2005, 06-11 Special Retreat/Workshop FII.E C()P1' , AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL RETRFAT/WORKSHOP Sskturclay, June 11, 2005 9:00 a.m. ta appro:imatety 3:01 p.m. Cawncilmcmber Dcaeoey's I.ake Gbiu: 24897 N. Wc Vicw Rowd Spirit tAkc, idabo 83869 TKN'I'ATIVF. AGENDA 7'OPICS: 1. Cauracil Budgri CnoaJs/br 2006 Revesed C.'owwi! 2(X>> t:t►u! nn lVurrt•writer 3, .Statur ujC'urrea! &nplnyee Kt►cruitwnt.r a. ilpdidrd F1mw1td Favnaasl 3. Ful1-w&hir Paving b. Stormwaiti /'rogrum FJemeltts af C: wtlvweer .Servicr h Injornurtinn Chrty: 200; WoriFplu» S1<irics Rcn+dl /lgrncfe 06. I 1 -0S Pagc I uf 1 S06kane .~.OValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Sulte 106 • Spokanr Vattey WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhallCi?spokanevalley.Qrg Memorandum To: Cfty Manager David Metcler and Members of Councll From: Nlne Regor, Deputy Ctty Manager Date: June 11. 2005 Re: Backyround IMormatFon lor June 11. 2005 Retroat AScnda Itcm #l : Cnuncil BudeM Goals tor 2006 '('hc attache.~d list of propascd goals shows the distributicm af Council "votcs." Aaeads Item #2: Rrvised Couacil 20115 Gual nn Wrmssirwater Tte attacht-d list of 2005 Guals includrs wmc latiguagc changr to thc W:stcw-Atcr goul projx)sci dt lhe May 17 ('ouncil meeting, aeenda Ucm 93: tilaws ot Curreat Emplovee Recruitments ~ Prr,+rtilln Stalrar ! 71kctpuntanVEiudgct 1'hc City reapcncd the rccruitmcnt for the mwly authorized position ta i Anafyst cstrblisit a widcr pool. intcrviews took piace in lete May, and the City is in the dciitxratian phasr_ Accounting Manngcr Thc City is mcruiting w fill dic Accaunting Managcr pasition pcnding an upcoming rriiremrnt. Interview•s took place in late May. Administrntivr Assictniit Thc City is cnrssidering opti(ins for the GenterPlace As.Sis-tant nnd the (31 Iloatcr Assisiant. The Ciq• conducted n sepamte recruitment for the I % acgru Admin Assistailt providing support to the Depury City ti9anager. Intervicws arc schrdulcd for mid-Junc. Cit% AttunuN Fmit revierw of applicuiiuns is si:ftcdulyd fW Junc 13. Code Fnf. Ufficer A new cmplnycc is ;scheduled ta txgin in wrly July. I-luman Rtsources Gouncil discussed the pxisitian on Man:h and staff wiU retum at a Annlysi laier dnte with additiaisal informatiun. Prnnit Spxielist Thc City hac hcgun e rccruitnunt to till the ncwlv Auftrizcci pa;ition, and is cunrmly screcning Appticativns. Plans Examiner 71ie Cin, has hegun A recruitment to fill the PIanS i:xuminer position, which bacamc vact►nt whcn the incumbcnt acccptcd a prcunotional oppuriunity with snothcr jurisdiction. Fir.st rcview►• ofapplicntians is eacpected to bcgin on June 10. f'ublic Infa. Oficer Intervietivs tcwk lace In Ifite Mqv. f Storniµ•ater [:ng. 1 och A nc«, emplo~ cL i> s;:hcdulrJ tu Ucgin in midJune. [3ack.kn►und Informntinn /ur Junc 11. 2005 Rrtrcnt, cunlinued Jupc 11.2005 1'age 2 iif 3 AQCnda Itcm #4: Lipdatcd Finaocial Forecast The attacled sprcadsheets show the forecast tiir i},c (,r=,rr;4l ('UIIl! ;►nd I1IL: S!<<;'i Fu!1d Alsa ineludCd is a spreadshuct showing Corecasteii cupiwl needs. 1'arl:s erspital necds have not bec:n estimated, pending thc adoPtian of the Parks 4taster Pltin. Agendg Item #5: FuU-wiJth Pavine C'ouncil dreided to fund thr lull-width ruiving of lhc 2005 sc.wcr projects within ihe: Spol.ane VAllcy cit} limits which are idc.~ntified in Slxikane County's 2005 -20 10 six ti,ear sewcr plan. Stat3is serking guiciuncc from Cuuncil regurding full-width peving for 2006 and bcyund, in nrder to bettcr rlan for xnd budget the financial impaets. Staff will bring to the rctreat a map of thc 2()05 - 20 10 plunncd sc;wer projects «•ithin 5pokane Vallev's citv IimitS. Azcnda Item #6: SiurmHatcr Pcop-ram l uunc;il acluptcd n $17 per I:KU stomiwater ft-e etlcc:iivc Jwwary 1, 2005. Stuff is seeking guidancc in vrdrr tu hudgct far 1-0(}6. The attachccf sprradsheeis shaw• twu xcnarios - onc is a 6ve-yr.ar ~,*raduated fee schedule as presentCd to C'ouncil lust FaI(. T'hc athcr is a Ilnt fcr sc;rnario showing a singk• incmase to S24 per FRIJ in 2006. AQenda ltem #7: Flemenls of Custamcr Scrvice Customer service is u key vulue of Spokanc Vallcy, and devetopment of a formal custamer service prvgram is a 2005 gaal. At the Febnwry retrcat. Council expresscd interest in cxtunpies of customer ,crvice Pn igram5, titaff retieztrrheil hut w•as ncit ahle to firid any farmal program,. We will therefurc dcvctup a prugmm un our uHn. V4`c envi;ian the prograrn to tnclu(ic c•,aEegories sueh as swveys, feedback npartin€, employee training and employee orientntion. Snmc of'thew. we alreAdy do, and xomr wii) he nc«• to thc organization. [nput on Ex)tcntiul ratcgurieti ur sincific ex:►mpley of cornponents will hc: appreciatei. f`or refcrcncc purposrs, attachcc! 1s:1 Sutt1man ul'Whclt cntE1l~~,VcS 111sNr iL1Cntiti«i as :~lEI'1}1U(C~. ct»~~~ CUtill~ltl~f tiirt'I~:C. Kackground Intornutioa for ,lune 11, 20pi Nctreat, ciiiitinurd .luac I I.:tKK Pagc J of 3 lnformutianal ttcm: :005 Workplun Status :lttachcYi is thr,.Iatu. ot th%! 2005 %%k►tkplan. The majnrit-, of the Pmjerts remAin i►n trac4c_ 1-iawever, the timGline on a few uf the pmjects huve been e.xtciuicd. f ollowino L, ia summary ofihr changeti iiffictini! the r<►mrlrti(m uf an mcrall pn,jrrt (a> c,Ppc►seii to individiml twikti): • De%~elop a six }lenr Strc:cl 1'resrrvstion 1'lan - C'ouniil 1as discusscd psvement inan$gement ut a study smsion. 'I?ic tirnc:lines huve hten re-vised, but stufT rontintte.ti to dist;uss die exnct nniurn and timing of this project_ •2«US Cupitsl Improvrment Arojects - timclines hnvc teen xd,justrd ac:cording tu updatcs in the Six-Year Transportatian lmpmvcrnent Plan (TTP). •('ampletz the Spoknne Va11ey Unifarm I3evrlapment Coie - tirnmlines on 3Cli%ritics have been extended to reflect thr changCS in the Comprehensive Ylan ~im~linc. tituti'is avuil;ihlc tt, :inswcr qucstions atkiut s~veifir projcris. 2006 Pro d 6oals • Strong dtfinition of street masterplan, including funding [ f f f f f f~ • Develop strartegies and goals to enharKe the Sprogue Caridor. [f f f.r f] o This should include an executnble plan to trflnsform the corridor irno a boulevcrd which is tronsportntion friendly to vehicuMr, light rail and foot traffic. Although timing of tfit implementation of such o plan wril) be depermdent on a number af foctors including popu{ation dcnsity and community buy-in, the strategies ond gools will enhance the City's ability to enact elunents of its Comprehensive Plan. o Two Sources of infornation for these strntegies and goals can include an Overiay Study (not yet contracted nor apprcved by City Council) by EcoNorthwest and the exter►sive work cort►pleted by the STA Light Rail Plaming Dcporfinent. o The execution of the strntegies and goals stould be implemented incrementally, but with a stated 5-8 year outcome horizon. a Develop o strategy for revitalimtion of the Sprogue corridor with special emphnsis on the portion from Universify to the freeway at-ramp [,l ,l ,r ,l ] • 2005 Wastewater goal (6overnonce) ~,r f f~ • Strorg emphasis on internnl and exterral communication [ f f f ] • Look at the infrostnicture with regard to tetecommunications, i.e., the Hot Zone and the Vpnet and interconnectivity with the 6igapop [,r ,l f] • Colleborate with County Commissioners on tfie developmurt of n governing body for a wastewater treatment facility [ f f f] 0 Continued assessrntnt of opportunities for private sector se.rvice provickrs. In addition, continued assessment of the most efficiuit manner to providt strvices to our citizuis. Specifically, tantinued use of Spokarte County or City of Spokane Valley as tite primory providtr. • Finish arry u~nresotved issuts with the City's Comprehensive Plan [ f,l ] • Lay out an implementation strategy for the nccomplishment of the ob jectives in the Mnster Pnrk Plan, i.e. new swimming pool, acquiring park land, etc. [ f 1 • Estoblish 5-10 yew goals/strotegic workplan (e.g., re,guktiaa aid zoning districts) to itnpkment Cotnprthensivi Plon - [ # of votes ) . Take Qppropriatt measures to protect the economic viability of the City. Such mt,QSUres may mclude, but not be limited to: o Build ond mnintain reesannble levels of reserves. o Assess funding sources and recommend any changes. Such changes should look tr: the Iong term requirert►ents of the Ci ty • CotnmilRlent to SMr't to p1'oRwtE tht tStablishmLnt o; tin ur- L::n urc:u tnni +nLFxirk::. green areas, foot trnffic, occcssible stre.ets and boulevards. Included in this will be the evcntu« elimirwtian of overhead, cross strect utility (ints throughout tha City continued installation of undergrourtid utility linu for any nar construction • Estnblishment of a few standing committees deemed appropriate by tne (-'-1?y i Such czs a Pnrks Board and our own Fconomic tlevelnrment rouncii = ( ~ ofi votes J CiTYcovNctL coALs FOR "'2005 l he six (fi) iPrcitic rerfiOrmance goals tor smiffiocus anci accorttplishrnent in 2()05 are lo: :1ciopt Snuic:ne VaI)eVs Firat Comnrdiensive Plan in compliunre with the requircmcnts of the Growth Mctnngement A" including an acrrpted visian statement, docwncntaticm Uf land tse goals in support of that vision, end identificatinn of signifiCUnt trans-portatioa systcm gonls tinkcd to imptcmcntatian nf the Plan. EnYCt a Unifnrm Dcvdoamcat C4de that wilates aU ui' thr City dcvclnpmCnt relai,cd rrgulatiares into x single, undcrstttr►duhic rrfcrencc tlwt strrarnlincs the permitting proccss and facilitntcs customcr scrvicc and busincss dcvctopnicnt. Identify the F.lement+ of A Sii-Year Struterzic FinAncial PIAn relying an the irx;rem5ing bady at cun•rnt firinricial inform:ition and acamipanying rrti•iss:d forcca.tiuG of revcntics and expcttscs. Advance the tnterrsts of Stwlcane ti'sIlev throueh Ef'fect'tvc Eritrnal Relatians sucli as building A conswctive mintiantliip with the newly-camriosed Board of County Carrunis5ionrs; parUciRaling as fu11 menbcrs of regional and smtcwick bu$nl.S and Commisxiots whose wotic afteciLq the qwility of life in the community, and by edvocating city issues wich ncighhoriue jurisdic[ions, municipal organilutio[u, the [:Lgislutttre ansl CcingTes5. "Collahuntc with R'ystrwatrr Uischsir¢ecs and Rceulatnrv Aecncie+ in 4nstyl.inp, Dsta_Relxtrd tu Systrm Acquisitina (}ptians and in ptttsuit ot' interim and Iqng-terni restilutiars ta water yuulit}, und wuytewatrr trcacmant capac:ity cunccros, so tfuu c,-conomiL dcvclopmt•nt and netural resourcrs rantinuc to :cuppart the ritality of the re6inn. F:stahli.sh s fArmpl citv-w'idc rustomer sen-ice pro~m with emphasis on tuncly rcSEx-mse, u user-fricndly utawspticrc. aixi an utuwclc oi facilitutian and accnmmcxintion within thc bouncis nf responsibility, intC6nity, nnd firwncial carability of the City, including organimional and jab des~.~riptian doruments white pursuing "best practiccs" It1 CuSlorilCf yCCL'1CC. F:KCCEpt tiom 'vfaf 17.2005 Studv Scssion Mcet':_ngN4inutes: [h.-pury Maynr 1►iunson stuted that in looking at tfic pRAuct recciced from the Coanty, snd to hctp undcrstand what it would take ro acccpt ownership oC the srwcr system, thnt uatil thnt is resolvrd, pcrtwo the fotluwing changc wnuld bc aMropriatc. tra mmovc the phra~ "in cmuh.i»g dutv relcurd to svsiern acqulsltlnn oprrations and" so that the adju.stcd broal wvu{d roac1: "CaUxburatc with Wastcwatcr Dischargers and Regulutory Agencies in pcasuit of irttarim and loog-torm resututions to wmcr yunlity nnd waste++atcr treaiuent capacity coaccrns so thet owmmmic iicvcluprticat anci naturnl rcscwrres conunuc to suppart the vitality of the rcginn " Cky of 9pokano Vatby MuKy..r fa►•naal pkn • Wrtarrl Fund • Probbm Statomont 11 06-03-06 ZOOE 2006 2007 IOOS 2008 2010 2011 6tlnWft EsUmab Ealbymts Ealhtuh Esiimab E.miMrnte ~ anml Futtd Rwsrtam: Salef Tax s 15,394.63a = 15,702_733 S 113.U16.708 i 18,337,124 f 18.889.888 $16.997143 i 17.337,060 Prooortl►Titx i 0,555,748 = 7,484,503 S 7.859,346 S 7.635.941 S E.014,300 S 8.1SM.443 f E.378,387 GemONrp taac i a10,000 = 810,000 s 850.000 S 850,000 f 990.000 6 a50,60a Z 350,070 Lssset+ald Exciae Tsx S 2.500 = 2r500 S 21500 S 2.500 S 2.600 t 2.30U S 2.500 FrsnGutso Feea S 875,000 s 6e1,750 i 88E,56G $ 845.464 S 702.408 S 7pg,433 i 710,527 Staie 5hared Revanuea t 1.125.000 t 1.153.125 i 1.161,951 i 1.211.SU2 5 1241,190 a 1,272.E13 3 1.304.858 SsMceFaes i 1,785.000 f 1.600.000 S 1,11Q0.400 f 1.600.000 S 1,600,000 3 1.600,000 f 1,BOO,000 Fh►se b ForWuros S 1.350.000 f 1,350.W0 S 1.350,009 i 1,360,000 S 1.350.000 i 1,356,U06 5 1,350,000 Fiouaatfon Program Fee S 129.000 i 129,000 S 1129.000 f 129.000 S 129.000 = 129.060 t 129,000 kttenVW Transfen S 287,000 ! 247,000 5 247,000 b 217.000 f 247,000 i 247,QOQ = 247,000 Imrestrnant Mlereaf S 130,000 f 131,300 S 132.613 f 133.939 f 135.278 S 138,831 S 137,097 Set nids (or weet mntnoe from Ofl, 07 f • - S 500,000 f i76,000 t • 3 . Tow o.n.ret Funa 31,264.134 29.291.911 .3117.77030.ee2.4e0 so, ,1as t=t e."a 32.031.163 f7enwtl Fued Espendltuns: LeQlataUve f 238.640 f 350.580 f 364.51!3 S 379.166 S 394,332 f 410,106 f 428,510 ErAwtlw i liplsfolfre = 443,600 f 489,5E0 f 497,755 S 527.620 i 558.277 f 582,D.1t 1 026.404 PubtlcSafoly S 15.711,000 f 19,663,680 S 17.832680 S 18.712.052 i 14.634.778 i21.014,s62 $22,2SR.354 Oepury Cpy Manaper Z 386,000 S 39e,900 a 410.114 S 434,721 f 480 E04 s 4e8,452 = 517,750 Fb+anoo i 525,000 S 359,S00 S 5a4,890 S 625243 f 462.600 S 702.b88 i 744123 Legal S 213.000 S 257_580 t 273,035 S 289,417 f 308.76,2 S 326.189 S 344,700 Numnn ResOuod f 179.000 S 1E9.740 5 201.124 S 213,102 3 225.993 s 238.542 i 253415 PuWk Worlcs i 025.000 S e74.500 i 929.070 S 682.568 f 1,044.543 S 1,104,039 ' 1.170278 PlYrminp f 934.000 f 990.040 1 1.444.412 S 1.112.409 s 1,179,153 S 1249,803 f 1.324.897 BuU01np t 773.000 S 010.380 f 8Qa.543 S 920.855 i 976.895 S 1,034,448 f 1.095,515 uorwv $ 2.270,000 s - s - s - s - s - s . PqrltsAdmM1 f 1,071,000 $ 1,136,260 f 1.203,376 S 1,273,578 S 1.352.t19 i 1,473,240 i 1,519,234 ReaeaUoa S 158.000 S 197,4e0 i 17T,529 S 168,161 S 190.471 S 211,440 f 224.128 11qusUCS = 250.000 S 271.360 i 287.842 6 304.9OD 1 323.104 S 342.588 S 363.t11 3e(14or CertOer 1 127,000 S 134,620 f 142.897 i 151,259 f 190,335 3 169.935 f 180.152 Con►erf'lace i 322,000 i 341,320 8 361,799 S 3E3,307 S 408.516 S 430,909 i 450.783 Trsnsler b StreelFund f 2.000.000 f 2.000,000 f 2.000.000 f 2,000.000 S 250.000 s - f - Transfer W GapKat : 1.150.000 S 845,000 f 50.0O0 S • S • f • S vAnxsl C3overrtrrAeM i 3.581 OOQ $ 2,500,000 i 2,450.000 $ 23900,00 f 2,600.000 f 2.700,Q09 S 2,800,D00 Tedl GenetN Fund 31. .000 211.143.4 2l150 .3 0 30.D90,62! 30,912,977 32.4",069 .13 1 8urptusl(Mfklt) 32.131 3f8.431 ' 380.3l2 ' 1.931 3.16i (171.0I4) (2.286,I1111) • 7ocal ot;G75 000 sat asede Tar sireet rtmunte"nca Ni IOOd. 2U0f? Strest Fund - Problem Statement #2 6-03-2005 2006 2006 2007 2008 2409 2010 2011 Estimate Estimate Est(mate EsUmate Estimate EsUmate Eadmate Street Fund -#2 FoRnat fa dtfforent Beginning Fund 8al $ 3,300,000 $ 3,185,000 $ 2,804,560 $ 2,137,445 $ 1,160,720 S(1,900,382) $(5,572.613) Transfer from General Fund $2,000.000 $ 2.000,000 S 2.000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 250,000 $ • a - Motor Fuel Tax ' $ 1.203.400 S 1,203,000 $ 1.203.000 $ 1,203,000 $ 1,203,000 $ 1,203,Op0 $ 1,203,000 $ 6,503,OU0 S 6.388,000 $8,007.560 $5,340,445 $2,613,720 $ (697,382) $ (4,369,613) Expendifures $3,318,000 $ 3,583,440 $ 3,870,115 $ 4,179.724 $ 4,514,102 $ 4,875,231 $ 5,265.249 Ending Fund Bal. $3,185,000 $ 2, S 2,137,445 $ 1,160,720 $1r900 382 i 5,572,613 t(9,634,862) 'assumes no increase, referendum pending City of Spokane Valley - Capitai Improvement Program Funding . Problem Statement #3 Juns 3. 2005 Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 RESOURCES: ARTERIAL ST FNU $ 1,250,000 $ 550,000 $ 550,000 $ 550,000 $ 650.000 S 550,000 $ 550,000 GAP, PROJECTS $ 2,350,000 $1.000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 900,000 $ 850,000 $ 800,000 $ 800,000 SPEC. CAP PROJ S 2,025,000 $1,000,000 $ 1,000,U00 $ ► 900,000 $ 650,000 $ 800,000 $ 800,000 ST BOND $ 1,350,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - a - STORM WATER'• $ - $ 350,000 S 400,000 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 S 400,000 $ 611,000 STORM WATER STREET PROJEC7S a 246,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 S 150.000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 GEN. FUND $ 1,150,000 S_ 845,000 S 60,000 S • S - - g _ TOTAL RESOURCES i 8,371,000 $3,896,000 S 3,160.000 $2.900,000 $2,800.000 $ 2,700,000 i 2,911,000 EXPENDITURES: OEBT SERV. BNDS $ 186,000 $ 186,000 $ 188,000 $ 186,000 $ 186,000 $ 185,000 S 188,000 PARKS $ 550,000 $ 750,000 $ 500,000 S 400,000 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 TIP (Transportatlon impravement Plan) S 1,208,238 $1,135.000 $ 1.064.000 S 892,000 $ 1,679.DQ0 S 2,408.000 S 3,039.000 RESIDENTIAL PRESERVATION PROJECT $ 411,843 $1,033,843 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 580,000 $ 500,000 $ - PAVEBACK $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 b 500,000 $ - STORM WATER " S - $ 350,000 $ 400.000 $ 404,000 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $ 611.000 STORM WATER STREET PROJECTS $ 246.000 $ 150.000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150.OOQ S 150,040 RESERVESICONTINGENCY $ 250.000 S 250.000 $ 250,000 $ 250.000 $ 250.000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURE5 ; 3,353,081 i 4,354,843 $3,950,000 $3,278,000 $4,065,000 $ 4,794,000 : 4,638,000 CARRYOVER TO NEXT YEAR $ 5,017,919 $4,558,076 $3,768,076 $3.390,076 $2,116,076 $ 21,076 $ (1,703,924) "Aquiter Protection $ available In 2011 Draft Gap-funding 05 thru 11(8-3-05) Annual Projected Surplus/(Shortfall) June 3, 2006 Problem Statements 01, #2 and #3 Operations 2005 ~QQ~ ~QQ~ 2008 2009 2010 2011 : 91 General $ 32,134 a 348,431 ' S 350,392 " S 1,931 $ 3,166 S (971,084) S (2.286,318) #2 SVeet - • - - (1,900.382) (3,672,231) (4.062.249) #3 Capital Parks MP MP MP MP MP MP MP Seets - - - - - 21,076 (1,703,924) Other? _ Total Capftal - - - - - 21,076 (1,703,924) Total $ 32,134 t 348,~31 0 $ 3b0,3gZ • 5 1,931 t(1,897,216) S(4,622,239) $ (8.052,491) '7otal of $675,000 set aside for street maintenance ►n 2008, 2009 Stormwater Utliity o-Year plen zoos 2006 2007 2008 200e 201e Cantract Em lo ees $151,112 $160.179 S169,789 $179,977 S190,775 S202.222 C► Overhead $54.467 $57,735 S61,199 $64,871 $68.783 372,869 Public Warks 555,140 S58,448 561,955 $65,673 $69,813 $73,794 Su lies ' $22,700 $24,970 $27,487 $30.214 $33,235 $36,559 Storrrtwater proect _ $0 5400,000 S~00.000 $400.000 saoo,aoo $400,000 Transfer to Street Fund _ $150,000 $150.000 5130,000 S150,000 5150,000 $150,000 IT Su ort S2,000 $2,020 52.040 $2,061 $2,081 $2,102 Consultin Senrices $30,000 $30,340 S30,603 $30,809 S31,218 531.530 5tarmwater Maintenance $736,922 5775,868 $814,682 $855,395 5898.165 $943.073 En ineerin Servlces S55,680 566,816 580.179 596.215 $115,456 5138,550 Le al 52,500 S2,500 $2.500 S2,600 S2.500 $2,500 Contract Services $22,500 $22,725 $22,052 $23,182 $23,414 $23,648 Tralnin ITrave!/MIlea e $7,500 $7,675 $7,651 $7,727 S7,805 57,883 Ca ftal Outla y $20,Q00 $0 $0 $0 50 SO Total Expenditure $1,312,529 $1.759,136 51.830.998 $1,908,723 $1,983.027 52.084,744 ERU's 74.750 76.245 77,770 79,325 80.912 82.530 Rate S17 $24 524 $24 $24 $24 Revenue $1,270,750 $1.829,880 $1 866.478 $1.903,607 S1,941,883 $1,980,721 Fund Balanence S743.229 S613.972 $849,452 S844.538 $793,393 $889,3b9 S,ormwater Utility3 6-Year Plan Stormwater Utitity 2004 2005 = 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Contract Em fo eas $C S180,179 $169,769 $179.977 $190.775 $202.222 G Ovefiead I -$52:459. $55.605 S58,942 $82.478 $86.227 $70.201 Pubiic Works 558,448 $61,955 585.673 $69.613 573.790 5u Iles 56,TOC~~ ~?2;7 0!,% j $24,870 $27,48; $30.214 $33.235 $36,559 Stormwater Proect $Z00,00,:1 $%-j 5350 000 S400,000 S400.000 $400,0OQ $400,000 Transfer to SVeet Ca ftaf Fund $150,00~~~ -4450,00C $150,000 $150,000 5150,000 $150,000 $150,000 IT Su ort S2,40rT$2,020 $2,040 $2,061 $2,081 52,102 Consultin Services $30 GOC a3Q;rJ1) C~ $30,300 $30,603 $30,909 $31,218 $31,530 Stormwater Maintenance Contract SO W r38;~2~1 5773.868 $814,662 $855,395 $898,165 $943,073 En ineerin Services -;;;$68,816 $90,179 S96.215 $145,458 5138,550 Le a! S2,500 •rz-;5GL.i $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 S2,500 Contract Services 522.725 22,952 523.162 $23 414 $23 648 Tralrnn lTravet/Miiea e $7,500k.- 57:5111'i $7,575 $7,651 $7.727 $7,805 $7,883 TransfertoGF -ti3;11;-4 a i $76,245 $81,658 $103.123 $105,185 $111,416 Ca italOulla .S''p.. .'~G00; $0 SO 50 SO $Q Total Ex enditure $618,700 , 1;374;05a1 51,783,262 $1,910,399 $2,009,453 $2,095,678 $2,193,472 ERU's 74.--,Q 74;750 76.245 77,770 79.325 80,942 82,530 Rate 510 _".SI7 $20 $21 $26, $26 $271 Revenue $747.5 Od ~7D.7-5 0 1,524.900$1,633,188 52,062,458 $2,103,707 $2,2128,311 Fund Balanance 5785,QOQ 5423 348 $146,117 $199,122 $207,163 5241,J93 Stormwster UGliiy 6-Year Plan Variable Rate 1- 5•31-05 .Attributes of s Customcr-fticodly Crovemtncnt AVcncv As Suggcatod by City nf S,pakane Valle y_Empbyees l-lavinb a department sirwctuie and authority figures that support suggcstiuns aui innovatian (e.g. tiau set asidc at depwriment mectings for ways in which customcr care can be inrprovad). 2. If tbcre's a qwc:lccr way of doing it - finding a way and implementing it 3. Bcing knawlcdgea6lc about the entirc process custamcrs will havc tn ga through, inCluding cosM evca whcn it inctudes other dcpartments or agcncics iind Eetting c:ustomers know ugGont. a. Havin:g good reletionships with ather &-partmcnts anci agcacics. 5. Rcturnin$ phonc ca1Ls in a tinwfy manner. h. Scrving cu.4totners gt the eounter in a timeJy manner. 7. Don't telte vut thc last oanvcrsation you had with a cusMmer on the next custnmrr. K. 'I7te Golden Kule. 9. Flaving a fun wock cnvironment. IU. Strr.acnlining focros and proccsscs to crr,atc lass wark t'or custc►mcrsi. 11. Whcn somaocee stxrts out hostilc, rrspond with a relaxed apprcxac6, and have genwne concern as yau try to gei to the bottnm of their prohlc:m 12. Re friendly and talk slowly with people go they don't focl rushcd or stresscd. 13. Bc receptive tu pwplc's fbedback. 14. Takc a pcuwtivc spproacli wien ynu don'c havc snmeonc's .uiswer thc first timc, so thc ncxt tim you get thai question, you Gave the answer. 15. Uive people more than what thcy Bsk far (and/or anticipate their necd so they don't have to drag informadon out of you). 16. Pretcnd lik3e yan'm the customer and scx if your fomisi~procc:►ses/ intonnatian would make scn..sc for Ixnple from ouLsidc yaur dcpartmcnt tcst it on .U)mconc. 17. If yau can handle a pmblrm withnul it baving Lo go to s higbcr authority, try to . sw your supervi9or has Icss to act on l R. Gct hack to wmcc)ne righl away w'►th an sa4wer. 19. Givc individuaLs pcrsnrsal attantion. C_'ity of tipukane Valley• L'ustoctscr Cure l Ol: 7tivelve SYeps irt the Right l)irer.tlvjr l~114-((11T)-t'T ~o(lt' 64"lll) pU1C1J&•Ci J l'of71[Tl(1dlly c)f tiCiVICC C:lCC lU feeI 1i1t8lL'tii Ol Cl![ll'C[[l, ' il) fCflCjtr iild 3I1(f iltiSt52ii11CC Ati cmployoes of the Cft_y c►t Slu,kauc V;.illcv we iletA not latx)r under a clc7ucl oi' unrertainty about the quality of cuswmcr care cxpceted of us Etathcr, the City Council h:ss sei the tcmc tivhcreby cittzens will encounter respcx-tful, infarmative and respoa5ive ticatment when they do busintss wiih tlcir )ocal governmenL T'o thai erad, the follovving iu,dclints shou]d hclp nricnt our tlunkinb and behavior towart! ecriujnc cusinmcr carc I !_iste~ri sncl tO ui]dCV,t:Utcl w}o;~t ('utitonlcrs arc telltng us i►~ !hc l~~i,~°riu, uur W.~~~ ot 111t,;art,iii, ~xtti1 cu.rtomers ts Just as important ;u1%, trarlsar.iian bctwmi w, ~ Let's nat tflk.c our "bacl li;t,r da~" tiuc on anyonc: wc srrvc When we arc feeling out-of-xorts due to illness and it impairs our abil,ir iu fcha%,r appropriatelv, let's dn a pood dcr.d for oumelvcs and uut cuslotncrs hv bctttng Well Ai f11/fT1(ll ~ Ilelp Erncr-,ite :in undcr,;tanstu,v i)t",,kEr i~ir~i~i~;it~vr.nc~-.•: h`. lctting customcr-, f,nim, iioLti !tx~, tx~i~~:fit lrutn lll:' IllfMiTtat1011 Nv!,' asE: thcm ic>r h Act pronctivclv 1)4 C,j,•I111, rie;~„rric~r-; %vh,it tticv ncrd, \4'iiilll ►llil\, I?C clitlercnl llian \k lwl thcy asl•ed tar ~ 7_ lf ypu c~n pre.ciict thrtt cusct~rnct, will t~.vc di liicultv nu~•i-;atii~~! a,u~~ernmc.ntul process or procedure. f►e their navigatnr ~ If your customcr is having trrnible compicuniT city pEq)er«,ork, ufTc:r to wor6: on it tvith t}Iem. y !.ct us Tlot shift thc reSporlSibiliCy fur yu;tlitv scrvicx lu uihLts; give jt -vour hest before personailly conncr:►nr. thriTi %%'Ith may be c►f fiirthcr ussisiancc I() If you ane domgthings tfiat n1altic; tit,u ti~el Iikv ;t "hurwucr~,t," ask ii►r vour supe.rvisor's help in improving the gracess or prur,udure. 1 1 1'CIl and teac:h vour co-workers abaut the caMomer care steu:esscs voij ucltic:ve. 12' SNtU:. A Ir,ti lssticd ht„~ l, ?o0 i Public Works 2005 Woirk Program June 2005 Update GOLlNC1L GQAL 5- Codadcrm w!M WeulswaDer Oachuprs d or oar waa cs oe a as ID Re9ufala►Y Agonow (n wnoyrt,rg dMa rsbrir0 ta fM Mmtem Starf WnfM+ Dwsffor► (On htld pundmQ TRAM dXtADOVnhal nrocnu) ~rr Hd Ms M~ ~Mr !un ~I ~«Y s+~v Qct Aqr 00 1 Rooenve aaqwsibon data hom Spok+ine County 111712006 ?111 f1U05 tw ~ 2 Hke amsukant 311 rl005 5r30/2005 13w - 3 Reviaw end evskMe aoQuisWm dita 611r2006 12130ROp5 30.6w of ae ac oe 4"as a ae ~w MI Y~ +V M4 :1~Q SK os ft. f11e W STi1Ff GOA1.S vuMaui 5&►t Firah Dto,Non t I t. o.vNop ftekvMasu.e.gicPtnn trxzoos 12rjorzoo6 szw z odvoioo scope dresvonsbwe. a.d,va;es Ir3r2oo5 54102005 212w S PreQare draf! Plan 8112006 8l30/2005 13w - I 4 Reyiew dratt yrtlh adn~rdstnUpn 9l12006 12r-Or2005 17.4w S 2. lJpdMa SU-Yw TnnspaRalbn Plan tar AMraI Itwdwhrs 11Y2M 1 MTl2006 61 Aw 6 IdenUty & reoommend new projects irY2006 3I30f2005 12-6w 7 PuWic Heamp on DMI Plan 5lZR005 Sr30R005 4.2Mr - 8 Counal approvd of P1an 6!1 r2005 fir3Qr2U06 4.4w a sunnvc sTP, ne a anaf gmix requests 61112005 arsonooa 13w - 10 3. Oevelop Sbt Yev StrMt PrnmiIValfOn Plmn Y3Ot2006 /!al/2006 22.2w 11 Hire pvvemant msrsagement enginev 3r3Ui2005 8r31 /2005 222w 12 Review residenWl atrset condltlono 6l1R005 1212712005 30w 13 4. dswlop Bbt YMt 3tornnvAb► CapiW ln+prowtewt Vfm 61t1100d 1?1]012006 ]aw 14 tda~Uly 3 reoortrrw+d reiw p~ecb 5t?12005 9130r2006 22w 15 Draft Slx yeaf Ptan 1013112005 1213df2005 9w M Onqmapy Scfladubd Tas1cs ~ Updsted Prqect Compinon Page 1 - Public Wor4cs Public Works 2005 Woric Program June 2005 Update or w m oe o~ na a os 10 2QQ3 GAPITAL PR0.IECTS Steit Fin►ati Uun~+ ~~sd Yr Ap► M~r J~n +kt sea oa ~b nr 1 i Everqreen Road - 15th Ave to 2nd Ave - F'unch Lrei - CmpletaC 311 r2005 4/2912005 8 S+v Q • 2 15iti Ave - Dizhman Mica tc pres Rd - Consttudron 311Q006 4l2Br2005 8.9w Q S Park Rd - 8th Ave to Appleway Ave - C.cnstniatlon (no woAc 5114111) 311lTM 9111,2005 26.9w ♦ PmesflWartsfsld irrtetsecaon - Despn d FtOVY Acqunitlon 31112006 12I.i40006 43_8w 5 8artter Rd Wldenlnq - BoOrte Ave b Spokane Filwr- OmOn. RflVH 1l32045 8134/2005 34.8w 6 Ba►kar Rd 8rldga - Deslgn 1l32005 12/302005 52w 7 Appkrwsy Ave RsooMtniCtlOn - TaChYby Rd to Hodyes Rd - Desipn a ROW 502005 1213012006 35w 8 Dishman Mica l2ehabiNtation -1st Ave to Sprapue Ave - Desiqn 8 Conswdkm 5R120D5 d/3012005 17.4w 9 Argonns Rd Ovsrtey - lydlans Ave lo MoMpamcry - Uesgn 3 CanstrncUon 61t R005 10/28J2006 21.9w 10 eroedway Ave Overlay - BNes ftd to SuAivan Rd - Desipn & Canstruction 7l112005 1 W142005 152w 11 Morrtpamery Ave Overloy - linFuarsiy Rd fo Pfnea Rd - OesiQn 6 COmtnxllOn 5QJZ005 Nt /2005 1 J.2W - 12 Camshat► Santtsry 5aN►er P►qed 04- Construdion 311/2005 8I3dR00S 17.6rv 13 sharwood FwestlMka PiAttJohrntw SanMary Sewet prood 06 - rIssipn 3 1r312005 N30f2005 341w ConatrucUon Lf4 Inlsnd Sanihry &errer Prqsd 06 - Oesqn R Ccnulrudion 1/3r2005 72912006 30w ~ 15 PaAa Rd Sonitary Swwer ProJoct 06 - Deslpn 3 CWNsuuctlon 1 f3R005 8r30r2005 39w 15 EdpeRai Sani4ary Sawar Prajed 06 - DeWpn & Construation 1 f3@005 9130R005 39w 17 Orchard Ave Sanitwy Sawar Project 05 - DsW b Corolruatlon 113/2005 10Raf2006 43w , e cmdarPlaos - ca,svua+on I r3r2oos a►f noos 30.2rr 19 Smafl NbMa "eds - Oesipn b Cotbuction 31112005 10RS12005 U.8r Zfl Vdby Corridor - Envuwxnental Aasaswrsent and Pnl4ninary EnQlnserlnp 1/3r2005 121302006 52w Todey Page 2- Pubiic Worics or~inauy scheeuied Ta~s Updated Pro)sd CortrpkatiuTi Community Development 2005 Work Program June 2005 Upda:e o+oa me~ moe ane rD COUIVC1t ci0A1. f: Ca+ap" an CarepxsR.aaN. ofan Sttrc Fv*h Owgar, n +se rr► Av hM Aw ar a1r sr Ce~ ~o. o~c i Compista Flnal drdft snd pubV1C heannqs 1 ,'3J2005 5f30R005 21 2w l Z Update Shorollns Manaperrwd Proprom 11313AGOS 12l302005 52w ID couHCre. coAL z c«npae nh. s;~ wW.r vnnb.m S,rr F,wsn a,►amm of m a,zo wue a m Dsvwoprront co* a. r« Mr 40, A* A« ar kt A. as M,. ar 1 Schcdule a1 Permlttad Uses arxi DedEvtlone 1:3112045 1 t/1W005 42w 2 Adrtunishatrve Rayu4"ons 311R005 10nslIfl05 34.8w 3 Subdlvisror+ Ra9ulWons 5f412005 12r2/2005 30.6w 4 ZDnnsg RegutiKWns 4/1812006 12l29J2D05 38.ew 5 Desrpn Standaids 6rl12006 12129r2006 34.8w e Resonknp mcbom to anpiemerrt usa Camprnhenaw Plan al16J2005 4212712005 19.2w T Irtegrata nwssrtos aWoroement for ROW In Code Campriar►oe 7n 1n005 11I23/2005 19.8w - ~ Task CompktB COt1NCIL GOM. 4: Adrsnce ohs Mtansd~ o/ Sp~akone Vi~May a oe mae was a oe ~ ttunuph +Nliectlm Erbwpf Ral~DOru Stwt Fsnl~h B~do+~ ~ r~ +a. ~o ~n ~~~+v s.o cxs ~er a~ 1 Work wuh EdgacJlR V4sed 'n SeeG ot Spring dean-utr ti3l2J05 4 r29r1005 17w 2 Fortntli¢e coordh+abon witfi Fire, Water Dfstrkts, SR}i0 3 DOE 1r312006 1 t1tR005 43.4w s EnmowW Wma eonbwwdm in aevea~ wew proamm i r.~rlons anvzoo5 32w ~ 4 a,.roery «,stomw wnjey m ieenacy 82as rw.nprw,men+ ,r3noos iudazoob s~ 5 Psrtidpahe In ptofeesional and trade otyaniutlonNaymposia 11,Ym S 2130/2005 52+r 6 Naewak wRh local jurladicsiorn to dovelop unitam standarda 1/Y2006 11MR006 47,ew 7 Inittate Irtteradiw GIS mmppnp tluouph /1RCIMS 8!9l2005 12ll012005 30.2w S Pub119h pemNt IMwmalbn on the web. updat)nq weaWy 1lY2006 1?./30►2005 52w ~ OrigfnaAy Schesuked Ta6ks Page 3- Community Devebpment Updstcd Proiad CairrIoUon Community Development 2005 Work Program June 2005 Update ~D tO COU/YCK OOAL Q, Ed~ s bwmnl d4-ade awgonw 3A~rt RrdaA Qwsfbn GIas Cs aa w e~ a w MMospnVrism JrR fth wr M Wr Ae aM A+q s+v oor nw nM¢ 1 t AdYanoe no4ice to conttattors of updatas in CoCr i13~"1U05 12130l2005 52w requrmmenta 2 2 PubRsh at least Ihroe aGCitlonal iMOmeqonal parMhlast 6f 112005 12130r2005 30.9w 3 3 Intsprats Cound Oir*ctnrss MNO opwa6oral poltcies 2114120Q6 3rt6R00b 4.4w ~ I 4 1~late IsdmoloQy updaLss lor fiek Dmcasstng of Codd 113/2006 Br2912005 25.8w IRSpeatans adfvKles 5 5 EsLWieh asinple RoiM d oo~dlcctrdinatcr tar eafi projed tl32005 60012005 25.8w o~ ~ as wai aas l0 3TAfF GOAL&• YxiQr~s ~aA FmisA Runl~on ~ ti* w. ,~r w a.► A. w. s.~ o~r ao~ oM t t. knpRwe InfK- and kdm O~p~rbn~ntal Caenvunicatlm tIY2006 12=2OOa 62w 2 PLUSIPRISM llpdallnq 3 lddizition 1312006 1250/2005 82w ] CantractarWoled coardinaiion 1l32005 513W2005 25.0+v 4 i cosa ProWwn knp«m«,anon wnoos ar3onM ss.iw 5 AdmmiWntioNoonbas.t kodo+winp DHJOlCound dkecdm 611f2005 11130r2005 26.2w d pevebp ConaoMdoW Housing Asentanoe Plen 9/1 12005 d/3002006 62w 7 E,r1y aolicitsfion of tunding roquesta (0 appionble) 7112006 8115/2005 6.4wr _ B Egablob 2porUng uxd sccountabiiky standards 6l1r2005 9130r2005 17 6w 9 3. Canplft Ha•ar0Odgedon Plan 1MA006 1VZW2008 61.8w 10 11aLrd kUwvbkstbn a VulnarabiNty Anslyw t l3rl005 10128/2005 49w 1) Coadination d Pfan pwRnamtupa 1I3/2D05 91BR006 36w , 12 Camplete Rnn draft 1l32005 121160005 30w t3 Publiz Particlpobron 2f9/2006 1212912005 48 4w 14 1. InEprsE~ ROW pwmltlfnp & ftoprCtions 1/31l2006 4lir2d08 9w Q ~ OtqlnWp Scheduled Twka Page 4- Community Development ^ uQdatea Prcisct Campbuon Parks 8 Recreation 2005 Work Program June 2005 Update a+ a: a ae a~m a e~ t0 COU+VCri GOAC t• Adopt Comprehwmne 1Wer► start Flnhh Ourseion .w F.a rr aor wr a,• w. ~.o s~o crr r~a. o.c 1. DsvNop Psrks i Recr"Ion ftMw Ptm t1Y2006 M16r2006 I M.M 2 Invrntory rewuroes d~ setvioe providars 1r312006 Y31'1006 8.8w 3 Neods Assompmenl Set satvios afsndards a 3l7ROQb 711r240Q5 17w , Complele f9rrt draR 7H/2005 7128/2006 4w ~ 3 conwuct cowKu ap,n+ic revwws minoas e11noo6 2 zw ■ 6 Finaftze P4m hu CoutsdA adoPbon Ini6ale fmptmnentatlon. 8115/2005 91162006 4.8w ~ ora~ aroa o~oo ass ID OEPAR'TAtDT& QQAL3' Va+fatM S1art Fh~sh t?wstlon EE Mr As 1Nr " .w &0 uv od Nuv Q. I 1 1. CompMdon of Mlrsb*ni PobttlContwPtsu 1l3/2006 1?l30f2006 62w 2 Ensuro occupa+cy tor catleqa uw M Juti 2005 1IYm 7116r2W5 29w 3 Coo►dhate /uwrs operallon with ad hoc oommKtse t26/2008 512l2005 28.8w 1 CeMerPlaoe Gr*nd OpecIng 217/2005 11/2412005 41.8w 3 Advertlse jamtorwl RFP and award conlnd 2REl2OQS Nt f2005 22 Zw 6 Flnatlre opentlons Olan 2J1 /2005 N15I2005 29w 7 Reuult 3 hlre CerterPlsoa sudr 2►1/2005 a►152D05 2ft 8 f2econsUuctbnhsPox dMuabeau Sprinqs OvaAOOlc 31112005 1213012005 418w ~ OcVnsRy Schedufsd Taskx UCSdatad Prqec! CompleUon Page 5- Parks 8 Recreation Parks & Recrealion 2005 Work Program qt eN VaMI asa~ aa 10 DEPAitTMEMAL GDALS ViirfoW Starf FinWh d+ra0om ~w F+e ~r ~or wl .kw iw~ an ctr 1 2. Determino Aquatks Provldw 1fY2006 N2912005 17w 2 Rsview Sta4mned of Qua4hcsbWs 1I3r2005 121 r2405 3w 3 Inue RFP 11Y2005 2128R006 8 .2w 4 Proposals due 112412005 3r31r2a05 6.8w - 5 Sebct conk'ador 2NGM06 Al12912005 t0 ew ~ 8 3. Upqrade Dhrltg Bo~rds for Swbt+minp Pooh 1f2+V200i 31'i12006 27.2nr 7 pefermino (eusbiNty 1,7412005 6110/2005 20w 8 Order new equ(prnent 1/31 120Q5 6I1712005 24w O InNaN 3l9l2006 811l2005 20.9w _ Otiqlrwpy Schedukd U03 ~ Updoted Prqes2 Complehon Page 6- Parks 8 Recreatian Police 2006 Wotic Program June 2005 Update - oias w~a wa aoo tb GOfJMCIt GOM AdW Ca+apraINWo Pan St1uf F"rx'if+ DLnlWn .w +w N+ Nr wir a+. a~ Mq ~.a aoi wau cre 1 Drvclap prn:xss to( idcntificatiun o! meBSUnDk sarvice bvels s ~ ~ besed on popWaGon, bul~nesa impud anC trwfiC 1 f,i1200,, 813412005 34 aw 1D COllNCit OOAL 4: AOwrfOS t1M Mls/eats of 9poNww Valey SM►f FiUth DIAM0007 01 o! 01 ao W a Oj4 tMa.Qh *lfectJvo Ertamaf Ro1rO" iw ~p ww w., .a.. ~ .,r A.v --s , m a.c + I t hSvnrtor junsdicbonai recognrtion, mdepen0ena aod hitenpen t!3l2005 10131r2005 43.2w ooopetstion 2 Continue IeqisEative rocogni6on wRh tAe WashmQton 5tete 2 Crlminsl JuWoe Traintt►q Cortvnission and Wbshinqtan Stata Tralk 113000S 12l3011005 52w Corrwymukicr► hnirnnq 3 3 Expsnd EAAS plsnninp boducaMon Eo axpa+d Cily irtvoNament 1/3l'2005 12130/2005 52w 4 4 Partiapste In roymei ernsrpenry aommunlcstlorts Inlrastrudure 113IZ005 1?130R005 92w P+aied _ OrlQinally Sd+edubd Tisks Updated Project Completion Page 7 - Police Police 2006 Work Program June 2005 Update o! 6C Qi f~ 0? 00 W t70 io sraFF ccAM v.rww swr nm,h ouraom J.n f.~r w• ro► Mw ~~ur ~ ar ow w. c.e 1 1. OvKSM Pollcf conttact 1r312006 t0131/2006 412+w Z Evolwle casl effedivwms and allocslbn of 2004 contrsd and 11S12005 8/30r2005 34.4vr torecmo RnPas3 tor 2005 and irttc 2006 3 Exsmtne and assess pratoona of other spency oonLnds 1F3rI005 3A12005 126w a oaYelop a.0. la+g-taim contrsa apc+road+ 7111rroo6 1013irzom 17 4w 5 Ewtuars oenaf►ts of gram-hunaed positioiu 113r20o6 or3o/2005 36w 6 Piegotfate 2006 f'dla ooMract 502OQ6 8f31r2005 17.&M r AnalyLe rnd brecast mhawucb" oosls. InCA►dinp nft, iaq, t1312005 2I11Q005 34.8w GPS monlWring 6 BooicFnq e 2 Contlnuowlr Impnm ovNaN cammwwcmdon. t/i1Z006 12m0IZ00i 52W 9 Mainlam 3 Inaesse dtlzen urwNwneffl on the AdvliOry BoarO, 1t312005 1?128rl005 51 6w SCOPE, Cadets, etc 10 lnossse awarenm a psrtners►,+ps wfth sa,ools "eas 11Y2po5 1213arZOO6 52w such as quns, druas, garqs end runmay youth. 1 t E.xpnd overal agenAr ideitiicstiOn 1I312006 1 Zl30d2006 62w 12 lnue"e pubYc swsreness of uims WlaIUCRa, ra's0a+se 1113/200b 12/30@005 52w tftnes tllrouyh eOucaUon. ~ OngmalPy Scheaubd Taska llpdated Profed Completlon Page 8 - Palice Operadons & Administrative Services 2005 Woric Program June 2005 Update , ro couNCtt. GoAL 1- Reaorr~pow a Ye.r J~.rarjoid Fomea►st;~lo . St,,, ~ih a,r.ebr, o. as cr ae os ca ar m Sfx Yea► Strsl"c Ffneroai PMn ; a, r., Ar Aw M 4vp sev ov Z 00. 1 1 Rev+rw Cuuncrl Guals'RC.reat information 2,712005 3.:8r2005 7 8w ~ 2 2. Est~nste revenup 214R066 326R005 7.4w _ 3 Eatknate Expndkuras 3212005 5l302005 128w - 4 4. IdentAy Firtsndat canetraerts 3V2005 N112005 21.9w 6 5. Idenlty opuons rox caaMfendan 4/1f2006 NJtR006 21.8w 5 B Prtssnt to Coundl 9/1/2005 11l291200b 12.8w - ? 7 InooMorote Plan kft 2008 Budpat 81'112005 11R9r2p05 17 4w CAtlMC ft GaAL 4 Ad4aue IAe lnnaeats d Saolaene Vsber O+as ar oe w os a ae ro M~+ offbC~Ive EcremN A~l.t~ona ~rt Fhnuh ~rasdon ~.n ►r, +r.. Ar wr .r Ar A,p spr o.r w. oic t Partir.iQate on Ftagional cable Avv:sory BcarO an0 wntinue ~ ~ nepctiaUana tor a cable hanttsise t f3'2045 123W2005 52w COiJIYCN. GQAL 6. EsrabdO t b"at apt-wde owmonwr asrvow Snvt Fgwsh Nrnbon 0005 w a aa as a as ~I prowsm ~r F.n wAa► wr w aW ~o ft- ae na Ac t 1 Ga►Ify orWt2aUanal vakues 1132005 8l34l2005 34 Iw 2 2 k3enUy aommon defmdiodts i.e- "autanw senioe' md 1132005 8/34t2005 34.4w 'busnass tr+eW S 3 Devebp Drogrwn carvonants wnd beQin implsmr+fatian 7/Zb12D05 12J30/20M 22.4w ~ OAgnally Sdiedukd Tasks UDdated f'roject ComPbUan Page 9- Operations & Administration Operations 8 Administradve Servicea 2006 Woric Program June 2005 Update o+ oe a: »a w c~ a aa !D 3TAFF GOALS: Vafto Stwt F+YHsR D"kn Jr~ r5M Yv AP Ay ww .W w iO De 1~. Drc 1 1. Contlntwualy Imprwr Ovwall Cdt+muMcatlon 113l2045 1211212006 49.09w 2 Further develop Chy webwde to enhanoe dtlran Rartic.lpabon trJJ2005 t iM12006 48.22w 9 Evatuats Pt0 cpbons and anplenwi Councd decisiort(t) 1r3+2a06 8MOf2006 73.93w 4 Pubfish Facts 3 Figures - CAy of Spduns to indude 7/1/2006 1211212006 23.29w danoqrsptda. OertnA adlvRy. Clty oontsd IMarrtmtwn. etc 5 2 contlnw co dwelop tlr Clq'* orrYatlona+frsrMwoft +13I2006 1?13Of20Q6 62w ti Syslam.uc*ly ►eHew.nc rovive ckys 1oa de9«,pnons tnrzoob t trMOOS 4e.22w 7 Fineltsn Wa administtatlva polciss. proaeeuras. romu and 11312oos iirztiz= 46_22w repoft 8 Devebp a staflinq plan to mset urvioa dern~nd 113R005 12J30M005 52w S Imptpvt kttemsl aontrdt 3/112005 N11f1005 23.47w 10 QevebA an OMg- A87 Cosf Aiocatlan PIm 41112005 1 Or1Q00s 27. Q2w 11 DevebP en amPbf►ee reco9nAlw program 71111005 12J1212005 23.29w 1213. O+rars~ Clty Mrvioa contracb 11312006 N4*006 30.70w 13 FiniNte arid wA4CUU rstodel agreements tor Cotmty setvooes 1lJ2fl05 8/10r2006 22.0.3w 14 Mslyzn the optioe of artnexing to the Llbrary D,@trict 1132005 N412005 30 79w - Onpinaby 5c1►edubd Taeke Updated Projcd Camplstwn Page 10 - Operat►ons 8 Admirnstradon