2005, 07-19 Study Session AGENnA C1TY UF SPOkANF VAI.LFti' CITY COiJNCIL WORK.StIEET STUDY SESSIUti Tucaday. duly 19, 20(!5 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL AT RFUWOUD PLA7.A 11707 Easi Spraguc Avenuc, F1rat Floor (Picnsc Turo ORAII Electmnic Devicrs Daring tbc nlecting) D1SL:U5SION 1.EADER SLTB.IECT/ACTIVITY Gf),AL. Eniplo►vr Introducliuiu - 8rad Julursnn. , f cCVuntJlrtg Mcmager by ll'cn Thonrpson, F'inance Dirertor t:arolhc!!e Brcmch, PubNc Injormatran [l(f'icer by Nina Regar, poputy City Mmtugc,• C'uroline !41c.Xohcrls -Administrativr Assistnnt by Nina Rrgur, Deputy Cih, martagcr Dil1Khwrrrtr~ Calr Enforrenicn! (ffuxr hv li►m ScJrolteru, .Rullding Uffirial Kuri Kurt:, Pernrit Sprrurlist hv Turn SGholtens, bu!lding Officia! 7 rish Iturns-Nrrrt - l.ega! lmrrrr hv C'arv L1rLskell, Ueprjq, Ciry Attorney I. Neil kcrston (5 minutcs) Autliarization tur Changc Ordrr for Slarmwiucr Motion Cansickrntinn Projccts ipublic commcatJ Rcgatar Stndy Scs,sioa Issaes (Tio Public Cumment): Mikr luClcson C-Q minu(cs) Itccommctulation of 5cnior Centcr Ad Flnc [)iscus.5ionf Information Commiltrc 3. Steve WotlcylN4ike 1eckSOn ('rnterl'lnce Chaiigc (?rdcr Author«uion Di5cu,,siunllnti7rnuttinn (10 minutes) •1. Stcvc Wortcy (15 minutes) Projcct 1Jpciatcs 1)ishman-Mica Rchabifitetion; Discussion/lnformntiun BTOadwqy Avc. t h-erta} , ArLtonnc Rd Overta}, 5. Stcve \4'orlcv (15 minutes) Cunttat;ts for C,msituction Sri-viccs Uiuussic►n~ Inictt'iri►ifion b. Nril Krr-trti (24 minutcs) Applewny Signagc Ad Hoc Committcc Disc.ussiunMformntiun 7. Nina Kcgor (30 minutcs) t; rclate on Devclopment Proc:css, Fec Struciurc Discussianllnformati<►n 9. Mgybr Wilhitc (5 minutcs) Advnncc Agenda Additions UisGUSSioNlniionnanori y. Msyur Wllhite (5 minutes) Cntincil Cheek in virscussiun/bifunnatit!n 10. t)nvc Nlerziu mintUcs) C'ity tilanager Cummcnl.i Uiscussictn!IrifornixtiOn :Ywe: 1,'okss otberwise uuted rbnvc, tdere w•Ul bc on put►lic cammrntr at Couocil8iady Sessioai. Ifowtva, Couedl a1waJji reservea thc rigkt tn reqnast (nformallon irom tbe pablk apd stsR as aPprnpriati. ~ NCITICF.: ItulnWwls piaroting wmnd dm metunp whu rcqwts ipocal us+strnct roawamenotloft PhYs", hevtab ar whet du Cay (1u1~ ffi(504) 421• I OQO n iocm w paroible eo ttmt Qrwtge,nafb may be mmde ~p~Q~ p~ oontact 5cu+f) Seukn Agrnds. 01-19-04 Pb{;c 1 uf 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action ~ - Meeting Date: July 19, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent Z old business ❑ nevr business public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation . AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Stormwater Upgrades in the 2005 County Sewer Projects GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of Stormwater Upgrades on County Sewer Projects - May 24, 2005 Council Study Session BACKGROUND: Staff presented information at the I'vlay 24, 2005 Study Session on the cost to - make stormwater improvements in the streets associated with the County's sevrer projects. At that meeting Council approved the expenditure of $245,399.00 for stormwater repairs and upgrades. The original estimates used at the May 24'h study session were based on bid prices on recent street and sanitary sewer projects. Unfortunately, these estimates did not include sales tax, contractor survey costs for accurately locating the drainage structures, or county inspection costs to ensure structures were installed per standards. Survey costs and inspection costs have not been required on previous projects. Also, the unit prices for these structures are higher than what was originally estimated due to currently higher concrete costs. The estimates for each project have been updated to include those items listed above. The estimated costs for drainage improvements has increased from the approved $245,399 to $316,244. A breakdown of these revised costs for each 2005 sewer project area is attached. ' Staff has reviewed these costs and recommends approval to increase the approved amount for the installation of stormwater improvements on the sanitary sewer projects. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to approve an additional $70,845 from the stormevater fund for stormwater repairs and upgrades in the 2005 County Sewer Projects bringing the total funds approved to $316,244. - BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Funding is available in the 2005 Stormwater Fund STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten J; • ATTACHMENT: Updated 2005 Stormwater Improvements Budget STORMWATER PROJECTS APPROVED REVISED AMOUNTS ESTIMATE ' Carnahan 10,800.00 CO (ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) 5,245.41 Sherwood Forest 67,150.00 CO (ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) 72,893.67 CO (ABANqON ORYWELLS) 1,237.66 CO (RE-GRADING ROADWAYS) 3,038,00 Mica Park 21,380.00 CO (ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) 29,484.64 Johnsion 36,320.00 CO (ADD DRAINAGE SYRUCTURES) 38,276.55 Edgerton 22,380.00 CO (ADf7 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) 56,913.85 Parks Road 34,820.00 CO (ADD DRAINAGE STRUC7URES) 36,621.22 Orchard Avenue 30,240.00 CO (ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) ' 43,783.95 Subtotal , 223,090.00 287,494.95 Contingency (10%) 22,309.00 28,749.49 Stormwater Fund 245,399.00 316,244.44 - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 19, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business (Z new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Recommendatian of Senior Center Ad Hoc Committee GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Ad hoc committee was formed at request of council BACKGROUND: Following various discussions on the future operation of the new senior facilities at CenterPlace, City Council authorized °status quo" operation of the existing senior center. Council also requested that an ad hoc committee be formed. The ad hoc committee has been meeting since March 2004. Representatives include City Council, City staff and Spokane Valley Senior Citizen Association members. ' The committee has determined that the primary problem was/is a lack of clear role definition between the Spokane Valley Senior Citizen Association (SVSCA) and the City of Spokane Valley. This has caused frustration and some confusion between the Association and the City Council and City staff. The ad hoc committee has formulated a draft operating plan that covers these issues and clearly defines the role of each organization. During the course of discussions it was revealed that a second major source of dissatisfaction ~ among SVSCA members was the lack of a wooden dance floor in the new CenterPlace design. That issue has been resolved and the new floor has been installed with cost sharing from ihe SVSCA. Additionally, the senior lounge area was redesigned into one large room vs. two separate rooms as had previously been planned. This has resolved the issue of the, dance floor. The ad hoc committee has presented its findings to the SVSCA Board and has made minor revisions. At this time, the ad hoc committee is not aware of any outstanding issues with the SVSCA that have not been addressed. The ad hoc committee is now prepared to present its . findings to the City Council for further input. OPTIONS: Discussion. Provide staff and ad hoc committee with direction. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Based on the information presented and input from City Council, Instruct staff and ad hoc committee to draft a memorandum of understanding between the City of Spokane Valley and the Spokarie Valley Senior Citizen Association. Bring this memorandum of understanding back to Council for final approval. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City of Spokane Valley would no longer collect $12,000 in rent from the SVSCA. Instead, the City would rent the Senior Center portions of CenterPlace for after hours use. The City would retain that revenue. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson, Parks and Recreation Director ~ - ; ATTACHMENTS Power I?oint presentation: Draft Recommendations of Ad I-1oc Committec f'or Senior - Center Operation at CenterPlace Draft Recommendations of Ad=H,oc Committee for Senmior Center Operatio'n at CenterPlac'e , . . Background • The Spokane Valley Senior Citizen's Association (SVSCA) incorporated March 12, 1973 • For many years, the Association Board has provided programming, collected revenues, and hired their own personnel. . • It was determined by the Spokane Valley City Council that operations would continue "status quo" u nti I the move to CenterPlace. Background Cont. • Under this arrangement, the Association will continue collecting the revenues for room rentals to various groups. They will also continue to pay the City $12,000 per year to help offset operating costs • Status quo would allow time to collect data, analyze the alternatives and develop recommendations regarding the future operation of the Senior Center at CenterPlace. . . ~ . . Ad=Hoc CbM mIM1 i ttee Forme • In 2004, the Spokane Valley City Council requested that an Ad-Hoc committee be formed to determine the future operations of CenterPlace as it pertains to the Spokane Valley Senior Citizen Association 0 • The committee was made up of board members and . general members of the SVSCA, City of Spokane = Valley-City Council members and City of Spokane - Valley staff including the Parks and Recreation Director and the Senior Center Specialist. The Ad- Hoc Committee began meeting on March 10, 2004 - and met a total of 10 times through July 19, 2005. . The, average attendance was 6 committee members. . . Problems Defined At the initial meeting, the Ad-Hoc Committee prioritized a list of . major concerns including: a) The frustration/confusion over roles and responsibilities of the SVSCA Board of Directors and the City of Spokane Valley b) Increased use of the senior center at CenterPlace and the overall increased use of the building resulting in "shared" use c) Perceived need by the City to maximize revenues to offset the cost of operating CenterPlace d) Some building design issues were also defined. It was identified that the lack of a wood dance floor was a major issue. %1\_■ ■ . ui ~n Iss.ues • The primary'issue was the lack of a wood dance floor. As a result,.a wood dance floor _ was added to the building and the upstairs lounge area was openedup into one large open space.This resolved manY of the problems the seniors had with the building. Survey and Interview Data , ~ . ~ Master P-lan Survey 28. IN YOUR OPINION, ARE THE RECREATION NEEDS OF THE S.ENIORS IN SPOKANE VALLEY ADEQUATELY S E RVE D? Yes No 47.9% 52.1% 29. HOW SHOULD SENIOR SERVICES IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BE OFFERED? The City should manage the program at the Senior Center 34.8% The City should finance the program but leave the 33.0% management to a private group The City should not be involved in a senior program 22.6% Other (please list) 9.6% , . , . . 1 I\ J 1. \ . Master Plan Cont. 30. IF YO U A TTEND THE SENIOR CENTER, HO W OFTEN HAVE YOU PARTICIPATED /N THE FOLLOW/NG A C TI VI TI ES I N THE PA S T 12 MONTHS ? Per Capita Visits Average visits/year ~ Bingo . 0.5 19.0 Pool table 0.4 13.8 Exercise classes 0.4 21.3 Dance lessons 0.2 7.8 Cards and games 0.2 6.4 Educational classes 0.2 5.0 Health services 02 8.3 Social events 0.2 5.4 Driving classes 0.1 5.-0 Master Plan Cont. . 31. IF YOU DO NOT USE THE SPOKANE VALLEY SENIOR CENTER, WHAT ARE YOUR REAS4NS? I do not consider myself a senior citizen ~ 30.8% Too busy with other activities 28.6% Not familiar with programs offered 14.1 % Other (please list) 8.6%-' Center is not conveniently located 8.1 % They don't offer activities I am interested in 3.8% Use programs offered by the other service providers 2.7% Do not feel welcome 2.2% Don't have transportation 1.1% . , . ~ nterviews • Interview questions were developed by the - Parks and Recreatio n Director and reviewed _ and revised by the Ad-Hoc committee. • Open ended questions. 1. Are you familiar with the CenterPlace community center and senior center that is currently under construction? Yes 7 No 2 i . ` / ~ ~ • l~ _ ~ 2. What is your understanding of the current working relationship between the City and the Senior Center Association in providing services to tlie senior population? No idea. . Don't know anything about it Working with the Senior Association. The Association provides their own programs. The City manages the facility. The City level of responsibility will increase when move to CenterPlace occurs. Association provides.programs, City provides full time staff person. City pays for maintenance. Quite a bit of financial support. City pays for newsletter. Limited membership. Don't think the general public is aware of the services. Would hope Association provides transportation to new facility. Would be good if various social services can utilize the Center to bring their message to the seniors. Programs offered by Association. City owns and operates facilities. The senior center has been in existence prior to new City. The Association has an advisory board, . would like to see that same role continue. Working together to put CenterPlace to its best use. The City provides financial assistance, full time staff person, newsletter, utilities, and maintenance. Don't know. Interviewer explained. Respondent felt that was a good working relationship. Don't know. The Association has been pretty independent for quite a while. Everybody is waiting to see how to cooperate. Interviewer explained. Interviewee felt that over the years the Association had money to work with and that may change some in the new facility. Would like to see the Association running the programs and the City providing the facility. The county and now the seniors have never quite gotten that all down in writing so it is not that clear. The roles have to be more refined. They are both trying their very best to work with each other. The City Council has been really good about asking the seniors what they want. The change to the dance floor in the upstairs room is good evidence of that Council is willing to work with the seniors and the seniors are willing to work with the Council. The seniors have been looking at this project for a very long time. Not aware of the current working relationship. 3. Ideally, what type of working relationship would you like to see between .the City and the Senior Center Association? In other words, who should be responsible for programming, funding and facilities? Don't really have an opinion. . Current working relationship was explained. That sounds good. Would like to encourage Association to self-fund and operate their programs. Would be nice if they could help defray some of the cost but that is not a primary consideration because it is a service. They do pay taxes. The relationship is really a work in progress. Would like to see a better understanding of roles. If the Association stays intact I would like to see that citizens do not have to be a member of the Association to use the senior center. If you are a citizen and a senior then you should be able to use CenterPlace. Actually, all citizens should be able to use the facility. I would like to the city have control over the community center in scheduling and providing the services and reaping any benefits. I would like all the seniors to benefit from using it. I would like it to be open, I would like it to be eligible for anyone to use. If we need an advisory board, it would be an advisory board to make any little internal decisions. It's important that the seniors decide if they want bingo, jazzercise, kayaking, etc. we should not be dictating what the programming is. It should be available to the entire community, not just the_ seniors. The City and parks department should have control over major decisions. The City would be in charge of the whole building for after hour's rental. Along with that, we should not be charging the seniors for their use. We should schedule and program to meet the needs for the entire community. The seniors are going to be major users and I want the programming to reflect that. I don't want them to have to try to raise money to maintain their end of it. I would like to see the Association running the programs and the City providing the facilities. The City and the Association will have to be dependent on each other and cooperate with -each other. Would like to see things operate as they have in the past, with a few minor changes. Would like to see the City hire the assistant Specialist for the senior center. Right now the Association is funding this position. Would like to see the Association continue to offer programming. Senior Center should be provided by the City. , , . , , . . ; . _ , • ~ 4. What do you feel the City's greatest responsibility should be in providing opportunities for Senior Citizens? ~ Support'the activities • Providing the infrastructure. • Be sensitive to their needs. Look to existing agencies. Referrals. Ask agencies to come to the Senior Center to make presentations aimed at the needs of seniors. Provide information. Emphasize the word community : instead of senior. • Providing the infrastructure. The seniors should provide the activities. The ; seniors are the best to know what impacts them. • Warm, dry, safe facility. • The City should strive to do the best they can for the seniors. They should help the seniors. • Access like they have now with the current building. • Cooperation. 5. Do you currently visit the Senior Center? . . YES 5 NO 4 . . ! J ` 6. Why don't you use the senior center? No rea I reaso n 5- No time - too busy 3 Too young 1 7. What type of activities would attract you to the senior c e n te r? - Nothing in particular 5 Pool 1 Bridge, card games 1 Variety/Com pan ionsh ip 1 Day trips, variety of classes 1 . . . 8. What do you like best about the current senior center? Dance'and music 2 - Friendliness, comfortable 2 . That it is there 2 Good programs 1 Lunches, Bingo 1 Don't know 1 9. What do you like least about the current senior center? Poor condition of building 4 Poor Access 1 I like everYthing 1 Don't know 3 . . , 10. What changes are you hoping to see when the senior center moves to CenterPlace? None 3 More Participation 1 Emp-hasis on community 1 vs. sen ior on ly More activities 1 Increased hours 1 Greenhouse 1 Nicer surroundings 1 11. Concerning the current cost of programs that you utilize at the senior center, would you say they are overpriced, under-priced, or priced about right? Very reasonable, affordable 8 Maybe too low 1 12. Approximately what percentage of funding for the senior center do you feel should be supported by the City of Spokane Valley and what portion by the Senior Center? . • Don't have an opinion • No opinion • The city is providing very generous support. It needs to be re-evaluated as to exactly what the City is spending. As long as we are in the existing building, things should remain the same. Once we move into the new facility, the Association needs to be apprised of how much their portion on the building costs and exactly how much it costs to run the senior center. They shouldn't take it for granted. Money collected for advertising in the newsletter should go back to the newsletter. • I don't want the seniors to have to worry about renting space to raise money to pay the City back. Don't charge the seniors for rent but also the City would now control the usage for outside rentals. The seniors wouldn't get the rent. The seniors would just get to use the space. They wouldn't be a partner in the (business) equation. That may not be popular. The senior's can self charge themselves for programs but they should not have to worry about raising money to replace equipment such as TV's. This should be a landlord/tenant arrangement except the tenant will not be paying rent. In a way they are paying because of their taxes. •(Interviewer described current arrangement. City funding approximately 90% of direct cost of operation). I think that sounds good • It's working pretty well now. • The current funding levels are about right. ~ Providing the facility 13. When the new senior center opens at CenterPlace, the visitation is expected to increase. How do you feel about the - additional use? . This is positive . 8 Not sure if this will happen 1 . due to location. 14. The ad-hoc committee has been discussing the possibility of multi-generational activities. What are your feelings about shared activities with various age groups? Good, great, fantastic. 8 OK younger generation 1 needs to show respect . . 15. Are there activities that you would like to see added to the Senior Center? Can't think of anY thing to add 4 Wellness Center 1 Possibly use YMCA 1 Outdoor recreation 1 Tours and trips 1 Walking, exercise, biking, 1 stretching . , i RECOMMENDATIONS Senior Center P rograms • The Senior Center Specialist would oversee all senior center operations. • It is proposed that select programs will be offered by the Spokane Valley Senior Citizen Association . (SVSCA). • The Senior Citizen Association would have non- exclusive use of the Senior Wing for programs available to the senior population from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday - Friday. • All programs must be open to the general public but may be for a specified age group depending on the activity. This does not preclude entry to the facility by a variety of age groups. _ . senimor Center Programs • At the end of each day, the Association will coordinate with City staff to ensure that'space is available for evening use by the general public. • Facility space for additional hours may be made . available to SVSCA upon request from the President m of that organization to the Senior Center Specialist of r the City of Spokane Valley. • On a case by case basis, the City will determine if a ~ fee will be charged for additional hours. • Generally, programs wh ich are an extension of the Association programming and open to the general public may not require a fee. • Events which primarily are intended for fund raising or are considered "private events" may require a fee.' Senior Center Specialist Senior Citizen Community Programs E Other Clubs & Fellness Administrative Association (Senior and Multi-Generation) Organizations grams Programs 8-4 M-F. 4-9 pm Mon- •Meals on Wheels •Flu shots •Receptionist Other Fri/Weekends/Possibly Holidays ' •Scouts •Massage •Budget times andlor programs •Coordinate wlCenterPlace •Nursing Homes •Foot care clinic •O&M bY Coord. •Retirement •Health seminars •Planning request. •Organize events Communities •Health screening •Senior Center •Dance •Pool room/Pool toumaments •Special Interest •Blood pressure Specialist over- •Cards •Facility rentals groups checks sees Assflciation. •Bingo •Trips •Sierra Club •Cholesterol Use •Trips (not exclusively) .Grandparents Day •Red Hat Society screening of faciliry, but not •Annual picnic •Art classes .HikinglWalking Group •Hearing checks involved in •Association newsletter .Wood carving •Biking •Pharmacy medicine Association •Mystery theatre •Photography •Snowshoeing checks administrative •Talent show •Bead stringing •Boating •Nutrition seminars matters . •Mother's Day luncheon .Swimming/water aerobics •Canoeing •Facilitates use of •Bingo with Lions Club .Weight training/Nautilus •Cross country skiing CenterPlace •Pancake feed •Tai Chi •Fishing •Spaghetti feed .Hiking club •Auto repair •Craft show.- tvvice a •Meditation •Texas Hold'em . year •Work writh YMCA classes •Father's Day dinner .Quilting •Chess •Ice cream social •Evening dances •Bunko •Auction & dinner •Power tools & insUuction •Scrabble - •Transportation •Self Help .Mahjongg •Potlucks -Finances •Readinglbook clubs •Ceramics -Medicare information •Mountaineers -Supplemental insurance •Coin collecting Office provided by City, -Prescrip6on plans •Legal topics all equipment & supplies -Housing •Elder law issues rovided b Association -Burial plans & alternatives •Band practice Qam) •Tax aide, SHIBA •Pickle ball •Speakers •Lawn bowling •Work with CCS •Grants and other funding res4urces , . , „ , C11 Senior Center Specialist • Is an employee of the City of Spokane Valley • Reports to Parks and Recreation Director • Coordinates senior activities that benefit the community - • Does not perform duties specific to Spokane Valley . Senior Citizen Association; such as, handling Association funds or performing Association office work. , • Association President or designee will coordinate wi th Senior Center Specialist for "after hours" use of CenterPlace facilities. Office Space • In consideration for their volunteer services and contribution to the CenterPlace ro rammin p g g, the SVSCA wil-I be provided with non-exclusive/ shared use of office space. . . ■ ■ Receptionist • The City of Spokane Valley will train and supervise the volunteers/staff at the front counter of the Senior Center. 'r r Storage • Storage is limited. The City will work with the Association to provide onsite storage for items which cannot reasonablY be removed at 4:00 each day. This could include items such as furniture and band equipment. • The Association will minimize items that require storage. • With the exception of band equipment, personal property will not be stored on site. . , • - ~ _ ~ \ ~ Mater'ials and Suppl'ies ~ The- SVSCA- is responsible for purchasing all materials and supplies utilized by their . organization. They areresponsible for - ~ maintenance of SVSCA owned equipment. - w r _ Phone/Internet • Phone will be available for Association use for local calls. • Internet is provided by the City assuming there are no Internet costs specific to the Association. In which case, the Association would bear those costs. - \ ~ Kitchen Use • Must use list of approved caterers supplied by City.of Spokane Valley. Association may cook for some of their own events. Must be approved on case by case basis. Would involve specific/limited access to kitchen ~ equipment. . Pool Table Use • The pool tables are currently the property of the Spokane Valley Senior Center Association (SVSCA). The SVSCA will donate the pool tables to the City. The City of Spokane Valley will maintain the pool tables.- The City of Spokane Valley would be the responsible party for determining the frequency and extent of maintenance. The City of Spokane Valley reserves the rig ht to replace pool tables with other recreation equipment as may be determined to be in demand by the public. ~ ; i • The SVSCA will oversee use of the pool tables from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday-Friday. Th'e tables would be available to all guests age 50 or over (or other age. as stipulated by the Association) during those times. The City of Spokane Valley would oversee the use of the pool tables for all other times. = • No food or drink is allowed on or near the pool tables. Food or drink may be permitted only on serving tables provided for such purpose. Greenhouse - • The City of Spokane Valley will have overall responsibility for the Greenhouse. Use from 8AM to 4PM will be under general direction of the SVSCA. Use at other times wi I I be sched u led by the City. ~ _ Kilns, F I urniture, Pianos. - • Will become property of City of Spokane Valley. Office Equ'ipment • Office Equipment owned or by the purchased Association will cont-inue to be owned and maintained by the Association. Permission is required to bring Association equipment into - the building. _ . . Newsletter Costs • The city will publish a Department of Parks and Recreation brochure which will include space for senior activities. If the Association wishes to publish a separate newsletter, those costs would be the responsibilitY of the Association ~ • The Newsletter is discussed on a separate flowchart. Newsletter Flow Chart ~ 1 Parks & Recreation Staff create articles & Format Newsletter 1 " Association submits Senior Center Business & Resources 'arti:cles S,peCialisf . "submit advertising - .1 Newslefter Edited by Cit Staff ~ Newsleffers provided 'fo th , Association mails newsletter fo . .p;uIJlic &;Association their members - , ~ , Revenues • Reven'ue for facility rentals a nd general CenterPlace usag . e will be collected and retained by the City of Spokane Valley. ~ e, :a • Revenue col lected by the SVSCA for SVSCA sponsored ~programs will be retained by the SVS CA. . After Hours Use • After 4:00 pm weekdays and all d'ay on weekends and holidays, the City of Spokane Valley will manage facility rentals and retain all reve n u es . , Alcohol Policy • Alcohol will not be allowed on "Senior Wing" premises at any time during programs offered by the SVSCA. • During evening hours and other times under - control by the citv, alcohol may be permitted. This will require City Council designating the upstairs lounge area for alcohol. All other permitting policies currentlY in place will appIY. , ■ ■ Custodial, Ma'intenance, Security The City of Spokane Valley will provide these services except when specificallv noted otherwise. - ; ; Meals on Wheels • The Senior Center Specialist will oversee meals on wheels. , • The 5 day per week lunch program will continue to be a function of the Meals on Wheels Program. • There would be no charge to the Meals on Wheels Program to utilize CenterPlace for this service. • The service is limited to the Dining Room unless prior arrangements are made with the CenterPlace Coordinator. • If the capacity of the Dining Room becomes a concern, an option would be to extend the lunch time to 12:00-2:00 or 11:00 - 1:00. This would afford greater flexibility to the seniors and ease any potential crowding. The Dining Room is large enough to accept current capacity but if the program grows, capacity may become an issue. •The Great Room can be made availab'le but not at the expense of facility reservations. . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 19 July, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent 0 old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: CenterPlac@ - Additional expenditure authorization for city manager ' GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Resolution 04-012, Authorizing the Issuance of Change Orders and/or Extra Work in Contracts with the City PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council awarded the CenterPlace construction contract to Mooney 8 Pugh Contractors, Inc. in March 2004. Council has also approved several change orders to the construction contract prior to delegating change order authority (up to $50,000) to the City Manager. To date the Council has approved change orders for the completion of the second floor classrooms in the amount of $315,155, audio visual, data/communication and security alarm systems in the amount of $ 186,993, expenditures for kitchen equipment in the amount of $ 218,331, and $ 339,573 for furnishings for the building. The council has also approved additional $ 50,000 change order authority to the City Manager on three (3) previous occasions. . BACKGROUND: During the course of construclion projects situations occur in which change orders are necessary to complete the project. Many times these change orders are related to issues not adequately addressed in the contract documents or are for additional work being requested. Resolution 04-012 authorizes the City Manager to sign change orders on projects up to a maximum of $50,000 per project. Beyond that, Council approval is required. The council has approved additional $50,000 change order authority to the City Manager on three (3) previous occasions. These previous change order authorizations have been used for several change orders. Attached is a summary of these previous change order authorities. We are nearing the completion of the CenterPlace project and have several minor change orders that are necessary but exceed the remaining authonty previously granted to the City Manager. In an effort to complete the Centerplace Project in a timely manner, it is requested that the City Manager be granted an additional $50,000 in change order authority for work necessary to complete the Centerplace project. City staff and the Project Architect have reviewed the cost and schedule impacts associated with this action and recommend Council approval. OPTIONS: 1) Authorize the City Manager an additional $50,000 in change order authority 2) not approve the proposed change order authority, or 3) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Authorize the City Manager an additional $50,000 in change order authority for the completion of the CenterPlace project. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: This would bring the total cost of the Centerplace project to $8,690,453.65. The project budget has sufficient funds to cover these expense(s) and authority. ' STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley, Senior Engineer , Mike Jackson, Parks and Recreation Director Attachment: Centerplace - Change Order Recap. ~ CHANGE ORDER RECAP: ~ ~ - Date 12 Ju1y, 2005 Cbange order authorization No. 1: , $ 50,000 Council action date: 29 Sept, 2004 - Change orders No. 7&9 45,787 Balance available: $4,213 Change order authoriration No. 2: $ 50,000 • Council action date: 13 I?ecember, 2004 Change orders No. l l,12,13,14, 44,118 Balance available . $ 5,882 Change order authorization No. 3: $ So,000 Counci] action date: 12 Apri12005 Change order No. 15 29,045 Balance available $ 20,995 Accumulaled change order authorization thru change order No. 15 ; , . ~ .i COA No. 1: $ 4,213 COA No. 2: S 5,882 COA No. 3: $ 20,995 . Total accumulated cbange order authorization $ 31,090 Change orders No. 16 thru 18: 27,765 . Balance available $ 3,324 Outstanding change nrder items yet to be incorporated into change orders: Ralr.ing of rocks to establish suitable Ground for seeding $ 5,075 Heat tape for gutters and rai.n water leaders $ 27,600+/- Miscellaneous items to project completion ? N'ote: Cbange orders No. 6,8, and 10 were approved by separate city council action SiWane ,,;oo0Va11ey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org _ Memorandum - To: City Council - Meeting Juty 12, 2005 From: Louis Graf, Engineer (CIP) Thru: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer (CIP) , Cc: Carolyn Gevrge ' Date: July 5, 2005 Re: Project update - Dishman-Mica Rehabilitation Broadway Avenue Overlay Argonne Road Overlay llISHMAN-MICA REHABILITATION YRO:)ECT (Apulewav to Spraguc) 'I he Dishman-Mica Rehabilitation Project is jnintly fundeci by the Fcdcral Surf'ace Transportation Program (STP), Spokane 'I'ransit Authority (STA) and City funding. The total budget for the project is $226,400. City participation is $40,300 (17.8°/a of total budget), which consists of staff salaries and benefits. The project applications fnr the Fecleral 2004 Call far Projects was approved and sigmed by the Mayor on November 17, 2004. 'I'he above project was also included in the 2005-2010 Amended TlP approved by Council nn April 26, 2005. Canstruction plans, specifications anci estimate are being c4mpleted by city staff. The project advertising date fnr bidding was July l, 2005. This date ha,.s been delayed until an Environmental ' Classifcatiun Suinmary (ECS) is ccampleted and a Categorical Exclusion (CI:) detcrmination is issucd by WSDUT. A new ad date is tentatively schecluled for July 29, 2405, with a bid opening on August 19. Couneil approval for contract award is tentatively scheduled for August 23, 2005 . at the rcgular cauncil meeting. Construction will generally occur over a 4 week period in Septembtr and Octuber. Stafl' is proposing to closc laishman-Mica Road between Appleway and Spraguc. This will allow for roadway reconstruction without the interf'erence oF traffic (incrcased safety), reduce the construction timeline by 50% (reduced cluralion of impaet to traffic and businesses) and reduce the construction costs. l'ortable Changeablc Message Signs will be installed one week prior to road clasure to alert the public of potential delays and detour routes. Please see atlached proposed detour route map. ~ Page 1 of 2 BROADWAX AVENiJE OVERLAY YROJECT (Bates to Sullivan) _ 'fhe Broadway Avenue Ovcrlay Project is fundecl by the Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) and City funding. The total buciget for the project is $812,701. City participation is $109,715 (13.5% of total budget), which consists ofstdff salarias and benefits and 13.5% of construction costs. The project applications for the rederal 2004 Call for Projects was approved and signed by the Mayor on November 17, 2004. `I'he above project was also included in the 2005-2010 Amended '1'1*P approved by Council on April 26,2005. Construction plans, specifications end estimate arc being completed by eity staff. The project advertising datc for bidding was July I, 2005. This date has been delaycd until an Envimnmental Classitication Summary (ECS) is completed ancl a Catcgorical rxclusion (CE) cieterm.inat.ion is issued by \VSDOT. A ncw ad date is tentatively scheduled for July 29, 2005, with a bid opening on August 19. Council appmval for contract award is tentatively scheduled for August 23, 2005 at the regular council mceting. Construcrion will Senerally occur over a 6 week period in SeptembEr and 4ctober. • Staff is proposing to specify construction of the project in three phases. This phasing is an attempt to minimize the negative traffic impacts in the corridor and decrease delays for sehool aceess at Progress Elementary, Dla.ke I:lementary and North Pines Middle School. ARCONNF, RUAll OVERI.AY PROJEC'1` (Indiana to Montgomery) The Argonne Road Overl3y Project is funded by the Fcdcral Surface'1'ransportation Yrogram (STP) fu►d (1ity funding. The total budget for the praject is $316, 600. City participation is $42,600 (I3.5% oftotal budget), which consists of staffsalariES xnci bcncfits and 13.5% of ccrostruction costs. The project applications for the Federal 2004 Call.for Projects Nvas approveci and signed by the Mayor nn Novcmber 17, 2004. '1'he abovc project was also incluclecl in the 2005-2010 Amended TIP anproved by CounciJ on April 26, 2005. Construclinn plans, specifications and estimate are being completed by city staff. The project advertising date for bidding is July 29, 2005. "1'his date may be delayed until an EnvironmentAl Classification Summary (I:CS) is cnmpletetl and a Gategorical Exclusion (CE) determination is issued by WSDd'I". Bid opcning is tentatively schedulcd for August 19, 2005 with Council approval for contract award tentativcly scheduled for August 23, 2005 at the regular council mccting. Constniction will generally occur over a 4 week period in September and Octobcr. Staff is proposing to specify night construction lo avoid aclverse traflic delays in this heavily used • corridor. Staff is develapins contracts with local engitteering firms to provide construction contract management and inspcetion services for each of ow 2005 prajects. Costs for these services are , alrcady included in each project budget and a.re eligible for reimbiusements frum the grant agencies. Page 2 of 2 ~ffi r" 0 ~ I~~t~ ~ ~ • ~ - ,S ~~"r- ~ ~ ~ ~ J 4 • ' ; - J ^ ~ ~ c_ f 4 t . . . ' ~ i . - ~ • ~ . ! ~ ~ ~PRAGUE "E . ~ ~ ip ' . i / , 0 i' s ` ~ • , y~ Alt 0 25 . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' . . . ~ • . ' ~ . t ~ ! , - ~ ~ ~i! ~ ~ 3 ~ , ~ , 3l►,1: cc I ST AVENUE ~ I . 6~~ ~ a~f~ ~ ~ ~ . r y ~F • - '1 f W ~ 4 ~ ~4 ~j ~ ! enwur uLIJ rta.r.cj Uur. : r y • 1 I r ~ r- 0 , ~ s~trt a cnc~ p fA e r.h ,~av r r Rn GLaatw + 1 I~O +..'«1~i~~b~11TR~C71blM ~ ~ l ~ r ~ ~ • ~ . ~:1?.. N . +APPLEWA11 13LVD ~ ~ ~ ~ • , , 1~,.~p1'.~ _ y ~ I' ~'~I ~~~y, !~'i"'` u. !I~ 1tSt7o 11 ' A-' 7 ma p DISHMAN■MICA ROAD ~IISf1 .4 . ~~D PO REHABlLI'TA'TION PR~~~~T va11oy WESTBOUND DETOUR ROUTE CITY OF SPOKANE VALL-EY ' Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 19, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: consent 0 old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Contracts for Construction Services GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Ordinance No. 22, Procurement Procedure for Architectural and - Engineering Services PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of the 2005-2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) (Resolution 04-019, 6/22/04); adoption of the Amended 2005-2010 TIP (Resolution 05-006, 4126104); adoption of the 2006-2011 Six Year TIP (Resolution 05-009, 6/14/05). BACKGROUND: Construction contract management and inspection is an important and necessary element for the successful completion of the City's capital projects. Since incorporation the City of Spokane Valley has been relying on Spokane County for construction contract management and inspection services related to road improvement projects within the city. These services are authorized in our Engineering Services contract with Spokane County but only for those projects for which Spokane County received state or federal funding prior to' ' Valley incorporation (16`h Avenue, Evergreen Rd., Park Rd., Pines/Mansfield, etc_). The city has since applied for and received state and federal grant funds for several major and minor road improvement projects. The city has also allocated funds in the 2005 budget for several street preservation projects this summer. To ensure these projects are constructed according to plans and specifications, contract management and inspection senrices are required. Contract management services include the review and processing of change orders and pay estimates, review of project schedules, weekly meetings to review quality of workmanship, etc. Inspections services include daily observations and documentation of the contractor's work, material sampling and testing, verification of infrastructure location, quantity of materials for payment, c4mpaction testing, etc. ' Due to the large amount of road improvement projects staff proposes to contract with local consultants to provide construction contract management and inspection services. Costs for these services on grant funded projects are eligible for reimbursement. Staff issued a Request for Qualifications and selected three qualified consultants; CH2M HILL, Century West Engineering Consultants, and JUB Engineers. Staff recommends that a general contract be established with each consultant that outlines the general conditions. Each contract would-be for an amount not to exceed $400,000 and would be for a two-year term with the option for two one-year extensions. Individual task orders would then be negotiated on a project-by-project basis defining the level of effort and maximum fee. Task orders would be spread among the three consultants based on their experience, the type of project, and the - resources available. OPTIONS: 1) Advance to July 26, 2045 Council meeting for Motion to approve contracts, or 2) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Advance to July 26, 2005 Council meeting to provide authority for the City Manager to execute general contracts and task orders for construction - contract management and inspection services to CH2M HILL, Century West Engineering Consultants, and JUB Engineers. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cost for the services provided under the proposed contracts for the city's capital projects are included project estimates, are grant reimbursable: and are programmed in the Street Capital Projects Fund. . STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley, Senior Engineer; Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: . , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 19, 2005 . City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent X old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Appleway Signage Ad Hoc Committee GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: The Council has expressed concems about the signs on Appleway that identify the businesses on Sprague Avenue. The attached memo was previously given to Council as an informational item. The memo outlines the current status regarding the existing signs. It has been suggested that Council may want to form an Ad Hoc Committee to further study and provide recommendations on possible altemative signage for the Sprague businesses. ~ OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENT: April 28, 2005 Memo Sc rr I cx~ Po Valley 11707 E Spraguc Ave Su1te 106 4 Spokane Valtey WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921. 1008 ♦ cityhallBspoicane+raltey.org Memorandum Date: April 28, 2005 To: City Council Through: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Re: Sprague Avenue Business Service Signs As requested I have reviewed the standards in regard to the Sprague ' Avenue business service signs located ~ x, ' on Appleway. There are approximately 22 total signs each with space for six business logos. To the left is a picture of a typical sign. Each sign has space for six logo panels which is the maximum number of panels allow by the Manual on Unifonn Traffic Control Devicess - Millennium Edition (MUTCD M.E.). A copy of part 2F-21 pages 1-9 are attached for your reference. Each logo panel is approximatefy 24 inches in width and 12 inches in height. The MUTCD M.E. allows logo panels to be a maximum of 24 inches in width and 18 inches in height Both of these requirements are outlined in Section 2F.04. The MUTCD contains the standards for traffic control devices that regulate, wam, and guide road users along highways, county roads, and city streets. The MUTCD M.E. is the cument adopted version of the MUTCD legal for use in Washington State. WSDOT adopted tfie June 14, 2001 version of the MUTCD M.E. on January 9, 2003. The MUTCD M.E. and the Washington State modifications shall be used for the installatian and maintenanoe of traffic control devic:es. There are some other issues regarding the existing signs that may not meet the above standards. They are as follows: • Section 2F.01 Eliqibility - The attracUon senrice shall only include faciliUes wr~~ch have the primary purpose of providing amusement, historical, cuttural, or leisu; f: adivities. Some of the signs do not appear to camply with this secGon • Section 2F.02 Application - Service signs shall display the message GA'~)' FOOD, LODGING, CAMPING, or ATTRACTION. The existing signs disp~Oy words SPAGUE AVENUE BUSINESS. • Some of the signs appear to be to close to the intersections. Under Secctiori 2F.09 the guidance document recommends that signs be 300 feet in advan the iMersection. The only change allowed to the existing signs under the standard would be to increase the height of the logo from 12 inches to 18 inches. However, as noted above, other aspects of the signs may be non-conforming. The cuRent sigrts attempt to mimic signs required by MUTCD. They are dhTicutt to read and have a tendency to blend into the background along the street. , , Because there are minimal changes that . could occur under the above standards , and possible ather non-cortforming - ,.,R • , issues, a better solution may be to ~ consider creating a ser.tion witfiin tfie sign ordinanoe specifically fot Sprague business directional signs on Appleway. As an example, to the right is a City directional sign from Bend, Oregon that would fall under this type ordinance. ~ • This would allow the City to devebp a directional sign standard specfic for the ` . Sprague Avenue businesses and a signing policy that addresses tfie use of the signs. ' - ~ j 14~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Dabe: July 19, 2005 City Manager Sign-off- Item: Check all that appty: ❑ consent ~ old business ❑ new business ❑ pubiFC hearrng ❑ mfiormadan ❑ admin report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Update on Development Process and Fee Structure GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACT10N TAKEN: The topic was flrst discussed at the Apfil 5, 2005 Councfl meeting. 6ACKGROUND: Staff has been evaluatmg the commercial development pemnit process to make recommendations for improvement_ This is a work in progress. The purpose of this agenda item is to summarize the activities and draR recommendations, and to suggest nexl steps OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide feedback to staft BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City has budgeted an estimated $1,293,000 in development fees far 2005 STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager, Marina Sukup, Community Development Director; Neil Kersten, Public Wo►ics Director ATTACHMENTS 1. Pawerpoint Presentatian 2. Draft Amendments to Master Fee Schedule 3. Draft Administrative Procedure for Commercial Building Permit Process ~ Summary of Topics Revised Flow Chart Proposed Changes to Fee Schedule Proposed Changes Bui1di n9 Division to • Plans Examiner W Sen ior Permit Specialist Next Steps Commercial Building w t ■ • ■ Nina Regor, Deputy City M,anager Marina Sukup, Community Development Di.r.ector Nei( Kersten, Pubf "rc VUorks Director July 19, 2005 Spokane Valiey Commercial Building Permit Process saturoay. July 09. Zoos , cuM~ q+b.t.. r--' vroou~. nft* er.n ' I AOOwona hft ' pprt~y,y No--~ I M SEPA n nqWreo, MPA ~ I ~+ucfn0 PKma qoo~rwoM ♦ . CWOn+w ~u0~mo~ It Ap0Yao0on' \ ConfMmm • No ~ Do++M aAO+iumm ~rnw auetpbb ~ ~ FMpuk~O! ~ rfvMw (sw ~M E" t7?47 • Start ~ Ouwee Aq.eiau Yr ldo* sem) . ouyom • Erqww" . PNrminq i % Y~ i COnA17W.AW fK~ NNO Addltl" lNb YM (Cbdt ~lop~) ~ ~ \l \ . No _ v bCft+p~ • ~ bsdleNO 0~►nl ~I 6t~f1 nwws CanAllofw mn rr~t «°.wa' , ~ ~i ca~nm+oww e.prs ra ose to Fee Schedule Changes P ~ Public Works (PW) Eliminate Publ'ic Works Scheduie (Schedule B) - incorporate PW fees into Planning and Building PW sta.f# tracke(J ti-me to com piete tasks - cost add ed'" as;flat fee to existing building Ond. planning fees, Added note requiring applicant to reimburse City . for outside consultin_~ servtces No net change to City-generate-d costs Proposed Fee Changes, continued , Current P1N Fee Process Calculated based on hourly rate Base cost for engineering review included with permit i • Invoice for actual additional costs sent after permit is . issue-,d~,-' and coll:ection process involves multiple Invoice", . ` staff in Public Works- and Finance Departments Colle-ction rate not s+uccessful Impact: difficult for customers to predict total cost of project until late in process Proposed Fee Changes, continued Housekeeping - 6ui in Changes Add Paving Permit ($250) - fee schedule update based on approved ordinance Delete Early Start Agreement - we use a process of deferred submittals instead Add Oversize Load Permit ($25) - for movi n9 large structu res City of Spokane Valley Currerit Buildiny Divisbn OrganizaUon Jury 19. 2005 ca-,xr* 0.r.14~ Ovocfor 8umhm OfBow ~I SPNOM & POrtnrt GOde ~f1~OfOrTNR P~ ~ ROWCOMOLCRIOf1 BWdmp IRmpw~Of q (3 FM 8pBOSW Ollfou (2 FTEj truPaor (Y FTE1 FTE! ~ 9uifaing Offticial Dirod Reports- . _ PiaM FxiRMM1M 1 O FTE Sr Mnrt SoecWrt 1 0 F?E P0m1 SPOON&O 3 0 FTE 9uAdkq IrnpKOOr li 10 FTE R0V1YG4rrnteion Insqoor 20 FTE Coft Fnbasfrra OQfon 20 F?E Totil 12 0 FTE City of Spokane Valley Praposed Buikiing Drvision Organization July 19, 2005 coR..u+rry oer.ioprt,.nc Dieclot BunOvv OfntW i s F«mrt coei. FNoro.m~m BPomGat OAics► t7 FTE~ Plnu EXWfwMsr P'-rmR $Oom111t (s Fl'E) &mldWV Inspac0pr II pQyWCorwf (3 FTE) In~P~Gtar f~ FTE) 'Bwlding Qfficial Direct Reports ; Plans Examiner Direct Reports: • Pbns Ezsrruner t 0 F'tE & Dvmrt Spsaaum 1 Q FTE Duenp Mrpsaa u 7 0 FTE 0'vmR SpeaOFs1 ] 0 FTE ROMCornt Mspuaor 20 PTE Caoe Erftr-wrAnt OllioW 20 FTE 7aW 10 FTE Tam QO iTE A Effect of Proposed Build ingoLDivision Changes Build--ing Officia] directly su pervises seven e m p l oyee,s Reclassification Plans Examiner: directly supervises five employees. New Classification - Senior Permit Spec'lalist: ' Lead Worker over, three Perm'lt Specialists in add itio.n to com mercia l project oversig ht one existi n Perm it Specialist FTE) (convert 9- Next Steps Return with Separate Agenda Items for further consideration : ~ Amendments to Fee Schedule ■ New Position Classification : ' Senior Permit SpeCialist ■ Position Reclassification: Plans Examiner Proceed with next process: Binding Site Plan lank ltticAmeel 2 AMF.NQED MASTFR FF:E SCHEDt.iI,E • fornrfdd Tal4 Fee Schedule Page No. $CbEdule A: 11r%clnpnicnl 2 pi1iee1~ ~ SAr~ ~ hWic tiY~ - ~ St6ednle 11: Buiiding 4 o,wN& c o.~asdo a Scheddk F'im Code wae.d~ u ~ Schedule Z: Parb dc Recrestion 14 o•i•bmh r o.l.wfs is Scbednle F: Adminittrative 17 o.ar.* r Schedule I~: Utber Fees 18 Dokftmt c Daktadr eaUen A nr w.+Wiu. 03 nl I Mrnd'oo Rsdnbm 04423~ ►f~re Fs SrLadak 6 5005 p Fott', Caklrlf! DeME~ I f I ;uW tollK . MASTF:R FEE SCHEnU1.F: ~ Sc6ednleA -~~t:~'1'I.(~i'~tl'.NI a+~- ` od.e.t ruxMMc AMENDMF.NTS Comprrhrnsivc I'Inn emcodrnrnt SI,SOO.QO T_aning trr other codc tcxt arritndmrnt S1,500.(Xl APPEAI..S Appcsl of Administrativc Docision SI,000.00 Appenl of 1 tcFUing Fxaminer findinp SlUO.Qb FLWIRONMKNTAL REVIEW ~ `tnlr F u+trunmcnlnl PuGrs jci (SEPAj, D+MlMdtcbwiliw Single dwelling (whar roquirod) S 100.00 All otFicr dcvelopmcnts 9 1 I u i o.+eee& wo on knvitonmeMal (m S~ (I 1~i Rcview > ,tr►iui _ - i~ - o.wae: 2,000 00 \i{~I.'r.1 r„~ r+g~t,t~;; 1;1', kc~ i:u 'S t5i1.tw1 SbOIblo! StIb31MIStW UCVCbOpRIfC[II PCfIDiI 5800.00 C:rillnl Arus 5300.00 PERMTI's [IOTIIC ! CO"UOrw U5e PcTifU1 t}1;+i_.I'if'~ ~'..r1r.i1 Subtlf% mun. I f'rclumnwy plat Plus Pxr lut Ddrt~a: . Final pla! SLL_';~~ +'1) Plus $10.00 pct lat poisw: S6ort Pbu Ddaee& 1'teliminsry 24 lots S(?.!16 snr , Hinal Plnt 24 Lo4s kU~;11 (w) Ptus 510,00 pct lot Prcliminary plat SA Lats 5LUs(1_tPtus S25.00 per Iot Firul P1st 5-9 Lois Ptus S 10.00 pcr Int ~ oarsed:aoono Da1~dAs FsMbic A d Rsalioon Oi- R25 Mwv Fs !{eAolnle Ib 2005 u( 1!1 ~ Pbt,lUrruUnn Dd111b*M~lllc~w Subdivision pla S650,00 Stwrt putt $265.00 Bl.a,,a stce rka $1,500.00 Eliading sito plan modincetlom S I,300.00 (]wW of Conditians S650.00 Mosnapao.lepvpuoo W iine .ajusm=a s100.00 i.a ii,K ci~inufl«n sioo.oo 7.era iw Iinc $100.00 F'1ue $ 10.00 per ta SICNS Reviow of pcrmoant sign S50.00 1'lu-, 5.', nn ~ i I'uhf Worl , , ni.c Reviaw af tanpaary sign 530.00 ~ SITe PL.AN ilEVILrW V`6 iM- oMnNde 2w o0 STREt'i' VACATiON APPWC.ATION 51,300.00 VARIANCES Adatinistrative $300.00 i'ublic Ncarings S1,500.00 ZOAIING ~ 'LaainBmPmen&ncnts(remnc)' o.w& Oooao PUp plan SI,SUO.UO Plus $2t c1U pcr lot PtJD madiflatiam $SW.IM) ~ ~°81 o.at.ai s~s.rr. a ruwc 4!Allhl114'~ ti~ith utiirt ku:l_ul u010 1 It4tiu~ ,sIisQcldititmal. tMuue.eon+a[pd1W waAA Mr1w is M Aoe ups wEwqrl d ~yqBawo~ A~y ~Afwl ac9~ul aa~ ~e ~ba ~t I6e Nuic: Thr Auifding OfTkitil is uuthurltcJ lo rccluitr lttc ix.r n +nliuuit tu nri,% i. c fcc „m.,( ,,,cop.,y d..,ea ner 60a reimburxcmcnl to tMc Cih, oiSjwkanc Vnllcv fi an~pr4diii0►tia1_WvicCS requinxi flut'.1ilt t -t "be'l k(~RfCY1CW. SDfIIC CJ(1L11Oll'!i l)~polilllldl otlltilil!' f~'i~~U1~:1='~ Ifl~ ~U~~C ~~~,II1 ~:1 li•Lt ~ ~ry ia md drr. dwo~ ~uwrr rd .',~i~•.trl,t~,~n~t~,nc.ti~~n;inl ,~!ni~nt,, - - udmmmmoono aaad, rio+ d way O~Mt~ H~t A d R~m M- 0? S !ldacw i~n :xbedult 4r :f101 I 1~.~ 3~r i a ~ tic6edale K - Bl11LDlNG lhc bui{ding oodo permit fees are rollected at the timc of the i.ssuance ot the bui! Othor foes are siso tn be collectod at the timc of the iasuing of the building penui;_ i:dc:ti deQartmcnt for whom the foe is ooliected is tn edviso the permit specialist of focs dur. (;RADINC: Pernit Pcc, 100 or Ic:s 10 1 to 1.000 520.00 fot the firat 100 <<, . wch additimsel 100 Cu. Yd. l,00 I to 10,000 S83.00 for the first 1,00 I Cu. for aech addidonai 1.000 Cu. Y d. 10,001 to 100,000 $147.00 fot the first 10,000 Cu. Yd. pl;$15.00 fot eacfi sdditional 10,000 Cu 100.00 1 W 200.000 S368.00 for the first 100,000 Gti. Yd. pliLs 515.04 for eKfi additional 100,000 Cu. Yi 1 200.000 or mnrr S"i.()() for ttic fimt 200.(NN) Ctii Yd. plus Plus Chetitln,, ; . C_ulrir 1 ard+ 50 or less No fec 51 to 100 $12.00 101 to I.OW 520.00 1,001 tn 10,000 $25.00 10,001 to 100,000 525.04 for ihc first i0,(HXi `'u. Yd. plus $7 00 for each additioral 10.000 Cu. Yd. 100,001 w 200,0OU 598.00 for 1he first I00,000 Cu. Yd rilus Xh 00 for cach additionel 100,000 Cu. Yci 200,401 ar tnorc $158.00 laad Clearing oaly (wiWout cmrM beieR moval) SfiS Oi 1 I S7 Ftll( "1'Ir KAL C/)i)I E3uiWing pamit feea for esch projsv:t are set by the following Icc schaiule. I ht. I ~ ~w a„.. : be used to Aotermine the building ronnit fees w►d p{ens cleck fom tsaseci on ttie %,alur w tlek- construction worR d5 c11lll'd hV IF1C flppIlCflllt of IF1C VTiIl1C CgICt7IatCd F1V the RUIItItftg OITII'IRI ILSfw the laicst vuluation daW publisheJ in the B+e11Jing Wefy Juuntal bV the Intcrnational l'udc Council, whlchcver valuc is grcutcst_ Valwitbo TaMe Totsl Vdyidon Fce S 1 W $25,000 $69.25 for the first $2,000 plus $14 for c*:h srcWitiarwl $1,000, or fraction lberent, up to xncl including 525,004 S25,001 to S30,000 5391.25 for tfie ftrat $25.000 plus $10. 10 for epch add'aionel Sl,OOU, or frsccion thercot, up to and including S50,000 S50.001 w S 100,000 5643.75 for the first S50,000 plus $7 for each additiona) S t,000. or fiaction thereof. up to tnd including S 100,000 $100.001 to $500,000 5993,75 fnr du first S 100,000 plu+ $5.60 fa each additionW $1.000. or fraction thcrmf, up to end inctuding S500.000 S500,001 to 51,000,000 53.233.75 for the fnti S500,000 plus $+1.75 for each sdditionsl E1,000, or frsction thereof, up to and including S1.000.000 S 1,000.000 and up 55,608.75 for the firri S 1.000.000 plu_g $3.15 for eac:h additionsl 51.000. or frnctioo tlwrcof Vdutba Esteptlom Rae Per Sqwre Foot Privoc garagas (wood frame) S19.00 Privatc gansca (rt►d+onrY) $22.00 Polo building9 519.00 Opon csrport. dodcs, porchcs $I 5.(10 Plam Revkw Fres Foes are lo be eol{ectod u the time of te~:eiving Ihe applieation fcx pamit if tho plsns rcview fex is ovcr S50.00. If less ttm S50.00. it mry be oo!lbctod at the time af permit isauaru.-e. Plaas revicw fee (Eenersl) 63% Of bldg pexmit fce F'tstb teview (ioe -(lroup R-3 occupaaciea (singlc familr 40?6 Of blda pcnnil fcc lcss then 7,999 eq. !i.) Plares revicw foc Cnoup R-3 accupancia (single fimiiy 63X. Qf bldg pcrmit fec 8,000 $q. fl. or grsetcr) Plrng rcwiew foe - U- I cx U-2 oompaocica (shcds, bums. 25% Of bklg pcasnit fu cic.) P1ons ttriew fee - temponry lent or stn►cturc 25% Of bldg pcrmi t ftr P1saa roviow fcea are rwt rofuncfabk exur the plan review hu been started. "Ihis fee is in additlon to the full basic fec. The WSIICC foe is to be aolkrtocf el tt►is tima DOW11111 Ei°iei ^d "°'0d'"""' 027 M=1r Fm SthaUir ghr 2003 I j'a~e 5 ut I b i I . . ' . . . . - . . , , , , . . , , . , , i i.. i . . . : If eddlGOn . proj" thul reach the nuximwu t'lan Kevicw Fu:, thc 13wlding c)iiiciAl stwll tx , :t: require the permit applicant to provide thoAr rrsourroe to the City of Spo{cme Valkr If a sd ot plans already rhedced end appmvod is rc, >•-f;.- , -v.r: , ..IIollfly roe oI i47.Of1 N4'!ll f)C'. :1rrltCij f;-.r tfii' ^r"r''\ 1!'\l PLUMBINC CUI) I 7he plumbing cock: fiY:s will be collected when the assexisted permit is issucd. i1 ,l,c includod in the Building Permit the unit costs are added. but not the besic ph►mh;n;, pcm, it rcc A fi:ciic fces I 1 Basic fcc for issuing eech ptrtnit 2► Basic fin each supp{exnen W permit B. Unit fm (ia eddition W the baaic foe) I 1 For cach_ plumbing fixturc oa a trup (including gnrbage disposais. dish washcra, twck tlow Jc . drainege, hot tu6s, built in watcr so(trna. w;i-: • clusets, tavatories, sinks, drains, elc ) 2) Privaoc sewage dispml system l) Wstcn ceatu S6.0(1 4) Industrinl wastc pctbcattttrnt inlcrccptor induding $15.00 its trap and vmt, exc.ept kitcten type gr,ase mtcreepton tlctioning aA fixturs tnps. 5) Rtpair or etteradion of water piping dmintge or S6.00 1 v4.h( ixw rc vrnt piping 6) l.nwn sprinkla system an aery au mcter S25.0o 7) Atmosphcric typc vacuum brcaicct $A.(M) [ach B) Baelcilow prv[ective dcvice dhcr tlun etmuspheric S6.00 E:ach type vacmun brzakcrs 4) Medical gss S6.00 Pa o,iil'•i I(f1 InlerccptEm. $600 Fs,:h MEcHANIcAL couE Thc mochanical c;odc Fets will be collcctod when the associsted pcrmit is issucd. ff it a included iw thc Building Permil, tho unit rnsts src aciciod, but nat thc basic mochanicnl permit foo A liasic [oa I) Hasic fcc fa iswiag each pcrmit f35.00 2) Hesic for cach suppMndntal pcmm $750 B. Unit foes (In eddition to Ihe basic fec) I) Futtwa A sopenciod heatets - Instnllnuon or rzloation a. up w md fncluding 100.000 bw 512.00 b over 100,000 btu $15.00 2) Duct wak syetem f10.00 3) Fieat pump asir oonditioner a. 0 to 3 taas $12.00 b. over 3 to 13 toas S20.00 c. ova 15 to 30 tm S25.00 d ovcr 30 w SO tom S35_00 c. ovcr 54 tooa $60.00 4) C3as vwtcr haate $10.()0 S) Oas ptping tysbem $1.00 Pet nutlet 6) Oas log„ fireplaa, nrd gas ir►sa1 insWlaticm f 10.00 'n Applisnce veKs installaion; rrlocatim r+cplaommm $IO.W rLach E) Repsirs ar additiam $13.00 9) 8ailaa. compraaaom and absoqtion rystcnL~ a. 0 tn 3 hp - 100,000 bw or lesa S12.00 b. Ova 3 w 15 hp - 100,00 1 to 500,000 bW $20.00 c. Ova 15 - 30 hp - 500.001 w 1.000.000 btu S25.00 4 over 30 hQ - 1,000,001 to 1.750.000 bw $35.00 r, ova 50 hp over 1.750,000 btu $60.00 10) A ir }landlrra u. Each unit up w 10,000 cftn. including duc:ts $12,00 b_ Esadi unil over 10,000 cfm $15.00 I I) F vaporative Coolen (ottur than portabb) $10.00 1:1 Vcntilatiort and cxluust u. Gach Cm caneocled to a singk duct $10.00 h. F.ach ventileticm system S12.00 c. P.ach dood xcrvod by ma.`hsniptl oxhau3l S12.00 13) tnc'tnc►etors a tnstalLuion ow relocmion of rosidmtial $19.00 b. Instslbtion at rtlocation otcomttrercid S22.00 14) App! iancea, esch S10.00 ISl Unii!►tcd apptisncea a under 400,000 btu SSO.OU n 400.000 bcu a o.ti, $100,00 OtliRrd Fxblnt A d Rsdwim 04 - 07) hlmor Fs SChouir 6or 2005 ~ }'tew 7 uf 18 16) Ntw : a. b. I mC 11 17) L P Stasge tank S 1 u S1ti 18) Wood or Pcllet stove insert 191 Wood . , - , rr ; F.NERGY CODt: L.nQgy CodC Pwll, (Lc. I 1 WAC, Tl►esc w+c in addition w tho Buiiding Code Fees. tf Ciry iaspoetors arr . veriry EneW rta,s, thc following fcea epply it ;W:r..,_ { i-, r,•,;, ji r" that fee will be detcrminod by the uutside ager, , Residerttia) RtamodoVAddition ` Ncw Singk Family S 1'eMnt lmprovrmrnt A. 0 w 10.000 sqwwe feet $3 5~., Ij 10,001 aquaie faet and ova $45 C. Multi-Famlly S(34, D. New Commacial and incii:strial U"THERAUIL,l)INi, ( (►DF f [ 1 ~ Annwl Permi( Mnunl Spolcxri,. itio,ddin, 1) tnaintain oquipment or bui{dings. Z) coiutruct or reanodel small snus of assembly ocrup<<ncici, or 3) install tents or membranc atructures may be avaiteblc depending upon dte dctertninatwn of the raluution ot work mi<<!c h~ ihr Spokane Valley Building Oti'icial. Certsin reccxd keeping and inspedion respnns!hiiitic: -.hall Ik esteblished in a sioe specific Spokano Velley Mnwl Permit Agroement. I \l)j,r~,.irh f erniil V'11iDewolitiaa Pormit tiingle Family Residence S44- ~ ('ommereinl buildinga $l2 < ' . ~ Garsge or acccssory building essocimed wi[h a resiclencr S2U i' or ccxnmereial building Scpnic tsnk or underground flammnbk tank asaocuted with S 10,00 EACh e rcsidona or commcrcial bui{ding I'tIrIY 11flft kirt-frRIfOIS 1l'ncindation51 ?S°~ Clfhld1•~ Knn;t !i•c oeletrd: t,r.~,,, q..;Fr_..,~r:.•. . i W~ht-uf-1~'~~ ~ )h~trucnnn I'er'mU ~ ~ Slgn Fas Foea callcaod fnr s aign permit and a plens cfiack foc for signs arocted in acoordancc with the Sign C«1c. Thc bclow foc plus the WSH(:C foc of SA.SO. Signs mounted oa builQings S45.00 Sign end pole atouating S63.00 Tempenry Csrtifiute of Oenpmncy S50.00 Washlaetoa State Bvilding Code Caundl (W.3.&C.C.) 3oRbaRe A Mt fex of 54.50 will bo colleqed on adi parmit fa appruvod plans or arty othcr pwmit that is issuod in socordancc with the Spoksne Valky Building Cadc. EXCEPT: Fa multi-family proj«ts, the ra is sa.so ror the r,m i~~ing unic wa S2.00 For cach edditicmal unit Thc City Finance Dapartmant will faward thia foo to the W3BCC on a quartorly basis. OTHER MISCELI.ANEOU3 PEFS A. For City personncl 1) Flourty rate sa for Ciry Emplvyoes (unlm 547.00 otlmwiac spociW 2) Fiaiuly rate For pcrmit apecialiel 54200 3) Ovrnime dsargca l.s cana rcgiu}ar ratc H Fiaurly nde ra co,cmctna swvim set amaaing to oontract nte C. Nourly retc for specid callod inspeCtaro $47.00 L). Mobik homc locatiun pormit and inspection 1) Tcmporary mobile home $60.00 2) Manufiwturod homc inapoctioa, per section $50.00 • F= Ilouse Moving Fee 1) Cfasa L, ll, md lD - Moving permit S60.00 2) Class 1, [l, snd [Il - Iropoction fcc $6().00 3) C1aas IV (if etready pormitted by Spokonc S-0- County (r 3poiceno City) • Plus bawmeMlcrawttpacr wrluWton perm!! fee •'f'lrtt t47.00 prr horv af?er fhr hrnv, apid S. SD per mde if [lte buUding ro br moved inio the Crty is oeitafd6e the Cit), limits o.i.dm e~s P, dw.o+w,m 04- 023 Mrrr I's &ladsle 4a 7Dtl5 ! tifinim~.im Il~u:,n~ inEli•ttiirt (rr ~<.ii~~ 5.:. ~~i i~r !~.,,r :2 rtL:: 6 Wor1c on atry struaute or building without a perniit if a Spokane Vallcy Pertnit is requirod: 1) Minimum invcstigadivc irapaction fce S55.00 2) Total investigwtive foe w be cquel to Lhe permn f« detcrmined [or thc ~[tluc of thr iilcs!al uvorlc aacxnpiishcd E1. spocist inapoaiaRS (requesced by o.vner ur tcnant) I 1 Fira, wind. mud ylide ar flood demngc S6().00 2) Qay Car+c S60.00 3) N ursing Humes. hospitals, ct al S60.00 Plu,% $ 47 o(I pcr how tRa Ist hour 4) sp0CW Occ11F1811CICS $1150.00 I [:xeess inspections fQr a given projxt creatod by the S47.00 F'c inspeaion <,; rc- dcvoloper. ownot at coMrictor inspocxion 1 Condarninium cortversion plans reviewrnspedion fx Basod nn vsluc oi project sad btdK cadc valwtian K. 'i'emporary taits. canof►im and git supporud suuctures for public use; incluaive of all trnt9 tor a einglc evant. h doca not appty to tcnts IcBa then 200 sq. R, cnriopie5 Icss then 400 sq ft, cmnping tmts, or w tants wed far pr'rvate, non commetiial evenks. 11 Plana chack foc S13.00 2} Hesic permit foc S60.00 I• Encbsing an oxiating deck cn hetia 1) Plwts dwck fee 40% uf thc basic fce for plaas eximtnatioa 2) l3asic pertnit fvc Based oa valuc of (mojec4 minimum $3.000 M. Swimming pools (Over 5,000 gulbns) $50,00 Plus plurnb{ng Cees N. Re-roof i'+crmit: ('a tased on dn valuc of thc prqcct. No plan rzview kc will be ctuvged unlesa pWta wc suhamidal for rrview. c). Chango of Use or Ooeupancy Classification pamil 547.00 P Tnwers, clovated tanks, antennxs Bused un value of projcci BUILDING CUVE REE REFUND 1'OI.ICY No 1'etmit Fea refund is ellowed ex►cx the work has bcx:n suarted. If a refwiJ is rc.yuested, the request ehall be addressad to thc Building OfYicial in writing, and shall be receivod at thc Spokane Valky Pertnit Caua within 160 days of the date of i9suance ot thc pamit. Any fet- rofiu►d reyuest recxivod after 180 days oCthe deto of pamit iasuancc shall bc drniod. Any nfun{► approved ahall bc (imitod ro 80°•t. of thc totnl Pcrmit Fce paid. Rcfurxis 5he11 bc limitai no 8uilding Plumbing xnd MachAnical Pcrmit foev ptid to the City of Spokanc Vallry. . •„~aun ~ rT !.4.F.Ma.,:Ir : r~.. I 5chednle t`- RIRE CUDE FIRE ALARM. SPRIIYKLER AND OTHER PROTECTION SYSTLMS Plm cbectc and rovicw fecs, in9pectiarte, and pcrmit for instalkation of seperate fire alarm "em or sprinklet rystem appliaationa, and otfier fire ptotocticro syaterrss. Ffre Ahrwi System A. Commrrctid - pcrmit, plans chccic and fnepoctjan Bntcad ao value of rfstcrn B. Residrntial I) Al I zoncs 540.00 2) Petmit fee S35.00 Sprtnkler Systems A. Tenait improvdnents i) Lasa dm 10 Ficads 565.00 2) 11 or more hesd9 S85.00 B. New systems I) Canmelcto! - pormit, plans dteclc ond F1us.sed nn value nf irupoction sYUM 2) Residontial S60.00 Fich riscr. pluK il lo per Plugthcad Otbtr ProtKtioa Systaas A. Firo cxtinguishing sysnem (otbor dan sprinklers) S50.00 Plus $1.50 per no.-Ac H Stra►dpipe installation Class I and Clm 11 S58.00 2) Clsse l[I $70.00 C Firo ptanp installntion 555.40 U. Emcrgency at xwdby oommarcial panvot gommora $55.00 inatalwan H Flwnmable wd combustbk liquids atcxags tmilcs insta!letion t) a. Underground, Ist tank $55.00 b. Plus each additianal tank on sarne sitc $35.50 z) a Above grmW tank $55.00 b. Plus cach edditiooal tenic on sano sitc $35.00 3) Annual permit fee tcx storngs S30.00 F Na7mdous matarial9 s0orngo tan{cs instillgion F'cr cank l) i,.ewa dsan 500 gal lons 575.00 2) S00 - 1.194 gallong S IOA.011 3) I,7A0 gat lcna ctt morc S147.00 ONrsdt Y.rLdui A d N~Irnan M• 721 Mmm Fs Sc\o" fnr 700s I Padc I I af 11 I I LA:~sJ I}lil71 lUO 6':i1lU11S S84 500 - 9.999 gallona SI04.04 1) 10.000 gallons ur morc S147.0 I I Gaseaus oxygen aystonu installatian I 1 l.esa Ilsan 6,000 cubic feet 578.00 21 6.000 - 11.999 ctbic teot S90.0r 1 }l 12.000 cubic foet or murc S 11 S.ui , t Nitrous systetns installation S95.0i. nufir~ 1 Mcdiuxll go ayatems in"lntion I 1 Geeoous system 590.00 Plu V',~ , tw11r: Liqucfiod eyatcm $95.00 K Harardous material recyaling sysicm inatallation I) 110 gnllons or ksa pa day capacity S95.0; 2) Marc ttum 110 gallcxis por dry capncity S I 17.0c 1 I Vapor recovcry ayetem installation I 1 F'tsase I- tank truck and tank 590. u1, 21 Phase U- vehide fucled and tank $115 04) M. CrynganiC tank insWlstian I ) Firat tank $95.0t. 2) E.ach edditianal tank on same site IF 11; 00 N Rcmoval, abandonmont, or any cmnbination thercof. of tlarnmable or armbuatiblc liquid storage tanks 1) Pirst tank (cammcrrial) 384 u[ i 2) Each additimsal tenk on the ssme site 547.50 (cummercial) .;l Contraclor's (►ertnit fcx trmoval or S75 flli absndinnicnt ~~t rr.irlcntt:~! !!n~lrr-~r~~un,1 ti~el [nn;:,, ~1. Firc Ueparcnicni irc Itit 111ti1)ccUuti, unJ t.~llu« ul, I ctt inrt2al tli.tijYciil.ill. LlickA :in,l '"I'o'ti up impectians av calkd for ia ttse Fire Codc ud perfarmod by the fire dep0rtmrnt~.the firc departmcnt will h.- ii:i:1 GS°;.ot thc fcr ,•o11rc1r,1 I'<,r tlic pcrrTtii llv•: Pati•mrnl %011 ~iiji,1 ~~u:irtcrly DI?kteth ! \ trr,~ + ,r _„L^:h, FIKE RAL3E ALARM FEE3 T"be folbwing focs are sct for repeaW malfunctioning fal.ge alarms in a givea six month period. Firat a1arm No charge Sctad elarm $30.00 Third alarm S70.00 Fourth nlun $120.0() FiRh and suhse+qwcnt darms Requirc a hircd fire weiCh iRREW ORKS Public displsy toe• $100.00 tilaximum pcr RCW 70.77 `Also nqwns a perfurmance bowd ar cash drparir oj $300. 00 fvr dea+ ap pavpaseJ md a ltabit;,y hnnem,ce RotKy afsi.ooo,o0v.oo PI.AJVS CNECK AND REViEW BY TNE BURF.AU OF RIRE PREVENTION A. Ncw canmercial piana eheck wd inapoctian (far projocts $40.00 not mrntiancd elscw6rte) B. Fire watrh scrvict x140.00 3 hour min plus hourlY dmmftcr C. Haaty rate $47.00 D. Atlcr hau itupoalotm plons tevlew. coneultnioee for 1.5 times nplar auc projocts that do not require n pamit, aad attwr special Kcrvicex adNWde p.dAw A at Kad.»an a- aas M.r rve sdkeeWe r~r zao! I PW 13 nr1F ~ ;,,i ,.t lu!t .i t<:; ~;:I 1' 1=?'\ , ADMINISTRATIVE FF.t , E3asic foes to bo cansidereu rt Administrative Fcc $30.00 Kefu9e Fcc $50.00 AQUATIC5 Paol sdmissian (age S nnd undcr) ~F'oal odmissicn (age olda thsn S) $1_00 Paol pumch pan (25 awims) $20.00 Wodccnd family dl'.9COml I c1uIJ undr.l wtthpay'rna.,,,, , Rcxrvetian (1es.4 thtn SO peopk) $100.00 Per haur• Food fce (if a"licabk) f25.00 Rcservatioo (SU - 100 poaple) 5125.00 Pa h, - I'cad fcc (if applicabk) S50.00 Wacrvatlan (101 - ISO pooplo) 51300! Food fee (if applicabk) $750 •Minfnum I haLrs ALCUHOLIC BP.VF'R.A(; F PFF2 Mt'i' All'UhOltC 13CVMUgi'.-~-., • , . , I I , , ti•.NI r_Krl A ( 1~ CoeftreaceCco(cr `tiing Auditorium S75 t1U F'cr hot:, Auditorium S450.00 Per dns Anditorium 5225.00 Pa hni i'-Auditonum w!F'rt~n 3ystcm S50.00 1'u houi Audi4xium w/Prcacniatiaa Systcm 53000) Pv dn\ Auditorium w/E'resentetlon System S15000 Per hul ! Auditorium Ueposit $SO.QO rxamivc (.onrerenec Room $50.00 1r7 . F-xenmve canrmmc ttnom txQcmi s50.00 Mecting Rnom (Da71k E?vcning Usc) 540.00 P< Mctttrtg Room $2S0.00 Pct •1ay Meeting Room $125.00 f'er tu! f day Nccting Rcx)m flcExAit SS0 (lf) Crrat Itoas Kischcn wlninins Room Itcrtlal $IOO.W 1'cr usc Kitchea - Commereial Usc (2 hour min.) $50.00 Per hour Kitcficn [kpoait $30.00 Multi-Uyd[ixnquef }Inll $IOO.W Per bour Mult!•Usdtianquet ! lell S800.00 9 hr session Multi-UsrJBanyuot tlail SI.SW.QO All day (6me-lam) 9ma11 Dioing Arra S50.04 1'cr hour [)epoait S200.00 Stege $20.00 Per seetion pcr day Tabk Settings (liriens & ubiewere) S7.00 Ha ploce sctting Scnlor Center Wing l.oungc with Dencc Floor S 100.00 P+or haur l.oungc with Daiwc Floor SSW.W Ikt dsy l.oungs DcQosit S200.00 Meuing Room (Evdting Usc) $40.00 Pet 6our Meeting Roam (Evaning Ux) $125.00 4 hr uasiun Maxing Room (Wcektnd Uec) S2S0.00 1'cr dey Maeting Room ( Weckend Use) $125.00 Pcr hstf day Meeting Roam Ucpaeit SS0.00 F'tivate Uining Roan SS0.00 i'et hour Prir•W bining Roam Depoeit SSO.W Wdlr►css Center SI00.00 Per hour MMcellrseona Clcanup fee SSO-300 Per evcnt HoeUf lossess (aRcr Aoure) $15,00 F'cr botff Nresrnuuim SysOCm (includcs pmjcctor4wdiumJ 5230.00 Ptt dry I)V[VVCR/sound systan/camcn► systcrn) Roan Setup t25.00 Ha hour SaieUite Vidoo Coafemndng $230.00 Per hotn Sound Systcm f40.00 Per day tcchnical Support S40.00 Pet hout icleviyoeNCR $73.00 Per dry Tcwrh Pad Yoting Syitan $115,00 Bax atation per day + $15.00 Pcr ktypsd Pet ctay EVENTS - ineludra Paviliaa F.wnts include but ae rwt limitod w sctivities such as car ehows. tomstmnls and sctivitiee involving 200 or more pooplo. The Diroctcx of Parks snd (tocreation will rttaice tbe fttwl cietcrmirration. Ckoaal Fee $150.00 Nan-prnfn appticeflons S80.00 ck froc wilh sponsorshiP' •.4pplicatiowJor jairrt aponsrxahip wiu die C'fty njSpokww VaUey wUl be catstdend by thc Spokcrne Volley Parks Drpartnrenl. oahftft PAdM A arRookom ow on M...l r•.. scho" a. was ~ puge ~ 5 ot t e t lf L[) ftF v I~l l.'srFcc INI)(N)R USr Open gym admission 1'lMygrO(md rrOyrl uri culmis ,,inn I lti cnlncst 4~?ti Iri !NIHABEAti Mirabeaa tipring-. Small shtltcr unQ w'nlcrfall Si',II IH) Maximum 1 hnur. ltcfundable deposit ( Icss llmn 200 ix• i ~Minbeau Mcsdows Shrlta (less ttun 200 peapk) tiheitcr (200 or muae peopk) $1 Nf.00 Kcfuadable depasit (icss thsn 200 peopie) SSQ.Uo Rctimclablc dcposit (200 or marc people) S2,50.tx) PICNIC SHELTERS Pia►ic Shdtcr (lm than 200 pccmic) S30.CN1 Pirnic Shdetr (200 or more people) S150.00 Kcfnndable dcposit (IcsY tlmn 200 peapk) S50.00 Rctlindablc dcposil (200 cx nxm pcopic) S250.00 PROFESSIONAI. P1iOT(X;RAPHY Ycrmil I-ce $25.00 nnnusl RECRF.ATIUN Rocrcaticm program foes are -,d to rrcover costs es spa.ifiod in the Parks and Rccreation revenue policy. VALLEY MLSSION ARENA RrnU11• 51000i !'cr ~~~•~xcnd Refundable dcposit S50 (I0 •Renter rrsEx)nsihl<' (or nn-sirt• prrrxvarron Rr•nrc!! reyi~tr~c liahili~v in.rc:~,7r,caefeted: f-,~„I.n ,r -v.~. i.,i.,r. i:'A~ro ~ cr ti:~n?uSr 1::■ ~C~` q ~ Sc6eciulr ADNiINISTRATIVE °sisted ~ COPl' FEES Copy af wdio tejHes, vidoo taprs, phaus, maps ix olhcr At coyi rccarde naoding rcpruducKion Copy of written neooTds 50.1 S Pa pnge Copy otannual bu4gat $10.00 Copy of fuil dncutwnts At cost O'TfiF.tt ADMIIYIS'f'RATiVE FFFS NSF Chcck S250) 001661* Fsbdal A af RoolrUOn M- az s ww. x.. sawre rar rws ~ PW 17 or1R ~ ~Nrlt iu?4 ii4 1l H. I., . < ADUI.T CN7'ERTAINNtrvT FF't ~ FAtablishmeot Llcetiy. l.ivt Adult Eatutn!. AdWt Arcacle S 1.500.ixj Other Adalt Eatertainseet Licenses Adult Arcatle Qcvicc Licm.se SI50.00 Menager l.iccnsc $150.00 fintutaincr Llwiw $150.00 L.ste Lkoote Pee -(:luigod in eddidon lo licenec tee. Percent of PaSt Due ('alrndar Days l.iccaise Fee 7 - 30 2S94i 31 - 60 SO% 61 and over 759G BU3WFSS REGIKTRAT70N N'F.'ES liuainess rogLvintioe S 13 uch year NanpraM registration S 3 each yesr SEC[1R17'Y FALSE ALA.RM Pt:f,:'-. Krpcntod malfbnctianins security fnl Pirsi alarm Socond alum S30 (,0 -t'tiird alerrn $70 ' l' i FovrUi und suhscqucrt alsms ti1OR-M NA fEK1~(II.f11 (:IfAN(;F:UN U1~F1.OPFUP%Itt_' t-:nctt tiitlC~~l'nn!!I~_unu cw;h vc»r ` \ll uEl!i', pru>>c111c• r:IL1i %C.9 \I ~ TOW OPrKATOR ANrUAL ItP.G1STRATION FCF SI00.I10 -.O~YII~ EAluhit A d Aanlatiun G1- Mrsle fm SdieYle fa ?{M}a 0:1 I paw IA oflA P"e i: Ii) oal.t.d neW 7/7/2OOS iz:sicoo rN Schedule B: Public Works 4 Ppe 3: [2] Ddrbd nrepor 7/7/2005 1:5b-00 P!1 Sc6edule B - PUBLIC WORKS Estimated cost oF public wocks review fees is duc upon submittal of application. Any edditional actual casts are duc at thc timc of occupancy pcrmit or final land actian, wfiichevcr applics. ENGINEFRING/PLAN REVIEW - For road design, drainegc, crosion and sedimentation control, right of way improvements, plat maps, etc. Commetcial S250.00 Plus hourly rnte after 5 hours Rcsickntial $150.00 Plus Iourly rate aRer 3 hc►urs HOURLY RATE• $50.00 •ExampJes oJactivrties charged on an hourly rale sy,rlem include hut nre nvr limited io cvmmercial site pla» reviews and rezane reviews. INSPECTIONS Stormwetcr systcm roview $250.00 Sturmwater systam inspocticros $50.00 Plus hourly rate aRer I' hour Field monitoring or inspoctions of gnsding sibees, Hourly rete residontial ar non-residential Comrtnrcial, multifamily, and muhi lot siics $200.00 Plus hourly (four hour minimum) lndustrial or mineral industrial sitas 5225.00 Ptus hourly PERMITS Right-of-way obstruction pcnnit S70.00 Plus ravicw & inspcction fce at hourly ratc' Approach pcrrnit $25.00 Ptu9 revicw & inapastion fee at baurly ratc' Flaodplain pcrmit $50.00 Ptus hourly catc aRer 1 ` hour Cvnditional Usc pormit $200.00 Plus inspoctioa fcr Shoreline pertnit $50 Plus hourly rate after 1 ° hour Variances Iiourty rate Cash, certificd chock or bond for right of way clcaning S+ I,000.00 'S25.00 rninilnum ot trme of appliculion STOItM WATER tIT[LITY CHARGE ON DEYELOPED PARGF:L.S $ 17 for each single-family unit efu:h yeur $17 per 3.160 syuare fcct of impervious surfac;t:./year for all ather propert TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSLS REVIEEW $50.00 Plus huurl) ratc mtrr 10 hotir Altscbment 3 I M I F 0400~ -DRAFT~- %IkY Administrative Polic and Procedure SUBJECT: COhUVViERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT PROCEDURE Manunl Soction: Sext.ion 400 - Cammunity Development Policy No. 105 Pagcs: 3 Effective Oatc: August I, 2005 Supcrccdcs: N/A peyelnpcd try: pepartrnent Director Approval: City Managcr Approval: Nina Re&oj Mnrina Sukup. Community Dcvelopmcnt, Nei) Kerstcn, f'ublic Works l. PLTRPOSE 'This grocedure describes the commercial building permit pracess, which is part of thc overall dcvclopment process. Depending upon the project, the commercial building permit may be preceded by other city proc;edures, such as binding site plan ar zoning change. It may run parallel with other procedures, such as the SEPA pmcess. 'I'he comcnercial building permit proceiiure is followed by the constniction procedure. Fach is aeparately described. 2. ORGAN['LA'TIONS 4FE'F.C't'ED nivisions and agencics aft'ectcd include: Department: Diviaion: Community nevelopment E3uilding Division Planning Division Public Works Oprrrations 8t Dcvclopment Division ("Engineering") Outside Agencieti Fire District (#1 or #8, as applicable) Spokune County Air pollution Cantml Authoritv Spokane Cuunty Regionsil Health District, Environmentul Heulth Division Spokanc County Utilities Division Spokanc 7'cibc of lndians Washington Statc I?cpartmcnt of kcology Washingtoa State Department of Fish dt Wildlife Washington State Departrnent of Eiealth Washingtan State Depariment of Transportation Water [?istrict (as applicablc) Othcr Utility Companies I:1.1 1.16 ti( i ~ a) RCW 19,27 Buildutg Code b) RCW 36.708 Growth Management Act c) Spokane Valley Stormwater Ordinance 05-013 (or as amended) d) Spokane Caunty SEandards for Road and Sewet Construetion e) 1998 Spokane County Stormwater Guidelines (or as amended) 4. DEFINTTIO~, s) Applirant. ar an ugent authori•r.ed by the property owner w conduct busii ~ behalf, such as an architect or a contractnr. b) Engrnssed Substitutc Aouse Bill (ESIII3) 1724. Bill adoptc~_ Washington siatc Iegislutwe in 1995 for the purpose of simplityring ur►L1 integraiing the various statc and Iocal Iand use and environmental regulations. li is codifieci under state law in Revisecl Codc of Wa4hingtan (RCW) 36.70D. c) Pre-Application Gonferenec (Pre-App). Conference between the applicant aiiii City represenuitives to discusx potcntial issues affc.~ting approval of the applicaiion, and to agree upon protocols for resolving issues and For communicating throughout ttic process. Meeting attendees may also in0k:,ic consultants hired by the applicant as well as representatives froni ~J_, agcncies. d) Stnff. Refecs gcncrically to those involvcd in revicwing the bui I,i application. This inc;ludes City representatives, whethcr cmployeea ur l:iry-;,.: I consullants, as wcll as employccs or others representing outside agencies. e) State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). An Act passed by Washington St.tT.,: reyuiring the ideniification and evaluation of prohable impacts oFa proposal fo~r all elements of thc environment. Combining the revic«• procc:sses of SFPA :r:-.i othet laws pmvidcs n comnrehensi vc revietv of npn 5. RESPONSIA[LI'I'lF.S It is thr resFx-insibility of the 13uilding Olficiul to adnuuuscer ihis Er ,Mth the Community Uevelopment and Public Works Uirectors ariLl utt~cced Uivisiun Managers. 6. STATEMENTS UF POLICY AND PRUCk:UUltE a) Customer lnitiAtes t6e Proceas. The customer submits a building permit applicaiion. Staft makes some preliminsiry determinations befare proceeding: i) A11owahlc land use (1) "Loning is appmpriaie (2) Parcel is accepteble Fo: : . ~ ii) Initial SEPA applicabilih Cummerc+al Huilding Permlt Procedun. PuKe 2ot - Policv No. 400.I05 b) Determinatioo uf Pre-App Nccd. The City will conduct a Pre-App at the aQplicani's request for any project. Howevcr, the City requires a prc-app undcr the following conditians: i) SEPA is roquircacl ii) Building/project complcxity ui) Other factors unique to the pmject c) Application Is Deemed Compkte Prior to Staff Review. Staffrcview begins once the appiic.aiion is deemed camplete per RCW 36.708.070. The following is noeded bcfore the c+eview begins: i) Copies of plans (see d) u) Application ui) List of defemesi su6mittals, and whether they're deferred lo permit issuance or to Certificate of Qccupancy issuance iv) Payment of appropriate fees (see h) d) Copita of Plans. in order ta be deemed compleu, the Application requires the following, unlcss otherwisc specified: i) Three (3) complete sets of plans ii) Seven (7) site plans iii) One (1) Isndscape pian iv) Two (2) civil sets e) Impact of SFPA un the Building Permlt ApplicAtioa. !t' SE.['A is required, the SEPA process can begin as noon as the applirant has enough information compiled to start the process. The SEAA pmce.ss may run parallcl to the building permit application process. However, at least the SE!'A checklist neods to be included in the building perniit application prior to staff revicw. n Comptetion o( Cherklistr. Staff reviews are complcic unce I3uilding, t:ngrineering, Planning and outside agency ctiecklists are camplete and subrnittcd ur ckferreci, and the SEPA threshold determination has. bcen isaucd. R) Permit Iasuance Cloek. According to state law, a permit must be issued within 120 days. That clock stnrts m soon as the upplicalion is dccmeci comptete. The clack may stop during the process if additional information is reyuested during the review phase. If so, the clock rc-starls once the City receives the requesteci infncmation in camplctcd form. h) Payment of Feea. 'The applicant pays the plan review fees, as wcll as SEPA and State fees, at the time the application is submitted. Building permit fecs are paid at the time the building permit is issueci. Fees awcd to other agencies are paid directly to that agency. Comuierchl Bui{diaR Permlt i'rocedurc. Pagc 3 of A Policv Nu. 400.105 i) laauanee of Building t'ermil. The l:ity issues the building permit when alf checklists are compleic and all fees have becn paid. Once the applicant receives the building pcrmit, the construction proccdurc bcgins. 7. ATTACIIMENTS 8) Commeccial Building Permit Process Flnw Chart b) Cornmercial Duilding Permit Process Summary'I'af_ Commcnial Buiiding Nermit Prcicedure. Pagc 4 ui ~ Pollcy No. 400.I0 Administrativ Icy and Proceduro 400.105 ltachment (a) Spokane Valley Commercial Building Permit Process ~ ~ Aastxnes aA Pretequolhe Saturday, July 09, 2005 Cuslomer Initifts proaeseaa Aave been ~ oomDietad r-No - AdditlonallMo Itf 8EPA u ►epuired, SEPA ♦ RJI1E COf1C1lRW W7h l- ~I .uldirv P,en„r, P,ooM Pre-App ~ Custanw wbmits Is ConAe renas No 1- DemtR sppUCabon ' ~e Stafi be9ms RequreQ7 ~n pef ESHB 1724? R°v~ - ~ Seafi = Yd (ciodk storts) Outsdo Agenew5 ~ Buddr►q v Erqneenng - Ptannmg , . Yes ~ Confenn~os FbW i Additlonal Into ~ Ye~ (vovc sbp~1 ,~~~O No . • City isauQS Cu~n°` ' Stsl1 nvkwi aro I Candiions an met buNdinp pertrl ~ I~~~~ complaoe ~ or daterred CaRS:rudw-i ptia5e Deglns Admiaistrotivc Policy and Procedure 400.105 Attwc6mcnt (b) --DRAFT-- C17'Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY PROCESS SUMMARY TABLE PERMIT TYPE: Building (Bi,) Commercial Building Applications essan Information Rvvicvw in :lpplirur,u,r. Building Drvcsi<,n: •Architcct or cngineer stump royuircd on some I • Completcness • Construction ctrawings projecis. • Permit description • Encrgy campliance verification • Permit deseriprions should be ss specific as • OwnedArchitect/ UesignerJCantractor • Special inspection compliance possible. • Street Address • Flood plains • Commercial projects shauld be scheduled for • E'atcel number • Critical Materials Pre-application canferences (see proceduros). • Legal description • Env'vonmental review • Proposed use(s) a ADA Accessibility ;Vo. oJCapres (unless vlherwise specified): Engineering nrvisfon: • Three (3) Complete sets, plus • Stroet and drainage plans • Seven (7) Site Platu; • Access • One (I) Landscepc Plan • Tra.ffic infortnatian • T'wo (2) Civil sets • ROW information Previous Files/Computcr I.ayers: Planning Divirion: • Land-use aetions • A11 land use actions • Prinr pcrrnits • SEPA Checklist • Compliance files • Develagment Stanclards • T.oning of proporty • L•nvironmental Review • Critical area,s (flocxi plains; streams; o Aquifcr Scnsitivc Area (ASA) shorelines) • Parking Standards ' LandscaPa New Cwsstruct/nn und Additimu: . pbA Accessbility • C:ritical Materials Listing ~ ci . spokano vaury Commercial Building Permlt. C'ontinucd ormade •(Soc 1'cc:hnical Manunl - Pre- Outxidc Agenciea (witb e:ampks of tbdr constructian/Pre-npplication) rcview topics): /nteriar RPmodels: Fire District (41 or #8, as applkvble): • Eloor Pluns • Privau driveway acccss • Sitc Plan (when new usc involved) • Alarm and sprinklcr systems • Structural dctuils as requircd • Fire flaw • Critical Materinls Spokane Cowuy dir Pallution Contrnl Clurnge of Use: Awhority: • Floor Plan o Emissions to the air • Critical Matcrials Listing • Dust control • Trafftc info ns nceded Spatwre Co. Regianal Hrelth Distrid, Svfery Inspection: Enviranmentol Nealth DivLsion: • Floor Ptan • EducationeJ faciliiies • Food handling • Septic systems and private wells Spokane Co. Udlities Division: • Sewer connection requirements Spokvne TriGe ojlndirnss Washington State Depcvrmant of EcoloV Wczshington State Depcarment oJFuh and Wild/ife Washington State Depastnrent of Hedth Weshfngran S7ate Depmtrnent of Trrrnsportarian tl Water Disuict (as applkeble) ; Orher Iltili - C'om anres Page 2 of 2 DRA-FT . ADVANCE AGFNDA For Planzximg Discussion Plu-poses Only ~ as of J'ufy 13, 2005 3:45 p-m- Please notc this is a work in progress; items are ten#ative To: Council & StafF i Pr(w City Msnagcr I Re: _ Draft Schi~dulc for Upcorr,ing Council Meetings i Jul 14 Z005 S eeial lriee.tEn 4 - 6 .m, Z° F-lnor Con#crence Raom: Ex" utive Session: To Evalua#c #he Oaalifieafions nf an A pylieant for Poblic Emplavment Julv 19, 2005; 12:00 .p.m. CounciE Chainhers:, i°MoVinR our Commuoitics_ioto the 21" Ceotury - Re#hiekinf! Rnnlutionis - brown bag luneh wiEh Mark Iiinsliaw, Arehitee# and LFrbau llesi~u Expert. (Plea.sc RSVP to Deanna C'rriffith, CoIIUnunity 17eve1opment Admin Assistank, 688-00 50.) Al ZS 2005 5:30 .m. S eeisl Meetin Fxeeutive Sessiau: P ublic E m lo ee Evaluation NOTE: ,Tuk ?5, ~f)05 - Fgrst dcty_for a!l c a n dfeiale.x eo~"~fe for of~ice Jufy 26,2005, Regufar Meetinit, 6:00 ri.m. [due date Thursday,',Tuly 141 1. Consent Agenda: Nlvtutes, C laims, Payroll, Re,solution 0 5-015 &ndent Advisory Council}; CenCerP lace Change Order Authorization [5 minutus] 2, Second Reading Fropos~ Ordinancz. Amend ing 8 pecial Eyenks - Mike lacksonlCaI Walker [ 15 minutes) 3, Proposcd Resujtition; Human 'R.esource Analyst Position -Nina Regor [15 minules] i _ 4, Mation Consideratioii- Core Valpcs -11Iina ReLmr 115 minutes.1 5_ Motion Consicleraiion: Depi' Emergency MgTnt Contract-CaI Walker, 0 minutes] 6, Motion Consideration: Written Findings, Conclusions & Decision oii APP 0 1-05 -C ary Driskell [10 rninutes] 7. Motion Consideration: Written F indings, Conclusions t4c Decisian on APP 02-05 -Cary I}riskell [ 10 rninut~.s] 8. Administrative Report; a, ~'iovernance Manua1 Committee Report minutes] I b, NWS (N-ational Lncident Managcrr,ent System) Repart - Ca! Walker _ [15 minutes) c, Fermitting On-ltne., Tom Scholtens [15 mimites) . d, Probation- Services Agreement -Cary Driskel] [10 minutes] ' 9, Jnfaniiation pnly: a. .Dcpar#menlal Ivlonth1y Reports; b_ Planning Commissioo Minutes _ c, Infrastructurc Fun ding Mechanisms (farmeriy LIDfRiD) Cary DriskelVNei l 1Gers#en d_ Review of 2004 Con#racts - Mnrgan Knudelka e. Updatc, 2005 Service Agreements -N ina Regor F, Report on Starage Tank Regulations Progress-Tom Scholtens g, 'fents 8c Ivlembrane Structures -Tam Scholteii s ~ [estimated meeting; 135 minutes*] ~ - 1YO 7'E: Ju& 29, 2605 -Lr+s't Dayf'oi- cunclidates fo frle for oKiee , A.u ust 22005 No S#ud Session or Couucil Meetiii atioual "A1i ht Out" ~ . . ~ ' Dra#t ~.dvancc Agenda _ 71l3J2005 3:45 PM " Nage ! nf 4,, , - J Aueuvt 9, 2005, ReLUlar Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, July 281 1. Public Hearing: Cablc Franchise - Morgan Koudelka (tentutive) ~ 15 minutes] 2. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes] 3. First Reacling Prnposed Ordinance, Storage Tanks - Tom Scholtens - [15 minutes] . 4. Proposcd Resolution Amending Governance Manual - Dave Mercier/Council (20 minutes] 5. Motion Consideration: Spokane County Contract Approval Nina Rcgor/Morgan 1Coudelka (10 minutesJ 6. Administrative Rcports: a. Hazard Mitigation Plan (Rcsolulion?) - Marina Sukup [15 minutes] b. 2005, 2006 RevenuelExpenditure Estimates - K.cn T'hompsnn [15 minutes] c. Outside Agencies' Presence at CenlerPlace - Mike Jacksan [15 minutes] . d. Sveet Acceptance Pracess - Cary llriskell/N'eil Kersten [15 minutes] 7. Infarmation Only: a. Argonne Road Overlay Project - Sleve NVorley [estimated mecting: 125 minutes*] August 16, 2005 - Joint Council/Planninz Commission [due date Thursday, August 41 Presentation of Comprehen.sive Plun Planning Commission Recommended Draft August 23. 2005. Regular 1'Ieeting, 6:00 a.m. [due datc Thursday, August 111 1. PUI3LIC HEARING: 2006 RevEnues, including property taxcs; [10 minutes] 2. Consent Agcnda: Minutes, Claims, Fayroll; Argonne Road Overlay • [S minutes] 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance, Storage 1'anks - Tom Scholtens [10 minutes] 4. Resolution: November Ballot Measure - Chris Bainbridge [5 minutes] 5. Council sets preliminary budget hcarings for Oct 11; final publie hearing for Oct 25 [5 minutes] 6. iMotion Consideration: Spokane County ContrxcC Approval Nina Regor/Mnrgan Koudelka [45 minutes] 7. Dishman-Mica Rchab Projeet Contract - Steve Worley [10 minutes] 8. 13roadway Ave Overlay Project (Bates to Sullivan) - Steve Worley [10 minutes] 9. Argonne Road Overlay Project (Indiaria to Mont};omery) - Steve Worley [5 minutes] ' 10. 17resentation of Preliminary $uclget-l7ave Merciee [30 minutes] 11. Information Only: a. Departmenta) Monthly Reports; b. Planning Commission Minutes [estimatEd meet:ing: 135 minutes*] August 30, 2A(15, Studv Session. 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday; August 181 1, Outside Agencics Presentation (10 minutes per prescnter) (60 minutes) 2. Hclmct Use hlciucation Discussion - Chris }3ainbridge (20 mi.nutes) . TOTAL i1'IINiJTFS: 80 minutes September 6,2005, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. !'rism/Plus/Padal (Parcel Data Locator) System - Dawn Dompier, Chris Berg (15 minutes) 2. General Budgct Discussion -17ave Mercier (30 minutes) 3. Definitions and schedules oPpermitted uses - vlarina Sukup (15 minutes) 4. SEPA Mitigation Stratcgics - Cary Driskell/Greg McCormick/Neil Kerstcn (30 minutes) TOT'AL M04UTES: 90 minutes September 13, 2005, Rel!ular Meetiog, 6:00 u.m. 1. 151 Yublic Aearing on the ComPrehensive Plan Planning Commission Recommended Draft 2. Consent Agenda: Vlinutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes] - 3. Administrative Report: Draft Advance Agenda 7/13R005 3:45 PM Pflgc 2 of 4 September 15, 2005, Tentutive Special Meetine 2'd Public Aearins on the Compreherrsive Plan Plannirrg Cornrnission Recommerrded Drafi Sentember 20, 2045, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. Continuation of 2° PubGc Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan Planning Commission Recommencled Drafl (if nccessary), and begin Council deliberation (dedicate the whole meeting) . Scptember 27,2005, Regular Mceting, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda: viinutes, Claims, Payrop [5 minutes] 2. llepartments present highlights of 2006 budget 3. Administrative Report: . a. Genera) Budget Uiscussion - Dave Mercier [30 minutes] b. Massagc ParlorslBath Houses - Cal Walker/Cary Driskell [15 minutes] 4, lnformation Only: a. Departrnental Monthly lteports; b, Planning Commission Minutes [estimated mecting: _ minuCes*] Octnber 4. 2005. Studv Sessinn, 6:00 p.m. Council deliberation on the Compreherrsive Plan Planrrrng Conrn:ission Recummended 17raft (150 miriutes) October 11, 2005, Regular i~'lcetine, 6:00 n.m. 1. Y'UBLIC H:EA1tINC: Budget 2. Conscnt Agcnda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes] 3. First reading pmperty tax ordinance 4. First Reading 1'roposed Ordinance Adopting Powees of Initiative & Referenclum - Gary Driskell, [ 15 minute,s] 5. Administrative Reporl: Fee Resolution -Ken Thompson [15 minutes] [estimated meeting: _ minutes"] October 12. 2005, Conve►:vatinn with the Communifv, CenterPlare, f2oom 114, 6:00 p.m. Qctaher 18 2005, Studv Session, 6:00 a.m. 1. I3udgct Discussion - Dave Mercier (30 minutes) 2. Council deliberation on the Co»rprehensive Pltin Plunnuig Camnrissian Recommended Druft (120 minutes) TOTAL 1VII1'UTES: 15A minutes October 25, 2Q(15, ReLyular Meeting!, 6:00 n.m. . 1. PUBLIC HEEARTNG: Final Budget Hearing [5 minutes] 2. PUbIiC HCaI'ing (tcntativo-onty if Council considers substantive chsinges to the Planning Comm.Rccommencled draft) [S !nlll] 3. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll CS minutcs] 4. Second reading of property tax ordinance [10 minutes] 5. Second Reading Proposcd Ordinancc Adopting Ittitiative & Referendum Powers --Cary Driskell [15 minutes] 6. First reading of ordina.nce adopting budget [10 minutes) 7. Fee Resolution adopted [10 minutes] 8. Information Only: a. Departmental Monthly Reports; b. Planning Commission Minutes [estimated meeting: 60 minutes'] Deaft Advance Agenda 7/13J2005 3:45 PM Pagc 3 of 4 November l, 2005, Stuay Session, 6:00 p.m. November 8,2005, Rej!ular Meefing, 6:00 p.m. 1. Conscnt Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll 2. Secpnd reading ordinancc adopting budget 3. Adoption of the Spokcme valley Comprehensive Plan Nnvcmbcr 15. 2005, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. November 22, 2005 - No Meeting November 29, 2005, Rej!ulsr iMceting 6:00 p.m. 1. Cdnsent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll 2. Departmental Monthly Reports; b. Planning Commission Minutes [estirnatcd meeting:_ minutes*] , December 6,2005, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. nerember 13, 2005, Regular Meetine. 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll 2. Departmental Mpnthly R.cports De.cember 20. 2005, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. , DecemMer 27. 2005. No Mecting OTFiFIt PEND.IiNG ANn/OR UPCONII'NC ISSUFS: Central Valley Schaol Uistrict [mpact Fee Request School Distxicts Joint Meeting Second Reading Proposed Sidewalk Qrdinance 04-012 -(first reading 02-24-04) Panhandling - Cal Walker Regional Stonnwatcr Dcsigm Manual - John I•Ioh.man Street F'aving Funding Option - Neil Kersten (Gary Schimmels) Sewer Collection Systcros - Neil Kersten - 1EE`C1NCS TO BE SCHEDULED 1 open house --vvastewater issucs (To Be Announced) ' - estimsteci rneetiao time cioes not uicludc time for public conuneiits] DraR Advancc Agcnda 7/13R005 3:45 PM i'age 4 of4