2005, 07-12 Regular Meeting AMEKDED AGEI`IiDA SPOKANE VALL~Y CjTrY CVU~CLIL REIGULAR MEETING 070 Tue3day. au ly 12, 2005 6:(.N) p.m. CMx IULL Ar ~DWOOD rLA.ZA [17p7 East ;~prague .~venue., f'irst Floor Council Reqnmls All EJertranlc Devices bc Turned t)[[ anring Ca-mnril Mwting ILAIJ17"O []IR_DY, lNVO+CATION: Pislvir AI f3tiltctsi. Va11u4 A,~,~mbjv of God PLEDGE OF AL[.FGiAN4'F ROLL CALL APPRO1r',Al, OT t~GFKI) jN71'RQI) ~ION OF SPt' XIliL GUUM A►ND PRESk.N-1 C0MbffTTEE. }30ARD, LL41SOf1i StT14IM"Y RFI'"OR'TS MA 4"'OFt' S IR~~'![~ItT: P(~BUC CO14IMENTS For members ofthe Public to ~Tcakk to the Cormcil rugarrx1'rng uwttea~ NO'C an the Agenda, F'lonsc~ qwc your tiame aiid ,address fot` Ore m-rard, amd limit rcrnark-s to ihme minuicss. 1. CONSENT AGENl)A C,`omlsts of iCcnsS ct1ns1dCn,I foU#llto WF11#:l1 a= a'Jpsi7V4t~ ~ a goi.lp. A Coitrici#meittlvr rrtay refinovc an iiem From Ihc C'c?n5en! Agcnda In 4v~ corigideTei wparately. (Note; CounciJ aioy eateranin amotioB towaivt, rrading sad jopprowe Canscnt Agendu.) a. ApprovaN c?ftfsc Following Vouchm. ; VOUC"ER LISfi VOL1C1-EI:R TOfi.Al. I7ATC ~ ?wlutnlxr(s) VO44..iCIIElt AMOt ]N'I 06r20-2005 7OW7051 _ SJ ,di44,? 11.24 W? 7-? 005 7052r7[~~5 P-69,181, 04 07-01-21005 70W7136 S106,09S.231 'GRANl! #+OL~x~.. b. Appao-va1 of[`aimcia Mccl~g Minutes of Jtme 28.2005 c. Appreva1 a fCeruncil Exiccucivr M€eting Min,utcs nf,feEne 20y 2005 d. Appsvva.l ofiCiuuncil Sprxial McetiTig N1iroutes of]unr 11, 2045 Retrcnt c.Payml1 oflun~ 30.2005 of $I83,60$.?6 f Appruaa1 -of Spnlane 3'ransit Atithority Funciing lnterlocal Agreenient g. Approval nfCorrtrwa for Montgomery Avcnue Rcwbilitation P'rq'jcct Hid h. Authaxizrtion affai:ifils.don Stevice Contrwi i:rrr.~mri~ A1M7.1 ?40 k r=,ulnr N1ec;i«~, f~~~:: I•~~:' NvV4' Hi.l%IN "4s 2, Seccrnd Rcading 1'r~~osed Ordimnnce 05-020 Knox Avenue titreet Vncation • hiarina'~~~up [Pu4rlic cammenl] 3. Sewr~~ Readsna ProposW Qrsiynaace 05 -02'. 5humon {1vonue S 1rML Vacation - Masito S ukup iP'abWc commcnl] 4. Tirst Rcad ing Ptnpo::t-J tWdinance 05-023 AEruending Spocial Fvcnts T 14la3:clwksonlC.alWalk,er [pubtic eommeot] 5. Propoed Resalution 05-013 Audwrizing 1.0 F1`~ ~igttt-ofwa~ ~onstructian [nspectur, Nitiu kegnr [public commeiiEJ 6_ Mofion CorLsiderrdion: Cossukwt Smices Agrecmcnt CII2M~ Eiill, Barlcer Rd Brirlge -Nui[ K.osLen [pubHc cnmm:cal] Ma}oral Appnintment: `fourisrrn Pmmrrtio€o Am (TPA) Hote] Advisory C'omrrtiission - Mayor Wilhile [:Pu~~~~~ commen#] 8. Mofiior~ Considet$tion: De libCtalioiy vf"Pnevims C1csed Record ticarimg on Appeats !1►PA 0 1-05 and hPI* 02-05 - Caagr priskeil f'UBLIC Ct)41MENTS Fc,r niemlarr-i ui' thr Pultlic rxi spe$k rti ilie C'ouiticil regAnfing rrtrtwr; wtOT on klr Agendw Ptmic smtc yr,ur fuume nnd addmss for thc rewrrd amd IiaMit remnrks to thmna minlstcs, ADMIMS1'[t1TfYE REP[lRTS;_ [tio publi~ i.omntrittJ 9. Stude-nt Advinr~ry. C:u-unci1 Updatr - CounciLmember DcV deniing [NFORN1A'1'iON Oi+LY; [rio public ea~rrmmetitl 10. C'ore Values Mtmorandum - IWina Reg,ar 4 I. Mcnnowidu.m. I[Lu~iijri Rcsovr= Anmlyst Posit~(m -Ninu Rc%ur 3 2_ RcINan on T«htKilcagyal Ccn(crf'Iaci - Mik.C I14';k-;on ADJOCi RNMENT FU 3'dJ1R~':' S('fff:AVLE Regmfar CnurrciJ Afedings are geAcWly hefr! 2nd anfl e 7'w+rclaj+sr rb,rginrrlrrg ox 6: 00 p.m +C"cr,rwddl,5'tru& Semioirs +cre graerdly hdd 1~, 3'd cutd Sth Twi`tta#^.~, +C►eguroft ut & 00 p.m gLhfr TrnWive UR,ci)Mr'U Mtd~rZlErrgo= 'vtJ7 I{'9' Indltiiaiuai.s plnnitiing tri it6lrt►d R1rt trecgling Wh(r trqUi:ac ~,-pocW 959ia'lWIcs kO oUCornrnotiWc P"cu;k, hcua-c% (N o#Fscr impaimimLx„ plcnz ccmtK~ thc City CIcrk iw (509) 921- If1W m wm ~M,40b1e ~w tW artrtauusgxnicxtts may tsc nvalc. R.'atti¢tsCi1 r1};itid Y1!''-!?-rJ5 I#rFiilLir 4-E.r_II rL pa~g:: 4 'g 2 , AGFNllA SPOKA.NF. VALLEY CITY COUNCiI. RFGUi.AR MF.F'T1NG !!70 Tuesday, July 12, 2005 6:00 p.m. CtTY HALI. AT REDWOOD PLA7..1 11707 East Sprague Aveoac. Firot Floor Cunucil Rrqurtb .&ll FJecironlc Uewic~.w be'I'uropii Uff lluring Councfl ;Nccting CALI. TU ORDER INVOCATION: PiLtitor :11 ! iulten, Vtillv.v A,,scmblv af Gtid P1.FDGE OF A1.LF.GIAN('F ROLL GLL eU'PItUVAL QF AGF:NDA I!Y'CRUDUCTIUY OF SYECUI. GUES'TS AND PRE.SEN'1'ATIUhS COrIMTITEE, BOARI). LCA150?V SLIMMARY REPOIRTS MAYOR'S RF.E'ORT: !'tiBLIC C.UMMENTS Fot mcmbcrs oFthc Public to speak lo thc Cotmcil rcgarding mattcrs NOT on the Agcndu. Plcasc stntc your namc and address Por the recard And limit remarlcs ta thrce minutrs. CQNSENT ACFNDA Consists of itcms considemd routinc which arc approvod as a gmup, :1 Counciimemter may remove an ibcm Gom thc Canscnt Agcnda W be considercd scparately. (Notr: Conncfl mu} cnlrriala a motina W waive reading aad apprnvr Conacnt Ageoda.) a. Appmvnl of ttc Fallowing Vouc:hcr:s: VOUCIiFR 1.fS1' VOUCFlER i'U'fAl. L7A"i7: Numbcr(s) VOLiCflER AMOUNT a6-20-2005 7006-7051 s i,6aa,2 t i_za 06-27-2005 7052-7085 $269, t $1.04 07-0l-20q5 7086-7136 $1 Q6,09523 GRANn TOTAL $2,019,4$7. 5 1 b.Approvat of Council Mccting MInutcs of lunc 28, 2005 c. Apptoval of Cnunril Fxccutivc Morting Minuttx otJunc 20,21005 d. Approval af Council Spccial Meeiing Minutes of Jtmc 11, 2005 Rctmat c. Payroil of Junc 30, 2005 of $I R3,ba8.26 f. Appmvnl of Spoksnc Transit Authcxiry Funding lnterlucal Agroamcnt Lt- Approvai of Coatract fnr Montgnmcry Avcnuc Rehahiiitation 1'rojrct F3id ~ C:ouncil Agentlo 07-12•15 Rcgulnc Mcc1mp. t'.:Z;c 1 14 tiF.W E3US1_NF.SS 2. Sccand Reading i'mposed Ordinancc 05-420 Knox Avenuc Strect Veicaiion - Marina Sukup (public commentj 3. Sccond Reading Proposed Ordinunce 05-022, Shannon Avenue Street Vacatian - Marinn Sukup (public comment] •i. first Kcading !'ropmoci Urdinancu 05-023 Amcaciing Spccial Evcnts - Mika lacksoa/Cal Walker (pubtic commenti 5. F'roposed Resolution 05-013 Authari;cing 1.0 1'!M Right-of-way Consw~,~tion Inspcctor - Nina Rrgor (public cammeatJ 6, Motion Consideratian: Consultant Scrvicus Agrcement C112M Hill, Berkrr Rd Bridge -Neil Kersten [publlc comment] 7. Mayoral Appointmcnt: 1'ourixm Promotion Arca (TPA) I Iolel Advisvry Cammission - Mayor Wilhitc [Publlc commeat) S. Mot;on Conaidcmtion: Defiberation af Pnwiaus Clased Rocvrd Wearing on Appcals APP Ol-OS and P011 02-05 - Carv Drtskel) 111:ti1.IC CONiMFNTS For mcmbcrs of thc I'ublic to spc:ak tu thc Council regartling maucrs NUT on t6r Ageada Please state yout namc nnd address fot the nccord and limit remerks to thrac minutes. ADMINISTRAIIYF REI'ORTS: [no public comment ] 1). Studrnt Advisory Council t?pdaic - Councilmember DeVleming INFURb1ATION ONLY: (no public comment] 10. Corc VuJucs Mcmucandum - Nino Rcgor 11. Mtmorandum, }-luman Rcsoutcc:a Anntvst Positinn - Nina ReQor 12. Report un Cec:hnc,lngy :it ('cntecPlacc -Mikr 1a.ksun ALJOUltNMENT FIITURE SCfIF.DULE, Regular C-ounci! Mrrtings are genrrall}- hdd 1nd and 4`" Tursdoys, brginning a! 6: (10 p.nt. Cowrcil Studv Sessionx arr generaQy beld la. P and Stb Taurlaw, beginnixg at 6: 00 p.nL Orhtr Tenrative t/ncnminP MeeiiRrxlEvenn: tii1T1Ct, individuuis ptunning tn aurnd the mrtting whn rcqutre spcciul aasthtana 1u eLCUmmudmc ptiyaiLal, hcanng, cv uthcr impaim►ents, ptease cantnet the City C1ak st (509) 9:1-IU{N) as scxm as rAimihlr so thnt errnngcmcnu enny lae mndc_ t.'r~tutci! ,~geni];i fi' !?-li3 hcf~,ular 14rrtir~ I'agC 2of 2 - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 7-12-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing _ ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval ofthe Following Vouchers: , BACKGROUND: VOUCFiER i IST • V()UCI-IER . TOTAL llA`l'E Number(s) VC)UCWFR ANiOUN'1' 06-20-2005 7006-7051 12644,211.24 ' 06-27-2005 7052-70 ~5 269,181.04 07-0 l-2005 7086-7 l36 106,095.23 GRAND TO`1'AL 2,019,487.51 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mary Baslington ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists , ~ . % vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0612012005 12:33:54PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO tl Description/Account /lmount 7006 6J2012005 000351 AMERICAN SOLUTiQNS FOR BUSINES 2339611 STUDEN7 ADVISORY COUNCIL AV1 443.43 Total : 443.43 7007 6120/2005 000720 AMSAN CUSTODIAL SUPPLY 351254 40543 SENIOR CEPITER SUPPLIES 283.73 Total : 283.73 7008 6120/2005 000791 ARMSTRONG ENTERPRISES 06/15105 CPR CPR 8 FIRST-AID CLASSES 240.00 Total : 240.00 7009 6/20f2005 000762 ARTISITC DRAPERIES, INC. 8871 40519 CENTERPLACE MINI BLINDS 2,119.01 Total : 2,119.01 7010 6/20/2005 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 410069444 6/2/05 STREET LIGHTING/SIGNAL POWEF 18,948.91 ' Total : 16,948.91 7011 6/20/2005 000168 B 8 C TELEPHOPIE INC. 96264 TELEPHONE ADD-ONS & LABOR 159.50 Total : 159.50 7012 6/20J2005 000173 BINGAMAN, GREG 06117/05 GB Reimb. REIMB. FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES 10.82 Total : 10.82 7013 8l2012005 000729 CH2MMILL 3510352 40561 PROFESSIONALSERVICES 21,869.05 Total : .21,869.05 • 7014 6/20/2005 000606 COLUMBIA FIBER SOLUTIONS 3856 618/05 DARK FIBER LEASE 32.55 Total: , 32.55 7015 6l20l2005 000803 CONTRACT DESIGN ASSOC., INC. 20186 40481 FINANCE DEPT. FURNITURE 1,086.97 20187 40481 FINANCE pEP7. FURNITURE 1,212.63 20188 40481 FINANCE DEPT. FURNITURE 541.54 Total : 2,841.14 7016 6/20/2005 000683 DAVID EVANS 8 ASSOCIATES 171138 40390 TRAFFIC EPIGINEERING SERVICEE 2,778.90 171141 40562 SPOKANE VALLEY PLAN REVIEW 182.50 Total : 2,961.40 7017 6/20/2005 000686 DEPAR7MEN'1' OF LICENSING 06l17/05 DOL Cash CASH TRANSMfTTAL TO DOL 74.00 . Page: 1 I vchlist Voucher List ' Page: 2 0612012005 12:33:54PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO tF Description/Account Amount 7017 6120/2005 OUQ686 000686 DEPARTPAEN7 OF LICEiVSING (Continued) Total : 74.00 7018 6/20I2005 000540 EWU, GEORGE STAHL PLANETARIUM 0-25470-4250 7/7105 PLANETARIUM PRESENTATION/DP 45.00 - Total : 45.00 7019 6/20/2005 000010 FEDEX KINKO'S OFFICE SERVICES 289700057416 DOC CREATIOfd SCAN GRAPHIC 27.10 Total : 27.10 7020 6J20f2005 000171 GEIGER CORRECTIONS CENTER 4/05 Geiger Carr. GEIGER PROGRAMS FOR 4105 4,399.82 . 5lO5 Geiger Corr. GEIGER PROGRAMS FOR 5/05 9,103.60 Total : 13,503.42 7021 6120J2045 000556 GEORGE, CAROLYN 06/06l05 CG Reimb. REIMB. FOR MAPS FOR PW 73.56 ' Total : 73.56 7022 6/20/2005 000002 H& H BUSINESS SYSTEMS 132446 COST PER COPY CMARGES 38.35 132465 COS7 F'ER COPY CHARGES 44.12 132466 COST PER COPY CHARGES 8.25 132472 COST PER COPY CHARGES 219.22 Total : 309.94 7023 6/2012005 000794 HILLABRANDT, MARK 06/20/05 MH Reimb REIMB. FOR CERTIFICATION 195.00 Total : 195.00 7024 6/2012005 000022 INI.AND BUSINESS P.RODUCTS, INC_ 52803 CITY PHOTO ID CARDS • 58.59 52806 CITY PHOTO ID CARDS • 13.02 52818 CITY ID CARD - BRANDON NEWBIL 19.53 Total : 91.14 7025 6/20/2005 000265 JAMES, GAY 06/14105 GJ Reimb. REIMB. FOR RULON'S CAKE 14.99 Total : 14.99 7026 6/2012005 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING 26239 ADVERTISING 25.00 26240 ADVERTI SI N G 143.25 26241 AOVERTI S I N G 114.00 26242 ADVERTI S I N G 91.50 26263 ADVERTI S I N G 60.20 ' 26264 ADVERTISING 58.80 , ige: 2 ' . ~ • . vchlist J Ni"v`uc'her List Page: 3 0612012005 12:33:54PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account • Amount 7026 6/2012005 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBUSHING (Continued) 26265 ADVERTISING 44,80 26268 ADVERTISIMG 214.50 26269 ADVERTISING 166.50 26270 ADVERTISING 119.25 Total : 1,037.80 7027 6/20/2005 000545 LO INK SPECIALTIES 8134-1 40545 CLIPPER 7AGS FOR PERMIT CTR. 307.70 Total: 307.70 • 7028 6/2012005 000073 MC CORMICK, GREG 6J14/05 GM Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE- MCCOR 93.16 Total : 93.16 7029 6J20/'2005 000033 MCPC 4752749 • 40551 OFFICE SUPPLIES 112.74 Total : 112.74 7030 6/20/2005 000788 MEDIA JOE, INC. 2276 CENTERPLACE ADdTL CABLING 2,379.54 - - Tota I : 2,379.54 7031 6/2012005 000652 OFFICE DEPO7 290121624002 40528 OFFICE SUPPLIES 174.07 291658262-001 44541 OFFICE SUPPLIES 353.48 291657895-001 40541 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.39 291685263-001 40539 OFFICE SUPPLIES 59.50 • 291951824001 40527 OFFICE SUPPLIES 32.38 ' 292126743-001 ' 40547 • OFFICE SUPPLIES 189.57 . 40547 292324613-001 40547 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.06 292362490-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 54.21 292663743-001 40553 OFFICE SUPPLIES 49.28 292663745-001 40553 • OFFICE SUPPLIES 17.87 40553 293032969-001 40555 OFFICE SUPPLIES 131.53 Total : 1,070.74 7032 6J2012005 000307 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER 05l31/05 State STATE REMITTANCES 50,759.78 Total : 50,759.78 7033 6120l2005 000554 OHIO NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERV. 6704478 UFE INSURANCE 857.50 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 0612012005 12:33:54PM Spokane Valley Bank I code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor - Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 7033 6/20/2005 000554 000554 OHIO NATIONAL FINANCIAL SERV. (Continued) Total : 857.50 7034 6/20/2005 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERVICES 2,231 000004ZB TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 452.48 Tota I : 452.46 7035 6/2012005 000041 PROTHMAN COMPANY 2005-340 CITY ATfORNEY SEARCH EXPENS 1,752.25 . Total : 1,752.25 7036 6/20J2005 000341 RICOH CORPORATION 05077507622 COPIER RENTAL PAYMENT 246.30 05077508067 COPIER RENTAL PAYMENT 412.30 ' 05077527897 COPIER RENTAL PAYMENT 238.70 Total : 897.30 7037 6/'2012005 000415 ROSAUERS U-CIIY 481250 RETREA7 MEETING SUPPLIES 35.36 580058 MEETING SUPPLIES 13.16 Total : 49.52 703$ 6/20/2005 000230 SPOKANE CNTY AUDITORS OFC, RECO 0617105 Rec. fees COUMY RECORDING FEES 625.00 , Total : 625.00 7039 6/20/2005 400172 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER 05-48 COUNTY ENGINEERING SERVICES 24,455.55 ' 05-49 • COUNTY ENGINEERING SERVICES 248,941.73 Total : 273, 397.28 7040 6120/2005 000308 SPOKA.NE COUN'IY PROSECUTING, ATl 5/05 Pros. Attomey CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATION F 723.08 Tota I : 723.08 7041 612012005 000001 SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER 06l10/05 County • COUNTY CONTRACT PAYMENTS 1,184,680.11 ' Total : 1,184,680.11 7042 6120t2005 000406 SPOKANE REGIONAL CVB 05l31/05 ConVact 70URISM PROM0710N 11,333.33 Total : 11,333.33 7043 6/20/2005 000398 TAN MOORE ARCHITECTS p3983 Part 2#18 MIRABEAU POINT CEN7ERPLACE I 607.43 Total : 607.43 7044 6l2012005 000790 THE ORB ORGANIZATION 1 May 31, 2005 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,602.64 Total : 5,602.64 4 , ' - ;ige: . ' / vchlist - ~oucher List • Page: 5 06120/2005 12:33:54PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoico PO # Description/Account Amount 7045 6/20l2005 000705 TREASURER, SPOKANE COUNTY ELE-S-00055 MAY 2005 SPECIAL ELECTION 41,785.05 Total : 41,785.05 7046 6120/2005 000177 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. 6/15J05 SVSC Postage SENIOR CEfdTER NEWSLETTER P( 177.34 ~ Total : 177.34 7047 6I2012005 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0006-033021.00 S7REET POWER LIGHTINGlWA7EF 19.66 0007-017753.01 STREE7 POWER LIGHTING/WATEF 15.88 ' 0008-010790.01 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 5524 ' Total : 90.78 7048 6120/2005 000792 VERIZON WIRELESS 6110/05 Refund REFUND PARK RENTAL & DAMAGE 180.00 Total : 180.00 7049 6/20/2005 000100 WABO 7127 SCHOLTENS REGISTRATION 95.00 Total : 95.00 7050 6/2012Q05 000793 WASHINGTON STATE TREASURER 6N6/05 WA State Tre OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.00 Total : 4.00 7051 6120/2005 000021 WITHERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT 126641 PROFESSIONAL LEGAL SERVICES 896.00 Total : 896.00 46 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 1,644,211.24 46 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,644,211.24 I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services • rertdered, ar the lahar peAom►ed as deserthed herein and that the daim is just, due and an unpaid abligation against the City of Spokene Vallsy, and that I am authojized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finanee Director Date ' Page: . 5 I vchlist VouCher List Page: 1 0612712005 11:45:30AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 7052 6127/2005 000648 ABADAN REPROGRAPHICS & IMAGING 73210 MONTGOMERY AVE. PLANS & SPE 433.13 • Total : 433.13 7053 6127/2005 000037 AMERICAN LINEN 649063 FLOOR MAT SERVICE 50.92 Total : 50.92 7054 6/27/2005 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 370084011 STREET P01NER LIGHTING 5.75 Total : 5.75 7055 6/27/2005 000796 BUDINGER & ASSOCIATES M05167-1 MONTGOMERY AVE. PAVEMENT C 2,915.00 Total : 2,915.00 7056 6/27/2005 000101 CDWG SR15067 40564 PLANAR PL1910M LCD MONITOR 811.63 Total : 811.63 7057 6/27/2005 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS IPdC 31378 COFFEE & TEA SUPPLIES 136.55 Total : 136.55 7058 6127/2005 OOOSQO COSBY, JOYCE 6f22/05 Refund Casby REFUND VALLEY MISSION DEPOSI 50.00 Total : 50.00 7059 6/27/2005 000284 CRUCIAL TECHNOLOGY 207799824 40559 512 MB MEMORY FOR HP D510 118.44 ' 20781263$ 40565 1 GB MEMORY UPGRADE FOR HP : 520.78 ' Total : 639.22 7060 6/2712005 000683 DAWIO EVANS & ASSOCIATES 171144 40448 INTERSEC710N LOS ANALYSIS ' 1,620.50 Total : 1,620.50 7061 6/27/2005 O00686 DEPARTPAENT OF UCENSING 06/24105 DOL Cash CASH 7RANSMITTAL TO DOL 88.00 Total : 89.00 7062 6/27/2005 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 09006100 WATER CHARGES 167.51 09026100 WATER CHARGES 85.86 09065100 WATER CHARGES 174.42 09078100 WA7ER CHARGES 0.32 Total : 428.11 • Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 - 0612712005 11:45:30AM , Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 7063 6127/2005 000010 FEDEX KINKO'S OFFICE SERVICES 289700U57463 8TH AVENUE PLANS 8 SPECS. ' 280.32 Total : 280.32 7064 6/27/2005 000002 H 8 H BUSINESS SYSTEMS 133054 COST PER COPY CHARGES 237.35 133088 COST PER COPY CHARGES 83.01 , 133081 COST PER COPY CH.ARGES 190.44 • 133092 COST PER COPY CHARGES 240.02 133158 COST PER COPY CHARGES 51.99 Total : 802.81 7065 6/27/2005 000009 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPAMY 38282530 40557 STANDARD MONITOR STAND • NIN 70.53 . Total : 70.53 7066 6/27/2005 OOOD22 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUC7S, ING 52854 CITY PHOTO iD CARDS 39.06 Total : 39.06 7067 6127/2005 000799 MAY, SUSAN 06122/05 Refund REFUND MIRABEAU SHELTER DEF 50.00 Total : 50.00 7068 ' 6J27/2005 000069 MERCIER, DAVID 06/24/05 DM Reimb. REIMB TRAVEUMILEAGE - AWC CC 234.45 Total : 234.45 7069 6l272005 000484 MOONEY 8 PUGH CONTRACTORS INC. 04-001 5/31/05 #15 40176 PROJECT BILLING AT CENTERPLA 193,647.00 Total : 193,647.00 7070 6l27/2005 000636 MOORE IACOFANO GOLTSMAN, INC. 0017990 PARK & REC MASTER PLAN 10,300.85 Total : 10,300.85 7071 6127/2005 000738 MOORE, ANDREW 06/22105 Retund REFUND MIRABEAU SHELTER DEF 50.00 Total : 50.00 7072 6127/2005 000802 NIELD, SHERRY 06/20l05 Refund REFUND BROVVNS PARK FEE 30.00 Total : 30.00 7073 612712005 000119 PIP PRINTING 1330030687 ' 40574 VINYL BANNERS FOR SUMMER PR 366.35 Total : 366.35 7074 6J27/2005 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERVICES 2,467 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 555.60 2 ' ^-.ge: ~ I ~ vchlist Voucner List Page: 3 0612712005 11:45:30AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 7074 6/27/2005 000494 Q00494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERVICES (Continued) Total : 565.60 7075 6/27/2005 000322 QWEST 509-921-6787 511 B TELEPHONE CHARGES 38.31 Totai : 38.31 7076 6/27/2005 000324 SCWD #3 475-1495-00 WATER CHARGES - 42.82 Tctai : 42.82 7077 6/27/2005 000798 SLEMP, SHARMEN 06122/05 Refund REFUND MIRABEAU SHELTER DEF 50.00 Total : 50.00 7078 6/27/2005 000731 SPOKANE RESTAURANT EQUIP., INC 04-005 #4 6/1105 KITCHEN EQUIP. CENTERPLACE P 40,769.49 Total : 40,769.49 7079 6/27/2005 000419 SUMMIT LAW GROUP 26429 LEGAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,511.00 Total : 2,511.00 7080 6/2712005 000797 THE KIPLINGER LETTER . 06/09/05 Kiplinger SUBSCRIPTION 70 KIPLINGER LEl 84.00 Total : 84.00 7081 612712005 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0010-003488.01 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 116.39 . 0011-010826.01 STREET POWER LIGHTINGlWATEF 35.41 0012-004137.02 ' S7REET POWER LIGHTING/WATEF 35.57 0013-032589.01 STREET POWER LIGHTINGMlATEF 66.03 . 0014004275.01 STREEf POWER UGHTINGNVATEF 2428 0014032971.00 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARG 47.54 Total : 325.22 7082 6/27/2005 O00680 WASHINGTON 7RUST BANK, MOONEY F Escrow # 2308570772 ESCROW RETAINAGE PAYMENT 10,155.00 Total : 10,195.00 7083 6/27/2005 000801 WILDROSE GRAPHICS 40520970 ADULT - T-SHIRT GOLD STAFF 160.80 ' Total : 160.80 7084 612712005 000061 WILHITE, DIANA • • 6I20l05 DV'V Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE 19.17 Total : 19.17 7085 6/2712005 000089 XO COMMUNICATIONS 0104883954 TELEPHONElDSL CHARGES 1,368.45 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 0612712005 11:45:30AM Spokane Valley Bank code : epbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 7085 6/27/2005 000089 000089 XO COMMUNICATIONS (Continued) Total : 1,368.45 34 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 269,181.04 34 Vouchers In tfiis report Total vouchers : 269,181.Q4 I, the undersigned, do oertiTy under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor perfortned as described herein and that the claim fs just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City af Spokane Vafley, and that I am authorized to autfienUcate and cert'rfy to s9id da[m. Finance Director Date • 4 ge: \ , t ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0710112005 2:12:25PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 7086 6128J2005 000636 MOORE IACOFANO GOLTSMAN, INC. 0017990 past due PARKS 8 REC MASTER PLAN 16,300.65 Total : 16,900.65 7087 6/29/2005 000422 DISHMAN DODGE dishman 08f28/05 40582 DODGE DAKOTA TRUCK 24,277.17 Tota I : 24,277.17 7101 . 6130/2005 000803 AMARO LAW OFFICE 4327 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 165.00 4328 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 359.00 4329 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 388.00 4330 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 449.00 4331 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 404.00 4332 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 204.50 4333 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 368.00 4334 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 392.00 . Total : 2,709.50 7102 6/30/2005 OU0485 BARTON JEEP JECS41260 39174 VEHICLE REPAIR ' 392.61 Total : 392.61 7103 6J30J2005 000101 CDWG ST72766 40549 NEC PROJECTOR BULB 414.54 Total : 414.54 7104 6/30/2005 000729 CH2MHILL 3513619 40561 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 366,895.26 Total : 36,895.26 7105 6/30/2005 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET 870166725506 VEHICLE FUEL 914.64 Tota I : 914.64 7106 6/30/2005 000060 DENENNY, RICHARD Denenny 2nd quarter CELI PHONE REIMB. DENENNY 105.00 Total : 105.00 7107 6130/2005 000686 DEPARTPAENT OF LICENSING 06/30/05 DOL Gash CASH TRANSMITTAL TO DOL 111.00 Total : 111.00 7108 6/3012005 OaQ059 DEVLEMING, MICHAEL OeVleming 2nd qtr. CELL PHONE REIMB. DEVLEMING 105.00 Total : 105.00 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 07101/2005 2:12:25PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Qescript➢oNAccount Amount 7109 6/30/2003 000028 FARPAERS 8, MERCHANTS BANK 06l13105 MasterCard CREOIT CARD CHARGES 2,210.82 Total : 2,210.82 7110 6130f2005 000805 FINANCIAL CONSULTING, SOLUT10N5 C. 922-2506023 COS7 ALLOCATION PLAN 3,652.50 Totai : 3,65250 7111 6l30I2005 000072 FLANIGAN, MIKE Flanigan 2nd qtr. CELL PHONE REIMB. FIANIGAN 105.00 Total : 105.00 7112 6/3012005 000071 GOLMAN, SUE 06123105 SG reimb. REIMB. TRAVEL/MILEAGE 8 SUPPL 26.58 Total : 26.58 7113 6I3012005 000007 GRAINGER 800-855283-1 WHITE MARKIPIG PAINT 23.37 800-877149-6 40578 OPERATING SUPPLIES 23.37 800-877150-6 40578 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEI 124.78 ~ Total : 171.52 7114 6/30/2005 000009 HEWLET7-PACKARD COMPANY ' 38299606 40566 HP WORKSTATION XW6200 2,413.04 , Total : 2,413.04 7115 6/3012005 000022 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 52876 ' CITY PHOTO ID CARD 19.53 Totat : 19.53 7116 6/30/2005 000353 IN7ERNATIONAL TRADE ALLIANCE 67 QUARTERLY CONTRACT PAYMENi 3,500.00 Total : 3,500.00 7117 6130l2005 000804 ITE 06/30/05 ITE Pub. 40592 PUBLICATIONS 375.20 Tota I : 375.20 7118 6J30/2005 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING 26295 ADVERTISING 188.60 26296 ADVER71 SI N G 89.60 26299 ADVERTISING 25_00 26300 ADVERTI S I N G 72.75 26301 AD VERTI S I N G 94.50 26302 ADVER71 S I N G 114.75 26303 ADVERTISING 128.25 26324 ADVERTISING 188.60 26326 ADVERTI S I N G 51.00 • - ge: 2 vchlist VOUCher LISt . Page: 3 0710112005 2:12:25PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank , Voucher Date Vondor Invoice PO # DescriptionJAccount Amount 7118 6/3012005 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING (Continued) 26327 ADVERTISING 53.25 26328 ADVERTISING 98.00 26329 ADVERTISING 36.00 26330 ADVERTISING 41.25 Total : 1,179.55 7119 6130l2005 000033 MCPC, INC. 4760375 40572 OFFICE SUPPLIES 56_47 Total : 56.47 7120 6/30/2005 000069 MERCIER, DAVID 06/29/05 DM Reimb. - REIMB. TRAVEUNOILEAGE MERCIEI ~ 402.40 Total : 402.40 7121 6/30/2005 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00015637 TAX AU017 PROGRAM 42_54 00015712 TAX AUDIT PROGRAM 121.38 Total : 163.92 7122 6I3012005' OOQ062 MUNSON, RICHARO 06130l05 RM Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE MUNSOP 471.44 Munson 2nd qV. CELL PHONE REIMB. MUNSON 105.00 Total : 576.44 7123 6/30/2005 000652 OFFICE DEPOT 293176840-001 40555 CHAIRS FOR PUBLIC WORKS 314.76 293519373-001 40560 OFFICE SUPI'UES 252.54 293519375-001 40560 OFFICE SUPPLIES 48.05 293830023-001 40567 OFFICE SUPPIIES 33.35 . Total : 648.70 7124 6/30/2005 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERVICES 2,713 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 565.60 Total : 565.60 7125 6/30/2005 000415 ROSAUERS U-CITY 577922 KITCHEN SUPPLIES 6.47 Total : 6.47 7126 6/30/2005 O00064 SCHIMMELS, GARY SchimmeJs 2nd qtr. CELL PHONE REIMB. SCHIMMELS 105.00 Total : 105.00 7127 613012005 000297 SCHOLTENS, TOM 06124l05 TS Reimb. REIMB. 7RAVEUMILEAGE SCHOLT 248.93 . , Page: 3 ' vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 07101/2005 2:12:25PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor • Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 7127 6/34/2005 000297 000297 SCHOLI'ENS, TOM (Continued) Total : 248.93 7128 6/3012005 000781 SPARLING 20041016 40558 TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANT 117.00 Total : 117.00 7129 6/3012005 000090 SPOKANE COUNIY INFORMATION, SYS 50918 CITRIX LICENSES 520.00 Total : 520.00 7130 6/3012005 000311 SPRINT PCS 0141276664-3 6/16105 CELL PHONE CHARGES 568.04 Total : 566.Q4 7131 6130/2005 000063 TAYLOR, STEVE Taylor 2nd qtr. CELL PHONE REIMB. TAYLOR 105.00 Total : 105.00 7132 6/30l2005 000717 THE TRANSPO GROUP, INC. 7284 PONDEROSA PUD TIA REVIEW , 1,740.16 Total : 1,740.16 ' 7133 6J'30/2005 000646 U.S. POS7AL SERVICE, NEOPOST POS1 6/30l05 Postage POSTAGE 3,010.00 Total : 3,010.00 7134 6130J2005 OOU806 WARD, JENNIFER 06/27/05 Refund SHELTER RENTAL DEPOSIT REFUI 50.00 Total : 50.00 7135 6/30/2005 OQ0558 WCMA 06/27/05 WCMA REGISTRATION - MEF2CIER 200.00 Total : 200.00 7136 6/30J2005 000061 WILHITE, DIANA 06/28105 DW F2eimb. REIM6. TRAVEUMILEAGE AWC 426.99 Wilhite 2nd qtr. CELL PHONE REIMB. WILHITE 105.00 Total : 531.89 38 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 106,095.23 38 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 106,095.23 ge: 4 ~ , - ,---N vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 0710112005 2:12:25PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty af pe~ury, that the materials heve been fumished, the services ' rendered, or tfie labor performed as described herein and tfist the daim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valtey, and that I am authorized to authentlcate and certify to said daim. . Finance Director Date Page: 5 D1tAFT MINUTES City of Spnkxne Vrallcy City Council Regular Meeting Tucsday, Junc 28, 2005 Mayor Wilhite called the mccting to order at 6:00 p.m.; and welcomcd everyatic to the 69t' meeting Auendance: City Stajf Uiana Wilhite, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Rich Vlunson, lleputy Mayor - Nina Regor, Dcputy City Manager Dick Denenny, Councilmember Cary llriskcll, llepury City Attorney Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Mike Flanigan, Cnuncilmcmber Marina Sukup, Community Development Director , Steve Taylor, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Gary Sehimmels, Councilmember Mike ]ackson, Parks and Recrealion Director Chris F3ai.nbridge, City Clerk INVOCATiON: Councilmember Taylor gavc the invocation. 1'LEDGF OF ALLEGTAPfCE Mayor WilMite led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CAi.,L City CIcrk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers present. A.P.PROVAL nF AGENllA It was movEd by Councilmember Schimmels, secondetl, arrd ununimously agreed upon to approve the agentlu as presented. ~ J LNTRQDUCTIQN OF SPECiAL CUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS Mayor 1'Vilhite acknowledged members of Bny Scout Troop #32 I, attending in partial fulf llment of their Community Merit 13adgcs. COvfM1TTTE,130AI2D, t,TA1SON SiJMMARY RE1'ORTS• Councilmembcr Schimmels: repor[ed that he attcnded the Comprehcnsive Ylaii meetings last week and heard an exeellent presentation, but unfortunately; attcnclance was low; he cncouraged everyonc to attend the upcoming Juily meeting. I7eputy Mayor Munsnn: stated lhat he attended the Assnciation of Wastiington Citics (AWC) Conference last week and he Nvas re-elected to the }3oard of Directors; that the Board is examining its rnle in push'vig for legislation to financially assist cities by stopping the issuance oFunfunded mandales. Councilrnember Flaniglr►: cxPlained that he attended the recent Public Health District discussion of the Board of County C9mmissioner's decision to not move fnrward with a mosquito cflntrol district.. Councilmembcr Iaenenny: said diat he also attendcd the ANVC Convetititin; and he attendecl a meeting on Thursday regarding the '1iVIDI., (total maximum daily load) Use Analysis with lhe Environmental 1'rotectibn Agency (EI'A), laepartment of Ecology (DOE), providers, and others and that there is naw a link on our website to a discussion of the task force work. Councilmember DeVleming: inforined everyone about Vers Watcr and Power's efforts to restnre customer power as a resull of llst week's storm; lhat he conlinues work on t}ic 911 Board and last week's storm gave the oppArtunity to furl:her test the 911 system; and it was found that the overflow of phone calls were incorrectly directed to the Fire Department. INiAYC)R'S REPnRT: Mayor 1Vilhitc reported that she also attended the AWC eonvention where unfunded mandates was the main fnpic; and she also attended a perforniance of die Mormon Tabernacle Choir. , . PUT3LIC COvIlVCE, \7'TS Mayor Wilhite invited public c;ommcnts for matters not on the aDenda.' Council Meetiiig: 06-28-05 Page 1 af7 ' Approved by Cauncil: DRAFT Glark Haper, 11717 E. Lenora Drive: said he was impressed with the prayer from Councilmember `faylor; and that this week the Supremc Court tnok away somc personal property rig}tts, and he hopes in the fiicure that if that issue comes up befare our city, that we stand tall on behalf of the citicens to keep our nation &ee. - Brian Woods, 2009 N Lnag, Greenacres: regarding the wastewqter treatment facility; that Spokane Valley can't fund the facility; that wc contract with the County, and the County claims they now have more capacity; but the projected capacity is f'alce; that King County three times undere,5timated capacity and is currcntly cngaged in a lawsuit about capacity, and we should learn from thcir mistakes; builciers are giving away our potential rights if diese faith estimates are wrong; mentioned the ini]ationary rates, xnd policies iind costs of extra cxpenses for 260 parccls; and that the County is taking away the individual's right to subdivide their own property, and he doesn't want the City to do the same thing. Richard Harmon, 1761 Old FMission Greenacres: rebarding impact fces, he feels Council needs to look at this topic to malce sure roads, sewers, parks, and sehools get and kccp up with growth; that he realizes the School District will be asking for impact fees; that there will likely be some opposition ta this but hc bclieves it serves all citizens to examine and implemeni where ancl as needed; that impact fees are nnt an e.ctra tax but a mechanism to bring everything up to par, that everything was working tiiic before the big develapmcnt was started, but now we find we are short on schoals, scwers, parks, streets, everything; imd that developers need to be responsible for their share of i.nfrastructure; and he wanLs Council to Iook at this so citizens don't get hur[ from this development. Sue Bracken. 18508 I; R.iverwav Avenue: saicl there should be equal attention to citizens and developers; that shc has attended several planning meeting and sees more stafT' members than members of the public; she suggcsted perhaps getting some groups ta put together one-page sheets on the various aspects oF city government so people would know how to interact with city; and that she hopes we will find ways to purchasc land for parks, and ask developers to eantribute t4 the cost for thal; and dlat cveryone is responsible for making this a baod city. - Jamcs .Pollard. 17216 P 13alclwin Greenaares: regarding impact fees; said that he read a letter the City received fmm the Builder's Association; and also the paper fmm t:he Brookings Institution whieh shows pqsitive impacts of those Cees; that that difCerent conclusion5 could be drawn by loQking at either stucJy; and he gave an e:campie of a City in Genrgia whcrc lhnse fees worked. Marv Poll:ird, 17216 E Baldwin Avenue: spoke regardi.ng the noise ordinance not keing adequate for const.ruction that occurs in residential ncighborhoods; and suggests the currently allowed approved times are not reasonable; and would like to see the stakeholders get cogether to come up with a reasonable ordinance on times and days fer constniction, instead of allocving construction to start at 5:30 or 6 a.m.; and sugyests there is a need for guidance ancf enforcement. 1. CONSENT AGENDA Cpnsists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item frdm the Cnnsenl Atenda to be cnnsidered separately. (Note: Counc.il may entcrtain a motion to waive reading and approve Consent Agenda.) ' a. Approval of thc Pollawing Vouchers: Voucher 1.,isl 06-10-2005, vouchers 6957-6996, total amount $57,810.94 h. tlpproval of Council Study Session Meeting of Junc 7, 2005 c. Approval of Regular Council ,Vleeting Minute,s of June 14, 2005 d. Approval nf Payrol l of June 15, 2005 of $126,016.94 e. Approval [o Increase 2005 Law i;nforcement Agreement FTF Count to 101.767 f. Approval of and Authnriz;itinn of City Manager or Designe,e to Fxecute CI-12M Hill Contract - ' for Valley Corridnr I;nvironmental Study g. Approval 8`h Avcnue Overlay Project It wa.s moved by Cauncilmember Flanigan, secorrded, and ununimnusly uf;reed upon 1o waive the readrrrg and approve the Consent Agendn. Council Vleeting: 06-28-05 Page 2 of 7 Approvc:d by Council: Di2AFT ~ NTw RusnvFSs ~ 2. Second Rcading Propased Aelmet Ordinancc - Csry Driskell After City Clerk I3ainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilrnember Denemry and secanded by Co:mcilmemher Flcmigan to upprove Ordincmce 05-020 ►vith the umendment to Section E defrrrirrg persvrrs to reud "includes those indivrduuls oj five years of age and under the age of 16." llepury City Attorney Deiskell explained tihat there have been no changes sinee the first reading. Deputy Maydr Munson said there is a problem, although not yuantified, as to the number of ineidents that result in head traumas, and questions if perhaps the better routc would be an aggressive education program, including possible funding of helmets I:hrou,gh the Sheriff's Office, and suggests placing that isSUC on a future stucly session for further consideration, rathcr than pass a helmet law. Mayor Wil.hite invited public comment. The following spoke in opposition to the helmet ordinance, most of whom stated it is un to the individual (or thc parents) to dec:icie whether to wear a helmet 1. Stacey Schelrf, 14216 E Wellesley; mother of Samantha Schelrf 2. Myra Gann, 1] 19 S Dishmaii Road 3. Isaura Creac;h, 14102 E Fourth 4. Neil Manson, 11621 E, 34'h 5. Karen Hanson, 11621 E 34th Thc Following spoke in favor of the helmet ordinance to protect the public against severe head injury and/or deadi: 1. Dr. Kim Thnrnberry, Spokane I-lealth District 2. Margaret Mortz, 3420 S Riclgeview Urive 3. F3i11 Gothmann, 10010 E 48°i Avenue 4. Nancy Hill, 4821 N Sunnyvale ~ 5. Pegg,y Hodges, Coordinatnr for Spokane County Traffic Safety Cnmmission, 1026 W Broadway 6. AI Fislier, 13808 r Vallcyway Officer Kim Thomas, W. I] 00 Nlallon, Spokane City Police Officer gave information and history eoncerning the Spokane C:ity Flelmet orclinance; Ih<<t since the ardinance was passed in August 2004, September and October saw usage rates of 73%; and April and May nf this year show 85% usage rate, and that goes along with what the State shows with other municipalitics that have these ordinances; anct that of the collisions during the year 2003, 57% of /hose were adults; 2004 collisions hacl 58% adults; and of the 2005 collisions so far, 50% were adults. ' John Boyd, 4024 S Forest Meadow Drive: spokane concerning mixing bicycles and vehicle traffic; and stated that hc would feel safer riding on a sidewalk than in a bike lane; and suggestcd making our area more bike-friendly by having more places for bicyclists to lock up their bikes. City Manager Vlercier mentioned that Counc.ilmember 17enenny's proposed change in the ordinance prompts the need for furttlcr languane cha.nge in order to maintain internaJ consistency; ancl staggested Cour►cil eonsider deleting A vnd C on the bottom of page 3 regarding penalties, and to then renurnbcr the: remaining provisions. Mr. Mercicr also mentinned that Chief Walker was delayed in returning from out- of town training, but diat Chief Walker had previously testified in support oFthe educational components and of the need fon celmcts parlicularly for kids. Councilmember Denenny suggested adding the friendly amendment to the motion us suggested hy eYfr. Mercier; C.'nuncilmemher Flunigun as seconder concurred. Councilmember Denenny saicl that he feels i~ there is a need to adciress this for ehildren as an aid to parcnts i.n emphasizing die need to wear helmets, and compared this issue to thc eurrent use of seatbelts and how it was previously accepted Co allow children to stand up in the back of cars, Councilmember Flanigan said his goal is to pass an ordinance far children under 16 and hopes if successful, the children will be a role modcl for the parents to wea.r Counuil iwccting: 06-28-05 . Pagc 3 of 7 Approvecl by Council: DRAI+'T protective helmets. Councilmember DeVleming fcels sueh an ordinance would not be enforcecl on a regular basis,'Ehat education is critical, but questions passing an ordinance the police won't enforce and . the prosecutor's office won't prosecute. Councilmember 'I'aylor thanked everyone f'or spezking tonight, ~ statccl thal he feels this law will not hclp promote die responsibility of parents in raising their ehildren, but he would urge an cducational promotion Af the importance of wearing a helmet. Tacputy Mayor Munson also sCated he feels the issue shoulcl be one of personal respnnsibility and that he will voCe against the nrdinance. Councilmember Schimmels said lhis is a commnn sense safety issue and he support the ordinance. Mayor Wilhite added that she would not support the ordinance as she doesn't want children tn run and hide if not wearing a helmet, but that she wauld promote bicycle safety, iind would like to assist in providing helmets fur lhose who can't afford them. ' Roll Call Vote on the motion to approve Ordinance 05-020 tivith the amenclmer2t to Section E defining persons ta read "includes thqse individuals oJfive year,r nf age und under the uge of 16, and deleting A and C on the hotrum vf pa,,e 3 regurcling penaltres, and 10 lhen rerrumber the remaining pmvisions. " In Favor. Councilmembers Denenny, Flanigan, vnd Schimmels. Opposed: Mayor Wilhite, lleputy vlayor Munson, and Councilmembers TaeVleming and Taylor. Abstentions: None. Motion fails. Mayor 1'Vilhite calleci for a short recess at 7:20 p.m.; zind reconvenecl the meeting al 7:29 p.m. 3. Firsl .Reading Propnsed 1Vlnratorium Qrdinance -Marina Sukup/Cstrv Drickell After City Clerk Bainbridge read thc title, it was nroved by Mayor Wilsrite and seconded by Councilme»2ber laylpr, !a accept the Planniny, Commission recommendation to deny the requesl. Community Devclopment Dieector Sukup gavc the background of this issue as nptcci on her June 28. 2005 Request for Cnurieil Ac;tion forrn; and that the requested moratorium is against cievelopment of densities of more than onc house per acre unCil interirn r,oning is adopted. In response to a question from Taeputy Mayor Munson, Ms. Sukup explained lhat if Council agrees to a moratorium, the conslruction will conlinue for thosc who llready have perniits. \tfaynr Wilhite invited public cnmment. The f'ollowing spokc in favor of granting the moratorium: Gail Sherrodd, 17315 E Mont.gomery, Grcenacres: said that she is not against devclopment; hut feels this is bcing done hastily, and she warits to halt devclopment for a short time while they stratcgize regarcling planning for increased traffie and school impacts; and that they want to take the time to plan a quality City with a quality lifcstyle. Nancy Miller, 18124 E Mission: sxid that they submitted a petition wi[h an additional 174 signatures, and the intent is lti allow time to complete a neighborhood plaii; and that a transporcation draR was inclucled as proof of the neighboncoad's progress, and that information was not acknowledgcd. E3rian 1,Voods, N 2009 I,.nng Road: stated reasons f'or a moratnrium arc planning, studying arid protecting, and he cited sevcral KCWs that provide legal authority for cities to ernacl a moratorium; that he wants studies for implementation of impact fees for parkland acquisition ancl parkland and open space; and wants to see collaborative planning a.nd that current residents should not bear the hrimt of the cost of development. Jim Pollard, 17216 [3alclwin, Greenacres: said the entire north side of the neighborhood is shoreline protection; that the map shows that Grcenacres is located over the most desirable part of aquifer; and that not all areas are the sarne. Diane Johnsnn, Greenacres: said this would not be 3 taking; that it is vital not to give away for frce all that should be protected; thcy need adequate fime to plan, and urgeci Council to e.camine the Supreme Cnurt rtiling submittecl earlier by Mary 1'ollard. - Sue Bracken, 18508 E- Rivenvay rlvenue: said lhat the Givltl requires early citi2en participation in ~ drafting the Comprehensive Plan; that the more publie participation the better and the need isjustified by ~ tlic need to pursue further stucly on impact fees for p3rks, etc. Council Meecing: 06-28-05 Page 4 of 7 I Approved by CounciJ: ~ DRAF7' Kurt Parker, N 18116 Greenacres Road: said therc is a need for a moratorium to qrevenc nanconforming . policies; that Spokane County created a large amount of nonconforming uses without provisions for mitigation bringing harm to many neighborlioods. ~ Mary Pollard, 17216 F Baldwin Avenuc: recapped the pctirion process started more ihan a year ago; that thcy realized they needcd a rc-zone *based on what happened in the I'ondemsa area; and explained "Yrinciple 3" as stated in her handout. Alice Beal:tie, 7324 E Montgomery: said there was signifeant lack of studies for physical and environmental discussio» in thc I'lanning Cnmmission decision; and the larger picture of community valucs was iporcci; that they did not reccive treatmcnt equal to that of Rotchford Estates and I'onclerosa; and those neit;hborhoods didn't havc lo pay the fee; that she wants a study for impact fiees f'or parks and open spaces; and that the Planning Commission should answer tn the Council and nvt vice versa. f)ick Harmon, 17610 I; Mission, Greenacres: spokc of his understanrJing of the boundaries of the neighborhood and of a difference of those boundaries as shown on the map; of concerns about the initial . petition being ignored by City Hall for about three months; that they are trying to kcep the neighborhood livable; and that they have legally met the criteria for a temporary moratorium for development based on the need to allow planning and for environmental purposes. Clark Hager, 11717 E i.,enora T?rive: said he is proud of the hours df care and serviee iMary Pollard has devoted to the citizens of Spokane Valley; and they have dnne a remarkable job on this and dther issues; he wants to make certain damage is not created in the community; and he recommends granting the moratorium. Those speaking against granting the moratorium included Dave Crosby, not as ehair of the 1'lanning Commission, but a.s President of the Spokane Assaciation of Realtors, 2607 N Bowdish Road, and he ~ urges Council to take the time to deterniine if an emergency e.cists; and that housing drives tlic economy; and if we shut that down, it will move clsewhere. F3i11(aothmann, 10014 lFHSt Avenuc, iuid member of the Planning Commission; he presented his rGasons to deny the petition as per his June 28, 2005 handout, stating there is no threat to the public's health, Safety or Nvelfare and therefore nn reason to grant a moratarium. Mayor Wilhite invited furthcr public commerit; no further comments were offered. During Council discussion, Public Works Direetnr Kersten responded that yes, any development wnuld have to comply with the new storniwater ordinance regarding use of stormwater drywells and the requirement fpr Sevales; and also that ncw regulations woulcl bc applicable to new devclopmcnt. Further Council discussion included the Planrting Commission addressing the concerns, that then; is no emergency, and the previous zone change has provided some rclief. Vote on the motion to accept the Planrring Commi,ssion recomnrEndulion to deny the requesl: In Favor: Unartinrvus. Opposed: None. Abstentiarts: iVone. Motian carried. 4. First Readinz Froposed Urdinxnce Hearine F,xaminer Cary prickell After Ciry Clerk Bainbridge read the prdtnance ti11e, it wus moved by Cauncilniember DeVleming und .seconded by Councilntenrber Taylor, to suspentl the rules aiul approve Ordinance 05-021. Deputy City Attoiiiey Driskel) explained that as there are no Ionger any pending or potential appeals, Council could spend mare time if they desirecl; and addcd that the draft is unchanged from when first presente.d, Mayor I Wilhite invited public cUmment. I ~ Clark Hager, 11717 E Lynora llrive• spoke about issues and pe,aple gctting in trouble from moving ~ f'orward tao yuickly; snd he recommendecl passine this orciinance in the correct rri•►nner. Mayor Wilhite ~ invited further public eomment; no further comments were offcred. i ~ Council Meeting: 06-23-05 ('agc 5 of 7 ~ Approved by Council; i ~ llRAFi' City Manager Mercier alsn mentionecJ that I-tearing Examiner Mike Iaempsey is present should Council - want that additional resource. Ceuncilmember DeVleming stated this ardinance appcars to be - , straightfomvard and hc would like to see the proeess become availablc as soon as possiblc. ln response to Couneil question, Mr. Demqscy said he assisted in draRing the rules along with Ariorney Iariskell ancl other attorneys who work in laiid use area, and that t.he ordinance is based on Spokane County's ordinance but refined and irnnroved; and not having the rules in place created a few prncedural problems with the pa.st hearing; that the ordinane;e is straighl-forward and he also recommends adoption as quickly as possihle. Vote by Acclannation: !n Fuvor: Councilnrember.s Schinimels, Taylnr, T7ani$un, Denenny and DeVlemirrg. Opposed.• jKuyor Wilhrte cmd Deputy Mayar Munson. Ahstenlions.• None. Motion carrierl. 5. First Readint! I'roposed Qrdinance STV 02-05 Street Vacation Marina Sukup Alier City Clerk Bainbndge read t}te ordinance title, it was »toved by CouncilmembEr DeVleming and seconcled to advunce ordinunce for STY 02-05 vacation to a second reading. After C9mmunity Iaevelopment Director Sukup went through lhe PowerPoint presentation; Mayor Wilhitc invitetl but received no public com.ment. Vote by Acclamalion: In Favor: Urianimous, Uppused.• None. Ahstentions: A'one. Motion ccrrried. 6. First ltcadinL, Proposed Ordinance STV 03-05 Street Vs►cation Marinsi Sukup Afier City Clerk Bainbndge read the ordinance title; it was inoved by Deputy Aqayvr iVIurrsarr and seconded hy Councilinember Flanib•un, tn advcmce ortlincmce jor STV 03-05 vucatrnn 1o a second reading. Community C?evelopment Director Sukup went lhrough hcr PowerPoint presentation, stated that the representative engineer is present, and that the Pla.nning Commission, a.s usual, held a hearing and recnrnmends appravaL I:Councilmember UeVleming left the ropm at 8:39 p,m. and returned a18:41 p.m.] Mayor Wilhite invitcd public eomment; no camments were off'ercd. dote by Acclumatioa: b: Fuvor: Unaiiimous. -Opposed: Nune. Abstenlions: None. Mntion crnrietl. 7. Pruooscd Resolution Stsitine Intent to Adoqt Initiative and Refercndum -Cary llriSlcell It was rnnvecf by Councrlmember 17eVlemuig and secorrdetl by Councilmember Tuylor, to adopt Xesohution 05-012, After Deputy City Attorney Driskell explained the powers of initiative and rcferendum and of thc cimeline and proccdure to cnact those powers, Mayor'Wilhitc invited public cnmmcnt. Clark Hager, 1 F, Lynora Drive: chankeci Council for giving him a few minutes; said lhat this is what was promised to the citizens previously and which was not givcn when the communi ty was governcd by the Cnunty; and he gave the Clerk over 200 signed petitions urging passage of thc initiative and referendum pracess. Dick Behm. 3626 S Ridgeview Drive: thanl:ed Clark Hager for his work on this issue and urged Council passage. Dr. Phillip Rudv 10720 E Fruithill: gavc a brief history of the right of petition Lmder Adams Administration ancl said he supports tMis process. • I1 tivas moved Gy Deputy A~fuyor Munsvn, seconded, cmd ununimously agreEd upon fo eztend the »reeling to 9:10 p.m. Others speaking in favor of the resolutian included 13ob 131um 12722 Fast l S'h• who supporls the praccss to give citiiens additional resources; Tony IJazanis: who said this is a way to force the council to do dhe right diinb with the assistance of the citizens; Margaret Mortz. 3620 S Ridgeview [arive• who said ihis is a good means nf checks and bala.nces and is an increase in citizen &eedom; Chuc:k Mafner. 4710 S Wooclruff: saici ihis is another element to aid in inaking this a good city; Ra Fer 2020 \i Eli who expressed his hope that the measure be approved unanimously; VI Pollard 17216 E Baldwin: who echoed the sentiment that this woulcl be a good check and balance for the City and an aid to help Council Meeting: 06-28-05 Page 6 of 7 ~ Approvcd by Cuuncil: ~ ~ nRAFT Councilmembees cio their job. Mayor Wilhite invited further public eomment; no further comments werc offcred. Vote by Acclamation: 7n Favvr: Unaninious. Opposecl.• None. Ahstentions: None. Aqotion %carrieti i ; It was maved by DEpu1y Mayvr Munsorr and .recunded by Councilrnemher Hlcmigcrn to extend the meeting . to 9:30 p.m. Vote by Acclan:ution: h: Favor: MQypr Wilhile, Depury Mayor Munson, and Cuuncibnembers Schimmels, Ttrylor, Flunigan, und Denenny. ppposed.- Councilniember DeVleminp,. Abstenliorrs: NnnE. Motinn carried. 8. Proposed Resolatioii Stating Intent to Adoat Referendum - CarV Driskell M.r. Mercier said the passage of the previous item now renders this item moat. 9. Propused Resolution Authorizing 1.0 FTE Right-of-Wav Construction Insqector Nina Regor Councilmcmber Taylor said he sees no emergency to move forward on this item tonight and thereforc he moved, seconded by Councilmember Denenny, and it was ununimottsly agreed ttpon to reinove lhis item tortight and brrng the issue huck a1 a future cnuncil meeting. 10. vlotion Considcration: Coinmuuitv Devclopment Block Grsni Program Dccision Marina Sukup It was moved by 1)eputy Mayor Munsorr, crnd seconded, to uclopt option 41 to defer entillement s•tatus und authvrize t6re Ciry Murruger to execute a couperatiorr agreement tivith Spokarre County lo continue participutivn in the Spokarle County cnnsortium. Community I7evelopment nirector Sukup gave a brief overview of the three options, and adcled that Mr. Cmwley is hcre should Council have any questions for him. Couneil briefly discusscd and staled apreference for option #1. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. vote by Acclamation; In fuvor: Ununimou.s. Opposed: None. Ab.stentiotis: None. lllotron curried PiJI3LIC C0,11MENTS Maynr Wilhite invitcd public comment; no comments were offered. ADM.IIVISTRATNE RrPORi'S: [no public eomment] 11. Animal Control Update -\`ancv Ffil) After Spnkane County Rcgional Animal Protection Scrvice (SCRAPS) Director Nancy Hill gave her PowerPoint presentation update, there ensued council discussion and questions concerning the level of service and what it accomplishes, on SCItAPS campaign to have citizens license their pets, and vls. Hill's comments nn the professionalism displayed by members oF her staff and of Ms. I-Till's and her stafrs attcmpt to make the operat:ion as cost effective as possible. • 12. Oulside Agencicy' .Presenc:e st CenterPlace - Nlike JackSOn In the inierest of time; it was Council cbnsensus to defer this item to another meeting. Ihere being no further buriness, it was rnoyed by Councilmember 1%lanigan, secondecl, and unanirnnusly agreed upon to adjourn. The meetin}; adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Diana Wilhite, Mayor A'17f ST: Christinc Bainbridgc, City Clerk ~ , Council Meeting: 06-28-05 Page 7 af7 ApprUVed by Council: - MTN UTES City of Spokanc Valley City Council Fxecutive Session . . Mpnday, .Tune 20, 2005 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at S:OQ p.m. Attendance: Cauncilmembers: Staff• Diana Wilhite, Mayor Dave.Mercier, City Manager Rich Munson, Iaeputy Mayor Nina Itegor, Deputy City Manager Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Cary Driskcll, Ueputy City Attomcy Mike DeVleming; Councilmember Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Steve TAylor, Councilmember Dick llenenny, Councilmember Vlike Flanigan, Councilmember FXECUTIVE SFSSION: It was moved by Deputy Muyor iIlunson, secvnded by Councilmemher Denenny and unarrimuusly agreed upon lhat Cauncil gv into F,,xecutive Session until approximutely 7.•30 p.m., to discuss lubor negvtiations, with no action plcmrted upon completion. Council acljourned into execuCive sesSion. Mayor Wilhite deelared Council out of executive session at 7:30 p.m. it was then moved by Mcryor Wilhite, seconded hy Counciln:enrber Schimmels, and unanimowly agreed atpon ta adjourrr. The meeting adjourncci at 7:31 p.m. Diana Wilhita, Mayor n11'EST: Christine Bainbridge, City Cleric . r' ` ; . Council Minums 06-20-65 Page I of 1 WQRKSl30P NOTES , . ; . SFFCIAL 1VIEETIiNG RETREAT SPQiCAi\°E VALLEY CiTY COUiNCIL June 11, 2005 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Diana Wilhite, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Rich Vluiison, Deputy v'Iayor Nina Regor, Deputy City Mgr Taick Denenny, Councilmember Marina Sukup, Comm. Dev. Uir. - Vlike Flanigan, Councilmembcr Ken Thompson, Finance Director. Mike DeVleming, Councilmembcr Cary Driskell, Deputy City Altorney Gary Schimmeis, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Stevc Taylor, Councilmember Iv'Iike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Direc[or - Tom Scholtens, Building Official Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk . Mayor Wilhite opencd the workshop at 9:10 a.m., und thanked Councilmemher neoeany for allowing usc of liig cabin for the retrest. 1. Cnuncil Budget Goals for 2006 City Manager Mercier recappcd the results Af the recent voting acxivity to identify the top budget goals for 2006, and asked for validation as to preferred verbiage. The following represents the final budget goa) decisions for 2006: ~ ~,,~StCOnp, Definition o~arStt~~t Master~l~tn, inclnding ftuldj,= Discussion of lhis topic: is a streel masterplan the sane as pavement managemcnt; a street masterplan ineludes preservatiAn of existing roads and plans for how Co build new ini'rastructure, arterials, etc; funding questinn of one-half million dollars in assets; the desire to identify sarne fnance alternatcs; that wc can draft a rnasterplan in order to clecermine needcd fiinding and revise if necessary after the tirst quarter; the funding priority should be in implementing the plan; begin building resources and put the plan into those available resources; and staff perspective af whal wnuld be involved in kecping aecurate rccords/history. Tt was mentianed tMaC a masterplan means as we adopt the Comprchensive Plan and its 20-ycar capital facilities, we have to make a series of notations on arterials and other major projects that will eome up over the ncxt 20 years, and reciuce that to a rational Six-year Transportation Impravement Plvi; the idea of puttiiig on the plan those things we thiiik are reasonable to fund; that pavement management would require inventory of all streets in the community and that such data wtis not keep current by the County. I'he importancc of inventory, the time necessary to perform such inventory, ancl the need for additidnal full-time staff and/or summer temps; alAng with the idea of hiring a consulCant to do the initial inventory then give the process to staff to inaintain; was also cliscussed. it was suggestcd that a plan be defincd then implernented to determinc how to fund the program, what staffwill be needed, and what would be necessary to implernent the program and perform the inventory, ancl hold discussions with the Counry about their data, use of GPS, and perhaps have the completion nf the inventnry as a 2006 goal. It was also mentioned that we should try to get a sense nf what the public .might want and how receptive it might be. Furthcr discussion included separating nut the City part of the streets from the County as the streets don't stap at city limils; contract'tng with the County versus our own internal rates; and having staff to perPorm the inventory. It was detcrmined that staff will work with those ideas t►nd return to Council as the draft process continues. . . ° Meeting: 06-11-05 F'age 1 of 5 Cnuncil Approved: 2, the first nhase of revita izati on, work wi h the Snxague Corridor cpecific-1Iky.,~in th~ ring in a conc uItant to devi na q]an,,.an,d work with the armAttsjnesses betwcen Ilniversitv and the freewav t~o enhanceh~At@~f • evelonnient. (This Combines goals #2 a.nd 4 3 as voted upon previously,) Taiscussion of this topic: What is fcasible to acc;omplish next year regarding the corridor; develop a City Center and have it part of the Comp-Plan; thc nced to determine what we are going to do; to have centers and corridors, cily center, and/or mndify existing conditions; the need to determine the most efficient nlace for the centers; to examine the north/south feeders into the area and look at the zoning along the corridnrs; tn take the Comp Flar► and begin folding the methocl of what we can do on the c;orridor into that Plan; the idea nf approaching the developers to engagc thcm in clialogue; funding conccrns for the study of the project aiid the pmject itsclf; contributions &om Auto Row; the City of Spokane Valley, and others; and thc need for clear definition of what we want accomplished before getting groups invalved. The question was asked of what decisions can be made now, what can wait, what are the financial concems, how will thc public reacC to any of this; have all alternatives been examined, and the qucstion of whether this process can be determined prior to finalization of the Comp plan process. dther discussion included the idea of working toward the entire Spraguc concept wi[h auto mw being the first step; and that o[her arca businesses might be interested. 3. Contlllup.-to-wAilltQbe w5tstewAter issu"udjpok for arcas tn cpji,tllltte tn educatQ selves: xnd oursue avenues that-bestAerve citiu;ns for caRaclty-rales anci overall costS.. Uiscussion of this tApic: that thc new problem of TMDL (total maximum daily load) group almost prevents entering into this now; to wait until the 1'IVIL7L is resolved to have this item as a goal; the unresolved component in the 2005 soal to a.nalyze and takeover the plan; the perrniriing prncess to get a new planl by November; keep the goal ss a working goal in 2006; how to deal with staff resnurces as in terms of governance, any wastewater system will requirc continued parhiership wilh many jurisdictions; . is thc issue af the I'MDL so all-consuming as to prevent attention to other wastcwater issues; responsibility, authority, liability of a plant or system; vestcd rights in a systcm; and assumption of the infrastructure. lt was mentioned that governance concerns the operation of the plant. Further discussian included the benefits aP havinb a system now or later, the desire to providc quality service wiXh the best rates; that the Board of County Commissioners has adopted a philosophy of management and ownership of t:he enterprise and whether diey want to retain that service; and that there are a series of issues to consider concerning eonveyance of ownership„onlyone of which is what happens to current reserves. `I'he question was raised concerning haw many employees wpuld be needed to run such a plant, and Public Works llirector Kersten estimated at least 50 people would be necessary. Continued discussion focused on the plant's owncrship, whether the County would be interested in a plant construction if they did not own the plant; a regional governance model with several owners; the lack of a strong voice from the eommunity on this issue; further financial comp4nents of the issue including bonciing and the benefits of ownership and possible fuCure reserves; Fuid to keep this as a goal to let the citizens know there are many unkr►owns yet to examine; but it is imporlant to keep the issue at t.he forefmnt ancl attend the many wastewater meetings to keep abreast of the quarterly reports and constant updates. 4~.4.tLOnp Emdhs~sis on IntcrngLaQd F.xternal C.ummnni,Cati411 Discussion of this topic: Mr. Mercier mentioned he feels this goal addresscs the desire t4 conli.nue the good lines of communications with council, community, a.nd customers, and to stay in harmony wit.h what council wants to accomplish, and for Council to stay in harmony with w}iat citizens warrt council to undertake.. Ideas cxpressed included tacties Co accomplish diis goal, such as hiririg a public information officer, the use of the webpage as a too) to communicate with the eommunity, making the website casier to navigate, public hcarings, and use af the wcbsite as a type of "blog." It was detertnined that the topic of the public informatiun oflictr and website suggescions would he a goocl study session copic; and that the goal as staced abnve will remain as written. • Meeting: 06-I 1-OS Pagc 2 of 5 (:ouncil Approved. - 5-Exp1l2re-the..infrastrst~hCe with r~g~~p tclecommLnie~$~ i c the Hot_Znn"nd the ' YpI1Ct AR[I 111t -rcnnnPCfiv~t'LH•lt 1 ~~j~,g__~ 'Discussion of the topic: explore the idea of how to providc these services within our community; the use of sateUite coveragc; partncrships with local providers; special funding; and of the desire to keep (or become) a high tech area:; the idea of having a workshnp with involved parties to brainstorm on how to gct this started, to clevelop a plan, and deterrnine the role of our City. Qther discussion includcd how to get industry to examine our area; and where to concentrate a hot zone (perhaps Mirabeau). 2, Revised Cc►unci120U5 Gnal on Wastewuter Mr. Mercier brought Council's attention to the Fiscal Year 2005 Goa) #5 and lhe suggested change to that goal as per the excerpt frnm thc May 17, 2005 study session meeting minutes, tlfter discussion of that issue, it was Council consensus to proceed with the change. 3. Status of Current Employce Recruitments L7eputy City iMimager Regor reported that with Council authorization last February of sevcral new posilions, along with handling other vacancies, the [-iuman Resource duties arc close to being a full time job. Ms. Regor went over the status of the various posiYions as per her Junc 11, 2005 Background T.nformation memorandum. Ms. Regor stated that for a city of approximately sixty employees, human resources tasks are large and that investing in huma.n resources, is investing in employees; that there is a need for assistanee as there are many facets of hwnan resourees such as trai'ning, guidance counseling, the FMLA and PLSA laws and rules wid changes that occur, Ameriet►ns with Disabilities Act, administrative pnlicies and procedures and keering those current with laws, recruitment and recruitment monitoring; and oxher facets pointing to the need for a dedicated full time, human resoiuce person. Ms. Regor stated she will drtift a job description and that will come hefore couneil for fiirther consideration at a future meeting, adding that dhat positi4n has becn previously Punded. Discussion followed on use of temporary employees to assist in areas of engineering, recUrds management, and planning. . 4. Updaled Financial Forecnst; 5. Full-`Vidth Pttving; and h. Stormwater Program Finance L7irector 1'hompsnn wenl over the highligt►ts of his handouts. Those highlights included mention of a largcr estimate for sales tax; that pmperty taxes are one-percEn[ over what we would havc levied without the ]ibruy; estimate.d new growth which might be a little high; the idea of keeping estimates conservative to aecount For any slump in the ecvnomy; th3t budgcts for ne.ct year in several deparmients are cominb in higher than he expected; that the legislative line factors in a salary change for Council if that measurc receives ballot approval; that future years still indicate we will have trouble in the street fund although Che figures show a surplus in 06 and 07, and those figures will be pumped back in in 08 ancl Oy to help pay far steecc eosts; ar► incressc ot G% in operating costs for the deparhncnts which includes a 4% inerease in salaries, 20'% increase in medical insurancb, and 6% for dental imd vision. Ivlr. Thompson indicated that the strect fund is in a different forniat and the ending fund balance rolls crver into the beginning fund balance of the next ycar; and broughl Council attention to the nvo million dollars from the {;eneral fund. Concerning stormwater, Mr. 1'hompson statcd that we i.ncrcased that equivalent residential fee last year, and with the projections nf wliat that fee should bc over a period of years, that provides an adtlitional $400,000 (although the figures show $350,000, the correct figure is $400,000); and he also mentioned the cwo different six-year stormwatcr projections: one beginning with the rate of $17, then increasing to $24 through 201 0; and the other projection showing the $17 amvunt moving up annually to $20; $21, $26 for 08 and 09; iind $27 For 2010. Mr. Kcrsten stated that he would like to see a decision early rcgarding paveback on next ycar's buclget, as it woulcl expcdite ancl better coordinate planning ancl cAntracts with dhe County. Further discussion includecl the need to have revenues in place to assure future years can supnort pavebacl:; full paveback versus grinding and overlay, espccially on Sprague; and that all that information will be gathered well iri advance of presenting the balzuiced budget to Council August 23, 2005; that Council previously Meeting: 06-1 I-05 Pagc 3 of S ~ Council Approved: deterniined that it was tiscally logical to allocate stormwater funds to the STEI' systcros since the road would alreacly be tnrn up; the need to take a street inventory; and the estimated cost for paveback. In returriing to the rates for stormwater, Councilmembers DeVlcming and "faylor indicated their preference to stay the samc as the County's schedule. Mayor Wilhite suggested having a$5.00 increase now anci keeping that over the next several years. Mr. Mercier added that these projectinns arc in advance of inventory complction. Mr. 1'hompson, in an overview of Problem StatemenLs l, 2, and 3, said that if the deficits are not rectificd, it mtiy become necessary to bo back earlier and reduce the transfer fram the general to the capital fund which could then flow to the different funds, but that any such change would wait a year or more to determine if such change is needed. Mr. Thompson also stated that the projections show that the deficits will shrink over time. F.veryone took a break for lunch at noon; and reconvened the workshop at 12:45 p.m. 7. Edcments of Customer Service Mr. Mercier said that he has questianed several municipalities, and can find no fornial customer service program; and that if no well-packabed program cxists, perhaps a start would be to exanine the clements . of what wc all want in a customcr service program, suc:h as reporting eustomer scrvice feedbaek; cmpleyee training on eustomer service elements such as how to handle difficult people; ancl any other elcrncn[s thnught appropriate. Discussion includecl mention that customer service is a mincl-set; that our employees all understand they are working for the peflple on the othe;r side of the cnunter, the City of Spnkane's slpgan "getting to yes;" and using the City af Spokane as a benchmark; whethcr we are getting complainls from the public on speci£cs; that many times there are difierent expectations re,.sulting in a peri;eived lack of custorner service, e.g. sucM as developers walk in, and not k.nowing the process, want things clone immediatety; that sometimes the answer is no; that additional crnplnyees will malce a diflerence in terrns of ac:cess; complaining about some things Chat are not in employee control - like lack of parks and recreation programs nr some programs only bein ; seasonal; nlan review; projects and permits and that some eustomers believe they shoulcl have pennits issuecl immediately; unrcalistic expectations; and exploritig on-line permitting. . N'urther discussion included logging in and tracking all ealls; types of eomplaints; rcporting inspcctions livc frnm the field; being pro-active in creating a program; Curnaraund time for returning phone calls; solving venclor problems quick(y; aiid ensuring that all areas are customer scrvice friendly. It was mentioned thal wilh the flowchart scti.fC is working on, thcy hope to solve some miscommunication issues and eome up widi fl plan cc> try to reduce anriety associated with any customer's problem. Additional icteas cliscussed ineluded a coordiiiated effort to measurc eustomer satisfaelion; eitizcns eompleting a survey; ways to sample the rnarkcl.and report findings back to CAUncil; staff keening in contact with the citi•r,ens they work with; the current Friclay training sessions to fainiliarize employees with new ordinances, procedures, etc.; when confronted with complaints, encouraging Councilmembers ta ask for specif cs; whether problems are due to lack of staff or lack of good attitude; creating y matrix to show when we pay bills, and a philosophy on returning phone calls and/or answering inquires; that the Project Coordinator pnsition will bc of immense help in areas of customer service; and that to get customers to comply, stafC shnuld consider use of courtesy rcminders. It was felt some of these issues will be resolvett ' as our staff niimbers inere,ase over time. As an addiNonal item, Depuiy City Attorney Driskell mentioned the upcoming appeal of the Hearing Examiner decision, that this is the fitsl closed record hearing before Council, ancf in preparation for the hearing, Mr. Uriskell suggested Council familiarize themselves with the Appeal Notebnak, especially the first part of the appeals, the Hearing Txaminer decision, and each party's brief; that during the hearing, the parlies will givc ora) arguments, and Council can take the rnatter under advisement for a Puture meeting, or start deliberations at the meeting. Meeting: 06-11-0S F'age 4 of 5 Council Approved: . 8. 2005 Workplan Status ` Ms. Regor mentioned that thc workplan shows changes to the timetine in green; and thc last page shows some highlibhtecl items. She alsn mentioned that there have been some ehanges to the capital improvement prujeets whieh ehanged due to comp plan timelines. The meeting ended at 2:15 p.m. A'I"17ESI: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Christine I3ainbridge, City Clerk • ~ 'Meeting: 06-11-05 Page 5 of 5 Cnuncil Approvcd: _ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action . Meeting Date: 07-12-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public heanng ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation . AGENDA ITEM TITLE : . Payroll for Period Ending June 30, 2005 GOVERNING LEGISLATiOfd: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: ' RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Payroll for periad ending 6-30-45 Salary: $ 122,375.83 Benefits: $ 61.232.43 $ 183,608.26 STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faulkner ATTACHMENTS ~ ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ; Request for Council Action Meeting Date: Jufy 12, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 0 consent ~ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing . ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legisladon AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Spokane Transit Authority Cooperative Funding Interlocal Agreements GOVERNING LEGISLATION: ' PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of the Amended- 2005 TIP on April 26, 2005, review of the Draft 2006-2011 TIP) at the Study Session on May 3, 2005, and Adoption of the 2006-2011 Six- Year TIP on June 14, 2005. BACKGROUND: On February 2, 2005, Spokane Transit Authority issued a"call for projects° to fund street improvements related to transit operations. After a review of the street aRerial system, statf submitted applicabons !o Spokane Transif Authority. The Spokane Transit Authority board awarded funding for the following projects at their March 17, 2005 public meeting. • Mission Avenue from Argonne RQad to University Road. Construct curbs and sidewalks to better serve STA customers and Valley residents. • Barker Road/Mission Avenue Intersection. Construct a concrete intersection in lieu of. an asphalt intersection to support tuming bus traffic. This project will be combined with the street widening project for Barker Road funded by the Transportation Improvement Board. • Pines Road (SR 27) /Mansfield Avenue Intersection. Construct a concrete intersection in lieu of an asphalt intersection to support tuming bus traffic: This project will be combined with the street improvement project for PinesfMansfield funded by a federal CMAQ grant and a grant from the Transportation Improvement Board. • Dishman-Mica Road from Appleway 8oulevard to Sprague Avenue. Construct a concrete lane in lieu of an asphalt lane to accommodate the heavier loading from transit buses. These projects are includetl in the 2005 Amended TIP (Res. #05-006) and the approved 2006-2011 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan (Res. #05-009). Spokane 7ransit Authority requests that a Cooperative Funding Interlacal Agreement be signed for each project_ The agreements outline the terrns of receiving these grants funds from Spokane Transit Authority. OPTIONS: 1) Authorize the City Manager to execute the Ceoperative Funding Interlocal Agreements with Spokane Transit Authority for the above listed projects, or 2) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to Authorize the City Manager to execute the Cooperative Funding Interlocal Agreements with Spokane Transit Authority. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City's share of the proposed projects is budgeted within the 2005 Street Capital Projects Fund which has the resources to accommodate the praposed project list. STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley, Senior Engineer; Neil Kersten, Public Works Director . ~ ATTACHMENTS: 1) Cooperative Funding Interlocal Agreements Page i orz Cooperative Funding Intcrlocal Agreement 1) Agency: _ Citv of Spokane Valley _ 2) Contact Persan: _ Steve Worlev Senior Enqineer Capital Proiects 3) Telephone: 509 - 921 - 1000 4) Fax: 509 - 921-1008 5) Address: 11707 E. Spraque Avenue #106 Saokane Valley WA 99206 G) Project llescription: Mission Avenue Sidewalk Project 7) Project Costs: PE: $19,700 Rw: $ 25,000 CE: $ 0 Construction $ 372,600 Total Cust: $417,300 Project 17evenues by Source: _ STA Cooperative Grant $360,964 Spokane Vallev $ 56,336 TOTAL REVFVUE: $417,300 Page 2 of 2 9) Yroject Construction Year: 2006 , lU) Fund Demand: . A.nticipated date(s) of reimbursement: Request: _ July 30, 2006 Amount: $ 17.040 September 30, 2006 $ 21,625 November 30, 2006 $322,299 S`1`A will pay after the work has been ccympleted and certifed by the respective agency's engineer. Billing should be limited to a single reimbursement requcst or $360,964 (lotal award) or may be requested for c:ompletion AFeach phase. , This agreement is entcred intn t.his 22"d day of June, 2005 between SPokane °l`ransit (STA) and Spokane Valley in an amount nnt to exceed 360 964 or 86.5 perceilt of the project total, whichever is less. Spokane Vallev agrees to follow all local, state and federal requirements for the projecl and certify same to SI"A upon project closeout. All projects are subject to prior S`I'A apProval of final design and location. By: By; . - ' - Nfunc: Susan Mcyer, Chief L';xccutive Officer Agency: Datc: It;s: llate: . . \ ; i P;,gr i orz Coopcrative Funding Intcrlocal Agrecment 1) Agency: _ Citv of Spokane Valley . 2) Contact 1'erson: Steve Worlev Senior Enaineer Capital Projects 3) Telephone: 509 - 921 - 1000 4) Fax: 509 - 921-1008 - 5) Address: 11707 E. Spraque Avenue #106 Spokarie Valley WA 99206 6) PrUject llescriptian: Construct a concrete intersection at Barker Road and Mission Avenue. 7) Yro,jec.t Cvsts: PE: $ 18,300 RVV: $ CE: $ p Construction _ $ 228,360 Total Cost: _ $246,660_ 8) Yroject .Revenues by Source: STA Cooperative Grant $117,000 Spokane Vallev $ 129,660 '1'OTAL REVENiJF: $246,660 Page 2 of 2 , 9) Project Construction Ycar: 2006 10) rund Demand: Anticipated datc(s) of reimbursement: Request: JuIV 30, 2006 Amount: $ 8,700 November 30. 2006 $108,300 S"1"A will pay after the work has been completed and certified by the respective agency's engineer. Billing shoulcl be limited to a single reimbursement request or $117,000 (total award) or may be requested for completion of each phase. Ttus ageement is entered into this 22nd day af June, 2005 between Spcakane Transit (STA) and Spokane Valley in an amount not ta exceed 117 000 or 47.4 pereenl af the Project total, whichever is lcss. Spokane Valley agrees to follow all local, state and federal requirements for the project and certify same to STA upon project closeout. All projects are subject to prior S'['A approval of iinal design and location. By: By: Name: Susan Meyer, Chief L•'xecutive Officer tAgency: Taate: Its: Date: , ~ I'age I of 2 . Cooperative Funding Interlncal Agreement 1.) Agency: City of Spokane Valley 2) Contact Person: Steve Worlev. Senior Engineer, CIP 3) Telepliooe: 509 - 921 - 1000 4) Fax: 509 - 921 - 1008 5) Address: 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, #106 Sqokane Valley, WA 99206 6) Prvject DeScription: Reconstruct the intersection at Pines Road and Mansfield Avenue with concrete pavement to allow for turning transit buses. 7) Project Costs: rr: $74,000 RW: $ CE: $ 0 Const•ruction $ 493,000 Total Cost: $567,000 8) Projcct Revenucs by Source: STA Cooqerative Grant $537,000 Spokane Vallev $ 30,000 TQ"I'AL REV~ENUE: $567,000 Nagc 2 of 2 9) Project Construction Year: 2006 • lU) Fund i)cmand: Anticipated datc(s) of reimbursemcnt: Request: July 30, 2006 Amount: $ 70,000 September 30, 2006 $467,000 STA will pay aRer the work has heen completed and certified by the respective agency's engineer. F3illing shhuld be limited to a single reimbursement request or $537,000 (total award) or may be requesteci for coinpletion af'each phase. This agreemenl is entered into this ZZnd day of June, 2005 between Spokane °I'ransit (STA) and Spokane ValleY in an amount not to exceed 537 000 or 94.7 percent of lhe project total, whichever is lcss. Spokane ValleV agrees to follow all local, state and federal reyuirements for the project anci certi.fy same to STA upon project closeout. All projects are subject to prior STA approval af fnal ciesign anci lncation. By: By; . Name: ' Susan Meyer, Chicf Executive Officcr . ' Agency: Daie: Tts: Qate: ~ % Negc I of 2 Cooperative Funding Interlacal Agreement 1) Agency: Citv of Spokane Vallev , 2) Contact Yerson: Steve Worlev Senior Engineer Capital Proiects 3) 1'elephone: 509 - 921 - 1000 . 4) Fax: 509 - 921-1008 5) AddreSS: 11707 E. Spraque Avenue #106 - _ Sqokane Vallev WA 99206 6) Projcct Description: Dishman Mica Road Concrete Lane (Applewav to Spraaue) 7) Project Costs: PE: $ 13,000 RVV: $ ~ CE: $ p . . Construction $ 164,000 Tutal Cost: $177.0 QO 8) Project Revenucs by Source: _ STA Cooperative Grant ~ 81,300 Spokane Vallev 95.700 TOTAI, REVENUE: 177~000 . pege z or a ~ 9) Yroject Construction Y4xr: 2005 - 10) Fund Demand: . Anticipated date(s) of reimbursement: Request: July 30, 2005 Amount: $ 6,000 September 30, 2005 $ 75,300 STA will pay aft-er the work has been completed and cerkified by the respeclive agency's engineer. ,13illing should be limited to A suigle reimbursement request or $81,300 (total award) or may be requcsted for completion of each phasc. This agreement is entered into this 22"d day of June, 2005 beriween Spokane Transit (STA) and Spokane Valley in an amounl not to exceed 81 300 or 45.9 perccnt of the projecl latal, whichever is less. Spokane Valley agrees to follow all local, s4ite and federal requirements for the project anci certify same to S 1 A upon project closeout. All projects are subjcct to prior STA approval of final design and location. By: By: Name: Susan Mcycr, Chicf Erecutive Officer Agency: Date; . Its: T)ate: L ~ . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 12, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ vonsent 0 old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information - ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Award of Montgomery Avenue Overiay Project GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUPICIL ACTION TAKEN: 1) The 2005 CDBG Grant Applications were previously approved by Council at the October 19, 2004 study session. 2) The above project was also included in the 2005-2010 Amended TIP approved on April 26, 2005. 3) Informational memo presented to Council at June 28, 2005 meeting. BACKGROUND: In accordance with the approved TIP, staff issued Bid No. 05-004 for the Montgomery Avenue Rehabilitation Project from University to Westbound I-90 On-Ramp. This project includes grinding and replacing the asphalt surface, and other associated work. 8ids C_~ were opened on July 1, 2005. - " ( The Engineees Estimate raRge was $463,582.50. The lowest responsive bidder, Shamrock Paving Co, submitted a bid of $417,817.65. OPTIONS: - 1) Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract to the lowest responsive bidder 2) Provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: The Public Worlcs Department recommends the Council authorize 1) the award of this contract to the lowest responsive bidder, and 2) the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the contractor. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The CDBG funding for construction of this project is $439,850 (90°!0 of total budget). City participation is $46,800 (10% of total budget), which consists of staff salaries and benefits. Total budget is $486,650. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects ATTACHMENTS: Bid tabulation - Montgomery Avenue Rehabilitation Project. ; , BID TABULATION - Montqomerv Avenue Rehabilitation Proiect Proiect SPON&Me PROJECT NO. 05-004 ~~wjley BID OPENING DATE Julv 1. 2005. 11:00 A.M. BlDDERS Engineata Eatimate Shamrack Paving Go. Inland Asphatt Co. POE Asphalt Paving, Inc. Spokane Rosk Products faoQ,ooo m ssao,oao ALL REQUIRED SUBMITTALS Ves Yes Yea Yos Item 0 Deaari on Unft Qty PNce Total Unft Price - Total Unit Prlce Total Unit Phce ToffiI Unit Prico Total 1 Mabilizatian LS 1 530.00U.00 $ 30,000.00 S 9,450.00 5 9 450.110 S 40.00O.00 S 40,000.00 5 17 872.84 $ 17,872.84 $ 29,837,68 S 29,837.69 2 Clearln & Grubbin LS 1 $2,500.00 $ 2.500.00 $ 2 OOO.OQ 8 2 000.60 S 2,586.00 5 2,586.00 5 3,565.00 $ 3,565.00 S 1,030.00 $ 1,030.00 3 Removlrs Palnf Lfne LF 1650 $0.50 S 825.00 $ 0.75 $ 11237.50 S 0.60 $ 1,320.00 S 0.86 $ 1,419.00 S 0.82 $ 1,023.00 4 Rsmovin Painted Traffic Markin E4 S 5100.00 S 1913,00 25_00 $ 25.00 $ 26.00 $ 28.60 $ 28.75 $ 28.75 S 338.90 $ 339.90 5 Roadwa Exrr• vation incl. Heul CY 1875 515.00 S 25 125.00 $ 15.50 $ 25 962.50 $ 21.35 $ 35 761.25 $ 36.03 5 HO 350.25 $ 9.79 $ 16,399.25 8 Ad ust Valve Box EA 12 $225.00 $ 2.700.00 S 325.00 $ 3,904.00 $ 450.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 517.59 S 8 210.a0 $ 463.50 5 5,562.06 7 Ad ust Manhole EA 4 $375.00 1,500.00 S 450.00 S 1,800.00 $ 700.00 5 2,800.00 $ 747.59 8 2,990.00 $ 669.50 S 2.678.00 8 Ad usf Catch Basin EA 12 $375.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 450.DU S 5,400.00 $ 70U.00 S 8,400.00 S 747.51) $ 8,970.00 $ 669.50 $ 8,034.00 9 8a0ast CY 651 $35.00 $ 22,785.00 $ 30.35 8 18.757.95 5 35.06 S 22 785.00 5 32.04 $ 20 858.04 $ 33_99 $ 22,127.49 10 Cntshed Surtacln Base Course CY 550 $24.D0 S 13,240.00 $ 30.35 $ 16 692.50 S 31.50 $ 17,325.00 S 27.04 $ 14,872.00 S 36.05 $ 19,827.50 11 Crushed Surfacin To Course CY 550 $26.00 5 14,300.00 $ 30.35 $ 16,692.50 5 31.50 $ 57,325.01) $ 27.04 $ 14 872A0 3 41.20 $ 22 660.00 Gushe6 Surfacing Top C9urse - . 12 for Shoulders CY 115 $26.00 $ 2,990.01) S 30.35 $ 3 480.25 $ 35.00 S 4,025.00 $ 43.42 S 4,993,30 $ 54.89 S 8,323.85 13 Plan3n Bttuminous Pavemeni SY 20 457 52.75 $ 58 256J5 5 2.15 S 43 862.55 $ 1.50 5 3,0,885.50 $ 2.24 $ 45,823.68 $ 1.43 S 29.253.51. 14 Construdion Geotextle SY 1,955 $3.00 $ 5.865.00, $ 1.61) S 3,128.00 S 2.70 S 5,278.50 S 1.11 $ 2,170.05 $ 1.84 $ 3,597.20 15 HMA CL. A PG 64-28 0.33 Ft SY 21,500 $10.0 S 215 000.00 $ 9.47 3 203 605.60 S 9.00 S 193,500.00 S 8.62 $ 185 330.00 S 11.01 $ 236,715.00 16 Su rade Pre araUon SY 21,500 S7.01) S 21.500.00 $ 0.80 $ 17,200.00 S 0.85 $ 18,275.00 $ 0.78 $ 16 985A0 S 1.01 $ 21 715.Od 17 Pavemen? Saw Cuttin LF 420 $1.00 S 420.00 S 0.75 $ 315.00 $ 1.35 $ 567.00 $ 1.15 S 483.00 S 2.06 $ 665.20 18 Plastic Une LF 18135 S4.85 $ 15,414.75 S 4.80 $ 14,549.00 $ 0.85 $ 15,414.75 $ 0.92 S 16,664.20 $ 6.75 S 13,601.25 - 19 Plastio Wrde Llne l.F 3D0 S2.90 $ 600.00 S 1.75 S 525,00 1.80 $ 540.00 $ 2.01 $ 603.00 $ 2.04 S 612.00 20 Plast[c TraRic Arrow EA 20 $70.00 1,400.00 $ 65.41) S 1 300,00 $ 78.00 S 1,400.00 3 74.75 $ 1,495.00 $ 73.35 $ 1,467.00 21 Piasflc Sto Wie LF 100 $6.59 $ 660.00 $ 7.00 $ 700.00 S 7.25 5 725.00 S 8.05 $ 805.00 $ 7.70 $ 770.00 22 Plasilc Raltroad Crossin 5 ba! EA 2 5300.0 S 600.00 $ 50.00 $ 100A0 S 55A1) $ 110.00 S 57.50 $ 115.00 S 747.78 $ 1,495.56 23 Tem ora Pavemerst Mark9n LF 5,000 0.25 S 1.250.00 $ 0.15 $ 750A0 5 0.18 $ 660.01) 8 0.57 $ BSOAO S 0.15 $ 750.00 24 Pro ed Tem ara Traffic Control LS 1 $3,500.00 S 3,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 5 2 600.00 $ 2,600.00 $ 2,875.00 S 2.875.00 S 6.695.00 S 6,695AU . 25 Canstruction Si ns Class A SF 60 $10.00 S fiUO.OD 5 12.00 $ 720.00 $ 12.50 $ 750.00 13.80 S 628.00 $ 12.36 5 741.60 28 Othflr TrgHic Gonttol Labor HR 400 $40.00 $ 16,000.00 3 42.50 5 17 Oo-Q.00 $ 40.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 44.28 S 17 712.00 $ 39.66 S 15 864,00 27 MfnorChan e CnLC 1 51.00 $ 1.01) $ 1.00 S 1.00 $ 1,00 S 1.00 $ 1.01) $ 1.00 $ 1.0D $ 1.00 28 Tem ore Use ot Railroad tS 1 S2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 4,700.00 S 4.700.00 $ 5,000.60 5 51000.00 S 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 S 6,440.00 $ 5,440.00 29 SPCC Plan LS 1 51,500.0 $ 1 5a0.00 $ 375.00 $ 375.00 S' 600A1) $ 600.00 S 575.00 . 575.00 S 575.00 $ 575.00 AL 5,582.6U 4, 06.00 S 45 ,636.11 477,000.00 SL~ a~-c r o c k PA. v)'4 ,'s ~-h e~o w e s t ~~o ~ Y~$~OnS/ve- bi'dol er 0 7, y ~ 36488 Slo,vAL ~ ' EXPIRES:OCT.21,~~ _,'o CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for City Council Action Meeting DaLe: July 12, 2005 City Manager Sign-off item: Check all tttat appty: ❑ consent ~ oid business ❑ new business ❑ public heanng ❑ information ❑ admin report ❑ pending legisiation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Secand Reading. Considerabi~on of an ordinance vacating an unimproved remainder oF Knox Avenue (SN 02-05) conveyed as right-of-way deeds and recorded under Auditor's Fife Nos. 75154170236 and 7504170237. PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: City Council adopted Resolution Na. 05-004 on Aprii 12, 2005, setting April 28, 2005, for a public hearing. The ordinance was advanoed to a secand reading on June 28, 2005 BACKGROUND: , I• ~.:r"h 1, - + . ~ ~t • • - CS ► ~•Y..~ I .;,~b~ > , : r r- YI. . .1 ' ` . : ~ P ~ ~ , : ~ , ~ , . ~ t • • _ 1 ~ ' ~ 1 1 ~ ~ } ~ • c ! • r °LM ~ ~i'* ~ - ; 3 • • . Q t' ~ , ~ ' ti"•'''r ~.~s---- ~ ti _ • rp * • _ a 6t, • , Applicant Fort Knox Investors, LLC, represeMed by Jeff Johnson, Tomfinson Black, West 601 Main Avenue, SuiEe 400, Spokane , WA 99201, the owner ot Parcels No. 45803.0280, 45083.0503 and 45083.0504 and Kennetfi Scholz, 2119 N. Lacust Road, Spokane Vailey, 99206, request the vacation of an unimproved remainder of Knox Avenue. STV U2 p5 Ju1y 12. 2005 The Planning Commission made the foilowing flndings as part of their recommendation to City CounciL A. Whethef a change of use or vacatian of the street or alley will better serve the public; B. Whether the street or ailey is no longer required for public use or public access; C Whether the substitution af a new and differerit public way would be more useful to the public; D Whether conditions may change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; and E, Whether objections to the proposed vacation are made by owners of private property (exclusive of petitioners) abutting the street or al{ey or other gavemmentel agenaes or members of the general public. The corifiguration of the easement would indicate that partial vacation of the nght-of-way was approved, probably as part of a subdivision or binding site plan adion for adjacent propenies. The property is accessed through easements across the T~dyman's property located to the west. A sanitary sewer line owned by Spokane County Utilities is located along the northem part of the property. A thirty-foot easement will be reserved for Spokane County Utilities_ Other easemeMs may als( be required for exlsting or future utilities including Modem Eledric, Avista, Comcast, and Owest The request has also been submitted to Spokane County Fire District No. 1. The Apnl 28, 2005 public hearing was continued untii AAay 12, 2005, with the Planning Commission voting unanimously to approve the findings of fad and to recommend apprwal of the vacation in accordance with those findings. OPT10N: Approve, approve with conditions, or deny. RECOMMENDATION: Approval subtect to filing a recoM of survey which includes reservation of all utility easernents, execution by the City of a Quit Claim cieed to entilled property owners, and placemertt of monuments in accordance with the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Diredor ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report, Findings of the Planning Commission Draft Ordinance . S 61 an e STAFF REPORT ,;0111110-Valley PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF KNOX AVENUE Prepared by: Marina Sukup, AICP, Director, Department of Community Development _ Date: April 15, 2005 Findings: 1. Abutting Properties. The ►ight-of-way proposed for vacation is locatetf east of Argonne and west of Locust Street. There is no record of vacation of any portion of Knox Avenue by Spokane County in this area. Existing development to the north includes multi-family properties owned by Cedar Ocean View Partners, LLC (Assessor Parcel No. 45083.0231) and Ferris Viev+r Properties/Gough Trust (Assessor Parcel No. 45083.0241). Tidyman's owns property abutting the proposed vacation to the west (Assessor Parcel No. 45083.0256). The improved portion of Knox Avenue ends at the Tidyman's property line. The property is does not abut a body of water. 2. Utilities. A thirty-foot easement will be reserved for Spokane County Utilities. Other easements may a{so be required for existing or future utilities including RFlodem Electric, Avista, Comcast, and Qwest. The location of these easements is a requirement of the record of survey. 3. Access. The properties of the petitioners Ft. Knox Investors, LLC have access tfirough recorded access easements through the Tidyman's property to the west. Petitioner Kenneth Scholz has frontage on Locust Street. A gate installed by Spokane County Utilities restrycts access from Locust Street. ~ 4. Zoning. Zoning for the property and abutting tracts is B-2 Community Commercial. 5. Transporta4ion. Existing development precludes the possibility of extending Knox Avenue to the east. 6. Cond'rtion. The property is unimproved except for util'rty installations. The size, access and condition of the property preclude use by the City. The property has not been maintained. 7. Assignment of Vacated portions of right-of-way. Absent objections from abutting properties owners, right-of-way should be assigned to the petitioners, inasmuch as it appears that any portion of the right-of-way to which they would lay claim has been transferred to them by land use action. Abutting property owners have received notice of the proposed vacation. • Conclusions. 1. The vacation of the streeUalley will pennit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 2. Knox Avenue is no longer required for public use or public access; 3. The substitution of a new and different public way is nedher necessary nor feasible. 4. Given the present age and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presentfy exists; and 5. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation. FBPlDIFdGS AND RECOAANIEMDATIOtdS OF THE SPOOCANE lOALLEY PLAPlfVING CONiMISSiON May 12, 2005 Findings. 1. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on Apnl 28, 2005, to receive testimony conceming the vacation of a portion of Knox Avenue west of Locust Street and east of Argonne. The date of the hearing was set by City Council on April 12, 2005 by Spokane Valley Resolution No. 05-004. Notice of the hearing was published on April 15, 2005 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing. The hearing was continued until PNay 12, 2005 at the request of the applicant. 2. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Va11ey Community Development Department in detail. 3. The vacation of the streetlalley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and pennit appropriate levels of maintenance. 4. Knox Avenue is no longer required for public use or public access; 5. The substitution of a new and different public way is neither necessary nor feasible. : 6. Given the present age and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; and 7. iVo objections have been received to the proposed vacation by abutting property owners. Conclusions. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends to the City Council that that portion of Knox Avenue located west of Locust Street be vacated to the petitioners subject to: a) a record of survey prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description and specrfying if applicable any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services. the record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and should be filed upon completion wrth the Spokane County Auditot. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a mylar copy of the recorded survey and the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation; and b) Placement of at least two monuments on the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with one located at the intersection of the centedine of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane Cvunty Standarrls for Road and Sewer Consfruction. c) Payment of all direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to pnvate ownership including but not limited to title company cliarges, copying fees, and recording fees. ~ J Approved this 12t" day of Nlay, 2005 David Crosby, Chairman TT T v D na Griffith, Secretary ~ ~ 1)RA FT CITY OF SPnKANE VALLEY _ SPOKANE COUN I`Y, WASHINGTON ORDiNANCE NO.OS-02U AN ()ltl)IIYANCI: nF THEE CTTY ON, Sl'OlCA.1VE VALLFY, SPOKANF COUN'1'Y, WASEIINCTON, PROVIDING FOR 1"HE VACATI(;)N nT' A PORTION OF KNOX AVENUE WEST OF LOCUST STREFT A.ND PROVIDING FOR OTHFR MATTFRS PROPERLY RELATING THE1tE'f0. VVFIEREAS, the City Council by Resolution 05-004 initiatecl vacation proceedings for a portion of Knox Avenue we,st of I.,oeust Street by providing that a hearing on the proposal would be held bcfore the Planning Commission on the 28th day of April, 2005; itnd W}-IrR.FAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 20, 2005 nn the proposed vacation; atid \'VHEftEAS, following a hearing, the Planning Commission Found that found the notice and hearing requirements of'fitle 10 Article IX Section 10.09.04J 0 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code have been met, and further found: diat 1. '1'he vacatinn of the streetlalley will permit full development of the pmperty for beneticial uses and permit apprapriate levels of maintenanee. 2. Knox Aveniie is no Ionger requirecl for public use or public acecss; 3. `I'he substitution of a new and different public way is neither necessary nor feasible. 4. Given the present age and condition of adjacent devclopment, it is unlikely that conditions will change in the Puture to provide a greater use or need than presently cx.ists; S. Abutting properly owners have acquired title to a portion of the origirial riglit-of-way of Knox Avenue by separate land usc actions; ancl Wi-IEREAS, the Planning Commissiori finding.s ancl/or minutes have been filed with the City Clerk a,s part of the public record suppnrting the vacation; 1'VHEIZEAS, fifty percent of the property owners abutting the property to be vacated did not file a written objcction to the proposed vacation with the City Clerk; WHEFtEAS, through ordinance the City shall provide t#iat the vacaled praperty be transPerred to the abutiinb property owners, one-half to ench, unless circurnstanccs require a different divisian aC property, that the zoniiig distriet designation uf the propcrties acijoining each side of the street shall lttach to the vacated propcrty; that a record of survey shall be submitted to the Director of Community Uevelopinent a.nd thal all direct and indirect costs of title transfer to the vacated slreel be paid by the proponent.or recipient of the transferrcd praperty; WH.EREAS, the C'tty Council pursuant to RCW Chapter 35.79 and Title 10 Article 1X Section of the Spokanc Vallcy Municipal Code desires tn vacate die above street as set forth herein. NOW, 'fH.E-Rrf'URE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section l. Finclinss of Fact. The City Cauncil makes the following findings of fact: (1) the ' City Departmcnt of Public Works has reviewed the right-of-way to be vacatcd and determined that the pmperty adjaccnt to the vacated property is otherwise served by public or private access; (2) a public ' hearing on the proposed vacation has been held in accordance with $tate Law and City Ordinanec before 1he Planning Commission with the recard of such hearing and procet;dings loclged with the City Clerk; (3) a written protest has not been filed with the City Clerlc by at least fifty pcrcent of tFic abutting property owners; and (4) vacation of the street or alley serves the public interest. Ordinvice 05-020 Knox Ave Slreet Vac;suion Page I of 3 nRA F'1' • , Section 2. 1'raperty to bc Vacated. Based upon the above finclings and in accordance with this ordinanc;e, the City Council does hereby vaGate the strect or alley described on the attached Fxhibit ~ "A" which is incorp4rated herein by ref'erencc. Seetion 3. 7oning. The "Loning desigmation for the vacated property shall be the desigmatidn attached to the adjoining propertics as set forth within the respective property or Iot liries. The Director of Community Developrnent is authorized to make this notation on the official 7oning map of the City. Section 4. Cnnditinns of Vacation. T}ie following conditions shall be fiilly satisfiecl nrior to the transfer of tiNe by the City, a) A record of survey prepared by a registercd surveyor in the State of 1Vashington and including an exact metes and bounds Icgal description and specifying if dpplicable any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and hiturc utilities ancl services. the recard of survey shall contain the profe,ssional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and should be filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auclitor. The surveyor shall prnvide the City of Spokane Valley with a mylar copy of the recorded survey ancl the Auditor's Taocument Number and date nf recordatian; and b) Plaeement of at least two monuments on the centerline of the vacateci right-of-way wit}i . one located at the intersection aC the centerline ofi the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane CuurttyStandards for Road aiid Sewer Conslruction; ancl c) Payment of all direct and indirec;t costs of titlc transfer of the vacated street or aIley from public to private ownership incluciing hul not limited to title cnmpany charges, cepying fees, and reeording f'ccs; and ' Section S. Closin . Following satisfaction of the above c;onditions, the City Clerk shall recorci a certitied copy of this Ordinance in the offic;e of the County Auditor and the City Manager is authorized to execute all necessary docutncnts, including a Quit Claim Deed, in order to camplete the trinsfer of the pmperty idcntified herein. Scction 6. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Orclinance shall be held to bc inv3licl or unconstitutional by a court of competcnt jurisdiction, such invalidity or ~ unconstitutinnality shall nnt affect the validiCy or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Secdon 7. Effective L7ate. 'fhis Ordinanee shall be in full foece and effect five (5) days after publicalion oF this Qrdinance oe a summary thereof in the official ncwspapcr of the City of Spokane . Valley as prnvicled by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of July, 2005. ATTTST: Mayor, Diarta Wilhite Cily Clcrk, Christinc Bainbridge Appruved As Tc► Furm: Deputy City Attorney, Cary P. Driskell Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 05-020 Knox Ave Street Vacation Page 2 of 3 Dkwrr F.:hibit •'A" Nrnlwrh, Description ,.i' It : 'w/'!R • w ~ \ y ~ ~ T~' 1 1Caut : - y' ~ { ~ ~ ♦ r i .~r ~ ~i ~ ' rr~ 1 , ~ ~1 ' ~ , ~ - * , • r_ -r ~ ~ ' , ~r _ . . ~ y y . S< , ' . . . . ~ • ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ - . ~ - , ~ _ ♦ • • . ~ • ' 4~'~ lhdinnncc 05-020 Knolt A-.c tittcet Vur<uiun f'age I ti( 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meetlng Daea: July 12, 2005 Cfty Mansger Sign-off: Ibem: Check all that app#y: ❑ oonsent ❑ old buslness E new busmess ❑ pubiic heanng ❑ infarmation ❑ admin report ❑ pendir►g tegislati~on AGENDA ITEM T1TLE: Second Reading - An ordinance vacating a portion of Shannon Avenue east of Houk Street abutting Assessor Parcels Nos. 45103.0205, 45103.0206 and 45103.0208 and the Union Paafic Railroad right-oF-way (SN 03-05). PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council adopted Resolution No. 05-007 on of May 10, 2005 setting the date for a public hearing on May 26, 2405. The Ptanning Commission tabled the item and continued to Public Hearing to June 9, 2005. The ordinance was advanced to a seoond reading on June 28, 2005. BACKGROUND: mi ~ ' =r~v'k . . : , . . . , , : t._ _ . ew. • : ~ i•. . . r 1~~ ~ , R • , ti , • r • ' , , • 1 ts ~•1 ~ •s ~ ' - . ~~•~.4. :~lj.~.5~,i':• ri, _ • t J f iy" • , ' " ~ ~ 1. ~ ► ~ ~ ~~•~p ' . ~ - 'i • ~~~y1N~'.~i L , ; ~J~,': . *r . L ~ . 1 ~ . , ' , 1 ' ~f'••~i..~ •f u~~ ) ~ ti~; ' ` ~l ~.j'`~ •t+%Y'~: Li ~ . ' .wt i F , t! 't3'F~ ~'~i / t . 1 -r; '`4.~~1 - ~'.h`._~,~_ } ,i-+ ~ M r ~ ~ . • I - . ' - , w~ ~'~'.~~f~ - ' ~J- w~s~~:K~'~~~frr'.wI j• Y7~ ' ;.jr . . ~ . a As y~ ~s'~~~ 1~.~1ri~. • .r.~ ~~r.~~' ' L ~ r.~L.. • ~ , + ~ y~~~ - • ' ~ ir+t ~1Yi.t~~.~Zy ~ ~ 4'. - - ~ ' • -~.I~~ " ~ ~ -~~'i: - ~~~.,d~. - ~ ~ ~ , ,A':~ • • • { ` J . • . ~ '1 . ~ L i ~ ~ ' ~ r• ~ ~ , ~ . ~ I _ - ~i~~ ` ti ~ 1 i • ~ ..i ♦ 6 . t~ Appllcant Bill Lawaon, 202 E. Trent Avenue, #400, Spokane, Washington, 99202 the owner ot Assessor Parcels Nos. 45103.0205, 45103.0206 and 45103.0208 requests the vacation of a portion of Shannon Avenue east of Houk Sheet. Proponent proposes to develop a mutti-family complex on the property, vacating a portion of the Shannon Avenus right-of-way, dedicating additional right-at-way for a cul-de-sac, and retaining the existing 30 foot right-of-way as a utility and limited access easement for the Hamifton property to the east. Avista, Qwest, Spokane County Utilities and Consolidated Irrigatian District preseMfy have facilities witttin the right-of-way. The Planning Commission made findings on the following as part of their recommendation to City Council~ A. WheZfier a change of use or vacation of the sUeet or alley will better serve the public; B. Whether the street or alfey is no longer required for public use or public access; tiLSV-F511pub1ocCannwnay DevelopmeMlRCA0arming CorrxrirsslaiLStroal vacaWns120051052605 Stv 03-05 Shennon doc C Whether the substituti~on of a new attd different public way wouid be mane useful to the public; D. Whether conditions may change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presendy exists; and E. Whether objections to the proposed vacation are made by owners of private property (exclusive of petitioners) abutting the sVeet or alley or other govemmental agencies or members of the general public. Mansfield Road will be extended in the future from Mirabeau Parkway to Pines Road. The appliqnt proposes to dedicate additional right-of-way for a cul-de-sac to serve the devetopment. Planning Cammission made findings and recommended vacafion of tfie right-of-way fol6owing the public hearing on June 5, 2005, by a vote of 6-1. OPT10NS: Recommend approval, approve with condiNoRS, or necommend denial. RECOMMENDATION: Approval ai findjngs and a recommendation for approval of the proposed vacation subject to dedication of sufficient public rigM-of-way to construct a cuE-de-sac to senre proponent's development, filing a record of survey which indudes resenration of all utility easert►ents, execution by the City of a(]uit Claim deed to entitted property owners, and placement of monumerrts in accordance witfi the Spokane County Startdards for Road and Sewer Construction. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Staff report Pianning Comr, ttiSV-FS11pubI1tlCommunlty OevebpmentlFtf'.A1Plannuny CommissionLStreel vacatbrts120051U52605 9N 03-05 Shannon doc REPORT *61dtne STAFF PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF SHANNON ~ ~ T~~~~~ AVENUE EAST OF HOUK STREET ~ Prepared by: Marina Sukup, AICP, Director, Department of Community Development Date: April 26, 2005 Findings: 1. Abutting Properties. The right-of-way proposed for vacation is east of Houk Street. Applicant's property abuts the right-of-way on the north (Assessor Parcels Nos. 45103.0205, 45103.0206 and 45103.0208) and the Union Pacific Railway Company abuts the property on the south (no parcel number). The property is does not abut abody of water. 2. Utilities. Avista, Qwest, Spokane County Utilities and Consolidated Irrigation District presently have facilities within the right-of-way. Proponent will rEtain a utility and limited access easement within the area to be vacated. The specific location of easements is a requirement of the record of survey. 3. Access. The Hamilton property located to the east of applicanYs will have a limited easement within the area to be vacated to serve an existing residence. Additional development on both properties will take access from the extension of Mansfield to be , constructed at a later date. 4. Zoning. Zoning for the property and abutting tracts to the west is UR-22 High Density residential. The property to the east remains zoneti RR-10 Rural Residential. 5. Transportation. The proposed extension of Mansfield Road will provide improved access and circulation to these tracts and improve overall traffic mobility in the area. ' 6. Condition. The property is unimproved except for utility installations. The size, access and condition of the property precludes use by the City. 7. Assignment of Vacated portions of right-of-nray. Absent objections from abutting properties owners, right-of-way should be assigned to the petitioners, inasmuch research indicates that the area to be vacated was part of the parent tract. Abutting property owners have received notice of the proposed vacation. Conclusions. 1. The vacation of the street/alley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 2. Shannon Avenue east Houk Street is no longer required for general public use or public access; 3. The proposed extension of Mansfield Road substitutes a new and different public way which will provide enhanced access and mobility to both abutting properties and the general public. • 4. Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to provide for a cul-de-sac at the termination of Houk/Shannon; and 11SV-FS1\publi0Gommunity DevelopmerrtlRCAlPlanning CommissopnlStreet vacations120051052605 Stv 03-05 Shannon.doc 5. The vacated portion of Shannon Avenue shall be retained as a limited access and public utility easement. 6. The proposed extension of Mansfield Road will provide for the ultimate development of all properties, and it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists for the right-of-way proposed for vacation; and 7. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation. USV-FS11publlc%Communlry DevelopmantlRCAlPlannfng CommisslonlStreet vaca6Ons120055052605 Stv 03-03 Shannon.doc FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE - SPOKANE VALLEY PLAPJNING COMMISSION / June 9, 2005 Findings. , 1. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 26, 2005, to receive testimony concerning the vacation of a portion of Shannon Avenue east of Houk Street. The date of the hearing was set by City Council on May 10, 2005 by Spokane Valley Resolution No. 05-007. Notice of the hearing was published on May 13, 2005 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing. The hearing was continued until June 9, 2005. 2. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department in detail. 3. The vacation of the streeUalley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 4. Shannon Avenue east of Houk Street is no longer required for public use or public access. 5. Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to provide for a cul-de-sac at the termination of Houk/Shannon to senre applicanYs development. % 6. The vacated portion of Shannon Avenue shall be retained as a limited access and public utility easement. 7. The proposed extension of Mansfield Road substitutes a new and different public way which will provide enhanced access and mobility to both abutting properties and the general public; 8. The proposed extension of Mansfield Road will provide for the ultimate development of all properties, and it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists for the right-of-way proposed for vacation; and; and 9. No objections have been received to the proposed vacafion. Conclusions. , The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends to the City Council that that portion of Shannon Avenue located east of Houk Street be vacated to the petitioners subject to: a) a record of survey prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description and specifying if applicable any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services. The record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and should be filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a mylar copy of the recorded survey and the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation; and b) Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to provide for a cul-de-sac at the termination of Houk/Shannon; and 11SV-FS1lpub1ic\Community Development\RCA1,PIanning CommissionlStreet vacatEon5120051052605 Stv 03-05 Shannon.doc ' c) The vacated portion of Shannon Avenue shall be retained as a limited access and public utility easement. ~ d) Placement of at least two monuments on the centerline of the vacated nght-of-way with one located at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane County Sfandards for Road and Sewer Construction. e) Payment of all direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees. Approved this 9"day of June, 2005 ~ Oavid Crosby, Chairman ATTEST ~ T" Dea~r a Griffith, Secretary UkAFT ' CITY (.lF Sf U1CANE VA.LLEY Sl'OKANFa COUNTY, WASH:IN(GTON OitD1NANCF NO. 05-022 AN ORDINANCE OF 'CHE Cl'I"Y QF SPOKAiVE VALLEY, WASN[NGTON, PROVLDING FOR THE VACAT.iON OF APORTiON OF SHANNQN AVENOIE L.AST nF HOUK STRH,ET AND NORTH UF THE UNION PAC.TFIC RAILWAY RIGH'T-OF- WAY AND THE ACCEP'TANCE OF SUN"FICIENT RIGHT'-Ol~"-WAY TO CONSTRUCT A CUIrDE-SAC $UFFiCIENT TO SF.RVE PROI'ONENT'S DEVFI..OPMEN"C; }'RnVIDING FUR OTI1FR iN7A"I"'1`E12S PRnPFRLY RELATING TIIERETp. WI-IF:R.EAS, the City Council by Resolution 05-007 initiatccl vaeation proceedings far a portion of Shdnnon Avenue east of Houk Street abutting Assessor Parcels Nos. 45103.0205, 45103.0206 and 45103.0208 and the Union Pacitic Railroad right-of-way by providing that a hearing on the propnsal would be held befnre the Planning Commission oti the 26th day of May, 2005.; and WI-IEREAS, the Planning Commission helcl a public hearing on May 26, 2005, eontinued until June 9, 2005, on the proposed vacalion; and . Wl-iEKEAS, folloNving a hearing, the Planning Commission found that found the notice and hearing requirements of'I"itle 10 Articlc TX Seelinn ot the Spokane Valley Municipal Codc have been met, and turther found: that 1. - The vacation of the streeUalley will permit full development of the property for bcncficial uses; and - 2. Shannon Avenue is no longer reyuired for public usc or public access; ` _ . 3. The planned extension of Mansfield Avenue, a new and differenl public way, providcs a better substitute for the cirGUlation and access of the area at fiill clevelopment; and 4. Adjaeent dcvelopment and topograpMy make it unlikely tfiat ecmditions will change in the hiture to provide a greater use ar nccd than presently exists for Shannon Avenue; ,WHEREAS, the Ylanning Commission fndings and/or miiiutes have been fileti with the City Clerk as part of the public rE:cord supporting the vacation; I WHERCAS, fifty pcrcenl of the property owners abulting the property to be vacateci did nnt file a «Titten objection to the proposed vacation with the City Clerk; WFiEREAS, through ordinance the City shall provide lhat the vacated propeety be transferred to the abutting pmpcrty owners, one-half to each, unless cireumstances require a differe.nt division of property, that the: iening district designati4n of the properties adjoining each side of the slxeet shall attach to the vacated property; that a record of survey shall be submittecl to the Director of Community Uevelopmcnt and that all direct and indirect costs of tille transfer to the vaaatcd street be paid by the proponent or recipicnt of the Iransferred property; WH:EI21;AS,,the City Council pursuant to RCW Chapter 35.79 and "I'itle 10 A.rticle IX Section 10.09.04. 10 of the Spokane Vallcy Municipal Cade desires to vacate the abnve street as set forth herein. NOW, TE-IEREFORE, the City Council of the City of SpokAnc Valley, Spokane County, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Findinas of Fact The Cily Cauncil makes the following findings of fact: (1) the City Ueparttncnt of Public Warks has reviewed the right-of-way to be vacatcd and determined that the prnperty adjaccnt to the vacated property is atherwise served by public or private aceess; (2) a public Ordinance 05-022, Vacating Portion of Shannon and Union Pacific Ftlt RUW P;ge 1 ofA Dt2AFT hearing on the proposed vacation has been held in accorclitnee with State Law and City Ordinance before . the I'lanning Commission with the rec;ord of such hearitig and proceedings lodged with the City Clerk; (3) a written protest has not been ti(ed with the City Clerk by at le-a.st tifly percent of the abutting prnperty ~ owners; and (4) vacation of thc street or alley serves the public interest. Section 2. Properly to be Vacated. Based upon thE above findings and in accnrdance with this ordinance, thc City Council does hereby vacate the street or alley described on the attachecl rxhibit "A" which is incorporaCed herein by referonce. Section 3. 7..onina. 'I he 7on1 ing designation For the vacated praperty shall be t.he desigiiation attached tn the adjoining prnpertics as set forth wit.hin the respective properly or Int lines. The Director of Community Development is authorized to make this notation on the official zoning map of the City. Section 4. Conditions of Vacation. The following cnnditions shall be f'ully satisfied prior to the transfer of tide by the City. a) A record of survey prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of \Vashington and including an cxact metes and bouncls lcgal description and specifying if applicable any and all ea.sements for eonstruction, repair and maintenance of cxisting and fiilure utilities and services. `I`he record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and should be filecJ upon completion wilh the Spokane County Auclitnr. 7'he surveyor shall providc thc City of SpnkYrie Vallcy widi a mylar cony of dhe recorded survcy and dhe Auclitor's Docuinent lYumber and date of recordatinn; and b) Plaeement of at leitst Cwo rnonuments on the ecnterline of the vac;aled rigtit-of-way with one located at the intersec;tion of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-wt►y in accordance with [}ie standards established by the Spokane Cvunly Standards jnr koa(l an d Sewer Constructiun; and c) Uectication of sufficient public right-of-way by thc applicant for lhe ec>nstruction of a cul-de- sac at lhe terminus of Houk Strect at Shannnn Avenuc. Said right-af'-way dedication shall be approved by the Spokane VaIley nepartment of Public Works, shall be submitted in the form " of a deed and the dedication shall be identified in the recor(l ofsurvey; and d) Payment of all direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private awncrship including but not limited to title eornpany charges, eopying fees: and recording fms. Section 5. Closin~. FoIlowing satisfaction of the above ccmclitions, the City Clerk shal( record a certif-ied copy of this Ordinance in the officc; of lhe County Auditor and the City Ma.nager is aulhorized to execute all necessary dnciiments, including a Quit Clairn Deed, in order to complete the transfer oCthe propcrty identifiecl hercin. Section 6. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phriise ofthis Qrclinance shall be helcl to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of compi.tent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or p}2rase of this ordinance. Scctiun 7. Effective Data This Ordinance shall be in fult force and cffcct five (S) days a.Rer publication of this Ordinance or a summary tMereof in the oflici3l newspaper of lhe City of Spokane Valley as prnvidecl by law. Urdinance 05-022, VacNtiny Portion ot'Shannon ancl Union Pxeitic 12R ROW Nagc 2 ofA i DRAFT f'ASSFTa by the City Council this day of 2005. ATl'EST: Mayor, Diana Wilhitc City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge ApProved A9 To Fnrm: Deputy (;ity Attomey, Cary Uriskell Date of Publication: Effective Iaate: i ; nrciinnnce 45-022, VacatinK Poriion of Shannon and Union Pacific RR ROW Pagc 3 af 4 DR.AFT . cxhinit "A„ . Propcrty Description L' I r , ,~r•• - , r, 'f'~''y*J d ' e- , r ~ 1 3 r. r. . ~,l~~ ~ , ~4 i r9 ~ y ~ ~ ~ , ' ' ~ • . ~ ~ ~~1~' . ~~:k . ~ _ ~ kti~ . ~ L ' ~ ••:~~~'~~"~~`k' " ~ , • r , . i 1 ~ ~ . u'. t , ~ ~ ~ . ~ ' ~,.,,,~"~s'• F~ ~ _ ~1' }~•r,: ~ ~~i1• 4 'r'`1 ~i;L~_`-.. ~ ~ • '-7'jl~ ` C . ~ ~ . ~ + . $ z ~ ' ► p , ~ i►~ ~ "p 'n• s } . ~ ~ ~ _ • ` d~ Y' ~ ~ ~n~~ • t~~ • ++'"j ' r ` - F , . a ;;,:,•~~.Z. " ~ Lri' ~;~R~ ~ ~ s ~ .7i?I~ +'~L~ . ( + ~4 . • ~ ,~"ni~~~ !~~!!r ~ , 1 ! ~ 5 ~ ~~;'r ! . r. f j`4 :S ° ~ ~ ~ • b i~ ' (.Z~:~ • Y.. . . ~ I~I P• 1 Ng~~ ~ •r4e.~~~a~a ' Sn ! 3 _ ~ t ~ '~.11 ; , ~ • ' ~ . 3 rF1;.y _ ~ 4. • ~y ' ► ~ ~ r~:.,. rr'.f' ✓.•r'+`:;s - r^"/i ~ t . ~ sYT~"'t . *.~1 ti' ;~fylf~~~:'~6'llti~'C:+ ~~J`''~P - ' _ ~ v . . i - • S "I'Vc4110,"'~ ~ ~ - jar ~r:. ~L. ' ..v~ • • _ ~•..s. 1 - JGr • , J~ . _ ' :v ~ ~ - } ' ` ~,.~iF-y^~' ' - - ~q~~ !~^3V.~ ae6~ }~T~ . -Rs-7 ~ s y ~ ~ ~~~r ~rc~ ~ j. .~.~~@~5~lj~~L~ ~'.~„r .,y{(r,r~'^~ `t~ ' ~ A~t~~±~ _ 1 7°!r'„w~~@J 's..hT " ~.ry •c- a y'~•~, ~;~'j sr'7~~\'7~J1~ - 'I °~»I ~ ~~fa ~ ~ .i.~x- J ~~~.,lK~.. ~iilc:'..~.a~~.`h ,'l~~.s~l~~s.` , Orclinance 05-022, Vacating Portinn of'Shannon and Union PEicific RR EtUW Page 4 ofA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 12, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appfy: consent ~ otd business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Proposed Amendment to Spokane Valley Municipal Code Chapter 5.15.050 Special Events Permit-Application-Filing GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Presentation to City Council at June 7, 2005 Regular Session. Council directed staff to draft changes. BACKGROUND: The existing Special Events Regulations have been discussed regarding the potential negative impact on block parties and other community events such as National Night Out. Per Council consensus, staff has drafted a revised ordinance, reducing the application ' period from not less than 15 days before the date on which the event will occur to not less than 5 business days before the event. -Due to the shortened time period, Staff is also recommending that notification of the applicant by phone, email or fax be permitted. The current ordinance requires notification in writing. Council had also requested that the application fee be set at $5. This fee change does not require a change to the municipal code. Staff will prepare an amendment to the Fee Resolution setting the Special Event Application fee at $5. That amendment will come forward for Council consideration at a future meeting. OPTIONS: Approve Ordinance 05-023 as proposed or with revisions; do not approve Ordinance 05-023. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N9otion to advance Ordinance 05-023, amending Chapter 5.15.050 of the Spokane Valley Municipal code, to a second reading. BUOGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Currently the City is processing about 5 Special Events Permits per year (this does not include park permits). The.current administrative fee is $30 and it has been proposed at $5_ Financial impact is minimal. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson / Cal UValker ATTACHMENTS Draft Ordinance 05-023 1) ra ft . Cl'1'Y UF SYOKANE VALLEY ' SYOKANE COUN1'Y WASHINGTON ` QRDINANCE Nn. 05-023 AN ORDiNANCE UF THE CITY QF SFOKANF VALI,.EY, SPQKANF COUNTY, WASAINGTON, AMENllING Sl'OKANE VALLEY v1UN1Cll'AL CODE 5.15 1'ER'1'ACNINC. TO PERMTT APPi,ICATION FOR SPECIAL EVENTS. Wl-I.FR.I;AS, it is in the interests uf the Cily Uf Spokane Valley to allow wmmunity organizations and citizens to sponsor special events within the City; anc) WI-1EIZEAS, the City Cquncil previously adopted SVMC 5.15 thmugh adoption of Orciinance 64; WM.EIZEAS, the City Council finds it necessary, from lime to time, ko amenci its laws in the interest of the public's health, safety and welfare during special events. NOW TI-EREFOf2E, the Lity Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, ordains as follows: Section 1. Amendment. `I'itle 5, Chapter 15 of the City of Spokanc Vallcy Municipal Code is herc:by amended as follows: 5.15.010 Uefinitions. A. "ApplicanY" is /he persc)n, firm or eritily mHkin}; appliciieion for a permit. ~ Q. "Parade" means any march or procession consisting of people, fulimals, bicycles, vehicles, or combination thercof, cxcept wcddinS prueessions and funeral proc;essions, upon any public strcet or sidewalk which does not comply with adopted traffic regulations or controls. C. "Run" rncans an orgariized procession or rac;e consisting oP people; bieycles, or other vehieulttr deviees dr eambination therenf comprising fifteen (15) or more persons upon the public street or sidewalk. D. "1'ublic Yroperly" means a street or other public place (i.e. Park) undcr the control and authority of the City. E. "Spccial Cvetit" means any use, parade, run, street dance, ar other demonstration and exhibition on public property. F. "Stre.ct" ar "Streets" means any public roadway, sidewalk, or portions thereof in the City of Spokane Valley cleclieatEd to the public use. G. "Street Dancc" rncans any organiz.ed dancc of fve or more persons on any public slreet, public sidcwalk or publicly owned parking lot. H. "Use" means any activity (including sporting activities), function ar event where fifteen or morc peoplc are estimated to attend. 5.15A20 Permit - Required. No person shal) conduct a special event upon public property unless a permit has been obtained from the City Matiagcr or ciesignee. Permit-ApplieaYion-Fee. The fee for a spec;ial event shall be determined by Resolution. <7niinance Amending Regiilatiuns for Special Evenls ' Pagc I of 3 I)rAft 5.15.040. Pennit-Application-Contents. Applications for a special events pernlit shall state: (a) name and address of applicant; (b) date aiid time of event; (c) narne of sponsoring person or organization, (d) probablc ntimber of participants; (e) routes to include starting point and tennination; (f) required acc:ess to public right of way; (g) lctcation of assembly area; (h) copy oF gcncral liability insurance stating covcragc; (i) sccurity and traflic eontrol provisions; (j) emergency medical prnvisions; and (k) a clean up plan. . 5.15.050. Permit-Appj ication-Filing. An applic;atiun fur a spec.ial event permit shall be filcd witli tlic City Mana;er at lea5f five (51 not_iess r..fteo„ " biisiness days before the date on whic:h the event tvill occ:ur. `l'he City Manager shaU notify' the applieant +~~of approval or disapproval, - i b .p}ietitietl. 5.15.060. Boncf Required. The City Manager shall require a cash deposit or perfonnancc bnnd as a guarantee that the public property will be clcaned and returned to the conclition in which it was tound. The arnount shall not be less than $50.00 and no more than $1,000.00. `I'he City Manager shall cletermine the amount of bond or deposit by considering type of event, projected nurnber of part:iCipants and spectators, and the sponsor's experience. For an event where clean up or olher Fotential expenses would likely excccd $I,000.00, the City Vtanager shall refer the matter to the City Council for corisideratiott. 5.15.070. Insurance Required. The applicant shall show proof of liability insurance with a combined single lirnit of one million clollars ($1,000,000.00) per ozcurrence. Evidence of insurance shall bc filccl wit}i the applicaliun and shall name the City of Spokane Valley as additional narned insured. Uepending uFon the nature of the special event and its risk to t:hc purlic and priv3tc iridividuals, the City iV(ansger may reducc the liability lirni~s. 5.15.080. F'ennit-Is.suance Standards. T`he CiCy Manager may issue a special event permit . unlcss: (a) thc tiinc, route, and size will unretisonably disrupt the movement of tratlic along streeLs; (b) the size or nature of the event requires supervision by a significaiit nurnbcr of police officcrs tMat cau5es unreasonable expense or divcrsion of rolicc duties; (c) the applicant failed tn remit all fees, documents, oe bonds. 5.15.090. "I'raffic Conlrol. "1'he City Manager or designee may require any reaspnable xncl necessary traffic control with the applicant responsible for lhc expensc. T'Iic City Manager shall notify the applicar►t of any City projer;ted trafiie control expense and collect diis amount before a per►nit is issueci. ' 5.15.100. Appeal Proccdure. iJpon cfcnial of a permit by the City vJanager, an applicant may appcal to the Cily Council by filing a wrillen notice of the appeal within ten (10) days from the City Manager's decision. Upon such appeal, the C:ity Council may reverse, aftirm, or inodify e}lc Ci[y Manager's determination. 515.110. Permit Revocation or Suspension. The speeial event permit issued under this orclinance is temporary ancl vests no permanent rights in the spplicant, and may be immediatcly revoked or suspended by the City Manager if: (a) the applicant hAS made a misstatement of material fact in the infurmation suppliecf; (b) the applieant has failed tQ fulfill a term or condition of the permit in a timely manner; (c) die applicant rcqucsts the cancellation of the permit or cancels the event, (d) the activity endangers or threatens persons or property, or otherwise jcoparcii7cs the hcalth, safcty or welfare ef persons or propcrty; (e) the activity conducted is in violation of any of the terms or canditions of the special event permit; (f) an emergency or occurrcncc rcyuires the cancellalion or lerrnination of the event , in order to protcct the publie health or safety; or (g) the applicant fails to prepay expenses. The City shall refund the permit fee in the event of revacation caused by an emergency or supervening occurrenec. All other rofunds shall be aC the discretion of the City Manager. C)rdiriance Amending Regulat.inns for Spcx:ial I;vents 1'a{~,e 2 of 3 Draft • 5.15.120. Rules arid Pplicv. To implement the Special rvent pcrmit, the Cily Manager - may develop and adopt rules, policies and forrns ccansistent with this orclinance. All adopted rules, policies and forrns shall be filed with the City Clerk. 5.15.130. ViolatiorJl'enaltv. Violation of'Ihis orclinance is a Class I Civil infraction. Section 2. Severabilitv_. Ifi any secCion, subsection, sentence or clause of this chapter is for any reason held to be invalid, such decisinn shall not affect the validity ofthe remaining provisions of this chapter. Section 3. Effective date. This Ordinanr.e shall be in full force and effect five days aftcr publicalion of this- Ordinance or a summary thcrcof oc:curs in the offeial newspaper of the City as provided by law_ Passecl this day of , 2005. ATTFST: Diana \Vilhitq Mayor Christine Liainbridgc, City Clerk ~ Appruved As `lo N"orm: Cary P. iariskell, Deputy City Attorney 1"3ate of I'ublication: Effective Date: ~ . - . Ordinance Amending Regultttions for Spei:iel Lvents Nage 3 of 3 ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 12, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: . ❑ consent (D old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing . , ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolution 05-013 Authorizing 1.0 FTE ROW Construction Inspector GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A . PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council discussed the pavement cut policy on April 5, April 26 'and May 3, 2005. On June 14, 2005, Council approved the pavement cut policy and an amendment to the fee schedule revising the ROW obstruction permit. This matter was set for the June 28, 2005 Council meeting, but due to the length of that meeting, it_was removed from the agenda and rescheduled for July 12. BACKGROUND: Staff currently operates the right-of-way obstruction permitting and inspection program with 1.2 FTE. This includes one Construction Inspector and .2 of a Permit Specialist. Staff proposes one additional Construction Inspector to help in the implementation of the regional pavement cut policy. There will be additional data management costs for the program, both start-up and ongoing. Staff is continuing to evaluate these needs in an effort to devise the best approach. This proposal would increase the program to 2.2 FTE. At the June 14 meeting, the ROW fee was amended to $70 per permit, to recover permitting and inspection related costs. This proposed FTE was included in the calculation of the fee. One-time and/or start-up costs were not included in the fee calculation. The Construction Inspector is an existing position at Grade 14 on the City's classification matrix. OPTIONS: 1) Authorize the 1.0 FTE ROW Construction Inspector; or 2) Provide additional direction to staff. . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Resolution No. 05-013, authorizing 1.0 FTE ROW Construction Inspector. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Ongoing annualized costs for the Inspector are estimated at $55,000. There are additional one-time costs such as a vehicle and other equipment. If the position is approved, an adjustment will be included in the next Budget amendment. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager - _ ~ ATTAC H M ENTS 1. Resolution. No. 05-013 DRAr'r CI'TY QF SPQKAl1T VA.LLFY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOI.UTION NO.OS-013 A KESOI,U7TON AUTHORI7.ING A SECOND FULL-TIlVIE EQUIVALEN'1 RIGH`l°-OF-WAY CONSTI2UCT10N 1NSYEC`l'OR POS[fIOV` FOR'TEE CI1Y OF SYOKANE VAL1.EY. NVHEREAS, the City Council from time to time fnds it necessary te adjust its workforce in response to wnrk load demi►nds; ancl ' 1V1-IEKEAS, the City Council thrnugh Resolution No. 03-031 adopted job descriptions for City positions; including a job description for Right-OC Way Construction lnspector; and . Wf-IEREAS, the (;ity Council adopted the Regional Pavement Cut Policy on June 14, 2005, which requires the City to provide inspection services in excess of current levels to properly carry out the Policy. iNqW T!•ICRCFQRE, be it resolved by the City Council of lhe City oP Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Auihorizalian nf Second Null=1'ime Equivalent RiQht-Qf-Way Construction lns ep ctor. `I"he City of Spoklne Valley hereby autliorizes a second full-timc equivalent Right-Of-Way Construction Inspector. The existing job desceiption includes a pay gracle classification of 14 in the Cit.y's clsssification matrix. . , Section 2. Effective 1)ate. I'his Resolution shall be effectivc unon acloption. ~ Adopted this day of June, 2005. City Af Spokanc Vallcy Vlayor Diana Wilhite ATTrST: City Clerk, Ch.ristine B3inbridge ` Resolution 05-013 Itight-of-way Construction [nspector Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 12, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: . Item: Check all that apply: Z consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Consultant Services Agreement with CH2M HILL for Barker Road Bridge Type, Size and Location Study GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Ordinance No. 22 - Establishing the Procurement Procedure for Architectural and Engineering Senrices. PREVIQUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: 1) Approval of 2005-2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, which includes the Barker Road Bridge project, 2) Approval of a Local Agency Agreement and Project Prospectus with WSDOT. BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley received a Federal Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee (BRAC) grant .covering 100% of the cost for replacement of the Barker Road Bridge over the Spokane River. The total budget for this project is approximately $8,092,700. Preliminary Engineering funds have been authorized up to $697,200. In accordance with Ordinance No. 22 staff issued a public Request for Qualifications (RFQ 04- 006) to select the most highly qualified engineenng firm to provide engineering services for the development of a Type, Size and Location (TSBL) Study for.the replacement of the Barker Road Bridge over the Spokane River. Six local engineering firms submitted RFQs. A selection committee reviewed the RFQs and ranked each consultant based on qualifications, experience and understanding of the Barlcer Road Bridge TSBL project. CH2M HILL was selected as the most highly qualified consultant for this project. Staff negotiated with CH2M HILL on the development of a Scope of Work and cantract Fee to complete the required TS&L Study. The proposed Fee of $135,707 fits wfthin the Preliminary Engineering project budget. It is recommended that the standardized Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Local Agency'Standard Consultant Agreement be used for this project. Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney, has reviewed this standardized agreement and has no objections to its use in lieu of Spokane Valley's standard Consultant Agreement. OPTIONS: 1) approve the recommended action, or 2) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Authorize the City Manager to execute the Local Agency Standard Consuitant Agreement, Scope of Work and Fee for CH2M HILL for the Barker ~ Road Type, Size and Location Study Project BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The project is 100% funded by a reimbursable federal grant. _ No local match is required. \ STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley, Senior Engineer (Capital Projects); Neil Kersten, Public Worfcs Director " ATTACHMENTS WSDOT Local Agency Standard Consuitant Agreement, Scope of Work, Fee CalcUlations, applicable exhib'rts. • ConsultanUAddress/Telephone . Locai Agency C112MMLL, I.rrc. Standard Consultant 9 South Washington, Suite 400 A reement . spokanc, WA 99201-3709 . g (509) 747-2000 IN ArchitecturallEngineering Agreement ❑ Personal Services Agreement Agreement Number Project Title Md Woric Qescription • LA-5724 (Local Agency Proj, # 04-006) Eng'r. S'vcs. for Barker Rd Bridge Rep'1. Prnject. Federal Aid Number 1"he initial scope of work is for a Type, Size; and BRiVI 4123(004) Location Study w/provisions for potential add'1 work which may include final c~esign, lt/W Agreement Type (Choose ane) ' acquisihpn, environ. documentation, permitting, and ❑ Lump Sum conswction mgmt., and inspections services. Lump Sum Amount $ ~ Cost Plus Fixed Fee . • DaE Participaflon Ovefiead Progress Payment Rate 168.7 % ❑ Yes 0 No % Qvefiead Cost Method Federal ID Numbar or Sociat Security Number - p Actual Cost • 59-0918189 . . Do you require a 1039 tor IRS? Completion Date ~ Actual Cost Not 7o Exceed ❑ Yes -M No September 30, 2005 • 0 Fixed Rate % - ' 'Fixed Fee $ 9,979.38 . Total Amount Authorized $ 123,370.00 0 Specific Rates Of Pay . . . p Negotiated Hourty Rate Management Reserve Fund $ 12,337.00 ❑ Provisional Hourty Rate Maximum Amount Payable $ 135,707.00 ❑ Cost Per Unit of Work . index of Exhibits Exhibit "A" - Scope of Work . i` Exhibit "D" - Payment (by A,geementl'ype) Fxhibit 6iF" - Consulffint Fee Dctcxminarion Exhibit "G" - Subcnntract Work/Fee Determinacion - F..xhibit "H" - Title VI Assuranccs . . Exltibit "I" - Payment Upon Termination of Agreement T•fthibit f'Tv,' i'.--- t' ' rW_ P - . Exhibii " . ' Exhibit "M'' - Certification Documents THIS AGREEMENT, made and enterecl intn this day of between the Local Agency of City of Spokatte Valley, WA , Washingnon, hc,~reinaftcr called the "AGEiNCY" , and the above organization hereinaRer called the "CONSUI.TANT". . , DOT Form 140-089 EF Pago 1 oi S Revised 8f05 • Wl'1 NL''SSF..TH TIiA`l': WHERFAS, the AG.CY desires to aecomplish the above referenced project, and WFIERJEAS, the AGENCY does not have sufftcient staff to meet the requiied commitntent auci thenfore deems it acivisable anri desi.rable ta cngnge the assistance of a COVS(JLTANT to provide the necessary services for the I'RO.TECT; ~ and . WIII:RLAS, the CONSUJ.TAN'I'represents that heJshe is in compliance with the Washington State Stahites relating to professional registration, if applicable, anci has sigr►ified a willingness to furnish Consulting services to the AGLNCY, NOVV THERL+'FORF, in considerhtion pFthe terms, cond.itions, covenar►ts and performanee contained hercin, or attached and incorporated anci made 1 part hereof, the partics hereto agee sis follows: I General Description of Work The work under this AGRf:~~NT shall consist of the above describecl work and serviees as herein clefined and necessazy to accomplish the eompleted work for this PROJ'ECT. The CONSiJLTANT shall furnish all services, labor, and related • equipmecit necessary to eonduct and complete the wnrk as desioated clscwhere in this AGREEMENT. II Scope of Work Thc Scope of Work and projected level of effort required for t6is PROJECT is detailed in Exhibit °A" attached herctn and• by this rcference made a part of this AGREEML'NT. • IIl General Requirements All aspects of caorclination of the work of tbis AGR.EEMLNT witti outside agencies, groups, or individuals shall receive advance approval by the AGENCX. Nceessary contact~ and meetangs with agencies, 8roups, andlor individik3ls shxll,be coordinatcci through the AGh"NCY. The CONSLJLTANT shall attend caordination, progress anci presentation meetings with the AGENCY and/or such Fedcral, State, Community, City or County officials, goups or individuals as may be requested by the AGENCY. Thc AGENCY will provide the CONSULTANT sufficienl notice prior to meetings reguiring CONSULTANT participatiou. The minimum required hours or d3ys notice shal.l be ngeed to betwc;en the AGENCY and the CONSULTANT and shawn in Exhibit "A." The CONSULTANT shall prepare z monihly progress report, in a form apprUVed by the AG.k.NCY, which will outline in written 4nci graphical form the.variaus pkases anci the arder of performance of the work in.sufficient cietail so that the progress of.the work"can easily be evaluated. • The CONSULTANT, and cach SiJBCONSULTANT, shall not discriminatc on ctie basis of racc, culor, national origin, or sex in the perfnrrnance of this contract. The CONSULTANT, and each SUBCONSULTANT, shall carry aut applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award snd adminiscratiou of USAOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the ' CONSUI..'I'ANT to cf►rry out ttiese rcquuements is a matcris►l bre.ach of this AG.RET:MEAIT thmt may result in the termination of this AGREEME:NT. ' Pfuticiparinn fcur Disacivantage:cj F3usiness Entciprises (DBF), if required, per 49 CF12 Part 26, or partieipation of Minority Business Fnterpriscs (MBE), and Women 13usincss Enterprises (WBE), shxll be shown on the heading of this AGREEi°T_ If D11M/WBF firms are utilized, the amounts authorizc:d to each firm and their certification number will be shown on Exhibit "B" ettFtclieci hereto and by this reference-made apart of this AGREEMENT. If the Prime . ' CONSUL'TANT is, a D13E 6rm they must eompty with the Cammercial Uscful Function (CLTF) regulatiDn outlined in the AGENCY'S "DBE Program Participation Plan". Thc mandaxory DBE participation goals of the AGREEMENT are those ' established by the WSUOT'S Higbway and Local Prograxns Project Uevelopment Enginecr in consultarion with the AC.ENCY. All 12eports, PS&E materials, and other data fumisheci to the CONSULTANT by the AGENCY shall be rLKumcd. All . eleetronic files, prepared by the COtiISLTLTANT, must meet the requirements as outlined in Exhibit "C" All designs, drawings, specifications, documents, and other work products, including all electronic files, prepared by the CONSULTANT prior to completion or terminstion of t6is AGREEiMENT are instruments of service for this PROJECT, and an; ttle property of the AGENCY. Reuse by the AGENCY or by othcrs, acting th.rough or on behalf of the AGE'NCY of ariy such inseruments of servicc, not occlurinb as a part of this PROJEGT, shal] be without liability or le_gal exposure to the CONSUL'fANT. Page 2 nf 8 . WITNESSETH TRA1': N'FIEREAS, the AGENCY desires to accomplish the above rcfercnced project, and ' _ WHEREAS, the AGENCY docs not have sugicicnt staff to meet the requircd coro.mitment and therefare deecns it ~ aefivisable and ctesirable to cngage the assistxnce of a CONSULTAN°I' to provide the necessary services for the PROJEC'f; and WAFaREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that heJshe is in compliance with the. Washi.ngton State Statutes relatin,g to professional registration, if applicable, and has sigaified a willingness to furnish Consulting services to the AGENCY, NOW T'HETtEFORE, in consideration of the terms, condicions, covenants and perfoimance cflntained herein, or attached and iacoiporated and madc a parc hereof~ the pdrties hereto agree as fnl.lows: I General Description of Work The work under this AGREEMENT shall consist of the above describccl work and services as hcrein defined and necessary to accomplish the completed work far this PRO)E-Cf. "Che CONSiILTA.N"T shall fumish all services, labar, and related equipment necessary to conduct and complcte the work as desigixateti cisewhere in this AGREEMEN'I'. II Scope of Work The Scope of Work aad projected level of effort rcquired for this PROJECT is cic:tailed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and• by this reference mdde a Fart of this AC'rREEMENT. • III General Requirements All aspects of coordinarion of the work of this AGREE,NT with outside agencies, groups, or individuuls shall receive advance approval by the AGENCY. Necessary contacts and meetings with agencies, gmups, and/or individuals shall,be • coordinated through the AGENCY. The CONSCJI,,TANT shall attend caordination, progress and presentation meetings with the AGEtYCY and/or such Fulcral, State, Cammunity, City or County officials, groups Qr individuals as may bc requested by the AGENCY. The AGEiNCY will pmvide the CONSULTANT sufficient norice prior to mectings requiriag CONSULTANT participation. Thc minimum reyuired hourg or days notice shall lse agn:ecl tn between the AGENCY and the CONSULTANT and shown in Exhibit "A." `!°he COAISiJLTt1?dT shall prepan: a monthly progress report, in a fonm approved by the AGENCY, wbich will oudine in written aad graphical form the various plases and the order of performancc of the work in sufficient demil so that the . ' progress of.the work can easily be evaluatesi. The CONSULTA,IVT, and each SUBCONSTJLTA3VT, shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or . sex in the performauce af this contract. The COIVSUY,TA.iVT, and each SUBCONS[rI.TANT, sha11 carry out applicfsble requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of USDOT-sssisted contracts. Failure by the ' CO,NSULTAONT to carry out these requircinents is a material breseh of this AGREEMENT tth~at may rE;sult in the termination of this AG1tEEMENT. ' Participatioa for Disadvantaged Busincss Epterprises (DBE), if required, per 49 CFR Part 26, or parricipation of Minority Business Enterprises (IvIBL), und Wnmen Busiaess Enterprises (WBE), shall be shown an the heading of this AGREEMFNT. If D!M/W8E firms are utilized, the amounts authorizeti to each firm and their certificatioa number will bs shown on F.xhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this AGREEMEiVT. If the Frimc . CONSULTANT is a DBE firm they must cvmply with the Commercial Useful Function (CUF) ngulation outlined in the AGENCY'S "DBE Progran Participation Plan". The mandatory ABE participaeon gosls of the AGREEMENT are those ' established by the WSDOT'S Highway anci Local Progr<ims Projeci llevelopment Engiaeer in consultgtion with the AGENCY. A1112eports, PS&E materials, and orkier data fumished to the CONS[JLTt1NT by the AGENCY shall be retumed. All . electronic Sles, prepared by the CONSULTANT, must meet the requuements as oudined in Exhiibit "C:" All designs, drawings, specifications, documents, and other work producLs, including all electronic files, prepared by the COrfSULTANT prior ta completion or termination of this AGREEMENT are iastivments of service for this PROJECI', and are the property of the AG .FNCY. Reuse by the AGENCY or by others, acting through or ori behalf of the AGENCY of any such instruments af servicc, not occurring as a part of this PRO.TECT, shall be without liability or legal exposure to the CONSUL"fANT. Page 2 of 8 IV Time for Beginning and Completion . The CONSULTANT shall not begin any work uncier the te:rms of this AGREEM;ENT until suthoriud in writing by the AGENCY. All work under this AGREI?MEVT shall be complcted by thc dato shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT under complc:tion datc. . . The established completion time shall not be extcnded because of azry delays attributable to the CONSULTANT, but . inay be extended by the AGENCY in the event of a delay attributable to the AGENCY, or because of unavoidable . ' delays cau.sed by an act of GOD or goy~.~rnmc•rit31 actions or other conditions beyond the control of the COAiSiJI,TANT. A prior supplemental agreement issued by the AGE?dCY is n:quired ta extcnci the establishcci completion dmc. V Payment Provisions The CONSULTANT shall be paid by the AGENCY for coniplctcd wnrk xnd scrvices rendcrcd under this AGREE3vIENT as pravided in Exhibit""D" attFtched hereto, and by reference made part of t}us AGREIIvSENT. Such payment shall be full cpmpensation for work performed or services rendered and for all.labar, materia.ls, supplies, . equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete thc work.l'he CONSULTANT shall conform to all applicable ' portions of 48 CFR Part 31. Apost audit may bc perfarmed on this AGitEETvIF.~VT. The need for a post audit will bc dctcrmined by the State Auditor, WSDOT Extemzl Audit Office and/or At the request of the AGENCY'S PROJECT Manager. VI Sub-Contracting, ~ Tho AGENCY permi~c sub-contracts for those items uf woric as shown in Fxhibit "G" attached hereto and by tkus reference made put of t]us AGREE3vMNT. Compeeisatioa for this sub-consulklnt work shall he based on the cost factors shown on ExhSbit "G." 1"he woik of the, sut-consultaut shall not exceed its maximum amount payable unless a prior written approval bas been ; issued•by the AGENCY. ' • _ ~ All reiribursable direct labor, overhead, d'uect non-salary costs and fixed fee costs fnr the sub-consultant shall ba ' substxritiated in the same mauner as outlined in Secrion V. All sub-contracts shall contain all applicable provisions of - this AGREEMEiVT: ~ With respect to sub-consultaat payment, the COIVSULTt1NT shall comply with all applicable sections of the Prompt Paymcnt laws as set forth in RC1~~ 39.04.250 and RGW 39.76.011. The CONSULTANT shall not sub-contract for the perfonnance of any work under this AGREEMENT without prior written pennission of the AGENCY. iVo permission for sub-contracting shall creaie, between the AGENCY and sub-contractor, any contract or any other relationship. A 1713E certified sub-consultant is required to pert'orm a ' minimum amount of their sub-contracted agreement thaat is established by the WSDOT Highways and Local Prograins Project Development Enginccr in consultatinn with the AGENCY. VII Employment T'he CONSULTANT wairants that they have not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTAIVT, to solicit or secure this contract, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any camgsu►y or person, other ihan a bona fide employec worlcing solely far the CONSLILTANT, any fee, commission, percentage, broker►ge feee, gift, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach or violation of this wariant, the AGENCY shall have the right to amul this AGREEMENT without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the AGItEEMENT price or consideratioa or otlierwise recover the full amoijnt of such fee, commission, psrcentage, brokerage fee, gift,.or contingent fee. Any and all employees of the CONSULTANT or other persons while engagcd in the performance of any work or services roquired of thc CONSULTANT under this AGREEMENT, shall be eonsidered employees of the j . . CONSULTANT only and not of the AGENCY, and any and all claims that may arise under any Norkmen's • Compensation Act on behalf of said employees or other persons while so engaged, and any and all claims made by a Rage 3 ot 8 lhird party as a covsequence of any act or amission on the part of the CONSUI.TANT'S employees or other penons while so enga.ged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein, shall 4e die sole obligation and respansibility of thc CONSUI..TAN"r. ' . The CONSULTANT shali not engage, on a full- or pxrt-tune basis, or other basis, during the periocl of the contract, ariy professional or tec;hnical pcrwnnel who are, or have been, at auy time during the period of the contract, in ehe employ ofthc United States Department nf'Cransportadon, or the STA'I'E, or the AGENCY, except regularly retired empleyeets, J witbont writien consent of the public cmployer of sueh person. - VIII Nondiscrimination . During the performsnee of this contract, the CONSUL`fANT, far itsel~ its assignees, and successors in interest agees . W comply with the following laws and regulations: Titlc VI of the Civil Righis Act of 1964 (42 USC Chapter 21 Suhchapter V Sec6nn 2000d through 2000d-4a) : 'Fedaral-aid H.ighway Act of 1973 (23 USC Chapter 3 Section 324) ' - - ' Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC Chapter 16 Subchapter V Sectien 794) Agc Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 USC Chapter 76 Sectinn 6101 et seq_) Civil RighLs Restoratian Act of 1987 . (Riblic Law 100-259) , Americari with Disabilities Act of 1990 . (42 USC Chapter 126 Section 12101 et. seq.) 49 CFR Part 21 . . . 23 CFR Parc 200 - RCW 49.60.180 - - In relation to'I'itle VI of the Civil Ri,ghts Act of 1964, the CONSIJLTANT is bound by.the provisions of Faclubit "H" attachcd hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREE1vIE, NT, and shall include the attached Exhibit "H" in every sub-contract, inclucling pmcurcment of materials and leases of cquipment, unless exempt by thc Rcgulations or • directives issued pursuant thereto. IX Termination of Agreement • The ri,ght is reservecl by the AGENCY to terminatc this AGREEMENT at any time upon ten (10) days written notice to • the CONSULTANT. In the event this AGREElv1ENT is terminated by the AGFNCY other than for default on the part of the . COiNSLTLTANT, a 6na1 payment shall be made to the COiNSULTANT es shown in Exhibit "I" foT the type of AGREEMENT us:ed. . No payment shall be made for any work completed aftcr ten (10) days following receipt by the CONSUI.."i'AN'I' of fhe votice to Terminate. If the accumulated payment made to the CONSULTANT prior to Notice of Ternunation exceeds the total amount that would be ciue when computeci as set forth herein above, then no ficial payment shall be due and the . CONSULTANT shall immediately reimburse the AGENCY for any excess paid. If the serviccs of the CONSULTANT are terminated by the AGIIVCY for default on the part of the CONSiJLTANT, the above formula fnr payment shall not apply. Page 4 018 third party as a consequcncc of any act or omission on the part of the CONSLJLTANT''S employeCs ar other peisons . wk►ile so cngaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein, ahall be the sole obligation and responsiility of the CONSLTLTANT. ' - ' The CONSiJLTANT shall not enpge, on a full- or part-time basis, or othct basis, during the period of the contract, any professional or technieal pcmnnel whn aze, or have beLa, at any time: during the period of tkee contract, in the employ of the United States 1?cpartment of Transportation,.or the STATE, or the AGSNCY, except regularly recired employces, without written consent of the public employcr of such petson. . VIII Nondiscrimination During the perfurmance of this contract, the CONSULTf1NT, for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest agtees . to compty with the foUowmg laws and regulations: ' Tifle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 _ (42 USC Chapter 21 Subchapter V Section ZOOOd through 2000d-4a) ' Fedcral-aid Highway Act of 1973 ' - • , (23 USC Chapter 3 Seetion 324) Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ' (29 USC Chapter 16 Subchapter V SecflQn 794) Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 USC Ghapter 76 Secficm 6101 et seq.) Civil Righta Restaratian Act of 1987 (Public Law 100-259) Americaii with Disabili6cs Act of 1990 • . (42 USC Chapter 126 Sectioa 12101 Et seq.) , ~ 49 CFR Part 21 - ' . 23 CFR Part 200 RCW 49.60.180 . - • _ In relation to Tide VI of the Civil Righhts Act of 1464, the CONSULTANT is boimd by the provisians of Exhibit "II" attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREIIMIIVT, aad shall include the aitached F.aihibit "H" in every sub-cantract, inciuding procurement of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulatiaris ar directives issued ptusubat thereto. IX Terminaticn of Agreement ' - The right is reservecl by the AGENCY to terminate this AGREEMENT at any tima upon ten (10) days written notice to the CONSULTANT. In the event this AGREEMENT is terminated by the AGENCY other thpn for i3efault on the part of the CONSiJLTANT, a final paymeat ahall be macic to the CONSULTANT as shawn in Exhibit "P' for the type of AGREEMENT used • No payment shall be made for any work completed after ten (10) days follnwing receipt by the CONSIJLTANT of tlze Notice to Tertni.nate. If the accumulated paymeni made to the CONSULTANT prior to Notice of Termmation eaccecds the tatal amouni thai would be due when compuied as set forth herein above, then no final payment shall be due and the . CONSULTANT shall immediaiely reimburse thc AGE~i tCY for any excess paid. If the services of the CONSiJLTANT are terminated by the AGENCY for default on ttxe part of the CONSULTANT, - the above formula for payment shall not apply, , ; Page 4 af 8 In such sn event, the amount ta bc paici shall bc detcrmined by the AGENCX with c:onsideralion given to the actual costs incuaed by the CONSUI.TANT in performing the work to the date of terminarion, the amount of wnrk originally required whicb was satisfactorily completed to dmte of tecmination, whether thAt work is in a fonm or a type whicb is asabic to the AGbTTCY at the time of termination, the cost to the AGLNCY of employing another fum to complete the , work required and the time which may be required to do sn, and ather factors which affect the value tn the AGENCY of the work pcrformed at the time of termiaation. Under no circumstnnces shall payment rnade undcr this sutrsection exceed the amount, wluch would have been macle using the formula sci farth above. If if is determined far any,reason that the CONSULTANT was not in default or that the CONSLJLTA3JT'S failure to perform is without the CONSiJLTAI3T'S or it's employee's default or negligence, the termination shall be deemod ta be a termination for the convenicnee of the AGENCY. In such an event, the CONSULTANT would be reimbuised for actual costs in aceordance with the termination for other thon default clauses listed previously. In the event of the dcath of any member, partner or officer of the CONSiJLTANT or any of its supervisory personnel assigned to the PROJECf, or dissolution of the partnership, terminarion Af the corporation, or disaMation of the principally involved employee, the surviving members of the CO,NSiJLTANT hereby agree to complcte the work under the terms of t}us AGREEMENT, if rcqucstcd to cio so by the AGLNCY. This subsection sball not be a bar to renegotiation of the AGREIIv[ENT behveen the sarviving members of the COAiSULTAN'1° and the AGENCY, if the AGkT(CY so chooscs. ' , In the event of the death of any of the partiew listcd in the prcvious paragrahh, should the surviving members of the CONSULTAN'f, with the AGENCY'S conciur,ence, desire to terminate this AGRBEMENT, payment shall be macie as set fortb in the second paragraph of this section. ' Payment for any part of the work by the AGLNCY shall not constitute a waiver by the AGENCY of any retnedies of- . any type it may have against the CONSULTAN'f for any breach of this AGREENLENT by the CONSULTANT, or for failure of the CONSiJLTANT to perform worlc required of it by the AGENCY. ForbeFUSnce of any ri,ghts under the • AGREEMEMI' will nat eonstitute waiver of entitlement to exercise thase rights with respect to any fuiure act or omission by the CONSilLTALNT. - X Changes of Woric The CONSULTAATf shall make such changes and rewisions in the complete work of this AGREEMENT as necessary to correct errars appcaring [herein, when required to do so by the AGENCY, without additional compcnsarion thereof. ' Shauld the AGENCY find it desitable for its own purpases W have prevYOUSIy satisfactorily completed work or garts thereaf changcd or revised, the COiNSULTANT shall make such revisions As direcLed by the AGENCY..Thig work shall be considered as Exha Work and will be paid for as herein pmvided under Sectian XIV. • Xl Disputes Any dispute concerning questions of fact in connection with the work not disposed of by AGREENLENT betvveen the COAISULTANT and the AGENCY shall be referred for determination to the Dircctor of Public Works or AGENCY Eugineer, whose decision in the matter shall be final and binding on the parties of this AGREEMENT; provided, • hnwever, that if an actian is brought challengin,g the Director of Public Works or AGENCY Engincc7's decision, that decision shall be subject to de novo judicial review. lf the parties to this AGRLEMENf mutualiy ugree, disputes concerning alleg@d design errors will be conducted under the pracedures found in Exhibit "J", and disputes coaceming claims will be conclucted under the procedures found in Exhibit "K". - XII Venue, Applicabte Law, and Personal Jurisdiction In the event that either party de.ems it necessary to institute legal action or proGeedings to enforce'any right or.obligatian urider th.is AGitEEMENT, the garties hereto agree that any such action shall be initiated in the Superior court of the 5tate of WashingUon, situated in the county in which the AGEAICY is located. The parties hereto agree that all questions ' shall be resolved by application of Washington law and that the parties to such actioa shall have the rigt►t of appeol from such decisions of the Superior court in aecordance with the laws of the State of Washin,gton. The CONSULTANT hereby consents to the personal jurisdictian of the Supcrior court of the State of Washington, situated in the county in ! which the AGENCY is locateci. , . Page 5 of 8 Xlll Legal Relations . " `1'he CONSULTANT shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws and ord'mances applicable to the work to be - done under this AGREEMENT. This contract shall be inLerpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. ' . ' Ttze CONSULTAiNT shall i,ndemnify and hold the AGENCY and the STAT'E and its officcrs and em.ployees harrnless \ from and shall process and defend ai its own expense all claims, demands, or suits arlaw or equity arising in whole or in part from the CONSULTAN'f'S negligence or breach of any of its obligations under this AGREEMENT; provided that , - nothing herein shall rcquirc a CONSULTANT fo indenmify the AGENCY or the STATE against and hold harmless thc AGENCY or the STATE from claims, demands or suits based solely upon the conduct of the AGENCY or the STATE, their agents, officecs and employees; and provided further that if the claims or suits are caused by or result from the concnrrent negligence of (a) the CONSiILTANT'S agents or employees, aad (b) the AGENCY ar the STATE, their agents, officezs nnd employees, this indemnity provision with respw to (1) claims ar suits based upon such negligencc (2) the costs to the AGENCY or the STATE of defending such claims and suits shall be valid and enfarceable only to the extent of the CONSULTANT'S aegiigeace or the aegligence of the CONSULTANT'S agents or employees. , The CONSU'LTANT'S relation w the AGEIVCY shall be at all times as gn independent contractor. - Thc CONSULTANT sh:ill comply with all agplicable sectians of the applicable Ethics lows, including RCW 4123, whiah is ffie Code of Ethics for regulating contract intorest by municipal officers. The CONSULTANT specifically assumes gotential liability far actions brought by t}ie CONSULTANT'S ovm employees against the AGENCY and, salely for the purpose of this indemnification and defense, the CONSULTANT specifically waivcs any immunity under the statn industrial insurancc law, Title 51 RCW. Unless othcrwise specified in che AGREEMENT, the AGENCY sha11 be responsibla for administracion of canstruction contracts, if any, on the PROJECT. Subject to the processing of a new sole source, or an acceptable supplemental agreement, the CONSULTANT shall provide On-Call assistance to the AGENCY cturing eontract adminishatiorL By providing such assistance, the CONSULTANT sball assume no responsibility" for. proper canstruction techniques, job site safety, or any construction contrador's failure to perform its work in accordance with thc contract documcnts. ~ The CONSULTANT shall abtain end keep in force during the terms of the AGREEMENT, or as otherwise requirecl, the followu►g insurance with companies or through sources approved by the State Insurance Commissioner pursuant to Titlc 48 RCW. ' in5unmce Coverage - A. Worcer's compsnsation and employer's liability msutance as required by the STA'Y'E. B. Commercial general liability and pmperty daiaage insurance in an aggregatd amoimt not less than two million dopars ($2,000,000) for bodily iajury, inctuding desth aad property danaage. The per occuurence amount.shall . not exceed one mill.ion dollars ($1,000,000). C. Vehicle tisbility insvrance for any sutomobile used in an amount not less than a one million dollar ($1,000,000) . , combined single limit Excepting the Worker's Campensarion Insurance and any Professional Liabiliry Insurance secuied by the CONSiJLTANT, the AGENCY will be named on all policies as an aciditional insured. The CONSULTANT shall . fw-nish the AGENCY with verification of insiuance and endoisements requirecl by the AGREEMEN'T. The AGENCY , reserves the right to require complete, ccrcified copies of all reqvired insurance policies ac any time. . - All insurance shall be obtained from an insurance compaay authorized to do business in thc State of Washingtoa The CONSULTANT shall submit a verifiration of insurancs as nudined above within fourteen (14) days of the execution of this AGREEMEYVT to the AGENCY. , No cancellation of the foregoi.ng policies shall be effeetive without thirty (30) days prior notice tb the AGENCY. The CONSULTANT'S professional liability to the AGEAICY shall be limited to the amount payable under this • AGREEMENI' ar oae million ($1,000,000) dollais, whichever is tlze greater, unless modified by F.xtaibit "L". In no way. case shnll the CONSiJLTANT'S professional liability to third parties be limited in aay, , . ' Pago 6 of 8 The AG13T1CY will pay no progress pxymcnts under Scction V until the CONSULTANT has fully complicd with tbis section. This remedy is not exclusive; and the AGENCY and the STATE may talce such other action as is available to it under other provisions of tlus AGREENIENT, or otherwise in law. r' . ~Ji XIV Extra Work • A. The AGENCY may at any time, by written order, make changes within the generAl scope of the AGRLEMI3NT in the services to be per£ormed. H. If any such changc causes an increase or deerease in the estimatecl cost of~ or the cime required for, performance of any part of the work under this AGREE~~NT, whether or not changed by the order, or otherwise affects any other terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT; the AGENCY shall make an equitable adjustment in the (1) maximum amount payable; (2) delivery or completion schedulc, or both; and (3) other affected terms and shall moclify the AGREEMENT accordingly. ' C. I'he CONSUL'CAN'C must submit any "request for equitable adjustment", hereafter referned to as "CLAIM", under this clause within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the written order. However, if the AGENCY decides that the facts justify it, the AGFNCY may reccivo and act upon a CLA.IM submitted before final gayment of the , AGREEIvI~'NT. . D. Failure to agzee to any adjustmcnt shall be a dispute under the Disputes clause. However, nothing in this clause • sha11 exc:use the CONSULTANT from proceeding with the AGRE!?iE'NT as changed. . E. IYotwithstanding the terms and canditians of paragraphs (A) and (B) above, the maximum amount payable for this AGREBMENT, shall not be increased ar considered to be incrc:ased except by speeifie written supplement to this AGREEMEN'T. . . XV Endorseinent of Plans If applicAble, the CONSULTANT shall place theu endarscment- on all plans, e'stimates, or aay other eagineering data furnished by them. ~-1 XVI Federal and State Review The Federal Highway Administration and the Washington State Department of Transportation shall have the right-to participate in the review or examination of the work in progress. XVII Certification of-the Consultant and the Agency Attached hereto as Fxhibit "M-1(a and b)" are the Certifications of the CONSULTArIT and the AGE.NCY, Exhibit . "M-2" Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspcnsion and Other Responsibility Matters - Primary Covered 'I'ransactions, Echibit "M-3" Certification Regarding the Restrictions of the Use of Federal Funds for Lobbying and . Exhibit "M4" Certificate of Cunent Cost or I'ricing Uata. Exhibit "M-3" is required only in AG EF14E TS over $100,000 and F.xhibit "M-4" is required only in AGREEMENT5 ovc-r $500,000. XVIII Complete Agreement This dacument and referenced attachments contain all covenants, stipulations, and provisions agreed upon by the . part.ies. No agent, or representative of either party has Authority to make, and the parties shall not be bound by or be liable for, any statement, representation, promise or agreement not set forth herein. No changes, umendments, or modifications of the terms hereof shall be valid unless reducerti to writing and signed by the garties as an amendment to this AGI2EEMENT. . ' X1X Execution and Acceptance This AGREEiMENT may be simultaneously executed in several caunterparts, each of which shall be deemed to bc an original having identical legal effect. The CONSULTANT does hereby ratify ancl aciopt all statemcnts, representations, wananties, covenac►ts, and agreements containeti in the proposal, and the supporting material submietcci by the ' CONSiJLTAN'T, and does hereby accept the AGREENiENT and agees to all of the terms and conditions thereof. . ~ - PRge 7 of 8 • ' In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year shown in the "Execution Date'° box on page one (1) of this AGREEMENT. • ~ B BY ` Cansui t C 34 ol jl~ Agancy . . D07 Form 140-089 EF page 8 ot B • Reviaed 0105 ' In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year shown in the "Execution Date" box on page one (1) of this AGREEMENT. e ey Consul t ` j3q4 11 jx2T31 Agency , DOT Form 140-089 EF 8 of 8 Revised 8fb5 ~e EXMBtr A-i . Scope of Vllork for Barker Road Bridge Replacement - Type, Size and Location (TS&L), City of Spokane Valley, Washington . FHilVlo► Project No. BRM 4123(004) June 2005'' 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this scope of work is to establish the specific scope of CH2M HILL's professional engineering sexvices and compensation fnr the Type, Size, and Location • (TS&L) phase of the Barker Road Bridge Replacemesit project. ' The City of Spokane Valley (Spokane Valley) may make or approve changes within the general scope of this agreement. If such changes affect 042M I IILL's cost of, or time required for, gerforniance of the services, an equitable adjustment will be made through an amendment to this agreemcnt. CH2M HILL will natify Spokane Valley in wriNng of the 'occurrence of a change and an estimate oE the cost unpact.. Spokane Valley will provide written approval of change. A 10 percent contingency fund has been established for minor ehanges to the Scope of Work. Use of the coniingency fund requires written authnrization fsom Spokane Va11ey. • Spokane Valley reserves the right to expand the scope of CH2M HILL's work on this project . • to include preliminary and final design, environmental documentation and permitting, construction inspection, and constructaon management engineering services. These additional services are not included in this Scope of Work but may be added to the Agreement at a later date by writter► amendment. , 2.0 Purpose The purpase of this TS&L project is to perform sufficient technical analysis and related studies to define the prAject in sufiicient detail to enable Spokane Valley to move ahead with final design, right-of-way acquisition, environmental dorumentation, permitting, and construction. The eventual goal of the project is to replace the exdssting 2-lane bridge structure with a wider 41ane bridge structim, which also includes.sidewalks and bicycle lanes. . . ~ J • . SPIU9ARICER RqAD BR40GE EXMIBTT a-t SON FFNALDOC 1 OF 9 t8526tAL8dt SOOPE OF W'OAK FOR BNBCER ROAD BRfDGE fiEPLACEMEtdT. G1Y Of SPOKIWE YALLEY, JUNE 2005 3.0 Scope of Work - CF-I2,~VI :HILL will pe.rform the T5&L services and provide project documentation in ~ J accordance with: ~ Spokane County Sta.ndards for Road and Sewer Construction o Washington Deparkment of Transportation local agency guidelxr►es • Washington Department of Transportation Bridge Design Manual This scope of work i.ncludes the following ma.in tasks: Task 1: Surveying and 1Vlapping ' Task 2: Environmental Considcrations . Task 3: Geotechn.ical Services • Task 4: Preliminary River Water Surface Elevations . Task 5: Roadway, Drainage, and Utilities • Task 6: Bridges and Structures Task 7: Project Management CH2M HIX,L ivill provide the'following specific•services: . Task 1: Surveying and Mapping - 1.1 Surveying fihis task'involves establishing exristing survey control and field surveying in support of the base mapping for the TS&L and Design phases vf the project. Surveying tasks are as ~ follows: ' • Tdentify and locate any progerty corners along right-of-ways of construction azea to . clarify right-of-way impacts. • I'roject horizontal datwm will be surface coArdinates on assumed datum. The assumed , horizontal datum will be referenced to the Washington Statc Plane Coprdinate System. Vertical datum will be NAVD88. , . Preparation of monument removal perm.it forms is not included in this scope of work 1.2 Mlapping • Provide topographic mapping data to obtain 1-foot cantour intervals : 1. Provide topographic information 100 Eeet to each side of existing bridge abutments, • beneath existing bridge at each end of existing bridge, and within an area 100 feet beyond the nnrth end of thE eacisting bridge. 2. I'rovide mapping in AutoCAD LDD2i (ar later version) £armat. - a) Reduce and draft right-of-way and contour topographic maps , b) Reproducible copies will be the final product. ' c) Digital AutaCAD files, including all pomt and TIN 'files, will be provided to 5pokane Valley. lleliverables: Base rnappin& incTuding alI point and T IN files, in AutoCAD forrnat SPWEAF"ii(ER ROAD BRlDGE EX}IIBR A-1 SO4V FlNALDOC 20F9 . 188201.D1.6R SCOPE Qf WORit FOR BARiCER RQAD HRIDGE FtEPLACEh1ENT, CffY 0F ..POKANE VALLEI',.lUNE 1D05 3.0 Scope of Work ~ CH2M F-TILL will Perform the TS&L services and Provide Prolect documentation in accordance with . ' • Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction • Washington Departrnent of Transportation local agency guidelines • Washington Deparkment of Transportation Bridge Design Manual This scope vf wo.rk includes the following main tasks: - Task 1: Surveying and Mapping Task 2: Environmental Considerations . ' Task 3: Geotechnical Services • Task 4: I'reliminary River Water Surfacc Elevations . Task 5: Roadway, Drainage, and Utilities Taslc 6: Bridges and Structures Task 7: Project Management CH2M H:CLL will provide the-following sgecific•services: ' . Task 1: Surveying and Mapping 1.1 Surveying This task-involves establishing existing survey control and field surveying in support of the base mapping far the 15&L and Design phases of the project. Surveying tasks are as foIlows: • Tdentify and locate any property corners along right-of-ways of construction area to clarify right-of-way impacts. ' • Froject horizontal datum will be surface coordinates on assumed datum. T`he assumed horizontal datum will be referenced to the Washington State Plane Coordinate System Vertical datum will be NAVD88. • Prepazation of monument remnval permit farms is not included in this scope of work 1.2 Mapping . Provide topogiraphic mapping data to obtain 1-foot contour intervals . 1. Provide topographic information 100 feet to each side of existing bridge abutments, beneath existing bridge at each end of existing bridge, and within an azea 100 feet • beyond the north end of the existing bridge. ' 2. Provide mapping in AutoCAD LDD2i (or later version) fornnat. a) -Reduce and draft right-of-way and contour topographic maps ' b) Reproducible copies will be the final product. c) Digital AutoCAD files, including all point and 17N *files, will be provided to Spokane Valley. Deiiverables: Base mapping, including all point and 1'IN files, in AutoCAD forrnat 5PI48AWR RQAD BAPOGE DQiBR A-1 S01Y FlNALOCC 2 Of 9 188aIi/.O1.B6i SCOPE OF tiYORK F06t BARHER R0110 81i1DC-E REPIACEN.ENT, qTY 05 SPOtfAdrE VALLEY, JUNE 211005 ~ Task 2: Environmental Considerations Review and summarize envirorunental issues and considerations that may impact the design and/or construction of the new bridge, including: . e Identify key environmental considerations • SummarizE anticipated-envirorimental reports andpermits needed. • Prepare recommendations Eor environmental and permitting activities to be , performed in subsequent phaaes of the project. Task 3: Geotechnical Services This scope of work covers only those activities through completion of the TS&L report and _ planning the work to complete final design. Final design geotechnical eacplnrations and analyses are not included. _ 3.1 'Field Explorations and Laboratory Testing The work will iriclude drilling and inspection of borings, and laboratory testing to producc . information for conceptua.l geotechnacal design of bridge abutment and pier faundations, - retaining wall foundations, a_nd .miscellaneous geotechnical design recommendations for. bridge construction. -~Assumptions: ; • • CH2M H1LL, or ifis authori7.ed subcansultants, will obtain right of entry agreements and street use permits prior to pesforming any work. Borings ivill be staked and calls to _ One-Call' for utility locates will be madc. • CH2M HIL,L will drill and sample at iwo abutment locations, with each boring extending approaamately 150 feet belaw ecisting grade, for a total of two holes~and 300 lineal feet of drilling. Equipment and labor to lacate the test borings, drill fhe borings, and restore the site ugon completion will be p.rovided by CH2M HILL or its authorized subcontractors. CH2M HTLL will be responsible for utility checks and vehicular traffic control as needed during drilling operations. During the djr°illi.ng program, Standard Penetration Tests (SPTs) will be conducted at intervals of 5 feet in the upper 60 feet,l0 feet below the 60-foot depth, and at stratigraphic changes in soil. SPT sampling may be omitted 'm lieu of sampling only if the penetratinn resistance is consistendy greater than 50 blows per foot. ' e CH2M HILL will prepare and submit an application for a Street Obstruction perntit and a traffic control plan to Spokane Valley foz approval. It is assumed that the borings will be performed in the areas adjacent to the existing roadway and that lane closures or full- time flaggers,will not be requzred. a The purpase of these test borings will be to establish the approximate engineering . properkies suitable foT selecting preliminary bridge foundation types and approximate length and dia.meter. The boring informaiion can also be used to determine the retaining wall conceptual design. 3PKlBAS2KElt ROAD BRIDGE EXHIBIT h1 SO1V FlXALDOC 3 OF 9 t8ffi81.D1.BR SCUPE OF 1YORK FOR BARKER ftaAD SRYDGE REPLACEtdEhtT, CffY OF SPOKlWE VAlLEY, JUVE 2m06' A geotEChn,ical engineer or enginEering geologist will be pxovided during test borings to: • Coordinate the program and implement required safety plans • Visually classify soils and rock accoidirig to ASITv1 methods - • RecoTd drilli,ng observations, including blow counts during SPTs on logs • Collect soil and rock samples fo.r laboratory analysis and classi.fication _ The boring logs will include relevant ohservativns made by drilling crews during drill.ing. DEpths at which graundwater is encountered also cvill be recdrded. Test borings will be . zestored to grade to match the existing conditions. Laboxatory tests will be conducted vn selected svil samples ta determine gradatiori, strength parametezs and maish.ue content of site soils. For this scope of work, it is assumed that the . laboratory testing pmgram will consist of the following tests: - • Up to 8 sieve analyses ' Na dewatering analysis will be perforrned. 'rhis testing program assumes that the s4ils encountered will be coarse-grained materials (predominandy sa.nd and gxavel). - - 3.2 Pr,eliminary Britlge Foundation Recommendations Preliminary bridge abutment and pier foundation support calculations and conccptual design recommendations will be performed undEr this subtask. The objective of these analyses will be to identi.fy and select approptiate foundation support types for abuiments and piers,.for completion of.the TS&L study, and.to develop recommendations.far • exploration.and study to,support final design. Calculations and recommendations - developed from this task will bc sumxnarized and-presented in the conceptual.geotechnical design recommendations Technical iVlemorandum under Subtask 3.5. • Hased on dascussions with the design team it is assumed that pier foundations will be supported on large dia.meter shafts, and abutment foundations will be supported on spread footings. 3.3 Retaining Wall Recommendations Reiaaining wall type selection will be made on a qualitative basis and recommendations will be provided based on engineering judgment and past project experience. It is assumed that the retaining walls needed for thi:s project will be short walls (i.e. < 10' in height), and will be standard WSDOT MSE or concrete cantilever walls. 3.4, Draft Geotechnlcal Data Report CF-12M HILL will prepare a draft geotechnical exploration data report that will summarize . . the field explozation and laboratory testing performed for the project. It is separated from the engineering calculations and conceptual design recommendations of subtask 3.5, to facilitate the report being diskributed to construcEion contractors during the bridge construction bid preparation. The data report will present- . SPWEARKER ROAD BRIDC.E EX}11E1T h-1 SO4d FlK/U.DOC 40F9 ti88201.D1.BR SOOPE OF VfORiC FdR flARKER ROAD BWIXE REP{ACEMFNT, CIiY Of SPOQCAKIE VN1EY, JUk'E 2065' A geotechnical engineer oz engineering geologast will be pmvided duri.ng test borings to: • Coordinate the program and implement required safety plans Visually classify soils and rock according to ASTM methods ~ Record drilling observations, including blow counts during 5PTs on logs ~ Collect soil and rock samples for laboratory analysis and dassification . . The boring logs will include relevant observations made by drilling crews during drilling. Depths at which grotmdwater is encountered also will be recorded. Test borings will be ' . restored to grade to match the existing conditions. Labozatory tests will be conducted on selected soil samples to determine gradatiori, strength parameters and moisture content of site soils. For this sc4pe of work, it is assumed that the laboratory testing program will cohsist of the following tests: • Up to S sieve analyses ' • No dewatering analysis will be gerformed. This tE'sting prograxn assumes that the soils encountered will be coarse-grained materials (predominantly sand and gravel). 3.2 Preliminary Bridge Foundation Recommendations _ Preliminary bridge abuhnent and pier foundation support calculations and conceptual design recommendations will be pErformed under this subtask. The objective of these analyses wi,ll be to identify anci select appropriate foundation support tyges for abutnlents and piers for completion of the TS&L study, and to develop recommendations for exploradon and study to support final design. Calculations and recommendations . developed from this task will be summarized and-presented in the conceptual geotechnical design reconunendations Technical Memorandum under Subtask 3.5. •Based on discussions with the design team it is assumed that pier #oundations will be suppnrted on large diameter shafts, and abutment foundations will be supported on spread footings. 3.3 Retaining Wall Recommendations Retaining wall type s€lection will be made on a qualitative basis and recommendations will be provided based on engineerirg judgnent and past project exgerience. It is assumed that the retaining walls needed for this project will be short walls (ie. < 10' in height), and will be standard WSDOT MSE or concrete cantilever walls. 3.4 Draft Geotechnical Data Report CH2►VI HILL will prepare a draft geotechnical exploration data report that will sun,*narize . the field explozation and laboratory testing performed for the project. It is separated from the engineering calculations and concepfiual design recommendations of subtask 3.5, to facilitate the report being distributed to construcfion contractors during the bridge construction bid preparation. The data regort will present . ~ . . , 18H2Ot.D1.BA SAI48JtRKER ROAD BRIDC£ EXHIBRA-150W FINALDOC 40F9 SCOPE OF WWK FOR BAR9CER ROAD BRIDGE HE3'LAf.ENENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JUNE 2005 • A summary of field exploration methods, results, and interpretations, including test J boring logs, descripdons of soil conditions, and water levels encountered during drilling . • A summary of laboratory testixtg methods, dhta, and tabulated results. During final design, which is not part of this scope, the draft data report can be amended to include additional subsurface information. 3.5 Conceptual Geotechnical Design Recommendations Technical Memorandum Geotechnical calculations and conceplual design zecammendativns for bridge abutments and pier foundatio.ns will be presented in the conceptual design recommendations technical memorandum.•Applicable calculations and geotechnical design and construction recommendations will be presented. Recommendations for iiesign-level explorations and analyses will also tr€ provided. _ 3.6 Geotechnical QAIQC Review Qua.lity AssurancE/Quality Control (QA/QC) reviews for the geotechn.ical engineering aspects of the project will be performed under this subtask. . Deliverable.s: l7raft Geotech3iical data report; Concepfiual Geotechnical desigy: . recommetulations technical memorandur►V and recommendafiions forgeotechnical work to . be perforrned during fi»a1 desigri. - . R'ver Water Surface Elevations Task 4: Preliminary . Identify preliminary water surface elevation data to support prepazation of the bridge 15&L report, including: . ' • Collect and review available eacisting water suxface elevation data for the purpose vf defining the minimum bridge soffit elevation to satisfy floodway freeboard • requirements. • Identify ozdinary high water,100-year, flood, and 500-yeaz flood water surface ' elevations. • • Summarize subsequent hydraulics studies or evaluations needed to support subsequent phases of project development. Task 5: Bridge Approach Roadways and Utilities This task involves conceptual layout of the horizontal alignment and vertical profile - ' transitions for the roadway at each end of the new bridge and preliminary identification of utilities to be installed on the bridge. •5.1 Data Collection CI-i2M HILL will assemble and review the data to perform the roadway approach • conceptual design work elements including: ~ . Review project base map and existing right-of-way information. SPKlfiARI(ER ROAD BRIDGE EX}UMR A-1 SO'N FIK0.LAOC S OF 9 188'101.D1.BR SCOPE OF 1YORK FOl2 BAF'ICCER ROAD BWDGE Fi`cPLACEMENT, CIiY OF SFOXANE YAl1EY, JUNE 2006 • Review existing reports, maps, utilities, plans, and other data pertinent to the roadways a:nd utilides. • Mcet with Spokaile VaUey staff to ideritiEy special cunditions and to discuss requirements for project-sgecific design criteria for the interface bettiveen the bridge , and adjacent roadway segnienis. . • 12eview proposed alternative structuze layouts and coardinate with the bridge structure tasks. • Perform a site visit to photograph the site and identify potential conflicts with 'existing features. 5.2 . Roadway Alignments and Impacts . Conceptual layouts of the roadway hozizontal and vertical align,ments will be developed in coordination with the structu.ral alternatives developed in Task 6- Bridges and Structures. The bridge approach roadway conceptual layouts will define the appraximate requi.rements for horizantal and vcrtical alignments, lane, sidewalk and bicycle path widths, and channelization. Specific constraints related to right of way, the envi.ronment and constructability will bc identified and alignments adjusted to avoid oz minimize the affects of those constraints. . Encroachments and impacts to pri'vate property caused by roadway widening, slope bradi.ng, and/or utility relocations rvill be defined. Preliminary options for maintaining traffic and utilities during the roadway and bridge consiruction including detours will be identificd. Preliminary eonstrucdon staging/sequencing concepts and existing site constraints will be identified. A technical memorandum will be prepared to document right-of-way and alignment constraints and . encroachments, detour planning, and construction staging/sequencing concepts. ' Deliverables: Roadway horizontal and vertical aIigriment concept drawings and constraints and constriictability technicaI memora»dum. , Task 6: BRIDGE AND STRUCTURES . . This task involves prelim.inary struciural engincering work to develop a bridge Type, Size, and Location ('fS&L) Report for replacement of the existing Barker Road Bridge over the Sppkane River. This task includes the development, evaluation, a.nd selection of alternative bridge layouts a.nd structure types for the purpose of selecting the bridgc structure concept to be carried forward into final design and construckion in subsequent phases of the pmject. Bridge and Structures Assumptions • All calculations, analyses, design, plans, specifications, and othex project work will be prepared in English units. . • This scvpe of work is premised on a notice-to-proceed date of approximately June 1, 2005 with a 6 month project duration for design actiyities. • Final design, preparation of P'S&B documents, and construction engi.neering services are not included and will be provided at Spokane Valley's option by supplemental agreement. SPKlEtAFiKER RQAD BR[OGE EXHIefT A-1 SUV1 FLYALDOC 60F9 188201.Dt.8R + SCOPE OF 1"lORK FOGi 9A32KER RpJtD ERIDGE REPLACEMENT, C17Y OF SPOKANE VASlEY, JUNE 2D05 • T2eview existing reports, maps, utii.lities, plans, and other data pertinent to the . • roadways and udlities. ` Meet with Spokane Valley sta.Ef to identify special conditions and to discuss requirements for project-spedfic design-criteria for the interfaee between the bridge . and adjacent roadway segments. • Review proposed alternative structure layouts and coordinate with the bridge structure tasks. • • Perform a site visit to photagraph the site and identify potential conflicts with 'existing featutes. 5.2 _ Roadway Alignments and Impacts Cvnceptual layouts of the roadway horiznntal and vertical alignments will be develaped i.n coordination with the structural alternatives deyeloped in Task 6- Bridges and Structures. •The bridge approach roadway conceptual layouts wi11 define the approximate requirements for horizontal and vertical alignrnents, lane, sidewalk and bicycle path widths, and channelization. Specific constraints related to right of way, the environment and constructability will be identified arid alignments adjusted to avoid or m;n;m;ze the aEfects of those constraints. . Encroachments and impacts to private property caused by roadway widening, slope grading, and/or utility relocations will Ue defined. . ~ Preliminary options for maintaining trafEic and utilities during the roadway and bridge construction including detours wi11 be identified. Preliminaryconstruction staging/sequencing concepts and existing site constraints will be identified. A technical mernorandum will be prepared to document right-of-way and alignment constraints and . encroachments, detour planning, and construction shagi.ng/sequencing concepts. Deliverables: Roadway hvrizontal and vertical alignmen# concept drazaings and constraints and constructability technical memorandum. Task 6: BRIDGE AND STRUCTURES . 'I`his task involves preliminary structural engineerutg work to develop a bridge Type, Size, a-nd Location ("TS&L) Report for replacement of the existing Bazkes Road Bridge over the Spokane River. This task includes the development, evaluation, and selectiion of alternadve bridge layouts and structure types for the purpose of selecting the bridge structu.re concept to be carried forward into final design and construction in subsequent phases of the pmject. Bridge and Structures Assumptions ' • All calculations, analyses, design, plans, specifications, and other project work wiil be prepazed in English units. • This scoge of work is premised on a notice-to-proceed date of approximately Juzie 1, . 2005 with a 6 month project duration for design actiyities. ! • Final design, preparation of PS&E documents, and construction engiiieering services aze - not included and will be provided at Spokane Valley's option by supplemental j ageement. • - SPKJBAFd(ER RQAD BRIDGE EXQi18R A-1 SO'N FWAL.OOC 6 OF 9 168~1D19R ' SOOPE OF 1'lOGiiC FUR B,ARKER ROAO BR1aGE REPLACEMEhlT, GTY aF SPO@(ANE VN.LEY, JiUNE 2005 0 AJl drawings deliverables will be in AutoCAD LDD2i (or later version) farmat. • The new Bazker Roari Bridge is anticipated.to be a straight, multi-span girder bridge (prestressed concretE or steel plate girders). The•bridge is andcipated to be approximately 500 feet long by 70 feet wide. The bridge is anticipated to be supported by-multi-column bents founded on either drilled shafts, driven piling, or spread footings as appropriate based on the assessment of existing subsurface conditions, . constructability requirements, and project costs. ' • The existing Barker Road Bridge will be demolished and replaced with a new bridge. , , Detailed analysis and/or design related to widening, improving, and/or sEismically upgrading the existing bridge is not included. • Design of the Barker Road Bridge will be performed in accordance with the WSDOI' Bridge Design Mnnual(BDM) andAlASHTD LRFD Bridge Design Specifccations, for Highway Bridges, 3rd Edition, 2004. • Approximately ten (10) copies af the draft and final TS&L report will be furnished to Spokane Valley for distribution to City staff, WSDOT, and other stakeholders. The items of wark to be performed under tliis task are as follows: - 6.1 Data CollectionlReview -CH21V[ HTLL will assemble and review the data needed to perform the structures work elements including - 0 Review of available site survey and geotechnical data. . Review contract drawings or as-built plans as-available for the existing Barker Road Bridge. • ~ • Review of existing reports, maps, utilities, plans, and other data pertinent to the structuTes. . • lteview proposed alternative roadway-aJignments, pro.files, and related roadway geometrics. • Pe;rform up to two (2) site visits to photograph the site and identi.fy potential . conflicts with eacisting features. . 6.2 Design Criteria CH2M H1LL will prepare preliminary structural design criteria to be used for the bridge design and related structures in accordance with applicable AASHTO and WSDOT codes and standards. • . Deliverable: Barker Road Bridge Design Criteria Memorandum. • 6.3 Structural Studies ' CH2M HI'L,L will prepare structural studies to evaluate and recommend the bridge type to be carried forwazd into final design. Identify and discuss concepts for up to three (3) bridge ' alternatives for the puzgoses of selocting the preferred bridge type, siae, and location. Determine preliminary geometric requirements such as span lengths, structure d'unensions, sugerstructure types, elevations, clearances, pier locations, foundation types, and abutrnent and winpvall iypes, lengths, and heights.l?evelop preliminary-construction staging/sequencing concepts including requirements for temporary works, and identify SPN18AFiKER ROAD BRIDCsE EXFIIBR A.1 SO'N FlNALDOC 7 OF 9 ' 168201.61.BR SfA6'E 0F WORK fOR BARKER ROAD Bk1DGE REPLACEMEKi, CITY OF SPO'A1NE VAl.I.EY, JUNE 20fi5 exisking site constraints. Identify advantages and disadvantages of each concept and potential constraints from a structural, constructability, and maintenance perspective. . Develop compazative-level costs foz thc major cost elements of each bridge alternative of sufficient accuracy and detail to enable ranking and comparison of alternatives based on cost. ' - This task includES up to three (3) meetings with Spokane Valley, WSDOT, the p.raject team, . and other stakeholders to coordinate the technical elements of the work and facilitate selectian of a preferred altemative. 6.4 Discipline Coordination . CoQrdinate development of the bridge TS&L wozk with applicable disciplines as follows: Geotechnical Cvordination. Coorclinate with the geotechnical engineer foz establishing preliminary design criteria for soil ldads and foundations, identification of viable . foundation types and design pa.rameters, and prelimi.nary selection of preferred £oundations types for the bridge. Hydraulics Coord.ination. CoordinatE with the hydrauLics er►gineer fvr establishing preliminary design water surface elevations. Enviranmental Caordination. Coordinate with the environmental task lead to identify key envizonmental issues and related impacts to bri'dge design and construction Roadway/Civil Coordination. Coordinate with the roadway and civil design engineers for establishing design criteria'and constraints related to madway geometry, , construction staging, utilitics, surveying•and basc mapping, right-of-way impacts, and . the interface with the Barker Road Street Improvements project. 6.5 Bridge TS&L Report Prepare a bridge Type, Size, and T.ocatinn report to docurnnent the results af the structura] . studies and discipline coordination. ' Deliverable: Barker Road Bridge TS&L Report (draft and final), incIuding the fallouring sections: • Executive Summan, ' • Introduction and Background , • Project Description . • •Design Criferia and Project Pararneters • Alternative Descriptiori and Evalua•tion , • Consfiruction 5taging and Sequencing • Conclusions and 12ecammenclatioris . • Appendices Drawings (Plan, Eievation, and Typical Sections for each a1•ternative) Cost Estimates - Project Photos. - Geotechnical Report . - , Enviromnental Corrsideranons SPi4flARKER ROAD Bft11)GE EXFilHfT A-1 S(YeV FIMILDOC 80F9 18E201.D1.BR SCOP'E aF WOfd( FOR BA(iM2 ROAD BPoDGE FfPLACEMENT, CITY OF SROKIWE VALLEY, JUNE 2006 odsting sYte constraints. Identify advantages and disadvantages of each concept and f, potential constraints from a structural, constructability, and maintenance gersgective. - ' Develop comparative-level costs for the major cost elements of each bridge alternative of suf.Eicient accuracy and detail to enable ranldng and comparison of alternadves based on cost. This fask includes up to three (3) meetings with Spokane Valley, WSDOT, the project team, . and other stakeholders to coordinate the technical elements of the work and facilitate selection of a preferred alternative. 6.4 Discipline Coordination . Coordinate development of the bridge TS&L work with applicable disciplines as fallows: Geotechnical Coordination. Coordinate with the geotechnical engineer for establishing ' preliminary design criteria for soil loads and foundatians, identification of viable . foundation typcs and design pazameters, and prelizninary selection of preferred #oundations types for the bridge. • Hydrau.lics Coordination. CoAZdinate with the hydraulics engineer for establishing preliminary design water surface elevations. • Environmental Coordination. Coordinate with the environmental task lead to identify key environmental issues and related impacts to bridge design and construction. , Roadway/Civil Coordination. Coordinate with the roadway and civi,l design engineers f-~ for establishing design rriteria and constraizits related to roadway geometry, construction staging, utilities, surveying and base mappin& right-of-way impacts, and . the interface with the Barker Road Street Improvements project. . 6.5 Bridge TSBL Report Prepare a bridge Type, Size, and Location report to docunlent the results of the siructural . studies and discipline coordination. ' Deliverable: BarkerRoad Bridge TS&L Report (draft and final), including the following sections: . • Executive Summary ' • Introduction and Background • Project Description . • Design Criteria and Project Parameters , • Alternative Description and Evaluation • Construction Staging and Sequencing _ • Conclu.sions and Recommendations , • Appendices ' Drawings (Plan, EIevation, and Typical Sections for each alternafive) Cost Estimates - • - Project Photos. - Geotechnical Report ' Environmental Considerations ' SFK9ARKEft ROuw BRIDGE E7~981T A-t SrnV PINnLOCC 80F9 sEa2m.m.eR SCOFE OF {YORK FOi BARI(ER ROAD BRIOGE REPLI\G£N.ENT. CIT`I Of SP'OKANE VAL LEY, JI,INE 2C05 ' - Roadway and Ufiiliiy Corrsiderafiions ~ , . . ~ 6.6 Agency Coordination Coordinate the prepazation and review of the bridge 15&L report with Spokane Valley, WSDOT, and other review agencies as required. Submit the. draft T5&L Report to the applicable rEView agencies for mview and comment. Respond and adjudicatc agency . review comments pertaining to. the draft report and incorparate revisinns as applicable into the final report. 6.7 Preferred Afternative Opinion of Cost Based on the preferred bridge alternative identified in the bridge TS&L fteport, . CH2iV1 HILL will develop a detailed ozder-of-magzutude cost estimate for the bridge to _ - more accurately assess the expected construction costs. Delivera6le: Barker Road Bridge Keplacement Cost Estimate. 6.8 QAIQC Review Perform Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) reviews for the TS&L design work performed for the BarkeT Ytoad Bridge Replacement. Review project design criteria; geotechnical recomrxiendations, and preliminary bridge layouts to assure con,fohnity with the project requirements. Perform a structural calculations check, plans check, and constructability check on the TS&L coneepts developed. Provide writtEn review comments and coordinate resolukion of review comments with the bridge designers. l~ . .Task 7: Project Management - 8.1 Project Management Services Pravide overall project management and coordination with Spokane Valley. A tofial time of . six months is assumed to be the duration for tfiis work. Z'zoject management services include: a Staff and subconsultant management • Quality inanage.ment plan . • Control budget and schedule • Bi-weekly progress reports via.email. • Monthly pragress reports and invoices ('The progress report/invoice wil.l identify the ' work perfozmed fvr that period, major decisions, schedule, and budget status. • Routine communication and coordination with Spokane Valley. Deliverables: guality management plan, progress reports and invoices. 4.0 Project Delivery Schedule . . CH2M HULL will complete the work oukli,ned in this Scope of Work within 6 months of receiving a Notice to Proceed from Spokane Valley. _l . ~ ~ • . SPKfEAkI(ER ROAD BRIDGE QW16R A-1501"1 FINAL.DOC 90F9 188401.01.8R Exhibit D-2 ~ Payment (Cost Plus a Fixed Fee) The C0NSULTAAFI' shall be paid by the AGENCY for completed work and services rcndcred under this . AGREEMENT as provided hereinafter. Such payment shall be full compensation for woric performed or services rendered and for all labor, materials, suppties, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work specified in Section 11, "Scope of Work." The CONSULTEiN'T shall conform to all applicable portions of 48 CFR Part 31. A. Actual Costs: Payment for all consulting services for this PROJECT shall be on the basis of the CONSULTANT'S actual cost plus a fixed fee. The actual cost shall inctude diiect salary cost, averhead, direct non-salary eosts, ancl fixecl fee. 1. D'trect Sa1ary Costs: Thc Direct Sulary Cost is the direct salary paid to principals, profes9ional, technical, and clerical personnel for the time they are productively engaged in work necessary to fulfill the terms of this AG1tEL1vIENT. The CONSULTANT shall maintain support data to verify the d'uect salary Costs billed to the AGENCX. 2. Overhead Costs: Overhead Costs arc those costs other than d'uect costs, which are included as such on the booksof the CONSULTANT in the normal everyday keeping of its books. Progress payments shall be made at the rateshown in the heading of thia AGREEMf?NT under "Overhead Progress Payment Rate." Total ' overhead payrnentshall be based on -the method shown in the heading of the AGREEMENT. The two options are explai,ned as follows: a. Fixed Rate: If this method is indicated in the beading of the AGREEMENT the . AGENCY agrees to reimburse the CONSULTANT for overhead at the 'percentage rate sbown. T6is Iate shall not change during the life of the 'AGREEMIIN'T. b. Actual Cost: If this method is mdicated in the heading of the AGREEMENT the AGENCY agrees to reimbuise the CONSUI.TA3VT the actual overheaci costs verified by audit,'up to the Maximum Total Amount Payablc, authorized uncier tlus AGREEMENT, when accumulated with all other Actual Costs. , A summary of the COIVSULTANTS cost estimatc and the overhead computation is shown in Exhibit "E" attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREEM}?NT. When an Actual Cost method is used, the CONSULTANT (prime and all sub-consultants) will submit to the AGENCY - within six'(6) months aftcr the end of each firm's fiscal year, an overhead schedule in the format rcquired by the AGENCY (cost category, dollar expenditures, etc.) for the purpose of adjusring the overhead rate for billing purpases. It shall be used for the computarion of progress payments during the follow'►ng year and for retroactively adjusting the previous year's overhead cost to reflect the acrual rate. ~D . DOT Form 144089 EF Edubit D-2 Revised 6105 Failure to supply this information by either the prime CONSUI:,TAN'I' or any oftheir . sub-consultants shall cause khe AGENCY to withhold paymcnt of the billed overhead -costs until such time as the required information is received and an overheaci rate for billing purposes is approved. The AG.EN'CY, STATE andlor the Fecieral Government may perform an audit of the " CONSUI..TANT'S books andrecords at any time during regular business hours to determinc the actual overhead rate, if they so desire. 3. Direct Nan-Salary Costs: Direct Non-Salary Cost4 will be reimbursed at the Actual Cost to the CONSULTANT. Thesc charges may inctude, but are not limiteci to, the following items: travel, printing, long disiance telephone, supplies, computer charges and fees of sub-consultants. Air or train ti-avcl will be reimbursed only to econamy class levcls unless otberwise approved by the AGENCY. The CONSULTAN'T shall comply,with the nzles and regulations regarding travel eosts (excluding air, triin, and renkal car costs) in accordance with the AGENCY'S Travel Rules and Procerlures. Howeyer, air, train, and rental car costs shall be reimburscd in accordance with 48 . Code of Federtl Regvlations (CFR)-Part 31 ZOS-46: "Travel Costs." 'I'he billing for , 17irect Non-Salary Costs shall include an,itemized listing of the charges direc;tly identifiable with the PROJECT. The CONSULTANT shall maintain the original supporting documents in their office. Copies of the original supporting documents shall be supplied to the AGENCY upon requesL All above cbarges must bc necsssary for the services provided, under this AGRLEiVENT. . 4. Fixed Fee: The Fixed Fec, which represents the CONSi.JLTAN'f'S profit, is shown in . the. heading.of this AGREEMLN=f under Fixed Fce. This amount does not include any additional Fixed Fee, which cnulcl be authorized fram the,Management Rescrve Fund. ' This fee is based on the Scope of VJork defineci in this AGREBMENT and the . estimated.person-hours rcquired to perform the stated Scope of Wor1c. In the event the CONSUL"ft1NT enters,into a supplemental AGREEMENT for adciitional work, the supplemental.AGREEMENT. may include.provisions for the added costs and an appropriate additional fee. The rixed Fee wi.ll be:pmratecl and paid monthly in proportion to thc percentage of work completed by the CONSUL'1'AN'I' and reported in thc Monthly Progress Reports accompanying the billings. Any portion of the Fixed Fee eacned but not previou,4ly paid in the progress payments will be covered in thc final payment, subject to the provisions of Secrion IX entitled "Termination of • Agreement" 5. Management Reserve Funci: The AGENCY may desire to cstablish a Management Reserve Fund to provide: the Agreement Administrator with the flexibility to authorize additional funds to the AGREEMENT for allowable unforeseen costs, ar reimbuising , the CONSULTANT for addilional work beyond that alreacly defined in this AGKEEMBNT. Such authorization(s) shall bc in writing and shall not esceed the . lesser of $100,000 ar 10% of the Total Amount Authorized as shown in the heading of tfus AGRLEMENT. The amount includcd for the Management Rescrve Fund is shown in the heading of this AGItEEMENT. This fund may not be replenished. Any changes requiring additional costs in excess of the Management Reserve Fund shall be made in accordance with Section XIV, "L;xtra Work." . . ; . Failure to suppiy tla.is i.isformation by either the prime CONSUI.TANT ar any of their sub-consultants shall cause the AGENCY to withhold payment of the billed overhead , -costs until such time as the required informacion is received and an overhead rate for billing purposes is approved. • ' The AGENCY, STATE andlor the Federal Govemment may gerform an audit of the CONSULTANT'S boaks andrecords at any time daring regular busiaess hours to determine the actual overhead rate, if they so desire. . 3. Direct Nan-Salary Costs: Direct Non-Salary Costs will be reimbuused at the Actual Cost to the CONSULTANT. These charges may include, but are aot limitecl to,. the following items: havel, printing, long distance telephone, supplies, computer charges and fees of sub-consultants. Air or tiain travel will be reimbursed only to economy class levels unless otherwise approved by the AGENCY. The CONSULTAN'T shall compty with the rules and regularions regarding travel costs (excludizig air, train, and rental car costs) in accordance with the AGENCY'S Travel Rules and Procedures. However, air, train, and rental car costs shaU be reimbursed iri accordance with 48 . Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)•Part 31.205-46:'Trdvel Costs." The billing for IJirect Non-Salary Costs shall include an itemized listing of ttte chargea directly identifiable with the PROJECT. The CONSiJLTAN'f shall maintain the original - - supporting dacuments in their office. Copies of the originsl supporting documents shall be supplied to the AGLNCY upon request. All above charges must be necessary for the services provided under this AGREEMENT. . 4. Fixed Fee: The Fixed Fee, which represents the CONSULTAN'r'S profit, is shown in . the heading of this AGItEEMENT uncier Fixed Fee. This amount does not include any additional Fixed Fee, wiuch could he sutharized fram tlie Management Reserve Fund. This fee is based on the Scope of Woric defined in this AGREEMENT and the estimated person-hours required to perform the stated Scoge of Work. In the event the CONSULTANT enters into a supplecuental AGREEMENr for addikional work, the supplemental.AGREEMENT may include.provisions for the added costs and an appropriate additional fee. The Fixed Fee will be prorated and paid monthly in proportion to the percentage of wnrk completed by the CONSiTLTANT and reported in the Montbly Progress Reports accompanying the billings_ Any portian of the Fixed Fee earned but not previously paid in the progress payments will be covered 'm the . final payineat, subject to the provisions of Scction IX entitled "1'erminacion of Agreement" 5. Mauagement Reserve Fund: The AGENCY may desire to establish a Management Reserve Fund to provide the Agreement Administrator with the flexibility to authorize additional funds to the AGREEMENT for allowable unforeseen costs, or reimbtusing the CONSULTANT for additional wark beyond that already defned in this AGREP,iNIENT. Such autborization(s) shall be in writing and shall not exceed the lesser of $100,000 or 10% of the Total Amount Authorized as showa in the heading of this AGREEMENT. The amount included for the Management Reserve Fund is shown in the heading of this AGREEMEN'T.1'his fund may not be replenished. Any changes requiring additional costs in excess of the Management Reserve Fund shall be made in • accordance with Section XIV, "Bxtra Work" 6. M3ximum Total Amount Payable: The Maximum Total Amount Payable by the AGFNCY to the CpNSUL,TANT imder this AGREEVIEN'T shall riot cxceeci the anount shown in the lieading of this AGREEMENT. The Maximum Total Amount Payable is comprised of the Total A.mount Authorized, and the Management Rescrve J Fund. "I he Max,imum Total Amount Payable does not include payment for Extra Work ss sapulated in Section -XN, "Extra Work." No minimum amount payable is guarantced under this AGREEMENT. B. Monthty Progress Payments: The CONSULTANT may submit billings to the AGENCY for reimbursement of Actual Costs plus the calculated overhead and fee on a monthly basis during the progress of the work. Such billings shall be in a format approved by the AGLNCY and accompanied by the monthly progress reports required under Section IlI, "General Requirements" of this EIGREETv1LNT. The billings will be supported by an itemizecl listing for each item inclucling D'uect Salary, Direct Non-Shcary, and allowable Overhead Costs to which will be added . the prorated Fixed Fee. To providc a means of verifying the billed salary costs for CONSULTANf - employees, the AGENCY may conduct employee interviews. .These interviews may consist of recording the names, titles, salary rates, and prescnt duties nf those employees performing work on the PROJEC"T at the time of the interview. ' C. Final Payment: Final I'ayment of any balance duc the CONSULTANT of the gross amount earned will be made promptly upon its verification by the AGENCY after the cnmpletion of the work ' • under this AGREBIMENT, contingent upon receipt of all PS&E, plans, maps, notes, reports, cicctronic data and other related documents wbich are required tn be fiunished under this - AGREEMENT. Acceptance of such .Final Payment by the CONSULTANT s6a11 constitute a - y' release of al] claims for payment, which the CONSUI..TANT may have against the AGENCY 'unless such claims are specifically reservecl in writing and transmittcd to-the AGENCY by the CONSULTANT prior to its acceptance. Said Final Payment shall not, however, be a bar to any ~ claims that thc AGENCY may have against the CONSIJLTANr or to auy remedies the AGENCY may pursue with respect to such claims. ~ The payment of any billing will not constitute agreement as•to the apprapriateness of any item and -at the time of final audit, all required adjustments will be made and reflccted in a final payment In the event that such final audit reveals an nverpayment to the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT will refund such overpayment to the AGLNCY within thirty (30) days of notice of the averpayment Such refund shall not canstilute a waiver by the CONSULTANT for any claims relating to the validity of a finding by the AGENCY of overpayment. The CONSULTANT has twenty (20) days after receipt of the final POST AUD1T to begin the appeal proccss to the AGENCY for audit findings. ' . D. lnspection of Cost Records: The CONSULTANT and their sub-consultants shall keep available for inspection by representatives of the AGENCY, STATE and the United States, for a pcriod of three (3) years after receipt of final payment, the cost records and accounts pertaining to this - AGREEMENI' and all items related to or bearing upon these records with the foUowing exception: if any litigation, claim or audii arising out of, in connectian with, or related to this.contract is initiated before the expiration of the three (3) year period, the cost records and accounts shall bE retaiaed until such litigation, claim, or audit invniving the records is completed. - . . J • ~ City of Spokane Valley . Exhibit E-1 r• s^,~ ~t7~CCITNa'~ ~fta''~'.:,- e+.~_. •;:r;_"c~~ 'M~ 'r~r'''~ f' n. i. k, r rw' ~ 8 - ~ a , i~ ~s 'q:~~.~,.~'`~' a~k_e~F~c~~ Br;fi~„e:~-S& % ' 3'-_.,.:.c,-..•. r..~tuc~~.ra+~,es :[r'.n l CH2M HILL --f Em lo ee or Cate o Hrs. x Rato = Cost 1 Praject Manager - Jim Dingtield 70 ~r ~'~56i. $3,045.00 2 Senior Geoter.h. Engr - Ken Green 18 ~ 46~8<i $833.04 3 Enviranmenfal PM - Marlena GuhlEce 16 5802.08 4 Senior Geotsch. Engr - Karen Dawson 80 $3,029.80 5 Ssnior Struct. Engr - Pau1 Guenther 176 ~~:~'s~~:;~ 8•~: $8,734.88 6 Senior SUnictural Engr- Don Wagner 32' $1,426_56 7 Geotechical Eng(neer - Bob MaRin - 108 9.8~ $3,777.84 8 Hydr. Eng[neer - Mar1c Anaerson . 24 $742.32 ' 9 Struct Engr - Adam Bergman 168 -23~ $4,238.64 10 Civil Roadtivay Engineer - Pat Krych . 16 $590.24 . 11 QesigNCAD Tech. - Clartc Cosby 94 $2,635•76 12 Project Accountant - Garrett Bates 22 $414.70 13 Admin. Assist - Jessica Titchenal 44 $678.92 . Total Hrs. 868 $30,949.58 . Dlrect Salary Gost $30,949.58 Direct Salary Escalation Cost (estimated) . ' 2005 to 200_ 0% $0.00 Total Direct Salary Cost ' $30,949.58 Overhead Gost 0 : ~~°i'~ of Direct Labor $52,211.94 ' Fixed Fee @ , R,~of Direct Labar + Overttiead $9,979.38 Toml Overhead & Fixed Fee Cost $62,191.32 iTotal Direct Salary Cost • $93,140.90 Direct Expenses ' Reproduction Cast No. Each Cost • Reports 3,000 ' $0.04 $120.00 ' Misc. oopies 100 $0.04 $4.00 Reprographics 10 ' $10 $100.00 A9ai1/Deliveriesletc. 8 $15 • $120.00 A7iteage Mi. Q S0.405 1Mile $243.00 nuto RentaUGasoline days Q $BS lday $170.00 . Lodging days @ $75 lday $0.00 Aerial Photagrapha 1 $20 $20.00 Travel Total (airfaro, train, etc) 4' $350 $1,440.00 Equipment Rentals, EDM, GPS, 0 $425 $0.00 Parfcing $0.00 PerDiem days @ $150 lday $0.00 . Commun[pUon . . 868 $1.15 $99820 Computers 868 $4.25 $3,689.00 ' Healtfi & Safety - 108 $1.50 $162.00 Misc Expensss ' 1 $200.00 $7,22B20 Subcontracts . ' Benthin and Assoaates $5,000.00 . Gnut $15,000.00 , Strata / Budinger (Lab) $1,500.00 Northstar (traffic coMro!) $1,500.00 - $23,000.00 ~ Subtotal ' . • $30,226.20 ' Subtotal $123,370 Contingency (10%) . $12,337 Total $135,707 Exhibit G ' Subcontracted Work ~ The AGENCY permits subconcr:iets for the following portions of the work of this AG12EEMENT: . Renth.jn.an(ASSpGIatES - SllrmEx1i1-g S.m-iCes Hudingcer and.QssQ.c.iates=Mate&Ls-jest.ng ('nix S uhsurface, in - Ct .o : .hnical Tnve_stiDa innt • Nnrth-star - TrafficsContrnl ; " . V L, ~ DOT Farm 140-089 EF Echibii G Rovised 610$ . Exhibit H Title VI Assurances J During the performance of this AGREEMENT, the CONSULTANT, for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest agrees as follows: 1. Compliance with Regulations: `Ihe CONSULTt1NT shall comply with thc Regulations relative to non-discrimination in federally assisted programs of the AGENCY, Title 49, Codc of Federal Rcgulations, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the "REGiJL,ATIONS"), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part nf this AGREEMENT. 2. Non-discrimination: Thc C0NISULTANT, with regard to the work performed during tihe AGREEMEN"1, shall not discrimi.nate on the gounds of race, coloe, sex, or national origin in the•selection and retention of . sub-consulhants, incluciing proeurement of materials and leases of equipment. The CONSCJLTANr shall not participate either ciirecdy or indiseckly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the REG[JLATIONS, inetucling employment practices when the AGItEE1vfENT covers a progam sct forih in Appendix B of the TtEGUI,ATIONS. . 3. Solicitations for Sub-consultants, Including Procttrement of Materials and Equipment: Tn all solicitations cither by campetitive bidding nr negatiations made by the CONSUL'I'AN'1' fnr work to be performed uncler a sub-contract, including procurement of materials or leases pf equ.ipment, each potential sub-consultant or ' . supplier shall be norified by the CONSULTANT of the CONSUL"i'ANT'S obligations under this ACREEMENT and the REGULATIONS relative to non-discrimination on the grounds of race, color, scx, or national origin. 4. Information and Renorts: The CONSUL°l"ANT shall providc all infArmation and repnrts required by the REGLTLATIONS or directives issued pursuant thereW, and shall permit acc:ess to its buoks, records, accounts, other sources of information, anci its faeilitics as may be determined by AGENCY, STATE or the Fcderal Highway Administration (FHWA) to be pcrti.nent to ascertain compliance with such • REGLTLATIQNS, orders and'instructinns. Where any information required of a CONSULTANr is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the CONSUL 1 t1NT shall so certity to the AGENCY, STATE or the FHWA as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforis it has made ta obtain the information. 5. Sanetions for Non-compliance: In the event of the CONSULTANT'S non-comnliance with the non-ciiseriminatiori provisions of khis AGREFMENT, the AGENCY shall impose such AGREEMF?NT sanctions as it, the STATE or the FHWA may determine to be appropriate, including, but not-limited to: • Withholding of payments to the CONSITLTANf under the AGREEMENT until che CONSULTANT complies, and/or; ' - . • Cancellation, termination, or suspension af the AGREEMENT, in whole or in part DO7 Fortn 14"89 EF Exhibit H , Ravised 61a5 6. incorporation of Provisions: The CONSULTANT shx3ll include the provisions of paragraphs (1) tluough (5) in every sub-contract, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the REGUI..ATIONS, or directives issued pursuant thereto. The CONSUL"lANT shall take such action with respect to any sub-consultant or procurement as the AGI:NCY, STA'CE or FH1~'VA may d'uect as a means of ~ enforcing such provisions ineluding sanctions for non-compliance. ; I'rOvicled, however, that in the event a CONSULTANT becnmes involved in, or is threatened with, ' litigation with a sub-consultant or supplicr as a result of such direction, the CONSULTAN'I' may request the AGENCY and the STATE enter into such litigation tn protect the interews of the AGENCY and the STATE and, in addition, the CONSULTANT may request the United States enter into such litigation to protcct the interests of the United States. . Exhibit I Payment Upon Termination of Agreement By the Agency Other Than for Fauft of the Consultant (Refer to Agreement, Section IX) Lump Sum Contracts ' A final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANf which when added to any payments previously made shall total the samc pcrcentage of the Lump Sum A.mount as the work completeti at the time of temunation is to the total work rcquired for the PROJECT. In acidicion, the COrTSULTArI'1 shall be paid for any authorized extra work cornplctcd. Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contracts A final payment shall be made to the CONSiJLTANT which when added to f►ny payments previously made, shall total the actual cnsts ptus the same percentage of the fixed fee as the work completed at the time of termination is , to the total work required for the Project. .I.n addition, the CO\~SiJLTANT shall be paid for any authorized extra work completed. • _ Specific Rates of Pay Contracts A final payment shall be macie to the. CONSUL'1'ANT for actual hnurs charged at the time of terminatinn of this AGREEIVIEN r plus any clireet nonsalary costs incurred at the time of terminacion of this AGREE"vfEN"I'. Cost Per Unit of'Work Contracts A final payment shall be made to the. CONSUL'fANT for dctna1 units of woric eompleted at the time of termination of this AGREEMEN'I. . ~ . . ooT FoJ,n 140-0e9 EF Ext►bit i Revtsea sras Exhibit M-1(a) Certification O# Consuitant Project No. 04-006 Local Agency 1221 I hereby eertify that I am et r" e s ~•4fo /'r e// anci cluly authorized • rcpresentative of the firm of CH2M HII.L, INC. - whnse address is 9 South NVashington, Suite 400, Spnkane, WA 99201-3709 and that neither I nnr the above firm I here represent has: (a) Emplnyed or retained for a commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fec, Qr other eonsideration, any firm or pepnn (other than a bona fide employee worlcing solely for me or t}ie abave CON&ULTANT) to solicit or secure the AGREEyfENT; (b) Agreed, as an express or implied condition for obtaining this contract, to employ or retain the " services of any f rm or ger5on in connection with carrying out this AGREFyLENT; or (c) Paid, or agreed to pay, to any fum, organization or person (other than a bona fide employee worldng solely for me or the above CONSULTAAT'1) any fee, contribution, donation, or - consideration of any ldnd for, or in connection with, pmcuring or carrying out this AGREEMENT; except as hereby expressly stated (if any); I aeknnwledge lhat this certificate is to be available to the Washington State Department of ~ Transporfation and the Federal Highway Administralion, U.S. Department of Transportation in connection with this AGREEMENT involving partYCipation of Fecleral-aid highway funds, and is subjeet to appl.icable State and Fecieral laws, both criminal • ''1. (o-2'P-05 . Date 'Signafure . DOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit A1-1(a) Rwised 6J06 . Exhibit M-1(b) Certification Of Agency Official I hereby certify that I am che AGENCY Official of the I.ocal Agency of City of Spokane Valley, WA , Washington, and that the consulting firm or its representative has not been required, directly or indirectly as an express or implied condition in connection with obtaining or catrying out this AGREEMENT to: (a) Fmploy or retain, or agree to emplpy to retain, any frm or persan; or (b) Pay, or agree to pay, to any firm, person, or organ.ization, any fee, contribution, donation, or . considerarion of any land; except as hereby expressly stated (if any): I aclrnowledge thal this certificate is to be available to the Washington State Departinent of . Transportatinn and the Federal Highway Actministration, U.S. Departrnent of Transportation, in connection with this AGREEMENT involving participation of Federal-aid highway funds, and is subject to applicable State ancl Federal laws, both criminal and eivil. Date Signature ' i~ . . . l ~ . • ~-l~ • . , DOT F^orm 140-089 EF Exhibit M-1(b) ' Revtsed 6lOb Exhibit M-2 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility* - Matters-Primary Covered Transactions 1. The prospective,primary participant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its . principals: . A. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed far debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any fecieral department or agency; B. Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment-rendered against them for commission or fraud or a criminal offease in connection with - obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under apublic transaction; violatian of fedeml or state antitrust statues or commission of embez.zlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false . statements, or receiving stolen properiy; C. . Are not presently indicted for ar otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a gnvernmental endty (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumen teci in paragaph (1)(]3). of this certification; and _ D. Have not within a three (3) year periad prececling this application/proposal had one or more public • transactions (federal, stale, or local) termi.natecl for cause or dcfault. ll. Where the prospective primary paRicipant is unable to certi.fy to any of the statements in this certification, ~ such prnspective participant shall atLieh an explanadon to this proposal. Consultant (Firm): CH2M HiL,L,1NC. ~ (75 (pate) ysture) residen a u orized cial of Consultant DOT Form 140-088 EF Exhibit b1-2 Ravisod 8fU5 Exhibit M-3 Certification Regarding The Restrictions of The use of Federal Funds for Lobbying . Thc ptospective participant certi6es, by signing and submitting this bid or proposal, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: 1. No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employec of acry Federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awareiing of any I'ederal contract, lhe making of any Federal grant, the making of any T'ederal loan, the E•ntering into of any cooperative agcement, and the extension, ' cantinuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of ariy Federal coniract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2. I.f any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to'any person for influencing or attempting to influence an nfficer or employee of any rederal agency, a member of Cangress, an officcr or employee of Congress, Ar aa employee of a tziernber of Congess in cannection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperakive ageement, the undersigned shall - complete anci submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. This certitic,ation is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prereqiusitE: for making or entering into tius transactian unposeci by Section 1352, '1'itle 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the rf;quired certiticafion shall be subject ta a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for cach such failure. . The pmspective paeticipaat also agrees by submitting his or her bid or proposal that he or she shall require that the language of this certification be included in all lower tier subcontracis whieh exeecd $100,000 and that all such subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. Consultant (Firm): CH2M HiLL, INC. • ~ - (Date) nafiure) Prasi ent or oriz~d da of Cnnsultant % • DOT Form 144089 EF EAibit 111-3 Rcvi-ed 6/a5 . Exhlbit M-4 Certificate of Current Cos4 or Pricing Data ~ ' . '1"his is to ccrtify that, to the best of my knowledge and belieF, the cost or pricing data (as defined in section 15.401 of the Federal f,cquisition Regulation (FAR) ancl required under FAR subsection 15.403-4) ' submitted, either actually or by specific identification in writing, to the contracting officer or to the contracting officer's representative in support of Eng. Sves for Barker ltoad Bridge Replacment * are accurate, complete, and current as of June 16, 2005 This certification includes the cost or pricing data supporting any aclvance agreements and forward pricing rate agreements between the offeror and the Goveniment that are pazt of the nroposaL ' Firm CFI2M H'ILL, INC.-7:,;,-- Narr Title V I C ~ C4~-' - Datc of i;xecution*** go r o~ * Identify the progosal, c{uotation, request for price adjustment, or other submission involved, giving the appropriate identifying number (e:g;, RFP No.). Insert the day, month, ancl year when price negotiaticans were concluded and price agecmcnt was reaehcd. ' Insert the day, month, and year of signing, which shnuld be as close as practicable to the date when the Price negotiations were concluded and the cantract price was agreeci to. ~ ~ . . . DO7 Fotm 140-089 EF Exhibit M-4 Revised 6105 . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 07-12-05 City Manager Sign-off; Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing xxinformation ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Mayoral Appointment: Tourism Promotion Area (TPA) Hotel Advisory Commission . GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreement for Establishment of Spokane County Tourism Promotion Area, approved by Council at its February 10, 2004 Regular Council Meeting. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: At the February 24, 2004 Regular Council meeting, Council Appointed Harry Sladich as a Spokane valley representative to this Commission. BACKGROUND: A letter was received June 3, 2005, from Harry Sladich resigning from the Tourism Promotion Area Commission as he accepted the position of President and CEO for the Spokane Regional CVB. As per the interiocal agreement, we received a letter of nominees prepared by the Spokane Hotel-Motel Association. All nominees for membership must be Operators of Lodging Businesses within Spokane County or employed by the Operator of such a Lodging business. Jody Sander, General Manager of the Holiday Inn Express, and Karin Johnson, General Manager of the Best-Western Pheasant Hill are the two nominees. OPTIONS: Confirm the Mayor's Appointment; or take other appropriate action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Confirm the Mayor's appointment to the Commission, to fill the vacancy of Hary Sladich, with a term expiration of 3-31-07. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMEPITS Page 7 of the approved Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreement for Establishment of Spokane County Tourism Promotion Area Resignation letter dated May 23, 2005, from Harry Sladich Letter from Ron Antlerson nominating Jody Sander and Karin Johnson Application from Jody Sander % ~Application from Kann Johnson . . (1) The fiinding of all activities and expenditures ciesigncd to increase tourism protnotion and convention business within Spokfuie Count_y as speciEied in the Spokane County Tourism Proiliotion Arca 13udgel. (2) Thc marketing of convention and business that benefit local tourism and the T..odging Businesses in Spokane County; and (3) The marketing Uf Spokane County to ihe travel i.ndustry in order fo benefit lACal tourism and the lodgring businesses situareci widun the Spokane County Tourism Proiuotion Arca; and (4) '1 he markcting of Spokane Couniy to recruit major sporting events in order t4 promote local tourism and to benefit the Lodging Busincsses Nvithin the Spokane Ccaunty Tourism Promoticm Arca. 5. Fstablishment of fhe Spokane Hatel anci Motel Conuv.ission. A. 1t is understn4t3 and agreed that the Board of County Commissioners of Spokatie County shall, pursuant to tlie authority of RCW 35.141.130 (l) create an eleven (11) member Spokane Hotel and Motel Commission to advise the l3oard of County Commissioners of Spokane Gounty on tlie expenditure aT Special Assessmcnt revenues by the Spokane County Tourism Pramotion Area to funcl tourism promotion i.n Spokane County. Members of the Spokane Hotel and Ivlotel Cammission shall be selected by the - Boarcl oi' County (:ommissioners nf Spokane County, d1e City Counci] of Spokane and the City Couiicil of Spokane Valley from a list of noininees prepared by the Spokaiie I-lotel and Motel Asspciation. All nominees for membership on the Spokane Hotcl and titatel Commission must be Operators of Lodging Businesses within Spokane County or employed by tt►e Operator of such a Lodgulg l3usiness. One ex afficio membcr of the Commission may be appointed from thc mcmbers of tbe F3oard of Commissionei-s of Spokane County; one ex officio member may be appointed f,rom the members of the City Council of the City oi Spokane; and one ex ojjt'cio m.emher may be appointed from the members of the City Council af thc City of Spokane Valley. t:'x officio members of the Spokane Hotel-Motel Cotnmissicm may participate in all discussions regarclinb proposed aetivities and pragams by the Spokane County Tourism Promotion Area fUr the promotion and marketing of tOurism in Spokane County but shall not have voting rights. , C. The Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County shali appoint hvo members, and one er officio membcr of the Spokane Hotel and Motel Cornmission, to represent thc County of Spo4cane; rhe City Council of the City of Spokane Valley shall appoint two members, and one ex offici.o member, of the Spokane f-Iotel ancl Motel Commission to represent ihe City of Spokane Valley; and the Gity Council of thc City of Spokane shall appnint four members; and one ex officio member; of tlie Spokane Iiotel and Motel Commissipn to represent the City oFSpokatie. A.ny vacancy, Qn tr►e Spokane Hotel anc3 Motel Cominission, arising frorn a resipation ar other cause, shall be filleci by the appointing agency, from thc list of nominees prepared by the Spokane Hotel and Matel Association, wiihin 30 days from the date the "vacancy occurs". ~ C:U?acummts arid Srningsld--ricksoV..ocnl SettingslTempornry lntcmet FileslOLK 141'I'ourism Promotion Intcrlocal Final.<Iac SP REGICJi`7~Q ~ RECEIVED JuN 0 3 2005 May 23, 2005 City of Spokane Vailey Mayor Diana Wilhite City of Spol<ane Valley 11707 E Sprague, # 106 . Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Dear Mayor Wilhite, In aceepting the position of President and CEO for the Spokane Regional CVB, it becomes necessary for me to resign from the Tourism Promotion Area Commission. The Hotel/Motel Association has suggested Jody Sander, General Manager of the Holiday Inn Express in Spokane Valley, as my replacement on that Commission. Jody has been a professional in the hospitality industry for many years, and has first-hand knowledge of the workings of the TPA. In my new role as TPA Manager, I support Jody's appointment to the Commission and ask that you make that appvintment official as soon as possible so she can participate in the Commission's activities. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me at 742-9370. I'd also like to spend some timc with you in the near future to discuss your views on marketing our region as a visitor destination. Louise will call you to set up an appointment Thanks for your considcration and your continued support of the CVB. Sincerely, / + r ~ Harry Sladich President and CEO . , - 801 West Riverside, Suit.e 301 i Spokone, WA 99201 : (509) 624-1341 : Faz (509) 623-1297 ~ • www_visiupokone.com . SPOKANE NOTEL,MOTEL ASSOCIA'8'BQN, 826 N STEVENSON COURT LIBERTY LAKE, WA 99019 PHONE 509.924.4793 FAX 509.924.4794 RECEIVED June 6, 2005 - ,UN 0 7 20(}5 The Flonorable Dianna Wilhite C'ty of Spokane V Mayor, City of Spokane Valley a~~e~/ 11717 E. Sprague, Suite 106 Spolcane Valley, WA 99206 Dear Mayor Wilhite: On behalf of the Spokane Hotel-Motel Associatlon I would like to recommend two hospitality professionafs bo replace Flarry Sladich on the Hotel Advisory Committee. Both women currentfy represent Spokane Valley properties as required in the bt-laws and both would be assets to the bQard. Jody Sander is currenUy the General Manager of the Holiday Inn Express, Spokane Valley and contlnues to exoel in the industry. She has shared her talents by serving in multiple leadership • pasitions in the community and was recentiy a candidate for Hospitality Professional of the Year. Karin ]ohnson is current9y the Generai Martager at the Best Western Pheasant Hill and would also be a fine candidate to fill tfie current vacancy on the bQard. Karin alsv is a credit bD our industry % and lends her talent and leadershtp in a variety of ways. . Both of tfiese candidates are active in aur associatEon and both understand the importance of developiRg tourism through the thoughtful distribution of the raom tax funds. Both women have • eacpressed their interest in filling tfiis pasition and we are happy to be able to present two ' extrerrzely qualified caRdidates to you. Piease feel free to contact me or our Executive Director, Tonl Hansen if you have any questions and I look forward to hearing from you once you have made your selection. Sinaereiy, Ron Anderson, Hotel Commission Chair Gerteral Manager, Red Lion at the Park tmh c: Deputy Mayor, Richard Munson Council Member Mike Flannigan Coundl Member Gary SchimmeJs Council Member Steve Taylor Council Member Mike DeVlemming CouRCil Member Dick Denenny KVC PAGE 61 IN867/05/2905 17:05 5099286360 Q eM~ P03t-it° FaX INOIO 7671 Date'7 , n Of e~~ Th" ~ ' From GO. s~~V ~ Ghana n P PV~ono a p Fa7t fi Fo.n valley Retum completed form to: Office of tlie Mayor, 11707 East Sprague Suite #106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 NOTE: All infarmation on ti►is form becemes PUBL C IidFORMATION when submitted to tfie Mayo~'s Offica. Position applied for: ` ~ ~ Y A~C6 Applicant's name: Home address: k'o\\o V\ LD~Zip code: Gaz~$ Home Phone; c~~ Lo~--1'~ ~og Email, 0u1 ~ 1+~5~'•~ EMpLpYMENT Mj _ ORY . Present or last employer. Position Held: Dates of - a- Employment Acldress: Phone; ~ -iai PrEVious employer: Address: Phone: EDUI.Q~,l,,,.l~~C.~.~..Q~N ,.4 High School . P, Diploma \C~~ College/Universary Z)ca ~ Degree College/University ~ 1~~ Y1 1 De9ree COMbUNII`f RELA7EDA CS cc~ ~ _QjaaYA&&1 , -4 VAA~Lu_ ri lao 071e5/2005 17:05 5699286860 KVC PAGE 02 vo~,u~vrr-~~ Qrnr-_Ri~rv _FS 44VnIj ' - ~1~.~~-~. ~v►~~~~, ~c:~~l -F v~ ~ v 1 ` ~ ~~k.,uti~1~.~ _ e o;7 , ~ . ~ r ~ , ~ Co +~r. r. Current and past posltions held on City Board, Committee, or Commission (circle one); , - . . From; To: From: To; From: To: Now lang have you continuousty lived wfthln Spoktine VaAey city Ilmits? NOl'E: tI-o~ Q-4,- &-VV\A' YOU MUST BE A itESIDENT OF THE C1TY Of- SPOKANE VALLEI'. What do you feel you can cantr1bute to the community that may not be evident from inforrnation already furnished on this application? . . _r Y~. . ~i~..e_ Q ~,vv rn~a r~!-~ ~>v~,~~S ► ✓1 hy do you feel you are quali ~e ln act ~~s a member of the Board, Committee or Commission applied fvr? - ` k,~~~c~~ ~ D v ' ~1 fllv ~v~r~ A-ka ~ °4-- ('d-)y7 '0 A-+fl ak no-A ~?'f a, 0/1 Woule your appolnhnent [o this position creaCe a onnFllct of intcresc or on appearance af a conflEc[ of irllEres't1 xt is the pvllcy oP the City of Spokane Valley to achieve cuitural and ethnlc CNers9ry on Committoes, (joards, and Commissinns, informatimn on thls sect}on will ass(st [n achievlrig thls goal and is mluntary on your park /lsbn ❑ Hispanlc ❑ African Nnerican ❑ Natlve Arncrilmn ~White ❑ Other • . , 07/07/2005 12:04 15098921914 EWPHELISANT pAGE 02/03 ~~~il~ Application Form for Scrrl' Of Corr~mittees/Boards/Commissions po y . VaIle Retum completed farm to: Offioe of the Mayor, 11707 East Sprague Suite #106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 NQYE: all intormatfon on this form becomes PUBLIC INFORMATION when submFtted to dte Mayor's Office• pos9tion applied for: ~~4k.. ~~Lk.~. ~~k~. Applicant's name: Home address: r Lip code' C? Hnmephone: Email: 4~kriSQn- cc~. CAm E LOY NT OR Present or last employer: Positlon Heid: Dates of Q- . Employment P Phone: Address: , Previaus emplayer: - r Address: Phone:0)9r) EQ~cn~ NAL cKEA GRON-Q Diploma High Schaal College/Un➢versity Degree Degree L College,/University COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIV~S i4c,11\4A ~ ~ ~ . ~&~r,m tK-~.~+- P I c~~s a C~D44 07/87/2005 12:04 15098921914 BWPHEASAN7 PAGE 83/03 . LUNTEE ERIEN _ Sl SPF('IAL I R~STS . . Current and past positions held on Gty Board, Committee, or Cammission (circle one): Fram: To: U ~ From: C9To: Antof i ad &kL, Fmm: To: *Lu,%-rl.fir\ Aux" C~~m - (3 ese f How lang have you condnuously lived within Spokane Valley city limits N l'E: . n YOU MUST (3E A RESIDENT OF TNE C1TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. 1Nhat do ynu feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evilkmt from Infarmation already furnished on this application? " --q-- J~~ , . 1N do yau fee you are qualified to act as a m ber of the Board, Committee or Cornmission applied for? . ~ wauld your appaintment to thls position crsaLe a conflid of in an appearance of a confli[t of Interest? " It is trie pollcy of the Gry of Spolcane Valley co .schieve cultural and ethnic dlversity on Committees, eoards, and Commtsslons. ' Ini'ormatlon on ihis secWn wlll assast in achieving tfii, gual and is volurKary on your part. . ❑ Aslan Hispantc African Ameripn ❑ PJative Amencan xwhite Other CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 12, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent X old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM T1TLE: Motion Consideration - Spokane Valley Appeal numbers APP 01-05 and APP 02-05 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Council previously conducted a closed record hearing to allow the parties to present their oral arguments for and against the respective appeals. BACKGROUND: In November, 2004, Whipple Consulting Engineers submitted applications for rezone of 4.6 acres of property located in the general vicinity of Barlier and 4,h Avenue in eastern Spokane Valley from the existing UR 3.5 to UR7*. The application also sought to subdivide the property into 21 lots with a PUD overlay zone. The Hearing Examiner (HE) approved the rezone, but denied the preliminary plat and PUD overlay. The basis for denying the preliminary plat and PUD was that the proposed plan failed to comply with a provision of the PUD ordinance requiring all PUDs to have ingress/egress onto an arterial or collector, as identified in the City's Interim Comprehensive Plan. Following the issuance of the HE's decision on March 24, 2005, the parties herein appealed. Whipple, represented by attorney Meg Arpin, appealed the denial of the preliminary plat and PUD, which is appeal APP 02-05. Two neighboring property owners, Tom and Kathy Tabbert, and Stephen and Barbara Hormel, appealed the decision to grant the rezone from UR 3.5 to UR7*, and are representing themselves.. The effect of an appeal of the HE decision in a zoning matter, which includes a PUD decision, is that the HE decision becomes a recommendation to the Council. . As the Council will recall, there were no specified procedural rules in place at the time this appeal was filed. The parties did agree to comply in substantial degree with the draft ordinance that was subsequently approved by the Council on June 28, 2005. The parties filed various motions and memoranda in support of their respective positions. The written materials were then followed by oral arguments to Council on June 14, 2005. APP 01-05: Appeflants Hormel and Tabberts' assertions in their appeal are summarized below, followed by the response by Whipple. Several of the arguments by Hormel and Tabbert were formulated as motions. Hormel and Tabbert requested in oral argument that the motions on substantive issues be treated as memoranda for the issues in the underlying appeal. A. Hormell and Tabbert asserted that changing the zone from UR 3.5 to UR 7" represents spot zoning. Whipple responded by stating it is not spot zoning by definition because both zone classifications are within the Comprehensive Plan designation of "Low Density Residential". B. Hormell and Tabbert asserted that changing the zone from UR 3.5 to UR 7* is ' improper because there have been no substantial change of conditions since the property was last rezoned in 1991. Whipple responded that it is unnecessary • ' under Washington law to show change of circumstances if the change is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation for the area. , C. Hormel and Tabbert asserted that the HE violated due process relative to SEPA 'because Appellants Hormel requested that they be provided individual notice of any future activity involving the development application. Individual notice was not provided in issuing the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significancs (MDNS), although notice was published in the legal notices. Hormel assert they should have been allowed to address this issue in front of the HE, but were not allowed to. Whipple responded saying that Hormel was provided notice through publication, which is all that is required in the law, and satisfied due process requirements. 1Nhipple further argued that the remedy for alleged violation of SEPA procedural requirements was a timely appeal of the MDNS, which did not occur. Whipple also argued that any error that may have occurred, if there was . one, was harmless eROr since the HE allowed Hormel to present arguments on envi~onmental concems at the open public hearing on March 17, 2005, although not the threshold SEPA determination, which was beyond the appeal period. D. Hormel and Tabbert asserted that the HE violated the Appearance of Faimess Doctrine because Appellants Hormel requested that they be provided individual notice of any future activity involving the development application. Individual notice was not provided in issuing the Mlitigated Determination of Non- Significance (MDNS), atthough notice was published in the legal notices. Appellants Hormel assert they should have been allowed to address this issue in front of the HE, but were not allowed to. Whip,ple responded saying that Hormel was provided notice through publication, which is all that is required in the law, , and satisfied the Appearance of Faimess Doctrine requirements. Whipple further ' argued that the remedy for alleged violation of SEPA procedural requirements was a timely appeal of the MDNS, which did not occur. Whipple also argued that any error that may have occurred, if there was one; was harmless error since the HE allowed Hormel to present arguments on environmental concerns at the open public hearing on March 17, 2005, although not the threshold SEPA determination, which was beyond the appeal period. , E. Hormel and Tabbert asserted that the City should have required a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), rather than the MDNS that was issued. Whipple responded that an agency's decision to issue an MDNS is properly reviewed under the "clearly erroneous" standard, and the issuing agency's decision is to be accorded substantial weight. Appellants Tabbert filed what appeared to be a short memorandum in support of its appeal, which also included a newspaper article from the Spokesman-Review dated after the March 24, 2005 Decision by the HE. Appellants Tabbert failed to demonstrate under SVMC 10.35.150(I) (Draft rules the parties agreed to comply with to process this appeal) that these' records meet any of those criteria. As such, staff recommends denying the request to supplement the record with these materials. Whipple filed a motion to dismiss the appeal by Tabbert and Hormel on the basis that it did not state with particularity the errors alleged to have been committed. Hormel and Tabbert responded by stating that they did identify SEPA issues that were erroneous. APP 02-05: Appellant Whipple's assertions on appeal are summarized below, followed by the response by Tabbert and Hormel. ' A. The central issue on appeal for Whipple was that although the PUD ordinance (which went into effect the same day the application was submitted) states that a PUD must access onto an arterial or collector, this results in an unfaic decision compared to if the project had been submitted as a straight platting action under RCW 58.17. Hormel and Tabbert summarily stated that the decision was correct, and that Whipple's arguments were invalid without providing any legal support. OPTIONS: (1) Enter Findings, Conclusions and Decision upholding the recommendation of the HE on one or both appeals; (2) Enter Findings, Conclusions and Decision amending the recommendation of the HE on one or both appeals; (3) Enter Findings, Conclusions and Decision granting the appeals and granting the relief sought on one or both appeals; (4) Remand one or both back to the HE with instructions to reconsider the matter. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attomey ATTACHMENTS: J ` CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action • Meeting Date: 07-12-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Student Advisory Council Update GOVERNIPIG LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Councilmember DeVleming will discuss the terms of office for the members of the Student Advisory Council. ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Councilmember Mike DeVleming • ATTACHMENTS Resolution 04-026 amending Resolution 04-018 _ Resolution 04-018 . • ! 1 CITY OI+ ST'OKANE VALLFY SPOK:IN'E COUNTY, WASH.INGTON 1ZESOJaUTIO1V YO. 04-026 A RFSQLUTTON AMENDTNG ItESO1..UT10N NO. 04-018, AMFNll1NG RESOLUTION 04-007, CREATING TEL'H; STiJi)CN`1 Al)VISOTtY CniJNC1L FOR TtlE CITY QF Sl'OK.A.NE VAI.LEY. WI:I:CIiEAS, the City Council fnr Spokane Valley adapted Resolution No. 04-018, amending Resolution 04-007, Creating the Shident Advisory Council for the City of Spokane Valley; anci WHERFAS, chqnges in certain wording have been suggested ta more accurdtely reflect the intent ofthe resolution creating the Student Advisory Council. 'NOW THEREFQ12E, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Vallcy, Spokane' County, Washi.ngton, tliat Resolution 04-018, be amended as follows: Section 1. Resolution 04-018 Section 2(C) shall be amended as set forth below: C. Lenath of terms: rach student member of ihe Student Advisory Council shall serve a twu-year term. Each rivo-year term shall run from September 1 of the frst year to June 30 of the second year of the tcrm. `I'he exception is the at-large student member, who shall serve a one-year term. One- half of the initial stuclcnt advisory council shall only have one-year terms. Section 2. Remainder of Resolution 04-01 R Unchangeci. The remaining sections of Resolution 04-018 will remain unr.hanged. Section 3. Severability: If any sect:ion, sentence, clause or phrase of tMis resolution shall be held tq be invalid or unconstitutional by a cAUrt of cornpetent jurisdiclio», such invalidity or unconstitutionRlity shall not affect the valiclity or constitutionality of iwy otber section, sentcnce, clause or ph.rase Uf this resolution. Secfion 4. Effective 17a1e. Ti1is Resolution shall be i.n full Porce and effecl:ivc: upon adoption. . ' Adopted this 14''' day oPllecernber, 2004. City of Spakanc Valley (:gistine ' Diana ~Vilhite, Nlayor B~ainbridge, City Clerk ^ rved , to-Fo / ` - ary P. riskell, 6'ty City Attorney Resolution 04-026 Arnending 04-018 S.A.C. Pase I of I r` c J CITY UF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKAN'E COUNTY, WASfIINGTUIV RESOLUTION Nn. 04-018 A RESOLUTION AMEIYllING THE 1trSUI,UT.TpN CREATiNG `I'HF, STITllENT ADVISORY COUNCLL FOR TliE CITY OI+' SFOKANE VALLLY. WHERE AS, the City Council for Spokane Valley adoptcd Resolution No. 04-007 . Creating the Stuclent Advisory Council for the City of Spokane Valley; and WF.T.CI2EiAS, changes in certain wording have heEn suggested to more accuraiely refleet the intent of the resoltrtian creatin}; the Student Advisory Council. NOW TEiEREFOltE, be it resolvecl by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spakane County, Washington, that ResoluUon 04-007 be amended as follows: Section 1. Geation. Thcre is created the Spokane Valley Student Advisory Cauncil. '1"he purpose of the Skudent Advisory Council is to study and make reconunendations tu the ivfayor ancl City Council on issues concerning the City. Thc Student Advisory Council may r.onsider issucs upon request from the City Cnuneil, ar may consider issues raisecl by the Student Advisory Council pursuant to the rules of procedure adopted by the Student Aclvisory Cnuncil under Section 3(C) of this resolution. Scctaon 2. Mcmbershia. A. Apnoi.ntment: Members of the Student Advisory Council shall be nominated by the Mayor ,ind confirmcd by a majority vote of at least four (4) members of'the City Council. Student Advisory Councilmembers shall serve without compensal:ion. B. Representation: Thc Student Advisory Council shall consist of fiitecn (15) voting members. 1'hcre shall be three (3) representatives from Central Valley High School, three (3) . fmm University High School, two (2) from East VaUey High Scllool, two (2) from West Valley H.igh School, nne (1) from Valley Christian, the Mayor of Spokane Valley or designee; the City Vlanager of Spokane Va11ey or designec, one (1) representative of the business commtmity of Spokane Valley, and ooe (1) at-large shident to be appointecl by the othcr fourteen (14) members (at-large member must be a City resident, behvicen 14-20 ycars of age ancl cannot be attending any of the high schoals currently represented). C. T ength of terms: E.ach mcmber of t6e Student Advisury Council shall serve a one-year term. Each one-year term shall be from Scptember 1 to June 30. D. Removal: Members of the Student rl.dvisory Cnuncil may be removcd by the v'Iayor or appoijitee, with the concurrence of the City Council For a.ny just cause detailed in the by-laws. "1"he ciccision of the City Council regarding membership on, or remnval from, the Student Advisory Council sttall be final and without tippcal. E. Vacancies: Vacancies occumng other than throui* khe expiration of tcrms shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as for appnintments. c~ Resalution Q4~ Creating Student Advisory Caancil' Pnge 1 of 2 ( . Section 3. vleetings - Rules: A. The Student AdvisoryCouncil shall organize at its first meeting in September af each year F►nd elect from iLs members a Chair, who shall preside at all meetings of the Student Advisory Counei] and perform such other functions as dctennined by rule. A Vice-Ctiair shall also be electcd ta presicle i» the absence of Che Chair. . B. `lhe Student Advisory Council shall determine a regular mont.hly meeting schedule (time, plaee and frequency). All meetings shall be open to the puhlic. C. `1'he Student Advisory Cotxncil shall adopt sucM *rules and regulations as are necessary tor the conduct of business. Prior to implementation, all such rules and regulations, including aiiy proposed by-laws, shal] be approvcd by the Spokane Vallcy City Couracil. Section 4. Staff Support: The Student Advisory Council is stronely encouraged to be self- sufficient and provide its own support to the gncatest extent possible. City seaEF members can be consulled on approval of the City Managcr. . Sertion 5. Severability: lf any section, sentence; clause or phrase of this resolution shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of cqmpecent jurisdietion, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality nf any othet section, sentence, clause or phnase of this resolution. Section 6. Effective I7ate. This It.esolution shall be in full force and effective upon adoption. . Adopted this 22nd day Qf June, 2004. C ity of Spokane V alley ~ Michael DeVlcming, Mayor A'I"1 k ~ ~ ,`~-GhPi'stine I3ainbridge, City Clerk _ , Approved as t or ti. ary P. riskcll, UepuCy ' Attorney Rasdfution 04dCrealing Sluclent Advisory Council Page 2 of 2 SIcrryo~lkav~ ane ;0OValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921:1008 ♦ cityhall0spokanevalley.org . Memorandum To: City Manager David Mercier and Members of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: Juty 12, 2005 Re: Community Values City Council and the Planning Commission began in January 2005 to articulate the core values of the community. Values are the principles, standards and actions which are considered inherently worthNvhile and of the utmost importance. They hclp guide the City Council, direct the Administration and encourage the cam.munity in balancing diversc needs, and in setting goals and priqrities. Thc purpASe of this memo is to provide a preluninary values statcment for Counc;il : discussion. There was Council consensus to use the draft Vision Statement as the basis for the Values Statement. . The draft Values Statement was gleaned from joi.nt Cotuicil-Planning Com.mission meetings in February and Ap.ri12005, and fTom a Conversation with the Community in mid-Apri12005. However, the draft Statement finds its roots in the commiznity survey conducted in Apri12004 and in Resvlution 1Vo. 03-027; Generul Policy Re.solution of Cvre Beliefs, which was adopted by Council in May 2003. At the joint City Council-Ylanning Commission meeting on February 1, 2005, Council and Plauming Comm_i5sion mcmbers brainstormed and then voted on the value ttaits. Likewise, citizcns voted during the Conversation wilh the Community on April 13, 2005. Attached to the back oft,his mcmo is a summary of'the City CouncillPlanning Commission (CC/PC) votes, the citi7en vote count and A combined total. The Community Values project is scheduled on the July 26, 2005 Council Meeting. . Community Values, contioued July 12, 2005 Pagc 2 of 3 D17AFT VTSION AND VAI,UFS STATEYI:ENTS City of Spokane Valley Vision: Community ,nf oppnrtuniry where individuals ar:d families ean grnw antt plny, and businesses will flourisl: and prvsper. City of Spokane Va11ey-Values: Community ldentity and Pridc. Spnk.ane Valley promotes an envirnnment that supports the home and family, and job and education opportunities. Highliglit areas: • A friendly, wholesome, safeplace to live and raise a fainily • A City Center and economically hcalthy, diverse downtown area • Preservation of neighbnrhoods ' Focus on thc Futurc. Spokane Valley is a visionary city encouraging its citizens and their government to lodk to the fulure beyond the presenl generation, and to bring such -ideas to public discussion, enhancing a sense of community identity. Highlight areas: • A balanced approach to growth and devclopment • Stewardship of land and resources, such as parks, recreation and natural areas • Preservarion ancl growth of the economic and commercial job base of thc community Open, Cullaborative Government. Spokane Valley values a"user-friendly" government, in which govcrnance practices and general operations consider how citizens will be served in the most responsive, effective and courteous manner. IIighlight areas: 0 Citizen partic;ipati0n in the decision-making process • Stratcgic use of public/private and other partnerships • A Cfui-Do attitude on the part nf City employees, and fair anci consistent interprctation anci implementation of regulations ~ Community Values, continuccl July 12, 2005 Page 3 of 3 ' Attachment: Conibined City Council-Ylanning Commission (2/1/05)/Citizeris (4/13/05) Votes *"Prinrities sllown in hold arc nc;w items iclentified by ehe citizens at the April 13 meeting. I'riorilies - One vr more votes CC/PC Citizefi Tntal Votes -Votes Votes Develop a City Center 9 7 16 Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas 9 6 15 NeighborhUods (preservation of; well-maintained; 13 0 13 neighborhpod associations Business Promotion (business fricndly 0 13 . 13 overnment Comraunity "identifying" eventti (events immediately 0 13 13 assnciated with S oksinc Valle ' Public Saf'et citizen rotection; olice/fire/courts 7 2 g InfYastructure (of good quality; planning for g p g develo ment ' i and Usel7oning (accoriunoclaie all aspects of business; 7 l g business/iildustry centers; rovide needed zonin _ Community Identit and Pride 6 2 g Busuicss Fnvironment (business friendly; new 5 3 8 businesses locateJexisting businesses ro agatc) Fublic InvUlvement (citizen participation/voluuteerism; 7 p 7 ' feedback ra . am) Partnershi s ublic/ rivate; schools/gov't/business 5 1 6 Fair and Consistent Interpretation and Implementation 5 0 5 af R.egulatians Home, job, eciucation, environment, all agcs, extended 4 1 5 family - o ortumities f•'or fuRire generation Balanced t\pproach to Growth antl llevelopment 4 0 4 1 iscitl Res onsibility 4 0 4 Housing ; 4 0 4 A carance of alle a s maintenxnce/clean-u 0 4 4 Provide Tools xnd StafT'to AllQw "Can Do" Attitude 2 1 3 Career O ortunitics 2 p 2 SaCety -Faimess to A11 Citizens 2 p 2 Community Places 1 1 2 O ortunities for Higher Education 1 1 2 Public Trans ortation 1 1 2 Accessible Govenunent 1 0 1 Pragrams, Cultural Activity 1 0 1 ` ~ J S`pokane . _ ;OO*VaI.Iey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley VJA 99206 . 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: July 12, 2005 Re: Classification of Human Resources Analyst Position At the February 2005 retreat, thcre was Cauncil consensus to fiind a Human Resources (H-R) Analyst position. Preliminary ini'ormation was prescnted to Council at the March 22 Council meeting. The ptirposc of this memo is to provide background informatinn, and to propose placemcnt on the City's matrix. Tlus item is scheduled for Council consideration at the July 26 Council meeting. Cfluman Resources AnalVst / 1°he City has about siYty regular full- ancl part-ti.rne employees, with no solely dedicated staff to fulfill personnel related responsibiliries. A portion of the Iaeputy City Clerk's time is spent on the clericzl oversight tasks, and a portion of my tiinc as I7eput,y City iVlanager is spent managing recruitment and other I-IR needs. The i-(.R. Analyst was one of the positions discussect at the February 2005 retreat. Following•are some of the facus area.s of the position. A complete draft position description is alsa actached. . llighlighl of Majvr Responsibilities Assist in developing and administering personnel policies and proceclures. •Assist in labor negotiations and labor managemcnt relations, wikh an emphasis on contract intcrpretation and investigarion of grievances. • Desipi mid conduct various training sessions, workshops and classes. • • Work with Departments to ensure employee evaluations are completed on time and ccm5istent wilh City stanclards znd policie5. • Ucvelop; rcvicw and revise position descriptions, establishi.ng essential fiinctions and seleclian criteria, recommending placement on the City's classification matrix and performing other research work involved in the adminiscration of the ~ classification system. Classification of Numan Resources Analyst, continued July 12, 2005 Page 2 nf 2 _ • Plan and administer emplayee recruitment processes, including developine verbal, written a.nci perfonnarlce examinations as needed, and screening applieations. Comparnbles jor tlie tluman Resources Analyst .Position The 2004 AWC survey includes a personncl analysi posiiian. (The 2005 survey has not yet been completed) The average salary range of cilies with a population of 50,000 or greater is $48,660 - $62,628. : In addition, staffsought comparables fi:nm seve❑ Washington cities as well as a couple oi' area businesses who participated in the STt-1 Blue Ribbon C:ompensatinn Committee. The average 2005 ranbe Nvas $45,914 - $58,843. Based upon the information above, staff recommcnds placing the Human R.esources Analyst at Grade 15 on lhe City's c:lassification matrix. This has a salary range of $44,772 -$57,39G. CTrade 15 also includes the IT Specialist, Associate Planner; ~laintenance Superintendent, GenterPlace Coordinator attcf Assistant Engineer pasitipns. Attachment --D17AFT-- . CITY OF SPOKANE VAI,LEY POSI1"lON DFSCRIPTIQN Class Title: I-Iuman Resources Analyst Job Code Number: 440 Department: 4perations & Administrative Svc. Grade Number: 15 Division: NA . ijLSA Status: Exempt Date: Loeation: City Hdll GENERAL PU12YOSF . FerFnrms professional, technical anci administrative duties involved in the development, implementation and admitustration aFHuman RGSOUrces programs and activities, ensuring compliance with applicablc state and fedcral laws. SUPFRVISION 1tECFiVED . Worlcs under the general guidance and direction of the Deputy City Manager. SUYEKVISI4N EXEI7CISED N/A , ESSEIVTiAI, DUTIES AND 1tESPONSiBIL1TIES Assists in coordinating and adminislering the Human Resources function: • Assists in the development, implcmentation, administration and review of personnel policies and procedures; communicates and provides information to employees and outside agencies regaxding thc implementation of personnel policies. • Assists in labor negqtiations and labor management relations, with an cmphasis on cvntract interpretation and investigation of grievances. . • Coordinates and adminislers various special projects and ongoing programs, such as - Employee Recogiuoon, Safety, Wcllness or Americans ivith Disabilities Act (ADA). • Researches, designs, prepares and Icads various training sessions, workshops and classes. • Astisis in the development and implementation of the City's Equal Employment Opportunity policy and Affirmative Action prognam. Assists with or conducts required eESearch or studies as needed to appropriately monitor andlor prepare requued reports. o Develops anci maintains performance management tracking system to ensure evaluations are completed on time and consistcnl with City standards and policies. • Develops and maintains a IIuman Resources [nEnrmation System (HRIS), ensuring employee access tn timely and accurate information on IIR programs; plans such as bencfits, selectiou status or training. Provides advice and assistance to Uepartments and individual cmployecs: . •Assists suPervisors in diagnosing PerFormanc;e and development gaps and issues. Works with them to design and implenient programs, processes and interventions to improve performance and development. • Assists departments with or conducts investigations, and holds meetings as necessary, to resolve human resotirces and discrimination/harassment matfers. Assists in the admuustration of the classification, wage, salary and benefits Programs: • Develops, reviews and revises joh and classification descriptions, establishing essential functions and sclcction criteria, recammending allocation of positions to gracles in the City's classification matrix, and performing other research work involved in the administration ofthe position classification system. • Designs, conducts and/or Participates in compleY wage, salary and benefit surveys; analyzes results and prepares reports, including findings and recommenclations. . • Analyzes, researches, prepares reports and recommendatinns for employee benefits programs, ensuring deadlines and compliance requirements are met. • Develops, implements and maintains the City's automated positihn controUinventory systcm. • I'rovides information to alher ciepartments and outside agencies. Plans, formldatcs; construcls and administers recruitmcnt and selectian processes for all levels of positions: • R.eviews job opeiungs, descriptions and requirements witli management personnel; prepa,res job announcements and recc>mmends appropriate advertising strategies. • DevelUps verbal, writteri, physical agility and perfnrmance examinations as needed; screens applications atid oversee_s and may participate in interviews of applicants for City employment. • Fteviews and recommends reasonable accommodation for placement of disabled applicants or employees. PURTPHFR.AL1)UTIES Serves as member of various City committees and task forces as assigned. Performs similar or relate_d duties as a.ssigned. DESIRFn MTNTNIUIVI QUA111FICATiONS Education and Fxperience: (A) C',raduation CTom a.f.our-year college or university with a degree in public or business administratioti, human resourc;es or a closely related fielti; and .l (13) Minimum nfthree (3) years pt increasingly responsible persoiinel experience at a lcvel affording familiarity vvith persannel classification, compensation, recruitment, Posilic>n Description: Hiunan Resources Analyst 2 promolion, lesting, evaluation, labor relations, pcrsonnel policy and procedures desired; or .(C) Any eyuivalent c;ombination of education and experiencc. Necessary K.nowledge, Skills and Abilities: (A) Ability to ef=Pectively and accurately cnmmunicate; both verbally and in writing, with . employees, consultants, other governmental agency representatives, City officials and the general pulilic. "I'his includes the ability to c;ammunicate technical information to lay aucliences; - (I'3) Ability to establish and maintain trust, confidence and effective working relationships with co-workers, managers, supervisors and the public; ability to maintAin confidentiality of scnsitivc information; (C) Effective experience in modern principles, practiccs and theories of human resources managemcnt, including union contract interpretation and recruitment and selection methods; municipal governrnent policies, procedu.res and structure; applicable local, state and Federal laws, codes, regulations and ordinances; (D) AbilitY to analY"- re situations accuratelY, adoPt an effective course of action and adapt as the situation changes, and to manage multiple projects and tasks; (L) Ability to effectivcly use research and analytical methocls, practices and procedures to definc anc1 resolvc issues; (F) A key value of the City is customer service. Tlus position requires considerable ) knowledge, ability and skill in thc principles and practices of excellent customer service as practiced in both the private and public sectors. It requires ihe ability to effectively meet and deal with the public; the ability to handle stressful situations; the ahility to greet and respond to custouiers in a friendly, plcasant and professional manner using appropriate inflection, grammar anci syntax; the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees, supervisors, and the general public; the ability to . . maintain a pr4fessional, courteous, and pleasant demeanor in difficult and stressful siluations; and the ability to diplomatically deal with difficult people. A willingness to , expend extra efE'ort to help the public find answers or information relative to tlieir inquiry or complaint is expected. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Must passess a valid State driver's license or have the ability to obtain one prior tn employment. T()OI..S ANn EQUIFMEN T USED Personal comPuter, including wrord processing, sprcadshcet, data base and presentation sofl.ware. PHYS1CAL TIEMANDS 1'lie physical demands described here are represenlalive oi'those that must bc met by an employec to successfully perform the essential functions of tlus job. Reasonable Position Description: Human I2esources Analyst 3 ac;c;ommodations may be made to enable individuals,,Aith disabilities to perform the essential fiancrions. Work is perforrned mostly in ofFice settings. Some outdoor work is required as part of ground- brealcing ceremonies or similar community events. While performing the duties of this job; the employee is occasionally requireci to stand; walk; use , hands to finger, handle, feel or nperate objects, tools, or controls; and reach with hands and arms. The employee is occasionally required tU sit; climb or balance; stoop, kneel, crouch, or crawl; and is reyuired to talk and hear. 1'he emplnyee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 25 pounds. Specific vision abilities rcquired by th.is job include close vision, distance vision, color vision, peripheral vision, depth pcrception, and the ability ta acijust focus. WnRK ENVIRUYMEN'I 'l'he work environlnent characteristics described here arc representative of those an employee cncounters while perform.ing the essential funclions o1'this job. Reasanable aecpmmndations may bc made to enable individuals "rith disahilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee occasionally works in outside weather conditions. The noise level in lhe work environment is usually quict to moderate. SELECTION GU17)L+'LINES Formal anplicaliAn, rating of education and cxpcrience; oral intervicw and reference check; joh relateci tests may be required. 'Chc dutics listed above are inteiided only as i]lustrations of the various types of work that may be perf'Urmeri. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from thc positian if the work is similar, related or a logical assigunent to the position. 'fhe .job dcscription cloes not constitute an employment agreemenl between the employer and employee and is subject to chaiige by the employer as the needs of the employcr and requirements of the job changc. Approval: Approval: I-Iuman Resources Manager designate City Manager k:ffective Date: Revision I•Iistory: \rew Position T)eseription: Human Resources Analysl 4 Spo~l~a000010 .ne ;oOValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevaUey.org Memorandum Date: Juty 7, 2005 To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of Council - From: Mike Jackson ' Re: CenterPlace TFChnology As the completion of the building draws near, we are working to rescalve a number of technolpgy issues for the provision of communication serviees at CenterPlace. ui parlicular; we are faced with a decision between Fibe.r vs. copper (T-1) for connection frnm CenterPlace to the Internct. Rccently, Creg 13i.ngaman, Tnformation 1'ech.nology Specialist, aud I met with representatives 4f Sparling, lne. of Seattle to discuss the options for communication systems for CenterPlace. Sparling will assist the City in determining if the monthly service charges for fiber interconnect ~are needed and if the costs arc appropriate. They will substantiate their findings with Return on Investment (ROI) supporting documentation to assist the City in making a decision. The use oF video cnnierencing eyuipment places a large demanci on bandwidth and thcrefore the provision of this equipment will be tied clasely with nur decision regarding fiber vs. cnpper. U11i.mately it may come down t4 a decisi4n as to 'whether or not the City desires video conferencing capRbility at CenterPlace. Sparling will have a preliminary rcp4rt to us by Friday, July 8, which I anticipate presenting to City Council at the July 19; 2005, Study Session. ` JS