2005, 06-14 Regular Meeting ANwrr<.,1VIA.0. AGFNDA SYOKANT VALLEY CITY COUNCIL RECUTdATt MEETING #68 Tucsday, June 14, 2005 ' 6:00 p.m. C11 Y 11ALL AT FLEDVI'UOD PI,.,AZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Rirst Floor Couneil Requcsts All Elcctronic llevices be Turned Off lluring Council Meeting . CALL TO ORDFR T\NIQCATION: I'astor Philip Koenig, Grace Plarvest Fellowship T'LEllC:E OF AI,,i,,FGIA\7CE ROIai.. CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA T~'TRQDUCTlOV (UF SPECiAi, C.UES`l"S AND PRI:SENTAT101YS C0,1'(MTTTFE,130AEtll, LIAISON SiJM-NcIAIZY 1tEPORTS MAYQR'S REPOIZT: PIIIiI..iC CONlli I[EN`l"S t"or members of'the Public to speak ko the Council regarding mat:ters NO`I' oii tlic Agenda. Plcase 5tate ynur name and address for the record and litnit remarks to three minutes. 1. PUBLIC T•iFAR.ING: 'I ransportation Improvement Nrogram (TIP) 2006-2011 - Steve VVorlcy 2. I'UBL•IC 11EAR71TC: Closed Record I-Tearing on Appeals t1PP 01-05; and AI'P 02-05-Cary 17riskell 3. CONSENT AGE\'DA Consists of items considcrecl rotrtine which are approved as a group. A Couneilmember may remove 1n it:em from the Consent Agcnda to be considered separately. (Note: Council m.iy entcrtain a rnotion to waivc reading and fipprovc Consent Agcnda.) a. Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER L[S'1° VOUCH:ER TOTAL DA1'E Number(s) VOUCE-lER AMOUNT 05-20-2005 6854-6872 1,213 659.96 05-3 1-2005 1873-6915 391,474.49 06-03-2005 6928-6956 88.364.03 GItAND TQTAI.. 1,693,498.48 b. Approval of Regular Council MeetinS N1inuCes of May 24, 2005 c. Approval e1' Study Session vlccting Nlinutes of May 3 I, 2005 d. Approval of Esecutive Session Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2005 e. Apprc,val of Payroll of May 31, 2005 of $ 173,710.12 f. Approval to Replace Diving Bpards g. Approval of Resolutiori OS-OOS to Waive Bidding Requirements for Diving Boards (;ouncil agenda 06-14-45 Rcgular Meeting Pagc l of 2 h. Approval of and Authorizat:ion for City Manager to cxecute Interlocal Agreement: for Participation in Eiivironmental Systems Rescarch Institute, Inc. (ESRI) rnterprise License ngreerncnC with Spoktjne County i. Approval of aiid nuthori7ation for City Manager t:o execute Local Agcncy Agrccment (tor each phase pf the project as needed) and !'roject Prospectus for the Argonne Road Rehabilitation project. , j. Approva) of Student Advisory Council Appointments k. Apprqval to participale in thc "1'Valk Across America" with an estimated cost of $100.00 \TFVV BUSINESS 4. 1'roposed Re,solution 05-009: Adopting the T"IP for 2006-201 1- Steve Worley [public comment;i 5. Niotion Consideration: Pavement Cut Policy - Neil Kersten [public comment] 6. F'roposed Kesolution 05-010: Amending the Fee Resolution (Pawement Cut Fees) (public commentJ 7. Second Rcacling PrAposed Sign Ordinance 05-016 -,1~IArina Sukup [public commcnti 8. Sceond Reading Proposed Ordinance 05-019, STV O 1 -05 Street Vaaation - Marina Sukup ipublic cpmment] 9. Proposed Rcsolution OS-Oll: Arnending the Fee Itesolution (Centerl''lace Fces) - Mike Jackson [public commentJ PUBLIC COMMENI'S For mcmbers of the Public t:o speak to the Council regarding matters NO'I' oil the Agcnda. Please state your na►ne and address for the rccard and limit remarl:s to three minutes. AnM1NISTRATIVI. REPOIZTS: [no public comment] 10. Law Enforcemenc 2005 Abreement - Nina ftegor/Cal ~1~alker 11. Administrative Report: Community Development Block Grant Program Update - Marina Sukup il\F01211'IATION OIYT..X: [no public commcnt] 12. Response to Previous Puhlic Conunents 113. lni'orrnation MerTiorandum on Srreet Vacat:ion Kequests S1`V 02-05 and 03-0 ; ADJOURNME\°T FUTURI? SCtIEDUI E RegrJar Cuirt1ci! 141eetirrgs rire geirerally licld 2nd nad 4"Tuesdrrys, beginiring at 6: 00 p. m. Counci! Sttrdy Sessii»rs are getierrilly lreld IS`, 3rd Q/1d SIII 'T1lL'S(If[yS, hegi►trriiig at 6: 00 p.m. Otller Teittntive Upcantitrjz Meetin,es/Evenls: NOTICE: lndividuals planning to attcnd dle meeting who require special assistance to accnmmodate physical; het~ring, or other impairments, ple,isc contact the Citv Clerk nt (509) 921-1000 as soon ns possible so thtit arrangements may be rnadc. Cnuncil Aecnda 06-14-05 Regulaur Mccting Page 2 oC2 1 • r / t :1UF NDA, SNOK"%NI? V a1.LF.Y CITY CUUNCII. REGUI.AR MTETING #b8 TuesdWy. Juar 14, 2005 6:00 p.m. CTTY HALI. AT RFDWOOI) PLAZA 11707 East 5prague Aveaue, Flrst Flnor Council Rcqucats All Elcctrunic Devicew bc Turacd C1fT During Council Meeting CALI. T(1 t11t[)ER IKVUCATION: Pastor Philip Koenig, Gracc ilarveyt fiellnwship PLXDGF, nF AWLF..GIANCE f20L1. CALL APPR<?VA1, OF aCyENDA iN'I'ROI1l1t710N OF .1141FCIA.L GUFS'TS AND PKESENT4TIUNS COMhIITTEF, B(7.4RD. L1:VS(7N S<<A1MAI2N' KFPORTS MAYOR'S RH:PnkT: i'UBI.IC CUNiMENTS For members of the F'ublic to speuk to the Council rcgarding matters NiOT na tbt Agrnda Pirase stnte yaur name And nddress fnr ttie record nnd limit rcmarks tu tbroc minuies. 1. Pl1RI.tC t1FARIN(:: Tra»sportation (tttprovcatcnt Am gam (TIP) 2005-2011 - StCVe Warlay 2. PUDLIC IIEAItLtiG: ClosCd Rer,ord Hcarirtg cm Appeais APP 01-05; nnd A.f'P 02-05 - Cary [kiskell i. Cc)NSf'ti'i' AGM:NDA ConsLqtx aPitcros considcreci ruutinc which um npprovcd &S a gruup. A c'auncilmomher mny rcmove nn item frum thc Consrnt Ageiida tu bc considercd scpamEely, (Notc: Council may catertaia a madna tn wAfve readiag sad approve Canscnt Agcada.) a Approval of thc Nollowing Vouchcrs- VUUC}iER LlST V()U('HEK '1'U'f-Al, I [).A'T'I's Num6cr(s) VOUCI i1:R , A11901lN'1' ' 05-20-2003 6854-6872 1:213,b59.9h I 05-31-2005 6873-6915 391,•174_49 . 0643-2005 6928-6956 88,364_03 ~GRA N D'l'C1T;1L, 1,693,498 ~18 b. Approval af Rcgulur Ccwncil tilerting Rlinutes of May 24, 2005 r. Appruval o(Study Scssion Mccting A4itiutcs of May 31. 2005 d. Appmval of Frocutivc Scssiun Maeting Minutrs of Junr 6, ZOpS r. Approva] atPkyraU af Muy 31, ?UAS of $ 173,710.12 f. Appraval tn Repliu:c l)iving Borrcis g. AMova) of Rcsilutian 05-006 ta Waivc (3iddinu Rcquircments for I)iving 13uarcis ~<iiuii.l \it:n+ ;(N•I t 1~ Itc~,ulv MlcrtinF i':::~ 1.( , h Aprrryval uf und UUiurirution fur C:ity 1lunnbcr tu ete*iuC InlcrlIPCul AgrrcttiLUl I~0r Participation in F.nvinmmcntnl Systcros Rcsrarch Institutc, Inc. (L-'Sltl) Ent~.•rprise Liccnsc Agreemcnt with Spc)kane Counry i. Appmvai of and Authorirntion for City Mnnager tn execute I.aca! Agency Agreement (for ench phase of the projcct as ncedrd) gnd F3rojcct ['tospc'ctu5 ftrr the Arpniinc R<ir,d lZchahi?itntinn prujcrcl. j. Approval af Studcnt Advisory Council Appointmsnt, k:lpprovul w puftiripate in the "Walk Across Ameriw " I; I I':. ~ ~ ~ NEW BUSINESS d. Pmpcxcd Rcsolution 05-009: Adnpting the TII' for 2006-201 l- Stevc Wurley (publie cummew , 5. Motitm Cansideration: PavCmcnt Cut Policy - Ncil kcr.,;tcri (pubUc rammeati 6. f'mposed Rcsolution OS-OIQ: Atnending the Fae ResUluticm (Pavemcnt Cut Fcxs) 1puhtic cornmewl 7. Sccond Reading f'ropoqcd Sign Ordinancc QS-Q 16 - Marintt Sukup (public commeatJ 8. Sccand Rrading Prupassci C>rdinnnc.e 0S-019, STV 01-05 Strect Vacatiun - Marinn Slil,+iP (public cammcatl h. Prttiposed Rcqolutinn OS-(llI - .Amrn<tint; ttir Fcc RcGolutinn (CcntcrF'lacc Frrsl MiF.~l.i. ►...r I'~~ul~h~ cnnimrtit~ I'Ul3L1t' (<►N111E1i ['S fipi iucnibcrs LA llie !'ut!fi,.~ (L> >prak to lhc C:uuu~il rcgsrding tnslte[s VOT un the Agcnda. f'lear statr ycyur nxmc nnd addw-s fvr the m-ord and limit rcmarks to ttuce minutrs. :1U?1iINIS?RA"f'IYF: RF.PnRTS: [no public cummcnt) IU. I.aw Enforc:cment 2005 Agrecmctit -Ninn Rcbar)Cnl Walker 1 i 1(1minivtr:!6~•e RCp•1r? Colillfltlll(tl D:'%Pl;,pIT1Cf1~ ffl!`C~ { I•:!fi" l'f•!.-:!fil I IIf..' t!I":! tilll i?. kes{kinsc 1t) Ptc:% i,,u:, !'uhlr,, c"'nintci1a., A11J(l(TRhNIFN'T t'C! Y'( Kl; S'C'I!t!)(l.1: Regular Councl! hterfiirgs are gcncru/h7 lield +nd anr! 4"I'uesda}'s, bcgiiuring crl b: 00 p. nr. CuwtrASludy Sesxloxs urr genuully /iclJ 1~, 3"0 anil StIr TuesdaYs. hcginrriiig at et: 0o l,.,,r. I411 ,1. 1 0 -r,l, 1 ti1r 1,; ,r1!/!;" N()Tl('F. IncJividunl•- pkinning wattCnJ dir mrttmg who rryuirc .fX621 :txsItitmticc tu aa;ummM421c phystcal, hcuring, ar atha ~ imprirmrntc, plea4r ~~r;t:~c~ Ihe ('1ty Clerk ut (SQ9142l-lOOp ns xh~n ~s pncsihlc 3o thnt err~nr.emcnrs mns f•c ntndr CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action . Meeting Date: June 14, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business (D public hearing - ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation . AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2008 - 2011 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010, Perpetual advanced six-year plans for coordinated transportation program expenditures. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adopted 2005-2010 Six Year TIP last year on June 22, 2004, Resolution #04-019. Adopted Amended 2005-2010 Six Year TIP on April 6, 2005, Resolution #05-006. BACKGROUND: The City is required by RCW 35.77.010 to prepare and after public hearing adopt a revised and extended comprehensive transportation program for the ensuing six calendar years. This plan must be submitted to the Washingtan State Secretary of Transpartation before Jufy 1" of each year. Staff presented to Council a draft 2006-2011 Six Year TIP at the April 5, 2005 and May 3, 2005 study sessions. The proposed TIP in large part reflects the 2005-2010 adopted Six Year TIP prepared last year by the interim staff and Spokane County. Proposed changes from last years TIP mclude: • Adding the resurfacing of Montgomery Avenue from Argonne Road to University Road . (2006). • Adding the sidewalk project on Mission Avenue from Argonne Road to University Road (2006). ' ' • Adding the resurfacing of University Road from Dishman-Mica Raad to 15th Avenue (2008). • Adding the resurfacing of University Road from 15'h Avenue to 4'" Avenue (2008). • Adding the resurfacing of Broadway Avenue from I-90 eastbound ramp to Park Road (2008). . • Adding the rehabilitation of Barker Road from Euclid Avenue to SR 290 (Trent Road). • Adding the reconstruction of Par1c Road from Sprague Avenue to Broadway Avenue (2009). • Resc#ieduling 8t' Avenue from Havana Street to Par1c Road until 2008 when federal funds will again be available. ' OPTIONS: Accept or revise project list and/or projed schedule RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Adopt 2006-2011 Six Year TIP. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City's share of the proposed projects will be budgeted within t#te Street Capital Projects Fund whicti has the revenue resources ta accommodate the proposed TIP. _ STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Steve Worley . ATTACHMENTS: 1) Summary description of proposed projects 2) List of Draft 2006-2011 Six Year TIP projects 3) Draft 2006-2011 Six Year TIP 4) Map of Draft 2006-2011 Six Year TIP City of Spokane Valley Draft 2006-2011 Six-year Transportation Improvement Program Pruject Descriptions 1. Barker Road Barker Read wil.l be constructed to a full three-lane arterial staodard fmm Booae Avenue to thc bridge over thc Spokane River. Curbs and sidewallrs will be included. TIB grant received for this pmject. Total Project cost: $3,125,000. City share . $575,000. 2. Barker Road Bridgc This projcet will reconstruct lhe C3arker Road bridge over the Spokane Rivcr. Widening of this hridge is nef:ded hecause development in the area has increased traffic vnlumes. Federal Bridge R.eplacement Grant funds covering 1000/o of the project cost was r+eccivE;d in 2004. TUtal Yrqject Cost: $8,1 00,000 City share: $0. 3. Pines/Mansficld Project This is a jAint project between the City, the Washington Dept. af':I"ransportalion, the Tr~nsportation Improvement Roard, the Federal Highway Administration, and private developers. Ic witl move the signal at westbound on- and off-ramps to the MansCeld ` Intersection reducing congestion on Pines Road. °I"he project will reconstruct the ; west:bound on-ramp aligning it with indiana to the east, This will close the acce&s to Monl:gomery Road, whieh will end in a cul-de-sac. The westbaund off-ramp will be connected to lndiana Avenue. Consiructian is scheduled for 2006. Cost $4,530,000. City sharc $40,000. , 4. Appleway .131vd. Recnnstruct Appleway Blvd. to five lanes with curhs and sidewalks from `Cschirley Rnad to Hodgf;s Rvad. Cost $3,200,000. City share $433,000. 5. Montgomcry Road Inlay Grind the existing pavement and ovcrlay with asphalt concrete. Cost $471,000. City Share $0. b. Mission Avenue Sidewalk ProjeCt Cdnstruct coDCrete sidewalks along Missian Avenue fmm Argonne Road to University Ruad. Cost $417,000. City Share $56,000. 7. Sullivan Road North Eztensinn Extend Sullivan Road north of Welle„tiley Avcnue to the City limit with a 5-lane arterial. "Ihis project is as a part of the Spokane County's 13igelow Gulch Road project and will be constructed hy the County. Total project cost: $60,000. City share: $60,000. Pmjocts and timefrsmes identificd ia the 7TI' are to he c+msidered egimatm anly that may change duc to a varieiy of cucurnsrancts, und are naa inteacled by thc City to bc relial upoa by propcRy owncrs or iCcvelopas in mskiV, deveJopmeni dccisions. . 8. Valley Cuuplet - Project 2 Construct a one-way street from LJniversity Road to Evergeen Road. This will be a 3-lane urban arterial witfi sidewalks and bikc lanes. This projcct is paitially fundcd. A $4.2 million grant was securetl from the TIB. WSDO`I' has prcamised funding to cover half the cost of the Pines FtoadlAppleway BIvd. concrete intersection and signals. 11ederal funds will be sought to cover part of the eurrE.•nt city match requiremcnt. Program is to begin PE in 2006 with WW and construction in 2008 and 2009. Total project cost: $10,233,040. City share: $1,721,000. 9. Evergreen Road ' Reconstnict t~vergrecn Road from 32n~ Avenue to 1 C'h Avenue to a three-lane urban section. Cvst $2,500,400. City share $500,000. 10. 1'ark ltoad Gradc Scparation - BTV 'I'his project is part of the E3ridging the Valley program and will construct a bridge to take vehicle traffc ovcr the BNSF tracks at'Crent Avenue. The County has applied for funding through the Freighl Mobility $trategic Investment Baard (FMSIB). However, it has not risen high enough on theu list to be aciually funded. We would anticipate that the BNSF; TTB, and possibly WSDO"1" could be funding partriers with tlle City on this project. Cost to be determined,by S:RTC. City share un.known. 11. University Road Inlay #1 . Grind the ezistinb pavement and overtay with asph. alt evncrete from Disliman-Mica Road to 15th Avenue. Cost: $653,000 City Cost: $ 88,000. 12. University Road Inlay #2 Grind lhe exisling paveinent aiad overlay with dsphalt cvncrete from 15t` Avenue to . 401 Avenue. CAst: $353,000 City Cast: $ 47,000. • 13. }3rnadway Road Inlay ' Grind the existing pavcmenl and overlay with asphalt concrcte frCim 1-90 BB on-ramp _ to Park Road. Cost: $169,000 City Cost: $ 23,000. 14. Barker Road Rcconstruct Barkcr Road fram the Spokane Rivcr to Euclid Avenue. The scction will be three lancs wide with curbs and sidewalk and cost appmximately $1,287,000. City share $172,000. 15. Sullivan Road West Bridge Reconstruct the west bridge over the Spokane River. This bricige would widen lo accommodate traff'ic turning west onto Tndiana Avenue. Cost $8,000,000. City share $4. Pmjed.5 and tuncfmmes plcntificd in the T[P are tn be wnsicknxl rstrmufes ciady ftt msy ctwige due to a vuriery otcireum5tsnces, anrl ura nqt intendod by t!u City to be relieJ upon by property owncrs or developers io makuig cGevclopment dccisimg. 16. Flora Road This project will construct Flora Road to a th.ree-lanc section from Sprague Avcnue to 11Rission Avenue. Cost $2,500,000. This project is not funded. City share $388,000. 17. Rarker Road Rchabilitation Reconstruct the roadway to a two-lane arterial designed to be widened at a later date - to a standard three-lane urban arterial. Cost: $643,000 Cost: $$7,000. 18. Valley Coaplet-Project 3 Construct a one-way street from Evergreen Road ta Tschirley Itoad. This will be the same width and number of lanes as the cxisCing Appleway Blvd. between University and Evergreen. This project wili complete the couplet project. Pmject cost: $3,300,000. City share $489,000. 1.9. 8th Avcnue This projeet will widen 8h Ave;nue fmm Havana to Park. Road to an urban 3-lane section with curb, gutter, sidewalks and bike lanes. This pmjcc;t wil) be coordinated with SRTC's Snuthside Transportation Study. Total pmject cost: $4,780,000. City share: $643,000. 20. Bowdis6ltoad , Canstruci a three-lane urhan arterial with curbs ancl sidewalks from 32d Avenue to 81h Avenue. Cost appmximately $2,980,000. City share $598,000. 21. I3arker Road This projcct proposed to construct Aarker Road to a duce-1:3ne section Gom lith Avenue to Broadway Avenue. Cost $3,053,000. City share $413,000. 22. Park Road -!'roject #2 This prnject would reccrostruct Par1c Road f.rom Broadway Avenue to Indiana Avenue. This wil) be a fivc-lane arterial with curbs and sidewalks linking 13roadway Avenuc to the new averpass at the F3NSN traGks and 'I rf;nt Avenue. Cost: $ 2,175,000 City cast: $543,000. 23. Park Road - Projcct #3 'Ifiis project proposes to reeonstruct Park Avenue from Sprague Avcnue to Broadway Avenue tn a five-lane standarci sfreet. This includes rt;placing the railroad bridgc just north oFSprague Avenue. Cost: $130,000 City cost: $1,477,000. 24. 32Rd Avenue ' R.econstruct 32°d Avenue from SR 27 to Best Road (City limits). This road would be a • three-lane arterial with curbs and sidewalks connecting to a County project at Best Road that will cvntinue the improvement to Sullivan Raad. Cost: $592,000 City cost: $80,000. F'rujerAs and timeCramet idenlifral in the'111' are to De convedercd esdnvltes only thzi mAy chaage duc to avy►riety of circum.qtnnoeg, and ere not inmidcd by Ihe City to be relied opon by propeaty oxmers or dcvelupers m msking deveJopmeM dccisioas. 25. Sullivan Road Recanslrucf Co seven lanes from I3uclid Avenuc to Wellesley Avenue. Widen bridges aY the. BNSF, and SR 2510 (Trent). Cost: $1,321,000 City cost: W7,000. 26. Euclid Avenue/Fiora .Road `I'his project is proposed to roconstruct and pmvide a 2-(ane, sbouldered arterial An Euclid Avcnue from Ftora Road to Barker Road and on Flora Road from.Fuclid Road on the west to Euclid Road on the ea.st. Cast: $600,000 City c;cwst: $600,000. • . i Projaets onct timefrarnav iclsatified 'm the'ITP ore to hc cansideted e:stimates wity t6at may ch:ucge duc u► a varicry of c'ucutusinnces, und are not _ intendod try thc Ciry m be rel'eod upun hy pmpcrcy owners or developers in making devclopmcnt dccisions. City of Spolcene Vailey Department of Public Works Six-Year TrAnsportation lmprovement Program D'RAFT 2006 . ZO„ (Dollars m tnousemee) 2006 item N Project fram h> Prtimry Sourcc City Acnquu AmoLmt t PineslMaraticttl Wllbur Road Pines Road TPP 13 3,429 Pines 8 Mdiana West bound on ramp 2 Barku Road BridSe @ Spokane Rhrer 95503 BR 393 9 9at%= Rn Raonswu - eoone tn spwkanc goone Spaka►ee Rhrer Bridge AtP 17 or 4 applaway Road Tschirley Road NOCtg0312oed STPN1 259 1,919 5 valloy Cortidor - ProJea 2 UldvEtfsily Rd EvetQtEen Rd TPp 785 1.106 University Rd EvErgrettn Rd 8 Sutti%ran Poa0 NWN bc[ertsion (Bigelow Gulch) Ci(y 5 8 10 6AOging tne vnuor• PaAc RaaW pISF Greda Indiana Avenue Momgomery Rve. Other z,aso 11 4lonfgarrory avanuo IrAay 02 AlgoMe Road Uftivflr&ily Ro2d OthPA 471 12 Mfssfon Avemie $itllwalk Rojoci Mh,llan Road Unhrersity Road Other 58 a» 1.136 10.287 2007 Itc[n d Projccc fram ti) Prnnnry Smaoc Ciry Amanmt Amotmt 2 EarWor 4oaa endpe C Spok£tRe River 95503 8R 3.675 4 Rppleway Road Tsdfirtey Road Hodges Road STP(U) 103 785 , s vcnoy Caridor - vro)ea z lfiivefsity Rd Evargroen Rd TPP gqp eao UnivorsHy Rd Evergreen Rd 8 9ulSven Road NorU'i Extrnsion (9lqolow Guld) City 1 1 10 pidginQ ihe Velley- Psik Road18NSF Grndo tndtana Avcnuo Montgomery Ave. Other 7,047 93 Evergrxn rtooa 32nd Avenue 16th Avenuo AIP 50 250 ta Swuvan Roea wesf enage @ Spokano River 94511-S BR 435 15 Mancar Romd -&h ro Broaa.ay avenue gph Avenue BmadNay Av¢nue TPP 70 g» 1.084 13,630 2008 ; I[mi M Nect from to Primary Soiacc (Sty Amwm! Amouni 2 fiarker Road erfoge @ Spokane River 55503 BR 3,875 5 vaney Ctrrienr - nrojx.r 2 Unsvefsily Rd Evergreen Rd TPP 4.e28 University Rd Evergreen Rd 8 Sullivan Road NoM Ex1Cenian (8ignlonv OLE-r,h1 Gj(y yq 64 i LbiNeMlr Road bftv N I Dishman-Mics Road 1 S1h Avenue S7P(U) 88 ~ 9 Unlveralty Road tnlay 02 15th Avenue 4Yh Aaenue STP(1) 47 ~ 9 eroadwaj avcnuo lnrnY 1-90 EB ramp Patk Road S7P(U) 23 1e9 I0 6ridqinp Me Wllor- PBik RaaN BNSF Grndn tndrana Avenuo Montgomoay Ave. Ckher 5,290 13 Evargreen rsa3a 32nd AvaninB 16th Avenue A!P 310 1.-40 14 Sullir~n Road Nfast BrdUgo @ SpQlcane River 04511S BR 5,783 15 Btnker Road - 8Ui W Oroaftvy Avenuo 8[h Avenue &oadway Avenue 7'PP 142 1•06D 18 Flo.n Road Sprague Av pdission Av TPP 27 I-IM. 17 Baftr Road - SpaOtane RMer m EutliA Avamie Sp0ltSlte R(VEl EuGid Avenue STP(U) tig 140 19 Betker Road RehaEilitatian Euclid Avenua SR290 (Trent Ave.) S7P(u) 87 saa 2S nN AYC1tUD RCLIITSt"UCLGfl Havans Streel Park Road STP(U) 96 714 892 23.106 . ~ f'mjects and tinwCrumes identificd in the'I1P nre to be oonsidered estimates anly that may chenge due tu u vuricty ofciTcamstrmces, and aae not intcnded by tLe City tq be rrJicd opon by property owners or dc•clopers in making devetopment deci.sians. Funded Projecis Added Projects Rescheduled Pro;ects 1 02-lun-05 City of Spokane VAlley Departrnent of Public Works DRAFT Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 - 2011 (DoUero In Noueantle) . . 2009 Gcm ff Prajcct from m Primery Swrca G1ty Amount /maaM 5 vouay Corriaor- ProJea z Untversily Rd Evergrcan Rd TPP 3.217 University Rd EvergrEen Rd 13 liwrgrucn Road 32nd Avenue 188h Avenue AIP 500 2,900 14 Sulliwn Road West Bridpo @ SpOlk'1rtO RivGf 94511$ BR 3,026 16 amncn Road . etn eo erasoray nveir,e gth qvenue Broadwmy Avenue TPP 271 2,003 ie FaaeROaa SpragueAv AifrssianAv l'PP 108 eoo n Bailter R09E • Spokane R'roW l0 Eutlid ArCltuc SppkAll@ RIYef Eudid Avenue S7PN1 25 '181) 1e vmrar camaa -"a 3 EvargrQen Road Appleway Road STP(U) 80 274 20 Bowdish Road 32red Avenue 8th Avenue /UP 242 1,200 21 PmkRoud BroadMayAv IndianaAv AIP 73 3m 23 32na Averwe SR 27 Best Raed STP(u) 29 213 25 $th AvCnUC ReCCnShy[COn Havan9 St2et Park Road STP(U) 57 423 Ze Fark Rcao ftlea r,3 SpR3gtte Avenuo Broaclw-ay Avnnuo STP(U) 52 600 1.437 14,7E7 2010 Item !1 Ptqjoct fram to Ptimary Source Ciry Amoamt Mxau!d ia swnvan Roed wust efirgo (83 Spokane River 94511S BR 757 10 Frora floed 5prague Av Misseon Av TPP 203 1,500 17 eee:er Road - spnkane Rivar to cuaia avenue Spokane Rlver Euddd AMenue S'CP(U) 129 ese 19 vdlar Corrodar - Prolaa a EvqgrCCn Road Appl(3vray Road STP(u) 202 1,408 zo Baudlsn Road 32nd AvenLce 8th Avenue AIP 428 2,128 21 Perk Road B►a9dway Av Irtdlana Av AIP 178 eeo 27 Hudid Rdl Florn Ra Flpta Road Ba7ker Road CRy $o GD EucJ'id Road EudW Road 29 32nd Avcnua SR 27 BG2t F20atl S7P(U) 80 582 24 S+mivan Roed EudEd Avttnue WeQB^o18y Avenue TPP 93 328 25 8~ A•renwe Remn.wma, Havana Street Park Road STP(U) 481 3,640 26 Pwc Roea qrojeu 03 SPraguo Averwe BroaAway Avenue STP(U) 130 1,477 1.882 13,818 2011 Itan 9 P[ojtct fionl tu Prim3ry Sauroe City Antmm! Ilmotmt se vauey c.onidur. Pfcjed 3 Evergreen Road Applaway Road STP(U) 312 2,307 so OoMCILh RpM 32nd Avenuo 8th Aronvo AIP 644 3,219 zi Park Road Broadxay Av Indiana Av AIP 292 1.060 zz Eurna nm Fiorn Ra Fbra Road Barker Road Ciry 550 560 EuG1d RoM EutfoO Road 23 32rM Auenue SR 27 $est Road STP(U) gp 867 24 SNllvan Road EuG3d Avenue WeUesley Avenue TPP 374 em 26 Pflfh Road Ptopett e3 SPrague Avenve BroadNay Averyue S'PP(U) 133 1,e97 2.395 10,635 Pru}ects and timefrarnm idrntified in thc'i'IP are to bc considcred estinmtas only that ntny chunbe clue In ~%mriety ofcirzumstnncp, and ere nut intendod by fhe City to be relied upon by property owuers or deveJopers in making devcJopment decisioos. Funded Projects Added Pro)ects Rescheduled Projects 2 02-Jun-05 S ~n ~ p Val ey City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works D raft 2006 - 2011 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 Annual Construction Program . G~..OSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS Functlonal Claeafflcation: Environmentelly Related 13 Other Fed- Other federal fiends. Rural; Bridge Program Speclal 14 M- Surfaoe Traneportatfon Program. IndMldual (unds 7 AdAJor Collectar Transit Capital Projecl 21 are designaEed by the tatfers tn perenthesis that follow 8 Mlnor Coltector Transit Operational PraJect 22 ihe initlals 'STP°: Urban: AcceSS Transii Planning 23 (U) llrban Improvements (R) Rural improvements 14 Principal Transit traininglAdm(n 24 (C) Compe!(tive fundin0 16 Mlnor Non-Capital Improvo. 31 (E) Enhancement fmprovement 17 Co[lector Non MotoT VehEcle 32 (S) Sefety improvements 18 ACt7B93 C0: Program Item Number. A nurrber assignad tor Box is checked if the proJect Iles wlthin ths Carbon Stuto aselstance: TPP, AIP, and PSh7P are tracktng purposes A7onoxEde non-attalnrtsenE area admfnEstered by ihe Transportatlon Improvement . Board. Ipl'• Trensportation Partnership Pragram Work Mothod: Fund Status: AJE- Arterlal lmprovement Program C- Indicaies work Es to be done by oontract S- Project Is subJect t4 funding selection PSMP: Pedestrian Satery PAo411iry Program D- InQiCates vrork to be done by City tOrces. P. AroJect Is Itsted far planning purposes only Other State- Othor stale funds N- Indica;fls a non-capital pro)ect. Utll Coda: Envlronmental: UUllifes that would be Impactsd by the pialect: S-SigNOcant Impacts under SEPA antklpated C Ceble N I-InsiBnlfiqnt Environmeniel Impacl antkipated G Ges 0 Other Work Typfls: P Povrer • S Searer Nex constructfon 01 T Telephone Relocation 02 w VJater Reoonslruction 03 hta)ar U17deMng p4 Minar th11dening 05 Funding Sourcea: Othor Enhancements a8 Federal aeelstance: These funds are authorized under New Brfdge Consl a8 the Transportation Equtty Act for the 21'~ Century (TEA- 21) and are admintstered by the Federal Highway Bridge Replacement 09 AdrtsinislratEun through the Washingtan StaFe Bradge Rehebtlitatbon 10 Department o! Transpartatlon and the Metropolttan Minor Bridpe Rehab 11 PlannlnA Organlzatian (SRTC). SafetylTraffic OperITSM 12 ffl- Brbdge replacement projects CMAQ- Congestlon Management and Afr Qualiry lii Draft 2006 - 2011 Six Year ►+eoring aete: ,daal,n oa,s: S~~ Q En•~. Assesa, Date Resduflen No,; ~~l1~, Transportation Improvement Program flolluru In thouaenaa Fund In g ProjecU Road Namae! DeacriptloN Current Statue LanOth PE RW CN Totel Sourcas 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 1 P~es/Mp~field 0 0 3,429 3,428 Glty 13 13 1Aanefletd Ava N'dbur Road Pines Roatl 0,00 CMnO 1,15p 5,180 Fines Rd Pinos 8 Irodleno Weat Dovnd on remp t 0.06 Oiher 1,01 i 1,011 Th(e projett wiY reconflguro 1Ssa WB remps ai I-S8 et SA.27. It will elso . Oihor 5ta?e gg 28 widon end reconstruct A9ana11eIE Avo. tram NSibur a2d. to 8R27 to a 94ene T,P 11,2117 1,217 madway wilh curb, 8uttar and aidaNelk. _ Deet9nlnB ProJect Tciel 3,428 3,428 2 BerkerPtcsd Brfdpo 348 46 7,350 7,743 BR 393 3,875 3,675 7,743 8arlcer Roed ~ Spokene Rhrer 05503 0.10 Replace GrldBe averlhe Spokene Rhret. Des(pning 8 wlll purcPiase righ!-oMvey ProJeu 7ato1 3B3 3,875 3,975 7,7y3 , 3 Berhar Rd Reaanalrtrc2 - 8oane to Spokane River 0 0 87 97 AIa 74 74 Bar4cer Rosd 8oone Spakene Rivor Bridge 0.89 Citj 17 » O!her g 5 Reoonatruct to e tovtdene artbed Crtcria! Nith cmtet-tum lene, constvct a PCC Intet9tcUan at M,Isslon Avonue. aosigning Prqae! 7Qic1 97 ProJor,ta and Ilmahamua IdantlSeC Irt tho TIP ere to Ce cmaldered eeUmaboa onty Ihet mey chenpa tlue to a varlaiy ot crcumnlanooa, enC ere not FntenaaC by tha Cdfy to be rellad upon IIy propeAy awr,ere or tlevelnyara In ma:Mp tlovalayment aedelme. BJ8~20Q8 . A7 Draft 2006 - 2011 Six Year HasrinpDete: Adcytlonpe;a: Sc~}Vl~ne Env. Aswes. Qata ReaoltfJon No.: • ~~1l~, Transportation Improvement Program Dollars trn Noussntls Funding ProjecV Road Namas! DescriptlonJ Cument Status LenBth PE RW CN Total Sourcea 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1011 Total 4 Applaway Road 0 133 2,451 2,864 CitY 289 103 382 Appleway Road Tschiiey Road NodOes Road 1.28 6TPN1 1.660 882 2,322 ReconatneG to e five-tane urben orleAol Dosigning 8 will pvrchase ripht-of-way ' ProJect Totel 1,818 785 Z,gEq 5 VeDey Gorrttlot - Projcct 2 ' 548 1,400 8,043 9,939 Clry 785 840 1,825 2nd Avonue Univef6ity Rd =vargrean Rd 2.02 Other State 282 188 470 Spregue Ave Universiry Rd Everpreon Rd 2.02 5fF(u) 321 2,018 1,345 3,684 Cona'ruct multi-lene (adltfij vA!h curbs ond eidowatks. Romave islands on T7P 2,Sc^b 1,654 4,210 Spregue Avenua ond res:rtpo. OoEq onv2ronmentel atudy ProCOa Total 1,10-S 940 4,828 3,217 9,989 6 Sulliven Road NorN Extcr,sion (Bigefow Gulch) 4 2 54 60 Clly 5 1 Sq BO Reconatnxf and wfden tho SuRivan Road axtensbon north olao knaon as Bigelow Gudch Road co e 4-lane rond-Nay with Bdooi shovldars end a 12- toot tvro way loR tum lane. Seekin8 funding Projen TeW1 g ti gq BO Projoets and Itmetremee itlen g.tad In tho Tlp arn to be eon9Aorai astlmcaa oKy thni mey ehen„e due .o a veAoy ot dreun-menwu, and ere nol inlnn9eE Ey tho Clry to be rellea upen Dy proparty owrera or dsrelopero tn mc4ing dow:opment dedslme. 818720@8 A2 . . , Draft 2006 - 2011 Six Year HoorinpDetn: IldoptfonDe!e: S"o`kane Env. Aesens, Oa[e Resolulicn No.: ~W1~, Transportation Improvement Program Dollers 6n Mousnnda F und I ng Projectl Road Namea! Ooacriptlonf Current Status Lsngth PE RW CN Totel Sources 2008 2007 2008 2009 1010 2011 Totel 7 Univorsily Road Inlay #1 24 0 826 853 Clty 585 UnNersfty Rd Dtshmon•Mfca Raad 151h Avenue 1.28 6TP(V) 565 GAnd and pave with 2 Unches ot osphali canaete pove7nenl. .••°-------".653 aca6gninA Freq 653 Totel 8 UNvcraity Raed Irtloy 02 25 0 328 983 CGy 47 47 Universiry Rd 15th Avenua 41h Avenuo 0.89 9YP{U) 306 3m Gfirvd and peve wlth 2 fnches at aaphelt cancrete pavemenl. 333....•.---------.................. Oasipning ProJect Totel 353 9 3roedway Avenue Inloy 12 0 $57 189 Citl yg 23 Broadway Avenue I-90 EB ramp Fark RoaQ 0.34 STP(U) 148 148 GAnd end inley with 2lnche9 of oaphe8 conueto pevemenl '189.....----------•..... _....188 Dastgning Pro )ecl Totel PraJoCa entl tlmeframon tCenr.Cintl in 0e TIP ere ho Do wncWeratl nst'matae only thcl T.uy chanp Cuo to a vaAery cd dreunstencea, and are net Imondetl Dy Iho Clty to de reltod upon by propn ,ry vwners of dewlopere trf maklrta develaQment doclslone. 618fYQOS ' A3 Draft 2006 - 2011 Six Year HaeAnp+~ata ~ P~aopdonDete: S~o~e EfIV. AbBBS9. D81B Roaalutlon tta.: ~~~e3, Transportation Improvement Program OaQ,ire In thouseima Fu n ding ProJecU Road Nemes/ Doacrlptionf Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 10 Bridping the Valley Park Roed/ BNSF Grada SeD 1,400 2,200 10,593 14,783 Othar 123 352 255 740 ' Pork Road Intllana Avoave Idontgomery Ave. 0.20 Olhafcd 2.244 6,343 4,766 13,313 OtherStals 123 352 285 740 Reoorsafruct Fark Road co sspornte tho predes of Pertc Road anC the BNSF Tpp 0 a ra0raad trecka, DCBiOnin9 Peo)e,t7olel 2,450 7,097 ~5;298 14,783 11 MontSameryAvenue Inlay p2 47 0 424 471 Ctfter 471 079 Montgcmery Av Argonne Rcad Un'rvoaafty Roea 1.05 Grtnd end repave wi13s 2" o( esphelt concreta pavemCll ..............°°-.....••-°-------...---.......•-----...471. . Project 7a.61 671 12 N.Isslon Avcnuo Sideorelk ProJect 20 25 372 417 Cfty 55 $8 Mission Ave IdVJlen Roed Uctlvereity Rcad 0.94 Othor 381 381 Conatruci curb end sfdrira►k on both sides of tfie streeL Deaf BnLi9 Prq;saYOlel 417 417 ProfeCa e,ad ;kn.otramrta ICen111iea iti Ihe Tt? oro tn ao ooneldere0 astlnm6an onty thc1 may chenqe Oue 19 e veftery cd dr:ums;ancos, and oro rqt Imentled Dy the CICj to be ralletl upon bj propcrty ownwa or tlevelopere In makirtp doroloGrnem dedclona. 8fEf2G06 A4 ,7s~ p Draft 2006 - 2011 Six Year HeeAnpOAlo; AdqOLon0ata ~ Dale Rnsoluflon No.: ►S~dJ~l,n4 Transportation Eriv, Aaasas. %U~, Improvement Program Ootlere in choueanda Fu ndin g ProjecU Road Name91 DescrlpUoN Current Stetua Length PE RW CN Tolal Sourca9 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Totai 13 Evergreen Raad 300 1,000 3,000 4,300 AIP 200 1,240 2,000 3,440 Evergroun Rd 32nd Avcruo 18th Avenue 9.00 Clty 50 310 600 880 Reconstruct end wiQan io thres lanos Seektngiunding ProjoGTatal 250 1,550 2,600 4,300 14 Sullivan RcaO 4\bat Brldge 400 JS 7,568 8,001 BR 438 3,783 3,028 757 8,001 Sulllvan Roed ~ Spokene Rhrer 94511-5 0.22 Rewnstruct prtd widen wast brfdge - B..,ODi.. 15 Borker Roed - Bth to $rpadway Avenuo ' 167 1,490 2,003 3,570 Clry 70 142 271 483 Barker Road B!h Avcnue 6madway Avanue 1.03 TPp 447 908 1,732 3,487 Reoonstruct to a thrao-lene urban oRoriel tram 8th to Applewey. Reoon9tnad to e fouraane ermrial with contar tum lane from Appleazy to Braadway Ave. ' Y1brk plannetl to be81n En 2007 , Pro)acf 7owl 517 1,060 2,003 3,570 Projocts entl Itrnehmmes Idenllfiod M thv TIP are Sn ho cnnaltlered eetLnwpa oM/ thu! may ztyanpa tlue tD u vnrloty of el'cumnianoea, erotl oro rwt IntenQetl by (ho Clty Oo De reUaa upon IIy pra,onAy ownere or tlinelopera In meWng doveloprneM Gedalons. 818/2006 A5 Draft 2006 - 2011 Six Year MaflA~~7ate: AdaptlonDnro: S, N,ane Env. As6ebe. Cate ResalWOn Vo.: '_5~1.~, Transportation Improvement Program I Danere m tncuacnan Funding ProjocU Road Namas/ DeacriptiorJ Current Stetus Length PE aw CN Total Sourcee 2008 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 18 Ftoro Roed 200 800 1,500 2,546 Cuy 27 108 203 330 , r'Iwa Rd SpreQuo Av M,lesion Av 1.00 7pp 173 682 1,287 2,152 ReconsUUCt to a three-lono arteriel. lhbrk plpaned to beAfn in 2000 Wq.ed Tmet 200 B00 1,500 2,500 17 Berker RooQ - Spaknrw RHor to Euclid A+renue 77 251 959 1,287 aty 18 26 129 172 Sarker Roed Spokane River Euclid Avenue 0.58 STP(U) 122 183 830 1,115 Raconatruct to a threa-lene cwbed ertariel Work plenned to hegin In 2008 F7olea Taa1 14D 168 859 1,287 18 Velley CoMdor - Projoct J 543 1,001 2,578 4,080 City BO 202 312 594 Valley Covptet Eveiprccn Road Appleway Road 2.25 STP(V) 194 1,297 1,895 3,488 Construct mulil-lene faCility wlth cvtba and s6dewal?cs. Rerrava islerrds an 9prapuo Awruo end rastripe. ~ Dlanned to begin in 2008 Prqect 7ael 274 1,499 2,307 4,080 Pro{edn end :4r.o.ramoa Idontlftod In !ho TW aro to Co eoneWerod a5l4raiea only Nat mny chengo Cuo lo e vedoty d Gicurnatflncea, nnd ¢ru nut IMOndoO Oy ihe Ctty to Oe rc7ed upen Cy prepory ownera ar de-relapera In cneklrV Caveloprnern dees':ona. 618f2005 , qS / , . j ~ / ~ i ~ Draft 2006 - 2011 Six Year HoarfnpData: Adopcbne7ale: Sp4 Q Em. Aseoaa, aate Raalutlon rb.; ~~d~le~, Transportatlon Improvement Program ' Oauere tntnouaonas Funding ProJocVRoedNameslDescrlpUorUCurrentStatus Langth PE RW CN Total gourcea 2008 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 19 Berker Road RefisblliloElon 48 0 587 803 Clry 87 87 9arker Rd EudPd Avonue SR299 (Tront Ave,) 2,72 STR(U) 558 SSB Rehabilitatian proJett to replace the sWcturel aeeNon wi4h hese and pavirmj, _ ProJe2f ToWI 643 643 20 eo+ndieh Road 459 9,498 4,593 6,555 AIP 484 952 1,28•B 2,624 Bowdish Road 32nd AYenuo 8th Avanua 1,52 City 242 428 844 1,312 S~M 9b2 850 f.287 2,619 Racons?ruct ond widen raodwey to lhroe lanes. . . ' 'Nork p7anflCd to begln In 2008 Pro{'eq Yc1c1 1,208 2,128 8,219 6,555 21 Park Road 140 750 1,825 2.715 AI? 232 712 1,188 2,172 Park Rd Broadway Av Irodfana Av 0,75 Clty 73 178 282 543 Rownstruai and widen to 8ve tanes Wor1c plenned Qo bogfn 6n YOQB ?roJoct Totai 3E5 880 1,460 2,715 ProJecle nnd tlmeRerrtes I;fonitllea h tho 7TD ere !c Co cwsldered eaUmatee onfy thst mey crtan0e duo Co e veAety o} drwna7eneen, and are not fnlcndod Cy Ihe Cify to be rePed upon Dy proporty ovmere or do•relopen In rr.akinp aevelnpmont dedslone. 818/200b A 7 S Draft 2006 - 2011 Six Year Me°rin9flata; AaoptbnOste: EM'. P.BBBbB. ~DBLB Resalutlon tta,: "~kane ~VdilEy Transportation Improvement Program OoUaro fn chouaends Funding ProjecU Road NameaJ Descriptlonf Curnent Stotus Length PE RW CtJ Total gources 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 22 Eutlid Rd! Flora Rd 50 0 550 600 Gity 50 SSO 600 Euzlid Av Fiore Road Borker Road 0.87 Rore Rd Eudtd Road Eu49d Road 0.14 ' Reconatruct W provbde u 3wa lone, a°uouldered aeteriel Work p7enned io begin in 2009 Pmleat ToWI 50 550 600 2332ndAvenue 88 2'94 1,112 1,472 Cl!y 29 BO BO 999 32nd Avemue SR 27 Bast Road 0,48 sTFiu) 184 512 577 1,273 Reoonatrticit and wfden bo Ehrco lanos vAth curhs end eldewatks, ' lhbrk planned to ba01n tn 2008 Pro)ea Totet 213 592 857 1,472 24 Sutpvnn Road 328 835 0 5,281 Clty 83 374 487 Svliivan Road eudid Avenuo Wellestey Awnue 1,00 TPP 233 581 794 Reconntruct to a sovon-teno uriaan erterlel. 'NbPk pl8nnod to begin in 2010 PrqeaTael 328 935 1,281 P70feeb entl ltmahmmas Ic+an1111A0 h 1he TIP nre tc Ce mr.s3]oma ostYnaha only L9et may dichge duo tc u vatioty at ^itcumo:am.ca, orcd aro n:0 Iniontlad Dy me CICy to De rulloG upon Dy DmpeRy wmere or tlevalopare In makinq dweloprneM dadslorte. . 919f2006 A8 ~~s~» Draft 2006 - 2011 Six Year NooylryD$te; AdopGbne7ato: S~llLlll Env. Asaoss. Dnle ResoluJcn No.: - ~~1~, Transportation Improvem~nt Program Dollara in tnousanda Funding ProjecU Road NemesJ DoacrlptloN Current Status Longth PE RW CN Total Sourcee 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2U11 Totel 25 Bth nvonue Reconstruetfon 291 696 3,840 4,777 GIy 88 57 481 644 Bth Avenuo Hevana 8ttcet Purk Raed 0.00 `3TPM 818 388 3,149 4,133 Reconstnrci ft Ave. ho e Ihree-lane sscttort wiU curb, psrtter, aldowa7ka end bike fsnea. • Seekht p;wdin8 Pro;ea 7otal 714 423 3,640 4,777 25 Pnrk Road Projed rR3 544 520 2,541 3,805 Cltj 82 1 30 133 316 Perk Road Spregue Avenua @roedwey Avonue 0.50 Otner 744 } S 13B STPN1 528 1.203 1,349 3,080 ReCOnstruct end widen Eo a standerd throe-lene erterial sUOet wiih Csubs end efdawelke. Seokingtundfng ?roJoctTatol 580 1,477 1,497 3,554 Totel: 6,988 13,736 68,484 88,224 10,297 13,530 23,108 14,787 13,816 10,635 °rq!ecte end timeiremoa IdenG..~ad In Iho TIP ere In bo coneldarod eellmatoe only G'ict mey ehongo d+ue Eo o vaAety o} dreumslencos, en8 oro nat in!nnded Oy the Ctty Eo be rellad upon by avperty ov`nora or dnvmopar9 in mc:Mp tlovelopment docstann, 8l812006 A9 Draft 2006 - 2011 SIx Year HaairgOaW; Aftp11zn4Jate: S~`Q Q j~ley Transportation Improvement Program Env_ Aseese. Dats Reao!utlon No.: DWara In thouwnda Funding ProjecV Roed Nemesl Deacriptfonl Current Stetua Length PE RW CN Totnl gourcoa 2006 2607 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total : $t:x•Year Trananort tlon Imorovoment Proarnm Totala rior Fetleral State OtDer Ciry 200a 5,738 1,442 1,972 1.135 , 2007 11,119 94o 362 1,084 ' . 2008 18,556 6,394 285 892 2008 0,268 7,072 1,437 2010 6,888 3,094 144 1,882 , 2011 5,208 3.017 Ig 2,396 ~ " " " " " ProJec2e en0 fimefrcrnee Idertttfled fn Ue TIP ere lo be cancicorcd actlmc:ae art}j thal may ct.ango due Eo a varin.y ot drwmetancaa, and aro not Fntonded by the Clty to be relled upon by property ownere or Oevebpere h meft aevebpment tledelone. . 8l8/200E aIo ~oI~~i~ Mi _ ~ ~ ~ ~ II cr T~~,t . . q~► ~ f - 1 ~ ~ I ~ - 'r~1' I I . p . ~ XiiI: FumY u~~ ~ I ~I'~Ld1 ~d8~ I I II.. f.• li? ~d 5 ~a t'EudW w 4 o I~-fir~od ► V} S. I ~3 ~7~ ."1: - 1~ 1 X~ la _4~, r _ J- uunf~rM1rt■ I . ~ ~ ~ ~T .BarkerRum! ~ 1,`~' m E . ~ r ,~,a;` ~=1' - Y ~ ~ _ - I 1 • ~ j,y , ~ . • - 4d ~ ~ ~ ~1 } h~~i ~7 }4 ,a,v,~h.y'' n • ~ ' ~~~~/~►J ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ PIF~ = - I ~ ~#~I ,,I . Grktg&l a~ ; ttt~rr _ g,t~j,'~_ia l•, IY+FF ~ ~ ~ aak=F - € Yh~1~ne@.eld r.k SulVvan Raad _-I_ '8anLOr Rctnd , , g v 1Araa#8rld I ~ ~ , I E,T,11. ~ P~k R~ . ~ . ~ , ~ ~ ~an'CQ6me+1+1kW6ri1 . ~-t itvwesa I rk ~ 99~er R~ted r w+- ~Inla M2 . , I ~ rl Boona to ne fll~r I-~-'?-~rmi L IW"'• ~ - , ~ - - - - - - - , ~ I~ I~ I ~ - l~i ~ _ ~ ~ - - - i ~i madw Averfue Cn 6 wtewelk ~ , . . , j3 ~ i~~ - Ff~ Ra~sd~~ T ,x.r..~.. ~j Vs~~ I I " ~ 2 y_ 8arter Road - , - - bff~ la 8rasdw~a _ R~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ nUlz ~ r_ ` ~ r~~fG~~9~h - am Z - 7~ I ' . :e -I I 1~ j , 1~ m ~T ~ ° Un~re[W~ RCm ~1 in1~ Rn■d , a i'~~ ~ r~`~y~ ~1;I Ave~ve I Li 9owdl~h ~_i,.Y` L r T ~ ~ w 32r "~r t 4 `I _j ~I: XL~ ~ ~fl~F61~ RAIC~ ' C~ 1'v, ;~~-I6' u`..srT r. r~ny:~ j" -4~~ •1{~ 4, ,000 8,000 32nd Aven ~~~u ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ I~ Feet ~ T r~~ FI -~~m ~ I~ ~z',r+Rrt1"' I~qmmmn~ ~ I I~ . iLL7n ~~7+Y~~r ~ I I ~ , ~ T I F~~ I . ~ i ; i ~ I cfYY OF SPOKANE v►a~„LE~r ~ ~ - i ~ ~ ■ , - i f~ ~ ~ DRAFT SIlt YEAR T.I.P. 4W_ r7n n ~FV06° 2V11 2006 r~ ~~+4~"~'•`-,'i 2007 . ~ , ~q~~ ~ f~•+r_~`~ ~ I~ Ii 20D$ F t ~ 20- - f Q9 201Y ~~11 ' i• ~ Y" I fr ~ ~ ' ~ '{t ~r ~S,~~ ~ I, . _ ' ' I ~ 1al1ry~,{* e "`s' - .i.- 2011 ~ , - ' CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ ~Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 14, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business X public hearing information admin. repoR ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Spokane Valley Appeal numbers APP 01-05 and APP 02-05, Closed Record Hearing GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 10.35 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On April 12, 2005, set closed record public hearing for June 14, 2005. ' BACKGROUND: Land owner Dennis Crapo sought approval for a rezone and PUD from the City. Hearing Examiner Dempsey approved the rezone, but denied the PUD. Mr. Crapo, through his representative, Todd Whipple of Whipple Consulting Engineers, appealed the denial of the PUD. That appeal is APP 02-05 Adjacent property owners Hormel and Tabbert appealed Mr. Dempsey's decision to rezone the property. That appeal is APP 01-05. As the Council recalls, zoning decisions (which includes PUD decisions) by the HE are final unless appealed to the Council, at which point the decision acts as a recommendation. The Council must hold a closed record hearing to hear the arguments of the parties. The Council, having heard those arguments (including written briefs) and considered the written record, may begin deliberations the same evening, or may take it under advisement. ;J After deliberation, the Council should render an oral decision, whether the same night as the closed record hearing on at a later scheduled time. Council should direct staff to prepare a written decision to be considered at a future Council meeting. OPTIONS; The Council has the option of adopting the recommendation of the HE, changing the decision, or remanding it back to the HE for further action. . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS:. , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 6-14-05 ' City Manager Sign-off_ Item: Check all that apply: x cansent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information - ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vauchees: BACKGROUND: VOUCf-IER LIST voucFtrR ToTAL DATE Number(s) VOUCHER AMOUNT . 05-20-2005 68546872 1,213,659.96 05-31-2005 6873-6915 391,474.49 06-03-2005 6928-6956 88,364.03 GRAND TOTAL 1,693,498.48 . .RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mary Baslington ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists i vchltst Voucher List . Page: 1 0610312005 2:51:33PM Spokane Valley . eank code : apbank . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescripUoNAccount Amount 6928 6/312005 000030 AViSTA UTILITIES 170086665 STREET POWER UGHTIN6 CHARC 5.75 490086655 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 11.50 ' . Total : 17.25 6929 6/3/2005 000168 B 8 C TELEPHONE INC. 95396 'fELEPHONE REPAIR & LABOR 159.50 Tota) : 159.50 6930 6/3/2005 000452 CLEARWATER. RESEARCH INC. 05-391-01 SPOKANE VALLEY CABLE SURVE~ 4,250.00 Total : 4,260.00 6931 6/312005 000328 CONSOLIDATEO IRRIGATION DIST, #19 05859.0 WATER CHARGES , 131.77 11534.2 WATER CHARGES . 20_77 Total : 152.54 6932 613/2005 000686 DEPARTMENT OF IICE.NSING 06103105 DOL Cash CASH TRANSMITTAL TO DOL 28.00 Total : 28.00 8933 6/3/2005 000753 DUPREE BUILDING SPECIALTIES 00463141N 40507 CENTERPLACE SHELVING UNITS 4,865.50 Total : 4,665.50 6934 6/3/2005 040246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 02051000 WATER CHARGES 307.80 Total : 307.80 6935 8/3/2005 000106 FEDEX 3-850-329G5 SHIPPING CHARGES 53.16 - Total : 53.16 6936 6f312005 000410 GRIFFIN PUBLISHING INC. 5825 SENIOR CENTER NEWSLETTERS ! 403.35 Total: 403.35 '6937 6/3J2005 000778 GUEST SERVICES, NAT'L EMERG. TRAR 06/01/05 Meal Ticket MEAL TICKET FOR WEEK SEMINAF 90.00 Tobl : 80.00 6938 613J2005 000777 HOfME RUN CONSTRUCTION 05/23/05 Refund REFUND BOND ON SWALE 1,000.00 . ' , Total : 1,000.00 6939 61312005 000070 INLAND POWER AND LIGHT CO 94202-002 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 34.26 94202-003 STREET PQWER LIGHTING CHARC 48.11 • Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 06103/2005 2:51:33PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount . Atnount 6939 613/2005 000070 INI.AND POWER AND LIGHT CO (Continued) 84202-005 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 115.31 • 94202-006 STREET POVWER UGHTING CHARG 180.00 Total : 377.68 6840 613/2005 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING 26213 ADVERTISING 28.50 , 26214 ADVERTISING 111.00 • 26215 ' ADVERTISING 100.50 ' 26216 ADVERTISING 106.50 31389 DISPLAY ADVERTISING 60.00 32490 , DISPLAY ADVERTISING 315.00 32924 DISPLAY ADVERTISING 315.00 Total : 1,036.50 6941 6f3/2005 000696 MITEL NETWORKS, INC. 92264660 40532 DIGITAL UNE CARD-12CCT 950.61 Total : 950.61 6942 6l'3/2005 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER COMPANY 05126l05 Madem STREET LIGHTING POWER1V11ATEF 9,035.76 Total : 9,035.76 6943 6/312005 000652 OFFICE DEPOT 289979472-001 . 40522 OFFICE SUPPLIES 75.69 ' 290094978-001 CREDIT OFFICE SUPPLIES -43.52 290112937-001 40527 OFFICE SUPPLIES 679.10 40527 230114280-001 CREDIT OFFICE SUPPUES • -49.98 290114282-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9126 290121624-001 44528 OFFICE SUPPLIES 200.45 290512263-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 19.51 290668342-0D1 40534 OFFICE SUPPLIES 535.37 Total : 1,507.88 6944 6/3/2005 000578 OLIVER, REAGAN 05131/05 Refund REFUND DAY CAMP FEES 178.00 ' Total: 178.00 6945 613/2005 000691 OLSTEN 61553737 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 464.00 ' Total : 464.00 6946 6/312005 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERVICES 1,787 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 565.60 • e: 2 ~ _ vchlist - ~ Vo cner List ~J Page: 3 0610312005 2:51:33PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Involce PO il DescriptioNAccount Amount 6946 6J3/2005 000494 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERVICES (Contlnued) Total : 565.60 6947. 6/3/2005 OOQ041 PROTHMAN COMPAfdY 2005-298 CITY ATTORNEY SEARCH EXPENS 283.93 Total : 283.93 6948 6!3/2005 000415 ROSAUERS U-CITY 481244 MEETING SUPPLIES 2.38 577854 COMMUNITY MEETING SUPPGES 60.36 Total : 62.74 6949 602005 000324 SCWD #3 170-0040-03 ' WATER CHARGES 36.92 Toiai : 36.92 6950 6l3/2005 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE 1248020 MONTHLY CONTRACT PAYMENT 43,276.46 : 1297012 CENT.TRAIL MONTHLY CONTRACT 1,898.75 • , Total: 45,175.21 6951 6/3/2005 000090 SPOKANE COUNTY INFORMATION, SYS 50735 CITRIX LICENSE - WIYRICK • 260.00 Total : 260.00 6952 6f312005 000617 SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER, CJO C 5J27105 Liquor LIQUOR TAXES 8 PROFITS 1 ST QT 4,92923 Total : 4,929.23 6953 6/3/2005 000776 SUMMIT LAW GROUP Matter # 16286-2 ' HR PROFESSIONAL FEES 6,666.67 Total : 6,666.67 6954 6/312005 000772 TRAFFICWARE CORPORATION 7424 40542 SYNCRO PLUS SIMTRAFFIC 8 SOF 3,109A1) . Total : 3,109.00 6955 61312005 000167 VERA WATER 8 POWER 0015-031941.01 , STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 60.91 001&032752.00 STREET POWER UGHTING/WATEF 19,68 0659-000005.00 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 1,714.40 Total : 1,783.99 6956 6/3/2005 000061 WILHITE, DIANA 05/27105 DW Reimb. REIMB. D.C. REGIONAL CHAMBER 656,15 05127l05 DW Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE-WILHITE 147.06 Total: - 803.21 29 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 88,364.03 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 06103/2005 2:51:33PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Involce PO # Description/Account Amount 29 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 88,364.03 I, the undersigned, do certfiy under penally of perjury, that the materlals have bEen fumished, the services rendered, or the labor perfortned as descnbed herein and that the Gaim is just, due and an unpaW obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I em ' authorized to aut?►enUcate and certiiy to said claim. , Flnanoe Diredor Date ' . • . ' - • e: 4 vchlist ' Voucher List Page: 1 0512012005 11:17:35AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 6854 5/20/2005 000771 ADVANCED COAAMUNIGATIONS, NETWC 4894001 INSTALLATION OF VOICE 8 DATA ( 2,336.01 • - Total : 2,336.01 6855 5/20/2005 040674 APA-INLAND EMPIRE SEC710N 05l17/05 Basinger REGISTRATION 155.00 • Total : 155.00 6858 5120/2005 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 410069444 05/06/05 STREET LIGHTINGlSIGNAL CHARG 17,420.60 770087890 STREET POWER LIGH7ING CHARC 2,582.76 770087890 - 2004 STREET POWER LIGHTING - 2004 4,548.83 Total : 24,532.19 6857 5/20/2005 000101 CDWG SF54139 40525 PLANAR 19" LCD MONITORS 2,487.42 40525 Tota l : 2,487.42 6858 5/20/2005 000686 DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING 05/20l05 DOL Cash CASH TRANSMITTAL TO DOL 124.00 Tota I : .124.00 6859 5/20/2005 000009 HEWLETI'-PACKARD COMPANY 38064209 40523 HP COMPAQ NC8230 LAPTOP 2,254.63 Total : 2,264.63 6860 5J20l2005 000755 LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES 2162 ADVERTISING 25.40 ' Total : 25.00 6861 5/20/2005 000033 MCPC 4738653 40521 OFFICE SUPPLIES 183.89 Total : 163.89 6862 5/2012005 000239 NORTHWEST BUSINESS STAMP 53810 40526 NAME & POSITION PLATES 15223 40526 Total : 152,23 6863 5120/2005 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERVICES 1,338 000004ZB TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 565.60 Total : 666.60 6864 5/20/2005 000041 PROTHMAN COMPANY 2005-294 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,333.33 Total : 5,333.33 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 05120/2005 11:17:35AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescHptlonlAccount Amourtt 6865 5120J2005 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 13553 OPERATING SUPPLIES 75.95 , Total : 75.95 6866 5/20/2005 000415 ROSAUERS U-CITY 482770 MEETING SUPPLIES 63.66 Total : 63.66 6867 5/20/2005 000324 SCWD #3 475-1495-00 WA7ER CHARGES 7.53 Total : 7.53 6868 5f20/2005 000001 SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER 05113l05 County COUNTY CONTRACT PAYMENTS 1,173,557.61 Total : 1,173,557.61 6869 5I20l2005 000516 TETRA TECH/KCM 05117/05 TRAINING (LUNCH) 50.00 Total : 50.00 6870 512012005 000663 THE SEATTLE TIMES 094228805 5/15105 ADVERTISING 1,299.56 ' Tota I : 1,299.56 6871 5/20/2005 000501 THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP, SUBS 5718419 R7 06I13105 PUBLICATION 359.00 Total : 359.00 6872 5120l2005 000167 VERA WATER 8 PowER 0006-033021.00 STREET POwER UGHTING/WATEF 19.60 0007-017753.01 STREET POWER LIGHTING/WATEF 15.82 0008-010790.01 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 61.93 Total : 97.35 19 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 1,213,658.96 19 Vouchers in this repoK Total vouchers : 1,213,659.96 2 / ~ _ . ' ~J ` vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 0512012005 11:17:35AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Dato Vendor Invoice PO # QescriptionlAccount Amount I, the undersigned, do ceRity under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor perfortned as descdbed herein and that the cta[m is just, dtee and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane VaUey, and thai I am authorized to euthenticate and certily to said claim. Finance Diredor Date Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/31I2005 12:32:41PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # QescriptloNAccount Amount 6873 5/31/2005 O00335 ALTON'S T1RE 6-5906 VEHICLE MAIPJTENANCE 23.77 Total : 23.TT 6874 5I31/2005 000037 AMERICAN LINEN 632178 FLOOR MAT SERVICE 49.04 Total : 49.04 6875 5/31/2005 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 370084011 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 5.75 Total : 5.75 6876 5/31/2005 000168 B 8 C TELEPHONE INC. 94712 MtTEL SUPERSET DESI'S 10.85 . Total: 10.85 6877 5131/2005 000113 BASLINGTON, MARY 05/20105 MEB Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE 73.98 Total: 73.98 8878 5/31 /2005 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 30666 ' COFFEE & TEA SUPPUES 151.41 Total : 151.41 6879 5/31/2005 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 169189 40390 7RAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICE: 13,009.93 ' 169190 40448 INTERSECTION LOS ANALYSIS 2,583.00 Total : 15,592.93 6880 5/31/2005 000686 DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING 05/27l05 DOL Cash CASH TRANSMITTAL TO DOL 112.00 Total : 112.00 6881 5131/2005 000152 DEPARTMENT OF 1RANSPORTATION RE-313-ATB50412073 SIGNAL 8 ILLUiJIINATION MAINT. 18,559.46 RE-313-ATB50412074 STATE ROUTE ROADWAY MAINT. 11,073.47 RE-313-ATB50510073 SIGNAL 8 ILLUMINATION MAINT. 2,199.32 RE-313-ATB50510074 STATE ROUTE ROADWAY MAINT. 10,499.55 • Total : 40, 331.80 6882 5/3112005 000278 DRISKELL, CARY 05J23l05 CD Reimb REIMB. TRAVEVMILEAGE 840.86 Total : 840.86 6883 5/31/2005 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 5120/05 ESWD #1 WATER CHARGES 393.55 Total : 393.85 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 05131/2005 12:32:41 PM Spokane Valley , Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescrlptioNAccount Amount . 6884 5/31/2005 000028 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 05J13l05 MasterCard CREDfT CARD CHARGES 5,982.25 Total : 5,982.25 6885 5/31/2005 000724 FAULKNER, JASON 05/18l05 JF Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEIlMILEAGE 12.10 Total : 12.10 6886 5l31/2005 000410 GRIFFIN PUBLISHING INC. 5789 PARKS & REC FLYERS PRINTEO 572.88 ' Total : 572.88 6887 5/31/2005 000009 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 38094510 40499 ' HP WORKSTATION XW6200 FOR S 2,413.04 38127318 44530 HP COMPAQ DC51090 MICROTOW 4,519.03 Total : 6,932.07 6888 5131/2005 000003 IMAGISTICS 515775 1 MAINT. COST PER COPY CHARGE 109.44 . Total : 109.44 6889 5/31/2005 000022 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 52740 PHOTO ID CARD - LARSON 19.53 Total : 19.53 .6890 5/31/2005 000353 INTERNATIONAL TRADE ALLIANCE 47 QUARTERLY CONTRACT PAYMEM 3,500.00 . Total: _ 3,500.00 6891 5/31120135 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING 26178 ADVERTISING 47.25 26179 ADVERTISING 84.00 26180 ADVE RTl SI N G 112.50 26181 ADVERTI S I N G 69.75 28182 ADVERTISING 135.75 26183 ADVERTI S I N G 105.00 Total : 554.25 6892 513112005 000033 MCPC 4743812 40531 OFFICE SUPPUES 86.09 Totai : 86.09 6893 5/31/2005 000069 MERCIER, DAVID 05I24/05 DM Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE 284.54 Total : 284.54 6894 5/31/2005 000484 MOONEY & PUGH CONTRACTORS INC. U4-001 4/30105 40176 PROJECT BILLING AT CENTERPLA 285,083.00 ~ • ~e: 2 vchlist - Voucher List Page: 3 05131/2005 12:32:41PM Spokane Valley Bank cade : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 6894 5/31/2005 000484 000484 MOONEY & PUGH CONTRACTORS I(Continued) Total : 285,083.00 6895 _ 5l31/2005 000240 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 20022120 00200960 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 5,724.00 Total : 5,724.00 6896 5131/2005 000239 NORTHWEST BUSINESS STAMP 53880 40533 PAAGNETIC NAME TAG -DEVLEMIN4 16.93 53924 40526 NAME PLATE HOLOERS 63.42 53961 40538 NAME PLATES 21.59 Total : 101.94 6897 5/31/2005 000243 NORTHWEST SIGN SUPPLY 728125 40538 PLOTTER PAPER 178,85 • Total : 178.85 6898 5/31/2005 000652 OFFICE DEPOT 289608112-001 40522 COPIER PAPER 996.03 • 289629091-001 40522 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENI 1,457.90 289629092-001 40522 OFFICE SUPPLIES 739,44 290494979-001 40522 OFFICE SUPPLIES 82.51 290112940-001 40527 OFFICE SUPPLIES 315.47 • Total : 3,691.35 6899 5/31/2005 000691 OLSTEN 61501935 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 580.00 61519278 TEMPORARY EPAPLOYMENT SERVI - 580.00 61536501 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMEPIT SERVI 580.00 Total : 1,740.00 69{)0 561/2005 000119 PIP PRINTING 1330034414 BLACK & WHITE INSIDE PAGES 306.77 13330034464 40517 BUSINESS CARDS 131.48 Totaf : 438.25 6901 5J31/2005 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERVICES 1,553 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVi 565.60 Total : 585.60 6902 5/31/2005 000322 QUVEST 509-921-6787 5118 TELEPHONE CHARGES 38.31 Total : 38.31 6903 5/31/2005 000415 ROSAUERS U-CITY 577852 MEETING SUPPLIES 1.19 Total : 1.19 Page: 3 vchUst Voucher List Page: 4 0513112005 12:32:41 PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 6904 5/31/2005 000774 SERVATRON, INC. 5/20/05 Refund REFUND MIRABEAU SHELTER DEF 50.00 Total:. 50.00 6905 5131/2005 UQ0775 SMITH, DAISY 5/20l05 Refund REFUND PARK SHELTER DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 6908 5/3112005 000511 SPOKANE COUNTY AUDITOR, VEHICLE 531 RJ2 Renevral LICENSE RENEWAL 33.75 Total : 33.75 6907 5/31/2005 000420 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DIST 05/27/05 Health Dist WATER REC. FACILIIY PERMITS 525.00 Total : 525.00 6908 5/31/2005 000405 SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY, CENTE 37 RENT COMMUNfTY CENTER 185.00 Total : 195.00 6909 5/31/2005 000328 SPOKANE VALLEY SENIOR, CITIZENS A 05/24105 SVSC Reimb. REIMB. INTERNET/DSL 37.99 Tota I : 37.99 6910 5/31/2005 000311 SPRIIdT PCS 0141276664-3 5N6l05 CELL PHONE CHARGES 559.88 Total : 559.88 6911 5/3112005 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 921 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 1,320.00 Total : 1,320.00 6912 5/31/2005 000516 TETRA TECH/KCM 05117l05 SW Trsining STORMWATER TRAINING 40.00 Total : 40.00 6913 5/3112005 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0010-003488.01 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 122.59 0011-010826.01 STREET POWER LIGNTING/WATEF 35.41 0012-004137.02 STREET POWER LIGHTINGMJATEF 35.45 0013-032589.01 STREET POWER LIGHTINGJWATEF 69.25 0014004275.01 STREET POWER LIGH7ING/WATEF 24.10 0014032971.00 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 48.13 0016-007780.00 , STREET POWER LIGHTINGNVATEf 20.45 0030-031942.01 STREEI' POWER LIGHTING CHARC 53.51 Totsl : 408.89 6914 5/31P2005 000680 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK, MOONEY F Escrow# 2308570772 ESCROW RETAINAGE PAYMENT 15,002.00 4 , ` ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 05/3112005 12:32:41PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Oate Vendor Invoice PO # Oescription/Account Amount 6914 5/31/2005 000680 000680 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK, MOOn (Continued) Total : 15,002.00 6915 5I31/2005 000734 WSDOT CASHIERS OFFICE 05118105 WSDOT 40461 WSDOT PURCH/BIDDING TRAININC 150.00 Total : 150.00 43 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 391,474.49 43 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 391,474.49 I, the undefsigned, do certify under penaNy af perjury, that the materials have treen fumished, the servioes rendered, or the labor performcd as described herein and that the daim is just, due and an unpaid obligation . against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certi(y to said daim. Finance Director Date _ Page: 5 DRAFT MINUTFS City of Spokaue Valley City Council Regalar Meeting TuesdAy, May 24, 2005 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcnmed evcryone to the 67'h meeting Atlendance: Ciry sraJJ ' , Diana Wilhite, Mayor Davc Mercier, City Manager Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Dick Denenny, Councilmember Cary Tariskell, Deputy City Attorney Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Ken '1`}iompson, Finance Director Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Marina Sukup, Community Dcvelopment Director SCeve I'aylor, Councilmember Tom Scholtens, Building Of-ficial . ' . Mike Jackson, Parks and R.ecreation Director Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst Abseitt: Greg "Bingy Bingaman, IT Specialist Rich Munson, Deputy Mayor Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCA7'ION: PasCor Brian Prior, ot the Episcopal Church oP the R.esurrection gave the invoeatinn. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCF Mayor VVilhite led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL It was moved by Mayor PYilhite, seconded by Councilmember Denenny, m:d unani»rously ugreed upnn to excuse Deputy Maynr Munson from tonib>ht's meeting. City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all other Councilmembers wcre present. . APPROVAL OF Ai~NllEU AGl11~tDA It tivas moved by Councilntember Uenenny, secanded by Councilmenrber Flanignri, cmd untrnimvttsly agreed upon la npprove the amencled agendu. GONIlVIIITEE, I3QARA, L1A1SUN ST,JMMAitY REPQRTS Councilmember Schimmels: stated he was happy to be back; and reported that he aCtended the City of , l..ibcrty Lalce open house last week. Couneilmember Tavlor: reported tMat he attended a prayer breakfast at the Convention Center with over 800 people in attendancc; he also attended a Chamber of Commerce 13oard meeting where they discussed ' iind adopted for forwarding to thc Planning Com.mission, the Chamber's cotnments for thc economic devclopment chapter of the Camprehensive Plan. Councilmembe'r Dencnnv: said that hc ancl Councilmember vlunson met with a compensation group hired for Spokane Transit Authority, that they are asking fAr a very rounded compensation study to look at classifications within the organi7ations and also to examine capability within khe area for compensation benefits; that the STA met '1'hursday at which time a finalist for the CEO posiUon was hircd and negotiations with that individual should commence this week; and that he also attended the military honors progrvn lunchcon which included a very impressive flag folding eeremony. Councilmember Flanigan: announced that there will be a spaghetti diilncr June 2 at the University High School to raise money to help defray the cost te send eight students to the national debate tournament. Council ,'vleeting: 05-24-05 Paee 1 nf 6 Approvcd by CounciL• DRAFT . MAYOR'S REPORI: Mayor Wilbite reported that she attended the Mirabeau Hntel Restaurant grwid opening; parlieipaled in the Lilac Parade; traveled to Blue Waters Technology in Ictabo where they are doing reseavch Io remove phosphorus from the water; and khat the Caovernnr was in toNvn arid signed a bill dealing with economic development eeserve aecaunts. YUBLIC COMMEN`I S Vlayor Wilhite invited public camments for items not on the agenda. Erica Sphuler, 17408 E Baldwin Avenue: exnlained thnt she has prnblems in water runoff on her propcrt}; that her property is shaped like a bowl and there is no place for the water to run; now that a drywell is being pul in place, one of those pipes is outletting to her property adding ta thc water issue. It was mentioved tliis issue will be biven to staff for follow-up. CUN5ENT AGENDA Consists of iterns considered roucine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember inay remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. (Note: Council may entertain a motion to waive'reading und Approve Consent Agenda.) a. Approval of Study Session Meeting Minute.s of May 3, 2005 b. Approval of Regular Council Meeting Minutes May 10, 2005 c. Approval of Study Session Meeting Minu/es of May 17, 2005 d. Approval of I'ayrol] of May 15, 2005 of $111,283.06 e. Approval of Mqbile Uata Cnmputer E'urchase of up to $198,168 f. Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST VOUCHf;R `I'OTAL Dt1TF Number(s) VOUCHER ~ AMOUNT 05-09-2005 6760-6806 131,062.75 - 05-16-2005 6807-6845 2,139,158.48 ' GRAN7A TQTAL 2,270,221.23 It wus muvecl by Councibnernher 1)eVlerning, ,secorided by Cauncilmember Flanigan, and unrnrimourly agreed tipon to waive the reading and approve the Cvnsent i1gJEnclu. NEW BUSLYE, SS 2. First Reading Yrnnused Orclinance 05-019 for Street Vacatinn STV Ol.-OS - Marina Sukup CiCy Clerk Rainbridgc read the ordinance title, fnllnwed by a F'nwerPoint presentation by Community nevelopment Director Sukup. Director Sukup e;cplainecl that lhe vacation will permit full development of the property for bcneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance; that this portion of I S"' Avenue is no longer required of public use or public access; that the property is part of an e.cisting residential development and it is unlikely that conditipns will change in the future to provide a grcatcr usc or need than presently exists; and that the I'lanning Cnmmission recommends approval by a vote of four to zero. Mayor WilMite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Ms. Sukup also rnentioncd t:hat Qwest will require a ten-font easement for cable located along the northern rigHt-of-way af the propcrty to be vacated; and that Avista has no fticilities or objectinns to the prnposal. !t wcis moved hy Councilmemher 7aylor and secaTded by Cvtrneilmen:ber Denenny to uctvunee Ordinurrce 05-019 to a . second reading. Yote by Acclumutivn: In I'uvor; Unanimous. Opposed: tNlone. Abstentions: Norre. Motivri ccrrried. 3. First Reading Proposecl Orclinance 05-020 Nelmet Safetv - Carv Driskell After City Clerk Bainbridgc rcad the ordinance title, it was ►novec! by CouncilmenTber Flcmigcm and ' secanded by Cauncilmember Schimmels to attvance the ordinance to u secorrd reuding on arr upcomirrg 'agenda. Deputy Ci1y Attorney Driskell explained that this orclinanee was originally proposed by the Council Meeting: 05-24-05 Pagc 2 of 6 Approvcd by Couneil: DRA.FT . Spokane Regional Health 17istrict, it was discussed at a previous Council study session, and the draft ordinance has one change since it was seen before, that change is under the proposed 7.40.060 under the penalties, subparagraph C, with the added language at the cnd of the sentence "with the provisions of Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 1.10.040;" and lhat is the only difference between the inirial draft rcviewecl several weeks ago and this draft. Mr. Driskell'then went over the penalty provisions of the ordinance: that it has an edueational function for people between the ages of 5 and 15; and the penalty provisions would apply to violators sixteen years old and older. Mr. [ariskcll askecl if Council would like to suggest a different infraction levcl other than the one currently set at a class three in&action. Deputy Attorncy Driskell also mentioned that while thcre arc no representatives from the Police Tacpartment here tonight, there are rcpresentatives from the Spokane Regional Health_ District. •Mayor Wilhite invitecl nublie c;omment: , The Pollowing individuals spoke in favor of the helmet safety ordinance: (1) Alvin Fisher, 1380$ E .Valleyway; (2) Dr. Kim Thornburn, Spokane County Health Officer, Spokane Regional Heallh District, Spokanc; (3) Larry Rider, 10319 E Sprague, Spokane Valley; (4) Linda Thompson, 10913 1: 46t' Avenue, Executive 1)irector, Greater Spol:ane Substance Abuse Prevention Council; and (5) 1'eggy FIodges, Di.rec:eor fnr Spokane Cowity Traffic Commission, 1026 W Broadway, Spokalie. Stacie Schlerf stated that she and her husband are the parents of Samantha SchlerF who passed away two weeks ago; she stated dhat she doesn't believe an ordinance is necessary; but that it is important dhat qeople understand the severilies and make choices for thcrosclves and not to be forced to wear a helmet. Mayor Wilhite i.nvited ficrther public cnmmcnt; no Purlher comments were offered. Council then discusseci the merits of the orclinance. CAUncilmember Denenny stated that he is on't}ic Region<<I Health 17istrict Board; that there are many statistics from what othcr cities have done; and it is his undcrstanding that compliance accurs when there are ordinances, thus resulting in a substantial reduction in injuries; that Ihere are a great number of head injuries which are talcen care of by the State; that anything we can do tA get pcople in the habit of wearing helrnets should be commendef; diaf the ordinance has nominal repercussions regarding fines, plus educarion; and that it could hclp remove the peer pressure young people might encounter from not wcaring helmets. , Councilmember `f'aylor said that he reali2.cs the importance of wearing a helmet, but it. should be a question of individual responsibility and parental responsibility; and that it is not a proper role of local government to interfere in this matter; that he would favor a resolutiAn fbr bike safety week and/or the promotinn of an educational campaigi on the safety of helmcts, but that passing orclinance will make . peoplc defianl. Councilmember DeVleming: explaincd that he has been struggling with this nrdinance; that there is no doubt of the benefits of wcaring a helmet, but questions whose responsibility this is and where to draw the line; he also wonders about Poliee Department resoueces to cnforce the ordinance. Councilmember Flanigari: said that he realizes the good intent of ordinance; but has problems in requiring adulks to wear helmets; that adults should have the right of choiee; that governmcnt has a certain elcment of responsibility to protect the I:ids. Mayor Wilhite: explained that this could be seen as a personal freedom; and eompared this ordinance tn the seatbelt law; and whcn people have a traumatic injury accident, that depletes resources that may have been accumulated; that the costs are great and many times those costs fall on the eommunity members to provide services to that person. Council Meeting: 05-24-05 Page 3 of 6 Approved by Council: ' DRAN'I' Council.member Schimmels: mentioned that he saw someonc on a scooter on the wrong side of the roacl, traveling aboul 15 miles per hour with no helmet; which could be a scrious problem; that the intent of the ordinance is stated in sectiori I: the members nf community need the protection; ancl that he Nvould also - like to see some statistical compliance regarding this I:ype of ordin7nce. Vote Gy Acclamution to atlvunce the vrdinance to a second reatling: In Favar: jWayor Willtite, und Councilrrlembers Schimmels, Flarrrgan, DenEvnny, and DeVleminp,. ppnosecl: Councilmember 'laylor. Abstention.s: rVone. Mo1ian curried. 4. Motion Consideration: Watershed Manaeement Plan - Scott Kuhta It was moved by Couricilrnernber Denenny and seconded by [:ouncilmember Flanigan, to appoint Scott Kuhta us Spukune Vu11ey's• voting memher of the Wutershecl Planning Unit; thal Mr. Kuh1a is directed to ensure that tire "I evel ojLffor1 " categvey of the Watershcd Plun Implementation Matrix be chunged to "D" wherever applicahle, indicating lhut Spakane Valley is nnt in the Fosiliun lo make :mknown obligulions to fuhtre walershed plannirrg uctivilies; und that C:ourrcil directs A1r. Kujzta tn vote to adopt the WutershEtl Plan, with the previously stated chunges. Mr. Kuhta said that he is available for questions, as is Mr. Rob Lindsay, of Spokane County Utilities. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no commeots were nffered. Councilmernber laenenny st<►ted that this is an imporlant step as tfierc is a need to participate in regional issues of importance such as this, which is one of the reasons wliy the City incorporated. Vote by Acclamution: In Favar: (lnanimous. Opposect: iVane. Ab.rtentiorts: Nane. Alotinn carried 5. M.otion Consideratinn: Stormwater Ut~p_rades in 2005 Counh' Sewer Proiects - Neil Kersten !t was moved by Councilmember UeYlemirrg rind secorrded by CnuncilmembEr Flanigan to upprave $245,333 from the stormwaler fund to the County for starnnvater reparrs and upgrades i» the 2005 County Sewer 1'roject.s. Public Works Directar Kersteii explained that as a result of previous Council . approval of certain full-width paving, staff requests Council's approval to prnvide fuiiding to the County ` for repair; replacement and upgracli.ng of the existing stormwaler facilities in the sewer projects for 2005, that the total cost for failing systems is $77,440 and the total cost for upg-ading systeins fur Ilooding problems is $167,959; and Chat by completing this work during the construction of the 2005 sewer projects, we save the cost of repaving the slreet. Mayor VVilhite invited public comrnent; no comments were offered. Yole by Acclarnation: In Favor.• Ununimuus. Opposed.' NpI7C. AIJS1Entiorts: iVone. ll7otiun currieGl. PUT3LIC COMiVIENT'S: Council concurrecl to take public comments nn the pavement cut policy in aclvance nf the administrative repurt adclressing that topic. - John hlart. Avista Utili[ies. 2406 N Uollar Rd (work a(fclress); encouraged adoption of the regional asphalt cuCli.ng pnlicy as adopted by Spokane Cnunty and Spokane City, referring to his handout "Regional Pavement Cut Poliey;" that this Rolicy was diseussed many times; ancl feels it in the best interests of all affected agencies to adopt a true regianal policy rather than chop up policies among agencies; and that having one policy removes confusion ancl improves cooperation. Steve Skipwnrth. Director of Qperations Vera Water Rc Power• statecl that he was a part of the committec that helped develop this regional cut policy; it is an important policy; that com.mittee members looked at the mosi effcient way to handle this; and feels it will be bencticial to work togetlier. Ty Vlrick, 5221 E Desinit Avenue: he stressed the "regional" part of this poliey; spoke of all t}ie separate water systems and o1'the need to have one poliey to follow; that this inclucles a tier system; that there is a need to know which roads to take that extra e.ff'ort to mtike the perfcct patch; and a necd to keep die ' regional policy intact; adding that cost is a concern to all. ' Council Mccting: 05-24-05 Yage 4 of 6 • Approved by Council: DRAFT ADMTNISTRATIVE REYORTS: [no public comtilcnt] ~ 6. -1$ Aavement Cut Policv 17iscussion -Neil Kersten/Nina ltegodMarina Sukiip ~ J 1'ublic Works Director Keesten explained that lhis topic was discussed at the April 5 and April 26 ineetings; that the strccts in the City are in significantly bctter condition than those streets in the Ciry of Spokane; and that staff has the following recommended changes: (1) Under the matrix on page ninc, the modified policy is allowed on minor arterials and eollector arterials over six ycars old, and on principal arterials over 12 years old; and (2) also on the matr'tr on page ninc, trench only is allowed in minor arterials and collector arterials over 12 years old; and that all vterials be-cut to the lane line and that no cuts bc allowed to the center of lanes; that these changes would maF:e the policy easier to implement because it would not have a tierecl system. Councilmember Schimmels said that he feels this should be discussed more as it is more expensive to Gake tfie cut to the lane edge on the older streets. Mr. Kerstcn agreed that the I0-12 years are variable and hc does have concerns with longitudinal euts for hundreds of feet or blocks, and if it were a good Street; it would be good to have some flexibility; and the current policy cines not have that flexibility. Community Uevelopmeiit Director Sukup said that the accampanying informalion sug,gests that three additional staffwould likely be needed to implement the revised poliey, those positions would be a perniit specialist, construction inspector, and an 1T/database management positinn. Additionally, at the May 5 Council meeting, Council authorized an additional permit specialist to hclp better address the volume of development permit activity; and she suggested that if Council clesires to implcment the new pavement cut policy, the City could take a phased appeoach with regard to the staff positions; but that staff does recommend adding at least an additional right-of-way construction inspector to implemcnt the revised policy, and recnmmends increasing the right-of-way permiUinsliecUon fee to $55 from the current $41.00. Di.rector Sukup also. menCioned that while the extent is un.known; there are same who work without a pennit, and fecls if this plan is adopted, there should be penalties for those who cut without pennits. Uiscussion cnsued regarding the various inspections, lack of updated street data, application forms, warranties, schcduling cuts, utilitie,s, the volume ofpermits, inspections, warranties; and the penalties and violations fnr cutting wikhout a permit. Councilmembee DeVleming recpmmcncle.d Council instnict staff to put this item on as a motion consideration for an upcoming agenda in the existing, unmodifieci eurrent state (as proposed by regional staff without our City's staff modifications), and schedule the issuc for a 12-month review of labor, cost and results, and to encourage staff' to pqnicipate in the review process thmughout the nvelve monlhs co make sure the policy works as intended. Mayor 1'Jilhite called for a short recess at 734 p.m. and reconvenecl the meeting at 7:45 p.m. 7. b: Hearing Hxam'tner Rulcs - Cary lariskell Ueputy City Attorney Driskell explaincd thak Spokflne Valley Municipal Cnde 10.35 states that the Council will latee adopt procedural guidelines for proccssing appeals of administrative land use decisions from the Wearing Examiner to the City Council; and that staff has, in conjunctipn with Hearing F.caminer Mikc Dempsey, drafted cursory nlles in early 2004 but such draft rules were never finalized nor aphroved by Council. As there arc currently two appeals pending, vir. Driskell said that prompted staff to again work to refine the appe3l regulatioii process. Mr. Driskell added that those pending appeals would not be subject to these rules uiiless the parties agree in writing to bc bound by diem; that he sent them a letter asking that die parties consider being baund by the rules in order to provide structure lo the prQCess, but he has not yet reccivec3 a response. Aifier brief Council/staffdiscussion concerniog the upcoming process, it was Council consensus to placc this issue on an uptoming agenda for a first reading. 8. -7- Renlacement Iaiving Boards f4r Swimming PoAls - Mike Jacks4n Parks and Recreation Director Jackson reported that the City has contracted with ORB to provide ! rec4mmendations for c.cisting and future aquatic facilities; and that ORB reported that the diving wells of the th.ree existing pools in Spokane Valley do not confbrm to current standards; that ORB applicd fnr a Council Meeting: 05-24-05 Page 5 of 6 Approved by Council: ' DRAF1 variance with the Wf+shington State Department of Mealth; which application was denied. Anot:her Uptian is tn replace the boards at an esl:imateci cost of $73,000; ancf that ORB identified Naragon as a source for the diving boards. Mr. Jackson further explained that since Paragon is a sole sourec of this type of board (wliich will conform to the diving wells), staff bring the option of Council waiving the bidding reyuirements, which would 311aw the purchase to begin, although it still wauld not guarantee that the diviiig hoards would be in place for the 2005 pool openings. After discussion of the current diving bnitrcls, the cose breakdown for the dcsign and construction; it was determined that nvo issues will be placed on the upcoming June 14 consent agenda: a motion to replace the boards; and a separate resnlution to waive the bidding reqtiirements. 9. 9: LenterPlace Budget/rees Update - Mike Jackson Parks and Recreation Director Jackson, via his PowecPoint presentation, explained Chat the Genterl'lace building is approximately $7% complete, with the grand opening scheduled for Septembcr 24, 2005 in cnnjimction with VaIleyfesf. After highlighting the construeCion budget, the Avista Energy Agreement, review of ehange orders, proposcd fccs ancl miscellaneous fee survey inFormadon, and the revenue policy (must comply with regional use requirements); Vlr. Jackson requested that formal consideratinn of CenterPlace fees be placed on the June 14 City Council agenda. Council then discussed the need to generate income to supplement maintenance; renting the space to the community calleges; differences between CenterPlace and a lypical convention center; parking needs; and use of fiber optics. It was Council cnnsensus to place this item on the June 14 Council agenda as an update to the fee resolution. 10. 9. L.aw Enf'orcement 2005 Ag)reemenl- Nina Regor and Morgan Koudelka Deputiy City Ma.nager Regar gave a brief history of the current contract for law enf'orce;ment services with dle Spokane Coutity Sheriff's Office, and added that discussions have been ongoing concerning pcndi.ng public safety dealing with jail staffing, the Valley's holding faeility, and emergency communication infrastructure cost; but that tonight's focus is strictly the police agreement. Administrativc Analyst - Koudelka then gave his PowerPoint presentation of'the various aspects of the pnlice agreement including ~ persennel, current methndalogy for determining costs, proposed new methodology, and rationale for the proposed chanoes, and askecl for Council directinn on the revised contract. VJr. Koudelkti said that the City and the County have reached an understanding on most: icems invalving a financial impact, ancl ihat t}ic agrccment still necds refinecncnt. Council ciiscussion then included personnel issues, specifically the three-member Froperty Crime 7'ask Force, and with the cxpiration of the grant ftmding that task f'orce, that the County proposes the City fund one oFthose positions. Council would like the next report to include information from Sheriff Sterk and Chief Walker on the impact of either keeping or eliminating that team; that staff examine resourc:es fnr that unit versus funding another patrol aff ch;r, and to brief equneil at the next meeting on the function ofi that three-member team. IlTere being no further business, it tivas rrroved Gy Cnuncibnemljer Flunigcrn, sECVnded by Councilrrtember DeVlErninb, und ununiniously ugreed upa►i ta adjourn. 1'he meeting adjourned at 9:00 n.m. ATTEST: lliana Wilhite, viayor Christine Bauibridge, City Clcrk - i Council Meeting: 05-24-05 ' Page fi of 6 Approve.d by Council: MIYUTES Joint City Council/ ~ Spokane County Commission Meeting . Tuesday, v[ay 31, 2005 3:30 ».in. - 5:30 p.m. Spokane Valley Council Chambers 11707 I?. Spraguc Avenue, Spakane Valley, WA 99206 Attendance: City of Spo}cane Vallev _ Spokiune County Mayor Diana 1Vilhite Commissioner Phil Harris Deputy Mayor.Rich vlunson -Commissioner Mark R.ichard Cnuncilmember Dick Denenny Cnmmissioner'I'odd Mielke Councilmember Mike DeVleming Councilmember Mike Flaniga.n Cauncilmember Gary Schimmels Councilmember Steve Taylor (arrivecl 5: ] 5 p.m.) City Manaocr Dave Mercier Chief Cxeeutive O_fficer MarshaII Farnell I7eputy City Vlaita-er Nina .Regor Director I:.ngineering & Roads Rass Kelley Deputy City Attorney Caiy Driskell DirecCOr Utilities Bruce Rawls Public Works DirectarNeil KerseEn Deputy Prosccutor Jim Emaeio Polir.e Chief Cal Walker Building Ofificial Tom Scholtens \tiayor ~Vilhite ~velcomed every~one to the meeting and announcccl thiil she received a bottle of water from CI-I2M I-Iill where thcy «rork on reverse osmosis; and although no onc took her offer, iVlayor Wilhite offered some of the wate.r to Anyone intcrested. DISCllSS10N 1'I EMS: > Transfer of'all county-owmed parcels adjacent to Spokane Valley roacls, said parcels appear on the County inventory and are noted as surplus roads or for future road use. As hislorical background, iVlr. Itoss Kelly explained that when Spokane Valley incorporatcd, the public roads were automatic3lly transf'erred; that Spokane County does own property in the valley a.s there wTs some extea property lefi over when same johs were done as right-of way projects; and mentioned there are other nroperiies iandcr the general properly category. He stated thaC there are about 70 remnant properties ancl stated chat if there is properhr we v,rant to use, that we should identify it and their Board will decide hnw to transter it and cleal with any back tax or ot}icr properCy-related issues. Mr. Kelly also explained that during several me.etings, this larger list of about 70 properties was refined to about 35 propeities as a more mariageable list nf prnperties. [-le suggested goin3 thraugh the list, or peeliaps having a group of people whn Lmderstand about the parcels to go chrough the list, and bring those bac;k tn allow both groups (City of Spokane Valley Council and the BOCC) to decide how to do the transfer. Mr. Kelly ' said today's discussion is more of an update of where we are anc) perhaps over the next tltrec weeks or so; staff should be able to get to t.he details, as it was discovered t.hat some mineral righCS under the Milwaukee Railroad were not tramsFerred, and that by going lhrough the stack of documents for each parcel; that Action will allow staff to generate a list of parcels to bring before both boards to decide best how to address a kransfer issue. } f)tlier discussion included the suggestion of havin; .lim Emacio and Cary Driskell get together tn review some of the verbisge of the deecl to aciclress the sentence "for transportatinn nnly" as the area eould be Minutes of Joint Meeting: 05-31-05 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: cleaned up and usetl as a bike andlor hiking trail. Light trail was also discussed and Mr. Richarci ~ mentioneci that the Light Rail Steering Cammittee vrotcd not to make a transFer until STA. votes on carridor itlternative; while Councilmember vlunson stated that we can't assume Nvc won't use that corridor for light rail, iuid such dccision would likely be basecl an whether people are willing to pay fnr it. Councilmember Denenny rnentioned he felt it is irrelevant as to what alternate is chosen; that people said they want a reserved corridnr far future use and want some kind of buatan[ce so as riot to be like Seattle to continually work Co purchase propercy with no decision; lhat whatever decision is made, if we save the corridor for transportation it will be there for future usc. Mr. Nliell:e said in relation to the property transfers, he was trying to understand if there are specifc parcels wc are interested in; that sorne are tax title surpluses; and he had same yuestions whcther the County would be giving preCerential treatment to the Valley as everyone should havc an equal say in tliose parcels as they are for the benefit of taxpayers and as such, the Counl:y will try to get the highest amounts; and that hc would like to discuss any specifc nee:ds the Valley has, but he is not interested in a blankct iransfer of all properties. Further cliscussion continued concernin9 traffie eongest.ion, su~gestions to by-pass traftic, the Comprehensive 1'lan, light rail and projected ridership. lt was determined that Mr. Emacio and Mr. Driskell will review the la.nguage in the cloeument ancf bring the matter up again before both entities. ➢ County-wicie R.adio Commwiication Systems upgrade proposals. Poliee Chief Walker explained dhat he has actended meetings of law cniorcerncnt and frefighter exccutives, and that he has nn proposals but can give an update. kle explained dhat not only is there a local inoperability issue but a state-wide issue as well; that tllere is a need to cnrrect the situation as the currenl system is in serious disrepair and something needs to be tlone; and the encl rGSUIt was to , recornmcnd spending about $25 million and stay with some analocue with some digital to allow change; that by the year 2013; he feels illere will be a Fecleral mandate lo ao to with narrow-band communication. Chief Walker mentionecf possible fui:ure grant funds tliey are pursuing with the hope of acquiring rivo to khree million dollars in grant monies; that the application deadline is July 15. Discussion ineludecl thc need t« upgrade, digital versus analogue systems, systems becomi.ng obsolete, use of satellite systems; die Valley starting its own law enforcement; the averall need for funding a regional system; continuing changing tee}uiolot,;y ancl the nced to move with those changes; the current system and its needs for upgrading; costs to implement; creating a task foree to identify scakcholders and bring them into the discussion; lhe need to be briefcd on all aspects of the proposed system; dedicated fun<!s for rxdio infrastructures; the 1110 of 1% sales tax; transition plans; the possibility of combining with STA; that the City of Spokane is not participating; and cast rccovery. Chief Walker scaced that he will bring further information to the Cowity and Valley to ensw•e both entities have a better understanding of what it Would take to make .i multi jurisclict:ional system succeed. Chief Walker reitcrated that today is . not a reyuest for a proposal but is an update of die situation; that there are new parhiers on the list not previously identified; and once we get 1o the point of those big dollars, •everyone will have to contribuce and devise a fornlula to determine ancl justify contributions; that the process will start within the next nvo , to four weeks; but the consultation to fiormulate a true plan will take months. It was determined that Chief Walker will update eveiyqne again toward the end of the year. ➢ Wastewater issues: activities designed to resolve draft TvIDL (Total Maximum Daily Load); UAA (Use Attainability Analysis) issues and the status of regional Goveniancc Coinmittee dI$CllSSIQIIS. It was mentioned that the dischargers have put together a use analysis asse.ssment request for f'orinal rulc , changing, but that the Uepartment of ~cology (DQE) asked that Ue pulled from the table as thcrc may be other solutions; that the DOE prepv-es the "rotal Maximum llaily Load (1`MDL) study to address rivcr Minutes of Joint tvtieeting: 05-31-45 _ page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: , dissolved oxygen levels; thaC the TNTDL ctncl the Use Attainahility Analysis (UAA) will be reviewed; that the focus is to identify specifie Nhospho►•ous reduction methods; the issue oF time; non-point sources and -what enters the wastestream (such as dish saitps, Certilizers, etc); and that they want a clean plan regarding stormwaler, wastevvater dischargers (municipal) and indusCrial ciischargers. It was ststed that the purpose af the work groups is to worl: together to find resolution in each arca; that the goal is to negotiate a resolution for die region by October l, Chen continue widi the public process and the rule mak.ing under DOE. The question was raised of a timeline concerning building the plant (about a year out); meeting the TMDT. standards; growth issues; <<.nd of what ean bc controlled and what is technologically viable. It was also mentioned that if thcre is a joint operation, one issue to consider is the aoal to strivc to have the best service wilh the lowest possible rate to the subscribers. [Stevc Taylor arrived at 5:15 p.m.] > 12egiontjl Animal Contrql. vlayor Wilhite asked about the status of the re};ianal plan, which led to discussion of the Calgary plan and whether -or not that is successful; tJiat the City of Spokane is not participating; mulki jurisdictional disagreements; legislat'ive actions to help de.fray costs; the suggestion oP requiring all «<ho scll pets to license them before selling; the goals of a regional plan ineluding Icvel ofi service; the facility desi.red; fines anci enf'orcement of a Urograun; senior citizen assistancc; liceiising of animals other than cats ancl dogs; the owner paying for pet issues and nqt non-pet owmers; ident'►fy'►ng all aspects of the service bcing paid for <ind possible adjustments; and of the comparison with Spoke-animal. Commissioner Ha-ris indicat:ed that the time is 5:30 p.m.; and for the recorcl, the meeting ha.s ended as advertisecl, altllou~h inf'prmal discussion can continue. Costs and contracts Nvere cfiscussed includinj that the role of County government is not as a permanent contractor, and fhat: this t:opic is a good topic for continued discussion at a IaCer mectittg. ~--J Thei-e being no further business, the meeiino adjourned at 5:47 p.m. Diana Wilhite, Mayor ATTE-ST: Christine f3ainbridge, City Clerk ~ ~ J Minutes of Joint Meeting: 05-31-45 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: . 1VIINUTES City of Spokane Valley • City Council Executive Session Monday, June 6, 2005 Mayar Wilhite called the meeting tn order at 5:30 p.m. Altenclance: Councilmembcrs: Staff: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Rich Munson, Deputy Mayor Nina Regur, Deputy City Manager . Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Mike Jackson, Ptirks & Recreation Direccor Steve Taylor, Councilmember (arrived apprax. 5:30 p.m.) Dick Denenny, Councilmember (arrived approx. 5:30 p.m.) Mike FIanigan, Cpuncilmember (arrived approx. 5:30 p.m.) EXECUTIVE SESSION: It wa.s movecl by Depuly Maynr Munson, seconded hy Councilmember Sehinunels, unil unanimously agreed upon lhcrl Council go into F,aceeutive Session until approxrmutely 730 p.rn., IO Cfl.scuss luhor rregotiation.s, with nn action plunnECl upon completion. Council adjourned into executive session at approximately 5:05 p.m., and went into recess until approximately 5:30 p.m., at which point Council then reconvened the Executive Session. Vlayor Wilhite declared Council out of executive session at 7:30 p.m. It was then moved by Councilmember Flunigan, seconded by Mayor Wilhite und unanimously agreed upon !o adjocirn. I'he meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m. Diana Wilhite, Mayor AT"I'EST: Christine Rainbridge, City Clerk ' Council btinutes 06-06-05 Pabe 1 of I , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 06-14-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending May 31, 2005 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: ' BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Payroll for period ending 5-31-05 Salary: $ 115,743.74 Benefits: $ 57,966.38 $173,710.12 STAFF CONTACT: Daniel Cenis ATTAC H M E NTS , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 0 . Request for Council Action . Meeting Date: June 14, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 0 consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ *pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Approval to Replace Diving Boards GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Chapter 3.40 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: At the May 24, 2005 Regular Meeting, Council requested that this item be placed on the June 14, 2005 Consent Agenda. BACKGROUND: The City has contracted with the ORB consulting firm to provide ' recommendations for existing and future aquatics facilities. As part of their initial work, ORB reported to the City that the diving wells of the three existing pools at Valley Mission, Park Road and Terrace View, do not conform to current standards. ORB has applied for a variance with the Washington State Department of Health. If the variance is approved, staff will attempt to install the diving boards for the 2005 season. The diving boards are an important play component of. the swimming pools and staff recommends that they be replaced. The cost of the diving boards meets or exceeds the level of competitive bid process for the City as per Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 3.40.040 Competitive Bidding. Therefore, as per SViVIC 3.40.050 Exemptions to Competitive Bidding Requirements, City Council Resolution No. 05-008 is attached for Council consideration. ORB has worked with and identified Paragon as a source for the diving boards. ORB is not stating conclusively that Paragon is the sole source but that Paragon is the only vendor they are aware of that can provide these particular diving boards. ORB has been several weeks seeking • written acknowledgement from Paragon that they can and will supply modified diving boards for this application_ Staff feels that section 3.40.050 B. of the City code: Exemptions to Competitive Bidding Requirements-Special Facilities or Market Conditions applies in this case. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve replacement of diving boards at the Par1c Road, Valley Mission and Teri-ace Vew swimming pools. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cost of this project is about $73,228. The funds are available within the existing Parlcs and Recreation Budget. - STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson ' CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 4 Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 14, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 0 cansent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Approval of Resolution 05-008 to Waive Bidding Requirements for Diving Boards GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Chapter 3.40 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: At the May 24, 2005 Regular Meeting, Gouncil requested that this item be placed on the June 14, 2005 Consent Agenda. • BACKGROUND: The City• has contracted with the ORB consulting firm to provide recommendations for existing and future aquatics facilities. As part of their initial work, ORB reported to the City that the diving wells of the three existing pools at Valley Mission, Park Road and Terrace View, do not conform to cuRent standards. ORB has applied for a variance with the Washington State Department of Health. If the variance is approved, staff will attempt to install the diving boards for the 2005 season. . The diving baards are an important play component of the swimming pools and staff recommends that they be replaced. ~ The cost of the diving boards meets or exceeds the level of competitive bid process for the City as per Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 3.40.040 Competitive Bidding. Therefore, as per SVMC 3.40.050 Exemptions to Competitive Bidding Requiremenfs, City Council Resolution No. 05-008 is attached for Council consideration. ORB has woriced with and identified Paragon as a source for the diving boards. ORB is not stating conclusively that Paragon is the sole sourcQ but that Paragon is the only vendor they are aware of that can provide these particular diving boards. ORB has been several weeks seeking written acknowledgement from Paragon that they can and will supply modified diving boards for this application. Staff feels that section 3.40.050 B. of the City code: Exemptions to Competitive Bidding Requirements-Special Facilities or Market Conditions applies in this case. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Resolution No. 05-008 waiving the bidding requirements of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code for the purchase and installation of replacement diving boards at the Park Road, Valley Mission and Terracs View swimming pools. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cost of this project is 'about $73,228, The funds are available within the existing Parics and Recreation Budget. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson A'I"TAChI.MFNTS : Resolution No. 05-008 nuAFT Cl l Y OF SPnKANT VALLEY SPQKANE COCTY'T"Y, WASHINGTON ' RESQLUTION 05-008 - A RCSOLi1TION OF TW:E CI"fY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPQKAN'E VALLEY, WASfl7NGTnN, WAIVING THF.: BI'DDINC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PURCHASE ANn TNSTALLATION OF CERTAIN SWIMNTING POOL EQUII'NIENT. , WHEREAS, the City Council adapted Snokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Section 3.40.044, which requires the City to engage in a competitive bidding process for purchases in exeess of $25,000; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Spokanc Valley Municipal Cade Section 3.40.050 setting forth limited circumstances under which it unnecessary to follow the bidding requirements in SVMC 3.40.040; and Wl-fEItEAS, the City has been advised that equipmenl it secks for the City swimming pools must - be specially manufaetured, and is otherwise not gencrttlly availablc from other vetidors, thus qualifying f'or purchase underat least one exemption to the bidding requirements. NQW TfqER-EFORE, be it resolvecl by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follnws: Section 1. Pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code 3.40.050(A), purchases in excess of $25,000 are exempted from the biciding requirerrents of SVMC 3.40.040 if they are legitimately limited to being provided by a single snuree, and under SVMC 3.40.050(B) if the purchase involves unique facilities khat may be special(y manufaetured or not otherwise generally available. The cost of the proFosed diving boards and installation is estimateci at $73,228.00. Section 2. 'Che Spokane Valley Parks Director, Mike Jackson, ha.s been notified by the City pztrks consultant, The OfW Organi.r.alion, Inc. that the diving boards at the City swimming pools must be either removed or replaced. lf they ire to be replaceci, it must be with diving boards specially modified due to the configuration of the diving wells in the pools. The City was informed by The ORB Organization, Inc. that thEy are only aware of ane.vendor, Paragon, that can provide and install the lype of modified diving boarcls the City needs. Scction 3. Based upan the foregoing, the City Council does waive the requirement for bidding on a contraet behveen the City of Spokane Valley and 'I`he U1t13 Organization, Inc. and/or Paragon, arid potentially a third party construction contractor, for the purchase and installation of modified diving boards at the swimming pools owned by the City. tAdopted this day of June, 2005. City of Spokane Valley ATTEST: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Ch.ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk . Resolutiun 05-008 Waiving Bidding Requircments Page 1 of 1 CIT.Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 06-14-05 City Manager Sign-off: , Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Approval of and Authorization for City Manager to execute Regional Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) Site License Agreement GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: At the June 7, 2005 Council meeting, City Manager Mercier explained that the City has been using software produced by ESRI with licenses and maintenance purchased through Spokane County. That recently Spokane County entered into a regional agreement with ESRI and offered to let the City participate in this agreement through tfie interfocal agreement format, and that staff seeks Council authorization to enter into the licensing agreemer7t. It was Council consensus to place this item on the June 14th Consent Agenda. ~ BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approval of and authorization for City Manager to execute Interlocal Agreement for participation in ESRI's Enterprise License Agreement with Spokane County. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS June 7, 2005 Memorandum fro Morgan Koudelka Interlocal Agreement for the City of Spokane Valley's Participation in ESRI's Enterprise License Agreement with Spokane County t1•rs ~ Spokane ~ ;oOVaHey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 * Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityfiall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager CC: Mayor and City Council From: Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst Date: June 7, 2005 Re: Regional ESRI Site License Agreement Introduction 'Y'he City has been utiliring ArcView GIS soflware produceci by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. ("ESRI"). 1"he licenses and maintenance for this software have been purchasetl through Spokane County. ; O Recently Spokane County entered into a regional enterprise license agreement with ESRi. Spokane County has offered to let the City participate in this agrecment and has submitted an interlocal agreeuient to the City for consideration. History The County had some extra licenses of A.roVicw that they allowed the City to use beginning in January 2004. The City was only charged maintenanc;e fees .for four ArcView licen5es at the cost of $135.25 ger monkh. Beginning in 2005, the County entered into a regional enterprise liccnse agrcement ("ELA") with ESRI. The County provided a floating ArcInt'o license to the City in January and continued providing the AxcView licenses to the City with the understanding that the City would participate in the entcrprise license agreement. Overvicw The E-LA consolidates multi jurisdictional ESRT software usage into one ovcr-arching license that a11ow5 all participating jurisdictian to share in the software included in the agreement with FSRI. Such an agreemcnt allows participating jurisdiction5 to test and utilize many ciiffercnt ESRl products without paying upfront acquisition costs. The license agreement is for five years. The agreement bctween the City and the County ` ; may be terminated at any time with thirty (30) days notice. RcgionAl L75R1 Enterprise I..icensc Agreement Jane 7, 2005 Page2of4 Bcnefits ' The enterprise license agreemeni provides greater flexibility and expanded product availability while stabilizing casts. The City can kry out any ESRI software available from month-tn-month. This capability allows the City to try out ESRI GIS products to determine if they would bc beneficial to the City, without incurring the cost of purehasing the software. Floating licenses can be.utilized to allow Ciry users to share a license. This is beneficial to employccs that are part-tiIIie users of GIS software and do not need their own copy of the software. A floating license allows many users to utilize a so£tware license without the cost of individual licenses. The ELA also allows employees to utilize ESRI training through online video anci interactive training modules. The training can be viewed an unlimiled number of times in a six-month period. The training sessions are allocated out by the County according to the cost allocation percentage anci the demand. The benefiLs of the LLA can be sum.marized as follows: ■ Greater Flexibility • No snftware purchase costs • Allows software experimentation on month-to-month basis ■ Included training and user conferences Finaucial Impact . The total cost for the Spokane County ESRI enterprisc license is $195,000 per year. The County also adds $5,000 ger year in administration fees and $161 380 in taxcs For a total annual cost of $216,380. The City's Portion of the annual cost is determined the fust year ba.sed nn the 2004 ESRI maintcnance fees thc City paid compared to ttie t4tal fees paid by all pa.rticipating ageneies. The cost f~or each year is payable up front so the County charged the City $2,300 in December 2004 for 2005. 1n subscquent years the City's portion is calculateri • monthly by determini.ng the City's percentage of the normal mainCenanr,e fees associated with the spflware it is currently using compared to the total maintenance fees of all the participating cntides and applying that percentage to the total annual cost of $216,380. The City's currcnt cost is $536.60/month or $6,439.20 annually. T'hese charges are collected monthly in 2005 so that thc 2046 payment can be made by lhe County in December of 2005. Table 1(Below) campares the costs associated wilh four different scenariGS for Spokane Valley. Floating licenses can be used by any employee with the soflware and a license manager installed on the individual's computer. Stand-alonc licenses are for one pcrson's use only. ArcInfo comes in floating licenses only. 1'rimary maintenance is charged on the first eapy of a license and secondary maintenance is charged on subscquent licenses fnr a spccific type of software. • Regional ESRI Enterprise Liccitse Agreement Junc 7, 2005 Pagc 3 of 4 Table 1. Comparative Spokane Valley Costs of ELA GIS Options PHmary Socondary Primary Secondary Maint Malnt. Maint Maint Arclrrfo Arclnfo ArcView ArcYiew Licenses Floating Floating Singlo Uso Sinelo Uss Monthl Annual 3 stand-alone ArcView, 1 floaling Arclnfo Current 1 1 2 $ 536.60 S 6,439.25 Primary Sacondary Primary Sacondary Maint Maint Maint Maint Arclnfo Arcinfo ArcView ArcView LEcenses Floating Floating Floating FtoaUng Monthl Mnual 3 floatfng ArcV'rew, 1 Ooating Arolnfo OpUon 1 1 1 2 $ 627.24 $ 7,526.85 3 IEoating Aro-VieH, 2 floating Arclnfo Opieon 2 1 1 1 2 $ 780.44 $ 9,365.30 3 Oaatinq ArcView, 3 floatin Arclnfo 0 finn 3 1 2 1 2 S 930.97 $ 11,171.60 If thc City desires to continue to utilize ESRI GIS software but does not wish to participate in thc FLA, it would have to purchase the software and licenses and choose whether to purchase maintenance. Maintenance ensures that the City receives software updates to maintain c:ompatibility and provides technical support from ESRI. The costs for lhe software licenses and maintenance if the City did not participate in the ELA agreement are prescnted in 7'able .2 (Below). Tablc 2. City purchase of C.:IS Software ~ . Primary Secondary Product License Maint. Maint. Floating Arclnfo $14,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 1,200.00 . Stand-alone ArcView $ 1,500.00 $ 400.00 $ 300.00 ' Floating ArcView $ 3,500.00 $ 700.00 $ 500.00 Ifthe City purchasEd its oNvn software it could not try oul software on a trial basis nor drop and acid licenses on an as-needed basis. Table 3(Below) takes a comparative look at the cvsts associated with the ELA versus the costs associated with the City purchasing LSRI GIS software on its own. Table 3. Cost Comparison of ELA versus In-House Purchase Spokane Spokane 2nd Year County ESRI Courtty ESRI Lns:e Maintenance ELA 2-YQar 2-Year ElA S-Yoar 6-Yoar • ts Costs 2-year To ta Total Savings 15-year Tots Total Savings Year 1 Year 2 • Current $18,540.00 $,000.00 S22,540.00 S 12 878.50 $9,821.50 $34,500.00 S 32,196_25 $2,303.75 0 tion 1 S24,500.00 0000S29,Za0.00 $ 15,053.70 S14,146.30 543,300.0~0 S 37,63.25 55,685.75 O tlon 2 534,500.00 900.00 540,400.00 $ 18,730.60 E21,689.40 558,100.00 $ 46,826.50 $11,273.50 Opiion 3 $44,500.00 $7,100.00 • $51,600.0,0 $ 22,343.20 $29,255.80 $72,900.00 $ 55,858.00 $17,042.00 Costs are comparecl at tv~~o-year ~id five-year timeframes. The maintenance feES 1'or the first year are included in the purchase priee if the City purchased the software on its oNvn. The mainteriance fees under the in-house purchase option are less than the annual ELA chargc but it would takc many years to avercome the initial outlay for the license purchase. The more snftware lhat is acquired thc longer the limeframc necessary to catch the ELA cost. Regionpl FSRI Enterprise 4icensc Agreement ,Tune 7, 2005 ' Page 4 of 4 ' ~ The cost calculation in this memorandiun for the ELA assumes that other participating entities remain static in regard to the number of licenses they are using. 1f the other agencies increase their number af ESItI licenses it will reduce Spokane Valley's proportionate share and the resultant cost. Conclusion 1 eonclucted a search for any negative'eomments a,ssociated with the ESRI enterprise lieense and was unable lo locate any. The U.S.D.t1, the Department of the Interior, the A1ational Association of Conservation Districts, and many other public entities are utilizing this license arrangement. 'I"he Elexibility anci abundancc of sofhA~are available theough ihis enterprise would seem to make it a worthwhile investment, and the availability to many users in the city lhat can also take acivantage of training greatly increase the henefits of such an agrecment. The City can withdraw from the agreemeni at any time with thirty days noticc so there does riot seem to be much risk of getting locked into an undesirablc agreement. The options available to the City are: 1. Yarticipate in the Enterprise License Agreement with the County - 2. Purchase and mauitain own GIS softtivare 3. Operate without any GTS software . Il is rny recommendation that lhe City participate in the regional cnterprise license agreement. - Staff has placed this item an the June 14'' Consent Agenda for Council consideration. ~ ~ INTER.LOCAI.. AGREEiViENT FQR THE CiTY UF SFOKAn"F VALLEY'S PARTICIPATION IiY FSRI'S ENTEI2PRISE LICFNSE AGREEMEiNI' WITA 4 It3W sPo,cAivF cauNTY TFIIS AGREEMENT, made 3nci entered into the day of by anci behvicen the CITY OF SPqKAlvE VAT LEY, a municipal corporation ~ of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of busincss at 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206; hereiuafter referred to as the "CITY"; and COUNTY OF SPOKANE, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, having Qf_fices for lhe transaction of busuiess at 1115 West Broadway, Spokane, WA 99260, hcreinafter reCerred to as the "County." NV1'1 NESSF 1'H: - NVHEI2EAS, pursuanl lo the provisions of Revised Code of Washington RCW 36.32.120(6), the Board of Cottnty Commissioners of Spokane County has the caze of County property aiid the management of County funds and business; and WHCREAS, Chapler 39.34 RCW authorizes public agencies to contrict wilh one another to perform any governmenlal service, activity, or iuidertakiug which each public agency enteri.ng into the contract is authorized by law to pcrform; and NNrHEREAS, the parties have cooperated for mitny years in the usc of Geographic Information Systems Resources by standardizing on LSRI GTS so(lware in ordcr ta jointly build common interagency G1S tlata layers that have enabled the parties to proviciing geographic scrvices that have bESt met the needs of lhe community while avoidinb duplication of effort and cost; and INTEItLC)CAL AGR.F,FMEN I --l , WHEREAS, the parties desire ta reduce GIS softvare acquisition costs and continue to improvc the efficiency of geographic: services provided tn the conununity; and WHEREAS, the parties dcsire to contuiue fiu-ther cooperation by agreement; NOW, TAFREFORC, in cunsideration for the mutual terms and conditions containetl herein the parties heretn covenant and agree as follows: 1. Purpose. The purpose of this agreement is for the County ta provide an opportunity for the City to acquire selected ESRi GIS software licenses, maintenance and other administrative services/bencfits as delineated herein and under the terms and conditions of the ENTElu'R1SE LTCFNSE AGREEMENT rehvcen Spokane Cotuity and ' ESRi. 2. Aartieipation. Thc City is authorized to participate in the ESRI Enterprise License Agreemenl (ELA), provided the City agrees to abide by the terms anci conditions nf FS1tI • ELA (incorporated as. Addendum A hcrcin) applicablc to a Licensee by signing this document. Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc,. may pursue remeaies against a Licensee directly for noncomplianee nf the terms of the FS1Z[ EL,A. Rights specitcally grar►ted la the County by CSRi are not extendcd to the City. 3. Additinnal Or Revised Terms. Thc City agrees that additional or revised licensuig terms for: (1) upgrades or updates to the Site License Software anci Limited Deployment Soflware or (2) upgracies or upciates to IDIQ (noii-Site License Software)items may be ineorporated feom tirne lo tune. 7'hese license rcvisions/upciates ShaLl bc provided hy the County to the City as they are incorporated into the ELA. Additional ar revised terms and conclitions for new Softwarc, Data, faocumentation, s6all be govemed by the LSRC EI:LA tuid asly reviseci terms towid i.n the then-currcnt General License Tem-is and Conditions and Exhibit 1, the terms of which will be indicaled on ESRI's Web site or enclosed in the deliverable's packaging, depending on the method of delivery. 1'he pricelist(s) for lDIQ Soflware, Data, Dociunentation, maintenance For IDTQ items, training or services may be rEVised from tinie to time, but ui no evcnt shall pricing • contained therein exceed staddard commercial pricuig. UnlesS revised via mutual written ainendmcnt beiween FS:RI and the County, the annual ELA fee paid by the County to ES.R1 is 6xed for the tcrm of the agreemenf. 1'he items provided by ESRI in exchange for the fee are identified in the ELA and include selecteci software (type and quancity de6netl), inaintenance for the ciefined sofl-ware, limited virtual campus training a.nd a fircd amounl of ESRI User Conference registrarion passes. 4. Agreement Is Non-Exclusive. The City agrees to officially name ESR1 as lheir standard anci further agrees to act as a ref•erence for other ES W: customers and potcntial customers as long as this Agreemenl remains in effect. Nohvithstand'mg, under no circumstances shall this Afzreement be conscrued or interpreted as an exclusive dealings INT.E.RT OCe1L. AGREEVIr+,NT--2 l~ agreement and ThE City reserves the rig}it te purchase fronl third parties any of thcir \._.i requi.reinents for GiS software. 5. Infnrmation To Be Supnlied Bv The Citv. In order to support thc County's IS1a- GIS division in future negotiations regarcling ttie renewal of the ESRI ELA, the City agrees to provide the Counly's T.SD-GIS DivisiQn the following rnetrics on an annual basis by January 15`h of each ycar. a. The total number of Full Time Employees (FTE's) for your agency. b. 1"he tatal number nf FfE's with a desktop PC or equivalent (i.e., laptop, tablet PC, etc.) c. The total General Fund Budget for yAUr agency. 6. Scope Of Services. Services provided by the Coimty Infonnation Systems Department's GLS 17ivision (ISll-GIS) are as follows: a. T'tie County's ISD-GIS Division shall acimuuster and maiiage the ESRI E-LA for the City. The County will have the authority froiu ESRI to tieploy ESR,I Site Liccnse Software to the City. The City, who rolls- , in its existing copies or ESRI Site License SoRware (Detailed in Addendum or Limited Deployinent Sofiware (Detailecl in Addencium C), shall receive maintenancc as clefined by the ESRI ELA. Such maintenance shall be coordinatetUmanaged by the County as ~ furthcr defned liercin. The County may deploy up to the total quantity of ESRI Soflware licenses as de6ned in Table B-1 of Appendix B of the ESRI ET A. 'rhe Cily and the County may also issue purchasc orders dircctly tn ESRI for TTaIQ Soffivare (Software not identified in Table B-1 of Appendix 13 of ESRI ELA), laata, Documentation, maintenance Cor IDTQ Sofiware, training, or custnm services. Requests and nrclers for such ESRI sofiware or services shall be made direetly lo ESRI anci shall not be administereci and manageci by - Spokane County ISD-GIS.. b. xhe County shall provide Tier 1 Techrucal Support via a CEntral GIS Help Dcsk. The County's ISI7-G1S Division shall also maintain the officiai list of the eight (8) nameci individuals who may contact ESRT's Technical Support Group direcHy for Tier 2 Technical Support in Addendum D c. ESRI Conference Registrations anci ES1Z! Virtual Ca.mpus Web-based Training Seats shall be distributed to the City, based on lhe percentage agiven agency is contributi.ng to the anoual payment of thc ELf1. and Caunty EI,A Adm_inistration Fee. The City will be entitled to at least once E-SRI Conference Registrations per year upon rcquest. i. Year one distributions of the ESRI Conferencc Regislrations and LSRI Virtual Campus Wcb-based Training Seats wil] be INUk:Ri.OCrIL AC=RFFIMENT--3 based on the methocis described in Section 7c under INVOICING A.ND COST SHAR]NG. ii. The rcmaining out year distributions of the ESRI Conference Registrations and ESRT Virtual Campus Web-based Training Scats will be based on the methocls described in Sectipn 7d uncier INVOTCrNG AND COST SHAR.ING but sununcd for the entirc year. iii. . Spokane County's ISI7-GIS Division shall notify the City of its ESRI Conferencc Registrations and ESRI Virtual Campus Web-based Training Seats allocation for the coming year by January 15`hof each year that lhe E.LA remains in effect. 7. lnvoicinQ And Cost Sharing. The County shall handle all i.nvoicing associateci with the ESR1 Enterprise Liccnse Agreeinent as follorvs. a. 1Vlakc annual $195,000 p3yments to ESRI within 30 days of the auuversary date of ESRI ELA of 1 January for the term of the ELA. h. The County ELA Administration Fcc will be $5,000 for the atiministration of E5171's ELA. c. Xear one. City cost-allocation of ESRI EI.:A and County ELA Administralion Fce by the County shall be baseci on 2004 ESkC maintenance paymenl percentagcs • as detailed in Addendum F. Paymcnt to the County for the first year of the ESRJ ELA (2005) is due by January 30'h, 2005. d. Year two and three (and potcntially four), prorations of County EI.,A ' Administration Fee and ESRI ELA License Fee shall be ba.sed on nuinber of E5171 sofhvare licenses keyed to a given agency/licensee. An ESRI software license table will be maintained by the County's ISD-GiS Divisinn and updated on a monthly basis for each liccnsee. Cost allocation of the partion of the ESRI ELA Liccnse Fee that a givcn agency/licensee would be respnnsible for will he calculated as follows: i. Each inaivitiual ESRI software license will bc associateci witti its associated standard ESRI maiutcnance fee. See Addendum F for Table of Stanciard ESRI IVlaintenance Fees . ii. The sum of the standarcl CSRJ maintenance fecs for all keyed ESRI software licenses for given agency will then bc calculated. iii. The sum of all agencies stanclar<1 maintenancc fees will be calculated. iv. The sum of each agency's individual standard ESRI maintenance fees calculatcd in Step 2Nvill be dividecl by the sum of all agencies stanclard mdinlenance fees calculated in Step 3. ?he result of this calculation will then be !lY'I'ERLnCA[., ACRELAIEV'1'-4 turned into a percenlage by multiplying by 100. This perccntage calculation for cach agency will be generated on a monthly basis. v. '1'he sum ($200,000.00) of thc annual Couiity ELA Administratian Fce ($5;000.00) and the annual ESRI ELA License Fee ($195.000.00) will then be ciivided by twelve and multiplied by a given agency's monthly pcrcenlage calculafed in Stcp 4 and invoiced to [hat agency on a monthly basis by the Cotuity's Information Systems Department (ISD). All calculations for Steps 1-5 will be based on the ESRI sof-tware Iicense table maintained by the County's ISD-GTS Division. The initial version of this table will be generatcd by the County in January 2005. 1`he City shall remit the funds duc to the County wilhin 30 days of invoicing. Mnnthly invoicing f"or year two (2006) will begin in January 2005 as LSRI requires mainienance payments in advance for soflware and maintenance. 8. Repuest, Deplovment, & Account 1'rocedures Qf NewlY-Keved ESRI ELA Site License Sofrivare. the Cotunty's TSD-G1S Division shall maintain the official list authorized inciividuals (one Per licensEC) in Adclendum G who have the budgel authority to request additional ESRI soflhvare covered by the ESR.T ELA (as definecl in Table B-1 of Appendix B of the ESRI ELA.). Rcquests by a given Eligible Agency for additional ESRI Software L.icense must be sent to pissupport(wspol:anecountv.orIZ. Newly keyed licenses will bc added for that licensee o❑ a monthly ba.sis to the LSR.T softwaee lieense Table maintained by [he County's .ISD-GIS Divisio❑ (as initially described in Section 7d). Ncwly keyed liccnses will be incorporatecl on a manthly basis into the Cost allocatian procedures describe in Section 7ci under 1NVOIC.IlVG AND COST SHAR_IiVG. 9. Compliance with Laws. Fach party shall cnmply with all fetleral, state, and local laws and regulations. 10. AssignIIieiits. This conteact is bincli.ng on thc parties and their heirs, successors, ancl assigns. Ncither party may assign, transfer or subconlract its interest, in whole or in part, Nvithout the other party's prior written consent. ll. Amendments. This contract may be amendea at any time by mutual wrilten agneement. No modifcalion or amendment of this agreement shall be valid until the same is reduced to writing anci executcd with lhe same formalities as this agreement. 12. Anti-kickback. No officer or employee of the City of Spokane Valley, havuig the power ar duty to perforrn an official acc or action related tg this contract shall have or acquire any interesl in the contract, or havc solicited, accepted or granted a present or future gift; favor; serviee or otkier thing of value fmm or to any person involved in llus contract. - 13. Terminatiou. Either party tnay terminate tliis contract by tllirty (30) days' written notice to the olher party. ln the event of such tennination; the Cily of Spokane Vallcy shal] pay for any work completed up ta Ehe tlurty (30) days or termination ciate. il\"I'k;RI..QCAL AG12EEiV1E;iV'C--5 14. Severabilitv. In the event arty provisian af tliis contract should become invalid, the _ rest of the contract shall remain in f:ull force and ctTect. 15. Noncliscrimination. No indiviciual shall be excluded frocn participation in, denieci benefit of, subject to cliscri.nunation under, or denied employmenl in che administration of or in connection with this contracl because of race, color, creed, marital status, fanilial status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin; Victnam era or disabled veteran status, age, or disability. Cach party shall comply with ail applicable federal, statc and local nonciiscrim_i.nation laws, regulations and policies. ' 16. Venue. This Agreement has ancl shall be construed as having bcen made and delivered in the State of Washington and the laws of the State of Washi.ngton shall be applicable to its construction aud cnforcement. Any action or judicial procceding for the enforcemcnt of this agreement or any Provision shall be instituted only in a court oi' competent jurisciiction within Spokane County, Washington. 17. All Writines Cont-iined Herein. T6is agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or othcnvise, regarding the subject matter of lhis agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties. 18. Actministration/Administrator. No ne-sv or separate legal or adminislrative cntity is created to admuuster the provisions of this agreement. The County's ISD-GIS Division shall be the administrator of tlus agreement. 19. Agreement To Bc Filed. The City shall file this agreement Nvith its City Cleric. The County shall f le khis ageement with its County Auditor. 20. Non-Waiver. No w aiver by either party of any of the terms of this agreement shal] be constnicd as a waiver of the same or olher rights of that party in the fucure. 21. I3eadings. Headings are inscrted f'or cAnvenience of referencc only and are uot to be deemed part of or ta be used in construing this agreement. 22. Compliancc With Laws. The Parties shall observe all fcderal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, to the extent that khey may be applicable to the terms of this agrcement. 23. Relationshin Of The Parties. ?he Parties intend that au indepencient contractor relationship will be created by this agreemcnt. The City is ititerestecl only in the results that could be achieved and the conduct anti control of all services will be solely with the Counly. No agent, cmployee, secvant or otherwise of the County shal] be dcemetl to be an employec, agent, servant, or otherwise of the City for any purpose and the emplayees of the County are not entitled to any of the benefits that the Cit}° provides for City , employees. The County will be solely and entircly responsible for its acts and the acfs of iN'rE.RLOCnI. AGKEENT_ENT--G its agents, employr;es, servants, subcontractors vr otherwise, during the performance of this Agreemcnt. The County does not have the power or authority to hind the City in any prornise, agrcemenc, or rcpresentation other than speci 6cally provided for in this . Agreemcnt. 24. Enforcement Casts. Tf any legal action or Alher proceeciing is brought for the enforccmenl of this agreement, or becausc of an alleged dispute, breach, default or misrepresentation in connection with any provisions of this agreement, the succe;ss.ful oe prevailing party or parties shall bc entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees, court . costs, and all expenses (including taaces) even if not taxable as court costs (including, without limitation, 311 such fees, costs; and expenses incicient to appeals), incurreci in that 3ction or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to wtuch such party or parties may be entitled. 25. iMaintenance Of Records. T'he CQUnty will maintain, for at least thrce (3) yea.rs a1ler completion of this agreement, all relevatit reeords pertaining to the a~,►rsement. The County shall make availablc to the City or the Waslungton State Auditor or their duly authorizcd representatives, at any tunc during their narmal operating haurs, all recorcis, • books or pertinent information which the County shaU have kept in conjunction with tlus agrecment and which the County rnay be required by law to include or make part of its auciiting procedures, an audit trail nr which may be required for ttie purpose of funding the services contracted for herein. , 26. Remedies. No remedy herein conCerrecl upon any Party is intended to be exclusive of aciy other remcdy, anci each and every such remeciy sllall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every otl-ier rcmedy given hcreuncier or now or hereafter cxisting at la«+ or in equity or by stahite or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any Party of any right, power, or remcdy hereuncier shall preclucie any other vr further exercise thereof. 27. Prnpertv. The ESI21 software to be used by the City shall be Pursuant to this Agrecment and the ESRT. En[erprise License Agreement. ESR( shall retain ownership of the software throughout the term of this agrcement. Upon termination of the City's use, the soffivare shall bc uninslalled and returned to ESIZI in accordance with the ESIt.I Euterprise License Agreement. 28. DurstionlTermination. The duration of this Agreemcnt shall be concurrent tivith the ESRI Enterprise License Agreement ancl shall terminate upon the tennination pf the LSRI Enterprise License Agreement, except that the County may terminate this .4.greement upon the City's failure to comply with tlic terms and conditions of this Ag7eement and/or the ESRI Enterprise License Agreement. [n'TF;RLOCAL AGREENfEN'I'--7 TN WITNLSS WHERFO)±, the parties have caused this interlncal Agreernent to be e.cecutcd on the date and ycar opposite their respective signatures. ~ SPOKAIVE COUNTY: $y: ORA, . - Ihy~~-,A1 ~ f ch2c.-rnah, eocr- vate CITY OF SPOICANE VALLFX: Mayor 17ate ~ LN'CERI,Q(rA1., r1GREEMENT--8 ADDENDUM A ESRI'S FNTERPRISF :LICENSE AGREEMETr°I' See attached Agreement Nc►. 2004ESL6082 ~ , INTEItI,()CA.I, ACREEM:EN7'-9 ADllENDUM R ' EXISTiNG CQPIES UF ESRI LICFNSL+' SOFTWARE ITEMTGED 13Y FT..FGIBLE AGENCY SPOKA~vE COUY'1'Y C.ustomcr# C?iistunxr Nume Uepartment itEG10N Si~te Qnla ' UrouU 'r lt1e ' To~a] Sen~S CQIJN'I`Y OF JASSESSORS 19292 SPOKANk qFFiCE SPOKANE ,WA i IOOaCnncvrrrnt Use ~ Arclijfo iCOlJN7'Y 01' 'ASSESSORS 19292 SP03CANIE [OFFICH; SPOKANE ;WA • 160'Coricvrrent Use Arc Press t 1 COUNTYOF yASSES' St)RS : - ~ - - 192J2 'SPOICATtE _ fOFF1C6 'SPOKANE ,1VA 3101Arc►nfo Eutens Arctitorm 6 ' 1COUN7Y OF ASSESSORS j ~ - 19292 ISF'OKANF; OFFICB SPOKANE WA 280'Arclnfo Fxtens COGQ 9 !COUYTY OF IIYFORMATION e-v - ~ - - - E 6505 SFOKANE ,SYS1'UMS DEF'T SPOKANE WA I 140,Ccuicutrrnt Usc~ 3D Analyst 2 ! COUN1'Y OF INFOR`vIATION ; I _ GSOS SPOKANE iSYSTEMS DEi'T1SPOKANE L\VA l 10,(:oncurrent Usc ~ ArcEditar ~p ~ iCOUN7'Y Or fNHf~RA1AT10N ` - -1 ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - . 6505 SPOKANL ~SYS'f~,b1S DEPT SPOIG1iVE 1VA 40 Server Su1lH~sr~_ _Ai~ctllqS 2 1 - -1 ( IcOuNTvor krNroRns~•rIO=! , - r 6505 I$POKANE ISYST'EMS DI=P7"yPOiC.APFE ,WA 100~Concurrent Use Arcinfo ! 14 ~C'O11O7Y UF L'FOl2MATIQN 6505 SPOKANE ISYSTEMS DEPT SPOkANF WA _ 1604ancutrcnt Usc_~ _Arcl'ress ~ 1 ' _f COUNTY OF INFC)RMATION 6545 SPOKANE ISYS1'EMS DEPT,3POKANE iWq 30GArclufu Gxtrns I ArcScan I - _ . - . --j COIJN'1'Y OF INFOfLMA"1'IQN-; - - 4 - ~ - ~ 6505 ISPUMNE SYSTEMS DBF'T~SFhQKAVE I1VA ; 101Servcr 5ottwar j ArcStaF ~ 8 ~ COUN7`Y0I. !WFORD4AT[OTl ~ - ~ 6505 SPOKA?J'r "SYSTE.v1S D$F'T,SF'UKAA'}? ;WA 120IConcurrcnt USC ~ An:View 2 ' CO[JNTY AF fIT'FORMATlON! ~ ~ i ~t--_---------- ~ i 6505 !SPOIGANE ISYti'I'EA1S DEPT~SPOKANFs ~WA I 430Single Usc ArcView 10 ~ ' COCJNTY OF INFQRIvtATION i I_ 6505 SPOKANE ISYS1'HR9S DEPi'.$F'OtCANE ' WA ' 570 VJindows 3x ; ArcView 22 COUN'CY OF INFUFLMATION 6505 ;3POKANC SY$l'FM3 DEPTISF'OKANE ~1VA 280iArrclnfo Extens ~ COGO 9 iCOUN1'Y OP fNFORMAT[ON ' ~ i - 1- 6505 ,SPOKAT~E SYSTGl~S I~hP~1~POKAT~`E WA 680,D9isc ~ MapObyects 1Vin 5 ;COIJ\~TY Of iG\117Ol2tAA7'IUN - - - - - ; - - - - -j 6505 SPOKAEYE 1SYSTEN9S I7I,H't' SPOKANE ; WA a 6$0 M19isc ,titapUbjocts Win u I CO[JN'CY OF INFnftMA'I'ION ~ - - - - - - - --E - i 6505 SPOKANE ISYSTEAIS DEF'T;SPOKANF, CWA ~ 260`prclnfq Extens I_ _iNlClworS; ~ 8 ,C6UNTY OF INFOR~IA'f'ION 6505 ISPC7KANF J~SYS7'EMS 6PY`'ISPGKA\~F !~VA ' I30~Concurrent lFse ~ Spatial AnAl~t ~ I -i------ -j- - CUUd~1'Y (71~ 'fNFORb9AT[Oi' i - - - 6505 i5NOKt1NE ~SYS"TRMS DEPfSPOKANG 4A 440ISingJe Use 5patial An3lyst 2 I C'_C)UNTY OF _ I~`TC~RMA 1'InN _ j ~ 6505 SPOKANE ~SYST'GMS DFP'C SP()KANB ;VJA ri ~ SRO ~1ndows 3x Spatial Anatyst 2 COUN'i'Y 4F IINFORMATION ! i j - 6505 iSPQKANE SYS7EMS DEPTi$PQKAIdE iWA 2~0'T _Arcinfo Exce ns ~ T1N 3 --T- - !LONG RANGE i - - C'OI.JN1'Y OF ttpLpNN[r(G I , _ 19093 SPOKANE tDEF'T SPOKANE WA _ lOU;C;oncurrent Use ; Arcinf'o ( 2 ~ LOOc;k41.'Gt; - - COUN'CY OF F'LANYiNG i ~ 19093 SPOKANE DI?PT iSF'UKANE 1VA 310 Arc lnfa F,xtens Arc.Slcrrm ►Z , - ItANCi RANGE - - - COCTNTY OF ~PI.ANNLXG , ! 19093 SFOIG~NT-_ fbF;f''I' SPOKANE WA 260Arclnfa Fxtcns Neiwork ,i - . WiN.CJ RANaE . d COUNTY QF P"YYING L9, 093 m!SPOKANF: _ llEPT SPOKAT~H 1VA 130''Concumcnt Use Spatial Analyst I I INTFRT,OCAL AGREEMFNT-10 ~Cc~urrrv or Hc~nn 6506 ~SPU}:ANF (L`•YGWEER$ SP6KAYF WA 140ICorlGUrcent Usc 3U rlnal , t l 1 co-u~Nrv or 2oAn ~ 6506 SPq1~ANE IENGnifEERS !SPOKANE WA 100Coacuircnt Use Arclnfo ~ COl1N'1'Y OF RO,AU - - • - - - - - - . • 6506 ~SPOKANE 1F;T'GiNEERS .$POKA\7E WA i 160~Concurrrnt Use Arci'ress 1 (:C)UNTY OP ;ROAD i . - _ - - - - ~ 6506 SNO}CAiNE IHNGnFEERS SPOKANE ,WA ' 434SingicUse ArcView G ;COUNTY OF ROAD . ' - • - t - - - - 6506 !SPOKANE iET'GINELR$ SPOKANE ,WA 280lArelnfo Extetts ' COGU I 3 rCOIJNTY OF IROAD - ~ - ~ ; - j - - 6506 SPOKANE ENG[NT-6RS 'SPOKANF, WA ~ 260'Arcfnfo Lxtens ~ Network ~ 3 ' COUNTY OF +~ROAD ~ ~ - - 6506 SPOIGANG ENOINGEILS SPOKANE WA 130}0oocunrent Use aci Spal Arialyst 1 ~G'OIJN'I'Y 01' U7TL[TIPS 23325 SPOKANE SFWER DEY7' SPOKANE WA _ 100IConcurrcnl USe ( Arclnfo CUlIN7Y Of +(rrtr.ITIFS f ~ - ( - • - i 23325 SPOKANE ~.SEW!'aFt pEi'T ~SPOKANE tWr1 31O.Arclnfo Extens ArcStorm 3 I COIN'['YOF UTIL(7lF;S ' 23325 SFOKAN~ ^~S@NER hFl'T 'SPOKAIJh +1VA 27;UTArcinfu Gztrns ~ COCU ~ ! COUN'TY Ol~ IUTILITIL$--- 1 -r-. r---- - f- ~ 23325 iSPOlU7~'E SE~VERUL-'P'P_~SP01C.1NE •1~A I 220Concuri~cntUse i SUrveyAnalyst l , - - - UTILIT[TS - , T -I - - - - - - - r-- - ~COUPt'CY OF S'I'ORM A'A'f'F;It 18101 ~SPOKANE ~ IDIV SPOKANL '1VA ~ 140 Cancuncm Use ~ 3D Anatyst I 1 , U'1'1LITIES CQUNTY OF yS'!Y)RM WATGRI , 18101 SPOKANE DN SP01<ANE WA 100'Cwtcurrent Usc ' Arc lnfa ~ 1 ~ - - - -T--- - _ ICO[IN"1'Y QF STORM 1VA'I'H]tI ' 18101 SPOKAiVE U77llIVLITI~.S SPOKA\'E 'WA j SiO;Windows3x ~ ArcView I ( 1Ii-[LITIFS i r-- , - , . - ~ COIJN'['Y OF S"I'ORM WATI"sl2 18101 SI'UKA.NE DfV SPOKANE iWA 130IC0ncumnt Use Sputial AnAlyst 1 ~ TII.PfIES , --j--~- - - ~ - - i CUUNTY OF STORA4 WATGItI 18101 SPUICA\'E IlDIV _;SPUKANE ;VJ.1 I 580;WinilaHS 3x _ Spafial Anni s~~ 1 ! CI1'Y OF SPOKANE CustoitoCr~t Cusiomcr NAme artrroent RCG10N SG1te OrdcY Grou T'ide Tota] Se~4s 'CITY OF I ~ I 6742 SPOKANE _ iCAS IaF.:PT ;SNOKA,YE WA ~ 140Cuncurrrnt Usc I 3D Analyst 4 rC'I1'Y(7p" k , - - - 6702 SPOKANE (GIS DEPT SPOKANE IWA 40IServcr Softwar ArclMS 4 iC1TY OF i t 6742 SPOKANE G1S UL"-Y'1' 'SPOKAM: 'NVA ~ 100(:oncurreni Use Arclnfu 20 ~CtTI' OP' t ' ---r-- ~ . _ ; - - - , 6742 SPOKANE _ 015 pEPT SPOKANE IPJA ~ 160'Cttncuirent Usc_ * ArcPress T~ 3 CI''Y Oh . . _ i - F,742 .SF'OKANk G1S [7FP'r ~SF"QKA'F WA ~ 105crverSufivnr i Arc;SUE 6 i Ct'CY OP • ~ - , - 6742 'Si'OKANE IGIS DEPT SPOKANE !WA ' 120;Concuircnt lFSe ArcView G ! CITY OF ' - - - 6742 SPOKANE !G13 DEPT SPOKANE ,WA i 360 Unix 3x ' AncVicw ~ 3 ~ CITY OF , ' - ; _ - - . 6742 1SPOKANE !GlS DEPT SPOKANE ;W.A ' 570lV6'inc3ows 3x ArcView 44 ;C17'Y OF , . - - - - - 6742 SPOKANE IGIS DEPT iSPOKAT'E .1VA 280 Arclnf'o Exteais ' COGO ~ 5 CI'CY OF 6742 iSF'OKANF :GIS 1713 P'1' _ SPOI:ANE_ W,1 ;----740htisc Maplex I 1 'CI'fY OF I - - - - - - L6742 .SPOKA\iE -G15 DHPT ~SI'OKANH WA ~ 2G0An:tnfn I:xicns Nerivrnk S ~ - - - - - ---1-- - - INTERLOCAI,, AGREEMENT--ll n Cl7`Y Of ! ' \ 6742 SPQKr1NE ICf5 DEPT '~SPOKANE WA 13Q{Coi~eurrent Use Spadal Matyst 1 !i C17'Y AF ( i • 126611 SPOKANG POL(CE DEF'T fSPOKANL"- 1VA 120,Cai~eurrent Use ArcViecv CITY QF - - - r- - - - - ~ . . . 126611 SPpKANh AOLICL DEF'1' SF'QKAN'f-. -WA ~ 570JWiridoµ:s-3-x_- Aj'cView ~ 7 i - - • - - CPI'Y OF 9ANAGE,~tENTi ! 191520 Sf'pKANE _ IDEf'T 13f OKANE WA IOO~Ccmcurrrnt Usc Arc]nfu ~ 2 r.V1rAS7'EWATEk ; ' ; - • • - - C17'Y OF CMA2JAGEMENT ' I 193520 ~SPQKANE SPOKANE ;WA 160CrnicurrentUse ArcPress p 1 ' - - - - ~ - ~ C1TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (Existing Copies of ESRI Site License Sofiware provided under conlract by Spokane County ) SPQKAiNE + GIUNAL HEAI..'TTi J)ISTI2ICT , , : 'Ibtal Custonvr#I. Customer Nainc Depirttnait REGION State prder Givu TiUe $eats a aSPO1CANE ~ ,krGtOti°A.L NEAL7'H ~ 14423 DISTRICT ~SF'OKr'G WA 100iCoatturrznt Usc ArcTnfu Sf"a1G1YG j - - - - - - REGIONAL HFAI:fH 14423 ,QIS'1'RI(;`I' ~ SF'C)KANF IWA 120ConcurrcntUsc ; ArrView Z t jSPOKANE I - ~ . Hl:Al.l'H ! ' p wRIiC;10A'AL ~ II II . 14423 'UIS'I'R]C'f SPOKANE IWA 570 Wind~ws 3x ' ArcView 1 ,SPUKANE ~ _ . _ RF:Ci1nNAl. HEAI,'1'H , 14423 IDISTRICT ~ aSPQKANF; WA 590'1Vindaws 3x ~ T'envork Anulyst f i SPOKANE . G [O°AL HEA.LTH ~ ' 14423 ~DLSTRICT SPOKANE WA : 130 ~(:oncinrent Usc Spatinl Analysl I SPQKA.NFE:ItE.GI01'AL TRANS:PORTATION CQUIVCLL Totar Ct~storrter# CustomcrNamc Dcpartmeni REGIQhI 5tnte Oider, ~ Gmup 'Title' Seats SPOKANE ITRANSPORTATIONICOUNCIL REGIONAL 40540 CPpiCANE IWA I• IOpConcurrentUse Arclnfo I 2 r - SYC)KANF. ( I I~ I- i ~ I IREGIO'NAL - - f , 40540 ''I"RA,YSI'ORTATIONCOUH(;II,. SPOKAYL VA I 26UArclnfo Exteits Network I ~ ~ IV'1'EKLC)C;A1., AGREEAEEN'T-12 ADDENDUM C LXiST1NG COPIE, S OF ESRI L1MITFI) DEPLOYMEN'T SOF'TVVA.RE i`(F.RUZED BY ELEG.IfiLE AGENCY SPQKANE CQUNTY CustomcrH Custamer Name De artmenc RL-GION State Ordcr Grrou .'fitts Tota~ 5eats COUN"1'Y OF INFQRA9AT[ON 6595 SPOKA-NIF ( SYSTF'sMS DEF'T ! SF'OtG1NG ~ WA 940 Misc Arc:Pnd I ' I ; ~ J IArcPad - j ; COCiNTY QF ' INFOR,~IA'CION I Ippl I _6505 SPOKANE SYS'IEA9S 1.)EP'P ; SPOKANE ~VA ; 950 ( Misc IF3uilder ! COIJNTY OF 1 ~ - ~ - ~ - 650G --l . SF'OKANE-- ~ . NNGINEERS _ S-F'OfG1NB . WA ~ ~~tisc ~Arct~ad 1 ' - - - - ~ COUNI'Y Uh NOXIOUS WF-FD 29E677 , $N(IKANE I CUNTROL BOAftI)_j SPOKANF Nr\ , 950 ~ Misc lArcPad 4 ~ CITY OF SPUKANE Customertl Customer Namr Ocpartnkmt REGION State - Order rrou - Titlc Total Scats • CI'I'Y OF ~ I ! 6742 SPOKANH GIS DePT SPOKANF WA ; 940 Misc iArcPad 4 i-- ~ - _ . _ _ , ~ - I ci~ or~ . ~ t nrcead Ap,i 1 ~ 6742 SI'OICANE _ GIS DEPT SNCIKANE__ WA 950 ~ Misc Builcler ~ ' Wr~.STEWA'I'ER ~ - - -I-- - I CI'1'Y UF I MANAGF:MEYT 2r11204 _ SPQKANE _I _ UEF'`1' SPOKANE ( NA :l 940 MiSC; IArcPad ~ 3 ~ CTTY OF S.POKaNE VA.i.,L:EY (No Existing Copies of ES.RT Luiiited Deploymcnt So ftw3rc ) SPOKAI~'E REGIONAL HEAL 1 H DIST121CT „ -1. . . •-r . , . . - , i . . Gustamerti~ CuMomer:Nartte Departmcnt EZHGIUN Stxte'. Order C;roun 'l~tlc • ca~l SPOKANE ~ REG[ONAL I I ; FfF-kLTH ~ 14423 DISTRICT I LPIUE.MIOLQGY ~ SPOKANF WA 540 I%Vindovrs 3. ~Street[Kap I i SPdKANE f i I REGIUNAL ( HEALTN ~Busincss 14423 DI.S'I'RfCT _ j L'PIDEA91bI.OGY j SNUKANE WA550 I Windows 3x iArealysi ~ 1 J SPOKANE 12EGtpNAL '1'RANSPURTATTON COUNCII., (No Exisling Copies nf ESRl Limiteci L7eployment Software ) J INTERLOCAI.. ACREENIENT--13 ADDENDUM D ELGIBLE ACFNCY STAFF WHO lV[AY CQNTACT ESRI'S'I'ECU-NTCAT.. Si.TPPORT GTtOUP llIRECTI..Y SPOKANE COUNTY ESRI ' Giigible Agency Authcpi•r.ecl Customea#' . Name tndividuul ' t'honc Numbcr Expenise , Ermil Address ~ ` t SPOKAYE i.i r'ocroknnr.c:ountv.~ t 6505 ~ COllN'I'Y ~ bUCE S7'EWART I 509 477-7253 Dstabase Adrnin & SDE I- C, g SPOKANE OIS Transpa~ftation - mstcwPr4r2.mok3nc~countv. P 6506 ~ COUNTY DAVk RlUEOUT (509) 477•7251 ~ En&inecring .App o~ ~ ~.i-- ~ SPOKA3dl: r mwent:lcla nAc n_.o 19292 (:411Nt'Y D9DC.E \VFN'I"/ (f49~ 477_5939 ~ GIS & Cadastral Apps. rS__ _ j SPOKANE I]ARCY dachenhschfr7rspo~-uneeoun 6505 COUNTY ACHHTIBACFI (SU9 477-4142 GIS Wcb Scn•ices tvur~,~ Ci7'Y QF SPOKANE ESRI. Gligiblc Agcncy Authurixed Custumer# Name Individual Phrnie \'umber E isc Email Address T crrY or• t ~ b742 I SPOKANE ~ RAY SC:HUG (509) 625-6247 Dacabase Admin & SDE ~ rschugQspokancdiry.org I CITY OF 6742 SPOKANE ~ BILL MYGRS (509) 625-641 t3 GlS Web Services brrrytrs u pokaneeity.org l CITY OF SPOKANF VAI..LEY Under contract w/ Spokane County ISD-C1S. All ESRI Tec6nical Suppart will be initiated by Spokane County TSD-GIS SPOKANE REGIONAI., HFAI.,TH DIST1t1C'r cESR1: EligiblcAgency- . 'Authnriretl . Cvslomerif Namc lndiviJual f'honc Number Ex ertise L•nsail Address SPOKANE 1tEC10NAL ~ H1iALT[I ptg rp ina Qr oka rcrni 14423 D(STRfCT 1 MARK SPKINGEK ' 009 324-1448 GIS A F.pidcrniol(kqy .am SPOKANE l2ECIONAI., TRANSPURTA`TION COUNCiI., -T- ESFtI ~ligible :lgency Authnri•r.ed Custbr»Grl~ Nnme Individiial Phone Number Ex erlisc Ni1 Address SPOKANE ' i REGIONAL t'I'Itr1NSPORTATi~ ~ GI3 & Transponation ! 40540 j 0,14 DISTRI(°f ~ ER[C JOHNSU' 509} 343-6385 _ Flannirtg sjg~s, ~5,mum 1NTER.[...0(:A1., A(.TItEEMENT-14 ADDENTaUM E YEAI't ONE CQS 1 ALLUCATI0N OF ESRI ELA & COUNTY :ELA • APMINiST1tATION I+EE Ilemization of E.SRI FI,A I.icense Fee FSRJ F.nterprire f..ecrrise S 195,000.00 Taxes $ 16,380.00 Tolnl ESltl F,LA Fee S 211,380.00 Pron►tcd ltemization of ('owtty Coanty Admin CountyAdmin Administration Fee 2004 FSRI Muin. % Fee Fee Spokane Cnunty $ 32,420A0 36.86%S 1,$42J9 $ 5,0041.00 City of Spokune $ 48,265.07 54.871% $ 2,743.44 1'RT'C $ 4,700.00 5.34% 5 267.15 SpokaneCaunty Health District S 1,279.45 !_45% $ 72.73 Spokane Valley $ 1,300.00 1.48%$ 73.89 $ 87,964.52 100.00% s 5,000.00 . 2004 ESRI F,nterprisc Prorated F:Sftl ELA B Itemization by Agency oP CSRI ,Nniutcnance Enterprisr Inerease County County Admin F:I,A nnd County Admin. Fee Blllin.- % Splits Amount Admin Fee Fee SpokfuicCounty S 68,160.00 55.I0%5116,468.35 $48,308.35 31,$42.79 3118,31l.13 (:iiy of Spulkxne $ 48,265.07 39.02% $ 82,472.90 $3-A,207.83 $2,743.44 $£t5,216.34 ~ SRTC S 4;700.00 3.84% S 8,031.12 S 3,331.12 $ 267.15 $ 8,298.27 ~ Spoknnc C;ottuty Health District S 1,279.45 1.03%$ 2,186-26 S 904.81 $ 72.73 S 2,258.98 Spoknne Vallcy $ 1,300.00 1.0501o $ 2,221.37 $ 92137 S 71.89 S 2,295.27 Totals S 123,704.52 100.110% S 211,350.00 S 87,675.48 S 5,000.00 S 216,380.00 IN1 Llt1.,OCAL AGRFEMEN'1'-15 ADDENDUM F TARJ.E O1~R STANDARD ESRI MAIIVTENAiNCE FFaFS ~ (EasM 10/1 irzooa) Section Dcscriptiun Price 1 ArcGIS C.'ancurrent Use Licenses • Arcinfo Conctirrcnt Use Licecue Annuul Maintcnance (I'rimary Ist, 1 lth, 2lst, 31st._.) $3,000 A.retnfo Concurrejit Use License Annunl Maintcnance (Secwidsuy 2-10, 12-20...) g1.200 Prirnary .titaintenante fur ArcVicw Concurreni Use Licmse g700 Sewcnlary Maintenance fnr .ArcView Cuncurreari Usc Lieense S500 Primsry Maintcnpnce for An:GIS Spati3l Analyst C'oncurrent Use License S,crpO Secqndsry ,lqaintenanec foe AreGIS Spatinl Analyst Concurrcat Use Licrnse $200 Yrimary Maintensnec fpr ArcGIS 3D Malyst Concurrrnt Use License S500 Seccmdary 14aintcnancC for McC[S 3D Anulyst (;;cmcunent Use License $200 Hrimary hlaintqiancc Cur AmGIS GnusuLtisGc31 Anal}r,t Cuncurrrnt Use I,iccnsc $500 Secondajy Maintesiarice far ArcGIS C~costatisrical Anslyst Concurrrne IJse License gZpp Maintzttaiic;e fur ArLPress for ArcCIS Concwrertt Use License $200 Mainteru2nce fur An;GIS SmeetMnp 9.0 Coacurrznt Use l.icensc S200 Prirriary Maintenance for ArcGfS PublisheT Concurrent llsc License S500 Secnnd3ry Maintcnance for AreGIS Publishcr C'oncunent Use LiccaSe $Zpp Primary h9sintenarecc fa• AcY:CIS Survcy Analysf Cancurrent Usc I,.icensc $500 Sccondary Alaintena►tce Cirr ArcGIS Survey Analyst Concurrent Use I.icense $200 Primary Maintrnanec for ArcaLS Trscking Analyst Caafcuitent Use Ucensc $Spp 5oconciary M:iintenance far AreC;iS'I'rsetcing Malyst CcmcuRent lJsc Liccnse $700 Primary Mainteceauice fur Arc(°~I$ ArcScan Coacurrrnt Use I.icensc gsoo Secondary Maitilenunce far ArcGIS MCScati Cuncurrent Use I.iccase $200 ~ Primary Maintenanec for fvcG[S Mnplex Concarrent Use License $500 . Secondary Maintcnance for AreG[S Msplex (;oncuRent Use License $ypp Primlry Maintenance fur ArcGIS pata intcroperabiliry Curecurrent Use Livense $Spp Secuaidary Maintenarroe fcu ArcGIS Data Interopera6ility Corvciarrsnt Use LieerLse $200 Primsiry Mainlenance for ArcGIS Schennatics Ccmcunent Use License S700 Sccondary Maintenance for AreC,15 Schcmntics Crnicuirent Use Liccnsc 5350 I'rimary Main[ennnce Cor AroGditar Conajrrcnc Use Lieense $1,500 Sccondary Maintenaaice Cor AnPdicor Concurren[ Use Licen,se $1,200 ArcCIS Siogfc Use I.Icenses Prirtvary Maintrnancc fnr .AieView 6.3 or 9.0 Singlc Usc I.icenso (C'.,qre Uniy) $400 ' Scxondsuy Muinunsnac fnr APCView $,3 or 9.0 Singlc IJsc T„icense (Core Oniy) Eftectivc $300 octoea i, aoQa Nrimary Main[crance for AicView 83 or 9.0 5inglc Use License (Care Plies E.ttensions) $l,ppp Secondary Mainccn.ince Cor AncView 83 cu 9.0 Single Use Ucense (Gnree Plus Fx(cnsioru) $900 GCCeetive October 1, 2004 Prirnury ,biaintrnanr.e: fi3r ArcGditur Single Usc (without extptsions) g 1.3Q0 Second9ry MnintrnancC fur An:Editor Single I1;c (withovi extensiuns) $1.200 I'rimary Dlainecrumce far AnGditnr Singlc Usc with Extensions $2,100 . Seeondary tvtsintenancc for rlrcEditor Single Use with Extcnsions $1,$00 Maintenance Activntiun Pragram (1'emporary Fro;;num k:xpires 1192rch 31, 2005) Printary Maintenance Activatian Foe fur An:View 8.1, $.2, or 8.3 Single Use License for $600 Winilows, Cura Only (Pricc F'ftcctive May 15, 2004 thni Mnn.h 31, 2005) Scraanclary Miintcnance Aciivatiun fee fnr ArcVicw 5,1, $.2, in- 33 Sin,,r.1c Use LiCense far $qpp 4Vindows, (::ore pnly (ffice Effective Octabcr l, 2004 thru Marcli 31, 2005) Primary D9ain[enance Aciivadnn Hec for McView 8_1, 82, or 8.3 Single Use Licrnsr fnr $1,500 1Vindows, Cui-e Plus Exteiisicns (Pricc Efiecrivc A4ay IS, 2004 thru,bfarch 31, 2005) Sax.unciary Maintcnpncc Activatiun rae furArcVicw 8.l, 8.2, or 8.3 Single 1lsc Liocnse for 31,300 VI'indows, Cure Plus Exicosions (PriCe Effective Cktobcr 1, 2004 Uiru Mxrch 31, 2005) Primary Maintenance Activaticm Fee for ArcView 33 Sijtgle Use l.iccnsc Cor VJindows, Core $600 Qnly (Pricc E[rective Occaber 1, 2004 thni March 31, 2005) IiV`I'ERIaOCAI ACREEAZEN'I'--16 \ Section Descriptiqn Price Secancl4ry D1aituenance Activatian Fce for ArcVirw 3.3 Single Use I,iccnse fur Windows, $400 Ccuc QnFy (Price GCfcxtive Cktober I, 2004 ttuv Msrch 31, 2005) Primsry D4ain[enance Activaoon roe for ArcView 3.3 Singie Use I.iccnse for Windous, Core SI,500 FIus Extcnsions (Price F:ffcctive Ortober l, 20041hru March 31, 2005) Sccnndaiy blaintrn3nce Actiwatinn Fee fur Arc:Vicw 3.3 Si»gle Use Liccnse fur Windnws, $1,300 Cwc Ylus I:xtrnsianv (Fhice Eitective (7ctober l, 2404 thni A4arch 31, 2005) F'rimary Muintenance ACtivatinn FcC for ArcView 3.2 Siiigle Use i,icense for Windoas, Care g60p Unly (Price Effectivc,tifay 15, 20f4 thru D9areh 31, 2005) Secondary Mainienance Actiwatian ree Car ArcView 3.2 Singlc Use Lirrasc fnr Winduws, $400 Corc Only (Price Ffiective Octabcr I, 2004 tFvu Mareh 3l, 2005) • Primary A9aintcnartce Acdvapvn Fe:e fur ArcVicw 3.2 Single Itsc Liceitse for Windows, Ctne S I,500 Plus E.etrnsions (Price Cffecdvc May 15, 20(}9 thni A4arch 31, 2005) Sernncinry Maintrnanec Activatinn Fee for AreView 3.2 Single Use l.icrnse far Windnws, $1,300 Carc Plu;v Extensiuns (Price Effective Octnber 1, 2004 thni Maivh 31, 2005) I'rimary A9aintenanoe Activaticm Fce 6lr AreView 3.2 5iiigle Use l.iccnse for IJNfX, Corc S 1,450 c]nly (Price Pffrctivc May 15, 2004 thni Marrch 11, 2005) Sccondaty Maintcnancc Actiwution Hce for ArcView 3-2 Single Use I.icrnsz for UNIX, Core S750 Oniy (Price GtT'ectivc May 15,2004 thro Marcli 31, 2005) Primlry h9aintenaanc Activutian Fcc focAjcView 3.2 Single CFse Liccnsc for [JNIX, Guch $750 Hxacnsion (Priee Effcetive May 15, 2004 thru D4arch 31, 2005) SCCCandary Maintrnanec Actiwution Hec for ArcView 3.2 Single Use Licensc for UNIX, Each $300 Fsxtensian (Fricx Effectivc 64ay 15, 2004 thni March 31, 2005) Arclnfo 7.: or R.O.a Softwert-llNIXIWlndows N'1' fuADiCo 7.x or 8.0.x rlocting Licensc Annual Maintcnancc (Pt7rriary 1st, l lih, 21st, 31s1..) $3,000 Arclnfo 7.x or S.Ox Flaating Licervse Annusl Maintenance (Secondary 2-10, 12-20...) $1,200 Arclnfo 7.x or S.O.x Nocle Locketl3-I'ak I.iceose Mnusl A9ainieaattce (I'rimary lst, l lth, $4,000 21st; 31st..) .Arc[nfo ?.x ur 8.0.x 1.'ode [.ockecf 3-Pak I.icense Annual ,titaintenance (Secanctary 2-10, $1,600 12-20...) Arelnfo 7.x or 8_0.x l~;xtensian Ftusting I,icrnse Annual Msintcnance (r.sch) (I'rimary Ist, $500 11 th, 21 st. 3 l st...) Arc6tCo 7.x or 8.0.a Bxiension I-lcaating I,6cense Annual Maintenance (each) (Secoadary 2-I0; $2pQ 12-20...) Arnlnfo 7.x or S.O.x l:xtension NuJe Laclced 3-Pak Lieense Annual Maizrirnancc (cach) $1,100 (Primary I st, I 1 t1i, 21 st, 31 si,..) Arctnfo 7.x or 8.0.x Hxtension Nalc I,ocked 3-F'ak Lic;rnse Mnual h9uintenance (each) $440 (Soccmdsry 2-10, 12-20...) flihcr Arclnfo 7.x or 8.0.x Liccnscc-UYIXlWindotivx ,vT ArcSto'm rirst Liccnse (3 seats) Annual Maintenac`ce gspp ArcStotm rldtlidonul LiCeilse (each addilional seat) Annoal M14aintensncc _ $►pp ArcPress for ArcLifu Floating Sea1 License Annual Maintenancc $200 2 ArcVicsv 3.x mnd Extensiun_+ UN1X ArcView 3.x for tJYF1X Liccnse Primsry Maintenance ,S700 ArcVicw 3,x for UNIX f,iccnse Sccondary,~tain[euance $gpp 7'ransfer of ArcView 3.x 1'or IJiNIX tin ArcViciv 3.x fur WindosvslR'inilows NT 5500 ArcView Network Analyst Extension for UYIX Licenu F'rimary D4aintenancc $500 ArcVietiv \~elwnrk AnalySi F.actension for lJNl;C Lictaisc Secnndary b9nintenancc $200 ArcVicw Tiacking Annlyst Fxteusiun Car IJNIX Liceaue Primary A9ainten:uice $Spp ArcView Trncking Anslyse Exteasion fnr UNI.Y Laeense Socandaiy M19aintcnzince $700 ArcView Spatial Analyst Extcnsion fur W!)i I..irrsnsc Primary h9nintelialice $gqp ArcView Spa4s1 Malyst G:ctensinn far UN[X Licrnse Sccondary h9uintcnance $200 ArcVicw 3D Analyst Fsxtension fur UhlrX I.icense Primary Mainteoaewce S500 AreVirw 31J Analyst Extensinn for UNIX Liccnse Sccondary MasntcnanCe $200 rn'TERLO(:AT.. AcREEMENT--i 7 Sectiun Ucscription Frice ; ` WindowstWindows ~ I' Primary Maintrnance tor ArcView 3.3 Single lJse License (Core Only) $400 Secondary Maintenance for AreView 3.3 Single Use Licrnse (Care Only) $300 Yrimary Maintenance for Am.View 33 Single lJse I.icensc ((:orc Phjs Extcnsions) S 1,000 Seooridary Maintenance far ArcView 3.3 Single Use I,iccnsc (Core Plus Grteasinns) $900 3 V1apObjcets kN7apUbjects-Wlndows Edfliou Muintenunce far A9an06jccts-Windows Edition Siand-Alcme 17evelaper's Kit $1,000 Maintenance Cor MapObjer•ts-Vlinctou.,; l:dition lntcmct IJeveloper Kil $2 400 A7aintecwnee for Additiansl A9uPpbjccts-Windows Edition Developcr l.icensc $200 Maintenance for MapOhjects-Windows Lintited Deplo}ment Site l,iccnsc Kit $3,000 117up()bjecis-Inva F,dition Maintcnancc for htapQbjects--Java Editiun Stxnd-Atnne Dcvcloper Kit $1,000 Maintenance for MapObjeets--lawa Editian Intemct t)cvcloper Kit S1,500 Maintenance for Additional MapObjects--Ja.m Fdiaon Developer Lieense gZpp Maintenance fur Additional NtapObjects-leva Eclidcm Server DepEcryment [aeense for (fie $I :000 Server with up iq "fwo CPIJ's ' Mainten3ncc ior Additiona] MapOb}er_IS-Java Fdition (;PU Deployinent Licrnse S750 4 ArcClS Euninc Prirttary Maintenaioce fnr ArcCil$ Engine Developer Kit Licrnsc $3,000 • Frirnary A4uintenaf= f'or Aeiditional ArcGLS Erigine Devaloprr Kii Iacensc $3 pUp Sawndary Maintcnance for Aciditional jVcCIS Engine 17cvclopq' Kii License $1,500 ~ . Arc<::IS F ngine Runt3lftle Maintenance fur Standard An;GIS Pnginc Rundmc License VI'ithuut l'xtcnsions $150 Maintenance Co,• St:uidsrd ArcGIS Nngina Runtime Licease With Eactensions 5500 S ArcCIS Scrver (Yroduction Sen•er) Maintenauce fur A-c:CIS Servcr Uccnsc $7,500 Maintensnce fur Additeona) C'I'U on a Licensed An:CIS Servcr Sg 7g0 F'iirru3ry Maintenance fnr .Addition3l3ingle Use Arc:GIS Serr•i;r t?cvcloper Licaise $750 Srcondary Maintenance far Addiuoital Single Use ArcGlti $crver Developer License $375 Maintenance for ArcGIS Server Lieense Spntial }>xtensiqn S2S00 Maintenance for Additicmal CPU on s l..icensed ArcGIS Seiver Spaliul F.xtensiam s1,250 D4aintenmice Cor An;G[S Server I,iccnsc 3D Exteiisioti $2,500 b9nintKnunce for Additiaaial CPU ai a Lieeijsed ArcCfS Scrva 3U Eactensiori g~ 25p Maintenance fur AreCIS Semer Licensc StrcctMap E.Ytension $1,250 Maintenance for Additianal CPU oo a Licatsed ArcOIS Smer titree4tii3p Pactcnsiuii $625 ArcCIS Srn•cr (Ucvelopment nnd TeSting) 5 Maintenance for Ari,~GIS Server Development and Tcsting Liceaise $3,750 Maintenance fur Aclditirntal CFU un Lice.nsed Arc(;;IS Server Developrrwnt nnd'['esting $1,875 M11aintcnance 1i}r Ajr.l71J' Server Dero•elopment and 7'GStanII Lacense Spalial L'xtension $1,250 Maintennnce for Additional CPU mi Licensed ArcGIS Server Dcvelaprnent und 'festing $625 ' Spatial Gxtension ilvtaintenance for AroG1S Server Dcvclopment and Testirib License 3D Fxtcnsion S 1,25U Maintrnancc for Addilianal CPU on Licensed Are:{;IS Scrvcr [?eveloprmtt snd Tcsting 3D gGZs I:xtrnsiqn Maintenance Cor ArcGIS Server Devclopn,&su and Testing l.icense Simcilvtap Ecterisiun $625 hlaintenince fur Additioaol CPU on l.iccnsed ArcGfS Servp, Development nnd '1'cscing $3 12 titrcctMap F-xtension 6 ArcSDF. Maintenance for McSDE or SDE Srn•er Liccnsc uith Two CPUs $3,000 Maintenance for ArcSDE or SDE Additinnal Prucessor I,.eccnsc g11000 Maintenance fuT AirSDF15DE Read anc! Write; Scrvcr (;onncctian License $150 Mnintenance for ArcSDF/SDB Reacl-Only Scrver Cvnneciion License Maintenance for AteSDL' Sinble Use I,iccnsc Pcr Notcbook Cornputr.r $200 j lN'1'N I2.LOCAL AGREEiVIEN'1'-18 Sectiun Descripkion Priee 7 ArcIR1$ • AceQNS Servcr/CFU Annual Maintenance S2,000 AicfMS Addirional CVU Mnual Main(ennnce $1,000 e1n.1MS Singte Use Devclopment Lioenu Annual Maintenance Fee $200 ArctAiS Routc Server . Annual Maintenance for An1M11S Koute 5ervcr License fur Onr Scrver and 2 CPU's $600 Annual Maintenance fnr ArcLbiS Routr Server Additinnal CPU Ueense $300 Arc1J1iS Routc $erver Data Optionc Annunl Updatr Fcc [hta Pack--Telc Atlas Multil.et UCA License for anc Server and 2 CPU's S7,500 Annua] UFxfatc Fac--Date Pack-'t'clc Atlas M1lultilYct USA Aciditional CPU Licensc $2,500 7 Arc1D1S Data 1)elivery E:tcnsinn Mnual Maintenance fur Arc[MS laata Delivrry N,xtcnsion Licrnse for Orie Semer and S I,000 2 C;PIPs Additianal CPU Lioe»se for ArcfMS D-ata Uelivery Factensiun $2,500 Mnuul Maintenance for Additional CPU Licansz for ArcLbfS 15ata Dclivery Gxtcnsion $600 S Busincts Auplicntiuns Software AreView 13usiness Annlyst ArcVicw Businrss Anplyst Sufivam and Data License and One-Year Maintenance (per $15,996 license) ESRI B[S AnView yusiness Anulyst Software and Data Licrnse and One-Ycar D9aintenance (pcr 515,996 liceiise) AGti Annua! Maintenance (per license) AU-cView Husiuess Analyst H:SR[ B[S S15,996 Annual M:untenancc (pCr license) ArrVicw pusiness Analyst AGS $15,996 Anntral Maintenanrt ArcView Business Analyst Eat[ansion (pcr license) GSkI F3IS $14,7gG Annual Meintrnsncc AirView IIusiness Analyst F--xtension (per license) AC;S $14,796 Anmual Maintenance for Optional ES1t1131S Data Pack (per liccnsc) $2,500 Mnual Maintenance for Optians! ACS Da[a Pack (per license) $2,500 ~ Arc(:IS Rusiueas Analysl ArcGI$ t3tisiness Malyst-Professioaal Gditian Softcvye und Data I,icense and One-Ycar $15,996 A4ain[enance (pcr license) GSkI BIS . ArtGIS Husiness Anmlyst-Professionml Eclitiun Sot?ware mid Datu I,.icense and One-YLar $15,996 Maintenance (per liceiise) AGS Annual Maintenance for ArcGfS Business AnalySt-ProCeSSicmal Fdition (per license) ESRI S15,996 QIS Annual Miintenance &1r ArcG1S BusinGSS Analyst--Prufe.ssinon) Edition (prr liccnsc) ACS $15,9% ArrGIS Busi»ess Anslyst Factensivn-Profcssionnl Edition $oft"m. re anci Data I,iccnsc and $14,796 Onc-Ye,1rMaincenance (per Iicense) LSR! BIS ArcGIS Business Annlyst E.etension-ftfcssiona] Edilian Software and Dsm facense anrl $14,796 Qne-Year Riaintrnancc (per liceeue) AGS Antuwl Maintenance fua• AreCIS Pusincss Anolys! t?.xtcnsion-Prufcssiiuta! I"sdiNon SoRware $14,796 and Datu f..iccnse ESRI RIS Annua] A4uintenancc f'or McG1S E3usincss Malyst Factension-Professional Edition So(tware $14,796 and Datn License .1G"S Arc~'rIS DUSij]ess AnslySt FK[Ct1Si(m-Devc1crPer Edilian (no datu) S2,500 Anoual Maintenance (Pcr liccnse) fur rlrcGl5 13usiness Anal}5t Ectension-llevelppcr GditiOn $2,500 (nu data) AreGIS Husiness Analyst Clptionnl AGS Data 1'ack (only for the ArcGIS Businrss Anslyst 52,500 custonier thnt hss slready purleha,sed AreGlS Business Anatyst with the E,4HI RIS data set) Annual Maintrnance for ArcGIS Business Analyst Optional AGS Data Yack $2,500 9 Arcl,ogistlcs Routc McLogi5tic5 Route Annuul Maintcnaitce (U.S. data) $2,000 ArcLogistirs Route Additiwial Service Atca (Ll.S. claLu) Annual Maintenance ,$1,0pp Ai-cLogistics Itaute No Dutu Liccnsc Annunl Maintenance $1,000 Arcl,ngistics Ruute far C.'itrix [.iceaise (U.S. data) 5-Pak Annual Maimenwice gh,p(►p ArcLogistics Route for Citrix I,iccnsc (U.S. (luta) ZS-Pak Annual Maintcnance $20,000 ' ~ j Arcl,ogisiics Route \'o Uata License for Cirriz 5-Pak Annusl Mainteaiance $S,ppp Arcl,.ogisties Route No pata Lieensc for Citrix 25-F'ak AnnuAl Maintenance $15,000 LvTE1tL()(;AT AGKE•I:MFNT-49 , / Section Deserlption Price Atcl,oSistics Route Annual Alsintcoancc (1J.5. data) for I..ocal Govemmcnt $1,600 ~ f McLogistics Route No D11a License fix Local C,ovemrroent Annual Maintcnanoo $1,000 ArcC.a;isties Route Cor Citrix Lic:ense (U.S. data) 3-Pak fur L.uca] (3ovemmrnt Annual $3,600 Maintenance Aral.ogistics Rnute CaT Citrix Licrnsr (U.S. dats) 5-Pak far i.ocal Govemment Alaintrnancc $6,000 Arci..ogistics Routc for Citrix t,icenscs (U.S. data) 25-Pak far irocal C,ovcmmcnt Annual $20,000 Maintcnance An:Logisties Route No Data Lieense fur Citrix 3-Pak far Locul Cjavernment Annual $3,000 Maintenance Arcl.oSistics Ftoutc No 1)ntn [,iccnsc for Gitrix 5-Pak for Local Gnvernmcnt Annual $5,000 Maintunance Arcl-ogistics [2nute No [)atn License fnr Citrix 25-Yak for I ocal Government Mnua) $15,000 Mainteiiazice Route111AP UN1S FLauteMAP 1M5 Naintenance ServcdCP11 l.iccnse SI,000 KouteMA.P IybIS Maintenanec for Additional CPU LScense $500 ftuuteMAP WS Data Puek USr1 MxintGnsncc $ervedC:PU laccnsc S1,000 RouteMAP IMS Uatn Pack l1SA Mamtrnance for AdditionAl CPU [icense S500 9 RoutcMAP WS Lhta Nick NoRh American Maicitaiance fur Servrn'CPU Liu:nse $3,000 RouteMAP Q%4S Dnm PaCk Nur[h Arnerican Ntain[enunce fw Additianal CYU I..icense S500 10 Other Suftwnre NclEn~inc Annual Mainten;uiee for Netlin_L-ine Stnnclard Urvelvper Kit a2rp00 Annual Maintenance for NetNngine Intcrnct L?evclopcr Kit $2,000 Annual 4laintcnance for NctFnginc AcEditionnl 5averICPU Deployrrient Lic'etse $1,200 Annual Maintenance for AddidonAl NctFngine CPIJ pe}iloytnerll License $1,000 Annual Maintcnance for Additional T'etEngine L7cveloper License (eaeh) $500 . Alnplex Maple.e Single Use Licetiise Annua] Frimvy Maimenance 53,750 Maplex Single Use License Annual $econdary Maintcnancc $ 1,500 G1S Data ReYiewer Annual Mainunancc for I'roducaon Line Tool Set Soluuon G[S Data ReViewer g625 Aturoal Maintenance fur Map Producuon System (N1PS) $625 Job `f'racking Extension (.I`PX) Prin-miyMaintenance Job •rracxi„g Extension (rrX) ro«",rreni use ucen5e S50() Secoaidary Maintaiance Job Trackinb Extension (JTX) Concurrent Usc Liccnse $200 ArcPnd ArcI'aci APplication F3uildcr Primary Maintcnnncc $500 ArcPact APplicstion Buildcr 5ecn,ndary M19aintennncc $300 LNTERI:.OCAL AGREEMENT--20 A_UDENDUM G ELGIBLF, ACENCY AUTHORIZED IYDIVII)UALS FUR SOFTWARF REQUESTS (The following list of individuals have the budget authority of within their agency to make reauests to Spokane County ISll-G1S for ESRT software covered by the ESRI ELA) C11Y OF SPOKANF ESRI CustomerH Eli ~ble A cnc Nnme '.luthariud Indiviclual Phone Number Fn-mil Address '6742 CITY OP SPOKANE CHRISSfE DE113EL _1 (549) 625-6448 ~ cdeibet crsnnkanecitv.njg CITY OF SPQKA~NTE VALLEY ;ESxI , : Cus[orr~er0! . ~li ibk A enc tJame Authorired inclividuul Phone Number E,nail Addmis ' Cl7'Y OF SPOKANE VALLGY MAkINA SUKIJI' ~ (509) GBS-0030 ~Jfiu .s~kane~c~lle SPOKANE REGIUNAi, I-M;AL'1'H DI5TRICT EsRi Custbmerfi f:li pjble A rnc Namc Authorizecl Individual Phnnc 'umber Gnmil Address SPOKANE REGIp"T~AI, ~ 14423 ~ HEALTH DISTkICT MARK SPRINGFR 509)124-144$ ~ rr}i,~gc(~„a)sP ~neccruntv.~rn ~ SPOKANE REGIONAIa TRANSPOR'I'A'1'!ON COUn'C.T_L, ..~.SK[ , Custumerf! ' :F-ti iblc A cnc Ynmc Autharized Individuul Phooc Number Frrail Actdress ~ SF'OKAYF REGIONAL 'I'ltANSF'oK'CA'ClC1N ~ 40540 C UIS`Ilt1C'I' GI.ENMILI3S , (509)343-6370 l ~mril a>rtc.n~~~ ~ C~ liY`I'~.+ RL()CAL, A(;I2EEMENT-21 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 14, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Local Agency Agreement and Federal Aid Project Prospectus with the Washington State Department of Transportation (V1lSDOT) for Argonne Road Overlay Project. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A • PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: 1) Approval of Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, which includes the Argonne Road Overlay Project, 2) approval of application for federal grant funding for the Argonne Road Overlay Project. At their June 7, 2005 study session, Council approved placement of this item on the next Consent Agenda for approval. BACKGROUND: Public Works recently applied for and received from SRTC a$274,000 grant for the rehabilitation of Argonne Road between Indiana Avenue and Montgomery Avenue. This project was originally planned for construction in 2003. Due to the delay in the federal call for projects the Argonne Road Overlay Project will be constructed during the 2005 construction season. This project will improve 0.21 miles of roadway by grinding and overlaying the road with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavement. To begin the design phase, the City must enter into a Local Agency Agreement with the WSDOT. A Local Agency Agreement is a standard WSDOT agreement required on all projects where federal funds are received. Once the agreement is executed Preliminary Engineering (PE) funds can be released for the design phase of the project. Attached is a copy of the Local Agency Agreement and Project Prospectus that must be signed by a city official and retumed to the WSDOT for processing and approval. OPTIONS: . . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approval of and authorization for City Manager to execute the Local Agency Agreements (for each phase of the project as needed) and Project Prospectus for the Argonne Road Rehabilitation project. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The local match funds of $42,600 will come from the 2005 Street Capital Projects Fund budget. The total estimated project cost is $316,600. STAFF CONTACT: Steve 1JVorley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer / Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS Local Agency Agreement and Projeck Prospectus ~ ~ ~ ~ Washington State Local Agency Agreement Department of Transportation Agency City of Spokane Valley CFDA No. 20.205 ~ (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance) ~)Address C/O Public Works Department project No. 11707 E. Sprague AvEnue Agreement No. Spokane Va11ey, WA 99206 For OSC WSDOT Use Only The Local Agtncv having complicd, or hereby agreeing to cvmply, wiW the tccros and conditions sex forth in (1) TiUe 23, U.S. Codc IIighways, (2) die regulapons issued pursuant thcrcto, (3) Office of vlanagement end Budget C'uculars A-102, A-87 and A-133, (4) the pnlicics and pmcedures promulgated by the Wmhington Statc Ucpartment of TrFUisportalion, and (S) the fcdcral sid project agreement entered into between the State and Pedera] Governmcnt, rtilativc to the above prc►ject, the Wash.ington Stetc Deparomcnt of Transpartarion will authorize the [,oc;al AgGncy to proceed on the project by a yepxrdtc notification. Federal funds wh.ich are to be obligated for the project may not aeceed tlie amount shown hcrcin on line r, column 3, without writtcn authority tyy the Stflte, subjtx:t to the appraval of the Fcderal Higfiway Ad.minis[ration. AII projeci casts nat rcimbursed by the federal Governmerrt shall be the responsibiliry of the Local Agcncy. Project Description " Name Argonne Road Overlay Length 0.21 miles Termini Indiana Avenue to il~lontgomery Avenue Description of Work Th.is projeet will improve 0.21 miles of roadway by grinding, patching/repairing and overlaying the road with 2 inches of asphalt aonerete pavement Estimate of Funding Type of Work (1) (Z) (3) Estimated Total Estimated Agency Estimated Pro'ect Funds Funds Federal Funds 11~13E a, ~geng 30,800.00 4,030.00 26,670A0 86.5 % b.Other c. Other Federal Ald Participation d. State 2,000.00 270.00 1,730.00 Ratio for PE e. Tolal PE Cost Estimate a+b+c+d 32,800.00 4,300.00 28,400.00 R1ght of Way f. Agency • % -9.Other Consultant h. dlher Federal Aid i. State ' PaRicipation Ratio for RW Total R/W Cost Estimdte f+ +h+i Construction k. Gontract 1. Other m. Other n. Other % o. Agency Federal Aid State Partidpatfon . Ratio for CN , Total CN Cast Estimate k+l+m+n+o+ ' r. Total Project Cost Estimate (e+j+q) ( 32,800.001 4,300.00 28,400.00 Agency Official Washington State Department of Transportation ~ By By i . 7Ftle c.,ity Manilger Assistant Secretary for Highways and Local Programs C'~y+ nf Cnokane VAlley Date Euecuted DOT Furm 149-U39 EF ~ Revised 01/2004 Construction Method of Financing (CheckMethodSelected) State Ad and Award ❑ Method A- Advance Payment - Agancy Share of total construction oost (based on contract award) ❑ Method B- Withhald from gas tax the Agencys share of total construction oost (line 4, calumn 2) in the amount of $ at $ per month for months. Local Force or Local Ad and Award ~ Method C- Agency cast inairred with Rartial reimbursement The Local Agency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title 23, regulations and policies and procedures, and as e condition to payment of the federal funds obligated, it accepts and will comply vrith the applicable provisions set forth below. Adopted by official acfion on ResolutioNOrclinance No. Provisions SCOP@ Of WOI"lt l, Prcliminary cngineering, 'Che Agracy sholl provicle all the work, labar, materiaLs, and scrvices nuessary 2. Righht uf wuy acyuisitioa m perfarm the projcct which is dcscribed ond set forth in dctnil in the °Projact 3. Project rnnstnection. Ue.wripdon" nnd "Type af Wark." • In the cvcnt tkat right of wny soqui.iidon, or acaial coaswctios of the rmd, When the State acts for and on bchnlf of thc Agcncy, the State shall be for wLich preliminnry engineering is undextuken is nM stnrted by the closing of dcemed ae ngerit of ttie Agency nad shnll perform the scavic:es desczibad and the unth fiacal ycar fallowing the fisaal yrar in whic6 the agreemeut is "xuted, indicatcci in "I'ype of Work" on the fnce of this agccm¢nt, in necordance wit6 the Agency wdl eepay w the Stute the sum or sums of fedcral fia¢ds paid to the pluns :md specifimtions :is proposad by the Agency and aPFuaved hy the titabe Agency undcr the terms of thLq Rgroemcnt (see Ssction DI). and the Fcdcral HighNNmy Adminisaation. VJhen the S[ate nets fur the Agency but is not subject m the right of amtrol by Ttie Agency agrees ttiat oll swbres of oonstruction naces,eary to providc the the Agcncy, the Stntc shall 6avc the right to perform the wurk subject to the initially plnnncd complete fecility within the licnits of lhis pro}cxt will canform ardinary prncedures of the State and Federsl Highway Administrarion.. to nt leust the minimum values set by approvcd SpiUevvido design strmclatds applirnble to this class of highways, even thoug,h suc6 ncididonal worlc is II. DelegBtiOn Of AuthOfFty •fmaziced withaut &x1ertJ aid purticipation. T'be Scate is wiping to fiiltil] the rcsponsibilitics to the Federn! Goverument by 7'he Agcncy agrees Uiot an federal nid highwuy construciicm pmjccts, tti^ the arlministrn[iun o1'this projact "Ilte Agency afgees thaR the Stntc shall have the current federnl aed regulatiqns whech apply to iiquidated dannges retative to t` fuLl authority to ca.rry oui this aclministration. '['he State shnll review, process, btisis of federal participation in Ihe pro}cx.-t cast s6a11 be opplicnble in the cvC _ end anlwrve documents required fnr faderal eid reimbursemcnt in accordaocc the camtractor fails to aomplctc the oontrnct within the eantract time. with federN requirenie¢ts. ff the Stnte advertises and nwards the conwct the Statc will furthu w for the Agcncy in a11 mactcrs cwexming me projccc ns VI. Payment and Partlal Relmbursement reyuested by the Ageney. If the Locnl ~,eency adveAises and uwEVCls the project, the Stau shall rcvicw the w•ork ro cnsicrc conformiry wit6 the approved plaas und ~c tatal cost of the project, including nll neview nnd engineering costs and specificatianm ather ruprnses af the Stete, is in be paid by the Agcncy ttad by the FederW QoveriunenL Pedernl funciing shul] be in accnrdancc with the Trnnspormtian III. Projeet Administration Fquity Act far the 21st Ceiihuy (TEA 21)2 us umendect, and Affice of Ccrtain types of wmk and scRiccs shall bc pravidcd by the Stnte on this M9nxgemcnt and F3udgct circulars A-102, A-87 uitd A-133. Thr Smte shull nnt proyeet es requested by the Age¢ey nnd described in the Type of Wwic nbnve. In bo uJtimntaly respoasible foa my of the rnsts of the projecC "P'he Ageney sltiLll be nddition, the Smte wiCl furnish qunlificd pemunnet for the supervision and ultitttntely tesponsible for nll CUSts assariated wi4h the pmjcd which are not inspectioa of the wnrlc ia pmgress_ Qn l.oca] Agency advenised end awarded reimbursed by the Federal CovemmanL Nothing in this agrocment shnll be projects, the supervision and inspectinn shall be limited to ensuring all w•ork- is in construed as a promisc hy the Statc as to the entount or nature of federnl conforttmnco with approc•cd plaivvs, spacifieat.ions, eud fedeml aid eequirements. Paztieipatiou in this project. 'Che salary of such angmeer or othu supervisar and all ather sulerin and autv 71ta Agettcy shnll bi[I the state Cor federul suJ project costs incurrcd in incurrcd try Stxu foaocs unan the pmjxt w•ill bc amsedered a aost thsrcof. tU] confonnity with applicuble fectrrsl and stube law9, 'I'he agcacy shall mimiinize costs relntad to this project incurred by emplo}ow of the Srnte in the cuscomtuy the time Glapsed between rcceipt of faicral aid funds nnd subsequent payment uf msnnrr an highw[iy pcrymlls and voachers shull be c6srged as costs of the inet[rred cvsts. Fatpendihtrcs by the Loeal Ageney for mxintenance, gcne7s1 projecL ndministratian, supervision, ecd nther overhead shall not bc cligible for federal IV. Avallabflity of Records participatian unlcss ao ind'uect oost plan has been appmved by WSDOT. AII pmjeot records in support of ell oosts incuned and actual cxpcnditures The State will pay far Stute incurred costs on the projoct Fo[lowing pmyment, kept try the Aganey ure En be maintainad in nccorcixnce with local govemment the S[nte shnll bill the FederaJ Govemment for reimburscmrni of ttiosc Costs eacuunting procedures prescribed by the R'ushiVun State Auditor's Ollico, the cligible for foderal participarioa to the eactent that such rosts are attributablc end U.S. Departmeni of Transportatioq ond the Washington State DeparUneitit of propcrly allocable to this project. 'I'ne State sball bill the Agrency fior thet particrn Transportation. 'fhc records shell be open to inspectioa by the State and Federul of Stste costs whic:h wcre not rcimbursed by the Federal Gnvernm.nt (see Governmcnt at all reasonable times and shall bc retnincd and made avnilable for Sutinn I?C). such inspxtian for u period of nat lrss thnn three ycars from the finxl pxymrnt of uny federal nid funds to the Ageacy. Copies of s¢id reoords shell be fiunished ro 1• ProJect Construedon Costs the Sttttc and/or Foderal Govcmmrnt upon requcst, prqjcct onnsmuction finnncing wRll be accomplished by anc of the tlvee V. Compliance with Provisions methods as ihdicadecl in this ugreemcat. The AE;ency shall not incur nny federcil eid parciciPatian costs nm uny . . clnssification of waric on this project unti] nutharized in writing by the Stnte far -each clasSificadan. Tha r.lsssificatinns of wprk fnr projects are: DOT Fortn 140-039 EF 2 Revisetl 0112004 rse«od a-rhe ngency will plusx with the Statc, within (ZO) days olicx the X. Traffic Control, Signing, Marking, and Roadway execution of the coiLstruciioo cantrnct, an advance in Ihe nmcrunt of the Agency's Maintenanee share uf the tuial onnscnictian coBt basecl on the contrset awnrd. The Stnte will . natify the Agcney of the exnct umount to bc depasited with the Stutc. The Srnte 7'hc Ageney will not permit cury changrs to be mnde in the prtrvEqions for wID pay ull ccuCv incuTrcd under the ecmtract unon prescnmtion of progress perking rrgulstions and trnffic controi on this projoct without priar approvul of f~ billings from die cantrocmr_ Following snc6 paJwenls, the State will suhmit a the State ond Federal 14ig6wny Administration. The Agency wil1 not install or billing to the Federnl Crovctnincat for the fedrrel aid pmrtecipntion sharc of the permit tn be insin!!cd any signs, siganls, ot tnarlcings nnt in conformenco wi1L - cosL When the project is substantially oompleted and tmal ncmol custs of the the standards approved by the Feclwal H;gfiway Adniinistrntion and MITCCD. project can be cletermined, the Statc will ptem[ the Agency with a fmal billing 7'hc Agcncy wiR, ut its awn rxpcnsc, maintain the intprovement coverad by this shrnring the smount due the Slate ar the amount duc the Agency. 'Ihis billing ageement, will be elearect by cithcr a pnynicnt from the Agency tn the Smte ar by a rcfimd XI. Indemllf from the Stnta to the Agenc:y. tY The Agency shall hold the FadenJ Govrmmrnt and the State harniless from Method B- The Aeeacy's stiare of the tota) canstructioa cost as s6own on aad s6all proeess a►ed defend at its owo cxpcnse a(1 cltiims, demands, or suits, the f¢ca of t6is agreement shal) hc withheld from its mauthly fuef tux nllatcneac5. whether nt Inw or equiry brought ngFllo51 the Agency. State, or Federsl '17ec fiuc of this agraeinent establishes the months in wh.ich the withhotding sball Government, urisins fmm the Agcncy's pcecutiou, pertormence, cu failore to W:e pLuce and the crnct omowu to be withheld exch mont6. 'I"hc cxicot of Pcrfomt auy of the proviseons of this egreement, ot of any athet a,greement or wiW6oldiug will be c[infrrmcd by lettcr Gom tlte Smte nt the time of onntrRCt contract oonnocted ccith lhis agreetnent, ur arising by rzsson of the pmrticipnuon ewurd. Upan raceipt of progess billings fiom the cantractor, the Smte will of the Stste ar Fcderal Govcmmcni in the project, FROVIDED, nwhing hcrein submit such bitlings to the Fedeml Governmrat for psymrnt of its participaring ghaN ra9uire the Agency to reimburse the State or thc Federnl Oovemment far partian of such billings. damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damage fi propcrty cuused by or resulting fram the soJe negligcncc of the Fcdcrn] Oovernment or 1he State. Method C-'1Le Ageoay may submit vouchcrs to the Srnte in the fornmt pmscribed by the SUUC, in duplicate, not mure ttuin ance per mwnth fnr th0.sc XII. Nondiscrimination Provision oosts cligible far Federul perticipatean to the cxtcnt Wst such cosrs are direcdy No liability shall atrnch co ~c State or Federnl ~oo~ernm~t c~c~t as attributablc utd property alloeable to lhis project Exncndihues by the [.ocsl Agency for mnintenance, gencral ndministrntion, supcrvisian, and ot6er overhead cxpressty pro-tided herein. shnll noi be eligble for FcdcrAl participation unless clnimed under a prcvinusly The Agency shnll ncri discaiminau an the tasis of rsce, color, oatioanl arigin, approved indirecl cost plan. ar sex in the awwd and pcrformnttce of nny USDOT-assisted conUact andlot egreemeut The Sate shall reiinburse thr Agency ft~r the Fcckcral shnre oC aligible project ar in the tidministrateon ~f its (7H~ progran~ ar the raquirements of WtiLS UP [D Htt 8t(Lfl{I77t SI]OTV➢ 0.0 1fIC f110C Of I~IIS il~t(tlC711G17L A1 UBC ILrtIC OFAUCI~1~ Q9 CFR. Pnrt 24. Tho Agency sl~all mke ul] nrcnssary and ren,sanahlc st~.ps under the Agency will provide dncumentsdnn ~f all costs incurred wi d~e projecL 49 CPR Part 26 tn ensurc nnndiscriminativn in the nwnrd and :uiministratinn of USL]07-assisted ooatrac[s nnd ngrerments. 7'he WSIJOT's DBE progrruun, as roquired by 49 CF'R Part 26 ond ns npproved by USDOT, is incorporated by '1'he Ststc shall bill the Agency for oll oosLS incurred Iry the Statc reiative oo the r¢fereace in tLis agreGment lmplcmcntatian of this proernm is a Isgnl projecc T6a Smte shall slso bill the Agency for the Ceclenil fvnds paid lry the abtigatioa ond fuilure to earry out its temm shall 6e trestcd ns a violatian of this Smte to the Agenty for project onsts which are subscquenUy determinad [n be agreement Upan no3i5cation to the Ageacy of its faiturc to csny out its incligible for federul partieipation (see Section DC). appmved progrucn, the Department may impo~c sanctiQns ss provided iw unde,r ~VII. Audit of Foderal Consuttant Contracts PaK 26 and may, in upproprfnta wses, refrr th-c metter far cnfoTCCment under 18 ~ U.S.C. 1001 nndlar the Pmgrnm Frond Civil Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.C. Thc Ageucy, if scrvices of a oonsuttnnt nre required, slmll be responsi6le fnr 3801 et seqJ. nudit ai' the rnnsulmnt's reccards ro detexmine diole fcdcrel ned costs on ttic The p8eary hereby ngrees lhut it will inonrporate or cAtise to be incorporaied projoct The repwrt of snid audit shnll ba in the Ageacy's fdes and mede inw any contracc for ooostrucdon werk, ar unodific:dinn thcrmf, as defincd in availnble to the State nnd the Fc+deral Gavemmtn~ ~ics vid reguFntians of the Seeretary of Ixhor in 41 GFR Chapter 60, which An a+cdit shall bc oondtectod by the W3DOT Internul Aiuiit Offioe in is paed for in wfiole or in part with funds obtained fmm the Pudcral Governmenl nscardaocc wid► ganerally acxeptrd governmental nudiring srnndards as issued by or bonuwed om the caedit of the Fcdcral GovrJnmcnt pufsuunt tn agnnt, the Unitul Stste.a Gcncral Accounting OfTuce by the Campvoller Gencral of the oontract, lofln, insuranee, ar gunrnntoe or undeistnnding parsvnnt to any faQeral United 5tates; WSDOT Llenusl .M 27-50, Consultant Author'rmbion, Selection, progrnm invnlving such gnsnt, coatract, loas, insurunec, ar guarantM the and Agrocmcnt Administmtion; memoruncln of andeJSmnding between WSDOT requirad casunet provisians Cor hederal-Aid CanUttcts (Ff3WA 1273), located in ond FHWA; end Offlx of Mlanagcment ond Budge! Cireulur A-133. Chapter 44 of the Loco1 Agency Guidelines. If upon audil it is found that oyerpaymcnt oT psrticipntion of fodera] inonay in 'ILa Agency further agxees thnt it vrill hc bound by the obova eqaul inc7igible itcros of cost hns cx:c:urred, the Ageney shell reimbursc the State for the cpportunity clausa with rcsptct to its own emplo}mucnt practices when it umaunt of sucd overpa}mseut or cxccss purticipatiov (sae Secteon T}C). pwticipates in falcralty assistcd cansauction wrork: Frovidod, tttat if the npplcpint so p.vtioipnting is n Stato or I.ocal Govcnunent, the ubove equnl oppartunity cluusc is 6ot appticuble to any agency, instrumcntnlity, or VIII. Single Audit ACt subdiAsion of such goverament whic6 daes nat participate in wrork on or under '1'he Ai;ency, as a suhrccipirnt of fcderal funds, s6n1l acfherc tn the feAcrul the contmet. 0.fficc of Manogement nnd Budget (0:1I3) Circular A-133 as wcll as aLl The Agency aLSO egee.s: upplirubla fedecnl nnd state stetute,v and regulotioais. A subrecipient who (l) To assist nnd cooperata activeFy wiifi the Stnte in o6tsining the cxpends $500,000 or morc in fodertjl nwnrds trom n[l sourcxs during a given complinnce of oontractors nad subcontrectors with the equal opportunity clnuse fsca] year shn[I have o single ar progarn-specific audit pcrfarmad far ftt year and rules, regulations, Ftad relcvnnt ordcrs of the Secretary of Ln6ar. in eccardsncr with the provisrons of OMB Circutar A-133. Upon conclusion of the A-133 audii, the Agency shnll be responsiblc far cmirin,g thnt u copy of the (2) To furnish the Statc such informHtion us it may rcquirc for the report is transmitted prompUy to the Stata supervision uf such compliancc and chat it will o[ber.vise msist the State in the . dischnrge of its primazy raspcrosibility for szcuring campliance. IX. Payment of BUling (3) To refrnin from cntering into any wntract ar oontnsct modification The Agency agees that if paymrnt or amtngement fur payment of ony aT the subjcct to beecutiLv Ordsr 11246 af Septembcr 24, 1465, with n canunctar Srnte's billing relntive ta the pmject (c.g., State farcc wark, profact caacallation, dcharrcd from, or who hns not demanstrated eligibility for, government overpayment, cost iaeligible for redrrai part;~ipar;an, cte.) is rtot made ro the contrarts end fedemlly assisted cnnstruction eanuacts pursuant to the Executive Statc within 45 ctuys aftet the Agency has been bi[led, the Stau shall cffcci Order. eimbursement of the tcrtal sum duc from the regulnr manthiy fuel mx allutmrnt5 . o the Agency fnim the Motar Vehicle Fund. No additiannl Federal project (4) To earry out such senctions and peaalries far violateon of the cqienl ~ iiinding wilt be spprqved until fUl] paytnent is reeeived unless otherwise directed QPPortunity clause as muy be impcsed apan aontrxctqrs and subcontractors by the Assistant Secrctnry for Highwa}5 nnd Local Frognu»s. the State, Fadaral Highway Administradoa, or the Secretury of LnbaT pursuant to Part U. subpart D of the Pacecutive Qrder. DOT Farm 140-039 EF Revlsed US12004 3 In udditiun, the Agency s,grces thxt if ic faits or rcfusrs tu crnnply wit6 dsese XV. Vonue for Claims andlor Causes of Aetion undertaking,q, the Stnae may tnke acry or al] of the foliowing acNcros: For the Convenieuce of the partics ro this «mtrace, it is agneaf t6ut uny claims (a) CanTel, tarminutc, ar suspend IEis agreeanent in whole nr in part; nndlar causrs of aelicrn whicli t:lie T,ocnl Agency has egainst the Smte of Wastiingtan, grtrvring out of this contraet or the project with w-hic6 it ~ (b) Refroin from extending any further assistence to the Ageney under the concemed, shal] be brought otdy in dtc 5upcrior Court fcyr'fheustan Cavnty. program aTth respect tn whic:h the failure or refusnJ occurrcd unti) satisfactory ussurdncx of future campliamoc has bcen received fram the Agency, nad XVI. Certlfieation Rogarding the ResVicUons of the Use " oi Federal Funds for Lobbying (c) Refer the case tn the IepnrUnent af Justice far approprixtc legrJ ~ML apProying authority certifies, to the best of his or her 6rnow•Icdgc nnd proceedings, botiet ihot: XIII. Liquidated Damages (1) No fedeml appropriaud funds havc becn paid ar wiU bc paic, by or on behalf of 1'he Agcncy hcreby egrces thnt the liquidntad darongcs pro~isions of 23 CFR the undcrsigned, tn eny prrsan &u inlluencing or uttempting to influcnce an ofi"ccrl nr employee af aay federnl ugency, a member of Coagress, Pan 633, Sutrpart 127, ¢s supplcmcnccd, rcladve ro the nnwunt af Fedarol pn affieer or eanployae of Congress, or an cmploya of a mc2nber of Congress in partieipadon in the pmject eost, shn11 6e epPliruble in the evenc the cantraetor eonntetion witfi the awarding of any federal ecrntratK, the m:dcing of any Cedernl feiRv to mmpleta the conLnec within the contrnet time. Faiture tu inclade the making of any federal ]oan, the cntering into of any coopcrativc liquidatad d:unngcs provision will nnt retieve thz Agenty Gom reduction of ogmemeait, end the mctensioa, ccmdnuatean, renewal, smendmcnt, or fukaal psrticipadan io eawrdunee wiil► Uhis patagraph, modificakicm of un federtJ eontruGt loaq ar Coa Y f~~ Perative ugreemeiit. X1V. Termination for Public Convenience • (z) ifany funds crther than fedeml appropriated funds have been paid or will 'Ihe Secrelnry of the Woshingtoo Smtc pepartment af Transpnrtetioa may be paid to nny pcrson far infiueocing or ettcmpting to influzna an officcr or tcrminete the contrsct io whole, or Gom time to time in pnrt, whenever rmplcryee of eny frderai ngency, n member of Congress, an ufficer ar empkayee 7'de reyuisite fnclecril funding bacomes unovtailnblc thmugh failarc tif af Cottgtess, or an emplo}cc of s mcmbcr of CongrGCS in aannccticm with this ap,propriodoa or othcrnise, fedeasl contrnet, grunt, luun, oa cuoperative a,nreemea►t, the undersigned shull cocnplcte ond subjnit the Stnndt+rd Form - LLL, "Disclosurc Form to Rcport (2) The oontrnctor is preventod from proceoding with the work us n direct (,a5bying," rn swnrdance with its instruc.tions. result of an F:xecutive Qrdca of the F'resident with respect to the prasecutioa of War or in the interest af entianat defense, ar an Exccuti~~c Order of the President (3) The uadersigned shNl require t6at the Innguoge of this celtifesatioo be or Cmvemor of the State with respxt tu ttrc presenatiaa uf eaergy resources. includod in the aaaTd dncumentt far aU sulsawsuds at all tiers (including subgant t, and oontrncts und subcontmcts under gntnts, subgants, tcuns, end (3) 'Ilte coiitroctor is prcvcntcd from proaccding with the Hvrk by reusun uf a cooperntive agreemeuts) wh.ich cxceed $100,000, and thst al] such subTccipieats prcliminsry, snecial, or pcnnanent reslrxininS order of a ooutt of compcient shall ocrtify and discltrse eccoadingty. jurisdiction where the issunnce of suc6 order is primarily caused by the aats or Th]s cerdfirntiou is o mnteriaJ rcpreseatatioo of fnct upan a•hich rciinncc was omissions of persons or agencies oiher than the contracmr. placod when thit Uansection wvs made or enteled inln. Suhmissian of this (4) i'he Secretary cicurmincs thsU such termmation 'rs in the best interesls af °ertifecatiou as e prercquisite for makittg or entcring into diis unnsxction the StaLe. impoxd by Sxt"con 1352, Tille 31, U.S. Ccxle. Any peman who fnfls to file the required certifcation stal] be subject ro e civil pennlry of aot lcss than SIO,G.~;'- - and noi morc than S 100,000 for each such failure. Additional Provisions DOY Fartn 140-039 EF 4 Rcvisad 0112004 ~ ~ Washington State Local A9ency Federal Aid Department of Transportation Project Prospectus Prefa ' Route Federal Aid ate 6n1200$ Project Number ST?US 4041 D F Lapl Agency l wsoor ~ Federal Employer ~ 1-0914170 Projed Number SRTC04-7 `Use Onty Tax ID Number Agency Federal Progrem Title City of SpokF►ne Val.ley to 20.205 C] 20.209 ❑ Other Projed Tiue Start Latitude N47°40'28" Stert Longitude W 117°16'S8" Argonne Road Overlay End Latitude N47°44'44", Eryd Lortgitude W117°16'S8" Project Termini From To Indiaaa Avenue Montgomery Avenue From: To: Length ot Projed Award Type 0.00 0.21 0.21 miles 0 Local ❑ Local Farces ❑ State ❑ Raflroad Federel Agency City Number County Number County Name WSDOT Regfon N FHWA ❑ Others 1221 32 Spokane EAS"I" CongressEonat DEsUict Legislative Districts Urban Area Number TMA / MPO / RTPO 5 4 2 SRTC Total Local Agency Phase Start Phase Estirttated Cost Funding Federal Funds Date Nearest Hundred Dolla Nearest Hundred DoAar . Nearest Hundred Dollar Morrth Year P.E. $32,800 $4,300 $28,400 6/05 R/W $0 $0 $0 Const $283,800 $38,300 $245,600 7/05 Total $316,600 $42,600 $274,000 'i Descri tion of Existin FeClli (Existing Design and Present Condition) Roadway Width Number of Lanes 75' - l00' 6 Argonne Road between indiana Avenue and Mont;omery Rd. is a six-lane, prwcipal arterial in the City of Spakane Vallcy's road system that carries approximately 39,600 vchicles per day. Several sectinns af pavement breakdown represented by severe allig3tor and longitudinal cracking is evident. The east lanes aze showing worse breakdown problems than the west lanes. Description of Pro osed Work Roadway Width Number of Larses ❑ New Consiruction N 3-R ❑ 2-R 75' - 100' 6 This project proposes to imProve 0.21 m.iles of roadwAy bv patchingfrepa'ving and overlaying thc road with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavcment. . Local Agency Contact Ferson Tiile Phone Steve M. Worley, PE Senior Engineer (CI.P) 921-1000 Mailing Address C(ty State Zip Code 1 l 707 E. Sprtigue Avenue Spokane Valley WA 99206 ~ : J gy DBSIgf1 f1pPfOVal ApProving Prafessfonal Engfneer Tifle Date DOT Form 744101 EF _ P8g0 1 Of 3 a Supersedes Previous Editions ■ Revi9ed 120002 Agency Project Tiile Date City of Spokane Vallcy Argonne Road Overlay 6/712005 Geometric Design Data 1 Description Throu h Route Crossroad N Principal Arterial p Principal Arteriat Federal ~ Urban 0 Minor Arterial D Urban 0 Minor Arterial O Collector O Coflector Functional ❑ Major Collector ❑ Major Callector Classification ❑ Rural ❑ Minor Collector ❑ Rural 0 Minor Collector . O Access StreeURoad ❑ Access SVeeURoad Terrain CM Flat O Roll O Mountain ❑ Flat ❑ Roll ❑ Mountain Posted S eed 35 Qesign Speed 40 ExisUng ADT 39,600 Desi n Yeer ADT 54815 Desi n Year 2015 ' Design Hourty Volume (OHV) 5482 • Accident - 3 Year Experience ProPerty Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Year Damage Number of Number of Number of Idumber of 7otal Number Aa~dents Accidents Injuries Accidents Fatalities of Accidents 2001-2003 27 18 22 0 0 45 Performance of Work Pre[iminary Engineering Will Be Performed By Otfiers As}ency City of Spokane Valley 0% , 100 Q/a Gonstruction +MA Be Perfarmed By Gflntrad Agency Contractor 100 % 0 % Environmental Classification N Final ❑ Preliminary ❑ Class I- Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) ~ C9ass II - Categoncally Excluded (CE) ❑ Projed Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404 ❑ Projects Requiring Documentation Interagency Agreement (Documented CE) ❑ Class III - Environmental Assessment (EA) ❑ Project Invoives NEPAISEPA Sectlon 404 Interagency Agreement Emironmental Consideratians DOT Form 140-101 EF Page 2 of 3 Revised 1212002 Agency Project Title Date City of Spokane Valley Argonne Road Overlay 6/712005 Right of Way ~ No Right of Way Required ❑ Right of Way Required ' All construction required by the contract can be acxomplished ❑ No Relocation ❑ Relocation Required within the existing right of way. Descripicon of Utiliiy RelocaUon or Adjustinents artd Existing Major Structures Involved in the ProjeG FAA Involvement Is any airport located within 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) of the proposed project? ❑ Yes 0 No Remarks • ~ This project has been reviewed by the legislative body of the administration agency or agencies, or iYs designee, and is not inconsistent with the agency's comprehensive plan for community development. Agency City of Spokanc Vallcy Date By MayonrChalrparson , DOT Fortn 140-701 EF Page 3 of 3 • . Revised 1212002 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 06-14-05 City Manager Sign-aff: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business [l public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Approval of Student Advisory Council Appointments GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Per Council consensus at the June 7, 2005 Study Session, the following students are hereby appointed as Student Advisory Councilmembers: Ashley Bell, West Valley High School Victoria Berndt, Central Valley High School Jessica Cannon, East Valley High School Jolean Hughes, Central Valley High School . Brett Vlahovich, University High School RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approval of Mayoral appointments to the Student Advisory Council, as listed above BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Councilmember Mike DeVleming ATTACHMENTS , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - Request for Council Action - Meeting Date: June 14, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation • AGENDA ITEM TITLE :"Walk Across Washington" . GOVERNING LEGISLATtON: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTIOPI TAKEN: During Council's June 7, 2005 Study Session, there was Council consensus to place this matter on the June 14, 2005 Consent Agenda to authorize the City of Spokane Valley's participation at an estimated cost of $100.00. BACKGROUND: An Association of Washington Cities event done in partnership with municipalities to emphasize city worlcers wellness and to celebrate health in the community. Ci#ies host a 3 mile walk segment to showcase city parks and trails. There are 60 to 80 locations statewide. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to approve participation in the tlWalk Across Washington° at an estimated total cost of $100.00 BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Estimated cost is $85 -$100. Funds are available in the Recreation Budget. The AWC is handling participant registration and contributes materials toward the marketing of the event; participants are not charged a fee for participating in the event. • STAFF CONTACT: Audra SimslMike Jackson ATTACHMENTS A one page information sheet regarding the evenfi "Walk Across Washington" l __1 i ccWalk ACI'OSS W1Sh].ngtOII" rn partnership with and promoted by the Association of Washington Cities Event Daie: One day the week of October 9- 1 Sm Commitment Date: Partnering cities need to sign-on by June 24 Overview: A statewide event to celebrate health and showcase city parks and trails. Target audience is city employees. Secondary audience is the community. Each city hosts a. 3 mile walk segnent; Mayors and Council Members are encouraged to participate. ' More Information: WalkAcross Washing?on www.walkwashington.org - The event occurred once prior in 2002 with 1,500 taking , part statewide. Some changes in the administration of the • event will be implemenled this year; for example, no registration fee will be charged. It will be free to all participants. The Associatinn of Washington Cities wil.l handle the event organization electronically, thus eliminatiug mailing costs. Also AWC will have sponsar support for marketing and for participant recognition items. ~ A City's Financittl - Obligation: *Buttled water for participants. Cost: $84.503 for 300. *OPTIONAL: Cxlow sticks for 300, $273.75 'Local event stafftime to orgariize/promote the event (mariceting materials pmvided by AWC) ' *Beyond those two basics, any grander ideas and assaciated spending is agency/city determined - A City's Liability: Our liability/risic would be the same as any similar 'recreation evenG Par[icipants sign a liability waiver a.s part of thc registraNon process with AWC. WCIA has been contacted and notified of the event. - City Provides: DatePTime; Route; Facilities; I.ocal event coordinator; l.,ocal volunteers; Water; Glow sticks (optional, if dusk) AWC Provides: Website; Registration; Fre-event fitness preparation . . informafion; Post-event contact with participAnts; Secures sgonsor(s) for t-shirts, marketing/pmmotional materiats, . pedometer; Walking book and pcdometer aRer the event CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 14, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business [E new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution 05-009 Adopting the 2006-2011 TIP GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010, Perpetual advanced six-year plans for , coordinated transportation program expenditures. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adopted 2005-2010 Six Year TIP last year on June 22, 2004, Resolution #04-019. Adopted Amended 2005-2010 Six Year TIP on April 6, 2005, Resolution #05-006. BACKGROUND: The City is required by RCW 35.77.010 to prepare and after public hearing adopt a revised and extended comprehensive Vansportation program for the ensuing six calendar years. This plan must be submitted to the Washington State Secretary of Transportation before July 1S' of each year. Staff presented to Council a draft 2006-2011 Six Year TIP at the April 5, 2005 and May 3, 2005 study sessions. The proposed TIP in large part reflects the 2005-2010 adopted Six Year TIP prepared last year by the interim staff and Spokane County. Proposed changes from last year's TIP indude: • Adding the resurfacing of Montgomery Avenue from Argonne Road to University Road (2006). • Adding the sidewalk project on Mission Avenue from Argonne Road to University Road (2006). ~ • Adding the resurfacing of University Road from Dishman-Mica Road to 15"' Avenue (2008). • Adding the resurfacing of University Road from 15"' Avenue to 4t" Avenue (2008). • Adding the resurfacing of Broadway Avenue from I-90 eastbound ramp to Par1c Road (2008). , • Adding the rehabilitation of Bar4cer Road from Euclid Avenue to SR 290 (Trent Road). • Adding the reconstruction of Park Road from Sprague Avenue to Broadway Avenue (2009). • Rescheduling 8th Avenue from Havana Street to Park Road until 2008 when federal funds will again be available. J OPTIONS: Accept or revise project list and/or project schedule RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Adopt 2006-2011 Six Year TIP. , BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City's share of the ptoposed projects will be budgeted within the Street Capital Projects Fund which has the revenue resources to accommodate the proposed TIP. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, 'Steve Worley ATTACHMENTS: 1) Summary description of proposed projects - 2) List of Draft 2006-2011 Six Year TIP projects 3) Draft 2006-2011 Six Year TIP 4) Map of Draft 2006-2011 Six Year TIP , CITY ON" SPOKANE VALL,EY SFOICAPYE COUNTY, WASHINCTOIV RESOLUTlON NO. 05-009 A RESOLUT101V AllOPT1NC TIiE 2006-2011 S1X-YEAIt TRANSPORTATION IMPRQVEMCNT NROGRAM FUR THE C1TY OF SPOKANE VALI:EY. WHEREAS, to provide for the prnper and necessary development of the street system within the Ciry of Spokane Vdllr;y, thc City shall, as rcquired by State law, dcvelop and adopt annually a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ("TIlP") with such prnp-am acting as aguide for the coordinated develop►ncnt of the City's transportation system; WN'EREAS, the TIP of the City shall spec:ifically set forth thnse projecls and pmgrams of both City and regional significance that benefit the transportatinn system and promote public 'safety and cfficient vchiclc movements; WIiE[tH,AS, [he Tf.P shall be consistent with tlic City Comprchensive Plan and be adopted following one or morc public hcarings before the City Council; WAFRFAS, the City Cauncil conducted a public hearing on June 14, 2005 for the purpose of inviting and reeeivinD puhlic comment nn the proposed TIP; and WHFRFAS, pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, the adoption of the Six-Year Street Plan is a nonprojeet action which has rcccivcd proper and timely envimnmental review by the City. - ~ NQW TfiEREFUI2E, be it resolved by the City Cnuncil of the City nf SRokane Valley, SpAkane County, Washington, as follows: The City Council hereby adopts the attached T[P for the City of Spokane Valley for the purFose of guiding the design, development and c.onstruction af lacal and regional transporlatitio improvcmcnts for lhe years 2006 thmug}i 2011. The City Clcrk is directed to file the 2006-2011 Six-Year Tracisporlation Improvement Program wiCh the Wa.shington State Sec;retary of I°ransportation not later than June 30. The 11T' shall be rcvicwed at lea.St annually for the purpose of determining the work to be accomplished under the program and the City transportation requirements. Adopted th.is 14'h day of June, 2005. City of Spokane Valley T)iana Wilhite, Mayor A'I"1"ES`1': Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to form: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney 01)nc:umenLc sunJ SettirigslswodeylLocai ScttingsiTcmporaryintcmct Fi1cs10LKD41Resolufion 200b-201 I 7Il'_DOC Page l of I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 14, 2004 City Manager Sign-off: (tem: Check all that appty: ❑ consent X old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Pavement Cut Policy GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The pavement cut policy was discussed as an Administrative Report on April 5, 2005. It was also discussed during the April 26 and May 3, .2005 study sessions. BACKGROUND: Spokane County and the City of Spokane began development of a regional pavement cut policy in fall of 2003. The City of Spokane Valley was initially involved in the process; however, due to staffing availability we were not able to continue our involvement. Spokane County and City of Spokane have adopted the attached policy. In previous presentations, staff presented estimated impacts to staffing and to the fee in order to recover costs of the right-of-way permitting function. A proposed amendment to the fee schedule will be presented in a separate agenda item. Concerning staffing, originally staff proposed three positions: a Permit Specialist, an additional Construction Inspector and a data.management related position, to be specified after additional analysis. This would bring Right-of-Way (ROW) staffing to 4.2 personnel, compared to the 5-7 FTE the County uses for ROW permitting and inspection, and the 6-7 FTE used by the City of Spokane. Separate from the pavement cut discussion, Council recently authorized an additional Permit Specialist to address the development permit activity. Staff could mon'rtor the workload of the permit center and return at a later date for an additional Permit Specialist if needed. However, staff still recommends an additional Construction Inspector, and funding to develop and implement a tracking system. OPTIONS: Adopt the policy as written, revise the policy, or continue to operate under the current policy. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The additional annual cost of implementing the pavement cut policy comes to an estimated $85,000. If approved, staff would incorporate the FTE authorization and appropriation into the next 2005 budget adjustment. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten/Marina Sukup/Tom Scholtens ATTACHMENT: Utility Cut Policy SPOKANE ~ 'p `AR Sl'Crqft COi.1I\TTY ]ZEGIONAL PAVEMENT CUT PQLICY ' Fchrunry 14, 2005 nvrROnucriort '1'he local governmental entities within Spokane County are fiaccd with the samc challeriges as many oxher municipalities throughout the counlry. Pavemenl cuts are a net;essary operation and cannat: bc avoidecl. Utilities need to serve new cuStUmerS ancl repair existing facilities. There is a c;ommon good for all utilities to Me placed in the Piablic Right of Way. All parties shall sMve to reduce the hurclen Co the taxpayer/ratepayer, arid clarnagc ta the roadways. Studies c;onducted by multiple groups and organizations have detennined tfiat poorly restored ravement cuts cause permanent stnictural and furictional darnage iricreasing maintenance costs, future rehabilitation costs, and produce a rough ride. If realized, the increased costs <<nd rough ride are a burden for the taxpayer/ratepayer. As Eshibit A on page eiglrt shows, the pavernent beyond the trench rnay be wcakened by sagging which results from loss of lateral suppork I-Icavy construction traff-ic also weakens thc arca adjacent to t:hc trench. Studies (see attacficd bibliography) have shown that the pavement lifc may bc reduced by ravement euts. Poorly constnic;teci patches tend not to last through the life of the esisting road and lail hrematurely when thert: is a lack of good construction techniques used when bacl:filling and compacting. 1'his causes an additional burden to maintenance deparhnents and taxpayersJratepayers. A poorly constructed pavement cut usually requires repair betore the road needs to be resurfsced; problcros typically appear in tMe first two years. Scudies also reveal that patch areas probably reyuire thicker overlays compared co the rest of the pavement in the area. This also resulls in higher ccists to the laxpayer/ratepayer. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Ttiis doctimenC outlines Spokane County and the C:ity of Spokane's joint regional policy regarding p3vement e;uts. lt aclclresses erc;avation problems, construction requirements, warrandes and other related aspects. In :iddition, it inoclitics tFic five year new pavement cut moraCorium, ereating a new regional three-year cut moratorium as outlined in this agreement and exhihit B tier chart. Any road will remain available to be cut if lhere is no other means to take care of an emergency situation (brnken water, sewer or gas line;s or as appmved by the Agency Friginecr). The utility shall attempt to uSe other innovative idcas for servicing customers other than cutting intn the public R.ight ef Way whilt; noC dimini5hinb 5arely ~ standarcls. . ~ vEFiNrrioNs Perinittees: The utility company or conteactar who submits an application for a permit to . nbstruct and/or conduct constructian operations in the public right-of-way. Lnc;al agcneies zincl ' lheir contractors shall be considered nermittees tor apnlication of iliis policy even though the respect.ivc agcncics arid/or tlieir contractors may not take out permits. Local Agency: `I'he governing entity having jurisdietion of the area t}tat the pcrrnittee has submitted an application to ohsteuct or canduct construction operations. Agency Engineer: Ciry or County Engineer, his/her clesigriee (Fnbincers, Inspectors, Project Managers, Hield }'ersonnel) representing a Local Agency. Standard Spcc.ifications: Current version of the WS170'1` Standiircl Specifications for Road, 13ridge, and Municipal Construction, Supplemental Specitications ancUar llrawings as atktchGd by local agencies. Project Completion: Iaate when the f'ollowing ha,s occurred: final permanent restnration of ruadway is complete arid apEamved by the inspector, and all as-built documentation has been submittetl to the Ioc;al ageney. A fax trinsmiU.il corilirrnKCion lickct of `as built' shall be consicleretl confirniation. New Roadway: Any eoadway that has had a designed rehabilitation in the pernlittetl excavalion location that is le,ss than or equal to three years. i,ength of Patch: For this docurncnt: t:hc Icrigth ot`all patches is the patch dimension parallel to the roachvay. Width of:F'alch: Fur t_his clocumcnl the width of all ratehes is the patch dimension pergendicular to the rnadway. Assignee: 1'he contractor who is tal:ing out the permit. Patch: Cul in the paveiricnt as rari of the current permitted job. CUiVSTKUCI'lUN 12EQUlREMH,NTS I. A pavernenl cul rnoratoriurn will bc in cffect: fur a periad ofi three years for all neNv roaclways (sec F_.xhibit: R). 2. No patching material will he allowed wiChin an exisling patch if the new patch exceeds seventy percent or more of the existing patch. In this atse, the entirc existing patch musf be replacecl. 3. All pal:ching rn3tcrials and construction requirements not addressed in this document shall conform tn each Local Agency's Stanclarcls, copies available frorn local agencies. Longitudinal cuts that extend through multiple tier classif cations will require discussion witli the local agency to deterniine appropriate patching approach. ln principle, each road set;tion will be patched acc;ording to the tier in whieM it is ranked. 2 4. All ex.is#ing Iraific control rrtarkinQ..~ will be replacecl as soon as possible aftee permanen i paving is cornpleted, Tiz~inporary marfcinFq for lane lines and s#op lines shsll he in place prior to the roadway opening for I.raffic. Al I rcmaininp, #eni porary slriping ~ vvi II be completed within seven days oi' new pavcrnciyt aompleti on and shall be mainkained by permillee unlil perrnanently rcstored_ All tratfi c marki ngs wilj bc replaced per normxl work practicr:s. 5_ Ful] depth full lane pavement eemoval and rep3acernent sh~i l I be constructed heyond the no m inal cnmpleted teench edge 3ongitudinally, and transversely per #ier chart and nntes_ '['hre goal is I:}+at tite #cc scc-tion wil] not arbi#rarily force patch intn adjacenr Jxnes, dependeni on qti H lily ancl care of trenching. The rri inimum ]c~ngth c>fthe patch paralle] to the road shall be s i x feet. Tf any part of the eaccavxtion, pafch or damagcd area intrude.s into $n adjaceiit lane, tli at lane sIia[I also he replaced per- lh e tiered chtirt. For new paic h es adjaceni to any c~xisiing paich, a Il attempts will bc rnade to i»stall the utilily al lhe ex.isting patc:h line.lVhen ihis is n o t fz~asible, no gap of 4 feet or ]ess shall exist, 6. The permittee shall be alinwed w make emergency eepaie.9 provided a more reasonabi e aIfernati vc docs iiot exist_ T'vcry rcaqonablc etfhrt will he made ta restore the rcadway quickly. {Nole; an emergency will not allow permiitc:e io cuor(i inatc $itd p lan with &splialt cnmpanY)- (See "Repairs ofPavement C uts°") . 7_ On ly saw cukking or approved grinding device wi] E be a llawed. Only pamllcl and perpend icu lar pavererent cuts wil] be xllowed. N o jagged, brokr;:n or undcrminbd ed¢es. ~ 8_ Bicyclelpedesfi- ianlpsrkin gltravel [anes ta be reptired per tier chart and iitiached drawin&q_ ' , 9, F.ach i_,ocai Agcnc}' shall h avc Ihc prcrogative to encnurage the pennitEee ta canteibule permiitee's normal patchzng cus~is io ]ocal agencies to a ccomplish paving ar fu1I depth replacement ofthe roadway. (This does- nat apply #o work done wilhin larger projccts, i_e_ sewer p eojects)_. The Local Agency should be notified af exisling problems with I:hC~ _ adjaccnt raadway to a proposcd patch_ Cvery effort wrli be In ade ta ]everage bofh utiliky and agency dollars far steeet improvements. 10, VYhen 2 or more pakches xre crealed wiihin a given j o b l.hat measurc~ 15 fcct or Icss longiludinally orI.ransvcrscly they tivil I be incorpoml-ed into a single patch_ Anytime fi ye or rnorc patches arc rvqu ired }witltin a 350-foot Iongitudin al area, the utility wilf natify the agency io deiermine if cost sharing is an optiun to cxpand the pavement repairlreplacement tuea. - l]_ F'ocholing to find uiilities shall be a Ilcawed. The use ot' innovativc tcehitologies is encotprqed (Keyhojc etc.), To be cxempt from th e gap and patching polrcy, cut9 shal] be a maximum oftwo square feet wikh no ]ongitudin{rl jaints in l'he wheel path aiid . shall be backfi lled witli control led density nr oth er approved fi11 fram six inches above the util ity to six inches bejow bottom of a.3phalt_ Round vs_ sqnare cuks are preferred, 3 ~ i ~ 12, Chig sealed roads shail be rehabilitated according to construction requireni ents for asphull roa& as ouV incd in this do L; umcnt. 13. A] I tempor7ry iraffic contral far the work zone sha] l cai3foem to the EVILfTCD and Washingtan Stake modifications to the M LfTC D. AI l keafF-ic contmE is subi ect to the apprnv$[ nf the Agency EiigEneer or hislhe r designce (See teinporary poLiching sectinn)- 14. Al] existing pavement lypes shal l be consteucbed at the existiiig depth ofasplialt aiid cruslied surfacin& in accnrdance wifh applicable I_.~caI Agency Standa rds (iiic[uding any fiabrio or membrancs); }MOwever, -the replacemenC seciiun oF asphalc and crushcxl rock sha il noi: be iess l:han ihe minimELm section specified in I.ocal Agency°s Llesign St{rndarcJs, 15. All concrete road'cuts shall be pre-apprnved before heginning work (except in the case of an cmergcnq situatioji). Concrct~c roads shUll rcqD ire fiull parMel rcplacWicnl: uO lcss approvecl olhcrwise by local irgency. A II concreLt: joinls sha ll require an approvt;d ti e . bar and dowel relrofiC, Deplh af concrete replacement shall n-Eatch tli e existing thickness, oe as per Lacal Agency's S taii dsrds_ Care shall he rryade ~iot to undenii iiye I che exisfiiig pttnels. J f fhe adjment panels are disturbecl or damaged, they also s ha] I be replac.c:d a t ihe discreiio n of the Local Agency. All joints sha11 be sealed wi#h an appraved material. I 16, AsphaIt aver concrele road cuts= if known - s13a1 l be pre-apprnved hefore beginning wark (except ia the case of aii eiiiergeiicy situa.tion)_ Saw cuttiilg nr other al) proved practice for removal of the cancrete shall I) c at lowed at the discretio n of Local Agency. 'Th e ssphatt portion of tlic cut sha11 bc construcA-d according to tfre pavemcnl. cut pol icy. 17. A I I areas outside ofthe roadirvay that are afFected by the work sIiall he reskored to theie r>riginx] conrJition_ All shou lders shall be reslored Co their orig inal condition, 18_ V alvrp ancl man holc repair~ Fea CI be exempt fron, Ihe; pa(ching requiremenls af this . ~ polic}+_ V$l vc and tryanhnle patclting rcquirorncnls Shal3 bc pcr caoh I.,oca l Age ncy's ' Sta.rrdards, AI I warranty and canstructinn requiremeiits shall he inet_ No longitudinal clnnstrLiction,jo ints shrxlI he allnwed in the wlieel patli_ ; l.iJ_ The perm ittee sli al] provide a detailed "As-builf ' rc~cord Df thc pavcincnt cial afiic~r ' con slruciion is complc:led. The permiltee shalI provide delails indi"ting existing ' paveMncnt sectioil, I1CW p#1VCrT1o11t SCCtI0k1 a11d aIl}' UiIUSUaI CO[ld 1t10?7S a# thc location of the construcled utilily. The location shall include the name of the raad the wark is being performed on and the narne of the c loscst EnLersoctions in c~ach dir"tion. T) istancc iiicasureownts shalI bc from iniersectin~ slreeis. Th is irl farmation will be provided la the I,oua l Agency's Pexm it department fior a pernianent record, 7'his ~ information shall be retuened no later than seven days $fter the cotnpi r"tion of the perrruU:ed prujcct by mail, fax, or o ther elecironic means by either permikiee or palching , confractor. The intenl of this pfacess is to record sni all patching details. Larger projects ~ sliali bc rcvicwcd arid approvcd priar to consLruction. 4 ~ 20. 7"he moratorium policy will be explained both as to costs and to construction practices by the .f ocal Agencies as part of the permitting/zoning process for new constniction or major rE:mocleling projec;ts. I.ndividual permittees/utilities will not be responsible For lhis fimction. Inclividua.l permittee-s/utilities will be responsible for doing khe work and thc costs asspci:ited wit.h the mor,ilmium policy as they open roaclw:iys for work. Cost reeovery from develapers will he ealculalecl and coardinate,d by permiltieE;/utility. SURFACE SMOO'1'HlYESS ItEQiT1tE iV1H:N'I'S "1"he completed surface of all cour:ses shall be of uniforni texture; smoath, unifarm as to crowm . and grade ancl f'rcc frorn defccts. Thc cornpletcd surface of the wearing coursc shall not vary rnore than 1/4 inch from the lower edge of a ten foot straightedge placed parallel to the centerline. Recognition and consideration will he made for existing roadway canditions. 7`he Agency Engineer must approve coreective mea.eures. WARRANTY REQUlREMENTS PAVernenC cutti an roaclways Cen years oId or Iess will have a warranty period of five years. The patch in the roatlway shall be repaired iis necesstiry until the warranty has passed. AII olher rnadtivays shall require a minimum three-year warranry period. All warranties shall become void if rehabilitation Nvork is perfonned to the road within the patching limits. For road euts pcrforrnecl by a UCility iasing its interrial eapabilil:y, that Utility or assignee will be respUnsible for repairs reyuired (lurinb the warra.nty period. All curb, sidewalks and structures that are affected hy the excavation shall be included in this pnlicy and h3vc a warran .ty for tive yCACS. V1'ARRANTY I'RQVISIQNS 1) Sunken pavement patches greater than or equal to one-quarter inch (Measured by a ten-foot str.iight edge). 2) Visual rating of pateh = to meclium or high (I'er Agency's rating proee(lure). 3) Visual rating of construction joint = to medium or high (Per Agency's rating procedure). 4) Pnor wnrkmanship ("fo be determined by each Agency's Engineer). 5) Compaction requirement per Agency standard. 6) Simken or damaged eurb and siclewalk:s in excavalion work arta (To be clEterrniricd , by each Agency's Engineer). 5 7) Sunken or damaged drywells and catch hasins in excavation work area (To be determined by c.ich Agency's T'ngineer). 1t.EPAIILS OF PAVFMENT CUTS If emergency repairs ttre needed cluc to safcty concerns, the permittee shall havc t«<enty-four hours in which to maJ:e such eepairs from time of verbal not.ice by the I..ocal Agency. For non-<;mergcncy repairs on arterial roads the permittee shall have forty-f:ibht hours to mal:e such temporary repaim Residential streets, the permiltee shall havc up to seven days to make such temporary repairs. Ifi these repairs are not accomplished within the specifiecl limeFrdme, the work shall be privately contTacted by thc 1_.ocal Agency or the Local Agency's maintenance crew shall pcrform lhe nceded repairs. The pemiittee will be assessed all costs as,sociated with Uhe repairs. 7'he casts shall bc ba.sed on the avcrage bid ilerns for comparable projects for the year prcceding rlus teii percent overhead fecs. IP repairs are macle alher than scam sealing to the warranted patch a new warranCy will he implemented for the new patch. 'I'he pennittee shal) have hvo days to notify theie a.srhalt company of the neF;cled perrnanent repairs. If the work is not done in a timely manner ancl following notification the work shall be privately contracted or Local Agency maintenance crews will perform the nceded eepairs. The permittee shall bc a.ssessed Uie associatecl fees for the repairs. All ucilily cut: consUvction shall follow the constnit;tion Krul warranty requirciiienLs per local agencies standards. TFMPORARY PATCt1ING During winter asphalt concrele paving plant closures or outside of temperature speciFications (see section 5-04 of the standard specifications) the perrniCCee shall install and maintain a temporary paieh unkil it can coristruct apcrrTianent patch. A tempora.ry patch will be required if the road must be openeJ to lratiic before a pcrrnancnt patch can be made. The tempnrary patch shall cansist of two iiiches of cnished surfacing .incl two inc}ies of cold-mix asphalt pavement and/or steel plates, or upon apprUVal nf the Agency Engineer, crushecl surfacind cop caat-sc may be used. On arterials, when a lemporary patcli is requiracl for more than hvo months, Portland Cement Concrete shall be used to conslnict the ternporary patch (Contact Local Agency for mix design requirements)_ The permittee shall mainutin lhe temporary patch until the patch has been perrnanently restored. YEKNl[TS All worlc in the `Public Right-of 1Nay' reyui.res a perniit. Permittee shall tal:e out all perrnils and perfnrm all work. 1'he permittce shall tax ar scnd a letter to the apprnpriate Loeal Aaency pcrniit center desigiiating their assignees. I"he permittee will be rF;quirecl to subtiiit a construction and traffic control plan (traffic control for arterial work and roadways above 30 M.P.H.) whcri applying for a permit. lf the Agency Engineer ~ determines lhat abuse o1'obligations are prevalent, future conslruction permits shall not be issued until the . 6 pemlittee has fultilled all obligations to esisting permits. Written notificatinn by I ocal. Agcncy will be sent prior to this action. . ~ RESPONSIBLE PARTY 'Che permittee shall be responsible for all conslructiori and warrarity requirements of tfiis policy. UtiliCies will provide identity of excavator/pennittee as I:nown tn Incal agencies. Local agcncies will attempt to get permittee to correc;t warranty defects. If permittee is a subcontractor f4r utilities, the utilities will assumc responsibility if permittee can nodwill not make repairs. WATVF:RS ANm FXF..MPTiQiVS Tt is understc~od thaC field conditions may warrant awaiver or an exemption from t}ic.sc rcgulations. Perrnittee rnay Fle f'or a waiver, and such waivers shall be at the discretion of the Agency Engineer or his/her desigmee. PQLICY REVIEW The Iocal agencies will host a meeting with each nther and other interested stakeholders at the end aPeach construction season !'or the purpose of revicwing thc effectiveness nf the policy for the completed construction season and suggested improvements for fiiture constructiQn seasons. ~ BIF3LIOGRAPAY "TrE;neh Restoration Rcquirernents". City of I3ellevue "Utility 'I"rench Cut Restnration Specifications". Metropolitan Transportation Commission (January 1997) "Asph-ilted Pavement. Warranties". VVisconsin Departrnent Of Transportation (Jurie 2001) "lmpact of Utility Cuts on Pavemcnt Perf'ormance". City of Seattle "Managins Utility• Cuts" APWA (August 1997) "Gas Industry's Use of Public Rig}tt-of Way" A.G.A. White Paper (September 1998) "Psvcrnent Cut arid Repair Standards Manuzl" DPW&T Ciey of Dallas (October 2003) . 7 TYPICAL TI2ENCH ]EXCAVATTON ~ , EXII1:13TT A Asphaft Concrete Wearing Surtace ' . ~ .q. . . ~ .J. . . • J. 19. •b 'd %D'r• f,• • 4~ q'• C' o• 0 1 ° ° ~ ° . Concrete Undorcutting of ' ~ •Pavement Pavement Basu a e e ° • 0 • ~ O V O ~ . ~ 4 p ~ O O ~ Q ~ L e O O ~ C. Sag from Rcloaso 5upportin9 • of Lateral Support Soi1 ' 3' 3t Pavement Weakened By Excavation . ~ 8 PAVENIENT CUT PnLiCY EXHII3IT B Tier l Tier 2 Tier 3 "I'ier 4 Arterial Streets: < 3 ears Years 4-5 Yew-s 6- l2 > 12 years Modified Princi al tiloratorium Polic rull Policy Full Polic Polic V(odified `I'reneh Minor Moratorium I'olic Full Polic y f'nlic Onl Modifed Trench N'ei hborhood Collector Moratorium Polic Full Polic y Polic Onl y Local Access Streets: 'Mocliticd `I"rench lndustriaUCommercial Moratorium Polic y Modified F'nlic Polic Onl Modified Trench Rr;sidential Moratorium Policy Modifiecl olic F'olic y Onl Exhibit B Notes Moratorium Poliev ° Halfroadway or full roadway replacement for longitudinal cuts in new roadways. This poliey rGquires prior approval from Agency having jurisdietion. Full 1'olicv = Policy w/paving to established/dedicated lane lines. Cut full deptli 2 feet beyond excavation. No gaps < 4' fimrn curb or gutter_ Moclifiied Policy = If no striping fnr lane line, lane is = to 12', can patch to middle of lanc lines, cannot leave any gap <4' from curb or gulCer. Cut 1' beyond excavation. Trench Onlx =Cut 1' beyond exc:avalion all locations. No longitudinal joinls in thc wlieel path. Note: It is the discretion of each jurisdictian ta review thc individual road segment s3es to deierrnine patch rcquirements on longitudinal installation over multiple roadway segnents with variable ratings. Tn prineiple, caeh mad seetion will be patchecl aeeordins to thc tier in which it is ranked. Note: nny dcviation from the Tier Policy will require approval in advance by the local agency. iVote: Each agency will provide date of last rnajor reconstruct either eleetronically or on each permit. Mairitenance does not constitute a reconstrucl for age detennination. Notc: Moratorium policy will be revietived as seam-sealing technology improves. ~ l . 9 ASPHALT AND CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPAIR Permittee Name: . Job Addross: Coordinates Street . (if no hauso wmbcr, please Gst Iiuntlred-0lock) (Example : 15/t 24W) C3 AIley ProJecUTask Dato Cut: Crow: POlJob City/County Permit Unusual Conditions/Special Instructions: Tierti: 1 2 3 4 (Please tVCIe) Policy: Moratorium Full Modified Trench (Plerse ebtle) Condition of Cut Tvne Qf Work Tvae of Reoair Existinq Road Condition (c'ece arty mat auuBY) - 6" Gravel (requifea) Gas Asphalt Depth of Asphalt Cold Mfx Electric Concrete Depth of Gravel Winter PAix Water Sub Base Type SawCUt CATV - Grind Communications Sewer ~ Other S I I I Asphalt Weclth Length 1 I X I I GrL .-----L - --------------t---- x ~ x j ~ x I I I I Concrato • I I Width Lcngth I I " I I x I I striping (linear fooq -----~-------------1---- Date Sent for Repair: • I I Dato Completed: crL Patching Co. SignoH: (patching company to fax to local agancy at completion) Fax Completed Form to: Spokane County; Sylvia Lightfoot: 509I477-7198 City of Spokane, Dan Eaton: 5091625-6124 10 EXHIRIT Bl MO12A7'UIt.IUM/F ULI, POGICY - ARTTRIAL curza ukE I n I LANE a ` LA,NE LINE - - - - - - - jn£NCH I - - --~its (119) ~ (rsa) lME 3 STR[ET C/L ( 17' ~TMP~ ll+A1E 2 IANE uwE a• aN J - - ~ - p(-~-q iA i tZ' (t») I.AA(E 1 PARKING I ! 7 uw ~ UNE ~ trr 1 ~ L a' frtP5' PARKING CURO LINE - s' kiN scwER/wwrur rutr'R (tw) SEIOO fttM • mom. - .._..TH (TYp) SEAUtL• (f►9) lu]Pk.ACEH1Nt ts iECDio TRAAPSYERS~CLT l OtdqTUDINAL CUT ~ oEELLN 1sraCfuhT LEGECli2: e aRB is LEM, aw+ 4-n. ~ v,utr. vAsn:uccr 4 a xis a.o ox ~ss (IE~tAtUFdLU?, R PA~&'14'NT PAT01 IS RE~'U ~N~ tuC . TO iN~ I.►!RS NO JOOJS ONI FlIDItCCON fd PAN:1(Mi LPE NLL-DFPiM PA1QfL4Y RF.MW.tL. uw AREA ARE Al1D'AED. (11p) ~ (YRDiH VAraES) ~ NHIX PAVEI(IX7 l5 CREA7ER TLiAN 3-YRu QD. t IRI 1 NI ~ PA\£IJET7T PAFpi15 RED'o Ta niM 6urts mo J41Ht5 ON F[1XJC110N IM AN'CA Al1E 9100.E0.' uturr ~ mEntH tuMTs Ar rro oF rwWUn+r y~. URDJCH . fl4IL• CtiC (lwI ranaA~ eWAvenw _ L FNL-OEPlI PAWNEAfi PATCN .I011111$ y147,t IIC 9EflEA LIM ♦ 2. u1 ans rO Ftc reReuMIH" ro oitECncN oF TIRMa. SECTION J. vaVELCrr aEr+inrnSJis is Rcoro Ta THe Ncxr AauMNt aLM PARwr, REp0~1dAL NAVF9u~EddT CUT P09.ICY ai twrE uM tkfelE~t A rzm+o~ •1'Q1v1\F: tllt MAAtll*ifB Oi' ASftMLT ARTLFi1AL CR SLW"! NAR OTEJ:DS BEYLYAD E(HIMT . 9~aa • G10RATOIiIIM / FULL POLICY 81 ~ EXH1BiT B2 . MUItA'1'Oltl UM/FULI, Pp[.,ICY - RESIUENTIAL /LOCAL ACCESS cuR13 ua+e ~ PARKING ~C u~ ~ \ tnct{cN 2' uu~ \i eoais ~T~~ LANG 2 fn'~') S1REET C/L T•n V 12! ('P1P) l.ANE 1 PAf2KIkG ' wH uo+E a a(~m~ PARKING cuseB uNe z nm W~'~t wnwt (T(v) :mm frP) • NoTs Fuu oM,v+ (TYP) GLTMeE (F`p) ITEPIu.DX91 is acafc w 3HPNSY~~ CU T LQNrIIllI~NAL (7UT g~~EBE E71 W~iNININ£ R l7ARfi K lISl, lilAN hf'T. LF.CEND' LANC UNE FU1. OF,PM Pr1FKFNT PENOVOI~ 10T1W PA1tiNL71f IS 3 MS OlD OR LESS Utt LM ~ {Y~tAIOA.IJII). A PA ' i PA7Q1 IS pAN;~ypMI;Nt (qiDilf VMIL.'3) • fii'bb To TNES: Uu11S, 90 JOlY19 Qi RIDUCIICN Rf ARU AJlC All.qYiiO. tYHE7i PAW-NfillT 1'S CAE1161 7NAN 2' WIN. ~ 3r''RR$ (M,1). A PA1£AENT PASCH IS Nf0'0 ~ TO iFffSE UalliS. NU .U.V7S a[ EO iIfDIICTION 131 MCA 1WC AL.O(~EO.• Ulil11Y necXQI uun.s AT raP oF PAKWcrcr mcxa+ c.rc ~rrP} ua~cn HGFt: cwcAvARron 1. cULL-0EP7N pA1fAENT PATCff J011M SHALL 0E 3F.N.W. LiwIrj v \ SUBCRA£IF. z a.I. a►ts roBE aLItPOanawt To osRECna+ ae rrHwd RIJ4.ACf3dEr+r 6 RErro ro r.i[ Hcxr SECTION A-A ~n "an aae, FN'u'k, a' i'"r~E REGiONAL PAVF~IENT CUT POUCY u~[ uvfx~ ~ raA+Q, ~ 015iurmANCE or ~M%wr ai wrrani RRiDENi1AL/ LOCdL6CCE3`3 llAl'L ORENOS BEMWO 9JRf ILVE ~ap~Opwclr EAORATORIUUI ( FULL POU E B 21T I I 1:,J7I17iTT B3 MORATORIUM/F'ULL NOWCY- INTERSEGTIUNS ~ 00 010 --L- (TYP) -.-L-. i . . . • , . c- . . i - - - - - - - - .ti.1;; . . . I I ! -j. . , \`~r`•. , I -'.0~~,~ t- ~ . . - . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NO'~E! FI.4A~f7EYf1t itCP4AGLV CI: i IS ~ flFA'D 70 WIi13 lC1 WIEN REkA14N0 p(3TAISf, IItYWiTN !A}£ l131E & GUAB IS IFSS TIiAN 4-Fi. ~ v ~ ttm I I L F11LL-9EP1H PA%£NENT P,ATdI ,ON75 :UI,ttA BE SCPIfU. 1 Ff_FtJll; L. ALL WIS 10 bE PERPENQiCULAR l0 WR.3Fn0iI OF iAl.riL W11Et: P~~Sl6tIT L4 LESS TINI 3RFFLkCFJIGR 6RW0 1D Tif2 NC7Ci NNhtk14'1' CURB, 3-YR5 OLD Oft LESS (UWtniUHtlNj, PARK@d0, 0.9 IAfe I.R.'E lYRNLOFdt A 7I01U1 pi A PA4f11C14T pATDI !S IiCO-0 T9 06iNttUuuCL t8' wL'NALt OR SIIPPOf7i LAIl EXTEIfD9 ZHFm 1D111S NO .A3lrS IX2 BEYOPID 9W1 LM: REpUCT10p N AWIA AAE AS1.D'A'F:O. MtCN PAYi]diNT 13 CAfAiLA \ 1 QVN }V23 CLQ, A PArDkIlT T(M PATm I5 Mo~ m rr.~ REGIONAL PAVElAENT CIfT POUCY LtNii NO ~IK15 6R kFuucnar a rFEA ntE IflTERSEC"ONS AlL0YL0.. s: u-~,r1pt luJir5 Ar tae ar ~ I / FULL POUCr ~BIT ~ PAKHItIT MORATORNA B3 EXtIIBIT Rd MODII+'IED POI,ICY - ARTENIAL CUfta uNE fUl,l,-pF,P11 PA1£llENT R6lACEvENr IS RCOb 70 1-P! MN BEYMD TAEt3CN LIIIIYi. :XTFJID PAVEMF}IT RCS70R4TiGN 701P12 IDf: ON W$ C/1. TO A'K1tD MHEEL Palll (TP) LANE 4 l1J:E L1NE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ T'E'CH A UtNE 5 uwns ~ ST1iEET CA rP ~ • _ ItiHE C/L ~7 (irP) LA~:[ 2 - Ulg L1NE C MN A - - - (IY'+') ~..Fi✓Za 1Y(TP) 1- LAt1E I PnRKI►rc ~I uln LINE B (TV)' PARICINt3 CURB UNE ~ r tima :~:avVKniut q~AtER fw) ga~a (r~ • nor6: ~ NLL OEP1N (rip) strtrw (ns>) aErucEuW7 i, Heab ro ' ~ Jg[~$yEy~cE PUT LOHC~ITUDIM0.l (xIT ~~E~ ~ wq~~uF . it ams is LESs tKw +-rr. N}Ev Pnv691irs IS csieArot mui LM e/~ ruLL-oFPt„ PA~taer hr~~o+T RDao w+E une a+ 5-1P5 40. A VAWJ2Ni PATCtI Ci p uoE A1t?ENi W 7Y= UMT$ M£N 1' K.V FENOYAL f.u i c lME C.A. flEOb 70 iNISE UIIITS. NO.pN14 OA W/I Wr{'f~ pAIl ()NDlN Y.~fdE~ I HEDUC11QEf IN AF£A rRE A11d14ED.4 I' 1GV (75P) ~ iIOT fAGC01 LWfi'o AI' I(Y q' RMr9aG:T unarr TRE)InH \ 1. NL4-OCf'7H PAII£AEM FA1W JOINiG Sr+ui. ee M-ur!s. esTC crmi L All. f,~lTR :JlUl f+a i'fliF£1A7CULKt ~A~~ 10 nRE~CYCN OF li'tkYEL W~ . q'G7t4M A-9 ~ n'uceAa a vnvuArrc pu414se+tr4i is Kn'o • I :o uet urC at tu+e c/t "HENEMrs ° rnn"°H °R f , REqONAL ?RVEME~tI' CUT POIJCY pSNR6Nl~ 9F A.4?IAti Ri il'Uh.InN SUPPORRTERIAL YMEEI PTAilf.it EX1EtOS INiO 1 EXHI8IT sauw~aa* MOaIFIED POLICY 84 12 ExlrrBrr• Bs . MODIFIT:.n PQLiGY - RES[DEIVTIAL/LOCAL ACCT:SS flll-9fPTN PAVfltEHi FiEPLACEl1EHT 15 REO'D TO 1-F`1 NIN BEYONO 'tfiF1101 LIIIf15. IXTQID PAVCYpJT RCSfUF'iATiQI 7D tNE l1M Oq LMC t/L 10 AVl'10 pNEA. PATH (TP) CVRB UNE PARIUNG LANE UNE usx ~ - - - - - - - A ~ I.ANE 2 S7REE"T C/L R - rrn) - - - -LAM CA ~ 4 iz' ("p) LANE 1 PARKING z' w114 m ~w I UNE rrvJ A~ C CrnN PARIaHG CURB LINE i' NIN SEAUfWATER pATCR (7Y:,) Scou ' NOiL''. fWLL D1F7H (ny) 'MMQ ClW) sMriticcurxr is iMn'u 90 TR NARSF .SIT LONGIIUDINAL CUT A'rll uwe xWr+ rtDAuravc fl157ANCf KTA6ET1 LAlfi UKE h CUAD IS LCS'a IHMf 4-FY lMf WE OR. I.AMf LHE 08 LEGEd~ urE c/L rtu-oEpn+ rr.+tyn+r mvuAmaurr w:o'n vwe e/i ~ L1Mtrt PA1~W$!'i li CAF~I7EA 1}iAN pA~~T ro 11i':~ UNIT9 Vfi~'N I' WPf FiEWOVAI FALI9--ry s-rns a0. A PA VEA£4'i PAw H IS iif]D'D KJ~ NA1N (WD1N VNZES) ~ 10 IHCSE lRAlu. NO dONT$ OR ~ kf03lC110N PI /REA AAE A41.ffMD.• 1' MH TYP ~ ' rcar wr ~ 7N` w.ie[i. rArx ~ 1104CH lWliS AT TOP OF PAVEAE]IT VMTY Tiit21CM ~ Np]E css~ tnP) na'ix~l 1. Nllr~f•TN PA%EI.Etfi PA7CH ,1]WYS EY,GAYAIIM 9W1L UL' '.CALfQ LL~RS ~ 2 PLL Wii 571A11 IX f1CPo''Q7qCU1hR p~~E i0 dRECD031 OF iRAYFl. • 1 PAVIMoM MPLAMCNT IS RL9'D TA LNVE UtE aP. UNC C 1WENCIER A TRE+a+ OR p mc °i' ' REGIOMAL PAVEi+1ENT CUT POL1CY ASR1Al.t' OR 9Ji'POftT UATI. ~ R-q REStDENiIAL / lOC6L ACGELS ~(Ip10$ WTp Wfl{'T,1, P~TI. l.10DIFIED POLICY T EXHIBIT , B5 " 13 ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 14, 2005 ' City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consenc ❑ old business (21 neevbusiness ❑ publichearing ❑ infomnatEon ❑ admin, report 0 pending legisla:ion AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Proposed Resolution 05-010 amending the Fee Resolution (Pavement Cut Fees) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Resolution 04-025 adopted November 2, 2004. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Currently our ROW Pavement Cut Fee is $41.00. This total is generated by combining the ROW Permit Fee ($16.00) and the minimum'/x hour inspection fee ($25.00). Tracking time dedicated to inspection of each individual permit and billing excess time will increase our administrative costs. Presently a single inspection is performed following completion of the patch. It is estimated that three inspections will be required because of the extended warranty period. (Not only will the inspector need to inspect the street cut and . perform a final inspection, there may be a need to do a pre-permit inspection to verify the current road condition, and there will be at least one follow up inspection to verify the condition of the road as the five .year warrantee runs its course.) During the first year of implementation • 2,000 cuts are estimated (approximately midway between the present permitted cuts and the possible 3,000 actual cuts). In addition, staff projects increased costs to equip our ROW Construction Inspector with mobile GPS/GIS tracking equipment to help develop and maintain the data this new Pavement Cut Policy requires. With this added expected work load, staff conservatively projects an increase of approximately 30% in costs to process• and execute this Pavement Cut Policy. Rounding that increase downward, the new suggested permit fee would be $70.00. OPTIONS: No change ; Pavement Cut Permit Fee would remain $41.00. Increase the Pavement Cut Fee to $55.00, covering current costs. Increase the Pavement Cut Fee to $70.00, covering expected new costs of . implementation of the new Pavernent Cut Policy. Provide staff with direction concerning a change in fees. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: move to amend the Fee Reso/ution by increasing the Pavement Cut Permif Fees to $70.00 ° The level of fee should be reevaluated in conjunction with the results of the Cost Allocation Study. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Move ROW Permit issuance towards full cost recovery. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director •l AITACHMENTS Draft Resolution CITY OF SYO:KANE VAi..LEY Sl'OKAiNE COUN 1`Y, WASIII1VGTnN ` - RESOLUTIQN NO. 05-010 A RFSOLU`1'lON OF TFIF CTTY OF Sl'OKANE VAi.,LEY, SPOKAIYE COUN 1 Y, WASHIlVGrOIY, AM.FNPING RESOI,UTIQN 04025, AND APPROVING AN A1VlENDED vIASTTR FEE SCHEDULE! WHER.6AS, it is the beneral policy of the City to establish fees diat arc re(lective of the cost of services provided by the City; and WHEREAS, on January 20, 2004, Ihe Spokane Valley City Council adopted Resolution No. 04- 00 1 adopting a fee sehedule for 2004; and 1WHFREAS, on April 13, 2004, thc Spokane Valley City Council adnpted Resolution 04-011 ameiiding the fee schedule for 2004; and Vlrl-1ERLAS, on August 24, 2004 the Spoksne Valley City Gouncil adoptccl Resolution 04-021 amending the fce schedule; and W'f-1EftEAS, on November 2, 2004 the Spokane Valley City Council adoptcd Resolution 04-025 amendir►g the fee schedule; and ,W14,13REAS, Council desires to mocliCy Schedule B of't}ie MasCer Fee Schedule to a.mend the fees - for Right-Of-Way Obstruction Permits; and 1 , WI-lE1tEAS, the remainder of the iMaster Fee Scheciule shall rernain unchanged. N01'V THEREFORE; be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Snokane County, Washington, as follows: Scction 1. Amcndment of Right-Qf-Wav Obstruction Pcrmi/ fees in Schedule B of the Nlaster Fee Schedule_ For the purpose of amending Ribht-of-Way Obsxruelion 1'ermit fees in Schedule B of Exhibit A of the Master Fee Schedule, the City Council hereby adopts the amendecl Master Fee Schedule; which is al:tached hereto as Cxhibit "A" as if fiilly set forth herein. Section 2. Repeal, To the extent that previous fee schedules are inconsistent with those set forth herein, they are repealcd. Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall he in ftill force and efftct June 14, 2005. Adopted dhis 10 day of June, 2005. CITY Oh' SPOKANE VALI,.CY Uiana Wilhile, Mayor A'I"I'FST: ~ Ghristine.Bainbridge, City Clerk _ Resolution 45-010 Amending Rcsolution 4-425 Mustcr Fcc Schedule for 2005 Page I of 19 Resoludon N0. 05-010: Exhibit A AMFNDED MASTER FEE SCHEDUI:,:r Fce Schedule Page No. . Schedule A: Planning 2 Schedule B: Puhlic Works q Schedule C: E3uilding 5 Schedule D: Firc Code 12 Schedule E: Parks & Recreation .1 5 . Schedule 1±,: Administrative 17 Schedule G: Other Fees ig Gxhibit A of Rrsnlution 05-0I I Amending Resalution 04-025: Masicr Fcc Schedule for 2005 . Page I of 18 MASTER FEE SCHF D ULF Schedulc A - PLANN[NG AMENDMENTS Comprehensive Flan amendment . $1,500.00 Zoning or other code text arnendment $1,500.00 APPrALS /Appeal oFAdministrative Uecision $1,000.00 Appeal of Hearing Examiner findings $300.00 ENVLRUNMEIVTAL REV[FW SEPA ehecklist Single dwelling (when required) $100.00 All other developments $300.00 - Environmental Impact Statement Review $2,000.00 S6oreliue Substantial Uevelopment Permit $800.00 Critical Areas $300.00 PL;1tMIT5 I-[ome Occupation Permit $80.00 Conclitianal Use I'ermit $800.00 - '1'emporaiy Use Perinit $150.00 PTIATS Subdivisions Preliminary plat $2,000.00 Plus $25.00 per lot Fin11 plat $1,000.00 Plus $ 10.00 per lot Sliort Plats 1'reliminary 2-4 lots $500.00 Final Plat 2-4 Lots $800.00 Plus $10.00 per lot 1'reliminary plat 5-9 T.ots $1,000.00 Plus $25.00 per lnt Final Plat 5-9 T ots $800.00 Plus $10.00 per lot i" . . i Exhibit A of Rcsolucion 04-025 Master Fee Scliedule for 2005 . Fage 2 of 18 Plat ModiGeation Subdivision plat $650.00 Short plat $265.00 Binding Sitc Plan . $1,500.00 4inding sitc plan moclification $1,300.00 Change of Conditians $650.00 Aggregation/Segregation Lot line adjustment $100.00 Lot lineelimination $100.00 Zero lot liiie $100.00 F'lus $10.00 per lot STGNS IZeview of permanent sign $50.00 Review of Ccmponiry sign $50.00 SITE Pl,AN 12EVIEW $250.00 STRFFT VACATION "1'LICATIO\' $1,300.00 VARIANCFS - AdminislraCive $300.00 Public H.carings $1,500.00 ZOVTNG Zoning map amendments (rezonc) $1,500.00 PUD plan ,$1;500.00 Plus $25.00 per lot I'Ub moditiGation $500.00 r-rhihit A of Resohition 011-025 4lastcr Fee Scliedule fbr 2005 Page 3 of 18 Schedule B - FU-C3:LiC WQRKS Fstimated cost ofpublic woeks rcview fees is due upon submittal of applieation. Any aciclitional achial costs are due at the time oPoccuPancy permit or final land action, whichever applies. ENGINEFRiNG/f'LAN 12EVi:FVV - ror road ciesign, drainage, erosion and sedimentation control, right of way uuprovements, plat inaps, ctc. Commcrcial $250.00. 1'lus hourly rate after 5 hours 12esidential $150.00 Plus hourly ratc aRer 3 hours HUURLY RATF* $50.00 *1:xumples of activities churgetl vn an hourly rute sy.slem include but are not limitetl to commerciul sile plan reviews ard rezone revieivs. In'SYECTIQNS ' Stormwater syscem revievv $250.00 Storniwater syskcm inspections $50.00 Plus hourly rate after I S` hour 1~ ield monitoring or inspections of gradi.ng sites, Hourly rate residential or non-rESidential Commercial, mulCifiunily, and multi lot sites $200.00 Plus hourly (four hoiir minimum) lndustrial or mineral indu.strial sites $225.00 Plus liourly YE17MITS lZight-of-way obstruction permit $70.00 Plus review & inspection fee at liourly rate* Approach permit $25.00 Plus review & ' inspection fee at liourly rate* Floodpllin permit $SOAO Plus hourly rate after 1 S` hour Conditional Use permit $200.00 Plus inspection fee Shoreline permit $50 Plus hourly rate aftcr 1" hour Variances Flourly rate . Cash, eertified check or bond for right of way cleaning $1,000.00 *S25.00 minimum nl time of upplicalian STORM VVATER UTILII'Y CHARGF OiV DEVELOPED YARCELS $17 far each single-family unit each year $17 per 3,160 square feet oPimpervious surt'ace/year for all other properties 'CRA['FtC IMPACT ANALYSIS REVIL+'VV $50.00 ]?lus liourly rate after I" hour r ~ Exhibit A of R.esolution 04-025 Master I'ee Sehcdulc for 2005 Page 4 of 18 Schedule C - 13UTLDING Tlie building cocle permit fees are collecteci at the time of the issuance of the building pennit. Other Eees are alsn to be collected at the timc of the issuing af the building permit. Each - department for whom the fee is culleeteci i5 to advise the permit spccialist of fees due. (TRADINC.: . Perinit l+ees Cubic Yards FEE 100 or less $20.00 101 ta 1,000 $20.00 for the first 100 Cu. Ycl.; plus $7.00 for each additional 100 Cu. Yd. 1,00I lo 10,000 $83.00 for the first 1,001 Cu. Yd., plus S6.00 for each additional 1,000 Cu, Yd. 10,001 to 100,000 $147.00 for the first 10,000 Cu. Yd. plus . $15.00 for each additional 10,000 Cu. Yd. 100.00 1 to 200,000 $368.00 for the first 100,000 Cu. Yci. plus $15.00 for each adclitional 100.000 Cu. Yd. 200,000 or more $503.00 for the first 200,000 Cu. Yd. plus $15.00 tor each additional 200.000 Cu. Yd. Plsns Ghecking Fees Cubic Yards Fk;F SO or less No fee - 51 to 100 $12.00 101 to 1,000 $20.00 1,001 to 10,000 $25.00 10;001 to 100,000 $25.00 f'or the first 10,000 Cu. Yd. plus $7.00 for each additional 10,000 Cu. Yd. 100;001 t4 200,000 $98.00 for the first 100,000 Cu. Yd. nlus $6.00 for each additional 100,000 Cu. Yd. 200,001 or more $158.00 L.ancl Clesiring only (without eartli beitio moved) $65.00 STRUCTUIZA:U CUllF Building permit fees for eacfl project are set by die following fce schedule. The tablc below is to be used to detcrmine the huilding perniit Fees and plans check ('ees based on the value of the construction work as stated by the applicant or the value calculated by the 13uilding Official using the latest valualion data published in the 13uilding Scrfery Journal by the Inlernational Code Couiicil, whichcver value is grealest. Valuaticin Tahlc Tut:il V<<luation l+ce rxhibit A of Resolutiun 04-025 M:+stcr Fcc Schedule fior 2005 Pagc 5 01' 18 $l lo $25,000 $69.25 for the first $2,000 plus $14 for each additional $1;000, or fraction thereof, up to and including $25,000 $25,OQ 1 to $50,000 $391.25 for the first $25,000 plus $10.10 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thcreof, up to and inclucling $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $643.75 for the first $50,000 plus $7 for each adclitional $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and including $100,000 $100,001 to $500,000 $993.75 for the first $100,000 plus $5.60 for each additional $1,000, nr &action thereof, up to and including $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $3,233.75 *for the first $500,000 plus $4.75 for each additional $ 1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and including $1,000;000 $ 1,000,000 and up $5,608.75 for the first $ 1,000,000 plus $3.15 for each adciitional $1,000, or fraction lhereof Valuatian Fxceptions Fec Per Square k'oot Private garagcs (wnod frame) $19.00 Private garages (masonry) $22.00 Polc buildines $19.00 _ Open carport, decks, porches $15.00 -1 Plans Review Fces Fees are to be collected at the ti.me of receiving the application for permit if the plans review fee is over $50.00. If less than $50.00, it may be collected at the timc of pertnit issuance. Plans review fce (general) 65% Of bldg permit fee Plans review fee - Group R-3 occupancies (single farnily 4U°/4 Of bldg permit fee less than 7,999 sq. ft.) Plans review fee - Group R-3 oecupancies (sir►gle family 65% Of bldg permit fec $,000 sy. ft. or greal:cr) Plans review f'ee - U-1 or U-2 occupancie•s (sheds, barns, 25% Of bl(ig permit fee etc.) ' Plans review 1'ee - temporary tent oe structure 25% Of blclg permit fee Plazs review fees are not refiindable once the plan review has been startcd. This fee is in additioii to the full basic fee. The WSBCC fee is to be collecteci at this time. lnitial Plan Review Fees shall be capped at $35,000 maximum with the iollowing exception: Exception # 1: if additional professional resources are required fnr indiviclual projecl plan review for those projects that reach the ma,cimum Plan Revicw Fee, tie l3uildi.ng Official shall be authoriied to require the pernut applicant to provide those resources to the City of Spokane Valley. • If a set of plans alrcady checked and approved is resubmitted by thc Qwner or his/her agent, an F;xhibit A of Rcsolution 04-025 Master Frre Schcdule for 2005 P1gc 6 nf 18 houriy rate of $47.00 will be applicd for the re-review. Pi.,L1MBTNC COl)E i The plumbing code fees will be co(]ectcd when the associated permit is issued. If the plumbing is included in the Building Yermit the unit costs are added, but not the hasic plumbing permit fee. A. Basic fees 1) Basic fee for issuing cach permit $35.00 2) Basic for each sunplcmental permit $7.50 R. Unit fees (in aclclit:ian Co the basic fee) I) ror each_ plumhing Exture on a trap (including $6.00 garbage ciisposals, dish washers, back t7aw device, drainage, hot tubs, built in water softenee, water closets, lavatories, sinks, drains, etc 2) Private sewage disposal system $20.00 ~ 3) Water heater $6.00 Each 4) [ndustrial waste pretreatrnent interceptor including $15.00 its trap and vent, except kitclien type grease interceptors functioning as [i;cture traps. 5) Replir or alteration of water piping, drainage or . $6.00 Each fi:cture vent piping 6) Lawn sprinkler system on any one meter $25.00 7) Atmospheric type vacuum breaker $6.00 Each 8) BackElnw protective device other than atmospheric $6.00 Each - type vacuum breakers 9) Medical gas $6.00 Per outlet -10) Interceptors $6.00 rach NECHAn'iCAL CODE The mechanicrtl cnde fees will be colJcctc(t when the associated permit is issued. lf it is includecl in the Building Permit, the unit costs a.re acided, but not the basic mechar►ical pernlit fee. A. Basic fees ' I) Basic fee for issuing each permit $35A0 2) Basic for eat;h supplemental permit $7,$0 B. [Jnit fecs (in att(licion to the basic fee) l) Furnaces & suspended heaters - Installation or relocation a. up tu an(l inelucling 100,000 btu $12.00 b. nver 100,000 btu $15.00 2) Uuct work systcm 0.00 3) Heat pump & air conditioner a. 0 to 3 tons $12.00 b. ovcr 3 to 15 tons $20.00 . c. over 15 ta 30 tons $25.00 d. over 30 to SO tons $35.00 c. over 50 tons $60.00 4) Gas water heater $10.00 5) Gas piping system $1.00 Per outlet i;xhihit A nf Resolution 04-025 vlaster Fee Scliedule for 2005 Yage 7 pf 18 6) Gas log, fireplace, and t;as inscrt installstion $10.00 7) Applianee vents installation; relocation; replacement $10.00 Etzcli . 8) Repairs or additions 5.00 9) 13oilers, compressors, and absorption systems ' a. U to 3 hp - 100,000 btu or less $12.00 b. Over 3 to 15 hp - 100,00 1 to 500,000 btu $20.00 c. Over 15 - 30 hp - 500,001 to 1,000;000 btu $25.00 d. over 30 hp - 1,000,001 co 1,750,000 btu $35.00 e. over 50 hp - over 1,750,000 btu $60.00 ' 10) Air I-Iandlers a. Each unit up to 10,000 cfin, including ducts $12.00 b. Each unit over 10,000 c:f"m $15.00 11) Evaporative Coolers (othcr than portable) $1 0.00 12) Ventilatipn and exhaust. . a. Each fan connected to a single.duct $10.00 b. Each ventilation system $12.00 c. Each hood served by mechanical exhaust $12.00 13) Tncineralors a. Installation or relocation o:f residential $19.00 b. Installation or relocalion of commercial $22.00 14) Appliances, each $10.00 15) Unlisted appliances a. under 400,000 btu $50.00 b. 400,000 btu or over $100.00 ~ 16) Hood - a. Type i $50.00 b. Typc II $10.00 17) L P Storage tank $10.00 18) Wood or Pellet stove insErt $10.00 19} Waod stove system - free standing $25.00 , l:xhilait A of Itesolution 04-025 Master Fee Sc)iedule i'ur 2005 Page 8 of 18 ENERGY CQDE , Fnergy Code Plans check fee is also established tp chcck to meet the requirements o[' RCW 51- , 11 WAC. These are in adriilion to the i3uilding Cocie Fees. If City inspectars are assigned to verify Energy 1'lails, the following Fees apply. If an outside cnergy inspector is required, that fce will be determined by the outside agency. Residential Remo del/Additi on $-0- New Single Family $ -0- Tenant lmprovement A. 0 to 10,000 square feet $35.00 B. 10,00 1 square fee.t ancl pvcr $45.00 C. MLilti-Family $60.00 Per building 17. New Commercial and industrial $90•00 OTHER BU1LllINC CODE N"ELS Annual Permit A.miual Spokane Valley Building Permits used to: l) maintain cquipnlent or buildings, 2) constnict or remodcl small areas o(' assembly occupancies, or 3) install lents or meinbrane struc:tures . cnay be availablc depending upon the deterniiiiation of the valuation of work made by thc Spol:ane Valley Building Official. Certain record keeping and 'uLSpection responsibilitics shall be established in a site sPecif c Spokane Valley Annt►al Permit Agreement. Demolition F'ermit Single Family Residence $44.00 Commercial buildings $125.00 Garage or acce.ssory buildinb associated with a resiclence $20.00 or eomrncrcial building Sept:ic tank ur undergrotand flammable tank associated with $10.00 Fach a residerice or commcrcial building . Farly Start Agreements (h"oundtations) 25% Of bldg permit fee Exhibit A of Resolution 04-1125 Ms►scer f ee Schedulc for 2005 Psibe 9 uf 18 Sign Fecs ! Pees collected for a sign permit and a plans check fcc for signs erected in accordanee with the Sign Code. 'Chc below fee plus the WSBCC fec of $4.50. Signs rnounted on buildings $45.00 Sign ancl pole mounting $65.00 Temportiry Ccrtifieate uf Occupancy $50.00 Washington State Building Code Council (W.S.B.C.C.) Surcharge A Elat fee of $4.50 will be collected on each permit for approved plans or any other permit that is issuecl in accordance with the SpQk.ane Valley Building Code. EXCLI'"I': For multi-fxmily nrojects, the fee is $450 for the first living unit and $2.00 for each additional unit. Thc Cifv Fina,nce DEpartment will forward tliis fec to the WSBCC on a yuarterly basis. ~ OTHER NIISCELLANFOUS FEES A. For City personnel 1) Hourly rate set for City Employees (unless $47.00 , ottierwise specified) 2) Hourly rate Por permit specialist $42.00 i , ' 3) Uvertime charges 1.5 tirnes regular rate B. T-Tourly rate ["nr contracted services Set according tn contract rate C. Hotirly rate for special called inspectians $47.00 D. Mobile horne location permit and inspectinn 1) Temporary mobile home $60.00 2) Manufactured home inspection, per section $50.00 * 11. Flouse Moving Fee 1) Class I, II, and.L[I - Moving permit $60.00 2) Clais I, II, and III - Inspection fee $60.00 3) Class IV (if alreaciy permitted by Spokane $_p_ County or Spokane City) * Plus basemenl✓crmvlspace vuluation permit fee **1'lus $4700 per hour afler Ilte 1" hour, and S. SO per inife if the building to be maved into the City is outside the Ciry limits ~ Cxhibit A of ResulLrtiun 04-025 Master Fee Schcdule for 2005 Page 10 of 18 F. Minimum Hoiising Inspection fee $55.00 1'lus $47.00 per hour after 151 hour G. Work on any struclureor building wilhout a permit if ; a Spokane Valley Permit is required: 1) Ivlinimtun investigative inspection fee $55.00 2) Total investigative fee to be equal to the permit fee determined for the value of the illegal work accomplishcd H. Special inspections (requested by owner or tenaut) 1) Fire, wincl, mucl slide or flood damage $60.00 2) Day Care $60.00 3) Nursing Homes, hospitals, et al .$60.00 Plus $ 47.00 per hour after lst hnur 4) Special Qccupancies $60.00 1. Excess inspectians for a given project creatcd by the $47.00 f'er inspection or re- cieveloper, owner or contractor inspection J. Condnminium conversion plans review/inspection fee Based on valuc of project and blclg code valuiiCian K. Temporary tcnts, canopies, aod air supported structures for public use; i.nclusive of all lents f'or a single event. It does not apply to tents less than 200 sq. ft., canopies less thaii 400 sq ft, camping tents, or lo tents used for private, non commcrcial events. A) 1'lans check fce $13.00 2) Ba.sic permil fee $60.00 L. Fnclosing an existing deck or patio 1) Plans check fee 40% Of the basic fee for plans examination 2) Basic permit fee Basecl on value of project; minimum $3,000 M. Swimming pools (Over 5,000 gallcans) $50.00 Plus plumbing f'ees N. Re-roof Permit: Hee based on the value of the project. No plan review fee will be c;harged unless plans are submitted for review. U- Change nf Use or Occupancy Classificatiun pemut $47.00 P. '1'owers, elevatecl tanks; antennas Based on value of project BUILUING C'()DF FET REFiTNll POLICY Nlo Pernlit ree rcfund is allowed ance the work has been started. lf a refund is requesteci, the request shall be addressed to the Builcling Official in writing, and shall be received at the Spokane Valley Permit Center within 180 days of the dale of issuance of the permit. Any tee refund request reccived after 180 days of the date of permit issuance shall be denied. Any refimd approvcd shall be limiled to 80% of the lotal Permit Fee paid. Refunds shall be lunited to Building, Plumbing and vlechanical Permit fees paid to the City hF Spokane Valley. Exhibit A of Resolution 04-025,%4aster Fee Se.healtile for 2005 Page 1 1 of 18 Schedule D - FYRE CODE FIRKALARiVI, SPR.1N1{LER ANT) UTHER F':ItUTECTION SYSTEMS ~ Plans check and review fces, inspections, and permit for installation of separate firc alarm sys(em or sprinkler system applications, and other 6re proteceioa systems. Fire Alarm Systecv A. ComrTiercial - permit, plans check and inspection t3asecl on value of . system B. Residential 1) All zones $40.00 - 2) Permit Pee $35.00 Sprioltler Systcros A. Tenwit iinprovements 1) Less than 10 heacls $65.00 Z) 11 or more heads $85.00 B. New systcros 1) Commercial - permit, plans check and Based on v31ue of inspection system 2) Residential $60.00 Each riser, plus $1.10 per plug/head Other Yrotectic►n Systems A. Fire extinguishing system (other than sprinklers) $50.00 Plus $1.50 per nozzle B. Standpipe installation 1) CIass I and Class II $58.00 2) ' Class III $70.00 ' C. Fire pump 4istallaticm $55.00 D. Emergency or standby cominercial power getierators $55.00 ins-tal lation E. Flammable ancf combustible liquids slorage tanks installation 1) a. llnderground, l st tank $55.00 b. Plus each additional tank on same site $35.50 2) a. Above ground tank $55.00 b. Plus each aciditional tank on same sitc $35.00 3) Annual permit fce for storage $30.00 1-laz,ardaus materials storage tanks installation Per cank I ) Less than 500 gallons $75.00 2) 500 - 1,199 gallons $104.00 3) 1,200 gallons or more $147.00 L"xhibit A af Resnlutiori 04-025 Master Fee Schedule for 2005 Psgc 12 of 18 G. LiqueFted petroleum tanks installation Per tailk 1) Less than 500 gallons $84.00 . 2) 500 - 9,999 gallons . $ l04.00 . i 3) 10,000 gallons or more $147.00 H. Gaseous oaygcn systcros installation 1) Less than 6,000 cubic feet $78.00 2) 6,000 - 11,999 cuhic feet $90.00 3) 12,000 cubic fect or more $118.00 1. Nitrous systems installation $95.00 Plus $12.00 each . ouclct J. Medical gas systems installation 1) Gaseous system $90.00 Flus $12.00 each autlet 2) Liquefied system $95.00 Plus $12.00 each outlet - K. Hazardous material reeycling system installation 1) 110 gallons or less per day capacity $95.00 2) iore than 110 gallons per day capacity $117.00 L. Vapor recovery syslem installation Per tank I ) Phase I- tank truck and Cank , $90.00 2) 1'hase 11- vehiclc fucled and tank $115.00 M. Cryogenic tanlc installation 1) First tank $95.00 2) Lach additional tank on same site $35.09 N. Removal, abandotunent; or auy combination thereof, ' af flaaimable or combustible liquid storage tan.ks 1) First tdak (com.mercial) _ $84.00 2) wach acitiitiional tank an the sfune site $47.50 (commercial) 3) Contractor's permit for removal or $75.00 abandonment of residential under-gr4und Fuel tanks 0. i'irc Dep4trtment fee for inspectioas anci follow up. For irtitial inspection, plans check and follow up inspecCians its called for in the Fire Code and performcd by the fire department, thc fre dep;irtmcnt: will be paid 65% of the fee collected for the permil. "fhis payment will be paid quarlcrly. Ex.hibit A of Itesulution 04-025 Master Fee Schecitilc for 2005 Page 13 of 18 FIRE FAL,SE ALARiVl l+"EES 1"he following fees are set for repeAted malfunctioning false alarnis ui a given six month period. J First alarm No charge Second alarm $30.00 'fhird alarm $70.00 Fourth alar►n $120.00 Fifth fuld subsequent alarms - Require a hired Fire watch FIltEWORKS Public display tiee* $100.00 Maximum per RCW 70.77 *A!so requires a performance bond or cash deposit of $500.00 for clean up purposes and u liubility insurance policy of $.I, 000, 000.00. YLANS CI-IECK AND REi VIEW BY THE I3URTAU OF FTRF PRFVFNTION A. \ew commercial plans check and inspection (for projects $40.00 not mentioned elsewhere) B. Fire watch service $140.00 3 hour min. plus . hourly thereafter C. Hourly ratc $47.00 U. Afler hour inspections, pl<<ns review, consultations Eor 1.5 times regular raCe projects that do not require a permit, and other special services ' Gxhibil A of Resolutic►n 04-025 Mastcr Fee Sch£dule for 2005 . Pagc 14 of 18 Schcdule :E - PARKS & RECREA"1'I4N ADVIINTST12ATl'VE FEES Basic fees to be considered when applying rates Administ.rativc Fee $30.00 Refuse Fcc $50.00 A(2UATiCS Pool admissinn (agc S and under) Frcc Pool admission (age older than 5) $1.00 Pool punch pass (25 swims) $20.00 VVeekend family discount 1 child under 13 f'ree with paying adult R.eservation (less than 50 people) $100.00 Per hour'" Tond fee (if applicable) $25.00 Reservation (50 - 100 people) $125.00 1'er haur* . T'ood fee (iFapplicable) $50.00 Reservation (101 - 150 people) $150.00 Per hour# Faod fee (if applicablc) $75.00 *Minimum 2 hours EVEN'1'S - includes Prrvilion Fvents include but are not liinited to activities such as car Shows, tolirnamcnts and activities involving 200 or more people. The I7irector of Parks and Recreation will mdke lhe final determuiation. General Fee $150.00 Non-profit applii;aCions $80.00 (7r free with snonsorship* *Applicalivnsfor joint sponsars6rip ivith tize City ofSpokane Valley will be cansiderecl by the Spvkcrrre Valley Parks laepartment. FIEI,D RENTAL llse Fee $25.00 First haur plus $15 eacli additional hour 1NDOO1t USE Opcn gym admission $2.00 Nlayground program admission (10 entries) $20.00 Nil12.ART AU Mirabeau Springs Small shelterand waterfall $150.00 tilaximum 4 hours ~-Refundable deposit (less than 200 people) $50.00 Fxhibit A of Resolution 04-025 Master Fee Schedule for 2005 Page 15 of 18 viirabcau Meadows Shelter (less than 200 people) • $$0.00 Shelter (200 or more people) $150.00 1Zefiindable deposif (less t:han 200 people) $50.00 Refundable dcposit (200 or mnre people) $250.00 ALCOHQLiC ]3EVEIZAGL+" YERM;IT Alcoholie Beverage I'ermit Fee $10.00 PTCNIC SHELTERS l'icnic Shelter (less than 200 pcople) $30.00 Pienic Shelter (200 or more peopie) $150.00 . Refundable deposit (less than 200 penple) $50.00 Itefundable dcposit (200 or more people) $250.00 PROFESSIONAL YHUTOCItAPHY Perrnit rec $25.00 llnnual RFCREATION Recreation program fees are set to recover costs as specified in the Parks and Recrealivn revenue, policy. VALL,EY MISSiON ARErTA Rental* $100.00 Yerweekend ReFundable deposit $50.00 _ #IZenter re.sponsible for on-site prepuration. Rental reguires liubiliiy in.surance. . Gxhibit A of Rcyolution 04-025 Master Fee Sehecfulc for 2005 1'age 16 of 18 Schedule F - ADViMS'T:RA'TIVE COFY 1+EE5 - Copy of audio tapes, video tapes, photos, maps or other At cost . records needing reproduction ' Copy of written records . $0.15 Per page Copy of annual budget $ 1p,pp Copy of full documents At cosi OTFIF.R AnMTNiSTRATiVT FEES NSF Check $25.00 . ~ l:~,xttil)it A ol'Iie,Splutii)n 04-025 Master Pee Schcdulc Por 2005 Page 17 of 18 Schedule G - OTHFR FEES ADiILT FNTERTA1N1VlENT FErS ~ Estrtblishment Liccnsc.s ' Live Adult Entertainment $1,500.00 Adult Arcade $1,500.00 Qlher Adult Entertfiinmcnt Licenses Adult Arcade Device License $150.00 Mfuiagee Licensc $150.00 Entertainer License $150.00 idate Liceose Fee-Charged in addition to license fee. Pcrcent of . I'ast Due Calentlar Days I.,icense Fee 7 - 30 25% 31 - 60 50% 61 and over 75% I3iJS.T\rF.SS REGTST12ATtUlY FEES Business registration $13 ettcli year Nonprofit registratian $ 3 eaeh year ~ SFCURITY FALSEi Al,AKM F'TES _ i Repeated malfunctioning security false alarms in a given six-month period. r irst Alarrn No charge Secorid alarm $30.00 Third alarrn $70.00 Fourth and subsequent alarms $120.00 'fOW OPERA'I Olt ANNUAI.. R,EGISTRATION PEL $100.00 . ~,xhibit A of Resolution 04-025 Mastcr Fce Schcdule for 2005 Page 18 of 18 . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for City Council Action Meeting Date: June 14, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent (2) old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report 0 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading Ordinancs No. 05-016 amending the sign regulations. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code Article V Signage Standards Section 10.30.660 amending the interim Zoning Code Chapter • 14.804. PREVIOUS COUNCIUCOMMISSION ACTION : City Council was briefed on the progress of the Ad Hoc Sign Committee on July 20, 2004. Mr. David Crosby, Chair of the Committee, reported on the findings of the Committee on October 12, 2004. On December 9, 2004, the Planning Commission met with the Ad Hoc Sign Committee in a study session to review the Committee's recommendations. The Planning Gommission held a public hearing on propased amendments on January 13, 2005, and recommended approval by a vote of 4 to 2 with the Chairman not voting. City Council was b►iefed on the proposed amendments on January 25, 2005. The proposed ordinance was advanced to a second reading on March 8, 2005. City Council reviewed the proposed regulations in Study Sessions on April 5 and 26, 2005, and discussed the ordinance further on May 10, 2005. BACKGROUND: Chapter 14.804 of the Interim Zoning Regulations regulates the placement and dimensions of signage. The Ad Hoc Committee was charged with the °review and update° C~ of the existing regulations. The Committee met on a regular basis from mid-June through the first week of December, 2004. The meetings were held in tfie Council Chambers and were open to the public. Committee deliberations were also posted on the City°s web site. Signs are classified as On-premises (advertising goods or services on site) and Off-premises. Billboards are off-premises signs. On-premises signs are either temporary (e.g. real estate sale) or permanent, and may or may not require a permit. Permanent sign types include attached or °wall" signs and free-standing signs. Free-standing signs include both "pole" signs and monument signs. Permanent signs require a permit. Local govemment may regulate the time, place and manner of commercial "spEech", but may not control the message. The Committee has recommended amending provisions which are not inconsistent with the Interim Comprehensive Plan immediately, including: • Updated definitions • Updated height, maximum copy area and spacang standards ~ Measurement of irregular signs . The Committee also recommended amendments which should be considered following the adoption of the new Comprehensive Plan, including: • Amending "aesthetic corridor" designations within Spokane Valley • • °Cap and Replace° for billboards The draft ordinance was forwarded to CTED for their review on November 2, 2004. A Determination of Non-Significance was also issued on November 2, 2004. The comment period expired on December 2, 2004. CTED has not commented on the draft ordinance. Sign Regulations Page 2 of 2 Amendments from tfie May 10, 2005: ; 1. Obsolete Sign Structure: definition clarifies intent. 2. Official Sign: definition expanded to include directional signs authorized by City Council. 3. Prohibited Signs includes all off-premises signs, including billboards. 4. Section 5. deleted as redundant and confusing. 5. Section 4. expanded to clarify that the removal of advertising copy within sixty days of notice is required. The Ad Hoc Committee and the Planning Commission discussed the issue of non-conforming signs at some length. Without a requirement that new signs conform to the adopted standards, the purpose of any sign regulations csases to exist. It was noted however, that the limitations on sign height and area in industrial'zoning districts for commercially developed properties was of significant concern. The issue is addressed by establishing equal height and area standards in B-2, B-3 and all industnal zoning districks. , ~ OPTIONS: Approve, request additional information or disapprove. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "7 move to approve Or+dinance No. 05-016 amending the sign regulations." ' BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance Draft 06.14.05 - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINCTON QRDINANCE NU. 05-016 . AN ORUTNANCE UF THE CTTY OF SPOKANE VAI,LEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHIIVGTON, ESTABLISHI.NG SECTION 10.07.09 SIGN REGULATIONS UR THE SPOKANE VALLEY UNTEORM I)FVELOPMENT CODE, REPEALING ARTICLE V SIGNAGE STANDARDS SECTION 14.804 ET SEQ. OF THE SFOKAYE VALLEY v1UNICI1'AI, CODE, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND EFFEC'i'IVF DATF. . WHEREA$, thc City of Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 03-053 adopted the Spokane County Zoning Code as Interim Development Regulations pursuant to the requirements of RCW Chap. 36.70A; and WH.EREAS, the Comprehensive Plan Goal Goal UL.S "provide for an ae.sthetically,pleasing urban environment and encourage the maintenance and enhancement of natural and cultural vicws"; and WFfEREAS, Policy UL.5.5 is to "[e]stablish standards for the scale and intensity of commercial signs that proteet views and minimize signagc clutter while still allAwing adequate business identification"; and VVHF;REAS, a public hearing was held before the Spokane Valley Planning Commission to provide the opportunity for public cnmment on the proposed regulations; and WHEREAS, the pmposed development regulations must be submittcd to the Washington Department of Community Trade and Economic Development pursuant to WAC 365-195-620; ~J NOW, T'FIEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, VJashington, orclains as follows: Section 1. Section 10.07.06 of the Spokane Valley Unifnrm Development Code is hereby established to read as follows: "Section 10.07.09 Sign Regulatiuns Section 10.07.09A1 Purpose, Intent and Scone Signage regulations are intended to promote commerce, traffic safety and community identiry while improving the visua1 environment of residential, commercial and industrial areas. Signs are classified as off- prernises signs or on-premises signs. On-premises signs may be attached (wall) signs or free-standing signs. Signs may he classified as permanent or temporary. Section Definitions • Abandoned - a sign that advertises a product or service no Innger avxilable or a business no Innger in operation; a sign which is illegible, non functional, in disrepair, or hazardous as a result of lack of maintenance; a nonconforming sign structure that has lost legal status as a result of abandonment or lack of use. • BiUboard: A structure for thc purpose of leasing advertising space to pramote an interest other than that of an individual, business; product or service available on Yhe premises on which the billboard is . located. • Building Sign: An extcnsion of a building (e.g. awning, canvpy, marquee), whcther permanent or temporary, which contains copy. _ Ordinance 05-016 Sign rcgulations amcndmcnt Page I of l1 Draft 06.14.05 e Bulletin Board: See Readcr Board. • Code Fnforcement Officer: The authorized respresentative of the City of Spokane Valley vv7th respnnsibility For code compliance. • Copy: letters, charaeters, illustrations, logos, graphics, symbols, writing or any cnmbination thereof, designed to communicate informalion of any kind, or to advertise, announce or identif_y a person, entity, business, business product, or to advertise the sale, rental or lease of prem.ises. • Copy Area: the area of the sign containing any capy, symbol, sign, logo nr graphic. • Directional Sign: Any sign relating solely to intemal pedestrian and vehicular traflie circulation withi.n a complex or project. • Electronic Sigu: A sign that can be changed by electrical, eleCtronic or computerized process; inclusive of video boards. * I'+'lashing Sign: An electrical sign or portion theresf which changes light inCensity in a brief, brilliant, or suclden and transient outburst of light causing a steady on and off, glittering, sparkling, or oscillating pattern. * Freestanding Sign: A perrnanent sign not at[ached ta or forming part of a building. • Freeway Sign - A permanent free-standing on-premises sign or billboard located on a parcel adjacent anci r,ontiguous to Interstate I-iiglaway 90. • Inflatable Sign: Any temporary hollow item or character expanded or enlarged by the use of air or gas. ; • Mena Board: An on-site display of inenu items at a restaurant; not meant to be viewed from the street. • M.onument Sign: A sign and supporting structure constructed as-a solid structure nr one that gives the appearance of a continuous, non-hollow, unbroken mass. • Multi-Busineys Complex Sign: a sign with a primary facility name and a list of the individual stores or businesses mounted on one structural element. Such a sign type includes signage describing a mall arrangement, a strip-center cievelopmenl, an industrial park complex, or a multi-busincss structure or complex of buildings with a uniPying name and a listing of businesses contained witliin the groupins. • Mural: A wqrk of art applied directly to a wall, ceiling, or floor surface where forms and/or figures are the d4minant elements and not intended for commereial advertising. 11ny form of wording or logo shall be of secondary nature to a mural. • Name Plute - a sign showing only the name and address of the owner or occupant of the premises. • Non-conforming Sign: A.ny sign which was lawfully erected and maintained on private progertv which now, as a result of code amendments, does not conform to all applicable regulations and restrietions of this chapter. • Notice Sisa: A sign intended to safeguard the premises (c.g. "~Jo Parking", "No Trespassing", "Watch Dog on Duty"); or which icfentifes emergertc:y telephone number, hours, ana sccurity information. • Obsolete Sign Structure: A sign support sh°ucture not removecl within thirty-six months by the owner or lessee of the premises upon which the sign is located when the advertised business is no longer conducted on the premises. Ordiilance 05-016 Sign rep,ulations amcndmcnt i'agc 2 of 11 Draft 06.14.05 0 Official Sign - a sign erected by a governmental ageney within its tenitorial jurisdiction fnr the purpose of carrying out anx official duty or responsibility authorized by the City Counciland including, but not limited to, traffic signs and signals, zoning signs, and street signs. Directional-sipns, special lighting or banners celebrating seasonal or civic events sponsored and/or endorsed by the City Council Fney-be-are Offcial signs. • Off-Premise Sign: a sign displaying copy that pertains to a business, person, org ization, activity, event, place, service, or product not principally located or primarily manufactured or sold on the premises on whicb the sign is located. • On-Premise Sign: a sign which advertises or directs attention to a business, person, organization, activity, event, place, service, or product which is manufactured and/or available on the premises where the sign is located. • Portable Sign: A sign not permanently attached or affixed to the ground or other permanent structure, or a'sign designed to be transported or moved from place to place, including, but not limited to signs designed to be transported by means of ~vheels. • Reader Board: A sign face consisting of tracks to hold readily changeable letters allowing frequent changes of copy. • Roof Sign: A sign supported by and erected on or above a roof. • Sign Area - the gross surface area of the sign, including a single surface of a sign with messages on both sides, the sum of all surfaces where two or more signs share a single structure, the gross surface area of ~ both faces of a V-shaped sign; and the copy area of a inonument sign. In the case of an irregularly sbaped sign, the sign area is calculated by enclosing the extreme limits of the sign by no more tnan four (4) rcctangles. The sum of the area of the rectangles shall be the gross surface area. The maximum allowable area is reduced by 10% for the sccond and cach subsequent rectangle used in the calculation. • Support Stracture(s): Posts or columns and thc ancnors and bolts that structuralty support the sign attached to it. • Temporary Sign: A sign whieh is to be removed within a specif c period of tune or upon the occurrence of a specified event meeting the height and area requirements of Table 7.02; i.nclusive of inflatablcs. • Three-Sided Sign: A sign with three faces. • Two-Sided Sign: A sign with twn faces. . • Use(s) - General use categories or specific uses within categoeies as follows. o Institutianal emi-Public includE a churches, public park, multiple-famity dwclling, clorm.itory, fraternity, sorority, nursing home, retirement apartment, public building, child day-care center, family day-care pmvider, nonprofit community hall or lodge, animal clinic, cemetery or sanitarium. o Institutional -Public includc a scbool (kindcrgartcn through univcrsity), hospital, police station, fire station; post office or public golf caurse. o Office -include a business or professional office. J o Commercial - include permittecl eommereial uses other than home industry, home profession, and those listed above. Ordinuncc 05-016 Sign r+egulntions amendment Pnge 3 of 11 Draft 06.14.05 o Industrial - include pemvtted industrial uses. ; • Video l3oard: Sce Electronic Sign. • Wall Area - the two dimensional respresentation of a building elevation, including windows and doors, excluding eaves. • Wall Sign - A permanent sign attached or crected parallel to and extending not more than fifteen (15) inches from the fagade or face of any building to which it is attached and supported thmughout its entire length, wit}-l the exposed face of the sign parallel to the planc of said wall or faFade. Signs incorporated into mansard roofs, marquee.s or canopies are wall signs. Seetion Yrohibited Signs "I`he following siLns are pmhibited: I. Signs which by cnloring, shape, wording or location resemble or conflict with traffic control signs or devi ces. 2. Signs that create a safety hazard for pedestrian or vehicular traffic. 3. Flashing sips. 4. Portablc signs ' 5. Signs located within the public right-of-way, cxcept official signs. 6. Signs attached to or placed on a vehicle or trailer parked on public or private properly, provided that lhis provision shall not be construed as prohibiting the icientification of a firm or its product on a vehicle operating during the normal course of business. 7. Signs obstructing visibility within any Clearview Triangle as established in Section 10.07.06 of this Code. . 8. Off-premises siwis, includin~Billboards Scction Permit Required. 1. A permit is requirecl far any sign excluding official signs {including traffie and directiona) signs); seasonal decorations; merchandisc displays; point-of-purchase advertising displays; national and state flags; 1'lags of a political subdivision; symbolic flags of an instiYution; legal nntices requirecf by law; barber poles; historic site; monuments/ plaques; gravestones; advertising copy nff-ixed Yo ' structures intended for a separate use, such as phone bouth.s; clonation and recycling contai.ners;lettering or symbols applied direetly onto or flush-rnoutited magnetically to a motor vehicle operating in the nornial course of business; pol.ikical signs supporting palitical issues, aandidates or ballot measures; replacement of copy on signs otherwise permitted; and or other signs_ noted on "I'ables 7.01 and 7.02. . 2. Permit Applicatinns shall include a sitc plan that provides the following information: a. The location of the affected lot; building(s) and sign(s); b. The scale of the site plan; c. A scaled drawing of the proposed sign or sign revision, including size, height, capy, structural footing details, method of attachment and il.lumination; d. Thc location of all existing signs on the site including size and height; e. The location of signs on other property for sign types subject to*spacing requirements; f. Approved sign plan; if applicable; and g. Taac parcel number of proposed sign. Qrdinance 05-016 Sign regulations amcndmcnt Paf;e 4 of I 1 Draft 06.14.05 Section \`umber, General Reguladons 1. On-premises attached (wall) and freestanding signs shall comply with the requirements of Table 7.01 for maximum height, maximum allAwabie area, maximum number of signs, minimum spacing and setback rcquircments, providcd howcver, that on-premises frcestanding signage is limited to the maxi.mum number of either pole signs or monument sign sta-uctures allowed per 300 feet of street, frontage. i.e. if a single pole sign is authorized, no additional monument signage is permitted; similarly, placement of monument style signs will preclude placement of a pole sign. Table 7.01 Hei ht Co Area and S acin Re uirements Maximum Minimu '0 m LD ere, o ':3 0 0 Sign Type m vi cd n Additlonal Provisions Zoning District .0 '5 d ~ a ~ d ~ o o r oc a ~ a ~ Z = U U9 U~ (n V) tIl On-Premises - Atiached Wall Name late 1 4 5 n!a n/a nla n/a N InStiWtional -Semi-Public 1 nfa 20 Na n/a n/a n!a N Institutional - Public 1 nla 32 n!a n/a n/a n/a Y 25% of wall area in UR-22 on Sin le ORoe UR 12 UR 22 1 nta 32 Na n/a nla n/a y Mufti-tenant Office UR 12 UR 22 1' n/a 60 n/a n/a n!a n/a Y 'One er buildin Commerolal Atl Residential Zones 1 n/a 20 Na Na Na n/a Y ComrteeraaUlndustrial Zones (B1, 62, n/a ' n/a Na Na n/a Y ' 259b of wall area 63 11 12 13 " On-Premises- Freestandin Subdivision or Area neme 1' 10 60 n/a n!a Na n/a Y * Per arteriaJ street fronta e Industrial ParklArea Identiricafion 1 7 150 nla Na Na nla Y InsUluUonal - SQmf Public (Residential 1 6 16 n/a Na Na nfa Y Maximum copy area may be Zone increased up to 60 sq. ft. for Institutional-Public Residen6al Zone 1 15 32 n!a Na n1a Ma Y monument signs less than 7 feet in OHioelCommercial UR12 UR 22 1 15 32 nla n!a n1a n/a Y he'g M Diredional Si ns nJa Na 4 nla nJa nla n1a N IndivlduallMulti le Business Pole SI rts CommerCi.al, IRdividual Busirsass (81) 1' 20 50 Ne nJa n!a 5 Y ~ Par artsrial straet frontage per • buslness er buildin Commercial, Multi-business (B1) 1' 20 100 nla n/a n/a 5 Y • Per arterial street fronta e CommetClaUlndusUEel, Individual 1• 30 Na 100 200 Na 5 Y * Per street frontage per business business (B2, B3, 11, 12, 13,A11Z) per bulEding GomrtserciaUlndusirial Mufti-business 40 250 n/2 n/a 300 5 Y - Per streat hontage and per 340 B2 83,11,12,13, MZ ft. fronta e. Freeway CommerciaUlndusUial, IndividuaV Multi- Business (B2, 63, 11, 12, 1' 50 250 n/a Ne 300 5 Y ' Per 300 ft 13, hAZ) . IndlvfduaUMulUple Busfness (Monument Signs) Commercial, Individual Business (B1) 1' 7 75 Na n/a Na 5 Y ' Per arterial street frontago Gommercial, Multi-business (81) 2' 7. 75 Na n!a nla 5 Y , Commerdal/lndustrial Zones, Indiv(dual 2• 7 90 nJa nla n!a 5 Y ' Per street fronfage business (132, 63, 11, 12, 13) ~ J CammerciaVlndustrial AAulti-business 2- 7 gp n!a Na 300 5 Y " Per strQet fronfage and per 300 (B2, 83, 11, 12, 13) ft frontage Ordinance 05-016 Sigii regulalions amendment Page 5 of 11 Draft 06.14.05 Table 7.01 Nei ht Co Area and S acing Requirements Manimum Minimu m LD °o r- °o ~ Si n T 9 yPe vi M n Additional Provisions Zoning District Q Q~ Q~ ~ ~ ~ = 'S a, B °1 v ~ a Z S U U2 Uo N N N On Premises Free-Standin - Aesthetic Corridors OKce (UR12, UR 22) I B 32 ~a nla n/a 5 y~ Individual 8 Multl le Businesses - Aesthetic CorNdors Cammercial (81) 1 8 75 nla nJa nJa 5 Y Commerciallindustrial (132, B3, 11, 12, 13) 2" 8 90 n/a n/a 500 5 " Per street frontage and per 500 Y ft frontage 2. Temporary signs shall comply with the requirments of Tablc 7.02 for maximum height, macimum allowable area, maximum number of signs, minimum spacing and selback requirements and limitations relating to time and events. ' Table 7.02 Temporary Signs Maximum .E v Sign Typs Additional Zoning District ~ ~ ^ o ~ ^ Time Llmit 2 ~ Provisions z x$ u ax u. v) 9L 0: Residential Subdivision 1 10 40 1 Year Y Non-illuminated Banners, Flags, pennants, 30 inflatables nla Na days/quarter 10 Y One renewal Searchlights nla Na ( 10 days 5 Y Contractor, Architect, Surveyor, Engineer 1 40 12 months 5 Y One extension Real Estate Residertial 1' 5 5 N "Per raad frontage Commeraal/lndustrial 1 32 5 N Open House Directional i' 3 5 5 N ' Per acceas streot 3. All illuminated signs shall have lighting confined to the sign, and nositioned and shielded to minimize impacts to thc surrounding area(s). Gaoseneck reflectors and lights are permitied on Free_standing and Wall Signs provided that lighting or glare does not extend beyond the pmperty line. 4. Electronic sigLC shall be permitted on the same basis as other signs, subject to height and area requirements of'I'able 7.01. 5. A roof mounted sign may be substituted for an allowed freestanding sign, provided t}lat the hcight of the sign structure may nat exceed the marimum height of the zoning district i.n which the sign is locatecl. 6. Signs located within the airport hazard area shall conform to the location and height regulations of that area. , 7. No sign shaU bc crcctcd, rclocatcd or maintained in a manncr tbat prevents the &ee ingress or egress " from any door, window or fire escape. Ordinance 05-016 Sign regulations amenctmcnt Page 6 of l I Draft 06.14.05 8. No sign shall be attached to a standpipc or fre escape except Official Signs. ~ 9. tlny sign erected or maintained within five (5) feet of the public rights-of-Nvay shall be smaath and free of nai(s, tacks and wires. Section Cumpreheosive Sign Plan Commercial development, shopping centers, industrial parks, mixed use developments, and botel conference centers exceeding five (5) acres in siT,e may seek approval of a sign plan specific to the dcvelopment proposal. The Iairector of Community Development may approve a comprehensive sign plan that allows deviations from thc strict i.ntcrpretation of spacing, height and area requirements upon a showing of good cause, and provided that there are no adverse eflects on adjacent properties. Any cnnditions imposed to secure approvals shall be binding on the Applicant. Modif cations to the approved sign plan shall require reapplication and approval by the D'uecCor. If the Applicant and Director cannot come to an agreement, the 1)irector's decision may be appealed through the Hearing Examiner. Section Aesthetic Corridurs 1. The standards shown on Table 7.01 shall apply to parccls adjaccnt to the following designated aesthetic corridars: a. Appleway Avenue (between I-90 and Un.iversity Avenue) b. 1:vergreEn Road (bctwccn Sprague Avenue and Indiana Avcnue) c. Mirabeau Parlcway ~ d. Indiana Avenue (between Pines Roaci and Flora Road) ~ Sectian Sign Location and Front Setbacks 1. Monument signs exceeding three (3) feet in height may be located at thc property line outside any border easement, provided that the requirements of Section 7.06 Clearview Triangles of thc Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code gave heen*met 2. Pole signs wit6 structural supports less thttn two (2) feet in width with copy area placed at a height of. -seven feet or mnre above grade may be located at the property line, provided that the requirements of Sectinn 10.07.06 Clearview Triangles of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code gavc been met 3. All temporary signs, except inflatable signs, shall be located not less than five fcct from the right-af way. 4. Inflatable signs shall be set back not less that ten feet from the right-of-way. 5. All signs shall meet the vertical and horizontal clearance requirements of the electric utilities. 6. All &eestanding and monument signs shall be located in a landscaped area. Landscaping should be appropriately sited to ensure that signs are not blocked or obscured by trees or bushes. Section Sign Area Calculation Illustrations 1. Sign area for wall signs is equal to 25% of the two-dimensional area of a building's elevation, excluding eaves and gables.. 2. The sign area of a freestnnding sign consisting of one sign shall be calculated as shown in Figure 7.2 below. The sign area of a freestanding sign consisting of more than nne (1) sign shall be computed by adding together the total area(s) of all signs as shown in Figure 7.3 below. Ord'mance 05-016 Sign rcgulations amcnilment Page 7 of 11 Draft 06.14.05 3. Any portion of the sign not necessary for structural p ET E' S P RO G 0 L F support of the sign or any structural support greater than two (2) feet in width shall be considered in the determination of the square footage of the sign. Figure 7.1 BoMer A . =-e - I t SIGN 1 e, Maximum Hoight SIGN B 1 ~ Maxfmum Height _ ql Minimum Height Setback SIGN 2 = 32 A2 SIC,'V 3 = 63 Property Figure 7.2 Line Prooertv Line Figure 7.3 4. A 10% increase in sign area is allowed for decoradve framing or borders. Area calculation does not include dccorative rocks or landscaping adjacent to a monument sign. 5. The sip area for multiplc-sided signs sliall be calculated as follows: a. "I`he total sign area for a two-sided sign shall be calculated using one (l) face, therefore allowiiig hoth faces to be of equal size (for example a two-sided sign has two (2) faces with 18 squarc fect pcr sidc, therefore the sign area is 18 square feet). b. The sign area for a three-sided sign shall be equal to the total amount nf sign area a one-sided or hvn-sidc;d sign is alloweci (for example, in itc:m 3a abnve, a lwo-sidcd sign is allowed 1$ square feet , of sign area per side which equals 36 cotal square feet. T.f a three sided sign is used instead of a one- sided or two-sided sign, the three-sidcd sign may allocale the 36 tcatal squdre feet ambng th.ree sides, thcrcforc allAwing three sides with 12 square feet per face for a tAtal of 36 square feet of sign area). 6. Irregularly shaped signs may bc measurcd i.n the fnllowing ways: ~ a A T b c 21 r B a. Convcntional Measueement: Total area = a*b b. Sum of Squares: Total area = Area A+Area B+Area CfArea D b Ordinance 05-016 Sign regulations amcndmcnt Page 8of I 1 Draft 06.14.05 Section Mainte.nance ot Sif!ns 1. Any signage that has been approved or that has been issued a permil shall be mainuained by the owner or person in possession of the property on which the sign is located. Maintenanc.e shall be such that the signage continucs to conform to the conditions imposed by the sign permit. 2. tLny damaged sign structure shall be repaired within thirty (30) days of notice. 3. Any signage which has been damaged to sucb extent that it may posc a hazard to passersby shall be repaired or rcmoved within forty-eight (48) hours of notice. 4. T_he advertising, copy on any existing-sign that no longer advertises a bona fide business conducted or product sold on the premises, shall be removed by and at the expense of the pmperty owner within siacty (60) days of notice. Ffle tiee-- Section ExistinQ Nonconforminp, Sif!ns. Any permanent sign made non-conform.ing as a result of [he adoption of these regulations may he repaired, but not structurally altered or macle more non-confnrming in any way. If, tihe sign is removed in order to make repairs, it shall be replaced within sixty (60) days; or the permit is void. 'Chereafter, the sign shall conform to the requirements of this Section. . NotwithstandinS other provisions of this Seclion, any sign or signs for whieh a temporary permit has been issued by the City shall be permitted to rema.in at the location or locations authorized by the pErmit for as long as the permit is valid and all the requirements of the permit have been met. Section Rillboards (Reserved)" ~ J Section 2. Repealer. a) Article V Section 1030.660 Signage Standards Chapter 14.804 et seq. nf khe Spokane Valley Municipal Code is hereby repealed; and 'b) tlrticle II Section 10.30.060 adopdng the Spnkane County Zoning Code by refeeence is hereby acnended to repeal the following definitions included in Chapter 14.300 of the Spokane Cqunty Zoning Code as follows: $tIletilri-$ea-A _s:gqI-w#ieh-iden-ifie ' w~tiekrf~is-4c~ea~e~~td-wktiekreo+~tefE ' . . _ . , . CIt"~~e,~«QT;:riT;GT . . ~ . . Eleetfie . eleetfieal . , . . s-andj`~l-t't-AUFeS whieh fxe8d-aS-psft-e€-tlie-s+grrpFOper: . . -aphies; spmbeIs-Ar-WeMS- y-e-ee~~~~ter-~o~treNete-displ~ iempeFewFe~,puNic-seR+iee; ee _ . F4ashtrt~- . , , g leat#y-orr-a~d-a€fgli4eift- spa~t . sitnuiftt-A . , • trin,~u~eses-in- ~ ' ~}e~e-eh~gr~-l~igEtt`seu~~s-~f1at~e~ Ineidentfil . , pr-oduets, , re-ava•i-{eble-en-the~-~feinis~ Ordinance 05-016 Sien regulations amendment Page 9 of 11 Draft 06.14.05 eowveFieFtee-ef t-he-publfe-whiae-en-the- Lew-I~teHSEt;~LighEing: L-ighta..~ net-exeeeding . eHt4tub+t-spaoe-en-nine-ifnkeh-(•9}-een#er , efexpesed-neen-net- exeeed C . eaRies-a4wr4isefnents-ineidentaI e-e~e- t,;.,t, i,....,,-eas l,.a:.,,. `'c - .,,t:,.,,--~:,,a R t-~,- - .,;fl0t6d-8t- r~'---` - e-- 5 , , , . flQI316-O~Efl~Br5EJf2-~2ffFt-E1E-8 . Portabie p- . Any a ntij`-affi-.uc°c-'i:Q='.:rd@Shgled4Oi6AF6@p&bE2-Af- s . . , i3-fl16tr Rz . d ft,eq . , stmeture. . , goads.. ~ > > figufes, syfnbc~ls7+Ffidemar•ks-or-wr-tteee- . eF Fepi-eseiit-e-PeadUet, -e r-v-iee-Ar-reg-xtster-eg4i:adeffw4-~-nr-whieFi-do-no"defiY-the-USer-_ 5h&- _ . 9#eFfl4S-6ern-bincd-A44Re-~t- I efl•!y-£h$t-p°ac crr"f c;;c- desfgn-eF pel#eFn-whieh-emn*eE-~t4iguished-fi-otrj-die-s+gn-wiN-~e-eoasrider-ed-es-paFE-of the . ' ' n-e?tie4udes-eutdeer-adyer4ising-displeys=l4ris-def'tni4•t0n-dees-net T-iiis inelude bilibeftFd-, er- Yidee 1)eafd,;. . . . (Res. . 99 , , 1999 3 -V4dee-Beard-r-Videe-beaFd' ' p4iffy-showing- aetiwA ' ~g-or-aErimated-images-aver-iiest • F€eee-and-whieh-lms- t-afe4seeFnible-fi:anre-movir►g-Yehfiele-0n-fl-pcrbge-r-ig~r~e€wa~--{Res-.- . . 99 , D Wall nen p-s~sWd-er-eFeeted-pai-~~lel4o-and-ext~"~nt,,-e fe cippeFEed-thFetigheut o , ' d-€eso ef-the-sigfv-per-alle4-te-the-Pla+ie-afsa+d wait ert fkade. > mfffquees, wal]: sigft. Section 3. Sevenbilitv. Lf any sectinn, sentence, clause or phrase oF this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or uncansUtulional by a court of c4mpetcnt jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall noC a-ffeet lhe val.iciity or constitutionality of any other section, sentenee, clause or ' phrase of this ordinance. Section 4. Effective 17ate. This Ordinance shall be in full fonce and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PA.SS.ED by the City Cauncil this day of , 2005. Ordinance 05-016 Sign rcgulations amcndmcnt f'age 10 of 11 Draft 06.14.05 ~ Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to Form: Deputy City Attorney, Cary Driskell Date of Publieation: Effective .iaate: ~ Ordinance 05-016 Sign regulations amendment Pege 11 of 11 Current Signage Standards 10.30.660 Arricle V. Signagc Standards from ii public right-of-way; merchandise clis- plays; point-of-purchasc advcrtising ciisplays, 10.30.660 Signage stanclards. such as product clispensers; nltional flags; The intErirri zoning eode chapter relating to sig- flags of a political subdivision; symbolic Elags nage standards is amencletl tis set forth below: of an institution; legal notices required by law; barbcr poles; historic site monuments/plaques; Chapter 14.804 gravestones; structurc;s intendecl for a separate SICNAGI; STANDAR.DS use, such as phonc booths, donation ancl recy- (Res. 2-0188, dAted February 19, 2002) cling containers; letteriug or symbols applied directly onto or flush-mounted magnetically to Section: a mntor vehicle operadng in the nonnal course 14.$04.010 Purpose, lntent and Scope of busine:ss. 14.804.020 General Provisions 14.804.030 Iaefinitions 14.804.02() Cenerul Provisions 14.804.040 Exempt Signs 1. Permit Required: 14.804.050 Yrohibited Signs - Any on-premises sign shall hcreafter be erect- 14,804.060. Signs 1'crmitted in All 7.ones in ed, re-erected, construeted; painted, posteci, ap- Con.necdon with Specific Usc:s plied or structurally 1lterecl i.n nccordance with 14.$04.070 Sign Standarcls in Agricultural this chapier and pursuant to a sign permit ' 1t1d Residential "Lones (FA, GA, signecl off by the Division of Planning snd is- RS, RR-10, 2C, UIZ, FZ-5 through sued by the Division vf Builcii»g attcl Code En- UR-22) 7anes forcernent. A sign permit shall be required for 14.804.080 Sign Scancl;ud5 Fqr Business 1nd each group of signs nn a single supporting Indusvial (8-1, I3-2, B-3, I-2 anci smicnire installed simultancously. Theresfter, I-3) Zones each additional sign erected on the structure 14.8(}4.0$5 Cvrioprehensive Sign F'!fln Stan- must have a separate sign permit. The owuer of dsrds (B-I, B-2, R-3, I-2 and 1-3) a sign Shall produce apemiit uWon request. Gones [3uilding permits shall be re:quired a,5 specified 14.804,090 Freestanding Sign Standards f'or in Title 3 of the Spokane County Codc. Aesthetic Corridors (Ites. 2-0315, dbYCd ,ytarch 26, 2002) 2. f'ennit Applications: 14.804.495 Sign Standarcls for the Industrial All permit applicatious for signs shaU include Park (I-1) Zone a site plan that provides the following informa- 14.$04.100 Sign Standards for Mining (MZ) tion: "Lone 14.804.110 Sign Location und Sethack a. The location of the affected lot, builtling(s) 14.804.120 Sign Arca and Calculation and sigu(s); 14.804.130 iyltiintcna.nce of Signs 14.804.140 NAnconforming Signs b. The scale af the site plan; 14.804.150 Landscaping for Freestanding and Monument Signs c. A drawing of thc prnposed sign or sign revi- 14.$04.I60 Sign.111umillation sion, incluciing size, height, copy, structural fuuting dctails, method of attaclune»t and illu- 14.804.010 E'urpure, lntent and Scope miuation; 'Che purpose and '►nteilt of this sectiun is to pro- rriote commcrce, trafric safety and coiiunuiiity d. All cxisting signs on the site illcltidiug iheir identity while improving dhe visual environ- si•r,e and heighr, and ment of residentill, commercial and incltistrial areas. e. Tax plrcel numbcr. This scction ot'the Cude shall not regulate trtit= 3. SubHfC:l PIa11S: lic nnd ctirectionll signs installed by nguvcrr►- Subarea plans approved by the fioard of Coun- ` ' mcntn! cntity or in a private p:►rkinb lot; signs ty Commissioners may include t'equiremenLS ' not rciidablc Ernm iior intended to be viewed othcr than thosc provided in this chapter. 10-64 Spokane Vatley Mtmicipal Coc1e 10_30.660 14.804.030 Uefinitions 2. Signs that crcatc a safety hazarc1 for pedes- The fullowing words and phrases are li.sted in trian or vehicular traffic. Chapter 14.300, laetinitions. 3. Flashing signs. Liillboard, Bullctin 13oard, Llectric Sign, Elco- tronically ChSngcable Mcssage Sign, FIxshing 4. PUrtable sigms exceeding nine (9) squarc Sign, Freestxnding Sign, Frecwsy Oricnted fcet. Sign, High Intcnsity Illurnination, lncidcntal Sign, l.ndividual I3usincss, Low lntcnsity 5. All portable readerboards. Lighting, Monumr.nt Sign, lVlultiPle Busincss- es, Noncpnfprming Sign, On-PrcmiSCS Sign, b. All portablc electric signs. Porcable Sign, Rexderboard, Roof Sign, Sign, . Suppart Structure(s), Three-Sidcd Sign, Twa 7. Sibms attached ta or placed on•a vehicle or Sidcd Sign, Video Board, Wall Sien. trailcr parkcd on public or private propert, providcd that this provisiqn shall not be con- 14.804.040 Exempt Signs strued as proltibiting tbe identification ofa finn The following shall not require a sign nermi[, or its product on a vehicle operf►ting durino the provided that thcse exemptions sh3ll not be nonnal course of business. rrflnchiscd buses coostrued as relieviog tlie owncr frorn the rc- and taxis are exempt from these provisions_ spansibility to comply witti the provisions of this Codc or auy other law or ordinwce. iu- 8. RooCsigns. cluding the Uuiforni l3uilding Code. 9. Video boards. tht The changing of the advertisins copy or messlge on a lawfully EC@:C[GCl sibm, reader- 10. Rillboards. _ baard ur simjlar sign speeifically desiened for , ' rcplaceable copy. 14.804.060 Signs Permitted in All 7.ooes \ in Conncction -*Oth Specific Uses ' ' U. Plinting, rePainting or norm3l mainte- The f'ollowing signs roay be pertnitied in any nance, unless a structw-al or eleetrical change iUne, subject tq ihe li.mi4ations as providecl is madc. hercin. c. Tcmporary baiwers and cemporuy signs as l. Bullctin Bosrds: permitted hcrein. IIulleCin boards may be permitted on the pre- rnises uf public, charitable or religious institu- d. 1'Zeal esuite signs as permitted herein. tions; subject to the following. c. Inciclen[a1 signs. a. Such sign s1ta11 contain not morc than thirry- hvo (32) square feet in aeea on a facc; anci may f. Politieal sivns. be double-faccd_ g. F3ench signs on eoLmty rigl:►ts-of-wsy; pru- b. No pan of'the sir,m shzl! e.cceed e height of vided approval has becn orantcd for Eucxkiun six (6) feet above the ground. by the Spokane Countv Engineer. c. Thc sign, if lighted, shall use low-intensiry 14.804.050 Prohibited Signs lighting. The follow'tng si&ns are prohihited in all z,ones unless otliervvise specitically permitted_ d. A t.hirty-two (3'l)-square-I'oot, douhle-faced sign, l:iu liigher thsn fouriecn (14) feet above 1. Signs which by coloring, shape, wording or grftde, is aut6orized for s pubtic or pnvate location resemble or contlict with traffc com school on property no[ less th;in three (3) acres trol signs or devices. in size. 10-65 10.30.660 2. Temporary Residential Subdivision or Arc:a nearby resiciences or institutions. The ccmpo- ~ Name Signs: rgry use shall be restricted to thirty (30) days per quarter with oue tbirty (30) day renewal per A temporary real estate sign advertising Uie quarter. If che permit is renewed, the chirty (30) prospectivc sale; or lease of a group of lots or eiay period for the follnwing quarter is expend- dwellings within a tract ar apartment complex ed and dte si,gn is not p-ercnitted ciuring that sball be perrnitted, subject to the following quarter. conditions, b. A sebrc:hlight may be permitted by the Divi- a. 7'he freestanding sign shall be located on sion for tempnrary on-premises use ovly, uot thc premises being sold or leased. exec:ecling ten (10) days, provided that such display does uot have a significant, adverse im- b. The sign shall not cxcccd forty (40) square pact on nelrby residences or institutions. feet in flrea on a face and may be double-faced. 5. Contrnctor, Architect, Surveyoror Engineer c. 11ie sigv sh211 retnain only as long 3s prop- Signs: erty remains unsold or un-leased for the first ti.mc within the tracC, but nnt tn exceed one (1) One (1) on-preiniscs sign idcntifying the year. The Divisiou ►nay extend chc onc (1) yca.r project, developers, buildittg cotitractor anci/ar time period upon written request by the own- subcontracton, architect, surveyor and engi- ers/devclopcrs of the projeci_ neer engaged in the constructian may he per- nvtted ou a property during thc period of con- d. The sign shall be non-illurninated. stniction, provided that: e. The top of the sign shall be no Ligher thari a. I..ocation nf the sigm shall be approved by ten (10) feet above grade of the lot or parccl on the pivisivn prior to installation; ~ which the sign is located. b. The sign sliflll not exceed forty (40) square 3. Fermanent Residential Subdivision or Area feet in area; and Name Sia s: c. The top of tlie sign shall nut execed ten (10) Decorltive subdivision or ar-r.a namc signs oPa feet above gracle of the 1ot or pai'cel on which pennanent character at the street entrance or the sign is loeated. The sign sliall be reinovecl entrances to thc subdivision or area that identi- priur fu final builtjing inspcctions. However, tics the name of t6e subdivision or area only, no such sign shall bc maintgincd fOr aperioct in shall tsc perrniued, subject ta the f'ollowing excess of twelve (12) months without approval conditions. from the Division. The Division may extend the one (1) year t:ime period upon writtcn re- a. The sign shAll consist oFdccorative building quest of the ownersJdevelopers of the nroject, materials with illuminated, indirecdy lighted or non-illuininated nfunc plates or letters, and 6. Real Estate Sign: be located in a maintained landscaped nrea; and a. iZesidentiaUAgricultural use or property - Temporary on-preinises sign(s) advertising the b. The wall(s) ancUor sign(s) shall not exceed sale, lease or rental of the building, propcrty ar six (6) fcct in height. premisi:s, unc (l) per t'rontage road. Such sign(s) shall be unliyhtecl, limited in size to five 4. Temporary Eianners, Flags, F'cnnants, (5) square feet and limited in lieight to [ive (S) Sea.rchlights and lnflatables: feet above grade. A thirty-two (32) syuare f'oot sign is 111owcd on abricultural property ot' a. A banncr, flxg, pennant, or ittflatable, may twcnty (20) acres or more, wiih or witliout a be permittcct by the Division for temporary on- dwclling Un site. prcmiscs utic only, pruvidecl ihat such display dnc,s nut hkwc ti >ibnitiaint aclvcrsc impact on l U-66 Spokane Vallcy Municipal Cnde 10.30.660 b. CpmmerciaUI.ndustrial use or property - a. 'I'hc following eategories uf uscs are clefinecl One (1) temporarv on-prcuiises sign acivertis- to apply to signage staudards provided in Ta- ing the sale, leasc ur rental of the building, bles 1 and 2 below: property or premises. Stich sign shall bc un- lightea, limited i.n si.ze to thirty-two (32) squflre i. Residentia!lSemi-Public uses include a feet and lirnited in height tc► ten (10) feet above church, public park, multiple-family clwelling, grade. clormitory, tiaternity, Sort7rity, nursing home, retirement ap3rtment, public building, child c. CJpen house/directional siom -For (a) and day-care center, family clay-care provider, non- (b) above, an ope❑ houseldirectional sign(s) profit community hall or Iodge, animal cli.nic, shall be allowed on each acccss street (to the cemetery or sanitarium. property). Such sign(s) shxll not be placed i❑ sueh a mauner as to intcrferc with ve}ucular or ii_ $chaol/Public uses include a schoal (kin- pedestrian crnftic, shall be used wlieo the prop- dergarten thmugh universi[y); hospital, police erty is acna111y open fur irruriediate inspection, staeion, Eire statiun, post office ar public golf ' shall be unlighted, ai►d shall be limited in size course, incinerator, solid waste reeyeling trans- to five (5) square feet and limited in height tu fer site, or Iflndfil.Ls, th.ree (3) fcct above gracle, iii. Office uses include a btisiness or profes- 7. Elcctronicfllly Changcablc Mcssage Sigu: sionsl ofhce. a. Electronically changcablc message sigas iv. Commercial Use/Other ;haU include com- shall be pemiitted in Business (B-2 and B-3) mercial uses athcr than those iisted in "i" and lttdustrial ([-2 und 1-3) zoues in accardance through "iii" above and othcr than home indus- with the stundsrds of Sections 14.804.480 try or home profession. through 14.804.160 and their cicfinitiun. b. On-Premises w;ill signs are perniitted, not 14.804.070 5ign Stanclards in Agricul- tu exceed the maxlinurn numbcr xncl size as tural and Resiclential 7,,nnes (EA, C;A, ltS shown i3 Table I. Wal] sigus shall be unlightcd and RIt-10, TZC, UR, R-5 through U12-22) Qr have ]ow-intensity lishting, anc] shall be Sign structures are permined in the agXict►ltural placed flat asainst the qutsicie wall of the mai» and residential zones in accordance wit6 the building. following uses and standards: i. Schools/Public Uscs in UR-22 7anes shall . l. A nameplate, which indicates no more than be subject to wall signagc srandards as pemiit- che name and address of che occupant of the ted in all eommercial and industrial •ranes as premi5es; is perinitted, provided ch.jt such siSn► specifed in $ection 14.$04.080. shttll iaot excecd a maxirnuin area of five (5) square feet :►nd a ntaximum heioht of four (4) Table l . feet above grade. Wall :Signs - Agrieultursl and Residential Gones (E:A, GA, fi.S and Rlt-IU, RC, UR, R-S 2. A freestflnding or wall sio identifying a through UR-22) community residential facility, family day- Use per Maximum Maximum care nome, child day-cv'e center in a resiacnce, vumber of nursery school, or similar institutiou is permit- 14.804.070(3) SignS Sign Area ted, provided that such sign shall not exceed a Etetiidential/ ntaximum are.a of five (5) square feet, a rnaxi- Semi-Public 1 20 sq. R. mum height of four (4) feet lbove gr-ade and is unli~hted. ScliuulslPublic See Sectiun Sec Section Use 14.804.080 14.04.080 3. Permittcd Signs by iJse ~ 10-67 10.30.660 Table 1 14.804.080 Sign Standards fur Business ~ VI'all Signs - Agricultursl and Residential and I-3) Industrial Zones (Ti-1, B-2, B-3,I-2 nnd Zones (EA, C=A, RS nnd It[2-lU, RC, UR, R-S Any sign, which pertains only tn the icientifca- thruu~h UR-22) tion of a permitted use in the B- I, B-2, B-3,1-2 Off ice 1* 32 sq. R.*' and 1-3 7ones ancl is located entirely on the Cornrnercial 1 20 sqll. PrdAertY wikh the use or business, is permitted, Uses, Othcr ' provided ttiat it eomplies with the followinr standlyds. * Multiple otfiu; complexes shall be allowed one wall sign per building. 1. Wa11 Sibms - Ittdividual and Multiple Liusi- An affice building containing multiple of- nesses ficcs shail be allowed a 60 sq. ft. maximum Wall signs are permitted on each wal) of a siga 3n:a. building nrovided the wzll sign does not ex- ceed twenty-fve percent (25'%) of the total c. Qn-Prernises freestsnding signs are perroit- arE:a ot' the wall or a maximuxn srcu of 250 ted, nat to exceed the maxirnurn number, size, square feet, whichever provides the smailer ar- and hcight as shown in Table 2. On-Premises ea. "Falsc fronts" and maosard roofs shall not freestancling signs shall be unlighted or havc be included when calculating the total area of low-inteusity lighting. the wall. Table 2 2, Freestandin,g Signs (pole or monumeut dc:- Freestanding Signs - Agricultnral aiid sibn) -1.ndiviciual Business Residentinl Zones (EA, CA, RS and RR-10, Onc (1) on-premises freestanding sign is per- - RC, UR, 12-5 through UR-22) mitted. Signs shaU not exceed the area and Use per M~'Inwn macimi~m Maximum height limits as provided in Table 3. Btisiness- Number Sign es with multipte frontngcs may be allowed ad- 14.804.070(3) $ign Area of Signs Heibht ciition3l signage per 14.804.0$0(5). 12esidentiaU 1 16 Sq. fl. 6 feet Tab1e 3 Semi-Public Slanciards for pn-Premiscs Signs fur Scllools/ lndiviclual Businesses Public l 32 sy. V IS feet Maximum Maximum UGe Area5 100' Area 00' Maxiitiurn Qfrice 1 32 sq. R.* 15 feet ZOne Street Street Height Commercial 1 32 sq. ft.* 15 feet Frontage Frontage U5e.5, Other B_1 SU 50 ft 20 feet B-2113-3 111U ft 200 ftr 30 feet • * Mxximum sign f►rea cnfly be incrcased to 60 40 ft SO ti 20 feet sq. ft. for monumcnt tiigns seven (7) feet or less in hei,ght. 3. Freestanding Signs (polc or monument de- 4. Multiple Artcrials sign) - imultiple }3usinesses In the event the use or group of uscs is actjacent to more than one arterial (inCluding tlirough _ a. Fresstanding on-premises sign(s) for multi- and corner lots), tliey will be alluwed a free- pie busincssc:s 1re pernlitted, not tu exceed the standing sign(s) cxclusively orienteci to the ad- number, area ancl height limits as provided in ditionfll artcriul(s). The above allowance shall Tnble 4. be calculatecl independendy, usiug only the ac1- <:litional arterial(s) E'rontflge. However, in no in- b. Frees[anding tiignage allowed for an indi- stancc shall the square fdutagc aIlcaw.ince from vidual busincss uncler 14.804.080(2) shall not one iirterial be transfE:rrerl to the other(s). bc cnmbinecl with the signage allowed for mtil- ~ ; tiple husinesses under 14.804.080(3). tQ-68 SpOkanc Vailey Municipal Cotlc 10.30.660 c. '1'he minirnum separatinn hetween signs shall be 500 feei, as measurcd frorri the center , of the sign. E t - ~ Multipli! 11USL9l:4C 14fCCI d. One (I) of the signs allowed uncier Table 4, B-2 a'd G°""' t tuay be increased to a maximum height of farty 200 fr siAns rvitA enrniMUm $00' (40) feei xbave grade and a maximum 3rra of 250 square feet, provided ihe parcel is contigu- ous with lnterstate 90 and the undcrlying zon- ing is Communiry l3usiness (8-2) or Rcgional • a,~oial ►CUO' Business (B-3). '1'able 4 l+igure 2- Lxample of allowed signagc an s Stundards fiar Qn-Preinises Signs for parcel with dual frovtage. Multiple Businesses Ma.vimum 4. Incentive to Substiruce I•Ieight 12estric;ted 7one Numbcr of Maximum Maximum Mouiunent Sign(s) for Freestandiug Sign(s) Area I•leigl~t Signs a. Mdnumcnt signs, not tu c;xceed seven (7) B-1 1 l RO 20 fcct fect in hcight, may subs[itute Cor individual and ! per 500 multiple business sigus under 14.804.0$0(2) B-2/8-3 feet of street 200 ft2 30 feet and (3) with maximum sign nuinber(s) and ar- frontages ea(s) as provided in Tables 5 1nd 6. There is nu t per 500 minimum separatinn requirement benveen 1-2/1-3 feet of street 80 ft 20 feet signs, fruncage* Tahle 5 * Qne (1) trecstanding sign is peimitted an par- Standards for nn-Premises iMot»ment ' celti with less tliFw 500' of lineal strect frontage. Signs for Individual Businesses Msximum "Lone Numbcr of M~~~ Sigr~s A.reaBacl~ Sigu T9ull:p]c'tji4tineg.~ P~;t;~l E~-:' nnd 13-3 znnc•:: B- i 1 75 ff2 _ Z~0 fr si~;NS oith minir~rum SUD' B-2/13-3 2 90 sNurino I-2/I-3 2 90 ft2 TabIE 6 Lt n+nr,Standarcls for Un-Prcmises Monume.nt Signs f(ir kMultiple F3usinesses Figure 1-Example of allowed signage on a Mtiximum Zone ~Iumber of M~~11°~ pan;el with 1,000 feet of frontagc. Signs A-yea/Each Sign 13-1 2 75 fr B-2/F3-3 z Per 5001'eet of street frontage* 12/1-3 2 pcr 500 fcct of go fiZ street frnntagex ~ `l'wo (2) i'ns:stanciing signs are Perniitted on p.uri;e:ls with Icss thrm SUO' uf lineal street front- age. 10-69 10.30.660 2. The applicant shall subinit a sigu plun that ijicludes the size, loc:ation, hcight, lighting, construction materials znd orientation uf all fl-: and f3-3 mnm proposed signs in aciciition tn 3ny other infor- .11oHnwiCn:sf«n i✓ur.nirii-O mation deemed necessary by the stafY. wing 9B /Yx«+ns 3. The sign plan shall confonn to the fallow- ing standards: cm O O ~ a. Signagc shall conf'omi to the standards of Figure 3-Ec:trnple of allowed sigiage usitlg section 14.804.080; cxcept that a maximum of the uicentive for monument signs. - three (3) of the 111owed signs under 14.804.080 may be alloweci an iucrease of 20% in sign 5. fVlulciplc Arterials hcight and xrea over the maximutn allowetl in the undcrlying zone. .Ln the event the use ar group of uses is adjacent to Riore chan one urterial (including throug6 b. T'be cumulative sign arca of all signs, in- anci comer lots), thcy will be allnwed a free- cluding 31 lbove, sliall not excecd the maxi- stanciing sign(s) exclusivcly ariented tn the ad- mum that would be allowed under 14.804.080. ditional arterial(s). 1'lie above allowance shall bc calculated independently, using only ttie sei- ditional3rterisl(s) frontare. However, in uo in- c. Tl~e maximurn number of si~,ms shall not ex- xilnum that woul~l bc alloweti un- stwce shflll the syuare foc~tage allov~~ance fronl der ceed 14the.R04in~►.080. one arterial be transferre:d ta the other(s). ~ Fntronrs. c:..,, c„~ i...~.,~•..:~i n.,.v 4• The sign plan shall be consist~,nt with the Planned Indiistri 1 Area Yy ~ y y y Spokane County Cocvprehensive Plan and the ~ ~ ~ ' An industrial park or planned iudustrial arE:a purpose and intent of this chapter, As detcr- ! rnay have ane (1) entranceliclentificfltion inun- Inined by the Director. ument sign not tu exeeed 150 ft2 in area and 7 5. Sianage shall be inst:►lled in confnrmance teet in beight abuve grade. with the anProved sign plan and the Uivision of 14.804.085 Modificatiou to Sign Stan- Building snd Cocte Eaforcement shall flag par- dards (B-l, R-2, R-3, I-2 And I-3 Zones) ccls subjcct to the sign plan to eusure that fu- For shopping ccntcrs, industrial parks, mixed tuee sipzge for pha5cd development is ui corn- pliance with the plan. use developments, and hotel conference ccn- ters; the Director may approve a comprehen- sive sign plan that deviates from the provisious 6. T6e applicandowner(s) ShaU si~,m a binding se:t forth in scction 14.$04.4$0 above, provided sgreement ensurin~, cumplit~nct wit6 the ap- the fi~llowing stand~rds and conditions are Uroved sign pl~►n. Th'c agreement shall be filed as a decd restriction ancl shall nm with the lund mct: uid shall flpply to present as well as future l. The develuprncnt exceeds the f'oIlowing prnperty owners. minimum square foot floor area rcquirements: 7. Vlodificxtians to the approved sign plan shall require rcxpplication anci approval by the a. 250,000 ft2 fnr a Shoppins center or hotel conference center. ' . Qirectar. . b. 250,000 0 nf commerciallindiistrial flaur 14•804.090 Freestanding Sign Standards spacc fur .i mixed use development. for Aesthctic Corridors (Res. 2-0315, dated March 26, 2002) c. 300,000 ftZ for zn industrial park. I. The standards oF 14.804.090 shall Apply tu parcels adjacent to the f'ollowing designatec) . 4iGtithetic corridors: I 0-70 Spokane Valley Municipal Coc3e 1030.660 a. SpUkanc Vslley Cuuplet (eastbound Apple- way Aveiiue segmenc oa.ly) `I'able 8 5tandards for (~n-Premises Monu~~~enl b. ~vergreen Road (between Sprlgue Avenue Signs fnr Multiple Bttsincsses and Incliana Avenue) Mzximum Zone Number of m1ximum c. Mirabeau Parkway Area/Each Sign Sib s d. lndiana Avenue (between Pincs Rosd a.nd R-1 2 75 Flora Road ) ]3-2113-3 stre.pt f 500'of 9(l ft 2. ~1~a11 signs shall be ~ss per Section 14.804.070 or 14.804.080, respective of zon- I-1/1-2II-3 street fronO~~ex 90 fc- ing. 3. Frccstaniiing sign structLires fldjacent to the ~ Two (2) monumeiits are perini[ted on parcels xesthetic carridors shall oiily be permitted in w'ith less than 500' af lineal street frontage. aecordance witk c6e followuig uses and stan- 4. Entrance $ign for 1.nciustrial Park or dardS' Planncd lndustrial Ares a. All signs sh511 be of rnonumeu[ rype, not [o A-n industrial park or plflnncd industrial irea may have one (l) entranceJidentificxtion mon- cxceed eight (8) feet in height. urr►ent sign not to exceed 150 ft2 in arc:a and 7 b. Li Agricultural and Residcntial Zoncs (EA, feet in height sbirve orade. GA, RS, R.R-10, RC, UR, R-5 throuoh UR-22), S. pny biisuiess that wAS lawfully eskzblislied one monument sign identifying professionel in accprdance with the Spokanc County Zou- . o!'fice(s) shall be allowed uot to exceed t6irty- ing Code and had purchased or had a duly exe- % t.vo (32) square feet in area. cuted contract to purchase signagc along a des- e. 1n T3usiness (13- l, 8-2 and B-3) Zones and ignated acsthctie corridor prior to May 1, 200 1, [ndustrial (1-1, I-2 and 1-3) Zones inonurnew sllall Ue allowed to apply for s building permit far said signage. Said perm.it st►all conform to signs shall be allowed for inciividual anct m+il- thc sign5ge regulstions in place irnmediately tiple businesses with maximum sign numbcrs and areas as provided in Tab(es 7 and 8. prior to Ivlay 1, 2001. 14.804.095 Sign Standards for indiistrial T3ble 7 Park (1-1) Zone Staodsrds for On,Premises iVlonumenl I. "Cwo (2) square feet of sign, up to a maxi- ;ns fnr Individual Businesses mtun ofune hundrecl (100) square feet, shaU be Maximum Maximum permitted on che front of chc buiEding for every Zone iVumber of Area lineal foot of buildi.ng frontage, or the same Signs sign footyge cneompassed within a frc:estand- B_1 1 750 ing sisn of the same architectural style as thc 2 per 500' of building, no higher than six (6) feet From Ei-2B-3 ti~.ect frontage"' yU ft~ grou.nd lcvcl and plsced within a lawn or total- !y Ibndscaped arex. 2 per 500' of 2 I-1/l-2/1-3 sireet frontaa E~e* 90 ft 2. C)ne (1) squ<1re foot of sign, up to a maxi- mum of fifty (50) square fcc;t, shall be peimii- *'I'wo (2) mnnuments are permitted on parcels ted on the sidc or rear of a building for every wich less chan 500' of lliieal street fronrise. lineal fuot of buildino fionta5e when said side or rear is oriented tu or faces a public parking area or strect or, in the case of a side yard of a corncr lot, the same sign footage encompassed 10-71 10.30.660 within a freestanding sigre of the saine architec- Those portions that are an intcgral pa.rt of the tural style of the building, no hioher than six sign displ3y shall be considerecl in the determi- (6) feet from ground level aod placed widiin a nation oF square footage allowed. An obvious lawn or totally lanc[scaped arza. border clesiped Fis an intcgral part of a sign shall be calcullted in the total squsre footage 3. All wall signs shail be flat against the build- allqwed. AIl measurements for sign height ing or structure and shall not extend above the shall be frnm grade to the topmost part of the top of t6e wall. rreestauding signs shall nvt ex- sign. ceed six (6) feet in 6eig6t. 12. No sign in an Iudustrial Park site shall be 4. One (1) name plate for each tenanc au;essed constructed or lacsted as tu eonstitute a nui- by that entrance, iiot exceeding twu (2) sr{uare sance or in any way be detrirnental to immedi- feet in area, containi.ng the name ancl aclcln:ss oP ately adjlcent uses fls detennined by the Plan- an occupant wiU he allowed at every exteriur ning Tairector. Signs will be allowed in any entrance to a building. yard, providecl the "clear view trianglc" re- quirements in Sectioa 14.810.020(2) arc met. 5. Unimproved property shall be pennitted No sign shall be allawed adjacent to points of one (1) freestanding for sale, lease, or rent sign ingress or egress as to obstruct ur impair site not tA exceed six (6) feet in height and tlurty- discances. two (32) square feet of surtace area. • 13. A parlcing dirc;ttianxl sign shall be permit- 6. No sign msy cncroach upnn, or overhang, ted at eacli major cntrance to a parking lot, pro- adjaceut property or public right-of wby. viclect tblt sucli sigus shall uot exceed six (6) feet in height anci fifteen (15) square feet pcr 7. Aainted signs on buildings, including those fac:c, and are located within a landscaped area. attached on or to the surface of windows, are F-~ prvhibited 14.804.100 Sign Standards for Mining ~ (M7) 7one 3. AU sign illumination shall be frqm the inte- Any sign which percains anly to the identifica- rior of thc sign, provided chtit inctirect lighting tion of a pennitled use in the ~blining lone stiall be perniitted if the light source is not vis- (M7) and is located entirely on t6e properry of ible frooi public plrking, public road or street. such use is pemiitted, provided that it coinplies Exposed neon tubing shall nc►t be permitted. +vith thc folluwing conditions. Narmal sign maintcnanee shall be permitted, including naine change of the firm pr cnmpa- 1. An individual establishmcnt muy have one ny. (1) peruianent frt:estanding sign nnt to exceed chirty-two (32) square fcec in area. 9. Logos «r identificfltion symbols sball be considered sisns and sliall conf'orrn to all pra 2, No sign sha]] project more than fifteen (IS) vitiions of tt►is scetion. feet above grade. 10. No sign visihle frpm a public road or street 3. In the event a use is nonconfortning but shall be constructecl or maintained to fiash, ro- could be outrig}n perinittcd in ehe B-2 and/or tate or in any way simiilate motion. Lights that B-3 zones, the Mining 7one siguage rcyuire- resemble traffic signals are not allowecl. mcnts will follpw those for 13-2L3-3 zones un- der Scction 14.804.080. 11. The square fontage of a sign made up' of letters, words or symbols shall be detercnined 14.804.110 Sign t,ocation and Setbacl: Prom the outside edge of the ti•aiiie itself. "I'hc . I. All signs shall be located so tftat thcy: squarc Fuotage of a sigu composcci of only lct- ters, wc>rdY or symhuls tihiill be determioed a. Do no[ interl'ere with vehicular ar pedestri- fram imaginury struight lines drawn from high an acccssibility or sight distance; ~ J point tn high point around the entire copy or grouping uf such Ictters, word5 or symbols. . I 0-72 Spokanc Vallcy Vlunicipal Cnde 10.30.660 b. Canfcarni tu the pruvisions of Section footsge of the sign. A 10% increase in sibn area 14.$10.020(2); tLe clear view triangle; is 111owed for clecorative framing ur burders. A.rea calculation does not include decar,itive c. Uo uot overhang or be locatecl in any public rocks or landscaping adjacent to a monutnent right-of-way; and sign. d. Comply with any restrictions of tlie Federal Aviatioai Administration (F6,A) and .Airpurt Overlay (AO) Zone. ~rr ~JT 1 ~l.l..:r_1M s 2. All signs shall be Iocatcd and set bflck as foltows: 1. Ally Portion of a sign (including struchu•11 suppnrts) chat is higher thau tlu•ee (3) feet and less than seven (7) feet above gracie shal] be lo- catcd a minimurn of ten (10) feet back from Figure 5 any public right-of-way, unless it can be clem- ons[rated that the location of a structural sup- , poi-t or monument sibn will not create an ad- ~ verse impact with regard to sight distance oF SIGN 1 F, veliicles eotering anct cxiting thc site. ~ ~ A b. Structural supports less tlian avo (2) feet in SIGN ' i~ width, measureci at any paint on the suppurt, • anci fhree (3) to seven (7) feet above grade, shall be exemPted frorn (a) above. Figurc 6 14.804120 Sign Area and C'alculation , 1. Sign area for wall signs is eyual to the rnes- 3. 'Chc sign arca for multiple-sided sigus shall sage area of a sign, including graphics, lctters, be calculxccd as follows_ figures, sytnbols, trademarks or writtcn copy as sliown in Figitre 4. a. `Chc total sign ;~rea for a twc~-sided sign sf~all be calculated using onc (1) fxce, therefore al- low'►ng both faccs to bc of equal size (for exam- ple a cwo-sicted sign has two (2) faces with 18 .P r----. --_--rZ-- ~ T---.i :.F' square f'set per side, dierefore the Sign arex is 18 syuxrc: fect). b. "I'he sign area for a thrce-sided sigii sliall be eqtlal to the total lmou❑t of sign nrca s one-sid- ed or two-sided sign is allowed (for cxsmple, Tigure 4 in itern 3a above, a two-sidecl sign is allowecl 18 square f.'eet of sien area pcr sicle which 2. The sign arca of a freestandinC sign consist- equals 36 total square fee[. [f a three-sided sign ing of one sign shall be calculated as showv in is use.d ins[ead of a one-sided or two-sided Figure 5 below. The sign arca of a freestariding sign, the thrEe-sicted sign may allocate the 36 sigu consisiing of more than onr (l) sign shall tok11 square feet among three sidcs, theref'ore be cotnputed by aclding together the tot.il ar- allowiog three sides with 12 square feet per ea(s) of all signs as shown in FigLLre 6 below. face for a total ot 36 squlre feet of sign area). Any portion of the sign not necessary for struc- tural support of the sign ur any structural sup- 14.804.130 Mnintenaocc of Signs , port greater than two (2) feet in wiclth shall bc 1• Any signage thzt Uas been approvcd or that . considered in the detern-iination oF the syusre vas beeu issued apenuit shall bc maintained by 10-73 I 0.35.Q10 the owner or person in possession oF the prop- erty on which the sign is located. 'Maintenance shall be such that the signage continues co con- forrn ta the conditions imposed by the sigr► per- miC. 2. Any dainaged sign base shall be repaired within sixty (60) days. 3. Any sigmage which has been damaged to such extent that it may posc a hazard to pass- ersby shall be repaired or rernovcd immediate- ly. 14.804.140 Nonconformiiig Signs Nonconfonuing sigris (those that were perma- nently installed and legally erccted prior to the adoptiou of tlus Code), shal I be allowed to con- tinue iu use so long as they are continuously maintained, are not relocatecl, and are not structurally altered or maclc more noncoaform- ing in any way. SiEus overAO ycsrs old that a.re cla~.sified as historic<1lly signiFcxnt by the his- toric preservation officer shall not be cdnsid- ered xs nonconfnrming signs. 14.804.150 Landscaping for Freestand- ~ ~r ing anti Munument Signs All freestFwding and mojtumeat signs shall be locflsed in a lanclscaped arQa. Lwdscaping sliotild be appropriately sited ip ensure that sisns are not blocked or obscured by trees ar bushes. 14.804.I60 Sign Illuminatiun Externally illuminated signs stlall have low in- teusity lighting, coniined to the sign, ?nd posi- tinned and shielde~.~l to m.inimizs unpacts to the surrouuding ares(s). Internally illurnllnated signs shall have low intensity lighting. (Ord, 04-00$ § 1, 2004). ' i l Q-74 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for City Council Action ~ Meeting Date: June 14, 2005 City Manager Sign-0ff: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ oonsent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ informabon ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading - An ordinance vacating a portion of 15f" Avenue west of Chronicle Road (approximately 150 feet more or less) in the Woodland Terraoe Subdivision (SN-01-05). PREVIOUS COUNCILlCOMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: City Council adopted Resolution No. 05-003 on April 12, 2005, setting the date for a public hearing held on April 28, 2005. Planning Commission held a public hearing on the matter and voted 40 to approve the attached findings and to recommend conditional approval of the vacation. City Council advanced the ordinance to a second reading on May 24, 2005. BACKGROUND: The applicant South TeRace Spokane, LLC, c/o Brian Main, 12810 East Nora Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99216 requests the vacation of an unimproved portion of 15`h Avenue west of Chronicle Road (approximately 150 feet more or less) in the Woodland - Terrace Subdivision. Presently a"private road" has been constructed within a portion of the public right-of-way, west of the proposed vacation. i.~.~, ~ TFTF - 511KHR] n. .:1-_ a~ U U T A ra se f a I " 15 h YFI I T 1 Avenue I R ~ RrA s ' .c m V ~ E m (U The Planning Commission made the following findings as part of their recommendation to City Council: 1. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 28, 2005, to receive testimony conceming the vacation of a portion of a portion of 15th Avenue west of Chronicle Road (approximately 150 feet more or less) in the Woodland Terrace Subdivision. The date of the hearing was set by City Councal on April 12, 2005 by Spokane Valley Resolution No. 05-003. Notice of the hearing was published on April 15, 2005 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three ' conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placsd on the property providing notice of the hearing. 2. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department in detail. 3. The vacation of the streeUalley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and peRnit appropriate levels of maintenance. 4. This portion of 15"Avenue is no longer required for public use or public access; 5. The substitution of a new and different public way is neither necessary nor feasible. 6. The property is part of an existing residential development and it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; and No objections have been received to the proposed vacation.The property was originally platted around the tum of the century in a grid. The topography of the area and location of the floodplain will not permit the eutension of the street west of Chronicle Road. Petitioner owns all property abutting the proposed vacation: OPTIONS: Approve, approve with conditions, or deny. - RECOMMENDATION: Planning Commission recommends approval subject to filing a record of survey which includes reservation of all utility easements, execution by the City of a Quit Claim deed to entitled property owners, and placement of monuments in accordance with the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. Staff concurs with that recommendation. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director ATTACHMEPITS: Draft Ordinance Planning Commission Findings Staff Report , STAFF REPORT s`pokane V~illey PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF 15TM AVENUE WEST OF CHRONICLE ROAD Prepared by: Marina Sukup, AICP, Director, Department of Community Development Date: April 15, 2005 Findings: 1. Abutting Properties. The right-of-way proposed for vacation is located west of Chronicle Road eutending for 150 feet, more or less_ Property is located within the 100- year floodplain in an unnumbered A-Zone and includes a drainage channel. South Terrace Spokane, LLC, the petftioner owns all abutting property. 2. Utilities. Qwest will require a ten foot easement for cable lacated along the northern right-of-way of the property to be vacated. Avista has no facilities or objections to the proposal. Additional easements may be required for the City of Spokane water/wastewater utilities. 3. Access. Petitioners have access to the property from Chronicfe Road and remaining portions of 15t' Avenue. 4. Zoning. Zoning for the property is UR 3.5 Low-Density Residential. 5. Transportation. The property is not required for transportation purposes. 6. Condition. The property is unimproved except for utility installations. 7. Assignment of vacated portions of right-of-way. Petitioners own all abutting property and vacated property should be assigned to petitioner South Terrace Spokane, LLC. Conclusions. 1. The vacation of the streeUalley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and perm'rt appropriate levels of maintenance. 2. This portion of 15th Avenue is no longer required for public use or public access; 3. The substitution of a new and different public way is neither necessary nor feasible. 4. The property is part of an existing residential devefopment and it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; and . 5. No objections have been reoeived to the proRosed vacation. J FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION April 28, 2005 Findings. ' 1. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 28, 2005, to receive testimony concerning the vacation of a portion of a portion of 15"' Avenue west of Chronicle Road (approximately 150 feet more or less) in the Woodland Terrace Subdivision. The date of the hearing was set by City Council on April 12, 2005 by Spolcane Valley Resolution No. 05-003. IVotice of the hearing was published on April 15, 2005 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing. 2. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department in detail. 3. The vacation of the streeUalley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 4.' This portion of 15t" Avenue is no longer required for public use or public access; . 5. The substitution of a new and different public way is neither necessary nor feasible. 6. The property is part of an existing residential development and it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; and 7. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation. . Conclusions. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends to the City Council that that portion of a portion of 15'h Avenue west of Chronicle Road (approximately 150 feet more or less) in the Woodland Terrace Subdivision be vacated to the petitioners subject to: a) a record of survey prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description and specifying if applicable any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services. the record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and should be filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a mylar copy of the recorded survey and .the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation; and b) Placement of at least two monuments on the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with one Iocated at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane Courrty Standarids for Road and Sewer Construction. c) Payment of all direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees. Approved this 28h day of April, 2005 ATTEST - ~ David Crosby, Chairman Deanna Griffith, Secretary DRAF'1" . CTTY OF SPOK.AINE VALLEY t SPOKANE COUN 1'Y, WASHINGTON ORllINANCF NO.OS- AN ORDINA1~jCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANF, COUNTY, WASHINGTON, PROVIDINC FOR '1'HE VACATION OF APP120XIMATFLY 150 FEETOF 15"" AVENUF WES1" OF CHRONICLH: ROAT) AND PROViniNG N"OR OTHER MA'C`l'ERS PROPFRLY TtELAT1NG TAERETO. VVI-ERFAS, the City Council by Resolution 05-003 initiated vac.ation proceedings far approximately 150 Peet of 15`h Avenue west of Chronicle Road. by providing that a hearing on the propasal would be held before the Planning (;ommission on the 28th day of April, 2005; and WIICItEA_S, the Ylanning Commission hEld a public hearing on April 28"', 2005 on the proposed vacation; and WHEREAS, following a hearing, the Planning Commission found that the notice anci hearin; requirements of Title 10 Article IX Sectioa of the Spokane Valley Mtuucipal Code have been met, and further found: that l. The vacation of the strect/alley will permit fiill development hf the property for beneticial uses a.nd permit appropriate levels of maintenfuice, serving the public interest. 2. This portion o# 150' Avenue is no longer required for public use or public access; 3. The substitution of a new and different public way is neither necessary nor feasible. 4. The property is part of an existing residential development and it is unlikely that conditions will changc in the future to provide a greater use or need than prescntly exists: and WI-IEREAS, the P1anrLing Commission findings andlor minutes have been filed with the City Ctcrk as part of the public rccord supPorting the vacation; WIHEREAS, fifty percent af the propcrty awners aUutting the propc:rty tu be vacated-did not file a vvritten abjection to the proposetl vacation with the City Clerk; WHFREAS; through ordinance the Ciry shall provide that the vacated property be transferred to the abutting property owners, c>ne-half to each, unless circumstances require a diffcrcnt division of property, that the zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street shall attach lo the vacatcd property; that a record of survcy shall be submitted to the Direclor of Community Development and that all direct and indirect costs of title transfer to the vacated street be paid by the proponent ar recipient of the transferred property; WIIEREAS, the City Council pursuant to RCW Chapter 35.79 and Title 10 Article IX Section of the Spokane Valley vtunicipal Code clesires to vacate the above street as set forth herein. ; - ~ t i Ordinunce OS- Woodlawn Tereacc Vacatian Page 1 of 4 DItAFT NOW, THE12EFORE,, the City Council oF the City of Spokane Vallcy, Spokane County, Washington, do ordain as fellows: _ Section 1. Findings of Fact. T'he City Council makcs the following findings of fact: (1) the City Department nf Public Works has reviewed the righl-of=way to be vacated and deterIIUned that the property adjaccnt to the vacated prnperty is olhen<<ise served by public vr private access; (2) a public hearing on the proposed vacation has been held in accordance wilh State Laiv and City Ordinancc before the Planning Cnm.mission with the record of such hearing and proccedings lodgcd with the City Clerk; (3) a written Protest has not been filecl with the City Clerk by at least fifty percent Uf the abutting property owmers; and (4) vacation Af the street or alley serves the public interest. Section 2. Property to be Vacatecl. IIased upon the above finciings and in accorciance with this ordinance, the City Council does hereby vacate the street or alley described on the attacheti Exhibit "A" which is incorForated herein by refercnce. Sectian 3. %oninQ. The 7oni.ng desigiiation for the vacated property shzll be the designatiQn attachecl to the adjnining properties as set forth within the respective property or lot lines. The Director of Com.munity Development is authoriied to make this notation on the of'ficial ~r,oning map of'the City. Section 4. Conditions of Vacation. The following conditions shall be fully satisficd prior to the transfer of title by the City. a) A record of survey prepared by a registered surveyor in the Statc of `VaShington and including an esact metes and bounds legal description and sneci fying if applicable any ancl all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and fulure utilities and services. thc rccord of survey shall contain the professional s[amp and signature of the registered surveyor dnd should be filed upon completion with the Spokane County Audilnr. The surveyor shall provide the Cily of Spokatie Valley with a mylar eppy of the recorciecl stuvey and the Auditor's Document Nrtunber and date of recordation; and b) Placement of at leasl two monumcnts on the centerline oFthe vacated right-of-way with one located at the intcrsection of the cenlerline of the vacated right-of-way witll each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane Counry Stctntlurds for Rnad and Sewer Constructivn; and c) Paymcnt of all direct and indirect costs of title transfer or the vacated street or alley from public tu private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, copyi.ng .fees, and recording fces; and Section S. Closinu. Following satisfactian of the above conditions, the City Clerk shall record a certified copy of this Ordinance in the office ofi the County Auditor and the City Manager is authorired to execute,all necessary documents, including aQuit Claim Decd, in order to complete the transfer of the properly identificd herein. Sectian 6. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase c>f khis Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitulional by a court of compelent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of [his ordinance. Ordinancc OS-_ Woodlawn Tenuce Vacfition Page 2 of 4 TJRAFT Section 7. Effective Date. `1"his Ordina,nce shall be in full force and effect five (S) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in thc official newspaper of the City of Spnkane Valley as provided by law. PASSfiD by the City Council this ciay oE 2405. . Mayor; lliana Wilhite A 1 I EST: City Clerk, Chrisline Bainbridgc Approved As To Form: Deputy City Attorncy, Cary P. Driskell ` Date of I'ublication: J Effective Iaa1e: Ordinance OS- Wnodlawn "I'errace Vacation Page 3 of 4 UIZAFT Fxhibit "A" . " Property Dcscription ~ u I A 4S~-58 ~ ~ • F R } ~R• 6E - W, , ~ uA a ~ ~ ~ ~ ' _ - Ordinvice 05-_ 11+oodlawn Terr;ice Vzcatimn E'age 4 of'4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 14, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM T1TLE : Amendment to Resolution No. 04-025 - Master Fee Schedule GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUNO: This amended fee resolution will establish the initial fees for the new CenterPlace facility. Staff anticipates the need to make adjustment to the CenterPlace fee schedule to meet varying circumstances. New or additional fees will be brought to the C'rty Council periodically for formal approval. . OPTIONS: - 1) Approve the Master Fee Schedule as approved by staff. 2) Approve the Master Fee Schedule with specific changes. 3) Don't approve Master Fee Schedule, request addrtional information. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to approve the Resolution Amending the Master Fee Schedule to establish fees for CenterPlace. BUOGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Fees are in line with CenterPlace Operating Perforrna. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director ATTACHMENTS: Amended Resolution No. 05-011 . CiTY OF SYOKANE VALLCY SPQKA.NF COUNT'Y, WASHI'NG'1'UN RFSOLtITION NO.OS-Oll A RES(aI..UT.ION OF THE C171"Y OF SPOKANF VALLFY, SPnKANF COUNTY, WASAINGTON, A1V1ENU11VG RES()LUTI()N 04-025, AND APPROVING AN AMENDED MAS'1'ER FCE $CHT'.DIJL,F.. WWERI:AS, it is the seneral policy of the City to establish fees that are reflective of lhe cost of services provicied by t}ie City; and WHEREAS, on January 20, 2004, the Spokane Vallcy City Council adopted Resolution No. 04- 001 adopting a fee schedule for 2004; and WNEREAS, on April 13, 2004, the Spokane Valley City Council adoptcd Rcsolution 04-01 l amending thc fcc schedule for 2004; and WWF:RF,AS, on August 24, 2004 the Spokane Valley City Council adopted Rcsolution 04-021 amending thc f'ee scfiedule; and . WFIFR.FAS, on November 2, 2004 the Spokane Valley City Council adoptecl Resolution 04-025 amcnding the fee seheclule; and . WHEREAS, Counci) desires to modify Scheciule E of the Master Fee Schedule to include ~ CenterPlace fees; and ~ J WHLRFAS, the remaincier of the Master Nee Schedulc shall rcmain unchangecl. NOW `I"HEREF'ORE, be it resolvecl by the City Cauncil of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washingtnn, as f'ollows: Scction 1. Establishment of CcntecPlace fees in Schedule E of the Nlaster Fee Schedule. For the purpose of establishing CeiiterPlacc fces in Schedule E of Exhibit A of the Master Fee Schcdule, the City Council hereby adopts the amended Mastcr Fee Sehedule, which• is attached hereto as F~-.xhibit "A" as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. Repeal. To the extent thal: previous fee schedules are incansistent with those set forlh herein, they are repealed. . Section 3. Effeelive Date. This Resolation shall be in full forcc and cfftct June 14, 2005. Adoptcd this 14'h dayof June, 2005. (;ITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Diana 1Vilhite, Mayor . A'I7171ST: Clu-istine Bainbridge, City Clerk Rcsolution 05-011 Amcnding Kesolution 4-025 Master Fee Schedule for2005 Fagc I of20 :ltesolution No. 05-014: Exhibit A AMENnED MASTER FEE SCHEDULE ; Fee Schedule Page No. Schedule A: Planning 2 Sc6edule B: Public Works 4 Schedule C: Building 5 Schedule D: Fire Code 12 Schedule E: Parks & Recrcation 15 Schedule F: Administrative 17 Schedule G: Other Fees 18 - Exhibit A of Rcsolution 05-01 I Amcnding Rcsolution 04-025: Mristcr Fcc Schcdulc for 2005 Pagc 1 of 18 MASTER FEE SCHEDU:LE ° Sc6edule A - PLA1V1vING r) AMENllMENTS ~ • Comhrchensivc Plan amenclment $1,500.00 . %oning or other code text amendment $1,500.00 APPF A.LS Appeal ofAdminislrative Dec:ision $1,000.00 Appeal of Hearing Examiner findings $300.00 CNYfRONMFNTAL RFV.TFW SEPA checklist Single dwelling (when reyuired) $100.00 All other developments $300.00 Environmental Impact Statement Review $2,000.00 Shorclinc Substantial 17evelopment 1'ermit $$00.00 CriHcal Area.v $300.00 YERMIT5 Wome Occupatiori Pennit $80.00 Conditional Use Permit $500.00 Temporary Use Permit $150.00 PLATS Subdivisions Yreliminary plat $2,000.00 nlus $25.00 per lot Final plat $1,000.00 Pltis $10.00 per lot Short Plats Prcliminary 2-4 lots $500.00 Final PIa12-4 L.ots $800.00 Plus $10.00 per lok Preliminary plat 5-9 I..ots $I,000.00 Plus $25.00 per lot H inal Plat 5-9 Lats $800.00 Plus $10.00 per lot < < • F.xhibit A of Resolukion 04-025 Master Foe Schodule for 2005 Page 2 of 18 Plat Modification Subdivisinn plat - $650.00 Short plat $265.00 Rinding Sitc Plan $1,500.00 Binding site plan rnndification $1,300.00 Chqnge of Conditions $650.00 Aggregation/Segregation - l.,ot liric adjustment $100.00 Lot Iine eliminatioii $100.00 Zern lot line $100.00 Plus $10.00 per Iot SIGNS Review of permanent sign $50.00 Review of temporary sign $50.00 SI'1'E PLAN REVIIEW $250.00 $TltEE'T VACAIION APPLICATION $1,300.00 VARIANCES Administrative $300.00 Public t-learings $1,500.00 ZONINC Zoniiig map arriendments (rezonc) $1,500.00 PUD plftn $1,500.00 1'lus $25.00 per lot PUD modificatian $500.00 ksxhibit A of Re,SOlutian 04-025 Mastcr Fce Schcdulc for 2005 PaSe 3 of 18 . Schedule B - FUBLTC WOItKS Estimated cost of public works review fees is due upon submittal of application. Any additipnal actual costs are due at the time of occupancy permit or final land action, wfiichever applies. ENGINEERING/PLAN REVIEW - For road design, drainage, crosion and sedimentation contrnl, right of way improvements, plat maps, etc. Commercial $250.00 Plus hourly rate aftcr 5 hours Rcsidcntial $150.00 Plus hourly rate afler 3 hours ' IiOITRLY RAT'E* $50.00 *Exumples vf activities charged on un-hourly rate system include but are nvt limiled [v commerciul sile plan revieivs and rezone reviews. INSPECTIONS Stormwater system review $250.00 Starmwater system inspections $50.00 Plus -hourly rate after 1" hour Field monitoring or inspections of grading sitcs, Mourly rate residcntial or nori-residcntial Commercial, multifamily, and mulli IoC sites $200.00 Plus hourly (four hour minimum) Industrial or mineral industrial sites $225.00 Plus hourly PERMITS Right-nf-way obstruction permit $16.00 Plus review & t, J inspection fee at hourly rate* Approach permit $25.00 Plus rcvicw & inspection fee al hourly rate* Flnodplain permit $50.00 Plus hourly rate afier 1 S` hour Conditional Use permit $200.00 Plus inspection fee Shoreline permit . $50 F'lus hourly rate after 0 hour Variance.c Hourly rate Cash, certified cheek or bond for right of way cleaning $1,000.00 #$25.00 minimum al time ojanplication S'IORM WA'1'ER U'I'1L1TY Ct7ARGE ON DEVELOYEI) PARGELS $17 for each singlc-family unit each year $17 per 3,160 square feet of impervious surfaceJyear for all other properties TRAFFIC IlViPACT ANALYSIS REVIEW $50.00 I'lus Iiourly rate after 1 " hour r. ~ Exhibit A Qf Resolution 04-025 Mastcr Fcc Schcxlulc for 2005 Pfgc 4 of 18 Scheclule C - BiJILD1NG The building code permil fees are collected at the time of the issuance of lhe building permit. Othcr fees are also to. be collectetl at the timc of the issuing of the building permit. Each ' department for whom the fee is collecteti is to advise the perrnit specialist nf fecs due. . CRAI)I1VG 1'ermit Fces Cubic Yards FFE 100 or less $20.00 101 to 1,000 $20.00 fdr the First 100 Cu. Yd., plus $7.00 for • each additional 100 Cu. Yd. 1,001 to 10,000 $$3.00 fcar the first 1,001 Cu. Yd., plus $6.00 for each additional 1,000 Cu. Yd. 10,001 to 100,000 $147.00 for the rrst 10,000 Cu. Yd. plus $15.00 f.br each additional 10,000 Cu. Yd. 100,00 1 to 200,000 $368.00 for the first 100,000 Cu. Yd. plus $15.00 for cach aclditional 100,000 Cu. Yd. 200,000 or more $503.00 for the first 200,000 Cu. Yd. plus $15.00 for each additional 200,000 Cu. Yd. Plans Checking Fees . Cubic Yards FEi E . 50 or less No .f.'ee _ 51 to 100 $12.00 101 to 1,000 $20.00 1,001 to 10,000 $25.00 10,001 lc~ 100,000 $25.00 for the firsl 10,000 Cu. Yd. plus $7.00 for each aciditianal 10,000 Cu_ Yd. 100,001 l0 200,000 $98.00 Por the first 100,000 Cu. Yd. plus $6.00 for each additional 100,000 Cu. Yd. . 200,001 or more $.158.00 Land Clesiring ooly (without earth being moved) $65.00 STRUCTURAI.. CODL' Building permit fees for each project are set by the following fee schedulc. The table below is to be used to determine the building permit fees and plxns check fees based on the value of the construction work as slaled by the applicant or the value calculated by the Building Official using the latest valuation dnta publishecl in the Building Safety Journal by the Internakional Cade Council, whichever value is greatest, Valuation Table 'I'otal Valuation Fee LxhiHit A of Itesolution 04-025 Mystcr Fcc Schcdulc for 2005 f'age 5 of 18 ' $1 to $25,000 $69.25 for the first $2,000 plus $14 for each additianal $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to anci incluciing $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 $39125 for the first $25,000 plus $10.10 for e,ach ~ additional $1,000, or fraction lhereof; up to and J including $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $643.75 for the first $50,000 plus $7 for each additinnal $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and , including $100,000 $100,001 to $500,000 $993.75 for the first $100,000 plus $5.60 for each additional $1,000, or fiaction thereof, up to and _ including $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $3,233.75 for the first $500,000 plus $4.75 for each addidonal $ 1,000, ar fraction thereoF, up to and ' including $ 1,000,000 $1,600,000 and up $5,608.75 for the first $1,000,000 plus $3.15 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thcrcof Valuation Fxccptions Fee Per Squarc Foot Private garages (woocl frame) $19.00 Private garages (masonry) $22.00 Fole buildings $19.00 Open carport, decks, porches $15.00 ~ - ; Plans Review Fees , Fees are to be collected at the time of receiving the application For permit if the plans review fee is over $50.00. If less lhan $50.00, it may be collected at tlie timc of permit issuance. Plans review fec (gcneral) 65% Of bldg permit fee Plans revicw fee - Grotip R-3 occupancies (single family 40% Of bldg perrnit fee Icss than 7,999 sq. ft.) Plans rt:view fee - Group R-3 occupancies (single family 65% Of hidg pcrmit fee 8,000 sy. ft. or greater) Plans review fee- U-I or U-2 occupf►ncios (sheds, b:irns, 25% Qf bldg permit fee . et:c.) Plans review fee - temporary tent or structure 25% Qf bldg pcrmit fee Plans review fees are not refundable once the plan review has been starced. This fee is in • addition to the full basie fee. The WSBCC fee is to be collected at this time. Initial Plan Revicw Fees shall he capped at $35,000 maximum with the following exception: Fxception # 1: If additional profcssianal re.sources are required for individual project plan review for those . prajccts that reach the maximum Plan Review Fee, the Building Official shall be autllorized to require the permit applicant to provide those resources to the City of Spokane Valley. If a set of plans already cheeked and approveci is msubmitted by the owner or his/her agent, an , LxFiibit A of Rcsolution 04-025 Master Fec Sahedule for 2005 P "Ige 6 of 18 hourly rate of $47.00 will be applied for the re-review. PLUMBING CODE "I'he plumring ccade fees will be collected when the associated permit is issued. If the plumbing is included in the Building Permit the unit cosLs are added, but not die basic plumbing permit fee. A. I3asic fccs l) Basic fee for issuing each permit $35.00 2) Basic for each supplemental pemiit $7.50 B. Unit fecs (in addition to the basic fee) 1) For each_ plumbing fixture on a trap (ineludinS $6A0 garbage disposals, dish washers, back flow device, drainage, hnt tubs, built in water cnftener, water closets, lavatnries, sinks, drains, ctc ) 2) Frivate sewage disposal syste►n $20.00 3) Water heater $6.00 Each ' 4) Industrial waste pretreatment interccptor including $15.00 its trap and vent, except kitchen lype gease . intcrceptors functioning as fixture traps. 5) Repai.r or alteration of water piping, drainage or $6.00 Eacli fixture vent piping 6) Lawn sprinkler system un any one metcr $25.00 7) Atmosplieric type vacuum breaker $6.00 I:ach 8) Backflow protective device other than ahnnspheric $6.00 Fach type vacuum breakers . 9) Medical g:is $6.00 Per outlet 10) Interc;eptors $6.00 Each M:ECHANTCAL CODE The mcchanical code fees will be collected when the associated permit is issuecl. If it is included in the Building Pcrmit, the unit costs are added, but nat the basic mechanical permit fee. A. Basic fees 1) Basie fee for issuing cacli permit $35.00 2) Rasic fur each supplemental permit $7.50 B. Unit fees (in addition to the basic fee) 1) Nurnaces & suspendecf heaters - Installation or relocation a. up to and including 100,000 btu $12.00 b. uver 100,000 btu $15.00 2) I7uct work system $10.00 , 3) Heat pump & air conditioner a. 0 to 3 tons $12.00 - b. over 3 to 15 tons $20.00 ' c. over 15 tn 30 tons $25.00 d. uver 30 to 50 tons $35.00 ' , e. over 50 tons $60.00 4) Gas water heater 0.00 5) Gas pipins systcm $1.00 Per oudct E.Yhibit A of Resolution 04-025 Mt►ster rcx; Schedule lirr 2005 Pagc 7 of 18 6) Gas log, fireplace, and gas inscrt insG311ation $10.00 7) Appliance vents installation; relocation; replacement $10.00 I^.~lch 8) Ttepairs or aclditions $15.00 y) Boilers, compres.sors, and absorptian systems ~ J a. 0 to 3 hp-100,00U btu ar less $12.00 b. Over 3 to 15 hp -100,001 tn 500,000 btu $20.00 c. Ovcr 15 - 30 hp - 500,001 lo 1,000,000 btu $25.00 d. over 30 hp - 1,000,001 to 1,750,000 btu $35.00 e. over 50 hp - over 1,750,000 btu $60.00 10) Air Handlers a. Fac;h unit up tn 10,000 cfin, including ducts $12.00 - b. Each unit over 10,000 cfm $15.00 , 11) Evaporative Coolers (other than portable) $10.00 . . 12) Ventilation and ext►aust a. Fach fan connected to a single duct $10.00 b. Fach venlilalion system ' $12.00 c. Each hood serveccl by mechanical exhAUSt $12.00 13) incinerators a. Installation or relocation of residential $19.00 b. Installation or relocation of commercial $22.00 14) Appliances, each $10.00 15) Unlisleci appliances a. under 400,000 btu $50.00 b. 400,000 btu or over $100.00 _ 16) Hood a. Type I $50.00 . b. Type TT $10.00 17) L Y Storage tank $10.00 . 18) Wood or Pellet stove inserl $10.00 19) Wood stove systecn - frce standing $25.00 . ~ Gxhibit A of Resolution 114-025 Ma.ster Fee Schedule for 2005 Pag,e 8 af 18 FNFRCY CUDE . Energy Code Plans check fee is also established to check to meet the requircmcnts of RCW 51- 11 WAC. These are in acidil:ion tn lhe E3uilding Code Fees. If City inspectors are assigned to , verify Fnergy 131ans, the following fees apply. If an outsidc energy inspector is requireci, that fee wi11 be determincd by the outside agency. ResidEntial Remodel/Addikinn $ -0- New Singlc Family $ -0- Tenant 1mprovemenl A. 0 to 10,000 square feet $35.00 B. 10,00 1 square feet and over ' $45.00 C. Multi-Family $60.00 Pcr building D. New Commcrcial and iudustrial $90.00 OTHER BUII..DING CODE FTES Annual Permit Annual Spokane Valley Building Permits used to: 1) maintain equipment ur buildings, 2) construct or remodel small areas of assembly occupaticies, or 3) install tents or membrane structures may be available clepending upun the determination af the valuation of work made by the Spokane Valley Building Official. Certain record keeping and inspection responsibilities shall be eslablished in a site specific Spokanc Valley Annual Permit Agreement. Demolitiun Permit • • Single Family Itcsidcncc $44.00 Commercial buildings $125.00 Garage or aeacssory building associated with a residence $20.00 or c;omtncrcial huilding Septic tank or underground flammable tank associated with $10.00 13ach' a residence or commercial building Cariy Start Agrecments (Foundations) 25% Of bldg perniit fee ~ Fxhibit A of Resolution 04-025 Master Fee Schedule tur 2005 Page 9 of 18 51g0 FCGS Nees collec:ted for A sign permit and a plans check fee for signs erected in accordance with the `-J Sign Code. The beluw fee plus the WSBCC fee of $4.50. Signs mounte(l on buildings $45.00 Sign arid pble mounting $65.00 TemporAry Certiiicatc uf OccvPancy $50.00 Wavhington State Building Code Council (W.S.B.C.G.) Surcharge A flat fee of $4.50 will be collected on each permit for approved plans or any other permit that is issued in aceonianc;e with the Spokane Valley i3uilding Code. EXCEP'I': For multi-fam.ily projects, the fee is $4.50 f<yr the first living unit and $2.00 for each additional unit. The City Finance T)epartrnent will forward this fee to the WS13CC on a quarterly basis. . ()THER NIISCLLLANEOUS FTFS A. N'or City person.nel 1) Hourly rale set for City Emplayees (unless $47.00 otherwise speci("ied) 2) Hourly rHte for permit specialist $42.00 3) Overkime charges 1.5 times regular rate B. Hourly rate for ec>ntracted servic;es Set according to contract rate C. Hourly rate for special called inspections $47.00 - D. Mobile home location permit and inspection 1) Temporary mobile home $60.00 2) Manufactured home inspcction, per sectian $50.00 * E. IIouse Movulg Fee 1) Class I, II, and lIl - Moving nerm it $60.00 2) Class I, II, and TIT - Inspeetann fee $60.00 3) CIa.ss N(if already perrnitted by Spokane $-0- County or Spokane City) * Plus basen:enl/crcnvlspace valuation permit fee ' . **Phus $47 00 per hour ufler 1he IS` hour, and $.SO per mile ijthe huilding to be moved into the l:ily is outside the City limits Eachinit A of Kcsolulion 04-025 Mastcr Fee Saheciule for 2005 Page 10 of 18 F. Minimum Hc.>using Inspection fee $55.00 1'lus $47A0 per hour aRer 1" hour C. Work on any skruc;ture or building without a permit if ' a Spokane Valley Permit is rcquired: • 1) M.i.nimum investigativc inspcction fee $55.00 2) 'I"otal investigative fee to be equal to the pcrmit fcc detertnined for the value of the illegal work accomplished H. Special inspections (requested by owner or tenxnt) 1) Fire, cvind, mud slide or flood damage $60.00 2) I7ay Care $60.00 3) Nursing F-Iomes, bospitals, et al $60.00 Plus $ 47.00 per ' hour aRer 1 st hour 4) SpecialOccupancies $60.00 I. I'.access inspections for a given project crealeci by the $47.00 Pcr inspection or re- developer, owner or cnnh~actor ' inspection J. Condominium conversion plans review/inspectipn fee Based on valuc of projE;c;t and bldg code valuatinn , K. `Cemporary tents, canopies, and air supported structure.s for public use; inclusive of a11 tents fnr a single event. It does not apply to tents less than 200 sq. ft., canopies less than 400 sq ft, camping tents, or to tents used for private, non commen;ial events. 1) Flans chec;k t'ee $13.00 2) Basic permit fee $60.00 . ` L. Fnclosing an existing deck or patio Plans check ftx 40% Ufthe basic fee for . plans examination 2) Basic perntit fee F.3ASed on value of projeet; minimum $3,000 M. Swimming pools (Ovcr 5,000 gallons) $50.00 Plus plumbing fees . N. Re-raof Pcrmit: rce baseti on the value of the project. No plan review fee will be chttrgecl unless plans are submitted for revieNv. 0. Change of Usc or Qccupancy Classification permit $47.00 Y. Towers, elevated tan.ks, antenna,s Based On valuc of pmject RUII..DING CUDE FEE REFUND POLICY No 1'ermit Pee refund is allowe.d once the ~work has heen started. If a refund is requested, the request shall be addressed to the Building Oflicial in writing, and shall be reccived at thc Spokane Valley Pcrmit Center within 180 days of the date of issuance of the permit. Any fee refund reyuest received after 180 days of the date of permit issuance shaU be deniecl. Any refund arpraved shall bc limited to 80% of the total Pernut Fee paid. Refunds shall be limited to Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Permit fees pnid to the City of Spokane VaUey. Fxhibit A of Resolution 04-025 Vlaster Fce Schadule tur 2005 Pagc 1 I of 18 Schedulc D - FIIZE CODE F'IRE ALAItM, SPRINKI,.ER AND O'C'IIER PROTCCTION SYS rEMS ~ ~ ~ Plans check and review fees, inspections, and permit for installation of separate fire alarm system or sprinkler system applicalions, and other fire pratection systems. Fire Alarm System . A. Cnmmercial- perniit, plans eheek and inspectian Based on value of • systcm . B. Residential 1) All zones $40.00 2) 1'ermit fee $35.00 _ Sprinklcr Systcros • A. Tenant improvements 1) i.,ess thaii 10 heads $65.00 2) 11 or more heads $85.00 ' B. New syslems 1) CUmmercial - permit, plans check and Aased on value of inspectinn system 2) Residenkial $60.00 h;ach riser, plus $1.10 per plug/head Othcr Protection Systems A. Fire exlynguishing system (other than sprinklers) $50.00 Plus $1.50 per nor.zle B. Standpipe installatian 0' Class I and Clas.S Q $58.00 2) Class III $70.00 C. N'ire pump i.nstallation $55.00 D. Emergeney or standby commercial power generators $55.00 . instal lation E. rlammable and c:ombustible liquids storage tanks installation 1) a. i,lnclcrgruund, 1 st tank $55.00 b. Ylus each additional tank on same site $35.50 2) a. Above gyround tank $55.00 b. Plus each additional tank on same site $35.00 3) Annual permit fee for storage $30.00 F. Hazardous materials storage ta.nks installation Per tank 1) i.,ess than SOU gallons $75.00 2) 500 - 1,199 gallons $104.00 3) 1,200 gallons or more $147.00 ~ ~i i';achibit A of Resc►lution 04-025 Mas;er Fee Scheclule For 2005 Page 12 of 18 G. LiqueCed petrc>leum tanks installation Per tnnk l) I:,css than 500 gallons $84.00 2) 500 - 9,999 gallons $104.00 3) 10,000 galions or more $147.00 . H. Ga.seous oxygen systems installation 1) Less than 6,000 eubic feet $78.00 2) 6,000 - 11,999 cubic feet $90.00 3) 12,000 cubic feet or more $118.00 I. Nitrous systems installation $95.00 Plus $12.00 each outlct J. Mediaal gas systems installalion 1) Gaseous system $90.00 Plus $12.00 each outlet 2) Liquefied syslem $95.00 Plus $12.00 each nutlet K. •Hazardous material rccycling systern installation I) 110 gallons or less per day capacity $95.00 2) More than 110 gallons per day capacity $117.00 L. Vapor recovery system insttsllatinn Per tank I ) Phase I- tank truck and tank. $90.00 2) PhEtse If - vehicle f'ueled and tank $1,15.00 M. Cryogenic lank installation 1) Nirst tank $95.00 2) Lach additional tank on sarne site $35A0 N. Removal, abandonment, ur any comnination thereof, ' \of flammable nr combustiblc liquid storage tanks 1) Hirst tank (commercial) $84.00 2) I;ach additional tank on the same site $47.50 (commercial) 3) Contractor's pernut for removal or $75.00 . abandorunent of residential under-ground fuel . tanks 0. H ire faeparlment fee fcyr inspections and follow up. For initial inspcction, plans check and fullow up inspections as called for in the Fire Code and performed by the fire department~lhe fire dcpartment will be paid 65% of the fee collected for the permit. This payment will be paid quarterly. Exhibit A of Rcsolution 04-025 Master Fcx; Schedtde fur 2005 Page 13 of 18 FTRE FAL,SE ALARM FFES The following fces are set for repeated malfunctioning False alarms in a given six month period. L J N irst alarni No chargc Sccond alarm $30.00 Third alarm $70.00 Fourth alarm $120.00 Fifth and subsequent alar►ns . Rcquire a hired fire watch I+IRF,WORKS Public display fee* . $100.00 Maximum pcr RCW 70.77 *Al ro reyuires a performance bnnd or cash deposit of ,fi500. 00 for clean up purposes and a liubility ins°urance policy of $I,000,000.00. - PLANS CHCCK ANll REVIEW BY THE BURFAU QF FIRT PI2EVEN'1'lON . A. New commercial plans check and inspection (for projects $40.00 not menlioned elsewhere) . B. Fire •watch service . $140.00 3 hour min. plus hourly thereafter C. Hourly rate $47.00 U. After hour inspections, plans review, consultations for 1.5 times regular rate projecls that dn not require a perniit, and othcr special . services - ~ , . . L,xhibit A uf Raolution 04-025 Master Fee Schadule far 2005 Pagc 14 of 18 Schedule E = PARKS & RECREATION Al)MINISTRA'I'IVN". FEES Basic fees to be c;onsidered when applying rates Administrative f ee $30.00 Refuse Fce $50.00 AQUATICS Pool admission (age S and under) frce Pool aclmissioii (agc older than S) ' $1.00 !'ool punch pass (25 swims) $20.00 Weekend fFUnily discount 1 chilci under 13 free with paying aclull Reservakion (less than 50 people) $1 QQ.O(l 1'er hour* Fued fee (if applicablc) - $25.00 Reservatiori (50 - 100 peoplc) . $125.00 Per hour3 Fond fee (i f applicable) $50.00 Reservation (10 l- 150 people) $150.00 Per hour* Fnod fee (if applictible) $75.00 *Minimum 2 hours ' ALCQHnLIC 13EVERAGE I'ERMI'1' Alcohulic f3cverag,e Permit Fee $10~00 - CEN`l ERPLACE . Conference Center WinS Auclitorium 7$ 5.00 Per hour Auditoriurn 4~SO.QO Per dav Auditorium ' 225.0 0 Per half dav Auclitorium w/Prescnl:3tion Svstcm $0.00 Per haur - Auditorium w/Prescntstion Systcm 300_00 Per day Audicarium w/Presenlation Systern . 150.00 Pee half dav Auditorium Taeposit $50.00 Exccutive Conf'erence Room '50.00 1'er hour Executive Conf'crence Room Deposit 50.00 Meeting Koom (Uay & Evening Use~ 40.00 Per hour Meetin Rc►om 00.00 Per dav Meeting Room 125.00 Pcr half dav Mecting RQOm I,?e~osit 50.00 Grcat Room Kitchen w/Dinin~,~ Room Rcnfal 100.00 Pcr use . lixhibit A of Resolulion 04-025 Ma.ster Fee Schetlule for 2005 F'age 15 of 18 Kitchen - Commercial Usc (2 hour min.) 50.00 Per Iiour Kitchen Uepnsit $50.00 iViulki-UselBanquet i-lall . 1$ 00.00 Ner houe Mulki-UseBiinyuet Hall .$00.00 9 hr session Multi-Use/Banquet I-Iall . . I 500.00 All day (6am-lam) Small 17ining Area 0.00 Per hour Deposit 200.00 StaZe _ $20.00 Per section per clay '1'able Scttings (linens c4c tableware) 2.QQ Per place setting Senior Center Win~ L,ounM with Dance Floor 100.00 Per haur LounQ,c wikh Dance Floor _ $800.00 Per dav i..ounM DePosit $2QQ. _QQ Meeting Itanm (Evenin Use . 40.00 Per hour Meeting Room (Evening Use) 125.00 4 hr session Meeting R.oom (Weekencl Use) 2$ 50.00 Per daX Meetiri Rorri (Weekend Use) _ _125.00 I'er halfday Meeting ltnom Deposit SQ.00 Private llining Room ,00 Per hour Private Dining Roam Deposit .$50___00 Wellness Center ; 100.00 Pcr Miour Misccllancnus' Cleanup feE; 50-300 Per event HosUHostess (after hours) 15.00 Per hour , Presentation S sy tem (includcs prolector/podium/ 250.00 Per day DVD/VCR/sound system/6mera system) Room SeCup 25.00 - 1'er hour Satellile Video Conferencin~ 250.00 Per hour Souncl System 40.00 Per dav Tcchniuil Support 40.00 Per hour Televisinn/VCR 75.00 Per dax Toueh Pad Vnting Svstem 115.00 I3ase station pcr day ±$15.0 0 Per keypad pcr daX FVCNTS - includes Pavilion Evenls includc but are not limited to activities such as car shows, tournamenLs and activitics involving 200 nr more people. The Director of Parks and Recreation will make the final determination. . ' Gcneral Fee $150.00 Non-prnfit applications $80.00 Or free with sponsorship* *Apnlicutiuizs far joint sponsorship with the City of Spvkane Valley will be cpnsidered by !he Spvkune Valley Parks Department. ~ . FIELU RENTAL Use Fee $25.00 First hour plus $IS . Hachibit A of Resolution 04-025 Mastcr Fec Schcxlule for 2005 Page 16 of 18 each aclditional hour INI)OOR USF - Open gym admission $2.00 Playgrround prognun admissian (10 entries) . $20.00 ~ I . MIRABCAU Mirabcsiu Springs Small shelter and waterfall $150.00 Maximum 4 hnurs Refundable deposit (less than 200 people) $50.00 ' Mirabeau Mcadows Shelter (less than 200 people) $80.00 Shelter (200 oe more penple) $ I50.00 , Rcfundablc dcposit (lcss than 200 pcople) $50.00 ' Refundable deposit (200 or more peaple) $250.00 I ALCOHOLIG $44-8A PiC1VIC SHELTERS . Picnic Shelter (less than 200 peaple) $30.00 Picnic Shelter (200 or more people) $150.00 Refundable denosit (le.ss than 200 people) $SO.QO Rcfuiidahle deposit (200 or niorc peArlc) $250.00 PRO + + SSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY Permit Fee $25.00 Annual I - RECI2EATION Receeation program fees are set to recover costs as specified in the 1'arks and Recreation rcvenue policy. VALLEY MISSION ARE, NA . R.ental'` . $100.00 Pcr weckcnd Refundable depnsit $50.00 *Renter responsible for on-site preparation. Rental reguires liability insurance. I.xhibit A ut' Resolutian 04-025 Master Iree Schedule for 2005 Pagc 17 of 18 . Sc6edule F - ADMINISTRATIVE C()PY IS'EES Capy of audio tapes, video tapes, photos, maps or other At cost records needing reproduclion _ Copy of written records $0.15 Per Rage Copy of annual budbet $10.00 Copy of full documents At cost OTHER All119[NISTRATiVF FEES NSF Check $25.00 . t;xhibit A of Resotution 04-025 Msuter I'ee Schcdulc for 2005 Page 18 of 18 Schedule C - OTFIER FEES . . AI)ULT EPVTER7'AINIYIENT FEES Fstablishment'LicenSes Live Adult Fntcrtainment $1,500.00 Adult Arcade $1,500.00 Other Adult rntertainmcnt Liccnses Adult Arcade Device License $150.00 Manager License $150.00 Entertainer License $150.00 l,ate License Fee - Chargcd in addition to license fee. Percent nf - Yast Due Calendar Days License rec 7- 3o Zs% 31 - 60 50% 61 ancl over 75% BUSINESS REGiS'I IZATION FEES Business registration $13 cach year Nonprofit registration $ 3 each yeAu- ' SECiJRTTY FA.T..SF A.LARM I+EES . Repeated malfunetioning security false alarms in a given six-month period. . First alimm No charge Second alarm $30.00 Third alarm $70.00 Fourth and subsequent alarms $120.00 `['OW OPF..RnTpR ATJNUAL RECISTItATION FCE $100.00 EKhibit A of ftcsolution 04-025 Mastcr rcc Schcciulc for 2005 Pagc 19 of 18 r-~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 06-14-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : 2005 Law Enforcement Agreement GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Chicf 1'Jalker will report on information eoncerning Propcrty Crimes. / ~ OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Cal Walker/Nina Regor ATTACHMENTS i CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 14, 2005 , Item: Check all that apply: [r consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing (29 information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Update on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Community Development Block Grant Program. . PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Spokane Valley has approved the submittal of construction projects for consideration as part of the Spokane County Consortium, administered by Spokane County. Tim Crowley of the Spokane County Housing & Community Development Department updated the City Council on the status of CDBG on June 7, 2005. BACKGROUND: Mr. Crowley advised that the DHUD officials have been contacted and have agreed to notify the City concerning its status. Official notification has not been received at this time. ~_fl OPTIONS: Provide staff with direction on the City's continued participation on the Spokane County CDBG Consortium for the 2006-2008 fiscal period. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide Staff with direction. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Specified. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, Community Development Director ~ 1 ATTACHMENTS: None. ~ - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 1 Request for Council Action ~.1 Meeting Date: 06-14-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent [l old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Response to Previous Public Comments GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Please see attached response to clriinage question hcard during the puhlic comment section of the May 24, 2005 Couneil Meeting. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS ; , Chris Bainbridge From: Neil Kersten . Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:21 PM To: 'E S' Subject: RE: Development Drainage Problem Ms. SpFiuler, , As we discussed Tucsday night at the Couneil meeting, the outlet you discuss in your sccond paragraph is actually and inlet and water will enter into it and drain toward the drywells to the west. As [ said, if you still have concerns, please let me know and I will have one of my staff meet with you on site to explain how the grading and drainage system will work. Thanks, Neil Kersten City df Spoka.ne Valley . -----Original Message----- Fmm: F S [mailto:bo1522_@hotrnail.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 4:31 PM To: Nei) Kersten Subject: RE: Developmcnt Iarainage Problem Mr. Kersten, `1'hank you for your reply. TMe developer did contact me. It is great that they are putting in these drywells so they won't have a su►nding water issue. .Howcver, now my property is shaped like a bowl. The low point is tirnund my barn and bchind my shop. Flow is my runoff and the runoff from the rast, Soudi, and North being handlecl? I have never had standinS waler before the property line Co thc Wcst was raised as it all drained to the West. Yes i suppose there will be something dnne to the Snuth of ine for that developmenL, but nothin6 is going to happen to the East or on my nropcrty. • I have a very serious concern about the dryNvells to the West because one of the outlets is right at rny property line. Ahout 3 feet from my fence, so it is going to outlel nrnoff l{.EKOM thc tlevelopment GNTO my propcrty. So in this case I don't unclerstand how the drywelJs are guing eo t►elp meoul. As I see • it, it will only inceease my standing water issue. Have you or one of your staff been lhere to see this in person? I have nhotos of Sunday morning after it rained Saturday night that I would be more than happy Co share with you. I wish I had taken photos of it prior to them installing the drywell . drainage system because the water was over my ankles in spots. F1ll of the standing water drainecl out when tMcy opcncd the tsench to lay down the blaek tubing stuff from what I am assuming is a drywell (Cement holding deal with 4 tubes eoming off of it for drainage?). the rain Saturday night is thc anly precipitation that fell between when they clnsed up the trench 'I'hursday afternoon and SundAy morning when I took my photos. The water that morning was several inches deep in spots. Of course with the nice weat}ier it has now been reduced to mud. I plan to talk at lhe.City Council tonight about this. It just doesn't sit well witli me at aIL Flere is what i plan to discuss (if I can fit it all into 3 minutes): 2) I am having a problcm with pouling water. 1 a. I first contacted Neil Kersten, the Director of Public Works, the first part of the week of May 9th. `I'his Nvas prompted by pooling water that was more than ankle deep in some spots behind my shop aiid surrqunding my barn. ~---i,NOW WTSH T HA.Ia TAK.F,N PHOTpS OR VTDF0 FOOTAGF TO SHpW YOU TQDAY!I!! d. In response to my caU to Public VIlorks, Mr. Rinnick from Lots n' Lands contacted my husband. Mr. Rinnick explained (as in Mr. Kersten's e-mail) that a drywell system will be put into place to the West of my house. c. Early in the Nveek nf VIay 16th a trench was opened up to my property line and immcdiatcly drained rny standing water. A black tubing material was placed in the trench. I assumed this was tn drain to elevate my problem. I contacted Mr. Rinnick to say thank yQU for opening up the trench, and installing the drainage Iinc as my standing w3ter was now gonc. d. May 19th I realired this was not 3 drain system to elevate my problem, but a drain outlet for tlie subdivisioiis overflow from one of dheir "drywells". e. May 20th I left a message with Mr. Kersten that lhis was a serious problem and asl: him to return my call. f. May 23rd 1 e-mailed Mr. Kersten and CCed the City Council, Mayor, and lleptity Maryor about my problem after not receiving a respnnse. Mr. Rinnick from Lots and Lands then contacted me to say he would be looking into the problem. , Q. Mr. Kersten also wrotc mc back carly this morning regarding the "drywell" rtystem. Ynu were CCed on this response as well. h. Given that, I would like to know: i. Where is runnff frnm the North, Snuth, and hast sides of my property (as wcll as my own runoff) going to go now that my property is shaped like a bowl? ii. V✓hy is there a drain opening at my property line from one of these "drywells" discussed in Mr. Kersten's e-mail i.f my property is now high on all four sicles and low in the middle? 'I'hank ynu! EricA Sphuler . 17408 E Baldwin Ave Home# 928-5258 Work# 340-5316 >From: "Ncil Kcrstcn" <nkcrsten@spokanevalley.orb> >To: "C S" <bo1522_@hotmail.com> >CC: "Uiana Wilhite" <dwilhite a spokanevalley.org>,"R.ichard Munson" ><rmunson@spokanevalley.org>,"Mike L7evleming" ><mdevleming@spokanevalley,orb>,"Steve Taylor" ,l" --~<staylo►-@spokanevalley.org>,"Gary Schimmels" - ~ -,,--<gschimtnels@spokanevallcy.org>,"Mikc Flanigan" ><mtlanigan@spokanevalley.org>,"Dick C?enen.ny" ><ddenenny cr spokanevalley.org>,"Dave Mercier" 2 ><cirnercierQspokanevalley.org>,"Sandra Raskell" ><SRaskcll@spokanevalley.org>,"John 1-Iohman" <jhohman@spoka.nevalley.nrg> >Subjecl: R.F,: laevelopment Drainage Problem >Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 07:59:59 -0700 - > >Ms. Sphuler, > >When you first contacted me, I had my staff informecl the design >engineer of your concerns. He informcd us that a representative from >Lot's'N' Land had contacted your husband and answered your questions. > >Your property is directly east uf tMc D-lA subdivision currently wider >construction. During the hearing it was nnted there are clrainage a.reas >nf concern on Mr. Tupper's propcrty and the adjacent properties. Based >on this information, Jeff Logan designed a syslem /o account for this >off-site basin. Jcffs desigri proposes a pipe to drywell ,rystem. In >the low spot of this development on the et►st bnunda.ry line, a pipe will >be placeci. Off-site runoff will flow into this pipe and continue to a >three drynvell system. There is another sump area located on tlie >existinb property I:haC will also be piped to the drywcll system. Jeff >Logan perfornied the appropriate off=site basin calculatinns tn ensure >thrcc clrynvells are sufticient tor the runoff. It is my understanding >there will be final fill a.reas netir the eiist property line. These f ll >areas will be graded at the required 3:1 slopes and appropriately >sceded or sodcled. > >I hope this answers your quescions. We clicl talk ta l}ie cleveloper >ycsterclay and hc will also be contacting you to discuss your concenis. >If you have any further questions, please contact me. >Thanks, > >Neil Kersten >City of Spokane Valley > >---0riginal Message--- >Frnm: F. S [mailto:bo1522_@hotmail.com] >Sent: Ivfonday, May 23, 2005 10:18 AM >To: Neil Kersten >Ce: T)iana Wilhite; Richard viunson; Mike Devleming; Stcvc Taylor, Gary >Schimmels; Vlike Flanigan; Dick Denenny >Subject: Development Drainage Pmblem >lmportancc: High > >Mr. Kersten, > >I am very cnncerned about the development to the West of my property. >I > >have called you on this issue previously. Thc developers are Lots n' >Lands. > They are raising the property level by three feet. My property has >high points to thc North, South, and Gast. Bef'ore they raised the land ;>level, . >run-off would flow Crom the surrouncling prdperties onto mine. Then my >property would drai.n onto the Lots n' Lands acreage and flnw into a 3 >creek >bed on thc Pollard's property. Now, the run-off is pooling around my >barn ~-Tand behind my shop. I thought Lots n' Lands was putting in a drainage -/-f.rom >my property to elevate my "pooling" problem, but it turns nut they were >installing a draio outlet from their praperty onto mine. Now, 1 have >run-offfrom pmperties on al) sides with no outlet!!!! This is just >not >going to happen! I took photos Sunday morning of my problem. I had . >water >several inches deep around my barn and behind my shop. I taok photos of >me >slanding in the °poolirlg" watcr, and it goes over my shoes!!!!! Thc >"pooling" area is currently about a forty foot diamctcr!!!!!! (It was >worse, but they opened up a trench to insLill their drainage outlet and >some >of the water flowed out before they closed it back up. Refcrcnced above >as >I thought this was thc solution to my problem.) I can't cvcn begin to >imagine what this is going to look like once we have the developmenl >finished with their (Development is occurring to l;he South and West of >me!) >run-offcoming onto my property along with run-off from the Snuth and >rast!!!! > >What are my options to h<<ve this issue fixed!!!! I do nol feel t6at it ~>shoulci be my burden to correct the problem. I t.hi.nk this issue is for Jthe City or Lats n' Lands to clcal wiCh. I plan to attend the ncrt City ~---~=-Council >Study Session tA discuss my problem and share my photos. > . >Please feel free to contact me at work, >Erica Sphuler > 17408 E Baldwin Ave >Home # 928-5258 >Work 340-5316 > > ' , 4 S 61&me - ;,oOVa11ey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley VJA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager, and Members of the Spokane Valley City Council From: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Dlrector Date: June 8, 2004 Re: Street Vacation Requests STV 02-05 and 03-05 Two Street Vacation requests will be presented to City Council on June 28, 2005. STV 02-05: an unimproved remainder of Knox Avenue (SN 02-05) conveyed as right-of-way deeds and recorded under Auditor's File Nos. 7504170236 and 7504170237, requested by Fort Knox Investors, LLC. ~ ; . . ~ . t - rt . Y 1 ! i•.+ r . The Staff prepared a report and the Planning Commission made findings following a public hearing. The reports are attached. r ` STV 03-05: a portion of Shannon Avenue east of Houk Street abutting Assessor Parcels Nos. 45103.0205, 45103.0206 and 45103.0208 and the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way : requested by Bill Lawson. The right-of-way proposed for vacation is 30 feet in width. Applicant presently has permits submitted for a 168 unit mufti-family development. ~ • ' i I • i ~ ~ ~ s~ _ - . .,r _i • ti~ ~t. ~ ~I , di,,..4~.r.~11 ' ° ~ - The Staff prepared a report and the Planning Commission made findings following a public hearing. The reports are attached. , ; SOU5n'e. Valley STAFF REPORT PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF KNOX AVENUE Prepared by: Marina Sukup, AICP, Director, Department of Community Development Date: April 15, 2005 Findings: 1. Abutting Properties. The right-of-way proposed for vacation is located east of Argonne and west of Locust Street. There is no record of vacation of any portion of Knox Avenue by Spokane County in this area. Existing development to the north includes multi-family properties owned by Cedar Ocean View Partners, LLC (Assessor Parcel No. 45083.0231) and Ferris View Properties/Gough Trust (Assessor Parcel No. 45083.0241). Tidyman's owns property abutting the proposed vacation to the west (Assessor Parcel No. 45083.0256). The improved portion of Knox Avenue ends at the Tidyman's property line. The property is does not abut a body of water. 2. Utilities. A thirty-foot easement will be reserved for Spokane County Utilities. Other easements may also be required for existing or future utilities including Modern Electric, Avista, Comcast, and Qwest. The location of these easements is a requirement of the record of survey. • 3. Access. The properties of the petitioners Ft. Knox Investors, LLC have access through recorded access easements through the Tidyman's property to the west. Petitioner Kenneth Scholz has frontage on Locust Street. A gate installed by Spokane County Utilities restricts access from Locust Street. 4. Zoning. Zoning for the property and abutting tracts is B-2 Community Commercial. 5. Transportation. Existing development precludes the possibility of extending Knox Avenue to the east. 6. Condition. The property is unimproved except for utility installations. The size, access and condition of the property precludes use by the City. The property has not been maintained. 7. Assignment of Vacated portions of right-of-way. Absent objections from abutting properties o+rrners, right-of-way should be assigned to the petitioners, inasmuch as it appears that any portion of the right-of-way to which they would lay claim has been transferred to them by land use action. Abutting property owners have received notice of the proposed vacation. Conclusions. 1. The vacation of the streeUalley will permit full development of the property for beneficial . uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 2. Knox Avenue is no longer required for public use or public access; 3. The substitution of a new and different public way is ne'rther necessary nor feasible. 4. Given the present age and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; and 5. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation, C:J FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION . May 12, 2005 Findings. . 1. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 28, 2005, to receive ' testimony concerning the vacation of a portion of Knox Avenue west of Lacust Street and east of Argonne. The date of #he hearing was set by City Council on April 12; 2005 by Spokane Valley Resolution No. 05-004. Notice of the hearing was published on April 15; 2005 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the properfy providing notice of the hearing. The hearing was continued until May 12, 2005 at the request of the applicant. 2. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department in detail. 3. The vacation of the street/alley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 4. Knox Avenue is no longer required for public use or public access; 5. The substitution of a new and different public way is neither necessary nor feasible. 6. Given the present age and condition of adjacent development, 'it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; and ' 7. No objections have been-received to the proposed vacation by abutting property owners. Conclusions. . The Spokane Valley Planning Commission 4herefore recommends to the City Council that that portion of Knox Avenue located west of Locust Street be vacated to the petitioners subject to: a) a record of survey prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description and specifying if applicable any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services. the record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and should be filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a mylar copy of the recorded survey and the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation; and . . b) Placement of at least two monuments on the centerlirie of the vacated right-of-way with one located at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-af-way with each street or right-of-way in. accordance with the standards established by the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Consfruction. c) Payment of all direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, ~ copying fees, and recording fees. ~Approved this 12'h day of May, 2005 ~ i David Crosby, Chairman ATTEST Deanna Griffith, Secretary . STAFF REPORT PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF SHANNON Sp6llane ~ ctn AVENUE EAST OF HOUK STREET ley Prepared by: Marina Sukup, AICP, Director, Department of Community Development Date: April 26, 2005 Findings: 8. Abutting Properties. The right-of-way proposed for vacation is east of Houk Street. Applicant°s property abuts the right-of-way on the north (Assessor Parcels Nos. 45103.0205, 45103.0206 and 45103.0208) and the Union Pacific Railway Company abuts the property on the south (no parcel number). The property is does not abut a body of water. 9. Utilities: Avista, Qwest, Spokane County Utilities and Consolidated Irrigation District presently have facilities within the right-of-way. Proponent will retain a utility and limited access easement within the area to be vacated. The specific location of easements is a requirement of the record of survey. 10. Access. The Hamilton property located to the east of applicant's will have a limited easement within the area to be vacated to serve an existing residence. Additional . development on both properties will take access from the extension of Mansfield to be constructed at a later date. 11. Zoning. Zoning for the property and abutting tracts to the west is UR-22 High Density . residential. The property to the east remains zoned RR-10 Rural Residential. 12. Transportation. The proposed extension of Mansfield Road will provide improved access and circulation to these tracts and improve overall traffic mobility in the area. 13. Condition. The property is unimproved except for utility installations. The size, access . . and condition of the property precludes use by the City. 14. Assignment of Vacated portions of right-of-way. Absent objections from abutting . properties owners, right-of-way should be assigned to the petitioners, inasmuch research indicates that the area to be vacated was part of the parent tract. Abutting property owners have received notice of the proposed vacation. Conclusions. 6. The vacation of the streeValley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 7. Shannon Avenue east Houk Street is no longer required for general public use or public . access; 8. The proposed extension of Mansfield Road substitutes a new and different public way which will provide enhanced access and mobility to both abutting properties and the general public. 9. Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to provide for a cul-de-sac at the termination of Houk/Shannon; and ' 1 10. The vacated portion of Shannon Avenue shall be retained as a limited access and public _ J utility easement. 11. The proposed extension of Mansfield Road wiil provide for the ultimate development of all properties, and it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists for the right-of-way proposed for vacation; and 12. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation. ~ 1 , FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION ` June 9, 2005 Findings. 1. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 26, 2005, to receive testimony concerning the vacation of a portion of Shannon Avenue east of Houk Street. The date of the hearing was set by City Council on May 10, 2005 by Spokane Valley Resolution No. 05-007. Notice of the hearing was published on May 13, 2005 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing. The hearing was continued until June 9, 2005. 2. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley • Community Development Department in detail. 3. The vacation of the street/alley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. ' 4. Shannon Avenue east of Houk Street is no longer required for public use or public access. 5. Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to provide for a cul-de-sac at the termination of Houk/Shannon to serve applicanYs development. 6. The vacated portion of Shannon Avenue shall be retained as a limited access and public utility easement. 7. The proposed extension of Mansfield Road substitutes a new and different public way which will provide enhanced access and mobility to both abutting properties and the general public; 8. The proposed extension of Mansfield Road will provide for the ultimate development of all properties, and it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists for the right-of-way proposed for vacation; and; and . 9. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation. . Conclusions. ' The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends to the City Council that that portion of Shannon Avenue located east of Houk Street be vacated to the petitioners subject to: d) a record of survey prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description and specifying if applicable any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services. The record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the ,registered surveyor and should be filed upon cornpletion with the Spokane County Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a mylar copy of the recorded survey and the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation; and e) Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to provide for a cul-de-sac at the termination of Houk/Shannon; and fl The vacated portion of Shannon Avenue shall be retained as a limited access and public utility easement. g) Placement of at least two monuments on the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with one located at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. - h) Payment of all direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley•from public to private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees. Approved this 9`" day of June, 2005 David Crosby, Chairman ATTEST - ~ Deanna Griffith, Secretary ; ;