2005, 04-25 Special Executive Session A GEND a SPOKaNT VALLEY CITS' COtINCtL SF[:C[Al_ NIF.FTIN('. 'F1,tuder. april Z{. 205 t'I'i'1' Ifa1l.l.,1T I2IJAtD)D PlA7,A 11707 Fxst Sprnnt Avrnur. Flnt Flaor ! . Cnll io ()tdcr b}' kiayor lliaria Wilhitc ~ E-.XL'Cl''I'IVF SE.SSiOy - Latx,r Negntittticros RrcoAVC= inio Rcgtilar Smsian (na action %0l hc i:l:cni 4. -tdjounlin:.•n: s ~ - , i,"11t~ , a F1LE COPY SapT}okane ;OValley CiT1' OF SPQKANF VALLLY CJTl' COiTiNCLL SPECIAL IME LThNG NOTICE Not.ice is hereby given that the Cii-y Council of the Cit}, of Spol.ane Valley has scheduleti a Special Meeting to hold aii Executive Session to discuss labor negotiaeions. The Lxecutivc Session meeting is scheduled for Monday, Anril 25, 2005, beginni.ng at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 11707 Hast Sprague Avenue. Fxecutive Sessions are not opeil to the public. Cli.ristuie Bainbridge, CMC Spoka,ne Valley City Clerk (509-688-0177) SCrI'p6koane ;oValley CITI' OF SPOKANE VALLEY C1TY COUNCIL SPECIAI1 MEETING N()TICE Notice is hcreby given that thc City Council of the City of Spokane Valley has scheduled a Special iNiceting co hold an Executive Session tc) discuss labor negot.iations. "1'lie Executive Session meeting is scheduled for M„nday, April 25, 2005, begimung at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 11707 Fast SPrague Avenue. Executive Sessions are not open to thc publie. Christine Bainbridge; Cv1C Spokanc Valley City Clcrk (509-688-0177) PUBLISII: April 22, 2005 • Chris Bainbridge From: Sue Golman Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 4:25 PM To: Steve Taylor (staylor@spokanevalley.org); Diana Wilhite (dwilhite@spokanevalley.org); Dick Denenny (ddenenny@spokanevalley.org); Gary Schimmels (gschimmels@spokanevalley.org); Mike DeVleming (mdevieming@spokanevalley.org); Mike Flanigan (mflanigan@spokanevalley.org); Rich Munson (rmunson@spokanevalley.org); Rich Munson Cc: Chris Bainbridge; Dave Mercier, Nina Regor, Cary Driskell; Mike Jackson Subject: Special Council Mtg 042505 Mark Your Calendars!!! Special Council Meeting-Executive Session Labor Negotiations Monday, April 25tn 5:00 - 7:30 PM The meeting will begin at 5 PM in the Council Chambers and adjourn into executive session to the 2nd floor where dinner will also be served. Sue GoCman Administ7'ative Assistunt city of Spvka.rae valCey 11707 E. Spradue -Avenue Spokarte val~ey, `iNA 99206 1~fione: 509-688-0180 E,OX• 509-688-0194 sqolman@spakanevalley.org "When a team of dedicated individuals makes a commitment to act as one...the sky's the limit." 1 f_ • • S11 06koaone ,;o$Valley CITY ()F SPOKANF VALLEY CITY CQUNCIL SNECIAL MEFTING NOT1CE Notice is hereby given that the Cit}, Council of the City of Spokane Valley has scheduled a Special lVieeting tn hold an Fxecutive Session to discuss labor negotiations. 1'he Cxecutive SessiQn ineeting is scheduled for VIondav, Mav 2. 2005, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall, 11707 East Sprague Avenue. Executive Sessions are not open [n thc public. Christine Bainbridge, CiMC Spakane Valley City Clerk (509-688-0177) PU13C.1S[-I: April 29, 2005 Ac.LNna sroxAr•L Vf~~LE Y CrrY cOi.?hcis. SPEC1 AL M EE'I'1 Rt.: Nondny, Mati 2, ZGU5 5•~~•I~'f. CT1l' EIALL AT [tEn«'t~OU f'LAZA 11?11? Eust Spraguc Avcnnc, First FInar 1. C:~II t~~ t_)r~i~s h~. ht::~•c~r i?:an.-. ti~ ilhitc L i"[ i~~~,~~- ~rc~~r - l.at~or tir~uti~tioti~ ~r►.~, up~;rj tu cl~~• {~«;~li~ ~ ~ IXL se~wian (no acuon wiil le tskcfli y :1djournmem . ~,_,_-i!i•, . - ~...,~J,~ ~1~-~.=.,-(i: f':t~c ( •7( I