2005, 05-17 Study Session . AG C1YDA CI'I'1` OF SPOKANF: V ALLEY CI'I'ti' CUUNCiI, VVORKSHEE'I' STUDY SESSIUN 'TucsdaY, May 17, 2005 6:00 p.m. Ct7'Y HALL AT REDWOOil PLAZ4 11707 F..~s1 Sprxgne Avcane, F'irst F{onr (Plcase Tdrn OQ AU Elertr+unk Dcwicn Dnring the Mestiag) UItiCUSSION LEAllF:ft SUBJf:CTl-ACTIVITY GUAI. 1. Ncil Kcrsten ( i li minutcs) Starmwaicr i!pgrndcs in the 2005 C_'ounry Scwer Uiscussian/lnfortnntion PrnjocLs 2. [}ave Mcrcier (30 minutc-) C'ouncil (;onls biscussiar✓Infotmati(irl 1:XL('U"t7Vt: tiF551UN: Lab.m Ncgotiations 11orr. Unkm atLurrirc anled abnm there wUl be mo pnWk rommcnh rl CounciJ 5tady StWats. However, Coumil atwa» resavn the right to ralueet [nformstlos from the publfc aed sWfas apptaptista t+i4T1CE buln•idwh plamwn W attuul rtrc modmg wiw rcyWtc rpocW nsdtma to soocnmsado Phyunl. Aesru+& a(Aho tm{rrtrrsalts, pluu anmut dx t:ar Ciut at (509) 921-i(}W +ei +oWeMnib6e m that uMgimrnt+ nwy Ae tnadc tii.i4.;~tz~rin ~jcrn.,a C CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action , Meeting Date: May 17, 2005 City Manager Sign-0ff: Item: Cheek all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business X new business ❑ public hearing X information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Stormwater Upgrades in the 2005 County Sewer Projects GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: As a result of Council approval of the full-width paving on May 10, 2005, we are requesting Council's approval to provide funding to the County for repair, replacement and uRgrading of the existing storm+nrater facilities in the sewer projects for 2005. The upgrades will consist of the following: • Replacement of existing failed drywells_ • New drywells in areas that experience flooding problems last spring. We are working on the budget detail and will provide budget for the meeting that shows a breakout for the items listed above for each sewer project. The costs will be based on the bid unit prices of the low bidder for each project. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Funding is available in the 2005 Stormwater Fund STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENT: i ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 17, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Fiscal Year 2006 Council Budget Goals GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUMCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: City Manager Mercier will open discussion for initial brainstonning of Council Budget Goals for Fiscal Year 2006. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: ~ J BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTAC H M E NTS: Council Goals for FY 2005 . ; 9 CITY COUNUL GnALS FUR FY 2005 - The siY (6) specific perfnrmanee goals far staff focus and accomplish.ment in 2005 are ln: Adopt Snokane Valley's First Comprehensive Plaa in campliance wilh the rcquirements of.' the Growth Management Act, includ'uig an accepted vision staiement, doctunentation of land use goals in support of that vision, and identification of sign.iticant lransportation system goals link.ed to implementalion of the Plan. Enact z Uniform llevelopmcnt Cnde that collales all of the City development related rcgulations into a single, underscandable reference that streamlines ttie permitting process and facilitates customer service and bu.Siness development. Identify the Elements of a Six-Year Stratcgic Financial Plftn relying on the increasing body of cLirrcnt fuiancial i.nformation and accompanying revised 1"orecasts ot revenues and expcnses. Advance the Intcrr.sts of Spokane Valley through Effective External Relations such as building a constructivc relationship with the newly-composed 13oard of County Cominissioner5; participating as full mcmbcrs of regional and statewide boards and Commissions whose work at"Cects the quality oF life in the community, and by advocating city issues with neighboring jurisclicticros, munir.iPal (irganizations, the Legislature and Congress. Collaboratc with Wastewater Dischargers and Ke~ulatory Agencies in Analyzing nats Related to System Acquisition Options and in pursuit of interim mid long-term resolutinns tn water quality and wastewatcr treatment capacity conccrns, so that cconomic development zu1d natural resources conlinue to support the vitality of the region. L:stablish a formal city-wide custumer scrvice nrogram with emphasis on timely response, a wser-friendly atmospherc, and an attitudc of facilitation and accommodation wilhin the bounds of responsibility, integrity, aald fulancial capabiJit}, of the City, including organizational fuicl .job ciescription documents while pursuing "best practices" ut customer service. - ' ~ ~ 2OQ6 Prapcsed Goals , • Finish any unresaived issues w i t h the Cit}'s Carnprehe.ns ive Pltin ~ • Look ot the infrastructure with regard to #elecammunicatians, i_e_, the Hat Zane and the 1lpnet and irrterconnectivity wi#h the Gigapop . Oevelap a strategy far revi#alization of the Sprogue carridor with special emphasis on the partion from University to the freeway on-ramp . Callabarate with Couni-y Cornmissioners on the development of o govarning body f-or a wastewater treattnent fntility • Eaoy aut an implementatian strate3y for the Qccomplishment of the object4ves in the N1oster Park Plan, i.e. new swimming paol, ocquir+ng park land, etc. • Take appropriote measures to pratect the economic viability af the City. Such measures may anclude, but nat be lirnited to; o Build cnd mointain reosonobie ievels of reserves. o Assess funding saurces and r-ecommend any changes_ 5uch charLges should laok ta the long term re"irements of the City, Develop strategies arid goals to enhance the Sprague Corridor. o This shauld include an executable plan ta transfarm the corridor in#a a boulevard which is transpartntian friendly #o vehicular, light rail and foot traffic. AI#hough timing of the implementation af such a plnn will be dependent on o number of factars including papulation density and catnmunity buy-in, the strateqies and gaols will enhance t#,i~ City's ab iUty to enact eiements af its Camprehensive Plan_ o Twa Sources iaf informntion for these strategies ond gaok can include an Overloy 5tudy (na# yet cantracted nor, appraved by City Caunr-il) by EcaPlorthwest and the exlensive viork eampleted by the 5TA Light Rail Planning Oepartntient, o The execution af the strategies and goals shauld be implernented incrementoIGy, but with a stated 5-8 year outcome harizan. . Commitment to start to pramote the estabtishment of on urbon area that includes parks, green ureas, foot traffic, occessible sti-eets ond boulevards. Included in this will be the eventual elitnination of overhead, cross street utility lines thraughout the City of Spoknne Valley and cantinu ed ins#allatian of undergraund utility lines for any neuv tanstruttivn. ~ Estoblish men# of a few standrng cammittees deemed ap propriate by t h e City Council. Such as a Aarks 64ard and our awri Ecanomic Develapment Council. • Continued asSCSsmen# af apportunaties for private sector service providers_ In addition, con#inued assessment of the rnost efficient rnanner ta provide servicss to our titixens_ 5pecifically, continued use of Spakans Caunty or City af Spokane Valley as ihe primary provider_