollars la thousands From 14 Pork Road Inrfhna Avenue Montgomery Ave. 03714 0.20 18 Borkcr Road 6111 Avenue Broadway Avenue 0023D 1.03 Flora Road 1 03 l P 14 Flora Rd Sprague Av Minion Av 01344 1.0D I 03 ltd P CGP1W SR 27 Bost Road 05371 0.48 Printed: 1 2J1612003 12 I 03 1 02 S CGPT C City C TPP C STP(U) 1,430 C Other Fcd 132 C Other Stu C Other C City C STP(U) 173 Ffcoring Data Adoption Oslo: Env. Assess. Date Resolution Ho. Ernir Work C Fund Worts Unities Fcd Slate Other Coy To Road 0' Prof 0 Lon(mf) Type O Stet Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Cons Total 1,430 1.790 249 0 0 249 249 O 0 1,430 1,430 O 0 1,430 1,430 0 0 132 132 O 0 1,790 1,790 255 0 0 265 265 O 0 5,298 5,206 C City 228 39 190 0 228 C STP(U) 447 144 303 0 447 182 493 0 675 27 27 0 0 27 173 0 0 173 200 0 0 200 C City 90 0 0 90 90 C STP(U) 577 0 0 577 577 0 0 667 667 Project Name Road flames Program Func Work Scope Item Class Status Bridge Construction 9 Sullivan Rood West Bridge Reconstruct and widen west bridge Construction l3rrirkkyn Con.- tnrcdom Projects Total: From City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2007 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Urtan Cambodian Projects Tuts! 5,678 5,106 265 1,742 382 1,955 10,458 12,793 14 su^..Man Road Spohano River ?4511 -S 04597 0,22 Envir Work C Fund Work Uttlies Fed State Other City To Rood Y Proj 0 t cn(mi) Typo 0 Si 1a Meth Furl Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Consl Total I 03 II P Hearing Date: Adoption Dale: Env. Assess. Date Resolution no. C City 757 0 0 757 757 C BR 3,026 0 0 3,028 1,026 D D 3,7x3 3,783 3,026 767 0 0 3,783 3,783 Total Program tor 2007 8,704 5,108 265 2,499 392 1,955 14,239 16,576 Project Name Road Naives Program Funs Work Scope I1am Crass Status Urban Construction 1 Evergreen Road 1 03 2 P 14 Evergreen Rd 32nd Aicnuo 15th Avenue 01170 1,00 Rcoonctnrct and widen to throe lanes 2 Barker Road - 6th to Broadvrey Avonuo 1 02 IJ S CGPT • 12/162003 16 Barker Road 8th Avon= Broadway Avenue 00230 1,03 Reconstruct to a throe-lane urban ertcrial fmrn 84h to Appleway. Reconstruct to a four- lane Medal with center turn lane from Apploway to Rmadway Avo. Right -of -Way 3 Barker Road - Spokane River to SR 290 14 Barkor Road Reosns9uct to a throe-tone centred ancrfal Construction 4 Valley Couplet - Protect 3 14 Valley Couptcl Construct multi -land facility with curls and sidowalks. Remove islands en Sprague Avenue and restripo. Right -of -Wei City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2008 Annual Construction Program Donors in thousands From Hearing Data: Adoption Doe: Eirv. Assess. Date Resolution No. Envtr Wait C Fund Work Utdittios Fed 512192 Other City To Road 0 Prsj S 1rn(rn0 Type o Stat Moth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. RW. Const Total 1 03 L) P Spokane River SR 290 00230 1.51 Evergreen Road Sullivan Road 08000 1.02 2797 5 01 N S CGPTW 14 C AIP 650 0 0 880 880 0 0 850 880 C City 142 0 142 0 142 C STP(U) 908 0 808 0 908 0 1,050 0 1,050 C City 388 0 0 388 355 C STP(U) 2,472 0 0 2,472 2,472 C City C STP(U) 194 0 0 2,858 2,858 80 30 50 0 80 194 0 0 194 224 50 0 274 Project Name Read Names Program Fume Work Scope Item Class Stales Flora Road 14 Flora Rd Seraglio AY Mission Av 01344 1.00 Reconstruct W a throe-lane arterial, Valley Couplet - Project 2 14 Sp aguo Ave 14 2nd Avenue Frcrn Construct mual-lane facility with curds and sidewalks, Remove 'lands cat Sprague A•retrve and rastripc. Prelim. Engineering, Right-of-Way 14 BCPAtlish Read Reconstruct and eider roadway to three Isles. Prellmtnary Engineering Urban Corctructian Projects Tcdal: City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2008 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Emir Work (; Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City To Road B Pro Y Le t rnT) Yype D Stal Meth Fund Souree Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total 32nd Avon'so Illh Avenue 00297 1.52 Printed: 12110/2003 15 I 03 2 P 2883 S 01 U✓ S University Rd Evergreen Rd 04538 2.02 University Rd Evorgrcn Rd 00001 2.02 C City 108 0 108 0 108 C STP(V) 692 0 682 0 892 C City C TPP C STP(U) 292 7 Sowdish Road 1 03 P CGP1V Roaring Dalo; Env. Assess, Dale Adoption Date: Resolution Pto. 0 900 0 800 50 12 38 0 50 460 120 36D 0 469 69 223 0 292 201 621 0 822 C City C ALP 132 32 100 0 132 527 127 400 0 627 159 500 0 659 4,558 1,887 898 564 3,021 3,738 7,343 Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope ttom Class Staves Bridge Construction 6 Sullivan Road West Bridge 14 Sullivan Road 12116!2003 Roconstruct and widen west bridge Bridge Construction Project, Total: Toed Program for 2006 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2008 Annual Construction Program Dollars In thousands From Roaring Date: Env. Assess. Date Adoption Datc: Resolution No. Emir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fcd State Olhes Cdy To Road Prof Lcn(mi) TyPo 0 Slot Meln Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Coast Total 1 03 P © Spokane River 84511 -S 04597 0.22 S6 c city 757 0 0 757 757 C BR 3,028 0 0 3,023 3,026 0 0 3.783 3,783 3.026 757 0 0 3.783 3,783 7,584 1,887 1.655 584 3,021 7,621 11,126 Proj td Name Road Nantes Prograrn Rune Work Scope Item Crass Status Urban Construction 1 Valley Couplot- Project 4 14 Valley Coepfet Sul:van Road Construct tour lanor 'Acih nubs and sidewalks. Rama. islands on Sprague Avenue and restrbje_ Preliminary Eng.tccriog Valley Couplet - Project 2 2083 5 01 14 Sprague A•ro University Rd Evergreen Rd 0453a 2.02 14 2nd Avcnuo University Rd Evergreen Rd 00001 202 Construct multilane faaMy •n•8h curbs and sidewalks. Renw.c islands on Sprague Avenue and realrlpo. Prelim. Enp inee*6r0, Mutdgi -Way Sullivan Road 1 03 IA P 14 Sullivan Road Euclid Avenue Wellesley Avenue 04597 1.00 ReconSmrr* to a sever>•larn urban er teriit1. V.idea brkl9ea at Spokano River, UPRR, BURR, and SR 290 PrcGn, Engineering 4 Valley Couplet - Project 3 14 Valley Couplet Construed multilane fad ay w3h curbs and sidewalks. Remere islands on Sprague Avcnuo and residue. Complete renstrutian City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2009 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands From S 01 O P CGP1W Applcwey Read 03000 1.10 2797 5 01 }/ S CGPfW Evergreen Road Suavan Road 08D00 1.02 Printed: 12116/2003 17 YJ S C City C STP(U) 350 C City C TPP C STP(U) 292 C City Hearing Date: Adoption Dale: Env. Assess. Oato Resolution No. Envir Work C Fund Work Ut83ies Fed Slate Other City To Road 0 Prof S Len(m) Typo 0 Slat 'vial Fund Source Fends Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Cartel Total 54 37 17 0 54 242 103 0 390 270 125 0 404 50 12 38 0 50 460 920 360 0 480 69 223 0 292 201 621 0 822 93 93 0 0 93 93 0 0 93 C City 148 0 61 87 148 C STP(U) 947 0 390 557 947 0 451 644 1,095 Project Name Road Nantes Program Func Work Scope Env@r Work S C Fund Work Utilities Fcd tale Other City ttom Class Status From To Road 0 Proj It I-0 Type o Stet Math Fund Sourco Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E RW. Conot Total 5 Flora Road 1 03 I) P 14 Flora Rd Sprague Av Mission Av 01344 1.00 6 Euclid Rdr Flora Rd 1 03 P 7 Reconstruct to a thrco- lano artertaL 17 EarcIki Av 10 Flora Rd Reconstruct to provide a two lane, shouldered arterial Prelim• Engineering Bawdish Road 1 03 -I P CGPTW 14 Bowdi,h Road 32nd Avcnuo 8th Avcnuo 00297 1.52 Reconstruct and widen roadway to three 1 mes, Righl -ot -Way 8 Barker Road - 8th to Broadway Avenue 1 02 !lei 5 CGPT 16 Barker Road 8th Avenuo Flora Road Barker Road 01160 0.97 Euclid Road Euclid Road 01345 0.14 Reconstruct to a thrco -lane urban arterial from 8th to Appleway. Ream trud to a lour - tane arterini with ccrtar turn lane from Applowny to Broadway Ave, Coast uction 12)162003 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2009 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Broadway Avenue 00230 1.03 18 C City 203 0 0 203 203 C STP(U) 1,297 0 0 1,297 1,297 C C8y 'Roaring Date: Adoplton Date: Env. Ass ss Data Resolution No. 0 0 1,500 1,500 50 50 0 0 50 50 0 0 50 C City 210 0 100 110 210 C AIP 833 0 400 435 838 0 500 548 1,048 C City 271 0 0 271 271 C STP(U) 1,732 0 0 1,732 1,792 0 0 2,003 2,009 i Project Nome Road Nantes Program Func 'Work Scopo Item Class Status Urtx n Contrition Prcycc Tatrl: Totai Program tor 2999 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2009 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands From printed; 121162007 19 Nearing Dote: Adoption Date: Env. Assess, Dale Resolution No. Envir Work C Fund Work U611Uas Fad Stato Ocher City Raad 8 Prof i Len(mO Type 0 S4at Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds R.E. R.W. Coast Total 4,618 1,318 1,079 623 1,697 4,695 7,015 4,618 1,318 1,070 623 1,697 4,695 7,015 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12 -23 -2003 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business x new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Fleet Management Policy Draft GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: December 16, 2003, Council considered the draft policy BACKGROUND: City Manager Dave Mercier will discuss the revised Fleet Management Policy. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve policy BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS Fleet Management Policy DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION ONLY City of Spokane Valley Policy & Procedures Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish rules and guidelines for the use of City owned vehicles. It will be the policy of the City to provide vehicles for business usage and to reimburse employees for the approved business use of any personal vehicles. Authority: This policy is issued under the authority of the Spokane Valley City Council. Definitions: 1. Vehicle: The term is used in this policy to include, but is not limited to cars, trucks, heavy equipment, motorized construction equipment or special vehicles. 2. Employee: Any City employee, member of the City Council or other supplemental operators or agents of the City. 3. Operator: The person driving or in physical control of the vehicle. Procedures: Employee Responsibilities 1. Employees will furnish their supervisor with a photocopy of their driver's license and obtain permission to operate a City vehicle, prior to operating any vehicles. 2. Employees will inform their supervisors of any changes that may affect their legal or physical ability to operate a vehicle or the ability to obtain insurance for a vehicle. 3. Employees holding jobs that are designated as requiring regular driving for business, must as a condition of employment, maintain the approved standards of this policy as do employees who may only occasionally operate City owned vehicles. 4. Employees who need transportation in the course of their normal duties may be assigned a City vehicle for their use. The employee will use and care for this vehicle within the scope of this policy. City of Spokane Valley Fleet Management Policy Page 1 of 5 5. Employees who need transportation for City business on an occasional basis may use a City vehicle or, if no City vehicles are available, may use their private vehicle with the supervisor's prior knowledge and permission. 6. Employees who drive a vehicle on City business will obey state motor vehicle laws and will exercise due diligence in safe driving and will maintain the security of the vehicle and its contents. 7 The operation of a vehicle while under the influence of any intoxicant is prohibited. Intoxicants may include but are not limited to alcohol, prescription- or non - prescription drugs. The City has a zero tolerance policy for operation of vehicles by employees who have alcohol or illegal drugs in their blood system above the tolerant limits as specified by state law or City policy, whichever is stricter. 8. Employees shall not operate a City vehicle when they are impaired due to injury, illness, medication, or other disabling situations. 9. Employees will be personally responsible for any driving infractions or fines as a result of their operation of any City vehicle. 10. Employees will not knowingly operate a defective vehicle or a vehicle that does not meet the standards of this policy. 11. Employees may not use a City vehicle for other than de minimis personal use. Employees generally will not use a City vehicle for non - business purposes unless there is a compelling justification that is approved by a supervisor. These uses are designed to allow for extension of official duties based on an emergency situation or other warranted circumstances. Use of a City vehicle for purely personal reasons is prohibited. 12. Employees will be reimbursed for the use of their private vehicles as specified in Ordinance 29 adopted by the Spokane Valley City Council. 13. Employees of the Police, Community Development, Parks and Public Works Departments are required to know and follow any special vehicle operations policy that may be in place in those departments. Nothing in this policy is intended to replace or supercede such departmental policies. This fleet management policy is intended to augment those policies. 14. Employees who have been assigned a City vehicle on a 24 -hour basis, including commuting, will operate the vehicle as part of an emergency response or for official City business within the scope of this policy. City of Spokane Valley Fleet Management Policy Page 2 of 5 Supervisor Responsibilities 1. Monitor the use of City vehicles and designate employees authorized to operate the vehicles. 2. Annually verify that each employee's license is valid and that no adverse actions have been taken or are pending that impair an employee's license to operate a motor vehicle. 3. Inspect each vehicle and cause necessary maintenance and repairs to be completed so as to keep it operating in a safe and legal manner, 4. Investigate and report any accidents or incidents that come to their attention. 5. Notify the Risk Manager of all accidents, problems, issues, or employee license or insurance problems that they are aware of. 6. Enforce the policy and procedures. Passengers in City Vehicles 1. Generally, non - employee, non - business passengers will be prohibited in City vehicles. Exceptions include: A. When the transportation of a person is necessary in order to provide for their safety or well being. B. When accompanying an employee on a business related task or mission of short or limited duration. C. When approved by a superior authority for specific and articulated reasons within this policy. 2. When there are passengers, the following apply: A. Generally, all passengers will be 18 years or older; minors will require permission from a supervisor. B. Passengers are required to use seat belts and/or infant seats. C. When practical, passengers will complete a liability waiver form. 3. Police vehicles are subject to the policy manual of the Police Department as well as this policy. A. Police officers may give transportation to stranded motorists or other citizens in a community care - taking role. These events are limited in scope and duration and will be reasonable in nature. City of Spokane Valley Fleet Management Policy Page 3 of 5 WDOT, Alcohol and Drug Testing 1. Employees may be required to take a drug or alcohol test under the conditions listed below. A. Pre - employment B. Upon reasonable cause or suspicion C. Post accident or incident D. Upon return to employment from a protracted separation E. In conjunction with WDOT or other mandated laws or rules F. In conjunction with applicable provisions of the Spokane Valley personnel ordinances, resolutions, and policies Vehicle Inspections /Maintenance Procedures 1. Unless a City Fleet Manager has been designated, each department head or designee will maintain a file on each assigned vehicle. This file will contain all information on inspections, repairs, or other issues related to the vehicle. 2. Employees will inspect the vehicle before operation and verify that the vehicle is safe to operate. 3. Employees will complete a maintenance defect report on all problems noted and will not operate the vehicle if critical components are defective. 4. Supervisors will inspect vehicles at regular intervals and prepare a written evaluation to the department head. 5. A proof of insurance card issued by the Washington Cities Insurance Authority will be carried in each vehicle. Surplus Vehicles 1. All vehicles declared surplus will be disposed of in accordance with City and State laws. Generally they will be sold at public action. A release, hold harmless agreement will be required before release of title. The vehicles are sold ''as is" and this will be documented on the hold harmless agreement. Accident Reporting and Investigation 1. As soon as possible, employees will report to their supervisor any accident, theft, malicious damage or problems that involve a City vehicle or a privately owned vehicle that is being used on City business. The extent of damage or the lack of injuries will not excuse the required reporting of all incidents, major or minor, to a supervisor within forty -eight (48) hours. City of Spokane Valley Fleet Management Policy Page 4 of 5 2. The appropriate local law enforcement authority will be notified immediately of accidents. Employees will cooperate fully with official authorities investigating the accident or incident and will not offer voluntary statements other than in reply to official questions of the investigators. 3. Each city vehicle will be equipped with a camera to enable employee- operators of city vehicles to make a mandatory photographic record of all damage, major or minor, and accident scenes involving city vehicles that they operate. Employees will exercise due diligence in safeguarding their personal safety and that on any passengers when making such photographic record. 4. The Risk Manager for the City will be notified immediately of all serious injury or death related accidents. 5. Employees will cooperate with the official investigation and any internal investigation that may follow. Accident/Incident Review Board 1. At the direction of the department head, an accident or incident review board may be convened to review the events and render a decision. The review board will be made up of at least three employees. At least one member of the board will be a first level supervisor chosen by the department head. The other two members may be from any division within the City. 2. The review board will determine facts and circumstances surrounding the event and will inform the department head of its opinion regarding whether or not the accident was preventable by the employee. • 3. The review board will submit a written report to the department head citing suggestions or recommendations for preventing similar accidents or injuries. Smoking 1. Smoking or use of tobacco products is prohibited in City vehicles. City of Spokane Valley Fleet Management Policy Page 5 of CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 23, 2003 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent X old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Amendment to 2003 Hotel /Motel Grant Agreements GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On September 9, Council approved allocation of Hotel /Motel grant funds to several organizations. This decision came after discussions at earlier Council meetings. BACKGROUND: The standard language in the hotel /motel grant award agreements states that funds are distributed on a reimbursement basis, for expenditures incurred between the date the agreement is signed by both parties, and the end of the calendar year. Council previously approved an amendment, for this first year only, to extend qualifying expenditures through March 31, 2004. This was done in recognition that the grant award happened quite late in the year. In addition, staff is proposing that expenditures should qualify, not at the point at which the agreements are signed, but at the point at which Council approved the allocation, i.e., September 9 for all agreements. This would also be for 2003 only, and not set a precedent for future years. OPTIONS: Do not change the agreements. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve an amendment to the 2003 hotel /motel grant agreements, to include expenditures incurred as of September 9, 2003. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None — the total grant award does not change. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance & Administrative Services Director ATTACHMENTS Meeting Date: 12 -23 -03 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ❑ admin. report AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Interlocal Agreement for Probation Valley (April 1, 2003 — December 31, 2004) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: OPTIONS: STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell City Manager Sign -off: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Several discussions with staff on options for probation services. BACKGROUND: The Council instructed staff to thoroughly review this matter to determine if there are other options for provision of probation services. After discussing it with several other local jurisdictions, it appears contracting with Spokane County is the best option at this time. Staff will continue to research other options for probation after 2004. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to approve the Interlocal Agreement for Probation Services for the City of Spokane Valley (April 1, 2003 — December 31, 2004). BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: To date, revenue has exceeded expenses in providing probation services. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Interlocal Agreement for Probation Services for the City of Spokane Valley (April 1, 2003 — December 31, 2004) X new business ❑ public hearing Li pending legislation Services for the City of Spokane 11/07/2003 FRI 16:18 FAQ IJ 004rora Return to: Pagel 0110 Dnniei' Erick, an Clerk of the Board 1.116 West Broadway Spokane, Washington 99260 INTEIlLOCAL. AGREEMENT FOR PROBATION SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (April 1, 2003-December 31, 2004) THIS AGREEMENT, made and orrtcrcc into by and among the Spokane County Th trict/Municipal Court, having offices for the transacfion of business at 1100 West Mallon, Spokane, - Washington 99260, hereinafter referred to as "COURT," Spokane County, having offices for the transaction of business at 1116 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99260, hereinafter referred to as "BOARD," together some-Ernes referred to along wifa the COURT as "COUNTY," and the City of Spokane Valley, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, haves offices for the transaction of business at the Redwood Plaza 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206, hereinafter refired to as "CITY," jointly hen±iaftcr refer to as tau "PARTIES." WITNE SETH: WHEREAS, pur;, ant to the provisions of RCW 36.2.120(6), the Board of Comity Comas ssioncas of Spokane County has the care of County property and the management of County funds and business; and WHEREAS, pursuant to chapter 35.02 RCW, the City of Spokane Valley established 12;41 A.M. March 31, 2 as its official date of incorporation and >rpon that date will commence operations as a city; and WHEREAS, pursuant to chapter 35.02 RCW, as of the official date of incorporation, local goveromerrtal authority and jurisdiction with respect to the newly incorporated area will teRnsfer from COUNTY to CITY; and 11/07/2003 FRI 16:18 FAX WJL REAS, chapter 39.34 RCW (interlocal Cooperation Act), authorizes counties and cities to contract with each other to perform certain functions which each. may legally perform; and AREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 39.34.180, the City of Spokane Valley is responsible for the costs incident to investigation, prosecution, adjudication and incarceration of misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor offenses that occur within its _jurisdiction and that are committed by adults; and WHEREAS, Spokane County has established the Spokane County District/Municipal Court under the provisions of chapter 3.38 RCW for the Judicial administration of the laws of the State of Washington and the ordinances of Spokane County. The Spokane County District/Municipal Court consists of one district encompassing all of Spokane County; and WHEREAS, the Spokane County District/Mu nicipal Court has entered into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the City of Spokane wherein the City of Spokane provides managerial and administrative support for the Spokane County District Court Probation Services Department ("Department'). The Department is funded by monthly assessments established by the COURT under RCW 10.64.120 which are paid by persons receiving probation services; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley desires to utilize the services of the Spokane County District/Municipal Court Probation. Services Department for the purpose of providing probation services as directed by the Spokane County District/Municipal Court for (i) misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor offenses constituting a violation of a state statue committed by an. adult within the City of Spokane Valley and/or (ii) a violation of the City of Spokane Valley's ordinances. NOW THEREFORE for and in consideration of the mutual promises set forth hereinafter and as provided for in the above - referenced recitals, the PARTIES do hereby agree as follows: SECTION 1: PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the PAREL S' understanding as to the terms and conditions under which COURT will provide Probation Services to CITY. For the purpose of this Agreement "Probation Services" are further described in Section No. 4 herein below. Page 2 of 10 L1005/013 11/07/2003 FRI 16:18 FAX SECTION NO. 2: DURATION This Agreement shall be effective at 12:01 A.M. on April 1, 2003, and run through 12:00 P.M. December 31, 2004, unless one or all of the PARi`1.ES give notice of termination as provided for in Section No. 5 and Section No. 14 of this Agreement. SECTION NO. 3: COST FOR PROBATION SERVICES CITY shall pay COUNTY the actual costs for Probation Services provided under this Agreement. Actual costs will be billed on a fifteen (15) minute basis as provided for herein after for services performed by Probation Officers and Support Staff, The charges for each classification will be composed of the following four elements: (i) "Direct Cost per Hour" for probation officer and support staff positions; (ii) "Indirect Cost per How' calculated by applying the percentage rate established by County Administrative Services Department for each calendar year to the "Direct Cost per Hour" for the positions of probation officer and support staff (iii) `.Admin per Hour" for supervision of probation officer and support staff; and (iii) "M & 0 per Hour". • Attached hereto as Attachment "A" and incorporated herein by reference is a. breakdown of the hourly rates for the positions of probation officer and support staff for calendar year 2003 showing all the above components. The same methodology used to establish the 2003 hourly rate will be used to.establish the 2004 hourly rate. The "Total Cost Per Hour Per Employee" for the positions of probation officer and support stiff may increase or decrease during any calendar year as well as during the term of this Agreement as a result of labor contracts, COLA's and /or salary increases /decreases which will. affect Direct Cost per flour, Indirect Cost per Hour, and Admin per Hour elements. COUNTY will notify CITY in writing of any changes or modifications to Attachment "A." No change in the "M&O per Hour" rate will take place during any calendar year. Any changes in the Total Cost Per Hour Per Employee" during any calendar year will become effective immediately. COUNTY agrees to meet with CITY upon request to substantiate any increases/decreases in the hourly rate. There will be a minimum fifteen (15) minute charge for any Probation Service. All Probation Services provided in excess of fifteen (15) minutes will be billed as follows: 0 minutes up to 15 minutes Charged Y. hour 15 minutes up to 30 minutes* Charged 'A hour Page 3 of 10 1,43006/013 11/07/2003 FRI 16:19 FAX Q007/013 COURT will keep time records showing the Probation Service performed in 15 minute intervals subject to charges being rounded up or down as provided for above. COUNTY will bill CITY for the cost of Probation Services as set forth in the Attachment, monthly, on or before the 5 of the month for services provided during the preceding month. Payments by CITY will be due within 30 days of receipt of a billing invoice. At the sole option of COUNTY a penalty may be assessed on any late payment by CITY based on lost interest earnings had the payment been timely paid and invested in the Spokane County Treasurer's Investment Pool. Pursuant to RCW 10.64.120, COURT establishes a monthly assessment that is levied on persons referred by COURT for Probation Services. This assessment in most instances is collected from persons receiving Probation Services. COURT agrees that all assessments collected by COURT in conjunction with providing Probation Services to CITY under the terms of this Agreement shall be remitted to CITY. Assessments collected shall be remitted to CITY'S designee no later than the 10 day of each month for the previous month. COURT shall keep records of all assessments collected in conjunction with providing Probation Services under the terms of this Agreement. Any such assessments ultimately collected in conjunction with providing Probation Services to CITY, regardless of whether or not this A greement is in effect, shall be remitted to CITY. Page 4 of 10 *If. time spent is less that 22 minutes, it will be billed at 'A hour. If time spent is more than 22 minutes it will be billed at 'A hour. 30 minutes . up to 45 minutes ** Charged 3 /4 hour **If time spent is less that 37 minutes, it will be billed at 1/2 hour. If time spent is more than 37 minutes it will be billed at 3 /4 hour. 45 minutes up to 1 hour*** Charged 1 hour * * *If time spent is less that 37 minutes, it will be billed at 3/4 hour. If time spent is more than 37 minutes it will be billed at 1 hour. For time in excess of an hour, the above will apply except for the first 15 minutes which will be billed as follows: 1 hour up to 1 hour and 15 minutes " ** Charges A hour * * * *If time spent is less that 1 hour and 7 minutes, it will be billed at 1 hour. If time spent is more than 1 hour and 7 rninutes it will be billed at 1 and 1 4 hour. 11/07/2003 FRI 10:19 FAX COURT shall use the same collect services to collect delinquent assessments dice CITY under the terms of this Agreement that it uses to collect other delinquent accounts. SECTION NO. 4: SERVICES PROVIDED Probation Services shall include case management as directed by the Spokane County District Court for misdemeanor offenses constituting a violation of a state statue committed by an adult within the City of Spokane Valley and/or a violation of CITY'S ordinances constituting a misdemeanor. Case management includes the monitoring of cases in pre- trial status, providing supervision and monitoring of sentenced offenders, and supervision and monitoring of offenders whose cases are on a deferred status, Monitoring includes meeting with the offenders, reviewing the court's probation orders, consulting with various service providers and other criminal justice entities, traclting criminal activity, and referral for appropriate services. Probation Services shall also include verification of an offenders' compliance or non- compliance to COURT. SECTION NO. 5: NOTICE All notices or other communications given hereunder shall be deemed given on: (1) the day such notices or other comlmlmications are received when sent by personal delivery; or (ii) the third day following the day on which the same have been mailed by first class delivery, postage prepaid addressed to the PARTIES at the address set forth below for such Party, or at such other address as PARTIES shall from tired- to-time designate by notice in wasting to the other PARTIES: COUNTY: COURT: CITY: SECTION NO. 6: COUNTERPARTS Page 5 of 10 Spokane County Chief Executive Officer or his/her authorized representative 1116 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, Washington 99260 Spokane District Court Presiding Judge Spokane County District Court 1100 West Mallon Avenue Spokane, Washington 99260 City of Spokane Valley City Manager or hisfher authorized representative Redwood Plaza 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 @1008 /010 11/07/2003 FRI 16:19 FAX This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when so executed and delivered, shall be an original, but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same. SECTION NO. 7: ASSIGNMENT No Party ma) assign, in whole or in part, its interest in this Agreement without the approval of all other PAR:FIt S. SECTION NO. S: LIABILITY (a) COUNTY shall indemnify and hold harmless C1TY and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by any reason of or arising out of any negligent act or omission of COUNTY /COURT, their officers, agents and employees, or any of them relating to or arising out of performing services pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any suit based upon such claim, action, loss, or damages is brought against CITY, COUNTY ehA1I defend the same at its sole cost and expense; provided that CITY reserves the right to participate in said suit if any principle of governmental or public law is involved; and if final judgment in said suit be rendered against CITY, and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, or jointly against CITY and COUNTY /COURT and their respective officers, agents, and employees, COUNTY shAll satisfy the same. (b) CITY shall indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY /COURT and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by any reason of or arising out of any negligent at or omission of CITY, its officers, agents and employees, or any of them relating to or arising out of performing services pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any suit based upon such claim., action, loss, or damages is brought against COUNTY/COURT, CITY shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense; provided that COUNTY /COURT reserve the right to participate in said suit if any principle of governmental or public law is involved; and if final judgment in said suit be rendered against COUNTY /COURT, and their officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, or jointly against COUNTY and CITY and their respective officers, agents, and employees, CITY shall satisfy the same. (c) The foregoing indemnity is specifically intended to constitute a waiver of each party's immunity under Washington's industrial Insurance Act, Chapter 51 RCW, respecting the other party only, and only to the extent necessary to provide the indemnified party with a full and complete indemnity of claims made by the indemnitor's employees. The PARTIES acknowledge that these provisions were specifically negotiated and agreed upon by them Page 6 of 10 Z009/013 6 11/07/2003 FRI 16 =2O FAX (d) COUNTY and CITY agree to either self insure or purchase polices ofinsllTLince covering the matters contained in this Agreement with coverages of not less than $5,000,000 per oczurretir:c with, $5,000,000 aggregate limits including auto liability coverage. SECTION" NO. 9: RELATIONSHIP Or THE PARTIES The PARTIES iritcnd that an independent contactor relationship will be created by this Agreement. No agent, employee, servant or representative of COUNTY/COURT shall be deemed to be an onmployee, agent, servant or representative of CITY for Env purpose. Likewise, no agent, employee, servant or representative of MY shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant or representative of COUNTY/COURT for any purpose. SECTION NO. 10: REPORTING COURT ,ball provide a mutually acceptable quarterly report to CITY that will contain information relating to Probation Spices performed during the preceding quarter. ACTION N . 11: PROBATION SERVICES STAFF COURT shall hire, assigrx, retain and discipline all employees performing Probation Services under this Agreement according to collective bar ining agreements, relevant civil services rules and regulations, slate and federal laws and applicable agreements. COURT agrees to meet and confer with CITY with respect to staff assigned to provide Probation Services, SECTION NO. 12: RECORDS All public records prepared., owned, used or retained by COURT in canjImction with providing Probation Services under tie t,�rrns of This Agreemt shall be deemed CITY property slid shall be made available to CITY upon request by the CITY Manager subject to the court tale, statue or case taw. COURT will notify CITY o#' any public disclosure request under chapter 42,17 RCW for copies or viewing of such records as well as COURT'S response thereto. SECTION NO. 13: ASSURANCE P,ige 7 of 10 1J 010/013 11/07/2003 FRI 16:20 FAX 01 011-/013 COUNTY and COURT represent and assure CTTY that no other city or town will receive more favored treatment in receipt of Probation Services than that made available to CITY - for similar services. SECTION NO. 14: MODIFICATION OR TERMINATION This Agreement may be modified in writing by mutual agreement of the PARTIES. Any Party may terminate this Agreement for any reason whatsoever upon a minimum of 90 days writtma notice to the other PARTIES. Upon termination COURT shall continue to provide Probation Services to completion for those cases assigned by COURT to receive Probation Services prior to the effective date of the termination. SECTION NO. 15: PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT The ownership of all property and equipment utilized in providing Probation Services shall remain with the original owner unless specifically and mutually weed by the PARTIES to the contrary. SECTION NO. 16: ALL WRITINGS GS CONTAINED HEREIN/BINDING EFFECT This Agreement contains terms and conditions agreed upon by the PARTIES. The PARTIES agee that there are no other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. No changes or additions to this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon the PARTIES unless such change or addition is in writing, executed by the PARTIES. This Agreement shall be bending upon the PARIthcS hereto, their successors and assigns. SECTION NO. 17: VENUE STIPULATION This Agreement has been and shall be construed as having been made and delivered within the State of Washington and it is mutually understood and agreed by each party that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington both as to interpretation and performance Any action at law, suit in equity or judicial proceeding for the enforcement of this Agreement, or any provision hereto, shall be instituted only in courts of competent jurisdiction within Spokane County, Washington. SECTION NO. 18: SEVERABILJTY Page 8 of 10 11/07/2003 FRI.16:20 .PAX U012/013 It is understood and agreed among the PARTIES that if any parts, terms or provisions of this Agreement are held by the courts to be illegal, the validity of the rem lining portions or provisions shall not be affected and the rights and obligations of the PARTIES shall not be affected in regard to the remainder of the Agreement. If it should appear that any part, term or provision of this Agreement is in conflict with any statutory provision of the State of Washington, then. the part, term or provision thereof that may be in conflict shall be deemed inoperative and null and void insofar as it may be in conflict therewith and this Agreement shall be deemed to modify to conform to such statutory provision. SECTION NO. 19: HEADINGS The section headings appearing in this Agreement have been inserted solely for the purpose of convenience and ready reference. In no way do they purport to, and shall not be deemed to define, limit or extend the scope or intent of the sections to which they pertain. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this Agreement to be executed on date and year opposite their respective signatures. DATED: SPOKANE= COUNTY MUNICIPAL/DISTRICT COURT: By: Its: DATED: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE, COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: VICKY IvL DALTON CLERK OF THE BOARD BY: Daniels Erickson, Deputy Page 9 of 10 JOHN ROSKELLEY PHILLIP D. HARRIS, Chair M. KATE MCCASLIN 11/07 /2003 FRI 10:20 FAX DATED: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: By: lts: (Title) Attest: City Clerk Approved as to form only Acting City Attorney F v fit car 'atterinozbeirn n Wcxva: Page 10 of 10 LQ]013 /013 3 lautEqup VICKY M. DALTON, CPA SPOKANE COUN'T'Y AUDITOR 1116 W. Broadway Ave. Spokane, WA 99260 -0020 Mayor Mike DeVleming City of Spokane Salley 11707 E. Sprague Ave #106 Spokarle Valley, WA 99206 21E1 ClEMMVIIMT RE: City Selection Committee - SCAPCA Board Appointee. Dear Mayor. DcVlcming: CERTIFIED MAIL December 15, 2003 Ender state law (RCW 70.94.100 & 110), a city selection committee, consisting of a majority of the Mayors of each incorporated city and town in Spokane County, shall appoint two representatives to serve on the Board of the Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority (SCAPCA). On December 31, 2003 the term of will expire. The vacancy to be created by the terra expiration of Mr. Cornwell must be filled by appointment: of the city selection committee. State law also requires notice to the general public of the irnpending appointment, by publication in a newspaper of general circulation. The public notice period has been established to coincide with the period of time between this notification to the mayors and the date of actual voting on an appointee. This is to give the public an opport to express their opinions to the mayors re€ u:ding possible appointees from the small cities to the SCAPCA Board. Accordingly, on December 14, 2003 a public notice will be published in the Spokesman Review to inform the public of the comment period, which will expire on or before December 28, 2003. State law allows a city selection corninitree to vote for their appointee by mailed ballot, as an alternative to meeting in person. For the sake of convenience to the Spokane County Mayors, I have chosen to conduct the selection process by this alternate method. :Enclosed is your ballot for selecting your appointee to the SCAPCA Board. Please observe the following instructions, in order: to ensure that the balloting conforms with the law: 0 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNTING AUTO UCENSE I1ECORDU4O ELECTIONS AOMANISTAATION 477 -2260 477 -272, 477.2270 477-2220 477 FAX: 477 -6451 T00 . 477 FAX 4774451 TOO: 477.2333 FAX: 477.0451 City Selection Committee December 15, 2003 Page 2 1. When you receive your ballot, stamp the date of receipt in the upper right hand corner. DO NOT MARK THE BALLOT IN ANY OTHER WAY AT THIS TIME. 2. On or after December 28, 2003 write in the name of your desired appointee, the date on which you completed the ballot, and your signature. 3. Return your completed ballot to my attention at the address below. Must be recei: eci lzy Dece mber 31 2003. It is important that you not mark your ballot, other than date - stamping it, until December 28, 2003, in order for the public notice period to expire first. This will give the public adequate opportunity to comment to any of the mayors on potential appointees, as would normally be the case i the selection occurred in a public meeting. If ballots are returned by a tnajoiity of the mayors by December 31, then the selection vote will be deemed a valid vote of a quorum of mayors. The common choice by a majority of the quorum will constitute a valid appointment to the SCAPCA Board, effective January 1, 2004. You may wish to consult with other mayors of the small cities as to possible choices of individuals to represent the small cities. If you have any questions, please call my assistant, Denise Toutloff at 477 -2217. Sincerely, Vicky M. Dalton, CP'. Spokane County Auditor 1116 W Broadway Spokane, WA 99260 cc: Eric Skelton, SCAPCA Director Meeting Date: December 23, 2003 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: 0 consent CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Fire District Annexation Issues X old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 52.04 provides for the establishment of fire services within newly incorporated cities. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On October 14, Council passed a resolution extending annexation to Fire Districts #1, #8 and #9 for one additional year. BACKGROUND: At the October 14 meeting, Council raised questions about annexation and election timing. The attached memo provides some background information. OPTIONS: There are three major options for fire services, including 1) annexing into one or more Fire Districts; 2) contracting with a Fire District (or other service provider); or 3) establishing a City Fire Department. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide feedback and direction on next steps to determine post 2004 fire services for the City of Spokane Valley. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Financial impact depends upon the service option chosen. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS 1. Background Memo Stioarkane jUalley Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager and Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst Date: December 23, 2003 Re: Update on Fire Service Options Status of Fire Services Project Annexation Process 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall @spokanevalley.org There are three major options for fire services, including 1) annexing into one or more Fire Districts; 2) contracting with a Fire District (or other service provider); or 3) establishing a City Fire Department. Option #1 requires a vote of the people. At the October 14 meeting, Council had questions about the annexation process and elections timelines. Following is an update. Since the October 14 meeting, there has been quite a bit of progress. • All three Fire District Boards approved resolutions to extend the annexation of Spokane Valley for one additional year. Those resolutions have been forwarded to the County as required. • Fire District #1 and 49 Boards have agreed that the four District #9 properties lying within the Spokane Valley city limits shall be annexed into Fire District #1. Their resolutions have been forwarded to the County Auditor and the Boundary Review Board for their consideration. The BRB must render a decision within 120 days of filing. If approved, the City would be served only by two districts (FD #1 and FD #8) rather than three. • According to Fire Chiefs Mark Grover and Dan Stout, FD #1 and FD #8 prefer that the City annex into both Districts. A recent change to state law allows for this option, though the City has other available options. Annexing into both Districts was the preferred option of the Public Safety transition committee. ELECTION TYPE DATE_._. - FILING DEADLINE Special February 3 December 19 Primary and Special March 2 January 16 Special April 27 March 12 Special May 18 September 14 April 2 July 30 Primary General November 2 September 17 Update on Fire Service Options, continuer) December 23, 2003 Page 2 of 2 Following is a summary of the process the. City and Districts would follow should the City choose to annex to one or more districts. For each district, two separate ballot items are required. The qualified electors residing within the city limits will vote whether or not to annex to the respective fire. district; and the qualified electors of the respective district who reside outside of the city limits will also vote whether or not to annex the City of Spokane Valley into that (ire district. Each item must be approved by a majority of the voters within the city limits and a majority of the voters outside of the city limits. For example, if 75% of the voters of Fire District #1 reside within the city limits of the City of Spokane Valley and 25% live outside of the city limits, a majority of the total number of electors within the Fire District could vote for the annexation but the measure could still fail if the majority of the 25% outside the city limits vote against the annexation. This option may be subject to potential BRB review under RC\V 36.93. Elections Process — Timing and Cost 2004 Elections Calendar There are several potential election dates in 2004. After consulting with Fire Chiefs Grover and Stout, staff recommends that an annexation election, if one is to be held, take place on the April 27 special election. Although a resolution is required to be filed at least 45 days in advance of the election date, the County Auditor requests that. 60 days notice be given. February 26, 2004 would be the deadline for an April 27 election according to the 60 day standard. Having an election in the spring allows enough time to hold a second election in 2004 if necessary. Election Costs The Spokane County Elections Office has estimated that the cost for the annexation elections will be between $80,000 and $109,000. This amount will be split proportionally between the City and the fire districts according to the number of registered voters in each taxing district. The costs will also be reduced if there are other measures on the ballot in the same voting districts. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12/23/03 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing x❑ information ❑ admin. report 0 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Annual Council -Staff Retreat and Planning Session GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: During the budget preparation process several references were made about conducting a retreat /planning session early in 2004. BACKGROUND: Many cities and private corporations rely upon an annual retreat/planning session for an early look at coming issues and as a method for refining which initiatives will be given concentrated attention during the fiscal year and agreeing upon the timetable that events will unfold. In keeping with this approach, staff would like to share ideas with the Council about what might be the subject matter for such a gathering and selecting a time that might be appropriate for the meeting. Several ideas for discussion include: a review of departmental work plans and submittal timetables, first glance at a draft five -year financial forecast, initiation of the FY 2005 budgeting process. Perhaps a Saturday could be set aside for a session that may run from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Saturday, February 28 might be a workable date. OPTIONS: 1. Give the matter further thought. 2. Choose not to move forward with scheduling an annual retreat/planning session. 3. Form an initial consensus on what might occur at such a session. 4. Agree on a time, place and agenda for the session. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: No unanticipated impact on the city budget. STAFF CONTACT: Dave Mercier and Nina Regor ATTACHMENTS None Meeting Date: December 23, 2003 City Manager Sign -off: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing X information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Draft MOU re STEP Agreement GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of the FY2004 Budget, Street Capital Projects Fund, Road Paveback (Septic Tank Elimination Program) in the amount of $1,010,000. BACKGROUND: This Memorandum of Understanding outlines the responsibilities and requirements between the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County for the 2004 Sewer Construction Program. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County Pavement Replacement Cost Sharing for the 2004 Sewer Construction Program in the amount of $1,010,000. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Funds are budgeted in the FY2004 Street Capital Projects Fund. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENT: Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane Count Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County Pavement Replacement Cost Sharing for the 2004 Sewer Construction Program WHEREAS the City of Spokane Valley (the CITY) and Spokane County (the COUNTY) plan to enter into an Interlocal Agreement to facilitate the continued design and construction of the COUNTY's Sewer Program within the CITY's corporate limits; and WHEREAS the CITY desires that the roads impacted by the construction of sewers in the 2004 Sewer Construction Program be reconstructed to the full preconstruction width, or widened, for an improved roadway surface; and WHEREAS the CITY also desires that pavement replacement work be extended in some areas beyond the limits of sewer construction; and WHEREAS the cost of such full width, additional width, and additional length of road reconstruction is not funded by the COUNTY's Sewer Program, and said cost will need to be paid by the CITY; and WHEREAS the 2004 Sewer Construction Program includes the Carnahan, Sipple, Veradale, and Weatherwood /Owens Sewer Projects, as identified in the COUNTY's adopted Six -Year Sewer Capital Improvement Program 2004 -2009. NOW THEREFORE, the CITY and the COUNTY do hereby agree as follows: 1. The CITY's cost and the COUNTY's cost on each of the projects shall be determined using the actual contract prices that result from the competitive bid for each project. The CITY's maximum cost for all projects shall not exceed $1,010,000 without written authorization by the CITY. The COUNTY shall not proceed with any work that would increase the CITY's cost to an amount greater than the total amount authorized. A list of the estimated CITY costs by project is shown in Table 1. The CITY and the COUNTY recognize that this estimated total cost is for planning purposes, and that the actual amount will be based upon final quantities and actual contract prices. 2. Prior to the bid of each project, the COUNTY shall provide the CITY with a set of project plans, indicating the extent of pavement removal and replacement to be paid for by the COUNTY as a part of the sewer project. The CITY shall review the plans and provide the COUNTY with a tabulation of the locations within the project boundary where the CITY would like additional pavement removal and replacement, as well as any locations where the CITY would like existing roadways to be widened. 3. If the CITY subsequently elects to make additions to the scope of the project, the CITY shall request such additional work in writing. A corresponding adjustment shall then be made to the CITY's share of the cost based upon the resulting increase in pay quantities and the associated contract bid prices. For work items requested by the CITY that are not covered by the contract bid prices, the COUNTY shall prepare a change order for the CITY's review and acceptance prior to work items being constructed. 4. During the construction of the four Sewer Projects in 2004, the COUNTY will provide monthly invoices to the CITY for the CITY'S portion of the cost of completed roadway replacement. Upon receipt of the invoices, the CITY shall provide payment to the COUNTY within 30 calendar days. SPOKANE COUNTY: By: Date: County Utilities Director CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: By: Date: David Mercier, City Manager Estimated Project Cost TABLE 1 Carnahan Sipple Verdale Phase II Including: Bums Road Weatherwood /Owens Misc. Projects TOTAL $110,000 $141,000 $284,000 $31,000 $394,000 $50,000 $1,010,000 Spokane jUalley Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager; City Council From: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager, Stanley Schwartz, Interim City Attorney Date: 12 -18 -03 Re: Discussion on payment for street vacations 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall@spokanevaltey.org On December 2, 2003, staff members Cary Driskell and Kevin Snyder presented the Council with information on payment options for street vacations. hollowing input from the Council and City Manager, staff has developed the following two proposals for payment for street vacations: 1. The question was asked whether the City needs to charge for the value of the property (excluding any administrative fee and closing costs related to the transfer). The City could adopt as part of the street vacation ordinance that no additional payment need be made for the value of the land. This would not be considered a gift of public funds under Washington appellate law because it puts the property back on the tax rolls and removes it as a potential site for a liability- creating event. R.CW 35.79.030 states that cities may require payment of the value of property as a condition of granting the vacation request. If the Council elects for this method, the analysis below relating to flat fee payment for administrative costs would still apply. 2. The City Manager raised an issue related to allowing the City to charge for higher value property. To avoid problems related to equal protection (charging some people but not others depending upon value), Deputy City Manager Nina Regor, interim City Attorney Stanley Schwartz and 1 arrived at a proposed new calculation, as follows: a. The City would charge a flat administrative fee for processing a street vacation request. The fee is anticipated to be based upon a reasonable cost recovery, including indirect costs. It is anticipated that full cost recovery could be $800 to $5,000, depending upon the complexity of the request and property. Staff recommends adopting a flat administrative fee in the neighborhood of $1,000 to $1,300 to cover some of the administrative expenses. (This vi'ould require amending the master fee .schedule along with the adoption of this ordinance.) b. The City would use the County Assessor's valuation of the adjoining property to determine the base value of the property to be vacated. Staff further recommends that this be the only valuation method used for determining property value. Otherwise, the City and applicants could get involved in expensive appraisal battles. c. Compensation to the City could be based upon the following (or similar) methodology: Cary P. Driskell 1) Determine the assessed property value as set forth in subsection 2b, apply a 50% discount if the property was not improved by the City, or a 25% discount if the property was improved by the City (to reflect value added by government) (the percentages chosen for this example are staff's attempt to reflect that the City would receive benefit over time in returning the property to the tax rolls; 2) Subtract the cost of the administrative fee (reasonable cost recovery in the application fee; full cost recovery is cost prohibitive for most vacation requests); 3) If the difference is positive, the applicant pays the City that amount in addition to the administrative fee. If the difference is negative, the applicant pays the administrative fee, but no additional amount. d. The City Council retains the right to determine the existence of special public benefits in granting a request for street vacation, such as substantial economic development opportunities that may be created. In such a circumstance, and in recognition of the special opportunities to be gained, the City Council may elect to waive all monetary amounts to be paid to the City above the flat fee administrative charge. This approach tries to balance the need to have reasonable cost recovery, recognize the benefit of returning the property to private use, retain the ability to receive compensation for high value property, but not over charge for lower valued property. Staff seeks policy direction from the Council on this issue so that the draft street vacation ordinance may be finished and presented to Council. Meeting Date: December 23, 2003 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: El consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information X admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Proposed Interlocal Agreement to extend services of Spokane County Library District (SCLD) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On October 21, November 12, November 25, and December 16, Council discussed library service options. BACKGROUND: On December 16, the SCLD Board discussed potential changes to its proposal, based upon new information from the County Assessor's office on Spokane Valley taxable valuation. The Board approved two alternatives to which it could agree. One alternative included a formula based upon valuation; the other alternative included a cost allocation formula based upon assumed Valley resident usage of the library system. At the December 16 City Council meeting, Council agreed in concept with the second altemative, pending staff analysis. That analysis is in process, and will be summarized at the December 23 meeting. Attached is a revised draft agreement incorporating the second alternative, along with a draft spreadsheet explaining the cost methodology. Before the agreement is finalized, that spreadsheet will be attached to the agreement as Exhibit B. All other changes to the agreement are not significant in nature, and are only intended to clarify. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide feedback and direction on the latest draft interlocal agreement for 2004 library services, or move to approve the agreement. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City has budgeted an estimated amount in 2004 for library services. $2,099,860 exceeds that amount by $47,000. Any reimbursement of Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) expenses would be in addition, capped at $10,000. Costs for the CFP would be approved in advance by both the City and the SCLD. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS 1. SCLD- Proposed Draft Interlocal Agreement 2. Draft spreadsheet explaining cost methodology -- .DRAFT- INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SPOKANE COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY RELATING TO THE PROVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES This Interlocal Agreement (the "Agreement ") is entered into this day of 2003, by and between the Spokane County Library District (the "District ") and the City of Spokane Valley, a Non Charter Code City of the State of Washington (the "City ") jointly referred to as "parties ". WHEREAS, the City incorporated effective March 31, 2003; and WHEREAS, the District provided library services to the residents of the City prior to its incorporation; and WHEREAS, the District has the authority and agrees, pursuant to RCW 27.12.180, to enter I into a contract with the City to continue to provide library services to residents of the City for the year 2004; and. WHEREAS, the District has previously entered into similar contracts with other cities and towns in Spokane County; and WHEREAS, the City has the authority and desire to contract for and to allocate funds in its general fund budget for the provision of library services to be provided by the District to the residents of the City during 2004; and WHEREAS, the District agrees to continue to provide library services to the residents of the City from January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 as under the terms set forth in the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the District desires to continue providing library services to the residents of the City after the term of this contract, and to partner with the City in developing library services and facility plans that meet Spokane Valley residents' needs. NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. District Commitment to Provide Library Services to the City. From January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004, the District shall: a. provide the public library services ("Library Services ") to residents of the City at the same service level and upon the same terms and conditions as are now being provided to all other residents within the District_. ( "Librvy eeia4iee " 2. City's Obligation to Pay District for Provision of Library Services. a. The City agrees to pay to the District the sum of $248-.400-$2 099.860 for lL ibrary sServices in 2004. The City and District agree that this payment amount applies only to 2004 and understand that the method by which payments applying to any future agreements are determined may be different. b. The City shall pay the sum described in 2.a., above, to the District in two equal payments: the first payment of$ 1.049,930 shall be made by the Citv to the District by no later than May 31 of eaeh2004 ; the second payment: of $1.049,930 shall he made by the City to the District by no later than November 30 of eae4-year2004. 3. Cost Accounting. The District shall provide to the City by no later than March 31, 2005, its annual accounting of expenditures for branch ILibrary sServices provided by the District to the residents of the Cites during its 2004 fiscal year. This accounting shall be based on a mutually agreeable cost allocation method. The expenditures shall include but not be limited to personnel, supplies, services, equipment, library materials, and support services involved in the provision of Library Services by the District to the residents of the City -. 4. City's Commitment to Make Future Library Services Decision. The City agrees to make a decision regarding the provision of future 1Library sServices to the residents of the City and to notify the District of that decision. a. If this decision is to continue contracting with the District for . lLibrary sServices, both parties agree to make a good faith effort to negotiate and execute a new interlocal agreement no later than August 31, 2004. b. if this decision is to propose that voters decide on annexation to the District and the decision is made later than the date necessary for the annexation to be effective in 2005, both parties agree to make a good faith effort to negotiate and execute a one -year interlocal agreement for 2005 no later than August 31, 2004. 5. Library Capital Facilities Planning. The City and District agree to work jointly to develop a Spokane Valley Library Capital Facilities Plan for approval by the City Council and the District Board of Trustees. The Library Capital Facilities Plan is to be completed by June 30, 2004. The development process and responsibilities are described in Exhibit "A." If the City decides to neither continue contracting with the District beyond 2004 nor propose annexation to the District, it will reimburse the District for consultant and other expenses incurred in development of the Library Capital. Facilities plan, as described in Paragraph 1.d. of Exhibit "A-," to a maximum amount of $ 10.000. 6. Administrative Authority. The City Manager or designee shall administer and be the City's primary contact with the District. The Director of the District or designee shall be the District's primary contact with the City. Page 2 of 6 7. Relationship of the Parties. The Parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this agreement. This agreement is not a joint venture between the District and the City. No District or City employee shall be deemed a representative, employee or agent of the other party for any purpose. 8. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by either the City or the District upon six months written notice. 9. Notice. Notice shall be given in writing as follows: TO THE CITY: Name: Chris Bainbridge Title: City Clerk Phone Number: (509) 921 -1000 Address: 11707 East Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Accepted and agreed the year and date first above written. Page 3 of 6 TO THE DISTRICT: Name: Michael Wirt Title: Secretary, Board of Trustees Phone Number: (509) 924 -4122 Address: 4322 North Argonne Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 -1868 10. Indemnification and }{old Harmless. Each party shall indemnify and hold the other, its officers, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, orders, decrees or judgments for injuries, death or damage to any person or property arising or resulting from any act or omission on the part of said party or its agents, employees or volunteers in the performance of this Agreement. 11. Waiver. No officer, employee, agent or other individual acting on behalf of other party has the power, right or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this Agreement. No waiver in one instance shall be held to be waiver of any other subsequent breach or nonperformance. All remedies afforded in this Agreement or by law, shall be taken and construed as cumulative, and in addition to every other remedy provided herein or by law. Failure of either party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement or to require at any time performance by the other party of any provision hereof shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions nor shall it affect the validity of this Agreement or any part thereof. 12. Entire Agreement. This written agreement constitutes the entire and complete agreement between the parties -City and the District for the provision of Libranv Services to the residents of the City of Spokane Valley and supercedes any prior oral or written agreements. This Agreement may not be changed, modified or altered except in writing signed by the pate City and the District. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY David Mercier, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY Stanley M. Schwartz Wi therspoon, Kelley, Davenport & Toole, LLP Page 4 of 6 SPOKANE COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT E. David Sani, Board of Trustees APPROVED AS TO FORM: COUNSEL TO THE DISTRICT Janes C. Sloane Paine, Hamblen, Coffin, Brooke & Miller, L.LP Exhibit "BA" 1. Library Capital Facilities Plan Development: a. The Library Capital Facilities Plan provided for in Section 5 of the Agreement shall be developed by the District in collaboration with the City through an advisory committee. The advisory committee shall be composed of two District staff members, a District Trustee, one representative of City staff one City Council Member and one citizen selected by the City. Upon completion, the Library Capital Facilities Plan shall be presented to the City Council and the Board for adoption. b. The Library Capital Facilities Advisory Committee shall study and make recommendations concerning the adequacy of current capital facilities (i.e. buildings, equipment, books and other materials) available to serve the City of Spokane Valley residents' library service needs and the feasibility of developing additional library buildings to serve the City of Spokane Valley, including estimated cost of development, of operation and maintenance, and other related matters. c. Should the District or the City desire to retain consultants or any other professionals for a fee to assist with the development of the Library Capital Facilities Plan, such contracts may be issued by the Board upon mutual agreement of both parties. d. District shall be responsible for costs to retain consultants and other professionals skilled in developing library facility plans, and for related costs and expenses, such as but not limited to, research, publication and other incidental costs. 2. Spokane County Library District Responsibilities: a. Carry out a Citv of Spokane Valley library services needs assessment. b. Assemble current City of Spokane Valley library use information; obtain City of Spokane Valley demographic, land use, traffic, and capital facility planning information from City staff. c. Assemble current and future demographic, land use, traffic, and capital facility planning information for the portion of the Spokane Valley lying outside the City but within the District's service area. d. Develop at least two preliminary library service models based on City demographics, geography, land use, and traffic patterns, taking into account library service needs of the remainder of the Valley outside the City limits Include general site requirements, general construction /FF &E costs, and estimated operational costs. Page 5 of 6 e. Present the library service models in the venue(s) determined to be rnost appropriate to obtain feedback on the preferred model. f. Further develop the preferred model including but not limited to estimates of public and support space needs, materials shelving, seating, meeting and study room, technology, and parking requirements for all proposed facilities. g. Obtain an updated construction cost estimate, and estimate of related costs. h. Determine capital funding options and projected taxpayer and debt service costs. i. Prepare a written library capital facilities plan proposal for presentation to the City Council and District Board of Trustees. 3. City of Spokane Valley responsibilities: a. Designate City staff and/or officials to serve in an advisory capacity to the District. b. Provide Spokane County Library District staff with current and projected demographic, land use and traffic information, as well as information on other city capital facilities planning. c. Determine the desired venue(s) for presentation of preliminary library service planning models for feedback on the preferred model. d. Work with the District to use the feedback obtained in determining the model to more fully develop. e. Provide the District with other information that might be useful in the capital facilities planning process. 1 tS nodocs\91 11 I1(111314 Page 6 of 6 Spokane County Library District City of Spokane Valley 2004 Library Services Payrnent Amount: SOLD (12/16103} Total payment Includes Basis for payment Actual 2002 costs: Valley Library use Other branch use Total 2004 projection: 2002 costs + 6.86% SPL registrations Total Detail 2002 actual expenditures Airway Heights Argonne Cheney Deer Park Fairfield medical Lake Moran Prairie North Spokane Olis Orchards Valley Outreach $2,099,860 1. Spokane Valley residents' use of all 10 District branches. 2. Spokane Valley residents' access to all District library materials, regardless of location. 3. Spokane Valley residents' access to all District Web -based services. 4. No limit on number of library cards or amount of service use. 5. Outreach services to 44 Spokane Valley licensed nursing homes, assisted living facilities, child care facilities, and homebound customers. 6. Use of all 6 Spokane Public libraries, their services and materials, 1,531,743 370,428 1,902,171 2,032,660 67,200 2,099,860 V Registration 39 4,089 88 34 14 34 161 318 708 _24.274 29.735 Outreach is included in the above numbers Payment assumptions 1. Individual branch costs are derived from SCLD's audited 2002 financial statements, using cost animation model developed jointly by District and City in October 2003. 2. Costs attributable to Spokane Valley are based on % Spokane Valley re sident registrations in each branch, using pariial results from City GIS analysis of addresses in District registration database; assumes that ratios are consistent with full database. 3. To arrive at projected 2094 casts from actual 2002 actual costs, 6,66'Yo the actual % increase in the District's total budgeted expenditures between 2002 and 2004} is added. 4. Spokane Valley residents' use of Spokane Public Library is reflected by multiplying the estimated 1,600 Spokane Valley registrations (based on Spokane Public Library October 2003 ZIP code report) by Spokane Public Library's $42 per card per year non - resident fee. Branch % SV SV %/$ranch Registrations Registrations Registrations 1,002 8,244 3,290 2,676 209 734 4,735 20,936 5,0012 30,153 76,977 0,13% 3,89% 13,68% 49.36% 0.30% 2.67% 0.11% 1.27% 0.05% 8.70% 0,10% 4.11% 0.54% 3.40% t07% 1,52% 2.38% 14.15% 61.63% 80.50% 104.00% Brandt Expenditures 235,103 473,714 441,855 405,557 153,120 229,207 385,931 i,454,705 397,613 1,002,721 8,459,526 % Exp for V 9,151 233,812 11,819 5,153 10,257 9,419 12,4-42 22,096 56,279 1,531,743 1,902,171 Meeting Date: 12 -23 -2003 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: 0 consent ❑ old business x new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: December 16, 2003, Council discussed legislative issues. The attached list cover highlights from that discussion. BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Policy Issues Other -- DRAFT -- CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 2004 Legislative Agenda • Community Empowerment Zone o Reauthorization (repeal of sunset clause) o Expansion of boundaries to include Spokane Valley Note: Need to confirm whether issue(s) are legislative or administrative • Tax Equalization (Rich to contact AWC for more and/or updated info) • Water Rights • PFD — Expansion of Board to include one additional seat appointed by Spokane Valley (support on the house side for ESB 5965) • Tax Increment Financing (Diana to provide background info) • Tort Reform (Mike D. to articulate) • Look at EDC's (and others ?) legislative program re economic development for common issues an Spokane jUalley Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager; City Council members From: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney CC: Date: December 14, 2003 Re: Snow on sidewalks 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall @spokanevalley.org A citizen asked what could be done about a business plowing snow from its parking lot onto his private property. There are two answers to this question. First, a property owner always has a private cause of action against: another person or business that interferes with then• right to enjoy their property, and for trespass upon private property. This is a lone and expensive remedy and probably not where we want to direct our citizens. Second, the nuisance ordinance adopted by this Council several months ago states as follows: Section 4. Nuisances Prohibited. No person, firm, or entity shall erect, contrive, cause, continue, maintain, or permit to exist any public nuisances within the City. Prohibited public nuisances include, but are not limited to: (and then lists some specifically identified nuisances) That ordinance also defines what a public nuisance is, state as follows: "nuisance" means the unreasonable or unlawful use by a person of real or personal property, or the unreasonable, indecent or unlawful personal conduct which materially interferes with or jeopardizes the health, safety, prosperity. quiet enjoyment of property or welfare of others, offends common decency or public morality, or obstructs or interferes with the free use of public ways, places or bodies of water. Although the nuisance ordinance does not specifically list the placement of snow onto a person's property as a public nuisance, it is my opinion that the existing language gives the city legal authority to issue a notice of violation under the nuisance ordinance. A secondary question arose as to whether the city could preclude people from moving snow from their private property onto rights -of -way. I believe the last sentence of the definition of "nuisance" in the nuisance ordinance covers this issue. As such, the city does have the ability to preclude private parties from putting snow on the rights-of-way. Stanley Schwartz has advised that the city may want to consider adopting a more comprehensive ordinance that not only specifically states that moving snow onto private property of another person or onto city streets is a violation of law, but also requires property owners to keep sidewalks clear of snow, and putting them on notice that they have a legal duty to do so. It may be that it is too late in the year to get that implemented for this snow season, but could be something the Council considers prior to next winter. Additional language could include a requirement to repair damage to sidewalks, which would be applicable during the warmer months. Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. November 13, 2003 1. CALL. TO ORDER. Bill Cothmaiui, Planning Commission Clair, called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. 11. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance_ il. ROLL CALL Fred T3caulac — Present Bob Blum — Present. David Crosby — Present Gail Iogle — Present VI. PUBLIC COMMENT ENT There was no public comment. Bill Crothrnann — Present 'fan Robertson — Present John G. Carroll — Excused Absence 1V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Beraulac moved that the agenda be approved as presented Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ft 'vas moved by Commissioner .Robertson and seconded by Commissioner Crosby that tht minutes of the October 23, 2003 Planning Commission meeting be approved as presented. Motion passed a nrmif wusl r. VII. CO1MISSION REPORTS Commissioner K.ogle attended the Transit- Oriented Development committee meeting on November 12 Attendees were presented with four transportation alternatives based on community input received at the last meetin.g. The net meeting will be on Wednesday, December 1.0, 2003 at Decades. Commissioner Kogl €, will be participating in the Citizen's Advisory Committee for Transportation_ She will provide the Commission with regular updates. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Director SuLup suggested that the Planning Commission consider canceling the meeting scheduled for Thursda y, November 20, 2003_ Commissioner Crosby moved that the Planning Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 20, 2003, be canceled. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Robertson. Motion passed unanimously. Cancellation of the second Planning Commission meeting in December will be discussed on December 1 1 to Professor Scarfo of the WSU Interdisciplinary Design Institute has invited Commissioners to jury the final presentations of the Design Studio on Wednesday, November 19 at 1:10 p.m. at WSU- Spokane, 310 N. Riverpoint Boulevard. Commissioners Gothmann and Crosby will be available to attend. Director Suk.up will notify the professor and send the Commissioners a confirmation email. A second joint meeting with the City Council and Planning Commission has been tentatively scheduled for January 8, 2004. The goal will be to compose a concise vision statement, and to gather information for a citizen survey questionnaire. 1X. COIMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: Continued Discussion of Proposed R -1 Zone The Commission discussed a revised draft of potential new zoning districts for the City of Spokane Valley. Since the first review of a proposed R-1 Single - Family Residential Estate District, staff completed the additional research requested by the Commission. Revisions to the residential dimensional standards and required lot size for animal containment have been completed. Commissioner Kogle independently researched the amount of land necessary to allow herd animals ample exercise. She is satisfied that one acre is adequate for this purpose. There are two areas in the Valley which would be immediately affected by adoption of the R -1 Zone: Ponderosa and Rotchford Acres. The Planning Commission agreed that the R -1 Zone would be a desirable addition to the existing Zoning Code. The next step will be a Public Hearing for all citizens who will be affected by the new regulations. A Hearing will be scheduled to be held at the regular Planning Commission meeting on January 22, 2004. The R -1 Zone is the first in a line of new zones or "districts" that staff will be recommending throughout the development of a Comprehensive Plan for the Valley. Director Sukup briefly described several other new proposed zoning districts which include: a Single - Family Residential District, a Mobile Horne Park District, a Garden Office District, an Office District, a Community Facility District, and an Office Technology District. 2 Chairman Ciothtnulin called a short break at 7:45 p.rn- The meeting reconvened at 8 :00 p.m. B. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion of Joint Meeting Results Ms. Alley explained that the notes from the Joint Workshop Meeting with the City Council and Planning Commission on November 6 21J03 vwere provided to Commissions rs by Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk, Deputy City Manager, Nina Regor, is preparing a more extensive outline for use at the next: joint planning session on :January 8, 2004. Chairman Gothmann asked that the City Clerk's notes be amended to reflect John G. arroll's presence at the meeting. Ms. A.l ley will see Chat this is done. Election of Officers for 2.004 Chairnan Cothmann handed out copies of City Ordinance No 35 (Creating a Planning Commission and Egablishing the Duties Thereof). bis own drat revision of the Planning Commission Rules of Procedure, and a short sheet of questions related to the Rules of Procedures which he thinks need to be discussed. The Commission discussed inconsistencies in these documents regarding election of officials. Chairman Gothmarui suggested art election ever y other year. Commissioners Kogle and Crosby believe that election of officers should be an annual event. Commissioner K.ogle asked that the Planning Commission take the issue back to the City Council for reinterpretation, Commissioner Gary Schirnmels who was in the audience, recommended that the Planning Cominission decide upon what works best for them and then propose it to the City Council. Commissioner Crosby moved that a proposal be submitted to City Council stating that the Planirairng CoMrrr.issiou Chair and Vice Chair be elected in P. o►)einher of each year to serve a one-year term from January 1 to December 31, with elected officials .serving no more than two consecutive terms, Commissioner liogle seconded the motion. Motion passed Unanimously. Commissioner nominated Bill Gothmann -for the position of Planning Commission Chair for a. second one-year term. to begins on Jarluary I., 2(104 and end on December 31, 2004. Commissioner !Cagle nominated Commissioner Crosby for the position of Planning Commission Chair for a. ore -year term to begin on January 1, 2004 and end on December 31, 2004. 3 Commissioner Gothmann received four votes: himself, Commissioner Beaulac, Commissioner Blum and Commissioner Robertson. Commissioner Crosby abstained from voting and received one vote from Commissioner T►ogle. Commissioner Gothmann will remain as Planning Commission Chair for a second one-year term. Commissioner Kogle nominated Commissioner Robertson for his second one-year term as Planning Commission Vice -Chair to begin on January 1, 2004 and end on December 31, 2004. There were no other nominees for position of Vice - Chair. Commissioner Robertson will remain as Planning Commission Vice -Chair for a second one-year term. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Director Sukup made a recommendation that the Planning Commission Rules of Procedure be amended on Page Two, Item 8.A to read: The meetings shall be held on the 2 and 4 Wednesday or the month, commencing at 6:30 p.m. and ending no later than 9:30 p.m ...... ". The Conunission agreed with this recommendation. Chairman Gothmann suggested that a small committee of Commissioners and possibly a staff member get together to discuss and re -work the Rules of Procedure. Commissioner Blum offered to sit down with Commissioner Kogle to do this. Commissioner Crosby will be out of town on December 4`". Commissioner Gothmann will be unable to attend the January 8 Joint Planning Session with the City Council. Xl. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Debi Alley, Administrative Assistant Bill Gothmann, Chairman 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 18, 2003 City Manager Sign -off: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS ❑ new business ❑ public hearing Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business X information ❑ admin. report [I❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Nov. 25 CC meeting, public comments —Mr Kivett & Aces Casino GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Robert McDonald spoke with Mr. Kivett on Friday, 11121, and looked at the situation with regard to his mailbox. Mr. Kivett indicated that he has had a history of problems with Ace's. I then called the manager at Ace's Casino & asked him to please talk with the contractor who plows the parking lot and have him refrain from storing snow in the right of way. He was very cooperative, and said that he would see to it that the practice was abandoned. As the attached photos illustrate, there is little conflict between the existing stored snow and the mailboxes. The termed snow is on the left of the picture below, the mailboxes are at the right. I will monitor the situation and follow up if additional snow is pushed into the right of way. +0SOFI°n d y a +r lni pry / TIB Members Com_ilnuennterw911em Conley Char, CRY cf 17x105 Ground Commissioner Leo Homan Seto Choir, $.pnlon cm..nfy Mr. John Akers, P.E. CEVOI 0lr. Thamas 3e]lartl, P. E. f arcs Coml./ F., Bonne Belk Sark and Assode■as Mr. George [tress Purr a Laxg aw Ms. Ke'.h7aenClaols Vd$paT .'r. Dan L1iGu10 Cgal4in7 Trrnsil Caurucimember Mary Gales Cry N Frcra f Way Ms. Pau & H rnnond, P.6 4SDOT Council Preaiden1 Rob I1lggln5 CO of Spokario /eltmanmer Flab McKenna Krig Cpnrky Mr. Dick McKinley w of BuiTirgrorn #!r. Da a Nadenn GrBrtf Canary MI, on.eficaru II Melor) C.Vur y Mr, Poi!( R ;brrI Ciry dr Eve,2r C:cnrnissimLr Mika $he1Mn #SferlN CowT'y ttr. Fsrtald Tarrac 'Skye&A0.:ancei of VJasbirVan Fir. ['Quo VauIn Ofn.ze Finaodal rAlansgerrrerg h1r. Jay Wetes Taro ftoncr aMsrn ira∎ r] .94n Ms, i:im Zuni; Spokbas rremil rtufrtonry A1r. Slox'an CPOrsns;a Exeslxiwa Di'r$c or PA, Sox 4•]901 Olorrpla, YEA fleSO4 B0, Phone: 350-5W-1140. Fax 9405351153 wwrr,lib.w2 ry Washington State Transportation Improvement Board R ECE/v ED oEc 20n3 City of sea J November 21, 2003 The Honorable Mike DeVieming Mayor City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99205 Pedestrian Safety & (Mobility Program (PSMP) TIB Project Number P- E-208(P01) -1 Bo dish Road & 24th Avenue #:• 22nd to 24th Ave & Bowdish to University FY 2005 Funding Program Project Selection Dear Mayor DeVleming: The Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) met to select FY 2005 projects. We are pleased to announce the selection of your project from the the' Pedstrian'Safety & i iobility Program (PSMP). TIB funds obligated for the project are as follows; Project work may begin after confirmation of Local funding and approval by the Transportation Improvement Board. Congratulations on the selection of your project from the Pedestrian Safety & Motility Program. For assistance, contact Gloria Bennett, TIB Project Engineer, at (360) 586 -1143 or via a -mail at GloriaBC tib.wa,gov. Sincerely, SG /gj b Stevan Gorcester Executive Director PHASE TIB FUNDS Design Phase 14,599 Construction Phase 131,401 Total 146,000 %neon TIB Members Cmrrcilnember WI' m Ganley Chao, Co at 8aff a Ground Convnissioner Leo Bowman Vice Chaff. Benton County Mr. Jahn Akers. P.E. Dye/ E 1eubery 1h. Thomas Ballard, P.E. Pierce County Ms, Bonnie Berk Eery. and Assxiae, Mr. George Cress Pon of Lo .iew Ms. Kathleen Dais WSDOT Mr. Dan DiGUlio Chrrrn TiansY Councilmember Mary Gams City of Fectoret t4/ey Ms. Paula Hammond, P.E. WSDOT Council Presldem Rob Higgins City of Spoovcne Councllmember Rob 1 King County Mr, Dieu McKinley City of Be-Woollen? Mr. Dave Nelson Grant Coady M,. Dmre O'COme Mason County !h. Pau Roberts City of Everett Commissioner issioner Mtse Shelton lstnnd Counry Mr. Amain Toone Bicycre AM'ance of Washington Mr. Doug Vaughn 0o at FisamcclJ IAanapanrerrt Mr. Jay Water onnty Road Ad, nfr, rr .nn Board Ms, Kim Zenlz SpoJane TransitArbionty Mr. Steven Gorcester E,eculve O rector P.O. Box 40901 Olympia, WA 98504-05101 Phone: .'.&3-586.1140 Fox: 363.585.1165 wmv.tb.wa.gov Washington State Transportation Improvement Board November 21, 2003 The Honorable Mike DeVleming Mayor City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Arterial Improvement Program (AIP) TIB Project Number 8- 3- 208(001) -1 Barker Rd •:• Boone Ave to Barker Rd Bridge FY 2005 Funding Program Project Selection TIB funds obligated for the project are as follows: Sincerely, SG /gjb Total Stevan Gorcester Executive Director R ECEIVED DfC - 12003 City of Spokane Valley Dear Mayor DeVleming: The Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) met to select FY 2005 projects. We are pleased to announce the selection of your project from the the Arterial Improvement Program (AIP). PHASE TIB FUNDS Design Phase 912,320 Construction Phase 1,486,240 2,398,560 Project work may begin after confirmation of local funding and approval by the Transportation Improvement Board. Congratulations on the selection of your project from the Arterial Improvement Program. For assistance, contact Gloria Bennett, TIB Project Engineer, at (360) 586 -1143 or via e-mail at GloriaB@tib.wa.gov. Spoken � .000 Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager, and Members of Council From: Nina Regar, Deputy City Manager Date: December 12, 2003 Re: Monthly Repart — Summary of December 2003 Activities 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 + Spokane Valley WA 99906 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhaltspokanevalley•org Contract 1 egntiatiuun and Administration • Library Services. On December 3, the SCUD Board approved some revisions to its November 1$ draft agreement. That revision is scheduled for Council consideration on December lF_ • Fire Services. Staff met with the Chiefs of Fire Districts One, Eight and Nine to discuss annexation issues, primarily election timelines. A further discussion of f ire service options is scheduled for the .December 23 City Council meeting. • Animal Control. City staff` met with Animal Control staff to discuss next year's contract. Usage rates have increased, leading to a projected increase in costs for 2004. We will be meeting with them to review their data and the assumptions used. • Ongoing County Contracts. Discussion continues on the County's administrative overhead methodology. Several City staff attended a meeting with the County on November 21. Since then, City staff met to identify additional issues to discuss with the County. Another meeting is being scheduled with County staff for ]ate December. • General Contract Administration, We have begun a review and comparison of our service contracts to identify inconsistencies, areas to clarify, etc_ Most contracts don't expire unl.i the end of 2004, Special Projects • CenlerP /ace a1 Mirabeau Point. The early sitework. package for CentcrPlace has been awarded, with work on track to begin this months. A groundbreaking ceremony has been scheduled for December 17 at 12:30. • Web Site. A design template has been finalized, and staff are writinm the background descriptions on the City and the individual departments, In its initial stage, the site will primarily include documents already created. Spokan� Valley ■• Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: December 8, 2003 Re: Monthly Report 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1 ♦ c ityhall @spokanevalley.org During the last 30 days Finance employees have spent their time on the following tasks: Budget The second amendment to the 2003 Budget was approved by the City Council on December 2. These changes were needed to appropriate funds for City bond sale projects. The budget for 2004 was adopted by the City Council on December 2, after three public hearings. Key programs within the 2004 budget include: 1. Centerplace construction 2. A service level stabilization reserve 3. The first of several payments towards repayment of a loan from the Street Fund 4. An additional code enforcement officer 5. An operating reserve for Centerplace Centerplace Funding, The City is in possession of bond sale proceeds which represent about 70% of the funding for this project. Discussions are taking place with Foundation Northwest and Spokane County to determine how the construction invoices will be processed for payment. Purchasing manual A purchasing manual is being prepared to guide city employees as they procure services and supplies for their daily operations. The manual will include both state law and city policy. Internal Control Finance employees are reviewing procedures in accounts receivable, payroll, disbursements, budgeting, receipting, fixed asset recording and purchasing in anticipation of an annual audit. Fiber Connection to Public Safety Building Final arrangements are being made to install a fiber connection between City FIall and the Public Safety Building to provide a fast, reliable link to Spokane County's information. Spokane Valley and Spokane County both need information stored by the other agency. Spokane County Cost Allocation Plan Last month many of our employees attended a meeting to hear about the county's cost allocation plan. This plan calculates county overhead amounts which find their way into City of Spokane Valley contracts for services. City employees met in early December to prepare a list of questions for the County regarding this plan. A follow up meeting with county officials is anticipated later this month. Budget Variance Report A report showing a comparison of our revenues and expenditures to our adopted budget is attached. The report is through November 30, so it reflects eight months of our nine month year (89%). We expect there will be several projects and /or contracts which were budgeted in 2003 that will not be completed in that year. Adjustments will be needed to the 2004 budget to allow for the completion of these contracts and projects. General Fund Revenues: Sales Tax Gambling Tax Leasehold Excise Tax Franchise Fees State Shared Revenues Planning & Building Fees Fines and Forfeitures Recreation Program Fees Investment Interest General Fund Expenditures: City Council City Manager Finance Legal Public Safety Administrative Services Public Works Planning & Community Dev. Parks & Recreation General Government 12111/2003 2:18 PM City of Spokane Valley General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period April 1 - November 30, 2003 Budget 2003 $ 10,000,000 462,500 10,000 272,000 528,000 1,214,000 1,099,000 35,000 21,000 $ 13,641,500 November Revenues $ 1,269,540 81,200 193 107,560 95,492 3,659 6,030 $ 1,563,674 Budget November 2003 Expenditures $ 135,075 $ 15,647 184,167 14,951 232,735 31,318 178,544 7,123 9,621,890 1,209,677 428,674 32,908 535,668 57,691 1,080,666 99,510 990,096 102,480 1,116,885 22,369 $ 14,504,400 $ 1,593,674 YTD Revenues $ 6,625,192 340,443 4,823 309,375 463,635 812,407 384,268 121,269 20,770 $ 9,082,182 YTD Unrealized Expenditures Expenditures $ 106,779 146,629 198,659 137,362 7,584,942 304,863 382,474 818,016 811,072 761,438 $ 11,252,234 Unrealized Percent Revenue Realized $ 3,374,808 66.25% 122,057 73.61 5,177 48,23 (37,375) 113.74 64,365 87,81 401,593 66.92 714,732 34.97 (86,269) 346.48 230 98.90 $ 4,559,318 66.58% $ 28,296 37,538 34,076 41,182 2,036,948 123,811 153,194 262,650 179,024 355,447 S 3,252,166 Percent Realized 79.05% 79.62 85.36 76.93 78.83 71.12 71.40 75.70 81.92 68.18 77.58% Other Funds Revenues: Street Fund Arterial Street Fund Hotel /Motel Fund County City Loan Fund Capital Projects Fund Special Capital Projects Fund Street Capital Projects Mirabeau Point Project Street Bond Capital Projects Sewer Fund Stormwater Mgmt Fund Equip. Rental & Replacemnt Risk Management Other Funds Expenditures: Street Fund $ 3,941,315 Arterial Street Fund 400,000 Hotel /Motel Fund 200,000 County City Loan Fund 50,500 Capital Projects Fund 550,000 Special Capital Projects Fund 550,000 Street Capital Projects 1,500,000 Mirabeau Point Project 500,000 Street Bond Capital Projects 2,430,000 Sewer Fund 1,000,000 Stormwater Mgmt Fund 555,000 Equip. Rental & Replacemnt 70,525 Risk Management 1211112003 2:19 PM City of Spokane Valley Other Funds Budget Variance Report For the Period April 1 - November 30, 2003 Budget 2003 $ 8,040,963 405,000 229,000 50,500 563,556 563,556 1,500,000 300,000 2,430,000 1,000,000 770,000 79,108 25,840 $ 15,957,523 Budget 2003 November Revenue YTD Unrealized Percent Revenue Revenue Realized S 6,991,880 $ 1,049,083 86.95% 361,836 43,164 89.34 205,273 23,727 89.64 50,500 555,473 8,083 98.57 555,473 8,083 98.57 86,549 1,413,451 5.77 7,135,477 (6,835,477) 2,378.49 2,490,898 (60,898) 102.51 1,000,000 246,979 456,819 313,181 59.33 29,870 87,858 (8,750) 111.06 6,378 19,462 24.68 $ 12,959,521 $ 18,933,914 $ (2,976,391) 118.65% $ 2,748,478 45,615 36,960 77,622 77,622 70,000 7,135,477 2,490,898 November YTD Unrealized Percent Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Realized $ 339,580 S 70,000 66,733 120,858 36,750 3,604 3,756 870,082 86,549 2,800 83,282 129,006 36,750 4,142 22,998 669 $ 11,747,340 $ 641,281 $ 1,236,278 $ $ 3,071,233 313,451 197,200 50,500 550,000 550,000 1,416,718 370,994 2,393,250 1,000,000 550,858 47,527 (669) 10,511,062 22.08% 21.64 1.40 5.55 25.80 1.51 0.75 32.61 10.52% SOkane . Val ley Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager and Members of Council From: Mike Jackson, Parks and Recreation Director Date: December 11, 2003 Re: December Monthly Report Administration: 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall @spokanevailey.org • The Parks and Recreation Department employees worked on the 2004 project schedule for City Council and for department planning. • The Meadows project was completed. The county has signed off on final payment to contractor. • A groundbreaking was held on December 17, 2003 for the CenterPlace construction project. • The recreation program cost analysis was finalized. The Administrative Assistant audited all the 2003 programs, matching actual revenues with the reports. • A draft job description for the CenterPlace manager has been developed. • General information is being compiled regarding the Parks and Recreation Master Plan to be completed in 2004. • There were a number of meetings and training sessions in December. o There was an instructional session at Spokane County on the County contracts overhead and indirect cost allocations. This was followed up by an in -house session conducted by Ken Thompson. o The Parks and Recreation Department employees received training from Deputy City Attorney Carey Driskell in regards to the use of the City e -mail system. o You and I traveled to Camas, Washington and met with Jerry Acheson, Parks and Recreation Director and David Zavortink, Library Director. These were very informative meetings. o Other contacts included Bill and Ruth Bleasner, current owners of Splashdown, in regards to potential sale of the facility; Bob Scarfo of the Interdisciplinary Design Institute at Washington State University in regards to college students helping with the landscape design at CenterPlace and other future park projects; Lucas Holmquist regarding the WDOT freeway project. WDOT in not intending to build a sound wall along Valley Mission /Splashdown Park; Peggy Doering of Valleyfest about the possibility of Valleyfest at Meadows Park in 2004. Contracted Park Maintenance • Routine maintenance was done at all Valley Parks. • The maintenance crew worked on updating the winterization manual. This information will be valuable to the City if we are ever required to perform these tasks. • The maintenance crew completed a variety of projects including: o Removed hazardous trees along the Centennial Trail at Mission and in Valley Mission Park. (Note: The Centennial Trail is not one of the properties transferred to the City in the September 2, 2003 agreement. Discussion on future maintenance and operation of this property is ongoing). o Prepared a list of pool repairs. o Moved the play equipment from Sullivan ParkNVestern Dance Hall to the Opportunity Township Hall for winter storage. o Worked on the broken water line at Valley Mission Park. o Changed the location of the irrigation controller at Castle Park. o Installed winterization blowouts at Mirabeau. o Opened, cleaned and restored the utilities at Opportunity Township Hall for the rental on December 6, 2003, and delivered caution barricades and cones to Opportunity Township Hall. Also, repaired the four outside lights, one inside light, the drinking fountain and kitchen faucet and mopped the floor. o Removed snow daily from all the City of Spokane Valley facilities. o The straw bales were checked and maintained at the Valley Mission coasting hill each working day. o Sanded the ice at the Valley Mission Senior Center and Sullivan Park. o Removed the graffiti from under the bridge at Sullivan Park. o There was special effort done to rid the Centennial Trail of liter and debris between Mirabeau trailhead and Sullivan trailhead. o Removed the litter barrel from the ice at Mirabeau Springs Pond. Senior Center: • The December potluck was hosted by the center. Nearly one hundred people attended, and many had the opportunity to help decorate the center. • The Senior Center trips are going well. The casino trips remain popular and full. • There are six people signed up for the overnight trip to Wenatchee for the Ozark Christmas Trip. • The bingo attendance has decreased since the time was changed in November. The time will be moved back to its original time to accommodate the nearby retirement communities and to raise the attendance. • A new janitor has been secured for the center and will start on Monday, December 15 He will be paid through AARP for one month, and then it will be considered if the City will hire him on as an employee. • The January newsletter is in process. It will go to the printers on December 17 and anticipate it being mailed by December 23rd. • Karen Cornell attended the monthly Senior Center Directors meeting during which it was decided to combine all Senior Center efforts and have a community wide St. Patty's Day dance hosted by all the Senior Centers. • Karen has found some information on accreditation for the Senior Center through NISC and NCOA. • Voting for 2004 Board members continues. All votes will be counted on Friday, December 12, 2003. • The ceramics class attendance continues to grow, especially the Monday evening class. Recreation: • The final teen night/therapeutic recreation session is scheduled for 12/18. All other recreation programs have concluded. Future programs will undergo a council review process. • Program standards are being developed for potential 2004 programs. • Compiling rules and standards for seasonal staff. Continuing to complete seasonal job descriptions to match positions for foreseeable 2004 programs and developing general processes and procedures. • Started to create program binders for each foreseeable program in 2004 (including forms, program standards, game /project ideas, rules, tabs for participant rosters and registration /medical forms, etc. • Continuing to represent department on website committee. • Submitted spring program recommendations for consideration. • Stored all seasonal recreation equipment • Donated remaining snacks left over from programs to Red Cross. • Contacted Q6 regarding our department receiving "Success by 6" taping of PlayCamp 2003. • Conducted focus group meeting with interested families of special needs to allow for feedback. • Worked with Evergreen Middle School to identify space needs for potential programs. • Worked with volunteer to complete some helpful studies of our special needs program which will allow her some school credit and help us to evaluate our program. • Met with various service providers for feedback on programs and to discuss possible future programming. 3 ' kan�` . Val>ey Department of Community Development Report for the Month of November, 2003 CURRENT PLANNING PROJECTS As of November 30, 2003 Page 1 of 3 Projects Opened Annual Totals Total Projects Completed Total Projects In Process Type of Project Oct. Lots Nov. Lots Dec. Lots Q2 Q3 Q4' Lots Administrative Exceptions 3 0 0 3 3 6 Administrative Interpretation 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 Administrative Variance 4 1 13 11 5 26 3 Adult Entertainment Permits 10 1 11 17 11 38 1 Home Profession 0 1 i 5 1 1 6 1 SEPA Reviews 2 1 0 0 3 3 0 Certificate of Exemption 4 4 30 46 8 '01 84 0 Commercial Business Permit 14 5 21 27 19 45 22 Conditional Use Permits 1 0 2 1 1 0 4 Temporary Use Permit/Rel. 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Preliminary Regular Plat 1 0 3 1 1 81 0 5 Final Regular Plat 0 0 7 1 0 120 3 5 Preliminary Reg. Plat w /PUD 0 0 4 0 0 95 0 4 Final Reg. Plat w /PUD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Preliminary Short Plat 2 0 8 4 2 34 3 11 Final Short Plat 2 3 12 2 12 5 18 1 18 Preliminary Binding Site Plan 0 1 3 1 3 1 47 0 5 Final Binding Site Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Variances 0 0 1 1 0 3 1 1 Zone Reclassification 2 0 10 4 2 2 14 TOTALS 45 0 17 22 0 0 120 133 62 559 221 94 ' kan�` . Val>ey Department of Community Development Report for the Month of November, 2003 CURRENT PLANNING PROJECTS As of November 30, 2003 Page 1 of 3 Proje April - June July - Sept Oct. - Dec. Total 2003 Growth Management Grant $14,855.00 $4,952.00 519,807.00 County Permit Transfers 513,732.25 $0.00 $13,732.25 Map Sales 5814.55 5505.20 $460.00 51,779.75 Comprehensive Plan Amendments $3,513 00 $0.00 53,513.00 Code Text Amendment $500.00 $500.00 Pre - Application Conference Fees 5122 00 $61.00 $183.00 Site Plan Review 5150.00 $150.00 Plat Modifications $100.00 5100.00 Rezones $4,861 00 57,983.00 $3,061.00 $15,905.00 Temporary Use Permit $200.00 $200.00 Conditional Use Permits 50.00 $683.00 5683.00 Preliminary Short Subdivisions 53,286.00 $1,622.00 5500.00 $5,408.00 Short Subdivisions 52,816.00 $1,106.00 $820.00 $4,742.00 Preliminary Subdivision $0.00 S3,575.00 5525.00 $4,100.00 Final Subdivisions $1,170.00 5820.00 51,690 00 53,680.00 Preliminary Binding Site Plan $0.00 $4,744.00 51,500.00 $6,244.00 Certificate of Exemptions $2,979.00 54,475.00 5800.00 $8,254.00 Change of Conditions $1,500.00 $0.00 51,500.00 Administrative Variance 50.00 5300.00 $300.00 5600.00 SEPA Administration $2,275.00 5900.00 $3.200.00 56,375.00 Planned Unit Development (PUD) 50.00 S150.00 $150.00 Sign Review $0.00 5600.00 51,950.00 $2,550.00 Horne Profession Application Fees 580.00 $0.00 5300.00 5380.00 Adult Entertainment Licenses $1,650.00 $1.900 00 $850 00 54,400.00 TOTALS 553,653.80 534,376.20_ 516,906.00_ $104,936.00 PLANNING REVENUE AND GRANT INCOME - As of November 30, 2003 Inspection Type April -June July -Sept Oct -Dec Total 2003 Residential Inspections (Combined) 634 698 649 (Combined) 2,557 Commercial Inspections 396 180 Plumbing Inspection 357 452 287 1,096 Mechanical Inspection 265 452 361 1,078 Special Inspection 22 46 2 70 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 1,278 2,044_ 4,801 BUILDING PERMITS & REVENUE COLLECTED - As of November 30, 2003 BUILDING INSPECTIONS - As of October 31, 2003 April -June Totals July -Sept. Totals Oct. -Dec. Totals Annual Totals - FY 2003 Permits Issued' Permits . Revenue ` Permits • Revenue Permits Revenue Permits Revenue Building Permits: Residential 275 269 162 706 Commercial 46 40 45 131 Totals: 321_ $120,076.29 309 $169,098.02 207 5110,273.25 837 $399,447.56 Plumbing Permits 138 $13,953.00 97 $12,717.50 89 510,551.00 324 $37,221.50 Mechanical Permits 215 $16,788.00 238 $19,765.00 205 518,493.00 658 $55,046.00 Grading Permits 1 $98.00 1 $25.00 2 $34.00 4 $157.00 Demolition Permits 4 5110.00 222 $649.00 3 5314.00 229 $1,073.00 Fireworks Permits 2 $200.00 2 S100.00 4 5300.00 Sign Permits 25 25 19 69 50.00 Miscellaneous Permits 8 $4,369.08 30 $2,914.00 16 $1,000.00 54 58,283.08 UFC Permit Fee $55.00 1 $1,002.34 $3,399.67 1 54,457.01 Fire Alarm Install 2 1 3 $0.00 Sprinkler install 2 11 13 $0.00 Plans Check Fee $46,980.40 $59,129.77 546,707.87 0 $152,818.04 Energy Plan Check Fee 5962.78 0 $962.78 Fire Department Check Plan Fee $301.32 5320.56 $1,453.86 0 $2,075.74 Sprinkler Plans Check Fee $1,105.90 5190.61 0 $1,296.51 F.A. Plan Check Fee $10.00 $366.37 $3,507.29 0 53,883.66 Special Inspections $353.00 546.00 0 5399.00 PERMIT TOTALS 718 $204,256.87 937 $267,239.46 541 5195,924.55 I 2,196 _ 5667,420.88 BUILDING PERMITS & REVENUE COLLECTED - As of November 30, 2003 BUILDING INSPECTIONS - As of October 31, 2003 Spokane ■• •OUa11ey Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager & members of City Council From: Tom Scholtens, Spokane Valley Building Official Date: 12/12/2003 2:32 PM Re: November Staff Report 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall @spokanevalley.org In November we issued 209 new permits. This brings us to 1388 permits for the year thus far. This year the Building Division has processed construction permits showing an additional investment in our community of over S33,043,466.00 in valuation. This includes over 100 new houses with 19 homes being permitted in November. Our total receipts are $677,197.99 this year. Although permit activity has begun the seasonal ebb, our inspection activity remains strong. We are still utilizing our on call inspector to fill in for inspector absences and for extra heavy inspection loads. Last month we did 682 inspections. That averages out to almost 38 inspections a day. We accomplished almost 100% of those inspections on an on -time basis, that is, either the day the request was received or the day following the inspection request if the request was received after 9:00 a.m. At this time the Building Division is still reviewing single family dwelling permits and typically finishes our review within two days from the date of application. The SCAFCO project and the new Walgreen's Drug Store have been reviewed and are waiting additional information prior to permit issuance. The Spokane Valley CenterPlace project has been successfully reviewed and a permit will be issued once other approvals have been submitted to the city. We have begun enforcement of the Junk Car Ordinance and Nuisance Ordinance. We had scheduled two Hearing Examiner appearances to resolve junk car issues, but both of the hearings have been continued due to the citizens' efforts to deal with their problems outside the hearing examiner venue. We are expecting compliance in both those cases. We have observed the follow trends in Code Enforcement: 1. Overall complaints have been reducing over the past two months. 2. Significant increase in non - domestic animal complaints. 3. Significant increase in ROW complaints, although no code violations. 4. 80% increase in abatements, due to the decrease in complaints promoting focused energy as opposed to crisis management. Following is a summary table supplied by Code Enforcement Officer Berg illustrating Code Enforcement activity: .. Type of, Complaint/Violation . . • • April- November ' Action / Result No Code Abatement Transferred " Investigated ' &.Pending Solid Waste 89 55 14 20 3 Junk Auto 125 12 na 113 6 Nuisance 85 33 na 52 Nuisance Animal 43 12 31 na 58 Illegal Business 21 9 na 12 2 Signage 58 27 na 31 1 Right of Way 9 0 na 0 9 Critical Areas 3 .5 na 2.5 31 Illegal Dumping 18 10 8 0 2 Property Use 7 3 na 4 0 Dangerous Building 3 1 na 2 Illegal Dumping Sewer Septic 5 4 1 0 2 Landlord/Tenant 3 0 3 na 0 Air Pollution 12 5 3 4 1 Transferred from County 273 39 3 Sewer Septic Signage from County 400 0 0 0 TOTAL 1194 231.5 63 240.5 9 Typo of Complaint/Violation _ • ; DEC`03 Action.'! Result No ••• Code Abatement • Transferred Investigated & Pending Solid Waste 3 3 21 Junk Auto 6 4 129 Nuisance 2 1 58 Animal 1 4 2 0 Illegal Business 1 0 13 Signage 3 3 31 Right of Way 9 2 0 7 Critical Areas 0 0 .5 Illegal Dumping I 5 3 2 Property Use 1 1 0 5 Dangerous Building 1 1 3 Sewer Septic 0 0 0 Landlord/Tenant 3 2 1 1 Air Pollution 1 2 0 2 1 County Backlog 1 234 TOTAL 1 40* 1 21 1 3 I 264.5 I CODE ENFORCEMENT NOV 1 thru DEC 1, 2003 * Numbers reflect actual SVZC violations for the month. Not reflected are extensive complaints received, serviced and abated. These complaints range from dead animals in the ROW to nuisance parking. CODE ENFORCEMENT RUNNING SUMMARY S � jUalley Agreements for Services • Street O &M • Street O &M • Engineering • Storm Water • Solid Waste PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT Through December 12, 2003 Adopted and in Operation: County Maintenance WSDOT County Engineer County Utilities -- Regional Solid Waste Agreements in Progress: • STEP Sewer Program & Wastewater Treatment -- Currently discussing draft interlocal agreement with the County. Capital Projects: • Bid and awarded CenterPlace Early Sitework Package. • Attended two Public Meetings on the County's 2004 sanitary sewer projects. • Barker Road widening project and the 24' Avenue Sidewalk project were selected for funding by TIB Board. • Barker Road Bridge Replacement: Still waiting on formal notification from FHWA on funding award. • Working with Spokane County on finalizing designs of 16 Avenue — Dishman -Mica to SR -27 (Pines); and Park Road — 8`' Avenue to Appleway. • Attended coordination meetings on Bridging the Valley and Light Rail. • See attached 2003 -2004 Construction Projects report. Maintenance Activity: • Crack sealing of Dishman Mica was completed. • Approximately 30 tons of material used for pothole patching and repairs. • About 50% of fall sweeping for residential areas was completed prior to arrival of snow. • Approximately 96 utility cut (Right of Way) permits issued for past month. • County crews have changed to winter schedule for 24 -hour snow coverage as of December 1. Land Development • Applications Reviewed /Conditions Prepared for the Month: Commercial Projects - 5, Residential Projects - 4 • Road and Drainage Plan Review: Commercial - 2, Residential — 2 • Hearings Held: Commercial — 0, Residential — 2 • Construction Walk - Throughs: Commercial — 0, Residential - 3 S4 Valley 2003 PROJECTS Road Construction Projects 16th Avenue - Project 1 Mission Avenue Evergreen Road Road Design Projects 16th Avenue - Project 2 Park Road - Project 2 Sewer Construction Projects Harrington Hillview Acres Pinecroft/Mansfield South Green Acres Phase 1 Small Works Projects Steen Rd. & 4th Ave. Paving Pierce Rd. Widening Sprague Crack Sealing University Crack Sealing Euclid Crack Sealing 2004 PROPOSED PROJECTS Road Construction Projects Park Road - Project 2 16th Avenue - Project 2 PineslMansfield 24th Avenue Sidewalk Project Sullivan Road & 4th Ave, Signal Sewer Projects Carnahan Weatherwood Sipple Owens Veradale Statewide Transportation Plan (STIP) Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee (BRAC) 2003 -04 Construction Projects -DEC1 Dishman -Mica to SR 27 8th Ave. to 2nd Ave. Project Location Capital Improvement Projects Project Location Evergreen to Sullivan Evergreen to Sullivan 16th Ave. to 2nd Ave. (see note 1) Vista to Argonne, Cataldo to Harrington Pierce to Pines, Mission to Main Bowdish to Mirabeau Pk., Jackson to Indiana Indiana to Mission & Flora to Long Rd. 4th to Bridge, Steen to Flora 35th Ave. to 37th Ave. University to Sullivan 16th to Dishman -Mica (see note 2) Sullivan to Flora Notes: 1. Construction postponed to 2004. 2. County Maintenance is doing this project. 8th Ave. to 2nd Ave. Dishman -Mica to SR 27 Wilbur Rd. to Pines Rd., Pines to 1 90 Bowdish to Pines Sullivan & 4th Road Design Projects Barker Road Reconstruction Boone to Barker Rd. Bridge Barker Road Bridge Replacement Barker Rd. at Spokane River 1 -90 to 8th, Havanna to Eastern McDonald to Mamer, Mission to Mallon Dalton to Rutter, Bradley to Vista Vercler to Mamer, 1 -90 to Boone Calvin to Sommer, Springfield to Main Completion Complete Total Project Date Cost 1 -Oct -03 100% $ 4,064,630 17- Nov -03 98% $ 2,423,535 9- Jul-04 5% $ 2,787,000 3- Mar -04 90% $ 1,244,550 3- Mar-04 50% $ 1,654,000 10- Oct -03 100% $ 3,159,000 17- Oct -03 100% S 2,542,000 17- Oct -03 100% S 373,000 31- Jul -04 40% To Be Determined 12 -Sep -03 100% $ 25,190 26- Sep -03 100% $ 21,324 30- Sep -03 100% $ 38,592 20- Sep -03 100% 15- Oct -03 100% $ 8,648 Total $ 18,341,469 Complete Total Project Cost $ 782,000 $ 1,932,000 $ 675,000 $ 197,300 PE $ 165,000 Total S 2,998,200 $ 8,057,615 $ 2,459,000 $ 3,265,000 $ 2,773,000 $ 424,000 $ 2,701,000 $ 26,429,115 TO: Dave Mercier, City Manager FROM: Cal Walker, Chief of Police DATE: December 12, 2003 RE: Monthly Report 'November 2003 ME.M0 Attached is November's activity report within the Spokane Valley Police Department. There were a total of 4,520 computer -aided dispatch (CAD) incidents. These are self - initiated officer contacts, as well as calls for service. Out of those 4,520 incidents, 1,498 actual reports were taken during the month of November. Attached is the breakdown describing those incidents. Additionally, there were 1,561 traffic stops conducted that resulted in 305 traffic reports. Once again 1 have included hotspot maps for November commercial burglaries, residential burglaries, stolen vehicles and vehicle accidents. In addition, 1 have added a cumulative column that will become part of our monthly report_ Beginning January 2004, this column will show year -to -date information. ADMINISTRATIVE • The administrative contracts for both the Department of .Emergency Management and S.C.O.P.13. were signed by the Spokane Valley City Council and were forwarded for signature to the Spokane County Commissioners. • After receiving some specific direction from the Council, City Manager Dave Mercier and I did meet again with Marshall Farnell from the County and had further talks on working out a lease option for the Spokane Valley Precinct. Resolution hopefully will occur in the early part of January. • Budgetary issues are coming to an end for the fiscal year 2003. Once again the status of our budget gives every indication that we are very close to projected expenditures outside of the same items of concern that we have mentioned in previous reports, specifically increased fuel costs. OPERATIONAL • The Spokane Valley Police Department and the Spokane County Sheriffs Office met with K.W.K., a private security firm that is initiating a pilot program for construction site burglaries and theft. This partnership also includes the Spokane Homebuilders Association, where monitoring equipment provided by K.W.K. will be installed at numerous construction sites throughout all of Spokane County, including within the city limits of Spokane Valley. The goal of this pilot project is to include an automatic dissemination of information corning directly out of the permit process, allowing Page 1 Dispatch and Patrol officers immediate access to builder / contractor / homeowner information at the issuance of the permit. if there are any issues that develop, and /or potential thefts from the sites, that information will be available from the onset. We are excited about this new pilot project and will keep the Council informed as to anticipated dates of operation. • The Spokane Valley Police Department is also cooperating in a grant opportunity with the Washington State Traffic Safety Commission. November's emphasis focuses directly on "drinking and driving" issues, with the "Drive Hammered, Get Nailed" Emphasis Patrols occurring within the months of November and December. This particular grant opportunity includes overtime grant moneys that are paid directly to off -duty officers to work emphasis patrols specifically relating to "driving under the influence" type incidents. These grants allow our regularly - assigned officers to continue their normal activities without working the specific emphasis of DITI- related calls. The overtime provided allows these off -duty officers to come in and work those specific types of cases, allowing the regularly - assigned officers to respond to their normal routines and calls for service. COMMIUNTTY- ORIENTED POLICING • November is starting us into our holiday celebrations among our numerous community - oriented volunteer groups. Many of the different S.C.O.P.E. stations have small Thanksgiving and Christmas parties planned. These specific parties are great times for interaction between the uniformed officers and the volunteers, time to get together and share a moment, and to talk about issues over delectable food items that are prepared by the S.C.O.P.E. volunteers during this time of year for our public safety officers. • The Spokane Valley Police Department also cooperated in a fundraiser, which occurred on Saturday, November 29 at the Spokane Arena. We were invited to be the guests of the Spokane Chiefs Hockey Club and were encouraged to bring friends, family and other individuals to the hockey event on that particular night. The Spokane Chiefs Hockey Club donated a portion of all ticket sales from that event to the Washington State Law Enforcement Memorial. This particular memorial is in the planning and building stages, with fundraising being done all over the state, to honor those law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving the public. This law enforcement memorial is scheduled to be built on the capitol campus in Olympia, once the fundraising activities bring in the needed funds for this fine tribute to our fallen officers. • Also during November, the Spokane Valley Police Department has been in the planning stage of cooperating in this year's Holidays and Heroes event. This event, formerly known as "Shop With a Cop ", has been very successful in providing food and presents for many of our less- fortunate families within the Inland Empire. What used to be "Shop With a Cop" has grown to include fire and EMS workers, and the name has been changed to "Holidays and Heroes ". The Spokane Valley Police Department is very active in this venture, and our goal this year is to try to help 100 families to have a merry Christmas. By the beginning of October, community funding in access of 55,000 had been raised to allow law enforcement, fire and EMS workers the opportunity to take children to the Spokane Valley Wal- Mart,.where the children will shop for gifts for their families with the help of the officers. In this venture we also partner with the Kootenai County Page 2 Sheriff's Department, the Coeur d'Alene Police .Department, Idaho State Patrol, Washington State Patrol and all of the local Fire and EMS. Once the shopping is completed, the officers then take their particular chosen child to a celebration, where they wrap presents for their family members and are then more able to celebrate what hopefully will be a very happy time for them. This event never fails to bring smiles to the faces of some less - fortunate children within our own community, and we are excited to play a very active part. in this venture. This event will occur December 14. Page 3 2003 NOVEMBER CRIME REPORTS Accumulated Stets November, 2002 June through November . BURGLARY 51 394 FORGERY 37 220 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 102 620 NON - CRIMINAL 73 357 PROPERTY OTHER 133 739 RECOVERED VEHICLES 24 42 STOLEN VEHICLES 36 163 THEFT 178 1,300 UIOBC 2 2 VEHICLE OTHER 4 32 VEHICLE PROWLING 77 525 TOTAL PROPERTY CRIMES 717 4,394 ASSAULT 52 487 DOA /SUICIDE 20 82 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 52 440 HOMICIDE 0 0 KIDNAP 2 7 MENTAL 35 253 MP 10 57 PERSONS OTHER 133 688 ROBBERY 2 44 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 15 93 TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES 321 2,151 ADULT RAPE 3 16 CHILD ABUSE 7 49 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE 14 84 SEX REGISTRATION -F - 0 5 INDECENT LIBERTIES • 0 6 CHILD MOLESTATION 7 18 CHILD RAPE 4 14 RUNAWAY 30 234 SEX OTHER 10 58 STALKING 2 17 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 18 152 TOTAL SEX CRIMES 95 653 DRUG 60 324 ISU OTHER 0 0 TOTAL ISU 60 324 TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 305 1,464 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVED 1498 8,986 C0/0121 :POWIPOid sel No A U04018 I . ■ int 7 ; 7 slodsloH aioNeA U9IO COOZ JaqwanoNpaqopo 6 : -.,-. = , i ....1 .i IO, q11,t I r , insL • ' ! 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Ii II I j7J1 k 11h,� � ;l halt;' _ 14j.� s I Eth 3 111. , h r 2 jlh :6th �r '!Dili :`tl� lIli '- 'Nal Sk ,,. 31 Si - f - a - L''1 L -- th alh Belk Terr sl In Ra1M Ficlle Vic /a Sfi ll C 44th rienty h � *Nuh r$lan f - . h4 ltd & r'. � r� r• _ 4- I III t r b Sir,I Z'-1t` 1 • I IT November 2003 Residential Burglary Hotspots l i r,tec ,, qoit- 7 'th Sth 121 , - 11 T • 3'.n.l ♦ Residential Burglary ® Low Medium High Prod ucod 12'10.03 linut 41. loLlustrial l'ark 511 , Itntunttial Park 4th cc, _ Indnatrtal ts.trk 3rd ..c 21n1 I ' _ Ul en -;$ ErN. ewers Urtkoowl 1 1 . ..Z qa.-hew . -- - c ..... _ Keller McDonald - t ;' .71 ta Z _ 4 -...... = ..1 _e T.; - •1, 1 7.7 M cr. Fr: _ NI.L.141i0 7 - li eke, -- 6 _ latch-cc , 7- .3 N.1 e kil - . Greenacre .-- :' 1 ". t' 11 1 MIT C.• E - ( ...lhal ire se 2 is • . ' luta .4 7 , g l'Ima l• ' Stcoi - .... e . 1" 1 '• 11 . Z Z .. i 7 = 2'7 iirtv.(1151 ..... L. ta -7 ▪ Hem 1 .); conklat staura - 4; L. Ile S i-. 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Notch Run c'atn 11 i Raymond n O y J i ' S • y�!! r r , _ - -.-- Moen F.dcn .� L'n A l• -r• 46 f [' _ J - ('nthtn ir .A k�rll v � Flora Flaru _ ;, or tt a1 ' T ,Stern Slccn Industrial Paris 3lh t {a ilt it,b . e,,, 3�Fldnstnal f r d'l�l 7 �1 'a,, Sonora 1)./ Indu�l r bid «.7... ' 't r Jy ?!„„ 3 >, ' Sulli'cn Si Chart _ r 'Rums Knz` c T of .Rdaln9 - L fahin t ... iiaptwn — LTat1E • rrn I !Ll a 1 d A.ai — nw - Wundi,al' '.- ��t F rt a t` rii �8Mi1 1.,- n Os 1i Lncuat Ll¢u,t . ti r/ t Molla" `qvb ('l l t cn,iart Radio •� F an.hn Ruhir • _s.- 1111'1.11,F,, `. ,Ihur — i.1n4A -NtIS — - - n41Hai �Urlivcrft� i u!1Yt 11_•nl, ,c l.: INCIDENT YYf't Year to Date Jan Feb March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec 11-S Structure Fire Sin le Response 245 20 13 22 18 21 19 28 25 20 26 33 11-F Structure Fire 104 9 5 8 12 10 6 17 5 4 13 16 11 -W Working Fire 19 - _� 119 3 ®�� 10 15 2 31 15 11 G 13-5 Vehicle Fire 14 -LJH Brush Flre -Low 18 11 10 4 15.5 Trash Fire 19 + 0 2 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 18-S Alain' System - Single Response 66 7 326 28 4 30 6 29 7 V 5 20 5 25 7 44 3 29 5 30 F. 7 32 32 18 -F Alarm S stein- Full 31-AJB BLS EMS Alarm 2079 9 r r' 208 229 195 21 i 203 31•CID ALS EMS Alarm 2592 + + 215 235 257 244 243 31-F 2nd alarm EMSIAIass Casualty 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 0 0 0 0 35-F Extrication 13 1 1 0 1 3 1 2 0 1 2 37•F Water h Rescue 1 + + 0 0 0 0 0 Tech 37•F Rescue 0 + r + 0 0 0 + 0 0 + r 0 40 -1 Humid Investl∎ anon 81 9 2 8 8 17 5 9 10 40 -F Hairnet Full Res ionse 8 0 0 1 0 3 + 0 0 3 1 + 46-AIB Auto Accident - Unknown Injuries 516 41 35 30 48 47 43 56 51 47 68 51 46-CID Auto Accident - Life Threats 74 6 2 4 7 9 3 10 8 12 9 4 50 - S Scrvicc Call 116 4 13 6 6 3 12 23 10 9 8 22 MONTHLY TOTAL 6477 4921 472 559 519 698 6121 664 656 6151 654 836 Spokano Valley F ?io rtment 2003 Response Information For CIty of Spoknno Valley 10 -16 -03 MVA 35F Palouse/Dunn No E84 10 -18 -03 fall 31B 3306 S. Melissa Auto E84 10 -19 -03 Brush fire 14M Pheasent /Owl No B84 10 -20 -03 Fall 31B 3509 S. Sundown Auto 684 10 -23 -03 MVA 46D Belmont /Jackson No E84 10 -23 -03 Alarm Activated 18S 4715 S. Progress No E84 10 -26 -03 Unknown 31D 4221 S. Pondra Auto 684 10 -27 -03 Brush Fire 141, 3507 S. Ponderosa Ln. Auto E84 10 -29 -03 Abd. Pain 31C 5010 S. Marble Ct. No E84 10 -31 -03 Seizure 3113 7906 E. 46th No E84 10 -31 -03 Unconsc. 31C 4311 S. Linke No 684 11 -02 -03 Activated Alarm 10912 E. 48th No 684 11 -02 -03 Structure Fire 11S 2342 S. Barker No 684 11 -02 -03 Aid call - 31B 16605 E. Richland No 684 11 -04 -03 Activated Alarm 188 10810 E. Ferret Dr. No E84 11 -06 -03 Breathing Prob. 31C 5010 S. Marble No 684 11-07-03 Structure Fire 111 4614 S. Hidden Spring No 684 11 -08 -03 Breathing Prob. 31C 11215 E. Aloha No 684 11 -12 -03 MVA 46A. 4836 S. Progress No E84 Date Spokane County Fire District 8 Station 84 Alarm Activities October :16, 2003 thru November 15, 2003 Alarm Type - MA = Mutual Aid Auto = Immediate Dispatch w/ Valley Fire Location MA Unit DEC 0 1 2003 City of Spo y ^n �.t October 17, October 19, October 19, October 20, October 21, October 22, October 22, October 23, October 24, October 23, October 30, October 31, November 5, November 6, November 7, November 14, Activities of Station 84 October 16 thru .November 15, 2003 Hydrant testing Ilydrant testing Drafting training, ventilation training Hydrant testing Hydrant testing T- Iydrant testing Ventilation video Fire cause training Hydrant testing Training burn OTEP — medical training Halloween .Party for public OTEP training Station drill — Cold weather ops E84 to Valley Station 7 - Standby Quarterly SCBA Also other random studying on many of these days, not entered, Just in Time (15 min) type drills, etc. Resident training for Blue book certifications also Also additional work on ALS Study