2003, 04-01 Regular MeetingCouncil Agenda: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — REGULAR MEETING CITY HALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor Spokane Valley, Washington Tuesday, April 1, 2003 6:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLL CALL 5. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS A) Proclamation, Master Gardeners Week 6. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (For members of the public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on the agenda. Please state your name, address and subject for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. Thank you.) 8. COUNCIL REPORTS 9. ACTION ITEMS A) Mplions / 1) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -097, Waive Objection to Preston Gates & Ellis engagement by Spokane Public Facility District as bond counsel. B) Resolutions 1) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -096, Amend Master Fee Schedule Resolution for planning fees and adjustment of building fees 11. CITY MANAGER AND STAFF REPORTS 12. PUBLIC CONI NI ENTS (Maximum of three minutes please; state your name, address and subject for the record) 1 1.3. NEW BUSINESS 14. ADJOURNMENT FUTURE SCHEDULE A) Apr. 4, 5, 6, 2003, City Manager Interviews B) Apr. 8, 2003, Council Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., City Hall C) Apr. 15, 2003, File Public Disclosure Reports A) Apr. 15, 2003, Council Study Session, 6:00 p.►n., City Hall E) Apr. 22, 2003, Council Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., City Hall F) Apr. 29, 2003, Council Executive Session, 6:00 p.m., City Hall Council Agenda: 7 S p�kane ,„1\7alley TQCLANATION CITY O F SPOKANE VALLEY.; WAS.f-171V WHEREAS, the Master Gardener volunteer program is celebrating the 30 anniversary of its creation by Washington State University Cooperative Extension; and WHEREAS, the Spokane County was one of three original counties where the program began;.and WHEREAS, this model of volunteer service has been emulated in all fifty states and four Canadian provinces; and WHEREAS, in 2002, 105 WSU Master Gardner Volunteers in Spokane County contributed a total of 5,730 hours involving 16,1-00 contacts with residents of the Inland Northwest, at a value rated at $88,125,00 contributed to the community; and WHEREAS,.these dedicated volunteer educators use their love of gardening to address critical issues such as environmentally sound gardening, which reduces pesticide use, protection of water quality, providing green space, and conservation of natural resources. NOW, THEREFORE, I MAYOR MICHAEL DEVLEMING, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON M1 OCLAI9K D--PE WEEK OT °A IL 6 — 12, 2003, AS "WAS7CIWGTON S VNIVERSITY/SPOWE COW WY9vi!A5TEdt GAurzEqu' fEx» in Spokane Valley, Washington, and invite all citizens to acknowledge the history, the contributions and the promise of the WSUISpokane County Master Gardeners Program and its volunteers. TROCLAIJKED TifIS 1S DAT OE fi L, 2003 Mayor Michael DeVleining W 5 U Gird mere O COOPERA61VE EIS 1 EN ION WASHINGTON STATE UNITY p Thank you, Kay Stolz, Master Gardener Board of Directors PLANT CLLNIC and Resource Center earn 1\ and stiix grand'? /973 - 2003 J Monday through Thursday 9-3 p.m. Friday 9 -1 p.m. 509 477 -2048 222 N. Havana Spokane, WA 99202 Dear City of Spokane Valley Council Members, You are intuited to take part in our celebration of '30 years and still growing!" The Master Gardener Volunteer Program started at Washington State University in 1973 as an adjunct to the t on service. We go through 60 hours of training from WS ' faculty and staff; then provide 40 hours of volunteer service each year' as well as take 10 hours of continuing education. We are having a Spring Open House to celebrate our 30A anniversary on Saturday, April 12,E 10 a. m. to 4 p.m, Please come and celebrate with ti ere will be exerts covering all aspects of gardening, refreshments and a children's activity room The Plant Clink will be open for advice as well. We expect between 200 to 400 peopk Based on past attendance. C-ov:r ;ating aJ encea 'i"Jmshmi w, State UnTearaLty U S. Eksparrami el Ag culture. 91 711 Washington CLitirliiEri Codixiral-wo Eiienwn piopfams and nmpnrsymonl Taro sval4thla in am without didonrarnallon MONTHLY GAHMA:N TIPS 'LUMP NA Y+ui r1r1 ti!! Ioi dla pi ollr1 for NO 'f111rETT Irutb Mnrr 4410. 1, 'WI r *s1Ht }11.11 Iepai t:ui hnrsrtdke it •I I( Ti 11r 1111111V r141}+19s 11 1wps1+pt1blslrt 4 lnlreltal ed 1A �r111 x1 p1110I by 44111 '4!111 1!111,, filritlt+'i Qps Iheu 1111 S1wrd1Y,11r I It batik h•dl main it rbewiletirirbiblollitiori. ILLY 11rlild X11 Ws gal ha wool �rabilts. (11 Mon pirw lf1 kit * 44411 Ott Off,, , linked hilslaflg '1IME PIp1}11poit. moo o .ru ai w r111n imid1rtr4sawlisel1 firtkitim1 CC vi 1k11 tit Wilma r oEr — cm z_ g V) I w 0 u} 0 .. II— . � I- 7 w u 0 . (in :I .50 �e�m rli� 'NIP? 11yp ery*i1 b1Ih11 thin utit11 rt IbI Iai rwtpsrt+taIP Asi bill entirtni.11101 &bet Id 511 }1111 traevep ourt1 i '4116161 Wu* 1+r+nr4dr. *it+ 1rl bra NI limped' It Italian 0111 ihi ■ nifr Di NI fugue ltip 111 Iirtt d i1t o.1+1t1r 14P1 NNIE1 Matt err Item ill ILL +mlu+ iar t kit* Ir.e 1111 i 1 MI nig WO thrill I1,t 1Ith 1 d1Nti +, ` 1rf11 #1 fre dill a9o}1 x41 *loft F[111 iY i 1 141114lr 11r sof Iwo II 1.1 11i 4 141%00 Nku rhsmr iiro i I Girt 104 orlor 11.rar)/te ants NI fru' bliere x111 Irt1 1rurlr 1.1<trt1P *ON iota prim IWO41 *R11gIIlIi 1s1 t1roY ie.d 1 Ipedot [Hill}i s1 rsld 11144 Old lair h&id1`r t■otio. NAME PLEA.SIJ PRINT ADDRESS TELEPHONE 0 6LA5e- laSi At 1.--Y\ r- L)1 t r ► vvta n te) /Oo(0 C, 4 K'12. - (703 .... YO ' 1 (C PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN -IN MEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY C9IJNC1L MEETING DATE CITIZEN COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT INCLUDED ON THIS AGENDA. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. YOUR TIME WILL BE LIMITED TO THREE MINU -T'ES NAME PRESENT/ABSENT COMMENTS iVlayor Michael Dcreming- Position No. 3 Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite- Position No. 1 i f.7 Councilniemhcr Dick Dcnennyr- Position No. 7 Councilmember Mike Flanigan- Position No. 6 Councilinember Rich Munson - Position No. 5 Councilmexnber Gary Schirnmels-Position No. 4 Cuuncilni.eml)er Steve Taylor- Position No. 2 f CITY OF SPOKANE � VALLEY COUNCIL MEE1I G DATE COUNCIL ROLL CALL DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: April 1,2003 APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form ALTERNATIVES: To grant or not grant waiver. FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda 13111 No. 03 -Oct? TITLE: Request by Preston Gates & Ellis LL that City of Spokane Valley waive objection to their engagement by Spokane Public Facility District as bond counsel. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter of explanation 2. Standard waiver form SUBMITTED BY: Submitted at the request of Kevin Twohig via Lee Walton Not applicable TYPE OF ACTION: Ordinance Resolution X Motion Other STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: That the waiver requested by Preston Gates & Ellis relating to bond counsel representation be (approved) or (not approved) No staff recommendation DISCUSSION: Refer to attached letter from Preston Gates & Ellis describing the basis and reasons for this request. 04/01/03 TUE 09:50 FAS 206 623 7022 P G & E SEATTLE PrestonjGateslEllis up April 1, 2003 Mr. Lee Walton City Manager City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: Spokane Public Facilities District Financing Dear Mr. Walton: The Spokane Public Facilities District (the "PFD ") has asked Preston Gates & Ellis LLP to represent the PFD as bond counsel in connection with the PFD's financing of its Convention Center project. Our firm is very pleased to represent the City of Spokane Valley (the "City ") as bond counsel in connection with various finance matters. We have disclosed to the PFD our representation of the City and made clear that our intention is to continue to serve the City in this capacity. The PFD would like to secure your consent to our representation of the PFD in connection with its Convention Center financing. As a part of the PFD's Convention Center financing, the PFD intends to provide funds to the City to assist with the City's Mirabeau Point Project. These funds will be transferred to the City pursuant to a flow of funds established in the PFD's bond documents. This transaction will be completed pursuant to an interlocal agreement between the City and the PFD (the "Interlocal Agreement "). Under the Washington Rules of Professional Conduct, a client can waive its objection to conflicts or potential conflicts and provide an informed written consent to a law firm's representation of both clients. This letter is the PFD's request for a waiver and consent from the City regarding our representation of the PFD as bond counsel. Simultaneously, the PFD will waive and consent in regard to our representation of the City. As we do whenever we seek such a waiver and consent, we recommend that our clients consider seeking independent legal advice to determine if the requested waiver and consent should be given. In compliance with our general duty to keep the confidences and secrets of each client inviolate, we will not release to the PFD any confidential information gained in our A LAW FIRM A LIWITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING OTHER uMITEO LIABLLrtY ENTITIES 925 FOURTH AVENUE, SUITE 2800 SEATTLE, WA 98104-1158 TEL: 12061 623.7980 FAX: 12061 623 -7022 wws.prestongates.[;n11 An :loroEO Coeur d'Alene Hone Kan? Orange County Portland Snr. Francisco Snide Sp2k3ne Washington, OC 2002 04/01/03 TUE 09:51 FAX 206 623 7022 Lee Walton April 1, 2003 Page 2 PG &ESEATTLE representation of the City, even where disclosure would serve the interests of the PPD. During their tenure as bond counsel to the City, Mike Ormsby in our Spokane office and B.J. League in our Portland office will be screened off from any files on any PFD matters. The lawyer(s) (Nancy Neraas, Drew Kintzinger, and Stacey Crawshaw- Lewis, all in our Seattle of who would work on the PFD matter will not do any work on any matters for the City during the time period of their representation of the PFD. During our firm's representation of the PFD, those working on such matter(s), including Nancy Neraas, Drew Kintzinger, and Stacey Crawshaw- Lewis, will be screened from all files in which this firm represents the City. It is expected that this would not prevent those attorneys, after the completion of work for the PFD, from working on projects for the City in the future. We believe that our representations of the City and of the PFD respectively will not be adversely affected by this proposed representation. The only transaction between the City and the PFD will be pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement Both the City and the PFD will be represented by separate law firms in connection with negotiation and drafting of the Interlocal Agreement. Our involvement with the Interlocal Agreement would be limited solely, as bond counsel to the PFD, to reviewing the Interlocal Agreement for consistency with the bond documents. Particularly in light of the screen described in the preceding paragraph, we do not see any material risk that any information confidential to the City will be disclosed or used in a manner adverse to the City interests. No do we see any risk that our representation of the City on other matters will be less zealous because of our involvement in this transaction. Please understand, however, that if there is any threatened litigation between the PFD and the City regarding the Interlocal Agreement or the transaction generally, we will then not be able to represent either party in connection with such threatened or actual litigation. Based on the foregoing, the PFD asks that the City give the requested waiver and consent. Please review this matter carefully. If you have any questions that you would like me to answer before you reach a decision, please let me know. If you are willing to give the waiver and consent after such review as you believe appropriate, please sign the enclosed counterpart of this letter in the space provided and return it to us for our files. Your signature will confirm your waiver and consent to our representation of the PFD as described herein and your agreement that the City will not use the fact that we possess certain confidential information about the City as grounds upon which to seek to disqualify this firm from representing the PFD. tii1003 04/01/03 TUE 09:51 FAX 206 623 7022 Lee Walton April 1, 2003 Page 3 NM' :rm We appreciated your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, PRESTON GATES & ELL1S LLP cc: Mike Orrnsby B. J. League Drew Kintzinger Stacey Crawshaw - Lewis The above - described waiver and consent is given this day of , 2003. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY k1 o4o0890i0Vairr v Art 2r2S done Public Fa: U ea clatrict Rrun doc P G & E SEATTLE C �Y 49.1 Nancy M. Neraas [A 004 Lee Walton From: Ormsby, Mike (SPO) (mormsby @prestongates.comJ Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 11:23 AM To: Lee Walton Subject: City of Spokane Valley Representation (Spokane County PFD Request for Waiver of Conflict of Interest) > Lee, > I understand that the PFD has forwarded a request to the City Council > of the City of the Spokane Valley (the "City ") asking that the City > consider a waiver of a conflict of interest involving our firm that > would allow three of my colleagues in Seattle to represent the PFD in > the issuance of Bonds by the PFD. As you and the Council look at this > request, I wanted to make it again clear (as I did in our phone > conversation yesterday), that Preston Gates is honored to have been > selected as bond Counsel by the City and that our primary loyalty in > both the short and long term is to the City. The PFD is in need of > counsel and has asked our firm to provide certain bond counsel > services, but we cannot and will not undertake that engagement unless > and until the Council has determined that it feels comfortable with > that arrangement. If you and they do not, then we will simply not > undertake the representation of the PFD. > As I told you, I have not been involved at all in the request from the > PFD, or in responding to it. Internally, we have already separated > out the three of us who will work on the City financing from anyone > who ,night work on the PFD financing. If the Council decides on a > waiver, that wall will remain and there would be no internal > discussion within the firm involving me or anyone else working on City > matters with the proposed PFD team. > Having said all of this, I can imagine that there may be some concern > about this request and the whole process. I am consciously not taking > a position on it and do not want to be involved in making the request. > I understand that Kevin Twohig and one of his Board Members will be at > the meeting tonight. I also understand that Stan will not be there > and I have a previously scheduled meeting with the Coeur d'Alene City > Council, who will be selling some Bonds of their own tonight. Since > that meeting starts at 6:00 my part in it will be over relatively > early in the evening, I could be available later to respond to > inquiries regarding our representation of the City in light of this > request. I will not have my cell phone on during the Council meeting > in CDA, but would turn it on after 7:15 or so, traveling back home. > My ce.11 phone number is 999 -6919. You can always call me on my direct > dial line. If I am not available, please feel free to leave a voice > mail, which I will be frequently checking them (I will be leaving > about 3:00 to head to CDA to meet with the finance staff before the > meeting). Perhaps the easiest thing for me to do is to come by the > Council meeting on my trip back from CDA and be available if there are > questions. Again, I do not want to be in an advocacy role one way or > the other, but do want to be available to respond to inquiries if > there are any. > Lee I must admit that this whole situation has me somewhat conflicted, > so I can honestly identify with the Council. First and foremost, we > (and especially me) are very excited to be representing the City and > look forward to the opportunity to do the City's bond work. while T > do not understand the entire situation (having tried to stay out of > everything), the PFD feels that our firm is uniquely qualified to > perform the bond work for the PFD. Therefore their request. I do not > want to stand in the way of the PFD financing going forward, but my 1 > 1'oyalty is to the City. My colleagues and T can accept any decision > that the Council may make regarding this request. > Please feel free to forward this to Council members. This is > certainly a unique set of circumstances. Nancy Neraas, in Seattle, > would be available during the day today at (206)623 -7580 and this > evening if it is necessary to talk with her. (Her home number is (206) > 322- 0835). > Thank you and, again, please feel free to call me if you have any > questions or concerns - -I will be here up until 3:15 and can be > reached at 624 -7507. Michael C. Ormsby PrestonlGateslEllis LLP Phone (509) 624 -2100 Fax (509) 456 -0146 e -mail mormsby @prestongates.com Lee Walton From: Peter Witherspoon [pwitherspoon workwith.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 12:55 PM To: Lee Walton Subject: Re: FW: Form of Waiver Letter Lee, This is a follow -up to the voice mail that 1 just left at your office. 1 have reviewed the waiver letter. 1 have no problems with the City signing the letter and consenting to Preston, Gates & Ellis acting as bond counsel for the PFD while it is also acting as bond counsel for the City. I do not see any actual conflict of interests in that dual representation. 1 believe that the City is adequately protected in that regard. Please call me if you should have further questions. Peter A. Witherspoon Workland & Witherspoon, PLLC 601 W. Main Ave., Ste. 714 Spokane, WA 99201 509- 455 -9077, ext. 225 Fax: 509 - 624 -6441 E -mail: pwitherspoon@workwith.com NOTICE: This email may contain confidential or privileged material, and is intended solely for use by the above referenced recipient. Any review, copying, printing, disclosure, distri- bution, or any other use, is strictly prohibited. If you are not the recipient, and believe that you have received this in error, please notify the sender and delete the copy you received. Thank You! 1 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: April 1, 2003 APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form SUBMITTED BY: Interim City Manager ALTERNATIVES: N/A CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -096 TITLE: Notice of change in fees and operating policy ATTACHMENTS: 1) Building Department Operating Policy No. 23 2) Schedule of current County Planning fees 3) Comparison of City County fee schedule 4) Resolution No. 03-021-Al TYPE OF ACTION: STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Adopt Resolution No. 03- 021 -Al Amending Master Fee Schedule. DISCUSSION: This resolution will ratify the City Manager's administrative action to modify our current fee schedule to conform with Council policy that building and land use fees as applied to specific projects should be similar or Tess than those presently being charged. Also, attached for information purposes, is a comparison of fees presently being charged by Spokane Valley and Spokane County. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown but minor adjustment in anticipated revenues from permits. SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: Ordinance Y Resolution Motion Other CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 03-021-Al A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 03 -021, MASTER FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley City Council adopted Resolution No. 03 -021 on March 6, 2003; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City Council that permit fees issued by the City of Spokane Valley should be similar or lower than those fees previously being charged; and WHEREAS, the fee schedule adopted by Resolution No. 03 -021 does contain some fees that do not fully conform with this Council policy; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Rescind Planning Fees. Those portions of Master Fee Schedule relating to Community Development are hereby rescinded. Section 2. Adoption of Planning Fee Schedule. The 2003 Zoning and Land Use Fee Schedule of Spokane County Division of Planning attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is hereby adopted as if fully set forth herein. Section 3. Amendment of Building Permit Fees. Those portions of the Master Fee Schedule relating to building permit fees are amended as set forth in Department Operating Policy No. 23. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect on this 1s day of April, 2003. ATTEST: Adopted this l` day of April, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Resolution No. 03 -021 -A 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Mayor Michael DeVleming 1 Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Resolution No. 03-021-Al 2 MAR.12.2003 1 :36PIM SPOVANE COUNTY PLANNING SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF PLANNING 2003 ZONING AND LAND USE.FEE SCHEDULE PURPOSE: This fee schedule is adopted for the purpose of defraying a portion of the costs to Spokane County regarding the below•listed land use actions. These are reflective of cosh incurred by the County for the processing, reviewing, determining, holding of public hearings, notifying and appealing of the listed land use actions. All applications for the listed land use actions, except those initiated by the Board of County Commissioners, Planning Commission or Planning Division, shall be accompanied by the required fee. The required Ices are as follows. I. Plat Administration ` � A. Preliminary Plat 6 Preliminary Plat and Zone Reclassification 5 Final Plat 7 Change of Condition/Design (without Public Hearing) requests by the proponent for modifications requiring recirculation to reviewing departments and agencies 1. Plats (Design Change Only) 9 2. Short Plats 10 3. Binding Site Plans 11 JD. Preliminary Short Plat 4or more lots 12 3 lots 13 2lots 14 E. Final Short Plat 4 or more lots 15 3 lots 16 2lots 17 Preliminary Binding Site Plan 18 Final Binding Site Plan 19 Extension of Time for plats, short plats, binding site plans 20 I, Duplex Division 1. Existing lots/parcels allowing a duplex 23 2. In conjunction with a Preliminary Plat or Preliminary Short Plat 24 ) 1. I K. Zero Lot Line - any 27 Certificate of Exemption' 1. Pre-1978 28 2, Between 5 and 10 acres 29 3, Minor lot line adjustment 30 4, All other Certificates of Exemption 31 SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF PLANNING 1026 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 992¢0 -0220 Phone; 477 -7200 "Pax:: 477 -2243 Page 1 014 $1,698 plus 814 /lo1 Preliminary plat fee plus 1 4 the zone reclassification fee $ 862 plus Sl O/Iot S 664 $ 265 $ 691 $1,326 phis $12/lot over 4 lots $ 994 8 663 $ 663 plus $12/lot over 4 lots $ 498 8 330 $1,724 plus $10/lot $1,326 $ 226 $ 398 plus $12 /duplex dwelling unit lot $ 334 $ 330 plus $10/lot $ 67 $ 100 $ 100 . $ 87 NO.401 P.1/4 Effective date: January t, 2003 203 PEE SCHEDULE MAR.12.2003 1 :37PN SPOKANE COUNTY PLANNING Vacation of or alteration to: 1. Final Plat, Final Short Plat, or Final 13indipg Site Plan (mylar change) 34 2, Final Plat, Final Short Pint, ar F inal Binding Site Plan (resolution change only) 35 II. l oning Administration Zone Reclassification 1. From any zone to the EA or GA zone 44 t 2. From any zone to the RR-10, SRR -5, SRR -2 _ and SR-1 zones 45 3. From any zone to the SR -1/2 and • UR -3.5 zones 46 4. From any zone to the RS, UR -7, UR -I2 and UR -22 zones 47 5. From any zone to the B -1, B-2 and B-3 zones 48 6. From any zone to the 1 -1, I -2 and I -3 zones 49 7. From any zone to the Mining zone 50 &. From any zone to any zone not listed above 51 B. Change of Conditions or Public Hearing Site Plan Review 53 C. Appeal of Admini decision 54 D. Zoning Map Modification for an Arterial Road Name or Location Change 56 JP. H. Appeal of a Level I or 11 Civil Notice of Violation I. Reconsideration of a Hearing Examiner Decision on NOV Variance 1, Before or after any construction takes place 73 Conditional Use Permits 1, Renewal of conditional use permits, all 79 2. All 80 SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OP PLANNING 1026 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260.0220 Phone: 47 -7200 • Fax:: 477 -2243 Page 2 of 4 $ 663 $ 330 $ 795 plus $32 per 10 -acre increment $ 955 plus $38 per 10 -acre increment $1,194 plus S27 /acre $1,432 plus $44 /acre $1,909 plus 551 /acre $2,385 plus $6S /acre $2,385 phis $19 /acre $ 955 80% of zone reclassification fee under this schedule S 265 $ 398 E. Administrative Permits/Reviews/Detcaminations � 1. Manufactured Home Park Site Plan Review 59 $ 351 J , Home Profession Permit, with no building permit 60 $ 80 Temporary Use Permit, with no building permit 61 5 299 4. Top Soil Removal Permit 62 $ 458 5. - Modification/Review of Previously Approved $ 43/hour (1/2 hr minimum) Site Plan (not in conjunction with building permit application) 65 ✓ 6. Seasonal Temporary Use Permit 66 a. 2 -month permit vb. 4 -month permit de. 6 -month permit ` 8 -month permit Seasonal Temporary Use Permit Renewal 67 $ 101 $ 201 S 304 $ 404 $ 39 $ 708 $ 67 $ 454 $ 51 (Resolution #2-0596) $ 25 (Resolution #2 -0596) N0.401 P.2/4 Effective date: January 1, 2003 2003 PEE SCHRtMUES MAR .12.2003 1 :37PM SPOKANE COUNTY PLANNING NO.401 P.3/4 • • III. Sjtorellnes Management Administration Shorelines Permits 1, Substantial Development, Variance or Conditional Use Permit Value of development (materials and labor): $ 0 - $25,000 89 $ $ 25,00 - 875,000 90 $ $ 75,001 - $300,000 91 S Over $300,000 92 8 B. Nonpermit Service 1. Site Inspection 93 2. Expansion of Nonconforming Use Review 94 IV. Current Use Assessment Administration A. Timber Land or Open Space Application 101 V. State Environmental Policy Act•(SEPA) Administration ✓ A. B , tc. t/ D. tl B. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 106 *Fee is computed by cost incurred during production If deposit balance falls below $100, additional increment will be. required. Threshhold determination for fast hour. Threshhold determination for each additional hour. Review of special studies required for threshold determinations (WAC 197 -11 -914) 107 Administrative appeal VI. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Administration A. Preliminary PUD or Final development Plan Review 111 $1,491 ✓/ B. PUD Final Development Plan Review S 776 without Public Hearing 113 VII. Pre Conference Fee Before any application for the below-listed land use actions is banded out, the following fees will be charged for explanation, instruction and answering the applicant's or his/her representative's questions regarding the application, process or procedure. Pre conference fees are non refundable. ✓ A. Preliminary Plat; Vacation or alteration of Final Plat, Short Plat, or Binding Site Plan; Zone Reclassification; or Prelims nary Planned Unit Development 136 /B. Preliminary Short Plat; Preliminary Binding Site Plan; Temporary Use Permit; Top Soil Removal Permit; Variance (before or alter construction); Conditional Use; Shorelines; and any Change in Conditioots 137 SPOKANE COW'', DNLSION OF PLANNING 102,6 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 992604220 Phone: 477-7200 • Fax: 477 -2243 Page 3o14 398 plus advertising cost 477 plus advertising cost 636 plus advertising cost 795 plus advertising cost $ 44/hour (I/2 hour minimum) $ 100 $ 67 plus advertising cost S 810 minimum deposit' $ 76/hour (12 hour minimum) S 75/hour $ 75/hour (1/2 hour minimum) $ 265 $ 61 39 Effective date: January 1, 2003 2003 PEE SCHEDULE MAR.12,2003 1 :37PM SPOKANE COUNTY PLANNING NO.401 P.4/4 VIII. Fee Administration A. G mural Ada' iniserauan of Fee Sohodua c. 1. All of the required fees will be paid at the time of application or' 'hen the applicant re quests information or service for which a fee is charged above and is rendered without an application being fired, provided that for I7ciilrly fees the applicant will be biI! ad and th fees paid before the decision is made and findings signed, 2. Each notion for which there is a !fated fee above will constitute a separate action, and the fee will be computed as determined above. Each variance required is a separate action, 3. Measurement of acreage will he rounded to the nearest full acre excepr for areas less than one acre, wliiah will be computed as one acre_ 4. Hourly wages will be rounded to the nearest' 5 hour as noted except for hours less than 'h hour, widoh will he computed as V hour, 5. The value of projects and/or coiustructi on shall be determined by building permit value if issued within the last year. If no building permit was required or the building permit was issued uiore that one year age, the value shall he determined per County Assessor records, warded construction bid, estimated cons'truoli on cost or other cotnparab le means. 1, Refund policy. L There is no refund of any pre conference The 2, An SO% refund of fees will be provided if the Planning Director or bislher designee determines tom, although the application may have been accepted, no proeessing by the County has occurred. 3. A 50% refund of fees will be provided if the Planning Director or his/her designee determines that the request is made prior to any mailing of notice or if usty processing by the Cowisy h a occurrt d. 4. No refund or fires will NI provided after ao administrative do cisionfmterpretatian is rendered or after the mailing of notice unless the application i5 withdrawn at a County department's request, 5. Full refund of fees, minus the pre conference fee, may be authorized if the County ha inappropriately told an applicant that a perrni;tlacticn is required and later it is determined by the County that the permitlapplicatiou wes not necessary /required. C. Automatic Modification of Fee Schetale. The PIant1ing Zoning and Land Use Fee Schedule shall be automatically adm intstratively modified once a year. The modification shrill mice place us close as possible to one year after adoption of this schedule and yearly t ercafter. The Maguire Division shall use the Consumer Price Index for U.S. Western Cities 500,000 - 300,000 in size ("CPI U West C, on the `77 base, for all urban consumers' . The starting point for modification of this schedule shell be the ah eve - cited CPI for S eptomber, 1992, whicli was 217, 5. D. Waiver of Fees. The Director, in uonsultutiou with the Director of Public Works andi'nr the Chief Administrative Officer, may waive all or a portion of the fees established herein for special individual circumstance where there is ertrerne economic hardship, issues of fundamental f ume,ss, or where application of the fee schedule is otherwise unreasonable or impractical. Requests for the waiver of fees shirt/ be made in writing to the Director, stating the reasons therefor. The Director's decision shall be indicated by tinter stating the basis for approval or denial of the waiver, The Director's deci is final and binding. I Old %thdk.Zsien arelnmtr Ionian rrhicntrs l.r' n brA dezrao. 2 In 1998, the Il art°ant of Labor eliminated the Consumer Price index (C13I) far U.S. Western Cities sire class C (50,000 -30D Oth in population) on both the 19'77 base and mod] er that vw•es for the 1952 - 1984 base, In irs place, anew index wfla creazed; the CP1 Wesr B!C for population Sizes pf 1,501],00I and under. Its base is December 19% at 100, , SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OP PLANNING 1026 West' Broadway Avrlue Spol=e WA 99260• Plte o 477.7200 ' game 4n_224 Page 4 of 4 Effective date: January a, zoos. 20U41iE$ SCHEDULE City of Spokane Valley F Building Department Operating Policy -23 Fees will be collected in accordance with City Resolution 03 -021 and Ordinance Number 38 of the City of Spokane Valley. In addition, several items need to be clarified for a better understanding of the fees for certain categories. 1. Decks and porches are to rated the same as open carports in the ICBO Building Valuation Data Cost sheet. 2. In the Mechanical Code Fee schedule of the above City Resolution a gas fireplace insert fee will be the same as a gas log installation. Plus the basic fee and gas pipe fees. Each gas appliance fee will be the same as a gas fireplace insert. ($10.00) The installation of a propane tank for a fireplace insert or appliance will be $10.00 (plus gas piping, if not already charged). 3. In the Mechanical Code fee schedule of the above City Resolution a pellet fireplace insert and a wood fireplace insert will have a fee of $10.00, plus the basic fee. 4. All fees that pertain to a permit need to be filled out as completely as possible when a permit is applied for. Any fees collected at the time of receiving a permit application need to be listed on the BARS receipt and a financial receipt to be filled out with the total money received and the money, check, et al placed in the cash drawer. One copy to the customer and the other receipt to the finance office. The BARS receipt and the cashiers receipt are to submitted together at the end of the day (4 P.M.) to the finance office. 5. Item 3, under Miscellaneous on page 5 of City Resolution 03-021, is NOT to be used as it is replaced by item 16 on page 14 of the Community Development schedule. 6. The building fee evaluation for Pole Buildings will be the same as private garages in the ICBO valuation Sheet. 7. Dwellings and Apartments houses listed in the ICBO valuation Data sheet will be charged at the AVERAGE cost per square foot. BLD -23 fees 1 8. Plans review fees are to be collected at the time of receiving the building permit. The plans review fee is to be 65% of the cost of the basic building permit fee as set by the City of Spokane Valley, except R -3 Occupancies and U -1 and U -2 Occupancies. Plans check fee for R -3 Occupancies (single family hones) will be 20% of the basic building permit fee. U -1 and U -2 Occupancies (private garages, sheds, and agricultural buildings) will have a plans check fee of 5% of the basic building permit fee. Plans check fees for projects handled over the counter right away may also be reduced to a reasonable fee as seem prudent to the Building Official. An example would be a temporary tent or structure would carry a plans check fee of 20 %. 9. Energy Code plans check fees are to be waived for single family additions and construction. hoki 1 1 2003 Date BLD -23 fccs 2 m City Manager PLANS CHECK FEES (See Building Department 0. E. 23) Occupancies A through R -;1 and S 1 through 5 65% Occupancy R -3 0% Occupancy U -1 and U -2 5% Some discretionary projects in all occupancies 5% - I. 0% Temporary tent or structure 20 °o BEJILDING VALUATION DATA These are a change to the ICBO Building Valuation Data required due to the lowering of these valuations by Spokane County. OP 23A Private Garages (wood frame) $15.00 sq. ft. Private Garages (Masonry) $18.00 sq. fir. Pole . Buildings $15.00 sq. ft. Open Carport, decks, porches $11.00 sq. ft. Apartment }louses and dwellings Use AVERAGE cost sq. ft. TOTAL VALUATION FEE $1 to $500 $23.50 $501 to $2,000 $23.50 for the first $500 plus $3.05 for each additional $100, or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 $2,001 to $25,000 $69.25 for the first $2,000 plus $14 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 $391.25 for the first $25,000 plus $10.10 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $643.75 for the first $50,000 plus $7 for each additional $1,000. or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $100,001 to $500,000 $993.75 for the first $100,000 plus $5.60 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $3,233.75 for the first $500,000 plus $4.75 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000 $1,000,000 and up $5,608.75 for. the first $ 1,000,000 plus $3.15 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof City 0f SPOKANE VALLEY EXHIBIT A FOR RESOLUTION 03 -021 MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FOR BUILDING & FIRE CODES, AND DEPARTMENTS OF PUBLIC WORKS, PLANNING, PARKS AND RECREATION, AND ADMINISTRATION. Fees for permits and services will be set by this resolution for the City of Spokane Valley All fees are to be collected and listed on the finance department receipt under the proper BARS code number so that each fee can be accounted for. BUILDING CODE 1. Building Permit fees for each project is set by the following fee schedule and item 2 below. z ro 3. 2- The above table is to be used to determine the building permit fees and plans check fees based on the I. B. C. O, Valuation Modifier for this part of the country. TIES 1vIOD1 ' IE1 FIGURE . 18 FOR SETTING FEES ONLY ANT) NOT TO DETER THE THE EXACT VALUE OF THE BUILDING. . This modifier is revised and published every April by the International Conference of Building Officials and used by the City. The modifier of 1,0 is to be used. Decks and Porches to be valued at the sane rate as "Open Carports ". Any separate deck or porch permit for less than $3,000 -00 will have a permit fee of$72.00 and a plan check fee of $47 -00- Over $3,000 -00 will be at the rate shown in the schedule. The WSBCC fee will apply, and is not refundable. Except: The hourly rates will be as follows in this Resoludon, 3. PLANS REVrEW FEES are to be collected at the time of receiving the application for poimit, This fee is to be 65% of the cost of the basic building permit fee as set by the City of Spokane Valley. Plans review fees are not refundable, except under certain conditions established by the Building Clffi cial. (See Operating Policy # 29 and Section 107.3 of the U. B. C,) This fee is in addition to the full basic fee. Energy Code Plans check and the WSBBC fee is also to be collected at this time. If a set of plans already checked and approved is resubmitted by the owner or b.sfher agent, an hourly rate of $ 47,00 will be applied for the re- review. 4. THE BUILDING COTE FEES are collected at the time of the issuance of the building permit. Other fees are also to be collected at the time of the issuing of the building permit. (i.e.; fire department fees not already collected, plumbing and mechanical code tees, planning fees, public works fees, an.d fees in lieu, etc.) Each department for whom the fee is collected is to advise the permit specialist of Fees due - ADDITIONAL PLANS CHECK FEES MAYBE ASSESSED IF CONSIDERABLE CHANGES OR REVISIONS NEED TO BE MADE EV THE PLANS PRIOR TO APPROVAL. 5 Hourly rate.: et .for City Employees SIGN FEES 1. Fees collected for a sign permit and a plans check fee for signs erected in accordance with the Uniform Sign Code will be collected in accordance with the Table in Item 1 under Building Code in this resolution based on the evaluation established by the owner or the installer. The fee schedule will start at the $3,000.00 valuation mark. Signs valued for less that $3,000.00 will have a permit fee of $72.00 and a plans check fee of $47.00. Plus the WSBCC fee of $4.50. P.LUMBfNG CODE 1. The fees outlined below are to be collected at the time of issuing a plumbing permit. If the plumbing is included in the Budding Permit the unit costs are to be added but not the basic permit fee.- * leD ed 0 $ 47.00 A. Basic fee for issuing each permit $ 35.00 Basic for each supplemental permit $ 17.00 B. Unit fees (in addition to the basic fee) 1. For each plumbing fixture on a trap ( including garbage disposals, dish washers, back flow device, drainage, hot tubs, built in water softener, water closets, lavatories, sinks, drains, etc) $ 6.00 L� 2. For each private sewage disposal system $ 20.00 3. For each water heater and / vent (gas or electric) $ 10.00 2 4. For each industrial waste pretreatment interceptor including its trap and vent, except kitchen type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps. $ 15.00 2 5. For each repair or alteration of water piping, drainage or vent piping, each fixture $ 6.00 6. For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter including backflow protection devices $ 25.00 7. For atmospheric type vacuum breakers not included in item 6. 1 to 5 over 5, each 8. For each backflow protective device other than atmospheric type vacuum breakers $ 6.00 9. For each gray water system MECIIANICAL CODE 1. The fees outlined below will be used and collected at the time of issuing a mechanical permit. if the mechanical is included in the Building Permit the unit costs are to be added but not the basic permit fee. A. Basic Fee for issuing a permit $ 35.00 ZS, Basic fee for each supplemental permit $ 7.50 13. Unit fee (in addition to the basic fee) Refer to the Uniform Mechanical fee list (Table 1 -A) for explanation of each Category/ k4.4 xd4,1,7 3 2 $ 25.00 $ 6.00 $ 20.00 7 Furnaces & suspended heaters - Installation or relocation up to and including 100,000 btu over 100,000 btu Duct work system Wood stove system i I I2 Pc, cE /a6.5 c oe-1's 6.,7 6-c-0 Heat pump & air conditioner - 0 to 3 tons 3 to 15 tons over 15 to 30 tons over 30 to 50 tons over 50 tons Air Handlers Each unit up to 10,000 cfm, including ducts Sec UMC for exception Each unit over 10,000 cfm Evaporative Coolers (other than portable) Ventilation and exhaust Each fan connected to a single duct ' Each ventilation system Each hood served by mechanical exhaust Incinerators Installation or relocation of residential Installation or relocation of commercial $ 15.00 $ 19.00 $ 10.00 25.00 (O•O'° $ 12.00 $ 20.00 $ 25.00 $ 35.00 $ 60.00 Gas water heater $ 10.00 Gas piping system - 1 - 4 outlets Chapter 13 & 14) $ 5.00 Each additional outlet $ 1.00 Gas log installation -4-14 A $ 10.00 Appliance vents installation- relocation Replacement $ 7.50 each Repairs or Additions - of appliance controlled by the UMC. $ 15.00 $ 8.00 $ 12.00 $ 12.00 $ 19.00 $ 22.00 5 0 1 o, /0. Boilers, Compressors, and Absorption systems 3 hp - 100,000 btu or less $ 15.00 t 2 3 to 15 hp - 100.000 to 500,000 btu $ 28.00 . 2-0 15 - 30 hp - 500,000 to 1,000,000 btu $ 39.00 25 over 30 hp - 1,000,000 to 1,750,000 btu $ 57.00 35 . over 50 hp - over 1,750,000 btu $ 95.00 bo • $ 12.00 12 • $ 19.00 12.00 10 /0. ENERGY CODE Energy Code Plans check fee is also established to check to meet the requirements of RCW 51 -11 WAC. These are in addition to the Building Code Fees. d� \I c Residential Remodel / Addition New Single Family Tenant Improvement 0 to 10,000 square feet 10,001 and up Multi - Family per building New Commercial and industrial DEMOLITION PERMIT Plus fees for the removal of underground storage tank for flammable liquids. (Mechanical fee) F AT `1 72 6e-k_ g vh r" (('0 rn ) y $ 55.00 $ 75.00 $ 90.00 $110.00 W.S.B.C.C. SURCHARGE A flat fee of $4.50 will be collected on each permit for approved plans or any other permit that is issued in accordance with the Uniform Building Code. EXCEPT: For multi - family projects the fee is $4.50 for the fast living unit and $2.00 for each additional unit. This fee is to be forwarded to the Washington State Building Code Council on a quarterly basis by the Finance Department. $125.00 tz ". r "- 1 ,000 SQI't is 2Qe? MISCELLANEOUS FEES For City personnel 1. A) Hourly rate for miscellaneous inspections $47.00 per hour t 4 0 Hourly rate for miscellaneous plans check $47.00 per hour `- '(o• Hourly rate for permit specialist $42.00 per hour lfo Hourly rate for planners $47.00 per hour 4e , 13) Overtime charges for: M //Jog ,2 M Z k- 1) Plans checker 1 1/2 times their 2) Inspector regular rate 3) Permit Specialist Pt 4) Planners C Hourly fees for contracted services will be according to the contract rate. D) Hourly rate for special called inspections. $47.00 O 2. Preapplication - building division. A S LL ED O y TH e Of f Fees for preapplication review and evaluation. Group 1: Small, simple and easy to administer applications including residential mechanical, registered plans, extensions, basics and basic accessories and residential revisions: $ 65.00 N o r L O� ir . b FE 2_570 of- 6.6117 -o • os Group 2: Applications more complex than group 1, including already built construction, fire service permits, accessories to residence, sign, shell modifications, conunercial mechanical, additions, mobile homes, and other applications not included in groups 1 and 3: Group 3: Applications more complex than groups 1 and 3, including new residences, small non building permits, com- mercial tenant improvements and revisions, permits issued "subject to field inspection" and agricultural buildings: Group 4: Applications more complex and difficult than the other groups, including small and large new conunercial buildings, tnultifatnily buildings, large non building structures or other permits with complex processing such as commercial site plans: 3. /@reapp ication fees - land services division. or preapplication review and evaluation and co ter service fees Group . Small simple applications, affidavits, i uding short plats, revise s, shoreline exemptions, right -of ay use, lot line adjustmen all extensions, road and d nage variances and other miscellai ous services: Group 2. Applications m• com x than group 1, including clearing and grading, final p nd final public utility district applications, alterations to f 1 ► ats, or public utility districts and engineering plans: Group 3. Applicatii . s more complex than oups 1 and 2, including varian 6, shoreline, preliminary sho . tats, and SAO utility ex ptions: plats, and1 5. House Moving G . up 4: The most complex applications, incluc v, lances, conditional use permits, special use permits, ne and shoreline reclassification: 4. Mobile home location permit and inspections. 1. Mobil home permit and inspection 2. Temporary mobile home 3. Manufactured home inspection per section A) Class I and II Moving Permit Inspection fee * Plus $47.00 per hour after the first hour and $.50 per mile if the building to be moved into the City is outside the City. 6 $110.00 $150.00 $225.00 plus a per hour rate ov . six hours $ 65.00 $1 $150.00 preliminary $225.00 ? $ 110.00 ? $ 90.00 $ 50.00 7 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 * B) Class III and IV Moving permit $ 65.00 6. Minimum Housing Inspection fee * Plus $47.00 per hour after the first hour. 7. Work on any housing or building without a permit A) See section 107.5.2 of the U. B. C. ( Which says "An investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, shall be collected whether or not a permit is then issued or subsequently issued. The minimum investigation fee shall be the same as the minimum fee set forth in table 1-A." This then doubles the building permit fee) a. An investigative inspection fee 8. Special inspections (requested). A) Fire, wind, mud slide or flood damage B) Mini Day Care C) Nursing Homes, hospitals, et al * Plus $ 47.00 per hour after the first hour D) Special Occupancies 12. Enclosing of an existing deck or patio. A) Basic permit fec (The valuation of the project with the minimum valuation of $5,000. to be used ) B) 20 `90 of the basic fee. FD/ PL. /^I B x iftit 4-7 (os) 13. Swimming pools Plus plumbing fees oF Q Basic fee $ 65.00 * $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 * $ 65.00 9. Excess inspections created by contractor for a given project created by the developer of contractor.. Per Inspection $ 47.00 Reinspections - residential $ 47.00 commercial $ 47.00 GRADING A) The descriptions outlined in Table 33 -A and Table 33 -B of the U. B. C. Appendix Chapter 33 will be used for both permit and review fees. 10. Condominium conversion plans review and inspection fee: This fee will be based on the value of the conversion and the U.B.C. valuations. 11 Temporary tents. canopies, and air supported structures • Plans check fee 2-0 /S 2 • Basic permit fee $ 11 0.00 i✓`� $50.00 a o Permit Fees 50 Cubic Yards or less $ 20.00 51 to 100 Cu. Yd. $ 35.00 101 to 1,000 Cu. Yd For the first 100 Cu. Yd $ 35.00 Plus $10. for each additional 100 Cu. Yd. 1,001 to 10,000 Cu. Yd. For the first 1,001 Cu. Yds. $125.00 Plus $12. for each additional 1,000 Cu. Yd. 10,001 to 100,000 Cu. Yd. For the first 10,000 Cu. Yds. $233.00 Plus $ 15. for each additional 10,000 Cu. Yds. 100,001 to 200,000 Cu. Yds. For the 1 100,000 C. Y. $368.00 Plus $ 15. for each additional 100,000 Cu. Yds. 200,000 or more Cu. Yds. For the 1 yds. $503.00 Plus $7.00 for each additional 200,000 Cu. Yds. Plans Checking Fees 50 Cubic Yards or less 51 to 100 Cu. Yds. 101 to 1,000 Cu. Yds. 1,001 to 10,000 Cu. Yds. 10,001 to 100,000 Cu. Yds. For first 10,000 Cu. Yds. Plus $ 7.00 for each additional 10,000 Cu. Yds. 100.001 to 200,000 Cu. Yds. $ 98.00 Plus $10.00 for each additional 100,000 Cu. Yds. 200.001 Cu. Yds or more $188.00 B) Land Clearing only - (without earth being moved) $120.00 No Fee S 18.00 $ 22.00 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 20.00 y • o 0 2 o, r 7 38o, + 5 i 3o,-tf S. **************************************** ** * * ** *** * ** ** * ***** *** *** ***** FIRE CODE FEES **************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 1. Fees for fire code permits will be in accordance with attachment B, if deemed to be required by the Fire Marshal and / or the Buildi.ng Official. 2. False Alarm fees NE.(Z( rb (-6:65 In concurrence with the Uniform Fire Code amendment the following fees are ft . L o set for repeated malfunctioning false alarms in a given six month period. 1st alarm no charge 2 " alarm $ 30.00 N (c 3rd alarm $ 80.00 - 66, 0a 4 alarm $ 120.00 / l Y" 5 alarm Require a hired fire watch 2 o1, o` 3. Fireworks Public Displays # Max. per RC W 70.77 This city Resolution also requires a performance bond or cash deposit of .$500.00 for clean up purposes and a liability insurance policy of $1,000,000.00. 4. Plans check and review fees by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. A. Plans check and inspection fee for new commercial projects $ 70.00 B. Fire Watch Service (three hours minimum) $140.00 Plus hourly thereafter C. Hourly fee for after hour inspections, plans review, consultations for projects that do not require a permit, and other special services. Time and a half of the hourly rate D. Hourly rate $ 47.00 4 6. Plans check and review fees for separate fire alarm system or sprinkler system applications, and other .fire protection systems. /ft 5174` - L-41 - , 04 A. Plans check fee — Commercial — Fire alarm 1. One to four zones 2. Each additional zone Fire alarm systems - residential 1. One to four zones 2. Each additional zone C. Sprinkler systems $100.00# # $ 104.00 $ 27.00 $ 75.00 $ 27.00 Tenant Improvements -less than 10 heads -11 or more heads New systems 1. Commercial - each riser plus each head or plug 2. Residential - each riser plus each plug or head 3. Special water main extension or replacement D. Fire extinguishing system: (other than sprinklers) 1. Fire extinguishing system plus each nozzle F. Standpipe installation: Class 1 and Class II Class III M. Medical gas systems installation: 10 $ 85.00 $125.00 $180.00 $ 2.70 $ 90.00 $ 1.90 $ 90.00 $ 90.00 $ 15.00 $ 98.00 $115.00 F. Fire Pump Installation: $105.00 G. Power generators installation: $ 85.00 H. Flammable and combustible liquids storage tanks installation: k 1. Underground, 1st tank $124.00 plus each additional tank on same site $ 75.50 2. Above around tank $100.00 plus each additional tank on the same site $ 70.00 I. Hazardous materials storage tanks installation: 1. Less than 500 gallons - each $124.00 2. 500 - 1,199 gallons each $154.00 3. 1,200 gallons or more $187.00 J. Liquefied petroleum tanks: installation 1. Less than 500 gallons $!24.00 2. 500 - 9,999 gallons $154.00 3. 10,000 gallons or more $187.00 K. Gaseous oxygen systems installation: 1. Less than 6,000 cubic feet $ 88.00 2. 6,000 - 11,999 cubic feet $140.00 3. 12,000 cubic feet or more $168.00 L. Nitrous systems installation: $120.00 1. plus each outlet 12.00 Q. 1. Gaseous system plus each outlet 2. Liquefied system plus each outlet R. Fire Department fee for inspections and follow up. For initial inspection, plans check and follow up inspections as called for in the Fire Code the fire department will be paid 65% of the fee collected for the permit. This payment will be paid quarterly. ANN °a - A A/WI 0,dNOA $100.00 $ 12.00 $120.00 S 12.00 N. Flazardous material recycling system installation: 1. 110 gallons or less per day capacity $110.00 2. More than 110 gallons per day capacity $147.00 O. Vapor recovery system installation: (per tank) 1. Phase 1- tank truck and tank $110.00 2. Phase II - vehicle fueled and tank $165.00 P. Cryogenic tank installation: (1st tank) $110.00 Each additional tank on same site $ 45.00 Removal or abandonment, or any combination thereof, of flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks: 1. First tank (commercial) $1 54.00 2. Each additional tank on the same site (commercial) S 57.50 3. Contractors pennit for removal or abandonment of residential under - ground fuel tanks $125.00 S. Annual fire department fees for permits to maintain, store, use or handle materials or conduct a process which produce conditions hazardous to life and property are listed in attachment A of the Building Department Operating Policy number 23 and listed in the Uniform Fire Code. The categories listed may or may not require a permit depending on the determination of the Building Official or the Fire Marshal. ncSflC4TI old PFD ►vi r f 2r,n,r r e5 F I.Fine -1 tiQ' L rqe Tlr''t�)!- Rrlmfi-8ce 4o'9 3S oa 11 j4t -)4 e bEl 5Tocl( 4 d $TNK 3.4 - aftceS of fk55Err►ftty 3� .0 Spokane Valley 4. Shoreline Permit $1,000 Part of fee is for legal adds I gab 2� 5. Plan.ned Unit Dev. $2,500 +Ste per lot 61 6. Pre- Application Con. - $250 7. Rezone $1,500 COMPARISION OF FEES HET .N:F SPOKA. ` COUNTY AND THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Spokane County Type of Fee ; e 0 0 2 S- 1. Prelim. Plat $2-590 + $5O per lot $1,698 + $14 per lot 2 Final Plat 1-560 + $20 per lot S862 +$10 per lot 3. SEPA 3 ° 6 $76 per hour Part of fee is for legal adds Not blown how many hours are spent. on a checklist, fee picks up legal adds No direct fee Advertising fee ranges from $398 to $795 $1,491 $61 Ranges from $795 to $2,385 according to the type of zoning distict ..F I ANCE DEPA.RTMENT 1. Copy fees a. Copies of audio tapes, video tapes, photos, naps, or —.-- -� other records needing reproduction. At cost cen -ce- -- -` b. Copies of written records $ 00.15 per page • 4 'i P c. Copies of annual budget $ 10.00 . -. r-0 e-' .e ' r r,.6 l ti .1 u.! - -`' d. NSF cheek $ 25.00 , c � e. Copies of full documents may be purchased from Kinko's 2. Franchise fees as any) a. Natural Gas b. Telephone c. Cable company d. Disposal company 3: Impact fees (If any) a. • Sewer late corner fees • b. Roads c. Schools 17